#they've acknowledged that and talked about growing from that mentality
thundergrace · 1 year
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I don't care one bit about the NBA, but I care very much about Janelle's absolute takeover of All-Star weekend.
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ramen8008 · 2 months
I LOVE aged up Ladynoir dynamic because they are more mature and understand each other to a level that just AHHH!
One of my oldest and most loved Ladynoir head-canons basically goes like this:
Where as they grow older, they grow closer but especially during the time where the og friend group kinda separates because of college and Marinette being Marinette is like "you know what? not having close friends with me helps me focus on college AND ladybug" but she still NEEDS SOMEONE (whether she knows it at the moment or not) .
It gets tougher, the akumas evolve into causing more mental and emotional damage than physical, hawkmoth grows to understand that with their age and jobs it's easier to target their mind. During this time they've grown more independent than they should have. So one night they talk, they explain their situation, they vent to each other and decide that the comfort they feel with one another can't be compared to anything else. That maybe the other is more than just a work friend that they joke with, more than just someone they only see during the most stressful times of the day, maybe it's easier to find a best friend in someone who you've known for most your life, who you've been through thick and thin with, who understands you in ways most might never. So Chat Noir and Ladybug grow closer and closer.
They rant about college and work (Adrien works in his father's company now and did a business course so he doesn't have to model and Marinette has an Etsy shop on the side). They get close and have random night talks where they talk about things no one but them and the night sky will ever hear. Everything they go through as heroes, the ups and downs, and they also talk about fun stuff, learn more about each other, finding out that chat is a part of multiple fandoms, that Ladybug has a horrible bed head and hates that chat doesn't, that they more are more of a romantic at heart than they want to admit. But they also talk about just the struggles and anxiety that comes with their jobs, just how messed up what they went through as kids is now that they see it from an adults point of view, but they also just laugh it off, joke about the trauma some fights inflicted. Nightmares that keep them up, hopes they are too scared to say out loud, sometimes even the fear of losing purpose if hawkmoth is defeated.
There's so much more too. They have the kind of friendship where they make jokes and promises into the night about how if they are always going to be single because of their jobs they'll just get married in their superhero costumes. How ladybug is going to love making chat's kids little clothes and how chat is going to make sure that ladybug gets time with her future partner whenever there's an akuma by handling it for her. All the while not knowing that their feelings for each other keep on growing and growing. It's so huge that it feels like their hearts will combust but it's also constant to the point that they get used to it.
It hits them like a truck yet it's so slow, maybe just talking one night and it hits them that they can't imagine life without the other, that they want the other in a way that's more than what they ever thought, no they've thought of it before, they've jokes about it but never acknowledged the truth this jokes had in them, never acknowledged that over time they became to lean on each other more than just in battles, they became each others partners in more than just fights against akumas, more than in a platonic way. They've always loved each other but their love had grown into something much stronger
P.s. thx @rosekasa for reigniting my Ladynoir head canons and now I'm on a journey to go through all my head canons 🤍
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ricciardosgirl · 5 months
just wanted to request a p2 of “just friends” where farleigh actually had a reason behind cutting yn off (had no choice) and they meet again as assigned partners for a project, where farleigh opens up to her, apologizing and being completely vulnerable (in such guilt n regret). and she isnt mad, just completely understanding of his situation 🙏🙏 something where he then develops a soft spot for her, n smut at the end if you cann?
(dont know how appropriate it is to send out a whole scenario but i wanted to give it a shot 🙌)
just friends ,
chapter two.
part one here.
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i love this idea !! but i'm putting like a small little twist on it so i can make more parts for this series (:
farleigh start x fem! reader.
trigger warnings ; smut , more angst , semi public sexual teasing.
" so! today is the day. " the professor's voice bellows throughout the quiet classroom. " winter break is coming up in just a few weeks. " the whole classroom smiled in unison , ready to leave this hellhole for awhile. " but , before then , we have one last project before break. i'm going to assign your partners and you will give a presentation in two weeks , sounds easy enough. " the professor chuckles , a sheet of paper crinkling in his hand. he began to call out names , until he got to the end. " farleigh and . . y/n. "
farleigh shifts in his seat , eyes staring up at her. she hasn't said a word to him since they've been assigned to do this project together. she just took control of the assignment , starting their project by herself as she wrote about some history farleigh didn't understand.
" listen. " farleigh finally spoke — trying to cut the palpable tension. she just raised an eyebrow , glancing over at him before returning to her pencil and paper. he couldn't help but roll his eyes , what did he do so wrong to deserve this? all things come to an end , it's how the world works. that's his mentality at least. " so you aren't going to talk to me ? " he asked , almost a hint of weakness in his voice.
she shook her head , barely acknowledging him. " i'm sorry if i did something to piss you off but you could at least tell me. " he found himself a bit angry , but he also felt guilty. all of these emotions running throughout his mind left a nasty taste in his mouth. " pretty sure i don't have to tell you what you did. " she finally spoke , her words laced with venom.
" there you are. " he cooed , his voice condensing. " well , you do have to tell me. " he inches just a bit closer , not wanting the classroom to hear their personal conversation , he started to whisper. she could feel herself grow cautious , she never wanted this cycle to continue. she wanted to just get over him and more on . . but it's harder than she thought.
she stayed silent , her face turning a new shade of red. " oh come on . . don't do this to me. " he begged , he drops his pencil , using his now free hand to touch the inside of her thigh. " i'm sorry. " he found his hands slowly moving from her inner thigh to her knee , then right back up.
she shivered , she hated this. she couldn't bring herself to look over at the bastard. " you're not sorry. " she whispered , a sigh leaving her lips. she knew him. " but i am. " he shot back quickly , offended by her not believing him. " y/n. " he spoke firmly now. his voice drove her insane in the best and worst ways possible. before he could speak again — the bell rung. she stood up quickly , grabbing her things and shuffling towards the professor.
he couldn't make out what she was saying to the professor , so he got closer , just pretending to leave class.
" can i . . . switch partners? "
farleigh slammed his dorm room shut , throwing his bag straight onto the floor as a huff leaves his lips. that fucking bitch. what did i do wrong ? he's having trouble coming to terms that he did in fact fuck up whatever they had. he sat on his bed , his head hurting from all of this nonsense.
on the other side of the dorms , paige found herself in her room , trying her best to keep her mind off of farleigh. every time she saw his face she just kept remembering the good times. the quiet moments after sex , the quiet moments after he'd take care of her , the quiet moment where he broke her heart. she could feel her blood boil. she looked around her room , trying to break her focus - only to see one of his shirts on the floor.
he threw his shirt on the floor , rushing over to her bed with a wide smile on his face. she was laying down already , bra barely hanging on as she threw it over her head and across the room somewhere. he leaned down on top of her , pressing his lips against her own — a long passionate kiss ensues. hands wandering , lips clashing , sweat building on their bodies. he dipped his fingers down into her cunt , giving her that stretch she so desperately craved from him. " you look so fuckin' pretty baby. " he whispered between her lips. " so fuckin' good for me. " his words drove her mad , she let out a loud moan — he couldn't help but chuckle from the reaction that he was dragging out of her. " need you far , please. " she begged and begged until he gave her what she wanted , him buried deep inside of her.
her hands found her sensitive bud , lips parted as she called out farleigh's name silently. tears streaming down her cheeks as she pleasured herself to the thought of him. she missed him , she needed him. that fucking asshole.
a knock at his door , he shot up quickly. he made his way over , opening the door slowly. he could smell the sex on her , and he could tell she had been crying.
" ready to work on that project ? " he said , letting her walk into his dorm room , getting a sense of deja vu.
" yeah. "
hii i know i haven't been on here much but i've just been working tons! i know this isn't exactly what they described in the request but i'm taking that idea and kind of splitting it up into different parts! you'll see what i mean when i get around to writing the next part!! thank you guys for being patient with me and supporting me! you guys are the best. <3
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ronearoundblindly · 30 days
Let’s get Angsty! For Fools Rush In! Please 😆🖤
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Questions are from this ask game and for the FRI series with Steve Rogers and lab tech!reader.
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💜 I hope you enjoy this, angst anon, even if I didn't strictly try to make it sad or super emotional. 💜
Ya know...I think they do argue, but probably only because I love to write arguments???
They've had tiffs before--one about you jokingly calling him a 'himbo' and some lashing out when his hangups on intimacy were not communicated--but Sketch and Keeps work their best together when brutally honest. It's tough AND it's a strength.
They argue because Steve has a very public life and a private personality. With that comes the inability to have honest conversations about bothersome things right when they happen because there could be press or fans or just people around who do not need to know your business.
Under no circumstances would you or Steve yell at each other unless alone, and even then, it's not yelling and screaming but mostly venting. Like in Dignity. Both of you can get frustrated; that's part of life.
Sometimes Steve is unrealistic about who he is now, and it can infuriate you. Yes, he's a humble man, and no, he isn't superficial. Like anyone, Steve can appreciate attention from people he wants attention from...
...and the rest he just...ignores.
He doesn't realize or acknowledge that people covet him and fawn over him and depreciate you in order to feel closer to him. It is plain stupid that he can't see this shit going on, and you hate having to be the one to point it out.
Steve, on the other hand, dislikes how easily you depreciate yourself. Drives him bonkers. So what if the rest of the world has an opinion of him, an opinion of you, or an opinion of your relationship? Pardon his french, but who gives a shit? He wishes he knew how to convince you perfect for him and perfect together does not have to mean perfect at all.
Right, so Steve can't or rarely cries. He gets hot, like overheated and uncomfortable, blotchy like a heart-suit high card. All the pressure that can't be released through tears just builds up.
Steve is gifted at compartmentalizing these things, but he gets easily *dinged* mentally. It's a hazard of missing so much culture and history and social development; he can't keep up with being both the Greatest Generation and Gen X. Steve is the most liberal, old fart on Earth. It's very lonely.
Oddly enough, you know that feeling when an elderly person repeats stories over and over again about how they're right and how they learned a lesson as if no one else ever knew? Steve gets that feeling listening to younger and younger people.
That's all a really roundabout way to say that technically you cry more than Steve, but you two have about equal sensitivity to modern struggles. Steve is grateful that he can talk through all of those things with you, and he's happy to listen. Your experiences may be different, but the love you share is the same--that, and how much of a crapshoot growing up is in any decade...
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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lunar-years · 1 year
As for the RoyKeeley reunion part of my KJPR/Keeley arc discussion (here)...I've processed more and landed on the reason I didn't love it, and it's not because I don't believe Roy has done the work or fixed his side of many of the problems that contributed to the end of their relationship. Not because I don't think he's finally at a place to accept joy and happiness into his life. We've seen that growth in him throughout the season, in his relationship with Jamie especially, but also with him processing the end to his time at Chelsea, with Trent, the Rebecca scene last week, Isaac, the final epiphany moment this episode with the teacher...It's all been there, it's been gradual, and I believe in it without hesitation.
I didn't like that they threw RoyKeeley back together** because it doesn't make sense for Keeley. It doesn't help or allow her character to grow at all. I think a lot of the fandom is happy to believe the breakup was all Roy, and his self-confidence issues, and his unwillingness to allow himself to have good things' fault. For me, it's always been more than that. Keeley has a lot of self confidence issues herself that the show constantly sweeps under the rug; and having Roy tell her she's still Keeley fucking Jones is not the magical fix all to it, either. I know this absolutely isn't the show's intention, but it kind of does read to me like they're stamping a relationship with Roy back on her like a bandaid and calling her a healed case, and I hate that.
Let's not forget that just LAST EPISODE, Keeley was sending Jack a wall of desperate blue texts all but begging Jack to take her back! Not even that, just to talk to her! To acknowledge her at all!! She was begging this woman who treated her like crap, from a relationship that was detrimental to her mental health and wellbeing, to please accept her!!
The reality is, we have:
Keeley breaking up with Jamie in season one, regretting it the very next morning because as she herself proclaims, she always second-guesses her relationships ending, and then getting together with Roy not long after.
Roy breaking up with her, and her getting together with Jack not long after, notably right after proclaiming she isn't over Roy and is also reevaluating her prior breakup with her other ex, Jamie
Jack breaking up with her, Keeley trying to still fix it between them, then....getting back together with Roy not long after that
Like, no wonder the RoyKeeley reunion fell flat. Look, I haven't been in the "why won't the writers ever just let Keeley be single!" camp all season, but it's partly because I assumed they were trying to tell us a clear narrative about her. There is an undeniable pattern of behavior they've set up here that points to certain aspects of her character: Keeley struggles with abandonment issues, Keeley struggles with being alone, Keeley struggles with feeling good enough for people and leans on external validation, she has been known to act rashly when it comes to her relationships, etc. If the goal was just to get RoyKeeley back together as quickly as possible, well, they succeeded at the cost of throwing Keeley's character development out the window, because none of these problems have actually been addressed. And if they weren't going to address them, why were they not only introduced but also reiterated across multiple seasons?
**And yes, I say "throwing Roy and Keeley back together" without taking into account what they might do with the last two episodes. Was this a "getting back together" moment in the sense of now RoyKeeley is endgame, back in a committed relationship, their problems won't be addressed again or addressed only minimally, and they will now ride off into the sunset happily ever after? Or was it more like, there's still a ton of love there, Roy made a deeply important breakthrough with his apology, they had their long awaited and much needed post-breakup sex, and now Keeley is going to realize she's slipping back into familiar patterns and roll things back? And to be fair, we don't know yet!
What I want is something like Roy acting like things are now great and Keeley's obviously his girlfriend again, only for Keeley to stop him and be like "Wait, Roy, but this hasn't magically fixed everything." I do want Keeley to be single for a while and deal with her own stuff. I want them to work at it, together, perhaps with the expectation that yes they will probably get back together in future but not right now, not when they still have a ways to go with themselves as individuals. If the show goes in the second direction, it scraps this whole post for me, but with two episodes left of the series, this is coming from the part of me that is very concerned they're heading towards the former.
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masterqwertster · 11 months
"You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that I’m here for you." And/or “Would you like a hug?”
With Ashton and Laudna, please?
Oooh, definitely a Laudna and Ashton conversation vibe. Nice pick! Setting will be exploring Hishari.
Laudna finds Ashton tucked under a knot of roots that are so tight she's surprised the genasi managed to squeeze himself in there. Honestly, it's a bit of squeeze to follow him down herself, and her shoulders aren't nearly so broad as his. ...Though given the scraping she's noticing on the bark, he may have just forced his way in, thick stone skin immune to the potential splinters she's trying to avoid.
With a bit of squirming, Laudna manages to get herself seated next to Ashton, not quite touching, within the hollow they've found.
"You know, the others are worried about you," she says conversationally.
Ashton grunts and hugs their knees a bit tighter to their chest, while the lights in their head flicker at a quick, unsettled pace.
"I won't ask what you saw or what happened back there. But, if you want to talk about it, I'll listen," Laudna offers.
She really hopes he'll take the offer. It's about time she repaid him for all his emotional support over the Gnarl Rock Incident and... Bor'dor.
He doesn't say anything, doesn't really acknowledge her presence, but that's okay. Waiting is a game Laudna is long used to, and this is certainly a time for patience. She easily occupies herself with puppetting Sashimi, making the marionette dance to the tune she hums. And maybe she's losing her puppeteer chops, what with Paté being alive now, because she swears she could do a better dance than that-
"It's too much," Ashton mumbles.
And oh, they're talking now! That's good!
"Ah, what is 'too much'?" Laudna gently queries. Truly, there is a range of things Ashton could be referring to.
"Whatever happened to me here. Whatever I've got going on now," he lifts a hand to gesture towards the hole in his head. "They're piling together-"
It takes a moment for Laudna to identify the choked off sound they make as a sob. She's never seen them sad upset, never seen them scared like this. They're always mad upset, always a controlled scared. It's rattling to see them so rattled when they often stand so strong.
And worse, she's not sure there's anything she can say to comfort Ashton in this. Powers growing in inexplicable, potentially dark, ways aren't a new experience, but there's no necromancer ghost to banish, no haunted moon monster to keep imprisoned. It's all Ashton and the magic instilled in their blood and soul without ties to be severed or restrained. And you can't run from yourself. Not for forever.
"I- Would you like a hug?" Laudna helplessly offers. She's found solace crying into his strong shoulders, the least she could do is offer her own brittle ones in turn.
There's a strangled hitch in Ashton's breathing before she finds herself somewhat entombed in rock, as the genasi has practically flung himself into her lap.
He's very heavy. If she were of lesser mental fortitude, she might whine about the weight pressing her deeply into the dirt and roots. But the tremors passing into her through arms wrapped uncomfortably tightly around her, the tears soaking her blouse, the muffled sobs, all quickly stifle any thought of complaint.
She barely manages to slip her own arms around his back, seeing as her biceps are thoroughly pinned to her own body, to give a, quite honestly, comparably pathetic squeeze of a hug back. Laudna rubs her hands up and down his back with as much pressure as she can muster just to make sure it's felt through all that dense stone.
"Shhh. It's going to be alright. We haven't given up on solving anyone's issues in this family. We're most certainly not giving up on yours," she whispers into their ear, disregarding the crystals that dig into her cheek to do so.
If everyone can put up with her on-again-off-again necromantic patron, Imogen's moon-bullshit, FCG's well-meaning stupidity, Fearne's fey-ness, Orym's quest for justice, Chetney's... Chetney-ness, they can certainly handle Ashton's elemental galaxy brain slurry.
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anyaeras · 1 year
Cut at the stem || L.Weems
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Mother Larissa x Daughter reader
summary-Y/n is a bright young girl, who was left by her normie parents when the found out y/n was different, yet y/n was found by a smart kind women, who took her in...part one
Tw- abandonment, fainting, panic attack (small)
Flash back 5 years ago.
"Momma where we going?" Young y/n asked, at only 5 years old y/n was extremely observant, and bright. Yet when y/n's parents notice a small change, well a big change. Flowers, y/n would act different around plants for sure but the fact that emotions now got tied into it was drawing the lines for her parents.......
Recently y/n had a nightmare, when her mother came to check on her the door was locked shut by thick vines taking all the older women's power to get into that room, when y/n's mother got in she would try not wake y/n up muffling the scream which escaped the older women, she was terrified of her own daughter, the vines had came in to protect young y/n from her mind yet this time they've gone to far for y/n's normal parents.
That's night y/n's parents left her alone in her bedroom sitting down themselves to talk about their options with their daughter. Wondering what to do with this monstrosity of a child.
"She's not normal, what kid grows plants outa their ass, she could've hurt you! Or the baby" y/n's father snapped acknowledging his wife's pregnancy with their second child who was becoming their main focus, he was standing up in the living room pacing back and forth while y/n's mother didn't spare him a glance looking into information
"i got it!....Nevermore Academy, Vermont" y/n's mother spat clicking onto the website for more information
"it's meant for 'outcast', so I'm assuming whatever y/n is becoming?" Her mother said to her father waiting for his response
"Let's pack her things" is all he said before going off to make the traveling plans, you didn't live super close to Vermont but still it was only a 4 hour drive from Albany, your home well at least you thought at the time.
Y/n was once her parents everything, their actual pride and joy, yet with the new baby and these abilities they jumped at the opportunity to push y/n away.
The next day came with a jolt for y/n, the young child woke up in a rush to clean up what was left of the vines unknowing to her that her parents had seen, y/n would go in her day like normal, playing with toys and even going outside for a few hours, until around 8pm, when y/n's father packed the car for the trip, a small bag for y/n. Before telling her to get in the car.
"Momma where we going?" Y/n asked about 30 minutes into the ride.
"Shhh peanut, just take a nap, it's passed your bed time" was y/n's mother response.
Surprisingly the young one was content with that response, maybe due to being so tired from the past restless nights, yet y/n laid down in the backseat, to rest, ignoring the idea of a child safety seat.
Y/n was shaken awake by her father, he didn't hold much emotion to the plan y/n's parents agreed on. While on the contrary her mother didn't spare her a glance she couldn't, not mentally but they didn't see a better choice.
Y/n was still dazed recently being awoken at the last hours of the night almost striking midnight, y/n's father pulled their young child from the car, leading them to a large deep blue gate which read "Nevermore Academy"
"Stay here y/n, I'm gonna go get momma" y/n's father lied threw his teeth handing y/n the small faded pink duffel bag, before walking off like it was normal.
When y/n heard the car start she was confused, yet she stayed put as her father ordered...
Seconds turned into minutes
Minutes turned into hours
And there y/n sat, eventually falling asleep in the mild weather of a Vermont night.
Larissa weems was a well respected woman, she ran Nevermore Academy with ease. It was the early hours of the morning around 5, Larissa was making a cup of tea when the night staff came to her with information about a small child sleeping on the school grounds.
"Well what did you do with the child?" Weems asked confused with the small amount of information.
"Umm Nothing ma'am" security responded leaving Larissa shocked
"You left a small child outside sleeping on the school grounds?" Larissa spat standing up to go to the gates herself, it was idiotic to leave a child sleeping outside no matter what or who that child was.
Larissa Walked outside heading towards the gate as the sunrise peaked, the pink and orange would glow bright, as Weems reached the gate she was met with what Nevermore's security described. A small girl laying on a faded pink duffel bag hiding in the bushes next to the gate.
Weems walked closer to the girl, making her way threw the gate over to the child lying on the ground. Softly shaking the young girl watching her jolt awake.
"Momma?" Was the first word out of y/n's mouth while she looked frantically left and right for her mother, only to be met with a tall, platinum blonde well put together women.
"Shh shh calm down can you tell me your name daring?" Weems asked the young girl
"Y/n...it's y/n" she replied to the older women yet the young one was still frantic
"They left me...they left" was all y/n said and she repeated it over and over.
"Who left darling. I need you to tell me so I can help"
"Momma and dad they are gone" y/n responded which clicked in weems head, this young girl was left by her parents, abandon in a bush, she's never had a case like this, but she knew she could handle it
"Why don't you come with me into that huge building?" Larissa pushed pointing at the castle like structure before reaching out to help the young girl up.
By now nevermore was busy with students running the halls getting to their morning classes, which was completely shocking to y/n along with being intimidating. Weems didn't let students bother her at this moment, heading straight to her office, opening the door and holding it for y/n to make her way into the office.
"Why don't we sit on the sofa over there and talk a bit" weems said sitting down letting y/n sit on the other end while she asked for some more information.
Larissa actually did find out quite a bit of information about the small girl. She was left by her parents last night, she is only 5 years old, it's was disgusting that her parents left her alone outside at 5 years old. Y/n seemed like a sweet young child the idea of abandoning her at a boarding school was confusing to say the very least.
"Y/n how about you stay here for a bit, until we find your family? Sound like a plan" weems offered, gaining a nod from young y/n yet weems had no idea how to find the small girls parents, but she could give her a home until she did, y/n was a bit to young for nevermore classes but weems was experience enough in childcare to watch a young kid for some time.
Little did weems know, this little girl would become her own.
5 years later (now)
"Y/n honey come here" weems yelled up the steps in her apartment, which was still on nevermore campus, today was y/n's first day attending nevermore as a student, she was already well known, as the headmistresses daughter, yet today not only was school stressing her out but it's been 5 years since she was left by her birth givers in a bush, and since she was here she hasn't had any issues with plants or growing vines, and didn't even mention that faded part of her past to her mom, and those ex-parents y/n once had where nowhere to be seen, or heard from, now y/n has been very well loved, weems wouldn't even think of the idea that y/n wasn't her daughter, she raised her, loved and cared for her, and everyday weems tried to show her love.
It was the start of the 2nd trimester at nevermore due to y/n's birthday. This was the earliest she could start, yet weems like any mother helped her get to her first class before leaving her to be a kid.
Clases went as normal, y/n took basic first year clases and didn't exceptionally well, that was until botany, her final class of the day, plant based class.
Walking into the class y/n was overwhelmed with all the plants, which was something she's been avoiding subtly for her whole time here, y/n felt a serge of energy being surrounded by the plants, taking her seat in the class as it filled up, being sat next to a bubbly student known as Enid Sinclair, she was kind, but a little too much for young y/n. As the class started professor Thornhill explained todays experiment
Each student was given a small baby weed like plant, and a small bottle of a plant growth serum, the goal was to give just the right amount so that the plant could sprout a flower, y/n watched as everyone did the experiment around her before, picking up the vile and dropper going to drop the serum into the plant. Yet something felt different, as y/n reached out and thought about the plant growing, it shot up her arm, vines sprouting from the small plant, wrapping over and over on y/n slowly reaching to her neck.
Thornhill was in shock even if a student did the experiment wrong the worst I could happen was a bush may grow not this plant attacking the students, y/n was terrified before breathing and trying to pull into control enough energy to control the plant into going back to its natural state. Y/n was able to do it but it took all the young ones energy, leading her to pass out, students all froze staring at y/n while the professor was calling the nurse to come get y/n
Waking up in the nurses office wasn't ideal for the first day, what really wasn't ideal was her mother standing right above her.
"Y/n darling are you alright? What happened" weems asked bending down to her daughters level, confused on what she'd been told, y/n couldn't have powers she was just a girl left behind, right?
Y/n panicked she didn't wanna spill her secret she didn't wanna be left again, she couldn't handle being left again, it took y/n a very long time to trust weems alone, she couldn't handle having to find a new home...again?
"Y/n i need to know what happened?" Weems pressed her daughter not cause she was nosey but honestly the women was worried about her daughter, but weems realized y/n wouldn't open up, not when they were in the nurses office with people around, leading weems to lift y/n out of the nursing cot and heading off to their corders.
Setting y/n down on the sofa in their living room area, allowing the small girl to breathe before Larissa pressed for information
"Y/n, my darling please tell me what happened?"
"The plants and I are connected, I've been able to manipulate plants since I was 3, but after my birth givers found out, they left me, y/n hiccuped trying to stop her sobs... I didn't want you to leave me" was all y/n could get out before breaking down. weems was quick to wrap her arms around y/n.
"My darling, I would never leave you. You are my little flower. Forever" larissa whispered into her daughter ear still holding y/n close for as long as that little girl needed....
And that little faded pink duffel bag still never moved....Part 2 is coming 😏
AN- IM BACK, also I did not proofread this so get what you get, also my request are open feel free to send some ideas and I will get right to writing part two as I am excited for this Larissa series 
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babykkumaa · 1 month
I had an interesting conversation..
Topic: Masking Autism
I had a conversation with someone today talking about how they are seeking to get a full evaluation to be diagnosed possibly because of there previous evaluation with psychiatrist said there's a possibility they are.
We ended up having a conversation about masking which i proceed to say in my experience masking is very difficult for me. It takes a mental toll and physical toll on me as well. They proceed to say true but masking is easy. I understand that some people think masking or have an easier time to mask themselves and pretend that there something there not but, it makes me wonder if there telling themselves that because its actually easier or that they've just learn to accept it.
I've been bullied into basically masking myself growing up and being a late DX. Including now, When i try to unmask I get perceive or told super ableist shit out of nowhere that makes me go back into my box which make it harder for me to feel comfortable.
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But, it makes me sad a lot of the time that I know I have to choose between masking or having friends or build long term relationships with people. If you need an example, watch Heartbreak High S2, the character name Quinni expresses what I've recently been going through again where its like were put in a constant tug a war between accommodating our own selves while sustaining friendships/relationships with others.
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(Example just incase you don't have Netflix and can't watch what I'm talking about but, it shows one of the clips I'm referencing)
Yes, you can say "Well why don't you try to ask for accommodation or talk with them about it?". Yes I have of multiple occasions doesn't mean that they'll actively do it or the people your around will perceive you and what you say the wrong way including growing up in neurotypical environments that make you think your the problem. So, most people like me just don't expect people in return to accommodate us. When we are, we greatly appreciate those people.
So, saying that masking is "easy" or "glamourous" is far from the truth for most people. It causes insecurities, severe depression, bad thoughts, and feeling not good enough.
But, this is just my opinion on the interwebs and maybe someone will look at this be like "this is so first world problems and masking saves lives" which yes it does because it has with me but, it still has negative consequences that people aren't putting to light or ignoring because it's either them not going through it or person who is masking isn't ready to acknowledge it.
Maybe I just need therapy who knows but, after all, like i said this is my opinion on masking.
(I recommend watching this video, she does a beautiful explanation and she is also autistic as well. She does a lot of different videos about Autism and hot takes in the community.)
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spaceratprodigy · 2 months
could i bother u for more thoughts on faith and max in a mock apple orchard 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
@gayafsatan — I would absolutely LOVE to brainstorm some fun ideas of them in a mock apple orchard!!
I've been replaying again so they've been rotating around in my mind a lot extra hard and was especially thinking about mock apple picking bc the botanical labs also has a lil orchard where you can pick mock apples up off the ground! But I'm currently in Roseway so oughhh.. ideas....
I want you now I am going to ramble a LOT so please bear with me I swearsies it'll be more fun if we get the full lore dump from my brain 😩💖💕
My thoughts are very chaotic and rambly so let me try to walk though my ideas lmao
Roseway is typically where I peg Faith's death wish arc happening, and to summarize what all that entails, it's when the mask slips and the weight of everything finally hits her in full force.
I always envision this story happening over a long period of time so a lot of time has passed since first arriving at Edgewater and the Groundbreaker.
Halcyon. Her situation. Her identity. The life Phineas threw her into abruptly and his expectations for her. Making split second moral decisions where no matter what someone is going to get hurt. Being so alien and alone, no one to understand her or believe in her predicament but having to be the mysterious competent captain regardless.
It finally gets to her. Bad. And she makes some self destructive decisions. She gets sloppy, careless, hoping someone else will end this nightmare for her. Until they almost do.
I am swiftly brushing past many details so we don't get too lost in the sauce. But Max went after her, found her collapsed and injured bad, carried her back to the ship for Ellie to do whatever she could, and then stayed by her side for as long as it took for her to wake up.
This is such a key moment for them getting closer. Because there was a lot of frustration and emotion and being forced to confront the possibility of feelings existing, but nothing they fully understand or are ready to acknowledge as such yet.
She tries to brush past the subject of what happened, deflecting everything until he raises his voice in a way he hasn't since she gave him the journal and she threatened he never talk like that to her again. And it was enough to break through her facade, for her to show just how utterly broken and vulnerable she is, and they have a proper fucking conversation about where she's at mentally. He still isn't ready for the truth about her life before. But it's a step forward.
There is a lot of patience and understanding and just. Yeah. A lot happens here. Some walls come down. There grows some room for them to become softer and closer over more time.
All of this is important because a short piece I had written a long time ago took place in this area roughly after this incident.
It was a personal outlet vent piece, I will be honest. When I wrote it it was after I had a very bad panic attack after an awful scare. And I wrote it into Faith because I just wanted to get some feelings from that experience out of my system.
The shortened version of that one is Faith recovering from a bad episode, trying to calm her breathing, waiting for her ears to stop ringing and for her vision to come back. Her legs gave out on her and she was sitting under the mock apple trees. Her voice locks up on her when she's seriously distressed. Yadda yadda yadda, Max had brought along his datapad so she could communicate anything important and she was incredibly confused because she knows he doesn't like using his datapad ever and then rendered even more speechless to know he brought it specifically for her in case something like this were to happen again. It ends with her just asking if he would keep talking to her, and they sit there under the mock apple trees for a while, in no particular rush to get anywhere.
And after this point, I think the mock apple orchards become a really peaceful, therapeutic spot for her when she just wants a moment to herself. Sits there, breathes, takes in the Roseway scenery and collects herself before jumping back into the horrors of Halcyon. Spends some time picking mock apples to take back to the ship.
I've been having a lot of ideas of her asking Max to go with her. I'm of the mind if she'd ask directly that he'd either decline, or at least pretend to be uninterested but she's the one who asked so he accepts the offer.
But I can see her being vague and just saying that she's heading out if he'd join her and she leads him to the orchards. By this point they're already often in each other's company, she indulges his interests often, letting him be the one who is finally listened to. But in general, they get along very well in conversation when it comes to a handful of similar interests and their personalities and attitudes bounce off of each other well.
(In my story anyway, since she spends an extended amount of time in Edgewater and the Vale, there was also a lot of time spent doing some early bonding with Max. So do with that info what you will. They're not likeee besties yet but they're much more than strangers by this point, ya'know? Just to get an idea of where their familiarity with each other is at and why there's enough respect and trust to some extent already existing. Not to mention how much time they had spent on the Groundbreaker).
They'd be having such a peaceful time away from the rest of the crew.
Oughhh hear me out, okay, Faith loves to bake. She doesn't even ask, she just makes Max hold her bag open while she starts collecting mock apples and after they finally head back to the ship she figures out how to make mock apple pie for the crew 😭 we already know Max doesn't care much for sweets (I wonder how sweet or tart a mock apple pie would be.. Faith girl what all Halcyon ingredients are you adding to that bad boy) but.. what if.... After everyone goes to bed...... He tries some anyway........ Because she made it..........
Most of what's bouncing around in my brain is them early on having wholesome bonding time in a spot just for the two of them. Just enjoying each other's company. Realizing they have genuine respect for each other, Faith feeling like she found a genuine friend who went to lengths further than anyone had in her entire life to make sure she survived. I am specifying Faith's feelings here intentionally. I write Max in a more complicated spot very blinded by his revenge scheme more or less unaware for a long while just how much the lines start blurring between his faith and his Faith. To put it succinctly. (Look I know I'm always drawing The Good Stuff™️ but in actuality their relationship is suchhhh a slow burn. They are not the most romantically inclined people lmao).
But also.. once she realizes she can talk to him when she needs to. I think coming back to this spot, off the ship, away from the crew, she just likes it there. She likes being there with him. She finds comfort in that spot.
OKAY BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WOULD BE CUTE.... they should come back here.. post-scylla and post-gorgon...... Ya'know......... The first being when they establish not wanting to be apart and the second being when they want to make that partnership a permanent one......... ASKING HER IN THE MOCK APPLE ORCHARDS WOULDN'T THAT BE DARLING ough okay I need a minute my brain is going too fast to comprehend
My Roseway ideas aren't the most cleaned up I know BUT so many important bonding moments exist and oughhhh LOOSE IDEAS ARE STILL WORTH TALKING ABOUT OKAYYYYY
I just want them to go mock apple picking together and learn how to get smiles out of each other and not understand why it makes their chests hurt but they know they need to do it again
ACTUALLYYYYY post-scylla when he's much more mellowed out and they're the closest they've been I think would be so so nice. they'd be so much softer and he'd probably be so much more involved in wanting to enjoy silly lil activities with her.....
Currently imagining him reading out loud to her, all the conversations they'd have, maybe he brings his tossball cards to show her, maybe they bring one of the lil games, have a lil makeshift picnic....
Godddd the transition between just how much enthusiasm he shows spending time with her is enough to make me explode. Can you see my vision. The reluctance, to the hesitancy, to becoming absolutely inseparable.
Literally feel free to add on or share your own thoughts I'm begging you lmao I promise there is so much room for ideas to be fleshed out and better put together, I'm mostly just spitballing what all I think would be incredibly fun ideas to work with. Plus I'm kind of thinking across the timeline and how much their relationship would change between each visit. And how over time they would enjoy it more and more and make each visit more special than the last.
WAIT BEFORE I LOSE THE THOUGHT!! They make a stop RIGHT BEFORE HEADING TO SCYLLA TO GO TO THE HERMIT'S LODGE!! Oh that could hurt so good omgggg. Okay okay I need to stop now I NEED TO STOP.
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shimmeringweeds · 9 months
On the Twins and Communication
(Written between s2 episodes 11 and 12)
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To start, I agree with speculation that there is no way these two are 19 years old at present. (the show pretty explicitly denies this, but...) The way they are drawn and the way they act pin them as being about 15 - 17 at the oldest. This puts them at about the age of 8 - 10 at the time of the murder. Developmentally, this makes way more sense for both past and present actions. I won't go far into it, but an 8 year old generally has a strong sense of justice. They still have a "black and white" mindset when it comes to what is "right" and "wrong." By the time a child is 12, they know right from wrong, and that grey in between area of understanding is beginning to form. An 8 year old will often cry, "that's not fair!" But an emotionally well 12 year old has since learned to try communicating with their peers to find a fair solution. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Neither twin has moved on from that day. They've never been given that chance.
Li Tianchen has been able to develop mentally (he's a brilliant strategist), but emotionally? He's still about 8-10.
Li Tianxi has been able to develop emotionally (somewhat), but her mental growth seems to be at around 8-10 years.
Both twins have suffered neglect. Maybe not physical neglect, but certainly emotional and mental. Here is where I want to get into Li Tianxi. Keep in mind, ep12 could throw a curve-ball. So I'm not speculating or drawing a conclusion. I'm just trying to understand the facts we have right now.
First, do the twins attend school? If so, under what identities? Their records were wiped from the system. I don't think they're attending.
It's seems that Qian Jin has spent time personally educating Tianchen, but Tianxi? It is questionable that she has ever received formal education. Her mother is shown trying to get her into a special school, her father outright dismisses the idea.
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It's doubtful Qian Jin feels differently. He keeps Tianxi because she's useful, both for her ability and for controlling Tianchen. Her education is irrelevant to him.
Second. Who was teaching Tianxi to sign? She is shown signing to her father, and he remarks "did she learn any new signs today?" Notice. Her father never acknowledges her words.
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We know Tianchen has been actively teaching her, and he is the only character who we ever see attempting to learn sign with her. Her mother does not sign with her, and the trips to the doctor to cure her muteness are pointed, imo. Liu Lan is more focused on curing her daughter than giving her the tools she needs to grow. ( and I’m not saying Liu Lan doesn’t want what’s best for her, or that she never signs with her, just that we never see it. ) Tianchen is the only one who we see truly helping Tianxi. The only one who makes an effort to really hear her. The only person with whom Tianxi is able to hold something of a conversation with.
So Li Tianxi grows up, with her brother, in fear. She is powerless, truly. Already, she has no social tools to help her. She's naive in that way. She's kind, agreeable, and doesn't speak up for herself. A survival tactic. Again, Tianchen is the only one who ever made an attempt to teach her otherwise.
But after the murders, Tianchen is drowning. Does he continue to teach her, to help her grow? Tianxi's "good big brother" has always been her light in the darkness, but as they sink deeper into the reality of their situation... she looses him. The only person she could communicate with. He's gone. He talks with her, but he doesn't communicate.
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"We're going to get dinner, come her and take a nap." This is how he asks her to come "work." Frankly, he's a fool to think Tianxi doesn't know exactly what is about to happen. But at this point, Tianchen has forgotten how to communicate with others. He can only manipulate. And sadly, that includes Tianxi. He wants to protect her, and so he keeps her physically close, but mentally, he doesn't want her near that fire. He's afraid of how she'll see him. Yet--
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Tianxi may lack efficient tools for communication, (we don't know how much she can sign because we never again see anyone try to sign with her and our only knowledge of her literacy level is the photograph.) Yet she can read people. Especially her brother. She knows, at least in theory, what's about to happen. And I believe she understands why he doesn't tell her.
Her face here, right before possession kicks in, kills me.
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The juxtaposition of these two. Tianxi's look of "We're together. I'm with you. It's going to be all right" ....vs. Tianchen's resigned, lonely sadness.
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Tianxi runs away that night and I find that strange. She doesn't run for help (that we know of.) Just away. And this is where I will stop. It's the dark spot in our timeline. I will not draw conclusions on why she runs or where she initially runs too. And I certainly will not bring up thoughts on episode 11. I will wait and see (and shake my fist at God for) what context episode 12 may bring.
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But certainly, one theme surrounding the twins (of the whole season tbh) is communication.
Li Tianxi has limited communication tools, but she can still connect with others.
Li Tianchen has the tools to communicate, but has not connected with anyone in a very long time.
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aortaobservatory · 7 months
i love your talks of aspects what can you say / your opinion on doom aspect? im knight of doom
Certainly, I can do an overview of the Doom Aspect for you. If you'd like me to post my analysis of the Knight of Doom, feel free to send another ask! I really do not mind being spammed. I feel as though it is often that Doom is characterized by its inverse aspect the most, as people tend to better understand the intricacies of the Life Aspect than they do Doom (this can be due to personal bias, environment, culture, ect). I also personally feel as though the Doom Aspect is overlooked or simply not understood and thus forgotten about, but that's just the general feeling I have picked up from perusing tags here and there.
Doom is an extremely interesting aspect. The remaining 11 aspects are about growing into your aspect through your class, but "growth" is one of the keywords of Life, Doom's inverse. How does one approach Doom and expect to grow?
From The Extended Zodiac, I pulled these keywords from the Doom Aspect description. These would be the "canon" traits; they are what I adhere to when analyzing, but it should also be understood that this concept encompasses much more to do with than these keywords. Its "vibe", if you will, is much more than what is written.
TEZ Doom Keywords: Suffering, wisdom, empathy, listeners, commiserators, wise, kind, non-judgemental, (bitter, resentful, fatalistic)
I'll admit that I had trouble understanding what the Doom Aspect was supposed to be at first. But as I analyzed it further, it occurred to me that this may be the aspect of those who have trauma, or those who have learned to cope through the bad circumstances they've been given and what they've experienced in life. This aspect may be best understood as an outside force that acts upon the player, or a force that the player themself uses upon others. (See: The Condesce's Alternia; the entire thing reeks of Doom). This is not also to say that if you have trauma, you are automatically Doombound. There is nuance involved, and it is important to keep in mind that an Aspect is the force that is most important in a person's life, whether lacking or abundant, whether good or bad, whether they want it or not. Another aspect may be stronger for an individual, even if trauma is a big part of their life.
It is the aspect of tragedy, but it is not necessarily tragic. It is very easy to fail the Doom Aspect, but those who hold onto it are often extremely steadfast, even if they're only hanging on by a thread. The Doombound may be irate about it, but their suffering matters because they deserve better. As in tragedies, we cry because we know it can be better. For others, it can be spite, spitting at the lot you've been given in life and making the most of it anyways, for what else can you do? Commiseration is quite possibly Doom's biggest theme.
The keywords I chose for Doom are "Acceptance, Compliance, Wisdom, and Sympathy". Acceptance and Compliance may be better understood as "coming to terms", accepting and complying with what is there because it's the only choice you've been given. As well, Acceptance isn't necessarily complacency, but rather an acknowledgement of the reality of a situation, and navigating through it as best as one can from what they have. Doombound are able to offer Wisdom when they see others in similar experiences, Sympathetic because they too know what it's like, but how they go about offering their Wisdom and Sympathy can vary. The Doombound are not growing the way the Lifebound are, often trapped or restricted from doing so.
Doom, being Life's inverse, is also given the symbols of illness, rot, stagnation, decay, and we can see this in both Sollux and Mituna in canon. As poorly as Mituna was handled, he as an Heir of Doom (Passive Embodiment), embodies a lot of mental illness. Sollux as a Mage of Doom (Active Knower) had too much experience with Doom as a whole, and he stagnates heavily because of it, later becoming a ghost, which is quite a literal symbol. I will admit that Doom is one of my weakest understood aspects, and it has been a while since I read Homestuck, so I am unfortunately not as familiar with the Captors' character arcs in canon as I would like to be. I'm very happy to invite discussion! I enjoy hearing other perspectives.
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lunariamv · 8 days
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I will address this one more time, and then I will be done; because it is unnecessary drama but I want to keep my name clear
✎ Anyways I briefly mentioned it in my last drama post, but I want to leave a response one time before I ignore it forever, because it is a waste of time.
✎ Because I don't really like getting involved with so much toxicity. It negatively effects your mental health, and this is a good example of that
✎ so anyways i only mentioned a bit of a person online spamming my posts and stuff (bc i didnt want them to be bothered); tldr they spammed my posts, i debunked their accusations of plagiarism (see last post), but they kept going so i warned that i would block them
✎ this person ignored my explanations and just kept repeating themselves, so i decided to just block
✎ this is because i don't like dealing with toxic people; there are better things i can do than argue with rude people online who ignore your points and just spam hateful things
✎ i assumed they were a kid at first because of how childish they were acting; but i guess i was wrong;; as for my dms, i did roast them a bit but that's because this was right after they spammed my comments section and it looked like this…
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when you're getting attacked by a disrespectful person, it's hard to be nice and respectful back; so yes i was being a little sassy, but for the most part i tried to carry myself higher and then just blocked them after
also this person tried to use their mental disability against me? i am autistic as well, so....? :/
since then, they've made multiple accounts to message me and post negative comments on my posts; even going as far as to threaten me. it's enough to qualify as harassment, i believe
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if you block a person numerous times and they keep making accounts to message you, i'm pretty sure that is harassment.
I talked to my friends and family about it, and they were really worried for me. Surprisingly, I'm actually not that bothered by it.
this person goes on to claim copying; which… not really?
i already said before my works are very inspired by charon; never said it was original; that's literally what i said, so of course they are similar (that was the point :/)
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There is due credit everywhere.
I linked the plagiarism definition and the law because accusing someone of plagiarism is a serious accusation. I looked it up, and it is not plagiarism, to show they are wrong in that aspect. Spreading misinformation and lies to defame my character is a serious offense. If I wanted to, I could probably sue this person for slander, but I don't want to. I think they are just misguided.
They go on, but it's clear they did not read or are not trying to understand my perspective on it. It is not done to be malicious. I just like the artstyle and aesthetics and wanted to do something similar. Is the plot similar? Yes, but I already said it was intentional and credited the original.
They can not like it, but it's still not a crime and they can ignore me at any time. The internet has blocks for a reason.
i didn't think i'd have to give a point by point analysis, but okay :S (spoilers for games ahead)
Doom Stones takes inspiration from Makoto Mobius, they both have a time traveling aspect to save someone. However, Yuuka is trying to save her best friend (boyfriend cough cough) that she saw die in front of her. It turns out she's actually not going back in time. It was a simulation orchestrated by her classmate who is infatuated with her to break her morale. The characters have bonds/histories with each other. Yuuka breaks out, and she grows and learns to accept losing someone close to her.
Makoto Mobius was about saving a girl the MC had a crush on, only to be used as a sacrifice by Makoto's friend. The MC was not related to Makoto at all, and Makoto does not acknowledge him in the end, or they just stay in the time loop.
They have similar story moments, but overall are different. But you have to actually look.
Love Letter is based off Mikoto Nikki (I said this already). They are both about house exploration of a beloved classmate with a hidden secret. However, Mia isn't friends with Mikio. She's a lowkey yandere that broke into his fancy and rich mansion and reads his notes, books, journals and letters. (She even goes through his trash and stuff… lol). Mikio turned on his family and staged their suicide out of the country and changed his identity. After that, he had been stalking Mia. The story is about Mia having her obsessive crush turn on her, and her reaction to it. She either sees him as a murderer, or its an unhealthy yandere x yandere thing. In the true end she learns details of his abuse and decides to help him not be a yandere. She can even escape, which you can't in Mikoto. Also Mikio doesn't kill her, he just kidnap.
Mikoto Nikki was about the MC going on a scavenger hunt with the diary entries Mikoto put around the small house. They were already dating, and Mikoto kept her tortured parents in the closet before they died. It turned out his girlfriend was a yangire. It has a similar 'accept her or no,' but dealing with the corpses in the house is not addressed, and we found out later in another game MC left her.
((not love letter though, mia is devoted to her man for life <3333))
The plots are similar, but I already said its kind of like a retelling. I never said it was totally original or anything. It's literally just retelling with different parts.
by this person's logic, charon would be copying/plagiarizing red riding hood and other fairy tales, since they use the same story and characters. i think it's fine, but this person would think otherwise with their flawed reasoning.
Also i notice this person doesn't even address my other two games (Akeno Delusion and Carousel), because those were uninspired plots just with the similar art style. It's clear the person has tunnel vision when it comes to this stuff. They like to jump to conclusions without thinking.
They even said they understand me being inspired by artstyle, so why can't you do the same with story? It has enough differences to not being a replica.
They point out cg, so look at all of this cg this person did not show (because it hurts their argument) GAME SPOILERS AHEAD!! GORE/BLOOD WARNING AHEAD!!
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they show 4 images, i show 19
if i was 100% 'copying everything', i would not have 19 unique images here.
If you see it for what it is, just a fan game with inspiration, and not malicious, it really isn't that bad. They are just projecting hateful/harmful notions onto me.
also, about the mikio thing, that was a coincidence that they share names. I used a random generator website (i got lazy XD) and I picked one at random. I realized later that they have the same name and I just thought it was a cute reference. It makes no sense to claim Mikio in Makoto is the same as Mikio in Love Letter. They're different characters and do different things in their respective stories. I didn't base him off her.
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this is the website lol, but ya they are different characters.
♢ Mikio Horiuchi from love letter is the male lead, an arrogant and vulgar overachiever. He has severe abuse trauma, pretends to be a charming popular guy, and stalks the main character because he loves her.
♢ Mikio from Makoto is a cutesy side character who sacrifices a random person to save her best friend.
Even then, characters from different animes share names all the time.
Hinata from Naruto, Hinata from Assassination classroom, Hinata from Danganronpa, Hinata from brother's conflict. I could go on.
Are people not allowed to have the same name? I know five people named Emily in real life. I guess they are copying each other.
Also, if you saw the entire game, you would know Mikio is not even his real name. It really shows how much research this user did about my work…
don't judge a book by its cover. they teach everyone this in school.
So this user spreads lies and misinformation, and the research is not that good. They don't look at the game plot, the game itself, the characters, or even read everything I have to say. They just make assumptions and try to cancel. It's like the wendigoon situation, honestly.
I dunno, I just think there's nothing wrong with it. My work changes all the time, so it really isn't a big deal to me. Like I said in my last drama post, people draw inspiration from each other all the time. Danganronpa has fan games too, but are they copying danganronpa? No, not really.
So I will stand my ground and not take down anything. I don't think I did anything bad, and its not illegal. Bullying doesn't work on me.
It was clear this person doesn't read my posts all the way. They don't try to look at my work, or see the bigger picture. Their judgment is clouded, so I don't have much left to say to them. They can hate me, but spreading misinformation and lying about me is a waste of time.
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From their posts, it seems they have lots of hate in their heart. They even went as far as to obsess and stalk me, make multiple accounts after I blocked them, and are only toxic without trying to understand. They even go to my deviantart (that I haven't posted on lately) to show a post from 5 years ago?
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my brother in christ, i was a 13 year old girl playing a dress up game…
my warnings on my page are for people like this; who are toxic and instead obsess over people they hate instead of enjoying their own life. it's mentally unhealthy, and i hope they get help.
you clearly have a lot of hatred in your heart; so much so that it effects your judgment and how you perceive things
I do not wish bad on you, and I hope you have a good life. But you should probably take a break and touch some grass.
if anyone does see this, please do not harass this person on my behalf. i don't care about this drama anymore, i just wanted to clear my name;;; if they want to obsess over me, okay. i will continue doing what i like to do, and make things for the people who like them.
and then for anyone else interested in my work, i usher you not to engage this person either. i don't want anyone to be harassed as well for associating with me. just block and not talk to them.
but, i do think its ironic that charon games are about menhera and stalkers…. and this person is an obsessed stalker; it gives me ideas, stalker child
they not like us
they not like us
they not like us
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 month
I'm gonna be honest if you're calling a person who was 17-19 at the time of a bunch of attacks and accusations a "groomer" who is also trans and mentally ill and was massively bullied by large accounts on twitter which is way worse than tumblr in my experience for stuff like that, then I don't fucking trust you.
I have not once even seen an allegation from an alleged victim of the specific person I'm referring to. I'm not even talking proof, I'm saying I haven't even seen "I was groomed" instead of "this trans person is a groomer". And of course, no screenshots, more accusations of another queer person they're "friends" with being a groomer with the same COMPLETE absence of even direct accusations or screenshots of public or private exchanges or ANYTHING.
Oh, and misgendering, fakeclaiming (both about their queerness and mental illness) and claims that because they drew porn on a public nsfw account, while they themselves were a minor for most of the time they did so, they "exposed minors to porn"). Literally what. They turned 18 and 19 and continued to interact with people they had been interacting with as a minor in an nsfw context? Is that what all this is about? They maintained active friendships that involved nsfw art after blowing out 18 candles on a cake? How old were the alleged victims? Because 17 and 13 would be very different stories. Have the alleged victims themselves ever once claimed to be groomed?
The only thing I HAVE seen with any merit is that, potentially at the time as a minor, this person was being racist against a DIFFERENT group of people of color than they belong to. A black person, guilty of anti-asian racism. Yeah, that's bad, but they've also apologized. Which doesn't necessitate forgiveness, but ongoing continual harassment and callout campaigns are really fucking shitty in light of that.
And for all those saying they're dodging responsibility by "pinning it on a headmate"... how do you think plurality works? You literally may not have been there for another headmate's actions. You may not have EXISTED at that point. Saying "I have to take system responsibility for my headmate's actions because I share a body with them" IS taking responsibility.
Y'all really want this person to say "I did this, I'm sorry" when they LITERALLY DIDN'T. They weren't fronting, they may have even been dormant. It's like expecting someone to say they did something that their roommate did rather than apologizing for inviting the person who did do the bad thing, except instead of sharing an apartment you share a body.
Like... I get that it's pluralmisia driving it, but it's quite literally the opposite of "shirking responsibility" to say "I take responsibility for something I didn't even do, and I'm sorry, and I won't let them do it again". The "I wasn't the one who did it" part isn't "avoiding responsibility", because the only way that would be avoiding responsibility is if that was a lie. Telling the TRUTH about who in a system did something, acknowledging that there are MULTIPLE INDEPENDENTLY ACTING HEADMATES in a system, is not "avoiding responsibility". It's telling people facts.
If you have a problem with someone telling the truth about their plurality when it relates to their actions, what you actually have a problem with is the fact that multiple people can exist in one body. You actually consider them to be "really just one person". And that's bigotry.
Idk, combine that with the fact that so many of the callouts are coming from queerphobes, ableists, and racists, while passing around the same hollow, empty vague claims of "grooming" about again, a mentally ill trans person who was 19 when all of this finally got so bad they deactivated, and it seems like it's in really fucking bad faith, and quite possibly entirely made up aside from the racism part.
But finally, even if it wasn't, the person this is about literally isn't doing any of those things now. People are allowed to change and grow. This is only DOUBLY true when it's so very clear that there is absolutely zero substance to the allegations of grooming.
My suspicion is that it might be even less than friendships being maintained. It was probably an nsfw art account that didn't say "minors fuck off forever and kill yourself if you even breathe in the direction of art of mine that has exposed nipples". I've seen DNIs on accounts with nonsexual nudity more aggressive than that too, that's not even an exaggeration. Like, that was probably the "encouraging" minors to participate in nsfw.
(Y'all do realize that the problem is in fact interaction between minors and adults in sexual contexts, not minors seeking out sexual content as they're figuring out their relationship to sex and sexuality? Like, you're half a step from saying "KOSA is good, actually". And I'm saying this as someone with OCD who has PANIC ATTACKS about the idea of a minor even looking at my nsfw stuff.)
Anyway if you know who this is about, not naming them to avoid their haters bc they're pretty cruel and bigoted. But jesus h fucking christ leave them alone. If you're really that uncomfortable just block them, my gods.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Sorry, I just saw this old tweet, and it like pre women kings probably
Roots? What roots? The Dahomey intentionally made sure the ancestors were we mainly came minds were too damage. Actually I heard that Dahomey slaves had to walk around a certain tree part of their ritual.
I was thinking about a story where an African villain try that “we are brothers” thing to a black American and the black American goes
“As soon as my Yoruba ancestors walked around that tree so the Dahomey could get more guns. We lost all ties to Africa.”
And the villain eyes widen when he realize “the false Eden” trick people like him used on my community is lost steam and we are learning the truth
I wonder how in 40 years, people will be shocked how I treat African cultures and people…like human beings. And don’t have the pan Africa mentality
And I’m might have to tell them a very old comedy anime (by then) about stereotypical personifications of countries named Hetalia. And a historical fiction with scifi elements and a secret war make appreciate real life cultures more than college educated people
Of course that not the sole reason, as I was able to take to people from different parts of the world and got a close mutual that really made me realize my American identity
And the Yoruba….okay probably my depression…it’s a bit…painful at first researching their culture because realizing how you are an alien to the group most of your genome came from. I mean it’s not their fault (we decided to lionized the bastards who cause it in the first place for “girl power”)
But it’s a different culture and I must acknowledge it
You know I was asking my Mexican mutual why I don’t have the same entitlement or insufferable attitude towards Africa like many other black Americans. Of course not all are like that
But if you say you want to go back to the motherland to me. I presume you mean Alabama or Nebraska for that where my family is at
And I’m midwestern living in the Chicago area working at Amazon. These people in the entertainment industry lives in California and NYC. They can talk to direct native Africans and tribes on a silver platter
But they refuse to then or collab and continue this 10 year old bitter understanding of Africa
Tbh…I think because a lot of black Americans ADULTS think their shitty pubic education spark notes of African history. And refuse to grow up
A plenty of genuine Africans would gladly teach us about their culture and maybe people like me who want to learn what my Africans ancestors did before the chains.
But black Americans activists, yes I’m talking to YOU
Stop having TANTRUMS because Africans ain’t going to treat you why kids gloves.
Hard to show empathy to a group that knowingly get diamonds and nikes from child run mines and workshops
But cool ac collab
Omg imagine telling your friends in the 90’s, a institute would use a video game to help show the visuals of 9th century Baghdad
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I like to think that some people actually took the time to learn about themselves and their roots as a result of that one, just like several other bits of media.
I also like to think some of those people got a rude awakening about the history of various peoples and cultures in Africa, and I do hope they kept on learning after that instead of putting the book down and choosing ignorance.
I was thinking about a story where an African villain try that “we are brothers” thing to a black American and the black American goes “As soon as my Yoruba ancestors walked around that tree so the Dahomey could get more guns. We lost all ties to Africa.” And the villain eyes widen when he realize “the false Eden” trick people like him used on my community is lost steam and we are learning the truth
You're gonna have the hoteps awful mad with that, but then again they reject any reality that's not the false one they've created for themselves and no amount of evidence will get through their heads anyhow.
I wonder how in 40 years, people will be shocked how I treat African cultures and people…like human beings. And don’t have the pan Africa mentality
in 40 years I hope more people will have figured that all out, throwing off the victim mentality isn't gonna be super easy tho
And I’m might have to tell them a very old comedy anime (by then) about stereotypical personifications of countries named Hetalia. And a historical fiction with scifi elements and a secret war make appreciate real life cultures more than college educated people
I've heard of that one and seen stuff from it too.
Of course that not the sole reason, as I was able to take to people from different parts of the world and got a close mutual that really made me realize my American identity
American identity is complicated at times, always remember we eat borgar everything else can be secondary.
And the Yoruba….okay probably my depression…it’s a bit…painful at first researching their culture because realizing how you are an alien to the group most of your genome came from. I mean it’s not their fault (we decided to lionized the bastards who cause it in the first place for “girl power”) But it’s a different culture and I must acknowledge it
Ya I wouldn't know what to do if I went where my DNA says I'm from, one of those weird things about being American.
And I’m midwestern living in the Chicago area working at Amazon. These people in the entertainment industry lives in California and NYC. They can talk to direct native Africans and tribes on a silver platter But they refuse to then or collab and continue this 10 year old bitter understanding of Africa
I'm still waiting on the next chapter of the Captain Alex series to come out of Wakaliwood.
And yes, you'd think they'd go and actually talk to these people, problem with the American audience is they generally speaking don't know Bantu from Yoruba to Zulu ect so mushing them all together won't register to most of the audience and it's cheaper for the studio.
A plenty of genuine Africans would gladly teach us about their culture and maybe people like me who want to learn what my Africans ancestors did before the chains.
That was one of the nice things about the Disney park I worked at, they had "ambassadors" from various parts of Africa in the Africa section who's only job was to talk about where they're from, lot of South Africans since English was needed, but there were others too, Asia had that too.
But black Americans activists, yes I’m talking to YOU Stop having TANTRUMS because Africans ain’t going to treat you why kids gloves. Hard to show empathy to a group that knowingly get diamonds and nikes from child run mines and workshops
Sadly the Americanization of the globe marches on, some African countries asking for reparations, which the proper response is go talk to the people that sold you and get your money from them, which works for both us over here and them over there.
If Benin tried to claim some sort of reparations I would hope everyone would laugh in their face, they're the successor to the Dahomey empire, they owe the money not the other way around.
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Oh that's cool
Omg imagine telling your friends in the 90’s, a institute would use a video game to help show the visuals of 9th century Baghdad
They do love their accuracy, gonna have to look this up go see them there Hanging Gardens of Babylon and all that good stuff.
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archive2394934 · 2 years
Thank you for your response to the "henry creel is nazi coded" post. Im jewish and that post made me so uncomfortable because I think you're right about the fact that Henry/Vecna's backstory is representative of people who suffered abuse/oppression. The fact he was imprisoned, abused, experimented on and treated as less than human for two decades does actually align more with the expereinces of holocaust survivors than with the agendas and actions of the nazi party. Its really tone deaf to think that he would sympathize with their views and goals as someone who literally suffered similar things that victims of their regime did. It makes a lot more sense that he wanted to empower and uplift people who are "different" like himself.
I'm sorry you had to see that post anon. I'm literally sorry we all had to see that post. I didn't want to think the OP meant harm by it but given they've been a total fucking asshole about criticism toward it, I'm really not feeling any shame in speaking out about it. Like, normally, I just cringe and ignore bad fandom takes - and, normally, I wouldn't feel comfy making a stink about someone's posts and opinions because, yeah; like I said I don't like to imagine people intend any harm right off the bat, but it's a little suss to sit there and acknowledge you're opening a very, very sensitive can of worms by saying something like that and then dismiss, mock and ridicule anyone who might present any criticism toward it, partic with evidence for why its almost certainly not an accurate read of canon.
I'm particularly annoyed about how the only response them and their friends chose to highlight and "discuss" is one from someone who was talking about their struggle with mental illness and abuse and their relation to Henry, purely to mock and dismiss that person. But they didn't once actually make any attempt to respond to my additions to the post. They mostly ignored/avoided them, actually. I think all I really got was the OP stomping their feet about me being a non-moot and putting my two cents worth in, as if it wasn't posted in the whole public tag for everyone to see and fully intended to grab the public's attention. Also the "ew why would you apologize for Henry Creel" like, bitch, I just explained why, lmao. I could say a real lot about the way they've been kind of misusing the concept of the "cycle of abuse" to validate their feelings, in how the "cycle of abuse" is typically and appropriately used to refer to harmful behaviors and ideas that pop up within personal relationships, typically those between spouses, parents and children and siblings and doesn't actually apply that much to the relationships between minorities and oppressors or bigoted societies.
The cycle of abuse is used to describe things like when men grow up watching their father's abusing their mothers and then go on to act similarly toward their wives/girlfriends. Billy Hargrove is actually a perfect canon example of the "cycle of abuse" in motion. So, obviously, this is a bit removed from the oppressed lashing out at people who subscribe to, represent or enforce bigoted systems of power and the concepts of those systems as a whole. Not to mention all the very not lowkey racism and belligerence that is now popping up toward Kali after these people became semi aware that yes, Kali and Henry stand for the same things: They are products of systematic oppression and are literally fighting for their rights to exist in a political and social environment that is geared against them and other people like them. But man at the end of the day and the point is, like, its perfectly okay if you DON'T like a character or you're uncomfortable with them for any reason, particularly if they are in fact an antagonist like Henry is, as he's meant to inspire a sense of caution, even if he is understandable and sympathetic, but its different to go on a deranged smear campaign toward said character with INCREDIBLLY sensitive and harmful accusations, as charged and heavy as literally claiming they're a n*zi sympathizer. Fuck off. Oh, and as a side note any psychologist, or anyone with half a brain really, can tell you that when it comes to victims of abuse who are perpetuating their abuse toward others, the worst and wrong approach is to condemn and demonize them. Shame, invalidation and silence are all massively contributing factors in why victims may abuse others or may continue to be abused themselves. These are the kind of people who viciously condemn Billy Hargrove because he was a teenaged abuse victim in the 80s that said something with a vaguely racist undertone, and they feel strangely assured that canon intended to display him as a monster when the actual reality of canon is he was a victim struggling against what he was going through and his own behaviors as a result, but he ultimately died "heroically" (like, the reason Max takes comfort in Running up that hill is clearly because she relates it to Billy. I've even straight up seen his actor explain this stuff. ) And like, look if you're mad you think Billy was an unrepentant, inexcusable racist, ok but it becomes weird when you're also sitting here grown in 2022 platforming really suspicious aggression and demonization toward a woman of color who is suddenly being seen as the most 'terrifying character' and a 'monster' for doing what? Oh, she killed someone who abducted, abused and tortured her. She said capitalism sucks. She's a lefty. Very evil, incomprehensible stuff! *sarcasm* Literally, what the actual fuck, make it make sense at least.
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champagnepodiums · 11 months
I agree with your last anon about this perpetual victim complex surrounding Daniel (it was going on before DTS was even a thing, but it is nice to see other people finally catching on). But I think the ONE thing that really bugs me about it is how fast his fans will use that victim complex to excuse actual problematic behavior that should be acknowledged.
Take, for example, the problematic podcast he went on last year and chose to be misogynistic on. And I'm not even necessarily saying like OH MY GOD WE MUST OSTRACIZE DANIEL FROM F1, HE'S THE WORST PERSON IN EXISTENCE because like, F1 and motorsport in general is full of privileged men. most of them have said/done something misogynistic in their pasts. yet the thing that blew me away was there were posts that garnered just as much agreeing notes/attention as the ones talking about why Daniel's behavior was wrong, that were basically excusing his behavior because "he's been in motorsports his whole life, he's never communicated with women outside his mother and his younger girlfriend, nobody ever taught him how to respect women." like, besties, respectfully, W H A T? there's been 20-somethings in F1 that have faced (deservedly so) harsher criticisms for being a lot less problematic than daniel was in that instance, yet a 33-year-old (at that time) man gets a free pass because apparently he needs someone to hold his hand and tell him women are people worthy of respect too?
It sucks because despite all of his faults, there was a point in time I actually did like him. But it also seems like I watched a lot of the drivers that were also around when I first started watching F1 — take Lewis and Seb for example, actually grow up and at least try to stand for something instead of keeping so much of the "it's a men's world" mentality that was around back then. Daniel's gotten older now too, and doesn't really seem to stand for or represent anything other than like, still giving off that Frat Boy Attending His First College Party vibe. which i guess i can understand why that might appeal to some people, but it mostly just gives me the ick and I'm certainly not going out of my way to defend someone's problematic behaviors when they've decided that's essentially going to be their entire public persona: Not giving a single damn about ANYTHING that actually matters, just radiating cool vibes or whatever. It just gets kind of old and cringy the older he gets and still tries to maintain the maturity level of like, an 18 year old if I'm being completely honest.
To be fair, I do think every driver fanbase does their own handholding when drivers do/say questionable things so it's not like he's really That Special in that regard but it does feel like DR3 fans are the first to make noise about what other drivers are doing... Maybe it's just my experience but yeah.
Daniel not maturing at all and now being in his mid-30s acting like he's a decade younger is just not cute to me? Idk but yeah.
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