#this one was funnnn
snaillamp · 10 months
JOD - day 21 - Crow
This ones a long one folks. I think it’s worth it though. This is probably one of my favorites I’ve done, but I say that about every one I do.
Day 21: “On three.” | Dehydration | Memory Loss | Choke |
Whumpee’s ears were ringing as they came to. Their body felt weak, empty and heavy. They tried to speak but all that came out was a barely audible grunt. They were being carried, someone was holding them under their arms and the other was holding them just above their knees. Their head was flopped back and they didn’t have the strength to lift it, so they just stayed there, barely aware of their surroundings, their eyes sliding shut as they tried to listen.
The ringing had turned into a low hum now and their head was pounding. “Chase, wait.” They heard a voice pipe up. It was a woman’s voice. Whoever was carrying their legs stopped, causing Whumpee to sway a little, making the humming make a weird vibrating sound. The pounding in their head also got worse. Whumpee tried to make another sound, but all they managed was a raspy breath.
“Put ‘em down. We can rest here for a bit.” The man, Chase said, sounding far away and echoey. Whumpee felt their body be slowly lowered onto the cold, sharp stones of the canyon floor. At least the canyon was cool, compared to the baking hot surface of the landscape above. Whumpee felt their body being dragged, as they were propped up against a boulder. Their shoulders and head were placed against the boulder, the rest of their body laid out in front of them. But, as Whumpee opened their eyes and stared down their stomach and legs, it felt like they were looking through someone else’s eyes. They were almost detached from their own body.
The woman was fiddling around with something, maybe a bag? Whumpee barely had the strength to move their eyes, not that that would have down much. Their eyes were so dry they could barely see anyway. “Welcome back to the land of the living!” Chase said, gently brushing the hair from Whumpee’s face. “I must say, I thought you were dead, my friend. Gave me an’ my partner here quite a shock when we found a pulse.” He chuckled as he reached over Whumpee’s body, grabbing something from the woman. “Here, drink this.”
Chase lifted Whumpee’s head slightly and poured a drop of water into their mouth. It washed over Whumpee’s dust covered tongue and trickled down their dry throat, causing them to cough a little. It was a dry, rattling cough that vibrated deep in Whumpee’s chest. They tasted something, not quite blood, but that metallic taste you get when your throat was raw from coughing. Chase pulled the bottle away and sighed, “Did you wanna try again?” Whumpee’s eyes met the shape in front of them and their face must have said yes, because Chase tried again. “Okay, nice ’n slow.”
The water was warm as it washed over their mouth again. It had been in a bag all day, so that made sense. Whumpee managed to swallow it this time, feeling the liquid slide down into their stomach was weird. They blinked as their dry eyes stung, a little breeze had picked up and thrown dust in their faces. The woman lifted a wet cloth to Whumpee’s skin and dabbed it gently. The smell of wet dirt filled the air as she took it away, looking at the thick layer of dirt staining the fabric. She worked to clean Whumpee’s face of dirt a little and to cool them down. Whumpee practically melted at the sensation of the cool water drying on their skin.
She wiped down their chest and arms briefly, all burned from the sun exposure, before Chase gave Whumpee a little more to drink. 

“Hey, I need you to try and stay with us.” The woman asked, her voice tinged with a tiny amount of worry. “My name is Sabine, can you tell me yours?” Whumpee’s eyelids were growing heavy again, as they began to feel faint. “Lift them up.” Sabine’s voice sounded in the darkness and Whumpee felt themself being sat against the rock, their back leaning against it now. “Woah.” Chase said, steadying them as they began to tilt. “Hey, stay with me.” He clicked his fingers, the sound breaking through the dark as Whumpee managed to open their eyes again.
They could see a little better now, the blobs actually had faces. 

“Can you tell me your name?” Sabine asked again, concerned. She put her hand on Whumpee’s forehead, it felt cold and Whumpee couldn’t help but try to lean into it, but their body couldn’t move. A small groan escaped them as they tried to move, but they lacked the strength to do anything else. “They’re too weak.” Chase spoke up, “We have to get ‘em outta here an’ to the camp site.” Sabine nodded. “I need to to stay awake for me. I know sleeping feels so nice right now, but trust me, we need you to stay awake.”
Whumpee managed to nod ever so slightly, squeezing their eyes shut with the effort. “Good job. Why don’t you try to find the strength to tell us your name while we walk okay?” Sabine touched Whumpee’s shoulder in sympathy, cause them to twitch. Their shoulders were sunburned badly, and the touch sent pain shooting through them. A gravelly sigh escaped Whumpee, hitching in their throat as it came. They didn’t expect the sound to escape them, the sounds they were making were purely their body’s reactions at this point, they didn’t have the have the energy to form a sentence, let alone speak it.

“We’re gonna pick you up, alright?” Chase instructed, putting his arms under Whumpee’s own, while Sabine grabbed their legs. “On three.” She said, looking over her shoulder at Chase. “One. Two. Three.” Whumpee heard Chase and Sabine huff as they both lifted Whumpee’s body. “I must say, as light as you are, you’re easier to carry when you’re not dead weight.” Chase joked. Sabine gasped, “Chase! You can’t say that. They’re really hurt!” Chase hummed an apology, “Sorry…” Whumpee exhaled through their nose, the only semblance of a laugh they could manage, and noticed their lips curling into a weak smile. Chase looked down, “Well, they found it funny.” he said matter of factly. 

They walked along the canyon for an hour before the sun began to set, and the orange walls of stone began to turn red, then purple and then blue. Whumpee gazed up at the sky, that had turned a deep reddish-pink, with a light purple wisp of cloud curling around like a snake. They had started feeling a little better and a sticky, thick slime was forming in their throat. They guessed that’s what the water had turned into.
They faded in and out a few times. They found themself waking up in a different part of the canyon and lifting their chin to their chest, only for them to fade out as their head fell back again. 

Chase and Sabine could feel it too, they would notice Whumpee’s limps go limp and floppy, only for them to twitch as they came to a while later. Each time this happened, Whumpee could see Sabine glance back at them, and Chase would adjust his grip, jolting Whumpee a little. Sometimes he’d whisper, “Come on, stay with me. Just a little longer, I promise.”

The sun sank below the horizon when they finally reached the trail out of the canyon. Whumpee felt the two rescuers adjust their grip on their body, causing their sunburn to scream in pain. They let out a pained gasp. “I know, I’m sorry.” Sabine comforted them, “We are nearly out. This will be the worst bit I promise.”
It was.
Whumpee felt their body ache as they were carried up the steep incline feet first. It was almost like being carried upside down. Sabine had been ‘driving’ with Whumpee’s legs, steering them through the canyon, but now Whumpee watched as their legs rose and fell over the rocks and ledges they had to climb. Their body was picked up, put down and pulled across sharp stones and rocks and at some point the pain was too much.
The last thing they remembered before waking up again was being lifted onto a particularly rocky ledge, groaning in agony and everything going dark. Now, they were cresting the top of the incline and Whumpee glanced over to see the sheer drop below. Chase noticed they were awake again and smiled down at them. “Have a nice nap?” Whumpee couldn’t find the energy to do much, but they did feel a little better. They grunted in reply, resting their chin on their chest once more.
The two people carried Whumpee a little longer until they reached a large rock formation. Below it, there was a large tent that could have easily fitted a small car inside it, considering it was right next to a small car for comparison. There was a long dry log along the edge of the campsite, marking the border. They made their way over, lying Whumpee down by a pile of ashes, and while Sabine went to get some stuff, Chase grabbed some firewood from the waiting car.
Soon there was a warm fire burning as Whumpee was laid on a soft, thick blanket. The two rescuers let Whumpee recover from the journey first, before gently sitting them up and giving them more water and a little food. “So, do you finally feel up to telling us your name?” Chase asked, poking the flames of the fire and sending embers up into the air. “Wh-Whumpee…” Whumpee managed to choke out, their voice barely a whisper. “Whumpee? Well, I’m glad we got to you when we did, Whumpee, you’re in pretty bad shape.”
After a while, Sabine opened a large metal box full of medical supplies. She gently rolled Whumpee over, only to gasp in shock and horror. Whumpee’s back was bloody and bruised, but not just from the rocks, their back had been slashed open by something. “Oh my god, Whumpee… What happened to you?” She pulled on some rubber gloves and gently examined the deep wounds, flicking small bits of debris out as she went. Each time the raw flesh was touched, Whumpee’s back muscles spasmed and their limbs twitched. “Sorry, I know it hurts.”
She gently brushed her hand over Whumpee’s matted hair before reaching over to the box. “We only have antiseptic to clean these, so it’s going to hurt like hell I’m afraid.” She smiled awkwardly down at Whumpee who stared into the fire. “Do your worst…” Whumpee replied, bracing themself for what was about to come. They were no stranger to the sting of alcohol on open wounds. 

Sabine began slow, wiping around Whumpee’s deep cuts, cleaning their grazes and smaller cuts on their back and neck. It hurt enough already and Whumpee’s breathing hitched every time the cloth passed over a cut. After a lot of careful, agonisingly slow cleaning, Whumpee’s back had been cleaned. Then the real torture began.
Sabine sighed, tearing up at the pain she was about to cause this poor person. “I’m sorry.” She whispered to Whumpee over and over as she lowered the cloth onto the first slash. Whumpee felt the cold cloth meet their skin and for a millisecond they enjoyed the coolness of it, before the burning pain ripped through their body. They went rigid as they felt their muscles twitch under the sting of the wet cloth. Over and over, Sabine dabbed the wounds, unleashing an assault of burning pain all through Whumpee’s body, making them see stars.
Whumpee was moaning and shuddering in pain as Sabine cleaned the deep slashes. Halfway down a particularly deep one, Whumpee screamed, their entire body shaking, before it was cut off suddenly and they fell still. Sabine stopped as Chase raced over, checking to see what was wrong. Whumpee was sweating, their breathing ragged and short. “They passed out. The pain must be a lot huh?” Chase asked.
Sabine nodded, “It would be excruciating, I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t go out sooner… They handled it so well…” She wiped a tear from her eyes. “It’s good really, I can clean them without hurting them as much now.” Sniffing, she returned back to her work and Chase wrapped his arm around her, resting his head on her shoulder. “You’re doing great, sweetie.” He tried to comfort her as best he could.
After what felt like forever, the deep cuts were finally clean and Sabine applied a cream to help with the sun burn. It would feel nice and cold against the burned skin. She pulled out a bandage from the box and looked over at Chase. “Chase. Help.” Chase’s head was bobbing as he dozed in front of the flames. “Huh? What?” He looked up, confused. “Come help. I need you to sit them up.” Sabine explained, waving the bandage at him. Chase grunted as he stood, trudging over to lift up Whumpee. He picked up and held the limp person like they weighed nothing and Sabine began wrapping bandages around their waist.
Whumpee sniffed as their eyes snapped open. They were slumped forward, being held up by Chase as Sabine wrapped their right shoulder in a soft bandage. She had cleaned their body to the best of her ability, their left arm was bandaged from the their shoudler to the end of their bicep and their left forearm was bandaged half way up to their elbow, leaving a gap for the middle of their arm to peak through. Sabine moved on to their right forearm, bandaging that a little too, covering up the cuts from the rope.

“Oh, you’re back.” She smiled at them as she secured the bandage around their arm. “Did you want to take a swing at your legs?” She asked, looking sympathetic. “Sure…” Whumpee rasped, their voice even more gravelly and hoarse from the screams. Chase and Sabine nodded, laying Whumpee down as they slowly cut their pants away. Their knees were ripped to shreds from being dragged along the ground, their shins all battered and bruised, their thighs no better.
“What happened to you?” Chase breathed, staring at Whumpee’s wounds in shock. Whumpee stared at them in silence, they wished they could get the words out but their mind was too tired to think straight. Sabine repeated the agony inducing cleaning again, before bandaging both of Whumpee’s knees and their left shin. Whumpee began to shiver, the fire had died down and they were all a little cold. “I’ll get more wood. You can have some of my clothes too.” Chase whispered as he stood. “Need anything?” Sabine nodded, “Lantern. I can’t rely on the firelight.”
Whumpee felt a wave of nausea hit them suddenly as the world lurched around them. Their body jolted as they tried to sit up to avoid falling backwards into hole in the earth that had opened around them. “Whumpee, what’s wrong?” Sabine asked in a panic as Whumpee lifted a shaking hand to their forehead, with great effort, in an attempt to ground themself. “Some…things… wrong…” They muttered, falling backwards against the ground, the world spinning around them as their eyes closed. 

Something cool and touched Whumpee’s face. They groaned and turned their head. Something felt weird still, their head was pounding. “Whumpee? Oh good, you’re waking up.” Chase said, slowly wiping the wet cloth down Whumpee’s cheek, neck and then across their chest. “You’re really dehydrated. You have to drink something.” He picked up Whumpee’s head, placing it in his lap. He gently poured water down Whumpee’s throat, Whumpee gratefully gulping it down. They choked on it a little and coughed, Chase pulling the bottle away, scared. “Oops. Sorry.” “’S okay…” Whumpee managed to choke out through coughs. 

Chase fed them more water, until the whole bottle was gone. Whumpee leaned back, sighing in relief as their throat finally felt less dry and the pounding had gotten slightly less intense. They stared up at the stars, marvelling at how bright they were. Sabine had gone to bed and they could hear her snoring from the tent. “You… should sleep…” Whumpee said to Chase, looking in the direction of the tent. “Nah, didn’t feel right. Someone had to look after you. We didn’t want to move you from the fire.” Whumpee sighed in reply.
Chase pulled a heavy quilt higher over Whumpee’s body, before reaching for another one, laying it over Whumpee too, before lying on the ground under their own blankets. A cold wind whipped over them and Whumpee shivered as the wind sent a chill down their spine. Chase rolled over, “You okay?” Whumpee nodded.
As the sun rose, Chase looked up at the strangled sound Whumpee made. They stared at them a second, trying to figure out what went wrong, before realising Whumpee was completely still. He jumped over to Whumpee, tearing the quilt off and pressing into their chest. “Shit… Sabine!” He yelled. Sabine tore out of the tent, rushing to Chase’s side. “They aren’t breathing.” Chase gasped, through breaths as he pressed down on Whumpee’s chest. “How long?” Sabine nodded as they prepared to switch, “On three.” Chase nodded and began to count, “One, two, three.” As they swapped Chase leaned back, taking a breath. “They were out pretty heavy as the sun rose, then they made a strange… strangled sound and I noticed they weren’t breathing.”
Sabine panted as she pressed on Whumpee’s chest for a minute, before they gasped and coughed. “Jeez Whumpee… You scared us.” Whumpee clutched their bruised chest, “What happened…?” They cringed as they took a shaky breath. “You stopped breathing, Whumpee.” Whumpee sighed and leaned back into the ground. “Am I… really that bad?” They grunted in pain.
“We need to get you to a hospital Whumpee. You’re deteriorating.” Whumpee groaned, rolling their eyes. “Great.” Chase leaned forward “What happened to you Whumpee?” Whumpee stared at the rising sun, distant. “Whumper…” They whispered.
Whumpee explained that they had worked for Whumper, taking down criminals and crime rings, busting trafficking syndicates. Turned out they had been busting Whumper’s competition. Whumpee had gone reported them to everyone they could, but Whumper found out and stopped them before they could.
Whumpee walked towards the office, their footsteps echoing down the hallway. The light buzzed above their head and they glanced up as it flickered and went out with a snap. Whumpee could feel someone sneaking up behind them. Before they could look to see who it was, arms wrapped around their body. They squirmed and thrashed their head, trying to break free and prevent the cloth that was appearing in their vision from getting near them. They could smell the sweet scent of the drug as it smothered their face. They tried to scream, but all that came out was a muffled moan. Their limbs became heavy and they felt themself drop to their knees and then fall forwards, lowered slowly by their captor as their eyes rolled back into their head and their body went numb and limp.
They woke in total darkness. They groaned and tried to stretch their legs, only for their feet to hit something. Confused and disoriented they waited for their hearing to come back. They heard the rumble of an engine as the car hit a bump. They were jolted as they bounced in the back, hitting their head against something hard. Seeing stars, they shut their eyes. They knew they were done for, might as well be asleep when it happened.
A grunt roused Whumpee and they looked up. They were being dragged across the ground, a rope binding their wrists together. Their knees stung as the sharp rocks shredded them open. “Oh good. You’re finally awake Hotshot.” The growl of their partner filled the air. Whumpee felt their spine tingle.
They looked up to see a stake hammered into the dirt. They had been dragged for a while, their legs raw and ripped from the journey. Whumper pulled them a little more before dropping the rope -and Whumpee- before tying the loose end to the stake. “Get up.” They ordered, but Whumpee was too delirious to make sense of the words. Pain shot through their legs and their mind was still foggy from the drugs. “Get up.” The stench of cigars assaulted Whumpee’s nose as Whumper leaned in with a low, menacing growl. Whumpee managed to stand with great effort.
Whumper grabbed the rope bindings, pulling Whumpee towards the stake and shoving them roughly to their knees. They tied Whumpee’s wrists to the stake and stepped back to admire their handiwork. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning with my stuff. Then we can have some fun.” They growled, turning on their heel and walking away. Whumpee gazed desperately around them, but there was nothing in any direction except flat desert.
Hours passed and Whumpee’s head began to pound. They were sweating in the heat, their shirt was missing and their back was burning in the sun. The backs of their legs weren’t fairing any better either. Birds were circling high above, at least they weren’t alone, even if the birds of prey would rather eat Whumpee than have a conversation with them.
Whumpee sighed in bliss as the sun set. The air was cooler now and the breeze was nice against their burned skin. The sickening thought occurred to Whumpee as they hung from the rope binds to get the weight off their knees, however, if it was this cool now, it was only going to get colder the darker it got.
Their body shivered as they looked up at the stars. The birds were long gone, replaced with the infinity of space. Whumpee was at least comforted that one of the last things they would ever see would be so beautiful. As the sky began to fade and become the familiar blue, Whumpee glazed over sluggishly at the sound of the stones being stepped on.
Whumper had returned, a whip in hand. “Figured that I’d at least punish you before I send you off. It’s what scum like you deserve. My empire makes me a king… and you. You’re the only thing in my way.” They shoved Whumpee back into a kneel and walked back a few paces. 

“Shame, really. I did like you Whumpee, I really did. But I guess that some people aren’t up to the job huh?” They raised the whip, swirling it in the air before flicking it. Whumpee heard a loud, echoing crack before a searing pain streaked across their back. They screamed, their body convulsing as the ropes prevented them from moving.
Again and again, the whip came down, until Whumpee couldn’t even manage a whimper. There were no tears or sweat left as the relentless sun baked down onto their body. Whumper walked up to Whumpee, grabbing their hair and yanking them back up into a better kneel. Whumpee had no energy left to cry out in pain, but they felt numb anyway. Whumper raised the handle of the whip, bringing it down on Whumpee’s open back, face and legs, leaving long, fat bruises in their wake. Whumpee was left a shuddering mess by the end, barely able to hold themself up as they tried to stay awake.
Whumper lifted their large knife out of its’ sheath. They had just finished beating Whumpee with the handle of the whip, but had decided to take a water break, drinking messily from the bottle, before pouring it all over their body, right next to Whumpee. “Oh, sorry. Traitors don’t get water.” They snarled, spitting onto the ground next to Whumpee’s legs.
“Now. Hold still while I finish up.” Whumpee braced as the knife slashed their shoulder, and a scream they didn’t know they had inside escaped. It was a quieter, wavering scream, but they still cried out nonetheless. Whumper slashed at their arms, legs and back for a while until with a final swing, they sliced the rope. Whumpee dropped to the ground, panting hard. They were bleeding from about every surface of their body. 

“Goodbye, snitch.”
Whumper kicked Whumpee hard in the stomach before turning and walking off into the desert. Whumpee watched them go but did not have the strength to get up. Instead they watched hopelessly as the world around them began to grow dark. The sun was so hot…
“Aye. Deadbeat.” A strange voice cawed. Whumpee groaned and opened their eyes. A crow was standing in front of their outstretched arms. It had a strange voice, as if a caw was actually words. “Deadbeat. Wake up Deadbeat. Vultures ool getcha.” Whumpee frowned, “Vultures?” Their voice was fading. “Yeah, ya been lying ‘ere for a while Deadbeat. They been ‘ere a while too, circlin’, ’n they’re ‘ungry.” The crow cocked its’ head, hopping forward a little.
“Go away little crow.” Whumpee mumbled into the dirt, “Nahhhhh, I aint lettin’ them fuckers eatcha.” The crow pecked at an ant making its way over a stone. “Get up ’n walk to the canyon. Get ‘elp there aye?” With a shine in its’ eye, the crow hopped forward more. “You’re a hallucination, you can’t tell me what to do.” Whumpee mumbled again. The crow cawed and pecked Whumpee’s finger. “Ow!” Whumpee looked up at the crow. “What the fuck? Did you just peck me?” “Could a hallucination peck ya?” The crow fired back with its’ strange little voice. “Come ‘ere.” It hopped a little way away. Whumpee sighed, heaving themself from the ground with the little energy they had left and shaking off the ropes. “I’m seriously doing this.” They muttered to themself in disbelief.
They stumbled along the ground, hunched over and clutching their side. The crow continued. “I watched, ya know. It ain’t right what they did t’ya. Ain’t right. Ain’t right. Nah, they got it coming though, aye? Yeeeeeaah.” The crow cawed in what sounded like a sinister cackle. “Down this steep bit ‘ere, yeah? Down there is canyon trails. They’ll keep ya safe, keep ya ‘idden, keep ya ‘live.” The crow hopped down the incline as Whumpee stumbled down after them.
As they got lower into the canyon, it became cooler and Whumpee became more tired. The crow was repeating its’ new mantra, “Keep ya safe, keep ya ‘idden, keep ya ‘live. Keep ya safe, keep ya ‘idden, keep ya ‘live.” It almost became a meditative rhythm, as Whumpee stepped down ledges and boulders, slipping and stumbling. Miraculously, they managed to reach the canyon floor. “Walk that way yeah? Aye. That way, yes.” The crow cawed before taking off, “Ya’ll be fine, aye? Yeeeaahhhhh.”
Whumpee watched the bird become a speck, before they stumbled further into the canyon. They walked for a short time, they didn’t know how long or how far before they put one more foot forward, and their leg just couldn’t hold them up any longer. They felt their body twist as they fell against the hard, rocky floor, sighing as the fuzzy darkness enveloped them.
They were aware of voices, a man and a woman. Something was weird, they were moving, at least it felt like it, but they were lying down. They opened their eyes to see two blobs, milling around them. Something wet washed over their dust covered tongue but their mind seemed to sway as they drifted off again. “Keep ya safe, keep ya ‘idden, keep ya ‘live.” The little crow’s strange voice echoed around Whumpee’s mind as they plunged into darkness.
Sabine and Chase looked at each other in shock. “Wow… That was… different from what I was expecting…” Sabine trailed off. “You’re really dehydrated Whumpee, we have to get you out of here now.” Off in the distance a crow cawed. It almost seemed to be in agreement, but something about it made Whumpee feel strange. It sounded like a warning more than anything else. Sabine and Chase packed up the camp as fast as they could. They didn’t want to leave any trace that they had been there if Whumper was around.
Soon everything was folded away into the car, so Whumpee forced themself to stand on their shaking legs. Sabine turned around, reaching to support them, but she missed as Whumpee was already halfway to the ground by the time she managed to get the them. Chase helped her pick Whumpee up from the dirt and help them into the back seat of the car, laying them gently across it. Whumpee moaned in pain as the movement of them sliding over the blanket made their back ache.
Chase jumped behind the wheel as they raced off into the still rising sun, Whumpee laying limply in the back, grunting and groaning at every bump and jolt. They were in agony, but they couldn’t move.
Soon they were back on the main roads, as the car headed toward civilisation. Whumpee’s mind was a daze as they felt their energy leaking from their fingertips. Sabine turned around at the sound of Whumpee moaning, only to see them glance at her and fall unconscious with a heavy sigh. Their hand fell from around their waist to the floor of the car and they looked a little grey. “Chase. Speed it up, now.” Sabine noticed that little red branches were snaking their way up the white bandages around their chest, followed by a wave of red. “Shit.” Chase exclaimed as he glanced in the rear view mirror.
They sped down the empty road, for what felt like eternity, Whumpee becoming paler and paler. Eventually, the outline of a town appeared on the horizon. Chase followed the main street until they found the small clinic, screeching to a halt, before scrambling from the car and yanking open the door to the back seat. Grabbing Whumpee, he felt a jolt of fear at how cold they felt. Sabine helped him drag Whumpee through the doors of the clinic, much to the shock of the only doctor and nurse in the building. When they saw the state of Whumpee, they immediately jumped into action.
Before long, Whumpee was being infused with every liquid they could find and the colour began to return to their skin. They coughed as they woke from their coma, glancing around in confusion. “Where…” Chase leaned forward, “Hospital, Whumpee.” “Whumper…” They croaked, fear ripping through them. “Whumper is long gone, Whumpee.” Sabine looked over at the sorry state that was Whumpee. “Doc said they are gonna stitch you up soon. So rest, we can take care of it from here.”
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helioxed · 2 years
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Little freak
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soranker · 6 months
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vash life drawings hosted by zeet studio sketch!!!🤞🤞🤞
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spilledkaleidoscope · 6 months
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Miss Heidelstam, doing her best to signal "I would like to leave" in a socially acceptable way
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pjs-everyday · 3 months
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closeups our heroes in their go-to undercover gear (with commentary from Pinky)! sometimes less is more, and more is hardly enough lmao. who did it best? 🤠
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abd-illustrates · 2 years
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🍷 Art Trade - Ranibeaux 🍷
Fully forgot to post this here the other day, but this is my half of an art trade with the delightful TacticianKate over on twitter! (AKA an absolute superstar who you should 100% be following if you’re not already! 😤🌟 – (seriously, her work is amazing))
It was SO fun to draw her character Ranibeaux – she's got such a cool aesthetic!! 🤩👌🏻🍷💖
(No speedpaint for this one! S’just for fun) (DON’T EDIT/REPOST TO OTHER SITES OR ACCOUNTS)
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moth--punk · 1 year
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haha oops
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martinsorbit · 1 month
i love having y/ns whos moral compass gets affected by the dca, even if only a little bit
the "I dont normally do this, but for you I will do it it" and its about beating someone who was being mean to the dca with a metal pipe
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vamptits · 2 years
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Elmont // Philadelphia // Albany // Uncasville
transparent files and alts here other shows (x)
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sherbovania · 1 month
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thumbnail art for sourbraix! take my hand brah it'll be fine
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lavenoon · 3 months
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Some more custom emojis. Yes the chicken doesn't match the vibe idc <3
Please like/ reblog if you use, otherwise credit appreciated but not necessary
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drippywing · 5 days
fierceteeth in ganon’s horse? :>
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midday melancholy smoky solitude
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m0rbs · 2 years
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*growling and barking and foaming at the mouth* I’m so normal about him
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gonerboy · 8 months
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And with that, the color wheel challenge is complete!! 💖
There are some pretty obscure picks in here. I don't really expect anyone to be able to recognize them all...
But because of that, how about a game? If someone does manage to list every character on this page and what they're from, I'll draw a sketch of a character of their choice! 😉
(HINT: There is one OC in the group! You don't have to name them, but you do have to identify which one they are!)
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jils-things · 4 months
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❝ i'm not beautiful, i'm just a perfectionist. ❞
❝ jaide, jaide! you are beautiful. ❞
part 2 of this little idea 🫶
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charophyte · 1 month
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OC x Canon Week Day 2 - Mundane Tasks 📒
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