#there is just so much happening in my brain now
murdrdocs · 3 days
i’ve been thinking abt zombieau!luke lately but specifically that drabble of having to hide out from the walkers in the closet - what happened when they got back/while they were gone? like were percy and annabeth safe and sound or.. 🤔
previous this was gonna be happy and then i remembered ... nothing is happy in a zombie au!; angst; allusions to smut; MDNI 18+ 1.1k+ words
First daylight comes and you and Luke are sneaking out of the supply closet.
You're made aware of the step-shuffle of the stragglers of the herd, mindlessly wandering around the CVS while you and Luke calculate the best exit route.
Miraculously, you both make it out without any confrontation. Luke holds the weapons, and you hold the duffle bag full of medicine, hygiene products, any anything else you could fit in there. Truthfully, it was a successful trip. There's enough food to last for a while when added to your supply back home, you now have more pads and tampons than you had before, there are fresh bars of soap and you even managed to grab a few skincare products. Plus, the supply run got you fucked. Over and over and over again.
You should be happy. You should be gleefully skipping down the abandoned street back on your way home. But you're determinedly stomping instead, walking a few paces ahead of Luke as you exert more energy than you should be exerting. Your stomach rumbles every so often, reminding you that the last time you ate was nearly 24 hours ago at this point.
"Grab a granola bar out of the bag," Luke tries to convince you, his voice more relaxed than it should be in your opinion.
"No." You don't give much explanation, but you're sure Luke knows you're too stressed to eat. He likely also knows you're saving the bars for Percy. They were his favorite as you proclaimed as soon as you saw them.
"They're fine."
He sounds so assured, so relaxed. It makes you scoff and roll your eyes. You don't know that Luke is scraping the nail of his pointer finger along the side of his thumb. You don't see him ticking his jaw and taking mechanical breaths every so often.
He's trying to convince you as much as he's trying to convince himself.
"You don't know that," you tell him. "And stop looking at my ass."
He doesn't even bother denying it. He was looking at your ass.
'What-ifs' have taken over your brain, powering your limbs with adrenaline, pushing you closer and closer to the house, closer and closer to an answer.
What if they got bit?
What if they got kidnapped?
What if the herd moved there? What if they're trapped?
What if—
Luke's jogging takes you out of your thoughts. He starts walking by you, matching your steps. He walks close to you to the point where your hands brush against each other's every so often.
Luke is here. He's with you. He's starting to whistle a tune of a song you think you know. Or maybe you did know it before all of this. Before you knew Luke and Annabeth. Just his presence calms you a bit.
"They're fine," you repeat to yourself. You try to believe the words but it doesn't stick. "But we don't know that."
Luke tuts and you see him tilting his head out of the corner of your eye. "We also don't know that they aren't fine."
"That's shit logic."
"I could say the same for your logic."
"I'm just preparing for the worst."
"That never helps anything. You're making yourself sad already and then if something bad were to happen, you'll just be even sadder."
"You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Preparing for the worst keeps you prepared for the worst, so if the worst were to come then I'm already prepared."
It's slightly comforting to know that nothing has changed between you and Luke. He knows what you feel like, you know what he feels like. You've both shared something that you'll never be able to undo, but you don't mind it.
You would be willing to share it again if the circumstances allowed. But right now, you're hyper-focused on reaching your destination which is just a few hundred feet ahead of you now.
You and Luke walk the beaten path worn in by tires. With only a few inches between you both, you start to miss him.
When you swerve over and walk closer to him, you try to do it naturally. Either way, Luke doesn't say anything about it.
You reach the house and everything is in order. The front door is still bordered up, the garage door is down, no windows are broken or opened. You and Luke round the house, jump the fence, and reach the backdoor. When you push it open, you don't know if you're glad or upset that Luke was right. You won't ever say the words "you were right" to him, but you're sure it shows in the way you quickly approach Annabeth and Percy.
They're at the table in the kitchen, Annabeth sitting with her back towards you and Percy sitting in front of her.
You don't think when you wrap your arms around Annabeth's shoulders, pulling her into you and pressing appreciative kisses into her head.
You're so busy expressing your gratitude and apologizing to them for leaving them all alone that you don't notice the energy in the house. You don't notice that only you have moved. You don't notice Percy's rigid shoulders.
You're only made aware that something is off when Luke speaks from his spot next to the door.
"What happened?" He says it like a fact. He knows something happened, he just doesn't know what.
You wait, and wait.
Neither of them say anything, so you try.
"Percy. What happened?"
Your arms unwind from Annabeth's slender shoulders. You approach Percy carefully until you're able to kneel in front of him, trying your best to meet his eyes.
He takes his time to look at you, and just the sight of his blue eyes clouded over with tears, both unshed and shed, spikes the fear in your system.
"Percy," you start again, attempting to stay calm even when your voice cracks over the syllables of his name. "I need you to tell me what happened so I can help you."
He sniffles, a tear glides down his reddened cheek and when you reach up to wipe it away, he flinches away from you. The gestures hurts you at first, but you know Percy.
You don't move your hand, letting it hover in the air, waiting for Percy to give in. And he does.
He falls to his knees, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he lets you wrap your arms around him. He's growing up, getting bigger day by day, but right now, while he wets your tee shirt with tears, he feels like the little boy you used to babysit. He feels like the kid who got in trouble far too often and had copious amounts of love covered by misplaced anger in his body.
He feels small.
You know you won't coax any explanation out of him like this, so you look up at Annabeth, one hand wrapped around Percy's shoulders and the other pressed into his matted curls.
She looks at you. She blinks and a twin set of tears falls down onto her cheeks.
"He thinks he found his mom." Your eyebrows furrow, but you don't have anytime for questions before Annabeth continues.
"He thinks he killed her."
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bbyobbyo · 1 day
Ever since you stopped using his Spotify account in the mornings, you find other ways to mess with your boyfriend.
A short continuation of this fic, but can be read as a standalone.
content: fluff, established relationship, idol!Jihoon, banter, reader and jihoon just have a permanent jam session going on, they’re in love i swear
wc: 857
note: ahhh they’re back!! thank you to everyone who read the first part and gave it love😊 this has been rotting my brain for a while and i originally was playing with this concept for the original but couldn’t pull it together but we’re here now! shoutout to @highvern because it was partly inspired by her fic “Between the Titles” which is such a great read that i highly recommend along with literally everything else she writes!! all the songs featured here are real and from an era of kpop I hold near and dear to my heart so if you recognize any of them, you’re a real one 🥰
Jihoon is not a morning person, never has been. As he sits in the dressing room of the filming studio, he can feel his eyelids getting increasingly heavy. Some of his members are actively sleeping, in fact, and Jihoon knows he’ll be joining them soon if Wonwoo takes any longer in that makeup chair.
Blasting in his ears is his usual Bruno Mars playlist, a sad attempt to try to recover his energy before he knocks out next to Mingyu sleeping on a mat on the floor, but to no avail because his mind slowly slips away until a piercing airhorn noise jolts him awake.
Uhh. This was definitely not his Daily Bruno Mars Mix.
He immediately searches his screen to find out what happened when he finds his answer in the form of a text from you.
[8:18 am] good morning sleepyhead :)
[8:18 am] hope I didnt scare you too bad :)
He scrunches his face up in disbelief, half amused that you managed to catch him off guard with possibly the most annoying wake up song on Seventeen’s discography, and half annoyed at the realization that he must’ve forgotten to cancel your Spotify Jam session from yesterday.
He decides to leave your text on read. After all, he has plenty of time to be petty today. Furiously searching through his library, he queues up a song and before Mingyu can finish singing the first chorus, he smashes the next track button in smug anticipation.
Now Playing: Fxxk U • Gain, Bumkey
And he doesn’t have to wait long before he gets your reply.
[8:20 am] oh i see how it is
Now Playing: This is War • MBLAQ
If Jihoon wasn’t awake before, he definitely is now. Even as he gets called in to do his makeup next, he thinks carefully about his next move.
Now Playing: LOSER • BIGBANG
Now Playing: WHO, YOU? • G-DRAGON
An audible scoffs escapes from his lips as he involuntarily tilts his head back in amusement, much to the dismay of his makeup artist who had just started on his foundation. He mutters a shy sorry before resuming his search for a reply. Maybe he needs to take a different approach to this if he hopes to continue having Jam sessions with you in the future.
Now Playing: Whatcha Doin’ Today • 4Minute
As Jihoon eventually discovers, his hopes to change the topic of conversation were in vain as two songs were suddenly queued one after another.
Now Playing: Why Don’t You Know • CHUNG HA, Nucksal
Next in Queue: Mind Your Own Business • Ailee
Jihoon thinks he’s met his match, coming to the realization that he could never out sass the love of his life. But he wasn’t willing to back down so easily either.
Now Playing: I’m so sick • Apink
Next in Queue: Because of you • After School
Your next move nearly sends him to tears.
Now Playing: Excuse Me • AOA
Next in Queue: You Don’t Love Me • Spica
Next in Queue: I ain’t going home tonight • Navi, Geeks
Next in Queue: I Don’t Need a Man • miss A
As he chuckles to himself for what seems like the hundredth time this morning, this newfound form of entertainment suddenly becomes incredibly precious. Although you see each other nearly every day, Jihoon realizes just how much he misses you, talking to you about everything and nothing at all, bantering like you’ve known each other for your entire lives.
Now Playing: Am I too easy? • U-KISS
Now Playing: Mystery • Beast
Even though he couldn’t be with you physically, he knew you were enjoying yourself just as much as him on the other side. He could almost picture your smile of satisfaction as you found your next song, knowing that he would appreciate your humor. And appreciate he did, happily tapping away at his screen until his makeup artist puts on his finishing touches and tells him to call the next member.
Now Playing: Gotta Go • CHUNG HA
Next in Queue: I’m Busy • 2NE1
Next in Queue: Plz Don’t Be Sad • HIGHLIGHT
Now Playing: Okay Dokey • MINO, ZICO
Little does he know that his members are in the corner snickering at the sight, knowing that only one thing could have their producer smiling like an idiot at his phone the whole morning.
Soon enough, Jihoon and his members get swept up into their schedule involving the filming of various contents for their Youtube Channel, a task that usually takes the entire day if a game is involved. Thankfully, the game allowed for members to go home early, a rare treat considering how competitive his members can get when it comes to shooting content.
After his usual rounds of “good work everyone” to the company staff and his members, he gets ready to see the person who been on his mind (and in his ears) since the morning. Taking out his phone, he queues one last song while exiting the building.
Now Playing: Run to you • SEVENTEEN
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#my post#this is so mean. why did i make this#but also....... the gun is in your hands now#i'll admit that it's my fault for putting the gun in your hand... however i've no say in what you choose to do with it#will you pull the trigger and accept whatever happens from now on? will you give yourself into the role forced upon you?#no one will know anything if you don't say anything. there will be no consequences or repercussions to this choice#but you will know. and you will need to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life#a gun not fired is like an itch not stratched#in the end i have no control over what you do... but free will is a funny thing#the brain is very susceptible to suggestion... everything we see and experience will remain with us in some way#if that's the case then how much control do we really have in our lives? how do we separate what we really want vs what we're told to want?#things like hunger... desire... they're all things the body asks for. but are they things that we truly want?#or are they merely a mechanism built into us for the sake of survival?#everything blends into everything. your past actions will inform your current actions. you're the only one who's ever lived your life#you're the only one who will ever live your life#little variables and experiences we all share... but the order varies greatly from person to person. everything is just a series of events#the way i see the world is different than the way you see it regardless of how similar they are#what choice will you make now? and how does it differ from the choice you would've made a week ago? a month? a year? does it differ at all?#does free will truly exist? i think it does... but not in the way most people think it exists#you and i... we might differ on that thought. or we might not.#regardless of whatever i've been rambling about right now... refusing to make a choice is still a choice you make. life is ironic like that#does one of them really have to go? that's for you to decide now#i've merely chosen to put the gun in your hand. to make you aware of the possibilities#so i hope you realize what power your choices have#dca fandom#daycare attendant#yeah sometimes i just say things that i think are deep but they're really not#i hope the choices i make have an effect on others. even if it's just one person...#if i can make even just one person think about something they wouldn't have normally thought about then isn't that a win?#life is a series of choices... ''it'd be great if you could see a figure of light by the time you die'' ♡
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luckykiwiii101 · 2 days
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Learn To Get Stuck In Your Brain, The Right Way….
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Have you been stuck in your brain recently? Literally. Clouded by all your own thoughts, tormented by the reality that encompasses you. Well, if there’s one thing you can never truly escape, it’s your own mind.
The mind is either a place of loathe or love. So why not create your mind into something beautiful. Something you want to wake up with everyday. A tool to create the life of your dreams. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Well if so, i’ll teach you how to get stuck in your brain, the right way. The gossip girl way.
You know, it’s been a while since you’ve told yourself “I’m going to persist and manifest the life of my dreams.”
And I wonder how many times you’re going to tell yourself that before you break.
First of all, acknowledge that you create everything with your mind. You’re not a victim of the 3D. You’re a victim of your own mind. Ironic because you are your mind. And how can you be a victim to yourself? The 3D and the 4D are not separate. Once you understand that, let’s move on.
You are going to recreate the life you live in your mind. Your subconscious knows everything you want. You are going to keep reminding yourself that you have the life of your dreams. And you’re going to live in your mind. You’re going to fall inlove with your life in your imagination. So much that you won’t want to leave. You’ll persist. And you won’t give up. Because giving up means that you’re giving into the 3D, something that isn’t real.
When you ordered something online, you knew you were going to get it. You believed in the unseen. Manifestation isn’t any different than that, except the fact that it has already been delivered, and all there’s left to do, is to enjoy having it.
You’re in control.
You’re the only one who can change your life.
Seriously, ask yourself. How long will it take before you break?
I know you’ve had those thoughts “I wish I persisted and I would’ve had what I wanted by now.”
Why are you waiting for circumstances to get worse? Is the moment you’re only hanging on by a thread where you draw the line?
The threads getting looser, and looser. And when it breaks, so will you. If I were you, I wouldn’t f around and find out what happens after that.
You know everything you need to know yet you aren’t using it. Clearly you don’t care enough…you can choose to leave that in the present, or the past. Change. What’s a wake up call if you just go back to sleep again? You’ll reach a point where you can’t be saved anymore. Where you become desensitised by wake up calls, by the harsh truth. Because you’ve found comfort in it. That’s where true failure is.
Stay stuck in your brain OR get stuck in your brain. You choose.
- gossip girl
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Do you have any extra prompts/perspective for shutdown trauma responses? So far I have a few related to freeze but I know they’re different in their own ways (I have some unrelated to freeze too, I just rather ask a professional in case there’s more)
disclaimer that while I have written about the topic in my own fics before, I only consider myself a fanfic writer who’s done some research, not a professional, and these are supposed to be prompts for writers to use and tweak however they see fits for their fanfics / original works for entertainment purposes. please don’t treat these following prompts as a 100% accurate psychological information that can be applied in real life situations without doing your own research and consulting with a licensed professional.
trigger warnings: PTSD, depression, implied suicide, eating disorder
whumpee not being able to feel the pain that should have been haunting them, be it physical or mental. and that is not a good thing, because they’re not processing what happened, and they can’t heal as long as they cannot process or acknowledge what happened to them.
numb, however, is all whumpee can feel. and the numbness is so much worse and more dangerous than pain.
depression, prolonged stress, anxiety and procrastination are also possibilities. if whumpee only feels numb all the time, there’re chances of them developing other mental disorders that may cause them to believe that their entire life is now without any purpose.
whumpee feeling hopeless and wanting to give up all the time. any personal interest they had prior to the traumatic incident is now gone.
loss of appetite. an eating disorder where food tastes like ashes, and panic sends them into having an episode whenever caretaker tries making them eat — because it feels like someone was forcing ashes down their throat and they could not breathe. their body would not accept the food, and their gag reflex made them feel like throwing up. it is as much physical as it is psychological.
confusion and/or hallucinations may occur — whumpee struggling to distinguish between what’s real and what’s in their head. denial may trick their mind into believing that the tragedy that’s happened to them didn’t actually happen, and denying is certainly not the read toward recovery.
whumpee stopped talking altogether. doesn’t matter if they’re safe with caretaker now. they would not talk to anybody about anything at all, not just what happened. (they physically could, but they’re so traumatized that speaking is too much for them.)
the needs to hide from everything and everyone all the time are there. doesn’t matter if it’s caretaker, whumpee simply does not wish to be seen.
they keep mostly silent and mostly to themself, in the sense that they avoid everybody and spend most of their time locked in their room where no one can see them.
they may be too afraid to make any decisions for themself, no matter how small the decision is.
appearing disengaged in any social interaction and limiting the way they express any emotion at all; in other cases where they’re not numb, they may be scared or upset in some situations, but their brain tells them to keep their guard up by not letting others see how they actually feel. whumpee believe they’re shielding and protecting themself this way, and they will always need to “play safe”, since it’s best not to let anyone know how they feel, even if it’s caretaker.
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babymochibeargyu · 2 days
Game On, Gyu
pairing: jealous gamerbf!gyu x gamer!reader(reader is really down bad in love w gyu)
requested by :✏️anon
prompt: Can u do a crybaby jealous beomgyu getting jealous at reader and reader comforts him, beomgyu cries on readers shoulders while cuddling? 🥹 just pure fluff ( a bit Angst ) 🥹
warnings: mention of kills in game sense, other than that nothing!!
a/n: btw I was wrecking my brain a bit when you said “getting jealous at reader”, my mind pretty much went blank on what Gyu could get jealous of reader(bcos it seemed like he has everything in life😭), and was playing around with the idea of maybe having a member involved which would make Gyu jealous instead(maybe a fic for another time hehe)
either way, I hope you enjoy this!!
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You frequently visited the PC cafe near your house as you couldn’t stand your mother’s nagging about you being too loud whenever you were playing games, hence it became your second home.
What made it even better was the in-house food ordering service; you could simply place an order and have it delivered right to your seat. It was like having everything you needed at your fingertips.
You weren’t sure what happened that particular day, maybe the worker was having a bad day and so it was probably an accident.
But the server who served your food had mixed it up with the person who was seated beside you.
Let’s just say you were the type of person who didn’t care for relationships, but after you laid eyes on the guy seated beside you, something went off in your brain.
As the screen light shined against his face, you thought that there was no way he could be real. How could he be so effortlessly handsome? Needless to say, you were in awe. And this was only his side profile?
With the mix-up of getting the wrong food, you guys had no choice but to interact and look at each other(which you were silently thanking the server for).
Now you can say that you finally fell in love at first sight.
There was no way a guy could be this handsome and cute at the same time.
The way his boba-like eyes met yours with that clueless yet endearing expression, accompanied by a slight head tilt.
Oh, bless your fucking heart.
When he received his food from you, he offered a shy yet charming smile, his eyes resembling crescent moons.
It took all your willpower to resist the urge to pinch his adorable cheeks as he turned back to his computer monitor.
Please you were so ready for him to be yours.
A gamer boyfriend? Yes, please.
Call it what you will, but you’re calling it fate.
You’ve been to this PC cafe more than your fingers can count and you’ve never seen him around before, maybe he was new.
And in your mind, you had already come up with scenarios of you and this hot, cute random stranger.
And while you guys were switching your food, you couldn’t help but look over at the guy’s screen, which you noticed was the same game you were playing.
And well the rest was history.
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Ever since then you and Gyu never had a day where you guys didn’t play computer games without each other.
You had a competitive spirit and so did Gyu. You can't recall who brought it up but you guys decided to compete for the title of the better gamer by playing PubG.
There was no other reward for it, just a title but oh you guys were dead serious about it.
You guys never had any serious fights, only teasing ones which in your relationship was how you both showed your love for each other.
There wasn’t a day that was filled with silence between you two and you loved it. All the playful banter being thrown around.
Oh how you adored this man.
“Baby… I’m sorry to say this but you’re going down. No hard feelings. You are still the no.1 female gamer in my heart even if you don’t win okay?” Gyu said confidently while still reassuring you.
“Pfft…Please if anyone is going down, it’s gonna be you my Gyutie patootie, I’m winning this.”
In all honesty, you were the better gamer(from the way of how Gyu’s friends act).
But of course you’ve never said it out loud in front of Gyu.
You would notice when his friends came over for game nights(to play Switch), they would always be fighting against one another just so that they can be on your team.
And since Gyu is the better player among his friends(excluding you)by default, he would end up becoming the other team’s captain, even though he always wanted to team up with you. And he would always give in to them because he loves his friends so much and wants them to have fun.
But you would always see your baby pouting when it happens. He was a literal angel.
Oh how you would literally just drop everything and give him all the love, showering him with kisses if his friends weren’t there. (Which you always end up doing anyways after his friends leave because you can’t help yourself)
He got you wrapped around his little finger.
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For those who are not familiar with how Pubg goes:
Basically, the objective is to be the last man standing(in this case with your team of 4 players).
While trying not to get killed, you need to equip yourself with weapons that are best suited to your ability.
You would also have to occasionally check the map, making sure you are within the safe zone at all times. Failure to do so will result in your health bar decreasing, causing your character to die outside the safe zone.
In the event of being shot, but not fully hurt until your teammate have to press the recover button, you are able to heal yourself with items like bandages, health aid kids, painkillers and drinks you find when you loot(search) the houses.(based on the actual game as i actually play it🤭)
with that let the games begin~
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Whoever has the most kills wins, bonus if they are the last man standing and kill the other in the game.
Y’all were playing in a team (against each other)with three other random queues that the game had assigned for you, so you weren’t sure how your team would fair.
But you didn’t worry that much because you knew that you were bout to eat this shit up.
When a character kills in the game, their user ID will be shown on the screen. And yours showed up mostly on both your screens throughout the game.
‘_________🔫 by ScarletShooter’ your ID appeared multiple times.
Your team was literally so impressed that they typed into the world chat for all the other players to see.
“Dang Scarlet let’s goooo🤙🏻”
“We bout to win this match.”
“How are you so good?”
What could you say? You were the jack of all trades.
If you thought you were great at close combat shooting, you were even better at sniping.
Once you find a Sniper 🤝🏻 4x/8x scope, that was it for your enemies. No one could escape your sight.
Gyu on the other hand was reading all these messages appearing on his screen and started to get even more fired up.
When the game first started he was being laid back, thinking that he had a lot of time to catch up and get more kills in the middle of the game.
But with every passing moment he delayed, the number for the survivor count was going down quickly…
You were taking everyone out 🤙🏻
Now the survivor count was at 45, meaning that there were 41 left for him to kill(excluding him and his teammates)
He wanted to win you in the game so badly, wanting the title of better gamer between you both.
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Honestly, he was doing better than expected(it must be thanks to you that he was feeling motivated.)
‘________🔫 by ScarletGyu’ yes… yall matched your IDs. Scarlet was the clan name because yall’s favourite Marvel character was Scarlet Witch.
You couldn’t help but feel proud when you saw his name on screen but had to occasionally remind yourself that you guys were currently fighting for the title of the better gamer.
Honestly you didn’t even want the title, you just wanted to see Gyu work hard for something he was passionate about.
But what fun would it be if he win so easily? Plus you would rather see a pouty Gyu. He was literally the cutest when he pouted. So that was your driving force now.
Title literally meant nothing.
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Total number of survivors: 7
You were now at 20 kills while Gyu had 15. There were 3 left on your team(including you) and Gyu had one more teammate alive(you guys didn’t know how many players each other had left).
In Gyu’s mind, he was assuming that you still had all 4 players alive and 1 single player who was roaming out there. Which he thought was enough to beat you if he were to take down all 5 of you(not knowing how many you have already killed).
While for you, you just wanted the game to end already. It has been about 30 minutes. You could say it was a slow game.
And it’s like your prayers were answered. One of your teammates had taken out two of the roaming enemies, not knowing that they weren’t from Gyu’s team.
But it finally seemed that the game would end.
With that, you took out your sniper and started scanning through the field. And there you saw someone familiar(you knew how Gyu’s character look like) peeking out from behind the tree (literally 2 kilometers away from you but you could see him clearly thanks to your scope).
You were thinking of teasing him a little. So you typed in your team chat to ask one of them to look for the other enemy to see whether the last two enemies were on the same team.
And well, your team was quick. They found the other enemy and knocked him out. You suddenly saw Gyu’s character running towards where the enemy got shot and that was it.
As Gyu tried to revive his teammate, you took the final shot. Claiming the chicken dinner and winning the title.
When Gyu died in game, he turned and looked at you with a sad pout. Stop he literally was about to cry.
He rose from his gaming station and made his way to the shared bed, where he sat down, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face into his folded arms.
Without hesitation, you rushed to the bed, dropping to your knees in front of him as if pleading for forgiveness. Your arms reached out, gently touching his shoulders, ready to pull him into a comforting embrace.
Initially, he remained motionless, unmoved from his stance. However, as you tenderly began to give him head pats and apologize for causing his tears, he relented, surrendering to your embrace. Nuzzling his face into the curve of your neck, he enveloped you in a hug, holding on tightly as if he were a koala clinging to a tree.
Feeling uncomfortable with the current setup(you were literally still in the kneeling position), you decided to shift. You gently pulled Gyu down, maneuvering into a more comfortable arrangement where you could cuddle together. As he snuggled even closer to you, seeking warmth and comfort in your embrace.
As his sniffles softened, you debated whether to stop the gentle head pats. But when he didn't feel the next one, he pulled back slightly from the cuddle position, his teary eyes meeting yours.
"No stopping," he insisted, his voice tender.
"Gyu still wants head pwats." How could you refuse your baby?
You couldn't resist, he was too adorable. Your heart was melting. So you resumed giving him those comforting head pats.
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In the quiet stillness that enveloped you both, time seemed to stretch on for what felt like a good five minutes. It was a rare occurrence, considering that when the two of you were together, silence was usually a stranger.
As the last sniffles from Gyu faded away, his arms still wrapped around your waist, you gently pulled him back so that now, you were face to face.
With a soft smile, you planted a kiss on his lips, causing him to jump a bit in surprise, clearly not expecting the affectionate gesture.
"So, can we talk about why you cried?" you asked Gyu gently, your voice filled with concern.
He hesitated for a moment before finally admitting“Gyu was jeawous."
Fuck why he gotta be so cute.
"Oh, my baby, what were you jealous about?" you cooed.
"You were playing so well, weren't you? I noticed your name popping up so many times during our game," your voice was gentle and reassuring, aiming to comfort him and prompt him to open up about his feelings.
“B…but your name appeared more, and you even killed me. Now you got the title of the better gamer between us,” he said, his voice tinged with sadness.
Your heart sank at the sight of your baby's sadness; you initially thought it would just end with him being pouty, but it seemed that winning to earn the title meant a lot more to him.
"I don't even care about the title, Gyu. I just wanted to see you play with passion. If it would make you happy, you can have the title," you said, sincerely hoping to lift his spirits.
"I didn't mean for you to cry, you know? I'm sorry," you said softly, genuine remorse evident in your tone.
Gyu looked up, meeting your gaze with understanding eyes. "I know," he replied softly, his hands now gently cupping your cheeks, his touch warm and reassuring.
"So..., to make it up to me for making me cry, the next time the guys come over, I'm on your team. I'm never on your team when they're here." He said shyly while looking at you with his boba eyes.
"Aww is that all my baby wanted? Sure we can do that. Anything for my Gyutie patootie, bugaboo,snoogums." you replied with a chuckle, adding some playful pet names to lighten the mood.
"God, you know I love you so much? My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. I just needed to let you know how much I love you, Gyu," you whispered, your voice filled with tenderness and affection.
Gyu's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as he gazed at you lovingly. "I love you too, more than words can express," he replied softly, his heart overflowing with warmth and adoration for you.
"Thank you for loving me, Gyu," you whispered, pulling him close as you both drifted into a peaceful slumber, wrapped in the warmth of each other's embrace.
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Please tell me I did good(I want some praises pwease🥹), I hope I did >_< and I hope this is up to your expectations. I had such a fun time writing this ahh, was super cute to write too. Missed writing fluff content so much😭.
Once again if you enjoyed this please give it a like/reblog/follow if you wanna see more fluff content from me. See you in the next one lovelies🥹🫶🏻🤍
taglist - @moagyuu @heyanonymous123 @yelshin @inkigayocamman
wanna know whenever I post a fic, comment here!!
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© babymochibeargyu - all rights reserved. please do not copy/repost/translate
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bloodyjuls-blog · 3 days
We are okay with you here
So guys this is the part 5, could consider it like an ending but maybe I'll do a sneak peak ⚠️
So here we go...
It is y/n's tenth day in the ICU and we are waiting for the results of the MRI to see if her brain injuries have a good diagnosis.
"Miss Alexia good morning" says the doctor entering the room. "I have good news y/n shows movement in her brain and we believe that in the next few hours she will be able to wake up with this we will reduce the possible injuries of being sedated" doctor says looking at his notebook.
"Thank you very much doctor, I'm super happy" she says hopefully. "Listen love, everything is going great, open your eyes soon, my life, I need you" says Alexia with a tear in her eye looking at you.
Leah and AnaMari enter the room with food for Alexia "Here Ale, you haven't had breakfast" says Leah handing her the bagel bag with the cup of tea. "Thank you so much guiri really, for everything you have been here with her and me and you too Ana" says giving them a hug Alexia. "You're welcome girl, as a family already? " Leah says to which Alexia says "Of course".
"Any news?" Ana says towards Alexia. "Yes, the doctor came in and said the results have come back good but time for everything and she will probably have the sedation removed today" Alexia says contentedly. "that sounds perfect, we hope to see y/n soon fighting like always" says Leah stroking the hair left out of y/n's bandage.
A few hours go by
"Love, these days have been hard but I ratify that I will be with you and the girls too all the way, I can't wait for you to wake up so I can give you some kisses and give you a cuddle of the kind we like" Alexia said holding her hand. Y/n moves her hand a little to which Alexia notices and sees how y/n is trying to move. "Honey what are you going to hurt yourself for baby, I'm going to hold you" alexia says as she takes both of y/n's hands between hers. She watches as y/n struggles to remove the tube that passes between her mouth. "I know it hurts but the doctor is coming and will take that off, don't cry my love" Alexia tells her as she notices the tears falling from y/n's face and goes over to give her a little kiss.
"But well what do we have here?" doctor said entering at the room and greeting cheerfully. "Our fighter eh" he says looking at y/n. "Good afternoon miss y/n, we are going to proceed to remove your endotracheal tube and put you on an oxygen mask" says the doctor looking at y/n who is a little agitated. "Baby stay still so they can remove that annoying thing" says Ale while stroking her girlfriend's head and holding her hands.
Okay Alexia, please hold y/n's hands tightly because it will probably be uncomfortable when we are removing the tube" says the doctor looking at Alexia and y/n.
Moments later you already find yourself breathing with an oxygen mask and trying to adjust around although very sleepy too. "Ready Miss Alexia and y/n, now it remains to wait for evolution, a doctor will be passing by every 4 hours to supervise that everything is going well" doctor said more relieved.
"Hello my love, you don't know how happy I am to see you awake" says Alexia looking at her girlfriend while kissing her hands and cheeks. "Hiya" says y/n wincing. "What's wrong love, are you in pain? Shall I call the doctor? "* She looks at her worriedly. "My leg hurts a little and my back" she says in tears. "Give me a moment baby I'll call the doctor, but you're going to be fine" she turns to head for the door to which his girlfriend says "don't go, please stay I'm afraid (said mumbled)" with her weak little hand she grabs Alexia's hand. "I'm not leaving my life, I'm just going to call the doctor we will be alright" she walks over and kisses her forehead and leaves to call a doctor or nurse.
After the doctor passes he prescribes her a painkiller that makes her drowsy and while that happens Alexia goes downstairs to get a snack and to let everyone knows that y/n is awake.
What Alexia didn't know was that the doctor had come back and told y/n the bad news.
"The extent of your injuries are very serious and that generates the thought that you are not going to play again at a professional level, the blows you had and the internal injuries were very serious, and I don't have the heart to tell you lies or give you an encouraging report about your career, I may be telling you that yes and give you a time to expect and maybe in a year or two you're back on the courts but with pain in every moment of your exercise. And your well being is what you should put first. You have a good support system, your girlfriend, your sister and your guiris have come and taken care of you" says the doctor when he sees you crying.
End of flashback
Alexia goes upstairs and the doctor continues talking to y/n. "What's up doc everything ok?" says Alexia quizzically. "Here chatting with the lady and telling her not to play soccer" Alexia's shocked look leaves Ana and Leah in shock. Since they had come back to see their friend.
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illusivelle · 23 hours
chicken scratch
pairing: carmen 'carmy' berzatto x reader rating: t (for now) length: 1,028 words content: mild cursing summary: you've never met your neighbour, but you've received plenty of their mail and now, a large package. of all the stories you made up in your head about who this 'carmen berzatto' could be, the real thing might just be your new favourite. a/n: brain rot means a middle of the night word dump. will likely be the first of many little stories about your next door neighbour, carmen, because that dynamic lives in my mind rent free. fluff for now, but we all know what that means (it means it'll definitely become nsfw later, sooner probably). link to ao3 here!
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The first letter was a mistake, the second one was a coincidence. The third one was not a big deal and the fourth was only a little more than a nuisance. But when a much larger package thudded against your front door at the ass crack of dawn, the recipient clearly written across the top of the cardboard box as your neighbour… well, that was just flat out annoying at this point. You hadn't even known deliveries made their rounds so early in the day and as big as the box was, when you lifted it to carry next door, it weighed lighter than a feather.
The pile of letters that accidentally found their way to your apartment were usually slipped through the small mailbox of your neighbour's, sometimes under the door. You'd thought about dropping the package and simply going about your day, but curiosity got the better of you as your knuckles rapped against the door and waited instead.
What could a Carmen Berzatto have possibly required to be delivered at this time?
In the time you've lived in the building, there'd been very few run-ins with other tenants. Not that you'd ever complain, perfectly content with your own company. You made friends with one elderly lady who always offered you some of her freshly baked bread, and in return you picked her up flowers and some extra produce on your farmer's market runs. The landlord wasn't your friend, but he wasn't your enemy either, and somehow you'd convinced him to let you paint your bathroom your favourite colour with little to no resistance. But your next door neighbour remained a mystery, one you've conjured up about a dozen different backstories and personalities for.
Carmen Berzatto, notorious criminal, hiding out in a tiny Chicago apartment. Carmen Berzatto, hundred-year-old vampire, who might either burn in the sun or look like they'd walked through a glitter bomb. Carmen Berzatto, part time Chicagoan, who actually doesn't live here anymore and maybe there's a squatter inside instead. Carmen Berzatto, the tax evader, because why else would they have so much goddamn mail being sent to them?
You'd been lost in the web of made-up histories for your neighbour when the door swung open to reveal said neighbour, and it slowly dawned on you that there wasn't a single story where you imagined Carmen Berzatto to look like that.
Piercing, wide blue eyes and a head of shaggy brown tufts that made you want to tangle your fingers through them, especially that small curl dangling just above his forehead.
"Hi." His greeting was laced with mild confusion that seemed immediately alleviated when his attention dropped to the box in your hands. "Oh."
"Hi," you blurted out, lifting the package, "got another one for you."
"I—I'm sorry about— about, uh, about all of that. It won't happen again."
"Won't it?" You were mostly teasing now. Although you were jolted awake by the sound of it thrashing against your door, and although you were rather peeved about getting up before you wanted to, you couldn't find it in yourself to be irritated anymore.
Carmen reached out to take the box from you, giving it a small shake with what you thought was a ghost of a smile before he set it down to the side somewhere you couldn't see. "It won't. I'm sorry." The flirt of his tongue along his lips brought your gaze toward it before you met his eyes again.
Those stunning icy blues.
"It's okay, nothing to be sorry for."
"I must've really fucked up on the— the uh, apartment number."
"The apartment number."
"Yeah," you looked at him a bit dumbfounded, gaze darting to the door where the number and letter were, "what about it?"
"You don't know your apartment number?"
"My writing's shit."
Both of you seemed to blink in unison, another lick of Carmen's lips which you mirrored before a stupid smile curled your lips. "Oh."
"Not a good excuse, I know." He nodded, jaw working as he turned his head to the metal on the door, a short and deep chuckle sounding from him. "Again, I—"
"Not sorry," you shook your head, "just chicken scratch."
For a moment, Carmen stared at you, and if it wasn't bad enough to have those too-blue eyes simply looking at you, to find them nearly boring holes as they danced between your eyes and across your face made you want to evaporate. Made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you hole. Made you want to drown in the depths of the ocean blues that were his irises.
"Just chicken scratch," he murmured after a beat of silence and what was once a ghost of a smile was definitely something now, the corner of his mouth lifting enough to wrinkle the corner of his eye. Enough to show you the dimple in his cheek. "Thanks for— for bringing the package."
"Yeah." And the smile unfurling on your lips was nothing short of genuine. "You're welcome, Carmen."
"Just, uh, just Carm is good. Carmy."
Another beat passed where you thought you might have been rendered frozen by one of your favourite shades of blue, glued to the floor through hypnosis, until a sound down the hall caught your ear and you nodded at Carmen. Turning on your heel, you took the first step back to your apartment, then another, and another.
And it wasn't until you had your hand stretched out to grab for your doorknob when you heard his voice echo from where you'd came. "See you around?"
The moment hung in the air on a thin thread, the both of you sharing furtive and hidden smiles before his door closed and yours opened.
Carmen Berzatto, not a notorious criminal (to your knowledge) or a hundred-year-old vampire (yet). Nor was he a part-time Chicagoan (not with that accent) or a tax evader (maybe). None of the ideas you had floating in your mind about your neighbour even came close to the real thing.
Carmen Berzatto, curly-haired blue-eyed boy-next-door with chicken scratch for writing and a fleeting dimple you wanted to see again.
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buuniebaby · 3 days
You and hamzah being flirty friends but not ever doing anything until one night when yall hangout everything changes!!
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includes: fluff! for the first time on my page lawll sorry for being a hoe for dis man. cc!reader oo
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it’s not until late in the night when it hits you - an ache, deep in your chest, taking the breath out of you whenever you’re in his presence.
you’re in love.
it’s no secret to anybody that you and hamzah have.. tension. sure, you guys play it up a little when you’re on camera or around friends, but there’s always been some sincerity deep down. at least, on your side.
that’s you’re only problem; you’re not sure if hamzah truly shares that sort of unspoken understanding. you find yourself overanalyzing every little joke he makes here and there, the way he acts around you, and even the way he acts around his other friends. he doesn’t jokingly flirt that way with martin is what your brain tells you, feeding into your delusions.
you’re snapped out of your train of thought by hamzah sliding into the chair next to you, pulling his phone out and setting it up on the table. speak of the devil.
“..what are you doing?” you say, watching as he opens tiktok. you shiver when his thigh grazes over your smooth, just-shaved legs as he turns to look at you, enthusiastically.
“me and martin are gonna do a tiktok live. i figured you would wanna be in it, or you could just like, exist on the side.” you roll your eyes at him, but your heart warms a little at the way he automatically included you, even without asking.
“oh, ok.. sure. it’s less fun when martin isn’t in the same room as you though.” you playfully joke, a grin beginning to form on both of your faces.
“i like having you here more than martin, don’t worry.” is all he says back. you think you feel yourself twitch at that.
when the live starts, donations are immediately rolling in. as soon as he sees one of those filter donations pop up, he’s grabbing the phone and making sure it’s focused on you so you’re the one with the stupid filter on your face instead of him. every. single. time. you roll your eyes, but you know you’re not annoyed by it.
as you two continue to stream along with martin, the chat begins to feel the same way as you do. every little “are they dating??” or “y/n back off hes mine” gives you a twisted feeling of satisfaction. it’s taking so much energy out of you to not just kiss him right then and there.
eventually, martin gets off, but hamzah wants to stay on live. he eventually finds himself requesting to join random people’s lives. especially… little kids who are probably too young to be on tiktok.
you guys end up doing tiktok “battles” against a little boy who doesn’t look a day over 12. it’s funny, until the kid asks a question that really makes you feel crazy.
“is that your girlfriend?” is all you hear before your eyes widen. yet before you can even panic, hamzah is already cutting you off.
holy fuck.
“we’re actually in a throuple, our boyfriend isn’t here right now.”
even if he’s obviously joking, the thought of hamzah calling you his girlfriend so casually feels so right. you can imagine him introducing you as his, being your man-
“bro, you’re lying. kiss her right now and ill believe you.” says the kid, snapping you out of your daydreams.
immediately, a loud “WOAAHH” comes from hamzah, laughing at the shocking comment from the kid on the other side of the screen.
“five bucks bro, five bucks if you kiss her.”
your cheeks are on fire right now - you feel like if you looked in the mirror, you’d probably look like you just came from a beach day in the middle of arizona. you know hamzah isn’t going to actually kiss you, but the way he’s awkwardly laughing and looking down at you really-
holy shit.
he just kissed you.
it’s a quick kiss, a simple peck on the lips, but it feels like forever as he grabs your face and leans in. you aren’t even processing what just happened yet. he just.. kissed you? on live?
you watch as the chat panics just as much as you are. “HUHH??” and “I KNEWW HE LIKED HER OMG” is all you can see as you stare at the phone with your mouth open. even hamzah seems a little shocked with himself too, as he quickly ends the live without saying anything.
you two sit there in silence for a second.
“what just.. happened?” you ask, making eye contact with him. because genuinely, what the fuck just happened.
his immediate reaction is to rapidly apologize. a series of “fuck- I shouldn’t have- not in front of viewers- im sorry-“ is all you hear before you shut him up and kiss him again.
there’s passion in this kiss, lasting longer than the first one. your hands wrap around his neck, gently caressing it with your fingers.
as you pull away, he just stares at you, breathless.
“i’ve wanted this for so, so long hamzah.”
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petew21-blog · 2 days
Race you there
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Max Verstappen. My enemy, nemesis you could say. Why? Cause he now beat me many times, taking trophies, getting the media attention, getting sponsorships I used to have. I still do have many to be honest, I'm Lewis Hamilton, so they still want me. But I'll be 40 next year, my career is coming to an end and thanks to Max, I think about it more and more often.
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He has it all now. Beautiful girlfriend, great team, nice life, all the wins and shit loads of money. And he's 26 now se he still has many years ahead of him. Still more races to win, money to spend, people to fuck... I can't say that I hate my life. No, my life is great. But I just feel like my life on the race is not fullfilled yet.
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I would give anything to be young again like Max and just enjoy the rush.
"Anything?" a voice echoed in my head.
"Who is this? What's happening?"
"No need to worry about that. Your stupid little human brain wouldn't even comprehend it if I would tell you. So, you wanna be young again? Young like MAX?"
"Yeah, the same age. If you are some sort of trickster then do not make me a Child or something. I specifically want to be young like Max to race and have my career ahead of me. I want to be able to win all the trophies again"
"And so you shall. All I need is to get something from you. What do you offer?"
"Are you like the devil or something? I don't want to offer my soul to you"
"Quite the opposite. But no one works for free. I am asking you, to give me permission to use your old body whenever I want."
"What would happen to my old body when you won't be inside of it?"
"Don't worry about that. All you need to worry about now is, what race you wanna win next and what sponsors to choose. We have a deal?"
"Deal" I said and then everything. And I really mean EVERYTHING shifted.
I found myself naked and in a shower. I looked down to find out my skin tone now was much lighter then before. Fuck, what did that entity do. Am I really a new person now? Did the reality shift completely?
Someone opened the door.
"Max, you gonna be long? I need to take a shower too before we head out for the interview and then the race."
MAX?!? I looked out of the shower and immediately recognised one teammate of Max's. I kept on staring at him in shock.
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"Dude, you're wearing your cap in the shower again? You're nuts. Tell me again why are you doing it?"
The question was for me now. I need to respond quickly:"Eeeh. Luck?"
"Yeah, right. Like you need luck. Winning everything, haha. Ok, hurry up. I need the shower too."
He left the room. I looked back at my new body. It wasn't as buff as my previous one, but it was lean, slightly ripped and had a pretty nice dick (not as big as mine) that was getting harder every second. "You gotta wait little one. Got a race to win, so I gotta concentrate now."
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After many races in my old body. I was now holding the trophy again. Finally happy. And I am pretty sure, this isn't the last one.
In the distance as I was celebrating I saw my old body, observing me mischieviously. It's the entity now. I wonder if Max is in that body too. But then my body winked and grabbed my old crotch to make me laugh.
Whoever is in that body, I am thankful for this one and I hope they will have a great time there
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Story request from inbox: Lewis Hamilton is jealous of Max Verstappen's victories and swaps bodies with him. Please keep me anonymous.
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artificialbreezy · 15 hours
Finding Her: CHAPTER TWO
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AN: I hope you enjoy chapter 2! As always, this series contents dark content that may be unsettling to some readers. Please proceed with caution. Your mental health matters.
You can find chapter one here
You can join the taglist here
TAGS: @darling-millicent-aubrey @missduffsblog @thefallennightmare @as-above-so-below1000 @alastriaa @amelia-acero @eclipseeeetop @noahsbong @abiomens @lilrubles @badomensls @pathion @exephantom @honeytama @wild-child-7747 @areuirish @1toreyouapart @iluvmewwww75
WC: 1.4k
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Consensual non-consent, mentions of drugs (drugging a person and medical drugs), mentions of addiction, knife play, blood, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, stalking, dacryphilia, possessive Noah, slapping, mentions of abuse, Noah has a monster cock in this story, asphyxiation, blind folds and bondage (sexually and not), branding, impact play, cock worship, collaring, degradation, d/s, face fucking, gags, orgasm denial, pet play (if you squint), toys
Staring at the letter in my hand, I couldn't help but shake. I was nervous, my apartment complex was safe. You couldn't get into the elevator without being checked in and approved. Who put these here? Why did they give me these? Maybe it was silly to worry. I must have met someone last night, and gave them my address. Yeah! That's what had to have happened. I sighed before grabbing the vase and moving it to my window sill in my kitchen. I may not know who sent them to me but might as well appreciate them, right?
I didn't let the slight panic from this morning stop me from my usual Friday routine. I threw my hair up, slipped on my sandals, grabbed my purse and headed to Jolly’s shop. I waved to the doorman on duty this morning and stepped out. Taking a breath of fresh air was all I needed to ground myself again. I was pulled away from my thoughts as I collided with the man in front of me. “Oh my god! I'm so sorry!” I spoke up, there was a quiet chuckle. “You’re okay, I swear. Sometimes I don't pay attention on my morning runs.” He spoke. “Oh! Dollie, right? You're friends with Nick. I was at the bar last night. I'm Noah!” My brain immediately went back to Nick telling me that Noah brought me home last night. A feeling of uneasiness came over me, until I looked from his fully tattooed chest and up to his beautiful brown eyes. Something inside me went from fear over a stranger being in my home, to the sudden feeling of safety. How did i go from panic to comfort by a complete stranger? I'm going to have to unpack that with Jolly as soon as I get to that coffee shop.
“Dollie? You okay? You seem a little in space now.” Noah’s voice brought me back down. “Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I just get in my head ya know. Um. Yes, I'm Dollie! I'm sorry I don't fully remember you. I remember you sitting down but that's about it.” Noah smiled down at me. Before I had much time to think, the words just came out. “I'm on my way to Jolly’s coffee shop. I usually help him out in the shop on my days off. If you want to join me, you're welcome too!” Noah nodded at me, “I’d love to, but I definitely don't want to overstep with you and your boyfriend.” I laughed at the thought of Jolly as my boyfriend. “Oh god. No! Jolly is in fact not my boyfriend. He’s just been my friend for years.” I saw a small smirk appear on Noah’s face. I reached down and grabbed his hand, “follow me, then!”
The walk to the shop was pretty quiet, but the shop was a 5 minute walk from my apartment. I pointed to the shop that was a couple steps in front of us, indicating this was it. “I didn't know Jolly owned this, knew he worked here but that's all. This is where Nicholas and I met Jolly. We come here every week before we head to the library around the corner.” My eyes widen, “I work at the library! I don't know how I've never seen you!” I spoke as I walked into the building, waving to Jolly who was behind the register. He smiled towards me and I watched his face change as he noticed Noah behind me. Mouthing later he nodded his head towards the end of the counter where I saw my drink already setting. Noah went up and ordered his drink, then worked his way by me. Reaching up, I sat my hand on his arm. “In 5 minutes, I'll be right back. I promise!” I mumbled before walking back into Jolly’s office.
As soon as I closed the office door I heard Jolly’s soft voice. “You two must've hit it off last night if you're bringing him on your help day.” Sighing, I was almost afraid my voice would give out. “Dollie, what happened? You're scaring me.” Deciding to not bring up the mystery flowers, I shook my head. “Jolly, nothings wrong. I promise. I quite literally ran into him, and invited him. I figured why not? He gave me a weird sense of comfort for barely remembering his name from last night.” He nodded at me and kept working. “Well go on, go talk to him. Fall in love and all that gross stuff.” He chuckled at me. “Haha, so funny! Shut up! I’ll work extra hard next week. Swear.” I spoke while crossing my heart, before walking out. I stepped into the dining area and noticed Noah was nowhere to be seen. “Dollie! That guy left this for you.” the barista yelled at me. The note read; I'm sorry, Doll. Work called and I had to run. Wish i could've said bye to your pretty face. Give me a call when you're free, and if you don’t. Well, then i'll see you thursday.
Walking into my apartment building the doorman handed me a letter. “Someone dropped this off for you right after you left earlier.” Smiling, I grabbed the letter and walked towards the elevator. There was nothing on the envelope but my name written in all caps. Ripping the letter open, I felt my heart drop. There was a polaroid of me this morning holding the flowers with Beautiful written under it. How did they get this angle? You can't see this from my window? This looks like it was taken in my living room. There's no way. No one was there, but me. Looking around the hallway outside the elevator, I saw no one and quickly made my way to my apartment. My heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest. This is weird. This is way weirder than I thought. As soon as I stepped through my door, I quickly locked the door. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed my biggest knife and made my way through each room. Am I being overly paranoid? Maybe, but this dude took a photo of me inside my own home. I need to be cautious, just to ease myself. Maybe Nick or Jolly could stay with me for a couple days. No! That’s silly. My home is the safest spot for me. No one can get in here. I'm fine. I think the best way to handle my anxiety is taking Hydroxyzine. Can't be worried if i'm asleep.
It was almost too much. The feeling of his tongue on my neck, while he gently rocked his hips forward. Causing a groan to leave his mouth as I clenched around his cock. A silent way of begging for him to let go. “Please, Noah.” As if that was all he needed, he thrusted once more, before he filled me with his seed. The loud ringing of my phone ripped me out of the dream land where I was hiding. My phone showed a number I didn't know. Deciding to ignore it, I threw the blanket off of me. There was what felt like a puddle between my legs. I immediately pulled my panties off to see what looked like a man's cum settling. What the fuck? My phone started ringing again, that same number. Annoyed, I answered. “Hey Doll! I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Just wanted to make sure you got the note I left at the cafe.” I took a huge breath in, calming instantly. “Hi Noah! No not at all, I just woke up actually. You were in my dream, oddly enough” I chuckled out. Suddenly remembering my dream. “Oh god. Please ignore that. That was stupid to say.” There was a tone of embarrassment in my voice. “Please, I'd love to hear about it. Who knows, maybe I already have an idea.” He chuckled. “Excuse me? What did you say?” I mumbled out. “What? I said, I'd love to hear about it if you're comfortable.” When I did not respond to him he cleared his throat. “Doll, are you okay?” His voice was soft. Inviting, even. I don't know what came over me. This isn't like me. “I’m okay! I think I'm just a little tired. If it's okay, I think I should take myself back to bed.” There was a noise outside my front door, ignoring whatever response Noah said. My feet moved before my brain did. There was a piece of paper. Sat right in front of my door. Someone very clearly slid under.
You make the prettiest noises.
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joelscruff · 3 days
Just curious but what are the WIPs you have brewing up? Can’t wait to see more from you <3
i have so many WIPs at the moment 😭 my current dilemma is having all these ideas but for some reason having no brain power to actually write any of them (except for the last one on this list 👀)
feelings on fire chapter 11 & beyond - i'm in a weird place with fof at the moment. i love these two so much and i have their whole story planned out (even further than you might think) and i do plan on finishing it, but right now it's just not flowing for me. it's affecting my other writing too because i just feel this immense pressure to get it done and because of that, i tend to guilt myself out of working on anything else. it's been a struggle lmao. but i'm trying. i go into the draft whenever i have a little bit of motivation.
darkness hums (next to freeze or to thaw installment) - joel's going on the raid so you're left behind with tommy 👀 i'll get this done eventually lmao i have to be in the right mood to work on this series
beautiful stranger - this is my joel x escort!reader fic that i still feel SO passionate about but haven't finished. featuring an insecure & out of practice joel + lots and lots of joel worship. again, it'll get done, just not sure when.
pick my petals off - THIS fic has been in developmental hell for a long time lmao. dbf!joel, very very pervy and coercive who wants to sleep with you before you go away for college. huge age gap obviously, very filthy. it's actually a series so i haven't had much time to really focus on it. will i ever write it? we'll see lmao
stray animal - can't say too much about this. but. VERY dark fic. kinda fucked up. involves a glory hole. stepdad!joel. we'll see what happens lol
untitled best friend's dad!joel fic - this is my current passion project, i'll be honest. been thinking about it for a long time and would really like to start writing it soon. it's a series though so i'd like to have most - if not all - of it written before i start posting it. it takes place in jackson and you're ellie's best friend. you have a crush on joel, he doesn't see you that way. but then something happens and you end up growing closer, very slowburn. i've also been referring to it as touch starved!reader fic lol. han @swiftispunk has heard alllllllllll about it
imperfect for you - a drabble i'm writing for @janaispunk's 1500 kisses challenge!! it's joel + nose kiss 🥰 hope to have this up soon, it's kinda taken a backseat because i suddenly got inspiration to write something else.....↓
⭐is it that sweet? - this one's coming tonight most likely, so i won't say too much 👀 pervy!joel + the beach ⭐
so yeah. a lot. i mean, this doesn't even include ideas that are only living in my brain rn and not a draft, like a sequel to my boss!dave york fic and a threesome sequel to my frankie fic one of your girls, more of my boyfriend's dad!joel (believe it or not, i do intend to return to these two eventually. i miss them v much), etc. i feel like sometimes readers might think that just because an author hasn't posted for a while they maybe have lost interest in their fics/writing/fandom/etc, but it really couldn't be further from the truth lmao. i have so many ideas and i'm constantly writing things down, it's just actually turning them into fics that i've been struggling with lately. bear with me 💖 and thank you for asking!
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comfiestreader · 2 days
Had this random thought but what if it was Luke that died on HalfBlood Hill when Thalia, Luke and Annabeth first arrived at Camp Half-Blood…
I saw really cute fanart of young seven-year-old Annabeth sleeping on Thalia and, for whatever reason, my brain went, oh yeah, that's Thalia comforting Annabeth after Luke dies. And then I was like, mm, no, it's not because it's young Annabeth, Luke isn't dead, like what?? this is clearly before they get to Camp Half Blood and it’s just Annabeth resting on Thalia. And then I started thinking about this little concept:
- imagine if it was Luke that died when they got to Camp Half Blood and not Thalia, just think about this one. Luke becomes the magical protective boarder of Camp Half Blood because for whatever reason, Hermes decides, Yeah, I'm gonna, preserve this kid, okay? And Thalia becomes Annabeth’s soul family, except she never turns to the Titans like Luke did (As a result of all of this like in PJO), she doesn't necessarily stay loyal to the gods (because I personally don't think she ever was loyal as such except for her loyalty to Artemis), but she didn't want to destroy them because she knew that would be worse.
Annabeth always thought that Luke was always going to be there for her, that he would never have done what he did, but in this case, Thalia actually never does do what Luke did. So everything that happens with Thalia, her joining the Hunters still is in this little head canon, but pre-TLT Thalia is the one at Camp Half blood with Annabeth, Thalia is the one that introduces and welcomes Percy to camp, is the one that that shows Percy around and all of that (takes him in, becomes a sibling figure and a friend for Percy) and for whatever reason, like in the sea of monsters, Luke, whatever he is as the protective boarder, gets poisoned, whether that's by a different demi-god that was tempted by Kronos or just monsters trying to get into camp half blood, he gets poisoned so they still need to go find the Golden Fleece. fine, whatever, that’s all the same (Thalia stays at camp for that quest so all of sea of monsters is basically the same).
So when Luke does wake up, he is beyond angry about what happened (because how could his father let those monsters attack them like that, and cause all this to happen? Basically his anger stems from the same place as it does in the PJO books). Sure, he's super happy to be back with Annabeth and Thalia. but, because of technically being dead while being the magical boarder, he's now younger than he should have been at this point, which is weird for all of them because he was this super cool older guy that totally knew what he was doing because he’d had more experience because he was older. But now he’s not, he’s the same age as Thalia, but with so much less experience than her. he's so angry about all of this happening that he ends up turning to Kronos and all of the betrayal etc. then happens. So Annabeth and Thalia lose him three times:
- they lose him when they get to Camp Half Blood the first time and he sacrifices himself for their safety
- again when he betrays them and joins Kronos’ army
- and finally when he realises what he did was wrong ultimately dies because of everything that he did.
Just think on this. Feel free to add to this, I think there is so much potential with this head canon and I really want to explore more ideas with it!
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 days
For A Fortnight There We Were: What About Your Quiet Treason?
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a/n: some more early days of ev/cal. featuring a little vacation for them with her friends, some miscommunication and some feelings being brought to light. also once again features evelyn's friendship with the tellers because i am obsessed with them and think the four of them could get into so much trouble together. as always, i continue to insert her into the modern day whenever something pops up but please feel free to send blurb requests for them as well! so much of their future and the angst i have kept a secret and i am so proud of myself. love you all!
She knew looking in her DMs or Twitter mentions was never going to end well. They were a sordid place of opinions and accusations and no matter how much positivity was sprinkled in, it was so hard to see. After pictures of her lounging on the deck of a yacht in the Amalfi Coast with a lanky man with brown curls kissing her neck were publicized a few days ago, she hadn’t been able to look away.
They were flooded with screenshots of Callum’s Raya profile, allegedly still active, and more private DMs of WhatsApp conversations that showed the cell phone number Evelyn had saved in her own contact for him. Her melancholia was threatening to swallow her whole as she curled up on her side on the boat’s salon.
“Hey! You were taking awhile so I-” Kelleigh paused as a barely repressed sob shook Evelyn’s shoulders. “Babe, oh no, what’s wrong? What happened?” Kelleigh dropped next to her on the couch and hugged her as best she could, her cheek resting on her arm.
“It’s easier if I just show you.” Ev sat up and handed Kelleigh her phone, her knees drawn into her chest as her friend’s eyes skimmed the screen.
“All this could be old, Ev. It might not mean anything.”
“The messages are dated from a few weeks ago while I was in Toronto.” The words of them seemed innocuous. Pleasantries and laughing emojis and memes. It was irrational but it felt like something special about their blossoming relationship was being taken away. Like him sending photos of Golo or his morning tea to these girls meant they meant as much or as little to him as Evelyn. “I’m so fucking stupid for falling for it.” Her forehead hit her kneecaps as she tried to hide her shame.
“We don’t know what exactly we are looking at yet,” her friend cooed, “this could all be one big misunderstanding.” 
“It’s my fault. I should have never let myself get attached. I should have known better to wait until everything with Logan was finalized.” The universe was punishing her for being happy. For falling in love with someone else while she was still married. 
“Cal is fucking crazy about you. Your heart and your gut know that and know how you feel.”
“He hasn’t even asked if we are exclusive. Doesn’t call me his girlfriend.” Kelleigh sighed and reached to grab Evelyn’s hand. She knew Callum was confused and conflicted. Last night, after their group dinner and hours of dancing, Evelyn and a few others tucked themselves into bed but Cal had stayed up for one last cigarette. Kelleigh had stayed up with him to pick the brain of the man one of her best friends was falling in love with.
“Evelyn is like a sister to me and Miles,” Kelleigh started, “I watched the way her marriage ate her away. And somehow her divorce feels even worse. If you aren’t going to be there for her for the long haul, you should go now before it’s too late.” It was obvious with the way Evelyn looked at him. The way she blushed and giggled at his every word and every touch. The way she had held his hand like a vice at the club and fed him bites of her dessert at dinner. All of the friends who knew her before Logan saw that version of her finally seeping back into her bones. Callum was most certainly the cause of it but if he was going to fly her high and leave her to crash to earth on her own, she needed to know now.
“I am living the happiest days of my life with her. Being with her like this makes me feel like I am exactly where I’m meant to be.” God, he straight up fucking loved her. But that was too complicated to introduce. “But I don’t know how to navigate shit with her and her ex.” None of it was normal, all of it was new. Were they dating? Were they supposed to start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend?
“She’s just as confused as you, I promise. Do you want something real with her? Something with labels and commitment? Even if it means putting up with Logan and his bullshit?” Kelleigh felt like she was hyping up the man in front of her. Trying to spark that passion in his chest to fight for Evelyn tooth and nail the way she deserved. 
“I do. I want that. But not at the expense of her peace and stability.” Logan was incensed with every blurry photo or DailyMail tabloid story that came out about them and Ev took the brunt of it. If his presence in her life was adding fuel to that fire, maybe his departure was as necessary as it was tragic.
Kelleigh scoffed, “Just another fucking way he’s trying to control her.” Callum snuffed out his cigarette and moved to stand in front of her.
“You know her best. If I just straight up ask her to dive in with me, ask her to commit to this feeling between us and put a label on it and run off into the sunset with me, will she do it or am I just scaring her away?” 
She had told him that Evelyn would in a heartbeat. Wanted to tell him she thinks her friend really loved him. Was maybe getting some semblance of hope back for her future. But now, looking at the screenshots her friend was showing on her phone, maybe she shouldn’t have been so encouraging. 
“Ev? Evvie?” The deep, British voice belonging to the male in question reached their ears, Callum standing on the deck of the boat toweling off as he looked around for her. “Hey, there you are.” All their friends that had been splashing around the Mediterranean waters were climbing back onto the yacht to get ready for dinner. The last thing Evelyn wanted was to cause a scene or have her personal emotions on such public display. 
“Here I am.” She stood in the hopes she could run off in the name of getting ready to avoid him but he was over to her side in two steps and bending down to kiss her. Both her hands on his chest served to stop him but the way she turned her face so his lips barely kissed the side of her head served to freeze his heart. “Gonna go get changed for dinner.” Her back was to him in an instant and he stayed exactly where he was as she disappeared down the spiral staircase to the cabin they were sharing. The same cabin where they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms every night and woken each other up with kisses and caresses. The same cabin where he had made love to her over and over again with the softest and gentlest of touches. A tenderness only a lover could possess. 
“Did I miss something?” he heard the first whisper. 
“I thought they were good.” Went the second whisper. 
“If you could even call them a they,” was the final straw before he was following after her. He tried the doorknob to the room but it was locked and his heart started pounding in his chest. 
“Ev? Please let me in.” His forehead dropped to the door and he swears he heard the sounds of a sob. Her sob. The sobbing of the woman he loved. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please let me in so I can fix it.” Clearly he had upset her. Clearly something had happened in between waking up naked and twined together and playing with each other’s fingers and now, refusing his kisses and locking a door between them. Her feet padded closer and he stood up straighter. There was sniffling. She was definitely crying. 
“There’s nothing for you to fix, Callum. I expected too much from you. I’m used to being let down by my own expectations and I should have known better.” His brows furrowed together and panic began to set in. 
“No, you…you deserve the world, Evelyn. You’re right. I haven’t been doing my best in giving that to you. Haven’t been as open and honest with you as I should have.” She wanted to laugh. Of course even now he was saying the right thing. Promising her he would change if she would just give him another chance. Promising he could and would do better at being the partner she deserved in this life.
“You’re seeing other girls.” It was unfair and she knew it. Nothing between them was defined and she had only asked that he not sleep with anyone else if he was going to sleep with her. There had been no conversation about dating other girls. Evelyn had been afraid to make it so real.
“What?” He didn’t try to stop the incredulity from seeping into his voice. “What…Where…Who is saying that?” She finally opened the door and he was greeted with ruddy cheeks and damp eyes.
“All day I’ve been getting screenshots of you on dating apps and of conversations you’re having with them and I’m sick to my stomach thinking about it.” Evelyn felt used. Felt dirty. Felt like every accusation she had defended him against was for nothing. That maybe she should have heeded their warnings. 
“I didn’t delete the profile because it felt like signing you up for something you weren’t ready for. Like if I took this too seriously then I’d be pushing you away.” There was no use in lying about it. The profile was his but he hadn’t been using it. To be honest, he thought she’d be more freaked out by him deleting it because that would signal his view of their relationship as serious.. A conversation they hadn’t had yet and he was hesitant to bring up. “And yes. A couple of them I gave my number to. Texted and flirted and whatever else it is people are sending you. I’m not going to pretend it didn’t happen, Ev.” She turned and walked deeper into the cabin, Callum following and closing the door behind him for privacy. She landed in the chair of her vanity with a heavy sigh and looked at him like she could see his soul. 
“Are you sleeping with other girls?” His face contorted in disgust. 
“No. Absolutely not.” The one aspect of their relationship that they had defined. That under no circumstances would they have sex with someone else while they were having sex with each other. As if either of them had even looked at someone since their night in Chelsea months ago. He ran his hand through his hair with frustration. “Fuck, Evelyn, I’m trapped between wanting to dive head first into this thing with you and acting like it’s just some casual fun between friends.” He was at such a loss. Keep his options open so he looked like he didn’t care and could put the pieces together if she dropped him. Worship her on his knees until she offered him some kind of idea of the future. 
“Well,” her voice sounded hoarse to her own ears, “I’ve come to a decision about that this afternoon.” Callum braced himself for the impact. Figured she had been in here working on ways to let him down easy. Break his heart in two rather than millions. 
“You don’t got to say it, Ev. I’ll pack my bag while you’re at dinner. Be out of your hair before you get back.” The towel was tossed into the corner of the room with a hint of anger as he felt tears well behind his eyes. The woman he loved, slipping from his grasp. He had agonized over every word and action to try and prevent this from happening. Had accepted the complications that came from being with her while she was still legally married. Still going through her divorce in the public eye. Even though it was ending, it had all been worth it for these months they had shared together. He just wished it could have been forever. 
“That is the last thing I would ever want.” She stood and walked towards him, her forehead resting between his shoulder blades. “I never want to be without you, Callum, that’s what I decided this afternoon. That it all hurt so bad because of that fact.” Her arms wrapped around his torso and he tangled their fingers together, bringing the back of her hand to his lips. 
“I don’t ever want to be without you either,” he whispered. He twisted in her embrace so they were chest to chest. Her eyes captured his own, strong and sure in their conviction that she was doing the right thing. 
“I’m falling in love with you,” she revealed. “I need you to know I’m not scared. I’m ready for this to be a real relationship. I’m ready for the labels and the commitment. Ready to be with you in every way that I possibly can.” The thought of him being someone else’s, in any capacity, had scared her to her core. She had never felt so possessive over someone or something. Never felt like she owed it to herself to try so much. 
“Say that again,” he hummed against her lips. He urged her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed.
“Which part?” she asked breathlessly as her back hit the mattress and he landed on top of her. 
“The part about falling in love with me,” kisses draped across her jawline, “or maybe how you are ready to commit to me,” down her throat, “actually, I also liked the part where you want to be with me in every way possible.” So badly did he want to lose himself in kisses along her chest and throat and all the inches of her skin that were exposed by her skimpy bathing suit. But this moment felt like he should look her in the eyes. Memorize how they looked back at him and held someone on the precipice of falling in love.
“I’m falling in love with you,” she smiled and traced her thumb along the lines of the smile that was spreading across his face. “I’m ready for commitment with you. I want to be with you in every way possible.” Callum laughed, a full throated and powerful laugh, ducking his face into the crook of her neck. Evelyn’s own pure happiness bubbled out of her in a laugh as she hooked her legs around him and held him against her tightly. 
“Am I supposed to call you my girlfriend now?” he asked as he lifted his head. 
“And you can be my boyfriend, just as if we are back in school.” His nose knocked against hers twice before his lips landed on hers. 
“I know it wasn’t easy for you to say those things, Ev. I want you to know they mean everything to me. Being with you means everything to me.” He knew that the road ahead of them wasn’t going to be easy either. That it was marred with traps hiding in the shadows, maybe some even in plain sight, but at the end of it was something so golden and pristine it would have to be worth it. 
“No more pretending,” she whispered. No more walking separately into a restaurant. No more distancing themselves at night clubs. No more solo trips to the grocery store or posting photos without him in it or hiding the evidence he had spent the night with her. 
“God, I’m going to kiss you so fucking much at dinner tonight.”
And he did.
And she felt loved.
She was.
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theewritingroomm · 2 days
The First Meeting - Pre War
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Summary: meeting Cooper for the first time. Pairing: Cooper Howard x Reader (eventual) Word Count: 597 Warnings: none for this chapter, future chapter may have more warnings. A/N: This drabble series is going to feel like a slow burn, and it will likely not be posted in any specific order. However there will be a masterlist for this series. I do NOT consent to my work being translated or published onto third party sites - including AO3 and Wattpad. 
The Cowboy & The Movie Star
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When you had gotten the role, you did not expect much to come out of it. The one thing you knew for certain was that your mom was proud. She was every time you got a role. And eventually, everybody in your hometown would know about it. On release day, her book club would become a watch party and they would drive to the nearest theater and watch it. Later in the evening you could expect a call where your mom would rave about the movie and your performance, Even if it was only thirty seconds. 
That is exactly what happened with your latest movie. Though the praise did not stop with just your mother this time. Multiple times a day your agent was calling to tell you about the latest interview opportunity or magazine article that wanted to feature you and discuss the movie. . 
Accepting those interviews had rocketed you to the status of America’s Sweetheart. Your place there was cemented by the nomination you received for best supporting actress. 
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“Mom, I don’t know if I can do this.” You admitted into the space of the backseat, running your hands down the front of your dress. An attempt to calm the nerves taking over. 
Your mom placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, forcing you to turn towards her. Pride was visible on every feature of her face. 
“My sweet girl, you can do this. You are so strong and magnificent. And now the world is finally catching onto what I’ve known this whole time.” She fixes a strand of your hair as she continues. “So, when you do win and you become a world traveling movie star, don’t forget you momma.” 
A laugh breaks through the nerves as the car comes to a stop. 
The door is opened from the outside of the car and the flashes from dozens of cameras momentarily blinds you. The shouts of your name are nearly deafening as you step out of the car. 
An older gentleman ushers you and your mother down the red carpet. Instructing you on when to stop and where to begin looking. The ordeal was slightly disorientating; the lights, the voices, the people. It was too much and the nerves began to return as you shuffled down the carpet.. Slamming into your chest like a bus. 
Or perhaps that feeling was the man you had stumbled into. 
“I’m so, so sorry,” You rushed out, grabbing onto the man’s forearm for stability. 
Chancing a glance upwards, dread filling you as the remnants of your career in Hollywood flashed in your mind. 
Though instead of anger from the man above you, there was a flash of worry as he helped you right yourself. His brown eyes were soft as a hand landed on your hip. 
“Accidents happen,” he waved off, “Are you okay, darling?” 
The term of endearment, laced with his slow drawl slid down your spine like warm honey. Settling where his hand sat on your hip and spread warmth through you. 
Before you got the chance to respond, the voices of the paparazzi cut into your brain. 
“Cooper! Y/N! Look this way! Over here!” 
It seemed that, broke the man, Cooper, out of his own trance. His hand slipped from your waist, yours fell from his arm. Backing up a step you met his eyes again. 
“Thank you for catching me.” You spoke quickly, shuffling past him, you mother in tow. Sporting a new, cheshire cat grin. 
As the award show began, a newly familiar figure slid into the empty seat next to yours.
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lost-in-fandoms · 1 day
This came to me out of nowhere this morning and I spent my whole time in the shower doing way too much lore building I barely even put in this.
Girl!Max and girl!Daniel are roommates and best friends. cw: the tiniest bit of implied sexual content
It's awkward for about 20 minutes the day after Daniel and Max have sex after the party.
They do their usual hangover morning routine, going to their coffee shop to buy Daniel's coffee and four pastries to share, and then going to sit on the beach, but it's stilted and awkward and weird. Max hates it.
It's never been this weird between them. Not when Max was just a teenager freshly out of high school, living on her own for the first time, moving into the apartment Daniel used to share with Sebastian and Carlos (and Valtteri, who technically didn't live there, but somehow was always on their couch). Not even when Sebastian had left and they had all spent two months fighting over chores and bills and groceries. Not even that one time Daniel had walked into her blowing Carlos (it had happened once, no matter what Carlos said, and only to prove a point).
And yet, now they seem unable to have a normal conversation and Daniel has already pulled back her hand three times after instinctively reaching out to touch her, which is absurd, because Daniel has never had any qualms about draping herself all over Max before. Max will not stand for it.
So she takes a sip of her second red bull of the day, finishes one of the pastries (which Daniel doesn't even fight her for!), and nudges Daniel's knee with her own.
"Was it good?"
Yes, alright, maybe not the best question choice, but Max has never claimed to be smooth, or graceful. For a second, Daniel looks startled and nervous, which is a bad thing, because a skittish Daniel is not very good at being talked to, and Max is already wracking her brain trying to fix it when Daniel's expression changes. She smirks at her, waggling her eyebrows.
"Why? Need some pointers, Maxy?" she asks, motioning suggestively with her index and middle finger.
Max splutters, feeling herself blush, as Daniel laughs, startling two nearby seagulls. A moment later, Max's red bull has been spilled, the last croissant corner is on the ground, and Daniel is running away, screeching and cursing, while Max runs after her, threatening to throw her into the water.
And that's the end of the awkwardness.
It's a relief, really. Even if she would never admit it to Daniel, Max had been worried about the night ruining everything. She is not the kind to tiptoe around a crumbling friendship, she much prefers either solving the issue or cutting the person out, but the idea of things changing between her and Daniel has always made her feel a little sick. Just because so much of her life is intertwined with Daniel's, of course. It would be a real effort to change things around, and there's nothing Max loves more than her routine.
As it is, things go back to normal. They watch movies together curled up on the (now Valtteri-free) couch, they barge into each other's rooms without knocking, they share the bathroom in the morning when Daniel is running late for work, and they cook together (which involves Daniel making the food and Max making sure she doesn't lose track of time, making everything burn).
They don't talk about having sex again.
It's not like they're actively avoiding the subject, it's just that it doesn't come up. Lots of queer people have sex with their friends, Max is well aware of that, and just because she keeps thinking about it, it doesn't mean Daniel is too. It's just a thing that happened, didn't break them, and won't happen again. And that's okay.
Three weeks later they're both laying on Max's bed, Max propped up on her pillow and Daniel laying on her belly, feet kicking in the air, one of Daniel's playlists playing from Max's laptop. They usually hang out in Daniel's room, because it's bigger and she has an actual sound system, but Max has been too caught up in her finals to find the time to remind Daniel to pick up the cups and glasses strewn everywhere, or to help her focus for long enough to put away the clean laundry piling on the unused side of her bed. And now Max can't stop thinking about the last time Daniel had been in here, even if she is trying her hardest not to think about it.
"Lando wants to go for drinks tomorrow, to celebrate the end of the semester" she says, reading through the five different messages Lando sent, which could have easily been one. "Do you want to come?"
Daniel hums, not a yes nor a no, as she keeps scrolling on instagram for a few seconds. Max waits her out, until Daniel's head snaps up, brows furrowed.
"Wait, what?" she asks, blinking rapidly at her.
"Lando said..." Max patiently starts repeating, but Daniel interrupts her immediately.
"Oh, yeah, no. I have a date."
It's not surprising. Daniel loves going on dates. For a while, she had called everything she and Max do together "dates", even if they were just hanging out or going for a run in the park or having dinner at home.
(Max doesn't remember when she had stopped, but she knows she does not miss it.)
Daniel loves dressing up, spending hours shaving her legs, putting on her makeup and doing her hair. She loves meeting people, going to new places and having fun, even if the dates often don't get a follow up. They are all things Max has never understood, but it makes Daniel happy, and that's important. The fact that they had sex once doesn't change anything.
"Who is it?" she asks, ignoring the pang in her chest (she is not jealous) and letting Daniel tug her further down the bed, so she can make her way on top of her, face pressed on Max's stomach.
"A guy from tinder. Johnathan."
Max wrinkles her nose, she doesn't like people called Jonhathan, and plucks the phone from Daniel's unresisting hand, unlocking it and navigating to her tinder's messages.
"He's big," she comments, looking at the broad shoulders of the guy in the picture. Daniel emerges from her hiding place just to wiggle her eyebrows at her. Max rolls her eyes, putting one of her hands on top of her curls and pushing her down again. She leaves it there, scrolling through their messages one handed, enjoying the way Daniel goes almost liquid, rubbing her cheek on Max's belly like a cat.
"He's boring," she adds after a while, reading through the seven messages recounting a particularly uninteresting story involving Jonhathan and his preferences in protein shakes.
Daniel bites at her through her hoodie, before pushing off her hand and raising her head once again, pouting. Her cheeks are red, probably from pressing them against Max, and her hair are all messed up. She looks beautiful. Not that Max is noticing.
"Well, if the sex is too boring, I can always come to you, right Maxy?"
They both freeze. It's clear Daniel hadn't meant to say it from the way her eyes widen, once again her mouth running away from her, and Max knows this should be the moment she turns it into a joke.
She can't though. For some reason, she can't bring herself to laugh, and she's entirely serious when she replies, looking straight into Daniel's eyes.
"Of course you can."
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