#thanks for bein an angel and waiting this long <3
milkshcky · 2 months
𝒍𝒊𝒎 𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒈𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔
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✧ *:・゚. ❝ PUBLIC COMMISSION: 100 gif icons (75x75) of LIM JIMIN, from JUST B, were delivered to jessie!
you too can find the gif icons if you click on the source link. you’ll be directed to my discord server where you’ll find the link for the page. he is korean and born in 2001, so please cast him accordingly. i made these from scratch so i’d appreciate if you reblog or like if using, and please do not claim as yours. enjoy!!
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A/N: Two chapters in two days, I'm on a roll! I hope you all like this, finally getting some of the show in this.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Chapter 4
What the fuck
Grabbing another book off the dwindling pile in front of them, Caelwen’s shoulders slumped. This was the 4th day that she and Lucifer had been in the library. As much as she was enjoying the fallen angel’s presence, every book that wasn’t what they were looking for made her want to cry.
The news of the extermination moving up had come as a surprise and shock, Heaven truly was heartless. But it also moved Caelwen’s deadline up, she was too close to making Adam pay to wait until the following extermination – it had to be this one.
Lucifer tossed another book on the pile of useless ones, having given up on putting them away for now. Looking over to see his companion also growing weary, he checked his watch to see it was almost lunch time. Lucifer tapped Caelwen on the shoulder to pull her away from her current book. “Let’s pause and get lunch, we could both use a break.”
In the kitchen, Lucifer summoned ingredients for some sandwiches to the island, arranging them so they could both make their own. As Caelwen was going to sit, she felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her dress. Pulling it out, she noticed a message from Nia.
Nia: hope it’s going okay boss lady. We’re all good here, Velvette was a bitch but I handled it. Don’t forget about overlord meeting tomorrow. I know you don’t normally go but with everything happening…
Caelwen: Thank you. Yes, I was thinking this might be the time to go. I’ll go alone though, I’m more interested in seeing who still stands and assuring them I’m still capable.
Nia: let me know if you change your mind, okay? I’m here if needed.
Caelwen finally sat down, rubbing the bridge of her nose; she hated those meetings but with all the chaos of the extermination being moved up, she knew being present could make or break her company and position.
“Is everything okay? Your assistant hasn’t let your business burn to the ground, hopefully?” Lucifer asked with a chuckle.
Caelwen gave him a small smile *Yes, she was telling me that all is well. She also reminded me that there is an overlord meeting tomorrow. Despite not owning any souls, I rank rather high amongst the demons apparently. I’ve been considered an overlord for almost 300 years now, but it’s been a few decades since I last attended a meeting. With the extermination moving up, this is one I don’t think I should miss.*
Lucifer’s was slightly taken aback, he had always thought the sinners were only led by fear and power. This woman in front of him seemed so gentle, how could she have gained respect amongst heartless demons? Caelwen could see his confusion and chuckled silently.
*I can be quite scary when I need to be. Plus, I do have support from Beelzebub with my business. And that’s been a helpful bonus* Caelwen finished with a smirk.
Chuckling, Lucifer agreed with the Nephilim – not too many sinners would willingly try to piss of one of the sins. Though he wasn’t sure he could ever see Caelwen as scary.
Back down in the library, the two continued the cycle they had established on the first day. The 14th and 13th centuries had been a bust, nothing had come close to the symbol Caelwen had been branded with. Despite their lack of success, though, they were both smiling and laughing. Between sharing stories from their lives and making small jokes there were secretive glances, light touches that lingered on hands or shoulders, and faint blushes that they each did their best to conceal.
Caelwen had never felt so light in her life. In spite of how long she had lived in Hell, the Nephilim had always been more concerned with staying alive and hidden then with maintaining her company and image. She had never bothered with romance; she’d read about it, sure, but never looked for it. Still, here she sat, next to the strongest being in all of Hell, blushing and feeling as though her heart might beat out of her chest every time his hand brushed hers. And, fuck, if he kept brushing the feathers of her wings she might combust – she’d never realized how sensitive they were!
When night rolled around and they retired to their separate rooms, Caelwen lay awake, trying to sort through her feelings. Having been unable to speak for so long, she’d become well-attuned to her surroundings and reading people. She knew Lucifer was reciprocating her actions, truthfully he’d been the first one to start lingering when handing her books or moving her wings to a better position. The problem was that she didn’t know how to proceed or if she even should.
~ The Next Day ~
Caelwen was gone after breakfast, expressing her desire to check on the office and Nia as well as grab some clean clothes before the Overlord meeting. She hated taking a break from their search, but Lucifer assured her he’d keep looking while she was out.
After changing into a clean, sleek black dress and assuring she was consumed in shadows, Caelwen headed into her office. There, she saw Nia sitting in her chair with her legs propped on the desk with a phone to her ear. Plopping down into a chair across from the hell hound, Caelwen waited for the call to wrap up. From the eye rolls and the hand yanking at her hair, it was obviously not a fun conversation.
Finally slamming the phone down after a gruff ‘fuck off’, Nia turned to her boss with a grin. “How’s it goin’ boss lady? Any luck with the books?”
*Unfortunately, not yet. We’ve worked through quite a lot though and Lucifer is going to keep going while I’m out today.* Caelwen leaned forward then, peering at the spread of papers on her desk before looking back to Nia. *I assume everything here is still okay? No one has died or tried to get one over on us?*
Nia smirked, “Duh! I’m pretty good at this shit. You know, if you ever wanted to take some time off, I’d be more than happy to run this place for awhile!”
*Good. I may take you up on that; once this seal is broken, I’ll probably need some extra time to adjust and get myself in order before the extermination.* The two women smiled at each other then Nia began to catch her boss up on everything that had happened over the last few days.
An hour later, Caelwen was standing in an elevator of the tall building, and the overlord meeting would be held in. Consumed in shadows, she took a deep breath to center herself and mentally assume her alter ego. The elevator door opened, and Madame C exited and turned to walk towards the meeting room. Entering the room, she noticed Carmilla walking to the head of the table. Madame C looked around, taking note of each Overlord in front of her, a couple she didn’t fully recall, but most were the same. When her eyes landed on Alastor and his unnerving grin, a shiver rolled down her spine – she’d thought for sure he had died, wished for it honestly.
“Welcome Hell’s sovereign Overlords. I’ve invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own millions of souls, souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interests.”
As the tall woman was talking, Madame C made her way around the table towards her chair. Despite not being present for a few decades, the chair next to Carmilla and opposite to Zestial had always been hers, and no one had bothered to try and occupy it.
“Zestial, so good to see you my friend”
“Enchanted as always Carmilla” the spider demon said, summoning a cup of tea.
The arms dealer then turned towards the radio demon in surprise, calling his name. It seemed Madame C wasn’t the only one who had thought him dead.
“Oh, yes, I know I’ve been absent some time. I’m sure you’ve all been wandering!” How she hated the sound of his staticky voice, like nails on a chalk board.
“Not really,” Carmilla shrugged. “But welcome back in any case.” She turned to the shadow-encased woman beside her next. “I’m glad to see you as well, Madame C. It’s been some time since you’ve graced these halls.”
Madame C gave a short wave and nod of her head, eager to be done with the niceties and this meeting.
Carmilla snapped her fingers and was handed a clipboard. “This years extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the Angelic legions returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-“
The door was kicked open by Velvette, entering the meeting late and on her phone. ‘Children’ Madame C had never liked the Vees much either, to brash for her taste. She propped her elbow on the table and placed her head in her hand, doing her best to tune out the youngest Overlord.
Madame C jolted back as a head rolled towards her before stopping. It was the head of an exorcist, golden blood leaking from where it had been severed from its body. Bringing a hand to her mouth, the shadowed woman looked away to re-center herself.
“Where did you get this” Carmilla asked Velvette.
“We found it during extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed!” She hopped up on the table walking towards the center, “We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan –“
Loud slurping interrupted Velvette’s tirade, thankfully. Everyone turned to Zestial.
“If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meager proof, thou art far more foolish than I be thought.”
Madame C gave a subtle nod agreeing with the spider, one exorcist meant nothing in the grand scheme, no matter how wonderful the thought of eliminating the holy army was.
Velvette snorted, “’Meager proof’? It’s a dead fucking exorcist. I’d say that pretty fucking definitive. You goin’ blind, old man?”
“We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t’was not by a demon’s hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mightn’t they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?” A round of agreements was heard from every overlord around the table, angering Velvette.
“Oh I get it. So, grandpa is too pussy to fight so I guess there’s no point. Right?” She got into Zestial’s face. “Oh what’s the matter, fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab?” Madame C clenched her fists to keep from throttling the girl, letting Carmilla stand up for Zestial.
The two women began to battle it out over showing respect. Madame C felt a headache forming behind her eyes, doing her best to not lose her mind over the shit show this meeting had become. She could have been with Lucifer - looking through the library, getting closer to actually flying, sharing more stories. Testing the boundaries of their growing friendship. Instead, she was stuck here watching a child argue for all out war with angels trained to kill sinners.
Madame C tuned back into the conversation when she heard Velvette accuse Carmilla of knowing why the angel was headless. If it was true that Carmilla had killed or at least knew how to kill the exorcist, she’d need that information for later.
Carmilla called for the end of the meeting abruptly as Velvette tried to get a confession, leaving the other Overlords confused and upset. They had all taken the time to gather, and the meeting had barely begun before it was over. Madame C had not missed the chaos these meetings could be.
Rising from her seat with the other Overlords, Madame C made her way to the elevators, avoiding any questions thrown her way. It wasn’t like she could answer, so why did they try?
Once out of the building, shadows consumed her and transported her to Lucifer’s front door; she didn’t want to bother with being interrogated by Nia after the disastrous meeting. Greeting the imp that opened the door, Caelwen dropped her shadows as she waited in the entryway for Lucifer. Less than two minutes passed before a portal opened in front of the green-eyed woman, a black gloved hand hastily pulled her through.
Stumbling, Caelwen was caught at her shoulders by a grinning Lucifer, his smile so wide it nearly split his face.
“I found it! It’s not the exact symbol, but that’s because he changed it to make it what he needed. I’ve spent the last hour triple-checking and I can’t believe I forgot about bindrunes! They’re very old, but powerful and it makes perfect sense for the timing and-“ he cut himself off, running a hand through his hair. “We can break this seal within the next couple of days, just need to get a couple things first!”
Caelwen’s jaw had gone slack, her brain silent, eyes wide in disbelief. When Lucifer said she’d be whole in just a few days, she couldn’t contain her body and threw herself at the blonde man, wrapping him in a tight hug. She felt his arms slowly encircle her waist, returning the hug slowly as his mind processed the action.
Pulling her head back to look Lucifer in the eyes, it took everything she had to not kiss him. Instead, she grinned at his shocked face before squeezing him tighter and then pulling away slowly. Caelwen grabbed Lucifer’s hand and gestured for him to show her the book, her headache completely forgotten as the two lost themselves in reading through the book together and making a list of everything they might need.
Whether they realized it or not, neither one made any attempt to pull their hand from the other’s, content with the connection as they basked in their victory.
A/N – Ahhh!! I’ve done a quick proofread of this, so hopefully, I didn’t miss anything. We got a little peak into Caelwen’s mind this chapter which was fun. I’ve been developing her since the season premiered on prime, and it’s so nice to get her written down. Hope you all enjoy; likes, reblogs, and comments are so appreciated. They’ve literally kept me out of a depressed funk this past week, so thank you all!
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estrelio · 3 years
Are You Happy? (Save Them Some Pie)
HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY, DEAN!! this is my gift to him for being my comfort person that i would hug on sight if given the chance 💗 love you dude, may you indulge in copious amounts of pie. ~ 1.5k words.
also dedicated to marlo ( @heller-jensen ), jace ( @thiscastielhasflown ) and dee ( @castee-yel ) thanks for bein real ones <3
The day had already started out weird enough.
Dean had woken up drenched in sweat, mind racing with the last lingering thoughts of a nightmare. A vamp nest that he and Sam had been hunting, Dean dying in the most ludicrous way possible, and driving Baby down a long road for an indiscriminate amount of time in a supposed heaven that his father (his father) also co-habited. Needless to say, the dream had come out of nowhere, but it was easy enough to forget once the smell of bacon made its way into his room.
Breakfast was hardy and quick, with enough coffee to fuel him for the rest of the day as he skimmed the internet for a possible case. He had the itch, but apparently, looking around at the three sleepy faces around him at the table, no one else did.
He packed up anyway, preparing for what would likely be an easy salt-n-burn; he’d be gone for only a few hours, tops. On his way out, Cas stops him before he can scale the stairs, arm gripping his shoulder tightly. There’s a memory, briefly—the same hand, the same shoulder. Blood.
Dean looks down at it. Back at Cas.
After a moment, Cas lets go. He steps back half an inch as if he had forgotten himself. “Just…be careful.”
Dean nods, moving to leave again, taking the awkwardness as both a Cas thing and a morning thing and content to leave it at that. 
“And,” Cas says. Dean turns back.
“Come home.”
Dean picks up the phone.
“Dean, hey! It’s, uh. It’s me. Krissy?”
Dean feels himself begin to smile, mindful of the road ahead of him. He balances his phone on his thigh while he drives.
“Hey, kid! Long time no call. How are you? Everything okay?”
The case had been as easy as Dean had suspected, but he had that familiar muscle ache and heaviness to his eyes that solo cases usually gave him.
Besides that, he was getting a little confused about all of the calls he’d been getting today. Before Krissy, it had been Garth, and before that, Claire and Jody and…
“Uh, yeah, dude, everything’s good. Um. How are you? How’s Sam and that angel of yours?”
Dean swallows to keep from choking, or potentially crashing the car.
“They’re good. Yeah…good.” Alive, he wants to say, back from the dead, probably in the DeanCave watching Scooby Doo without him. “Sorry, Krissy, ah,” he steps off the break to make a left, “I’m actually on my way home right now. Was there something I could help you with?”
There’s a pause, and Dean chances a glance at his phone to see if the call had dropped off. It hadn’t.
“I,” she huffs in what sounds like a laugh, “Nothing, Dean. You get home safe, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
“And hey,” Krissy says, before he can say his goodbyes, “Uh, make sure you save some pie for everybody else.”
Dean’s eyebrows furrow a bit, but he laughs. “I will. Take care of yourself.”
“Bye, Dean.”
Dean’s still mulling over the pie comment when he nearly falls down the stairs, squinting into the darkness of the Bunker.
“What the hell?” he asks, voice hoarse around the high note. “Guys?”
When there’s no immediate answer, Dean’s instincts kick in. He pulls out his gun and gently drops his bag, waiting a moment for his eyes to adjust so he can try for the stairs.
Before he can, though, the lights kick back on. His gaze locks onto the scene below, and Dean slowly lowers his gun.
“Happy birthday!” Jack says, the sound of a party horn whining shortly after. Beside him, Cas pulls the string of a party popper, and he jerks as bits of confetti fall around him and into his hair.
Skeptically, Dean starts descending down the stairs.
“You…this…” he manages.
“It’s your birthday, dumbass,” Sam says, swooping forward to slap a party hat on Dean’s head as soon as he’s made the landing. He smiles.
“Oh…kay.” Around them, the Bunker looks pretty normal. The only difference is the array of pies on one of the library tables, next to what looks like home made rice krispie treats, and a couple of birthday-themed plates and napkins. That, and the confetti from Cas’ party popper that litters the floor. “Are you sure?”
Cas frowns at Sam. “Sam was certain. I can’t imagine he’d get the day wrong, but he has had quite severe brain trauma over the years. Perhaps…” Cas reaches out to Sam’s head, probably intent on searching his brain for said trauma, or for the date of Dean’s actual birthday. Sam swats his hand away.
“Hey, no. My trauma is fine. Dean,” Sam redirects his attention to him, “It’s today. Did you really forget?”
Dean shrugs, trying to piece the day together from the beginning. Shitty dream, good breakfast, the three of them weirdly insisting on staying at the Bunker…the calls. Save some pie for everybody else.
He laughs. “So that’s what she meant.”
“That’s what who meant?” Jack asks. He’s wearing a party hat, too, with ridiculous stripes of blue and pink and purple patterned onto it. It matches the one currently strapped to Dean’s own. He shakes his head.
“You’re telling me all of you knew? This whole time? And…and…” He looks around again, pointing vaguely at the table and the confetti. “You put this all together for me?”
Sam shoves his arm playfully. “Course we did. Now quit pouting and come eat some pie.”
Sam is fast asleep, sprawled out on the couch hours later with one of his hands brushing the floor. Dean thinks he spots drool on the pillow underneath him. 
Cas has been quiet next to Dean, at least since Jack had disappeared into the kitchen an hour ago and hadn’t come back, thoughtfully tracing the lip of his beer bottle with his finger. 
“Something on your mind?” Dean asks, because he wants to know.
Cas continues unbothered. Scooby Doo reruns play in the background. Dean almost repeats the question, but Cas eventually lifts his gaze to stare at him.
“Are you happy?” 
Dean presses his mouth shut. Licks his lips. He takes just as long to answer.
“You know what,” he smiles. “I think I am.”
Cas smiles back at him, soft and genuine. The skin around his eyes crinkling tells more than the gentle upturn of his mouth. 
Dean swallows, nervously putting his beer down and turning it a few times until his fingers are wet with the condensation. 
“What, uh. What about you?” He swallows again. “You happy?”
What he really wants to ask, though, is if they were good. If, after recent events, they were still the same. If Cas was still fine with “just being.”
He’s quiet again. Dean thinks he deserves that, and tries to pay attention to the TV, but the voice in his head is too loud. Cas has to tap his knee to get his attention again.
“I was saying,” he moves his hand back, “that I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift.”
Dean stares at him. “What are you talking about?”
Cas looks confused, like he’s about to repeat what he just said. Dean stops him short with a wave of his hand. 
“Dude, you just got back from the dead, alright? That’s—that’s gift enough to last me a lifetime. Don’t worry about a gift.”
Cas frowns, and Dean rolls his eyes. It’s another few moments of tense silence, until Dean breaks it, his heart pounding in his chest.
“But, uh,” he says, “I might have a gift for you.”
“Dean, we don’t share a birthday. It’s not customary to gift me something, especially when I haven’t given you—“
“Cas,” he groans, officially putting his beer aside and facing him. Cas’ features are lit up with the colors of the TV. Dean reaches a hand up to pluck confetti from his hair, a green piece that he’d been eyeing all night. Hesitating, he lets his hand fall to Cas’ face, smoothing over his cheek and jaw. The TV paints his cheekbone purple. Dean brushes his thumb over it. “Just...shut up and let me do this.” 
Cas tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed in that way of his, and Dean thinks he looks perfect. When he dips forward and presses their lips together, it’s perfect, perfect, perfect. He’s warm, his face is burning, eyes almost watering when he pulls away.
Dean lets his forehead rest on Cas’, heartbeat still crazy. He closes his eyes. “We can have it, Cas. This. We can have this.”
Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands, lifts it a little to bring them face to face again, so that he’s looking into Dean’s eyes.
“I’d like that, Dean,” he says, and his eyes are wet, too. Happy, Dean thinks.
“Your gift to me?” Dean manages, smile wobbly. He’s teasing, trying to bring down the weight of this without getting rid of all of it. He likes this type of adrenaline rush, different from any hunt he’s been on. Better.
Cas smiles. “I think technically it was you that gifted me, but, yes. My gift to you, if you’ll take it.”
“Gladly,” Dean says.
Cas hums back, brushing his fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck. “Happy birthday, Dean.” He leaves a kiss on his forehead.
Dean thinks, for the first time, as he pulls more confetti from Cas’ hair, that it actually is. 
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@castiels-a-lamp @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @dreamnovak @weird-dorky-little-d @depressivedemonnightmaredean @castiels-pussy @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @samuelswinchester @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak @professorerudite @squintingg @holmesemrys @imnotrevealingmyname @mishha @good-things-do-happen-dean @angxlsgrxce @casandeans @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat @gracelesschoice @superduckbatrebel @iheardyourprayer @top13zepptraxx @that-one-fandom-chick @scoobydean @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @maxguevra @cursed-or-not @i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure @blazeinthedark @madilineskingdom @awolfnamedaliac @castee-yel @tearsofgrace @credentiast @fivefeetfangirl @my-favourite-hellatus @gray-is-neutral @sunflower-vol-28 @ensignabby @ar-bi-trary @lulu-zodiac @y-yo-a-ti-dumbass @castielology @nguyenxtrang @hermit-cas @supergaycas @deancasology @miadeline @save-the-sloths @goblinwritergay @theroguetranslator @imals18 @downtherabbitholeproductions
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Nine
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chapter nine
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: date night!! this is very fluffy, very emotional and extremely horny. edgar allan poe is rolling in his grave at what they did in his enchanted garden
exhibitionism, public sex (no ones there tho), drug mentions at the end (let me know if I should tag anything else!!!!)
word count: 5.4k
from the beginning <3
He spent all of Thursday afternoon with Penelope in Richmond, setting up for his date that night.
Stringing lights on the trees, mowing the grass and trimming the flowers back, the staff ensuring that the museum was in pristine condition for them tonight, it was perfect. The cats were brushed, there were rose petals the fountain and the most beautiful picnic set up in the garden.
Penelope packed their dinner for them, keeping it in the museum fridge for when they finally arrived, it was the only thing Spencer needed to remember.
Y/N: just got home, about to get ready! Can’t wait to see you at 6 ♥︎
Spencer smiled at his phone, about to text her back when Penelope laid a hand on his back, “change into your suit and head back to her, traffic might be bad?”
“Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been my best friend, more of big sister actually,” Spencer pressed his lips together tightly as to not get emotional. “You’re wonderful Penelope, thank you.”
“Awe!” She swooned, wrapping him up in a big hug. “I will always love you, Spencer, you deserve all of this and so, so much more, now go before I cry.”
He laughed, pulling back, hand lingering on her shoulder as he walked into the museum. They let him change in the backroom, it felt incredibly strange to be putting on a suit inside Edgar Allan Poe's house to go pick up his wife. Not too long ago he dreamed about bringing a girlfriend here someday, life was moving too quickly, he needed a breather.
He kept his suit jacket folded and on the passenger seat as he drove home, where he lived with his family. Even just thinking that as he paid attention to the road made him smile. The wind hitting his face, his hair blowing in the breeze, he felt free at last.
He was where he was supposed to be, all roads lead to here.
Travelling up her driveway with a smile on his face as the dust followed him to her doorstep. She was waiting in a red dress on the porch, Amoreena and her nanny eating pizza on the steps as they waited for him.
Stepping out of his car, he straightened his tie and pulled his pants up more, looking at his wife like she was a star plucked from the sky, landing in this Virginia field for him.
She stood then, her satin dress flowing and exposing a leg as she walked down the steps to him, “Is this what you wanted?” She twirled in front of him to show it all off, her hair getting stuck in her lipstick and making her laugh.
“I love you,” is all he can say as she leaning in with a wide grin, surpassing the smile to kiss him gently, using her thumb to get all the lipstick off his bottom lip and chin.
“Love you too, cutie,” she winked, taking his hand and turning back towards Amoreena, “listen to Nanny, remember we love you and we will see you no earlier than 7:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!” She saluted, mouth full of pizza.
“And what are the new rules about coming into our bed in the morning?”
“Knock first, wait till you respond, don’t come in unless you say it’s okay,” Amoreena replied, sticking her tongue out at her as she remembered it all.
“Smartie pants,” Y/N smiled at her, “come give us a hug, don’t get pizza on my dress, please.”
Amoreena wiped her sleeve over her mouth before running into her mother's open arms, they shared goodbye kisses before it was Spencer’s turn. She held him so tight it felt wonderful, “goodnight Lovey, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, have the best sleep ever for me?”
“I’ll see you in dreamland,” she replied, kissing his cheek gently before she pulled back.
“Have fun!” Nanny called from the porch as Amoreena skipped back to her.
“We will,” Spencer replied, taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to the passenger side, he opened her door and helped her inside, insuring her dress was inside before closing the door.
Jogging back to his door, he got in and put on his seatbelt. He threw the car in reverse and turned around by the barn, heading down the driveway, not saying a single thing as Y/N stared at him.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” She shook her head, licking her lip before biting it as she huffed.
“We’re going to Richmond, Virginia, to read,” he gave her one hint.
“Hmm,” she smiled, “I’m sure you won't tell me the title, so Mr. I can remember every book ever, what’s a random line in it?”
“You’re smart,” he teased her, “but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs—”
“We’re going to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum!” She cut him off with a cheer.
He slows down on the barren dirt road, mouth wide open as she got it right, he turns to her as they come to a complete stop, “how the heck did you get that?”
“Yes!” she laughed, tossing her head back as she clapped and kicked her feet a little, so proud of herself, “I’m a librarian, Spencer! Did you think I wouldn’t know Eleonora?”
“That’s the most random sentence in the whole poem?” Spencer was shocked, she recalled it faster than he thought he would be able to if she read a line to him.
“My brother’s first motorcycle was a Zephyr,” she smiled at him, raising her eyebrows. “My brain is kinda like a filing cabinet, if you give me a word I can remember everything I’ve ever heard with that word included.”
He started to drive again, shaking his head as he paid attention to the road but still astounded by how amazing she is. “Amoreena gets that from you then, she could have both our eidetic memories together, that would be very interesting to see.”
“Eidetic memory?” She questioned.
“It’s what most people call photographic memory,” Spencer explained. “You can remember everything you hear which is why you and Amoreena are able to recall songs, books and movie facts so fast, while I can read back to you anything I’ve read without having to see it again, it’s forever in my mind.”
“So we’re both geniuses, cool,” Y/N smiled at him again, “sorry I ruined your surprise.”
“You just know where we’re going,” he reminded her, laying his hand on hers, interlocking their fingers as he drove.
They had an hour alone before the real date started.
So she showed him all of her favourite songs, including some of Amoreena’s playlists so he could get familiar with them before their trip to Rhode Island. Her voice was impeccable, she knew all the words and harmonies, often opting to cove background voices he wouldn’t have even known were there if it wasn’t for her.
She loved music in a way that intrigued him, she enjoyed music with a story. Much like the reason she loved books so much, she enjoyed picturing the happy places in her mind that the songs were able to take her to, they filled her with glee and hope as she sang to her heart's content. Taking short breaks to explain the meanings of songs, to recite the best lyrics and why the songs are close to her heart.
“Do you want to hear the song that reminds me the most of you?” She asked between songs, pausing so that nothing else would start.
“Sure,” he blushed, nervous for what it could be and how she imagined him in her mind, hoping he could live up to it.
“I'm perfectly fine I live on my own, I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes,”
She stares at him with a beautiful smile as she waits to see his reaction to the opening, finally singing when the beat drops, dancing softly in her seat as she belted the words out to him.
“So prove to me I'm your American Queen, and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room,” She brushed her hand across his jaw, teasing him as the words flow from her lips to his ears, she loves him and he can feel it with every syllable.
“And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for, King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa! And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa,” she sings so softly, with a purpose, turning it down a little so that he can talk to her.
“I love you,” he reminded her, “so much it hurts sometimes.”
“It’s like your heartstrings are tugging on each other, right?” She agreed, “like they want to jump out of our chests and run to each other.”
He nodded with a soft smile, reaching for her hand again holding it as he brought it to his mouth for a kiss, “queen of my heart.”
“Hmmm,” she thought over his words, “I’m pretty content with being princess still, Lady Amoreena is in line for the thrown, it’s part of her namesake after all.”
“Does the kingdom have a name?”
“You know the Elton John song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?” She waited for his nod, “my grandma called it Ozellous so it’s like wizard of Oz but I added the 'ellous' because people always said they were jealous of our farm.”
He’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road when all he want’s to do is look at her smile, to see her pupil change as she recalls the loving memory, it’s his favourite thing to do. Better than any movie or play, seeing her face was better than looking at the most expensive art piece. He was so in love with all of her.
“Were you like Amoreena as a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “bullied hardcore for it too, kids always told me to shut up cause I’d add facts to conversations I wasn’t a part of.”
“I would have loved to listen,” Spencer replied softly, knowing the feeling all too well.
They were only a few minutes away now, turning into the small town and passing quaint little homes and cottages. “Amoreena would love this drive, these are some interesting townspeople homes for her imagination, we should come back sometime this summer.”
His heart was going to actually explode, she was everything he never knew he needed.
“I’d love that,” he added as they pulled into the museum. “I’m a museum member and I’m a patron, so sometimes I donate rare pieces I find, they love me here.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her eyes got caught on the twinkling lights in the distance, mesmerized by everything. Old cobblestone streets, brick buildings and wooden gates, it was straight out of the 1800s and absolutely fantastical.
“And it’s all ours for the night,” he put the car in park and turned to her, “wait here?”
She nodded, speechless as she continued to look out the window at everything. Spencer got out of the car, opening the back seat to grab and put on his jacket, straighten out his suit before opening her door and extending a hand to help her out.
“Princess,” he extended his arm for her to tuck her own under, he closed her door and escorted her through the gate and towards the garden.
The sun was just starting to set, 7 pm in early June being the most beautiful time of year in rural Virginia, the sky was a perfect purple as he leads her through the stone arches towards the picnic.
Her eyes sparkled with all the lights, wide and pupils blown as she took it all in. It was a fairytale, she was in a princess dress, he was the king of her heart and this was just the beginning of happily ever after.
“Spencer, whatever your middle name is, Reid,” she gasped, swatting his arm lightly with a smile growing on her face.
“It’s Walter,” he smiled right back.
He let go of her hand then and walked over to a table, turning on the record player and dropping the needle in the right spot. He did his research into some Taylor Swift songs, finding one that reminded him the most of Y/N and how much he loved her.
“May I have this dance?” He asks as she notices the all too familiar guitar strumming.
He reaches a hand out for her, pulling her in as she takes it, “I was so so lost before I found you in the park,” he explains the first verse, barely a whisper beside her ear as they start to sway.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
“All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you,” he whispers once more, feeling the goosebumps bursting on her bare arms.
He spun her around, extending both their arms as she twirled out and then back into his embrace again with a giggle. She swayed back and forth, dancing with him like the night they got married in her field.
Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“And it was enchanting to meet you, All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you,” he sings them this time, spinning her out again as the chorus hits, her eyes widening as she began to smile wider than he’s ever seen before.
They sang the words together as they danced, smiling and laughing as they moved around the cobblestone. Finding a rhythm so perfect, so them, it was silly and not on beat in the slightest, mostly spinning, it was a spinning song if the album cover was any indication.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
“The lingering question kept me up, Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake! Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, hey! It was enchanting to meet you, all I know is I was enchanted to meet you,” Y/N’s voice softer than ever as she sang her anxieties into his ear, remembering the day at the museum where she wondered if she could have him all to herself.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
Spinning around in circles she leaves his grasp, dress circling in the wind and he watches her. She takes both his hands and spins around with him in a tight circle before pulling back in, their chests bumping as they laughed, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, and she’s made him pretty happy in the last few weeks.
The girl of his dreams, dancing around him with a smile like she was making her own music video. This was a dream of hers he didn’t know, making it come true as it became a dream of his own.
He places his hands on her cheeks as he stares into her eyes, “this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you,” he whisper’s the words, barely singing, more talking.
“Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you,” she sings right back to him, staring into his eyes as they stand still in the garden.
She pulls him into a kiss, breathing in deeply through her nose as they hold each other’s cheeks, unable to get closer as they kissed. Pulling away with a loud smooch sound, smiling before taking her hands in his, once more.
Spinning her around again as the beat drops once more, her smile more beautiful than the first time he saw it. He was so madly in love, he firmly believed he was in heaven.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew!!
This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did,” Taylor Swift's voice cuts into the beautiful moment as her songs change and the mood drastically changes.
Y/N bursts out in laughter, jumping lightly as she enjoyed the song, head-banging along as she danced by herself until Spencer turned the music off once again, “you’re so cute.”
“Thank you,” she bowed, “this is cute!”
“There’s a picnic basket in the fridge inside, and some wine if you think that’s a good idea?” Pointing towards the main house, she followed him towards the door.
“Oh, hello?” Her voice changed as she noticed the two black cats on the window, letting Spencer head inside for the basket as she talked to them.
“That’s Edgar and Pluto, the groundskeeper found them in the shed in 2012,” Spencer explains as he comes back out, basket in hand but she’s too busy with the cats to notice.
Petting both their faces, they stretch into her reach and bask in the feeling of her nails on their skin, Spencer would agree it felt nice. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, he must have been a cat in his last life.
“Amoreena wants her own indoor cat,” Y/N smiled wide at him, “she always wanted to call him Hercules like the Elton John song, almost like she knew you were her dad all along.”
She took his free hand then, following him towards the blanket in the grass, “how?”
“There’s a line in the song about Greek gods, but it says Hercules on her side and Diana in her eyes, and she does have your mom's eyes, right down to the colour of her iris,” Y/N looked at him like he was everything to her.
Spencer couldn’t speak, he just set the basket on the ground and ushered her to sit down beside him. She held the skirt of her dress up so she could sit crisscross applesauce on the blanket, draping her dress over her legs so she didn’t show anything off just yet.
“Every time I look at you I understand all her quirks and her facial expressions,” she added like she was trying to make him cry, “I’ve been looking at her for almost 8 years now, wondering who you were and now I know, and you’re so much better than I ever imagined.”
“Would you have looked for me when she turned 18?” Is all he can ask through his sniffles, trying to hold it together for her.
She nodded, “I was going to tell her soon anyway, she asks a lot of questions I’m not sure if you noticed.” Her giggle was priceless, “she had lots of questions when the goats were born this year and that meant her asking more about making human babies and I just said a special man helped me make my dreams come true, and she thought it was Rumpelstiltskin.”
Spencer couldn’t fight the laugh that erupted from him, leaning forward as he chuckled, making her laugh too. “Does she even know the whole story?”
“She’s only seen the 4th Shrek movie with him, she has no idea that he also takes the babies,” Y/N placed her hand on his knee gently, “If I get pregnant again, I’m going to tell her about how it all works as simply as possible, I want her to feel included in this and she’ll be less jealous if she sees this as a learning opportunity.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed, “I still can't believe she almost punched Michael for hugging me.”
“Oh, I can,” Y/N laughed again, “she was being bullied last year by an older kid and I said if someone upsets you or hurts you, sometimes it’s not that bad to hurt them back. Make them know you’re not weak and you care about yourself, and she gave a kid a black eye for tugging on her braid.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, “that’s my girl.”
Y/N opened the picnic basket then, taking everything out with a smile as Spencer stared at her, thinking a million different thoughts about future kids, how Amoreena would grow up, seeing her as a big sister to hopefully many.
They both leaned forward and kissed softly, smiling as they pulled back, “so you like charcuterie?”
She laughed, “Amoreena called it shark coochie once, I can’t not think of that now.”
“How many kids do you want?”
“Have you ever read cheaper by the dozen?” She teased him. “As many as I can have, I have the funds thanks to my job and the farm and not having to pay a mortgage, I was going to have another baby next year anyway, I had an appointment and everything scheduled, I even tried to get them to contact Amoreena’s father for another sample but they said they couldn’t ask you outright for me.”
“They asked me if I wanted to give another sample when I asked if I could know my kids,” Spencer remembered the words exactly, “she said ‘You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault if you wanted to donate again.’”
“I don’t want to know the truth, are you okay if we let her decide if she wants to find out at 18?” Y/N asked softly, “I’m content thinking you’re her father, I don’t want to know if it’s some other tall who-lookin’ genius, okay?”
“That’s perfect actually,” Spencer agreed, “and on the kids front, you don’t mind me being in my 70s when they all start going to University?”
“My dad is 68 with no signs of stopping, and he’s still fantastic with his grandkids,” Y/N always had a fact to combat his anxiety. “You have a lot of life left in you, I’ll take good care of you so that they have the best dad ever for as long as possible.”
Spencer was so in love with his family he felt like he was floating, laughing and smiling all meal long as they shared facts back and forth about their lives. Getting to know each other more and more as the seconds passed, he imagined it would be like this forever. She was like a bottomless pit of information, facts, stories and secrets. He loved every single one she shared with him.
She poured herself a second small glass of wine, “you know they say that one glass of wine every once in a while is actually good for the baby?”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” he reminded her, more like he reminded himself. He didn’t want to hope in the chance it didn’t happen right away.
“I had a nightmare last night for the first time in a long time, so I think it worked,” she teased him. “I won't know till June 10th, that's when my next period would be.”
“Nightmare?” It was the only part he picked up on, worried for her and wondering why she didn’t wake him up.
She nodded softly, “I found out I was pregnant and you never came home, and I got lost in the forest looking for you and then I remembered I could wake up.”
He rests his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin softly, “I’m always coming home to you.”
“I know, when I got pregnant with Amoreena I had bad dreams in the first few weeks too, mostly about giving birth to nothing and being alone all over again, the subconscious and pregnancy hormones are mean as fuck when they hang out,” she laughed away the pain, “I know none of it is real.”
“Good,” he whispered, not knowing what really to say, he wasn’t used to soothing other people yet. Most people didn’t want his facts or concernment when something happened, just a hug normally.
She took a deep breath, pushing everything away, “good news, either my anxiety disorder is back in full swing or something’s working in here,” she laid her hand over her stomach, “either way, I’d like to try again tonight?”
He laughed, “we don’t need to make a baby every time you want to have sex?”
She got onto her knees then, crawling over the blanket and sitting right in Spencer's lap with her hands on both of his cheeks, “I want all your babies.”
He held her waist, pulling her in closer to his chest, “right now?”
She nodded, moving her dress out of the way to undo his belt, “no one is here right? It’s not like anyone would know?”
“Mhmm,” he agreed, kissing her neck as she unzipped his pants, moving his underwear out of the way just enough to free his hardening cock, she stroked it right there in the middle of the garden, staring down between their bodies in awe as he came to life.
Sitting up on her knees more, the slit of her dress made it a lot easier for her to show him her underwear. She was wearing just a thong, perfect for pulling to the side as she lowered herself onto him, ever so slowly.
She fixed her dress around them, completely calm and composed as he was fully inside of her, “you’re okay with this?”
He huffed a laugh out of his nose, dropping his forehead to her shoulder so he couldn’t buck into her and ruin the moment she was making, his hands moving to her hips, guiding her back and off him slightly before back down again, making her gasp.
“I thought you wanted to read?” She teased him as she started to ride him more, moving her hips in a way that took him in and out of her at just the right angle, her hands on his shoulders as she bounced on him lightly, he couldn’t even think straight. “Go on, read to me.”
He took a second to remember the words, mind totally somewhere else and not interested in a book at all when her boobs were right in his face.
“I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion,” the first sentence slipped past his lips as she kept going, he took a moment to kiss right under her ear before continuing.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence—whether much that is glorious—whether all that is profound—does not spring from disease of thought—from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
“Shit,” she moaned, pushing his hand down towards her clit, “you can multitask, smartie pants.”
His thumb was on a mission then, rubbing small circles against her pleasure point, she tossed her head back with her eyes closed as she continued to ride him, “I don’t hear you reading?”
He moaned softly in her ear at the feeling, and the fact she wanted to get off to hearing him recite something from memory, it was more euphoric than he could have ever imagined.
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in ah- awakening, fuck,” he was trying his best to stay as composed as she was when he really just wanted to lay her against the blanket and fuck her into next week.
“to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret,” Y/N whispered the end of the sentence, grinding down on him harder than before.
“In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe softly with a moan and he kept rubbing her clit, “you’re so good, Spencer, so so good," she paused to enjoy the moment before whispering in his ear once more, "And more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compass-less into the vast ocean of the "light ineffable," and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, "agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.”
Her words softer than ever and they were never going to get to the end of this poem, he'd never know how the rest of the words sound on her tongue, she pulled him into a kiss then, moaning into his mouth as they ground against each other, finding a perfect rhythm to bring them to the end.
“There, yes, fuck,” she whispered against his lips, pushing against him as she arched her back slightly, slipping away from his mouth as she did so.
He slammed into her then as he chased her lips, making her whimper one last time before she was shaking in his lap, her legs quivering as she finished on him, sending him over the edge and stilling as he came with a shudder. He held her so close, both of them breathing into each other's mouths as they came down, kissing and smiling as they stayed connected.
“We’ll name her Eleonora,” Y/N teased, pulling off him and laying back against the blanket.
He made sure her underwear was back in the right spot before covering her with her dress again and sliding himself back into his underwear.
“Amoreena and Eleonora have a good ring to it, we just need 10 more names,” he teased right back.
“Hopefully we have a little boy one day too,” she smiled as she tugged him down beside her, cuddling into her side as they stared up at the newly dark blue sky and the array of stars that decided to join them this evening.
“Even if it’s just Amoreena, I’ve never been happier in my whole life than when I’m with you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She asked, purely to keep hearing his voice.
“Making me want to get up in the morning again, giving me a reason not to buy drugs for something euphoric to happen to me, showing me real love and proof that happiness is possible if you just chose to be happy,” he gave example after example.
“I thought I learned everything the world had to offer, but you’ve been showing me new little life hacks that make the world so much better, I see a future of bright colours and happiness and laughter for the first time ever, so thank you.”
She held him closer, “it’s been a pleasure falling in love with you, together, you deserve to love yourself. You’re so wonderful Spencer, it breaks my heart to know that anyone has ever made you feel the opposite.”
He couldn’t speak anymore, turning to kiss her neck and cheek so he had something to do that wasn’t crying. He loved her so incredibly deeply that he felt like he was an anchor, dropping to the bottom of her deepest ocean, without a single plan to leave.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
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anonymous asked: what do you think rapper!jake would get you for your birthday? warnings: mentions of sexual content & curse words. notes: i listened to the solo version of birthday cake by rihanna so join in if you want to <3 thank you anon for asking this okay ilysm whoever you are you’re so perfect! i wanted to post it when i was born but i couldn’t wait any longer! ps: the gifs are not mine, but i couldn’t find who made them since they were reposted on pinterest. i hope y’all enjoy the chain (and this too)!
why would rapper!jake get his birthday bitch, huh? 
everything she ever dreamed of, of course.
birthdays would start at midnight and end at the same hour the next day, no excuses.
he would wake you up with gentle kisses along your shoulder. “good morning, angel, it’s your special day”. when was it not when you’re one of the biggest hip hop artists’ girlfriend?
you would protest, grabbing on his arms that were around you tighter so he would not move. but he did. he pulled the blankets of your naked body and helped you turn so you were laying on your back.
no matter how many years the two of you have shared together, you were always excited for what was coming next.
(pun intented)
jake would leave kisses down your entire body, making his way down to your core by leaving light hickeys. 
your legs would slowly open up for him, and you would wrap them around his head when he finally reached the right spot.
he brags about your head game all the time, but boy got some sweet skills too. he has you mewling, whimpering, shaking and he’s only a few licks and gentle bites in. 
by the time you’re close to the edge, he stops. “count down for me, baby.” so you count down from your your age to 0. i pity you if you’re like 35. rip @ your pussy. he doesn’t make it easy for you. he nibbles on your thighs, he leaves kisses absolutely everywhere. he dips his tongue in your wetness, teasing your hole (or both of them because why not? it’s your birthday, girl, be wild!). and when you FINALLY reach 0, you’re absolutely exploding.
you’re screaming his name. you almost forgot that what? five minutes ago? you were having sweet fantasy dreams of jake as a knight and you as the princess of the candy kingdom. 
jake’s face emerges from your pussy, covered in juices as he gives you a playful smirk. “you’re just like wine, you taste better with age.”
and he’s got you laughing and trying to gently kick him.
he will deny you any attempts of paying him back. he’s got other things on his mind.
he sets you back under the blankets nicely and reach out for your nightstand, handing you your favourite plushie that you leave here at all times as he presses a kiss on your forehead. “just had my fave breakfast but i’m ,’bout to make some more.” he would wink. “whataya want?”
pancakes, waffles, froot loops, spaghetti, brownies, listen, you could have whatever you wanted. 
you opted for waffles this year. and jake, who happened to be quite the talented chef, and before you could fall asleep again, he brought you a large platter of waffles, cut fruits and maple syrup with a hot chocolate.
you turned on the television and found some crappy reality television to watch. at midnight, it was either that or a marathon of pawn stars. on the screen, there were some old episodes of say yes to the dress. jake paid attention to your reactions in front of the dresses and the brides. he made mental notes of your preferences.
once you were done eating, you turned one of your favourite movies on. it was some disney film jake actually loved although he would never admit it out loud.
eventually, the sun started to rise outside. 
and the fun was really starting.
jake listed what the two of you would do today: he would take you to the mall early so no one would bother you as you went from store to store, trying everything from prada, chanel, gucci and whatever you felt like it. and then, you would go for brunch. and then he would take you for a walk around the park. just the two of you.
and you did all that, while jake carried all of your shopping bags and helped you bring them back inside the mansion when it was time for a power nap.
the thing was: you weren’t sleepy.
and neither was jake.
he noticed that little sparkle in your eyes. he knew it so well. 
you were needy. and even if, most of the time it would annoy him when he had better plans in mind, he let it slide this time.
he placed his hand on your head and helped you lean down on your knees.
you palmed at his growing bulge. you freed it from his pants and he went to sit on the couch. he let you entertain yourself, lazily sucking and licking his length when his other, much more important present, was being prepared outside without you noticing.
you cockwarmed him in your throat for a while.
“why you bein’ so generous to me? it’s your day, we gotta do what makes you happy.”
“you make me happy”.
HE COULD HAVE PUT A RING ON YOUR HAND RIGHT THERE (but after he came in your mouth, he had better priorities than marriage).
FINALLY you heard noise outside. you swallowed his load and licked your lips clean, crawling towards the large windows to take a peak of what was going on.
there was a lamborghini.
of your favourite colour.
bouquets and balloons were overflowing from the open doors and top.
your jaw dropped.
“i don’t even know how to drive?”
jake stood behind you and gently went to pet your hair.
“i’ll teach you.”
and you ran outside like an excited child, smelling roses and kicking helium balloons on your way. you sat behind the wheel and imitated the noises of the engine.
jake was so fucking in love with you.
he went to sit on the passenger seat and fixed the brakes, instructing you to press the pedal to rinse the engine safely.
he couldn’t even hear the vroom vroom over your happy giggles.
“it’s not over yet.”
jake got out of the car and went to your side, kissing you lovingly, his chain tickling your chest when he leaned forward. “follow me, angel.”
and you did. you arrived just in time, some friends had made it to the backyard where a gigantic cake and even bigger teddy bear were waiting for you. the teddy bear was holding a present bag with your favourite disney characters printed all over it.
everybody melted at the sweet thought.
jake suddenly switched in his attitude.
he grabbed something from behind the cake, a large jewelry box. he presented it to you.
you opened it.
there was a chain, similar to his, shining under the golden hour sun.
he put it on you as you let out a happy tear.
you shared the cake with your close friends. you were taking photos. posting them all over instagram. and fans were going crazy at the sight of jake looking so happy and relaxed. 
people left.
you both started to run out of energy.
so you went to bed, it was almost midnight again.
and you made love. it was passionate, it was loving, it was sweet and it was incredible. it could not be compared to anything else jake has ever done to you. it felt as though your hearts were beating on the same rhythm. your eyes were locked the entire time as you both reached your high in this slow, but deep pace.
and when you finally closed your eyes to relax, jake managed to stretch his arm out and grab something from the night stand drawer.
you thought he was grabbing some bullet vibrator.
it was an even smaller box than this afternoon.
“i bought this shit a long ass time ago,”
jake’s voice was cracking under the stress.
you encouraged with a gentle caress on his bearded chin.
“don’t fuckin’ cry or imma cry too.”
too late, you were both crying rivers. and chuckling. and shaking.
he did not even finish asking the question. he forgot the speech he prepared when he was eating you out earlier, thinking of romantic shit to say.
you said yes.
jake couldn’t see straight.
but he managed to put the ring on. it was the prettiest ring you have ever seen in your entire life.
after a ton of i love yous.
he found his phone somewhere on the bed and took a photo.
you looked awful and tried to cover your face with your hand.
“my bitch forever and ever happily ever after”.
he captioned the photo.
truth be told, he was so skillful that he did all of this without pulling out of you.
and he went at it again.
with more vigor. but with just as much passion.
“y’makin’ me feel so good wifey”.
perhaps wifey was the new bitch.
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fangirl-ramblings · 3 years
Soft asks number 3 for john and Abigail
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Pairing: John Marston x Abigail Marston
Words: 1040
Summary: John thinks back on what a terrible husband and father he's been over the years… only to realise something very important 
Prompt Requested: "You're comfier than my pillow"
Notes: Fluff, Post Epilogue, Possible Spoilers for key points in the game [CW: mentions of pregnancy]
I'm so sorry this request has been sitting in my askbox for over a year 👀🙈 But your constant support and inspiration motivated me to finally finish this. So much so, what was originally planned to be around 100 word drabble turned into over 1k words. (This is also a giant thank you for putting up with my radio silences these last few weeks 😘)
Requested tags for: @redeadepression a.k.a. John and Abigail's biggest fan and defender.
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Finally Found What I've Been Looking For
1908, Beecher's Hope
A thudding sound filled the air of the master bedroom in Beecher's Hope as Abigail punched her pillow in frustration. It was the third time this week that sleep had eluded her.
     "What's the matter, darlin'?" John asked, half asleep, moving his arm out towards her in an open invitation for her to come closer to him.
     "What's the matter? What's… the… matter?" She growled, emphasising every word he had just said to her back to him through gritted teeth. "I can't sleep because I'm so damn uncomfortable. And there's your damn snoring, John Marston… all of this is your fault, you know." Throwing his arm back towards him, she flopped back down in the empty space next to him.
   "So you keep tellin' me," he chuckled lightly, ignoring her earlier protests, and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her towards him. "And while I may have played a small part in makin' you feel this way, I think you'll find that it's this one here who is causin' all the trouble," he grinned, placing a protective hand on Abigail's ever-growing baby bump.
Not being able to resist a chance to swipe at her husband she muttered, "Small part indeed," under her breath, causing John to shoot her a pretend hurt look. Taking a second to steady her thoughts, Abigail apologised, placing a hand on John's chest. "I'm sorry. I'm just fed up of bein' pregnant now. I just wanna meet our daughter."
   "Daughter?" John raised a quizzical eyebrow towards her. "How can you be certain it's a girl?"
   "I'm not, but this time feels completely different to when I was carryin' Jack… so I've just got it into my head it's a girl this time."
John kissed the top of his wife's head, feeling her instantly relax into his body. "Well, I can't wait to meet them either, no matter if they're a boy or a girl, but you need to get some rest before they get here. You're cranky enough as it is without sleep; throw in a newborn awake all hours of the night, and I reckon you'll kill us all," he teased, rubbing her back.
Abigail nodded with heavy eyes, "I know… I know. But I think I might be able to sleep now - you're far comfier than my pillow is… even if you are still quite boney." 
John playfully rolled his eyes at her insistence to always get a dig in at him. He knew that while her barbed comments may seem uncaring to an outsider; he used to think the same thing himself when she'd make comments whilst living in camp together, he came to realise that her callous words were just a way of hiding how scared she was of saying how she really felt about him out loud. While John might have appreciated Abigail telling him that she loved him out loud, he already knew that she did and would smile to himself when she tried to hide the fact once more under an insult to his face.
Brushing a loose hair from her angelic like features, trying not to laugh as she swatted his hand away, John grinned, watching her finally fall asleep. He couldn't help but internally kick himself that he never wanted to do any of this all that time ago when she was carrying Jack and was never really around for them both in the years following his birth. 
He'd always held a soft spot for Abigail, ever since she first walked into camp all those years ago, the sting of her sharp witted tongue dulled by her outstanding beauty. But within a few months of meeting her, she'd fallen pregnant and told him he was the father and it suddenly felt it was like someone had placed a giant millstone around his neck. Back then John just wanted to drink and be merry with his campmates and had thought his life was to have a greater meaning than being a sole provider to two of his campmates. He even ran away from his responsibilities for a whole year to try and find out what it was he really wanted from life, but that hadn't helped him find what it was that he was looking for. No, it had just left him with a feeling of guilt and regret he'd left his chance of having a proper family behind. He'd come back with his tail between his legs, but still couldn’t summon the courage to be a proper father to little Jack, let alone be a good partner to Abigail.
He had tried though, in the years that followed, especially after they finally got Jack back from the clutches of Angelo Bronte, and later on in the aftermath of the gang's demise, John had tried to give Abigail and Jack what they needed from him; but it never seemed enough. They'd rent a room somewhere while they both looked for good, honest work… and within a few weeks, or months if they were lucky, they'd be moving on again. Abigail nagging once more at him that it was because John couldn’t help but get himself in trouble for trying to protect them.
But watching his wife sleep soundly carrying their second child and knowing their eldest was safe in a bed of his own, with a roof over his head, it suddenly dawned on John that this right here was what he'd been looking for for all that time; stability and safety for his family. He'd spent years looking over his shoulder making sure no-one could hurt the two things he loved most in this life, and only now with Arthur's death avenged and Micah laying dead up on that mountain, the unbearable weight had been lifted from John's shoulders. For the first time in a long time, it felt like they could live the life Arthur had sacrificed himself for and John could  finally breathe again.
Closing his own eyes he started to dream of all the good things that could be waiting for his ever growing family in this new chapter of their lives… only to be rudely awoken by Abigail sleeply hitting his chest.
   "Damnit John, quit with the snorin' will ya?"
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grimoire-of-seven · 4 years
Because I’m an angsty bitch, could you do a head cannons from the seven with a terminally ill MC? Or at least really, really sick. Thanks! Love your writing 💕
PROMPT: “If Only We Could Have More Time…”
Rating: SFWWords: 600-700Characters: Demon Boys + MC / Gender-Neutral ReaderNotes:  Hi! I tried not to make the situation all much worse by means of pressing too hard with the subject in a sense, but to end it with something both parties could cherish. I hope you will all enjoy it!~Oh! And this is written in their perspective.~
Screwsaving face, the Avatar of Pride himself soon began sprinting through the palehallway, missing to register himself by the lobby as his eyes were fixated bythe red beaming light under the sign; emergency room.
It was imprudentto put his phone to silent at his meeting with the prince of Devildom. Heshould have known better not to… otherwise, he would have read your messagehalf an hour ago, their voice replaying in his mind as his feet quicken itspace.
“Heyumm.. Luci? I know itis a bad time to call you.. but umm.. I’ll be having my operation again in anhour according to the doctor. I hope you’ll take it easy with those meetings and take care!”
“I’msorry sir but you could not enter from this point on. I’m afraid you have towait at the waiting area.”
“But Ineed to see them! Are they already there?” The light-bringer tried to reasonwith the man in a white coat but to no avail. His fears only heightened whenthe doctor reminded him of the day’s operation and how it could grave it couldgo further..
“They do tend to get worse every cycle..”“Why?”“Because each infusion gets harder and the doctors say that Ishould expect that I’ll get weaker every moment.”“Then why place yourself in that situation..?”
Thosebitter words clung into the air as the embodiment of Pride could no longer holdhis composure as one of the nurses by the station assisted him to take a seat.With his fingers entwined together, letting his chin rest on it, his feetclearly indicate how uneased his spirit was as the sole continues to move upand down as though it were to pounce to the emergency room.
 Lookingthrough his surroundings, there were also people under his shoes. Hands claspedtogether with their forehead close to it, mumbling under their breath as thoughthey are talking to…
 Prayingat every second spared before the judgment on the other door. And…
Should he do the same?
 “Ma’amChase?”“Yes?”“Yourdaughter is doing fine now. The operation was a success thanks to Dr. Pomatter.”“Oh thankGod! Can I go see her now?”“Yes, ma’am!This way.”
Thank God?They are thanking… Father? 
He hadresented any forms of communications within the Celestial Realm, only forming aprofessional relation to Simeon and Luke under Diavolo’s rule yet… why are histhoughts claiming otherwise?
No.Why should he ask for mercy?He is Lucifer.The eldest and the leader of his pack.A fallen angel to whom prowess never left, despite his glorytainted by the burning sulfur.Yet here he was, incapable to put Death far back on his drawingboard for picking his human for its next kill.Unable to take his human out of it…
Takinghis focus away from the mortals that surrounded the waiting area, thetelevision played a soap opera and with no remote to control its channels, itwas projecting a tragic scene with the woman dead on her lover’s arms.
 What if their life would be cut shorter than it already is becauseof this operation?
Could he ever digest the thought that within those times they weretogether, he did not spend it wisely because…Because he let his pride in between? Because he considered hisreputation more than..
Closinghis eyes once more, taking in a series of deep breaths, he, the Avatar ofPride, has always seen the display of empathy as a visage of helplessness andit was their little exchange student that demonstrated it to him otherwise.
Nonetheless,with his human weak.. why should he too, present himself in the same conditionjust because of his worries?
It wouldnot be right.He doesnot want to see his human frown just so his face is.
Maybe there is something he could do.. He thought to himself. Ifhe could not bail his human out of the cold-lighted room, perhaps he could maketheir stay un-cold. Something that could make him see them smile again.
Lookingthrough the window as the room itself has proven itself unable to distract thedemon on his own thoughts drowning his own rationality, there was a signagebeaming with fluorescent lights that made him stand and read; 
“Seven..Eleven..”“I wonderif there have any ice cream there..”
 For being the Avatar of Greed, he sure do brag about bein’ their little human’s first to ever make a pact with. He ain’t letting it pass on as just that.
Just to see his brothers sneer and hiss from mentioning it.
It’s like this bullet that could penetrate even to the thickest skull out there.
An accomplishment and for once, it was a pact he felt that wasn’t a curse. The witches should def. take down some notes from his human~
He thought to himself…
There’s no one like his human.
 Recalling how his human would ride along to every trouble he creates, every idea he makes, it was this exchange student who was only staying a year that somehow, taught him companionship. And…
He couldn’t take it out of his chest, that he, the Great Mammon, had failed them.He was their first demon to ever make a pact with yet he didn’t do much being one.Perhaps, thinking now, most of them did more than he.Showed more care. Provided more care.And all he did was to get himself out of troubles and the consequences of his actions.Correction: It’s his human that would bail him out… like a mom.
But then, was there anything he could do to being with?
“Dang.. How much am I going to pay you now?”
His human has never even once mentioned of this illness resulting to Death..Well, all diseases would lead to Death but not with this higher rate of going to Death.It‘s like a parade to Death with his human the star of the show.
“I knew I should have bought Boardwalk the moment I landed on it the first time round!”
Maybe he should be the one to blame here.Maybe he didn’t ask more. Known them better.To think even money could betray him because there’s no known cure yet for them.Just like what the doctor said.
“Rent revenue of 50 dollars plus a three houses, umm..”
“Ya?” Clearing his headspace, the Great Demon of hell went straight to his Boardwalk card. Sure thing that the visit was expensive. He’s getting all the money from this human plus his property, that’s… for sure..
“Is there something wrong?” they asked, their eyes piercing and hoisting only the truth on the sea of lies, he had come up of saying; “For you not to be interested with mone–“
 “I wish I could have known this sooner..”
“I could have not wasted your time too much with tossing you from one chaos to another.. and—“
“Mammon…” taking his hand with theirs to entwine with, their little cash-based board game folded in half as they inched closer;
“Why didn’t you ask me to make it go away?”
Did his voice just crack?
“I’m the first demon ya got to make a pact with. I got some witches and we might have been able to conjure some potion to get ya ou—“
“Because I just want to spend my time with you..
I do not want our time to be spent on looking for a cure when we could have so much more fun alone.”
“Before meeting you, for a while, I was in your shoes too. Looking for a cure that was not there and I am glad that I snapped out of it meeting you.”
“Ummm…” the Avatar of Greed gulped down.
Did he just screw up?
“Because if it were not for you, I would not have enjoyed living. Having fun. Making troubles. I felt alive.”
 For someone whose lifeline is in the near end… a demon, a particular avatar of Greed demon could only comprehend so little. Here was a human, frail and like the money he knows would soon be gone out of his pocket, talking of living life to the fullest with him..
Because of him…
 “So.. are we still playin’ Monopoly or we’ll just snuggle ‘til the nurse bails you out of visitation hours?”
“What do you think we should play next?” Looking to his rightside, his little human was watching intently at the monitor of his laptop,completely ecstatic as he was able to defeat the final boss of the game. He wasable to manage to get through the final boss because of the UR armour pieceshis human was able to pick whenever he has to decide which crate he should openafter completing another level.
“Shall we go for.. Ruri-Chan Idol or A!3?”
“Whatever you decide on, Levi! As long as I’ll get to watch you.”
His eyes tried not to leave theirs but with his eyes inevitablytracing the cord from the IV down to their hands, injected for how long theycould have been admitted, playing video games became much more of a distractionfor him than it was for his human.
Making his eyes return to the person staring back at them, hecould definitely see a glistening spark as their lips curled, reaching theirears.
“Are you afraid of needles?”
Needles?Afraid of needles?Why would he be afraid of needles?
“Me? Afraid of needles? ROFL LMAO. The only thing I’m afraid of isnot having enough diamonds to purchase another UR Ruri-chan for the next event.”
It wasnot the needle that he was afraid of..But rather, on how swollen their hands are.It must have taken a lot from them..
“Then why are you looking at it like it’s some boss level at oneof your video games?”
Just as there were no room left to insert an excuse from hisinventory, he shifted his attention back to his folder of video-games that hewas able to install for offline playing purposes when he heard them laugh oncemore.
“Look at my hand, Levi! It looks like a balloon. I can’t move it..”
“Let me get the nurse then.”
“Why aren’t you saying ‘lol’ or ‘lmao’?”
Leviathan dead-panned looked at his human for quite some time, hiseyes fixated on theirs going to their hand and back again;
“You want me to lol when your hand looks like it weighs a ton?! Ifthis were an otome game, your intimacy with me would go down!”
“I am just kidding.. hahaha”
That laugh. That silly laugh that even a shut-in could not helpbut be flustered every time his ears are graced with it.
“I already rung the nurse station. Someone would come assist meanytime soo-“
“Good day, how could I be of assistance, sir?”
A woman dressed in all white looked at him before it was able todetect the cause of her call.
Her hands soon untangled the weave by his patient’s left hand, askingto keep their hand still as a ball of cotton soon veiled how the needle wasejected from…
And that was when he turned away from the scene and gave the nursesome space as he went through once more to his file of games..
Whichgame would best distract me?
He could always trust his video games.Video games has always shut him out of facing the outside world.Had always been his comfort blanket.But with him always in this comfort blanket, could he be truly there to supporthis human?
“You could look now, Levi!”
Why arethey smiling? What is there to smile? One hand told to be careful and anotherstuck on a board so it would not bend and have the needl—Maybe he is, sort of, afraid of the needle…Because of how it could be dangerous to them!
“How could you be so chill in all of this?”
“Because, I’m used to it?”
“But you see me with every boss level. Yes, I am used to gameshaving boss level but it is still different..”
“Well.. it was quite painful..”
Then whyare you so chill about it?Is this perhaps.. jealousy with how their human could handle things that ademon couldn’t?Him shutting in and them.. facing it?
“But today, I feel fine today.~”
“How come?” the Avatar of Envy looked once more to their hands,knowing how their left hand would soon be swollen too after a couple of IVs anddays..
“Because I have you.~”
Sensing his cheeks go crimson red in heat, he tried concealing hisface with one hand, hearing once more that silly laugh, making him moreflustered. “Warn me next time when you’ll go cheesy, human.”
“How about this.. I’ll play a game and you will watch whileresting on my shoulders.”
“What will you be playing?”
“Do you have that game where the owner of a fast-food restaurantof chickens in a dating simulator?”
“Sorry, I’m late.”
Watching his human finish the last spoonful of their supper andpausing a video from their phone, it was prominent to his tone how angry he wasto himself. Mixed with frustration as his efforts of spending more time at thelibrary, looking at every bookcase for a book with a solution to theircondition, wasted as he found none.
Of all the spells and ancient writings, Devildom is provided with,none could enlighten the Avatar of Wrath on how he could just make theirillness non-existent which only added fuel to the fire considering how there isa book that could swap two entities to the other’s bodies but none about makinga mortal’s terminal illness gone.
“What were you listening to?”
Trying to put the subject or reason of his tardiness to rest bymeans of bringing up another conversation, right now, what the devil wants, isto turn his brain from overthinking off, and more on thinking about them.
“Oh! I was listening to a podcast with a holographic fanatic.”They beamed as though they had spent their time fruitful compared to his. “Youlook a bit tired..”
“A bit tired?”
Are hiseyebags prominent once more? He most definitely would not like to put his humanin worries or to even look tired.That he took from Lucifer.
“But still pretty charming.~”
“Now that is cheesy.”
Putting the food tray and the food container that looks similar tothose at the cafeteria away and near to the door, he saw his human shiftingmore towards their left, a clear invitation for him to be nearer, resulting toSatan putting his coat by the sofa readily available for a visitor.
“What was the podcast about?” He asked as he kept on shifting toattain that perfect and comfortable position to lie down next to them. The bedwas not relatively bad, much to his surprise.
“Just mundane stories that I just missed while being in here.”
If only asickness could tremble and run with his wrath, he would have done it in a snap.Why does sickness have to constrict someone from living?Especially them?
“I’d rather hear about you.~”
Surprised, his features were much more of confusion, somethingthat made his little human laugh and smile as though they were not in such confinedsituations.
“About me?”
There itis again. Those kitty-like eyes.Those eyes that would make him fall for them once more.And make his cheeks flustered and in heat.
“What about me?”
“Anything. Childhood, fondest memories, life as a student..anything! I just want to hear more about you.”
“There is nothing to tell.”
“Well, there is nothing interesting about me, darling.”
“Don’t say that!”
Hethought he was the Avatar of Wrath..But with his human angry at his reply..He could be dethroned with that title and just be the VP of being the Avatar ofGreed.
“You are interesting!”
“You truly are! You are interesting to me.”
Interestingto me.
Sensing his ears getting hotter and hotter, he looked up by thepale ceiling, the fan spinning round and round when he felt an arm wrap aroundhis abdomen, warmth coursing through; “Pleeeeaase?”
“All right, all right. Maybe I could tell you how Asmodeus taughtme how to lie to save a kitty.”
Sensing his fingersentwined further to theirs, the Avatar of Lust fluttered his eyes open, seeingtheirs holding a reflection of himself making his body jerked itself to functionand boost up at once.
“You’re awake!”
How long was he asleep?
“Good morning, beautiful.~”
Beauty?Now now, little human..Let the Avatar of Lust handle the flirting.Although hearing their compliment was definitely  more boosting than any reserved slot or timefor spas and saunas.
“How are you feeling,dear?”
Looking through his phone,it was already 4am by his lockscreen, garnering how the Beauty himself wouldalready have underbags on his eyes. But that is something a cold slice ofcucumber and sleep would cure. Unlike theirs, where the operation was rather concerning in regards of how their body would take it. How the body will heal and take in the changes..
“How long have you beenhere, Asmo?”
This human..When will they ever learn to answer before asking?
“Just an hour ago. Then Ifell asleep instantly.~”
Lies.He had been there for hours and perhaps a day?It had been so long since he moved from his seat from their operation and truthbe told..His buns.. his “ass”ets are kinda flat by now.Nevertheless..He would not miss being the first demon his human would see when they wake up.Never.
And to think he was out-waken by his human.
“Was there a nurse thatcame to visit me?”
“There was one that replacedyour IV and checked pressure while ago.”
Both eyes were soon by theIV with its fluid contents were nearly empty, something his lies however, couldnot cover.
“Wow.. Only a while ago withmy IV already up to be replaced? Asmodeus..”
“Fine..I have been here formore than a while..”
Pouting their lips with theireyes gazing afar from his to the round décor by the wall, it was evident how hehad spent overnight beside them without any flinch or reconsidering even tomove from his seat before he could see his reflection once more on their eyes.  
“You have dark circlesunder your eyes already.. Do you want to switch places? I will take a seat andyou will lie down on my bed?”
“You are not yet advised toeven sit up, darling.” The demon argued. “Dark circles could be remediedeasily.”
This human just woke up and their first concern is him?Or more specifically, his looks..Truth be told, the same could be said with him but They now come in second.His main priority is them.
“No buts now, dear.”
Smiling seeing theirfeatures an upside down reaction to his, he nudged his seat closer to them, hesoon let his pressed his lips against their forehead before stroking a fewstrands of their hair that were, unfortunately, bit too sleek to his liking;
“Want me to help you.. wash?”
Blushing at his suggestion,it was more of a concern rather than his usual evocative invitationsconsidering how several cords would hinder the progress, not to mention how thenurse would dutifully remind him of how their hand where it is injected to,should remain unmoved otherwise, blood will come out and ascend to the tube;
“I am quite serious.”
“I could wash my darlingbefore breakfast. What do you say?”
Finding this all amusing,it was quite difficult to put the talk into a more serious tone but with thenurse coming in an hour or two for their breakfast, it seems the Avatar of Lusthas to surrender it all;
“I could get a towel and abowl so you could work clean yourself while I will be in charge of cleaning anddrying it What were you thinking, silly?.”
“It looks like someone ishaving a different idea. We could always do that.~”
Oh it is good to have them back.
“Is this what they have inthe cafeteria?”
It was then, that even theAvatar of Gluttony found food unappetizing. They were looking rather bland andfrom the faces of the people eating, they seem to care more about filling inthe void there is at their guts rather than actually enjoying the food.
He would most certainly beable to tolerate it, especially when he sensed his tummy rumble when his palmrested on it but, for his human to also have the same experience?
It was a big no-no.
With an hour and a halfbefore the nurse or staff would give their meal for the noon, the Avatar ofGluttony followed his second brain to scout and find stores that sells betterfood.
Tastier food.
Just the thought of it hadhis stomach grumble as his nose then sniffed out, making several stops near thehospital’s vicinity, surprised with what mortals could do with simple and fewingredients that the demon presumes to be readily available.
Perhaps he should come around and know their delicacies more?He had always heard stories from them about some food that are spoken not tohis language despite being Gluttony himself.
With goodies in a largebag, truth be told, he was not accustomed to what his person would call “terminalillness”. It was a shock and the thought of it became overwhelming. His pacewere gradually slower as his mind could not erase their confession of theirailment, how they warned him, but did he listen?
He did.But he did not want to let it hinder them.And he will never let it be.
“That’s all for you?!”
At this point..
His eyes were fixated ontheirs, breaking its trance with the sound of the door shutting, making hiseyes travel lower down to their figure. They have been getting thinner thanthey were when they were introduced, having his rear colored with dark blues.
Perhaps, it reminded himtoo much of famine.. Seeing it onto the privileged’s eyes as they take what is supposed to be shared to others.
Taking the moment to settlewhat he had brought over by a small bedtable, his lips subconsciously drew asmile, refraining himself from making a comment or two about it.
“Why is that what you wouldalways say..”
With a giggle or two, therewas already a feast laid out on the table, making no room for the food providedby the facility, something he would just have to eat all to himself to trickthe staff, his eyes reflecting how swell they looked from sensing the newvarieties offered on their plate.
“Didn’t I mention we would have lunch together?”
“Yup. And I always get myusual hospital food.. But not anymore!~”
“Now hold on before diggingin..”
Munching the food away toreplenish the sense of famine within him, diverse yet complimenting flavors overwhelminghis tongue, it was obvious the Avatar of Gluttony could not help either to moanto compliment the divine food he just purchased or continue munching as thoughthey were alive and would run away.
“Umm.. Beel?”
Hearing them laugh ascrumbs went onto his shirt like a waterfall, his eyes fell too onto theirplate.
They have not even touched their plate..
“Could you help me slice upthis chicken?”
Is this why they are so thin?Because the food is rather inaccessible for a one-hand person?
“Of course.”
It took quite a while forBeelzebub to settle his fourth hamburger and mince to their favored sizes.
If that is the problem..Maybe he could offer them a solution instead.Him.
“Now say ahh..~”
“I could do it on my own..”
“Not when I am holding yourfork, you couldn’t.~”
Violently shaking what heheld dearest onto his arms, not even a flinch or any movement came about totheir chest, making himself tremble, holding them closer to him.
It couldn’t be true.This is just a dream..He needs to wake up.
Belphegor could take on anyhardships there is, burden there is, but not facing the inevitable yet.. He wasnot ready yet.
And probably never will.
To an Avatar of Sloth,wasting time had been his forte, and to spend it efficiently.. is this what hisdream is communicating him with?
“No.. no..no…”
Sensing his consciousnessseeping through, his body felt like being electrocuted by the door creaking anda stranger’s voice entering.
How long has he been passed out?
Usually, he could care lessabout such trivial matters but feeling like sleeping schedules and body clocksbut with someone’s life given with a countdown…
“Good evening. Is he your guardian?”
Turning his head to facethe voice, his vision soon could interpret the man as the hospital’s securitywith his record book at hand and a pen, his eyes for a moment, on Belphegor’sstate.
“Yes he is.”
There they are, sitting onthe sole chair provided for the guest with the metal rod or pole accompanying them,assisting the flow of the IV through their veins.
“Will he be stayingovernight?”
“He will be.”
“On it. Seems like he’s thepatient rather than you are. Ta-ta!”
“That’s not true…” Hemuttered, dark hues reappearing on his rear just as they were visible in hisdreams.
“Are you okay, Belphie? Youwere sleeptalking again..”
“I was?”
“Just a random dream, Isuppose.”
By the looks of theirfeatures, it did not take too long for Belphegor to know how his response wasunpleasant.
So much for someone who just woke up..
“I just had a nightmare.The curse of sleeping too much.”
He dare not bring up hisown troubles. That would be insensitive nor does he wish to press an issueregarding their limited lifeline.. Truth be told, humans are mortal beings butwith an illness pressing them down towards the inevitable further…
“Would you like to tell meabout it?”
Tell them about it?
“It is just nothing..”
“You’re not really a goodliar, Belphie. How about we get to talk to it with a cup of coffee?”
Though the mattress wasrelatively comfortable and the pillows plump with the scent of theirs, like acertain paradise created for him, his body voluntarily get up and made them coffee.
“Don’t you think my habitsis just wasting your time?”
Crap.. What was he thinking?This is why he should have coffee first before even saying anything..Caffeine before making a mess out of himself.
“What do you mean?”
Too late. He dug himself deeper into this.
“Well..” his back facingthem as the kettle was settled down to two mugs, the powdered mix adding hue tothe pouring hot water; “I am the Avatar of Sloth and I tend to take naps moreoften.. sleep, you know… waste ti—“
“Because any time with youaround is time spent worthwhile.~”
Bewildered with howcheerful a mortal could be despite their lifeline drawing thinner by everyshift there is on the hands of their own clock?
“I do not understand..”
Parting his lips to gentlysway the heat away from the cup, their hands touch as they reached out for thecup, something with their heat warmer than a hot cup of coffee could provide…and it is rushing towards his cheeks;
“Because I get to hear yousnore.~”
Excuse me??Snore..Have his human mistaken him for Beelzebub?
“I do not snore!”
“You do! And yousleeptalk.~”
“That’s another thing!”
Giggles turning tolaughter, made it all the more embarrassing should he, indeed, does snore. Hishuman was someone who could not lie convincingly, at least for someone who istrained efficiently to sniff the BS out of his brothers;
“I do not snore..”
“Yes you do!” And theyproceeded to imitate it.. or make it looklike he does..?
“Okay, that’s enough..otherwise, I would make sure you get to sleep first before I do.”
“Noooooooo” and theyproceeded to sip their cold coffee, preparing themselves for the battle on ‘who gets to stay awake longer to witness the other fall asleep’.
_________________________________________________Updated masterlist here.
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flowerrose14 · 5 years
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“M’ladies to Waifus <3″
Happy 6 Month Anniversary M’lady And Perfect Waifu @rainecloud020604 <3
I want to present you to my little project~ <3 A Quick collection of our meetings along with old to present icons <3
1.The very first time we spoke.At the time,I remember being VERY interested with that angel oc of yours,being the lovely bean known as Universo~ uwu each time you reblogged ask memes or outfits,or anythin of the sort,i just immediately request the fella <w>” I fully admitted to ya i was a sucker for Angel characters,since then,the rest you could say was history~ <3 I felt so calm speaking to you,i didn’t have anxiety,or fear,i felt like i could be nerd and you wouldn’t give a damn uwu and THAT was the day i got obsessed bout info and rambles of yours <w> I went on full research mode for that angel waifu!! >8//3 Caaaaause~ Your creations are perfect uwu/<3
2.Second Icon of ours,think the 2019 had just started and I honestly couldn’t wait,it’s when we began the very long angst of a rp,involving a certain nutcase and angel,waifu~ That was around the time we REALLY began to chat more, i remember being so excited to come home from school to speak with this-*Inhales* AMAZIN GAL THAT HAD SO MANY INTERESTIN IDEAS YA COULD NEVER GET ENOUGH I TELLS YA 8″““3 this was AAAALSO around the time,wheeeennnn <w< >w> You asked bout my sexualityuwu hell i was still unsure ^^” this was around the time we began to have ups and downs in this year,involving...Lucy...And...Phil...But i do remember THREE things in particular.That i remember and i still keep with me to this day waifu <3
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.I recieved tis sketch while messaging you waifu,i just-q///////q it still flusters me to this day and tis still melts my heart <3
.The second thing i believe was when I figured out bout your lovely and perfect daughter,Satan-I Mean Leila! UwU <3 You said bout how you would see her as a daughter theeeennnn you said what i could be in this family of yours :”3...Bout few minutes later,you quickly replied “Waifu”.*Inhales* RAAAAINE I DIED OF FLUSTER THAT NIGHT 8″////////3333333 >///////////< The last thing though...
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.The Very.Day.You Asked Me.I Still remember,and i keep it close to my heart. I didn’t know what to think .///////. I had just got back online and here this little precious picture was.Now,having bad experiences with relationships in the past...One being that a very close one just flat out stopped talking to me,and the other dumped me cause i didn’t want to do the very uncomfortable things he wanted to do...I didn’t know what to think as first as i literally died from so much fluster and-q///////////q....But....Here was my Answer.
3.And I never regret it,my choice to be with you,m’lady waifu raine <3 You’re my Raine,I’m your Rose,and i wouldn’t change that for the world,Ever since then, my life has just been filled with happiness,along with a heck load of pride thanks to you <3 I felt happy,confident,and i swore to make sure you were never alone.Your happiness was my happiness too.This was around the time you released a certain ramble,your voice.Damn i felt like i was gonna melt immediately from the adorable voice i was greeted with <3 annnnd i finally saw the most cutest persona i’ve ever seen :”3 bein you of course raaaine~ <3 Each day you brought me happiness and joy...And...My heart gave my mind the idea of...Meeting you one day.My plan was too focus on art,not stop,just improve.Then.Do comissions and save up as best as I could to see your adorable face and never let you out of my hug <3
4.NOOOOOWADAYS I DIE FROM FLUSTER EVERY SINGLE MOMENT CAUSE THIS ADORABLE TINY TERROR STABS COMPLIMENT KNIVES INTO MA BACK >8″/////////U Cause of raine,i have confidence to continue work too, but i fear those compliment knives of hers q////w///q I love you with all my heart waifu, nowadays is full of angst,NEW PRECIOUS BEANS/OCS WE USE ANGST ON >8″U Annnnd heck loads of hugs and fluff!!<3 This is our 6 month Anniversary.What did i do to get blessed with this goddess of a woman? I don’t know,i’m still trying to figure it out to this day! All i know is i love her with all my heart and soul,she deserves happiness,she deserves love,hugs,everything! Raine i will tell you is a good person,someone this world needs without a doubt!! she’s there for her friends,supporting them,helping them,but she’s also human,a gal that can get sad herself,shy,nervous...So Raine,Here trust me when i say this to you,just trust me! .You mean everything to me,whatever you need,whatever you want to do or say,i’ll always have time for,you forever tell me not to be nervous to speak or show,or ask.So Raine,believe me when i say,i’m always here,i’ll listen to you without a doubt,you aren’t wasting time or gonna bother me, your happiness means the world to me! <3 so don’t be shy to speak to me! .I feel safe with you waifu,i want you to feel safe too! Having no worries bout tellin me bout problems,i’m always here to listen,always here for you <3
If it’s one thing you lot do today,go to @rainecloud020604 and give her all the love and support possible,she is the reason while i’m still here doin what i love.She’s resposible for all this (along with those adorable sketches up above <3 ) trust me when i say,having someone like her as friend,you’ll never regret (However if you so much as dare hurt her in ANYWAY possible.I will not allow it.)
This Is Our 6 month Anniversary,And Raine. I.Love.You. I always will,no matter what my perfect waifu *Hugs* I hope you have the best day today <3
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Happy Anniversary Waifu~
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artificialqueens · 5 years
cat got your tongue? (bob x naomi) -- frenchy
a/n: hello!! i dropped 2 fics and dipped, but hi again! i was looking through some requests for an idea on what people are wanting to read, and especially any ships people want, and i found a few requests for bob and specifically bob/naomi. i got BIG inspired because i love me a more rare pair AND i love them both so much, they are the cutest!! luv them. i was hesitant to share/write bc i’m not sure if many ship, but i decided to fully send it anyway. anyway enjoy!! <3
Bob buzzed with anticipation, bouncing on his heels as he stood in the airport terminal, hands clutching a thick cardboard poster and eyes on a search mission. He nudged his glasses up absentmindedly, trying his best to keep his sign visible among the dozens of reuniting families, tourists, and rolling suitcases. There was always something about airports that put Bob on the edge, whether it be the pressure of being on time for a flight or the fear of delays and being stuck wandering for hours – though neither gave reason for his current flurry of nerves, as he wasn’t here for a flight himself, but instead to pick up a friend. He had felt the building anxiety all morning, but lacked the ability to pinpoint why it had chosen to plague him today, and potentially sour what was intended to be a pleasant reunion.
With an impatient click of his tongue, Bob couldn’t even resume pondering his anxiety, since it was quickly replaced with annoyance. Figures Naomi had to take her sweet time coming off the plane. Bob could already picture her stopping to snap a picture against the window, imagining the way she’d caption it “hi, new york” for her Instagram story, or write something about it being “golden hour”. It was almost too vivid in his mind.
The (probably not) imaginary scenario he was in the works of fabricating was prematurely abandoned by the sight of a certain leggy supermodel in the distance. Immediately perking up, Bob tightened his grip on his sign, his face breaking out in a shining grin.
His face already began to cramp as he waited for Naomi to look up from her phone, presumably texting him to see where he was, where they could meet up. If only she’d glance up and see him, but no, she instead slowed down, phone coming to press against her ear. Bob wished he could make a moving walkway appear in front of her, something to glide her over so he could whack her with the sign he spent a half hour making.
He decided against grabbing the phone that vibrated in his pocket, instead staying put, hoping it wouldn’t be long before she noticed him. With the other passengers slowly dissolving from around him, it made it almost impossible for them not to see each other. Naomi finally took a good look around her, eyes meeting Bob’s and a smile following not long after.
Pocketing her phone, Naomi started towards Bob, but stopped midway with a squint of her eyes and her attention on Bob’s sign. “Oh my Godddd,” he heard her drawl in the that voice he missed hearing, a voice he’d be hearing on his TV for the next – hopefully - several weeks.
“There’s my All Star!” Bob spread out his arms, wrapping himself around his friend as soon as they were close enough, feeling accomplished in how he had achieved a Naomi Smalls eye roll within only seconds of their reunion.
“Bob, you’re totally making a scene,” Naomi groaned, but still lifted her arms in a reciprocation of his hug – only after first squirming under her dramatic friend’s stronghold.
She didn’t see the way Bob was fully cheesing until they had pulled apart, and the sight made her heart simultaneously melt and hurt. It wasn’t often that she saw Bob look so sincere and even less often that they even saw each other in person due to their schedules and events.
“I missed you, bitch! Can I miss my friends in public and cry like a little toddler without fear of judgement?” Bob moved to link arms with Naomi, which she didn’t fight him on.
“And to think I was going to take you home with me,” Bob mimicked Naomi’s eye roll when she featured it a second time. “You like the sign, huh? Don’t even answer me, I know you do,” Bob shrugged proudly, like it was no big deal, the sign that read “THIS WAY TO THE DRAG RACE HALL OF FAME!” in bold print and tacky star decorations held limply from his right hand.
She nudged his shoulder with her own, their arms not breaking their link.
The teasing moment died when they both remarked each other’s fond smiles. “What?” Bob chuckled, nudging Naomi back as they walked away from the gates. He wondered if the blush on her cheeks was just the Universe playing tricks on him. A cruel trick that caused a blush of his own to spread, one he was hopeful she didn’t notice.
“I like it. And, like. Thanks for coming to pick me up. It’s been - oh my Gosh - stressful as hell. All Stars was something else, girl. Season Eight had nothing on the past few weeks,” Naomi sighed, focusing her eyes on the ground below them. The tiles of the airport floor. The way the lines moved underneath them. “And I’ve never been happier to be in New York, even if just for a few days.”
“Well, you’ll have to tell me everything. Spare no details, or else. You already know that I’ll find out through Monét if you lie about how bad you did in all the challenges–”
“Oh my God, you’re ridiculous,” Naomi pushed him away with a laugh. She led the way towards the baggage claim, Bob following closely behind her, laughing heartily at his own joke.
“Like, the Henny. Stacy Layne Motherfuckin’ Matthews, Bob. It was crazy. I was starstruck, honestly,” Naomi laughed, one leg crossed under her and the other hanging off the edge of the sofa. They were settled in Bob’s living room, avoiding the film equipment and lighting setup in the corner that was used for his podcast with Monét. Naomi scrolled through her phone as Bob watched her, mug in his hands and affectionate smile on his face.
“I’m so happy for you, and super jealous. I might have to start a real girl group with Stacy. So, this means you didn’t go home first, right?” Bob segued, more serious. He could tell Naomi wasn’t keen on talking about it immediately, but he was dying to know. “You don’t have to tell me everything, but I’d rather be prepared for when I see it on TV.”
“I know, Bob. And you know that I’m not supposed to say anything–”
“Stacy Layne Matthews?”
“That’s different.”
Bob sighed, but he knew she had no obligation to spill. He’d just have to wait like everyone else. “Okay. Okay, yeah, that’s fine. Don’t tell me about how you won All Stars 4, I’ll just have to see it for myself.”
“Bob,” Naomi warned, shaking her head with a sad smile. “I trust you. I didn’t,” she shrugged half-heartedly.
“Didn’t what?”
“Win. I didn’t win,” Naomi pouted dramatically, but Bob could see the real sadness in her eyes, beyond her trying to act dramatic to put him off. “I won a lip sync. I made the top four. I don’t know who won yet, but I didn’t. So.”
“Top four! Oh my God, Naomi,” Bob isolated the good news he heard, and placed his mug off to the side in order to give her a congratulatory hug. “Fuck the crown, or whatever. That’s still a big deal. Farther than I thought you’d make it, if we’re bein’ honest,” Bob added in a deadpan, the laugh threatening to break his act.
But Naomi didn’t laugh like she normally would, still facing Bob on the sofa but her eyes were downcast.
“Hey,” Bob scooted forward, placing a hand on Naomi’s shoulder comfortingly. “I know you wanted it. But you should still be proud of yourself.”
Naomi nodded, her phone long abandoned in order to preoccupy herself with the hem of her shirt. “Yeah. I was just, like, so close. It still sucks.”
She looked up, and she could’ve sworn they weren’t sharing each other’s space so closely before. Something in her jumped, flipping the switch to send her heartbeat into its maximum speed setting. When did Bob get so close? Why wasn’t he giving her a consoling hug and scooting back away?
“Um,” she muttered, barely audible between them. If Bob had just leaned back away, she wouldn’t have made the mistake of glancing down towards his lips. She wouldn’t have looked back up, hopeful to meet his eyes, but instead catch him doing the same. She wouldn’t have had the chance to kiss him back when he finally closed the distance between them.
Naomi had thought about kissing Bob before. She imagined it for the first time during the filming for season eight, after they had properly met. After being in a competition with him for a few weeks. After joking around with each other in the “Shade Tree” room, in front of the camera, Naomi on Bob’s lap. After hugging each other and saying they loved each other, solidifying their new friendship, Naomi still wishing she could beat Bob but knowing she never would.
Bob had thought about kissing Naomi before, many times. After being friends for two years. After all the times they visited each other’s shows, or hung out with fellow queens and gravitated towards each other in the larger groups. After Naomi came to watch Bob in ‘Angels in America’, or spent time at his house watching Pose, or was a guest on his podcast. After Naomi was away for weeks and didn’t win All Stars 4.
Neither of them were ready for how it really was, in the small living room, on Bob’s sofa.
Whether this was just Bob cheering her up or not, Naomi took the opportunity to kiss him back without giving it much thought or question. It was timid, and a little shy, but Bob felt like he was growing wings from the kiss alone.
“You just kissed me,” Naomi whispered after they had parted, like they weren’t the only two people in the room, like someone could have heard or seen. She blinked at him, eyes adjusting, her blank expression not giving Bob much to work with in terms of reading her. She peered into him, not with perplexity or shock, but with a subtle awe. Her lips were still puckered, as if anticipating a second kiss. He battled with the idea of answering her, and the idea of leaning back in again. The only option he didn’t have was leaning too far away – a rope threatening to sever them both in half if he so much as considered it. And he didn’t. He couldn’t trade away the comfort and familiarity he felt pressed so close to her, even if he had just risked ruining that with a single kiss.
“Yeah,” Bob nodded slowly, his ordinarily bold self gone within moments, rendering the older queen speechless. Stomach doing somersaults, voice quivering. All unusual for someone so typically assertive. “I’m… I don’t know,” He answered, riddled with uncertainty. His answer reflected his feelings on both what he did, why he did it, and what her reaction was. He didn’t know anything in those few seconds. Or were they minutes? He was going mad in an attempt to gauge her reaction. She had kissed back, but that didn’t reassure or satisfy his conscience; instinct and feelings lacked synonymity in moments like this. Naomi not making an effort to push him away or gasp in disgust didn’t mean she shared his long-lasting feelings.
He could easily pass this off as a joke, right? It wouldn’t be off-brand for Bob, to fuck around and maybe go too far with a joke, a kiss that he could easily claim meant nothing but a friendly pass. Could save him from the inevitable rejection.
Except that claiming the kiss as a joke wouldn’t warrant how tense the moment they shared now was, the moment after the kiss. A friendly peck was one thing – the tenderness and earnestness in that kiss was reasonable cause to ax the idea of saying that it wasn’t a big deal. That this wasn’t really happening.
Naomi narrowed her eyes, worrying her bottom lip. “Why sorry?” Bob wondered if the smile he heard in her voice was authentic or all in his head. He risked a peek at her lips, a single corner slyly inching upwards. Was she fucking with him, like he had debated doing?
His anxiety was relieved by Naomi raising a hand, her fingers barely ghosting along his jaw, slower than either of them would have liked.
Bob held his breath.
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” she continued after a beat, making Bob realize that he never answered her. “What’s wrong, Bob?” Naomi pouted innocently; Bob noted how her eyes harbored mischievousness, still. “Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?”
“No, uh,” Bob cleared his throat with a shake to his head, desperate to not let this die at the account of suddenly becoming a deer caught in headlights. “I thought – I didn’t want to, like. I didn’t mean for it to be –”
“You can totally ignore me for at least a week –”
“Bob,” Naomi raised her voice, effectively overpowering Bob, who was oblivious to how fast he had been rambling. “For the love of God. Stop talking. For, like, once in your life?” If anyone else had said this, Bob would have jumped straight into defense mode, but the fond look in Naomi’s eyes and the humor in her tone prevented that. “You were doing so well.”
She was fucking with him. This wasn’t about Bob, or any kind of reciprocation – she went almost 5 weeks with no attention. He didn’t want to hear her admit it.
“– I’m just fucking with you,” Bob screwed his eyes shut in an extreme wince after hearing the words come out of his own mouth.
“What?” He couldn’t deny the sudden and genuine confusion in her voice this time. “What do you mean?”
“I’m, uh,” Bob laughed unnaturally, pushing it into the empty space between them. “It’s just a joke, girl. Testing out my acting chops for my next audition.” Bob played along with the wicked, brutal joke he just turned his admission of feelings into. He could deal with Naomi’s frustration with a prank more than he could handle her laughing in his face if she knew what that kiss really meant.
“Um,” Naomi was the one at a loss for words this time, “oh. Wait, like – what? You’re serious?” She looked at him weirdly, seemingly unconvinced. And, God, how could she be? She waited a moment, her weird look urging Bob to take back what he said – but he didn’t. “Okay,” she nodded curtly, pulling away from the comfort of sharing Bob’s personal space – the rope that tethered them together was left frayed, laying on the floor before Bob, as she made a beeline for the door.
“Where are you going?” Bob watched her in panic, the somersaults in his stomach bouncing at record speed, wondering how his plan to save the situation only made it worse. And more anxiety inducing. Why wasn’t she laughing? Swatting at him and rolling her eyes in the way that she does when he playfully insults her makeup or makes fun of her for being younger than some of the shoes in his closet? “Naomi, girl,” Bob ignored his own aside, following her and stopping only a few feet away as she struggled to slip on her shoes. “It wasn’t that deep. I’m sorry. If it was weird. You were upset, I thought it’d distract you, or make you laugh. I was waiting for you to shove me away and laugh, or call me gross, or… I don’t know.”
With a heavy sigh, Naomi looked over her own shoulder. “No, yeah, I know. It sure made me forget all about losing All Stars. Ha ha. It was funny, see? You’ll kill your audition. I just forgot that I have to grab lunch with, uh, with Kim.”
“It’s six o’clock.”
“Kim slept late.”
“She’s not even in New York. Naomi, come on,” Bob reached out, laying a hand gently on her shoulder. Ignoring how his heart stung when she recoiled. “You’re mad.”
“Yeah, I am,” Naomi wasted no time arguing, turning her head back around and fumbling with the lock on the door. She was fixed on leaving.
“Can you just turn around, like, for a second?” Bob grew impatient, knowing he couldn’t let her walk out. “Please?”
He had a hand on his hip when he heard the fumbling stop, and when Naomi slowly turned around to face him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Naomi beat him to it. Her throat was reddening, rising from below her collared shirt and up towards her face.
“It was a joke? It was really something to distract me? You thought it’d make me laugh?” Her voice was taut, forced. Bob knew she was holding back. Whether it was a sob or a string of insults, he wasn’t sure.
Bob hadn’t expected the sudden confrontation when she had been so intent on leaving, and scoffed in offense. He laughed incredulously, glancing around as if there was someone else or perhaps a camera in the room. He couldn’t look at her, not for more than a few seconds at a time. “It was a joke, I just told you that.”
“Bob, stop,” Naomi groaned in frustration, and if Bob would have blinked, he could’ve missed the glassy look in her eyes, the threat of tears. “Even I know you don’t make jokes like that. That was low, and the weirdest timing for something like that. It didn’t feel like a joke. And it wasn’t funny, not really.”
“I’m-” Bob looked back up at her, eyes wide. “Naomi, girl, whoa-”
“I��ve been waiting for you to do that since we filmed. Filmed our season,” Naomi’s arms were crossed, her eyes watering. “That’s, like, two years, Bob.” She bowed her head, in a way that would have hid her face had she been wearing a wig.
Bob stood wide eyed, frozen. His eyes didn’t blink for at least 30 seconds. “Naomi, I…” He didn’t know what to say, searching for the right words to fix this quicker than he managed to ruin it. “Really?”
“Yeah. Yeah, really.”
“You never said anything.”
Naomi laughed, but there was no humor in it. “I never said anything because I was afraid you’d do what you just did. That you’d make it all into a joke. Think that I’m a joke,” she placed a hand on the doorknob behind her, the confidence that fueled her confrontation faltering.
“Wait, don’t. Please stay. I chose the worst way to do this,” Bob stepped forward, eyes pleading. “You can hate me, unfollow me even, but I can’t let you leave thinking I meant any of that. I don’t even have an audition booked,” he admitted softly, but didn’t expect her to believe him. He wasn’t really proving to be the most trustworthy person. He really thought he did something, huh? Beyond fucking up both their years of friendship and something that could have gone beyond? “I… Like you? More than a friend, or another sister, or whatever. Genuinely like you. I just happen to be a huge fucking idiot and did something about it before coming to terms with the fact that you don’t feel that way. Thought I could cover it up, but I had to kiss you at least once. I didn’t really expect you to kiss me back, so I guess… I guess I panicked?“
“You panicked because I kissed you back? Oh my God, that is so backwards, Bob. You’re so… You’re such an idiot. I say it all the time, but I’m serious,” Naomi raised her eyebrows in disbelief, accompanying it with a shake of her head.
They stared at each other for a moment, regarding the other, and also this whole fucked up situation. The misunderstanding and how stupid the both of them were, how neither knew how to communicate.
“We’re both idiots,” Naomi continued, a smile growing. Bob couldn’t help but match it.
“You can say that again. So, uh. Can I kiss you again and not ruin it this time?”
Bob stepped forward, arm reaching for Naomi’s waist to pull her close, their lips meeting again in a kiss Bob definitely preferred to the first one.
She instinctively brought both hands up to the side of Bob’s head, pulling him closer and making the timidity of their kiss obsolete. Making a surprised noise, Bob gave way to let Naomi take control of the kiss, his head spinning. She felt him wrap his arms fully around her waist, both of them trying to close the distance that didn’t even exist between them anymore.
“Wait,” Naomi pulled away, taking a large breath. “Can I just say. I’m really glad you were joking about that audition, because you definitely would not have gotten the part. Your acting has gotten much worse. Really unconvincing, Bob.”
“You’re such a bitch,” he smiled lazily back at her, positive that she could sense the relief that flowed from him as his shoulders visibly relaxed. Their laughs mingled and died together as they started for another kiss, Bob stopped right before his lips met Naomi’s. “Can I just say, you’re a winner. Too good for All Stars, honestly. To me, you didn’t lose,” he laid a hand on her neck, sliding toward the back of her head. He leaned into her side, mouth nearly meeting where her jaw and ear met. “Twice,” Bob added in a mock-seductive whisper, exuding an instinctively hearty laugh and gentle shove from Naomi.
“I hate you,” she laughed sarcastically, shaking her head at the sheer ridiculousness he insisted upon even during such a tender moment. “Aaaaand you just killed the mood.” Naomi gave a sigh of disapproval, but Bob could tell she held no authentic contempt.
“Yeah? Well I just thought of something that might make this,” he gestured between them, raising his brow, “a little complicated.”
Naomi narrowed her eyes, puzzled, but had to smile weakly at his acknowledgement toward whatever they were, with or without labeling it. “Go on.”
“I think Monét’s gonna take it personally when she finds out I’m not rooting for her to win All Stars,” Bob admitted, eliciting a laugh from the both of them, Naomi throwing her head back. She swatted at him playfully after catching her breath.
“Bob, you already know I’m not going to win. That was, like, what started this,” Naomi enunciated her words slowly, making it clear that she was stating the obvious. “I know you’re older than me, but girl, is your memory already going down the toilet?”
“Pfft, you wish, crazy bitch,” Bob sneered, endearment flashing in his smile and humor in his voice. “I know you won’t. Your fans knew you had no chance of winning season eight but did that stop them? Not that there were many of them,” they gasped in unison, Naomi in offense and Bob mocking her on cue. “Don’t mean I won’t be the biggest, most obnoxious Naomi Smalls advocate in the bar – nay, on the street.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Naomi matched his affectionate look, exposing her sarcasm. She wrapped her long arms around his shoulders, effectively pulling him back from when she had shoved him away, leaning their foreheads together.
“Ridiculous? Maybe. But a winner? Absolutely,” Bob emphasized the final word, his beam matched Naomi’s as they leaned into another kiss, “And I’m not talking about Drag Race this time.”
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corinnejmorris · 5 years
       The apartment is quiet as she overlooks the cobblestone streets of Tribeca. Alessia relishing in the fleeting moments of extra asleep, Logan at the ‘brush your teeth and grumble about manhattan’ stage of his morning routine. Yet Corinne is a silent intrusion into their way of life; mostly because Logan is her brother and he knew first hand the fit she’d throw being shut out from his life, secondly because she was a free and adoring babysitter. She stands in front of the floor to ceiling windows, softly swaying with Cain propped against her hip. As espresso heats up on the stove top, Logan can’t help but smile at his older sister. Delicate fingers wrapped around his son’s tiny fist, her face lit up like he’s never seen it before— some call it motherly glow, but in this case it was pure unadulterated love. And although he’d love to give her this moment forever, they’ll be a day late and a dollar short if they don’t get moving soon. He pulls the toothbrush out of his mouth and pipes up, “We’re leaving in 15 minutes tops, subway, walk, or car?” he asks before opening a cabinet to grab a travel mug, coincidentally with the name of his firm printed across it as if it wasn’t already obvious that he was the epitome of Manhattan finance bro. 
       The little moments like these were the ones that she cherished most. She couldn’t wait for the chance to do the same with a child of her own. In her very own kitchen, maybe not the one she lived in at the moment— too many tight corners and sharp edges but, one day. Maybe a house in Alexandria, along the river, with a backyard  reminiscent of the one she grew up with, but just close enough to D.C. that if she was needed at the office she could make the drive. Yet it was all just a fantasy for Corinne, she was playing a game to see whether she could live vicariously through her brother or go mad. So far so good, though. Every baby being inherently cute, was a universal fact in the same vein as the concept of an infinitely expanding cosmos. But Cain was different, his teeny fingers, his cheeks chubbier, and the joyous expression in his sweet blue eyes made her heart melt at the mere sight of him. She presses her forehead against his and closes her eyes softly. She takes a moment's pause to revel in that newborn smell and whispers “good morning” in response to her nephew’s giggle. She returns the smile only to be interrupted by her brother who stood at the opposite edge of the galley kitchen. A kitchen she wasn’t particularly fond of, for reasons beyond the decorating— rather, a long, tall, strip of marble masquerading as an island that Cain was sure to split his head on when he finally gets the hang of zipping around their apartment. It’s a day she sits and waits for with anticipation, not for her nephew to get stitches but, for the day he can safely stand on two feet and run to her, shouting “Cor! Cor!” The day he’s able to express his feelings for his aunt is the day she might just keel over and die from the explosion of happiness in her chest. 
       She turns slowly, still bouncing Cain on her hip. She flashes her brother the smile reserved for clients and television cameras. Sweet, caring, yet unnaturally still, as if there’s no one really behind it. “Whatever you prefer,” she says softly, careful as to not allow any inflection in her tone as to not disturb the small human in her arms. She pads her way across the floor to her brother whose arms are outstretched ready to pull his son into his chest with the same bright smile Corinne had shone earlier. People often said despite the thirteen year age gap, they looked incredibly similar. If that was even remotely true, she hoped the nurturing smile her brother displayed was the same one Cain saw when he looked up at her. He pulls his son close to his chest before sticking his toothbrush in his mouth and pointing at Corinne with his free hand. “Corn, I’m ready in five minutes, We’re walkin’, and then taking the subway to his office, and we’ll stop for a coffee on the way— don’t take any of that shit that’s on the stove it’s Alessia’s and it tastes like garbage,” he says which earns him a pointed glare for Corinne. “What? You’re worried about him? He knows I swear,” he says with the shit eating grin he’s perfected over the years before disappearing around a corner. Corinne is left alone with the hum of the streets of Manhattan and shrill squeak of  a stove top espresso machine. 
      In that very moment she remembers why she’s even in the city in the first place. It was all she could think about as Nicky drove her to the airport, all she could think about as she knocked back a martini in the airport private lounge, eyes expertly trained on the flights touching down and lifting off to destinations that weren’t her’s— places she’d much rather be than where she was headed. It was all she could think about as she met Logan at the airport and he placed the small suitcase she brought with her into the trunk of his S.U.V. But when she saw the little carseat in the back— that’s exactly when all the bad thoughts washed away. She would see her nephew, and all would be okay. But now as she stood at her brother’s front door, purse slung over her shoulder fingers tentatively play with the dainty rings she chose to accessorize with, purposely skipping the ring finger on her left hand. “You put a ring on that finger, before you’re engaged and you’ll be cursed for life,” her mother used to say when she was a little girl, sitting at the vanity table as her mom brushed through her long blonde waves with precision. Corinne even at such young age, idealized this beauty, vanity, gratuitous accessorization. The bows in her hair, and look in her mother’s eyes when her eight year old daughter applied lipstick with razor sharp accuracy. She was a doll. Her mother’s doll. When she got older, when she dressed herself, tried lip gloss instead of lipstick; her mother didn’t want to play anymore. 
        She’s brought back from the recesses of her memories when her brother approaches. “Go go go, I can stand bein’ fuckin’ late,” he says opening the apartment’s front door. They take the elevator in silence as he taps away violently at the screen of his cellphone. “Fucking clients whatta’ they know,” he scoffs before sliding the sleek, caseless device into his pocket— she’d prod about that later. She offers a polite wave and “good morning Stan,” to the doorman which contrast sharply from the dap up her brother gives. Clearly she was the eldest, momma would have liked the way she conducted herself and would have reprimanded Logan and that’s all that really mattered. They begin their walk down Watts St. She wobbles slightly on the cobblestone in her four inch heels. The added height does nothing as she still just a hair under Logan who claims to be six foot, but just cleared 5’11” and 3⁄4. “You look like a baby Giraffe,” he snorts and gives her the once over. “Fuck off, it’s the cobblestone,” she retorts with a playful swat at his shoulder. They turn onto Canal St. and Corinne thanks the city planning gods for pavement. “You know all that fucked up walking coulda’ been avoided if youd’ve just met the man in fucking Raleigh right, Corn?” she winces at his words as they shuffle down the steps alongside the rest of the morning crowd. “Yeah, and stay with momma? In that big ol’ fuckin’ house? Not see you? Or Alessia? Or my nephew? Ya’ I don’t really mind cobblestone streets all that much,” her tone is short as she’s squeezed between him and some other financial analyst, clearly a new guy if he’s still walking around with the banker bag.
      His sigh is loud and exasperated as he and the rest of the passengers are jostled by the movement of the subway cart. They stare at one another in the loud ambience has come to know is native to the streets, and subsequent subway tunnels of New York City. “Stand clear of the closing doors please,” sounds the crummy speakers that probably haven’t been changed since the 70s. It’s only after a few people shuffle off the train that Logan opens his mouth again. Idiot, you never did know when to shut up. She thinks back to the times when he was four or five and would cry and whine to their mother if she so much at looked at her brother the wrong way. “He’s just a baby Corinne,” her mother would snap as she coddled her angel son. The origins of the rage that brindled within her at moments like that is still unknown, maybe it was because she knew he’d forever get off scot free or because she knew his fakery earned her a night in the hallway closet. “I’ll never understand why you don’t like her—” There’s thirteen years of pain you’ll never understand. “she’s not even that nasty of a person—” Not to you, she loved you. “Maybe if you called once in awhile, and fuckin’ visited you wouldn’t have any issues,” he berates her as the knuckles wrapped around the handle of her purse turn white. She wants to snap, but she’s in public and she’ll control herself. There’s also the possibility that she might get all choked up and make a fool of herself as the tears stain her face. “It’s not that I don’t like her Logan, we have opposing views and she’s unbearably judgemental.” Her tone is controlled as the doors open and they step out onto the subway platform. 
      Up the stairs and they step out onto wall street, where a million different men dress and act like her brother. Their conversation has been postponed until further notice as Logan ushers her along with his index finger. “The place I go to makes North American style Turkish coffee,” that just sounds like an oxymoron in itself, she thinks to herself quietly. They dodge angry callers, bird scooters and blind texters as they weave down the street. They turn into a quaint coffee shop with standing tables only, inundated by patrons too focused on their own business to even look up at the door chime. The stereotype of New Yorkers not giving a fuck, was most definitely a real one. They approach the cash and Logan greets a man— boy? who’s name is Mattias. The exact kind of person she’d picture who’d work at a North American style Turkish coffee place. Logan orders and Mattias proceeds on with Corinne who orders a simple turmeric tea. They move off to the side and sit— or rather stand at the edge of a long communal table. “So let me get this straight,” Logan starts “You and momma don’t talk, so she calls Mr.Clark who calls you, who then proceeds to call me, to ask if you can crash?” She sways her head along to the rhythm of the story, “Well I mean yeah...kind of?”
— ⟡ ▒ ONE WEEK EARLIER ▒ ⟡ —
      It’s a little after 1pm on a Wednesday and Corinne strolls back into her office after having changed into her Lululemon yoga attire for afternoon yoga at the office. She sits at her desk and pulls her ringlets back into a bun, as her eyes inspect the report she’s been forwarded. The moment her hands drop from her head the LED on her desk phone flashes. “Cor? I’ve got a Mr.Clark on the phone for you, from Raleigh,” Nicholas sounds worried, as he always does when a 919 number called Corinne. He knew very little about Corinne’s family but knew that she rarely called them and they seldom called her unless it’s to return one of her phone calls. “Oh?” Her immediate reaction is one of confusion and fear. She remembers her mother’s lawyer and his office in their little town center. A stone building with a gold plate by the front door that read ‘Clark & Brennan Legal Offices’. Corinne both loved and hated that office, with all its dark wood and leather, the smell of stale paper and what a 10 year old could only define as alcohol on Mr.Clark’s breath when her mother would force her to greet him with a hug. What she did love was his secretary; Kelli, a twenty something brunette, with long legs accentuated by pencil skirts and a kind smile. Corinne always sat on her desk, ate Chupa Chups, and read Judy Blume novels. But, the only reason Mr.Clark would call her is, if something dire had happened— but surely, Logan would have called her first if her mother had died, right? “Yeah send him through Nicky,” she says leaning back into her desk chair. 
“Hello, this is Corinne Jessica Morris speaking,” she answers in her most professional tone, she had a feeling he still thought of her as that 10 year old girl whose legs used to dangle off the edge of his secretary’s desk.
“Connie—“ A nickname she hates, Connie is short for Constance, not Corinne. “It has been an awful long while since I’ve heard from you, how are you doing miss?”
“Mr.Clark! It has been far too long, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing from you?”
“Connie, Connie I know it’s been awhile but you needn’t call me Mr.Clark, please call me frank—“ she wouldn’t. “I’m actually calling on your mother’s behalf,”
“Oh, well in that case...Frank, I’m interested to hear what you have to say,” It’s gotta’ be inheritance, Logan is for sure getting more.
“It’s about your prenuptial agreement, I think some congratulations are in order sweetheart,”
“What? A prenup?” She retorts sitting up straighter.
“Yes, a prenup if you’d prefer, there’s one from ‘95 but, surely it needs to be updated to include your new home and the like?” He continues, not even acknowledging Corinne’s surprise.
“Mr.Clark, I don’t think you understand. I’m not engaged— I’m not even seeing anyone at the moment,” She reiterates.
“Is that so?” he pauses and there’s a silence on the line. “Well it wouldn’t hurt to look it over, I’m sure a gorgeous girl like you has many options.” She visibly winces at his words, you haven’t seen me in person since I was 16, creep.
“I guess so,” she says quietly— it’s not that she hasn’t thought about the suspicious lack of ring on her finger, there were other things she wanted to accomplish first.
“Well I’m in Raleigh til’ Friday but, I’ve got an early mornin’ flight to California so I’ll be out til’ Tuesday and in the New York offices until Saturday—”
Corinne quickly interrupts, “I’ll be in New York. Can I meet you on Thursday?” She slides the phone between her shoulder and ear as she grabs her cellphone to send Nicky a text. Flight to NYC. Next tuesday. Red eye. Call Logan.
“Oh well in that case, I’ll be delighted to meet you in New York Connie. My secretary will be in contact,”
— ⟡ ▒ — ⟡ ▒ —⟡ ▒ —
“And that was it?” Logan asks as he finishes the last of his Turkish cortado, which inherently isn’t Turkish coffee the second milk was added. 
      Corinne responds with a nod before taking a sip of her tea. Before Corinne can even open her mouth Logan starts again, hands upheld as if to say hold the fuck on— “Corn are you even ready to get married? Do you even want to?” His expression is a mix of shock and concern. Unable to meet her brother’s eyes she looks down at her left hand and plays with the ring on her index. Of course she wants to get married; she’s been planning her dream wedding since the day she kissed R-D. Was she ready? now that was an entirely different question, she’s perfected the art of living alone, eating alone, drinking alone but, rotating a colourful cast of friends in lieu of feeling lonely. 
“God Logan, I think I know myself enough to know what I want. I’m just waiting—”
“When was the last time you were in a relationship,” he blurts out, cutting her off.
She counters hastily “God, what does it matter to you?” 
“How do you know what you want if you haven’t been in a relationship since you were in fuckin’ college!”
“How’d you know Alessia was the girl you wanted to fuckin’ marry after banging her at fuckin’ mixer?” 
      Logan simply smiles back at her, and she hates it. She hates snapping at him, she hates his smug grin but most importantly she hates this conversation. 
      “Look, I really don’t need the lecture Logan I’m just gonna go, listen to what he has to say and that’s it,” as she finishes her sentence, his cell phone pings. “Shit its work,” he says reading the preview off his lockscreen. “Look, I gotta go, just keep walking south on Broadway you’ll be at his office in two minutes,” he hugs her quickly before heading off to his own office.
      Corinne walks slowly, following the directions her phone gave her. She stops in front of a massive building, a far cry from the old stone of North Carolina. She greets the information desk attendant with her nicest smile. They give her the floor number and direct her to the elevators where she clambers in alongside a dozen or so corporates. It’s only as the numbers rise does she wonder how much business a small firm from North Carolina does to warrant a New York Office. Once the elevator chimes for the thirty-sixth floor she squeezes past those who remain in the elevator and out into a sleek reception area. As quietly as she can manage she makes her way over to the gatekeeper. “Hi I have an appointment with Mr.Clark at 8:30? I’m Corinne. Corinne Jessica Morris.” her voice is soft as she makes eye contact with the receptionist who was clearly not expecting to be bothered this early. She types at lightning speed before handing Corinne a security pass and informing her he’d meet her in conference room 5C. 
      She scans her pass and electric glass doors whirr open. Nice touch, we should get those. The office is quiet besides a few early risers who eye her as she walks past, heels clicking on faux marble tiles. Another automatic glass door lets her into the conference room. She’s greeted by a bouquet of flowering dogwoods, white roses and a box from Ladurée with a little note taped to the top— lovely to see you again Connie. “Thank you,” she says to no one in particular as she pops the top off and fingers hover over the rows of delicacies. With a bite she sits and sets her purse down on the table besides her. 
      At exactly 8:40am Mr.Clark strolls around the corner, with a younger man holding a legal pad and a stack of papers in toe. She can’t help but think of Alex who’s timeliness was uncanny and it brings a smile to her face. “Connie,” his tone is sing songy but sounds as though he smokes Cubans at least once every few days. “Mr.Clark,” she says replicating his sing songy tone. He greets her with a kiss atop her knuckles and she struggles to keep her smile from faltering. With his free hand he claps a football player sized palm on the shoulder of his companion. “This here is Garrett, he’s easily one of the, if not the smartest legal minds in the New York office, He’s gonna’ be my running back on this matter,” Garrett greets her with a simple nod and a “nice to meet you,” as he sets his materials down on the table.
      They each receive a copy of her original prenup and Corinne quickly leafs through it. She wonders if her mother envisioned her marrying Ryan-Dean and that’s why she had this made. Corinne wonders if he was even still a possibility. For a brief fleeting moment she wishes she had this meeting in North Carolina, just to ask her mother about the context of this document but alas, she was going to do this alone. “You’re a very attractive woman both on paper and in person, are goal is to protect you and all your assets in the event of a separation,” Clark starts. “Let’s start with the disclosure first,” Garrett pipes up taking a highlighter to the document. “It’s my understanding that you are not yet engaged, right?” He pauses, glancing at Corinne expectantly. She returns his glance with a nod. “So we’ll just be updating the framework of this agreement and retcon any specifications in the event of an engagement,” he says nonchalantly as he scrawls on his legal pad.
      It’s hard to hear of love spoken in such a calculative fashion but, she understands the reasoning behind such a thing. “Let’s begin with the disclosure of assets,” Garrett says. Mr.Clark begins listing off numbers, “Approximate net worth of eight million U.S. dollars which is comprised of property in Adams Morgan, Washington D.C. at an estimated value of 1.7 million U.S. dollars, A 2018 Audi S7 at an approximate value of 92 thousands U.S. dollars, a Roth IRA with a current value of Approximately 1 million U.S. dollars, a 15% share in Morris Consulting Ltd which roughly translates to about 3.2 million U.S. dollars and finally an investment portfolio with an estimated value of 1 million U.S. dollars,” he finishes with a quiet sigh, and Corinne looks between the two of them to see if that’s a good or bad thing. Garrett offers a simple raise of his brow as he goes back to writing on his pad of paper. “Does that sound about right to you miss.Morris,” he asks nonchalantly.  “Yes, it concurs with the information I was given by my financial advisor,” her hands are crossed politely on the table. She wonders what his expression meant. One of surprise at her financial value? Commendation for her self made company? An evaluation of her?
     “Well whoever the guy— or lady, may be, they’ll be one lucky son of a bitch,” he looks up from his writing and smiles. Corinne returns a bashful grin before Mr.Clark interrupts. “But we’ll make sure he’s not too lucky,” He flips to the next page. “One of the main concerns your mother brought to me was your inheritance—” I fucking knew it.”She assumed it’d be a point of contention in the divorce filings so she’d like it included in the prenuptial agreement,” Well that’s probably the most seemingly logical thought she’s had in decades. “Oh, I don’t see why that’d be an issue,” she shrugs and smiles at Mr.Clark who offers her a smile in return. Veneers. For sure. “So the clause we drafted states that your partner receives 10% of the differential between the day the prenuptial is validated and the day the divorce is finalized,” she nods. “You can always fight for less but this felt like an agreeable number,” She nods again. “No, 10 is fine,” in reality she’s lost in her own thoughts— who could theoretically receive all this money? She makes a potential husband shortlist in her mind.
Ryan-Dean Marks
Luka ???
Gavin Moir
     The list is short with reason, yes she would if asked but, they’re all hypotheticals. They’re also all people she wouldn’t mind sharing a life with nor an amicable divorce. Which is a terrible thought to think but its a genuine fear she has. Isn’t the statistic something like 50% of marriages end in divorce? Her parents had their trials and tribulations but, lasted through it all. She knew too many couples that didn’t make it through though, and that’s what really scared her. She always quietly mentions to herself— you’ll be different. you’ll make it work. “Now there’s also alimony, which is sometimes waived but, It’s beneficial to at least set up a framework; less headaches down the road.” Garrett’s voice interrupts her thoughts, and she snaps out of her gaze and turns to him. “Do you plan on having children?” He asks. “Of course,” she replies, sitting a little straighter in her seat. “An increasing number of women are opting not to,” he says almost defensively. “When you have children, child support trumps alimony. It’d be fruitless to define the terms of child support so early on, do remember this is simply a framework.” Mr.Clark adds and both she and Garrett nod in unison.
     “For alimony we’re suggesting the differential of 45% of your net income and 30% of your partners net income.” Garrett says. Is that enough? Is that too much? She doesn’t imagine herself marrying someone so wildly out of her tax bracket but it’s all about protection right? “This seems like a lot of money going out,” her voice is quiet as she inspects the papers before her. “It’ll make the process easier,” “It’s just a framework,” Mr.Clark and Garrett’s voices overlap as they both look at her and she’s frozen in place. Mr.Clark gives Garrett a sideways glance before clearing his throat. “An attractive prenuptial agreement is beneficial for all parties sweetheart, and like Mr.Howard said it’s only a framework, we’ll most definitely do alterations down the line at you or your spouse’s request, alright Connie?” He smiles again, teeth too white and too straight. Corinne returns an uneasy smile and quietly utters “okay,” and that’s how they proceed. For the next hour and a half, outlining the details of the money she’ll split with an invisible suitor. When they finish and walk her to the door, bouquet in one hand and a box of macarons under the other, she thanks them for their time and they thank her for her’s. After a hug from Mr.Clark and handing off her security card to Garrett who says he’ll take care of it she’s left alone with her thoughts.
     She steps into a surprisingly empty elevator and as the doors close with a soft click, she feels a tear roll down her cheek. She uses the back of her hand to wipe it away before the elevator is inundated with more passengers. She’s exhausted, she wants to be back home in D.C. Alone in her bed, with the lights off. She opts for a taxi rather than the train and sits in silence as the financial district passes by her window. She greets the doorman with a strained smile before taking another elevator up to her brother’s apartment. In the silence of the tiled hallway she leans her head against their front door and stifles more tears before taking a deep breath and wiping her tears away as best she could. She unlocks the front door and is greeted by Alessia and her nephew. She can’t help the smile that replaces the tears. “Hey, didn’t know you were back so soon,” Alessia says as she passes Cain off to an awaiting Corinne. “We were just about to go on a walk, you down?” She asks absentmindedly as she packs a diaper bag. “Okay, I’d love to. Lemme’ go change my shoes,” she says softly as she plays with her nephew’s tiny hands. you’ll be different. you’ll make it work.
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higgins5 · 5 years
Tag game
Oof, this is so so late, but I am doing it! And thank you to the lovely @foxsoulcourt for tagging me!
drink: Water, we are being healthy children here 
phone call: My District Manager at work to discuss my transfer
text message: One of my best friends about his terrible life choices (jk but really binge watching a show for 14 hours straight? Boy get to sleep!)
song you listened to: I’m Over You by Bryan James (it may or may not have been on loop for a while)
time you cried: Last Thursday 
dated someone twice: Haha, yep. Didn’t work out, but we’re still friends
kissed someone and regretted it: Not yet!
been cheated on: Unfortunately
lost someone special: I think we all have, but such is life
gotten drunk and thrown up: Oh god no
fave colors? Sea green, storm gray, oh I can’t believe i almost forgot! Really any deep blue or purple, like how the night sky gets just before it’s almost black
made new friends: Multiple, and i am so greatly for all of the lovely people who have graced my life
fallen out of love: Not so much people. But things I believed I loved turned a little false, yes
laughed until you cried: Gosh, all the time. It’s awful, I call it my seal laugh because I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe and i’m just doubled over hitting a table or my leg to express my joy because that’s all I can do
found out someone was talking about you: Just two weeks ago! And honestly I hate that. Like if you’re gonna talk bad about me just do it to my face. I’ll find out one way or another, might as well be from you
met someone who changed you: Some good people, some not so good people. But I believe it was all for a reason
found out who your friends are: Yes
kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Hmm... Well, I do not actually have a Facebook so I guess that would be a no
how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I guess I can clarify about FB here. My parents were always freaked out about the internet so never let me get one, and being a good child I never did- plus I was just not interested, so I just... never got around to it in adulthood. AND like whenever I needed to talk to a friend through FB I just used my parents page cause that was their solution, so there was no real need. But like, from the friends I had on my mom’s page yes, I know all of them irl
do you have any pets: SEVERAL AND I LOVE ALL OF MY FURRY CHILDREN! I have an 11yo poodle/terrier mix (mom was a poodle, dad was the terrier next door. Truly a scandal) named Bear and i love my grumpy old man to death; a 2yo boxer/husky mix we rescued that was originally supposed to be a lab which was a total lie named Nutmeg, but it’s okay I love my babe even if i can take her on a 3mi run and she’s still ready to run 3 more; an 8yo wonderfully affectionate and beautiful tabby cat named Willow; a 6 year old (oh my god, she’s 6, it feels like yesterday she was a satellite dish in a collar that meowed) purring machine tabby cat named Sage; and two beautiful girls. Lagertha and Gwenievere are two very playful and loving one year old dumbo eared rats
do you want to change your name: Eh, not really. I’ve had it for this long, might as well keep it
what did you do for your last birthday: Oh that was so fun. I went to the Melting pot (this fancy fondue place, so good) With a couple of friends and had a really great time, even though someone got me crayons as a gag gift (I.... hate, crayons with a PASSION, but she’s known me for like 10 years so of course I accepted.... hesitantly)
what time did you wake up today: Like 7:30? but i didn’t actually leave my bed until 9ish because don’t be fooled, I am not a morning person. I just run because I’m an idiot
what were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: Figure out where life is taking me and then be a bomb ass bitch at it
what are you listening to right now: X&Y by Coldplay
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have, and he is a lovely person. Go talk to a Tom everybody, nice people
something that gets on your nerves: Horrible people. Like just those people that are horrible for no absolute reason. Like grow up, get a life, why do you have to make other people just because you’re unhappy. there are many people you could see for help and I have a number you can call if you need a recommendation 
most visited website: Probably a tie between Tumblr, Youtube, and Spotify
hair color: Well, naturally I am blonde but rn it’s a reddish auburn color (but hey, people ask me all the time if it’s my natural color so who knows maybe i was destined for this shade)
long or short hair: ish? It’s growing from a pixie (that I might go back to soon) so its like... not quite shoulder length yet but give it another month and we might be there
what do you like about yourself: You know what, i’m gonna give myself some love and say everything. Lol, but as a serious answer probably my personality/nature. I have a very big heart but am also incredibly sarcastic so it is a delicate balance 
want any piercings: SO many. I’m saving up to get my nose done soon (nostril) and later I’ll get my daith, helix, third piercing in my lobe, tragus, and maybe rook
blood type: Some kinda O? Honestly for someone who donates blood as much as I do, I should really know (but important blood donation note, if you wish to make sure not to do it too frequently! Healthy people = healthy blood = healthy donation receivers!)
nicknames: Gosh, too many to type. Apparently I’m just nick namey. But uhhh, the most common: Ash, Ashbash, Higgins, Higgy, Higgs, Figgins, Chief 
relationship status: Single
zodiac sign: I’m one of the twin fish babes, Pisces all the way
pronouns: She/Her
fave tv show: Don’t watch as much tv as I used to but Supernatural is always a good go to (recently I’ve been watching a lot of HGTv and doctor Phil and Hallmark with my mom though, if that’s anything)
tattoos: None (yet)
right or left handed: right handed, I’m basically useless with my left (unless an instrument is involved)
ever had surgery: Nope, and hopefully we keep that trend goin!
piercings: two ear piercings 
sports: Uh... in High School I was pretty active and track and I was a competitive shooter (air rifles- but I’m from Texas so). Nothing in college at the moment, I might try out for the track team just cause i miss bein a part of stuff
vacation: I am broke, I can only dream (but I do really wanna travel, so gotta save up!)
trainers: my totally stylish suede brown vans are my go to, but Adidas for running
eating: Currently? Nothing, but I did have some steamed broccoli and carrots&rice, and grilled chicken for dinner
drinking: Orange Juice
I’m about to watch: Absolutely nothing
waiting for: Didn’t I already answer this? it’s so much pressure. Uh... change?
want: To be successful in whatever I 
get married: Eventually
career: Haven’t gotten there yet, but everyday is one step closer
hugs or kisses: Depends on who and when
lips or eyes: Eyes. First thing I notice
shorter or taller: At 5′3 I don’t think I can even pretend to say i’m tall
older or younger: I probably fall more on the younger spectrum
nice arms or stomach: Yes
hookup or relationships: I am a committed relationship kinda person all the way. Never really understood the whole hookup thing but to each their own
troublemaker or hesitant: A hesitant troublemaker is probably more me. I say I try to stay out of trouble, but it just kinda finds me
kissed a stranger: No
drunk hard liquor: Yes
lost glasses: Ugh, all the time, worst is when I lose my contacts AND glasses
turned someone down: Yes
sex on the first date: Not my style
broken someone’s heart: Yes
had your heart broken: In love and life
been arrested: Nope, and i’d like to keep it that way!
cried when someone died: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
yourself: Well someone has to, so might as well be me!
miracles: I do. And if they aren’t true, at least the belief of their existence helps make their outcome possible
love at first sight: In some fairytale world maybe, but for me, nah
kiss on the first date: Possibly
angels: Yes. Of what way and form I think that’s for you to decide
best friend’s name: I have a couple because there is too much life to only need one person in it! Lexi+Brittany+Mauricio+Imaya from all the way back to middle school and Ronan (a recent addition)
And even if we don’t talk every day of our lives I know they’ll always be there for me when I need them. Good or bad. And they know I would do the same. That’s all that really matters in the end. They’re my little chosen family
(oh that got a bit sappy, okay moving on)
eye color: Light blue? Blue? I dunno, people say it’s pretty so I go with it
fave movie: Don’t really have one...
favorite actor: Yeah... same with movies, don’t have one of those either
extrovert or introvert: I like to call myself an introverted extrovert
favorite flower: white peonies 
favorite hello kitty character? I wasn’t aware there were characters aside from hello kitty....
oof this is a long post, but very fun to do! Hopefully y’all haven’t done this yet but if so well I’m gonna tag you anyways @i-h8-u-no-u-dont @pansexualpandion @rvmengf @egglorru @it-has-the-gay-fanfiction and really @ anyone who wants to do this! I’d love to see your versions!!
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isolavirtuosa · 3 years
Cass & Dean’s Infinite Playlist 1-5
[fanfiction] Dean/Castiel
Canon Compliant Coda
The one where Dean makes a lot of mixtapes.
Parts 1-5/26 under the cut.  Referenced songs playlist on Spotify.
- 1 -
  As the last strains of High Voltage faded out, I reached over to the cassette player and hit ‘eject’, ready for something different.  I eased Baby into the shoulder out of habit, and started rifling through my cassette collection.  Something out of place caught my eye, and I pulled the tape out, squinting at it.
Deans top 13 Zepp TRAXX
I ran my thumb over the lettering, the prayer escaping my lips before I was even aware of what I was doing.  “Cass…”
He was just suddenly there beside me.  “Hello, Dean,” he said, his expression… soft?  Was he actually… smiling?
“Cass?” I repeated, completely thrown off.
“Yes,” he agreed.
“You’re… here.”
I stared at him.
He stared back, still smiling.
“Where the hell have you been?” I finally mumbled, looking away.  The last time I’d seen him was in the storage room of the bunker after he pushed me away and disappeared into the Empty.
“I’m sorry, Dean, I was waiting for your prayer.  I didn’t want to intrude.”
There was a lot to unpack in that.  “It’s not an intrusion,” I grumbled, elbowing him.  “And I prayed to you every night on earth after you…  I prayed every night.”
“I know,” he said, his tone taking on a regretful tinge.  “I would have come to you if I could have.”
I shrugged, fingers still running over the mixtape.
“I couldn’t hear your prayers in the Empty,” he explained, head tilted as he tried to peer up at me.
“Kinda figured that,” I said, avoiding his gaze.
“Yeah?” I asked, letting my gaze flick to him.
Blue eyes sucked me in.  “You’re being avoidant,” he said.  “Anyway, when Jack pulled me out of the Empty, my vessel was destroyed-”
“Uhh,” I said, looking his trench-coated frame up and down.
“It was a whole thing, Dean.”
“A whole thing?” I repeated with a snort.
“Yes, the entire universe almost ceased to exist, but anyway, Jack was finally able to recreate my vessel,” he explained without actually explaining anything.  “Unfortunately, you were already gone by that time.”
“Gone, right,” I said, huffing out a laugh.
The light seemed to go out of Cass’s eyes, and he reached his hand out, resting it heavily on my shoulder.  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there,” he said quietly.  “I reached out to you when I could, and I thought you felt me, but…”
I thought of all those nights I stumbled into my bed, not quite drunk so I wouldn’t worry Sammy, hugging Miracle to my chest and mumbling stupid prayers into his fur, saying things like, “Cass, if you’re out there, please…?”
And sometimes I would hear a sound that made me think of the fluttering of wings, and I would feel a warmth like the hand currently pressed to my shoulder.  Those nights I would fall right to sleep, no tossing and turning, no nightmares, and I would wake up feeling… okay.
“Yeah, I…” I trailed off, then shrugged his hand away as I moved to press the tape I’d been holding into the cassette deck.  The familiar sound of Jimmy Page’s guitar filled the car.
Cass seemed like he wanted to say something.
“I wanna drive,” I told him, moving to put the car back in gear.
“We are in a car,” he said slowly, like he was puzzling out a riddle.
“Perfect,” I said, pulling back onto the road.
What was it Cass had said before?
You’re being avoidant.
I fixed my eyes on the road, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel.
We were usually good at comfortable silence, but there was something lying between us unspoken, straining the silence into something awkward.
So I started singing.
The tension seemed to drain, and I could feel Cass smiling again.  Then he shocked the hell out of me and started to sing along with me.
Anyone who had ever talked about someone having the ‘voice of an angel’ had clearly never heard an actual angel sing.  Cass was mostly tone deaf, though he could occasionally find the melody.
That didn’t really matter to me, though.  We sang as loudly as we wanted, smiling and laughing, and I knew I had my best friend back, like nothing had changed.
Like I wasn’t dead, and he wasn’t the leader of heaven, and he hadn’t said all those things that he said before he went away.
Nothing had changed.
It was my car, and I could be as avoidant as I wanted to.
We were on our second rendition of Immigrant Song when Cass’s voice faded out and he tilted his head, eyes squinted in concentration.
“Dean, I have to go,” he finally said.
“Duty calls,” I said with a shrug.
“Yes,” he agreed.  “But if you find yourself in need of a passenger again, you know how to reach me.”
And then he was gone, before I could get a word out, much less give him his tape back.  So I left it in the deck and sang by myself.
 - 2 -
  Cass didn’t always come immediately when I called.  Sometimes he would appear hours later, looking disheveled.
“Work,” he would explain.
“Tough bein’ the boss,” I’d agree, then I’d go back to driving.
Today we were listening to Metallica.
“It’s a little… loud…” Cass decided.
“Yeah, man, that’s what metal is,” I said, nodding my head to the music.
“But I can’t really hear the words…”
“You a lyrics guy, Cass?”
“Yes, definitely,” he said with a nod.  “I’ve always appreciated the work of poets.”
“Well James Hetfield is a hell of a poet,” I informed him.
Cass squinted, like that would help him hear the music better.
“You wanna borrow a tape?” I offered.  “Listen to it with your headphones?”
“Will that make it less loud?” he asked.
I laughed, shaking my head.  “You sound like an old grandpa.”
“Well, Jack has created many angels, so I would say technically-”
“Uh-uh, no way, that doesn’t count,” I protested, mostly because I didn’t want to be a grandpa, either.
“Could you…?” he started to say, then hesitated.
“What?” I asked, smacking his arm.  “Speak up.”
“Could you… maybe… make me another mixed tape?” he asked, almost shyly.
“Sure,” I said agreeably.
“It’s not too much trouble?”
“Oh, well, you know, I’ll try and fit it into my busy schedule of doing nothing all day.”
“I am being serious, you don’t have to go out of your way-”
“I want to, Cass,” I interrupted him.
“Oh,” he said.  “Thank you.”
“You like mixtapes that much?”
“Well I only have the one,” he said.  “But I treasure it.”
“Is that why you left it in my car?” I teased him.
“Dean, you know why I left it in your car.”
“Do I?” I hummed.
“Dean,” he said, in that way of his that somehow imbued deep yet unfathomable meaning into a single syllable as he stared right inside of me like I was made of glass.
“Yeah, yeah, you wanted me to call,” I said, waving it off.  “You know, you could have just come here yourself directly instead of playing phone tag.”
“I didn’t want to-”
“-intrude, yeah, you said that,” I interrupted him, rolling my eyes.  “Cass, you’re not an intrusion, you’re family.”
His head tilted and his lips parted.  He hesitated.  “I wasn’t sure if that was still true?”
I took my eyes off the road and looked him fully in the eye.  “Don’t be stupid,” I said, then fixed my eyes forward again.
Cass breathed out a little huff of a laugh.  “Okay, Dean, I will try not to be.”
“Family’s family,” I grumbled at him.
“I know,” he said softly.  “It was just… a very long time before you called.”
We were both quiet, the sound of Cliff Burton’s Orion bass line filling the Impala.
“How long have I been dead?” I asked suddenly.
“Years,” Cass replied, a slight catch to his voice.
“Just feels like a few weeks to me,” I said.  “I’m sorry, man, I didn’t realize…”
“I know,” he said again, and he did know.  “I just got… impatient.”
I grinned at that, taking a hand off the wheel to squeeze his shoulder.  “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”
Cass breathed in sharply at the touch, and it was like a jolt of electricity passed between us.
I patted his arm as a means to quickly reclaim my hand without seeming like I was quickly reclaiming my hand.  I placed it firmly back on the wheel.  “So, what do you want on your mixtape?”
He looked at me for a long while.  You’re being avoidant, his eyes informed me.
“Your favorite Metallica songs,” he finally said.  “Like on the Zepp Traxx mixed tape.  I can feel your soul clearly through each song.”
“My soul?” I snorted.
“Music is very powerful,” he stated seriously.
“Really, Cass, my soul?”
“Yes, really,” he said, his nose scrunching up like I was offending him with my disbelief.  “Every song told a story about you and your history, about your parents, about Sam…”
“Uh, they’re just songs,” I said, wondering how it was that dead guys could blush.  “Really friggin’ awesome songs, but just songs.”
“No, a mixed tape is definitely the sacred sharing of your soul,” he said with a shake of his head.
“I’m sorry, do you keep saying ‘mixed tape’?” I asked, desperate for a subject change.
“Okay, but it’s just mix, Cass,” I informed him.  “Mixtape.”
“That’s what I said.  Mixed tape.”
“Dean,” he growled at me, and I didn’t know if he was annoyed at me for pointing out his mistake, his inability to understand his mistake, his understanding that I was trying to distract him so we didn’t have to talk about real things, or a combination of all three.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said.  “One soulful mixtape coming up.”
It took a while to curate the right songs.  A mixtape couldn’t be rushed.
Okay, so maybe Cass wasn’t so completely off with his chick flick mumbo jumbo.
I tried to have a new tape for him every time he appeared in my passenger seat.
His smile always took over his face as he reached out to accept the latest one, teeth flashing and eyes crinkling in a way that just made it seem like all was right with the world.
 - 3 -
  “This is not your car.”
“Correct,” I said, glancing up from the TV and grinning at Cass.  “You’re just in time.”
“Hey, Cass,” Sam said, giving him a pained look.
“Sam,” he said, smiling warmly at my brother.
“Get out while you can,” Sam whispered.
Cass’s head tilted to the side.
“Come on, Sammy, you love Clint Eastwood.”
“No, Dean, that’s you.”
“Everyone loves Clint Eastwood.”
“Is some kind of romantic entanglement happening?” Cass asked, looking thoroughly confused.
“We’re watching a movie,” I explained, patting the empty couch cushion between me and Sam.
Cass sat down gingerly, like he thought the couch might explode.
“We’ve already watched two,” Sam said, making a face.
“And now Cass is here, so we’re all gonna watch another one.”
“Oh my god, you are so uncool with your old ass cowboy movies,” Sam groaned.
“Uh, that’s not true,” I said, looking at him incredulously.  “I am extremely cool, I have excellent taste, and you like Titanic.”
“Who ever said that I like Titanic?!” Sam demanded.
I just stared at him knowingly.
“Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” he grumbled, looking away and fixing his eyes back on the TV.  “You’re the one who likes Winslet’s rack.”
“I don’t know what either of you are talking about,” Cass offered in a weirdly upbeat voice.
“Have some popcorn,” I suggested, taking the bowl off the side table and passing it to him.
“I do not mind if I do,” he said, accepting it.
“Okay, everyone ready?” I asked, getting excited.
Sam groaned like a drama queen, and Cass started stuffing his mouth with popcorn, so I took that for a ‘yes’ and started up The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
I immediately got lost in the story, mouthing along with the words.
Sometimes I would catch Cass watching me instead of the screen, an amused look on his face.  I would elbow him sharply and redirect him to the very important action happening on the screen.
Sam fell asleep.
As the credits started to roll, I gave Cass a devious smile and nodded my head towards my sleeping brother.
He squinted at me.
I got up and snuck over to the fridge, pulling out some whipped cream.  Sam had his right arm sprawled out at his side, his hand palm up in such an inviting and welcoming gesture.
Cass tilted his head to the side.
I flashed him a grin, then sprayed the whipped cream into Sam’s open palm.
“What are you-?” he tried to ask, but I silenced him with a finger to my lips.
“Tickle his nose,” I whispered.
“Tickle.  His.  Nose.”
“Dean, I-”
“Do it,” I coaxed him.
So he did.
Sam immediately reached up to scratch his nose, smearing whipped cream all over his face and waking up with a start.
I doubled over laughing.
“What…?” Sam mumbled confused.
I laughed harder.
“Dean, that was very childish,” Cass said, shaking his head but with a fond smile.
“Did you…?” Sam groaned, starting to come fully awake.
I grinned at him, waving the can of whipped cream.
There was no hesitation as Sam suddenly leapt up from the couch and tackled me to the ground.
The air knocked out of me momentarily before I remembered that I didn’t actually have lungs, and then I was struggling to keep my face away from his whipped cream-covered hand, holding his forearm desperately with both hands.
“Come on, Dean, you know you want some,” Sam taunted me as he hulked over me.
“Nah, Sammy, that’s all for you,” I grunted, watching as his hand got closer and closer.
It was a futile effort, and Sam gleefully smeared my face with whipped cream.
I groaned, flopping back on the ground in defeat.  There was whipped cream in my eyelashes.
Sam sat up, laughing triumphantly.
“You know, Cass is the one who scratched your nose,” I pointed out, glaring at the whipped cream-free angel hovering over us.
“I’m sure he didn’t know what you were up to,” Sam said, but he glanced towards Cass.
“Actually, Sam, I did have an inkling of what Dean was up to,” Cass answered honestly.
Sam looked at me.
I raised my eyebrows at him.
Sam glanced at Cass again, but this time his sight line was lower.
I nodded.
We both moved at the same instant, Sam grabbing Cass’s legs, and me scooping up the can of whipped cream from the floor and spraying it all over his face.
Cass looked incredulous.
I reached over and scooped some whipped cream from his nose with my finger, taking a taste.  “We got ourselves some angel pie.”
Sam snorted, letting go of Cass’s legs and standing up beside me.
Slowly Cass’s incredulous look melted away, his nose scrunching up and his eyes crinkling in a full-out laugh.
I found myself staring.
“You both are children,” Cass decided, still smiling happily.
And suddenly I was a teenager, and Sam was a pre-teen, and that was weird.
Cass snapped his fingers, clean and put together again.  “I have to get back to work, but this has been mildly amusing,” he said.  “Stay out of trouble, you two,” he said, laughing like that was a funny joke.
Sam and I exchanged baffled looks.  I had to admit, though, that I liked looking down on my shrimpy brother.
Then Cass was gone, and I found myself shifting back to my usual form of 30-something Dean, with Sam towering over me.
“He is such a weird little man,” I said, spraying some whipped cream in my mouth.
“Says the biggest weirdo of them all,” Sam muttered, wiping his face off on his shirt.
“How am I weird?!” I cried.
Sam just gave me one of his Sam Looks, and I rolled my eyes.
I started cleaning up the living room, occasionally taking another hit from the whipped cream.
“So was there a special reason for this movie marathon torture session?” Sam asked, straightening up the throw pillows.
“Uh, does there need to be a special reason to watch the greatest movie trilogy of all time?”
“Dean, you’ve made me watch them a million times.”
“So what’s a million times more?” I asked with a shrug.  “Besides, I wanted Cass to watch The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”
“Okay, so why did I have to be here for that?”
“No reason,” I said, making a big deal of picking up the spilled popcorn from the floor.
“Oh, no, Dean, you’re not being cagey at all.”
“‘Cagey’?” I repeated, throwing my hands up at the ridiculousness of the accusation.  “Who’s being cagey?”
He gave me another Sam Look.  “Do you not want to be alone with Cass for some reason?”
“What?” I said, like that was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard.  “We’re alone in my car all the time.”
Sam shrugged, but he was still giving me that fucking look.
I decided to ignore him and finished cleaning up.
 - 4 -
  “Ah, we’re back to your car.”
“Just wanted to hit the road,” I said, eyes fixed forward.  “Figured you might not mind co-piloting.”
“Yes, that supposition was correct,” Cass said, leaning back more comfortably into the passenger seat and loosening his tie.  He’d been doing weird things like that lately; acting more human.
I cleared my throat.
Those warm eyes flicked to me.  “How are you, Dean?  It’s been a while.”
“Same old, same old,” I said.  “Hey, I’ve got something for you in the glove box,” I continued, already reaching over and pulling it open.  My fingers settled around the tape, and I passed it to Cass.
“Thank you,” he said, his touch lingering as he took the tape from me.  “I’ve been enjoying the Creedence Clearwater Revival Ultimate Mixx very much.  Fortunate Son, it’s very… interesting.”
“Yeah, I noticed you liked that one,” I said, remembering the way his brow furrowed with confusion as he asked, ‘who exactly is this ‘fortunate’ ‘son’?’, misusing air quotes like usual.
“Bowie?” Cass asked, squinting at the tape.
“David Bowie,” I explained.
“Oh, yes, the star man,” he mused, still looking at the tape.
I reached over again to close the glove box, only to have a couple of tapes come flying out.
Cass leaned over to pick them up.  “Dean and Sam’s Awesome Road Trip?” he read.  “Wayward Son, Ocean Daughter…”
“Yeah, uh, I kinda… those are for Sam and my mom,” I said.
“You made them mixtapes?”
“Mm, you… inspired me, you know?” I said, keeping my eyes fixed forward.  “I mean, I know mixtapes are kinda our thing, but…”
“I think that’s lovely,” Cass said, carefully returning the tapes to the glove box.  His hand hesitated for a moment.  “So they’re not just one band…?”
“Nah, it’s more… songs that make me think of them?  Or like songs we have memories about?”
Cass was still hesitating.  “Could we… could we listen to the Sam tape?  If it’s not too intrusive, I mean.”
“What is with you and worrying about being intrusive?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
“It just seems like a very personal thing, Dean, and I don’t want to overstep,” he said, already taking his hand away from the tape.
“It’s fine, Cass,” I said, reaching over and pulling out the tape.  This time I shut the glove box properly.
“You don’t mind?”
“I don’t mind,” I said, pushing the tape into the cassette deck.  “You’re family, Cass.”  I was glad he didn’t ask to listen to my mom’s tape, though.  Mom and I had gotten thirty seconds into Simple Man and both done this very awkward ‘crying but not crying’ thing with tears streaming down our faces.  By the time we got to Hey, Jude I had to pull the car over.
Sam’s mix was not that kind of tape.
“I never meant to be so bad to you.  One thing I said that I would never do.  A look from you and I would fall from grace.  And it would wipe the smile right from my face,” came the opening lines from Asia.
“It was the heaaaaat of the mooomeeent!” I sang along cheerfully.
“This song reminds you of Sam?” Cass asked, genuinely confused.
I turned to him, grinning.  “He gets so angry every time he hears it.”
“So you thought you would include it on tape that you listen to together?”
“Yes, exactly.”
“That does sound like you.”
I laughed.  “I guess this is the song that played every morning when Gabe trapped us in the Mystery Spot where I kept dying and Sam had to keep reliving the day over and over.”
“Dean, that sounds very traumatic for Sam.”
“Nah, it’s hilarious.”
“Okay, well, please do not put songs that make me think of you dying on my mixtapes.”
“Do you even have songs like that?” I asked.  I didn’t really know what he listened to when I wasn’t around that would take him in that direction.
“I… I don’t know,” he said, sounding thoughtful.  “I guess sometimes the poets’ lyrics make me think of you, and I… I don’t like those kinds of songs.”
“You don’t like songs that make you think of me?”
“I don’t like songs that make me think of you dying.”
“Well I am dead, Cass.”
His unhappiness was radiating off of him in waves.
I kept my eyes on the road, but I reached over my hand, letting it rest at the back of his neck.  “Hey, man, come on.  You know we all need a little gallows humor sometimes.”
“We most certainly do not.”
I let him sulk for a while, rubbing the back of his neck until he finally started to relax.
“I thought you did not like these kinds of hair bands,” he finally commented.
“I like them occasionally,” I said, taking my hand back and turning the volume up.  “On a steeeeel horse I riiiide,” I sang along to Bon Jovi.
“Are there songs that make you think of me?” he asked.
I thought about it.  “I dunno, I mean, we just started this whole carpool karaoke thing in heaven, so most of the songs I associate with you are from that.”
“What about the lyrics?”
“You mean like a song that has lyrics that make me think of you?”
I thought about it, and without thinking enough to put a filter between my brain and my mouth, I said, “I’ll Be There.”
“I’ll Be There?” Cass repeated.
I wondered if I just didn’t answer if we could drop the whole subject.
“Who sings it?”
“No one.”
“Oh, is it an instrumental song?”
I didn’t answer.
“Dean, you are making this very mysterious,” he said.  “Do you have it on one of your tapes?  Maybe we could listen-”
I was pretty sure Cass was pouting, but I definitely wasn’t going to look to check.
“Then I’ll pop down to Earth-”
“Am I not allowed to listen to it?”
“Forget I said anything.”
“How am I supposed to forget something so important?”
“It’s not important at all!”
“It’s important to me.”
“You are being infuriating.”
“It is certainly not good, Dean.”
I shrugged, slouching more comfortably in my seat and returning to my mixtape.  “I was a little too tall, could've used a few pounds.  Tight pants, points hardly renowned…”
“Your singing has lost its charm,” Cass told me moodily.
“She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes,” I continued to sing.  “And points all her own, sitting way up high.”
He frowned at me, but by the time I hit the chorus he was rolling his eyes and letting a little half-smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
 - 5 -
  I thought I made it out of that one, but the next time Cass appeared in my passenger seat, he was grinning from ear to ear.
“You get laid or something?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” he asked, his nose scrunching up.  “No, of course not.”
I shrugged.  “What did you think of Bowie?”
“Oh, Dean, I really enjoyed him,” he said, nodding enthusiastically.  “The one with the space explorer, it was just… I didn’t really understand it, but I could feel it.”
Space explorer… astronaut… Major Tom?  I always had to do mental gymnastics to figure out what the hell Cass was talking about.  “Space Oddity?” I asked.
“Yes, yes, that was the name,” he said.  “It really told a story, didn’t it?”
“It’s a classic,” I agreed.
“Speaking of classics,” he said, going back to that dopily happy smile of his.  “The Jackson 5.”
I took my eyes off of the road to glare at him.
“Pretty classic, right?” he said, and he looked so fucking happy that I couldn’t even continue being a dick to him.
“Yep,” I said, pointedly looking away.
“I really connected with the words the prepubescent boy was singing,” he said, practically glowing as he spoke.  “You… Dean, you know me so well.  That song.  It’s exactly how I feel.”
“Come on, man, it wasn’t that deep,” I said, shifting uncomfortably.  “It’s just a cheesy bubblegum kiddie song.”
“Not to me,” Cass said, shaking his head.  “Not to us.”
“Cass, don’t get all sappy on me,” I grumbled.  “I thought you were starting to develop pretty good taste in music.”
“You’re the one who recommended the song.”
“I didn’t recommend it!  I just said it…” I trailed off and mumbled, “…makes me think of you.”
“You know if you call my name, I will be there,” he pointed out to me.
“Well, you are an angel, so it’s kind of your job to answer prayers and all that,” I muttered, wishing he would just drop the subject.
“I do not personally answer most prayers addressed to me,” he said.  “Unless they are yours.”
“You answer Sam sometimes.”
“Yes, well, he’s family, so sometimes I feel obligated,” Cass agreed, “but if you both prayed to me at the same time, I would definitely ignore him and answer you.”
I turned to look at him, and he gave me a surprisingly shit-eating grin.
“Don’t ignore my brother,” I told him, trying not to smile back.
“But I don’t like him as much as I like you,” he said, giving me a nose-crinkling smile.
“You’re an angel, Cass, you’re not supposed to play favorites,” I scolded him, looking away quickly.
“Too late for that,” he said cheerfully.  “Unless you think I should confess my love to Sam next?”
I swallowed.
My mouth felt dry.
“I was joking.”
I still didn’t know what to say.
“Dean, are we still not talking about it?” Cass asked, and he sounded weary.
“…talking about what…?” I finally spoke.
I could feel him glaring at me.  “It is insulting when you do that, you know.”
“Do what?” I complained.
“You know exactly what we are talking about Dean, and pretending that you do not belittles my feelings.”
I sighed, running a hand through my hair.  “I’m not trying to… I mean it’s not like…” I trailed off uncertainly.
“I love you, Dean,” he said, soft but assured.
“I know,” I answered quietly.
“Good.  That’s all I ask.”
“…you don’t mind that you just got Han Solo’d?” I asked, trying to make things light again.
“It’s kind of nice, actually.”
“You are so weird…”
“You realize this is the first time you’ve directly acknowledged my feelings?” he pointed out.
“It’s… not…” I tried to protest, but of course he was right.
We didn’t talk about feelings.
“Do not make me hide how I feel, Dean,” he said quietly.  “That is all I am asking.”
“You don’t have to hide, Cass,” I said.  “That’s my M.O.”
“I wish you would not hide, either.”
“Can’t get everything you want.”
“No, you cannot,” he agreed.
I turned up the volume and kept driving.
0 notes
buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Stepping Up: Part 5
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Pairings: Chibs x Reader, Past Jax x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 4,197
Stepping Up Masterlist   Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
“And with that, we are officially moved in.” You said as you tossed the last empty box out the side door toward the trash cans. With a loud sigh you closed the door that lead to the kitchen in your new house. It had only taken you a week to find and a day after you got your full cast taken off and a half cast put on, you moved in. You now lived exactly 3 minutes away from the club, 5 minutes from Jax, and 6 minutes from Opie and Gemma. You were smack dab in the middle of SAMCRO whether you liked it or not.
“I vote for a beer an’ a dip in the pool… well, a beer for me an’ juice for ye.” Chibs said as he put the last stack of dishes in the cabinet. You rolled your eyes as you rubbed your hand over your barely there 11 week along baby bump.
“I hate you.” You grumbled as you gave him a kiss on the cheek as you walked out of the kitchen. “I’ll go see if Kelsi has organized her dollies enough.” You heard someone ring your doorbell and you changed direction as you looked over your shoulder at your fiancé. “You can go check on Kelsi. I’ll get the door for our first actual visitor.” He chuckled and called out Kelsi’s name as you headed toward the door. You smiled as you opened it for Gemma but that smile didn’t last long with the look on her face.
“Hey, sweetheart.” She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. Panic started to constrict your lungs as you shook your head.
“What happened?” She gave you a weak smile before stepping to the side to reveal a young girl. You took one look at her and knew exactly who she was.
“Kerrianne.” You whispered softly as you looked at your fiancé’s brown eyes and the shape of his face. You blanched for a second before checking yourself. “Sorry, come in.” Gemma shook her head as she gently pressed Kerrianne forward.
“I can’t stay. I have a doctors appointment I can’t miss.” You nodded as you let your future step daughter into the entry way. “Call you later.” You nodded at Gem as she took off and ran to her car. You shook your head slightly and closed the door as Kerrianne looked at the family photos you had on the wall.
“Hey babe! You wanna come out here?” You called out as you gestured toward your living room. You could hear your daughters peels of laughter as Chibs carted her out into the living room on his shoulder.
“Peanut thinks the pool is a… Kerrianne?” He stopped halfway into the living room as his eyes landed on his daughter. You quickly walked over and took Kelsi from him. “What’re ye doin’ ‘ere, love?” You watched as tears welled in the young girl’s eyes and she shook her head.
“The Kings… they killed mum and tried ta go afta me. I didn’t know where else ta go.” Chibs walked briskly across the room and wrapped his daughter in his arms.
“Mumma, who is that?” You looked at Kelsi and gave her a weak smile.
“That’s da’s daughter. Come on, baby girl. Let’s go get your bathing suit on so they can talk.” You looked over at Chibs once more and headed back toward the rooms as Kelsi began a rapid fire of 20 questions.
“Is she gunna be my new friend? Do I have ta share my toys with her? Is she nice?” You chuckled as you set your daughter on the floor of her room.
“Hey, blabber mouth. Get your bathing suit on so we can go swimming.” She jumped up and down before grabbing a bathing suit out of a drawer under her new princess castle bed.
“Do I gots to share da with her?” You kneeled down on the floor and took a deep breath as she handed you her bathing suit.
“Yea, you will just like with the new baby. But that doesn’t mean that da will love you any less.” She nodded as she quickly got undressed.
“Do I gots to share daddy, too?” You giggled and shook your head.
“No, baby. Daddy is all yours for right now.” She nodded again as she put her hand on your shoulder for balance. You could tell just by the look on her face that she was deep in thought.
“Can she come swim with me?” You smiled and shrugged your shoulders as you pulled up her Little Mermaid one piece.
“We’ll ask her another time, Kels. Her and da have a lot of catching up to do.” Kelsi nodded as she adjusted the straps on her bathing suit while you stood up.
“Is she my sister like the baby in your belly?” You nodded as your too smart for her own good two year old followed you down the short hall to your room.
“She is your step sister. Just like da is your step dad.” Kelsi nodded as she climbed up onto your bed using the little step ladder at the foot you had bought her.
“She’s not like the evil step sisters though, right mumma?” You laughed and shook your head as you pulled on your bikini bottoms.
“No, silly. Evil step sisters are just in the movies.” You giggled to yourself as you grabbed a bikini top from the drawer. You brow furrowed as you realized you only owned ones that tied and that wasn’t happening with your cast on. With a small groan, you put one on and looked at Kelsi as you held the strings tight behind your back. “Come on, pumpkin head.” She scrunched up her face at you and huffed before climbing down the side of the bed. You told her to wait by the back door before walking into the living room hesitantly.
“Chibs? Sorry…” He turned around to look at you before getting up and coming to help you.
“She’s movin’ in.” He said softly as he took the strings from you. You nodded as he tied them for you.
“Guess it’s a good thing we went with the four bedroom.” He kissed your shoulder in thanks as he pat your back. “If she wants to go swimming, I have a bathing suit in the second drawer with the tags still on it.” Chibs nodded as you kissed his cheek.
“Thanks love.” You gave him a small smile and nodded before heading back to the back door.
“Is she coming swimmin’?” Kelsi called out loud enough where Chibs and Kerrianne could hear. You heard your fiancé chuckle and you scowled at your daughter, knowing she did that on purpose.
“Outside, silly.” You said as you unlocked the back door and gestured her out back. She ran over to the edge of the pool and turned back to look at you while she waited for the OK to go in like she was taught. “Go on.” She squealed and jumped into the shallow end, coming up for air with a laugh. She loved swimming in Gemma and Clay’s pool and it took a minute to find a house in Charming that had a pool in it. You got really lucky with this one.
After a half an hour, the backdoor opened. You looked up and smiled as Kerrianne walked out in your new bathing suit with Chibs right behind her. Kelsi, who apparently suddenly lost her shy streak, swam over to the stairs, got out, and ran up to her sister.
“Come on, it’s OK. You’re my sister now.” She grabbed Kerrianne’s hand and nearly dragged her back to the pool. You smiled at your daughter as she confidently walked down the stairs with her older sister behind her.
“How is she?” You asked Chibs as he sat down on the side of the pool by you and lowered himself into the water.
“Petrified that they’ll find ‘er. Sad at the loss’a ‘er mum. Unsure ‘bout bein’ ‘ere wit’ us.” You nodded as Kelsi began to get to know Kerrianne by asking a million questions.
“Understandable. How are you?” You glanced over at him as you laced your fingers with his under the crystal clear water. He shrugged as he watched his daughters.
“Scared. I know nothin’ ‘bout ‘er.” You nodded as you reached over and turned his face toward you with your finger.
“We’ll get there as a family. You’re not in this alone.” He nodded as you gave him a chaste kiss. “I’m sorry about Fi.” You met his slightly tear filled eyes and gave him a weak smile.
“Thanks, love.” You gave him one more peck before resting your casted arm back on the wall to watch the two young girls.
“Kerrianne! You’re gunna be late!” You called out as you tried to move quickly around your kitchen despite your giant baby bump. You served your step daughters breakfast and handed her the plate as she slid into the kitchen in her socks.
“Thanks, (Y/N).” You smiled at her as she carried her plate back to her room to finish getting ready for school. She had lived with you for the past 6 months and she was an absolute angel. She opened up to you and her dad and was such a big help with Kelsi. You had been surprised at first at how well she was adjusting. You were just about to make your and Kelsi’s plate but growled as your doorbell rang.
“Kelsi, let’s go!” You padded over to the door as Kelsi shouted something back to you. With a forced smile, you pulled the front door open.
“Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” A FedEx employee asked as he looked at the envelope he was holding.
“Yea…” He looked up at you and trust the envelope at you.
“You’ve been served.” Your stomach dropped as you took the envelope from him. You numbly headed back into your kitchen as you ripped the envelope open. You tossed it on the table as you tried to figure out what you were being summoned for.
The world around you seemed to stop as you read the words ‘petition for custody’ across the top of the paper. You sank down into the chair as you tried to wrap your head around what was happening. It took a minute for you to react but once you saw the reasoning behind the petition, you were livid. You stormed over and grabbed your phone. You pressed the buttons so hard you though you were going to break your phone as you called Jax to find out what was going on. After one ring, his phone went to voice mail. So you called someone you knew would answer your call.
“Jax filed for custody. Put him on the fucking phone.” You heard your fiancé audibly blanch for a moment.
“‘e WHAT?!” Chibs shouted as you heard the sound of a door bang open. “JACKSON!”
“Filip, I’m gunna fucking kill him.” You said as you scanned through the rest of the papers.
“Not if I kill’m first.” He said as he kicked the clubhouse door open. “Ye fuckin’ think yer filing for custody?!” Chibs shouted.
“PUT HIM ON THE FUCKING PHONE!” You screamed as you looked at the second name on the petition. You heard shouting from the other end and you growled. “Kerrianne! You’re coming to work with me for the morning. Kelsi it’s time to go!” You hung up the phone, knowing you weren’t getting any where with that as Kerrianne and Kelsi came into the kitchen looking slightly confused.
“Why’m I goin’ ta…”
“Not right now, sweetie. We have to go.” She nodded, hearing the anger in your tone.
“C’mon, Kelsi. Le’s go.” You smiled gratefully at your step daughter as you grabbed your purse and turned off the stove. You grabbed the stack of papers and your keys and followed your girls outside. You silently raged the whole way to the club; beyond pissed at the fact that Jax would agree to Tara’s plot to try to take your child from her da. As you pulled into TM, you parked quickly and snatched the papers up.
“Take Kels inside, go to da’s room and stay there for me, please.” You said as you handed Kerrianne your car keys and got out of the car. You could hear the men shouting as you stormed over to the back of the club house. The first thing you saw was Jax’s back. You thought you were angry before but seeing him made it a thousand times worse. You stormed up and sucker punched him from behind.
“What, do you think Tara is gunna raise my fucking daughter?!” You shouted as you chucked the papers at him.
“I didn’t know! I didn’t read it! She told me it was to add me to her insurance.” You shook your head and ignored the pain that was creeping across your stomach.
“How do you not fucking read something like that? Jesus, Jackson… We can’t just stop this. She claimed Filip is a danger to Kelsi…”
“Mother’a Christ.” Chibs groaned as he picked up the papers. You shook your head as tears finally filled your eyes.
“Thank you, so fucking much for ripping my family apart. Tell that fucking…”
“Jax?” The sound of Tara’s voice made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You spun in your spot and your rage finally exploded. You didn’t think about the fact that you were 9 months pregnant as you pulled back and slammed your fist into her jaw. She stumbled and fell to the pavement.
“You fucking bitch!” You screamed as you scrambled to hit her again. You got two more good hits in before you were pulled back away from her. “I fucking hate you! You’re fucking dead!” You screamed as Happy and Chibs pulled you back and lead you to your car. You screamed at them to let you go.
“Love, yer water broke. Yer goin’ ta the ‘ospital.” You shook your head and growled.
“She’s not dead yet.” Happy chuckled as he pulled open the passenger door.
“Ye can kill ‘er later, m’love.”
“Yea, you can bet your fucking ass on that one. Go get our girls, they’re in your room.” Chibs nodded as he buckled your seatbelt. You could hear Jax screaming at Tara as Happy stood next to you, forcing you to stay in the car while Chibs went and got Kerrianne and Kelsi.
Tears filled your eyes at the severity of the situation and you screamed and punched your dashboard. You knew it was only going to be a matter of time before someone came into your life and told the father of your children that he wasn’t allowed to be near your daughter.
“Get in the fucking car.” Jax snapped as he nearly shoved Tara toward her car.
“Jax…” You glared at the woman as Jax yanked the door open to the car next to you.
“Don’t. I told you to leave this alone. You are not her mother, she is.” He pointed at you as Happy put his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your chair. “I don’t want custody of Kelsi. I can't be the full time father she needs. That’s why I was gunna sign over my rights…”
“Fuck you!” You snapped as Chibs lead your daughters out of the club. “You better watch your back, bitch. You fucked with the wrong family.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” You held up your middle finger as Jax shoved her into her car and slammed the door. He took a step back to show where his loyalties lie as Chibs got Kelsi in the car and Kerrianne got in behind you.
“I’ll fix this, (Y/N).” Jax said as Tara pulled out of the parking lot. Happy stepped to the side to let Jax take his place as Chibs got in the car. “I’m calling the club’s lawyer now to withdraw the petition and to see what I can do about her claim.”
“You need to call Gemma and tell her what’s going on. And let that bitch know if that she isn’t out of fucking Charming by the time I deliver this baby, she’ll wish she was never born.”
Kellan Michael Telford wasn’t two hours old before Wayne Unser, Charming’s chief deputy sheriff came into your hospital room with David Hale and a woman from Child Protective Services, Pat Miller. Once she introduced herself, you took one look at the woman and shook your head before she could go on whatever tangent she had prepared.
“No one in this room is going to speak to you until Jackson Teller and our lawyer are present. I do not give you permission to speak to Kelsi until her father is present.”
“(Y/N)… we have to ask Filip…” Unser tried to say but again, you shook your head.
“Wayne, you know as well as I do Filip would never hurt his kids. He’s not leaving this room.”
“Ma’am…” Mrs. Miller said but you held up your hand.
“We’re in a bloody ‘ospital. If I really were a danger ta either’a m’girls or m’son, t’is the las’ place I’m ‘arm ‘em.”
“You can all come back when Jax and my lawyer are here. Until then, bye.” The CPS agent tried to say something else and you glared at her. “No! Lawyer! Bye!”
“Hale, just… stay here.” Wayne said as he pointed to a chair in the far corner. Both officers knew this was absolute bullshit. You rolled your eyes as David took a seat and Wayne lead Mrs. Miller out of the room. Kelsi, who had been sitting on the couch next to Kerrianne looked at Chibs.
“Da…” Chibs looked at you, fighting his heart out to keep his heart break off his face before turning to look at his middle child. “Why does that lady think you would hurt my brudder?” Tears welled in your eyes as your fiancé sat down on the couch. He picked Kelsi up and put her in his lap as he shook his head.
“I d’know, love.” You looked at Kerrianne, who was holding her baby brother, at the same time she looked at you. Her eyes read a look of sheer panic and you knew she understood exactly what was going on.
“Are they gun’ send m’back?” You shook your head as the dam finally let loose.
“No, baby. You’ll stay with me one way or another. Your da and I will never let you go back.” She nodded as Chibs put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his side. He said something to her in Gaelic and she nodded as he kissed her temple.
“I’m really sorry about this, you guys.” David said as you brushed your tears away.
“Yea, imagine ‘ow we feel.”
Kelsi sat on the hospital bed between your legs, looking at Mrs. Miller while you nursed Kellan. Jax and the club’s lawyer, Ally Lowen, both sat on the couch behind you and Kelsi. Pat pulled up the chair that Hale had vacated and sat down with a smile.
“Hi Kelsi.” Your daughter leaned over and gently laid down on your stomach to hide. “I have to ask you some questions about your dad…”
“You have to be specific. I’m her daddy and Chibs… Filip is her da. She knows the difference and she will answer according to the name.” Jax said as he stood up and moved over to the bed, sitting down by your ankles so he wouldn’t ‘influence’ Kelsi’s answers. Pat nodded as she made a note in her file.
“Kelsi, do you spend a lot of time with your da?” Pat asked as she looked over at Jax to make sure she was correct. Kelsi nodded against your stomach.
“He makes pancakes in the mornin’s.” She nodded as she wrote something down.
“Does he yell at you?” Kelsi shook her head and you winced a bit; your sore muscles protesting a bit after 9 hours of labor.
“One time I broke a flower cup. I gots time out.” You couldn’t help but smirk at the memory. Kelsi was throwing a temper tantrum; part of her terrible twos and she knocked over a vase when she threw her Barbie at your fiancé.
“Did your mommy or da hit you?” Kelsi shook her head again and you grit your teeth.
“Jax, get her off my stomach.” You said as you placed your hand on your stomach. Jax reached over and picked Kelsi up to put her on his lap. Pat waited for a moment before asking her question again.
“Mamaw gave me spankin’ once when I let the bird fly…” You smirked again as you peeked under the blanket across your chest at your son.
“Look, lady. My daughter isn’t in danger with (Y/N). I’ve know her for 18 years and I’ve know Chibs just as long. I trust (Y/N)’s judgement. This custody case is a bullshit stunt my soon-to-be ex is trying to pull because I’m not ready to have another kid and she wants to be a mom. That’s all this is. I withdrew the claim yesterday. I can promise you that the only danger my daughter could be in is having to eat corned beef and cabbage on a day that’s not St. Patricks Day.”
“Daddy, that’s yucky.” Kelsi said as she looked up at Jax. You and Ally both giggled as Pat wrote something else down in her file.
“Now, Kerrianne Larkin is…”
“She’s Filip’s daughter; my step daughter. I’m the sponsor of her student visa for the time being while we work on getting her citizenship worked out.” Pat nodded as she continued to write.
“And Mr. Telford is also the father of your son.” You nodded. She looked up at you with her brow slightly furrowed. “How long have you known Mr. Telford.”
“Since I was 11.”
“And you’ve been together…?”
“Four years.” Pat looked back and forth between you and Jax. You could tell she was about to ask about the logistics behind your relationship with Jax but Ally stood up and stepped up to the bed.
“Do you have any other questions about the safety of Kelsi Teller?” Pat looked up at her, gave a small shake of her head to check her place before continuing.
“Kelsi, has your da ever hurt you or told you he was going to hurt you?” You looked at your daughter as her brow furrowed.
“Why would da hurt me?” You watched panic rip through her face as she looked up at Jax. “Daddy…”
“Great…” You grumbled as your daughter burst into tears. Your son stopped eating and you snapped your shirt back into place as Jax pulled Kelsi against his chest.
“Are you done tormenting my daughter?” Jax snapped as he put his hand on the back of Kelsi’s head protectively. “I told you, he’s not a threat to my daughter. If he was, I would have done something about it three years ago.” Pat nodded as she wrote something down in her file.
“I apologize. The state requires me to ask certain questions…”
“Have you asked those questions?” Ally asked as you laid your newborn on your chest to burp him. “Because if you have, we are done here. My clients would like to get back to welcoming their newest family member into their lives.” Pat nodded as she finished writing and almost scrambled to get her bag.
“I apologize for this. As far as I can see, this case can be closed. I…”
“I’d like a copy of your report sent to my office.” Ally interrupted as Jax got off the bed and walked over to the couch with Kelsi.
“Yes, of course.” Pat quickly wrote a case number on her business card and left it on the table. She tried to apologize again as she headed out the door, but the deadpan looks the three adults in the room gave her made her simply leave the room with Ally right behind her.
“Can you go…” You started to ask Jax but Chibs power walked back in the room. “Never mind.”
“Stupid bitch asked Kelsi if you would ever hurt her.” Jax said as Chibs walked over.
“Jesus Christ.” He grumbled as Kelsi reached for her da. “’s’all right, m’love.”
“Daaaa….” You sighed as Kerrianne walked over and sat down on your bed. You reached out and took her hand and gave her a reassuring smile.
“You’re safe.” With a relieved smile, she nodded and whispered ‘thanks’.
“Well, I have a bitch to filet. I’ll see you guys later.” You smirked at Jax as he gave Kelsi a kiss on the cheek. He brushed his hand over Kellan’s head and smiled at you. “He’s gunna be a real lady killer.” You nodded as he kissed your cheek.
“You make sure that bitch gets the hell out of Charming. She has 24 hours.”
Part 6
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duketheman · 5 years
Generation 4 Part 3
We finish up lunch, have some more Lemonade & Tea & give our meal a chance to settle. It's 3:00pm, I pay the tab, tip the waiter & escort my wife out the door. I give the Valet my ticket & he retrieves my car, opens the door for Mary. I tip him , close the door, get in & we're on our way home. We get home about 4:30pm. I ask: ~ Mary, what would you like to do my Darling?~ She replies: ~'O Harry, I'm tired my love! I just need to take a nap, you don't mind Darling, do you?~ I reply: ~No Darling, you go rest, I'll find something to keep me occupied!~ So she goes upstairs and naps! I go in the library & research my Grandparents. I want to know more about them & just how much our Grandfathers knew one another. Man, where has the time gone, it's 7:00pm. Wow, if it weren't for George's Grandfather, I wouldn't even be here. He saved my Grandfather's life. He was his best friend. He wanted to make him a partner, but he wasn't interested. He was his friend & wanted to just go on as that. The records show my Grandfather deposited a $15,000.00 Savings Bond in the name of Rory Gallagher Richards with the Wells Fargo Bank & Company, Houston Texas dated Monday, November 23, 1931. It says here that it would compound interest for as long as it was not touched. Furthermore; it would pass to next of kin upon death. Wells Fargo has been looking for the the legal next of kin of record! It still sits in the bank today. I don't think George knows about.That money is rightfully his. It's his inheritance. Not Charity. He doesn't have to feel guilty about taking it! That's eighty-one years of interest. That's a fortune. $1,500,000.00. I hear movement in the kitchen. I go & see she is preparing a meal for us. I'm hungry & didn't even realize it. What would I do without her! I kiss her & say: ~Did you sleep well Darling?~ She replies: ~Yes my Harry, I did! I've been up an hour or so! I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so intensed in what you were doing! I've made us a quick something to eat! Chicken Salad Sandwiches & Tomato soup. It's good for the Soul Harry, & quite I haven't had tomato soup since I was Sixteen.~ I reply: ~Sounds delicious Darling! Mary, I found something interesting. About mine & George's Grandfather!~ She replies: ~Really Harry, now what would that be!~ I reply: ~Darling, They were best friends, not only that, he saved my Grandfather's life & he wanted to make George's Grandfather a partner but he refused the offer. Joe, my Grandfather deposited $15,000.00 as a retirement fund for George's Grandfather, in 1931, with the Wells Fargo Bank, Houston. It's been accumulating interest for eighty-one years for a total of $1,500,000.00 Darling, that's George's inheritance! George needs that money, how can I get him to find about it without me letting him know I've been nosy?~ She replies: ~'O my Dear sweet Harry! Just let the Bank know anonymously where to find George & the rest will fall into place! Eighty-one years, I've never heard of such a thing!~ I reply: ~Of course, why didn't I think of that? You're a lifesaver my Darling! My Father, I'll have him call the Bank in the morning & arrange it!~ I call my Father & explain what I've found out. He vaguely remembers my Grandfather mentioning his friend saving his life. He didn't know about the money. He said he'll be happy to help & keep it to himself! He'll call the offices of Heavenly Crude Oil, in the morning & have my brothers contact the bank & instruct them to keep it anonymous! He congratulated us on the baby & conveyed their love to both of us! I said to Mary: ~Darling, everything's set, keep your fingers crossed! I hope all works out for George & Lucy. Those two & Kellyanne, the they deserve so much!~ I finish up my soup & sandwich & pick up the table. There's just a couple dishes so I wash them. It's 9:30pm. We go in the Living room, listen to music & cuddle a while. it's 10:30pm, we go upstairs, shower & well, Goodnight!
Monday, April 29 5:00am & I'm on my way to pick George up. It's 5:15am & George is on his steps waiting on me. I greet him: ~Good morning George, how are you feeling this morning morning?~ He replies: ~Mornin Harry, couldn't be better! Be a Beautiful mornin, don't ya say?~ I reply: ~Quite Beautiful George, God is good!~ We head to the cafe for our coffee & doughnuts! 5:40am we're here. I run in pick up a thermos plus two cups of coffee, sugar, cream & a dozen doughnuts. We're on our way to the Marina. We here. It's 6:15pm, we've time to relax, drink our coffee & enjoy our doughnuts, so we kick back & do just that! It's 7:30am & it won't be long before our clients will be here! Today we're traveling out to Pennekamp State Park to watch the wild Dolphins! Should be a decent day. A young couple just married & on their Honeymoon! We get started on the Safety checks. 7:55am & Greg & Judy Mitchell arrive right on on time! I welcome them aboard & have them don life jackets. I give the order: ~ Take her out George~ He replies: ~Steady as she goes at 2 knots gradually increasing to a cruising speed of 5 knots. It's a comfortable speed & accomplish what the clients pay for without being on the water after dark! We've made the park by 10:00am & the Dolphins are playing like a bunch of children showing off as if paid performers! Quite amusing & at the same time absolutely Beautiful! Everytime I see these lovely creatures, I can't help but to think back to Julia. She loved Dolphins. That's where our son gets it from. He loves them as much as she did. The Mitchells are loving every minute of this tour! Two of the Dolphins have taken a liking to them & have come port side trying to communicate with them. They allow them to touch their snouts. Now they're up on their tails riding the water backwards & singing the Dolphin song for them. The Mitchells are getting what they're paying for today, & enjoying every moment of it. This is why I do what I do! It's 3:30pm & I let them know we need to head in in a half hour. I offer them something to drink & they both ask for Coke. It's 4:00pm & I give the order: ~Take her in George~ He replies: ~aye aye Captain, steady as she goes at 5 knots. It's a nice ride in & it's 6:05pm, we're pulling into Pier 17. The Mitchells disembark, pay me & thank me for the best time they've ever had. I hand them my card & offer them a discount the next time around. They thank George for a most enjoyable ride & he tips his hat to them. We tie the "Willow" up check her out, clean her up & put he to bed for the night! It's 6:35pm & we're on our way home. I drop George off it's 7:15pm: ~See you later George, long day, but a great day! Thanks my Brother!~ He replies: ~aye Harry Taday was a good day. Goodnight me Brother. Be seein ya in da mornin!~ I head home thinking about whether or not the bank has sent notification to George or not. I'm really quite nervous about it. All I want is the best for my friend and his family! Ahh, home sweet home, My Mary, she's in the kitchen making sure I have dinner waiting. I have to get her some help. That's my next project! I walk in & Mary meets me at the door with: ~ I've missed you so much My Harry, how was your day?~ Kisses me with those sweet warm lips that stops me in my tracks! & I reply: ~It went quite well today Darling, really! We took a couple newly weds out to see the Dolphins and they had the best time of their lives. It was gratifying to know they enjoyed the tour! But I missed you terribly! My Cell rings & George's calling: ~Hello~ He replies: ~Harry, me's rich, me don't know what to do! Help me Harry please? Me scared me Brother!~ I reply:
~Take it easy George, relax & just tell me what happened!~ Harry, me get dis telegram! It be sayin I be gettin $1,500,000.00. Harry, me just want to be normal. Me Grandpa's money Harry. Now it's mine!~ I reply: ~George, you can have the money & still be normal! Aren't we friend's? I'm normal! I do dishes. I go to work, I don't have too, I have plenty of money George. My Grandfather left us pretty to live on. I chose to make my own! Now I will help you George! First you pay off your bills & anything you owe. Maybe buy something nice for Lucy & Kellyanne. Does Lucy know yet?~ He replies: ~No Harry, me Lucy, she neva be openen me mails.~ I reply: ~You need to tell her George, she's your wife! Anyways, I will get you an investment Banker to help you invest your money to grow it for the future. One day your little girl is going to grow up George. You have to think about College & that is expensive.~ He replies: ~aye, me Grandpa, I be thankin him ya? & Harry, I be thankin ya fer bein me Brother!~ I reply: ~No sweat George! I'm always here for you my Brother! Now get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow. Well take Wednesday off & take care of business! Ok?~ He replies: ~aye, Me be thankin ya, God be Blessin ya me Brother. Me be sayin Goodnight!~ I reply: ~Goodnight George! I explain to my wife the Telegram George got. She says: ~It'll be fine Darling, you'll see!~ We sit down to eat a delicious Chicken Pot Pie. All I can say is, when I married Mary, God granted me an Angel of a wife, & a great cook too! It's a 9:00pm & we're finishing up dishes. We've decided to hit the sack early. I have to admit I'm beat. We go upstairs and take our shower, go to bed & well, maybe we're not all that tired! Goodnight!
Tuesday, April 30 5:00am I'm drinking coffee at my kitchen table. I've already called George & notified him that the clients for today had a family emergency & cancelled. I've agreed to refund their deposit since it was a Death in the family. So I told George we can handle his financial situation today! He's quite relieved in fact & I get to eat breakfast with my wife! Our next Doctor's appointment is in two weeks. I'm going to make some Blueberry Pancakes w/hot Syrup, Sausage & eggs, apple juice she says is best for the baby! She says she wants to cut back on the coffee! I love to surprise my wife! It always puts a smile on her face & that puts one on mine! I hear my wife coming down the stairs as I place the last cake on the stack. She turns to me & says: ~'O Harry, I love you. Thank you Harry. Harry, what are you doing home? You're supposed to be at work!~ I reply: ~We Darling, they cancelled, & I decided to let you sleep & surprise you with breakfast. I'm going to help George take care of business today!~ She replies: ~Oh, Okay Harry, you're the best Harry. Oh Harry, you made me Pancakes, but where's my- ( I interrupt: ~Your eggs my Love~) she continues-Oh there they are~ She smiles at me & gives me that hypnotic wink of hers. I say: ~ Sausage my Darling & here's your Apple juice! Can I get you anything else my Queen? Your every wish is but my command!~ She replies: ~Thank you my Good Knight, that will be all!~ She smiles, winks & says: ~Harry, come here!~ (Pauses) wraps her arms around me & says: ~I love you Harry!~ I reply: I love you more than my very life my love & I would gladly give it up for you today!~ She replies: ~I know Harry, I've always known that, & I would do the same for you my love!~ I let my wife eat her food while it's hot & she can enjoy it. I call my investment officer at Merrill Lynch. Joe Barker is a hell of a guy & he'll do his best to set George up for stocks & gains to make his money grow for his family's future! I made an appointment with Joe at 10:00am for us to go in to see him! I call George & let him know to be ready! Now I can spend an hour or so with the woman I love with all my heart! It's 8:30am & I head for George's house to pick him up for our appointment with Merrill Lynch. It's 8:50am & there's George waiting for me on his doorstep. He comes down & gets into the car & I ask: ~ How you doing this fine morning George?~ He looks at me as if he was shocked & couldn't speak! I say: ~ George, I thought we talked about this already old boy, everything is going to be just fine!~ He replies: ~aye Harry, but day not be what worry me!~ (He pauses) Looks at me & says: ~Harry, me Lucy, she be havin a baby!~ I reply: George, well that's wonderful, when did you find out?~ He replies: ~Me Lucy, she be known fer now 7 1/2 weeks she say! She want not to be botherin me with it she say!~ I reply: ~Nothing to worry about. You have it covered. You can afford it now! Remember. It's ok George. You're not rich, but you have enough money to live very well & invest the rest so the little one & Kellyanne will have a future! Lucy will have everything you ever wanted to give her to George, now stop worrying. Oh & Congratulations, we need to celebrate later! Hey, the babies should be due around the same time George, wow, ain't that something! Has she been to a Doctor yet George?~ He replies: ~Nay, she be sayin we not be havin the money Harry, Me feel maybe Me not good husband!~ I reply: George, Lucy knows better than that! She loves you, she just didn't want to worry you! Let's just make sure she gets an appointment & get's taken care of!~ We're arriving at Joe's office at Merrill Lynch, it's 9:55am. I park & we go inside. I tell the receptionist that we're here to see Joe & we have a seat. He almost immediately opens the door & introduces himself to George. He shakes our hands & we go into his office! It's 12:30pm & we've had a lesson in investing where I've even learned some new things! He has set George at ease & George has agreed to have him handle his investments. He will take $100,000.00 & put in the Bank for spending money, but for things he needs! Bills, the new baby, Doctor, new Nursery & something nice for Lucy & Kellyanne. He will remain working so he keeps his normalcy as it's not as much money as it would seem & you could blow it quite easily! Let it grow is the way to go! Now he will go home & tell Lucy what he has decided & surprise her by taking her to Dinner. I will speak to Mary about helping her make an appointment with her Doctor. It's 1:00pm & we're leaving. I ask: ~George, feel better now?~ He replies: ~aye George, that Me do! Me be takin me Lucy & Kellyanne to Dinner tonight! Me be thankin ya me Brother fer everythin!~ I reply: ~No thanks necessary George! You need to take tomorrow off?~ He replies: ~Na, Me be good, Me want to work. When me Lucy, she be going to the Doctor, Me take off ya?~ I reply: ~No problem Buddy, you got it!~ It's 1:40pm, I'm dropping George off & heading for Home. Ahh, it's 2:00pm & home sweet home! Funny how even after a number of years together, I find myself still excited to be home knowing my wife is inside! I find myself loving her each day more than I did the day before & thank God each day for bringing her into mine & my son's life! Our lives are better because of her. She is my "Earth Angel"! I go inside & she meets me at the door, wraps her arms around me & kisses me! I swear I'm still intoxicated after she does that, & I never get tired of it. She asks: ~How'd it go Harry?~ I reply: ~It went quite well my Darling! Darling, Lucy's pregnant!~ She replies: ~What, really? How many weeks, does she know?~ I reply: ~7 1/2 weeks my love, & she hasn't seen a Doctor yet. Could you help her out my Darling?~ She replies: ~Of course I'll help her! She needs to see a Doctor as soon as possible. That's very important! I'll get with her in the morning & we'll make an appointment with Dr Kleinpeter.~ I reply: ~Darling, thank you. Darling, do you realize that you two are about the same amount of time along?~ She replies: ~That's so true Harry! We can both have our babies in Madison County! How absolutely marvelous! Isn't it Darling?~ I reply: ~Yes my Love, quite so!~ She asks: ~'O Harry, you must be hungry?~ I reply: ~Yes Darling, I am, I'd forgotten I was actually (laughs) but yes I am!~ She replies: ~Let me get you something to eat!~ She's fixing me Tuna fish sandwiches, chips & a Dill pickle! She says: ~There you go my Harry, that should hold you over for a couple hours until dinner!~ I reply: ~Thank you Darling, I love Tuna!~ She replies: ~I know my love, that's why I made it!~ She knows me so well! I'm done eating & I pick up my plate & clean it so my wife doesn't have to! I ask: ~Mary, would you like to attend the Cinema tonight?~ She replies: ~'O Harry, that sounds wonderful! Of course, I've been wanting to go to the movies for a while! What shall we see?~ I reply: ~Avengers End Game, Best of Enemies & Amazing Grace!~ She replies: Best of Enemies sounds interesting! 'O Harry, let go see that!~ I reply: ~Sounds like a winner my love, Best of Enemies it is!~ Showtime at the B&B is at 7:25pm my love! How's that sound?~ She replies: ~Perfect Harry! Thank you! I shall be ready! Oh & Harry, I love you!~ I reply: ~I love you with my life Darling, always!!!~ She kisses me with the sweetest & always moist lips. I stagger a bit as if I was intoxicated! The only way I can explain is that I'm spellbound by every kiss & love it! It's 6:50pm & we don't want to stand in line nor look for a parking spot, so we're on our way. Mary is quite excited about going to the cinema. She's wearing a pantsuit & is as beautiful as always. She's radiant! God has truly Blessed me! If not for my wife, I would be an angry Man avoided by everyone! I had lost my will & frankly wanted to die when I lost Julia, my son is the reason I held on. But Mary brought me back from Hell! Showed me I could love again. I thank God everyday for her! We arrive at 7:10pm & I park. I escort my wife to the ticket window & purchase two tickets for The Best of Enemies! Mary remarks: ~'O Harry, I feel like a Teenager, almost giddy. We need to go to the Movies much more often, yea Harry? I reply: ~Yes my Darling, I assure you, we will come more often!~ We walk inside & take a seat right in the center of the theater. The Commercials are playing now. I can remember when my Mother would take me to the Cinema, Commercials were almost non-existent. Maybe for the snack bar & upcoming features. But we had cartoons. I remember we seen two movies, not one. But that's back in the Good Old Days like everything else! I take this time to get my wife some popcorn, a soda & some BomBoms. Ah, the movie is beginning. I put my arm around my wife & we settle back to watch the movie! It's 10:00pm & we're walking out of the Cinema. Mary remarks: ~'O Harry, everyone needs to see this movie. There's just to much discrimination going on. Why can't people just live together as God meant them to? I can't stand the thought of one treating another like they did in the movie! Harry, I'm hungry for pancakes, IHOP pancakes Harry!~ I reply: ~You're every wish is my command my Darling!~ We are driving to IHOP! We park & go inside. They seat us at a booth! We look at the menu & order drinks! Sweet tea for the both of us. My wife orders the Grand Slam! She's definitely showing the signs of pregnancy! I like Steak & eggs. We finish eating, it 11:45pm. She's getting tired & I need to take my wife home. We're on our way. We arrive home 12:15am & she's so tired, I help her to the door & up the stairs. She disrobes & just lays down. I cover her, take my shower & join her in bed. Wrap myself around her, whisper in her ear ~I love you~ kiss her & fall asleep embraced in love!
Wednesday, May 1, 5:00am I'm drinking coffee at the Breakfast table. My Beautiful wife is sleeping. She needs to rest, she constantly going. Everyone depends on her, to include me. I'm going to make a call to the Agency today & get her some help while she's pregnant! She deserves a break! 5:30am & I'm on my way to pick George up for work! 5:45am & I arrive at his house, as usual; George is waiting on the steps. I tell you, that man is as dependable. He gets in the Beamer & we head for the Cafe to pick up coffee & doughnuts. Today should be an easy day! We're taking a group of Models & their photographer out for a Photoshoot! We're going out just off shore for a couple hours. They will be including shots of the "Willow", the girls in & out of the water & shots of George Driving the boat. I hear they'll have a fan blowing towards him to make it look like we're at high speed, when in reality, we'll be anchored! They're hoping for some shots with friendly Dolphins, or Flipper as their manager put it! We get to the Marina & Pier 17 & it's 6:15am. I tell George the plan for the day: ~George, we have time to get our Caffeine boost & eat some doughnuts without rushing to much! We have to make our precheck early & start prepping the old lady for today! We will be working with Models. We're only going out a couple miles & drop anchor! They will be photographing the girls in & out of the water, as well as; taking shots of the boat & You George as the one responsible for steering & keeping her steady! You my Brother are the heart of the Boat! We'll be anchored, but you'll be acting with a fan blowing wind through your hair like the great Skipper Ahab! They're paying 1,500.00 for this trip. It's a good take for a days work!~ He replies: ~aye Harry, ya be the Captain! Me not let ya down Captain!~ we kick & enjoy our coffee & doughnuts & talk about how much we love our wives! George is a proud man but he has a heart of gold! He loves his family deeply & is beginning to really look forward to the both of their new child!
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It's 7:00am , we make our safety check & prep the Boat for her photoshoot tour. She's spotless as we make sure that we clean any missed spots off of her. We clean the windshield & the cabin windows. Put a shine on the brass & we're ready to go! It's 8:15am & the photography crew is here & loading their equipment on the boat! It's 8:30am & the manager is pulling up with four models & we welcome them aboard. I'm told it will be about a six hour shoot & I have no problem with that. We have plenty of sodas & water. I do see that they are bringing alcohol on my boat but I'm told it's for the shoot. The girls don't drink until they are off the clock! I have the photographer, his two helpers, the manager & the girls Don Life jackets. It's only a short trip, a couple miles. I give the order: ~Take her out George!~ He takes the helm & replies: ~aye aye Captain, steady as she goes at 2 knots gradually increasing speed to 4 knots. It will take us approximately thirty minutes to travel 2 nautical miles! 9:15am we reach the location & drop anchor. The immediately get to work. They want to catch every best position of the sun they can. The first shots are taken on the boat as if they're sunbathing, rubbing lotion on each other, acting as if they're partying & a shot with Skipper Ahab himself! George is nervous as hell, but gets through it alright. Next the girls get in the water & start playing around like little girls. They are taking a lot of pictures. Wow are they in luck! I see Dolphins, the seem to be curious. One of the girls see them & is afraid & yells Shark! I immediately try to calm them down! I say: ~Ladies, no, calm down! They're just Dolphins! They're curious, & if you're lucky they will try to interact with you!~ The manager tells them: ~Keep playing, they're moving in this direction!~ One come ups a nudges Tina, the brunette! I say: ~He likes you, he wants you to pet his snout!~ She cautiously does, then becomes more comfortable with. She made a friend! The manager asks the photographer: ~You getting this? This is great! Perfect!~ Two more Dolphins come in & beg for affection! The girls are eating this up! They've never had an experience like this before. It's 5:00pm & we're losing sun! I explain to the manager that it's time we get to shore! He said: ~Okay Captain, this shoot was probably one of if not the best I've had in years! You'll be getting much more business from us!~ I reply: ~I thank you Mr Jordan! You've been a pleasure to work with! The girls are out of the water & it's 5:15pm. We should make shore by 6:00pm. The all don their life jackets & I give the order: ~Take her in George!~ He takes the helm and replies: ~aye aye Captain, steady as she goes at 4 knots!~ I offer all of them soft drinks or water. To my great surprise, they all request water, except for Mr Jordan, he asks for Coke! We enter the harbor & slow to 2 knots & reach Pier 17 at 6:05pm. They disembark. Mr Jordan hands me a check for $1,500.00 & says it was well worth it. He walked up to George & said: ~Sir; I want to thank you for being a good sport & all. If you ever think about modeling, let me know!~ He hand him a $500.00 tip a d shakes his hand. I give Mr Jordan my card & we shake hands. He hopes in the Limousine with the girls as they're all hanging out the sunroof and windows yelling goodbyes to us! I say to George: ~How'd you like to have a day like that everyday George?~ He clears his voice, shakes his head and says: ~Nice tip Harry! It be a good day Harry ya! Me ready to go home!~ We clean the "Willow" up & put her to bed for a couple days! Nothing scheduled for tomorrow! I say: ~George, you're off tomorrow, We haven't got anything scheduled! Mary called my Cell & said she mad you two an appointment with Dr Kleinpeter. You okay with that?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, Me be thankin ya & Ya Mary. She be an Angel ya Mary be! Me Lucy, she be thinkin da world fer her!~ I reply: ~No problem George, you want us to go with you?~ He replies: ~Nay, Me be thankin ya fer da offer Harry, but Me want to do dis wit me Lucy alone!~ I reply: ~I understand but the offer remains open. The appointment is at 10:45am!~ It's 6:45pm & I drop George off at his house! I'm on the way home to my sweet Mary! I arrive home, it's 7:00pm. I walk in the house & I'm met at the door with the sweetest kiss & the warmest hug. This woman for the last ten years has never one day failed to meet me at the door nor has she ever forgotten to tell me she loves me! She says: ~How was your day my Harry?~ I reply: ~We had a $1,500.00 day my love. All we had to do is go out two miles & drop anchor!~ She replies: ~'O Harry, you are such a businessman! Now sit down & eat! I've made Crawfish & Cornbread stuffed Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, Green beans & Tossed Salad! Want a cold beer my Love?~ I reply: ~You know Darling, I think I'd just as well have a Sweet tea! What's for dessert love? She replies: ~'O Harry, need you ask? Here's your tea my Harry!~ She winks at me & gives me that sexy smile! No I don't need to ask! I know exactly what dessert is, & I can't wait! This is delicious. I don't think anyone could stand neck & neck with Mary when it comes to cooking Southern style! My wife is a real Southern Bell! Let me sat this, you can't get no more Southern than Raleigh, North Carolina. Any of you ever watched Andy Griffith? I rest my case! I'm done eating, but my wife is still eating! I clear my plate & ask her: ~Can I get you something love?~ She replies: ~No Darling, sit down while I eat! I'll get the dishes!~ I reply: ~I'll sit with you love, but I'll get the dishes. After you eat, you go upstairs & get ready to feed me dessert!~ She replies: ~Ahh Harry, Okay, I'm done Harry! I'll be waiting for you Big boy!~ There's that wink again, as she walks by me & rubs my face with her soft hand! I'm cleaning the dishes at record speed. It's 9:00pm & I'm running up these stairs! I jump in the shower wash up, dry off, brush my teeth & jump in bed with my Goddess of Love! & To all a Goodnight! Thursday, May 2 It's 8:00am & I slept in because of nothing being scheduled today! I'm going to cook my wife Breakfast. Then after, I'm going to talk to her about getting her some help around the house until after the baby! I'm pulling the waffle iron down. I want to make her some Belgium Waffles covered with fresh strawberries & whipped cream. It's 8:45am & my wife has come down the stairs. She sits down to wake up & notices the waffles! She says: ~'O Harry, Belgium Waffles! I love you Harry, you're just too good to me!~ She looks around & before she could say anything: ~You're eggs my Darling!~ She looks up at me, smiles, looks at her food & digs in. She definitely has a pregnant woman's appetite! God I love to see her smile! I tell her: Darling: ~I want to call the Agency today & hire someone to help you around the house until after the Baby is born or as long after you may need her!~ She replies: ~Thank you Harry, sometimes I get tired. But I need to get out, walk & exercise. That would free me up. Then when it gets where I start slowing down, she'll be here too!~ I reply: ~Then it's settled!~ I'm call the Agency & they tell me they'll be sending a woman by the name of Yolanda over at 10:00am to be interviewed! I tell Mary: Darling, there's going to be a Yolanda coming here at 10:00am for you to interview!~ She replies: ~Thank you my Harry! I'm sure she'll be fine! That Agency is Accredited AAA & there's never been a problem!~ I reply: ~I will leave it up to you my Darling!~ I can't help but to wonder how George & Lucy's doing right now! Poor George, he's getting hit with everything at one time! But he's a great guy & I feel lucky to know him! It's 10:00am & the woman from the Agency is here! I open the door & she says: ~Good morning Sir; my name is Yolanda Rodriguez & I'm from the "Wellington Agency"!~ I reply: ~Glad to meet you Yolanda, I'll call Mrs Newport for you. Please, have a seat? Would you like something to drink?~ She replies: ~No Sir, but thank you for the offer!~ I go into the kitchen & let my wife know Yolanda's here & she goes right into the living room, introduces herself & begins the interview! I leave them to their business & go into the Library. I've got some Tax returns to go over! 11:00am, Mary comes I to the Library and say: ~Harry, I hired her! She's perfect & she starts on Monday!~ I reply: ~That's wonderful Darling, simply wonderful!~ She smiles loudly, kisses me & winks before turning around & going back in the kitchen! I think she's preparing lunch! 11:15am George calls & says: ~Harry, Me & me Lucy, we be done wit da Doctor! Harry, a girl, anudder girl me Lucy be havin!~ I reply: ~Well that's wonderful George, when is the Baby due? He replies: ~December 7th Harry! Harry, dat der nurse, she take a picture of me new baby girl! She be beautiful Harry, but like a mouse!~ I reply: I'm happy for you George! You know, that's only two day from our baby!~ He replies: ~Well dat be somethin Harry!~ I reply: ~Yes indeed! Well George, I'll let you get back to your wife & congratulations my Brother!~ We hang up! I go into the kitchen & say to my wife: ~Mary, George & Lucy are having a girl & the due date is December 7th!~ She smiles & replies: ~Well, isn't that something! You know George, the more I think about it; our son Brought us together! Now through Kellyanne, he brought George & his family together with us! God really does work in mysterious ways!~ I reply: ~Yes he does indeed my Darling!~ I really hadn't thought about it, but that is the way things came about! God is Good... We are truly Blessed!
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fabray · 7 years
i was tagged by @trinispidey !!! thanks pal !!!!
rules: answer all the questions and tag 20 other blogs [ tagged at the end of the post ]
1. drink: i think my iced coffee bc i ran out of water and i inhaled a bug 2. phone call: my uber driver yesteday 3. text message: me to my mom: “don’t come get me, biatch!”  4. song you listened to: currently listening to usher, pt. 1 from ghost quartet 5. time you cried: last night lol!!!!!  6. dated someone twice: yep!  7. kissed someone and regretted it: yessss 8. been cheated on: i don’t think so 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: always homies  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: heck ya
3 favorite colors
12. yellow 13. orange 14. red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: so many!!!! SO MANY  16. fallen out of love: i would have to be in love! 17. laughed until you cried: literally today 18. found out someone was talking about you: heck yea 19. met someone who changed you: yes :-)  20. found out who your friends are: i don’t know, that’s a touchy subject rn 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yep!!!!!
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: every one of them sjdkjf 23. do you have any pets: i have 2 dogs!  24. do you want to change your name: no i’m fine with my name 25. what did you do for your last birthday: drove 2 my girlfriends and ate pasta and met her grandparents and stuff  26. what time did you wake up: 7:30am  27. what were you doing at midnight last night: bein emo 28. name something you can’t wait for: tacos tonight! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning!  31. what are you listening to right now: the camera shop from ghost quartet 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: my next door neighbor... also my girlfriend’s front door neighbor  33. something that is getting on your nerves: my sickness  34. most visited website: tumblr and facebook mostly 35. hair color: blonde 36. long or short hair: medium 37. do you have a crush on someone: of course 38. what do you like about yourself: nothing!  39. piercings: i have some in my ear balls  40. blood type: i don’t know bitch 41. nickname: nothing that stands out! i wish i had a nickname  42. relationship status: in a relationship!!!  43. zodiac: cancer 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: broad city, gilmore girls, stranger things and probably ugly betty 46. tattoos: i have 3!  47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: all in my mouth 50. sport: ummm roller derby!!!  51. vacation: i wanna go to CHICAGO so badly... so badly :-(  52. pair of trainers: shoes??? like.... 10
53. eating: my dad made me a skewer 54. drinking: i want water 55. I’m about to: eat my dinner then go out later tonight with my best friend, her gf and my housemate for his birthday 56. waiting for: september!!!  57. want: security 58. get married: yeah! eventually one day, that’s the goal  59. career: i have no idea... 
60. hugs or kisses: i love kisses man!!!  61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: usually older but my gf is younger and i prefer her over everyone 64. nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms i guess?? 65. hookup or relationship: relationship :p 66. troublemaker or hesitant: i don’t care hahah 
67. kissed a stranger: yeah 68. drank hard liquor: yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, but a retainer 70. turned someone down: yep 71. sex on the first date: hhhahahahahaha sure  72. broken someone’s heart: maybe?? 73. had your heart broken: yeaaaaaaaaa 74. been arrested: almost! but no 75. cried when someone died: of course  76. fallen for a friend: yeah probably.
77. yourself: no 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: NO lol 80. santa claus: depends 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: nah
84. eye color: blue/grey 85. favorite movie: girl, interrupted
@jimshalpert @spldeys @spidergwen @secespita @perpctual @mjwatson @wheelrwrites @eizawrites @trimbxrly @fulltoken @veronicabetts
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tagged by @anafenza bc she said I could do it but didnt actually tag me just siad mutuals can do it
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: My friend Bradley called me 3. Text message: “ Good night I love you!!” 4. Song you listened to: stolen Roses by karen elson 5. Time you cried: My dad yelled at me for no reason

HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nope! 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. Been cheated on: No 9. Lost someone special: I’ve never truly experienced loss I think 10. Been depressed: thats my life dude 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: 2 times lmao
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 3 colors you say
1. green
2. pink
3. purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeppers! 16. Fallen out of love: nope :^) 17. Laughed until you cried: so many times lmao 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah! 19. Met someone who changed you: totes 20. Found out who your friends are: I always knew 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all but two! 23. Do you have any pets: my two furry daughters, yes 24. Do you want to change your name: I already changed my name I dont need to again lol 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Nothing lmao 26. What time did you wake up: 12:40
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: texting my girlfriend 28. Name something you can’t wait for: this weekend to hang out my friends and play d&d 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: how I look probably 31. What are you listening to right now: rocks and water 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have no idea 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: bein misgendered by my parents 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr 35. Mole/s: I have one on my back 36. Mark/s: I have a scar on my finger, 3 burn marks, and I always feel like i have a mark on my neck from my attempt  Childhood dream: to be popular. started from the bottom now we here
38. Haircolor: currently blonde 39. Long or short hair: Short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes :^) 41. What do you like about yourself?: I like that I’m nice sometimes 42. Piercings: both ears 43. Bloodtype: o- 44. Nickname: ellie 45. Relationship status: Taken 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Star versus the forces of Evil 49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left hand: Right unless you want me to write something, in which case neither 51. Surgery: I dont think I’ve had a surgery 52. Hair dyed in different color: I’ve had blue, pink, blonde, green, black, red, and soon silver! 53. Sport: if i have to pick one, basketball or volleyball 55. Vacation: Savannah Georgia 56. Pair of trainers: Oi, luv I got a pair MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: an essay 61. Waiting for: D&D this weekend 62. Want: to have a car and also lose a bit more weight
63. Get married: We’ll see 64. Career: community management and social media 66. Lips or eyes: both 67. Shorter or taller: shorter I guess not too many folks are taller than me anyways 68. Older or younger: I’ve only dated someone older than me but I like it 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach I guess?? 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I like to be pushed to try things sometimes HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: dude you have no idea lol 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no thank god these things is EXPENSIVE 77. Turned someone down: A lot of people, most of them were really too young or old to be hitting on me 78. Sex in the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: I have.... 80. Had your heart broken: No 81. Been arrested: not yet 82. Cried when someone died: No 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself:that dumbass caint do shit 85. Miracles: Yes in my EDH deck 86. Love at first sight: no it is something that should be developed 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss in the first date: I mean no isnt that the stage before you’re sure if you wanna be official 89. Angels: Yeah OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: I have a few ; Jenny, Rose, Ash 91. Eye color: My eyes are Blue I think 92. Favorite movie: the truman show
tagging @everyone
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