#spellcaster class
chaotic-creator · 2 months
It is with great pride that I present the first of my homebrewed classes, The Acolyte! I envision this class primarily as a caster, but they are purely self taught, mixing together a wide variety of magic. The trade off for this self taught power is that, they are, what I am going to call, a three-quarters caster. They have the cantrips of a full caster, they have the level 1-5 spells of a half-caster but they do not have the level 8 or 9 spells of a full caster. Instead their spell lists stop at Level 7.
I'm not 100% satisfied with it, I feel like there may be too much similar to The Wizard but I'm satisfied enough to post it. So enough talk! Here's the class
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Edit- A slight mistake when I wrote the Spell Save DC. It should be 8 + proficiency bonus + intelligence modifier
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mayasaura · 2 months
Guessing Dungeon Meshi character classes, just for fun! Marcille is obviously a wizard, and Chilchuck is a rogue. Senshi seems to be a fighter with one (1) level in ranger, favored terrain: dungeon. Falin functions as a cleric, but in a system without divine patrons.
Laios..... Laios is a paladin, but he's a pathfinder paladin. A tank with some limited healing capability. All his points slam dunked into animal handling to compensate for his charisma modifier.
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umbraastaff · 1 year
playing D&D with people who use the rules more strictly is so fun genuinely. now i can engage in tactics and character building. whehehe
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igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
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A word on Constant Effect Enchantments
We've had occasion before now to reflect how constant Illusion enchantments are detrimental to one's mental health. @theseventhoffrostfall has aptly dubbed it "the dunmer version of lead-based makeup" which also underscores how it became a kind of fashion statement, to cloak oneself in, say, cumulative Chameleon enchantments, in civil setting. The harmful effects of illusion magic ranges from insidious to truly devastating: as is the case with Sanctuary spell, shown to be the main driver of disassociative disorders—conditions that involve experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, behavior and identity. Under these circumstances, one can imagine how even the lowliest Light spell—if made into a constant effect—would be further exasperating these symptoms.
Here I refer you to my monograph: "On pathology of indirect Light spells", Black Horse Courier Press, Imperial city.
While Reflect and Detect spells (of Mysticism school) may work towards eroding one's circumspection—the ethereality, the ghostliness of Sanctuary is an assault on faculties most fundamental.
So once again I ask you to call upon your local Council-members to vote on banning this magical mal-practice!
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I think the age-old question of how to get the bad kids and the seven into a season together without it being a production nightmare could be solved with a little compromise.
Instead of having all twelve of them in the dome at a time, the best thing to do would be to split both groups in half by keeping the seating arrangement continuity!
In group A you have the left side of The Seven table (Antiope, Katja, and Penny) and the right side of The Bad Kids table (Fabian, Kristen, and Riz).
And then, in group B, you have the left side of the Bad Kids table (Fig, Gorgug, and Adaine) and the right side of The Seven table (Danielle, Ostentatia, and Sam)!
Have it be a twenty-episode season like Neverafter so each group gets ten-ish episodes to complete their part of the quest with the first and last episodes being the ones with everyone in them, somehow.
In my mind, episode one would start with the bad kids and then they'd switch over to the seven, only for them to come together for the last half hour. And the same thing, only reverse for the finale. I think that could work while keeping production sane.
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thisisnotthenerd · 7 months
now that the class polls have concluded, i'm taking the winners and running them through another gauntlet.
fig is here representing the bards, kingston's here for the clerics, kugrash for the druids, pete for the sorcerers, lapin for the warlocks, and adaine for the wizards. go forth and vote!
feel free to share your reasoning/propaganda. next up in the gauntlet is the martial characters.
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jaypea00101010 · 7 months
Freezing Smite and Sacrifice
A double whammy this time, not only a new spell for your paladins, but showing off a new Method of Worship for the priest to go with it!
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Freezing Smite is, as you can probably guess, a new Paladin spell for your 5e games. While there's already plenty of different damage types represented in smite spells: thunder, fire, and psychic twice to name a few, there's not yet an official cold based smite spell.
Freezing Smite exists to fill that void, while it deals less damage than even some first level smites, the extra effects are where it becomes really useful, speed reduction and loss of reaction is extremely useful, helping your allies get away from enemies and not being chased down, or not having to worry about getting counterspelled this round for example.
Where this becomes really interesting though is when we look at the next new method of worship The Priest Class will be getting next update: Sacrifice
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As with all of Priest's Methods of Worship, at first level this grants the priest a new spellcasting focus: a knife or weapon that deals slashing damage, requiring you to wave the weapon as you cast spells; and an improvement to some spells, in this case, smites.
If a priest hits a creature with a weapon attack, they can choose to cast a smite spell as part of that attack (much like Paladins do with their Divine Smite feature), this can be any smite spell that priests know, which will of course be all official smite spells. A feature stolen with permission from heavily inspired by @cardstockcaster's conviction paladin optional class feature.
Priests aren't the best in melee combat usually, not having very good weapon proficiencies for it, but combined with War as your Deity's Domain, or Judge as your Divine Calling, both of which grant you proficiency in all Melee Weapons, a Priest can become a monster in the front lines, smiting foes left and right in a way paladins could only dream of.
Keep your eyes peeled for the level 1-13 Priest Class playtest, featuring Freezing Smite, and Sacrifice, coming very soon!
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ncat · 1 year
Weave Whisperer 3.5e
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This is my first foray into writing 3.5e content. I had a lot of fun doing so (:
This is an adaptation of the first class I ever wrote for 5e, so its nice to have a version of it for 3.5e as well.
Yeah <:
Ah! And heres the share link
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
gale: not a trick, my friend, magic!
tav, fully a bard who gale definitely watched cast a bunch of spells in combat just now:
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gynandromorph · 6 months
i love the utility of wizards learning Any Spell but i think i might run a sorcadin for my honor mode runs, maybe also a sorcerer wizard with just 2 custom characters at the same time. power couple or something
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buckycap · 6 months
i’m sorry but it’s dumb to complain about how “halsin is useless bc you already have jaheira” when you could always either change his (or her) class or learn how to differentiate your druid builds. multiclassing also exists as long as you’re not playing on easy. like learn how to spec your character properly or just change their class instead of acting like you’re stuck w a character that you can’t personalize or change at all lmao
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sharkneto · 8 months
Me, needing to make a character for a new dnd campaign: You Don't Need To Play Another Rogue. You Don't Need To Play Another Rogue. You Don't Need To Play--
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eleplay · 6 months
sorry if i've already posted about this before. i probably have
my full longrunning ttrpg class list is:
d&d 3.5 - "sorcerer" (i was an elementary schooler so we fudged a lot of the more complex mechanics/spellcasting technicalities)
pathfinder - monk
blades in the dark - cutter (for ppl not familiar with bitd, the tagline for this class is "a dangerous and intimidating fighter")
d&d 5th edition - wizard
dungeon world - ranger
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tovaicas · 4 days
god I wish I liked RPR more than I do
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charmfamily · 9 months
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Transcript Below.
GEMMA: [Considering the fact that she is also being stalked and followed – albeit by three spinster aunts, the invitation to find some respite in a temporary escape does sound somewhat appealing, her brow furrowing contemplatively…] [... before she grabs up her bag and shoulders it, nodding in agreement to follow Ulrike out and give all her own annoyances the slip, however briefly.] Point taken.
ULRIKE: I’m Ulrike, by the way. Faust. I think I’m a year ahead of you at Satyrhorne, you’re gonna be a junior next year, right?– You’re a part of the little brainiac crew with uh, the Star Wars kid, Robot Boy, Yuki Behr, and Maaike Haas.
GEMMA: [She snickers a little, her lips spreading into an amused smile.] His name’s Rohan and it’s all stuff that has “Star” in the title– Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galaxy or whatever it’s called; he’s also a huge actual astronomy nerd so unless you wanna hear about space for like ten hours, don’t bring it up. Robot Boy is Cameron Fletcher who also likes to talk about space and sci-fi but his thing is whatever a “cyberpunk dystopia” is. I’m Gemma. Charm.
ULRIKE: Ah – Fletcher. That has to be Marcus’s little brother… I know him, kind of. Know of him, he used to DJ pop-up parties out in the Bluffs which is I think how he got wrecked by a werewolf, not sure. That’s the rumor, anyway. Are you also a huge fan of space, both personal and outer, Gemma Charm?
GEMMA: Everything I know about the cosmos, fictional and otherwise, has been 100% absorption by association – Rohan’s my biffle, but I have more in common, like interests and stuff, with Maaike I guess? Books. Writing. That kinda thing. I don’t have anything against space, I like it and it’s cool, but… 
ULRIKE: But you’re more of a fellow artisan than you are a scientist, I thought you looked like you might be my people. [She laughs.]  Not that I can write worth a fuck, I draw. Sometimes cosmic related, sometimes not. Mostly not. 
GEMMA: Can I see your stuff sometime? ULRIKE: Can I read your stuff sometime?
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jaypea00101010 · 9 months
The Priest Class
The first level 1-5 playtest of my priest class, a divine point-based spellcaster, is out now for anyone interested!
The priest aslo has two types of subclass, two exacmples of each are included in this playtest!
Methods of Worship: Song, which lets you use your voice as a spellcasting focus, and improves your concentration by letting your spells into a resounding chorus; and Study, which lets you use your religious texts as a focus, and makes your rituals 10 times quicker.
Divine Callings: Cultist, encouraging you to debuff your enemies and damaging them by doing so; and Oracle, granting features that let you screw around with initiative order, and buff your allies a bit more.
If any of that sounds interesting, come check it out at link in title! Would love to hear any feedback you might have!
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