#theses are so perfect
kirqro · 1 month
୨୧ ‘ loser els !
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warnings || none !
{ just random head canons of my lil loser :( }
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* loser!ellie ‘ who’s room is decked out in posters and random drawings she did ( SOME OF UU !! )
* loser!ellie ‘ who said score and pumped her fist in the air after kissing you for the first time
* loser!ellie ‘ who brings you up no matter the topic of the conversation
“ Oh ya my girlfriend said the same thing..!” “My girl hates .. “
“ Yk my girlfriend and I …”
* loser!ellie ‘ who has you scattered around all over her car and room !
Polaroids of the two of you guys kissing In her dashboard
Your rubber bands over her gear shift
Your clothes in her laundry basket
Your hair brush on her desk
*loser!ellie ‘ who’s palms are always sweaty and think she’s hot shit when she rests her hand on your thigh..
girl if u don’t get ur clammy aa hands OFF ..
*loser!ellie ‘ who randomly squeezes your cheeks together
*loser!ellie ‘ who puts her arm out for you to take when you guys walk together and gets genuinely upset when you don’t hold onto her arm ..
*loser!ellie ‘ who watches instagram reels and laughs her ass off
she sends you them when you’re right next to her and waits for your reaction
*loser!ellie ‘ who accidentally calls you bro , brother , and dude WAY TO MUCH. But gets mad when you do it to her :(
“Bro guess what Dina just told me”
“What did she tell you BRO.”
“BRO? WHA. oh!.. I’m sorry my perfect Angel baby cakes please”
*loser!ellie ‘ who has the weirdest nicknames for you.. girl has once called you acorn and didn’t know why you side eyed her for it after it left her lips
*loser!ellie ‘ who thinks you are the prettiest person ever on the planet earth .
Sometimes you can catch her staring at you with pure love in her eyes .
*loser!ellie ‘ who is so baby girl and wouldn’t hurt a fly!! ( she is a mass murderer .. )
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Hii bbys !! This is my first official post :))
I had sm fun writing theses about our silly lil els ! Soo maybe part 2??
Constructive criticism is appreciated but PLSS be nice ..!
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daily click for Palestine !!
- from the river to the sea Palestine WILL be free 🍉
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eee-lordy · 4 months
Practice Makes Perfect
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!!! nsfw minors dni !!!
Jacob offers to help fem!reader get her first time over with. 6k
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"Ready for your big move?" Jacob huffed, dropping a particularly heavy box onto the top of another. He'd come over to help you start packing up, you had a week left.
"Mostly, yeah I think so." You grinned, knowing he was talking more about emotionally than materialistically. Your eyes scanned the bare bones of your first apartment. It had been a welcoming and safe space for a handful of years now, but the time had come to move onto bigger and better things.
"Let's drink to the beginning of the end, then, shall we?" Your dearest pal declared, toting over glasses and liquor from your fridge.
"Don't say it like that, nothings ending here." You warn, sick at the thought of there being a time limit on your friendship once a little space got in the way. Jacob sat next to you on the sofa, pouring you each a drink.
"Okay sorry, we'll toast to now, then. May we enjoy every moment." Jacob's sincerity past the silly tone he used warmed your confounded heart. So many feelings had plagued you since finding out about your big move. How excited you were for the fresh start, and how you were, in fact, dreading leaving behind everything you loved so dearly, everyone.
As you sat and drank, it was all Jacob could talk about. He asked you all kinds of questions. What the place was like you were headed to, how you may come to decorate the home you were set to buy. How you may plan to spend your time. You fawned over descriptions of some new furniture you'd had shipped to your new place. And excitedly quipped about the plans you were making for the distant future.
"I hope to just go wild. Create a whole new thing for myself, ya know? Try everything, live to the fullest." The realizations that you could become whoever you wanted most to be in an all new place had your imagination running wild since theses plans became solid.
"And what are you most nervous about?" Jacob countered, squinting as if he knew this question was one that might really challenge you.
"Oh... I don't know." You feigned a laugh, hoping your face hadn't flushed red. Because you had been increasingly nervous about one thing, fretting over the many outcomes your imagination brought to life every time you wondered how to take on this certain situation...
"Ohhhh no." Jacob grinned wickedly, shifting in his seat to face you a little more head on, pointing his half full beer in your direction. "There is something, I know when you aren't telling me things, you know?"
"Jacob, can we please drop this?" You plead, feeling like sinking in on yourself for letting your facade drop for even a second.
"All I'm saying is, if you're this nervous about something, maybe I can help?"
"I highly doubt you can help with this one, dude." You let out a mortified giggle, feeling your blush coming back tenfold.
"Hey." Jacob lowered his tone, cocking his head to catch your eye. His were serious. "You know you can tell me whatever it is-"
"Is embarrassing-"
"And I won't judge you. You know that." And you did know. Jacob had told you his own mortifying confessions, from the time he'd lost his clothes in a sketchy overnight gym, to the salacious dreams he'd had about certain unattractive costar way back before you knew him. As you reminded yourself of the story Jacob once told you of his mishap with a zipper during the first night he spent in the bed of a lady, you realized you could tell him what was on your mind.
"Okay fine." You gritted through your teeth, clasping your hands together only to anxiously wring them. Jacob stayed quiet and awaited your words.
"I'm most nervous about having sex." You declared. "Because I'm more than ready to get out there and do it, but the thought of sleeping with some stranger is appalling, and I don't know who I trust enough to ask to see me through that awfully awkward first time. And what if I never meet someone I trust enough, just-" With a disgruntled sigh, you realized you were rambling.
"You're a virgin?" Jacob's mouth twisted into a confounded frown as his head turned much like a baffled puppy dog. Your friends studying of you made you want to slip into nonexistence.
"So what?" You huffed a nervous laugh, daring to meet Jacob's piercing eyes for the first time since revealing your secret.
"It's just I thought you'd have done it, like... a lot." He shrugged. "Being so smokin' hot, and all."
"I am not hot, Elordi, and despite really being ready, I'm way too nervous to do it. That's the whole issue here." You scoffed, taking a frustrated swig of your drink.
"Uh, yeah you are. And what is there to be nervous about, anyway?" He quizzed.
"What if I do the wrong thing or say something weird or just make a complete fool of myself? Or what if I hate it? I'm ready for it. But I really am scared I will never meet the right person to deal with how in my head I am about this..."
Jacob let his gaze fall to the floor, seeming to puzzle over your words. A considerable amount of silence settled about the room before either of you spoke again. He was the one to break that silence.
"Do you... trust me?"
Your eyes widened and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
"I mean, you know I think you're attractive. So, I won't care or even notice if you make a complete fool of yourself. And we know all each other's secrets. That's trust. And if you hate it, we stop. I'm kind of the perfect candidate her, love." His confidence had blossomed with the help of the drinks you two had shared tonight. Jacob spoke with assuredness, letting no signs of awkwardness show in his daring offer. The whole thing had your head spinning.
"All I'm saying is... if you want, I'm down. If not, I get it." He took a swig, the last of his third glass. "I'm just saying..." Jacob let his sharp dark eyes rake across your figure as you sat in place, trying not to squirm. You considered the expression in his gaze, clearly drinking you in, yet keeping a respectable distance.
"I'll... think about it." And you really would.
He nodded. You nodded. He got up and turned on a movie. You went searching for more to drink. As some rather boring action flick unfolded on your telly, your mind raced. You did trust Jacob. You did find him attractive too. With his angelic features and fit figure. And you wouldn't mind if this little... experiment led to something a little more serious either. But that was a wild far off distant dream. And still, all the things that mortified you about doing it with a stranger made you just as nervous to consider in the company of one of your closest friends.
"It would just be, like, educational right? Just... one friend helping out another?" You pipped up in the middle of the action movies climax.
"It would be whatever you needed or wanted it to be, doll. I'm offering my sincerest assistance." Jacob spoke easily, keeping his apparent focus on the telly screen, settled an inch away from where you sat on the sofa.
You hummed in understanding, acknowledging how both of you kept your eyes glued to the movie on your screen, and that seemed soothing. There didn't seem to be any pressure, there didn't seem to be any stakes. And as you considered your nerves, you wondered if the feeling was more that of anxious wonder. And then you realized there was a way to test this theory...
"Kiss me. Then I'll know." You thought out loud.
"Know what?"
"If you're a shitty kisser or not. And if I'd even dream of letting you sleep with me." You were drunk enough to speak without consideration. You were curious enough to take Jacob up halfway on his offer. You really hoped he wasn't a shitty kisser. You may have let him have his way with you even if he was.
With a decided shrug Jacob leaned in. His lips were soft, the gentle way he pressed his against yours was more than comfortable. You let yourself relax into pressing your own kiss back, and he took that as a signal to deepen his display of affection. And the kiss that began as a seemingly casual interaction took a different form. Jacob let his lips slowly open, encouraging yours to do the same. As your kissing grew longer and deeper, your very dear friend let his fingers reach to brush your hair back; then let his digits press against the base of your neck to pull your lips ever closer.
The gentle forcefulness Jacob commanded brought a contented sigh from your throat, and your friend's smile in response broke your interaction.
"I'll take that as a yes?" He smirked, eyes focusing on yours close up.
"It's just... a lot to consider."
He had kept his hold on you. His hand clutching the back of your head, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your hair.
"Listen. I won't push this on you. It's no sweat if you decide against it. But I really would be very patience and more than glad to help you out here. That's the last I'll speak of it. Now, what are we watching next?"
You spent the rest of that evening next to Jacob in mutual silence. You watched films until your friend grew tired and called it a night. All the while your mind raced from one scenario to the next. Wondering what the worst could turn out to be, if you said yes, or no.
Jacob stopped by one night later, saying he was simply in the neighborhood and wondered if you'd needed any kind of help continuing to pack up. So, you put him to work, cleaning out drawers and folding clothes into suitcases. You talked a lot while working, about eachothers lives and dreams and silly things. But the conversation kept leading back to the topic of your move.
"I'll be hours away from all my family and it's not like I won't see them but I'll be so alone you know?" You confessed your fears for living in solitude and worrying over worst case scenarios.
"Hey, you'll make it just fine. You don't give yourself enough credit." Jacob insisted, moving about your room from one task to another. "Plus, I'm only one phone call away."
"I know." You whispered, peering up to your friend through your lashes, biting back a frown. You set a roll of tape and a box cutter on a nearby shelf, done with the tools for now.
"This is supposed to be a good thing, a happy thing." Jacob reminded you, shuffling to stand before you. He reached out to tilt your chin upward as if that would encourage a smile from you.
"I know." You whispered again. And with no way of knowing who leaned in first, all you knew was Jacob was kissing you again. And you relished the comfort of his affection. Nothing stopped you now from slinking a lazy arm around his neck as the guy let his grasp splay across your back.
Jacob was the first to break away, like before. But unlike then, he said nothing now. Jacob just leaned back far enough to catch your eye, as one of his brows lifted in a silent question.
"I think I might want to take you up on your offer..." You seemed to realize out loud. Maybe you had always wanted it to be him. Or maybe his encouragement had done the trick of talking you into feeling this way now. But you were never surer about being intimate with someone than now, with the way your dearest friend held you in his arms.
"Yeah?" He nodded with a furrow in his brow.
"Yes, I- if you're really sure." You stuttered.
"I am if you are." Jacob continued to nod. And after a beat, when he asked "Like, now? Right now?" You moved to nod along with him, even though your heart threatened to leap from your chest.
"Okay." He whispered. "You just need to tell me if it gets all too much, no matter what. Promise me you will."
"Yeah. I'm, like, really nervous. That's the big problem. But I trust you, so I am very sure."
"Well, I can certainly help with that." Jacob brought a hand to your hair, "I think." He lightly chuckled, pulling a face, setting your nerves at ease already.
"We'll just go very slow. How does that sound?" He asked, still keeping a hand rested on the side of your head, while his other crept down to the bend of your waist. You let out a held breath and nod assuredly.
"Okay." You flickered a smile. Jacob nodded too, his lithe grin remaining as he searched your face, his eyes landing on your lips. You hadn't fully expected him to agree to this, and you hadn't at all expected things to start right off the bat. But you couldn't complain when Jacob closed the gap and pressed a gently feather light kiss to your lips. As he did so, he tucked a bit of your hair behind your ear, and ever so slightly tightened his grip at the bend of your waist.
This resulted in your hands finding his shoulders, resting them between there and his chest- where you wondered if you were feeling your own rapid heartbeat in your palms, or his.
His lips left yours for a moment, but another feather light kiss came soon after. A couple more small steady pecks made you comfortable enough to fully relax in the hold Jacob was beginning to wrap around you; his hand moving to hold the back of your head, his other moving from the bend of your waist so his arm circled around you.
When your arms slid into a loose hold around the guy's neck again, his kisses started to ever so slightly deepen. His tongue teased your lips, his thumb caressed soothing circles against your rib cage, a delightful hum escaped his throat.
"This okay so far?" Jacob wondered in a hushed rumble, meeting your eyes between kisses. You nodded and softly smiled, waiting for the guy to continue. When he dove back in, his kisses deepened even further, his tongue pressed against yours, his hold tightening, pulling you almost entirely against himself. You stayed like that for what felt like forever, just kissing and letting hands roam against backs and through hair.
He'd barely done as much as hold you close, but you were already feeling the hot coil of desire burning low in your belly, and it was starting to spread every place else. Your every nerve was already on end.
"I could gladly do this all night." Jacob hummed, moving his kisses to pepper your jaw, and then down your neck. "But would you like to go any further? You tell me, doll."
"Sure, we can go further. I just need you to guide me through." You blew out another shaky breath, trying to release the jitters.
"I can do that. Just remember you can tell me to stop anytime for any reason." Jacob kissed your forehead and waited for you to nod in agreement. He kissed your cheek and then your lips, and let his hands begin to roam new territory. his fingers grazed under the hem of your shirt, brushing against the skin of your hips, skin that had never been touched by anyone but yourself until now. It was starting.
"Can I take this off, doll? I'll take mine off too. We'll be on the same page." Jacob sighed into your mouth, and couldn't resist kissing you between words. He left one set of fingers creeping under your shirt while the other gently tugged at the garment.
"I like that idea." You smiled, his lips brushing against yours in a phantom kiss.
He opted for his first, shedding his tee in a lazy fashion, revealing a sight you had seen before, his bare chest. But now was different from the hot summer days you'd been near the guy in such a state. Now you were free to oggel his frame entirely. 
Jacob watched you watching him as he delicately took hold of the base if your shirt, and pulled it up. You lifted your arms instinctively and tried not to shiver in an anxious display of vulnerability.
The man you'd come to trust tossed aside your favorite old concert tee and brought both his hands to the bare skin of your waist. He'd see you in swimsuits and crop tops but he'd never been so close. Never had his hot skin been so easily accessible under your touch. Never had he caressed you in such a state. The pair of you stood there, holding each other in a delicate morphing clasp, for a brief moment. Your breathing synchronized before Jacob nuzzled against your neck and mumble something about how beautiful he thought you looked, and how lovely he thought it was to hold you so close like this. It was almost too sweet, his musings and the gentle way he held you. But the pecks he placed against your neck turned into something fiercer, his teeth grazing, his breathing audible. All the while, his caresses turned too, his fingers pressed possessive against your skin, one hand moving to bring your hips as close to his as possible.
You let it happen, dragging your nails across his shoulder blades and letting out a delighted sigh. You knew this was supposed to be a fun positive experience. But you felt quite unprepared for how much you were enjoying yourself.
Jacob planted another sloppy kiss to your lips, encouraging you to match his energy.
He began to drag you a few steps in another direction, never daring to break away from the kiss you were sharing, until he had to. Jacob eased onto the side of your bed, gently pulling you into his lap. He maneuvered you into a straddle you were happy to settle into, leaving no space between the two of you, as your kisses continued.
"This all okay, doll?" Jacob hoped, as his warm hand made its way toward your breasts, still covered.
"Yes Jacob," you breathed, taking your turn in moving kisses down the man's neck, not totally sure of your execution but lead by passion what could go so wrong, you wondered?
To your delight, Jacob practically melted under your bites and licks, and you were beginning to melt a little yourself, as he kneaded at your bra.
"You can take it off. If you want." You sighed, keeping up your work at his neck, moving from one side to the other.
"Oh, I've wanted to for a longer than you know." He let out a little laugh after his confession.
You sat up to meet his gaze, asking a question with one look.
"You know I've always thought you were beautiful. But I have always wondered just how much more beautiful under all your clothes." Jacob mewled, unclasping your bra after two tries. You let the thing fall away and slide down one arm to the floor, as Jacob ogled you shamelessly. Somehow the moment didn't cause you nearly as much nervousness as you'd anticipated. The way Jacob was handling this new interaction, the way he'd been handling you; caused your nerves that kept arising the settle, provoking much more excitement than you knew you were capable of feeling in a time like now.
"Even more beautiful than my imagination has been able to conceive." Jacob grinned up to you before rolling his eyes closed on his mission to cover you in kisses.
You couldn't hold back your sigh, one you'd never heard yourself make. A noise you didn't know you were capable of producing. Jacob's lips closed around one of your nipples while he let his hand attend to the other. You could feel his pants tightening beneath you, and his messy hair tangled in your fingers as you grasped at something to ground you. Things were moving at a steady pace yet seemed to be rocketing into progression much quicker than you were prepared for.
"Jacob." You reluctantly halted him, grabbing his attention away from making you feel so good. "Jacob, I don't want to stop, but can we slow down a little?" You asked in a shaky breath, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly, like you'd just run a mile.
"Of course." He promised, planting closed mouth kisses across your collarbone. "Come'er."
Jacob pushed you from his lap to the middle of the bed and adjusted himself behind you, as you took in a couple deep breaths. Then his hands found your shoulders, and began to massage the tense muscle there.
"Are you still nervous? More or less? What can I do to help?"
"Still nervous. But you've been very patient so far and I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. Thank you, Jacob."
"You're practically a natural," Jacob purred in your ear, keeping up his work on your shoulders. You began to feel more at ease under his touch, and more ecstatic by his words and the tone of his voice. "Nothing to be nervous about."
Your hum gave him a green light to follow his hands with his lips, kissing the trail of his massaging.
He soon let his hands start to wander, keeping his face in the crook of your neck as his hands trailed lightly across your chest and tummy, stalling for a brief second at the hem of your pants before ghosting back up to brush at your already exposed skin.
You flipped around crawling into a position closer, moving to undo the button of his pants.
"You sure?" Jacob asked quickly, waiting for you to nod before shedding the trousers as lazily as he removed his shirt.
"Want me to do yours?" He asked, not wondering if you'd rather handle the task, but if you were ready for the next step to be initiated at all. You told him you were ready, looking right in the guy's hooded deep brown eyes.
Jacob gently pushed you against the stack of pillows at the head of your bed. For one small moment, you paused to look at each other and smile. And then your friend shifted and reached for the button of your trousers. You watched as he hooked a couple fingers in the hem to peel the fabric away from your body, his eyes drinking in every newly exposed inch of you. You helped kicked away the pants, as Jacob reached to pull you back into his lap. In one swift move, you pushed him back into the pillows. You relished having the boy pinned below you, as you closed in for another kiss.
His hands traced across the expanses of your skin, his warm form settled beneath yours in the very best ways. You began to let your fingers trace patterns across his chest, feeling the hammer of his heart. Now both clad in nothing but underwear, the thin fabric allowed for you to feel more exactly of how worked up you'd gotten the boy.
You weren't nervous now to roll your hips against his. Or even if you might've been, they seemed to move on their own accord, your body seeking to satisfy its growing desires. Your rocking against the man's lap grew quietly more confident, and in the matter of a couple grinds you had Jacob whimpering against your lips.
Jacob gently pushed you from his lap, moving to hover over you in turn. "Okay?" He asked more succinctly but paused and watched for your confirmation just as patiently as every time before. And right as you began to nod, Jacob pressed his clothed hips against yours, encouraging your legs to open a little wider to make space for him. He kept his eyes sharply focused on yours, as he kept grinding, palming at your breast all the while. You were overcome, the coil in your belly tightening, and you hadn't even gotten to the good part.
His hand that had been working at your breast traveled downward, stalling near the hem of your underwear. Just as Jacob opened his mouth to ask if his next move was allowed, you were quicker. You grabbed his forearm and gently pushed his hand past the fabric of your undergarment, immediately glad for it.
His fingers found their way gently to your heat, giving subtle barely there caresses to the part of you that was most sensitive. Your toes curled and your heart stalled as he touched you with such tender intention. The pair of you managed to settle side by side, and without discussion, you reached to move Jacobs fingers to the spot he'd been nearly close to finding. The feeling that followed sent sparks through your nervous system, and your own hand shot out toward Jacob's underwear in response. You didn't ask, you simply slid your digits up and down the clothed length of your friend's crotch, relishing the shuttered breaths he released as you did so. The pair of you kept this up for a short moment, kissing when you weren't stealing each others breath away.
"Can we get to the part where you fuck me?" You sighed, worried that if you didn't do so soon, in the midst of your highest confidence, you'd lose the nerve. Jacob let out a quiet chuckle as he nodded, moving to shed the last of both of your clothes. Gentle as ever, he took as much time with this process as ever, making you more at ease and anxious for the next step all the same.
"Are you sure?" Jacob worried, settling between your legs. You kept one hand against his face and the other set of your fingers grasping his shoulder. You nodded quickly between shaky breaths, your nerves heightening slightly at the realization this was happening. But then Jacob shook his head. "I'm not doing anything until you relax, doll."
You were fully aware of your uneven breathing and the tensing of your body, due to the anxiousness that threatened to swallow you whole. You wanted this, you really did. But that didn't stop your nervous system from going a bit haywire during such an unprecedented situation.
"Relax." Jacob repeated. He petted your hair back and smoothed a hand across your shoulder, attempting to ease the tension you held there. You tried your best to settle a bit more comfortably against the sheets as the guy spoke up again. "Take like four deep breaths, and relax." Jacob guided you through his desired number of focused inhales, taking them in just as deeply himself. You closed your eyes during the last couple and felt yourself truly a little more at ease by way of Jacob's help and kind focus. You watched the guy breath out same as you, the fourth time, and after a beat he gave you a subtle nod.
"Good, that's better. Now, are you super sure?" He prompted, letting his hands hold you firmly against him, not daring to move until you gave your full, more at ease, confirmation. When you said yes with a smile, Jacob smiled too, and proceeded to line his hips up with yours.
As he pressed into you slow and steady, he cooed in your ear. Mumbling pet names and sweet encouragements about how good you'd already made him feel. Between his saccharine words and the pressure between your legs, you were done for.
Your breathing quickened all too soon but wasn't as shaky and uneven as before. Your skin burned with want. Your legs spread far as they could. He placed a loving hand against your temple, and you gripped his wrist as he began to move his hips in a sinfully slow manner.
The press of his lips to your throat was made more intimate by the grazing of his teeth there too. The speed at which he rocked into you began to increase, your heart rate following suit. everything felt better than you could've even fathomed. You were glad you did this with someone you knew and trusted. Someone whose hands were familiar to at least some parts of your own body and whose voice was welcomed in your ear. So glad you were doing this with someone you'd let do it all over again. So glad you're doing this with Jacob.
"You're doing so good, so good, nothing to be nervous about." The last word of his sentence was abruptly cut off by a growl the man couldn't seem to hold back.
Jacob was relentless now, pulling your hips against his as he rocked so hard against you, the bed frame kept hitting the wall. You couldn't imagine feeling much better than this, but then he asked if you were close to reaching your breaking point. You realized you'd never known before, and you really weren't sure now. "I don't know." You admitted with a twinge of worry. "It feels so good, Jacob, but I-I don't know." A sigh escaped your lips as he hit a certain spot within you. He grumbled encouragement in your ear, saying it was okay that you didn't know, and kept up his efforts.
"But I can't hold back much longer, I'm sorry." Jacob cried, his movements becoming sloppy, still heavenly though. It was your turn to encourage him, and let him know it was okay to come undone. Jacob was a goner soon after your brief pep talk, pulling himself from you as his seed spilled across your stomach. As Jacob caught his breath, he promised to go hunting for a towel to clean you up as you propped yourself on your elbows.
"Is it disappointing that I didn't come?" You worried, sitting up a little, catching your own breath. Jacob smirked, and petted back your hair, settling a little closer to you.
"I'm just glad you didn't fake it. Sometimes it just takes practice to know how to make it happen... to find out what you like, ya know?"
"Yeah, I s'pose." You contemplated, a bit cross that it hadn't happened, because it was half the reason you were eager to get this first time sorted out, so you could know how to handle yourself. Jacob had spotted a towel a few steps from your bedside, and was quick to retrieve it. And as he sweetly took to cleaning up the mess he'd made about you, he spoke up.
"You know, I never said our little educational experiment was over..." Jacob was smug, but turned up a brow to nod seriously your way and in a moment that made your cheeks flush even still after everything that had just occurred.
"Would... would you?"
Jacob said nothing. He simply dove back in to kiss you again, with more passion than ever, you thought. The man pressed you to lean against the pillows once again, as his fingers danced lower and lower down your abdomen.
"You seemed to like when I did this." Jacob cooed, letting his fingers ghost over your heat for the second time that evening, grazing a certain spot you'd once helped him find. You sucked in a breath at the feeling, giving Jacob the green light to proceed with more vigor. He pressed his fingers against you with more certainty, swirling more meaningful circles in that one spot. Jacob watched as you bit your lips together, struggling to keep an undignified moan from bursting from your chest.
"Think I must be doing something right." You friend boasted, keeping up the motions he'd settled into perfectly making. All the while, he moved to kiss you. His mouth, you were certain, must've left marks peppered across you skin as his lips moved from your neck to your throat, to your breasts and down further and further and further.
Once his lips ghosted across your core, you knew you were done for. The man let his tongue replace his fingers, as his digits moved to slide inside of you. His hair tickled your thighs, and every sensation added up together was nearly too much to process.
You thought Jacob's hands were magical, his lips and tongue were mind blowing. His warm breath, his teeth grazing, it was all more intense than you'd though it could've been. Your back arched, your hips rolled, and Jacob shouldered closer, putting as much vigor into this process as he could manage. Now, you suddenly seemed to understand the answer to his previous statement. You were close, now. You had to be. Your every sense buzzed and all you felt was increasing ecstasy.
You couldn't begin to hold back your cries of pleasure now, as Jacob worked you into a frenzy. He kept up his efforts until your legs shook, and only when you nudged his head gently away from it's latch onto your lower half, did he cease.
"I would ask if you enjoyed that but I think I know the answer." Jacob grinned, crawling to lay at your side. You laid in a daze, wondering how someone could've gotten that reaction from you. Of course it was Jacob who had.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, and for no good reason at all, you both burst into a fit of laughter. Exhausted giggles, that died down when a cough alerted you to how dry your throat had become from all the harsh breathing you'd done.
Jacob insisted on taking care of you, finding water for the pair of you to drink and escorting you to the shower. You pulled him in with you, and talked about silly things as you washed up, comfortable as before in your friendship.
"Hey, thank you. I really was so scared to go through all that. But you made it easy. You made it fun." You confessed, as Jacob wrapped a towel around your frame. He ran his hands up and down your arms, warming you from the chill of the room.
"Thank you for trusting me. You'll never know how much of an honour it was, really." Jacob nodded sincerely, before pulling you into an embrace. He went home shortly afterward, promising to see you soon, and joking that he'd more than happily help you practice again, anytime. You laughed along with him, and secretly hopped he wasn't joking.
After he left, sleeping with Jacob constantly played back in your mind. The phantom feeling of his body lingered about your skin. You thought of little else than your dear friend, as you moved through the motions of the next day. So, to remedy your fever for the lad, you called him and asked about meeting up for dinner. He responded quickly insisting he'd love to, and that he would swing by your place a little later on. Time dragged on as you counted the minutes until he arrived.
When the knock came at your door, you opened it with perhaps too much excitement. Neither of you said anything, and a brief moment of silence filled the space between you.
"It's still a little early for dinner." You schemed. Jacob quirked a brow, stepping in as you stepped back to make room for him. He shut the door behind himself, as you crossed your fingers behind your back... "Maybe... to kill time, we could do what we did the other night?" You hoped, casting a hopeful glare up to the man before you. And before you even finished your sentence, he reached out to pull you closer, crashing his lips against yours once you'd finished talking.
It wasn't long until he had you lifted from the ground in his arms, your legs wrapped around his torso as he moved to throw you on the sofa.
"You do have a lot still to learn." Jacob smirked, untying the joggers that hugged your hips.
"But we are eating later." You demanded, craving a certain local restaurant.
"Well, I'm not waiting till later." Jacob growled, smiling as he lowered himself between your legs right away. The night spiraled into a mess of moans that were familiar to you now. When the pair of you were spent, you cleaned up and went to dinner, and then parted your separate ways.
After that night, there were four days until you were set to move away. And Jacob showed up at your door every evening with a different excuse each time.
He'd wanted to see the newest horror film in the local theater. You left halfway through to fuck in your car. Jacob mentioned that practice made perfect, and he was more than happy to help you hone this craft. You'd wanted to throw a party with all your friends before summer sent you each different way's. A whole soiree was planned in which you and Jacob skipped out early on; because the broom closet you'd snuck into wasn't giving either of you enough space to work with, and you'd both concluded this may be the last chance you got to really participate in your new found hobby.
But the next day, he found his way over all the while. And neither of you had to ask. It was only a matter of time before he had you pinned against the bathroom counter, and you'd never been happier. Just as you began reaching your climax, Jacob spoke up between sighs, "I don't want you to leave."
"Then come with me."
"Come with me." You manage to get out the words before losing all composure. He followed close behind. But you both knew finding release together wasn't what you meant when you asked him to come along.
As you both caught your breath, Jacob brushed your hair back, and let his eyes consider all of your features. As he took too long to respond, you decided to draw a bath, and invited him to settle among the bubbles with you, where you brought up your question one more time.
"We've had lot's of practice, you know." You settled across from the man you'd come to know better than you ever expected. "Maybe we can go pro. Make it official?" You watched Jacob watch you, as you spoke.
"Was this your plan the whole time? You're twisted way of getting me to fall for you?"
"No, I genuinely just wanted your help that one night. Then it turned into many many nights. And now I don't want to ever have to worry about practicing with anyone but you."
And so after a few more rounds of questions of answers, it was decided. Jacob would follow you to a new town to live a new life. But with your oldest friend at your side and under shared sheets, you weren't so nervous about all the new things you would get to encounter, together.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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writers-potion · 2 months
Got anything for dialogue
Writing Dialogue 101
Dialogue is conversation, nothing more, nothing less. The catch is: diagloue is EDITED conversation. It must be more concise, purposeful and witty than the everyday sentences we speak, while sounding natural.
The Purpose of Dialogue
Diaglue is definitely a fiction elements that pops everything up and out. Thus, dialogue is going to have more impact than your normal paragraphs, in order to:
Characterizes/reveals motives
Sets the mood in the story
Intensifies the story conflict
Creates tension and suspense
Speeds up your scenes
Add bits of setting/backgronud
Communicates the theme
Matching the Dialogue to the Genre
The dialogue in a book should speak the reader's language. There is a type of voice that suits each genre/category of fiction, and we must understand what matches the reader expectations and rhythm of the plot we are writing.
Magical Dialogue
"Do not kill him even now. For he has not hurt me. And in any case I do not wish him to be slain in this evil mood. He was great once, of a nobel kind that we should not dare to raise our hands against." - The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein
"As much as I want you and want to be with you and part of you, I can't rear myself away from the realness of my responsiblities." - The Bridges of Madison County, Robert James Waller
This is the language of The Hobbit, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
When writing literary and mainstream fiction (that is targeted at the general public rather than a target audience), we need to go with what sounds real, even with a magical setting
Science fiction and fantasy can be more unreal, i.e. things like "May the Force Be With You."
In romance, magical dialogue takes on a differen form. It's magical in that it transcends the way we talk to each other in normal society. Magical in that all of it makes perfect sense and is said in such eloquent langauge that we marvel at it while at the same time knowing that if we are left to ourselves, we would say something absolutely banal.
Cryptic Dialogue
"You know, the condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip it on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, then you throw it away. The condom, I mean. Not the stranger." - Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk
This is the dialogue in literary and religious stories that dealw ith abstract ideas and vague concepts and has double meanings. Readers aren't meant to understand theses right away.
These bits of dialogue plant sublimnal messages in the reader's mind that help communicate the theme later on, ultimately making sense.
Cryptic dialogue is difficult to do well. If we're not careful, we'll end up sounding preachy, moralistic and dogmatic.
You need to be able to view the world in different perspectives.
Descriptive Dialogue
The literary, fantasy and historical story often relies on dialogue for worldbuilding (expplaining history, magic rules, etc.)
The author's goal in descriptive dialogue is to provide the reader with information. However, the character's goal cannot be sacrificed for the author's. Dialogue can still have tension and suspense and can be inserted into a scene of action so the story doesn't bog down while the readers get some info.
Shadowy Dialogue
In shadowy dialogue, the character's job is to keep the reader suspended in a state of terror/suspense. Then you periodically tighten and loosen the tension.
The key here is uncertainty. The reader cannot trust the speaker, so we're always questioning him, wondering whether he's speaking truthfully or is presenting the full picture.
Keep the tone as dark of possible, using action and background as supporting tools.
Make it cryptic, or even better, offering an omnious threat of what is to come.
Provocative Dialogue
This is the type of dialogue that conveys the theme, talking about the "universla truth" your book is trying to convey.
Readers like to be challenged in their thinking, provoked to consider other ways of thinking, and shaken up in their belief systems with a fresh perspective about the world.
Consider this example from To Kill A Mockingbird:
"...but there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal - there is one humna institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockfeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignornant man the equal of any college president."
There is no way we can read this and not think about something that is bigger than our daily lives.
Make your readers squirm, and shock them out of their comfort zones.
Uncencored Dialogue
Uncencored dialogue in YA stories are of young people, but that doesn't mean it's filled with hip-hop words and slag.
While adults cencor themselves when they speak, teenagers haven't yet learned that skill so their dialogue is more raw, edgy and honest.
Readers of YA novels expect realism, so make it as authentic as possible. The last thing we want to is for our characters to be brash and honest, but NOT sound like they've just stepped out of Planet Way Cool.
For example:
"What if he doesn't like me back?" "You are too much of a chicken to do anything aboutit but mope."
As an adult, how often do you admit fear of rejection out loud to another, or call out your friend to her face? In YA-type of dialogue though, we can just write what comes into these characters' minds.
So that sums up the different types of dialogue. Consider the nature of your plot, what your readers and the genre of the story you are writing to choose an appropriate way for your characters to speak!
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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panboiiibish · 4 days
Thinking about the 141 bois x roller skate dinner waiter reader. Idk why I just have the need to think about them and needed someone to plague theses ideas too.
I feel like they dont spend a bunch of time off base that inst at a bar or shooting range so when they do Jonny has scouted out a nice eating place. And that's how they found a quant little diner and it's most adorable waiter zipping around on her roller blades as if she was made for them.
All four men would crowd into a small red leather seated booth looking at the themed menus while a figure glides right past them in a cute little waitress dress. Shes taking care of another table before turning to see the group of four practically eating her with their eyes.
She thinks they are cute, a few geared up in army garp while the others are in civilian cloths and the big one cover from head to toe in black. Very much the opposite to her cuter clothes, a simple short dress in the diners main color and frilly socks with her custom roller skates. (I see her being in pastel colors with a main accent of white)
Chatting them up while they order Kyle is more then happy to chat back while Price and Simon sit and watch.
Maybe price asks if their is a smoking spot and she happily shows him to her favored spot to take a break that's also perfect to smoke. Before them both coming back to the table with her cheeks warm and his lips pulled back in a lazy smirk.
The others arnt really jealous but they definitely take it as a challenge. Now trying to bring the sweet little lady into their group of rough and rugged soilders.
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flowerandblood · 7 months
Formula for perfection 
[ Michael • Gavey x painter student! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, fingering, sexual tension, angst, smut, humiliation, swearing, brat taming ]
Tumblr media
[ description: After what happened between them, Michael decides, albeit reluctantly, to fulfil his promise. He tries by his own efforts to recreate what he felt then, to understand what made him experience such pleasure, however, when he tries to satisfy himself something is missing in his equation. But what? Sexual tension, angst, domination and humiliation kink, bitchy, ironic Michael. ]
Part 1 − Equation without solution
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
It seemed to him that after everything that had happened between them his brain had stopped working, slowed down only to handle his basic vital functions like breathing, but apart from that he felt a void in his mind.
She told him she would stay with him for the night if she could sleep in his shirt and he felt his cock pulsate hard in his sweatpants at the thought. He just gave it to her and watched as she buttoned it up with her back turned to him so that he couldn't see anything.
There was something exciting to him about fucking her without seeing her naked body, that even though he had come inside her a moment ago she was still a mystery to him, an unsolved equation.
He turned off his lamp when she lay down next to him – his bed was single and thus cramped, there was no way their bodies wouldn't touch at their slightest movement, however, it didn't seem to bother her.
He turned away from her and she snuggled her body against his back to fall asleep in that position. He couldn't sleep for a long time, thinking and analysing what had happened between them, coming to the conclusion that she had planned it, that she had only done it in order for him to help her, knowing that he would not agree otherwise.
Helping her was not in his interest – he had his classes and theses to write, however, he was a man of his word and figured that since he had taken on this task, he would do to her what he had promised.
He hadn't opened his eyes in the morning when he heard her slowly get out of bed and begin to dress, pretending with a pounding heart that he was asleep, and only opened them when he heard her leave.
He breathed a deep sigh of relief then, feeling strangely excited and anxious at the same time in her presence, unable to decide what he thought of her.
He decided not to bother himself with it.
The next day, at her request, he came to her class. She ran up to him with a thick album in her hand, inside the pages had coloured markers which she had to stick on beforehand. They stood at the side of the classroom so as not to disturb other people who were just painting a model.
"Look. I'd like you to examine all these portraits and decide whether you see any correlations in them other than the golden ratio and the Fibonacci spiral. It is basic that with a portrait the golden division lines are on the eyes and mouth, and with a bust on the head and shoulders, however, this is not enough for me."
She said lightly, looking at him with great excitement, and he sighed heavily, not feeling like doing it at all, seeing no point in it.
"What if I don't find anything like this?" He muttered indifferently, looking through the book she had given him without much concentration. The girl shrugged her shoulders.
"Nothing. Just try."
Even though he decided right away that he would move on from what had happened between them and not dwell on it, he couldn't forget the feeling she evoked in him when he was deep inside her, when she apologised to him, when she looked at him with that innocent, pleading gaze.
A pleasant shiver ran through him at that memory and he licked his lower lip involuntarily, letting out a loud breath.
He had never before come fucking himself with his own hand while watching any porn as hard as he had with her then.
He recognised, however, that it wasn't a matter of her as a person just her behaviour and what she said.
Thus he imagined this scene again and again as he satisfied himself, only with the body of another woman, the kind he liked to see in films. This brought poor results and only aroused his frustration.
Something was missing, but he had no idea what.
He replayed in his head again and again that night, what she had done, what she had said, the way she had kissed him, the way her hands had roamed his body, what he had felt and why. He had no idea what he was supposed to do to evoke the same reaction in himself again, to feel it again.
He thought perhaps it was the result of surprise, the excitement of the unfamiliar and unknown that made him perceive everything so wonderfully strongly, and now that he knew it had no effect.
Discouraged, he began flipping through the album she had given him, looking at the paintings page by page, bored. Suddenly he stopped and went back a few pages earlier.
The positions of the figures in both paintings formed an isosceles triangle.
He took a notebook and wrote it down, drawing a schematic next to it.
He was intrigued to notice in the various paintings that the people portrayed were inscribed in various geometric figures, usually triangles or regular shapes, delineating the entire composition, on whose lines were the most important points of the work.
He was shocked at how something that looked so chaotic and haphazard could be so well thought out, arranged with such great precision.
When he showed her the result of his work the next day she began to squeal with delight, making him not know what to do with this reaction.
"Thank you! Now it all makes sense!" She exclaimed cheerfully and threw herself around his neck as if it was the most joyous day of her life.
She let go of him, looking at him with those big eyes, and he grunted, correcting his glasses with his pointing finger when he felt them slip off his nose.
"Are you going to use that?" He asked out of the blue, wondering if his work would have any results, or if he was doing all this for nothing, just to satisfy her curiosity.
"Yes, now I know why something didn't seem right in my portrait. I chose a composition where her arms are too close together, and I have to position her so that her figure forms an equilateral triangle! Would you like to see the end result?" She asked him lightly, and he muttered under his breath and nodded, looking around the room without much interest.
"How can I repay you?" She asked softly, and he looked at her surprised, wondering if she had already forgotten what they had done.
"I have already received my payment." He said with a mocking smirk, however this did not seem to discourage her at all.
"True." She said with a smile, turning away from him as if nothing had happened, going back to her easel and sitting down on her chair beside it. She put his notes aside and glanced at them, marking with a pencil how she should change the composition without paying attention to him.
He felt that he had made a mistake in his calculations as soon as he looked at her bare thighs sticking out from under her girlishly light dress, pleasantly framing her waist and breasts, his manhood pulsed painfully hard.
They were completely alone in the room.
He bit his lower lip, feeling that he should move from his place and just leave, that he was standing in front of her like an idiot, but the thought that she might have wanted more made his heart pound hard in his chest, the pulsing blood rushing quickly to his lower abdomen.
Why did she take him off balance so easily?
"What is you problem?" He asked annoyed, feeling that he had to understand what she was talking about, that it wouldn't give him peace if he just left her alone now.
What did she want?
Why was she so fucking unpredictable?
She looked at him surprised as if she had completely forgotten his presence and blinked, her face perfectly calm and gentle.
"What?" She asked and he rolled his eyes, frustrated, correcting his glasses again with an impatient gesture.
"What do you fucking want? Hm? Do you like playing with boys?" He asked with the grimace of amusement characteristic of him in moments when he felt insecure and needed to quickly regain control of the situation.
She looked at him in disbelief and completely froze in half-motion.
"I'm not playing with you. I never wanted you to feel this way." She muttered with some kind of embarrassment and fear that she might have hurt him, although that wasn't the point at all.
After all, he felt absolutely nothing for her.
"So what did you want? Fuck strange, desperate guys?" He laughed in disbelief and she moved uncomfortably in her seat.
"No, just you." She said softly causing him to completely freeze, some type of error entered his brain and his thought processes stopped completely.
He pressed his lips together, glancing down at her thighs again, thinking about what was between them, that he felt like pressing her against the wall, turning her to face towards it, and fucking her from behind.
He swallowed loudly when he saw her gaze drop to the bulge in his trousers and turned away, wanting to leave the room immediately, terrified, but her voice stopped him.
"Do you want me to come to you again? To help you with your problem. A favour for a favour." She asked lightly drawing further, not even bestowing a glance on him. He looked at her over his shoulder, shocked, wondering if she was really proposing what he was thinking about.
He stood stunned for a moment simply staring at her, not believing that he was completely hard, that if he could he would have thrown himself at her and ripped off her fucking panties.
"To fuck?" He choked out without thinking and she burst out laughing, glancing at him with amusement.
He couldn't believe he'd agreed – afterwards he completely panicked and walked out, leaving her alone, wondering what he'd actually done.
What if someone finds out? If he gets kicked out of university?
On the other hand, Kyle was constantly visited by girls who moaned so loudly that he could hear them in his room. However, he was rich, he could afford to be so thoughtless.
He could not.
He had been restless all evening, fearing what would happen, whether she would laugh at him, whether she would be disappointed in him when she saw how little he understood and could do when it came to female fulfilment.
He shuddered when she knocked on his room door. He stood up, opened it for her and simply let her in – she stepped inside with a confident stride as if she had been in his place many times before.
She sighed heavily, as if tired after a long day, pulled off her shoes and threw herself onto his bed, laying down on her stomach, snuggling into his pillow.
He stared at her for a moment, again feeling the same emptiness in his mind as before, glancing down at her thighs and the part of her buttocks that was visible from under her dress. He licked his lower lip, feeling a throbbing in his trousers at the thought that he could approach her, that he could touch her.
He moved with a slow, uncertain step towards his bed, her eyes closed, her face gentle and calm, as if she trusted him completely although he didn't understand for what reason.
After all, he could hurt her, take advantage of her, how could she be so reckless?
He sighed quietly under his breath in surrender, pulling off his glasses and putting them down on the desk. He sat down slowly beside her with a loud creak of his bed, his large hand went to her soft thigh and rose higher, tentatively squeezing her firm buttock.
"− so pretty −" He hummed more to himself than to her and she murmured with some kind of contentment, he felt her buck her hips up so that they came out to meet his warm hand.
"− do you visit many boys like this? −" He asked with amusement, slipping his fingers under the material of her panties, squeezing her plump flesh in his hand, massaging her skin in a slow circular motion, a shudder ran through her body every time he came anywhere near the heat between her thighs.
"− only you −" She mumbled, and he swallowed hard, feeling squeeze in his heart at her words, running his fingertips over her hot, swollen slit, gathering her wetness that slowly began to flow out of her, feeling her body shudder each time he rubbed against her clit again.
"− why? −" He asked drily, applying pressure to the bud hidden between her folds – he heard her gasp loudly for air, surprised and thought with amusement that she enjoyed it.
"− I − I don't know −" She babbled with increasing difficulty as he finally discovered what pressure from his fingers and where made her quiver, his movements accompanied by the louder and louder click of her moisture, her hips pushing against his hand, trying to find a stronger source of friction.
"− are you no longer able to put together a meaningful sentences? − all you need is for someone to tease your pussy a little and you can't concentrate? −" He asked amused, sliding the tip of his middle finger between her hot, slick walls, her body arching, a loud, surprised, innocent moan escaping her lips.
"− I'm sorry −" She mumbled in embarrassment, and he felt her words in his cock, all swollen and throbbing, felt the whole situation turning him on more and more.
"− yeah? − and that's why you're leaking like a slutty little thing? −" He sneered and slid his finger deeper into her tight, warm core, pulsing hungrily against him in desire.
"− please − a little higher −" She whimpered, and he licked his lower lip, changing the point of pressure, suddenly feeling a rough spot between her moist muscles, which when he touched her whole body went through a shiver, her lips parted wide.
"− yes, please, there, please −" She cried out loudly clenching her fingers on his pillow, rolling her hips to the rhythm of his hand, feeling his heart pounding hard, watching enthralled as her wetness dripped and slicked with every movement of his finger.
"− so fucking wet from rubbing her cunt − that's what you came here for, right? − do you like someone to watch while you lie spread open like a little slut? −" He hissed, a sudden loud, pathetic moan escaping from her throat, her moisture beginning to leak out of her, her walls clenching tightly on his finger.
He rose from his seat and knelt behind her, unbuttoning his trousers quickly, feeling that he couldn't resist any longer, that he wanted to feel her.
"− lift your hips up and slide your panties down − now −" He commanded coolly breathing loudly and she immediately obeyed his instruction.
He lowered his boxers and his swollen, throbbing erection slapped against her buttocks. She whimpered, feeling it, squirming beneath him – he grabbed her warm thighs in his hands and spread them apart in front of himself like a book.
"− shut the fuck up − are you in such a hurry? − so desperate to feel my cock? − fucking slut −" He growled, guiding the pink, glistening head of his cock against her puffy slit and forced his way inside her in one sure, brutal thrust. Immediately he imposed a fast, aggressive pace on her – she pressed her cheek against his pillow and cried out loudly, her lips parted wide in surprise at how intense the sensation was.
"− oh fuck −" She whined, moaning and quivering, her walls clenching against him giving him a resistance he didn't seem to mind though, panting loudly along with her as he held her firmly by her waist, slapping his thighs against her bare sticky buttocks with each thrust, opening her wide on his erection over and over again.
"− you have no fucking shame − do you want me to fucking fill you? − hm? − a bit of cum wouldn't hurt this tight little pussy, would it? −" He hissed out between intense, fast, deep stabs of his hips, feeling that he was on the edge, that this was what he needed, what he wanted, her moisture running down her thighs.
"− Michael − oh God − yes −" She mewled in ecstasy as her body was finally shaken by her orgasm, her face expressing pure delight, her walls were clenching down on him making him just give up.
"− fuck − shit-shit-shit −" He babbled with his eyes closed and his lips parted, panting heavily as he finally came inside her, his warm semen filling her core. Their bodies moved for another moment with the loud, sticky click of her moisture, his hands stroking her buttocks.
It was fucking mind-blowing.
He looked at their joined bodies and just breathed, concentrating only on the pleasure and relief he felt, only on the fact that he wanted to do this with her as often as possible.
There was no other option.
"Wanna be my girlfriend?"
@at-a-rax-ia @daemonskelitsos @@alphard-hydraes-blog @travelingmypassion @valeskafics
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exhaslo · 7 months
omg omg please please please make a part 2 to the bully!Miguel Ohara x ghost person I’m begging u it was so amazing and majestic pleaseeeee 🙏🙏🙏
Haha, sure thing!
Part One
Warning: Minors DNI, Smut, oral (f-receiving), praise kink, soft!dom!Miguel, window sex
Miguel swore he saw red after he left your dorm. He immediately went down to the mailroom and tracked the men who bullied you. Miguel had to make a point across this campus. Only he could bully others and no one was allowed to touch you. You belonged to Miguel and he needed to make that a stronger point.
Miguel remembered the first time he saw you. He was in the middle of putting some wannabe freshmen in their place when you ran by. You had a panicked look on your face, muttering something about being late to class. Miguel was in awe over you, while his friends claimed that they saw a ghost wearing all white.
It didn't hit him then, but when he kept hearing about the ghost, he knew it was you. Miguel tried to find you afterwards. He wanted to get to know you. But, like the rumors said, you were a ghost. You appeared then disappeared in a matter of seconds. It was like a game of cat and mouse.
Eventually, Miguel found your dorm. It took him longer to try and talk to you and he was glad he did. Miguel had no idea how much being called a ghost hurt you. He didn't want to hear you cry. Knowing his own reputation, Miguel thought of an idea to help you.
"There you are," Miguel spat with venom in each word.
"Ah! It's Miguel!" One of the boys yelled.
Miguel had grabbed the two by the collars and dragged them to a quieter part of the campus. He threw them against the wall and hissed lowly, cracking his knuckles. They hurt his girl. They made you cry. Miguel was going to send a message with theses two.
"Don't. EVER. Touch. The. Ghost. AGAIN." Miguel yelled.
You whimpered quietly under your blanket as you waited for Miguel to return. He looked so mad when he left. Rubbing your shoulders, you slowly made your way to the shower. You wanted to know how Miguel was doing, but you were also afraid of burdening him. He left to take care of a problem because of you.
"H-How can I make them...not see me as a ghost?" You whispered, washing yourself off.
Miguel spit towards the ground, rubbing the blood off his knuckles. He wiped his hands with one of the other guy's jackets before checking his phone. It was late. You were probably already in bed or locked away in your room for the rest of the day. Miguel sighed softly as he thought of your tears.
'Are you still up?' Miguel sent you a text.
'Yes.' You replied. Miguel smiled softly, making his way to your dorm already,
'Can I stop by? Or do I need to make an appointment with the oh so popular ghost?' He teased her, knowing that she could laugh towards him.
'I suppose I can squeeze you in.'
Miguel hurried to your dorm, wanting to make sure you were truly okay. He waited to sneak in and rushed up the stairs. You were in a girls only dorm and Miguel had to make sure that he did not get caught. It was a good thing you had your own private room. No roommates to walk in and perfect time for Miguel to give you some much needed praise.
Miguel nearly drooled as you quickly pulled him inside. You were wearing such a loose and see-through pajama dress. It was no wonder people called you a ghost. Miguel groaned softly as he pulled you by the waist, planting you on the bed. He threw his jacket across the room and hovered over you,
"How beautiful," He whispered, watching you fluster, "Such a pretty ghost and all for me."
"Y-You know...T-This ghost...has been thinking a lot...about earlier. C-Could you...maybe...y-you know...e-exorcise me?" You whispered, trying to play along.
"Fuck, you asked for this."
Miguel groaned as he captured your lips in a deep kiss. His hands trailing against your skin while he positioned himself between your legs. You whimpered lowly as Miguel grew a little more forceful. He licked your lips, sliding his tongue into your mouth for dominance. His hands then groped your breasts, giving them plenty of squeezes and pinches.
You muffled a moan, trying to break free for air. Miguel complied, his lips now attacking your neck as he started to rut against you. You gasped, moaning softly as you started to grow hot. Recalling what Miguel did earlier made you wetter. Miguel licked his lips as he removed your night gown, staring at your body in awe,
"So this ghost wants to be cleansed?" Miguel said with a dark chuckle, "Such a good girl, why don't I start with what we did earlier?"
You bit your lower lip, slowly spreading your legs for Miguel. He groaned in response, holding your legs in place for a moment. Admiring the view, Miguel removed your panties along with his pants. He leaned his head down and just blew against your sensitive bud.
"Good girl. You're doing so well for me,"
Miguel brought his tongue against your clit, rubbing circles around it. He felt your body twitch with each movement, enjoying the sound of your moans. Miguel held your hips down as you tried to ride his face. Your cute little whines were fueling him. Bringing his tongue to your aching hole, Miguel decided to feast.
You arched your back, moaning loudly as Miguel's tongue swirled against your insides. You tried to cover your mouth, afraid of others hearing you. Never had you been this loud. Never did you think you could ever be this loud. Miguel was making you feel new things.
"Don't hide your voice. I want to hear it."
You gasped, cumming against his face as he spoke. The vibration of his mouth sent shivers up your spine. You tried to catch your breathe and squirm out of his grip, but Miguel kept you in place and kept licking your juices. His tongue swirled against each fold and back up to your clit, overstimulating you.
"You did so good for me. Now, why don't we officially cleanse this ghost?"
You nearly felt your heart leap out of your chest as you saw Miguel spring his dick out. He was so big and long! Honestly, you were scared. Miguel saw your nervousness and began kissing you again. He left soft kisses against your body. You trembled against his touch and gasped lowly as you felt him slowly push his tip inside you.
"Doing so good for me, baby. What a good ghost you are. Allowing me to fuck you this good. Does my little ghost like this?"
"Y-Yes!" You wrapped your arms and legs around Miguel, feeling yourself being split in half, "I-It hurts...a little,"
"Don't worry, it's only for a minute. I promise to make my ghost feel good. You're doing so so well for me,"
Each word made your brain flutter. It was like fireworks going off. Soon enough, your gummy walls were sucking Miguel's dick for more. He was so deep inside of you that you felt full. Miguel grunted softly in your ear before he slowly pulled out, leaving you feeling empty. Before you could whine, he slapped himself back inside you.
"AH~ MIGUEL~!" You cried out, feeling full again.
Miguel inhaled deeply to your cries. His shy little ghost was screaming his name as he pounded your pussy. You were whining and moaning under him, your pussy gushing against his cock. Miguel held you up, getting an idea. He placed you against your window, looking down at the lively campus below.
"Maybe this will have them learn a lesson. You're not a ghost, but my girl," He whispered in your ear.
"S'much. N-Not...here....A-Ah~" You moaned as Miguel pressed you against the window.
You felt yourself drifting off. All you could really think about was Miguel's dick destroying your pussy. His rough thrusts kissing your cervix each time made your brain melt. You were becoming a moaning mess as you just thought of his dick.
"Such a good girl. You keep sucking me back in, desperate for me. What a good ghost you are." Miguel praised, kissing the back of your neck.
"Y-Yes~ S'good. I-I'm y-your...ah~ g-ghost~" You whimpered, feeling yourself about to cum again.
Miguel tighten his grip around your wait, watching the campus below. Of course no one was going to see them and if they did, they just claim ghost again. Grunting as you cam against his dick once more. Miguel hurried his pace, he kissed your head, pressing you against the window more. With one more thrust, he filled your womb with his cum,
"There...no more ghost," Miguel panted softly. He pulled out and sat you on his lap, "You did so good. Does your voice hurt?" He asked since you normally never yelled.
"Mhm," You nuzzled your head against his shoulder, "I don't think...this ghost...has learned her lesson....yet,"
Miguel just chuckled lowly, slowly sliding you down against his dick once more. Your soft moans causing him to groan in response. You wrapped your arms around his neck, whining as he slowly thrusted into you, pushing his cum back inside your womb.
"From now on, you're going to stay by my side. I don't want anyone to bully you again," Miguel kissed your head. You held onto him, moaning as you bounced against his dick,
"B-But we...ah~ l-live in separate d-dorms,"
"I live alone. Come stay with me. I'll make sure to take good care of the campus ghost."
"I-I won't be much o-of hah~ ah~ a g-ghost t-then~"
"Then they'll just have to know you as my girl," Miguel watched as you cam against him once more, "That you're my good girl," He stroked your hair before giving you another fill of him,
"If not, then I think this campus can use two ghosts."
I hope you enjoyed this! Kinda just made this up on the spot ;)
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stqr-grl · 1 year
╭﹕💜。♡・touch tank
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୨୧⸝⸝﹕synopsis — there’s just something about sharing such intimate moments with you that makes reo so weak in the knees.﹐
୨୧⸝⸝﹕warnings — f!reader, mutual pining[?, questionable at best], fwb, petnames[love, angel, pretty, etc.], reo being down bad[as per usual], porn with little to no plot, couch sex, intimate + unprotected sex, praise, oral[f!receiving], fingering, dry humping, little bit of cum eating. all characters are 18+, mdni!﹐
୨୧⸝⸝﹕wc — 1k.﹐
୨୧⸝⸝﹕notes — i need a reo soo bad HELLO.﹐
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upon first arrival you’d questioned if it was really a good idea to cancel the plans you had with your friends for what was probably just gonna be a quick hookup with reo but he promised it’d only be a movie tonight so you agreed, besides you knew this is where you’d rather be than anywhere else in this moment.
splayed out in the couch, limbs tangled with his as you shared quick, wet kisses as his greedy hands traveled your body trying to feel every part of you that he could gain access too while a movie that had be long forgotten played aimlessly in the background.
the feeling of his lips against yours always feeling so intoxicating, his lips moving in such a gentle dance with yours as you ran your hands through his purple locks of hair, trying to use it as leverage to print him closer than what he already was.
a sigh leaves his pink and puffy lips as he parts from you, large hands holding your waist against his as you languidly grind against his. “love,” the nickname always makes your heart swell with something so inexplicable especially with that voice groggy voice, “we don’t have to go any further than this.”
your eyes open with such a dreamy looked captured within then and the sight alone makes reo’s heart stop as he takes your pretty features in, not missing a single change in your expression.
“no, i want too– can we keep going, please?” you can feel the way his breath hitches slightly at your request before he dives into you for another series of kisses, theses ones being much more drawn out as his hand moves to cup your face.
nights like these with reo are usually a bit more rushed than this — always hurried to have your bare skin flush against his as hands grasped at the plush of your body, more than ready to take you but tonight felt different than all those other nights.
things were so slow and almost borderline passionate, the slow, wet kisses and his thumb rubbing gentle circles into the exposed skin of your waist while the other pushed your shirt up and over your head.
his pink, kiss swollen lips pull away from yours, those lilac eyes of his lingering your body taking in every possible feature that he could have missed any other time he’s had you like this. you look absolutely stunning like this; atop of of him, chest heaving slightly as the look of lust took over your eyes.
it almost makes you feel shy, the way he’s sitting here and admiring you before shifting you from his and onto the opposite side of the couch and onto your back, climbing atop of you.
“god, y’so pretty,” —he places another kiss to your lips as he discarded your shorts and anything else underneath— “so perfect.” he mumbles, slipping himself between your thighs and pressing a kiss to your heat, making you whine.
“reo, you’re teasing,” you mutter, attempting to squirm in your spot beneath him as he molds his hands into your thighs with and amount of force that would leave little bruises in the morning.
“‘m sorry princess, y’gotta work w’me for a second.” he whispers, spreading your sticky folds and using the flat of his tongue to lick a line up your cunt, wasting no time to practically start drinking your juices, ripping a moan of his name from you easily.
he groans at the taste of you, the vibrations making you whimper and pull at his hair to bring him closer. “sound so pretty when you moan for me like that.” he groans, tongue running circles around your hole as he used two fingers to push into your gummy walls that have no problem clamping down on his thick digits.
god to finally be able to take you properly in this moment felt like a blessing to the man, having you calling his name with such a pleased look in your face was just heavenly.
sure, he’d seen you in this sense plenty of times before but it felt oh so different this time — neither of you just being here for the sex like usual, but here for the company of each other.
“oh fuckk, reo–” you gasp, chest heaving as your eyes roll ever so slightly, “i need more, please– need you to make me cum,” you cry, his hips bucked into the cushion of the couch beneath him at your pleads.
he happily obliges to your request, quickening the pace of his fingers and sucking your sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth, a loud cry erupting from your chest as you arch off the couch, babbling for more as he happily gives with almost little to no thought of himself in the moment- only you and your pleasure being on the forefront of his mind.
his eyes peer up at you, admiring the pure bliss on your face, your expression alone could have him cum on the cum on the spot — a needy noise escaping his lips as he ruts into the cushions once but his fingers and tongue never falter, desperate to bring you to the high that your crave so badly.
“so fucking perfect, princess, wanna feel this pretty pussy cum around my fingers,” he fought back the series of whimpers that threatened to spill from his lips as he spoke, feeling your fingers clamp around his fingers.
“shit! like that, keep doing that–!” you blurt, eyes crossed, feeling that tight knot inside you coming close to snapping. “keep going, please, you’re doing such a good job for me– shit!” you squeak, at the sudden wave of release that washes over you, body freezing with a slight shake.
it’s not too long after that a whiney groan leaves his lips, a sticky white substance staining his boxers and leaving a forming wet patch in its wake but he pays little to no mind of it, instead focusing on the little white trail slipping from your cunt.
reo wastes no time using his tongue to push into your sensitive hole, collecting any cum that hadn’t gotten on his fingers, graciously swallowing it before pulling away from you, holding his two digits in front of your agape mouth.
“here, have a taste angel.”
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2023 ©stqr-grl.
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Potatoes and White Amaryllis
Day 9 of celebration marathon
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Older!Grover underwood x Aphrodite!gn!reader
-ask: I read your rules so I was wondering if you asked Grover to like touch his little horns on his head like as a crush and Percy and anabeth see it and kinda of tease you two about getting together. IDK IF YOUR COMFORTABLE WRITING IT BUT IF YOU ARE PLEASEEEEEE
-£ him in the third book he was simping. And I changed it to teasing Grover.
-£ warnings: dabble, so much fluffiness, he’s just so adorable and needs more love, based on what I have read so far of him but maybe a bit oc?
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no path was left unturned by the love you two had for each other. but circling around without ever meeting was the problem. one aways trailing behind the other, or waiting there in place until unfortunately going again. and it was draining to watch for the other campers.
grocer chased after you like a lost puppy, but you were just as bad with a smile on your face when you saw him. he helped you with anything you needed and never failed to make you laugh. it was obvious how shy he was around you, and how he looked at you like nature itself. the only one to not realize his feelings was you, being just as blind yourself.
“What do you think of theses?” You held up a potato you grew yourself, being someone who doesn’t have the powers for plants you still loved them. This potato you had grown in a pot near your bed after you begged your siblings to letting you keep it there. You wanted to prove yourself.
Grover examined it with his eyes and thought for a second, he hummed out in question as you watched anxiously. Grover was playing with you knowing full well that it was good, you never failed to grow anything.
“Just as perfect as the others,” he flashed a bright a smile as you exhaled in relief. “You really need to stop overthinking.”
Rolling your eyes you picked up the small basket of the others and carried it against your hip. You started to walk along the path as he followed like he always did.
“No one in my cabin likes dirt. But I like it, even like to play in the mud— I just wanna be good at this, is that a crime?” You look at him and he saw the shy smile on your lips and the sparkle in your eyes. he could stare at you all day and never get tired of it.
“No, no. I don’t think so,” he stopped at the end of the path, you needed to go into Demeter's Cabin and both of you now stood in front of the door.
You looked at him for a second and then giggled, “Can I touch your horns?” You looked so sweet and soft that it made his heart flutter.
Grover nodded his head a little to aggressively for his own liking but placed his tilted his head so it was easier for you to reach. the sweet sounds coming from your lips of light laughter caused him to blush a dark red.
Reaching up to his hair and feel the horns on his head for a second, he freezes and tries to stay still but wants to look up again at you. you step back and bring something down when you pull your hands back. he sees a small twig with a small leaf attached to it. he is even more embarrassed now that he wants to run away as fast as he could.
“I think a flower would look better,” you let go of the twig, “I think white amaryllis would suit you quite well.” you nod your head and walk away from him as he stares at you with puppy eyes. he waited until you are out of sight and into the Cain until he groans and covers his face.
“I’m such a idoit.” He speaks to himself while sighing.
“That you are.”
Grover swings around to see annabeth standing there with her arms crossed, and Percy with a huge smirk on his face. Both of there eyes mischievous.
“Hey guys!” He waves his hands. “Fancy seeing you here.” Maybe they could leave him a bit of dignity left.
“You didn’t trip this time,” Percy teased and went up to the boy and pulled him in by the shoulder. “That’s upgrade.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Grover flushed.
“Yes, you do. Following them around camp, looking at them with hearts in your eyes.” Annabeth rolled her eyes.
“Oh y/n, you’re so perfect. Oh, y/n let me carry that for you.” Percy tried to mock Grover’s voice and acted silly in love like Grover did. The satyr pushed him away and tried to walked away from them.
“And you were just geeking out about them touching your horns, I swear you were going to kiss them.” Annabeth followed shortly behind him. She made Grover blush more.
“You’ll be a couple in no time! I’m sure.” Percy patted him on the back.
“Guys stop, this is embarrassing!”
taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows
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May you do some rottmnt boys headcannons for how they would react if Draxum tells them that they were y/n pet turtle before he stole and mutated them
It feels weird to write this with a romantic relationship so Im going to make this plutonic.
Raph Leo Donnie and Mikey finding out there are the readers old pet.
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🐢 Anime boy backstory 🐢
Before Draxum started the mutation process, before he got ahold of Splinter, he needed some actual test subjects. You where an average New Yorker, you went to school and had a part time job and even had some unique pets that you where very attached to.
A alligator snapping turtle, a softshell, a red eared slider and a little box turtle. Draxum took interest in you because of your pets. Huginn and Muninn where sent out to find the perfect animals to mutate, that's when you where targeted by him.
On your way home from a trip to the vet to check up on your little guys health you got jumped. There was no possible way to get out but you where not about to leave your pets. You tried to run but after being picked up by Draxum's vines you got thrown against a wall, passing out. When you woke up your beloved pets where gone.
★ He was the one who tracked you down after Draxum told him he once was someone's pet. It was kinda awkward expanding everything to you but after introducing himself you immediately pulled him in for a hug.
★ He kinda gets protective of you. But not from other people! Just in general, you took care of him when he was small. It's only fair that he does the same for you.
★ You and Raph end up being the responsible ones in there little family. The difference between getting in trouble with You instead of Raph is that you always lecture them for at least an hour. Also you get to say stuff like "I raised you better than this."
★ You get invited to every family movie night and everyone fights over who gets to sit next to you because you always cuddle with the closest person. turtle?
★ The reaction he had was similar to the one in in the gif above ⬆️. Yes, he was a plane old turtle once but it took him by surprise when it came out that he was a pet.
★ He's a total lap dog towards you, and only you. There's no getting out of it. He'd walk up to you and plop himself down on your lap and look up. You always give in and give him shell stitches. It's not weird if it's from you, okay!
★ His brothers collectively agree that you are now basically his babysitter. He gets into a fair amount of trouble, imagen Raphael saying "if you don't stop I'm telling y/n!" Or being the one who now yells at him after making bad discussions instead of raph.
★ Blank face before quietly saying "What?" He knew that he was just a regular softshell but surprisingly he never thought about where he came from before getting mutated.
★ He gives you random tests on your knowledge of softshell turtles. Like you could be folding laundry and he'd just say "what is the proper temperature for a softshell turtle enclosure?" He does this to try and figure out if you where a good pet owner. He's come to the conclusion that you where a pretty good pet owner.
★ He wonders about what could've happened if Draxum never stole him and his brothers from you. Things could've turned out way differently, the thought comes back to him every once I awhile.
★ You know things about him that nobody else knows, like where he likes to be pet on his shell. But he refused to believe you without any proof. He is only slightly embarrassed when you demonstrate for him.
★ *New parent acquired* He got really excited and asked a ton of questions. Did you get him from a pet store? How much did he cost? Do you still have his old habit??? He needs to know theses things!
★ If you have any photos of him and is brothers as regular turtles he's going to ask for copy's. Don't tell anyone but he's working on a family album in his free time.
★ You are now his older sister figure, no you aren't getting out of it. He comes to you when he needs help or has a problem with something or someone. He says that he inherited your kindness even though it doesn't work that way.
★He lowkey love's it when you pamper him like he is still your pet turtle. Doesn't matter if he's a big guy now! He wants chin scratches and lap pillows. Also he makes Draxum apologize for what he did to you.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
For a fantasy one-shot what if the 141 gets stranded on a mission gone wrong, and they have to find a safe house cuz someone (not sure who) is badly injured and needs medical attention.
After a bit of wandering around a forest, they find an "abandoned" house. Unfortunatly for them, it's the house of witch!reader who dosent take kindly to intruders...
After a bit of calming down and convincing, Witch!reader heals whoever is hurt and maybe offers some assistance as the enemy has been draining resources from the forest?
Feel free to change the ending, I just like forest witchy vibes...😅
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(totally love the way marvel pictures 'magic' so I kinda used that, not sure it's still... Forest witchy tho.. sorry..)
Head canons Witch!Reader X squad 141
Your little house in the forest was perfect. The wood and Vine, the flowers and greenery making it disappear into the landscape. Of course you'd still often vanished to the city, especially for some things the forest couldn't entirely provide.
You were walking back home, the greenery of the forest surrounding you, the peaceful silence around. Unfortunately, for the past weeks, some men were troubling your peace.
The fresh smell of grass and leaves were now tainted with blood and drugs that the pathetic things used to escape the real world. If only they knew how to truly look at the world.
You frowned, the thoughts only souring your mood. That and the newly smell of blood. It could have been alright... If it wasn't straight on the path to your house. You stopped for a second, thinking about the situation. Did they wander too close?
You sighed before heading straight to your house. The smell of blood intensified, now droplets visible here and there. The droplets grew to bigger little drops and to tiny puddles.
You grew weary, your steps falling deeper into a soft silent path. Once you finally had the house in sight, you decided to go straight in. Anger rushed over you, the audacity of theses humans getting on your nerves.
The smell of blood hit you, as soon as you swung the door open. The ticking of guns pointing at you made you frown.
"hands up.." a man with a fishing hat said.
You turned to them, looking unfazed.
"you barge into my house. And you dare to threaten me?" You questioned.
"you..your house?" A Scottish accent rang.
"yes. My house." You pointed now looking at the man in a mohawk, sitting on the floor next to your couch. It made you notice the man laying on said couch, blood over his clothes and... Your couch. You sighed.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, hands u-"
You didn't let him finish, two fingers pointing to the guns before swiftly swingy them towards the ceiling, the metal things following the movement before sticking themselves on the ceiling. The silence was loud. You wanted to laugh. You rolled your eyes, closing your door behind you before walking to the kitchen table to drop your bag.
"that was so co-'
You smirked, the poor Scottish land being scolded by the masked man.
"what are you?" The hat man said again.
"again. Rude. Who are you even?" You asked, crossing your arms.
The men looked at each other. They didn't look like the other idiots that tried to roam your forest. They were... Different. Your gaze fell on the wounded man again.
"what happened?" You asked, changing the subject, as you nodded towards the couch.
"i... I took a bullet... I'm... Gaz... By the way..."
You smiled. Poor boy. His shaky voice only betrayed his fear and pain. You sighed again, frowning. You shouldn't mingle. Not at all. But the face of the man, wincing in pain, and the one of his teammates, worriedly looking at him, tugged on some string you didn't knew your heart had. Not for humans anyway.
You took a step forwards, the hat man immediately, stepping in front of you.
"calm down... If I wanted to hurt all of you, i would have done so already." You said, eyes glancing to the guns still stuck on the ceiling.
After long seconds of pondering and glances towards the others he stepped aside. You walked to the couch, kneeling next to mohawk.
"I'm... I'm soap."
Well... Next to soap then. You nodded.
"I'm Y/N." You answered..
You turned your attention to the wound.
"I'm going to remove your vest and your shirt, alright? I need to see where you got hit." You explained.
He nodded weakly. Your hands rose, snapping your fingers as the two vanished.
"How the fuck do you do that?!" Soap yelled.
"I'm. A witch. Please don't tell in my ear like that..." You answered with a frown.
You looked at the man's stomach, the bullet seemed to be on his left side, underneath his rib cage, above his hip. The bullet still inside.
"i need to remove the bullet before healing you. I'm... I'm sorry, it might be painful for a few seconds..." You said.
"it's ok... I'll... Die... If you don't..."
Again. Another pull on a heartstring.
"I'm not going to let you die." You assured with a soft smile. "Soap? Right?" He nodded "can you tell me what happened and why you're in my house? The two big guys over there are much less friendly..." You grumbled.
He smirked. You turned to the wound hand hovering above it.
"well... We're military... Special task force 141. We're on a mission. We're here to localize and intercept a group of drug dealers who use the forest for-"
Light intertwined in your fingers, blue, wavy glowing smoke, the bullet inside the body shining the same light before you focused to attract it towards you to pull it out. You'd have to work fast after, but it'll get out. The man under groaned, face torn in pain.
"i know... Sorry..I'm gonna pull it out...i just need to localize it... And...PULL." You mimicked your words, the bullet flying out into your hand, coating your fingers in blood. You sighed, dropping it to the floor, now putting both hands over the wound, applying a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding before another glow of light shinned from your hands. It spread to the man's skin underneath your palm. Veiny threads expanding from under your hands, shining blue.
Soap was gasping. You smirked again, trying to remain focused on your spell.
"go on soap. I'm listening." You reminded.
He shook his head, probably trying to focus on his story.
"hum.. yeah.. the dealers... Hum... We got ambushed... He got shot... And... We found your house here... Thought it was abandoned ...hum" the man looked mesmerized as you worked.
"yeah... Those idiots keep roaming around... They're getting on my nerves. I'm glad someone's taking care of it, didn't really want to mingle with human affairs." You explained.
It took a good five minutes for the muscles and flesh underneath your energy to grow back together. You'd have to rest for a few hours. When finally the skin had melted back together smoothly did you let the glow fade.
Removing your hand, she shadow of the bullet hole was glowing, veiny threads still expanding to the man's side and stomach.
"give it a few minutes. It'll go away." You assured before standing up slowly.
"thank you..." He let out in a shaky breath.
"don't worry. Just rest. I'll prepare some soup." You said with a soft smile before turning towards the kitchen.
"are... We the soup?" Soap asked.
You frowned, confused.
"why the fuck would I eat you? What's wrong with you?" You asked.
"your hands glow!" You heard.
You made your soup and everyone ate. Eventually you had let them stay the night, resting. They were safe there. You decided to help them just a tiny bit, after all, they were trying to get rid of the same enemies as you.
They remained two days, making sure their friends was up for another round. You had worked wonders, gaz being able to run around and jump quite fast.
In that time, soap just kept asking you to make things fly, or glow. You had pointed out you could do so much more, that this wasn't just some marvel movie. He seemed to ignore it.
The hat man.. price as he had introduced himself, felt more comfortable around you. The masked man however still seemed to eye you from the corner. It was time to leave when you looked at them in front of your house. You leant against the door frame.
"thank you, for everything. We'll keep your secret." Price said with a soft smile.
"something tells me you will. You're trust worthy. Be careful out there. You're four. They're fifty at least." You answered in a serious tone. "Soap." You called.
The man skipped his way towards you. You took his hand, opening it, palm up. You dropped a thick red thread, braided, a little bell at the end.
"in case of emergency. Ring."
They didn't ring. And weeks... Months passed. You questioned yourself if they had died. But on a rainy afternoon. You heard it. In the distance, like an echo in a dream. The bell ringing.
You didn't hesitate and immediately closed your eyes, focusing on the little bell, before simply vanishing.
It had turned out, it was no emergency. You had appeared in a room, the squad looking at you with wide eyes, sprawled on a couch or chairs around the cosy room. You crossed your arms.
"what in Merlin's beard is the emergency?"
"i... Just wanted to see if I'd work..."
It turned out to be a recurrent event. One of the boys would ring the bell, you'd get there, and they simply wanted to invite you to watch a movie.
Turns out, every Friday night, the bell rang. Poker nights, movie nights, game nights or simply to spend the evening with them. You'd often find yourself falling asleep there, unable to get back home from the tiredness or the alcohol.
Gaz was extremely thankful. He had offered you flowers and beautiful Notebooks. He had noticed your collection of notebooks laying around in your house, all scribbled. You had slightly blushed, reminding him that he didn't owe you anything at all. He didn't know it but you had crystalized the flowers, keeping them over the fireplace.
Soap was extremely happy to help you. Sometimes you'd need to make potions, you'd bring your stuff over and soap would chop things or stir. You'd often had to slap his hand away from the small cauldron to avoid him tasting anything. Of course you didn't brew anything remotely dangerous around them, but the last time you had turned your back, soap had grew a much longer pink mohawk and ran around jumping for hours.
You had wrote down in one of your new notebooks under Gaz's happy gaze, that removing three ingredients to a Calming infusion turned out to create a powerful energy potion.
Price loved it when you'd produce a little flame at the end of your finger to light up his cigar. "thank you my dear.". You had enchanted his phone, he could call you now avoiding using the bell and keeping it for emergencies only. You added in the map app, tracking points of the team, just in case. He was extremely thankful, his dad worries slightly relieved.
Ghost enjoyed watching you practice. He wouldn't say it out loud even under torture, but he was always mesmerized by the soft blue light that rose from your hands or body everytime you used your magic. He had noticed how it would naturally start flowing around you, in thin smoky waves, when you were lost in your notes or reading. He'd let his gloved hand wash through it, the sensation odd yet so familiar. You had only noticed when he had grazed your hair by mistake. Eyes falling into his you had blushed, realizing your situation. He had looked away, straightening himself. You had decided to gift him a little terrarium. On the inside, in a small porcelain miniature house, remained a little light. It took you days... Weeks even. And you'd never tell him, but you had managed to create a small artificial being, a little cute humanoid blue glowing thing. It was you. All you. Your magic and energy. It enjoyed the terrarium, and you were glad, you had wanted to gift it to him directly like this. In the end... You could feel it... The pain and sadness coming from his soul. And you could feel how your magic seemed to soothe him.
Soap calls you witchy
Gaz calls you goddess/ angel/ sweetheart
Price calls you little minx/little witch.
Ghost calls you by your name, but you had heard him once, as you were half asleep, call you 'little light'.
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Little bonus:
Konig would eye you like a child in wonder. After the first fear, he would just stare. He liked seeing you garden and tend to plants, usually because nature seemed to react around you and he finds it beautiful. Flowers growing around you or grass getting greener. Butterflies or mouses, bunnies and birds often visiting when you were simply reading outside in the shade of a tree, and he always found it adorable.
Calls you Göttin.
(not sure about the translation my bad... Goddess?)
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chaos-intj · 8 months
The way to someone’s heart is through the stomach
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OPLA Sanji x Reader
Disclaimer: English is not my first language and I didn’t proofread this
Word Count: 556
Summary: this request
TW: just fluff, talk about food, petnames (sweetheart), readers gender is not really specified
It had been 3 weeks since you joined the straw hat pirates on their journey to find the one piece. You hadn’t needed much convincing to leave the island, you had called your home for all theses years, since you knew there wasn’t much left there that would hold you back.
Life with the crew was great. You got along with everyone but a certain cook was your favorite. Since the island you grew up and lived on until now had been pretty small you hadn’t had the privilege of trying a bigger variety of different foods. Options had always been limited since there weren’t too many plants that grew on the island so you always had to stick to the few meals you could make and liked. But that changed when you joined the straw hats. Sure since you lived on a boat there were also limited supplies but Sanji was a magician in the kitchen. You could give him the same ingredients day after day and he’d still come up with a new meal each day and none of them disappointed. Every dish was like a symphony.
Today Sanji had again impressed everyone with a new creation of his and when you volunteered to help him with the dishes you wanted to take the time to express your appreciation for his skills. “Sanji?” You were standing next to each other at the sink. “Yes sweetheart?” Your heart beat a little faster at the nickname. “I just wanted to tell you I really appreciate your cooking and today's meal was perfect as always”, you looked over to him to see a smile spread on his face. “Well thank you very much for the compliment. I noticed you’re always the most eager to try my new creations, well besides Luffy but he eats anything that doesn’t run away fast enough. Have you always liked trying new stuff?” He chuckled, now meeting your eyes. “Hm. I don’t know. Maybe I would have liked it if I had had the chance. But maybe you remember my island. It’s really small so we didn’t have a huge variety of food and I’m not as talented as you so I pretty much ate the same things every week. Gets kind of boring after a while. Which is why I really love having you here so I can try new things every day!” You smiled at him and you could swear there was a light blush covering his cheeks. “I’m glad you like it and you know if you ever have anything you want to try just tell me and I’ll make it for you sweetheart”, he said while focusing back on the dishes. “Wait really? You’re the best Sanji!” Before you could really process what you were doing you wrapped your arms around his torso and gave him a hug. For a moment Sanji seemed frozen but then his arms also slowly wrapped around you. “Anything for you”, he said, softly smiling down on you. You stayed like this for a while until you had to get back to the dishes and you began wondering if you only cared for the food or if maybe you also really liked its creator. You could help the smile that spread on your face. This was going to be an interesting adventure.
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
hello!! may i request where reader likes pavitr but he likes gayatri?
A/n: Oof. OOF! Hurt my heart why don’t ya? But I’m willing to do it! Also sorry for the severe lack of dialogue in this one. I couldn’t think of much. 🦦
Part 2
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You’ve liked Pavitr for as long as you could remember, yet you knew you were in a loosing race when it came to Gayatri.
You couldn’t blame Pavitr for liking Gayatri much like you couldn’t blame Gayatri for being the source of Pavitr’s feelings. With no one else left to place blame on for your circumstances, you naturally resorted to blaming yourself, but it was early into your self hate that you realised that you weren’t to blame either; you had no control over this and neither did you have entitlement over how people should feel towards someone they found distinctively attractive. Sure it hurt like a motherfucker knowing that the guy you’ve liked since the moment you understood what liking someone in a romantic meant, unapologetically fawn about someone else in-front of you that you might as well have not existed.
‘Gayatri smells like newly blossomed flowers.’ He’d say one day.
‘Gayatri’s laugh is as beautiful as the birdsong of the early morning.’ He’d say another day.
Gayatri could save Mumbattan by smiling for all you knew!
It also wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to forget that he was hanging out with you with how often his head was in the clouds.
We’re you jealous? No. You weren’t. What you were sick of was hearing Pavitr only talk about her during your hang outs because if his mind was so fixated on her twenty four seven, then why should he have bothered hanging out with you in the first place? You couldn’t fucking change subject matter without him somehow integrating her into it! You hated to admit it but hanging out with Pavitr had started growing less and less enjoyable to the point you started making up excuses to not hang out with him, up to the point where you stopped hanging out with him all together.
You needed time away from him to heal your fractured heart and hearing him gush about Gayatri wasn’t helping make matters better. Were there better ways of dealing with this? Yes, you could’ve effectively communicated to him about how you felt and being the amazing person that he was, Pavitr would’ve understood but you decided against it because you didn’t want it to come across as though you didn’t like Gayatri; which was bullshit, you loved Gayatri and how smart, funny and sweet she is, so much so you knew that she and Pavitr would be an picture perfect couple.
You needed time away to find yourself and find who you were outside of Pavitr because your feelings for him had became an unhealthy attachment, to the point that you were loosing sight of who you once were before theses feelings went and made everything complicated. You owed it to yourself to find what makes you happy and what ignites that spark within you again; reminding you that there is so much more to life then to be hung up over one guy whom will never see you in the light that you deeply wanted him to see you in, unlike the movies you grew up on where the childhood friends realise they were in love the whole time.
Life doesn’t work in junction to the tropes you’ve read about in books and in fan-fictions you’d find on Ao3; Life was shit and things such as soulmates or twin flames don’t exist. Even if they did, you obviously were looking in all the wrong places and people for a sliver of something that was never pertained to you.
‘Gayatri said yes!’ Pavitr told you one day and you had to breath through the ice cold pain that shot through you.
‘What?’ You said breathily.
‘Gayatri and I are dating! I am the luckiest guy in Mumbattan!’ You sent him a tight lipped smile as you halfheartedly patted him on the shoulder, each pat becoming more and more robotic then the last.
‘Congrats. I’m happy for you, truly.’ You spoke as though these were words on a script that you were forced to rehearsed minutes prior. Pavitr paused his celebrating to look you in the eye and his face dropped upon seeing your face.
‘You’re crying. Why are you crying?’ He asked, worried as he went to hold your face between his hands but you immediately flinched away from his touch, physically pulling yourself away from him, not acknowledging the look of hurt that flashed across his face momentarily. You forced yourself to once again smile for his sake as you wiped away your tears with the backs of your hands. ‘They’re happy tears. I promise.’ You lied to your friend through your teeth. ‘I wish for you to both be happy and as stupidly in love for as long as possible.’ You added, and upon feeling fresh tears steamed down your cheeks, you moved away from Pavitr and began to walk away.
Not once looking back as he tried to call out to you.
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arabzian · 1 year
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(i am so sorry i was so horny, i want to suck his dick so bad…)
- Nanami always been struggling with his sleeping schedule, as an overthinker and overachiever, he found it difficult to sleep an entiere night.
- So when you suggested him that the only way a person could sleep properly was after cuming , a bright idea suddenly came to your mind.
- You loved him so so much, every inch of his person, nanami was so perfect to you that the idea of being used by him made you so horny.
- He liked your feminine and submissive side in bed but never wanted to abuse that side of you. A respectful king <3
- But you take him so well tho… your lips were wrapped around his thick and long dick. Kneeled in front of him, Nanami was delicately holding your pretty cheeks, your eyes were crying while he was thrusting inside your warm mouth.
- You were moaning of pleasure, pussy dripping in cum while your lovely partner was doing whatever he wanted with your mouth. Almost touching your throat.
- "So pretty, my princess looks so cute with my dick inside her lovely mouth"
- He shoved his big thing into your mouth from the base to the tip, he goes either very slow or very fast. No in between.
- You were enjoying this too much like you wanted to have his dick in your mouth and in your pussy at the same times.
- Nanami is very long and big, sometimes you almost chocked on it but pain is pleasure.
- I swear everyone could see the shape of his dick through your throat tho. He was going feral on you.
- You would wrap your tongue around his length, tits out and doe eyes, you were tooo pretty for him to handle.
- "You such a good girl, I am so lucky to have you…"
- You had a praise kink like nobody else does.. you went crazy with your mouth right now. He was moving too but you were taking him sooo well you were born for this.
- He litteraly cum inside of your mouth, you stick out your tongue to showed him that you swallowed it all.
- He is very proud of you, he praised you by saying that you are his baby and that he loved you so so much.
- Once he finished, you licked like a pretty dog the tip of his dick because you wanted more.
- "Please nanami, cum until you want to sleep, I want to help you to rest".
- Nanami moaned before putting you on the bed, sit on your face and forced you to take it all once again.
- You were so focused tho, your tongue was all around his dick and every inch of your body was twitching because of how horny you were.
- You wanted nanami to destroy you, his dick in your mouth wasn’t enough anymore, your pussy wanted him too..
- Your jaw began to being sore tho but you loved giving head so much that you didn’t feel your body anymore. Nanami was using you for so long that you lost track of everything.
- Saliva was everywhere on your jaw and tits, he would kiss you so passionately. I mean it, he was so much into it that he almost shove his tongue inside your throat.
- He loved you so so much that he came all night on every part of your body until he can sleep.
- Like every part of your body was his. He was doing everything to you: masturbating between your boobs, you licked him as he was doing it tho.
- His tip was looking so pretty between your tits, it sticks out full of precum and it felt warm and sticky.
- You ended up doing him a titsjob and blowjob at the same time. He almost passed out.
- He fucked you in your pussy until you were a moaning mess. In every position and every corner in the bedroom.
- But every time, you would end up sucking him, you was honestly taking more pleasure in giving head than him receiving it at this point.
- Never forget that Nanami love you more than you do. You are so precious to him like he want to protect you and satisfy you until his death.
- (he never slept so well since theses little rituals that the two of you had every night (:)
Nanami 1 - Isomnia 0 !!!!
Sorry if my English is broken I am french I tried my best !!!
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Hello can give cersh edward cullen x human fem reade headcanons please 🙏 😊
Having a crush on Edward Cullen Headcanons:
Paring: Edward Cullen x Human!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about crushing on Eddie boi
A/n: so I'm hoping you ment crush instead of cersh(I don't know what it means if so). If I got your request wrong message me or send in a new ask.
Twilight Master list
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So if your human I feel like you do a good job at keeping your feelings for Edward a secret... At least you thought.
Your more subtle than Bella swan so people really didn't catch on till later, you told your sister Angela but that's about it.
“Edward, is he dating anyone?” you asked.
“no why?” Angela gasped happily. “you like Edward!”
Yes, you did. You weren't going to deny it. You loved everything about him. His eyes, smile, how smart he was. You could always laugh at his sarcasm.
Angela of corse kept it a secret for you but she was always encouraging you to talk to him. Your a bit shy so you only really talked to him in your English class.
He was always so friendly to you too, most guys weren't so that's was kinda sparked your interest in him.
And the rare times you interacted he was either helping you with school work or defending you.
“I think I told you to leave her alone”
He can read your mind, he just choose not to. He respects your privacy and dose his best to stay out of your head.
Edward probably couldn't read Bella's mind beacuse she simply don't have any thoughts. Your not Bella... Your better!
Alice had a vision of you two so she was quick to be-friend you. Not too long after you two become extremely close. This made you feel bad because you didn't want to betray Alice by going after her brother.
What you didn't know is she was trying to bring you closer together. She knew Edward liked you too, he tells her just about anything and everything.
Edward only really admitted to her that he was absolutely smitten by you. He Loved everything about you and to his relief your blood ment nothing to him.
He's always taking about you to her even before you got together.
“she's got theses beautiful eyes... And her smile is so adorable, Alice you should see how cute all her expressions are when she's reading”
But I think the family would quickly get sick of him being chicken, like Emmett would be-friend you just to she what the hype was. He quickly found out how cool you were and started to hang out with you a lot. Edward got jealous and that's exactly what Emmett wanted.
“why don't you cut the horse shit and admit your feelings for one another.”
Yours And Edward's eyes widened as Rosalie slapped him. “Emmett!”
With what dignity you had left you stood up and walked away from the family before you could be embarrassed anymore.
Edward was quick to follow you and stop you from going to far. “What Emmett said was true... I have feelings for you”
Even though he wanted to say 'love' he didn't want to just throw around that word and scare you. He hadn't even told you about him being a vampire.
“I never thought you'd go for someone like me”
Edward looked suprised at your statement, in his eyes you were just perfect. “What do you mean? Your exactly what I've been looking for”
And the rest is history, on the first date he admitted to being a vampire. He didn't want to lie to you and you took way better than he expected.
You guys took things slow, wanting to just savor for every moment you had together.
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Whump the lute
We could soon make a bingo with how the lute would be hurt next season.
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To me the lute is such an extension of Jaskier, as much as songs and stories are. He almost never leaves it, he keeps it close to him but, as he goes on the field, with Geralt or as the Sandpiper, theses things are hard to avoid.
And it is almost a character of his own. It has history, especially the last two :
- It was an ancient elven instrument, gift to replace the one they destroyed. It went through the two decades of the Geralt's saga Jaskier has written and interpreted. Its ending is near a boat which smuggles elves out of a harmful country.
- The last one, seems ancient too. Maybe human made. It saves Jaskier's life, taking the arrow for him. That brave lute ! It survives with scars and will probably the one that will live the next leg of Jaskier's adventure with Geralt and the future Hansa.
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Back and front scars... Another proof that the arrow went through 😬.
Also, Jaskier cares enough for his instrument to have paid for the repair, instead of changing. As long as the harmonic table is good and there are no parasitic vibrations, I guess it can still go. Jaskier doesn't care it is not perfect looking anymore too. This is his companion, whatever it looks like.
And you can tell he loves his instruments, even if they suffer.
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Find yourself someone that can look at you the way he looks at a beautiful lute 😅.
So, what adventures the current scarred lute will live ? Will it survive it ? Is the one Seanchai showed him one from his future ?
I could write stories about those instruments to be fair. Like the story through their POV. I shouldn't give myself ideas lol.
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physalian · 2 months
On Writing Theme (Or, Make it a Question)
An element of story so superficially understood and yet is the backbone of what your work is trying to say. Theme is my favorite element to design and implement and the easiest way to do that? Make it a question.
A solid theme takes an okay action movie and propels it into blockbuster infamy, like Curse of the Black Pearl. It turns yet another Batman adaptation into an endlessly rewatchable masterpiece, seeing the same characters reinvented yet again and still seeing something new, in The Dark Knight. It’s the spiraling drain at the bottom of classic tragedies, pulling its characters inevitably down to their dooms, like in The Great Gatsby.
Theme is more than just “dark and light” or “good and evil”. Those are elements that your story explores, but your theme is what your story *says* with those elements. 
For example: Star Wars takes “dark vs light” incredibly literally (ignoring the Sequels). Dark vs Light is what the movies pit against each other. How the selfish, corrupted, short-sighted nature of the Dark Side inevitably leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom—that’s what the story is about.
A story can have more than one theme, more than one statement it wants to make and more than one question to answer. Star Wars is also about the inevitable triumph of unity and ‘goodness’ over division and ‘evil’.
Part of why I love fantasy is how allegorical it can be. Yes I’m writing a story with vampires, but my questions to my characters are, “What makes a monster? Why is it a monster?” My characters’ arcs are the answer to my theme question.
Black Pearl is a movie that dabbles in the dichotomy between law-abiding soldiers and citizens, and the lawless pirates who elude them. Black Pearl’s theme is that one can be a pirate and also a good man, and that neither side is perfect or mutually exclusive, and that strictly adhering to either extreme will lead you to tragedy.
Implementing your theme means, in my opinion, staging your theme like a question and answering it with as many characters and plot beats as possible. In practice?
Q: Can a pirate be a good man? A: Jack is. Will is. Elizabeth is. Barbossa is selfish and short-sighted, and he loses. Norrington is too focused on propriety and selfless duty, and he loses.
Or, in Gatsby.
Q: Is life fulfilled by living in the past? A: Mr. Buchanan clings to his old-money ways and is a sour lout with no respect for anyone or himself. Daisy clings to a marriage that failed long ago, to retain an image and security she thinks she needs. Myrtle chases a man she can’t ever have. Her husband lusts after a wife who’s no longer his. Gatsby… well we all know what happens to him.
The more characters and plot beats you have to answer your theme’s question, the more cohesive a message you’ll send. It can be a statment the story backs up as well, as seen below, questions just naturally invite answers.
Do you need a theme?
Not technically, no. Plenty of stories get by on their other solid elements and leave the audience to draw their own conclusions and take their own meaning and messages. Your average romance novel probably isn’t written with a moral. Neither are your 80s/90s action thrillers. Neither are many horror movies. Theme is usually reserved for dramas, and usually in dramatic fantasy and sci-fi, where the setting tends to be an allegory for whatever message the author is trying to send. That, and kids movies.
Sometimes you just want to tell a funny story and you don’t set out with any goals of espousing morals and lessons you want your readers to learn and that is perfectly okay. I still think saying *something* will make the funny funnier or the drama more dramatic or the romance more romantic, but that’s just me and what I like to read.
When it is there, it’s right in front of your face way more often than you might think. Here’s some direct quotes succinctly capturing the main theses of a couple famous works:
“He’s a good man.” / “No, he’s a pirate.” - Curse of the Black Pearl
“What are we holding onto, Sam?” / “That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” - LotR, Two Towers
“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” - LotR, Fellowship of the Ring
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” - Horton Hears a Who
“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - The Dark Knight
“Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!” - The Great Gatsby
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” & “Life finds a way.” - Jurassic Park
"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." - Lilo & Stitch
“But… I’m supposed to be beautiful.” / “You are beautiful.” - Shrek
“I didn’t kill him because he looked as scared as I was. I looked at him, and I saw myself.” - How to Train Your Dragon
“There are no accidents.” & “There is no secret ingredient.” & “You might wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” - Kung Fu Panda
*If any of those are wrong, I did them entirely from memory, sue me.
Some of the best scenes in these stories are where the theme synthesizes in direct dialogue. There’s this moment of catharsis where you, the audience, knew what the story has been saying, but now you get to hear it put into words.
Or, these are the lines that stick in your head as you watch the tragedy unfold around the characters and all they didn’t learn when they had the chance.
When it comes to stories that have a very strong moral and never feel like they’re preaching to you, look no further than classic Pixar movies.
“Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.” - Ratatouille
“I’m not strong enough.” / “If we work together, you don’t have to be.” - The Incredibles
“Just keep swimming!” - Finding Nemo
Ellie’s adventure book, to live your own adventure, even if it’s not the one you thought it would be - Up
The Wheel Well montage, to slow down every once in a while, because in a flash, it’ll be gone - Cars
The entire first dialogue-less section of Wall-E, to stop our endless consumption or else
The real monsters are corporate consumption - Monsters Inc
One cannot fully appreciate happiness without a little sadness - Inside Out
With enough loud voices, the common man can overthrow The Man - A Bug’s Life
A person’s worth is not determined by their value to other people - Toy Story
These are the themes that I, personally, took from these movies as a kid and later in life. If I remembered the scripts any better I could probably pull some direct dialogue to support them, but, sadly, I do not have the entire Pixar catalog memorized.
After you’ve suffered through rigorous literary analysis classes for years on end, the “lit analyst” hat kind of never comes off. Sometimes you try to find a theme where none exists, coming up with your own. Sometimes you can very easily see the skeleton attempt at having a theme and a message that came out half-baked, and all the missed opportunities to polish it.
Whatever the case, while theme isn’t *necessary*, having that through line, an axis around which your entire story revolves, can be a fantastic way to examine which elements of your WIP aren’t meshing with the rest, why a character is or isn’t clicking, how you want to end it, or, even, how you want to approach a sequel.
Unfortunately, very, very often, a movie, book, or season of TV has a fantastic execution of a theme in its first run, and the ensuing sequels forget all about it.
No one here is going to defend Michael Bay’s Transformers movies as cinematic masterpieces, however, the first movie did actually have a thematic through line: “No sacrifice, no victory.” They didn’t stick the landing but, you know, the attempt was made. Where is that theme at all in the sequels? Nonexistent. They could have even explored a different theme and they abandoned it altogether.
Black Pearl’s thematic efforts fell away to lore and worldbuilding in its two sequels. Not that they’re bad! I love Dead Man’s Chest, but to those who don’t like the sequels, that missing element may be part of why.
Shrek and Shrek 2 both centered on their theme of beauty being how you define it and no one else. Fiona finds true love in her “true” form, then strengthens that message in the sequel when she has the chance to be “normal” and conventionally attractive, and still chooses to be an ogre, to be with Shrek. Shrek 3’s theme is…? 
When it was never there, that theme is missing isn’t so obvious. When it used to be there and got left behind, it leaves a crater in its wake everyone notices, even if they can’t pinpoint why.
TLDR: Theme is more than just vague nouns and dichotomies. Good, evil, dark, light, selfishness, altruism, beauty, ugliness, riches, poverty, etc are what your story uses. Your theme is what your story has to say with those elements, using as many characters and plot points as possible to reinforce its message. Is it necessary? No. Is it helpful and does it lead to a richer experience? Yes.
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