#this is literally so terrible I don’t know if I have enough tw tags so pls lmk what else to add if I don’t!!!!
girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hello I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I had an idea about a hazbin hotel request, so what if everyone at the hotel (except Alastor) consider the reader a big sister who takes shit from no one, like will slap someone without hesitation if they talk bad about any of their friends, especially when Valentino tries something will literally beat him up until he's half dead. (If you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight)
Oh, nonnie, you are never a bother! I love getting new requests, feeds my soul tbh. I love this idea too! As much as I love romantic x readers and NS/FW x readers, I also love me some platonic Hazbin 🤍 good morning/afternoon/evening to you and ENJOY!
Notes: fem!reader, this is kinda short sorry, added Alastor at the end but just a snippet :)
TW: aggression, fighting, swearing
Rough and Tough- Hazbin x platonic!reader
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Charlie ❤️‍🔥
Adores your passion and bravery but is often the one to hold you back or stand between you and your foe.
She loves keeping you close tho bc she has a hard time asserting dominance and speaking up for herself and you’re always willing to speak your mind on her behalf. You always help uplift and empower her, she greatly appreciates that.
Charlie also really does see you as a sister. As an only child, she grew up pretty sheltered and lonely, but being with you now is really healing her inner child.
When Charlie is having any kind of issue, she always goes to Vaggie, her darling girlfriend. But, when Charlie feels the need to vent about and get advice on her relationship with Vaggie, she turns to you. When Vaggie is busy and away, Charlie goes to you.
Pretty much every weekend, Charlie invites you and the other girls in the hotel to her room for a sleep over and some fun girly time
You def tagged along with her to the meeting with heaven along with Vaggie and while Vaggie is like “keep a cool head, babe.” You’re literally trying to climb up to where Adam is seated so you can rip that smug smile off his stupid, ignorant, narcissistic face and slap Lute with it.
Vaggie’s just panicking as she tries to keep you and Charlie calm lmao
Vaggie ⚔️
Vaggie adores you and you are often each other’s impulse control and each others biggest instigators
Vaggie getting pissed that someone is trying to sabotage the hotel and storming up to the traitor with her angelic spear cocked back and ready to kill
Enter big sis pulling her back and trying to talk some sense into her
Also you getting livid when someone talks negatively about Vaggie being a fallen angel, or worse being a former exorcist and being untrustworthy
Bad words and ugly names are pouring from your angry mouth, fists balled up and ready to go, muscles tense in anticipation
Cue Vags hugging you as she pulls you away, whispering that it doesn’t bother her so don’t let it bother you
But it bothers you bc you know it bothers her…she doesn’t deserve that.
As Rosie said, maybe she’s trying to be redeemed too…? Being shit talked is only going to put bad thoughts in her head and you can’t stand to see your family belittled like that
Sometimes, if the situation is just bad enough, you and Vaggie lose it together and no one can stop yall now. It’s honestly just as frightening as when Alastor shows his full demon form, you and Vaggie violently teamed up together like this.
Angry Vaggie + Angry big sis reader = a terrible ending for whoever is at the sharp end of her spear and at the mercy of your fists
Angel Dust 🕸️
Is very intimidated by you at first but grows so fond of you as he gets to know you. He admires your courage so much, he wishes he could be more like you.
He never feels safer than when he’s at the hotel with you near by. He knows that whatever he lacks when up against an opponent, you’ll be there to pick up the slack and watch his back.
Angel doesn’t have many true friends or familial figures in hell, and he misses his own sister so terribly. You fill that empty spot in his heart so perfectly, he wishes you had been around when he was still alive.
You two hang out a lot- his flirty, bubbly, goofy demeanor and your kind, accepting but stubborn attitude makes for some fun late night talks and some exciting outings together
Some dude tries to touch Angel out on the street without his consent? Oh fuck no. Before he knows it, the loser demon is groaning from the hard concrete floor as you grab Angel by the wrist, both of you stepping over the banged up body of the handsy asshole.
“It’s called consent! Look it up, ya fuckin prick.” Angel gets such a confidence boost being with you, you are the physical threat and he is the voice that tears them apart even further. You bruise their skin, he bruises their ego
Angel can’t help but laugh everytime you lose it for him. He just enjoys your company and support so much. He says he can handle himself and while he totally can, it’s just nice to have someone back him up, someone who truly cares for him.
Husk 🃏
While Vaggie and Charlie often try to hold you back and calm you down, Husk cheers you on in any and every tense situation you find yourself in
“Oooooh you’re in for it now, bone head.” He’ll smirk and watch with a pleased smirk on his face as you pummel some sinner who dared to threaten the hotel and its residents
Husk’s fav pastime is sitting back with a bottle of booze as he watches you just go ham on some stupid, loud mouth loser who tried to pick a fight with the former overlord
Husk isn’t afraid of a fight, he’s not afraid to get up close and personal with the action but he must admit it’s nice to feel cared for enough to have someone sacrifice their own safety just to protect him.
The only time Husk has intervened during one of your episodes of frustration and rage is when Alastor said something to Husk that rubbed you the wrong way. Seeing Husk’s terrified and helpless expression in response to Alastor’s threats lights a fire in your chest.
“How dare you talk to him like that! I don’t give a shit if you own him, he’s not your fucking pet, you piece of-“
Husk practically, no literally begged Alastor to let it go and leave you be which he did but only bc he sort of admired your lack of fear and your loving but fierce protective attitude.
Husk also greatly admires your lack of fear and strong will. He wishes you were his family for real, maybe he wouldn’t be so depressed and fucked up.
Sir Pentious 🐍
Admires tf out of you, babies tf out of you.
He sees you as more of a little sis, wanting to coddle and defend you always.
Sees you coming back to the hotel one day with some bruises and bloody hands and hes immediately comforting you, trying to clean you up even tho you’re clearly fine.
But, he must confess he loves teaming up with you bc together you’re the perfect pair- Pentious with his tools and inventions and intricate weapons and you with your amazing strength and hot headed, witty comebacks and your courage and your quick thinking.
When he feels that he needs to step in and keep you from doing something stupid, he does so with all his might. Pentious would rather face your wrath himself than let you go and get yourself hurt or killed.
Go ahead, take your anger out on him but don’t risk yourself just for him.
You two totally bond over wanting to be seen as evil, devious and powerful but you’re both actually soft little sweet hearts deep down.
You two cry together a lot lmao. It’s always him crying first and then his crying triggers you.
He would frequently talk to you about how you are always so brave, fearless, strong, never faltering, never second guessing yourself. He’d ask where you learned to be so sure of yourself, he wants to learn to be more like that.
Alastor 🩸
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babybluebex · 1 year
so rn i am so incredibly sick and this is NOT how i imagined ringing in the new year, and i’ve been up all night being ill, so i don’t have a lot of the energy i wish i did, but i did just want to extend a great big huge thank you to everybody who reads this. the first half of 2022 was pretty usual: i cycled through celebrities i would read and write for, not sticking to any one for too long; my mental health was bad; i had relapsed in my bulimia i was stuck in a school i hate and a job i hated even more; and overall it was looking like the year would be typical.
and then joe happened. and you guys happened.
for as much as i love and adore joseph (and he has changed my life as well in his own special way, don’t get me wrong), you guys, my friends, my followers, have changed it even more. when i first started writing for eddie in june, i had just under 3k followers. i remember a night where i cried to my sister soph about feeling burnt out and like i hated writing and wanted to quit, and i took a brief week hiatus to try to sort myself out. it was during this hiatus that i decided to watch stranger things— i had watched the first season way back when it came out, but i hadn’t bothered to watch anymore of it, but i had heard how good s4 was, so i took a chance on it. i watched it and fell in love with the universe. i was already starting to write a robin fic by the time i started s4, and then eddie came into my life.
my first eddie fic was terrible and i’ll never post it bc it was very self indulgent and frankly just Bad (also included a lot of personal details that i can’t just edit out lol), but the first fic i posted was called mighty protector. i continued to post little by little, gaining more and more followers and finding new and exciting friends, until the big one hit, pretty metal. i literally took the day off of work to watch it gain notes and numbers. there was a day where i gained 100 followers in a single day, and i was so excited for it. your interactions saved me. your interactions, every keysmash and excited message to my inbox saved me. it renewed my love of writing and i am forever thankful.
all of this to say, i’m so… thankful isn’t the right word. it’s not strong enough for what i feel. i love everybody that helped make this year special. if i could name each 13k of you, i would, but tumblr only lets me tag about 100 people at a time iirc, so just know that, if you’re reading this, you mean so much to me. i love you guys.
i’m tagging some people who made 2022 such a special year for me, but know how much i love each and every one of you. see in 2023 (hopefully when i’m less sick lmao).
@mypoisonedvine @earlgreydream @king-keery @hellfiremunsonn @lost-in-sokovia @ceriseheaven @bowerquinn @bowersbubbles @topthagomizer @usedtobecooler @lunatictardis @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown @icallhimjoey @lilacletter @punk-in-docs
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Apologies for this but this is the most sick to my stomach, angry, distressed -and I don’t even know what other words to use it’s just a mix of negative emotions- that I’ve ever felt regarding certain things/people I’ve come across in a long time. TW for abuse, incest, and just general venting under the cut.
So I made the mistake of looking through some of the latest posts under one of the tags for Sister, and came across this post discussing someone’s take on me regarding chapter 3 and whatnot. That post was generally okay except for the end where they briefly mention ideas related to how things would be if I left Sister. But besides that final section, everything else in the post was mostly alright. However, I then noticed how at the bottom of the post someone had reblogged it and added onto what was said. I was already getting red flags from the fact I’m blocked by them, but didn’t think too much of it initially and just pulled up the post on my browser so I could read the rest of it. But then I started to get curious about why they may have blocked me and wanted to check their profile, so I did. The profile itself isn’t too bad, just mainly reblogs of fanart, but it was the pinned post that led to my despair. A carrd was linked and naturally I clicked on the link to read it. Pretty generic stuff and then, immediately one section made me extremely uncomfortable and instantly I knew why I was blocked and the realization of it all just hit me. Besides the fact they heavily ship something I’m personally uncomfortable with due to it having been associated with an ex of mine, the specific carrd dni was just the horrific cherry on top. Now generally I’m uncomfortable by these sorts of people but they don’t tend to affect me all that much usually. But when I saw this it just made me absolutely sick to my stomach what with the hypocrisy of it and the detached way they blocked me. I’m sorry my words aren’t describing it well enough but it just, how they claim to like me so much and are passionate about me and stuff and then their dni is literally in a way just “Korekiyo DNI and stay as far away from me as possible” plus how they blocked me like I’m just disgusted(if that’s even the right word to use) and tired of people who don’t want anything to do with me liking Sister, our canon relationship, and the way I am about her and yet still claim to love and understand me and accept me for who I am, like no you don’t. People like this are why I try to avoid the Danganronpa fandom because people can rarely ever seem to treat me right no matter what their personal stance on me is. Like if they truly liked me they wouldn’t want to hate on and paint sister as this terrible horrific demonic monster without holding any regard for my feelings of her and wouldn’t try to imagine situations where I’ve separated from her. They wouldn’t if they truly liked me, but they do. They do, and because of that I can’t trust majority of those who claim to be my “fans”. So I avoid them unless they find me because most that do are the ones who actually do like me. But I’m just tired of those who are like “dni if you like Sister” and that all the tumblr tags are mainly just hate, I’m just so sick and tired of those who claim to like me and then deny and hate the fact of my intense unchanging feelings towards Sister. It sickens me. Ugh I’m getting like no sleep because of this why can’t I just be normal why do I have to be affected so negatively by things like this. I just wish people could be more respectful when it comes to our relationship. Like, I don’t care what she did in the past or whatever she makes me happy and we’re happy together and that’s all that matters. And people need to stop acting like I don’t feel that way or try to destroy what makes me happy. Idk I’ve said too much sorry I’m too weird and obsessed and I care too much about what others think and shouldn’t even really be saying anything so I’m sorry, I wish I was normal but I’m not. At least I’m happy though even if people can’t accept the ways in which I’m happy. Okay sorry I know I’ve said too much I’ll shut up now, and I’ll try to never do something like this again.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
repost from my old blog
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The post in question.
Not even gonna lie, when I posted it, I was hoping someone was gonna ask for Jamil.
Same disclaimer as before, at the time of writing, Ignihyde’s chapter is just beginning, so I’m going to improvise the reasons and circumstances of Idia’s Overblot from what we’ve seen thus far. Also, I haven’t seen D*sney’s Hercules (so I can’t even make a guess on Idia’s unique magic), but it was serendipitous that the only myth I do know of is the abduction of Persephone.
Warning for unhealthy relationships (yandere is synonymous with toxic, and I write it purely as a horror trope, no romanticisation), mentions of stalking, manipulating, guilt-tripping, jealousy and kidnapping.
An extra heavy warning for the implication of a murder-suicide in the last bullet point of Idia’s part, it’s not outright stated but it is heavily implied. I’ve tagged this with “murder suicide tw” but let me know if there is a better tag I could use.
Jamil Viper
Jamil would befriend you alongside Kalim proceeding the Magift scandal
By which I mean, he wouldn’t necessarily want to befriend you, but he would because Kalim wanted to be friends with you
Though he was pretty amused and intrigued by both you and Grim ever since he witnessed the fiasco at the entrance ceremony and Kalim being set on fire
He’s a bit aloof, so finding out he considers you a friend does come as a surprise, but at least he shows it sometimes through subtle favours
Things like helping you with schoolwork and telling you the ways you can work certain teachers to look at you more favourably, he’s very observant so he definitely has a lot of tips to give on how to make your school life more bearable
Still, even if he weren’t a yandere, Jamil would avoid confessing to you before the Overblot
Simple reasoning: he’s used to having to share, or even give up, everything for Kalim. It bred a lot of resentment, especially when he got accepted into Night Raven College which was supposed to be something he could have all to himself… until Asim senior pulled some strings.
Because of that, he is terribly possessive of anything he can claim as his own, and is the type to hide whatever he likes from Kalim
Which started including you. The moment he realised his feelings, which was fairly soon after developing them, he started distancing himself from you
It broke his heart, don’t misunderstand, but he’d rather pine from afar than have Kalim try to take you away, or be forced to get over those feelings because he can’t be better than Kalim, not even in things that should be typical of a guy his age, like relationships
In his mind, no matter what it is, if he wants it, Kalim is bound to take it away from him, so it hardly matters whether Kalim has shown any interest beyond friendship or not
Soon enough, the only times Jamil would be socialising with you was when Kalim would invite you over to Scarabia or want to sit next to you during lunch
(Which only makes him hate Kalim more, sure, he’s the extroverted preppy one, and Jamil is literally ignoring you, but must you really speak to the dorm leader so much? Right in front of his salad?)
It’s a sort of enchanted circle, Jamil tries to not talk to you as much so Kalim doesn’t “steal you away” -> you spend more time with Kalim than with Jamil -> Jamil resents Kalim even more, and pines for you even harder
When the winter holidays roll around, he’ll be the one seeking you out, telling you about how Kalim’s lost his mind and asking if you’d be willing to help his dorm, like you’ve helped the others
(Will lay it on thick so you’d feel too guilty to say no)
Jamil would take full advantage of the situation, as befitting of someone in a dorm that prides itself on careful planning
When hypnotised, Kalim would be downright horrible to you, maybe not violent, but “he” will definitely insult you and degrade you, even going for just the things you were most self-conscious about. Funny how he knew just what those things are, huh?
Not to worry, though, Jamil would be right there to pat your back and tell you that nothing Kalim said was true, and that he has no idea why the dorm head is suddenly acting like that. Jamil’s the one who’ll always be there for you, he’s not unreliable like Kalim, you know?
Really, it’s his way of making sure that, even if Kalim were to try and steal you away, you’d reject him
In all other areas, too, you’d think Jamil is just an angel, he makes sure to give you his own water if you forget (or drink all of) yours during the marches, he’ll check in on you in the evenings to make sure you’re fine (and not planning on escaping), he’ll give you extra servings of food and be sure to make your favourites more often, and so on.
His Overblot is still preceded by the same things, the Octavinelle trio busts in, Azul “exposes” him and, as a result, he loses his shit
The timeline branches when he, literally, kicks you all out of Scarabia, or, rather, when he kicks almost everyone out
As in, he only kicks out the Octavinelle trio, Grim and Kalim. He kept you with him
He wouldn’t want to use his unique magic on you, but don’t challenge him. When he tells you to worship him, he wants (and expects) you to do it of your own free will, because you want to do it
He doesn’t want the validation of knowing you think the world of him, and him only, unless they’re your own words
He’d probably chain you to his little makeshift throne in the common area, but don’t worry, the chains are pure gold, because he still “loves” you and wants you to be by his side as an “equal”
Or about as equal as you could be in that situation; he’d still want you kneeling next to him, speaking only when he speaks to you and answering in “Yes, Jamil”, “I love you, Jamil”, “You’re the only person that matters to me, Jamil” and variations.
Don’t talk back to him, don’t insult him, don’t disrespect him, don’t treat him like anything other than a lord, and do not mention Kalim
He’ll make you “admit” that you only need him in your life and that you hate Kalim just as much as he does
That said, when he’s already lost all tact and care in his Overblot, if you fight him too much, he will use Snake Whisper on you to make you more docile
He can whip you into shape later, but, for now, he just wants your eyes only on him
When he recovers from the Overblot, he’ll still try to keep what happened on the down-low and pretend to care for Kalim, but he will become a lot bolder and more aggressive with you in regards to his feelings
Since you already know his true nature and feelings, he decided it would be smarter to try and monopolise your attention and time as soon as possible instead of continuing to pretend like he couldn’t care less
While he would refuse to use his unique magic on you after the Overblot, he would be openly hostile towards anyone towards whom you show even a sliver of interest
He’s actually not half bad at making poisons, you know? Being able to recognise most of them by scent alone comes with that plus
Honestly, even if you have bad judgement actually have feelings for him, he would still delude himself into thinking that you’re going to leave him for someone else, so he’s always going to be alert and making sure you repeat every day how he’s the only one who matters in your life and how you belong to him only
Once he realises you’re in his grasp, he’s not letting go for anything. He gave up on enough aspirations as is.
Idia Shroud
Now, the original premise was “before they Overblotted, they were already friends with you” but to be honest… you probably wouldn’t even notice he existed
He’s very withdrawn and, though he would become infatuated very easily with you just by seeing you here and there and hearing about how amazing you are to help all those other dorms, he wouldn’t seek you out
He’d stalk the hell out of you, though
Less in person, more digitally. When you get a phone, minutes after you make a Magicam account, he already knows the username and has followed you.
Through that, he’ll find any other info about you that he needs, your favourite foods, hangouts, music, shows, everything that he can use to “bond” over and make socialising and befriending you easier
And for someone like him, finding out things hidden under the hood, like emails and passwords and linked accounts, is just as easy as looking at you post a meal captioned with “the fave”
He’ll try to befriend you over the instant messaging function on Magicam, with an account with a fake name, his first message would probably be a response to one of your stories about some show you just binge watched
“No wayyy you like that too??? I’m like the biggest fan of that show. Who’s ur fave character?” type of message.
The conversation will more or less flow naturally from there, and you’ll even become internet friends, but he’ll never tell you his actual name nor show you what he looks like
It’s because he was afraid that you’ll think “Oh, that loser shut-in who never talks to anyone and is obsessed with games and anime and weird movies?” and start avoiding him
He’s a little insecure
The second reason is that he doesn’t want to risk you realising he’s literally on the same campus as you and that you can actually talk face-to-face, because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself by stuttering and being awkward around you - it’s so much easier to communicate when you have the time to properly type out your thoughts (and erase anything weird before hitting send)
He’ll tell you you can lean on him, vent to him, confide in him, all of that (and he will try to keep it about as equal as possible, though he can’t help be more interested in hearing about your matters than sharing his own)
Idia wants you to become emotionally dependant on him
He’ll be incredibly envious of the other dorm leaders’ when he starts hearing about how you’ve been helping them, and he’s incredibly envious of the Heartslabyul duo for always being around you, but there’s not much he thinks he can do
He thinks that, as he is, he has no chance with you, so his goal is to make you trust and adore him through your online interactions. The long-term goal is to make you love him way before his IRL awkwardness can have a major impact in how you see him
That said, he wasn’t imagining your first meet-up to go exactly the way it did
So, the Overblot gang got themselves abducted and turned into test subjects. You should have known Crowley would make you do all the work, really
So when you properly meet Idia face-to-face (without even knowing he’s your “best friend”), it’s while you’re yelling at him to let you see your friends
And you might think he’s an ass and a sadistic stoic bastard for just standing there, mouth slightly agape, but quiet as death, but he’s actually mortified
He does not know what to say. He wants to tell you that you shouldn’t be treating him so harshly when he’s the one who was always there for you, but he has just enough social tact to know that 1) you still don’t know that he’s your online pen-pal and 2) now is not the time to reveal that
Idia is pissed off all the same though. How dare you treat him like that? He’s the one who listened to you rant about your “besties” at 1am, he’s the one who was offering you reassurance and comfort when you were stressed out of your mind, he was nothing but kind and supportive to you, and you’re here? Yelling at him? For doing his job?
“Is, is it… is it b-because you like one of them?” he stutters out before he can stop himself. Of course you do, right? Riddle is so mature and responsible, Leona is athletic and aggressive, Azul has his own business, Jamil is reliable, Vil is the epitome of good looks, and Idia? Is some awkward dork who can’t hope to compare to all those ultra rare characters. Of course you wouldn’t choose him
While you’re busy thinking “What the hell does that even mean?” his mind is going a mile a minute, by the time you blinked, he’s already convinced himself that there’s no way you’ll fall in love with him when you have so many better options
So the logical conclusion is to take away all the other options
It took all his courage, and his face was practically overheating by the time he mustered up the strength, but after a moment he grabs you by the bicep and starts dragging you away
He’ll start mentioning things you told him through instant messages that he knows you’ve told only him until you add two and two together
And if you still don’t get it, he’ll just outright show you his phone, and the account you’ve been messaging since the winter holidays
He thinks that’ll make you trust him more
Idia will keep you locked up in your own little cell until he figures out what to do, but he doesn’t confess yet. He wants to make sure you can’t reject him before he takes that step, as he feels like fainting when he even thinks about confessing
But after dealing with five Overblots already, you won’t just give up, right? Your cells are close enough to others that you’ve figured out a way to subtly communicate, and soon enough there’s a plan in motion to bust out of there
To keep it short, I imagine Idia’s Overblot would come because of something happening to Ortho
You’ve already heard stories about Ignihyde’s dorm head and his “younger brother”, and even the OB gang clued you into the terrifying things Ortho is capable of (despite his appearance) so it was obvious from the start that, should Ortho come across you in your escape attempt, it is imperative that you incapacitate him
And though you didn’t know that much about the Ignihyde brothers, you knew that Idia cared a lot about Ortho, so when he sees you and Grim kneeling next to Ortho, his torso sparking and legs mangled, desperately trying to fix him, the only thing you could say was, “We didn’t mean to.”
He’s not listening though. Idia is disappointed in you. He thought you would know better. Wasn’t everyone going on and on about how kind and empathetic you were? And now you’ve just tried to kill his own baby brother?
He grabs you by your arm, his bashfulness completely gone, keeping you next to him while he casts spell after spell trying to fix up his brother, and he’s managing it pretty well, but doesn’t notice the blot accumulating on his magical pen
He’s ranting all the way through it, about how he can’t believe he was preparing everything for the most perfect confession fit to feature in a AAA dating sim, and you just broke his heart by hurting the person most important to him, after he did what is possibly the hardest and scariest thing for someone like him to do - initiating social contact in the first place!
He’s guilt-tripping you hard. He loves you so much, he was the one who fell in love at first sight, and not only were you off talking to and flirting with other guys, but now you go ahead and try to break his heart before he can even tell you he loves you.
Between those feelings and overusing his magic, he Overblots fairly quickly, at which point everything becomes more “clear”
One of the most famous love stories from his land is that of when the Lord of the Dead met his wife. He fell in love with her at first sight (much like Idia did with you!), and, in order to show her how serious he was, he abducted her. Sure, sure, it was “morally wrong,” but she returned his feelings! With time
You should have turned and ran to your nearest ally the moment you locked eyes with Idia, whose smile was a little too wide for comfort. The sharp serrated teeth on display did little to tune down the fear factor
The moment he’s sure Ortho is stable, he takes hold of your hand, surprisingly softly for someone who was about to confess that he had been stalking you ever since you were admitted to NRC, that he was in “love” with you and that he wanted you to return with him to the Isle of Lamentation, where you’d be locked up with him, and you two can lead the perfect shut-in couple life he had always dreamed of
He doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise, he’s finally got the courage to tell you his true feelings, so you can’t reject him, that’s not how it works (and he’d know, what with possibly hundreds of dating sims under his belt), you have to return his feelings when he worked this hard. You wouldn’t break his heart twice in one day, would you?
The charons can take care of the runaways, surely his parents won’t mind him abandoning his job, just for a little while, if it means he’ll be able to tell them he’s finally found someone, after they’d been nagging him for ages about it
You might be able to get in a “I don’t even know you” while he’s catching his breath between rants about your future life together, but he’s not listening to you
Though if you continue fighting him even after days, weeks, months of being kept as his prisoner, he might actually lose all patience and hope to live out a typical love story with you, which isn’t as good as it sounds
Because Idia is still a man who mistakes fiction and reality often and has internalised a lot of really gross ideas present in the media he consumes. If you refuse to work together with him on what is obviously a meant-to-be relationship, he would take it to mean you’re simply star-crossed lovers, meant to be, but you just don’t want to give in
He can’t just let you go. If you won’t be his in the land of the living, you will have no choice in the other world, and he won’t mind speeding up that transition for the both of you
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
💕Can I request all the senjus,orochimaru,shisui and itachi with a s/o who managed to make themselves immortal with out consequences and they did it without experimenting but they can make other people immortal but people keep trying to kidnap them for it,also they don’t age anymore?💕
This is what pretty much Orochimaru’s dream is.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, kidnapping, manipulation, clinginess
Immortal s/o
Hashirama Senju
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🌳He is quite the more supporting and encouraging person. But in this situation even he finds himself a bit unsure how to feel. Your jutsu is quite amazing and something marvelous, but Hashirama is someone who wants to spend his whole life with his darling and die later on when both of them are grey and old together, that is his dream. But with you who stopped aging long ago and will never die, this is something impossible. The clan has definitely a huge interest in you, even though they are aware that your ability will end up being terrifying if it goes into the wrong hands which is why the Leaf guards you very observingly, not wanting to risk that a rival village gets their hands on you. If their strongest shinobi would be made immortal, that would end in a catastrophe. Hashirama himself makes sure that even in his own village no one plans on abusing your powers.
🌳I do not think that Hashirama would force you to either make him immortal nor to somehow tell you that you should try to stop your powers and start aging again. Not like he won't try to convince you to eventually consider finding a way to stop being immortal and instead settle down and live with him. Given the fact that are immortal, you might lived longer than he did and for that have knowledge he and his clan do not possess which is why you're treated from the Senju and the whole village really respectfully, if they need advice they will go and ask you. Hashirama can also only do this much and so he grows more clingy since he knows that he will die whilst you will live. And so he wants to be able to have a place in your heart for all the time to come and alongside with his brother and future generations, he trusts you to protect the Leaf Village once he dies. Even if his darling is immortal, he still wants to marry them since he is traditional.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Despite him being the harsher and much more intimidating and blackmailing guy from all the Senju, he has a rather simple dream as well. He wants to marry his darling and live with them together and one day die. And his dream is messed up with all of this as well and he is quite irritated by the knowledge that you made yourself immortal. On the one hand Tobirama is eager to invent new jutsu himself so from that perspective this is beyond fascinating, a wish many people before him had and tried to work on. But in a way this is honestly way too mocking for him as well because even if his darling might have to endure harsher lessons with him, they might honestly have the relieving thought that he will die one day anyways and then they're free. It is angering because it is true and depending on how old they are, they might nag him because of his behavior and he won't be able to say much against it since he knows they have more experience than him in life.
🌊This might be an advantage you have against him next to the whole being immortal thing. He will start being more respectful once he finds out how old you really are. He literally can not help it and that is why he sometimes, under the risk of his pride, asks you for some advice. He doesn't really want to be immortal either, even though he is more curious about it than his brother is. But what he has to do is always guaranteeing that you are under high protection because he know what terrible things your powers can do when being wrongly used. He might actually try to create a jutsu similar to yours because in a way you have been inspiring him. He also will end up marrying his darling. For starters he is a pretty traditional guy so marriage has a high meaning for him as well. Additionally he is not willing to let you that easily get away with your long life, he is possessive. He just kind of wants to set a mark on you for as long as you're part of the Leaf.
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🐍You have literally achieved what he has been trying to complete his whole life time without even having to experiment on anything and it is thrilling for him. No wonder he is after you as soon as he has heard the rumors, being in his way fervent about it and his obsession starts before he has even met you in person. And oh, he will hunt his darling down, no matter where he has to go and who he has to kill. He wants that jutsu and that talent who created it and no one will stop him. Not going to lie, at the beginning he is a bit salty, mostly because he feels like he has been beaten since you didn't even have to use anyone, you just had pure skill. But whilst he might have lost this, he still can owe the person who had the skills and intelligence and since he will totally force you to teach him that power and make him immortal as well, you might be stuck with him forever if you do so. And the bad part here is that if you don't, he will have no problems torturing you or using you as his next vessel.
🐍You're immortal, so it's not like you will die and he takes advantage of that if you refuse to lend him a hand. If you do help him, he will show his gratitude in a rather odd way, but it's better than his sadstic side. He simply keeps you, that much has to be said already. He can't effort to lose a talent like you, the experience not even to mention. His darling becomes his very special treasure who helped him earning immortality and in return he offers them a place to stay and protection. He knows that everyone wants to have that sort of abilities and he gets rid of all of them all to gladly, he won't let anyone dare to take his special underling away from him. He just always has you tagging along with him. Sasuke gets kind of interested as well since you are indeed powerful and you might as well get close to him since he is together with Kabuto and Orochimaru the only person you will see for a long time. Depending on how long you are already alive, Orochimaru also wants to know pretty much all jutsu and other knowledge you might have.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌She looks quite young for her age which comes from the fact that she uses a jutsu that makes her appear young, but she is just like everyone else. She ages and is bound to die one day. And Tsunade handles this maybe a bit worse than some others do. You gotta understand, she just thought that she finally found the one person she can manage to live together with the rest of her life only to discover that they will continue living forever. And to know that she might be only one of many to come and that she might be forgotten one day is truly not very pretty, it makes her a bit more desperate. At first she was probably scared that you used to do the same things Orochimaru did to reach your goal so she was definitely more at ease when hearing that you succeeded without having to go with such drastic methods. For that reason she refuses to let her old teammate find out about you, knowing that he will be after you if he hears that you're in the Leaf which would only give him more reasons to attack.
🐌Tsuna might find herself tempted by the thought to be made immortal from you and live for all eternity together with you, simply because she is possessive as well and wants to be finally happy with the person she loves after all her beloved people dying on her. She's not completely sure, she knows that being immortal can be as much of a curse as it can be a blessing. The the council from Konoha is quite possessive as well, knowing how valuable you are and so they might want to use your powers for more selfish reasons from time to time. This leads to arguments between Tsunade and them because she is often against such decisions, seeing that they plan on making use of you. But one thing they do agree on is keeping you save from all other forces who want you in their grip. Funnily you might be a part of the eldest yourself if you lived long enough which gives Tsunade an advantage since you are on her side and not that narrow-viewed like the other eldest are.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂At this point in his timeline his darling might as well be already part of the village or at the very least known everywhere in the hidden villages for their special jutsu which is why everyone is on some sort of hunt for them. Shisui himself honestly probably never really saw himself falling for someone who constantly dominates the spotlight like you do, maybe also because he thought, despite the fact that you look young, the age difference would make him view you more as a admirable sensei because being able to make yourself and others immortal without having to do experiments on humans needs skill and wisdom. Shisui also just knows that even if you like him as well, this is a completely impossible love since not only might the superiors forbid it, but he does not desire to be made immortal. He already knows that everyone dies sooner or later and given his job being ready to die is a must since he is constantly exposed to danger.
🍂It would only break your heart in the end which is why he kind of feels like it might be best if he stays silent about his feelings at first. He just focuses on protecting you from potential enemies who plan on kidnapping you and tries to be someone who can leighten your mood up a bit since he sympathizes that life for you must be quite tricky. If he does confesses to you because he feels like you really like him as well or you tell him you like him first, he might hesitate and voice his doubts, but can be more easily manipulated since he loves you. Shisui kind of knows that he might not be the last since he doesn't want to be made immortal and you might find after his death a new person you love. And he accepts that, he doesn't want his darling to be alone only because they can't die. But he can make sure that he leaves some sort of impression on you so you will remember him. He wants at the very least a special place in your heart.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡He did not kidnap his darling so he could have their jutsu for himself, he definitely didn't. He did it because he lost control over his emotions and given the fact that you are constantly being chased by other power-hungry persons, he got triggered too much because he knows that some will hurt you to get what they want since you can not die. And afterwards Itachi just has to be really careful so that no one will find out because you are no ordinary person. You are famous and a living legend for your achievement and it'll cause a huge motion if he is being sighted with you because everyone will know afterwards, including the Akatsuki and he can expect that Pain will definitely want you to be a part of his organization since you not only have a very gifted ability, but might also possess knowledge and forgotten jutsu from long time ago. And Itachi doesn't want to force you to live the same life as him, even if you can't be killed on such missions.
🍡Itachi knows that he doesn't have long to live anyways and he already accepted that fact, he has his plans in mind for this. So he knows he won't be there for too long to protect you from all the greedy and selfish people which is why he might plan on making Sasuke look after you once he dies and he tells you about this as well, even though he knows you can handle yourself very well on your own as well. He respects people who are older than him and for that reason he might be far more respectful to the s/o than he would be already and he isn't embarrassed about it. Similar to Shisui he also knows that after his death his darling might find someone else and he won't be angry with them for it. They shouldn't spend their whole life grieving over him since he wants them to be happy. The only person he might ever tell willingly about his darling is Kisame since he is next to his younger brother the only person he really trusts with his darling.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Hello, this is the first time I’ve come here and I’d like, if possible, you could place my order, I don’t remember if I already placed that ask or something, so if yes, sorry to bother you...
I can order something with Yandere! Vampire with a Vampire Slayer! Reader, please...
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Welcome in!
Well yes boo, you did make a very similar request, and I'm sorry if it took me like a long time to answer you (at least to me it feels like a whole month has passed, time has been so slow and so fast somehow-) it's just that I'm dealing with a lot of stuff outside of Tumblr and although I try to not think about it, it does affect my performance in writing. Also you're not bothering me at all boo!
Also I just realized something, normally when I write I put really mean remarks about the reader but it's not supposed to be taken seriously by you guys, as it's mostly either an look into the perspective of the ocs (normally the bullies who are very mean and cruel-) or even an exaggeration on the reader's current mind state (if the reader feels dumb about a certain action they have chosen, I try to make them sound very exaggerated since I don't want any of you to take it personally, y'all are beautiful okay? Don't worry about the snarky comments and rude remarks that I may write).
I'll try to make it more obvious that it's mostly a character's exaggerated perspective next time, or maybe put trigger warnings about degrading language/mean comments.
TW/Tags: mentions of addiction (to blood) // male x male // male reader // vampy vamp // monster(vampire) x (human)reader // mentions of death // unofficial OC/just a random character I decided to create for this specific piece // captivity/kidnaping // mentions of torture/infliction of pain // mind control/gaslighting/manipulation and stockholm syndrome // being drugged/poisoned // kinda sadistic but not so much so cause I like giving y'all some softness.
True love is found in small bites [Yandere!M!Vampire x M!Vampire Hunter!Reader - Headcanon]:
Who doesn't like a little one on one with an immortal creature in a fight filled with sexual tension? Who wouldn't want to prove their worth to their dad who is a lonely vampire hunter?
Your dad had hunted vampires all by himself for years now and he won't stop until the day he drops dead, or at least that's what he told you.
He taught you everything that you needed to know, and honestly- You probably know a lot more than some of the guys who are paid to do this every month, Hell, your dad hunts them basically every week! That's kinda the reason why he won't accompany you this time, too busy dealing with vampires in a neighboring village, some rumours of some high profiled vampires coming into your hometown… He was very concerned for your safety before deciding that whenever these rumours were true or not, he needed to check them for himself regardless.
You decided to go on a hunt on your own, hunt one down and prove to your man that you'll do just fine all by yourself.
However, you have the knowledge from the books you read and from what your father taught you, but you don't have personal experiences in fighting vampires. So that's why you're finally going to take down a vampire all by yourself.
It took you some time to find the right target, but after hearing complaints about some odd things happening in the less wealthy part of town, you thought you had a pretty clear picture of what happened. You thought that maybe some vampires have been attacking the poorest people in town to not cause a bigger panic in the population, and sadly enough, you were right.
Apparently the vampirism started to spread uncontrollably as the newly transformed vampires weren't accustomed with the new malevolent power. Some would get addicted to blood and to the power they hold against humans, and start to bite more than what they can chew on.
You found someone who was acting suspiciously, a commoner who was acting more aggressively towards his neighbors and family, he had created a lot of enemies in only a couple of days after being transformed, as he was now acting like "royalty" surrounded by peasants. The poor bastard was out of his mind, and sadly you needed to take care of him before he would hurt more people.
The work of a vampire slayer (or at least, one who works on their own accord) isn't as glamorous or "pleasant" as most may think, it involves you constantly questioning yourself and your morals, the guy you're hunting has a family but from what you heard and from what you have seen as you observed him from afar- He is clearly gone, consumed by the addiction of human blood, he would end up hurting his own family if you didn't intervene.
You had to stalk him for basically the whole day, collecting information and waiting for a good opportunity to strike him- Sadly enough, you didn't know that someone else was also interested in killing him.
It was pretty quick now that you think about it- You were about to tackle him when someone else got to do it before you. You didn't know about vampire society's inner relationships but you are aware that there is some form of hierarchy, and that those who were transformed into vampires were considered to be closer to the bottom than those who were born into it. The bottom of their social structure being those who they could all feed on, so in other words humans.
As you have already prepared yourself to attack the blood addictic, this guy who seemed to have come out of nowhere has already noticed that he wasn't alone, you wouldn't be able to hide yourself at this point and running wouldn't be an option considering how fast he moved.
The only option was left was to fight this vampire who was clearly way too powerful for your newbie ass. It was a pretty tough fight, and even if you have lost- You did manage to prove that you weren't just a random human who found themselves in the wrong place, in the wrong time.
You were very well prepared- Idris was pretty impressed by your resistance, but from his eyes, you were lacking a lot in the intelligence department. You were a good brawler, but not a decent vampire slayer by far- He would question you about your level of skill constantly, even mocking the idea of you being an "newbie" at this job.
Idris had won in the end, making you his prisoner who he would bring back to his clan to be used as an easy food source while also giving them info about other vampire slayers. Of course you wouldn't give them anything, no matter how bad your situation was you would still fight to the very end.
Idris had used one of his abilities to bring you two to his clan's hideout in a blink of an eye, you weren't expecting it to be so quick. You were tied up and inside an "abandoned" mansion filled with vampires, you were sure you wouldn't survive this at all- Yet you had promised yourself to not give them any information about other vampires slayers, especially your father.
You have met them, all of them- All of the Nox clan of pure vampires (or at least the last of them), in one single place. They were all so eager to jump in and start the "fun" with you. To torture you, drink from you, control your mind so you would spill all that you know, they tried to but you wouldn't stop squirming and fighting their touch- However, your attitude has only helped to aggravate them.
Idris was in charge of taking care of you- And by that they meant he was the one who would be screwing with you the most. He would keep you alive with your bare necessities but would also be the one to punish and torture you to speak up.
Interestingly enough, Idris wasn't interested in violently taking the truth out of you- Oh no, boo- He was much more sadistic than that.
He saw you as a plaything, like a cat he would see you as something he should toy with before devouring- He would try to push you to your limits verbally, trying to trigger some sort of wound you may have. You were stronger than he assumed, he should have known you weren't so dumb to give in to his insults and threats.
He would still bite you though, hey, a man needs some blood before continuing his private interrogation, right? It's not his fault you're both his snack and the one being interrogated.
You were strong minded, you weren't feeling too awful about being taken as a prisoner, since you felt as if deep down you could still escape this- So the effects of the poison that he would inject on you weren't showing up at first, but after sometime of being under this terrible living condition with only him to talk with, you started to feel some type of weird way around him.
It could be the poison finally taking over, but you have started to notice some… Particular choices that Idris took when interacting with you. Again- It could be all some magic shit in your mind, but you could swear that the lingering touches from him weren't rough or painful as his threats.
Idris was never physically harmful towards you, even to his peers dismay as they would constantly scold him for being too soft. He was indeed very off putting and sadistic- But could he be hiding something deep inside his literally cold exterior? You started to think so… Well, you started to hope so.
See, although the poison is already making your mind dizzy and making you feel some kind of weird attraction towards Iris- It wasn't completely just your mind playing tricks on you, Idris has been trying a new tactic with you and it was working.
Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but for the last few weeks he has started to flirt with you more, touch you more and whisper less concerning things into your ears, and you were eating it all up due to your isolation and his poisonous bite.
The more he sucked your blood, the more enamoured you were with his softer "side", the poison becoming stronger with each bite. But everyday you two spend time together, Idris can't help but feel just as interested in you as you are to him. He may play it off as a sadistic manipulative (which he kinda is-) vampire who is above you and his own feelings- But whenever it's just you and him, he just feels like there is a bigger connection being formed.
The more you two get to know each other the more he'll start falling for you, to the point he doesn't know if he is faking empathy and care or if he actually likes you in a weird way. He has started to feel very satisfied whenever you start acting clingy, desperate even for his attention (again- He is the only one willing to even talk with you before biting you and sucking your blood), the sensation of power he feels is a little bit overwhelming- But very much appreciated.
You have started to feel some side effects from losing so much blood everyday, which has made Idris concerned and incapable of drinking from you for at least some time while you recover from it. But since you need some time to rest without being injected with more venom from fangs, which will cause you to start waking up from your brainwashed state and remember that A: It has been months since you were gone, your dad is out there looking for you and it's possibly thinking you're dead; B: You're trapped in a mansion filled with the last vampires of a powerful clan which has been massacred by vampire slayers like you; and C: You were starting to catch feelings for the one who brought you here- Regardless of manipulation and freaky vampire shit- You were indeed falling for his charm.
Whenever that happens, it will be obvious that you'll start trying to fight them and escape again, even if you're very, very weak from all these months without proper training and healthy eating habits.
You may try your hardest dear, but you'll need a better plan than just going feral on Idris. He is a lot stronger than you, especially since you can't even stand up on your own, and even hurting him makes you feel oddly awful- You had relied on him for so long, that it feels like you would be betraying him if you actually do hurt him, it seems like some of the effects of so much time under his manipulation are still present.
You can't hurt him, but you can still try to sneak out. You should still try to escape!
You would eventually come up with a plan to run away while it was still morning, even if it was a very flawed plan considering that the only place you knew in this entire mansion was Idris's room and bathroom. For some miracle reason, you would find a way to sneak out, it was pretty hard considering you have no strength in your legs, yet luckily no one seemed to be aware of your sudden movement around the corridors- Apparently the whole clan is composed of heavy sleepers.
Your escape was successful, but you wouldn't be able to reach safety anytime soon in your condition- And you knew that eventually they would wake up again and Idris would find you soon. Yet as you had promised yourself and your father, you weren't going down without a fight.
Idris is responsible for you, so whenever he notices that you were gone- He would first assume one of his kind has took you, but considering how everyone else in the clan considers him to be a nuisance and incompetent, he couldn't possibly ask around where were you. If he did, they would end up yelling at him and take you as their personal blood bag- He couldn't let them know that you have escaped.
He would search for you and be honest to god thankful that you weren't dead yet- He would be pissed but more concerned about your current state, after all you were supposed to be resting from losing so much blood and yet here you are: Trying to survive the wild nature around the mansion in a stupid attempt of escaping the vampires.
Idris would have to bite you more often while also giving some days off so you could rest, but doing in a way that you never lose the effects of the poison- He can't stand to see you fighting him so much.
I mean- He thinks that it's pretty attractive how fiesty you are, but he needs you to stay still in his bedroom and to start giving him those confused yet passionate eyes again- Idris doesn't know whether or not you're in love with him or is just acting in instinct considering your current position, and he soon will find himself begging for you to truly give in to this weird fantasy he has built around you two- But for now, all that he wants is the smallest affection that may come from you, even if it's not as true and morally correct as true love is supposed to be.
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This is a slight TW question, so feel no obligation to answer:
How would horrortale Sans react to an S/O with an eating disorder?
TW for eating disorder(s) (nearly only ARFID is spoken about, anorexia is mentioned)
If I missed any tags you think I should've included, please tell me.
This may sound a bit strange, but I’ve actually been wanting to write something for this, specifically because I suffer from an eating disorder. I’m not comfortable writing anything with an eating disorder (or any disorder in general) I personally don’t have, mostly because I don’t have the time to give it the proper research it deserves, so I’ll be writing about a lesser known eating disorder, that being ARFID. Let me explain it so people who don’t know what it is will, uh, know what it is lol
ARFID - also commonly called “Selective Eating Disorder” - stands for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. A lot of people with it are characterised as being “picky eaters”, but it goes to a point where it’s seriously unhealthy and crosses a line that makes it into something more serious. It has to do with sensory processing issues, rather than self-image issues (though self-image issues could also play a part in it I'm pretty sure, but it’s not the main “motivation”). Most people with ARFID actually wish they could go up in weight, but can’t because they can’t make themselves eat. I, for one, desperately wish I could just eat like a normal person, both because it’s very… not convenient to only have around 20 or less meals I can eat (and that list is slimming down as I grow tired of my safe foods*) and also I’m skinny enough to match Papyrus in looks, which isn’t very confidence-inspiring when you’re supposed to be a human and not a sentient magical skeleton, believe it or not. Whereas a person without ARFID could eat most things, including things they don’t really enjoy eating, somebody with ARFID might not be physically able to. For example, I literally throw up food that I don’t like (and I’ve gagged while eating food I do like due to seeing somebody eat something I don’t like and/or just smelling other food nearby). When I'm to try a new food, I have on more than one occasion gotten anxiety attacks. That’s how bad it can be.
*a "safe food" is food you know you can eat without panicking/throwing up/getting triggered in one way or another
I’ll be basing these HCs off of myself, so keep that in mind. You’re free to point out misinformation (and I, in fact, encourage you to point it out if I somehow got something wrong) but I ask that you stay respectful and don’t make fun of this. I doubt it would happen, but this topic means a lot to me and is really serious. So yeah please don’t be rude or invalidate people. Anyways onto the headcanons (which aren’t in the usual format, sorry if that bothers you)
Dusk (HT Sans) wouldn’t really understand. He’s able to eat pretty much anything (not like he had much of a choice for a while) and food is important… But he’ll try to understand. Especially because he can accommodate you. He’ll be fine eating the same meals, however “boring” they are, over and over because like I said: not a picky eater. Any food is good in his book. So long as you’re not restricting him and his food intake and so long as you aren’t dying from starvation and/or malnutrition, you’re free to do whatever.
It does annoy him when you go to social gatherings and you can’t eat the food because it’s not one of your safe foods. He’s not going to let you just starve yourself when there’s perfectly fine food just waiting for you. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty insensitive the first time this happens. Basically, he’ll pull you over when he notices you’re not eating anything and try to convince you to eat. Starts out really gentle and encouraging, but when you don’t budge he becomes increasingly agitated and insistent until he hisses that you’re making a fuss over nothing. Needless to say, you aren’t thrilled and it starts a pretty serious argument that probably ends with you either leaving, starting to cry or blowing up at him. He feels bad when it’s all said and done and apologises, because he realises after some thought that he wasn’t being helpful and he decided to do more research again. Even if he forgot it all like he did the first time he tried researching ARFID, it would have been worth a shot. After that, he’ll instead pack food with him for you whenever you go somewhere. It doesn’t matter if it’s “socially acceptable”, because like I said, you’re not starving if he’s got something to do with it.
He’ll also, after coming around to realise the best he can do to help you isn’t trying to push you out of your comfort zone forcefully, try to make sure there’s always at least one of your safe foods available. Don’t get me wrong though, he’ll still encourage you to expand on your list of safe foods. He’s got memory issues so he sometimes forgets, which he feels really bad about, but he has multiple alarms set to make sure you eat properly for the most part. (He’s got an alarm for nearly every minute of the day and he has his calendar full of things as mundane as “make sure s/o eats” and “do laundry”, by the way.) I have a tendency to skip lunch because I simply don’t like food, but he’d put a stop to that lol
To summarize, the whole thing with you having an ED starts off with the two of you having a rocky start before Dusk comes around to be really good at handling it.
Anyways sorry if you meant an ED like anorexia. I know most people write about things like that, but like I said: I’m not really up for writing things that I have to pour hours of research into to make sure I portray it respectfully and accurately because I don’t have that time or patience. (Or attention span, tbh.) Also, I literally hadn’t heard of ARFID for like… the majority of my life, I’ve only known it’s a “thing” for like. A few months. I really thought I was the only one who was so picky with my food and it made me feel alone and isolated (ESPECIALLY after I went to a "specialist" (not sure if she was actually a specialist anymore because her technique to get me to eat was to give my a small glass that I'd pour sauce into to try it every time it was served which obviously didn't work lmao) to help me when I was like six and she said she’d “never seen somebody this bad” before not giving me a diagnosis (as far as I know)), so if anybody with undiagnosed ARFID is reading this:
you're not alone. I know it’s difficult to deal with this - it can be humiliating and embarrassing and horrible and terrible in so many ways - but you can do it. It’s so hard, so fucking hard to step out of your comfort zone and try to expand on your list of safe foods, but you can do it. I believe in you. You aren’t alone and you can learn to have a healthier diet, please just try. I’ll be honest in that you’re probably never going to completely overcome this, ARFID is something that likely stays with you forever, but you can make it into a smaller problem. You can turn it into something so much smaller and inconsequential that you won't encounter any more embarrassing situations where you can't eat what you're given. To a point where you won't have to use the excuses "I already ate", "I'm not hungry", etc anymore. It’ll take time and patience, but you can do it. Don’t give up, okay? <3
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Dabi // Touya T.
NSFW ABCs || A Thot’s Thoughts 💦
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|| ao3 version | mha tag | m.lists | main blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The Thirst™ ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: HELLA NSFW ((Minors, kindly ✨ fuck off ✨)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Any applicable warnings can be found before their respective sections, tho the ‘Kink’ section does get kinda wild (exhibitionism, choking, fear play, knifeplay, allusions to CNC, and degradation). Also I’ll go ahead and throw in a general warning for Dabi being Dabi and all that entails—because lbr that man is a gd walking crisis lmao—as well as Dabi-typical trauma. ↠ Betas? Where they do that at?? ↠ Total WC: 10k~ ((…yeah… lmao))
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Look, Dabi knows that other people find him attractive, but for the half-dead life of him he can’t figure out why? He is a literal burn victim, half of his skin has been seared away and what little there is left is attached with fucking staples. He thinks we’re all a bunch of weird ass freaks, but luckily for us all he’s into that shit lmao.
↠ I’ve got the worst case of horny Dabi brainrot and I’m determined to make it the world’s problem.
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((Since a lot of new people have been stumbling across this lately I figured now was as good a time as any to update it. There hasn’t been any major changes; it’s mostly just cosmetic, with a few nips and tucks to the writing itself to make things flow better.))
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If you’re familiar with my writing you’re probably damn tired of me doing these ABC’s and also not finishing my other works you’ll know that I tend to venture well beyond the boundaries prompts. That is to say that this shit’ll be kinky, yeah, but also a character study; sex and intimacy are such personal, intricate and integral things, often fueled by emotions and experiences that one doesn’t even readily know are at play. I like to use these prompts as a way to really dig my grubby little paws into a character and find out what I personally think makes them tick. If that sounds like your bag, then please join me in this feels-lined pit of depravity lol…
At current I’m anime only, so aside from a few spoilers and consuming fics I don’t know much about our favorite burnt bacon bitch other than the fact that he’s hot (in more ways than one), angy (and subsequently murder-y), and a Todoroki (which is synonymous with emotional repression, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and a whole bunch of other things that make my heart hurt to think about). So if anything sounds out of character in this that’s why. Also any CWs will be posted before the applicable letter.
But that’s more than enough rambling from me. Let’s get into things, shall we?
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Aftercare || What they’re like after sex.
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Lmaoooooo, bitch byeeee…
Wtf even is that, honestly? ‘Tending to your partner after sex’—yeah, that shit sounds fake to him. This man does the bare minimum to keep himself (mostly) functional, do you really think he has the mind to pat someone up after fucking?
Most of his hookups are just that, one time deals that aren’t meant to last much longer past the time it takes for him to put his clothes back on and fuck off into the sunset. He doesn’t trust anyone enough to stay over at their place, and bringing them back to wherever the fuck it is he’s crashing at currently is a big ol’ ✨ Nope ✨ so anything other than a “That was fun” coupled with a smirk and a wave has never been a thing he felt the need to provide.
If you become a reoccurring fuck buddy, or gods help him, his actual significant other, then…
Look if he likes you enough to sleep over then he definitely probably likes you enough to try, but…
Intimacy is a thing that terrifies him, okay? Being that close to another person has never ended well for him in non-romantic situations; things always soured, always turned volatile and violent and terrible and that was just his familial relationships, things that weren’t nearly as complicated as whatever… this is the pair of you have going.
Whether you’re friends with benefits or something more he refuses to put a label on it because words and titles would make it real. This thing you have may be without any true form, but he likes it that way—he likes you, if he’s honest (which he so rarely is when it comes to things like this, even in the confines of his own mind, ‘thinking makes it so’ and all that noise). He wants to keep you around for as long as possible and if that means tossing a bag of your favorite snack and a bottle of water on the nightstand for you before he pounds you into the mattress then so be it.
As you’d probably expect his version of aftercare isn’t exactly a gentle thing. He’s more opt to use a discarded shirt (always yours because it’s definitely the cleaner of the two not to mention the fact that he has to put his back on when he slinks out of your window at o’dark-thirty) to clean you up than a towel; more likely to tease you until you’re a blushing, stuttering mess than to outright praise you; more prone to fucking you in the shower than actually helping you to bathe.
But still, he’s sweet in his own way.
Like I said before he’ll make sure that you have something to munch on once your session finally sees its end. If he’s done his job right—and he always, always does—then you’re probably too tired to actually feed yourself. Though he’ll tease you about it, he won’t hesitate to prop you up against his chest and pop the morsels into your waiting mouth. Yes, he does this in the most suggestive way possible, and yes, he oftentimes ends up eating a good portion of the food himself, but it’s all good because he brought extras—“So quit yer complaining, brat, and let me take care of you. Ol’ fussy ass…”
If he’s been especially rough with you, and you’re really insistent on not limping in to school/work/wherever it is you have to go the next day, he’ll give you a rubdown and my god is it heavenly. He heats his hands up just enough for you to really feel it and just digs and in and ahhhhh~
I really just sat here and made myself jealous over a fictional murder man giving a self-heated massage to an amalgamation of readers, huh? Damn, I really need to get out more lmao…
This is only if he’s feeling especially soft and generous. He knows he can’t claim you in any official capacity for several reasons, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want the world to know that you’re his that someone’s already taking care of your needs, thoroughly, and we all know that he’s more than petty enough to leave you in a state that just screams ‘I got my soul fucked clean outta my body last night’ lmao. So if you start talking about someone else just a touch too much, or mention a colleague that reads as just a little too friendly for his liking he’ll pipe you down good and make sure that you’re damn near crawling out of the house the next day.
Yeah, he’s a petty, possessive prick—what about it?
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Body Part || Favorite body part, on them as well as their partner.
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On him it’s probably his cock.
Are you honestly surprised? Because you really shouldn’t be lmfao.
Look, Dabi knows that other people find him attractive, but for the half-dead life of him he can’t figure out why? He is a literal burn victim, half of his skin has been seared away and what little there is left is attached with fucking staples. He thinks we’re all a bunch of weird ass freaks, but luckily for us all he’s into that shit lmao. That said any confidence he has in his looks is derived from the thirst of others. It’s a hollow thing, but given everything else he has on his brain he doesn’t feel the need to delve into that shit too deeply. If his doll thinks he’s attractive, he’s not going to argue—after all, you’re the one that has to look at/fuck him. If you like your men burnt all to be damned and homicidal then who tf is he to judge?
Whatever confidence he does or does not have in his looks is irrelevant once he gets you between the sheets—or against the wall or on the couch or maybe even bent over the balcony’s railing, the cool night air caressing the whole of your very much exposed body… (yeah, our mans is an exhibitionist among other things, but more on that in ‘K’). He knows his stroke game is on point, knows how to roll his hips and angle his dick so that it hits that spot that makes you see stars every time… Even if he wasn’t so damn talented he’s sure that it wouldn’t take much to bring a mf to their knees; he’s long and thick and curved just so and yeah… Dude slangs cock, and he does it damn well.
On you it’d have to be your chest.
It doesn’t matter what you have going on there, your chest is his new favorite pillow. If you ask him about it, he’ll play it off with some lewd remarks—as well as a few gropes and tweaks at your nipples for good measure. He wants you both to think it’s just an extension of his physical attraction to you, and that is indeed a part of it, but…
Look he loves really likes you, yeah? You’re one of the few people he feels at ease with, probably the only one in the entirety of the whole ass world that he lets his guard down around. Just existing in the same space as you is enough to calm his racing thoughts, and touching you… Sometimes you blue screen him with your sweet, casual touches, ngl. He wishes he could say that he didn’t know how touch starved he was before meeting you, but that’s something he’s been keenly aware of since childhood. We all know the shit his snatchbag of a father* got up to, so I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t have the best relationship with touch. Outside of sex he’s one to actively avoid it at all costs as it hurts too much—physically, emotionally, and mentally—to entertain otherwise.
But like with most walls he’s built, this is just yet another one that you scaled without ever actively trying.
All it took was for him to crack, just a little bit, to seek your hand only to be offered so much more for him to start craving your touch. And you’re always so, so damn gentle with him, both physically and emotionally; he knows that he never has to worry about pain or rejection or anything of the kind when he comes to you. He starts off hesitant, with his temperament being akin to that of a beaten dog, but once he realizes that he can trust (not only in you, but also in himself to not screw things up) it’s a thing that he actively seeks out with varying degrees of desperation.
But no matter how he comes to you, things oftentimes end with his head pillowed against your chest.
Why? Because that’s where your heart is.
The beat of it reverberates with all of the care and warm feelings you for some odd as hell reason harbor for him. He just cannot get over the fact that you love?? him the way that you do. And while he knows that your heart isn’t actually the organ that’s responsible for all that he, like most people, has been conditioned to associate these emotions with it nonetheless. Those metronomic thuds that lulls him into a contented puddle are just further proof to how much you care, and he lives for that shit–
–that this also gives him ease of access to some of your more sensitive areas is just a bonus…
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*Given the state of this fandom I feel the need to say that while I don’t like Endeavor, I absolutely fuck with his fans ((and tbh I’d totally let him wreck my shit because GODDAMN, god-fucking-bless the Todoroki genes, tho I’d probably feel bad about it later lmaooo)). Like who you like, my good dudes, this is a safe space lol…
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Cum || Anything to do with cum…
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Lbr—Dabi’s definitely the type of asshole to cum all over you regardless of how you feel about it.
That said, if you really don’t like it and make that clear then he’ll refrain from cumming on you (dude’s not a complete asshole, at least not when it comes to you), but your sheets are fucked. What? He’s gotta finish somewhere, esp. if he’s fucking you raw and you have a womb. Doesn’t matter how much protection you use, his first instinct is always gonna be to pull out and empty his balls onto something less perilous. And since you don’t want it on you or in your mouth then the sheets really are his only alternative.
I mean yeah, he could cum into his hand or a tissue or something, but lmao—no.
If you are down, however, he absolutely loves to make a mess of you, but will bitch to no end if you dare to do the same to him. Don’t let that stop you tho; he just likes to complain for the sake of complaining (I would not be surprised to find that he has a kink for his own damn voice, tbh), but in all honesty he couldn’t care less. Reduce him to a sweaty, cum-stained mess and he’ll adore you just that little bit more. Just know that he will get you back next time, fair’s fair after all…
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Dirty Secret || Pretty self-explanatory—a dirty secret of theirs.
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I picture Dabs as being the type to put all of his shit out there p. much from jump and he expects you to do the same.
The way he sees it, if you’re fucking on the regular you might as well know what your partner does and does not like. It keeps things from getting awkward and potentially dangerous down the line, plus it makes things a thousand times more fun/exciting when he (or you) tosses in something new into your sessions at random. Keeps things fresh and suitably spicy.
That said the thing he thinks to be the dirtiest secret of all is his feelings for you.
Dabi knows who and what he is and makes no apologies for it—usually. Prior to you he never once bothered with any self-examination, and why should he have? What do labels like ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ matter when people on both sides of the line don’t seem to have any compunction about crossing it whenever it suits them? It’s actions, not words, that he places his trust in.
Life has shown him that it’s always a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’ when it comes to literally everybody and their motivations. People’ll always hang themselves if you give them enough of the proverbial rope that is time—and honestly he isn’t any different, though he likes to think himself better. He doesn’t hide behind smiles and genial conversation and all those other bullshit social constructs that people like All Might like to put on to make the masses feel at ease; though he’ll never admit to it ever he’s like his father in that way. His smirk is lined with stilettos and his words are just as sharp and vicious. What you see with Dabi is what you get, and he doesn’t make for a very pretty picture.
Nobody in their right mind would ever want to get close to him, so it really freaks him out when you start showing signs of wanting him around for more than his pipework, like…
Are you a Commission plant, luring him into a false sense of security with copious amounts of orgasms and what is frankly the best damn sex he’s ever had in his life? Or perhaps you’re the family member of one of the many asshats he’s killed but never bothered with remembering their name if he ever knew it in the first place? Maybe you’re something far more twisted than even he, and you plan on trapping him in a dank basement somewhere so you can do all types of unsexy things to his charred body in the name of pseudo-science.
He’s not sure what your motivations are, but your walls are too fuckin’ good to give up without a damn good reason, so… He’s pretty sure he can take you if need be, so it’s fine.
But then it turns out you’re fueled by something that’s far too terrifying for him to have ever considered—you’re actually interested in him. As in him-him, as in Touya-him (tho naturally you don’t know to put that label on it, on him, no one does, he’s made damn sure of that).
What’s worse is that some ill-advised part of him wants to give you exactly what you looking for. He knows that he can’t, obviously—that’d put both of you in far more danger than you’re already in—but at the same time he’s in things too deep to just fuck off now. But he should, he really, really should. You’re too damn good for him, for this shitheap of a world, honestly. Who is he to come along and sully you? To drag you down in this pit of hatred and death that he’s dug himself into, to stain your skin with his blood soaked hands? Not once before you, not fucking once, did he ever give a shit about the lengths he had to go to in order to get his revenge, but now…
He’s not stupid enough to think he has a right to absolution, doesn’t allow himself to wish for a remission of sins committed—it’s too late in the game for that shit—but he does wish that he had met you sooner. He has no idea when would’ve been a good time—maybe once upon another life, when you were both still kids, smiling and carefree, but that’s a past that never was. Your lives wouldn’t have synced up back then, hell they barely fit together now; your shared harmony is more cacophonous than anything, but he finds that he loves the clamor. Still, maybe if you’d been the one to find him once Enji had abandoned him then maybe he wouldn’t have devolved into the man he is today. He knows that you would’ve extended him a hand without hesitation, giving him shelter and solace, sweet as you are, as you’ve always been…
But in the same way that he knows that you would have loved him, even then, he knows that there’s no point in focusing on what could have been since it was not. But a man can still dream, yeah? And he’s taken to doing that a lot more since meeting you. Sometimes, when he allows his mind to wander it conjures up images of a future with you by his side. They’re never plausible, and how can they be when his skin is as smooth as porcelain and his mother is smiling and you’re wearing a ring and taking his name, a name that he himself is somehow okay with? Silly, stupid, painful fantasies, but a man can dream…
He wishes it was just the bomb ass sex, that he could mourn and move on from, but you’re under his skin and steadily moving deeper, settling into his very bones. He knows that he should get out now, before it’s too late and he really fucks things up in one way or another, but… If he’s being honest (and really he’s gonna have to get on that shit sooner rather than later) he knows that he’s already ventured well beyond the point of no return. All he can do now is hope and pray that he doesn’t take you with him when he inevitably burns himself alive in his quest for vengeance.
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Experience || How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
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I personally canon Dabi as a big ol’ ho, but like only sometimes lol. He’s v. focused on his goals, so his sex drive takes a backseat more often than not, but when he does allow his carnal desires to come to the forefront…
Is slanging his thang all over town the safest option given how many wanted lists he’s on? Hell no, but nobody’s ever accused him of making quality life choices.
He fucks, and he fucks a lot. And since practice makes perfect, well… I think it’s safe to say he damn well knows what he’s doing.
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Favorite Position || What it says on the tin.
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CW for v. brief mentions of neck grabbing, spanking, and general rough treatment, but like ~lightly so~ lol (Reader receiving).
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One hundo percent his all-time favorite is hitting it from the back.
Just the thought of you on your hands and knees, back arched and throwing it back like your gd life depends on it is *chef’s kiss* He will absolutely grab a fistful of your hair, or better yet get a hand around your cute lil neck, and just lay into you. Also expect lots of smacks to your ass because he loves to hear you squeal for him.
Other than that he does like having you ride him, preferably in that good reverse cow ish. Look he’s an ass man, okay? He loves having your cheeks pressed against him, gets off on sinking his fingertips into the flesh of your undulating hips hard enough to bruise. He’s taken in by the wave that your body makes as you fuck him, the light sheen of sweat that coats your back. Don’t be surprised to feel his fingers tracing patterns into the mist, patterns that may seem nonsensical to you, but if you were able to concentrate on anything other than the feeling of his cock hollowing you out you’d realize were declarations of devotion, possession (mine-Mine-MINE).
Rounding out the top three is spooning. He thinks it’s sappy of him, but like… Having your back pressed against his chest as he lazily pumps into you is everything tbh. He only does this in the wee hours of the morning, when you’re both caught in the haze that exists between slumber and waking. His hands are unexpectedly soft—cautious—as he settles your leg over his and slides into you, your shared rhythm languid as you enjoy being connected so intimately. This is one of the only times he’ll allow himself to say that he loves you, though he’s only mouthing it against you neck, his voice caught in his throat, the muscles there strangling the words before they can dare to breach the air. Saying it aloud would manifest it, or so his thinking goes, and he can’t afford for such sentiments to be real. Not when he is who he is, not when he knows how things are destined to end for him.
He’s a cruel bastard, and no doubt about it. He’s already taken so much from you, but to force you to bear the burden that is his feelings for you is a step beyond. Even the most fucked up of villains have their hard limits. There aren’t many lines left in his life at this point, but this is certainly one of them—perhaps it truly is the only one left, he honestly isn’t sure anymore, but whatever the case may be it’s the only one that he’ll never dare to cross…
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Goofy || Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, relaxed, etc.
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Dabi laughs a fair bit in bed, but it’s usually at you and not with you.
His chuckle is a dark and rolling thing that curls around and flows through you to leave you a flustered mess every time without fail. He’s such a cruel and teasing bastard, but in the best of ways. He’s always taunting you, making you beg—but we’ll get into all of that in ‘U’.
Aside from that, he lands on the more… not really serious side, it’s more so that he’s really focused on what he’s doing. He’s more worried about getting the reactions that you’re both craving, so if that means he’s gotta hit you with a witty one-liner that’ll leave you snickering then so be it. That’s rarely the vibe with him tho, so don’t expect to be laughing too often…
…well unless he decides to tickle you.
He’s got a bit of a sadistic streak on him, so sometimes he’ll just start feathering his hands along your ticklish areas while he’s giving you head and it’s so weird? Like bruh wtf?? Asshole just likes to get a rise out of you, plus there’s the bonus of having you writhing harder than usual; fucker gets off on you struggling, ig. But what’s really annoying is how strong he is. Looking at him you wouldn’t think he could pin your hips down with one hand, but fuck around and find out lol. He’ll somehow manage to keep you in place, his mouth still putting in that good work, while his other hand keeps on tickling you and it’s annoying as hell. Luckily he’ll stop before things get too uncomfortable, but still. He doesn’t know why you put up with his irritating ass, but he’s glad that you do.
Lol, jk, he know his dick bomb and you couldn’t stay away even if you wanted to, which let’s be real—you don’t. Dabi’s a mistake that most people are all too eager to make at least twice. It’d be sad if he wasn’t likewise hooked on you, but good luck trying to get him to admit to that shit aloud unless you tie his smug, bratty ass up and fuck the confession outta him, but I digress…
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Hair || How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.
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Given that his cock is still intact and functional it’s probably a safe guess to say he still has pubes? Maybe?? Idk, his skin grafts are weird, man. If he does I can see him keeping that shit trimmed just because it’d get on his nerves otherwise. That you benefit from it is just a happy bonus.
He dyes his hair—or at least he did—so the curtains don’t usually match the drapes. Actually, even without the dye it doesn’t match. Idk what fucking color his hair actually is; when he was little it was red and now it’s white, like??? I’ve since been informed that his hair started going white when he was a kid due to some medical reasons which more than likely means that all of his hair has since followed suit, but, I refuse to let go of the crimson pubes theory because that shit’s funny af to me. A weird hill to die on, but I��m making my stand nonetheless.
But seriously tho, just imagine seeing him naked for the first time, like… He’s expecting you to be put off by all the staples and charred skin, but all you can focus on is that damned thatch of red hair lmao. When you inevitably question him about it (and how can you not, it’s just. So. Red.) he’ll just roll his eyes and tell you you’re a fucking weirdo–
“But if you’re that interested, doll, you might as well get a lil closer. Open that pretty little mouth of yours and I’ll make sure you get a real good look.”
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Intimacy || How are they during the act, the romantic aspect…
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If it’s just a hit it and quit it type deal he’s getting himself off and getting gone. If he’s feeling generous he might be inclined to stick around long enough for the other person to cum too, but tbh he’s one of those “Well I got mine” kind of assholes lol. Luckily for his past partners, Dabi’s good with his hips so they usually ended up getting off without him having to do anything extra.
But you, you’re his baby, so your pleasure is his pleasure and vice versa. Dabi’s version of romance isn’t that typical gooey sweet fluff that one might attribute to the word (tho it can be in those rare moments of softness that become far more common the deeper he falls into it with you), but more so in his attentiveness. His aftercare can use some work, but when he’s in the moment? You’ll never feel more cared for. It doesn’t matter how rough and nasty things get you’re always gonna feel safe in his hands, he’ll made damn sure of it.
One bit of softness that he indulges in more regularly is hand holding. Missionary is a position that you always end up in at some point during just about every session, and when you do he’ll thread his fingers between yours and it’s just so sweet? Well usually. Sometimes it’s this tender thing, others he’s using this connection to pin your hands down as he fucks you hard and deep. But regardless of which it is, there’s always gonna be something soft syruping around in his eyes, an amalgamation of emotions too complicated to parse out, but easily defined by a four lettered word that he’s still too scared to say.
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Jack Off || The Masturbation Headcanon™
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I know I said he was a ho before, but like he also has his shit in check.
Dabi’s a man on a mission and he’s not gonna let his libido get in the way of that. He’s got shit to do, yanno? He’s only out there wetting his dick when he has the time to, and when he doesn’t he’s usually too focused on whatever it is he’s doing to worry about being horny. Once he’s got the time to actually focus on such things he doesn’t actually jack it all too often. It’s not like it’s hard for him to find a partner to lend him a helping hand, or willing hole as is his preference.
Oddly enough once you two are a thing he actually finds that he has to masturbate more often as finding a random for a hook up somewhere nearby is no longer an option, and you’re not always a viable option (be that because of distance, his needing to lay low and not drag the law to your doorstep, etc.).
Masturbating isn’t overly enjoyable for him, in fact he actually gets p. annoyed when he has to resort to it. He’d much rather be buried inside you than thrusting into his own hand, but again that isn’t always possible. Sometimes his activities keep you apart for long stretches of time, and even when you’re together sometimes you’re just not in the mood, or too tired or whatever and that’s okay too; it’s not as if he expects you to fuck on command or anything like that.
When he has to take care of himself it’s a pretty efficient affair. He’ll lube himself up and get to work, moving at the pace he knows will get him off the quickest, his mind digging through the vast catalog that is his spank bank until he finds something that does it for him. Unless he’s trying to entice/tease you he’s actually quiet, usually biting down on his shirt to muffle any stray moans and hisses that manage to slip through. Though he’d like to blame practicality for all of this, really the habit was picked up back when he was still under his father’s tutelage. Enji believed such activities to be distractions, but knowing that the release would be necessary for the growing boy he basically told him to get it over with as swiftly as possible and yeah…
Sheeeesh, there’s just so much to unpack there, isn’t it? From what I’ve gathered it seems as if Endeavor has some type of familial redemption arc going on, and good on him for trying to make things right even if it’s well after the damage has been done (it’s never too late to do better, after all), but still… At least let Dabi kick him in the gooch one good time. (Yes, I am vaguely aware of what he actually did do, and it was fucked, which is why I’m offering this alternative lol.)
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Kink || One or more of their kinks.
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CW for detailed descriptions of choking, fear play and all that entails (including a v. brief mention of knifeplay as well as shades of CNC), as well as degradation and all that entails (including a v. brief mention of spit). Exhibitionism is also a thing that’s discussed. These are all found in their respective sections (tho the fear play naturally blurs into the choking bit as well).
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Unsurprisingly this fucker is kinky as hell. It should be said now that these particular kinks are… a bit more extreme/dark in nature. Aside from the cock warming that I threw in at the end because I am a self-indulgent little shit, exhibitionism is the mildest one on the list, so that should tell you something lol. So if you read the title and think ‘Yeah, no, that’s not for me’, then yeah, no, it’s not for you.
That said anything mentioned here would only be engaged in if all parties involved are abundantly enthusiastic and willing because while Dabi may be a giant fucking asshole—by both consensus as well as his own admission—he is not one for forcing shit like this. That would be v. wrong and unsexy of him, and he’s not with that fuckery.
I don’t have the time to lay out everything I think he’d be into, but a top five (made in no true order) list seem to be the best way for me answer this one in the most succinct manner possible, so without further ado, leggo.
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1 || Exhibitionism
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CW for—you guessed it!—public sex. …It should also be said that ya boy isn’t above making death threats (and promptly following through on them) if someone takes issue with him taking you…
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This asshole is the type to take you any time and any place. Clubs, back alleys, on the gd train—he really does not give a fuck (well, he’s certainly giving you the fuck, but you know what I mean). If someone’s foolish enough to try to confront you he won’t hesitate to reduce them to cinders, if he can do so without drawing the attention of any cops or heroes, naturally. He’s not too keen on the prospect of either of you doing time, especially for something as lame as this. Thankfully it hasn’t ever come to that as usually all he has to do is flash a palmful of blue flames and folk know to back the fuck off.
Potential for homicide aside, he loves the thrill that comes with doing something so inherently taboo. Plus he’s a giant fucking showoff. He knows that there isn’t any other person out there that can do what he can, no one else who can lay claim to your body as masterfully as he, and he wants the world to know it too.
Annnnd there’s also a not-so-small part of him that wants the world to know that you’re his just as much as he’s yours, but shhhhh, we don’t talk about that bit lol… If you thought you saw his softer side showing shut the fuck up no you didn’t. >.>
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2 || Choke me like you hate me, but you love me~
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CW/TW for choking, obviously lol…
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This one’s p. self-explanatory, I think. Dude likes having his hands around your neck, plain and simple. He relishes the deep, creeping fear that syrups around in your teary eyes, lives for the way you gasp and writhe under his grip…
If you let him he’ll squeeze until the delicate skin there blooms with bruises that match the curve of his palm; until you’re clawing desperately at his hand, your rapidly constricting lungs begging for just a sip of oxygen; until those pretty little eyes roll back and you cum so hard that you go limp under his still rutting hips…
Yeah, as you can imagine safe words/actions are very much a thing you have to incorporate into your sessions.
And with turnabout being fair play, as they say, he’s v. much down for you returning the favor. Go as hard as you like because homie can take it just as good as he gives it—in fact if you’re not squeezing tight enough he’ll grab your hand in a bid to get you to shore up your grip. He won’t be happy until his vision is dancing with little black spots and his lungs have all but emptied out.
Naturally this isn’t something he’ll engage in to this degree unless he has the full trust of his partner and vice versa.
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3 || Fear Play
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CW/TW for brief mentions of stalking (in a predator/prey kinda way), knifeplay, and what can pass as CNC if ya squint.
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Were he more introspective he might worry about what this particular kink says about him.
Like he adores you, right? Always wants you to be happy and safe and smiling–
But on the other hand your fear is so deliciously beautiful.
It should feel like breaking you, seeing the terror that etches itself into every part of your being when you play like this—it does feel like breaking you, and maybe that’s part of the appeal. Even if you’re a villain yourself, Dabi is convinced that you will never be as wicked a creature as he. It doesn’t matter if you just went on a whole ass killing spree and are still covered in the resulting blood—he sees you as something better, something more. So to rip into that perception, to turn you from a thing to be protected into prey… It just hits different and oh-so-good and god, he really is fucked up isn’t he? But he knew that already and so did you, so there’s no point in shying away from it now.
It doesn’t matter if he’s stalking you through the city’s seedy back alleys, sneaking through your window and breathing a threat into your ear as he presses a nearly scalding hand over your mouth when you least expect it, or fucking you with a blade just millimeters from sinking into your flesh—he’s gonna revel in your fear, licking away your tears as he promises not to hurt you too bad–
“–so long as you keep being my good little doll. Now whimper for me some more, sweetheart…”
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4 || Degradation
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CW for exactly what it says on the tin. Dabi’s a mean SOB, so name calling, rough treatment, and humiliation are all par the course.
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Dabi can be downright mean when he wants to be—which honestly is like 87% of the time. Definitely the type to step on you while calling you all sorts of names (whore, slut, cocksleeve, needy bitch, just his little hole to fuck), maybe rough you up a bit, spit in your mouth…
Yeah, shit gets nasty.
Of course he’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with, so expect a very involved conversation about boundaries and limits once you start getting that work on the regular. He’ll also want to field test things right afterwards, if you’re that way inclined; if not he’s gonna go rub one out—very loudly, hell maybe even right in front of you because this asshole has NO shame, in hopes that it’ll get you hot enough to reconsider lmao…
This particular kink usually makes itself known in short order, but what a lot of people don’t know is that it goes both ways.
Tell him that he’s just your little fuck toy with no worth outside of the pleasure he can give you and he’ll damn near nut on the spot. Is this a healthy dynamic/coping mechanism? Nah, probably not and he knows it, but you can’t help what gets you hot, ya know? Were you anyone but who you are to him he doesn’t think that he’d be okay with it, honestly, but he feels safe with you. He knows that you see him as something more than a thing to be used, that you’re just as deep into things as he is, and that allows for him to explore this space.
If you do decide to indulge him, don’t do so too frequently. He’s five feet and nine inches of emotional baggage, so that which is cathartic can just as easily turn poisonous if not handled with care. Honestly this is something that only someone who really knows what they’re doing should attempt, imo. At any rate, when you finish the session make sure that you love up on him extra good because he’s gonna drop hard and he’ll really need the reassurance and care.
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5 || Cockwarming
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Think of this as a little palate cleanser after all that deliciously dark sinning lmao.
This is a kink that he didn’t know he had until the first time you guys did it, and said time wasn’t even on purpose—he was just too tired and injured to fuck you properly, but being the stubborn asshole that he is he insisted on trying anyway. Cue him plopping you down on his lap, but not being able to lift his hips because separated ribs are a goddamn fucking bitch. You were ready to end things there, maybe get him off with a lil suck and tug before finishing yourself off and calling it a night, but…
He held you in place, a dreamy look on his face that you would’ve attributed to the painkillers he’d gotten from god knows where, but his breathing had deepened and his dick was kinda twitching inside of you?? Ofc this set your walls to fluttering around him, which in turn got him going even more and yeah. Y’all got caught up in that loop of gentle pleasure real quick lol.
That first time he was content to just lay there with you until he finally dozed off. It was v. cute and intimate and all that good noise, but as you’ve probably guessed that’s the exception not the rule. Pretty much every time since then has involved him being a teasing little shit. He’ll play with your clit/cock just enough to get you to shuddering around him, but not enough to cum; those wicked and clever fingers of his opposite hand will be just as busy, either with keeping your hips still or with groping at your body and playing with your nipples. It really is just a whole ass terrible thing, but you’re here for it.
He especially likes to do this when he wants to get it in but you have work to do. It’s an incentive to work faster and more efficiently, or so he says, just a promise of things to come once your responsibilities have been sorted. You know he’s playing you, with his smug little shit-eating smirk, but dammit if you’re not gonna let it happen lol.
But ofc it’s not all teasing. He really does adore you and sometimes he just wants you close. When he’s in his feelings like this he’ll lay back with you on his chest, cock buried deep as he runs his hands along your spine with slow, measured strokes. Return the favor by playing with his hair or running gentle fingers along the lines of his scars and you’ll damn near bring him to tears. And if you hum/sing to him—game fucking over. Doesn’t matter if you think you’re any good or not, he’s gonna be so fucking enamored with you that he’ll swear he’s being serenaded by a chorus of heavenly beings. A bit fanciful, that, but it makes sense to him—whether you know it or not, you’re his angel, the one saving grace he has in this fucked up world…
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Location || Favorite places to do the deed.
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Anywhere he can get it in is his favorite place, tbh. But if you just force him to pick it’s definitely gonna be your home. Doesn’t matter where in said home, but like…
Deep down Dabi just wants a bit of domestic bliss. Given what he is he knows that’s not exactly possible, but that doesn’t stop him from playing at it whenever he gets the chance. You’ve made it clear that your home is his home too, and dammit if that’s not all he’s ever wanted. He has a place here, space to stretch and grow and be himself, flaws and all. He has no idea how you do it, or why you do it for that matter, but he’s so very grateful nonetheless.
Ten times out of ten whenever he’s taking you at your spot his mind’ll conjure up imaginings of a different sort of life, one where the pair of you can be together without any fear or baggage weighing you down. It’s an alternate reality that will never come to pass, he knows, but it’s still nice to think about…
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Motivation || What turns them on/gets them going?
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Touch him.
That’s it, that’s all I got folks. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. Get home safe.
But really, this boy is touched starved all to be damned, so simple touches really can do him in. He’s not a horny teenager, so you’re (usually) not gonna get him going from a simple brush of skin against skin, but tbh if you’re touching him with any sort of affection he’s gonna get at least a little turned on. It’s not his fault—you’re, well, you. You’re beautiful, both inside and out, and he’s so damn taken with you that he honestly doesn’t know what to do with himself half the time. Add to that the fact that he hasn’t had anyone touch him with any level of warmth since he was a v. small child and…
Look, just don’t be surprised if every once in a while he pops a boner while you’re playing with his hair or something equally innocuous is all I’m saying.
The longer you’re together the less effect casual affectionate touches have on his libido, but let’s not get it twisted—dude’s still very touch motivated. Feather your fingers over the seams in his skin, run your tongue over the shell of his ear, or brush your ass against any part of him and he’ll be all over you within moments.
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No || Something they’d never do/turn offs.
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Though he’s a kinky fucker, the one thing he’ll never ever do is share you.
Dabi does not share—anything, at any time.
You’re his not really-but totally very much, definitely so partner and he’ll be damned if he gives some other asshole leave to even so much as glance at you with a hint of interest.
This is a two way street, btw. Once you’re unofficially official, he’s not fucking with anyone else. Hell that’s honestly how he knew he was in shit too deep. He tried chatting up some attractive rando outside of a club, but before he could get too into things all he could think was how much of a disloyal bitch he was being. How could he ever even consider looking at anyone that wasn’t you?
You, who’s too sweet and kind and beautiful both inside and out for their own damn good… You, who despite having excellent taste in literally every other aspect of your life, had chosen to lower yourself by allowing him into your world, your bed… You, with your cute smiles and annoyingly endearing habits and perfect body and delicious moans…
He’s too selfish a thing to warn you away from him, too self-indulgent to ever give you cause to send him away. So if that means keeping his dick outta anyone that isn’t you then so fuckin’ be it.
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Oral || Preference in giving or receiving, skill level, etc.
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At the start of things Dabi would rarely go down on you. The way he saw it, head was just something that was done to get his partners going. Most times he could get by with just a lil finger work, as the people he was hooking up with were usually already raring to go, and those first few times you weren’t much different. That heady mixture of adrenaline and genuine attraction coupled with the newness of things meant that it took very little to get you ready to take him, and that suited you both just fine for a while. Once things became a bit more habitual, however, he found himself wanting to give you something more.
Ngl, his first attempts were kinda clumsy and sloppy and rushed, but thankfully for you both Dabi’s a fast learner. He studied and cataloged your reactions with an astuteness fit to rival Midoriya (albeit with less muttering and notepads involved lmao). It doesn’t take long for him to figure out just what he needs to do to reduce you to a shaky mess within minutes.
But naturally receiving’s a different beast entirely—he’s been down for that shit from jump. Definitely loves to face fuck you, thinks the way you gag and drool around his cock is just *chef’s kiss* Will totally shove the whole of his length clean down your throat and just hold it there, enjoying the way the muscles flutter around its girth and your reflexive lil swallows, until your need for oxygen demands he pull back. But really he’s only gonna let you take a few shuddery breaths before he pushes back in because the sight of you about to knock out from sucking his cock is just too damn pretty. And he prefers his head sloppy, like grossly so, so don’t be embarrassed about how wet/messy things get, not that he’s gonna leave you much choice in the matter lol.
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Pace || Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.
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When you first start out, things are always rough, but the speed varies.
That very first time—back when he was still living in the blissful ignorance of thinking of you as nothing more than a casual hook up—he was ready to get in, get off, and get gone. But the minute he felt your warmth around his cock he knew he had to take his time with you. He went in hard and rough, but did it at a pace that had you begging for more damn near from jump (which just lead to him fucking you deeper, not faster, btw lol). What was only meant to be a twenty minute affair, tops, became an all-night thing that left you both exhausted, soaked, and sore. This became the norm for y’all for a while, with him only going at things super fast when your schedules demanded it.
As the pair of you got closer he found that he didn’t mind going a bit softer from time to time. At first he claimed he was just tossing you a bone, sparing your dignity so that you didn’t have too bad a limp that following day, but you knew better (just like you knew not to comment on this or any of the other little ways your not-a-relationship relationship had been evolving). Eventually you guys reach a place where pretenses are dropped and he can make love to you as slowly and sensually as you want without him falling too deeply into his head, but unsurprisingly it’s gonna take a while for you to get there.
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Quickie || Their opinion on quickies versus proper sex, how often they indulge, etc.
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He doesn’t really have strong feelings on them one way or the other.
Naturally he does prefer proper sex but sometimes all you have time for is a quickie, and that’s just that. As for how often it’s really just whenever your schedules demand it. Quickies aren’t something he goes out of his way to initiate, if anything he’d rather wait until he can give it to you good and proper, if you’re that way inclined. But sometimes you just need to get that work before work, he knows this, and is p. much always willing to oblige.
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Risk || Are they game to experiment, take risks, etc.
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As you’ve probably gathered from ‘K’, Dabi’s no stranger to risk and experimentation. Chances are if you wanna try it, he’s already done it at least once. He prefers a partner that can keep up with him, which doesn’t necessarily mean that he needs you to have a lot of experience—in fact he’d be lying if he said the thought of corrupting you a bit didn’t get him off—but rather that he wants someone who’s at least open to trying things, ya know? If you’re willing to meet him halfway, he’ll certainly hold up his end of things. Even if you end up not liking something he’ll be hella proud of you for making the attempt which will lead to him spoiling you and that’ll lead to him burying his head between your legs yet again and yeah…
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Stamina || How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?
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CW for talk of the aftermath of Dabi’s quirk trying to slow roast him. I don’t go into too much detail at all, but I thought I’d put this here just in case.
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Providing he hasn’t been using his quirk too much beforehand his stamina’s pretty good; this is due in large part to his propensity for teasing. Dude can and will edge you for ridiculous lengths of time, be that with his mouth/fingers or cock. Nine times out of ten he will outlast you even if it’s purely out of spite lmao.
That said, he can definitely get on some Energizer Bunny shit if you catch him on the right day. Once you’re together-together he’s definitely the type to recharge between sessions with a break and lil snack or even a nap, all done so that he can fuck you until night bleeds into a new day. It should also be said that he isn’t above using a cock ring if his body looks like its gonna give up the ghost before he’s ready. But not every encounter can be a sex marathon, more’s the goddamn pity, in which case he’s good with just racking up a few orgasms between you before calling it for the night.
But looping back to how this all relates to his quirk—using his fire really takes it out of him, though you never knew how badly it affected him until you were p. deep in your relationship.
Your seeing him like that, all worn down and overheated, is the absolute last thing he wants, and the first time it happened it was completely by accident. Like he came to crash at your place because it was comfortable/safe, and he was fairly certain that you weren’t due back for several hours; by then he’d be mostly okay, or at least okay enough that he could write his sorry state off to general fatigue and not his body trying to cook itself alive. He was posted up in your bathroom tending to a seam that had partly ruptured when he heard you keying in. He knew that he didn’t have time to make himself presentable, so all he could do was hope that you’d just popped in to get something you’d forgotten before fucking off again.
But of course his luck had never been that good.
With no recourse left to him, he explained the intricacies of his quirk with a resigned sullenness, answering your questions and addressing your concerns as best he could. It ended up being a somewhat tense exchange because you were obviously concerned, as any loving partner would be, and the casual disregard he showed over it all was kind of maddening. Still, you knew that his lack of care was more of a coping mechanism that he’d probably never shake in full (unsaid was the fact that you were well aware that not even his love for you could keep him from throwing himself headlong into his goals). And so, instead of turning the whole thing into what would’ve been one hell of a nasty argument, you opted to help patch him up and cool him off as best you could and that was that.
Typically he isn’t really trying to fuck so soon after he’s roasted himself, but on the off chance that he really wants it he’ll let you take the reins. Please be gentle with him, he’s so fragile when he’s like this—both physically and emotionally. He’s risking so much in allowing you to see him in such a weakened state so please handle his trust with care.
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Toy || Do they own toys? Do they use them on themselves or their partner?
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Honestly he’s not super into them.
Like he’s not against them and will use them from time to time, but he prefers to be the sole provider of your pleasure. So unless you’re doing something that absolutely requires outside aid he’s not gonna break out the toy box.
That said the pair of you do acquire a small collection—mostly vibes, a few plugs, some cock rings, rope, blindfolds. It’s all p. basic stuff, with the wildest thing being a spreader bar, which again is on the milder side of the kinky scale, I think. He’ll also get you a strap if you don’t have a dick of your own because while he prefers to be in charge a good portion of the time, he cannot deny that he lives for the days when you bend his bratty ass over and take him to task.
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Unfair || How much they like to tease.
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Dabi is a huge goddamn tease. I would invite you to try to change my mind if I wasn’t spitting straight up facts.
Your only real saving grace is that he doesn’t have the willpower to (completely) deny you for as long as he’d like. He loves to hear you whine way too much, lives for the way your tears of desperation streak that pretty little face… All it takes is for you to give in just a little and he’ll give you what you want—tho it may not come in the form you want. Were you begging to cum on his tongue? Well get ready to orgasm again and again and a-fucking’-gain. He’ll stop when he thinks you’ve had enough. Getting all weepy because you need his cock? He’ll grind it against you for what feels like forever, content to keep you on the edge and those tears flowing.
Conversely he loves a brat too. Breaking your kind is always so damn satisfying, but even if you’re able to hold out he’s gonna be all too ready to pipe you down because that type of defiance is just plain ol’ H O T . You think you can take his cock without breaking? Well get ready to eat those words as well as a copious amount of cum because he’s gonna fuck that smart lil mouth of yours until you go hoarse. Every other hole you’ve got is getting the exact same treatment, btw, so I hope you’re ready to be reduced to a walking wet spot. Or maybe he won’t give you the honor of his touch, maybe he’ll just tie you up and force you to watch as his long, slender fingers run along his thick shaft. He’ll keep going until you apologize and ask nicely for him to stuff you like the good little doll he knows you want to be. If you’re smart you’ll give in sooner rather than later, because once he empties his balls things are only gonna get worst for your bratty ass (which, lbr, is probably what you both want lol).
No matter what the deal is the teasing never really stops, but rather it switches gears. He’ll get at you for being such a needy little thing, so desperate for the least touch. All of your sounds of pleasure are like music to his ears, your writhing poetry in motion, but that won’t stop him from telling you how damn sad it is that you can’t even catch his dick without making a spectacle of yourself. God, he just so damn mean, but clearly we’re all here for it.
So TL;DR—he’s a teasing little shit from start to finish, but honestly would you want it any other way?
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Volume || How loud are they? What sounds do they make?
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Dabi’s not quiet nor is he overly loud—well, unless he’s trying to prove a point.
You want to get back at your shitty neighbor who loves to blast their music at crackhead hours? He’ll position your bed so that it’s right against the connecting wall before starting up that good headboard drumline lol. He’ll definitely make sure that that asshole knows both your names by sunup. Also isn’t above calling up any of your old flames or anyone else that may be looking to hook up with you so that they can hear how a real man takes his lover. ((Ugh, he so damn petty—I love it.))
When he’s not being performative his volume is p. standard, rising and falling with the session’s vibe. He’s definitely a talker, as we’ve established by now, but when he’s not busy running his mouth he makes some of the sexiest sounds ever. Moans that ripple along your spine, dark little chuckles that settle their weight into your gut, sighs and hisses that leave you clamping around him just to hear more… I’m honestly not sure which is hotter, but it’s all just as well as you never have to choose. If he’s feeling good—which he always is whenever he’s with you like this—then you’re damn well gonna know about it.
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Wild Card || Get a random headcanon of my choosing.
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One day long ago when the League was young, Toga and Jin wrote a really spicy friend fic (oh who am I kidding—that shit was straight up smut) about Dabi and Shiggy. That in itself is bad enough, yeah, but naturally that disaster duo had to take it a step further by reading it aloud to their little core group.
Or at least they tried to.
Naturally the MCs, being who they were, chose violence instantly. Meanwhile Twice kept making clones of Toga who had internalized the story and was reciting it by rote. By the time Dabi caught up to the main instigator (knife wife) and Shiggy got majority of his hand on clone husband they’d gotten pretty far into their tale. With the threat of just straight up death so close and quite literally at hand the pair relented, but it was a real Pandora’s Box situation for the two young men. It was weeks before they could look each other in the eye again lmao. But who could blame them? That shit was so damn graphic and detailed and annoyingly well written.
Neither of them could understand why the pair had thought so much about them fucking, and more disturbingly why they knew exactly what their dick measurements were? Like… how???
It didn’t help matters that there was always– not exactly attraction per se on Dabi’s part, but dude’s a thrill seeker. Fucking a guy that could end you with a single touch? Kinda hot. Meanwhile Shigs hadn’t ever considered the burned man to be anything more than a useful pawn/royal pain in his ass, but once the thought was planted he couldn’t not notice how infuriatingly attractive the fucker actually was. Needless to say he stamped that out real quick for several reasons, not least of all because to do anything less would mean that those two asshats won and he couldn’t have that lol.
Though their leader made them swear to stop writing that ‘weird ass, Google search page 76, freaky ass bullshit’ that didn’t stop the authors, tho they were smart enough to keep it away from their muses and really that’s the best anyone could hope for.
(Meanwhile Kurogiri out here really considering publishing some of their stuff—modified so as not to reveal anything of note—to help fund their schemes lmfao…)
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X-Ray || How do they look with their clothes off?
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Dick piercings.
That’s it, that’s all I got.
Honestly I would’ve thought that he’d never voluntarily want to get more bits of metal shoved into his flesh, but his numerous other piercings says otherwise. Personally I prefer him with a Jacob’s ladder, but whichever combo you find hottest he’ll totally rock. Freaky lil shit prolly has nipple piercings and a tongue ring too 😩
Aside from all of that he’s about what you’d expect. Thin, but fit, a mosaic of burns and flesh and scars, and a big ass dick lol. I just know his dick big y’all, I know it—I feel it in my guts heart. Dude’s totally got that big dick lean and the attitude to match and damn if he doesn’t have what it takes to back it all up…
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Yearning || How high is their sex drive?
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I’d say it’s about typical for a guy his age, tho it does fluctuate. Like I said back in ‘J’, he’s got his shit in check. When he’s focused on his… uhh, work? I guess we’ll call it?? he’s got himself on lock. Wrapped up in his goals as he is, he isn’t exactly worried about getting his dick wet during those times, tho once he goes from an ‘I’ to a ‘we’ that dogged focus wavers on occasion. It usually only happens when he’s missing you more than usual, which only happens when you’re apart for an extended period of time. This’ll lead to him rubbing one out if he can’t get to you directly before getting back to the (other) grind.
His sex drive’s probably at its peak when he’s frustrated. Before you came along this would usually end with him going on a sex jag—which to be fair he still does, but all of his energy and desires are focused on you and that is a terrifying/sexy position to find yourself in. When he gets like this your best bet is to take some sick leave or vacation days or w/e, stock up on lube, and order some groceries because your ass is gonna be bed-bound for the next couple of days at least.
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Zzz || How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?
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It really just depends. Some days he’s hella tired and will be halfway knocked out before he even fully pulls out, others he’ll be weirdly alert—like ‘I’m gonna go play Dark Souls, call out if you need me’-levels of alert—and others still he’ll be content to drift in the blissful languor that comes with the afterglow, holding you close and sharing breaths and kisses and sweet little whispers as he finally, finally allows himself to admit freely that he loves you.
Your arms are his home now and he can only hope that they’ll never drop, that you’ll never turn him away…
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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102 notes · View notes
mst3kproject · 2 years
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Curse of the Voodoo
This fucking movie stars Bryant fucking Haliday from Devil Doll and was directed by Lindsay fucking Shonteff of the same.  It was made in eighteen days on a budget of fifty thousand pounds, and I hate it, violently.  To all the Apple folks who can't see this review because I had to tag it #tw: racism, count your blessings because I suspect even reading about Curse of the Voodoo will make you beg to be abducted by aliens so you can get off the stupid fucking planet this movie was made on.
After an opening narration tells us about how savage and primitive Africa is, we see some limp-dicked British butthead try to shoot a lion.  He doesn't manage to kill it, because this guy's never shot at anything meaner than a partridge in his life – but he does wound it, and his American safari guide Michael Stacey (we can tell he's American because he wears a cowboy hat) has to follow it into the bush and finish it off for him.  This takes him into the territory of the Simbaza, a particularly savage tribe who revere lions as gods.  The moment he kills the lion, a terrible curse falls upon him, which can only be broken by killing the Simbaza chief!
Hmm. How shall I describe this movie?
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Basically, Curse of the Voodoo is a story about a man struggling with alcoholism, and his problems with addiction are mirrored by his problems with this curse.  Enough emphasis is placed on his drinking that I'm pretty sure this is, in fact, what writers Brian Clemens and Leigh Vance were going for. Stacey insists he doesn't have a problem even when it's clear to everybody else, he refuses offers of help, and his relationships are falling apart all around him.  Trying to address the symptoms of the problem doesn't work – he has to get back to the root of it in order to heal.  And I guess it kinda works, but to get at that you have to wade through the dark, tarry abyss of the most racist movie I have seen in my life.
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I've seen Jungle Goddess, remember.  I've seen Black Dragons. Hell, I've seen King of the Zombies although I haven't gotten around to reviewing it yet.  So when I say this is the most racist movie I've ever seen, you know it's got some stiff competition.  Well, Curse of the Voodoo absolutely blows those other movies away. I barely know where to begin.
I guess I can start with the opening narration, which goes like this: Africa: a country that for centuries was hidden from civilized man!  Africa: a country of grandeur, power, beauty, and sudden death!  Africa: where primitive tribes still practice evil religions which weave a dark web of death around all who sin against their gods!  One such god is Simba, the Lion.
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Movies like this always go on about how dark and primitive these ancient religions are... and yet the magic always works. If gods exist and this stuff is so evil, why can't the white people's clearly superior Christian god protect them from it?  Why are they forced to deal with it on its terms?  On a storytelling level, the answer of course is that having God intervene would be a literal deus ex machina and that's fundamentally unsatisfying because it deprives the main characters of agency... but I do wonder if the idea isn't partially rooted way back in Roman times, when Christians insisted that the Roman gods had no power and yet God never intervened to miraculously save them from being eaten by lions in the Colosseum despite that exact thing literally happening in the Old Testament.
Anyway, with the narration over, we get right into the racism.  Our supposed hero, Michael Stacey, is played by Bryant Haliday.  I don't understand how this man got lead roles in movies.  He is not at all interesting to watch or even pretty to look at.  Without his Great Vorelli fake beard he looks like how you'd imagine surly adult Draco Malfoy if all you'd seen was the first movie.  IMDB tells me he was born in the United States but I'm not sure I believe that.  He always sounds like an English guy trying to do an American accent and never getting it quite right.
For the purposes of this movie, the only thing that really matters is he's white, which the film-makers are at great pains to emphasize.  He's so pale he almost glows.  His hair is bleached so blonde it looks white, and particularly during the African scenes he wears white.  This can't be intended to make him seem saintly because the character is a sour, arrogant asshole, so it must be meant to emphasize Stacey's European-ness.  He then goes out of his way to disrespect local customs and people, and when they protest, he complains that 'the damn boys are getting out of hand', as if these are misbehaving children rather than adult human beings with priorities that differ from his own.
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Once he is cursed by the Simbaza chief sticking a spear in the dirt at his feet, we start to watch Stacey's life disintegrate.  He returns to Johannesburg to learn that his wife has left him and taken their son. One of his friends, Major Lomas, insists that he is not a bad husband, but nothing we see of Stacey himself supports this.  He's a self-absorbed jerk.  His wife Janet taking off doesn't feel like something induced by a curse, coming out of nowhere... it feels like it's probably been a long time coming and our instinctive reaction is good for her. When he subsequently goes to London to try to win her back, he refuses to accept Janet's mother telling him she doesn't want to see him – he insists on seeing Janet herself, and orders her to meet him at a hotel that night to talk it over even when she repeatedly refuses!
Then, when she stands him up, he heads off to fuck a girl who kind of looks like her but is at least ten years younger.  I didn't care about this man to begin with and now I negative care about him.  I actively want him to be mauled by the ghost of that lion he shot, and for a glorious moment it looks like it's actually going to happen!  Sadly, it turns out he was hallucinating.  This guy is such a dick that it honestly never feels like any of this stuff is the result of a curse.  Stacey ruined his own damn life, and now he's suffering the consequences.
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I could probably go through every single incident in the movie pointing out the myriad ways in which it is offensive or stupid, but I'm writing an internet movie review, not a PhD thesis.  I will therefore single out several more things that are particularly terrible and leave the rest.  First, let's talk about Sadie, Stacey's translator who is I think supposed to be his friend.  After the curse is cast, he literally tries to stab Stacey in the back and then when he flees the scene of his crime the white people try to shoot him like an animal.
As the movie progresses we see that Sadie is also subject to the curse. He has been captured by the Simbaza and is being tied up and tortured both magically and physically.  Of course we don't watch this in any detail because the movie is about Stacey, who at the end runs in to save him all White Knight sort of thing.  So I think the murder attempt was more of an assisted suicide, in that Sadie knew what was coming and intended to kill Stacey before he could suffer too much.  In the moment, however, it looks like maybe he's under some kind of spell intended to help the curse along, which apparently didn't affect the white folks.  I was relieved I was wrong... but it ultimately doesn't help much.
There's a nightclub dancer in sparkly silver pants and with tassels on her tits.  She does a very long dance which we have to watch every moment of, and which of course contributes nothing to the plot.  It's just killing time, as a number of other sequences in the movie do – some of them can be excused as trying to build suspense but mostly they just drag.  The dancer is the same one who appears in a scene of Simbaza drumming and chanting and is supposed to be a symptom of Stacey's mental breakdown, but all of these scenes focus entirely on her ass.  It's so blatant that I would be surprised to learn director Lindsay Shonteff can even spell the word 'shame'.
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As the movie nears its end, Janet (who reunited with her husband because she realized he needed her... Jan, honey, you don't need his ass) goes to see an expert, who tells her that the only way to break the curse is for Stacey to kill the man who cursed him, the Simbaza chief.  This is a bit jarring because in trying to fix his relationship with Janet, Stacey has been focused on making amends and seeking forgiveness... shouldn't that theme extend into the curse thing, since it mirrors his other problems?  Nope, apparently forgiveness is for white people, because murder is the only way – emphasized by the fact that the professor who delivers this news is also black.  Civilized Europeans solve their problems through talk, primitive Africans do it through violence.
I naively assumed the climax of the movie would therefore be Stacey fighting the Simbaza chief, but nope, he walks in with his gun to shoot the man!  He hits the shaman instead and then stalks the chief through the underbrush, shooting at him repeatedly until running out of ammo... whereupon he instead runs the Simbaza chief over with his fucking car. We have to see this man's broken body wrapped around the wheel well and we're supposed to feel relief that the curse is broken.  You can say this was the product of a Different Time but even in 1965 the reviews for Curse of the Voodoo focused on how revoltingly racist the story is.  Sweet Raptor Jesus.
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This all leaves Curse of the Voodoo in a very similar place, I think, to Cry Wilderness.  It is, without hesitation, a very, very bad movie that deserves merciless scorn.  On the other hand, it's also such a deeply offensive one that having watched it, I wasn't sure I wanted to write it up.  I ended up doing so anyway, because I wanted to get this off my chest.  Honestly, though, I have to say the same thing I said about that stinking dump of a bigfoot movie: this kind of attitude should not be reaching a wider audience, even one that's going to ridicule it, and I am glad it was never on MST3K.  Fuck this movie.
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
i found the one, he changed my life (what now?) [i’d love it if we made it, pt. 3]
a/n: holy SHIT i am so happy about the way this turned out, this continues the story of college AU!tony dealing with his ex and the pressure he puts on himself to be honest with his friends. (title from “what now” by rihanna) TW: discussion of abusive relationships, mention of surgery, unhealthy/stalking behaviors, and i think that’s it but pls lmk if there’s anything else i should tag
summary: “He’s obsessed with you [...] I think he loves me, I feel certain that he loves me. But he feels some kind of way about you, and it’s creepy,” Bucky elaborated, leaving Anthony at a loss for words.
“It’s a nice day, seasonal allergies aside,” Anthony remarked.
“I would put flowers in your hair and be all cute and shit but I’m trying not to make you sneeze,” Stephen replied. “That would be unfortunate.”
Anthony laughed lightly and rested his head on Stephen’s shoulder. “You can still pet my head though, that would be nice.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re terrible at subtlety?” Stephen asked, beginning to play with Anthony’s hair.
“I think you did this morning,” Anthony replied. “Because you’re obnoxious.”
“Isn’t that why you love me?” Stephen teased, batting his eyelashes.
“It’s one of many reasons,” Anthony said, a soft smile on his face. “It is really nice out though.”
“Listen I know I’m always on time, but can we make an exception today?” Christine sat across from the couple, her auburn hair made extra bright by the sunlight as she pulled it out of her face. “Sorry I’m late.”
“The way that you’re literally not sorry at all makes that apology for me,” Stephen said. “Don’t worry about it though, we’ve just been hanging out. Where’s Hope?”
“Inside, for some reason,” Christine replied with a shrug.
“Probably because it’s allergy season,” Anthony commented, rolling his eyes as he sneezed again.
“He complains, despite begging me to sit outside with him,” Stephen added.
“That doesn’t sound like me, but go off I guess,” Anthony replied, picking up his phone. “Hey Rhodey, what’s up?”
“Are you running errands by chance?” Rhodey asked.
“Nope, I’m sitting outside with Steph and Christine,” Anthony said. “Why, do you need something?”
“I was just going to ask if I could send you a short list of things I wanted. Not a big deal but I’m out of cereal,” Rhodey replied.
“Text it to me anyway, I don’t think I’m going out but if I do I’ll get whatever you want,” Anthony said with a shrug.
“You’re the best Tones. By the way are you feeling better?” Rhodey asked.
“A little bit. It’s nice just sitting outside,” Anthony replied. “I dunno. I’m not thinking about it.”
“Fair enough. Enjoy the fresh air, don’t worry about the cereal though! See you later.”
“Bye Rhodey, everyone say bye!”
Christine and Stephen shouted their goodbyes as Anthony ended the call.
“You good?” Christine asked kindly.
“Yeah, sorta.” Anthony shrugged again. “I just didn’t sleep a lot last night, so that wasn’t fun. I’ve been stressed out about… things. Turns out it actually is weird to have one of your friends dating your ex.”
Christine hummed. “Tea. I thought there was something bothering you, like more than just the awkwardness. I can read you well enough by now. So what’s wrong?”
“Honestly I don’t want to tell you this exact minute because I feel like the only person who should hear this privately is Bucky. I’ll have to see how I feel after I talk with him, and if I’m okay then I’ll probably tell everyone in the group all at once. I just don’t want to repeat the same story over and over again, that’s going to wear me down,” Anthony replied. “I hope that’s okay.”
“Oh my god dude that’s fine! No stress,” Christine rushed to assure him. “You just seem sad and I want to help but I also don’t want you to make yourself feel worse, that’s not fair to you.”
Anthony breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks Christine.”
“Don’t worry about it!” Christine said.
Anthony sneezed again, not seeing the need to reply beyond that. There was just nothing else to say.
“Let’s go inside,” Stephen suggested. “It’s getting kinda gross out anyway.”
“Oh sorry, that’s because I’m out here. I’ll leave.” Anthony jokingly moved to stand up, laughing raucously when Stephen pulled him into a hug before he even stood.
“Nooo, you’re good! You stay,” Stephen replied. “The sun is out because you’re here.”
Anthony blushed and buried his head against Stephen’s collarbone. “Oh hush.”
Christine stood up. “I may as well go inside while you two idiots keep flirting, now my allergies are acting up.”
“You’re not allergic to pollen,” Stephen remarked, standing up and offering Anthony his hand.
“I’m not allergic to most things, but I’m allergic to your bullshit,” Christine quipped. “I feel like I tell you that at least once a week.”
Anthony laughed and stood up, smiling as he wrapped his arms around Stephen’s waist.
“In all seriousness, you’re cute together,” Christine continued.
“Oh we know,” Anthony said. “How was your day Christine?”
The trio headed inside as Christine thought about how to answer.
“Honestly I don’t think anything even happened today.” she finally said. “Hope and I had breakfast together and I quite literally ran into Carol in the library. It was nice to catch up with her though because I feel like I haven’t seen her in years.”
“Now that I think about it, I also feel like I haven’t seen Carol in a long time,” Stephen said.
“We didn’t talk for too long since we were in the library, but she seems good,” Christine replied. “I think she and Val are still unpacking so they’ve been focused on that, y’know?”
“Makes sense. Props to them for moving in the middle of the year, that’s too much for me. That’s why I’m making everyone wait until the summer,” Anthony said.
“You’re not making anyone wait, you’re just making sense,” Stephen corrected him. “Moving is stressful enough, I don’t want to deal with it during exam season and neither does anyone else.”
“Can I plan your housewarming party?” Christine asked, opening the apartment door.
“Who said anything about a housewarming party?” Anthony replied.
“Wong said I could throw one once you’re all moved in,” Christine explained. “We don’t have a contract in writing yet, but that’s because—”
“Because I never said you could throw us a party!” Wong shouted from the living room. He was sitting in his usual armchair by the window, half paying attention to whatever show Bucky and an all too familiar blond were watching. “Also Bucky is here again, and he brought a friend.”
“Boyfriend,” Bucky chimed in. “We’re going to dinner soon, I just left my jacket here the other day and then I decided I’d introduce Steve to you guys. So yeah, this is my boyfriend Steve. Steve, this is Christine, Stephen, and I think you know Tony. I heard there’s a history there or something.”
Bucky was trying his best to prematurely make the best of an awkward situation, but Steve was the only one who found any humor in what he said.
The offending blond laughed and nodded, his expression unreadable in a way that made Anthony freeze. He was looking with condescension at their entwined hands, like he didn’t approve of Stephen and Anthony finally being together. With an arrogant sniff, he got off his high horse long enough to respond. “I know him and Stephen, actually. You both look good.”
“Thanks,” Stephen replied, his teeth bared in a forced, blatantly hostile grin.
Anthony rubbed at his eyes, tearing up from the situation and his allergies. “Yeah good to see you too, if you’ll excuse me I need to take some allergy medication.” He couldn’t run and hide in the bathroom fast enough, and he knew everyone in the room could see him trembling.
Stephen let his genuine emotion break through his façade for a moment, frowning as he watched Anthony retreat. His steely look of disapproval returned a minute later as he sat down in the kitchen, eavesdropping on the group’s conversation.
“Mind if I get some water? I didn’t get to hydrate as much today,” Steve asked.
Stephen, pretending to be busy, glared at his phone like he was reading a poorly worded email. He paid little attention to the blond as he bumbled around the kitchen, following Wong’s directions on where to find cups and the Brita and other shit.
“So you’ve finally come back to the city, hm? Tony used to tell me about how you both grew up here and how New York never left you,” Steve asked Stephen. He was making an extremely poor attempt to sound friendly, but all he did was make the med student extremely uncomfortable.
Stephen gave a forced laugh. “Yeah, they couldn’t keep me away.”
“Seems like you couldn’t keep yourself away from Tony either, not with the amount of times he cheated on me with you,” Steve remarked.
“Listen, we both know that’s not true and I barely want to give you the time of day. You know damn well he never cheated on you and I don’t have to justify myself to you. After all, you were the cheater. If you think I’m just going to roll over in my own apartment and let you run your mouth like that, especially knowing how badly you treated my Anthony, then you’ve got another thing coming,” Stephen snapped. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Clearly anyone who thinks I’m aggressive and controlling hasn’t met you,” Steve said, closing the fridge and leaving Stephen fuming in the kitchen.
After 15 minutes of ignoring some small talk, Stephen had had enough. Anthony was still hiding somewhere and Stephen was just over Steve being in his apartment. He was trying not to be too angry, because Bucky didn’t know about how Steve and Anthony’s breakup or relationship went. Stephen couldn’t, and didn’t, blame him.
But Steve was a coward and a jerk, and Stephen wouldn’t touch him with an 11 foot pole. Stephen wouldn’t even get close to him to shove him headfirst out the door, actually.
“I’m gonna be in my room studying if you guys need anything, enjoy your dinner Bucky!” He said, waving at his friends in the living room and pointedly ignoring Steve.
“Thanks man! If you want to hang out later, maybe on a double date or something—”
“Oh I’d love that!” Steve chimed in, unprovoked and uninvited.
“Depends on what Ant’s doing, I know I’m pretty busy tonight but if he wants to go out then we’ll let you know,” Stephen said firmly. He heard the bathroom door open behind him and Anthony’s light footsteps in the hall.
“I think I’ll just run to the bathroom before we leave, if that’s alright?” Steve asked.
“Are you asking me?” Stephen replied, ignoring him and heading in the direction of his bedroom. “Don’t you dare patronize me.”
Anthony was standing nervously outside Stephen’s room, staring at the floor. He looked horrified and meek, pressing his back against the wall and hoping he’d disappear out of Steve’s gaze.
But of course he wasn’t that lucky. Sometimes it felt like he’d never truly get away from the way Steve used to look at him and was apparently still looking at him.
Anthony looked up as Stephen gently tapped his shoulder. “Hey… you alright?”
He forced himself to nod, tears still pooling in his eyes from either anxiety or allergies. Maybe both. “Yeah, I guess. It’s just—”
“Oh there you are Tony! Bucky and I are leaving, so I thought I’d say goodbye,” Steve said, lingering in the doorway to the bathroom. “Maybe we could go for a double date later? If you’re allowed to, that is. I always said Strange was a controlling downgrade, didn’t I?”
“Good thing I never listened when you said that, because I’m much happier now,” Anthony muttered.
“Aww, don’t be a bad sport! It’ll be just like the glory days.” Steve appeared to be ignoring his current relationship to flirt with Anthony, stepping out of the doorway and leaning closer (read: too close for comfort) to him.
“I don’t know about that,” Anthony said, his voice taut. “I wouldn’t want to be around you for much longer. Seeing you is already making me think about our… could you call it a relationship?”
“You’re so funny Tony, just as funny as I remember.” Steve sounded like a content house cat as he quite literally purred at Tony. “I miss that humor. I just miss you.”
“I can’t say the feeling is mutual.”
“Not to state the obvious, but I hate that guy,” Stephen muttered, storming into the kitchen a few hours later.
“Is Ant okay?” Wong hadn’t moved from his seat in the living room, except for the fact that he was laying across the armchair sideways and there were three more mystery novels next to him.
“He’s sleeping. Even before all of that shit went down,” Stephen began, gesturing to the air in front of him, “We were outside for long enough that even if he won’t admit it, his allergies are bothering him.”
“How long were you outside for before I came to sit with you guys?” Christine asked.
“Maybe 90 minutes? Long enough to be considered too long,” Stephen replied. “It doesn’t matter. Did you guys eat yet?”
“No, we were waiting on you and Pepper. She said she’d be back by 7,” Christine said.
“What do you want? I’m open to suggestions,” Stephen asked. “I kinda want to make pasta but I know I’m not good enough at it so it wouldn’t make Anthony happy.”
“Don’t be stupid, Stephen. It absolutely would, and you know that,” Christine scolded him. “Do whatever you feel like! And I think pasta sounds nice.”
Stephen nodded. “Fair enough. I’m making ravioli and none of you can stop me. We deserve it.”
“Oh no Stephen don’t do that, don’t make something that you like to cook and that we all like to eat,” Wong teased. “Christine, he’s too powerful, we have to stop him.”
Stephen humorously rolled his eyes. “Anthony is the one who gave me a good recipe, so technically we all have him to thank for enabling me. Except not right now. Let him sleep.”
“Oh by the way, I told Bucky that I’d get coffee with him later and we’re going to talk about whatever the hell happened this weekend,” Anthony said. “Do you want me to bring you back anything while I’m out?”
“Hmm… I don’t think so.” Stephen drew a heart on the back of Anthony’s hand with his thumb, something he noticed himself doing a lot.
Anthony always rewarded him for the gesture with the smallest, shyest smile that Stephen thought was the most adorable thing ever. “Text me if you change your mind, yeah?”
“Okay, I will.” Stephen smiled back at him, lovingly brushing Anthony’s hair out of his face. “Also if I send you a list will you help me decide on a movie for tonight?”
“Not sure you’re asking the right person, but sure,” Anthony replied.
“That’s subjective. I think I’m asking the right person,” Stephen said. “You’ve never steered me wrong before.”
“I hope I never do.” Anthony pressed a soft, sweet kiss to Stephen’s lips. “But knowing you, you’ll definitely change your mind about wanting a tea or something.”
“If I do, I’ll tell you,” Stephen replied, smiling into the kiss. “Promise. Have a good day, and good luck later.”
“I think I’m going to need it,” Anthony said with a little nervous laugh.
“Would a kiss help your luck?” Stephen couldn’t keep a neutral face. “I never imagined myself saying that. Or getting to kiss you.”
“Stop it, don’t make me blush this early in the day,” Anthony replied. “In all seriousness, I love you. And your kisses are magical, who’s to say they aren’t lucky?”
Anthony couldn’t say whether or not he felt lucky later that day, because the only thing he felt was nervous. Bucky looked just as nervous and sheepish as Anthony did, and his internal monologue had already switched to guilt. They exchanged small talk and pleasantries while they waited for their coffee, their mutual discomfort becoming more and more tangible by the minute.
Most people joked that Anthony talked to hear the sound of his own voice, but today he was so nervous he couldn’t hear himself think. He didn’t know what to say or even where to start. Thankfully, Bucky blurted out a question before Anthony thought about how to start the conversation.
“How long were you two together?”
“Two and a half years, give or take. And I didn’t cheat on him with Stephen.”
“I didn’t think so. I wasn’t even going to ask about that.” Bucky smiled, trying to somehow calm Anthony down with his expression. “Who broke it off?”
“Me. Sometimes I feel like I did it a lot later than I should have, honestly.” Anthony shrugged. “I wasn’t ever happy in that relationship. I wanted to be, and I did everything I could to make it work even at my own expense, but eventually I had to end it. I’m happier now, but sometimes I still… I shouldn’t say any of this to you, not if you’re happy.”
“You know what bothers me, though?”
Anthony wasn’t expecting that. “What’s up?”
“I don’t think he’s over you. And that doesn’t bother me in a jealous sense, I’m not like that, but I feel almost used. Especially after this weekend,” Bucky said.
“What do you mean?” That worried Anthony for a lot of reasons, and he couldn’t decide which one was the most important.
“Tony, he's obsessed with you. The entire time we were driving Sunday night he wouldn’t stop talking about you, to the point where it was weird. I started to feel like he used me to see you,” Bucky replied. “One time I showed him a group picture, this was like six months ago, from that time we went out ice skating and ever since then he’s been pestering me about you. I don’t even think it has anything to do with me, if that makes sense.”
“I’m not following,” Anthony admitted. “Not entirely, anyway.”
“I think he loves me, I feel certain that he loves me. But he feels some kind of way about you, and it’s creepy,” Bucky said. “Now as I said it’s not jealousy, I just think it’s a bit disturbing that he’s so hung up on you.”
Anthony nodded slowly. “Yeah, I don’t like that. He didn’t want me to dump him but I had to, there’s no two ways about it. What happened Sunday?”
“We had a disagreement. I told him I felt used and he wasn’t happy about that, but he didn’t deny it either,” Bucky replied. “I was hoping he’d drop the whole thing but I don’t think he’s going to. I don’t think he’s going to ever get over you, honestly.”
“Damn. I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that.” Anthony nervously ran a hand through his hair, fighting the urge to pull at it. “Um… yeah I don’t really know what to think or what to say.”
“Neither do I,” Bucky admitted. “I really want to try things out with him and see how they continue, but I also don’t think he’s going to change. Now that he’s actually seen you, I feel like it’s only going to be more awkward.”
“Oh about that, I’m sorry I didn’t want to go out the other day,” Anthony said. “I was going to try and make myself power through it, but… just being around him for however long you guys were in the apartment was way too much. I got really anxious and just hid in Stephen’s room. And then, on an unrelated note, I ended up sleeping for 14 hours or something.”
“I’m sorry if I was forceful. I didn’t know how to subtly ask if he was making you uncomfortable in the moment, but I could see it,” Bucky replied. “I don’t blame you.”
Anthony shrugged. “Dude I’m at a loss, generally speaking. I don’t know what to say about everything you just told me, but honestly I’m feeling a little sick.”
“Are you going to see Stephen? I’m meeting Christine, so if you want I’ll walk with you,” Bucky offered.
Anthony nodded. “Sure.”
“I really am sorry, Tony. For everything this weekend, and if something I said upset you after your wisdom tooth surgery,” Bucky said.
“It’s not your fault. I’ve been stressing about how to tell everyone about that relationship for too long and the way I felt when I woke up just reminded me of something I still don’t really want to talk about,” Anthony replied. “There’s a lot I’m holding back, even from you, but I’m just not ready to go into all of that yet.”
“I won’t be upset if you tell me,” Bucky tried to comfort him.
“It’s less about that and more the fact that I don’t want to even think about it. I don’t want to think about him,” Anthony said. “I don’t want to hear his voice, or see him, or even hear about him, if I’m being honest. And I feel bad, because I know you love him, but—”
“But you’re my friend, and I care about you. Plus you’re way too polite to be direct when something or someone upsets you and I think that does more harm than good. You just end up keeping everything to yourself, and you don’t have to,” Bucky interrupted. “You don’t have to be a closed book all the time.”
Anthony smiled at that. “Stephen’s said that to me before. I don’t know why, but I like that phrasing. I’m not one to open up in general, even though I trust everyone in our friend group, but this feels like it’s too much to get into the open right now. Someday I’ll be ready, but not today. It doesn’t help that this weekend was honestly too soon.”
“That’s fair man,” Bucky replied. “I don’t have to tell you that Stephen loves the shit out of you, and you deserve that.”
“I could go on and on about Steph probably endlessly,” Anthony said, hiding his face as he blushed.
“Everyone knows that, even people who have never met either of you know that!” Bucky teased. “But honestly, are you okay?”
Anthony shrugged. “Yes and no. I just need time.”
“I understand. And I am really, really sorry about this weekend,” Bucky replied. “Forgive me?”
Anthony shook his head. “Do I need to? It’s not your fault.”
“I know it’s not, but still… I’m sorry. I hope that means something, at least.”
tags: @stark-strange-love2 @taruyison @chocopiggy @majesticnerdynerd @spooky-n-spunky @merlynthedisasterchild @kitkatfat15 @maya-custodios-dionach @katninjagirl97
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fuck-customers · 3 years
TW: profanity  Fuck the red bullseye store I work at. There is literally no reason for us to be open until 11 PM during the time of a PANDEMIC. Literally none. I don't give a fuck if we're located in a college town. I don't give a fuck how heavily populated our district is. 90% of the classes that the colleges in my area are doing are all online now. Fucking no one comes in after about 9 or so anyway. Just have us close at a normal fucking time. If they seriously try to push it up to midnight like they're supposedly planning on doing I'm going to scream.  We're overworked and understaffed. I'm having to constantly run around and do a million other tasks besides watching self checkout because corporate can't get their shit together and actually schedule enough people to cover a certain shift. We had absolutely NO cashiers after 8 PM one day when we closed at ELEVEN. That is completely unacceptable, and then added on to that people are constantly asking me who can cover for the shifts we DO have. I don't KNOW, fam. I hate to pull people off of cash registers because we're severely understaffed, but good fucking luck finding any sales floor team members who are trained/give enough of a shit to come up to customer service/carts/mask station and help out.  Earlier in the year it took FIVE separate phone calls to HR to get my availability for school into the system because they kept fucking scheduling me during the times that I have class (and also I just moved to a new house so my commute time has increased). Literally there's only one HR person there who actually seems to give a shit about the mental/physical wellbeing of the workers anymore, and she has the most erratic schedule known to mankind. Like. Please stop making me have to play phone tag in order to get literally the most basic components of my job done. Every time I make so much as the simplest of mistakes someone jumps down my throat. I have hit people with carts because they had the audacity to stop suddenly right in front of me/dart out of an aisle right in front of me leaving no room to react, and somehow I'M the bad guy in that situation even though I apologized profusely in both cases. I got bitched at for being "late" when they know full well traffic is terrible downtown this time of year. I got yelled at for bringing McDonald's in and sitting down to eat it- which did make me late, but my dude, I was stuck in literally the longest drive through line known to mankind. You guys have a fucking conniption if we put open food containers in the fridge. This is hot food. It's either I eat it now or risk my blood sugar dropping dangerously low when I'm on the floor (and with my luck they usually have me work like three hours or more before I get a break anyway).  I have been at this job for THREE FUCKING YEARS. I would THINK I have some idea as to how to do my fucking tasks by now without everyone trying to micro-manage me. Get off my fucking dick, perhaps.  It's getting to the point where I've been about five seconds away from having a nervous breakdown during two separate shifts. I am this close to just walking out one day because of how bad it's getting. Thank fuck I was planning on looking for new jobs in the new year anyway.
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noladyme · 4 years
xo - Red (A Clark Kent/Superman oneshot)
Just a really funny; warm; kind; built like an Olympic athlete, with perfect lips friend? Tag-list: @wolf-lover-bookdragon @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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TW: Fluff. So much fluff. Explosions.
Fifth date. Things were supposed to happen, right? I mean, at least a kiss; other than a peck on the cheek. But he was a friggin’ gentleman; which I couldn’t help but be a little annoyed about; as it made it very difficult to get to the fun part of our relationship. Not that we didn’t have fun, mind you. Clark had an uncanny way of turning my frown upside down.
Ever since I’d run in to him – literally – at that coffeeshop a few months ago. I had left home early, so I wouldn’t be late for my first day at my new job, at the elementary school. I’d been so nervous about it; I hadn’t been able to fall asleep until 3 am; and was now battling exhaustion, nerves, and the fact that my new red shoes were really uncomfortable – all at the same time. I’d ordered a large black coffee; extra strong; and was on my way out the door – the sun in my eyes – when I tripped on the steps; my drink splashing out of the cup.
Suddenly; two strong hands were grabbing my shoulders; and pulling me up to stand. “Are you ok?”, a warm voice said. I looked up, and found two friendly blue eyes looking me over. “Yes, thank you”, I smiled; before noticing the large brown stain on the man’s white shirt. “Oh, crap. I am so sorry!”. He looked down himself; and smiled. “It’s fine. White isn’t my color anyway”. I laughed. “Still, I’m so sorry. Didn’t I burn you?”. The coffee had been scolding; I knew. He smirked. “I’m thick skinned”, he insisted.
He was still holding on to me; and I felt a warmth spreading in my stomach; making me short of breath. “Miss?”. His eyes suddenly looked worried. “Are you sure you’re ok?”. I smiled. “Yes, absolutely. It’s just been… a morning”. He chuckled. “Can I buy you a new cup of coffee?” I simultaneously nodded and shook my head. “Yes… no… I mean, I should buy you one; as an apology”.
He removed his hands from my shoulders; leaving me to stand on my own. “No need for an apology”, he smiled. “But I’ll take the coffee”.
We’d spent 10 minutes sipping at our hot drinks – for which he’d insisted to pay – and talking about what we did for work, and what our favorite movies were; having noticed an advertisement for some superhero movie on a passing bus. Apparently Clark wasn’t a fan of superheroes; but found it hilarious that I loved The Wizard of Oz – being from Kansas himself. Then; Clark had asked for my number, and I’d given it to him. He shook my hand, and we’d said goodbye.
The next afternoon; he’d called me, and we’d gone to see a movie – one about aliens instead of superheroes. He’d still been frowning all the way through it. “It was just really… unrealistic”, he said afterwards over a beer at a local bar near my apartment. He walked me home, declining my offer to come up for coffee; and had given me a short hug, before saying goodbye.
The next time has been a trip to an apple picking farm. “You can take the boy out of Kansas…”, I’d chuckled, as he’d carried a bushel of Granny Smith’s back to his car. “I just really like pie”, he’d smiled. He’d driven me home; and on the way there, told me about his moms pies; and how it was his favorite thing in the world – next to sweet potato fries. When he dropped me off; he leaned in, and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight”, he’d whispered; and I’d bit my lip – and hoped for more. More didn’t happen.
Then there was the quick cup of coffee on both our lunchbreaks; where I’d told him about how I’d sprained my ankle on roller-skates – 3 times in the same amount of years. He’d snorted a laugh. “Well you are kind of clumsy”, he’d said, and removed a strand of hair from my face; putting it behind my ear – before running off for a sudden work emergency.
And lastly; the roller-skating rink. Because I insisted. And he said he couldn’t say no to me. That night, he’d held my hand as we went about the floor; and grabbed my waist several times, as I was about to fall. “Careful, slick”, he’d said. “Oh, is that my nickname now?”, I’d chuckled. “No. I think I’ll call you Red. From those godawful shoes you were wearing when I met you”. It was another kiss on the cheek; and a hug that lingered, and made my knees weak. And then just… goodnight.
So yes. I was just about desperate to kiss the man. He was gorgeous; which at times had made me feel insufficient and a bit self-conscious – but then there was the way he looked at me. His eyes would light up as I talked; as if I was the most fascinating person he’d ever met. Even when our conversation was about cereal, or how one of the kids at my school had put bead up his nose. It was like his eyes drew me in; and then – as my breath would hitch, and I’d part my lips – he’d pull back as if nothing had happened.
I couldn’t help but ask myself; does he just want to be my friend? My really funny; warm; kind; built like an Olympic athlete, with perfect lips friend? I’d decided that I needed clarity on where we were going with our relationship – even if that thought did make me feel like I was living in a sad rom-com, where everyone was always talking about their feelings.
Tonight, it was dinner. Nothing fancy, just a steakhouse I’d suggested. If Clark turned out to just be in it for the apple picking and coffee; then at least I could drown my sorrows in a medium rare steak, with enough bearnaise-sauce to drown a small elephant.
Putting on my favorite jeans, black pumps, and a snug top; I waited for the call to let me know Clark was by the door on the street. He’d never been inside my apartment; and didn’t seem very interested in it either. This isn’t real, I told myself to guard my feelings against the inevitable rejection I’d have to face that evening. We’ll eat, laugh; and he’ll walk me home – and then tell me that he’s got a wife and three kids in Smallville, waiting for him to come home for game-night.
A text message made my phone light up. Hey Red. I’m late. So sorry. Be there as soon as possible. – C
Great. That gave me even more time to just hang out… and be anxious.
No worries, Kansas. See you. xo – R Send… Crap, why did I write xo? What am I; a teenager?
I sat down on my couch. Deciding I needed to pass the time doing something other than stare at the wall; I turned on the television. Landing on the news; I dropped the remote.
In Stockholm, Sweden, the building of a new sky-scraper in an old neighborhood; had made a nearby building begin to crack in the foundation. The old residential was quickly giving in; and families were being evacuated from their homes. There were firetrucks spraying water at the structure, to avoid flames from any electrical fires.
Though it was a terrible situation for those families; I was confused as to why one building falling apart half way around the world, was a breaking news story here. That was until I saw a figure at the bottom of the screen; seemingly supporting the weight of the building on his shoulders. Oh, right! That guy! The Superdude…, I chuckled to myself; and went to see if Clark had texted me back yet.
Nothing. It was probably the xo-thing. He didn’t know how to reply to that.
The news story ended when cameras filmed Superman handing a shaking and wet puppy to a little girl; who kissed his cheek in thanks. I always found it kind of neat, that the flying caped man managed to know where every camera was; so that anyone watching would find it difficult to make out his features. From what I could see; he was sort of cute. If Clark doesn’t work out; I could always throw myself of a building; and have that guy catch me. It must be lonely in that fortress of solitude; maybe he’d like some company.
A text. Outside in 5. Can’t wait to see you. xo – C
xo. He’d written xo. Right. Big girl pants on, and go talk to him.
Outside the door of my building stood Clark; a smile the size of the sun plastered across his face. My heart jumped. He opened his arms; and took me in for a hug.
“Hi, Red”, he breathed. “I’m so sorry I’m late. It was a work emergency”. “It’s fine”, I said and looked up at him; and opened my mouth to say something more – until I noticed something strange.
“Clark?”, I said. He was still holding on to me. “Yeah?”. “This is going to sound weird, but… why do you smell like wet dog?”.
He pulled back. “Yeah… I was doing a story at an animal shelter”, he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Let’s go!”, he said, and took my hand.
It was a beautiful night; so we decided to skip the cab, and walk the few miles to the restaurant. We walked down the street, hand in hand. It wasn’t the first time we’d held hands; but then it was because he was trying to keep me from falling. This was different. It wasn’t strange; but warm… familiar. I swallowed hard. “I want to talk to you about something, Kansas”, I said. He looked down. “You don’t want to do that at the restaurant?”, he said with a strained voice. “No, I think I need to do it now”, I answered. He nodded. “Ok. Do you want to sit down?”, he asked; and gestured at a bench on a playground we were passing.
Once seated; I let go of Clarks hand. “What’s up, Red?”, he asked earnestly. “You seem… tense”. He laughed nervously. I smiled. “I like you, Clark. A lot”, I said. “I like you too. A lot”, he smiled. I matched his nervous laughter. “It’s just… lately, I’ve been thinking. About us… and what we are”. He looked down. “Yeah, I figured we’d get to this at some point”. I nodded. “We have fun”, I said. “Like friends. But I don’t know if we both feel like this is more than that. Friendship, I mean”. He sighed. “Right. No, I get it”, he said. “You’re new in the city, and shouldn’t be settling down with anyone serious”.
I looked at him confusedly. “I’m not sure I follow”, I smiled. He took my hand. “You’re an amazing woman, Red”, he said “And I’ve enjoyed spending time with you. But maybe you’re right, and this is a good time to call it quits. If that’s what you want”. My heart fell into my stomach. “Is that what you want?”, I asked timidly. “I want you to be happy”, he said, smiling sadly. “With or without me in your life. I’d just hoped I’d have a few more dates before you came to your senses about me”.
I frowned. “Clark… you need to be clear with me here”, I said. “Are you breaking it off with me?”. He looked at me with a frown on his face. “I thought you were breaking up with me…”, he said. “You suggested that restaurant; and I thought you wanted to be in public when you did it”. I laughed. “No. I just… really like steak”, I smiled.
He exhaled with relief. “Good. Because I was lying. I really don’t want you to be happy without me…”, he said. “I mean… crap… I want you to be happy; I’d just really like to be a part of it. If you’ll have me”. I bit my lip and nodded. “I’d like that”, I said. “I thought you saw me as a friend because… you haven’t…”. I couldn’t finish the sentence. He took my hand, and tried to meet my gaze. “What? Tell me”, he said. I took a deep breath. “You haven’t kissed me”, I said; meeting his eyes for a second; before looking down in embarrassment.
He put his hand under my chin, and raised it to finally meet my eyes for real. “Red, I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment you spilled scorching hot coffee on my least favorite shirt”, he smiled. “I was just waiting for the right time, and…”. He exhaled and took my other hand; playing with my fingers.
“My life is… complicated. The work I do; sometimes it’s dangerous”, he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. “You write fluff pieces for The Daily Planet”, I chuckled. “That too…”, he muttered and looked down.
I smiled; wanting to ease the tension. “You know, I was watching a news story while I was waiting for you”, I said. He looked up at me with questioning eyes. “Yeah?”. I chuckled. “It was about that Superman guy. He was helping some people; in Sweden I think”, I said. “I was telling myself; that if you didn’t want to see me anymore; I could always just… throw myself of a building, and he’d rescue me. Then I could hook up with him”. He laughed nervously. “What? Like a rebound?”. “More like a… third choice. If you didn’t work out”. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Only third?”, he said. I scoffed. “Have you seen Aquaman? I mean, come on!”, I grinned.
His lips tightened, and he stifled a laughter. “So… if Superman is third… and… Aquaman…”, he raised an eyebrow at me, “… is second. What does that make me?”. I sighed. “The guy I’ve been waiting months to kiss”.
He looked deep into my eyes; and my breath hitched. He put his hand on my cheek; and he leaned in close to me, stroking my temple with his thumb I brushed my nose against his; and closed my eyes, letting my lips part.
Suddenly; he pulled back. “Clark?”, I asked. His eyes were scanning the area; before they met mine again – alarmed. “Red, go home.” “What’s wrong?”, I said. “Did I say something?”.
He stood up and began backing away; his eyes again searching his surroundings. “Listen, go straight home. Don’t stop for anything. I’ll… I’ll call you when I can”. He ran around a corner, and was gone. I heard a strange woosh, and a stray cat ran from the alley he’d gone in to.
I felt suddenly cold. This was the weirdest date I’d ever had; and it hadn’t even really started. Then there was the fact that the guy I was falling head over heels for, finally said he care about me too – and then just… left. That’s it, I laughed to myself. I’m finding a really high building to jump off.
I began walking home. Slowly. I didn’t want Clark to have the pleasure of getting me to do what he wanted me to. Jerk. Not a jerk. Crap; I really like him. More than like. This is real.
I heard a crash, and then a screech; like metal being torn apart. I felt a warm gust of wind, forceful enough to make me stumble. I looked up. Was that seriously a bus flying through the air?
Another crash; this one even closer. I fell to the ground; and was scrambling to get up, when I saw a minivan sliding on its roof towards me. I got on my feet, and bean running out of the way; when something red and blue slammed into the minivan; making it alter its course. Was that?…
I ran towards my block. Red, go home. I’m going; but where are you Clark? Are you ok?
I kept running; fishing my phone out of my pocket, and dialing Clarks number. It kept ringing, but went to voicemail. Hey. This is Clark Kent. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you… beep. Come on, Clark. I need to know you’re ok!
I redialed. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing near me. I looked into a bush; and saw… Clarks jacket? His phone was ringing in his pocket. 2 missed calls from Red – heart emoji. Damn it, Kansas. If I wasn’t so pissed at you; I might think this was really sweet. Where are you?
Screeching… a car landed on the ground 10 feet from me; the force of it throwing me to the ground again. I got up slowly; rattled from the shock.
I began running again; getting closer to my block.
Suddenly; a tank truck was blocking my path; crashing into a bus-shed. My heart was in my throat, and my chest hurt from having run so fast. I tried turning around, but a bus had crashed into an RV, blocking my path in both directions. I was trapped.
I looked up. The sky was covered in smoke from the many burning vehicles around me. The sound of a large crash made me look towards the truck. Something made the vehicle fall onto its side, and slide towards me with such speed that the shock of it made me fall.
I looked back – there was nowhere to run. In three seconds, I would be smashed between the truck and the bus.
Three… Oh God…
Two… Clark, where are you?
A gush of wind; and I flew in to the air. No… I didn’t fly; I was lifted. My feet were dangling in the air; and one of my shoes fell of, landing on the ground hundreds of feet below me. Someone was holding on to me; his strong arms around my waist; and my chest pressed to his – which was adorned with a red S on a yellow background. What?
I let out a terrified whimper. “It’s ok. I’ve got you”, a warm voice said. I looked up into my saviors face. “Clark?”, I gasped. “Hi”, he said with a crooked smile. I opened my mouth to say something. “Don’t speak…”, he said. “The air is kind of thin up here”.
I looked down; and realizing how far up in the air we were, I panicked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let out a weak squeal. “It’s ok, Red”, he chuckled. “I won’t let you fall”.
He set me down on the top of a building a few miles from the explosions. Once on stable ground, he held on to me for a second; making sure my legs would carry me. I stepped backwards, holding my hand up in front of me. “Y-you…”, I stuttered. He looked at me apologetically. “I know. I should have told you. It’s just… complicated”. He tried to smile.
I stumbled; and fell to my bottom. He took a tentative step forward. “I know. I get it. You’re scared”, he said. I shook my head. “No… it’s… you!”, I said.
He reached his hand out to me. “Please, let me help you up”. I gave him my hand; and he gently raised me to my feet. “Are you ok?”, he smiled. I simultaneously shook my head and nodded. “Yes?”. It was almost a question. He sniggered.
Suddenly I began laughing – the ridiculousness of the situation too comical. “I was supposed to fall off a building; not land on it”, I chuckled. He began laughing with me. “Yeah, I must have gotten those two mixed up”, he said. “It’s like I’ve said; I can’t say no to you”.
I sighed, and gently laid a hand on the S on his chest. “So… what now?”, I asked. He smiled. “I really want to continue what we started on that bench”. I chuckled and bit my lip. “Ok”.
He slid his arms around me – his tall and broad frame almost enveloping me – and I melted into his arms. His face came close to mine; and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes; where his striking blue ones, boring deep into me.
He tensed up; and when I opened my eyes again, he was frowning, and turning his head, as if listening.
“I’m so sorry, Red; but I have to finish this”, he said. Another gush of wind; and he was gone. “Seriously?!”, I yelled after him.
I made my way down the skyscraper Clark had left me on; where I was met by the sirens of police cars, and people pointing at the sky. I was out of danger – I knew – but no less rattled. I was wearing a pump on one foot, and limping barefoot on the other; until I simply gave up; and took off the shoe – throwing it in a trashcan.
I walked all the way home; confused and dizzy. On my block, people were standing in the streets, murmuring to each other; and looking at the fires in the distance. It was as if there was line drawn through the city. On one side; havoc, and crashed cars – on the other, where I was… nothing. It was as if nothing had been touched.
One of my neighbors tried to stop me in the doorway; noticing the shell-shocked look on my face, and my bare feet. “Were you in that? Are you ok”, he asked. I shook my head. “I’m fine. It’s nothing”, I smiled.
I stumbled into my apartment; threw my jacket on the floor, and grabbed a beer from the fridge – plopping down on the couch.
Well… that was something…
Without anything else to do, I took a large swig of my beer; and turned on the television.
“… explosions in downtown Metropolis this evening; as terrorists connected to the incarcerated Lex Luthor, placed explosives on multiple vehicles, throughout the city…”
Footage of explosions, and scenes of police cars and firetrucks racing down the streets.
“… no casualties, due to the quick intervention of the group calling themselves The Justice League…”
A man who looked like Robocop, pointed at the camera, and the screen blurred. There was a flash of red; and just after it, footage of a group of men captured by a shiny lasso, held by a woman dressed like a Greek goddess. A burning building was drowned in water; and a smirking longhaired man – still hot… – was yelling booyah’s at it.
“… headed by the Batman; and Metropolis’ own Superman…”
I saw the Gotham Knight shaking hands with…
It was Clark. It was always him.
There was a knock at my door. When I opened it Clark stood outside. Not red and blue Superman – just my Clark; dressed in jeans; a plaid flannel; and wearing his glasses.
“Hi”, he said. “Hi”, I answered. “I brought you something”. He pulled out my black pump; the one I had dropped from the air. I chuckled. “Great, now I just need the other one”. He pulled out the other one as well. “It might smell a little. It was laying in a trashcan”. I took the shoes from his hands, and half smiled at him. “I have something of yours as well”, I said, and gave him back his phone, from my jacket on the floor. “Thanks”, he said. “The suit doesn’t really have pockets”.
He clenched his jaw. “Can I come in?”, he asked. I stepped aside, and he walked into my combined kitchen/living room. “You have a nice place”, he smiled. “Thanks”, I said quietly; as I closed the door behind him. His large frame seemed to fill the entire space. “Do you want a beer?”, I asked. He looked at me warmly. “Yeah, sure”. I handed him a cold one. “You can sit down”, I said. “Unless… you pulled a muscle flying me through the sky”.
He chuckled at me, and sat down on my couch. “No, I’m fine”, he smiled. I raised a brow; and sat down on the couch with him – leaving some space between us. “Right; you can lift buildings and stuff like that”, I muttered.
He exhaled, and took a swig of his beer. “Yeah… about that”, he began. “I was going to tell you”. “Why?”, I muttered. “It seems like something pretty big. I get why you’d want to keep it private. Have a… secret identity”.
He frowned. “I wanted to tell you, because I care about you. And I want you to be a part of my life… all of it”. I met his eyes. “Really”. I bit my lip. “You… care”, I said. He reached for my hand; and I let him take it. Our fingers linked into each other. “You’re funny; smart; passionate”, he said. “And you’re beautiful”.
I scrunched up my face in embarrassment. “Ok, now I’m uncomfortable”. “Why?, he said, and stroked my cheek; moving closer to me on the couch. I sighed. “Because you’re… you. The Superdude. You can see every flaw…”. “There isn’t a flaw on your body”, he smiled. I scoffed at him. “I’m serious! Every little thing… the wrinkle between your eyebrows when you’re concentrating… how your one hand is a little bit smaller than the other… that beauty-mark on your back…”. “How did you know about that?”, I interrupted. He smiled embarrassedly. “That loose fitting top you wore on our last date. The dark blue one”, he muttered. “I love all of it”. I half-smiled. “There’s actually two of them… the beauty-marks”, I said. “I didn’t want you to think I was creepy for looking”, he smirked.
“You love it?”, I mumbled. He swallowed. “Yeah, Red”, he said. “I mean… I’ve fallen hard for you”. I giggled nervously. “So, this is real…”, I muttered. “I want it to be”, he smiled. “Do you?”. I nodded, and looked at him through my lashes. “Yeah, I do”, I said.
He let out a relieved sigh, and chuckled “Good… Are you sure?”, he smirked. “I could introduce you to Arthur”. I frowned. “Arthur?”, I sneered. “In that case, never mind!”.
We laughed together; before Clarks face became apprehensive. “And…”, he couldn’t form the words. “Your other side?”, I said. He shook his head. “It’s not my other side. It’s me. It’s who I am”.
I squeezed his hand gently, and placed it on my knee. “I fell for you, without knowing everything you were”, I said. “What I know now… just makes you… better”. His eyes lit up. “Really?”, he half-whispered. “Yeah”, I smirked. “Besides; I kind of like how the suit makes your butt look”.
He raised his brows at me and laughed – putting his free hand to my cheek, and stroking my temple. “Oh!”, he said. “Well… yours isn’t half bad either”. I frowned. “Did you x-ray my pants?”, I asked; narrowing my eyes at him. He tightened his lips. “Not yet… do you want me to? I mean… I’m up for it”, he smiled, and moved his other hand up my thigh.
I chuckled; and put my hand on his cheek; pulling him closer. “Let’s do the kissing part first – we can get to what’s in my pants later”, I smirked. “Unless, of course, you have another superhero emergency you need to tend to".
He closed his eyes and listened; then opened them again. “Nah, we’re good”, he smiled; and his lips met mine.
He tasted like apple pie and sunshine.
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ssvgawara · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and some oddly specific crime they’d commit
a/n: I come back and the first thing I write is a shitpost!! enjoy </3 tw for drugs, murder, alcohol and general crime committing xoxo
Daichi- he’s a cop sorry that’s all there is to it man
Suga- Suga has multiple charges of 1st-degree murder against him but they can’t seem to find his identity so he continues committing murder and will continue until he gets caught or ends up murdering enough people to be put in a position of power
Asahi- everyone is probably like “Oh Asahi is innocent” NO. He has learned that his slightly scary face will let him get away with a lot, he is buying alcohol illegally because he looks old enough to, and he’s buying so much other shit and just getting away with it
Nishinoya- This man gives fucking pimp vibes I can just see him in the big leopard print fur coat with a pretty girl in his lap and he calls himself big poppa but no one else will
Tanaka- Drug dealer vibes, probably runs an entire fucking drug ring with his sister and not just a Lil weed these mfkas have the hard shit too like you could probably buy meth from them, he’s not using it but it’s good business
Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita- They literally rob a bank they have an entire scheme and get away with multiple bank robberies and this goes on for MONTHS
Kageyama- We know he’s volleyball smart but otherwise he’s so mfing stupid and I love him for it but he is a chronic shoplifter. Just picks something up and takes it, has walked out of a store without paying for an entire bed set once and got away with it somehow so idk props to him
Hinata- He is the little guy in any heist situation, he fits anywhere so he can sneak in and out the best, he gave himself the stupid ass code name tiny giant but everyone goes with it because somehow he is the best
Tsukishima- armed robbery, but he doesn’t have a gun just a knife like he’s tall and as an attitude, a knife will get him whatever he needs he doesn’t need the gun
Yamaguchi- He runs a catfishing scheme where he pretends to be a naive girl, scams old men out of their money, and then ghosts them and I think it’s what he deserves let him carry on especially because no one would believe it’s him. Also not really like a crime crime but still a crime in a way
Kiyoko- She kills men and I know it, Queen Kiyoko ending the patriarchy one shitty man at a time like she only kills men who deserve it bc some have rights.
Yachi- She’s too anxious to commit an in-person crime so she does a lot of cybercrime, hacking government databases and releasing info to the people, truly the anonymous we deserve
Saeko- She’s running that drug ring with Tanaka, and she loves it because there’s a thrill to it even though yknow she’s dealing literal meth but like its fine plus she loves rocking people’s shit when they get too handsy, which bring me to my next point underground MMA Saeko, like the illegal one with no rules yeah <3
Ukai- this man probably sells all kinda shit to minors that he shouldn’t he is so unbothered a 7-year-old could probably walk in ask for a pack of camels and get them and leave before he noticed what was going on.
Takeda- Did y’all see how scared Hinata was when Takeda gave him that lecture? This dude could kidnap someone and scare them into giving all the information he needed, a legend truly
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa- took steroids one time. And of course in sports, that’s not allowed. But he only did it once and regretted it for months afterward. Never told anyone and was just relieved he didn’t have to piss in a cup and have someone find out.
Matsukawa- Without hesitation, I know this man takes dead people’s bones and sells them on the internet. Has dubbed himself the bone man and he feels so much power when someone buys a femur or sumn. It’s kinda funny honestly he has a hoard of bones to sell, his fave is the pelvis.
Hanamaki- He’s in between jobs because he stole money from his last job, like he said he was sorry he just needed a little extra for gas but was sad to find out that’s a literal crime and he was laundering money.
Iwaizumi- he’s a street racer, like the fast and furious style and it’s so sexy of him like late-night races ugh to be in an expensive fast car with him where he has one hand on my thigh okay that’s enough of that.
Kunimi- Look me in the eye and tell me he does not do drugs. He does and if you don’t believe me you are wrong and I will fight you on this one. 
Kyotani- If there is a crime he will commit it for fun. Like he will do it with no hesitation. He has a record longer than twilight and I’m not sure how he is not in prison actually nvm he escaped and is  a wanted criminal lol
Ushijima- Assault, he just reeks of getting into bar fights when he’s absolutely wasted. Like he most likely didn’t start it but he will be finishing it
Tendou- grave robbing, he just goes into the cemetery picked the oldest plots, and gets to digging. Has made thousands on dead people jewelry and probably won’t get caught, like besides the groundskeeper there’s no security he will never stop.
Semi- he breaks copyright laws on the daily. He’s sampling music in his all the time but he’s doing it so sneakily it’s fine its what deserves stream his band on Spotify right now,
Shirabu- His bangs are criminal enough. No, but he has stolen drugs from the hospital before he just wanted to try the Xanax, and yeah he could just write himself a prescription for it nut like it’s so easy to just go get some and no report it so that’s what he did.
Goshiki- y’all want me to say arson don’t you?? Fine. He commits arson multiple times and kills 7 people with fire before getting arrested and he doesn’t even feel bad so in prison he probably fucking runs a gang he is crazy.
Kuroo- he is a capitalist and class traitor and that’s crime enough I don’t care is he’s attractive or rich, He commits crimes daily by just existing but I still love him anyway.
Kai- Could not commit a crime he just wants to garden and live his life. Jk there’s at minimum one body in that garden let him kill a man he deserves it just let him have one dead body
Yaku- he keyed someone’s car once just because they pissed him off. Was it kuroo? Yes. But that’s fine because he also keyed Lev’s car but blamed lev for keying kuroo’s and Kuroo for keying Lev’s. He just wants to watch the world burn.
Kenma- cyberbullying but man he is mean. Like no bars held we will dig into every insecurity he can and that shit hurts and he doesn’t even feel bad about it he will just be as mean as he can if you’re not careful
Lev- his crime is being tall and dumb also doesn’t understand the economy and prints counterfeit money because why can’t we print more money? The government should get on that.
Inuoka- He released all the animals from a zoo, like snuck in one night and just let them all free, I’m surprised the tiger didn’t eat him but hey the animals are free, there’s still some missing uh oh he’s very proud of himself for it. After the rush, he starts sneaking into shelters and freeing all the dogs and cats
Yamamoto and Fukunaga- Have egged a house before, it was Kuroo’s he deserves all this bullying and you can’t stop me.
Date Tech
Aone- Criminal Conspiracy, sure he had an entire foolproof plan to get away with the perfect crime but someone found out, and now his plans are ruined, damn </3 and no one ever suspects the quiet guy either.
Futakuchi- Having a prostitute, he just wanted some company like mans is lonely so he paid a girl to just spend a Lil time with him it’s all good.
Bokuto- I know we all haha funny laugh at tax evader bokuto and sure maybe he evades his taxes but he’s also committed vehicular manslaughter, he cannot drive and has killed someone with his car maybe even multiple someones but he always drives off in a panic because he doesn’t know what else to do.
Akaashi- Hasn’t actively committed a crime but has been an accomplice in every vehicular manslaughter Bokuto has committed why the fuck does he keep letting bokuto drive? He really needs to stop that.
Konoha- A master scammer he is so convincing everyone gives him money even if they’re a little sus because he’s just that good each scheme is so convincing.
Kita- He grows weed, you can’t tell me those rice fields are just for rice he’s got all this space he is growing marijuana and selling it, let him do it I want him to be my plug.
Atsumu- "What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier."
Osamu- resisting arrest. He just said no and ran. Granted he shouldn’t have punched the cop in the first place to have to be arrested but like that’s not the point here.
Aran- accidental child abandonment, like he just forgot he was babysitting and left the kid alone for like a day. He felt terrible but he still forgot the kid and now is fearful of parenthood
Suna- owns an illegal weapon, like he just never registered it and keeps it around and would use it if needed Suna please just point the weapon at me maybe
Terushima- Graffiti, he loves painting on the walls of buildings and tagging them, has so much spraypaint and his day isn’t complete if he doesn’t tag at least one building or train car.
Daishou- Public intoxication- he got a little too fucked up and stripped on the street he will forever have to live with everyone knowing he has an ass tattoo like damn bruh
Sakusa- Perjury he simply wanted to get out of court so he said some shit so he could leave granted he lied under oath but whatever, did they ever find out? No, so he’s fine and he’d do it again if it meant he could leave faster. Like sure he was a witness to a murder but bruh he pretends he does not see.
Hoshihumi- driving without a license he simply thought you didn’t need one because why do you need a piece of plastic to say you can drive a car like??? Just know how to drive it.
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buckybarnesbingo · 3 years
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Titles Game
Tonight I'm Going Back to My Old Ways - suggested by @steverogersnotebook
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky didn’t usually go for straight guys. Not since Brock in college, anyway. But tonight, all he could see was the blond across the bar. He was laughing with his friends, and he was gorgeous. Muscles for days, a body Bucky wanted to climb like a tree, and a wonderful smile that was a combination of Hallmark wholesome and downright dirty that shouldn’t have worked, but did. The piercing blue eyes just sealed the deal: Bucky was going to get him in his bed. (there would definitely be a tag in there about how they need to communicate and how Steve's not straight)
@wolfnprey - Bucky had settled down after he started a family. Everything told him he didn't deserve happiness, but he was beyond listening. Until some old ghosts showed up. Literal ghosts, and they were hellbent on making sure Bucky's life was upended. He'd buried the necronamicon in the basement ten years ago, but now he was digging it up with the help of his old partner. If only Steve was forgiving.
@steverogersnotebook - (Early recovering Bucky) finds it hard to come to terms with the modern Brooklyn, seeks out night clubs and smokes like a chimney in an effort to feel the way he remembers feeling.
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow - Their relationship had been strained in a way that Bucky was pretty sure couple's therapy couldn't fix. Not that he had tried. He wasn't about to unload all of his trauma concerning not being his old self anymore on some poor middle-aged Brooklynite mother of three even if she did have a degree that supposedly helped. There was no way she was prepared to help a brainwashed assassin with a fault list from Coney Island to hell and back again. So instead he'd unloaded all of that on Natasha. As a best friend, she was legally obligated to listen to him anyway. And besides, she was cheaper; she could be bought with a whine and a wine. However, talking to Natasha also meant he got the cold, hard truth that his relationship was suffering not because he'd forgotten who he was and became a brainwashed assassin for decades, but because he'd forgotten who Steve was and hadn't spent a lot of time figuring it out again. So per his therapist's (Natasha's, whatever) advice, Bucky's getting back to his roots and rebecoming the man who knew everything about Steve Rogers and hoping that maybe somewhere along the line, he can figure out what it was that made the two of them work so perfectly together.
More under the cut!
Down the rabbit hole - suggested by @liquidlightz
@phoenixgryphon - MCU Nat going down the rabbit hole that is pre Cap2 TWS information
@steverogersnotebook - An edgy Alice AU where bucky meets the OUAT version of the mad hatter.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t sure how, but he was constantly seeing the same figure out of the corner of his eye. A tall, muscular blonde, who seemed as though he wasn’t quite there, which was why Bucky was sure he was imagining the man, or confusing multiple tall muscular blonds. They weren’t as uncommon as one would think, and Bucky was so tired, so he decided not to worry about the blond. Until the day he literally fell down a rabbit hole - in Brooklyn, of all places - and ended up in another version of New York.
@wolfnprey -  Stripper AU. Nat drags Bucky to Down the Rabbit Hole for a particular stripper named Alice who is a beefy blond with bright blue eyes.
@bookdragon13 - Or alternatively: Steve goes to Storybrooke during his quest to find Bucky and meets Jefferson. Steve immediately goes “Bucky?” And Jefferson, in his sassy way, says “who the hell is Bucky?” But proceeds to use his hat to help Steve find his Bucky, if only to meet his lookalike Whether or not this becomes angsty, I’m not sure
@psychiccatpanda - Bucky In the 21st Century:  After spending too much time on the internet trying to figure out what some of the things he’d been hearing about really were, Bucky wishes he’d trusted Tony when he said, “Snowflake, there’s whole swaths of the interwebs you don’t want to know.  Trust me, please?”  Now, six and a half hours later, he knew that there was Avengers fan fiction (and what that consisted of) and Avengers cosplay porn.  He wasn’t sure what to do with this information.  But maybe he just needed to do some more research. After a snack.
@liquidlightz - Alpine was very protective.  Bucky loved gardening and he'd planted many different flowers, but there was a fat rabbit that kept popping by and eating all the best tulips, daylilies, you name it.  Bucky was hesitant to harm the creature, but Alpine was having no more of it.  She chased said rabbit down its hole and Bucky had to dig her back out.
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow - Bucky’s family owned a farm so he'd had a plethora of pets his entire life, but when he'd moved to the big city, Bucky had stuffed Top Hat the white rabbit in her carrier and told her they were headed for the adventure of a lifetime, no looking back. And truth be told, sometimes New York was lonely. But the other truth was he didn't miss Indiana at all. He loved New York, but he'd never regretted his move more than the day he came home to discover Top Hat not in her enclosure. He had to go door to door on the entire floor and maybe the floor above and below his. Everyone had to help find his missing long-eared, fluffy-tailed best friend. Cue everyone in Bucky's apartment complex searching the entire building for one white rabbit trying to pull her own disappearing act. And cue Bucky searching for a rabbit, but finding maybe a little more along the way.
You pull hope from defeat in the night - suggested by @somesortofitalianroast
@steverogersnotebook - After a terrible loss on a mission, Bucky and [strained relationship/preferred pairing] are nearly wiped out themselves. One has to get out and get help for the other before it's too late for them too. In dragging the injured party to safety, promises made in supplication reignite hope for a resolution.
@somesortofitalianroast - (pre-serum!steve/Winter Soldier!Bucky) After exhausting missions, there’s nothing Steve likes better than hooking up with a guy at a bar, preferably one who would believe him when he said he wouldn’t break. Tonight, he chose the guy carefully, a big, beefy brunet with thighs for days and something about him that made him look gentle. One night turned into another. And another. And another…. Who said hookups couldn’t lead to love?
@bookdragon13 - Just when Bucky was feeling his lowest, walking around Brooklyn at night, he hears a faint meowing. Bucky finds the white kitten and takes it to the local vet. Afterwards, he couldn’t just leave the white fur ball behind, adopting her and giving her the name Alpine. With Alpine around, Bucky couldn’t help but start feeling like he could climb out of the hole he’d dug himself in. He can’t help but laugh at Alpine’s antics and when he’s having a bad day, she cuddles with Bucky as he rubs his fingers through her fur
@liquidlightz - Bucky had written off more cheques than his body could cash, yet again.  Losing badly at poker and getting beaten down for failing to pay up.  This night was turning out better than the last, as he found himself in the hands of a gorgeous Doctor with gentle hands who seemed to enjoy his attempts at flirting through bloodied teeth.  Things might be looking up, he was going to go all in and take another chance tonight.
@wolfarrowepz - (Winterhawk, hockey AU)The Avengers were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs.... less than a third of the team had been with them when they won the championship 3 years ago. Now all Bucky wants to do is go home and sulk and ice his knee in peace. Clint has decided he needs to come to dinner with the team to show all the rookies and new guys to show them that losing isn't the end of the world. Fuck it all if Bucky will do whatever Clint asks. Bucky he liked him since they joined the team together as rookies. Clint is 100% oblivious to every move Bucky makes but if Clint asks him to do something he will. Clint on the other hand is convinced Bucky isn't into him. Cue pining and the inevitable "of course I Like you, you dope!" moment.
With Steel and Silver Burning Heart - suggested by @ibelieveinturtles
@steverogersnotebook - Dragon trainer AU, Steve goes to slay the dragon, Bucky's the dragon trainer. They meet, they clash, they enemies to friends to lovers.
@phoenixgryphon - big beefy bucky the blacksmith.  who builds broadswords to bring in the bills
@somesortofitalianroast - (Regency!AU) James Barnes was well aware that he was the Marquis of Buchannan in name only. With no money left in the estates coiffers and three younger sisters - the oldest a mere year before her official debut - to support, he was desperate. Desperate enough to approach the new Duke of Brooklyn - a known rake with a history of getting in duels - with an offer: he supplies the cash for Rebecca’s debutante and in return, he gets James. But what happens when the purely financial relationship is no longer purely financial?
@liquidlightz - Bucky was not amused when the blade pierced his heart.  Fuck, that hurt! "You asshole", he berated his not-looking-so-hot-now date on the other end of that dagger, "I thought we were having a good time." Bucky had to thank his lucky stars, and not his wits, that this hunter was a moron and that blade was cheap metal and not silver.  He should, maybe, start being a little more discerning in his hookups.
@bookdragon13 - As a Knight of the Realm, Bucky was sworn to protect the royal family. He didn’t mean to fall in love with the Princess in the process. Neither did Bucky realize he was a jealous man, until he saw another knight, Brock, try to kiss the Princess, with her unwilling. Bucky immediately called Brock out, challenging him to a duel. When Brock was wounded, Bucky threatened that if Brock tried anything with Her Royal Highness again, he wouldn’t be so lenient.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
i ment dominick im so sorry!
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Alright boo, sorry for the misunderstanding! I was afraid I was missing something or that I forgot one of my own character's names
A headcanon for Dominick would be easier for me to write for- But because you said just Dominick I believe I could do for both Real and "Other" Dominick.
I think it would be more fun!
TW/Tags: in case any of you are confused [🖤🧵✂️] // this is basically just general headcanons // eh, the lore is wonky // feeling awful sorry // not as in-depth as I wish it was, sorry //
I suppose this is going to be just general headcanons, boo [Yandere!Coraline OCS x Reader - Headcanon]:
→❤️Real Dominick🌲:
A chill dude for the most part. Although containing some unresolved abandonment issues, he tries to act as nothing is bothering him for "the sake of others". At least that's what he tells himself every time.
Dominick tries his best to be a peacemaker amongst the group, but even he can't deny that this is a tiring job that doesn't end up being fruitful for most of the time.
Dominick is just as touch-starved as he is dependent on others, the thought of living on his own and not being able to at least see his loved ones for a long period of time drives him insane. He really wants to seem emotionally strong and confident, but deep down he is aware that one day he'll have to open up about how he really feels.
He has met Richard and Vivian a lot sooner than you did, but honestly he doesn't know how he has become their friends in the first place. He always felt very distant from them, granted that he met them at a time of need, when he felt vulnerable for having no friends to be with, but also because of how different their personalities were to each other.
Don't get him wrong, he really likes them, he really does! He just doesn't vibe with them as hard as he wishes he could, but he knows that it would be impossible considering how they were literally glued on each other- He knew about them dating or at least liking each other way before you came into the scene.
Or more accurately, you came BACK into the scene. How oddly coincidental, you know his friends but you don't know they're friends with him, or if you did, you just tried to ignore it to this day. Now that you two live together, it would be very hard to ignore your presence.
He thinks you want nothing to do with him, nothing at all- So if you ever actually try to be more friendly with him he won't really see it as a good thing- You had ignored him for twelve years, and suddenly you two are, well, here!
His mind keeps making him feel terrible about himself, keeps making feel odd and awkward about your relationship- Or lack thereof. You look so different but act like the same as what he used to know you for, so anxious and so awkward with everything and everyone but still trying their best to be social.
He changed so much in comparison, from a sickly frail little boy looking for someone to be his protective shield, to a man way too big for his own good- His appearance although being ideal to him, makes it harder for him to interact with others who find him frightening.
Real Dominick would take a lot longer to actually fall in love with you again, considering that his old crush on you has turned more into a scar instead of a good old memory, but when he reopens that wounds to receive new ones, I hope you'll be ready for a awkward gentle giant having a awkward crush on you, while also having a couple of breakdowns where he blames you for causing him to feel this way, how neat!
→🖤Other Dominick🧵 (Male Beldam):
Other Dominick true personality is as foreign to others as it is to himself, as he had forgotten who he was and where he came from a long time ago.
Dominick is 100% not his real name, but it's not like he remembers what he used to be called by originally, although two names seem to stand out amongst the others- Dominick and Ernest.
Being called Dominick is- Not exactly the best for him. It feels almost annoying, as if it was an annoying name, something he should never be called as. Ernest on the other hand, feels- Fitting, but extremely depressing. So as much as being called "Other Dominick" may be a very annoying name for him, being called Ernest feels like being stabbed in the gut, so it's kinda obvious which is the best in this situation.
He doesn't know why being called Ernest gives him so much anxiety, and he doesn't remember what significance this name could have to him and his past life. Other Dominick has used so many different faces and names, just to lure the naive and desperate to his deadly embrace, yet he can barely remember the name of the fools he had attracted to his fabricated lie.
Maybe you're just a recent case, a new "fool" that found their way into his house without permission, and by doing so he has all the right to trap you in his web- After all, you're the intruder here, right? Yet oddly enough, you don't really feel like the others who had come here, you have sparked interest in his empty heart.
He notices that the energy that comes from you is a lot more satisfying than the others, at least for now, you have been able to subconsciously feed him for a longer period than the others, and by doing so he is more willing to let you live for longer, at least until you start to not love him as much, or start to test his patience beyond his limit.
His true form looks nothing like the "Dominick" you so lovingly looks up to, he may be just as tall, but he is much more thinner than the original, his long arms reminding you more of a death trap than a warm embrace. Not that he won't be gentle with you, for now.
Oddly enough, he doesn't take much to fall for you as much as Dominick does- The loneliness that he is accustomed with is not exactly the healthiest lifestyle for himself, so don't be surprised if he is already mixing his own hunger for attention to his very real hunger for naive hearts like yours.
Hello everyone, is good to see y'all again.
I've been away because of school work and family issues, and I can't lie that it has gone a bit more crazier this last few days. I went through a breakup and I'm currently struggling with the aftereffects of it-
I'm really sorry for the long wait, and for always closing the inbox out of nowhere, but I'm afraid to say this will probably keep happening a lot, I still need to take care of so many things-
Anyway, is good to see y'all again!
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U N P L A N N E D, part 3
*tw: discussion of abortion*
Glenne answered the door and forced a smile, but you could tell she was barely holding it together. It was Harry’s idea, really, to make her host a casual dinner on Tuesday night--a good reason for us to all be in the same room.
Glenne agreed, only after she got you on FaceTime to give all of the details, word for word, about the conversations you’d had. The only decision you made at this point was that Harry would tag along to the next appointment--you wondered what he’d do in a room with a plastic uterus and a poster of a vagina on the wall.
Los Angeles had a certain spring time glow to it--Lexi drove the two of you up to Jeff and Glenne’s, a side street with lots of homes, ones that certainly cost more than you’d make in 10 years. 
Jeff seemed more than happy to have you all over, he made a quick joke under his breath about your sleeping with his client when he set the bruschetta down on the table. You’d seen him since then, but only once. Apparently it hadn’t been long enough for him to get over the teasing.
Harry’s laugh floated in from the kitchen while you placed the silverware on napkins. A hushed voice, “don’t make a big deal out of it, okay?”
“I’m kidding,” Jeff laughed, his tone apologetic. “He’s a nice guy--you should get to know him.” That’s what he probably thought this was--Glenne’s attempt to play matchmaker for two friends. 
An awkward beat. “Oh whatever, let’s not make it weird.”
He looked through the doorway into the other room, his voice more hushed than before. “He’s definitely into you!” 
You stopped in your tracks, looking up from the table after you adjusted the final place setting. “What do you mean?”
A shrug of his shoulders, he brushed a crumb off the table. “He asked me about you the other day.”
The day you spoke on the phone. Before he knew--whatever interest he had in you had likely diminished by now. “Said he was glad you finally reached out.” He smirked at you, raised his eyebrows quickly, somehow insinuating that there might be a repeat of the last time you and Harry hung out.
You didn’t have time to ask for more clarification, though, get more details out of him or tell him that the only reason you’d reached out in the first place was to deliver the news. But you were cut short--Glenne stuck her head into the dining room and asked for more help in the kitchen.
Jeff uncorked another bottle of wine at the end of the night, distracted altogether by the story Lexi was telling about her co-star. You picked up the plates in front of Glenne, put them in the dishwasher one by one to help with clean up.
He’s got more self-control than you for sure, Lexi teased when you were out of earshot, tossing a napkin into the trash. He’s waiting until the very end. 
Which he did--it wasn’t until you were all stood around the island in their kitchen, sink filled with dishes and wine glasses nearly empty. Jeff had already made a face in your direction when Harry skipped your glass. Headache, you lied. Been terrible all day. 
He cleared his throat. “Uh, Jeff--listen, you know when we had that party at my house in April? After we finished in the studio?”
His eyes flickered to you quickly, a small smile on his face when he nodded. Glenne stiffened beside him, Lexi watched with careful eyes. 
“And you know what happened between us that night,” he motioned between the two of you with a finger, sounding calmer than you expected, like he’d been practicing in front of a mirror or alone in his car. 
He hadn’t told you how he felt about telling him--you’d only exchanged a few texts between the last time you saw him and tonight. But he seemed fine enough all evening, even now, his voice was steady when he leaned forward on the counter. 
Jeff looked between the two of you, completely lost. He looked over to Glenne before Harry spoke again. 
“Y/N’s pregnant.”
There was still a jump in your pulse, but less this time. Something about the way Harry seemed so calm and collected was contagious. He looked over at you and offered a small smile, maybe one of reassurance or unity. 
Jeff let out a laugh. “Good one, man--you’re a dick.”
Lexi frowned, Glenne reached for Jeff’s arm. 
Harry’s voice was low. “M’not kidding.”
“Come on,” Jeff looked over to Glenne, then to Lexi, then you. “I’m not falling for that.”
“He’s not kidding, babe.”
Now your pule rose substantially. Jeff’s face seemed to shift from one of humor and amusement, more towards anger and concern. “What? You’re not fucking with me?”
“M’not fucking with you.”
You looked over to Lexi, ready to make an exit if needed. You felt suddenly protective, if you were actually growing something inside of you, dealing with the tension in the room surely couldn’t be good for either of you. 
Jeff was quiet for a second, a deep breath, a look around the room. Like he wanted to be anywhere but here and talking about anything but this. You knew the feeling well.
He looked towards you. “How did you find out?”
“I’ve taken four tests. Two on my own, two at the doctors.”
“And it’s real? A doctor said it’s real?”
You nodded.
“And you believe her?”
Silence--everyone but Jeff seemed to stare at the floor.
He asked again. “Do you?”
Harry looked around awkwardly. “Yeah--I do.”
“How do we know she’s not lying? How do we know you’re actually the father?”
“Jeff,” Glenne tried to calm him down, emotion in her voice that let you know his question bothered her. She reached for him again, he pulled his arm out of reach. 
You got red in the face, a heat down your spine when he looked at you, waiting for an answer or a response or some type of defense. “I have the tests that I showed him.”
“I made her take another in front of me. She had all the stuff printed from the doctor. I’m going with her next week.”
Jeff was still, like he hadn’t expected Harry to say all of that. “You knew about this?”
A sigh of relief when his attention was no longer directed at you. Glenne nodded slowly. “Only for a few days--she’s freaked out, too, okay? This isn’t good news for anyone.”
Jeff blew air from between his lips. “I know--I know. I just--this is literally terrible timing with the album coming and--”
Harry shrugged, “forget the album. We can push it back. It doesn’t have to be a summer release.”
“Well it fucking can’t be now if we’re going to be busy dodging pregnancy rumors.”
“What do you mean, dodging?” Your voice was quiet, but when Jeff looked down at you, he softened. 
“We can’t--he can’t just talk about this or run with it. We’ve already seen what happens to someone like him when there’s a baby in the picture.”
You knew what he meant--you’d heard them make jokes before about the others, Harry’s old bandmates who hadn’t been careful and who’d found themselves in the same situation. Your shoulders slumped at the realization that now, you put him there, too. 
“Okay, just stop, alright? You’re not helping,” Harry held a hand up and shook his head. “Clearly this is a big fucking deal and we have to figure shit out, but--I think her and I have a lot to figure out before you do.”
Lexi leaned against the counter, sipped at her wine with wide eyes like she was witnessing a soap opera. 
“He’s right, Jeff,” Glenne finally grabbed his arm now, rubbed at his sleeve, her voice a desperate attempt to soothe him. “They have a lot of talking to do. Don’t get ahead of them.”
More tears burned in your eyes--if anything, at this point, you would have thought that they’d all be gone, dried up. 
“I should go,” you said, turning quickly to reach for your phone and purse on the counter behind you. “I’ll, uh, I’ll just take an Uber, Lexi, no rush.”
“Y/N, wait,” she trailed behind you, following you towards the front door, out onto the steps and down to the walkway. Jeff and Glenne’s house was also immaculate, a gate by the road to keep out unwelcome visitors--a view of the city that sparkled in the night sky. 
“It’s fine, Lexi, I’m fine. I just want to go to bed.”
You heard her shoes click on the pavement. “Stop, dude--just hold on. Everyone is going to need time to process this.”
“I know,” you turned around. “I know they do--but so do I! I’m the one who’s actually pregnant, okay? Not him, not Jeff, not you, not Glenne.”
“I know,” she said, a solemn nod. “You know how Jeff is, alright? He’s just a perfectionist. You should be able to relate, honestly.”
“I don’t want to be shamed or blamed for this--I didn’t fucking mean to get pregnant!”
The door opened again, this time, Harry stood in the shadows, face half illuminated by the light beside the entrance. “Sorry--I, uh, I can go back inside.”
“No,” Lexi said suddenly, waving a hand in your direction before heading towards him. “I’ll go inside. I’ll see you at home,” she spoke over her shoulder to you as she climbed the steps back up to the house. You weren’t sure if she was angry or tired or a mix of the two. 
Harry stepped aside, the door swinging once on it’s hinge before it clicked into place. You pulled out your phone, opened the Uber app, and pressed a button on the inside of the gate to set it into motion. A few steps forward to the curb before you sat, unconcerned about potential grass stains on your new jeans. 
He walked over to you, hands in the pockets of his striped pants. “Sorry about that--about Jeff, I mean.”
You didn’t even look up at him, too busy dragging the location pin to sit on top of their digital driveway. “It’s fine.”
He sat beside you, rested his elbows on his knees. “He’s stressed, which I get, but you are too. It’s not just my life that this changes. I mean--if you keep it.”
You nodded, set your phone down on your lap and then looked over at him. “I know that you don’t know me, but for what it’s worth, I wouldn’t make this up or do this on purpose. I have my own life and career and I’m supposed to be getting a promotion soon--I don’t get anything out of this.”
He let a breath escape his lips, more of a sigh, before he laid back on the grass and closed his eyes. A mumble from between his lips. “I know you wouldn’t.”
Warmth in your chest--unsure of why he was quick to believe you, but grateful he did. 
“Jeff will get over it.”
Silence for a minute as he laid there beside you, eyes closed as if the universe didn’t seem to be crumbling on top of you, perched on a hill somewhere south of Encino. He seemed calm and collected, steady, even, as if he wasn’t terrified. You didn’t know what to say. What do we do? I’m sorry? But sorry for what? You didn’t ask for this or do anything that brought it on, other than a poorly timed one night stand. 
“I can drive you home--you can cancel the Uber.”
You looked over at him, his hands clasped on top of his stomach, a strip of his skin escaping between his shirt and his pants. He opened his eyes, as if he could feel your gaze, sat up and cleared his throat. 
“Yes, I’m sure,” he laughed, answering the question that hadn’t even made it out of your mouth. He stood and offered you a hand up, you wiped at your pants, only spreading the evening droplets of dew on top of the denim. 
When you stood beside him, he hesitated. His right arm lifted, wrapped over your shoulders and pulled you into his side. It was short, he let go of you and moved towards his car silently, clicking a button on the keys that woke it up, headlights on. 
So you sat on top of the nice leather seats, the quiet hum of the radio didn’t feel so awkward this time, like the silence was more comfortable and the tension was lessened. Not as stuffy and intrusive. 
He pulled on and off of the freeway with ease, winding roads away from the hills eventually turned to urban streets and residential neighborhoods, trash bins on the sidewalk, ready for pick up. 
When he slowed in front of your house, one hand on the wheel, he turned to see you. “We can, uh, take some time, I guess--to decide what we want to do. Hear from your doctor this week.”
You knew what he meant--no need for harsh terms or specific language. You nodded.
“I mean--what you want to do. S’up to you, really.”
You bit at your lip, unsure of how to reply. “You get a say, too.”
His face softened at that, he pulled his forefinger up to rub at his lips. “Okay.”
“I’ll talk to you soon?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, angling himself towards you. “Maybe, uh, we could do dinner some night this week. After the appointment?”
“Sure, yeah.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to you then. I’ll text you before.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Thanks for the ride.”
“Course,” he said. “Any time.”
Glenne seemed to keep her distance, nothing but a text from her that night, a red heart emoji--as if it would undo the frustration in Jeff’s voice or the look on his face. 
And you got it--you understood that for Jeff, this was a business nightmare. His top client now listed in a category with many others, one that begged for headlines and sorry sideways glances. 
Which was why you tried to give him an out the night before. A text excusing him from the appointment, if he wanted. You don’t have to come, I understand if you’re too busy. 
Lexi was busy on set for a few days straight, early mornings and late nights left you spending more time alone in your apartment than you were used to. You caught up with your mom on FaceTime the night before the appointment. 
“We’ll see if he shows up,” you said, phone propped up on the table when you blew on a forkful of spaghetti. “He’s not a jerk, I don’t think, but--I don’t know. If I were him I would have run for the hills by now, probably.”
She was in the middle of going through her mail, flipping through envelopes and peeling them open. “Oh sweetie, don’t say that. It’s good--he’s been pretty supportive so far.”
“I know, but I don’t know him. I mean--this is like a lifetime movie, right? I’m a random person who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
She slowed at that, looking at you through the phone, a sigh before she spoke. “You seem to have made your peace with it, a bit.”
You shrugged, another bite of dinner. “I think it’s denial.”
She laughed a little. “Me too. Can I come this weekend?”
“Down here?”
She nodded, a new envelope in her hand as she used her finger to tear it open. 
“If you want--we can just do brunch or something. Lexi may or may not be around.”
“Well, I was thinking maybe I could meet him.”
You almost dropped your fork. “No--no way, not yet. I don’t even know what we’re gonna do.”
“I know,” she said, her voice steady. “There’s no way you could place it with a family, right? Give it up for adoption?”
That language felt harsh, give up. Glenne had already ruled that out the night you told her. 
They’d never let you, she said. At first, you thought it sounded like a happy medium. You can’t just give up a celebrity’s baby for adoption, that’d be too dangerous and cause too much of a scene. 
You wished she had said you couldn’t give up your baby for adoption--as if she’d forgotten that it was yours, too.
“No, Glenne said something about how his team would never go for that. Which makes sense--I guess, you know, crazy people would try to adopt it.” 
She nodded. “So--it’s really just the two options then,” a pause, “keep it, or don’t.”
“Yeah--just one or the other.”
“Look, you have to make whatever decision is right for you--but, I don’t know, I just thought it might be nice to meet him.”
You thought on it for a second, another bite of spaghetti when she disappeared out of the frame for a second. Your mother meeting Harry wasn’t something you’d ever thought about--too soon and too new. 
At some point, if it was necessary, maybe. But that was down the road, right? Not this weekend and not right after he sees the plastic uterus in Dr. Weston’s office. That all felt too real and too rushed. 
She appeared back in front of the camera, a smile on her face. “Just think about it, okay?”
“Alright--I’ll think,” you said it mostly to appease her, to calm her nerves and to assure her that you were alright, hanging in there and holding on. She was worried--and she wasn’t afraid to say it. She’d already called you every day since you told her, asking how you were feeling, when you’d tell him, how it was all going.
“Don’t give him a pass just because of who he is, honey, okay? Fame or not he’s involved in this now, too.”
“I know,” you rolled your eyes, tried not to whine too much when she gave you a look. “I know, mom--I get it.”
She let it go then, asking about work and catching you up on her own life. She told you about the renovation they were doing in her office, the neighborhood book club she joined. When you hung up and said goodnight, a text was waiting for you. One that you hadn’t even seen come through. 
310-324-9090 (8:29pm): I’ll be there--4pm, right? Text me the address.
Sure enough, he was in the waiting room before you were. A hat on his head and a jacket over his shoulders, he straightened up when you came through the door. 
“Hi,” his voice was quiet when you sat down next to him. He looked around the room to make sure no one was looking in your direction. “We just wait here, right?”
“Yes,” you giggled, somewhat touched by his uncertainty. “They’ll call me in eventually.”
“I thought I was coming in, too.”
You turned to face him. “You can, but they’ll call my name, since I’m the one who’s actually pregnant.”
“Right,” he said, shrinking into the chair. He thumbed through a magazine, one that had a picture of a smiling baby on the front--a diaper and big, blue eyes. You wondered--if you kept it--who it would look more like. 
The same nurse called your name, this time, a smile on her face when there was a male counterpart by your side. You ignored the shift in her tone, chalked it up to ignorant, but well-intentioned sexism, and followed her into a different exam room. 
Bigger, this time. Another poster of female genitalia on the wall--this one was bigger, darker shades of red and pink. Harry sat in the seat and watched as the nurse took your blood pressure, temperature, and offered you a glass of water. 
He perked up at that, magazine still in his hand, he’d taken it from the waiting room as a souvenir. “M’a bit thirsty--could I have one?”
She looked at him, still now, a look of realization crossed over her face when she seemed to place his face, or maybe his voice. She nodded, disappeared out into the hallway and shut the door behind her. 
“We have to have them sign something,” he mumbled, opening the magazine again with a shake of his head. “All these doctors offices talk about confidentiality and what not, but, dunno--I can have my lawyer draft something up.”
“What do you mean?”
He kept his gaze on the page he held between his thumb and forefinger. “They could tell someone, Y/N--that I’m here and that you’re pregnant.”
You tilted your head, adjusted on top of the wax paper. “You don’t expect this to be a secret forever, do you?”
He pushed his lips out, looked up at you. “It depends on what we decide.”
Interrupted, his words clipped when Dr. Weston knocked on the door and stepped inside. She offered a hand in Harry’s direction, either unaware of who he was or simply unphased by his presence. Either way, she sat on the rolling stool and looked up at you. 
“Well--now that we know for sure that you are, in fact, pregnant, I’m happy to talk you through some of the options, if you are interested in termination.”
You nodded, not necessarily as an agreement that you were interested, but you figured it didn’t hurt to hear her out. 
“There are a few different ways to do so, and luckily you’re early enough that you have some of the better options still available.” She pulled a pamphlet off of the counter, one that you hadn’t noticed until now. It had a picture of a flowery field on the front, a sunny day somewhere with blue skies, with the words Abortion by Trimester, in bold lettering on the front. 
Harry leaned forward, his eyes scanning the pamphlet before sneaking a glance in your direction--you felt his gaze when Dr. Weston handed it over.
“There’s medication you could take at this point--it would entail some heavy bleeding as you pass the pregnancy, a few days of that tops. That’s the safest option for where you’re at right now, you’d have up until the ten week mark to choose that option. Anything after that would be a bit more involved, but still extremely safe.”
You nodded. “We don’t--uh--we don’t know yet. We haven’t decided, honestly.”
“Alright,” she said. “Take your time, I’m happy to work with you no matter what you decide.”
“Is there anything I should be doing right now? I haven’t been drinking, I don’t smoke, so--”
She stood from her stool and grabbed another pamphlet, the same one, offered it to Harry. He flipped it over in his hands, inspecting the front and back when she continued. 
“Just the same, healthy eating, enough rest. If you do decide to keep it, we recommend prenatal vitamins, the Complete Health brand is a good one, you can get it at Target or CVS. But--again, you have time to figure it all out. It’s just good to know all the options.”
“Right,” you said. “Thank you.”
“You’ll need to come back in a few weeks, if you decide to keep it. We’ll do a six week ultrasound. If you decide otherwise, though, you can call and make an appointment to come in for the prescription.”
Harry shifted in his seat, ran a hand through his hair and shook Dr. Weston’s hand when she said goodbye. The door shut behind her, he let a breath out as if he’d been holding one, turning to look at you once you were alone. 
The options felt overwhelming--like suddenly now there was a weight on your shoulders no matter what you chose. Harry’s brow furrowed when you wiped at your eyes. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. “It’s just hard--I don’t know what to do.”
He was quiet, stood in the center of the room like he had no clue how to respond. He reached a hand forward and took yours in it, “s’alright--we can think on it all.”
You nodded, letting go of his hand quickly when he pulled it away. He offered you the jacket you’d worn, picked up your purse off the chair beside him. 
“Need another ice cream?”
“No,” you laughed. “I need a real meal.”
“We can definitely make that happen.”
So you drove with the windows down--once again leaving your car behind so you could ride together--and luckily, the drive through line at In-N-Out wasn’t too bad. A quick smile for a picture with the cashier, he handed over his credit card, pushing yours out of the way. 
“I’ve got it,” he used his elbow to nudge your hand. 
“Let me venmo you for mine, then,” you pulled out your phone, quick to pull up the app. 
“Y/N, leave it. S’fine.”
You watched as he took the receipt, thanked the person behind the window before they handed over the bag of food. It felt like a thin line, letting him pay for things or insinuating, somehow, that you were now a financial responsibility of his. You worked too hard, had a good job--you’d been raised by a woman who didn’t take handouts from anyone. You would have sooner paid for both of your meals than let him feel so obligated. 
But you were too hungry to put up a fight, you took the burger he handed you and lifted your sunglasses once he parked on the far end of the lot, tinted windows allowing privacy. 
“I know I’m only a month along, but this might be my first real craving.”
“Yeah?” He smirked over at you, watched as you took a bite. “We can keep ‘em coming.”
He pressed a button, lessening the blow of the air conditioning. Took a sip of the soda he had ordered, set it back in the cup holder between you. “That was weird, huh?”
You spoke through a full mouth, “wha’ was?”
“The options--the pamphlet, and--I don’t know. I’d never thought much about how they do it. Kind of thought it was more involved than that.”
You almost told him it wasn't a good mealtime conversation, he kept going before you could redirect. “But I dunno, hearing her talk about it made me think more about it.”
You let out a breath--sure that the inevitable was coming. Of course he’d want you to get rid of it--how could he opt for anything else when something like this had massive implications? 
How could he go on tour, do interviews or red carpets with partial custody? Were you meant to trail along behind him now, a glorified nanny to your first born so he could continue living the same life? But it was simple: he couldn’t. Too much would change and you guessed he didn’t even like the thought of it. So of course, you nodded and looked over at him, waiting to hear him ask you to terminate. 
“I don’t know--I think you should keep it.”
You swallowed. “What?”
He turned, looked at you with concern in his eyes. “You don’t?”
“No--I--I don’t know, I just didn’t expect you to say that.”
“Doesn’t this,” you shrugged, letting the burger fall onto the wrapping paper it’d come in, “ruin your life?” 
He looked at you in the eyes, held your gaze for a moment before looking down at his hands. He seemed to be actually thinking it through, weighing the pros and cons. He looked back up at you, a small shrug. “No.”
You didn’t believe him. You broke his gaze and reached for your own soda, taking a pull from the straw just so you wouldn’t have to reply. 
“It’s inconvenient, sure--but, it doesn’t ruin my life. You’re not ruining my life.”
Emotion in your eyes at that--you wiped at the tears quickly to hide any evidence. It was all too common now, the quick spurts of anxiety and the shaky breathing that accompanied them. He reached for his own drink, now, held it to his lips in silence. 
“If you want to end it, you can. I’m not the one who has to, you know, do all the work.”
You stifled a laugh, wiped at your cheeks before he handed you a napkin. 
“I don’t want to.”
“End it?”
You nodded. “I made the mistake of getting a tracking app,” you forced the words out even though the tears picked back up. “And today--it said--it’s the size--of an apple seed!”
He let out a laugh, twisting towards you and leaning over. A hand on your thigh quickly, he pulled away before you looked up at him. He bit his lip, like he was trying to think of something to say. 
You spoke first. “You really don’t think this is a life ruining catastrophe?”
“That’s a bit harsh,” he shrugged. “An unplanned, accidental...adventure--feels a bit more accurate.”
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author’s note: hope you’re all taking good care of yourselves in this terrifying time!!! Be good and stay inside and read more fic and support more creators on the internet!!
tag list: @stepping-into-the-light @thurhomish @afterstylesmadeit @iconicharry @stylesfics-xx @harryspirate @mellamolayla @harryinsweatersandbandanas @stylesfantasy @clorenafila @mell-love @anssu-amry @yelllowgrass @bullseyeskay @littlesoldierelleora @styles217 @rachkon @c-h-e-r-r-y-y @myhat  @rosegoldbel @passionate-dreamerr @grammyforstyles @dontgiveupthedayjob @ursamajor603 @craic-head-horan @heavenspidey @talk-british-2-me-britbritharry @blackxxmagicc @winter-soldier-007 @ssllbb @wanderlustiing @jdcharliewhiskey  @caritocp @kaybee87 @wildbeee @hsunflowervol
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