#tea vents
What if we went on the biggest blocking spree of our lives, blocking people who post porn on the asexual tags?
Seriously though, I am so fuckin' tired of seeing porn on our (The asexual and asexual spectrum) tags. Get some common fuckin' sense.
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queridaz · 4 months
is it better to spend 2 hours commuting to my life-saving medical procedure every day for 9 weeks while i go to school full time and work part time or is it better to just kill myself?
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sleepyteamage · 5 months
Found out my grandfather is on his deathbed last night. That's pretty bad but having now lost both my grandmothers it was something I learned to deal. Finding out my aunt and uncle for some reason had a conspiracy to hide him from other family members and his friends only for my father to find him in some type of hospice with 5 strangers is pretty fucking weird
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scar-crossedlvrs · 10 months
y’all can just ignore this i’m venting into the void
i feel so fucking insecure about everything right now. My writing, my appearance, my weight, my friendships, my cosplays, my hobbies, genuinely everything
nothing feels right and i feel like i’m slipping back into a depressive episode and i don’t want to.
i just wanna feel normal.
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Imagine having your confidence crushed because of a comment on your art
Couldn't be me-
I hate being insecure and caring about what people think I do-
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stardusted-bookworm · 3 months
Hob Gadling smiles, eyes tired. He loves that voice so much.
"Hullo, Dream." Even to his own ears, his voice sounds slurred, tight with exhaustion.
"It has been many a night since I've seen you in my kingdom last. Are you well?"
Hob chuckles. How far they've come. "Yeah, I'm all right, love. It's just been difficult for me to sleep recently."
Dream hums, seemingly upset on his behalf. "Your new neighbor."
It wasn't a question and yet he answers it like one.
"Yeah." He sighs. He doesn't know if he has the strength to continue.
The bed dips gently as Dream settles beside him. Hob hopes this liberty will go unpunished as his head rests upon his friend's shoulder. Dream briefly stiffens before relaxing, accommodating the new touch with relative ease.
"She's young," Hob continues. "My neighbor, I mean. But these walls are thin, and after a couple nights, it becomes difficult to stay asleep when all you can hear is the clicking of a keyboard and shouting at a video game."
Silence reigns over the apartment for but a moment. Then, the noise Hob had talked about begins to fill the space.
He smiles. So tired, he's so tired.
A hand threads through his hair, gentle, soothing.
"Sleep, my friend. I have you. None will disturb you as long as I am here."
And what could Hob do but listen? Dream guides him down until he was resting on his lap. Lithe fingers continue to brush through Hob's hair, lulling him to sleep.
The best and most continuous night of sleep he's had in such a long time.
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ndostairlyrium · 10 months
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Eighth Art Fight attack goes to @herearedragons of their precious child Neilar Lavellan 💛
My profile
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the-power-of-stuff · 2 months
I just wanna put it out there that this is a Netflix Live Action ATLA safe space.
Does this mean that I like or agree with every choice the live action made? Definitely not. But it does mean that overall I find the live action interesting to talk about, even when it comes to the stuff I took issue with. It means I'm interested in hearing and sharing critical opinions as well as praise, and I'm interested in interpretations that are different from mine. And I will always try to approach things inquisitively and to judge the show for what it is (which, let's be honest, is basically someone's canon divergent fanfiction put to screen).
But what I'm not interested in is being right, or tearing the show down. So if you're looking for a place to read or share opinions about the live action that skew positive, or that are critical without being angry, or that are relatively neutral with maybe a dab of scientific curiosity, I hope you can find that here.
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eutherianz · 2 months
I'm sorry, but it's true.
I tried to make it obvious.
Did I ever even say "yes"?
I probably didn’t mean to.
All those love songs you said reminded you of me
I secretly hated every word
But how could I say that to your face?
You seemed so happy to call me yours.
My heart beats faster when I drink raspberry tea than when I'm with you
How can I explain you make me feel nothing?
Butterflies sound more like an infection to me.
You should get that checked out.
And it's not your fault,
It's mine.
I truly mean that.
It was never your fault, darling.
I still like you!
Just not in the way you wanted me to.
I enjoy your company;
You make me happy!
I just can't see myself with you.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry if this Is confusing.
I'm just not sure how to explain the lack of something I've never felt.
So go on without me!
Go! Love, lust, and live!
I'll stay with you through it all, if you'll have me.
I hope you can get over me.
I never meant for you to get attached like this.
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naturecalls111 · 7 months
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on liking girls
#comic#vent art#other fandoms#the fandom is my personal life LMAO#I had posted this on twitter and deleted it because it was vent art from back in like. Ohhh I forget. Must have been january#Like I had just had my birthday and I don't know what it was but something made me realise like#oh. I haven't come out to my parents#like it's Been a minute I probably should right#and my parents are like. the best in the world I say that with my whole chest#my sexuality is not something they would ever care about let alone judge me for#like they have so many gay friends OBJECTIVELY I KNOW THIS IS A NON ISSUE LOL#but I don't know. something about it DOES feel dangerous and I can barely come to terms with it#I hate the idea of making it a "thing'. does that make sense#i don't want it to be a “thing”#I don't want them to tell me they'll love me no matter what and that this doesn't change anything#I don't want to have to subject them to feel like I'm “opening up” and then Have to respond like that#I wish it felt like as natural of an integration as someone is being straight you know#i wish it was: i come home with the prettiest girl in the world (she is the prettiest because she is my girlfriend) and they're just like#“hi! so nice to meet you! lets sit for tea!”#and thats it no questions asked. my mom or dad wouldn't ask “why didnt you tell us?” does that make sense#This is why none of my highschool friends know either#i'll tell them if they ask but I don't want to make a performance of Telling Them#I don't. Owe them that#I don't owe anyone a heads up. I don't want to. I don't want to make it A Thing#It's a Me thing. I don't get why it has to be turned into a You thing.#also hi if you havent seen my face i look like That LOL
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firefly-fez · 1 year
You know what? I think any and all scenarios that put Rex in a crossover or an AU where he ends up in a different universe should have him be 100% on board with whatever shenanigans he’s faced with. He winds up in, say the BBC Merlin or Once Upon A Time universe? Or the MCU teaming up with a young Peter Parker and/or Miles Morales? He’s utterly unfazed. Nothing throws him. Ahsoka is with him like “Rex, we’re totally out of our element here, be careful” and Rex is just like. “Ahsoka. We agreed to help this kid, which means I’m responsible for protecting a young, stubborn, hotshot with magical powers I don’t understand. No offense, vod’ika, but this is just another Tuesday for me.”
Just... Rex as a non-magical, non-superpowered, non-force sensitive character in every setting, who absolutely does not know the first thing about any of this stuff, but from the sheer repetition of dealing with Jedi nonsense (mainly Ahsoka’s nonsense) over so many years, has just developed a nonchalant, unblinking acceptance of the craziest stuff. Like, in superhero or fantasy settings you usually have the side-kick/best friend character a little confused like: “what’s going on? [explanation filled with complicated jargon] In ENGLISH, please!” But instead of that, Rex (who is NOBODY’S sidekick) is just there like; “The kid got bitten by a spider, now he’s magic, the Quarren-looking creature is the enemy, we need to secure the area and neutralize him with a serum injection before we can safely recover the hostage. Keep up, Shiny.”
Just...just picture Rex in a crossover situation where you have this young protagonist superhero/sorcerer/insert-genre-here who’s very green but also talented on their first serious mission scared out of their mind trying to save someone, trying to scramble for the quickest explanation they come up with to get Rex to trust them that “I know where they are I just can’t explain how I know, you just have to trust me” and Rex is like “Yeah, yeah, sure you can sense it. Lead the way, kid. Follow your instincts but don’t get into trouble without backup, okay. I’m right behind you.” The kid just stares at him wide-eyed for a second like “wait -- you, you belive me?” and Rex is just like “This ain’t my first rodeo, kid. Now get moving, time is of the essence here.”
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crystalsandbubbletea · 2 months
(Cw: Polyamphobia, enbyphobia)
Love how my mom says she'll support me no matter what and then the minute I come out as polyamorous she tries to convince me that I'm monogamous and just pretending to be polyamorous.
Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. I came out as nonbinary twice to her and the first time I did she said the most enbyphobic things and I had to pretend to be genderfluid. Then the second time I come out as nonbinary she begrudgingly accepted it.
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queridaz · 6 months
ok, so to recap: got sick, became bedridden, am home alone, had to cancel thanksgiving plans, started my period, had to get an extension on my research project, fell down the stairs, and now i've just vomited. anything else i should go through while i'm at it?
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milkteasie · 2 months
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zhongrin · 4 months
I assume you got hate for that L&D ask? I'm sorry that was done. Feel better soon. Maybe say less next time.
i appreciate your kind words, thank you. however, while i'm sure you had the best intention with this, i don't think i will 'say less'. this is my blog, my space, and as long as i'm not actually causing harm to anyone or anything along that line, i think i'm allowed to have some degree of freedom regarding saying what i like/dislike and setting my boundaries. i'm sorry, but i'm not an influencer, nor a public figure who has the responsibility to spread positivity and be a role model to you all. i try as much as i can, of course, but that's not the purpose of this blog. i'm just a human being who needed an outlet for writing and wanted to connect with like-minded people.
what part was not 'right'? that i expressed, in my own blog, how i didn't want to try out a game because one of the reasons is i find the graphics of the fictional characters off-putting, when asked? that i likened a fictional game art style to a different franchise and objects you see all the time in adult site ads? that i never said anything about the people who do like the game and told them "i'm happy you found a game you like"? that i never, not even once, went to other people's posts or blog who posted that game's content to ruin their fun like a bastard? that i actively chose to use tumblr's filter instead? that even if the filter didn't work, i chose to scroll and ignore instead of bitching about it?
pray tell, what did i do wrong? why should i say less? since when am i not allowed to dislike things?
and a public psa ー i'm sorry, but bluntly speaking, if you take an affront when I expressed MY own opinion, WHEN PROMPTED, WITHIN MY OWN SPACE (and god forbid you retaliate like that anon(s?) by spamming me to shut the fuck up and kill myself), then that's really not my problem. it's an art direction, for god's sake. i adore zhongli, who gets memed and made fun of as a cockroach all the time; you don't see me screaming at people to stop.
learn that people may not like the things you like. learn to agree to disagree. learn to treat others as fellow human beings with likes and dislikes. learn to separate fiction from reality.
and seriously, if you're annoyed with my rambles or 'babblings' or the interactions with my friends, tumblr has a filter and block function. it's just a simple google away. give some peace to your own mind.
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jammyjams1910 · 2 months
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Mock exams are over but not my suffering ✨✨✨
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