#they’re the same!!!! smiley guys!!!!!
vanivanvanilla · 2 years
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miley1442111 · 16 days
hi!!! Can you do a Spencer Reid x fem reader where she doesn't work for the bau and meets the team for the first time and her and Spencer are just so in love and practically attached at the hip, sharing drinks, holding hands, and just being so cute and the team is shocked and teases Spencer about her and how he acts with her but they are so happy for him
you make me happy- s.reid
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a/n: i love this idea!!! thank you so much for requesting :)
summary: spencer acts different around you and it shocks the team
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: none
Everyone on the team was shocked. They’d just decided to go out for drinks after a case, and there you were, Spencer’s girlfriend. 
It had been an awful week at your job, your asshole boss was being an asshole, your creepy co-worker followed you to your car, someone else took credit for your work in the project you just wrapped, and on top of it Spencer was away all week. 
But there he was, in the same bar as this stupid wrap party.
He sent you over a drink, labelling it from ‘your secret admirer’, and when you caught his eye you both smiled and waved at each other, happy to know he was back and you could be together again. Even if ‘being together’ meant staring at each other from across the bar and texting under the table. 
You: Thank you for the drink :)
Spencer: It's no problem, sorry I was gone all week. How was work? (I’m not sure how to do the smiley-face thing, sorry!)
You: It was awful :( I’ll tell you about it later, have a fun night love you! Gtg
Spencer: what does ‘gtg’ mean?
You: Lol, ‘got to go’.
Spencer: what’s ‘lol’
You: ‘laugh out loud’
“Y/n!” your friend shook you away from your phone.
“Yes?” you answered, hastily putting it back in your bag. 
“There’s a guy on that table that is totally checking you out,” she smirked. “Finally ready to end this dry-spell?”
“I already told you I’m not looking for anything right now,” you sighed. “I’m happy how I am.”
None of your work friends knew about you and Spencer, mostly because you weren't really close with them and in part because they’re the nosiest people known to man. 
“Fine, suit yourself,” she rolled her eyes and continued the conversation with the rest of the table. You looked in the direction of Spencer’s table and only saw him in front of you. 
“Hi,” he smiled, waving awkwardly.
“Hi,” you smiled back, heat creeping up your face as you felt all eyes on the table turn to you and Spencer. 
“I want you to meet some people, is that ok?” he asked and you nodded. 
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you smiled at the rest of your table. Spencer held your hand in his as you walked back to the table to be met with six pairs of eyes trained on the two of you. 
“Well, this is my girlfriend,” Spencer admitted sheepishly as jaws dropped. 
A chorus of  “Since when?”, “why didn’t you tell us?”, “how long?”, and “how did you pull her?” started and you just chuckled as Spencer’s face became increasingly red. 
“Guys! Stop!” he laughed. “I’ll answer your questions just maybe… introduce yourselves first?” 
“I’m Derek Morgan,” he sent you a wink and you chuckled.
“Aaron Hotchner,” he held out his hand to be shook, and you took it. He’s definitely the father-figure of the group.
“Penelope Garcia, I cannot wait to invite you on our girls trips, you will just adore-”
“Pen,” Spencer sighed, a certain desperation in his voice that made you squeeze his hand, assuring him that it’s alright. 
“Emily Prentiss,” she shook your hand. 
“Jennifer Jareau but everyone calls me Jj.” 
“David Rossi.”
“And of course, you know Spencer,” Derek smiled.
You sat beside Spencer and introduced yourself and the questions started pouring in. As you sat beside him, Spencer’s hand circled your waist and he held you close to him, his hands all over you. 
“Where did you meet?” Derek asked. 
“At the library,” Spencer answered. “We were… arguing over a translation in a book. She was right but-”
“What language?” Emily asked. 
“German,” you smiled. “I’m fluent.”
“Are you from Germany?” She asked. 
“No, I just learnt it when I was a kid. My parents were professors of language when I was a kid so they just made me learn as many as possible.”
Spencer’s hands moved from your waist slowly down to your hips and he pressed a mindless kiss to your shoulder as the conversation went from your relationship to other things. He was all over you all night and you didn’t even mind. He drank from your drink, his eyes were more often than not focused on you, his hands were all over you, to say it was jarring for the team would've been an understatement. He'd never been one for physical touch, but here he was, practically draped over you.
At one point, he went to the bathroom and all eyes were on you again.
“Is he… Is he usually like that?” Derek smirked. 
“Like what?” You asked.
“All over you?” Derek chuckled. “I mean the kid barely lets us touch the things on his desk, let alone touch him.”
You shrugged. “He just… doesn’t mind when it’s me, I guess.”
The team shared a smile with each other and you felt even more self-conscious. “What?”
“He really likes you,” Aaron smiled. “It’s just nice to know that he’s… happy. Especially after all he’s been through.”
You felt a sense of pride in your chest and you smiled back at them. 
“What did I miss?” Spencer asked, sitting beside you again. 
“Nothing much, just questioning your girl on your habits. I had no idea you still slept with the light on-” Derek teased but Spencer shut his mouth by shoving him over.
The rest of the night was full of laughter until Spencer and you drove home. You stepped inside the house and toed off your shoes, then turned to Spencer, kissing him heavily. His hands landed on your ass, softly kneading the flesh there. 
When you pulled away, you two were already at the couch and he was under you. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he smiled. “So… what did you think?” he asked nervously.
“I thought they were wonderful,” you smiled and kissed him again, softer this time. 
Spencer smiled. “Good. I really wanted you to like them.”
“Well I do,” you smiled.
“What did you talk about when I went to the bathroom?” He asked, his hands wandering up your body to brush some hair out of your face.
“Oh just the usual, our sex life-” you teased but he cut you off with a groan and let his head fall back against the couch.
“Please tell me you’re joking?”
“I am,” you chuckled. “They said they were happy that you’re happy. They’re happy that I make you happy.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up. “That’s not too bad then,” he smiled and there was a charged silence for a few moments. You two just looked at each other, drinking each other in.
“They’re right,” Spencer suddenly spoke up.
“What?” you asked. 
“You make me happy. Very happy,” he smiled and you swear you could’ve cried. 
“You make me happy too,” you smiled through misty eyes. 
You two didn’t need to talk anymore. You both knew what it meant. You were in love.
His lips pressed against your for the third time that night.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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tastesousweet · 2 months
⭒ blurb : “if a girl walks up to you …”
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary : headcannon/blurb based on the tiktok trend “if a girl walks up to you and flirts what are you doing?”
mickey speaks : randomly had this thought tdy & hamzah has been on my mind lately soooo this one’s for my slushy girls 💐 PRETTY FLUFFY (but i hope it’s not like … cringy instead of cute)
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you’re both fully in pajamas, tucked and wrapped in each other’s arms when you come across the tiktok trend that has flooded your for you page as of late
hamzah’s naturally aloof (due to a long day spent with you and it currently being almost 1 AM) and unfocused as he fights sleep while watching his tenth episode of teen titans.
so when you quickly unravel yourself from him and move across the room, adjusting your low hanging sweatpants accordingly, he’s dumbfounded and asking you what you’re doing and why you’re leaving him.
“you’re so dramatic, can you come here? i wanna do something”
“insulting me and asking a favor in the same sentence…” he sighs then pauses with a hand closed over his mouth, muffling “wow.”
literally and metaphorically tugging his arm to get him to participate but he’s adamant on knowing what exactly he’s getting up for
when he’s almost out of bed you tell him it’s “this tiktok thing” and he exaggerates a “NOOOO” and releases all of his weight so that he falls back on the bed and you practically fall with him due to your connected hands
of course he’s eventually convinced with a few kisses
hamzah fiddles with your hand while listening to you explain: “okay, pretend im not here and some girl comes up to you at target.”
he just stands in the center of the frame looking around the room as you walk away then return in character
you approach obnoxiously and begin some surface level flirting “hey good looking”
“you can back up a little bit,” he looks you up and down
“pause- did you just check her out???”
“no? you know there was definitely some judgement there.”
“sure ok, resume… now.” you play with your hair, “what’s someone as cute as you doing in a place like this?”
“bruh, we’re at a target” hamzah laughs through his words
you stop your role again, “and why are you taking time to respond to her?!”
“oh kill me for being distracted! you couldn’t have hired an ugly actress?”
you look up at him with squinted eyes, “you need to learn to resist the hot girls too!”
“i’m tryingggg!!!!” he rubs his eye harshly, “restart, restart.”
it cuts to a clip of you two acting once more
“yeah, we both loooveee target we’re, like, so alike,” you go to grab his arm and he turns completely away from you
“ok, and i have a girlfriend” he pretends to grab something off of a shelf
“that doesn’t matter if i don’t see her…”
you continue pestering so he resorts to plugging his ears with his fingers and talking over you, repeating that he has a girlfriend
eventually he turns back to face you and yells “OH MY GOD GIRL, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!” right into your smiley face.
he then fully manhandles you over his shoulder and spins you around before dropping you onto the plushness of your shared bed
he doesn’t even look to check on you (you’re outrageously laughing and yelling “it hurts!” in regards to your poor stomach cramping)
he runs to grab your phone from the desk while recording himself in faux panic, “guys, you can’t tell y/n i just beat up a woman please, please, pl- AHHH”
he and the video are cut off by you jumping on his back and attacking his cheek with kisses through your loud giggles.
you cuddle in bed again after turning off the lights and hamzah rewatches it for a third time since you’ve posted it to your spam account (everytime it’s over he says, “no, that was actually pretty funny.”)
by the morning it has thousands of likes and plenty of comments either full of love for the two of you together or calling hamzah the funniest man in the world (they’re just like u fr!)
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moonstruckme · 7 months
hi there!! i have a request for youuuu
could you maybe do spencer x bau!reader where the reader is a year clean from self-injury and they have like a little get together with the whole team for it (the original crew, season 2) and everything is happy and okay lol
THANK YOU SM!! i am in need of comfort
Hi lovely! Slight betrayal of the prompt because it's been forever since I watched the show with Gideon instead of Rossi, so I hope that's alright. Thank you for requesting honey, I really hope you're doing well <3
cw: implied past self-harm
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 1k words
These cooking classes at Rossi’s are becoming a semi-regular event. He always claims it's because every one of you could seriously use the help, but he doesn’t really bother selling the lie to your team of profilers. You all just want to spend time together, and he’s nice enough to host. 
“You’re way too excited.” Amusement livens Spencer’s tone as you practically skip up the steps of Rossi’s too-large house. 
“You’re just jealous,” you say, “that last time Rossi called me his star student and said your gnocchi was as good as mashed potatoes.” 
“They’re not really very different from mashed potatoes,” Spencer mutters, but his hand is fond on the small of your back as he reaches past you to ring the doorbell. 
JJ is the one who comes to the door. “Hi!” She pulls you in for a hug, giving your shoulder blades a happy squeeze. 
“Hi,” you say back, slightly bemused. JJ is a hugger, but usually only on special occasions. You saw her just yesterday. 
Spencer rubs a gentle back-and-forth just below your waist at your confusion, encouraging you through the door. “Hi,” he says. “Did you guys start already? It smells like garlic.” 
“Rossi pre-made garlic knots.” JJ rolls her eyes, leading the way to the kitchen. “He said he didn’t want to give us the chance to botch it.” 
You laugh. “Course he did. At least we won’t all be salivating and trying to eat ingredients this time.” 
“See, she knows exactly what I mean,” Rossi gestures to you as you enter the kitchen. “That’s why you’re my star pupil.” 
You blush at the rare praise, and Prentiss and Morgan both stand. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” Morgan pulls you away from Spencer and into a one-armed hug. You pat him awkwardly on the back. “Glad you came.” 
“Of course I came,” you laugh as Prentiss comes over with a glass of wine. “Thanks, Em.” 
“Cheers.” She clinks the rim of her glass against yours, oddly smiley. You shoot Spencer a look which he very conveniently misses, and suspicion twitches to life in your head. 
“Cheers,” you echo. “So, what’re we making?”
“Lasagna,” Morgan says. “But according to Rossi, it’s extra Italian.” 
“It’s lasagne al forno,” Rossi corrects him, pinching his fingers and bopping his hand up and down with each syllable, and you have to suppress a smile at how completely unironic the gesture is. 
“It’s beef lasagna,” Prentiss simplifies, ignoring the look of offense the old man shoots her way as Garcia comes in the door.
“Hello, hello!” She beelines for you, wrapping you in a tight, warm hug. “Ugh, I’m so proud of you! How are you doing?” 
“I’m good,” you tell her, more and more confident you know what’s going on. “How are you?” 
“I’m amazing.” Garcia releases you but not really, taking one of your hands in both of hers and squeezing. Her eyes are downright twinkly with cheer. “Positively sublime, my friend. Ready to do some cooking!” 
“Same here.” You smile, squeezing back. “I’m just going to go wash my hands really quickly.” 
You don’t have to look behind you to know Spencer is trailing you. He’s hardly left you alone all day, relentless in his doting. You’d thought he was just in one of his more affectionate moods, but now it’s clear why. 
For a few moments, the only sound in the bathroom is the smooth sound of water running out of the faucet. Spencer brushes past you to get to the soap, and you push your long sleeves up so they won’t get wet. “You know what today is?” you ask him.
You can feel him looking at you in the mirror, but you keep your eyes on your hands as you lather soap between your palms. 
“Of course I do,” he says softly. 
“Does everybody know?” 
Spencer rinses his hands, drying them on the towel. “I think so. I didn’t tell them, but I’m sure they remembered the same as I did.” His hand finds the crook of your elbow, thumb damp where it slides over a fine white line just under the edge of your sleeve. The contact isn’t anything special; it’s gentle like all Spencer’s touches, an offhand brush of his skin against yours like there’s nothing wrong with you at all. Your throat clogs unfairly. “It’s an important thing, you know?” 
“For me it is.” Your voice is smaller than you’d like it to be. You stick your hands under the faucet, relishing the feel of the hot water. “I didn’t expect anyone else to remember, though. It’s kind of…I mean, it’s just a year of doing nothing.” 
“It’s not.” Spencer’s palm slides up the length of your arm to your shoulder blade. He rubs between them, quiet until you meet his eyes in the mirror. “It’s not,” he repeats, gently emphatic. “It’s a year of not doing something, and I know it hasn’t been easy for you. It’s an accomplishment, honey. You should get to celebrate.” 
“Wait.” You narrow your eyes, a new suspicion taking root. “Is this…are we here tonight because…” You feel silly for even asking, and your gaze drops back to your hands as you dry them on the towel. “Because of my thing?” 
Spencer shrugs, borderline sheepish. “I mean, not exactly. We did all want to be with you tonight, but everyone knew you wouldn’t want a party or anything. So it’s more…more of an excuse, really.” 
You sigh, turning and resting your head on Spencer’s chest. “How am I supposed to react to that?” you ask him, voice fragile. 
His hand comes to rest on the top of your head, a grounding weight as the other continues rubbing diligently between your shoulders. “You don’t have to,” he says. “You’re allowed to feel any way you need to, everybody knows that. They all just want you to know they’re proud of you.” He slides the hand on your head down to cup your face, working your face away from his chest to look you in the eyes. His smile is small but brimming with an affection too big for words. “You’ve been doing really great, you know that?” 
You laugh a little, pressing your knuckles under your eyes to dry your lashes of tears that never fell. “Thanks, Spence. For everything.” 
“Hey, you did all the work,” he tells you, hand finding its spot on your back again as you lead the way out of the bathroom. “We’re just happy you did it.”
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catiuskaa · 5 months
clingy denials —bf!seungmin thoughts.
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A/N: the bf!thoughts series is finished! I’m so happy I could finish it. I had so much fun coming up with these lil scenarios. Feel free to check them all out, they’re all linked in my masterlist!
(because i won’t ever recover from cover me. [simping])
suggestive/horny ending, [still absolute fluff].
seungmin, who sits with you on the sofa in the comfort of your shared appartment, covered from the snow and cold outside.
seungmin, who is mindlessly scrolling down his phone, but still paying enough attention to notice that you have finished your hot chocolate.
seungmin, who takes both his and your mug and leaves them on the small table next to the sofa, then ushers you to lay your head on his lap.
seungmin, who is back at his phone as you read one of your newly Christmas-acquired book.
seungmin, who is unable to focus when you giggle and kick your legs softly, squirming with a goofy smile.
seungmin, who lowers his phone, staring at you. “What’s got you all smiley?” He grins, his heart tugging fluffily in his chest.
seungmin, who pretends not to listen, halfly still looking to his phone, which you can’t see, but it’s turned off. “This book uses so many cliches, but it’s so good!” You laugh again, childishly, and he blushes softly at your happiness.
seungmin, who can’t help the sheepish smile on his face as he keeps passing his slender fingers through your hair. “What’s the catch?” he asks, and as stated before, failing to play his part of ‘uninterested bystander number 4’.
seungmin, who can’t deny you his attention when your eyes shine when you look at him, glistening, soft-coloured irises telling a million stories that he’d listen to, any day you’d like.
seungmin, who now listens closely. “He got injured and is in the hospital, and normally he has this black cat energy, but he’s being so clingy when she visits…! It’s so cute.” You giggle, and he snorts.
seungmin, who raises his brows when you do the same. “You’re one to talk.” You snort back, teasingly, and he pouted unconciously.
seungmin, who huffs. “Me? I am not clingy, you are.” He sticks his tongue out at you, snarkily, and you take his cheeks in your hand, playing with his face, your book laying open against your chest.
seungmin, who blushes. “Hello, I’m clingy puppy seungmin, and I am a liar.” You mock him in a high-pitched tone that sounds nothing like the man you love, yet you cackle loudly as he brushes your hands off.
seungmin, who puts his phone back in his pocket. “Whatever.” He’s joking, and you know it because he’s still flustered and all red and cute. “Jeongin texted. Some of the boys are going shopping for the Three Kings Day. We can go and then grab some drinks after.”
seungmin, who you know is offering you to leave and letting you choose, but your chest warms because you know if you didn’t want to go, he’d stay with you.
seungmin, who smiles at your nod, and quickly goes to take your and his coat, like a little puppy waiting for his late walk.
seungmin, who finds himself staring at you while you put your earings on, eyes soft as you look at your reflection in the mirror, lips slightly parted in concentration.
seungmin, who blushes when you apply lip balm before going outside. “Can I?” He asks, and you smile, handing it to him.
seungmin, who clearly isn’t clingy, yet he only uses lip balm right after you do, and still claims not to know what an indirect kiss is.
seungmin, who, isn’t clingy at all, but as you both walk down the street to meet the guys, he shoves the hand closest to you into your pocket. “What?” His fake deadpan would be perfect if he wasn’t blushing. “Your jacket is thicker than mine. Warms up sooner.”
seungmin, who can’t even try to lie, because his hand engulfes yours in your pocket, fingers interlinked, his cold hands in contrast to yours, always a bit warmer.
seungmin, who follows you, Jeongin and Felix after meeting the boys, not really interested in the clothes inside the cozy shops you browsed in, but tags along still.
seungmin, who just shrugs at any suggestion the boys try to make regarding what clothes he could like. “Why did you even come with us, hyung?” The younger one teases. Felix snickers, elbowing you cheekily.
seungmin, who blushes, ignoring the question. A while after, he follows you to the dressing rooms, and you start to hang your clothes inside, noticing him in the reflection of the big mirrors. “You can wait outside.”
seungmin, who just doesn’t want to wait outside, but it’s not because he’s clingy. Definetely not.
seungmin, who is pouting unconciously, trying to come up with an excuse. “Um. The sofa outside is full of people.” He starts. You’re sneakily waiting for him, almost a menace you are, considering the poor flustered boy just wants to be with you. But it’s ok. He’s as much a menace as you.
seungmin, who relaxes when his awkward excuse of, well, an excuse, actually ‘works’. He steps inside, only because you took a small bit of pity in him (a.k.a., you want to be with him too.)
seungmin, who expresses his love and want for you in soft, secret glances and lingering touches, struggling to keep his hands to himself as you try out the clothes, snickering to yourself.
seungmin, who’s almost sulking in the side of the dresser. “What’s wrong, puppy?” You’re trying out a party dress that’s more bold than usual, and when you bend down and stroke his cheek, he’s a weak mess.
seungmin, who sighs, so flustered. “…n-nothing.” He’s blushing so much it’s almost like how it was before you started dating,
seungmin, who takes his hands to your cheeks and prompts you forward, messily ending sitting on his lap as he kisses you.
seungmin, who bites your lip. “Fuck.” He whispers, and you have to hold back a shiver. “Fuck— yeah, I’m clingy. I’m a motherfucking sea limpet if you want to call me that. You’re stuck with me.” He breathes heavily.
seungmin, whose hands roam all over your body. “You’ve been wanting to do that all day, huh?” You pant teasingly, your forehead on his as his hands press you tighter against his body.
seungmin, who smirks, kissing all over your face and neck. “You bet I was.” He snickers, sending chills through your skin. “Get dressed. We’re leaving.
seungmin, who kisses you again when he sees your slightly confused face. “I still haven’t done what I’ve been thinking for the night.”
~kats, spontaniously combusting bc oh god i never planned for this to end this horny YET OMFG I LOVE IT qjifbwkfnsknfks
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stylesloveclub · 2 years
In which y/n tends to make a lot of spontaneous decisions when she’s drunk, and Harry’s a tattoo artist. 
On any average work day, Harry sees a lot of people come through his tattoo shop.
The majority of them are people who’ve gotten tattoos before – usually big burly men who come in to add a new tat to their sleeve, or teenage girls getting a secret butterfly on their side boob. There are the artsy people who come in for some detailed line work, and there are the silly drunk people who get a smiley face tattooed on their ass. Sometimes he’ll have someone come in for their first tattoo ever, shaking in their seat and tearing up before the tattoo gun even touches their skin.
Very rarely does he have someone come in for a piercing. But when they do, they’re usually older girls coming in for a helix or a belly button piercing. 
Not five year old girls, wearing sparkly pink shoes and a sunflower printed dress. 
“Hi!” Harry’s eyes flicker up to the lady standing behind the little kid. “Do you guys pierce ears here?”
“Erm… for her?” Harry says skeptically, pointing at the little girl. She can’t be older than five years old, standing with her thumb in her mouth and hiding behind the legs of the lady she’d come inside with. The lady seems young, probably the same age as him or a bit younger. He assumes the little girl must be her daughter. 
“Yup!” the mom exclaims (or maybe a nanny, or aunt… Harry doesn’t really know. Or care.) “We wanna get her ears pierced for her birthday!” She looks down at the little girl with a glimmer in her eyes. 
Harry contemplates saying no, he really does. He doesn’t like having kids in his shop— or anywhere near him if we’re being honest. They have snotty noses and sticky fingers and cry way too loud for him to be able to tolerate them. But this little girl seems relatively nice…  she’s been quiet so far, and her nose is clean. Plus, the shop’s not busy today. Even if she did start crying, she wouldn’t scare any customers away. So he decides to be nice – just this one time.
“Sure,” he sighs. “I can do her.” He decides to do it himself instead of assigning the job to one of his employees. He’s been here the longest and has the steadiest hands, so he can get this over with the quickest. 
He has the woman (y/n, he learns from the paperwork) sign a couple of papers, then has the two of them pick through the earring options that they have on display.
“Which one do you like the best, Lola?” Harry overhears her asking the little girl. Or– Lola, as he’s overheard. 
Lola, still sucking her thumb, points to a pair of heart-shaped pink studs. “Tha’ one,” she says through her stuffed mouth.
“Oh, the hearts are so pretty!” y/n says giddily. “Good choice sweetheart.” She looks up at Harry. “Could we get those ones, please?”
He nods, and makes note of it in their paperwork. 
“Follow me,” he says, leading them into the back room where he usually does the piercings. He motions towards a black, leather table that his clients usually sit or lay down on when getting their piercings done. The table is too tall for little Lola to climb onto all by herself, so y/n picks her up and plops her down on the seat. Her little sparkly shoes dangle from the edge, hanging two feet above the floor. 
Harry washes his hands and takes out his sterilized materials from the cabinet in the room, as well as the pair of pink earrings that Lola has requested. A pair of black gloves fit onto his hands tightly. He then sits on a little rolly stool and rolls over to where she’s sitting on the bench. 
“M’gonna disinfect your ears now,” he says to the little girl, tearing open a package of alcohol swabs. She just nods quietly, thumb in mouth. He can tell that Lola is nervous, her eyes wide and scared with her legs swinging nervously. She keeps looking over at y/n, who’s sitting on a chair right next to the table. 
“Are you excited Lola?” she asks enthusiastically, trying to hype the little girl up. 
It doesn’t work. Lola’s little eyes start to grow watery, her chin wobbling as she shakes her head no. “M’scared,” she whines, a frown taking over her face. 
Harry rolls away as soon as he sees the tears. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Oh no, Lola!” she exclaims, squatting in the spot Harry had just been. She grabs Lola’s hands in hers and looks into the little girl’s tearful eyes. “Don’t be scared! We don’t have to pierce your ears if you don’t wanna baby.”
“But I do!” Lola whimpers. 
“Well then what’s the problem bubs?” she asks soothingly.
Lola looks at Harry, then leans over to (not so successfully) whisper in y/n’s ear. “He’s scary,” she says, the pout on her face only deepening. Y/n looks over at Harry helplessly.
Ah, yes. He supposes his all black clothes, tattooed arms, and black painted nails weren’t doing much to comfort the little girl… maybe he is a little scary.
“Hey,” he says rolling back to the table, his voice somewhat softer than the deep, grumpy rumble it had been before.  He’s gonna have to really up the niceness if he wants to get through the session smoothly. “Nothing to be scared of, little lady. It’ll just take a second and s’not even gonna hurt.” He gives a tight smile, the best he can muster up despite his apprehensiveness about talking to a kid on the verge of tears. 
“Y’hear that, bubs?” she reassures the little girl with a big smile on her face. She plays with Lola’s hands encouragingly. “Come one, you’re a big girl. You can do it!”
Lola sniffles deeply and wipes her eyes with her tiny fists. “M’a big girl,” she affirms with a confident nod. 
“Good girl!” y/n says, giving Lola a stellar high five. She gets up from where she’d been squatting and goes back to her seat, letting Harry roll back to where he’d previously been.
“I’m going to wipe your ears again, okay? We’ve gotta make sure they’re nice and clean.” Harry explains. He’s added a bit of an enthusiastic kick to his voice, really selling the “I’m not a big meanie!” vibe to Lola. She nods, a few leftover tears hanging onto her long eyelashes.
She winces when the cold wipe touches her earlobe, and Harry fears for his life. Was every little thing going to make this little girl cry? He decides to distract her. “How old are you, Lola?” He asks the first question that comes to mind. 
She holds up five fingers. “Wow! Five years old!” he bursts. “You’re a big girl!” 
That makes her smile and nod happily. Harry internally lets out a sigh of relief. He got a smile out of her, who would’ve thought! 
He takes a sterile pen and marks two dots on Lola’s earlobe for where the piercing would go. “What do you think?” he says, turning to y/n. She nods and holds up an excited thumbs up. 
“Okay, Lola,” Harry says nervously, pulling out the needle he’d be using to pierce her ear. He cleans it below the table so that the little girl doesn’t see it and start crying. “M’gonna need you to stay very still for this next part. Okay, sweetheart?” Lola agrees, but her composure falters when he brings the needle into view. “I know it’s a little scary, but I need you to be brave. Can you do that for me? Be a brave girl for me?”
She nods her head. “Brave,” she mumbles to herself. “Brave girl.”
He realizes that the clamps that he usually uses for piercing ears is too big for Lola’s small earlobes – but it’s okay. He’s done so many impromptu piercings that he has a shit ton of experience not using the proper equipment. Instead, he just holds the skin of her earlobe tightly and stretches it taut so that the needle would go in smoothly. 
“Okay Lola, take a deep breath in,” he instructs gently, piercing the needle through her skin in one smooth motion, “...and out.” He quickly follows through with the heart shaped studs and secures it with the backing. “You did it! One ear done!” 
She looks up at him confused. “That was it?” she asks, reaching her hand up to feel if the earring is actually there. 
Harry catches her little hand and brings it down to her lap before it makes contact with her piercing. “Ah, ah-” he tuts, “we can’t touch it okay? You gotta let it heal or else it’ll start to hurt.” He notices the way her little fingers wrap around his hand as he holds them still in her lap. “Are you ready to do the other ear?” he asks patiently.
She nods a bit more enthusiastically this time, no longer scared.
“Atta girl!” he exclaims, piercing the other ear in the same manner. He sanitizes her ears one last time and makes sure that everything is secure before holding up a mirror for the little girl to see her reflection in. “What do you think?”
Lola’s eyes go round, glimmering happily. “Pretty,” she says, looking at y/n for confirmation.
“So pretty, Lola!” she exclaims, standing up and pinching the little girl’s cheek. “M’so proud of you, you’re such a big girl! Thank you…” she looks at Harry, trailing off at the fact that she doesn’t know his name. 
“Harry,” he fills in for her. He rolls away from Lola and throws away the trash.
She smiles softly. “Thank you, Harry.” 
It’s a quiet night at the tattoo shop, which Harry is thankful for. 
There’d been a few appointments earlier in the day, larger pieces that people had scheduled months in advance because they took a lot of consultations and took long chunks of time to tattoo – but there had barely been any walk-ins. It’s a Thursday night, so of course his business isn’t bustling the way it would be on a Saturday. 
Harry decides to start cleaning up – if he’s lucky, nobody else would venture in before their closing time and he’d be able to get home a bit early. (His little cat is waiting for him at home!) He wipes down the tattoo chairs and puts away all the needles, sweeps the floors and turns off the lights in the staff room in silence, until suddenly, he hears the bell above the door ring and someone clumsily stumbles in. It’s y/n. 
Harry looks at her. She looks at him. 
“Hi…?” Harry says, his voice a little doubting, a little bit confused. Why was she back? 
She stands in front of him nervously. “Um…” she’d stumbled into the tattoo shop with such confidence, but finds herself suddenly nervous and unable to speak under Harry’s intimidating gaze. “Hi.”
She won’t lie– she’s a little, teensy weensy bit drunk right now. She’d been at the bar across the street with a couple of her girlfriends, just hanging out and having fun, when she spilled to them about the hot tattoo artist who worked at the shop across the street. 
She’s had plenty of fleeting crushes in her life, but none have been as quick and captivating as her crush on Harry. With his deep voice, green eyes, and tan skin, he’s cast some sort of spell on her. She’d been in his presence for what… a total of 45 minutes? And yet she can’t get him off her mind!
He was just… really hot! And he had that sexy, mysterious vibe to him…. With all those tattoos and the rings and the black eyeliner… gosh he was straight out of some bad boy romance novel! If it weren’t for the fact that she’d been with her five-year old goddaughter when she met him for the first time, she’s sure she would’ve started acting up. He was just so attractive! 
In her tipsy state, with her cheeks warm and a fuzzy feeling in her chest, she couldn’t help but rant to her friends about it. She’d met the hottest guy ever, and she’d never have the chance to see him again! It was tragic!
Well… it doesn’t have to be that way, her friends told her. What was stopping her from heading over to the tattoo shop right now? 
No, she thought to herself. Going over to the tattoo shop, drunk, with absolutely nothing to say except Hi, I think you’re hot? She could never do that…
The vodka lemonade in her system said otherwise, though. That, along with all her friends who hyped her, had somehow managed to convince her to venture across the street and visit her dreamy tattoo man! 
So now she’s in his tattoo shop, with absolutely no idea of what to say or how to act. 
“How can I help you?” he asks after a tense second of silence. 
“Um…” she doesn’t really have a game plan, but she decides on the spot, “I want a piercing.” 
“A piercing?” he clarifies. She nods. “Okay… where?” 
She points to the shell of her ear. “You want a helix piercing?” he asks once more.
“Yeah,” she says confidently, accompanied by an eager nod of her head.
“Okay…” he mulls it over for a second. “Are you… y’know– like, in the right headspace to do this?” Something is telling him that she’s not completely sober, and he doesn’t want to do something that she’d regret. 
“Yeah, yeah!” She brushes it off nonchalantly,  “I only had like, one drink! And I’ve been meaning to get a piercing, especially after I came in here with Lola.” 
The first half of that was a lie– she had like, three drinks. But, it is true that she’d been thinking about getting her helix pierced for a while. She’d always thought they were cool, and had thought to herself that she’d like to get it done. She just never had taken any initiative on that thought… until right now, at least.
“If you say so…” He’s still a bit doubtful, but he supposes his slight suspicion isn’t enough of a reason to refuse service to her. 
He brings her the paperwork on a clipboard and gets all his required equipment out as she fills it out. “Which do you want?” he asks her, pointing to the wide variety of helix piercing options displayed. 
“Um…what do you recommend?” She’s normally much more prepared and would have done a bunch of research on what kind of jewelry would heal best or what type of metal was safest… but again, this decision was kind of made on a whim.
“I always tell clients to start off with a stud, and then if you want you can switch it out for a hoop once the piercing has healed.” 
“Yeah, that sounds good.” A pretty, butterfly shaped stud catches her eye. “Can I do that one, please?”
He nods. Grabbing his equipment, he decides that y/n is gonna be the last customer of the night, so he flips the sign on the front of the door to read closed, and leads her into the backroom, the same room where he’d pierced Lola’s ears.
“Where’s your daughter?” he asks, turning on the lights. Y/n follows behind him, and sits on the bench that he guides her towards. 
“Oh, she’s not mine!” “She’s not?” Harry had assumed that was her daughter with how close they were and how easily y/n comforted the little girl. 
“Lola’s my goddaughter!” she bubbles. “She’s at home with her parents right now. I just got to take her out this week for a little pre-birthday surprise.” 
“That’s cute,” he hums. With a pair of black gloves on his hands, he rips open the sanitizing pad and stands in front of y/n. The cool alcohol wipe feels refreshing against her ear, a striking contrast to how flushed her face feels. 
Harry’s eyes are dark and stern as he focuses on his job. His knuckles nudge her chin, angling her head in a way so he could clean the backs of her ears too. She’s looking up at him with wide eyes, captivated by his every movement. With how close he’s standing to her, she can feel his breaths against her cheek, see the sparks of gold embedded in his green irises. She can’t help herself from staring at his pretty pink lips, how they pout as he marks the spot he wants to pierce. 
Now, usually it makes Harry really uncomfortable when people stare at him while he’s doing their tattoo or giving a piercing. He’d rather they just close their eyes, or stare at the staring, anywhere else but at him! But with her… he doesn’t fully mind it. She’s kind of cute, he has to admit.
He holds up a mirror for her. “Look good?”
She nods. She barely looks into the mirror and doesn’t overthink the placement of it at all. Somehow, she trusts Harry wholeheartedly. 
He takes the needle out of its sterile packaging, and y/n eyes it nervously. “Do helix piercings… hurt a lot?” she asks with a timid voice. The sight of a needle coming towards her face has sobered her up quite a bit. 
“Not necessarily.” He notices her nervous eyes, “They obviously hurt more than a lobe piercing, since it’s cartilage, but s’only like a pinch.” 
She still looks frightened. “Can you, um– count?”
His eyes narrow slightly, and she feels like he’s judging her. But he agrees nonetheless. “Sure. Ready?” She nods her head as best as she can with her ear pinched between his fingers. “3…2…1.” She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a sharp breath as the needle pierces through her cartilage.
She exhales with a shaky breath. “Ow,” her eyes open, stinging with tears. 
He looks at her with a furrow in his brow. If she knew him better, she’d know that he’s concerned. But since they’re practically strangers, it just looks like he’s annoyed with her. “Did it hurt?” he asks.
“Little bit,” she mumbles. “I think it’s just the thought of a needle that’s making me a wuss. I’m not good with needles.” She sniffles a bit, but her tears aren’t heavy enough to fall from her lashes. 
“Well that was the hard part,” he says, somewhat reassuringly. He follows through with the butterfly shaped stud, and secures it in the back. 
He holds the mirror up for her once more, and she gazes at her own reflection in awe. “It’s so pretty,” she whispers. The butterfly glimmers prettily on her ear, the jewels that make up the wings shining under the white lighting. He sanitizes the piercing once more, then takes a step back.
“Make sure you avoid touching the piercing, ‘cos that’ll irritate it and also potentially infect it. Little bit of swelling and redness is fine for the first few days, but if it persists or gets infected then go to the doctors.” He takes his gloves off and throws his trash into the bin, then grabs a bottle of an aftercare solution, “Y’have to wash it 2-3 times a day for the next 3 weeks, then once a day after that. Don’t go swimming or submerge it under water, don’t pick at it or play with the piercing, avoid sleeping on it. And if you think anything is wrong then feel free to come back and we’ll check it out for you, yeah?” 
She nods her head diligently. “How long does it take to fully heal?” 
“Helix piercings take anywhere from six months to two years to fully heal. The better you take care of it, the better it’ll heal.”
Her eyes widen, “I didn’t know piercings took so much work.”
He eyes her curiously. “What made you decide to get pierced today if you didn’t know anything about it?”
“Oh, I was just… like in a fun mood,” she explains, avoiding the fact that the only reason she’d come in here was because she wanted to see him, the hot tattoo artist she’d been fantasizing about for the past week. “Me and my friends perform at the bar across the street every Thursday night, and we got some drinks afterwards and I just… decided to do it.” She smiles nervously.
“You perform?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah!” she bubbles excitedly. “I mean, I just play the keys, but my friend is a really good singer and it’s a lot of fun. S’right across the street, you should check it out one day!” 
He hums. “Maybe one day.” 
Y/n didn’t really think much of it when she told Harry to come check out one of their performances. It just kind of… slipped out. 
She didn’t think he’d actually show up! In fact, she thought she’d totally fumbled with him! She just got a piercing from him, and that’s it. No phone numbers, no flirting, nothing.
But here he is, sitting at a bar waiting for her as she walks off stage. 
“Ruby,” she whispers to the lead singer of their band. “He’s here.”
“Who?” Ruby whispers back, looking around inconspicuously.
“The tattoo artist,” y/n says nervously. 
Ruby’s eyes widen. “Where?!” she gasps excitedly. 
“Long hair, sitting by the bar with a drink.” 
Ruby finds him easily, “Girl… he’s hot.” 
Y/n nods. “What do I do?” 
“Go talk to him, duh!” Ruby spares another glance towards Harry. “He’s looking at you. Go over there right now, or I’ll do it for you.” 
Y/n’s palms sweat and she looks at Ruby helplessly. She’s nervous! But Ruby just raises her eyebrow and gives her a look, one that tells her to suck it up and go flirt with her dream man. 
With a deep breath, she walks to the bar, eyes glued to the floor and desperately avoiding Harry’s eyes until she’s right in front of him. “Hi,” she says.
He takes a sip of his drink, some type of golden whiskey sitting in a crystal glass. His eyes glimmer with familiarity. “Hi.”
“You came,” she says, fingers twisting behind her back. 
“I did.” He flags the bartender down. “Are you drinking anything?” 
“Oh, um… just a strawberry marg.” She smiles to herself– he’s buying her a drink! That must mean something, right? “How much of the show did you see?”
“Just the end. Had to close up shop and all before I came.” 
She nods understandingly. “How, um… What did you think?” Her drink arrives and she takes a long, nervous sip.
“It was good. You were great up there.” 
Her cheeks grow warm and she hopes Harry can’t tell how happy that small comment made her. “Thanks,” she says with a soft smile. 
He takes another sip of his drink, and says nothing more. He’s got an intimidating demeanor, one that makes y/n shrink into herself, and yet she doesn’t want to leave his side. She’s attracted to him, obviously, but also intrigued. His mysterious ways have captured her attention, his quiet personality something y/n wants to unravel.
She coughs dryly, even though her throat doesn’t itch or anything, and awkwardly takes a sip of her drink. She wishes she had something to say to Harry, and wonders if she should just walk away to save herself from this painful silence. 
“Y/n!” One of her bandmates, Benji, somehow hears her prayers and wraps his arms around her shoulder. “Killed it on the keys tonight! So groovy babe, you’re amazing.”
“Thanks Benji,” she mumbles, her face heating at the extravagant attention he’s drawn to them. Harry observes her quietly, not even acknowledging Benji’s presence – just watching her. He takes another long, quiet sip of his drink. 
“This a friend of yours?” Benji asks, nodding towards Harry. His arms are still wrapped around her shoulders, his hands rubbing up and down her arm warmly. She can feel Harry eyeing the contact.
She clears her throat. “Yeah, this is Harry. He tattoos at the shop across the street.”
“Oh, sick! Nice to meet you man.”
Harry tips his drink in acknowledgement, but still says nothing. 
“Listen– me, Ruby, and Char are heading to Nora’s apartment in like, thirty minutes. You wanna come with? You can ride with me.”
Y/n glances at Harry, but he’s looking down at his drink, swirling it softly. The ice clinks in his glass softly, somehow standing out to y/n’s ear despite how loud the bar is. “Um, I’ll let you know, okay? I’ll text.” Benji pats her arm with an affirming nod, and heads back to his table where the rest of their friends are sitting. 
“S’that your boyfriend?” Harry says, finally looking up. His brows are furrowed, as usual, and his green eyes stare at her intensely. 
“Oh, Benji?” she laughs. “No way. He’s dating Nora.”
He hums. “No boyfriend at all, then?” 
She shakes her head softly, “No boyfriend.”
“Good,” he says, setting his glass down. “Would suck if I was trying to hook up with a girl who’s taken.”
 “You– what?” Her heart stutters in her chest, and she forgets how to breathe. “You want… with me?” 
He sets the drink down and stands from his stool, towering over her. Looking at her with those intense, green eyes, he unabashedly glances down at her lips. “What are you doing after this?”
“Um.” Benji’s invitation flashes through the forefront of her mind. Her eyes flicker between his nervously, looking for any signs that he might be messing with her. He’s dead serious. “Nothing.”
“I live just a little bit away. Do you want to come to mine?” 
“To yours? To um– like, you know…” her brain is going haywire and she can’t get a proper sentence out. “Like to… hook up?”
He nods, eyes hard but honest. “Would you want that?”
“Yeah!” She realizes how eager she sounds, and tones it down. “I mean, yes. I’d want that. I would want to go to yours and would like to, um… you know. I would wanna…” She stumbles over her words, struggling to formulate her thoughts into coherent words. She shakes her head and looks at the ground shyly, embarrassed that she can’t get it out.
Harry steps forward, lifts her chin, and gives her a kiss – mostly to shut her up, but also to test the waters, see if the chemistry is there. Her eyes flutter shut, her hands lifting softly with the intention of grabbing onto his arms, but too shy to actually touch him, so they just hang in the air between them. Harry, on the other hand, cups her jaw with the hand that he’d use to tilt her chin upwards, while the other hand rests on her hip. He puckers his lips softly against hers, sucking her bottom lip gently. 
His grip on her hip tightens as they kiss, and she relaxes into his touch. The whirlwind of thoughts disappears in the kiss, the anxiety of trying to speak with him and knowing how and where to touch him vanishes in seconds. Her hands finally feel comfortable enough to touch him, resting gently on his chest, fingers grabbing onto his shirt unconsciously. He pulls away with a soft click. When her eyes gently flutter open, glazed over with puppy-like eagerness, he confirms to himself that the chemistry is definitely there.
“Ready to go, then?”
Harry’s apartment is oddly nothing like y/n expected. 
From his rugged exterior, you’d think his home would be dark and grungy, like himself. But he lives in a cute apartment, quaint and cozy. The building is in a nice area, with an apparently new lock and intercom system that y/n envies (getting into her building is a hassle – her key always gets stuck and she’s always getting calls from people who want the person in room 316. She lives in 318!). He keys them in with a small fob attached to a key chain, and she follows him through the lobby, up the elevator, down the hallway, and into his apartment.
A sweet little white cat with pretty blue eyes sits in front of the door as they walk in. She meows up at Harry, and tangles herself between his legs, her fluffy tail twirling behind her softly. “You don’t mind cats or anything, do you?” Harry asks.
“No, not at all!”
“This is Dandie,” he murmurs. Harry picks the cat up into his arms, his tattooed arms striking against her delicate white fur. “It’s short for dandelion.” 
“How sweet,” y/n coos, stepping forward. She tries to give Dandie a scratch on the head, but the cat flinches her head away, meowing grumpily. Y/n pouts. 
“Takes a while for her to warm up to people,” Harry explains. “Don’t take it personally.” 
He sets Dandie down, letting her prance away as she pleases while he leads y/n further into his apartment. It’s homey and comfortable, clearly lived in. Harry has dark, espresso colored shelves lined with books and little trinkets, souvenirs and little decorations that you’d find in antique shops. A sage green couch with a chunky knit white blanket draped on top sits in the center of his living room, matching the fluffy white rug that lays under his coffee table. A half full mug of tea sits on a coaster on top of the glass table. It faces the wall with a large television attached to it. 
Underneath the television is a short stand that has a record player sitting on top of it– a fancy one, she might add – with built-in shelves that store all of his records. She wanders towards them, straying away from Harry, who’s gone to the kitchen to set out some food for Dandie. There must be a hundred of them, she thinks to herself, most of them old artists that she’s never heard of. 
He startles her when he walks back into the room, snapping her out of her curious exploration of his home. “Put some food out so Dandie won’t bother us,” he says. Y/n nods, looking at Harry shyly. She’s not very well-versed in this whole… one night stand stuff, and doesn’t really know what to do, so she stands there nervously as he comes closer. She knows that the whole reason she’s here is to hook up with Harry, but she has no idea how to initiate it. She’s not some sexy vixen who knows how to seduce a man – she’s a nervous and clumsy girl who doesn’t know where to put her hands when she kisses someone!
It’s a miracle that she’s managed to somehow capture Harry’s attention, despite the fact that she constantly stumbles over her words and barely knows how to act around him. He’s just like… scarily intimidating! 
Lucky for her, he takes the lead and initiates the contact so that y/n can stop wracking her head over how to relieve the tension between them. He stands in front of her and cups a hand under her jaw, his fingers sliding into her hair.  Although his brows are still furrowed, his eyes are somewhat softer as he looks down at her, flickering between her eyes, then down to her lips. 
Did you want to put a record on?” He asks, eyes still fixated on her lips. 
Her breath hitches in her throat, and her tongue darts out to lick her dry lips. “Can I?” she responds gently. 
He gives an affirming hum, his dark eyes darting back up to hers, searching them intently. His pupils have dilated, his bright green irises now a deeper, forest green. “Anything in particular you wanna listen to?”  
“Um…” she pulls away from and bends down to the height of the shelf to look at his selection. She sees Billy Joel, The White Stripes, The Cranberries… all music that she never really listens to. Oldies aren’t necessarily her taste, she’s more of a Taylor Swift gal. The only artist she recognizes is Fleetwood Mac, which he has a whole selection of. She plays it safe and goes with a vinyl of their “Top Hits,” delicately removing the record from the shelf and standing up with it. 
She’s nervous about setting the record up (it seems like Harry’s a big record guy and she doesn’t want to scratch the vinyl or break the spinner or anything like that), so she gives the record to Harry, who stands closely behind her. With his chest pressed to her back, he wraps his arms around her and takes the vinyl out of her hands, easily taking it out of its case and placing it on the spinner. His soft, warm breaths tickle the back of her neck, and she wonders if she imagined the feeling of his lips skimming her shoulder. 
Delicately, he places the needle on the record and it starts spinning, a warm static noise playing before it fades into the strong piano of the first song. His hands now rest on her hips, large and warm and gentle, and this time she knows that she’s not imagining him pressing kisses along her shoulder, and up to her neck. Goosebumps trail down her spine, and she closes her eyes, subtly tilting her head to the side to give him more access. When his kisses reach the base of her neck, he sucks lightly – not enough to leave a permanent mark, but just enough to make her core pulse and the skin there throb.
His hands trail up her sides, twisting her around slowly so that she’s facing him again. She follows him easily, moony eyes staring up at him in anticipation of his next move. 
He finally leans in for a kiss. Y/n reciprocates eagerly, leaning up to kiss him back. Her eyes shut delicately, ready to fully relax into the kiss –  but he pulls away before she has the chance to fully appreciate the way his lips feel against her. 
Her eyes open and she looks up at him with a pout, concerned and a bit scared about why he might’ve pulled away so soon. He grabs her hands, which had been awkwardly hanging by her sides, and wraps them around his shoulders. 
She feels much more comfortable this way, relieved that Harry has taken the burden of figuring out what to do with her hands away from her. Then he leans down to kiss her again, and she lets him take control.
His blunt, black painted fingernails scratch softly against her scalp as his fingers curl in her hair, holding her steady so that he can kiss her as he pleases. His other hand holds onto her waist, palm resting over her clothes while his thumb sneaks under her shirt to tenderly tease her warm skin. Her stomach jolts at his light touch. Their lips fold over each other perfectly, linking and unlinking in a slow, sultry, continuous kiss. She doesn’t realize that she’s craning her neck upwards trying to get closer and closer to him as they kiss, or that her fingers are unconsciously gripping onto the back of his shirt.
Harry takes a step forward, never breaking their kiss, inching y/n backwards until she’s pressed against the wall. The hand that had been cradling her jaw slides down her neck, then over her shoulder, then presses against the wall to support his weight as he leans over her. His neck bends downwards to reach y/n’s lips so that she doesn’t have to keep getting up on her tippy toes. With a hand on her lower back, he presses her against him, her back arching so that her stomach is pressed against his firm abdomen. 
Although the sexual tension between Harry and y/n had been there since the moment they kissed in the bar, it had been a bit muted. Her anxiety over not embarrassing herself and figuring out how to initiate anything with him had muffled any of her desires, and distracted her from noticing the way Harry was eyeing her hungrily. Now that they’re kissing though, with their bodies pressed together and their hands roaming over each other, the tension is bursting. Y/n feels the heat in her core spreading all over her body, a desperate whimper growing in her chest and spilling out into Harry’s mouth. 
Here she was, kissing the hot tattoo artist that she’d been dreaming about all week, with his firm chest pressed against hers, his thick fingers tangled in her hair, and his pretty pink lips on her mouth. It made her head spin with excitement. She’s no longer embarrassed in communicating her eagerness, whimpering and pressing herself into him even more. 
Harry untangles his lips from hers and buries his face into her neck, kissing her there. She arches her head backwards, letting it knock against the wall to bare the skin of her throat to him. Her fingers untangle from the back of his shirt, only to tangle into his hair, long curly tendrils that she softly grasps as he kisses and sucks at the thin skin of her throat. Harry’s lips are soft and skilled, suckling gently at her most tender spots and breathing warm air over them to make her shiver. She moans softly, and not so subtly presses her hips into his center.
His hands roam her body, going from holding onto her hips, to grazing her ribs, then back down to skim over her ass. His palms feel warm, burning her skin through her clothes as he grips her thighs and lifts her into the air. With his hand under her thighs, her legs wrapped around his waist, and his hips pressing her into the wall, he somehow effortlessly picked her up.
The firm bulge confined in his black jeans presses deliciously against her soft heat, and she rolls her hips forward. With her fingers tangled in his roots, she guides his face back to hers so that she can start kissing him once more, feel his soft lips slick against hers and his warm breath against her face. 
In a spur of the moment decision, Harry tightens his grip on her thighs and pulls her off the wall, carrying her over to the green couch in the center of the room. Laying her down gently, he  breaks their kiss to kneel down on the floor next to her. She props herself up on her elbows and stares down at him with lust-blown eyes and swollen lips, breathing heavily as he teases the button of her denim jeans. 
“Off?” he asks, and she nods eagerly, letting him unbutton, unzip, and undress her without hesitation. She’s left in her plain underwear, which he also peels off, leaving him face to face with her soft folds. His hands find her knees, and she watches him spread her legs open, her pretty pussy blooming like a spring flower.
Harry bites his lip, eyes unblinking and fixated on her center as he inches closer and closer. When she feels his warm breath against her center, she shudders, a warm rush spreading from her core, all the way up her spine. Her breathing visibility quickens, chest rising and falling noticeably enough for Harry to finally look away from her pussy and flicker his eyes up to her. 
“Alright?” he murmurs, warm hands resting soothingly on her thighs. He’s a man of few words, yet he still manages to check in with her.
“Yeah,” she breathes shakily. 
Without saying anything else, he leans in and licks a bold stripe up her center. His tongue dips between her folds, spit mixing with the slick that had gathered there since he first kissed her at the bar. She whines and bucks her hips upwards as soon as he makes contact with her, shutting her eyes when he starts to swirl his tongue round her clit. He makes no noise, face stoic save for the furrow in his brow showing his sheer concentration. 
Pink lips wrap around her clit, sucking lightly and sending a shock throughout her entire body. When she wriggles around, he holds her hips still, his thick fingers pressing firmly into her plushy skin. Her hand shoots down to grip at the edge of his couch, holding herself steady as quiet whimpers escape her throat. She doesn’t want to embarrass herself by moaning obnoxiously, biting her lips to keep her noises in, but Harry’s making it really hard for her with the way he’s sucking her clit. 
When he slides a finger into her pussy, any shame or embarrassment flies out the window. A loud cry escapes her, and she feels herself practically sucking his finger in, eager to finally have something penetrating her. Harry pulls off her clit with a pop and watches his finger disappear into her heat, biting his lip at how warm and tight she feels. He nearly groans out imagining how amazing she’d feel wrapped around his cock. 
Slipping another finger in next to the first, he curls his fingers up and searches for that plushy spot on her front wall. Honestly, just having his fingers inside of her is enough to have her squirming, but when he finds her special spot, she feels her fingers go numb and her lip nearly bursts from how hard she bites down on it. 
He smiles to himself when she clenches around his fingers, a subtle confirmation that he’d indeed found her g-spot and was rubbing his fingers against it in the right way. And if she’s being honest… that smile alone could’ve made her cum. A self assured, cocky smirk, with a dimple piercing his cheek and a smug glimmer in his eye. It makes her head spin, having someone so attractive sitting between her thighs. 
When he leans back down to suck her clit, combined with the feeling of his fingers curling into that plushy spot, a familiar ringing starts in her ears. Before she knows it, she’s cumming around Harry’s fingers, clenching and whining and throwing her head back as pleasure overtakes her body.
It’d been so long since she’d come at the hands of someone other than herself, nevertheless someone as good as Harry. She’d given up on hookup culture and one night stands long ago, opting for her trusty Urban Outfitters vibrator over fake orgasms, and had nearly forgotten how good it felt letting someone else do all the work. How nice it felt to have broad hands skimming over your legs as you cum, or having someone’s lips teasing your skin as you come down from your high. 
Her heart beats sporadically as she calms down, regaining her vision and blinking open her eyes to see Harry kissing her inner thighs. His fingers slip out of her pussy gently, slicked in a glossy layer of her cum, which he licks off casually. Y/n nearly cums again just from seeing that. 
He pushes himself up from the ground to stand. “Up for more?” he asks, pressing down on the bulge in his jeans. Nodding, she sits up on the couch so that she’s face to face with his cock, and undoes the button of his tight, black jeans. She yanks them down to his knees, revealing a pair of black Calvin Kleins, and a large tiger tattoo on his thigh. Momentarily, she gets distracted, tracing the sharp inked teeth of the tiger, feeling the firm muscle of his thigh. But then he palms himself through his briefs, and she remembers the mission she’s on. 
Pulling those down as well, his cock bobs up in front of her face, pink and ruddy tip hypnotizing her as it sways up and down, finally free of its confines. She’s ready to return the favor, licking her lips and eager to get her lips around his cock – not only because she feels obligated to suck him off since he ate her out, but also because his cock is pretty. It’s thick and hard, with veins running up the sides, and he looks clean and well groomed. Her mouth waters, and she wants him in her mouth. But, before she can even lick the tip, he wraps his own fist around it, tilting it away from her mouth. 
Her eyes flicker up from his cock to his face, an upset furrow in her brow, but Harry disregards it. “How do you want it?” he asks instead, too impatient to get sucked off. He’s been dreaming of her warm cunt ever since she came around his fingers.
She says nothing, instead grabbing his hips and pulling him down to sit next to her on the couch. His cock bobs heavily between the two of them as she straddles him, her knees encasing his thick, muscled thighs. “Um… do you– condom?” she asks breathlessly. He wriggles a hand into the back pocket of his pants, which hang around his knees carelessly, and pops a trojan out. 
Ripping the foil with his teeth, he sheaths it onto his cock in less than a minute. Y/n lifts herself up on her knees, lines him up with her pussy, and sinks down gently. With her on top, she sets a slow, easy pace for herself, taking her time as she presses down. He fills her up, inch by inch, stretching her to the brim, and she loves it.
Harry spreads his arms on the back of the couch, casually watching as she lowers himself on his cock. She’s warm and wet and so fucking tight… he throws his head back in ecstacy, relieved to finally have his cock snugly inside of her. Her hands reach backwards to hold onto his knees, lifting herself up and down, angling in a way so that his cockhead rubs against her g-spot everytime she grinds down. 
With his lip between his teeth, his bright green eyes stare as she starts bouncing faster. He reaches a hand out to hold onto her hip, his palm smoothing over her soft skin and guiding her as she lifts herself on his cock. He makes no noises, but he breathes deeply through his nose and watches her with lust-blown pupils, eyelids heavy as if he were drunk. 
Y/n on the other hand, whimpers with every swivel of her hips, cheeks flushed and chest bursting. She’s doing her damn best but being on top is hard! The burning in her thighs is lowkey making her regret climbing onto his lap instead of letting him have his way with her, but just as she’s about to start cramping up, Harry’s other hand leaves the couch to grip her hip. With both hands burning on her hipbones, he helps her bounce up and down on his cock.
She relaxes now, his strong hands helping her immensely and letting her start focusing on the burning orgasm bubbling in the pit of her stomach. She falls forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her chest against his, whining into his ear when his cockhead kisses her g-spot each time he pulls her down. He grunts quietly when her fingernails dig into the muscles of his shoulders, and whispers a quiet praise in her ear. 
“Yeah, that’s good,” he murmurs with a low voice – that sends her over the edge. She clenches around his thick length, squeezing her thighs tightly around his hips as she lets out a choked moan, a quiet ohmygod escaping her through her orgasm.
She flutters around his cock the same way she’d done around his fingers and his vision goes white, throwing his head back on the couch and letting his eyes blink shut in bliss. A lazy smile overtakes his face as her pussy milks his cock, and he releases in long warm spurts into the condom. 
She breathes heavily in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck and holding on for dear life, while Harry sits there casually, blissed out and fully content. His hands rub over the skin of her bare thighs gently, thumbs tracing soft circles as her shaky breaths start to even out. She pulls her face out of his neck, and looks down at him with blown out eyes and hot cheeks.
“Good?” he asks with a cocky smirk, the cutest dimple in his cheek.
She nods breathlessly, fluttering her eyes unbelievingly. “Wow,” is all she can say. Harry chuckles cutely.
He’s still fitted snugly inside of her, so she lifts herself off his cock, hissing at the feeling of being empty after he filled her up so well. Harry takes the sloppy condom off of his prick and ties it off, standing up when y/n shuffles off of his lap to throw it out in the kitchen.
When he walks back in, cock bare and swinging about, y/n is getting herself dressed and ready to go. If there’s anything she hates more than the awkwardness that comes before hooking up with someone for the first time, it’s the awkwardness that comes after you actually have sex. She always felt insecure, extra vulnerable, and a little bit nervous… and she never knew what to do with herself. So even though she could really go for a cuddle or something right now, she gets herself dressed and ready to head home. That’s what you do after a one night stand, right? 
Harry seems a lot more… relaxed than she’d expected, though. She was worried he’d be rushing her out of his house, ordering her a taxi and getting dressed as soon as they were done. But no, he casually slides his black Calvin Kleins up his legs, kicking his black jeans onto the floor with no second thought. He sits himself on the couch, and opens up a water bottle. 
“Brought you some water,” he says casually, nodding towards the bottle he’d brought from the kitchen after he’d thrown the condom out. 
“...thanks,” she says, picking up the water and cautiously sitting back down next to him. She cracks the seal open and takes a small sip. Harry chugs half the bottle down, then throws it onto the coffee table. 
“Whereabouts do you live?” he then asks, throwing an arm on the back of the couch.
“Um… about 10 minutes from the tattoo shop. East side of town, in the apartment complex near the port.”
“Oh so you’re not too far,” he murmurs thoughtfully, and she shakes her head in confirmation. “That’s perfect.” He searches around himself for a minute before he finds his phone, face down on the side table, and passes it to y/n. “Why don’t you put your number in then, and we can do this again?” 
She grabs his phone a bit dazed, “you wanna hook up again?”
“Err, yeah?” he says dumbly. “Only if you want to, though.”
Her heart flutters giddily – so this wasn’t goodbye! She’s really winning the jackpot, and she wonders what she’s done to get this much good karma. First she got to hook up with the hot tattoo artist, and now he wants to turn it into a fling? “Yeah… yeah sounds good.” 
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corrodedbisexual · 13 days
The original plushie
Steddie | G | ~4.1k | AO3 link
This fanart of Eddie sleeping with a bunch of stuffed toys by @baleful-blurbs infected my brain and refused to leave until this ridiculous fluffy thing got written 😭 Please make sure to reblog those wonderful sketches to support the artist who inspired the plushie silliness♥️
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Featuring: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, seriously beware of cavities, Light Angst, Plushies, Childhood Memories, POV Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Good Parent Wayne Munson, Requited Love, Cuddling, Getting Together, Boys In Love
The mortifying ordeal of Eddie's crush discovering his secret plushie cuddle nest turns out to be not so mortifying after all. Steve even starts borrowing said plushies to take back home with him; some time later, Eddie finds out why.
Snippet under the cut
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“Who’s this?” Steve asks, grinning as he pokes at the teddy’s ridiculous smiley face. 
“Oh. That’s… that’s Mr. Boogers.” Eddie huffs and rolls his eyes. “Please don’t ask.”
Still grinning, Steve turns to him. “Well, now you know I gotta.” 
Eddie groans, rubbing a hand across his flustered face, and figures he might as well tell the story now that he’s dug his own grave. “He was, uh… kinda defective from the start, there were some stitches loose around his nose and there was stuffing coming out of it, like… well…”
Steve giggles. “Boogers. Gotcha.” 
“Yeah. Wayne grumbled about it and wanted to ask for a different one, but I was already in love with this one and clung to him and refused to trade. Cos like, you know how plushies of the same type are supposed to be identical but they’re really not ? And one of them has that perfect face and the others just seem off?” 
Eddie blushes, thinking now would be the moment he finally gets ridiculed for being twenty years old and having strong opinions on plushie faces of all things, but Steve just smiles and nods.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I once spilled some gouache on a Mickey Mouse I owned and instead of washing him, mom just bought me a new one of the same series.” Steve sighs. “It was obvious 'cos his eyes were a little closer together and his smile wasn’t crooked to the left. I knew he wasn’t the same Mickey.” 
Again, Eddie’s heart aches for little Steve, like pretty much any time the boy reveals stories from his childhood in a tone too lighthearted for the words spoken, in Eddie’s opinion. Rich people really don’t value anything, huh. (With Steve being the obvious exception.)
“Yeah, see? You get it!” Eddie exclaims, pointing at Steve and putting more excitement into the words than he feels. Mostly, he just feels relieved and pleasantly surprised at how unexpectedly he and Steve managed to bond over their shared fondness for their childhood toys. “So anyway, Wayne relented and we took this funny guy home, my uncle patched him up, but the nickname stuck. Mr. Boogers. Boogie for short.”
Steve laughs again, but there’s nothing malicious about it as he looks back to the teddy in his lap and flicks his ear.
“Nice to meet you, Boogie,” he says with an affectionate smile that makes Eddie want to burrow his face into the mattress and giggle like an idiot. 
And maybe scream a little, because what the fuck. It should be illegal for your crush to talk cute to your goddamn childhood plushies.  
Whole fic on AO3
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chqolan · 3 months
Luke Sullivan boyfriend headcanons
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A/N: i'm not a writer of any sort LMAO but i just had to share my hc's for this man because i REFUSE to gatekeep any content for luke. copy pasted from my notes app !
TW: gender neutral reader, luke being a goofball (what else is new?), completely sfw mhm no unholy thoughts being posted 🧘‍♀️
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⛧ definitely a soft boyfriend
⛧ always in the mood for hugs, kisses and cuddles
⛧ he's more romantic than most people would think!
⛧ most dates consist of travelling around metro city
⛧ movie dates, picnics, dining out, sight seeing, shopping etc!
⛧ he brings you along to his gym sometimes if you’re free
⛧ luke will always end up trying to show off when you’re watching and his students can clearly tell
⛧ he'd make sure you have a decent relationship with his students
⛧ wether you're a fighter or not, luke probably encourages you to practice and learn with the rest of his kids
⛧ on the days that you don’t go with him to his classes, you pack him lunch!
⛧ he loves your perfectly packed lunches with cute and positive notes that always have a smiley face at the end :)
⛧ you try your best to pack him healthy food to break his bad eating habits
⛧ he can definitely notice, but he'll still eat everything you packed him
⛧ going back to the topic of his classes, luke would probably order pizza for his students on a good day
⛧ it’d be the same type of pepperoni pizza you both had while on a date last night
⛧ his students would be celebrating once he announces he’s ordering pizza for everyone, meanwhile you and bosch just face palm
⛧ bosch would be wondering how eating junk food is supposed to help while they’re trying to exercise and train
⛧ you would be wondering how he still wants more pizza after eating 7/10 slices you guys had the night before
⛧ now about those dates with the two of you
⛧ luke also enjoys cozy dates at home with you too
⛧ sometimes he'll like having you watch him play video games, or even tell you to play with him
⛧ or cuddle up in blankets on his bed or couch to watch movies
⛧ but no scary movies allowed LMAO
⛧ if y’all are ever out, he'll still treat you good
⛧ he prefers dining out to satisfy his insane appetite
⛧ you'll be full and watch luke finish your leftovers and continue ordering more food
⛧ you reassure him that it’s okay and he can eat as much as he pleases, but he was already gonna do that anyways
⛧ he'd probably have moments where he kisses your cheek or forehead and clumsily places his hat on your head <3
⛧ he'd place it backwards and say that you look even cooler than him now
⛧ after playing world tour, it’s canon that luke texts A LOT
⛧ expect lots of good morning/good night texts from him!
⛧ he'll text you throughout the day to see how you're doing, and even ask you're free to meet up with him
⛧ he sends you the stupidest memes as well and will be like “this reminded me of u”
⛧ it’s so stupid but you can’t help but laugh
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p0rkbun · 6 months
APACHE TEARS┊❝Happy Birthday.❞ Chapter 01
─ Sam Carpenter x OC
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Synopsis: Alexis forgets her birthday, but she didn't forget to visit her childhood best friend.
Content warnings: bad writing, slow burn, mention of being chased by a dog, original characters, not proofread, other than that there's nothing too serious.
Word count: 3.4k
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Before Alexis left Woodsboro, she lived her childhood in the town that was known for its murders in the 90s. Something like that—you don’t expect to live an ordinary life, would you?
A very slim chance you would have a life with no mishaps in a town like that. Even though it has been eleven years since the last murders happened, some crimes occur every now and then. People doing drugs, accidents, assaults, attempted murder, and more. Despite these occurrences, Alexis had gone on with her life, trying to avoid anything that might make her life miserable, and she did. She was smart enough to avoid anything suspicious, including not answering calls from strangers, not going out late at night, having protection, and knowing when someone is planning to mug you.
It was common sense; even a half-brain would know this!
But Alexis wasn’t lucky. Her efforts were all in vain, because not even intuition could stop any misfortune sent to her. Not only did she never felt safe, but she never had any expectations for her own solace.
One day, she caught a blue butterfly around the playground when she was a young girl. The insect had beautiful blue wings—not something you’d see every day—along with its rapid wings that Alexis almost failed to keep up with. The young girl stared at the insect with interest and fascination, wanting to take it home. She didn't, since she knew keeping a butterfly would not last, so she released the creature.
It wasn’t long until a stray and horrifying dog plunged its canine teeth onto the butterfly, ripping its small wings in an instant. The wrecked beauty was nowhere to be seen, already evaporated and chewed by the rabid animal.
Alexis only stared in shock before she took off, frantically fleeing from the dog chasing the poor girl.
Before she knew it, the memories of her first sight of horror were nothing but a faint memory that left her story of how she has cynophobia. Thinking about it now, she thought about how easily a dog can rip a small creature to shreds, thus scaring another one. It was the same thing with humans.
You can easily take someone’s life; for what cause? For your own survival? Pleasure? Revenge? A relief for your buried anger erupting within yourself?
No matter the reasons, the act of killing someone was immoral and will always be something that’s kept with you until the day you breathe your last breath. Even after death.
Years went by in the blink of an eye. Alexis was no longer a little girl but a drowsy looking freshman in college in Modesto, California. She felt like going back to her dorm to sleep, feeling regret seeping in after she accepted the offer from a friend to hang out.
“Aw you already cut your hair? Lame, I already miss your long hair." The charming-looking boy gives Alexis a teasing grin. “You told me to do something new for myself, didn’t you?” Alexis replies with a sigh to Jesse.
Jesse was the first person she met when she moved to Modesto for her college, he was smiley and handsome-looking, and he knew how to dress neatly even for casual hangouts. Coincidentally, the boy was assigned as her roommate. If you met him, he’d be someone with a bit of an obnoxious exterior, but he’s not a bad guy. He’s pretty considerate, Alexis honestly had thoughts of him liking her because of how abnormally nice he is, the other part is him possibly being an asshole underneath that grin. Not the case; however, he's just... slow sometimes.
“Yeah but I didn’t know you were gonna cut your hair!” He exclaimed, “Dude, everybody was literally telling you how long and pretty your hair looked, they’re gonna be devastated if they see you now.” Alexis glances at Jesse “I’m sure it’s not that serious. It’s a matter of time anyway. I don’t know why I kept my hair that long, I feel so much light now.” 
“Really? Did having long hair feel heavy?” Jesse asks with genuine curiosity.
“Of course it does,” Alexis said, her face contorted with irritation. “Could you leave the questions later? Where are we even going?” Jesse lets out a sheepish chuckle at the girl’s response.
“Okay, alright! C’mon grumps” He held Alexis’ sleeve and led her to wherever their destination was.
She didn’t pay attention to where Jesse led her; in an instant, they were at a small shop. The sign was detailed in black, and the exterior was full white. They both stepped in and met with the sight of accessories and items. All of them are for school, studying, or just for looking nice via keychains, pins, desk lamps, and more.
“Woah, i didn’t know they had something like this here,” Alexis says with surprise. She looks back up to Jesse “Is this some kind of thing you’re doing to get a date with me?” Jesse snorts. “No way! I know you’re not into me.” 
“Then what’s the occasion?”
"C'mon, Al, it’s your birthday!” Alexis blinks at him.
“....It is?” The younger girl thinks, and finally realization hits her. "Shit, I forgot...”
Jesse lets out a small laugh and nudges her arm “That’s kinda funny, how’d you forget your own birthday? Did you not celebrate a lot?” Before Alexis could answer him, Jesse drags her to a shelf and picks out a keychain of a cute looking brown bear. “Cute, right?”
She stares at the pin, rubbing the surface a bit as she inspects it. "Yeah," she mumbles, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. “Weird…I remember getting something like this on my birthday.” The taller boy hums. “A pin?” Alexis shakes her head lightly. "No, the bear.” Jesse stared at her with a perplexed look before he spoke, and his words made Alexis laugh. “You got a bear for your birthday?”
“No, it was a..." Her voice trails before she hums as she tries to recall what it was that reminded her of years ago. 
"Actually, I’m not so sure.”
“Happy birthday!” A young girl exclaims with a small gift box in her hands. Ten-year-old Alexis accepts the gift by taking it in her hands. She lifts her head to look at her friend. “You remembered my birthday?” The girl nods and smiles.
Tara was Alexis’ friend, her first and best friend, and she still is as she grows older. She met Tara at the playground when they were about six or seven. Alexis was a year older than Tara, but that didn’t change their close relationship with one another. Tara was the only friend who wanted to talk to her and hang out with her almost every day. 
“How could I forget?” She giggles; she holds Alexis’ hand while walking her back into the house. “You got me a bracelet a few months ago when it was my birthday; I wanted the both of us to match!” She beams with happiness when she sees Alexis’ small smile. “But that bracelet was pretty expensive; how’d you manage to buy the same one?” This causes the shorter girl to stammer a bit. "Well….I kinda begged Sam to buy it."
“What?” Alexis sighs at her. This girl…
“Why’d you have to bother your sister?” She puts the bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet had small fake pearls on it, along with the green-colored string. Honestly, Alexis would consider it a scam since it was too expensive for its looks; it looked pretty, but it didn’t match the price. She only realized that after buying the thing. “It’s fine! Sam didn’t mind, i think...  besides she likes you; she even bought you your favorite soy milk on the way home.” Tara says this and hands her friend a soy milk box.
Alexis looks at the box and feels a small burst of joy in her heart. She rarely gets to see Sam, her best friend’s older sister, but she always made her feel comfortable when they were together. She found the older girl cool and sweet; she was a little quiet and scary at times, but it felt nice knowing Sam didn’t mind her. Things have been different for the last year for some reason. She was more distant, but that wasn’t weird for Alexis; she knew people change and get busy sometimes.
Alexis sends Tara an appreciative look before speaking “Could you tell her thanks?”
Tara frowns at the girl. “Hey! You didn’t say ‘thank you’ to me!” She huffs.
“Thank you, you brat.” Alexis rolls her eyes and receives a pinch from Tara for her response. “Ouch stop!” She hisses and pinches Tara back, earning a squeal from the shorter girl. “Ow! I got you a gift and this is what you repay me?!” Alexis dodged Tara’s hand when she tried to pinch her again.
The two ran back to Alexis’ house while giggling and squealing; it wasn’t rare when Tara visited her house. She seems to like being there more than her own home, especially nowadays. Alexis always got her to watch movies or play together.
Alexis snaps out of her daydream and finds herself resting her head on the desk. Memories of her childhood lives fresh in her mind; the ones she could remember vividly were with her best friend. The only memories she wished she could have visited again, being a kid again at least. Everything used to feel so much lighter. Only now, Alexis didn’t wake up and rode her bike around the neighborhood without any worries. Everything was so different; she feels like it was yesterday when she was spending most of her time watching horror movies and hanging out with her best friend. Crazy huh? You never thought time would pass so fast.
The next thing you were a happy kid, not knowing much about the world, until you grew up feeling bitter about things. Sometimes you wish you were a dumb kid who doesn’t know any better again.
Tara sent you a message.
Tara ♥️: Happy birthday lexi
Tara ♥️: I wish I got you something :( I know you’re busy and stuff. You gonna come to visit?
Alexis smiles at the text.
Lex: Yeah I will dw
Lex: Now stop being sad, be ready tmr Im gonna visit my dad first before you
Tara ♥️: Im not first? Wowww i thought im your first in everything. Finally over your best friend huh
Lex: Cmon you know I love you, I just love my dad more
Tara ♥️: You’re an asshole come quick before i hate you forever
Lex: You won’t
On the other side of the screen, Tara's lips curled into a bright smile. After a few months, she finally got to see her best friend again. It hasn’t been long, but it felt like a while for Tara, and it made her anxious. Alexis knew Tara wouldn’t like this distance between them, especially after…
No, let’s not.
But Alexis didn’t have a choice nonetheless; her dad didn’t want her in that town, and deep inside, she agreed with him. She could have brought Tara with her, but she doesn’t really have the requirements currently. So they both settled, visiting Tara once or twice every few months until she could kidnap her and put her in her pocket to live with her in Modesto. Doing it in a friendly way, of course.
Before leaving, Alexis decides to take a trip to the convenience store to buy some things for her ride. Driving came to mind, but she brushed it off, thinking it was too much of a hassle, and decided to take the bus instead.
Upon arriving at the store and stepping in, her mind wonders as she browses through the shelves, picking up a drink and a small snack. She thinks about how Tara’s been doing without her for the past few months. Alexis had the tendency to worry about the younger girl, even if she had others with her back at Woodsboro. Her thought was cut short when another person came to mind.
“hm…I wonder where Sam is and how she’s doing now.” She mumbles to herself; eventually, she purchases her drink and snack before exiting the store to wait for the bus.
How long has it been since Alexis saw Sam? She doesn’t know; she forgot when the older girl disappeared so suddenly. How did she even feel? She doesn’t remember.
With each passing day, Alexis would sometimes wonder what Sam was doing. Probably living her life peacefully without any disquietude. Or not.
The sound of a text message makes her stop halfway to the bus station. Alexis pulls out her phone to see Jesse’s message pop up.
Hey sorry but I left something somewhere and I’m a bit busy right now to get it.
I know you’re going to visit your family today but could you get my headphones and hold on to them for a while until you get back? Its at the bowling alley, you know, the one next to the gas station. Thanks 😀
This little…
Whatever, only 15 minutes remain until the bus arrives. This wouldn’t be so bad; make it really quick.
Alexis jogs to the bowling alley and enters through the door while receiving a greeting from a tall girl at the desk. “Welcome to Cardinal Lanes; how may I help you?” As Alexis approaches the desk, she takes in the tall girl’s appearance for a moment.
She was tall and had her black hair with brown highlights tied into a bun. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had tan skin, along with a rather expressionless face when Alexis entered, but a small smile formed on her face to be appealing and polite.
"Hi, sorry, a friend of mine left something here. Headphones with light-green and grayish colors?” Alexis rushed, not wanting to miss the bus; her voice was breathless from running.
The tall girl nods. “Oh yeah sure, I think I know what you’re talking about. Wait for a moment, miss.” She disappears into the back room for a moment before coming back with Jesse’s headphones.
“Here–” Alexis cuts her off, “Thanks so much—sorry I’m in a rush." She takes the headphones from her and pauses to look up at the woman.
Alexis can’t help but feel sympathy for the stranger; she looked tired as if she’s been working all day every day. Yet she tried to put on an expression to look winsome for the place’s policy and pleasing customer service—something like that.
A rush of thoughts swirled in Alexis’ mind. Funny how she was in a rush, but for some reason she wanted to make this stranger’s day a bit better. This always happens; at the most critical moments, most times, Alexis has this thing of wanting to cheer a stranger up when she sees them down. She knew she needed to mind her own business about whatever miserable thing was going on with somebody unknown to her in their lives. But would you cheer up this tall, pretty, and downhearted-looking girl even if you’re in a rush?
Shit what the hell do I do? What am I doing? I don’t have any time for this. But she looks kinda sad. What the hell…okay stop staring at her like a weirdo.
The tall girl furrows her brows in confusion at Alexis, feeling a bit anxious and flustered at this random Asian girl staring in silence.
“Is there something wrong, Miss?” She asks while her dark brown eyes linger on Alexis.
Alexis blinks and averts her gaze for a split second. “Um yeah, sorry uh…” She stammers before swiftly pulling out a bear pin that she bought that morning and placing it firmly in the stranger’s hands. “Sorry uhm, here’s something of my gratitude for your service—thanks again, bye!” Before she could reply anything back, Alexis had already bolted out of the bowling alley.
The bowling alley attendant frowns at what just happened. She looks at the pin in her hands, her expression puzzled. Weird girl…. she thought. Unknown to Alexis, she probably made someone’s day a little better with her small act of kindness.
Upon arriving at Woodsboro, Alexis feels a sense of familiarity with the town. As much as she doesn’t like it, she misses some of the aspects of the place.
Throughout the ride, Alexis felt the need to jump out of the bus and into a ditch because of her awkwardness earlier. Being back at the place where she grew up took her mind off that for a while.
“Hey dad,” Alexis says to the phone with a bright smile, feeling excited to see her father again after months.
“Lexi? Honey, hey, how are you?” Dewey’s voice was heard through the phone, his soft tone making Alexis smile wider.
“I’m doing fine; I’m visiting you today.” Silence fell momentarily; this made Alexis a little nervous before Dewey spoke again.
“Honey…I told you not to come here.” He sighs through the phone, making Alexis feel a little guilty. “I know but I just wanted to see you." She responded as she walked along the sidewalk; it still brightened out as the sunlight hit Alexis’ face, causing her to squint. “I’m only visiting for a few days; I’m planning to stay at Tara’s house.”
“Oh Alexis…  you know I don’t like that.”
“What’s wrong? I thought you like Tara?” Her response causes him to exhale deeply. "You have to understand that even though I like her and she’s nice for you, I find it difficult to get a good night's sleep knowing that you are here at someone else's house." Alexis lets out a small sigh as she listens to her father’s words.
“I’m not staying at ‘somone’s’ house,” “I know, I know." "Dad, c’mon...”
Dewey goes silent for a bit, waiting for what his daughter has to say. “Dad… I know a lot has happened here, and a lot has happened with you and me as well, but things aren’t like that anymore. It’s been ten years, and nothing strange has happened—no ghostfaces, no killers. I’m not blaming you for being paranoid, but I want to spend time with you without the thought of another murder happening.” 
“I just wanted to see you. Don't you miss me, dad?” Alexis’ words hit Dewey like tree logs crushing a brittle shed. He lets out a sigh before chuckling a bit.
“You didn’t have to say that to your old man; of course I missed you.” He smiles on the other side of the phone before continuing, “Alright, I’ll let you stay, but you’ll leave first thing in the morning on your last day, and make sure to see me.”
Alexis hums. “I will. I’m going to go see you right now, later, Dad.”
“Stay safe, sweetheart.” With that, Alexis hung up and was about to continue walking until she was met with familiar black hair in her sight.
The girl stood in front of her with a grin—Alexis could recognise that smile everywhere. She didn’t expect her to be the first face she'd see once she stepped into this morbid town.
“Well, look who’s back in town.” She laughs, grinning wider, and steps closer to Alexis. “Haven’t seen you in a while; it’s nice seeing you again.” She said in a low tone, her voice sounded sweet.
Alexis gave Amber an acknowledging and surprised expression. She feels a tingly feeling in her stomach—not a good one. It’s a feeling similar to when someone you aren’t that fond of meets you on your way to your destination. Or when a teacher calls your name to ask a question about the lesson you learned but didn’t bother to remember, feeling like your heart stopped for a second. She feels dread for some unknown reason; she always has bad energy whenever she’s with Amber. It’s not because she’s sort of got this bad girl's agenda or that she has a violent way of expressing anger.
Amber is awfully nice to Alexis, and she doesn’t like that. 
If somebody is nice to you, you wouldn’t be feeling a sense of dread. So, why?
It’s always been like this with them; Alexis always felt something was wrong with that girl, and it’s a little messed up to think that.
“What’s with that face?” Amber tilts her head, her eyes lingering on Alexis.
Alexis needed to make this quick before she vomits from anxiety.
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— Note: thank you if you managed to read this whole ridiculous thing 🥹 You're probably wonder about Amber and Alexis, they have a complicated relationship which will be revealed more into the story. I'll have to make a new character biography for Alexis soon lol.
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clemswinecorner · 11 months
Small world [Clément Novalak]
Summary: Picking up your cousin from the club ends a little different then you expected… It’s a small world.
Wordcount: 2.9k
Warnings: They’re in the club, mentions of a toxic relationship and cheating (not y/n and clem), sexual implications
It has taken me too long to write a Clem fic, I’m glad it’s finally here!! Especially considering my username is literally clemswinecorner😐😐 Added in a waaaay more dramatic storyline then necessary cause I didn’t know how to end it whoops, but enjoy! For the Clem girlies (but especially Chloe and Yana)🫶🏼🫶🏼
Bit shit formatting because this is posted from my phone, will be fixed asap!
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“Paris, I’m seeing your brothers Monday, I really don’t think I need to see them right now,” Paris, although you can’t see, rolls her eyes as she looks back at you. “They’re right over there, c’mon!” She yells, trying to be heard over the music. Before you know it you’re standing in front of a table at the back of a club. “Y/N, hey, what are you doing here?!” Despite not wanting to be there, you still smile at your cousin who pulls you into a hug. “I was supposed to pick up Paris and she dragged me inside. It’s good to see you though, it’s been too long,” Marcus laughs at his sisters ways as you briefly hug your oldest cousin, James, and his girlfriend. You saw the both of them just the other day, since you live on the same of London, but you hadn’t seen Marcus since you were both in New Zealand to celebrate New Year’s a few months ago. “Oh, that’s Juan, Franky and Emmy by the way, and you’ve met James and Alice. Do you want a drink? Our other friend Clem is getting some already, I can text him,” You smile as you look at Paris next to you, talking animatedly to her older brother. “No, thanks, I’m taking Paris home. C’mon, let’s get you home,” Paris pouts as you put your arm around here. “Noooo but I want to stayyyyy,” you sigh as you look at her. “You called me to pick you up because you wanted to leave, Pari, let’s go now. I made your bed with the Mickey bedsheets you love,” her eyes light up at the mention of her favourite bedsheets, but quickly get distracted again as someone hands her a drink that looks like coke (but most likely holds alcohol). Marcus sends you a sympathetic smile, as you sigh. “Clem’s getting more drinks, you could follow him to the bar, it’s not too busy there if you walk past the bathrooms there and keep right. Smiley guy, dark hair, slight beard, wearing glasses -fake ones- and i think a striped button up. Just tell him to put it with mine and Paris’ drinks when he sends me a payment request, I’ll try and get Paris ready to leave,” you give him a thankful smile as you start to make your way back through the crowd.
At the bar you don’t see anyone looking like the description Marcus gave you. There was a guy in a white button up -which looked extremely good on him- but it wasn’t striped nor was he wearing glasses. You take a seat, figuring the friend was probably at the bathroom. You glance at the handsome guy, currently chatting away with the bartender until he walks to the other side of the bar to prepare a few drinks. The handsome man moves closer to you, though he still keeps a respectable distance. “You havin’ fun here? Or just want to get steamed?” He speaks up, revealing a somewhat British accent. You chuckle at his choice of words- similar to your cousin’s. “Oh i’m just, you know, in the club, at the bar,” he raises his eyebrows, “ah, yes, as one is. Not a club person then?” He slowly moves closer, and though you weren’t in the mood to talk, you still found herself in a conversation with him.
“Hey, do you want to get back there, dance around?” You’ve naturally moved closer to each other, your arms touching as he swirls his drink- whatever cocktail. You bite your lip- you really weren’t the most social person (it was honestly a surprise you even considered dancing with him), looking down into your glass, previously filled with a coke, in consideration. “I was supposed to get these and some more to my friends, we can walk by them, sit there if you’d prefer?” He adds on, noticing how you weren’t very enthusiastic. “I think you should go back to your friends, enjoy your time with them together. I’ve probably held you back,” you smile lightly, as you sit up straighter, suddenly hyper aware of how close you are. “No, no, I want to spend time with you. I’ve gone out with them dozens of times. Unless you don’t want to be there with me and get back to your cousin, that’s also completely fine, sorry if you felt like you needed to stay in this conversation,” you quickly shake your head, putting your hand on top of his arm. “No, I like this. It doesn’t really happen that I actually like spending time with a stranger like this, usually I’d be trying to get home and watch a movie,” he chuckles as you subconsciously move your face closer to his. “I’m glad you like my company, then,” he smiles as his eyes flickers down to your lips. “I don’t, Clément, I just did it for the french and the drinks, obviously,” you joke and he laughs, his head falling forward. He looks up with a genuine smile, leaning forward and soon enough your lips touch. You weren’t sure who started the kiss, but it was better than most kisses you had (the best one so far, you’d even say). He knew just what the right moves and pace were and you were on the same wavelength the entire kiss, not wanting to pull back. Oh well, his friends were already waiting, what would those extra minutes be?
“Hey, I really like this, I do, but I would also love to dance with you. Plus, my friends are probably wondering where I wandered off too,” He whispers with your faces still only inches away from eachother- as far as whispering goes in a club. “They’re not used to you running off with random girls you’ve pulled your charm on?” He chuckles and looks down, contemplating his response. “Just the pretty ones. Nah, not really, my ex girlfriend and I broke up about 9 months ago, she did quite a number on me if i’m honest. I’ve been getting time to myself and friends even here, I have barely been with anyone, I only just got somewhat back to, you know, messing around last month. My friends don’t really know though, if I told them I was ready for something they’d push me towards anyone attractive in a 10km radius,” you laugh at the last comment, relating to the last part a bit too much- your friends also tried to get you with whoever was even remotely attractive. “So, what are you ready for, right now? Just so we’re both clear on that, because anything goes for me,” he shrugs in response. “I’m not really sure. I just wanted to keep things unattached, casual at best but I kind of really like you,” You smile his answer. “We can just dance around, see what happens tonight, maybe explore more of this if we feel like it tomorrow,” He nods, before he tenderly kisses you again with a smile.
“It’s not too much people, and you can keep your distance. It’s mostly my friends, their siblings, girlfriends. You don’t have to be introduced to them if you don’t want to, I can just drop the drinks off and we can dance. If the dance floor gets too crowded just say the word and we can get to some other place,” He whispers against your ear, making you blush “Actually, I kind of have to go to the bathroom. You get those to your friends, I’ll meet you on the dance floor?” Clem shakes his head, “meet me between the men’s and women’s. Don’t want to lose you,” you nod as you go separate ways. The music playing was nice, you realised as you went onto the dance floor, Clem’s hand in yours. You danced around for a short while, though it only took about half an hour before you both gave up trying to stay civil, deciding to go to Clem’s apartment. You had quickly texted Paris as you walked your way out, the people you came for soon forgotten.
It wasn’t until about an hour and half later, when you were sitting in his bed leaning against his headboard, drinking a glass of wine that Clem got a call. You’d settled under the sheets, Clem only wearing his underwear and you wearing your panties and his shirt. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, which you didn’t mind (you found out he looked very good without a shirt). “Ah shit, I have to take this, I didn’t tell anyone I left and it’s my mate,” you quickly motioned for him to go ahead, and he put the phone to his ear.
“Hey, where are you?” Clem hears his best friend ask. “Sorry, I left already, forgot to tell you. I’m at home now,” He simply answers, playing with your hand as you sip your wine. “Ah, okay. D’you know if my cousin went home too?” You see a surprised look on Clem’s face, “Your cousin?” He looks at you surprised as Marcus answers. “Yeah, Y/N. She was supposed to go to you at the bar.” He raises his eyebrows at you, saying “Oh, yeah, yeah, Y/N, I saw her get into her car safely, don’t worry.” You nod as you realise he was, in fact, Marcus friend you’d been looking for, quickly showing him your texts to Paris. “She texted Paris as well, I thought you knew she left,” He says casually, before they finish off the call and say goodbye, making plans for the next time they’d meet. “Alright, I’ll see you Friday. Bye Marcus, love you too mate,” You raise your eyebrows as he ends the call. “You’re Marcus’ friend?!” You simply ask, a hint of surprise in your tone. “Small world. Though you do not sound as shocked as you should be. I didn’t even know Marcus’ cousin was with us tonight?” You chuckle at his surprise. “I was picking up Paris and then she didn’t want to leave so Marcus sent me to you- for the record, to his friend, I did not know you were his friend because Marcus did not give an accurate description,” Clem laughs, “that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest,” he agrees.
Clem breaks the comfortable silence that fell first. “Are you- Do you want Marcus to know about, eh,” he carefully considers his words, “are we going to tell him this happened? Happens, or whatever’s next,” You study him as he asks the question, but nothing gives away how he feels. “I mean… Do you want him to know? I like you, and I would love to see where this goes, like, romantically or even physically, if we realize that works better. It depends on what you want from me,” Clem nods, grabbing your hand in his (though they were already practically on top of each other). “Yeah, me too. I’d like to hang out with you, ‘date’ or whatever it’d be called. Just… Do I get to kiss you still,” you jokingly roll your eyes with a smile as he pulls you towards you. “I guess you do, Mr Novalak,” he raises his eyebrows, “we’re on last name basis now? Did you stalk my instagram or what?” You chuckle in response. “I pay attention to my cousin’s life and stories sometimes,” you smile, which makes him laugh. “Hey, but if you don’t really want to tell your friends you’re dating, that’s okay. I don’t mind keeping it just us,” He smiles before he leans down to kiss you. “Thank you. It’s not that I don’t want to show you to them, you know that though, right? Just want to go at my own pace,” you nod, “I know.” You softly kiss him before he pulls back to cuddle. “So, now that neither of us have to inform people of our whereabouts, how about you take a shower, order food, watch a movie?” You smile, you were always in the mood for a late night snack. “If you can help me with the shower it sounds like a plan.” You smirk as you get out of the bed. “Alright, alright. Can you grab some towels from that closet? I’ll get the shower ready,” you nod as you do as you’re told, putting them in the bathroom when you’re done. Clem’s already in the shower as you take off your clothes and get in. “What’s taken you so long?” You jokingly roll your eyes before kissing him.
Around 11 AM you and Clem freeze in your kiss as the two of you hear rushed knocks on coming from his front door. “I’ll check that out,” Clem says and you nod as he gets out of bed, quickly putting on a shirt. Luckily you were both still wearing pants and your shirt was still on, if whoever’s at the door wants to walk into the bedroom. “Hi, mate, I’m kind of bu-“ Clem stop his sentence halfway as Marcus walks into the living room distressed. “Dude, are you okay? What’s up, did something happen?” Clem asks as he sits him down on the couch. You move out of the bed as well, recognizing your cousin’s voice. “No. Yes. I. I’m fine I just need to talk to someone. Last night, eh, Paris, I, shit, Clem,” You stand in the doorway of Clem’s bedroom, seeing Clem crouched in front of Marcus. You make eye contact with Clem, and wether you should keep listening or not. You decide yes, since you’d hear about it one way or another if it was about Paris. “Marcus, breathe. Is she okay?” Marcus takes hasty breaths and nods, “yes, she’s fine, uhm… Mate, I really don’t know what to do,” Clem looks at you once again, knowing you’d probably be a better help if it concerned his family. You don’t know how to go about it, but luckily Marcus turns around after he sees Clem looking behind him. He notices you and immediately turns back, and you speak up. “Sorry, do you want me to…?” Marcus doesn’t seem to register who’s standing behind him. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting- wait,” he turns back to you and then to Clem, who gives him a tight-lipped smile. “This is a discussion for later, Marc. Do you want me to go or do you want me to hear?” Marcus stays silent for a moment still staring at you and then tells you to stay.
“When I left my apartment to work out I checked on Paris in the guest bedroom because she would stay at mine, but she was with a guy and it was not her boyfriend. I guess she went home with someone, James and Alice dropped them off before I was there so I didn’t know. I feel horrible and I don’t know if I should tell her actual boyfriend because were kind of mates but I don’t want to break her trust and she should be the one to tell him but either way it’s horrible and-“ Marcus keeps on rambling as you and Clem try to take in all the information. “Marcus, stop. Breathe. First off, I know she’s your little sister, but this is not your doing or responsibility, okay? Nothing you could’ve done,” Clem starts and Marcus nods as you bite your lip deciding wether you should say what you know. “Okay, look, I don’t know if I should say this but you don’t know the full situation, Marc. Their relationship is not as good as it seems and it’s toxic as hell. Paris never told you because she was scared, and she only told me because I found out by accident. You should talk to her, yes, but don’t force her to say or do anything, okay? Just ask her to be honest,” Marcus looks at you as everyone digests what’s just been said. “Okay. I will. Thank you for telling me, Y/N.” You smile at your cousin “of course. Think that’s what best for the both of you.” Its quiet for a few minutes before your phone rings on the table behind Clem. “It’s Paris,” He says, handing you your phone. You take the phone, standing up to go to the bedroom. “I’ll take this, be right back.”
When you come back from the call, Marcus is ready to leave. “Paris woke up a bit ago and told me what happened, I said she should talk to you. Best you don’t mention you were here, though, I think,” Marcus nods, looking more composed then when he arrived. “I won’t. By the way, we also should discuss why you are here. I thought you went home last night?” Clem pushes Marcus to the door, “don’t you have somewhere to be?” making you chuckle. “Like I said, that’s a topic for another time,” you say before hugging him goodbye telling him to keep you updated. He hugs you and Clem, “Yeah, and that time is tonight. We’re having dinner, I’ll text the details. See you tonight, bye!” He leaves no room to argue as he walks out of the door, leaving you and clem stunned. You look at each other as he closes the door. “Well. I guess we have a date tonight?”
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dy6nsty · 4 months
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I’m a sucker for tall readers so here you guys go!
Nameless Ghouls & Nameless Ghoulettes x TALL! Ghoul! reader
Relationship— Romantic
Amused by the your height. But when it came to you using him as a resting spot he had the most judging look.
Allows you to do that in more private areas but will slap your hand, shoulder, arm, or chin off of his head if you’re doing that in public.
If you tower over him when he’s talking to other people he’s subtly smirking to myself. He likes it.
Play arguing when he suddenly sees you staring down at him he looses his ability speak for a moment.
He’s a decent 5’11 — 6’0, so being taller than him is just what makes him stare at you. You’re 6’3-6’5+? Dudes not looking for a second, he’s entranced for a decade. Full on '😨' emoji.
If something taller that he can’t reach he doesn’t bother to get anything to get it down, just asks for you to grab it for him. And if you can’t he’ll start teasing you for the hell of it.
Enjoys the fact you can wrap around him completely. Just nice that he’s in his own blanket except it’s you.
Had you drape over him and after a few minutes started patting your back because he couldn’t breathe anymore.
Likes it. Just likes to look you up and down before holding a thumbs up and a smug smile.
When he’s standing behind you he’ll stand on his tippy toes for second to see how much taller you honestly are.
If you’re the tallest in the band he just silent cheers to himself. Genuinely shows off your height to other people.
Likes to see you try on his clothes or accessories. Also likes to try on your clothes and accessories.
Stands next to you on purpose so people can see yours and his height differences.
Pulls you down to give you kisses, or if he’s standing on something. Once jumped up to give you a kiss and banged his head into yours.
Wondered what your diet was or is because… DAMN what did they feed you to get you to that height?!
Prefers to lay on you instead, you’re like a long pillow to him.
Smiley ass Ghoul! Saw you and was like “Hell yeah!” New member that just happens to horrendously tall!
I’ve just seen him twirling so I think he’d enjoy you twirling him around non stop. Walks over to you so you can spin him around because it’s fun.
Likes to get piggy back rides or hugging you like a koala so he’s lifted off of the ground.
Often times clings onto you in crowds or in any case of scenario he finds himself lost. You’re basically this guys beacon sometimes.
Almost tackled you down with a surprise hug. Took you by surprise and almost went timber with him.
Laughs whenever you hit your head on a doorway as if he hasn’t had the same problem before.
Stomps his way over while playing his guitar, actively trying to kiss you on stage. At this point Terzo can’t catch a break. “Oh they’re cooperating! Never mind they’re kissing again.”
If he can’t kiss ur face he’ll kiss your knuckles/hand, or he’ll just bite your arm out of boredom if he can’t reach ur shoulder.
‘😨’ x2.
Honestly wouldn’t mind being carried around by you, it seems fun to him. Piggy back, bridal style, on your shoulders, sounds amazing.
Enjoys cuddling, especially spooning and where he gets lay in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Likes it how you tower over him from behind or when you’re in front of him. It’s just a oddly satisfying feeling. Especially if you’re holding his hand it’s comforting.
Watches you stick out on stage with your height. Finds it easy for him to find you that way.
Sometimes you scare the shit out of him when you appear out of no where. Jumped out of his seat once because of that.
Likes to have you as blanket as well. You’re just perfect to him. Probably uses you as a pillow sometimes to.
Compares shoe sizes and hand sizes subtly so you don’t notice and mumbled a small “Damn.”
At this point he thought Satan had something against him. There’s mountain but now there’s also you. (If you’re taller than mountain he’s throwing hands with the air.)
Has you crouch down sometimes so he can rest his head or arms on the top of your head like you do to him.
He’s not complaining when it comes to spooning or cuddling. With you wrapped around him he’s an automatic heater, at the max percentage. No seriously he’ll probably give you a heat stroke.
Flails around whenever you pick him up. He just doesn’t expect it when you hold him up like a toddler.
Uses you to grab other things. Asked you to help and it ended with him standing on your back.
Back to the towering of thing. He enjoys it because it makes him feel that he has some sort of guard dog with him. But he also doesn’t enjoy it because now you look like a damn titan next to him.
Has you walk around the ministry with him because he’s honestly hoping you hit your head on a doorway so he can laugh. (He loves you tho!)
Does enjoy being held by you when he’s trying to sleep. Very nice feeling.
Sometimes hides behind you after messing with Sodo (again, always.) So you’re some sort of barrier while they go back and forth.
You wear his clothes. It’d be rare for him to wear your clothes, hes tossed shirts in your room because he likes to see you in his stuff.
Honestly chill with you being super tall. To him it has its perks and they’re all good.
Might confuse you and mountain depending on the height different between you and mountain.
Shows you off to everyone. Standing next to you 24/7, super proud of himself.
Compares your height with everything around him. Furniture, people, buildings, items, pillows, etc.
Enjoys where you’re both hugging each other. Your head on top of his with his head against your chest.
Hugs you from your waist always. Honestly dudes proud to have a tall mate.
Was so curious about you. Your height, the way you were so easy to see in crowds, drew him right to you.
Stands on his tippy toes or platforms to try and reach your height. If he can’t he’ll have you come down to his height.
Still enjoys kissing/biting your neck or shoulders. Somewhat of a secret spot since no one can really see there.
Tries picking you up even though you can probably pick him up easily. Not that he’s complaining to be carried around to wherever he wants like a prince.
Makes fun of your heights but procedes to talk about on how he loves. “How’s the weather up there?” It’s so old but so funny to him.
If you rest your shoulder/arm or chin on the top of his head he’ll do the same later. Except over doing it.
Pulls you down by your collar so he can kiss you properly. Gets cocky while doing it.
You take turns with who’s the little or big spoon, all depending on whatever the both of you feel like or is most comfortable.
Was quite happy to have another somebody his size in the Band. Was a little stunned when he first met you.
Although it’s nice so he doesn’t have to snap his neck to look down or kiss you.
Still picks you up to kiss you as if you guys have a huge height difference. Even if you’re taller than him he picks you up.
Now there’s two massive Ghouls walking around! Uses both of ur heights to an advantage to hide things like trinkets or snacks where other Ghouls / Ghoulettes can’t reach.
Enjoys curling up with you, where you both get into a spot of cuddling around each other with arms around one another.
Giddy about having a tall boyfriend. Stands next to you so he doesn’t have to tower over anyone else or stretch his arms down to far.
An actual unstoppable duo in monkey in the middle.
Uses you as a arm/headrest which you both take part in that scheme. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you rest your arm on his shoulder.
Couldn’t be bothered about it. He likes the height difference.
Enjoys sitting in your lap or laying down in your arms while he talks with you or completes some stuff.
You and him go back and forth playfully with teasing each other about yours and his heights.
When you tower over him? Loves that shit, leans towards you subconsciously. Pressing his back against your chest.
Likes wearing your clothes but if he sees you in his clothes he just giggles to himself out of pure happiness. Matching clothing sets maybe , but it’s either to small for you or to big on him.
Will try to get things down on his own but if he literally cannot get something down he calls you over.
If you rest your arm on his head he’ll just stare up at you and try to mimic you.
Likes to lay his head down on your chest, complete draping his body over you like a blanket as he clings onto you.
Let out an audible gasp when he saw you. Teasing your non stop about being tall. Nicknames, jokes, anything and EVERYTHING.
Your height does not stop him from running across the stage to come over and try to bite your shoulder.
Jumps onto you for a hug. Comes running at you full speed with his arms completely open.
Skips around with you following around since you look like you could rock somebody in an instant.
Uses you like a blanket. Laying down? Not anymore because he’s sliding underneath you despite the fact he’ll be suffocated. But that’s okay to him!
Dirty jokes left and right. UP AND DOWN EVEN. “You’re pretty long, right?” Asked that with a dumbass look on his face.
Admires your hand and fingers. Moves them around until you notice the motions are the opposite of family friendly. Family making is a better phrase.
Makes stupid jokes like: “Why go to France when we have the Eiffel tower right here?” or “Who made you? Two damn trees from the forest? Or maybe even three I don’t know what trees enjoy.”
HEART EYESSS. “So this is love….” Giggling and kicking her feet when she remembers you are so tall.
Kisses your hands, knuckles, arms, thighs, or anywhere she can grasp / reach!
But if you wanna lift her up so you can kiss her she’s giving you one passionate smooch. Pucker up buttercup. (I’ve been waiting so that for so long.)
Likes to switch masks with you every so often! But makes sure to leave lipstick stains before giving it back <3
Likes it when you come up to her platform. (That is if you can.) If not she’ll blow air kisses and small waves!
Pick her up and give her that princess treatment! Or even better: Queen treatment. (I love cumulus guys.)
Honestly wonders what you see up there compared to her world view. Like? The hell do you see, do you see in 0.5 vision?
Grabs onto your tail or arm to have you guide her around crowded areas / halls. Also enjoys to be the little spoon with you.
She’s actually coming for your ass. (LITERALLY.) You’re gonna want eyes on the back of your head.
Clings on to you. Hug her from behind, front, side ways, either way she’ll cling onto you with a happy ass smile.
Piggy back rides will by far be her favorite.
Being around you gives her a confidence boost. Strolling around both you right by her side.
Pro at stealing and wearing ur clothes. Casually strolls around with something of urs on. Shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, tanktop, sock, boxers, quite literally anything.
You leaning on a doorway? GOOD LORDDDDDD. She’s staring up at you with some outrageous thoughts goin’ through her mind.
Wanted you to dress up as a christmas tree for christmas holiday times. If you didn’t do that she did give you a tree headband.
Doesn’t really care on how you cuddle, all she cares is that she gets to hug you and you hug her.
Not up for discussion she sees you and she’s tackling you unless you manage to catch her in your arms.
Likes to sit in your lap or on your while ranting about her day or any details that happened anywhere shes gone.
Casually says some of the most dirtiest jokes around you. Wide vocabulary to words that describe ur body.
Wears your closet whenever and wherever she can. Your clothes are genuinely comfy man. Rocking the duo of a top of yours + some boxers.
Likes kissing some of your stuff with lipstick, especially you^^
Laughed so hard when you hit your head pn a ceiling fan. Had to think about what just happened while catching her breath.
Eventually just decided that spooning was a good cuddling position since her bed was to small for you, and no one wants their dogs poking out.
Absolutley loving forehead kisses. Aswell as standing on your shoes so she can give you a sweet kiss.
Adores hour height.
Likes the dynamic you have: One of the tallest in the band, and shes the shortest / one of the shortest in the band! (I forgot.)
Big on physical touch. Holding hands, having you lift her up so she can kiss and hug you, resting your head on the top of hers, subtle hand on her waist, tail wrapped around her, she’s living the dream for it.
Dance with her. Twirl her around, keep her close, lift her up, she loves to dance with you ^^
Not ashamed to say she likes when you’re completely huddled around her like a protective blanket. She is in love it.
Gets flustered whenever you lean / tower over you. Awkwardly staring back up at you with widest of eyes.
Likes to have you carry her around while you walk around area to area. Pretends to sleep sometimes so you’ll carry her back to bed.
Whether you wear her marks or its the other way around she feels automatically prideful.
Stares at you but is not willing enough to crane her neck every single time she wants to look at you. “Bend over.” Doest realize how that sounds.
Tends to lower you down to her height so she can talk to your or give you a small kiss.
Whenever she feels you behind her, whether you’re looking over her or at her she’ll look up at you with a confused look.
Loosing self respect if you lean on anything and look down at her. Now she means BEND OVER.
Calls you legs or lurch. If you rest your elbow on her head or shoulder she’s immediately throwing it out there. “Alright legs, we got many surfaces but I am not one them.”
Lowkey chill about it though. She almost gets a portable elevator for whenever she needs something.
The third musketeer who likes you as a pillow. It’s just comfortable that she can come back and lay her head down on you.
Likes when you wrap your arms and tail around her, laying your head on her chest. From your height and size she feels safe.
how long did this take me exactly? good question.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
HI could i request a minho x reader where they’re best friends and have a thing for eachother but they’re oblivious so everybody in the glade starts pulling shenanigans to get them together
I can sure try I guess.
Gender neutral reader because you didn't specify.
Guys pls start specifying lmao I am stressed.
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender Neutral! Builder! Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. Book based fic purely because no big 3D map.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, teenage shenanigans, oblivious reader/Minho, no one knows how to interact like normal humans, one awkward shower scene and mild suggestive content but nothing explicit.
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You and Minho have been best friends since you popped up in the Glade.
Honestly, you're not really sure how it happened. You came up the month after Minho, so he was tasked with looking after you, and you just kind of stuck.
Minho is obviously the Keeper of the Runners, which means he's out in the Maze most of the the time, and you spend your days working as a Builder. But, you both still find time to enjoy each other's company after your long days.
It's definitely a close relationship, and anyone that knows Minho is often caught off guard to see the difference in him when he's around you. He's almost softer, definitely more smiley and easier to be around. His bitter and often slightly negative attitude is dulled in your presence. Of course, everyone likes Minho.
But everyone likes Minho a lot more when you're with him.
And that goes both ways. You're noth completely different people around each other; more approachable and easier to get along with.
It's obvious.
Of course it is.
Everyone in the Glade knows.
You guys like each other.
You have been harbouring a massive crush on Minho for pretty much as long as you can remember. And Minho isn't much better.
It's obvious, to everyone but you two.
Maybe you're both blinded by not wanting to mess up your friendship, or simply the pressure of living in a death maze is enough to give you both different priorities, but you're both blissfully unaware of your feelings for one another.
And it's starting to take the piss.
You have the other Gladers wanting to rip their hair out and just scream at you to go off somewhere and make out for a bit to let off some steam.
Obviously, they don't do that (probably because Alby would have their heads for distracting his best Runner).
But they want to. Man, do they want to.
So, instead, the remaining boys decide to come up with a plan after a particularly slow week in the Glade. They were going to do whatever it took to get the pair of you to finally realise you share the same feelings.
Which is easier said than done, especially when Minho is MIA most of the day.
But, with Ben slowly implementing hints towards Minho on their runs, and some of your Builder colleagues doing the same for you, the seeds were getting set in place.
Though, maybe your stubbornness/oblivion might be beyond help.
"Yanno, I really like them," Ben says as he runs with Minho, insisting on joining him for the past couple of days now, saying something about two sets of eyes are better than one.
"Who?" Minho grumbles, genuinely considering make a dead sprint to get away from Ben.
"(Y/N), duh," Minho slows down slightly, coming to the same pace as his friend.
"I mean, they're really cool, funny, hot- how could I not? You're cool with that, right? I mean, I know they're your friend but I kinda wanna ask them out, that's okay, right?"
Minho hesitates, seemingly thinking for a second. Minho wouldn't ever do anything to possibly ruin your happiness, even if he does have feelings for you and he knows you can make your own choices.
And with that, he sprints away, leaving Ben to stand there in some form of shock.
Meanwhile you're dealing with Gally.
"You know, you really do keep that shank on a tight leash- Minho is actually tolerable when you're around."
"Uh, thanks, I think?" You chuckle to yourself.
"I mean.. you guys are only friends, right?"
You're in the middle of trying to fix a shack that got damaged during a dumb fight between two boys. You freeze.
"Hm, interesting."
"Why's that interesting?"
"Just you guys are pretty close, some people think you'd make a good couple."
You laugh, shaking your head. "Yeah, right." You say sarcastically, going back to your work and ending the conversation in one go.
Okay, so that isn't working.
The boys need to recuperate.
Okay, so, maybe they need to get the pair of you in situations you wouldn't normally be in, alone.
So, what could a group of dumb teenage boys possibly do with that?
"Yo, (Y/N)," you'd just finished your day of work when Newt approaches you.
"Hey, Newt, you good?"
"Yeah, can you go get Minho for me? I gotta talk to him but I gotta sort some klunk out first."
"Oh, uh, sure, where is he?"
"Oh, he'll probably just be getting out of the shower, he came back earlier so he should be finishing up."
"You want me to go into the shower block to get Minho?" You blink at him. "Couldn't you have spoken to him earlier?"
"I didn't get chance to catch him- Alby wanted to talk to me." Newt seems shifty and unsure of himself.
He originally wanted no part in this, but Frypan said he'd give him extra food for two weeks so here we are.
"Just go get him, a'ight?" Newt walks away before you can say anything else. Now, he has to actually figure out what to talk to Minho about when he inevitably comes looking for him.
Frypan owes him more stew.
You grumble to yourself, going to find your friend. Since Minho came back earlier, he should be finishing up and probably about to leave. So, you think just direct him towards Newt. Easy fix.
Though you do feel a bit weird about it.
And when you rock up at the shower block with just the sound of running water filling the room, you inwardly cringe.
"Minho?" You ask, probably a little too quiet since he doesn't hear you over the water. Sucking in a deep breath, you walk further into the shower block.
It's not like you're fazed by this kind of thing. Boys walk around the Glade shirtless all the time and no one really care about skin being shown off. But this is Minho.
He's flawlessly attractive in your eyes, and he's actually a pretty modest guy. You normally leave him to his privacy, but if Newt wants to talk to him, it must be important.
"Minho?" You say, a bit louder, which gets a response.
"Yeah?" He asks as you stand awkwardly outside of the shower booth, a good few feet away from the curtain.
"Newt wants to talk to you."
"Newt wants to talk to you," you repeat, your voice even louder. "He told me to get you."
To your surprise, Minho moves the curtain. He holds it in a way that hides anything inappropriate, but still reveals his chiseled, drippong torso.
Minho seemingly hasn't realised what this subtle and nothing act has done, but it leaves you almost silently standing there.
"What about?"
"He, uh, he d-didn't say," Minho groans as you pull your lips into a thin line. He pulls the shower curtain back, giving you a much needed second to recollect yourself. The water stops and there's some shuffling before he emerges again.
He's wearing pants now, at least, as he struggles to put his shirt on over his damp body.
"Can't get two shuckin' seconds of peace here," he grumbles before sighing. "You eaten, yet?" He asks you casually, still completely oblivious to your flustered state.
"Uh, no, I've only just finished myself."
He nods. "Alright, I'll catch you for dinner then, yeah?"
"Yeah, 'course."
Minho leaves to find Newt and you stand there for another few seconds before leaving with nothing having changed.
So, that didn't work either.
Though I don't know how they expected it to. Trust teenage boys to turn wingmanship into awkward situations.
Somehow, this keeps going.
Gladers start "accidentally" start bumping into either of you to get you to stumble into each other. Which does nothing. Or they'll make you scoot closer together when eating so you're squashed next to one another. Which also does nothing.
After what seems like forever of the boys acting really weird, you and Minho start actively avoiding them.
So, they come up with an actual plan- because far too many people are invested now and it's getting out of hand.
It's a simple plan, really.
But it did require a questionable request list being thrown into the box and your deep concern when people starting pulling boxes of candles out.
Night begins to fall over the Glade. People were winding down and they'd gone through to effort of separating you and Minho.
Somehow, you'd ended up in a long conversation with Frypan about his dream to make the perfect cheesecake one day. And Minho was getting lectured by Alby over being mean to Ben. Plausible, really.
Then, out of
"(Y/N)!" Winston startles you. "Minho needs you! He's in the Map Room! It's urgent!"
"What? Is he okay?"
"You gotta go! Quick!"
In a panicked frenzy, you run off to the Map room.
Unbeknownst to you, Ben has just done the exact same thing to Minho.
You burst into the Map Room, completely ignoring the fact you're not actually allowed to be in there. You're certainly no Runner since you're already out of breath.
"Minho! What's-?" Your words get stuck in your throat when you see the state of the Map Room and a very clearly lost Minho.
Candles are everywhere, and in the middle of the table, there is a big fancy meal- all of Frypan's best work.
You both stand there, staring at the scene in front of you.
Almost like something out of a comedy sketch, you turn to each other. "Did you do this?"
You then stand there, blinking at one another.
"It's like..." You trail off.
"A date." Minho finishes the sentence. "Who the everliving SHUCK thought it was a good idea to put fire in the Map Room?"
"They set us up on a date?" You mumble.
He chuckles. "Yeah, looks like it." You hesitate, a small smile starting to play on your lips. "Well," he clears his throat, "shall we?"
"What?" You snort, watching him as he walks over to the chair, pulling it out and giving you a fake bow. "Your seat, darling."
You roll your eyes, trying to suppress a smirk, but you do take your seat.
"No point letting all this good food going to waste, eh?" He walks to the seat across from you, sitting down himself. "I doubt Fry is gonna be making a meal like this again anytime soon."
"Yeah, I guess so. Explains why they've been acting so weird."
"Yeah, I just thought those shanks were finally losing their marbles."
"Nice to know they think we'd make a cute couple," you chuckle.
"'Cause we would make a cute couple," he says, a little too confident. "I mean- I don't know." He chuckles.
You freeze, picking at your plate for a second. But shuck it, you might as well ask. If you can ask anyone anything- it's Minho. "...Would you want to be a couple?"
He looks at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I would, actually. Just... not now. There's too much goin' on here, yanno? I mean, would you wanna be... together?"
You nod. Maybe deep down, you could tell that Minho likes you, maybe he could tell you like him. "Yeah, of course I would, but you're probably right."
"I think when we leave here," he continues, "we'd be a shuckin' good couple." He sighs, smiling to himself." But for now, we stay friends, I deal with this klunk and one day we'll be enjoying our freedom- together."
It's a tranquil image. Freedom feels so close but so far away, and being with you is just further motivation for Minho. But, if anything happened to him out there, he couldn't put that extra baggage on you if you were dating.
"Well, you better get us out quick then, huh?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, yeah- well, let's enjoy our dumb date, shall we?"
"Guess this is our first date, then, huh?" You joke and he laughs.
"Yeah, guess it is."
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I really didn't know what to do with this one, lads, ngl. It's more of a funny bit than a serious story and they don't even end up together- sorry.
I hope you kind of enjoyed tho lmao :)
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luffyvace · 6 months
Nico Robin x morbid gn reader headcanons :)
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robin needs more attention i love her
she’s not underrated she just needs more <3
oh wow! your just like her!
if you make comments like she does the rest of the straw hats are gonna go crazy
you creep everyone out
especially if your a more serious/calm person like her
or even if your smiley
its all the more worse
”but if we don’t make it and fall off the cliff we’ll die from head trauma! :D”
oh goodness gracious
your scaring ME now
robin wouldn’t mind and would giggle if you make a joke out of it
but if you say it with a straight face like her
you’ll freak everyone out
if your a masculine energy person nami is more likely to hit you for it
”stop creeping everyone out!!”
you guys are the dark duo
if you do it to creep people out on purpose she would find it amusing
but if your genuinely interested in darker themes..
she has a few good books to recommend you ;)
no matter how creepy it is she won’t get freaked out by anything you say
its likely your the same with her
if you genuinely enjoy talking about grim things
she’d listen all day and not get tired of it
shes a very good listener in general
especially for her s/o
she would expect you to allow her to ramble back to you though
but with her it’s gonna take
and i mean it
although it’s a fair exchange since no one else really wants to hear you talk about your theories and rants about death n dismal or what not
she’ll comfort you if you get/used to get picked on for having such morbid thoughts
or again, just listen if no one else wants to hear such gloomy comments
she’ll slap a stranger with an extra arm if they’re dramatic about it
”no one wants to hear all that gloom and doom n crap! shut up already!”
slap slap!
”what the- who just slapped me?!”
it’s funny since they don’t know what happened and it usually gets you in a good mood again
but if your thoughts are more murky and you don’t like it
she’ll encourage you!
she’s never wrong in a argument 😭
so she’ll give you reasons to think on the bright side that you can’t deny
”maybe you did loose that fight, but you certainly won the war dear! look! you now have plenty of beli to spend on the new book collection you wanted! isn’t that great?”
you can’t really argue with that tbh
“you loose some you win some, i’ve learned that very well”
she’s always there for you no matter what type of person you are
which is why robin is wifey material
if your willing give up winning arguments
go get yourself a robin!
enjoy! these were very fun to write, and surprisingly didn’t take long!
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amethyst-ghoul · 1 year
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@riverghoulxoxo oh? 😏
Part 2 that’s not really a part 2 to the baking headcanons below
(Includes Aether, Mountain, Dewdrop, Swiss, Rain, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine)
(A lil bit of spice 🔥 in Dew and Swiss’s parts but nothing NSFW)
- Goes back and forth between super hyper and dead asleep
- One minute he’s bouncing off the walls and the next he’s face down on the couch and out like a light
- Embodies that one Tiktok sound: “I’m alive! I’m dead! I’m watching TV! I’m looking at you!” yk the one
- Says “I kinda wanna go on a run” every like three minutes
- Always trying to wrestle with Mountain and Swiss
- Tires himself out on his own
- Ends up falling asleep on top of the ghoulettes but they’re totally ok with it cause he’s fuzzy and warm
- All four of them always have the best nights sleep like this
- Accidentally overdoes it sometimes so he gets a little too high
- Poor thing never remembers how much he ingests/smokes the night before so he doesn’t know what his limit is
- Gets really existential and internally freaks out a little bit
- Will sit on the ground in one spot and will not move from that spot for hours
- Forgets to breathe and blink sometimes (I hc that ghouls don’t really need to do stuff like that but they do it anyway because it makes them seem more human)
- When he doesn’t overdo it (which happens about half the time) he’s kind of the same as he usually is
- Pretty chill and calm, very go with the flow, doesn’t talk too much, but he feels more relaxed so he likes it
- Gets hyper like Aether but ACTUALLY goes for a run
- Around the common room
- And steps on everyone’s tails
- All of what little common sense he possesses goes straight out the window
- Gets the munchies BAD
- He’ll eat anything and everything he can get his claws on
- If he ends up craving something he’ll try to make it but it never turns out well (see: the mozzarella stick incident)
- Always trying to make out with anyone within his general vicinity
- Tends to go for Rain and Mountain specifically though
- Super touchy
- Will start making out with someone and feeling them up then falls asleep before it goes any further
- Then he gets SUPER cuddly and clingy
- Gets super giggly and laughs at everything
- Like tears streaming down his face, shoulders shaking type of laughing at everything
- Will plant himself anywhere and sits in the weirdest positions
- Like laying against a wall with his legs on the wall or on a chair but sort of backwards in sort of a sit up position
- HORNY MF part 2: electric boogaloo
- Will ALSO make out with anyone he can
- But somehow Swiss and Dew don’t always end up going for each other
- Doesn’t matter how big or small the other person/ghoul is, he CAN and WILL sit on their lap so he can grind on them (with consent of course)
- Makes out with them but it’s pretty messy
- Well, messier than usual ;)
- Doesn’t have a clue what to do with himself when he’s high
- Sounds like the animate version of those shower thoughts posts
- Saying things like “At one point in your life, you were the youngest person in the world.” and “Do you guys ever think about how things aren’t on fire but fire is on things?”
- It blows Dew’s mind every time
- Swiss and Sunshine get annoyed at him for it
- Stares at himself in the mirror
- Like touches his face to study it
- Plays with his tail
- Whips it back and forth and tries to grab it as if he’s not the one moving it
- She gets very relaxed and kind of like go with the flow vibes
- Also very touchy
- Likes to cuddle with Aether and Cumulus the most cause they’re the softest and super comfy
- But will cuddle with anyone really
- She’ll cuddle up to their sides and knead like a cat on their tummies
- Or just flop face first straight down on top of them and will stay like that for hours
- Also gets very smiley (not Swiss levels though but still) and looks so cute
- She’ll just grin at everyone and her ears will go floppy on the side of her head
- Just absolutely adorable
- Soooooo sleepy
- Also will cuddle with anyone and everyone
- LOVES to play with people’s hair
- She loves to play with and braid Dew and Mountain’s hair and will spend hours doing that
- She likes to be on the bottom of cuddle piles most of the time but when she’s high she needs extra pressure
- Like she needs someone to SQUISH her
- Likes when Aether and/or Mountain lays on top of her
- Also super giggly
- Laughs at everything
- Normally her laugh is super light and airy but when she’s high she lets out cackles and snorts
- Which is also very adorable
- Falls asleep very easily
- Sleeps like a rock and literally nothing will wake her
- Turns into a puppy
- Bounces off the walls
- Chases Dew around the common room
- They’ll play wrestle and team up against Aether
- Will chase her own tail for like 40 minutes straight
- Also gets the munchies kind of bad
- Makes really weird food combinations
- I’m talking like pickles and ketchup or apples and ranch
- Has a huge sweet tooth
- Likes to make some sort of variation of the pasta from Elf (iykyk)
- Eventually calms down and cuddles with Aether and the other ghoulettes
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secretdonderwolk · 1 month
I forget max isn’t the mosttt 😀 until I see a media engagement in which he’s checked tf out and then I’m like damn, I would not wanna be that interviewer💀
like the one in Australia? where the guy did the same interview questions with both max and daniel (separately) & asked them what character they play on mario kart, etc. Max was SO😐the whole time and would not laugh at a single joke
I ofc do not engage in the rhetoric that max is only smiley around daniel (objectively false) but geezzzz I know if daniel and him were doing the same interview jointly— max would be laughing his ass off at nothing. When they’re in close proximity they should do media together, for max🤪
lmao he was annoying as hell in that interview!!! but that just made how he was lol’ing and lmao’ing in the interviews he did with daniel like three minutes later so much funnier. i also do nawt agree that he is only smiley around daniel but you know something’s up when even reggos on reddit/youtube are like “max is so much happier when he’s with daniel” like yeah i know that but why do YOU know that rob, 62, from birmingham??
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
Could you do jasmine tookes for a insta blurb.
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,738 others
hsupdates “We met in 2017 at the Victoria Secret fashion show. I was performing and she was walking in the show and when I saw her I was taken back. She was just the most beautiful girl and the rest is history.” -Harry talking about his relationship with y/n for Rolling Stones
view all 736 comments
harryfan1 they’re so cute ugh
harryfan2 I knew that man was extra smiley during his performances 👀
harryfan3 they’ve been together for so long that man has gotta pop the question soon right?
harryfan4 I love them and so love that harry is slowly feeling more comfortable to let us in on their relationship
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1,638,390 others
yourinstagram can’t say yes enough.
view all 8,638 comments
annetwist I’m the happiest mom on the planet right now
gemmastyles I officially have a sister and I can’t wait
jefezoff love you two!
harrystyles it took you 5 minutes to say yes, had me shaking.
↳yourinstagram sorry I couldn’t see past my tears, I’ll say yes faster next time
harry_lambert OMG can we start the wedding dress designing 👀
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 74,628 others
TMZ Newly engaged harry and y/n were posted walking around NY today and when asked about their engagement this is what the couple had to say “we’re just really happy right now and wanna thank everyone for the well wishes!”
view all 457 comments
harryfan1 I’m so happy for them but when tf are we getting the yellow pleasing tote? 🧐
↳harryfan2 asking the real questions let’s be real
harryfan3 don’t think I’m going to ever be emotionally prepared to see harry get married
↳harryfan4 gonna have to turn my phone off for the entire month of their wedding
↳harryfan5 let’s be real we will probably never know when they get married he’ll just appear with a ring one day
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1,629,728 others
yourinstagram happiest girl in the world probably
view all 1,628 comments
harryfan1 I can’t get over how big that ring is like are you kidding me?
↳harryfan2 an article came out that it cost $250,000 👀
harryfan3 I love being reminded that harry is filthy rich
harrystyles damn what’s got you so happy?
↳yourinstagram had a really really good breakfast
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 90,728 others
vogue Y/n’s Guide to Fresh Face Makeup | Beauty Secrets | Vogue is live now! With a special guest.
view all 1,628 comments
harryfan1 she’s so beautiful it’s insane
harryfan2 harry’s face when he walked in and realized she was recording was so funny
harryfan3 I had to skip the part where he kissed her on the head I could feel the tears welling and for my own well being I couldn’t see it
↳harryfan4 okay but same
harryfan5 going to lay in the road brb ✌🏼
yourinstagram thanks for having me and dealing with my intrusive roommate ❤️
↳harrystyles heyyy, I made the video funny with my jokes :(
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 2,729,290 others
yourinstagram rehearsal dinner vibes.
view all 1,094 comments
harryfan1 omg they’re getting married tomorrow
harryfan2 this is about to be the most beautiful, most fashionable wedding in the world
↳harryfan3 we all know he’s rocking gucci
harryfan4 do you guys think he has best men or will it be just them standing at the alter?
↳ harryfan5 I’m going to believe Niall will be a best man because it’s what I wanna believe 🤭
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 16,729,922 others
harrystyles Mr. and Mrs. Styles. October 22nd, 2022.
view all 17,628 comments
alessandro_michele my muses ❤️
annetwist I think I’m still wiping my tears and it’s been like a week
jefezoff so when do the babies start coming?
↳harrystyles woah slow your roll my man.
yourinstagram still can’t believe it 🫶🏾
harry_lambert most beautiful wedding I’ve been too, so happy for both of you
niallhoran so happy for you mate! it was a beautiful wedding!
Love a bit of husbandrry 🫶🏻 also if anyone needs new artists to listen to I’ve been listening to Lizzy McAlpine on repeat she’s so good :) Enjoy!
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