#terfs are conservative
spookyradluka · 1 year
Female cops don't deserve rape
Tradwifes don't deserve rape
Conservative women don't deserve rape
Fascist women don't deserve rape
""Terfs"" do not deserve rape
MRA women don't deserve rape
Disagreeable women in general do not deserve rape
No woman no matter her shitty ideology deserves to be sexually abused
Once it's okay to excuse rape based on ideology sooner or later you'll meet someone who doesn't agree with you.
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rorylum · 8 months
conservative polticans are a way biger threat to women than trans people. Sorry terfs it's either go with far right nut jobs that want to take your rights away too. Or accept trans people exist avoid them and you both live your lives.
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boot2004 · 10 months
One of the tenets of TERF ideology is that people are accepting of others, and that’s a bad thing. This is also one of the main tenets of conservative ideology, and is part of why TERFs are conservatives.
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animentality · 11 months
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menderash · 6 months
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"why won't anyone in the far right conservative white supremacy and cultural obliteration fandom reblog my posts about racism and ethnic cleansing 😥"
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carmot · 4 months
Hey as a tired old queer. Just a heads up. Aro/Ace discourse is LEGITIMATELY baby TERF ideology & something they use to try & indoctrinate young teens & people who don't know any better.
As in legitimately where there have been several TERFS who have admitted to using it as that tactic.
So please. Think before you parrot exclusionary (& frankly psyop) rhetoric meant to disrupt the LGBT+ community. Also think about the TIMING on this for the love of all that's good!
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asharestupid · 9 months
Here are some witchy things you can do to help the shambles of the world rn:
- performing spells to diminish the power of Republicans, conservatives, terfs etc
- preforming good luck spells for Hawaii and healing spells for the people the fire has effected
- performing healing spells for the lgbt+, poc, etc communities
- watering your plants while reciting healing and protection spells to combat deforestation
- NOT BURYING PLASTIC/GLASS FOR SPELLS!! Don't bury things in glass/plastic/ other non-eco friendly bottles or jars or anything else!
- Also don't put those things in the sea/rivers/lakes!!
- make bracelets/necklaces/other things (if that's a thing you're interested in, you could buy them [or just not do this ofc, this isn't a list of requirements lol]) and charm them with healing/good luck/protection and donate them to homeless shelters or other places
- charm anything you donate honestly
- put protection spells on animals/bugs/plants you find!
I'm sure there's more but these are all I can think of rn. Again, this isn't a list of requirements it's just a thing I thought of while researching ways to help the environment. I wish you lots of luck with your endeavors!
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slutty-ftm · 2 months
transphobes, terfs, and conservative men pls interact!!
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seravph · 10 months
Have you ever responded to that Terf that BODIED you on your trans misogyny set feminism back 50 years statement? Or are you literally unable to think of a reason why she's wrong haha
this is sooo funny to me. that post has 32k notes and you think I’m reading every response or that i even care what sum terf has to say ? im eating sum greek yogurt
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eve-is-a-terf · 2 years
honestly a lot of aspects of current liberalism are about allowing some people's "rights" to harm women's. that's why i don't support trans ideology, complete prison abolition, etc.
women aren't just collateral to me. their oppression isn't just an unfortunate side effect of a main goal achieved. liberals consistently put women last and i'm sick of it.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 11 months
I’m scared for the kids who might unknowingly buy the Harry Potter game or the books or the movies without knowing what’s going on. We need to ACTUALLY ban this franchise. Burn copies in stores. Smash your friend’s computer if you have to. I don’t know why we’re simply telling people to “read other books” and not going full scorched earth. There’s children out there who could be entrapped into this thing and not know until it’s too late…(It’s not censorship because it’s actually bad. Only minorities should be allowed to censor things because we know best.)
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Nice try, buddy.
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animentality · 11 months
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bli-o · 8 months
i fucking hate transphobes because they love to make up “actual reasons” trans people are trans like “they have a fetish for being (x) gender” or “they want to prey on kids” and it allows them to completely dodge actually interacting with arguments for the existence of gender and the non-existence of gender or sex binaries. It sets the discussion MILES upon MILES back because it’s not even a discussion of whether trans people are real, it’s a discussion of whether we’re xyz stereotype.
and that’s the express purpose! It’s the oldest trick in the book; if they make a strawman to argue with, they dont have to put in the effort to argue with you at all! Conservatives have done this for hundreds of years.
misogynists stereotyped women as emotional to have an excuse for not confronting whether women are inherently less capable or smart than men Racists stereotyped black men as predators to have an excuse for not confronting whether your skin tone was a valid reason to dehumanize and hate someone
homophobes stereotyped gay people as predators(rings a bell) to have an excuse for not confronting whether being gay is natural or not immoral.
Just as they stereotype trans people now as predatory(rings a bell) “autogynephiles” or as “TRAs indoctrinating kids.”
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makima-s-most-smile · 14 days
Oh, nice news. Really nice news. *claps hands*
A new bill/law about self-determination (uh... google translates Selbstbestimmung to that, not entirely sure if that is wholly right) was passed in the Bundestag (lower house of German parliament (google translate again).
So, in Germany, it is easier to change your name and gender designation (still not sure if that is the right translation) at the registry office. Without any gender-affirming operation nor psychiatric observations. Since Germany is a bureaucracy, you need to make the appointment for the change at least three months beforehand. Your name must fit your new gender designation and you have to make an official statement that you are wholly aware of the bandwith of your decision.
Additionally, you can only change it back after a year waiting time.
Parents need to consent for children between 14-18 and they need to give the statement for younger children.
That said, people with a changed gender designation can still be denied access to genderspecific places, eg. a transwoman can be denied access to an all-female sauna by the owner.
But considering that before, you needed to go through the psychiatric assessments and through the surgeries, which both take a massive amount of time (and money), to hope to change your status, without full guarantee! Now it is so much easier.
I am glad. I am happy.
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