#so what's next? she gonna annex my kitchen?
janemadelyne · 3 months
Got the keys 5 days ago, haven't even moved into my new place, and I've already got beef with my neighbour because she claims part of my front yard is hers.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Rating: Explocit
Words: 2143
Read it on AO3
Tagging @today-in-fic
It was an idle Thursday afternoon, rain pattering on the skylights and top 40 music quietly emanating from a small radio in the annex. They hadn’t been out in the field for a bit; it seemed the universe had declared a moratorium on unnatural phenomenon for the time being. They passed the days catching up on paperwork, refiling and generally being bored to tears. The pencils in the ceiling had reached record number and exasperated sighs rumbled regularly from Mulder’s desk. Scully didn’t mind the doldrums of paperwork too much, but Mulder was losing his mind.
“Hey Scully, did you file that expense report from the Weems case?” It was one of the few items left on their to do list, and he was curious to see if she was going to expense some of their less work-related purchases. That case had been an interesting one, and one of the few with a happy ending, but the real happy ending came when they decided to stay an extra night and go out on the town. Their sexual relationship was a newish development, and the night they spent in Chicago, upgrading to a nicer hotel on their own dime, was a turning point in things heating up beyond making out a few times. It was a very fond memory for him.
“No, not yet” she called over her shoulder from the filing cabinet, searching for the best home for the cannibalistic fast food worker file.
“I thought you said you’d have it done yesterday” his tone carried a hint of irritation.
“I’ll do it tomorrow, Mulder. Since when do you care so much about expense reports?”
“Well, as your superior, if I ask you to compete something by a certain date, I expect it to be done on time”
She turned to look at him, examining his expression. His voice didn’t infer that he was joking, but she saw just a touch of playfulness in his eyes.
“Oh really? And as my superior, what are you gonna do about it?” She kept her tone equally level, her face resolute. Two can play at this game.
Mulder was sitting ramrod straight, his hands folded on the desktop, all business. “There will be consequences. Discipline.”
She couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile. “Discipline? Are you gonna spank me, Mulder?” Her tone was all sarcasm.
Something in his eyes darkened. He pushed his chair away from his desk, turning so his body was facing her. Leaning back with his legs set wide, he asked “Would you like that?”
Something in the timbre of his voice sent a flush through her and she averted her eyes, heat rising to her cheeks.
“Mulder” she said in a warning tone. They had discussed boundaries at work; no flirting or any other funny business on the clock.
“What?” He replied cooly. He was still sitting there with that look in his eye. She thought she saw a lump forming in his lap, suggesting that he was growing hard under his slacks.
“Stop” she said in the same warning tone, but she couldn’t meet his eye. She felt like prey under his gaze, like he was poised to devour her.
“I’m just sitting here, Scully.” He was, technically, just sitting there, but heat was emanating off him. She could feel it from 6 feet away.
Shooting him a suspicious glare, she left their office to use the bathroom, thankful that he had returned to pencil throwing and paperclip tower building when she returned
They’d made dinner plans for that night earlier in the week, and Scully arrived on his doorstep with Thai food at exactly 6:00. Mulder answered in jeans and a white undershirt, kissing her on the cheek as he took the bag and set it on the kitchen counter. As she hung her purse on the coat rack and removed her shoes, Mulder spoke.
“Okay, Scully, the safe word is ‘Columbus.’ If at any time you want me to stop, just say ‘Columbus’ and I will, immediately.”
She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and a pebbled chin. “Mulder, are you okay? Are you having a stroke?” She ran her hand through his hair, checking for trauma.
He laughed jovially. “No, I just wanted to make sure to tell you that. Just say ‘Columbus’ and I’ll stop, no questions asked.”
Now her eyebrows arched with even deeper confusion. “Stop what?”
Her mouth parted and her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Okaaaaaay. Columbus. Got it.”
Mulder went to sit on the couch, perching himself on the edge with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped. Scully shook her head at him and went to the kitchen to start unpacking the food.
“So, Agent Scully” he began. “Did you file the expense report for the Weems case?”
She walked out of the kitchen with a carton of rice in one hand and looked at him incredulously. “Are we seriously still on that?”
“Did you, or did you not, file the report as I asked?” He was stoic, domineering, and also looking at her in that way again, his eyes dark pools, soft and intense at the same time. She felt the same flush she had felt earlier.
She shook her head slowly.
Mulder looked down at the floor as though he were greatly disappointed in her response, and she was surprised to find that she felt guilty, as though she’d let him down. Lifting his head, he raised his hand and beckoned her to him with the flick of two fingers. Setting the rice down on the table, she walked to him nervously, unsure of what the hell was happening, but also intrigued. When she arrived near his knee, he spread his legs further apart and pulled her hand so that she was standing between his thighs. Once he had her positioned there, he leaned back, resting his hands on the couch on either side of his hips.
“You’ve been insubordinate, Agent Scully.”
She had a worried expression on her face, but she didn’t speak or move. This was reminding her a bit of being on the couch with Eddie Van Blundht. She was afraid of what he was going to do next, but she also desperately wanted to find out.
“Take your pants off. Leave your panties on” he commanded, his tone level and authoritative.
“Excuse me?” She balked, her mouth dropping open in surprise.
“You heard me.” He replied, looking down to her lap and then back to her face.
She stared at him for a moment, a little smirk crossing her lips. He was playing, or joking, or….something. She decided to play along. Unbuttoning the fly of her jeans, she wiggled them off and tossed them on the couch, standing before him in her blue T shirt and a simple black cotton thong. He dragged his eyes down her body, a stream of air pouring loudly from his nose. She felt vulnerable and excited.
“Bend over” he directed, patting lightly on the tops of his thighs.
Her eyes went big “are you serious?”
He locked eyes with her, derision and irritation pouring from his irises and his lips. “Do I look like I’m fucking joking?”
Her heart was pounding, and she did as he told her, bending over his knees, her hands on the couch for stability and her ass exposed across his lap. She was shivering, but she also felt like she was on fire. She remembered what he’d said; Columbus. She didn’t want to say it though, not yet.
She felt one hand rest on her upper back as another came into contact with the back of her thigh. Slowly skimming her bare flesh, it crept up and over the curve of her ass cheek, almost tickling with how faint the touch was.
“You disobeyed me” he stated. It wasn’t a question, but she knew she was supposed to respond.
“Yes” she squeaked out, her jaw quivering.
“You have to be disciplined.” His hand was spread wide, making circles on her goose skinned flesh.
“Yes” she said in a near whisper.
His hand left her and she was suspended for a moment in silence and anticipation. She felt her heart beating in her clit. Why was she so turned on right now?
The sharp crack of his hand against her ass startled her, followed by the sting of pain. She gasped audibly, clenching her thighs together. He slid his hand over to the other cheek and repeated the feather light touch, withdrawing his hand and then bringing it down suddenly with the sound of the slap and her intake of breath merging into one noise. The third time, when he returned to the side he’d struck first, she was surprised to hear a little moan escape her lips on contact.
“You do like that” he purred, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
Returning to lay one more noisy smack on her other cheek, evening them out to two a piece, he looped his hands under her arms and lifted her so that the top half of her body was resting on the couch, belly down, her bare bottom half bent over the side, knees on the floor. Pushing the coffee table out of the way, he positioned himself behind her and she could hear the zipper on his jeans and the rustle of him pushing them down. Every cell in her body was on edge in anticipation of sensations she couldn’t predict. Would it be pain, pleasure, both?
She felt his hands on her hips, pulling her back towards him, and then the head of his cock pressing against her vulva. Tugging her panties roughly down her legs, he positioned himself at her opening and then one hand was back on her ass, soothing over the reddened skin before he pulled back and simultaneously spanked her again, hard, while pushing inside her to the hilt. She cried out, the contradictory sensations overwhelming her as her fight or flight response butted against her desire for more. He began a rhythm that was sharp and hard, deep sudden thrusts that seemed to take her by surprise each time. Right when she would begin to lose herself in the pleasure, his hand would snap down again and shock her away from release, at the same time heightening her sensations. She felt raw and on edge, not sure how much more she could take. Mercifully, Mulder wrapped his arms around her ribcage and pulled her flush against his chest, continuing to thrust into her as he kissed her neck, his hand sliding down her belly until his fingers bumped clumsily against her clit. She felt her release building and she whimpered as he teased it forward, the sounds of his own labored panting encouraging her. The hand that was still holding her to him slid under her shirt to cup her breast, pinching the nipple between two rough fingers as she let out a low moan, her head tipping back to fall against his shoulder. She went limp as her orgasm overtook her and he held her up, clutching her as she groaned with each new wave of pleasure until he followed her over the edge, her name tumbling from his lips. As they came down, he leaned her forward to rest her torso on the couch, lifting her legs to follow so she was lying down comfortably before he stood, pulling his jeans and boxers back up, and went to get a towel. Returning to her, he swiped it between her legs gently while she looked at him, dazed with wonder.
Tossing the towel into his laundry basket he turned to her, lying with her panties around her knees, her jeans in a heap by her feet. “You hungry?” He asked nonchalantly, and a grin stretched across her face before she started laughing, her hands going to cover her face as her body shook. He cocked his head in confusion and smiled at her, asking “what?”
Pulling her hands away from her face she looked at him with incredulous amusement. “Mulder! What the fuck was that?!”
He shrugged “Just trying something new.”
“No kidding” she muttered, pulling herself upright before getting dressed and following him to the kitchen.
The following morning, she entered the office to find him already there, finishing the Weems case expense report, a latte waiting on her desk.
“Thank you” she said, picking up the cup to take a sip while nodding towards the report. He bobbed his head in response. As she sat down, she winced a bit and he noticed, a pained little grimace tugging at his mouth.
“Sorry” he said with a sympathetic smile.
She leveled her eyes on him. “No you’re not” she said dryly.
He smiled. “No. No, I’m really not.”
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O, Canada
A small gift of Renga fic to @emmettspeakz
Reki laid on the floor awoken by the sun’s rays. He and Langa had just ended up having an impounti sleepover at his workshop since he stayed up until 3 in the morning fixing up their boards. The redhead looked over at Langa who muttered to himself in his sleep. 
“Oui, j'aimerais le pain au chocolat (Yes, I’d like the chocolate croissant). Oui, l'école va bien (Yes, school’s fine)...Papa, quand nous reverrons-nous? (Father, when will we meet again?)...Adieu,” Langa opened his eyes only to see a very confused Reki. “What’s wrong?” 
“You were just sayin’ some weird stuff in yer sleep.” Reki answered.  
“Oh, was I talking in French again? Sorry, I grew up in a resort town between Quebec City and Montreal, where there’s a lot of French-speakers. I speak French, English, and Japanese.” Langa yawned, “Sometimes I speak another language in my sleep.” 
“Really? That’s so cool.” Reki’s eyes glistened.   
“My adopted dad Oliver-”
“Wait, wait, hold on. You’re adopted? Since when?” Reki’s glistening eyes turned to confusion.  
“Yeah, haven’t you ever wondered why I don’t look like my parents?” Langa pointed to himself. “My biological dad gave me up to his two friends Oliver and my mom when I was...4? Yeah, that sounds right. He was really busy with work; he’s a UN representative for Canada and he felt it’d look bad on his part to have a bastard kid so he swept it under the rug. Though it might come out if I go through with Miya on competing in the Olympics in a few years.” 
“That sucks, I had no idea...,” Reki sighed, “Who am I kiddin’? I’m practically in the same boat. My dad works at a black company. The old man gets maybe four hours of sleep a week if he’s lucky. I never want to end up like him, just tied to an office chair.”
“What do you want to do?” Langa asked. 
“I don’t know. Skate, I guess.” Reki yawned.  
“Yeah, but even skilled skaters like Cherry and Joe have day jobs. Hell, even Adam does and he runs the circuit.” Langa brought up. 
“Man, don’t bring up that bastard’s name this early in the morning.” Reki groaned. “Besides, I got that job at the shop.”  
“We both know that’s not gonna pay the bills,” Langa pointed out. 
“True.” Reki sat up, “Our English teacher said the career survey’s due on Monday. Ugh, I still haven’t got a clue.”
“You’re pretty good with your hands and handling tools. You don’t want an office job, and I can’t blame you. Maybe technical school?” Langa suggested. 
“Joe mentioned that last week. He said he’d be glad to write a letter of recommendation for the trade school he went to, but I don’t know if I’d like to work in a kitchen.” Reki looked over at his tools. “Maybe a handyman? I’d probably like fixin’ things up a whole lot more than I would be at my dad’s place. Just thinking about being a boring salaryman makes me wanna puke. Dad always looks so miserable, like someone just yanked his soul out of his chest.” 
“So sort of what you looked like after skating with Adam?” Langa asked. “Except all of the time?”  
“Please don’t say that bastard’s name. It’s too early in the morning.” Reki moaned and rubbed his eyes. “Or ever say it,” 
Langa laughed lightly as Reki pouted. “Hey, I wasn’t joking!”
“I know.” Langa smiled and then planted a small kiss on Reki’s cheek. “My biological father and I meet up to have dinner once every six months. I only recently mentioned that I was dating you in a text and he told me he wants to meet you.” 
“I’ll need to brush up on my English then.” Reki sighed. 
“I’m sure Boyer-sensei will help.” 
Their English teacher was a brunette American woman they called “Boyer-sensei”. She had a larger frame and was pale. She walked around collecting the career survey forms from her students. As usual, Reki was looking at his phone, texting with Langa about a new skate trick they saw on Instagram. 
“Reki Kyan. Langa Hasegawa.” Boyer-sensei looked down at the redhead and blue-haired skaters. “Do you have the forms I passed out last week? The student council wants them to be collected by tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Yeah,” The couple handed them to their English teacher. 
Boyer-sensei was genuinely shocked. “You never have your homework done.” 
“Are your standards really that low for us?” Langa appeared distraught. 
“Yes, they are.” Boyer stated firmly as she read Reki’s list. “A repairman...construction worker...hold on, are you really Reki Kyan? You’re not an Auton, are you?”
“What’s an Auton?” Reki asked. 
“It’s a monster from Dr. Who.” Langa explained. “They create replicas of humans. Do you not have Dr. Who available in Japan?”  
Reki was quiet for an awkward moment. He wasn’t sure. “Well, I figured it was a weird nerd reference.” 
“Anyway, Boyer-sensei, most skaters have day jobs. I’m NOT giving up skating anytime soon.” Reki grinned and winked over at Langa who smiled back. 
“I guess that makes sense. I-I just never thought the day would come where you have a single brain cell or atom of responsibility in your veins.” Boyer-sensei was floored. “The world really is ending.” 
A few weeks later, the day finally arrived where Reki would have to get into a decent pair of dress clothing for the first time since...ever. Cherry and Joe helped Reki pick out a traditional red yukata that didn’t feel trashy as his regular look but not so stuffy it made him visibly uncomfortable.
[SNOW (LANGA): Just got in his rental from the airport. I gave his coiffeur your address. We’re on our way.] 
[REKI: Cool. Waiting outside.]  
Reki stood at the edge of his driveway tapping his skateboard nervously. He tried to imagine what a fancy-ass version of Langa would look like in a suit with the UN logo.  
A vintage red BMW pulled up. He instantly recognized Langa who was in a iron pressed dress shirt and khakis. The coiffeur was a local man he recognized as a regular at S and the shop, but he was silent the entire time. 
Next to him was a man with Langa’s exact same hair, face, and height. The only difference the eye and hair color along with the fact that he wore glasses. He had blond hair and purple eyes. His dad didn’t look that old. He looked like he was in his early twenties. He was even more well-dressed than Langa and Reki combined. A satin beige suit, Italians handmade shoes, slightly wavy hair that smelled like fresh-brewed coffee.  
Shadow looks older than this guy. Reki blinked, his face full of confusion. Did he say father or brother? Reki was almost positive Langa said father, but how young was he when he had him? Two? 
Reki shook his head. Just don’t blow it, don’t sound like the moron you are in front of this fancy-dancy foreign guy. 
“Hey, Langa! Got a fancier ride than usual?” Reki greeted them with a smile. 
Langa blinked at his and the other man. “Yeah, you wanna get in.” 
The moment Reki got in there was an awkward silence. Reki sat in the middle of the two Canadians. The redhead had a million questions but the air in the backseat was so thick. 
 “So you smell like coffee.” Renga stated as Langa shake his head. “That’s a good thing. I usually smell like sweat and Mountain Dew. I actually took a shower today and brushed my teeth.” Reki smiled brightly. 
“Good, glad to know.” The diplomat smiled nervously. “My name’s Matthew Williams, PhD, Canadian UN diplomat.” 
“I’m Reki Kyan...I like to skate. I work part-time at this skate shop with Langa. We’ve been dating for...I think four months.” The redhead explained. 
“I’ve heard from Langa’s mother. Thanks for teaching Langa and being with him. So is there skate hotels you like to frequent?” Matthew asked. 
“Does the hospital count?” Reki asked. 
“I wouldn’t exactly give it five stars. Langa, has Japan been treating you well so far?” Matthew asked.  
“Yeah, most people are pretty nice. There’s no Tim Hortons, but I’ve gotten addicted to Ramen. Still would love a donut every now and then.” 
“That’s the place where they sell donuts instead of fries, right?” Reki looked over at his boyfriend. 
“Yeah,” Langa replied.
“Man that sounds delicious!” Reki smiled.
“So Langa, your mother told me that you and Reki had a falling out a month ago because of this shady person called Adam.” 
“Yeah, it was pretty bad.” 
“You know I’ve made people...disappear before for ignoring me, causing me trouble, just being an obnoxious brat of a twin brother who tormented me since 1867 until I couldn’t take it anymore.” Matthew stated with a mixture of innocence and sinstery. “I could make this ‘Adam’ person disappear, too. I’ve made good friends with Russia since we used to share a border back when Alaska was part of the Soviet Union.” 
“What do you mean ‘disappear’?” Reki’s eyes widened. “Wait, how old are you? You were around during the Cold War...that’s um, Langa?”
“Alaska was annexed by the US in the 1950s.” Langa stated. 
“Right, I knew that.” Reki nodded. “Uh, so wouldn’t that make you seventy or something? Like my grandpa’s seventy-three and he’s got really bad teeth.”
“Reki, why don’t you tell him about your career survey?” Langa smiled. 
“Oh, I’m planning on going to technical school.” 
“That’s nice.” 
There was an awkward silence between the trio. 
“So...are you going to charge me anything for making Adam ‘disappear’? You’re not going to get in trouble for that, are you?” Reki asked. 
“I have diplomatic immunity.” Matthew replied, “Laws don’t apply to me.” 
“Well, I won’t lie it is tempting.” Reki bit his lip. 
1 week later 
Reki, Langa, Miya, Shadow, and Cherry relaxed at Joe’s Italian restaurant as the TV played the noontime news. 
“Politician Ainosuke Shindo has been found in his mansion dead since yesterday morning. It’s suspected that the killer used radioactive poison to taint his food. If you have any information, please contact the police.” The newswoman stood outside of Adam’s mansion that was taped off.
Everyone looked over at Reki and Langa. 
“What?” They stared around at their fellow skaters. 
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Riding High Ch 18: Sugar
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Chapter Summary: It’s July, and Fliss’ birthday…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Ok, so I know you’ve all been on edge since He-who-shall-not-be-named was released on parole and I hope this chapter doesn’t disappoint. We’ll be gearing up for a bit of a rough time over the next few chapters for Friss so buckle up…
Also, I noticed yesterday that Tumblr seems to be swallowing huge chunks of my work on SSB…so I’m going to try and publish this in one, but if it doesn’t work I’ll split it over 2 parts.
Chapter Song:   Shogun by George Ezra
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
“And we got two in the front, two in the back, sailing along and we don’t look back”
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July 2018
“So now what?” Mary looked at Fliss as the two of them sat side by side at the table, both looking at the laptop in front of them.
“Ok, so see these spaces here…” Fliss said, pointing to 2 empty squares dotted in the unpublished Internet Page and then to the larger space at the top “Now we need to add the photos…”
They were working on a project of sorts for Sandybrook’s website. They’d decided to give Monty his own little weekly blog for the summer called “The Life of Monty” which Mary had eagerly said she wanted to write, something for her to do over the break. “Ooh, ok!” Mary nodded “I already know which ones I want to use!” “Yeah?” Fliss looked at her.
“Yeah…ok so I want that one that has me, you and Monty in…you know the one that Frank likes where we are both laughing.” Fliss smiled “Ok, we can use that one.” “And then the other one is the one where Monty had the Party Hat on because it was his birthday.” “Good choice.” Fliss smiled “And what about the one across the top.” “The one of him in the pasture.” Mary said after a moment “Where he is looking up and pulling the funny face, you know with all his teeth out?”
Fliss grinned “Yeah, it looks like he is smiling.” Mary nodded eagerly “Yup.” “Ok…” Fliss said, and with a move of the mouse she set to work selecting the photos, ensuring that they were positioned and sized right for the frames. She couldn’t help but smile at the one of her and Mary. Mary was looking at the camera, laughing a lot whilst Fliss was, in turn, watching her and laughing too. Frank had been trying to take the photo of the 2 of them but Bill had been stood behind him, pulling stupid faces which had reduced Mary to tears, and her giggles had then set Fliss off. Frank said he adored the photo, that much in-fact it was now the screen-saver on his phone.
Fliss clicked save and then looked at Mary. “Wanna give it a final read over, check if you want to add anything else?”
Mary nodded.
“Ok, you do that I’m gonna start dinner.” “What are we having?” Mary looked at her.
“Carbonara. That ok?”
Mary grinned her approval as Fliss stood up, dropped a kiss to Mary’s head and walked into the kitchen.
It wasn’t long before Frank came home and greeted Mary before he headed into the kitchen area. He wrapped his arms round Fliss from behind, dropping a kiss to her neck.
“Good day?” he asked and she hmmed in agreement.
“Not bad…are you filthy, as usual?”
He chuckled as he let her go and moved to the fridge. She stopped what she was doing and turned to face him as he reached in for the water jug. He was, as always, covered in grime from his work and Fliss bit her lip. There was definitely something about seeing him in his dirty work jeans and grubby T-shirts that got her blood pumping.
“Stop it.” he said, giving her a look, knowing full well what she was thinking. She shrugged and with a grin turned back to the food.
“Oh, erm, wanted to check…are you if we use photos of Mary for her blog on the website?” Fliss asked, turning back to him.
“Of course I am.” he said, frowning “Why wouldn’t I be?” “It’s a public sight.” Fliss shrugged “Just wanted to check that’s all.” “It’s fine.” Frank said, placing a kiss to her cheek “I think it’s a really good idea anyway, give her something to do and practice her writing. Like Bonnie said, she’s sharp on the numbers but could do with honing up her English a little bit. She’s too logical, this should give her something to be creative with and keep her occupied over the break.”
And you…he refrained from adding. In the week following the notification that parole had been granted, John had been released. And this had set Fliss on edge. One night after she had snapped at Frank, causing a full scale argument over the fact he had bought the wrong type of salad dressing, she’d broken down and confessed that she wasn’t sleeping properly and this was causing stupid things, like Ranch v French dressing, to tip her over the edge.
The day after her spectacular salad dressing related melt down, Greg, who had already requested details of the terms of his release, came over and the 3 of them gone through, in detail what it meant realistically for Fliss.
“Basically it’s as good as you could hope for.” Greg explained “He is forbidden from contacting you or any of your family in any way, via any means. He is State-bound to Massachusetts, specifically the Boston area. He’s tagged, and on a curfew between the hours of 7pm and 7am. And moreover the authorities here are following the UK’s lead as well and trialling these new GPS tracking tags, which they’ve deemed him eligible for. So at any time, any place, they’ll be able to lock onto his whereabouts…”
“So if he does breach his conditions…” Fliss started and Greg nodded “They’ll be on him like a shot.” he said, with a gentle smile “Look, I know this is shit…but you really do have nothing to worry about. One breach and he’s back inside. And when he reaches the end of his parole, we’ll file for an injunction with the same conditions. Keep him away from you.”
Since the conversation with Greg, Fliss had calmed down somewhat but still, in week following her confession she didn’t spend a night away from Frank, seemingly coping better with the fact that she was around him, and even when he wasn’t there, the fact she was in his apartment gave her some safety and comfort.
So he’d asked her to move in permanently 3 days ago. Which he was still waiting for an answer on.
“What you thinking?” her voice broke through his thoughts.
“Always.” she nodded.
“When you’re gonna give me an answer to that question I asked you a few days back.” She took a deep breath and looked down at the floor before she looked up at him, a soft smile on her face.
“Are you sure you want me here, full time, and you’re not just asking because-“
“Lissy…” he cut her off, shaking his head “I’d have asked you move in here the day I did if I’d thought you’d have said yes. I’d love you to come live with us. And I know Mary would too…” “Ok, that’s blackmail.” she narrowed his eyes at the fact he’d dropped Mary into the equation and he grinned. “Is it working?”
She bit her lip and nodded “Yeah, ok, I’d love to…” “Yeah?” he said, a huge smile spreading across his face, warmth flooding his chest.
“Yeah…” she nodded, and grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Gross…” Mary mumbled as she walked past the pair of them to the fridge, retrieving a juice box. . Frank broke away to look at her as she stabbed the straw into the hole at the top.
“Better get over it Stack.” he smirked. “Fliss just agreed to come live with us.” “Really?” her eyes widened and she grinned as Fliss nodded. Mary moved over to the pair of them and wrapped her arms around them both, Frank’s hand falling to the back of her head as she looked up at him. “Does that mean I don’t need to eat any more of your cooking, like ever again?”
Frank rolled his eyes and glanced at Fliss who was chuckling slightly “Trust me Mary…” she said, grinning “I’ve no intention of eating his cooking either.”
***** Of course Verity and Bill were over the moon when Fliss told them she was moving into Frank’s, and the next week or so they all spent doing various runs with the things she decided she needed to take. Everything else she would be leaving in the annex to either throw or store at a later date.  
Considering the amount of time they spent together, it wasn’t a huge change for them, it just meant that the comfortable routine they adopted when they were together became a daily one, and it suited the pair of them just fine. Frank also surprised Fliss by getting her a vanity unit which she had made a passing comment about, making space for it in their room.
After 3 weeks it had become the new normal for them. They shared chores, shared Activity Club runs, grocery shopping,  bills…Frank had tried to object to that one but Fliss had put her foot down insisting that if she was living there she was paying her way so he’d caved in the end and agreed. Fliss felt happy, safe, secure, loved...and Frank was over the moon simply knowing he had her to come home to every night.
One particular evening, a few days before her Birthday they were due to meet Evelyn for dinner as she was in town again to visit Mary, but Fliss was running ridiculously late, and as a consequence was in a total flap
“Fuck, fuck…” she groaned, jumping out of the jeep and calling Thor to her. “Come on buddy…”
She hurried across the lawns and threw the door to the apartment open, Thor shooting in before her.  
“I’m so sorry I’m late…” she instantly began apologising  as she walked into the living area and groaned loudly “The last lesson overran and then one of the waterers broke in the livery barn, flooded Horatio’s stable…” “It’s ok, calm down…” Frank chuckled, dropping a kiss to her cheek. “How did it break?”
“He’s been scratching his arse on it.” she said, rubbing at her temple “He broke it off the wall. We turned the supply off but I had to sort his bed before I left, then call his owner to tell her…” she groaned “Fucking nightmare.” “Want me to take a look at it?”
Fliss shook her head “Dad’s gonna do it tomorrow, keep him busy. He always moans at me for asking you and not…” she trailed off as she spotted Evelyn who was sat on one of the chairs in the living room. “Oh, Evelyn…hi. Sorry, I didn’t realise you were coming here…I thought…”
“We were…” Frank explained “But Mary wasn’t feeling too good so I suggested to Mother she come here instead.” “Oh, no, is she ok?” Fliss asked.
“Too much sun I think, she’s been running around at the Activities Camp all day and hardly drunk anything, despite the lecture you gave her. She’s had some water and gone for a nap. She’ll be fine when it’s time for dinner.”
“I thought seeing as we can’t go out I’d treat you to take out.” Evelyn spoke, standing up. Fliss eyed her for a moment before she shrugged.
“I can make something.” she said, and Frank shook his head.
“No, Lissy…” “I can do chicken with that pear and blue cheese salad you and Mary liked.” Fliss said, “Surely that’s gonna be better for her than a take out if she’s feeling shitty?”
Frank looked at her and then to his mother “That ok with you?” “Sure, that sounds good.” Evelyn nodded “but only if it’s no trouble.” “It’s fine.” Fliss nodded “Let me go take a shower and then I’ll get started ok?” Frank nodded and dropped a kiss to her cheek before she headed off to the bathroom. Thor made his way into the living room and took his usual place on the rug, flopping down as he looked up at Evelyn as she followed Frank over to the kitchen area. He pulled a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and held it up.
“Sancerre?” Evelyn arched an eyebrow. “And a pretty good one too…” “Fliss’ choice, not mine.” he said, “I assume that means you’d like a glass.” “I don’t want to put you out Frank.” she said, and he shook his head.
“You’re here now so…” he said “Oh, we normally eat outside but I’m not sure if Mary’s-”
“What, in open view of everyone?” Evelyn asked, horrified “It’s hardly-“ She stopped dead as Frank shot her a look, and held her hands up. “Point taken…”
Frank poured her a glass then got a beer for himself and leaned back against the counter as his Mother nodded appreciatively at the wine.
“So, pear and blue cheese…” she said and Frank looked at her “You hated cheese as a child.” “Well, I like it now.” he shrugged “And Mary loves that salad so…” “It’s not a dish I would normally associate with a child to be honest.” Evelyn mused.
“Well, I think we can both agree Mary isn’t a particularly standard child so…”
At that point Fred sauntered into the kitchen, straight to his food bowl. Evelyn eyed him, before she turned to Frank and smiled “I already took a Benadryl…” He snorted and a few seconds later Mary appeared.
“Hi Grandmother. Fliss said you were here.” “You feeling ok?” Frank asked as she walked over to him. He swung her up and she rest her head on his shoulder, nodding. “Want some more water?” “Fliss told me to ask for the elec…erm…the electo-” “Electrolytes” he said, nodding. “Not a bad shout…”
He set her on the counter and then reached into the cabinet to the right of the sink where they kept the medical supplies and pulled a sachet from the box. Grabbing a glass he pulled the Filter jug out of the fridge and made her the drink before he handed it to her. “Take it slow ok?” She nodded and took it from him with a thanks, sipping at it carefully, pulling a face. “What flavour is that?” “It says orange.” he answered, looking at the packet.
“Well it’s wrong. That’s disgusting.” “It’s good for you, so stop complaining.”  he said, tossing the empty sachet into the trash.
To his surprise he heard his mother chuckling and he turned to look at her.  “I remember giving you something similar when you came home with sunstroke from playing Baseball all afternoon. You spat it out and told me you’d rather die than drink it.” Frank gave a huff and then turned to Mary who was grinning ear to ear “Don’t even think about it.” he pointed at her.
She shrugged and then took another mouthful, grimacing as she drank. “Please can I get down?” Frank obliged and watched as she headed off to the sofa, Thor jumping up besides her, settling his head in her lap.
“Go and talk to her.” Frank looked at his mother “That’s why you’re here, to spend time with her. Not me.”
Evelyn nodded, and for a moment Frank thought he saw a flicker of emotion in the woman’s eyes, but as quick as it had flashed across her face it was gone and she turned and made her way into the sofa. Frank leaned on the edge of the archway which led into the living area and watched as she sat down in the chair she had occupied previously before he heard the door to the bathroom open again, signalling Fliss was out of the shower. He moved to start taking the different things they needed to make dinner out of the fridge and turned on the oven before he seasoned the chicken breasts just as she had shown him with salt, pepper, chilli and a squeeze of lime. He dropped it onto a tray, placed it in the oven and was washing his hands when Fliss walked dressed casually in a pair of shorts and a fading Guns N Roses tank top. She was barefoot and her damp hair was piled up on her head in a haphazard bun. This was Frank’s favourite way to see her. Completely relaxed and at home.
“Chicken’s in.” he said as he turned to the fridge and then poured her a glass of wine.
“Thank you.” she smiled, taking a sip.
“Can I show Evelyn around?” Mary asked, and Frank turned to her.
“Finished your drink?” “Yeah.” “Ok then yes, of course you can.” She stood up and Evelyn followed, giving the pair of them a smile as she passed by the kitchen area of the open plan living space
“Oh, Felicity.” “Fliss, please.” Fliss nodded to her as she turned back to what she was doing.
“Fliss, sorry, but could I be awkward?” Evelyn asked.
“No doubt you can.” Fliss mumbled between gritted teeth and Frank smirked to himself before she tuned to look at Evelyn.
“Could I ask for my salad dressing on the side?”
“That’s fine.” Fliss nodded “I’ll make you a separate bowl.” “Thank you, that’s very kind.” Evelyn smiled before she headed out after Mary.
“If she doesn’t eat this, then she’s gonna be wearing it.” Fliss looked at Frank who let out a laugh as he chopped up the slices of cucumber.
“Now that I would pay to see.” “I’ll do it for free.” Fliss narrowed her eyes.
Frank chuckled again as they continued to make their food. After about 10 minutes or so, just as they were dropping the salad bowls onto the table, Evelyn and Mary re-appeared.
“You’ve made a nice home, certainly considering the area anyway.” Evelyn said, as Frank invited her to sit at the table before he headed back to grab the bottle of wine, a beer for himself and more water for Mary.
Fliss rolled her eyes” The area is fine, and Frank did it all, not me. Well, him and my dad. I only moved in a few weeks ago.”
“Yes, he does speak very highly of your parents.” “Well they love him.” Fliss shrugged “But then again what’s not to love.”
Evelyn looked at Fliss for a moment as Frank made his way back to the table, and they all settled down and began to eat. As she had been at Mary’s birthday, his mother was polite, nodding appreciatively at the food, joining in the conversation and she sat with Mary once they’d finished so Mary could show he the latest installation of Monty’s blog. After another bottle of wine and a few more beers, Frank realised it was getting quite late and then told Mary she needed to be getting ready for bed. Evelyn took this as her queue to call for her driver, which Frank was pleased about as it saved him having to ask her to leave.
Mary headed for a shower and the three adults made small talk until she reappeared in her pyjamas just as Evelyn’s driver called to announce his arrival. She bid Mary goodnight and then Frank made to walk her down to her car when the woman surprised him and looked at Fliss.
“Could you…I’d like to speak to you.” Fliss looked at Frank before she shrugged “Yeah, sure…” Frank frowned, but didn’t object. He looked at his mother and nodded “Let me know when you want to see her again.”
“I was actually wondering if she could come to Boston for a few days.” Evelyn said and Frank took a deep breath. “Obviously, when it’s convenient.” “Maybe.” He nodded “Goodbye Evelyn.” “Yes, I’ll call you.” she nodded and then the two women headed out of the apartment. Fliss stuck her hands in her pockets as they walked.
“I’m glad he took my advice.” Evelyn broke the silence “Regarding you, I mean…”
“Yeah he told me what you said to him.” Fliss gave a snort “Gotta say I was surprised after I’d unleashed quite a nasty verbal tirade on you…” “Well I think all things considered at the time I deserved it.”  Evelyn shrugged “And I’m not surprised you hate me so-“
“I don’t hate you Evelyn.” Fliss cut her off, shaking her head “I hate what you did to Frank and Mary, and honestly? I still don’t understand it.”
“I thought I was doing the right thing.” “But how?” Fliss pressed “How was tearing a girl away from the only father figure she has ever known, the man that has cared for her and loved her since she was 6 months old the right thing?”
Evelyn shook her head “I know Frank and I made an assumption-” “No, you knew Frank.” Fliss looked at her, “It was, what? Almost 8 years since you saw him last when you turned up…and how long was it before he left Boston since you actually had a conversation with him? I just…” Fliss trailed off and looked down at her feet before she glanced back at Frank’s mother “it baffles me how someone can be so callous towards their own child, that’s all.”
Fliss watched as Evelyn stopped and looked at her “What do you want me to say?” “An apology might not go amiss…” “I did that with his birthday card, paying the fees…” “Money doesn’t make it ok Evelyn.” Fliss sighed, “And a card isn’t the same as saying it to his face…” she scratched at her head “If you want to try and salvage something from this mess, have some form of relationship with your son…” “What makes you think-“ “Because I saw you this evening, at various points, watching him…you might be able to keep your face straight but they eyes don’t lie” Fliss said gently. Evelyn looked down at the ground as Fliss continued. “I suggest you start with a verbal apology, a very open and honest discussion, because that’s when you get the best out of Frank. On a face-to-face level, when he isn’t being lied or talked down to”
“You really do know him exceptionally well don’t you?” Evelyn smiled.
“Well, we’ve had enough of our own discussions recently with everything that’s been going on so…” “Right, your ex-husband.” “How do you-“ Fliss sighed, “Mary?” “No, actually, she never said a word. I looked you up.”
“Course you did.” Fliss groaned.
“I was curious about your family.” Evelyn shrugged “You have quite the back story.” “Yeah well, its history.” she said “And long may it stay that way.”
“Well I hope for all your sakes it does.” Evelyn shook her head “Nothing I can’t stand less than a man that deems it acceptable to do that. Lord knows I pushed Preston the extremes at times but he never once raised a hand to me…or his voice now that I think about it. He preferred to argue on a cerebral level...”
“Very like Frank.” Fliss smiled.
“Yes, the two are exceptionally similar.” Evelyn said as they reached the car. “Thank you for dinner Fliss, it was a very enjoyable evening.” Fliss smiled and then as Evelyn opened the car door the woman turned back to her “Just think about what I said Evelyn. You can’t turn the clock back but it’s how you go forward from here that matters.”
Evelyn nodded, and with that she climbed in the car and shut the door. Fliss watched them drive off before she turned and headed back towards the apartment. “You ok?” Frank asked, turning to look over the back of the sofa as she walked into the living area.
“Yeah, fine.” Fliss smiled. “Mary in bed?”
“She’s reading” Frank nodded “Told her you’d pop in and say goodnight.” Fliss yawned as she slid her arms round his shoulders from behind “I’ll go now, then I think I’ll get in bed myself. I’m whacked.” Frank smiled and turned his head to give her a kiss “I’m just gonna finish watching this and then I’ll be with you.” “What is it?” Fliss asked, turning her attention to the TV.
“A documentary on whales, funnily enough.” Frank said, “You’d enjoy it…” “You’re such an old man” she teased and he scoffed.
“Not what you were saying last night.”
Fliss laughed “Well you keep yourself in good shape, what can I say.” With that she kissed his cheek and headed down the hall.
After bidding goodnight to Mary and Thor, who seemed very happy to remain in Mary’s room with Fred, she changed for bed and slipped into the sheets, stretching out before she got herself comfortable. She was dozing, drifting in and out of a light sleep when she felt Frank climb into bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.
“Finish whale watching?” she asked as he dropped a kiss to her shoulder.
“Yeah.” he said gently. “So you gonna tell me what my mother wanted?” “Nothing much…” Fliss said, and she turned in his arms so she was facing him. “She was actually quite contrite.”
“Course she was…” “No, I mean it, I think she’s genuinely sorry.” Fliss said, her hand gently tracing shapes on his bicep “Maybe you should give her a chance to apologise properly.”
“That must have been one hell of a talk.” Frank snorted “You were all for dumping salad on her head before!”
“We had a very honest discussion, I got a few things off my chest.” Fliss shrugged “And, well, like it or not she’s still your mum Frank.” “No, she’s my mother.” he corrected her “Your mom is a mom.”
“Was your dad a dad or a father?” “He was a dad.” Frank said, “Most definitely.”
“Do you remember much about him?” she asked.
“Little bits.” he said, his hand tucking her hair behind her ear. “Mostly about stuff we did. Baseball, football, when he taught me how to ride a bike. All the fun stuff you do with kids really.” he took a deep breath.
“What did he do?” “He was a Surgeon” Frank said “Neurology.” “Really?” Fliss looked up at Frank as he nodded “Well that’s pretty cool!”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “I wanted to be just like him when I was a kid. I sometimes wonder if I idolise him a bit more because he’s dead you know but…” “Have you ever asked your mother what he was like? You know, since he died?” “Once or twice.” Frank replied “For all of Evelyn’s faults she did love Dad. She gave up her own career and research partnership she had with Cambridge in London to move to Boston when she met him. Then they had me. I think she resented me a little bit at first because me and dad were so close, and then when Diane came along that was it, Daddy’s girl...”
“No longer his main woman.” Fliss smiled.
“Something like that. You know, I do wonder at times why on Earth she had us.” Frank snorted “if we were such inconveniences…” “It can’t all have been bad.” “Well we wanted for nothing. In fact, we were both very spoilt. And yeah, we had Birthday parties, fun, vacations, trips…but when dad died…I dunno, it kinda went to rat-shit.” “It must have been hard for Evelyn you know, losing him when you were both so young.”
“Yeah.” Frank sighed “I’ve no doubt it was. I remember the police coming round and breaking the news about the accident…only time I’ve ever seen her break down.”
“You know before, she said that you remind her of your dad.” Fliss looked at him.
“Yeah she’s told me the same, last time I saw her in fact. Probably why she doesn’t particularly enjoy being around me that much.” “I think she enjoys it a lot more than she lets on.”  Fliss shrugged “And besides, I enjoy being around you. And so do my parents…so…”
Frank gave her a soft smile before she leaned up and gave him a kiss.
“I know…” he said, as she snuggled into his chest “And that’s all I care about.” ******
Friday rolled around and with it came Fliss’ birthday. Frank was pretty sure Mary was more excited than Fliss to give her the gifts they had bought, and with good reason. Fliss beamed as she opened her various packages from them both, which included a bottle of her favourite perfume, a pale blue and white striped sleeveless button down which Frank had thought was quite nautical so very apt and a box of British chocolate. Bonnie had also stopped round the night before to give her a bottle of her favourite gin and a huge bag of sweets which she declared she was hiding from Frank as she didn’t trust him not to eat them.
Frank then handed her the envelope with her main present in and she opened it, her mouth dropping open as she looked at the Broadway Tickets.
“Lion King?” she said, looking up at him. “We’re going to see the Lion King?” He nodded, smiling “I know you wanted to go so…” “Oh my God…thank you!” she practically squealed throwing her arms round his neck, kissing his cheek.
“You’re welcome.” he smiled, winking at Mary over his shoulder. She gave him the thumbs up. Fliss turned back to look at the pile of presents arranged on the coffee table before Mary handed her another smaller wrapped one.
“This is from me…and Fred…and Thor.” she added and Fliss smiled, unwrapping the small black box. She opened it, and a small card fell out which she picked up and read out loud.
“We hope you enjoy your “Precious Paws” hand-made resin beads…” she trailed off, and glanced down at the charms in more detail. One was green speckled with gold and the other was blue speckled with silver.
“The green one has some of Heidi’s tail hair in it…” Mary pointed as Fliss gently took it from the box to examine it in more detail, clearly seeing where the hair was wound through the resin of the bead “And the Blue one has Thor’s in.”
“I…” Fliss felt herself choke up “Mary these are beautiful, where did you…” “Joanne told me about them.” Mary said, and Frank smiled at her “And then Frank helped me order them…” “They’re not officially Pandora but the woman said when we emailed her they’d fit the standard bracelet.” He said as she turned her head to look at him, her eyes shining.
“Thank you both, so much…” she turned to Mary and wrapped her up in a hug before she did the same to Frank, giving him a soft kiss “Love you.” “Happy birthday Sweetheart.” he smiled, hugging her again.
As Fliss had booked the day off, so had Frank so the three of them along with Thor and Fred spent the afternoon after visiting Fliss’ mum and dad on one of the boats belonging to Paul, the owner of the shop Frank worked in. Frank had deliberately chosen one of the smaller ones so they could access the small stretch of sand just off St Pete’s beach that they all loved. It was quieter than the main beach as it wasn’t reachable unless you waded or sailed over and they spent the afternoon on the beach with a few beers and a picnic, before they headed home. Mary crashed out on the way back, her head lolling on Fliss’s lap as she sat at the front of the boat, her bare feet resting on the bar in front of her, simply watching the dolphins. Thor was barking at them like mad, wagging his tail and then suddenly he shot to the bow of the boat, placing both his paws up on the metal, threatening to throw himself overboard. Frank’s hand shot out to grab his collar.
“Dumbass…” he yanked him back, and turned to Fliss “Does this mutt have a brain in his head?”
“Don’t’ talk about my baby like that…” she narrowed her eyes at Frank as she covered Thor’s ears with her hands as he sat by her feet, tail thumping on the floor. “Fred does his share of stupid shit too, like getting his head stuck in cereal boxes.”
Frank rolled his eyes “At least Fred knows not to jump in the ocean.”
“That’s because he has no sense of adventure.” Fliss shot back, causing Frank to snort. Standing up, Fliss gently moved Mary, so that she was led flat down before she stretched and moved next to Frank who tossed his arm over her shoulder.
“Had a good day?” he asked and she grinned, nodding.
“The best.” she smiled “I love it when you bring me out sailing.” “I’m driving.” he turned to face her, grinning. “You’re sailing.”
“Whatever” he mumbled as his lips pressed to hers. She snaked her arms around his neck as his slid round her back, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her deeply his tongue sliding against hers.
“You can unwrap your last present when we get home…” he said, grinning like a school boy as he rest his forehead head against hers.
“Yeah?” she asked, arching an eyebrow
“I’d let you unwrap it now but…” he nodded to Mary and she snorted.
“You know we’ve not actually done that.” she mused. “Sex on a boat I mean…” Frank let out a laugh “You harbouring a bit of a sailing kink?” “More of a sailor kink” she shot back and he shook his head, giving her another quick kiss before he turned his attention back to the boat as he guided it back into the Marina.
He made good on his promise once they got back, loved on his girl. Once in the shower and then again later on when he woke up as Fliss had done the same to use the bathroom. Frank knew he would never get tired of hearing the soft cries of his names and the various encouragements she gave him when she begged him not to stop or told him how good he was making her feel. As he tumbled right over that edge, behind her 3rd, or was it 4th orgasm, he’d lost count, his fingers tightened slightly on her hips as his head tipped back in ecstasy. He lay still, panting as she collapsed onto his chest, his hands stroking up and down her spine as she lifted her head, grinning as she caught his lips in a soft kiss before falling down onto the mattress next to him. She looked at him, her eyes flashing in the soft light that was sneaking into the room through the crack in the curtains, a look of pure love on her face, as if he had hung the moon and the stars in the sky, and it was enough to choke him up slightly. He still wasn’t sure he was worthy of her unadulterated adoration, but damned it, he’d try constantly to be the best version of himself if it kept her by his side.
He didn’t wake the next morning when Fliss’ alarm went off. Instead he woke to a gentle kiss to his cheek and as he roused himself the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit his senses. Blinking he smiled softly as Fliss placed a mug on his night stand.
“What time is it?” Frank asked.
“Just gone 7. I’ve got an early appointment with the Ariat rep at the stables, remember?” “Oh, yeah…” he said, rubbing his eyes.
“You told me to wake you before I left.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why I did that…” he moaned and she chuckled.
“You gonna bring Mary up later?”
“Yeah, I’ll leave he with you for the afternoon if that’s ok? Need to clean the boat and get it back.” “Course it is.” she smiled. With that she bent over to kiss him again and in a shot Frank’s arms were round her waist and she was flat on her back on the bed, laughing as he caged her with his arms.
“Frank…” she whined, as he kissed her softly “I can’t, I’m gonna be late as it is…” “One more kiss, come one…” he pleaded, and she relented as he pressed his lips to hers before she eventually pulled away and shoved on his chest. With a pout he moved allowing her to stand and she shook her head at him.
“You’ll be the death of me Frank Adler.” she said, straightening her top and he eyed her figure up as she did so and gave a shrug.
“What a way to go…” he smirked and with that she reached down, grabbed one of the various scatter cushions that lived on the bed during the day, and smacked him straight on the face with it.
He and Mary shared a lazy morning before they both dressed and headed out going via the bakery at the end of the high street to pick up a coffee and some Danishes for a late breakfast for Fliss as he knew she’d have left without eating any, she always did when she was out earlier than them. As he pulled up, Mary was out of the truck before he had stopped, something which he was fed up of telling her off for.
Frank walked into Fliss’ office where he placed the bag of food on the desk, along with the cardboard carrier which contained their coffee and gave her cheek a kiss. Mary shot into the tack room, grabbed her little box of brushes and shot off to go and see Monty.
“Bye then…” he said sarcastically, and she completely ignored him. He snorted, shaking his head as Fliss laughed.
“Busy morning?” he asked and Fliss nodded.
“I’ll say.” she nodded to the bag “Saturday’s always are…aww, you bring me breakfast?”
“If 11 am counts as breakfast” he snorted and Fliss laughed as she continued sifting through the pile of envelopes on her desk. There was one that contained a few clearly hand delivered cards, he could tell by the shape and the fact they had no post marks, and then another small pile that had arrived in the post. “Bill, bill…oh…” She stopped at a bigger envelope. “A card?”
Frank shrugged. She turned it over, ripped open the envelope and pulled out a white card with simple block writing on the front in multi-colours. With a frown she opened it and scanned the greeting, before her eyes grew wide and she threw it down onto the desk.
“Lissy?” Frank frowned, and he looked at her as she shook her head, taking a deep breath, before she swallowed and turned to face him. “Honey, what is it?” “It’s…” she swallowed, her eyes wide “That card…it’s…it’s from John.”
Frank’s face grew harsh as he grabbed the card and read the greeting. It was 3 words long. 3 simple words, but even he knew from what she’d told him about the name John used to call her, that it was from him. Happy Birthday Sugar. “Fucker.” Frank growled, tossing the card back onto the desk as Fliss turned to him and he wrapped her in his arms, letting her simply press her face into his chest. He rubbed his hand gently up and down her back as her breathing evened out and she stepped back. “You ok?” “Yeah…” she said, “Do me a favour and get rid of it.” “Don’t you wanna call the police?” he frowned.
“They’re not going to do anything about a card.” she shook her head
“He’s broken his parole…” “And they can’t prove its him.” she sighed “They’re not gonna DNA test or whatever on that…” “Fliss…”
“No, Frank…just…” she shook her head. “Please, do what I ask and rip it up, burn it, whatever, I just…get rid of it”
“Ok, ok…” he appeased and she nodded, before she looked to the doorway and hastily her face rearranged into a smile.
“Hi Steph!” she greeted. Frank turned to see a dark haired woman dressed in riding gear, Fliss’ next client. “DJ is ready, get Jo to get you on and I’ll be out in a moment.” The woman smiled and headed off down the yard. Fliss looked at Frank.
“I didn’t think about the fact this place was so easy to find.” she shook her head “The webpage…” Frank sighed, it was something if truth be told he hadn’t considered either “Look, the worst he can do is send you shit.” he said, almost trying to convince himself as well “He can’t set foot out of Mass…he’s clearly doing this to try and upset you so…” “Well he can fuck off and die.” Fliss said venomously, “Ass hole…a fucking birthday card? He’s clearly losing his touch.” With that she gave his cheek a peck and grabbed a Danish out of the bag before she picked up her coffee. “This lesson is only half an hour so as soon as I’m done Mary can ride Monty and then she can do her jobs and stuff. You go and clear the boat from yesterday or whatever it is you were planning on doing and I’ll give you a call later ok?”
“Sure.” he nodded.
“Love you.” she smiled at him, before she left the room.
Frank watched her go before he looked at the card. She’d asked him to get rid of it…but something was telling him not to. He pondered it for a moment before he tucked the offending item back into the envelope and then curled it up so it would fit in his back pocket, before he headed out to the jeep, pulling his phone free as he walked.
“S’up Man?” Greg greeted him as he opened his truck door threw the envelope onto the passenger seat.
“I need some advice.” Frank spoke quietly, glancing over to where Fliss was now stood in the middle of the paddock, the women on the large grey horse was walking around her in a circle. “Can we meet?”
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woodrokiro · 4 years
Hollowed (fic) Part Seven
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki
Summary: They call her a miracle, but he looks at her as if she’s normal. It scares her. Fantasy/Futuristic/Zombie kinda?AU. Read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six.
He’s quiet on her walk. 
Although the squad of guardsmen flank a radius of ten feet around her (whether that’s by order or fear, she’s never been sure), he tags closely at her side. It’s odd: Renji always stuck with precautionary distance, but it’s not like this boy isn’t aware something’s going on. The way he confronted her about Kiyone, and whether he was safe with her…
She doesn’t know she’s staring at him until he suddenly huffs. “Can you not?”
She raises an eyebrow. “You don’t seem as worried as you were when we were back in the chambers… Being this close to me--”
“For the love of God do not say it like that.” His face becomes red, and he shifts his eyes toward the guards surrounding them, who if they’re listening certainly don’t show it. He becomes red quite often, she’s noticed. 
She wonders if he has rosacea. 
“What other way is there to say it?”
“Just… Nevermind.” He starts to walk ahead of her, and--annoyed--she jogs a little to catch up to him. 
“Need I remind you that you guard me? And anyway, you never answered my question.”
A tick works through his jaw, but he doesn’t say anything. She waits, but eventually takes it as a sign that he won’t answer. She’s used to that: people not answering her questions. Not fully, anyway.
He startles her by suddenly speaking up.
“You’re right. I was assigned as your guard. I don’t really have a choice, being this close to you… You know?” He shrugs, and Rukia’s suddenly awashed with guilt. She is about to answer that she knows, she knows it’s a burden, she knows it’s not his choice but Lord Yamamoto’s, and even though she won’t question her lord’s decisions that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s fair that he’s stuck with her and--
“But… I’m gonna trust you. If you say this is fine, that there’s nothing for me to worry about, then I’ll think so too.” He looks over the garden, hard at the walls far beyond it. “And… It’s my job to protect you from… Whatever they’re all worried about, but I’m gonna trust you tell me the basics. It’s okay if you’re not allowed to tell me everything. It’s okay if you don’t want me in your rooms. I’m never gonna force my way into your space, especially since you seem to have so little privacy as it is-- but this is a two-way relationship. I want to know that you’ve got my back, since I’ve got yours. Okay?” 
And it is. She just wishes she could say more, at least something more intelligent. 
She’s finding she’s running out of intelligent things to say to this boy, more often than not.
But before she can say anything more to save face, a familiar form materializes behind a tall rosebush toward them.
“Ah! Well, if it isn’t her ladyship.”
A tall man in glasses cuts in front of them, and it’s so sudden that Ichigo reflexively clutches the sheath of his sword. He looks over at Rukia, who seems unfazed and even smiles pleasantly.
“Sir Aizen! What brings you in my path?”
The man tussles his hand through his brown hair and laughs, but for Ichigo it feels as if he’s going through a motion rather than genuine embarrassment. “Oh, you know--just had a bit of time to take a little walk myself before meeting up with Yamamato. Saw you from a distance and thought I’d say a quick hello. I see you have new company?”
“Oh! Yes.” Rukia inclines her head and even bows a little bit toward Ichigo. “Sir Aizen, this is Ichigo Kurosaki, a new member of my Personal Guard. Sir Kurosaki… This is Sousuke Aizen. He acts a special captain envoy for Lord Yamamoto to the Valley. He’s very important to the institution--as important as the military and medical fields, from my humble opinion.”
“You’re too kind, Rukia. I wouldn’t say that my team is up to that par,” he waves his hand dismissively. “We only do what we can: delivering any goods and foods we can to the needier villages, picking out any capable staff when the time comes--although that hasn’t been in awhile, I’m afraid to say. Lord Yamamoto has been quite stingy, and for good reason: we are filled to the brim here as it is. Still, I wish we could do more.” He turns a little more to Ichigo and bows. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I hear your group made quite a stir when you came through. I regret I wasn’t here to see my lord’s face, or that of this one’s older brother for that matter. What village are you from, again?”
“Karakura.” Ichigo eyes the man’s surprised expression. He can’t quite put his finger on it, but there’s… Something not right with this guy. 
“Oh! Well, that does sound familiar, but I can’t put a picture to the place--”
“It’s the one that was just decimated.” Ichigo can feel Rukia staring, and he almost feels bad about the way Aizen looks taken aback, but he can’t stop himself. “It’s been awhile since your guys came down the mountain to deliver those ‘goods.’ We could’ve used your help.”
“... Of course.” The older man bows his head sheepishly. “I completely understand, and I’m so sorry for your loss. We try our best to help but… We can’t save everyone. Sacrifices need to be made, every day.” He turns to Rukia and inclines his head, a sad smile on his face. “Rukia, I’m sure I will see you again soon. Our squad always values your input. And Ichigo Kurosaki,” He reaches out his hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
Ichigo shakes his hand, despite his own rage and the fact that this man’s grip seems oddly tight. 
He continues alongside Rukia on their walk, and--thankfully--she says nothing.
“What’s up with that Aizen guy?” He nearly can’t contain himself from asking once they’re back in her quarters, alone the minute assisting guards leave. He watches her as she delicately lifts a shawl from a nearby chair, but her face is a blank slate. “Something’s… I don’t know. He was nice, I guess, but something feels… Look, can I at least ask for an answer on this, however watered-down?”
She unfolds the shawl, turns her back to him and lifts it to the light of her window--silk, sheer, with a masterfully rich violet pattern--and he’s just about to call her out for ignoring him again when she clears her throat.
“He’s kind enough. He does more for the outside communities than anyone else on the grounds,” she replies softly. “I’m sure many villages have been grateful for his aid… But. If you hold many people to the light here, you’ll find inconsistencies.” She turns to him, her skin near glowing from the afternoon sun behind her. “My advice is… Leave those here to the tasks they’re given. Trust no one with favors or secrets.” Suddenly, she throws on the shawl, sits by the window and curls up as if to take a nap. 
For the rest of his shift, she doesn’t say a word to him until just before it ends.
“Ichigo…” He can hear the next guard’s steps coming quickly from the annexed hallway, but he focuses his attention on her bowed form. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Of your village.”
He doesn’t have time to thank her before the door opens behind him, but he hopes she knows he did, all the same. 
When he goes to his quarters, the only one awake of their group is Yuzu. 
“Yuzu, go to sleep. You get up too early in the kitchens as it is.” He chucks off his shirt, fumbles through his bag for a clean one to sleep in. 
“I wanted to stay up for you. I feel bad, sleeping so early when you get back so late.” Ichigo smiles despite himself at his sister’s kindness, however illogical it may be. He may get home late, but at least he gets to sleep in…
But he misses his sister.
 Ichigo goes through the motions of washing his hair and teeth in the room’s basin. He thinks she may have fallen asleep, when he turns around and finds her propped up on her elbows, looking at him. “What’s she like?”
“You know. The Lady Rukia. She’s a mystery to the kitchens. There’s either whispers that she’s a real life angel come down to Earth”--here, Ichigo resists a heavy scoff--”or a witch. Maybe even a Hollowed in disguise.” 
Ichigo starts to untuck the sheets of his cot. “Yuzu, there’s no such thing as angels or witches.” 
“Forty years ago, they said there were no such things as Hollowed. Anyway, it’s not just kitchen gossip. Chad and Ishida were were saying that their sections don’t know what to make of her, either.”
“Look, she’s not some transcendent being, she’s a girl.” Ichigo tries really, really hard to shut down the image of naked Rukia from just this morning. “I don’t know why they treat her so special. She’s…”
Ichigo shrugs and tells Yuzu to go to sleep already before rolling over in his cot.
He can’t tell his sister what Rukia is, yet. 
Maybe it’s the mystery shrouding these walls.
Maybe it’s the shady circumstances of the place. 
Maybe it’s the fact that the girl he protects seems so strong and yet is so damn helpless--
But he dreams of his mother that night, all the same.
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inkedsoldier · 4 years
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A/N: Here it is – chapter nine of the AMOR VINCIT OMNIA series! A bit longer than anticipated, but I don’t think that will bother anyone, right? I’m glad you are enjoying the series. I really appreciate all the feedback I already got on the series so far. Enjoy & please let me know what you think. Thanks for all the support!
 Y/N = Your name.
Y/F/N = Your first name.
Y/L/N = Your last name.
 Characters: Sam Drake, Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan, Rafe Adler, Nadine Ross, Y/N.
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, injury, drowning.
 Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Nine Cross’d
 Sam and Nathan were getting closer to Rafe. There must have been at least twelve well-armed mercenaries, prepared to come face to face with a Drake. They were all over the place and not afraid to die. Every man in Nadine’s army was trained to obey orders for even the most horrible acts. The gunshots came thick like winter hail. Cutting through the air with one purpose only. Luckily, both brothers managed to get into the crawlspace without being harmed, taking down all men. “Hey, careful… might be unstable after the blast.” Sam said, following Nate slowly. “Who does excavation with dynamite?” His younger brother chuckled, “Mercenaries… think Rafe would know better, though. Hey, Sam. Help me with this.” There was a beam blocking their way, probably caused by the blast from earlier. “Whoa… what if it’s the only thing holding the tunnel up?” Sam asked. “Then I’ll apologize,” Nate replied.
 Your legs were kicking mid-air and only one hand held onto a small ledge. “Y/N!! Speak to me!” Sully said through the earpiece. The drop down robbed you of the ability to breath normally. “I… I’m… okay, Sully. I’m still here,” you replied as you grab the ledge with your other hand. “You scared the shit out of me, darling” he sighed. “Yeah, I heard that before,” you responded while climbing towards the ridge again. “Okay. Let’s try this again” you whispered. With a single movement you jumped up and climbed on top of the cliff. “I made it. Sully, keep those engines warm, I’m heading into the cave,” you told him before the signal got disrupted.
 With quite a detour Sam and Nathan finally reached the cave. The storm was picking up and it didn’t look good. The four of you still had to get out of the country after finding Avery’s treasure. Heavy snowfall wouldn’t make it any easier. “Let’s go see what Avery left for us,” Nathan said while entering the dark tunnel. “Those Shoreline assholes were right next to this cave,” Sam muttered. “Yeah, but I think we’re the first ones in here,” he said. ‘Well, think again, sailor!” you laughed, standing up from behind a rock.  “Hey, you’re here,” Nathan said as he came walking towards you for a hug. “Well, it was a close call, Nate” you say when he wraps his arms around you. “But I’m glad you are okay. They really can’t stay away from their dynamite, huh?” you went on as Sam comes closer. When he is in front of you, you gently lean in and kiss his warm lips. No words are spoken but the meaning is evident. The three of you walk deeper into the cave, “Is that a door?” you say as you stop in front of some kind of mechanism. “It sure looks like it. C’mere. Check this out.” he replied as he puts his hand in the wall. “A little slimy. There’s a handle in here or something,” Nate continued. “Well… give it a… give it a pull” Sam mocked. Nathan looked him in the eyes, “What? Could be a trap.” “You’re already in there. What’s the… what’s the worst that can happen?” Sam went on. “He can lose his hand, Sam” you warned as you take a step back. “So, we’ll give him a nice hook. Give it a pull.” Sam joked. “Nice hook. Hm, alright. Here we go,” the younger Drake mumbled pulling the handle. A door rolls open and when you walk in you immediately spot a sign, “For those who prove worthy, Paradise awaits… To those who prove false, behold your grim fate… This isn’t Avery’s,” you observed before looking at Nate and Sam. “Look,” you point to the sigil beneath the poem. “It’s the Rhode Island pirate,” Nate states as he takes a closer look. “Thomas Tew.” “Yeah, but it can’t be him. I mean, this is clearly his sigil, but… Tew died attacking the same treasure fleet as Avery. And if this is really Tew’s mark… then that means he’s involved in all of this… how?” Sam asked confused.
 After exploring the cave further, you come up to another doorway. Unfortunately, you were too late to be aware of the trap. As soon as Nate enters the room the door starts closing behind him. “No, no, no, no!” Sam shouts as he pulls you with him into the room before the door closed. “Well, we’re not going back that way,” he sighs as he takes in the trial in front of him. “At least we didn’t get dropped in a pit or something,” Nate responds. There was a large device in front of you with three crosses. “This is… elaborate,” Sam says as he tries to figure out what to do. “You could say that,” you state as you approach Nate. “Found another switch. Yeah, I’m just gonna take the… hand… out. Whoa,” he announced. “This guy clearly failed the test,” you chuckle when Nate takes a step back from the mechanism. “Jesus,” Sam shouts. “Gestas, and Dismas,” you joke while you pay attention to what’s happening in front of you. Nate walks up to the huge wheel and grabs the bucket. “Now what?” Sam asks as you look around. “Well, why don’t you start with cleaning the kitchen, Sam” you snorted. “Ha-ha, funny” he replied. Nathan almost choked from laughing as he jumped down to fill up the bucket with water. As soon as he puts the bucket back in the wheel, three lights and four wheels appear.  “Okay, I think I see what’s going on here,” you began. As soon as you move the bucket to the light on the top a channel ran from the top of the wheel to the door. “Okay, so bucket on top is good. Let’s keep it there. Continuing with the trial you place Jesus in the middle spotlight, Dismas on the left, and Gestas on the right. “Think that’s it?” Nathan asks, checking his notebook one last time. “Well, you could try pulling the switch,” Sam stated. Nathan runs over to the switch to pull it. “Nathan, look… I think we got it!” Sam cheered, seconds before he picks you up and gives you a quick kiss.
 Knowing a lot about Saint Dismas and Avery sure came in handy during this adventure. And not to forget knowing how to climb, because even after the trial there were more broken bridges and steps to conquer. “Hey, hold… hold on…” Nate whispered and stopping us. “What?” Sam replied quietly. “Anything noteworthy by the dormitories?” Nadine asked. “Not unless you count some cleverly worded headstones,” one of her men answered before a familiar voice joined the conversation. “Nadine,” Rafe said. “Make it happen. Rafe, any luck with those manuscripts?” she went on turning her attention to her partner. “Did you hear? They found a whole annexed area under the cathedral?” “I did. Have you seen it?” he replied. “No. Why?” Nadine inquired. “Because there wasn’t much left… after they finished ‘finding’ it. They’re like a hundred well-armed bulls in a china shop,” Rafe scoffed. “…but they’ve made more progress in two days than we’ve made in months,” she remarked with pride in her voice. “Progress? I can’t analyse rubble,” Rafe replied with anger in his voice. “Tell them to sit tight until I analyse the few clues that haven’t been blown up. Okay?” “No, we can’t sit around waiting any longer. We tried things your way… instead of going with my gut, I listened to you. And now we have competition,” the leader of Shoreline bossed. “Well, I didn’t think they would show up,” Rafe replied. “Or maybe you wanted to draw them out,” Nadine hissed. “Why – why the hell would I do that?” he asked with the confusion clearly in his voice. “Because you think you need him. And maybe because you still love her. Point is, I’m done trying to do things the clean way. If the treasure is here, we’ll find it. And if not, well… maybe it’s time to move on, huh? But hey… it’s not personal,” she snapped at Rafe before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. “Let’s get moving before they blow that treasure to bits,” Nate commanded. “Wait… you think she was right? About Rafe wanting to draw you two out,” Sam asked. “As long as he doesn’t get the upper hand, who cares? Doesn’t matter,” Nate answered. You were struck by what Nadine told Rafe. Was he still in love with you?
 It didn’t take long before you come across another door with a switch. “Ugh. I’ll never get used to this,” Nate said before pulling the handle in the wall. The door rolls open and reveals a huge sort of dungeon with a scale in the middle. “It’s another cross. At least this one has some jewels on it, right?” Sam observed. Right as he wants to reach for the cross Nathan stops him, “Whoa, whoa, don’t… touch it. Look at it. It’s the only valuable thing we’ve seen in this cave. This is another test.” “Greed,” Sam responds. “Yeah, or the lack thereof,” you noted. “It’s gotta be the coins.” “Alright, just… just one now,” Nathan commanded Sam who’s now reaching for one of the coins on the measure scale. The moment he takes the coin a light appears from the ceiling and draws a map on the floor. “Whoa. You recognize the shape?” Nathan laughs walking over the shape. “It’s Madagascar,” Sam claimed running over to his little brother. “And look. The star right here. That’s King’s Bay,” you beamed in. “Avery. He’s screwing with us. This was supposed to be it. So where’s the goddamned treasure, huh? I mean, King’s Bay? Great, but what’s next? North Pole? Outer Space?” Sam snapped. “For those who prove worthy… Paradise awaits… He… he was recruiting. Avery was recruiting,” Nathan remarked putting a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Just as Sam wants to ask about what Nathan means with recruiting an explosion goes off in front of you, knocking you to the ground. “You three are very, very noisy. Guns on the floor. Slowly,” Nadine orders. You toss aside the gun that is strapped to your thigh, following Nate and Sam’s actions. “Rafe. Rafe, come in,” she spoke through her radio. “I’m at the graveyard. Nadine, they were here,” he replied. “Yeah. I’m looking at them right now,” she told him as she looks over to you three. “What? Where are you?” Rafe asked. “Come back to the cathedral. Follow the holes,” she responded. “So, King’s Bay, huh?” she mumbled. “Yeah, but where in King’s Bay? You’ll need that cross over there to figure it out. But.. there’s only a few people that can tell you how to use it,” Sam lied, quietly commanding you and Nate to take a few steps back of the plateau. “Let me guess… you?” she remarked. “Sorry. I’m not here to negotiate. Bring me the crucifix,” she ordered one of her men. “It’s not a crucifix,” you corrected her. “What?” she asked. “Well, technically a crucifix refers to a cross that… you know what… never mind,” you finished. You take another step back until her eyes widen and she quickly tries to stop the mercenary who is reaching for the cross on the scale. “Don’t touch it!!” she shouts. The floor crumbles down and she runs over to the edge of the plateau. “Shoot them!!”
 Just in time you manage to duck behind one of the pillars. “This way, c’mon,” Sam yelled. “Follow me,” he said, running towards the higher platform. “We gotta go up to get out. Nathan?! Y/N, look out!!” Just in time you duck down, avoiding a shot from one of Nadine’s men. As you kick him down you obtain his gun and start running to the nearest exit. “Whoa,” Sam yelped, grabbing you by the arm and swinging to the pillar.  “Man, we really kicked the hornet’s nest, didn’t we?” Sam said. “Yeah, we kicked it, punched it, and set it on fire,” you reply, while shooting down some of Nadine’s men on your way out. “Sam, watch the turret!” Nathan yelled. “Nice shot! Got’em! Nice shot, little brother! That’s it, let’s keep moving!” Sam responded.  
“Goddamnit, Nate! I can hear the fireworks from here. What the hell’s going on?” Sullivan said through the radio. “Long story; short version is get us the hell out of here!” Nate replied. “Yeah, I figured. Hold tight, be there as soon as I can!”
 You had to get out of this place as fast as possible. You were low on ammo and the adrenaline was keeping you focussed, at least for now. The wind was picking up again and the snow danced around you. “Just keep heading down until we hit the water,” Nathan commanded. “Kid, they’re shooting at my plane. Hurry the hell up, or your ride’s gonna sink!” Sullivan said through the radio. “We’re almost there, Sully” you say through your earpiece. “Okay, here we go… ah!!” You jump down and slide down the rocky slope towards the plane. The moment you hit the freezing water something hit your head. The water closed around you. Red and black spots danced in front of you and you couldn’t remember if your eyes were opened or closed.
 “Aahh! Sully! Get her going!” Nate shouted  climbing into the plane, followed by Sam. “Where the hell is Y/N?” Victor asked. “What?! She was behind me,” Sam replied in panic. “Shit! No!” He looked around, but you were nowhere to be seen. Nathan dived back into the ocean, dodging bullets, searching you. “Where the hell is she?” Sam yelled taking a quick breath and going under again. As soon as he turns left he spots you motionless, sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness. Faster than he had ever swam he raced to you. Your eyes were closed. He waisted no time and hooked his arms underneath yours, pulling your body close before heading back to the surface. “Sam?! Sam!” Nathan screamed. “I got her. She is not moving, Nathan!!” the older Drake replied. When he reached the plane, Nathan and Victor grab your arms and pull you inside the plane. “We need to go, boys,” Sully said. Sam quickly enters the plane to help Nathan with you, when Sully shuts the door and takes off. “Y/N, wake up!” he screamed shaking your body. He placed his ear next to your mouth and nose. Your chest wasn’t moving and there was no pulse to be found. Nathan started CPR and hoped you would start to breath again. “Come on, sweetheart. You got this,” he mumbled. “No, no, no, come on, Y/N. I can’t lose you. Not again,” Sam whispered before checking your breathing and pulse again.
  When Nathan was about to pull his brother away from you, to start another round of CPR, you started coughing up water. “Oh god,” Sam said in relief when you were breathing again. It was hard to make out the details of where you were right now as you slowly open your eyes. You tried to sit up, but Sam stopped you, “Don’t, Y/N. Stay down.” You lay on the cold floor while he cleaned your face from the blood that streamed down from the gash on your forehead. “That needs some stitching” he said to you. “You scared me, sweetheart. Don’t do that again, please.” You tried to talk but it took way too much energy at this point, so you just nodded. Slowly you close your eyes again when Nate covers you with one of the blankets that you left in the plane earlier.
 Tag list: @kiara-arts​ @wintermuteway​
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 15 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N:  Thanks to everyone who told me / reported / helped with the plagiarism fiasco on AO3.  It was very much appreciated since I don’t have an active AO3 account.  Please, if you see my work copied anywhere, let me know!  For now, I am only posting this story to Tumblr.  I might decide to post to AO3 in the future, just so this never happens again.  I’ll let you know if/when I do.
Still loving all the Mo/Bee canon questions.  Keep them coming!  And if you haven’t seen, I’ve posted the playlist link for Spotify.  I’m working on the YouTube version.
Anyways, it’s Christmas in June!  Merry Christmas!
Since knowing Angie, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day had grown to be Bee’s favourite days.  It wasn’t because of the small gifts her family gave to her, or because she got to stuff her face with amazing food.  It was because Angie’s younger brother, Joshua, would set up board games for the family to play on Christmas Eve before they went to midnight mass at their local Catholic Church, and then he’d put funny IOUs in everybody hand knit stockings (that he knit himself) on the fireplace mantle.  It was because Angie’s family had a cozy wood-burning fireplace at their house that her dad would roast chestnuts in while her mom opened the tub of ice cream and scooped some out for everyone even after their enormous meal.  It was because their family dog, an old Cavalier King Charles spaniel named Sarah Jessica Barker (yes, really) would curl up on Bee’s lap as the family watched whatever movie was on TV.
Angie’s house, for however much it was not Bee’s home, felt like her natural home.  Besides her old apartment, it was where she felt most at ease, where she could kick her feet up, fall asleep on the couch, go into the fridge whenever she was hungry, and drop in whenever she wanted.  There was always room for her.  There was always space.  
When she arrived with Angie and Mason on the morning of Christmas Eve, Rocco and Clarette welcomed her with open arms and warm hugs.  Their house was decorated with all of Joshua and Angie’s old Christmas artwork from grade school, poinsettia tablecloths, and figurines on Santas, snowmen, penguins, polar bears, and more.  It sort of looked like Christmas threw up, but Bee loved it.  She loved how festive Clarette got and she loved how Rocco just let her decorate the house however she wanted.  
“How are yooooooouuuuuu,” Clarette cooed as she let go of her tight hug, her French Canadian accent music to Bee’s ears.  “I haven’t seen you in such a long time!  Angie told me you finally finished school.”
“I did!”
“And your graduation?  When is your graduation so we can book the day off?”
“Mom, you’re both retired.  You don’t need to book off anything,” Angie deadpanned.  
Bee giggled.  “It’s not until June, Clarette,” she informed her.  “You still have a lot of time.”
“What about jobs now?  Are you going to join Angie at Indigo?” Rocco joined in.  His voice was stern and serious, but Bee knew he was a complete softie who talked to the dog in a baby voice.
“I don’t think they’d allow that.  They’d destroy the place,” Mason piped up.  
“She’s in finance Rocco,” Clarette chastised her husband.  “She’s gonna handle our retirement savings.  Right mignonette?”  
“Sort of.”
“Well come in, come in.  Go drop your stuff off in your room,” Clarette encouraged.  “I’m going to make some tea.  You want your Earl Grey?  Rocco knows how to make a London Fog now.  We got a new machine.  Angie, tell Joshua dad is making London Fogs for everyone.”
Rocco and Clarette’s house was everything that Bee envisioned a family house to be.  It was a side split in the suburbs with three bedrooms on the second floor and a room converted to a fourth bedroom on a split level between the main and the basement.  It was very homey, not ostentatious in any way, although Rocco and Clarette did invest in some upgrades before they retired, like a new kitchen, a fresh paint job, and some new floors and furniture in the main living areas.  It was perfect and modest – what Bee dreamed of when she saw her life ten, fifteen, twenty years from now.  It was everything she could want.  
Her room was always the fourth bedroom.  When Rocco’s father lived with them for two years before he passed away, Bee would just shack up with Angie, but now the room was dedicated to her again.  She threw her weekender bag on the bed and plopped down dramatically, taking in the scent of the freshly washed sheets.  Clarette had even put a little chocolate on the pillow.  She was in heaven.  
A slight knock on her door revealed Josh standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.  At twenty, he was a tall, lanky university undergrad studying theatre at York University.  He wanted to become the next Shakespeare, or at least the next Laurence Olivier.  He even had a prop skull on his bedroom desk.  
“How’s my favourite Angie friend?” he asked, leaning on the doorframe.  
“Your mom’s the best.  You know that, right?”
Joshua chuckled.  “I do.”
“I hope you kiss her every night.”
“When I make it home,” he winked, waltzing into the room.  “Angie told me you’re done with school.”
“I am.”
“So are you going to be able to tell me what a poor starving artist I’ll be once I finish this theatre degree?”
Bee snorted.  “You’re going to marry rich, Josh.  Remember?  You’ll be richer than all of us combined.”
“I don’t think I’ll be richer than everyone,” he said, sitting down on the bed beside her.  “A little birdie told me you’re dating a Toronto Maple Leaf.”
She rose from her position dramatically.  “Your sister’s got a big mouth.”
“I’m sure Mason appreciates it.”
Bee pushed him over.  “You’re fucking gross, Josh.”
“Stop trying to deflect.  She told me it’s Morgan Rielly.”
“It is Morgan Rielly.”
“And how’s that going?”
“Fine,” she side-eyed him.  “How’s Patrick?”
“Fine,” he gave her the same side-eye.  “He’s back home in St. Thomas, but we’re seeing each other Boxing Day.”
“That’s sweet,” she said, and she meant it sincerely.  She was glad Joshua found someone that made him happy.  “Are you guys gonna join your sister and I at the Eaton’s Centre?”
“We’re going to have brunch first, then we might, depending if we’re in the mood,” he said.  “Are you…I mean, how are you feeling about everything that happened?”
Bee knew that Angie would have told her family.  She was an extension of the family, so it was only natural.  And it was only natural that Josh was worried, that he cared about her and that he wanted to make sure she was okay, since it only happened a month ago.  “Better now,” she said, giving him a smile.  “I’m living at a new place with a doorman and stuff.  It feels much safer.  I got some new clothes and a new laptop, and everything’s been good.”
“My parents were really torn up about it,” he revealed.  “My dad was ready to hop in the truck and drive down to the Annex.  Angie had to stop him.  Told him it was already being taken care of.”
“Yeah.  Morgan helped a lot,” Bee revealed.  “And, um, you know, some of the other Leafs.”
A grin appeared on Joshua’s face.  “Look at you.  Getting help from the Leafs.”
“Hey kids!  London fogs are ready for you!” Rocco called loudly from the kitchen area.  “Get ‘em while they’re still hot!”
“C’mon, let’s go,” Josh stood up, extending his arm for Bee and pulling her up from the bed.  “Angie told Dad too and he’s gonna interrogate you for the remainder of the day.”
Christmas morning was typical of the Favaro household.  At around 8:15am, Bee heard Clarette clanking around in the kitchen, preparing a quick breakfast that everyone would eat before they moved on to opening presents.  Soon, she heard Josh’s voice helping her out, probably preparing the pot of coffee.  Every Christmas morning, he was the designated bacon fryer – a job he took very seriously, since bacon was always the first thing to go.
When Bee emerged from her room, still in her pajamas like everyone else, she got a big hug and a kiss from Clarette.  Josh, already too busy with the bacon, pointed at his cheek for her to come over to where he was standing at the stove and kiss him, which she did.  Soon enough, Rocco, Angie, and Mason arrived, and everybody did their part to set the table and plate the scrambled eggs and bacon.  Rocco slapped Josh’s arm for eating a piece of bacon before everyone else could.  Angie almost spilled the entire sugar jar all over the counter.
When breakfast was done, they made their way into the family room to open presents.  Sarah Jessica Barker trotted over to the commotion and jumped up onto the armchair Bee was sitting on, snuggling herself into Bee’s side as Mason passed everybody their presents.  Bee bought Clarette and Rocco gifts every year despite their insistence that she not, and she also usually bought a gift for Josh.  
Clarette and Rocco began unwrapping their gift from Bee at the same time.  She got them both books – for Clarette, Elena Ferrante’s Neopolitan novels in her native French, and for Rocco, Warlight by Michael Ondaatje since he wanted to take up reading now that he was retired.  
“You’re always so thoughtful, Bee,” Rocco said, smiling at her as he read the book sleeve.  “I remember taking Clarette to go see the English Patient when it came out as a movie.”
“I’ve been wanting to read these forever!” Clarette exclaimed as she took the plastic film off.  She elbowed her husband next to her on the couch.  “You know, because they’re in French they’ll be closer to the original Italian.”
Josh opened his gift too – a mug with a packet of David’s Tea.  He drank more tea than the entirety of Britain, so it was only fitting.  Bee’s gift to Angie and Mason, S’well bottles, also went over well.  Josh got her a floral scarf, which she loved, and she threw it over her shoulders dramatically.  Angie and Mason got her a candle and a nice white frame, undoubtedly to put a picture of her and Morgan in for the new apartment.  Clarette and Rocco gifted Bee a nice cutting board, knowing how much she liked to cook, and also a gnocchi board that she was super excited about.  “From the good Italian supermarket,” Rocco said, nodding his head.  “That was probably made by an old nonna somewhere in Italy.”
“I’m gonna use it next week,” she said, her fingertips feeling the grooves, thinking about Morgan’s return to Toronto and how she cold make him homemade gnocchi now.  When Bee thought all was said and done, she noticed one more box under the tree that nobody had touched.  “What’s this one?” Bee asked, nodding towards the large box.
“Oh honey, that one’s for you,” Rocco said.  “Your man friend dropped it off.”
She froze at the mention.  She looked to Angie, who was actively avoiding her gaze.  “You…you mean Morgan?”
“Mhm,” Rocco nodded his head.  Josh handed her the box.  “Came yesterday afternoon.”
She gulped.  How did he even find the time to drive all the way up to North York to deliver it?  What could he have gotten her?  She…she didn’t get him anything.  She wrote him a nice card and stuffed it into his carry-on as a surprise for him, but she didn’t explicitly buy him a gift for Christmas.  She didn’t think he would for her either.  She should have known better though.  This was Morgan.  
Bee ripped open the sides carefully, and in one long stretch, the wrapping paper was pulled back to reveal ‘Mulberry’ on the box.  She froze again, her hand resting over the letters.  She knew exactly what this was.
She looked up.  The entire Favaro family was looking at her.  She took a deep breath.  She didn’t want to do this in front of them.  “Can I…um…can I…”
“You can go to your room if you need to dear.  I’ll start the hot chocolate,” Clarette nodded her head.  She got up and pointed at all the wrapping paper, then pointed at her husband.  “You.  Clean that up.”
Bee picked up the box, half-wrapped, and scurried into her designated bedroom, plopping the box down on the bed before closing the door.  She took a deep breath before ripping the rest of the paper off.  When she opened the box, she lifted up the dust bag and pulled out the Amberley satchel bag in the most gorgeous and perfect oxblood colour.  She had seen it with Lucy when they had gone shopping, and Bee had commented on how beautiful it was – the most perfect bag in the world besides the Birkin.  Lucy urged her to get it, but there was no way Bee could have justified the purchase after the Chanel bag, the Louis Vuitton bag, and the Yves Saint Laurent bag.  Lucy must have told Morgan, because of course she did. 
As Bee ran her fingertips over the pristine leather, she noticed two square outlines still in the dust bag.  She couldn’t even fully take in the absolute beauty of the bag after noticing them.  She set the satchel down gently and dug into the dust bag, pulling out two identical blue boxes with Birks ribbon wrapped around them.  
Bee gulped.  She had walked by the Birks storefront on Bloor Street West countless times, trying not to ogle the pretty and blindingly shiny diamonds in the window.  Now she was holding two boxes from them in her hands.  She was going to kill Morgan.  Absolutely murder him.
She began to open one, delicately pulling on the ribbon and opening the box to reveal a stunning gold bracelet.  Bee’s cheeks flushed as her fingertips felt the pearl and onyx.  She tried to imagine it on her wrist – and realistically, she could have just taken it out of the box right then and there and put it on – but for some reason, she didn’t.  It didn’t feel real to her; it didn’t feel like it was hers yet.  She didn’t get gifts like this.  She didn’t get expensive jewellery from boys – from anyone – and it didn’t feel like it was meant for her, although she knew Morgan probably scoured the store or the website for hours looking for the perfect gift.  
The second box.  She pulled the ribbon again, opening the box.  What she saw inside made her chest tighten fiercely.  Tears formed in her eyes automatically.  A beautiful, delicate necklace, in matching gold, with a bumblebee medallion.  For her.  Bee.
Morgan’s Bumblebee.
She grabbed her phone and ripped it out of the charging socket before dialling Morgan’s number.  As it rang, she barely registered that it was still only about 6am in Vancouver and he probably wasn’t even awake yet.  
“Mornin’,” he mumbled into the phone, not bothering to say hello.  “Merry Christmas.”
“Morgan…” she began, her voice cracking.  
“Are you okay?” he asked, his tone immediately switching.  The last time he got an unexpected phone call from her and she sounded like this, it wasn’t exactly the best.
“I’m fine,” she clarified, wiping a tear from her cheek.  “But what’s wrong with you?”
“You’re nuts, Morgan.  Absolutely nuts,” she continued.  “This is a $1500 dollar bag.  More, I think.”
“Yeah, so?”
“I can’t accept this!”
“Wait, what?  Is it the wrong one?  Lucy said you loved it in the store!” he got worried.
“Morgan…I love it, it’s gorgeous, it’s the most perfect bag ever created aside from the Hermes Birkin, but I cannot accept this as a gift.”
“Why not?”
“It’s a $1500 bag!”
“I feel like we’re going around in circles here,” he admitted.  “That’s the bag you liked, right?  Lucy was adamant that that’s the one you liked.  The colour and everything.”
“Morgan, it is, but --”
“The bag isn’t even the important part,” he interrupted her.  “Did you find the jewellery?”
“Yes,” Bee said, and at the mention of the jewellery, new tears fell down her cheeks.  “Morgan, why are you like this?” she asked, not knowing how to word it in any other way.  
“Why are you so nice to me?  Why do you buy me nice gifts all the time?” she asked, trying not to let her voice crack.  
“Bumblebee,” he began, his voice sombre.  “How many times do I have to tell you that you deserve it?” he asked rhetorically.  
“You know that you don’t need to like…buy my relationship, right?” she asked.  “I’m not some girl that needs to be bought.  I’d still be with you if you weren’t a rich hockey player.  I’d still like you and still cook for you.  I came from absolutely nothing and I can go back to nothing.  I’d give all that stuff back if I had to.”
“I know Bumblebee, I know.  But I’m gonna keep repeating it until it gets to you.  You deserve nice things.  I want to spoil you because you deserve it, not because I’m trying to buy you or anything.  You.  Deserve.  Nice.  Things.  For.  Once.  In.  Your.  Life.”
Bee tried to take his words to heart, but it was hard.  It was hard to take to heart when she wasn’t used to it.  It was hard to take to heart when growing up, Christmases and birthdays weren’t celebrated because it wasn’t affordable.  It was hard to take to heart when since sixteen years old she had been literally counting pennies to stay afloat.  Most importantly, it was hard to take to heart when her mother told her she didn’t deserve anything.  “Thank you Morgan.  I really…I really love the bumblebee necklace.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah,” she said, wiping away the last of her tears.  “It’s beautiful.  I’m gonna think of you whenever I see it or touch it.”
“Good,” he said.  “My Bumblebee.”
There was a moment of silence.  “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything.”
“Um, what you got me Friday night was enough,” he said, chuckling slightly.
Thoughts of that night came rushing back to her and she felt a shiver go up her spine.  It was probably the best sex she’d ever had.  Memories of it still flashed through her mind from time to time.  If she got lost in her thoughts, she could still feel Morgan pounding into her or pulling her hair.  She still had the marks on her ass to remind her too.  “Yeah.  That…that was good,” she said quietly, trying not to get too riled up thinking about it.
“When I come back, I wanna fuck you wearing only that necklace,” he said in an equally quiet voice.  His tone sent more shivers down her spine.  “Unless you have some other pieces you’re waiting to surprise me with…”
She smiled.  She thought about some of the other sets of lingerie she bought and wondered how he would react to them.  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
He groaned in response.  She giggled and he groaned some more.  “You’re such a fucking tease.  Fuck.  I woke up hard dreaming about what I’m going to do to you when I get back.”
“This is the Lord’s Day,” she joked.  “I don’t think he appreciates your dirty mind or you getting hard the morning of his birthday.”
He groaned even louder and she let out a heart laugh.  “Don’t remind me.  We still have to go to Church.”
“Will I be able to talk to you later today?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” he said.  “After my wine drunk nap I take after lunch, I’ll call you.  So maybe three or four my time.”
“Okay,” she agreed.  “Merry Christmas, Morgan.”
“Merry Christmas, Briony.”
She paused before hanging up the phone, wondering if there was anything else to say.
The Eaton’s Centre was packed.  Bee tried to get Angie to wake up on time so they could at least get there at mall opening, but Angie was a bitch in the morning and liked to sleep in, so they were late.  It was 10am by the time they arrived, and shoppers were in full swing.  Angie was doing a majority of the shopping anyway; Bee didn’t exactly need anything more.  Maybe she’d pick up a book or two.
But first, coffee.  
As they stood in line in the Starbucks at Indigo, Bee looked down at her phone to field some more messages from another round of bots that seemed to have infiltrated her Instagram.  She began automatically deleting the messages until one message in particular caught her eye.
R u dating morgan rielly?  Do I have ur attention now?  U didn’t answer me last time.
She furrowed her eyebrows.  Who was this person?  She clicked on the profile, but whoever it was had it on private; the only thing Bee could see was a half-face selfie of a girl who looked five years younger than she did with false lashes and lipstick.  She went back to her inbox, deciding not to delete the message.  Instead, she took the opportunity to actually read what was being sent to her.  It became adamantly clear to her these accounts weren’t bots.
If you’re dating Morgan shouldn’t you be prettier and skinnier?  Sent from a girl with a bikini shot as her profile picture.  
are the leafs wags as nice as everyone says? i wanna become one who is single?  Sent from a girl who didn’t look older than 12.
Cut your hair.  It doesn’t look good.
Do you really think Morgan doesn’t cheat on you when they’re on the road?  Hockey guys have bunnies in every city.
Ur just a puckbunny wanting morgan’s money.  stay away from him!!!!!!!!!!
You’re such a slut.  Stay away from Morgan.
Just another puckbunny making her way around the leafs.  You are pathetic.
“Grande caramel macchiato with coconut milk for Briony!”
So u go to u of t and u think ur smart?  Whatever bitch
What does Rielly see in you?  You’re so ugly
“Bee, you should grab your drink before someone else steals it.”
Why don’t u post pics w morgan
Can you please post pics with morgan so we can see
Why are you so close with some of the wags but not with others?
I hope u know morgan prob just keeps you around as a fuckbuddy.  He’s got them all over the city.  There were hundreds of girls before you, and there will be hundreds of girls after you.  Actually, there are prob hundreds of girls DURING you too.
“BRIONY!” Angie’s voice screaming her name pulled her out of her trance.  When she looked up, Angie was holding both their drinks, shoving her caramel macchiato towards her.  “What’s so important on your phone?”
“N-Nothing,” she said, locking her screen and shoving her phone into her jacket pocket.  
“Did Morgan send you a dick pic?”
“Can you not?” Bee slapped the arm of her best friend.  “You’re so crude.  You’re just like your brother.”
“Well, same genes and all.”
“Where are we going first?” Bee changed the subject.
“We need to go to Sephora.  If the Nars Sheer Glow is as good as you say it is then I need to get some.”
As Briony followed Angie around in Sephora, she tried to get rid of the thoughts swirling around her head about the messages from the random girls.  She assumed this is what Morgan meant when he said some Leafs fans could be crazy and obsessive.  But were these fans?  Or did these girls just want to hook up with Morgan?
As Angie chatted with a Sephora consultant about her foundation shade, Bee took out her phone again to see the rest of the messages that were sent to her.  A lot of them were variations of the messages she had read earlier.  Some accounts had even messaged her multiple times.
Can u pls post pics with mo where u show his face pls ppl are wondering if ur dating him and we need to know
Aren’t you a little too fat to be a wag?
What’s stephh lachancee like in person shes so pretty
Ur a puckslut.  Ur only after Mo’s money.  U should be ashamed of urself
Everybody knows you’re dating Morgan so there’s no point in hiding it anymore.  The more you deny it the more we’re gonna message you.  Just post a pic with him already.  Get over yourself.  You’re such an attention seeker by NOT posting a pic with him and it’s honestly ridiculous.  Stop lying and stop trying to play coy.
Bee mostly wondered where these people got the audacity to send her such messages.  She didn’t understand why they were being so hostile, and why they wanted information about something that was so clearly private.  Did they just think she would message them back?  That she’d reveal juicy, salacious details about their relationship?  That she’d send them pictures of Morgan that were on her camera roll?  What exactly did they want?
As she started to delete all the messages, she heard giggles and saw two girls out of the corner of her eye.  They were whispering to each other something Briony couldn’t hear because of all the commotion in Sephora, but then she swore, she swore she heard the iPhone camera shutter sound.  She looked up immediately to see the girls giggling at something on the phone they were looking at.  The phone wasn’t in her direction, but Bee got self-conscious.  When they both looked up from the screen at the same time and noticed Bee staring at them, they stopped giggling.
“Are you taking a picture of me?” she asked.
The one girl, with the phone in her hand, looked like a deer caught in the headlights.  It was her friend that came to her rescue when she piped up, “No no!  We’re not!  We just love your Chanel bag.”
Bee looked down at the bag, the one Morgan had technically paid for, with pearls adorned all over it, the logo still shining against the leather and satin material.  She looked back up at the girls, who were still looking at her.  “Um, thanks?” Bee didn’t know what else to say.
“Where’d you get it?” the one with the phone asked.  These girls weren’t older than sixteen.
Bee gave her a look.  “At Chanel…?” her response came out more as a question than a statement.  Where else would she buy a Chanel bag?  
“Right.  Of course.  Sorry if we…we just really liked your bag,” they scurried away, looking mortified but still smiling at each other as they ran out of Sephora, looking down at the girl’s phone.
“Bee?!  Where’d you go?  I found the shade!” Angie’s voice called from the next aisle, her head slightly above the top shelf.  “Come here!”
Bee returned to the Nars aisle, and saw that the beauty expert had matched her skin tone perfectly.  “That looks amazing, Angie.”
“Where’d you go?” Angie asked, grabbing the foundation from the beauty expert and putting it in her basket.
“I just had teenage girls take a picture of my bag,” Bee said, shaking her head in disbelief still that it had happened.  “That was…I’ve never had that happen to me before.”
Angie shrugged her shoulders.  “It is a nice Chanel bag.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Athazagoraphobia (Part 5)
Li walks alongside Lo, the halls are painfully quiet, any conversation is held in hushed tones. “Good luck.” One of the younger serving girls whispers as they pass. “She’s in a mood.” Adds another.  Li isn’t particularly worried; taking care of the girl since before the crown could fit on her head, she has seen the princess in all sorts of moods.She is abundantly aware that the princess can be difficult, she is long past being intimidated by it. 
They enter the throne room. “Good evening, princess.” They greet. The princess looks anything but cheerful. In fact the princess looks bleak-eyed and exhausted and yet there is a fierce glimmer in her eyes, a warning glimmer. When it is pleasantly clear that she will not be returning their greeting, Li opts to get straight to the point. “Azula, we heard what happened. Why have you banished all your servants?”
“All your Dai Li agents…” Lo continues. 
“And the imperial firebenders.” Li finishes. 
“None of them could be trusted. Sooner or later, they all would have betrayed me. Just like Mai and Ty Lee did.” Azula replies. Her voice holds sharp overtones of anger and more subtle undertones of hurt and anxiety. 
In unison with her sister, Li speaks, “Azula, we are concerned for you and your well-being.” Truly, Li sympathizes with the girl having seen just how much pressure she places upon herself. How much more pressure that her father adds.
The princess only lashes out further. “My father asked you to come here and talk to me, didn't he‌? He thinks I can't handle the responsibility of being Fire Lord. But I will be the greatest leader in Fire Nation history.” 
She is much more temperamental than Li is used to. Really they ought to tread carefully, but Lo speaks first. “I'm sure you will. But considering everything that has happened today…”
Li cringes to herself, though, maybe the princess would find it more patronizing if they tried to sugarcoat things so Li continues, “perhaps it's best if you postponed your coronation.”
Rage flares to life in Azula’s intense gold eyes. They have made a mistake. “What?! Which one of you just said that?”
Li exchanges a glance with her sister as Azula continues speaking, “what a shame. There's only one way to resolve this. You two must duel each other. I order you to fight an Agni Kai!”
Rather flabbergasted Li leaves Lo to speak first. “But…”
Li joins the conversation. “We're not firebenders.”
“Alright, fine.” The princess seems to reluctantly accept this reminder. Pointing at Li, she declares, “Lo, you're banished.” And then to Lo, “Li, you can stay.” The girl walks away before they can question her a second time. 
“I think it would be best if we both took our leave.” Li says.
“Or we can make our way into one of the hidden passageways and wait for her state to pass.” Lo suggests. 
Li considers. Venturing beyond the palace walls with the war reaching its climax posed a ri.sk. But was the risk greater than the one the princess herself posed should she discover them? “Her mind is elsewhere.” Lo continues. “She won’t search us out.” 
Li nods, “let’s stop at the kitchen along the way.” 
The duo wanders down a long flight of stairs that make several twists and turns before opening into a hallway that they follow for a length of time. They make themselves comfortable in rather small, secret underground annex. But it is spacious enough to be comfortably livable, at least for a few days while the comet unfolds. Fixed on the ceiling, there is a narrow, horizontal window that lets light in and offers a view, albeit a limited one, of the outside world. 
The few days leading up to the comet pass remotely uneventfully. The most excitement they receive is watching cataipede crawl up the wall and begin the first stages of chrysalis. The day after provides a shift in the atmosphere. 
Li thinks, at first, that it is the effect of the midday sky warming into the orange and red hues of a sunset. “It is beginning.” Lo notes. 
In which case, with the princess presumably attending her coronation, it is safe to emerge from hiding. Li vocalizes as much before standing up and stretching very stiff limbs. If the palace was sushed before, it is gravely quiet now. With the servants and much of the palace staff gone, the place is oppressively eerie. Their footsteps echo down the expansive hallway. A hallway that seems almost elongated by the change in atmosphere. 
“How long do you think her coronation will last?” Lo asks. 
“Long enough for us to restock our food supply and get some fresh air.” Li replies.  The pair scavenge the kitchen before making their way into the outside world. The sun may be blotted out by clouds (both natural and born of war machines and comet dust) but the comet itself provides plenty of light as begins to make its way across the horizon. 
The sky is tinged red, its reflection in the royal garden’s pond gives the waters an uncanny, coppery, resemblance to a pool of blood.  She and Lo wander to the nearest bench and unwrap simple sandwiches; a meal for their comet viewing. 
Distantly, they can hear the sounds of war balloons taking off and as the comet progresses comes the sound of a battle. The roar of fire slapping against fire, of explosions, the sounds of an agni kai. It is almost too close for comfort and keeps Li from fully enjoying her sandwich. 
She has her meal finished and is discussing their next move with Lo when comes an astoundingly bright bolt of lightning. She can imagine that it could be seen well and clear over the rim of the volcano. It is accented by terribly loud rumble of thunder. 
Thunder rocks the ground before all goes silent.  
Disturbingly so. 
Every now and again the sound of flames roar in the distant but they become less and less frequent as the comet reaches zenith. And then it does, it reaches its highest point and bursts into a brighter flare. 
A flare and then burst. 
Mayhaps it is that her sight isn’t what it used to be, but she swears that something--just a small chunk--has broken away from the comet. 
Li looks to Lo who gives a shrug. 
“We need to be gone when the princess comes home, maybe we should have a look.” Lo suggests. 
“These old bones, walking that far?” Li asks.
Her sister laughs, “no one is around we have our pick of any of the tanks.”
Li returns the wheezing cackle. “Like in the good ol’ days.” 
Interesting, in retrospect, to know that they were seeking out a taste of the past in something that would only distance them much further from it. 
The city passes in a blur, several times, Lo almost sends them careening into a building. By the fifth time Li grumbles, “let me drive you old moth-bat!” 
“Not a chance!” Lo clings to the wheel. “I haven’t done this in years!” Her laughter is of the howling variety and Li grins am almost toothless grin. She turns her head and spies the coronation square. She gives her own hooting laugh at the prospect of defying the princess in such close proximity. It is exhilarating, she will save feeling guilty for a later time.
A thin trail of dark smoke acts as a beacon, guiding them to where the space rock had collided. Lo rolls the tank to a stop near the rim of Capital City’s volcano. Li grimances, “do you think your old legs can carry you all the way up there?”
“It don’t matter.” Lo replies. “I’m only getting older, if I’m gonna go out, I might as well make it fun.” 
Li frowns. “You don’t have to rush to your grave.”
“Eh, who said this is gonna kill me.” She calls down, for the old coon has already scrambled herself halfway up the craggy rim. 
“You let me know what’s up there. My old legs won’t carry me that far.”  She chuckles to herself. Of course her sister still has her agility. She herself would rather stay where things are safe. She listened to the sound of Lo shuffling around.
“Well I don’t know what this is.” Lo calls at last. 
“What does it look like?”
Lo’s face peeks over the edge. “I can’t say. Every time I think that I’ve found the words for it, it changes.” 
“Has the princess driven you mad too?” Li asks. She doesn’t get an answer. “Lo?” The lengthy pause leaves her jittery. “Lo?” She calls again. She shudders, there is an unpleasant rippling in her soul. 
An incomprehensible blackness that seems to wedge itself into the interweaved souls of she and her sister. “Lo!?” She calls out a third time, louder, more desperate. 
Something is wrong, she can feel it in her core and yet she can’t say why it is wrong. 
It is an alteration. Perhaps not directly to her soul. But inadvertently as some type of spiritual poison works into Lo’s soul.
Her sister comes back into view, providing only a fleeting moment of relief before Li notices her shambling gait. She is moving slower and her descent from the rim is more uncanny than the bloody reflection on the garden pond. 
She forces a smile and tries to ignore the feeling of terror. “Lo, I told you that you shouldn’t have made that climb. Now you’ve gone and hurt yourself.” Li scolds. With any luck Azula’s coronation will have left her in a better, more generous mood. And perhaps she will allow for Lo to receive adequate care. “Let’s get you to the place.” She adds when Lo doesn’t respond.
Her sister’s gaze never leaves the floor and her hands seem to stiffly twitch every few minutes. And as they walk back to the tank she takes pause every now and again as her whole body shudders. 
It isn’t normal. 
Not even slightly. 
But Li wants to believe that her sister is fine. 
“How about you tell me what you found up there?”
She is met only with raspy breathing. 
It is a miracle that Zuko is the one to greet her and with a grand and glorious tale of victory. Li wishes that she can share in his joy. Instead she forces Lo forward. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her, Fire Lord Zuko. But you need to allow her to see the royal physicians.” 
Zuko gives a sympathetic nod. “What happened?”
“We saw something break off of the comet. Lo and I wanted to see what it was.”
Zuko pinches the bridge of his nose. “What is with you old people and doing crazy things? I think the comet has driven everyone nuts!”
“You might be right there, Fire Lord.” But exactly what kind of madness has befallen Lo. 
Zuko escorts the twins to the infirmary. Lo is surprisingly strong as she resists Zuko’s attempts to lay her down. It is a silent protest, but the old woman refuses to get in bed. Zuko seems to grimace. “Maybe I should have her taken to the institution with Azula…” 
In need of a distraction she inquires, “what has become of the girl.” 
“She started screaming. Just screaming. And breathing fire…” Zuko trails off. “She wasn’t...she wasn’t her.” 
“Yes.” Li nods. “She was unusually cross with Lo and I.” 
Lo gives another full body tremor and collapses onto the bed. 
Her skin doesn’t begin to liquify for another day. But when it does, it is absolutely putrid. 
Her eyes go red first. Completely red as each and every blood vessel seems to rupture. Li watches it happen; first her right eye and then the left. Li tries not to stare for too long lest she be forced to accept that there is something silvery-white, fog-like, slithering in the pits of red. 
Li can’t help but be reminded of the pond. 
She begins to think of it as an omen. 
An omen she had failed to recognize. 
“Lo, are you still in there?” Li asks on the second day. 
Whatever it is that festers within Lo’s soul, only seems to grow. Li feels it in her own soul and wonders if she will fall to the madness too.
Lo’s lips move and Li regrets having coaxed it. That same silver-white smoke seems to ebb with in her mouth. But it isn’t like any natural mist, it doesn’t waft up. It doesn’t leave Lo’s mouth at all. It simply clings to the corners of her mouth as though waiting. 
The third day is when the first glob of flesh slouches down Lo’s cheek. It peels from the corner of Lo’s right eye. 
Li darts up faster than she thought her aged body ever could. “Fire Lord Zuko!” She calls. But what is he going to do? He is no doctor. Perhaps it is only the instinct of years of being an advisor that compels her to inform him of what is going on before sending for a doctor. Or maybe it is that she is used to Azula’s wit and quick thinking; the girl may not possess a friendly demeanor, but she had always granted them access to quality healthcare. 
Whatever the reason, she is at Zuko’s side. And the Fire Lord is on his feet in seconds. 
“Sit down, Fire Lord. If the woman is sick, you need to keep far from her.” A guard declares. “In fact, have this one quarintined.” 
Zuko bites his cheek, his eyes go downcast. “She’s…”
“Fire Lord.” The man continues. “If this is the same thing that has emerged near the west rim…” He trails off. “There is already talk of getting you evacuated.” 
“Evacuated?” Zuko snaps. “What the hell is going on here?”
She can see it on him, the stress weeps off of him like Lo’s decaying skin. He probably hasn’t even finished the paperwork that would have his sister institutionalized, much less has he had the time to get used to how the crown feels on his head. 
“I’m in the middle of planning a victory and coronation ceremony. I still have to unchain…” 
“Those things can wait.” Says a second guard. 
“My sister…”
“We will take care of that.” Says the first guard. He eyes Li. “Will someone take this old moth-bat into quarantine. Agnidammit!”
“Be careful with her!” Zuko shouts as a pair of particularly uncaring hands grab her by her frail elbows. 
She scowls at the rudeness of the soldiers, she isn’t one to pull rank, but, spirits, she would think that they’d handle a royal advisor--especially one so aged as she--with a little more attentiveness. 
“We’ll give you a few days. If your eyes don’t go red we’ll let you out.” Says the man as he closes the door. It’s thick metal seals her away from the answers that she years for. It only opens once more for a different guard to hand her at least four days worth of food and drink.
She doesn’t see another human being for those four days. 
It gives her time to think. 
Think and agonize over what she doesn’t know and never will. 
No she never does find out what Lo had seen; what caused her body to jerk and shudder. Li is glad that her bones creak and groan too much for her to have seen it for herself. But only partially so. The other part of her knows that she should have been there. 
They were born together. 
They were supposed to die together.
If only they would have stayed in hiding. 
If only they had feared Azula’s wrath more. 
Day five rolls around--day two of her quarantine--and she knows that Lo is dead. In the same why she has felt the unintelligible vileness, she feels that the other half of her soul has been snuffed out.
She stops eating on day five. 
She is disturbed to realize that she feels hollow and free in equal measure; the death of her twin frees her soul and crushes it all at once. 
On day six, a guard--Shinu, as she comes to know him--comes to free her, which is more kindness than was, apparently, extended to the princess. 
She steps out of quarantine and back into the world. 
By then, most of it is gone.
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santanuborgohain · 4 years
Episode 1
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Having stuffed an omelette with few pieces of crispy potato chips inside a bun I was about to gobble it up but right then, the doorbell had chimed annoyingly. It was early in November. The ordeal of having to spend a reluctant Monday-morning in Pune had already started with the new dawn. Gunjan, my host, was out for work and his corny apartment in Koregaon Park was confiscated by me.
The sweeper boy seldom used to come at that time to collect the dustbin-treasure. I always have the audacity to open the door without even peering out through the peephole despite knowing the fact that most of the sweeper boys turn out to be the murderer at length—which the eternal episodes of Crime Petrol have taught us from our very childhood. I was in my best attire that day: wearing but the only towel wrapping up around my waist for a frugal sauna bath. The doorbell had been hooted for the third time. I opened the door and encountered a someone who, for sure, wasn't coming for the dustbin.
“Do you have that lighter?” she asked looking straight into my eyes. Such an encounter was never expected. I was, wearing the only towel, standing shirtless in front of a stranger exposing my emaciated physique. She was tall. Demurred in a silky white night suit, tucking her hands inside the pockets standing right in front of me.
Her pierced nose was embellished with a tiny nose-jewel and there was a small dot-like mole right beneath the edge of her lower lip. Her dark black eyes were constantly staring straight into my eyes which rather had taken me aback. I did notice everything with an astute observation at just one go. Damn! I was clueless.
“Lighter?” she asked again, this time knitting her eyebrows.
“Lighter?” I asked her back, surprised, holding a half eaten bun with potato chips jutting out of it, and of course, not knowing actually what to say. I chewed the remnant of whatever little food that was already stuffed inside my mouth and the crunchy sound of the chips did seriously made the situation a little bit more awkward.
“Never mind.” she entered my house (okay, my friend’s house) almost shoving the door and I did nothing but stood still like a dumbass still wrapping the only goddamn towel. She stumbled through the table, pulled out the drawer and created a hell lot of mess. How could she just do that ignoring my existence in this house? I wondered. But that was just a beginning. Then she pulled out the couch, shuffled the newspapers and magazines, the mattress of a bed and started wrecking havoc in the entire room. Finally she found whatever she was searching for so long—the lighter. The degree of my impatience was rising to an extreme level. All I wanted her to leave at no time. She pulled two cigarettes out of the packet and offered me one.
“No, Thanks.” I shook my head clumsily, trying to magnify the mere nuisance which I was bearing for this long.
“As expected.” she mumbled and hastily stepped out of the room. Huff, I exhaled a sigh of relief. Before I could shut the door she turned back. Christ, not again. I thought.
“Nice legs by the way.” she added and that sort of mockery was completely unnecessary. And then she entered the elevator. What the bug! I shut the door with a thud and took a vow of not to open the door until and unless there is a confirmation of the outsider. Bitch! How does Gunjan bear such a lousy neighbor? Before the doorbell would chime again, I whizzed off to the bathroom and took a lazy shower.
“That was a living tsunami I saw today, you see.” I narrated the whole thing when Gunjan arrived later that evening, quite exaggerating the whole mess which she had created. He seemed to be cared absolutely nothing about it and on the contrary, he cracked out laughing like a nitwit.
“So she’s back, eh?”  he wondered.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Nothing, I mean, yeah, welcome to Pune, bro!” He kept on laughing stuffing the water bottles inside the fridge.
“She’s like the monsoon rain you know; comes to Pune once a year.”
“She seemed to be the hurricane instead.” I said.
“She’s nice by the way.”
“Whatever.” I said.
“So, didn’t you like her?”
“Don’t you want to know who she is?” asked Gunjan with such a contorted facial expression for which even I began to doubt myself for a second if somehow I knew her.
“Definitely she isn’t the Queen Elizabeth. Why should I bother to know about her?” I said.
“Just because of the irrefutable fact that she’s an amazing lady!”  he said.
“She’s a crazy bitch.” I said applying more gravity to the word ‘crazy’.
“Actually, she’s not. You gonna long for her company once you get to know her. I bet you.”
“Forget it. I’m already getting headache thinking about it.”
“Tell me, you gonna buy me beer for tonight if you get me proved that I’m wrong.” he challenged.
“Just leave that shit.” I denied.
“Well, at least let’s go and get that goddamn lighter.”
“Forget it.” I denied again.
“You do not have the guts, yeah?”
I was unknowingly biting my nails and then I stopped doing it when my guts were being questioned. “Say that again?” I said. Somewhere deep down, that sensitive thing called male ego was being hurt now.
“No, I’m not saying that you’re saying so. What I’m saying is…”
“Hold on.” I cracked my knuckles, wondered a little about what to say and then decided to bargain. “So what am I supposed to be getting if I win?”
He jumped up and sat on the couch. With all his excitement filling right up to the brim he asked “well, what do you want?”
“A car— Aston Martin DB11” I said, “and one thousand pounds in my account and a blank cheque with your…”
“Okay, hold on. Let me decide.” he cut me off without letting me finish my list of requirements. “If I lose, beer will be from my end for next seven days.”
“With complementary crispy chicken nugget. Every—Single—Day.”  I added.
I accepted the challenge being so sure about the fact that I was to win. I was not to buy him any beer at any cost.
Both of us went to the 3rd floor. Gunjan pressed the doorbell of her room twice and we did wait more than a minute to get the door opened.
“Hey! Look who’s coming?” she was astonished to see Gunjan barely noticing my presence. She’s wearing a pair of cat eye glass and I was not pretty sure whether she was looking good with the glass or the specs itself looked good on her. “Don’t say you guys are here for the lighter.” she said and cracked out laughing. I tried to figure out what actually was so funny. She welcomed us inside. The evergreen retro of Mohammad Rafi shaab was rolling on “abhi na jao chhodkar ki dil abhi bhara nahi.” She lowered the volume of the music player.
I shot a panoramic view of her room. It was too early to judge her. Little did I know a girl like her could have a good number of eye-catching books stacked on the shelf. Some of them were piled up like a mountain in a wooden crib. It was quite beautifully decorated. A pleasant smell of aromatic candles was rafting inside the room. There was a sensual poster of Marilyn Monroe taped on the wall next to her bed and some photographs were clipped on the string lights twinkling on the corner wall.
“So… would I be wrong to assume that you brought your guest here to introduce to me?”
“Yeah, kind of. Where have you been all these days?” he asked.
She fetched a bundle of UNO cards and dropped on her reading table and then shot a sharp glance at me ignoring his question.
“We’ve already met.” she said looking at me “my goodness! I saw him naked.” and she laughed aloud cupping her face with her palms.
“No!” I protested. “I was wearing… well, a towel.” Gunjan looked at me in disbelief. I tried to decode his exaggerated facial expression which was portraying aur-ye-tu-mujhe-kab-batane-wala-tha? sort of interrogation.
“Dude, I swear” I laughed. “I was in…” I ginned stupidly.
“Just relax. I’m just kidding. That’s fine.” she said
That was not fine. Out of embarrassment I thought of getting out of her room in no time.
“What do wanna have: tea-coffee-milk shake?” she asked in banter way.
“Isn’t there any fourth option available?” Gunjan asked.
“Actually, we just came here to fetch his lighter.” I said.
“Oh I see.” she said.
Gunjan coughed. Twice.
“Well, that is her lighter indeed.” Gunjan corrected me as politely as he could. And this time I shot that same aur ye tu mujhe kab batane wala tha?glance at him with murderous rage. That was an antique metallic lighter which she inherited from her grandmother—he let me know. It was gifted to her grandma by a Portuguese lady during the period of Annexation of Goa in 1961. And god knows, prior to this, who gifted this lighter to whom generation after generation since the evolution of the mankind.
“Oh, I see. Well, actually I thought—”
“That I am a desperate chain smoker?” she said cutting me off.
“Not really.” I said.
She laughed and fetched a packet of cigarette from the drawer and started spinning on her fingers.
“I collect cigarettes for fun. I do not burn and smoke them.” she said with a pitying grimace.
“Cool.” I said and I thought how weird that was! “And you have a good collection of books too.” I shot a panoramic view of her room again. That’s what we usually do when we visit someone for first time and sometimes when we’re not so sure of what we are doing and what we should talk about.
“Yes. I do.” she smiled and went off to the kitchen.
Gunjan shot a blank look at me.
“What?” I said.
“Nothing.” he shook his head and kept quite.
“Dude, she’s not that bitchy as I thought.” I whispered to him.
“I told you.” he smirked.
“Shall we go now?”
“Wait. Are you crazy? The best thing is yet to be.” he said.
I was not sure about what he was talking about. Meanwhile she came out of the kitchen with three wine-glasses.
“Guys, let me get something special for you.”
“Whaaao!” Gunjan’s face got lit up just like a kid when he’s given a candy in his hand.
“Pleased to have you both around.” she said stretching out a bottle of red wine from the fridge and offering it to Gunjan. It took just a few seconds for him to pour it in the glasses. We all sat on a Kashmiri silk carpet on the floor. She had grabbed a cushion in one hand and the glass in another.
“For this beautiful evening.” Gunjan toasted the glass.
“Cheers.” Our glasses clinked.
It was an old red wine which, as she told, was to be found nowhere else in this country apart from Nashik. She knew lot more about vineyards and wine than any one of us did. I sniffed it and sipped a little from the glass and tasted the tangy wrath of grapes daggling on my tongue. Gunjan appreciated it for nth number of times. I took a sip and started to aerate it swilling it round my mouth.
“Savory!”  I appreciated the wine and she nodded.
“How did you get this cut mark here?” she asked somberly pointing near my eye.
“Old story.” I said.
“How old?”
“Almost twenty one years old. Childhood memories, you know.” I said.
“Childhood memories.” she mumbled and she seemed to be repeating it in her mind. Then she started shuffling the UNO cards. She didn’t ask anything further about the cut mark but started distributing the cards. We played three rounds and each time I lost pathetically. The clock ticked eight and then we finally decided to leave.
“What’s your plan for tomorrow?” she asked looking at Gunjan on the doorway. Weekends have never been any special neither for him, nor for me.
“Nothing as such.” He said.
“Superb. Tomorrow a friend of mine is throwing a birthday party and you guys are going with me.” she announced.
“What say?” he pushed it to me.
“What?” I said, awkwardly. “we barely know anybody there.”
“Just ignore him. We are in!” he announced.
“Did we know each other until yesterday?” she asked me.  
“We still don’t know each other. Do we?”  I said. “In fact, I haven’t even asked your name!”
“Why so hurry, mister?” she smiled. “Nobody is running away. See you guys tomorrow!” She said goodnight and shut the door.
We came back to our room. I sloppily sat on the couch and asked Gunjan who she was. He said nothing but shot a smile. I asked him again.
“She isn’t the Queen Elizabeth for sure. Why should you bother to know about her?” he quipped.
“Just out of the curiosity.” I said. The vinous tang of the wine was still lingering on my tongue. I wasn’t so sure whether I was getting drunk or what. But it just started making me feel good.
He came and stood right in front of me and asked “so, tell me, did you like her?”
“Tell me, which beer do you want to have?”  I said.
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theofficeimagines · 6 years
This isn't me...Toby x reader
(This takes place around season four)
About six months ago corporate decided they needed more people on customer service at the dunder mifflen Scranton branch. You,being the kind, hard worker you are applied for the job. You were the only one who applied for the job,so,obviously you got the job.
You moved in to the empty cubicle across from your new partner Kelly, you remember your first conversation with her like it was yesterday. Michael walked you into the annex smiling like a goof “and here’s your new customer service partner ” he drummed on the desk imitating a drum roll “ Kelly!!” You gave a wave smiling as Kelly turned around “hi!” She said as she turned but stopped after. she looked at you and seemed to be scanning your appearance, she began forcefully fixing your hair and ranting about how your sweater wasn’t “in” this season. After that catastrophe you met Toby. You were glad to have met him after meeting Kelly,he was calm and kind just what you needed,he nicely bounced off your bubbly personality.
—present day— You finished a call with one of the biggest clients Scranton has, and sighed successfully helping them with a “defect” they had with the paper you hung up the phone and skipped over to Toby, you loved talking to him. Despite what everyone says about him you thought his story’s were interesting. You leaned over his shoulder putting your hands on his desk “heya Toby!” You said with a small smile he jumped a bit but smiled back. “Heya…(Y/N)” he said a bit flustered because of you being so close to him “so what you up to today?” He talked about his job and what he was doing. You wouldn’t say you had a crush on him you were just his friend…right?
“Well I’m glad you’re doing good,catch you later Toby!” You said walking to the kitchen “catch you later (y/n)…” Toby said longingly
Toby’s P.O.V (Y/N) always comes and talks to me before work,before lunch,and a bit before five. She calls it a cubicle neighbor check in, childish but that’s what I liked about her, I’ve liked (Y/N) ever since she stepped into the annex with her personality and her hair and her clothes, Kelly always try’s to change how she lookes but I like her just how she is “catch you later (Y/N)…” I watched as she waved goodbye heading into the kitchen “um what was that?” I heard a voice from above me, Kelly was peaking her head over her cubicle I squinted at her, “ come on Toby you gotta try harder!!” “Um…what” “I’m talking about (Y/N)!!” Oh boy…,i gulped.
—-Meanwhile—- You walked into the kitchen while you saw Kevin and Andy sitting with smirks across their faces “what’s so funny you two?” You said in a jokey way putting a hand on your hips. Aside from Toby, Andy and Kevin were your bros, you really got along with the two as your childish personality fit in with theirs"we were watch your conversation with Toby" Kevin giggled you blushed a bit looking at Andy “you know it’s almost enraging how you haven’t asked him out yet T” Andy called you T because of your “thing” for Toby “Andy you know I don’t like him that way!” You said pinching the bridge of your nose “don’t deny it (Y/N),the way you always stand up for him when Michael puts him down checking in on him all the time, and also I notice that you’ve been flaunting sexy outfits in front of him” he nodded slowly with the grin still plastered on his face this comment gave and awkward silence between you and Andy while Kevin laughed.
Andy cleared his throat “anyway… just admit you like him and we’ll leave you alone "Andy….I-” Kevin interrupted you by quietly chanting “ say it,say it say it” over and over soon Andy joined in “say it,say it, say it,” you felt anxiety rise in your chest until you blurted out “I love Toby!” Andy and Kevin cheered and high-fived each other,you looked away blushing like crazy.
Andy chuckled softly “(Y/N) it’s ok that you have a crush on Toby!” You rubbed the back of your neck “yeah you two go perfect together” you turned to see him pouring a cup of coffee “oh my god Jim how long were you-” “just enough to know you have a thing for Toby” he sipped his coffee “come on (Y/N)! We’ll even do you the pleasure of setting you up with him” Andy grinned winking and making a nudging motion “oh ,no,no,no, if anything (Y/N)‘a gonna ask him out herself” you sighed “I don’t even know how to date so why would I ask him!?” All three men looked at each other and looked back at you “now that? That’s something we’ll help out with.
Toby’s P.O.V Kelly was ranting to me about how much of a crush (Y/N) had on me "look usually I hate talking to you but this is an obvious sign that you need to be with her!! It’s like a fairy tale!” She whined “that’s what you say about every relationship…"I said under my breath and then sighed, "look Kelly I-i haven’t been on a date in years! I wouldn’t know what to say or do…and I don’t want to disappoint her…” Kelly smiled “leave that to me!” —later that day— You took a shaky breath as you walked over to Toby from your desk.it was five and Toby was packing up to leave . You were about to tap on his shoulder but hesitated for a moment “am I really doing this?” You thought “yes,yes I am” you lightly tapped his shoulder he turned around “h-hey (Y/N)” “hey..” there was an awkward silence until you finally said “so…we’ve been friends for a while now…and I was wondering if maybe you wanna take it to the next level…” you said the last part quietly as Andy said you should say it but you felt weird saying that as it sounded…suggestive…
“C-could you repeat that last part? I didn’t quite catch that” you then resorted to what Jim told you to say “I said,do you wanna go out tonight? Like to dinner…?” Toby had a big smile on his face and nodded lost for words “ then it’s a date! I’ll see you at 8:00!” You quickly walked out of the room to meet up with Jim ,Andy and Kevin they cheered as you were successful in asking him out. Meanwhile Kelly was squeeing and hugging Toby “OMG!! Your going on a date with (Y/N)!! We gotta get you ready!” She said dragging him out of the annex “to the mall!!!” Kelly yelled while Toby was shaking out of nervousness and excitement. —time skip to 8:30pm at the bar—
There was an awkward silence between you and Toby. Toby was dressed in a tweed suit,a top hat,white gloves and a bow tie(Kelly wanted him to look like a gentleman) while (Y/N) was in a very revealing hot pink dress (picked out by Kevin) here hair was Down around her shoulder in a messy fashion (Jim did her hair) and was equipped with a note pad of things to say when things went down hill (given by Andy)
You looked at the notepad “so…how’s it hanging’…hot stuff?” Toby gave you a puzzled look and you sighed “I can’t do this Toby…this isn’t me…” Toby sighed “yeah this isn’t me either…” you began to take off your dress,little did Kevin know you decided to put on an undershirt and shorts Toby did the same taking off his tweed jacket,top hat, gloves etc. Until he was wearing a shirt and his pants you got up and grabbed his arm pulling him up and kissing him softly.his eyes widened he hadn’t been kissed like that in a while he kissed back. After a while you pulled away “let’s go be ourselves at a cafe or something ” you smiled “I’d like that very much” he nodded a bit dazed. As you were walking away hand in hand you asked “say,who picked out your outfit Toby?” “Kelly”
You chuckled" knew it!“ Toby chuckled and you kissed him on the cheek He blushed and looked away.
A few tables away sat, Kelly,Kevin,Andy and Jim (in disguises of course)"all our hard work was ruined!” Kevin complained whipping off his fake glasses. Andy just sat there puzzled he had never seen a date go like this. Kelly was yelling “yeah! Go be weird together! Go be cute” she said smiling, Jim was smiling with satisfaction, deep down he knew this was gonna happen but he thought it would be good as it would break the two out of their shells, Jim smiled and winked at the cameras.“
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mistavybe · 6 years
What makes you feel safe?
In a word? Home.
I have lived essentially in the same place ever since my Mom brought me home from the hospital after giving birth 46 years ago.
My parents built our house with their own hands. Laid bricks, did plumbing/electrical. Tiled floors. Heck, my mom sketched the house design on a piece of paper because they couldn’t afford an architect back then.
My mom worked on the house, even mixing cement etc., until the very end of her pregnancy.
Over the years, we upgraded as necessary in small increments, but for the most part our decent sized (for Trinidad) 4 bedroom, 2 bath (plus laundry room and a huge open concept kitchen/living/dining area that opens via sliding glass doors into our equally generous-sized “gallery” (you Americans would probably call it a porch lol). And that’s not even taking into account all the yard space.
When I was a kid we had expansive lawn surrounding the house, and a plethora of fruit trees for me to climb, play in/on and eat fruits to my heart’s content.
Off the top of my head I recall us having a cherry tree, two coconut trees, a julie mango tree, portugals, limes, guavas, pommeracs, plums (caribbean plums are different to those huge purple things Americans call “plums” just FYI). Oh and there were two different types of avocado trees lol.
About a 15 years ago we had to cut down most of the trees because of a termite infestation. I still miss those damn trees.
Thankfully we at least managed to save the coconut tree in the front yard that my Dad and I planted together. I must have been like 5 at the time.
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Eventually my parents divorced and my mom moved to the nation’s capital city for several years, leaving me to share this property with my Dad until he passed away in .
Then my mom moved back home, so she, my son, and I share the property now.
#MummyVybe has always been into gardening, so as soon as she got here she planted a bunch of fresh herbs (thyme, parsley, etc) that we often use to season our meats when we cook. Which is pretty often at our house lol.
My son #YoungVybe is 20 now, so when he’s not at University or hanging out with friends, he’s in his room gaming or watching anime. Fun fact: the room he currently occupies was the room I grew up in, and also the room I brought him home from the hospital to when he was born. The original custom (teak) wood cupboards that I used until well into adulthood are all still in there, refinished and beautiful as ever. ☺️
As for me - If i’m not working or running errands (or out seeing a movie), then i’m probably parked on my couch, basking in the joy of air conditioning while I watch something nerdy on tv and enjoy the solitude of my own space. 🙏🏾
It’s not uncommon in West Indian culture for the younger generation to keep living with their parents until they get married. And sometimes even afer that, they just add on to the original housing or build a second house/annex on the existing property. 🤷🏾‍♂️
When I was old enough to want some autonomy from my parental units, (about a decade and a half ago) we renovated, turning what used to be our garage next to the kitchen into an annexed one bedroom, one bath apartment for moi.
I’ve never had a reason to leave. My name is on the deed to the property, and i’m my parents’ only kid so whenever my mom eventually passes, it will fall to me and i’ll leave it to my kids.
There’s literally no place I feel safer than my home. Whether it’s upstairs in my apartment, or downstairs in the original house I grew up in.
There’s a sense of history. A feeling that everything is gonna be alright, because this is where I belong.
Most people who have physically experienced our house will tell you it has a peaceful energy.
That is safety to me.
Home! I feel safe at home.
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Case #1 : New Beginings
    Makoto sat in the annex as the staff and geiko were prepping for the day. The place had gotten busy as of late but her mind was on everything that had led up to this point. A young Miqo'te girl walked up to her and handing her a stack of documents, but before walking away looked back at her and bowed.
    “Uhhhh miss Mifune..can I ask you something?” The girl couldn’t have been older than 17 but you could see the hard life she had led in her eyes. Makoto met her gaze still a little sore from her tirade at the previous fight night and smiled.
    “What can I help you with?” She spoke trying not to scare the girl feeling she was skittish like a kitten.
    “It’s just...why did you take us all in? You could have dumped all of us with the Yellow Jackets or left us on the street to figure it out for ourselves..it doesn’t make any sense,” the girl was looking away trying not to meet Makoto's gaze. At that moment makoto recognized this girl as one of the people she released from her last case.
*    *    *
A couple days ago Makoto was working a missing person case. After finding all the clues and putting the pieces together it was found to be a kidnapping and she had finally found their hideout, but as she snuck around their compound she saw something that made her sick to her stomach. Women in cages collars around their neck, Some of them eyes dead without hope.
By the kami…
Slavers, Makoto was starting to get furious. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand it was slavers. She gripped her katana and scanned the room. “1….2…..4…..6,” she counted how many of them were there. As she looked closer they were man handing on of the slave girl's, A small miqo’te and after one punched her he threw her into a cage closing it behind her. That was it, Makoto took a deep breath and in a flash she dashed at full speed cutting down one, then the next, spinning to slice off the hands of the third. “No mercy for scum like you” she spat out as she dodged the attack of one of the remaining 3 shoving her blade through his chest. Just as the hilt slams into the targets chest she get punched across the face but turns around grabbing his arm pulling him in close enough that with one quick palm shove with the other hand snaps his neck. As the last target fell to the ground trying to back away from Makoto she grabbed her katana out of one of the corpses and walked over to the man slowly.
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“WHAT ARE YOU!?!” the man screamed as you could see all the prisoners staring at this monstrous scene. He continued to scoot back until he was backed against a wall and Makoto shoved her blade through his shoulder pinning him to the wall, then slamming her foot into the other arm breaking it.
“I’ll let the yellow Jackets deal with you from here…” she made a call on her linkpearl as she went around freeing the captives. As she came to the cage where the Miqo'te girl from before was tossed in, barely breathing eyes lifeless, “hey little one I’m gonna get you outta here okay?” she broke the lock and released her bindings. Makoto looked at all the people here and was starting to get pissed, Hingashi or Eorzea slavery is messed up, she ran that thought through her mind repeatedly as she waited for the yellow jackets to appear.
After awhile as the Yellow jackets were rounding up the former captives makoto stood by giving her statement to them. “Miss Mifune..i know the Admiral gives you a pass for your antics but this was extreme! You didn’t have to kill them!” the inspector was furious but makoto looked uninterested.
    “They are lucky I let the last one live...so what are we going to do about the people they captured?” she was looking around and noticed some groups of people were standing around faces still wrought with depression.
    The inspector looked into the group and sighed, “Most of them will be set free and taken back to their families, but a lot of these women don't have any family or anywhere to go. We might turn the younger ones over to an orphanage and the older ones will be given the opportunity to get started somewhere but honestly we have no idea..”
    Makoto sighs, seeing this group of people that had nothing reminded her of how when her and her sister came to eorzea they also had nothing. She walked past the inspector and over to the group, “Hey HEY! Anyone here who doesn’t have anywhere to go, I can offer you a home, a job, and a purpose! If you don't want that I won't force you, but if you do come talk to me and put your past behind you!” She yelled this out to the women, What am i saying?, she thought to herself as she was acting without thinking at this point, but the most surprising thing was that people were coming over to her, thanking her some even crying.
This feeling…
    After that Makoto brought them to the Annex and started figuring out where she could put them. She was planning on expanding her families influence in Eorzea..was this the method? She looked at one of the older women who were calming down the others and helping corral them so they could be clothed and placed, “Hey you! What's your name?” she asked the Roegadyn woman as she turned and smiled.
    “My name is Felmyst miss Mifune,” She did an eastern bow before her which surprised Makoto seeing as she was sure that the Woman was from Eorzea and not Hingashi, “I saw some of the other staff and that maid of your bow like this so i have been making sure the other do the same”
    “I...uh thanks? So I see your organizing all the girl's I have to thank you for taking the lead on that,” Makoto laughed as the new girl's were all moving about busily through the bar, “So are you running into any issues? Anything questions just ask Mina or myself,” she nodded happily to Felmyst. This feels...nice, She thought to herself as when the new girl's walked past they bowed their faces becoming more and more happy as time passed.
    “Miss Mifune there is a question some of the girl's had been wondering,” Makoto looked at Felmyst as she said this with a face of confusion, “Alot of us as you said have abandoned our past and now we follow you without question but we were talking to Miss Mina and she said that your family would have branch clans that served them. So we were wondering what did you want our name to be?”
    It hadn’t dawned on her what she had done, “B-Branch family!?!” she stuttered a large grin stretching across her face. She was doing it, She was rebuilding the Mifune family. She looked at Felmyst and gave her a large grin, “What are you talking about we’re all Mifune’s here”
    Felmyst nodded, “All right Miss Mifune i will notify all the other girl's, so what exactly did you want us to do your kitchen isn’t exactly big enough to require this much staff?” Felmyst asked in a concerned tone.
    Makoto thought to herself, Branch family...the Mifune’s got started as prostitutes. Our founder rose to the top of her brothel using the information she got from her customers...but I couldn’t ask these women to sell themselves...maybe they don't have too..I got it!  She snapped her fingers as she looked over to Felmyst, “Felmyst, Men and women alike will say alot to a pretty woman am I correct?” she nodded to Makoto's statement, “Where I’m from there are workers known as Geiko, Women who are paid to entertain patrons with music, dance, conversation, and pleasant company. I hate to ask this of you all who chose to join me but see if any of the women who came would be interested in learning to do this.”
    Felmyst gave Makoto a quirky grin, “you saved us from slavery, most of us wouldn’t even question your requests, but I do have to ask why gay-koh?” Makoto laughs and shakes her head.
    “Now that you all are Mifune I should let you know information is our greatest weapon, and you ladies will be gathering that..if you all are fine with it that is. I won't force any of you to do anything, that’s not what MY family is about” she said that with conviction, My family...Yeah I’m the Head of the mifune Clan and i will lead these women to something better than what any of us had before. Felmyst felt the sincerity from Makoto’s request and nodded.
    “Well then miss Miss Mifune, Should we speak to the rest of our family on what they think of this?” Felmyst gave her a sly smile ready to follow her leaders orders.
*    *    *
    Makoto looked at the Miqo'te girl and gave her the same grin she gave Felmyst that day, “Rule one for being a Mifune! We never turn our backs on those in need, especially if they can be useful. Now go help Felmyst and the others get ready we’re opening up soon!” the girl smiles and nods as she runs off. “Once we get the Okiya set-up and all the Geiko fully trained step one of my plan will come to fruition..look out Eorzea, you can’t keep the Mifune’s down forever”
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Done Deal
(Over the years, I have created some popular characters in my stories. One of them is Detective John Dutton. I have written several tales featuring him. This is one in that series. I wrote this piece on April 26, 2020 in response to a prose challenge.)
A curtain of thick tension descended over the packed courtroom. Defense Attorney Marshall Hatterfield sauntered to the witness stand. He smiled like a feral dog in the heat of manipulation and asked, "Detective Dutton, isn't it true you are well known throughout the hierarchy of the Marion County Police Department to be a, how shall I put this? A lone wolf."
An uneasy stir arose among the spectators. Many shifted in their seats. Hushed murmurs were heard as the confrontation brewed.
Hatterfiel wrung his hands together and continued, "Isn't it also true you like to bend the rules as the situation fits your needs?" Like a vulture circled overhead, with discredit an allegation away, he tightened the screws, "Most importantly, would you not agree minus your shoddy investigative tactics, this insane charge of capitol murder against my esteemed client would it have been launched?"
Detective John Dutton calmly responded, "As you know, Mr. Hatterfield, from our previous encounters, I am not a Johnny One-Time, nor is this my first rodeo." What Dutton ached to do was knock some manners into the barrister. Instead, he maintained his compunction, rose tall in the saddle, and said, "All the evidence the Marion County Police Department collected was gathered in the utmost legal way possible."
"Or so you claim, Detective. Care to enlighten us about what so-called evidence you have to offer this court?" Hatterfield pondered. He walked to his table and picked up a manila folder.
State Attorney Debra Anderson bolted to her feet and complained, "Your Honor, Mr. Hatterfield is deliberately badgering our witness."
Judge Albert Stancil glared down from the bench. He twirled the tips of his handlebar moustache and admonished the Defense Attorney, "Mr. Hatterfield, cease and desist. This court will not tolerate any such theatrics."
"Yes, Your Honor," Hatterfield replied. He raised his eyes, looked at Dutton, and rephrased the tone of his inquiry, "Detective, can you inform the court what evidence you collected during your investigation?"
Dutton spoke into the microphone, "A puddle of bleach, approximately two feet in diameter, stained the garage floor. And, a variety of aerosols and cleaning agents were boxed together on the Formica-topped island in the kitchen of the Deals' house."
"Did you locate anything else, Detective? Perhaps something of value," Hatterfield questioned.
"Yes we did," Dutton responded, "we found six towels in the washing machine with a reddish substance on them. Forensics determined this was blood that matched the deceased."
"Deceased, Detective? Really?" Hatterfield scoffed. "That is quite an interesting perspective considering there is no body. My question would be how can there possibly be a deceased without one? In addition, a blood match would hardly prove my client murdered Vanessa Deal or anyone else, for that matter."
"No it would not," Dutton agreed, "but,when Gretchen, our cadaver dog, discovered a positive indication on the driveway underneath the carport an arrest warrant was secured. That led us to bring Virgil Deal in for questioning."
"I see," Hatterfield started. He flipped open the cover of his manila folder and ran his forefinger halfway down the top paper contained inside. He approached Dutton, showed him the document, and asked, "Detective, were you not quoted as saying "We still don't have the skank's missing body, but we've got Virgil Deal by the cajones. Now's the time to ratchet up the squeeze real tight and see if we can crack a coconut?" Those comments sound like you were hell-bent to nail the innocent philanthropist Virgil Deal to the wall regardless. Detective, I strongly remind you that you are under oath."
Taking ownership, Dutton admitted, "Yes I said those words and I stand by them. You see, Mr. Hatterfield, aggression is easily aroused in lovebirds, and the Deals were in the middle of toxic divorce proceedings. But, the odd text messages Vanessa Deal's friends received were what I wanted to know about. The beginning always sounded like a stimulating environment for me."
"Clueless!" Hatterfield muttered under his breath. He asked Dutton, "Does testifying in a death penalty trial sound like a stimulating environment to you, Detective?"
"Your Honor!" Debra Anderson vehemently protested.
"I retract my question," Hatterfield smiled at the attentive jury.
Dutton explained, "Following the date Vanessa Deal was reported missing, signals from her cell phone bounced off the tower in Laramie, two-hundred-and-twenty-six miles north of Marion County." Then, he asked his own question, "Riddle me this, Mr. Hatterfield, how can a missing person text her dear, sweet, mama and tell her she is on a ventilator?"
"I'm not the one providing testimony, Detective," Hatterfield responded.
Dutton continued, "Once Maryanne Dungston received this text, we scoured all the local hospitals. Vanessa Deal did not surface. That gave us probable cause. Who else would retain access to Vanessa Deal's cell phone to send that text to her mother after she was reported missing except Virgil Deal?"
"As I recollect, the last time Vanessa Deal was seen alive was on February 14, 2019," Hatterfield began.
"Sweethearts Day," Dutton cut in. He elaborated, "Larry Courtney, her supervisor at Thurston Interiors, reported his favorite office clerk was in very good health at that time."
In an attempt to cast suspicion off his client, Hatterfield paced in front of the witness stand and stated, "It is my understanding that Larry Courtney and Vanessa Deal were having an affair."
"I will remind the court Larry Courtney has been cleared of any possible involvement in Vanessa Deal's death," Debra Anderson quickly responded.
Hatterfield stared at the news hounds clustered together in the far corner of the courtroom and warned, "Detective Dutton, while this text message you mentioned may have aroused your curiosity, it certainly did not establish a murder was committed. Unless you can produce any real substantiating evidence implicating my client in a crime, I am going to petition the court to drop all charges against Virgil Deal."
Poised, Dutton presented, "On February 21, 2019, Vanessa Deal's silver Hyundai Tucson was discovered in the North Annex of the Marion County Parking Garage. Security video showed Virgil Deal drove the vehicle into Parking Slip 618 and edited out the driver's door. Why, Mr. Hatterfield, would your client be inclined to do such a thing?" Dutton paused, look accussingly at Deal, and stated,"Unless it was a desperate act intended to cover something up."
He focused his attention on Hatterfield and continued, "Three days prior to Vanessa Deal's car being found, her next door neighbor, Marjorie Stoneman, provided a deposition stating she heard the victim plead, "No! No! No! You're hurting me! Why would Vanessa Deal make that comment if she wasn't under duress?"
Silence filled the courtroom.
"And, Mr Hatterfield, why would Vanessa Deal's neighbor from across the street, Riley Johannson, provide a sword statement in which he recalled seeing a black F150 pickup truck at her residence with a license plate that matched the one owned by Virgil Deal on the day she was reported missing?" Dutton wanted to know.
The mousey Maurice Witherspoon slipped into the courtroom seemingly unnoticed. He slid into an empty chair next to Debra Anderson and spoke softly in her ear.
"If I may approach the bench, Your Honor. My associate has informed me workers just excavated Vanessa Deal's half-naked remains from a ravine in Rock Smasher Canyon," Debra Anderson enlightened Judge Stancil.
Anguished, Virgil Dea,l a bookworm with wire-rimmed spectacles, cried out, "Stop it! I didn't mean to kill Vanessa. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I went to her house to discuss the settlement of our finances. At first, she was warm. You know, the way we used to be before all our disagreements started.
The notion brought a fond remembrance to Deal's face. He returned back to the gravity of the situation at hand and said, "Then, Vanessa told me she wanted eighty percent of all my assets. Eighty percent! I'm no fool. I couldn't do that. I tried to convince her she would ruin me and everything I've spent my life building. She didn't care."
A collective gasped emitted from the gallery as the brash Hatterfield grumbled to his client, "Shut up, Virgil! You've already confessed too much you pathetic weakling! I could have gotten you off."
Deal fiddled with the top button of his blazer and finished his confession "Do you know what she did? Do you? She laughed in my face. I lost control and slapped the taste out of her mouth. All of a sudden Vanessa wasn't so demanding. Then, I-I picked up a knife from off the tool counter and I," as if the memory was too strong to overcome, Deal hesitated, "I stabbed her again! And again! And again!" Each time the word became more venomous. Deal concluded, "There was blood all over the floor of the garage. I tried to clean it up." Collapsing into his chair, Deal moaned, "I couldn't allow Vanessa to destroy me. Don't you see? I couldn't."
Judge Stencil instructed, "Bailiff, remand the defendant. This court stands adjourned until one o'clock."
Steel bracelets flashed, then clicked.
Outside the courthouse, Dutton told his young partner, "I may not be as good as I once was, but make no mistakes about this simple fact, Mark, I'm still as good once as I ever was." He paused, collected his thoughts and stated, "I see the electric chair in Virgil Deal's future. His sand castle in the sky is gonna crash down on top of his head, and I have no sympathy for him. The greedy bastard Oh well, duty calls."
"Your timing is impeccable," Mark Ballister complimented Dutton They bounded down the courthouse stairs. Ballister stopped and asked, "But, how did you know where to send Witherspoon in search of Vanessa Deal's corpse in Rock Smasher Canyon?"
Dutton flashed a toothy grin and replied, "All in a day's labor, kiddo. Witherspoon turned that dagger just right to force Deal's confession. Helps to have snitches in low places. Let's roll."
0 notes
Riding High Ch 21: The Truth ‘Bill’ Out
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Chapter Summary: Fliss and Frank both struggle to deal with the aftermath of their break up so Bill decides to take things into his own hands...
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Ok, I’m sorry I upset you with the last chapter… and a shout out to my partner in crime @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for her input in this chapter.
Chapter Song:  Wait for Me by Kings of Leon
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist 
Take a shot in the rain, one for the pain, and listen up
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Frank woke the next morning fully clothed on the sofa. Squinting he groaned at the pain in his head, scrambling to find his phone. As he swiped it cancel his alarm his thumb paused as he glanced at the photo of Fliss and Mary on the screen. Swallowing he turned the screen off, tossed his phone onto the table and pushed himself up, trudging to the shower.
He had spent most of the night drinking the expensive scotch his mother had bought him, trying to understand what had happened. He had tried to call Fliss, messaged her but her response had been a single text telling him she was sorry and requesting that he respect her decision. The worst thing had been trying to explain to Mary. Frank didn't believe in lying to her, certainly not if he could help it, but he had completely chickened out and told her that Fliss had some paperwork to do and would be staying at the annex for the night. Mart had accepted this, and it had bought him enough time to figure out what the fuck he was going to say.
He stumbled into the shower and then decided that the state his head was in he wasn't going to function in work. So once he was dried and had awoken Mary he called Paul and said they he had a migraine so wouldn't be in. He made Mary a sandwich and then once she was packed off on the bus he turned and headed back home.
Once in the living room he looked around. It was littered with reminders of her. Photos, a hoody draped over the dining table chair, those fucking scatter cushions. It was screaming at Frank to get rid if it all, but he couldn't. Not yet. He was still clinging to something desperate hope that she would come back, explaining what had happened and they'd work through it.
And then there was a knock at the door. He paused for a moment, before it opened and a familiar voice called his name.
"Frank? Son?"
He turned to face Bill as he walked through the door.
"She sent you for her stuff?" Frank asked and Bill eyed him for a moment before he shook his head.
"No. She hasn't. And, well even if she asked me to come get it I wouldn't...this is her mess, not mine."
Frank looked at him for a moment before he shrugged and headed into the kitchen grabbing the coffee from the cupboard.
"So what are you here for Bill?"
"Honestly?" Bill raised his eyebrows "to see how you were..."
"Fucking marvellous." Frank said, slamming the cupboard shut "girlfriend's left me, giving me no reason, I'm hungover to shit and at some point today I gotta figure out what I tell Mary."
He leaned back against the kitchen counter and pinched his nose before he scrubbed his hand down his face.
"How is she?" Frank looked at Bill. Bill sighed and shook his head.
"Hardly said a word since she came home yesterday evening." Bill shrugged "other than to tell she had ended things with you, that it was her decision and she wasn't going into it."
"She didn’t go into it with me either so..." Frank snorted, shaking his head. "So if you've come to find out what’s going on I can't help you Bill, because I don’t know."
"No, honestly Frank...I meant it when I said I came to see how you were. V and I were worried..."
Frank was about to shoot some sarcastic response back but when he saw Bill's face was arranged with genuine concern he simply shrugged and looked down, shaking his head.
"I love her Bill...and I thought things were going great. I just don't understand."
With a sigh Bill stepped forward and gripped Frank's shoulder.
"I'm really mad at her Frank." Bill sighed "but I know she’s hurting too...don't give up on her. Not just yet."
Frank sighed and scratched at his head as Bill released his grip on his shoulder. 
"She made it quite clear she doesn’t want to see me or talk to me Bill." Frank shrugged.
"She doesn’t know what she wants" Bill shook his head. "All am asking is that you at least try to talk to her."
"I need time, too Bill." He sighed "I'm angry and upset myself. I can't face her yet. It’s gonna be bad enough taking Mary up to see Monty..."
"I know." Bill said "and if you ever want me to take Mary instead so you don’t have to, certainly for the time being, I'm happy to do so."
Frank nodded "thanks."
"Ok, well you know where to find me." Bill shrugged “And I was hoping that, maybe when the dust settles a little, me and V can still take Mary out once a week, for a burger or something. You know we love that little girl, and nothing is gonna change that."
Frank looked at Bill and saw a flicker of worry flash across the older man's face.
"Bill..." Frank said gently "I'll never stop you and Verity seeing Mary. As long as you're happy to do so. I just...well I just don’t want it to be awkward for you and Fliss, meaning there's to be a point later where you leave her life too. Mary’s had enough turmoil over the last 12 months to last a lifetime."
"No I get that." Bill nodded "and thanks Frank. You're a good man."
Frank nodded and Bill gave him another small smile before he turned and headed out.
***** Mary didn’t take the news brilliantly, as Frank had anticipated. She’d teared up and asked Frank why Fliss wanted to leave them, to which Frank had answered as honestly as he could, that he simply didn’t know but that it was nothing to do with her. And then she’d surprised him by saying, for the first time ever that she didn’t want to go to Roberta’s that night, but she wanted to stay with him.  So they spent the Friday evening with a pizza, watched a film, both huddled together on the sofa. She didn’t mention Fliss again other than to say she didn’t want to go for her lesson either the next day, instead saying she would go during the week. Out of courtesy more than anything Frank messaged Fliss to let her know. After an hour or so she replied simply to tell him that it was fine and she would make sure Monty was looked after.
Monday morning rolled around and Frank was glad of the distraction if he was honest, burying himself into his work. And during the day he was ok because his mind was busy but in the evening after Mary had gone to bed and he himself was getting ready to hit the sack, he found himself simply staring at Fliss’s toothbrush and toiletries. Unable to look at them anymore he grabbed the various bottles of stuff belonging to her and placed them all in one of the wicker boxes held under the sink in the unit.
Tuesday evening he spent with Simon and Greg. Simon had heard from Bonnie what had happened when she had called Fliss. Simon informed Frank that Fliss had refused to talk to Bonnie about it and just asked the woman to leave it alone. They had a few beers and it was a good distraction for a while but again once they left, Frank was alone with his thoughts and an aching in his chest.
And it wasn’t just his thoughts. It was the physical reminders. As well as the photos and cushions, there was the dog basket in the bedroom that belonged to Thor, when he decided to sleep on it and not Mary’s bed that is, her favourite mug, the blue and gold shimmering wine glasses they’d bought, her clothes in the fucking closet. Frank had no idea what he was supposed to do. Did he pack it up and take it to her, or wait for her to come and claim it?
Wednesday morning Mary told him she wanted to go and see Monty so Frank nodded. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. On the one hand he was happy he’d at least get to see Fliss, maybe they could have a reasonable conversation but on the other he knew seeing her was going to tear him in two. He also was a little worried how Mary was going to react. He called Fliss, and unsurprisingly she didn’t pick up. But surprisingly she did call him back a little after lunch.
“Hi.” he said, a little nervously as he answered.
“HI.” she replied quietly “I err, I had a call so…”
“Oh, yeah, erm, Mary wants to come up and see Monty so I wanted to make sure it was ok.” “Of course its ok.” she said gently, “Frank, I’d never stop her coming up to see her pony.”
“No I know that, I just…” Frank took a deep breath, “It doesn’t matter, we’ll see you later.” “Ok, erm, bye.” “Yeah, bye.”
He cut the call, his throat was dry and he felt like his heart was about to pound out through his chest. And that had been simply at the sound of her voice. It had been a week since he’d heard it and now it had knocked him for 6. And suddenly he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her at all.
****** Fliss tossed her phone down and ran her hands over her face. She was tired. Since moving back into the annex she hadn’t been sleeping properly, having nightmares for the first time in almost a year. She wasn’t eating properly and she was continually snapping at her parents too as they were crowding her she felt. Almost as much as when she had left Boston. She knew they were simply concerned, as was Bonnie but she just simply wanted to be left alone. She was hurting too, leaving Frank had killed her, it was the worst thing she had ever been through, worse than any beating John had inflicted on her.
She also knew at some point she was going to have to face him, go round and collect her stuff. Her mum and dad had made it quite clear they weren’t going to bail her out on that one, which was understandable she guessed. They were upset too, her dad especially as he was very close to Frank, and they both loved Mary as if she was their own grandchild.
It wasn’t her own life or Frank’s she’d thrown into chaos, it was theirs too.
She wiped at her eyes, stood up and headed out into the late October sun, striding over to the paddock as she rolled her shoulder which was sore from the tumble out of bed she’d taken in the middle of the night. It was her dodgy shoulder, the one John had dislocated as part of one of his beatings, so she knew that was going to be troubling her for a good week or so now she’d jarred it again. But in some sick, twisted way she relished the pain. A physical manifesto of the agony she was feeling inside.
She had 3 clients that afternoon, so the time whizzed by and before she knew it it was half 4 and Mary would be arriving any second. She turned and headed into her office, trying to calm herself down, feeling her anxiety spiking. Thor, having sensed it, gently nuzzled his nose onto her lap as he always did and she sat for a quiet 15 minutes simply breathing and stroking his soft head and ears, glad he was giving her something of a grounding. And then his ears pricked up as he caught the familiar sound of Frank’s truck and giving a low whine of excitement he shot off across the yard.
Taking a deep breath Fliss stood up and walked out of her office and saw Frank walking onto the main courtyard, Mary’s hand in his.
“HI…” Fliss greeted him a little tentatively, and he gave her a small smile, his eyes hidden behind his aviators.
“Hi.” he said gently.
“HI Mary.” Fliss looked at her and Mary glanced up, before she looked away.
“Hi.” she said a little stiffly. Fliss swallowed and then took a deep breath.
“Do you want to ride today or…” “No.” Mary shook her head “Not with you.” “Mary.” Frank said, looking down at her “Remember what I said in the truck…”
Mary took a deep breath and looked down at her feet, her boots kicking at the slate gravel which covered the yard before she looked up at Fliss “I just want to brush him today.” “Ok, well, he’s in the pasture. Do you want me to come-“ “I’ll ask Joanna.” Mary said, as she let go of Frank’s hand.
“She’s in the back barn, tell her I sent you.” Mary didn’t reply, she simply headed off.
“She’s upset.” Frank said as he watched her go. He turned to Fliss and shrugged “She’ll come round.”
Fliss gave him a small smile. “Do you want a drink or anything?”
“No, I’m good, thanks.” he said, shaking his head “Think I’m gonna go with Mary…” “Sure.” Fliss nodded, “I’ll be in the office. If she needs me or changes her mind about riding, just…” Frank gave her a tight smile again before he headed off.
Fliss watched him leave, claiming her hand over her mouth tightly before she pinched the bridge of her nose, screwing up her eyes to try and stem the tears which were threatening to come. Composing herself she turned and headed back into her office and started to busy herself with some lesson plans.
It was about 40 minutes later when there was a knock at the door and Frank poked his head in.
“We’re gonna go.” he said, “Do you want Monty back out or…”
“No, it’s fine.” she stood up “I’ll do it later once he’s been fed.” “Ok…” he nodded, turning to go.
“Is Mary ok?” Fliss asked and Frank stopped. He took a deep breath and turned to face her.
“What do you think?” he said, his voice was a little harsher than it had been before and Fliss hung her head.
“Sorry.” she said softly. “Can I talk to her.” “Be my guest.” he said, turning once more to leave “Not sure it will do you much good.”
Fliss rose from her chair, her hands shaking a little as she headed out after him. Mary was packing her brushes back in the little box kept by Monty’s stable.
“Hey.” Fliss greeted her “Was he a good boy?” “He’s always a good boy.” Mary shrugged, standing up and stroking his nose.
“That’s true.” Fliss said, her hands slipping into the pockets of her breeches. “So, do you want to ride at weekend? We can try that jumping…”
"Why don't you love me or Frank anymore?" Mary cut her off, spinning to face her. Fliss felt her heart break even further as she looked at the little girl who was staring at her, her large eyes wide and wet with tears. "No, no Mary..." Fliss crouched down and looked at her "I do honey, I do love you, I love you so much, I just..." "You just don't love Frank anymore?" Fliss took a deep breath, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I'll always love Frank..." "Then why did you leave our home?" Mary began to sob "what did he do?" "Mary..." Fliss shook her head "I just had to. I wish I could explain it better but I can't. You're too young to..." "Stop saying that!" Mary yelled and she spun round, pointing at Frank who had up until that point had been stood at the door to the barn, deliberately looking the other way. Hearing her outburst he turned in time to see Mary raise her hand towards him. "He keeps telling me that too, but I'm not stupid! Why do you both keep treating me like I am?" "Mary..." Frank said softly as he strode towards her. "Come on..." "I hate you..." Mary glared at Fliss who looked as though she has been physically slapped. Her head dropped and she looked down at the floor taking a deep breath. "Mary..." Frank shook his head "Don’t say that..." "I do." Mary's face was full of rage "She made you cry...she made me cry...she promised she would always be there and now she's not and..." "Ok. Ok..." he said gently, he himself crouching down in front of her, a meter or so away from Fliss "I get that you're angry but be kind huh.” "Why should I?" Mary shook her head. "Because I'm asking ya to." Frank said softly. "I told you before on the way here that this..." he gestured with his hand between himself and Fliss, his eyes flicking to the woman's face as she wiped a tear from her cheek, “…us breaking up...it doesn’t mean that Fliss doesn't care about you." "If she did she wouldn't be leaving me!" Mary blazed and at that point Frank shook his head. "It’s me she's leaving Stack, not you."
Fliss took a deep breath and stood up, turning away, her hand covering her mouth. Frank glanced up at her before he turned to Mary.
"Go wait in the truck." He said to her gently "I won’t be be long"
Mary shot one last look at Fliss before she did as Frank had said and headed off out of the barn and disappeared out of sight.
"Sorry." Frank looked at Fliss as she turned to face him "She shouldn't have said that."
"It doesn't matter..." Fliss shook her head avoiding his gaze. "She’s every right to be angry. I have let her down."
"I think it might be best, certainly for the foreseeable if you take care of Monty." Frank said his voice even and Fliss looked up at him, a mix of sadness and surprise on her face.
"But he is her pony..."
"Oh come on Fliss..." he snorted and shook his head. “Surely you can't be that naive as to think that thinks could just carry on..."
"No but..."
"How can I bring her here if every time she comes she’s gonna react like that?" Frank ran his hand through his hair "it's me that has to deal with the fall out and I'm struggling to deal with my own feelings at the moment"
“Ok, if that’s what you want…” “No, I don’t want!” Frank shook his head “I don’t want any of this…but you’ve made it perfectly clear you do and I’ll respect that. I just wish you respected me enough to tell me why.” “Frank, please…” “You left, with no explanation, other than it wasn’t working…but there’s more to it, I can see it written on your face.” his voice was level but his jaw was twitching “Don’t you think I have a right to know?” Fliss tipped her head back and looked up at the sky, blinking back her tears as he continued.
“How would you feel if I had walked out on you, with nothing more than some shitty explanation about it not working and needing space, when a month before we’d been planning for a future together? Fliss, I wanted to marry you, spend my forever with you and…” He trailed off, shaking his head looking around “I’ve spent the last week in a daze, I lay awake at night trying to understand and I just can’t…and that’s the worst bit.” Fliss looked down at her feet and shook her head softly.
“And that’s all you can do or say?” Frank snorted “Absolutely fucking nothing?”
“I’m sorry.” she looked at him, her eyes full of tears “I really am.”
“Yeah, well, so am I.” he said simply, “let me know when you want to collect your stuff from the apartment, I’ll make sure it’s ready.” and with that he turned and left.
“I think it’s the fuel line…” Bill said, walking back into the office, where Fliss and Verity were sat having a coffee whilst he had been taking a look at Fliss’ wagon. It was early Friday evening and she’d wanted nothing more than to load Heidi up and take her for a blast down the beach to clear her mind, but when she had gone to start the wagon to move it out so she could load up her tack it had refused to start. “But I can’t be certain. Not something I can sort really…you’ll need a mechanic.” he turned to look at her “If only you knew one…” “Don’t start Dad.” Fliss shook her head. “Just…”
“Bill…” Verity gave him a warning glare, and Bill simply took a deep breath, shaking his head.
“I’ll speak to Alan, see if he knows a decent one that can come look at it.”
“Thanks.” Fliss said, standing up “I’m gonna go check the fields. Can you just throw the keys back in the drawer?”
“Sure, see you at home yeah?”
She nodded, called Thor to her and headed out.
Bill shook his head and moved to open the drawer to the desk. He tossed the keys inside, and then frowned as he saw the manila envelope that was stuffed inside.
“What is it?” Verity asked.
“That…that’s a Boston post mark….” he said, lifting it out. With a frown,  knowing full well there was only one person really from Boston that would be sending Fliss stuff, he turned it over and pulled out the printed photograph. His eyes scanned it and he let out an angry noise and strode out into the courtyard.
“Fliss!” he bellowed “Felicity Rose Gallagher, get back here right now…” “What’s going on?” Verity asked, and he thrust the photo at her by means of an explanation.
Fliss, having heard her dad shouting stopped dead and turned back to look at the office. She glanced down at Thor before she turned back and headed towards him.
“What’s…” she stopped dead as she saw the envelope on the desk and the photo in her mother’s hand.
“Care to explain this?” Bill said, snatching the paper out of Verity’s fingers and slamming it down on the desk."
"You had no right to go looking through my stuff." she looked at him, angrily.
"Oh cut the crap Liss." Bill shook his head “When did you get that?”
“Last Wednesday.” she said softly.
“Last Wednesday?” Verity frowned, “that was the day you finished with Frank…” she trailed off as the dots connected in her head as Fliss looked down at the floor
“Oh please tell me I’m wrong…” Verity looked at her, shaking her head.
Fliss didn’t respond.
"Oh, I cannot believe you.” Bill looked at her “This? This is why you ended it? Over some pathetic threat without even telling him?"
"It isn’t pathetic!" Fliss looked up at her dad, her eyes blazing. "I know what he is capable of..."
"Well in that case don't you think Frank has the right to know?" Bill glared at her. "If you believe Mary is in danger then you should have told Frank and gone to the police..."
Fliss swallowed and looked down, shaking her head "I know John. This is about having control over me. If he thinks he’s won he will leave them alone…”
"You’re so fucking stupid." Bill sighed.
“Bill…” Verity said gently, trying to calm him down but he was too far gone to listen.
"You've let him win Liss, after everything you went through….”
"This isn’t about him winning!" Fliss practically screamed "This about keeping Mary and Frank safe...not only from him but…well, can you imagine what Frank would have done if he’d seen that?"
“So have you rung John and told him you've done what he wants?"
“Of course I fucking haven't"
"No fault whatsoever in your logic there, huh Titch..." Bill snorted, sarcastically "Tell me, how exactly do you expect him to know it’s over?"
Fliss looked at her dad for a moment, floundering for a response. But she didn’t have one.
"Frank has a right to know about that photo, and more so he deserves to understand why you walked out on him." Bill shook his head, as Verity gently placed a hand on his arm.
"If you wanna discuss rights then I don’t have the right to put a target on his or Mary’s back.” Fliss screamed back before she took a deep breath, shaking her head “Now I’m going for a walk. See you at home.”
Bill watched as she left the office, an angry noise escaping from his throat.
“You were a bit hard on her there Billy.” Verity said, looking at him.
“She needed it.” Bill sighed. He placed both his hands on the desk and hung his head slightly “I can’t believe she’s been so stupid.” “She’s scared.” Verity said gently “She’s not thinking straight…” “You can say that again.” he looked at the photo for a second before he reached out and grabbed it, shoving it back in the envelope. He paused for a second, holding it in his hand before he turned to Verity “And I’m not standing for it…come one” “Where are we going?” Verity called after him as they made their way towards his car.
“To find Frank.” “Bill, we can’t…” Verity shook her head “If we go behind her back…” “Then you can wait in the car Verity.” he looked at her. “I don’t care what she says anymore, I’m not standing back and watching her throw anymore of her life away over that ass hole. And that aside, Frank has a right to know. So seeing as she’s too fucking stubborn to do it herself, then I’m gonna do it for her.”
***** “Thought I might find you here.”
Frank turned to look at Bill as he slid into the seat at the opposite side of the table to him in Ferg’s.
“Yeah well, not like I got much else to do.” Frank shrugged, taking a drink from his bottle.
“How many have you had?” Bill asked
“What are you my dad?” Frank shot back, turning to glare at him. Bill merely raised his eyebrows in response and Frank sighed, shaking his head.
“Sorry…” he took a deep breath “This is my first. Not been here long”
“Good...then you're still sober enough to think straight…” “Think straight about what?” Frank frowned. After a second or so pause Bill reached into his pocket and slid an envelope across the surface of the table.
“What’s this?” Frank frowned.
“An explanation.” Bill sighed, “Well, of sorts anyway.” Frank looked at him, frowning before he placed his bottle down and picked it up. He pulled out the paper from inside and glanced down at it. As soon as he saw the message typed out he felt the heat rise up his neck and into his face, anger flooding his system.
“Fuck…” Frank said loudly, shaking his head “He sent this?” Bill nodded.
“And this...this is why she broke it off?” “She thought if she finished it, gave John what he wanted as in to make her life a fucking misery, that he’d back off and it would mean you and Mary were safe.” “Jesus ...” Frank ran his hand through his hair “Why the fuck didn't she tell me?” “Because she was scared.” Bill said “Scared of what he would do and scared of your reaction” “My reaction?”
“Tell me you’re not thinking about hunting the fucker down and killing him yourself.” Bill looked at him and Frank looked away.
“If it wasn’t for Mary I’d have done that months ago.” he shook his head.
“Exactly. She was worried that this might have been that step that pushed you over the edge.” Bill shrugged. “Look, I’m not saying she’s right... in fact I’ve told her the opposite but, well, I just thought you had a right to know.”
“Can I keep this?” Frank asked after a moment’s pause “Regardless of what Fliss says, I’m taking this to the police this time.” “By all means.” Bill said. “But they’ll want to speak to Fliss so…”
“Tough.” Frank shrugged. “Now he’s pulled Mary into it I’m not fucking about anymore Bill.”
Bill nodded and stood up, clapping him on the shoulder. “Don’t think too badly of her Frank. I know she’s fucked up but she did think she was doing the right thing. We do stupid things to protect the people we love, as you know only too well.” Frank looked up at him and then back down to the photo. Bill turned to leave before he stopped and looked back over his shoulder.
“By the way, she’ll be at the yard.” he said, locking eyes with Frank. “Probably for another hour or so if the last week has been anything to go by. Just in case you wanted a more detailed explanation straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak.”
And with that he left Frank at the bar. Frank once more glanced down at the photo, before he rubbed at his beard. Now he had his explanation, his head was a mess of thoughts. He was angry, so angry that she’d done this, that she’d kept this from him but despite all of that, despite the fury and resentment he was feeling he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of sympathy for her, that she’d tried to deal with all this on her own to keep him and Mary from having to.
“You fucking idiot Lissy…” he mumbled, before he shoved the photo back in the envelope and stood up, heading out to his truck.
**** Fliss was hanging Heidi’s bridle up in the tack room after a spontaneous ride around the fields when Thor gave a quick bark and shot out. Frowning, she headed to the door of the office, her eyes growing wide as she saw Frank striding purposely towards her, the setting sun illuminating his tall figure and the familiar envelope clutched in his hand.
“Care to explain this?” he waved it in the air as he reached the office threshold
“How did you…” “Your dad.” he said, thrusting it at her “He came to find me. Thought I had a right to know, and you know what…I’m kinda inclined to agree with him.”
“Frank…” “Were you ever gonna tell me?” he asked, tossing the envelope onto the desk “That he had made a threat towards Mary?” “I dealt with it.” she shook her head “There was no need to worry you.”
“You dealt with it?” he said, his voice was disbelieving “How? By ending things?” “Yes.” she nodded “Breaking it off with you…it was the best way of keeping you both safe.” “You are fucking unbelievable.” he shook his head “You ripped our lives from underneath us…”
“This hasn’t been easy on me either Frank!” she cut him off, angrily “Fuck, leaving you…it broke me. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. You know, I’d rather take thousand beatings from John over that because…” she trailed off as Frank looked at her, her words sinking in as she shook her head and looked away “…because at least the physical pain would die down…”
“Don’t…” Frank shook his head, his voice cracking “Don’t say that.”
“It’s the truth. I had to keep you safe.” she turned her head to face him, “Both of you…”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” he pressed.
Fliss looked at him, her mouth opening before she shut it again and shook her head, her eyes dropping to the floor “I had to keep you safe…” “Keep us safe…that’s not answering my question.” She shook her head again. “Damnit Lissy, look at me.”
She raised her face to his, obediently.
“Why?” he pressed.
“I was frightened it might tip you over the edge…make you do something stupid.” she said, quietly.
“Stupid? Like what?” “Like go and hunt him down.” she swallowed.
“Yes!” she nodded. “You moved Mary over a thousand miles to keep her away from your own mother...”
“That is NOT the same…” Frank blazed at her
“And I was scared that if you saw this…you’d do something bad and then both of us would end up without you and…” “Fuck!”  Frank exploded, slamming his open palm down on the desk with a loud bang. Fliss immediately jumped back, her eyes wide with fright and Frank took a deep breath, as he realised he’d scared her. Besides him Thor gave a low rumble of a growl, and the large dog moved towards Fliss, turning his eyes on Frank. Fliss laid a hand on his head.
“Thor, shh…” she said softly, and he immediately stopped, but never once averted his gaze from Frank.
“Sorry, I…” Frank swallowed, concentrating on his breathing as he looked at her. “Why didn’t you just talk to me?” “I don’t know…I’m sorry.” she said, the tears pouring down her face “I just…”
“Have I ever given you reason to be scared of what I’d do or say or…” “No, of course not…” “So what the fuck makes you think I wouldn’t understand how upset and scared you were over this?”
“I don’t know.” she shrugged “I wasn’t thinking straight…” “You weren’t thinking at all…” Frank shook his head “I can’t believe you’ve been so goddamned stupid.”
“I’m sorry…” she looked at him, looking down “I know…I was an idiot and you’ve every right to be angry and hate me…” “I don’t hate you Liss.” he said softly “I fucking love you, more than I can even begin to explain.” At that she let out a loud sniff and wiped at her nose with her hand.
“And you know what the worst thing about all this is?” He spoke again and she looked at him, waiting for him to finish “Is that I know I’ll never be able to stop loving you.”
The words were out or his mouth before he could stop them. It was the truth, he couldn't ever see a point in his life where he would be able to switch those feelings off. Fliss' drew in a ragged breath and as he looked at her he saw something on her face which he recognised instantly, it was the same look she had worn when she told him she had found out John had been released, utter broken helplessness. She shook her head sadly and he could do nothing but watch, his own chest rising and falling deeply as she slid down to the floor, her knees buckling beneath her. Thor pushed his face into hers, gently nuzzling at her as she tangled her hands into his fur.
"I don’t deserve to be loved..." she said, shaking her head as her silent tears began to flow freely "not at that cost..."
Her words hit Frank like a tonne of bricks and he took a deep breath and shook his head.
“Don’t…” he stumbled over his words slightly as he took a step towards her “Don’t say that! Ever again you hear me?” he knelt in front of her as she hugged her knees tightly to her chest. Thor, eyeing Frank again moved back a little, clearly deciding the man posed no threat. Frank reached out and scratched his ear slightly before he gently placed his hands on Fliss’, prising them from around her knees gently, moving her arms so that her body opened up slightly to him “Fliss you are worthy of all the love in the world...why don’t you see it? Why are you pushing me away?” “I’m sorry… I’m… I…”
She fell into him, sobs wracking her small frame as she pressed her face into his chest, her hands moving from her knees, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. "Hey...sshhh..." he hushed her, one hand on the back of her head as he cradled her to him "it's ok…” He sat with her on the tiled floor of the office, no longer even bothering to fight his own tears as he pressed his face into her hair and kissed the top of her head as he rocked her gently whilst she cried. Eventually her sobs began to die down into soft cries, her body finally stopped shaking as the cries then subsided into sniffles but still she clung to him as if her life depended on it, simply concentrating on calming herself, allowing his familiar touch and smell to wash over her, ground her. Frank made to pull back slightly, but the moment caused Fliss to panic slightly and she made a grab for him. "No, please...don't go...don't..." "I'm not going anywhere..." he said quietly as he cupped her cheeks with both his hands, turning her face up to look at him. "You're a fucking idiot you know that?" She have a soft, watery splutter of a laugh as she nodded in agreement, his thumbs gently wiping her tears away. "But you're my idiot." He looked at her. "I don't deserve you..." she shook her head, averting her eyes from his "Frankie, I don't..." "Stop it." He said sternly, his grip on her face became a little stronger "Liss, look at me..." She swallowed and turned her big brown eyes to meet his, the hurt and pain evident on her pretty face. "I love you." He repeated his earlier statement and she took another deep, shaking breath. "I love you too..." she said, fresh tears rolling out of her eyes "Well then..." He looked at her, raising his eyebrows questioningly "the question is do you think that's enough to put this behind us?" "Do you want to?" She asked him, her voice almost a whisper. "Of course I do." Frank sniffed and smiled at her "I never wanted you to leave in the first place sweetheart." "What about Mary? She hates me..." Fliss shook her head "and I don’t blame her..." "No, she doesn't. She’s angry and lashing out. She tells me she hates me all the time, remember?" Frank smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Fliss' ear "You might get the silent treatment for a day or so but well, some might call that a pleasant break." Fliss gave a snort of laughter before she finally let go of his shirt, reaching up with both hands to wipe at her face. "I bet I look a right state." She shook her head, looking down at her hands as the fingers on her left hand began to anxiously play with the ones on her right. "No more than usual." He quipped. "I still think you're beautiful." "Charmer." She said, her mouth curling up at one side into a glimmer of a smile, eyes still cast downwards. Frank reached out and gently took her chin between his finger and thumb, tilting her head upwards. She looked at him for a moment before he leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to her lips. A soft, lingering one, that was loaded with meaning as his hand once more rest against her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, her left hand coming up lay over his, her fingers sliding into the spaces between his own. He gently, pressed his forehead to hers, his own eyes closing as he slid his nose up against hers. "Take me home." she whispered to him and he could tell from her tone it was a question not a demand. He opened his eyes to see her looking at him with a hopeful expression that matched the tone of her voice "please." He smiled at her and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he pushed himself up off the floor and offered her his hand. She took it, allowing him to pull her up on the floor and lacing his fingers between hers, he gently led them both towards the door. Once outside he paused to let her lock it before he gently slid his arm round her shoulders and she leaned into him as they walked towards his truck, Thor happily trotting behind them.
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adapted-batteries · 6 years
Not All Who Wonder are Lost, but Maybe Flynn is
Fandom: The Librarians
Rating: General/sfw
Relationship: Flyzekiel, mentioned Evlynn
Word Count: 6223
Ezekiel overhears Jenkins and Eve talking about Flynn, and decides to keep tabs on him. When Flynn doesn’t move from some small town in northern New York, Ezekiel decides to go see what’s up.
Set right at the end of “And the Graves of Time.”
Also posted on my Ao3.
Ezekiel heard Eve yelling for Flynn in the main room from the kitchen...where he may or may not have been baking. He waited for Flynn to answer her, or to hear the ever present footfalls of him running at his name being called, but there was silence. Well that’s weird, Ezekiel thought. Some flicker of anxiety sparked in the back of his neck, but he ignored it, mostly.
He still found himself making his way to the main room, curious of why it went quiet. That was what he heard Jenkins talking in his low, serious voice. Ezekiel stopped before he rounded the corner, close enough he could hear, but hidden enough they wouldn’t know he was listening.
“...took all of his things, left this. I have a feeling that he’s gone to look for something he couldn’t find here,” Jenkins said.
There was a pause, and he heard Eve sigh like she was unsettled. “What does this mean?”
Jenkins was quicker to respond. “I believe it means Mr. Carsen has resigned from the Library...and that he will not be coming back.”
Ezekiel sucked in a breath, forgetting to be quiet as the flicker of anxiety flared in his chest. He got himself back to the kitchen were he could hide his noisy breaths. Flynn was gone. Eve was no doubt upset, Jenkins seemed somber, and Ezekiel was freaking out. His knuckles were white as he gripped the counter edge to keep himself standing, eyes focused on the lemon muffin batter sitting in the bowl in front of him, waiting for poppy seeds to be added.
Why would he run? No, he knew why. He was witness to the building breakdown since they first saw Nicole in the creepy secret dungeon. Ezekiel barely knew her, only what he read about her to know about Flynn (he knew a fair amount about everyone, if there were records he could access anyway). It still freaked him out to know she’d been locked up for a hundred years, he could only imagine how much it screwed up Flynn. And then everyone was taking sides and yelling, no one considering any facts other than what they wanted to believe. If it wasn’t such a dire situation, he would have made a joke about him being the logical one for once.
Then there was that letter Darrington left Flynn (of course he read it; he who leaves stuff laying around gets their things read by Ezekiel Jones). He adamantly disagreed with Dare’s opinion, and when he got to the end of the letter, he felt a pang in his chest. Ezekiel was glad he had no heroes (besides Baird, but he wasn’t ever gonna tell her that), because that meant there wasn’t anyone who earned his respect and then could use that to guilt him into doing what Dare attempted to do to Flynn. Maybe Dare succeeded...though in a way he didn’t realize.
Ezekiel forced himself to finish baking, promising himself he could consult his many resources to see where Flynn went. He kept telling himself it was just going to be like before. Flynn would be back, eventually. He just needed to do what Jenkins said, find whatever he was looking for. The Librarian certainly deserved a break from all the emotional turmoil he just went through.
For his own assurance, Ezekiel kept an eye on him while he ran. It wasn’t hard considering Flynn kept his phone on and didn’t disable the GPS. Either he was too messed up to remember to do it, or he wanted to be found. Ezekiel leaned towards the latter, but unfortunately for Flynn, he was the only one looking.
Like the paranoid person he was, Ezekiel was also occasionally checking Baird’s laptop...he set up a remote connection after her England stunt with Noone (he knew he could trust Baird, but it reminded him too much of her cohorting with D.O.S.A. when they were dealing with Apep). She wasn’t using any D.O.S.A. connections to find Flynn anyway, and nothing in her history suggested she was even thinking about going to look.
He was sure Baird had her reasons for giving him space, but he didn’t think she realized what it was like to not have anything else to go to. Stone and Cassandra had some magical normal lives they wanted to fall back on, both of which they realized they couldn’t quite settle for compared to the Library anyway, but he didn’t have that. The Library gave him propose, a job, something...and someones...to settle him. Flynn was the same, an aimless academic until the Library found him. The Library enabled Flynn to reach past what the academic world could give him, and it did the same for Ezekiel, even if anonymous philanthropist thief was a pretty noble profession, he thought.
So he watched as Flynn flitted from location to location, all over Europe, South America, Asia, only staying a few days at a time before moving to the next. That is, until the tracker stopped on a little town in northern New York, and didn’t move for a week. Ezekiel thought maybe Flynn finally ditched his phone, or lost it, but after the second week, he decided to check his other resources. He didn’t even have to dig. Flynn’s name popped up from the local library’s website as a librarian, and again from the local university website as a guest lecturer.
“No way,” Ezekiel said aloud, which was fine because he was at home. After some still not very hard digging through locals’ social medias, Flynn was...settling? Making a life for himself in this town, at least that’s how it looked. It would’ve stung less if Cassandra hadn’t just attempted to do that in Havenport.
He glanced to his phone, wondering if he should tell the others, or at least Eve, but decided against it. Flynn wasn’t ready to face her at least, probably not the others either. But he sure as hell wasn’t expecting Ezekiel to confront him. Before he even thought about how he was going to make up an excuse to leave, he was up out of his bed.
The sun was just peeking over the mountains east of Portland when Ezekiel stepped foot out of his apartment. No one would be at the Annex, not even Jenkins probably, with his now unfortunate need for sleep. He spent his commute thinking up what he was going to leave as a note; he was not about to just up and disappear like Flynn. He settled on concise and hopefully not concerning, not that he could really predict how they would react anymore when it came to things like this. If anything, they’d probably think he was having his turn at the whole “what if I wasn’t a Librarian anymore” thing that Stone and Cassandra needed to do. Not that he actually needed that. The Library would have to physically kick him out if it didn’t want him there.
As predicted, the Library was wonderfully empty, of people anyway. He found Jenkins’s notepad on his desk and scribbled out his message. “Had to run an errand, will be back soon,” it said, then he signed his name at the bottom. To make sure they got he was coming back, he decided to underline the “will be back soon” bit twice. If they had doubts after that, it was on them.
It took him a minute to connect the back door, and no time at all to travel across the country. It was seven something in the morning in Portland, but a busy 10 in the morning in New England, or as busy as small towns get anyway. He figured his best bet was to find Flynn at the library, or find someone who could point him in the right direction. He stumbled out the rear door of some building, depositing him in a sort of back alley right next to the library.
The short fifty foot walk to the entrance gave him little time to think. Ezekiel made his way inside, completely without a plan of what he was going to say when he saw Flynn. At least Flynn was just as thoroughly unprepared. The Librarian was looking down at something on the desk, writing on a notepad next to it.
“Good morning! What can I-” Flynn cut off when he looked up to see who walked in. “Ezekiel?”
Ezekiel was prepared to be snappy, rile up Flynn for the sake of all the pain he caused them, but that all drained out when he saw how content Flynn looked. “You’re...really doing this?”
Flynn’s cheerful demeanor started to dim rapidly. “For now, yes. Why are you here?” He started stacking books onto a cart when Ezekiel didn’t respond, ready to shelve them. “Did Colonel Baird send you?” He started pushing the cart out into the main area, heading down a line of bookcases. Ezekiel followed him. “Well you can tell her I’m not ready to come back. I don’t know when, I just need time.”
Finally Ezekiel’s voice returned to him. “I came on my own...Colonel Baird, none of them know I’ve gone.”
That got Flynn to stop in his tracks, but he didn’t look at Ezekiel. “So I ask again, why are you here?”
Ezekiel leaned against the edge of the bookcase next to Flynn, letting his head fall back against the metal. “I don’t even know. I just...everyone else figured out their existential crisis about being a Librarian, so it was time you wrapped up yours.”
That got Flynn to look at him. “That’s what you do when I’m gone?”
“That’s what we do when Darrington Dare says some stupid shit and then you go ahead and effectively resign,” Ezekiel retorted. Now that anger was back. “I don’t care if he was your idol. He was wrong. We’ve all realized that. When will you?”
“If you’re just going to bark at me, you can leave. I won’t have you disturbing the patrons,” Flynn said, scanning the cart before selecting a book and shelving it.
“I’m not leaving you like this,” Ezekiel responded, straining to keep the anger and desperation out of his voice.
Flynn scooted the cart down a little ways and shelved another book, then looked down at the cart again. Eventually he sighed and looked up at Ezekiel. “I get off at six. We can talk then. For now, I have a job to do.”
Relief washed through Ezekiel, enough to make him feel confident enough to make a joke. He leaned against the shelf with one arm, facing Flynn in a somewhat suggestive manner. “Don’t go skipping town before our date now,” he smirked. He didn’t expect Flynn to get so flustered, but was pleasantly surprised.
“I uh, I won’t, um, promise, I mean I won’t leave, I promise,” Flynn stammered, awkwardly shelving a book that Ezekiel noticed didn’t belong in this section.
Ezekiel grabbed the wrongly shelved book, getting a bit in Flynn’s space due to the placement of the cart in front of the shelf, and put it back on the cart, handing Flynn the book he meant to grab. “I better give you some space, no sense on you disappointing your boss with books in the wrong places.”
“I am completely capable of shelving books, Jones,” Flynn replied, shelving the right book.
“Uh-huh.” Ezekiel smiled at him, even if Flynn was clearly not looking at him, then left him to shelving the books.
Ezekiel had two choices: go back to the Annex, then somehow slip out at 3pm, or just stay in Canton. He wasn't too keen to be confronted, so he occupied himself the best he could in the little college town.
He found his way to the campus since it was less than a quarter mile away from the library. Classes had just let out; the walkways and paths were busy with students. He thought about pick-pocketing (and returning) for practice, but it couldn’t bring himself to do much more than wander around and think about how he was going to bring Flynn back. There was no failing. He had to bring Flynn back. That would, he hoped, fix everything.
Several long hours later, the bell on campus rung for 6pm. He wasn’t on campus anymore; he’d spent the past hour loitering in the park across from the library, unable to really appreciate the nice sunset in the sky. A few minutes after the hour, Flynn stepped out the main entrance, almost right into Ezekiel who’d been eagerly waiting next to the door since he heard the bell.
“Oh, hi. So uh, there’s a pub a little down the road. Good food, good beer,” Flynn said, pulling his coat around himself even though it wasn’t that cold.
“Lead the way,” Ezekiel replied, motioning with his hand for Flynn to start walking.
The pub was quaint. Homey, old, not exactly Ezekiel’s cup of tea, but if it made Flynn comfortable, he was all for it. The beer was alright, some pretty strong local stuff, and the food better than the sandwich he ate for lunch at least.
Ezekiel decided they could make some small talk while they ate, before he jumped in to the heavy stuff. “So why’d you stop here, this town?”
“My grandmother lived here when I was a kid. She was a secretary in the English department. It was the first college campus I visited, and I ended up coming here for one of my Ph.D.’s,” Flynn explained.
“It’s...quaint,” Ezekiel said, not really sure how to respond.
“It’s no big city, but it brings back fond memories,” Flynn said.
They couldn’t beat around the bush forever; Ezekiel decided it was time to get to it. “So,” Ezekiel started, leaning forward on the table, “why precisely did you run?” Flynn sunk back into the booth like he could be absorbed into it. “And I want the truth. Don’t make up some story.”
Flynn narrowed his eyes at Ezekiel. “You...want me to tell the truth? Since when have you ever done that?”
“I don’t lie,” Ezekiel retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You do,” Flynn snapped. Ezekiel flinched at the sudden anger. Flynn took a breath, but wasn’t done. “I’m talking about the lying by omission you’ve been doing.”
Ezekiel glanced out the window. “I came here to get you sorted.”
“I’m not baring my soul for free,” Flynn replied, downing the rest of his current beer. Ezekiel still wasn’t looking at him, but Flynn must have waved down someone to bring them more because a server came by with two fresh glasses a few moments later.
“Fine. If you tell me why you ran this time, I'll...what do you want to know?” Ezekiel asked.
Flynn looked into the pub, thinking, then looked back to Ezekiel. “Tell me why you never told us you remembered the video game loop.”
Of course. Ezekiel let his head fall back against the booth. “Fine.” After a moment, his gaze returned to Flynn, waiting on him to start talking.
Flynn sipped his drink, and then took a larger gulp seconds later. “I figured it would be fairly obvious why I left,” he said, running his fingers up and down the condensation on the glass.
“You really think there should only be one Librarian?” Ezekiel asked, hoping he wasn't sold out on Dare’s demand.
Flynn looked at him like he was slow. “What? No. I'll admit it gave a good excuse to take a break, but no. The Library gave all of you letters, even after it made the mistake with the brothers centuries ago. I think the Library is smarter than repeating its mistakes.”
Ezekiel raised his eyebrows. “Okay...so what was it then?”
After a few moments of opening and closing his mouth, Flynn spoke. “I spent thirteen years thinking I killed my first guardian accidentally. And then I learn she’s was immortal, was doing some artifact gathering of some sort, did something that was bad enough to get locked up by the Librarian at the time, and for Jenkins to think it was the right thing to do.” Flynn paused, letting his head fall back like Ezekiel’s earlier, a bitter chuckle escaping his lips as he stared at the ceiling. “And then she left again, doing who knows what, and suddenly she was back, and I…” Flynn paused again, this time like he was about to break down, “I saw her die again, or well, get stabbed by something that could kill immortals anyway. I’m sure you understand I wasn’t exactly having the best month or so.”
“You...killed her?” Ezekiel asked, quite confused look on his face. “I know there was the malfunction with the time machine, but how did you...oh.”
Flynn nodded. “She wasn't meant to be near it, nor was it meant to explode. I was...inexperienced. In theory it was a good idea.”
Ezekiel let out a low whistle. “Yeah, okay. I can see why you needed a break. But why settle down?”
“Because I hadn't done that yet. It seemed like the right thing to do,” Flynn said with a shrug. “I wasn't settled before the Library, and, well, you know being with the Library, the only settling is tethering. I just...I didn't know if I wanted to do that anymore. Why not retire? Darrington did, why couldn't I?”
“Do you want to retire?” Ezekiel waited a moment before continuing. “You know doing this means you'd be straining Colonel Baird. She's committed, well that I know of anyway.”
Flynn looked at Ezekiel like he either knew that and refused to keep thinking about it, or had been pleasantly ignoring it to begin with. “I know. And that's part of why I took an indefinite leave of absence.”
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “You don't want to be with Colonel Baird?”
Flynn startled a bit. “What? No...what concerned me was that she was committed, even after all that happened, like she hadn’t wondered what life could be like outside the Library.”
“So her wanting to make the Library a good place concerns you?”
“I don't know how much control we have of the Library!” Flynn spat, more aggressive than the conversation warranted. He caught himself, taking a deep breath before explaining. “What if...just because we become immortal doesn't mean we make it through fine. The Library...ergo Judson and Charlene, thought it fine to leave the pages ripped out from the book of Librarians and keep a Guardian locked up. What if that happens to us? We lose our humanity?”
“So they did some sketchy things. What makes you think you'll do that, knowing about it?” Ezekiel retorted.
“There's always a risk…” Flynn tapered off.
“Look. If there's anything I've learned since I first met you, it's that you always try to do the right thing,” Ezekiel started. Then, in a sudden need to really hammer the point home, he leaned over the table and tapped Flynn’s sternum with his hand, saying, “and that's in here. It's not going to go away. It's you.” Something about having Flynn look up at him with a face that was equal parts hopeful and flattered made Ezekiel’s chest flutter. Maybe it was the beer messing with his head (that’s what he told himself anyway), but Ezekiel sat back down before he let himself do anything stupid.
Like the awkward person he was, Flynn fiddled with a leftover fry on his plate, avoiding looking at Ezekiel. “Enough about me. You need to hold up your end of the bargain now,” Flynn said.
Ezekiel chuckled at Flynn being a dork. “Alright, though I wasn’t done with you,” Ezekiel replied, earning a curious look from Flynn. “I actually didn’t remember for a while. If Prospero hadn’t spelled us to Sicily, I don’t think I would’ve ever remembered actually.”
Flynn looked like he was starting to try to figure out how that worked. “I suppose breaking that magic would’ve removed the magical memories, which could have very well removed any other blocks left over from the magic-induced loops…”
“Who knows how it actually happened, the important bit is that it did,” Ezekiel interjected, getting Flynn back on track. “Sometime soon after that I started having the nightmares. Not a lot, but when they happened it was like I was back there. I guess being in similar combat situations triggers it, but that’s it really.”
“So the super-collider facility…” Flynn started, but didn’t seem to know what he wanted to say next.
Ezekiel sighed. “Yeah...that wasn’t great.”
“That was when I started forming my suspicions,” Flynn admitted. “You were...suddenly very self-sacrificing, like we mattered more than you, and you were...okay with dying if that’s what it took.” He paused for a moment, making streaks in the condensation again on a new glass. “I talked about it with Eve, she said that was how you acted when you completed the level. Reminded her of soldiers in combat.”
Having Flynn recount his view made Ezekiel feel exposed, and he didn’t really like that feeling. “I did what I thought needed to be done, what’s wrong with that?”
Flynn gave him a sad look. “You didn’t have to be so suicidal about it. My theory...I didn’t know for sure you’d make it through, but you went anyway. The Ezekiel I knew before would've at least hesitated.”
Ezekiel folded his arms. “So when were you going to tell me about this? If you were so concerned…”
Flynn shifted around in his seat a bit. “I was...when I decided it was a good time. Besides the super-collider facility, I only heard how you were acting from the others. Tracking the magical storm Stone and Cassandra were caught in, but not being upfront about it, and the vampire hunter overkill, well I wasn’t there to witness those. I didn’t feel like I had enough data to make a case.”
“Okay, I’m more protective. Isn’t that a good thing?” Ezekiel asked.
“You’re more aggressive, impulsive. That’s what I’ve seen. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it causes issues. We’re...I’m concerned,” Flynn answered, going back to avoiding Ezekiel’s gaze.
“Says the one who decided he didn’t need to do his job anymore and left,” Ezekiel spat, making Flynn flinch. He didn’t want to be so mean, but he couldn’t help it.
“I did what I thought I needed to do to help me be at my best. I wasn’t going to be much help to you all or the Library if I had no clue what was going on in my head,” Flynn said, a lot calmer than Ezekiel felt. Flynn was clearly trying not to argue with him, but Ezekiel’s brain was trying its best to ignore that. “Maybe I didn’t go about it in the best way. I made a mistake. But I did try.”
Ezekiel folded his arms even tighter to keep himself constrained. “So am I supposed to try to will my nightmares away? Is that how it works?”
Flynn sighed and shook his head like a teacher trying to get through to a troubling student. “No. I’m saying that I messed up by not talking to anyone about what I was thinking, in regards to my stance on the Library.” He waited for Ezekiel to respond, but the ex-thief sat silently, so he continued, “in your case, not telling anyone was your mistake. With something like PTSD, you can’t get better alone.”
“What, are you going to be my shrink now?” Ezekiel scoffed. He visibly winced as soon as he said it. “Sorry, I’m just...not good with talking in complete truth. I, uh, I need something stronger than this,” he said with a vague gesture to his half empty glass. Without another word, Ezekiel slipped out of the booth and made his way to the bar.
After a rum-based shooter, Ezekiel got some alright whiskey, a better quality than he would’ve got if he was trying to get drunk, and returned to the booth with two glasses in hand. Flynn raised an eyebrow but took the glass, taking a sip.  
“Why did you feel the need to hide?” Flynn asked after he sat his glass down on the table.
Ezekiel shrugged and took a drink, grounding himself with the burn down his throat. “Why didn’t you talk to anyone?” he countered.
Flynn looked mildly disappointed with him, but persevered by being a good example. “I tried to not think about it in the first place, focus on the task at hand. I let it all build up, and then the only option to me seemed to be to run. In hindsight, I know it wasn’t, but I can’t change what I did.”
Once he downed the rest of his whiskey, Ezekiel finally responded. “I just...I didn’t want to be seen as messed up. I didn’t want to give anyone a reason to want me gone, especially if everyone thought I wasn’t fit to be a Librarian.”
That sad look made its way back onto Flynn’s face. “We wouldn’t kick you out for being affected by a mission. We would want you to be back at your best.”
Ezekiel opened his mouth and closed it, not unlike Flynn did earlier when they first started talking about everything. “Well I know that now. But I didn’t then, and the longer I didn’t talk about it, the easier it was to just never bring it up,” Ezekiel said. He ran his finger around the rim of his empty glass, internally debating how to get Flynn back to considering returning to the Library. After a few moments, the alcohol in his system told him to be blunt. “So what are you going to do?”
It took Flynn a moment to realize Ezekiel switched subjects on him. “I...well, I’m not going to make a decision right now. I don’t want to be hasty like I was before.”
Though he wanted to argue with him on it, Ezekiel let it drop. “Fair enough.”
Flynn glanced out the window, which revealed night had completely arrived. “I need to get heading out, I do have work tomorrow,” Flynn said, but didn’t make any move to actually leave. “I will think about it, tomorrow, when I’ve got a clearer head.” He waited to see if Ezekiel had anything to say, but Ezekiel was busy trying to figure out if he actually wanted to go back, and if there was more he could do to convince Flynn to come back. At Ezekiel’s silence, Flynn slid out of the booth, laying some bills down on the table on top of the receipt that the server had left a while ago.
“Wait,” Ezekiel found himself saying as he slid out of the booth as well. “Uh, can I, I don’t want to go back to them yet,” he stammered, embarrassed that he was being so awkward.
It took a moment, but Flynn gathered what Ezekiel was asking. “I have a couch. It’s not great, but it’s yours for the night.”
Ezekiel physically relaxed. “Thanks.” Belatedly he glanced at the money on the table. “I can pay for my half,” he started, fishing out his wallet from his pants.
Flynn shook his head. “I got it. Plus, this was a date…”
Ezekiel’s mouth opened in shock that Flynn actually said that, then he remembered he technically was the one who made it a date. “That means I should be the one covering the bill, since I’m the one who made it a date.”
“I didn’t take Ezekiel Jones for one who stuck to social norms,” Flynn said with a smirk, but he didn’t make a move to take his money off the table; he instead went to put his coat on.
“Hey, some things still work just fine, but if you wanna pay, go for it. I would’ve gotten more to drink if I knew that,” Ezekiel said, putting his wallet back in his pocket.
“Well I wouldn’t want you to be thirsty now. One for the road?” Flynn asked as he finished putting on his coat.
Ezekiel found himself smiling. “Sure.” He let Flynn lead him to the bar, more surprised that Flynn was going with whatever this flirting was than anything.
“What was that thing you got before you came back with the whiskeys?” Flynn asked as they arrived at the bar.
“Oh, that was what the bartender called a ‘pirate’s booty,’” Ezekiel replied.  
The bartender came up to them. “What can I get you, gentlemen?”
“Two, uh, pirate’s booties, please,” Flynn asked, handing over some cash.
“Coming right up,” the bartender replied, taking the cash over to the register. The process of making the shots and drinking them took all of two minutes, then they were out of the pub.
With the sun down, the cold flowed through the streets. Ezekiel wished he’d brought a warmer jacket, but shoving his hands as far into his pockets as they’d go would have to do.
Flynn glanced over at him. “It’s not far,” Flynn said, motioning in the direction of his home.
“Easy for you to say in that warm coat of yours,” Ezekiel mumbled, walking off in the direction Flynn had pointed.
It really wasn’t that far from the pub. Only after a few minutes walking, Flynn stopped him from walking past by grabbing his arm. “This is it.” It looked to be an apartment above someone’s garage. Flynn unlocked the door, which opened to stairs. Ezekiel made his way up, only tripping once at the top because when he looked down, he saw the top landing was a tad taller than the rest of the stair heights. Flynn was right behind him. “Yeah, that caught me a few times.”
The apartment was a studio, filled with a bunch of mismatched furniture that looked like someone had fun raiding all the garage sales. “Your place is...something,” Ezekiel said, letting himself take a seat on the floral print couch he presumed was going to be his bed tonight.
“It works for what I need,” Flynn replied, plopping himself down next to Ezekiel. “I didn’t think...I hoped it wouldn’t be a permanent situation.”
Ezekiel wondered if Flynn’s aim was off from the drinks, because the couch was not small enough that he had to sit right next to him. Of course he got some semblance of an answer when Flynn leaned on his shoulder and started crying. Ezekiel had no clue what to do, but at least his body had the idea of getting his arm unpinned from between them so he could pull Flynn into a somewhat more comfortable position.
“I just...I, wish things could go back, to the way they were before,” Flynn whispered, pausing to get some sort of control over his breathing. “I wish the cornerstones weren’t found, and everything went fine, and in a few weeks I’d be made immortal with the, the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
“Don’t we all,” Ezekiel said with a sigh. He found himself stroking the side of Flynn’s head, but didn’t stop as Flynn seemed to calm down a bit. “But out of all of us, you should know that being a Librarian isn’t easy. There’s some tough choices, and we don’t know which one is right sometimes. But that doesn’t mean we quit.”
Flynn sat up to look Ezekiel in the eye. “But what if one of the results of my choice means I’m made immortal and I regret it?”
“Just because you can’t predict the outcome doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do what you think is right,” Ezekiel countered. He had to look off into the room; he couldn’t handle seeing Flynn with that much emotion on his face. “I can’t tell you what choice to make, but I can tell you that running away is not the one you really want to make. Besides,” he looked back to Flynn with a smirk, “if you don’t come back, that means one of us has to tether with Colonel Baird...do you really want me to be immortal?”
The tension in Ezekiel’s chest eased a bit when Flynn laughed. “You assume that Stone wouldn’t beat you to it?”
Ezekiel shook his head, chuckling. “Actually, we’d let Colonel Baird pick, and she’d definitely choose Cassandra.”
Flynn laughed again. “She would.”
A prickle of concern went down Ezekiel’s neck when the happy expression faded from Flynn’s face. Immediately he started thinking of what he could say to bring it back, but Flynn didn’t give him a chance to try anything when he leaned forward and kissed him.
It took a minute for Ezekiel’s brain to catch up. Sure, he wanted this, but he didn’t think it’d actually happen. Plus, Flynn had to be at least very tipsy, if not drunk, and Ezekiel knew he himself was at least a bit drunk. As soon as Flynn started getting a little bit more aggressive, he pushed him away little bit, but not enough to make him start freaking out.
“Are you sure you want this?” Ezekiel asked.
Flynn looked at him very seriously. “Yes.” Then his expression faltered as a bit of doubt creeped in. “Maybe...I don’t know.” He stood up, a little off balance. “I think I need sleep.”
Though he thought he’d be disappointed, Ezekiel just felt relieved that Flynn wasn’t about to do something he may not have actually wanted. “Alright. Before you do that, can I have a blanket and stuff?” Ezekiel asked.
“Actually, uh,” Flynn swallowed awkwardly, “would you uh, sleep with me? I mean in the same bed, I just, there’s a lot going on in my head and, uh, I don’t want to be alone.”
“Can’t promise that cuddling will make your problems go away, mate.”  Ezekiel couldn’t help smiling when Flynn started blushing.
“No, I know, I mean you don’t have to-” Flynn stammered, but Ezekiel cut him off.
“I’m just teasing. Course I will.”
Ezekiel didn’t think Flynn would immediately get into the bed ten feet from the couch, nor did he think that he was that tired, but as soon as they got comfortable, both of them were out like a light.
It wasn’t the first time Ezekiel woke up in his clothes from yesterday. It was the first time he woke up in bed with his sort of coworker (did it count if he technically resigned?). An alarm clock was going off on the little bedside table next to him, so he turned over, away from where Flynn had snuggled into his chest, to make it stop. The motion woke Flynn, who then immediately sat up, and looked like he regretted the fast motion.
“Morning, Sunshine,” Ezekiel said around a yawn.
Flynn glanced at him, confused. “What are you...oh yeah.” He sat for a moment longer, then got up and started coffee in the little kitchen in the corner of the room opposite the bed. Neither of them spoke until there was coffee in mugs ready to drink.
“You aren’t even a little hungover?” Flynn asked, looking a bit worse for wear, though the coffee was helping a little.
“Nah,” Ezekiel said with a shrug. “Takes more than a few drinks to get me that wasted.” Flynn nodded in acknowledgement, then took a sip like he needed to occupy his mouth instead of say what he was thinking. Ezekiel decided he could do the talking. “So about last night, I don’t regret it, but I’m fine with keeping it between us if that’s what you want.”
“I was drunk…” Flynn tapered off. “Not that I, uh, regret it, but, well, I have a lot to think about, and I don’t think that would help.”
That disappointment Ezekiel thought he would feel last night finally arrived, but he knew that it wasn’t going to actually work. “That’s fine. Are you...going to come back?”
Flynn sighed, looking out the window. “I...I don’t know, yet. Like I said, I have a lot to think about.” He looked back to Ezekiel. “But what you said last night, all of it, don’t think it hasn’t made a difference.”
“Good.” Ezekiel downed the rest of his coffee, even if it was a bit too hot to be doing that, then stood up. “Would you like me to pass along any messages?”
After a few moments thinking, Flynn said, “Tell Eve that I love her, and uh, that I know she’ll do the right thing.”
Ezekiel really didn’t like the crypticness of that last bit. “Okay.” He started walking towards the stairs, but stopped and turned back to Flynn. “I hope you’ll do the right thing too, Flynn.”
Flynn didn’t say anything back, but he did nod. Ezekiel figured that was a good of place as any to leave that conversation, so he went down the stairs and let himself out. He called up the backdoor (which thankfully he had an app for so he didn’t have to call Jenkins at 5am pacific time), and decided he had time to head home for a shower and some breakfast before he was met with the barrage of questions in a few hours.
Post Notes:I started writing this before I watched “And a Town Called Feud” so I didn’t know everyone was gonna end up still divided. This fic is happening in a magical place where that didn’t happen. I figure it wouldn’t be out of place for Flynn to attempt at settling with Cassandra and Stone trying it out to different degrees, and he definitely would be a professor or something.
Recognize Ezekiel’s reason for not telling anyone about remembering the video game loop? That’s cuz I totally took it from my other fic, “Whatever you Need,” because I couldn’t think of another reason Ezekiel wouldn’t tell them.
Also I’ve never been to a bar for drinks (I’m not 21 yet) so I have no clue how paying for drinks works, and only what little experience I’ve had with drunk people on how many drinks it takes. I figured they had enough to be reasonably tipsy, and Flynn probably has less of a tolerance than Ezekiel.
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Rattling Doorknob
The first time I had sleep paralysis was two years ago, almost right after we moved out of J’s house. I would chalk it up to a new environment, stress, and a whole slew of other things that make logical sense, except that it only happens there at my mom’s house. Not when I sleep at my dad’s, my girlfriend’s, or anywhere. And on top of that, it happens often. So often that I’m mostly unfazed by it now. But it’s the frequency of the sleep paralysis that allows me to be so confident that this WASN’T sleep paralysis.
I had just gotten home from school, and I was really fucking tired if you’ll excuse my language. I got home, went upstairs, got cozy and dropped onto my bed, fully prepared to hibernate.
You know when you walk into a room and it just feels wrong? It happens a lot at the house that my mom is currently living in. On the first floor, the garage opens into a little hallway with a bathroom and a little closet on either side. That hallway attaches to the staircase, and on the other side of the staircase is a little open annex room, almost like whoever built the house decided there needed to be a buffer between the stairs and the kitchen. There’s no purpose for this space at all, it’s got two and a half walls and it’s barely big enough to hold a massage chair and an old-fashioned sewing machine. But this little space is where whatever entity lives with us likes to hang out. It moves around the house a lot, but that and the little hallway attached to the garage is where it likes to lurk. Sometimes, I’ll feel it in the upstairs hall and a few times in the past I’d sense it in my brother’s room when I walked by, and once I even felt it walk up the stairs next to me, but most often it’s downstairs. After a few minor incidents, I hid a couple of sigils in all three bedrooms just to be safe. These incidents weren’t noteworthy or dangerous in any way so I won’t bother telling you guys about them, but I really hate the energy that this thing gives off, regardless of how harmless the occurrences were. Before going on, I’m going to clarify something really quick. These happenings rarely occur at night, so, for the most part, they can’t be blamed on my fear of the dark (yes, I know it’s stupid to be afraid of the dark at 18, and I know that it doesn’t make any sense given that I love nighttime. That isn’t the issue here). The ones that DO happen at night I usually write off as over imagination. I likely won’t talk about those either. This happened almost immediately after I put those sigils I mentioned earlier in the bedrooms, which I find to be a pretty good indication that it was real. If this was all in my mind, why wouldn’t it stop altogether after I put up the sigils?There are a few different ones that I used, but basically, when they’re all put together they essentially make it impossible for any kind of spirit or entity to come into that room while the door is closed. I also keep a chunk of obsidian out and charged or infused or whatever you want to call it that continuously cleanses my room of bad energy, even when I’m not home. Basically what I’m trying to say is that something would have to be incredibly powerful to still make it into my room. I’ll jump into the story now so that this doesn’t get too much longer. About two days after placing the sigils and consistently feeling the Thing downstairs, I got home from school and decided to take a little catnap before I started homework and other productive stuff. Just to make sure I didn’t fall asleep for too long, I opened up my blinds, and didn’t change out of my jeans and then set an alarm to go off after about 30 minutes. I also locked my bedroom door. I’m not sure why, there was no reason for it. Mom was at work for several more hours, and I could hear my brother downstairs in the living room playing Rocket League. No one was gonna bug me. But I locked the door anyway. About ten minutes into it when I was half asleep, and therefore still semi-aware of my surroundings, I heard my doorknob rattling like someone was trying to open my door. Now, my brother always knocks because I have a tendency to just hang out half naked when I’m in my room by myself, so it definitely wasn’t him. Also, I could still vaguely hear his video game so he was still downstairs. However, on the other hand, my mom has that Mom Tendency to knock and then come straight in On the other hand, my mom doesn’t give a damn. She’ll come and hang out while I’m in my chonies, so if she got home early she would just walk right in. So I figured that was it, she came home early and came in to say hi before changing out of her work clothes. To quote John Mulaney, “Um…..no.” First I forced myself to stand up and I said, “hold on a sec,” just to get my bearings, but then I looked out my window, which faces the street. I’m not sure why, just like the door, but I did. And wow, am I glad I did. Mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway, and we have too much shit in the garage for her to have decided to pull inside. Mom was not home. The doorknob is still rattling, as this is about five (5) seconds after it started. So kind of panicking, I try to rationalize it. Maybe my brother left his game on and came upstairs and he didn’t knock because he reeeeaaaaally needed something. He’s eleven years old and basically useless, he still needs me to help him make ramen. That makes sense. So I go and open the door. Um…..no. Again. I’m sure y’all know where this is going. There was no one there. And the doorknob was rattling right up until I opened the door. This whole event only took a few seconds. Just to make sure, I walk over to the railing and look down into the living room, sure enough, there’s Cade sitting on the couch playing his game, and on top of that, he’s got these huge chunky headphones on. At this moment it became very obvious to me that this Thing was trying to mess with me. Maybe it tried to come in and when it couldn’t it decided to fuck with me. So I went back into my room before it throws me over the rail or some shit. This is getting long, so I’ll just go through my Debunking Thought Process really quickly. “Could it have been sleep paralysis?” No. I didn’t feel myself go into sleep paralysis, and I definitely didn’t feel myself come out of it, not to mention that if it was sleep paralysis the noise a) wouldn’t have woken me up and b) wouldn’t have continued after I did. “What about hallucinations?” I mean maybe, but no one in my family has a history of having issues with hallucinations, and I’m no exception. Also, I definitely saw and felt the doorknob jiggling right before I opened the door. “What if your brother was just playing a prank on you?” Come on now, there’s no way that he could have vanished right as the door opened, that’s ridiculous. Stop reaching so far. Anyway. There’s my second story. If you come up with some sort of rational explanation for this bullfuckery, please share it and DEBUNK my story, I want very much for it to not be true. Stay tuned for the next one.
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