#this also serves as an apology for that not so friendly reminder i gave you guys
mikoran · 1 year
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mike made them hot chocolate :)
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nxrdist · 1 year
Remember||True Blood Fic
Story Summary: Different faces, names, and places, but she was the same soul and so was he.
A/N: This will be a multi-chapter 'prequel' of sorts to another work I'm planning. Cross-posted on FF & AO3. Also this is not beta read, but only once over eddited by myself so apologies for any mistakes.
Pairing: Godric/OC
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Tucking a flyaway hair behind her ear, Katherine fixed her gaze on the tavern door with a sigh. She’d been waiting on Charles to visit her when she’d heard his ship had come to dock; however, it had been two days now and she’d seen hide nor hair of him which, while she wasn’t really surprised, shouldn’t have bothered her. Still, she couldn’t help a small sinking feeling in her gut every time it went like this. Who was she besides one of his surely many port girls? There wasn’t proof per se, that he’d been with other women while he was away, but she’d worked at the tavern long enough to know sailors. Charles wasn’t just a sailor though, he was a pirate, and a handsome one. He’d come stomping through when he was good and ready with no explanation as usual.
She knew she didn’t love him, not really. Who could love a man like that? Not a pirate, but one whose only true love was the sea. No, Katherine knew she could never compete with a force of nature, but it brought her a small comfort to know at least it wasn’t just her that Charles couldn’t love.
Doing her best to put Charles, the Ranger, and the sea from her mind, Katherine went back to wiping the bar. It was past midday, but not quite late enough for the usual crowd to start trickling in, so the place was fairly empty aside from a table of men playing cards and a few drunks still passed out in the corner. She still had time to finish her other tasks before evening came and the real work started. Pouring drinks, fetching food, snarky back talk, and swatting overly friendly hands were all part of her nightly routine. Sometimes she missed those few years after the shipwreck when she was too young to work in the tavern proper according to Mr. Guthrie. She’d worked in the kitchen for her room and board then only dreaming of being able to save enough to buy herself passage out of Nassau to the colonies where she might be someone else. Now, at seventeen
Katherine had been working in the tavern for just over a year and still, that dream seemed far away.
A creek of a floorboard just behind her had Katherine turning sharply only to see Kit the kitchen boy. He hated that nickname though so Katherine did her best to keep it just to Kit -even if no one else bothered.
“Didn’t mean to startle you miss Kat.”
He had a soft quiet demeanor which usually allowed him to pass unnoticed when he wanted to -creeky floorboards notwithstanding.
“Oh, it’s alright Kit. How are you this afternoon?”
Kit surveyed her with a slight frown on his lanky face. “Mr. Le Goff is in a temper.”
Knowing how the cook could get, Katherine gave a little nod and pulled out a stool for Kit.
“Clean some glasses out for me?”
“He’ll be expecting-“
Katherine arched a brow pointedly. “I’ll speak to him.”
That made the youth huff and grumble as he took the seat. “I don’t need nobody fighting my battles for me.”
“I won’t. I’ll just tell him I called you out here to give me a hand,” said Katherine in a diplomatic way. “Does that serve?”
Kit just picked up a glass.
The rest of the afternoon passed with ease and by sunset, it seemed Mr. Le Goff had cooled down because he came to get Kit. He gave Katherine an earful about appropriating his help, but his heart wasn’t in it. Mr. Le Goff loved her. Katherine had a feeling she must remind him of someone, but she’d never asked and he never said. It was just the soft way he treated her ever since she’d shown up at the Guthrie tavern. Katherine wasn’t able to dwell on it though because by then business was really starting to pick up. Men were flooding in from the docks and ships hooting and hollering for drinks as usual so she got to work.
Everything was moving along apace for a time in its usual way. Until a pair of strangers came into the tavern; a blonde blue-eyed man who was quite a bit taller than his partner though the shorter auburn-haired of the two hardly seemed to mind as he took the lead upon entering the room. Katherine, who was behind the bar at the time, paused in pouring a draft to watch the men as they took up a table together in the far corner.
She had the stray thought that it was odd no one else found them as interesting as she did. On the surface, she couldn’t see anything about them that really stuck out (aside from the sheer size of the blonde) or that ought to have caught her eye, but there was something.
Perhaps it was just how handsome they were in comparison to the regular clientele. Of all the men she’d seen while working at the tavern Katherine couldn’t say she’d ever laid eyes on a pair like them.
“Kat!” Snapped a voice at her side causing Katherine to fumble slightly with the pitcher.
She shot a glare at Emelie, one of the other barmaids. The older woman just scoffed and snatched up another mug.
“You better get Billy and his boys their drinks now or I’ll have to do it. And if I do it, I’m taking half the tip.”
Rolling her eyes, Katherine snatched up the mugs and scampered off to Billy’s table. Billy, a tall man with a dark tan and thickly muscled arms, grinned at her as she placed down the drinks. He wasn’t like most of the other pirates. Billy was a good man, Katherine thought. Better than Charles at least and she always found herself wondering why it hadn’t been him she’d let herself get entangled with.
Billy slipped an extra silver into her palm and thanked her as he handed her the coin for the drinks. A quick sweet smile was all Katherine could offer as a thanks before she had to move on.
She really should’ve paid Billy more attention.
Only a short while later, Katherine noticed the two strangers still had an empty table and she glanced around for any sign of Emelie. Not having spotted her after a minute of looking, Katherine made her way over to the pair herself.
They had been speaking in a hushed tone when Katherine approached, but they both stopped when she reached them.
“Can I get you, gentlemen, something?” She asked.
The blonde gave her a contemptuous look which would’ve easily earned him a sharp word had it not been for the interjection of his companion distracting her.
“Wine?” Replied the younger of the two. His accent was unfamiliar and exotic. “Or mead perhaps? Which would you recommend?”
“The wine is cheap and the mead is alright.”
He caught her eye as she spoke and for a moment she almost forgot what she was saying. His eyes were stormy and deep. The sort that were easy to become lost in and she almost did. “…but the ale is the most popular. It’s locally made.”
“Mead,” grunted the blonde.
His monotone brought Katherine back to herself and she nodded to him before glancing back at the auburn-haired man without directly meeting his eye.
“I think I’ll try the ale. Good to sample the local flavor, isn’t it Eric?” His question was directed at the blonde.
A smirk crept across Eric’s lips. “Of course.”
Discomfort swirled briefly in Katherine’s gut at the sight of that smirk, but the moment passed when the other gave a short laugh.
“I’ll be right back with that.” And she quickly made her way to the bar.
When Katherine returned with their drinks the men stopped talking again and paid her promptly with a gold coin. Her brow shot up at the sight of it.
“This is too much. It’s only-“
“Keep the rest.” The auburn-haired man locked eyes with her intently. Katherine felt a strange draw to him, but this time she couldn’t look away. “When are you finished working?”
“Midnight.” She didn’t know why she told him. He was a stranger. She didn’t even know his name.
“When you finish work you-“
But he was cut off by a bottle shattering nearby causing both of them to turn sharply toward the cause of the ruckus.
There was Charles, holding a broken bottleneck and scowling at the three of them. His gaze narrowed in on the pale hand Katherine hadn’t even noticed resting on her forearm. Immediately she snatched her arm back and withdrew from the table as Charles stormed over.
“What do you think you’re doin?” He snarled at the man. “And who do you think you are?”
“I was thanking the lady for her kind service,” replied the auburn-haired man. His tone was icy. “As for who I am, it’s not your concern.”
“Not my concern when you’re getting hands with my woman.” Snapped Charles.
Katherine could’ve laughed. She could’ve if she couldn’t tell how far gone Charles was and if the tension in the corner hadn’t been so thick you would’ve had to cut it was a knife. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Eric seemed to be squaring for a fight, but the other man was not.
“My apologies, I wasn’t aware she was married, but I was hardly being inappropriate.”
His cool tone was overshadowed by the absurdity of his words and Katherine couldn’t help herself. Her hand flew to her mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggle, but it was no use.
All three men turned to her then. Eric’s sullen expression showed a hint of amusement, Charles was confused, while the auburn man only raised an eyebrow.
“Godric,” said Eric, followed by a sentence or two in an unfamiliar language.
Godric nodded to Eric and turned to her.
“My apologies for the trouble. We’ll just be on our way. Have a nice evening Katherine.”
And as they left Katherine couldn’t help wondering how he had known her name.
She didn’t have much time for the thought though as Charles was shooting her an annoyed look and she needed to get back to work. Telling him as much Katherine saw his frustration bubble, but he just rolled his eyes and went off toward the bar.
He’d end up at the whore house tonight she knew, but a part of her couldn’t be bothered with caring. For all that she’d missed him, Katherine supposed she hadn’t realized how surface-level their relationship was until the moment the stranger, Godric, had implied she was married to Charles. What a ridiculous notion. He’d stormed in there, almost caused a fight, and would likely be gone again for who knew how long soon.
She glanced at Charles a few times as she went about her work the rest of the evening. He never met her eye though he did look her way from time to time almost to check if she was looking at him. After a while, presumably, when his temper had cooled down, he did start chatting to a few ladies Katherine knew to be of low character. Seeing it set her teeth on edge and she resolved not to so much as glance his way again that night.
When it was time for her to go the tavern was still open, but less crowded and easily handled by Emelie. Pocketing her tips, Katherine shot the older woman a quick wave which was returned as she made her way out into the cool spring night. There was a slight breeze that rustled the loose pieces of her hair as she glanced up at the clear sky. For a moment or two, she just stood there staring up at the sky wondering what her life would be like if her ship hadn’t been wrecked.
She would be living in Georgia with her aunt, uncle, and cousins. Perhaps her brother would’ve come to see her at some point, their relationship might’ve had a chance to improve. Their father… wouldn’t have died in the wreck, but just the thought made her sigh and that made the dream disappear. If she did ever save the money for passage from here all the way to Savannah how could she prove who she was? Surely her family had thought her dead for years now.
Looking away from the sky, Katherine was startled when she noticed she was not alone. Godric leaning casually against a nearby building and hidden partially by shadow. She gasped, a hand flying to her chest involuntarily as she stepped back. He stepped into the lantern light.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
A small part of her somehow doubted that from the amused glint in his eye.
“You didn’t…frighten me.” Said, Katherine.
Godric just smiled lightly, but there was still that glint in his stormy eyes.
“May I walk you home?”
Ordinarily, she would have said no, but when she met his gaze again she felt that same something drawing her in. Katherine hesitated. He stepped closer, his gaze intent. She felt at that moment she couldn’t deny him anything.
“Of course.”
Without any prompting, she took his proffered arm and they set off.
“Where’re you from?” Katherine couldn’t help asking after a few minutes of silent walking.
“I am from many places,” Godric answered cryptically. Then he asked. “Where are you from?”
“Scotland,” she replied vaguely.
He nodded and they lapsed back into silence.
A little while later they turned onto her street and Katherine slowed her pace as they approached her home. She felt compelled not to lead him to her home for some reason -like if she did then something bad would happen. As she came to a halt, so did Godric beside her and he gave her a quizzical look.
“Is everything alright?” He asked.
She turned to him feeling anxiety building in her chest as she remembered.
“How did you know my name?”
He raised a hand to her cheek resting it there gently though she stiffened at the touch. Something told her even if she tried to run, she wouldn’t get away. Godric turned her to face him looking up only slightly to meet his eye.
“I know you. You know me. We’ve always known each other.”
The words immediately released the anxiety she was feeling. It was strange. She hadn’t known it until he’d said it, but now Katherine knew it to be true even though she couldn’t remember how.
“Oh, of course.” She reached up to touch his hand, smiling. “How did you find me?”
Godric’s bros furrowed momentarily.
“Did my brother send you?” She asked. “I thought he never got my letter…he never wrote back.”
“No, I’m sorry Katherine. I was not sent by your brother.” Godric brushed his thumb lightly over her cheekbone.
Her breath caught in her throat. “But how do I know you?"
His face which up until then had been mostly unreadable to her showed a flicker of emotion and Katherine felt rather than knew it was sadness.
“It is not important. You won’t see me again.”
Katherine’s brow furrowed. “Why not?”
“My Childe and I are leaving this island.”
She frowned. “I’d like to leave too.”
Godric smiled. “You will.”
The moment he said it, she knew she would. She would leave. The indecision she’d been feeling over whether or not she could do it seemed to evaporate instantly. Whether or not her family believed her, she would still leave this God-forsaken pirate-infested island. But-
Anger appeared in the furrowed brow and downward tug of Godric’s lips. “Is not worthy.”
“He isn’t.”
“No. He’s beneath you.”
Katherine nodded.
“You are beautiful,” Godric whispered. He removed his hand from hers and stroked her cheek with his knuckles.
Katherine hadn’t really thought of herself as a great beauty but she’d known she was certainly pretty and had her charms. With Godric’s words, she felt it truly as she never had before and believed it.
“So are you,” Katherine responded without thinking.
“I am not.” Said Godric flatly.
Katherine frowned. She didn’t like that he couldn’t accept her compliment. Truly he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. When she opened her mouth to retort Godric brushed his thumb over her lips and Katherine fell silent.
“I must go.”
Her frown deepened.
“We will see each other again.”
“I’d like that,” said Katherine.
Her lips quirked upwards slightly.
“As would I.”
Godric considered her for a long moment. His eyes scanned her features thoughtfully. Then slowly he leaned in nuzzling his nose against her cheek gently and sniffing her. It wasn’t until then that Katherine realized Godric’s skin was quite cool or rather cooler than it ought to be even with the chill. She shivered and he withdrew slightly to look at her.
And she did. The worry over his chill seemed to float away on the next breeze that swept gently through the street. As Godric leaned forward again, Katherin’s eyes fell shut. He ran his nose along her jaw inhaling deeply when he reached the spot just below her ear which caused Katherine to shiver.
“I will not hurt you,” Godric told her.
“I know.”
“You won’t remember this,” he said. He sounded detached as if he was also telling himself not to remember.
“I won’t?” Katherine asked.
“No. I walked you home.” She nodded. “You invited me inside. We had a drink and talked.” He paused to withdraw from his nuzzling below her ear. “Then you got tired. I left and you went to bed.”
“Oh,” said Katherine. She was starting to feel sleepy. “Yeah. I’m getting tired.”
Godric suddenly leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth. His fingers knotted themselves into her hair as he pulled her to him. Her shock prevented Katherine from responding and just as she started to he was pulling away.
“Tomorrow you’ll pack your things, get on a boat, and never come back here.”
“I never wanted to stay here.”
“You don’t have to. You can make a home somewhere else. You’ll have a family. You’ll grow old and you’ll be happy.”
A beat of silence passed.
“And you won’t think about Charles ever again.”
Katherine sighed. It felt good to let go. Charles was holding her there.
“Will I remember you?” She asked.
Godric hesitated.
“Maybe someday.”
It wasn’t part of his glamor, but a wistful mutter before suddenly Godric was gone and Katherine stood alone in the street wondering why she was out there. Frowning, she wrapped her arms around herself and turned quickly to return inside. She must’ve walked….someone out. A flash of stormy eyes, auburn hair, and soft lips came to mind. It was strange though because she couldn’t remember who had been visiting her and it was so late. She was tired.
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
sanguine | din djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, angst, yodito’s name spoiler, face reveal, sexual references but aren’t toooo explicit
a/n: this is part two for maroon. 
i made up a planet because i couldn’t find a planet that wouldn’t be obvious to hiding Mandalorians, ya know? I’ve never written smut before and as much as I wanted to include it, I’d just ruin it BUT I’m learning lol. also, happy new year to everyone! I hope this year brings you joy, health, and happiness. please enjoy and let me know what you think!
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No matter how long it has been, you are always thrown back to the day you lost everything. Your necklace is a constant reminder of the death of you. No matter if you’re at the market buying the supplies you’re running dangerously low on or if you’re in the midst of stitching up a laceration - your hand always finds its way around the symbol of pain.
The gunfire. The screams. The tears. The loss.
The nightmares are a virus you cannot get rid of with medication. After all these years, the past plagues you even after you have tried your hardest to move on.
When you made it to the planet Alegoria, the emperor, Krusean, took you all as his own people. The warriors who were once faithful to the creed willingly relinquished their armor for civilian clothing in order to conceal their true heritage. You witnessed every brave soul you saw defeat Mandalore’s invaders once upon a time diminish to discomfited individual’s seeking purpose aside from duty. Alegoria gave you the opportunity to become the independent being your father always wanted you to be, but every time you took five steps ahead, the thought of him infiltrated your mind and you retreated into the shell of a person you arrive as.
Because of your skill set you found yourself excel with, Emperor Krusean found it ideal to have you stay in the palace as his assistant. You preferred not living in a home you did not earn, but you agreed to always carrying a commlink. An agreement that you felt safe with. You found yourself comfortable in the presence of the emperor, or Krusean as he liked to be called. He was an older gentleman, nearing his sixties, and he was a man with a heart of gold. You reminded him of his daughter, his army’s lieutenant, who gave her life for her father’s. You both had a connection, and he became your family as you did his.
So much, that he was only person on Alegoria, aside from your own people, who knew about your lost love.
The day was as every other with the exception of the sky being painted in rich reds and pretty pinks – something that happened every three to four months. You knew a sanguine palette awaited tonight’s night sky. Always a beautiful sight.
As you ran your daily errands, you began to note the people of Alegoria, the former Mandalorians to be exact, seemed on edge. You walked up to a few and they came across jumpy. You looked up and you caught sight of three ships and one of them gave you the fear you have not felt in a long time – a tie fighter.
As it appeared to be landing, chaos unfolded.
The screams and tears returned, but the gunfire was absent.
You felt sick. You could not move but were forced by one of the emperor’s guards. They barked out orders to shelter themselves and reminding them of the evacuation plans if needed. The guard escorted you back to the palace in a speeder made specifically for attaching life-boards. They were the evacuation plan.
Once through the palace walls, you ran straight to the emperor. As you ran, you could not help but to attach your hand on your signet and ring adorning your neck. You brought them up to your shaking lips, giving them both a kiss and whispering an apology to whoever was listening. You found the emperor barking orders at his general to secure the city’s perimeter – his people’s safety came first.
He spotted you and ran to you, bringing you into his arms and placing a kiss on the crown of your head. You could not stop shaking as he held you, telling you that everything would be okay. He informed you that the radars did not detect any other ships – just the three crafts and seven life forms. He asked you to go into the safe room underneath the palace while the situation get assessed and you oblige, knowing he must have thousands of thoughts running through his mind.
While you sat underneath the fortress, you thought back to him. You were able to move on from losing Mandalore, but you could never move on from him. You clutched his ring in your hand and let out the tears you had been suppressing for years. You never allowed yourself to vocalize his name, let out cry about him.
“I miss you so much, ner kar’ta. I have never given up on you, but I couldn’t wait around and do nothing.” you kiss his ring and continue to voice your ache. “The people I was with, my love, they aren’t you. They could not make me feel shielded from the galaxy’s wrath like you did. I’ve stayed here because I didn’t want to miss you when you came to find me, but I- I don’t know if I can go through life unknowing of what’s out there.” You jump as you hear the door of the safe room unlock and swing open. You see Emperor Kursean come in with this look on his face that you have never seen while in your presence – sympathy.
He refuses to answer your questions and protests of leaving the room. He leads you to the room you never made yours. He stops in front of the tall doors and brings you into his arms. You return his hug and ask a simple question before he leaves you.
“Krusean, am I going to die?”
He looks at you incredulous. Why would you ever ask him that question? How can you think that he would let you die?
“Sweet girl. What you will see through this door is the past you need to either close or welcome. You need to stop running away from what made you stronger.”
He places a single kiss on your forehead and leaves you.
Your hands begin to shake. You cannot help but to feel scared. You do not know who or what can be behind these doors and you do not know why they are here. You take a deep breath in and it comes out with a quiver. You place your trembling hand on the handle and push down. You hear the distinctive click and you lightly push. The room is pitch black except for the crimson light bleeding through the balcony. You step inside and close the door behind you. You feel the second being in the room, but you are not frightened. It is a friendly aura which eases you. A minute passes by and as you are about to leave you hear it. The sound that you have been longing to hear all these years.
His voice.
You tense at the sound of his voice saying your name. It pleads for you to stay and so you do. You are not scared for your life, but now as you have heard it, you fear for your heart. You cannot take another heartbreak. You just would not survive turning around and this voice telling you goodbye for the final time, or worse it not being him at all.
The voice says your name one more time and you finally slowly turn. You feel as though your heart has stopped and splattered over the floor.
It is not him.
You have never seen this warrior before. The armor is not a design you recognized, but the color is what gives you a sliver of hope.
It is silver. Mourning a lost love.
You find yourself staring at the figure in front of you and your eyes catch the handle to the weapon of the Mand’alor.
As you have been taught to do by your father, you bow your head as a sign of respect.
“Su cuy'gar, ner Mand’alor.”
The Mand’alor says nothing; he only reaches out to stroke your cheek.
“Su cuy'gar, ner riduur.”
You felt as if time froze. This cannot be him. This cannot be your love. The di’kut you fell in love with could not have become the leader of Mandalore. You could not stop the tears any longer.
“I-I can’t… How did… is it really you?”
He placed your delicate hands into his and his helmet appeared to be nodding. He is shaking again. You can feel it once more.
“It is my love. I gave you my word. I promised I would find you. I never stopped looking for you. I just hope I’m not too late.”
You shook you head, giving him the answer he hoped to receive.
“Din,” you whispered just enough for it to kiss his ears.
You did not know what overcame your body, but you blinked and your arms were around his neck; his around you. You sobbed his name repeatedly into the small opening between the lip of his helmet and his broad shoulder and all he can do was cry with you.
He had finally found you. After years of searching every planet he was sent to, he finally found the person he gave his entire being to. He felt whole. You felt complete. He held you in his arms so tight, you felt as if you became stone. A statue carved to perfection with the two central pieces fitting together with a seamless union.
“I also promised you something else if I remember correctly.”
As much as you did not want to let go of him, you let your arms fall from his shoulders, but held his hand in yours. With your free hand, you fished out his ring, your engagement ring. He held his ring with both his first and second fingers and smiled in his helmet. You kept it, he thought.
“I promised you a proper riduurok, did I not?”
You genuinely smile for the first time in a long time and nod. “Yes, you did. Are you finally making me a part of your clan?” You take a glance at his shoulder to examine the signet gracing his pauldron. “You managed to kill a mudhorn, cabur?” Din looks over to his pauldron and tilts his helmet back to you.
“I had some help. You will be joining my clan and making it three.”
“My foundling, Grogu.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“He’s with his kind now. I promised him I’d see him again and I hope you would be by my side.”
You delicately place your hands on either side of his helmet and bring your foreheads together. “Make me your wife, Djarin.”
“We only had one more vow to recite if my memory serves me well.”
“I’ve waited to long – we’re starting over, my love.”
He leads you to the balcony and a minute later, you are officially a part of Clan Djarin.
You glance up to your husband and although his silver helmet sits upon his shoulders, all you see is him.
“Yes, riduur?”
He takes a step in front of you and kneels. He looks up to you and places both your hands on either side of his helmet. For as long as he can remember, Din Djarin perceived himself as this cold-blooded mercenary who only cared about the credits and reputation he would gain, but after finding the kid and learning how it was to feel human again, Din Djarin is vulnerable.
“I’ve dreamt about us for so long and as I stand here now, I feel as if we never each other – just time. As my wife, I want you to see the face that our children will resemble. I want to be able to make love to you without the tint of my visor. I kneel before you as I ask you to remove the helmet that conceals the identity of your husband.”
You grace his helmeted forehead with a chaste kiss as you press the button to unlatch Din’s helmet. You sluggardly lift his helmet up and away from his face – eyes still closed as if he would suddenly regret his decision. Once completely off, you hear his unmodulated voice speak your name and you feel your heart begin to race.
You open your eyes and a grin appears on your face from ear to ear.
“Ner riduur, I knew you’d be handsome, but it should be a crime for you to be hiding this face.” He smiles brightly at your compliment. “I also didn’t know you had a dimple! My love, you’re captivating!”
You stay mesmerized by his beauty as he furiously blushes at your gazing face.
“My husband, would it be too fast to ask for you to touch me?” you plead.
“Would it be too fast to admit that I want to toss you onto this bed and make love to my wife?”
“No. I’d be upset if you didn’t. That would mean you changed. You used to be inside me with my hands pinned against the wall every chance you got.”
His eyes filled with desires and before you knew, that is exactly where your hands were – pinned against the wall.
The sanguine night sky illumination was only a factor to your husband’s stamina – one that allowed you to rest several hours later.
mando’a translations:
ner kar’ta = my heart
Mand’alor = the sole leader of Mandalore; king of Mandalore
Su cuy’gar = Hello - lit. ‘You're still alive.’
ner Mand’alor = my King
ner riduur = my spouse
di’kut = idiot
cabur = protector
tags: @theocatkov​
part 3 to maroon - brick
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 15
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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“What the fuck did you do?”, Nina almost screamed. Filip moved his hands in a calming gesture. “Calm down, las’. There’s still a shitload of 7-year-olds downstairs”, he said. “I’m sure the mom is over the hills at the Mayan parade you’ve had set up!”, Nina snarled. She panicked, and began heaving for breath. She almost tripped over her own feet to reach her bag with her inhaler, but Tig made it to it before her, dug it out, and threw it to Filip; who pressed the canister top, and held it to Nina’s lips. She sucked in the powder, and felt air returning to her lungs. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”. “It’s fine, Nina. Everything is fine”, Filip said, and rubbed her back soothingly.
Nina ran for her bag. ”I can’t be here right now”, she said. “Good, because you won’t be for long”, Filip said. “What are you talking about?”. “You’re going home, little sister”, he smiled. She scoffed at him, and grabbed her bag. Before she could reach the stairs, T.O. once again blocked her way. “My knee. Your balls. Move!”, Nina growled. “Try me, kid”, T.O. grinned. She tried for pleading instead. “You don’t know… Please just let me go. I can’t go back. I can’t do that to… Please!”. The sound of feet on the stairs made Nina’s knees buckle, and T.O. swept her away to go sit on a stool by the bar. “Please, Taddarius…”, Nina whispered. “This is how it has to be”, T.O. replied. “Now keep your ass in that seat until we tell you otherwise”.
The Sons all gathered to greet the incoming guests. Bishop came up first, giving Filip a half hug. “It’s cold as fuck up here”, he said. “It’s 70 degrees, you didn’t come to Alaska”, Filip laughed. Bishop gave him a friendly smile, before greeting Tig. The rest of the Mayans came up behind Bishop, each in turn greeting the Sons. Nina wanted to crawl into a hole, but they all seemed to pretend like she didn’t exist; at least for now. Only EZ shot her a half smile, as he came up behind the full patches. She looked down at her hands, unable to return the gesture. When she finally lifted her eyes again, she scanned the faces of the Mayans. She saw that neither Gilly, Creeper or Angel was among them; and she was unsure whether to feel relieved or distraught at the fact that her former lover wasn’t there. Of course he doesn’t want to see me, she thought to herself. Nina didn’t know why they were there. It would be in MC fashion to throw her into a van, and drive her back to Santo Padre, to force her to fulfill her one-year promise, or lock her up in a dark room with a couple of rattlesnakes as punishment for going back on her deal; but she was also sure that SAMCRO wouldn’t let her get hurt, so the snakes seemed less likely.
Rat came up the stairs. “The mom decided to take the kids to the Chuck-E-Cheese down the road instead”, he said. “Good riddance”, Filip grinned. “Means we can break out the whiskey. Nina…?”. He looked at her meaningfully. Take you place behind the bar, he seemed to be saying. She slowly got to her feet, and slipped behind the counter, taking down the top shelf scotch. It was set up next to the framed picture of Jackson and her, at Nina’s no-baby-on-the-way-shower. Jax had a cigarette hanging from his lips, and his arm hung casually over her shoulders. In his free hand, he held a packet of condoms and birth control pills; and his grin was brighter than the sun. She’d always been impressed at how he’d managed to smile so widely, without letting his cigarette fall from his lips. Nina looked happy and a bit drunk in the picture, and her eyes were locked on her brother; full of awe and familiar love. Tearing herself from the memory of one of the happiest nights of her life, Nina lined up a row of glasses, and began pouring. Her hands were shaking, and she spilled some of the whiskey on the counter.
“Let me do that”, EZ said, having appeared next to her. Nina swallowed thickly, and handed him the bottle; before wiping her hands. “It’s a long ride to take from San Pad”, she said quietly. “We made a pitstop in San Bernardino”, EZ said, and shot her a look. “Oh…”, Nina said, and had to swallow again to wet her throat. “And Creeper, Angel and Gilly are holding down the fort at the scrapyard, I take it…?”. She deliberately didn’t mention Angel first or last, to make her seem indifferent. “Not exactly… Creep and Gilly are”. He sounded like he wanted to say more, but decided against it. Nina sighed deeply. “EZ, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… I’m just sorry”, she said bellow her breath. “I know, hermanita”, he said. “We’re good”. He shot her a smile, that reminded her how too precious for this world he was, and she couldn’t help but smile back at him.
Gathering the glasses on a tray, she went over to serve the bikers, who had gathered around a couple of tables. Serving first Filip and Bishop, her eyes met the Mayan’s for a split second. His gaze was enough to make her want to fall to her knees and plead for forgiveness. He didn’t look angry, or even like he wanted an apology; but he did look like he had a couple of things he wanted to say – it just wasn’t the time. Once she got to Coco, he looked up at her, and winked slyly. A smile ghosted her face, and she went back behind the bar.
The bikers all sat and shared road-stories for a while, with the Mayans needing to relax and feel solid ground under their feet. Nina grabbed her cigarettes, and started for the stairs. Tig got in her way, and gave her a knowing look. “Not running… I just need a moment”, she said. She held out her little finger. “Pinky-swear”, she added. He smiled, crooked his own finger with hers, and kissed her forehead; before letting her pass, and walk down the stairs.
A couple of broken balloons and an unused piñata littered the floor of the ice-cream shop. She picked up the brightly-colored cardboard mule, and set it down on the counter, before getting behind it, and lighting a cigarette. Digging through the freezer, she found the strawberry-marshmallow ice-cream, and scooped a couple of spoonfuls into a bowl; immediately digging in. She sat for a while, smoking and eating the ice-cream, and stared into the dead eyes of the piñata. It was probably full of small packets of organic raisins, and Nina frowned at it; before punching it, and making it fly across the room. It broke open, and revealed bags of dried apricots. “Would have been better with condoms…”, she muttered to herself, and put some more ice-cream into her mouth.
“What did he ever do to you?”, Taza said from the doorway. Nina gulped down the frozen treat, and smiled embarrassedly. “She was full of shit…”, Nina replied. Taza chuckled, and went to sit across from her. “Got any pecan?”. She dug through the freezer again, and fixed a bowl for the VP; topping it off with some whipped cream and a bright cherry. “Dig in”, she smiled. Taza took a spoonful in his mouth, and smiled brightly. “This place sure as hell beats the scrap-yard”, he said. “Just wait until I whip out the sprinkles”, Nina grinned.
It was strange sitting there with Taza. They’d spoken when she was with the Mayans, but they hadn’t been especially close. She respected and liked him though; and knew that she would have come to care for him deeply, if she’d stayed longer in Santo Padre. “How have you been, kid?”, Taza asked. Nina couldn’t lie. “Not good”, she muttered. “All of this… I feel like shit for going back on my promise to you”. Taza raised a meaningful brow at her. “And you miss Angel”, he said. Nina nodded. “But this is how it has to be. I can’t go back to Santo Padre. It’s not safe”. “We’ll keep you safe”, Taza said. “It’s not about me”, she replied.
Tazza sighed. “I was in love once… He was my one and only; and when I lost him… I was destroyed. I threw in my patch, and gave up…”. Nina was surprised at the sudden sharing of heart. “But you’re still Mayan", she said. “This isn’t the first patch I’ve worn", Taza said. “Years ago, I rolled with Palo. I was a Vato”. “You?”, Nina askes disbelievingly. Taza gave her a soft smile. “I wasn’t always the intelligent gentleman outlaw you see before you now”. Nina let a smile ghost her face. “Well, if you were going to pick up a cut again, you chose the right patch, in my opinion”, she said, before frowning deeply. “If my opinion even matters anymore”. “It does, kid. You’ve become family to us”, Taza said. He took her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. "But the reason I’m telling you this, is because Angel is family as well. And he’s not doing very good right now”. A jolt of pain and fear went through Nina’s body. “What did he do?”, she whispered. “He did what I did, when I lost my Davíd…”, Taza said, and let go of her hand.
Realization struck, and Nina felt her already broken heart break even more. “He left the club?”, she croaked. Taza sighed deeply. “He came on the lot a few nights ago, drunk off his ass… He threw his cut at Bishop’s feet”, he said. “I believe his exact words were; None of this shit means shit anymore. Fuck this shit”. Nina frowned deeply. “He’s not exactly eloquent when he’s drunk, is he…?”. Taza chuckled. “No… But he was speaking from the heart. He seems to have lost his meaning to everything”, he said. “To Angel, his path with the club lead to you. When you left… that path didn’t make sense anymore”. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone else. That’s why I left”, Nina said quietly. She chewed her lips for a moment. “And I hate that he is in pain… but at least my leaving didn’t get him killed. If I’d stayed…”. “He would have died?”, Taza asked. “Not him”, Nina croaked. “Hmm”, Taza said shortly.
Before tears could reach her eyes, Nina turned around, and threw her bowl into the sink. She cleared her throat, and shook herself. “Besides, Daniella will get him back on track… In whatever way she can. She’s pretty dead-set on being in his life”. Taza frowned. “You should come upstairs; listen in on the meeting”. Nina felt a chill go through her. “What did you do?”, she croaked. “She wasn’t the snitch!”. “We know… Still; come on”. He got to his feet, gave the piñata a slight kick; and went towards the back door. Nina followed behind him; heart racing, and worried about what she was about to hear.
“Welcome to church!”, Filip said, as all the bikers had sat down. Nina slipped through the door as quietly as she could, and went to take her designated seat by the door. She had her own chair there, for when she was asked to join a meeting for one reason or another. It wasn’t often, but it would happen on occasion, when SAMCRO were planning to receive out of town guests, and they needed her to set up the party; or when they needed to prove to themselves how very gender-inclusive they were. She still couldn’t sit at the table though. EZ was stood next to the chair, leaning against the wall, as he had the time, she’d been called in to templo at the scrap-yard.
Filip continued. “So, you’ve come to take away our girl again”, he said. “We have, yeah”, Bishop replied. He sat at the opposite end of the table, facing Filip. The great presidents were convening. “She promised us a year, and she left after less than a month”. He shot Nina a look, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Is that all? Because if it is, I’m sure we can come to some monetary agreement”, Filip said. “Nina claims it would be unsafe for her to return to San Pad. I know we agreed that we’d let you take her back there; but we’re not about to force her to go anywhere, unless we’re absolutely positive she’ll be in no danger”. “We kept Nina perfectly safe while she was with us. Any fear she felt was unfounded”, Taza said.
“You’re wrong!”. The words fell from Nina’s mouth, before she was able to stop them. “I’m sorry”, she muttered. “No, my love. Continue”, Filip said. Tig nodded encouragingly at her. “I can’t go back… It’s not about my own safety… Just, please!”, Nina pleaded. “You year is not up, and we need you at the clubhouse”, Bishop said calmly. “That’s it? You came to Charming six man strong, driving for 8 hours; just for Nina’s well served whiskey sours?”, Filip chuckled. “Might be her perky attitude”, Tig said, and looked at Nina. She grimaced at him. “Look! So cute…”. Nina desperately tried to make up a reason why she couldn’t go back to Santo Padre. Daniella would call Sala the moment she saw her; she was sure of it. Those two little boys would be dead within hours. In the end she sighed. “Ok… I’ll go with you… But not to Santo Padre. Take me somewhere else, lock me up in the dark and… sell my kidneys. I don’t care, I just can’t be seen in San Pad!”.
Bishop frowned deeply. “We’re not gonna hurt you, Nina. We care about you… But our club is in deep shit without you”. “What are you talking about?”, Quinn asked. It was one of the first times Nina had heard him speak at the table. He was still growing into his confidence as a member of SAMCRO; after his years as a nomad. Bishop looked at Nina. “Someone killed Daniella. We believe it was the Vatos Malditos”, he said. Nina gasped, and almost slid from her chair. “Oh god… Oh fuck!”, he croaked. “She was… What happened?”. “Someone let it slip to the Vatos that the woman who killed Palo’s primo was hooking up with Angel; and publicly, that was Daniella”, Hank said. Nina shot an angry look at Bishop, reminded of his master plan of making Angel treat Daniella as his old-lady. “Involved; like…?”, Rat asked. His pureness was almost too much to handle. “What, you wanna know the positions?”, Coco chuckled. “Probably doggy… reversed cowgirl… Sixty-nine…”. Nina pulled off her sneaker, and threw it at the Mayan’s head. He ducked, and narrowly escaped her attack. “That’s my sister you’re talking about”, Filip growled. “She’s a lady. Good old-fashioned missionary is more like it. Good access to the tits…”. Nina took off her other sneaker, and threw it at Filip, hitting him in the chest. “Ow!”, he exclaimed, and threw the shoe back at her. The was a rumble of chuckles around the table. “Are you done laughing at my sex-life?”, she sneered. “Fucking wannabe man-whores probably wouldn’t know a good wheelbarrow if it hit you in the face!”. “Are you sure you want her back?”, Happy chuckled. She shot him a venomous look. “What’s a wheelbarrow?”, Rat muttered. T.O. whispered in his ear, and Rat visibly blushed.
After a moment of heavy breathing, Bishop’s former words hit Nina again. “Daniella’s dead? Do you know if she talked to anyone before she did?”. “As in ratted?”, Riz said. She nodded. “She didn’t. We know she wasn’t the snitch”, Bishop said. “A couple of days after you left, Angel broke a bottle of tequila, and threatened to shove it up her infected cunt, if she didn’t talk about what she knew about you. She spilled the beans on what she’d figured out, but swore up and down your secret was safe with her”. “It was kind of sickening to watch, actually”, Riz said. “Angel was taking her home, when he was crammed between two vans on the road. One of the drivers shot Daniella in the head with a .38”, Bishop said. “Angel…?”, Nina rasped. “He’s fine… physically. His bike was pretty banged up, because one of the vans bumped in to him”, Taza said. “He managed to drive it away, but it died out about two miles from Daniella’s body”.
Nina got to her feet, and began pacing the floor. She was hyperventilating, and shaking her hands in front of her; feeling a prickling sensation under her skin. “She… made me leave”, she rasped. “Daniella made me leave”. “How, niña?”, Coco said. Nina met his serious expression, and tears began falling from her eyes. “She found out about Abel and Thomas”, she said, and looked at Filip. “She said that if I didn’t break it off with Angel, and left Santo Padre, she’d let VM know about them…”. Once again heaving for breath, EZ came over to her and pulled her into his arms. “Do you need your inhaler?”, he whispered. “No, I’m just… Fuck”, Nina replied, and let herself be enveloped in his embrace.
“That absolute gash!”, Filip roared. Nina heard something break, and turned to see that Happy had picked up his chair and slammed it against the wall; making the legs shatter into small wooden splinters. Rat got up, and found a new chair for Happy. “I’ll call SAMDINO. Make sure Nero’s farm has some security for a while”, he muttered, and slipped out of the room. Happy sat down, and Quinn patted his shoulder calmingly. Tig looked like an actual nuclear bomb had gone off inside his head, and he had murder written all over his face. “Did they bury her yet? Because I want to rape her corpse with a knife!”. “She was cremated two days ago”, Taza muttered.
“Who are Abel and Thomas?”, Riz asked. “Jackson’s sons”, Filip said, his face grim. “He sent them to Norco with his ex-wife before he died; to keep them safe from the life… Hurting them – even threatening them – is a death sentence”. “Well, VM got there ahead of you”, Bishop said. “Nina, I’m sorry that you felt the need to keep this from us. We would have helped”. “Daniella had Sala on fucking speed-dial. You wouldn’t have been able to do anything”, Nina said. She pulled out of EZ’s arms, and stepped over to the table. Without another thought, she sat down on Rat’s free chair. Filip gave her a short nod. “I was just trying to protect my nephews”. “I get that”, Bishop said. “And I hope you know that we hold no grudge against you for leaving. I just wish we’d known, so this could have been cleared up sooner”. She gave him a sad but thankful smile. “And we still need you back”, Taza said.
Rat reentered the room, and when he saw Nina in his seat, he simply got another chair, and sat down next to Coco. The Mayan gave him a crooked smile, and nodded. “Packer is on his way to Norco”, he said. “I called Nero too, and he’s on high alert. He’s gonna call in his old gang-relations. The boys are safe”. Nina sighed deeply. Abel and Thomas would be safe; she knew it. Now she just needed to know the next step for herself. “What do you need me for?”, she asked Bishop. “Well, first of all, we want our brother back at the table”, Coco said. Bishop shot him a look, which Nina couldn’t quite read. “Palo figured out Daniella wasn’t Gael’s killer either”, Bishop said. “How?”, Nina asked. “Because the snitch sent him a picture of you and Gael dancing the night of his death”.
“Fucking hell…”, Filip said, receiving agreeing groans from the rest of the table. “Does he know where Nina is?”. “No, he hasn’t linked her to SAMCRO, but he remembers her from the party”, Taza replied. “He wants us to hand you over, Nina”, Bishop said. “It’s either that, or war”. Nina let out a muffled whimper. “Well, that’s not happening”, T.O. said. “Nina is our family, and we’re not handing her over to be killed”. “And neither will we”, Bishop said. “She’s family to us too; and beyond any unwritten rule about not letting family get hurt, we don’t want her dead”. “So what are you suggesting?”, Tig asked. “Well, as you’ve probably figured out, we’ve got a snitch in our clubhouse”, Taza said. “We know it’s a woman, because Palo let it slip that she’s been in contact with him on the regular”. “We need to draw her out; get rid of her somehow”, Bishop said. “And what better way than give her to Palo, letting him think it’s Nina…?”. Nina’s eyes widened at his words. “We’ll bring Nina and the snitch to a location we’ll set up with the Vatos; show Nina to Palo; and then switch her for the snitch, last minute”. “What is this? Mission Impossible? You can’t just put a Nina’s face on a different woman…”, Tig said. “That’s your problem with this plan? You want to let another woman get killed because of me!”, Nina said. “No! I can’t spend the rest of my life looking for women to take my place in front of Palo’s gun, whenever he figures out, he killed the wrong person…! I’m done. No one else is getting hurt on my account”.
She stood up, and stormed out of the room. Filip followed her, waving at the others to wait in church. He closed the door to church, to give them some privacy. “Look, whoever this woman is, she was willing to let you get killed. For money or whatever; I don’t care”, he said. Nina went over to face the bar, and took a firm hold of the railing in front of it; as if it would keep her from exploding in rage. “I am not letting this happen. I swear on Jax’s grave, I will run back to the border on my bare fucking feet; and throw myself in front of Palo’s gun. I’m done! I can’t have another life on my conscience!”. “Nina Teller!”, Filip growled. He only ever used her full name when he meant business. “You owe your Jackson to live! He loved you and cared for you; had you take his name when he got guardianship of you, to get you out of that loveless place you called a home up until you were 16… You are his sister! If he were here, he would not let you throw away your life like this”. He put his hands on her shoulders, and forced her to look at him. “And I won’t let you either. I love you, kid! Like a sister… like a fucking daughter; and you know what that means…”. Tears were forming in his eyes, and Nina threw her arms around his waist, and buried her face in his shoulder. “I’m sorry… but I can’t let this happen. There has to be another way”, she said.
“You have to”. Nina pulled away from Filip, and saw that EZ had come out of church to join them. “If you don’t, Angel’s gonna get himself killed”. Nina shook her head confusedly. “What are you talking about?”, she asked. “Angel’s planning on crossing the border to kill Palo. He wants to keep you safe, and he thinks taking out Palo and VM will do that”, EZ said. “He won’t make it within 10 miles of Palo, before he’s dead!”, Nina exclaimed. “You’re right…”, EZ replied. “But he’s gonna do it anyway… He’s broken, Nina. Doesn’t give a fuck about himself or anything else anymore. You have to come back with us, and convince him that this plan is better than his own. He made me swear not to tell Bishop, but…”. “I’m not gonna let him hurt himself…!”, Nina exclaimed. “He’s already hurt”, EZ said. “But this is suicide”.
Nina went to sit down on a chair, feeling her knees beginning to give under her. “So… either I let someone die in my place, or Angel kills himself; is that what you’re saying?”. “It’s the only plan we have… And going through with it – keeping you alive like this – is the only way I know to keep my brother alive”, EZ said. He sat down across from her, and took her hands. “I’m begging you… For me; for our pap… Please…”. “What if he already…”, Nina began in a panicked voice. “He promised to wait until I came back. Pap is keeping an eye on him”, EZ said. “Does he know you’re here?”, Filip asked. “No. If he knew there was a chance, we’d bring Nina back, he’d shoot out the tires of all our bikes, and probably set them on fire”, EZ replied. “He thinks she’s in danger in San Pad”. He gave Filip a meaningful look. “She’s not. You’ve got my word… if that means anything coming from a prospect”.
Filip stepped over to the table, and EZ got up to face him. “What is this woman to you, prospect?”, he asked. “She’s my hermanita. My little sister… and I love her”, EZ replied. “Then your word matters, brother”, Filip said, and placed a firm hand on EZ’s shoulder. He looked at Nina. “You are getting on the back of this Mayan’s bike, and letting him take you back to Santo Padre”. “Filip, I’m…”, Nina began. “No discussions! When I saw you in San Pad, you were alive… happy, for the first time in forever. You’ve been a fucking wreck this last week; even worse than I’ve ever seen you before”, Filip said. He took her hands, and pulled her up to stand. “Relight that flame inside you, luv’. Fucking shine!”.
Her Angel was in pain, and he was going to get himself killed. Nina couldn’t let that happen; and now that she knew that Abel and Thomas were ok, she wasn’t ready to let the chance of any kind of future with him slip through her fingers. She knew that she wanted to find a way to avoid anymore death, but for now, Angel was her focus. “Tell them I’ll go”, she said. EZ sprang for the door to church, closing it behind him. She heard muttering from inside, before it opened again, and the Mayans all streamed out; the Sons at their heels. Coco came straight up to her, and pulled her in for a tight hug. “I fucking love you, ma’”, he said, and kissed her temple. Nina smiled at him, before she turned to face Bishop. “I’m sorry I left the way I did; but my reason was valid. I know you know that”, she said. “I’ll give you your year, and whatever time after that makes sense; and I’ll go ahead with your plan for now… As long as you admit that your plans have a tendency to suck!”. “Yeah, pimping out Angel was not my best move”, Bishop admitted with a smile. “We love you, kid. I love you. And I promise to do whatever I have to do to keep you safe…”. “Are you fishing for a hug?”, Nina smirked. “No, he doesn’t hu…”, EZ began. Bishop put his arms around Nina, and pulled her in for a tight embrace; taking every Mayan in the room by surprise. “Tiggy, call Lyla, and make them clear out of Nina’s place, before she comes by to get her things”, Filip said. Nina winced. “You know what? No… After what’s probably gone on there today, just burn that shit”, she said. The Sons all laughed.
Nina looked around at the faces of her Mayan family. “Let’s go home”.
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dismalzelenka · 3 years
For DADW: "Either way you choose you cannot win" for Handers. "I choose to not understand these signs" for Nanders.
Played around with some more canon divergent Journeyverse AU 😌 first @dadrunkwriting prompt I've taken in probably three years and it goes absolutely nowhere and also the prompt has been VERY loosely interpreted but here we are 🥂 bottoms up kiddos
“Either way you choose, you cannot win,” Fenris hissed.
“We are far past the point of winning,” Anders shot back.
Hawke rubbed her eyes with her palms. She was mostly concerned about the fact that they were still in the Deep Roads, and she was being completely honest, she was only half paying attention to the argument unfolding in front of her. It happened enough; she already knew how this would play out. They'd yell it out and then reluctantly slink back and apologize and everyone else would breathe a sigh of relief for some fucking peace and quiet. It was positively formulaic at this point.
She was far too preoccupied with other matters today: namely, the Grey Warden archer carefully fixing the fletching on his arrows at the edge of camp.
His name was Nathaniel. He'd served with Anders in Amaranthine.
They'd been lovers.
Quite frankly that last part bothered her less than she'd have expected, but beneath the faint prickling of jealousy that wove its way beneath her skin whenever he and Anders locked gazes, there was far more fascination on her part than anything else. The secrets were what ate away at her more than anything else, but she'd grown up being taught the importance of keeping them enough to let well enough alone.
It helped that he was easy on the eyes.
“Is something the matter, my lady?” he said quietly.
“Just — Hawke,” she croaked. “I'm not a — it's just my — Hawke is fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. I'm — going to go over there.” She pointed vaguely in the opposite direction and wandered that way immediately.
Alright, with a voice like that, she was pretty sure she couldn't blame Anders one bit, she decided with a huff. She kicked a stray piece of stone and watched it bounce down the edge of an overhang into the darkness below.
Sure hope that didn't awaken something.
“You alright, Sparkles?” Varric's voice floated over her as she scuffed her boot into the stone.
“I would be if you'd stop calling me Sparkles,” she shot back automatically.
He laughed, a hearty sound from the center of his chest. “Trust me, you'll like the alternatives I came up with even less.”
“Try me,” she muttered.
She'd been beginning to nod off against the rather large rock she'd slumped against when someone shook her awake by the shoulder. “Are you alright, love?”
Why did everyone keep asking her that?
“Just tired,” she mumbled automatically. Maybe if she convinced enough people, she'd start believing it herself.
“Have you even eaten yet?”
“Why, were you too busy picking fights to notice anything else around you?” Ouch. That wasn't fair, and she winced the second it came out of her mouth. She squeezed her eyes closed and took a deep breath. “Sorry. I'm — I didn't mean that. This place makes me jumpy. I don't know how he stands it.” She jerked her head at Nathaniel, casually reading something by the firelight. She was babbling and she knew it, but she was too wound up to make herself stop.
“Journey. Breathe.” Hands on her shoulders, gentle touches drawing her back to reality. “I'm fairly certain the Deep Roads could make an arse out of Andraste herself.”
“Are you so smitten, that I could insult you to your face and you would still compare me to Andraste?” she teased as she tipped her head back and finally met his eyes.
“Keep looking at me like that and I'd let you get away with a lot more than insults,” he breathed before planting a kiss on her forehead and pulling her to her feet. “And you haven't eaten, have you,” he said finally with a flat stare.
“Is that a statement or a question?”
“It's a very exasperated healer who doesn't wish to see the light of his life waste away into nothing before we see daylight again.”
“You're certainly one to talk,” she grumbled, but she let him lead her back to camp anyway with minimal complaint. “Light of your life, you say?” she prodded with a grin when he thrust a bowl of beans into her hands. “What colour?”
“Hmm.” He paused thoughtfully. “D’you know the moment you open your eyes in direct sunlight after a night of drinking so much you forget your own existence?” His grin broadened. “That colour.”
She smacked him on the chest in offense. “Prat,” she snorted.
She trailed off when she looked up and saw Nathaniel watching them with an odd expression on his face. Anders cupped her face between his hands. “I'm with you,” he said firmly. “Past be damned. This is just a favour for an old friend. Nothing more.”
She didn't know how to respond to that, so she just squeezed his hand and left it alone.
It was impossible to mark the passage of days in the Deep Roads; Hawke awoke from a markedly troubled sleep and helped tear down the camp in exhausted silence. The entire place reeked of death and rot tinged with the sickly sweet scent of something that wanted to be enticing but managed to land well on the other side of foul. It reminded her of her first trip into the Deep Roads, and of her less than glamorous voyage to Kirkwall before all of this ever began.
“Where did you learn how to fight?” Nathaniel asked curiously after a skirmish with darkspawn left her winded and depleted enough she managed to knock back an entire lyrium potion without gagging. Sweet, metallic, and unnaturally cold as it slipped down her throat like distilled sweat. The taste still made her shudder even as she stuffed the bottle back into her pack.
“My father taught me,” she said with a grimace. She spat the last of the taste onto the ground. “Ugh. Awful stuff.”
“Was your father also an apostate?”
“Of course not. The Circle gave him permission to traipse about the countryside with a wife and three children. Sometimes they sent Templars after him, but only as a friendly little game.”
“I'm choosing to interpret that as a joke that wasn't at my expense.”
“So you're an idiot and a poor comedian.”
He snorted. “And you're remarkably short tempered for a Champion.”
“You didn't think I killed the Arishok with my winning personality, did you? I'm sorry to say you're going to be awfully disappointed.”
“You're working so hard to win me over,” he said dryly. “And here I've been told I'm quite likeable beneath the scowl.”
“Is that so?” She squared her stance in front of him and planted her hands firmly on her hips with a smirk. “What happened to the last person who tried to win you over?”
His gaze flickered ahead of them to Anders as his expression darkened. “I watched him die,” he muttered. He took a deep breath. “We're falling behind. We shouldn't linger.”
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yurissweettooth · 3 years
Yay For 10 Years!🎉🎉
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I have zero shame in saying that this show (and all related media) has changed my whole life in so many ways! I’m also not shy about the fact that my heart belongs to Yuri (I think he's so cool!) so of course he was the obvious choice for who do draw and write a short, light hearted fic about (which you can read below the cut!)💚💙
I hope everyone has had a lot of fun on this day!
“Let’s see here… Kotetsu Kaburagi damage report… Kotetsu Kaburagi damage report… Kotetsu Kaburagi... damage report…” Yuri exhaled, massaging the bridge of his nose in exasperation as he leafed through a mountain of crinkled, coffee stained documents. It was of little to no surprise that the pile of paperwork that had been left on his desk while he was away on his lunch break could mostly be attributed to the more reckless half of Sternbild’s prized crime fighting duo. With  a sigh Yuri lifted the receiver of his phone, intending to politely  remind Tiger once again not to use his paperwork as a coaster. However,  before he could dial the number it had begun to ring.
“Justice department, Yuri Petrov speaking.” he answered, suppressing his annoyance and replacing it with his usual polite tone.
“Good afternoon Mr. Petrov, it’s Agnes. As you might be aware, today is the ten year anniversary of the Justice Tower’s remodeling.” She explained.
“Yes. Ten years ago today all of the walls were repainted and appliances replaced to give it a more modern look to reflect a new era of Heroes.” She stated, as if that really explained anything at all.
“That is quite lovely to hear Ms. Joubert. The paint is, uh, a very nice color.” he stated politely, not even sparing a glance at the boring grey walls that surrounded him.
“Look, you don’t have to flatter me, I couldn’t care less about the paint color either. The sponsors are complaining that the returns on their investments are decreasing so we need to drum up some interest and we need to do it fast. Anything can be a reason to celebrate if you look at it right way, right? I mean, do you have any better ideas?”
“Ms. Joubert, I’m merely a judge… I apologize, but I don’t see what this has to do with me.”
“Yes, precisely! You’re a judge, bringer of justice, upholder of the law!” she passionately proclaimed “Apollon media stands for justice, as such it’s only natural that we feature a man of true justice like yourself..”
Yuri elicits a sound of smug approval and leans back in his chair “Well, I suppose when you word it in that way I may be able to see your point.”
“Fantastic! So, of course our main heroes are our star attraction, our second league heroes are a nice side dish, but you’re probably somewhere right below that when it comes to your importance in delivering justice. ”
“Oh… is that so?” Yuri asked as his briefly amused tone fell flat at her backhanded remark. Was she trying to insult him?
“Precisely.” she said as though she believed she had just bestowed upon him the complement of the century. “I was thinking, in a way you’re kind of like a minor hero yourself so maybe we could spin it as something like a ‘Meet Sternbild’s Hidden Heroes!’ segment. Of course we’ll save all the big questions for our real heroes but maybe at some point we could get your perspective on what you think of the decor of the tower and what it’s like to be a judge.”
As he began to feel the backs of his eyes grow warm he made the quick decision to end the call there before he lost his composure. “Agnes, you always have incredible ideas and I wish you all the best with pursuing that. Thank you for the information, I'll think it over. I’ll be returning to my paperwork now but please don’t hesitate to contact me again when you are in need of further assistance.”
“Oh, you're doing paperwork? In that case, this is actually a great opportunity. Stay put and act natural, I’ll be there in just a minute with the supplies and the film crew.” Agnes made a point of hanging up quickly before he even got the chance to protest.
Just as she’d promised, Agnes and her posse were barging into his office and shoving cameras in his face before he’d even been able to sign off on the first document. She wasted no time in bounding right up to his desk, turning towards the camera.
“Would you look at that, Sternbild’s very own Judge Yuri Petrov, hard at work as usual!” She gracefully spun around and held the microphone out to him “So tell us Yuri, what are you working on currently?”
He pursed his lips, just barely masking his disapproval. He had never been one for interviews, especially not while presenting simply as Judge Petrov, so he figured it best just to blurt out a few simple answers and get it over with quickly. “Well you see, Wild Tiger has again destroyed more property in one week than a group of delinquents could in their entire lifetime." He motioned to the papers in front of him "As you can see, I have a lot of damage reports that I need to-.”
It was rather frightening how suddenly Agnes was able to snap out of her charming, professional mode. “Hey! Take your job seriously!” she shouted, slamming her hands against his desk. “You’re supposed to say ‘Heh heh, I’m sure you would love to know but that’s confidential.’ and wink at the camera or something like that.”
“You’re right, my apologies." Yuri said. He tucked a lock of his hair behind his ears, shuffled his papers, and started again. Sorry, I can’t tell you what I’m working on as doing so would violate the code outlined in article 371 B of the Sternbild judic-”
“Ugh, forget it, moving on. Ahem, soooo Mr. Petrov, why don’t you tell us a little bit about what led you to become a judge and why serving justice is so important to you.”
“Ah, well that one is simple.” he said, putting on the vaguest semblance of a friendly smile “I believe that justice is important.”
Agnes nodded her head, the microphone still pointed at him for a moment longer. That is, until the moment passed without him saying anything else. “I-is that all?”
“I’m not sure what else can really be said on the topic.” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Jeez, who hired this guy…” she muttered. “Well, can you at least tell me what you think of the new penholders?”
“Aren’t these from ten years ago?”
“Well they’re newer to you because you only started working here just within the past two years.”
“Mm, I see… but couldn’t the same have been said for the pen holders that were here before the renovation if they were still here now? Does being new to me really make them new?”
Agnes lowered the microphone and gave him a look that would make even Lunatic tremble in fear. “Alright, I had hoped we could avoid it but you’ve left me no choice but to resort to plan B.”
The words “plan B” didn’t leave the most pleasant feeling in Yuri’s gut and, for a moment, he almost considered interjecting and asking to restart the interview. However, Agnes already had her mind made up and was knocking his paperwork and carefully arranged pens aside to make room for a large box displaying the company logo. She rifled through the contents, producing a large cupcake bearing red and green candles in the shape of the number ten among other various party related items.
“Bring it in.” Agnes motioned her crew closer to get a better shot as she rounded the corner of his desk and placed a large, blue and green party hat on his head, pressing it down to try and make it sit smoothly atop his curly hair. “You like these colors, right?” she asked, as if the colors were what might be wrong with this.
“Well, yes but…” he started, but she silenced him with a simple wave of her hand.
“Alright, great. Here, put this in your mouth.” she said, shoving a party blowout, rather reminiscent of Sky High's suit, towards his lips “Try not to get any lipstick on it, we need to reuse this for next year.”
“May I ask why you are making me do this?” Yuri asked, his resolve wavering.
“I’ve decided we’re doing a magazine interview instead. I’ll write out all of your answers for you, we just need a few photos of you to accompany them. Now, pretend like you’re having fun!” she reached back into the box, grabbed a handful of confetti, and sprinkled the colored paper over his head. “Cain, go go go!” she instructed, hoping not to have to waste all of their confetti on just one shoot.
Yuri complied, albeit begrudgingly, but only because it seemed to be the only way to put an end to this save for burning the place down. He gave her the smile she requested, posed with the cake, and shuffled his papers around a few more times to make it look like he had been working.
“Alright, that’s a wrap.” Agnes said at last “This should be enough to work with." She said as she began to pick what confetti she could from Yuri’s hair and place it back into the box.
“Ms. Joubert, I must ask, will something like this really be helpful to our image?” Yuri sighs.
Agnes closes up the box and sets it on the floor beside his desk.“Well, it will be interesting, that’s for sure.” she answered vaguely, “Thanks for your time, I think I can use what I got. I saw you eyeing it so you can keep the cake as compensation, just have the other stuff back to me by this evening.” She had already turned to leave before another thought popped into her head “Oh, and Yuri?”
Yuri, rather reluctantly, looked up with a questioning look. He prayed it wasn't another weird question or dumb photo idea.
“Maybe try to be a bit more cheerful sometimes, with an attitude like that people are going to start thinking you hate heroes or something. Plus, you actually look sort of pleasant when you’re smiling and having fun, even if you're just faking.” she shrugged. “Anyway, I’ll have a copy of the issue on your desk when it comes out.” she said, waving her crew after her and closing the door behind them.
Yuri, now alone in his trashed office, exhaled a sigh of relief at her departure. “I suppose the public wouldn’t be too pleased if they thought their judge hated heroes.” he remarks to himself as his glowing fingertips make contact with the candle wicks and set them alight. Once his hand had cooled he brushed it across the surface of his desk and collected the remaining confetti, repeating Agnes’s words from their phone call earlier about how anything can be a reason to celebrate. He took the stack of papers and shoved it into the bottom drawer of his desk. In a swift movement he sat back and tossed the confetti into the air above his head in celebration of ,what he just decided, was going to be a well deserved and much needed day off. As the scraps of paper rained down on him he recalled  her other words and smiled to himself.
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lupin72 · 3 years
What could have been
Anon asked for a fic where ‘Lucy figured out that she was about to be drugged and arrests Caleb and comes to work traumatised that she would have been kidnapped or something and Tim noticed that’. I changed the details a bit but I hope you like it!
Lucy sat in her favorite bar, with an attractive man in front of her, conversation flowing well as they waited to be served. And yet she couldn’t relax. It had been a while since she had found herself on a date. Lucy told herself that was why she had a feeling of unease when she regarded the man before her. Caleb was nice, friendly and he seemed to like her. A lot, if him showing up at the precinct was anything to go by. She had no reason for fear or tension, no reason to doubt his intentions at all. And yet she couldn’t get the voice in the back of her mind to shut up.
Even before she was an officer, Lucy had always been careful on nights out. Her parents had experience with enough patients to feel that it was important to drill into Lucy that she should never leave a drink unattended, never drink anything unless she had seen the bar staff pour it and to always let someone know where she was going. They were rules she had followed throughout her life. She didn’t know how many times such choices could have saved her life.
But this was different, Lucy reminded herself. She was on a date. They were supposed to be alone. But she hadn’t told Jackson where she was going.
The thought struck a pang of panic inside her and Lucy reached for her phone. As she did so, she heard Caleb order his drink and ask her what she wanted. Lucy looked up and tried to mask her uncertainty with a smile and ordered a glass of the house red. She wasn’t fussy after a day like she had had.
That was what it was, she told herself. Leftover unease from being around a serial killer all day. There was nothing wrong with Caleb. Lucy noticed the man in question was frowning at her and realized how silly she must have looked urgently trying to dig her phone out of her pocket.
“I’m not doing that bad am I?” Caleb asked, raising an eyebrow in a way that shouldn’t have been as endearing as it was. “Trying to call for help already?”
Lucy laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as forced as it felt, “Not at all. I just realised I never told my flat mate where I was going.”
“Oh,” Caleb paused, “it’s alright, I’m a gentleman, I’ll have you home by ten, promise.”
Lucy frowned. Her hands froze. Was that a red flag?
She shook herself, cursing her overactive mind and placed her hands back on the bar. She was a full grown woman, she didn’t need anyone’s permission and, despite the fact Caleb was obviously joking, she didn’t like the insinuation that she was acting like a child who was out after curfew.
Thankfully, their drinks arrived and prevented any award silence.
But then the world seemed to slow down. Caleb reached out to pay for their drinks and then smoothly grabbed both their glasses, pushing Lucy’s towards her and dragging his towards himself. It had looked causal, and it was all over in a second, but the movement of his hand had caught Lucy’s eye. There had been no need for him to touch her glass, no need for him to slide it toward her when it was already in comfortable reaching distance. And, had she imagined it, or had he spent a bit too long searching for his wallet? Long enough perhaps to lift something else along with it?
The voice, the feeling of unease, was suddenly too much and Lucy felt herself standing.
Caleb looked shocked.
“I’m sorry,” Lucy apologized, grabbing her jacket and moving away. “I’m not feeling too great tonight. I’ve had a bit of a terrible shift and I should have cancelled sooner. This wasn’t fair on you. You seem like a really nice guy, but I don’t think I can do this. I’m sorry-”
She turned to leave when she felt Caleb grab her arm. Tight.
“Wait.” His smile no longer reached his eyes and Lucy detected a hint of anger in his gaze. “Can’t we just have this one drink? I know I’m not the most attractive guy and I think I might have come across a bit strong when I showed up at your work, but I do really like you Lucy.”
Lucy paused, regarding his demeanor. There was something about the desperation in his tone that she didn’t like. Her gaze flicked back to their glasses on the bar behind them.
The date was over anyway. There was nothing more to lose. Lucy squared her shoulders and said, “If I asked you to down my drink would you do it?”
Caleb looked taken aback. “What?”
“If I asked you to drink it, would you do it?”
The anger on his face grew to the point he looked enraged.
“I thought so.” Lucy broke free of his grip and turned for the door.
Thankfully, a group of girls stumbled into the bar just as Lucy reached the entrance. One stopped and pulled the door back open for her, smiling as Lucy passed through. With a sigh of relief Lucy noticed that their uber driver was still waiting by the door and, upon the driver’s request, jumped in their car.
 Lucy never got much sleep. She had tossed and turned for hours thinking about what could have happened. She knew in her heart that Caleb had been attempting to spike her. Should she have told the barman? Hell, should she have arrested him? No, she once again reminded herself. Her evidence was based on a hunch, on suspicion and nothing more. Still, pushing herself from the bed, she decided she would call her mother later to thank her for her annoying persistence in reminding her to be safe growing up. For now, she had to get to work.
Lucy bumped into Tim just as she was entering the bullpen. “Told you to unwind last night Chen, not stay up the whole night, you look like you haven’t slept at all.”
It was disguised as a reprimand, but Lucy could tell that it came from a place of concern. “Had a rough night,” she replied. “I’ll tell you about it in the shop if you promise not to boast.”
Lucy knew that promise wouldn’t be kept. Tim had sensed something was wrong with Caleb. He had made all those jibes about the photos and tried to steal Caleb’s number from Lucy’s hand. But even if she did have to listen to him boast, part of her also wanted some reassurance that she had done the right thing. Caleb, after all, might have been innocent. It could all have been in her head.
They were in the shop for two minutes before Tim spoke, “So, Boot what did you want to tell me? I’m ready to gloat.”
Lucy explained what had happened on the date, her words tumbling into each other at such a speed that she wasn’t sure Tim would know what she was saying at all. Thankfully, he seemed to follow well enough and he didn’t interrupt.
“I knew there was something wrong with that guy,” Tim said when she was finished. Lucy rolled her eyes at that predictably being his first take away.
“Are you alright?”
The look of concern on his face took Lucy by surprise.
“Yes sir,” she answered.
“You did the right thing. Even if he was innocent it’s better to be safe than sorry. And with this new serial killer on the lose too, you can never be too sure.”
Lucy hadn’t thought about it that way. What were the odds that the new killer would target her? She knew that the number of men that turned to date rape drugs was scarcely high enough in the city of LA that it was extremely unlikely to be related at all.
Still, the thought was enough to send her head spinning.
“Don’t go there Chen,” Tim interrupted her spiral, bringing her back to the present. “You were switched on enough to notice what he was playing at. Not many would have. It shows you have good instincts.”
Just as Lucy was about to point out that Tim had just given her a compliment, he froze.
Lucy jumped, her hand automatically going to her weapon, whilst she scanned the horizon.
“That house is on fire, what do we do Officer Chen?”
Lucy quickly looked to the house Tim had gestured to and found no sign of smoke or flames. She realized immediately what he was doing, and her heart swelled in response, even if it had just stopped beating seconds before.
Lucy rattled off the protocol as Tim drove on, her nightmare of a night long forgotten.
 An hour later a call came in from Grey directly. A rare occurrence so that they both knew immediately that something was seriously wrong. Tim drove them to the address in a tense silence.
They joined a swarm of vehicles pulling up outside an abandoned farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere. In sync, they climbed out of the car and turned to where Grey stood at the porch, towering over the crowd of officers.
“Rosalind’s partner has struck again,” Grey announced. “A video was sent to the precinct half an hour ago of a woman in a barrel, we presume she is underground. Detectives were able to track the signal here. From the footage we believe this to be a recovery. I want you all to spread out, we’ve got dogs and metal detectors on hand. Let’s bring this girl home to her family and with any luck we will find something to put the bastard who did this behind bars.”
With sharp orders from the detectives, they broke out into their routine search formation: a line forming a grid that seemed far too small to cover the vast desert plane surrounding them. Lucy’s stomach churned as she walked in line next to Tim, a sniffer dog team to her other side. What sort of end the woman must have met? Alone, underground, in a barrel in this heat? It didn’t bare thinking about.
After almost an hour of nothing, the dog to Lucy’s right gave a loud bark and began clawing at the ground. The handler gave a shout and within minutes a flurry of officers began to dig. Dirt flew carelessly around them as they shoveled it clear. The only sound panting and the scraping of the sand. And then they hit metal.
The barrel exposed; they removed the lid. The sight that met them made more than one officer gasp, including Lucy.
They had found her.
Tim pulled the young woman up and laid her body out.
Grey was right. She was already gone.
She looked young, a few years younger than Lucy. Her long dark hair covered half of her face and Tim carefully pulled it back to lay her more peacefully on the sand.
Lucy jumped. The sight of the young woman’s face sent her stumbling backwards. Her hand flew to her mouth to try to stop the feeling of nausea that had overtaken her.
Tim, seemingly the only officer to notice, spun to face Lucy and immediately rose to his feet when he saw the look on her face.
“Chen?” He said, in the same soft tone he had used with her in the shop earlier, a tone she had heard him use so rarely. Lucy felt him reach out and clasp her elbow when she still didn’t respond.
“She was there,” Lucy stammered, forcing the words out between her loud gasping breaths, “She was there, at the bar…last night.” Lucy recognized the victim as the young woman who had held the door open for her.
It was clear the second Tim realized what she was saying. His other hand rose to catch her by the shoulder. “Chen are you telling me that-?”
“It’s Caleb. It has to be.”
They were gathering an audience from their fellow officers, both those who had helped to dig and those that were only now just reaching the scene. Lucy barely noticed them. All she could see was Tim. The fear in his eyes, his strong hands the only reason she hadn’t fallen to the floor.
Lucy choked, unable to hold back her tears any longer, they began to slip down her cheek. The terrible realization hitting them both.
“It should have been me.”
 Hope you enjoyed reading this! A reminder that I am still open for prompts!
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Lionheart Party
In straight white slacks, the dark green Cassell blazer and a button up shirt tucked in neatly, Tigre couldn’t have looked more preppy. His dark hair was slicked back in a flamboyant green bow that highlighted his aqua eyes. He smiled and greeted Lionheart members courteously as instructed by Celeste.
“Look them in the eyes, smile warmly and shake their arms firmly. Maybe pat their shoulders as they pass through the door but not too hard and not too soft, like a caress. Less with the ladies. Just a smile will suffice. Thank them for coming and direct them straight to the wine.”
“Really? The wine?” Tigre said, startled. 
“Yes.” Celeste grinned.
“Welcome! Thank you for coming!” Tigre said, shaking the hand of a guest and patting his shoulder as he walked inside. “The wine is on the bar to your left!”
Celeste didn’t bother even announcing the party campus wide. She was only interested in entertaining Lionheart members. He was the S-ranked student, but she was the host. She hung him outside the door like a decoration. Her first accomplishment here.
Word of the unorthodox living accommodations spread like wildfire around the campus but Tigre said he was fine with it. The girls were helping him tremendously and he didn’t care much for the rumors. He was excited that he was on his way to becoming a dragon-like person, just like his ancestors. 
The Lionheart men weren’t interested in him anyway. 
As he shook the hand of one tall blue-eyed man with the looks of a male model, he drew Tigre in for a surprise hug and asked, “So which sister is yours huh?”
Tigre laughed awkwardly, recalling the conversation in the car. The whole reason they liked him is because he didn’t demand their attention. “I uh… will let them decide that. It’s their choice.”
The man threw back his head and laughed. “Smart! I like you!”
“The wine is that way.”
The svelte handsome man winked and went that way, but he took his hand and dragged him inside. 
Tigre dug in his heels and trie to delay. “Wait, I’m supposed to... “
“Hey my buddy bought cookies. You should try them.”
Celeste stood like a bold centerpiece in the dorm, speaking to the three of them with a flute of champagne. She spoke in short clips, smiling in a floor length white satin dress, gesturing her dark arms and shoulders. Her neck glittered with a diamond on a thin gold chain. Her hair was done up in a braided crown.
Ruby was helping to serve the drinks and keeping everything stocked up. She had been talking to a man with dark skin and black eyes with straight hair held back with enough gel to make it stick together in lumps, when she suddenly broke eye contact with him and caught eye contact with Tigre. Her expression caught the attention of her suitor who followed her gaze back to him. As soon as he saw the Cassell S-rank watching them, he backed away, hands up in innocence and wandered off in defeat.
Ruby mouthed the words, “Thank you.”
Porsche was laughing on the couch in a green dress that was cut all the way up to her knees, leaving her leg completely bare as she crossed one over the other. The two guys on either side of her couldn’t seem to keep their eyes on her face, she wiggled her heeled shoe a bit and smirked when they looked before continuing her conversation about the wonders of her home country of Tanzania.
Tigre lowered his eyes a bit. They were having so much fun. He should do or say something, but nothing comes to mind. What they were doing was none of his business. They wanted to be friendly with all these people because they wanted to lead the club so it was important to show off in the meet and greet. He couldn’t hold a conversation like they could. If he tried to chat, he might ruin things. 
He nodded to himself that, for now, it was fine to hang out. When he reached the bar, he turned around and looked into a pair of beautiful dark eyes with a pale face. 
“Hey there.” Her skin reminded him of Celeste’s satin dress, smooth and shining in the light. He was supposed to welcome and smile and lead to the wine and that was all, but he found himself suddenly tongue tied. 
“I’m Veronica. A pleasure to meet you.” She held out her hand, palm down, displaying her painted red nails that matched her elegant straight gown.
“Hi…” Tigre looked at her hand. He wasn’t supposed to shake hands with them, right? Her hand wasn’t in the right position to shake anyway. His arm twitched, not sure what to do.
Veronica’s smile vanished and her expression darkened as she lowered her hand, but she smiled again, recovering. “This is the party right?”
“Yes. The wine is right over there.” Tigre said, happy to get back on script.
“I’m not interested in wine. I don’t drink.” She said, “And I know. I’ve been standing here for ten minutes.” She was standing over a tray of cookies. “Want to try some?”
Veronica smiled and stepped next to him. “Mind if I keep you company?”
“Not at all!” Tigre said. He felt a sense of relief not to be by himself any more. The cookies were good, sweet, warm and chocolatey. He reached for another.
The next person came up and Veronica stepped forward and shook his hand. 
“Veronica… fancy meeting you here.” The blonde man said.
“I’m a member of Lionheart now so…” She looked up at Tigre. “Tigre… is that your real name…?”
“It is.” Tigre nodded.
“Tigre, I’m Henry Everton. My parents are of an old dynasty in Poland that immigrated to the US during World War II and made money in the oil business.”
“Oh I see.” 
“Where is your family from?”
He almost said he didn’t know. But he did know. “Dragons!” he exclaimed confidently.
Everton wheezed for a second, trying to hold in his mouth full of wine, and then laughed. “Wow. That’s what it all comes down to right?”
Veronica nodded. “That’s why we’re all here. Cassell attracts the highest purity hybrids from all over the world. Tigre knows why we’re here as well. According to the registry, he majored in martial arts.”
“Oh really? You might as well so long as you have the physique and energy for it. I personally can’t handle getting into too many fights. But you look like you’ve been in a few yourself.”
Tigre self-consciously bit into another cookie. “I have.”
He felt a sudden sense of relief. He seemed comfortable just standing at the bar and holding a conversation.
“OH you know who has your same major? Alex.” He turned and shouted.  “Hey Alex!”
Alex looked to be about 6 foot 50 and about as wide. He lumbers across the living room and towers over Tigre like a goliath. Tigre didn’t remember this guy coming in. Wait…
He turned to the door. People were just walking in! He’d left his post and people were just flowing in like crazy!
Celeste was staring at him, with angry black eyes.
Panicked, Tigre looked up at Alex who stared down at him like he could pound him completely through the floor.
“Yeah I think he’s in like all your classes this is awesome! You guys should exchange numbers.” Everton beamed and slapped Alex on the bottom before going to greet the people coming in.
“Ah sure…” Tigre pulled out his phone that he got from Toyama and tried to remember how to add a contact. After a few awkward seconds he gave up. “Can I… just give you my number?”
Ruby has gone to the door for crowd control but she isn’t nearly the presence that Tigre apparently was. Soon, she’s surrounded and fielding awkward questions from guys who looked like they were drunk already. There must have been another party somewhere and maybe it had ended? Or were people here just drunk all the time?
Porsche wasn’t going to help her sister, she was busy taking selfies on the couch, holding out her phone and making a victory sign with her fingers. “Okay now give me all your numbers.” She commanded. All the guys were happy to comply.
Tigre finally got the number to Alex the Giant, who apparently was in all his classes.
He grumbled. “I look forward to seeing you in battlefield training.”
“Right…” He whispered. “S...same here.”
Tigre turned to the bar where three guys were filling the cups of the people in line. One man had a cup in each hand and spilled a bit on the floor as he walked back to the door to give beer to people as they were coming in.
He was so distracted he didn’t realize Veronica was talking to him. “As part of my study, I was tasked with researching S-ranks like Principal Anjou and Lu Mingfei. They seem very ordinary on the surface, but their minds are anything but ordinary. They’re not overly obsessed with anything in this world. Anjou appreciates good things in the world but can hardly enjoy them because this is not his world. Lu Mingfei seems to feel the same way. No matter how much he attains in power or status, he’s not truly interested in it. So it didn’t surprise me at all to see you outside the party on your own. This is exactly how S-rankers act.”
“I… I guess?” He stammered. He turned and caught sight of Porsche who was in a full blown make out session with one of the men on the couch. They way his  hand moved up her body and over her shoulders and then over her hair and…
Someone knocked into him and apologized. “Oh wait!” He looked up at him wide eyed. “You’re the S-ranker. That’s awesome! So are you half lizard or something? I hear you guys turn into dragons when you’re really pissed off.”
“I… don’t think so?”
The man shoved a beer into his hand. “Here bottoms up. I want to talk to you and hear your story. Are you from a whole family of dragonslayers?”
“Really? Where are you from?”
“Mexico… I…”
“Mexico? I haven’t heard a lot about dragons there but you know what? I had a sister who did a whole report on the legend of Quetzocoatl… I wonder if you have some sort of Dragon Lineage from that, but it’s also possible that Hybrids came from the Conquistadores. I mean, it’s possible that Cortez and Montezuma were hybrids… or maybe even Dragons!”
Tigre couldn’t walk without bumping into someone. The whole place smelled like alcohol. The music was suddenly extremely loud and people were bouncing in the living room. This was all his fault. He had one job. Celeste was going to kill him. 
The man ushered him onto a couch with two other people. He introduced them but he could barely hear over the noise. 
“By the way, I live downstairs down the hall. I heard the party going on and you know…”
“Wait, all these people live here?”
“Yes, like, I think three quarters of these people are your neighbors. How’d you get a pad like this? I mean dang, shackin’ up with the Smith girls? Lucky you.”
“They might kick me out after this…” He squeaked.
“No they won’t.”  This guy switched out his empty cup with a full one. “You’re kind of quiet…”
Tigre looked down at his cup and realized it was plastic and a shade of red. He didn’t remember these cups being in the bar area. “Where did this cup come from?”
“If you crash a party you bring your own booze. Common courtesy. So which one of those girls is yours?”
Tigre suddenly felt very dizzy and tired. “I don’t know. I don’t…”
“Oh come on, be honest… There’s one you got your eye on? I don’t want to step on any toes.”
“Porsche likes guys a lot. You should talk to her.” He kept trying to focus his eyes. People were laughing awfully loud.
“Excellent. By the way, Veronica is nice. You know if you don’t like chocolate.”
Tigre squinted at him and realized this was not the person who was talking about Mesoamerican mythology earlier. Someone else had sat next to him and he didn’t even realize it. He suddenly wondered if there was some sort of time skip and he’d been sitting here for a longer time than he realized.
It sank in that he was intoxicated. He didn’t drink that much. How could he feel this listless and out of it? He decided it was probably best to just stay on the couch and not move too much. He was afraid of falling because the room was tilting so bad.
Two freshman hooked up microphones and a beat started playing. They were speaking quickly at each other and insulting each other with quick words and phrases that somehow rhymed.  People cheered and goaded on the best rhyming phrases and much to his shock Celeste broke from the crowd and snatched the mic.
Her dress was slightly stained. “This is my party, this is my house, so listen up, Mama Celly gonna rap now. Yo all you fellas walkin’ like you wanna piece o’ me. But I’m not your baby girl who’s gonna go down easily! Disses just starting, Kiss and kowtow, I’m gonna take you ‘part as future Lady Lionheart!”
She wasn’t angry? She was having fun?
“Oh… good…”  Tigre slid down the couch, laid down and blacked out.
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iidascalves · 4 years
First Patrol Part 2 (hawks x reader)
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Hey! Back with a part two. I’m actually having a lot of fun writing this so i think i might do more parts. Thanks for reading, I always look forward to your reactions :) Please send asks or requests anytime! Tags: @blue-peach14​
Part 1 is here:  https://stalest-bread.tumblr.com/post/623110622140383232/first-patrol-hawks-x-reader
I’m not sure if that’s how its supposed to be linked but I’ll figure it out eventually haha.
You were seated at a table in the back room of the restaurant. You thanked the waiter as he poured you a glass of water. “Get whatever you guys want. It’s my treat.” Endeavor said from behind the menu. Although it was probably intended to be kind, you couldn’t image anything on his face other than a scowl.
“Oh, we plan on it!” Hawks joked as he snatched your menu from you. “Kid, you’re trying the chicken. It’s the best in the city.” You just smiled and nodded in response. You didn’t think Hawks would be this sociable. But I guess he’s not a fan favorite for nothing.
Once the waiter retreated into the kitchen, Mirko started to introduce you to Endeavor and Hawks.
“Since you saw her in action, I’m sure I don’t need to explain her quirk. But she-“ Mirko was cut off by Hawks.
“I love your enthusiasm, buy why don’t we let her introduce herself, Rumi?” The three shifted their focus to you and you began to fidget with the napkin that was in your lap.
“So as I’m sure you know, my hero name is (h/n). My real name is (l/n) (y/n). I’m in class 1-A with Shouto and Tokoyami.” You hesitated, not sure what else to say.
“(L/n), that seems familiar. Were any of your relatives heroes?” Endeavor questioned. The way his emotionless eyes demanded an answer terrified you.
“Yes, my brother was but he was killed when I was young.” You took a sip of water as a way to break the tense eye contact.
“Oh. I apologize for bringing it up.” Endeavor really was kind of shit at socializing. God forbid he ever tried to comfort anyone. An awkward silence plagued the table.
“You’re friends with Shouto and Tokoyami, right (y/n)?” Mirko did her bets to carry on the conversation after the tense pause.
“That’s right. I heard Tokoyami mention you a few times.” Hawks turned to you and smiled.
“They’re two of my best friends at UA. We train together quite frequently too.” You finished your statement just as the waiter came in with your food. You thanked him and he retreated to serve his other tables.
“Tell me how you like the chicken!” Hawks looked at you excitedly. “Tokoyami never gives me a good enough reaction. Kid’s too shy”. You smiled and then tried the chicken. Hawks was right, it was really good. You smiled as you chewed.
“It’s great! Kind of reminds me of the place ten blocks from UA.” Hawks perked up when you said that.
“Holy crap! I love that place! I used to drag Mirko there all the time.” Hawks was smiling like a little kid.
“Yeah, I remember!” Mirko chimed in from across the table. “Guess how many vegetarian dishes they had? ONE!”
“Is that why you always stole my fries?” Hawks teased. You smiled at the positive and fun atmosphere Mirko and Hawks supplied. You almost forgot Endeavor was there since he hadn’t spoken since you mentioned your brother. With Hawks and Mirko engaged in friendly banter, Endeavor felt the need to entertain you.
“So (y/n),” You turned to look at Endeavor. “what are you currently working on in school?”
‘I guess at least he’s trying to make conversation.’ You think.
“I’m working on my long-range attacks and also strengthening my forcefields.” You watched as he nodded.
“While dealing with that villain, I noticed you made a vaulting platform for Mirko. That was a nice strategy.” A compliment from Endeavor sure took you by surprise. He seemed like the type of guy to be especially stingy with those.
“Thank you! It’s a tactic Tokoyami helped me perfect.”
“Oh! Speaking of Tokoyami,” Hawks interrupted. “he can’t intern for me next week.” He pouted art the thought and turned to Mirko. “Mind if I steal her for the day?” Your face grew warm and you watched Mirko think.
“Fine by me as long as you bring her back in one piece.” She took a swig of her drink and looked to you.
Hawks turned back to you. “Well, what do you think? Want to be my intern for the day?” You smiled back at Hawks.
“Yeah, I’d love to!” Hawks smiled and gave you a slap on the back.
“Great! I’ll meet you outside of Endeavor’s agency on Thursday at 7.” Hawks took a sip of his water and you noticed Endeavor checking his pager. “Its a night shift, hope you don’t mind.”
“No, its fine. I stay up late most nights anyway. “
“Hawks, we have a call.” Endeavor stood from the table after putting some money down. Hawks got up and followed Endeavor.
“Thank you for lunch. It was nice meeting you both.” You called to them as they left. Endeavor nodded at you and Hawks fired finger guns and winked.
After the two left you and Mirko continued with your surveillance and headed your separate ways. Upon arriving back at the dorms, Kaminari, Momo, Shouto, Ochako, and Tsuyu were gathered around the tv watching the news.
“Hey guys, I’m back.” You greeted your friends.
“Hurry (y/n), they’re talking about you and Mirko!” Ochako yelled from the couch. You dropped your stud at the door and jumped into a chair. You waited for footage of you to appear as you listened to the news anchor.
“Pro rabbit hero Mirko took in a new intern today. They patrolled Mirko’s usual territory until about midday when tragedy struck. The two rushed to the scene and apprehended a villain terrorizing a family.”
The news channel showed footage of you holding up the car as Mirko kicked the villain.
“Way to go, (y/n)!” Ochako praised.
“Wait, wait there’s more.” Kaminari quieted Ochako.
“Unbeknownst to much of the crowd, this altercation actually happened in Endeavor’s territory. The number one hero and his sidekick, Hawks met up with the two after they had taken down the villain.” Clips of you and Mirko talking with Hawks and Endeavor came up on screen.
“You met my father, (y/n)?” Shouto asked you from a chair across the room.
“Yeah, I did. He knew I was your classmate and he even treated us to lunch.” You saw Shouto’s unease with this and he remained quiet and turned back to the tv.
“With some impressive skills shown today, this seems to be only the beginning for this young hero.” You blushed as your friends congratulated you on being featured.
“Thanks guys! Oh, I’m also interning for Hawks later in the week in Tokoyami’s place.” You mentioned.
“Damn, throw my name out there will ya?” Kamimari joked.
“Its only for a night. It’ll be interesting for sure.” You responded as you rose from the chair and got your things from the floor. “I’ve had a long day so I’m off to bed, guys.” Your friends responded with a chorus of good nights and you showered and chilled into bed. Your heart was still racing from the excitement of the day.
Your upcoming night with Hawks will surely be equally exciting.
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Mobius M. Mobius
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The man in the suit walked a bit ahead of them as they trailed behind “They offer you a position to work with them?” Loki asked looking ahead with a low voice “Affirmative. I'm assuming you also?” (Name) asked in a low voice also “Mmhmm… however, something doesn’t feel right about this place” Loki confessed.
They continued to walk and (Name) too the time to look him up and down and held an amused smile, Loki arched a brow and looked at her “What’s so funny?” “Nothing just odd to see you in that. You look so normal, granted a prisoner uniform of sorts. But so normal” she chuckled “I mean you’re a quote on quote “god” so seeing you so ordinary is just odd that’s all” “Keep amusing yourself darling” he said rolling his eyes at her “In all fairness miss the whole god like Asgardian attire” she mocked lightly. Loki gave her a small smile then smirked “won’t change the fact I could kill you right now if it were for this suppressor” “So you are just an ordinary man, give or take 5,000 years?” “I am not that old. I’m 1,048” Loki exclaimed, almost offended.
They finally arrived at this large door. Walking in it was a conference room with a large oval table. Loki and (Name) shared a look with one another  as the man in the suit asked them to take a seat, the two prisoners sat side by side “Now let me understand something. Looking through your personal files there’s no mentions of you two ever meeting. However it’s a little tricky with multiple timelines that had recently been created…” spoke the man “Sorry to interject just now but. What even is your name?” (Name) asked him “Oh my apologizes Mobius M. Mobius” he introduced himself before getting back to talking “so I want to know the chemistry you both displayed before you capture...it’s unheard of, unforeseeable” “With all due respect agent M. but when two people are in life or death situations it is natural to try and work together and get out hopefully alive.” (Name) held her expressionless look “Well say what you like but there was chemistry no doubt.”  Mobius shrugged “The idea is that we have you both work for us, (Name) would serve as more of a babysitter for you, Loki. Your reputation is known to be wavering on your alliances, and proved so in your possible futures?” “I beg your pardon?” Loki asked now engaging in the conversation and a bit offended of the suggestion of him needing a babysitter.
“If you look at this hologram projector this was you up till now, 2012. Captured by the avengers and was to be taken to your location point; for Odin’s judgment back on your home world, Asgard. However, 2018 from 2023… things go downhill from 2018 onward” Mobius spoke with grim in his voice.
Both Loki and (Name) watch Loki’s original future unfold. Loki being sent to life imprisonment, the Almother dying protecting Thor’s girlfriend, Jane. Loki’s first ‘death’ as he takes over Asgard; send Odin onto Midgard in a retirement home. Thor and Loki get Odin, but the Alfather dies. They find out they have a sister, goddess of death, Hela. The day of Ragnarok and the end of Asgard and lastly Loki’s second and final death, by Thanos’ hands- “The sun will shine on us again, brother-”
“That’s enough!” (Name) slammed her hands on the desk.
Loki stared at her in confusion. Although it was a hard pill to swallow to know he lost so much and despite trying to redeem himself it was short lived. But the death of his mother was the most effective one. Loki for once was silent. “That’s enough! You claim to hold balance and here you are showing him his ‘true’ future!” she yelled “the repercussions are absolute! Showing his future he will now try to prevent it as soon as you allow him to step foot out!” “Now agent (Name). Loki’s death is in a way a fixed point. It needs to happen. He is one of the biggest threats of the T.V.A and the multiverse time continuum. As long as Loki ceases to exist in 2018 it does not matter what time, day or location all that matters is that he is dead” Mobius explained calmly “That’s obscured! Granted Loki is dangerous, but surely he was shown to change his ways. In the end he chose to save his people of Asgard-” “He gave Thanos the space infinity stone!” Mobius spoke with a raised voice “To save his people!” (Name) snapped
Loki watched as this Midgardian woman fought for his future self. It shocked him, although aware that in this moment; he was not that person that had redeemed himself. But seeing someone genuinely fight for him brought a sense of warmth that he felt from only his mother. “So let me get this straight Mr. Mobius. If I take your proposition and conditions, you will have me get rid of other threats to the multiverse timeline, that is too hard to do yourselves. Inevitably after that you’d send me back to my time of 2012, to follow the said script and die of Thanos’ hand...and if I don’t I’d be a wanted man” Silence (Name) gave Loki an exacerbated look which he returned a look to tell her to trust him. Clenching her jaw tight she sat back down “More or less...but there is a catch” “Go on” (Name) hissed out “Well the end game is that you both kill Thanos… before he collects the stones but we would still have to kill you in 2018”
“Here are you. Your uniforms” Mobius spoke, handing them both a pile of clothing “before you get changed and we take off the restraints we do need to do one little procedure...follow me” Loki and (Name) walk with Mobius and walk into what looked like a medical bay. The two weren’t sure but they were seated in these chairs and automatic metal restraints came up. The two started to struggle in their seat “We already said we join this stupid organization” snapped Loki “Oh we know. But we need to put a space and time GPS bio-implant to make sure to track both of your whereabouts at all time... through time and space” Mobius explained as two people in white walked over to them and started to inject some kind of thing in their forearms.
Once the whole procedure was done the two changed into their uniforms in their separate change rooms while Mobius waited for them outside. When they finished up and in their new uniform; khaki trousers, blue button up and a dark navy tie and black closed shoes. Loki was wearing a T.V.A tan coat while (Name)’s was being tied around her waist as she rolled up her sleeves “The trousers are hideous” (Name) mumbled out “Agreed” Loki said quietly, giving a small smile. She looked at him with a raised brow. She wasn’t sure why he was smiling ‘he’s planning something’ she thought. She looked to Mobius as he started to show them around the compound. (Name) was emotionless as she was lost in thought until she hear Loki’s smooth voice “You remind me of someone back on Asgard” Loki quietly “Hopefully not a lover of yours. Wouldn’t want to damage your ego when I turn you down” she said half jokingly “Oh gods no, she is a very strong warrior” Loki chuckled “and don’t flatter yourself, I would never stoop so low to fall for some Midgardian wench” “I’ll ignore that last part. I’m surprised honestly, from what Asgard has been described and what has been on your file Asgard seems so medievalesque. So I’m surprised a woman would be allowed to fight. Given the whole prim and proper attitudes” she said rather casually. Loki stared at her a little baffled by her sudden friendly and casual attitude “It’s not common but is accepted we- people of Asgard tend to overlook gender and focus on your abilities as an individual.” (Name) took notice of his hesitation and frowned lightly. Their conversation fell for a moment. “Your file says Asgardian. You were raised as any other Asgardian, jötunn or not you are Asgardian.”  (Name) said with a small shrug “but what do I know, I am just a Midgardian”
Chapter 5: Day One Begins
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Hello! Welcome to the world of Naruto imagines! Can't wait to see more stuff from you guys, I already love what I see haha ❤ anywho, could we pretty please get headcanons for how the sand siblings would handle falling in love with their best friend(the reader)? Like, maybe they aren't sure if their BFF could ever feel the same way, how would each of them handle that? Hide their feelings forever, or eventually tell them bc they can't take it, or what? Just want your HCs on the topic, thanks!❤
So I assumed it’s implied that their BFF also likes them back. Also I’m so sorry that this request is so old. My apologies.
Gaara treasures you in every meaning of the word. Besides Naruto and his own siblings you were one of the first people in the Sand Village to accept him, one of the first to congratulate him on becoming Kazekage.
He’s still getting used to his own emotions after years of being practically deprived of them so he was slow to realize his ever growing feeling for you until one day. Boom. Helplessly in love. 
He’s tried to trace back to exactly when this happened but there’s no exact date
It could’ve been all those long hours you’d spend with him in the Kazekage office keeping him in good company.
Maybe it happened when you started bringing lunches to him and you’d have small little lunch dates.
Perhaps it was when you gifted him a small cactus for his birthday. It sat on the corner of his desk and served of a constant reminder that he had friends who cared about him.
Had it been even earlier than that? Could it have happened when you’d given him a hello hug? 
Had it been the telltale love at first sight? 
He’d likely never properly know. 
And he’d certainly never tell you about it. He’d forever hold his peace on the subject. Uncertainty simply being to great of a risk to overcome.
He cared for you too much to ever run the risk of scaring you off. He’d come up with dozens of reasons to justify never telling you his hearts greatest desire.
He was the Kazekage and if you were to be with him that would make you a target, on top of that being the Kazekage ate up his life he simply didn’t have the time you deserved to give to you. He knew next to nothing about the world of romantic love and he’s sure he wouldn’t be able to tend to you in the ways you would need. Emotionally and Physically. 
The only person he’d ever breathed a word of his feeling for you to was Kankuro. He’d opened up to him when he didn’t understand what he was feeling and Kankuro had been the one to tell him he was in love. 
And Kankuro knew something that was clear to nearly everyone else besides Gaara. You loved his back. It was so desperately clear, Kankuro would never understand how you two were so oblivious. 
Kankuro wasn’t about to let the love of his little brothers life slip away and he knew there was nothing he could tell Gaara to convince him confess and certainly nothing he could do physically to make him tell you.
So Kankuro himself just told you. 
Finding out Gaara was just as in love with you as you were with him made your heart sing and before you knew it your feet were moving.
It wasn’t unusual for you to visit Gaara in his office, the guards let you by without so much as a glance but it was however very unusual for you to just go in without knocking first.
The sudden intrusion startled him and left you a little flustered as you realized you’d barged in here without thinking of what to say. 
His first reaction made sense, he stood up from his chair and asked. “Are you hurt?” “No.” “In danger?” “No.” “Do you require something?” “No.”
Every no just confused him even further as he stared at you and settled on being quiet, he sat back down slowly and patiently waited. Surely you’d tell him what was going on if he gave you the chance.
Your face got hot in the quiet as you desperately tried to think but the thumping of your heart weighed out any rational thoughts.
So without a plan you walked over to him. 
He watched you with careful eyes, unsure of what had come over you, nothing dangerous but the look in your eyes and your flushed face left him grasping for answers.
He instead got a question as you rounded his desk to stand beside him.
“Wanna go on a date?” 
It was all you could think of.
He stared at you wide eyed for a moment, for once his monotone stoic voice failing him. You were asking him on a date? Did that mean…?
You offered out your hand as your heart started to beat with panic instead of excitement. 
He slowly reached over and took your hand in his as his answer since his heart seemed to be caught in his throat. His entire body felt warm in a way that was very different than the desert heat. He got up, paperwork completely forgotten and his undivided attention on you. 
A rare smile slowly appearing on his face as you laced your fingers with his…and now maybe he could pinpoint when he’d fallen deeply in love with you.
Year’s of dealing with his once unstable little brother and the harsh demands of the Sand Village Shinobi would make one think that Kankuro was unshakable, that it would’ve given him nerves of steel and in battle there was no question about that. But here? Standing in front of your house? He could be mistaken for a quivering child.
His feelings weren’t new to him. He’d been aware of his ever growing crush on you for a long time now.
He hadn’t even been bashful about his flirting. He complimented and teased you nearly daily.
And every time you’d throw your head back and laugh, hit his arm and tell him cut it out between giggles. 
Every time he’d join you in laughing but there would be a slight sting to his ego as you lightheartedly rejected his compliments.
He knew it wasn’t out of malice, outside of the battle field he wasn’t sure if you even had a mean bone in your body so he never pressed his compliments any further. 
Until today.
He’d been out with Temari when he spotted you. Talking to a couple of nobody low level Shinobi…laughing…hitting their shoulders like you hit his and hopelessness wrecked his stomach.
“How many times have I told you that you’re not the only one who noticed that Y/N is a great catch?” Temari asked.
She knew she had to say something to light a fire under her brothers ass since he’d let all her friendly advise go in one ear and straight out the other. She sometimes wondered if there was anything in that head of his.
Her words turned the hopelessness in his stomach into pure and unbridled jealousy.
Left with no rational thoughts he marched over to you and threw his arm around your shoulders, demanding your attention. 
You were happy to see him but a little wary of the attitude he seemed to be toting. 
“Hey, Y/N I was just looking for you, come on.” He said completely ignoring the people you’d been talking to, trying to pull you away from them.
“Wow, it is important? I was talking to–” “Anything is more important than talking to these two punks.” He laughed.
But you didn’t find it funny at all.
You moved his arm from around you and shoved him off. “What’s your problem?” You demanded.
“My problem?” He scoffed. “I don’t have a problem! These two punks do! Can’t you see the way they’re looking at you? Come on, I know you’re not stupid.”
Embarrassed and angry you didn’t say anything. You just left.
There was that hopelessness. Back in full swing. Making him realize every jealousy fueled word he said was beyond idiotic…oh no, what’d he done? 
“You know that was impressively stupid…did you think at all that entire time?” Temari asked. Making sure her brother got the message in case it had somehow escaped him how stupid he’d been.
It hadn’t escaped him at all.
The entire day his heart was dangling by his feet, any time he started to feel anything else his psyche reminded him of his mistake and a whole knew wave of distress would wash over him.
He tried to distract himself with work but only felt worse when he stumbled onto the puppet he was helping you build. It was crude at best and instead of a menacing face it had a goofy one you’d decorated with his purple face paint.
And as memories of your friendship were brought to the forefront of his mind he knew he couldn’t just sit around and risk losing his best friend.
So here he was, terrified of explaining himself to you. Terrified of not only losing a romantic relationship with you but maybe even your friendship.
He took a deep breath and knocked on your door but when you answered it his deep breath was shot right out of him, his confidence barely standing an inch tall. And all the words he’d thought of were gone.
“Wow, Temari was right, you look terrible.” You teased nodding a little.
“What?” He could’ve hit himself for such a dumbfounded response.
“Temari came by…said she couldn’t stand your loud melancholy moping any longer.” 
And he froze up as he thought of all the things Temari could’ve told you. Was his secret out? Did you hate him?
“You know, usually you just ask a girl out on a date maybe get her some flowers. Being a tool isn’t really the best way to go about it.” And there wasn’t any anger in your tone, it was soft if not a bit teasing.
A smile grew on his face as he realized what you were saying. His heart racing and his confidence sky rocketing as he asked. “So dinner?”
How had this happened? One day you were her fellow Kunoichi, woman in arms, best friend and now…the love of her life?
It hit her like a kunai to the chest.
You two were just sitting in her room, painting each others toe nails, laughing and enjoying a room that wasn’t filled with testosterone. 
It felt like a safe space where neither of you had to be tough to prove yourselves has hardened Kunoichi. You just got to be yourselves.
And who knew her better than you? No one. 
You’d been best friends for what like felt like forever, you’d been there for her through everything. Someone she could count on and talk to no matter what. You’d just always been there with warm open arms.
All her secrets she knew were safe with you so when you asked the simple question. “Got a crush on anyone?” It shouldn’t have rocked her world the way it did.
She even laughed at the question at first. “I don’t know.” She giggled. “Come on, you’ve gotta have a crush on someone.” You further prodded 
“I don’t even know if I’ve ever had a crush on someone, I’m way too busy with missions.” She insisted.
“So there’s no one that makes your heart skip a beat? No one that when you look at them the world gets quiet and it all makes sense? No one that makes you feel safe? No one you look at and go ‘Gods you’re a gift.’?” You teased.
She froze up as she thought through the questions and all the answers were the same: You.
You saw the way she froze up, words dying in her throat as she looked away from you. “You alright?”
You reached over to rub her shoulder but she hit your hand away. “Don’t touch me.” Her words were harsh and laced with venom. 
“What?” “In fact get out, leave” “What?!” “I said leave!”
And so you left…unbeknownst to her you took her heart with you.
She felt psychically ill, her stomach ached and her head throbbed as she tried to make sense of all the emotions that clashed inside of her.
The clash of raw emotions however never had a victor as she swallowed down her feelings, refusing to be some fussy, dramatic teenage girl. No, never. She refused to be ruled by her emotions
The only way to keep her feelings from overwhelming her was to stay as far away from you as possible. Demanding Gaara change her mission partner from you to anyone else, dodging your favourite restaurant, the training grounds, anywhere you two had memories she refused to go.
But she couldn’t escape her own room. No matter how many missions she went on eventually she ended up at home. Where her heart ached.
She pushed it all down though, letting her stoic and cold shell keep her together…keep her safe from love and all it’s aches.
Or so she thought.
Who would’ve guessed that nail polish would be the rock hurtled at her that would shatter her glass exterior?
Painful tears gave her no choice as they rolled down her face as she looked at the last bits of chipped black polish on her toes. The last thing you two had ever done together.
Without you it felt like there was no one to turn too, no shoulder for her to rest her weary head, no warm inviting arms to hug her pieces back together…no you to speak of.
She couldn’t go to her little brothers. She was the oldest, she wasn’t supposed to break like this, she could never let them see her like this.
But after months of her heart suffering in silence it seemed Hellbent to be heard in the extreme.
It screamed memories at her, leaving her with no choice but to relive them. Memories of you two danced behind her eyelids like a movie she couldn’t turn off.
The time’s you’d put your life on the line for her during missions, when you’d cheered her on at the Chunin exams, the countless hours you’d spent in this very room, when you’d made her a little fan as a joke, your smile and your laughter tormented her aching heart.
But the last straw? The idea that there would be no future memories to make.
She’d lived though so much heartbreak. She’d watched her mother die, her father become a monster, she’d watched as Gaara had gone deeper and deeper into darkness and even as he’d changed and gotten better all this had left scars on her heart…she just didn’t want love to hurt her anymore.
It left her vulnerable and if she was vulnerable she could get hurt.
But where had this plan taken her? Her heart ached in a way it never had before, it cried out so loudly it practically deafened her. 
She left her house, desperate to just make it all stop.
Blurred vision didn’t let her see where she was going but her feet carried her to the one place she knew she’d be able to feel better.
Her body practically slammed into the door as she lost sight of her footing, tears robbing her of any semblance of where she was.
Warm arms wrapped around her and there was no mistaking them, no mistaking your embrace.
You’d been so ready to yell at her the next time you saw Temari, give her Hell for everything she’d put you through but seeing her a crying pile at your door in the middle of the night? That all disappeared and all you wanted to do was hug your best friend.
In your arms her heart finally relented and let her feel what love can truly do: Heal. 
It would be a long uphill battle but a spark of hope warmed her chest. 
Maybe this love wouldn’t break her heart. Maybe love could be for her as long as she was with you.
~Admin Coral.
Buy Me A Coffee?
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visit-ba-sing-se · 4 years
I recently saw a post by someone asking for a fanfiction in which Azula snapped a bit earlier after things turning out different on the day of Sozin`s comet...and I guess you could say I kind of snapped as well? (it starts after the events at the boiling rock, btw: this (+ more) is also on my ao3 now!
„I love Zuko more than I fear you.“ For a moment, I was struck. Unable to respond, to even process the words. I heard them, but they did not make sense. Then, suddenly everything fell into place. „No, you miscalculated. You should have feared me more.“ I sounded affected. I was affected. That’s weak, Azula. I saw May pulling out a knife and raised my hand the same time, ready to strike. She would not stand a chance. Not even the avatar had been able to take on my lightning. May wasn’t stupid. Of course she knew that. And when I looked her in the eyes I knew that she knew I knew. Suddenly, a part of did not want to throw any lightning at all. A part of me wanted to lower her hand and just let the knife hit her. Or tell may that we would not have to do this. That’s weak, Azula. I heard my fathers voice in my head again, this time with even more disgust. And do I have a weak daughter? Suddenly, I did not see May anymore. Just him, looking down and me, disappointed. There was nothing I would do to escape that look. I took a deep breath, ready to strike for real now. But before I could, I felt a sudden punch into my side. Then another. And before I knew it, I was lying on the ground, unable to move, Ty Lee and May standing above me. Again, it took a moment until my mind had pieced together what just had happened. Ty Lee had betrayed me as well.  May had chosen Zuko over me, and Ty Lee had chosen May over me.
My oldest friends from childhood. The girls I had grown up with. For a moment, they seemed frozen as well. Until Ty Lee broke the silence. Not because she had anything else left to tell me. Just to tell May to get away. Which was useless, of course. There were guards, all around, and they had just attacked their princess. Two quickly came to help me up.
„Your both fools.“ I wanted to sound like I did not care. Like I did not feel like the actual fool in this was me. What had I been expecting from this anyway?  I had had to set a fire in the circus Ty Lee was traveling with in order to get her to join me. And the way May had flung herself at Zuko since the day he had returned should have told me more than clearly where her loyalty lied. Where her loyalty had been lying all the time. With my oh so loveable brother. So when it was time to chose, the choice was clear. Just like for mom. Just like for uncle. Who would ever chose me? Who would ever take my hand if I would not be holding a knife in the other? Shut It down, Azula. You don’t need them. Friends are for people who are too weak to have servants. I took a deep breath in. Yes, I had made a mistake. I taken risks, and even worse, forgotten those risks existed. But I could make sure that would never happen again. And when one of the guards asked what to do next, I had my answer ready.
„Lock up them somewhere were I won’t have to see there faces ever again.“ My voice sounded firm again. A good sound. As I continued, I looked May straight in the eye. She had wanted fear? She could get it. „And let them rot.“
After they had been brought away, I saw the warden walking up to me. A pathetic excuse of a man, who had believed that the little power he possessed somehow made him greater than those around him. Just a big fish in a small pond who believed himself to be a shark. If he had done his job properly, none of this would have happened. I knew that this wasn’t the full truth, but definetly part of it. And I wanted him to know. When he started uttering something between an apology, an explanation and monologue of self pity, I therefore shut him down immediately. „I am sorry, but where you talking to me? Because all I hear is the sound of failure. Which is quite pathetic, honestly“  You should have feared me more, I had told May. Now I would give them a reason too. „Your actions lead to the escape of dangerous war criminals, not to mention a threat to my life. It was pure look your niece didn`t cut my throat.“ I paused, just to enjoy the sight of him twisting his hands in the desperate search for words. How many times had he been the one who made prisoners feel the way he felt now? The thought of this irony truly had something validating to it. „This not only gives you a record of failing at your job. This makes you man who endangered the fire nation and a member of its royal family. And that-“ I allowed myself one more dramatic break, „that is treason. And a man of your education should know what the penalty for treason is.“
He did not even have it in himself to give me an answer. Instead, he sunk down on his knees. I knew I could just kill him right away. One struck of lightning and he would be gone. Or make one of the guards do it. Just because I really started to enjoy this whole irony theme. But that would not be as effective as what I had in mind.
„But you are a lucky man warden,“ I said therefore. „A man should not have to die in the shame of his mistakes.“ Relieve started to build on his face, just to crumble again when I announced:
„So I am giving you away to restore your honor. Agni Kai.“
I felt good. I was in control again. I saw the way they all were looking at me, with fear and admiration balancing in their eyes. The way I deserved to be looked at. The way a future firelord deserved to be looked at.
The warden finally seemed to have found his voice again. „Excuse me princess, what do you mean? You can’t possibly mean….you can’t seriously want…“
„Don`t tell me what I can. In fact, you should be thanking me for this chance to prove yourself. Or are not even man enough to accept this challenge? Can you only duel someone when they are in chains?“
„No, of course not! I can fight! But princess, I could never fight you!“ Though his protest did have something entertaining to it, I decided that it was time to finally get to the point.
„I am afraid you will have too. 5 minutes. Then it is on.“
Just enough time to up up my hair again properly. A few streaks had fallen out, and that was nothing I could use while fighting.
The fight that followed wasn’t even worth the name. A turtle duck would have been a better opponent. Those things at least had shells. But surely it had served his cause. The people here now surely were reminded of where their loyalty had to lie. And who they had to admire. Time to return to the palace. Only that that was not possible. At least not directly, as I had to realize when we came to the spot where my ballon was supposed to be. Zuko. He and his gang of war prisoners must have used it to escape. This was bad. Sure, we could sent for another one. But questions would be asked. I usually never to father about the missions I went on, just in case. If they were successful, he did not ask further questions. If they weren’t, he would never have to know. But know he woudl. I would have to explain what happened. I would have to explain what happened to father. That Zuko got way because I let him. Just when I had thought things were back in control, it all came crumbling down again. Zuko, that idiot. A guard was along to me, but his words did not really get through. They were probably useless anyway. How was it even possible that Zuko had out played me ? He was Zuko, after all. Weak. A quitter. A runaway. He did not outplay you. You outplayed yourself by letting your emotions get in the way of your judgment.
„Princess, princess, are you even listening?“ That annoying guard still had something to say apparently.
„Oh shut it, will you?“ I screamed. „The next words I want to hear from you are `Princess Azula, your ballon has arrived.`if you dare to tell me anything else before that, I swear that the next person you can things to is someone from the spirit world.“ The guard opened his mouth, his eyes wide open, and then closed it again quickly. He nodded so fast and strong that his teeth were clicking together. Also not the most pleasing sound. I snapped my fingers and let a spark fly for emphasis. „And now get of my view.“ Silence, finally. Just the waves crashing against the shore. Waves above which somewhere my brother was flying with his new friends. This was all wrong. I should be on my way home, with him as prisoner. Eager to tell father of my success. And now instead, I would return a failure and did not know how I would be able to face him. He would be disappointed, that was for sure. This had been our once chance at catching Zuko, and I had blown it. Blown it because I had not had  my  own people under control. Still, he had to hear it from me. Every other scenario was even worse, I knew that.
Back at the place, I therefore sent for a servant and asked for a hearing directly. Luckily, it was granted to me soon. At least that was something. Fighting the argue to run back into the direction I had just come from, I made my way to the throne room, entered the heavy door and got close enough to my father to talk to him. There I knelt down.
„Azula, my daughter. What brings you here?“ His voice sounded so friendly. I felt my eyes water. Even though I knew that crying would be the worst thing possible to do. Instead, I therefore tried to sum up the events as well as possible, walking the small line between apology and not admitting failure. A silence followed, only interrupted by the beat of my heart. Father always took  time before he reached a verdict.
„It is unfortunate your brother got away. Especially since this could have been prevented so easily. Did I not teach you to never trust others?“ I nodded. He did. I would not know of any person he had ever trusted with anything. He even cut his own hair because any hairdresser could potentially want him harm. „But you did the right thing to challenge the warden. It gave proof that we will not tolerant weakness. And to not worry, the day of our triumph will come soon“
I did not know how to react. There were many things I had expected, possibilities that I had played out in my head.  This definitely had not been one of them.
All I could so was stutter.„You are not…angry with me?“
„No Azula. Now is not the time get upset about small mistakes. What counts now is the bigger picture. Our plans for the return of the comet.“
„So you don’t think I am just like Zuko now?“ I still did not trust this. What reason did he have to be so kind, so forgiving in face of my failure?
„Azula, of course not. I always knew you were stronger than your brother.“
„Yes father, Thank you.“
„You will be my heir one day. A worthy one.“
I still faced the ground. I knew I was supposed to feel relieved. This was a kinder response than anything I ever could have hoped for. But then I understood. He was showing mercy because I he had no more child left to loose. He needed my because he needed legacy. Someone to pass his empire onto. Someone to pass his empire onto who was not Zuko.
And suddenly I could not help but wonder „If I am stronger, then why am I the one on my knees?“
Later this night, I had trouble finding sleep. When I finally did, I dreamed of the Angi Kai between father and Zuko. Only that it was not down there, but me. And no matter what I did, I wasn’t able to produce any lighting. Or even fire. The audience cheered and applauded my failure. Some even started laughing. I could see Ty Lee and May pointing fingers and whispering. It must have been a long time since they had been this happy. DO I HAVE A WEAK DAUGHTER? My father entered the picture, a dark shadow towering above everything. DO I HAVE A CHILD THAT IS NOT EVEN ABLE TO BEND? Where was my fire? Why couldn’t I reach it? I KNOW YOU ARE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH. „But I am trying!“, I protest. I was trying so hard. I always was. YOU ARE LYING. IF YOU REALLY TRIED, YOU WOULD SUCCEED. But I didn’t. No flames, no matter what I did. And then I felt a sudden heat in my face and knew it was burning. I was burning. I screamed from pain and frustration, and then suddenly I was in my bed again, sitting up straight, shivering and sweating at the same time. I raised my hand and produced a small flame. Good. So my at least my fire was still there. Looking at it flicker helped my calm down a bit. It was like a pathway back to reality. Of course, there were times where I wondered what I would have done. Most of the time, I was convinced that I would never even have gotten into this situation. I would have know when to be quiet. Like I had always know what to do. I knew mom and uncle used to feel sorry for Zuko because of the way dad hat treated him. But that wasn`t really fair. If he had put in a bit more effort, he could have been like me. I worked every day of my life to get where I was now. Only- where exactly was I? I liked to think that was strong and powerful. But if I was, why did I have to kneel in fron of father with tears in his eyes? Why was I always at his mercy, no matter what I did ? Having to beg for admiration? What would be left of my life if he would not be there? What would be left of me? In a way, when Zuko talked back to father he had done something I never would have been able to do. But how could that be? I was the strong one. All he did was run. That was weak. But it was still more than I ever was capable of. I tried to dismiss the thought. It was nothing I even wanted to be capable of. Why would I? I had all reason to stay here. Here, where I would triumph over the avatar together with dad. Here, where I would one day be crowned next firelord. That was everything I wanted. „That is everything I want.“, I exclaimed to the flame that was still hovering over my hand.
The next days passed quickly in preparation of the day of the comet. I trained harder and longer than ever before, and I had one of the medics in the palace fix me a drink to help me sleep. I told myself that it was because I would need the energy. Not because I was scared of any dreams. I felt ready. I would finally prove myself once and for all.
But then, everything came different. I heard of it before it was official, once more happy about my ears all around the place. Someone had seen Zuko and that water girl trying to sneak up on the palace. Typical for him that he had not been able to remain unseen. Not typical for him that he seriously had been wanting to come here to fight. From what I heard, they had not been able to capture him yet. For a short moment I even felt something like respect. A really short  moment, of course. But before I even had time to analyze what this meant, I heard a knock on my door. To my greatest surprise, it was father. I could not recall any time he had ever come here himself instead of sending a servant.
„Azula,“ he said while doing something that came strangely close to smiling. „My wonderful daughter. I am sure you have heard the news.“
I nodded, overwhelmed. „Yes. Zuko is coming.“
„Zuko is about to be caught by our guard.“ The way he pronounced my brother name was dripping from disgust, his face turning into a twisted mask of hatred. “And I want him gone before I set for the earth kingdom, and he will be brought here as soon as possible.“
„But“ I blurted out, „Is the earth kingdom not more important? You are just wasting time on him.“ I knew it was a mistake, but I just could not hold back. „Azula, get yourself under control again. I decided what is a waste of time and what is not. This will be over soon anyway. Come with me now.“ I lowered my look and my voice. „Coming? To where?“ „To where I will end your brothers pathetic existence once and for all and you will be my witness. The throne room. You have 30 minutes.“ With those word, he left as quickly as he had come. Jut another order from him to me.
I went to the morrow and started fixing my hair, but stress continues to fall out. Not even that could work out. Why was I even trying? I did not want to do this. I did not want to go to the throne room and watch my father execute my brother. I did not want to sit by his side patiently like a trained dog. But then what did I want? I should want this. „I am sure you don`t want to hurt your brother Azula.“ The echo of what my mom had said to me a long time ago suddenly come up in my head, and I believed to see here face behind me in the mirror. She used to say that a lot, when Zuko and I had been fighting, just kids starting to get a hold of their bending. „Well, what do you know? You think I am monster anyway.“ I looked her reflection straight in the eye. „ I know you are confused and hurt. But it does not have to be this way. And I love you, Azula.“
„Liar“ I screamed, punching the mirror. Her image scatter to hundreds of tine pieces, each as sharp as a razor blade. I felt a tear running down my cheek as I saw the scrambled reflection of myself on the floor. Yes, I was hurt. And yes, I did not have to be this way. I picked up one of the fragments. It felt cold and heavy in my hand. Today, a member of tis family would die. But it would not be my brother.
When I arrived at the throne room, punctual and a perfect picture of a fire princess, I found it empty except for dad who had already taken place on the throne. „This is family business, so I decided it would be most fitting if we were to remain amongst each other.“ Now where I looked the way he wanted me to look again, it seemed like I also again was worthy of being spoke to in a normal tone. I nodded and closed the door behind me. „I will end your brother right here, where he had the nerve to disrespect me during the day of the black sun.“ I heard my speak, but the words did not really reach me. My heart was beating out of control. This was my chance. My one moment to strike before the guards would come to bring in Zuko. My hand was twisted around the fragment. „Then, it will only be us, Azula. The only ones truly worthy to lead this nation. The only once who deserve to be part of this family.“ Of course. It was up to him to decided who was worthy and who was not. That was what he was best at. Determining everyone`s worth just how he liked. Determining my worth. But no more. I arrived at the spot I normally would kneel. I lowered my head, but not to bow. But to get a better aim.
The fragment flew through the air, directly into my father’s heart. A quite simple move. May had thaught it to me long time ago, in what now felt like another life. And I had not stopped training until I had brought it to perfection. Deadly perfection. My father had not gotten the chance to scream. Now he looked down on himself in disbelieve. Then at me. And then, with blood running out of his mouth and the light in his eyes already fading, I saw that he understood. „Foolish girl.“ His voice was quiet, his life was ending, and still his words struck me. „Don`t you know you only are because of me? You just killed yourself, too.“ Then, his head fell to side. He was dead.
Was I not supposed to feel free now? Or triumphant? Or just anything at all?  Then why did I just feel nothing at all? Still, now, what next? I knew that I had had a plan. All I had to do was breath and follow t through.  I would get May and Ty Lee, and then we would get out of here.
Foolish. As if anything could ever go back to how it was. Do you think they would even care to look at  you? The voice in my head. Why wasn’t it gone? Father was dead. Why was he still talking to me. „Yes they would,“ I exclaimed loudly. „They are my friends. They love me“ Your friends who betrayed you and tried to get you killed? Doesn’t really sound like much love to me. „Then I will make them love me again!“ I felt despair building up, replacing the emptiness. The same way you’d them love you the first time? With a knife to the throat? People like us are not loved Azula, we are feared. I thought I taught you this. I screamed. Even in death, he still seemed to rule over me. Blue fire streamed out of my palms and set the room on fire. I saw the flames rising. I looked so majestic. My beautiful fire, the only thing that had never betrayed me. My beautiful flames. My loyal friends. A part of me wanted to give myself into the completely. Wanted to stay here and be devoured by their heat. What else was there left for me anyway? Everything was out of control. And I was all alone, except for father and his voice inside my head. Mom. Iroh. Zuko. May. Ty Lee. They had all left me. What difference would my death still make?. Would anybody out there even care? They did not leave Azula. You made them go. And they would care. Because they would be relieved. Dying seemed so easy. Every other breath felt hard. If I would die now, did I really just kill father? Or did father also kill me? Suddenly, I felt a new kind of determination in me „You are not going to take me with you father, you hear that ?“ Tears flooded my cheek just to be vaporized in the heat. „I am leaving this. I am leaving you.“ The flames cracked. It nearly sounded like laughter. Just now I realized how far they had processed already. A blue sea  all around me. A blue sea that was out of control. Smoke already clouded my sight. Now as I finally knew I had to get out, as I had just decided to leave father and this place behind, it would not let me go. I could not even make out the door. Just clouds of smoke and flames. And in them… people? Right in front of me, the scheme of a woman manifested. Others followed, surrounding me. Some seemed to be children, others elders. „We came to take you, Azula.“ They came from everywhere now, constantly getting closer. I tried to bend the fire against them, but the flames left them completely unaffected. This wasn’t real. It could not be. I was hallucinating from the smoke, that was all. One more reason to get out of here. „You can’t escape now, Azula. We have been waiting for you for so long.“ I wanted to cover my ears with my hand, but that meant that I would have to let go of the flames I was still trying to get under control well enough to get out. „Who are you? What do you want from me?“ „Oh Azula, you know us well. Can you not recognize us ?“ The woman who had been leading them reached out for me. I backed away and screamed, even though I could barely even fill my lungs anymore. „No! No I do not know you!“ She reached out again. They were everywhere around me now. The only way to escape her touch was to the ground. „But you should, Azula. They are all those who you killed.“  Suddenly, here face got clear, and she wasn’t a scheme anymore. „And a child should be able to recognize her mother“. It was her. The same kind and beautiful face. The soft voice. But no in the strict tone that always seemed to be reserved for me. It was her nice tone. Her Zuko tone. Even though she was speaking about awful things. But what even did she mean ? I did not kill her. Or did I ? Nothing made sense anymore. I killed my father. Why would not I be capable to kill my own mother as well? „Mom“, I whispered, my voice nothing more than a dying hush. She knelt down and reached out her hand. „Come on child. It is time to go.“ My heart was racing. In my lungs, there was nothing but pain. I wanted to let her take me away, just for all of this to stop. But even more, I just wanted to hold my mothers hand again. So I gathered al strength I still had in me and reached out to her. But just as I was about to touch her fingertips, she suddenly started to fade, just like everything around her. Even the flames seemed to get smaller. And another scheme stepped out of the dust and into my view. „Azula?“, he asked. A familiar voice. Zuko. What was he doing here? I didn’t kill him. Or did I ? I sounded like he was getting closer, but I could not keep my eyes open for long enough to watch him. The darkness felt good, calming. „Azula!“ This time he screamed. It definitely was his voice. Could the dead really scream like that? „Azula! Spirits, Azula, what did you do?“
Yes, what did I do? If only I knew.
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dercolaris · 3 years
Still - Chapter 2: One Night
Fandom: Resident Evil Village
Characters: Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg
Relationship: Alcina Dimitrescu & Karl Heisenberg (Lovers)
Genre: Romance, Hurt & Comfort
Planned chapters: 8 + prolog and epilog
Warnings: Strong language,  Descriptions of the Second World War (I do not glorify or support the ideology. The mention only serves my idea for the origin of Karl.)
Status: Work in progress (3/10)
Short Summary: As is well known, hatred and love are traveling on a dangerous thin line, but has it really always been that way between the fighting Lords? The sad answer is no. Alcina and Karl had a much deeper relationship than the brief glimpse Resident Evil Village suggests. This is their untold backstory. A story of a fiery love that is slowly torn apart by the parasite until the once strong feelings are only a faint memory in their dead hearts.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33511438/chapters/83441902
Karl gently waved the glass in his hand and stared into the clear, orange liquid. The whiskey in Romania had a strange aftertaste. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable in his throat, but it was different from the now rare imports in Germany and Austria. The officer couldn't really explain this marvel. The label was probably the same, as was the distillery somewhere in Scotland, and yet the unfamiliar climate on the coast seemed to have influenced the alcohol in a unique way. The engineer looked from the edge of his glass at the lighted stage and sipped his whiskey. The jazz band still played their lively pieces with the breathtaking singer. The musicians were completely absorbed in their craft. The soldiers were equally absorbed, but less in the sound of the instruments than in the light brown eyes of the elegant woman. She enjoyed the attention of the men who practically lay at her feet and begged for her favour. Karl put his empty glass down on the table and folded his hands in front of his chest, watching the unique spectacle around him. Dreamy and horny simpletons wherever his eyes looked. Each of them was probably already in their minds on a comfortable bed with the singer, hiding the wedding ring in their greasy uniforms for a long night. The engineer smiled in amusement. What was the likelihood that Miss D would actually be interested in one of them? The lady did what the owner of the club had paid her to do: entertaining the weary company.
Still, no one could forbid the young men to dream about. In the end, such appearances were ultimately designed to maintain the morale of the troops and to create a fictional world – at least for one evening. The singer finished the last piece of the evening and bathed in the thunderous applause of the crowd. After a while she looked over her shoulders at the other band members and nodded approvingly. They returned the friendly gesture towards her. Miss D turned back to the audience and spoke melodically into the microphone: “A long night is about to end and a new morning will begin. Ladies and gentlemen, please take the music of the last few hours with you in your hearts. Carry it out into the world and do not forget the melodies of better days in these difficult times. Good night.” With that, the overhead lights in the ballroom came on slowly. Otto released himself from his rigidity and grinned from both ears. He replied mischievously to the blond-haired man: “And? Have I promised you too much, Karl?” The addressed person laughed dryly at this question and deliberately failed to provide the man with an answer. Internally, the engineer had already agreed with the private. It had been a surprisingly entertaining evening. The blond-haired man poured the undisciplined soldier another glass of whiskey and replied calmly: “You don't have to worry about the bill today, Otto. Drink and smoke as much as you want." "Then you are sure to be broke tomorrow, Officer Heisenberg. You have no idea how much this fool can drink in a single night. Not to mention smoking”, a gaunt private teased with a smile from one of the neighbouring tables.
Otto rolled his eyes and shouted irritably: “And you have no idea how much I would love to punch your face right now, Volker. Mind your own fucking business, you scoundrel.” Karl frowned a little. Of course, certain tensions between the soldiers were to be expected, but the older man was always surprised by the harsh tone between them. The high alcohol level probably also played a decisive role. Before he could intervene, a female voice preceded him: “Gentlemen, I beg you. In the presence of a noble lady, you should behave appropriately and not put such disgusting words in your mouth. You surely agree with me, don't you Karl?” The officer sat up in his chair. Miss D had appeared next to him practically out of nowhere, scolding the men around her with a stern look. The engineer cleared his throat softly and turned to the two soldiers: “Restrain yourselves for now, boys. You are more than welcome to carry out your little scuffles on the barracks grounds later.” The reprimand quickly had an effect. The brawlers grumbled and apologized to the black-haired woman and turned back to their respective drinks. The singer smiled contentedly. She looked Otto deeply in the eye and then without hurrying looking to the vacant chair next to Karl.
The soldier swallowed loudly. He seemed to have understood the silent request and got up hastily, pushed back the chair for the lady. Miss D nodded thanks to the private before she slowly sat down. The black curls fell loosely over her narrow shoulders when she tilted her head a little and asked curiously: “Well, Karl? Enlighten me. How did you like it?” Her accent was like a fine drop of wine: lovely and gentle. Only now did he notice the black cigarette holder in her hands. The tip of the cigarette glowed red as the woman took a tentative drag on the coffin nail. The engineer played with his fingers on the glass and said calmly: “I'm not a man of many words, Miss D, so I want to be brief. It was fantastic.” Otto's eyes widened at this statement. The private stumbled around the table, visibly drunk, to his seat and mumbled awkwardly: "Officer, no offence, but the most beautiful woman in all Romania asks you for your opinion and you have nothing more to say than a short 'Fantastic'? I mean, she's an absolu ...” The young man got no further in his sentence. He suddenly stumbled to one side and fell backwards onto the next table. There was a loud clink, followed by confused shouts from the seated soldiers. The singer giggled behind her hand at the sight and let the smoke gracefully out of her mouth. She replied calmly: “I especially appreciate the simple remarks about my talent, because they don't want to flatter me unnecessarily and are usually more true. The more extravagant and praising a critic becomes, the more I doubt his honest intentions to judge my voice alone.”
Karl was amazed at this unusual statement. Most singers felt personally attacked when he had no more than two sentences left for a performance and held back with too much praise. Their eyes met again, cool blue met light brown. Miss D leaned closer to the engineer and looked deep into his eyes for a moment. At the same time she spoke in a whisper: “Nobody needs to tell me that you are certainly speaking the truth, Karl. I can see it in your eyes.” The man felt a small shiver run down his back. Before either of the two could say anything more, a dirty-clad war photographer came to the table. He straightened his grey hat and smiled excitedly when he nervously asked: “May I take a picture of you, Officer? I am writing a report according to the wishes of our Propaganda Minister and such pictures please the brave people back home.” The blond-haired man suppressed a sigh. He reminded himself that the photographer could get into trouble if he did not do his job to the satisfaction of his superior by let such an opportunity slip by. So he had no choice but to nod with a fake smile. Karl got up with a polite apology to the singer and followed the man to the counter. Apparently the light in this position was more suitable for a picture. “Just stand at the bar, Officer. Remember: You relax that evening in order to lead the allies into a glorious battle the next day. Proud and full of joy, ready for battle”, the photographer explained matter-of-factly and waved his hand a little to direct the soldier to the desired position. The engineer was posing with a glass when he suddenly felt a slight pressure on his side.
The singer had wrapped her arm around his and clicked her tongue lightly before speaking coolly: "Perhaps the Officer should be photographed with exceptional company if he is supposed to have a good time for the newspaper." The photographer paused for a minute, but then just shrugged his shoulders and gave the woman brief instructions. Karl's heart pounded loudly in his chest. He could feel the warmth emanating from the beauty next to him. She had a special attraction. The man took his picture and said goodbye with the usual greeting. The engineer reluctantly replied. The closer he got to his escape, the more he loathed these empty phrases. The blond-haired man was so lost in thought that he did not notice the insistent look of the singer next to him. Only a firm pressure on his arm let him wake up from his trance. The officer looked to his side and was greeted by opals made of the purest amber. Miss D replied playfully: "I do hope that you really enjoyed yourself tonight and not just for the camera." The addressed person nodded and smiled. The woman still made no move to break away from him, it was more on the contrary. Her fingers carefully slid down his forearm and finally touched his hand. Karl tried not to look down. Instead, he whispered to the lady: "I was actually very entertained." With these words he gently interlaced their fingers. The singer smiled mischievously and tilted her head towards the entrance. She spoke seductively: “Wouldn't you like to accompany me to my room, Karl? I welcome a more intensive conversation with you, but not in this unrest around us.” The soldier barely blushed and let his gaze wander. It had become really uncomfortably loud in the ballroom. This was probably mainly due to Otto, who danced with three others from his company on four tables pushed together and roared loudly. The officer was not very interested in seeing the other Germans at this spectacle, so he replied cautiously: "I will be happy to follow you, Miss D. Please guide me."
The singer had only been waiting for this. She still held his hand and walked quickly ahead, trying not to get too close to any drunken soldier. They left the ballroom together and went up the stairs in the front hall. Here, too, the disordered singing of the company could still be heard, but much quieter. The black-haired woman led him down the narrow corridor and stopped at one of the eight room doors, opening them slowly. It was the first time that the engineer could perceive the specific scent of the lady without the annoying smell of cigars and cheap cigarettes. “Go inside, Karl. Don't be shy”, the singer asked the man calmly. Together they entered the room and when the door was closed, the last crooked notes of the company died away. The black-haired beauty moved leisurely through her little realm, disappeared behind the room divider. She probably wanted to wear something different. The band must have sweated a lot under the spotlight. The officer went to the red sofa and sat down on it. From the other side of the room, Miss D asked casually: "How do you like it in Romania so far?" He suddenly felt the need to tell her more than was really necessary. After a while he hesitantly began to explain: “It's a foreign country to me, but I already feel more at home than in Lübeck.” The sound of a zipper rang out, followed by a soft laugh. The lady replied almost mysteriously: "Foreign earth is a cultural enrichment of your spirit and I can allow myself the brazen assertion that you are an intelligent person who is not averse to the beauty of the little things." The officer put his left leg on his right knee. He was still fascinated by the Eastern European accent, which the singer could hardly hide. Anyway, the blonde-haired man was surprised that she spoke almost flawlessly and supported this with female willpower.
Karl rubbed his scratchy beard and calmly agreed: “Wise words, even if we could certainly argue about the last part. You've been impressing me all evening with your intellectual remarks, Miss D. I think there's more to you than just an ambitious jazz singer.” The woman chuckled softly. She replied outraged: "Please don't say 'just', Karl. That unnecessarily devalues my long-cherished passion. Maybe you'd better say 'beside being'. My art takes me to the most distant countries in the world and travel educates.” The engineer grinned a little. Miss D tried to evade his question cleverly and subliminally divert the conversation. The blond-haired man relaxed on the soft pillow of the sofa. He wasn't going to push her further to answer him. A few minutes of calmness passed before the singer continued: "You are an interesting personality." Karl immediately tensed up at this unexpectedly direct statement. Confused, he looked at the room divider, wishing at that moment for nothing more than to be able to see the woman's face. The wish should be granted to him. Not a second later Miss D stepped back into his field of vision and his breath got stuck in his lungs. His cheeks were visibly flushed. The singer had only stepped out from behind the panel in underwear and was now standing sideways in front of the bed, her gaze fixed on her dressing table.
The black-haired beauty used the noble perfume. A bewitching scent of sweet vanilla and Far Eastern spices played around his war-tormented nose. The jazz singer slowly turned her head to him, her right hand elegantly on her slim hip. She asked playfully: “You almost look like you've never seen a woman in her underwear before. I didn't see a ring on your fingers, so I can assume that there is no passionate lover waiting for you in Germany?” The officer tried not to look too obviously at the lady's curves. Karl cleared his throat to control the dryness in his mouth. He finally replied hesitantly: "I am not a man for the bond of marriage or at least I have not yet found the right woman for my life." The singer seemed to be satisfied with this answer. She nodded slightly and walked almost gracefully towards him, gently pushing his leg off his knee. Miss D sat down carefully on his lap, her knees resting on either side of his hips. A delicate hand found its way to the back of his neck. The engineer breathed a little faster and sought eye contact with the Eastern European beauty. She lasciviously wiped a long, black strand of hair from her face and smiled mischievously. She leaned against his ear, let her hot breath breathe on his auricle and whispered softly into it: "Maybe you have looked in the wrong place all along, Karl."
The officer closed his eyes, surrendering to the long-forgotten feeling of closeness and warmth. He felt the fingers slowly undoing the buttons of his uniform. The blond-haired croaked a little overwhelmed: "I don't know, Mis -" He was stopped abruptly. One of the narrow index fingers rested on his rough lips. The singer looked seductively at him and spoke to his trembling mouth: "My name is Alcina." At that moment, time in Romania stood still for a few seconds. Karl stared speechless into the lady's eyes, looking for something in the amber of her opals that he didn't even know if it existed at all. He had read stories, heard sagas. Friends had reported about it and his mother could never stop raving about this one feeling. Love. The heart in his chest wanted to jump towards the woman, at least the strong pounding suggested it. Alcina released his lips again into freedom. Her fingers immediately proceeded to complete the work they had begun. Karl swallowed and finished his sentence: "I don't know, Alcina." The singer slipped her hand under his coat and shirt and put her palm gently on his chest. She seemed to listen to his heartbeat for a moment, maybe his even breathing.
The black-haired woman replied dryly: "It is the first time that evening that you have deliberately lied to me, Karl." The officer opened his mouth, but again he was unable to speak. Was he actually lying? How could Alcina know what was going on in his head? Suddenly the lady added, very quietly: “I am not angry with you, however. You may not believe in your luck any more after what you saw on the Eastern Front. I don't want to imagine the horror and pain you went through. Mentally and physically.” At these words, her fingertips timidly brushed the scars of the removed grenade fragments. The black-haired woman now consciously placed her hand under his heart and continued: “I just want to make it clear to you that you are the maker of your happiness. It is entirely up to you to find what you have always been looking for.” Karl couldn't give her an answer. The singer's lips were already tenderly on his, symbolically sealing a moment of intimacy in a way too closed heart. The engineer put his hands on her narrow hips and pulled her closer to him.
Something had just broken in him. A rock that had been growing for years and which appeared insurmountable due to the impressions of the war. This chunk of fear, doubt and hatred that a thousand hugs from his comrades and his mother could not shatter – it turned instantly to dust with a single touch of the black-haired beauty. Alcina released the liberating kiss and gave the officer a loving smile. The blond-haired man literally sank into these breathtaking eyes. Her torso rose and fell, snuggling closer to his body. Karl let a hand wander into her hair and longingly pushed the singer's head closer to him. Perhaps he had found what he had been looking for for a long time. Maybe not. The engineer didn't want to question or challenge his fate right now. While the soldiers' voices sang in the ballroom and the guns spoke the language of violence on the battlefield, this room shielded itself from all the horror for one night. Suddenly the taste in his mouth was no longer determined solely by gunpowder, but by a sweetish, tasty note.
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metellastella · 4 years
Oneshot: Injury by a Firebender: The Dragon of the West and the Avatar
“Don’t touch me.” the monk said sharply. 
Iroh’s bronze eyes blinked in bewilderment at the harsh reprimand from the lighthearted airbender.  He had gone in to hug him, because he was clearly upset after their training session. The boy had been burned before, and this one had been simple enough for Katara to heal. So he wasn’t sure what had suddenly caused this shift in mood. 
“Are you all right?” the fatherly man asked with a tinge of panic. 
The boy was silent. 
His silver eyes cut into him. Iroh began churning up thoughts, trying to puzzle out what might be wrong, as he had when Lu Ten had gotten into moody episodes or angry fits.
“Aang,” the man said with a choked noise, “I am so, so sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” But the words were not forgiving in tone. They were hard. They projected ‘I understand this, but my feelings are very different from welcoming you back into my space right now.’ 
“What can I do to make it up to you? To make you feel better?” 
Aang’s shoulders screwed up. 
“Just . . .”
He breathed three times. 
Iroh recognized how he expanded his diaphragm as far as it would go, sucking in all the life-giving air his lungs could stand, and then releasing slowly like a leaking gas tank. 
The words from tutors from his own boyhood spoke to him, 
‘Picture you are drawing in the prana, the life force around you, and with each breath out, imagine you are cleansing yourself of fear and weakness.’ 
“You don’t normally act angry or forceful like Zuko,” the airbender analyzed. “But you do have your rare moments. If you could just . . . be extra quiet for the next few days, that would be a spiritsend.”
“Of course. I will be totally silent, if that’s what would help.” 
The monk relaxed further.  “What made this one worse? Was it something I did specifically?”
The monk opened his eyes and gave him a strained smile. “Toph and Zuko see you as the father you never had, Sensei. Or,” he corrected, “Does the Fire Nation use Sifu?” “Either is fine.”
“Or do you prefer Master?” “Aang, it really doesn’t matter. You insist on this formality, even though I’ve told you it’s not necessary.” 
“You see it as formality,” the monk bowed his head. “We saw it primarily as affection.” 
“Ah! Well then I am honored.”
“It is not a sign of dominance or status,” the monk went on. “But, like ‘Uncle,’ from Zuko, a friendly honorific.” “Like -chan! Or -san.” “Exactly. Like family.” 
The boy was silent for a few moments, and his brief happiness vanished.  “I had my own gurus, so although I want to see you as a parental figure, it feels as if I am betraying the dead by doing so.” The words dropped on him with all the force of the boy’s ten ton bison slamming into the ground. 
Tears gathered in the old man’s eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” the monk said again, much gentler this time. “I want to like you, Master Iroh. But, the man that you, as a boy, kowtowed to as respect to an elder? He brutally murdered my elders.” 
Iroh couldn’t breathe. “Katara complains at me how ‘Zuko reminds me of my dead mother, and how am I supposed to deal with that,’ well.” The preteen laughed harshly. “I have to go meditate after she says things like that, or I will end up saying some very nasty things to her. She is like a noblewoman who complains that it is too hot, while fanning herself. I am the peasant out in the fields, toiling away to serve her up her dinner plate.” Iroh was convinced that he was having an out of body experience. He hadn’t felt this completely flattened by confusion since Mahimata, the Earth Spirit essentially mentally tortured him. 
“Nobody seems to understand exactly how much pain I’m in.” The boy went on in a monotone. “When we started out our journey, I would cry almost every day, as a normal person grieving their entire extended family’s death would. Sokka totally understood. He’d hug me, and rock me. Katara on the other hand, could not handle it. Grieving periods for one person are usually about at least a year, the monks would say. We had a couple of elders join the Spirit World, during my lifetime. So. If we were going to do some simple math here, how long would I need to grieve just every single one of my boyhood playmates, aside from an entire population of my people?” Iroh was beginning to feel faint from lack of oxygen. 
“Katara could not see me like that. It drove her insane. She’d let Sokka handle it. And I didn’t understand why at the time. I was hurt. I was beyond hurt. She acted so motherly all the time, and then when I needed her most, she abandoned me? I didn’t say anything to Sokka about it. I just cried. And tried to do what the monks said, look for the gratitude in the situation. A way to look at things from a positive angle. Impossible task, surely. I’d like to see the Mechanist be good enough at problem solving to unravel that one. After several meditation sessions, I finally ferreted out a way to look at it differently. This was ‘good.’ His macho attitude didn’t extend into berating a younger boy to ‘be more manly’ as you might expect.” 
He repeated the deep breaths. 
“Because, if both of them, my new family, had been unable to comfort me . . .”
The stab through the veteran’s heart was more painful than any blade that had ever gotten through his defenses and sliced into him. 
“Katara saw me as the savior to the world,” the monk said distantly. “So, not only was she hurt by my pain, because her empathy is strong. Every time that would happen, she would think that the world was lost, that we really couldn’t do it. I was too broken to be able to do this. Later on, she said, ‘Aang, we can just run away. You are only one person. You can’t solve this. There’s too much history. Too many people involved. I’ll bet my soul to some wicked spirit, that when the Avatar was established, the elder spirits never expected him to have to do something like this!! This was all a mistake. A slip of Fate. Surely, we need to just let you talk to them, and they’ll say the same thing!’” 
“I was very tempted by that offer,” the Bridge Between the Worlds said ponderously. “What if I just found some secluded spot for a couple of weeks, in order to go into deeper meditation trance states, and negotiate my way out of my responsibility? Were the spirits that merciful? Maybe.” 
He shrugged. “Maybe I should ‘have faith’ that the spirits would be fair to me, a poor little boy who did nothing to deserve this.”
Several more breaths, and Iroh could feel the wind around him reacting this time around. 
“I had a dream, where Roku spoke to me. He apologized for how he acted. That I needed more empathy from him, too. That he was not just my Guide, but also my elder who loved me.” 
A loud sob escaped him, and his element whooshed in response. 
“And now, when I sleep, I am in his arms. Like a baby who sleeps next to their mother. Sokka doesn’t have to do it so much, although he is still completely willing, and reminds me daily. Katara has gotten a little better.”
His next breath out was like a release valve, preventing overload from a too-full tank. 
“Nowadays, Roku murmurs things to me like, ‘It’s ok if you fail, Aang.’ ‘Just try your best.’ ‘That’s all any of us can ask from you.’ ‘You won’t be penalized by the Spirits.’ ‘You won’t even hear a harsh word from any of us Avatars.’ ‘And we most certainly will be there to comfort you.’ If I die, whether by disgruntled protestors, or by assassins trying to re-ignite the war, then the Air Nomads will truly have left the world. I try, during my meditations, to rein in that all-encompassing, all-too-likely scenario. Meditation is meant to quell anxiety after all,” he said a bit bitterly, “and all its attendant visualizations. I guess I am just lucky that, although my anxiety is centered on the entire world, I also have more powerful meditation states than the average person as well. It is suited to the task.” he said flatly. 
His silver eyes glanced around his surroundings. 
“Had I been born somewhere else than the Air Temples, where meditation for bending is not taken so seriously, I’m not sure what mental state I would be in. I could be catatonic, for one. I’m sure I would’ve hurt or killed people in fits of rage by now, Avatar Spirit involved or not.” 
He paused. “There has never been a child Avatar in the Spirit World. Ever. None of the spirits I have talked to in dreams knows what will happen if that comes to pass. Will I be a child in perpetuity? Some of the more feminine ones cluck over me like a mother hen and say, ‘You poor dear, you will feel very lonely here, should you die.’ ‘You will be the only one of your kind here, just as you are on the Material Plane.’ ‘We will lavish you with attention, little one.’ ‘You deserve paradise after death, probably even more so than any human who has ever existed.’ ‘Don’t be afraid.’” His tears drew tracks down his cheeks. 
“‘You’ve never had a mother, have you, love?’ ‘Your gurus were so mastered in their minds that they could provide that feminine touch to you.’ ‘We don’t mean to disrespect their culture, dear, but it seems terribly sad to us, still.’”
He let out a broken chuckle and quavered in a slightly otherworldly voice, “Roku, you brute, you had better take over as the next Avatar’s Guide if that happens. Expecting a child who had barely begun to live to mentor a sixteen year old? The fire fields will freeze over before we let you off the hook.’” The boy wiped his eyes. 
“I have lots of ‘people’ rooting for me. Not only rooting for me, but allowing the possibility that I will fail. And that, is what every boy and girl in the world needs.” 
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Edmure Tully
Our sweet Trout boi was requested!! Tryna go more with his book description haha.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Edmure gives his affection to you easily and happily. It’s half showing off what a lovely wife he has, and half he just can’t keep himself from not spoiling you with attention. Even when he has to put on his Lord’s face and tend to the court, he’ll have a hand on yours and you’ll feel him stroking your fingers while he listens to petitions. At feasts and galas, he’s always wanting you close at hand so he can kiss your cheek and hold you by the waist as the party goes on. Everyone knows the Lord of Riverrun is absolutely taken with his Lady, and sometimes it’s downright sickening how sweet you two can be.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s a loyal friend and vassal, but also hard-headed as can be. He likes friendly and outgoing sorts of people, but you might have to pull him out of trouble when he’s had too much to drink. Edmure doesn’t have a malicious bone in him, and he often worries after vassals, small folk and friends alike, even if he tries to hide how concerned he is. He’ll listen to your problems seriously, even if he doesn’t have the best plan to fix them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Given how often he hugs and kisses you, it’s no surprise he loves to cuddle, but he can only do it for so long before he gets antsy and has to move. Edmure wants to relax in your arms, but sometimes he’s just too wound up. Cuddling in bed is easier because he’s already tired, and he falls asleep within minutes once you start petting his hair or snuggling up on his chest. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It’s expected of him to marry, and he always hoped he’d have a bride he got along with so he could have a large family. He’s great with kids and has always wanted several - many times in his childhood he wished for an older brother to look up to, or a younger one to play with. So, it’s no surprise he starts getting domestic thoughts just a day after your wedding.
Edmure is a lord, so he wasn’t expected to clean and cook, nor does he have an interest in either. You probably have to urge him to keep his study area tidy, at least, and not allow the children to leave their things wherever they please. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It’d be clumsy and he’d try to be brusque with it, but his emotion would likely make him choke up. He’d just cut it short and leave the room, then.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Edmure knew he had to do it eventually, and his father’s failing health only made that more urgent. He thinks too much with his heart to make a proper political match, and he knows it. He always thought his father would tie him down before long, but Lord Hoster never seemed satisfied with this bride or that one, and by the time he passed, the chaos of war was upon them. Edmure was too occupied with that to think about arranging anything. It was Catlyn who brought you to his attention, and she wasn’t subtle about how much Robb needed your house’s support. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Edmure always speaks to you and holds you kindly, but he’s never acted like you’re fragile. He knows you aren’t, and being overly gentle with his touches or words feels patronizing to him. If anything, his enthusiasm and stubbornness means sometimes he can be the opposite.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Well, he prefers kisses but he’ll be happy with any attention. Edmure especially appreciates long hugs when he’s had a difficult day, and he’ll wrap you up longing if he knows he’s going to be gone for a long time. His hugs are always long, sometimes swaying, and he doesn’t mind giving you one in front of his men. In more lighter moments he’ll whisper something stupid just to make you laugh or snort ungracefully, making others wonder what he said. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He felt it quickly, strong feelings and affection that he’d associate with “love”. Edmure wondered if it was too soon to say such a sappy thing to you, but every smile and kiss you gave him wore that down. It slipped out one evening after you both were intimate, when you were cuddled so cutely under his chin and after you made him laugh with some joke. He didn’t even notice it slipped out, he was just too content - though he wasn’t embarrassed, even as you blushed. It was the truth, so you should know. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Edmure gets jealous fairly easily; you could tease him on purpose simply by tittering at young lord’s “subtle” flirtatious jokes, or pretending to shy away when handsome musicians wink at you - he especially hates the bards that love singing to the “fair Lady of Riverrun”. Your husband will be pointedly sullen when you return to him, but he comes around once you’ve given him plenty of kisses and praise … That evening, though, he’ll get you back once he figures out you were just teasing. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Your lord husband’s kisses are eager, you don’t doubt his love for a moment every time he showers you in attention. It’s very easy to distract Edmure’s train of thought by pulling him in for a long, lingering kiss before he leaves to go do something. While he loves the taste of your lips, and how cute they are, when you’re alone and intimate he likes kissing all over. Your breasts are lovely and he likes to feel your heartbeat as he kisses there, and when you’re both feeling more silly, he’ll kiss up your legs or your arms, hitting every ticklish spot until you swat at him to stop.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Edmure tends to not watch his mouth when young ones are around, but he does love to bounce his son on his leg or sit patiently at the table while his daughter serves him “tea”. He doesn’t notice, but he has a knack for understanding children’s whims and tempers and easily redirecting them. Even if he has several children, Edmure tries to be attentive to all of them and teach them different things. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He wakes up with an absolute mess of bedhead, no matter what, and if you aren’t out of bed already, you’ll be pulled into a lazy hug and peppered with several sleepy kisses. You might have to swat Edmure off and remind him of the duties you both have, but he’d just laugh and want to pull you back in bed (some mornings that’s interrupted by the children running in and jumping on the bed). He’s not great at waking up early; if he could sleep without interruptions, he’d gladly sleep in until the late morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You have to keep Edmure from staying up too late, as he naturally burns midnight oil and tends to lose track of time. Before that, he likes to help put the children to bed and tuck them in. He can never resist his daughter asking for a story or his son wanting to hear about some battle, so sometimes he’s at this task for quite a while. Once that’s done and he’s still busy, you’ll have to all but drag him to bed, and his attention will redirect to pleasing you. You’ve reminded Edmure several times that his late hours is why he hates getting up in the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Edmure finds it easy to talk to you, and he’s an open man by nature, so he doesn’t mind chatting about this or that, especially when you ask. You think it’s cute how fondly he speaks of his sisters, even if they were apart from him for so long, and how much he admired his father and all the things his uncle taught him. When he’s angry, he has a habit of pacing a room and ranting while you listen with some amusement. And when he has to make decisions for the Riverlands, he likes to run them by you, even if your honesty makes him bristle at times.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Even though Edmure gets irritated and bothered easily by things people say or do, even things you say or do, he isn’t the sort to stay angry for a long while. Especially if it’s you, he knows that you were right about whatever you both were arguing about, and he’ll come back and sullenly apologize after he’s calmed down. He rarely yells when he’s upset with his men - and he’d never do that to you - but sometimes he raises his voice when he’s impatient. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Edmure won’t remember specific details or things you’ve said, but he’s fairly good at remembering your tastes and how you want things taken care of in Riverrun. Sometimes he’ll confuse things, mistaking something Catlyn liked for something you don’t, but that doesn’t happen too much. If something genuinely upsets you - or gods forbid, someone offended or hurt you - he’ll remember that for a long time.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Edmure thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen on your wedding day, dressed in the fine silk and samite gown he later so carefully took off. He never thought he’d be happier, or so anxious, as he draped his family’s cloak around your shoulders. 
A new one ended up taking that one’s place, and it’s an afternoon he thinks of often. He went out by the riverside, where you were curled up on a blanket playing with your toddler, who finally figured out his legs and enjoyed circling around you. Your hair wasn’t tied in a neat plait, it was a mess about your shoulders, and you weren’t in a fine gown, just a lovely linen dress that was pooling around your thighs as you tried to wrangle the boy in your arms. Edmure gladly ignored whatever he had to do for the day to join you in chasing the little devil down.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Whenever you need to leave Riverrun, he always has several men he trusts accompany you, in addition to the usual knights. Edmure really isn’t overprotective until you have to travel somewhere, but when the war broke out, he went into overdrive. You and the children would always have guards around, ones he absolutely trusted and knew were fierce in battle. He wouldn’t want you to leave Riverrun unless it was absolutely necessary, nor would he want you to be separated from the children for any reason.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Edmure always puts in effort for you. He has a good eye for things you might like, and on your birthday and anniversary (and sometimes just because) he’d give you something lovely. He likes to give you plenty of attention each day, anyhow, and sometimes he’ll bring by flowers or whatever else he found that you might like, so you feel plenty beloved each day anyhow. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
While Edmure does have his fleeting temper, he also has his impulsive and childish jealousies. Sometimes it can get to be too much and you have to scold him for it. Other times he’s hard-headed with a decision he needs to make for Riverrun, and you have to talk him down and ask him to consider other options. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He actually keeps up with his looks a little, or he at least wants to look nice for you, which you find quite cute. Sometimes you’ll help him shave if there’s time in the morning, or you’ll drag him into a bath. He does his best to dress the lordly part, but he prefers more practical clothing that he can train and hunt in.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If something had happened to you and you were no longer in his life, Edmure would almost become unrecognizable. He’d be depressed and prone to moods, and anyone attempting to call on him would be liable to get someone’s head bit off. The only solace he’d find would be the children, who he’d try to keep being attentive to and care for, even if it hurt to look at their faces and see you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you didn’t know how to swim, Edmure would teach you. He’d take it especially seriously if you were fearful of water, since now you’re living in a place surrounded by it. He’d hate for an accident to happen. It’d start with you knee-deep in the river, then waist, then he’d help you paddle and swim around. After several lessons you’d both be goofing off and splashing each other. Afterward he’d want to carry you to the castle, even if you insisted you weren’t that tired, and you two would just be sopping wet and dripping all over the hall. Your handmaidens would not be pleased with the mess they’d be cleaning out of your hair.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Edmure can’t handle frivolous or nervous types of people, it just puts him on edge (and reminds him of Lysa). 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Edmure sleeps soundly, so no matter how much you move around or make noise, it won’t bother him. He likes to snuggle against you, even if it puts him in an awkward position and he wakes up sore. He just prefers to be touching you in some way, whether is full on cuddling or just an arm loosely wrapped around you. He sleeps the best during thunderstorms, he’ll actually go to bed early. Of course, anytime a kiddo runs in scared from a nightmare, he’ll be the first to get up, sleepily carry them back to their room and tuck them back in.
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universalfanfic · 3 years
Regency AU - Either Person A or Person B is in danger of being ruined socially: for Stutton? it give me Stutton vibes
This may be a Part One? Depending on if I ever manage to get caught up on asks. So... Please enjoy this snippet and its “cliffhanger ending”.
“Mother, I refuse.” 
Sutton clenched her hands at her sides and pursed her lips. Her mother’s expression didn’t waver, she could be just as stubborn and Sutton felt a trickle of unease at the steel in her mother’s eyes.
“We have no choice.” Her mother said. “I’ve already arranged for you to be introduced to Captain Rogers at the next ball.” 
“You cannot just marry me off against my will! I’ll refuse him.” 
“Oh? Refuse him and be left destitute?” 
Sutton scoffed and looked away, but her mother marched forward, her skirts swirling around her feet. 
“Don’t scoff at me. You know Howard’s firm has been in decline recently. And beyond that, what he has legally must go to Tyrese.” 
“Tyrese would not leave me destitute.” 
Her mother took a breath. 
“No. But you would leave his allowance smaller than it already is and with slimmer chances of a good match. Would you do that to your brother when you have another option available to you?”
Sutton hissed under her breath. Using Tyrese wasn’t fair. She would disgrace herself in public for him and her mother knew that. 
“Why would Captain Rogers agree to this match?” She asked instead. “His family is of good fortune last I heard.” 
“And your head is in the clouds far too often to hear the local gossip. Captain Rogers cut Captain Rumlow in town, right in front of everyone. His social standing is in question and he could use our family’s name to salvage his own.” 
Sutton, indeed, had not heard the gossip. She rolled her eyes. 
“Over ignoring him in public? Please, mother. A man of his wealth only has to announce an apology and his name will survive-”
“Captain Rogers refuses.” 
The statement lingered. That was a bit more severe. 
“Oh.” Said Sutton. 
“His reasons are his own, but he is a man that stands by his convictions.” Her mother paused, a soft, pleading look took over her face. “By all rights, he is a good man, Sutton. Please. I am thinking only of your future.”
Sutton found herself, coiffed and pristine, at the ball. Her nerves were alight and she wanted to hide in a far room, but of course she couldn’t. And she couldn’t look as frazzled and nervous as she felt either. Lest she also give herself a poor reputation and ruin Captain Rogers’ only reason to marry her. 
Which she still didn’t want to agree to. 
Her mother arranged Sutton’s curls herself with a few decorative pins and the reminder that Sutton should be concerned for her own future. And of how sincerely wonderful a match Captain Rogers would be. 
Captain Rogers was newly stationed in town, though his family’s name was well known. It seemed like the locals hadn’t stopped chittering about him and his fellows since their arrival. Though in Captain Rogers’ case, now the talk was for a different, less admirable, reason.
If Sutton weren’t so distressed, she might have been impressed with how quickly her mother was able to negotiate the arrangement. 
The dancing hall was full of people and lively music. Mr. Stark was hosting, yet again, and his parties were always an event. Sutton would have been more eager for a few dances if a looming marriage arrangement didn’t shadow the entire evening. 
“You mustn't look so glum, Sutton. You’ll put off all the eager gentlemen looking for a dancing partner.” 
Sutton turned at the voice and put on a smile. 
“Glum? At a Stark party? Hardly.” 
Natasha, her dear friend, smiled as she took Sutton’s hand. 
“And yet you’ve been scowling at the crowd for the last few minutes. Tell me; did Victoria drive her carriage by your house with a new, fancy bonnet?” 
Sutton laughed lightly at that. As much as was socially acceptable. 
“No. Though I wish it were something so trivial.” 
“Oh, I sense delectable gossip. Now you must share.” 
No one in the room was paying particular attention to them yet, and no one approached to make introductions. Sutton dipped her head closer to Natasha’s in order not to be overheard. 
“I hardly want to even say.” 
“Sutton, I insist. You’re hardly ever in poor spirits and you’ll make me worry.”
“Can you keep a secret?”
“My dear sister-in-arms, you know that I am full of secrets.” 
That, of course, was an understatement. If there was one person who kept tabs on all the local gossip, and some beyond, it was Natasha Barton. Sutton was too afraid to ask how she found out so much. 
“My mother,” Sutton whispered, “is planning to have me...to have me wed to Captain Rogers.” 
Natasha cocked a brow, looking rather more conspiratorial than sympathetic. Sutton frowned.
“That certainly would salvage his social standing.” Natasha said.
“Not you too. Really; does no one care that I would rather marry for love than for station or fortune?”
“Do you think you couldn’t love a man like Captain Rogers?” 
“I do not know him, so I could not say.” 
Natasha flippantly waved off Sutton’s argument as if it were no important matter. 
“That’s what the courtship is for.”
“Ugh, never mind I said a thing, then. You’re just as impossible as my mother.” 
“I shall take that as a compliment.”
Sutton was kept from returning a snide remark by two approaching figures. One familiar and the other a stranger.  Both women smiled politely as the two men stopped before them. 
“Mrs. Barton, Miss Regan.” 
“Mr. Stark.” Both women said in unison. 
They dipped slightly in greeting and Anthony Stark bowed at the waist. 
Anthony Stark was not only the host, but a friend of the family. Sutton was quite fond of him, generally, despite his shortcomings. But her opinion of him could be swayed depending on who he was about to introduce. 
“Might I introduce Captain Rogers,” Mr. Stark said. “He’s recently arrived with his company and will be staying in town for the foreseeable future.”
Sutton’s mouth went dry and her heart thudded. Mr. Stark dropped a few notches in her list of esteemed peoples. 
Captain Rogers was a tall man with well kept blond hair and a defined jaw. He held himself in a stiff, business-like manner, and he offered them a polite enough smile, though Sutton felt it was a bit forced. 
She and Natasha dipped as he bowed, and Natasha cast her a knowing look from the corner of her eye. Sutton knew the look. It said Natasha thought that Sutton would be impressed or should be forced to admit that she was. And true, Captain Rogers appeared to be the sort of gentleman that would attract all of the local ladies gossip, but for how much would that account in terms of personality? A handsome man did not necessarily mean he was genteel underneath and away from the public eye. 
“A pleasure to meet you, Captain Rogers.” Natasha said. “Your service to this country puts us in your debt.” 
“Hardly.” Captain Rogers said. “It’s a duty and an honor to serve.”
“Admirable, Captain.” Natasha smiled, disarmingly friendly. “And, pray tell, do you have an estate here? Or are you boarding with friends for your duration?”
Steve dipped his head. 
“My family has an estate in Brooklyn,” he said. “It’s of enough size that I hope to be able to host dinners for some of the men without family in the area.”
“So generous of you, Captain.” 
Sutton’s tone was neutral, she had the practice, and she kept her expression just as neutral as all eyes turned towards her. Mr. Stark had a shine in his own eyes and a curl of his lip that said he was amused. Likely he knew of her mother’s schemes already. Likely he was the very one her mother had conspired with to introduce her to Captain Rogers in the first place. And if that were the case he knew her enough to guess that she was less than enthused. 
Captain Rogers tilted his head in a gesture that said he knew her comment meant more but would graciously ignore it.
“It’s not my aim to draw attention to myself. I simply wish to bolster morale where I can. I know just as well the struggles of being a solitary man in a foreign place.” 
They studied each other with equal scrutiny. Sutton was sure he found her at least slightly unpleasant, seeming to toe around the edge of decency. But then, he didn’t have much room for judging her on that account, did he? 
On her end, she was immediately suspicious of men who managed to only say the right thing in their conversations with the fairer sex. More than once she’d seen her peers swoon for a man who presented himself as wholly doting and refined, only to show himself as stubborn and as affectionate as a mule once wed. Or worse.
She had vowed to herself that she would never succumb to such a match, but now all the choice had been ripped from her. 
And Captain Rogers was rushing from the gate with only the right things pouring from his lips. 
“Well put, Captain Rogers.” Natasha said blithely. 
Mr. Stark looked between Sutton and Captain Rogers before he clapped the man on the back and gave Sutton a wink. 
“Mrs. Barton,” he said, “would you do me the honor of a dance? It looks like your husband is momentarily distracted by the buffet table.” 
Natasha’s eyes sparkled despite Sutton’s nails digging into her arm. 
“It would be my pleasure Mr. Stark.” 
Propriety forced Sutton to relinquish her hold on Natasha despite the growing anticipation in her stomach. The last thing she wanted to be was left alone with the man her mother would guilt her into marrying. 
Mr. Stark left with Natasha on his arm and Sutton turned back up to Captain Rogers. His gaze was elsewhere for a moment, but he turned to her before she could search to see where he was looking. The smile he gave her was pressed and obligated. 
“Would you like to dance, Miss Regan?”
Nothing would delight her more than to deny him and find a more quiet corner of the party to retreat to. But she could see her mother now, off behind Captain Rogers, and she was giving Sutton so murderous a glare that to follow through with her own wishes would be tantamount to suicide. 
And denying him would be a sign to everyone that she agreed his social standing was in ruin and she wanted nothing to do with him. With her family’s good name, it could destroy him most thoroughly. 
Sutton’s face split in just as obligated and polite a smile as she held out her hand. 
“I would be honored, Captain.” 
They made their way to the dance floor and Sutton felt all the eyes in the room upon them as they took their places. Natasha selected an especially lively song and Sutton readied herself as she reminded herself of the first steps to the dance. Captain Rogers stood across from her, his shoulders a little too tense and his eyes not quite meeting hers. 
The music started and everyone stepped forward, nearly coming together, hands up, and stepping away. Spinning, turning, weaving around each other. Sutton saw Captain Rogers clear his throat rather than heard it before they stepped forward again to circle each other.
“I’m assuming your mother already informed you of her designs for us.”
Sutton bristled internally, but focusing on the dance helped keep her from glaring outwardly. 
“Recently, yes.” She replied. “I have to thank you both for finally including me in on the details of my future.” 
They pulled away, twisting about the room, and Sutton felt her love of the dance wain as Captain Rogers’ discomfort only seemed to grow. 
“Your mother approached me with the proposal,” he said when they next met. “In my situation, I have just as little choice as you.” 
Sutton’s hackles rose at that and her eyes sharpened. 
“Really, Captain? Last I checked, I had little choice in the success of my father’s business, while you had every choice to cut Captain Rumlow out in the town square where all could see you.”
This time Captain Rogers didn’t duck in uncomfortable sheepishness. His own look hardened and his jaw tensed in defense of his actions. 
“You don’t understand the circumstances.” 
“You should know that circumstances hardly matter to the masses.” 
They turned again and Sutton made eye contact with Natasha at the front of the dance line. Natasha grinned, hopeful, and Sutton frowned. Natasha made a face in return. Sutton would have to have a word with her after the ball for leaving her like this. 
“Do you object then,” Steve said as they held up hands, nearly touching, and turned, “to marrying a man with what you consider a tarnished reputation? Without knowing the details of such?”
“I object to marrying a man I don’t know when I swore to marry for no less than love.”
“You anticipate that I’ll fail to reach your expectations of love.”
“I find it interesting how you assume my agreement to this arrangement without asking me, and now know my innermost thoughts on the future. Your ability to know a person after mere introductions astounds me.” 
They spun away from each other, back into their lines, and Sutton’s heart pounded as her anger swelled. How dare he! How dare he imply that she was the one in the wrong here. When she had so little choice in life compared to him; how dare he scoff at her for wanting to cling to this one decision. 
The music ended and the lines bowed and curtsied to each other, finishing the dance. Another woman hurried to the musicians to request the next song and dance. Sutton smoothed out her dress and brushed back some of her curls. As much as she loathed it, she knew what would happen next. 
He would ask for one more dance, to openly show his interest, and she would be obligated to accept thanks to her mother. Then everyone in attendance would share murmurs about the possible forming connection.  
Before the end of the ball he’d go to her mother, to ask to call on her, and her life would be locked on the track of her mother’s design. For her good. 
She swallowed and attempted to catch her breath as she briefly met Captain Rogers eyes. He gave her a nod and another bow and stepped away from the dance floor.
He did not ask for another. 
Sutton blinked at the dismissal. If he were just another man at the ball, she would not have thought twice about it. One dance was perfectly acceptable. But Captain Rogers was supposedly agreeing to an arranged marriage with her, and not making an effort to show interest in her was shocking to say the least. 
She and her mother made eye contact from across the room, and her mother appeared just as scandalized and irate. Their saving grace was that no one else was aware there was supposed to be an interest, arranged or otherwise. Or likely Sutton’s own reputation would have been gossiped about as well. 
A thought arrested her. Perhaps he now wanted to call off the arrangement because of her bluntness in their conversation. Her mother could never know the cause, if that were the case. She feared her mother’s wrath more than she feared being left destitute. 
Though, would he really call off everything because she had the audacity to be blunt with him? When he was the one who asked? If nothing else, it seemed her opinion had offended him enough that he felt the need to slight her.
A man with such a delicate disposition, over such a matter as a personal conviction besides his own, didn’t bode well to Sutton for what she would be subjected to in a marriage. 
If there was still a marriage to be had. 
Her mother idled in the crowd, obviously fretting now, and Sutton left the room. Her emotions were too tumultuous to be in public and she needed some space.
First Lieutenant James “Bucky” Barnes smiled sharply as Steve Rogers stepped off the dance floor. It was a strained expression and Steve frowned when he saw it. 
“What is it?” 
Bucky clapped his good hand on Steve’s shoulder and kept the smile for the sake of the company in the room. 
“You’re finished dancing already, then?” 
Steve tipped his head and shifted so that they could speak with a sliver more privacy. 
“Can I assume you don’t approve.” 
“Steve, you’re meant to be showing interest in this girl. Wooing her; and you only ask for one dance? There’s not another ball scheduled later this week. Now is the time to lay foundations.” 
“Miss Regan made it plain that she doesn’t agree with the arrangement,” Steve said. “I won’t force her hand under public pressure.” 
“Steve, you have likely insulted her or called this arrangement into question. Unless you mentioned these thoughts to her before the dance ended?” 
Steve remained silent making the answer obvious. Bucky huffed under his breath. 
“Steve, I lost an arm and yet you manage to somehow be more of a frustration for me.” 
“Last I checked it was my reputation at stake, not yours.” 
“You say that as if I don’t care about your reputation for you; since someone has to. You want to stick to your convictions and have nothing to do with Captain Rumlow, fine. But don’t toss aside your best opportunity to keep your family’s name in good standing.” 
Of course Bucky, as ever, had a fair point. Steve’s parents had labored to build his family’s name from the ground up, and it wasn’t a burden he bore lightly. As their only child, it was his duty to continue the legacy they started. To continue on so their struggles were not in vain. 
And it seemed to do so meant marrying one Miss Sutton Regan. 
If she would accept him.
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