#the actual id said he was 21
treecakes · 2 years
some dude from pennsylvania came in and we id’ed him and it said he was 1410 years old -.-
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casperillion · 1 year
i dont know if i was raped or not
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violet-amet · 2 years
just got married in rune factory 5, so i p much got through a lot of the game in a short time. just gonna say, its p weak compared to 4 in a lot of ways, and im not fond of some of the romance options, for many many reasons, but i did enjoy the game for what it is. i had a fun time, flaws aside, and i wish to continue until i am satisfied with my experience with it.
7/10, married a god and would do it again.
0 notes
svsss-fanon-exposed · 4 months
Examining SVSSS Canon: 1/∞
One question and argument that comes up frequently in SVSSS fandom is, how long did Shen Yuan read PIDW for? Was he following it from early serialization, or did he simply binge everything toward the end?
This question isn't exactly one that is easy to answer either-- considering that there are actually various direct quotes that could be read in contradiction to one another regarding it.
Based on the information in the novel, we are left with several potential theories as to Shen Yuan's reading timeline. In this post, I will be presenting these theories, along with supporting evidence from the novel.
Theory #1: Shen Yuan picked up PIDW and binge-read it from beginning to end for the first time in 20 days before dying
This theory is directly supported with a quote:
He’d spent twenty days binging the novel from start to finish, so he had clean forgotten that whump-filled arc of pointless abuse that covered Luo Binghe’s beginnings at the sect, okay?! (7 Seas, Ch. 1)
In the original text, this line is 他可是看了二十天才看完的. Broken down, this is literally "he indeed read it (他可是看了), it took him twenty days (二十天才)to read the whole [novel] (看完的)."
*note 可是 may also be equivalent to "however" or "but" in some circumstances, but is generally used to provide emphasis.
However, depending on where one puts the emphasis and pairs syllables in the last part, there could be different interpretations. If read as 看 完的 it implies "read the entire thing," but if read as 看完 的,it implies "finished reading." I read it the first way, but I don't know if that is the "most correct," so there is some ambiguity there.
It is also implied later that PIDW was already very long and full of plot holes when he began reading it:
So, if back when he’d just opened this baffling book, this Proud Immortal Demon Way, which was so full of landmines that it was practically high art, to the point that those landmines had become its very style... He would definitely have grabbed the brick that was the entire fifty-volume set and showed them what their brains looked like when splattered across the ground. (7 Seas, Ch. 21)
Though this could be related to the final length of the novel, and the "fifty-volume set" is likely exaggeration or metaphor. In one of his forum posts, he also says:
I understand what OP is feeling. I’ve been reading this novel lately, and it’s so damn long—long and pumped full of filler... ...All my fellow readers have already roasted the setting for the last three hundred thousand words, so I won’t say more on that. (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
This part where he says he has been reading the novel lately, implies that he began not too long ago, rather than following it for years. Of course, Airplane already at this point finds his username and comments familiar:
His eyes automatically highlighted that familiar ID “Peerless Cucumber.” (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
So it could also be said that he is downplaying his dedication with that statement. He does, however, state that the other readers have roasted the setting, but doesn't mention that he himself has done so. Additionally, the "three-hundred thousand words" mentioned may refer to the comment section, not the novel itself, so there is still some ambiguity to that point.
Theory #2: Shen Yuan has been reading PIDW long-term throughout serialization
There are multiple quotes directly supporting this theory:
He could guarantee it on all the youth and frustrations he’d wasted following this twenty-million-word-plus serialization for years. (7 Seas, Ch. 6)
Everything that had happened before was as unto smoke. From today forth, as he walked the jianghu, he would use this ID, which had been plastered all over the comments section for years. (7 Seas, Ch. 9)
The second quote may refer to comments sections on Zhongdian literature in general, but the first one is more directly referring to PIDW. There is a slim but unlikely possibility that he referrs to the years he has spent within the PIDW universe, rather than just reading the novel. That possibility is made even less likely by the following quote:
Next, let a veteran reader of this novel, Shen Yuan, omit the countless fanservice-y details and concisely summarize the million-word epic for everyone… (7 Seas, Ch. 1)
Where it refers to him as a veteran reader of PIDW specifically (and this TL is consistent with the original implications). It's unlikely for him to be referred to as a veteran reader if he had only been reading the novel for twenty days.
As one can see, if you go by either of the above theories, there are direct conflicts and contradictions, and arguments to be made either way. This could be written off as inconsistency. However, there are two additional options and theories which can resolve those conflicts.
Theory #3: Shen Yuan had been a casual reader of PIDW for years, but rushed to finish reading it through to the end in 20 days
One possibility is that Shen Yuan had been reading PIDW casually over several years, but wasn't caught up by the time his death drew near. Shen Yuan's cause of death is a matter for another post, so I won't discuss it here, but the following quote lends some support to this reading:
“Dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel!” With his dying breath, Shen Yuan spat this final curse. Who could have imagined that an upstanding young man like him—who had properly purchased the website’s VIP currency and read the novel’s official version—would find himself persevering before his untimely death to finish a novel so stallion, so money-grubbing and overly padded, that it left him speechless with rage? How could he not curse? (7 Seas, Ch. 1)
Here, it seems that Shen Yuan may have been aware of his upcoming death, and so he may have wanted to hurry and finish reading the novel before he died. In the original text, the phrase is: 临终之前坚持看完的, which can be broken down as "before his untimely/sudden death (临终之前), he persisted to finish reading [the novel] (坚持看完的), though this may also be read as "he persisted in reading the entire novel," depending on how one puts emphasis in the sentence (same issue as the first quote in theory 1). 临终 means literally "near the end," but is a term for death or one's deathbed. Another way to translate 临终之前 would be "before meeting his end."
So, because he was persisting/persevering in finishing the novel (either the whole thing or just to the end), it may be that he expected his incoming death, or that he simply wished to persist in reading the novel to its end and his death still occured unexpectedly.
坚持 implies some level of urgency or steadfastness, but it may not refer to reading the novel quickly, but simply dedication to slogging through all of the bad porn and reading it to the end, rendering this theory a bit shaky.
Theory #4: Shen Yuan had been reading PIDW since early serialization, but re-read the entire thing in the 20 days before his death
This theory would resolve all potential conflicts-- making it true that he both followed PIDW's serialization for years and read the whole novel in 20 days. As to why he re-read the full novel, perhaps it was because the final chapter had been posted or was coming up, and he wished to reread from the start in preparation for that-- this could also drive him into an even greater rage about the contents of the novel and how repetitive and filler-heavy it is, as this would become more and more obvious on a binge-reread from start to end.
One weakness in this theory, though (pointed out by @verycharismaticdragon) is that if he read it twice, it would be less likely for him to completely forget details as mentioned in the first quote. Not entirely impossible-- one can still forget details even after multiple read-throughs, but just less likely to completely forget.
Theory #5: When Shen Yuan began reading PIDW, he binged all available chapters in twenty days, before following it consistently afterwards.
(theory courtesy of @verycharismaticdragon)
While this would not be particularly likely if the quote from theory 1 and the quote from theory 3 were linked together, those two quotes don't necessarily have to be linked-- it's possible that Shen Yuan would have binged the entire novel as it was at the time he found it in twenty days, then decided to continue reading as it updated, persisting and persevering because he wanted to reach the end despite the novel's trashiness, and then ended up dying.
Particularly, this makes a lot of sense in the context of the following quote:
Even though this famous Lord Cucumber spewed criticism constantly and without end in “Great Master” Airplane’s comments sections, his subscription payments and demands for updates never waned. (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
If Shen Yuan hadn't been caught up with the novel (as theory 3 would state) then it wouldn't make quite so much sense for him to be demanding updates, and if he hadn't been reading it for even a full month, there was no reason for him to make consistent subscription payments.
Ultimately, which theory you choose to believe depends somewhat on the way you view canon-- whether the seemingly contradicting statements were intentional, or whether they were merely a consistency error.
These are the only theories that I can think of, but feel free to add any additional theories + support quotes and analysis if you have them!
One final note, in regards to WHEN DID SHEN YUAN START READING?
If it's true that Shen Yuan began reading PIDW earlier in serialization, how early was that point? Was he reading it from the beginning, or did he start later?
I personally believe it was later. Though he says he was following the novel for years, that could mean anywhere from two to four years since the total serialization of PIDW took place over four years:
How could someone who’d cursed “dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel” remember ancient content from the beginning of a serialized novel that had been running for four years and covered an in-narrative span of two hundred years? (7 Seas, Ch. 1)
While it's hard to place exactly when he started reading, it seems that Shen Yuan began to read PIDW before the Immortal Alliance Conference arc, as he discusses the novel's online performance before that point:
Before this event, Proud Immortal Demon Way’s performance online had been steadfastly lukewarm. But once the Immortal Alliance Conference Arc debuted, the reviews, comments, subscriptions, and tips all soared into the heavens. It wasn’t only because from that point forward, “Great Master” Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky abandoned the last of his already minimal moral principles... there was another important “it” factor. It was, in fact, the main element that had first compelled Shen Qingqiu to follow the novel until the end. The demonic beasts! (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
It also seems that he wasn't entirely dedicated to reading the novel before then. However, he may have caught up with the serialization a bit later-- for example, if he started reading just before the conference, he would have known that it was a little-known novel before, and been able to watch the rise in popularity in real time even if he himself hadn't caught up to the conference just yet, before only deciding to dedicate to reading the full novel once he caught up to that part.
There are many possibilities and uncertainties in regards to Shen Yuan's reading timeline, but I do think there is enough information here to form decently solid theories-- so I will leave it to my readers to decide, now that the information has been presented, which ones they think are most likely and which they wish to use in their analysis.
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loverwebs · 1 year
It's Supposed to be Fun, Turning 21
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Peter, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Warnings: Slight angst & mentions of alcohol
Word count: 1,700
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A very tired Y/n stumbled over the bumpy sidewalk of New York, cursing under her breath whenever she nearly stepped in a puddle. Her purse was crossed along her body and a bottle of wine swung from her hand.
She made her way home quickly and in annoyance, not wanting to be out any longer than she had to. With that in mind, she took a shortcut through an alleyway.
"Ma'am, stop right there!" A voice behind her shouted. She hesitantly turned, about to blow the person off, before she saw the city's masked hero within a few feet's distance.
"Holy shit! Oh, fuck did I do something? If it's the wine— I'm legally allowed to own it! And I have my ID, so please don't arrest me. I'm not even drunk!” a startled Y/n shouted.
"No, no! It’s okay," The vigilante approached her.
"Oh, okay," She said, touching her heart and sighing in relief. "Sorry for getting all jumpy there. It’s been a long day."
"No, you're fine! I didn't mean to scare you. I was just gonna say, you really shouldn't be walking home by yourself. It's not exactly safe, especially at night," He explained through an overly deepened voice.
"I know it's not," Sighed the girl. "My friends tried to get me to walk home with them, but my place isn't that far. And I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone."
She continued her path, glancing back at him to add a quick, "No offense."
"None taken," He replied through a jog, catching up to her. "Did you just happen to be carrying around a bottle of wine with you, though?" He softly laughed at her antics.
"Uhh, yeah, just tonight." She returned a weak one.
"What's the occasion?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
"It's my birthday. I'm 21 now and I wanna have my first drink with my boyfriend. He couldn't make it to my party and the restaurant let me bring one home with me."
She smiled sadly, lifting the bottle up so he could see the written For the birthday girl, enjoy! that a waitress had signed in permanent marker.
Peter felt guilty hearing this. Not only because he didn't make it to her birthday, but because she still waited for him. Wanting to share the special moment— despite him having missed it entirely.
"Happy birthday, then." The masked boy spoke, voice cracking as he said it. "I hope you spent it well."
"It was... eh. But thank you."
"Why was it 'eh'?" He asked, holding his breath.
"It's just, I don't know." She shrugged, not wanting to get into it.
She pondered for a moment, then, "I'm not trying to be rude or like, ungrateful, but don't you have actual Spider-Man stuff to do?"
He shook his head, "Making sure you get home safely is just as important as any other mission to me... plus, I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"That's nice, but I wouldn't want you to stop helping someone who actually needs it because of me."
"It's fine," He waved a hand in dismissal. "Don't even worry about it. I was pretty much done for the night anyway."
All she did was nod, not entirely convinced, then he spoke again.
"Sooo.. your birthday," He started.
"Right, yeah. It was fine, I guess."
"How come?"
"You're already walking me home, the last thing I want is for you to be my therapist too." She joked.
"Well, maybe I could help cheer you up... I like to help people. It's what I do."
"My friends already tried.. and failed. What makes you think you can?"
"I'd try my luck," He suggested. "Or we could walk in awkward silence."
She laughed at that, to which he said, "So what's got you down?"
"Okay, I mean.. like I said, my boyfriend didn't show up at the restaurant, soo I kinda spent the whole night staring at the door in case he did."
"Oh." He mumbled. "Sounds like a shitty boyfriend," He whispered, a little more to himself.
"He isn't," She shook her head a few too many times.
"He's naturally late to things, yeah. And he can't always make it to stuff. But when he is there.. His presence makes everything so much better." She said truthfully.
Peter hummed in understanding, his heart feeling heavy at her defending words. Here he was in a Spider-Man suit, meanwhile she wore her best party outfit. Not even cursing at the boy for his absence.
He didn't deserve her, he thought.
"Did he at least call? You know, saying he couldn't make it?"
Silence filled the air momentarily, which was enough of an answer. Still, she said, "He usually does..."
"Yeah?" He swallowed the forming lump in his throat.
"He— he always lets me know if he can't. And he did wish me a Happy Birthday! It's just— he's— I don't know what's going on with him anymore." She gave a teary laugh.
"Sometimes, it just feels like he's gonna break up with me. I feel like he wants to do it, but he's waiting around for the perfect opportunity, y'know?" She quickly wiped her now forming tears. "Sorry, I sound really pathetic."
"What?! No. No... You don't." He paused. "You— you really think he's gonna break up with you?" He dreadfully asked.
"I don't know," She gave a weak shrug. "He's like, distant lately."
"Have you.. Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"I've tried, yeah." She chewed on her lip nervously, thinking of the many instances where he canceled at the last minute when she intended on speaking with him.
"Like just this week, I asked to meet up after his afternoon class because I wanted to know if something was wrong, but..." She trailed off, holding back more tears.
"He canceled," He finished her sentence, wincing at her confirming nod.
"Right, and it's like, what am I doing wrong?" She added helplessly.
"Nothing! You're not doing anything wrong," He said through an interior panic.
"Doesn't feel like it."
They continued walking as Peter thought of the correct words to say. She'd laid her thoughts right there at his feet and he didn't know what the right move was.
He gave a desperate sigh, then proceeded to say, "I don't think he wants to break up with you."
"Seriously? That's what you're gonna tell me? You don't know that—"
"Hear me out... It's just, you know. Maybe he has a lot going on and.." He started, feeling overwhelmed.
"And maybe he hasn't been able to really tell you everything he wants you to know because he's scared. Scared to lose you. Or scared that you're already slipping away from him." He rambled on.
She slowed down her pace, tilting her head at him as a sense of familiarity within his words settled in.
He wasn't faking his tone anymore, and she wasn't as in her head as she was when he first found her.
"But you're not doing anything wrong, okay, Y/n?" He continued, voice breaking as he stepped closer to her. "I can promise you that."
She looked around to make sure the streets were empty before abruptly stopping in her tracks, eyeing him, when it finally clicked for her. She inched closer to him, while her shaky fingers tentatively reached towards the bottom of his mask.
She did so slowly, making sure he had time to stop her if he wanted to.
"Wait," He put his hand over hers. "It's not really.. It's not safe to do that here."
She understood and immediately withdrew her hand, taking a few steps back.
"Do you trust me?" He walked towards her, carefully placing his hands on her hips. With a nod, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Just like that, he aimed at a nearby building and shot a web, swinging with her in his arms. Her body tightly hugged him as they made their way to the rooftop of Peter's old apartment building. The same place they had their first date.
A sloppy "Happy Birthday" was webbed above the projector that was setup, along with blankets on an old couch that they’d made out on several times.. A few of her favorite drinks and snacks placed there as well. She noticed them as he gently put her down.
She once again turned to look at him, but his mask was already off.
"I'm sorry I missed your birthday, Princess."
"Oh, Peter," She frowned and went to cup his face. "Who did this to you?"
"It doesn't matter," He said softly, leaning into her hands.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I really wanted to... But I never knew when or how to do it. And tonight, I wanted to be there." His lips trembled.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to be there. But some guy had this really wonderful idea to rob a bank on your day, which caused a lockdown and eventually it led to a car pileup—"
She placed a kiss on his lips, shutting him up while holding onto the back of his neck in order to keep him close.
"I saw the news, Pete." She said once they parted and hugged him tightly, body shaking as she did so.
"Are you crying?" He asked through furrowed brows. "I'm so sorry I upset you, I—"
"I'm not upset with you. You don't have to apologize."
"You're not?"
"I mean, I was upset when I thought you were preparing some 'it's not you, it's me' speech on my birthday. And the thought of that hurts a lot more than knowing you kept this from me."
"I shouldn't have ever made you feel like we were gonna breakup, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to give you that impression. You have every right to be upset at me for it." He hung his head low in shame.
"Thank you for owning up to it, but it's okay now, love. I'm okay now that you're here," She reassured him. "And I'm really glad you trusted me enough to share this with me."
"Of course I trust you. I had it all planned out.. We were supposed to go to dinner first and then come here. I was gonna explain everything up here, but things just got all messy, as always."
"I just said it's okay," She giggled, tracing the spider on his chest. "Besides, I can't complain when you look this good in your suit."
She smiled at his forming blush and messed up hair, then leaned in to kiss him once again.
"I love you," He whispered against her lips.
"I love you too, Spider-Man."
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catherinnn · 1 year
Exes with benefits
summary: Exes to fuck-buddies to lovers. After a year of trying to get over each other, you meet again purely by coincidence and aren't able to resist temptation. But still, you weren't going to date him again, it was all for the sake of how good you were together, or at least that's what you told yourself.
warnings: SMUT +18, pnv, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, degradation & praise kink, switch! Eddie (but mostly dom! Eddie), jealously, alcohol and drinking, language.
words: 5k
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Eddie and you had been broken up over a year now. And it hadn’t been your best year, it wasn’t like you spent it crying the whole time, but the expectation of being newly single was different than the reality. You didn’t go out every single weekend and made out with a different guy every night out, you hadn’t had a proper date in months and you haven’t had sex in an embarrassing amount of time. But it wasn’t like it was the worse year either, you became really good friends with Robin and Nancy, who before used to be only acquaintances, you got a raise at the café where you worked, and you really learnt to be more by yourself and actually enjoy it.
That’s why tonight you were going to have dinner out by yourself. You started doing it sometimes to out for coffee and just sat there alone reading, it was so comforting that every now and then you needed it, and tonight felt like one of those times.
“Hello there, can I help you?” the waiter at the entrance said to you.
“Hi, yes, I’d like a table for one please?”
“We will have one available in about 20 minutes, would you like to wait at the bar?” he offered.
“Yes, that’d be great”
You sat at the bar and ordered yourself a drink, it surprised you sometimes how the barmen wouldn’t ask for your ID any longer, did you really look like 21? It wasn’t that you weren’t, because you did turned 22 a few months ago, but you didn’t know if it was a good thing to look your age, your mom had always told you that it was better to look younger than to look your age. You decided to stop thinking about it that much because it could turn into a new insecurity really quickly.
When you got out of your own thoughts for a second and started to look around, you were welcomed by a very familiar face. Eddie was sat at the bar too, a few seats next to yours, you saw him looking at you too and a surprised expression on his face showed up later to be changed by a smile and a hand-wave. You waved back but then saw how he stood up with his beer on his hand and walked over to you.
“Hey!” he greeted you.
“Hi, Eds” It slipped out of you, the nickname, it was what you always called him, but that was while you were dating, you didn’t know if it was too affectionate to use it now, you actually didn’t know anything about how to treat him now, after everything, where you supposed to forget about anything that happened between you two and just act like he’s a friend who you say hello to every time you see him? It wasn’t that you wanted to ignore him but that did sound less awkward than this fake niceties. I guess this is the price you pay after such a long relationship, where the confidence between both of you used to be the biggest you’ve ever had with anyone. After three years and a half of heaven. No one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you, and you know you’ve hurt him too.
“What were you doing here?” he asks while sitting down on the bench seat next to yours. This took you out a little, was he really going to stay here and talk as if nothing? Have a drink together? You didn’t know how to feel about that, you liked to see him but you had a feeling you shouldn’t like it.
“I just felt like going out for dinner tonight, nothing special, and you?”
“Well, I did make plans with Gareth to come have dinner together but I’m starting to think he stood me up”
“Oh, wait, really?” you laughed.
“Yeah,” he laughed too. “I was about to call him actually and ask what happened, but then I saw you… and got a little distracted” was the comment a little flirty or was it your imagination trying to trick you?
“Oh, well, sorry for the distraction, you can still call him if you need”
“Yeah, will you wait a second? I’ll be right back”
“Yeah, sure” and he went to ask the waiter for the phone, after a few minutes you saw him hung up and walk back to you.
“Well, turns up he’s not gonna make tonight, do you mind if I… stay here with you or is it too much?” he asked and you could detect the hope on his face and his voice. Also his attempt to evade the puppy eyes he gave you every time he wanted something. You thought twice about your answer, you should say no and avoid a potential awkward evening, but at same time you were a little curious.
“Sure, why not? I’d be good to catch up, right?” you gave him a smile and he smiled back, sitting down and ordering more drinks for you two.
The night went on with a lot of more drinks for you two, and fortunately for you, this helped to get out of the awkward phase, but maybe a little too out of the phase.
“Wait wait, but I wanna know, Steve, did anything happened with him after us?” he asked in between you laughter after you confessed you always felt a little jealous over his deals with Chrissy. “Cause I swear, he had crush on you”
“He sooooo did not!” you said trying to stop laughing. “But you know who did had a crush on me back then? Dustin”
“Oh my god, he so did!” he laughed harder. “I remember he used to get all nervous when you came to our meetings, and blushed every time we kissed or when I talked about you”
“Anyway, that was before that bitch Suzie stole his attention” you joked faking annoyance but then when Eddie started laughing your lips went upwards again and a giggle escaped.
And after even more drinks were ordered by the two of you, Eddie had the idea to dance to the great songs the bar was playing, since there was a space to dance and some couples were swinging to the music.
He took your hand and walked over there. Then his other hand went to your waist and yours went to his neck while the both of you laughed at the way you were dancing. Then, he pulled you closer and didn’t break the eye-contact, faces inches away from each other and you think you never felt hotter.
The next morning presented itself with you waking up with an important headache, not really able to open your eyes from all the light in the room. You sat down and slowly started to see more. Like the window on the wall next to you and the Corroded Coffin poster next to it.
Wait, Corroded Coffin?
This was Eddie’s room, you realized.
Looking down next to you on the bed, you saw him asleep on his stomach but his face turned to your side, his hair a mess. You looked down to your body and were met with that the only thing you were wearing was the tangled sheets on his bed, under that…nothing.
Flashes of last night came back to you, the kiss at the dancefloor, the kiss on his car on the way here, all the kisses that were shared from the front door to his bedroom door, and all the kisses that happened after that on his bed, and the memory of those kisses that weren’t only on the lips but on the rest of your bodies who were all too familiar with each other.
Eddie moved next to you, he opened his eyes slowly and was met by the sight of you tangled in his sheets with him, your hair was messy and your neck and chest were covered in hickeys. He smirked proudly.
“Morning” he said with his raspy morning voice.
“Yeah, hi” you responded and started looking for your clothes.
“Come back here, stay a little longer” he pouted and released his best puppy eyes that he had tried so hard to hold back last night when he asked you if he could stay.
“Stay? Eddie, how are you not freaking out about this?” you questioned him.
“What’s there to freak out about? The reason why we stopped doing this in the first place?” he said sarcastically
“The reason is because we broke up! We’re no longer dating so we shouldn’t be doing this anymore” you said seriously.
“Says who? Cause if they felt like we did last night, they’d change their minds”
“Well, I’m not” you stood up and put on your shirt and underwear.
“Hey, don’t go” he asked while getting up and tried to stop you from finding your pants.
“Eddie, this is not going to change because of last night” you signaled between you and him referring to your relationship.
“Why not? You felt it, you were there! You don’t just have that with anyone”
You didn’t answer and picked up you pants that were under the chair of his desk, and put them on.
“We can’t just forget about this” he fought.
“Well, we’re gonna have to try” you simply said and walked out of his house.
The rest of the day followed slowly, you didn’t like it when you were wrong, and you liked it even less when you had to admit that you were, but Eddie was right. You couldn’t stop thinking about last night. The memory of his lips on yours, on your neck, on your chest, on your breasts. His touch everywhere, like the way you could still feel his hands on your hips while you sat on top of him, probably leaving bruises on either side of your hips, you didn’t dare to see, it would just add fuel to the fire that was your body right now.
The next morning you heard a knock on the door, when you opened to check who it was, the person entered your house before you could kick him out. Eddie, of course.
“Please, do come in” you joked.
“Sorry, but I wanted to talk to you, that’s why I didn’t call before, cause I knew you’d hung up”
“You should take the hint maybe”
“Please, just think about it! Give it another chance, Princess, we’re so good together” He walked closer to you.
“I-I don’t know, Eddie”
“Could you forget about last night? Like you said we should” he asked you.
“Well, it’s only been a day-“
“But could you forget about it for even a second of your day?”
“You’re so dramatic”
 “Don’t change the subject, princess” he mocked, but he was right, again. And not only did you hate the fact that he was right, that you weren’t able to focus on anything else now, but also you hated the way you could feel your panties get wet at the sound of that nickname he just called you. And also, how pretty did he look begging before?
“You can’t stop thinking about it even now” he whispered and softly pulled you closer to him, really close. “Are you thinking about how this hickeys ended up here?” he made a path with the touch of his fingers from your neck to the valley of your breasts. “Or how my hands felt holding you again, touching you everywhere again? How they held you while you jumped on my cock again? And moaned into my mouth cause we couldn’t stop kissing? How deep I was inside of you and how fucking hot it was?”
He touched his lips with yours to give you time to pull back, but when you didn’t, he kissed you, slowly and passionate. One of his hands on the back of your neck and the other moved down to your ass while yours pulled his hair just how he likes it, he moans into your mouth. He bites you lower lip as he gives you his biggest smirk, you pull him down to you again and start making out with your guidance.
“Fuck” he moans as he pulls out of you and lays down next to you on the couch, both trying to catch your breaths.
“My god” you sigh and pass your fingers through your hair.
He looks at you and smiles. “You look so hot I could do this even one more time” he tries put you stop him.
“We’ve already came three times, give me a rest!” you laugh.
“See what I told you? We’re so good together”
“You sound so cheesy” you mock him and he laughs too. “We can keep doing it, but I don’t want anything romantic, not a relationship, just… two exes… enjoying…how good they are together” you find trouble trying to define whatever you wanted to be.
“Exes with benefits” he jokes.
“Yeah” you laugh.
Thanks to this new agreement with Eddie, you didn’t only get the mind-blowing sex, but also, this meant that you could hang out with the whole group again. In your relationship with Eddie, you became good friends with the kids and you had to admit that you missed them after the break up, but they were Eddie’s friends first and you had to respect that.
But now, when you were certain that neither you nor Eddie would be awkward hanging out, you decided to accept Steve’s invitation to join him taking the kids out for pizza. He had warned you that Eddie would be there too and you let him know that it didn’t matter.
He picked you up telling you that Eddie was in charge of picking the rest of the kids up.
“So, you sounded pretty sure over the phone when you told me that it didn’t matter to see Eddie again” he said keeping his eyes on the road.
“Yeah, don’t worry, I was gonna have to see him again eventually if I wanted to still hang out with you guys, and I felt that it was about time now” you lied.
“That’s really mature of you, I’m not used to that” he joked.
“You’re one to talk” you joked back.
“Hey!” you both laughed. “But you know, Eddie gave me a similar response when I asked him if it was ok to invite you”
“Oh, did he?”
“Yeah, he said that it was only fair since you haven’t seen the kids in a while and they miss you too”
“Ohhh, do they?” you changed the subject so he wouldn’t think about you and Eddie too much.
“Are you kidding? They’re always telling me that you were so much more fun than me” You laughed again.
When you got to there you had to wait a few minutes because obviously, this is Eddie we’re talking about and he’s always late, so after they all arrived, the boys gave you a big hug, it surprised you that Max also came along, she was secretly your favorite, and she knew that.
The night went on great for you, you never realized just how much you missed them until tonight. Obviously, you had to act a little distant towards Eddie, it had to seem believable.
But Eddie was not having his best night, not because you two had to act distant, but because the waiter you had tonight wouldn’t stop flirting with you, every single time he came over to table.
The first time he came to give you all the menu, he would only look at you while he talked, then when after he took your order he winked at you before leaving, he also asked for your name, but only yours! Not even anyone else’s at the table! But what was definitely too much for the evening was when he asked for your number.
It was when you all stoop up from the table and walked to the door.
“Oh, could I ask you just one thing before you leave?” he asked you.
“Yes, of course” you answered.
“Could I- ask for your number?” he said kind of nervous.
“Oh” you were surprised and of course all the group behind you heard, they were probably paying even more attention to the waiter’s question than you. “Sure, yeah”
Eddie could feel the stares of his friends while you wrote your number on a napkin for the other guy. It was indeed an awkward moment for him, but not for the reasons they thought. It wasn’t because his ex-girlfriend was giving her number to someone in front of him, but because his ex-girlfriend with benefits — as you had defined your relationship now — was giving someone else her number and he couldn’t do anything to stop you, not now nor later when you’re alone, he couldn’t just tell you that he was mad because of that, the agreement was: this is not a relationship, this is just fucking. So he just had to swallow all of his jealousy.
But he wasn’t the only one with this problem. It happened a few weeks after, Steve was going to a party some senior was throwing and invited you with Eddie, Robin and Nancy.
The night had started rather greatly, Eddie had come over to your house an hour before the party, said he wanted to "help you pick the outfit" but it was just his excuse to see you dressing and undressing and also modeling the outfits.
"I prefer the other dress, the black one" he gave his opinion from your bed, laid there watching you.
"Of course you like the black one better" you commented remembering that it's his favorite color.
"You look more metal" he joked. You laughed and took the dress off, you could feel his eyes staring at you, and you turned around and looked back at him.
"What?" you asked innocently.
"Come here" he whispered.
You walked to him with a smug smile and straddled him. "Hi"
"Hey, pretty girl" his hands start caressing your legs, thighs, hips, waist.
You lowered yourself on him and kissed him, his hands go to your ass and moves you. You can feel his hard-on through your underwear and through his pants.
"Eds, wait" you interrupted. "We don't have much time, I still have to get dressed and do my hair and make-up-"
"I'll be so quick, baby" He cuts you to then unbutton his pants and lowers them with his boxers, he moves your panties to the side and touches your cunt with one of his fingers. "Are you always this wet for me? Always ready for me to use you whenever I want?"
And you almost moan at his words, you nod your head and he laughs.
He passes the tip of his cock through your folds covering it with your slick. "Ready?"
"Yeah, please"
"Mmmh" he moans as he enters you slowly.
"Ohh" you moan when he is fully inside. He starts moving you up and down on his cock, guiding your movements and honestly that's exactly what you wanted right now, just him using you.
"Fuck, that's right baby, God, feels so good" he groans, you can't stop your moaning as he increases the speed, he grabs your hips and keeps you in place as he stars moving his pelvis up and down, thrusting into you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, play with your clit, princess, do that for me please" he tells you and you obey. You throw your head back and moan his name amongst some other curses and nonsense.
"Yeah? Are you about to cum, baby?"
"Yes! Eddie!"
His breath begins to uneven even more than before as he enjoys the sight of you jumping on top of him, your tits bouncing in your black laced bra and you pretty face as you're cuming on his cock. He feels your walls clenching around him and that's enough to make him cum inside you, creaming all of your walls and filling you up, moaning and grunting your name.
You laid on top of him, your head on his chest and his hands holding you so you don’t fall, both breathing heavily.
“I’ll clean you up now so you can put on that pretty little black dress, and put on some make-up, maybe that red lipstick you know it’s my favorite, and then we can get going, right?” he asks, you nod your head not being able to form words just yet.
After you got cleaned-up and ready, you got in the car and drove there, when you arrived and walked in, you quickly greeted Nancy and Robin who were later joined by Steve.
You passed the first few hours doing shots and playing games, that’s how you ended celebrating with Robin because you had won a game of beer-pong against two other guys you didn't really know. Then you two walked back into the kitchen to pour yourselves another cup and went to the living room — where most people were. You were chatting and dancing with her when you saw Eddie at a corner of the room talking to a blonde girl, he was laying his back against the wall with her in front of him, smiling, laughing, and clearly flirting.
You tried to ignore them and the uncomfortable feeling in your belly this had caused you. Since you and Eddie aren't dating — you had made that very clear — you weren't going to let yourself suffer or let this give you any kind of reaction whatsoever. You kept dancing with Robin as if nothing happened but every time you glanced over at him again, you could see that they were much more closer that before and she had started to play with his hair while they kept laughing.
Fuck, there's that uncomfortable feeling again.
You wanted to go over there and push her from him, and then ask him what the fuck does he think he's doing. But then obviously, you didn't. You just drank some more until you were properly drunk and danced some more until Steve offered you and Robin a ride home. You didn't see Eddie again that night, luckily for you. Because when you woke up the next morning and started thinking about it again, you came to the conclusion that if you had seen him again while you were that drunk, you would have probably said something that you would now be regretting.
So luckily, you just woke up with a hungover, no regrets and decided that you weren't in any place to feel jealous, he had every right to flirt with others girls, even if it was right in front of you. It's too bad that you had declined the waiter’s offer to go out last Friday, but then again, he wasn't really your type, and you would only be doing that to get even.
Because of course this was all just an attempt to convince yourself that you didn't care what Eddie did outside of your little affair, and an attempt to make you stop thinking about the blond girl so close and touchy with him. But luckily, you were able to ignore that uncomfortable feeling in your gut for a little longer.
A few weeks after that, everything went back to normal for you both, or as much as normal it could be to be having an affair with your ex-boyfriend. So this weekend, after Eddie had told you that he was going to be busy, you invited your friends to sleep over.
"Did he really ask for your number?" you asked Nancy surprised.
"Even after I told him I have a boyfriend, he kept asking and asking"
"What a dick" Robin commented. "But for what I have heard, there's another one who's also having a lot of game lately" she said signaling to you.
"What are you on about now?" you asked her.
"Steve might have told me that a certain waiter flirted with you the whole night and then he asked for your number"
"Oh, god, he’s such a snitch!”
"Not only that, but the waiter even did all of this in front of Eddie" she finally said, Nancy gasped and your face went red.
"And you gave it to him?"
"What was I supposed to do? I can't say no, it would have been so awkward"
"For him! What does that have to do with you?"
"I don't know, it just felt weird"
"And Eddie didn't do anything?" Nancy asked.
"And what would he do? He's not her boyfriend anymore" Robin responded before you could.
"I don't know, it must have been weird for him" Nancy insisted.
"I think he's gotten over it at the party with that blonde girl who couldn't keep her hands off of him" you said before thinking about it, it just escaped off of your mouth. The girls looked at you with a funny expression and you got even redder. "Sorry, umm... should I get more ice-cream? I'll go downstairs to grab it" you quickly offered to change the subject.
What you weren't expecting, neither did the girls in your room, nor the boy climbing up your window to sneak into your room: was what ending up happening.
"Surpriiiii-" Eddie started before he could put his feet on the ground and turned around from your window.
He stopped when he saw that it wasn't you that was on the bed, and the girls who actually were there stared at him with surprise.
When you went upstairs to announce that you only had strawberry left, you were indeed surprised too.
"Hi..." Eddie said nervously when he saw you. "I- didn't know you had company"
"Wwwwhat is he doing here?" Robin asked amused.
"Umm, he's..." you tried while he looked at you as if asking you what to do. Only if you knew.
"Don't try to lie to us" Nancy warned.
"Fuck" you sighed and gave up.
"I'm sorry" Eddie said to you as if ignoring the other girls would make them disappear.
"What are you doing here anyways? You said you had plans" you asked getting angry.
"Jeff canceled, so I thought I could sneak in and surprise you?"
"It would have been very clever to call before!"
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore"
"I didn't want a surprise-"
"Okaaaaay" Robin interrupted. "Stop fighting and explain yourselves"
"Uh, okay, we- are- ummm" you tried.
"Back together?" Nancy tried to help.
"No!" you quickly denied.
"No need to act so disgusted about it" He added.
"I'm not! It's just- what did you call us the other day?"
"Exes with benefits" he said and the girls looked as if they couldn't decide whether to be excited or to laugh at the situation.
"You're both idiots, that's what you are" Robin finally ended it. "Is he going to join us for the sleep over?" She asked you.
"Can I?" He asked you too.
"Ugh, fine" you sighed.
Of course you ended up explaining how it happened and of course you expected them to tell the rest of the group all about the news. What you didn’t know is what happened now, do you keep doing it but without hiding? That sounded a little too serious. So when Eddie met with you at your house again a few days after that, you knew you had to talk.
"Steve and Dustin already interrogated me" he announced.
"I know, Max and Lucas did the same to me" you told him. "I don't know Eddie"
"What?" he asked confused.
"How does this continue? What does this mean for us?"
"Does anything have to change?"
"I don't know... do you want it to change?"
He took a few seconds before answering, like he was debating something in his head.
"Alright, don't freak out, but this wasn't exactly what I wanted from the beginning" he confessed and you did in fact started to freak out.
"Wait, what?!"
"No, no, no, wait! I didn't mean it like that, I just- listen, when I first saw you again in that restaurant I got so fucking excited, I wanted to spend the rest of the night with you, cause if I didn't I got this feeling that I was going to regret it”
"But... you did spent it with me" you said confused.
"Do you remember that I told you that Gareth had stood me up, and that I called him to ask him?" you nodded. "I actually had called him to ask him to not come at all, he had told me that he was running late but I told him that you were in the restaurant too and you were alone and that if I didn't get a chance to talk to you again I would regret it my whole life"
It was your turn to take a few minutes to think, to take in this new information.
“And what do you actually want?”
"I want to get back together. I don't only want the sex. I want a relationship too" he admitted.
"And why did you agree if you knew that I didn't want that?"
"I thought I should take the opportunity, even if it wasn't completely what I wanted, it was still you. That and I was kind of hoping I could make you fall for me again"
You slowly shook your head wondering how you didn’t see this coming, it sounded so… Eddie.
"Could I?" he whispered.
"My God, Munson" you sighed. "You are unbelievable"
He softly smiled and suddenly you ran to him, jumping so he could catch you and take you in his arms. You stared at each other only to make yourself surer that this was the right decision. So then you softly grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.
And after the first news your friends got that you two were having an affair, came the second news that you were finally back together, and with that, a second interrogation from every one of your friends. But this time, they were sure you were doing the right thing.
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Would I be the asshole for pretending to be younger?I 25gf (she he they) am possibly going to a fundraiser event for a local cat rescue later this month and I have a dilemma based on the wording on the notice/invitation for it. Please note that I'm not directly affiliated/work for this organization so they have no way of knowing my age without actually looking at my ID. With that in mind here's what my issue is. On the notice for the event they say the ticket for it will buy you one plate and 1-2 alcoholic drinks for ages 21 and up and one plate plus 1-2 mocktails (non-alcoholic cocktails) for anyone under 21 years old. The thing is I stopped drinking alcohol due to a previously undiagnosed liver condition almost a year ago and well obviously 25>21. I don't really want to have to divulge my medical information in order to justify asking for non alcoholic drinks only so I'm wondering if my best bet is to just claim to be 19 or so which is how old I've been told I look anyway so that I can just get a couple mocktails or fruit juices without any hassle. But I'm also wondering if it's like morally wrong or something to lie about my age even if the odds of me getting found out are pretty low. I'm honestly not sure if I could just ask for the underage drink option even though I am of age but the advert for the fundraiser seemed to imply I couldn't so my only other option is to bring an under 21 guest with me and take their drink(s) from them which would be kind of a dick move to said guest. One last point is that since I might want to adopt a cat or two from them in the not super distant future I might be shooting myself in the foot by claiming to be only 19 because they're really strict about only adopting out to folks who are at least 21. So needless to say if I do end up going after all I'm leaning towards just claiming to be younger than I am especially since it probably won't hurt anything and will allow me to preserve my health without giving personal details of it to strangers but I'm conflicted for a few reasons especially the last one. So tumblrinas WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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rogerswifesblog · 10 months
Stacy’s mom pt 2
My Masterlist
Pt 1 here
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A/N: Hellloo👀 it wasn’t planned but…here’s a pt two of stacys mom because, well…no reason. I just really liked the first part and a few people wanted another part so😉😋 please reblog and leave feedback 🙏
Summary: Steve finally turned 21. And he still remembers your words. Come back when you’re 21. So what next?
Warnings: older reader, Steve is 21, teasing, alcohol consumption (just one wine glass each), oral sex m receiving, slight daddy kink, cum play, cum marking, squirting , p in v, unprotected sex, doubts, insecurities
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“Steve? What-“ “You said to come back when I’m twenty one…so, can I take you out on a proper date now?”, he interrupted you, holding out his ID for you to look over.
He was indeed twenty one. Today was his birthday.
And that’s how you found yourself here. Getting ready for a date with Steve Rogers. Your daughters old highschool friend. God, was that pathetic? Was it weird? You couldn’t decide how you thought about it, but with every word it got worse and worse.
Sighing you looked at yourself in your favourite blue dress. You had worn it years ago to a date-which had turned out into you being dumped. From then on you hadn’t worn this dress but you also remember how much Steve had liked it-yeah, he had never been subtle about his crush. Not even a bit. A smile crept onto your lips when you remembered his many compliments, and also hated how your ex-husbands surname sounded from his lips.
“Oh wow, Mrs Dupont you look amazing. This colour makes your eyes pop-and the make up, incredible. Any man would be happy to take you out on a date. I’m sure he’ll- ouch Stacy! Don’t kick me-“
“Aren’t you tired of wearing high heels all the time? I mean, I get it, your legs are beautiful with them but even without you’d look good-“
“Is that a new haircut? It suits your face so good, Mrs Dupont”
You also remembered how Stacy had pulled him away or kicked him under the table at that, making you cringe slightly. What would she think of it? What if she’d be mad? That’s not even a question. Of course she’ll be mad. You’re twice his age and to that he was Stacys friend-or is? You had no idea. God, you had no idea what the hell you were doing.
Ten minutes before eight a car pulled up at your house and the door bell rang only a few minutes later. Walking over to door you looked one last time in the mirror in the hallway, pulling your eyebrows slightly together. God…People would rather assume you’re his mother. Which you could be looking at the age gap. Sighing you brushed your hand over your cheek to the corner of your eye, where already some smile wrinkles appeared.
Why was Steve so attracted to you? He waited three years to go on a date with you…
For some reason it warmed your chest a bit. It was actually really flattering.
Opening the door you gasped in surprise, a huge bouquet of roses beeing held up tight to your face. “Hello”, Steve’s gentle voice and smile made your heart flutter. “Hello, Stevie, you got me flowers?”, I asked in surprise, not remembering the last time I become a bouquet like that, probably somewhat in the begging of your marriage with Stacys father.
You saw a little blush creep over Steve’s face, even though most of it was hidden by the beard. “Yeah, you deserve nice things…”, he smiled when you took the bouquet and walked back into the house, leaving the door open for him. He followed you into the kitchen where you looked for a vase, after finding one filling it with water and putting on the table with the roses, “thank you, they’re beautiful”, you smiled, your gaze falling from the flowers to Steve.
Steve was eye candy from the higher shelf, he looked incredible, dressed in a suit and black button down. His beard was trimmed and the hair in a neat hairstyle . Nothing was out of place, not one small wrinkle or hair strand. But what him made look so good was probably the bashful and nervous smile as he looked you up and down. Steve loved your dress years ago and still did now. He had always dreamed of you at his arm in that dress. The colour was one of his favourite, maybe after tonight his favourite.
Coming closer Steve carefully placed his hands on your waist and leaned down, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
You had to be honest…it made your heartbeat quicken like never before from just a single kiss, to that on the cheek. It was sweet. Innocent. Just a small peck. He wasn’t demanding or trying to be in any way pushy.
“Let’s go, I made a reservation for us”, steve smiled, holding out his arm for you to take. A smile crept onto your lips as you wrapped your fingers around his biceps, unintentionally squeezing a bit more than necessary. Jesus, his arm felt- no, stop lusting over him.
Head shaking over yourself you let Steve lead you to his car-a truck, not something you liked driving in, but you wouldn’t complain. You knew the young kids liked trucks-god, did you just refer to him as young kid?
It actually surprised you when he opened the car door for you and helped you step into the car-but you were really thankful for that seeing how high the car was.
When Steve started the engine the radio immediately turned on, some older song playing. A few seconds later you recognised the melody to be ‘a long, long time’ which made you smile to yourself. Steve listened to that kind of music? Oldies? Huh. That was quiete the surprise…but a good one. An old soul in a young body, maybe.
“I like the song, Is it your Playlist?”, you then asked, looking form the side at the blond man. He smiled lightly, nodding. “Yes, I love that type of music…it’s just…I dunno, it’s calming”, he explained, turning the volume a bit higher.
Most of the car ride was spent quietly with both of you humming to the music that was from his surprisingly good playlist.
Around twenty minutes later you arrived at a rather higher praised restaurant that you definitely hadn’t expected from him, but it did make you feel nicely treated-not because of how classy and expensive this place was-more because of how much Steve wanted to impress you on the first date. Not that it was necessary because…this wouldn’t be going any further, right? Just one date and that’s all.
Just when you wanted to open the door Steve took your hand. “No-wait”, with that he quickly left the car, before walking around and opening the door for you and holding out his phone to you.
A chuckle escaped your lips as you placed your hand in his palm, for a second a thought occurred to you; how long did it take for Steve to stop being such a gentleman in a relationship? You’d never find it out….but it still made you curious. Your ex husband had stopped treating you like that soon after the pregnancy.
When you stepped out of the car Steve closed the door and you both walked to the restaurant, where a waitress walked up to you and lead you to your table. Steve pulled your chair back for you, then sat down in front of you. All this time he had a big smile on his lips as he watched you.
Happy and completely content about finally having you taken out on a date. It was a indescribable feeling.
The waitress gave you both menus, her gaze glued to Steve so long she nearly hit you with one of the menus. Of course she was watching him. She had no idea he was your date. She maybe even assumed he was…your son. God, this was a mistake. A huge mistake.
Sighing you looked down at the menu as the waitress asked what you’d want to drink. “Please the [_____] red wine for me and for Appetizer the fried jalapeños with breadsticks”, you said and looked back at Steve who was already looking at you. “Is it okay if I Take something alcoholic? We will be here for a while so you don’t have to worry about me being drunk or anything”, he made sure before ordering.
You thought about it for a second and nodded, then. If your evening would turn out shorter you could drive, you weren’t planning on anything besides the glass of wine. “Good, then red wine for me, too. And bruschetta for Appetizer”, Steve ordered, smiling at the young woman.
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly, before smiling at him bashfully. “Well…Im sure you’re allowed to drink but I have to follow the rules, so may I see your ID?”, she asked making the both of you blush. You immediately looked down, hiding your face a bit behind your open menu.
Steve took out his wallet, reaching for his ID which she immediately took and looked over for longer than necessary-you could feel her gaze on you for a moment, but when you looked up she was already smiling at Steve again.
“Okay Steve, a wine it is, I’ll bring you your food and wine soon, if that’s all. Anything for you, ma’am?” Hearing her refer to you that way made you feel even worse than before and you were 100% sure she did it on purpose.
It was a huge mistake to go on a date with a man this mich younger. Closer to being a teenager than a man, if you had to be honest. And Steve had to know it too. How could he feel comfortable with you on a date? The waitress probably assumed you were his mother. Or maybe she was now laughing with her friends about-
Steve’s gentle touch at your wrist made you look up from the menu, which you hadn’t been even really looking at. You had no idea for how long you’ve been staring at the same page without having read a single word.
“Don’t do this…don’t overthink it, please…let’s just enjoy the evening”, said Steve gently, holding your wrist. His own menu was already put aside. “I’m sorry Steve, it’s just…you’ve seen how she looked at us-or rather me. At you she was looking with heart-eyes”, you mumbled while putting your own menu now aside, too.
Steve bit his bottom lip at your words, hiding a small smile. It sounded a bit…like you were jealous. Of course he knew you meant the age difference, but he couldn’t stop himself from slowly grinning more. “Oh come on, I don’t care about what she said-and you shouldn’t either”, he said, slowly brushing his hand over yours and squeezing.
“You have no idea how happy I am that you agreed to the date, I…actually thought you would have changed your mind at this point-or maybe that you’d already be with someone. A woman like you should be alone. You should be cherished by the right man”, he kissed your knuckles, all this time looking in your eyes.
And for the first time since you couldn’t remember when, you blushed over a man’s compliment.
A quiet ‘oh’ escaped your lips while you slowly started smiling a bit bashfuly. “Thank you, Stevie, that’s…really kind.” You wanted to add something more when the waitress came to your table, putting down the wine glasses forcefully making you both pull back in surprise. You both hadn’t even noticed her coming.
“I’ll get your Appetizer in a minute”, she smiled at Steve, not acknowledging you before once again leaving you two alone.
Steve watched her with furrowed eyebrows before scoffing quietly. “That was rude”, he said, his gaze back on you. He slid his hand along the table closer to you, his palm up. Inviting. You were uncertain if you should take his hand, knowing the young waitress would be back soon, but in the end you decided to gently place your hand in his.
He smiled at you happily, his eyes carrying a happy glimmer in them. “What have you decided to order? For the main course?”, Steve asked, adding after, “I’m thinking about the steak with fries.”
“Hmm, at first I thought about the salmon but steak sounds good…maybe I’ll take the steak instead”, you thought, looking into the menu once again. “Oh or shrimps…god, I don’t know I’ll take what the chef recommends. That way I won’t have to decide”, you laughed, shaking you head at your own inability to choose.
Steve chuckled and opened his mouth to answer but the waitress from before came. “So what would be for the main course?”, she smiled at Steve, before looking at you for a second but then quickly back at the blond.
“For my beautiful lady what the chef recommends and for me the steak”, said Steve without hesitation, squeezing your hand when he noticed how unsure and insecure you seemed because of the young woman.
She seemed to be speechless for a second, before nodding and writing the meals down. “Of course. Anything else?”, this time her gaze was stubbornly glued to her little notebook, not wanting to look at neither Steve or you.
When she finally left Steve couldn’t hold back the small giggle before winking at you. You still were slightly speechless from what he had said…his beautiful lady. That was…
He was really a sweet guy.
A part of you knew you shouldn’t feel this thrilled and happy, but another part was falling for him faster than you imagined possible.
You stayed at the restaurant for about two hours, enjoying your meal and the many interesting or silly conversations you had. All this time you weren’t interrupted anymore, or if you were then by a different person than the girl from before.
After you two ate your food and even dessert Steve paid for everything-surprising you, which you tried not to show. You hadn’t really expected him to pay for everything even if he was the one who had invited you to the date.
While leaving the restaurant Steve wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to the car. Once again he opened the doors and helped you into the car, a true gentleman. On your way back home he turned on the same playlist as before, this time a bit quieter.
Even when you arrived at your home he helped you out of the car, walking you to the door and waiting till you opened the door. He didn’t pressure you into walking in after you when you opened the door, he just stood there and smiled at you, his hand burried in his pockets.
“I…I had a really great time tonight”, he said, now much more nervous than during the whole evening. That was the part where you’d tell him it couldn’t happen again. This was there part where you broke his heart, this time for real, without any hopes for the future.
And yet something different left your lips. “Do you want to come in?”
It seemed to have caught you both off guard, but Steve nodded slowly, once again starting to smile at you. “Yeah, I’d love to”, he said and stepped into your house when you walked in. He closed the door behind himself and turned around to you.
Once again to your both surprise you grabbed his button down and pulled him closer to you, your chest touching, his arms immediately wrapping around your middle as you crashed your lips into his, kissing him passionately.
He gasped in surprise, but kissed back, even though slightly more sloppy, not having been prepared for it at all. You leaned back for a second, searching for any sign of discomfort or reason to stop, but before you could change your mind Steve leaned down again, kissing you even more enthusiastically.
You couldn’t stop the quiet gasp that escaped your lips when your back hit the wall with a light thud, Steve’s hands sliding to your behind before lifting you onto his hips. Automatically you wrapped your legs around his middle.
The last time someone had lifted you like this was a long time ago-and never did it happen so effortlessly, which kinda gave you a little confidence boost and also woke some primal part of your brain up that wanted to feel his strength in every position possible.
God. You were so lusting over him.
“Holy shit, Stevie-“, you gasped when he started kissing your neck, walking with you to the living room, his shoulder bumping into the door frame. “Wait-bedroom, go to the-the bedroom”, you gasped out, pressing his face further into your neck.
He looked up at you, pulling his eyebrows together. “Really?”, he asked quietly, confusing you slightly. “Yeah, really. It’ll be more comfortable.”
In the bedroom Steve carefully put you down on the bed, leaning over you and once again kissing passionately. This time it was a bit softer than before. When he let go of you once again he smiled down at you, standing up again and taking off his suit jacket, throwing it on your armchair.
He then looked back at you, his hands trembling as he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Everything okay, Stevie?”, you asked, sitting up and pulling him a bit closer, still looking up at him.
“More than okay-I’m-I’m really happy about this evening, I’m just…nervous. I’ve never been with an experienced woman like you and- ""But it’s not your first time ever, is it?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
He slowly shook his head, his hands stopping unbuttoning the shirt as he got to the middle. “No, not my first time but…I only had sex two times”, he said, burying his hands in his pants pockets.
You slide to the edge of your bed, your hands brushing over his thighs up to his stomach and you slowly open the rest of his shirt. “Do you want to continue?” Before you even finished the question he was already nodding furiously, watching as your hands slid down, over his bulge. A quiet moan escaped his lips and you couldn’t stop the grin creeping on your lips.
“Have you ever had someone suck you off?”
His face took on a dark shade of red as he slowly shook his head. “No”, he mumbled, watching as your hands slowly opened his belt and zipper, pushing his pants down.
“Would you like me to do it?”, just like before he nodded furiously, making you laugh quietly. Your giggles quietened as soon as you pushed down his boxershorts, his cock springing free, not even fully straightening from the weight. Fuck. He was huge. Definitely not how you had imagined him-not that you have done it often but…still.
It was a surprise.
A good one.
You wrapped your fingers around his cock, your palm not even fully closing around him as you slowly pumped him, the pre cum immediately leaking from his tip into your palm, making the movements a bit smoother.
His hand brushed through your hair when you leaned down and licked over his slit, making him moan quietly. The feeling of your wet and warm tongue indescribable. You licked along his shaft to his balls, pushing his cock against his stomach to have better access to his tense balls.
You hadn’t done much and he was already ready to burst. How cute. “Stevie you gotta hold it back for a bit longer so I can really make you feel good”, you grinned seductively, before sucking one of his balls into your mouth, your tongue playing with him before once again letting go with a loud plop.
He gasps quietly, nodding. “Y-yeah. I’ll try to”, he moaned again when you slowly started suckling at his head taking him deeper and deeper with every movement of your head, your hand rhythmically moving with your head making sure no part of his Beautiful cock was left out. Your other hand played with his balls, palming him gently.
After tonight your jaw would be sore for days, sof be your throat but it was definitely worth it. You couldn’t wait to feel his load fill your mouth-but not yet. First you wanted to make sure he’d for ever remember every second of his first blow job. Maybe you also wanted to make sure it’d be his best, too. No other woman was supposed to make him feel good. Definitely not better than you. Maybe…you should be thinking that way, but you couldn’t stop it. You wanted for him to always remember you when another woman would suck his cock poorly.
“Oh my-fuck, can you please suck my balls again?”, he panted, stroking your hair again. When your eyes met he couldn’t stop himself from moaning quietly again, his grip on your hair tightening. He imagined this view a few times if he had to be honest with himself-but never had he imagined it would look this good.
You slurped at his cock head for a second more before licking to his balls, suckling and pulling at them. His cock rested against your face, the pre cum leaving a glistening and wet trail behind, messing up your make-up, some even dripping onto your dress.
“God you’re so beautiful-and so fucking hot”, his hand started trembling, his panting getting faster. You could already tell he was coming closer to his orgasm.
It definitely made your chest feel tinglish, for some reason you were a bit proud of what was happening. You were the person giving Steve his first blow job.
“I think-I’m close-yeah, I’m close-take off your dress-I wanna come on your tits”, he moaned, stepping one step back, his own hand wrapping around his cock as he slowly started to stroke himself, his gaze glued to you.
Fuck. This was hot.
Grinning, you opened the zipper of your dress, pushing it down till you could throw it into the floor. Steve’s gaze slid over your body, stopping at your breasts when you took off your bra.
His lips twitched upwards as he watched you play with your breasts, pulling and pinching your nipples. “You’re incredible”, he moaned, stepping a bit closer to you again-his cock leaking pre cum onto your tits and then stomach when you leaned back on your elbows.
He closed his eyes for a second, trying to calm his breath before looking once again at you. His pupils were blown wide, his mouth slightly agape, his grip around his cock quick and tight. “Open your mouth for daddy’s load”, slipped past his lips, making him immediately blush. Just when he wanted to open his mouth again you chuckled quietly.
“Sure, daddy, I want your cock. Give me your cock, daddy”, you whispered back, keeping an amused grin to yourself. At least you tried to, but seeing Steve blush deepen you knew you didn’t succeed.
A silent moan escaped him as he was thrown to his peak, your words still freshly in his mind. He liked the sound of the word ‘daddy’ on your lips. “Oh fuck”, his cum hit your stomach and chest first, before he aimed higher for your face, especially your open mouth. The view of your cum stained face and body could make him bust again. This was definitely a view to remember.
As soon as he stopped orgasming he leaned down to you, cupping your face with his hands and pulling you into a breathtaking kiss, licking the cum from your lips and following the taste of himself in your mouth, “you’re fucking incredible”, he gasped into your mouth, slowly leaning over your body and pressing you further into the bed.
You grinned against his lips, pushing down his button down from his shoulders, revealing his beautifully sculpted body. “Oh god” “just Steve is enough”, he giggled at his pun, making you laugh quietly too. Your hands slid along his chest. “Wow, I remember-“ you bit your bottom lip at your next words. “I remember when you were still so skinny and rather…lanky”, you mumbled. How quickly time had passed…
Now that you were once again reminded of the age difference you weren’t sure if you really should be sleeping with Steve. You tried to tell yourself it would be just a one time thing. Something that wouldn’t matter to both of you, but….you could tell it was a lie. You weren’t sure what exactly feelings you had for Steve, but it was definitely more than just something platonic or lust.
During the whole evening you had a lot of fun with him-and you knew you’d have more, but not only sexually. Just talking and laughing was enough when it was with Steve.
“Are you okay?” Steve's quiet whisper brought you back as he gently brushed his palm over your arm. You hadn’t even noticed when he had laid down next to you instead of being above you. A small smile twitched over your lips as you nodded slowly. “Yes, it’s just ....I'm not sure what happens next-” Steve opened his mouth, slightly confused looking, but you quickly shook your head, “-not the sec part, silly. What would happen after? we can’t be together-I’m too old for you. People would watch our every step, everything we’d do together in public-they’d judge-and I don’t think you’d like to be with me forever. The difference is already noticeable, I have already some gray hairs and you-you’re so young and good looking.”
Sighing you closer your eyes when Steve brushed over your hair and pulled you closer. “I really don’t care about that…I like you. It doesn’t has to be…labelled…let’s just be with each other, we don’t have to be together…”, he mumbled, slowly kissing your cheeks down to his neck.
“Don’t think about it…let’s just enjoy it”, he smiled against your skin, leaving soft kisses behind. You couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto your lips as he pulled you even closer, your bodies pressed together, sharing the warmth of your skin. “This night is ours and what happens next…doesn’t matter”, he kissed you on the lips, passionately and rather…loving.
You slowly pushed him onto his back, throwing your leg over his hips. The feeling of his already hard cock poking against your leg made you grin a bit. You forgot how it was to be with a guy Steve’s age.
“You feel so good…Daddy”, you grinned against his ear, feeling a bashful smile on his lips as he kissed your neck again. “Stop it…”, he giggled looking at you again, his cheeks being already deep red. You smiled smugly, kissing his cheeks. “But it’s true, daddy”, you mocked him quietly, letting his dick side between your folds as you started grinding against him.
“Such a big cock for me, daddy”, you moaned into his ear, once again, mocking him. It was cute. Steve having a daddy kink…seeing how big the age gap was.
You wrapped your fingers around him, positioning him at your wet cunt. “Come on, make me feel it, daddy”, whenever you addressed him mockingly his blush deepened, a bashful smile crept onto his lips which was quickly replaced by a frown in pleasure as you slowly sank onto his cock.
When you were finally seated, his cock stretched your cunt perfectly, hitting and rubbing against every sensitive spot. “Oh fuck-so good”, you moaned bouncing lightly, trying to adjust to his size. You really couldn’t remember the last time you had been with a guy like Steve.
A few seconds later you started moving more, lifting yourself nearly fully up before slowly coming down again, gasping as his cock head rubs along your walls.
Steve himself couldn’t stop his moans anymore, grabbing your hips and fucking into you quicker, harder. “Oh fuck-yes-just like that”, you moaned in surprise, supporting yourself with your hands against his chest, your nails digging into his sculpted pecks, leaving behind red marks.
A small grin crept onto his lips as he noticed your surprised reaction. Steve wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you down onto his chest and slamming his cock deep in your quivering cunt, hitting your g-spot every time.
“Steve-I’m close-“, you moaned into his neck, your hands grabbing everything in reach-mostly his chest or the sheets. You felt your whole world collapse when the sudden g-spot orgasm rushed over you, your whole body shaking in Steve’s arms, your cunt squeezing him and pulling him in. Your juices gushed around his cock, making a mess.
You felt overwhelmed with every coming thrusts, still brushing your overstimulated g-spot. Steve’s grunts and moans close to your ear letting you know he was also getting closer to his orgasm.
It took Steve a few thrusts before his own body twitched, his load painting your pulsing and sensitive walls, all the cum leaking around his dick making an even bigger mess than before. Your and Steve thighs were covered in a mix of your releases, your sheets were dirty with cum.
And you felt better than ever.
A quiet laugh escaped your lips as you buried your face into Steve’s neck, inhaling his cologne. The smell being the same as years ago when Steve had hugged you to wish you a happy birthday-you remembered liking his smell. You still did.
Steve’s hands brushed along your back, scratching you gently before he slowly turned with you onto the side, his softening cock slipping from your messy cunt, making both of you gasp in pleasure and sensitivity.
“Let me get you a bit cleaned up”, Steve whispered against your forehead. You could feel the smile on his lips, the happiness in his voice.
And you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling.
A blush crept to your cheeks when Steve pushed you onto your back and admired his messy work. The cum was still leaking from your cunt every time your walls throbbed, pushing out the mix of releases, “that’s so hot”, he mumbled, before leaning down and licking along your slit, getting a surprised moan from you.
“Wait-what-“ “I told you I’d clean you up-“, Steve grinned from between your legs before once again continuing, licking along your slit, dipping his tongue in your sensitive cunt. Quiet and needy whines escaped your lips as you grabbed onto his hair. “I thought you meant-something different”, you were interrupted by your own moan when his nose brushed your clit.
You hadn’t been eaten out in a long time, especially not with someone who actually wanted to do it-and Steve seemed very eager about laping and slurping at your cunt, his tongue pushing into you as deep as possible, following your taste. There was definitely lack of experience, but his eagerness made up for it. You were curious how many times he had done it before-but it was no time to ask.
Even though you felt unbelievably good, you also felt too overstimulated and another orgasm felt like it’d be too much for you, so you gently pushed his head away.
The sight made your cunt throb again. His cheeks were covered by a small blush, probably from the lack of oxygen since he really didn’t want to let go for a second from your cunt, his beard glistening, his pupils blown wide. Just when he wanted to dive in again you held him back by the hair. “I’m too sensitive”, you said apologizing, making you both chuckle quietly.
Steve nodded and sat up again, his cock already being half hard again but he ignored it. “I’ll clean up a bit, bring us some water and then we can…sleep? If you’d…if you’d like for me to stay. I get it if you’re not interested in more and if so, then I’ll leave-“ “stay…Steve, please stay tonight”, you interrupted him, taking his hand gently in yours.
He looked down at your hands for a second before coming back to your face. His lips twitched to a smile and he nodded. After giving you a quick peck on the lips Steve went to the bathroom, cleaning himself a bit before grabbing a water bottle from your fridge.
When he walked back into the room you had changed the sheets and were laying beneath the comforter, already being close to falling asleep. A bashful smile crept onto his lips as he slowly sat down at the edge of the bed, not being sure what to do.
You smiled up at him, pulling the comforter back and patting the space next to you. “I like cuddles after sex”, you whispered, the two of you blushing like teenagers after their first time. In a way you felt exactly like that.
Steve pulled you into an embrace, kissing your head gently before closing his eyes.
You both had no idea how happy you both were right now. After years of pining and fantasies Steve finally had his dream woman in his arms and you felt happy having a man who actually cared about you. The last time you felt this happy was in the beginning of your marriage…which would now be over twenty years ago, “good night”, whispered Steve into your hair, interrupting your thoughts.
“Good night, Stevie…or should i say daddy?”, you whispered, a smirk creeping on your lips. Without looking up you knew Steve was blushing. “I…got carried away for a moment”, he chuckled slightly embarrassed but still smiling into your hair.
It didn’t take you two long to fall asleep after the amazing, yet exhausting date. You haven’t been with such an enthusiastic man in a long time and it did take a turn on you.
Your sleep was interrupted in the morning by the slam of the front door. “Hi, mom! Are you home?”, you heard Stacys steps coming closer to your room.
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topazshadowwolf · 24 days
GoopTales: Part 22, waking up and domestic fluff
And now, they wake up...
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22(you are here)/34
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19), Ch 6 (20-23), Ch 7 (24-27), Ch 8 (28-31), Ch 9 (32-34)
Something moving started to pull him from the deeper sleep he had been enjoying. It wasn’t the first time he felt something move while sleeping. It frequently happens; he ignores it and continues to sleep, which is how it usually goes. His tentacles, reacting to the emotions that his dreams stir, are typically what he feels when moving about in bed. 
This was different, though.
It felt like small hands pushing on his back as someone was climbing on him. Soft, hushed voices telling the one who was climbing him confirmed his suspension. Nightmare groaned softly before opening his eye and looking at the little skeletons. Killer continued to climb up on him, settling down in the center of his back, making it hard for Nightmare to see him.
“killer,” Horror hissed softly in a whisper, “you woke him up.”
“i did?” Killer asked without the care of keeping quiet.
“You did,” Nightmare said before yawning. Slowly sitting up, he felt Killer safely slip down onto the bed in a fit of giggles.
“sorry,” Dust said softly.
“No need to apologize. I actually had a pleasant sleep. I hope you four did as well,” Nightmare said as his tendrils curled around the four small skeletons in a hug. “Now, if only I woke up on my own accord and not because some little minion decided to start crawling all over me. A rude awakening by an intrepid mountain climber is a poor start to a day.”
“intepit?” Cross asked.
“In-trep-id,” Nightmare corrected.
“intrepid,” Cross said, trying again.
“There you go, it means fearless or adventurous,” Nightmare explained.
“that’s me!” Killer exclaimed, holding his arms up excitedly.
Nightmare used a tendril to pick the child up, purposefully holding him upside-down, “Yes, that was you, but your actions were still rude. Were they not?”
Killer giggled, “sorry!”
“Why do I doubt that you are?” Nightmare asked, and Killer giggled more as Nightmare set him back down. “Alas, the youth these days have no respect for their elders. Whatever is an old man like me to do?”
“i re-pect you, mr. night,” Cross said quickly before whispering to Horror, “what’s re-pect mean?”
“respect, it means… um…,” Horror put his hand to his chin as he thought. “i know what it means just… um…”
“You are unsure how to define it, or put it into words?” Nightmare asked, and Horror nodded. “Start, and I will help you when you need it.”
“okay, um. it means that you… show uh… well you listen and you…show someone they are important,” Horror said, then looked at Nightmare.
“Exactly. You honor them by listening, doing as they ask, and being polite.” He smiled and patted Horror on the back. “You did well, Horror. You did not need my help after all.”
“thank you, mr. night,” Horror said with a smile.
“i respect you! i just like being silly,” Killer giggled.
“That you do, you little imp,” Nightmare huffed.
To that, Killer gasped and folded his arms, “i’m not an imp! i’m a skeleton!”
“Yes, you are. Come along, babybones. Time for breakfast,” Nightmare said as he stood from his bed.
“oh! oh! can you carry me, pleeeeaaase~?” Killer asked, holding his arms up in the traditional ‘pick me up pose’ all children seem to know naturally.
“me too! please!” Cross said, putting his arms up as well.
“Alright,” he said as he used his tendrils to wrap around those two and lifted them off the bed. Killer giggled and squirmed a little before finally settling into the hold. It amused Nightmare as the youngest, Cross, patted the tendril as if it were alive while whispering, “thank you” to the limb. As Cross continued to gently pet the limb, Nightmare turned his attention to Dust and Horror. “What about you two? Do you want to be carried, as well?”
“yes, please,” Horror replied, and Nightmare curled a tendril around him. Horror simply hugged the limb that held him with a content smile.
Dust was hesitant and fiddled with his fingers for a short moment before he softly muttered, “please?”
And with that, Nightmare lifted him off the bed as well. Just as before, there was a flinch at the initial contact, but Dust soon relaxed and was lifted off the bed. He looked down and around himself, interested in the different angle he now had to view everything. 
Nightmare made his way out of his room to theirs to help them pick out what they would wear and get them ready for the day. Keeping Killer and Cross focused was a struggle, but he could after that good sleep. One at a time, he helped them brush their teeth, Cross needing help with the action to make sure he got all of his teeth, and a tendril around Killer kept him in place long enough to complete the task. Once done and dressed, he walked them down the hall.
“what about you, mr. night? you still have your jammies on!” Cross asked.
“That I do. Once you four are being watched by Lyra, I shall change and brush my teeth,” He explained as they continued on their way. This time, they wanted to walk on their own—Killer and Dust on one side, Horror and Cross on the other side of him. Killer and Horror were holding a tendril in one hand and the other’s hand in the other.
Once they reached the kitchen, he found Lyra at the refrigerator going through its contents. She looked up at Nightmare and the others and smiled. “I hope you do not mind. I decided to make meal plans for the week,” she said, closing the refrigerator door.
“I do not mind at all. I will admit, I was so busy with other things that I just decided on meals when it was time to eat,” Nightmare admitted. “Speaking of meals, I have four little baby bones-”
“i’m not a baby! i’m an intrupid,” Killer started.
“Intrepid,” Nightmare corrected.
“intrepid… umm… oh! climber!” Killer announced.
“you are a babybones,” Horror grinned while patting Killer on the head.
“nuh-uh!” Killer rebutted.
“Alright, no more arguing. All four of you are baby bones, adventurous nature or not. Now, if Lyra is alright with it, I will leave you four in her care as I get myself ready for the day,” Nightmare declared.
“okay, mr. night!” Cross said before hugging Nightmare around the legs.
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. I will have them help with breakfast, and when you get back, we will enjoy a meal together,” Lyra smiled.
It had been long enough that Dust could now eat most of what was given to him without making him sick. And with them helping, that should keep Killer out of trouble and Horror entertained enough not to prank the others. Content they were in good hands, Nightmare started to turn to leave when he felt someone holding one of his tendrils.
Looking down, he saw Dust holding the limb in question. He was near tears as he looked up at Nightmare with a pleading look that said what his voice was failing to say. Dust wanted to come with. When he was alone with the boys, Dust stayed close whenever Nightmare was home. He usually did not initiate physical contact beyond holding a tendril like now, but he did accept it when offered. At this moment, when the others were going over to Lyra to learn what she had planned for breakfast and how they could help, Nightmare considered Dust may have become “clingy.”
What was he to do…
Nightmare will not admit it, but after his troubles as a small child at the hands of adults… he had a soft spot for them. Such young children should be his brother's concern. And yet, Nightmare just had a hard time hurting, emotionally or physically, children. It just felt like bullying.
He just… didn’t like bullying of children…
That dislike only seemed to get stronger the older he got.
But this wouldn’t be bullying… it would be telling Dust he had to wait with the others.
And yet…
He was getting soft…
Those sad eyelights, tears in the corner of his sockets, as the child silently pleaded…
“Dust,” Lyra said as she walked over and knelt down. “Mr. Night just needs to get dressed and cleaned up like you did.”
Dust looked down at the floor and nodded; he understood, but… Nightmare was the first adult to show him kindness and love. After all the anger and hate he had experienced, Dust seemed scared to be away from Nightmare. He felt safe when Nightmare was around and wanted the guardian who was protecting him from “The Doctor” to stay nearby.
“Lyra, I,” Nightmare started, but Lyra shook her head.
“Dust, I have an idea. Can you help me? Nightmare is going to be very hungry by the time he is done, and I do not think I and the other three could make enough food for him without your help,” Lyra said as she held her hand out to him.
“Hmmm, I am feeling rather peckish right now,” Nightmare said thoughtfully.
“I am sure you will be ravenous by the time you return,” Lyra grinned.
“i thought you didn’t hafta eat since you eat emotions!” Killer blurted out. He then gasped, “what about all the times you didn’t eat with us? Was that because… because you didn’t make enough for all of us and you?”
“Well… I require emotions more than food, but I also enjoy food,” Nightmare explained.
“you really need my help?” Dust asked in a whisper to Lyra.
“I do,” She whispered back. “So, will you help us?”
Dust looked up at Nightmare and then back at her with a nod. With that, she extended her hand, and he placed his hand in hers. She then stood and guided him over to the others. Dust looked back momentarily but then focused on where she was guiding him. With the group distracted with breakfast plans, Nightmare turned and left the room to prepare for the day.
He could get used to this…
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b4tasquad · 9 months
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thank you for tagging me bae @kennysboxergf <3
Authors note: some of this I know for a fact I’m hearing shit for but idk this is the only right way😛
It wouldn’t be b4tasquad without some hp no sauce slander. This guy gets on my nerves so much I have a list of violations I would throw in his face if I was to ever meet that bitch. And it’s not like he’s fine enough to talk about others? Like boy you out here with a non distinguishable hair line and a whole kid trynna act 21 without no kid😐
Nothing against him, like at all. I just really don’t find him that attractive tbh. And I’ve never really paid attention to him when he’s not in beta squad videos or with em so don’t know him. Kinda looks like the guy from ratatouille but cute tho.
He’s not ugly? Just not really my type. Really funny in footasylum videos alongside the ones he’s in on the beta squad channel, but like I said not really my type. Kinda feel like he still plays Fortnite and lives in his mamas basement. He has his moments tho, and sometimes his drip be good.
now listen… especially ally. I love Darkest with my whole being istg. I find him super attractive and he’s my man frfr… but compared to the others above him I just can’t put him anywhere else😭 but he’s so funny and fine. just wish he had hair…
Very attractive especially with a durag on omg🤭but I’m very much a hair and face combo girl. Like a guy has to have good hair and be handsome to be rated top tier to me🤷‍♀️ Kenny’s super attractive… but lacks in the hair department
my man love love love his fine ass. i think I’d actually faint on the spot if he opened his mouth and spoke because he’s so fucking fine I’m just😧😧 would but him higher if he had the hair and and face combo…
SUPER SUPER SUPER FINE. ISTG and I know some of you are going to hate me for this… but he’s not the finest in the beta squad??? let’s be fr rn. his style is so nice, he’s super handsome but girls he’s not the finest goodbye. Love me some sharky tho
idc what you guys have to say about this one. filly has been and will always be fine. if he has 10 fans I’m one of them, if he has one that’s me and if he has none… better believe someone killed my ass😛 he’s so caring, boyfriend material, fine, and stylish. he’s so Abby’s man coded
my man my man my man. all of you know id go to war for my bae. people do him so dirty and I just DONT STAND FOR IT. he’s everything a girl (aka me) needs and I’d do anything for him. his hair is such a bonus cause omfg I want to run my hair through it and the highlights in it??? FUCK YESS
he’s been my bae since day one. I stared watching them because of him, and I’ll continue to watch for him too. he’s the finest most delicious scrumptious guy there is, and I better not hear anyone arguing. there’s never been a discussion. I’ve heard to many “sharky and niko are both the finest.” “Sharky is finer.” NO HES NOT LMAO🙄🙄 the day everyone realises that niko legit has everything. height, hair, face, body im gonna laugh at you??? sign me tf uppppp
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fanficfanatic000 · 17 days
A date?) Pt 3
Nerd loser eddie x nerd loser fem reader
Trigger warning 18plus 18 plus no minors
Read if you dare.
Summary ( the fem reader works at a craft shop .seems and patches. Reader has more alt style. Reader is 21 and Eddie's 22. Eddie dropped out of high-school after almost dieing. The reader has zero friendsUntil a certain boy came into your work.)
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"Eddie its doneee" he smiles "finally i was afraid id starve to death" he says dramatically clenching his chest You and him grabbed a plate of spaghetti And sat on the couch side by side but you both criss crossed and faced each other You watched as eddie took a bite slurping the noodles he was a messy messy eater but it was cute the way the red sauce was all over to his cheek "what do i have something on my face?" He leaned foreword and crooked and eyebrow in a messing around notion that made you giggle. Eddie's gaze softened at the sound of your laughter as he grabbed his shirt and wiped his face revealing a tattoo of a bat covering faded scars that made your ears turn red as fuck and you cheeks. Minutes pass by and you both were done with the food. Eddie grabbed the plate from you and got up and put it in the sink. "So how was it? " You asked eddie as he plopped down on the couch " fucking delicious... probably cause I had your help" "please you probably have made that for all your other girls" you said it in a playful manner but it wasn't a joke because last time you took a chance on love you got played by a jock named Jason carver he took you on a date at the movies then he left with a girl you had to walk home that night."no actually this is the only date ive actually been on...." he said softy "Really eddie no girl has wanted you?"He looked at the ground "well more like i havent found somone i wanted.."He was serious actually serious."then why did you ask me?"He looked at you shell shocked "because i like you you're just really pretty and sexy and i get along with you like no one el..."He stopped when he realized what just slipped from him "i-i mean fuck ......""Eddie its okay i actually feel the same" He raised an eyebrow "you do?"You nodded yes "are you a virgin?" He raised an eyebrow and bit his lip "no why?"He said seductively "are you? my dear""no im not.." the air heavy "so you like my body huh?" He said leaning close "yes do you like mine?" His pupils dilate "fuck yeah ive been thinking about touching it for a long time"
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happyk44 · 7 months
Lmao more about Grover aging at a rate of 0.4 instead of directly by half (12/28 = 0.4285). This is also assuming that Grover is only aging physically slower, but his mental/emotional capacity ages chronologically and with experience.
But anyway Grover has to get a fake ID to go to bars with Percy. When Percy turns 21, they realize ah shit Grover looks 16ish once they pull up to the club and immediately get turned away. Grover does have an official ID with his actual birthdate. In the past as a Keeper for Percy, Bianca and Nico, he also had a fake ID with an adjusted birthdate for whatever age he was supposed to be. He doesn't have either of those IDs anymore (he had to get a new one for B&N because Percy's would've put him at 14 and he needed to be put into 12 year old Bianca's class), so it's not like he handed over the fake one.
But the bouncer gives him a once-over and is just, "yeah no". They try to argue but the bouncer is like "if you wanna fight on this, I'm gonna keep your ID and call the police" so they give up (or rather Grover makes Percy give up because he got that look in his eyes and getting arrested on his birthday is not a birthday gift Grover wants to give).
In the end, they skulk around to some minimart and grab one of each alcoholic bottle with a weird name or label that they can find, are grateful the cashier doesn't seem to care that Grover looks 16 and barely even looks over his ID when he flashes it. Then they huff it back to Percy's apartment and taste test each drink on the floor of Percy's bedroom, because the whole point of going to the bar was to taste something that wasn't cheap beer stolen by the Hermes cabin.
Grover has a wildly fantastic tolerance for alcohol and Percy discovers that he is a lightweight.
The next time they try to go to a bar, Grover is sporting a temporary glamour from the Aphrodite cabin to make him look older. About half way through, they ring up Annabeth to make her do the math on how old Grover would have to be to actually look 21, and then the math on how long that would take because neither of them can subtract double digit numbers. Percy rediscovers he is a lightweight and, when the glamour finally starts to wear off, has to be carried back to his apartment by Grover, which makes for a ridiculous image of what appears to be a disabled 15 year old carrying around a grown man who won't stop talking about how much he loves his friends, including said disabled 15 year old.
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@void-detective OKIE DOKIE ILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION HERE (hey hi hello it’s lil ol me @wisecrackingeric-2 ) CUZ THATS WHAT THIS BLOGS FOR AGABGSWBDHJSX I HOPE YOU DONT MIND!!!!!
Okay so the thing is. Compared to Leon or even compared to his time spent with Los Illuminados we don’t,,,, k n o w a whole lot about that portion of Luis’ life
Like OK if you’re speaking in logistics/canon compliancy then no alas it wouldn’t work at all JANSHSNDJXNX Laboratory Six (the Lab Luis worked in that made Nemesis) was set in Paris, France, and by the time the Raccoon City Outbreak had started, Luis had already fled Umbrella and presumably ended up in Valdelobos (sure there’s a CHANCE he might’ve floated around Europe for a while but?? He describes his time spent working on the Plagas as having been ‘years’ so I’m assuming he went straight to Valdelobos)
The timeline gets kinda wonky with Luis- he would’ve roughly been 22 when he fled umbrella, and it would’ve been anywhere between a couple months to a year before the RC Outbreak, and which meant he spent five or six years trapped by Los Illuminados give or take???? Which makes how he got a degree, went to college, got a job at Umbrella and spent enough time there to become one of their head scientists really funny to imagine when you remember he was only 21/22 when he fled HDBSHDNSJS like damn that man is a CHILD PRODIGY!!!! ((It also makes it DEVASTATING to imagine how he found out about Raccoon City one way or another but HEY I SAID NOTHING))
But if you’re talking in an AU or personality wise???? That’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY IM CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR
Honestly I don’t think it’d be TOOOO different to their actual dynamic, just that they were both a lot younger and had a lot more maturing to do!!!! Again we don’t really know what kind of a person Luis was when he was younger other than that he was SUPER ambitious (which makes sense), probably a little more floaty/cocky (I don’t think he was lying about being a ladies man HXNSSJHD) overly curious and just generally really well-liked by his peers!! Like he considered them his family so I imagine he was probably just a more roughhouse version of the Luis we know him as now. We also don’t know how much of the Nemesis project Luis was aware of- given his upbringing I HIGHLY doubt Luis would go into umbrella knowing full well the scope of what they’re doing but I think it’s unrealistic to say he had malicious intent the entire time!!!
But adding onto that I think his guilt would be a LOT more apparent and repressed at the same time. Like when we see him in RE4R he’s already at a point where he’ll throw himself into the fire to fix his mistakes so can you IMAGINE what it must’ve been like when he was FRESH out of said mistakes????? Would he have tried to pretend they never happened??? Would it manifest as being destructive??? Who knows!!!!!! But I know for a fact Leon’s presence would DEFINITELY throw him for a loop HDBEHENDJD
Leon in RE2 is just PAINFULLY good at heart. Like we all know this you don’t need me to repeat it HXBSHSNS all he wants from the very start is to help anyone and everyone he can, and I think that would extend to Luis too. He’s obviously a lot more trusting too (like blah bla everyone get your jokes abt him believing that Ada was an FBI agent out of the way) so I don’t think he’d have AS strong of a grudge against Luis as he does in the remake. Sure I think he’d be WARY of him but if Luis was as honest and open as he is in re4r (even with a little prodding) which I think he definitely would be, ESPECIALLY cuz of, Y’know, waves hands, the debilitating guilt BXNSHNSJS Leon wouldn’t have a hard time trusting him in the end
What ID be SUPER INTERESTED IN is what would happen AFTER RC!!!! Would Leon try to protect Luis from the law???? Would Luis follow in Leon’s footsteps and be a government agent???? Would they both run away to Valdelobos and BOTH get stuck?????????
TLDR FOR THIS ACCIDENTALLY REALLY LONG POST AHWNWHWNDUDJSK I don’t think it’d be much different!!!!!!! They’d just have more maturing to do, which I think is weirdly beautiful!!!!!! Leon is still rather naive and optimistic and overly trusting and Luis is still wild and ambitious and overly curious about the world around him!!!!!! They’re good people at heart and I think their lives would’ve been a whole lot different if they’d just met at a different time and a different place
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☆Number - Jack Mercer x Reader
☆ idc Jack Mercer doesn’t have enough fanfics so I’m here to serve justice.
☆Would recommend listening to ‘You Can Be The Boss’ by Lana Del Rey
Content: Mentions of drugs alcohol, suggestive language, mentions of gang violence
~و✧…彡☆ - btw pretend Jack survived x
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彡☆ 2005          19:36PM
‘This job is honestly ass’  I said to my most common customer, and closest friend, Sofi. It was true, I hated my job, it was a fucking shithole, I mean it was a dingy bar in the rough parts of Detroit, a little girl’s dream clearly.
‘Aye (name) don’t be so silly, it pays the bills, and plus, you get a lot of guys working here.’ She wasn’t wrong, I mean it did pay the bills after all but the amount of guys that I didn’t want? Uncountable.
‘I know Sof’, but they’re all ugly most of the time, plus, when they’re that pissed out of their minds, ‘no’ doesn’t compute easy, they got determination I’ll say that. Gets me a few tips I suppose.’ I laughed, cleaning the nearby table where Sofi sat. ‘Speaking of guys, can’t believe you’re seeing that Angel Mercer again!’ I asked, sitting next to her and nudging her shoulder.
‘I don’t like the way you said ‘Again’ but at least I have a man. Though, how old are you now?’ She asked, smiling at the ground when she answered about Angel, absolutely smitten, is the only words I could describe her.
‘Twentyyy... one?’ I questioned myself as I pulled out my ID, just double checking I was actually 21. 
‘You really think that checking your ID is going to help? How many fake IDs did you have when you were 17 to get cigarettes?’ Me and Sofi go back to when I was 17 and freshly moved to America, she lived in the apartment next to me and we’d been best friends since she welcomed me into the new apartment.
‘Shut up girl, this is a real one, and I am right I’m 21.’ I laughed, smacking my ID on the table.
‘Okay okay, anywho, Angel has a brother, Jack who’s the same age as you, and he got shot recently, he’s getting out of hospital today and a little birdie told me him and his brothers are coming here in an hour or so to celebrate.’ She suggested, walking over to the bar.
‘Oh yeah? Well from what you’ve told me the birdie is actually quite big.’ I smirk as I pour myself a pint from the tap, Sofi hit me on my arm, telling me to shut up in Spanish. I love Sofi but she loves to overshare about her sex life, but it’s fun to mess with her about it. 
…彡☆      19:54PM
A few moments passed, as me and Sofi just talked about random things, about how crazy it was that Victor Sweet had finally been killed, what Sofi wanted to do career wise etc. When all of a sudden, a bunch of loud men burst through the door, as I recognise a very familiar face.
‘(Name)! What’s goin’ on baby?’ He said as he approached the bar, politely shaking my hand, Jerry was like a big brother to me, always nice and fair.
‘Nothin’ much, your wife know you here? I can call her right now if she don’t.’
‘Nah she knows, I’m truthful to my lady, and seeing as I’m so truthful, can we get a few rounds free?’
I laughed and nodded saying as long as I got tipped I’d give them whatever.
‘Bullshit Jerry, we all keep secrets here.’ A bloke in leather, with a goatee sort of thing going on says, laughing and hitting his back.
‘Man shut the fuck up before I woop yo’ white ass. (Name), these are my brothers Bobby, Jack and Angel, I guess you’re already acquainted with Angel here.’
‘Yeah man, it’s hard not to know who Angel is when all I hear in my apartment is those two getting it on.’ I say, lighting a cigarette whilst directioning my hand to Sofi and Angel.
Then I looked at Jack, and all I thought was ‘Damn he’s fine’.
‘So you lovely ladies want tables or are you gonna keep me company and sit at the bar?’
‘I think the guys are alright with sitting at the bar, right guys?’ Jerry said, asking his brothers, they all nodded and agreed as they took seats at the bar.
‘Can I get a beer?’ The one who I assumed was Bobby, asked.
‘Can you be specific, Guiness? Heineken? A pint? Half-pint? And I don’t know maybe a please?’ I chuckled, directioning to the amount of beers there were to choose from
‘She had you on that one Bobby, she’s very passionate about her alcohol.’ Angel said. 
‘And why’s that, you an alcoholic or somethin?’
‘No, I don’t know if you can tell from the accent but it’s just from being English really.’ I could see Jack’s eyebrows raise slightly, he was really cute.
‘Ah, I don’t know man just give me a bottle of Guiness.’
…彡☆           20:20PM
About half an hour passed before I finally talked to Jack, I slid down the bar, making my way to where he sat, leaving the rest of the brothers and Sofi to do whatever.
‘You’re Jack I take it?’
‘Yeah and you’re.. (name)?’
‘Indeed it is, what drink you want Jackie?’
‘I don’t mind really, can I get a cigarette? The hospital wouldn’t let me bring ‘em in.’ He laughed, god damn his laugh. I’ve known this boy for 45 minutes and I’m whipped
‘Yeah sure and I’m sorry to hear that you got shot by the way, you ‘re lucky you survived love.’ I could see him the try to hide the fact me calling him love got a reaction out of him, it’s not particularly uncommon for me to call customers love, but it’s usually older customers, just out of respect, though for him? I just said it to get a reaction.
‘Thanks, how long you been working at the bar?’
‘Not long really, few months? I’ve only been in America for a couple of years, I think four years.’ Passing him a cigarette and a lighter whilst taking a puff of my own.
‘Ah cool, how come you moved?’
‘I don’t know really, I suppose to just be with my mum, seeing as she wanted to just get away.’
‘Your parents split?’
‘Yeah but it was probably the best choice they collectively made.’ I laughed, pouring him a drink.
‘Fair enough, you do anything else other than be the only good-looking bar tender in Detroit?’ Um sir? 
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie, but yeah actually, I play the bass here and there.’
…彡☆ Jack POV  …彡☆
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie...’ Man, I haven’t even known her that long and I can’t help but want to take her out. 
‘Ah bass? That’s cool man, I play the guitar, before I moved back to Detroit I was actually in a band, believe it or not.’ Flicking my cigarette ash in the nearby ashtray, when I had an idea. I asked her for a pen and she handed me the one in her shirt pocket.
‘I certainly believe it, but anywho I can’t concentrate on your pretty face all night, I’ll serve some other customers and I’ll be back soon.’ She said winking at me, I felt my face go so warm, Sofi definitely knew I was going red, and to my misfortune, so did Bobby.
‘Woah Jackie, did the bullet knock the fairy out of you or what?!’
‘Shut up man, you probably haven’t been flirted with in the last 10 years.’
‘Sure fairy whatever you say.’
…彡☆    22:17PM     your pov
‘Okay boys we’re gonna leave now, because for some reason I got designated driver duty so come on! You too Sofi vámanos!’ Jerry yelled, dragging Sofi and Angel by the collars of their shirts, I laughed to myself as all of the brothers continued to leave in a drunken mess, the night was full of brotherly love, teasing and intense flirting between me and Jack, as he had more drinks he got more bold with how he spoke.
I was absolutely whipped, and as Jack left, he gave me a cigarette and said, 
‘Don’t light it right away.’ with a drunken but genuine smile, I responded, ‘Don’t worry Jackie I won’t, see you soon.’ and I pecked him on the cheek as I left for the room where I kept my coat to close up my shift, taking the cigarette with me.
Later in the night I was certain there was something I had forgotten to do, and then it hit me, I probably was meant to look at the cigarette or something, and then I thought, ‘Where’s the cigarette?’, and I trudged to my sofa and grabbed my coat, luckily the cig was still in my pocket.
I twizzled it in my fingers, when I saw numbers written on one side, and a note saying, ‘Call me - Jackie’ with a heart next to it on the other, that smooth motherfucker. I unravelled the cigarette, putting the nicotine in a spare pouch and attached the note to my fridge with a magnet with the intentions to call him in the morning.
…彡☆     The End!
Please let me know if you liked this, if so I might write a part 2 to it or just continue to write Jack mercer fics seeing as there just aren’t enough! Love ya x
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dovahbeeotch · 1 year
Normandy SR2 info board pt 11
22:12- LC. SHEPARD: Evening, crew. Gonna be on a special ops mission for the Aliiance for the next few days. Don’t wreck my ship.
22:12- URD. GRUNT: where are you going battlemaster? i Will come and fight with you
22:12- LC. SHEPARD: Thanks, Grunt. Hackett’s order’s to get in and out quietly. Cant bring backup.
22:12- CHF. ZORAH: he chose you… for an infiltration op?
22:12- LC. SHEPARD: got something to say, Miss Vas Normandy?
22:12- FLT. MOREAU: you’ve gotta be kidding me
22:12- GO. VAKARIAN: id say there’s a 99.9% chance this mission goes south
22:13- LC. SHEPARD: y’all think i cant be sneaky?
22:13- FLT. MOREAU: actually we KNOW you can’t be sneaky
22:13- XO. LAWSON: When were you going to tell me about this mission, Commander?
21:13- LC. SHEPARD: now
21:13- GO. VAKARIAN: shepard you’re about as subtle as a krogan in an antique shop
21:13- LC. SHEPARD: that’s what you think
21:13- SPEC. JACK: Shepard, most of your ops end in a big fucking explosion. it’s one of my favourite things about you
21:14- LC. SHEPARD: im blushing
21:14- DR. SOLUS: detonation most likely outcome. will be prepared for return.
21:14- SPEC. KRIOS: Commander, I would be happy to accompany you.
21:14- XO. LAWSON: Good idea. Take Krios.
21:14- SPEC. GRUNT: whats a anitqueu
21:15- XO. LAWSON: Commander?
21:16- FLT. MOREAU: yeah, she’s gone. if she dies the last words she will have ever said to me are “you only live once”. so depressing when she tries to be funny
21:16- XO. LAWSON: oh for the love of god
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aita for not telling someone i know he’s being bullied?
⚠️ mentions of cancer + a suicide attempt
everyone mentioned here is in their 20s, with the youngest being 21 and the oldest being 28. none of the names used here are anyone’s actual names.
this is kind of a long story with a lot of moving parts and i can’t get into ALL of it so im trying to section JUST this off. basically i’ve had a group of friends for awhile. we met in a larger server and its a pretty big circle, so there is interpersonal drama aplenty. i stepped away from the bigger server and mainly maintained contact with 5-7 friends id made through a personal server and dm conversations.
one of the people in that server, erin (she/they) dm’d me to tell me they had to leave said personal server because they’d had a bit of an incident with 3 of the other members. they ended up telling me that they and the other 3 members had a group chat where they’d regularly talk shit about another person we know, bryce (he/him). apparently they all took something he said months ago WILDLY out of context to claim he’s a transmisogynist and therefore its fine that they bully him (this guy isn’t someone i’ve talked to very much since leaving but i do know him and we are on good terms. he can be a bit difficult to maintain conversations with but he very much is not a transmisogynist. also none of the people in this gc are transfem). like, they conspire in this group chat ways to make him feel bad. erin showed me some screenshots. its pretty textbook highschool mean girls behavior.
erin was also in this group chat and finally got fed up with them all and told them they need to stop trying to justify their actions. its pretty obvious bryce is not the bigot they’re saying he is and they’re just using that as an excuse to be cruel. the people in the group chat did not take that well so erin left and has also left any mutual servers they’re in with them.
she only told me all this because i offered to let her vent, but now im in kind of a rough spot morally. i think the correct thing to do here would be to let bryce know, but im being. kind of a coward about it.
this all may sound like im just throwing myself a pity party, but i am in a very, very bad spot right now. like i said, there was a ton of interpersonal drama in this group and i’ve been in the center of it before. it took a massive toll on me. so im not keen to get involved in drama in general, but also, mainly. i lost my best friend (minze, she/her) to cancer at the start of this year. i’ve known her since childhood and i’ve barely been able to function without her. we lived together. i still take care of her cat. we had the same birthday, and its coming up in a little over a week. i’ve been absolutely gutted knowing this is the first birthday ill spend without her in over a decade. i tried to kill myself a couple of weeks ago because i couldn’t bear the thought of it. i failed, obviously. and im fine at the moment but im definitely not perfectly well and im barely hanging on by a thread
i left the larger group because i couldn’t stand to be involved with everything going on. if i tell bryce about this group chat, i will be getting involved again. i dont think they know i know about it at this point but the only people who could tell him would be me and erin. even if i did it anonymously or asked him not to tell it would be incredibly easy to trace back to me. while im appalled to know my friends have been so viciously cruel to someone for no reason, since losing minze these people have been my only support network. they all knew minze, too. they’re some of the only people i can share memories of her with. i dont think i could process this grief alone
i know i need better friends but i don’t have them right now. i’ve sort of already got a strained relationship with some of them and i worry this could be the last straw and id just… lose them abruptly. and i know if that happened id put myself at risk again, because id be just as heavily suicidal but now with no one to confide in about it
bryce deserves to know. its the right thing to do, but it would cause me a dangerous amount of mental strain. but even though i say i don’t want to get involved i do feel, on some level, like i probably got involved the second i let erin even tell me about this. so i feel like im being a whiny dickhead and just making excuses but im just. im not willing to put myself through this again. not right now. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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