#the remaining few
troubleshade · 5 months
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The remaining few
After the incident, Asha is the last with the hope that her sister is still alive, despite witnessing the explosion from the front row. Alone she searches for hints what could happened to Chiisai. More problems emerge, when Coen goes down on a vengeful path to avenge his older sister that could cause a bigger fight as they could win.
Trying to hold together what remains and navigating through a new oncoming storm, Asha quickly learns how fast everything can collapse if you lose your footing...
This part of the timeline happens parallel to "Shattered reality". Another piece of the future masterpost.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 18 days
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License to Kitty.
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Autism is only an invisible disability because you fuckers don't want to acknowledge that a good portion of those freaks, weirdos, creeps, and 'idk they just give me bad vibes' are autistic.
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wordwovencackle · 4 months
My mom's got cancer (her treatment will ensure the tumours more or less remain in stasis - she's stable and okay) and she meets many women in the similar positions.
She met a woman. Bit older than herself and with a more aggressive type of cancer. They chatted and she told my mom about her husband and two adult sons who do nothing for her.
She still does all the domestic labour and grocery shopping. She still has to cook. If she comes home from her cancer treatment and is too ill and tired to cook, she ends up eating leftover bread. They won't even heat soup for her.
And she talked to my mom, all worried. Because her doctor told her to eat healthier, and she doesn't know how to manage that on top of everything else.
And this is such a common story. In practice, those marriage vows are for the wives only.
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chrlie-cox · 2 months
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ominouspuff · 5 months
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Downtime with the disaster lineage
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letitbehurt · 20 days
Whumper having a muzzle fitted around Whumpee’s head even as they scream and struggle against the bit shoved into their mouth, their hands pinned to keep them from yanking at the buckles. Rough leather digging into their skin. Every curse warped into an animal’s whines. They have no weapons now, not even their teeth.
“If you’re going to act like a rabid dog,” Whumper tells them, unmoved by their defiance, “then you’ll be treated like one.”
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canisalbus · 4 months
I think you've mentioned before that after Machete's passing, Vasco would eventually find another partner that he'd live out the rest of his days with. Do you think he'd tell them about Machete at some point? Or would he feel it's safer/easier to keep the stories and memories to himself? If he did tell his partner I'd also understand if he chose to leave out certain details, such as Machete's job, whether it be for general safety or a sense to protect Machete's privacy and reputation even though he's gone
I think the partner Vasco lives the rest of his days with is most likely his platonic wife Ludovica, the one he was already married to at the time he reunited with Machete in their early thirties. I can see him eventually starting to try to see other men again, and he might love them too, but the whole process of trying to open up to other people (after all those years and the way things ended) would be kind of lonely, frustrating and painful for the most part. Chances are none of his subsequent relationships would last very long. He'd probably grow closer to Ludovica and she would do her best to support him. I'm not sure how much of his 10+ years with Machete he'd be able to share with anyone to be honest.
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phoenixcatch7 · 21 days
Okay so I saw this post about dark percy (really him reaching his Limit and fighting full strength with everything he had) and I was imagining the potential fallout of that. Pretty bad, as you can guess.
The thing is a lot of percys strongest moments happen out of view of the olympians, especially in hoo. The hurricane atop the glacier in alaska, the poison scene in tartarus, bending the depression river and the one in the palace of nyx.
Stuff like the St Helens eruption got him washed up on an inescapable island literally removed from reality until calypso gave him the OK, the achillies curse he got tricked into losing by hera. Smaller moments, the minotaur, fighting ares, the stolen pirate ship, walking on water vs hyperion, freshwater sources, him knowing both Latin and Greek, they're more easily brushed off or at least mostly due to cunning, sword skills and sheer luck and grit.
But basically the olympians don't actually know the full extent of percys strength and divine power. They have hints - percy standing on the throne, winning against ares, his many victories - but what they aren't willing to brush aside in the heat of (an important) battle there have been pretty strong consequences for.
Heck, just look at Frank, he's no prodigy with weapons, he's polite and respectful, but his distant relation to two olympians letting him inherit shapeshifting earned him direct divine meddling and his life force tied to a hunk of half toasted firewood. Man is a honey bear with lactose intolerance and he was punished with a mythical death curse for being too strong.
If Percy's true strength came out, he would risk losing everything. His freedom, most certainly. If he wasn't straight up executed he might wind up in a Greek myth style imprisonment, the way of atlas, prometheus, calypso, or something like the myriad of ways Greek heroes met their end. Good scenario he survives a dozen curses and gets on with life with a dozen new disabilities, best case scenario he's stripped of every inch of divine power and dropped back to the mortal world, not even clear sighted. Total separation from the Greeks and Romans. Oh, annabeth would marry him either way, and his friends would hardly abandon him despite the gods wishes, but they'd hardly be able to see him, and no long range contact without the ability to IM him or vice versa.
All of that to say Percy is hiding his true strength from the gods themselves - maybe not consciously, and it's not even power he particularly wants - but if they ever find out?
It's game over.
But why is he so strong? I don't know. What I do know is that the half bloods of the books are so much stronger than the ones of myth. Used to be that divine blood would get you divine favour and a great fate whether you liked it or not. Maybe some cunning and bow skills. A spot of spell casting if you were really lucky. Achillies got his curse after he was born, Perseus had a dozen magic artifacts, orpheus had something going on but hercules is to my knowledge an outlier. Now? Everyone in camp has some special power. Flight, fire, necromancy, hypnotism, dream walking etc. However it's happening, half bloods are slowly but surely getting a lot, lot stronger every century that passes. Meta? I mean I guess. But.
What no one has done before is something that their godly parent couldn't.
Except Percy.
Except Percy, in tartarus, at his mental, emotional and physical limit, controlling poison with his mind, overpowering the goddess of poison in her home, making misery choke on misery. Feeling something in his chest crack. Doing something poseidon could not, and doing it better than the person who could.
Down there, hidden away from the gods, he evolved. For that brief moment, he did something, was something new.
And that was how the gods overthrew the titans.
And that's why they must never find out.
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Love learning new things just like the other day someone said that, apparently, in order to lean on Miles' shoulder Gwen had to use extra strength and concentration cuz it's already hard to sit upside down and she made it even more difficult by balancing her weight enough to lean her upper body towards another person and it made me think of how she didn't hold hands with him which was way easier to do in that position but she felt so bad that she rejected him that she said "fuck gravity he needs to know that I care. I already fell for him I might as well fall down too"
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sarcasticscribbles · 2 months
If you guys are nice I'll visualise both no pants Tim and shirtless Martin for my Sasha the Archivist comics
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chemdisaster · 5 months
i think it would be cool if the watchers started to take a more active interest in joel. because, hear me out - the character who hates lore the most, who fights desperately to keep his humanity, gradually finding out that his actions are not his own and at this point it's hard to tell where he ends and something else, something other begins. like imagine many, many life games passing, and at some point he looks back on it all and suddenly thinks, when's the last time he built a pretty base? made a funny joke that went on and on? saw his allies as friends, and nothing grander than that? just, joel realising that some unknown force has invaded his mind and turned him into something he's not, and at this point it's too late to go back, too late for him to even want to do much of anything other than just keep following the script, playing his role in the narrative. joel realising that he's changed, he's not himself - realising that he's turned into the very thing he used to hate the most.
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fizzytoo · 4 months
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honey, eggs, and a bullet wasted.
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chamiryokuroi · 6 months
Me knowing damn well I don’t like A/B/O fics: Oh maybe I will give it a try
Me immediately after finishing the fic feeling absolutely disgusted: Yeah… never again
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skeleslime-phantom · 2 months
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Send good vibes to my boy, Brisket. I came home from work today and he was leaking pink urine. Got him to the ER vet and now he's staying over night for IV and pain drip.
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
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Oh my gooooooooooddddd
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