#stan the grandparents though
ckret2 · 6 months
A conversation after the Pines find out about Bill's 2D home dimension like,
Mabel: "So what kind of a shape would I be in your dimension?"
Bill: "Easy. Pentagon."
Dipper: "What about me?"
Bill: "Another pentagon."
Mabel: "What about Grunkle Stan?"
Bill: "Heptagon. Seven sides."
Dipper: "So, is Grunkle Ford a heptagon too?"
Bill: "Nope, octagon."
Dipper and Mabel privately debate what this means. Do sides decrease with each generation in his dimension? So the grandparents & great-aunts/uncles generation has 7 sides, the parents/aunts/uncles have 6 sides, and the kids have 5 sides, and when Dipper or Mabel becomes a parent the kid will have 4 sides? Does Ford have one extra side because he has one extra finger, is that like a mutation? How can Bill tell which generation they're on, though?
Bill doesn't tell them that he just counted the number of letters in their real first names and assigned sides based on that.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Beat me over the head with Thomas and Martha being bad ass bitches any day all day. Seriously, the kids just finding mugshots, framed mugshots because they weren’t ashamed of them, files upon files of their “illegal” vigilante activities and Bruce having had absolutely no knowledge about it at all.
“So you never thought to mention this, Alfred.”
“It honestly never came up and you neglected to ask, Master Bruce.”
Meanwhile the kids find it all in the ancient attic and are not only floored but mesmerized by their grandparents.
“I fucking knew it!” Jason shouts gleefully once he discovers just who was responsible for the grand in mass kidnapping and incarceration of a literal trafficking group in the 70’s. There were over 50 members and Martha and a few gals from her dorm wrecked havoc upon their shit.
All of the kids are mesmerized.
“Look at her, look! She’s like this,” Dick holds hand up to near his elbow. “-big and she did that-wait, is that a burnt bra in that box?”
“Oh yes, though I do believe that belonged to a Master Thomas.”
“I have so many questions.”
Give me Jason " Nothing but a street rat who got lucky" Todd stanning the fuck out of Martha " Queen of the Gutter" Wayne. Love me some ex hoodlum Martha shsh
Also you have no idea how hard that last part hits, but I fully believe Thomas and Bruce were the only Wayne men who drank respect women juice (before Bruce became a proud father of 100 ofc)
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naquey · 1 year
Trans Twins Headcanons
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-They swap clothes that their grandparents get them and even some of the gifts depending on what it is
-Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford along with the Mystery Shack team are their biggest supporters
-Mabel started knitting herself clothes because originally she couldn't find fem clothes that fit her very well, hence the sweater were born
-Dipper binds a lot which concerns his sister very often so she convinces him to take breaks very often, to hydrate, and always makes sure he eats properly
-puberty had already set in by the time they even considered hormones and blockers Mabel took them but Dipper tried to ride out the puberty he was going through before going on testosterone
-despite everything thinking he's the uwu soft trans boy he's actually the opposite but Mabel definitely feeds into goddess trans woman energy because let's face it, she is a goddess
-Mabel does better makeup than Pacifica and even teaches her
-Dipper chose the name Mason but his parents came up with the nickname Dipper not only because of his birthmark but so his grandparents would stop calling him by his deadname
-Mabel wanted to be called Maple but spelled it wrong on a sweater and it's stuck ever since. Mabel is a better name than Maple anyway.
-testosterone makes Dipper only just a tad taller, and he's still dysphoric about his height but less so
-Mabel loves being a tall woman and does anything to be an even taller woman because it makes men uncomfortable, she also just wants to be able to pick up Dipper from time to time because it's funny
-Grunkle Stan knew Dipper absolutely loved his old hat because it was his dad's baseball cap, so he may have purposefully set out those pinetree balls caps in the hopes it would make Dipper happier
-At first Ford didn't understand it because he had been lost to the multiverse but after a quick explanation he understood. When he clapped Dipper on the back and said, "That's my boy." Dipper cried happy tears about it later.
-Dipper and Mabel both struggle with dysphoria at times, although it may be different for each other they are able to help each other out. Sibling bond 100%
-Dipper when he's older most definitely would tattoo his healed surgery scars with symbols from the journals and people may or may not look in curiosity and for a moment, he panics because so long he's gone to the beach with a shirt on
-Mabel grows he hair so long because growing up it was always short, eventually she has to keep it in a braid just to keep from walking on it, her parents cannot convince her to cut it no matter how hard they try
-They both become advocates for trans youth, especially in Gravity Falls because even though it may be a small town it is not old fashioned in the slightest
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It’s my boy Ryan!!!
As we know our boy is bisexual
He’s also autistic but that’s another thing.
He probably realised he liked boys as well as girls when he was like 12 or 13. He developed a small crush on this boy at school who wore denim and leather type jackets and he thought he was so cool. He never revealed anything though because he was too shy and didn’t get along with others.
He didn’t come out until he and his sister were living with their grandparents because while living with their mum he didn’t feel safe enough to reveal that side of him. He was still a little nervous when coming out to his grandparents but he knew that they loved him no matter what.
The first person outside of his family that he came out to was Chris who reassured Ryan that he supported him and he was always here to talk. That and Chris’s support about his school and home life is why Ryan trusts him so much.
He has a few pride pins that he sticks on his jackets or bags. He also has a few pride stickers that Sarah bought him that he likes to stick on his phone case or laptop case.
I think his bi awakening was Sam Winchester in Supernatural (he enjoys supernatural and paranormal things plus Jared Padalecki was one of my big crushes as a kid so I’m including him because I love him)
He like everybody else definitely had a tiny attraction to Nick when he first met him. I just think Nick is the type who attracts a lot of people whether it’s for a long time or just a short crush. Ryan takes one look at him and is like damn he’s good looking.
His attraction to Nick doesn’t last long though because he eventually starts developing feelings for Dylan. He doesn’t like to admit it but he definitely loves those puns and jokes.
One time Jacob after finding out asked Ryan what his type is and then jokingly asked him if he was. Ryan can’t help being blunt and just said no in the most dead pan voice. Nick, Dylan and Kaitlyn who heard all laughed so hard they cried. Ryan was so confused.
All of the campers are supportive of him and Dylan’s sexualities (all the counsellors are queer tbh)
I think he had a non serious relationship with a guy before coming to camp that year due to him saying “Not exactly” to Dylan when he asks if he has a girlfriend but he’d not been feeling the relationship so broke up with him before going to camp but felt conflicted about it but he realised while at camp that he prefers Dylan’s company and has a stronger connection to Dylan.
Sarah definitely is that little sister that isn’t afraid to tease him. She probably says he’s ‘bi himself’ when he’s single and he just rolls his eyes but smiles because it’s just a little fun because she supports him and is only joking.
I think while he is attracted to both he leans more towards men.
He listens to some Queer artists.
I 100% believe that he watched Heartstopper because Dylan asked him to and he actually got really emotional over Nick’s story. He also hates Ben and Harry with a passion and is a Tori stan because he relates to her a bit.
He sometimes struggles with expressing his emotions and being open about his relationships due to his past experiences and trauma from when he was a kid so the first time he really opens up to Dylan and let’s him in is a big moment for him.
The first moment he refers to Dylan as his boyfriend to someone else he feels really content with it. Dylan is absolutely ecstatic but tries to not to get too excited because he doesn’t want to overwhelm him.
If they got married I think they’d either use both last names and hyphenate or he’d take Dylan’s. I think this because I think he’d have complicated feelings over his last name due to his relationship with his mum but also likes his last name because of its connections to his grandparents and sister. He’d be conflicted about it but Dylan would support any decision.
Him and Dylan go on double dates with Nick and Abi or Max and Laura sometimes.
They end up having a daughter when they’re older.
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(SCRAPPED) Fragmented AU -- Background Info (Tragedy in the Pines Family)
So, as mentioned in a previous post, the Fragmented AU has Dipper and Mabel's parents die in a fire when they were 10 (almost 11). The cause of said fire was a bit of a mystery, but Dipper believed it was someone called Bill. No one believed him, as there were no signs of someone breaking in, and many assumed that he started the fire accidentally. He was then sent to a children's psychiatric ward to help him cope with his trauma.
Two years have passed and Dipper is finally let out to live with the Stans, along with Mabel, who was staying with their grandparents.
Because of what happened, Dipper and Mabel are no doubt scarred by it in different ways: Dipper's a bit more harsh, anxious, and a bit emotionally unstable while Mabel does everything in her power to hide away her negative emotions and avoid talking about it. She's also scared of leaving Dipper behind or being left behind herself.
Speaking of the Stans, Stan was able to get Ford back into their dimension three years early thanks to a certain redhead finding the 3rd Journal and with the help of it, was able to track down the 2nd Journal.
As for Ford, he too has confronted Bill with his quantum destabilizer in the Nightmare Realm earlier than canon. However, just like in canon (well Journal 3 canon), Stan prevents Ford from dealing with the killing blow. So, yeah, there's still tension between the brothers. It surprisingly waned over the next three years, but there had been considerable bumps.
The loss of the Mystery Twins' parents did hit the Stans hard. Stan had grown a sweet bond with Caroline, his niece-in-law, finding her carefree and strong attitude endearing. His nephew, Morgan, somewhat reminded Stan of his brother, a nerd, but loved him all the same.
Ford only got to know the couple for a short while (other than when Morgan was a child), meeting the family during the holidays for hanukkah and christmas. Despite only being there for a month, Ford was quick to form memorable bonds with them, though he lamented that he missed Morgan growing up and marrying, as well as missing the birth of the younger twins.
Upon hearing of Morgan and Caroline's deaths, Ford was absolutely devastated. He had just connected with them, mere months earlier, and he had just lost them. It very much broke him. Not to mention that the possibility that Bill may have something to do with it sent him into a faint-inducing panic attack.
Surprisingly though, the loss brought the brothers closer together after a series of panic episodes and some angered words. Stan would then later make the decision for them to adopt the twins because a) their older brother Shermie already has his hands full with their ailing mother by himself, b) Ford had expressed his (and Stan's) deep seated fear of losing them too and c) Stan knew of the possibility of foster care separating the kids.
Was Stan the best choice to raise the orphaned children? No, not really. Man's a mess with his own set of issues. But, he's devoted. What about Ford? Well, the man has a tendency to forget to take care of himself so...plus, he has issues too, issues that the people of their dimension would not understand. Even so, when it comes to family, Ford would go above and beyond for them.
(Want more?)
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shoyoackerman · 9 months
IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THEM 🤧 I have so many different hc for everyone in knb and especially for Rakuzan. Probably my second favourite team. For now here are some for Nebuya and Hayama. The next one will have the rest of the members!!
Nebuya Eikichi
- Like i said before, Nebuya absolutely adores animals, especially cows, specifically the highland cattle. He loves how strong and powerful they are, especially with their horns, yet also how cute looking the can be. It makes him appreciate people who can look deceptively weak yet are much stronger looking than expected.
- His love for animals, farm animals in particular, was due to him frequently visiting the farm his grandparents owned. He would constantly be coming into the country to spend time with them and help with work on the farm which ranged from feeding and grooming the animals. He would spend hours lying in the fields with the animals just dozing around him, baby calf’s would rest in his lap and let him pet them.
- He didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, ostracized because of the colour of his skin, despite the fact he was born in Japan. So when he was on the farm with his grandparents he always felt less lonely with all the animals.
- Nebuya loved animals so much he tried to go vegan, when that was too difficult he tried to be a vegetarian. He lasted longer than when he was a vegan before he gave it up because he loved meat just way too much 🤧but to make up it!
- He works/volunteers at vets. Sometimes even works part time at the groomers that is connected to the veterinary. He loves being around animals, a lot more than people, something that stayed with him since he was a child.
- The only people who have ever seen this side of him was his teammates. The only group of people he genuinely felt close to and even cared for, despite how much he and Reo like to argue with one another. He likes to put the other boy in a headlock, their interactions always remind Nebuya of when he’s with his older brothers.
- Which is one of the reasons why he loves to baby Akashi, when he’s retuned to himself, as he’s the youngest on the team and since Nebuya is the youngest of three brothers he’s always wanted to have someone to look over and be someone they could come to for help. Even though he’s bad at being logical, he will always support someone in what they want the most. (Even if he doesn’t completely understand what their talking about, he likes to act super knowledgeable, Reo calling him out on it all the time)
- His favourite time down activity is…cooking! He can’t bake for shit, somehow always burning any sort of cake, cupcake, brownie or pie. Like cannot bake for the life of him. But when it comes to cooking anything else, he’s the best. Having learnt from his dad who’s the main cook in the house since his mother is great at everything else but cooking. (The last time she cooked they all were in hospital for the week 💀)
- But cooking is something that started off when he was watching his dad in the kitchen, it became their thing to do together. And when Nebuya was old enough his dad allowed him to help with the cooking. It involved into them watching cooking shows together (his favorite show is Gordon Ramsay and he loves copying the insults and using it on people on the team. “Hayama you always surprise me” “woah really! That’s awesome, you know I always strive to being the exceptional and unpredictable” “you surprise me, how shit you are”) so he loves to cook when he’s feeling stressed or just bored.
- Hardcore kpop stan. Like, if he had to choose between never listening to kpop or playing basketball…sorry everyone he can’t betray his girls Red Velvet 😔 you know that one scene of Patrick Bateman listening to music? Yeah that’s Nebuya listening to kpop with the most intense expression ever. Girl groups are his shit. His mother was the one who got him into kpop, it’s something they bond over. Like his father with cooking, with his mother is everything and anything kpop.
Kotaro Hayama
- People think he has ADHD, no, no he’s just jacked all the way 100. There is no in between with him. He could just be chilling, scrolling on his phone and the next thing you know he’s trying to do parkour inside your house out of nowhere. (More times than Akashi can count has he had to replace a priceless vase that had been destroyed by his teammate who decided he wanted to try and jump from the bookcase. He was banned for two weeks before doing it again)
- Because of this misconception people have about him, they’ve tried to use ADHD as an insult. Which Hayama becomes immediately defensive about, because whilst he doesn’t have it. His younger brother Reki does (🤭) He’s gotten in trouble for starting fights, but because he’s teammates with Akashi he doesn’t ever get detention (something about the Akashi family being secret Yakuza members or whatever) But Hayama is a big protector to those he loves, so he tolerates no bad mouthing or people using disabilities as an insult.
- Gymnastic Hayama. When he was younger, his parents wanted something to have him run all his energy out on, and they tried EVERYTHING. Like they had him in soccer, baseball, swimming, track, tennis, every sport imaginable (not basketball, why? Because his father had an intense hatred for the sport for pure comedic reasons and didn’t want his son to be infected by basketball germs — Hayama father was in a long running competition with his brother, who was a basketball player and had this hatred for the sport. Which really didn’t last long when his son started playing and was good at it. He never lives this down when his brother brings up his son being on the basketball team. In return he says his son has more trophies from his middle school then he does in his entire adult life…they didn’t talk for a whole month)
- But for some reason Hayama took to gymnastics fantastically well…too well because before they knew it they were taking their son constantly to the hospital for broken, dislocated and fractured bones. Why? Because when he wasn’t at the gym he was at home in the backyard doing backflips from the roof, tables and any surface he could climb.
- Hayama was a constant face at the hospital, they made these little stickers specifically for him (it was a chibi cheetah with a cast on it’s leg) Would be walking down the halls and would be like superstar with the way he was greeting everyone and giving out high-fives with an arm in a cast. Everyone knew him. Even the patients.
- Bros flexibility is on another level, like disturbingly so that one time during a sleepover at Reo’s after watching a horror movie he went into a bridge and scared the shit out of everyone as he chased them around the house. Reo kicked him out on his balcony and was forced to sleep outside the rest of the night.
- He loves skateboarding, it’s his favorite thing to do. Because he will without a doubt be incorporating what he learnt in gymnastics into skateboarding. Everyone at the park just be watching this mf skating on his hands like it was nothing. Would be going down the ramps and doing fancy little tricks and jumps all on his hands. Everyone hates him. (Jk they love him and will go to him for help, especially the younger ones and he takes to it and loves giving advice and cheering them on when they succeed) (he has a secret skateboard partner who is a first year that attends Seirin High…who also used to be Akashis old teammate 🫣)
- Crossdresser Hayama? Yes? Yes? Yes! He has two older sisters, he was the the real life barbie doll. No jokes his haircut was given to him by his sisters and he’s just kept the same style since middle school. His sisters would dress him up in skirts, dresses, wigs, stockings and high heels. The whole nine yards. And he didn’t hate it? He had a lot of fun learning that he could wear whatever the fuck he wanted to whilst looking hot as fuck. One time when he was dolled up and went out with his sisters, he ran into Reo, who tried flirting with him completely unaware it was Hayama. When he found out (it was on a tuesday afternoon, 4:20 pm at Rakuzan High School in the basketball gym) Reo had an identity crisis PURELY because it was Hayama, and couldn’t look at Hayama without turning red.
- Wanna guess what his favourite genre of music is? Mozart, Frederic Chopin and Pyotor llyich. No kidding, completely deadass. Classical music is his jam. Fast paced, dramatic and overall epic as fuck? (Nobody gives him the aux cord) he of course loves rnb, rap and pop. But classical music has a grip on him. He will attend orchestras when they have shows, Akashi goes with him since he also shares the same taste in music which was a surprise to the younger boy, but it was something they bond over.
- I’m not kidding nobody will let him have the aux cord unless they pre approve what music he will play 😭
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helloooo I have a request can you make hcs of em*ly :( when she was alive pls
thanks and I love ur hcs <3
ofc lol i love how you had to censor it it's so funny
~ she was genuinely kinda annoying but people were scared to talk about it
~ she was always playing favorites and it would make the other person feel bad
~ she would always wear really strong perfumes (jameson doesn't like the smell of certain perfumes on avery now because they remind him of emily)
~ even though i hate her... i just know that she wore the cutest hair styles
~ not a hc but i just know that if she was alive in 2024 she would be a preppy fr
~ she liked hanging out at the hawthorne house but she didn't even hang out with her grandparents that much (which is really sad)
~ i just KNOW that there were parts of the hawthorne fandom that were emily stans and they were crushed when she died but then the other die was always suspicious of her
~ she had really big eyes
~ toxic girls girl if you know what i mean??
~ also i feel like she would be really toxic to jameson and grayson and everyone noticed but them
~ she did a lot of the sports at school all they way through middle school and high school
~ she liked chocolate chip cookies and would make them all the time at the kitchens at hawthorne house
i hate her fr
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istumpysk · 10 months
"Daenerys descends from Northerners. Since Dany’s parents are brother-sister & grandparents are brother-sister, the Targ bloodline hasn’t changed since her great grandfather married Betha Blackwood. If we’re going by dna, it is as though Betha is her mother. House Blackwood originate as Northerners and worship the Old Gods".- Regards, Dany Stan who truly wants her to be more Northern than Sansa.
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
Given power rangers has alter reality kids and grandkids for Kim and Tommy now I wanna do a series to make up oc kids for Kim and Kat for everyone they were dating or popular ships for them. I’ve got a couple for Kim so I’m just gonna spitball a few with the canon lol
Canon Kimberly Hart child;
Tommy Oliver:
Olivia Hart, possibly aged 21, green ranger. Information to be added.
Oc Grandkids:
Although Tommy died long before he could really get to see his daughter grow up, she did and she’s thriving. She never got married, she did have two kids. One adopted one not, but the other parent doesn’t matter-at least, they’re not at the age that it matters yet and she’s not going to contend with the fact the baby may or may not be a demigod. Theo, aged twelve, and Clover, eight months, love their mom and grandma. At least Theo does. Clover’s just a baby and generally loves everyone who holds her. Adopted at two, Theo knows about power rangers, knows about his mom being one, knows his grandparents were. Doesn’t particularly care aside from the fact his family helps people. Theo reads a lot, and draws, and helps his mom take care of things. She’s trying to run a small business while also being a Green Ranger, and Theo when he’s home from school is used to juggling school work and babysitting. His only hard me time days are the weekends, when he’s got little league baseball or chess. Olivia supports and understands this, and so far she and Kim have attended every single game and tournament. Has bashed putties in their faces in defense of Clover, before. He got a cake for that one. Privately Olivia knows Tommy loves these two, if he’s watching. And she’s certain he is.
Neither Theo nor Clover are associated with a color nor do I see them ever becoming associated with a color.
OC Children of Kimberly Hart;
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Chloe Bulkmeier-Hart, aged 19, pink ranger. Au that will be animated, Kim and Farkas waited to have kids and actually Chloe was a bit of a surprise baby. Best friends with Tommy and Kat’s oldest grandson. Was a good ranger, became brainwashed and is a villainous ranger. Her love interest is a vampire named Iva Song. She is pastel goth with a deep love of frills and spikes, deep pinks and velvety blacks and poofy skirts and dresses and combat boots. She's got an inordinate amount of knowledge on ancient battle tactics, and how to hotwire a motorcycle. Both things she learned from her parents. She has a lovely singing voice. She is five foot four, and is a bottle rocket of doom. While she's had a crush on Iva since they were tiny, she never knew he seriously reciprocated until much much later. She's able to shake the mind control when she's-gasp-forced to go undercover as a punk. Trading her dresses for miniskirts? Respectfully, no.
Tangential Coinless au, bur she’s a newborn and Billy and Drakkon’s clones Bit and Tom become her babysitters. Her godmother is Sharkie and her godfather is Eugene Skullovitch.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Stormy Hart, aged seventeen. Her parents are separated. Despite the rocky start with Eugene being Kim’s rebound, they got together again after the Candace Incident. Kim progressed on Eugene’s terms, and they had a kiddo right as they were applying for colleges. It was a bit difficult and they made it work, but when Stormy was seven they finally had to separate, though they’re not on bad terms. Stormy is Spike’s half sister, and has her own band. Has anxiety and depression. Doesn’t spend time with brother or Bulk, at least as much as she should. Mostly for her appearance. Got extremely jealous of Spike over the power rangers thing though! She generally lives with her mom, not her dad, hence why she doesn’t spend time with Spike. She loves her goofy half brother but she’s at the age where her image is important to her. She doesn’t have any colors associated with her.
Stan Skullovitch;
Kimmie Skullovitch-Trueheart. Aged 20. She is the alternate version of Dr. K. The one that wasn’t stolen from school and her parents. In the same reality as Chloe. Kim offered to be the surrogate mother when she was around 27 years old. She had long discussions with them, and they made it happen.
In a tangential reality she and Stan got together while he was on tour and she was finishing college, and Kimmie has two famous parents. One in biotech and Olympic gymnastics and one as a rockstar. In this reality Kimmie is a purple ranger.
And then of course Dr K, yes my headcanon is she’s a Skullovitch somehow, and I adore her being Kim’s too
Matthew Cook;
Kelson Hart. Aged 21. Older Twin brother to Kira Hart. Kim’s a single parent, raised her kids mostly on the run after Matthew died when they were four, but she and Matt never got married. More of a friends with benefits thing, off and on until she got pregnant with twins. Kelson has nothing to do with his family. Intergalactic diplomat at 21. Does not live on earth, but shows up every Christmas. He is not associated with any color. He blames power rangers for a lot of his family and planet problems actually. He loves his mom and sister and family, but he can’t bypass their glaringly massive differences in opinions.
Kira, aged 21, younger twin sister to Kelson, green ranger on SPD B Team. She’s often her brothers body guard when he’s on earth for official business, but they bicker constantly when they actually speak to each other outside of work. He blames the power rangers for everything, she thinks he’s an idiot. The reason Kim was on the run in the first place was an unreformed Zedd heard about the kids and as Matt used to work for him, decided those kids were his, actually. As payment. Matt died killing Zedd. That wasn’t power rangers fault, that was Zedd’s fault.
Specifically not serious bur she almost got married to him so that eventual resulting Eltaran human hybrid is named Zinnia, he’s 26. Zedd’s dead and Kim is a grand empress. Nobody blames Kim for murdering him, however she’s gone a bit nuts. Zinnia is a freedom fighter against his own mother. He’s a gold ranger.
Trini Kwan;
Forgot to add the ladies last night but y’know, only fair. So.
Hart Linh Xian, aged 16. Xian is the younger half sister of Minh and Olivia. When Tommy disappeared Trini did as well, however a few years after Tommy. She and Kim got close shortly after Minh was born, and later got married. Soon after they had a daughter of their own with the help of in vitro fertilization procedures. Trini later died in a freak accident fighting a villain, and Kim withdrew completely with her daughters. Xian’s a pink ranger to Olivia’s green and Minh’s yellow. She’s the one braincell in the sister group, and a fair balance of her sister’s personalities. Still figuring herself out, trying to do Kim proud while also struggling to figure out how to honor Trini’s memory.
Kat Hillard;
Echo Hart-Hillard. Aged 20. They were not raised by Their moms, at first. Dark Spectre used magic to make a child from the dna of the two most fearsome pink rangers he could think of, and then had said child trained. Echo first met Tommy, fresh out of divorce with his second wife Kim, and almost they killed him. He managed to talk them down and it was Zack and Billy showing up in back up who realized who Echo even was. Kim and Kat were good friends, but it was the then twelve year old assassin who inadvertently got them together. Echo’s non-binary and very very good at murder. Not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. Specter was intending them for psycho silver, but Echo’s glad they’re not a ranger, at least for now. They got to be ring bearer at their moms wedding. Specter is still pissed he’s lost control of the murder child, and moms and teenager are currently hiding out under assumed names. They move around a lot just because Echo still finds it difficult to not solve all their problems via murder. And can’t shake the habit of calling the psycho rangers their aunts and uncles. It’s been rough but they’re happy with their moms.
Jason Lee Scott;
When Kim and Jason both stopped being rangers, there was a…growing pain, reacclimating to normal civilian teen life, to be sure. With Jason also coming off the heels of having just buried his mom. Kim and Jason spun their wheels for a bit trying to get around the awkward and be there for each other. Eventually it settled into a devoted romance. They have two daughters. Kristine Alana Scott-Hart, aged 21, and Jenny Rose Scott-Hart, aged 17.
Kristine is planning on going into NASA, fascinated by the stars and the adventures of her parents but more interested in the very close by solar system. She’d like to explore Mars, Neptune, Pluto, rather than anything farther. Her reasoning is the ocean is on the planet and barely explored, in lieu of more interesting subjects. Their neighboring planets are a bit like the ocean, and she’s keen on seeing what secrets they hold first, before anything else. She’s been told if she sees a dumpster however, don’t for the love of the grid open the stupid thing. Nobody wants to know what ancient space warlord’s inside. Somehow managed to be more science minded than fight minded, and Kim and Jason don’t know how that happened but they love their kid anyway. Billy thinks it’s hilarious.
She has a fairly easy going relationship with her parents. She can tell them things and they trust her. Not associated with a color, and gets along well with her sister, who is.
Jenny Rose is going to be a kickboxing champion. She decided this at five years old and it’s never changed. She’s a violinist and a kickboxer, and uses the dichotomy to confuse people constantly. Would rather get in the ring with someone than date them. She’s the pink ranger of her team. It’s a little confusing until someone listens to her coaching the putties on how to kick better, and then it starts making sense. When she’s older, she wants to own a dojo and run self defense sessions and kickboxing classes for teens and kids. It’s always surprising to people, but she gets along well with her sister.
Aisha Campbell;
They quickly became fast friends, and Aisha caught feelings for the pink really really quickly. However, she didn't say anything until Kim left the rangers and was replaced by Kat. She was going on scholarship, and they started a long distance relationship. Eventually they got married after Aisha herself retired from rangerdom. Together with Anubis Cruger, they founded SPD. The wives have one son, a wild card named Benedict "Ben" Campbell. Aged 24. Benedict is currently in Ranger Academy, and has broken nearly every rule so far. Just for fun, just to see what'll happen. He's not a bad guy, he just simply wants to test limits. Of both himself and the world around him. When he graduates school he will be a Pink Ranger on D Team.
I’ll put more up but I think this was fun! Do you think we should make this an ask game? Send someone a name and ask them to list their ideas of kids they might have with different partners?
I kinda wanna draw them too, the official and unofficial “siblings” as it were lol. Your thoughts @augment-techs and @skyland2703? I’d tag more but I don’t know if it’d be a good idea. Anyway. Thoughts?
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facewipes · 5 days
posting the mybeauty iceberg specifically so that icy can get caught up on some mybeauty lore fire might’ve missed
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explanations under the cut [tw substance abuse, csa, ed, family death]
tier 1 - you guys should know everything here and if you don’t. tch
tier 2 -
magenta mine: buggie’s hit song after leaving mybeauty. infamously known for having the line “i’d pretend someone’s work was my own too if my voice sounded like the vomit you puke into the toilet after every time we ate”
why charlene likes clowns: her dad was a clown and it sparked a special interest for her. simple as that
neo’s real name: yafir, that’s all
tipsy toms: buggie and minnie’s workplace. just a classic american food chain restaurant
elvis: buggie’s brother that died of lung cancer when she was 17. his death led buggie to run away from her family.
tier 3 -
best new artist: beauty won best new artist in 2022
mommy issues: both emil and charlene’s problems stem from their moms.
dinocon: a convention held by dinos (like furries but for dinosaurs). cole has been to a couple dinocons in his life
jubilee’s fursona: self explanatory
bulimia: a core part of emil’s character is that he is bulimic and has been since he was 14. he has small periods where he’s fine until he relapses again
neo addiction: omg wow speaking of relapse…neo! neo has an alcohol and sleeping pill addiction. he uses his addictions to knock himself out of reality…there’s a point where he does go to rehab in 2018 but once the stuff with emil and co goes on in 2022 he gets back on everything
bloodsuckers: in-universe fantasy/mystery comic turned getflix live-action show. emil and jubilee are big fans
charlene’s stitches: from her gallbladder removal
tier 4-
dead pigeons: a british pop punk band that jubilee likes a lot
jubilee is adopted: self explanatory
fractured pelvis: referring to how emil has a minor fracture in his pelvis due to a car accident
misses madam the musical: a semi-popular musical. malcolm is a part of it. there’s a specific storyline involving him and this musical + emil but i don’t want to take forever explaining it…maybe i will another time
mmood swingz: a group of toxic gen z north florida teens in a band that makes music that no one likes and everyone makes fun of. their lead singer mika is a stan of mybeauty/emil
froot and veggi vs emil: picture this. you’re a pop duo of twin greek sisters with more plastic surgery procedures than years of your life and suddenly a washed up frail chainsmoker tells you that you’re untalented. he then proceeds to have a coked up hissy fit about how you and your sister suck and that back in his day pop music was good. amongst all his ranting you just watch and from being silent you automatically win the fight that he made up for no reason
tier 5 -
cole’s ex: a girl cole used to date in high school before he met jubilee and who is now a model. her name is gia. jubilee gets extremely jealous of gia when she sees cole interacting with her. so jealous in fact that she goes on kidder and bashes her for appearance basically no good reason.
beauty pageants: erin grew up being in multiple beauty pageants. though she never won any. her standards of beauty was shaped through her experience as a pageant girl…
camila: erin and emil’s cousin from their dad side. she’s not very nice to her cousins (nor her parents, uncle, aunt, and grandparents, for that matter) but she still expects them to be there for her when she “needs” it
erased lesbianism: referring to erin getting the lesbian card revoked
yoohoo bunny: a little white bunny mascot that can be found as toys, clothes, bags, pillows, and so much more. emil and bambi love yoohoo bunny
prom queen 2013: the year erin (gasp) won prom queen. she brags about it anytime she gets
tier 6 -
swine: the nickname buggie gave her groomer, monty swineson. a very abusive and controlling man. treated buggie like dirt while trying to convince her that he was the only person who cared for her. overall scum!
papaya fields: think of a site with a fruit in the name and targets trans people. this is the beauty version of that and you can bet your ass they have a dedicated page on emil somewhere
lost music: the earliest music emil and neo made together is completely lost and the idea of it ever being found is very slim
jivin: an editor for indiefools and emil’s future (like very distant future) boyfriend
motorg!rl: an online alias created by neo where he can pretend to be a cute anime girl producing music. he has a league of devoted fans who have no clue who is actually behind the music. if you looked his persona on google images you will get…interested results
jubilee gets drugged: there’s a moment during 2017 mybeauty where they all go drinking and jubilee (who never drank a day in her life and lowkey got pressured by cole to do it) gets drugged. she falsely accuses cole of doing it out of paranoia
drunk meltdown in france: neo gets REALLY fucked up in france + has a fight with dondre and ends up going live on the motorg!rl channel. he reveals his identity and calls all his fans “gross porn addicts”. he then cries for the rest of the live until passing out with the camera still on. this destroyed his online persona immediately
tier 7 -
“i wish i was born a girl” truth or dare: one night the gang is all together hanging out playing truth or dare (but like the one that is a physical game where you get like a truth or dare prompt on the card) and buggie gets a truth card directed at neo that reads “what is your biggest hot take” and everyone is expecting neo to say something silly but neo is already pissed at buggie for something earlierso he hits them with “i wish i was born a girl.” which causes everyone to go “….🥚?” but then neo goes on about how being a woman is easier than being a man and how women don’t seem to understand the privilege they have above guys. it’s basically him generalizing the experience of all women and comparing it to his unique experience as a man and most of it was just neo being bitchy about something buggie said earlier. tldr neo has a misogyny moment because a clown girl pissed him off.
jubilee’s doppleganger friend group: jubilee has a seperate group of friends that can basically be described as off brand mybeauty. their names are emiliano (mili), neya, aaron, and chelsea (cricket). mybeauty meets them and finds them to be very…offputting
medical abuse: referring to medical abuse both neo and emil faced. mainly involving mental health services.
why cole’s dad is in prison (csa tw): he made cp. he would sell stuff with other kids but never uploaded or shared anything with cole included, however, he did take gross pictures without cole’s knowledge back when he had custody. the police raided his house when cole admitted to his 3rd grade teacher that his dad assaulted him just a day prior. cole’s dad also abused his older sister judy before abandoning her, cece, and his ex-wife, but he never laid a finger on cece. cece feels guilt about it constantly
tier 8 -
dondre’s mom cause of death: murdered by his abusive stepdad. in a blind rage dondre grabbed his stepdad’s gun and shot him too. thankfully, he wasnt sentenced/charged due to it being deemed self defense. the memory of that day haunts him forever.
charlene is anti vax:
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emil sex tape: i think the name makes it sound like he and neo made a sex tape kim k style but it refers to when emil used to make porn while he was homeless because he had no other form of income. a lot of people found these videos years later and used it to harrass him
neo dated his music teacher (csa/grooming): neo would call it dating but i personalllllyyyyyyyy would just call it grooming. he started doing things with his music teacher after school (some sexual some not) in exchange for good grades (he would’ve been a A+ student in that class without it but his teacher tricked him into thinking that he would fail if they weren’t together). their relationship offically ended when the teacher got fired for something completely unrelated. to this day neo refuses to see it as grooming since he wasn’t “forced” into anything. neo look at me you are a VICTIM.
tier 9 is just jokes nothing serious
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hoperays-song · 1 year
On a scale of "master chef" to "could set a bowl of cereal on fire", how are the Sing characters at cooking?
Oooooo, great ask! Thank you! Here's a bit of an explanation and a rating from 1-10 (10 being the best). I hope you enjoy! -<3 Gooseless
Ash: 5
She's starting to learn how to cook from Rosita after Sing 1 but before that she was mainly surviving off of fast food. She never learned to cook from her parents as they often weren't home and she herself left home young. She's not horrible but not the best by any means.
Barry: 6
He can cook but only a few basic things like grilled cheese and oatmeal. While preferring not to cook, he does have to as Stan cannot and they were in charge of watching Johnny when he was little.
Buster: 2
...He can make sandwiches and that's about it. Even some of those flavour combinations can be extremely questionable.
Clay: 9
He is an amazing chef, having learned from both sides of his family. He cooks a fair mix of both Cajun and Irish dishes and briefly considered being a chef before pursuing music. He now is focusing on teaching Ash some of his recipes. Cooking is essentially a love language for him and he will bring food to almost any gathering.
Darius: 1
Burned cup Mac and Cheese and nearly got kicked out of his apartment... enough said.
Eddie: 2
He can heat up Cup Noodles safer than Buster can and make a few sandwiches... but that's about it.
Gunter: 3
The fanciest thing Gunter can make is boxed Mac and Cheese and he will forget the ingredients in even that. He can actually tell what flavours go together unlike some others but also always burns toast. He isn't that good at this.
Harry: 2
While he can make like a PB&J sandwich, there's a reason they and Darius mostly eat fast food. He sucks at cooking, not as bad as Darius but that's a very low bar.
Johnny: 7
Grew up with tons of home-cooked meals by both his dad and his neighbors, he's surprisingly good at cooking. He does need to follow a recipe exactly but he started practicing more when he lived with Rosita and has kept that practice going into the Majestic stay with phone calls to his dad for help. A lot of his happy childhood memories are cooking with his dad.
Marcus: 9
He learned to cook for his wife when she got too sick to be able to do so. He uses his wife's old cookbook to this day (her father was a chef) and is very good at it. Cooking is essentially a love language for him and he makes sure that when Johnny is at home he gets at least two home-cooked meals a day. He's had over 18 years of practice so he's a very good chef.
Meena: 7
She is much better at baking than cooking but she does know a few recipes. Her grandparents were actually the ones to teach her their old recipes when it comes to savory foods while her mom taught her deserts. She's good but she does credit that too a lot of practice as she much prefers working with sweeter foods. Most of her childhood was spent in the kitchen with her family though and it was a huge family bonding thing for them.
Mike: 1
He does not even know how to boil water.
Mrs. Crawly: 4
Not horrible but will commonly forget what she's cooking or what she already added so you never know what you're gonna get. She can make really good Turkish Delights though.
Nana: 6
While she is a decent cook, she doesn't have to cook for herself and therefore has fallen out of practice doing so. She is still disappointed in Eddie and Buster's cooking abilities.
Nancy: 5
She knows the basics but nothing even close to fancy. She and Mike eat out a lot.
Nooshy: 1
Has legit burned water while trying to boil it, they are not allowed with arms-reach of even a microwave. They are as bad as Darius.
Norman: 6
Decent chef, he knows how to make a few basics for the kids but he's never really been one to be talented in the kitchen. The most unique dish he can make is roasted potatoes.
Porsha: 1
She has never cooked a day in her life and has no idea what to do or where to start.
Rosita: 9
Rosita is an amazing cook and grew up helping her grandmother in the kitchen. She is constantly coming up with creative ways to get the kids to eat and try new foods. Rosita also has several family recipe books that she uses for most of her meals. She also taught Meena, Ash, and Johnny a lot of basics when it came to cooking. It functions as a love language for her as it allows her to take care of others.
Ryan: 6
Food is really difficult for him for various different reasons but he can cook. He is pretty decent at it, learning how to to help with his sisters, even though everyone always exaggerates how bad he actually is. His manman and mom taught his growing up.
Stan: 2
He once nearly got him and Barry evicted for starting a fire in a microwave. Marcus will not let him cook for his son in any way shape or form. Stan is a terrible chef and more than happy to let others cook for him.
Suki: 8
She's lived alone almost all her life and going out to eat in Redshore is crazy expensive. She taught herself to cook with the occasional help of some of her old mentors. Suki is pretty good at it and specializes in stir-frys as they are quick to make after work.
In Order From Worst To Best:
Gunter-Mrs. Crawly
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These are all fics that have not escaped my drafts, not even for a single chapter. I can't provide links like the last poll series but I will provide a general summary below:
Crime Family Walker- Cassie joins
Summary: Cassie stuffs Cordell in a trunk and he's not pleased with it. Cassie is arrested for assaulting an officer, but Cordell also wants to handle her the Walker Way. James manages to talk him down from murder and suggests they help her find Miles as a way to gain a hold over her. Cordell reluctantly agrees.
Summary: Cassie and Trey are dating and they're getting ready to take their relationship to the next level- until Trey learns about the massive antique doll collection Cassie keeps in her bedroom. He makes an excuse to leave but things are awkward after that. Cordell has to fix this because he cannot work in this environment.
Nobody dies but everything still sucks
Summary: Cordell and Cassie both get shot while on a mission. They both make it through surgery but both of their families are extremely worried and taking it out on James and Trey. Also there's recovery time.
The many ways we could've avoided this nonsense
Summary: 3 ways we could've avoided the nonsense around Shannon and the mustang. Includes Stella telling James and the grandparents finding out.
Drunk!August telling on himself in 3x05
Summary: August got more than a little tipsy at the party and tells on himself for throwing it without Stella's help before Cordell can get mad at either of them.
1x18 Hoyt lived AU
Summary: In which Hoyt is around for 1x18 and plays the devil on Cordell's shoulder on how to deal with Stan.
Tom/Kate Heist AU
Summary: Kate Carver is a world-class theif. When she gets called upon to steal from the notorious Tom Davidson for one of his rivals, she initially refuses but the siren song of money and glory eventually win her over. The heist goes well until it doesn't and she finds herself at the mercy of the most dangerous crime boss in Texas. Sparks fly but neither of them can let it show. She talks her way into a deal where the works for him until she "repays" him and they slowly get to know each other better.
Cassie is pregnant with Kevin's kid but he's dead whoops
Summary: Shortly after 3x15, Cassie finds out she's pregnant and there's only one person the father could be. Stressed and confused, she turns to Abby for help to figure out what to do. After a lot of thinking and talking with everyone, she decides on keeping the baby. Trey, being the closest, gets assigned with Helper duty and ends up catching feelings. Baby is born while everyone is stuck on the ranch at Thanksgiving (again). She also opens the door for Cooper to be involved with the baby if he really wants to be but warns him not to make promises he can't keep (again).
Walkernatural Extra- Cassie/Dean
Summary: AU where Kevin is as he is in canon and not Adam Milligan. Cassie has been propositioned by Kevin and Trey and Cordell are eager to push her that way but she has Concerns. Dean listens to her and offers to help investigate. "Do you have any idea how many 'pillars of the community' I've had to kill because they were monsters?" After the truth about Kevin comes out, she calls Dean for comfort and they Get Comfy while watching Hawks Shadow.
Walkernatural Extra- Cordell at Azazel's Battle Royale
Summary: Walkernatural AU (because why not) where Cordell gets pulled into the Special Child battle royale with Sam. He helps Sam get the rest of the special children under control (though he's definitely freaking out) and kills Jake before he can kill Sam. However, Azazel's threats to his family have him worried and it takes a bit for Sam to talk him down and convince him that Dean and Bobby can help. He takes them all back to his family in Texas. Dean and Bobby are both a little weirded out by this "other Sam" but they don't think anything of it until Dean remembers the nursery originally had two cribs.
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bohemian-nights · 23 days
Jace/Luke stans remind me of Jon Snow stans when they go on and on about the “abuse” he suffered with Catelyn and with being a bastard. Now I’m not going to lie and say that Catelyn wasn’t a bitch to him because she was but people act as though she was going out of her way to make Jon’s life hell. Majority of the time Catelyn acted as though he didn’t exist, and would sometimes say slick shit (swear people seem to forget that this is Westeros it is far safer for Catelyn to be angry at Jon than it is for her to be angry at Ned). Then they go on and on about how hard his life was being a bastard. And once again yeah it was hard growing up knowing that but people seem to forget that Jon was raised alongside the Stark kids as brother and sister as well the fact that he lives in Winterfell. Same thing with Jace/Luke like they were quite literally Princes. Set to inherit the Throne and Driftmark. People really be acting like they were just out there STRUGGLING!! That’s another reason I raise an eye brown when I see so many people talk about how Jace and Nettles would bond over being bastards like???!!???!? Like if anything Nettles would be pissed if a PRINCE came to her a bastard born woman and was like we’re the same???!? I know I sure would.
I'll be generous with Jon and say that he had it way worse than the strong boys so I can see why his stans say he had it rough.
I do agree that I don't blame Cat for being bitter towards him and yes he was educated and brought up with his half-siblings, but he didn't have a happy childhood by any stretch of the imagination. The weak boys had the affection and protection of their mother their father, their Velaaryon grandparents and their grandfather, whereas Jon didn't really have that.
Now as for the comparisons with Nettles I agree 100%. All bastards are not treated equally. While they may not have had the same experiences as those who are legitimate those boys grew up privileged and protected whereas Nettles literally grew up on the streets and had no one there to protect her. Nettles literally had one of the worst childhoods in Fire & Blood.
Their experiences are not the same and they have very little in common.
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girlblogger666 · 2 years
Ok I’m obsessed with dad!eddie and I love your blog and here’s some dad!eddie ideas-
- like 100% he would practice EVERYTHING. Chrissy would wake up with her hair carefully braided and swaddled in a blanket because he wanted to make sure he could do both.
-He would watch My Little Pony with their daughter (and suddenly realize after 10 years where Erica got the name Lady Applejack lol).
-He’d obsessively vet any babysitter who came near his kids and give them the most ridiculous questions in interviews (“If my daughter is being kidnapped by Van Halen, where do you shoot him?” / “Umm… his leg so he can still play music?” / “Absolutely not, that’s a trick question- you don’t shoot him anywhere because you can’t bring a gun around my daughter. And you better not let her be kidnapped either. But thats not relevant anyway since you definitely don’t get the job.”). Ultimately, Chrissy makes him settle for either Hopper and Joyce or Uncle Wayne, or Murray when he’s in town.
-Also Wayne would definitely be their daughter’s favorite grandparent. He’d totally get her anything she wanted and spoil her completely. He’d research all the trends shes into (because he doesn’t know anything about these Backstreet Boys until she mentions it).
-Also Chrissy is definitely the one to teach their daughter to drive because Eddie the speed demon hasn’t driven above the speed limit since their daughter was born and is one of those parents who panic-holds the door handle and is like “BREAK!!” whenever you come within 30 ft of a stop sign.
-On that, their biggest fight was when Chrissy was in labor and he wouldn’t drive a mile over the speed limit because it would be too dangerous for them
-I love the idea of one of their daughter’s friends kinda having a similar background to his- like parents always working or neglectful or living with an extended family member and whatnot. Just never having the support they need. So Eddie and Chrissy become like their second parents and even though the friend’s kind of a trouble maker sometimes, they’ll listen to Eddie if he talks to them and gives advice and they spend all their time at the Munson house.
-also always, but especially in a Chrissy survives Vecna au, they definitely have music as a big part of their house and it almost kills Eddie when their daughter goes through a pop boyband phase in middle school (“but I love her, I love her, I’ll always support her… nomatterwhat😭 no matter if her music taste is completely mainstream… iloveheriloveheriloveher”) and by the time NSYNC or whatever starts growing on him, she switches over to heavy metal
Okay so now to discuss hehe:
- 100% absolutely Eddie would definitely be super super super like cautionary in everything he does bc he just like wants to be a perfect dad?? Probs bc he didn’t have one growing up but his uncle taught him well enough!! (We stan Wayne anywaysss) but also Eddie is a lil insecure when it comes to his bab bc he doesn’t wanna do anything wrong and Chrissy is just there to be like… “baby, it’s okay nobody is perfect!”
-MLP YESSSSS I literally love that <3 I think Eddie would take inspiration and call his lil girl pinkie pie or something bc that would be her fav pony and then he’d also mentally smile bc he’d think of that one campaign where Erica literally saved the day bc of her very important appearance as Lady Applejack
-babysitters??? Pshhhh nope Eddie, even being the proper adult/father that he is now, would literally loveeee the idea of interviewing some teenager who’s willing to watch his kid just to mess with them! He thinks it’s hilarious to watch their reactions turn from neutral to concerned after he Interrogates them with his outrageous questions….and then there’s Chrissy who’s like “Eddie, they’re just teenagers who need a job, give them a break” and he simply argues with the fact of “so?? We were once annoying teenagers” but rlly Eddie doesn’t trust anyone who’s not an adult to watch over his precious being
-OKAY…..I’m literally an uncle Wayne stan till I die 🥺✋🏻 HE JUST SEEMS SO SWEET AND PURE and knowing that he took Eddie under his wing makes me like melt! So naturally after he found out that he was gonna be a grandpa, he was like rlly happy like hugging Eddie and telling him how proud he was that he turned around his life and how much he loves him with Chrissy blah blah blah so when they finally had their bundle of joy he helped them out as much as he could bc face it….I can imagine Eddie and Chrissy to be those scared first timer parents! So from birth, their little girl was also watched over by Wayne. They’d literally grow to be besties and to the point that when she could start to speak SHE WOULD BE BEGGIN to go to grandpas and honestly they’d be grateful bc they also love their child free nights
-so when their Girl is finally old enough to drive Chrissy wouldnt even bother telling Eddie that she’s gonna start driving bc that man would def want to be the one to teach her and Chrissys explanation to why he won’t be present EVER is obviously the story of her labour 😭 which brings us to….
-Chrissy giving birth yeah? CRAZY absolutely not planned at all so that kinda left them in a state of panic cuz they thought they would have at least 2 more weeks to prepare BUT NO!! So here’s Eddie literally driving in his shitty ass van with a very pregnant chrissy who just wants to push that tiny human out, but Eddie’s behind the wheel freaking out and driving sooooooo slow which leads to Chrissy yelling “Eddie Munson, I swear to whatever God there is up there that I will chop off that dick of yours If you don’t drive any faster!!” And then he just literally bolts it bc he knows how crazy she is especially when she’s pumping out those hormones </3 but they make it all in one piece and the birth goes smoothly and Chrissy starts crying bc she’s so sorry for yelling at him and Eddie thinks it’s adorable
-YESSSS their daughter is super social, thank you Eddie for raising your babe to be just as animated as u are 🙏🏻 so obvs the little gal has tons of friends at school because one, she’s super polite, and two, she’s extremely friendly!! When Eddie and Chrissy hear her constantly begging to bring home a new friend theyre kinda shocked bc they feel as if their home has become a daycare??? Not in a bad way of course, but that fact rlly helps one of their daughters friend because that friend doesn’t come from the best home, so they take them under their wing and treat them as one of their own!! I also imagine Ed and Chris to not like want anymore children bc let’s be real…..accident baby 😔 so it’s nice for their daughter to have someone else her age around her all the time
-MUSIC YESSSSSSS like Eddie would raise her on all his fav stuff but he’s a little heartbroken when she’s into all the generic pop (spice girls 😹😹) but When she’s older she grows to appreciate everything daddy has introduced her to and all the memories attached 💕
THANK U FOR SENDING THESE I HAD A LOT OF FUN DISCUSSING!!!! Everything you said 100% true and for anyone else, reqs and discussions are open ily my babies 💕🌸🌸🌸
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brookebellamy · 1 month
BookTok Needs to Read the Room
by Brooke Bellamy
As a fanfic community, we don’t leave negative, snotty comments in the same way we don’t criticize our kid’s volunteer soccer coach. Well, I suppose some people do but at least that’s commonly understood to be in poor taste to publicly ridicule someone contributing their time, effort and talents to the community for free.
Full blog below the cut but I'd super duper appreciate it if you consider checking it out for free on medium 🙏
Why We Shouldn’t Hate on Fanfic Writers
Spend no less than five minutes with me and you’ll probably — whether you want to or not — be brought up to speed on the latest fandom drama happening in my discord servers or Twitter groupchats.
I’m a fangirl, it’s exactly what it says on the can. I’m a copywriter by day and by night an avid creator and connoisseur of fanfiction — these days mostly about TOP GUN (yes, that TOP GUN) but it tends to vary on a semi-yearly basis.
I get my kicks in weird ways and yet I’m far from alone in that.
Beyond the movies and the characters, I’m interested in fandom as a whole or as we like to call it fandom meta.
The unspoken rules of this wacky subculture dating back to the 1960s. Watching beloved or controversial fanfics get pulled off the web, reworked and eventually published as independent stories in their own right. The constant push and pull against a mainstream that is becoming increasingly aware of something that used to be a shame-filled, hidden hobby only for the nerdiest of the nerds.
Enter, Stage Right: BookTok
Fanfic going somewhat mainstream is thanks in no small part to TikTok, specifically BookTok — the community that reviews and discusses published romance novels. I’m not really a member of that community but from what I’ve gathered BookTok is mostly made up of millennial women who voraciously consume books of varying degrees of quality and really, really, really care about the sex. Or, to use their own lingo, spice.
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Like they’re almost getting a little weird about it, not gonna lie.
To an outsider, though I hardly should be considered one, BookTok seems to be a somewhat spiritual successor to the “Mommy Porn” craze that swept through the country with 50 Shades of Grey — the most famous example of a fanfiction (originally about Twilight) that was repurposed into a full-fledged novel.
But I digress.
I’m a creator on FandomTok which naturally brushes up quite a bit with my cousins over on the published, professional side of the street. It’s a mostly peaceful co-existence, but it is TikTok so it also can be a fucking nightmare.
Case in point: I opened up the app last week and was immediately bombarded by a presumably millennial woman from BookTok ranting about how much she hated a popular Harry Potter fanfiction.
I didn’t read the fic she’s talking about but from what I can gather it takes place after the books conclude and focuses on a tumultuous love affair between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. That would be Emma Watson and Tom Felton for the non-stans.
Now, I’m no Harry Potter fan. Quite the opposite, actually.
Some of my earliest and most deeply unpleasant childhood memories are that of older cousins chasing me around our grandparents’ house yelling all sorts of spells and Potter-lingo at me. I’m also pretty sure I got locked in a cabinet at one point — but that’s a story for another day.
So it goes without saying: I’m no fan of J.K. Rowling, her work or her vitriolic hate speech against trans people.
However I do live, breathe and love fanfiction and so that means my support has to extend to the Potterheads and their stories as well.
So back to the video, I’ll give you the TLDR:
OP is upset that she’s spent so much time on what she feels to be a very overhyped fanfiction. She doesn’t typically read fic and so she’s confused and angry as to why the writer changed so much of the plot. She thinks it’s an unrealistic story, that its readers have poor taste and she’s mad that the fanfic’s writer killed off Harry.
She also reduces the entire 380,000 word story into being only about sex, despite it being heavily based on the gender-based oppression and violence that takes place in The Handmaid’s Tale.
OP concludes the first of a series of videos on this singular fanfic by proclaiming that a real Harry Potter fan would never tolerate something like this.
I watched just 10 seconds of the video before I had to put my phone down from seeing red.
Eventually, I watched it all the way through, left a couple of angry comments, made a few video responses of my own and eventually blocked her because I can’t stand internet beef with people engaging in an argument in deliberately poor faith.
But I’m still really annoyed about it, if it’s not obvious.
OP’s video has about 30k views at the time of my writing this. That might not seem like too much for an app that regularly sees content explode with 15 million views, so let me reframe it for you:
Imagine you and a friend dined at a massively successful Italian restaurant (I’m talking reservations a month in advance at a minimum). You loved it so much you spent weeks thinking about the pasta and how much you wanted to go back for more. But the restaurant is popular for a reason and so you couldn’t get another reservation. After a while you decided to try your hand at recreating some of the dishes at home. You even opted to have a little fun and throw in your own take on it. You spent a long time researching the ingredients, practicing your technique and ended up with a final dish that you were quite proud of. In fact, you were so proud of and excited by your creation that you invited that same friend over to try it one night. For some inexplicable reason, she was visibly angered at the invite. She told you that you were wasting your time trying to recreate the magic from the restaurant, but she showed up for dinner anyway. Empty handed, of course. Not even a cheap bottle of wine for your trouble. She took the first bite, gagged, announced she hated it and then for some reason decided to power through your entire meal. Literally licked the. plate. clean. She then stood up and left your house without a word of thanks or even a goodbye. And then the next day you got a notification from TikTok that she made ten minutes worth of videos about how shit your cooking is, and her videos reached enough people to fill up Madison Square Garden one and a half times.
And that analogy, though long-winded, still isn’t even perfect. In reality, the fic author didn’t invite OP to read the story; OP found it on her own.
So really it’s like your friend barged into your kitchen, took a bite of your pasta and then put you on blast for having a bland sauce.
Words (And Where We Say Them) Matter
30,000 views certainly isn’t viral, but it’s enough to drastically alter the fanfic writer’s creative experience. It’s enough to ruin the magic for a devoted fan just trying to have fun and write a little story about their favorite characters smooching.
The disgust and anger OP brought to table is shocking and in blatant disregard for the fic writing community’s golden rule:
If you don’t like, don’t read.
There’s a ton of other fandom colloquial terms — don’t yuck my yums is a particular favorite of mine — but they all mean more or less the same thing.
Don’t be a hater. Don’t spoil the fun. Don’t hurt anyone. Don’t be cruel in this space intended for creativity, community and friendship.
BookTok is increasingly diving into the wonderful, wacky world of fanfic and yet many of creators refuse to learn the unique culture and norms that have existed for decades.
For instance, it’s not an uncommon phenomenon for a single nasty comment to stop a fanfic in its tracks. That may sound like a hypersensitive author, but I argue:
Non-consensual criticism has no place in fanfiction.
I say non-consensual because in fandom we do actually have protocols for critiques. A beta read is a common term for a peer review, where the writer actively seeks out feedback from another writer to improve grammar, story structure, etc. However, this is a closed, private exchange between two community members that have established trust and connection — it’s a safe space.
Fanfiction that is deemed harmful or even dangerous is also fair game, though we tend to keep our commentary mostly to things like:
“This story contains sexual violence that was not properly tagged, please update the tags ASAP so not to trigger others”
When we post, of course we know that technically we’re opening ourselves up to the internet. However, I’m not blasting my quirky little Iron Man stories to the front page of Medium. I’m sharing it with a relatively small, somewhat isolated community filled with others who also happen to like quirky little stories about Iron Man.
For instance, it’s very common for fics to conclude with brief send-offs like:
“This was my first time writing from Peeta’s pov, so be nice please 🙏” “I wrote this for my friend’s birthday — I hope her day is as happy as Edward and Bella ended up here!!!” “English isn’t my first language and I’m not from the UK so apologies if any of the stuff about the train station or taxi cab seems a little off!”
In my opinion, this is not hypersensitivity; this is a request — sometimes a plea — to be kind about amateur work and to treat it as such.
We’re Talking Your Mom’s Pickleball League, Not the NFL Here
Fanfiction is not formally published writing, even though it’s “published” on a website like Tumblr or ArchiveOfOurOwn. More times than not, the fic writer is the only person that has eyes on the draft before the story goes live.
It doesn’t receive thorough review from a publisher. It doesn’t go through rounds and rounds of edits and comment periods like a professional writer’s work will.
Fic writers don’t receive any payment, sponsorship or credit for their work. They can’t because the entirety of fanfiction depends on writers cooperating with extremely delicate copyright laws — a fascinating topic I’ll probably elaborate on at some point.
There is literally nothing to be gained by writing and sharing fanfiction beyond the personal satisfaction and pride in contributing to your community’s collective joy.
Old Men Yells At Cloud, Harry Potter Edition
As a fanfic community, we don’t leave negative, snotty comments in the same way we don’t criticize our kid’s volunteer soccer coach.
Well, I suppose some people do but at least that’s commonly understood to be in poor taste to publicly ridicule someone contributing their time, effort and talents to the community for free.
I guess what I’m saying is that BookTok has some catching up to do. Or more aptly, they need to read the fucking room.
Fanfiction is a labor of love — by fans, for fans
If you don’t like a story, just scroll on by. Certainly don’t double down and read 380k of a story you hated in the first three paragraphs.
And if you think it’s so easy to write a “good” story, well then maybe you should give it a try before hating on the writers that are brave enough to share their work with the community.
And so finally, a speed run just a handful of OP and other BookToker’s concerns because if I don’t formally address these points I will lose my goddamn mind:
You guys were okay with the author just blatantly changing things? The mannerisms, the deaths?
Yes, that’s the whole fucking point of a fanfiction. Maverick and Iceman don’t actually kiss in the movies but they sure as hell do when I’m in charge.
What post-apocalyptic world would this ever happen realistically?
Are we really nitpicking the practicality of a post-9/11 wizarding world?
I’m sorry but this story sucked. Here’s a list of my Did-Not-Finish fanfics
Did-Not-Finish (DNF) lists are a popular tool used by BookTokers intended to help their audiences save money and avoid splurging on books they probably won’t jive with.
DNF lists have no place in fanfic because there is no money to save.
If you were a true Harry Potter fan, this would not fly.
No, no. If you were a true fan, you’d embrace your community members and uplift the storytellers that are keeping the magic alive for us all.
if you made it this far, thanks! consider checking me out on medium for other blog posts on fandom, pop culture and more :)
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jinkushiroll · 9 months
When you said no one gave a damn about Palestine your actually not even wrong, from stan twitter point of view. No one harassed brett gelmen who is a co-star of noah when he proposed to his fiancé in Israel, no one batted an eyelash when Jerry Seinfeld traveled there. Point is many celebs have went to Israel because at the end of the day whether people hate it or not it’s a country with actual people living inside of it. The way people eagerly jumped at the chance to “cancel” and namecall Noah so fast was so weird. It’s been like this for years when he had his bar mitzvah there he got hate, like what he’s literally Jewish it’s his religion.
Point is I’m disgusted with the amount of antisemitism I’m seeing directed at him it’s unfair to see so many act like all Jews that have visited there *to see family or to pray at the western wall* to all be in favor of its government. It’s simply idiotic and generalizing. Noah can travel where ever he likes and I’m glad to see him reconnecting to his Jewish heritage and religion.
Woke up to anon spitting facts🙏
And it's actually so confusing how, as a post on his tag mentioned the other day, everyone just immediately wants to cancel Noah for everything. I've seen people make wild stuff up about him JUST to find scope to cancel him. Like I swear to God 50 years from now someone on twitter (if it doesn't fall off by then) is gonna be like "Noah Schnapp replaced the nword with neighbour in that rap song during his summer camp. There's video evidence." Bitchass he was 13 😭 and I'm not one to express my opinion on this but I'm pretty sure he apologized profusely and much water has flown in the Ganges since then.
Mostly it's all the internalised homophobia and antisemitism and all the people that think they are PhD scholars about the Israel-Palestine conflict after 5 too many Google searches (again, they didn't bother before some gay and Jewish 18 year old posted Israel in his insta stories) but he simply doesn't deserve all that. He is literally just some kid on a practical level, he has more geopolitical knowledge than many of his defenders give him credit for, but he's 18 and rich and grew up in this sort of over privileged white bubble (not something he deliberately chose and can he counted as his fault, something stan twitter will terribly fail to grasp)
Maybe promoting Israel to 20M people on Instagram wasn't all that cash money and maybe the people he's interacting with are active zionists and the concerns of the Palestinian fans are very much valid but like, we need to remember we don't even know HIS OWN PERSONAL stance for sure. Emphasis on all those synonyms because he hasn't himself openly talked about it.
I am from a country where just about every 60 year old around is pro-israel because of the former/current political relationship between Israel and my country, though it is a generational thing. No one from the more recent generations agrees to ethnic cleansing and genocide, but we can't just boycott our grandparents and older relatives even though we have such a significant difference in opinion.
I know this doesn't really apply to Noah all that much, but point stands that we're building our empire of doubts and contempt for him on mere speculations and supposedly reliable observations (as far as I'm aware) and yes I am choosing to defend him because none of that ever ends well, from my experience.
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