#still can't decide whether i like the darker lighting more or not. so have both wahoo
mieletcrepes · 9 months
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junityy · 2 months
summer nights ٠ ࣪⭑ 심재윤
pairing. boyfriend!jake x gn!reader genre. fluff, established relationship wc. 800 note. i literally wrote this at like 4am therefore this is disgustingly cheesy and delusional !!! be warned
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Zipping up your sweater jacket (which wasn't exactly yours) once you arrive at the somewhat small river, your inner self simply thanks Jake for convincing you to put on a jacket before leaving earlier. And the fact that it was (yet again) one of his jackets was just a bonus.
“You cold?” he questions when he turns to look at you, only to be met with you quickly shaking your head in response.
It's a summer night, so it isn't exactly cold or hot - but rather comfortable and kinda warm. Which pretty much explains why you decided to randomly hang by the river again, as it basically became your spot by now; even more so every summer. You specifically love coming here right as it gets dark every time, something about it feeling kinda special when you're with Jake. And he knew which is why he grew to love these random dates too - and whether these are ‘actual’ dates could be up for discussion, but to him (and you) they were, so that's all that really matters.
“Next time we should bring a blanket.” Jake notes when both of you lie down on the grass and look at the sky. Even without stars to admire, you enjoyed staying like this for a while. “Probably.” you scoff, though feeling perfectly fine without a blanket beneath you.
Watching the clouds in comfortable silence beside Jake, you can't help but have sudden flashbacks; causing you to giggle quietly.
“Do you remember the first time we came here?” you laugh in, what you would probably call a tiny bit of embarrassment, as your mind goes back to almost two years ago. So does Jake's, and soon the cherished memory can't help but put a smile on his face yet again. He loves thinking back to it, especially since that was kinda the highlight of your very first date (and the several ones following; including this one, too).
“Like it was yesterday.” he laughs along, even letting out a giggle which you so love to hear every time. “It was perfect.” he quietly adds as the laughter fades out naturally, yet both his and your smile remains.
“You know, I actually fell in love with you that day.” you so casually share and quietly giggle again; almost causing Jake to choke on air in the meantime. You remember it so vividly, when you were here and looked at him and.. oh. It hit you like a train - you were actually in love with him. Like, in love. Like the crush upgraded to full-blown romantic feelings and you had just realized.
“You're so cheesy.” he only laughs, and before you can even blink, he simply adds “I love you.” just as casually.
You may have been in a relationship for almost two years, but still every time Jake tells you he loves you, you feel like going crazy. His first confession was pretty much the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, but little did you know the countless following I love you's would drive you just as nuts. And, - very needless to say - the exact same went for him.
“Oh shut up.” you return in a playful manner, quickly followed by a genuine “I love you more.” that lets your own heartbeat increase a little. Impossible, Jake only thinks to himself.
Turning your head and immediately making eye contact with him, you fail to hide an even bigger smile. Oh god. You really do love him and his insanely contagious smile.
However, before either of you can say anything, you suddenly hear a light thunder from afar and can easily figure out what's coming next as you break eye contact to look back up.
“Should we leave?” you calmly ask with your eyes on the sky - which is now visibly darker than before. Though still rather light, more and more thunder appears, and you and Jake seem to listen rather than talk at all. Some could probably say you look insane calmly listening to the thunder together as if it was your favorite song playing instead, but it's moments like these that you so love and cherish - both of you.
Still, almost as if there was an imaginary count to three, the two of you simultaneously respond with a laid back “Nah.” to the question you asked before; which is immediately followed by shared laughter.
But oh boy, you will probably remember this date especially well.
Safe to say, neither of you went home dry that night, but rather drenched in rain. On the bright side though (although you didn't have any complaints in the first place), you came back loving Jake a little more than when you first left that night, and you were certain to wake up tomorrow and love him even more.
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taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse @yjwfav @sieuneo @beombisou @neos127 @odxrilove @4xiaojun
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Running Up That Hill
I've never seen any episodes of Stranger Things, but I've learned bits and pieces about it from Tumblr/the internet, and of course I heard about its usage of Running Up That Hill (which I did know a little bit already) in season 4, which had the song shooting up to the tops of music charts, breaking a record for the longest time for a track to reach Number 1 spot on the UK's official Singles Chart (as well as the oldest female artist to get there).
Voiceplay's video for their cover of Running Up That Hill was released on the 2nd of July, 2022, and like the other "trendy"/popular song featured in a piece of recent media that they covered that year, it features Ashley Diane! So let's go! 😁
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Apparently (if I'm correctly remembering the comments I read about it), Voiceplay used mops to cover the floor with a thin layer of water (which had to be done multiple times during filming), to get a cool reflective effect that would give the vibes of "The Upside-Down" from the series.
(And as always, shoutout to Eli for the lighting design!)
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Eli is going double-denim (very 80s) with his jeans and denim jacket combo, and his "Hellfire Club" shirt is merch from Stranger Things! Ashley is wearing a cute crop top, and I love her hair and makeup here. Cesar's got a button-up shirt and a maroon jacket (which I kinda want for myself tbh), Layne's wearing ripped jeans (like Eli) and a kinda-patchwork-pattern button-up (which I also want), and Geoff... is doing The Least again. 😆 His "80s-style" outfit is a plain black/grey shirt, jeans, and a barely-noticeable jacket/jumper tied around the waist. I do love him but I can't help but (lightheartedly) call him out sometimes. 😂
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Love the eyeshadow! 💜
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Cesar is absolutely vibing at the start of this and I love him
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Lighting change!
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And again!
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When your multiple superhuman abilities include lighting control /j😝
(Also notice the water droplets around/near Layne and Cesar's feet?)
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Cool 3D-glasses-like visual effect!
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Man she's so pretty (Voiceplay videos spoil me sometimes, they really do)
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"Let me steal this moment from you nowwww"
(Trust Geoff to get a low-key dark line of a song and make it even darker/spookier! 😄)
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Lighting change again!
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As if I was going to talk about the visuals for this video without talking about this moment! So extremely cool, even if you're not into Stranger Things. No clue how they managed to pull it off, but very well done!
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The guys' reactions are all absolute gold, of course 😂 ("what should we do?" "I don't know, just keep singing!")
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Based on the very-fixed and very-specific shots we get of Ashley while she's "levitating", I'm guessing this was more done via clever editing and post-production work rather than anything like harnesses to actually lift her in the air (not sure if Voiceplay/Pattycake Productions would have the money or resources for that anyway), but still, absolutely brilliant job, and what a way to elevate the video! 😉 (couldn't help myself 😁)
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3D-glasses effect again!
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I honestly wonder whether or not it was difficult to hold those expressions and not break character, while still singing/vocalising
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The last frame of the video, right?
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This is the actual last frame (before the Patreon credits), thanks to a very quick bonus scene that Voiceplay decided to include. They sure do have a flair for the dramatic, don't they? 😄
Shoutout to Layne for both the arrangement and video for this one! Voiceplay continue to knock it out of the park, every time, without fail. They know how to do songs justice, while still putting their own spin on it, and it always works so well!
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nswd-ofmd · 2 years
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Every happy ending has a beginning.
Before the famous Blackbeard, before the romance with a certain Gentleman Pirate, Edward Teach was a young waif, thirteen years old, blood on his hands and the life at sea as a pirate his only escape. Life under the clever but cold Ben Hornigold isn't easy, and less so for the youngest member of the crew who can't seem to stay out of trouble. It takes all of Edward's wit, cunning, and sheer tenacity just to survive, let alone find his own way in the world full of people who want to keep him in his place.
Never Shall We Die is an epic story full of adventure and freedom, wild joy, crushing despair, friends, enemies, mentors and lovers... Watch as Edward Teach grows from a boy to a man, discovering himself and honing his skills to become the greatest pirate the world has ever known.
Genre: Gen
Type: Exploring Ed's Hornigold Era backstory and how his choices and the weight of the world shaped him - both for the better... and the worse.
Warnings: Darker themes, violence, blood, trauma, Edward being an absolute menace to himself and others, cursing.
Updates: Monthly
Chapter Thirty-One: The Court of the King The arrival at Moxey Town brings with it new frustrastions and dangers, though most of them is Edward keeping his fluctating crew of disparate alliances and personalities in line and behaving themselves. Still, another threat looms large in Spanish waters, a threat they will have to circumvent or face before they can even reach the colonies. The King knows the answers, but if he'll be ally or enemy in the future, only time will tell.
Read at A03
xxxxx Arc I xxxxx
Chapter One:  The Boy After all is said and done, the only place left for Edward is a wild unpredictable life at sea. Being a pirate under Captain Hornigold is not easy, becoming a pirate is even harder and Edward is not entirely sure he can do this.
Chapter Two: Demon Born Everyone tells him to know his place until Edward is sick of hearing it. And his place right now is in the bilges. He doesn't have status, he doesn't have strength, he doesn't have anything that will help him rise above just a petty drudge that will probably be dead soon. ...or does he?
Chapter Three: Red Skies Edward is determined to become something more than he is, even though he's the youngest and with little respect. As he navigates his way with crew and secrets to a better standing, other forces on the ship are conspiring around him to keep him down. A storm is brewing and Edward sits in the center of it.
Chapter Four: The Turning Tide Part I Edward wakes up to find that though much has changed, much has remained the same. But time and tides wait for no one, and soon Edward will have a choice to make- whether to head toward the safety of shore, or be entirely swept out to sea.
Chapter Five: The Turning Tide Part II In the town of Paradise, Edward has decisions to make, and as ugly truths come to light, he has to decide whether he is going to listen to the voices of others or carve his own path, no matter what course it takes.
xxxxx Arc II xxxxx
Chapter Six: This Side of Paradise Ed is growing, whether he likes it or not. At 15-years-old dealing with his own changes and the changes of his friends are hard enough; but when Hornigold is forced to sail with the notorious Captain Flint to take down the Leviathan, Ed is going to find change is a lot harder and comes a lot faster than he is prepared for. Chapter Seven: The Sea-Dog and the Walrus Life aboard Flint's ship is even more annoying in on the Ranger. And even worse with the notorious quartermaster going by John Silver. Ed doesn't know what the old swashbuckler has planned, but can't completely trust him. As they draw closer to a sea battle that could change their fates, Ed must ferret out his enemies and learn to dance with his allies. Chapter Eight: Against the Rising Tide As the plans to capture the Dorter come to a head, Ed is determined now more than ever to learn how to dance and sway people the same way Feliciano does. If he can, he's sure that Hornigold will see his worth But dancing comes with a high price and Ed might have to sacrifice parts of himself to pay it. He has to work harder... Be better... ...And give up more. Chapter Nine: The Devil's Eye On the run from the Princess Anne, Ed and the combined crews on the Dorter have no choice but to flee into the dangerous waters of the Devil's Eye. With the drunk Bill Bones in charge and Jack and Davenport uncertain in their command, it falls upon Ed to figure out where to go, what to do, and how to make it happen while navigating the waters of everyone's pride. But a storm is brewing among the crew, and the greatest danger of the Devil's Eye may well come from within. At Childhood's End Sometimes growing up means leaving things behind (ch. 10-13) Part I: Storm Warning In order to leave the Devil's Eye, the Princess Anne needs to be scuttled- and Ed is determined to be the one to scuttle it, no matter what he has to do. But the storm that's brewing among the crew is growing stronger, and when it breaks... Part II: Storm Rising Free of the Devil's Eye, Ed and the combined crew of the Dorter make their way back to Blind Man's Cove. But the storm aboard is only growing stronger, and some lessons need to be learned in a way that can't be forgotten. Part III: Storm Breaking Blind Man's Cove at last, and though the tempest on the Dorter has passed, a new one is brewing on the island itself between Hornigold, Flint, new crew and old faces, Ed is facing a storm he can't stop- the only thing he can do is try to navigate it. Part IV: At Childhood's End Growing up means leaving things behind.
xxxxx Arc III xxxxx
Chapter Fourteen: Breaking Free At seventeen, Edward is still as much as Hornigold's dog as ever, chasing pirate turned privateers all over the Caribbean. Though he has some life of his own in the residents of the rapidly growing Republic of Pirates, most of his time is dedicated to Hornigold's beck and call. That is until he finds evidence of a mysterious new pirate making a name for himself on the high seas. A pirate that Edward can't help but be intrigued by. But to find out anything about him, he'll have to slip free of Hornigold's leash, and Ben Hornigold is not one to let go lightly. Chapter Fifteen: The Mermaid and the Sunflower Sailing with Jack is a mixed blessing. It's not like Edward doesn't enjoy partying and drinking and smoking weird shit but he can't stop thinking about the mysteries he's uncovered and what they could mean. Convincing Jack to help out will already be a hard enough task without the recalcitrant Bellamy and Jack's feckless crew, but Edward is determined to try... ....while in his heart a darkness grows. Chapter Sixteen: The Gathering Storm Though life on the Tournesol is nothing like life on the Ranger, Edward will have to work harder than ever to reach his goal. Between the expectations of the crew, the hostages and even Jack; not to mention the growing threat of mutiny, Edward is left with little enough time to find himself- but then again, maybe he doesn't want to- because maybe he won't like what he sees... Chapter Seventeen: Currents and Tides As the journey continues, Edward finds that navigating the waters of Jack's crew and Jack himself is possibly the most difficult challenge yet, and while some things are still bubbling under the surface, both old and new, he barely has time to look at them and is not sure he even wants to At least Anne is there as a steadying presence, which is good because things with Bellamy are starting to become a little... ...strange Chapter Eighteen: Breakwater The eastern side of the islands are dangerous, lousy with pirates and reefs and rocks, and, so far, sparse with information. But Edward is determined, even if it's difficult to balance the increasing neediness of Jack and the politics of the crew while not completely smothering his own ambition. Sometimes the line between ally and enemy blurs, and soon enough, Edward might be unable to tell the difference. Chapter Nineteen: Uncharted Waters Part I: Making Port Edward has to leave, he knows this, but it's not easy leaving a ship mid-voyage in unfamiliar territory. Still, the longer he remains, the more the lines strain and if he isn't careful, something, soon, is going to snap.
xxxxx Interlude xxxxx
Chapter Twenty: Uncharted Waters Part II: A Night On the Island Biscornu offers many things, from brothels to food to the night market, all ready to be explored. But as Edward stands at the threshold of something completely new, there are things inside him to discover that he's never had time to consider. Every new beginning brings an end, and every end a beginning. Chapter Twenty-One: New Horizon Part I: Under the Still Dark Moon Emmanuel Wynn is a better host than Ed is expecting. He doesn't exactly fit in on the Melusine, but he doesn't exactly fit in anywhere. Sill, despite being a guest, there are still expectations weighing on him. And an enemy is an enemy, even one that wears a friendly face. Chapter Twenty-Two: New Horizon Part II: Wide and Starry Sky The more Ed tries to keep things together, the more things try to fall apart. But Ed is determined to do the impossible and, this time, he's not alone. Chapter Twenty-Three: New Horizon Part III: Côte des Voyous Just getting to Côte des Voyous is a challenge in and of itself. But when Ed finally arrives, he will meet old friends, make new enemies, and have before him the chance of a lifetime. Chapter Twenty-Four: New Horizon Part IV: Parley The first day of the parley and Ed is eager to prove himself as someone other than just a pawn in another man's game. But as his past and present start to tangle together and his own assumed responsibilities begin to pile on, Ed has to find a way to fulfil all his promises or buckle under the weight. Chapter Twenty-Five: New Horizon Part V: Pale Blue Sky The second day of parley dawns and Ed is more busy than he's ever been, but as the various threads of his past and present tangle together, he's going to find it harder and harder to keep it going; and sometimes the only thing left on the table is sacrifice. Chapter Twenty-Six: Lost and Distant Shore Back with Hornigold once more and it's all Ed can do to hang on to who he is, let alone who he used to be. But as raids and fights ramp up and Hornigold's addiction spirals out of control, it's on Ed's shoulders to keep the Ranger moving forward… before everything falls apart.
xxxxx Arc IV xxxxx
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Still Waters Edward is fine, everything is over and he's safe at the Lusca. Never mind that he's restless, that nightmares plague him, that he longs for the sea, and the Storm of Hornigold follows him wherever he goes. But still waters run deep and though Edward has not fully recovered, he still has a place to rest before a new adventure begins. ...and it won't wait for long. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dawn Break A new day and one step closer to setting sail under his own flag. Before he can, Edward has to connect with friends, connect with enemies, and find confidence in his new role-- sooner rather than later. Because the world doesn't stop for Edward Teach and there are still shadows in the Republic of Pirates that want nothing more than to see him fail. Chapter Twenty-Nine: Learning to Fly There is only a little left to do, talk with Bart, meet the crew, and party his ass off. Edward is starting to discover that there's more to himself, more to find and explore, inside and out there and he intends to explore it. And now, on his last wild night in the Republic of Pirates, he's testing his wings and learning to fly. Chapter Thirty: Adventure Calling Edward Teach. Captain Edward Teach. Finally Edward has his own ship, fully crewed and course laid in. True the ship is third hand, and true the crew is made up different bands of people with shifting alliances; true that Edward's not sure who he can trust, or if he can trust anyone. And as much experience as Edward has, he's going to find out he's still got a lot to learn.
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yourroyalhoneyness · 11 months
Loving a Flame.
Prompts: “I never knew you liked me”... “Now you do, and correction I love you.”
Megarod from mtmte and lost light. I may have gotten a little lazy towards the end. Still learning.2nd Fic so yeah. May also doing one-shots at the moment. It was originally meant to be 600 words but somehow I got it to over 1000. So yeah.
Megatron / Rodimus
I had no idea on how how I did.
1000+ words so enjoy ;)
After a very long and difficult week of commanding the lost light. The two Captains are very much glad and in need of having the next few cycles off.
The larger silver mech had run into a small disruption. Thoughts that plagued him one too many times. Of the red prime. Both new and old realizations kept him from reaching recharge. However, he couldn't put his thoughts to ease. For him to rest.
After some time debating on whether or not to leave his betha to clear his head. To relieve his processor of the thoughts that keep him from his sleep.
With an exhausted huff. Rising from his beath. He had decided upon taking a stroll around the ship. Instead, of just staring at the wall. Megatron had walked into a small sector to gaze at the space outside of the vessel.
Astonished to see the prime of the ship already gazing towards the other stars outside the ship. But Megatron couldn’t stop his gaze from the star. That resided in the same room as him. A sun that he was so close to, yet so far. He didn't even try to fight the tired grin that appeared on his faceplate.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?”The young prime questioned, with a sly hint of amusement in his tone. Turning helm towards his Co-captain. Along with presenting him with a small tired small of his own.
“Unfortunately, no.” He walked closer toward Rodimus. Now standing side by side. Getting to watch the suns and stars from the safety of the ship.
“You think after the week we had. We’d both be out like a light.”
Megatron chuckled, Aggring with such a statement. They were both drained from such a chaotic week. The lost light's latest antics may seem normal to everyone else that didn’t reside on the ship seem the norm. But those that did know that the last few cycles were more chaotic than normal. The larger mech had seen the chaos starting to overwhelm the smaller mech.
He shifted his gaze from the stars outside to the one that stood beside him.
“What disturbed you from claiming your rest?”
Rodimus shrugged, “I don't know it's just I-I don't know, I’m burnt out enough to probably recharge for the next few days. But I just can't. Guess my processor doesn't want me to sleep. It reminds me of the Earth's saying. What was it's hard for you to sleep cuz you're on someone's mind” Givin sighed. Then turned his tired gaze to meet Megatron. Optics dimed with tiredness darker than Megatron's optics.
“So what about you big guy? Honestly I thought an old bot like yourself would be out by now. What could be keeping you up? This is late at night.”
Even when drained.From the lack of sleep and the mayhem. He still found some energy from somewhere. To poke fun at his co-caption. It was not out of being hateful or antagonizing him. Maybe slightly to test how much patience Ex-tyrant had. Megaton was glad that he could have a championship with him. Compared to the interactions they had when he was first placed on the lost light.
A lot of things have changed compared from when he arrived on the lost light to when they arrived at the new universe. Including his feelings toward the speedster. Along with them having a closer relationship.
“You Rodimus look far more exhausted than I do.”
“And you specifically are keeping me from recharging.”He started plainly, allowing a playful evil smirk to quicken on his lip plate.
Rodimus gives a sarcastic laugh. Before rolling his optics.”Ok one: you look about the same amount tired as I do, and two: How do I keep you awake in the dead at night? What are you plotting against me?”Folding his arms over his chest. Spoilers are slightly raised playfully. Letting his smirk meet Megatron's.
“Yes .”
“Yes what, To be as tired as me, Or to plot something against me, Or both?”Rodimus was even more intriguing; he almost forgot how tired he was. He knew Megatron wouldn’t do anything. But he likes talking and being able to converse with him. Along with not being the only thing about his Co-captain. In general, he likes Megas and also spends time with him.
Even now no matter how tired he was. He realized that he might not just like him. Right now he wants to just be close with the larger mech.
“To some extent, No I do not nearly look as exhausted, And yes I may be plotting something, However, it’s not against you. But it does involve you.”He started in an almost matter-of-fact tone. Megatron understood what he was doing. Although he didn't know if the sleep deprivation led to him.Though he did not quite fight it, how it directed his actions. He also knew Rodimus was more interested in his statement.
Oh, how he was right.
Rodimus was intent on Megatron's statement. Almost becoming wide awake. But not completely though.
“ Oh, so you're the one keeping me up huh? Hmm, Wellnnow how does it exactly involve me? Rodimus said in a mischievous tone. Allowing his smirk to grow. Spoiler lifting higher
“To tell you how I feel about you.”
Rodimus grew concerned and folded his arms tighter into himself. Also, spoilers lowering not to make a difference. Bring his gaze down from Megatron.“And how do you feel about me?”
Megatron got closer to the smaller mech. Grabbing a hold of the red mech's chin to bring his gaze back to him.“I know I don't feel the same as the first time I was placed on this ship. I do see you in a different light. Even if you're the same mech that is a menace to society then again, As well you being the same mech are willing to risk a lot of things for his crew…Captain, you are loud, reckless, infuriating, brave, charismatic, and stubborn. And the feelings I have towards you are not to say professional.”
Rodimus's state shifted.”Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome.” Grin returned once where it was.
“Yes, you quite are…That is why I love you, Rodimus.”
He felt a servo placed on the side of his helm. Caught off guard immediately after Rodimus pulled his lips against his own.Raping his arms around Megatron's neck to bring him closer to himself. Both tiredly moaning into the kiss. Megatron allowed his arm to catch the primes waist. Moments passed before. They pulled apart. Looking intently into each other.
“ Good cause, I love you too, you nerd.” Letting his body slump forward. Resting his helm against the large mech's chest. Still, fight exhaust.
“I'm glad… Now you and I are both very much tired. Let me take you to my hab to rest My sun.”He knew for a fact Rodimus would not make it to his habsuit. And he's far closer. He took the prime leaning closer as a yes. Picking him up in bridal style and making his way to habsuit.
Allowing his doors to close behind him.As he walked to his betha. To place the sleeping Bot and himself into the bed for rest. Once laid down. Megatron pulled Rodimus back into his embrace again.
Rodimus lazily lifted his helm to look up at Megas.”I never you liked me”
…” Now you do, and correction, I love you.” Placing a kiss on top of Rodimus’s helm.Before continuing
“Now my Sun lets us rest. Shall we”
Rodimus buried his helm into Megatron’s neck.”Alright, Megas night, love you.”
And with that, they rested in each arm. Finally able to rest. With them both starting anew.
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shenyaanigans · 2 years
Nahida for the character ask meme?
YESSSSS!! ok so. this got long. i'm gonna put it under a cut!! also genshin spoilers up to patch 3.3!!
First impression
when nahida was first marketed, i felt an INTENSE type of way about her and like. not in a good way. all the sumeru marketing was coming out at that point and it made it pretty clear from the get go that gnshn was going pretty hard on the colorism, which--while expected--was vaguely frustrating. we had no clue whether or not sumeru's writing was going to be good, especially considering the quality of early 2.0, but the latter patches of inazuma had given me hope that sumeru's writing might be of the same caliber.
so when nahida came out and was Lilly White, amongst a sea of mostly Lilly White characters (save for cyno, dehya, and candace, who are all from the desert, and even then, those three are pretty light-skin), i had pretty much written her off. i wasn't sure if she would be ei 2.0 or what, but i figured if gnshn couldn't even acknowledge that the region they based part of their game on has many brown people of all shades, light and dark, and this could not be reflected in their designs, i wouldn't hold my breath that they would be able to write a halfway decent female archon.
with all that said tho....
Impression now
yeah ok she's my favorite LMAOOO.
i'm actually a bit conflicted bc like. while i wouldn't say every single bit of sumeru has been perfectly written or anything, for gnshn standards, it's really good bc it's like. normal level passable, you know what i mean? and that's in large part because basically every sumeru character is exceedingly compelling. even characters i was suspecting i wouldn't care for as much based on their drip marketing and such (candace, dori) still had fun moments and were not bland. which is a rly hard circle to square bc like. gnshn very specifically decided not to design them to be brown when they could have. in fact some of them would have had BETTER designs had they been brown (tighnari, nahida, both with the green and white color palettes in their clothes with darker skin tones would have been really nice). but the writing in this patch is decidedly better than the last. and yet also sumeru STILL has a lot of racist overtones--hard to tell if the way the desert people are treated is like. trying to showcase the way oppression works and the akademiya is wrong, which is sort of true, or if the story really thinks the desert people are just stupid and undeserving and bc they worshipped a god who lost, they should pay the price, which is uuhhhhhhhhh.
anyways basically. i feel complicated about the metatext surrounding all of sumeru. however from a story perspective and from a base level character perspective, i LOVE nahida. she is my skrunkly. she is so funny, she is so cute. she is trying her best to lead her people into a new era after the akademiya's corruption, and she's not afraid to make deals with bad people because her focus is on solving problems, not moral purity. she still has the "evil-good" line of thought that is unfortunately part of gnshn's storywriting, but her actions show she is a lot more black and white, so the "evil/good" rhetoric when it comes (which is actually quite rare) feels a bit more like author mouthpiece. (not to say that someone with black and white morality can't be interesting--cyno's my BOY--but a lot of gnshn characters who exhibit those behaviors are in fact not interesting bc it's supposed to be a given that we agree on what's right and what's wrong and half the time i'm like ????).
anyways, her relationship with the traveler and dunyarzad and scaramouche in particular have compelled me so much. she feels like a fully fleshed out character who is trying to do right by her people, and yet she's also a little kooky, a little underhanded. it's a fun balance. also scaramouche is her pet, and i find that extraordinarily delightful.
Favorite moment
man there were so many good ones but like. that moment when she breaks down crying while she's talking to greater lord rukkahdevata in irminsul just. the reckoning she had to do with a version of herself she's idolized, whom she's aspired to be, only to find that the only way to save her nation and become it's true god is to destroy it. the pain of having to say goodbye to a version of you that you liked better because you've been forever changed by traumatic events, and the memory of who you were before is not only an impossible goal to reach, but a toxic force that limits growth in the future.
anyways i just really like how she had to deal with grief, and how after, it's awful to know she no longer has the comfort of that memory, but heartwarming because instead she has a confidence and self-possession that would never have been possible if GLR hadn't been erased.
Idea for a story
i want to see her interact with zhongli and venti (sorry i rly do not like ei >~<) and i want to see how all three of them laugh over tea but also feel a pain and wistfulness at the same time. like sort of like when in kh2 (sorry), sora is saying goodbye to the twilight town crew and both sora and that group are like "idk why we feel an obligation to one another/why we feel so fucking sad but we do". i think it'd be cool if nahida also cried a bit when she was saying goodbye, but she couldn't figure out why...
Unpopular opinion
SHE'S NOT SCARAMOUCHE'S LITTLE SISTER. GOD. i love love love love scaramouche & nahida's relationship, it's fucking GREAT (see below). but one thing that makes me so mad is the way in which people just cannot help themselves when it comes to assigning a familial role to any character that's not in a romantic relationship with another. and little sister for nahida is particularly infuriating because like. she's the god of wisdom and is very much NOT a little girl in the way we picture little girls. she is a young god and is normal development for a vaguely immortal being (think Link in comparison to Mipha; they're developmentally the same age when Link is 17-18, but Mipha is around 55). but a god's development isn't on the same plane as a person's development, and i can't stand the infantilization.
(i'm not getting into the discourse of whether it's ok or not to ship nahida with other characters, so when i say i don't like her being infantilized that isn't an argument for or against that. i'm not interested)
anyways. all that is to say, it's a huge pet peeve of mine to put any character relationship into uncomplicated nuclear family dynamics. like i feel like it's just a way of justifying why ships that you don't like are "problematique" yknow??
Favorite relationship
so like i said, scaramouche and nahida are so fun. i like to think of them as friends/scaramouche is sort of her pet, and i think it's really funny. like they have so much in common when it comes to the "being erased from irminsul and then combined with a past self" thing, even though nahida doesn't know that, and their desire for self-discovery is so interesting. and like, scaramouche REALLY wants a purpose. he feels so empty inside, wandering from place to place, because he was supposed to be a puppet for the raiden shogun but wasn't quite right, and ever after that he's never known what to do with himself because he quite literally failed his one reason for existing. and nahida does this thing where she provides him with a purpose by having things for him to do, but she tries to respect his autonomy. she gives him the chance to know himself again and make decisions for himself regardless of whether it fits her agenda or not.
also scaramouche's relationship with emotions, with vengeance is such an interesting parallel and like ok, the GAME will not go into this because it's propaganda, but thinking about how angry nahida was at the sages for what they did to her and then thinking about scaramouche's relationship to what people have done to him i think would open up a new avenue to her. like nahida does the thing where she's like "yes your past self is evil" and i'm like "girl you cannot tell me you didn't feel sympathy for him, you let him go off the shits!"
anyways. marge.png. i just think they're neat.
Favorite headcanon
oooooo this is a toughie!! i think my favorite headcanon would probably be that nahida and cyno are besties and i think she plays TCG with him. and i think it'd be like. MASSIVELY funny if she was bad at it. like you know how benoit blanc in glass onion was super bad at clue and among us?? like nahida should be really bad at TCG, just because it would be funny. roger rabbit rules.
when this headcanon eventually gets jossed i'm gonna be so sad about it
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Retranslation and Analysis of That Fight Scene
So firstly, I just want to say the subs are not bad and convey the general meaning very well, in a way that sounds natural in English. That being said, there's always some things that get lost in literal translation, and I really want to demonstrate how much depth the Japanese in this scene actually has for Karma and Nagisa's characters.
Basically the TLDR point here is that this fight is very much not about Korosensei. This is completely platonic, I promise I resisted making any shippy points.
Karma: Hey, Nagisa kun, aren't you getting extremely carried away?
Nagisa: Eh? (definitely surprised and bewildered)
Karma: The number one strongest assassin in Class E is Nagisa kun, isn't it? (uses yo here, which suggests confidence in the statement). Are you (very directly yourself, your own thoughts) wanting to quit assassination? Let's think about the talentless others who are desperately trying their hardest to kill him. When you put it like that, it's like a woman who 'has it' telling the ugly ones that they should honestly quit being so desperate to get a boyfriend, that kind of feeling?"
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So some interesting analysis here is that Karma says "zuibun", or extremely, when the original translation is "a tad". The translation feels more natural in English, however it kind of makes me feel that Karma's trying to make more of a point. Nagisa has the right to be making suggestions and stepping up, but he's gone so far this time it's crossed a line.
I think 才能がないなり (talentless, saino ga nai nari) is also very interesting. Talent is the best translation, but if you look at the kanji very literally, there's "genius" and "ability". This specific word choice more implies that the other assassins are good, but Nagisa's just another level. Japanese grammar is confusing at best, but essentially 'nari' means become. So you take this as kind of like 'students who couldn't develop genius ability'.
The repetition of 'desperate' is also pretty interesting, linking the examples together better. It emphasises the point that they're kind of at a loss with. He also doesn't directly say attractive woman, he says "motteiru onna", which essentially means the same, but is literally "a woman who has (no object given but essentially 'it'). This more directly reflects to what he's saying about Nagisa, he HAS talent, this unspecified natural quality that makes him better than everyone else without trying.
There's also a lot more rhetorical questions in the Japanese, which got combined into single sentences in the English. The "let's think" thing is very literally what he says, like he's wanting Nagisa to actually consider his thoughts for himself.
Nagisa's original argument and intention may have been about Korosensei. Karma may be genuinely opposed to saving Korosensei. But that isn't the point of Karma's argument at all, he's making this about Nagisa because he's reached a limit with the both of them.
In order to spare you, more under the cut.
Nagisa: T-the aim wasn't... Above all, for assassination, your understanding is always better than mine
Karma: Saying that directly (take with slight pinch of salt - he could have also said "fixing your statement") is irritating. In reality, isn't it that you yourself are the most powerful, and you can't comprehend the feelings of weak humans?
Nagisa: That's wrong (also using affirmative yo here)! That's not what I said! These are my true feelings! Do you hate Korosensei? We went to see a movie together with him, didn't we have a variety of great times?!"
Karma: That's why, that octopus did his best to come and make a fun classroom every time, and didn't give up like Nagisa. Without bloodlust, this classroom wouldn't have been built. Can't you understand the effort?! It's not just your body, are you still a fresh elementary school student?
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One thing to note here is that Nagisa isn't actually finishing his sentences. You can absolutely tell what he means because Japanese makes sense like that, but he's still dropping words. Or when he does say a full sentence, they're very short statements. He is desperate here, trying to prove a point he can't actually voice into words correctly.
The context here is that this is before we know their full backstory. Nagisa admired Karma, and he can't quite say it right yet. He thinks they're on different stages still, and Karma is frustrated because Nagisa doesn't see the point.
Karma, after all, does have this inhuman image of Nagisa in his head from years ago. The image of Nagisa looking like some kind of snake demon as he kills Karma in his sleep. He genuinely still, here, believes that Nagisa is purposely hiding this. That's why he keeps putting words into Nagisa's mouth. He's also cutting him off at points, not listening at all to what he's truly saying.
At the same time, Karma starts talking down to him. Instead of saying 'no' (how you'd end a sentence to a friend), he starts using 'kai', which is condescending and how you'd speak to a child. There's an argument here to be made for Karma doing this as a kind of defence mechanism too, but that's very complicated. At this point he really is just trying to get to him.
They are not arguing about killing Korosensei, not at all.
Karma: Huh?
Nagisa: *does the creepy eye thing*
Karma: Eh? What are those eyes? You with the social standing of a tiny female animal, are you defying a human?
Nagisa: I was just...
Karma: If you have a complaint, how about saying it after you win a fight for once? It's aimed at me, so come on. C'mon. C'mon. C'mon!
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This is actually one of the most significant changes to the original.
This is the thing, Karma was never calling Nagisa a tiny mouse of whatever, he was just comparing him to one. Because he knows very clearly that Nagisa isn't like that. He sees that look in his eyes and it prompts him, in his frustration, to finally try and bring it out of Nagisa. He's trying to prove a point.
But then Nagisa stops himself. He lets go of his bloodlust for a moment, defaulting to Nagisa as we know and love him, literally turning his head away from Karma.
But Karma's too far gone at this point, he's dragged stuff up his past feelings about Nagisa, the ones he's been hiding for a year to be tentative friends with him, and now he can't let them go. He needs to see Nagisa's darker side plainly, no matter what that means.
It's also important that he says "it's aimed at me". I think this is a little deeper than literal. I think what he's implying here is this entire thing is somehow aimed at him, like Nagisa's trying to strip everything away just for his own perspective.
Obviously at this point Nagisa snaps and chokes him.
Nagisa internal thoughts: Even I...
Nagisa: I'm not going with half my feelings!
Karma: This guy...
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This is also pretty significant. I'm surprised they cut the "even I" part because that says a lot about Nagisa's current feelings. He still doubts himself. He's aware that he's a pacifist, that he's got a lesser social standing, but Karma's put him into a position where he has to stand up for himself. And this is important to him.
Karma smiles when he says "this guy", getting ready to punch him. He feels like he's succeeded, in a way. Though at first he looked genuinely surprised Nagisa actually did it. There's a certain kind of satisfaction that finally he managed to bring Nagisa's 'true' self out.
Obviously at this point they get separated.
So what does all of this actually tell us? Well, pretty clearly here, this is just Karma's issues coming to light. But also a very helpful and useful moment for Nagisa's development as a character. Whether we agree with Karma using him as a punching bag or not, it genuinely does force Nagisa to get some self agency for once.
Karma and Nagisa will never be characters who sit around and talk honestly about their feelings. But even if they're using a whole situation to mask the fact that they very much are discussing their relationship here, it is still a significant moment where pretty much all the barriers they've been putting up against each other drop. They're just still not entirely on the same page through this scene.
Nagisa thinks Karma is just looking down on him and trying to pick a fight. He's baffled and confused as to why Karma feels so strongly against him.
Karma, on the other hand, thinks Nagisa is better than them all and is frustrated when he 'purposely' acts like he isn't. Karma still feels lied to from when they were kids. And he wants to expose it all, to get Nagisa to understand the position his skill puts him in. I honestly don't think Karma ever thought Nagisa was less than him at all, he just knew it would be an easy way to get a reaction. See how he flips tactic from "you're the best here" to "you're a tiny animal" when Nagisa just went into denial the first time?
I'm not going to go into the whole of their actual full fight, but there's some interesting points that reflect back on all of this.
Korosensei saying "your own answer is right in front of you", basically demonstrating that this entire thing really is just Karma and Nagisa
The entire point of the fight was to get one hit in with a knife, but Karma decides to just continuously beat Nagisa instead. Which yeah, is pretty ineffective. Pretty much proves again that it wasn't about just taking a victory.
Karma took Nagisa's hits on purpose, maybe it can be argued that this is trying to make things last longer, to get Nagisa to actually work for it.
Nagisa demands that he listens to what he has to say. And that's right, because Karma was cutting him off originally.
Karma is a super strategist right? And he was genuinely shocked that Nagisa didn't use his bloodlust to take him down. This is Karma. Sure, he's allowed to make mistakes. But this is odd for him. He was so caught up in his own perspective of Nagisa just having that skill that unfairly made him better. But Nagisa literally throws that skill out and beats Karma on his own level, pretty much disproving him. Maybe Nagisa has this special ability, but he's also worked just as hard as everyone else. He's trained to know what assassination means.
Beating Karma like this, on a 'human' level, was pretty much it. Karma stopped fighting back when he realised that, because he was disproven, and pretty much every wall he put up against Nagisa got literally choked out of him. Karma is already known as kind of an ass and a dirty fighter, you really think he'd worry about the others not accepting it if he stabbed Nagisa fair and square? If he cared that much about killing Korosensei, he would have just done it.
Their fight was never about Korosensei.
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helaiswriting · 3 years
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You were in Mclaren's garage watching your boyfriend Daniel race when they suddenly had engine trouble and had to retire the car. You started to get nervous since it was the first time you were present on a "bad day" for Daniel and you didn't know what to do to cheer him up.
You watched him get out of his car while the Netflix camera chased him. "Fuuuuck" Daniel screamed. You had never seen him like this, he was always the smiley joker but rigth now there was no sight of than man you knew. You jump in your place as he walks past you to his room and doubt about following him.
After 1 minute you took a deep breath, counted to 3 and headed for his room. You didn't bothrer in knoking and just carfully slide inside. Once inside, you saw Daniel with his naked torso, with both hands resting on his desk, his back facing you, breathing heavily. He had pulled his jumpsuit down to his waist and his shirt was thrown on the bed.
He hadn't noticed you so you decided to slowly approach him. "Dan .." you said while gently resting your hand on his shoulder. You feel him tense under your touch "No.." Your heart sank. You hated seeing him like this and more you hated feeling useless and not being able to help him. "What can I do to help you? Talk to me " you said trying to spun him around He took a deep breath and turned to you. The moment your eyes connected you felt a wave of heat go through your body.
Daniel had a dark and penetrating gaze that made you freeze in place. It was the first time you felt his eyes go through you and your body was reacting to it You only kept his gaze to be mesmerized by his eyes, darker than usual. He raised his hand to your face to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and let his hand rest on your cheek.
"Oh y / n there's nothing you can do. I have still so much adrenaline running through my body it's not a good time to talk" he said calmly but you could see that he was restraining himself.
You nod to yourself and while doing that you focused your attention on Daniel's crotch and his apparently awake member. And a thougth cross your mind.
You look at him. "I can help you" you said on a wisper
"What?" He said.
You cleared your throat and repeat "I can help you" this time your eyes travel from his to his crotch.
Daniel followed your eyes and a light smile appeared in the corner of his mouth "It won't be gentle baby girl" Daniel said looking at you. His breathing had started to accelerate just like yours. "I know" you said looking strait to his eyes and giving him the reasurance of what you wanted to do.
Within less than a second Daniel push you against the wall and started kissing you fiercely. You tried to entwine your hands in his hair but he raised them above your head as his pelvis pressed you further against the wall. "No touching"
"Ahh" you gasped for air and Daniel took the opportunity to put his tongue in your mouth. After a few minutes you both had your lips puffy and red. Daniel took no time to undress you to leave you alone with your underwear and he finished removing his suit.
"Kneel" he said in a demand voice. You did what he ordered by leveling yourself in front of his crotch. His member clearly throbbing inside his boxers.
You began to slowly lower his boxers never taking your eyes off his and once down you ran your hands over his thighs and gently licked the tip of his cock.
He closed his eyes and cursed under his breath. Yo did it againg enjoying the effect you were causing until he grabs a fullhand of your hair to stop you.
"Don't fucking tease" you feel his hand relax a little but still keeps holding your hair.
You grab his cock with your hand and started sucking on it by circling each part with your tongue. "Fuck that feels so good baby girl". He set the pace by lightly pushing your head. You alternate between looking at him and his magnificent cock. He began to move his hips faster and faster "fuck yes" he said bitting his lips. He was trying to be quite because of the place you were. The walls weren't very thin and there were people around all the time.
You started to feel how his member hardened and you added your hand stroking him where you couldn't take him. "Ooh please stop babe I really want to fuck you" You ignored it and kept swirling your tongue around his cock. "I said stop". He grabbed your hair tightly but without hurting you and you came out of your trance to look at him. He stood you up and you licked your lips. "Now..are you going to be a good girl and ride me?".
You nodded. "Use your words baby" "Yes, I will ride you daddy" ... you have never ever called him that!! You didn't know why that came out of your mouth but the smirk on Daniels face indicated that he fancy the comment.
He sits on the bed and you sit on top of him each leg on his sides. He brought his hand up to your wet entrance and began to make small circles on your clitoris "hmm so wet..so ready to take daddy's cook" he emphazises the word daddy and you suppress a smile. All sudden he inserted two fingers inside of you making you moan and with his other hand he covered your mouth. "We have to be quiet now, we don't want anyone to find us." You bite your lips and nodd.
You position your entrance with his cook and in one fast onslaught he was inside you. You threw your head back and began to move your hips in a circular way. Both of Daniel's hands caressed from your waist to your breasts. It didn't take long before they were both on the edge.
"Look at you baby girl, ridding my cook, helping daddy get rid of his adrenaline" He hit that spot on you that made your entire body went crazy "Fuck right there daddy I'm so close".
"I know baby" He brought his hand to your pussy and began to stimulate your clit. You threw your head back at the contact. His thrusts began to slow down "look at me when you come," he demanded. You focused your eyes on his and suddenly nothing else matters there were he and you "God Dan I can't .. I'm gonna .."
"Come around me little one I got you" and you feel a wash of pleasure ran over you and Daniel climax came after yours.
You leaned foward and bites Daniel shoulder to suppress your moan.
After a few seconds you look at Daniel and saw a glimpse of his smile. "Hey..there you are" He look at you a little bit confuse before kissing you in a tender way. "Thank you y / n. Hope you had enjoyed your short stay at the garage today"
"Anytime" you said and wink at him and laught. "Besides .. I wouldn't mine to have another adrenaline drain session whether it is a bad day or a good one."
Daniel smiles. "Oh I bet you wouldn't. Let's root for the good ones though".
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Better Love - cth
part four: a darker blue
summary: The rain stops. 
author’s notes: I've loved writing this story and I hope you have all enjoyed reading it!
warnings: mentions of sexual themes. 
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part one || part two || part three
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And I've never loved a darker blue Than the darkness I have known in you, own from you You, whose heart would sing of anarchy You would laugh at meanings, guarantees, so beautifully
Calum was running. His legs carried him through the overgrown forest and over fallen trees. The wind around him bit at his skin, leaving him gasping for air until all he could feel was the burn in his lungs, one that was different than the burn the cigarettes he smoked gave him. Behind him, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, never stumbling like Calum had. In his arms, the beating heart pumped, racing and then slowing in random increments that left Calum's blood running cold. He hadn't remembered the way back to the cottage, the thick forest trapping him in and spitting him out somewhere unknown. The lighthouse had been the only thing high enough above the trees that Calum could see, his legs burning as he ran closer and closer towards it. Somewhere behind the wind, the ocean waves crashed into the coast and shook the world beneath him, making him stumble whenever a particularly large wave hit.
He was alone and running from something he couldn't see.
As Calum ran, the forest disappeared behind him and all that was in front of him was rolling hills of green. The footsteps behind him had stopped and Calum leaned over himself to catch his breath, the cold air burning his throat as he tried to listen for anything or anyone else. Stepping towards the hills, where the ocean roared right below, Calum's eyes watched the lighthouse in awe. The light illuminated the world around him in glimpses, making its round across the landscape to warn ships that would never come of the land. The father Calum got from the edge of the forest, the darker the sky became, leaving him to wait until the spinning light was cast his way in order to take the steps up the rocky hillside.
"Calum?" a voice said behind him, echoing through his body as rocking the Earth much like the dark blue waves beneath him.
Calum turned sharply, his eyes scanning the forest at the bottom of the hill, searching for that voice in the darkness. The whirl of the lighthouse, which got louder and louder with every pass of the light, made Calum dizzy. His head hurt with every pass of the bright light, but he kept searching until his eyes finally landed on her. The wind had whipped her hair across her face, her clothes soaked with mud and leaves that left her shivering at the edge of the forest. Calum wondered if she had been chased her too, how she had managed to outrun something that Calum barely did.
"Maeve?" he called out, his voice lost in the wind and the waves, the sleeves of his sweater ripped to shreds by the trees behind her, "Come on! It's safe in the lighthouse, we have to get there!"
"I-I can't! I have to go back to the cabin!" she sighed, Calum's ears aching at the pain in her voice, "I can't go with you! I have to stay there!"
Calum frowned, watching as Maeve turned back around and ventured deeper into the forest. His body ached, his escape making his legs burn and his joints ache front he cold, but he took another glance at the lighthouse. One last look at the promised safety before he rushed down the hill and headed towards the woods once more, calling out Maeve's name.
Calum woke with a start, his lungs aching for a breath of fresh air as his eyes looked around at the dark room, trying to gain a sense as to where he was. The bed under him was soft, the mattress pillowy and not at all like his hard mattress back home. Next to him, Maeve's soft voice was slow and even Calum's mind too panicked to listen to the words she was whispered. But the softness of her skin against Calum's was what truly made his mind wake up and made his eyes meet hers in the darkness. He was sure he looked like an animal caught in the middle of a dark road, his face illuminated only by the sliver of light coming in through the blinds of the window. But Maeve's voice brought him back down, brought his breathing into a steady rise and fall of his chest until his forehead was leaning against hers.
"Hey, I'm right here," Maeve whispered, one hand cupping the side of his face as the other was placed over his heart, feeling the pounding of it against her palm, "You're okay." Calum's lips found hers in the dark, the soft sigh that left him as their lips connected making him forget for a second all about the lighthouse and the forest.
Maeve was on his lap, their bodies moving in a slow and lazy rhythm before Calum would even remember the dream. He was lost in the way her body curved into him, how her back arched back into the palm that was keeping her steady. The bed was squeaking with every move of their hips, hidden under the groan and soft grunts leaving them both as they melted into one another. With his eyes adjusted to the dark room, Calum could see how Maeve's face twisted in pleasure, her nose scrunched up and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. Calum was sure his own face looked pretty similar, his grip of Maeve's waist tightening when he felt her clench around him, the waves of pleasure rolling off of her as she got closer and closer. Calum's hand, which had been shaking in fear only a few minutes before moved between their bodies, his thumb running through the hair at her mound before moving lower and finding the bundle of nerves that had made Maeve gasped and whimper the night before.
"Come on, pretty girl," Calum breathed out, his thighs tensing underneath Maeve as he rocked up into her, "Let go for me,"
And Calum had never heard such a pretty noise like the one’s Maeve made.
"Choose life?" Maeve whispered into the darkness, her fingers slotting in between Calum's.
"Mhm," Calum breathed out, his eyes unfocused in the darkness of the walls and the bouncing of their voices, his mind still reeling from the high she'd brought him, "From the movie Trainspotting."
Maeve's shifted, moving onto her side as she rested her head on Calum's chest, her fingers tracing over the words against his skin again and again as she listened to Calum whispered about the movie and how it had changed his outlook on life. She felt the goosebumps under her touch, could feel the blush that ran down from his face to his chest. Her lips had been leaving trails of kisses on his skin, her smile pressing against his skin whenever Calum's voice stuttered from the kisses left on his skin. They'd been lying there for what could have been hours, in Maeve's mind, both enjoying the afterglow of being together in more ways than one.
"I like it," she whispered, placing a soft kiss over the peak of his nipple, "Always question the world, huh?"
"Always." he breathed out, his hands exploring the softness of Maeve's curves.
Maeve had decided that the Scottish air was infused with magic. Every day, she’d try and spend as much time outside as she could. In the beginning, it had been to give Calum some alone time; but after their eventful night and early morning, Maeve has needed the fresh air to clear her mind and stretch out her sore limbs. Her walks in the forest had been a lifesaver in the beginning too, they gave her peace and quiet and a sense of calm that hadn’t been around since the crack of a bridge had forced her to lodge with a stranger. Well, not so much a stranger anymore.
“Or is he?” Maeve thought to herself, a frown on her face as she leaned against a tree to tighten her shoelaces, “All you two do is talk and get to know one another, Maeve, you’re not so naïve to sleep with a stranger!”
In the short time that she knew Calum, she had found a lot of herself in him. She didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing, but that hadn’t mattered last night or this morning when she woke up wrapped in his arms. She knew that Calum had a passion for learning and exploring, much like she did. She knew that Calum had been in a different situation than her, relationship-wise, but that hadn’t meant he was broken. If she was being honest with herself, Calum had been in the exact opposite of her situation. She wondered if he knew that too, if he resented the fact that she could leave someone so easily and not be affected by it or if he sympathized with her. Maeve felt the pain in his voice that night when Calum spoke about his ex-fiancé like she was the stars and the moon before the supernova wiped them out of his universe. She knew that he had loved her and he wanted a life with her, even if he had rushed into things.
She knew Calum just wanted to feel a love that would never be there.
The sun had filtered in through the brightly colored leaves, the kaleidoscope it made on the ground below Maeve leading her back from the depths of the forest to the cabin where the man who had made her see stars just hours ago had been when she left only an hour before. She had wondered for a long period of her life whether she was broken or not. Whether her heart was defective and unable to love since it had seemed like she was never able to love her past partners. But last night with Calum, under the safety of a dark cabin, she had felt her heart race and her mind go numb to anything but the thought of him. Maybe she’d been alone for too long, Calum’s soft touch and grunts in her ear stirred something inside of her, or maybe it meant more.
Maybe Calum had become something more.
"Do you think you'll stay in Scotland longer?" Maeve asked as she walked into the kitchen.
Calum was stood by the small window, watching the sway of the trees, a cup of tea in his hands keeping him warm. He'd been lost in his head again much like he did nowadays, the worry of heading back home to deal with his problems instead of running away pressing against his temple. Maeve’s soft voice had drawn in his attention back into the moment, his body turning towards her, pulled by the softness of her presence and how hours ago that same soft voice had thrown him over the edge. Since he’d watched her walk out of bed, dressed in only the shirt she’d thrown off of him, he hadn’t gotten the image of her out of his head. How the sliver of moonlight had shown him sneak peeks of her body; the shade of red her chest had turned from Calum’s lips, the darkness that the hair on her mound had been. He’d been thinking of her ever since she walked out of the bathroom past him in a dark blue sweater, her boots leading her outside before Calum was once again left in the dark and silence of the cottage.
“My flight leaves in two days,” he said quietly, setting the cup of tea down, “If we’re ever rescued,” he teased.
“I’m sure we will be,” Maeve laughed quietly, “I’ll jump from tree to tree if I have to. There’s no way I’m missing this interview.”
“They’d hire you anyway,” Calum chuckled and shrugged, his eyes meeting hers, “They’d be foolish not to.”
The afternoon sun beamed down on both Maeve and Calum, leaving them warm and energized. The hike, which Calum had forced Maeve out of the cottage for, had taken place on their last day alone. Maeve had brought a blanket, making Calum carry it in his backpack which was also packed with snacks, water, and a camera that Calum had insisted was necessary. They'd walked next to one another, their hands grazing one another every once in a while. Calum's eyes were focused on the trail, knowing that no matter how far they walked, their way back to civilization grew farther and farther away. Eventually, his focus turned from the panic of being alone again and the reminder of his dream to the way Maeve's warm hand wrapped around his. He looked down, where their hands were joined and swinging with every step they took, his heart jumping at how right it all felt. "Is this okay?" Maeve asked quietly, her bottom lip sucked between her teeth.
"Of course," he whispered and nodded, giving her hand a small squeeze as he continued on through their walk.
When the grassy field came into view Calum had unfolded the blanket and set down the backpack, sighing at the relief his back felt when the heavy bag was no longer straining his muscles. The field was surrounded by trees, leaves scattered around them as the sunshine warmed the air. They'd sat in comfortable silence, listening to the songs that the forest would play for them. In the daylight, where the trees, birds, and river could see them, the distance between Maeve and Calum grew until they were nothing more than strangers again. They would drift off into their own minds, stuck in the waves of anxiety and tension that came from sleeping with a stranger. But that afternoon, their last afternoon, things were different. The sunlight brought soft touches and laughter that floated into the leaves above them. Calum's lips were puffy from the soft kisses that Maeve would leave every time she giggled at something he would say.
"I'm going to miss this," Maeve whispered at one point, her eyes focused on passing clouds, "I don't think I've ever felt this carefree before."
"Me too, I didn't think my trip to Scotland would've ever ended up like this," Calum mumbled, his own eyes watching the clouds swim across the sky, "I'm jealous you get to stay here."
"Do you think we'll see each other again?" she asked softly.
"I think the universe trapped us in a cottage together for a reason, no?" Calum asked and chuckled softly, his head lifting up to look over at Maeve.
"It seems that there is no theory for which to explain a moment like this," Maeve whispered and smiled as she watched Calum lean in closer to her, "I'm going to miss you."
Their last morning together, was one they hadn’t even realized would be their last.
In the morning, when the sun hit both Calum and Maeve, the bedroom was quiet. Calum's chest was rising and falling, the soft snores that usually left him hidden by Maeve's shoulder. The wind had no longer whistled against the cottage, the last of the raindrops from the night's storm falling down with a drip, drip, drip. The birds outside were singing, cheering as if they knew the bad weather had passed and the final storm, an encore complete with thunder and lightning, had come and gone. Calum's eyes opened slowly, his hands pulling the warm body next to him closer. His body leaned closer to hers, the warmth between their bare bodies a reminder of the night before where they both held one another as their moans were whispered in between kisses.
Calum had been stroking her skin, lost in the softness of her and the way his heart ached knowing that his life would never be the same as it was in that moment when he heard the familiar accent of Mrs. Bagby. His body tensed, his arms reaching out to pull the curtain back, flooding the room with light and being met with Mrs. Bagby, who was waving from the other end of the broken bridge. Calum's wide eyes and shaky hands had forced him to pull the curtains closed, his body moving on its own as he grabbed his sweatpants and sweater, before rushing out of the cabin. His shoes were covered in mud as he jogged over to the bridge, his breath hitching as he watched the roaring water splash against the rocks below him.
"Mr. Hood! Oh no, this is horrible, are you and the girl okay?!" Mrs. Bagby called out, "When did this happen?!"
"The day I walked out here! We couldn't contact anyone! The power hasn't worked since that storm blew over!" Calum yelled, watching as the older lady’s face turned into confusion.
"Storm? Darling, there hasn't been a storm here since before you arrived," she said with a shake of her head.
Calum frowned, standing at the edge of the broken bridge, his eyes searching the older woman for any hint of a joke. But Calum was met with a worried look that made his blood run cold. He'd clearly remembered the rainstorm, remembered hearing the tumbling of the bridge and how Maeve had gasped from the room next to the kitchen. He remembered walking out that next morning and standing where he was now, trying to figure out how he was meant to spend the night with a stranger who had taken his breath away.
"Calum?" Maeve asked quietly, her voice still laced with sleep as she stood by the door. She was wrapped in a blanket, her hair a curly mess around her head as she looked at Calum confused, "What's going on?"
"I'm going to get help! You two pack your bags!" the older lady called out, the engine of her car rumbling through the forest as she disappeared down the road.
And then they were alone.
Maeve had been quiet, packing clothes and memories of a day she couldn't help but think would be the last remnants of Calum she would have. Calum, who was sat on the couch, had packed his bag and sat in silence wondering whether he was ready to leave the cabin behind. Whether he was ready to leave Maeve and the safety of the dark powerless cabin. The past couple of days had been a whirlwind, they had been tiring and filled with silence. But Calum had loved nothing more than spending time with Maeve and learning about her in those moments when the silence was broken. He'd never met anyone like Maeve before, she was open and willing to tell Calum her story with no hesitation and yet, Calum found himself wanting to know more and more about the woman in the bedroom next to him. But the sound of a car across the river brought him back to reality. Brought him back to the fact that he had to go back to a sunny city where his life had been. A city where every street reminded him of the fact that he was alone and where the only trees he could see were palm trees. He'd be back in a city where his friends tiptoed around him and the way his heart had been broken.
Maeve had been outside, sitting on a stone that had looked more comfortable than Calum assumed actually was, staring up at the sky. The sunlight had illuminated her, leaving her skin a soft golden color that looked breathtaking in the dark sweater she'd slid on after Calum had taken it out of his bag and handed it to her on the car ride back to civilization. The car ride, which had consisted of Mrs. Bagby, or Baird he still didn't quite know, apologizing profusely for all the confusion and for leaving them trapped in the forest. Maeve had been focused on the passing trees and the way the river was no longer a constant noise in her ears. But when the rolling hills of the Highlands came into view, Calum felt the ache in his heart, knowing that their little universe was far away and no longer just theirs. The sweater engulfed Maeve, leaving her protected against the bitter wind that nipped at her skin even through the sunlight. Her bags had been sat at her side, like two piles of rocks ready to float away and leave Calum stranded.
“You’re going to do amazing,” Calum mumbled as he walked over to her, “They’re not even going to know what hit them.”
“Thank you,” Maeve whispered, her head turning up to look up at him, “I hope you have a safe flight back, take lots of pictures of the ocean.”
“And you take lots of pictures of those hills for me?” Calum smiled, the flash of his teeth disappearing as the car that would take him away from the woman, and the country, he’d fallen in love with, “It was nice meeting you, Maeve.”
“It was nice meeting you, Calum,” she nodded, her arms wrapping around his waist as they both hugged, hoping that maybe the world would bring them back together again.
The sky outside of the forest had been a bright blue, the white clouds puffy and soft as they floated towards one another before separating and going their own way. Some clouds would find their way across the world, seeing bright cities and vast oceans. Others would find a patch of weather that filled them with so much water, eventually draining themselves until all they became were a forgotten memory. They would change from the white and puffy clouds above to the dark grey and condensation-filled rain clouds that hid the dark blue sky. It was unfair, Maeve thought to herself, how such an aching moment in her life had been on such a beautiful day. How the man who had unknowingly changed her life in a matter of days had left on such a beautiful and sunny day. Maeve’s eyes focused on the black car, watching as it drove down the same dirt road she’d traveled on a few days before taking a turn and disappearing from view.
taglist: @hoodhoran​​​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​​​ @mxgyver​​ @calpops​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @notlukehemmo​​ @calumrose​​ @devilatmydoor​ @lowkeyflop​​  @matchacal​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @myloverboyash​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​
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lizzy-williams · 3 years
𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞 | 𝐛.𝐛.
༄Warnings: Smut, blood/gore, language, mature themes, 18+, minors DNI
༄Summary: You're a creature as old as time. And Bucky is entranced by you. (vampire!reader x Bucky)
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The moment that Bucky saw you, he was completely enamored. Looking at you was seemingly a gift. You were dressed like an angel, a white cocktail dress with shoes and gold hoops to match. Simple, and yet would be like a beacon of light; a flame and Bucky was nothing but a mere moth just like the other gentleman whose prying eyes made his blood boil.
Possession was all he could feel as he finally made his decision to get up from his sulking corner and go out on the dance floor, where you were surrounded by men who were desperate to get a taste.
Grabbing hands, tentative stares, and desperate body language surrounded you as you danced without a care in the world. As if there was no one watching, your own little world surrounding you.
As Bucky finally pushed his way through the crowd of horny and otherwise intoxicated men, he finally was able to see your body in full view. To say the least, he liked what he saw.
Finally, he slid up behind you, making a bold move and placing his gloved hands on your hips. The moment your eyes locked with his was the moment he knew that there was no escape, and maybe he was okay with that.
You suddenly turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you close, swaying to the beats echoing through the building. Other men looked to him in envy, but Bucky couldn't care less, not when he was staring at one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
Your skin was flawless, your hair perfect, your curves fitting against his hands like a puzzle piece. The lights blared on around you two as you felt him press himself as close as he could to you, your touch like a drug.
You then caught sight of his dangling dog tags against his red Henley, and you smirked as you looked at him, "What brings you here, soldier boy...?" you tease as you look at him intently for an answer.
Bucky stuttered on his thoughts as he tried to think straight, "Uhm, I was just with a couple of friends, and I think I'm kind of just... on my own now...," he admitted, "What about you?"
"Looking for someone to pass the time with." you admitted truthfully, and of course he would never understand the gravity of your response, barely anyone ever could.
"Well, look to farther," he smirked, pulling you closer to his hulking form.
You suddenly pulled away and slipped out of his grasp impressively quickly.
"Where are you going?" he called over the blast of the music.
You turned around, giving him a playful smirk, before calling back, "Going to get a drink!"
And like a moth drawn to a flame, he followed closely behind.
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"You're so full of shit!"
Your laughter was music to Bucky's ears as he leaned against the bar as you sat in a seat, sipping of a Gin & Tonic with a bendy straw.
"It's the truth," he put his hand over his heart with false sincerity.
"There's no way you stayed in Wakanda and met the king. Interesting story, but I doubt it," you jabbed back.
"Believe what you want to believe, but I have." he swore, taking another swig of a bear he knew he couldn't get drunk off of, "Alright then, Miss Cynical, what have you got in the arsenal. You've had to have had some sort of misadventures,"
She paused but only for a second. She has seen many, many things. If only he knew.
"Umm... let's see... I've traveled to 72 of the 195 countries in the world. Lived in Romania for 4 years, France for 2, but I figured after being in the U.K. for 12, I thought it was time to come home."
"So your American?"
"Originally, yes."
"Huh. It's just that you have an accent and... I just can't quite seem to place it."
Bucky would know. He had traveled many years as well. More than he'd care to remember.
You brushed it off, "I take it you've had your fair share of 'misadventures'?" you jabbed back.
"If only you knew."
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The hours passed quickly, and by 2 in the morning, people began to filter out one by one, and finally, you decided it was time to take your leave as well.
But you really didn't want to. You had the most interesting conversations you'd had in decades. He was truly a man out of time. Literally. He let it slip about the Avengers, and to say the least, it opened up a can of worms.
He was oddly open about most things. How he was with the Avengers, how he was taken in the snap (you, however, weren't), and how he really did stay in Wakanda. But he spoke of nothing farther back than that.
You decided not to pry. If you knew one thing, it was that people had secrets, and they could get very good at hiding them.
Finally, the two of you decided to shuffle your way to the door, and once you swung it open, you immediately regretted not getting an uber before getting there.
It was pouring rain, the thunder now clearly heard now that there wasn't any blaring music to block it out. Bucky looked at you suggestively.
"It's fine, I... I can call a cab or something," you tried, but Bucky wasn't having any of it.
"Come on, doll, I can give you a ride home."
The two of you quickly ran out into the rain as he used his jacket to cover the both of you, and yet despite the rain, he still walked to the passenger side with you and opened the door, a gentlemanly smile on his features.
Once he got in, he reached to turn the car on but was stopped in his tracks. Next to him, he saw you looking up out of the windshield on the end of the sheet, watching the rain as it fell and slipped down the glass. You had seen rain millions of times before. But every time you did, it made you pause and remember the life you had lived; the things you had seen.
You felt a pair of eyes staring, and you pulled your gaze away from the water droplets to look at the culprit.
"What?" you asked, and Bucky just grabbed you, your lips meeting his, the sound of the rain hitting the metal of the car making the moment that much more special.
You made the bold decision to mount his lap, your tongue mangling with his as you just... felt. It had been a while since you had done that.
The kiss seemed to last for eternity as you softly ground on his growing erection, his breathing picking up. You started to go lower, your lips meeting his jaw as you took a desperate inhale of air against his flesh.
"I can smell the sunlight on your skin," you finally muttered, your hands on his biceps, "You smell so good...,"
"I'm flattered," he nervously chuckled.
Finally, you pulled back, and Bucky gave you a confused, otherwise terrified glance. That was when you noticed that your fangs were out, the moonlight outside the tinted windows of the car.
"Are you scared?" you muttered, knowing that you were going to get what you wanted whether he liked it or not. But you would rather him be conscious and willing.
His look of confusion morphed into something more. Something darker. Lustful. Taking his thumb, he reached up and pushed your top lip up and exposed your canine at the root. He then looked you dead in the eyes, shaking his head 'no' softly.
He then took one of his gloves off. Soon enough his whole jacket was off, and he revealed a harsh metal arm that beamed just as brightly. Who were you to judge? You refused to pry. You knew what it was like for society to hate you because you weren't what they wanted you to be. You move your hands up and down the sleek metal, the plates shifting as your fingertips grazed it.
You gave him a compassionate smile, leaning over and whispering "It'll only hurt for a second, but it'll start to feel good, I promise."
You went lower before giving a gentle kiss to a spot on his neck —a warning — before biting deeply into his neck as he let out a pornographic moan.
His blood was intoxicating. Like plums, whisky, and a sharp spike of mint. His flavors were vivid, addictive, and you let out a verbal moan as you tasted him on your tongue.
You suddenly jerked your head back, a gasp leaving your mouth as your lips parted, your eyes searching his, "What are you?" you pried, confusion etched across your face, your hands now holding his face.
"I'm whatever you want me to be."
That was true. At this point, even he didn't know what he was, everything that he was, a blurry memory. A soldier. A lady's man. A best friend. A fighter. Now he didn't know what he was. He was hoping that you could help him figure that out.
Assuming you weren't going to get a definitive answer, yet at least, you brushed it off, pressing a loving kiss to his forehead, before leaning down and sucking more of his sweet, addicting blood from his veins, another groan leaving his mouth as he leaned his head to the side, giving you more access, your hungry tongue probing and licking.
His hands wandered eagerly, grabbing whatever it could on your body as he tried to catch his breath, his body suddenly relaxing, his body no longer feeling pain but rather absolute pleasure.
His head was now cocked up as he gasped for air, feeling as if the air was sucked from his lungs, not in malice but in pleasure as he felt his body well up with heat.
You pulled yourself away from him, pricking your finger on one of your teeth and rubbing it on his bite marks, the gashes closing up almost instantly.
Bucky then weakly reached up, now cupping your face in his hands, speechless.
"Can I keep you?" you whispered in a hushed tone, your crimson-red eyes meeting his crystal blues.
Bucky nodded, enveloped in your gaze.
The words that came out next slipped out before he could stop them:
"Wanna head back to my place?"
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The kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated as you fell through the opening doors of the elevator of his apartment complex. You stumbled down that hall in an unsynchronized jumble of needy grabs and touches.
Bucky finally reached the door, grabbing his key and trying to put it in the lock, missing the mark completely and dropping his key to the ground.
Begrudgingly he broke the kiss and frantically shoved it in the lock, unlocking the door and slamming the door open, the two of you tumbling inside and letting your lips lock once again.
You were able to catch a glimpse at your environment when you broke the kiss, noticing how Bucky must have truly been a minimalist.
"Nice place," you joked, smirking at him.
"What can I say? I like a tidy home."
He then wrapped his hands around yours and pulled you to the bedroom. Your dress almost disappeared like a rabbit in a hat, you didn't even feel it leave your body as he tore it off, the only indication was the cool temperature hitting your skin.
Bucky was delighted to find you weren't wearing a bra as he leaned over you, his lips immediately finding your exposed chest. You mewled as his tongue probed at your nipple, using his flesh hand to tweak and pinch the other.
You felt yourself get hotter despite your normally cool temperature, and you loved it. You had spent so long looking for a man like Bucky to make you feel like a little girl all over again. To make you hot. To make you feel like maybe your life was taken from you just so you could meet him.
You bucked your hips up to the erection he had been sporting since you pierced his neck. He let out a primal growl, taking off your panties, leaving you completely nude.
"So fucking gorgeous, like a goddess," he praised before driving in between your necks, wasting no time licking a wide strip up your sex, making you whine in surprise.
Your attempts to make him go faster here futile as you bucked your hips, gripping his hair like a vice. You verbally whined as you tried to get him to do something— anything— but your patience began to wane.
Even though Bucky's go-to tactic was to tease his women until they couldn't take it anymore, he had never met you.
Before he knew it, you moved quickly, standing him up and flinging him on the bed face-up, your hips over his face in seconds, your hand stroking his hair gently.
Bucky stared up at you in shock and awe, nobody has ever thrown him around. He certainly wasn't opposed. His shock turned into pure, unfiltered lust, his hands placed on your thighs, hungrily pulling your pussy to meet his lips, where he then ate you like a man starved.
Using his hair and an anchor, you ground yourself over his eager tongue, your moans only queuing him to lick and suck at your precious pearl even harder than before.
"Fuck Bucky! So fucking good, baby," you praised, throwing your head back as your fangs made their presence known with a smooth 'pop'.
Your hands changed tactics as you moved yourself to lean back, one hand gripping at the headboard, the other sat on his textured abs, your nails making the skin under red and sensitive.
Before you knew it, you were on the edge. Your body was screaming for release, your hormones going into overdrive as you went harder—faster— praying that your coil would snap.
"'M gonna cUM— Bucky fuck!!" You gasped as you finally slipped into your state of nirvana, your body buzzing.
You shook in your ecstasy, perfect noises slipping from your lips as you felt Bucky lick up everything you gave him. Meanwhile, he was in heaven, suffocated by your thighs as he lapped at your ambrosia. You were the most delicious pussy he had ever had.
After Bucky finally detached his mouth from your core, he looked up at you lazily, and you moved your hips down, your dripping pussy hovering over his painfully hard erection.
"You're amazing, Bucky...," you muttered, your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. Something more than lust or infatuation. You were ready to make him completely and utterly yours.
You reached down, lining him up with you, and kissed your way down his jaw and to his neck. You suddenly sunk down, your teeth piercing his skin as he let out a lewd moan, pleasure coursing through his veins as you began to move on him, bouncing your hips at a sensual pace.
You sucked at his life force with volition, your pace never faltering as it increased, your body nothing but a thief, and at this point, Bucky would let you take everything he had.
You pulled away to look at him, smirking as you felt his blood surround your mouth, coating your teeth as you continued to bring him pleasure.
"Mine," you growled, "All mine."
Bucky nodded in his daze, "Yours. Promise."
Your lips met in a sloppy kiss as you felt him tense up, knowing he was close. Mischievously, you took his flesh hand, placing it where you needed him most. You wanted nothing more than to cum with him.
"I can feel you," you groaned out, "So fuckin' deep,"
Bucky was in a submissive daze, nodding to whatever you said as his mind blurred in pleasure and need. His skin was almost electrifying as you felt his blood run through you.
"So come on. Cum for me. Cum inside me," you moaned, Bucky watching as your breasts bounced with every movement of your hips, "Wanna cum for me, Bucky?"
"Yes! Please, I want it! I want it, please," he whined as you smirked, you couldn't have asked for a better response.
"Cum," you commanded, as you felt your body tense up as well, and just like that you came the hardest you had in almost a decade, your world going white.
You felt yourself scream out as you collapsed on top of the man below you, your body limp as he continued to thrust up into you, letting out a guttural, filthy moan as he came inside of you.
You felt him fill you up, your eyes open as you tried to center your vision, your mind scrambled as you listened to Bucky's adorable little noises.
You rode out each other's highs, your lover panting like a dog, his eye closed as he tried to gather himself as well. When he eventually caught his breath, he couldn't help but look down at you in amazement.
"Absolutely incredible," he murmured as he put his hand to your face, stroking gently.
If you had blood pumping in your veins, you would have blushed, "As are you."
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"Can you turn into a bat?" Bucky looked up at you with the curiosity of a child as you gently stroked his hair.
You had spent hours taking him apart, so it felt only right that you held him in your arms and on your lap, stroking his hair gently as his eyes hazed over with sleepiness.
You let out a light-hearted chuckle, "No. I can't. Although that sounds fun, no?"
"What can you do?" he continued to question as he held you a little bit tighter.
"I can... move at rapid speeds, but you already knew that, didn't you?" You jabbed, Bucky letting out a hearty laugh, "I'm immortal, I have a strong influence, I can even sense people who have drank my blood."
"Sense as in how?" Bucky didn't know why he was suddenly so worried.
"I can sense your emotions. I'll know where you are so I can find you quickly," you explained.
"What am I feeling now?"
You paused at the question, a sense of slight pity crossing you as you looked down to him. You closed your eyes, closing everything out in a means to feel him. A stream of consciousness crossed you.
"You're...," you paused, "You're feeling affectionate. In love. Vulnerable." you started, "But you're also feeling unsure... skeptical..."
Bucky liked knowing what he felt. Being told what he was actually feeling. Some days he felt as if there was nothing left. A void where his feelings once were.
"How old are you?" he questioned suddenly.
"Exactly or a rough estimate?" you joked.
You sighed with a smile on your face, remembering the memories of the past.
"I'm 207 years old. I was born in 1813."
Bucky sat up. He had never met anyone that much older than him. He thought he was one of the oldest living fossils on the planet. But you were just full of surprises.
"D-Do you remember Steve?" Bucky questioned, tears welling in his eyes.
"Rogers? I mean... I saw him in posters in the '40s. Even saw one of his performances. But something told me he wasn't a fan of showbiz. Then after he got out of the ice, I saw him on TV. Mostly news channels."
Bucky winced. If you had seen Steve on the news, there was no doubt that you had also seen him on the news, and that-
"I know you aren't a bad man, James."
Bucky winced as you used his name, but nonetheless, the statement brought more tears.
"Say it again...," he pleaded, closing his eyes as he heard your melodic voice say what he had been wanting to hear for centuries.
"You realize I can't let you go now, right?" He cupped your face gently in his hands as if he might break you, but even with his super-soldier status, you were the one who should be worried about breaking him.
"I couldn't imagine you doing any different."
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z-iridest · 4 years
When You Call Him By His First Name- Yu-Gi-Oh! Edition (GN reader for the most part)
Yugi Muto
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You met Yugi on your first day of school when you were both freshman
You'd found yourself lost in the big school and ran into Yugi (quite literally)
He showed you around, and after a conversation about Duel Monsters, the two of you hit it off right away
But it wasn't until sophomore year that he asked you out (with a little help from Yami)
At first, he blushed dark red everytime you called him a pet name besides his nickname
But, after a few years of dating, he got accustomed to it (honey may or may not be his favorite for you to call him..... God knows he loves calling you darling.)
That brings us to the present day:
Yugi and you had been living together since senior year, and he always made it a habit to find little ways to express his love for you
Cooking you breakfast, surprising you with a hug from behind, cuddling, or surprise kisses, he did everything he could to spoil you rotten with affection
That was about when you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok
You bit your lip, uncertain whether or not to do it.... Then you started watching the videos
One of the videos you watched was your best friend calling their s/o by their first name.... and it was hilarious
So, you decided to try it yourself
While the two of you were getting ready to leave for a tournament Kaiba was hosting, you looked for your deck. "Yugi, have you seen my deck?" You asked him, only to get silence. "Yugi?"
When you turned around, he looked confused, his head tilted to one side.
"Did I do something wrong?" Yugi asked you. You shook your head.
"No, why?" You asked, somehow managing to keep your composure despite the fact that you wanted to bust up laughing
"You called me by my first name.... You haven't done that since before we first got together." Yugi pointed out. A giggle slipped out, which made Yugi raise a brow before he realized what was going on. "It's a Tik Tok challenge, isn't it?" He asked before you lost your self control, laughing as you doubled over.
Yugi shook his head, trying not to laugh himself as he walked over to you before scooping you up bridal style without warning
The action he took resulted in a squeak out of you, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck. When you looked at Yugi, you found a smile on his face.
"You're lucky I love you, my darling." He told you with a kiss to your nose, making you giggle
Yami Yugi/Atem
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It took Yugi for this 5000 year old Pharaoh to figure out he had it bad for you
The longing looks whenever you'd walk into a room, the more he seemed to sweat with you around, the way his eyes would light up when you cheered him on in a duel, how flustered he got anytime your name was mentioned.
So, not unlike how he forced Yami to switch places when Tèa took him out to help him with his memories, he did the same thing by telling you to meet up with Yami after school
When you got to the meeting spot, you found Yami looking bewildered before he started yelling at the Puzzle, obviously not noticing you and having just been switched out with Yugi
"Hey! Yugi, I'm not... You can't.... This isn't a Duel!" Yami stumbled over his words, the moment you walked in on causing a giggle to slip out of you.
That giggle was when he finally noticed you, going beet red in embarrassment and waving awkwardly. "Hello." His greeting was just as awkward, shortly before you had asked him what he wanted to talk about. He had blushed and looked at his boots
"I just... Wanted to say..." His blush grew even darker, if it was humanly possible, before he looked at you through his lashes. "I really like you, and I want to know if you will allow me to be yours." Of course, you said yes, and the rest is history
Flash forward 3 years
Yami, aka Atem now, had gotten his memory and his name back, but instead of choosing to go to the Afterlife, he stayed with you.
He had told you that while he was happy to have his memories back, he still had many more memories he wanted to make with you
At the present day, the two of you had moved in together, and the gang had told you two time and time again that you guys acted like a married couple.
It made you blush, while Atem seemed to like the idea of calling you his wife (He even picked up the habit of calling you either wifey or his Queen of Hearts 🥰)
Since getting together, the two of you only called each other by pet names, two of the names Atem uses are the two I just mentioned. The others are baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, my love.... Yeah, that boy's a sap for you and he knows it
Meanwhile, you usually call him Baby, Honey, sweetie, darling, hubby, the list could go on forever.
Until the day you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok.....
You knew it could possibly get you in trouble with Atem, but that was when the video you were just watching got sent to you by Joey, daring you to do it to Atem or owe him 30 bucks.
Guess what you ended up doing?
The two of you were cuddling on the couch together, and unbeknownst to Atem, your phone was recording everything.
His strong arms were wrapped around you, his head burried in the crook of your neck, planting little kisses there every now and then
"Atem." You spoke his name and had to stifle a giggle when he burried himself deeper into your neck. "Atem." You tried again, squeaking when he playfully nipped your neck, hearing a chuckle rumble in his chest. "Atem." You called his name a third time, causing him to look up at you with his head tipped to the side, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face
"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked you.
"Because that's your name, you dork." You replied, a giggle slipping out before it turned into a squeak as he shifted the two of you so you were laying on his chest.
"Nope, not to you, my Queen. Now, what's my name?" He asked. You folded your arms on his chest, laying your chin on top so you could see him.
"Baby. I love you." You answered, making him smile.
"Much better. I love you too, my love." He answered before kissing your nose and making you giggle. "By the way, tell Joey he owes you 30 bucks." His comment made you laugh as you stopped recording and you could feel him shaking in laughter with you.
By Ra, did he love making you laugh, he lived for the little moments like this with you
If only you knew about the ring in his pocket, and his plan to make sure that the little moments would keep happening everyday....
Joey Wheeler
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Now, for everyone's favorite Brooklyn Boy
Meeting him was.... Definitely a day to remember
He kept flirting with you (and failing miserably at dealing pickup lines), but it made you laugh
Not unlike Yugi and his s/o, the two of you connected with Duel Monsters (he may or may not have bragged that he taught Yugi everything he knew)
After a while of hanging out together, you found that Joey was actually charming and funny when he was being himself..... As well as cute when he was being protective of you if and when other guys made you uncomfortable
After a few months of knowing you, Joey asked you out
Over the next 3 years, you had no idea that he could get more protective than he already was with you, but you were wrong.
Next to Serenitity, you're the most important person in his life. If anyone thinks they could get away with messing with you, they'd have Joey in their face with the deadliest glare on his face and looking about ready to throw hands (You've had to drag him away from Kaiba a couple times)
As far as PDA went, he went with what you were comfortable with. If you were up for any PDA at all, he'd wrap an arm around your waist or hold your hand in his (he'd totally give you tiny kisses on your cheek, forehead or temple if you were okay with it). But, he would totally ask for permission though before showing any PDA
At home though.... Very different story. Kinda like a dog, he's really good at judging moods, especially when it comes to you. You're an open book for him. Down in the dumps and just got home? Joey practically launches himself at you to pull you into a big bear hug (can and will pepper your face in kisses until he gets a smile or giggle out of you)
Nicknames, though?
The second the two of you got together, Joey straight up started calling you "Babe", throwing the first name basis out the window. He has a different nickname for every mood too.... When you're calm or happy, the nickname is "Babe", when you're sad, it's " my Angel", When you're mad, he calls you "Firecraker", when you're excited, you're always, always "My baby", and so on
Your nicknames for him were always, Honey, baby, babe, darling, sweetie, etc.
About 3 years of dating, and 2 of living together, Tristan sent you a Tik Tok video, daring you to do the challenge in it. That challenge? Yeah, you're well aware of it by now....
You had no idea how Joey was going to react.... It made you a little nervous, to be honest
But, Tristan had insisted you pull it off, calling you a chicken
You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Joey, who was taking a while to grab the snacks. That was when you decided to just rip off the bandaid... So, to speak
"Joey, come cuddle me already!" You called him. You watched as he poked his head into the room, looking a bit confused.
"What'd ya call me, sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I called you by your name." You answered back matter-of-factly
"Nu-uh, you call me baby or any other pet name you got for me, but Joey is off limits. You're more special to me than dat, ya troublemakin' angel." Joey told you, making you giggle when he fluffed his collar just to make his point.
Hearing you giggle made him grin like a Cheshire cat and within seconds, he was curled up with you on his lap, the blanket draped over the two of you and his arms around you. Those big brown eyes stared lovingly down at you as the two of you cuddled together, his fingers running through your hair.
No doubt, this boy loved you to pieces. Nobody could call it just puppy love at this point...
Seto Kaiba
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Speaking of aloof and emotionally unavailable at first, that was what Seto Kaiba was to you when the two of you first met
But, the more time you spent around him, the more you realized the cold nature was a facade he kept up... A protective barrier
After 2 years of knowing him, there came one night that both scared you half to death and changed everything for the two of you.
You were heading home one night when you noticed you were being followed
You took the long way home, trying to loose them and ignoring them Cat calling you, but they wouldn't give up and it was starting to scare you
Eventually, the boys ended up cornering you, and just when you thought they'd get away with doing what they wanted.....
"Get away from them unless you want me to make your lives miserable." When they had stepped back from you, you caught sight of Seto before he walked up to you and wrapped a protective arm around you, the glare on his face ice cold as he glared at your stalkers with a silent but deadly final warning
"Kaiba..." You had started to thank him, but he stopped you.
"Call me Seto, and you don't need to thank me. Let's just get you home before those freaks decide to show their ugly faces again." He told you
Not too long after that incident, Seto asked you out (was totally talked into it and teased by Mokuba)
Fast forward 3 years
You help Seto run KaibaCorp (partly because you hate it when he stays up all night getting work done and partly because he's more cranky when you're not around him), and the two of you live together in the Kaiba Mansion with Mokuba
It took him a year before he started calling you anything beside your name, first calling you "Honey" (totally by accident when he was half asleep). After that came darling, doll, baby, love, sweetheart (he's a sucker for the classic pet names)
While the two of you were still getting to know each other, you had called him Blue Eyes as a joke, and it ended up sticking. It just carried over into the dating stage, changing to "Baby Blue". Other pet names you call him include, Love, Baby, Babe, Honey, Sweetie, Darling (Grumpy Pants to joke around with him when he's being cranky)
But, then Mokuba and you saw a Tik Tok challenge that Mokuba begged you to try (may or may not have given you a puppy dog pout)
Around the time the three of you usually took lunch, you peeked in his office to see him working. You softly sighed.
"Seto, come on, take a break. It's time for lunch." The glare he gave you sent shivers down your spine and made you want to laugh at the same time. He looked extremely done
"What'd you just call me?" He asked.
"Your first name, what did it sound like?" You asked him sassily back. He stood up and walked over to you, reminding you just how much taller he was than you. He leaned one arm against the wall, pulling a kabedon as he leaned close to your face
"You know what you call me, baby." He purred out, his voice low in tone and a smirk crossing his lips when he saw how flustered you were getting
You managed to stutter out a "Baby", making his smirk grow wider before his lips brushed against your own
That cocky Blue Eyed Bastard knew exactly how to make your heart race, and he takes great pride in doing it
Tristan Taylor
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For Tristan, meeting you was love at first sight.... Or rather, at first fall....
Tristan was so nervous about introducing himself to you, the boy literally tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face right in front of you
You had asked him if he was okay, and this cheesy flirt came out of his mouth: "Yeah, I'm okay, just fallen for you, that's all."
Cheesy pickup line? Yes, but Tristan's happy to say that it worked.
Fast forward 3 years....
Ever since the day he asked you out, the two of you stopped calling each other by your first names
For him, the nicknames you used were actually pretty limited: Handsome, Babe, and Darling were the only ones he'd respond to
For you, though, he has tons of nicknames (Goregous, Baby, sweetheart, to name a few)
So, when Joey showed you the newest Tik Tok challenge and begged you to do it, you got a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach
It actually took 2 days for Joey to finally convince you to do it (He bugged you until you agreed to)
You bit your lip the next day, not knowing how Tristan was going to react
It was early, your hair was a mess, and you were in one of Tristan's shirts and a pair of your sweatpants when you decided to get it over with
You rubbed your eyes from the sleep as you walked to the kitchen, able to hear Tristan cooking
Like every morning, you hugged him from behind, burrying your face in his back.
"Good morning, beautiful." He greeted you, turning to hug you. You smiled as he hugged you, hugging him back. While hugging you, he lifted you a bit off the ground, making you giggle.
"Good morning, Tristan." You smiled up at him, only for it to drop when Tristan looked worried. "What's wrong?"
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked. You shook your head
"No, of course not." You answered him
"Then why'd you call me by my first name?" He asked
"Because it's your name and I like it." You answered, smiling this time
"But, my name isn't Tristan to you. It's baby." He replied in the most adorable way possible, making you hug him again as you giggled
The embrace made him smile as he returned it
He loved the little moments with you
Duke Devlin
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That brings us to the ladies' man of Yu-Gi-Oh!...... Duke Devlin
At first, you didn't like his attitude and made every attempt to show him you weren't interested in a playboy
But, unfortunately for you, that made him only try harder to pursue you.... Until Joey and Tristan got it through his head that his usual flirting wasn't going to work.
Months after that day, you got to the Duke Devlin he'd been trying to hide and you liked what you saw.
After a full year of being just friends, Duke asked you out
Fast forward 3 years:
Duke loves you to death, and after becoming your boyfriend, he never flirted with anyone else but you ever again
His favorite pet names for you include, Player 2, Baby, Babe, Hot Stuff, Doll, the list could go on forever
You've always called him your Player 1, Baby or Darling
But, then Tristan dared you to call him by his first name to see his reaction
You automatically knew it wouldn't end well, as he would think he did something wrong
Hence your hesitation
But, you decided to get it over with when the two of you were cuddling. His face was buried in your neck as he held you in his arms
"Duke." You said his name, giggling when he only responded by burying himself deeper into your neck. "Duke." You tried again
"That's not my name, Prince/Princess." Duke told you, refusing to cooperate and making you laugh
"Then what is it?" You asked, only to squeak when he made you lay back on the couch with him on top of you
"You know what it is." He purred with a smirk, leaning close to your face with his lips inches from yours
"Baby, you drive me crazy sometimes, you know that?" You asked him before he finally kissed you and shifted so you were on his lap again
"Yep, I know. You do the same thing to me."
Ryou Bakura
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Did somebody say Cream Puff? That's right, it's Ryou's turn! ^.^
The two of you were both pretty shy when you met him, and the two of you clicked right away
Believe it or not, it took him 2 years to ask you out (Yeah, Yami Bakura forced him to, getting tired of hearing Ryou pine for you in his thoughts the whole time)
It took 5 years for the two of you to move in together, and by that point, both of you had abandoned calling each other by your first names
His personal favorite to call you is "My Love", "Dear" or "My Angel" while he adores being called "Darling", "Dear" and "Honey"
But, you saw a video challenge on Tik Tok that featured women calling their lovers by their first name instead of a pet name, you decided to try it....
If only you knew the reaction it would spawn....
You had just gotten home and couldn't find him anywhere when you decided to call him by his first name.
"Ryou? Where are you?" You asked. Ryou came running, looking scared.
"What's wrong? Is everything all right, you don't normally call me by my first name." He looked so terrified as he checked you for injuries, you felt so bad and hugged him, automatically feeling his arms wrap around you back.
"No, no, everything's fine, dear. I was just wondering where you were since you weren't there to greet me like normal." You told him
You eventually did tell him about the video challenge, just.... Later... After both of you had calmed down some
The two of you shared a good laugh over it
Marik Ishtar
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While it took 5 years for Ryou to get used to being affectionate, Marik adjust a bit more quickly....
It took 3 years of being friends for Marik to know how he felt, and since he'd had no romance experience before you, it took him 2 more to go on pet name basis with you rather than first names
His favorite to call you is "Sugar" followed closely by "Baby" and "Princess/Prince". Your favorite to call him is "Darling", "Prince Charming" (that nickname gets him blushing everytime), and "Baby"
About 2 years after that, the two of you moved in together (Our adorable Egyptian boy didn't want to spend one more day with you away from him 🥺❤)
Which brings us to the present day...
You were trying on a special outfit for a date night with Marik when your best friend texted you, daring to do the challenge in the video she sent. You watched it, an eyebrow going up when you realized the video was girls calling their boyfriends/husbands by their first name instead
"You look beautiful/handsome in that outfit." You heard Marik before you turned to see him, an adoring smile on his face as he stood in the doorway
Deciding to do the dare (you'd never hear the end of it if you didn't), you looked down at yourself
"You don't think it looks bad on me, Marik?" You asked in the shy tone you had always used when addressing him for the first time
Marik tipped his head to one side, looking a bit confused. "Anything you wear looks perfect on you, baby, but why'd you call me that?"
"What, Marik? It's your name." You answered, looking up at you and trying to keep a smile from off your face
"Not to you for the past 4 years, it hasn't." Marik answered, both his brows up at this point. That's when a sly smirk crossed his face, a smirk you hadn't seen in years
You took a step back, but it was the wrong move as Marik pounced, bringing you into a hug and littering your face in kisses, making you laugh. "Now, what's. My. Name?" He asked in between kisses to everywhere on your face but your lips.
"Darling." You pouted, finally getting a long sweet kiss to your lips from Marik
He gave you a cute smile when the two of you finally separated
"Now, let's get going, my darling Prince/Princess."
If only you'd known he'd be asking you to be his King/Queen that night....
Yami Bakura
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That brings us to the bad boys..... First up Yami Bakura
The second you met him, you started calling him by the nickname "Fluffy"....
Oh Gods of Egypt, he detested that nickname
But, Ryou wouldn't let him do anything about it, so he was stuck to listen as you referred to him as Fluffy the entire time
However.... The more you called him it, the more he didn't seem to mind much
In fact, 2 years after meeting him for the first time, he asked you out
But, don't think he doesn't have a nickname for you that he started using....
Dating you brought out a mushy side to him, much to his own disgust for the first few months, but he ended up loving when it made you blush, so the nickname he gave you stuck: his Lotus.
It went on like that for a while, the two of you bantered like an old married couple (5,000 years in that Millennium Ring is more than enough to make someone cranky as hell, let's be brutally honest here)
3 years later, the two of you were living together, and Yami Marik (Melvin) dared you to call Bakura by his name instead of the Fluffy nickname you had always used
Well, you had no idea how that was going to blow over with him, but you just shrugged and thought 'What the hell?'
You found Bakura in the kitchen and hugged him from behind. "Whatcha doin', Bakura?" You asked him before feeling him tense up in your arms. When you looked up at him, he looked in shock. "What?"
"You've never called me by my first name." He told you, looking down at you and shooting you a glare. "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain dare now, would it?"
You blinked. "How do you do that?" You asked. He shrugged with a little smirk before suddenly picking you up, making you squeak in shock as he put you on the counter, standing between your legs.
"Only you get to call me Fluffy, my Lotus. Looks like I need to remind you of that." He purred deep in his throat with a smirk
Let's just say your voice was pretty hoarse the next morning..... 😳
Yami Marik (Melvin)
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And that now brings us to our evil Egyptian boy, Yami Marik (aka Melvin)
The first time he met you, you called him "Psycho", while he called you "Doll"
The nicknames stuck, and when you two started dating after 2 years, nothing really changed.... He just called you "Baby" every now and then while you called him "My Handsome Little Psycho" or "Babe"
After a year or so of living together, you got a text from Yami Bakura daring you to call Melvin by his first name
You had no idea how he would react, honestly you didn't want to find out
But, with some convincing (and may or may not have threatened a one way trip to the Shadow Realm for you), he convinced you to do it
While the two of you were relaxing together, you looked up at Melvin.
"You know I love you, right, Melvin?" You asked him.
His eyes automatically went down to you, an eyebrow raised. "Why'd you call me that?" He asked.
"Because it's your name." You answered before you yelped as he pinned you down
"No, no, no, doll, say my name..." He told you before kissing your neck, making you bite back a moan. "My real name."
"Baby..." You moaned out before Melvin smashed his lips into yours and smirked.
"Good girl."
Taglist: @vivinightingale @bisexualmattholtstan @wataponwrites
173 notes · View notes
capri-ramblings · 4 years
It's finally here! The third Installment of my 'Mother's Reluctance'' ✨ Sebek,Deuce and Epel will be featured in the fourth part! Thank you for your patience!
Warning; Toxic/unhealthy relationships. Mentions of substance.
Please take note every work of mine here is purely fictional and meant for entertainment.
Please do not indulge in my yandere works if you are triggered by its dark, heavy themes.
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Trey Clover
- Trey had wondered when the question was going to be asked. The two of you have been together for almost five years and he's noticed how you've adapted to his...darker tendencies as a partner
- He'll be honest,he's impressed. When it all first started he thought he'd have to break you to make the whole relationship work,but it seems you've proven him wrong
- Children are a must have for Trey. He grew up with a fairly large family himself and he couldn't really picture a lasting relationship with you without any children. Plus,his parents had began asking too.
- He had no problems with it,of course. He was more than ready to handle a few more children aside from his younger siblings,the only issue here was you.
- Trey was aware that you weren't so confident in parenting as he was,and he also noticed your reluctance regarding it.
- It annoyed him to a certain degree, and with his subtle charisma,Trey made sure you were aware of it.
- And you were. You just thought that as long as you acted like you didn't,he wouldn't get too frustrated over it.
- Oh,how wrong you were.
- Trey's cunningness hides behind a veil of his usual friendliness towards everyone, and by forgetting that, you were bound to fall for his trap.
- The two of you were closing up the family bakery one night when Trey came out of the kitchen with freshly baked tarts settled neatly on a white plate.
- "Were there extras? I thought we sold out everything..."
- Trey let out a small laugh as he shook his head. You noted how pleased he looked and quietly wondered why he was in such a good mood all of the sudden.
- "No,I made these for us. Your favourites too" He took one tart off the plate and plopped it into his mouth in one go, and the corners of your lips twitched into a small smile.
- "Thanks,but I think I'll pass. I just wanna get into bed and sleep"
- The whole day was a chore. You were used to a bustling bakery filled with customers,but today most of those customers were children, kindergarteners who had their teacher bring them all into the town's favourite Bakery because it was one of their friends' birthday. It was a sweet occasion,you weren't going to lie,seeing those small happy faces filled with sweets had you grinning,but the amount of energy those small human beings demanded was exasperating.
- Trey rose his brows,taking in another tart into his mouth. You missed the dark look he gave you when you turned around to flip the shop's sign from outside.
- "You're missing out" He mused, "It could help rejuvenate that tired body of yours"
- You laughed,shaking your head. You should've expected him to treat you like some worn out kid,Trey always had that habit.
- Though, you weren't expecting his body to press against yours when you turned around to face him. His lips suddenly close enough to just hover above yours.
- "Trey—"
- He leaned down to kiss your lips faster than your words could reach you, and in the moment you pressed yourself into him,Trey slipped one arm around your waist.
- His lips tasted sweet, a mix of vanilla and citrus mingling on his tongue that came to intertwine around yours. When you felt him closing the gap between bodies,the kiss deepened and Trey had you wilting in his grasp. The way his heat engulfed your entire being then gave a sense of high you failed to find in anyone else,and when he finally broke the contact,your lips were swollen and aching for more.
- The look in his eyes before he pulled away from you was tinted with wanton fever. And for a brief second,you thought you saw hunger in them.
- You're stumbling on yourself,of course you are. Trey isn't the type to suddenly pull you into such an intimate thing after all, but you regain your composure fast and with a gentle if not wary nudge, you put a space between you and Trey as you walked pass him and towards the scounter.
- "What was that for?" You asked and heard him chuckling before the sound of the front door locking caught your attention. It was meant to be locked,you remind yourself. The backdoor was always how you and Trey left after all. You wondered then why it bothered you so much in the first place.
- "Can't I be mysterious and kiss you whenever?"
- It sounded harmless,how the words just seem to bounce in your head and you paid it no mind.
- The tray of tarts placed beside you caught your eye a second you were about to reach out and take one for yourself, but something held you back.
- Trey is,above all else, a patient person and that patience you found so comforting is what he'll use against you.
- That night, after getting home and finally be able to just throw yourself onto your mattress. You woke up feeling thirsty and decided to slither out of bed as quietly as you could so Trey wouldn't be disturbed.
- In getting yourself a cold drink, you wonder if the tarts he made earlier were still there and to your pleasant surprise,Trey had kept them chilled in the fridge. Somehow feeling giddy about how spontaneous he was today, you take one and pop it into your mouth.
- Oh, sweetheart. Didn't you realize they tasted a bit too sweet? Trey's Doodle suit should've worn off by now but maybe it was just the exhaustion of the day that made you oblivious to the slight tingling sensation you felt after successfully eating three tarts in a row.
- Then again,how could you have known he slipped in a longing potion in them? He knew if it worked too fast it would seem suspicious and so Trey gave you the leniency of time by making it in small doses.
- He's waited years for the moment you'd beg him to have his seed inside you, a few more months is nothing.
- So,he'll wait and watch as the potion sets into your senses and you start wondering why you ever disliked the thoughts of children in the first place.
- They're so small and harmless and filled with joy...and they the way they'd resemble their parents so perfectly...
- How would your child look like? Would they have Trey's sharp gaze and your complexion? His patience and your wits?
- The thoughts circle through your head like a hypnotising lullaby.
- It began to hurt to wake up and see you don't have a kid of your own with your partner.
- Did Trey still wanted them? You hoped did because this house has started to feel a bit too big for just the two of you.
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Jade Leech
- Jade can be cunning and cruel when he wants to and that's what made him such a terrifying partner to anger.
- He had control over himself,he knew when to pull back and when to shove fear down your throat.
- Jade is someone you never want to rile up or provoke even when you never really had a way of seeing the earlier signs of it.
- Possessive and sadistic, whenever Jade wanted a certain type of attention from you, he never failed to make you flinch from it.
- He was also very observant of you, and so he already knew from the start that the topic of having children was something you never wanted to delve into
- But, he liked seeing you squirm with discomfort. So, naturally,the topic often came up. Much to your dismay.
- "Say,why don't you want children, ____?"
- The way he curled his tongue around your name at the end made you shiver and Jade fought back the urge to snicker behind your back.
- Your lips pursed, and you tried to calm your nerves, but even knowing fully well what he was aiming at, you always tend to come off snarky.
- And though he adores your fighting spirit, Jade also loves giving you small punishments afterwards.
- Jade is wickedly patient however, so his process of manipulating you into giving him a child is more likely a slow burn. You don't even notice you're leaning into his fantasies until it's too late.
- He starts subtly at first, as always, pointing out the physical differences between him and you. Reminding you that he isn't human and thus the act of making children would be vastly different from how he'd usually have sex with you.
- His eyes seem to flicker when he sees you squirm underneath his scrutinizing prowess, but the conflicting acts of gentleness that comes afterwards has you cornered.
- He was throwing you out in the cold waters only to reel you back up into his arms,so you'd never know the warmth of another. So you'd depend on him.
- And it was working.
- Jade will choose to tire you out from your refusal. Easing you ever so tentatively into the idea of having children. The idea of truly becoming his wife and partner for life.
- Whether he had you as your current self or somehow altered you into one of his own kind is something he doesn't really mull over. As long as it's you, Jade doesn't care.
- You're both facing the mirror in your bedroom when Jade comes from behind you, his arms swiftly snaking its way around your waist. You fit in his grasp so perfectly,how could he imagine losing you to someone else?
- "Have children with me,my little starfish. Can't you imagine them swimming about? Calling you their mother and swarming you with loving hugs and kisses?"
- His words sounds so peaceful,so serene, you can't help but look into your reflection and see the swollen bump growing in your womb. See how easier your life would be if you surrendered yourself to him completely.
- "You'll make a lovely mother, and your brood will be the light of my life. I'll do anything to make you all happy."
- You breathed in his scent,his skin against yours a solid comfort you've come to yearn for.
- Would he always be this gentle if you gave him what he wanted?
- Days when he'll leave you all alone seemed to make you cringe. If you had a part of him, those days wouldn't bother you,would it?
- Jade intertwined his fingers with yours, a knowing look etched into his expression as he hears you murmur your reply.
- "Please be gentle."
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Cater Diamond
- If Cater really wanted kids, he'd have cum inside you from the beginning really.
- He looks like a man with plans and at times he is, but when it came to personal things he always gets too emotionally invested to actually plan things out.
- But truth be told, he had to take a few years to sort his thoughts out to finally be comfortable with the notion of having kids.
- It's not that he disliked them, kids were great most of the time but he didn't exactly enjoy the idea of sharing his sweet Cupcake with an infant.
- After all, children required a lot of caring for and that's what good parents do, and what you and him have to face up to.
- But Cater didn't want that. He wanted you to himself. His Cupcake's time and effort should be showered onto him and him alone.
- A child would be a hindrance to that.
- But then a light bulb beamed in his thoughts and Cater came to a conclusion that if he had kids with you then your life would be completely in his hands!
- Unlike his carefree facade, Cater's yandere side is controlling and extremely possessive. If a kid is what it takes to have you forever, then he'll have twenty of them without a doubt.
- and they'll all call him Papa
- And you'd be their sweet,caring, mommy.
- This fantasy of his is a nightmare to you, and chances are Cater already guessed you were against it
- Though if you think that'll stop him, you're wrong.
- He's your capable Senpai,after all. He'll know the perfect tricks to get you on his side.
- You're extremely off the edge with how suddenly gentle and thoughtful Cater's been the last few weeks, how he hasn't played one of his manipulative mind games on you or increasing the 'rent' for staying with him, and you're half believing that maybe he's back to his old self. But there's this sick feeling in your stomach that doesn't seem to budge the more you spend time thinking about it and you keep telling yourself that he's baiting you into some sort of trap.
- So, you keep your guard up. Taking in the smallest gestures and carefully analysing them, making sure you hadn't somehow made Cater upset
- You knew how crafty he was after all.
- But being crafty wasn't his only strong suit,omitting that made you vulnerable to him.
- Cater has his charms, at times you don't even see him get all possessive over you until he has you trembling underneath him on the bed.
- Maybe it was the fact he always hid his true expressions, growing up with bossy sisters gave him the upper hand of disclosing any bitter thoughts and gestures.
- So,no, you don't realize it when he slips in the aphrodisiac in your drinks and snacks little by little everyday.
- No, you don't seem to wonder why you're always hot and bothered when he's not even paying you any attention.
- You don't even know why he hasn't even touch you at all in any way. No hugs from behind or pecks on the cheek. Not even a single wink.
- He's feeding you stuff to throw your hormones into a turbulent storm and he's going to let you starve.
- The doses are so small,so damn meticulous, you'd think it was ridiculous for anyone to even pull off but Cater does.
- Because he's determined to make you beg for it, because he knows that if you beg then you can't tell him otherwise later on.
- He's pushing you into a steep edge of a cliff and then he'll blame you for acting scared and asking him for help.
- Out of the manipulating yanderes out there,Cater is the most shameless.
- He wants you to hear you say it, needs to have a deluded sense of consent.
- You're his Cupcake after all, if you weren't willing, then it's not exciting. He doesn't like seeing you cry with all that sad, desperate pleadings.
- He wants you to welcome him,to accept him.
- When you finally hit your limit, Cater is quick to come to your side and give you whatever you needed from him.
- Thirsty? Oh sweetheart,he already has a glass of cold water for you here!
- Feverish? No problem, he'll stay up to monitor your temperature!
- You're starting to get all grabby and clingy too? Teling him how you didn't want him to leave and that you felt all lonely. He doesn't mind. He'll let you do whatever you wanted to him.
- Those aphrodisiacs can be such a bother, right? Of course. He understands. He won't tell you off for it. Not yet at least.
- "You don't look at me anymore, you don't touch or even hold me...Did I do something wrong? Are you angry? Please say something. It's like you're not even here anymore."
- Your mind's all muddied and scrambled, your skin burning and senses stirred. Half of what you say don't even make it to your own ears but somehow the way Cater looks down at you with such sympathetic eyes gets you all teary eyed.
- "Aw, Cupcake. Don't cry,hey,I'm not going to leave you, okay?"
- "Listen,I'm the one who made you stay with me right? Why would I leave you,hm?"
- "Come on,don't be sad. You know I hate it when you start getting sad..."
- Cater wipes away the tears on your cheeks,the heat from his palms cupping your face sending chills down your spine. It felt so good to be touched. It's as if you've been deprived of a crucial living necessity.
- You even started calling out his name, looping it around your tongue like a mantra as you bury your face into his chest, melting into his embrace.
- Cater's holding back a laugh when he runs his fingers through your hair, his eyes dulled and glazed over.
- Intoxicated.
- "Come on, Cupcake, if you don't stop that I'll have to eat you up tonight."
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- He's surprisingly very straightforward with it.
- One of the mildest yanderes amongst the boys, Silver doesn't resort to violence or manipulation.
- It's not that he isn't good at either one, he is, you've seen multiple times how easily he overwhelmed past suitors who thought they could take you away from him, how easy his tongue told lies that crafted everyone into his scheme, but Silver simply doesn't see the point.
- Why would he put in so much effort into something that could be dealt with normally?
- If he wanted children, he would tell you and then he'll wait for your reply. He'll watch how your body reacts to him wanting to set his mark on you permanently.
- You can tell him no, and he'll nod his head.
- The next day, he'll ask you for your reason, and you can tell him that you aren't ready, that children were hard for you to handle.
- Again, he'll silently let your answer seep into him.
- The third day, he'll give you his answer,his reason and he'll make you choose.
- "If you give me a child, you can stay with your parents until you deliver."
- And then suddenly,your entire world comes crashing down on you.
- You're not sure if you're hearing him right and patiently,Silver repeats his offer and you're staring at him as if your eyes are adjusting to some sort of light you were hidden away from.
- He knows why you're stumped, though. Silver took you away from your family and friends the moment he had you in his grasp.
- You were his precious songbird,his treasured magpie. No one else could hold open the doors to your cage save for Silver himself.
- He lets you think it over, because that's just how he is despite how impatient he seems to look,Silver could wait for over a year for your reply. He won't lay a hand on you, never has really, but the way his gaze seemed to freeze over whenever he looked to you gave you the impression that if you ever came to displease him, you'd be cut down in a second.
- How terrifying it was to not know when a trap has been disarmed.
- Silver was not an easy man to read.
- So,you think and you think and think until your mind is burning from the lack of rest. You're trying to sort out the possibilities of him lying to you but it doesn't add up, because that isn't the sort of person Silver is.
- He doesn't lie. Doesn't need to.
- You're always stumbling on your feet when it came to him.
- He's stirred awake from his nap when you came knocking on his study's door, your dress finely ironed and fitted perfectly to your figure. He admires how lovely you look in his home and Silver reaches out a hand to touch your sleeve, a small smile curled on his lips.
- "Your beauty makes me happy." He coos, somehow as if he's still in a dream. If only you could share his easiness.
- You're fighting the urge to turn stiff from his softness towards you, but are left relieved when he pulls away.
- "You've decided." It's not a question, and you look up to him,brows furrowing.
- "I haven't said anything yet"
- "No. But your skin is flushed, and your eyes are warm. You've already found an answer" Silver sounds so sure, effortlessly charming with how languid and smooth his words leave him. And the way he's able to read out your profile makes you wonder what else he seems to know about the thoughts your kept from leaving your lips.
- Truth is, the reason why Silver knows you so well is that his obsession over you has made him revolve his life around you. From the way you dressed to the very way you sleep,he keeps a detailed picture of it in his mind and they play in his thoughts when he dreams.
- A yandere Silver is one who's immensely enamored by his sweetheart, and ensures that their life is never too far from him to miss out.
- He knows you never wanted children,more so with him, but instead of making it seem like a permanent imprisonment, he'll make it a momentary freedom.
- Have his child and you'll get to see your family,go back to your childhood home and spend your days there until the child is born.
- There would be no lingering gazes or looming shadows watching you, you'd have your old life back if not a glimpse of it before you go back to his suffocating arms.
- But be wary,and be smart. Silver isn't a fool, once you're carrying his child he'll also place a small curse on you which will ultimately harm the life you hold inside you.
- This curse is triggered only if you try to escape him.
- You're only informed of it only after you're well under six months into the pregnant of course, and Silver will have the same calm, almost lazy demeanor when he does so,his gaze never once leaving yours as he watches you break down crying.
- He'll come up to your side though and gently run his hands up and down your back.
- "Don't worry,my love. As long as you keep to our promise, our young prince will be nothing but perfect."
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k347 · 4 years
Modern Stucky- 'MEETCUTE'
(you could read it as Evanstan as well since I used all the non-mcu gifs🤷)
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It's probably the worst day of Bucky's life.
So bad.
This just got so bad.
Bucky can't believe he has just said that out loud. Well, it wasn't 'really' his fault to be honest. The full beard, long and carefully tended,styled hair, the square jaw, long legs, wide thighs, probably the broadest shoulders Bucky has ever seen. That man's whole appearance screamed 'Daddy' from a mile away! But it doesn't mean Bucky should have said that to his face! Oh God, this is embarrassing. Bucky knows he doesn't always say the right thing at the right time. But this has got to be the worst possible display of his lack of filter and word-vomit. Nat, Becca and Sam will die of laughter if they ever find out about this.
Bucky's eyes are fixed to the ground. He can't even look up at the handsome stranger, Steve (is that what his name is? Bucky can't actually remember because 60% of his mind is flustered +ashamed and the remaining 40% is still processing how unbelievably attractive the man is).
This is awkward. Bucky has made it awkward. For both of them.
Couldn't he just be subtle, say something nice? maybe a sweet compliment about Steve's jacket or shoes or hair? Talk about sports or politics or the catering service in the resort, the fucking weather...Just ANYTHING except for asking Steve whether people call him 'Daddy', within five minutes of meeting the guy!
This is why Bucky Barnes is gonna die a single man. He'll never find someone. Bucky is gonna be alone and miserable. Forever and always. He does not know how to talk to people he likes, has a crush on, without putting his foot in the mouth.
Bucky wants the earth to swallow him whole at this point. If he could just go back in time, two minutes ago... He'd slap himself on the back of the head. Remember to be casual yet welcoming. And NOT ASK stupid questions about personal things. for example- the Daddy kink.
Why do you get all the good ideas after everything has happened? when they cannot be executed and are of no use! Why is Bucky's mind his worst possible enemy?
Speaking of Bucky's mind, it is running 300 mile/hr right now, producing ramblings over ramblings whereas his stupid-ass, involuntary mouth is acting like it's on the longest vacation of all times. Say Something damnit! Just apologize. Say sorry and turn around and walk away as fast as you can. The least Bucky can do at this point is, try to do some damage control.
He's about to start his apology, still not brave enough to look Steve in the eye, when his ears perk up at a sound.
"Uhhum..", Steve clears his throat.
"Hey, you're still here, right? thought I lost you for a minute there"
Oh. Oh. He is speaking to him. The handsome stranger...no, Steve, his name is Steve. And Steve is speaking to Bucky.
Of course he's speaking to you. You guys were having a nice introductory conversation before your thirsty ass ruined it, Bucky scolds himself.
Bucky's ought to look at Steve now. He doesn't want to be rude after his already embarrassing behaviour.
He slowly brings his eyes up to rest again on the face of this actual-greek-god in a human body. He expects... Bucky doesn't know exactly what he expects to see there. Probably a judgemental look, a little bit of pity, maybe even concern for Bucky's state of mind.
But wait. No. Steve doesn't have any of those expressions on his face.
Instead, his cheeks are adorning a light tinge of blush, pink. But he doesn't appear to be as hardly flustered as Bucky feels and for sure looks at the moment. In fact, Steve looks even more confident now. Standing tall in all of his six-feet-glory. Taking over a little more space than normal humans would. Steve's lips are curved in a silent, teasing one-sided-smirk. His eyes are a shade darker than they were a few moments ago. One of his thick eyebrows is raised a bit (suggestively?)!
The piercing blue of Steve's eyes is seeing right through Bukcy.
Bucky has no idea what he was about to say. All of the words have died in his throat. Oh, and He's shamelessly ogling Steve, again.
"No." Steve speaks. This time gazing tentatively in his eyes.
Bucky is surprised at the sudden monosyllable.
"Wh..What?", Bucky is still struggling with words. ( Can't blame himself this time. Anybody try 'not being toungue tied' when the human-Adonis stares intensely at you!)
"The answer to your question. No, people don't 'usually' call me that." Steve's Smirk is wide and impossibly attractive while saying that.
Bucky doesn't know how to respond to that. What is he supposed to say? Is he supposed to say something? He has gotta say something, right? So Bucky goes,
"Oh. Okay. No, I mean... not ok..wait, that's not what I... listen I am so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomf..."
Steve's rich, deep and yet low-raspy voice cuts him off before he could ramble further.
"But I don't think I would mind it, to be honest. I might actually, dare I say 'like it'. Would you? Like to find that out with me, I mean?"
Bucky's mouth dropped open. So wide and so sudden. Seriously, his jaw might've touched the ground. Bucky can't believe this isn't a dream. This is real. The handsome stranger Steve is flirting with him. Steve actually just suggested what he just suggested! Some angel up there decided to smile at Bucky's fate today. This angel right here decided to smile at Bucky today. Even after Bucky had made a 'not-so-good' of a first impression.
"Wow. Uhhh..yeah, I guess. I just..." Bucky can't seem to complete his sentences no matter how hard he tries. There are a thousand emotions and sensations running through his body at this moment. He's pretty sure Steve can see him turning into a burning, melted puddle of blushing-tomato.
Steve probably decides to help him out of that. What a gentleman.
"So, what do you say? Wanna get out of here for a few drinks, sweetheart?"
Sweetheart. Bucky's heart actually skips a beat at that. Steve just called him sweetheart.
Bucky's as widen at the term of endearment. Steve notices. Because of course, he does. Maybe Steve thinks Bucky didn't approve of that, he has no idea how wrong he is!
"Sorry. I didn't mean to assume... It's just that at the start, you didn't...uhh...you never told me your name."
For the first time during their whole conversation since the beginning, Steve appears to be flustered.
Confident and sexy while discussing kinks but adorable and a shy-softie when using daily-life-petnames. Oh. Bucky can tell, this man is going to be trouble. And despite of being famous as a mischief-maker his whole life, Bucky Barnes has never wanted to jump into trouble so fast and so eagerly ever before!
"It's okay, really. Only fair that you call me a name just after I called you one. That's the standard protocol as far as I know."
Bucky sometimes does speak right words at right times. His flirting game is not that bad!
The cheeky comment earns him a smile from Steve. A full smile. Bucky's insides do a little happy-dance at that. He already knows he wants to see so many more of those smiles. Wants to be responsible for them.
Steve looks at Bucky again, tilting his own head.
"So, Yes to the drinks-offer?"
"Absolutely! Yes to the drinks-offer."
This just got so good.
So good.
It's probably the best day of Bucky's life.
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Inspired by an ask of @musette22 's anon!
(someone could write the same trop for Chris/Seb too)
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
I'm doing a Haikyuu male reader next of my own devising since hoes don't want to request 🙄.Fyi i write smut, angst, and fluff just tell me yeah charcter, category and plot of you want.
Sukuna x Gojo x femReader
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Don't ask the time period i don't even know man😓😭 I'd like to say it's set in Africa during like the era when Japan still had emperor's.
Once again sorry I'm working so slow sometimes plots don't work and i have to restart.
But reciving the news of my teacher/second father's death this morning has urged me to bury myself in work.
Yokai Gojo and Sukuna
When they speak japanese it will be bold
Warnings: manipulation, behind the scenes murder, hidden angst
You were a fool for venturing out in the wilderness by yourself. Have you learned nothing from your grandmother?!
The sound of crows and cicadas vibrated around you as you walked through the forest. You were only out here for some berries, so how on earth did you get lost?
Your feet were bare and sore, and the sky was only getting darker as the sun lowered. Finally deciding that continuing to walk wouldn't help, you opt to climb a tree.
As you climbed further, you prayed that you wouldn't fall as numerous species of insects crawled throughout the tree and unfortunately on your hands and back.
Reaching a height great enough that you could see over the trees, you spot water in the distance. It was the river just east from your village and that was a promising sign that you weren't a complete idiot.
Climbing down the tree with less grace than you came, you head in the direction of the river, and soon the forest floor is shrouded in shadows as the sun finally sets. You hug yourself and press your arms close to your shaking body.
As you walked, you noticed warm light peeking through shrubbery ahead. You slowed your steps and walked with your feet at an angle. By some miracle, you avoided the sticks below you. "Wait till I tell father about this he'll have to let me hunt with him"
You grimace, "Assuming he'll let me leave home ever again after this" Thinking of your father put a sour taste in your mouth. The man loved you, truly, but the only way he deemed you safe is if you are at home all the time or if you are with your future husband at all times. One of which you were not ready for, and the other you'd rather not.
You got as close to the light as you could without being noticed, and crouched. Two men stood next to each other facing a fire in the opposite direction of you. Good, you could stay down wind. A rough voice spoke, but you were not able to understand the strange language he spoke.
They were tall and pale and the clothes they wore, was not of your region. The closest you could compare it to was the robes worn by the elders once they reached a certain age.
Their hair color was strange as well. The tallest one had hair the color of winter snow meanwhile the other's hair was pink like your mother's roses. They spoke more but you still couldn't understand what they were saying.
The one with white hair seemed familiar to you yet you couldn't quite place it. Either way, you didn't feel safe approaching them on your own so you decided to walk around.
You shift from one foot to the other and fall back on your bottom as something flies over your head. Looking behind, you saw a knife in a tree behind you.
"Screw this!" You whispered to yourself, taking off. You run blindly through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and on many occasions running on all fours when you fell down.
Fear should have been on your mind but all you could think of was how your mother would kill you when she saw the tears that were most likely forming on your clothes.
After you get a good distance, you stop and take in your surroundings. To your left, you gaze with wide eyes, at the reflection of the moon on the lake. Hopefulness filled your heart as you saw twinkling fire coming from your village in the distance.
You were finally home, is all you thought as you took a step forward. You freeze as a shiver goes down your spine and moments later, something wraps itself around your ankles, dragging you back into the dark forest.
You cover your face as you're dragged across the floor. It was a long while till you stopped and when you did, you found yourself back to the two men as they towered over you.
They looked down at you, well one did, the others eyes were covered and that scared you more than the man grinning sinisterly above you.
"Would you look at that, you got pretty far,, my vine couldn't even reach you till you stopped." The vine releases you and you quickly crawl back. "You should have kept running I love a good chase." The man with white hair grinned down at you, hands in the sleeves of his robe.
The pink haired man crouched in front of you, and you flinch as your see fangs flash in the fun light. "Demon." You whimper as you look at the smaller eyes surrounding his normal ones.
Black markings surrounded his face and down his chest that was strangely bare despite the cool air. "You like what you see?" While you couldn't understand him verbally, it was obvious that he was gloating.
You turn your face haughtily, "She doesn't speak Japanese." Gojo finally spoke up, looking at you with subtle interest. He recognized you from his visit to your village. Well it wasn't necessarily a 'visit' more like he watched from afar.
You had seen him before though, whether you knew it or not.
Gojo cleared his throat, "Can you tell us what you were doing in the bushes?" Your eyes widened at his ability to speak your language. While it was comforting, it was even more suspicious.
"I was going home, and your light caught my attention." You said calmly. It's best that they don't know you were lost. Your eyes darted to the pink haired man who stayed crouched in front of you.
He raises his hand towards you, and you swallow as his sharp nails come into view. "You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" You resist the urge to slap his hands away as he uses the back of his finger to caress your cheek.
These men are dangerous, one clearly more reckless than the other. All it took was one wrong move and you'd be on the receiving end of that danger. "I would like to be on my way, sorry for bothering you."
You stand up and take a few steps back. A warm chest stops your retreat and you look up to see the white haired man standing behind you. "What's the rush, can't we have a little fun? Look, if you entertain us a bit, we'll walk you home." The pink haired man said in a singsong voice.
You shook your head and walked around the white haired man. "No thank you, it's not that far." The white haired man shrugged and watched you walk away. "We really gonna let a good piece of ass like that go?" Sukuna grumbled as he watched the darkness swallow your form.
Gojo placed his hands behind his head, "She'll be back don't worry."
You walked in the direction you had before, but it seemed as if you were no closer to leaving the forest like before. You climbed a tree and saw the river once again and walked towards it. But it seemed as if you were truly making no moves towards it whatsoever.
After a while of sitting in the nerve racking darkness, you walk back in the direction of the men, hoping they haven't left yet. It was against your better judgement, but they were the only option you had left.
To your luck, they hadn't left and were tending to their own flames. When you came back into view, they looked up at you. And you tried to ignore the rose haired man's knowing smirk.
The white hair man, that you have come to trust more than the other, waved at you slightly as you got closer to the fire. "I thought you were going home?" You shrugged your shoulders embarrassed.
"I got lost." Both men humed with mock concern. The pink haired man walked towards you loosely. "That's not good, I'm sure your family is worried sick." You nodded absent-mindedly. An arm is slung around your shoulder and you lean into it, basking in the warmth.
"Well we can't have that now can we Gojo?" The pink haired man looked at the man next to you, Gojo. "No I don't think I'd be able to sleep easily if I left you alone, how about you Sukuna."
If one were to have looked up. One would have noticed a strangeness to the sky above. Almost as if being covered by a bubble the sky closed and got considerably darker.
A barrier. After all, wouldn't want anyone to hear you scream.
"So do you promise to entertain?" Sukuna held out his hand and you looked at it. The black lines wrapping around his arms seemed to move but you summed it up to being a truck of the light. "What kind of entertainment?"
Gojo squeezed your shoulders and you shivered as his warm breath brushed against your ear. "Nothing you won't enjoy as well, we're all adults here aren't we?" You could feel your face warm at the implications. "I-I don't think I can do that."
You go to stand and the barrier above stops. "Aw what a shame." Sukuna turns back around as if heading to sit down but stopping. "But how will you get home!?" You furrow your berries, weren't they still going to take you?
Gojo noticed your face, "Ah, my dear this is a world of give and take. So I'm afraid we can't do things without a price. But if you feel better off on your own figuring your way through the dark woods, then we respect your decision."
You didn't want to do that and they both knew it.
"What do you want in return?" Gojo and Sukuna shared a look with each other. Your eyes widened as Gojo's hand trailed down your back, drawing circles when it got just above your butt. "Just a little pleasure…mixed with a little pain." Sukuna's teeth shined in the fire's light.
"Pain?! Out here?!? No, anyone could see!" You stood up, Gojo following suit. He had yet to say anything but knew Sukuna could handle it.
Like a snake, the tatted man came close to you and held your chin as one arm wrapped around your waist. "Oh calm down sweet cheeks, a little pain never hurt anybody." He leaned forward closer to your neck and you suck in a breath as you feel him nibble on your earlobe. "I'll make sure of it."
Gojo pressed against your back, "Don't worry about being seen." He clicked his fingers and suddenly you found yourself shrouded in darkness. In the middle of said darkness, was a large bed with a bright sourceless light glaring down at it.
Hands are on you in an instant, and you are pulled into the bed with Sukuna behind you and Gojo in front.
Because you were only wearing short bottoms, your legs were easily accessible. Hot wet kisses are layed on your caves as Gojo travels up your body.
Sukuna was less attentive. Taking your face in a harsh grip and kissing you roughly. You squeaked as his thumb nail pierced your cheek. A red red stream of blood falls down your cheek and Sukuna laps it up like a starved animal.
"Be gentle with her." Gojo tutted at his rude counterpart who only scoffed. "Why should I when breaking them is the best part?!" Your neck was gripped tightly and forced you to watch Gojo nip at your clothed thighs. "You like that don't you?" You shook your head embarrassed as Gojo's hands went behind you, cupping your ass.
He skillfully massages them before tugging your pants down. "You're moving too damn slow Satoru."
Sukuna's rough voice made you turn as it vibrates against the shell of your ear. "Patience, wouldn't want to hurt them." "That's the point as far as I'm concerned."
Sukuna puts his hands under your shirt and goes to cup your small chest. "I usually prefer mine with a little more here but I guess you'll have to do." Your body twitches as Sukuna mercilessly pinches and pulls at your nipples till they became puffy.
You close your eyes as you feel Gojo's warm mouth cover your pussy. His tongue played with your lips before pushing farther. You were beyond wet at this point and his tongue was simply sinful.
Sukuna was starting to feel ignored, so it was no surprise when he made it known. He pushes at Gojo's head with his foot before turning you around to face him on your knees. Fingers swipe over your lips before trailing up to your head.
You wince as his fingers curl into your fro, pulling your face to his crotch. "Why don't you put that pretty mouth of yours to use?" You fumble clumsily with the soft cloth of his robes before finally finding the prize. You lost all nerve when you saw how thick it was.
Forget going inside of you, you doubt it could even fit in your mouth. Sukuna pressed your face closer, urging you to start. You stick your tongue out hesitantly and collect the salty fluids dripping out of the tip. Just from that small simulation, Sukuna groans lowly.
Gojo had long since resumed his meal, and the sounds leaving his mouth was obscene. You couldn't see it but Sukuna watched with curious eyes as Gojo's face developed into a bit of a red color as he pressed his mouth against you.
Faint whimpers could be heard from him and the vibrations shook your core the louder he got. "Hey Satoru what's with that face, you're moaning like a bitch." Gojo doesn't respond as he grips your thighs harder. Sukuna pressed your face closer to his dick and you have no choice but to take him in your mouth.
You bobbed your head as his hand guided you relentlessly. With his other hand, Sukuna leaned forward and tugged at Gojo's blindfold.
Gojo's face was just as lewd as the noises he made. His sky blue eyes were shining with unshed tears and Sukuna had never seen a man look as content. You stop sucking when something wet hits your lower leg.
Looking in between your thighs, Sukuna laughs as he sees Gojo helplessly humping the air as warm ropes of cum spurted from his exposed cock. Sakuna gripped Gojo's now limp hair and the snow blond man glared at him through his dazed eyes. "You really are a bitch aren't you?"
Gojo reached forward and gripped Sukuna's face just as harshly, "Yes but this bitch knows how to please a woman." With that, he kisses Sukuna, forcing his tongue past his lips and exploring his mouth.
You watched, mouth agape as the men showed such an intimate display of dominance. Sukuna's fingers trailed down your back as he tongue fucked Gojo. Gaining more dominance, Sukuna fluidly pushes Gojo back far enough that he could slip two of his fingers inside of you.
While it was uncomfortable due to his sharp nails, you couldn't help but get a thrill as they scraped against your walls. Sukuna jerks his head away, his ruby eyes flared with lust and confidence. "Let's see about that."
You find yourself on your back with your head hanging off of the bed as Sukuna takes place over you and Gojo stands above you. The white haired man was beyond red and his dick was fairing no better.
It was long and an angry purple, dripping with so much pre cum that it had made his dick slick and shiny.
As if under a spell you open your mouth and Gojo quickly slides inside, gripping the sheets next to your head tightly as he face fucks you. You gag profusely as the head relentlessly slides down your throat without stopping.
You bring your hands to grip his thighs to try and gain some bearing but that only spurs him on as his thrust became rougher, and the sound of you choking becomes rhythmic as drool collects in the corner of your mouth.
"What happened to treating her gently?" Sukuna smirks as he watches the skin around your neck bulge with each thrust. "S-Sorry, young lady, but your mouth is so fucking warm and tight." Gojo slows himself into a slow grind, tapping his fingers against the bulge in your neck. You finally get a chance to breathe through your nose.
Sukuna finger fucks you a little bit more, scraping his nails uncomfortably against the walls of your cunt. When he pulls them out, they are soaked and he licks his fingers clean, humming at the taste.
He positions himself at your entrance and pushes in without stopping. Your pained moan is muffled by the sound of Gojo's balls hitting your forehead but Sukuna still hears it and mutters out a quick apology as he goes slower. "Fu-ah~, what happened to breaking them?" Gojo said mockingly.
Sukuna glares before snapping his hips forward, sheathing himself completely inside of you. Your nails dug into Gojo's skin, and his hips stutterd as he moaned. Sukuna grips your chests and uses them for momentum as he opens you up on his dick. "For someone that was so reluctant, you sure are fucking wet down here."
Sukuna uses his thumb to circle your clit and your hips raised unapologetically from the shocks of pleasure. "Filthy little human." Sukuna laughed as he continued to play with your swollen clit.
Mixed with your lack of property oxygen, the boys running to your head, and the two sources of pleasure, your thighs shake and you cum around Sukuna's dick. He laughs darkly, speeding up his thrusts as he holds your limp legs in the air. "Yes, cum again. I want to feel your pathetic pussy squeeze my dick."
Gojo had stilled and was breathing heavily as he watched Sukuna disappear inside of you. "My turn." His still hard cock slips out of your mouth and you find yourself thrown into a coughing fit.
Sukuna begrudgingly switches spots with Gojo but takes joy in holding your head as he uses your mouth like a fleshlight. "Fuuuuuck. Perfect little mouth for me. I want you to swallow my cum wench!" You whined as Gojo pushes his cock inside of you.
It was longer than Sukuna's and you could already feel the soreness as the tip grazed against your cervix. Gojo adjusts your legs to rest on his shoulders as he folds you over.
The sensations are entirely too much as air is pushed out of you from the restricting position. The sensitive walls of your cunt both sucked and pushed Gojo's cock as he delivered deliberately slow strokes. "So messy down here." Gojo uses the palm of his hand to quickly swish at your clit.
Your brown legs tremble around your head and Sukuna uses this chance to grab your feet as leverage.
By now, your mouth had completely gone slack as he abused your throat, completely ignoring the scrape of your teeth around his shaft. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." Sukuna groans, speeding up. Gojo speeds up as well, "Shit me too, you better cum with me you two-faced bastard.!"
You grip the sheets for dear life and between you and me, you blacked out as the two filled your holes with milky cum. The tangling of body's unraveled and rested together as you all came down from your highs.
Well the boys did, you fell asleep.
They tuck you into the bed after Gojo changed the sheets. "So you said you can keep her in your zone?" Gojo nodded as he did his best to put your 4c hair into braids.
"Yeah, but what are we gonna do if she asks to go home." Sukuna smiled as he looked at his nails. Sinister later fills the empty abyss of Gojo's zone and the man looked boredly as Sukuna laughed.
"She can't go somewhere that no longer exists."
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xbellaxcarolinax · 4 years
Forging A Heart (Ivar the Boneless) 17- Goddess
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Ivar x Artemis (OFC)
Word Count: 5586
Warnings: Slight mature content, nothing major
AN: Ya’ll have no idea how much I love this GIF of Ivar. His eye roll is literally what I imagine him doing all the time.
16- Free
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Steady your stance.
Pull the string.
Release the arrow.
It was a lot harder than Artemis anticipated.
She missed her target, a small, dark rabbit that fled the moment the arrow pierced into the damp earth beside it.
She sucks her teeth.
"Mm, that was better, but you still lack the patience." Ivar says to her with a chuckle. To him it was second nature, but watching Artemis with a bow was like watching a babe attempting to walk.
He sat as comfortably as he could on a chair brought by one of his many other thralls, and he watched as Artemis lowered her bow in defeat. It amused him to see her strive for perfection. It reminded him of himself when he was a child and still learning the ways of archery.
At his heels were his obedient elkhounds brought with him from Norway, eager to run wild and hunt even in the early summer heat. They were the same ones Ivar threatened her with, but that was neither here nor there.
He held one of them tightly in place with a leather strap, the other 3 pulling hard against a male thralls grip. They were beautiful things, large, with cream and black fur and large dark eyes. The hounds were adorable at first glance, but they were fierce, destroying anything in their path with ease if Ivar commanded them to.
Ivar snapped his fingers, and the wolf like dogs immediately ceased their whinning, staring up at their master with expecting eyes.
"Go." He commands, both he and the thrall letting go of the leather, the hounds instantly fled into the trees. All 4 returned with a dead rabbit in its mouth in a matter of minutes, surrounding their masters feet.
"Your hounds are show offs." Artemis pouts while Ivar grins, giving his beasts meat treats as the thrall collects the rabbits.
"Who else is to provide our dinner if you can't manage to shoot anything?" He says with a tired chuckle. His features betrayed him, revealing his discomfort from the usual pain that inflicted him daily, but it passed just as quickly as it came. He extended his arm out, palm open as an invitation for Artemis to hand over the bow.
Once securely in his hand, Ivar places his crutch to the side. He looks about slowly, listening to the sounds of the forest with his blue eyes closed and his lashes dusting over his cheekbones. Moments like these were the ones that Artemis admired the most, quickly scanning her eyes over him.
Ivar was no master of blades, but he was extremely skilled with a bow, and he almost never missed his target, Artemis had witnessed it many times when he use to train with his brothers.
Suddenly his piercing eyes fluttered open, and he silently motioned for Artemis to hand him an arrow from her quiver.
He quickly reprimands her, putting a finger over his lips before placing the arrow in its place and stretching back the bow string as far as he could, aiming the sharp arrow towards the bright green tree tops. He stared up toward the skies for a moment in comfortable silence. Artemis would have spoken again if it weren't for the whizzing of the arrow soaring through the air at a raging velocity.
The tree tops shook a bit, and a squeal emitted from its depths before a dark shadow descended from above, falling at the foot of the large tree trunk. How Ivar had the ability to shoot down a squirrel from such a distance was beyond her, but most impressive nonetheless.
"Did you not mention your patron goddess was a huntress?" He asks with a smirk, and Artemis rolls her eyes with a snort.
"I am named after a goddess, but it does not mean I am one." Ivar shrugs, handing her back the bow.
"I like to think you are." He says, turning his blue gaze towards the familiar brown.
Artemis blinks, only able to conjure up a shy smile as she felt her cheeks burn. A strange feeling began to flutter in her lower abdomine. It was a strange feeling indeed, but she liked it, the fluttering intensifying when he bites his lips in apprehension.
"And what have you done to elicit such flattery from my brother?" Both too distracted with each other, they failed to noticed Hvitserk watching their scene, smirking at them in the way all the brother's
It was borderline infuriating.
"Shut up, Hvitserk." Ivar says with a growl, far less malicious than he wanted. He watches his hounds charge from sniffing at the green pastures to leaping towards his older brother in excitement.
"Forgive me for interrupting," Hvitserk laughs, trying to individually caress eat dog that pounced up his legs, "But the bishop has come to a decision. He wishes to speak with you."
Ivar hums nodding his head as he grabs his crutch, "Very well. Perhaps we shall gain a warrior on our side."
"Why do you wish for the bishop to fight for you?" Artemis asks quietly, cocking her head to the side in curiosity, "I thought you hated Christian's?"
"I thought so too." Hvitserk agrees, the smirk never leaving his lips.
"I suppose there are a few that aren't so bad." Ivar speaks just as quietly, his penetrating gaze lingering on her for another moment before motioning with his hands for the party to head back into the city.
The bishop, after being humiliated in the streets of York by the foreigners, proved himself, killing a taunting man before Ivar's very eyes and swearing allegiance to him. To sink a knife into another man's flesh and ending his life was enough to ignite Ivar, it could be seen in the way his eyes glowed.
Plans were set in motion once again, this time with King Harald Finehair, who had been a head strong ally with them thus far. The viking settlement in York would be overseen by one of Ivar's men now that the king of Northumbria was eliminated and the kingdom of Wessex weakend tremendously. Many who came with the Ragnarson's decided to stay in the Yorkish settlement, and that included Arvid and Alfhild. Artemis didn't know whether it was their decision or Ivar's, but she supposed it was for the best.
Alfhild was pregnant, perhaps a sign of their gods that their growing family should remain on English soil until their call back to Kattegat would come.
She was excited as any future mother would, rubbing her still flat belly in affection for her child to be. Arvid was pleased, though not as much as a man who truly loves his wife. There was a pride in knowing that a man could impregnate his woman, but if he could not love her, then what was the point? Arranged marriages usually ended in this way, loveless and disconnected, but it was clear Alfhild held much love for her husband who was as stubborn as mule. Arvid was a good man, but like most men, he failed in the arts of love.
The news spread rather quickly: Ivar the Boneless's slave was a woman whose life was now her own to command.
A few men saw it as an advantage to steer their eyes away from their duties. Admirers would visit to forge for idle talk, much to Artemis's annoyance, and Arvid's. Usually he'd send them away with a mouthful of curses.
Ivar remained good spirited. The leader of the largest army known to man spent whatever free time he had giving her archery lessons on days where he had the most time to spare. Normally any great leader would strain their minds on more pressing matters, but Ivar always seemed to make the time for her. She never asked for it, but she was starting to enjoy him company.
Artemis supposed life was bearable, for now. Ivar treated her well as he said he would, with a decent space in the church of her own, and she had access to as much food as she could want. After supper, she'd collect as much as she could, offering bread and fruit to the other thralls who were in far worse conditions than she’d ever been. It was the least she could do.
She spends her days in the forge with the other smith's, repairing weapons and restoring the ships, replacing the large iron nails holding the thick wood together. Her nights were held under candle light, mending and creating new chainmail.
Sometimes, her mind wandered off to her father, and whenever it did, she'd have to pause to gather herself before she could burst into tears.
The only thing she could hope for was for the dreadful weather to clear.
The weather never did clear.
The rains of York bombarded them. Each day the clouds grew darker and closer, bringing with them the harsh rains that soaked them to the bone. It worried some if they were to travel in a few days time in such conditions, but the men worked through it, preparing their supplies for their journey back to the north.
Ivar managed to crack the iron on the side of his brace, and Artemis spent her morning welding the split metal back together. After wiping her hands on a wet cloth, she quickly puts her cloak on with the hood over her face, running through the showers and into the church.
Inside was mostly vacant, save for a few guards that roamed about with ale in their hands as their pass time. Their eyes lingered on her for a moment, but she learned to ignore it.
The bishop sat alone with a dreary look on his face as he was clearly annoyed with the intoxicated guards. He was seated among the many rows of benches placed within, his chained hands set atop the wooden table top with a plate in between of bread and cheese.
He greets her with a nod of his head. His dirty hands worked to rip apart bread, popping them in his mouth and chewing the pieces unbecomingly. She returns the greeting, quickly making her way to Ivar's chamber.
"You will not like what you see." The bishop's smile was hidden behind a crust of bread. Her obvious confusion amused him.
Heahmund chuckles in the way that older men do, deep and guttural. He shakes his head, ripping another piece of bread.
"I've heard many rumors of the boneless leader and his...condition," He begins, watching Artemis's mouth twitch at the corners, "Well, nevermind. I suppose you will see soon enough." Annoyed with his chatter, she stomps over to the chamber, finding the door slightly ajar.
She hesitates, before stepping in.
"Prince Ivar, I've repaired your braces as reque-" She stops, eyes wide at the scene before her. The blonde, Freydis, was completely naked and looming over a shirtless Ivar with a predatory smile. She was in the middle of kneeling, before both look towards the intrusion.
His fingers paused their skimming over the nakedness of her side, and Artemis thought it would be in her best interests to leave such an intimate sight, yet she found herself momentarily frozen in place.
"Gods, Artemis, have you no regard for privacy?" Ivar reacts quickly, pushing Freydis away roughly as he eyed Artemis with a look of...well, she didn't know what to call that look. It was strange, almost apologetic.
"F-forgive me." She stutters, placing the sack with his braces neatly into a corner before running off. She stops beside the bishop, placing a hand over her beating heart as she let's out a shuddering breath. The bishop raises a brow, watching her in amusement as she places her hands over her face in embarrassment.
"I warned you."
"Shut up." She snarls at him, dashing off into the rain without another word. The last thing she heard was Heahmund's laughter echoing after her.
She stomps into the forge, the heat of the fire mixed with rain made an uncomfortable combination of humidity and moisture, dampening her mood further.
"Did Ivar favor the repairs?" Arvid asks cautiously, raising at brow at how disheveled she looked. He was already sensing her foul mood. They were barely on speaking terms, treading softly around each other, but he knew when she was upset, and it was very obvious that she was now. He didn't want to leave her alone, but his duties were to help the other men load their wares onto the ships. He places his cloak about his shoulders, awaiting an answer.
"It was fine." She grunts, not meeting his eyes. Arvid frowns, placing on his hood.
"I am to help the others gather the supplies for departure. See to the repairs." With that he stepped out into the rain, leaving her alone with her troubling thoughts.
So what if he preferred the company of Freydis? That was no business of hers...she attempts to lecture herself.
She peels off her cloak, tossing it aside carelessly. Her hair was soaked, chunks of it across her brow and cheeks from running without her hood on.
The scene replayed in her mind over and over again. The image of Ivar's face and how his fingers lingered over Freydis's skin was seared in her mind. She wondered how his touch would feel on her own skin before scowling.
"Shit." She groans dramatically, wasting no time in busying herself pounding away at the whatever weapons needed repairs. She was glad for the distraction, as her mind raced with unholy thoughts that bolied her blood. She found comfort in the sounds of metal hitting metal, the pattering of the rain soothing her for once.
The familiar scraping of metal and the stabbing of a crutch engulfed the empty forge. She sighs, her eyes peering up at Ivar as he entered. Now fully dressed and looking very much like himself, he was certainly amused.
She glares but says nothing, looking back at the task at hand. The blade was almost new again, and with one more dip in the fire it would be complete.
"Artemis," Ivar grins, grabbing a stool to sit beside her as she worked, "I can hear your ridiculous hammering from my chambers," His smile remained, and before she could raise the hammer again to beat the sword, he curls his fingers around her wrist, halting her actions.
"Something is troubling you." He remarks, easily snatching the hammer from her hand. She rolls her eyes, placing the sword into the bucket of cold water behind her. It was finished anyway.
"I am fine. " She replies stubbornly, attempting to grab the hammer, but he successfully holds it away from her. Even sitting he was much taller then her, and he held the hammer above his head like a child stealing another's toy. Artemis scowls, not bothering to reach for it anymore.
"Why are you here?" Ivar rolled his eyes, handing her back the tool.
"I think it only right to check on the work of my blacksmith."
"Here," She says, removing the sword from the bucket to shove the blade in his face, "Here is my work. Good?" Ivar smirks, humming as he moved two of his fingers to push the blade away from him.
"She was just a whore, Artemis, a bed warmer." She gives him a sharp look, watching as his blue eyes twinkle with mirth. He was teasing her.
"So why do you seem so upset?"
"I am not upset."
"You're a terrible liar." She scoffs, pursing her lips.
"They say you freed her. Is it true?" Ivar hesitates.
"I wonder what she has done to merit that," Artemis mutters, "But I suppose it is no concern of mine." She turns away from him, wanting so badly to hide her emotions.
Ivar frowns.
"Artemis, look at me." She sighs, but obeys, moving to bring her gaze back to his. He reaches a hand out, gently moving away the wet pieces of hair from her face with a chuckle. He admires her for a moment, watching her lashes flutter in nervousness. Her cheeks were flushed, and she worried her lip between her teeth.
Ivar sighs, bringing his hand back to run it down the expanse of the new braids he sported. He couldn't bring himself to admit what he was truly feeling, and neither could she. Instead he teased her, offering her a toothy grin.
"Did you want to be in Freydis's place? Did you want to be the one about to suck me off?"
There it was, the reaction he knew was to come. Her face transformed into that of an angry wolf, eyebrows arched and lips set in a line. She wanted to punch him so badly, feeling her fists curl up on instinct.
She stops herself. Still not a good idea to punch a viking prince.
She quickly grabs her cloak, removing her gloves and tossing them at Ivar before stepping out into the foul weather. She needed to think, and be away from him.
"So, have you done...anything with her...yet?" Hvisterk inquires, ripping the meat off a chicken bone with his teeth, chewing unceremoniously. Ivar sat quietly, picking at his food, his mind running off.
"You know who, " Hvitserk rolls his eyes but continues, "Because if you don't, I would not mind." He shrugs, a smile breaking out when his brother glares at him.
"You will do no such thing." Ivar growls, slamming his hands down on the wooden table top, immediately silencing the church. He looked around before motioning for everyone to continue their meals, and so the chatter began again. Hvitserk laughs, tossing the chicken bone at Ivar, who quickly swatted it out his way.
"So I see she is still yours without being yours. Tell me brother, how can you have such a brilliant mind for war, yet such ignorance towards affection?" Hvitserk wasn't much of a romantic man himself, but even he wanted to feel the tender touches of love.
"Blame these useless legs." Ivar snarls. His nose flares in annoyance, reaching out to gulp down his own ale, and once he finished it, he grabbed at Hvitserk’s. He slammed the cup down when he finished, and after a moment, he relaxes, drumming his fingers over the table top and finally meeting his brothers eyes.
"Artemis is a distraction," He begins with a hiccup, "She is a Christian."
"That cannot be the issue," Hvitserk snorts, reaching out to eat another leg of chicken, "She is educated in our ways, you saw to that. I think you're scared baby brother."
"Hvitserk," Ivar warns, "Shut. Up."
"And she is beautiful, Ivar, " He continues, lowering his tone, "You decided to free her. You know men will venture towards her like hawks. If you desire her, then claim her." He shrugs.
"She is not the type to be...claimed, Hvitserk. She is not like...Freydis." He mutters the blonde girls name as if a poison were coated on his lips. She had been so convincing, whispering in his ear all the things he wished to hear, telling him the things he was capable of, and yet it all felt so wrong. Especially seeing Artemis's eyes after that.
"What happened with that anyway? Was she any good?" Hvitserk asks, crossing his arms over the table and leaning forward with a suggestive wiggle of his brows.
"Nothing happened," Ivar hisses, "She couldn't-I couldn't," He hesitates, "Artemis walked in on us-"
"She what?" Laughter bubbled in Hvitserk's chest, and he couldn't hold back the grin, "Ivar you must be daft. You’re setting her up to fall into the arms of another! As I said, I wouldn’t mind taking her off your hands-"
"I will fight you and all the others that dare approach her!" Ivar booms, slamming his hands onto the table, raising himself up as if ready to pounce at him. He gulps down the sudden rage, his eyes blinking, noticing his men once again stop to look at him.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Hvitserk asks, far use to his brothers outbursts. Ivar exhales through his nostrils, willing himself to relax. Slowly, he lowers himself back down with a plop, his eyes following his brother as he gets up and leaves the church.
He sighs, ripping apart a loaf of bread, and shoving the piece in his mouth.
How could he feel the way he did for a Christian? He swore to the gods he would stay faithful to his people, and to be with a true northern woman, but he found himself less interested in the women faithful to his gods, and more interested in that insuffereable woman faithful to her one.
"Shit." Ivar groans, dropping his head into his hands.
He was stupid.
Daylight came to an end and it had continued to rain in light showers that evening when the moon began to rise into the sky. Artemis searched for a moments peace, leaving the other blacksmith's with the remaining work that needed completing.
She bid England a farewell, knowing she'd never cross the sea again to view its horizon. Although it rained as if the sky were weeping, the surrounding nature was beautiful. Maybe not as beautiful as the hills of Crete or even the mountains in Norway, but it was peaceful.
There was a little yelp behind her, and she felt light nips against her ankles. Looking down she smiles at the pup as it cocks its head at her before wagging his tail, jumping on 2 legs to balance his paws on her leg. He was small, and a bit malnourished, with cream colored fur, black floppy ears and snout.
She often gave him bits of food when she had the chance, giving the pup reason to trail after her.
She smiles, bending down to scratch him behind his ears, grateful for his company. Picking a spot on the dewy grass, she spreads her cloak over it before laying down and closing her eyes with a content sigh. The rain had finally stopped and she was grateful, breathing in the night air. The river Thames' rushing waters helped to sooth her nerves.
It had taken some time, but her anger diffused. She couldn't be angry at him anymore, it was nearly impossible. Or perhaps she was just tired.
Or stupid.
The hound went to snuggle beside her, seeking out her warmth. It must have been an eventful day for both hound and girl, but they could forget all their troubles in that moment.
"Goddess of the moon, and hounds? And perhaps of torment as well." Ivar's voice was unmistakeable. Artemis could pinpoint it in a noisy crowd if she needed to. The sound of his voice in the distance was enough to have the hound act in suspicion.
"Prince Ivar." She greets him, eyes still closed, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He slithers along the damp grass, shushing the baby hound when it moved to growl at him.
"I never thanked you for repairing my braces, so...thank you." He plops beside her, laying down with his arms behind his head.
Artemis cracks an eye open with a snort. She turns to look at him, her eyes following the line of his profile. Ivar had his long hair loose, the dark strands forming waves from his earlier hairstyle, spread over the grass. It was a look Artemis was enamored with, but would never cared to admit. He was handsome indeed.
"Something tells me that is not why you are here." She says, and he finally turns to look at her, his blue eyes hard with determination.
"I wanted to...apologize for earlier. I did not mean to tease you so." Artemis sat up, turning to peer down at Ivar with a look of disbelief.
"Prince Ivar the Boneless does not apologize."
"I am being serious."
"So am I." He huffs, turning away from her to look at the moon, bright among the stars.
"It's fine." She finally says.
"That's it? It's fine?"
"Yes. "
"I meant what I said, you know," He continues, "Freydis was only a whore to warm my bed." He could almost hear how hard she was thinking.
"It's fine," She repeats, "There is no need to explain yourself, P-"
"Ivar," He cut her off, "You may call me Ivar." She pauses, fingers passing over the pups fur.
"Ivar." She corrects with a sigh, biting her lip to fight back a smile. It was different addressing him without his title.
She plops back down against the damp grass, her eyes moving across the night sky to catch a glimpse of all the stars. There was a comfortable silence that fell between them as they looked up at the heavens.
"Do you ever wonder," Artemis begins, "About the night sky, or the moon and stars?"
"No." Ivar snorts.
"There are stories my ancestors believed of the night," She recounts, "My father use to tell them to me when I was a girl."
"We have stories too. Nótt is the night sky, Mani the moon, and one of Aurvandil's toes is that star right over there." He points up, turning with a frown when Artemis laughs.
"What's so funny?"
"A toe?"
"Yes," He grunts, "What is it you Christian's believe?"
"That God created everything, of course."
"How dull." She laughs again, rolling her body to her side, finding he was already looking at her.
"The old Greeks believed the stars were people rewarded by the gods for noble deeds." Ivar smiles through his confusion.
"I like Aurvandil's toe better."
"It's, uhh, a beautiful toe, I suppose." Ivar chuckles, leaning up on his elbows.
"Why the sudden interest in the stars?"
"It was never sudden," She says, "I would sleep under the stars everyday of my life if I could. It is a comfort to admire the beauty in this world when it can be so cruel."
"Do you think me cruel?" Ivar utters the words softly, lowering himself to face her. It was getting darker, her features hard to make out with the simple light of the moon, but there was enough to see the surprise in her eyes.
"I...I think you cruel when the moment calls for it. Because you feel you need to be." Ivar closes his eyes for a moment, swallowing the lump in his throat. She was right.
"Cruelty wins wars. It conquers land," He pauses with a shaky breath, "But it would not win your heart." Her brows knit together in confusion.
Ivar rolls his body closer to hers until he looms over her, maneuvering himself easily between her legs. She didn't put up a fight, though her eyes were wide with shock. He holds himself up, putting a hand atop her chest and feeling how her heart beated like drum.
"What must I do to win your heart?" She blinks up at him, debating if she should take him seriously.
"Why would you want to win my heart?" She holds his stare, their breaths puffing over each other with every timid exhale, "I thought perhaps you held the heart of another."
Ivar sucks his teeth, knowing exactly of who she meant. He dips his body lower until their chests touched and the tip of their noses brushed. His hair shields the sides of her face, cocooning her with his intense eyes. She hesitates before bringing her hands up to his chest, skimming the leather until her fingers curl over his shoulders.
"You are a foolish girl, you know that?" He chuckles, "A beautiful, yet foolish girl." He pauses, biting his lip in nervousness before gently placing his lips over hers.
Her lips were so soft, molding against his like a dance they had rehearsed over and over again. It was everything he could have hoped for, and he already begins to feel the buzz of excitement. She grips the back of his neck, bringing him closer, needing to feel his warmth. She melts into his kisses, feeling a pleasant heat engulf her.
It was...perfect.
After what felt like an eternity, their lips parted with an obscene sound, and he places his brow on hers, breathing in her scent of damp earth. Artemis brings a hand up to trace her fingers over his face, down the length of his nose, and to his jaw. She bites her lip, feeling her skin blaze like a fever.
"Do you really think me foolish?" She whispers, her eyes lingering over his lips before trailing them up to his eyes. They lit up when he smiles, crinkling at the corners.
"Did you really think she could warm my heart?" He counters.
"It was quite convincing." She mutters, "I thought perhaps I’d have to make one for you as I did your braces." She shifts her head away from his to save herself the embarrassment.
"Stop," He says gently, nudging her face back with his nose, "Do not hide from me anymore." He rolls off of her, and within a few seconds, he tugs her over him, her legs coming to rest on either side of his thighs. She grips the neckline of his leather vest to stabilize herself, and his hands sneak up to settle on her hips.
"Ivar, I-"
"Just listen to me, Artemis," She nods, resting her hands over his chest, "I was never fortunate enough to show affection as plainly as any other man could." He takes in a breath, closing his eyes as if to sum up the courage, before opening them again.
"I cannot explain it, but there is something you ignite in me that I could not ignore, no matter how hard I pleaded with the gods to make the ache in my heart stop. I can no longer ignore it." This time he turns his face away from hers, and this time, she brings him back, her palm brushing gently over his sideburn.
"Do not hide from me." She repeats his words with a smile, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. The same fluttering sensations in her abdomen from days ago resurfaced just from the simple intimate action.
"My heart aches for you." He admits, and she could feel his heart beating wildly as he said those words, his eyes swimming with...fear. She watches him carefully in silence.
"Artemis." Ivar pleads in a tone that was foreign to her ears. He was anxious.
"What of Freydis?" He sucks his teeth, lifting himself on his elbows to get a better look at her.
"If I truly wanted her, would I be wasting time revealing my heart to you?"
"I am not sure what you would do, Ivar." She admits, and he sighs, understanding her skepticism.
"I've never used her before." He mutters under his breath.
"Hmm?" Another sigh.
"I said, I've never used her...services before. Today would have been the first time." Artemis lowers herself over him, pushing him back down so that her face hovered a few inches above his.
"Are you lying?" She questions.
"No, baby bird, I am not," He smooths her over with the nickname, bringing both his hands up to grip the sides of her delicate face, her eyes suddenly glossing over.
"I did not have the strength to rid my thoughts of you. I thought perhaps she could rid them for me. For once, I was wrong." He runs the pads of his thumbs over her cheekbones, and her eyes flutter at the sensation.
There was silence for a moment as their eyes battled each others.
"You torment me." He whines.
"Not a pleasant feeling, is it?" She laughs at the pout forming on his pink lips, letting him guide her back to his lips. He nips at her lips, smiling when she moans in what was a mixture of discomfort and desire. She pulls away, panting slightly as she buried herself in the crook of his neck.
"You are not alone in your affections," She mumbles over his skin, "But I must confess that I am afraid."
"I must confess the same," He says, "Love turns even the bravest of men into cowards. I see that now." She shifts her face to skim her lips over the hot skin of his face before lifting her upper body up again.
"Hmm." She considers his words as she shifts her hips over his, watching how his eyes screwed shut, mouth falling open. She freezes, unaware of what she’d just done.
"Fuck," He growls, his fingers sinking into her hips, "How did you do that?" Her eyes widened, totally naive of her own actions.
"I-I dont know." She stutters. Ivar shifts her hips over his again, and she chokes, closing her eyes as her body trembled from the foreign sensations.
"That," Ivar moans, drinking in the sight of her own face of pleasure, "That."
She feels him growing under her, the pressure pushing up against the heat between her legs. She licks her lips, feeling a desire surge through her that she'd never experienced before.
Ivar stares up at her in wonder, chest heaving and hands twitching over her hips before pulling her down for another heated kiss. His large hands explore the expanse of her back, settling right on the dip, pushing down to follow the rhythm in which she moved.
"I've never done this before." He pants shyly over her lips, releasing another moan that seemed to vibrate through her.
"Neither have I." She pants back, gripping his shoulders tightly.
"But the rumors-"
"Forget the rumors," She interrupts him, moving back just enough to make eye contact, "You believe love is what you feel for me?"
"I do." He nods without hesitation. She throws caution to the wind, swooping down for another kiss before replying.
"Then show me."
@heavenly1927 @didiintheblog @rastakami23 @inforapound​ @leilabeaux @ostra814
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zaddywilk · 4 years
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Florian Munteanu x black!reader
Word count- 3,357 (whoops, I may have gone a little overboard)
A/N- This is the first smut I’ve written in a very long time. Please be gentle 🥺
Warnings- 18+ Smuttttt, overstimulation, teasing (is that even a warning?), fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool).
Florian. Fucking. Munteanu.
Your boyfriend has no reason to be looking that damn good right now.
A slew of dirty thoughts ran through your mind as you continue to look at him while he got dressed. Thinking about how bad you wanted to stay in and not even go to the dinner you planned with your friends. No matter how good your manz looks, you know can’t break a promise.
You got out of bed and slipped on your new Savage X Fenty lingerie set and Fashion Nova black velvet dress you got the other day. You knew this dress would be perfect solely because Flo loves him some damn velvet.
Once you were done putting on your makeup, heels, and fixing your curls, your boyfriend was now the one staring at you in admiration and a smidge of lust. Hazel eyes a little darker as he came up behind you to pepper soft kisses on your neck while he wrapped his arms around you.
“You look absolutely delicious, Prinţesă.” He said nuzzled in your neck as he gripped you tighter, eyes boring into yours.
Even in heels your boyfriend still towered over you like the giant he is. You sighed softly and closed your eyes as he went over that one spot he knew you loved so much, “Oh yeah? Are you hungry, baby?” You reply as you turn around and hook your arms around his neck, nails playing with the short hair he’d been growing out. The look in his eyes says it all. You guys might not make it to dinner after all. But you had another idea in mind.
“Then we better get going! Can’t keep them waiting. Plus, I haven’t even all day and I’m starving.” You said nonchalantly while you turned around to grab your purse as if you didn’t just get this man on brick mode in 2 seconds. Flo just looks at you in disbelief for a moment, mouth slightly agape but silently follows you to the car.
Ever the gentleman he is, he opens the passenger door for you, slapping your ass as you get into the car. You started thinking about your action plan for the night. Since Flo was usually the one to tease you while you were out and about, hand on your thigh, whispering in your ear, you figured it was time for a little role reversal. Connecting your phone to the car’s Bluetooth, you pull up your ‘Stripper Songs 💃🏽’ playlist, put your hand on Flo’s knee and settle in as Florian drives away.
Dance for you by Beyoncé came up on shuffle and you initiated your game plan. Singing along to the song you made sure to look directly at Florian as the lyrics tumbled off your tongue with ease. Grinding and rolling lightly in the seat as you not so subtly moved your hand up further his thigh. Florian’s eyes switch between the road and your movements. As he approached a red light you unbuckled your seatbelt and got next to his ear as you lowly sang along to the song.
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I wanna dance for youuuu
You made sure to drag out the ‘you’ while you ran your hand over your boyfriend’s hardening length as you slipped back into your seat. Flo was silent. Still flicking his eyes between you and the road as the light changed, jaw clenching and he gripped the steering wheel tighter. You smirked to yourself. This is going to be a fun night.
You guys finally pulled up to the restaurant your best friend Denise texted you the address to. Seems kinda boujee on the outside but you excitedly unbuckled your seatbelt nonetheless. Florian was right behind you, hand almost covering the entirety of your ass as you both stepped inside. The ambiance was classy, but not too serious. You scanned the room to find your friends and finally landed on the sight of Denise once you see her bright red bob. You pulled Flo over to your friends as Denise got up from the table to greet you guys.
You and Denise have been friends for years, meeting once you moved to LA to pursue your acting career, D was one of the only few people to be truly nice to you, eventually having you meet Michael and through Michael you met Flo. You gave a hug to both of your friends as you sat in the chair Florian had pulled out for you. You placed your hand on his leg again and you guys chatted for a bit, looking over the menu when the waiter came over and asked if you’d like some drinks to start off. Florian and Michael being the designated drivers, decided to opt for water while you and Denise settled on some Rosé and then you ordered your food.
Once your food got to the table your group conversation expectedly split off into two different conversations. One between the guys and one between the girls. While the guys were talking about their acting plans after Creed II, you had slid your hand a little further up Florian’s thigh. He jumped a little and stuttered in conversation because you had kept your hand in one place for so long, he had basically forgotten about it.
“Yo man, are you good?” Michael asked, seemingly confused.
“Oh yeah, just caught a little chill.” Florian responds, gripping your hand under the table. You stifle your laughter at his response as Denise continues her story about how she almost unknowingly auditioned for a porn film.
“So I got dressed up, went to this “audition”, saw the casting couch and felt a weird sense of déjà vu.”
“Hol up, D. How you know about the casting couch?” Michael asked.
Denise groaned, “Women can watch porn too, Jordan.”
As they continued their conversation about whether or not women watch porn, you continued going higher and higher on Flo’s thigh until you reached his length. He was hard.
Very hard.
Upon this realization you whispered in Flo’s ear, “Sometimes when you’re away and busy with interviews, I look at porn with guys that look like you,” you started as you palm him. “Tall, bearded, and muscular, although not as big and thick as you are. I get so wet just thinking about what you’d do to me if you had walked in on me playing with YOUR pussy. My fingers and toys don’t even compare to the real thing. I love it when you have me pinned down to the bed with your strong arms. I love how your beard feels in between my thighs. I love when you talk dirty to me in Romanian, not even using your voice but spelling out the words on my clit with your tongue. I could swear I died and went to Heaven.” You whisper.
“Eu iubesc mai ales când mă tratezi ca pe o doamnă în public, apoi mă futi ca o pornstar când ajungem acasă. Știu exact de ce te numesc Big Nasty.” That sent shivers up Florian’s spine. He knew you’d been practicing Romanian but he didn’t expect you to be so filthy so soon. He decided that that was the final straw. He takes out his wallet and throws his black card on the table as he takes your hand and stands up to leave.
“Woah woah Flo, you’re leaving? You’re not even done with your food.” Michael exclaimed unbelievably. A guy as big as Florian never leaves a plate with food on it.
“I have more pressing matters to attend to. Ask for boxes if you can and bring that and my card back to me tomorrow.” Flo said hurriedly, trying to conceal his straining dick as you gathered your purse and quickly said goodbye to D. And just like that, you were out the door.
“Damn, I wonder what’s gotten into him.”
“Negro are you dumb? It’s not what gotten into him but what’s about to get into Y/N,” Denise said, not even trying to hold back her laughter. “Oh well, homegirls gonna get dicked down and we get a free meal. I think this is a win win situation.”
Florian rushes back home, taking every opportunity he can to go as fast as possible. Normally, you’d be dreading the impending night you’d have for teasing Flo like that in front of your friends but right now you don’t care. Maybe it was the wine or the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack playing but you were extremely excited.
You got home not so surprisingly fast but surprisingly without a ticket. You rushed inside with Florian hot on your heels. Giggling as you made your way up the stairs, Florian catching up to you as he softly pushes you on the bed you open your legs a little wider to make room for him. “So Prinţesă, you think it’s funny to tease me like that while we’re with our friends? You’ve been a very bad girl since before we left. But instead of punishing you, you’re lucky I feel very giving. And plus, we missed out on dessert, so I’m still hungry.” Florian spoke lowly.
He pulled you down to the edge of the bed by your ankles and lifted up your dress. Even through your panties, he could tell that you were soaking wet. “You look absolutely mouth watering, Dragă.” He quickly said before ripping your lingerie. Your brand fucking new lingerie. You had half a mind to cuss his ass out but all thoughts went out the window as he put his mouth on you. A brief face of upset turned into a face displaying absolute pleasure. You quickly brought one hand to the back of his head as the other was brought up to your chest, slipping inside your dress to play with your nipples as Florian continued to work his wonderful mouth on you.
“F-Fuckkk Flo! More, please.” You moaned loudly. “Mai Mult? Orice pentru tine, prințesă.” Florian replied as he got his fingers wet with your juices. He slowly entered you, wasting no time going directly to your g-spot. You arched your back as you released a string of curses mixed with his name. His eyes never left you. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous right now. Your chest heaving, your head tilted back, eyes screwed shut, mouth open letting cute little sounds out along with your wondrous moans while grinding your pussy on his face. All this had him rutting into the sheets because seeing you get off got him off.
He added another finger and you could swear you were done for. Between the magic words he was whispering on your clit, the humming, the insane sharp shooting accuracy this man had with your g-spot, and the consistent eye contact, it would be any second now. “Vă pot spune cât de aproape sunteți, iubirea mea. Ți-ar plăcea cum? Faceți o mizerie pe mea fața și degetele, prințesă. Știu că asta vrei tu, dragă.” Florian said sweetly as he went back to work. You didn’t understand half of that sentence but it was enough to push you over the edge. Your legs shook as your hips buck wildly against your boyfriend as he kept licking and sucking up all you had to offer him but removing his fingers.
You shuddered as he continued. Head moving side to side as his tongue’s assault on your clit never let up, causing you to start to cum yet again. “Don’t-fuck, don’t stop! Oh God! Flo! I’m- I’m about to-.” a squeal escaped you as you clenched on nothing. Your second orgasm had you almost seeing stars. After cleaning you up again, he removed his lips from your clit and kissed up your body, removing the dress and bra you still had on. He looked at you hungrily for a moment before he attacked your lips as he palmed one of your breasts and tweaked your nipple. Removing his lips from yours, he focuses on littering your neck and collarbones with kisses and bites as his hand returns to back down to your clit, still sensitive from your powerful previous orgasms. You try to warn him about this but he ignores your unsuccessful attempt to get him to stop, instead, he goes faster. This orgasm coming a lot faster than the other due to your increased sensitivity but it was just as powerful. Leaving you a shaking panting mess beneath your boyfriend.
“That’s it, Dragă mea. You’re being so good for me. But I know you have a couple more in you by the way you were acting tonight.” Florian cooed softly in your ear as your panting lessened. Your eyes were heavy and your body was weak already. You were already ready to tap out, but mama ain’t raised no bitch so you try to keep up with your boyfriend’s evil intentions. He stood up to take off his pants and shirt and gently massaged your legs as he laid down on the bed, ushering you on top of his length. This man made you cum so hard just using his mouth and fingers you had almost forgot he had brought dick with him too.
He helped you raise up slightly as he pushed the tip into you, hissing at your tightness and extreme wetness. You fell forward a little on his chest as he entered you. Filling you up deliciously, it was almost unbearable. He helped guide you up and down his dick because he knew you couldn’t do it by yourself. His tip brushing over your g-spot over and over had you moaning his name repeatedly like it was the only word you knew. “That’s right baby, fuck, you feel so good for me. So fucking wet and tight for Daddy. I feel you squeezing my dick, are you close again baby?.” He asked as he kept bringing you down on his dick, harder and faster each time than the one before. At this point you couldn’t even properly speak because of the pleasure that was enveloping you so you just nodded and continued trying your best to ride him. He apparently didn’t like that because he slapped your ass and held your hips tight and he fucked up into you. You started moaning louder and louder, trying to string together a somewhat coherent sentence.
“D-Daddyyyy. I’m so close. I’m gonna cum-mm. Can I please cum? Please?” You begged, hips rotating as Florian continues to pound into you. “Go ahead, Prințesa. Cum on this dick, you’re doing so well for me.” Florian praises as he brings you back down on his length one last time, bringing your body close to his as you ride out the aftershocks your fourth orgasm.
He laid you down on the bed, a sweaty, shaking mess. But he still wasn’t done with you. “Flo baby, I, I don’t know how much more I can take.” You panted, trying to see if you can just go with four for the night.
“Uh-uh, Dragă, I know you have one more in you. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Florian kissed your lips softly as he entered you slowly, making sure to be cautious of your very heightened sensitivity. Slow, deep thrusts that made your toes curl with every stroke he delivered as he placed kisses all over your exposed chest. Soft moans exchanged between the both of you as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You guys made love often but this felt completely different. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it but you felt completely wrapped in blanket of love and protection. Your hands on his face, legs around his waist, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. It gave you a new feeling. It made you feel warm, loved, and cherished. You loved this feeling.
Not only that, you could feel your orgasm approaching again. You moan rather loudly as you warn your boyfriend. You feel him twitch inside you and know that he’s close as well. He starts rubbing your clit as you rack your brain trying to piece together the last few words you know in Romanian that you know will send you both over the edge. You look deep into his eyes as your nails rake down his back.
“Sunt pe cale să cum. Te rog să mă completezi. Te iubesc. Am nevoie de tine. Vă rog. Vino cu mine.”
And with that utterance, Florian spills into you. The feeling of his warmth inside you coupled with him rubbing your clit was enough to push you over the edge one last time. Breathing heavily, you both let out a happy, euphoric sigh as you came down from your respective highs.
After a minute or two Florian moved off of you to grab a wet washcloth to clean you up, making sure to be careful. He also grabbed your makeup wipes and bonnet to help you get ready for bed because he knew you definitely wouldn’t be able to walk to the bathroom and do it yourself.
Once you were both cleaned up, he laid back beside you, stroking your arm as you started to drift into a peaceful slumber. Before dozing off you mumbled something he almost couldn’t make out, but once he did he gave a light chuckle in response.
“Remind me to tease you like that again If that’s what’s gonna happen.”
And just like that, you both were out like a light.
You woke up to your phone going off. 2 missed phone calls from Michael, a missed FaceTime call and 3 missed messages from Denise. You started to read the messages when another call from Denise started to come through.
“Girl we’ve been callin yo ass for the past 10 minutes.”
“Sorry, I just woke up.” You look behind you to your sleeping boyfriend, the gentle giant, still snoozing peacefully.
“Damn bitch it’s 12:30, y’all left at 10. He really put it down on you last night, huh? Details later. We’re outside with your stuff, come get it.”
“Okay, I’ll be down in a min.” You hung up and drug yourself out of bed and almost fell to the floor with the first step you took. Your legs were like complete Jell-O. “D has no idea how right she was.” You chuckled to yourself. You put on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of Flo’s gym shorts as you make your way to the door.
You finally made it down the stairs and to the door to be greeted by your two friends. You stood and talked for a couple minutes before you started to feel your legs buckle again. Before Denise has the chance to comment about your sexual conquest, you grab the boxes of food, Florian’s card, and told her you talk to her later. Quickly closing the door and hearing her laughter from the other side you make your way to the couch.
“Was that Michael and Denise?” You heard Florian ask as he can down the stairs clad in some black sweatpants. How can he manage to look so fine just waking up? You question internally.
“Yeah, dropping off our stuff.” You say as you give him the food to put away with a good morning peck.
You start to relax in the sofa until you hear Florian in the kitchen.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” He yelled, causing you to jump a little.
“What? What is it baby?” You asked, concern in your voice.
“This damn bill is $200! Looks like D and Michael got another entree to take home and dessert after we left.”
You didn’t even try to hold back your laughter because that sounds exactly like something they’d do. As you watched him head back upstairs to call and tell off Michael, you turned on the T.V. and pulled out your phone to Google ‘Wheelchair stores near me’ because you know you’ll need one for the rest of the day.
Prinţesă- Princess
Eu iubesc mai ales când mă tratezi ca pe o doamnă în public, apoi mă futi ca o pornstar când ajungem acasă. Știu exact de ce te numesc Big Nasty- I especially love when you treat me like a lady in public, then fuck me as a pornstar when we get home. I know exactly why you're called Big Nasty.
Dragă- Darling
Mai Mult? Orice pentru tine, prințesă- More? Anything for you, princess
Vă pot spune cât de aproape sunteți, iubirea mea. Ți-ar plăcea cum? Faceți o mizerie pe mea fața și degetele, prințesă. Știu că asta vrei tu, dragă- I can tell you how close you are, my love. Would you like that? Make a mess on my face and fingers, princess. I know that's what you want, darling.
Sunt pe cale să cum. Te rog să mă completezi. Te iubesc. Am nevoie de tine. Vă rog. Vino cu mine- I'm about to cum. Please fill me up. I love you. I need you. Please. Come with me.
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