#the other four knights: literally wtf are you doing here
poorlittleyaoyao · 2 years
in which my tarot deck advocates killing Jin Guangshan
I view tarot cards as a fun thought-focusing activity rather than a tool for divination, so when I draw a set of cards that seems random, I look for patterns and try to figure out other situations or people it could apply to, be they real or imaginary.
So today I present to you the cards I drew last night, which thankfully have zero application to my own life but DO give a spot-on reading for Jin Guangyao!
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The spread I used is the WTF Spread found here, and oh my god, once I got to the third card, I was CACKLING. Let’s go through it!
(tl;dr the cards say TIME FOR PATRICIDE)
“WHAT THE” (the challenge at hand): Six of Wands upright
The Six of Wands is about accomplishments, success, and recognition. To quote the book that accompanied my deck: “This card indicates that you have approached your goals with strength, perseverance, and focus, and that others are taking notice. [...] With achievement and praise comes the expectation of future greatness. Get ready to take things to the next level.” It’s important to note that Wands as a suit is about creativity, so cleverness/resourcefulness is core to this particular type of success.
A very positive card, but it’s in the “problem” position, which means that the expected recognition has not been forthcoming. For example, maybe your dad still treats you like garbage even though you've gone above and beyond in everything from event planning to war crimes. What else do the cards say?
“ACTUAL” (what is real about the situation?): Two of Swords upright
The Two of Swords warns against avoidance or denial of difficult truths--hence the blindfold over the falcon’s eyes. Swords as a suit is about logic and decisiveness, so this card urges you to look at things objectively and take action. “Many major decisions involve pain, sacrifice, or sadness,” says the book. “Now is not the time to be emotional about your choices.“
JGY understands this--he says as much to NMJ in their final confrontation on the stairs--but he’s still clinging to the hope that JGS will accept him if he shows enough filial piety. Has literally any of that panned out, buddy? The cards say it’s time to face facts.
“FUCK” (what is not real about the situation?): Four of Pentacles reversed
The Four of Pentacles is about materialism--you’ve accumulated wealth, but you’ve alienated yourself from community and interpersonal connection. (So, you know, typical Jin behavior.) When reversed, it implies greed or a debilitating fear of losing wealth or material security. “Learn to set aside the fear, anxiety, and greed, and see wealth as just one facet of a healthy life,” the book advises.
Easier said than done if you grew up in poverty and have a chip on your shoulder! But this card is in the “what’s NOT true” position, reminding JGY that his situation is not as precarious as it was when he was Meng Yao. Maybe JGS is more of a threat than a safeguard.
“?” (where do I need more information?): Six of Cups reversed
Cups cards are about emotions, and the Six of Cups is generally a positive card about happy memories and childhood nostalgia. When it’s reversed, however... “You are clinging to your ideas or identity from the past or there are issues from your past from which you have not moved forward. Use your past as the guide to your future, but focus on the present and laying your foundations for the future.”
The “more information” sought in this case would be, what course of action would best allow him to avenge honor his mother? It sure would be handy if JGS candidly stated his opinion of Meng Shi where JGY could hear it!
“!” (what can I do?): Knight of Pentacles reversed
Pentacles as a suit isn’t just about wealth; it’s about security. The Knight of Pentacles embodies responsibility and an affectionate sort of sturdiness. “The archetype represented by this knight is the dependable, strong, male protector and provider.” Reversed, it can mean that something--or someone, since court cards are often understood to represent people in your life--is not as dependable as you thought.
JGY had a Knight of Pentacles in NMJ until he didn’t. He had a Knight of Pentacles (but make it EVIL!) in WRH, but that was meant to be temporary. He wanted and expected his father to be the all-time Knight of Pentacles, but JGS never was and never will be. JGY is 2 for 3 on murdering failed Knights of Pentacles. This card says that it’s time to go for 100%.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - May 2023 - Sagittarius
Your Energy:
Page of Swords - 3 Pentacles - Temperance
Regarding: 8 Pentacles
You could literally work with your Twin, maybe that’s where you met them initially, and you’re kinda stuck with them if that’s the case. Maybe not, but either way you’re trying to be friends, cordial, polite, you still talk to each other and gossip about what’s going on with the other people around you at work. But you keep it pretty casual. Someone has someone else they’re dealing with. Probably them. Your energy feels very patient with this other person, allowing them space, if you want to be just friends then okay that’s fine with me. It’s not…but you don’t have a choice. You’re hurt that they have someone else, but not so much that you’re ending the connection for good. Or maybe that’s something you’re working towards but haven’t been able to do yet, especially if you work together. Or are all friends, that’s difficult, and possible, there are four 3’s already out and we just started. You’re waiting for them to wake up and make the right decision, to be with you already. You know they’re for you and not this other person, so you’re patient about it, but you hate feeling powerless and you hate this person going home to someone else, or watching them together, however that’s working out with them. You could even be subtly trying to convince them of getting rid of this person, subtle comments in response to whatever they’re talking about. If they’re like “omg this person leaves the coffee pot on”, you’re like “that’s so dumb, who even does that?” 😆 Along those lines.
Their Energy:
6 Wands - Justice - 3 Cups
Regarding: 2 Pentacles
Strong Libra energy, they could have that in their chart. This person has NO IDEA what they want, and it bothers them. Or, rather, they know it’s you but they are trying to see things logically because there is a lot of confusion and unknowns with Moon energy. They aren’t comfortable with the feelings you bring out in them, they could be a Libra/air sign or have placements that make them more wary of sweeping emotions. Life is not a fairy tale, be real, wake up 😆 Knock knock brain, wtf. But you make them feel like 6 Wands, they are over the moon when you’re together, being with you is a kind of feeling of “perfect” that they’ve never felt before, they have no fears when they’re with you. Which scares the hell out of them later when they think on it by themselves. Think themselves out of it* more like. You’re over here being very patient with the whole thing, and that scares them too, your confidence. It’s like you know 100% and they’re over here knowing like…10% and how do you even do that? Red Flag? I do get you’ve already been together, loosely, and have separated, but there’s still a newness about it that is kinda strange. It never went very far initially, or it did but you both just keep it casual regardless.
Either they know you’re obsessed with them and love the attention, or they’re obsessed with you and restrain themselves. Could be both. They go back and forth, never really make a decision, and just kinda leave it up to fate. Wheel of Fortune. If they wait long enough, things should work themselves out, in their mind. There is a friendship involved, probably you, and they don’t want to lose that. Or the connection with this other person, they seem to exist, maybe not for everyone. They don’t want to hurt anyone. So you’ve got Temperance, they’ve got Temperance, you’re both obsessed with each other and are playing the waiting game for…ever.
Outcome for May:
Knight of Wands - Page of Cups - 3 Swords
Regarding: King of Cups
Not communicating is a big deal. In the past, someone had many options and may have been a player. I don’t even get that really, they just had options, and kept them open. Probably your person with their “I’m not that person anymore” message. They like your attention, they like others attention, they just like attention. You’re on another level though, you’re their Twin, trust they can tell that it feels much different, more spiritual even, than any other connection. That’s what puts them in Moon energy 🤯 They can’t wrap their brain around you. You both wish for each other, manifest each other, want to take a leap of faith towards each other…but no one says it out loud. Both have these deep watery feelings for the other, no one expresses anything. Seeing as it’s them with the options, if in the past you didn’t say anything about having REAL feelings, deep ones (you come up as shy ☺️), this person may have just written you off as a casual and dated someone else. Which broke your heart. They didn’t mean to break your heart. No one knows how anyone is feeling in this connection. Well, they love you. You make them very happy. You love them too. Speak up ❤️
You two are on the very edge of reuniting.
Karmic Cards:
Mercury - Cancer - 1st House
- The awareness of intuition to protect who you are.
- Many thoughts about or from attitudes from the past about your desires.
- Many words resulting from the history of your actions.
You: Success
Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible, is real success.
Them: Distractions
When you are trying to solve a problem, you will often be tested by distractions.
Connect to your intuitive dream works of metaphors and symbols.
- Shy 🙈
- Mama’s Boy / Daddy’s Girl
- Stalker 👀
- Marriage Material 💍
- I’m NOT that person anymore.
- Rebel Without A Cause
Possible Signs:
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra & Cancer strongly
Gemini, Leo, Pisces & Aries also
Balloons 🎈 on 3 Cups could be a literal celebration, a birthday, a holiday, some special occasion that is manifesting a reunion between you two. Or you know about this and have gone all out for this person, knowing whoever this other person is could care less, because again they complain to you or something, you’re no fool. You’re stepping up where this other person is clueless, very smart.
Fish 🐟 on Marriage Material is making me tell this story, which makes me laugh. I call my husband “my fish”, because there’s a whole ocean of fish but he’s mine. You see this person as your fish, they are fish material, and that’s why you’re so calm while waiting for them. You know they feel the same way, even if they don’t say it out loud. Body language, or what they say, giggles, or idk there’s something you can read in them, and you’re coming up as very clever, you’ve pretty much nailed their isms and reactions. Either way, it’s your fish, and you’ll just pull strings on the sidelines until this other person gets out of your way so you can be with your fish. You just want to kick this other person, like git 😆
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tastycitrus · 4 years
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Raised Blaze Wizard for Burning! Because I said I would make Blaze Wizard and Night Walker when the illustration for the Cygnus Knights got updated. That’s literally it.
I...didn’t actually take any screenshots of the Cygnus Knights storyline since this is the fourth time I’ve gone through it and I didn’t think I would be posting something like this. So instead you get, uh, these.
...Hey, did you know that the Cygnus Knight job advancement quests are supposed to feature your character’s respective Chief Knight based on their job—hence why the NPC name is Cygnus Chief Knight—but someone messed up somewhere and nobody bothered to fix it? As a result, Hawkeye shows up for all five Cygnus Knights, probably because Thunder Breaker was the first of the five to receive their revamp, so the quests default to him.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
SS Chapter 18 & 19
Whew, felt like it took a long time to reach this next chapter. Life's been busier than usual lately, but here we are.
Spoilers possibly up until Silver Snow Chapter 18 (and other routes around the same time).
Pre-Battle 18
Should I tag this as Verdant Wind spoilers since they basically follow the same plot? Only slightly kidding.
We storming the capital now! Woot! Is Edelgard really going down in one freaking chapter though?
Are they finally going to acknowledge that Byleth's marching to chop down his former student? Because so far he's felt exactly nothing about Edelgard. Not regret, not longing, not horniness, not anger, not vengeance. It's like she's some faceless evil emperor he's never meant before for all the emotional impact their former relationship's had in part 2 so far.
ARE WE GONNA GET RHEA BACK SOON??? Please. I want to see what role she's going to play. There's still so much I don't know about her.
Ok, seeing the map, I don't see Edelgard, but I do see both Hubert and the Death Knight despite defeating them a million times already.
They really shouldn't let us fight the Death Knight so many times if they wanted him to come across intimidating. Even early on, Lysithea with Dark Spikes and Dimitri with a horse killer weapon just melt him. Maybe it's harder on Maddening.
Battle 18
Ugh, I hate split maps. No, Seteth, I don't want to split up.
Hubert sounds so sinister. OMG I love him. He doesn't care - at all - that there were his former classmates.
So Lysithea nuked the Death Knight into another dimension . . . again. Is he dead for real this time? Because it seemed official this time. Finally.
Oh, unique dialogue with Hubert and Ferdinand. The drama. Too bad his Boltings have a 0% hit chance on Ferdinand.
Now time to waste Hubert's second Bolting.
LAMO that Imperial Soldier lady also has Bolting, but Linhardt just waited her out. She did a total of 1 damage to him lol. She's got 5 though and that's annoying, so Petra just took her out.
Having Byleth finish Hubert off since I bet there's more unique dialogue.
Hubert threatening Byleth. Name a more iconic duo.
OMG Byleth' gaunlets broke lamo. Guess someone else will actually finish Hubert.
Wow, Hubert's generic dialogue "not even death will make you consequential." Told that to poor Bernie. Still took an arrow to the face though.
And seems like he's dead-dead this time.
Does he always give you a Goddess Icon when he dies. Because that's funny if he does.
Oh - MVP Petra! She deserves it. She's really catching up to Ferdie and Sylvain. It's just - she never dodges like Ferdinand does, and can't take the punishment Sylvain does.
Post-Battle 18/Pre-Battle 19
Yeah, wtf is he doing in Enbarr?
Oh - Dedue here's for Edelgard's blood. Nice.
Does this mean I get to use Dedue????
Holy shit, Dedue. He infiltrated Enbarr and gathered intell?
What a champ.
Dedue is low-key the best spy in this game guys. Gathered intel to help an invading army take a castle literally under Edelgard's and Hubert's noses and let's not forget how he broke Dimitri out of prison.
Dedue 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
And Rhea's inside! We get to see Rhea AND Dedue again.
Wait, why is Dedue leaving me? No 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Don't worry Dedue. In another playthrough, I am pampering you and Dimitri and in the next one, you two are getting married pairing up.
I'm guessing we're not going back to Garreg Mach between these battles? Because that would be - eh - make no sense.
Oh, so now we have the "I don't want to kill Edelgard" or "Can we walk the same path as her." Why are those two my only options though? Where's the "fuck yeah" option? It's way more fun to embrace the kill 'em all thing. Except Dimitri and Dedue because my heart
Ok, Caspar, you're forgiven for your CF nonsense calling Edelgard out.
Why is Seteth always lying to me? He keeps saying "I'll leave it in your hands." But then doesn't and yells at me.
Battle 19
Ok. I decided I'm playing these two back-to-back.
Does Verdant Wind do this too? Fight Hubert and the Death Knight, then jump straight to Edelgard, no month in-between?
Because it if it does - it's going to take forever to get to Azure Moon, because, unfortunately, I won't be able to play this game for close to a month after this because of work and other stuff.
Mannnn, I am NOT looking forward to this map with my VW gang. In SS, my Sylvain, Ferdinand, and Petra are all super reliable. And Lysithea can nuke anything. No one in my VW gang is as good as any of those four (though, Claude has gotten more speed lately - thank the stars).
OMG DEDUE IS BACK. HE came, but he's green. WHYYYYY.
So . . . does Dedue have unique battle dialogue with Edelgard? She's all that's left and he's marching towards her. I think I'm going to test this. I'd laugh my butt off if he crit and killed her.
No unique dialogue, but it feels good letting Dedue get a hit on here. I get Dedue could kill her. I could just keep healing him, and she's got no one left. Should I do it guys?
I think I'm going to do it.
I'll let Byleth peck at her with his puny magic damage so I can get that dialogue, and then Dedue's killing Edelgard next round probably.
LAMO Sothis is a false Goddes, but like, she's living in Byleth's head so. We know she's not false.
Oh, well, Edelgard crit Dedue. So I just reset things and my ever reliable Lysithea nuked Edelgard onto another planet, as she does.
Weird she and Lysithea got unique dialogue though.
Ohhh cut scene. Why does Edelgard have a sword though?
Why is Edelgard asking Byleth to kill her? I guess it makes sense. He was her teacher here.
She does know all these people are killing each other because of her, right?
Oh, wow, he just lopped her head off. That's maybe as badass as when Byleth just offed Randolph (or however you say his name). I'm legit impressed the game didn't milk that harder.
Though they did that "I wanted to walk with you line . . ." Which . . . I'll take it. That's not too bad. She did, but what a twisted path she's walking.
I'm a bit conflicted about her death here though. It seemed kind of . . . weird? I expected Edelgard, from the way she talks in CF, to do down fighting. Not pleading to "my teacher" on her knees and panting.
MVP Lysithea. Guess landing that last hit on Edelgard motivated her.
Post-Battle 19
Are we finally gonna see Rhea?
Why did Hubert right us a letter?
Oh, it's about those mage people. And they want revenge. How original. If they're the enemies of all of Fodlan, why did you fight with them? Like why not take them out, then Rhea, who doesn't . . . you know . . . want to destroy the world?
Hubert and Dedue the real MVPs of this route though.
I can't with the name "those who slither in the dark" though. How lame.
Seteth said "kill every last one of them" though.
And her hair is down! She looks pretty. She looks sickely though.
Oh, we going to learn some stuff now?
I don't remember who Nemesis is. So he's a grave robber. And a genocider. Wonderful. So is that when Seteth's wife died? Or?
I'm guessing we don't get playable Rhea, though I bet someone would've told me already if we did, because she's in such poor shape.
Now we get to kick the people's ass who killed Jeralt?
OMG Caspar wants to carry Rhea on his back 😂and then Dorothea has to point out how that might not work for our short king.
No one really mentioned Edelgard and Hubert dying though. Maybe in the monastery?
Guess I'll find out later. Now to go play these exact same maps, but with the Golden Deer!
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ihassheepquake · 4 years
Stargirl 1.07 “Shiv Part One” is out now on DCU, and I’m here to talk about it.
As my one comment before the episode actually comes out and we get into this little review/recap, I find it really interesting that we’re getting such an explicit two-parter. So far this show has been pretty much exclusively a serial, which means that a two-parter is gonna be extra important and we need to really pay attention to what happens in these two episodes. 
I love the look into the morning routine of the JSA. Courtney goes to see the staff and say good morning, Rick is off being an angsty teen, Yolanda is training, and Beth is being buds with the goggles. We don’t necessary need to see this but it’s really great to see and teaches us a lot about these four core characters in just a few seconds.
Ooooh, our first look at Brainwave since episode 4 I think. And Cindy is, at least before coming into the room itself, yet again being a bitch about Henry Jr. being sad about his dad. She was like this at the Halloween party back in episode 5 and she’s doing it again. She only cares Henry Jr. when it benefits her, which I think is telling of the likely “redemption” arc we’ll be forced to deal with for him. At least he does clearly give a shit about his dad. Cindy later repeats this pattern with trying to force Henry jr. to take her to the dance he’s already said he’s not going too multiple times. 
I love how the JSA has a little assemble moment in the halls at school. That’s fun. And then they give us a little Cindy backstory and at least gives a clue as to what some of these kids think of her. BTW fucking go Jenny for standing up to her and calling her out. And it ends with some interaction between Cindy & Sir Justin, and then Sir Justin & Courtney (and finally we get some lore & backstory for Sir Justin, how exciting).
Last time for 1.06 I talked about how I love the Barbara moments and the family dynamic we get for her. We get some good moments with her again in this episode. Each episode gets closer to both Mike & Barbara figuring out the truth. I kinda feel bad for Mike. 
Honestly this kid playing Henry Jr. is fucking good at his job, he’s playing this losing it and discovering his powers thing really well. In the classroom he seems on the verge of a panic attack the whole time. 
The interactions between Courtney & Cindy doing the science experiment are fun. There does seem to be a genuine bit of bonding here and there, in another life they could’ve actually been buds. I think she really just wants someone to be in control of though after Jenny stood up to her. Getting home her mum is scared as fuck though, is it because of Cindy herself or is the Dragon King himself around? This at home scene puts Cindy so clearly in charge and she seems like such a little monster. Wtf is this about “your dad gave me orders” shit. Cindy is supposed to be some genetic experiment or something and I’m starting to wonder if her mum is even a real person either. It’s cool to see that this evil lair is connected to both the American Dream building & Cindy’s house, so I’m betting it could also connect to the King house, the Zarick house, and the Mahkent place. And also the school? How much of this city is connected by these secret tunnels? I like this villain meeting, especially the specific point of how the group agreed to keep their kids out of it. 
We love a training montage in this house! Especially low-budget ones. (thank you for the Joey mention yet again. Seriously, for someone who’s “dead” he keeps getting mentioned in literally every episode). Love the display of skill from Courtney & power from the staff, both always good to see, though I’m especially happy to see the rest of the JSA call her out on it. She’s clearly a really leader but doesn’t fully know how to completely work with a team. 
Cindy’s a meta, oooooh, love that for her. And a look at her future costume?? Fuck yeah! And it looks great. And now that she’s talking with her father, it’s even more clear how unstable she actually is and how she gives literally no fucks about anybody. Her comments about how she’s “lonely” and has “nobody to talk to” is setting some interesting potential parallels with Beth, and they’re clearly setting up a ton of parallel between her and Court. 
I love any and all Cameron scenes, love this kid. Clearly the girl he’s talking about is Courtney, and I 100% believe that Icicle killed the other dude interested in his dead wife. I’m surprised that we haven’t gotten any sort of love plot in this show until now, and even now that a possible one is being introduce, I can already tell that it’s not going to become the kind of overwhelming force that love plots usually are in these shows. Cameron asking Court is admittedly cute. But Courtney, is the middle of the game really the time to go ask her about postponing your hang out? But of course, Cindy is gonna be a bitch about it anyway.
A secret door in the principles office? How fun. And the fact that the staff is just kinda there is beautiful. And Sir Justin sees something huh? Is he gonna actually be around as Shining Knight?? A small thing but the effects of Court blowing the lock on the door is fucking incredible.  Cindy suiting up to fight Court is pretty cool. Again, this outfit looks amazing. All the outfits in this show are amazing.I love even here between Courtney & Cindy how clearly out matched the JSA kids are. Yeah Court is holding her own in this fight but the staff is putting in a ton of work. OMFG SIR JUSTIN DID COME OUT TO PLAY AS THE SHINING KNIGHT!!! Fucking iconic. Gosh Pat, maybe in a situation where the staff comes to get you for help you shouldn’t go running around yelling “Courtney” because she’s probably in costume but idk, just a thought.
So there’s a lot to unpack in this episode, and certainly going to be more in next weeks 1.08 “Shiv Part Two.” We’ve seen shots of Henry Jr. using powers & working with the JSA and I’m willing to bet that’s happening next week. I’m interested to see how the rest of the JSA fit into this and what’s going to happen to Cindy for disobeying her dad. These little recaps of mine keep getting longer every week, so expect an even longer one next time. I should probably start doing a follow-up to these. 
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h3rmitsunited · 4 years
Continuing Thoughts on Age of Calamity: I am about 19 hours in at this point and oh man are things going down. Just wanted to record some of my thoughts, theories, reactions, etc... before I get to the last four missions of the story because I’m just thinking about this non-stop and want to share.
Spoilers below the read more, so don’t read if you plan on playing the game. It is a lot more fun to experience in the game than reading it, so just you know, don’t read it.
-After the siege of the castle mission that ends with the king's death at the hands of the guardians off screen and the menu music changing to the awesome dark theme and the prompt on the screen saying that Mipha, Daruk, Revali, and Urbosa are trapped in the Divine Beasts, I legitimately cried a little bit. Like I was mostly tearing up because of the bit with Zelda and her father and Link dragging her away, but with the context of BOTW and the Divine Beasts and the Champions having been killed in battle with the Calamity Blights, I was like holy crap, they killed them, they're trapped because they died, but then I started the next chapter and decided to do Urbosa and Revali's first and then it starts and they're both still alive and then we see that Teba and Riju come through and like I lost my shit. I was like WHAT!? IS!? HAPPENING?! I thought that it was a really cool way to get more characters to play as (because this is a Warriors game so the vast array of characters to play as is a selling point) and a cool way to keep the OG Champions from being dead which is depressing. So I got Urbosa and Revali back and then realized what this meant for the other mission, that Mipha would be saved by giant grown Sidon and it was just as cute and sweet as I thought it was going to be. And then them working together on the Divine Beast and teaming up and you can see how much Sidon missed his sister and looks up to her, despite the fact that he is literally ginormous and she is a tiny little thing. It made me tear up. The other champion relationships don't really hit that hard because none of them actually met each other before, but it was pretty funny the bit with Teba and Revali when Revali is once again being an asshole to Link and Teba is just like.... WTF? This is the Rito champion, he's like kind of a di- and Urbosa is like yes, we know. Moving on. Because like damn, they really turned Revali's dick factor way up in this game. Like seriously, bird, can you like chill?
-Anyways, another thing that got me going literally insane was the bit in Hyrule field with Astor and Sooga and Kohga when Astor was like...pulling soul power or something from the Yiga soldiers and like turned it into Hollow Link and when I saw that I was like losing my mind. I don't know why it got me so hyped up, but it did and I'm very excited to battle it out with this dark Link character.
-I just finished the battle at Akkala citadel, which was a pretty cool fight, and going to go into the next battle, something about thunder, so obviously another Divine Beast lead in with Divine Beast support trying to fight off Guardians and monsters and stuff. From the placement, it appears like it'll be near Hateno, and will be involving Urbosa and Vah Nahboris. I don't really care for the Divine Beast levels. They are frustrating to control and the camera movements are annoying and the targeting system just is frustrating. The level with Vah Rudania fighting off the guardians was so annoying, just trying to target the guardians and move around and then I just kept getting stuck on the walls and stuff and the movements are so slow, and it was just like, I don't really care for this at all, thanks... I much prefer the on the ground, quick fighting. Obviously, Link is the most intuitive and easiest to use, he's the highest level, and he's the main fighting character, so he's my favorite to use. I really want to unlock the Hyrule Warriors armor set, so I'm going to have to do a ton of quests and stuff which is a lot, but it will make me keep playing the game for a while, which is good since the game cost sixty dollars. It's fun to play though, so I feel like it's worth it. -Regarding the timeline pieces, I'm really conflicted about the backstory elements that we're getting, and I realize that the moment the eggo was introduced, it set this timeline off into a completely different direction, but it brings up questions for me about the original timeline. We don't really know exactly when the Hyrule Warriors timeline starts out and how far from the Calamity attack it was in the past. I would assume that it wasn't too far in the past, most like like less than a year, maybe less than six months? It's difficult to tell because we don't get a whole lot of context. We are given the information that in this game, the Calamity attack on the castle happens at the same time as in the original timeline, on Zelda's 17th birthday, maybe a little sooner, since in the OG, she's coming down from Lanayru with Link and in this one, I think she's leaving the castle to go to Lanayru when the attack happens. But when did everything else happen? How long has Link had the Master sword and been the chosen knight? He's been following Zelda in this timeline since eggo was introduced, but he was still "just a knight" at that point, even if he was a really good and talented one. But wouldn't that mean that he activates his power in Korok forest like barely anytime before the Calamity attack? I mean I guess in the OG timeline, we can kind of get hints that Link hasn't been chosen for a super long time, since Zelda questions him about how confident he is with the Master Sword and can he hear the voice, and is a bit more antagonistic with him, so he probably hadn't been doing that for a super long time either, but it does feel like he's had it longer in the OG timeline memories compared to here when he gets the Master sword and then like two missions later Ganon is popping up at the castle. I mean, it wouldn't make sense really to drag things out a super long time, so I understand that having a bunch of extra cut scenes and missions that aren't super plot relevant would be kind of weird, especially with this Astor dude's involvement, he would want to push things along. But the Ganon attack still happens the same time as the OG timeline, so all of these things happen within the same amount of time. I don't remember in the OG timeline if we ever got any details about how Link awakened his power. I do like how they did it in this version, how it was like a parallel to how Zelda awakened her power protecting Link, which gave me all the Zelink feels, but I just want canon backstory for the OG timeline, you know? We know that this timeline isn't canon for the OG timeline because of eggo being involved, so we can only really pull character elements from this timeline rather than specific plot elements. I also wondered about Impa since she is there kind of escorting Zelda in most of the missions, but was only in BOTW as an old lady, which is fine because they likely hadn't have developed that into the story at that point, but I also think maybe since Link in AOC hasn't become the chosen knight until later, he wasn't seen as capable or trustworthy enough to be her sole escort knight and wanted to keep Impa around for additional protection or something. I don't know, doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but whatever. I'm also trying to remember... when did the Champions get their champion clothes? Does Link have the blue tunic on in all the memories? I'm pretty sure that one of the first memories is that depressing one where Zelda is like knighting Link or something in the gazebo thing in front of the castle, but I can't remember the order... It's just all so confusing and I'm sure I'm deeply overthinking everything and that they're kind of just like retconning elements, but like what does it all mean? I mean maybe... maybe... since Zelda remembers the eggo in her like baby dream memory in that one cut scene, maybe that means eggo was also sent way back in time to the beginning of her life, so this timeline is deeply changed from the beginning of her life, so while the initial difference weren't super evident, just some small things, once they got to later in the timeline and all the Master sword/Champion stuff, it really just like threw everything in the air. I don't know why it bothers me so much, I think it's just me Zelink heart wanting Link and Zelda to have more time together when it's not just crazy monster fighting sad Zelda all the time like in the AOC cutscenes. In BOTW, we get these soft little memories of Zelda and Link researching in the field and riding horses and stuff and like yes the ever present concern about Zelda's power and Ganon is there in the memories still, but it feels more intimate and slow and down to earth. I think it's also because in several of the memories, it's just them two, and in AOC, there hasn't really been any memories with just the two of them together, so it has a different feel to it. I liked in BOTW, the stories in Zelda's diary about talking to Link about his destiny and why he doesn't talk and how he feels the weight of this title and it keeps him silent and it gave Link this interesting depth and emotion that you couldn't really see without that, and then in the AOC, there are some little moments where you see Link having a scrap of emotion, tiny smiles he gives to Zelda, serious face, confused, happy to eat stuff, but most of his moments are the little grunts and blank stares that he gives. Like seriously? Zelda's father just died, she feels like it's all her fault and Link's response is a tiny smile and a "huh". Like yes, there are dynamics with them, she's a princess, he's a knight, he's protective of her and doesn't push her boundaries or whatever, but like just hug please. I loved that memory in the forest in BOTW where she just collapses into his chest and he holds her and we see this pained expression on his face and it's like yes please give me more not lobotomized Link. Like I know this sounds like complaining, because it is, and like I do understand they want Link to kind of be this blank slate, character insert type of character, but give him something please! 
-I'm hoping we get some good content in these last few mission cut scenes. I'm getting down to the last few missions, only four left, and looking at the chapter titles, which is the only spoilers that I have allowed myself, I'm like, okay, what is going to happen next. And like I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we win and the bad BOTW timeline ending is subverted and Ganon has to go night night, but like who knows, maybe they'll surprise me, but probably not. This is supposed to be a game that you keep playing after you finish the main story, so like killing off a bunch of playable characters and having it end in destruction would be probably not so smart...
-Okay, that's all my current thoughts. I'll be playing more tonight and we'll see if I finish the story tonight, or maybe I'll have to stop myself and take a breather before blasting through the remaining missions. I finished I think three missions(?) last night, and I had a break for dinner, but like I don't work tomorrow, so like, I could probably blast through the last ones, but I'd also still need to do some additional quest stuff in between for level up purposes since I just go through rupees like crazy. Oh my gosh, that reminds me... it is so dang annoying when you get one of those like quest find item marker things that lights up when you have all the items and you're like sweet I'll complete this and as you're pressing the button, out of habit, without super paying attention, you realize it's going to cost like 2,000 rupees or something and it's like... not again! I can't tell you how many times I have done this and it's so annoying. Like warn me if I have to pay rupees, I don't want to use my brain, game! Lol yes, it's my fault, I'm not really mad.
-Okay, the end. For now. TLDR: This game is fun and unexpected, but it is also not BOTW, so don't go into this expecting BOTW mechanics or gameplay. But hey, smashing through tons of enemies is also kind of satisfying too. Also, like the new enemies are wild. Elemental Moblins, Hinoxs, Lynels, Guardians(!), the use of the Elemental weapons is a cool mechanic, and it's cool having some cinematic fight moments, even if it might get repetitive after playing the game for a while, but you also can use a ton of different characters, so there's variety there, I just have yet to leave my boy because he's the easiest to blast through anything and everything, though Impa is pretty cool too, even if most of my moves with her are random button smashes since I don't really have a good grip on how her moves work. At least with Link it's pretty obvious and I've gotten better about actually having some sort of strategy with how he works, the other characters I haven't played enough to have any sort of knowledge on how they work. Also Zelda's moves are not fun to play at all, sorry, but they're just annoying and useless. Also Daruk is bad at fighting Hinoxes. Okay, now, the end.
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Teen Titans 1x01 Blind Reaction
I haven’t watched the OG Teen Titans yet. Sue me. I wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons as a kid so I’m playing catch-up here. As usual, spoilers and cursing under the cut! Also. apologies for the short sentences, it was like 3 am.
A disclaimer: This is entirely for fun and a lot of the comments I make are based on my preferences for media as well as the way I, as a writer, would have written things.
If I say something you disagree with (more likely in my analysis posts than my reactions) then I am more than happy to hear your opinions so long as you are respectful! 
If you followed me for Detroit Evolution content I promise I’ll post the rest soon. Formatting and proofreading takes ages. I also might start liveblogging my adventures in screenwriting so look out for that!
That being said, let’s get into it!
[In brackets is added post-watch.]
Holy old animation Batman. It feels like Phineas and Ferb.
BB Sounds like Phineas.
The cheesy intro tho
Seriously which Robin is this cause I think it’s Dick but Idk
“Titans Go!”
The theme song is iconic
Love the OG Raven design
Is the theme Japanese?? It kinda feels Japanese
I love that Starfire’s outfit isn’t like literally a bikini it’s nice since she’s designed like a sixteen year old
Epic fight scene™️. Makes me feel like something’s going to go wrong.
“I am stronger than I look” fuck yeah Star get his ass
Honestly wtf Rob you’re like twelve and you don’t have powers??? Also is he wearing steel toe boots?? I thought they were converse at first. Seriously Batman, what’s with the child soldiers??
Cyborg?? I love him
Ouch that was a fail
Ok the bo staff is a Tim Drake signature as far as I know so wtf???? Which black haired mf is this???
It’s Dick. I googled. [I love DC and I realize that most of the Robins were designed before having diverse characters was a thing but literally they all look the same. Like personally I’d love to see a Romani or other non-white rep for Dick.
 {I gleefully return to this post with news that Dick is canonically Romani! He’s been played so often as white, including in the new Titans, which I will be making a post about, but he was confirmed to be poc in Devin Grayson’s Gotham Knights. He’s part Romani on his mother’s side. She, according to Tim Seeley’s twitter, is an immigrant. He was originally presented without a confirmed ethnicity! My apologies for being uninformed about this. I stated Romani specifically here before knowing because I had seen people talk about him as such and really enjoyed it.}
 Maybe a mixed Jason? I feel like Tim is white mostly bc he’s rich IN GOTHAM,,, but like I never turn down the possibility of poc characters. Damian is canonically middle eastern so if I ever see a live action Damian not played by a middle eastern brown kid I’m rioting.]
What a petulant child. Blaming each other. Now they’re fighting. [This part feels very overdramatic to me personally. I do think that if this wasn’t animated it would be toned down quite a bit. That being said? I do think it’s in character for Dick, especially late Robin-era Dick, to have outbursts like that, especially as a character that I see as needing a lot of control.]
Oh wonderful. He quit. That’s overly dramatic.
Oh goddamn it Slade.
I’m not supposed to know he’s Slade yet tho huh. [Rip the element of surprise with that, I have a habit of learning everything from things before investing my time in it, and my obsession with other versions of DC comics isn’t helpful in this situation. Also the 25 pages of AO3 I’ve read about the Bats gives quite a bit away.]
Oh ew that’s a plasma monster
He looks like fuckin,,, Underbelly! that mf from the Red Hood/Arsenal comics. [Underbelly is the personification of the criminal world. I got through four RH/A comics as of posting this so once I finish that storyline I’ll probably post about it]
“It’s pointless to get upset about Cyborg” breaks glass. [I personally really fw Raven being like ‘master of meditation i feel nothing’ but then these dumbasses get all up in her brain and she ends up loving them like honestly that’s amazing]
“I’m fine” fucks up that punching bag. Master of emotions this bitch. [I don’t think that this little tantrum is entirely because Cyborg left. Again, Dick was raised by Batman, and neither of them are too good about losing control and fucking up. This to me is very much a mix of guilt for having driven away a friend and teammate, anger at Cyborg for leaving, and also anger at himself for a perceived failure. Bruce really needs to get his kids therapy bc the complexes are really shining through.]
Now they’re sad like bitch ur the one who kicked him out???
He’s eating something and it’s gross.
“That stuff can’t be good for you” Robin,,, sweaty,,,
The puns. Jeez Louise.
Immensely powerful half demon lady and the best you can do is some cans?? [Again with the things you shouldn’t know, Theo. Yeah I get that she’s still a kid and the demon lady thing isn’t exactly revealed yet, but I maintain that the barrels -- which I realized that they’re barrels not cans -- could be improved upon]
“You giant zit”??? A Child [Seriously how old is he because it’s concerning that he seems as young as he does. @ Bruce wtf did you do to your kids]
Phase three what an ominous asshole
Again with the puns Rob like jeez just fight this mf
Star,, you’re an alien?? Why are you screaming??
Both eyes on the road while flying Raven
He just extends the bo again bro what kinda bat bullshit is this
Cyborg saving the day!! We gotta love that. “Still got the sonic if you still got the boom” what kids I love them
I love that he just,, brought Cinderblock with him. He’s just that powerful.
Wtf is up with this knockoff Alfred mf with Slade? Also?? What stereotypical villain shit Slade step it up. [Titans (2018) Slade is like,,, so much better at this. Hell, even Arrow Slade is more nefarious.]
[I know it’s stupid to say this about an antagonist from a kids show vs two YA/Adult shows but like?? Titans Slade had the Motive, and Arrow Slade was Deep. In my defense here, I’m only on Ep 1, I’m sure he gets more interesting as the show progresses.
My non-sleep deprived rating? 9/10. Points off for melodrama but points on for nostalgia and attention grabbing. I’m not really into kids shows so I did my best to be fair despite that. Personally I think it’s a little much on the fighting especially for a pilot and it definitely seemed a little bit rushed. But, the animation is fun, I love the way each character is distinctive in costume and personality.
Keep in mind I prefer watching things with writing/pacing like Arrow, The Flash, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the new Titans TV show and all of my ratings are going to be skewed based on a preference for stronger and darker material. 
With that in mind, I did enjoy the episode and I do want to continue watching. I think if I had watched this as a 10-11 year old, it would’ve been amazing.]
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rottenbrainstuff · 4 years
TROS thoughts: spoilers
I feel pretty crappy this morning in the aftermath of TROS but I think it’s mostly because I feel a disconnect with the fandom that makes me really sad.
I feel like I am the only person on the internet who is less disappointed with Ben’s death, because I was genuinely satisfied with everything we got up til then, than I was with that horrible screenplay that was just an absolute mess. I am absolutely heartbroken about that. I can’t believe this jumble of halfway introduced new concepts out of the freaking blue and random new locations cause why not and irritating fandom nods because that’s how you tie it all together right? is what we’re left with for the conclusion of this four year long journey. My only desperate wish for the movie was that it was a good story and I didn’t get it and that’s what breaks my heart.
I do feel like literally the only person on the internet who isn’t angry and hurt about Ben’s death and I don’t know, like... does it mean I liked the character less than all of you? Or I’m watching it wrong somehow? I don’t know. I just, I couldn’t believe everything else we got. Because I had been spoiled I was waiting for him to die horribly at any moment. I thought the lightsaber stab was it, but no, Rey heals him and tells him she would have taken Ben’s hand and he has a heartbreaking conversation with his dad that seems to bring him peace and give him a new direction and that was the only time I cried during the movie. He runs to help Rey with such purpose and Adam Driver is finally, finally allowed to take the lid off his emotional reactions and it’s amazing, it’s breathtaking, the smile and the shrug before he starts chopping down the knights, my god how could something so simple be so exciting to watch? And he finds Rey and the way he looks at her now is just off the fucking rails. When he got zapped down the hole I thought that was it again because again, thanks for all the leaks that did absolutely nothing but make me anxious, but holy shit he climbs back out?? climbs back out????? and Adam does so much without saying anything at all, he’s limping / crawling / dragging himself along like that fall broke him into pieces but all he needs is to be by Rey again, and he sweeps her up in his arms and I can’t believe this is happening right now. I just loved how in this movie it’s *him* learning from *her* this time and he copies the healing he saw her do. Then those two idiots are both awake and smiling at each other and I’m screaming in my head THIS WOULD BE A PERFECT TIME TO KISS but I *know* that they don’t, because if they kissed I KNOW tumblr would have been screaming about that instead, and then WTF I’m watching them kiss right in front of my face and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen??? That smile? That beautiful beautiful smile??? Ben Solo is happy and at peace with himself and that’s all I ever wanted from these movies from the first time I watched Ben and Han on the bridge. Yes he died. Yes if I was writing a fic I would write it differently. But this isn’t a fic, and like.... it was like what @actualreylotrash said, his death was a choice and an act of love, I don’t know. Somehow I felt it was ok. Like, this story takes place in a world where dead characters regularly come back and do stuff all the time, so the death doesn’t even feel final to me, you know?
I think it’s possible that because the rest of the movie was just an absolute mess, I didn’t take any part of it too seriously and any detail I didn’t like kind of just went into the “don’t care about that” bin. (and that’s a big big bin) I don’t know.
So anyway. Everyone is really upset and I totally respect those feelings too, I just feel disconnected from it.
And then, add to that the fact that, with the close of the trilogy, I realize just how disconnected I am from the fandom. I feel most times like I’m kind of just shouting out into the void these days, more or less. Most of the fandom activity seems to have migrated to group chats like discord or the new tumblr chats. I just can’t keep up with these. I haven’t been a part of chatrooms since I was a teenager and I just do not have the time to keep up with group chats. After TFA I was a part of an artist group that worked on anthology projects together and it was so so fun. This group too moved completely to group chats and there’s been lots of really amazing looking projects I wasn’t included in because I wasn’t able to participate in the group chat. Here we are at the end of the movies and I don’t feel like I managed to be any kind of part of a tight knit group. That’s not to say anyone else is to blame... only me. I know these last few years I haven’t had the same kind of time to put towards cultivating fandom friendships so maybe it’s silly to be disappointed, but here I am, disappointed all the same.
I’m pretty disappointed too but it seems like I’m disappointed for different reasons than everyone else.
I wish I had more time to make more fandom content, I think that would also help with my disconnected feelings. I think I might be motivated enough to invest some time into something with Ben Solo’s beautiful beautiful smile.
If you wanna talk some more about what sucked and what was awesome in the movie I would love to chat in messages, messages I’m afraid guys cause I just can’t keep up with group chats.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 10th-June 16th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from June 10th, 2020 to June 16th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
How does poor web design affect if and/or how you read a particular webcomic?
it's a huge factor. if a comic is amazing in every way but the website or app makes it difficult for me to read i'm simply NOT going to read it. there are a lot of great series that i've put on the back burner just because the website is so annoying to navigate
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've honestly never run into a website so bad it stopped me from reading a comic i was interested in
FYI the worst comic app i've ever experienced is Aqua Kiss which I downloaded to read a single series. it's the most barebones app imaginable with no search bar. if you want to read something you actually have to manually load each calendar week to find it and some stuff are buried dozens of pages back. and to make matters worse it doesn't have a "history" or "bookmarks" feature either
Deo101 [Millennium]
The worst things with sites that I see often are 1: huge headers, and 2: laggy sites (not really site design, but its adjacent I think) Another is if the pages are too big on the screen, so you can't, for instance, see some panels all at once. Those kinds of things can really ruin a reading experience for me
One example of a website that is hostile to the reading experience is ZMYK which for some reason hosts vertical scroll comics but cuts them up into little pieces as if they were comic format so you can't actually scroll through the entire chapter as it was intended to
That kind of thing grinds my gears so much how can something you have to pay for be that incredibly bad
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've also seen some sites that have graphic design issues, where elements are illegible due to their color, and some have very busy and distracting backgrounds. Those kinds of things won't necessarily ruin it, but they're distracting
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
forward comic's website was doing this weird thing where the further I read the longer pages took to load. Near the end it seemed they were taking 10 full seconds. Still read the whole thing though. Reading manga on shady sites with terrible internet connection as a kid has desensitized me
Oh one comic I was interested in but didn't read because of the site: I was kidnapped by lesbian pirates from outer space. It doesn't have a website. To read it you have to pirate (hehe) copies of the archive.
It's a pretty sad story- the author was young and tricked into giving up the rights to her series
She ended up taking the site down to prevent the company from getting any more money off of it
Here's her post about it
I think it can be a good warning message to us
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
For me, the biggest thing that deters me from reading a comic is if the website isn't well optimized for mobile (as someone who reads a lot on the go). This includes the images loading bigger than the page, or navigation being hidden on mobile, or glitchy scrolling, or any number of ungodly things. Also, too many ads. That'll turn me away in a heartbeat.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah ads are definitely a huge turnoff for me too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
FYI the worst comic app i've ever experienced is Aqua Kiss which I downloaded to read a single series. it's the most barebones app imaginable with no search bar. if you want to read something you actually have to manually load each calendar week to find it and some stuff are buried dozens of pages back. and to make matters worse it doesn't have a "history" or "bookmarks" feature either
@carcarchu okay i just digested this comment and wtf
no search bar is laughably bad omg
how did you even find out about it
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's ridiculous hahahaha
it's a shame because there are genuinely good comics on there you can't read anywhere else?? and i found it because an artist i adore did a series for it but it got AXED after only 2 chapters and after that was pretty much scrubbed from the internet. i think it's a shame because it really had so much potential and it ended before the story was really able to start
it's a screenshot from the app. you can see that it is categorized reverse chronologically by week
the point of aqua kiss is to emulate monthly/weekly style manga magazines but in app form. however i think the execution of this idea was horrendous
Oh no! It must make reading there so challenging. As for me, if the navigation is so hard to understand/pages don't load properly when you click a link or when the website's colours hurt my eyes so much I can't stay there for too long.
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Honestly nowadays most of the CMS's out there share the same basic functionality and adaptability, so it's getting harder to screw up on that. Most sites are OK, if only a bit laggy. If the site takes less than 2 seconds to load and it's not so crowded that I have to look for the comic, I'm generally good.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
How much bad/inaccessible web design I'll tolerate is directly proportional to how much I care about the comic.
I've dropped a couple series in the middle of the archive just because they changed the site design to screw up the tracking of bookmarking sites, so I would've had to figure out an alternate way to keep track of it, and it didn't seem worth the effort
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh yeah, I've totally had that happen too where I was deep into an archive, had taken a reading break for a month or two, and came back to find the urls had been updated and my spot was lost it isn't so bad if a comic also has an archive page, but ive stopped reading a few stories that it would have been too hard to track down where I was.
I haven’t had to experience weird websites in a while, but I do sometimes go to an unknown website to read the comic/manga I’m looking for. Mostly what I’ve had trouble with is unnumbered chapters, of that it’s unclear where/how to start reading in general.(edited)
Like, I get to the page for that specific comic and then there’s no easy “start reading here” button anywhere
And when I do find the chapters list, I don’t know which end of the list is the beginning bc it’s unnumbered
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Is a "First page" button enough or are you looking for a "new readers start here" button? (<- is redisigning her page)
Is there a difference? :0
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
hm, sometimes yes.
Some old running comics have different jump-on points (schlock mercenary for example).
Ooh I see
Well when I first go on the site, I just want to start reading so idk
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
So, I always try to read every comic that's featured in the book club all the way through. Like even if I don't particularly like the opening, or if the comic is thousands of pages long, or I don't have time to meaningfully discuss the comic, I do try to at least give the comic a fair shake by reading through the entire archive. There have been four exceptions. One was because of content (it was a gag a day comic, and the content was SO horrible for SO long that I just couldn't stand it anymore. real "punching down" type of humor). Another was because the comic was literally deleted before I could get to it. The remaining two were because the site design/organization were so awful that the comics were unreadable. One of the two comics had a custom built, hand-coded site (I assume), and it just... didn't work properly. Like the "previous" button seemingly took you to a random page, the "next" button and the "latest" button led to the same place, etc. I'm not sure the creator ever bothered to test the site. The other one used some pre-built stuff, so it was ok... but you had to scroll to the top of the page to go to the next page. Not only that, but the author was posting all their comics to the same archive - which means one page would be the comic that was actually meant to be read for the book club and the next few pages were a completely different comic entirely. And this wasn't a gag-a-day either - it was a story based comic, so the three action minimum to get to the next page made things absolute hell to keep track of.(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Uff, yeah, that sounds horrible.
Nyx+Nyssa's page is currently a barebone mess, but I made at least sure the navigation works. :/
Having the comic be deleted while you’re reading it sounds like such a weird experience lmao
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i mean, it wasn't thanos snap style lol
Was the website gone too or?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
it was in between days
nah the website was still there, it's just that the author had decided to reboot their comic and forgot that they had submitted it to the book club
Oh okay I imagined Thanos snap style
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Not really a design but a site thing: I can't do comics without an archive of some sort. On platforms like Tapas or WT, the episode list serves that purpose perfectly fine. I personally need to be able to see how many pages there are, and I need a way to go to specific pages easily. It might sound like a small complaint, but it's a big thing for me! There have been comics that piqued my interest, but once I saw that there was no archive of any form, I left forever. Sure, I might be missing out, but there are also lots of good comics out there that have accessible archives. My life isn't long enough to read them all, so I'm letting myself be very picky.
I can manage a very basic site just fine. But if a site is hard to navigate, or just makes reading the page/getting to the next page difficult - I'd be likely to give up eventually. Doesn't matter about the quality of the comic, but if it's a chore to just read it, it's going to put me off after a while
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I will note - if you want me to actually discuss your comic in the book club, please do have an archive link, and probably a cast page too. Like the lack of one doesn't stop me from reading entirely, but I can't discuss anything without being able to look back at specific moments. (and one of those archives that just has dates doesn't count - lemme know what the chapter is!)
For example - when I read webcomics on dA, I was absolutely fine with either the author having a dedicated folder with the pages in order. Another option was to link next and prev pages in the description. But if I had to go find each next page, I just wouldn't.
By an archive do you mean kinda like a chapters list?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
A list of all the pages, ideally
That also list the chapters somehow
Short version: if I feel like I'm spending half as much time navigating the site as I am actually reading, it's gonna get old real quick
And same copperine. As long as it’s organized well, I will probably read it
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like maybe you click on a chapter link to get to a list of the pages, or maybe it's just a list of the pages with the chapter names as headers
some sort of organization
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah! (I admit my own comic's archive page isn't the prettiest, but it's 100% functional.)
I only have a chapter list so far ^^; idk how to go about getting an archive
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Chapter list is totally fine if your chapters tend to be on the shorter side
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I like having chapter lists around, although coding them can be a handful Not sure if to go for an archive with thumbnails or just with page numbers though.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's also workable if you also have like... a dropdown menu for individual pages on the actual pages? So it only takes 2 clicks to go to a specific page (first click to go to the chapter, second click to go to the page)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
OH yeah, there was also a dA comic in the book club once that didn't have any next/previous buttons. However, it was a short comic - the bare minimum for getting into the book club - so I still read it all the way through. But it was pretty annoying to do so. (it was also pretty obviously a fetish comic, but that's not really relevant to the discussion XD)
I want to post by scene so I’ll be dividing chapters like “chapter 3 part 1” to hopefully that will be better
I'll always take functional over pretty
Haha I’m not sure if I want to know the comic for that one
Also what is “punching down” humor?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like, the author was a straight man, and nearly every joke was making fun of people who weren't those things.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's like making fun of people but
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
you're intentially trying to put them down
that's punching down in my imo rip
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Well at least I know what to call it when I see it in the future ._.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like, occasionally I see a shitty joke in a comic and I keep reading because maybe the author improved (we do sometimes get comics with archives that date back decades in here) But this comic was just so consistently awful for so long that I couldn't stand it
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oof that aint good
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Though that's kinda off topic lol
Oh yeah
So bad site design...
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Anyway, I don't really wanna post the examples of the comics I talked about in here cuz I don't wanna call anyone out
Actually, hold on, lemme check something
I feel I haven’t had too much experience with bad site designs, but I might have just forgotten(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
ok yeah
so, the comic where you had to scroll up to the top of each page to click to the next one, and the site was multiple comics alternating pages that made the story rough to follow
Oof yeah having to scroll up to click next won't stop me but it is a bother
I like having the next button both on top and the bottom, even if they update page by page(edited)
It just feels convinient
Yeah same
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Re: punching up/down, here's an overly simplistic set of examples: billionaires making fun of poor people is punching down. Poor people making fun of billionaires is punching up.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
's good webdesign pattern for everything with continous content - e.g. blogs, web-novels, webcomics.
Ideally you have one on top, between content and comments and under comments
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
the comic that alternated storylines & required scrolling back up to go to the next page was Antibunny: http://vinnied.comicgenesis.com/d/20061002.html if you see that page I linked and click next a few times, there's no obvious distinction between the main story and the spinoff story (no, like, header change between the two, and the art style looks similar), so you can see how it'd be confusing to follow and the scrolling is just icing on the cake (it used to be even worse) the only reason I feel comfortable sharing that is because the author uploaded the comics to new sites, and fixed all those issues in the process: http://antibunny.net/
Oh nice. So they realized the problem
Aren't they in this server? Or am I thinking of another one
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah, the author is in this server
I thought so
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Hence why he realized, because we told him that there was a problem during the book club
I'm not gonna take anything said here as a comment on anyway btw
It’s cool that submitting their comic to the tea party resulted in some good feedback :3
You love to see it!
It always makes me happy when webcomic community stuff helps people out, that seems like the ideal outcome
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i agree on that yeee
It’s like having a friend point out a spelling mistake. Embarrassing but you can live with the knowledge that your work is now a little bit better(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah kinda off-topic, but I love it when the author of the comic for the book club joins the server. Like not only does it mean that the author could join in on others' discussions in the future (pay it forward 'n stuff), but... it's just really sad when I see a comic pop up in the book club and the author seemingly forgot they submitted it.
How long does it usually take to get to a comic? :0 that they would forget they submitted it?
I always hope I can help others out or support them, and I hope they feel the same
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The book club had a very very long wait list in the past. These days, not so long.
And I guess if you submit a comic with a website, the people here can be your beta testers
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
what's odd is that five months ago, the wait list was six months but now, the wait list is two months y'all need to submit/resubmit your comics
I tried going to submit mine yesterday and the site doesn’t let me v.v says you’re booked for July
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
oh yeah, so it is
Maybe later :3
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i guess Rebel doesn't want the queue to get too long
I would submit mine but I'm only at 10 pages and I believe you need to have 20 to submit
Ooh they have a minimum?
Gotta count my pages now
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean it makes sense. Hard to discuss a comic that only has the cover for chapter 1
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"Let us dissect this cover image for an entire week"
It would be a hilarious April fools challenge
Idk I think it was 20 minimum?
@snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) can you shed any light on this
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The sign up form is where you would normally find that information.
... very good point
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But the form is currently unavailable, and it's possible that Rebel might change the requirement when it becomes available again
Thank you for the heads up
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
FYI, https://comicteaparty.com/ is where the form will be available eventually
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
They accept resubmissions now?
I def like arrows on the top and bottom of pages for sites to be more of a thing, as well as clicking the image for the next page too! Honestly there hasn't been a make or break, mainly preferences, and the most complaints i have are with the mobile formatting. I think most comics have been pretty solid in functionality that i've read, and it's clear that having their own website is becoming mainstream enough for there to be help, tips, and tricks to making it work!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I definitely prefer if I can just click on the comic image to go to the next page especially for mobile.
Idk about resubmissions tho
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
... Wow. I absolutely HATE clickable images on mobile, because they usually mess with the pinch-zoom.
i've had sites that didnt have image click throughs and the arrow..... was like SO TINY XD
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Didn't think anyone would actually like it, so... huh.
i kept going back and forth
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
yeah, navigation needs to be bigger on mobile for safe tapping.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh, re:resubmissions, I'm pretty sure you can if it's been long enough? I think @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) mentioned it recently as an option. But maybe a tangent for #general
i dont mind the pinch zoom being a little more difficult from time to time cause usually the clickable image is worth it to me
mariah (rainy day dreams)
am also fond of sites that allow left/right arrows to let you move forward and back on desktop
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Mainly it's just for like Krispy said, reading on mobile and tiny next/previous buttons.
ye my dummy thicc fingers prefer the click through image for sure
ohh yes Boogey that too
it took me hours of googling to find the very simple comicpress option to just turn that on on my site
Mmm I do like sites that allow pinch zoom though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I also prefer clicking on the image to go to the next page
mariah (rainy day dreams)
My fingers small, but still dummy T-T
It makes it easier to get a better look at the page
iweudhweiu Mariah XD
Especially if it's got smaller font
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
nyxandnyssa has a seperate navigation for mobile that's much bigger and skipping scene select to make tapping easier.
I've had the hover text def bum me out for some comics, where you click the image and it just displays the text, then you gotta click the tiny next bar def killed me there
I've never had issues with pinch zoom affecting clickable images but I can imagine it would be annoying
but! never breaks me out of a comic for me to stop reading-! i persevere in the face of adversity XD
i've never encountered a site so bad i couldnt continue reading. maybe stuff where i'd stop reading until i was less frustrated but i'd come back later.
That’s something I’ll have to consider for my site then
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I feel like Smackjeeves had a really obnoxious auto pitch & zoom before they updated most recently. I like when I can turn it off on my phone. I'd rather do it myself most of the time and let my phone try to auto it X')
I usually read on desktop more often than on mobile so it’s good to hear from other’s experiences
Idk I've never used a custom site yet
same dae, except on tapas and webtoons!(edited)
comics with their own website i'll boot up my computer for a single update of
Even on webtoons I read on desktop
omg your power, webtoons feels so choppy on desktop to me
im definitely lucky that our site got a mobile friendly version i remember the 'ol pinchy zoomz was tiresome on our site for sure
I get headaches from reading on my phone unfortunately :/
Idk what the difference is between reading mobile and on a desktop but my brain doesn’t like it
Like, I can text fine???? But reading a comic for some reason is like “no”
So yeah, comics on desktop for me
ohh!! it could be the close proximity!
Ooh :0 maybe?
i know i get motion sickness depending on how close/ far i am from screens
Maybe it’s something like that... :O
whatever the reason sorry you get headaches and motion sickness from comics :'0
Every once in a while I’ll try again to read on mobile I never learn
the only reason i dont like mobile is sometimes comics text is a combination of too small there and the font is hard on my dyslexia
so i see if zooming in on my computer helps
The lesson here is that it’s good to have both mobile and desktop options
yep :'D
ohhh yea def agree. I know that feeling and i sometimes ... have a Time reading my own work XD (i admit it lol!!)
sometimes my own comic is hard on my dyslexia for The Effect so i never have hard feelings with other comics
ewiudhiwue the things we do AT WHAT COST XD
Meanwhile I use the same font for everything
wait im gonna generalize this more so it can be a party
Please post that on pillowfort so I can reblog it
you can post it for yourself if you want dae!
i'm having a hard time logging on asdfgjh
Rip sure
Ah see I have both
Because hand lettering
It's great for feeling right for a comic but also eternally wondering if it's readable
Ooh yeah I guess that would count as both
What’s your comic btw :0
Wait, we’re supposed to be talking about website design right
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yep! If it gets too off topic, you can always continue in another channel that's more fitting.
Ah sorry! Sure thing
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Mobile is too small for me
mm archives were mentioned already, and how it can really turn readers away to simply not have one at all? my favorite archive is https://www.vaingloriouscomic.com/comic/archive 's but i've seen some where they attempted an all picture archive and it backfired by just being a page of all empty boxes. this didn't deter me from reading it and it got fixed pretty quick tho~ mine is one of these and its a very chonky slowmoving page cause i uploaded the first 90ish as fullsized pictures. nobody's ever complained so idk if it's ever deterred anyone from reading but i know i gotta fix it someday.(edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I really dont mind any kind of web design in particular though tbh. I prefer desktop sites but it’s fine if the design isnt great
Have you guys ever gone to a comic website (for a single comic) and the colors used in the background were so bright that it felt like they were blinding you to the point it was hard to read the actual pages?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My archive is down right now becayse it broke and I dont know how to fix it lol
i def want a fully view-able archive but we're gonna be hitting 800 pages and i dont know how well that will work XD
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
But I have a navigation bar now
u could have multiple pages of archive, krispy!
i'm starting a new page for chapter 2
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Or dropdown menus
but its probably important to have a dropdown if u have more than 1 page, yeah
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I want to switch to picture archives, but I haven't found a good plug in/way to get my word press to do it :( if anyone has recommendations...
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wish I knew how to make dropdown menus
i'll have to bring that up ! we dont do the tech work for our site ( thank gosh seriously) but i love archives that show full pages
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
If I could make dropdown menus I would be unstoppable
I miss the drop-downs on SJ
i feel like dropdowns are smth i pretty much only exclusively see on hiveworks comics
i wonder what their secret is,,,
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’ve inspected the elements on so many hiveworks sites lol
I want to know
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
they use word press I think
for their comic sites
just have to do some digging with the site html and csss
Right click and inspect maybe...
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Php stands for my Personal hell pit
if i could go undercover for yall i would XD
also!! @mariah (rainy day dreams) i use elementor for mine
its not perfect and breaks like every time i update it but it works asdfg
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
... I'm currently writing a sparkling fresh wp-plugin for my page (comic easel wasn't doing what I wanted), but I am also a software dev who enjoys coding.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My template I use functions in mostly php and xml and its gibberish to me but functions so well I dont know how to improve it to have specific things I want
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my knowledge with site design is basic at best lmao
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
wordpress is a bit special in that it does most things more complicated than strictly necessary.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but I do like fiddling with stuff
^that too lmao
I know Shiza of osarilho is really good at web designing? she's made some beautiful work with her site!
i want to ask shiza for more help but not before i have some money to pay her :')
she's helped me a lot already
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can do html and css at the babiest level
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'll check that out Boogey, thanks! Even if it does break X') And I guess I'll just make a note to start stashing money to hire shiza XD im definitely at the point where my site needs a general face lift, but I don't have the spoons for it.
imo i've made some really pretty pges with it. it's a drag and drop that's excellent at galleries, but it doesn't like when you don't have even rows for some reason
the wordpress plugin, Elementor, i mean.
I've been wanting to try comicpress for ages
I just don't know where to start
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'm gonna move over to #shop_talk for my response
I had someone who was gonna help me out but we lost contact so it's on the back burner
OOPS yeah
But for websites in general I prefer to have one that feels very basic than one that feels too busy or crowded
I'm not a graphic designer at all lol
If I do try an independent site I'm planning to pay a coding friend to help me
yeah i have no idea what I'm doing when working on my site, it's kinda basic, but at least it looks nice
I just use a premade theme on my ComicFury site
It works and that's good enough for me so far
Oh I guess the other thing that would put me off reading a comic is if the site isn't formatted for mobile, and/or particularly if the site doesn't have adaptive formatting
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
same, but editted it hard core so it looks like it's own thing lmao
I usually read on my phone because my computer is where I work so I like to get off it for hobbies
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but for me uh i guess mobile i try to read it either on tapas, webtoon or its own site
I find just clicking the page to the next one helps me a lot lol I don't do a lot of zooming
It's personal preference a lot tbh!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I like my comuter because its big
Mine is not
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
did anyone talk about paying me please you don't have to do that
Idk but you can pay me
Idk what for but
I'll take money
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I absolutely would have to if you made my site awesome X') work is work, and you should be paid for it
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
fair enough
Just send me a DM whenever you're up for that and lemme take a look at what you already have
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I would hire someone to do web design for me but I dont have the funds & I dont wnat to make someone do work for me for free
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
I've been meaning to set up my own website for a while now, since the collective i was originally hosting my webcomic with kinda fell apart, but it's so much work and i'm hella intimidated :'''D
@sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead) there's been some related discussion in #shop_talk and I believe @boogeymadam might be able to advise (I'm sure others can too but I'm going off the convo from earlier)
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
@sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead) depending on how much it is I can help you out
Admin Reminder Remember this channel is for experiences as a reader first and foremost, so #shop_talk and #general are better if you want to discuss your own stuff.
thank you for the reminder :3
I would say poor web design is something I have a complicated relationship regarding webcomics. On the one hand, outside of a site being 100% completely broken, I'm willing to sit through a lot to read. So in terms of affecting whether I read a comic the first time or not, there isn't much to say there. But it does affect how engaged I am with the comic. Cause if I can't easily go back to re-read a page, easily find things like character names, have to deal with extreme lag cause the host is garbage, have to deal with eye bleeding color schemes, etc. you can bet your bottom dollar 1 time is all that comic is going to get in terms of reading it. I can only subject myself to so much, and if I don't feel like reading a comic again because of the site itself, I'm going to quickly forget it in favor of comics whose sites don't make me cry. I do give more leeway to sites created by creators in many respects. But professional bigtime hosts like Tapas or Webtoons literally have no excuse for some of their garbage design choices. And some of their design choices are super duper garbage.
that's true yeah, there's a big distinction of the quality expectations between sites by small creators and those of big companies like Webtoons
At the same time, though, I know from first hand experience that poor design choices are literally influenced by user data for bigger companies. So for every decision I consider stupid- at the same time they probably did the AB tests that showed crappy design A had better results for their conversion rates than user friendly design B.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Which boggles my mind
I wonder if there's some kinda causation-correlation thing going on that the A/B tests could not detect accurately
Rebel mentioned sites that have eyebleedy color schemes and I'm in the same boat; will read the comic, just will be turning down the screen brightness a looot. Sites that have a huge space of extremely neon background that distracts from the comic make me reluctant to read on the site, and I'll look for a mirror before trying. That white background of the 2 big comic hosting sites can at least be affected and turned dark by nightmode when needed, while nightmode doesn't work on half the bright comic sites I've tried it on. u-u
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angelsndragons · 5 years
Yeah, so that harry potter x good omens crossover is eating my brain right now and as I have another story that people are interested in, I thought I would throw this masterpost out there in the hopes that the plot bunnies will just shush and let me finish Uriel’s chapter, please dear god. Okay here we go!
This is a human AU, obviously, which takes place in the school year after the Last Battle. Both Aziraphale and Crowley come from old pureblood families, the Knights and the Rooks, which tie up about four generations back through a shared matriarch (God, or in this case, Frances). The Knights tend towards Hufflepuff while the Rooks tend towards Ravenclaw. Aziraphale is a Slytherin, Crowley a Gryffindor. 
The two of them threw themselves out of their families for a variety of reasons- Aziraphale left his family because they decided to flee Great Britain rather than stay and resist Voldemort, Crowley because he refused to join up. The two now go by Fell and Crowley respectively (the Knight who Fell off his horse and the Crow in the Rookery, hehe, i love puns). Aziraphale spent his time forging family trees and any other needed documents, Crowley went more on the smuggling muggleborns out of the country/hiding resistance members route than front line fighting.
Aziraphale has his bookshop, yes, it does have magical tomes but in his defense, the muggles just think they’re nifty fiction/old timey recipe books by obscure authors, Crowley is assisting the goblins with investments in the muggle world in between little bouts of mischief and tending to his greenhouse. Of course Crowley speaks parseltongue and of course he is a snake animagus. 
So, the battle happened, all dramatic, yay Voldieshorts is dead. Only now McGonagall has been appointed Headmistress and is trying to put things in order for the first school year since the war (side note: do not envy her, how the frick do you do that? Kids were tortured for a year, kids DIED, other kids refused to fight their families and friends, what about all those muggleborns who didn’t get their letter that year? OWL and NEWT students, what do you do about them? Did seventh years like Neville actually graduate? And how do you explain to new parents that hey, we just had a war about your child’s right to an education but don’t worry, that’s totally solved now??). So, Slughorn has read the writing on the wall. Dude knows his politics and knows that if his house is to survive, they’re going to need a new Head of House, one who isn’t attached to the wrong side of war. He agrees to stay on as Potions Master for a few years, because Merlin knows they already have too many vacancies, but someone else needs to be the face of his House. His mind immediately goes to Aziraphale, with whom he’s kept in contact over the years. Bright man, kind man, gentle-looking man, that one. But underneath? Oh, there’s fire and steel, exactly what the new House Head is going to need to walk that fine line between the defeated purebloods, the student collaborators, veterans, and victims, the ascendant anti-pureblood coalition. Someone who looks non-threatening enough but who will walk through hell to protect his students, even from themselves.
McGonagall goes to the shop to recruit him and he eventually agrees, once Crowley also signs on (because he ain’t letting Aziraphale walk into that den of wolves alone, they’re on their own side, thanks, and because Crowley likes kids and knows how shit this is gonna be and well, he can help okay?). McGonagall smirks and hands him the Head of Gryffindor job along with the Transfiguration job. Crowley just gapes at her because like, he’s never seen himself as any kind of authority figure and now he’s doubly one??? Like wtf? McGonagall calmly points out she can’t be the Head because she’s Headmistress and there aren’t any Gryffindors remaining on staff. Aziraphale, bastard that he is, just laughs and laughs at the situation. Yes, dear, it’s quite unfair. Yes, dear, I’m sure you’ll be the cool professor. He will be pulling triple duty as Head of Slytherin and Arithmancy and Ancient Runes Professor.
They share quarters and an office at Hogwarts because why not? Poor Crowley just aches for all his kids, from the second years determined to protect the firsties and help their year mates catch up to Ginny, who lost a brother and fought so hard, to Neville who led the student resistance to Harry Potter and his friends themselves. They’re not saviors, they’re kids and they’re hurting and there’s no going back for them, not really. He does his best by them, teaches Neville about the more obscure plants he’s smuggled into the castle, sits with the kids who are homesick or afraid or who can’t sleep (he visits the common room nightly and distracts them with wild tales or card games with special treats), helps the older ones navigate their new world. Because it’s hard, sitting in class with kids who at best did nothing and at worst had an active hand in torturing your friends. He and Aziraphale feel like they spend half their time trying to keep their Houses from literally killing each other and it is just so sad.
Aziraphale, though, has the harder job. They both know that. How do you deescalate a situation like Slytherin House after the war? Half your students have been taught that their way is right and can’t deal with the loss, the other half just want to survive school and forget everything that’s happened, all of them have close family dead or imprisoned due to their actions in the war. How do you find compassion for kids like them? How do you protect them from the school and how do you protect the school from them? Aziraphale finds that way, that love. They’re still kids, at the end of the day, even the eldest, even the ones who participated. They need help and Aziraphale is that guide for them, a guardrail. Sure, some of the Slytherins initially think that because he’s soft and gentle and kind that somehow he is weak, a pushover. He is not and they learn that very quickly. I choose to be what I want to be every day, so do you, he tells them, in a way they can understand. Not your families, not your friends, you. 
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janiedean · 5 years
Mood lightener ask, I am intrigued by book recs from you since you mentioned something about a dinosaur series a bit ago? Color me intrigued so top five books you'd recommend for people who enjoy ASoIaF?
okay so, I’m taking the dinosaurs out first because... well. hahah.
the dinosaur lords is ABSOLUTELY a thing you might wanna try out if you like asoiaf for reasons, BUT I’m warning you, the author died before finishing it (unless he wrote the last three but didn’t have publishing contract for the second part of the six-books plan but no one quite knows and no idea) so most likely you’ll never get a conclusion, warning you beforehand so that’s why I’m putting it outside the top five. BUT IF YOU LIKE ASOIAF YOU SHOULD STILL TRY IT because:
the author was a friend of grrm’s and it shows;
it’s literally asoiaf except people go around on dinosaurs;
there’s at least a couple characters who are totally asoiaf homages (there’s a dude named jaume who’s basically jaime and loras’s lovechild I SWEAR HE IS HE’S EVEN THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL KINGSGUARD) but not in a way that makes it look like plagiarism;
admittedly it takes a bit to find its rhythm, but when it does it’s really good because the worldbuilding is amazing and like... it’s basically fictional medieval europe with dinosaurs but to a really good degree and the representation is a+++, in the sense that idk one of the main four is obv. irish romani (or what irish romani are in that universe), a few are def. catalan, the french guy is really so french you wanna die, the italian dude actually comes from the oldest university in the realm, there’s people from russia/greece and the protagonist is basically some three eastern europeans countries thrown in one character but not stereotypically, like the guy is obv. a mix of russian/polish/mongol and he’s really a good character in that sense, there’s germans too, spanish ofc, like it’s really good in that sense
there’s an entire supernatural angle with ARCHANGELS WHO MIGHT BE ROBOTS which is honestly intriguing and a+ and I just wish the books hadn’t finished just before going deep into it
if you also want lgbt+ rep............. well, two out of the three supposedly straight characters are irish romani dude and the protagonist and I can 100% assure you that everyone I dragged into reading those books agreed with me that in each single scene they have together (ie: most of them) they’re gayer than Actual Gay People in these books, but other than them half of the cast is bi, the gay sex is better written than the straight sex (forreal there’s one of the few actually.... sexy m/m oral sex scenes I read in published fiction???), their sexuality is not the whole of their personality but it’s fairly stated that most of them are Really Not Straight and it’s really done well;
actually THE ENTIRE KINGSGUARD IS GUYS WHO FIGHT VERY WELL BUT LOVE ARTS AS WELL AND THEY ALL SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER EXCEPT THE TOKEN STRAIGHT FRENCH CHARACTER THAT THE JAIME AND LORAS LOVECHILD HAS A CRUSH ON and ngl I thought they would end up fucking at some point if the books went on so... XDDD anyway a+++ kingsguard >>> the one in asoiaf;
ngl at some points there’s some badly written sex scenes (the straight ones lmao I’m 99,9% sure milàn was not that straight himself) and it’s not half as complex as asoiaf and doesn’t have as many characters but it has the same scheme except with dinosaurs, archangels being robots and three people are straight and two of them are in love anyway;
so tldr I greatly recommend the dinosaur lords if you want something similar to asoiaf, don’t expect an ending, enjoy dinosaurs and a lot of nice rep for everyone. also Y’ALL HAVE TO SHIP ROB AND KARYL WITH ME BECAUSE THEY’RE RIDICULOUS.
.... wow, and you asked me the top five. lmaaaaao. anyway, given that the dinosaur lords will not be in the top five, I’ll go and advise you to read:
IAN TREGILLIS’S ALCHEMY WARS, which is not like **fantasy** but it’s alternate history where the netherlands win the colonial wars in the 16th century because they figure out how to make brass androids and they use it to basically destroy the british and drive the french to canada while they conquer the US instead of the british. it’s a trilogy, it’s completed, it’s flawless and features: FRENCH CATHOLICS VS DUTCH CALVINISTS WITH THE FRENCH WANTING TO TAKE BACK PARIS, PREDESTINATION VS FREE WILL IN THE ANDROIDS DISCOURSE, REHASH OF 16TH/17TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY DONE GREATLY, the greatest female character of genre literature since grrm (berenice GUYS BERENICE IS THE BEST GOD I LOVE HER SFM), the evil antagonist who’s a gal cersei wishes she was (like she’s terrible but she’s competent), the davos-like french general who knits in his spare time and the protagonist is the cinnamon roll-est android ever I love him sfm OH and the one time I cried because of a catholic fictional priest. guys tregillis is an a+++ top notch writer who has no time to waste with fillers and knows how to write a story even if HE HATES ME AND HE WANTS ME TO SUFFER and like... alchemy wars is really really good give it a go k?1,5. tregillis also wrote another alternate history trilogy, the milkweed tryptich, which is basically ‘the nazis create the x-men to win the war and so the british counteract by evoking ctuhulu and it goes exactly as it promises’. now: I have a love-hate rship with that one because the last book is narratively working but I hate everything it chose to be for reasons also i wanna punch the protagonist in the face, but thesuperevilgirl is totes the cersei of the situation and her brother has.... some srs jaime moments lmao he’s also my favorite ofc god klaus ily so much, and it has... some... well... ENGAGING choices lol I mean i loved book one and two and the third I did reluctantly but it could be an option? anyway ian tregillis is amazing and y’all should read him bye
the curse of chalion by lois mcmaster bujold has, as the amazing soul who recommended it to me pointed out, a protagonist that manages to be jaime and theon and partially sandor put into one. IT AMAZINGLY WORKS. the plot is kiiiinda more straightforward if you know spanish history bc the moment you figure out it’s the fantasy version of how castille and aragona united you know where it heads, but it has a lot of nice twists, also some a+ lgbt+ rep tho not as much as the dinosaur lords and the protagonist is.... really great I love him XD also ngl the fact that it ends fairly nicely is a balm so I’d try it, there’s other books in the same verse but I haven’t gotten around to read them yet
... guys stephen king’s dark tower is my fantasy favorite series EVER like ever, I love asoiaf and brienne is in my heart and she’s my true rep but nothing will top TDT for me ever for reasons and while it’s a completely different thing I still recommend it. caveat: I hate the last book with a vengeance and I think king fucked up the last two thirds real bad, but..... hey, it’s finished and the rest is 100% worth it. also jaime is totally the lovechild of the male protagonist and the other male-coprotagonist who are also my #1 ship ever in history so I’d give it a go ;) ;) ;) also while eddie’s my fave roland deschain is honestly the kind of character that you can only bow in front of like if I ever made an oc one hundredth as good as roland is in conception and execution and everything I’d feel like I accomplished everything I need in life. IT’S WORTH IT. TRY IT.
terry pratchett’s discworld: yes, it’s 41 books. yes it’s a lot. but you can read them by cycle which makes it a lot easier, they’re fun (the first three are a bit meh but the rest is all top notch I swear), they’re sarcastic and witty and delightful and it’s a++++ fantasy and I’ve been wanting to do the asoiaf au for ages sigh but anyway if you don’t want dark and grim but also want a+++ narrative, good satire about how our world sucks and a lot of fun at the expense of our pop culture (guys the book about their version of australia is a hoot and there’s a leonardo da vinci!!) GO FOR IT. IT’S AMAZING. also your life isn’t complete until you read about sam vimes and the local version of death speaking in capslock and being a cat person. also charles dance plays one of the mains in one of the tv adaptations and he was delightful xD
this is going to gain me rotten tomatoes, but....... grrm’s shared series wild cards. that he has going on with fifteen other writers including the aforementioned tregillis and milàn.yes, it’s like 28 books by now. no, it’s not perfect by all means and certain arcs are a total wtf and you don’t even have to read all of it, but especially grrm’s characters in it are obvious templates for asoiaf people (the powerful and amazing turtle is dark sam tarly and jay ackroyd is basically jaime without the incest and the extra good looks while lohengrin is brienne’s spiritual twin except for the looks), the shared worldbuilding is great, the alternate history story where buddy holly didn’t die and some of the protagonists organized a concert for him bc he was poor as hell was genius, and while a lot of the older stuff is dated and most likely was progressive for the eighties and would read a bit wonky now they always were super-inclusive, it has a bunch of nonwhite/nonstraight characters (esp. in the last books but there were also in the old ones, and the longest-standing gay dude since the eighties got a husband in the last trilogy!!! it was so ;_;), the alternate history is really good imvho and if you enjoy asoiaf you probably would like most of wild cards. if you want a reading order I made one here. xD
here you go sorry it took me one hour to answer it but IT GOT LONG XDD
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yellowpeach · 5 years
For the film asks, all of them? (2010/Chris Evans/Brie Larson/Edgar Wright for the *insert here* questions)
ahh!!! thank you so much for asking anon! this will take a while so i will probs stick most of it under a cut :)
a movie you’ve seen most times in cinema.
i answered this one here!
your most rewatched movie.
that’d be between toy story, the lord of the rings trilogy, moulin rouge, to all the boys i’ve loved before and this weird animated film called tubby the tuba. my grandma owned it on vhs and i spent basically every school holiday at her house so i watched it more times than i can think of!
a movie you quote on a daily basis.
i quote dumb youtube videos more than films on a regular basis, but i do quote a lot of lord of the rings lines like “it comes in pints?!” or anything else that comes out of one of the hobbits mouths.
favorite movie soundtrack
probably moulin rouge? that or the first guardians of the galaxy. they’re the only two that i still own on CD..
top 5 films of your favorite actor and actress
okay so my initial thought for favourite actor is actually tom hanks, so in that case.
forrest gump
toy story
 the green mile
larry crowne (not the most amazing film in the world but it’s so endearing to me!)
and for actress i would probably say toni colette? her or blake lively, but i don’t have a top five for either of them. for toni it’d be;
about a boy
muriel’s wedding
miss you already
and for blake it’d be;
a simple favor
the age of adeline
elvis and annabelle
top 5 performances of your favorite actor and actress.
see above, they’re one and the same to me.
a movie storyline you wish you had actually lived.
about time. might be biased since i’m watching it now, but it’d be nice to do things over if i could.
a movie that reminds you of your mum.
local hero. i’ve watched it with her many times and it’s one of her favourites.
a movie that reminds you of your dad.
any of the harry potter films. we went to all of them at the cinema together.
favorite movies from your childhood.
it’s gonna be toy story again. this will likely be a running theme, i fucking love this movie.
favourite quote(s).
too many to count from the lord of the rings. sam’s monologue at the end of the two towers, gandalf speaking to pippin in return of the king. also sam saying “i can’t carry it for you, but i can carry you!”. this is really just a love letter to sam now, isn’t it….
top 5 favorite female performances.
i would have to come back to this, i can’t brain right now.
top 5 favorite male performances.
see above.
favourite year for movies.
after googling, it looks like 1993 was a bloody good year.
your favorite movies from [insert year].
2010 is the year you mentioned and from looking on google, my faves are toy story 3, how to train your dragon, black swan, scott pilgrim vs the world, easy a, megamind, tangled, AHH DAYDREAM NATION CAME 2010!! MY FAVE!! man, 2010 was a good one :D
favorite [insert actor/actress/director] movies?
so you said chris evans, brie larson and edgar wright. so faves in order would be:
short term 12
captain america: the winter soldier
hot fuzz or the world’s end (can’t pick between the two soz)
list all you’ve seen from [insert actor/actress/director].
so many, my dude. so many.
an underrated actor.
brain is fried. i’m sure there’s some but i’m blanking hard.
an underrated actress.
see above.
an underrated director.
see above.
an overrated actor.
johnny fucking depp.
an overrated actress.
scarlett johansson soz lol
an overrated director.
a film you wish you had seen on the big screen.
like any of my favourite 80s movies or the original psycho. also the lord of the rings, for some reason my folks didn’t take me to those.
a movie you’ve seen that you think no one else’s here will have heard of?
i am yet to encounter someone who knows the previously mentioned tubby the tuba.
favorite movie characters.
steve rogers, rapunzel from tangled, leia skywalker, lara-jean song-covey
a film that was better than the book.
i love to all the boys i loved before, but the film captured me in a way that the book didn’t as much.
best remake.
i’d watch tom holland or andrew garfield over tobey maguire for spiderman any day fight me.
your first favorite actor.
probably orlando bloom? back when i was a wee bab, i watched anything of his that i could find at the video rental.
your first favorite actress.
hilary duff probably. child me watched all of lizzie mcguire and any movies of hers.
favorite animated film.
if you’ve read this far and can’t figure it out, i don’t know what to say. it’s toy story, obviously.
your most anticipated films.
endgame and basically any other superhero movie coming out, toy story 4, the sequel for to all the boys i’ve loved before, the richard curtis movie called yesterday that is coming out in june (???) i think, STAR WARS.
last movie that disappointed you.
sierra burgess is a loser. fuck, no one else wanted that movie to be good as much as i did.
last movie that surpassed your expectations
nothing will ever match how blown away i was by pacific rim when i saw it. i went with my cousin knowing literally NOTHING about it. also i guess 2017′s it. i’m not big on seeing horror at the cinema and i didn’t expect to find it as funny as i did because the kids in it were so great.
actor in need of new agent.
idk bruh, i can’t think of anything right now for this.
actress in need of new agent.
see above.
share an unpopular film opinion you have.
idk how unpopular this is because i’m pretty sure thanks to #metoo most people want these kind of people want out of hollywood, but i despise woody allen and roman polanski films. the fact that i had to study them while getting my degree is despicable, and the argument that they’ve done a lot for the film industry is trash. don’t make their work important, studying it so thoroughly gives it power and i want to never have to speak about their trash again.
favorite Oscar win/speech.
who couldn’t say olivia colman’s from this years oscars. that warmed my cold dead heart and i cried for her.
biggest Oscar snub(s).
arrival should have won/been nominated for more than it did.
who do you think is overdue for another nomination/win?
amy adams!!! she was so fucking amazing in arrival, i wanted her to win all of the things.
how many movies have you seen (rough estimation)?
must be hundreds (not that these answers are any indication since i’ve talked about approx four films) since i own hundreds of DVDs, i go to the cinema regularly, i am constantly watching stuff on netflix and any other streaming services.
a movie that made you go ‘wtf was that’.
un chien andalou, requiem for a dream and mothlight. the first two because they’re fucking disturbing, the last one because its just close ups of parts of moths and i had to watch it for a film paper. it’s a no from me.
a film that scarred you.
the mummy. the beetle under the skin gave me nightmares and i haven’t been able to watch it since.
most movies watched in a single day.
i havent’t taken notes, but i did watch all of the mcu movies with cap in them recently in a day?
a film that always makes you cry.
coco. i’ve yet to make it through without having a full on mental breakdown for the last third of that movie. also marley and me because doggos. and the last part of mamma mia: here we go again. and philadelphia. the take away from this answer is that i cry a lot in movies.
a film that always makes you laugh.
hot fuzz. in my first flat we watched it nearly everyday for like two weeks when we all moved in and watching it makes me think of how much we all laughed and quoted it to one another.
movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites).
get out, psycho, star wars, at least one classic film noir, arrival, the cornetto trilogy, back to the future. there’s more but i think this is a good starter for what i at least find to be important viewing.
a movie that took you a couple of viewings to appreciate.
honestly probably the lord of the rings. they didn’t really click with me until high school, and then they really really clicked. also fight club i guess; the second time around watching it, i got the toxic masculinity themes more. it sucks that men read that movie as the exact opposite.
a book you want to see adapted to the big screen.
i believe i already answered this here!
a book you really, really, really don’t want to see made into a film.
does jk rowling’s twitter count? i want to see nothing more from the harry potter universe that she has had anything to do with.
favorite child performance.
the kids in the goonies and it 2017 come to mind. let kids act like kids!!!
favorite pre-code.
mate, you are making the assumption that i remember enough of the old films i studied in my degree, and that i remember the pre-code dates. i’m sure i have one, but that is buried far too deep in my brain to actually remember.
Favorite silent film.
i really enjoyed the buster keaton stuff we watched when i did my history of film paper.
favorite coming of age film.
boyhood, love simon, the edge of seventeen, my girl (i’ll be honest, i just googled coming of age movies and picked my faves from the top results. doesn’t mean i don’t stand by these!!)
favorite superhero film.
captain america: the winter soldier, spiderman: into the spiderverse, black panther and the dark knight rises.
best cinematography.
i still really like her and wes anderson for their cinematography.
movies you know you should watch, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
so fucking many, my dude. the amount of movies i wrote essays about when i had watched maybe three scenes and read the synopsis is insane. after getting a degree in it, and with how burned out i got, i found it very hard to give a shit about classics that lecturers told me were important. the big one is the godfather; it’ll be a cold day in hell when i finally watch that one.
favorite genres.
i’m a sucker for anything romantic. also film noir, superheroes, animated, female-led, stuff set in the 80s, lgbt film (that isn’t gross and exploitative), comedy horrors. idk man, it’s hard to describe.
least favorite genres.
dull as fuck period pieces that say approximately nothing new and hash out the same old tired shit about treatment of poc and/or women. comedies in the same vein of austin powers, napoleon dynamite and sasha baron cohen stuff. white feminist narratives. anything that is shitty about fat women. 
biggest movie pet peeve.
dark for no fucking reason!!! let films be bright and happy!!! ya girl hates having to strain her eyes to see what the heck is going on.
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uramireadings · 5 years
Tarot Reading for SR
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@damebun here is your reading! It’s a pretty positive spread, so I think things will work out for you.
The Past: The Emperor. WTF, he keeps showing up today. He represents a parental figure or someone with authority in your life, even if not your literal biological father. You need determination, discipline, and strength to get what you want. If you’re looking for work, keep going. You put the legwork in already, it shouldn’t be too long now. The Universe, God, or whatever your tradition’s main deity/spirit is is backing you up.
The Present: Knight of Wands, reversed. Don’t do anything you will regret, that’s the best advice I can give you. Calm down! Your anger might lead you to do something reckless. Even if other people anger you, try to be more forgiving. It’s something I need to work on as well, my rage can get out of control.
The Future: Four Of Pentacles. Well, you’re going to have money, so that’s good! You worked hard for that money and you’re not going to want to give it up. But remember you’re a human, not a dragon! You don’t need a big pile of money and no stuff. You’re going to be in a decent financial position, it’s okay to spend some of it! This card is good for stability. I think your outcome will be good!
Good luck!
Slots remaining: 3
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kateanddevinreview · 6 years
London Has Fallen
In which Kate and Devin write a porno
Devin: Okay, so this movie is just Gerard Butler being a badass right? Is this the one with Denzel Washington? Or are neither of those things right.
Kate: It’s something like that.
Devin: Well, Butler showed up in the credits, but so did morgan freeman?
Kate: It’s a trifecta!!
Devin: Or maybe I'm just racist and mixed them up.
Kate: Or maybe it’s the two of them being badass together.
Devin: I made some comment the other day about minorities being underrepresented at the oscars or something and they asked what actors I think should win instead and I blanked on literally every minority actor I knew.
Kate: Hahahah. It’s still true though. And to be fair, could you name any white actors?
Devin: My brain got stuck on Tom Hardy and forgot literally every other actor on earth
Kate:I think he’s on tv now anyway. So far this movie is starting a bit slow. Do you think someone is going to be shot soon?
Devin: I find it weird that we are in....India?
Kate:  I think we’re at an Indian wedding. Terrorist’s daughter is getting married
Devin: This is set up for motive?
Kate: Probs
Devin: The Phantom of the Opera and Harvey Dent go for a jog
Kate: Why are politicians always running? I don’t think they do that much
Devin: I think cause DC? it's an easy excuse to pan around the lawn
Kate: Ok well fine, coming at me with movie reasons. Wait, is this a sequel?
Devin: Is it? Was the last one just called "London"?
Kate: I was thinking Gerald saved a president in the last one?
Devin: She has crazy eyes
Kate: She does but she’s pregnant
Devin:  I'll forgive it if we get through this movie without her vomiting.
Kate:  She’s in like her third tri already so she really shouldn’t
Devin:  Google says this is a sequel, to Olympus Has Fallen. Lots of stuff falling apparently
Kate: Knew it!!! I’ve seen that one too
Devin: Really? I'm guessing last time he saved President Harvey Dent from terrorists, wooed or impregnated his wife, and got hired for secret service or unfired from secret service
Kate: Unfired, if it’s what I’m thinking of
Devin: This time he'll save the Prime Minister from terrorists, see his kid born, and...uh. Be knighted? That's my guess
Kate: Seems like a totally logical guess to me. I’m betting he discovers the Prime Minister was murdered. I don’t think people are expected to attend state funerals?
Devin: I think it's cause his vice isn't available? I think normally this is the kind of thing they send him for. But I am basing that on episodes of Madam Secretary so who knows
Kate: New guess!! President is killed and Butler has to protect Freeman
Devin: Hmmm. Maybe. Is Freeman the Vice?
Kate: Yes. He said “Hello, Mr VP”
Devin: I'm missing like half of this dialogue, idk how
Kate: Cause it’s boring
Devin: I want splosions!
Kate: This baby melodrama music is not my favorite. Once again I feel like writing is letting us down?
Devin: Yeah. Be better hollywood!
Kate: Also important people shouldn’t just sign shit without looking at it
Devin: is this the fringe guy? No. Who is he? He's someone
Kate: I think? No?
Devin: Fringe guy is similar but different. Oh! The Magicians? Magicians teacher guy?
Kate: No, definitely not him
Devin: IMDBing....
Kate: “Most protected event on earth”= everyone will die
Devin: Yup. This cast listing order is stupid. Do we know British Gerard Butler's name?
Kate: You mean the head of the British security? Also no. Also I think they’re going to use kids?
Devin: Yes, British guy. Mr. Sands! From Limitless. Thanks wikipedia, for your superior cast list
Kate: Limitless. That’s right, I never watched much of that
Devin: I really liked the main guy and all the arts and crafts in that show. I'm sad it was cancelled. Also we should add the movie to our review list
Kate: Yes!
Devin: Splosion! I didn't think those guards were supposed to have real guns? Then again EMTs should definitely not have rocket launchers
Kate: Hahaha, yeah, those cops are definitely plants. It’s clearly a very well orchestrated attack
Devin: Pretty sure only america gives their cops guns. Also, rocket launcher
Kate: Wow I don’t care how this movie ends the world would not recover from this
Devin: Yeah Kate, it's fallen. Show. Us. The. Egg. It's not London unless I see the big glass egg and the ferris wheel
Kate: How did they know that one president wouldn’t leave on time?
Devin: Trackers? Or they caused the traffic?
Kate: No, he decided?
Devin: Motorcycles, a car's only weakness
Kate: Nice driving!
Devin: Don't injure civilians!
Kate: Ummmm, Devin. I think that ship has sailed.
Devin: He rammed the bad guy into a non bad guy car!
Kate: Oh fuck. Ok so who is the black lady? Is she the First Lady?
Devin: Voight buddy, you could have moved. He's the driver, she's the head of secret service
Kate: He was driving! It was a bullet! Give him some credit. Is she?
Devin: Yes. According to wikipedia
Kate: She’s not doing much. And she hunkered with the president?
Devin: Right? Stop flailing. Where is your gun, woman?
Kate: Oh god. That was brutal
Devin: That was very brutal
Kate: Why didn’t they park closer to the chopper?
Devin: Crashing in 3...2...oh ok nvm
Kate: Hahaha
Devin: He's got a cane so you know he's evil
Kate: So true
Devin: Moral of this movie: don't trust the handicapped
Kate: And yet, they didn’t detect a plan of this magnitude
Devin: Uh, did those people just have labels?
Kate: Yes. NSA and something else
Devin:  Like, movie? Movie. We do not care
Kate: I’m assuming it will be important later?
Devin: Why is the lady not doing anything?
Kate: Nice, flares! I like flares. Why are they flying so low anyway?
Devin: I got distracted googling the secret service
Kate: Anything pertinent to share?
Devin: Apparently the director just does the boring shit, so idk why she's even here
Kate: Ummmm, I think the movie should end here?
Devin: Yes they all died. The End
Kate: No way anyone survived that. I call bullshit
Devin: Also, I assumed presidents would have like one guy their whole time in office? But apparently they hire someone new a lot. Oh she dead.
Kate: For the secret service?
Devin: As director. Like Obama had 2
Kate: I mean, that’s four years for each
Devin: Trump has already had 2. The first guy for like 2 months? 1 month?
Kate: Well, Trump does that a lot. He’s had like 8 communication directors
Devin: I just wonder if they choose to leave or if the president purposefully swaps them out
Kate: Also working for the president is really intense, so maybe you just burn out and have to leave
Devin: Makes sense. The local biker gang is here
Kate: I don’t think bikes make that noise. That is dumb
Devin: Yes. Also no one checked the wreck
Kate: At least we know from earlier scenes they are fast runners!
Devin: This looks like he put his manifesto on youtube
Kate: What point is there in entertaining this phone call? Also why does he care about one president?
Devin: Imagine if he called before they watched the video! Like 5 minutes earlier
Kate: Right? He should take the uniform too
"Who is this?"
"It's...seriously? You didn't see my video?"
"h/o googling it"
"It's on youtube"
"yeah one sec, gotta sit through this 50 shade of grey trailer"
Kate: Ahhhhhhh Being hunted by motorbikes!! Oh no
Devin: Sure, that's subtle. Also this is a regular subway
Kate: I like that he was able to loot the body for weapons. Very practical
Devin: Jesus Gerard Butler. WTF? You went from zero to torture in no time
Kate: I know, little intense. Definitely running on adrenaline
Devin: This is the most 'murrican fucking movie. You cannot convince me that huge squads of racists didn't come out of this movie going "rah rah ‘murrica"
Kate: Oh god. Unfortunately yes
Devin: Although these talky bits suck. I'd rather have more fighting. Oh, thanks label, I really cared what time it was
Kate: Everyone is dead, that’s what this discussion is. I mean surrender and then ambush. How many people do they think there are? You’re not going to be professional right now? Weird
Devin: Blah blah blah. Bitch it was a wedding. Of course his family was there
Kate: How did you not know his family was there? It was a wedding. So dumb
Devin: What even is the point of that dialogue? There better be drugs in his water or something
Kate: What kind of shoddy intel are you all operating on? This is dumb. Do criticize if necessary. You have to teach them. Also off color jokes?
Devin: "You know what's most important Mike? Children. That's why we are never going to spend time with ours in any subsequent movie."
Kate: Of course it’s not your delta team.
Devin: Yeah why was that message not in code?
Kate: Zoom in!
Devin: Enhance! Your safe house has a fucking skylight!?
Kate: Seems like a pretty lame safe house. Oh this is gross
Devin: This movie is very gratuitous with its gore
Kate: It really is. And president you should not have done that. You are not almost out of this by any long shot
Devin:  There must be a porno of this where they fuck right then
Kate:  Did all of MI6 just die?
Devin: I'm not going to lie, that weird pirate porno you made us watch that one time is better than this movie
Kate: Haha! Oh pirates. Also my taste is terrible because I still enjoy this
Devin: I don't believe the hackers would make this basic of a mistake
Kate: No, me neither
Devin: Also driving seems like the quickest way to be spotted?
Kate: They kept everything under the radar but you didn’t notice this earlier?
Devin: Ok I guess at least the car is bulletproofed
Kate: How many of these terrorists are there supposed to be?
Devin: It's just the same 4 guys, they're really fast. They keep healing when they're off screen
Kate: Seems like an infinite supply. Mutants!! Also Mike is still somehow always faster
Devin: Now I want an action movie where 3/4 of the way through you realize he's been re-killing the same 5 guys over and over and surprise! it's really a fantasy/horror movie!
Kate: That would be so good. Change the whole game. I do oddly think this would make a good porno with very very little change
Devin: It's cause there's so much standing really close while breathing heavily and the plot is basically just as thin
Kate: Yeah pretty much. It’s a male romance novel
Devin: Also there have been.....5 women? in this entire movie. 6, I guess. Wife, mother, secret service director, beehive, assistant cop, MI6
Kate: Assistant cop?
Devin: Black lady?
Kate: I don’t remember her
Devin: She was in the bullpen with not!Fringe guy
Kate: Ok sure
Devin: Oh, ok, and random lady who had a text label I didn't read
Kate: There was the turning 30 woman and one lady head of state.
Devin: Still, none of these people shooting right now? There's like 20 guys in this scene!
Kate: Nope. Can’t have women in harm’s way unless they don’t have a choice. Also no lady terrorists
Devin: Only lady terrorists allowed are dead motivation ones
Kate: Also I’m subbing lady because it’s faster to type than woman
Devin: Agreed
Kate: Omg. Whispered “Mike.” Straight out of a romance novel
Devin: What? Are you ahead of me or did I miss it?
Kate: Maybe? The president whispered it
Devin: No! I must have missed the Mike whisper
Kate: He should be really tired by now. He didn’t have dinner!
Devin: "Hear that? My boyfriend is coming"
Kate: He really should just kill the president. It doesn’t make sense not to
Devin: There is so much manly eye contact and face holding
Kate: So much
Devin: Like I'm pretty sure almost this exact sequence happened in Outlander
Kate: In the porn there would be a scene where the president seduced him, Mike walked in on it, and then they have a threesome
Devin: With the bad guy?
Kate: Yup
Devin: That seems like it would be out of place plot wise. Would the bad guy turn himself in or something?
Kate: No. Just random sex that doesn’t make sense
Devin: Weird. The sex should make sense!
Kate: It’s for real a thing that happens in porn, you get whiplash. Oh god. This is lame. Really?
Devin: One punch where he runs all the way across the screen. So stupid
Kate: Did we learn who the brit mole was?
Devin: Nope. They hacked the police station I think? Damn! Wheelchair guy didn't even get to make a speech about how bad America is. This movie is not even pretending to care about America's mistakes
Kate: Why didn’t he just shoot everyone?
Devin: Out of bullets?
Kate: He hasn’t run out of guns until now
Devin: What even is this dialogue right now?
Kate: Really dumb
Kate: America’s not even 500. Witty banter!
Kate: Also he’s not dead because you haven’t killed him?
Devin: Yeah you just punched him a bit and talked nonsense
Kate: Once again, another thing they wouldn’t have survived.
Devin: I feel like the porno version of this has them go back to their wives at the end with lots of meaningful looks and sly smiles between the two main dudes. Like "yeah, we'll do this again next mission"
Kate:  Oh no! But yes probably. Why was there a lock in an elevator?
Devin: Is the president the only one alive from this whole thing? They would definitely make out in this elevator
Kate: I think one other world leader survived? There was a missing link to the terrorist?
Devin: I guess?
Kate: Who sent a fucking video?
Devin: Honestly this plot is stupid Yeah he's def the mole. Also he's running away? Like he obviously did it
Kate: Are we supposed to care about him or her? Because I do not
Devin: They would have had sex earlier in the porno
Kate: Yeah. It would have made more sense. Just kill him already
Devin: Also she would have just arrested him. I feel like the porno would have less murder
Kate: It’s weird that normally I complain about too much sex? But this would just be better as a porn
Devin: Yeah our review is basically "this would have made a better porno"
Kate: How would you have found him?
Devin: Who hears "look out your window" and looks up at the ceiling? Oh maybe that's what the missing link was?
Kate: Also the VP does not have the authority to call that type of strike
Devin: What is this 10 angled shot explosion? Ok, we've got a baby
Kate: So it’s been at least a few weeks
Devin: No prime minister but I didn't realize it was his funeral so I feel like the president is close enough. Now knighthood
Kate: Sure. They don’t know how emails work? Re: is for replies
Devin: "Many people would say this is our fault, but we're america so fuck those people. we'll kill those people."
Kate: “Commence spending no time with my kid”
Devin: In the porno version we end instead with a mirror of the earlier DC lawn scene, with them sitting on a bench watching their wives/kids, and the pres saying something like "still want to quit?" and Butler saying "and leave you, sir? Never." And then meaningful eye contact. Roll credits.
Kate: Hahahah
Devin: Okay, so scores
Kate: Yes. Scores.
Devin: 3/10 for the movie, 6/10 for the porno
Kate: I go a little higher movie? Like 4.5 for the movie.  6 for porno though. I think we can agree that no porn should ever rank higher than 7
Devin: Yeah. Like, even amazing porn is still porn
Kate: Ummmm tropes? So many, “family as our motivation”
Devin: “America is terrible and we never learn anything”?
Kate: Which is so hypocritical
Devin: “One man assumes command of literally every other character without argument”
Kate: Hahahaha. So like 7 on the tropes? They all fit the plot really well
Devin: Yeah, I mean it had a very particular niche and it played to it
Kate: Exactly
Devin: I'm going to give the title an 8/10. Catchy and accurate
Kate: I can agree. Thematic
Devin: London did pretty much fall. Like an old lady in a Life Alert commercial
Kate: Better than Olympus has fallen
Devin: Yeah, plus how fucking pretentious is it to call the white house "olympus"?
Kate: Exactly
Devin: What would the porn title be? I feel like they're usually puns?
Kate: Pun for sure. London may fall but our guys stay up
Devin: kind of long
Kate: It could be the tagline?
Devin: Oh yeah, good tagline. My brain gave me "Banging Private Ryan" which does not fit but is almost certainly a movie that exists
Kate: Hahahahaha. Banging president something? Whatever his name was
Devin: No idea, I called him Harvey Dent the whole movie. London Goes Down?
Kate: London laid down? Cause laid. Get it?
Devin: H/o I have to see if there is a real porn title for this. NSA people monitoring my internet searches, I'm really sorry
Kate: Gives them some spice! A story to take home
Devin: Top result for "London Has Fallen Porn Title" is:
"London Has Fallen movie condemned as racist 'terrorsploitation' "
"London Has Fallen is gun-barrel porn"
Kate: Whelp. Yep. I feel bad for enjoying it?
Devin: "London Has Fallen Is The Worst Film About Our City Ever"
Kate: Oh no it was a piece of shit for sure. Super fucking racist
Devin: “Blowing London.” That's my official submission
Kate: Nice! “Blowing London” is great. I thought you’d actually found it.
Devin: Ok, any parting words?
Kate:  It was a dumb racist movie that I feel guilty for enjoying anyway? Which means we should have more action movies made with better plots and motivation. And female representation!
Devin:  Or more action movies that are just porn
Kate:  Or that. What about you? Parting words?
Devin: If you want to see a movie where Gerard Butler brutally murders everyone, this is it. Or, you know, go watch 300, it is less awful.
Kate: So true.
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cheollies · 7 years
Tumblr media
requested by anons: combined two because they were similar: prince/royalty au + falling for another royalty s/o
im just going to say it again
Those diamond edge photos where everyone just looks princely and it’s all heaven and some ouran host club type looking outfits
basically every girl in the entire city is saving themselves to be with him
he doesn’t wear the full out prince suit with tons of bedazzles on it all the time, instead he saves it for special occasions like formal meetings
but he also doesn’t go out dressed in sweatpants and jeans, oh no, he’s a prince, he prides himself on looking nice for his citizens
so he’s usually in a really nice suit, it’s made of the finest material and cost more than five businesses combined
is the oldest prince of all the thirteen neighboring kingdoms
so he’s most likely going to snag the crown before everyone else and everyone is just groaning because Seungcheol keeps saying that they’re all going to have to call him ‘King Seungcheol’ soon
his kingdom sits on the edge of the map but it borders three kingdoms: Jihoon’s, Joshua’s, and Jeonghan’s
therefore it’s not uncommon for him to randomly appear in Jihoon’s room at midnight reading a comic he picked up on the way by going through Joshua’s kingdom
Whenever he’s out and about, he walks confidently with the widest grin on his face as all the girls swoon over his handsome looks, and he does that thing where he winks at the women who then screech while covering their faces and his knights are literally rolling their eyes like ‘what a cocky prince’
Works very dutifully, does everything his father says and listens carefully, he doesn’t want to ruin his father’s reputation and damage the family name
but since his father is still king, Seungcheol’s left to study the map and all the economics and well he usually ends up dozing in class since he basically knows everything about the kingdom inside and out
gets bored, so he visits the other princes
and all the other kings and queen dote on him so much because he’s the oldest and they’re all pinching his cheeks like ‘oh i remember when you were just a baby, you went around getting everyone to call you king seungcheol’
because he’s the oldest, he gets a lot of pressure about being a ‘good and fair king’
is one of the princes that is most often in the group chat
Seungcheol: i’m bored
Jihoon: aren’t you supposed to be working
Seungcheol: my dad says i can’t touch anything
Jihoon: what a wonderful king you are
Sends snaps of himself awake at one in the morning eating at a fast food restaurant that’s only in Wonwoo’s kingdom whose kingdom is literally on the opposite side of the map
Doesn’t even visit Wonwoo, like he just went for the food
Sends a snap to Jihoon
Honestly has too much free time for a prince
met you when he was four years old, he met you with his big brown eyes looking over the crib, on his tippy toes to peek his head in because of curiosity
his eyes stare in amazement as you, a baby, wiggles around in the crib, obviously uncomfortable and your face crinkles into a frown, a cry almost slipping from your mouth when the most curious tiny finger sticks his hand into the crib
seungcheol pokes the softness of your cheek and your eyes open wide, tilting your head at the new face above you, a smile breaks out as you giggle, grasping his finger and letting out a wonderful chuckle
and Seungcheol looks at his mother who bend to the boy, whispering the words he’d keep in his heart for years
‘this is y/n, you’re going to marry her and she’s going to be your wife. Just like how your dad and I are.’
yes, he was arranged to marry you, the daughter of a tiny neighboring country next to Seungcheol’s
it was something that happened to cover disputes, your country was very small, a country that could have been easily taken over by seungcheol’s but instead, his parents used it as an opportunity for an arranged marriage
you stayed a lot at his castle, your whole life was practically spent inside the walls of the place
Ever since he met you, Seungcheol was smitten by the cuteness of your pretty braided hair, flower hair pins bouncing on your head as you jumped, a pretty dress dangling on your shoulders as you struggled to pick apples from the tree
he was the most protective over you, practically attached to your hip when you two were younger
always helping you with anything, climbing trees to reach the deliciously red apple you wanted and not even crying when he tumbled to the ground after grabbing it, he carried you over mud piles with a confident face even though you were heavy for his strength
and you, you loved the boy with dirt on his face after so stressfully trying to catch the rabbit you saw, he was your safe haven when the other princes crowded around, often clinging to the back of his shirt, when nightmares clouded your dreams you opened the door to his bed, wobbling as you used all your strength to climb into his bed where he continued to be sound asleep
and for years, you two stayed together in the castle, from childhood to awkard pre-teen phases, to adulthood
and honestly, with all the beautiful girls in the city practically falling at his feet, he still remains swooned at the way you throw your pizza at his face when he makes a wildly inappropriate remark
and honestly, as much as you hate the way he cockily knows he’s the most handsome person in the entire world, you can’t help your feelings that sway wildly when he’s pouting and asking you to help with the tie around his neck because a grown man who’s spent most of his adult life wearing suits, doesn’t know how to tie a necktie
he doesn’t do grand gestures, it’s a lot of work for him and he’s already tired from messing with the other princes and besides, Seungcheol always accidentally lets it out which ruins the surprise
so his grand gestures, the gestures that makes your heart go wild and a smile spread across his face, is when he buys pizza from Chan’s kingdom, whose kingdom borders Wonwoo so remember, it’s legit the opposite side of the map
and you know how he gets it so fast, he forces Chan over text and calls and reaching out to his parents, to go and order a pizza, bring it to his castle, and wait as Seungcheol takes a helicopter and climbs down to get the pizza and just goes home without anything else
That’s how Seungcheol gets pizza
and this isn’t just any pizza okay, it’s the best pizza you and cheol ever had, you two had this pizza when you guys were children and now it’s just become this couple food that you two have
by the time you were twenty, your room across from seungcheol’s had suddenly disappeared, all of your stuff was left lying around Seungcheol’s room, your clothes were suddenly smooshed in with Seungcheol’s and your toothbrush in his private bathroom
he teases you a lot
‘Remember when we were kids and you crawled into my bed because you dreamed Chan’s pizza place closed down’
‘s t o p’
‘you used to kiss me so much when we were kids, what happened?’
‘I will break off this marriage’
‘you were so cute back then when you would hide behind me because Jeonghan was here’
it didn’t occur to seungcheol that he’s never officially proposed to you until one night, you’re scrolling through your phone and he’s looking at you, your hair in a wild bun, a big t-shirt that almost dangles from off your shoulder, and all seungcheol says is
‘I can’t believe i’m marrying you’
and you turn because while seungcheol meant it lovingly, you took as he was teasing your appearance, so you stick out your tongue at him ‘who say’s i’m marrying you, i don’t have a ring on this finger’
‘Marry me then’ you look at him unamused but he steals your phone, gaining your attention, ‘marry me’
‘we’re already going to so give me my phone back’
Seungcheol tosses your phone aside, grabbing your hips and locking you down on the bed, ‘marry me, next week at this time.’
You’re looking at him in disbelief, ‘are you serious’
‘Let’s get married’
and it happens, one week later, with every detail of the wedding pulled out of everyone’s arse in one week to create the beautiful setting
and on that same day, the entire city joins the newlyweds as they are crowned king and queen
not two years later is it that you’re pushing and shoving the snoring Seungcheol next to you, a big kick jolts him up and he’s able to hear it
the shrill cry of the child and seungcheol sighs ‘this isn’t fair I had him last night’
‘you helped make him so you help clean him’
‘rock paper scissors?’
‘I’ll buy you all the pizza in Chan’s kingdom’
and so, with tired eyes of a king that worked hard during the day, he holds his son in his arms, lulling him back to sleep, and instead of setting the boy back in his crib, Seungcheol lays him next to you, sliding in the bed as the small child creates a barrier between the couple
seungcheol catches the tired smile upon your face as your hand reaches the stomach of your baby boy and he can’t help but still be swooned, because the smile may be from the lips of a grown woman, he still pictures the toothy grin of a little girl with beautiful braided hair and pretty flower pins
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kkrazy256 · 7 years
Transformers The Last Knight spoiler thoughts
Here are my notes for the movie. I have to go back soon to watch it again for technical details/film minor purposes. But these are my super unprofessional opinions. Mostly me screaming about my robot children.
Enjoy? :’D
  -entire beginning (the random kids, Izabella and Mark’s appearance) was a bit weak. Starting in medias res without explaining. 
- Though watching Bee drag Santiago’s ass around while he was shrieking was A+ 
- Hyped up Izabella yet after first part of movie, she was barely in it. Moner’s an amazing actress, she’s gonna go places. I hope to see her around some more. She’s adorable, I get slight TFP Miko feels from her, sneaky child (especially towards the end when she sneaks aboard and is like yeah idk how I got here lol)
- Sqweeks the new BB8, a good child. 
- nice team Prime exposition in the junkyard. I wish there was more of this type of interaction , showing that the robots are more than just bloodthirsty walking metal. 
- Man the fucking tension between BB and Crosshairs, just rolling around in the dust, fucking make out already. 
- Drift is my temperamental son and I love him.
- Baby dinobots are literal puppies and Cade sorta just adopted a ragtag team of jittery orphans and I’m emotional.
- nice Tessa and Cade family moment 
- Hound is mah boi, a gentle giant 
- Military is like “that voice…it’s Megatron” but this is Welker’s first time voicing Megatron (not counting Galvatron) so XD but yes to Frank Welker finally getting the job as Megatron.
- wtf is megatron doing, did they really give back a few criminal decepticons for two CIA agents. Him on his throne was YES. The lawyer scene was pretty funny. But they don’t explain how he turned from galvatron to megatron again. When did he contact Quintessa?
- My treacherous friend- GOD DAMN Megatron should’ve kept starscream’s head and just had fun commentary all throughout the movie. Imagine tho ((SHIT WHAT WOULD  STARSCREAM DO…FUCK UP THAT’S WHAT… STORECREAM THIS IS YOUR FAULT OH WAIT YOU DEAD…SCRIMSCRAM YOURE USELESS)) 
- Cogman is already badass, rip Crosshair’s fingers.
- It felt like two separate movies the moment Cade left for London. The joys of Bayverse script quality
- Anthony Hopkins sure travels fast
 - they totally put Simmons in for the hell of it, he wasn’t necessarily needed. But who cares Easter eggs, it’s been a while buddy, how’ve you been.
- Vivian’s clothes and boyfriend problems, enough with the forced romance already. At least her mother and gaggle of old ladies wouldn’t have minded if she chose a girlfriend apparently? Wow wouldn’t that have been nice. She’s going to date that one cute gal on her polo game team and Cade’s saving himself for OP CLEARLY
- The watch that killed Hitler - international treasure
- is that an Aston Martin?? all of Anthony Hopkins cars made me super fucking jealous. That was pure car porn and I loved it
- Cogman is MVP
- Optimus got turned real quick. He has less screentime than Megatron rip my father- almost every moment of him and Quintessa was already in the trailer. And they kept pushing his storyline aside in favor of the humans like honey no. Show me more conflict and torture on his side, so there’s progression in him being “brainwashed”, that seemed almost too easy, it’s insulting. Quintessa got so little screentime, it made her seem less intimidating. 
- She slapped the evil red paint into him hell yeah. Clearly she did the same to Megatron. I wanted to see that lmao. Why the hell was megatron working for her in the first place. How do you have so much shit happen yet give us nothing
- Wait so…does Cybertron have rocket boosters how is it moving towards Earth so fast…cool
- they under used all the robot characters, pushing so much history and exposition on the audience through human perspective when they had a plethora of robot characters that could’ve explained their past. So much potential but no steps are taken. Like Bee was around WWII but he doesn’t say anything when they’re discussing it like hello? Could’ve used Hot Rod better too. He’s a good boy, let him do more.
- drift and crosshairs have basically no role towards the end except to play pilot and they’re barely on screen even then. Whyyyy. They shined the most during the junkyard scene in the beginning.
 - Andd we have to watch Vivian stare at Cade’s nipnops for a full minute and listen to cringe-y forced romance
 - Cogman I love you. He ain’t having none of Cade and Vivian’s romance bullshit. I want him to be my sushi chef.
- Its like the TRF can’t fucking decide what their goal is. They’re too afraid to shoot Cade. Half the time they’re the “bad guys” half the time they just go along with what’s happening with a huge question mark on their face. No real explanation on why Lennox and Epps are there.
- Nemeis Optimus doesn’t even sound that different from regular Optimus lmaoo, it’s just rah I will kill you all!! Just a regular old day in the life of bayverse OP. *Puts on sunglasses* just chill, sit down, relax, stop screaming.
- Puts staff in boobs subspace. TIT POCKETS GOOD SHIT
- Wow Optimus snapped out of it real quick. But his scene with bumblebee was one of the most heart warming in this movie. Bee’s voice asdfghjkl;
- I am your oldest friend, BITCH YOU HIS SON
 - Every time he said nemesis prime, I cringed and laughed
 - WOW Megatron stole the staff from OP’s TITS 
- Optimus getting his ass kicked by the knights and megatron was the highlight of my day. He’s so small compared to them and just fuck yeah my sadistic needs
- yes he stabbed/ripped a face again, we need to talk about your face ripping fetish
 - Megatron uses HEADBUTT. Effectiveness? To be determined.
- megatron is once again playing secondary villain, interacts with Prime for a total of thirty seconds before blasting off again. Wow nice seeing these two ex husbands interact 30 seconds out of a three hour movie wow. You know what they could’ve done? Shown more of Quintessa Optimus and Megatron interaction like how would Megs and Op treat each other when they thought they were on the same side like WOW THAT WOULDVE BEEN COOL YKNOW
- When will Megatron get to be the main villain again. Let the old man be dramatic. 
- SAY HELLO TO MY FRIEND BUMBLEBEE. HAH. SAY HELLO TO MY SON BUMBLEBEE. This is the corny shit i come to see!!
- quintessa also went down real quick but she’s got some cool shit planned. She’s Asian!!?? I love her she’s beautiful.
- So there was less action/explosions this movie. Most of it came from the humans/car chases and their poor Ospreys getting murdered. There was really only the decepticons squad attack and the final battle which I felt was pretty underwhelming compared to the usually drawn out fights in the other four movies. Don’t know if this was a plus or a negative.
- every time they mentioned unicron I was screaming. 
- now Unicron and Primus are literal neighbors hey wassup this will only end well.
- it was a shit show from beginning to end but a decent blockbuster mind numbing experience I guess. Did I enjoy it tho? The first time I watched it, I was in the moment. The second time? Oh my god did it fucking suck so hard. The story-telling was absolutely terrible and inconsistent.
- they gave me 3D glasses but there was barely a difference from watching without. I watched it without the glasses. Waste of an extra 10 bucks.
- I need to be more professional in note taking OTL
Final Movie Rankings
1. Transformers 1
2. Dark of the Moon
3. Age of Extinction
4. The Last Knight 
5. Revenge of the Fallen 
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