#the lights are technically still on over there
herbgerblin · 3 days
I missed Blupjeans week but they still live rent-free in my brain
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ID: A comic of Lup, an elven woman talking to Berry, a human man. Lup has tan skin, curly blonde hair, and is wearing a t-shirt, pajama shorts, and slippers. Her shirt says "Born on a mountain, raised in a cave, truckin' and fuckin' is all that I crave." Barry has pale skin, graying brown hair, glasses, and is wearing a plain t-shirt, jeans, and shoes.
In the top panel, Lup is standing over Barry, while he is seated on the floor with the Light of Creation resting on a large metal podium that Barry has clearly been tinkering on. Lup asks, "Hey Babe?" Barry replies, "Oh! Hey Lup! I had no idea you were up!" "Interesting," Lup says. "Real quick, do you remember a certain talk that we had not too long ago?" "A talk?" Barry asks. "Yeah," Lup says. "It was something of a "eureka moments that happen after 10:00pm can wait til the morning" talk." "Well," Barry says. "1:00am is technically morning-" Lup cut in. "It's 4:13am babe."
In the bottom panel, Barry says, "Oh man, really? I'll start packing it in." Lup is now sitting on her haunches in front of Barry in the light. She says, "After you tell me what this latest eureka moment is about" End ID.
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killerlookz · 2 days
Dirty Dancing | Joost Klein (Groupie Love Series)
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Part II of the Groupie Love Series starts immediately after part I
description: joost klein x groupie!f! reader- following their hookup, Joost learns that reader will be in Belgium for one more day and decides to invite her out clubbing, wanting to see her once more.
warnings: 18+ NSFW, MDNI, semi-public sex (i guess technically), unprotected P in V, drunk-ish sex... i think thats it!
word count: 4870
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"Did you enjoy the show tonight?"
You inhale, allowing the smell of Joost's burning cigarette to enter your lungs,
"I think I enjoyed a little more than the show," Your eyelids hang low, your words are slow, almost sloppy- as if you had just a little too much to drink.
A knowing smirk continues to linger on Joost's face, "Really, did you the show?"
"I wouldn't have traveled to three different countries to see you if I hadn't been enjoying myself." You tilt your head to the side, taking in his features- he was the sort of perfect that kind of hurt to look at, each of his features in perfect harmony with one eachother, "I didn't travel all this way just to try to sleep with you- but tonight certainly was a pleasant surprise."
"You make it sound like trying to sleep with me was part of your plan,"
"And could you blame me if it was?"
Joost leans back on the couch, the satisfied look on his face making it all too obvious how much he's enjoying your praise. and the way he moves makes you wince- still inside you, your eyes shut tight, and your muscles clench.
"Hmmsorry sweetie," He hums, placing his free hand on your thigh, beginning to rub gentle circles into the supple flesh. His delicate touch made you want to collapse into him- to melt into his chest and make this night much more romantic than either of you had anticipated. But you stay still, instead waiting intently for him to speak again, "How long are you in Belgium for?"
"Two days." You shrug, responding matter-of-factly.
"Good," A smile creeps on his face as he lifts his cigarette back up to his lips, "I'd like to see you again." He takes a drag, and you watch as his chest rises with his inhale, glistening with a fine layer of sweat. He turns his head to the side, his sharpened jawbone only becoming more pronounced as he lifts his head up to exhale- careful not to blow the smoke towards you.
He'd like to see you again
You attempt to bite back your excitement, bottom lip tucked under your teeth as he continues.
"We're going to a club not too far away tomorrow night, and I think you should come." He spoke so nonchalantly like you were just supposed to know who "we" referred to, or really even know the area you were in.
"Sounds..." The word lingers on your tongue as you search for the proper adjective, "Fun." You smile, careful not to give too much away, attempting to stay as cool about the situation as he was, "But I'm staying here with a friend, is it alright if she comes with me?"
"As long as you're there," Joost squeezes your thigh where his hand had been resting. His small move gets a breath stuck in your throat and you swallow, attempting to adjust your breathing back to normal without him noticing.
You only nod in response, affirming you would indeed be there.
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Your body grows hot the moment you step into the crowded club. The music boomed from the speakers that filled the venue, the bass so loud you could feel yourself vibrating.
"Do you know where he's supposed to be?" Your friend leans in, raising her voice to be heard over the music.
"No," You pause, taking a second to scan the crowd of people that filled the club. It was a little hard to see, the only lights illuminating the dark space were scattered LEDs that cast the place in a glow of various colors, "He just said what time he'd be here." You couldn't find him in your quick scan of the place, "I think I'll just let him find me." After all, he had been the one to invite you out, so you figured it should be on him to seek you out.
"Fine," She shrugs, "But we're drinking in the meantime." She grabs you by the wrist, pulling you to the crowded bar. The two of you push past the sea of sweaty bodies on the dance floor, adrenaline rushing your veins as you realize just how packed the club is- you were always one to jump at the chance to party.
Practically leaning over the bar, your friend outstretches her hand to flag down the bartender. You continue to scan the area surrounding you while she yells her order- where was he? You worried that maybe he bailed, or you accidentally got the wrong address.
However- your worries quickly subsided as the bartender placed the two rounds of shots your friend had ordered for the both of you down. You don't bother to ask what she ordered, at the end of the day, it all went down the same.
You smile down at the glass, wrapping two fingers around it before clinking it against the glass your friend held.
"Bottoms up," She smirks.
The liquid slides down your tongue, warming your esophagus and spreading to your stomach. Goosebumps form atop your skin as you try to stop yourself from wincing at the way the alcohol bitterly burns at your tongue. Before you let the unpleasant sensation subside, you're already throwing back the second shot.
You exhale as you tap the glass down on the bar,
"Another round?" You smile.
Your friend holds a single finger up to you, as to tell you to wait, before she mimics you, downing her second shot. Her face crinkles as she slams the glass down with a thump.
"Give me a second, you're better at this than me," She shakes her head, attempting to rid herself of the taste.
Suddenly her eyes widen, and you feel someone grab your hand. The initial shock makes you jump, quickly flipping your head to see who it is.
"I've been looking for you," It was Joost, a smile on his face as he brought your hand further up, placing a kiss to your knuckles. The small gesture makes your face grow hot, and you're unable to control the small giggles that fall out of your mouth as he gently sets your hand down.
"Hi," You grin, studying his face. He looks much more put together tonight than yesterday, seeing as the night had just begun. Your eyes trail down from his face, looking down towards his neck, the surface above his Lola Bunny tattoo covered in splotches of red and purple- marks caused by your mouth and you briefly wondered if things would escalate between you again tonight.
"Hello," The smile lingers on his face as his eyes flick to your friend, "And who is this?"
"Nora," She smiles back.
"I'm Joost!" He exclaims, excited to introduce himself to someone new.
"Oh, I know," She nods
"We were just about to do another round of shots, care to do one with us?" Your eyelids flutter as the question leaves your mouth, a quiet beg for him to say yes.
"Ja!" He nods, enthusiastic at the prospect of getting another drink in his system. "What are we drinking?"
You turn around, a motion to tell your friend to answer the question,
"Oh-uh," Nora furrows her brows, "Whatever the house vodka is- I don't know, something cheap."
"Works for me," Joost shrugs before leaning down to you, lightly grazing your arm with his palm as he goes to talk into your ear, "Your drinks are on me after this one though."
You bite your lip, trying to stifle the giggle that was about to escape you at the feeling of Joost's breath against your neck.
"Works for me," You repeat his words back to him.
The small shared moment is quickly broken by the bartender placing another round of shots in front of the now three of you. Joost is the first to take a glass, raising it to the rest of you to follow,
"Proost!" (cheers) He just about yells, and you and Nora minic, clinking your glasses together before downing the liquid.
Swallowing down the liquor didn't get much easier for you- but you knew you were at the point where you would start feeling it a little. Joost seemed unaffected, swiftly putting down the glass without as much as a flinch-like he was only drinking water.
Joost raises his voice over the music, "I'd like to introduce you two to my friends, ja?"
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Sitting at a section in the back you watch on as Joost and one of his friends dance around, in front of you, screaming the words to whatever Dutch song that had been booming through the club.
Nora had wandered off somewhere, having hit it off with some girl who had offered to buy her a drink.
"What?" Joost asks, "You don't dance?" He teases, a smirk pulling at his lip.
"Says who?" You flick your gaze up to him
"Says you who's been sitting here just staring at me for the last twenty minutes."
"Maybe I like staring at you."
He rolls his eyes, outstretching a hand for you to grab so he can stand you up. You oblige, his strong tattooed hand wrapping around your own as he tugs at your arm. He barely gives you enough time to stand up before he's pulling you off to the dancefloor.
The enthusiasm with which he moved was kind of adorable you couldn't lie, the smile plastered on his face, drink in hand as he danced around you- it was a little like he was in his own world, like he didn't care one bit about the other people around him.
As he's behind you he slips his hands to your waist, pulling your back to his chest. He sways you from side to side in time with the music, and you eventually get into the groove of it, throwing your head back to rest by his shoulder.
Despite the position you were in, the movements between the two of you remained fairly chaste for the time being. After a few minutes, Joost lowered his head to rest his chin on your shoulder, leaning to speak in your ear,
"Stay here, I'm gonna get us another round of drinks." He finished his sentence with a light peck to your temple before hurrying off to the bar.
The small kiss left you feeling hot- and wanting more, leading you to decide to really put the moves on Joost when he got back.
You keep to yourself for the time being, continuing to feel the music as the alcohol slowly sweeps away your inhibitions.
It wasn't long however until Joost came back, holding two glasses full of a dark liquid. You didn't need to ask- in the under an hour that you had been here you'd quickly become accustomed to Joost and his friend's affinity for Bacardi and Coke- even having given the drink some dumb name you couldn't remember.
He hands you the glass with a grin, eager to get back to you.
"Thank you," You stand up on your toes, reaching to give Joost a kiss on the cheek as a show of your gratitude. You're able to suck down about a quarter of the drink before wincing, a soft chuckle leaving Joost's mouth at the way your face twists. It was evident he was much better at holding his liquor than you were.
Soon enough you had found yourself once again with your back pressed against Joost's chest, his free arm wrapped around your waist. However, things felt a lot less wholesome this time- the way your hips circled with intent with your ass pressed against his crotch. You tipped your head back, eager to get a look at him as the pair of you danced with one another. As you stared up at him there was no longer a goofy smile plastered on his face, rather he was staring back down at you, his eyes lit with a familiar lust.
You're taken out of your thoughts with a gasp as you feel someone knock into you, before a liquid hits your chest, making you fling your head up from where it had laid against Joost. Above you stood a man, taller than you but shorter than Joost, clearly hammered holding a half-emptied beer in his hand.
"Kom op, kijk uit waar je loopt!" (come on man, watch where you're going) Joost's arm leaves your waist as he throws up his hand, practically scolding the man for knocking into you.
There's a sheepish look drawn upon the man's face as he holds up a hand in defense, A slurred, "Uhsorry," leaves his mouth before quickly walking away.
Joost grabs at your waist to motion you to turn to face him,
He mutters something in Dutch, shaking his head in annoyance before returning his full attention to you, eyeing the drops of beer that had been spilled all over your front, "I'm sorry, I'll get that," his arm slipping around your waist, lowering his head, making you suck in a breath as his tongue meets your skin, licking at the liquid that sat on the exposed flesh of your cleavage.
You can't help but tip your head back to allow him better access, the small licks at your chest to help clean you up soon turning into small kisses up the side of your neck. You weren't sure how much longer you could keep this up before you were begging him to take you back to his hotel room.
"What's got your pulse so quick, liefje?" He picks his head up from your neck, his lips curved in a knowing smile. Damn him.
"I didn't know you were a doctor," You raise an eyebrow, challenging his flirting.
"Yeah," He chuckles, "Maybe you should let me give you a physical exam." He gives you an overexaggerated wink, aware of the corniness of the line.
You bite your tongue, shaking your head as you slide your free hand up his chest before letting it rest on his shoulder. He's quick to pull you back to him, his hand now trailing below your waist, lightly grazing your ass.
"So beautiful tonight," His eyes trail you up and down, taking note of your entire body and just how little what you had been wearing left to his imagination.
"Had to dress up, I'm supposed to be meeting someone special here tonight." Your words are passive, teasing.
"Oh yeah?" He raises an eyebrow, his grip tightening on where his hand laid on your ass, "Must be a lucky guy."
"Mhm," You hum, though you doubt he can hear it over the music, "Kind of hoping he'd rather take this outfit off of me, though."
Joost tilts his head forward, his lips brushing your ear,
"Well- I can't speak for this someone special, but I can tell you I'd love nothing more." His voice is low and seductive but his proximity to you makes his words clear even with the sound of the club around you.
You push yourself forward, grinding your hips against the buckle of his belt.
"Maybe that can be arranged," You place a small kiss to his neck before biting at his earlobe.
You feel the tip of Joost's hands grabbing at the hem of your skirt, pulling it up slightly- had you not been so desperate for him by this point you would have slapped his hand, teasingly chastizing him for being so dirty, but you let him continue. He had only pulled your skirt up a little just barely exposing some of your ass before he palmed at the supple flesh, fingers trailing towards your inner thighs.
Your back arches into his touch, forcing your chests even closer together. Your movement forces his fingers to just barely graze the crotch of your panties, his hand now fully under your skirt. A whispered, "Fuck," leaves your mouth at his gentle touch. God this all felt so dirty.
With his head still lowered by your neck, Joost began kissing lightly, his hand not leaving from where it pressed between your thighs. You attempt to play off the subtle movement of your hips as if you're swaying to the beat, though it's all a desperate attempt to feel some friction against Joost's hand.
Your body feels tense, your arousal becoming pent up as Joost continues to kiss at your neck. You're so wrapped up in the moment you nearly forget there's an entire crowd around you, but you were sure no one was exactly interested in what had been going on between you two.
Some more mumbled curses fall from your lips before Joost looks up from where his head had been buried in your neck, his hand falling from your thighs. You pout at the lack of contact.
"Come on," His tone is almost aggressive as he pulls your hand, leading towards the back of the club. He's determined as he pushes through the crowd, bringing you to the bathroom, its small, and dark, a singular light illuminating the tiny room over the sink.
Joost just about rips the drink from your hand, slamming both of your glasses onto the skin counter before returning to you. You share a knowing glance between the two of you, before he pushes you against the tiled wall, his lips devouring yours in a hungry kiss.
It isn't long before he's feeling you up, his hands moving up and down your sides, eager just to have you in his grasp.
His hands trail down to your skirt, lifting the fabric up to your waist before he nudges his knee in between your legs, urging you to part them for him and you're quick to oblige. As soon as your legs are opened, just a little he's reaching for the fabric of your panties, pulling them to the side.
The tip of his pointer finger lightly brushes your clit, forcing you to exhale a light whimper between kisses. He doesn't waste too much time teasing you, an unlocked club restroom was not exactly the ideal place for long, drawn-out lovemaking. Instead, he presses harder, drawing circles against your swollen bundle of nerves.
The feeling of his fingers mixed with his rough kisses is absolutely heavenly. His fingers trail a little further back, collecting your slick before returning to your clit, and you gasp at his fluid motions.
"I've barely touched you," He muses, his lips parting from yours for an instant. You didn't have it in you to feel ashamed for how wet you had grown in such a short amount of time.
"Need you," You mumble
"C'mon, you've got me," Joost pulls away from you completely, leaving you gasping as he steps away. He cocks his head, motioning you towards the sink to command you to stand over there.
You nod, taking a few steps to the side, meeting the sink's counter, and you stare at yourself in the mirror before flicking your eyes to Joost's reflection as he walks over to you.
He places a hand on your upper back, urging you to bend over the sink. You bite your lip, slowly leaning forward, resting your elbows and forearms on the counter.
Joost's hand trails down your back, to your ass, giving it a light slap before squeezing tightly, the feeling of his fingernails pushing into your flesh making a small yelp leave your mouth.
But his hand quickly drops, and you can hear the metal clinking of his belt coming undone. The simple sound fills you with excitement, a tightness growing in your lower stomach at what you know what was going to happen next.
You watch intently in the mirror as he pulls down his pants and underwear to just about his mid-thighs, but you can't see much past that with you being in front of him. But you can certainly feel as his hardened cock springs loose from the confines of his clothes, the tip grazing your upper thigh.
He lightly kicks the inside of both your feet, spreading your legs a little further as he strokes his cock behind you. A hand comes to your waist, and Joost leans forward,
"Ready for me schatje?" He grumbles into your ear.
You can't do much in the way of biting your lip and nodding, you had been more than ready.
He lets out a deep exhale as you feel the tip of his cock graze your puffy folds. His free hand coming to your upper thigh to spread you open for him. Gently, he's pushing himself into you, your eyes shutting tight as you have to readjust to his size. You take in the familiar stretch as he bottoms out in you, pausing for a moment before pulling out so just the head stays inside you. He continued these slow, teasing motions until it was almost painful how bad you needed him.
"Please," You whimper out, your head hanging low.
He doesn't make you beg much further before both of his hands are on your waist, forcing you down onto him as he thrusts into you at a faster pace now. The small room echoes with the dirty sounds of each thrust in and out.
He's much more aggressive than he had been last night- but you couldn't complain, not at the sensation of his cock hammering deep inside you. A sharp moan leaves your lips with each of his movements.
Oddly enough, knowing that someone could walk in at any time and catch what the two of you were doing only added to the arousal you felt. You were sure at this point if Joost insisted on fucking you in front of an audience you'd probably let him.
Some praises in Dutch leave Joost's mouth that you can't quite understand, but they make you feel like you're melting nonetheless. A hand snakes up your side to your neck, lightly gripping at your throat as he continues drilling into you.
"Look at yourself, liefje." He grunts, but you barely have the strength to pick your head up from where it hangs. He sighs, his hand loosening from your throat to your chin, forcing you to look up into the mirror.
You can't help but look at Joost instead, biting his lip, face contorting with each forward thrust. Watching Joost as he fucked into you was what was beginning to send you over the edge, your legs starting to tremble beneath you, your cunt beginning to spasm around the length of his cock.
"i-I'm close," You stutter, feeling the tightness inside you beginning to reach a shattering point.
"That's oka-fuck- cum for me,"
It doesn't take you long for you to obey his words, your orgasm smacking into you with a force you fear may knock you out. Joost's hand leaves your chin, instead, he reaches down to your clit, rubbing the swollen bud to help you through your orgasm.
The stimulation is enough to make you scream while your pussy clenches, spilling your release onto Joost's cock.
Your orgasm, however, did not deter Joost from maintaining the same pace he'd been fucking you at. Your body slumped over the sink counter while he continued to thrust into you at whatever speed felt right to him, his finger still drawing harsh circles to your clit.
A few tears slip down your cheeks due to the overstimulation, overwhelmed with an intense amount of pleasure that you weren't sure you had ever experienced before.
"Just a little longer," Joost assures, his breath losing a pace as his thrusting becomes wilder and more sloppy.
Soon enough he's spilling into you, his warm seed coating your walls with an animalistic groan. His head falls back as he fucks into you a few more times before finally stopping.
He's slow to pull out of you, leaving you whining as you feel the full length of his cock exit you once more. But as soon as he's out he's quick to pull up your panties, his release slowly dripping out of your cunt onto the crotch of the fabric.
You're still slumped over the sink as Joost buckles his belt before pulling down your skirt to cover you.
"Fuck," He grunts, "I need a smoke."
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By the time you had found yourself back in Joost's hotel room, you had lost track of how many drinks you'd had that night. The warmly lit room felt like it had been spinning as you laid back against the thick comforter of the hotel bed. Uncomfortable was certainly an accurate word to describe how you had been feeling. Far too drunk, makeup smudged on your face, your clothes too tight on your body. You groaned as you shut your eyes, cursing yourself for not knowing your limits.
You heard a chuckle from somewhere beside you, followed by the balcony door closing. A mild scent of cigarette smoke filled the air, and you had figured Joost had just gotten back inside from smoking another cigarette.
"I think it's time for someone to go to bed," He chuckles once more
"I'll be able to sleep once the room stops spinning," You moan, rolling onto your side.
"Let me get you something to wear."
You can hear Joost shuffling around, unzipping a suitcase and digging through clothes.
"C'mon," He says a few minutes later, his hand grazing your calf, "I'll help you get changed."
Your eyes flutter open, rolling back onto your back to look at him. You sigh,
"Can't get up."
"That's okay," He laughs, You can tell by the look on his face that he's drunk too, the way his eyelids hang, and his cheeks glow a pretty shade of pink- but he's clearly more coherent than you are despite having drank more than you did. He places a gentle hand on your thigh, "Can I take your skirt off?" There's no hint of sensuality in his voice, clear he just wants to help you get into something more comfortable.
You grumble out a yes in response, resulting in Joost pulling the skirt down the length of your legs,
"Are you comfortable in these?" His finger ghosts over the waistband of your underwear.
You shake your head no.
"Can I take them off?"
Your panties follow your skirt, falling in a pile at the foot of the bed. Your top was the next to go, your lashes fluttering as your eyes opened at the feeling of Joost's hands brushing your stomach, lightly tickling you.
"Sorry," Joost grins, looking down at you as he lifts your top over your head.
The cold hotel blows onto you and you're suddenly aware of just how exposed you are. Embarrassed, you roll over to face away from Joost, not wanting to make any further eye contact with him while being so naked.
"No need to be embarrassed, schatje," He says sweetly- it was like he could read your mind, his palm rubbing against your back to comfort you. "You need me to get you dressed,"
You mumble out a no in response, feeling bad for how much he had already helped you thus far.
"Okay, here you go." You hear Joost drop the clothes he had gotten for you onto the bed, prompting you to roll over to put them on.
A smile instinctively formed at the first article of clothing you saw, one you had recognized. He had given you a pair of his boxers to wear- the ones with his name embroidered onto the waistband. It seemed a strangely intimate move, but you had figured it was probably the first thing he had pulled from his suitcase- not daring to see it as anything past that.
You quickly slip on the clothes he had given you, pulling a simple white t-shirt over your head before eagerly getting back into bed. You crawled further up the length of the bed, grabbing the comforter from its nicely made position, and getting under it.
Laying on your back, your eyelids threatening to close completely any second, you watch as Joost strips down to his underwear, tossing his discarded clothes somewhere in the room.
The bed dips as Joost climbs in next to you, quickly shutting off the lamp on the bedside table as he does so.
Had you been sober you probably would have kept the distance between the two of you, only using Joost's bed as a place to sleep and not as an excuse to get close to him- but something in your drunk mind almost made you instinctively turn onto the side and snuggle into him.
He didn't seem to mind, actually, as your cheek nuzzled into his bare chest. He wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you a little tighter to him, affirming you hadn't done anything wrong by attempting to cuddle up to him.
You feel yourself drifting off, the subtle bumps of his heartbeat gently lulling you off to sleep as your breathing slows. Joost must have caught how quickly you seemed to be dozing off, humming contently before speaking softly,
"Slaap lekker," He sighs, the last thing you remember before finally being consumed by sleep is Joost pressing his lips to the crown of your head in a soft kiss.
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princessbrunette · 22 hours
toxicex!jj randomly showing up at your place (maybe after having one too many drinks and he can’t stop thinking about reader), cornering you and flipping up your nightgown and kissing all up on your thighs, whispering into them how much he misses you and how you taste and how he’ll do anything for you to let him have you again 😩😫
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🩶
you could recognise the shape of jj through the stained glass window of your front door anyday. as you squint into the hallway, you glance at the clock on the wall— wondering why on earth he’d be paying you a visit at this time.
you swing the door open, voice hushed as you frown into the dark where he stands leaning against your porch pillar.
“jj? what do you want? it’s literally 3am.” you hiss, annoyance in your tone. he seems unaffected by your frustration, dragging his eyes up and down your body covered by a thin night gown, huffing out a smirk as he fixes his cap before taking a step forward. with doing so brought the stench of alcohol. “you’re drunk.” your face falls a little, taking an instinctive step back as he enters your space in the door way.
“uh, technically no. you can drink but not get drunk, y’know?” he rambles. “anyway, i’m here…for you.” he smiles like it’s a secret between the two of you, the last word of his sentence punctuated by the pad of his finger prodding your chest.
“for me?” you furrow your eyebrows and his smile forces his dimple in as he takes in your reaction. you looked so cute like this, the low light forcing your pupils to stay all blown out as you stare up at him, giving you that doe-like appearance that drove him crazy.
“mhm…” he takes another step inside your house, and you back up against a corner table where you usually leave your keys. it clatters against your body and the blonde quickly reaches around you, hands planted either side of your hips, stilling it with a giggle.
“why are you here?” you try to sound serious, unphased — but the truth was, you both knew why he was at your door at this time, inebriated — and you weren’t totally against it. you missed him.
“can a guy not just stop by his ex girlfriends house in the middle of the night to say hi?” he defends, amusement worn clearly on his face. when you simply blink at him, the mask drops a little. “cant stop thinkin’ about you… ‘kay? miss you, mama.” he tilts his head and you shudder at the feeling of his breath on your neck. as he does so, he gently slots his knee between your legs and widens them.
“jayj…” is all you manage and he closes his eyes, shaking his head in a denial-like state.
“shh… shush… okay, i—i know. just… lemme taste it, yeah? s’been a minute… know you miss it too babydoll.” as he speaks, eyes pleading with you upon opening again, he sinks to his knees slowly, seeking permission. you clear your throat, eyes jumping from the open front door to the stairs where you knew your parents were sound asleep.
you say nothing, so he pinches your night gown and drags it up to your stomach, revealing tremoring thighs and a slicked up pussy. he bites down on his bottom lip as if to suppress the grin that forms as he huffs out a laugh through his nostrils.
“mm. keep it wet for me, huh? man i miss it.” he presses two thumbs along side your folds, spreading them apart to reveal the glossy insides and pulsing clit. “would be rude of me not to kiss ‘er goodbye, right?” he glances up at you only once before moving in, the only sound in the hallway for a few seconds being the wet smacking of your ex boyfriend making out with your cunt.
you realise you’d been holding your breath a few seconds later and exhale, gripping the table you were perched against as the blonde slides a hand beneath your thigh to lift it up, holding it out the way.
you go to grab the hand on you, perhaps to remove it on instinct — but like jj had some kind of spell cast on you, as soon as you lay your hand over his, you freeze and keep it there — relishing in the comfort it brings. he draws his pinkie back, holding you there as he continues to please you with his mouth. you wished you could see past his flaws, because you really, really missed him.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🩶
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patscorner · 10 hours
could u write kate martin x reader where they’re huge basketball rivals who end up falling in love?? maybe it starts out as like a secret relationship and then the media finds out and goes crazy abt it!!
also i love love love ur writing sm
Absolutely! Love you!
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Summary: The Gophers and Iowa have a generational rivalry with each other, tensions dating back years. What happens when one of Iowa's top players injures you?
wc: 3,248
Contains: slightly suggestive, mentions of blood, insta posts at the bottom, not proofread well, hella long
The Minnesota Gophers vs. the Iowa Hawkeyes was one of the oldest rivalries in women’s college basketball history. Whether it’s overly aggressive plays, double technicals every couple minutes, and shoves being exchanged. It’s tradition at this point to have one or two chippy moments at one of these games.
So it’s no surprise when tonight is no different. It’s tied, 83-83 in the third quarter with two minutes and thirty-six seconds left. The air is so filled with tension, it was like a heavy cloud of negativity loomed over both teams. Patience was thin on both benches, and everyone, even the people watching from home could feel it.
You’d been guarding Kate all night, and to say it was a challenge would be an understatement. She was agile and quick on her feet, and in some cases, she just managed to slip through your defensive skills. But, you were able to keep up with her, following and predicting her moves closely. She got a couple shots on you, but you didn’t let that stir your determination.
You were on your A game offensively tonight, too. Whether it was weaving through players with ease, calling good screens, or taking risky threes, you were doing it all.
It was paying off, too. Until the beginning of the fourth quarter. The game had just resumed, you guarding Kate once more. She’d been more physical, which you weren’t expecting, but you adapted, quickly matching her energy.
You had gotten the offensive rebound, running back to the Iowa basket, Kate hot on your tail. You get into position to make a layup, but Kate is right there to block your shot. She smacks the ball, but her momentum sends her body into yours, sending you flying to the ground.
You crash into the base of the basketball hoop, back hitting the floor first, followed by your head smacking into the stanchion. You squeal loudly, but the crowd's deafening cheers drowned out any noises you could’ve made. You’d made the layup, but that was the least of your concerns.
You’re grabbing your head, rolling over on your side, trying to find a position that relieves some of the pounding that has started in your head. Kate immediately goes to check on you, but that doesn’t last long when your teammates push her out of the way to get to you. One of your teammates starts yelling at Kate, who yells back, and the referee's whistle pierces through the air, signaling technicals for both players.
You’re still curled up under the basketball hoop, holding the back of your head, when you feel a warm liquid. You pull your hand away, and your eyes widen as you stare at your crimson cover palm.
Everyone who knows you, knows you hate blood. The red liquid sends a wave of nausea to your already banged up head, and you close your eyes to avoid the tears falling, and to relieve some of the tension that the lights were causing. The crowd silences as the camera shows you looking at your hand in horror.
Your breathing picks up as you continue to look at your hand. Tears fall from your eyes as you start to hyperventilate, unaware that eventually the lack of oxygen would cause you to lose consciousness.
You're only out for about 30 seconds, but that was more than enough time for you to be surrounded. You wake up to the athletic training staff, your teammates, and the coaching staff around you. You're running on autopilot, so the first thing you try to do is sit up, which doesn’t end too well for you. You attempt to lift your head off the ground, but a sharp pain shoots down your back, causing you to gasp loudly.
“Shh-stay still, honey.” one staff member assures you. You groan in response, feeling multiple hands on you at once. You don’t say anything as you try to roll over on your stomach and attempt to relieve the pain in your back. You have a pounding headache and have no idea what’s going on or what happened.
“You gotta stop moving. The ambulance is on the way.” You freeze at these words.
You have no idea what happened but all you know is that you have a basketball game to play. "W-we gotta play.” You croak out, looking at your teammates, tears brimming your eyes. You watch through blurry eyes as they shake their heads.
“No, kid, I think you're done for the night."
"No, no, n-no we gotta play- we're so close." You whimper out shakily. A couple of your teammates turn their heads, your statement making an already emotional moment even more heart-wrecking.
You feel someone grab your hand and rub it soothingly, attempting to distract you from the increasing pain in your spine. The Iowa bench was kneeling out of respect, because rivals or not, they weren't fucking monsters.
You sigh, accepting that you were done for the night and probably a while after. “What happened?” You whispered to no one in particular. You felt someone adjust the towels that you didn’t realize were under your head. The once white towels were colored now, and you felt sympathy for whoever had to clean them after.
“You fell kid, but you’re gonna be okay.” one of your teammates says. You hum in response.
All you could do is pray that she was right.
The crowd gave you a standing ovation as you were put on the stretcher and wheeled into the back of the ambulance. Despite their attempts to keep you awake, the loss of blood made it hard for you to keep your eyes open.
On the way to the hospital, they check your memory, which is pretty good, all except the moments leading up to the incident. All you remember is the girl that ran into you. When they get you to the hospital, they run their tests and find out that you had a pretty bad concussion, along with a crack in your spine. It’s safe to say you were done for the season.
Eventually, you were released, immediately starting physical therapy and, put in crutches and given a body wrap. You finally check your phone, and you see thousands of overwhelming messages from friends, family, and teammates. You respond to a couple of them, informing them that you were okay before going to instagram. Normally, you’d stay off of social media, but you needed something to distract yourself.
You’ve got hundreds of notifications on there, too, but one stands out the most.
A message from @katemartin
Just wanted to sincerely apologize for knocking you down the other night, I hope you know it wasn’t intentional. I don’t know if you’ll even read this, but you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Opponents or not, you’re a good player, and it’s devastating to see you injured. Get well soon.
Your heart swells at the message, as tears start to brim your eyes. You don’t know what to say, because this has never happened to you before. Usually, when someone gets injured, they get a pat on the back, and that’s it. But she went out of her way to message you.
You heart her message before typing a message back to her.
Thank you for the prayers, I know it wasn’t intentional, I watched the playback. I appreciate the message.
After you click send, you decide to leave it and begin scrolling through your feed. Nothing interesting comes up until you see Kate doing a post-game press conference. She’s asked her thoughts on the collision between you two.
“It was a basketball play. I had no intention of slamming into her like that. She’s an amazing player, like I seriously look up to her. The way she carries herself and the way she plays, that’s an example I think a lot of people should learn from.” she takes a deep, shaky breath, clearly trying to keep her composure. It breaks your heart to see her this shaken up about you.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for being a part of the reason she’s not playing. Everyone deserves to do the things they love, and it’s not fair that I took that from her. Our teams may be hella competitive rivals, but despite that, this is a sisterhood. We aren't friends, but never would I ever wanna hurt her like that. It was an accident.” Kate’s voice cracks at the end, and her teammate rubs her back as she looks down.
“It was an honor to play with her, and I wish her the best.” she finishes, before the clip ends.
You’re in tears by the end of it, and you just want to give her a giant hug, tell her that you forgive her, and that you’ll be back on the court in no time. But instead, you stick with responding to her message she had just sent you.
How are you doing?
It’s been 4 months since your injury, and you’ve been talking to Kate non-stop. You and her had been texting back and forth, calling, and falling asleep on facetime. A lot of the time was talking about nothing in particular, with a couple updates as to where you are in your recovery.
You couldn’t help but feel your heart tighten when you talk to her. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Even though you were barely around her, you felt like you were missing something whenever you two weren’t having a conversation. You knew you were falling and falling hard. Little did you know, Kate was falling just the same.
Kate couldn't sleep well to begin with, but now she definitely couldn't sleep without talking to you. She couldn't go a minute without thinking about what you were doing, what you were wearing, what you were thinking. It got so bad that her teammates were practically begging her to ask this mystery girl out. Her daydreams were distracting her from her practices, the way she played in games, and her schoolwork.
Finally, (after Caitlin went on a ten minute rant about how painfully in love she was), Kate found the confidence to ask you out on a phone call. She was nervous and stuttering over her words, her face painted a beautiful pink.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime, like by ourselves. Like we could go to like the movies-or maybe out to eat somewhere. Or-or not, y'know we could hang out with other people, like our teammates, like not together because I don't think they like each other very much, but we could like not tell them, or we could tell them b-"
You cut off her rambling with a laugh, finding her anxiousness adorable. "Kate 'Money' Martin are you asking me out?" You ask, raising your eyebrows teasingly.
You watch as her face reddens even more, her teeth capturing her bottom as she playfully rolls her eyes at your mocking tone. "Y'know what, never mind. I take it back." She smiles at you.
"Oh, no, no, you got me locked in now." You say smiling softly back at her.
"Is that a yes…?" Kate asked in a joking manner, but you could sense a serious undertone to it.
You bite your lip lightly, staring at the blonde on your phone screen.
"Whatcha got in mind?"
Kate made the six hour drive to Minnesota that Saturday after booking a hotel room not far from campus. As much as you would've liked her to stay with you, you knew your dorm mates wouldn't approve of having her in your shared space. They knew you were talking to someone, but you were very cautious about when you talked to Kate, often doing it fairly late into the night when they were asleep or not home. You thought you were doing a good job, as they never brought up anything about it.
Either way, to not draw attention, you both decided it'd be best if you went super late at night, knowing that the second the public finds out Kate was in Minnesota, rumors would fly, and the media would go crazy. So, you came up with a shifty excuse to be out of the house at three a.m. on a random Saturday morning. You had no idea what Kate had set up, you just knew that you were meeting her at a random park near campus.
Turns out Kate had the date very planned out, from how long it would take to get from point A to point B, to where'd you'd be sitting. She took you to the beach, and even though it was dark, the sounds of the water crashing onto shore was enough for you.
Then she paid, against your will, for sushi. You went into the restaurant and you both sat in the car and ate your meal. Conversations flow smoothly all night, without a single moment of uncomfortable silence. The evening was filled with laughter and lighthearted banter, the both of you losing track of time until the sun started to bleed into the night sky.
You both were tired, tangled in the bed of Kate's truck, basking in each other's company. You were so comfortable, and you never wanted this moment to end. Kate was different from anybody else you'd ever met before. Even though this was the first time you'd even hung out with her, you wanted nothing more than to hold her forever. And to make her yours.
"What're you thinkin' about?" She asked, breaking the silence and pulling you from your thoughts. You're laying on her chest, her arms wrapped securely around your waist, holding you close.
You look up at her and find her gaze already in you. "The sun's coming up." You whispered, licking your lips. Her eyes trail down to them before finding their way back to your eyes. The way she looks at you almost makes you fold right then and there.
"Hmm." Kate responded as her eyes made their way back down to your lips and stayed there. After a moment, you brought your hand up to her cheek to direct her eyes back to yours. You smile as her face turns a bright shade of red.
"You're so pretty." She whispers as she seemingly examines your face. Now it's your turn to blush.
It almost makes you angry, the urge to kiss her lips. You want nothing more than to pour all your words into one kiss.
Fuck it.
You push your lips to hers, passionately expressing your feelings for her wordlessly. It takes her a second to process what's going on, but as soon as she does, she's melting under your touch. She's like putty in the palm of your hand at this point.
You adjust your body, lifting yourself so that the both of you are facing each other. You wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. Your moment catches Kate off guard, causing her to moan lightly. You smile before pulling away.
Pants fill the air as you both attempt to catch your breath, letting the tension linger in the air. "Holy shit." Kate lets out a breathy laugh.
You chuckle with her, rubbing her waist absent-mindedly.
She rolls over back on her back, staring at the sky, you mimic her actions, sighing deeply. You can sense that the end of your date is near as the sun rises.
"I have to go." Kate whispers. You nod, reaching down and intertwining your fingers. You were right.
Over the next five months, you and Kate took turns seeing each other in the same way, at night, mostly ending up with you two touching each other (in more than one way). It was starting to get exhausting to hide it from your teammates, so eventually, Kate let it slip, and they weren't surprised. They already had their suspicions since the injury.
You weren't too pleased when she told you she'd revealed your secrets, but you were relieved that they didn't hate you. It gave you enough confidence to comfortably tell your team, who, like the Iowa team, wasn't surprised or upset at the idea of you and Kate being together.
It lifted a huge weight off your guys' chest, feeling better about leaving at two or three in the morning. The longer your relationship went on, the more comfortable you both got.
This was both good and bad, as you fell more in love with each other every day. But it also came with the desire to see each other more, which led to you both growing impatient and making sloppy mistakes. It started with you accidentally posting a picture of you holding Kate's hand on your public story instead of your close friends, like you had intended. Even though you couldn't see her face, you knew some people would be able to figure who it was, plus, at that point, it was an early relationship, and neither of you were ready for that kind of attention. Luckily, you deleted it before anyone could see it, but it was too close of a call for your liking.
Another slip-up happened a month later, where you posted a picture in Kate's hoodie, but you were able to pretend that you both happened to have the same hoodie.
The last straw, though, was Kate being recognized by a fan while pumping gas. You ducked down in the trunk as you watched the fan approach her and ask for an autograph and picture, which she agreed to.
The fan had a short conversation with her, which you later found out they had asked about why Kate was in Minnesota. The best Kate could come up with was that she was 'visiting a friend', which you teased her about her lack of an answer.
The fan posted about Kate being in Minnesota and why, and it shocked the internet. Some fans had done a deep dive and found dots that connected you to Kate, such as the hoodie picture. At this point, you both were tired of hiding, tired of not being able to go out during the daylight or support each other during games.
So you both decided it was time to let the people know.
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liked by katemartin and 294,210 others
yourusername: Find your person. They make life worth living
user| oh??
user| mystery woman?
user| I knew it
-> user| I feel like we all know who this is at this point
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liked by yourusername and 968,148 others
katemartin: You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose, I'm winning
user| no wait a minute
user| pov: the dots are connecting
user| my fav enemies to lovers story
caitlinclark22| took you long enough 🙄
-> yourusername| something you'd like to share with the class Martin??
-> katemartin| @caitlinclark22 I hate you.
->katemartin| @yourusername … no…
-> caitlinclark22| @katemartin you should be thanking me 🤗(pay up)
-> user| Caitlin in the comments has me cackling
user| Caitlin instigated is something I didn't know I needed
-> caitlinclark22| I did not instigate… just gave a gentle shove
-> katemartin| @caitlinclark22 I will gently shove you off a cliff 😍😄
->caitlinclark22| awww ur so cute😗
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerslover @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever
154 notes · View notes
justmeinadaze · 2 days
Secret Underneath Part 5 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: 😈 <---Me knowing how this chapter ends.
Warning: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, dirty talk, slight overstimulation, hot tub smut :), FLUFF, ANGST, they take her to an event where she feels slightly out of place and nervous. Guys tell her a bit more of their background. TWO cliffhangers in one ending! Your welcome.
What can I say...I need someone to spank me and make me behave.
Word Count: 4531
Series Masterlist Here/Donate to my Ko-Fi
You bite the nail of your thumb as the limo the three of you were riding in slowly inches forward towards the building where the event was taking place. Even with the tinted windows, the flashing lights were blinding you as the press snapped constant photos of each person as they stepped onto the red carpet in front of them. 
“Hey. Everything’s going to be ok, sweetheart.”, Eddie whispered as he took hold of your hand and threaded his fingers between your own. “These things still make me nervous to but trust me, you got this. If anyone was meant to be seen, baby, it’s you.”
His sweet words calm you a bit as you tilt towards him and kiss his lips. 
“Remember, just be yourself.”, Steve grinned as he pushed some of your salon styled hair behind your ear. 
“Be a pain in the ass. Got it.”, you tease making both boys chuckle as they leaned back in their seats and straightened up their extremely expensive but extremely sexy suits. “I feel a little out of my element.”
“I know, honey. Thank you for coming with us though. You look fucking beautiful.”
When a horde of stylists appeared at their apartment that afternoon, you thought they were only there for them since technically you were their guest but when a couple of people dragged you into the bedroom to get you ready, you literally stood there in silence accepting your fate. 
They spoke at you the entire time, asking questions before answering them on their own. 
“Ok, baby, now what kind of look would make you comfortable? The boys said you were going with them and since they are wearing black and pink, we were thinking a pink sleeveless with this slit up the thigh. Of course, we’ll keep your hair down. Is that ok? Oh my god, you are going to be so gorgeous!”
By the time they were finished, you hardly recognized yourself but both men’s reactions were priceless. 
“Mr. Munson, do you HAVE to smoke?”
“Yes, Stephanie, I do if you don’t want me shaking like a leaf.”
“Oh wow, Y/N, that dress is just stunning!”, their stylist beamed as you stepped out. 
As Eddie’s eyes glanced your way, he was starting to remove a cigarette from his pack but as soon as he saw you, they fell out of his hand making you giggle as he fumbled trying to catch them. 
“Fuck! Shit! I mean… wow… princess, you look…��
“Breathtaking.”, Steve finished for him. 
“Not half as good as you two.”, you grin as you kiss his lips as well. “Please don’t leave me alone out there.”
“We won’t, Y/N. I swear. One of us will be with you. If for any reason these reporters want to ask us questions, just stay behind us ok?”
Before you even get a chance to answer, the limo door is pulled open and you watch with amazement as their faces seem to change while stepping onto the carpet. Still holding your hand, he guides you out as your grip on him tightens and the lights of the cameras flash. 
“Mr. Harrington! Mr. Munson! Right here please! Turn your head this way! Eddie! Eddie! Steve! STEVEN! Over here!”
Someone with a headset appears to greet them, taking your arm and tugging you to the side while both men stand silently smiling as their photos are taken. They appeared confident especially Eddie who at random points stuck out his tongue causing Steve to laugh at his friend but you could tell this was an image. Another headspace they needed step into to do what needs to be done and control the image that the viewing public sees. 
“Come on, Miss, we need to get you inside.”
“Oh, no. They told me to stay here—”
“Well, I’m sorry, honey, but you can’t. I need to keep the line moving.”
Thankfully, Steve glanced your way, taking note of your panicked expression before hastily thanking them for their time and power walking your way. 
“Hey, no, no. She stays with either me or Eddie. No exceptions. This is her first time at one of these.”
“I understand that, Mr. Harrington, but I have to do my job.”
“Ok, well then I guess we’re done with interviews.”
“Steve, it’s ok. I’m ok. I’ll just wait inside by the door.”
His eyes scan you over as the girl behind you anxiously dances on her feet.
“Right inside, alright? Don’t wonder around.”
When they finally made it inside, a small huff left their lips at the fact that you weren’t waiting by the door. It took them a few moments to find you standing by the bar talking to a couple Steve definitely knew. You seemed a bit more relaxed and as they made their way to you a big smile stretched across your face. 
“Hey! Finally. You two were out there forever.”, you giggled. “Mr. Carmody and his wife Annie were keeping me company.”
“When she told us she knew you, Mr. Harrington, I had to poke her brain.”, the man chuckled.
“Please, sir, call me Steve.”
“Your office has reached out to me a few times but unfortunately I’ve been out of town dealing with some chaos.”
“Yes, sir. I read about what was happening to that building your renovating out west. We can help with that. My firm is really good with locking that down and getting things back on track.”
“So, I’ve read, Steve and what Y/N tells me as well. Look I don’t want to pull your attention from this beautiful young lady any longer. Why don’t you meet me in my office on Monday at about 9am and we can talk shop?”
Steve nods and shakes the man’s hand as he hands him his card and turns with his wife to leave. As soon as he disappears, the mogul spins around and lifts you in his arms in a big bear hug making you giggle till he places you on your feet again.
“I have been trying to get a meeting with him for months! How did you do that? How did you even…”
“Because I listen to you when you talk.”, you smile. “And I read a bit more about what you do. I thought maybe I could help.”
A bit too excitedly, Steve tugged on your hand and pulled you to a more secluded area before crashing his lips to yours. 
“You…are…amazing.”, he praises between pecks. 
“I know.”, you grin as your hands cup his cheeks.
As the night progressed, you found yourself getting more and more comfortable with the environment around you as both men introduced you to different people. When a lull finally presented itself, however, you scurried away to the outdoor patio and exhaled as you leaned over the balcony. 
“Excuse me, young lady, but I believe you’re supposed to stay by one of us.”, Eddie teased as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, lighting the end, and balanced over the concrete beside you. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. Is it ok if I…”, he asked gesturing towards the stick between fingers. 
“Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you look fucking gorgeous and I don’t want to ruin your ensemble here with cigarette smoke.”
“Nah, baby. You know I don’t mind when you ruin me.”
The rockstar laughs as he ever so slightly leans close to you and you respond by looping your arm through his, tilting your head against his bicep. 
“You’re doing well by the way. You know how to handle the heathens that run around here.”
“I’m a teacher, Mr. Munson. I know how to handle rowdy kids.”, you giggle. “I just…I don’t want to embarrass you in any way. This is your life, you know?”
“Nuh uh.”, Eddie shakes his head. “Music and buildings are our life… you…are our life.”
As he trips over his words, you can’t help but glance up towards his face as he stares off into the New York skyline. For men that were extremely confident, they both turned into nervous shy teenagers when they mentioned your relationship with them. You imagined part of that was because of Gina and what she put them through.
“I know we haven’t know you very long but you’ve done more for us in over 5 months than anyone has done in the years that they’ve known us.”
“Why do I doubt that?”
“Ok, maybe, my uncle but don’t tell him that or else it will go to his head.”, he teased making you smile. 
“What are you two freaks doing out here?”, Steve joked as he came up to lean on your other side. 
“Escaping the boredom that is this party. I’m not going to lie though; I’m really fucking hungry.”
“Me to.”, you add with a whine causing both boys to laugh.
“How about we sneak out and go get some food?”
You couldn’t stop giggling as you munched on the greasy burger in your hand while Eddie took another sip of champagne from the bottle in the car that was driving you three around. 
“Fuck. Steph is gonna kill me.”, Steve fussed as he hastily cleaned the ketchup that had fallen onto his tux. 
“Can we do something fun? I’m not ready to call it a night.”
“What did you have in mind, sweetheart?”
“Can we go see one of Steve’s buildings? I’d love to see one.”
“You’ve been in one, honey, with your class. My office is in a building I purchased. Plus, I’m not sure looking at one of my places would exactly constitute as ‘fun’.”, the mogul laughs. 
“Oh, come on. Pleeeease, Daddy.”, you playfully pout, clapping your hands in excitement when he gives in. 
After he gives the driver instructions, you curl up in both their sides as you wait to reach your destination. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t surprised when the vehicle stopped outside of what looked to be a stadium.
“You own this? Do you own the team as well?”, you laugh as Eddie takes your hand and helps you out of the car.   
“Uh no. That is way too much work BUT I do come to the games from time to time.”
“Steve used to be the star basketball player in our town.”
You beamed up at him as he nodded in agreement while you followed them blindly before ending up on a well light basketball court. 
“Is someone here?”
“No ma’am. Just us. These lights are timed so they’ll turn off closer to the morning.”
The sound of dribbling echoed through the stadium as the rockstar came into view bouncing a basketball. 
“Want to play?”
Smirking, you took the ball from his hand, bouncing it before shooting your shot and making the basket. 
“Oooo Stevie. You got some competition!”
“It seems I do. Want to make it interesting?”
“How so, Mr. Harrington?”, you sing with your big grin making them swoon. 
They loved seeing you happy.
“How about we take turns and for every basket we miss we have to take off an item of clothing.”
“Well, that’s not fair, Daddy. You have more pieces than I do.”
“Well, honey, make sure not to suck then.”
While you and Eddie laugh, Steve bounces the ball and shoots it from the free throw line, making his basket. The two of you follow suit, mimicking his moves perfectly while making the shot.
“So, you were a basketball star, huh? MVP?”
“Yup.”, Steve answered obnoxiously popping his lips on the P as he made another basket. “And swim captain to. None of it impressing my dad by any means.”
Taking your turn, you moved out of the way to allow Eddie his.
“What about you?”
“No sports for me, babe. I was hanging out with the other nerds playing D&D till all hours of the evening and selling drugs to cheerleaders.”
“Oof, you bad boy.”
After only hitting the rim, the rockstar sighed as he took off his jacket and tossed it to the side. 
“What about you, pretty girl?”
“I was a journalism kid. I loved to write and read.” Steve missed his next shot and having removed his jacket long ago, unbuttoned his shirt and placed with the others. “I know you said you both grew up together but how did you officially meet?”
“We didn’t exactly float in similar circles but—shit—“, Eddie whines as he takes off his shirt as well. “We didn’t really start talking until senior year. Learned we both had a lot in common.”
“How so?”
“Asshole dads, our moms weren’t in the picture, people in the town misjudged us…”, the mogul answered. “Everyone thought I was this fucking stupid jock with an ego.”
“Which to be fair, Harrington, was an image you catered to for a while there.”
“To make my dad happy. I learned a little too late that would never happen.” Missing his shot again, he took off his belt and pushed down his pants. “I’m starting to think we misjudged HER, Ed.”
“Most men do.”, you giggle. “What about you, Eddie? How did the town see you?”
The rockstar slide playfully to your side and you squeaked when he spanked your behind. 
“What did we say about that ‘most men do’ shit?”
“You’re not like most men.”
“Mhmm. Give me something.”, he demands light-heartedly as he holds out his palm. 
Jokingly glaring his way, you reach under your dress and shimmy down your panties, slamming them into his hand.
“These are cute.”, he grins as he throws them on top of their discarded clothing. “And they saw me kind of how you did before, some troublemaking bad boy except they thought I worshipped Satan or some shit.”
“I know. Weird, huh? Fuck!”
With the men now in just their boxers, you beamed with pride.
“Ay, calm down, little one. You’re young and have a lot more energy than we do.”, Steve smiled as he ran his palm along his stomach. 
“Calm down, Mr. Harrington, you both aren’t THAT old. Now if I make this last shot, can you show me one of those rich people suites?”
“You mean the places that look like our apartment but are the size of yours? Yeah, sure, why not.”, Eddie chuckled. 
“Last time I checked your apartment doesn’t have a hot tub.”
“How do you know these do?!”
“Please. I’m broke. You think I haven’t fantasied about watching the game from one of those rooms?!”, you laugh as you casually bounce the ball in your hands. “Spend some time in that warm water, naked, with a glass of champagne and a sexy man between my legs. Both or three of us probably tripping in sweat with heavy panting and just being utterly filthy. Oof.”
Silently, they watched as you tossed the basketball in the air and you grinned at the sound of the swish as it effortlessly made it in. 
Grabbing your hand, Steve practically tugged your arm off while Eddie hastily gathered their clothes and all but ran to the elevator that would take you to the suites above. 
“Oh wow.”, you breathe as you take in the room. “This is gorgeous.”
“Not as gorgeous as you.”, the rockstar smiles sheepishly as he helps you out of your gown and carefully places it on one of the chairs nearby. 
“I didn’t realize the tub would be this small. Is that ok?”
“Depends.”, Steve answers as he slides into the water and flicks a button that allows it to come to life. “Are you asking because Eddie and I may bump into each other or because you think we’ll have trouble being comfortable because of your body?”
“Steve and I have bumped into each other before. I mean we are sharing a beautiful woman so skin touches from time to time.”, Eddie follows as he jumps in causing his friend to roll his eyes when some of the water spill onto the carpet. “And there’s no place we’d rather be, babe, then scrunched together with you in between us.”
They both reached out their hands that you take as you step into the tub, pleasantly sighing at the feeling of the hot liquid bubbling against your skin. 
Their lips were all over you immediately as they trailed along your neck, shoulder, back, and chest. You often marveled at how in sync both men always seemed to be in when it came to pleasing you. They both grinded against you but Steve was the first to slide his cock into your pussy as he tugged your back to his chest. 
“Fuck…”, you whine as your hand reaches down to stroke Eddie’s length. The rings on his fingers felt cool against your skin as he gripped your jaw and kissed your lips. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“Definitely come a long way from ‘I don’t want to ruin your suit, Daddy.’”, the rockstar teases making you and Steve breathily laugh between pants. “Our dirty girl.”
The mogul abruptly pulled out of you but before you had time react, Eddie lifted your leg around his waist and slide his cock into your core. The sudden change had your pussy clenching around him as your forehead rested against his own. 
“Y-You like that, sweetheart? Being passed between us…shit.”
“Being used by us?”, Steve added as you nodded. “Say it, honey.”
“I like…like being used by you, Daddy. Please, I’m gonna…cum.”
Eddie removed his length, spinning you around as the mogul guides himself into you again pumping his hips at such a fast rhythm that more water spilled out of the tub. Your fingers tangled in his hair that was beginning to dampen with warm water and his sweat. The sight alone had your cunt tighten even more and you whimper as the coil snaps. 
“Miss is it ok that the tub is small…”, he groans in your ear as he continues to thrust into you. “You like being this—fuck—close with no room t-to breathe.”
Hands pressed into your tummy and Steve pulled out once more for Eddie to replace him. Your head fell on his shoulder and he tenderly nibbled on your neck while the other man encased his lips around your nipple with his tongue flicking against the bud. Slamming his hips into yours, you listened as the rockstar grunted against your skin till you couldn’t take it anymore and came with a loud groan. 
When your body went limp against them wet hands cupped your face and tilted your head upright. 
“Hey. Look at me, baby girl. Are you ok?”
“M-More. Want more, Daddy, please.”
They both chuckled as Steve reached over to turn off the hot tub and carefully lift you out of the water. Neither of you made it far as he laid flat on his back against the floor with you on top of him; your head resting on his chest. 
“Here, sweetheart. Drink this.”, Eddie instructed, handing you a bottle of water that you gladly accepted. “You to, Steven. We aren’t young men anymore.”
“Oh my god.”, his friend laughed as his did what he commanded. Ignoring their banter, your lips trailed up the body of the man underneath you. “So needy, honey.”
“For you two.”, you coo softly as your nose grazes his. “Let me help you cum to, Daddy, please.”
“Go ahead, baby.”, Steve whispers. “Ride Daddy’s cock.”
Resting his hands on your sides, you both moan as you slowly sink down onto him. As you start to roll your hips, you feel his tip nudge past that spongy spot inside you causing you to tremble and throw you head back in ecstasy.
“Fuck, Y/N. Move.”
“I-I am Daddy. Fuck you’re so deep.”
Roughly his palms grip both sides of your head and bring you down till his face is inches from yours. 
“Don’t tease me, Y/N. We didn’t with you. Now, ride my dick like you fucking mean it.” Steve’s mouth fell open when you did what he told you to, bouncing aggressively as his hands found their way back to your hips to guide you. “That’s it, baby. Just like that. So fucking beautiful like this. Fuck! I’m so glad your ours.”
Collapsing flat onto him, his arms wrap around your back and he plants his feet into the floor, allowing him to thrust his cock into you at a rapid pace that overwhelms you as you push back against his hold. Steve doesn’t allow you mobility so you submit to the feeling as you melt into him, clinging to his body till you shake and cum hard with him following as he milks his seed into your cunt. 
Lifting you off the mogul, Eddie placed you on a nearby table on your back and yanked you to the edge. With his palms clinging to your thighs for leverage, he thrust his cock into your entrance and pounded his hips into your own, desperate for a release after watching you ride his friend. 
“Fuck, sweetheart…so fucking tight…Mmph.”
“Oh my god.”, you mewl as you drag your nails down his sweat glistening chest. 
“I need you to cum again, baby. Cum all over Daddy’s dick.” When you shake your head, his hand promptly flies to your throat and firmly squeezes. “I wasn’t asking, little girl. Don’t tell me no.”
As he rolls his waist, your eyes roll closed as your back arches and your arms fall over the side of the table giving Eddie a perfect view of your tits as they bounce with each pump of his length. 
“That’s our girl. Just l-let go, Y/N.”
His cock repeatedly abuses your g-spot and you grip his wrists to ground you as you whine loudly till the ball in your belly drops.
The rockstar’s jaw clenches at the feeling as his head hangs and he chases his own high. Tilting his body over yours, he grunts as his rhythm sputters and you feel him warm your insides. 
“F-Fuck. Good…good girl.”, he coos as his lips tenderly trail along your cheek to your neck. “You ok, princess?”
“T-Tired, Daddy. Wanna sleep now.”
Both men chuckle softly as Eddie carefully pulls out of your sore, aching cunt and reaches for a towel to clean you with while Steve searches around the room till he makes a tiny aha noise when he finds what he’s looking for. 
“I don’t think we can sleep here, baby. But let’s get you back home so you can curl up in bed.”
“Your home?”
You groan as the rockstar lifts you to your feet but holds you under your arms to keep you steady as the mogul lifts your leg to slide a pair of shorts up your body. 
“These may be a bit tight, honey, but I think you’d prefer this for the time being till we get you back to, yes, our apartment which is yours too.”, Steve beams as he places the shirt over your head. “Do you think you can walk?”
You adorably shake your head and Eddie lifts you in his arms as Steve leads the way out of the stadium towards his car. Through the ride home you pleasantly sighed at their gentle touches as they ran their fingers through your hair or along your legs. 
When they placed you in Steve’s bed, you didn’t even hesitate when you pulled them both as close to you as possible. Because of everything they had been through they were never sure if the clinginess was you or the headspace but they relished it either way. They would do anything for you if you asked but knew you never would. You weren’t like their ex; you were strong and independent. They knew you could take care of yourself but chose to be vulnerable for them and they loved you for that. 
Their eyes met as the realization hit them hard. 
They loved you. 
So many different questions and scenarios ran through their minds as insecurities of their own started to seep in. Those feelings were validated when both their phones pinged at the same time.
The following morning you woke up with a big smile on your face and felt more at peace than you had in a very long time. As you leaned up to stretch, you realized you were in bed alone. 
“Eddie? Steve?”, you called to no response. 
Reaching for your phone, your eyebrows knitted together when you found a piece of paper taped to the screen. 
We had to leave due to something that came up but, please, feel free to have some breakfast and a shower before you head back to your apartment.”
Head back to my apartment? Are they asking or telling me? Didn’t they say last night that their apartment was also mine?
“We are going to be extremely busy these next few days so we may not answer texts or calls. 
Honey, do you remember the promise you made to us about not looking us up on Google or anything like that? Please, keep that for us.
Talk with you as soon as we can…
Eddie and Steve.”
You blinked as you read and reread the note they left you. You understood they were busy men and that you promised not to search them on any news outlets or gossip sites but how could they expect you to not have questions after a cryptic note like this?
Sighing, you got dressed bypassing breakfast and a shower to head back to your lonely apartment. Unsure of what to do with yourself, you clicked on your TV, channel surfing till you found something even slightly interesting. You wish was granted when Steve and Eddie’s face illuminated your screen. 
Bolting upright, you turned up the volume.
“And on our top story today, lawyers of Gina Frost, the daughter of actress Libby Frost, finally released the identities of the two men she’s seeking to get palimony from after a 4-year relationship she claims to have had. Business Tycoon Steven Harrington who just made a massive 400 million deal and Guitarist of the popular grammy winning band Corroded Coffin Edward Munson have been named in the lawsuit filed by the young actress herself. Lawyer Daryl Barnes made a statement saying:
‘It’s not right for my client to have her face plastered all over social media where she is demeaned constantly and belittled for the completely valid choice she is making when it comes to these two men who have failed to keep promises they made to this young lady!’
No comment yet has been made by either celebrity who were seen out just last night at a benefit with a yet to be identified young lady at their side.”
The remote shattered against your hardwood floor as it fell from your grasp.
“Yet to be identified.”
Your own mobile device came to life as messages and tags came through almost in an instant.
How…how could they not tell you? How could they leave you alone when all this was coming to light? 
Fury overtook your shock as you threw on your jacket and stomped out the front door.
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
@aactuaaltraash @nailbatanddungeon @yesimabratandwhataboutot @eddiesguitarskills @mygirlchaos @kezibear
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Inappropriate Touches
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Pairing: Steddie x reader
Warnings: King! Steve Harrington, Personal Knight! Eddie Munson, light to heavy petting, unprotected p in v, bj's, exhibitionism, nipple sucking, fondling, cunnilingus, male masturbation, they get caught (technically), bodily fluid eating, let me know if I missed anything
You’d been married to King Steve Harrington for about six months now. It’d been sort of an arranged marriage so your family could become allies with the Harrington royal family.
King Harrington’s parents were still around, but had stepped down to allow their son to take over so they could go off and “see the world”, whatever that meant.
It’d taken awhile for you to get warmed up to the newly made king, and his personal knight who seemed to follow the king around like he was a second shadow.
Both men were intimidating. At least six foot with broad shoulders. King Harrington was more intimidating when he was dressed in all his king attire, fancy dress clothes and shoes with a flowy cape that hung from his shoulders, and often accompanied with a simple crown on his head. And the king’s personal knight, Eddie Munson. He was often dressed in full body armor, a sword on his hip, and a white cape down his back that showed his authority.
Both men seemed to take advantage of your timidness when dressed up, which was often for Knight Munson. They often backed you into a corner and or sandwiched you between them and showered you with praise while their hands roamed.
Overtime, these praises and simply touches developed into more. It was a slow process that you barely took notice of until you were on your hands and knees in your shared bed in King Harrington’s quarters, your eyes blurry with tears as Eddie shoved his cock down your throat and Steve used you from behind.
And as you got more comfortable with these inappropriate touches, the more often they came, especially outside the bedroom.
You’d been called to something important this early morning, so early that the sun hadn’t even risen yet. It was so important that you don’t really remember what it was about. And you were so tired, but you refused to go to bed cause you knew that if you undressed you’d just be redressed the next time someone needed you. So you were in the castle’s library, huddled over in a empty corner as you read a book on a rather comfy couch.
The doors to the library squeaked open and thud shut. You paid it no mind until two sets of footsteps came your way. Before you could see who it was, a curtain of dark, curly hair blocked your view.
You leaned your head back to see Eddie, dressed casually but still with his sword around his waist.
“Whatcha reading?” He asks, a smile on his face.
“Something about dragons,” You answered.
“One where the princess is captured and a knight in shining armor rescues her?”
“Sure,” You tell him, barely even remembering what the book was about cause you were so tired.
Eddie hums, standing to his full height and resting his large hands on your shoulders.
“Where were you this morning?” A voice asks in front of you.
You look up and see Steve standing in front of you wearing a loose, white shirt with some soft looking pants.
“I was called to something this morning,” You answer him.
“Before the sun rose?”
You nod.
Steve hummed, his eyebrows furrowing, “I’ll have to talk to whomever needed you so badly this morning that you were woken up before the sun.”
“Something about trade routes,” You tell him.
“Well they should be able to wait until sunrise for that, or until I get up,” The king mumbles, obviously not too happy about his wife being woken up before him.
“Well, we found you and that’s all that matters,” Eddie reassures Steve, leaning down to kiss along your exposed neck, wrapping his arms around your front to grope at your chest.
You watch as Steve crouches to his knees, sliding his hands under your dress to squeeze at your thighs.
“Oh, this is what you wanted?” You poke at the two men, making eye contact with Steve.
“Of course,” Steve purrs, hands pushing up and up. “We missed you this morning.”
You only hum in response as Eddie starts popping open the buttons on the front of your dress, stopping just below your sternum, he unties the string of the front of your under shirt as well, exposing you. The curly haired man pulls the collar of both shirts so your shoulders are exposed and he starts leaving open mouth kisses along the skin, occasionally stopping to nip and suck at the skin, groping your expose chest as he does.
Steve leans forward and takes your left nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue and sucking on it. He slowly inches his hands around your waist and gently pulls your underwear down your legs. You watch as he stuffs them in his back pocket, a sliver of the lace sticking out. The man meets your eyes, mischief dancing in his eyes before he puts his full attention back on your breast.
Steve switches over to your nipple, leaving your left one wet and exposed to the cool air.
You’re fighting hard to stay quiet, lips pressed together and hand gripping the nape of Steve’s hair. You jump when you feel two fingers venture between your lower lips, feeling the slick that’s been threatening to spill out onto the fabric of the couch. A whimper slips past your lips when Steve’s fingers easily find your clit, gently pressing against the button.
Before you can get too lost in the pleasure, both men pull away from your body.
Eddie moved to stand at the arm of the couch, blocking the view from any prying eyes of the library, and he pats the arm.
You place a bookmark in your book that you’d forgotten about and set it on the nearby end table, awaiting instruction.
“Come here,” The knight instructs. “Hands and knees, sweetheart.”
You do as told, face heating up when you realize you’re face to face with Eddie’s crotch. You glance up at him and await his next movements.
Your attention is drawn backwards when you feel your dress move. You see Steve leaning down to lay on the couch under you, scooching upwards to disappear under your dress. Before his upper body fully disappears under your dress, you watch his hands untie the knot at the front of his trousers and pull them down just enough for him to pull out his erect cock. Steve’s hands disappear down your dress once more, moving to grip your thighs and pull you down.
“Sit,” You hear a muffled order.
You do as told, vulva meeting Steve’s awaiting tongue. Your breathing stutters and you almost slip into that certain headspace but fingers taps your cheek.
Your met with another erect cock, the head tainted a deep read.
“Open,” Eddie tells.
You do, watching Eddie’s cock disappear into your mouth. He stills when a comfortable length is in your mouth.
“Go on,” Eddie nods, encouraging you to move on your own.
You start, bopping your head up and down his length. Every movements back up brings your hips down onto Steve’s awaiting mouth. In which, spurred on by your movements, he starts his ministrations and licks up and down your vulva, dipping in between the folds and flicking against and around your clit.
You feel fingers join his tongue momentarily before a hand disappear from your legs and you being to hear a wet “schlick”, you assume Steve is jerking his exposed cock, simply turned on by the process of eating you out.
You turn your attention back to Eddie, sucking in every time you pull on his cock, earning moans from him and a hand on the top of your head. You feel saliva collect in your mouth and slowly slip from your slips, soaking into the plush cushion below.
You feel Eddie start to move with you and you adjust so your forearms rest of the arm of the couch and you arms can grip at Eddie’s trousers.
The longer you three go on, the louder you three seem to get.
Steve’s moans vibrate against you, making you jerk and grind against him with every noise. With the building pleasure in your abdomen, you can’t help but let moans spill past your vocal chords, the pleasure urging you on for Eddie. And with the harder sucking and faster bopping of your head from you, Eddie can’t help but groan and moan above you, eventually gripping your head with both hands.
The more the knight’s pleasure builds, the more prominent his thrusts into your mouth are. It ends up at the point where Eddie holds your head in place with both of his hands so he can fuck your throat at his own pace.
You sputter and gag, tears blurring your vision and saliva coating his cock and puddling onto the cushion below you. You’re gripping Eddie’s trousers and grinding down onto Steve’s mouth. The moans from both men and the sound of Steve jerking himself off spur you on, and you barely sense the knot in your lower abdomen until it snaps and white hot explodes from between your thighs.
Your moans build in pitch and volume as you cum, thighs shaking and your gripping at Eddie’s thighs, pulling at his pants.
Steve eats you out with vigor and he follows you soon after, the “schlick” growing in volume and speed, breathy moans vibrating against your center. His free hands grips your thigh. You can feel his trimmed fingernails digging into your skin.
As if on cue, Eddie follows both you and Steve in finishing. His thrusts are sloppy and hurried as he fucks in cum down your throat. His moans are more vulgar, groaning and cussing to himself as he rides out his high.
Slowly, even as Eddie stills rides out his high, Steve removes himself from under you. Fixing your dress so it’s not all crumpled up at the back of your knees.
Eddie slowly calms down, pulling himself from your mouth. He gives you a moment to swallow any remains cum and saliva before tapping your lips with the head of his cock. You open and watch as he squeezes the remaining cum from his cock.
As you close your mouth and swallow, Eddie pats your cheek with his fingers and you take that as a sign to settle down, still aware of Steve not fully removed from under you.
You watch as Eddie takes a handkerchief from a back pocket of his and as he wipes off his cock. You keep watching when he tucks his half-hard cock back into his underwear, and when he adjusts and ties his trousers back into place.
Eddie leans down to clean up your face, using a clean area of his handkerchief to clean up your face.
It’s when the handkerchief is back in the knight’s pocket and when he’s in the middle of a deep sigh does a someone clear their throat from around a bookcase.
Both of you jump and whip your heads around to the person.
It’s castle staff, looking nervous and awkward and he just caught you two in a rather intimate moment. He clears his throat again before speaking.
“Have.. uhh… either of you seen the king?” He asks timidly.
Said king removes himself fully from underneath you, his face is flushed and his forehead and cheeks are sweaty. He doesn’t look the slightest bit embarrassed as he sits up and turns to face the staff member.
“Yes?” He asks.
You notice he’s tying his trousers back into place. You had no knowledge of him cleaning himself up or tucking himself away.
The staff flushes and stutters, “Your parents are here, my king. They wish to see you.”
“Very well,” Steve sighs.
He moves to pull you to him so you sit back on your legs. He kisses you on the lips for a few seconds and hums at the taste before getting up, wiping his pants of imaginary dust. Steve moves around the couch to fall in beside the servant as he leads the king away from your corner of the library.
Before following, Eddie pats your cheek and gives you a wink before trotting after the king, curls bouncing on his shoulders.
You watch for a few moments before settling back into the couch. You take a few moments before realization settles in your chest and heats up your face.
You’d just been caught by a servant with both the king and his personal knight.
You heat up some more and bury your face in your, previously forgotten, book as you try to stave down the embarrassment.
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pogostikk · 23 hours
How did Star and Steven actually separate?
This is an info dump I’ve been avoiding, but I've gotten a few people in the past wondering how it works exactly. I always knew what the process was, but it's hard to put into words, so I kept procrastinating on talking about this.
I finally decided to make it its own post, rather than just answering the question through someone's ask.
Before I begin, I should probably explain some of my headcanons. Aspects of this AU began with self-indulgent speculating about how Rose's pregnancy worked.
Quick disclaimer: if you're grossed out by the topic of pregnancy, there's gonna be a bit of that in here.
So here we go:
I always imagined that in those nine months, especially the last few, the gem was slowly going through the process of connecting to Steven and becoming his own.
But how does that work?
Essentially I'm saying that while the gem was still Rose's, more and more energy was being put into connecting the gem to the organic tissue. This would mean that some of Rose's coding was already beginning to be replaced (albeit at a snail's pace) with simplistic programming mimicking the human DNA. While the fetus was developing, the tip of the gem was actively bonding with the organic.
To ensure the fragile organic wasn’t harmed by the tip of the gem, its abilities continuously “healed” Steven.
Copied the DNA, Almost like filing it to be used for further light form creation and the manipulation of already existing data in the gem.
And made light form replicates to slowly connect the gem to the organic tissue, sort of like an adhesive.
The gem also acted as an umbilical cord for Steven, and the combined energy from sunlight that the gem absorbed and sustenance from the food Rose consumed was feeding the fetus.
This doesn’t mean that a secondary sentient being was being formed in the gem just yet, it was more like an artificial intelligence being developed through machine learning.
None of this would be possible if it weren’t a diamond’s gem. The process uses a significant amount of energy that would cause any regular gem to poof or even crack and an organic simply wouldn’t survive. Rose was experiencing a lot of the symptoms of pregnancy as well, so she was incredibly weakened. Despite all the inner turmoil the gems and Greg were experiencing, everyone noticed how much pain she was in, and worked tirelessly to take care of her. They were constantly hovering over her, and this left her to feel a bit suffocated.
Eventually Rose just wanted some space to think when her last moments were approaching, leading her to her old palanquin where she was discovered by Blue Diamond.
Whether Rose believed she would be entirely gone or would come back after Steven's life, she was at peace with the idea of ceasing to exist, temporarily or not, so that Steven could exist. Rose wasn't going to let the diamonds execute her and hurt her child, so she was forced to reveal her identity.
Doing this changed the position of the diamond, and the tip was no longer connected to Steven, the last moments of connection were spent healing the tissue so the tear from the separation wouldn't jeopardize the fetus's life.
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Despite the disconnect, the gem was still there. A lot of power had been previously put into bonding with the organic- that wasn't lost, it was too late to reverse the effects. Tbh the organic wouldn't have survived the last month if the gem had been completely separated with distance. Like if Rose was poofed and the gem was taken away or smth.
One month goes by fairly quickly for Rose, which brings us to the due date. Rose went to the zoo knowing the gems there were the only gems who'd be able to take care of her child when they found them. She hid in the room filled with bubbled rose quartzes. She slept there until she poofed.
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Technically, Steven is the oldest (Star will never tell him that) by a few minutes. Despite being separated, the gem provided a light energy to the infant. To survive, Steven needs food and energy from the gem.
and then Star formed.
What would his programming look like at this point?
So in SU canon, I always thought that when Rose poofed and the gem became Steven's, while there were some remnants of Rose, a lot of data was cleared out to make room for the new gem.
The same happened for Star, except there was no longer an organic to continue basing the new coding off of, so the gem took the remnants of Rose and the new data to construct a hard-light hologram.
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Pogo, you keep saying coding, what do you mean by that?
We all know that gems are aliens that are similar to computers or solar-powered robots- as Rebecca Sugar describes them. A gem is like a super-intelligent computer powered by light. When I say coding l'm talking about the computer programming that goes into telling a computer what tasks to perform, sort of like instructions. These instructions give a gem the capacity for overall consciousness; identity, memory, design, and the ability for thought and emotions. (I should probably mention that I'm not an expert in anything computer or technology, this is just the way I describe how a gem functions)
But Star’s programming was faulty, the process for the creation of a gem/human hybrid was never finished and he had multiple issues with things such as gaps in his memories, issues with speech, thoughts, and emotions. Although he was able to make up for it with time or by learning and observing others, he was always supposed to be the gem half that relied on the organic half for this data.
I’ve said before that in my AU Steven was supposed to rely on his gem half like a battery, without it his physical needs aren’t met and he had to adapt in his own way. Star’s healing abilities and instinct to stay close to his human half is the only reason Steven survived.
So in short, here are some listed factors that combined to cause the separation of the gem and human half:
In this AU, the gem is bigger than in canon. I personally imagine that Stevens organic half would have been too small as an infant to fully connect without detrimental harm to the organic’s body, so already they were destined the disconnect.
The power of the diamond was weakened during the pregnancy and would have taken years before Steven could use its abilities at all, and eventually would be too powerful for him.
The stress from being captured: stress and even the simplest misstep such as collapsing, can negatively affect the fetus, the process was incredibly delicate and Rose being captured did not help.
And as I already explained, the main cause was Rose Quartz shapeshifting so drastically.
With these factors in mind, whether on Homeworld or not, this AU surrounds the idea that human Steven and pink Steven were fundamentally a faulty hybrid, it simply wasn't sustainable for them to be fused.
This AU doesn't align with most of my headcanons about human Steven and pink Steven. The “how the gem and organic become one” process is similar, but everything else strictly extends to only this AU.
Thanks for reading!
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more - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1,260
[technically a follow-up from yesterday's 'safe', but can be read independently]
Regulus has taken to hiding in his bedroom, the smallest bedroom in the Potter house down the hall from James and Sirius. From the yard, where James will sit with Sirius on days when it is not cold and raining, James will often see Regulus sitting on his padded bench in the bay window of his bedroom reading some book or other. Writing some thing or other in his many notebooks. Sometimes just staring. Observing.
James worries about all of this, which is nothing new because he’s just prone to worry. He worries about Regulus isolating himself. He worries that Regulus is being deprived of sun, because Regulus inherited the Black Family affliction of pale skin and probably requires a significant dosing of Vitamin D.
And he worries that Regulus is ignoring him. Shutting him out. Though he will not say why.
Rationally, James knows that Regulus is concerned about Sirius’s reaction, given how over-bearing Sirius has been since they left Grimmauld Place. He’s not really ignoring James; he’s just being cautious.
But the memory of Regulus is seared into his brain. Regulus sneaking around the castle with him, kissing him in little nooks and hidden corridors. Regulus spending hours talking to James about nothing and everything, laughing, poking fun, insulting James, comparing notes on quidditch, telling James stories, telling James his hopes and dreams. 
He remembers Regulus’s warmth, his scent, the feel of his skin, the touch of his hands running over James’s body, the press of his lips on James’s neck doing wonderfully wicked things. The memory of Regulus’s body pressed against his, against places no one else has ever touched, making James feel in ways no one else has ever made him feel. Making James produce sounds he’s never produced for another person.
James jolts in alarm when Sirius elbows him hard in the side. Warmth flushes his cheeks, and James quickly looks away hoping that his embarrassment isn’t visible. He’s thought of Regulus many times over the days they’ve been home from Hogwarts. Sometimes late at night when he’s in bed and the thoughts turn into fantasies and he wonders, imagines, what it would it would feel like if…
No. Good Merlin, he can’t go there. Not right now. Not right now, when Sirius is right beside him and he can feel the heat rushing through his body to parts that are rapidly taking an interest. James cringes and turns away, trying to conjure disgusting images as quickly as he can, because this is all just going to get so damned awkward.
Snivellus naked. Snivellus naked. Snivellus naked.  
‘Prongs!’ When Sirius goes to whack him again (James remembers being whacked by Regulus, how wonderful that had been), James quickly shifts out of the way. 
‘Huh?’ Laying on the grass, propped up on his elbows, James looks back up at Regulus curled up in his bay window staring down at them. ‘What do you think he’s doing?’
Sirius shrugs. ‘Dunno. Writing love letters? Writing sad boy poems? Plotting to take over the wizarding world? Actually…!’ Sirius sits up, grinning like he’s suddenly found the secret to world peace. ‘Hey, you can ask him!’ At James’s confusion, he gesticulates wildly. ‘Who it is!’ he clarifies. 
‘Who what is?’
Sirius hunkers down and leans over so close to James, who is still laid back on his elbows, that it leaves weird, awkward, fluttering feelings in James’s stomach. Like drunken moths trying to find a light that just isn’t there.
‘The filthy, no good, two-bit rat who is sniffing around my brother. You can ask him, he’ll tell you. I hear he’s a real…what’s the word Marlene used…playboy. I think it means he’s a whore. Like, the local town broomstick. Everyone’s had a ride.’
Excuse me? James tries not to gawp, but he’s in no way ‘the local broomstick’. Sirius has slept with more people than James has, because James has slept with a great big whopping zero of people. That’s just not who James is. He wants it to be special. He wants it to be someone he loves. Call him a romantic or whatever; James knows that it’s not ‘cool’ of him, only he doesn’t care.
Maybe, just maybe, that special someone he loves will one day be Regulus.
‘I wouldn’t say he’s a broomstick,’ James mutters, ‘the person “sniffing around your brother”.’ 
Sirius cocks an eyebrow in a way that reminds James so much of Regulus. ‘You know who the dirty rat is?’
‘No, no. Just. It’s Regulus. Like Regulus is going to let a…filthy, no good, two-bit rat…around him. He has standards, doesn’t he? He’s too clever and proper and dignified for that.’
‘Right,’ Sirius says firmly. His eyes narrow suspiciously, and he leans back, stares up at Regulus in his window. ‘Well, they’d better not. Regulus is too innocent for any of that. He’s still a baby.’
James breaks out into a grin, unable to withhold the laughter that bursts free from his chest. ‘Regulus Black is in no way “innocent”, Pads. There is nothing innocent about your brother!’
’He is too, Prongs. What are you implying?’ Sirius shoves James hard, and James goes tumbling onto the grass heaving with laughter. ‘What are you calling my brother, you little shit.’
‘Not innocent, is what I’m calling him!’ James giggles. There had been no reservations in the way Regulus had manhandled James. James knows that Regulus has never had a relationship before. And as far as James knows, Regulus has never…’been with’…anyone before, or Sirius would have absolutely decimated the person who had dared to touch his little brother. 
But Regulus had been bold. He had been shameless. And had been certain in obtaining exactly what he wanted from James.
‘I’m just saying,’ Sirius hisses, standing firmly on the hill he is prepared to die upon. ‘I’m saying Regulus is sensitive. He has a gentle heart under all those thorns and prickles and shards of glass. He deserves someone who will handle him with care. He deserves someone good, someone who will be good to him. He can't afford to be hurt, Prongs.’
James nods vigorously in agreement. He knows this. He knows it because, he thinks, Regulus has started to show James his heart, and James feels blessed because Regulus does not trust easily.
But Regulus seems to trust James. So maybe James is enough?
‘Someone…you have to approve?’ James hedges.
‘Absolutely. My blessing is the number one requirement. I also expect applications in triplicate. Character references. Criminal history checks. 15-inch written essays on why they want to get within one kilometre of Regulus. They will be interrogated and reviewed by a jury of my peers.’ Sirius flops down onto the grass, his hair fanning beneath him. ‘So, you gonna talk to him for me?’
‘Sure,’ James says. 'I can talk to him for you.'
There’s a tiny spark of hope in his heart that maybe Sirius also thinks James is enough. That James is a good person who will take care of Regulus’s heart and handle Regulus with care. That Sirius will trust James with his little brother.
James will explain that he makes Regulus smile and Regulus makes him smile. He’ll explain that they laugh together and have fun together, that James listens to Regulus’s stories and his hopes and his dreams. That James thinks Regulus is brilliant and clever and cunning and sneaky and that this makes Regulus special. That James knows how brave Regulus is, and how bold, how kind Regulus can be.
And maybe Sirius will decide that James is enough. 
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starlit-typewriter · 13 hours
Genshin SAGAU, Creator of Teyvat, but not Humanity Part 9
Here it is part 9!
Takes a peek at my writing doc. Yep uh, plot is beginning.
Also I've done the most recent Archon quest and uh, Wow.
I uh, didn't expect to cry that hard.
But very glad that my fic is still technically canon compliant. Literally counting down the versions till a lore drop breaks what I have built.
Warning for Spoilers up to Genshin Impact 3.6
Masterlist | Prev Part
Silver clouds float around lazily on a beautiful sparkling blue sky. 
From beyond the billow of misted water, a spark shines.
It glows brighter.
And faster.
It shoots down towards the sky, breaking the sea of clouds, leaving a gaping hole from where it burst through.
The spark becomes a star, flickering from blue to a brilliant gold, leaving trails of light as it descends towards Teyvat.
As it approaches, it shrinks, becoming smaller, but no less powerful.
A targeted stream of light, of energy.
It approaches a city, a harbor. 
You can feel the energy in the air, the hustle and bustle as humans galavant and frolic.
The sounds and smell of a festival, filled with raucous cheers and lively conversation.
The light ignores it all, heading straight towards a solitary figure.
A figure cloaked in brown and gold, strolling along the roads of this place.
A non human hiding in their midst.
They’re concealing their presence, but the light knows better. 
It can feel their raw power and strength.
This is the one they were looking for. 
It heads straight towards it, hitting their body with force, causing them to stumble in their tracks.
The light, no. The blessing burrows it’s way into this figure.
It purrs, settling inside their body, warming him from the inside, filling their body with power and energy. 
All Mine
Your eyes snap open as you jerk out of your trance.
Morax was still sitting there, quietly.
Observing you with those eyes.
Those calm arrogant eyes.
You hate them, you hate them so much.
“Do you remember now,” he asks.
You clench your fist, fingernails digging into your skin. 
You don’t want to believe him. On some level you still don’t.
However, you can’t deny that he has your power. 
That he was gifted with your power.
But you don’t know why.
The unfortunate truth, something that Morax no doubt knows, is that you don’t have all your memories.
Azhdaha’s sacrifice gave you some of your powers back, but it’s far from what you used to have.
You remember a time when you were powerful.
When you created mountains and oceans.
When you could create living beings with a single touch.
Well, not a single touch, but you could still do it.
You remember an era of peace, of dragons.
But it’s all gone.
All because of them.
But you don’t know how.
You don’t know why.
The anger and grief wells up in your chest. 
Your power responds accordingly, strumming under your skin, begging to be set free.
You can’t.
Not now,
Not yet.
Later, you promise yourself.
Later, you will find out the truth and get your revenge.
“To the tales of the lyre, to the sweet dream of tonight!” A sweet melodious voice sang to the cheerful applause of the Angel’s Share patrons.
The teal figure bowed jauntily, waving his hat with a flourish.
Another successful night completed! 
The bard in question skipped over to the bar, offering its red headed owner his most charming smile. 
Alas his efforts were in vain as the Pyro wielder barely offered him a glance before going back to polishing glasses.
“Oh come on Master Diluc,” he weedled, offering his best puppy eyes. “Did my music not please your patrons ears, surely that deserves some complimentary beers”
“That’s exactly why I’m deducting some drinks from your tab,” He grumbled, “your unpaid tab, might I add.”
“In Angel’s Share I spend my time, in hopes of getting some dandelion wine,” he strummed, “Of varied notes, I sing so high, yet my sweet drink you so deny.”
“Let the bard drink,” Quinn cheered drunkenly, as did the rest of the tavern to Diluc’s chagrin.
The man tried to explain, only for the cheers and chants of the tavern to rise in volume, drowning his voice out. 
Mondstatians and their alcohol.
The tavern owner turned around with the most unimpressed face known to mankind.
Venit would be intimidated, but unfortunately for Diluc, he is not a man and has seen much much more unimpressed faces over the years.
The two stared each other down, one smug and the other exasperated, all the while the tavern’s chanting rose.
With a defeated sigh, the uncrowned king of Mondstadt pours the bard a glass of dandelion wine. 
The bard in question whoops in triumph. As does the rest of Angel’s Share as they celebrate his “Victory” with more drunken cheers and songs.
He knew the tavern owner wasn’t truly angry, exasperated and annoyed perhaps, but the man could never muster any real anger towards Venti.
A small bonus from him revealing his true identity of the Anemo Archon to him. 
For all his tough words against the Knights of Favonious, he was still a Mondstatder through and through. 
Whilst he did not have nearly as much presence in Mondstadt as the other nations did, and was proudly the weakest of them. The people of Mondstadt did not forget what he’s done for them and still recognize and worship him accordingly.
The wind spirit kicked his legs back and forth and he watched the redhead over the lip of his glass.
In terms of personality he really is nothing like his ancestor. Which makes sense of course, it’d be foolish to expect them to end up the same even though they have the same bloodline.
If anyone in Mondstadt were to have that title it would be the Acting Grandmaster.
Guiltily, he is glad that they differ.
To humans, gaining a vision is a great honor. Proof that their worth has been acknowledged by the gods.
He’s happy for them as well, whenever a Mondstater gains a vision.
But he won’t deny the seed of anxiety that sprouts in his heart as well.
Visions can make humans, gods among men.
But the world is made of more than just men. 
Humans may be many but are comparatively weak in the grand scheme of things.
Although, having numbers is its own form of strength.
Perhaps he isn’t giving humans enough credit. 
A lone human is weak, but a group of humans have a level of strength and fortitude that amazes even the gods.
He supposes that must be why the heavens protect them so.
Well, protect is a strong word.
They will do whatever it takes to ensure the continuation of humanity.
But they really won’t waste their time on individual humans.
Visions are gifts for a reason.
Allogenes are rare, and are appropriately rewarded.
Not that visions are not a great boon.
He’s single handedly watched how visions save and change the lives of their wielders.
It’s simply what can come after.
It is extremely rare for an allogene to ascend to Celestia. That position is only reserved for the strongest of wills in all the lands.
Vanessa was one such will.
He knew it the moment he laid eyes on her. 
Her burning passion and desire to protect her people.
How could she not gain a vision, how could she not ascend.
It was why he stuck around, stayed by her side. 
Partially to ensure the safety of Mondstadt. 
Partially to see if there’s anything he could do to save her.
Not that there’s anything he could do, or dare do.
Her will was extraordinary during her life.
It's just beyonf that, that is the issue.
The gaze of Celestia is particularly strict when it comes to cases such as these. Any attempts to defy destiny will be met with swift retribution.
Celestia does love its retribution.
Any hint of disloyalty, or protest will be swiftly squashed.
There was always a bitter irony in his position as Archon.
He was strong enough to protect his people from gods and monsters and other humans.
But not Celestia.
Not one was strong enough to fight against Celestia, even the creator of this land fell to their lies and trickery.
He has no idea what the Tsaritsa could possibly be planning to think they stand a chance.
Perhaps that’s why she’s moving so quickly.
In hopes of finishing her plans before the Heavenly Principles awaken.
He wished her luck on that front.
Even though he may not have the courage to do the same.
He just wished she was less aggressive about it.
Honestly, she didn’t even bother asking him before sending Rosalyn to attack him.
In front of his own church no less.
Honestly the audacity
Although, to be fair, without that audacity she probably wouldn’t have dared to try going against Celesta. 
Her lack of contact with Celestia may have also played a role.
She is not a part of the original Seven after all.
Both he and Morax had visited Celestia firsthand upon their ascension to Archonhood.
It’s where they received their gnosis, their Archon robes and well.  
Where they’ve seen the true capabilities of Celestia.
Witnessed the lengths they’re willing to go to to squash any resistance.
On that front he understood Baal’s reasoning behind the Vision Hunt Decree.
While she may not have gone to Celestia herself and witnessed what the original seven did. He had no doubt that her sister passed on some warning to her before her death. 
It was smart.
If not ultimately misguided.
Sacrificing the few for the sake of the many.
Stifling a couple vision holders in exchange for the safety of her nation.
He understood the urge.
Disagreed with it, but understood it all the same.
The role of allogenes is essential to the survival of Teyvat.
Like it or not.
Without them, Teyvat would collapse.
Sacrificing the few for the many.
He despises it.
What Teyvat is built upon.
What it requires to function as it does now.
But he’s not strong enough to change any of it.
All he can do is wallow in the knowledge that Teyvat is-
The bard shakes his head vigorously to get rid of the path his thoughts are heading towards.
Bad thoughts,
Not tonight,
Tonight is for fun.
Anyways, he’s getting maudlin, that’s no good for such a festive night. 
He tips his glass back, emptying it of its contents.
The Dawn’s Winery quality is unparalleled.
As usual of course.
One of his pettier achievements to say the least.
When Morax announced his desire for Liyue to become the trading hub of Teyvat, and one of the most prosperous nations. Going on to monologue about how he will pave the way for business and prosperity using his contracts and all that blah blah blah.
Well, he couldn’t help but make fun of him about that, now could he.
Leading to Rex Lapis snapping back about how he can’t contribute anything to his nation beyond drunken songs.
Well jokes on him.
Mondstadt is now the nation of drunken songs. 
The best in fact.
Sure it could be considered a waste of time to change the water in Mondstadt specifically so that it would be the best for wine brewing.
But the wine industry is now one of Mondstadt's main sources of revenue.
It was a calculated business decision and completely not related to the grumbling of some winemakers about having to purify the water multiple times to get a good yield.
A familiar presence approaches, the wind whispers.
Venti perks up as he hears a familiar set of footsteps approach.
“Tone deaf Bard,” an excitable voice exclaimed. “I knew he’d be here.”
The bard in question swiveled around in his seat to face the Traveler and Paimon, pasting a cheerful smile on his face.
“Traveler, we meet again, why don’t you sit down, we can share a drink or ten.”
The golden haired teen rolled their eyes at his, admittedly cheesy rhyme.
“I need your help with something,”
Their voice is serious.
In all honesty he hasn’t seen them this serious since what happened with Dvalin.
Venti took a quick peek over at Master Diluc, still serving other customers, great!.
He quickly slipped out of his seat and followed the Traveler out of the Angel’s Share.
Once they’ve reached an appropriately secluded spot, they turned to him.
Paimon and the Traveler exchange glances.
This must be pretty serious for even Paimon to sober up like that.
“Venti,” they ask, “We need to ask you and Dvalin a favor.”
Me, and Dvalin?
What could-
“The creator of Teyvat is back.”
Masterlist | Prev Part
I was thinking of doing something special for part 10, haven't really decided but I'll keep you guys posted.
Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement.
You guys are the only reason I've gotten this far in the story so far.
As always my askbox is open, for any questions, theories, etc etc
Taglist:@bunniotomia,@lucid-stories, @ymechi, @chocogi,  @ra404, @ash1, @esthelily, @tottybear, @mmeatt, @quacking-simp, @reemthetheme, @universallyenthusiastsage, @resident-cryptid, @fantasyhopperhea, @thedevioussmirk, @etherisy, @naynayaa ,@mel-star636, @chericia, @aithane, @mmeatt, @xrosegorex, @amidst-the-tempest, @8-sinner-8, @reapersan, @elementalia ,@strangeygirl, @chaoticfivesworld, @scalyalpaca, @avalordream,@ranshin03, @vvyeislazzy, @wishicouldart, @raykayrei
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forest-hashira · 2 days
Noble Blood - Chapter Nine
…i really have no explanation for this. i would apologize for the long wait again, but this chapter really got away from me so i had to find a place to split it. again. because the events of chs 8, 9, & now 10 were all supposed to be one chapter. but it's already 14k between chs 8 & 9 so that just means more content for you guys! i make no promises for when ch10 will be done & posted, but i hope you guys enjoy this in the meantime! 💜
fic masterlist | read on ao3 | wc: ~6.9k | cw: gender neutral reader, part 2 of reader finding their dragon, satoru's dad being a dick, minor mentions of injury & blood, satoru being a bit of a brat
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The demanding voice snapped you out of your near trance, and you stiffened, holding your new dragon a bit closer to your chest and looking over your shoulder at your friends, trying to gauge their levels of concern about all this. You watched as the boys shared a look, then glanced over at you. They didn’t say anything, but neither of them seemed particularly optimistic; Suguru watched the hallway anxiously as the hurried footsteps drew nearer, while Satoru looked around the stall you were all currently in, as if looking for some sort of escape route to miraculously get everyone out of the situation.
“I think if we hurry, we could climb out that window,” he suggested in a whisper, looking back down at you, his eyes wide.
“Toru, I can’t,” you whispered back, glancing down at the hatchling in your arms and then back up at him. 
He followed your gaze, and his expression fell instantly. “Shit, yeah, that’s right. Uh, maybe we can—”
“You’re really saying a lot of swear words tonight.”
“First of all, I’ve only said ‘shit’ twice—”
“Three times now.”
“And second of all, that’s really not our biggest issue right now!”
“Guys, please,” Suguru hissed, but before any of you had a chance to say anything else, the light from the lanterns reached the stall you were all in; you were well and truly cornered now.
You clutched your hatchling closer to your chest, and you could feel your heart begin to pound harder against your ribs; you had no idea what was going to happen to all of you now, but you had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good. 
“Who goes there?” a voice boomed again, and you recognized the head guard when he stepped into view. The man blinked in surprise when he saw your friends in the stall, clearly having expected intruders, but he didn’t send his men away. “Ah, Gojo-dono, Geto-san. What are you both doing here so late?”
The boys exchanged a look, not really sure what to say; apparently you still hadn’t been spotted, but it wasn’t likely that that would last long whether you willingly showed yourself or not.
“We came to see the hatchlings,” Suguru said after a beat; it wasn’t technically a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth, either. 
The head guard’s expression pinched in confusion. “Could you not have waited until morning?” he asked. “One of my men thought you were intruders breaking in to steal the hatchlings. Surely it would have been better to be escorted here in the daylight?”
“I don’t need to be escorted anywhere on my own property,” Satoru bit out, and you blinked in shock at his tone; he’d certainly had his fair share of spoiled or bratty moments over the years, but he sounded genuinely angry as he spoke. “And no, it couldn’t have waited until morning, because we have company.”
He looked over his shoulder at you then, offering a small, encouraging nod when you hesitated. You offered a small nod in return, then carefully pushed yourself onto your feet. It took you a few moments, and it was wobbly and awkward trying to stand without using your hands, but thankfully both boys reached out to help you before you could fall and cause yourself any sort of embarrassment in front of the guards. 
Once you stood and were finally in view of the guards that had come storming in, you saw some of them exchange looks; at least some of them certainly knew who you were and knew you weren’t supposed to be there. The head guard looked especially displeased, though when he noticed the hatchling in your hands – a metallic hatchling, nonetheless – he turned bright red, then slightly purple, then some other color you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to describe.
“Put that back where you found it,” he told you, anger apparent in his tone. All you could do in response was shake your head, too scared to speak aloud.
“They will be doing no such thing,” Satoru answered for you, his own anger also clear. “That is their dragon. Suguru and I watched the bond form.”
The guard began to tremble with anger at the words, but instead of saying anything else to you, he turned to his men. “You!” he barked, gesturing to two men in the back, both of whom stood up straighter upon being addressed. “Go and fetch Gojo-sama. Tell him it’s urgent, and has to do with an intruder and the hatchlings!”
“They are not an intruder!” Satoru practically shouted, and even Suguru was beginning to look angry as the men ran off to complete their task. “They are my friend, I invited them here to meet the hatchlings. They didn’t break into the estate.”
“Gojo-sama made it very clear—”
“I don’t care what my father said!” Your friend was actually shouting now, and you could hear dragons waking up in stalls all around you because of the noise. “And besides, the incident that my father is still so upset about was over three years ago, all three of us have grown up a lot since then. So if I want to invite my friend to my home, I’m going to do that, and you aren’t going to stop me.”
Every person in the building went dead silent after that, Satoru’s words and behavior hanging heavy in the air. You stared at him in slight disbelief; you couldn’t remember ever hearing him speak to anyone that way before, even when you were much younger and he was much brattier. You glanced over at Suguru after a moment, trying to gauge his reaction to Satoru’s outburst, but he looked just as shocked as you did when he met your gaze.
The head guard looked like he wanted to argue, insist that his job was to listen to Satoru’s father, not Satoru himself, but before he could say anything that might have escalated the confrontation with your friend, you could hear three sets of footsteps making their way towards you.
“What’s going on here?”
Gojo-sama’s voice was unmistakable, and you felt your blood run cold at the sound of it. He didn’t seem to like you under the best of circumstances, so you were certain he was going to be furious when he saw you.
“Gojo-dono and Geto-san came to see the hatchlings, Gojo-sama,” the head guard explained, giving the older man a slight bow. “And they brought their friend.”
The man arched a brow slightly at the statement as he came into view, and when he turned to peer into the stall, you felt as if you might be sick. You could tell the exact moment he saw you, because his expression tightened, as if he’d bitten into something sour. “Ah,” he sighed. “That friend.”
You wished with everything you had that the floor would open up and swallow you whole right then and there. That feeling only intensified when you saw Gojo-sama’s gaze drop to the hatchling in your hands, his eyes burning with anger at the sight. 
“Put that hatchling back at once,” he commanded, glaring at you so hard you wondered if he were trying to incinerate you on the spot.
Despite your fear, you shook your head at him the same way you had the guard. The rage you saw simmering just below the surface of his face sent your whole body trembling, and your friends were quick to step fully in front of you. 
“That’s their dragon, father,” Satoru said, calmer than the way he’d shouted just a few moments before. “We were standing here the whole time watching. We saw the bond form.”
Your friend’s father narrowed his eyes at his son, then briefly turned his attention to Suguru, as if expecting him to fold and say it was a lie. Suguru did no such thing, though you knew he was always careful to keep from upsetting the clan patriarch in any way.
“It’s true, Gojo-sama,” he said quietly. 
Having clearly not gotten the response he wanted, the man turned to face the head guard. “Confiscate the hatchling and escort the child off my property. Restrain the boys if you have to.”
There were shouts of protest from your friends as the guards pushed forward to follow the order they’d just received, and you clutched your hatchling closer to your chest as the boys were pulled away from you, no match for the strength of the guards that held them even as they struggled to fight them off. Your hatchling let out a high, distressed cry as a guard grabbed your arm, and you swore you could feel her distress amplified a hundredfold in your chest, the feeling so intense it nearly sent you to your knees and drawing a cry from your own lips.
At almost the same moment, the mother dragon behind you roared, standing to her full height and stepping forward until you were beneath her, kneeling on the floor between her front legs. She snapped at the guard who had grabbed you, the man barely scrambling back in time to avoid being bitten, letting out a cry of fear as he retreated. She then set her sights on the four guards restraining your friends, growling at them angrily. You could feel her chest grow warmer above you, and you realized that she was preparing to breathe fire at them. The realization horrified you, yet it also brought you an odd sense of relief; even if it was only because you held her baby in your arms, she wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you.
Gojo-sama, who had turned away and begun to leave before the commotion started, stopped, taking in the scene curiously. He waved off the remaining guards in the stall, taking a few steps closer once they had released the boys. “How interesting…” he said, almost to himself.
As soon as they were free, your friends raced over to you, the mother dragon not even giving them a second glance as they came to kneel on either side of you, looking you over to make sure you were alright. You assured them you were fine, though you were still trembling slightly in your spot on the floor. 
“All three of you, on your feet.”
You, Satoru, and Suguru all looked up at Gojo-sama as he spoke; he was clearly speaking to all of you, but somehow it didn’t quite seem like he was.
“Come with me,” he commanded, turning and beginning to walk away again, clearly expecting all of you to follow at his heels. “There is much to be discussed.”
After exchanging uncertain looks, the boys once again helped you from the floor, and the three of you rushed to catch up. With every step, you felt your anxiety grow in the pit of your stomach; you still had your dragon in your arms, which seemed promising, but there was no telling where the Gojo clan head was taking you, or what he would do when you got there. 
Despite the late hour, there were still a fair amount of the staff up and about, and you could feel their eyes on you as you walked through the halls, doing your best to keep up with Gojo-sama’s long legs. Their gazes weighed heavily on you, and you could tell when each of them saw the hatchling you carried, their gasps of surprise and whispers between each other unmistakable; it was almost a relief when you were ushered into a private room with your friends, the door clicking shut behind you.
You stood as still as possible, barely daring to breathe as Gojo-sama circled around to stand in front of the three of you. You avoided his gaze, partially out of respect for his high rank of authority in the settlement, partially because the man terrified you more than anything else had up to this point in your life. When he said your name, you flinched, but lifted your head anyways, meeting his gaze with no small amount of anxiety.
“Yes, Gojo-sama?”
“Did you come to my estate tonight on your own?”
You shook your head, unable to find your voice again just yet.
“Who did you come here with, then?”
“S-Satoru and… and Suguru, Gojo-sama.”
“I see. Why did they bring you here?”
“To see the hatchlings, Gojo-sama.”
You could feel yourself beginning to tremble once again, and you burned with embarrassment at his question. “Because my twelfth birthday is in a few weeks and I still hadn’t met my dragon, Gojo-sama.”
“And what makes you think that hatchling in your hands is your dragon?”
It took a moment for his words to sink in, and you blinked dumbly at him as you tried to come up with an acceptable answer. “Because… I felt it, Gojo-sama, in my chest. I know this dragon is mine.”
His expression was displeased as he looked down at you. “You think this dragon is yours just because you feel in your heart that it should be?” The tone he used dripped with condescension, and it sharpened your fear into anger.
“No, not in my heart,” you corrected. “In my chest, exactly as I was told I would when I met and bonded with my dragon. I’m not a baby trying to live out some silly daydream. I don’t want my dragon to be special. If I was going to lie and try to steal a hatchling from you, I would have chosen one that didn’t draw so much attention.” By the time you had finished speaking, your expression had darkened until you were glaring up at the man, still trembling but feeling more defiant than scared.
“Remember who you’re speaking to,” he warned, which only made you angrier.
“I couldn’t possibly forget who I’m speaking to, Gojo-sama. I know that you dislike me, that you think I’m a bad influence on Satoru, but that doesn’t mean you get to bully me into giving you something that isn’t yours just because you want it.”
When the man arched a brow, the words you’d just said fully sank in for you, but you knew there was no taking them back now. Besides that, though, you meant them, even if you were mildly horrified that you’d actually said them out loud. “Why would I need to bully you, a child, into giving me anything when I can just take it from you?” he asked.
Before you fully comprehended what was happening, Gojo-sama reached out and made to grab for your dragon, clearly meaning to take her from you for good. Thankfully, despite not even being twenty-four hours old, she was quick to realize the situation. She hissed at the man, and when that didn’t stop him, she bit down hard on the side of his hand, breaking through the skin and sending blood dripping onto the floor in seconds.
He swore loudly, tearing his hand away and glaring at the hatchling. It was silent for a moment, and you clutched your dragon closer to your chest as you stared at Gojo-sama’s hand, blood dripping slowly from the wound and onto the floor. You could feel how tense your friends were on either side of you, but none of you dared to move or speak.
“Very well then.” By the time you dared to look at Gojo-sama’s face again, he had schooled his features into as neutral of an expression as he could. “It seems you are not, in fact, lying about your bond with this hatchling, as loath as I may be to admit it.” He let out a long sigh, looking you up and down for a moment, before silently making his mind up about something. “All three of you off to bed at once. You’ll remain here for the bonding period, after that we can discuss the possibility of sending you home.”
Not daring to argue, you nodded, bowing to him and chorusing a “Yes, Gojo-sama” with Suguru, Satoru mumbling a “Yes, father,” on your right. The three of you hurried out of the room then, eager to be away from the intimidating aura of the clan head as quickly as possible.
Once the door shut behind you, you let out a long, shaky sigh. “I can’t believe he’s letting me keep her.”
“I can’t believe he’s not letting you go home,” Satoru replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as the three of you made your way back to the quarters he shared with Suguru.
You couldn’t help but lean into him, all your energy seemingly left in the room with your friend’s father. “My mom’s gonna kill me,” you said quietly. Almost instantly, tears blurred your vision, and you rushed to blink them away; as much as both you and Satoru had insisted that you weren’t a little kid anymore, you certainly felt like one, wanting nothing more than to run to your mother and have her hold you until you fell asleep.
“No she won’t,” Suguru assured quietly, reaching over and gently wiping away a few of your tears as you walked. “You’d be going home right now if you could. We’ll explain that to her, okay? She won’t be mad if it’s not your fault you couldn’t go back home.”
He had his soft, reassuring smile on his face when you turned to look at him, and despite everything that had happened since you’d gotten to the estate, it did make you feel a bit better. You offered a slight nod in return, which seemed to ease some of the tension in his shoulders. 
The rest of the walk to the boys’ chambers was quiet, though eventually it occurred to you that something was missing. “Wait, where did—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Suguru opened the door to the room, and you were nearly bowled over by Kenji and Niji. Thankfully Satoru steadied you before you could fall, and both boys quickly called off their companions. The dragons reluctantly obeyed the command, but they sniffed the air around you and stared intently at your hands.
After realizing they wanted to see your hatchling, you hesitated a moment, not entirely sure how they would react to another dragon in their space. You glanced at your friends, trying to see how they wanted to handle this.
“We’ll hold them,” Satoru told you, already stepping away from you a bit and calling Kenji to his side.
“It’s better if we introduce them now, anyways, before we all go to bed,” Suguru agreed, summoning Niji to him. 
“If they can’t behave, we’ll send them out for the night.”
With a silent nod, you waited until the boys had a hold on their dragons before adjusting the hatchling in your hands. She made some sort of whine at you, but when Kenji and Niji were within view, she seemed to perk up a bit, her green eyes wide as she stared.
Kenji and Niji froze as they stared at your hatchling, not even their tails twitching for several long moments. Then, completely in sync despite not even looking at each other, they slowly lowered themselves to lay on their stomachs, resting their chins on their outstretched legs, bright eyes never leaving your hatchling.
Once the display of apparent submission was done, you and the boys all exchanged bewildered looks. “That was…”
“Weird,” Satoru supplied, and you nodded in agreement.
“Do you think it’s because she’s metallic?” Suguru asked curiously.
You shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. Maybe? I’m too tired to think.”
“You’re right, it’s late,” he agreed softly. “You can sleep in my bed, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor tonight.”
“Suguru, I can’t—”
“Well I’m not letting you sleep on the floor,” he insisted. “And we both know Satoru’s not going to volunteer to sleep on the floor.”
“Yeah, because none of us need to sleep on the floor,” Satoru cut in, turning his attention to you. “You take Suguru’s bed, he can share mine with me. It’s big enough for both of us.”
Suguru whipped his head around to look at Satoru, his dark eyes wide and… was he blushing? “It’s not a big deal, really, I don’t mind—”
Satoru rolled his eyes at his friend’s stammered protests, stepping over their dragons and nudging him in the direction of the actual bedroom. “You’re right, it’s not a big deal. You’ll be more comfortable in the bed and you know it, so stop trying to be all noble and selfless.” He pauses for a moment, glancing over his shoulder at you again. “Do you want something to change into for bed?”
It took you a moment to process his question, but when you looked down and saw the clothes you were wearing – comfortable enough to wear during the day, but now a bit dirty with straw stuck all over them, and definitely not something you wanted to drag into bed with you – you nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
The smile he offered you was so warm you felt your face heat slightly with embarrassment, and all you could do was follow as he beckoned you into the bedroom with them. He dug through his dresser for a moment, then pulled out a long shirt and handed it to you. “Do you want pants or anything? I have some but you don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to.”
“Uh…” you weren’t really sure how to respond to the question; it felt a bit odd to sleep in someone else’s bed without any pants on, regardless of what you usually wore to bed. “Do you have any shorts?”
“I think so.” Once you accepted the shirt from him, he went back to digging through his dresser, eventually presenting you with a pair of what looked like silk shorts – something your family would never be able to afford, but you were too tired to think about arguing about wearing them.
“Thanks. I’ll, uh…” you trailed off as you looked around, trying to find somewhere to change into the borrowed clothes, somewhere you could put your hatchling down without having to worry about her too much. 
Noticing your dilemma, Suguru stepped a little closer, his arm brushing yours lightly as he spoke. “My bed is behind that divider screen,” he said quietly. “There’s space for you to get changed, and you can put her on the bed where she’ll be safe.”
“Thank you, Suguru.” Though you weren’t entirely sure what expression you had on your face when you turned to look at him, it was apparently more intense than you thought, because the slight pink tint to his cheeks you thought you’d noticed earlier deepened, and there was no mistaking it now: Suguru was definitely blushing.
The desire for sleep was ultimately what pulled you away from your friend’s side, carefully carrying the clothes Satoru had leant you and your hatchling around the divider screen that separated Suguru’s bed from the rest of the room. Once you were fully hidden from the boys, you set everything down on the bed, letting your hatchling curl up on the pillow while you got changed. Your clothes got left in a haphazard pile on the floor, exhaustion eating at you too much to figure out what to do with them in that moment. A quiet gasp escaped you as you pulled on Satoru’s clothes, for some reason not having expected them to be as soft and comfortable as they were.
Before you allowed yourself to collapse into bed for the rest of the night, you peeked around the edge of the screen just in time to see your friends pulling on their own sleep shirts. “Thank you,” you called softly to them. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Their heads shot up at the sound of your voice, both of them offering you gentle smiles. “You don't have to thank us,” Satoru assured you, Suguru nodding his assent. “We’ve got your back.”
“Goodnight,” Suguru said, his voice muffled around a yawn, hesitantly climbing into bed next to Satoru.
“Goodnight,” you hummed, turning to crawl into Suguru’s bed for the night.
Your hatchling was still curled up on the pillow waiting for you, her copper scales and emerald eyes shining even in the small amount of moonlight that filtered in through the window. You smiled tiredly at her, resting your head on the pillow beside her. 
Even as you began to drift off, you knew your new companion needed a name. You stroked the top of her head with one finger, eyes heavy as you tried to think. “Hmm,” you hummed, more to yourself than anyone else. “Emerald?”
The hatchling stared at you, unblinking.
“Guess not. What about… Lucky?”
Again, nothing but a blank stare.
“Be nice to me,” you yawned, voice heavy with exhaustion.  “I’ve never done this before, and I stopped thinking of names over a year ago.”
This time, the hatchling made a tiny little mumbling sound, though whether she was supposed to be agreeing or making fun of you, you couldn’t tell.
You fell silent for a few moments longer, still very lightly stroking the top of her head with one of your fingers. “Oh, I got it,” you murmured. “Takara.”
You weren’t expecting the little chirp your hatchling let out at the name, but it brought a grin to your tired face nonetheless, especially when she shuffled closer and bumped her nose against your forehead, right between your eyebrows.
“Takara it is, then.” You let out a small sigh of relief, finally allowing your eyes to close, sleep quickly taking over. “Goodnight, little treasure…”
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The next morning you were awoken by sunlight coming through the window and landing directly in your eyes. You grumbled a small protest, rolling over in hope of going back to sleep for just a little bit longer, but in the brief second you opened your eyes, you saw two familiar shapes – one white, one black – hovering at your bedside. In your half-waking state, you were beyond confused – why were your best friends’ dragons in your bedroom? – before the events of the previous night came flooding back, and you sat up with a gasp, turning to see if Takara was still on your pillow.
She was, and she seemed rather displeased at having been woken up. She lifted her head, staring up at you with narrowed eyes and making a little displeased grumbling sound.
“Sorry,” you told her, reaching out and stroking the top of her head lightly. “Last night was just… well. It was a lot. Wasn’t sure if it was all just a dream.”
Seemingly appeased by your apology, Takara pushed herself to her feet, wobbling her way into your lap and curling up once again, as if preparing to go back to sleep. Before she fully settled down, though, Kenji chuffed quietly from his spot beside the bed. When you looked over at him, he was shifting on his feet, practically vibrating, and you weren’t sure you’d ever seen him so worked up before. Niji also seemed a little on edge beside him, but he was sitting, watching Takara intently as if he were waiting for something. 
Takara, apparently in no mood for so much attention so early in the morning, flicked her tail in the direction of the other two dragons, chittering out a noise that sounded suspiciously like “go away” before turning her back on them and laying down. 
Kenji whined loudly at the greeting from your hatchling, pacing back and forth as he continued to stare at her, clearly eager for her attention. Niji, more willing to take a hint than his friend, stood from his spot and flicked his tail at Kenji to get his attention. When that didn’t work, he huffed, leaning in and nipping at the white dragon’s flank. Though it didn’t come even close to breaking the skin, Kenji was clearly unhappy about being snapped at like that. He growled, whirling around and pouncing on Niji in revenge.
In seconds, the two dragons were practically in full-on brawl, rolling around on the floor, crashing into the wall and the bed multiple times, snarling at each other all the while. All you could think to do was sit completely still, watching them with wide eyes and hoping they would stop soon, or that someone else would come and intervene; Sparrow and Spark would tussle at home sometimes, but both Kenji and Niji were about the size of Spark, possibly even bigger now, and you didn’t think you were capable of separating them on your own, and especially not without injury.
Thankfully, though, the commotion was enough to rouse Satoru and Suguru, the sound of muffled curses and hurried footsteps across the wooden floor giving you a couple of seconds’ head’s up before the boys themselves hurried around the privacy screen.
Ever the impulsive one, Satoru almost instantly threw himself into the thick of the scuffle, grabbing Kenji by the fluff on his shoulders and using all of his body weight to pull him away. At nearly the same moment, Suguru hurried over to Niji, wrapping his arms around the dragon’s scaly midsection and pulling in the opposite direction of Satoru. The dragons still growled and snapped at each other as they were pulled apart, but they didn’t fight against the boys’ holds on them as much as you might have expected. 
After a moment, as everyone caught their breath, you realized that some of the fluff that was growing in so thick around Kenji’s shoulders and neck was stuck between Niji’s teeth; it shouldn’t have been a shock, considering how hard they’d been going at each other, but it still caught you off guard, somehow. 
“Sorry,” Suguru said, looking up at you guiltily from his spot on the floor. “We didn’t mean for them to wake you up.”
“They don’t usually fight like that in the mornings, either,” Satoru chimed in, scowling down at Kenji, who was now on his back between his master’s legs, tail thumping lightly on the floor as if in apology. 
“It wasn’t the fighting that woke me up,” you told them, hoping that fact at least would reassure them a bit. “They were by the bed waiting for me to wake up. They wanted to see Takara, I think.”
“Takara?” Satoru asked, a bit confused, though his eyes lit up with realization as he looked down at the little hatchling in your lap. “Hey, I like it! Very fancy.”
“It suits her,” Suguru agreed, offering you a warm smile. “You made a good choice.”
You felt your cheeks begin to burn at the attention and praise you received from your friends, and by some miracle you were saved from having to say anything else by a knock at the door.
“I got it,” Satoru sighed, pushing himself off the floor and gesturing for Kenji to follow him.
“Did you sleep alright?” Suguru asked, releasing his hold on Niji once Kenji was out of sight. 
You nodded, still feeling a bit sheepish about having taken Suguru’s bed from him for the night. “I did,” you said quietly. “Did you sleep alright? I’m sorry you had to share Satoru’s bed with him because of me.”
A soft laugh tumbled from his lips at your words, and that faint hint of a blush you’d noticed the night before returned to his face. “It’s okay,” he assured you. “It wasn’t so bad. He was right, his bed is pretty big, so we weren’t squished together all night.”
“He didn’t kick you or anything?” you asked, partially teasing. “He seems like he squirms a lot in his sleep and takes up a bunch of space.”
“I do not kick in my sleep!” Satoru interjected, walking back around the privacy screen and holding a box out to you. “The servant at the door said to give this to you. From my mother.”
You blinked up at him in shock; you hadn’t seen Satoru’s mother outside of her appearances at the new year’s festivals since you and Satoru were about five years old, so you were more than a little surprised that she had apparently sent something to you. “What is it?” you asked, carefully taking the box from your friend and setting it on the bed in front of you.
Satoru just shrugged. “Not sure. Probably clothes, though. My parents won’t want you wearing your dirty stuff from last night, that much I’m sure of.”
“We’ll let you get dressed,” Suguru added, seeing how hard you were staring at the box in front of you.
You nodded without looking up from the box, only seeing the boys and their dragons step to the other side of the privacy screen out of the corner of your eye. Once you were alone again, you looked down at Takara, curled up contentedly in your lap. “Sorry friend,” you told her, carefully lifting her up and placing her back on the pillow behind you.
When she was settled again, you stood from the bed, lifting the lid from the box as if the box itself was breakable, though it was just an ordinary box. Your eyes widened a bit at the clothes that sat waiting for you, having expected maybe something of Satoru’s he had recently outgrown, but the outfit looked much nicer – and much newer – than some hand-me-downs.
The shirt was soft, made of a slightly more lightweight fabric than the shirt you’d worn to sleep, and was probably the prettiest shade of dark green you’d ever seen. The only actual color you’d ever seen Satoru wear was blue, everything else he wore was black, white, or grey, so this was certainly never his, and you couldn’t recall seeing Suguru ever wear anything that wasn’t black, so you couldn’t imagine this had ever been intended to be his. You guessed it didn’t really matter who it was for in the first place, because now it was yours, even if only for a time.
Not wanting to waste any more time, you were quick to pull your sleep shirt over your head, laying it carefully on the bed, quickly followed by the shorts you’d been allowed to borrow, wanting to make sure they were both still in good condition when you returned them to your friend. You then pulled the green shirt over your head, the fabric so light and soft that it barely felt like you were wearing anything at all, which was a pleasant surprise. Once you had the shirt on, you reached for the pants, a simple black pair that, while clearly expensive, were also made from a soft material.
As you picked up the pants, though, you noticed a pair of underwear at the bottom of the box, and it brought such an odd sense of relief you nearly laughed. You changed into those quickly, too, putting your old pair with the rest of your clothes from the previous night. You weren’t entirely sure what to do with them, so for the time being you left them tucked in the corner, not wanting to put your dirty clothes on Suguru’s bed.
You pulled the pants on quickly after that and, now fully dressed for the day, grabbed the clothes Satoru had lent you and turned to step around the privacy screen to return them. Something caught your eye about the screen, though, and you paused to give it a closer look. It was the first time you were really seeing the screen, you realized, and upon further inspection, you saw that there were dragons and rainbows hand painted around the edges of each frame, with a mountain scene spanning across all of them together. You thought you remembered Suguru saying something about his home village being near the mountains, and it made your heart clench to know he had something like this to remind him of home, even after being away for three years without being able to go back.
You were drawn back to the present when you heard Satoru call your name. “Is it okay if I come around?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
The snowy haired boy stepped around the privacy screen, his hands over his face despite your invitation. He peeked through his fingers in a very unsubtle way, then let out a dramatic sigh of relief. “Oh, good, you’re dressed.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but laughed despite yourself. “You really think I would have said you could come around if I was naked?”
“...I guess not,” he admitted after a moment, and he at least had the decency to look a little sheepish about it. You just shook your head at him and handed him back the clothes you’d slept in.
“Thanks for letting me borrow those,” you said. “They’re really comfy.” 
“I know they are,” he agreed with a grin. “Now, grab your little friend and come on, it’s time for breakfast.”
As if on cue, your stomach let out the most embarrassing gurgling sound you’d ever heard it make, and Satoru couldn’t help but laugh. You scowled at him, but you said nothing, instead turning back to the bed and lifting Takara into your arms.
You followed your friend as he led you out to the rest of the bedroom, tossing the clothes you’d worn to bed on the pile of his own dirty clothes off in one corner. Then you followed after the boys as they made their way to the dining room. Kenji and Niji kept pace with you, one on either side, neither of them watching where they were going, eyes trained on where Takara laid in your arms.
The dining room wasn’t too far from the boys’ bedroom, thankfully, but even still you could feel the way the members of the staff stared at you and Takara. You took your seat between your friends and, after a moment of hesitation, set Takara in your lap. She seemed more interested in sleeping than anything else, but that was pretty normal; most hatchlings spent the majority of the bonding week asleep with their new masters nearby.
Not long after the three of you sat down at the table, you were being served plates nearly overflowing with food, steaming bowls of miso soup and rice placed on either side of your plates. You stared at the spread wide-eyed for a moment, not quite believing all that food was for you, but you quickly got over that when your stomach growled loudly again. You started shoveling food into your mouth then, bites of eggs and rice interspersed with spoonfuls of soup and sips of the tea you were served, then followed by slices of fruit. You startled slightly when you heard a chuckle from off to your left, and you looked over at Satoru, suddenly embarrassed by your behavior.
“Are, uh… are your parents going to be joining us?” you asked quietly, after swallowing your mouthful of rice. You and your friends were the only ones currently at the dining table, but there was space for several more people to join you.
“Doubt it,” Satoru replied softly, taking a sip of his tea before he continued. “Mom joins us sometimes, but mostly she takes her meals in her room because of her headaches. My father just… doesn’t eat breakfast.”
You blinked in surprise. “Never?”
“Not as far as I can remember.” He shrugged then, using his chopsticks to get another bite of eggs.
Opting not to push the subject, you just nodded, turning back to your plate. His words about his mother seemed to fully register with you after a moment, and it made you feel a bit sad. You knew Satoru sometimes got struck with debilitating headaches, so if his mother’s were anything like his, you couldn’t imagine she spent a lot of time out and about, even on the grounds of the estate. 
Breakfast passed in a companionable silence after that, with Satoru and Suguru occasionally offering pieces of egg to Kenji and Niji, who were pointedly ignoring their own breakfasts in favor of hovering as close to you as they could, still completely entranced by Takara. You did your best to ignore them, not because you found the behavior annoying, but because the boys thought it would be the best way to get them to leave you alone. 
Occasionally you tried to offer Takara bites of your own breakfast, but she didn’t seem interested in anything except the small piece or nori you offered her, though when you offered a second she turned away and tucked her nose under her tail. You shrugged it off, not particularly worried about it; she would let you know when she was hungry, you were certain of that.
Just as the three of you were finishing up your meal, you heard what sounded like a heavy door slam a ways down the hall. That on its own would have been enough to draw your attention, but it was quickly followed by a familiar voice shouting at the staff.
“Where is he?” your mother demanded, and your eyes widened when you heard how angry she was. “I demand to know what that man has done with my child!”
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sorry not sorry to leave you guys on a lil cliffhanger again AHAHA. in my defense Plot Things are happening now so the chapters will probably consistently be a little longer than the first several were and the endings will be more like cliffhangers most of the time. if you hate me for it i'll cry and send kenji to steal your shoes.
taglist: @ghost-1-y @sugurei @whatthefucksatan @mitsuristoleme @lu-dao-writes 
@peachdues @here-for-the-tea-baby @staryukis @roselleviennesstuff @witchbybirth 
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @entirelysein-e
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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A Pocketful of -- Ragweed?
My contribution to Azris week - I fully intended on just enjoying everyone's talent and being the casual observer. But this idea latched on and wouldn't let go. I know this could technically be slice of life theme but I think it qualifies as contact too. So enjoy this tiny snippet. Special dedication to @chairofchaos for being the best brainstorming buddy and my biggest fangirl.
Warnings - Nothing but fluff, also uneditied in any way, shape or form. We die like men.
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The sound of the tea kettle stirred Azriel from his quiet morning reverie. With a quick flip of his wrist he folded the newspaper he had been reading and laid it down, the reading glasses perched on his nose quickly followed. He moved gracefully through the kitchen, tucking his wings as he rounded the island, following the familiar path he did every morning. Every morning the same routine. 
Right on schedule, the sound of the front door latch and a flurry of paws echoed down the hallway. Az was quickly greeted with cold noses pressed against his still bare thigh and wagging tails whipping through the air. His shadows swirled themselves in a frenzy between the excited appendages. Bringing one hand down to their level, he gently patted each of the hound’s heads in turn while he poured the two steaming mugs of tea. Every morning the same dance. 
Settling the kettle back upon the stove, Azriel’s hand popped a slice of bacon from the plate next to him, breaking it into small pieces. 
“Don’t tell,” he whispered, bending down to hound height. The tails of the hounds whipped even faster, knowing what was coming. Every morning the same treats. 
“Stop feeding them bacon,” came the snide remark from the hall. Az just laughed. 
Appearing in the doorway, Eris glared. “They are highly trained animals and you are spoiling them.”
“Mmm, yes,” Az smiled into the face of the nearest hound who was licking the grease from his fingers. “Highly trained indeed.” It was just last night that they were piled into the bed between them, stealing all the covers. At Eris’ request of course. 
“Still not dressed I see,” Eris commented cooly on his mate’s attire. Brief shorts and white undershirt. Every morning the same banter. 
“Good morning to you too, my love.” Azriel winded his legs through the mass of hound bodies with ease, reaching his mate for a kiss. 
Eris’ hand slid up to meet Azriel’s cheek as their lips met in tender reunion. Even just an hour apart left him longing for this warm brush of skin against his own. Every morning the same touches. 
Taking note of Eris’ other hand, Az nodded. “What’s this?” This was a change. Something different.
Pulling the hand from behind his hip, Eris brought out the hidden treasure. A bundle of plants with the occasional flower. “For you,” he handed the bundle over, his face just as neutral as usual. 
Azriel grasped it from him gently, staring down at the gift in silence. Some of the sprigs were drooping, others snapped off their mother plant in haste and showed the damage. “Thank you, my love. It’s -,” Az began slowly.
“I know it’s not pretty,” Eris threw out hastily before softening his gaze. “But it’s you. That’s why I picked it.”
Az’s quirked brow in silence was his only reply. 
“This one here,” Eris started as he dropped his gaze to the bouquet between them, his finger trailing along the petals of one of the only flowers. “It reminded me of your eyes.” The flower was golden in color, bleeding into light green at the center. 
“And this one,” his voice dropped into a smooth register, pointing out a still tightly closed bud. “Smelled like night rain.”
Pointing again to another sprig, this time a length of fern, Eris continued. “This one reminded me of your shadows when it moved in the wind.”
Azriel felt a small shudder race down his spine as he watched those long elegant fingers slipping deftly between each plant. It reminded him of how those same fingers traced along the path of his scars in the quiet of night.
“And here,” he went on. “This one hung from the vine just like that lock of hair that always falls across your forehead.” Eris brought his look back to his mate’s face in confirmation. Sure enough, that lock was hanging low, dragging against Az’s brow. With a gentle push of his fingertips, Eris swept that lock back into place only for it to fall once again. A bright smile lit up his face.
Neither of them were staring at the bouquet any longer but Eris continued. “And this,” his hand brushed against a fiery autumn red leaf. “When it fell in my path it brushed against my cheek ever so gently.”
Azriel could feel himself holding his breath as his mate’s eyes seared into his own as Eris finished, “And if felt just like the touch of your hand.” With his words, Eris drew his hand down the side of Az’s face, knuckles dragging feather light over his cheek. 
Along with the breath that rushed from him another shudder claimed Az’s body, this time reaching his wings with a tremble. “It’s beautiful, Eris.”
His smile only brightened further. “I know. That’s what I said.”
Every morning the same and yet Azriel could still be surprised. Leaning down slightly he claimed another kiss, this time less than tender. 
As Eris pulled away, the ghost of that bright smile still lingered upon his face. “You’re over steeping the tea, love,” he quipped before turning to grab a vase from the cabinet. 
Az could only laugh as he turned back to the stove, grabbing the mugs to return to the table. 
Every morning the same and yet his mate still snarky as ever. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Autumn Court divider designed by @tsunami-of-tears can be found here .
@chunkypossum @the-darkestminds (I know this isn't the Azris fic I mentioned but I figured you would want the tag anyway)
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sonkitty · 13 hours
Crowley S2 Hair Post #66
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 5, The Ball, depending
Sideburns Check
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The sideburns are short. The Single of The Bigger Thresholds Trick is done. The rest of the ball invitations still have to be done, so the sideburns will remain short until Crowley confronts Gabriel later.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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The streak is difficult to find, but I think I found it here, just before Aziraphale crosses past Crowley as they approach the sidewalk in front of Maggie's shop.
Hairstyle Changes
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The sideburns have shortened. The hair is more red in the sunlight. More curls in the top hair have returned.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects | The Ball Invitations Checklist)
Aziraphale has the clipboard and pen. Crowley has a question with, "You just did what I think you did?"
Both of them cross the street together, including crossing over the threshold that is the edge of the sidewalk. Aziraphale crosses first with Crowley hurrying behind, briefly passing him before they reach the likely next edge of a sidewalk.
Aziraphale says the names, "Maggie" and "Nina."
For paying attention to the pockets...
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The Tied Hands are retied...and then, I don't know what's going on. They could be doing something more or showing how they stay tied because of Crowley being understood to cross the street, which includes crossing over the threshold that is the edge of the sidewalk.
Copied and pasted from my recent post on the Double of The Pocket Trick.
Below is a log of what that entails, for reference.
Crowley has his right index finger extended. His left index finger is probably also extended, but it's blurred. The left hand brushes up against Crowley's jacket. At the same time, the back of Crowley's right shoe is blurry but also visible.
While the watch is visible, the face of the watch is not as clear as what usually happens during retying.
Crowley rushes to pass Aziraphale, placing himself on the "wrong" side.
Then the tie strands swing such that the strand closest to Crowley's left hits his lapel, but it's not a clasp. It's actually an upper part of the strand below the knot.
The strands swing to Crowley's right, and there is an implied strike that could be happening on a lapel edge that the camera cannot see.
After that, the tassel, or thumb, of the right-most strand shifts up enough to be seen.
The tie strands spread apart with the left-most one then indeed having a clasp touching a lapel edge. However, it's only the upper part of the clasp that's visible.
Then this strand swings to Crowley's right, showing a little of that clasp yet again with another implied or very-difficult-to-confirm strike on a lapel edge.
The tie strands spread yet again...and then cross just before Aziraphale and Crowley would finish crossing the street. The camera cuts away and does not confirm that their shoes reached the next sidewalk.
This part could be a word puzzle since we've seen a few, but I don't know the phrase I'm looking for. I've mainly noticed they are "crossing the street," and the strands "cross" at the end.
Crowley's Overhead Light from earlier is visually pocketed between him and Aziraphale as the scene starts. That light ends up on Crowley's left, and Aziraphale's right, above ears. Interestingly, that happens as they start the scene on their "wrong" sides. Soon after, it does end up on Aziraphale's left.
They switch to being on their "correct" sides as they start to cross the street, and Crowley has his index fingers extended.
Then he passes Aziraphale, so there's a switch back to the "wrong" sides.
As the scene ends, Aziraphale passes up Crowley. If that's the "wrong" or "correct" side depends on how technical one wishes to get about what qualifies, and I don't have the energy for it. Aziraphale switched on purpose, probably, so I'll go with thinking he has the technicalities considered if he is aiming for the "correct" side by the end of the cut.
Various humans are using pockets in the background.
Story Commentary
If the Tied Hands have personalities, they are excited here. They are so cute. They confuse me, but I still think they are cute and amusing.
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I keep forgetting to note the times I do find the red on the back collar area of Crowley's jacket, but I'm remembering this time. It can be found if one takes the time to look.
One of the locations on the list is, "Lucky Snake." Crowley's a snake demon. As for how "lucky" he is, that's debatable.
This scene takes the time to show the Bentley and that the Bentley has the plants in the car.
This part is more for an assumption on what's about to happen between this scene and the next.
Once upon a time, I saw a post somewhere mentioning that Maggie could enter the bookshop without an invitation. I didn't bookmark it, just sort of filed it away in my head that such a comment was made.
In case you truly do not know, Maggie does get an invitation.
Not every invitation is shown on camera, but the story actually gives us clues for when Maggie was invited, even if we didn't see it on camera.
The name of Maggie's shop is The Small Back Room.
The second location on Aziraphale's list is "Backroom," though there is some noticeable space between "c" and "k," then "r" and the first "o".
Still, the "Backroom" is referring to Maggie's shop.
We can figure that out because in this scene here, Maggie's shop is visible in the background while Crowley and Aziraphale talk about what Aziraphale just did with giving away the book.
Then they cross the street toward Maggie's shop.
The camera stops shy of showing the record shop again after they've passed the car.
The episode cuts away to another Shax scene as she talks with Furfur.
The third location on Aziraphale's list is "Goldstone's," which is the location he and Crowley will visit after that Shax scene.
Aziraphale is going down the list.
So, Maggie was invited second, and the invitation was not shown on camera.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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riacte · 16 hours
There’s only one slot left.
Fruit’s panicking, because he knows he won’t make it. Technically, there’s a chance, but he dooms himself before he can get his hopes up.
Still, he runs. The cold wind feels like a knife against his cheek. He nimbly slips through crushing walls, ducks a large swinging hammer, and makes his way to the finish line where he swears he can hear his friends—
One of those damn ventilation fans. How much does he loathe the mandatory wait.
Fruit’s forced to wait anxiously, time ticking. Death is approaching, surely this fan will be his downfall, surely he’s gonna die, surely—
“Aww, Fruitberries.”
No way. A familiar voice behind him. Fruit can’t afford to dwell on that, so when the fan pushes both of them up, Fruit doesn’t think. He just bolts for the exit.
Because of fucking course it’s Iskall. Iskall, the one who sought him out on day one when Fruit had planned to greet Ren and the other hermits he knew from MCC. Iskall, who bribed him with ten gifted and promised to be bros. Iskall, who looked so lonely and distraught after his friends died in the doll game and Fruit had smiled at him to make him feel better.
Iskall and him. Fighting for the last place.
They’re on the same team too, aren’t they? Sneeg chose them both and thank fuck for Sneeg. Fruit had wanted Iskall before all of that, but he couldn’t really vocalise it to the group. Iskall had charmed him over (the hermits are always a charming bunch), he wanted to help him out, it looked like it wasn’t going to work out, but it did, and now it looks like it’s not going to work out.
Fruit sees his friends across the finish line and he can’t even bother to smile because he’s so damn tense. They’re screaming and yelling for him, cheering his name, arms outstretched. They’re calling for him to live. To live on like the rest of them. To step into the sun.
Half a second.
That’s the lead Fruit has over Iskall. He steps over, falls into the arms of someone, there’s a raucous cheer, he feels like he’s stopped breathing even though the ominous bell tells him he lived.
He lived! Fruit lives!
But that can only mean one thing.
Fruit turns around. Iskall is frozen right before the finish line, a peculiar look in his eyes— defeat, sadness, yet with a strange look of pride.
Iskall is the last surviving hermit. His buddies, the buddies that Fruit knows of, all got eliminated. Their wishes live on via Iskall. And now their wishes live on via Fruit.
“I’m sorry,” Fruit manages to get out. It was either him or Iskall. There was no beating around the bush. He lived, so Iskall died.
Iskall, his day one buddy. Iskall who sought him out in a baffling interaction. Iskall, whom Fruit was relieved to team with.
But Fruit’s got his own goal too. He wants to win with his buddies, he’s got his own wishes to carry on, and he wants to live.
This started out as a lighthearted comedy, and now it’s abruptly a tragedy. But despite everything, the ice cold Iskall manages to smile.
“Good luck, Fruit. You deserved this.”
Iskall turns grey and dissipates into the dark mist, leaving no trace behind. So close, yet so far. The divide between shadow and light. Orpheus and Eurydice. Iskall dies. Fruit lives. The competition goes on.
Fruit looks at the emptiness—
and looks away.
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py-dreamer · 3 days
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Ok I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish the other WIP...
I've had this in my files for a while now, got the guts to finish it and so here it is.
Y'know that one painting in Rapunzel's tower? The one with the floating lights?
Yea so I wanted Red Son to have something like that but I thought that the prince is an inventor and while is still technically an artist so I wanted to give his piece a new format.
(art isn't necessarily a 2D format after all)
Then I remembered the wishing machine from the greatest showman.
And I thought like why don't we combine the two?
Like a stained glass wishing machine thingy!
And it makes sense cause with his firey powers and all, I imagine Red could easily melt sand if he ever got access.
So it would make sense that he'd experiment around with stained glass
He wouldn't need a blowtorch or soldering iron cause again, he's got his hands.
I imagine his tools are quite limited in the tower so he'd make his own and for a kid who never left his tower, he's quite the craftsman I imagine!
think about it:
there are just hanging glass pictures everywhere.
You look in his bedroom and instead of the blank skylight you have a bit of a glass rook with shingles missing but replaced by stained glass pictures the prince made over the years
and we have that epic shot in the end of the movie where light streams through all the tiny windows and glass all showing the samadhi flower and Red Son realizes they're the goddamn lost prince!
Like wouldn't that just be magical?
Pay no mind to the gold ring in his hair, I genuinely don't know what its for.
I was trying to render the hair, made a part too shadowy like something was meant to be there so I just went:
"Slap a ring on it!"
I have to credit my friend (no name drops for privacy's sake) for pushing for the idea for the colorful spots of light
(ignore how it looks like circus polka dots)
during the performance I was working on, I spent like 50% of my time drawing when I wasn't needed (a lot of the time) and could just work on my projects which was really nice
And the performance was a hit!!
Gosh I still miss it so much, its only been like 4 days
I've honestly really put off this project cause I was really scared to do the stained glass but personally, I do really like how it came out!
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greyias · 2 years
🐦 Afternoon Update: Idiot Unplugs Things
How foolish of me, to think that the frenetic pace of things would somehow slow down. If you haven’t already backed up your account/data at Twitter. Um. You should. If that is indeed still functioning behind the scenes.
Because like, apparently the moment I hit post this morning, our local genius who wants to start a colony on Mars, who knows all things in the universe, does what any smart person would do, made this announcement.
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Just randomly turning off shit. Because really, what does any of this stuff do anyway? People were just writing lines of codes and services to waste time and money. And of course, as a born genius who has all of the world’s knowledge constantly uploaded into his head at all times, knows how things work:
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So anyway, enough about breaking things on the biggest mobile platform in the world, what does all those stupid services that Twitter doesn’t even NEED to work do?
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Oh. Oh.
Well fuck it. It’s just privacy settings. Those aren’t CORE FUNCTIONALITY baby.
I mean. Technically you can still tweet right. It’s not like you need any of those services to actually get into your account to tweet—
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In summary: IT’S GOING GREAT.
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HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!! To this elderly bapy boye!!! he...!!!
#cats#ghhbbb this is the first time I've genuinely considered tumblr blazing a post lol but no.. i shant.. I feel too weird putting financial#information into tumblr or whatever unless I made like a seperate bank account or something not associated with anyhting else lol#but I gave it serious contemplation which is really sayng something (the evil magical spell that all cats cast over u by their perfection)#ANYWAY.................... old man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's technically like march 8th but I did his party a little early. I have other pictures to post later maybe too..hrmm#The '1' candle is actually a '4' candle with the side part cut off because they didn't have any 1s#I went all out (like under $15 still lol) and got new birthday decorations for him instead of using the same old#ones from the past like 5 birthdays that I've done for the cats lol..#His theme was rainbows mostly in as light of colors as I could find#The legal age to drive a car in the US is 16 so.... honk honk beep beep.. I shall go out and buy him the most expensive car on the market#as soon as March 8th comes. then he can run little errands (probably mostly getting kibbles or chicken somewhere)#stealing the rotisserie chickens from walmart or something lol#AND they would let him have them. He would drive up and walk inside and they'd call the manager to come over#and they would be so moved by his presence and his big goofy stare that they would just be like..... okey.. have all the chicken in the#entire store. Actually. have the store. it's yours now. And This would continue all the way up the chain until he was handed#the entire walmart company. And every other company. a boy who owns everything. probably wouldnt use it for evil. he'd just abolish#everything and then focus on eating chickens.. ........ chibken son...
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