#suiside doors
topgunruinedme · 1 year
Alcohol, Worms and Long Drives.
Prompt: After the celebration of the mission, Bob lets go a bit more then he intends to, leaving Pheonix to drive him home. it's certainly an interesting drive.
The mission was a success. An imposssible mission. a suiside mission. yet somehow they had not only succeded, but they came back with everybody.
Hangman grinned as he threw an arm around Bobs shoulders, jostling the man into almost spilling his drink.
"Soda at a time like this?" he snickered his hand stretching around to snag the man's drink, his eyes crinkling in amusement as he takes a sip.
His eyes widened as he pulled away, "whiskey". he chuckled surprised, "you sneaky bastard".
Bob rolled his eyes, "We lived through the impossible, give me my dam drink".
Jake laughed passing back his drink smiling genuinely, "It's good to see you Bob".
The night passed in a swamp on noise and celebration. Drinks being passed around and far too many being consumed. Until it got to the point where bob stumbled into Pheonix car as she calmly led him to sit down.
"You going to be aright with him?" Mav asked leaning against the car with an amused grin. she rolled her eyes. "Yeah" she smiled, "We'll be fine".
They had a while to get back to their dorms. it was mostly quiet; Bob's eyes were closed as he leaned against the car door window. He looked like he was asleep, his breath fogged against it slightly and his glasses were wonky on his face slowly imprinting on his skin. The position looked awkward, and she knew it would make him sore in the morning.
She smiled as she watched the road carefully as she listened to the soft radio.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?".
The question took her of guard, Pheonix glanced over to the passenger side of her car where bob was looking bug eyed at her. His eyes were glazed over from the amount of alcohol he injected. A rare time the man had something to drink.
Her lips quirk in amusement, "What?" laughter bubbled in her throat, his face twisted into an adorable serious position.
"Would you love me as a worm?", the question was absurd, and she couldn't help but wonder where on earth bobs mind had gone to think up the drunken giblish.
She reached over to grab his hand resting their joined hands on the console she gave him a soft smile.
"I would love you if you were a worm, I would love you if you're a duck, you're my best friend Bob" he gave her a dopey smile, "I will love you for everything" she promised. She squeezed her hand and looked back to the road. She bit her lip, as amused as she was an overwhelming amount of fondness hit her. Now that she had him, she wasn't sure she could let Bob go, she glanced at him. He was still looking at her, with an odd expression on his face. One step at a time. they would take baby steps and when that was too much, they would stand still just look at each other until one of them took the plunge. But she could wait. She could wait for eternity for him.
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In The Light: David Fincher and his Visual Depiction Of The Panic Attack
For years, David Fincher has been known for his talent for creating intimate and expressive scenes through his use of environment design, color, lighting, and sound design, rather than solely through physical acting and action. He’s perfected his style to a tee, and with even a single shot, his work immediately becomes recognizable, but he also manages to use these elements to convey the inner feelings a character might be having without explicitly telling the viewer. 
One of my favorite examples of his framing and camera work has to be the final sequence of season 1, episode ten of the Netflix series Mindhunter, between Jonothan Groff as Agent Holden Ford and Cameron Britton as Edmund Kemper. The sequence is the last that we see of our main character and it is used as a turning point and a heading for his arch moving out of season one and into season two. 
If you aren't familiar with Mindhunter, it’s a two-season series on Netflix that aired between 2017 and 2019. It’s set in the mid to late seventies and eighties and is based on the original story of the FBI unit we now know as the Behavioral Analysis Unit, (or BAU), and digs into the development of modern-day profiling. Holden, based on former special agent John E. Douglas, is the one to kick off this idea and he starts by interviewing the acclaimed killer of the early 70s, Ed Kemper, portrayed by Cameron Britton. 
Through the season Holden moves on from Kemper, eager to take on interviewing more challenging killers. He becomes abrasive and cocky, but also heavily paranoid about nearly everything around him, though he doesn't realize it. But this all comes to head when he visits his good old friend Ed after a suiside attempt, and Holden finally realizes the situation he’s put himself in. 
The interesting part about this sequence between Holden and Kemper is what’s said without words. Through the use of light design, color and camera angles, as well as the score, we as the viewer get let into both Holden and Kemper’s heads and can piece together what they’re thinking through shots and frame changes alone.  
Long before my chosen sequence at 40:27 into the episode “In The Light” by Led Zeppelin plays over a sequence of Holden leaving Quantico to fly and see Kemper. The song was released in ‘74, not that long after Kemper’s sentence. It’s a hollow and rather foreboding song that’s long and heavy. The introduction was created with a bow on an acoustic guitar, giving the song an irritatingly wrong feeling. This intro gives the viewer a gnawing feeling. This decision is wrong. Holden shouldn't be going to see Kemper again. Nevertheless, he does. 
Just before entering Kemper’s hospital room with the music still playing, Holden peaks inside. As the lyric “in the light” strokes out, Holden angles his head to his right and the light from the hospital room reflects onto his face, illuminating him “in the light”. 
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Then we get a split to a new shot that almost appears to be from Holden’s perspective, but directly through his eyes. Perfectly centered on the other side of the glass door lies Kemper in his hospital bed and just above him is a long florescent light. It’s the only light in the room, and just as it illuminated Holden, it illuminated Kemper. 
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The song drones out with another line “You will find the road” as Holden enters the room. The camera is inside the room, angled to the door, and it follows Holden’s movements as he opens the door and walks in. It’s hard to tell, but a fish eye lens was used for the shot. This gives the background of the shot a warped effect, making it almost surreal in a sense. Holden isn’t sure of what he’s doing, and this can be reflected in the warped perspective of his surroundings.
Once they start to talk and Holden explains what their previous interviews were for (the development of modern-day profiling techniques) Kemper asks what kind of killer he would be categorized. We start to see his thought process through the shots that conspire as Holden starts to talk. At about 45:00, Holden starts to describe Kemper’s psychology and we get a slow shot of Kemper laying his head back on his bed as he listens. 
Thanks to the angle of camera, the light from above, and the angle of his glasses, the light reflection covers his eyes, and for a few seconds, we get a shot of the observation room behind Holden. Mulling about is a nurse and a guard ment to be watching over Kemper, but he’s taking a phone call. This shot is followed up by a continuation of the previous shot, which wordlessly implies that the shot of the observation room is from Kemper's perspective, but Holden is left unaware of this as he continues talking. The shot is establishing a sense of dramatic irony for the audience. We as the viewer can connect the dots and understand that Kemper is keeping an eye on the back room and his guards, but Holden is left out of the loop.
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We also get another establishing shot of Kemper as Holden continues to talk. Kemper's feet are shackled and hang off the bed due to his abnormally large size, and while Holden is talking, we get a shot at about 45:03 from the foot of Kemper's bed, split right down his middle, and focused on his feet. It seems strange at the moment, but it’s a reminder of the man’s size. Though he might be simply lying in a hospital bed, he is huge, and his feet alone are a reminder of that. 
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But by now Holden has relaxed. The tension from before just by waking in the room has melted away and it can be seen in his seating position and demeanor. His hands are clasped in his lap and he’s slouched down. This doesn't change till 46:00 when Kemper decides to show him his stitched arm from when he tried to commit. Holden takes in a deep breath, licking his lips as his hands move to his knees, clasping them tightly with spread fingers. He tries to get defensive but falters at 46:5 when Kemper moves forward in the bed. It’s a wide shot that slides in to focus on both Kemper and Holden, followed by a shot of the floor, where Kemper’s feet smack down against the ground with a clanking chain. 
We’re brought back to Holden. His eyes are wide and begin to turn, and once again we get a shot of the observation room where the guard is getting up and not paying attention to the room. And now, thanks to the shot we got before, we know that it’s Holden’s perspective because of that quick establishing shot right before. 
At 46:30, we get a wide shot of Kemper sitting at the edge of his bed, his arm extended to show his wound. A shrill sound is in the background now, building in momentum as the camera slowly zooms in on Kemper. He begins to talk about women again, women he killed. The scene lasts till 46:52 when Kemper looks up and once again, we get a shot of the observation room, followed by Kemper and the room once more, where the nurse and the guard leave. The uncomfortable shrill sound raised out with the departure of a guard, and we get a shot of Holden shutting his eyes and taking in a breath, almost preparing himself followed quickly by a shot of Kemper turning to look at him. 
All of a sudden there's clanging, scraping metal, and a lurch of the bed and we come to find Kemper and Holden standing face to face with Kemper between Holden and the door. The shrill sound continues and after a beat of silence between them, Kemper continues his speech. In the shot, they both stood with one side perpendicular to the camera at a low angle. It accentuated Kemper’s size in comparison to Holden. It's a reminder that Holden is smaller than he thinks he is. 
What conspires next is a continuation of Kemper’s speech, but periodically the camera flips between either man at a log angled 3/4th’s perspective. For Kemper, its size-accentuating, as many shots for him seem to be, and a small sliver of Holden is visible, showing his trembling jaw as his eyes glance around nervously. Yet it also shows the companionship that he feels for Holden. He isn’t alone; it's the two of them together. 
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But Holden's shots are single. Despite being in the room with another person, Kemper makes him feel completely alone. and once again we have the droning sound from behind that makes your stomach sink in. Holden is trapped between a rock and a hard place, but the rock is a serial killer that's developed an unlikely attachment and has no supervision. 
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Kemper asks why, after all his invitations, Holden came now. He didn’t expect him to, and Holden doesn’t have an answer. But Kemper smiles and sighs, saying “well now…” he places a hand on Holden’s shoulder. “It is the truth” we get a shot of Holden, shuddering and shaking as he does start to cry and he’s pulled into a hug by Kemper. He takes a second of hesitation, then he’s flailing and grunting, pushing himself away as he scrambled and bursts out of Kemper’s arms and the room altogether. 
There’s a hollow wind sound throughout the scene that grows louder and louder the longer that Holden is in the same room as Kemper but it blasts back into “in the light” when Holden runs out of the room. “In the light” is the auditory representation of Holden being thrust back into the mental state he was in before this whole interaction. His heart rate is up and his mind is racing. 
[In the Light - video link]
The next shot is already set in the hallway and as he bursts out of the room to the hall, the camera is following him as he runs, shaking to exaggerate that scene and his fear. But the shaking slows down as Holden slows to a walk. The music stops as he falls and a nurse checks on him. The nurse’s voice distorts because that’s what Holden is hearing through his panic attack as he passes out.
The scene stops focusing on Holden himself and it becomes a rushed, shaking mess of someone running through the hospital's hall. There’s someone yelling about needing help. Over it, there are previous lines that Holden has heard or has been warned to him about his altering behavior the shaking camera moved in on Holden once more. He’s curled up in the fetal position on the floor, hyperventilating. Then another shot of Holden on the floor, zooming in on his face as he hyperventilates. There are more quotes, distorted still as though he’s remembering them, but they only play when he’s part of the shot
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“in the light” began again when he starts to hyperventilate with the nurse and it gets louder and louder as the scene ends and plays into the credits. The lady quote we hear is “torture, mutilation. that is your world, and it has made you paranoid”.
All of this is a means to show Holden’s mental state. A panic attack isn’t really something that is “tellable” especially during the early 80s when psychological issues like anxiety hadn’t been as normalized quite yet. And for someone who hadn’t had a panic attack at this level before of course, it would be a very intense moment, ergo, we have an extremely intense scene on our hands, and it perfectly wraps up Holden’s climbing arch in season one. 
By focusing on the environment and reactions of a character, while exaggerating their actions with strange camera angles, Fincher was able to create an intense, emotion-pulling scene that relied on visuals rather than just dialogue and active acting.
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akwardsilince · 2 years
Monsters Made
apologies for any mistakes. I did not read this over.
Day 7
“I guess this is goodbye.” 
“Are you stupid? Why would this be goodbye?” 
“You still want to be friends with me?” 
“That’s a trick question. How dare you.”
Cassius is currently looking at some papers that Gabriel sent them. It’s obvious that Gabriel is at his wits end for him to so easily reveal the fact that Azra and Cassius are alive. Yes, they are still upset about it. 
Azra hops around in his cell, gurgling and gargling about whatever. Probably practicing his vocal cords. Cassius would tell him to stop but that doesn’t really do anything. 
The doorbell rings and Cassius swears. 
They jog us stairs, ignoring the confused rumble that Azra lets out. They secure the lock on the basement door. In a few strides, they open up the door and… that’s not what they expected.
“Micheal?” Cassius’ voice raises in confusion. 
Micheal dips his head in greeting. He meets their eyes with gentle determination. “Cassius,” he says, looking past them and into the house. He looks back to Cassius. “May I come in?” 
“Depends,” they reply, quickly regaining composure. “Why are you here?” 
Micheal pasues, then sighs. His shoulders sag. “I’d think that you’d want this conversation in a more private setting.”
Cassius’ lips thin. They open the door and step aside. Micheal nods in appreciation. 
They close the door right after he enters. “If you’re here for an investigation, I’d rather you get this over with.”
“There’s hardly anything to investigate,” Micheal rebuttals. “You clearly didn’t commit suiside— unless I’m talking to a ghost — and you’re crystal seems to be glowing more than usual, so…”
Micheal trails off, waving his hand around while explaining. Cassius silently curses him. He’s always been far too observant. 
“So you’re here because…?” They prompt. 
“Because I’m worried,” Micheal says. “About you.” 
“I’m fine,” Cassius plainly states, unwilling to reveal much more. 
“Right, and your basement is empty,” Micheal rolls his eyes. “Cas, just be straight with me will you?” 
Cassius clenches their jaw. Worst part is that he’s telling the truth. Had he been sent here with the purpose of getting information for Rapheal, he’d at least have the nerve to be more subtle. 
“There’s nothing to be straight about,” Cassius’ tone is devoid of emotion. 
Micheal sighs. “Cas. What rebirth ritual did you choose?” 
Cassius stares at him. Micheal stares back. He’s the first to look away. Suppressing a smile, Cassius walks over and places a hand on his shoulder. “Micheal,” they plead. Micheal looks away, but he looks back when Cassius squeezes his shoulder. “Mike. I’ll be fine.” 
He scoffs. “I see this visit was a mistake,” he heads towards the door. “I’ll come back next week. Perhaps by then you’ll have the mind to tell me the truth.” 
He opens the door and closes it, leaving Cassius to their thoughts. 
They sigh. So apparently they don’t control how much Micheal knows. He’s become very observant over the years. Maybe he knew this would happen all along. 
They curse as they sit on the couch. Cassius doesn’t know if they could handle him again. 
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noahs-worldxd · 2 years
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‘ Wait what did she say?’ Momo thought.
“ you guys are not very good at whispering.” Todoroki spoke up walking out of the hallway. The next day Soto and Momo hug out. ‘ Ive never had a friend before, but.. With her it feels….. Different.’ Shoto though as she read jokes from a book out loud. Later that day momo knocked on Shoto’s door. No replie. She opened the door. Shoto was laying on his bed with now exsprshion staring at the ceiling.
“ Please leave.” He said. ‘ did i do something rong?’ Momo though to herself.
“ Totoroki, what happened.” she asked.
“ Please…. Leave.” he repeated.’ damn why did i say that? Thats the opposit of what i want.’ Shoto though. Momo shuffled her way  out the door. Shoto placed a hand on his scar on his left side.
“ You did this, Endeavour, you bastard.” he said. Fro the next several day they did speack. Shot seemed he was not bothered, but he hated it.Shoto layed on his bed. His tie loosed and his jacket thrown on the floor. He managed to have one alone time with momo but they didnt say anything so she left him there like a fish gasping for air, wall water.’ Such a coward.’ He thought.Momo never left his mind.’ why is she so important to me?’ He thought. Hten it dawned on his. He slid down the halls down to moms room he knocked on the door. No reply. Before he could knock again the door swung open.
“ Can i help you?’ A tired Momo asked she had bags under her eyes, her hair was down.
“ UH…” ‘ what is this i never get nervous.’
“ My father called me and left me in a bad mood. Im sorry i got mad at you.” He appologized.
“ Oh… its ok Todoroki.” She smiled her tired face brightened.
“ Dont call me that.” He said.Momos eyes lit up. Her reaction was abol for him to crack a little smirk. Momo and Todoroki sat in her room. They talked about almost everything and anything. 
“ Your hair is quite long.” She observed.” Do you ever put it up?’
“ No.” he answered. Momo slid off a hair tie from her wrist, and smiled.
“ Sure.” Stoto sighed. Assuming she was going to ask. Momo sat behind him and slid his hair back into a short, stubbed ponytail, Nock, nock. Moo jumped up and answered the door. She cracked open the door enough to poke her head out. 
“ Oh hey, Mina.” Momo said brightly.
“ Hey, Mr, Azowaia wants all of us to meet in the common room.” Mina smiled.
“ Ok tell him ill be right there.” Momo said, closing the door. Shoto stood in the back of the room trying not to be seen.
“ Why are you back there?’ Momo asked.
“ I didn't want her to see me and think something was going on.” He said in his normal tone. The two walked out to the common room. Mr. Azowia announced on weekends that the students could leave the dorms and go around town, weather to visit family, shop,exa. But they had a curfew, 6:30. After the announcement Momo walked outside of the dorms. She stared at the concrete sidewalk. ‘ Why do you do this Momo? He’ll never like you your hideous, Fuckin bitch.’ She thought to herself. Scuffing her feet along the sidewalk. ‘ No wonder, you should have died a long time ago.’ Her breath hitched. She felt heaviness in her chest.’ Slut!’  Things shes been told filled her head.
“ Worthless, a waste of oxygen.” - Her dad.
“Why are you saying something?” - Middle school. Her feet met the wooden dock.salty wind blew in her face.
“ suiside was made for people like you.” Her mind.
“ She's an attention whore.” -Sister. Familiar footsteps snapped her from her thoughts. She had made it to the edge of the dock. Tears peeked from her eyes.
“Yaoyorozu!” Shoto ran up to her. “ what's wrong? You left very quickly.”
“ Todoroki… i just want to be alne.” Momo sighed.
“ I am sorry, i care about your boundaries so if-”
“  why would you care, Todoroki? Why would anybody?im worthless, and god for not-”
“ That is not at all true. You are inttelagent, caring, kind… very optimistic. I saw you, i saw how you plan your strategies flawless, you help everyone, Moo they all matter!” Shoto said. He had a diffrent emotion. It wasnt mad or sad. He couldnt quite place his finger on it. He didnt pay much mind how the words could of hit differently. He was once in her shoes.
“ Its not the roumors or anything, im doing what people have told me to do…” Momo said turning away with tears.Todoroki could tell she didnt want to do this but felt she had to. H egrabed a hold of her wrist.
“ Please…. Calm down. Dont do this.” He said calmly.
“ Why would I?... My own mother didnt want me!” Momo yelled with tears.
“.... Im sorry..” those where the only words he could say.
“ STOP APOLOGIZING!” Momo yelled, swinging her hand out of Shots grip. The water crashed against the wooden dock.
“ Please dont jump.” Todorokis voice sounded desperate.
“ Why-” Momo started.
“ Because i love you!” he blurted. It didnt seem fake. The pain overwhelmed him. He choked back tears. He had spent long painful nights to realize what he felt.
“ I can t left you go… even if your not mine…. Please… dont jump.” His voice hinched.
“I wont jump…” Momo said tears flowed. Shoto looked up at her with a smile. That smile quickly faded. Color drained from his face as he saw her falling figure.
“ MOMO!” Todorki ran to the end on the dock as her body splashing into the water. Thats when she relized: There where other options, Her problems had solushions, there where people who cared,peole could be hurt by her action, thats when she realized, she wanted to live.
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phliftbsadaty · 2 months
DGS? Suizidprävention bei Kindern? - Interview mit Luna Grosselli (Zocke...
 JA EH ?
+ NAZI ?
. EH ?
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righttool4thejob · 5 years
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Hi there cherry… I understand if this request is a sensitive topic so if you want,you can completely disregard it! No pressure! Could you write a tsukasa,hanako and mitsuba(all dead) catching their s/o making an attempt of taking their own life after school? Thank you and once again.. you don’t have to do the request if it makes you uncomfortable!
Tsukasa, Hanako, and Mitsuba catching there s/o trying to kill themselves❣︎
Warnings: attempt suiside, stabbing self/cutting vein(Hanako), hanging(Tsukasa), drug overdose(Mitsuba), talk of depression
A/n: This is another important request that I wanted to get to as soon as I could. Please if you ever do need to talk my messages are always open, I know the feeling. Life is tough but killing yourself isn't the answer… trust me.
I'm going to let the characters say the rest… Please message me if you ever want to vent!! I love you all!<3
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“Y/N!!” Tsukasa ran into the broadcasting room, bright smile on his face. His smile dropped when he realized you weren’t in the room.
“SAKURA!! WHERE IS Y/N?!?” He ran up to her, shaking her.
“They said they were going home and left a few minutes ago…” He groaned a bit, pushing him off of her.
“Left?? Without saying goodbye to me?!?” He pouted and quickly stormed out of the room and made his way to the school entrance. Yes it was late, but not late enough for you to go home! You didn’t even say goodbye to him! He floated to the entrance, not being able to leave the school he looked around.
“Did they leave without saying goodbye…?” He questioned himself, feeling hurt by the fact you didn't care about him. He made his way around the school and into the garden but was soon face to face with you and a rope around your neck. The other end of the rope was tied to a tree and you stood on a stool which wobbled every move you made.
“Y/n… you didn’t leave…?” Tsukasa muttered, shocked by what he was seeing and not wanting to believe it.
“Tsukasa- ah-!” Your eyes widened in shock as the stool fell causing you to drop and start choking from lack of oxygen. In a matter of seconds Tsukasa was right at your side, holding you in his arms bridal style so you could breathe again.
“Y/n… breath..” You could hear the worry in his voice as he held you. His wisp cut the rope tied to the tree as he set you down. You continued to cough, getting as much air into your lungs as possible.
“Were you… going to hang yourself…?” He asked, looking at the rope in his hand. “Y/n… tell me the truth.” You buried your face into your knees, tears falling out of your eyes.
“Yeah… I was…” You hugged your knees, not wanting to look up at him.
“You were trying to kill yourself…?” He questioned again.
“I was… I’m sorry..”
“Why didn’t you talk to me first…? Why didn’t you tell me you were having a hard time..” He kneeled down in front of you, stroking your hair.
“I just… I didn't want to be a burden…”
“A burden? Baby you aren’t a burden… I want to help you through this tough time… if someone is hurting you enough for you to try and kill yourself I want to help…” You looked up at him, eyes red and puffy but you were still your beautiful self to Tsukasa. He opened his arms for you to hug him which you happily did when you jumped into his arms.
“Please Y/n… don't die… you need to stay alive..” He whispered to you, hugging you close “Life can be taken away so easily but I want you to live out yours… Live for both of us, okay?”
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Hanako hummed as he walked to the bathroom. School for you has ended and he knew you would be in the bathroom cleaning already. But instead of finding you he found an empty bathroom. You looked around, confused, but saw your feet under the first stall as you leaned against the stall. He smirked floating over the door to surprise you but instead was met with shock seeing a blade against your wrist, digging in deap.
“Y/n…!” He shouted, causing you to jump in shock that he came back early from his meeting. He floated in front of you, quickly grabbing the blade out of your arm. His breathing was heavy as he saw your deep wound, drops of blood dripping on the floor and down your arm.
“Hanako…” Tears flowed down your cheeks, ashamed he caught you in this state.
“We need to get you bandaged up… you are bleeding a lot… you only cut the first vein which isn't vidal but i don't think you are far from the second one...” You heard small sniffs coming from Hanako, indicating he was crying as well.
“Let me take you to the nurse..” He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as you buried your head into his neck. His grip on you tightened as his wisp circled around him bringing you to the nurses office. He placed you on the bed as he went to get the first aid kit.
“I need your arm…” His voice a bit colder than normal, holding his hand out for you to put your arm in. You gave him your cut arm, using your other arm to try and wipe the tears away. He slowly and carefully bandaged your arm, making sure to not hurt you as he does so.
“Is it too tight?” He asked which you shook your head no. He carefully watched you, noticing the way you hid your face, hiding from him. His eyes softened, seeing a lot of Amane Yugi in you. Knowing how you feel, he stood up and slowly moved your arm away, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“Y/n… please dont kill yourself…” He said softly, like you were delicate.
“Hanako… I’m sorry I just… I can't take it anymore..” You shook.
“I know how you feel… I understand, but still… killing yourself is not the way to fix it…”
“I just want it all to go… I want all the pain to end..”
“Oh Y/n… killing yourself doesn’t end any pain… that's the lie about death..” His gaze lowered to the ground, looking like he was trying to stop himself from crying “It takes away everything and brings more pain… you can't do anything when you are dead.. Become an artist, hang out with friends at the store, go to the moon…” Realization set in on the fact that Hanako killed himself, guilt overtaking you as well.
“Y/n… don't end up like me. I don't want that life for you…” He finally looked at you, tears in his eyes.
“I understand… I’m sorry..” You hugged him tight, letting him help you carry your burdens as well.
“Thank you my beautiful star… you shine so bright..”
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Mitsuba floated around the school, looking in each classroom he passed. He stayed quiet as he looked for you. He pouted a bit when he didn’t find you in the last classroom he knew to look.
‘Where are they…?’ Mitsuba thought to himself, floating to the closest mirror. He looked through different parts of the school, looking for you.
“Y/n.. where are you…!” He pouted like a child a bit. He couldn’t help but smile when he finally saw you figure in the bathroom. He rushed to the bathroom you were in, opening the door with a cocky smile. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw an orange bottle on the floor. He picked it up and saw it was empty, looking at the label, it was a pain killer.
What really shocked him was when the label said it was picked up today.
“Y/n…” Mitsuba whispered, walking deeper into the bathroom, trying not to think the worse.
You stood in the last stall, pills in hand, a few in your mouth.
“M-Mitsuba…!” You jumped, shocked to see your boyfriend as he caught you trying to...kill yourself.
“What… are you doing…?” He asks “Why do you have all those pills in your hand…?” You just stared at him, not knowing what to do. In an instant you began to start swallowing the pills in your mouth.
“Y/n…!” He grabbed your arm, causing you to cough. You placed your hand on your throat, almost choking on a couple pills as you leaned on the wall for support.
“You idiot! What the hell do you think you are doing…! That’s… that's overdosing!” He scolded you. His annoyance that was building up in him soon calmed down when he your crying form, regretting your decision.
“Y/n… I’m sorry I just… I couldn’t have you swallowing all those pills…” He sighs and looks down.
“I-I’m sorry M-Mitsuba…” You cried even more, failing to say more words.
“Please just… dont do that ever again… please…” His gaze lowered as he hugs you in his arms. You instantly hugged him back, needing his comfort s you cried into hos shoulder.
“B-but Mitsuba-“
“No buts Y/n…! You can’t die… I don't want you to end up how I am…” His eyes started to water, his teasing nature now gone as he gave you a serious look.
“L-like you… a g-ghost…” Your muffles voice spoke.
“Yeah… I want you to live a happy life… I will always be a ghost but you can grow up and experience the beautiful portrait of life…its so terrible and perfect at the same time and you can only experience it once so dont throw it out… please..”
You nodded into his shoulder, unable to form words.
“Like is a beautiful picture… please capture it for me...”
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
CH. 1
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunatley have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Cheating Danneel, Depressed Jensen, Emotionally hurt Jensen, Language, I think that’s it...
pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1797
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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Jensen pov:
"Yeah I'm well aware this is partly my fault Danneel there's no reason to drive the point home, but I wasn't the one fucking one of my employees was I?" 
Jensen was reeling, he couldn’t believe this was happening, he couldn’t believe what he had seen, it all felt just, not real...Like some strange out of body experience or nightmare that he just couldn’t wake up from..
Then as if to add insult to injury, here she was on the phone with him, trying to make it out like this was all HIS fault... 
Like he was the one bouncing on the dudes dick when she came home from work, and not the other way around. 
He just wanted to see his family, his kids, his wife, maybe even play with the God damn dog a little before leaving for the hotel before the convention started tonight. You would have never convinced him of what he was going to find when he walked through that front door the way he did today, not in a million years. 
The raw and unforgiving reality of it though was that it was real, he saw it with his own eyes, and just like that, his marriage was over. It was almost too much for him to take all at once, and the longer he heard her make one excuse right after the other to try and play the victim, instead of the cheating whore that she was, the more angry he got...
"All that time I was gone you weren't the only one that was lonely!! You weren't the only one who wanted to be close to someone!! I WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO YOU!! I HAD MY DAMN PICK OF ANYONE I WANTED!! I SPENT WEEKS PLANNING THIS TRIP SO I CAN HAVE JUST A FEW HOURS WITH YOU!! I'M DONE DANNEEL WE'RE DONE!!" 
Hanging up the phone before he could say anything he might regret, or anything she might be able to use against him in court, Jensen threw his phone across the room onto the hotel bed and shoved his hands into his hair, trying to get a hold of his frustration. 
 He started trying to talk it out with her, he really did, but the longer he was on the phone with her, the more his temper got the best of him. By the time he got off the phone with her, his face was red, and he had a knot in his stomach that made him feel like he wanted to vomit, and he was pretty sure that his blood pressure was at stroke level the whole time driving from Austin to Dallas…
He only had about three hours to get myself together before the rest of the cast and crew would arrive to get their rooms, and start the convention…
He was supposed to perform tonight for the Saturday nights special like he always did… So he had to get himself together before that started, and he had to take the stage in front of all those fans..
Thank God the hotel staff let him check in early. So he didn’t have to go to his parents to face them, or drive around Dallas for three hours because he was in no shape to be driving around right now. 
Jensen didn’t have time to get drunk before the show tonight, or to sober up in time for it to start anyway, so he paced around his room trying to control his rapidly beating heart rate. Because right now he either felt like he was having a heart attack, panic attack, or both…
His mind was reeling with questions. 
“How could she do this to me? I made sure she wanted for nothing. I loved and supported  her the only way I could. I don't understand why she did this. I was faithful, even when I had every opportunity not to be I was faithful. This isn’t fair. Did she ever love me at all?”
A knock on the door disturbs him from my thoughts, and he glared at it a moment, thinking about ignoring it until he heard Jared yelling through the door. 
"Hey J!! Are you there? I got here a little early, and they said downstairs that you were already here!! Let's get a drink before everyone else gets here!!" 
A drink did sound pretty good, and if there was any he trusted it was Jared. He'd known Jensen the at his worst, and at his best, and he was always there when he needed him. 
He had a right to know what happened. 
Jensen grabbed his hat and shades before walking to the door, leaving his phone on the bed, he didn’t want to talk to Danneel anymore, he’d said everything he had to say, and if anyone wanted to find him that bad they usually called Jared. 
Steading his nerves before he opened the door to join Jared for drinks he couldn’t help but feel like this was going to be a long convention. 
Your POV:
"Come on Y/n!! Put that damn guitar down!! The concert starts in one hour, and I want a good seat!!" Y/f/n yells at you from the hotel bathroom.
Rolling your eyes you sit your guitar back into its case, and put it in the closet so that housekeeping or whatever wouldn’t just see it laying around and take it. 
It was your most prized possessions...
Music was your life... 
It's what kept you going, what got you out of bed in  the morning, and the last thing you thought about before you went to bed at night.
Most importantly it was there for you when no one else was… That much you had learned the hard way…
 "Don't you think getting there an hour early is a little extreme?" You complain, turning around and checking your makeup in the mirror and grabbing your phone, and slipping it into your back pocket.
"Look you have no idea how crazy these people are that come to these cons, and I want to be so close to the stage I get sprayed with spit when Rob starts to sing." She says matter of factly, pulling her purse over her shoulder, and meeting you by the front door.
"Yeah because that's what a totally sane person would say about their seating arrangements." You mumble, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you open the door. 
The girl had it bad for Rob, which honestly was a nice chance, most girls were here for Jared, Jensen, or Misha.. 
You were more interested in seeing Jensen tonight yourself. The way his voice washed over you when he sang! Ugh there's nothing else in this world like it. It always rolled over you like honey, but burned slow, like a shot of the best top shelf whisky..The man wasn't human. 
He was a damn God, and deserves to be treated as such. 
The two of you rode the elevator to the first floor laughing, and talking about music. There were two guys in the elevator when you two got on, but you didn’t really pay them any mind. One of them smelled like he'd had more than one drink, and they both seemed to be trying to blend into the back wall of the elevator, not wanting to talk to the two of you.
"If they call for a fan to come up on stage tonight you should totally go sing with Jensen." She said, elbowing you in the ribs. Eating herself the best bitchface you could muster.
"No way dude, I'd never get past the first line. I'd freak out, and make myself look like a complete, and total idiot.." 
The shorter one of the men in the elevator smirked at the ground at your conversation. There was something familiar about that smirk........
You were about to tell him it was rude to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, when your friend spoke up again..
"Come on Y/n for my birthday PLEASE!!" She begged, giving you puppy dog eyes worthy of Sam Winchester. 
"No way. He's not gonna want to sing with someone like me.” You say, trying to brush her off.. 
“What would you even want us to sing?" 
The two of you exited the elevator, and you had all but forgotten about the two men following you just in ear shot. 
"Hmm.... I don't Know........ How about.... Picture, by kid rock and Sheryl Crow." She said, all but bouncing as you joined the already forming line outside the doors leading into the hall where they were about to have the concert. 
She loved that song, even though it was overplayed and overdone.
"That song is so damn old Google probably can't even find the lyrics to it anymore." You tease her.
She just rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at you.
“It’s my birthday, so I pick the song! I didn’t say you’d have to like it”
The doors were opened before long, and the two of you made your way through the doors into the large room the concert was being held in. Leaving early had paid off. You were center stage, front row. Thanks to your friend’s media pass and gold tickets too, but you weren’t going to point that out. 
Y/f/n was jumping up and down in her seat with excitement, and you just couldn’t burst her bubble.
"Did you see those two guys that were in the elevator with us?" You asked, as the two of you watched the other fans filter into the room. 
The smile that one guy did sure did look familiar. You wished you could have gotten a better look at his face better, but they were both wearing shades and ball caps; keeping their heads down like they didn’t want to be bothered, and you didn’t want to stare at them, and make them feel uncomfortable.. 
"Yeah I saw them, probably just two dudes here with their girlfriends." she says shrugging you off as she sets up her camera for tonight. You don’t know why you cared so much, not like it mattered anyway who they were, or why they were here, there were a lot of strange people that went to these conventions, and they probably were here with their girlfriends, but still that smirk…
You shoved the thought of the two strangers in the elevator aside, you were about to see “The Jensen Ackles” sing. Honestly if you could have known you were going to die when he walked off stage. 
You'd die happy. 
Just cause you were that close to that beautifully sculpted, almost inhuman body, and voice that could melt you like butter. 
Tag List: @deanwanddamons​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
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ghostlyfanparadise · 3 years
When the ship arrives they have an alliance in place and are going to earth to tell all them about atlantis “live to gether die alone” skylar says with her arms across her chest then a beam of light comes and she disappears “well that was different” Rodney says “McKay there aliens of course it’s different” I hear shepherd say and I giggle sometimes I wonder how Rodney my brother “well we got new allies and they seem trust werthy” weir says “they are when the ancients were around they would help them with projects and some even lived in there city’s” I tell her “well then we can trust them” Ford says “I hope so” weir says and I start to feel wird like somethings wrong but I can’t quite figure it out then I pass out again when I wake up Carson is in the chair sleeping with his hand on mine I look at him and smile I love this man so much and he doesn’t even know it I go to sit up and accidentally wake him up “your awake” he says wiping his eyes sleepily “what happened” I asked “you fainted in the control room” he says “how’s the baby” I ask “the baby is fine” he tells me and I sigh in relief when we hear weir say over the intercom “this is dr Elizabeth weir we just got word from the starganaes that earth has been dystoed I am so sorry to everyone” the speach continues but I ignor it and I let my heart sink as I try to hold my self together when I look at Carson and he looks like he’s about to fall apart I pull him close and hug him whispering “it’ll be ok” Over and over trying to convince my self as well but failing next thing I know is that I was subbing in his shoulder earth is gone my sister is dead my freinds family all dead and I start to feel tears steam down the back of my neck and I can tell he’s also crying when I back up I tell him “I’m sorry for your loss” “I’m sorry for yours as well” he say and I head to my courters when I get there I close my door and lay down on my bed trying not to cry when I hear the door chime go off I don’t answer the door opens and Carson walks over and lays next to me and i lay my head on his chest his heart beat calms me down some “your ok” he says “I fell empty like I don’t have a heart anymore I can’t explain it” I tell him “I know the feeling” he says running his fingers though my hair about six months later I set at the lab working on something when my brother walks in and says “we have a plan to stop the wrath and I’m going” my heart stops and I drop my pincel on the table “this is a suiside mission isent it” I ask him “it is” he says and I get up and hug him tight “try not to die on me” I tell him “I make no promises jess” he says I back away and he leaves I go back to my table but can’t focus so I get up to walk to the infermry when I feel a pain in my stomach I get on my com and radio becket “Carson I think im in labor” “it’s to soon” he says over the radio “I know” I tell him when he and a medical team get there he helps me up on the stretcher and head to the infermry they put me on a bed and he looks to see how much I have dilated “she’s crowning” he says he walks over to me and holds my hand I don’t remember anything else after that “congratulations you have girl do you have a name for her” “yes her name is Janet Janet McKay” I say and she smiles 16 years later I leave my courters with Carson and see Janet,torren,Kate, and Bryan in there uniforms all getting ready for there first day on the job and I just smile
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possum-rat · 3 years
panicking part 1
As the sun begins to dust the hill in a warm golden light (Y/n) sits atop the hill with Ranboo as Tubbo attends to president business stuff. As (Y/n) stares into the sunset (Y/n) can't shake the feeling of unease. Their throat growing tighter and tighter.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Ranboo asks head tilted slightly. (Y/n) remains silent as they ball their fists together. Nails digging into their palms. They begin to breathe more heavily as panicked half-formed thoughts rush through their head. "Tommy, where is he. Is he okay?" Standing up (Y/n) grabs Ranboo's sleeve before leading him down toward the Doc. Wordlessly stepping into a boat and tugging ranboo alongside themselves. Ranboo seems to get the gist crouching in the canoe beside (Y/n).
both of the kid's knees higher than any normal person would have them. The gentle sloshing of water soothes (Y/n) slightly. As the campfire Ghostbur had made comes into view (Y/n) feels as though a huge weight has been lifted from their shoulders.
Emerging from the clearing of trees after spotting a tower being built from a distance (Y/n) can't help but feel fear. Wilbur's groans of annoyance as he loses his competitive solitary for the umpteenth time. Ignoring the branches slapping and scratching their face (Y/n) stands near the tower just as he lets himself fall. (Y/n) stares in shock.
backing up (Y/n) tries to say something but it feels as though their jaw is glued shut with locks.
Instead, they unsteadily make their way toward the nether portal before walking halfhearted to the main portal. As if there was an autopilot (Y/n) passes through the abnormally large portal.
Walking down the stairs (Y/n) spots A tall man with a golden sheen to his skin almost like a totem. With heterochromatic eyes, half-bright jade, and dark midnight blue. He seems oddly familiar with his glimmering netherite, over a blue shark-like hoodie and brown-black pants. The chest plate embezzled with a shark in the center.
Walking up to him cautiously (Y/n) hesitates before thinking better of it, and slipping past him and back in the direction of their house.
as they Scratch, the deep rich blue ear's of L'moo (a moobloom with cornflowers) (y/n) stares up at the ceiling with tears in their eyes. The skeleton lesbians had left a note-yellow with age, and (Y/n) had found a pile of bones. They were gone.
"Nobody said it was going to be this hard. When is this going to end? I mean I know everything is temporary but Tommy did- I could've stopped him. I could have saved him." They whisper as they squeeze their eyes shut.
They stand up upon hearing a knock at the door. Walking toward the door they open it to reveal Ghostbur. Smiling softly (Y/n) realizes it's raining and Ghostbur is hissing in pain. Gesturing him in (Y/n) smiles at him and gently tends to the slightly smoking wounds on him.
"(Y/n)? You have a blue cow? Did you dye him?" Ghostbur asks excitedly. (Y/n) shakes their head and replies quietly "No L'moo was just born like that. Oh hey, Duffy how you doing hun?" Duffy is a yellow blonde cow with sunflowers littered along her long fluffy fur.
"Wow! That's cool. (Y/n) I have a question? Was Alivebur a good person? I mean Tommy doesn't think he is. What do you think?" (Y/n) pauses thinking of the right way to say what's on their mind. "Well, Ghostbur- He was nice. Yeah but he had bad morals, he nearly killed Tommy and Tubbo and all of our friends. But I might be biased. But it's up to you. If he were to be resurrected somehow would you like that?"
ghostbur pauses glancing over to friend before returning his gaze toward (Y/n) "I don't know. Tommy seems to not be very fond of him." Without warning, there's a loud groan from behind the two of them. Whipping toward the sound they see Schlatt.
He hovers around Duffy grunting before grumbling "Yellow." Somehow fondly. Eyes wide (Y/n) turns toward him and asks "Schlatt?" He grumbles before replying annoyed "No. Glatt."
glancing toward Ghostbur he shrugs before asking "Glatt? Do you like Duffy?" without warning Glatt disappears. Leaving Kevin to curl up where he was previously.
(y/n) stares in confusion at what happened before turning and lying back down on the cool Tiled ground smiling when their cows lay with them.
the next day proves to be very hard to get up out of bed. Mainly because (Y/n) has finally realized that Tommy is gone. And losing someone close to your heart can be hard to cope with. Especially if you've already lost too much.
On the third week (Y/n) forces themselves to get up and head down to L'manberg. As they walk down they can't help but feel somethings wrong.
Glancing up they see a strange device. And Dream silhouetted against the sky.
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bakugousdailysnacc · 3 years
Yandere Bnha (Bakugou,kirishima,deku,) when there S/O (I will be using she/her prounouns for this sorry 🥺) being shy and really flinchy due to there father abusing them sorry this is so bad it’s my first fanfic
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(Katsuki Bakugou)
Put it straight he didn’t know about your father so when you have an anxiety attack rambling “he’s gonna kill me “ cause your not home ?! He goes apeshit (like jeez man chillll ) he asks “what the fuck HE DID WHAT ?!!!” Which only caused you to cry more but when you explain about your father he goes to mean to soft hellaaaa fast he cuddles you explaining that “shhh I have you now I’ll protect you shh” *kisses your forehead and plays with your hair* after you fall asleep you can bet his ASS (😔👌🏻 a fine one I’m sure) that he goes to kill your dad but he won’t make it quick saying “YOU FUCKING TWAT YOU THINK YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH IT HUH ILL BLOW YOU TO BITS YOU FUCKING SHITTY EXTRA” but after that is taking care of he comes home and you realize that he is softer than before taking care on his volume and trying to move slower with you around cause deep down he does love you and would never lay a hand on you if avoidable he is glad he Kidnapped you when he did and he does love when u call him katsu 😳🥺
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(Kirishima ejiro)
So after he finds out about your pa he’s absolutely devistated like “how could someone hurt someone as small and cute as you 🥺” (even if you are tall just pretend he’s taller )he cuddles you like no before and he braids your hair (if it’s short he just brushes it and if ur bald he makes you a hat 🥺👌🏻) after he asks you to pick a movie while he goes gets “snacks” from the shop while he does get the snacks he takes a detour very quick to your street people still think poor F/N committed suiside while his beatin and limp body is hanging on a Lamo poast your cuddling your captor while you watch a dogs purpose he’s so glad he kiddn-saved you it’s so manly of him
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To say he’s upset would be truely mistaken he’s absolutely heartbroken how DARE he he needs to die he needs to be punished he must suffer how could he ?! Oh god I can’t wait to see his blood run down his smashed in head with full cowl of course and I-while he was plotting your fathers death you lightly tap his shoulder so gently he would think it was a feather but will the light words as quite as a whisper “I-Izuku ? A-are you alright ?” Well he’s on the verge of tears but he tells himself he can’t cry you need him to be your hero ! He asks you to sit tight while he goes gets some more things from your house before leaving he makes sure to lock the door before going straight to F/Ns house
“I wonder why dekus taking so long ?” Only if you knew
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milasartblog · 4 years
Winter holidays (part 2)
Anoli and Chris were preparing some food in the kitchen while talking about Anoli's past and a bit about angels and demons.
Chris: So, you were human before?
Anoli: Yes, i was a student and used to live with parents. We were not so well-endowed, so i had to help my parents somehow. And one day i got into car accident, and my body was damaged heavily. I thought that i will never be able to come back. But one day one angel came to me and offered me a deal: I will help other people as an angel messenger, and yet still be able to live. At first it was scary to me, but it was a chance for me to see my parents again.
Chris: And so you agreed.
Anoli: Yes. And that's how i became a messenger of support.
Chris: I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. If we only could meet each other before, maybe we could help each other.
Anoli: It's okay, i'm still glad that i'm able to help people like this. Plus, if not this, who knows, maybe i would not meet Liya, Nazeel, Axel...you.
The last word she said a bit low with blush, as Chris got blushed a bit too, but then focused on chat.
Chris: Well, I'm still so glad that i met you, Anoli. Even like this.
Anoli: Really?
Chris: Of course! Everyone would be fascinated to have such amazing friend like you .
He smiled to Anoli as she smiled back to him, blushing.
Anoli: You're so sweet, Chris.
Chris: I'm just myself. So, your friend Liya is angel too?
Anoli: No, she is a demon.
Chris jumped for a moment as his face was covered in sweat. Anoli noticed such look as giggled softly.
Anoli: Don't worry, she is not a bad person. She also got resurrected liked me.
Chris: Really? But why demon?
Anoli: She had an unfair life and behavior towards her. Because of this, she suffered all her years and commited suiside. God didn't accept her as it was a great sin for Him. And so, demon found her and resurrected her.
Chris: Oh damn....i'm so sorry for her. How world could be so cruel to her.
Anoli: Sadly, it is. And yet, she still tries her best to be good demon.
Chris: Well, i can't be sure for now, but i trust you and i will believe that it's like this.
Anoli: Thank you, Chris.
She smiled as Chris blushed again. He couldn't imagine how Anoli could be so sweet and kind.
Chris: Oh, i forgot to ask, who was the demon, who resurrected Liya?
After such question Anoli got nervous. She hesitated to tell at first, and yet she knew she couldn't lie to him. It would be not by her nature. She tried to collect her thoughts.
Anoli: Before i tell you, promise that you will be not too surprised or scared.
Chris looked puzzled at her.
Chris: Well....i will try my best? Why so?
Anoli: You see, the demon, who resurrected Liya is-
She couldn't finish the sentence as a sudden rang sounded.
Chris: Another guest? Did you expect someone else?
Anoli got nervous. She didn't invite anyone and yet she guessed who could be behind the door.
Anoli: I will open the door.
Chris: No need to, i will do it. You take plates and put them on the table, okay?
And Chris went to open the door.
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Chris: I will open, don't worry!
Liya: First check, who is it!
She shouted from other room as she and Axel found a champagne. Chris checked a bit and....got astonished. He opened the door and saw a tall man with black and red hair, grey shirt, light blue feather necklace and dark pants.
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Lucifer: Oh, hey there~ New guest?~ Nice to meet you~
Chris stood astonished as couldn't say any word. Was he astonished by how tall he was? Or how handsome he was? Or just why did such man come here?
As he stood silent, Sona started to bark and Anoli, Nazeel, Liya and Axel heard it. They looked towards the way bark was sounded and noticed Lucifer.
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Anoli: Lucifer?
Liya: Hey there~
Nazeel: Uncle Lucifer!
Nazeel said happily as ran towards Lucifer. Chris kept standing astonished as looked at our crew.
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Chris: L-Luci-??!
Lucifer: Hey, everyone~ How is the best boy in the world doing?~
Lucifer stood on a kneel and opened arms for hug as hugged Nazeel.
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Nazeel: I'm so happy to see you, uncle Lucifer.
Lucifer: Me too, buddy. And i see we have a new guest here.
Nazeel: It's momma's friend Chris. He works at restaurant and he is helping us with preparations at home.
Lucifer: Oh, nice~ Together is fun~ I hope i didn't disturb or come in wrong time
Nazeel: You're just in time, uncle Lucifer. Let's go, i want to show the decorations we made!
Lucifer: Sure, would love to see
He smiled as petted Nazeel's hair and stood up. He saw that Sona was barking and waving his tail.
Lucifer: Hey there, buddy~ I will not hurt your owner, promise~
He waved to Sona and walked with Nazeel to living room where decorations were. Chris closed the door as kept being shocked. Anoli and Axel came to Chris, trying to calm his shock down.
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Anoli: Sorry, Chris, i tried to explain beforehand. Don't worry, i will explain now some things.
Anoli smiled a bit nervously while Axel petted Chris's shoulder.
Axel: First time? Feel ya, buddy.
Chris: ....I think i need some fresh air. And some explanations.
Anoli: Of course.
And they continued preparations while Anoli and Chris came back to kitchen. Chris wasn't expecting the Ruler of Hell himself appear in front of him. How will he handle such info?
And that's the second part of winter storis^^ Poor Chris didn't expect such turn of life qwq Let's hope that Anoli will help him figure things out ^^"
Anoli, Liya, Axel and Lucifer belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Nazeel, Sona and Chris belong to @captainthane
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan @captainthane and @jenny626
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glass-neo-alchemist · 5 years
If you do still take writing requests, can you do one with Jekyll sprouting wings from his back, like it started with two bumps on his back, his back starting to hurt and it gets worse as the day goes and later on the wings come out of him very painfully? You can add Rachel or Lanyon in it if you want.
oof sorry this came so late yo
also turned this more into an “Everyone but Jekyll gets wings but when he does it’s gross.” thing sooooo
TW FOR Blood, body horror, mutilation, uhhhh gross
‘Wrong way’
Edward Hyde groaned into his hand as he fell against the wall of the society building, squinting even against the dim light of a lantern fixed to the space next to him.
“Shudup, I know weer’ I’m gonnin’ ‘m fine.” he grunted out after a minute. In the space his own shadow had been a moment ago, the shadow-y form of Henry Jekyll rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Just hurry up already, I’ve still got things to do today.”
Edward simply grumbled a bit more before shoving himself upright once more and shambling, now in the correct direction, towards Henry’s office.
“I would tell you to take it easy next time, but I doubt you’d take my advice, even in this condition.” Henry mumbled, half to Hyde, half more to himself.
“Good to know wer’ on the same page then, hmm?” Edward fell through the door and let it slam shut behind him. Henry glared from the mirror but said nothing as Edward fumbled through the cabinets on the walls to finally find the transformation potion.
Hyde raised the glass to his lips for a moment before being stopped by Jekyll yelling at him, now through the reflection in the mirror.
“Hey!” Edward looked over to find Jekyll giving him a stern glare, which Hyde mimicked for a moment before setting the glass back down and shoving his shirt up and over his head.
Henry almost flinched at the shock of envy that raced through his mind for a moment at the view of the other man’s wings.
They settled behind his back in a bit of a mess, the light brown feathers mussed and crumpled from spending the end of the night pressed into the short man’s green vest. Henry had to stop himself from verbally reprimanding the other man for not taking better care of them.
“Hurry up already.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He raised the glass up to the good doctor like a toast, giving him the best shit-eating smile he could muster at the moment. He then threw his head back as he took the full potion all at once.
Unfortunately, being near dead drunk wouldn’t be good for anyone’s coordination.
By some unforeseen stroke of misfortune, the space between Henry’s workdesk and the wall of potions was a bit smaller than usual, and when Edward spasmed at the electric pain of the transformation, his wings stretched ramrod straight out from him back and knocked into the wall of viles, making several shake dangerously close to the edge.
Edward’s wings melted away with the crawling of skin as he switched places with Henry.
Who then slipped and tried to catch his balance on the cabinets.
Which then all came down from their places and fell with a shatter down his unprotected back and head.
To the man’s credit, he managed to not scream, however, crashing from the glass was enough to send the sound of stomping, wing flaps and more, now louder stomping, to march right up to his door, which was then flung open by Miss Rachel. Henry shoved Edward’s shirt under the offending cabinet.
“Doctor Jay!” a blur of grey and blue raced up to the doctor, who was now being hit by the effects of old alcohol in his system, and had resigned himself to just sitting on the ground.
“Ah, Miss Lavender, I apologise for the racket, it seems I slipped on the way in-”
“Are you ok Doctor Jay?” Rachel cut him off, eyes wide with worry and concern.
“I’m quite fine really, just a bit bumped-” Henry cut himself off with a hiss as Rachel jerked her hand back from where she had touched his shoulder, it was wet with blood.
“It looks like some of those glasses of your’s sliced open your back a bit, Henry, come on,” she gripped his arm and pulled him up to his feet. Henry grimised when his legs almost buckled under him. Rachel’s face scrunched up when he settled on her shoulder.
“You smell like a brewery.”
Henry had enough humility to look embarrassed at the floor and not meet her eyes.
It was a few days later that Henry noticed that something might be wrong.
He woke up sprawled on his desk to find his back aching, and, while this really wasn’t unusual for the kind of work-sleepover he had a habit of keeping, the pain was a bit more offset than that of his actual spine.
However he really didn’t have the time to be dealing with anything related to his own health and brushed it off as just his muscles being pinched. Also by then the bandages covering his back were starting to get old, so he resigned to switch them out the next day and deal with the ache until then.
This was a mistake.
Again, he did not make it to his own residence the night before and woke up in the society, luckily this time on a sofa that was pushed in the corner of the room instead of the desk.
He jostled awake on the small couched, jerking his back away from the arm of the chair that he had shifted on in his sleep, agitating the damage on his back. Jekyll sighed, he should change out the bandages now while he was awake, and hopefully get to work again earlier than anticipated.
Getting up, he bit his lip to keep from making any noise as a spike of pain rushed up his spine. In the dark, he stumbled for a moment before catching his balance and remaining silent. In the back of his mind he knew something was off, like something was hanging of his shoulders and pulling on the flesh of his back.
He tried not to think about it much.
Jekyll struggled to find the knob to turn on the lamp in the washroom, his hands were shaking by the time he got to the room.
His reflection in the mirror looked as dreadful as he felt, but he really didn’t get much time to examine himself as the space was replaced with a head of blond hair.
“What the hells wrong with you?” the specter asked as if he didn’t cause it.
“You damn know what, it’s probably all the stuff you knocked down on yourself a few days ago.”
“I thought you said Rachel got that all out of our system?”
“I said I hoped Rachel got that all out of our system, I was going to do a more thorough check earlier, but I suppose I lost track of time…” Henry trailed off, he felt as though his head was full of fluff.
“And now you’re all sick?”
“I hope that’s all I am.” Jekyll groaned and shifted off the counter, starting to unbutton his shirt, wincing as it pulled at the bandages. Hyde glowered at him, tranquil mist spiking for a moment.
“If this is some kind of pathetic suiside attempt-”
“Oh shut it, I’ve just been busy, it’s not like I didn’t already check if my more lethal potions shattered, I just didn’t know the outcome for mixing some of them.” Jekyll snapped, and jerked the remaining bandages from his chest, which turned out to be a Bad Idea.
Searing pain flared up his back as he heard flesh rip as the bandage pulled it off with it, and he buckled over. Out of the corner of his eye, Henry could spot Edward jump in shock as the green mist spasmed into a sudden uproar of flames as he watched in surprise when the doctor doubled over the sink, and then fell to the ground.
There was silence for a moment and Edward crawled out of the mirror, smoke trailing behind him as, for a moment, cold dread befell him at the thought that the other man was dead.
Then he took a breath.
Hyde breathed in a sharp gasp between intangible teeth as he spotted movement on the other’s back, light illuminating the lumped form covered in dark blood.
Jekyll started awake, taking a deep breath as the two wings on his back stretched.  
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ukclassiccars · 6 years
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eBay: worseley 8 1948 totally origanal suiside doors http://rssdata.net/QnjRSh
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diaryofsecrecy · 3 years
It has been the most exhausting year of my entire life and I will be surprised if I ever top it...
Brent was having a hard time adjusting to the altitude when we 1st came out here, (July 8th 2020) But as time went on he got better as expected. Then suddenly he got worse and worse, Eventually he lost the job that he got because he was calling out so often throwing up and experiencing extreme nausea.  Because of covid, the doctors were booked for weeks (new patient) so it was just kind of a waiting game until we finally decided to just go to the ER.  They did a full blood panel and decided that he needs to see a GI doctor because everything else is normal. So, That was booked 2 weeks out and he was sent home with nausea medication for one week...
Of course we were going to try to buy or rent so I was freaking out about money and working as much as I possibly could... But then I too had to go to the emergency Room because I had extreme abdominal pain resulting in an emergency appendectomy😖
The day after my surgery, I am home, when my dad comes in with my older sister.
To my knowledge, my older sister was diagnosed paranoid schizofrantic. She has been Homeless for the last 11 years,  And on drugs.  She recently was beaten so badly that she was left with several brain injuries on top of it all, And while she was healing at the hospital somehow they didn't notice her walk out.  We were just about to get her placed somewhere safe...And they lost her.
Anyhow dad walks in with my sister who I guess called him from a coffee shop when they told her that she couldn't sleep there anymore (after a month of being missing again) Dad had to go back to work so then it was me & her for the next 2 days, As you can imagine, not the rest I needed post surgery... then, I had to go back into the hospital because something wasn't right. I was there for 3 more days, 2 days alone because ben was so sick that it was worse with him being there than me sitting by myself in pain and nausea of my own.
Fast forward a few more months, tragic accidents led to 2 separate deaths of my parents dogs. Both events I happen to be present, so get blamed & am no longer welcome at mom & dads.
(Still healing from sugury, brent still very sick)
We get an apartment, and I start working as a nanny for my aunt twice a week while working at Massage Envy the other 5 days.
At this point, I am tired. I am horney, and lonely, and Absolutely. Fucking. Miserable.
I am begging ben to keep up with drs. but he has lost hope of getting better, and I have no way of helping him when I am already worn too thin.
After 9, Long, long months, he eventually, with my consistent pushing, nagging, most likely not always kind remarks, he finds out his hormones are completely off, which I knew would be the case, his dick hadnt worked for the last 3 years properly..
Anyway. He blames his addiction medication rather than continuing dr. Appointments... he gets on testosterone with an outside company(pay out of pocket kind of subscription company...rather than checking insurance, or figuring out what causes low testosterone and fixing that first). I was working and had no influence in any of those choices that effect us both as they have for at least 2 years. He hasnt touched me for so, so, long.
Month 3 of his medication that seems to be working (only reason I know is there was a ton of porn in my google history, he had declined all advances, except the rare, 3 times he allowed a blowjob then left immediately after for the gym or literally anything else rather than make it romantic at all.)
Month 4, he forgets to make a payment at all, so now we owe $250 rather than the normal $100. His meds get sent, then FedEx loses the package all together so, he is sick and I am house sitting in a dream home, alone for 2 weeks straight that originally was going to be our getaway to focus on Us.
At this point, brent and I havnt slept in the same bed for 2 months. At first cause he says I'm mean and he wants to not be near me, but now its cause hes "more comfortable out in the living room..."
A month ago when we last had a conversation about our relationship he said he wants space and a break from me all together. I'm too much.
I am the problem..?
When trying to understand what he means, he shuts down the connvo, saying he cant talk about it anymore. It's been 30 days since we have made any verbal progress. Our fighting has stopped though, and I'll tell you why...
Rewind 1 week before house sitting;
1 week after brent and I had an awful fight where he told me we should take a break, I stay at my parents & My mom offers for me to join them at a graduation party of a kid I used to babysit.
We were sitting in the back of the dining room, out of the way, when I saw someone i slightly recognized in the hallway. Not sure from where, but he was the kind of guy that you couldnt stop looking at. He was clearly into fitness, his shirt couldnt hide the muscular features he had been perfecting either, despite him dressing nothing out of the ordinary. He had beautiful ink crawling up his leg, an artform that would only mean something to someone who is more spiritually awake. But more noticable about anything was that smile.
God that smile. His face was scruffy, as if he had been away, but regardless, the smile he had influenced his entire ora. His eyes smiled, his walk... smiled. He had some kind of thing about him that was a physical draw I had never known for myself before. Dont get me wrong, i have been woo'd by many men so far in my life, from all stages in life, but This one was just, different. He was making his way around the room, & I could hear his voice over my mom who's talking beside me. I had literally been blocked out by my ever wondering thoughts of this random stranger whom felt familiar.
Then, he was there, at our table?
He was so easy to talk to, not even sure how we started now, but all I know is I was not nervous despite my very physical attraction to him.
He spoke of traveling, and adventures hes been on. This guy had a whole other life in the military at one point and now was traveling, working for a company that sends him around the US.
This guy had Hope's and dreams and somehow we got to talking about that kind of thing at a graduation party?
When I left that day, I thought about him. Not just him specifically, but men like him. Had I chosen Brent wrongfully? Does brent even like who I am anymore, what does he want going forward in his own life? How do I even fit into that? He understands my need for adventure but his actions say that he doesnt want to come along. My mind was loopy after that because for the first real time I questioned, what if there was someone who wanted to see the world,  Who liked my sad music, and my emotions being in everything I do? What if there was a women more interested in the simple home life, having a couple dogs and living a small, comfortable life? Are we doing one another a disservice by occupying oneanother's lives? How could I ever bring that up with Brent at all without making him feel so inadiquite after a year of terrible sickness and defeat?
Well, when I went to that big, gorgeous dream home the following week to house sit for 2 weeks... begging him to come see me, I grew weak from overthinking. I cried, I cried so much the first 3 days.
I cried from a place of such sadness, anger, bitterness, defeat, they were so strong. My mind was cloudy, drunk, stoned, tired.... I found myself writing a suicide letter.
My plan was to disappear, I knew I'd find a firearm in the home & allow someone to find my remains eventually in the hills where I'd walk far enough.
I prepared by cleaning the litterbox, laying out several bowls of water for the dog and cat, and watered all the plants heavily. I transfered brent all the money in my bank accounts, and as I waited for the sheets to come out of the dryer I balled my eyes out, reading the last conversations I had had with my family members. I thought to myself how the kids would take it, what different life choices they would make having been close with someone before their passing. At this point, I needed something, but I needed it from someone who doesnt know me in my life right now, but the me that was worth saving. The me I still recognized.
I called an old friend from 2nd grade. Hadnt talked to her in years and years, didnt known her life, her schedual, her name(which had been changed). But she talked me down. She saved my fucking life. It took a person who knew my soul years ago, to remind me I am not alone.
I dont blame my parents, or who I thought would be my future husband. I had talked with my aunt earlier that day and she couldnt see it either. I had become this fake shell of a person and it took considering an actual murder of myself to make me see that if I continued this path, I would die eventually and nobody in my life would ever see me preparing for it.
That night, I invited a complete stranger over and we fucked like rabbits. 4 times. He got to do things he'd never done before, and I begged him to. Sounds cold, sounds unapologetically disgusting that I'd do something like that, but quite frankly, I FUCKING needed it. I needed someone to see me, even if he didnt see my current life nor care about me as a person... he saw, touched, kissed, sucked and ate me up. For the first time in at least 2 years, i felt satisfaction when I walked him to the door and watched his car drive away.
It was like a sigh of relief, an inch I could not reach for the longest time, gone. Finally.
The following days, brent began putting in more effort. It has been 3 weeks and I'd say he has been kinder to me than he had in a while (probably the lack of testosterone) but also, I havnt seen much of him in general. From his point of view, it is all fine. Hes getting the space he needed, I'm being nicer since I quit massage Envy, and things are looking up....
But that is because he doesnt See Me.
My suisidal thoughts subsided after my long conversation with Scout. & that night I called my cousin as well, and learned he too had been in my shoes before. He said something that stuck with me.
If everyone has an expiration date on their life already, and we don't know when it is, you're to the point that you're life is so invaluable that youd kill yourself than flee your life and make one you want. Dont care about the people youd hurt, because suicide is just as careless as abandoning them all indefinitely.
He was so right, it put things into perspective, gave me a freedom I felt I was waiting to gain permission for.
Five days later, I noticed He had written me 5 before, on the day I had truly planned to end my current life..
He had written me at 12am, what would someone like him, a gorgeous, beefed out, big thinker, high energy, go getter be doing messaging me, a tired women who was 300lbs a year ago, (still working on getting to a normal size) and completely at a crossroads with existance.
I entertained the connvo a tad, and honestly forgot about it for a few days as I figured no way he could be serious.
He triple messaged me, and asked for my personal contact info to have real conversation?
Hesitantly, and wildly excited to even just flirt for a moment with someone who is literally everything I fantasize when I'm alone everynight....
Our conversation immediately took off. In directions I hadnt expected at all what so ever. He told me he had to admit he felt drawn to me, like he had known me in another life. That he doesnt expect me to get it, but I did. We talked about things that only my sister and I can relate to on a spirituality standard and it changed me in that instant. Suddenly i realize, I wasn't broken, I was just misunderstood. & that there are people in this world that See Me even when I am not trying. Not many, and it takes a specific Kind of person, but they do exist and when you meet them, you cant ignore it. It is as if they stain you with remembrance.
As the sexually hungry humans we are, not only did we find that morality, values, future goals coexist, but also our importance of intimacy. Not just lust and sex, well, yes that too, uff did those conversations get so, fucking, hot, but the interactions of intimacy and how they make a person whole.
I opened up to him about Brent, and where I am at in life, asking he please oversee my unfaithfulness, but that I am loyal at heart. He says with such pain in his voice how he too in a parallel position simultaneously, however, he married her 7 years ago.
So now I get to choose. Do I chose mortality, say no, brent and the other women deserve to understand the severity of sex, love and passion, and if they chose not to then we will leave before we act on our mutual attraction....? Or, do we say hell with it and give in to serendipity moments that our hearts crave so badly, take on the consequences and move forward. Sigh. If only there was a guideline for complicated.
Last night, as the 5 nights before, we talked for hours on the phone. His voice makes me smile every, damn, time. Perhaps because it's new and exciting, or maybe I just love to hear him go on his tangents of loving yourself despite the bad in life. I Want him. I want him when I wake, &when I go to sleep. I do not want a life without him& it saddens me to know our timing is incorrect. He asked her for a divorce a year ago, but has sat comfortably as I have despite the horror because weve both been too busy, too tired, too... afraid that life will always be lonely. Last night, he said to me, Elise, I love you. I avoided it several times but when he said it two more times, I couldnt keep it any longer to myself, Jackson, I really do Love you as well. It's scary, and faster than I'd ever say it to anyone. But I know it to be true because I Feel it. I want his love so badly. I want him to live life along side of me because with a person like him, I'd be a better me.
I am absolutely terrified. My life, my home, my family, dogs, my 5 year relationship, the unborn children brent and I have named, and the houses we'd have... all gone?
Running away with a man who says hes going to leave his wife is absolutely stupid. I'd be an idiot to think I am enough to get him through that fear of change, yet he gives me strength to want to try, so maybe I do, Him?
Ugh my brain being pulled in many ways. My heart having been in pieces so many times now doesnt know who to go to or why. I know for certain I love Brent, is this a self gratifying moment To push me back to him? Is this the devil bringing two lost people together to ruin four people at once?or is this Fate. Fate that has seen both of us individually loosing ourselves in a life we didnt want and has brought us together to lean on one another, temporarily not?
Suppose time will tell.
Last two days he has been working a ton, and told me that tomorrow he has something he needs to talk to me about.
I assume it isnt good. I assume it is the first put off of many, because, I know I want to do the same. Part of me says I should block him right now, because lust, and attraction, both mentally and physically like that couldnt make a women addicted and that's a no good addiction when he has a women in his house with his last name. 😔
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MIchael tale story
Michael was a sad little boy,his brother jaccob always made fun of him and his dad didn't helped him with the brother problem because he was always busy,but his sister chara would always protect him from his brother,but one day she was too late to stop jaccob who had accidentally killed Michael full of sadness chara jumped down in the pit inside Mt ebott wishing to die.Michael's soul was mistakenly transported to the void where he saw his family one by one commit suiside except his father who became obsessed with the idea of bringing the dead back to life and started killing children the same way Michael died but after some time he discovered how to experiment on souls but his daughter was killed by one of the death machines so he started to experiment with clones.Michael found gaster who after some time got friendly and toght him magic but Michael wanted to scape the void gaster told him about the nightmare helm,the only place you can go in the void and with the knowledge of magic and determination, Michael followed the path to the nightmare helm a path that may lead to his death.Michael reaching the nightmare helm discovered a replica of his old house,so he entered, wen he reached his room he heard awful noiser they were creatures that could only come out of his worst nightmares,he used his magic to fight them ad discovered that the creatures were his brother and his brother friends but the nightmare was not over,a new challanger had appeared the nightmare king himself, during this fidht Michael cut one of the nightmare king fingers,the finger became a sword and Michael used it to end the nightmare king but before he scape he stole half of Michael soul,but Michael with his determination continued alive,Michael earned the nightmare crown and complete control over the nightmare helm,his first act was give his brother and Friends their minds and memories back,he later remade his house replica into a castle and returned to talk to gaster,who was happy of Michael's victory but sad because of a new discovery.Gaster showed the prophecy stones with told the fall of the nightmare king than a new person would defeat him and claim the kingdom that person would lose a loved one and become rage personified and destroy the world in the neverending war against the old nightmare king.Years passed in the void,Michael is bright back from death by his dad's experiments but Michael knew what his dad had done,their relationship was horrible and one day his dad vanishes without lefting a clue,Michael goes to his old house and he found that only one book on bookshelf was intact he tries to pick it up and activated a mechanism making a secret door open and he discovered a secret laboratory with a girl trapped in a cage with food and water,At the beginning she wasn't friendly but with a bit of kindness she opened up about herself,she was an failed experiment of his dad but he left a long time ago,Michael used magic to free the girl,that in shock cried thinking she would get hurt but Michael hugged her and told everything would be alright she than told her name was BETA she was actually very smart and from then on Michael treated her like a little sister,Days passed and no sign of Michael's father so they decided to search on his father's old pizzaria, there they found life and a lot of children ghosts, Michael tried to ask the spirit where the killer was knowing that the killer was his father,The ghost didn't like Michael at first but together (Michael, beta,life and with the children souls) went to find Michael's father but in the meantime the souls and life became friendly to Michael and life grew feelings for Michael,Michael and life married and adopted the children souls, later Michael and life had a baby who they called frisk.
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