#speaking italian
sayitaliano · 2 years
I was thinking... I haven't deleted Telegram yet so maybe MAYBE, I should start use it again? I'll write and read a sentence (or you can ask me to read a sentence of your choice or that maybe you don't understand well in a movie or song) so that you can pronounce it after me (not necessarily send it to me, but on your own?)
Would you like this? Or maybe I will find a way to do this on discord (I had some problems, as some of you know, in posting audios there) or on youtube... maybe I can record a short video after collecting a few sentences I can come up with + you can request me... even though I think that interaction works better but we can start this way...
Let me know what would you rather, cause this is all for you in the end so it has to feel better for you not me :)
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feniah-394 · 2 years
Fan di "Pirati dei Caraibi", vero? Ti va di dirmi chi è il tuo personaggio preferito (se ne hai uno)?
Aaaaah che bella domanda!!
Super fan di Pirati dei Caraibi!
Diciamo che è difficile per me rispondere a questa domanda perché in linea di massima trovo tutti i personaggi veramente ben fatti e interessanti, a parte qualche rara eccezione. Perdona il mio italiano sgangherato ma sto guardando l'Eurovision e sto buttando giù la risposta tipo flusso di coscienza 🤭
Quando ero piccola il mio preferito era ovviamente Jack Sparrow, mentre adesso non riesco a sceglierne uno solo e ti dirò la mia top 3 non in ordine di preferenza ma casuale.
Elizabeth Swann: il mio Re dei pirati e probabilmente il primo gay awakening. Da piccola mi spaventava per la sua forza, il suo non aderire agli schemi imposti dalla società, mi disturbava il suo prendersi quel che voleva senza mai rendere conto a nessuno -- mentre ora è un modello per me. Una cosa di lei che ho sempre amato però è come si fa valere, le sue capacità di vera leader, come sia in grado di ispirare le masse. Lei è un vero pirata fin nel midollo. E poi Keira Knightley. BONA.
Jack Sparrow: ossessiva e totale ricerca della libertà. Ideale a cui aspiravo da piccola, tanto che a sette anni scrissi di voler fare il pirata con lui e solcare per sempre i sette mari. Adesso penso che ci siano personaggi meglio scritti nella saga (dovuto in parte anche all'ultimo film) ma ci sono troppo affezionata per non metterlo nella top 3.
Davy Jones: ah. Grandissimo kinnie e ciò la dice lunghissima su di me. Da piccola mi spezzava il cuore la sua storia con Calypso - lo fa ancora - e mi colpì profondamente che l'ultima parola che avesse pronunciato fosse proprio il nome della sua amata. Empatizzavo senza realmente comprendere il dolore che provava, e mi rattristava vedere quanto si potesse far male ad una persona che si ama. Mi affascinava come la sua mostruosità fosse riflessa nel suo aspetto fisico. Adesso che sono più grande so fino a dove ci si può spingere per amore, il lato più oscuro e possessivo dell'amore, quello che non lo rende meno valido ma anzi più intenso, lo capisco. Capisco Davy Jones, capisco Calypso, capisco quella furia cieca che è l'unica cosa che ti manda avanti, che diventa l'unica cosa che si prova, che per quanto ci provi non può soffocare quel sentimento di tenerezza e devozione che nessun torto potrà mai spezzare. Fun fact: non solo mio malgrado Davy Jones è il personaggio con cui empatizzo di più in PotC: James Flint, che ha una storia e un modo di reagire simile se non identico, è il personaggio con cui mi identifico di più in Black Sails. La furia, la rabbia e il dolore scaturiti da un amore naufragato -per un motivo o per un altro - sono sentimenti che per ANNI mi hanno mossa e mi hanno permesso di andare avanti, altrimenti sarei crollata. Almeno loro avevano un kraken e un'armata di pirati da scatenare quando gli veniva la luna storta 🤣
Menzioni speciali: James Norrington, Will Turner, Salazar.
Quali sono i tuoi, invece? 🥰
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yandereloveraw · 17 days
Atisuto, looking lovingly at her wife: Hai tutto per me.*♡
Pinkie: Hm? What does that mean?
Atisuto: [Chuckles] Nothing, darling.
[*Translation: You have my everything.]
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laereo · 1 year
“Mm sono un bravo ragazzo un po’ fuori di testa.”
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genderkoolaid · 18 days
european italians when italian americans have their own pronunciations & spellings because we are a linguistically isolated diaspora & most of our families spoke regional dialects instead of standard italian when they immigrated anyways:
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mardyart · 8 months
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young cardinal and /his/ ghoul
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hajihiko · 9 months
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Multilingual 🌍
Fuyuhiko: its beneficial to understand when rivals are talking in secret
Sonia: diplomacy is easier when you speak their language too
Hajime: duolingo library forced speedrun
Akane: worked in customer service
Kazuichi is just more of a Language of Numbera guy 😋
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Do you speak spanish?
I have a deep fear of all romance languages.
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eggydaxy · 5 months
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This is what happens when you keep hyping up those mid ninja mime sequels btw
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whewchilly · 3 months
Carlos for Sky Sport F1 in Dakar | 19 January 2024
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Heavyweight: Chaggie
Buckle up, Buttercups! This is a bit long. Google translate will be your friend.
Charlie: (exiting her office after a 72 hour video meeting and bee-lining towards the bar) UggGHhghhhHHh!!!! I need a DRINK!!!
Alastor: (whirling in out of nowhere) I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Charlie: (jumps) Holy Shit!!! Fuck! Alastor, can you not do that, please? You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Alastor: So sorry, dear. I'm just warning you before you go anywhere that the bar is in quite the unsavory state right now.
Charlie: What do you mean? Did Cherri invite her biker friends again?
Alastor: Oh, heavens, no! That little manager of yours would never allow that to happen again.
Charlie: Alastor, we've talked about this. Her name is Vaggie. But why is the bar in an unsavory state?
Alastor: (grins wider) Oh, I suppose you'll just have to see it to believe it, I'm afraid. (opens the door to the bar and latin music blares through the hotel)
Charlie: Alastor, I really don't have the mental fortitude to deal with your bipolar-
-Record Screech-
Hazbins: GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!!
Husker: (counting off Vaggie's reps) Forty-eight! Forty-nine! FIFTY!!!! That's it! Vaggie wins!!!
Vaggie: HA!!! (flips the pool table off to the side and stands up victoriously while speaking Spanish) ¡Toda la razón! ¡Paga, Ángel!
Hazbins: (half cheering and half groaning as money exchanges hands and a few lift Vaggie up like a champion)
Angel: (drunkenly slurring in Italian)
Charlie: And WHY are they speaking like that?!
Alastor: (cleaning his monocle) Ms. Vagatha found out that Angel took a video of your drunken stupor last week and demanded he give all copies to her. He said he would only do it if she out drank him.
Charlie: Again. Not her name. And WHAT?!?!?!?!
Alastor: Needless to say, that woman would do anything for you, so they went shot for shot on something called "tequila". Quite the show, if I say so myself. Angel ended up vomiting in the trash can. They've been arguing in Spanish and Italian ever since. It's almost friendly at this point.
Alastor: (obviously disgusted by the display but keeping his smile) She didn't want to rip her uniform.
Vaggie: (spots Charlie from her elevated position)
¡Charlie, mi amor!
Charlie: (arrow to the heart as she watches Vaggie hop down and strut over to her, eyes zeroed in on the sway of her girlfriend's hips) Oh, fuck..... I'm in trouble....
Vaggie: (hugs Charlie tight before taking her hand and kissing it) ¿Cómo estuvo tu reunión?
Charlie: (gets goosebumps and blushes) UuuUuUhhhHHHhhh.... V-Vaggie, babe, y-you know I'm not good with my Spanish yet.
Vaggie: Lo sé. (chuckles deeply and looks at Charlie through her long lashes as she snakes her arm around Charlie's waist while the other hand strokes her thumb over Charlie's pulse on her wrist) También sé que te gusta cuando te hablo así en español.
Charlie: (blushing deeper as she wiggles out of her suit jacket and wraps it around Vaggie's shoulders) L-Let's get you covered up.
Vaggie: (smirking as she traces her fingers around the waistband of Charlie's trousers and gently untucks her shirt so she can drag her fingers across the pale skin underneath) Eres tan dulce… y tan sexy cuando te sonrojas.
Charlie: (feels her tail and horns spring up as Vaggie's nails drag across the skin of her hip and tries to corral Vaggie towards the door) OH-KAY!!! L-Let's get you upstairs to bed!
Vaggie: (maneuvers herself so she's escorting Charlie up the stairs leading to their room and uses her wings so that she can hover right next to Charlie's ear from behind) Only if you join me~
Charlie: (thighs pinch together as a spark of electricity jolts through her body and whines) ...oh fuck....
Vaggie: Now, you're catching on~
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lecilly · 14 days
i saw this one video of lewis speaking an entire sentence in italian and i got reminded of this..
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seriously what the fuck is wrong with them????
like, what kind of italian did nico teach him? why do they consistently sound so gay?
"this is a family show" really??? someone please play 'talk dirty' by jason derulo because nico taught him only dirty words for sure ✨
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canisalbus · 2 months
I'm Italian and a new follower, ever since I saw the region where Machete is from I can't stop calling him Carmelo in my head since it's a pretty common name there and Vasco speaks with a Tuscan accent in my head now( I love how they pronounce the letter C even if people sometimes makes fun of them for that)
It's always really fun hearing about any Italians that like my work and characters, because you guys obviously have the insider knowledge I (a Finnish person) am not privy to. If you say Machete looks like a Carmelo I have hard time doing anything but nodding and going "ah yes, sounds legit, you probably know your Carmelos better than I do".
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ellie-makes-mbs · 4 months
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name moodboard for “hannah” for anonymous
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wazzi2ya · 2 months
Arackniss: *Kicks open the door of the hotel* TONY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING FIGHTIN' THE FUCKING ANGELS!
Angel Dust: Holy shit what is your problem Niss—
Lucifer, flying down from his tower at the noise: Hey! Who's slamming doors in here?!
Arackniss: Cazzo, il Diavolo! *pulls a spray bottle of holy water out of nowhere and sprays Lucifer*
Lucifer, face dripping water: ...Thanks for that.
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eneasbastianini · 5 months
here’s part one of the ten and a half minutes of bezz drunkenly ambling around the ducati garage interviewing people (part two)
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