#they look so healthy and happy and thriving
almightaylor · 4 months
pookies <3
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hyunrun · 1 month
tw ed in the tags !!
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daeluin · 1 year
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norrisleclercf1 · 18 days
Would love to see a fic where Carlos wakes up before everyone else does, gets himself an espresso before sitting back on the bed to watch his two loves snuggled together and still asleep while reminiscing about their wedding the night before. And he can’t help but feel so lucky that he got to marry her and Lando
Love you and your writing 🥰
A/N: BRb going to go cry from this cuteness
Carlos was always an early riser, he doesn't know when it started maybe it was the way he sometimes craved the silence of the morning air, or just from racing all over the world and his body not sure what time zone it was in.
Waking up this morning, he knew exactly where he was. Lying in bed, feeling slightly groggy, his brain fogged up, but his body wide awake. Sliding out of the bed he smiles at the coast of Spain, somewhere in southern Spain, loving the smell of the ocean drifting through the open balcony doors.
He loved his little condo, it was small yet big and cozy and it was the perfect place. Padding into the kitchen, he loves the way the sun warms his back as he makes his espresso. The smell of the coffee has his brain waking up, like it was stretching and blinking it's eyes open.
Turning, he takes a deep breath, the salty air burning his lungs, the coffee finally has his brain kick started as his eye sight grows sharper and his memory of last night causing him to blush.
With a beep, Carlos takes the little cup into his hand and makes his way silently into the bedroom looking at the naked bodies, of his two greatest loves. Lando, on his stomach, curls wild and tanned back with muscles ripped through him. And you, so soft and gorgeous curled into Lando's side, the space Carlos left now no longer there.
Lando and you both have matching bite and hand marks, Lando's hips bruised with hand prints and your ass and neck matching. Carlos chuckles at the wedding dress just thrown on the floor and the two suits matching, but he loves the way your and Lando's rings gleam in the Spanish sun.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he smiles at the way you two were glowing, so happy and healthy and to have your close friends and family around, seeing the love you three have for one another.
Carlos sips his fancy espresso as Lando groans and slowly opens his eyes, rolling onto his back. Licking his lips, Carlos's eyes trace the love bites littering his chest and his stomach, even down to his hips, Carlos can't help but stare at the little happy trail.
Scolding himself he takes deep breaths trying to calm himself. Lando sits up and blinks slowly, eyes tired but thriving. "Morning," Carlos shivers, at Lando's morning voice and the ring sparkling as Lando runs his hand through his hair. You whine, seeking warmth in your sleep.
"Come back to bed," Lando whispers, and Carlos could never say no, all you and Lando had to do was smile and stands. "Naked," Lando points to the boxers and Carlos chuckles and tips his espresso cup back and finishing off the rest. Sliding out of his boxers, Carlos is quick to slide between you and Lando.
You sigh in your sleep and cuddle closer, mouth pressed right against Carlos's neck. Lando moves cuddling closer and places a soft kiss on Carlos's shoulder. "Wake me up with a blowjob later?" Lando yawns and Carlos chuckles, nodding his head. "Of course, baby," Lando smiles lazily and slips off to sleep. Carlos could get used to married life.
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indigoire · 8 months
I really need to shut up about Izzy Hands but can I just say I am so happy he's doing better. For like two entire episodes he was drunk, disheveled, and practically dying. His original peg leg broke. His hair was in his face. He looked like he was on the brink of losing it. He was berating his own reflection.
The crew coming together to help him really did seem to help him immensely. He's coping with the new leg, he's put together. The bottle of drink that was in his hand is completely gone. He's sharpening his skills, he's speaking coherently. I never thought I'd be happy to see Izzy Hands healthy and thriving, but I am, and I'm so relieved that the crew of the Revenge supported him when he needed them.
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simplyashrub · 3 months
A letter to anyone who wants to pass KOSA
I'm a trans, queer, and autisic teenager who has recently been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It's hard to find people like me where I live, and I feel really isolated in my day to day life. Social media has shown me that there are other people with the same experiences and disorders out there living happy, healthy, and successful lives, which was something I didn't think was possible for a while. I've seen amazing, inspirational people who have made me want to keep living when everything else looked grim. I've met friends who accept me for who I am. I am alive today because of social media.
If KOSA becomes law I will lose so many communities and friends that have made my life happier and healthier than I ever thought it could be. They have been there for me when people in my offline life couldn't be, and have shown me that I'm truly not alone. Hearing from other trans, queer, anxious, autistic individuals, "I know what you're going through is hard, but it does get better. I know it does because I've lived it too. You're doing great, just keep going.", is so much more impactful and meaningful of a statement than anything any amount of doctors, therapists, family members, and friends could ever say or do.
If KOSA was already law I wouldn't be here typing this. Social media and having online spaces away from my day to day problems and stresses has allowed me to see the good in a world that doesn't seem to want me to exist. I like being able to go online and see people like me living and thriving. I'm a kid online and having access to these spaces, and my privacy, makes me feel safe and I can't lose that.
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hariboz · 5 months
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“your best friend decides to volunteer when you complain about not having anyone to kiss on new year’s eve!”
pairing: bff!gyuvin x gn!reader
genre: fluff!!, friends to lovers!!
warnings: reader is somewhat of a romantic (?), reader is also said to be a little inexperienced in terms of dating!!, a little (implied?) jealousy from gyuvin, seunghan cameo (1. FREE HIM!! HE DID NOTHING!! 2. he was the first non-jebi guy i thought of <3), they’re cute <3, this is nawt my best work i literally wrote this on new year’s eve while with my family 😭
notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR MY POOKIES!! i hope all of you have an amazing, healthy and happy 2024 🥹🫶🏻 may all your goals come to fruition!! also, i’m very excited for a new year with my jebis, may they continue to thrive and be as happy as they can be <3 also, hope wakeone burns down xoxo MWAH LOVE U ALL <33 ALSO!! i picked gyuvin for this bc some knetz are pissing me off currently with their stupid hate for gyuvin, so i decided to write this bc i LOVE KIM GYUVIN!! IF YOU DONT MAY GOD STRIKE YOU DOWN
word count: 1.6k
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you don’t mind being single, really. it’s not really the ‘being single’ part that makes you feel weird, but rather just…not getting to have the same experiences as your friends. always having to sit and nod along when they talk about a date they went on, or how they celebrated a holiday with their partner. it’s exhausting being surrounded by couples all the time. they’re all your friends and you’re happy for them, but when it comes to events like this, you really wish you’d have more single friends.
new year’s eve is supposed to be fun, filled with laughter and loud excitement for the coming year — it is all that, but it’s also you watching your friends huddle together once the countdown to midnight starts, sharing sweet nothings before celebrating the new year with a sickeningly sweet new years kiss.
all while you kind of just stand there, celebrating the arrival of yet another year on your own. for those few lips-locking seconds, at least. is it a little silly to feel left out? of course, but is it really that absurd to want to experience a new years kiss just like everyone else? well, you don’t think so. gyuvin, your best friend, sees things a little differently, though.
“it’s so stupid, i don’t get why you’re so hung up on it,” gyuvin huffs past his snacking on some chips, throwing you a sideways glance. “just think about it, most of them have a different new year’s kiss every year. does that seem like something you want?” you roll your eyes, snatching the bag of chips from his hands. “you don’t get it,” you stuff a handful of chips into your mouth, “it’s romantic. it’s like saying ‘i have no idea what the new year will bring, but at least i will always have you.’ you’re not romantic enough for this.”
gyuvin just gives you a skeptic look, turning his attention back to the drama playing on your tv. it’s silent for a while, both of you a little lost in your respective thoughts until gyuvin quietly speaks up, “does it really bother you? that you don’t have someone to….” he trails off, voice a little unsure. his voice is sincere and doesn’t have the teasing tone it had earlier so you’re a little caught off guard.
you clear your throat, answering in an equally small voice, “well…yeah, kinda? i don’t know. i just think it would be…nice, for a change, you know? i want to experience stuff like that too, instead of just always watching from the sidelines.” gyuvin nods, seemingly understanding where you’re coming from, and that was that. for now, at least.
you didn’t think much of that little one off conversation, neither of you bringing it up again in the weeks that followed. though, unbeknownst to you, that seemingly unimportant conversation kept knocking at the back of gyuvin’s mind every single day. he thought about it an embarrassing amount, really. he kept telling himself that it was because he thought you were being silly, and all those times he thought about being the one giving you your new year’s kiss were definitely nothing more than fleeting, stupid thoughts. nothing more.
which is why gyuvin is so conflicted when he walks through the door of your little friend group get together on new year’s eve, bags of snacks in hand, only to see you laughing with a guy he hasn’t seen before. there’s an unfamiliar feeling bubbling in his chest and he almost involuntarily thinks back to your conversation, to the fact that you really want to kiss someone once the clock strikes midnight — and it starts to mess with his head.
he’s quickly roped into a conversation with ricky and some of his other friends, though his eye seem to be glued to you instead of the people talking to him right in front of him; his eyes drifting back to you giggling along to whatever that strange guy was talking about every few minutes, the unsettled feeling in his chest spreading all over his body. “are you even listening?” gyuvin’s attention is ripped away from staring holes in that guys head when ricky addresses him directly, ricky’s hand on his shoulder bringing him back to reality.
“yeah, sorry.” the smile on gyuvin’s face is tight, ricky glancing to where you’re still speaking to the guy and it all makes sense to him. he sends gyuvin a sympathetic look and tries to keep up the conversation, though it’s clear gyuvin’s mind is entirely preoccupied.
when the calls for new snacks start, gyuvin immediately volunteers to filling the bowls back up in the kitchen, if only to avoid his eyes from drifting back to you and the guy — whose name is seunghan, he learned — and in turn dampening his mood even further. today is supposed to be fun, why is he moping around like this?
“what did the chips do to you? you’re practically glaring ar them,” gyuvin’s head whips around at your voice, the playful smile on your face lifting some of the heaviness in his chest when he sees you standing in the doorway.
“oh, hey.” gyuvin gives you a small smile and goes back to his snack duties while trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, “who’s the guy you’ve been talking to? you bring him along?”
shaking your head you reach over to steal a handful of cheese puffs gyuvin had just emptied into a bowl, “not me, but ahrin. his name is seunghan and she has her eye on him,” you mumble, “he’s funny and they both seem to like each other.” gyuvin nods, hand absentmindedly playing with his sleeves, “you think she’ll go for the new years kiss with him?” gyuvin asks, and you can tell he regrets the question as soon as he asked it.
you just shrug silently, the sudden mention of the kiss rendering you a little speechless. “ and you? you got anyone to kiss this year?” gyuvin says in an overly sarcastic tone, seemingly in an effort to loosen the tension a little. you snort at that, “ha ha, very funny. leave me and my romantic aspirations alone,” the lightheartedness in your voice makes gyuvin relax a little, and just when he’s about to speak, someone bangs against the kitchen door, demanding your attention.
“c’mon you two, we’re playing some games,” matthew calls before rushing back to the living room. you and gyuvin share a short glance before loading up on all the snacks and following suit, excited for the mess that is most definitely about to ensue.
two screaming matches, one round of (rigged, according to hao) just dance, three bowls of snacks and dozens of tears spilt through laughter later and the almost dreaded countdown to midnight is inching closer. the couples are slowly starting to separate from the group again, looking for an area that is less crowded and a little more romantic. your high mood is slowly starting to go down, the feeling of once again being the third wheel, in a way, accompanied by this off-putting feeling of loneliness in a room full of your friends bringing the self-doubt at the back of your mind to the forefront again.
gyuvin plops down next to you, stretching his long limbs with a groan, “god i hate sitting on the floor,” he looks around, the amount of couples in your friend group only now really hitting him, “damn, is that kiss really that important?” it was a rhetorical question, really, and he was speaking to himself more than anything, yet you turn to scowl at him.
you open your mouth to go on a rant about the lack of romance in gyuvin’s mindset when he suddenly turns to you, cheeks a little flushed but eyes filled with determination, “i’ll do it.”
you blink at him, “huh? do what?” gyuvin swallows, “kiss you. give you the new years kiss you want.” it takes a second for his words to register, before you splutter at him incredulously, “what— gyuvin why would we—“
“okay, time for the countdown! ten!” you hear from the other side of the room, and panic starts to fill gyuvin’s expression. “because i want to. i’ve been thinking about it ever since you mentioned it, and—“
“you said it was like saying that i have no idea what the new year will bring, but at least i will always have you, right?” his eyes search for yours, his pupils shaking and you nod, still a little stunned.
“that’s exactly i want to tell you. so please—“
“i want to be the one to give you your new years kiss. if you want—“
and then, it happens. you grab his face and pull him close, hesitation for just a millisecond before your lips meet right as it reaches midnight. the fireworks outside colouring the sky feel almost pathetic in comparison to the burst of emotions exploding in your chest, it’s warm and fuzzy and just feels so right.
both of your faces are flushed bright red as your lips separate, but neither of you can keep from biting back the goofy smiles spreading on your faces. before you can even begin to think of something to say gyuvin leans back in, pressing another kiss to your lips.
and another. and another…and another.
you only separate for good when your giggles break through the kiss, gyuvin’s hands cupping your face, “i’d say that was a pretty good start into the new year, no?”
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reallyromealone · 6 months
May I request an omega verse where kiribaku adopts omega son pls? thank you!
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Kirishima x Bakugo w/ child male reader
I gotchu, this took longer than expected ngl
Fluff, baby/toddler reader, male reader, alpha Bakugo, alpha kirishima, Omega reader
Alpha/Alpha couples were more and more common these days, especially in the hero world "a kid?" Kirishima was curious as Bakugo shrugged "a brat would be nice, we have the space and our agency is thriving.." Bakugo said not making eye contact with his mate who looked at him with so much love "it's like you read my mind~" the Alpha said hugging the other who scoffed "whatever shitty hair"
Days turned to weeks and before they knew it they were at an orphanage where a bunch of kids were running around "welcome! The Kirishima-Bakugo family yes?" The orphanage headmaster asked curiously and the two nodded "yeah that's us!" Kirishima said happily and Bakugo grunted "wonderful, sign the sign in forms and if I could please see ID as confirmation?" The two handed over their IDs and the headmaster scanned them "excellent! Why don't I give you two a tour yes? And then you can meet the children?"
The building was nice, up to date and the children were healthy "so what age range are you looking for? Secondary gender?"
"We were hoping to just click with one and go from there" Bakugo let his mate do the talking as kids looked at them curiously "I see, well let's go to the play area and you can interact with the children"
Walking into the play area, kids were all over the place but one caught Bakugos attention, a small pup grabbed his pant leg "oh hello (name)" the headmaster smiled "he's one of the younger ones, only one and a half" they said and fixed the boys pants "he's a happy little Omega but isn't the most talkative but the other kids don't seem to mind" they explain as (name) raised his little arms to be held by Bakugo who lifted him "what ya want squirt?" He asked the babe who grabbed his nose with a smile.
Kirishima noticed the look in his mates eyes, the connection he instantly developed with the tiny pup who didn't even know he had the number three hero around his tiny little finger.
The three spent the day hanging with the little pup who showed him all the toys he liked to play with, having a red riot toy and a Mickey mouse toy seemingly running or robbing a bakery "very cool bud" kirishima said and (name) beamed at this.
The two made visits at any chance they could as the process started for the adoption, expedited thanks to their hero status and rank, the two already setting up a bedroom for the tyke.
"Yeah it's for you" Bakugo said as he handed the tot a scented Dynamite plush, to help get the little one familiar with their scents as parents which thankfully (name) was incredibly receptive to as he clung to both of them regularly.
"Thanks squirt" Bakugo said as they sat with the little one who handed the blond a toy slice of cake, the three gathered at a toy kitchen and (name) didn't seem to know exactly what he was doing but was having fun none the less "his belongings have been packed, he's ready when you guys are" the two heroes looked elated as kirishima lifted his /son/ high up, the tiny Omega squealing in delight at the action.
It was never easy saying goodbye, the headmaster knew this but they put a strong face as they bud their goodbyes to the tiny pup who mimicked the wave as his little head rested on bakugos shoulder.
They were always worried about (name) getting adopted, male omegas weren't the highest for adoptability not to mention the boy hasn't even developed a quirk yet, sadly many parents didn't want a quirkless child...
(Name) held onto the plush of his dad as he was set down in the apartment, the little Omega inspecting things and waddling around and making little sounds as he sniffed his little nose, clearly happy to be around the two alphas scents-- recognizing that they are his dad's. "Wanna see your room?" Kirishima gently took (name)s tiny hand and led him to his new room, (name) made noises as he looked around and turned to his dads who looked at him fondly "yeah it's yours shorty" Bakugo said, a sense of calm washing over him as they watched the babe look around...before dragging a throw blanket to a corner and ditching it.
The two alphas were confused as little (name) took random soft things and put them in the corner and just stared at it before looking at his dad's happily as if he just did something incredible "is that...?" "A nest? I think so" the two were incredibly proud of their pup and snapped a few pictures of this, kirishima on the verge of tears at how precious it was.
(Name) felt like that last piece of the puzzle as followed his dad's around happily.
They just worried how he would handle all his aunt's and uncles.
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sxnktaalxna · 5 months
Azriel X Acheron Sister (Female OC/Reader)
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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If Feyre was the hunter, then she was the carer. Where Feyre's hands became painted in crimson, marred by calluses and burden of survival, (Y/N)'s were gentle on skin, clearing the dirt from cuts and bruises that gave her and her family life.
When the family lost their fortune and left Feyre dragging her family towards tomorrow, she'd felt abandoned. The weight felt like a rope wrapping itself around her hands, cutting into her palms. As much as she loved her family, she didn't know how much longer she could continue risking her life each day to come home with a meager meal and an ungrateful audience. Until she found her dear younger sister, still fresh faced as the morning dew on grass, outside in the rays of fresh sunrise cutting apart the firewood Nesta was meant to the night before.
Feyre felt her guilt rise each day she saw her younger sister's hands grow more and more like hers, but her guilt was put to rest when (Y/N) would gently reach over and interlace their fingers. No matter how hard her skin became, her touch remained as soft as her soul. Her spirit had not been broken despite all this, and Feyre owed it to her to not break either.
(Y/N) loathed seeing her sisters in pain. And especially Feyre, but she knew her sister would drag her own corpse out that wooden door than let her family starve. And each night she came home, (Y/N) felt her heart beat again to see her sister safe.
So the day she saw her sister leave to take care of a sick aunt she'd never heard of, (Y/N) felt a piece of her heart leave with her. She'd wondered each day if Feyre was well, if she had found the time to paint like she used to. If Feyre was grateful to have reprieve from her family. But now, with her father's wealth restored and a full belly each night, for the first time since she was a child, (Y/N) felt content. Her beloved sisters were happy, her father thriving and Feyre off to see the world and, she hoped, pursuing the talent that she had. Although they got their estate back - one she found Nesta and Elain to be particularly pleased about - she couldn't help but miss the days when they would huddle around a small fire, Feyre by her side.
(Y/N) had taken the longest to adjust to their fortune. Too young to begin proper learning, she had to learn from her sisters. It was a struggle, learning to read and write at her age. And too used to hand me downs and holes, the softest silks and velvets on her skin felt foreign where Elain and Nesta felt at home. She wasn't ungrateful, but it felt wrong when she didn't know how Feyre was. She wondered if she hadn't heard from Feyre because she was busy, or perhaps her letters get lost too easily. But without a doubt, she knew her sister was ok.
'Miss (Y/N),' a gentle knock resounded from the door. (Y/N) looked up from her book at Mrs Laurent's voice - a children's book of pirates and faeries in a far away land. She had missed a part of her childhood, and she wanted to catch up as best she could. 'Your sisters request your presence in the drawing room.' Before she could ask, Mrs Laurent scurried away without another word.
She furrowed her eyebrows, confused at Mrs Laurent's skittish behaviour. Regardless, she made her way to the drawing room, where she heard her older sisters' voices, plus one more. A voice she hadn't heard in a year.
Pushing open the carved oak door, her eyes laid sight to a familiar stranger. No longer was she gaunt, with hollow cheekbones and bruised eyes. There she sat, healthy and glowing, and more beautiful than she ever remembered. As if from a painting made of a thousand paint strokes and the brightest shades of colour.
'Feyre,' she breathed, running into Feyre's already open arms. As pieces of a puzzle fit, the sisters embraced as one. Pulling apart, Feyre's fingers framed her sister's face. Her youth had begun to flee, as now stood before her was a woman, with intelligence in her eyes and a smile of the sun.
'My, you've grown up without me,' Feyre chuckled, tears blurring her vision like a hazy dream. But it wasn't a dream, and her sister was thriving and well.
(Y/N)'s eyes wandered her sister's face, with the longer she looked the more startled she became. At first she thought it was the lack of hunger, with Feyre no longer needing for food. But the longer she looked, the longer her mind grew confused. Her sister's beauty was beyond comprehension, and it was confirmed by the slight point of her ears. Her gaze flowed down to seek familiar sights and scars, only to find smooth, poreless skin amongst new, black markings crawling her arm.
Fae. The very thing her family warned her to fear. To hate. To hunt and despise for their cruelty and violence. Yet looking at her sister, she saw nothing but the winter nights Feyre would keep her warm and fed. The days when Feyre would give her an extra serving, even if it meant going hungry. All those memories, and yet...
'(Y/N),' Nesta's sharp voice rang, her fiery eyes piercing Feyre. 'Sit down.'
Elain moved a space over in the sofa, a cup of tea in her hand. (Y/N) looked at her sisters, inhaling before taking a seat next to Feyre. Nesta's eyes sharpened, nostrils flaring slightly as Elain glanced between her younger sisters. Feyre smiled, interlacing their fingers like they always did.
'I need you to listen.'
'You wanted other High Fae to come...and...the Queens of the Realm'.
It was overwhelming, to find out her sister's disappearance was a lie. Of the struggles and pain she had gone through on her own. How she had been living in luxury while her sister had suffered - had died. Her grip on Feyre's fingers shook as her sisters argued.
'Find somewhere else.' Nesta demanded. 'I don't want them in my house. Or near Elain and (Y/N).'
'Nesta please,' Feyre pleaded. As Nesta fought back with Feyre, all (Y/N) could think about was Feyre's lifeless body, abandoned and forgotten by her family living in the warmth and comfort Feyre fought for each day in the woods. How each time Nesta and Elain would demand more and more from her, and how (Y/N) did nothing.
When Feyre had left, Nesta and Elain did their best to care for her - in their own ways. Elain, undeniably the more affectionate, would often sit with (Y/N) as she did her embroidery. She would often chat away about her new fiance, about the garden she had been tending to. But questions about (Y/N) fell short when looking at her younger sister. Nesta was more difficult to read. Often she'd been berated by her older sister during lessons, expecting her to reach their own levels of intellect in barely a fraction of the time they were given. But she found moments of care, when she woke up in the library with a blanket and her book marked where she had fallen asleep the night before.
She loved her sisters. She adored them all for caring over her for her entire life. But Feyre was unlike a sister. She was a mother, a carer, a saviour, her hope in life. Her dearest friend. And she would not leave Feyre hanging on her own any longer.
'We'll help.' All three sisters turned to her, her first words taking them all by surprise. 'We will help, because we didn't before. We abandoned you, I will not abandon you again.'
Feyre's eyes widened. Her baby sister, no longer a shy doe but a mighty deer, standing on her feet with her head held high. Nesta grit her teeth at her younger sister's sudden defiance, as Elain slowly nodded in shy agreement.
'We keep it a secret - we send the servants away.' Elain agreed, twisting her hands in her lap. 'No one will know'.
More words were exchanged, but (Y/N) paid no mind as she sipped her scalding tea. It burned her tongue and throat, but it kept her thoughts away from her guilt. Perhaps this was a mistake to invite more fae into their family home. Perhaps she'll find herself bewitched and dragged into Prythian for her weakness and naivety. But if asked, she would put her life in the palm of Feyre's hands without a second thought.
Once Elain left to shoo away the staff, and Nesta left to likely get away from Feyre, she turned to look at her sister.
'You're so beautiful now,' Feyre sighed, brushing her sister's hair behind her ears as if not a single day had passed. 'Have you been well?'
'I'm alright, but you...We hadn't heard from you in so long...'
'Please,' Feyre interrupted, seeing her sister's sadness and fear in her eyes. No matter how long it's been, she could always read her sister. 'I'm glad you're safe. We have a lot to catch up on.'
Once the last carriage of servants disappeared into the night, Feyre's three guests arrived. They were large - both that they occupied so much space, but their auras seemed to permeate through every room of the house. Large wings attempting - poorly - to hide their true size weapons on their waists. Her sisters seemed to suffocate on their sheer authority, Nesta shielding Elain behind her as Feyre brought them closer.
'My sisters, Nesta, Elain and (Y/N) Acheron', the three companions seemed to light up at the last name, a name they heard fall out of Feyre's mouth in moments of trust and fondness. A name that Rhysand knew brought uncapped love and joy to Feyre.
'Cassian', Feyre nodded to the large figure on her left, to the Fae with golden brown skin, hazel eyes and black shoulder length hair. He was the tallest of the three, who nodded at his introduction.
'Azriel', Feyre turned to her right, to a man with similar features - hazel eyes and golden brown skin - but with shorter hair. (Y/N) couldn't help but linger her eyes. He was undeniably the most attractive man she'd ever seen. But it was impolite to stare, so she looked away when hazel greeted her sight.
'And Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court'.
The man with hair that shone with blue-black shades of the midnight sky, and violet eyes as vibrant as Nesta's amethyst necklace stepped forward with a smile and bowed, 'Thank you for your hospitality - and generosity'.
All three were undeniably beautiful beings, all with power and strength she had never seen or felt in her life. Their beauty felt surreal, too perfect and attractive that made even the extravagant Acheron estate looked dull. And Feyre fit right into their company. She stood where she belonged. She smiled at all three, curtseying as her sisters remained stiff at her side.
'The cook left dinner on the table. We should eat before it goes cold.' Nesta said be striding away towards her seat at the table.
'Nice to meet you,' Elain said, her voice caught in her throat as she followed after Nesta.
Feyre and her companions glanced at each other, sharing looks about the obvious tension choking the air. (Y/N) glided across to her sister's companions. Closer, they were far more imposing than she could have ever imagined, with her having to crane her neck to meet their gaze. A faint metallic scent drifted into her nose, sharp and unwelcome. Likely the magic that seeped out of their pores.
'Thank you for coming, and for taking care of my sister,' She said, stretching her hand out. If they noticed her shaking, they paid no mind as Rhysand shook her hand gently with a smile.
'It's been a pleasure,' Rhysand replied, 'Your sister has been a welcome company in my court.'
Politely, (Y/N) smiled once again before gesturing to the table, 'Please.'
Her gentle smile met Azriel's gaze, who couldn't help but watch the youngest Acheron as she took her seat next to Elain - who appeared more than happy to be sat next to her and not one of Feyre's companions. Despite her sister, Elain remained stiff when Azriel took his seat next to (Y/N). Slowly, (Y/N) slipped her hand in Elain's shaky hand.
The dinner had been a silent, uncomfortable affair. (Y/N) picked at her food, having lost her appetite from the stiff air in the room. She saw Feyre struggling to eat, and wondered if that was from the awkwardness or from being Fae. She had many questions - how different was her sister? How had she changed? How much of her Feyre was still there? It was easy to get lost in her assumptions of Fae, but for Feyre, she'd be more than happy to try.
Coughing slightly to clear the anxiety from her throat, she turned to her seat neighbour.
'Your wings are beautiful,' She said, gazing at the large expanse of leather and bone. Similar to the bats she'd seen glding through the stars, his were shows of strength and beauty. Elain and Nesta stared at their younger sister - wide-eyed and fiery, respectively.
Azriel set down his fork, turning slightly to meet (Y/N)'s curious gaze. 'Thank you. Cassian and I hail from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We're born hearing the song of the wind.'
'The song of the wind?' (Y/N) asked. Undeniably she'd never heard of such a thing, but it sounded beautiful. Sounded unlike this world. To imagine herself so intuned into nature the way faeries seemed... 'It must be exciting, seeing new places and being able to touch the clouds.'
'It can be very exciting,' Azriel agreed, nodding. A gentle curve appeared on his lips as he gently added, 'Clouds feel like the softest of feathers.'
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at that thought.
'You look like High Fae,' Nesta cut, her tone as sharp as the knife in her hand. 'But you are not one?'
'Nesta...' (Y/N) sighed, knowing her sister would not stop.
'Only the High Faes look like them,' Cassian replied, a finger pointed towards Feyre and Rhysand, 'are High Fae. Everyone else, any other differences, mark you as what they like to call 'lesser' faeries.'
'So only Illyrians have wings?' (Y/N) turned to Azriel once more.
'There are Fae that can be born with wings, but my people are the most common in my court to possess them.'
'And your court...is it always night if it's the Night Court?' (Y/N) felt more curious than shame to ask these questions. How can one not be curious when the world continues to grow in front of her eyes?
'We do have a day and night, just as other courts do. But our nights are the most beautiful in Prythian that you'll ever see.' Azriel replied. He paused silently, before adding, 'Perhaps you'll get the chance to see them some day.'
The more she learned of the magical land up north, the more she realised how much she didn't know. And the more she questioned how true her people's tales of Fae were. If they barely knew of the Fae, how can they decide that they were all barbaric? That they were merciless killers? Perhaps they'd been like Feyre - hunters of survival. Or perhaps the stories began as bedtime tales, told to children to keep them away from the woods at night.
Her heart had pulled towards her sister, and her head and family have been telling her to run. But now as she was sat next to this gentle giant, sharing tales and questions, how could she know what to believe? Was this the trick of fae? Preying on curiosity to lure humans in? Her head began to dizzy as questions bounced around to the beat of her pounding heart.
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narumi-gens · 11 months
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Miya Osamu x f!Reader
summary: Osamu knows that there’s nothing going on between you and his brother. And yet, he still can’t help but be jealous.
warnings: minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, don't let the summary fool you – this is basically just 4k words of fluff, jealous!osamu, slightly insecure!osamu, married!osamu, dad!osamu, very normal relationship problems, the importance of communication, kita is always the voice of wisdom, osamu is really just a simp for you, reader and osamu are #CoupleGoals
notes: whenever I’m trying to get back into writing, stealing plots from sitcoms is always a guarantee so everything from the title to the banner to the plot is at least 80% lifted from platonic (which is such a wonderful show).
words: 4k
part of the Meet the Miyas series
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Osamu is jealous. And he hates it. He hates the word. He hates the feeling. He hates what it says about him. He really hates how irrational it is.
But what he hates most is that the person that he's jealous of is his own brother (that scrub).
But maybe he's the scrub. Because it's dumb. You've been together for years. You trust him. You love him. You're committed to him. You're married to him. You’re the mother of his child. You're happy with the life that you've built together. 
And he knows that Atsumu is your best friend. You were Atsumu's friend before he even met you. Atsumu is the one who introduced the two of you, who set you up — which he'll never stop taking credit for if his speech at your wedding was anything to go by. So of course you spend a significant amount of time with his twin. 
It’s never really bothered him before. If anything, he’s typically relieved that you’re so close with Atsumu. The more you occupy the setter’s time, the less time he has to annoy Osamu. 
And you’re allowed to have friends and a life outside of being a wife and mother. He wants you to have fun and to be your own person outside of your relationship with him. He doesn’t expect you to go from home to work and back to repeat the cycle all over again the next day. Not that you would ever allow it. 
It wasn’t easy and it took a lot of hard work, but over the years, the two of you have built a happy balance between him running the restaurant, you pursuing your own thriving career, being doting parents to a three-year-old son, and still managing to keep your marriage healthy. So this gross feeling of jealousy has no place in his life, especially where Atsumu is concerned. 
But it creeps up on him slowly, needling its way into him before he even has a chance to stop it. He first feels it over something so small that it embarrasses him. 
He asks you if you want to go see a new movie that’s been advertised for months. His mom and yours are always eager to babysit — sometimes eager to the point of forcing you both out of the house for what’s declared “much-needed grandparent time.” 
“Oh, I promised Atsumu that I’d see it with him,” you reply with a slight tilt of your head before picking up your phone. “Let me check with him about us all going together.”
It’s a simple and obvious solution. You’ve already sent your message to Atsumu and are looking up showtimes for that weekend. But there’s a small voice in the back of Osamu’s head insisting that you should be asking him if Atsumu can come with the two of you, not the other way around. The unfamiliar thought makes him feel uncomfortable and he quickly shoves it away.
But just that small, intrusive voice is like a spark and it isn’t long before he finds himself hearing it again, fanning the pathetic, weak flame into something stronger.
One morning, he’s pulled from sleep by the blankets lifting and the mattress dipping. When he cracks open a bleary eye, he sees you doing your best to slip into bed without disturbing him. He can’t check the time on his phone without giving away that you’ve already woken him up. But from the pale grey light of early morning that’s already beginning to brighten the bedroom and the fact that Reiji isn’t already awake, Osamu guesses that it’s between five and six. 
He knows that you had plans with Atsumu last night. You told him that you would probably be back late. But “back late” feels like an understatement considering the joys of parenthood usually have both of you up in about an hour whether it’s a workday or not. 
When you come down a few hours later, the bags under your eyes and unkempt hair point to your inability to sleep in even after what he can only assume was an all-night rager. You pepper your son’s cheeks with exaggerated kisses that have him giggling over his breakfast as Osamu pours you a cup of what he’s sure is much-needed coffee. 
“Ya got home late last night,” he comments as you take the mug that he passes you.
“Ah, yeah. Just ended up going a little harder than I meant to,” you reply and something close to embarrassment seems to cross your features. You glance at Reiji, making sure his attention is on his food before you lower to voice to a furtive whisper. “I threw up in a karaoke room and had to sleep it off at Atsumu’s.”
His immediate instinct is to laugh in your face and he has to bite his lips and quickly look away from you to keep from doing so. You weakly punch his shoulder in response before sitting down at the table. 
But the amusement at your misfortune slowly starts to fade, replaced instead by that same voice, which is growing steadily more familiar. He can’t remember the last time that the two of you had a night like that together. He tries to think back on if it was before or after Reiji was born. And while you certainly don’t make vomiting in karaoke rooms a habit, it’s not at all rare for you and his brother to have a wild night out. 
When the voice asks why you’re having them with Atsumu but not with him, the only thing he can focus on is the knot in the pit of his stomach and how it only seems to grow tighter. 
He hears it again when he’s with Atsumu one day and he asks Osamu what he thinks about you rejecting a new job offer. The question is offhanded — he’s looking at his phone when asks it, barely even giving Osamu a fraction of his attention. 
But Osamu freezes. This is the first that he’s heard about any job offer. He didn’t even know that you were interviewing somewhere else. 
“What job offer?” His voice sounds thin and Atsumu seems to realize that he’s unintentionally stumbled into something much bigger because his thumb stops scrolling and there’s a line of tension in his shoulders that wasn’t there only moments ago. 
“Uh, it’s nothin’ big,” he quickly tries to assure his brother as he puts down his phone and turns to face him fully. “It just happened this week. Some new place made her an offer and she turned it down.”
Osamu merely hums, his expression betraying nothing, but his twin brother knows him too well.
“Look, I’m sure she just hasn’t gotten ‘round to telling ya,” he offers and Osamu can see the slight panic in his eyes. “She had that big meeting. And she’s been lookin’ after Reiji-kun since he’s been sick, right? Things’ve probably just been too crazy fer her to even think about it.”
Every excuse only digs the hole deeper. It’s not just this apparent job that you’ve been pursuing only to turn down that Atsumu knows about. It’s also your hectic work week and how you’ve been taking care of Reiji since the restaurant’s been too shorthanded for Osamu to stay home. 
What’s next? Is he going to mention that you’ve also been so busy the two of you haven’t had sex in almost three weeks? From the guilty look in his twin’s eyes, Osamu would bet good money that he’s already aware. 
On his way home, he tries to think about the best way to raise the subject with you and ultimately decides that there’s no good way to ask, “Hey. Why are ya tellin’ Tsumu things but not yer husband?”
(He knows that’s definitely the wrong way to phrase it, but that little voice won’t say it any other way.)
But when he enters your bedroom he finds you slouched against the headboard, fully passed out with Reiji sprawled on top of you as he clings to you even in his sleep. The light and tv are both still on. You’re obviously exhausted and stretched thin, while Osamu is looking to pick a fight. The guilt he feels is almost crippling. 
It probably hasn’t even occurred to you to mention the job offer with everything else going on. Atsumu is right, which only makes him feel worse. 
He comes toward the both of you and carefully tries to pick Reiji up out of your arms without waking either of you. But he’s only just managed to pry the sick toddler loose when your eyelids flutter open.
It takes you a moment to register what’s happening, still feeling the dregs of sleep, but when you do, you give him the softest smile and it makes him feel like an even bigger piece of shit.
“Did you just get home?” you whisper as you help him lift Reiji off of you. But before he can take your son too far away, you shift over and gesture for Osamu to place him in the middle of the bed. “He’ll cry if he wakes up in his room alone.”
“He doin’ any better?” Osamu quietly asks and does as you ask, gently putting him down before sitting down on your other side on the edge of the mattress. 
“His fever broke a couple of hours ago, so he should be back to normal in a day or two.” The news is a visible relief to you. It’s not just the amount of effort a sick child takes, but also the worry that’s been weighing you down. 
“Wish I coulda been ‘round more to help ya,” he tells you, his guilt about both doubting you and leaving you to take care of Reiji by yourself beginning to peek through.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” you assure him, lifting a hand to run your fingers through his hat hair. “I know that you’re in a bind since Kimura-san quit. I’m the one with the flexible hours and schedule. I really don’t mind. We’re a team.”
He doesn’t deserve you.
“Well, the new part-timer starts next week so things’ll finally calm down,” he offers and something mischievous sparkles in your tired eyes.
“Good. Because when you can finally take some time off, we’re gonna pawn Reiji off on the grandparents. Then you’re gonna make it up to me by spending the entire night making me cum so hard I see stars,” you tell him, your tone leaving no room for argument, as if he would ever want to. 
“I can do that,” he agrees with a grin.
“We haven’t fucked in weeks,” you pout and Osamu can’t hold in his laughter, only for you to slap a hand over his mouth to keep him from waking up Reiji. 
Your own quiet giggles are able to momentarily drown out the small voice reminding him about the job offer that you’ve yet to tell him about. 
But a few weeks later, even after having the house to yourselves for an entire weekend and spending it fucking on every surface that you could like you used to do before Reiji came along, those embarrassing feelings of jealousy are still as present as ever.
You post a series of photos of you and Atsumu at a restaurant. The first picture is of your happy, smiling faces and the matching pair of five-pound gyoza on the table, one in front of each of you. As he swipes through the series, you both look worse and worse as you try to finish your gyoza. When he gets to the final one, you’re proudly holding a certificate from the restaurant for having finished yours in an hour, while Atsumu looks like he’s on death’s doorstep.
He’s so preoccupied swiping back and forth through the photos that when the restaurant door slides open, it startles him so badly that he almost drops his phone entirely. He doesn’t know whether or not to be relieved that it’s Kita coming to drop off a new order of rice rather than a customer who didn’t read the closed sign. 
On one hand, he doesn’t want to deal with a customer while he’s in the midst of indulging that voice that’s slowly becoming a companion. But on the other, dealing with Kita when he’s in a jealousy spiral is even worse.
“Is everything alright? Ya look like ya just got some bad news,” Kita observes with a small frown of concern.
As Osamu assures him that nothing’s wrong, he tries to hurriedly shove his phone into the pocket of his apron. However, it slips from his sweaty hands and skids across the floor of the restaurant where it comes face-up to a perfect stop right in front of Kita’s feet.
He picks it up and when he sees the final picture of you and Atsumu on the screen, he shakes his head in amusement. 
“Atsumu only sent me the picture of them at the start of the challenge,” he wryly says as he slides the restaurant door shut behind him and joins Osamu at the counter. He takes a moment to swipe through the rest of the photos in your post before passing the phone back. “I’m surprised ya didn’t go with ‘em.”
“I wasn’t invited,” he mumbled, vocalizing the bitter thought that’s been taking up so much space in his mind ever since you and Atsumu originally made the plans. But as soon as the words leave his lips, he knows he’s given himself away because he can feel Kita’s heavy gaze on him.
“Did ya ask if ya could join ‘em?” is Kita’s annoyingly reasonable response. After a few moments, Osamu gives the smallest shake of his head, confirming that no, he didn’t ask if he could go with you and his brother. 
“Y’know, yer wife is an amazing woman,” he finally says when it’s clear Osamu has nothing else to offer. “But fer all of her talents, she’s not a mind reader. Just talk to her.”
Osamu groans loudly at how rational Kita is being. He drops his head down to rest his forehead on the countertop, his Onigiri Miya hat flopping off in the process. While he agrees that it’s good advice, there’s still one problem.
“Kita-san…it’s embarrassing,” he protests childishly and he turns his head to the side to look up at his old team captain. “What am I supposed to say? ‘Stop spendin’ so much time with that scrub!’ I’ll sound like an idiot.”
“Just talk to her,” Kita repeats calmly and Osamu can only sigh. “Why don’t ya tell me how Reiji-kun’s been?”
For the rest of the day, Osamu finds himself trapped in an internal debate over whether or not he should take Kita’s advice. The ugly voice in his head insists that he shouldn’t have to say anything at all. If you really love him then you should already know. The more self-conscious part of him keeps warning him of how embarrassed he’ll be when he tells his wife, the mother of his child, the love of his life, that he’s jealous of how much time she spends with his brother. 
But a new voice, one that sounds exactly like Kita, simply asks him if he’s tired of feeling like this. Does he really want to keep harboring this resentment? It’ll only continue to fester and grow until it explodes, hurting everyone he loves. 
So that night, after he’s put Reiji to bed and the dishes are done and the laundry is folded and he has no more excuses left to procrastinate, he collapses next to you on the couch with an exaggerated sigh. You look up at him from your phone with an amused smile, only for it to slightly fall when you see how troubled he looks. 
“What’s going on? Did something happen at work?” you ask, turning to give him your full attention and scooting closer to him so that you can rest a gentle hand on his thigh. 
He shuts his eyes and gives himself a single moment to steel himself before finally letting out the poison that’s slowly been building inside of him for the last few months. 
“I have somethin’ to tell ya and it’s gonna make it seem like I’m fifteen or somethin’,” he says and he knows that if he didn’t sound so serious then you would be making a joke about him having some sort of wet dream and ruining the sheets. Instead, you give his thigh a reassuring squeeze. 
“Lately…fer the last few months…I’ve been feelin’ kinda…jealous.”
There. The words are out there in the world. You’ve heard them. He can go crawl into a hole and wait for the embarrassment to kill him. 
“Jealous? Of what?” 
He hates how concerned you sound. You’re not making light of his admission. You’re not confused. You’re being patient. You’re gentle. You’re so much better than him and his childish pettiness and resentment and jealousy. 
“You and stupid Tsumu,” he grumbles, slouching down even further into the couch. He glances over at you from the corner of his eye and sees the look of surprise on your face. He shuts his eyes again, balling his hands into fists, and tells himself to man the fuck up.
With his nerves now steeled, he takes a deep breath, sits up straight, and turns to fully face you. 
“Look, I know that ya got this weird friendship with Tsumu and that he’s yer best friend. And it’s never been a big deal before, but lately, I dunno…,” he trails off, his gaze darting down before he forces it back up to meet yours. “I’ve just been feelin’ a little…cut out.”
“Osamu,” you murmur, lifting a hand to his face but he quickly takes it between both of his so that he can hold it tight and keep himself steady. 
“I love you and our family and the life we’ve built together. I wouldn’t change any of it fer anything,” he’s quick to assure you, needing you to know that you make him happier than he ever thought he could be. “But sometimes I see ya hangin’ out with Tsumu and havin’ fun and it sounds dumb but, I wish I could see more of that part of yer life.”
You softly repeat his name before you climb into his lap. You wrap an arm around his shoulders to hold him close and pull your other hand from his grasp so that you can cup his cheek with a loving touch. 
“I’m so sorry that I’ve made you feel that way,” you tell him. “You’re always gonna come first. I don’t ever want you to feel excluded or like I’m trying to keep the different pieces of my life compartmentalized.”
Just hearing your apology and acknowledgment of the irrational jealousy that’s been plaguing him soothes his insecurities and embarrassment. 
“I want ya to be able to go do things on yer own and do things with Tsumu without feelin’ like ya gotta bring me along every time. But ya just look like yer havin’ fun when yer gettin’ up to stupid things together and I guess, I just wanna have fun with ya too,” he shrugs. Despite how true it is, he hates how cheesy he sounds. But from the way that you’re looking at him with so much affection, you clearly find it touching. 
“I love having fun with you, Osamu,” you smile back at him and his cheeks start to feel warm. “I’d love to do more stupid things with you.”
“Even if that stupid thing is spendin’ 20,000 yen at an arcade to beat a bunch of teens for the high score?” he asks and it comes out shyer than he intended. “Or buyin’ out every flavor of chips and every type of snack from the konbini just to rank ‘em?”
“Even then,” you nod with a grin. “Even if it’s needing to make a cab pull over to throw up after a night of drinking.”
“I thought it was the karaoke room?” he frowns in confusion.
“It was the karaoke room for me. The cab was Atsumu,” you tell him with a laugh and he snorts in response. 
But then, since this is a time for honesty, he decides to bring up the question that’s been weighing heavily on his mind for the last few weeks. 
“Why didn’t ya tell me about the job offer?” he gently asks, the question curious rather than accusatory.
“Job offer?” The line of your mouth twists down and your eyebrows knit together as you try to understand what he’s referring to. 
“Tsumu said ya turned down a job offer. It was around when Reiji was sick,” he explains and his tone turns slightly hesitant. “Did ya feel like ya couldn’t tell me?”
Your eyes spark with recognition before you roll them in annoyance.
“Atsumu’s an idiot. He never listens,” you begin to rant and he’s not too proud to admit that hearing your irritation directed towards his twin extinguishes the last remaining embers of his jealousy. “It wasn’t a job offer. A recruiter reached out about a job opening for a position that involves more work for less pay. I didn’t even reply.”
He feels an odd mixture of relief, guilt, and frustration. He’s relieved that this was just some misunderstanding, but he feels just as guilty for jumping to the worst conclusion and thinking that you were something big from him. The frustration will be dealt with when he next sees his twin and gives him an earful and delivers a slap to the back of his head.
“I’m sorry fer not just askin’ ya ‘bout it sooner,” he says and you just give him a look of understanding. 
“You and me, we’re only human. There are just gonna be times when I forget to tell you something or just don’t think to bother with it. But I’ll always do my best to make sure you know when there’s something going on. We’re a team, remember?” You run your fingers caringly through his hair with a soft smile and he leans eagerly into your touch.
“We’re a team,” he repeats quietly, finding the words comforting. He then gives you a slightly embarrassed look. “Hey, don’t tell Tsumu, okay? He’ll just call me a scrub.”
You place a reassuring kiss on his lips before nodding. 
“Don’t worry. You’re a scrub, but you’re my scrub and I love you.” He can’t help but laugh as he wraps his arms around your middle and hugs you close. “But, you wanna do something crazy, huh?”
When he looks up at you, it’s to find a hint of wildness creeping into your expression. It’s the same wildness he used to see when you first started dating — before you both became adults and spouses and parents with real responsibilities. 
The next day, Atsumu stops by the restaurant in the late afternoon during a lull. His appearance is unannounced, meaning that Osamu hasn’t had a chance to prepare himself for what he knows is to come. It’s as bad as he imagined because as soon as the setter walks in, he freezes, his expression going slack in shock at the sight of Osamu.
Or more correctly, at the sight of Osamu’s hair, which has been amateurishly dyed to be the same shade of grey that he used to wear in high school. 
“Don’t even start,” he warns but doing so is pointless because Atsumu immediately bursts into laughter, finding it so funny that he has to clutch his stomach as he bends over. 
“Who’s idea was this?” he manages to ask in between his gasps for air and his cackles. “Ya look so stupid!”
Osamu just stares at him blankly, not bringing up the fact that Atsumu is the one who’s been wearing the exact same hairstyle since they were sixteen, and isn’t that even more pathetic? 
Because for all of the mocking that he receives, he knows it was worth it for the time he spent joking and laughing with you into the late hours of the night in your tiny bathroom as you did your best to dye his hair without burning his scalp.
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pallastrology · 8 months
🍄 astro notes 🍄
venus biquintile pluto is a really interesting aspect. the biquintile is usually associated with creativity and the development of artistic ability, and with venus being involved, there is even more potential and a genuine love for art. the native will find happiness and connection through their creative pursuits. with pluto on the other end of the aspect, something interesting happens. there can be a tendency towards obsession; they are more dedicated and more patient, with a strong work ethic and a desire to find meaning through their art, and it can bring them real catharsis. they may discover and nurture repressed parts of themselves through their art, and overall, there is a bit of a darker theme to this otherwise light and bright placement.
moon square pluto is often given a really negative spin online; i’ve seen everything from emotionally out of control to “will abuse their children”! this just isn’t a helpful way to interpret harsh aspects. my experience with this placement is that big emotions are very frightening, often because of the native’s early experiences. they seek to “control” their emotions, which can make them quite vulnerable to impulsive or addictive behaviours. they often have a deep relationship with mother figures, and with their children, which yes, at their worst, can become enmeshed and intense. but at their best, these relationships are intimate and founded on mutual trust, long lasting and able to weather the harshest storms.
venus-saturn aspects are all about delayed gratification. the native has to grow into their loving, creative, social side, and they usually have to "grow through what they go through"; depending on the aspect, they may just feel a little different, or have no interest in relationships, or they may grow up lonely or isolated, or deal with unhealthy relationships. they have to do a lot of self-work to develop self-love and nurture the soft, creative side of themselves, before they can really feel at home around other people. but when they reach that point, they can build beautiful, devoted and ultimately very healthy connections with others, that allow all involved to really thrive.
pluto conjunct ascendant natives have a really intense gaze. i think that usually we only think of the eyes when they think of the pluto stare, but to me it goes a lot further than that; especially with the conjunction, pluto-ascendant people look with their whole body. they have the intense eye contact, sure, but they tend to also have a hard mouth and slightly furrowed brow, a certain tension in their jaws and necks. they look like a cat about to pounce in a way, you can almost see that electrical energy under their skin.
in astrology, the sextile and trine are considered to be harmonious aspects; they denote an easy, well-blended connection between the two planets involved. the sextile is steadier, and more prone to stagnation, which can look like complacency or even entitlement; the trine is more dynamic, meaning in a way, it's easier to bring out the positives of the aspect.
lilith in the tenth house is a placement that is very vulnerable when it comes to social media. nowadays, it's so normalised to post everything that it's almost radical to stay away from it, and with lilith in the tenth house, it's easy to feel validated and vindicated through what they post. unfortuntely they are easy targets for online abuse and can actually feed into and "bait" this kind of harmful interaction when hurting and angry. lilith in the tenth house needs to learn to find healthy outlets and become more reflective, less reactive.
uranus conjunct ascendant natives are bright, almost electrified. they can be prone to sudden epiphanies that show up in strange moments; sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night with a sudden realisation, for example. they can be chaotic, but when given space to breathe, they are brilliant, both in that they are clever and reflective with the energy to pull off everything they think up, and that they seem to sparkle. there is a clarity to their voice, their eyes, like they glow from within.
venus square the north node natives really struggle with being uncomfortable. they tend to be somewhat sensitive, and are irresistibly drawn to the beautiful, the soft and smooth. they just want to be comfortable, but this can lead to the native avoiding or dropping anything uncomfortable. if they want to grow and feel fuller in themselves, they will have to learn to thrive in challenging situations, without going too far in the opposite direction and not being able to listen to their instincts or enjoy anything in life.
libra suns with mercury in scorpio are an interesting mix, because they have the reflective sensitivity of libra and the stark and often quite brutal language of scorpio. they are often quite gifted writers, with a talent for the existential and deeply emotional. they aren’t as talkative as you’d expect a libra sun to be, and they are generally more somber, but with a dry, dark sense of humour and a disarming straightforwardness to them.
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madammidnightsblog · 4 months
More Call Of Duty and how they’re in bed Brainrot🤩
Alejandro Vargas: he in my mind is wholeheartedly a passionate and sweet lover, maybe because he’s a sweet talker and flirty? Dunno. But, he definitely goes nice and slow, it will have you gasping and shaking from how deep he is. He’s another man that’s been around for a while and definitely knows the body very well and is very observant so he knows where to touch, kiss, and caress that will leave you clenching around him. He has a papi/daddy kink?? Something about being in charge- whether is be in the field or in the bedroom, it makes him feel so good. This colonel is also very jealous and possessive, no one is allowed to see those faces, or hear those nosies, or see that beautiful body for yours- that’s his. Alejandro is also comfortable in his masculinity and skin that if you ever wanted to be in charge, he will allow you to but, he will take charge once you’re tired.
Kate Laswell: She seems like a switch to me, someone that is willing to switch between submissive and dominant but very dominant leaning. She will be a very sweet lover in bed but don’t let that fool you, she deals with dumbasses on a daily basis from Shepherd to the stubborn Price, she is very pent up and needs to let it out at some point. Has a mommy kink and will only be called it, if submissive that night she will call you baby and that’s it. But, she’s an expert with her hands and will be more than happy to spend her time fucking your holes or giving a handjob, she’s not picky, just spread those pretty legs and let mommy get to work, okay?
Phillip Graves: A hard dom all the way. He is rough and hard when he fucks, he’s cocky and smug so, of course he is going to fuck you like the little plaything you are. That doesn’t mean he’s mean all the time, he does have his soft moments and will touch you like you’re the most fragile creature on earth and kiss you until you’re breathless. But, he’s not going to let you think you can get away with your bratty behavior so think again. A certified brat tamer and daddy kink lover and he will make sure you remember who’s in charge. He will give you safe words and aftercare- don’t worry but he will make sure that pretty dumb head of yours is dumber by the end of the night :). Oh, he also loves the free use card and will be sure to use it once given the green light! All you need to do is be a good girl/boy and keep those holes nice and ready for him, rub that little clit or put in that buttplug- with daddy’s permission of course. What daddy wants, he will most definitely get- he is daddy after all and all you need to do, is be a good and dumb little thing for him :).
Nikolai Belinski: Nikolai is a crazy bastard- you have no clue what he is about to do and he thrives off that! He is a gentle and slow man but he is also rough and ruthless, he’s a mercenary after all, so he is definitely going to go at it without mercy. There isn’t much that turns him on more than domestic things like you cooking, cleaning, and just tending to him because you want to. He finds the fact you want to be with him and do such domestic things for or with him so sexy because he doesn’t have many people that care about him so it’s nice. But, he is a nasty man, one that will fuck you in the garage at the base and make you keep quiet with your pretty face buried in seat of a chair. You will be quiet, right? You don’t want the whole squad to hear how much of a pervert you are, do you?
Alex Keller: He is a rough man in the bedroom, not afraid to leave marks and make your cry because he loves how pretty you look with tears streaming down your face. To him, it makes you look prettier. But, don’t worry about anything, he will always treat any bruise, cut, and rug burn. He wants his baby to be healthy at all times, just a little roughed up but not too much. He is very adventurous and experimental so he is always up to try new positions and new kinks, he wants it to be a fun experience for you both. Nothing is off the table if you want to try it because he is a strong believer that if both parties aren’t satisfied, then it’s not over and will make sure you’re both happy. Exhibition is one of his personal favorites, the thought is doing something so dirty and deprived in an open space where anyone could see you two is just so hot to him, he gets so excited when he gets the chance.
König: he in my eyes is a switch- now hear me out! He was bullied most of his life and had some challenges in the beginning of his career in the military due to his social anxiety and his massive height so he is always wanting to be pampered by the right person. He isn’t the type to really do flings or hook ups so he doesn’t have much experience in the bedroom and had a massive cock but no idea how to really use it :(. But, once he’s comfortable with you and truly loves you, he will submit and allow you to baby him but he will be more than ready to dominate you. Because he needs to prove himself- not to just to you but to him that he’s able to do this. He is a big giver than a receiver because seeing you in a blissful state makes him feel so good, he can come untouched just seeing your pretty face. He will be scared to be pegged or ride a dildo so you’ll have to coax him through it and praise him for being such a good boy :( .
Farah Karim: I believe she doesn’t care who’s in charge because to her, both parties are feeling good in the end. But, she will end up being more dominant because she just gets driven to make sure you’re getting your fill and won’t stop until you’re squirting all over her! The best with a strapon and you can argue with the wall if you disagree! She knows how to use it as if it was part of her, fucking that sopping hole of yours and having you mewling out her name like a good girl/boy does for her. She doesn’t really care for titles but being called by her rank, Commander, in bed, she will go crazy. Something about being given the power and control like a commander in the bedroom makes her feel so powerful and she just wants to demonstrate it for you. Is big on receiving so you will find yourself many times on your knees between her beautiful thighs and eating her out, her taste will become your favorite in the end and you will crave it. After all, a good subordinate craves the attention from their commander, right?
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra: His love language is biting- no, I will not elaborate :). He loves to bite you and he bites hard, so you will have many bite marks all over you and will have to treat them afterwards. The cute and quiet ones are the ones you have to worry about, he isn’t as nice as he seems. He is a dom all the way in my eyes, he loves the idea of being the one in control and having you all spread out for him and fuck you until you’re drooling. He loves being the one to make you cum over and over until you’re shaking and crying, he just has to make sure you’re feeling good! He is in between being gentle and rough. He doesn’t mean to be rough, he promises but he can’t help it, you just sound so cute when he’s bullying his thick cock into your hole :(. You understand, right? He wants to treat you nicely and show you how much he loves you, with praises and kisses but they always turn into dirty whispering about how slutty you are and bites that make you bleed.
Kim ‘Horangi’ Hongjin: he’s a bully in the sheets, mean and cruel once he gets you in the bed. He’s a mean dom that will make fun of you for crying from how overstimulated you are and will just tell you that you can take it. After all, if you couldn’t, your hole wouldn’t be swallowing him so easily. He is definitely a brat tamer and loves to ‘break you’ because you’re just so cute when you’re drooling and taking him so nicely after being such a brat. Nothing drives him crazier than lingerie, he loves seeing you dressed all pretty in silk or lace, your pretty body all dressed like a present for him to tear them off and use your holes :). But, don’t worry, he will be nice if needed because he does love you and want you to know that he cherish you so he will treat you nice and fuck you nice and slow when needed while he tells you how beautiful you are and how he needs you in his life because he lost a lot and feels lonely at times so having you with him makes him feel better.
Sebastian Josef Krueger: Krueger is another cruel and mean bastard that loves to degrade and bully you in bed, he cannot help it. You’re just so sweet and pretty, it’s like you’re begging to be roughed up by your boyfriend. He will be nice to you in the beginning, he will kiss you from head to toe while telling you just how beautiful you are before he throws your legs over his shoulders and rut into you like a dog in heat. Of course, he will make you feel better, just open your pretty little mouth and let him put his fingers in there, okay? Nothing is better than having you choke on his fingers while he bullies his cock into you. But, his biggest turn on has to be, somnophilla, that is if you’re okay with it. Something about fucking you in your sleep while he cuddles you just feels so right to him, and when you wake up due to an intense orgasm, he’ll make it feel so good that you’ll feel more than relaxed enough to go back to sleep.
Valeria Garza: She is a hard dom and a mommy kink fan, you cannot convince me otherwise. She will dominate you and make you feel all dumb when she calls you all types of names while you fuck yourself on her thigh. She is someone who thrives off control, she needs it in order to feel something as she usually feels nothing without control. She likes to make you do things to humiliate you and she loves seeing the guilt in your eyes when you misbehave because it makes her feel so powerful but don’t worry, she’s a good mommy and makes sure to give you lots of kisses once you take your punishment. Her biggest turn on outside the power dynamic, is something most wouldn’t expect- it’s reassurance. She gets all hot and bothered whenever you tell her that the iron grip on your hair is fine, or that those slap to your sex makes you feel so good, or even when you just tell her that she is the only one for you. She is so used to manipulating and using people for her own benefit that she often feels like she is taking you for granted and using you when she does love and care for you, so just hearing you reassure her that you don’t feel any of that makes her happy. She may be mean and cold, but she does love you and worry about if she is doing the right thing when it comes to you.
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khepiari · 3 months
Luffy is so spoiled because of Ace too
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My headcanon is that, Luffy being such an annoying gremlin is partly Ace’s fault as well. Yes, Sabo was there, and so were Makino and Mayor, Dadan and Gang and of course Garp in some brutal capacities.
I totally believe Luffy’s most formative years of learning happened when: that one year Shanks docked in Windmill Village and told him stories of his great many ocean adventures, and the rest of his life's education happened in the four years he spent running after Ace.
Ace is the elder sibling who had to step up to protect and care for Luffy because the adults in their lives were so incompetent. Especially after Sabo’s “death” he had to sober up. Between the three of them, Sabo was the one who was always kind, and patient and treated Luffy for the child he was. With him gone as the rational and calm one and after the Bear attack incident which almost killed Luffy, Ace had to step up, and actually grow up in a sense; he was no longer the lonely boy fending for himself, and picking fights just to channel his powerlessness and anger. Luffy's existence made him a better human and gave him a chance to be his own person. He became responsible as he had a weak crybaby and who for lack of a better word was — a fool with no sense of self-preservation. And because Ace had no point of reference, let alone a healthy sense of relationships, he raised Luffy like a feral wolf pup that he picked up the streets on a whim and spoiled him rotten to the point of dumb clingy.
On the other-hand, Ace was Luffy’s safe space. He would fight, cry, bite, get hurt, make mistakes, pull Ace into trouble and still follow Ace around with a stupid big smile because he knew Ace would protect and indulge him. Ace’s presence allowed Luffy to thrive and become the epitome of spoilt rotten. Because no matter what nonsense troubles he got into, he had Ace to look after him.
Yes, Luffy was always a selfish little shit who did what he wanted, but Ace enabled him to the point of getting away with anything as long as he was not intentionally harming anyone. I also think Ace wanted to make sure Luffy’s then innocent and happy world was not marred by people’s unkind words or actions, and he did a tremendous job— because Luffy listened to him, or at least tried to. Luffy was the little brother, to be precise, Luffy was his little brother, his only family, his chosen one who was a handful and his only ray of hope in this hateful world. But he knew who he was raising and how he was raising Luffy. Unlike Ace, who was burdened and bothered by the history of his lineage, made sure Luffy was not affected by any of his own dark thoughts or Garp's bullying. So his approach to raising Luffy was to both pamper him and prepare him with one goal: for Luffy to become independent and fearless.
After all a wolf is a wolf, he can be trained not domesticated.
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goosita · 6 months
Snow with a reader who has a obsession with him and only ever wants his attention so reader basically is his loyal dog
bark bark i’ll be his dog—
the way this would stroke his ego so hard fr
if you’re just there to please him and do what he wants?? he’s going to adore you fr this man has so many control issues
i think it would take a specific type of person to submit to him like that, but if you did, it could actually be pretty harmonious
letting him dictate what you wear and how you look and what you spend your days doing. he likes to pick out your clothes every morning and select which ways you’ll wear your hair and makeup. he decides who you speak to and when, often often keeping a possessive hand on you when you accompany him to events
coryo isn’t all bad either; he’ll take into consideration what you like too. if you really hate a certain style of dress, he’ll compromise with you. or if there are foods you simply cannot tolerate, he’ll meet you in the middle. he wants you to be healthy is all, but he can find other ways to get you what you need. if you have hobbies you enjoy, he’ll encourage them (as long as they’re harmless), he monitors what media you consume but he doesn’t shelter you from it. he just prefers to know what you’re looking at
he thrives tho when he knows he can call your name and you come running, no questions asks
he lives for the way you chirp, “yes, coryo?” when he calls out to you or wants your attention for something
in some strange way, it melts his heart a little that you’re so happy to make him happy
and of course he will always reward you for it. you’re his sweet little pet, so obedient and perfect for him. he doesn’t treat you like you’re dumb, per say, but he does love to dote on you
loves running you baths and sitting beside the tub while he takes his time scrubbing your body every night, washing your hair and drying it so carefully before he puts it in a nice braid to sleep in. he likes to do your skincare routine for you too, fingertips gentle on your face and he always gives the tip of your nose a kiss when he’s all done. while other things give him a real sense of control over you, his little nighttime ritual with you soothes his pent up stress from long work days with gamemakers and other important people he needs to impress
basically if you’re obedient and pliant, bending easily to his wishes, coryo will spoil you like the little lap dog that you are
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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The autumn growing season in the greenhouse is coming to an end, so here are my plant reviews!
1. Basil: 11/10
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I’ve never had so much basil before! I planted it when it was a baby and it grew to the size of a baobab. I’ve made SO many jars of pesto, I can make pasta all winter. The basil plant started suffering from the cold around mid-November and I harvested the last leaves, but it grew amazingly as long as indoor temperatures remained above 10°C at night.
2. Bell pepper: 10.5/10
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The only reason I’m ranking it lower is because I like basil better, but I’ve had a constant supply of beautiful green peppers all throughout the autumn! The plant is very low-maintenance and bravely produced peppers in 35° greenhouse temperatures in early September and 10° temperatures in November without a complaint.
3. Green beans: 10/10
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I love fresh green beans. I planted different kinds, purple ones and green ones, and discovered with a bit of surprise that the former grow a deep purple colour and then become green when you cook them. It’s a fun plant. And they grow very well in vertical growing towers!
4. White onions: 9/10
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They didn’t thrive in my planters for some reason (they seemed to get smothered by the other plants around them) but they were very happy by themselves in the vertical tower. Will keep that in mind for next year.
5. Kohlrabi: 8/10
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Kohlrabi shouldn’t be so high in the list because I don’t like eating it all that much, but it grows so enthusiastically and then it looks like little green aliens going \o/ in their towers, it’s just a very endearing plant.
6. Lettuce: 7/10
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The lettuces (I’m making this word countable) in the towers grew amazingly in September thanks to having their feet constantly soaking in water, while their sisters in the planters were suffering from the heat. But as soon as the weather grew colder and more humid all the tower lettuces became covered with mildew :( Meanwhile the planter lettuces were having their 15 minutes of fame (see second picture)—until the weather got even wetter in November and they finally succumbed to mildew as well. So I’ll note that tower lettuce is good for summer and planter lettuce for early autumn, and then the greenhouse gets too humid for healthy lettuce.
6. Parsley: 5/10
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Parsley is in the shame corner. It grew very very well in its tower—so well that its roots started colonising the little pipe that brings water, so the pipe became clogged and water stopped circulating in the tower and the parsley died. That is the definition of shooting yourself in the foot, parsley, you short-sighted plant. You wanted instant water gratification and ended up with nothing. There’s a lesson to be learnt here. (The lesson is to put parsley at the bottom of the tower rather than at the top where the pipe is.)
7. Miscellanies: my aubergine plant produced stakhanovically in September and then shrivelled up and died as soon as October (and cold nights) started. Definitely a summer-only plant (at least in a non-heated greenhouse). Fennel grew incredibly well, both in the planters and in the towers, but I discovered (I’d never tried it before) that it tastes exactly like anise and I hate anise. I tried cooking it in a gratin as I figured cheese makes everything okay, but not even cheese could make fennel tolerable to me. No more fennel. Arugula (<- the superior word. Boycott rocket) grew well but had trouble asserting itself next to my giant basil plant. I’ll try to give it more space to grow next time, poor arugula got so squished.
And finally:
8. Fish (not rated for reasons explained below, but it’s hard to imagine what a fish could do wrong)
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The point of the vertical growing towers is to try aquaponic gardening—they are connected via pipes and a pump to a water tank in which I would like to raise fish. The idea of aquaponics is that the fish and the plants have a symbiotic relationship, with the fish’s waste fertilising the water for the plants, and the plants’ roots cleaning the water for the fish as they absorb these nutrients. It’s recommended to start with goldfish for the first year as they are quite sturdy, then once you know how your greenhouse behaves in every season, the water temperature changes etc, you can try other kinds (including edible fish).
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^ So I had four little pioneers in an aquarium in my kitchen waiting to move to the greenhouse—but I needed to stabilise the pH of the water (among other things) before bringing in the fish, and that proved very difficult! My pH had daily fluctuations that I tried to tame by adding potassium bicarbonate or varying the % of rainwater vs. spring water in the tank, and nothing worked. I thought it was because I had put so many plants in the towers, but as I started removing the summer plants and the pH didn’t improve, I finally tried putting my pH sensor in a bucket of distilled water to see if it worked... and it turned out that the sensor was malfunctioning. I bought a new sensor, who immediately told me that my pH was perfectly adequate. I felt daft.
Anyway, my brave pioneer fish were moved to the greenhouse last week and they seem to be enjoying their new tank (they’ve got lots of plant roots dipping in the water to nibble on or hide behind), so I’ve ordered the rest of the goldfish gang! My greenhouse will become a lot more populated tomorrow, stay tuned :)
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obae-me · 5 months
A Winter Weekend- FT. The Dateables
Happy holidays everyone! And happy new year! Thank you for waiting for this late little post. I'm feeling much better, and technically I finished this before it hit midnight my time, so it counts! Stay warm and stay healthy this new year! (Also I didn't comb through this as thoroughly as I usually do, so sorry for any mistakes!)
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“I thought you said this was a little winter cabin.” You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head up and down as you observed the building.
Diavolo pursed his lips, confused at your question. “It is,” he stated while grinning, puffing out his chest a little as he took a deep breath in of the crisp winter air. He seemed to be thriving being let loose from the castle and RAD. This peace was well deserved. The prince had been holed up in his office doing paperwork for probably three days straight just to be able to have a little bit of a vacation. It had gotten to the point where even Lucifer and Barbatos were almost concerned with the amount of work he was doing. A sight to behold indeed.
The snow was falling softly today, just enough to engulf the world in that perfect veil of white. The ground was pillowy beneath your feet, the visible breath billowing from your lips swirling into the sky, disturbing the flakes around you and making them dance down to the earth. A few others were taking in the view as well as they trudged through the snow to stand beside you.
A very amused hum was heard as Solomon strutted up to your side, adjusting the strap of a large duffel bag across his shoulders. A knowing side glance was cast at you. “And what a grand ‘little cabin’ it is.”
Before you sat a pristine and modern looking wooden chalet, clean stone pathing working it’s way up to the small steps leading up to the door. Lights were dripping from every frame and railing, twinkling in a magical way. It was about three stories high, with an L shaped pool near the side, properly positioned so you could look out over the mountain. Steam rolled up from the surface of the water. Seemed it was fully heated.
Rich people… If this was a homely winter cabin, you were curious to see what the prince might consider a shed.
A gloved hand gingerly brushed some snowflakes from off your head, trailing down your hair before taking your luggage from you. Barbatos walked in front of all the guests, gesturing for you all to follow. “If you’ll come with me, everything has been prepared for you all.”
You, Solomon, Simeon, and Diavolo all headed inside behind the butler. A pleasant warmth washed over you all as you took refuge from the cold. The scent of freshly baked goods and spices filled the air as a tingling sensation ran through the back of your head. Garlands, wreathes, LEDS, candles, anything one might imagine as winter decor coated the spaces, but not enough to make it feel cluttered. The building simply felt…full, in the best of ways. Comfort. Nostalgia. Somehow these demons managed to harness the essence of the holidays.
Diavolo was positively beside himself with joy. Freed from the shackles of responsibility, surrounded by what some down here might consider a more human aesthetic, he beamed brightener than the lights around him. “It’s been centuries since I’ve been up here. It feels wonderful to have a change of pace for a while, wouldn’t you all agree?”
“I can’t imagine a more magical place to spend the winter.” Simeon’s eyes were shining, shutting the door behind you all as he came up to you and took your coat.
“Let me handle the courtesy.” Barbatos took two steps closer, his hand wrapping around the other sleeve of your outerwear.
The angel grinned with a little chuckle. “I don’t mind. Besides, Diavolo already told you, this is your vacation too. Relax a little.” They both stared at each other with pleasant smiles, neither of them backing away, both of them making you feel like quite the unwrapped gift as they nearly tore you out of your coat.
When you had heard of this idea, you had been glad to be invited along. Desperate even. It wasn’t everyday you had the opportunity to go somewhere without the brothers. And while you adored them dearly, you knew it would be nice to have a switch in scenery. To feel like you could have a breath on your own at least. Not have to worry about breaking up any fights…Besides, you would all be back before the official holiday to spend time with everyone, so you didn’t feel like you were leaving them behind. But… perhaps you had been too overzealous in imagining you’d get complete peace… You were ten minutes in now and already were having two otherworldly beings hissing over your coat. To the public eye, it didn’t seem like they were having a confrontation, but you knew these men well enough to know they were sparring and sparking behind the polite words. They were no better than the brothers… And these were considered the calmer of the bunch… and now here they were. Bickering over your attention like spoiled fanboys.
Despite nearly being pulled in half, you thanked both of them and tapped the snow off your shoes, taking off the boots and setting them in the walkway before heading into the living space. An enormous U-shaped couch was settled in front of a cozy modern fireplace, fully controllable with a few buttons, a flat-screen television mounted on the wall just above it. A rounded wooden chandelier was hung from wooden rafters, the lights coming from fake candles lined along the rim. One of the side walls was covered in windows, allowing a beautiful view of the snow-covered mountainside. You could just imagine coming down in the morning, a hot beverage in hand while you curled up in the corner of the couch… Getting sucked into hell was perhaps one of the better things to happen to you.
While you were lost in thought, a set of arms came up from behind you and wrapped around your waist. You chuckled, leaning into the warm body as their chin rested on your head.
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Diavolo sighed heavily, nearly slumping on you with his full body, just keeping enough of his own weight on his feet to keep from crushing you entirely. He was exhausted. He needed this time away more than anyone. You could only hope he would be able to fully enjoy himself without the added pressures of his princedom. “I’m so happy you accepted my invitation,” he muttered.
“Accepting the invite was the easy part.” Leaning back into him, you chuckled to yourself. “Keeping seven people from climbing into my suitcase when my back was turned was the harder task.”
He almost snorted a little at that but kept quiet. It had been difficult not bringing them along, you knew that. But you were glad he was keeping things smaller. Although you still didn’t quite consider this quaint… “You’ll have to tell me everything humans do for the winter holiday.” He gave you a little squeeze before walking up to the windows, staring down at the snow-covered trees. “We could do it all! Sledding, snowball fights, snow…stuff.” It was hard to tell if his lack of knowledge on the topic was due to him being a demon or due to him being a sheltered blue-blood. Probably both. He turned back to you, a curious look on his face. “What’s the difference between a snowman and a snow-angel? Do you have any snow-demons?”
“A snowman is when you roll snow up into different balls and stack them. Then you can decorate them. A snow angel is when you lie down and wave your arms and legs to…” The jumping jacks you were trying to do couldn’t quite translate like you were hoping. With a grin, you grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards the front door. Simeon and Barbatos were still having a deep discussion over the intricacies of coat-taking when you barged back in, taking your coat and boots back and dragging the prince out the door, leaving the two confused. From inside, you could hear Solomon gladly making fun of them both as they were all shut out.
Letting go of Diavolo’s hand, you stepped away from him, testing the deepness and comfort levels of the snow before letting gravity do the rest. Your body hit the ground with a gentle cushioned thud. Shouting your name, the demon panicked, sprinting to your side just as you started moving your arms and legs back and forth, side to side, to make a snow-angel. He sighed first, relieved, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit proud of the fact that the Prince of demons would be so genuinely worried over your wellbeing. Diavolo tilted his head at you as you carefully rolled out of the imprint, staggering backwards. His hand came to your waist to steady you, lightly chuckling as he brushed the snow off the back of your head. “So, this is a snow-angel?”
“Yeah. You got the wings and the dress…robe…thing.”
“I see.” His face was filled with an endearing amusement, taking in the sight genuinely with a nod. “I can envision it. And a snowman?”
Under your instruction, you both rolled up a few snowballs, stacking them on top of one another till a decently sized snowman was made, just about your height. “Then you can dress him up, use branches for hands, let your artistic mind guide you.” You observed the base of your snowman rather proudly.
“And, what about a snow-demon?”
Your face frowned a bit. “We don’t really have snow-demons.”
Instead of being sad about it, the prince just nodded. “Not surprising. Humans consider this time of year to be more holy after all.”
After a moment of thought, you had a little idea. Bending down, you scooped some snow into your hands and worked to make a cone shape in your palms. You set it on the snowman’s head and quickly made another one, doing the same thing. Then you took two steps back, grinning up at Diavolo with a gestured hand. “Ta-Da. A snow-demon.” The only thing you had done was add two lopsided ‘horns’ that looked more like cat-ears, but it caused Diavolo to erupt in joyful howling.
“I guess that means humans and demons are not so different then. I like the thought of that!” His words were warm as he spoke, suddenly moving about in quick steps, rolling up another few balls and creating a newborn snowman right next to the snow-demon. With his finger, he drew in a smiling face. “Happy side by side. Just like it should be.” Diavolo came back up to you, pulling you into a hug, keeping you close to his chest, both of you staring at the snow-beings. His hand came to your face, still nice and warm despite him having worked in the snow with no gloves. Caressing your cheek, he kissed your forehead. Then he used the same finger to trace the outlines of your eyes and lips, creating a smile on your own face. “There we go… I hope you will be just as happy at my side, as they are together.” His head nodded towards the snow-couple.
“Dia… Of course I will be… And don’t worry, I won’t melt away.”
You could feel the playful rumble in his chest. “That’s good… You might freeze though if we’re not careful. Perhaps we should head back inside. We can have a late breakfast to start the day. There is so much I cannot wait to do with you…”
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“Forgive me for my behavior earlier,” Barbatos whispered, giving you a small squeeze before turning you around, using the back of his hand to touch the cold and reddened spots of your cheeks. “It is no excuse for being so uncouth, but… it is my secret desire to treat you to a perfect snowy sojourn.”
It never failed to amuse you to see just what the demon considered ‘rude’. You could definitely envision him to be the type to take off his glove and use it to smack someone and consider that a full on brawl. Jokes aside, you could tell he was stressed. There was nothing more unnerving than worrying if you were relaxing efficiently enough. He was quite like Lucifer in that regard, sometimes treating self-care and rest like it was another task to accomplish on their busy lists. His eyes seemed to dart around more than usual, his steps less punctual. He was unraveling, not unwinding, and for all the wrong reasons. You’d known it would be a daunting task to try to keep him from fretting over Diavolo the whole time, but you’d forgotten how much he could fuss over you. What was it Mammon liked to say? You can take Barbatos out of the butler, but you can’t take the butler out of Barbatos? A silly saying that seemed to make no sense at all and yet you understood completely.
“Simeon was partially right, you know.” You let that phrase settle in just long enough to annoy him for a second before explaining yourself. “Diavolo told you to relax too. It was an order as far as I’m aware.” The demon opened his mouth to try to combat your statement, but you cut him off before he could say anything. “I don’t need a royal treatment. I just want to have a good time with you. We can be as casual as we want to be and it will still be amazing.” An idea sparked in your head, a very similar train to the one you’d just had earlier. “Here, let’s start right now.” You took his hand and led him over to the couch. His hands instinctively reached out to tweak the cushions. After his perfectionism was sated, you forcibly nestled him into the corner of the couch. It was rather funny how lanky he looked there for a moment, crossing and uncrossing his legs like he’d never been on a couch before. You snagged a woven throw blanket off a nearby ottoman and threw it onto him. It draped over his head, messing up his hair ever so slightly as he worked to properly fold it over his lap.
Before he had the chance to even think it- although something in the gleam of his eye suggested he was allowing you to do so- you used your own fingers to fix the few stray strands. The tips of your fingernails brushed against his scalp, and for a moment- the briefest of moments- you almost swore you heard some sort of purr. It was elating getting to do something even as simple as this to someone who hardly ever had a thread out of place much less a hair. He must’ve known you’d do something like this and allowed you to mildly dishevel him on purpose. Ah well. A win was a win.
You heard something of a hum before he spoke. “Alright, now what?”
“Now…” You grinned, finding the remote to the television before sitting by his side. You slid yourself under the cover, curling your legs up, handing him the device. “You pick something to watch and we cuddle in front of the fire while doing something mindless for once. Why don’t you put on that one baking show you like? I can’t wait to hear you grumble about improper measuring cups again.” Schooching even closer to him, you weren’t content till he was fully leaning against the cushions, surrounded on all sides by warmth.
“I do not grumble.” Barbatos looked around himself as if he were worried about being caught like this, but not particularly minding it once he started to get adjusted to it. When he figured you would not dispute his claim, he did what you recommended and flicked the television onto The Great Banished Bake Off. Hopefully he wouldn’t get too riled up over the episodes, although he did look rather cute when he was irritated. Maybe you enjoyed pushing his buttons too much…
Rather than watching the show, you spent most of your time watching him, waiting to catch those specific clues that let you know he was enjoying himself. He would nod at the show here and there, tutting to himself and making off-handed comments about how things should be done differently. In other words, grumbling. Whilst he appeared to be distracted, and committed enough to not move for the next few minutes, you leaned into his shoulder. Then that’s when you felt it. Tiny little movements. Small changes, his body shifting to make it more comfortable to rest against. Eventually, his torso had turned enough to have your head directly against his chest.
His arms supported your body, clasped together by your hip. “You’re not wrong. This kind of activity seems to have its merits.”
“Oh? Good enough for your ‘snowy sojurn’?”
More than hearing it, you felt the deep rise and fall of his chest with a refreshing breath. “Planned or not, grand or casual, anything I do with you is perfect. No second of time is a waste.”
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A human-like type of warmth enveloped you just long enough to put you at ease. Then the traitor struck. Two ice-cold hands snaked around the back of your neck, causing every nerve in you to jump. You squealed and shrugged the demon-in-mortal-clothing off of you, hearing that familiar and infuriatingly adorable impish giggle echo behind your head.
“Solomon! You—“
“Careful,” he warned, controlling his laughter enough to speak, his imaginary horns fading away as his collected smile stretched back over his face. He pointed back over his shoulder before curling his hand near the side of his mouth to funnel his whisper towards you. “There’s an angel present.”
“Oo, you’re so gonna get it later,” you muttered, forcing a frown to stay on your face despite how light-hearted your chest felt. “Besides, it’s just Simeon.”
“Hm.” His face went a bit flat. “You’re right. It’s Barbatos you’d need to worry about, unless you want another lecture on,” his words suddenly droned rather mockingly, “‘maintaining dignity in the presence of royalty’.”
“I’ll pass.” As you scoffed, Solomon came close for another embrace, his smile genuinely falling when you pushed him back with a palm to his forehead. Looked like quite the kicked puppy. “And I’ll pass on those frozen fingers of yours.” You moved past the living room and traversed the vacation home to learn its layout, admiring the simple intricacies of the winter lodge, listening to him continue to pad behind you.
He could’ve used magic or any other sort of cards he kept up his sleeve to get you to stop or turn around, but in moments like these he never seemed to. Around you he seemed less like a mythical sorcerer and more just like… Solomon. “Oh come now, you’re not going to punish me for being cold, are you?” He tried to dance around you, leaping forward to block the stairs only for you to walk past and purposefully circle the lower floor again.
“I’m not your personal heater.”
“Is that how you treat your beloved mentor? Leave me to freeze?” Either he’d been spending too much time with the brothers, or aside from his profession as a sorcerer, he’d somehow managed to find the time to master acting, because the voice that pricked up behind you finally made you stop. The guilt was intentional, you knew that, like those infomercials depicting sad animals or children to get you to donate something. Regardless of knowing this, you turned, giving him a sterner look despite treating this thing more like a game rather than a grudge. He smiled once he got to see your face, brushing his hands together and letting you get a better look at them. They were a strange sort of pale, the tips turning indigo. At this stage, they were more than just freezing, they were probably numb. And yet, instead of fixing the problem before it got dangerous, this moron was chasing you around and demanding your attention.
You stepped closer to him and lifted up his hands, holding them in your own, gently massaging his palms and fingers with your fingertips. You addressed him with a sigh so chagrined, you would’ve made Lucifer proud. “Your title is Solomon the Wise. You should have the better sense to wear a magical little thing called gloves.”
He chuckled at you, but you could see the softness form in his face as you traced the lines in his hands and tried to get the blood back into those extremities. “You’re right. I should be used to Devildom winters by now. I must’ve simply forgotten them in my excitement.”
“You’re acting like a child at their first amusement park.” Finally, you allowed the irritated facade to fade, chuckling.
All the sudden, he almost seemed a bit embarrassed, that smirk of his toned down to a curl more innocent. “But it is the first time I’m doing something like this. This is a little bit different than other trips where everyone has come along or this is different than us spending time together in the human world. This is… you and me, somewhere where work doesn’t have to be involved.” His hands warmer than they were before, his fingers found themselves slipping between yours, hands entangled. “I don’t have to just be your mentor or the Wise Human Sorcerer, and you don’t have to be just my apprentice or the famous royally-appointed Devilsitter. Maybe this is more like… a couple’s trip.”
His words nearly sounded pleading, and for the first time since the trip had been announced, you got to see just how much he was internally begging for something like this. Of course he’d had his fun prodding the brothers and riling them up, telling them all how much fun you’d have without them. But aside from his jokes and his teasing, he was so… giddy to be here. So much so that he forgot his gloves and now he was here swinging both your arms back and forth, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. For all that he had lived through and all that he knew…this was nearly a brand new experience for him.
Your heart swelled. Although, you felt you deserved a tease of your own. “You’re rather cute when you’re confused,” you whispered.
He was only caught off guard for a second, hiding his flustered blush by pulling you into his arms. “You are always there to teach me there’s still so much I have yet to experience… And you’re always there to warm up my hands.”
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You were swept up in a soft hug that spun you several times around the room, a tune wistfully echoing from the mouth of the angel who was practically chirping. In the end, his small spat with Barbatos- if it could even be called that- wasn’t strong enough to quell the joy inside him. The spirit on high was in high spirits it would seem.
“Isn’t this wonderful?” Simeon asked, stopping his little dance with you around the living room to take in the view from outside the windows. Upon closer inspection, one of those windows seemed to actually be a glass sliding door leading the way to a wrap-around balcony outside. Letting go of you, the angel strutted forward, throwing the door open, apparently unaffected by the cold. At least Diavolo didn’t seem to have to worry about a heating bill here… Simeon stretched like he’d been cramped for a long time, muttering something Celestial under his breath in awe before leaning against the railing.
While Mr. Cold-Shoulders might be able to combat the weather with little more than a pull-over and scarf, you were not the same. No matter how acclimated to the cold you felt you may or may not have been, nothing seemed to hit quite as strongly as Devildom temperatures. Warmth still flooded out from the heat of the cabin, but to keep the rest of you warm, you latched yourself against Simeon’s back, peeking at the world outside from behind his arms.
The angel looked back over his shoulder at you, his eyes wrinkling in compassion. “I’m glad I eventually decided to come out here,” he mentioned. Right, he’d nearly passed up this opportunity, worried for a while about leaving Luke alone with the brothers. For a good portion of time, you’d convinced yourself that he wouldn’t allow himself to go. In the end, he came to the conclusion that it would be good for the little angel to have a little lesson in independence. And if anything, Luke would be the one trying to keep most of the demons responsible, not the other way around.
“I’m glad you came too. You work so hard behind the scenes and take such little credit…”
His hands found yours around him, giving them a reassuring squeeze, telling you in his own way that he didn’t think of it like that. Although, even if he got fulfillment and accomplishment from caring after the others, you knew this would be good for him too. A respite for himself. Let him catch up on the works and hobbies he had been leaving behind lately. Even now, there was a twinkle of inspiration in his eyes, the twitch of a writer’s hand. “Write a little something,” you suggested.
“W-what?” He actually stammered, almost laughing at his own surprise. “Right now?”
“I mean, only if you want to. You just look like you’re itching almost.” You pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his shoulder, feeling him shudder.
“I guess I am feeling inspired…” After his whisper, he took in a deep breath, speaking slow, letting the thoughts come to him naturally. “Ivory clouds in winter skies. The icicles keep twinkling. I search the palette for your eyes. And so I press on thinking. When Father Frost has gone to sleep and his kingdom melts away, will you still be right by my side? Am I where you will stay? Two doves, close perched, adoration in their breast. Two wings, like two words. My Love. You are my nest.”
Some sort of emotion caught in your throat as you listened to his heart pound in his chest. After a moment of silence, you cleared your throat. “Wow. Have you thought of writing a book?” You teased, trying to joke away the sappiness to keep your feelings from getting the better of you.
“Really, you think so?” He turned his body away from the railing, holding you closer to him. “I don’t know. Something like that seems well out of my purview,” Simeon smirked a bit. He swayed you and him gently back and forth once more. “To tell you the truth, my biggest inspiration isn’t the scenery. It’s you.”
Once more, adoration tugged in your chest. Struggling to find your own words to say, you simply smiled and perhaps stammered more than you intended to. “I bet the view doesn’t hurt though.”
He lightly chuckled at that. “No, not at all. I don’t think it would be as breathtaking though if you weren’t here with me.”
“Simeon, please.”
The rocking stopped, a little bit of fear seeping into his face, afraid he’d crossed a line somewhere. “What is it? Did I say something wrong?”
Quickly, you shook your head, tilting your head back with a small groan. “No, no, it’s not that. I promise. It’s just…I can’t say things as pretty as you can…and your little lines are so nice they make me want to cry.”
He sighed in relief when he realized he’d done no offense. “If you don’t want them, I’ll stop.”
“No! I love them.” You met his eyes and then wrapped your arms around his neck. “I just wish I could express how much I love you as nicely as you can for me.”
“Is that all?… Listen.” The side of his hand cradled your face. “You don’t need to write poetry for me to know you care. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it. A simple ‘I love you’ means more to me than you will ever know. It doesn’t need to be wrapped in gifts or hidden amongst colorful prose. If its coming from you, it’s the most wonderful thing in the world. Trust me.”
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