#still proud and happy that I create that💜
troubleshade · 5 months
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The remaining few
After the incident, Asha is the last with the hope that her sister is still alive, despite witnessing the explosion from the front row. Alone she searches for hints what could happened to Chiisai. More problems emerge, when Coen goes down on a vengeful path to avenge his older sister that could cause a bigger fight as they could win.
Trying to hold together what remains and navigating through a new oncoming storm, Asha quickly learns how fast everything can collapse if you lose your footing...
This part of the timeline happens parallel to "Shattered reality". Another piece of the future masterpost.
Artwork without text down below.
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ladywren7 · 3 months
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My love letter to Star Wars Rebels this Rebels Remembered day, 2024.
Dear Star Wars Rebels, happy 6th Rebels Remembered Day. You have aged well, old friend. I don't even know where to begin. From catching season 1 in 2014 on the tv & seeing glimpses of who is now my favorite character of all time, Sabine, & declaring, "I like that Boba Fett girl!" to March 5th, 2018 when I cried my eyes out at the finale of what had quickly become my home, my safe place, my everything. Now in 2024 you are still my home, my safe place, & my everything more so now than ever. You have helped me through so much & I'm sure you'll continue to do so in the future. Though since then you've been brought to life in live action form & have even bigger things in store, I hope you know that I will always love you just the same, if not even more than before. I am proud to say that I will be putting you on my graduation cap with a quote Ezra Bridger says in your final adventure, "I want you to know that everything I've done and everything I will do began with you." In my heart, the "you" means not only my family, my amazing teachers, & friends, but you. You & only you have shown me that despite all odds, there will always be room for love, compassion, empathy, & humanity in this world. You taught me to love & to be loved in return, you taught me how true love should be (platonic & romantic), you taught me the importance of kindness & how far a sigular act of charity can go or mean to someone, how important it is to chase your dreams despite all obstacles, to unapologetically be yourself, even when others may not understand, & so, so much more. I'm tearing up as I write this because after all these years I never thought I'd end up here, being my most accurate self as I can be at the moment, because of you. Throughout life, I know you will always be there for me, even when things are at they're lowest. I'm going to do everything in my power to become the me I've always wanted to be because of you & I couldn't thank you enough. You were always there for me even when it seemed no one else in the world was. You are the reason I've become who I am & I thank you for that every day. As your story expands, so does my heart. I've recently opened up my heart to so many new bright souls to love just as I've loved you & it has made my heart even more full. Though your new era is going to give us one last ride, I will never forget the lessons, the qualities, and the heart that you have shown me. Thank you Star Wars Rebels & all those who created this more than life expirence you call a show. Always know that you will forever remain more than just a show to me.
Here's to 6 years of Rebels Remembered & 10 years of Star Wars Rebels, godspeed!🎉🤎💚🧡💜💖💙
-Lots of Love, LadyWren7💖
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
Bengals’ Newest Quarterback - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Digital Creator! OC)
liked by yourinstagram, and 1,305,284 more users
joeyb_9: Definitely a call I'll never forget. Such an incredible night and thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout the journey. Looking forward to this next chapter. #NFLDraft
view all 872,920 comments
mamaburrow: i’m so proud of you 🧡
lahjay10_: congratulations number 9!
yourinstagram: BURROW IS A BENGALS’ BOY!
LSU: #9 in our hearts forever 💜💛
youngerbrother: this is so awesome Joey!!!!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 552,305 more users
yourinstagram: orange is my new favorite color 🐅
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yourbff: i’m going to miss the blonde… BUT THIS ORANGE IS YOUR COLOR, it suits you so perfectly!
mamaburrow: you’re a beautiful gem 🧡
↳ yourinstagram: thank you mama burrow 🤍
youngerbrother: i’m surprised your hair hasn’t fallen out because of how many times you’ve dyed your hair!
↳ yourinstagram: i take care of my hair so that it’ll stay strong through all the hair dying torture!
↳ youngerbrother: so that’s why there was always so many hair products in our old shared bathroom…
joeyb_9: i’m a man in love with you.
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liked by 210,103 users
Burrow_Updates: Y/N’s instagram stories.
view all 99,220 comments
username1: i wonder if Joe built the lego flowers by himself or if him and Y/N built the set together?!
↳ yourinstagram: he built the lego flowers but he also got another set for us to built together 🤍
username2: Joe is the one who got drafted to the NFL yet he’s giving gifts to Y/N… that’s so precious 🥺
youngerbrother: i’m going to steal that apron.
↳ yourinstagram: NOT ON MY WATCH!
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liked by youngerbrother, and 339,220 more users
yourinstagram: mood for today. (this drawing was created by the newest member of the Bengals Team.)
view all 101,984 comments
mamaburrow: my baby boy is an artist!
joeyb_9: technically i haven’t signed the contract papers yet… so i’m still not officially apart of the team.
↳ yourinstagram: you’re officially apart of the Bengals Team whether you like it or not Mr. Burrow… i already dyed my hair orange in support of the team.
↳ joeyb_9: so what would’ve happened if i got drafted to a football team was a different color of the rainbow?!
↳ yourinstagram: i will never go back to my colors of the rainbow hair dying phase!
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liked by mamaburrow and 1,284,999 more users
joeyb_9: i signed a paper today
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Bengals: so happy to have you the team!
sam_hubbarb_: we have the best quarterback in the business on our team, i’m excited for the next season!
↳ joeyb_9: i thought your favorite NFL was the Green Bay Packers?!
↳ youngerbrother: Green Bay Packers was my favorite NFL team… before the best college quarterback of all time was drafted to the Cincinnati Bengals!
lahjay10_: i’m proud of you but i’ll definitely miss you at LSU, i hope we’ll be able to play together again soon!
↳ joeyb_9: i promise we’ll play together again one day, whether it’ll be on the same team or different teams.
yourinstagram: Bengals’ Boy 🧡
↳ joeyb_9: your Bengals’ Boy forever.
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Author’s Note:
i really am spoiling all the Joe Burrow Fanfiction readers with how many Instagram AUs that i’ve posted in the past two weeks… and trust me, i have more Instagram AUs that i’ll be posting throughout the next few weeks.
if you have any requests for an Instagram AU, please send the request to my Inbox. i love to read all of the sweet feedback messages that i’ve received so far!
thank you for all the love and support 🤍
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alerionjkeee · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
my top ten gooby woobies💅🏻💅🏻
to be serious I'm still very proud of myself. I started paying less attention to ts4, but I still like what I do and I’m very pleased when you write how much you like my buildings, it really motivates me! and although initially I shared here simply what I needed for my gameplay, now some simmers sometimes write to me and ask for a request and this makes me incredibly happy
thank you to everyone💜💜💜
1. 2 964 notes - Mar 17 2023
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2. 2 563 notes - Mar 19 2023
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3. 2 142 notes - Jun 13 2023
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4. 2 006 notes - Mar 23 2023
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5. 1 265 notes - Jul 23 2023
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6. 1 189 notes - Oct 12 2023
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7. 1 180 notes - Mar 27 2023
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8. 874 notes - Sep 4 2023
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9. 865 notes - Jun 4 2023
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10. 738 notes - Oct 15 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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t00thpasteface · 4 months
Hello, this might be quite odd to put in an ask but I love your art style and specifically how you draw Margaret Houlihan, :)
OMG!!! not odd at all, thank you so much!!! of course even if you had said something odd, i would probably laugh and be glad for the surprise anyway ;0
i'm SO happy and relieved that people love my houlihan art!!! i love drawing saucy, playful pinups but i really do get insecure/guilty about it... somewhere between my mom not letting me play with bratz dolls as a kid, and the early 2010s pop-feminism that pushed back against ALL female sexualization/sexuality, i felt pretty left out as a lesbian with high libido who enjoys looking at and creating pinups and oversexualized character designs. i like seeing girls in bikini tops, high heels, miniskirts, corsets, lipstick, mascara, you name it! it's really hard to push through that feeling of somehow "betraying" my fellow lesbians by drawing what i draw. i joke a lot about how i'm "setting feminism back 50 years" and it mostly IS a joke, but there's still that persistent undercurrent of guilt and shame regarding lesbian sexuality and the expression thereof. it's hard not to feel like a predator or creep or something. :(
i'm so grateful for, and proud of, all the other lesbian artists out there who draw homely, unsexy, no-nonsense all-business women, but that's just not for me. i like drawing scandalous cartoons of curvy babes in tight skimpy clothes, goddammit! so that's what i'm gonna draw come hell or high water!!
thanks so much for the ask and i hope i can continue to put out fun pinups for all yall!!! 🧡🤍💜
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I'm loving your Wilmon fic so very very much! I was feeling mostly done with YR and all related media and ready to let it go - in a happy, pleased-with-season-3, it's all wrapped up and my hectic job is demanding my attention way - and then it was like your fic just broke through my walls and reminded me why I fell in love with the show and its characters. Your Wille and Simon are so good to each other. Their anticipation and nerves and exhilaration as they begin to reconnect - it's everything.
I was surprised to see it's your first YR fic! I'm curious about your story of finding the show - when did that happen for you, when did you first feel inspired to create this beautiful extension of the YR world?
Aw, thank you so much for this lovely ask, I'm so happy you like the fic! 💜💜
I discovered YR literally on day one! Or even before day one, because I remember scrolling through Netflix’s coming soon page and watching the teaser. I remember thinking it looked like an Elite-type trashy teen show but that I would probably watch it because it’s Swedish (I love Nordic languages). Then on July 1, 2021, at like 10 pm, I was looking for something to numb my brain and YR popped up on the Netflix homepage and I thought, oh I think that's the Swedish show I said I’d watch, let’s give it a try. So I watched the first episode and needless to say it did not numb my brain, I was immediately hooked. But I decided to be responsible and go to bed, and I watched eps 2-4 the next day, and then the day after that was a Saturday and beautiful weather so I went on a hike, and all the time I was trudging up hills I kept thinking “omg omg Wilhelm and Simon are so cute and August is such an asshole omg omg what is going to happen I need them to live happily ever after”. So yeah, I’ve been obsessed from the start 😂
I was never inspired to write fic for it before because I tend to prefer canon to be complete before I write anything, but mostly because I have this weird mental block about reading/writing fic in a different language than the one I consumed the original in. It just doesn’t sound right! (I watch the show in Swedish with English subtitles, so I want fics to also be in Swedish with English subtitles. Yes I know it doesn’t make sense). I guess the inspiration for ‘maybe now’ was strong enough for me to overcome that but tbh it still doesn’t sound right and I have to do weird mental gymnastics to write it 😂
Inspiration for the fic struck very shortly after the show, this is a post I made on March 19:
Ok so who's writing a fic where Simon didn't notice Wille running after the car, or noticed him but couldn't bear to talk to him again, and they have no contact for a year until Wille's decision to give up the crown is made public on his 18th birthday, prompting Simon to reach out and tell him how proud and happy for him he is?
And then I guess I didn’t wait for an answer and wrote it myself!
The inspiration came from the fact that while I love the ending we got and I am so happy that we got it, I do agree with people who think that it was rushed. Given what the first 17 episodes were like, we got the best possible episode 18, but in an ideal world, I would have liked another season, or the three seasons to have more episodes, or the episodes that we got to have a different pacing so that there was more time between the breakup and them getting back together. This is what I wrote in a reaction post after the first five episodes:
If this weren't the last season, I think I'd want them to break up now, take some time apart and get back together after some separate personal growth. But there simply isn't time for that.
One thing about me is that I love it when characters go their separate ways, have some separate growth and find out that they can live without each other, but they just really don’t want to. So in a way it’s a kind of fix-it fic for me.
Anyway, thank you for the ask and sorry I wrote a novel in response!
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faeryarchives · 2 years
scarabia with a yoimiya-like gender neutral s/o!
a talented pyrotechnician filled with uncompromising childish innocence and fiery passion as they excels in their craft of creating fireworks that symbolize people's hopes and dreams.
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: ̗̀➛ kalim al-asim
"ohayoooo kalim! ah, this is great! i feel so relaxed all over, i could almost float away. so anyways, what are we going to do today?"
if people didn't know that you aren't the prefect at all - they would've thought that you and kalim are related in someway because damn you just radiate sunshine energy ☀️
you are like two peas in a pods! if you feel very happy then kalim feels happy too, when kalim is feeling down you feel very sad
"sil told me that you were looking down earlier so i snuck out and brought you here!"
"is that a fire- woah it became so many goldfish fireworks!"
yeah you guys were caught by jamil when you almost put the whole garden on fire but hey that's worth a shot and kalim is smiling again
would absolutely fight because you guys love each other more war 🥺
"i love you kalim!"
"i love you more!"
"no i love you more."
it ends up with you hugging each other but you still love him more
despite having similar personality with kalim, you would still prevent him from doing any reckless decisions
after knowing that you are good with kids, kalim would bring you back to his hometown along with grim to meet his parents and siblings and they end up loving you too much that they didn't want you to go back home 😵‍💫
"(naaaaaaame) can't you stay with us and play?"
"henchmen quick lets escape!"
"noooooo! (name) is my partner don't take them away from me we are going back!"
"hahahaha... hey kids how about this, when i come back again we will play a lot okay?"
they eventually agreed after you give them some of your handmade keychain of your signature goldfish tattoo ueueu
every time nrc would hold school events, crowley would always ask you to be in charge of the fireworks team and of cource you agree to it which leads to kalim being very supportive and happy for you
"oh my gosh let's go (nicknaaaame)! do you want some snacks? are thirsty? hungry? or maybe tired do you want me to hug you to give you energy or a ki-"
"ok i have seen enough pda for today, let's go we are in charge of decorating our dorm. goodluck prefect."
definitely would watch the fireworks on the magic carpet with you and kalim in each others' arms watching your precious work go up and bring smiles and amazement to your friends
"i finally realize what fireworks symbolize for me."
"oh? what is it then?"
"it's a secret." this caused kalim to let out a long whine and hugging you closer making you laugh at his antics. deep inside, what really fireworks symbolize for you - is feeling the love and appreciation people shows while enjoying your passion and work.
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: ̗̀➛ jamil viper
no words can say how much jamil is proud to be your boyfriend because you were just amazing in every aspect
without him knowing, the vice dorm leader find himself more at ease after boyfriend - even smiling more often
"ne ne jamil, if we've got nothing else to do, why don't i tell you a story?"
"hmm? sure thing, i just finished cooking lunch for the four of us later."
"sweet~! did you know that back in my wor-"
adores your stories, it never fails to put a smile on his face and it always got stuck in his mind that leads to kalim being surprised when jamil started chuckling after looking at some goldfish on display
even though he loves you so much, jamil couldn't help but feel strict whenever you forget to do your tasks especially when they are due an hour of tomorrow.
jamil 🥺💜: your alchemy assignment is due tomorrow did you do it already?
(nickname) 😎🌺: of course i did!
news flash, you did not do the assignment
and jamil heard from grim you did it an hour before your alchemy class but hey you got a perfect score!
he adores the way you would try to put on some of your hair clips on his usual braids
don't tell him but your contact number on his phone is the one where he is smiling while holding your festival pouch
whenever you two got alone time, you would either be dancing with jamil in a slow dance or have him teach you street dancing
"is it like this?"
"which on= wait no you are about to fall!" by the time you realize it, jamil saved your fall by catching you with a relieved sigh.
"um hehe? nice catch?"
much to his surprise, you brought back a parrot with you when you texted him that you have something important to say
"why do you have a parrot."
"ok its a funny story but hear me out."
it turns out the important thing was saving the parrot from a certain hunter and you decided to bring it back with you since the parrot reminds you of jamil and it became your child, it was very spoiled making grim let out complains
overall? the viper is so glad to have a very understanding and amazing partner like you and he couldn't wait for you to meet his sister.
"i feel like you an najima would get along great."
"ooooh! maybe i will ask her about your childhood pict-"
sometimes i just want to cry because i almost finish this like three hours ago but then the page reloaded by itself and i didn't get to save 😭 i hope you guys enjoyed ~
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fakesimp · 2 years
"Thank you for being here.. I Love You.."
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Warning !
Fluff ; Self Indulgence ; Confession ; Established Relationship
A/n : 4th December ! It's My birthday today ! Happy birthday to me.. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)💜
Also happy birthday for those who have their birthday on December! 💜 (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
It's another normal day, at least you thought it is. Until you felt an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to them. "Good morning babe.." they said as they snuggle their face on your nape, "morning to you too" you replied as you slowly try to turn your body facing them.
"Babe-" before you could finish your sentence, they gently placed their lips on top of yours. "Happy Birthday Darling." They whispered as they slowly move closer to you, "What do you want to do today, hm? It's your day today." They asked as they placed their hand on your cheek. Gently rubbing their thumb along your cheek, staring at you, expecting an answer from you. "Well?" They asked you again as they softly smiled at you,
"I, maybe, making cakes?.." "making cakes? Sure let's go get the ingredients and make you a birthday cake." They said as they slowly go out from the bed, also extending their hand to you. "Come on, let's go shower together-" "Huh-" "Hahah, I'm just kidding, get up now, I'll prepare you the bath, so make sure when I go out from the bathroom you're ready to go take a bath, okay?" They said as they dropped a kiss on your forehead before leaving to the bathroom.
After awhile, they walked out from the bathroom and see you still on the bed. "You really want me to pick you up and take you to the bathroom?" They teased and chuckled at your flustered state, "Stop teasing me already, god." You said as you look away trying to calm yourself down. And then you felt the bed dip next to you, and then you feel a hot breath on your ear. "Or.. perhaps.. do you want me to bathe with you, hm?" They whispered and their words made you felt hot and made you wanna melt on that exact moment. "I- S-Stop it-!" You stuttered, making them lowly chuckled at your reaction and proceeds to kiss your cheek as an apology. "Haha sorry sorry, now go take a bath babe."
. . .
After a good few minutes, you finally finished taking a bath. You waited for your lover to finish their bath too, so you sat down on the couch. As you wait, you scroll through your phone, looking through fanarts and other stuff you like to see.
"Hi baby, miss me?" They suddenly whispered on your ear, "GAH!?! YOU- Gosh!.. Hi, and no, I don't miss you-" you replied sulking. "Aw.." they softly whined and start kissing your neck, earlobe, anything they could reach with their lips. "Sorry.. we still have a cake to make, babe.." they said as they mutter an apology, "Mhm.." you replied with a hum. "Come onn.. forgive me?" They softly asked as they mindlessly drawing shapes on your upper arm, "Okay okay, fine. I can't stay mad at you.. Let's go make the cake." "Hehe.. thank you for accepting my apology.. let's go shall we?"
. . .
Hours have passed, the mess you both make on making a single cake. Is a bit, concerning. But you both did had your fun, and here it is the cake you both made in front of you. Actually looking good, both of you lowkey kind of proud of what you both created. Your Lover then decided to add some candles on them and lit them up, they stood across from you and look up to you expectantly. "Come on, make a wish.." they said and smiled at you, you blinked multiple times before decided to close your eyes, making a wish.
. . .
You blow the candle and smiled sheepishly at it, you felt childish doing that. But you like it either way. Your Lover clapped their hands and walk up to you, kissing you all over your face. "Happy. Chu Birthday. Chu To. Chu My beloved. Chu Darling. Chu-" They said as they drop a kiss each time.
"Thank You for being here with me.. I Love You.."
"I Love You too, babe.. Thank You too, for choosing me to stay by your side."
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A/n : Hopefully everyone have a great December ! A month away from reaching 2023 ! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Also Christmas is coming-- E-
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jkvjimin · 6 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped 2023!
thanks to the light of my life in this hellsite, Julia! tysm for tagging me (@raplinenthusiasts) I love you to infinity and beyond 💜
it was really fun to recap this, but damn, I hate my work lol anyways, sorry here's my top 10:
v's bday post: it seems that i should start with this one, this was so challenging for myself. it was the first time making a gfx and it came out okay (i guess?). earlier this year i set a goal for myself that in 13 years (yes 13 lol) of making gifs i would do a blending/gfx for the first time and here it is. happy that i reach that goal at least.
3D mv set: this set was a turning point for me. when i created this blog, my goal was to post at least one set per week or every 3 days of my biases in order (as my url). but then i started to see people's reactions and it was so positive with this set, i kind of wanted to give in for good and return to this life as a tumblr gifmaker for bangtan.
this jimin fancam set: at this point, i think it's one of my bestest works in terms of colouring. i'm really happy w these.
vicnic highlights: this set doesn't have anything so extraordinary about it, apart from the fact that i stopped to cry a few times cuz i was so emotional seeing tae and jimin... god. but i like the lights (wich is not my merit lmao).
golden album preview: i admit, this one i'm proud of. proud of my brain for thinking on that dynamics, proud of my colouring and proud how i managed these gifs.
standing next to you: i was in peace w photshop that day. get really inspired by that mv i guess. like this colouring a lot, i still use this psd for some other gifsets of SNTY, so yeah it's pretty good :)
golden jacket shoot: this gifset... i have conflicting feelings. it took me a long time to make this one, it took a few days actually and there are gifs in it that I love, others not so much.
mcountdown: i guess this is my fave of jungkook. and it was the first to reach 800 notes lol. so yeah, i like that one :)
gcf in budapest: well... this set was difficult. as i said in those tags, i've changed everything for this and it turned out pretty well (i guess? lol)
ytc in busan: last but not least, my fave of myself this far. it holds my biggest notes but it is def not for that, i was really happy colouring these and it turned out great. so yeah, these are my favourite.
tagging: @heybaetae @kimtaegis @jung-koook @userarmyhope @cordiallyfuturedwight @magicshop @namchyoon @taee @rjshope @btsiu @jeonwonwoo no pressure <3 and whoever wants to do it as well!
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sleepyzenpanda · 1 month
I’m so unbelievably overjoyed that I was able to attend this year’s ASOCAS! It was a last minute decision but well worth it! I really hope I can go to ASOCAS 4!
I’m so proud to be a part of the #saveshadowandbone & #savesixofcrows campaign! I had so much fun and was so happy to meet the rest of the team and make new friends!
Please follow @savethegrishaverse on Tumblr, Instagram, and @ savethegrisha on Twitter/X for updates on the campaign
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I was so excited to have 2 photo shoots with Jack!!! I was so nervous to meet him but he was so sweet! I originally had 1 photo shoot with him but because Kit and Freddy canceled and we couldn’t do the Wesper and Crows photo shoot Empire Conventions refunded those purchases and I decided to get 2 photo shoots with Jack, a selfie with him, and two signatures! Refund money well spent!!!
When Jack signed my photo he said it turned out really cute!!! I almost squealed! He is an absolute treasure!
I decided to add some cute emojis to the pic I took of the the 2nd photo! Had to include pride emojis in there 🖤🩶🤍💜🏳️‍🌈
Also I want to thank Zarunia for providing the badges, name tags, and the folders to the team members. It didn’t even cross my mind to bring a folder for the photo shoot photos. It was truly a life saver!
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For the selfies they took 3 quick pics with my phone. My eyes were closed for the first one but at least I got 2 cute selfies!
I was originally planning to have Kit sign Jesper’s quote but Jack was kind enough to sign both Wylan and Jesper’s quotes! I’m a little sad that his signature got a little smudged on the glossy paper 😭 I had actually thought about bringing a blank sheet to prevent that but i forgot orz I’m still really happy he signed my Six of Crows book though
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The amazing @ shadow_storm_rising on Instagram created this beautiful memory book for the convention to collect signatures from everyone at ASOCAS who wanted to sign. Pic of my signature posted with permission
Finally I want to thank Empire Convention and the Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile for holding the convention, as well as all the amazing actors!!!
Special thanks the amazing convention staff who saw my cane and immediately directed me to the disability access line and gave me a disability pass even though I hadn’t registered for one! When I bought my ticket the translator on my phone said that they required a disability pass and in the US I don’t qualify for one because I can walk a certain number of steps without my cane. But the staff was very nice and accommodating stating it wasn’t a problem
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egg-emperor · 2 months
(I don't know if someone's asked this before)
Since you're a self-shipper: What's it like to be in a relationship with Eggman? ^^
This is a fun question! It means a lot when there's interest or enjoyment for my self ship stuff! 💜
I love being in a relationship with the most handsome maniacal evil genius! Getting to say that I belong (he belongs to no one but I belong to him XD) to the powerful brilliant future emperor of the empire in a more personal and intimate way than many of the other subjects will be is an amazing feeling. Being the one that gets to stand at his side despite being unworthy of his godly superior presence, as his right hand man where I belong as my true purpose in life is the dream lifestyle for me 😍
It's about him stealing me away from the world, offering his hand to take mine and show me his twisted but beautiful brand new world that he's created that's all about him instead, and hoping to make the rest of the outside world follow one day when he dominates it and gets to make all his dreams come true. And I was personally really just happy to leave it all behind because I never liked it all that much and I support his dream to make it all about him instead!
It's about the thrill of being with someone so powerful, feared, and dangerous that I'm not supposed to be with as many disapprove or are concerned by us being together. I know he's a very bad man and does terrible things and know exactly what he wants and how he'll stop at nothing to get it and I just love him for it, plus he's so fun, funny, charismatic and handsome! It's forbidden but we're a powerful unstoppable force and if we do go down we go together hehe
My deep devotion and love for him that people would be concerned or disgusted by but it being so beautiful and precious to me makes it feel extra special. It's not for everyone to understand because it transcends their understanding of courtship and ideals of romance, it's our special dynamic of servant and master where we both get what we want effortlessly, Eggman gets a loyal and faithful follower and there's no greater delight for me to worship him, serve him, and give him all the love!
It's a huge win that he has the coolest interests of science, robots, theme parks/carnivals, circuses etc. We go on his cool rides and attractions and get up to mischief that makes us feel like kids again, troublemaker ones hehe, something he adorably enjoys in Team Sonic Racing. He's decades older but we have young souls. We also bond through mutual immense love for himself XD We'd both love an Eggman focused world so we're both passionate about and share his aspirations.
Eggman is very happy to have someone around who is willing to listen to him talk all about himself, his passions, his plans, and dreams for hours, instead of robots that he had to program to listen to him and would still backtalk him at that. He also uses me as an example of what all members, slaves, and servants to the empire should be in the future with my willingness to listen, support, and serve him well in every way with immense passion and it makes me feel a little proud and giddy.
There's excitement in how unpredictable and wild he is. He'll just suddenly announce that we're gonna do something fucked up and take me with him to do crimes. Are we going to out and blow stuff up and terrorize people, is he going to show me a new park attraction in its dangerous deadly glory, are we going on an expedition to find the next artifact for his next plan, round up more animals to put in robots, or go to space to his new armada or Death Egg? I always immediately jump at the opportunity!
We also get to travel the world on his epic airships and Eggman likes to tour me around these huge ships and we have fun in the private living quarters. He also shows me the sights of the world below, just so he can tell me about how it'll all belong to him one day and everything he plans on doing with it. I'm always delighted to listen and enjoy having a chance to go all the places I never could've without this too. It's exciting to think about how much cooler they'll be once he takes over.
Getting to hug that big bear of a man that feels like a teddy bear, despite how he's more like a dangerous wild fierce grizzly bear is very special. The most dangerous place for others feels like the safest to me. Those hands hurt people and cause mass amounts of destruction but they hold me in a strong grip that feel warm and safe even though he's cold and dangerous. It's not that he actually tries to protect me, it just feels that way with how big and strong he is lol. The risk and danger in it still is part of the fun!
Aside from serving him and assisting him in evil, the intimacy is the huge part of our relationship because we're both aroallo. So instead of the more typical romantic things there's just a lot of naughty things. He also likes taking risks in it and it makes for many funny, exciting, or nerve wracking but fun new experiences and over time I become a lot more confident and experienced in serving him. I always enjoy making him happy and satisfying all of his needs to prove my love for him.
There's also the darker side of the dynamic and my devotion that has a huge appeal to me, of willingly following him down the darkest paths and into the depths of hell. Putting my mind, heart, and soul into his hands and letting him corrupt me with his evil, something he's shown to enjoy a lot. He enjoys seeing the progress of me starting to embrace the evil and be the best assistant to him in his diabolical schemes as I can be and how it proves my devotion to him with how far I'll go to please him.
And letting go of the world I knew and allowing it to be changed for him. It'll become unrecognizable as a dark, polluted, and dangerous hellscape, it's the ultimate sacrifice of giving up the old world and everything I knew for him and it proves the deepest undying and unconditional devotion. It makes him happy and it's everything he wanted so I do it willingly. Because it'll be worth it for all of his dreams to come true and for him to build his glorious empire and Eggmanland on the ruins!
Eggman didn't see appeal in being in a long term relationship before because he didn't think anyone would want to be with him without trying to change him or hold him back from anything. But instead I fully support his goals and will change for him instead, in the sense I'll let him corrupt me and become my best evil self for him! Our dynamic is casual on his side and very intense for me yet it works, it's long term in a way most of his others usually aren't. I remain supportive and useful, so he doesn't dispose of me lol
I love belonging to him and existing to serve him, the exact same treatment that's so unpleasant for those it's forced upon is pure bliss to me. For how I can just live for him and never have to think or worry about anything else ever again and he makes me feel worth something by being a valuable asset to him and the empire. For how I can stand at the side of such a powerful and important man and serve him, make him feel good, and put a smile on his face which is the most precious and important thing to me 💜
I get to be with a handsome, silly, funny, charming, and thrillingly evil man and he gets a servant and partner who gives unconditional love, has undying devotion, endless desire to please, and the strongest loyalty, which he finds very valuable and takes full advantage and I know and let him. It works perfectly for us both and we're the happiest we can be, it's endless excitement and fun. It'll only get better when he conquers the world and he's the emperor on the throne and I sit happily at his feet 🥰💘
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mobscene-london · 2 months
Happy 12 years bab. 💜
I mean who'd have thought that mob would still be running all these years later? The fact that I've had you in my life since Bebo, and we've trekked around platforms and refound each other, I couldn't have been more blessed. Through trials and tribulations, you've created, amplified, and sourced worlds in which you've allowed us to bring beautiful characters to life. We've all laughed, cried, and rejoiced together in the years since mob was invented.
Family dynamics in groups are few and far between these days, and the ones that last are even further apart. But here we are, thriving, having the time of our lives, and creating something that will be here for years to come. 12 years is a huge feat, and you should be eternally proud of yourself. The intricacies of this world have become some of the best I've known.
Most of all, you've been my friend, my confidant, my concert buddy, my İçerde hoe, London getaways, New Year's Eve celebrator, my inner chav. My bestie. I love you so much, and I always will. Regardless of what comes our way, I know we'll weather the storm. Because we Brits gotta stick together. Thank you for believing in my writing and me, and checking in. 
Lots of love, always,
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strymes49 · 5 months
Happy New Years Eve nestlings! 2024 is upon us so let's catch up a little... 💜
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2023 was a very experimental year for my art and I enjoyed trying out tons of new things to broaden my skillset! Not a lot of them stuck, but I think what that means for the coming year is that hopefully I'll know how to continue my projects in a far more consistent way, while still enjoying doing them! I think that's important for budding artists like myself and others to take the time to try new things and broaden our horizons to see what sticks, and I really really do appreciate all of you for sticking with me through all of it. I met tons of awesome people I want to talk to and work with more often, and I'm so excited for what the next year has in store in terms of that! I have so many new years resolutions I'm hoping to take on! 💜
...and one of them is taking a break.
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LIke I said, 2023 was an awesome year for the growth of my skillset... it also gave me hellish amounts of burnout which contributed to me not posting as much art as I would've liked to. I am very proud of the art itself that I put out, but I definitely felt like I could've done more.
I'm going to take about a week long break or so from posting much new art or content (I'll probably just repost old art from this year and other years), but AFTER THAT, I want to... 💜Post about something Free Fall related EVERY SINGLE DAY in 2024 (sorta like keeping a dev log but for my comic!)
💜Finish Chapter 2 of Free Fall in January!! 💜Continue my food people animations (and keep posting to youtube in general) ���Continue creating FAN SONGS for my favourite creators!
💜Slightly rebrand my online presence to reflect more of my personality and content
I'm normally such a worm on the internet (i dig myself holes that i cant escape from and then get too shy to ask for help 😭) But I'm gonna try to work on that aspect of myself this year, so that I'm still a worm... but with WINGS :D A bird worm! A wird...?
Anyway yeah. Sometimes I'll have life issues to take care of, and I do indeed still have a job irl to pay my bills so that I can keep living in my little worm hole of an apartment. If there's any lack of posts or just... me being online, that's probably why. And/or I'm having an anxiety attack lmao TL;DR, thank you for an awesome 2023, I'm really grateful for everyone here, BIG plans are ahead, and I'm excited for the adventurous year of 2024 💜💜💜
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afreakingdork · 8 months
Miss Dork I've been a fan of your work since Crush Too Much & I'm reading Weak Spot religiously when it updates. Thanks so much for your hard work! Your love for the purple turtle is strong 💜🐢👍
I am now attempting to write my own Future Donnie x Reader. As you've inspired me a whole ton!
I know he's written differently in WS due to his backstory but you've written him closer to 'canon" in previous works.
Any tips on how to keep his character quirks from the show but write him a bit older/mature?
Thank you!
Ah thank you so much for sticking around!!! It warms my heart to know you enjoy both! I do love that purple turtle so very very much.
Ack! Thank you also for saying I've inspired you!! You get it writing your own! I'm so proud of you!
Tips, hm.... 🤔 I don't know how other people feel about it, but I consider Weak Spot to be more of a canon divergence fic that follows along canon with only minor tweaks affecting the overall outcome. Distilling it down to it's simplest points the changes are: Donnie was not found by Splinter after the lab explosion, Donnie arrives on the surface around the same time 'Mutant Mayhem' occurs for the other boys, the other boys don't meet him until 'Bug Busters,' then pretty much everything else happens in that timeline with the new set up.
That doesn't answer your question though!
Honestly, I just take experience from how me and my friends have grown. We're still the exact same people, we've only grown or as I like to think about it 'refined.' Taking me for example, I was a feral child. I was suspended in kindergarten for smashing a car window. I never saw a day of recess because I was in constant detention until 4-5th grade. Now that sounds terrible, but allow me to explain why. I smashed the car window attempting to entertain my friends. I came from a very poor elementary school where we had very little usable equipment, no funds for replacement, and bigger kids got first dibs. I would lead these created games for my friends as a way to make up for it because I hate for anyone to be bored.
Now you may not know me well because of the barrier of the internet and what I choose to show, but when you distill it down, that PERFECTLY sums me up as a person. I will bend over backwards to my own demise to be the cartoon character that entertains the ones I love. I still do that. I have never stopped because doing that makes me happy. I love making others happy.
So apply that to the boys, let's take Raph for example. Raph in the series is a teenager like the rest of them. He's not perfect; he's got low intelligence, but high wisdom and he's stressed himself out caring for his brothers. Now bad future changes the factors, so let's just say they continue along a good future for the sake of this discussion. How do those factors look as you grow? Eventually, and we see this at the end of the show/movie, he's beginning to learn to let go and trust that his brothers can take care of themselves. Where does that leave him? Logics sake says he's probably going to want to find himself outside of those parameters. What does he find? He could find that he misses being a caretaker and that is why you see many people in the fandom putting him in a caring role in the future (Casey's father figure, ect). He could also suffer as many oldest children do that were forced to take care of their siblings and become detached and seemingly uncaring. It's not that he doesn't care for others, but it will stunt him in future relationships because he's removed himself so far from having to care for others, to live for himself, that he'll be seen as selfish. On and on! We could keep coming up with scenarios.
I think what's most important when aging a character when you have no reference, is you get in your head why. If you're following canon, think about the story you're telling and how character would get from point A to point B. How do you see the characters in the future? Do you want Raph to run a flower shop? Then say he shifted and realized he liked caring for things, but it was too exhausting to deal with sentient beings. There's something calm and reassuring about how much hard work you can put into plants. They truly are a product of how much effort you put in! It's clean results with little worries other than things outside your control. He's also Raph though so I imagine he also stresses tf out when he sees signs of aphids or the like. Cue to him nearly destroying his own shop to eradicate some itty bitty bugs.
Whoops, but yeah.
tldr; You're always you. Even in the future. It just so happens that life shapes you. How did life shape who you want to write?
I hope any of that helped!
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sunflouwerhabit · 5 months
2023 musings 🤍
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on march 1st, i published my first work of the year (little miss down the line extra inning 10! back in the olden days when they were still the drabbles!). between then and december 28th, 488,045 words and five different universes became a part of my little writing family. 3 new fics, 7 dtl innings, and 1 write this down vault chapter.
(you may be wondering when i sleep. the answer is never).
over those 302 days, i ventured into 3 new universes and met characters who now hold a piece of my soul. in the name of being honest, it’s fine to fake it ‘til you make it (‘til it’s true), and and now i date cate’s brother are timestamps of this chapter in my life. i’m filled with so much pride thinking about them and i’m so happy they became a part of me this year. writing them was this year’s best adventure
i’m also filled with pride when thinking about the way you all have not only embraced the three newbies, but down the line and write this down and their respective “vault” chapters as well. just… have i told you how much fun i’ve had this year? i’m having SO much fun and i’m still a little gobsmacked every day that there are people who want to read these stories. like??? what???
i call my fics my children (they are. i MADE them!!) and in some ways, they still feel like my little secrets, even though they aren’t and i’m so happy they aren’t, because this year brought me not only new readers, but new friends who have made my life unequivocally better. i love, love, love this little community we’ve built, and im so grateful everyday for it. thank you, thank you, thank you. THANK YOU.
thank you for reading my stories, for the comments and dms and messages i take too long to answer. thank you for caring about my characters and for making harder days so much better.
thank you to liz, who was kind enough to write a story with me and who is kind enough to also just be the most incredible, hilarious, hardworking friend. i love you and in the name of being honest SO much and i’m forever proud of the story we created together :-) SEE YA IN CHICAGO !!!! @bravetemptation 🤍🤍🤍
thank you to pey, who has been my writing partner in every sense of the word all year. i have the coolest, funniest beta reader and editor and co-conspirator and i’m just the absolute luckiest because i know this fun will continue well into the new year. thank you for everything you’ve done to make these stories possible, pey! i’m so grateful and love you more than words can express @l0ueh-oioi
and thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone on here. i couldn’t possibly hope to name you all, but you make my life so much better and i’m just so lucky that this little corner of the internet gets to be such a major part of my life. here’s to 2024, and all the more universes we have left to explore 🤍
sending all my love and wishes for a happy, healthy, safe new year. just. thank you for 2023. 💜
- lexie :-)
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mari--lace · 3 months
1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 (👀) e 19 per l’ask game <3
1. What is your favorite trope to write? I don't really know bc I rarely reason in tropes! Might be found family 💜 I'm not sure I've written it a lot, but I love it
3. What is the main program you use for writing (google docs, the ao3 writing text box, etc.)? I'm a basic Word girl!
5. The fic you’re most proud of writing? This is a hard question ç.ç Right now I'd say "Filling the voids" (Riempire i vuoti), I'm still not sure it makes sense for anyone that's not me, but I've wanted to write it for a loong time and I'm happy with it! (Also like every fic I've written with aspec rep!)
7. Favorite ship to write? Right now it's Matt/Nat! It changes with my obsessions 🫶
10. Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic? Okay but how can I pick? There's a few comments that come to mind. I'll mention one on the first fic I ever wrote about asexuality (Significa me/It means me) saying "if I were a teacher I'd read this in class", I was really touched. 🥹 Funniest comments, those ranting under my fics are pretty fun and always greatly appreciated!
13. Latest fic written/latest WIP? Okay, full disclosure: my latest wip is a crack fic I "have to" write because I lost a bet XD. It involves Matt exploring the magical world of Daredevil fanfictions, lol. That's my only current wip, I've got another idea but I didn't start writing it down yet. Latest written fic is a style exercise: one flashfic about Matt in first person pov, one flashfic about Elektra in second person pov, one about them both in third person pov. It was a fun experiment!
19. Have you ever created an OC for a fic? It says "fic", so I'm not going to count my original works. I created minor OCs when needed, but I don't think I ever built a complete character for a fic. I have explored characters who are names or little more in canon and built on them, but that's not really the same thing.
Thanks for asking <3
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