#to mess with Adrien specifically. he thinks ladybug is fine though
cinappses · 1 year
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Once last year me and @tevi-tevi concepted up a rewrite for miraculous ladybug which involved turning Lila and Felix into team rocket style buddy-antagonists, among other changes. It is my favorite
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gilbertscarrot · 10 months
I just finished watching the mlb movie, and I loved the animation and the Ladynoir fight scene! Those aspects stood out to me the most, and I just let myself enjoy the banter and pretty visuals. It was a solid film. Of course, pacing is an issue, but it's a clear result of the shorter runtime in comparison to the show. My main critique relates to how they wrote Adrien's character, especially in regards to his interactions with Marinette, so here's my take (plus other side notes).
Personally, him saying Marinette is weird is out of character, full stop. Even if he said it in a light-hearted tone, it wouldn't feel right for his character, because he would have found Marinette endearing, regardless of his emotions. That being said, I like how he processes/blocks out everything with music, as it adds another layer of depth to his character.
I would have loved to see Adrien take a liking to Marinette's awkwardness (help her put all of those books back!), and then disappear while reflecting on their interaction with a smile. Then he could be shown distancing himself once more after a nice interaction with Nino. That way, it would demonstrate Adrien's kindness and his desire to be social, but also the facade he feels he needs to put up while coping with his family life, which mirrors Marinette's desire to not mess up in front of others.
What truly irked me was Chat Noir's attitude towards Ladybug's clumsiness when they first meet, and this is why I couldn't fully accept the Adrienette portion of the love square: Ladybug's intial clumsiness is essentially Marinette's lack of confidence, and Chat Noir only took a liking to Ladybug after he believed she was "capable" and supposedly doing the hero thing for years. It's fine that he falls in love with Ladybug and not Marinette because of Ladybug's bravery, but by being unkind to Ladybug when she's still adjusting, his aversion to Marinette's clumsiness becomes apparent. If he makes jabs at Ladybug at the beginning, then is that what he thinks of Marinette's clumsiness? Maybe, as these opinions would line up ("She's so weird").
Alternatively, I might've felt better about Adrienette in this film if there were additional scenes between them and Adrien became more fond of her, even as just a friend. So, when Marinette revealed herself at the end, it felt off. There were no substantial scenes which exhibited Adrien's bond with Marinette other than a brief montage. The reason the show works is because Adrien likes Marinette at the very least / is oblivious to his feelings. Movie Adrien doesn't seem to like her much, essentially. He rejects her and...that's it until they see each other at the end? What about his relationship to Marinette moves him to tears when he connects her to Ladybug? Not much, from what we're given.
As for Marinette's impression of Adrien, she could've been curious about him first, then fall for him once she realizes he's not making fun of her for tipping over the library cart, since it's all she's ever known. This would give Marinette a solid reason to like him as opposed to love at first sight, though arguably maybe she fell for him because he started helping her? It was still a beautiful scene, however. It was giving "soulmates in every universe."
My last criticism is of Marinette's character arc. Her turning point — that is, making the decision to step into the shoes of Ladybug once and for all — could have been motivated by a more dire, personal consequence, such as saving Alya or her parents, specifically.
All in all, I enjoyed the film! It was super fun, and it was closer in tone to the original concept art, which I adore. Again, the animation was stunning and was probably my favourite part. Plus, I love the nuances they added to Marinette's character. I'll be thinking about it for the next few days, for sure. Sorry this was such an incoherent mess, but I'd love to hear any other opinions as well.
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adriensaltprompts · 2 years
Submitted Prompt: "But the Cat Didn't Come Back"
During a seemingly routine akuma battle, Adrien makes another showy self-sacrifice.  One that's big and dramatic and entirely unnecessary -- Marinette was already getting herself safely out of harm's way as he threw himself right into it.  The gesture accomplished absolutely nothing beyond taking himself out of the fight... but of course, Adrien doesn't see it that way.
No, for him this is 'Mission Accomplished'.  For he relishes this -- these grand, useless gestures, seeing the horror and despair in his partner's eyes as he dies yet again... it's all about the guilt-trip for him.  The psychological torture of making her watch him die, supposedly for her sake... but it's all about satisfying his own ego.
After all, it's not like this ever has any permanent effects.  His lady always carries the day, beats the akuma, purifies their item and casts her Miraculous Cure, magically fixing everything and ensuring that there's nothing for him to worry about. The only lasting impact it has is on her psyche. And that's the way he likes it.
In this particular case, the akuma's powers seem to shift him into some kind of alternate dimension.  Adrien finds himself standing in the very same place where he was struck, surrounded by the same scenery as before... only now, it's like he's viewing everything through a filter.  Almost like he's underwater; everything ripples, the air itself visibly undulating around him.  All sound is muffled, and he finds that his movement is limited.
Specifically, Adrien can turn around in place, shifting his feet enough that he can, with effort, turn around a full 360 degrees.  But if he tries to move forward in any direction, his head starts spinning, vertigo setting in; he's effectively stuck in the spot where he was struck down.
Weird.  But no big deal, right?  Since again, it's a given that Ladybug's going to beat the akuma and--
The akuma retreats.  Ladybug pursues.  Adrien is unable to follow, but though his stomach coils unpleasantly as they vanish from his line of sight, he reassures himself that it'll be fine.  He'll be fine.  Ladybug always wins. It's always fine.
So he waits.
...And waits...
......and waits......
Eventually, he detransforms just so he can have somebody to talk to.  Plagg offers little in the way of help, idly observing all the ways that things might have gone horribly wrong.  Like maybe the akuma got the upper hand on Ladybug.  Or Hawkmoth recalled them immediately, and is currently trying to figure out how to extract the Ring from this place.  Maybe the akumatized item got broken before it could be properly cleansed.
Adrien doesn't much care for any of his suggestions.  Eventually, impatience kicks in, and he starts demanding that Plagg fix this.  He's a kwami; there's got to be something he can do, right?!
After being berated for a bit, Plagg finally offers to take the Ring and see if he can't go find help.  Unlike Adrien, he's not effectively bound to a single location; he can flit about as he pleases, and might be able to find something useful.  Like a way out, or a way to cancel out this effect.
Adrien might hesitate a bit at letting the Ring go, not wanting to surrender the only power he holds over the kwami, even if only temporarily.  Or he might not think anything about it -- after all, what could Plagg possibly do to him, right?
So off Plagg goes, to find a way out of this mess.  And Adrien keeps waiting.
...And waiting...
......and waiting......
Why isn't Plagg coming back...?  Well, that's up to you, dear promptee.  Has he run into any troubles of his own, or simply slipped the net...?
And what did happen with the akuma that left him like this in the first place...?  Were they recalled?  Did they escape being cleansed?  Did something happen that prevented the Miraculous Cure from being used...?  Or is Adrien's sense of time being distorted?  Maybe only minutes have passed in the waking world; maybe mere seconds...  But it's not like he would know what's going on.  He got taken out of that fight, after all.  Thought nothing of it at the time.
He's got plenty of time to think about it now.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
I know that you said that it was an one shot, but I really love the idea of marinette stay in Paris with Luka and kagami and avoid all the NY drama! If you can, can you share more of it? Even if just a few little ideas it would be great! (I love your ideas!)
(the one-shot this anon is referring to)
Aw, thank you so much!
And sure, after some thought, I did really want to write a little more with them!
While throwing away their now juice-less cups, Marinette made the realization of how different things seemed with Luka and Kagami. She had already experienced hanging out with both of them separately, but she'd never imagined having both of them with her at once. It wasn't as if she'd always dismissed or despised the idea, but the only time they'd interacted as a group had been with Adrien around, which had probably soured the whole thing and thus involuntarily caused her to never think about it.
With her friends, everything was typically high-energy. Juleka and Mylene weren't very involved in creating such an atmosphere, but Marinette herself, Rose, Alya, and kept things energized. It wasn't a bad thing in general, but it made Marinette wonder if maybe surrounding herself with people who only encouraged her excitable habits wasn't a good thing.
Meanwhile, Luka and Kagami were completely different, both from her and her friends. Neither were particularly loud - though both could be when they wanted to - and they weren't really the kind to tease or mess with her either. Luka wasn't quiet in the way Juleka was, just seeming to absorb the world around him, whereas Kagami only spoke when she felt that there was something of value to say. Marinette had worried briefly that she might've been too different from the both of them, or that she'd overwhelm them due to speaking up the most, but instead, there was a sense of balance. Luka smiled or chuckled reassuringly whenever she caught herself rambling, whereas Kagami would cut in with her own views that were often direct but nevertheless good in their intentions. Perhaps her personality rubbed off on them in a way she couldn't fully understand?
Still, it was nice.
As the three were deciding what to do next, Marinette's phone suddenly went off. Marinette looked at her purse and pulled out her phone, half-expecting a text from one of her classmates about her missing the bus, but it was actually a notification about where Andre the ice cream man was.
Kagami glanced over after noticing the look on Marinette's face. "You want to get ice cream?"
Marinette frowned, Kagami's voice reminding her of the day the two of them had gone for ice cream with Adrien. She still remembered talking to Andre, hoping beyond hope that maybe the man wouldn't make them pick between the three different flavors. His words still stung a little, not because of Adrien, but because of what the words meant.
"Too many flavors mixed together may throw off the delicate balance."
It implied that one of them would always be the third wheel if they were together, no matter what, and it was a hollow feeling that she'd only recently started to accept.
Feeling a comforting hand on her shoulder, she looked over and noted Luka offering her a concerned expression. It grounded her, serving as a reminders that things were different now and that Adrien wasn't there which, in a strange way, brought her an immense sense of comfort.
"I'm fine," she assured. Turning her attention back to her phone, she deleted the notification and then made sure that she wouldn't be getting another one. "Ice cream sounds good, if you want it too, but... I think I've got a better idea than Andre's."
Luka and Kagami exchanged curious glances.
"Here's to Neapolitan ice cream!" Marinette declared dramatically, raising her spoon up with flair before shoving it and the ice cream on it right into her mouth.
Luka snorted in amusement while Kagami gave an acknowledging nod, probably remembering the exact phrase from Andre that Marinette had recalled earlier.
They'd picked up the carton of ice cream on the way to Marinette's place, with Marinette insisting on paying in order to spoil them, and while they seemed confused on the specifics of her insistence, they gave in soon enough. Marinette could understand why she'd be the expected person to be comforted, but giving to others made her happy on its own and she felt they deserved it. After all, Luka had tried his hardest to catch up to the bus and Kagami was still dealing with Adrien wanting to leave for New York despite her being in Paris.
They'd ultimately decided on splitting the entire carton between the three of them, with each of them getting a majority of the one of the flavors and then the rest of that flavor going to the other two. Marinette had gone with chocolate, Kagami had gone with vanilla, and Luka had gone with strawberry. It might've seemed like a weird choice to go with since they'd just had orange juice, but it hadn't been much and it wasn't exactly a "treat."
Marinette may have considered suggesting ice skating instead if her first thought of it wasn't her slipping and bringing Luka and Kagami down to the ice with her. Ice cream was the safer alternative to "cold fun."
"Luka," she called thoughtfully, taking another bite before asking, "you're not feeling sore or anything, are you?"
He met her gaze, smiling at the concern but waving his hand dismissively. "I'm alright, Marinette. I'm used to biking around for hours because of my job, so it wasn't a big deal."
Kagami halted, spoon halfway in her mouth while her brows rose noticeably. She finished the scoop, then turned to look at Luka. "You have a job?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I deliver pizza." He grinned, clearly amused by her reaction. "Are you surprised?"
Kagami's expression didn't shift, but Marinette had known her long enough to see that she was embarrassed. "Oh, no. It's... I don't have one."
"There's nothing wrong with that." Luka shrugged. "I just have the time to do it."
"Mm." Kagami looked back at her ice cream, poking at the surface with her spoon. "I suppose it would be too difficult with my fencing lessons."
Marinette giggled sheepishly, happy to join in on the conversation. "I probably wouldn't be able to either. There's all my fashion work with my website, and then there's the unexpected babysitting, the bakery, and I'm also the class representative." She hurriedly added an, "I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm bad at planning," when she felt that it seemed like such little things. She was Ladybug and the new guardian too, of course, but she couldn't be blurting that out, so she could only hope that it didn't seem like she was whining over nothing.
She averted her gaze, scooping up a self-conscious bite of her ice cream and shoving it into her mouth. She was partway through savoring it when she realized that neither Luka nor Kagami had responded to her. Daring a look back, she saw them staring at her with varying gazes.
Kagami seemed stunned, commenting, "That is... well, much, actually," referring to what Marinette had just tried to brush off.
Was it? Marinette had never really thought about it. In fact, she distinctly remembered back in the day where people might've thought she was just scatterbrained and didn't really do anything. Back when she was hesitant to be class representative and claimed that she was busy, Alya had asked her with a hint of snark what she was busy with, like she expected her to have a free schedule.
Even beyond her role of Ladybug at the time, she still had random babysitting to do and still frequently worked on her fashion projects. Thinking back, it stung just a little.
As Marinette glanced at Luka, she at first felt that the amount of sympathy he was directing at her was excessive, but then she remembered how she had cried in front of him to the point where he'd dropped his bike and guitar in order to comfort her. She blushed, both in shame and from the memory of him holding her so closely.
"Ah—well—it's okay!" she said hurriedly, "Anyway, forget about me! This day is about... um, this ice cream, and ice cream doesn't have problems that you should worry about!"
She nearly gave herself brainfreeze from how quickly she scooped up and ate the next bite, but figured it'd be worth it if they dropped the subject.
It wasn't worth it.
"You should be more careful," Kagami commented critically, an edge to her voice that Marinette knew wasn't meant to be anger at her. "You're my friend, so don't overwork yourself."
Marinette grinned nervously, still trying to lighten the mood. "A-are you saying it'd be alright to overwork myself if I wasn't your friend?"
Kagami's gaze didn't waver, and Marinette slowly tried to sink into her seat.
Luka set his spoon down on the bowl, then chimed in, "I don't know anything about fashion, Marinette, but if you ever need any help with anything—"
Kagami clicked her own spoon against her bowl to interrupt him, as if she felt personally slighted that he'd gotten to say it first. "We're here for you."
Luka nodded to confirm.
"Oh." Marinette blushed deeper, touched by the gesture from both of them. She thought about trying to reassure them again, but their gazes were firm and showed no room for argument, so she settled for a soft, "Thanks."
They resumed eating their ice cream from there, the topic officially concluded. Though the atmosphere felt noticeably different, Marinette was surprised to realize that it wasn't exactly in a bad way. She feared that she'd ruined the mood, but instead felt like she was supported, with Kagami and Luka looking satisfied with their choice in offering help to her.
It was like she was Ladybug, and they were the partners standing at her side, each with their own form of support. It made her smile, allowing her to happily eat away at her ice cream without thinking about anything stressful.
The idea of going to New York was suddenly very unappetizing in comparison to having ice cream with Luka and Kagami.
All things considered, Ladybug wasn't concerned about telling Chat Noir that her plans had changed and she wasn't going anywhere after all. She imagined that Chat would be overjoyed and wouldn't even ask questions about it, just happy to have her back. She found his affection eyeroll-worthy, but he was still her teammate, so she just steeled herself up for whatever ramble he was about to give her.
However, as she waited near the top of the Eiffel Tower, sitting on the guardrail and looking around for Chat Noir, she realized that she couldn't even see him. Checking the time on her yoyo, she confirmed that it was indeed time for their usual patrol, but Chat Noir was completely absent. Even though it was nighttime, which made the black cat's suit blend in with the sky, he still had the blond hair and light skin that should've made him noticeable.
Ladybug got up and paced around the area a few times, constantly peeking down at the city as she wondered if maybe she just wasn't looking in the right spot. When she still saw nothing, she concluded that Chat Noir must just be running late and she'd simply have to wait a little longer. Things happened, after all, she knew that better than anyone, so she began idling on her yoyo, searching for something to keep her occupied while she waited.
They were a team. While their identities had to remain a secret, Chat Noir had always hated it and prioritized openness in their relationship, so he would've told her if something had come up. He was also active in going on patrols, always seeming eager to join her for their runs across the rooftops, and given that he didn't even know that she'd still be in Paris, patrols were even more crucial.
He never showed up.
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chocoluckchipz · 3 years
A Soulmate for Christmas - 1
No one but you see your soulmate mark. Not unless your soulmate touches it, and even then, it only glows for a moment. Most consider that a blessing, but Marinette would say it’s a blessed curse. Because how was she supposed to find the boy who left a black cat mark on her hand fifteen years ago in the city that wasn't even located in France? So when she finds a model flaunting the mark she put on him all those years back in a magazine, she has hope for a moment. That is until she notices the article discuss his imminent engagement to someone else.
"So, what’s the emergency?"
Marinette’s hand emerged from under the covers, pointing in the direction of her desk. "The new Paris Fashion. Page thirty."
Alya whistled upon reaching the said page. "Looking good, M Agreste. Good enough to turn my best friend into a hot mess with a single picture."
"This isn’t funny, Al. Look at his chest!"
"Pure lean muscle. Perfectly toned. He's growing up nicely. Though, I fail to see why this is a big enough emergency for you to make me bail on lunch with Nino."
"Look. At. His. Chest." Marinette crawled out from under the comforter and stomped toward Alya, pointing at the particular spot on the picture. "This. Look at this."
"A ladybug tattoo? So—Wait!" Alya looked up at Marinette, her finger pointing to the ladybug mark painted on his chest. "Are you telling me that’s his—" 
"Right where I put it!" Marinette cried, ducking back under her covers. "See? He exists! I told you. I can’t believe you were doubting me all this time!"
"Well, excuse me, but you were five, and he sounded too good to be true. Little boys don’t usually go out of their way to help crying girls they don’t know find their flirting grandmas at a fashion show in Milan. Little boys don’t kiss said little girl’s hand as a farewell while they are at it. And they certainly don’t ask for the girl to kiss their soulmate mark into existence as close to their heart as she possibly could. ‘So, they won’t forget her,’ right?"
"So, he could always keep me close to his heart," Marinette corrected. "But that doesn’t matter now. You were right. That boy doesn’t exist anymore, and this one isn’t as good as I thought he was, so whatever. I’ll get over him and move on. There are plenty of guys out there. One of them is bound to like me more than money, fame, and prestige."
"What do you mean? Shouldn’t you be happy your crush is your soulmate?"
With a pitiful groan slipping her lips, Marinette buried her face into her pillow. "Ugh! I can’t believe I ever felt guilty for crushing on him. I thought I was a horrible person betraying my soulmate for some handsome, sexy supermodel. Foolish me. He doesn’t deserve any of my attention."
"Marinette, seriously. What do you mean?"
"Read the article."
Alya fell silent as soon as she noticed the title. "‘Paris’ most eligible bachelor reveals… a long-time secret relationship with his childhood friend Kagami Tsurugi. Doesn’t deny Christmas Eve engagement rumour.’ Oh."
"And you know what the worst part is?"
"What can be worse than discovering that your long-time crush is your long-lost soulmate and then finding out he’s been not only dating someone else but very likely will propose… tonight?"
"How about being at the same party at the same time. As a waitress."
Alya swore under her breath and put the magazine down. "Mayor Bourgeois’ Christmas Gala?"
Marinette nodded. "The article said they both confirmed they will be attending. I'll get a front-row seat to my soulmate's proposal to someone else. Lucky me."
"Then don’t go," she said, sitting down beside Marinette. "I’ll go in your place."
Marinette couldn’t let her do that. Nino was going to propose tonight, so Alya couldn’t be anywhere but with him. "You’re spending your first Christmas with Nino’s family. I’m not standing in the way of that."
"I can spend New Year Day with them."
"You’re going to the French Alps with your family that weekend. Don’t try to weasel out of it. Your mom has been planning that trip for months. Nora’s flying in specifically for it."
"I’m not trying to weasel out. I’m trying to help you, M."
"And I appreciate it, but I’m not making you go instead of me."
"What about your father?"
"The doctor said he shouldn’t be getting up for at least another week or his leg might not heal properly and he’ll end up with a prospect of a surgery which we’re trying to avoid."
"Then, I’m sure Rose or Juleka wouldn’t mind stepping in."
"No." Marinette sat up on her bed. "They have plans, and I’m not going to ruin them. I’ll just have to grow a pair and face him like the strong, independent woman I am. Or rather go help Maman and avoid him at all cost. He’s not even going to recognize me anyway. I didn’t. Not until I saw that photo."
"That’s true. I doubt he remembers much about you. You were babies when you met, so just stay away from him and keep your hands covered. That way even if you accidentally touch he won’t see it. A pair of gloves perhaps?"
"Mayor has uniforms for all the servers, even those coming in with the caterers, so no gloves for me. But as long as I do my job and pretend like I’m not in the same room with my soulmate who clearly didn't think me worthy enough to search for and instead decided to date this very famous, very influential, extremely rich girl from his own circle, I should be fine."
"I’m so sorry, M." Alya wrapped her arms around Marinette, bringing her into her chest for a cuddle. "Men are stupid. Some more than the others. Especially the rich and spoiled ones."
Marinette scoffed bitterly. "Don’t I know it. I got plenty of examples from being in the same class as Chloe Bourgeois for years." 
"Isn’t Adrien Chloe’s friend?"
"I think so. I was hoping Adrien wasn't like her. Clearly, that isn't the case."
"You'll get over him soon, and we'll find you a nice, handsome, smart man who will cherish and love you for who you are."
"Soulmates are so last century anyway, right?" Marinette swallowed back the knot in her throat. No matter how much she tried to convince herself, this hurt. "I’m sure he doesn’t even remember meeting me. We were five. Who would be holding on to a memory of a random girl in Milan? And even if he did remember me, he probably thinks I live there. I thought my soulmate lived in Milan until he decided to show off his stupid soulmate mark to the whole world. Who does that, anyway? Those are supposed to be one of the most intimate of details of one’s life. You don’t just show it to everyone, and certainly not to the whole world while announcing your engagement to someone else." 
Her eyes fell to her hand where, invisible to everyone but her, an image of a black cat lay, a mark Adrien Agreste left there more than a decade ago with his first kiss to her skin. Just like a mark of a ladybug appeared on his chest when her lips touched it upon his request. He said he wanted to keep her close to his heart, so it would be easier for him to find her.
What a load of BS.
"Have you ever thought that, perhaps, that could’ve been a message to you?" Alya asked. "He went through the trouble of painting over his soulmate mark for the photoshoot so others could see it. It has to mean something. No one is dumb enough to think that if Adrien Agreste releases topless photos while announcing something as big as a possible engagement, there would be at least one person in France, or even Europe for that matter, who wouldn't see it. He knew his soulmate would see it."
Marinette laughed. Bitterly. "Yeah, a great message. ‘Here is my soulmate mark, my dear soulmate. In all the years I knew you existed, I didn’t bother to find you. But I did make sure that this picture, in which I showcase to the whole world the mark you left me, came along with an article where I discuss how much I love my girlfriend you'll never compare to in status, money or looks. Not that I even care about your feelings, announcing that an engagement is in the near future for me and my darling childhood friend.’ Yeah. This is definitely a message, Alya. He says ‘Screw you, Marinette. I’m better off with Kagami Tsurugi, and I thought you should know that.’"
Alya wrapped her arms around her tighter. "First of all, only brainless idiots would take status and money over love. Second, you’re the prettiest, smartest, and the most successful woman I've ever known, and third, you're an amazing and wonderful person who's on her way to becoming one of the best designers in Paris, so don’t you bring yourself down because of a stupid man who doesn't realize what he lost."
"It's my fault anyway. That's what I get for letting that stupid, cute boy kiss my stupid hand at a stupid fashion show in stupid Milan."
"You were five, M. And he was a dashing gentleman, helping you find your grandmother in a strange city you got lost in. You couldn't have known he's your soulmate. No one could have."
"Right. And he won’t recognize me, so I’ll be fine. He won’t even look a waitress’ way. Nothing to worry about. I’m very much certain the only person he’ll be looking at will be his future bride-to-be, so I have absolutely nothing to be scared of. Not that I’m scared, because I’m not. I just don’t want to be humiliated. Not that I’m already humiliated, but at least no one knows about it. That'll be awful if anyone else finds out—"
Alya grabbed her face and turned to look at her. "Marinette, breathe. Calm down."
She took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. Alya was right. This was fine. She’d be fine. Everything would be just peachy.
"As long as he doesn’t touch your right hand, no one will know. I still insist I go instead of you. Nino will understand—" 
"No. I’ll go. I can do it."
"Yes, you can, and you’ll be fine, but if anything happens, you have my number. I’ll be there in five minutes. You got me?"
Marinette nodded, pulling Alya into a hug. She was an amazing friend, and Nino and she were going to be insanely happy together. One day perhaps, Marinette would meet someone too. Someone who, just like her, was betrayed by their soulmate. Or someone who had lost theirs. Someone who would be kind and gentle and, like her, would just want to be happy. 
Someone who was not Adrien Agreste. 
Next >
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highonchocolate · 3 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 11
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“Maybe if we use this as a counter agent, it could keep both preserved.” Marinette pointed out, “It says right here that this can balance the whole process quite well on it’s own.” 
Alfred hummed thoughtfully, leaning over to read what she was indicating more thoroughly. “But that is only for one, Miss Marinette. You are talking about four at the very minimum. I don’t know if-���
Her phone chimed with the notification reserved for messages to her yo-yo, interrupting their conversation. “I’m so sorry M. Alfred, may I be excused for a moment?” She asked, looking over at the older man apologetically. 
“Of course Miss Marinette, take your time. We will keep researching this while you go, and inform you if we find anything.” Alfred indicated the tablet sitting in the table, pages of the Grimoire lighting up its screen. Beside him, the rest of the Kwami murmured agreement, engrossed in their findings as they scrolled through the text.
“Thank you!” She smiled and ducked out of the room, standing in the hallway to view the message for Ladybug.
Greetings, Ladybug, this is Princess Diana of Themyscira. On behalf of the Justice League, I would like to formally invite you and your team to come to the Watchtower for your first day of training on October 20th. A member of our team will be in Paris, and will take you there at precisely 900 hours. We look forward to seeing you then.
Marinette read through the short message several times, brain not fully comprehending the words in front of her. The moment they registered, however, she blue screened. 
Marinette.exe has stopped working. 
Her thoughts were a muddled mess of panicked catastrophizing and half-baked contingency plans jumbling together in her brain as she went over what the implications of that message were. 
They were training. 
At the Watchtower. 
Holy fuck. She had to tell the team! 
She immediately started a group call, speed hobbling to her room as she waited for everyone to pick up. 
“What’s up?”
“Hi everybody.”
“Guys! We have our first meeting with the other heroes!” She whisper-yelled in French, trying to contain her excitement.
Her announcement was met with several exclamations of joy from her team. They celebrated for a few minutes, finally feeling hope for the first time in years. “We need to have a plan for what we’re going to do there,” she cut in, worry bleeding into her voice. “Can we all meet at Luka’s in like, five minutes?”
“Uh, sorry Bug, but I can’t go out unless there’s a valid reason.” Adrien sheepishly informed her. “Otherwise my Father won’t let me.”
“Same here,” Kagami sighed regretfully.
“How about we all meet at Adrien’s?” Luka suggested, “Kagami just tell your mom you and Adrien are going to practice your languages together or something.”
“And if that doesn't work, I can always just pretend-demand that you all need to come over for a sleepover.” Chloe added.
“I think...that may work.” 
“My Mother would agree to that.”
“Alright. Adrien’s house in...ten? Fifteen?” Marinette clarified.
“Let’s do fifteen.” Luka said. There were murmurs of agreement before she ended the call and flopped backward onto her bed, hope and excitement flooding her veins. 
Thirteen minutes later, she was stepping through a portal into Adrien’s room. As soon as she had gotten through, she was tackled enthusiastically by Adrien and Chloe. “Mari!!!” Adrien yelled, grabbing her in a tight hug. 
Surprising as it may be, Chloe was secretly a cuddler, and Adrien was severely touch starved, so they were always hanging on to other members of the team. Kagami and Luka were also fans of physical affection, but they stood back a little, not wanting to get caught in the giant Celtic Knot of limbs that had formed where the other three were still hugging. 
Breaking out of the embrace, Marinette reached over to the other two and hugged them gently, clutching on for a few moments as she relished the feeling of being surrounded by her friends one again. 
Finally, Chloe spoke up, reminding them why they were all there.”So...when exactly is the meeting?” 
“Oh, it’s on October twentieth. So like, in a week. ” Marinette replied, “We need to plan for this though.”
“Let's set some basic rules.” Adrien suggested, curling up in a beanbag chair. “First things first, even if they reveal their identities to us, we don’t have to reveal our identities to them. Not until all this is over, maybe not even then.” 
“And make sure to stay on guard, and not reveal anything about our civilian lives, right?” Luka asked.
“Yes.” Kagami nodded, “We should wear comms just in case we split up as well.”
“Nettie are we using Kaalki?” Chloe asked, turning to face her.
“We’re not using them, but I will be bringing them along with us. You never know what might happen.”
There were nods of agreement.
“And most importantly, try not to pick fights with the other people.” Marinette added, casting a meaningful glance around at Chloe. “Even if they challenge our honor, or say something rude about our families.” Another glance at Kagami.
“”Oh fine,” Chloe grumbled, rolling her eyes. 
Kagami gave them a little half-smile, one that screamed ‘I make no promises,’ but nodded. “Agreed.” 
“Alright, so nine am, on the twentieth.” Marinette called on Voyage, “I’ll see you then!” 
And she was gone, the portal closing behind her in a flare of blue light. 
The morning of their meeting dawned bright and clear in Paris.
Marinette, however, stared out at the dark sky and fog surrounding Gotham, and longed for home. It was nearly always cold here, and she spent every day in a constant battle against her Ladybug instincts. She was going to end up hibernating all winter at this rate, which would not do. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was nearing three, which meant she should probably go to Paris if she didn’t want to be late. 
She waved to Alfred before walking upstairs, having finally downgraded to a simple brace for her leg. The rest of the family seemed very surprised, and a little suspicious of the rate she was healing, considering it normally took three to six months for a fractured tibia to heal. Granted, she had been injured in August and it was now October, which was a solid two months, but still too short of a time period to be completely normal. 
That’s a problem for future Marinette to solve. She decided, choosing to ignore the thought. 
She stepped through the portal onto the Eiffel Tower where her team was already waiting. Wonder Woman’s message hadn’t told them where they would be meeting the hero that would be taking them to the Watchtower, so they had decided to wait on the Eiffel.
Barely five minutes later, Superman himself swooped down from the sky, landing lightly on the support beam they were perching on. “Well, well, if it isn’t the Man of Steel himself.”  Chloe snarked, rolling her eyes at his appearance. “Gonna get me killed again today?” 
Kagami elbowed her in an attempt to shut her up.
“Bee!” Marinette hissed, giving her a warning glare.
“Sorry.” She muttered, not sounding apologetic at all.
Superman’s eyes went comically wide, before he sputtered out a series of half formed apologies, looking flustered and ashamed at her accusation. 
“Save it.” She held up hand. “It wasn't the first time, and it won’t be the last. You’re here to take us to the Watchtower, right?” 
“Um, yes. We’re going to use the Zeta Beams to get there.” He looked even more concerned at her statement, but chose to let it slide. “Follow me.”
Stepping out of the beam, Marinette braced a hand against the wall as she struggled to keep her lunch down. Swallowing against the rising bile, she pressed her hand to her mouth until the worst of the nausea had faded. Looking up, she watched Adrien and Chloe stumble out of the beam, looking as green as she felt. Unlike her, however, Chloe did not manage to keep her composure, stumbling to a nearby trashcan and vomiting into it. 
“Oh yuck!” Adrien wrinkled his nose, enhanced senses already picking up the stink beginning to waft through the air. Kagami followed next, looking as composed as ever. She swayed lightly, but regained her balance fairly quickly, walking over to her girlfriend and hugging her gently as she moaned miserably from her spot on the floor. Luka and Superman were the last to join them, both of them booking unruffled from the ride. “Ah, I’m sorry about that.” Superman apologized, “The beams can make you feel a little nauseous the first few times.”
“A little?” Adrien asked incredulously. 
“It’s subjective.” He shrugged. 
“So, what’s the first order of business?” Marinette asked, looking around curiously. They seemed to be in an entrance room of sorts, but that was all she could tell. 
“Well first, we’ll need to have Martian Manhunter do a quick mind search just to make sure you aren’t enemies, or have bad intentions towards the Justice league. He won’t hurt you.” Diana called from where she was standing. Next to her was another person with green skin, an alien most probably.
Luka stepped forward, arms folded across his chest. “How, exactly, will this mind reading stuff work? We don’t want any of our secret identities being compromised.”
“It’s sort of like a google search.” The green-skinned hero in blue and red stepped forward. “I just search for specific terms, and if none of them pop up, you’re clear.”
“And are you going to do this on us one at a time, or as a group?” Kagami asked, gaze steely.
“One at a time. But it might dredge up some painful memories, so be prepared.” He warned.
“In that case, I’ll go first.” Marinette volunteered, stepping over to the hero.
She closed her eyes, and the visions began.
She was thirteen again, opening the box and watching Tikki appear before her in a flash of red light. Flying through the air with laughter singing through her soul. Staring out at stone golems, facing everyone’s doubt, ever her own. Floundering desperately, looking for someone to help, fighting the battles on her own as Chat Noir joked and fooled around. Collapsing slowly under the pressure.
Fourteen and struggling, Siren makes an appearance. Those nightmares have never left her. Drowned civilians, water-logged limbs, bloated sacks of flesh floating in the water. Still no help from Chat, the Guardian remaining as elusive and paranoid as ever. She is falling, falling, falling, weighted down by her duties. She still flies, but there is no more laughter.
Fifteen and Lila comes along. Spinning web after web, ensnaring everyone with poisoned words, dripping honey-sweet with lies. She watches as she loses everyone to a girl that only wanted to fit in. Adrien does nothing, and the last of her love for him flickers out. 
Still fifteen, and there is Miracle Queen. Her cure wiped everyone’s memory, but she knows she can’t afford anymore slip-ups. She’s the Guardian now, and she knows she can’t do this on her own. She adds three permanent members to her team, and with the reveal comes remorse. Chat-no, Adrien-realizes his harassment, and Chloe apologizes. Things are looking up.
Then, she is sixteen, and the bullying becomes physical. Heroing, schoolwork, and commissions for ungrateful classmates wear away at her. Designing loses its joy. She sinks into a haze of monochrome grays, mechanically moving through life. Then there is The Incident, and there is nothing but cold, and red, and-
With a gasp her eyes fly open, and she looks around wildly, bright blue eyes shadowed, and far away.  
“Bug!” Chat called out, reaching for her as she gasped, struggling for air. There was wetness on her cheeks; when did that get there? The other heroes looked at her in concern, Martian Manhunter had apologies written all over his face. Before they could say anything, she waved a hand dismissively and tried for a smile. “I’m okay, really. Did I pass the test?”
Martian Manhunter still looked worried, but nodded. “You are good. You can go sit down or wait here until I do the rest.”
“I’ll stay.”
Adrien was next. 
He stepped forward, feeling his apprehension rise. If Marinette’s reaction was that bad, what would his be?
He breathed in, and closed his eyes.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00, @toodaloo-kangaroo
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pl-panda · 4 years
Damienette arranged marriage part 4
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"Oh god! Oh god! I got to meet MDC! Can I get your authograph?" He was suddenly next to her, holding a copy of the her first album cover she made for Jagged.
"Sure." She signed it and handed it back. It read: 'Good luck TD, MDC'
Tim Fainted.
Marinette was befuddled. She never saw anyone react like that. Sure Adrien once asked her for an autograph, but this was new.
"Forgive Drake. He first got into what he calls 'music' when he saw the new glasses Jagged Stone wore in Paris." Damian said, looking almost bored with his brother's antics.
"You should have seen him. He also wanted to figure out MDC identity. After three nights he had nothing. We had to cut the cord from coffee machine in the batcave and force him to go to bed." Dick was laughing at the unconscious brother. Tim was often such a nerd that it was miracle he got Steph to date him. But then again, Demon Spawn just got married.
"Tt. As much as I love to embarrass Drake, it's less fun when he is unconscious and we have other matters to discuss."
"Agreed" Bruce nodded. "Do you know what will you tell your parents miss?"
"Not really... They don't know about this." She gestured around. "If they knew I got married, they would ground me for life. Maman and Papa can get a bit overprotective. Last time I brought a boy home Papa got akumatized and placed me in giant prison of thorns."
"Brr... And I thought that having to duel Tamaranian general to be able to marry Kor'i was bad." Dick chuckled.
"Suckers!" Jason shouted before taking a large swing of the whiskey. "I never had such problems."
"Maybe because you never dated anyone, Flappy Bird" Dick grinned maliciously.
"That's enough! I am trying to have a civilized conversation with my daughter-in-law! If you two idiots don't shut up, I will ground you and give you the Watchtower duty at least until christmas!" Bruce was slowly getting done with this bickering.
"Fine/He started it!" Dick/Jason shouted.
"I don't care. Get out if you wish to continue." Bruce cut them off before they got into another argument and turned to Marinette. "No friends that would cover for you? Or a partner?"
"No..." Every member of the batfam (bar the unconscious Tim) immediately noticed the darker note behind this. "My identity is... was the best kept secret in the world. There were exactly two humans who knew. Me and Master Fu. But he lost all his memories." She hummed for a moment. "Well, now I guess you know too. And the League of Assassins. And Order of the Guardians. Oh Tikki I am an awful Ladybug..."
"You are great Ladybug Marinette. The best one out there." The Kwami reassured her. "Nobody in Paris would do a better job!"
Marinette smiled and calmed down a bit. She was still shaking. Jason gave her one look and tried to handle her a glass of whiskey, but one glare from Damian was enough to make him back away from this idea.
"I have a better question." Dick joined the discussion after he was done with Jason. "What about you and Damian."
"Nobody asked you Grayson." Damian huffed. If it was up to him, he would delay this questioning session to next year. Or decade.
"But he did make a very good point Demon Spawn." Jason supported his older brother.
"I... I don't know. That woman, Talia, said that if we broke this marriage, there would be another war. Who was she?"
"Talia Al Ghul, my mother. She is the current leader of the League of Assassins" Damian explained.
Tim, who nobody noticed woke up, was now sitting back in the computer chair. His face was still pretty much pure bliss, but he was typing like a madman. "There must be some way out of this. It would be easier if we knew the specifics of the marriage contract."
"That's not how it works with the League Drake." Damian scowled. "It's not paperwork. When the ceremony is done, the two people are bound. There is no marriage certificate, there is no marriage license, it's the act that counts." His face was in usual frown.
"So basically the marriage is as well as nonexistent. That's good." Tim grinned, but seeing Damian's face he sensed there was more to it.
"No. That's bad. There is no such thing as divorce in the league, except for killing the spouse."
This caused Marinette to let out a fearful yelp and cuddle to Tikki. But at the same time, Bats noticed that she tensed and prepared to fight. Damian internally cursed himself. He did not want to scarry this girl.
"Don't worry, Miss. Nobody would even consider this." Bruce tried to calm her down.
"We wouldn't, but if the League consider that we are not upholding the marriage, they might go after her." Damian wanted to go and butcher the League. He could do it. Well, everyone but his mother. The young Wayne was unsure if he would be able to do it. For all her faults, he still cared about her.
"Let them try!" Tikki shouted in her squeaky voice. "I will get Plagg to cataclysm this pathetic base of their! Nobody messes with my Marinette!" She protectively flew in front of Marinette, ready to fight anyone who threatened her chosen.
"Maybe let's try to refrain from genocide yet?" Dick asked, half amused, half scared about this. While he was leaning toward believing the threat, the idea that someone so small and cute could take on the whole league was just too damn funny. He then looked at Damian and noticed that the boy had same kind of murderous look. Oh this is too good. He is actually falling for her. He grinned, but decided to at least now don't tease him.
"So there is no way that the two of you just stayed on different continents and acted like this never happened?" Tim asked with resignation.
"It is expected of us to stay together." Damian answered shortly. Marinette felt air leave her lungs like someone just punched her. Her whole life was shattered in the span of a week. What will she tell her parents? And what about school? "I am sorry, Du... Marinette." Damian was tempted to walk to her and comfort her, but he stopped himself. She needed space.
The rest of the Wayne family was stunned. Damian rarely referred to anyone by their first name, much less to strangers. Yet, he was acting very protective and even some dare to say affectionate toward this girl. Tim was starting to think someone did drug him, but rest just smiled. Demon Spawn finally got a crush, and on his wife of all people.
"Wait! There might be a way to deal with it." Tim suddenly brightened. "Or at least delay this."
"Just spit it, Replacement." Damian tried to frown, but he couldn't deny the hope. At the same time, there was this small tingle where his heart should be. He was happy that maybe Marinette would have a chance at normality, but at the same time he wanted to stay with her. To get to know her. Just what in hell is going on with me?
"First of all, rude." Tim started. "And secondly, we could file for her to get a formal underage marriage."
"And how exactly does it help?" Marinette asked.
"The state of Gotham allows underage marriage from the age of fourteen with court permission, provided the certain age-gap is retained. The procedure is very lengthy though."
"So how does it help Drake. I am very curious what is going in this few brain cells of your." Damian was getting impatient.
"The League should respect that you try to validate the marriage in the eyes of law. So until the court proceeding is finished, you two could stay separate and go about your lives. And with a bit of work, it could last for up to two years before the judge agreed."
"To even file for this, we would need a solid basis." Dick spoke before anyone got hope. Tim pressed some buttons on the keyboard and displayed the copy of the underage marriage act.
"One of the listed reasons is cultural specifications. And most people know that Damian was raised by his mother outside of the States. With a bit of work, I can draft a betrothal deal signed when he and Marinette were still babies."
"So basically we put this in court and then delay this into oblivion?" Jason grinned. "I like this."
"I am impressed Drake. For once you've actually proven to be useful." Damian commented.
"So I would be able to stay here in peace?" Marinette asked shyly.
"For some time, yes. The League should not go against you then, because it's not your fault you can't legally live with Damian yet." Bruce assured her.
"But what about vultures in the media?" Dick asked.
"Simple: classified proceeding. Public won't know anything is even in motion." Drake was getting more and more confident in this plan.
"I would be able to finish my school here." Marinette smiled.
"Yes, you would. I will make sure there will be no complications." Bruce smiled. "But there are two more problems that still needs to be dealt with. Hawkmoth and your parents."
"I will deal with talking with my parents on my own." Marinette reassured them. "But I don't don't know about Hawkmoth. He went silent after the last stunt, but it won't be over until I take away his miraculous."
"Drake will stay here and help you solve this case. He is the most level-headed in this room, so the risk of him falling under Akuma is the smallest." Bruce declared and others nodded.
"Thank you! thank you! thank you!" Ladybug jumped from the chair and hugged Tikki, then Bruce, then Tim.
"It's no problem Miss. I am sorry League ignored your plea for help. It's the least I could do."
"For your daughter-in-law you mean?" Jason grinned. Oh he would not let this die so easily. Demon Spawn would get it this time.
"Nobody asked you, Todd." Damian scowled.
"Please don't fight because of me. I think it's time for me to go face my parents."
Marinette arrived at her parent's bakery around 10 PM. The lights were still on. She stopped before walking in, taking one more breath to calm herself. She hated lying. She knew that there was no such thing as white lie, not really. Every lie hurt in some way, just not always instantly. She gathered all the courage she could muster and pushed the door, walking in.
"Maman! Papa! I am home!" She called them and there was instantly a commotion on the first floor. "Here we go Tikki. I hope my detention ends before I graduate..." She whispered to her Kwami and prepared to face her parents.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Her mother barged into the room. "You better explain yourself this instant!" This surprised the girl. She expected her mother to be angry, but also to show some worry. An alarm bell rang in her head. Something was not right.
"How could you?!" Her father was also angry. She could only hope Hawkmoth was still licking his wounds.
"What's going on? Maman? Papa?" She asked in confusion.
"Don't play dumb with us young lady! Alya told us how you decided to run away and try to join Audrey Bourgeois in America!" Her father shouted at her.
"What!? I never did such thing. My mandarin teacher, Master Fu, had an accident. He lost his memory and I was escorting him to the train station for him to meet his friend who would take care of him. You remember master Fu?" She received a nod and continued to bombard her parents with information. It was an advice from Damian. The more she babble the less time they have to actually think this over. "So I handed him over to his friend and they walked into train station, but then I realized I was still holding his luggage and I tried to chase after them. Then, I thought I saw them enter the train, so I followed them, but it turned out this was the wrong train and then it left the station and I was still inside. I panicked and looked for the conductor to sort this out, but he said that they couldn't stop. So I tried to find Master Fu, but he was not there and I immediately got out on the next train station, but I left my purse in the train so I didn't have a phone on me and I had to somehow figure out where I was and then I entered another train, because they said it was going to Paris, but it was misunderstanding and it was coming from Paris and I got even further away, but then I finally got out in some different city, still carrying only Master Fu's luggage and I had to somehow get back to Paris and it took me so long to actually get there and I am sorry that I didn't call but I didn't have any money to pay for a stationary phone and I lost my purse and it would be wrong to go through Master's luggage to get money so I had to sort this out with the train station officials and they helped me get here and I even managed to send the luggage through mail, but only now I got here..." She took a deep breath. Her heart was beating super fast and she was sweating a little bit. Anyone proficient in lies detection could tell this was all bullshit, but luckily her parents wanted to believe her. "What I wanted to say is... I am sorry I didn't call you. I guess I panicked a little."
They hugged her tightly, all three crying a little (her father much). Once they broke apart, she smiled. "Can I go to my room and get some sleep now?"
"Yes. Our little grown up girl." Marinette smiled and was about to run, but she heard her mother continue speaking. "But you are still grounded for two weeks."
"Mom!" She shouted, but smiled and went back to her room.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell
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shelobussy · 4 years
i hate to see you go (but i love to watch you walk away)
read on ao3
It’s been a good day. 
 Luka had spent most of it, sitting by the Seine with Marinette, playing idle melodies on his bass while she contemplatively watched boats float down the river and occasionally shot Kagami looks across their friends. 
 They were good looks, though, he was pretty sure. When he had first seen the two interacting there had been some tension between them, but now something had clicked into place and the two girls were thick as thieves. 
 Luka didn’t want to presume it had something to do with Marinette suddenly being able to interact with Adrien without devolving into a sputtering, embarrassed mess, and her sudden disinterest in catching his attention, but a guy could dream.
 Eventually, one by one, her friends paired off, heading back to their respective homes with promises to see each other the next day, leaving Luka and Marinette to watch the sun slowly set across the river. 
 “It’s getting late,” Luka finally says, regretfully, sliding his guitar back into its case. “Do you want me to walk you home?”
 Marinette gives him a tired smile. “You don’t have-”
 “It’s not out of my way,” he quickly adds, giving her what he hopes is a casual smile. “C’mon, how sure are we that there aren’t Akumas still wandering about? It would make me feel better if I knew you were safe.”
 “I’m pretty sure I could handle myself,” she says, eyes laughing mischievously at a joke he doesn’t get. “But I would like the company,” she admits, hopping off the railing. Her hair bounces slightly, the long tresses having been pulled out of their customary style earlier that night. 
 He slings his bag over his shoulder and falls into step beside the smaller girl. “Don’t know how much company I can be,” he replies, tightly. “I’ve barely said a word to you today.”
 Marinette smiles up at him. “Haven’t you?” she pokes at his guitar. 
 He smiles back.
 The walk to the Dupain-Cheng bakery is mostly silent after that, but it’s a peaceful, comfortable silence that Luka only ever feels with Juleka or Alix. Marinette occasionally hums to herself, or says something adorable or ridiculous that has that small, strange part of his chest squeezing painfully with an undefined emotion. 
 Mostly, it’s just quiet though.
 The two of them pause when they actually reach the bakery. 
 “Well, this is me,” she says, a little awkwardly, but Luka doesn’t mind. “Text me when you get home?” she adds, looking hopeful. 
 He grins and gives her a two fingered salute. “As you wish, my lady.”
 Don’t call me that,” she snaps, sounding like the words are an automatic response. Marinette’s face goes a little pale and she swallows reflexively. “I-sorry I didn’t mean to-”
 Luka wraps his hand around her wrist, gently so she can pull away if she wants. “My apologies,” he says, sincerely. “My muse,” he adds, sliding his fingers to rest over her pulse point. Her heartbeat sutters slightly as her cheeks turn an attractive shade of pink that’s barely visible in the evening light. 
 Marinette stares up at him, seemingly having an internal debate with herself. Luka loosens his grip, preparing for the inevitable rejection-one that he will not hold against her, not after her breakdown earlier. He doesn’t know the specifics, but he’s fairly certain that now isn’t the right time for his friend to start dating someone-let alone a fucked up mess like himself. 
 So he gives her the time and space she needs to think, to decide what she wants and if it’s not him that’s fine, he’s okay being her friend because being friends with her is still amazing and incredible and-
 Marinette turns her hand around in his grip so that she’s also clasping his wrist. She tugs on him gently, until he’s standing flush against her smaller body. 
 She’s so tiny, he notes, eyes quickly scanning over her before resting on her face-taking in her lovely blue eyes, smattering of freckles, pink lips-
 Marinette has to rise up on her tiptoes to kiss him. It surprises Luka so much-the kissing, not how fucking small his best friend is-that he almost forgets to kiss back.
 He slides his guitar case off his shoulder and lets it rest against the bakery steps as he bends down slightly to kiss her at a better angle. It’s a little awkward and slightly messy. Her teeth catch slightly on his bottom lip and his nose bumps into her cheek, but after a moment they get it right. He tilts her head back, thumb on her chin and slides another hand into her hair. Her lips part beneath him and he eagerly licks his way inside. 
 It’s messy, but less awkward and more intense. 
He’s not quite sure how long it would have lasted when the front door suddenly opens. Marinette pulls away swiftly, wiping at her mouth with one hand, cheeks flooded red. 
 Sabine Dupain-Cheng is frozen, like a deer in the headlights for one, long-drawn out moment before something smug settles behind her eyes. 
 “Ah, Luka,” she says, folding her arms over her chest as she leans against the doorframe. “Thank you for bringing Marinette home. We were about to have dinner. Would you like to come in?”
 Luka self consciously rubs the back of his neck. “Actually, I should be getting home. My mother’s expecting me.” 
 “Tomorrow then,” she says, firmly. “Marinette makes amazing scones.” 
 Said girl lets out a shrill, nervous laugh. “I’m sure Luka has better things to do then taste my scooooones-oh shit that come out wrong-”
 “Language,” Sabine admonies. “We’ll see you for dinner tomorrow night, Luka,” she continues, smiling at him. 
 Luka grins at Marinette. “I’ll text you when I get home,” he promises, slinging his guitar case over his shoulder once again. “Can’t wait to taste your scones tomorrow,” he adds, lithely hopping down the steps.
 Marinette gives him a withering glare that Luka has only ever seen the likes of on Ladybug when Chat is being especially annoying. “Keep that up and you aren’t getting any scones,” she hisses. 
 Luka smirks back and waves at the two black haired girls watching him leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng,” he promises. 
 As he turns around the corner he just catches Marinette whisper-shrieking “mama!” while Sabine just chuckles “Good, choice Marinette. He’s even more well behaved than the Agreste boy. And politer than the furry.”
 “Chat Noir is not a furr--how do you know what furries are-”
 Luka grins.
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
Let the Sunshine In Chapter 5
A/N: Sorry for the wait everyone, my professors have decided we’re capable of doing twice the amount of work than we usually do. I hope everyone’s doing well, and I hope you enjoy the latest chapter! 
When Alya opened the door, she was alarmed to hear a gross sobbing from the guest bedroom. Dropping her bags, she rushed back. “Marinette, you okay girl?” 
Marinette emerged, hands shaking, holding a packet of papers. “Alya, it’s terrible,” she sobbed, flinging her arms around her best friend.” 
“Are you okay? What happened, are you hurt?” Alya asked, pulling back to check her friend over. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine. This is what’s wrong,” she said, violently shaking the packet of papers. “It was mailed to my MDC mailbox with no return address and enough money to pay for five normal commissions.” 
“That’s… definitely strange,” Alya said slowly.
“That means I can’t deny the request!” Marinette wailed. “Just look at it!” 
Alya carefully took the paper Marinette thrust at her. On it was a crudely sketched design with broken French describing certain specifications. “...Wow.” 
“It’s hideous,” Marinette moaned. “And it’s supposed to be bulletproof! I’ve never worked with bulletproof material before, I don’t even know if my sewing machine can handle bulletproof material.” 
“How is he supposed to get his order if there’s no return address?” Alya asked. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the design. Was that supposed to be a helmet? It looked like a pill capsule, and the suit… It was enough to put most akuma to shame. 
“I’m supposed to ‘stuff them behind the second trash can on the west side of the Louvre,’” Marinette read from another paper. “Who would even think of that? And I can’t just stuff the refusal there, what if someone saw and stole the money? At least no one would actually want that abomination. And I can’t deny a commission just because it’s hideous and weird, it’s unethical.” 
Alya definitely felt for Marinette, but this was somehow… refreshing. She felt like she hadn’t seen this marinette for a few years. The frantic overreactions were something she hadn’t seen since high school, and it was strangely nostalgic. 
“Well, I guess that answers my question of why you would need this much kevlar,” Alya said with a smile. She deliberated a few moments - this was usually when she took her leave, and she did have plans with Nino that night, but…
“If I make it a little slimmer here, he might not notice, and it would be less likely to make children cry…” Marinette murmured, sketching out her own version of the commission. 
That cemented her resolve. Alya sent Nino a quick text, cancelling their plans for that night - they could go to the movies any night. 
“Hey girl, mind if I hang around tonight? Nino and I had to rain check our plans tonight, and it’s been too long since we’ve hung out together.” 
Marinette finally looked up from her sketching. Blinking a few times, she said, “Oh, yeah! That sounds like fun! I should probably take a break anyway.” 
If she hadn’t been sure before, now Alya knew she had at least some piece of her best friend back. There was a light in Marinette’s eyes that had been missing for a while. A thought popped into her head and Alya bit her lip, unsure if she should press her luck. Shaking her head, she decided to go for it. 
“By the way, Marinette, I was thinking about getting everyone together on Friday for a movie night or something. Are you in?” 
“That sounds great, just text me the details!” Marinette said brightly, heading to the kitchen. “Does quiche sound good to you? It’s what I was planning to make, but I can always do something else.” 
“Quiche sounds great!” Alya said, distracted by her furious texting.
Alya: Everyone clear your schedules, we’re getting together on Friday. It’s mandatory. 
Rose: I’m free! What are we doing?
Alix: I have plans already.
Adrien: I also have a photoshoot, and I have no idea how long it will take.
Alya: I will personally make sure it ends on time if I have to. Marinette agreed to get out and do something with us.
Kim: NO
Max: What?!
Luka: Jagged can find a different guitarist for a night. Actually, Jagged might try to come himself. 
Nino: I don’t know how you did it babe, but cancel as many dates as you need to. 
Mylene: Ivan and I can come home for a weekend. 
Alya was pulled away from the group chat by Marinette saying something. “What was that, girl? I didn’t hear you.” 
“I was asking what you wanted in the quiche,” she repeated, poking her head out of the kitchen.
“Oh, whatever sounds good to you. You’ve never made anything I didn’t like.” 
She hadn’t known how much she missed it, but lightheartedly laughing with Marinette made Alya feel like she had come home again.
“So tell me girl, did something good happen to you?” Alya finally asked. 
Marinette paused. “What do you mean?” 
“Be real with me, Marinette. You haven’t been yourself for a while. We didn’t want to pry, especially since Hawkmoth is kind of wearing everyone down. Did something good happen?” 
“Oh, I hadn’t realized I’d been acting so differently.” 
“Are you serious, Marinette? You skipped out on everything you possibly could, have just to stay at home and work on commissions. We didn’t want to push the issue, so we gave you space. It just ended up lasting a few years,” Alya said, patting her hand. “You don’t have to tell me what happened, then or now, I was just curious.” 
“I… I met someone,” she said hesitantly. “I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not like that. There wasn’t a chance for it to be like that.” 
“Then what was it?” 
“He was lost, in more ways than one.” Marinette had a faraway look in her eyes, and an slight smile graced her lips. “I felt like I knew him, even though that’s impossible. Even though he was only here for a couple days, it somehow reminded me that I’m alive, and that it should be a wonderful thing.” 
Alya couldn’t hold herself back from embracing her best friend, her arms nearly a vice. After a few moments, she couldn’t help but giggle to herself. “Well, you rediscovered your enthusiasm for life just in time to make the most hideous outfit in history. Are you sure he wasn’t one of the Greek muses?”
“Not if he sent me this!”  
A few miles away, Jason sneezed. It was getting colder outside, but he refused to go stay in Bruce’s safehouse. It was probably petty, but Jason refused to act like he was Bruce’s child anymore, not with the way things had ended. So he was in and out like a thief in the night, stealing what he needed and leaving the connection to Bruce behind.
Jason wasn’t sure what to do. Uncertainty and anger churned in his stomach, and little else. He found himself lurking on the fringes of society. Whether it was to save the civilians or himself, he had no idea. The anger he felt, it scared him. When he’d woken up, he’d been its slave, a mindless vessel for rage. Now he was fully conscious, but he felt unstable, like it might overwhelm him at any moment.
Collapsing in a dirty alleyway, Jason curled in on himself. He was scared. How was he alive? Why was he alive? Could he even say he was still Jason Todd? He felt inhuman, and distanced from himself. 
It had only been a few days, but Marinette felt like a passing dream that had never been his in the first place. Anger, only anger burned within him. So far he’d done his best to direct that anger, but he didn’t know how long that would hold out.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Felix July - Contest (Demon Felix AU)
Saved this for the release of the Felix Episode. Just to see if I could make mine worse than canon.
Felix did not get angry. He was a being of logic and poise. He was the master manipulator, the one watching from behind the scenes as the puppets danced and flailed to his hidden strings. Barely a footnote in the course of history but with his hand in everything.
He did not get frustrated. Being frustrated would suggest that things were not going as planned. Being frustrated meant he was not in control. And he was always in control.
No. What he got was annoyed.
He was annoyed when his new contractor kept asking questions nobody had considered to ask before and caught on to what his true plan was.
He was annoyed when his new contractor refused to make any wishes.
He was annoyed when his new contractor decided she was going to try to help the very person who tried to kill her.
He was annoyed with his new contractor.
Impressed, admittedly. But annoyed.
“There has to be something you want.”
“Well, hello to you, too. Good morning, Mister Demon. Nice of you to drop into my room unannounced at the crack of dawn. Thankfully I’m not changing or anything or that would be downright awkward.”
“Oh please, your physical assets mean nothing to me.”
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be reassured or insulted here.”
“Then be neither. It really makes no difference to me.”
“And what does then?”
“Your wish, of course.”
“Of course.”
“Shame that’s not happening today.”
“It could. Surely there is something I can give you?”
“Nothing I want from you, thank you very much!”
“Money is fairly common and always useful.”
“To get through all classes with the best grades?”
“But would I actually learn the material that way? I think I do well enough on my own.”
“Yes, ‘well enough’ says the student who comes to classes late and sleeps through them regularly.”
“Eternal youth and beauty?”
“Oo, a classic.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Chloe to get hit by a car?”
“I’ve been imagining ways for her to get into some sort of ‘accident’ over the years. If I was going to do it, I wouldn’t waste a wish on it.”
“Lila to spit up snakes whenever she talks?”
“Tempting, but no.”
“Hawk Moth’s Miraculous?”
“I am a hero specifically to do that on my own. I don’t need you cheating for me.”
“Cheating? Please. You say that like this is some math test instead of a supervillain.”
“A supervillain I already have powers and the means to stop. So no.”
“How about his identity then?”
“Still no.”
“More personal then? What about fame?”
“I already have enough trouble with that as Ladybug!”
“But what about as Marinette? You still need to get your name out there.”
“I’ll manage on my own.”
“In what—five? Ten years? Why wait when you could have your own clothing line? A fashion company?”
“I’m still a teenager! I want to get through school before even starting on that!”
“Adrien’s heart?”
“A heart not freely given is not worth having.”
“Oh come on, you don’t really buy the ‘true love’ nonsense, do you? It would be true love as far as he would be concerned.”
“I do NOT want you mind-controlling Adrien into loving me!”
“I don’t even have to control his mind to accomplish it. The right time, the right place, and a few well planed ‘coincidences’ could make him see you in an entirely new light.”
“I am not hearing this!”
“Just a few nudges here and there.”
“But it wouldn’t be genuine.”
“Then why not use a Wish for him? To make his life better?”
That actually made her pause.
“Less photoshoots and more free time. Which equates to more time with his friends and thus more time with you in particular. That would certainly allow you more opportunity to endear yourself to him.”
“I can do that on my own.”
“You’ll just have less chances to do it.”
“Then that’s a sacrifice I’ll have to make.”
“But is it one he would appreciate?”
“Or you could do the selfless thing and make a Wish for him. To give him something he’s missing. Something he would truly be grateful for.”
“I could even work it to have him find out it was thanks to you. After so many instances of your gifts to him going unrecognized and unattributed to you, wouldn’t it be nice for him to acknowledge what you do on his behalf for once?”
“And what could you even do that would be so great?”
He hummed to himself, considering.
“I could bring his mother back, if you like. Of course, it wouldn’t be her anymore, but it’s not like Adrien needs to know that.”
“Oh my GOD, no!”
“Or I could kill his father and let him inherit everything.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“He’s an old recluse. It’s easy enough to set him up for a heart attack.”
“Nobody would even know any different.”
A book slammed into the wall where his head had just been.
“Is that a wish?”
The second book flying at his head was enough indicator for Felix to vacate the premises.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was…admittedly more resilient than he expected. Though he believed the correct term would be “stubborn”.
She was refusing him for the sake of being defiant more than anything. Usually, such opposition would wear itself down after a time.
But his new Contractor was far from the norm it seemed. Both in her circumstances in gaining his service as well as her personal morals. She had said she was going to refuse to make any wishes, and so far, she had held to that.
Commendable, if not irritating.
Part of him felt inclined to try and nudge things in the direction towards his goals. It would have moved things along at least.
But Marinette was a planner. And…frustratingly good at it. For all that she was emotional and easy to take by surprise when it came to her friends and her “love”, she was rather skilled in regards to problem solving.
He very well could have started twisting things in her life to push her to the point where she would HAVE to make a wish. There were so many things that could go wrong for her, after all. Bankruptcy. Expulsion. Social exile. Any number of unpleasant little happenings that he could just as easily come in and save her from with a single wish…
But he had the feeling of being challenged. And it seemed beneath him to stack the odds in his own favor in this way (not that they weren’t already, but there was still a difference between a “one in a million chance” and “downright impossible”).
There was the added complication that Marinette was, as previously noted, stubborn. If it came down to it, he wouldn’t put it past her to do something stupid and permanent out of pure spite.
Not to mention that Tikki was there, constantly watching him and just waiting for the chance to smite him.
So he had to plan instead. That was fine. He hadn’t gotten to really apply himself in the past few centuries when it came to his Contracts. Most people tended to make their wishes and leave it at that. Few actually WANTED him to stick around. And even back when he did, he was usually stuck playing a role of some sort.
This was quite a unique situation. A contest the likes of which he’d never gotten to experience previously.
Felix found himself looking forward to it. He had never gotten to truly play before…
Well…if his new Contractor wasn’t going to tell him what she wanted from him, he would just have to work it out for himself.
And if he could mess with certain persons in the meantime, all the better.
Humans were so easy to manipulate, after all…
Lila was confused.
Confused and increasingly frustrated.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was still here.
Lila had made her third wish, passing off her contract and all the consequences involved to the unsuspecting target, figuring that would be two problems dealt with.
Killing two birds with one stone, right? Neither an all too observant classmate or a soul-stealing demon to continue hounding her. It was perfect—for her, at any rate. She wasn’t particularly inclined to care what poor Marinette’s fate would be at the hands of that demon. (Well, maybe a little, if only out of a desire to offer some gratitude for escaping that fate herself—read: gloat.)
And yet…
The day after she ended the contract, she had gone to class, fully expecting to hear second-hand of Marinette’s disappearance or some other unfortunate fate. She had been ready to fake tears and spout kind words—and of course to “comfort” her classmates, especially poor Adrien. Hadn’t he just lost his mother recently? It would be such a blow.
Right when she was about to ask Alya if she had heard anything—to prepare the setup for them to discover Marinette’s fate—
“Sorry I’m late!”
Lila froze.
Sure enough, Marinette had entered the class with all the impact of a whirlwind. She appeared tired and out of breath, red from the exertion of her running.
And…wholly alive.
Lila wasn’t sure she could believe her eyes, but the rest of the class greeted her per normal and Lila barely gathered herself enough to give a wave of her own. Marinette just smiled and went for her desk, acting like everything was completely normal.
This…this wasn’t right. Nothing should be normal for her anymore!
She should be dead! Or soulless! Or panicked about her current situation!
Why was she here?!
Lila watched Marinette for the rest of the day with a close eye, just waiting to see what would happen.
But the end of the day came and went, and Marinette returned home perfectly safe.
This didn’t make any sense! The contract was finished, wasn’t it? Marinette should be gone! So why wasn’t she?
Maybe…maybe the demon was biding his time?
Yeah, he was probably just waiting before taking her soul.
But the next day came and Marinette was still there, acting like nothing was any different from usual.
The same occurred the next day.
And the next.
And the next…
Two weeks passed and Lila was growing increasingly paranoid.
What was going on?
The Contract is for three wishes, then the demon takes the Contractor’s soul.
So why was Marinette still here?
What was he waiting for?
Was he not going to accept the sacrifice?
No, he wouldn’t have agreed to it then if that were the case.
Did Marinette know what was going on? She certainly wasn’t acting any different. And if she did know, she would have confronted Lila immediately—that was the type of person she was.
So why?
It was three weeks in when she got her answer.
“We have a new student with us today!”
Lila’s pen snapped with the force of her grip. She never noticed the way Marinette stiffened.
“Hello, everyone.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
It couldn’t be…
“My name is Felix Agreste.”
His hair color. His dark green eyes. His complexion and facial features. Everything was disturbingly similar to Adrien.
But she knew…
As the one who summoned him, she of course would recognize him.
The demon in question hiding behind such angelic features merely smiled at the class. But somehow, she knew he was focused on her.
“I’m sure we’ll be great friends.”
It took every bit of acting and self restraint to hold back a scream.
“Okay, how did you do it?”
“Why, whatever do you mean?”
“Cut the act, Felix. I’m pretty sure Adrien doesn’t have a cousin.”
“Yes, you would be the one to know that, wouldn’t you?”
“Such accusations! And we’ve only just met one another.”
“Honestly, it was simple enough. A bit of manipulation here, some ‘suggestions’ there. I’m sure you should already know that human minds are quite simplistic and malleable—they must be if they haven’t caught on to the fact that you’re the one running around fighting butterflies in the equivalent of a polka-dotted onesie.”
“You’re the budding designer, surely you could have done better.”
“I panicked, okay?”
“Regardless, I simply went to the Agreste mansion and introduced myself as Emilie’s nephew visiting for the rest of the school year.”
“And they believed you?”
“You’ve seen my power at work with Rossi, so you already know I can be quite convincing.”
“Not with everything.”
“Still, was this really necessary? Setting yourself up as a student here and everything?”
“Of course it was. How else can I ensure my ability to stay by your side at all times?”
“Uh-huh. And how is that going to work out if you’re living in the Agreste mansion now?”
“Are you jealous?”
“It’s a logistical question.”
“No worries, my dear. I will of course make you my priority.”
“Right, because I’m totally the sole reason you chose to show yourself at the school.”
“Well, I of course had to see how my former Contractor has been doing.”
“You really shouldn’t be causing trouble like this.”
“You can’t say you didn’t enjoy the results”
“As funny as it was seeing Lila look constipated all day…”
“Wasn’t it, though?”
She couldn’t help the half smile, but didn’t say anything further.
It was a contest.
The rules were unknown.
The winning conditions a mystery.
But if he was going to be bound here, he was certainly going to enjoy himself in the process.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Do you have any salt about Furious Fu? Maybe it’s just me, but something is rubbing me wrong.
yes, take the salt
Firstly, the episode freaking begins with the kwami arguing with Marinette over wanting to go see Fu, who is apparently coming back to Paris for a while for no explained reason (Marinette's there so we can imagine that she's part of it but that’s not enough).
Sure, they explain that they miss him because they were with him for over a hundred years but they were in the box for basically all that time?
They also give her puppy dog eyes and I s2g we’ve done this and had a lesson around it in "The Puppeteer"...
And... look, I get it, the show clearly wants Marinette to struggle at being guardian, meaning that the kwami have to be a hindrance of sorts, but it'd be nice if they didn't do that by behaving like literal children. It's not even that I can't see some of the kwami acting this way, because we don't even know all of their personalities, but when they all share one personality - and brain cell apparently to not understand why they can't come along - it makes the kwami less like actual characters and more like props.
I complained about it in "Sandboy" as well but at least that episode had Sass be an odd one out and showed moments of the individual kwami having lines separate from each other. Barkk is the odd one out here, but it feels more like a necessity, like someone had to stay behind (and maybe they thought it was funny to have it be the “guard dog,” which... you know what, fine, I’ll give them that).
Even if they were in groups, it would've been nice to see each kwami have different opinions, some liking Fu, some not, and some being indifferent to him. I just can’t see characters like Sass or Trixx or Pollen (especially Pollen, who seems to be the “takes orders” type) begging so hard to go.
The kwami even keep making noise in Marinette’s bag even though she told them to keep quiet. Again, it's way too convenient that so many of the kwami who were in the box act like this, and I hate that it's just another jab at Marinette for being “too nice” by letting them roam freely outside of the box. It’s as if the episode is saying, “See, Marinette?? If you just trapped them in the box and didn’t give them a say in things then this wouldn’t have happened!”
There’s also the scene later with Wayzz literally crawling on the ground towards Fu which--why. Did they really want to stretch the “they’re acting like children,” thing that much? Because Wayzz could’ve just flown under the bench and watched from below, but instead we get Marinette panicking and being embarrassed and having to lie because Wayzz kind of “fanboys” over Fu touching him??
Then there’s Su-Han who just--is a mess?? Like, first off, he invaded this teenage girl’s room and I would think that he’d have at least some respect for other people’s space. It’s really distracting that our flashbacks to the temple seem to imply that these people are more zen/chill (similar to Fu) but then this guy is strict and rude because of course he is. He has to criticize and pressure Marinette so they intentionally wrote him that way.
Secondly, there’s not even any self-awareness from him. He complains about how Fu didn’t live up to his expectations but I guess we’re just going to ignore that it’s pathetic that the temple didn’t keep tabs on the teenager who clearly didn’t want to be there.
Thirdly, he spouts a bunch of sayings/proverbs and it’s just--”hey did you know this character is Chinese???” (I’m not going to get on him for the “doesn’t know technology” since he just hasn’t been around in 150+ years).
Fourtly, the timing. I hate the timing. “Feast” happened like mid-Season 3 and now this guy shows up, after Marinette has had this responsibility thrust upon her? Not only that, but he shows up on the same day that Fu happens to make an appearance? “Kwamibuster” already tested my limits for coincidental happenings, but this episode went too far. It’s all too much.
Fifthly, there’s the lack of... consistency, I guess you could say? He says that Plagg is “free” even though Marinette just told him that Plagg has a holder, and then he blames Marinette for losing miraculouses (she did in the “Queen’s Battle” two-parter but there’s literally no way he’d know that) after Marinette tells him that FU lost the peacock and butterfly. He even pulls out a rulebook while doing so as if Marinette knows any of the rules, and he’s doing this to this teenage girl who became guardian while the temple was destroyed so there was no one else to teach her.
Speaking of "Queen's Battle," this episode does something similar by ignoring any plot point with Marinette and making it more about someone else, in this case being Su-han and Fu (Furious Fu specifically also spouts a bunch of proverbs by the way; ugh).
Remember how "Queen Wasp" gave Marinette the option of going to New York with Audrey, but then immediately brushes it aside and gives it no consideration in favor of Chloe, boiling down Marinette's whole thing to, "well, she's Ladybug so she can't go, end of story."? Here, we know for a fact that Marinette has been struggling in past episodes due to her status as guardian (something could’ve changed, though I doubt they’d drop that entire plot point in five episodes), but the episode doesn't even bring up the fact that Marinette might be happier without being the Ladybug guardian that she is. The kwami don't defend her as their guardian and Tikki doesn't have a big reaction to Su-Han essentially saying that he's taking her miraculous and forcing her to revoke her guardian status.
The episode is from Marinette’s perspective but it’s not about Marinette. She doesn’t really get a say or thought in things. We spend three full minutes in Marinette's room at the beginning and it's just wasted time when they could've spent it focusing on the actual conflict. I don't understand how the season’s trailers could put so much stock into Marinette suffering because of her responsibilities and then not even get into her being given the option to free herself from them.
Obviously we want Marinette to continue being an awesome Ladybug/guardian but we also want her to be happy, yet the episode presents this conflict as if Su-Han taking away - you know - the thing that’s caused her tons of anxiety and stress is a bad thing and only a bad thing. Su-Han is put in the wrong and Ladybug only gets one comment about how “maybe he’s right because we haven’t defeated Shadow Moth yet.”
I’m not saying that Su-Han is in the right - maybe there’s no better Ladybug than Marinette - but she’s been suffering for it and I hate that we don’t even get one moment of Marinette considering that she’d be free. Just something like Tikki or the kwami (who had already been set up to be a hindrance/annoyance to Marinette) feeling some level of guilt and thinking that it might be best if they leave.
But we don’t get that, because Marinette not being Ladybug means that the show’s plot is over. Therefore, it’s bad.
We’re also not given a reason as to why Marinette wants to continue being the Ladybug guardian. She’s willing to give up her miraculous and so is Chat Noir, but once the subject of Ladybug’s memory being wiped is brought up and Chat Noir is presented with the realization that she’ll forget him specifically (because of course it’s about him and not all the other potential memories she’d lose), he shifts gears and forces Su-Han to fight him if Su-Han wants his miraculous, which then suddenly gets Ladybug to change her tune as well.
And yes, we don’t know how much of Ladybug’s memory is going to be wiped because it’s not explained, and I also understand that Sunk Cost Fallacy applies where we’re not supposed to want Ladybug to wipe her memories because she already went through so much so why throw it away now, but...
If guardians are doomed to wipe their memory eventually anyway, wouldn't it be better for Marinette to do it now (cue all the Lukanette fanfics about Marinette forgetting and then being super uncomfortable around Adrien because all she feels around him is humiliation and discomfort) and at least have the rest of her life to build those memories back up than do it later and die not knowing such a large chunk of her life? We can presume that the show is going to have some way around the memory loss but they don’t know that.
So yeah, I don’t like that the episode basically comes in with the kwami being a burden to Marinette, Su-Han lecturing her (and there’s not even dialog about him potentially tutoring her; he only says that he’s sticking around Paris), and coming off of what we know are episodes based around Marinette suffering due to keeping secrets, yet the episode throws all of that under the rug because we’re supposed to not want her to give all her stress-inducers up for some reason.
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
One Brain Cell Between Three People
 Rating: T
Summary: Or: five times these disaster humans had to disguise themselves and the one time they didn't.
Slot: 2.5k+ fic.
Written for an anonymous donor for the @mlbforblm drive, with all profits going right to Color of Change! I hope you love these disasters! The response to the drive was absolutely overwhelming, and I’m touched to have been commissioned for it!
AO3 link
1. From an akuma
“So, Ladybug!” Chat Noir says brightly. “If you’ve got any brilliant plans to get us up to Sauron out there, I’m sure we’d love to hear them!”
Ryuuko doesn’t have a clue who Sauron is, nor how it relates to the massive tentacled monster with one gigantic red eye that’s resting on the tip of the Eiffel Tower. They’ve tried coming from all angles, but the akuma’s eye seems to have a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree field of vision, because it always sees them coming and bats them away as easily as swatting mosquitoes.
“Why do I have to come up with the plans?” Ladybug grumbles. Chat Noir’s cheeky grin widens.
“Because you’re the brains, milady, and I’m just the humble clown.”
“Your brain was working just fine against Miracle Queen!”
Ryuuko tunes out their banter as she peeks around the corner of the wall behind which they’re hiding. Her brain leaps from idea to idea like arcs of lightning, zapping each one to a crisp when she picks out the flaws, because all of them rely on not being seen and there’s no way to accomplish that against this akuma. It seems to have flawless superhero senses, because it always sees right past the terrified civilians to pick out the superheroes –
“I have an idea,” Ryuuko announces. Her teammates’ banter immediately dissipates. “The akuma is ignoring anyone who isn’t directly working against it. It’s almost like it just wants to keep surveillance on everyone.”
“You could say it wants to keep an eye on people,” Chat Noir says cheerfully. Ladybug sighs and facepalms.
“Low-hanging fruit, kitty,” she mutters. Ryuuko just raises an eyebrow and waits for them to finish.
“If we want to get close, we need to not be what it’s looking for,” she says.
“Like sneaking into Le Grand Paris disguised as a pizza delivery person because that’s not what Chloé Bourgeois is expecting you to be even though she knows you’re trying to get back something she stole from you?” Ladybug says. Chat Noir blinks.
“That’s, uh…incredibly specific,” he says. “And I’m not sure I want to know why. You were saying, Ryuuko?”
Unlike Chat Noir, Ryuuko does want to know the context behind Ladybug’s very specific example, because it’s exactly the kind of thing that Marinette would do. The thought of her girlfriend brings a small smile to her lips, just as when she thinks about her boyfriend Adrien. It’s a pity they aren’t superheroes, to be honest; they’d be fantastic, but Ryuuko’s not in any position to make suggestions, so she keeps this to herself.
“Different,” Ryuuko finally manages to say. “We need to not look like superheroes.”
“Disguises!” Ladybug jumps from foot to foot. “I’m so good with disguises! I’ve snuck into the hotel! And a party everyone threw for the guy I liked who’s now my boyfriend since I wasn’t allowed in for being a girl –”
“Why, milady, if your boyfriend didn’t recognise you beneath your strong disguise, he can’t be that much of a keeper,” Chat Noir says.
“My boyfriend is very much a keeper, thank you very much!” Ladybug huffs. “He’s one of the smartest people I know! Apart from Ka – uh, my girl –”
“Akuma,” Ryuuko interjects. Ladybug and Chat Noir jump.
“Right! Akuma!” Ladybug unslings her yo-yo. “There was a costume store on the next street over! For disguises!”
Getting to the store takes far longer than it should, but since there’s a giant eye in the sky, Ryuuko’s sure they could be forgiven for having to be extra slow and cautious. Once Ladybug’s shut the doors behind them and dragged over a chair for good measure, the three of them get to work browsing the multitudes of costume clothing and accessories to find the best pieces to conceal their most obvious features.
“I wish all akumas could be this fun,” Chat Noir beams as he tries on a cowboy hat. “They’re all get out there, get the crap beat out of us, milady comes up with an amazing plan, we’re done. Not that I don’t love the times I get to see Ladybug, of course.”
“I know what you mean,” Ladybug says. Ryuuko slaps a hand over her mouth to smother her giggles at the sight of Ladybug, hero of Paris, wearing a massive blue feather boa and round glasses. “We’ve been doing this for so long that it’s become…monotonous, you know? The only real variety is my Charm.”
“Not the akumas?” Ryuuko says as she selects a long blonde wig, then shudders and replaces it after a moment. Too similar to Chloé Bourgeois. And while they might both be rich girls with mother issues, Ryuuko refuses to think of herself as anything like that spoilt brat, especially after the stunt she’d pulled as Miracle Queen.
Okay, so Ryuuko doesn’t actually remember that, and Chloé does apparently have some semblance of a heart, but still. Ryuuko’s not known for her forgiveness, especially with how much nastier Chloé’s been since that incident.
“Milady! Milady!” Chat Noir yanks out a ladybug-patterned onesie. “I could be you!”
Ladybug snorts. “In your dreams, kitty. You could never be me.”
“But I was once!” Chat Noir tilts his head like a curious kitten would. “Remember?”
“Yes, and you were just amazing at it,” Ladybug says dryly.
“You weren’t any better, Lady Noire!”
“Excuse me? I was perfect!”
“Explain the Cata – uh, power mess-up, then!”
“I still had to figure out the Luc – the Charm!”
“And I could’ve told you not to dust the sentimonster!”
Ryuuko just ignores their arguing this time. Maybe it’s better for them to get it out now, so that they’re focused when facing the akuma. She loses track of time as she sifts through the costumes, wondering why she’s even being so picky in the first place since it’s just to disguise herself from an akuma. Then again, Kagami Tsurugi would never be caught dead in a clown costume, even as Ryuuko. Maybe it’s a good thing to have more refined tastes.
“Hey, guys!” Ladybug says. Ryuuko turns to see Ladybug picking up a large box, having dumped its contents on the ground, and she grins and drops it over her head. “Look, I’m a bug in a box! The perfect disguise! He’ll never know it’s me under here!”
“Come on!” Marinette’s whisper is marred by giggles as she holds out boxes to Adrien and Kagami. “Let’s hide from your bodyguard in these! He’ll never know it’s us under here!”
In that moment – by the silliest way possible – Ryuuko suddenly knows. Now there’s a name to the face beneath the scarlet mask; the face with the bright blue eyes and freckles, framed by pigtails – pigtails! – and currently wearing the same silly smile that Ryuuko has seen a thousand times as Kagami and looks forward to seeing a thousand times more.
Oh, it’s too bad that she can’t tell Adrien that he’s dating Ladybug. His massive superhero crush on her is more obvious than the fact that there’s next to nothing in that pretty head of his. Actually, that’s not fair; Adrien is very smart, but he’s also one of the densest people that Kagami has ever met. Being with him is just like working with Chat Noir, who’s got a very sharp mind when it’s needed –
“Does this make me the Chat in the Hat?” Chat Noir says as he dons a top hat and Ladybug’s laughter grows louder.
– but is also far more of an idiot than anyone has the right to be. It’s a wonder that poor, bi Kagami didn’t trip over herself around Chat Noir like she did with Ladybug, considering how similar he is to Adrien –
Ryuuko freezes. No. No way. There’s no way all three of them could be that lucky; that Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Chat Noir, were pining for each other this whole time, that Ryuuko fell for the two people who happened to be the heroes of Paris, that there’s a reason why Chat Noir showed her so much care after she was Oni-Chan and why Ladybug was so sweet and understanding of her failures as both Kagami and Ryuuko –
“– something picked out, Ryuuko?” Ladybug’s – Marinette’s – voice pierces the fog that’s descended on Ryuuko and shrouded her thoughts with realisation after realisation as she combs through every memory of her interactions with them. “I mean, this has been really fun, but we probably should get back to doing actual superhero things.”
Ryuuko takes a deep breath to ground herself. She’s far better trained than this; she shouldn’t allow herself to be so distracted during a mission. “Yes, I’m ready,” she says and grabs the first armful of cloth and accessories that she can find. She can fall apart later. Right now, she has a job to do, and she’s not going to let her partners down.
2. From Paris
Kagami loves her boyfriend and girlfriend. She really does. But there are times where she wonders if being with them is worth the constant emotional turmoil that they always seem to put her through.
“The fattoush looks good,” says Adrien, who’s seated across from Kagami. The fact that he’s wearing a hideous straw brim hat and sunglasses so appalling that they would give his father an aneurysm on the spot is the source of Kagami’s current agony. “But I’m tempted to go for the kibbeh, just because Father would die if he knew that I was eating something fried.”
“Do it,” Marinette says immediately. Kagami’s pain is compounded by the fact that her girlfriend is wearing a pair of glasses with a large fake nose and moustache attached, along with a sickeningly horrible pink poncho. But then again, for a budding fashion designer to wear something so awful? Maybe she’s smarter than Kagami had first thought.
Of course she is, says a traitorous little voice in Kagami’s brain. She’s Marinette. She’s Ladybug. But even being Ladybug isn’t enough to save her from Kagami’s judgement. Why couldn’t Adrien and Marinette have just worn an oversized hoodie like she did?
Okay, so it’s Adrien’s oversized hoodie, and the smell of him envelops her like a warm hug whenever she ducks her face down beneath the collar, but still.
“Done,” Adrien says and slams his menu down. The couple at the next table over stare at him, but his disguise seems to work because they might think he’s a weirdo, but they don’t appear to think that he could be Adrien Agreste. “What about you, Gami?”
As always, Kagami’s insides flutter at Adrien’s use of his and Marinette’s nickname for her. She clears her throat and squints down at her menu, which may as well be written in English what with how nothing seems to compute in her brain, and she blurts out the first thing she sees. “Shish barak.”
Marinette wrinkles her nose. “Sure, if you’re into yoghurt.”
“Does that mean you’re gonna steal just my food?” Adrien complains. “Maybe I should order the shish barak too, so you leave my food alone.” He’s promptly shut down by Marinette giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“No, you’re getting the kibbeh,” she says.
“Yeah, I’m getting the kibbeh,” Adrien parrots robotically. Marinette smiles sweetly.
“And I’ll have the djaj mashwi,” she says, while Kagami ponders the merits of slamming her head on the table at the sheer display of Ladybug and Chat Noir energy from her two oblivious idiots. “I’m in the mood for chicken.”
Kagami pushes all thoughts of clobbering her partners’ heads together away as Adrien plays foot wrestling with her under the table and Marinette waves a waiter over to order. For now, she’s just going to enjoy this silly date in their silly disguises.
3. From Lila
She’s everywhere.
She’s hanging off Adrien on his way to fencing. She’s tangling their legs together when she crashes their study dates. She’s smothering the air around them with her cloying citrusy perfume as she laughs far too loudly at Adrien’s joke during a friends’ hangout.
And there’s nothing that Adrien can do about it. If he does one thing that even hints at defiance, Lila Rossi will go running straight back to tattle to his father like the venomous little muse she is. Even the fact that Adrien’s taken – by two people – has done nothing to dissuade her. If anything, she takes this as an open invitation.
“Oh, this kind of thing is very common in Italy!” Lila had crooned one day when Kagami had – very politely, in her opinion, since no swords were involved – asked her to please take her hands off Kagami’s and Marinette’s boyfriend, thank you very much. “It was so good to learn that Adrien had two girlfriends! There’s so much love in his heart…and so much room for more…”
It’s a sunny afternoon after school when Kagami finally snaps. Not at Lila; no, she knows very well what Gabriel would do in retaliation if his precious spy was hurt in any way. Rather, as soon as fencing is over and she’s changed out of her sweaty gear, she barges into the boys’ bathroom with her heavier-than-usual fencing bag.
“Kagami!” Adrien yelps and slaps his hands over his nipples. Kagami rolls her eyes.
“You don’t have breasts, Adrien,” she says with every ounce of patience that she’s had to curate since learning her partners’ secret identities. “And it’s nothing that Marinette and I haven’t seen before. Speaking of Marinette, hurry up and get dressed.”
“Why?” Adrien hurries to throw on his top, further confirming Kagami’s suspicion that he’s started changing after fencing as slowly as possible to put off the moment he has to leave and be accosted by Lila. “Is she hurt? Did Lila or Chloé throw her over the balcony or something?”
“Not yet,” Kagami mutters. She rummages in her fencing bag for Adrien’s oversized hoodie that she’s…ahem, delayed returning. Because she has definitely intended to return it. Eventually. Which is now. “She’s letting Lila…spout hot air? Is that the saying?”
“And you left them alone together?” Adrien snatches his hoodie and tries to yank it on so quickly that his head ends up caught in the sleeve with his arm. Sighing, Kagami helps him correct his mistake while trying as hard as possible not to let her fond smile at her boyfriend’s dorkiness slip through.
“Marinette can handle herself.” Kagami fishes out a pair of sunglasses and a green baseball cap. “It’s Lila I’d be worried about. In any case, she’s keeping Lila occupied, but there’s only so much threatening and bragging that Lila can do before she grows bored.”
“Then what’s –?”
“We’re sneaking you out. Come on.”
Kagami tugs Adrien over to one of the tiny windows in the bathroom. Then, in one smooth movement, she crouches and cups her hands for Adrien’s foot. Gritting her teeth and drawing on every bit of athletic strength she has, she propels Adrien up to the window and locks herself in place so that he can pop the latch and push the window open.
“Damn it!” Adrien curses when the locker room door opens. Kagami prays it’s not –
“Adrien?” Lila’s sickly-sweet voice echoes in the locker room. Thank goodness for bathroom doors, or she’d have caught them in a heartbeat. “Where are you? I didn’t see you walk out.”
With newfound fervour and a boost from Kagami, Adrien grabs the windowsill and propels himself upwards. He almost doesn’t fit – Kagami holds her breath when he ends up stuck halfway out and curses – but then he forces out a loud breath of air for just that little less abdominal width and manages to slide fully out the window. Kagami just has to assume that he’s fine and has no serious injuries from his landing, although being hurt would probably be preferable to him over dealing with Lila.
She gives it to the count of ten, then flushes a random toilet and washes her hands before pushing the bathroom door open. Lila immediately materialises in front of her.
“Kagami! Hi!” Lila says with a very fox-like smile. “I wasn’t expecting you to use the boys’ bathroom.”
Kagami shrugs. “After you called me a boy with boobs the other day, I figured it shouldn’t matter if I used the boys’ bathroom. There’s really no difference except for the urinals. And the stench. I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Oh, I was only teasing.” Lila sounds like she was doing anything but. “Where’s Adrien? He’s usually finished changing by now.”
“I don’t know,” Kagami says with another shrug. “He’s not in the bathroom either, though. You can go and see for yourself.”
Before Lila can take up any more of her precious time, Kagami brushes past her and out of the locker room. As soon as the door swings shut behind her, she lets her giggle break free into her hand and pulls out her phone to check in with her accomplices – er, her partners. Now she truly understands the saying “being bad has never felt so good”.
4. From an akuma take 2
“I seriously want to know what goes through Hawkmoth’s mind half the time,” Misterbug complains. He deflects a burst of pink perfume with his yo-yo, then ducks so that Lady Noire can jab Princess Fragrance with her staff. “Like, remember the days we thought he was Mr Agreste? And then I realised ‘no, he can’t be, because Mr Agreste at least has some creativity!’”
Ryuuko isn’t sure whether she wants to pat Misterbug on the head in agreement or slap him to get his head back in the game. To be fair to Hawkmoth, Puppeteer had been one of his most powerful akumas with her ability to control someone if she has a doll or similar representation of them, so akumatising her for a third time isn’t too foolish of a move. And considering that Ladybug and Chat Noir merchandise is very widespread, the decision to swap their Miraculouses like with Reflekdoll had been inevitable. Ryuuko’s never been more grateful that she’s not considered a steady enough temporary hero to have merchandise made of her, so there’s no way for Puppeteer to control her.
If she’s honest, Ryuuko can’t really scold Misterbug for not fully focusing. Not when she has to spend a whole mission with her girlfriend in a tight black catsuit. And while Ryuuko is very much asexual, only a fool would deny the sheer beauty of Marinette Dupain-Cheng with a long braid and a suit sculpted to her body and an uncharacteristic smirk on her face that’s much more reminiscent of Chat Noir than Ladybug. If Ryuuko had even an iota of artistic skill, she’d spend hours just trying to capture Marinette’s beauty in all forms, starting with the feline goddess who’s just managed to trick Silencer and Jackady into hitting each other. Silencer immediately starts to cluck like a chicken, while Jackady frantically starts shuffling his cards, trying to make his power work without his voice.
“Heads up!” Tortue Verte’s shield whizzes over Lady Noire’s head and nails Darkblade right in the face. She whoops and punches the air. “Strike! I could so get used to this.”
“As hot as you look in my colours, babe,” says Foxtrot, using his flute to keep panther Animan’s jaws away from him while he’s sprawled on the road, “I kinda miss Rena. And using the shield. Never thought it’d suck to have merch of me.”
Knowing that Ladybug is Marinette, Ryuuko’s almost certain of the identities of Tortue Verte and Foxtrot, aka Rena Rouge and Carapace. But considering that they’re in the middle of a battle and there are several brainwashing akuma puppets, she buries that thought very deep down and instead focuses on deflecting one of Reverser’s paper planes with her sword. There’ll be time later to muse on secret identities, when they’re not in the heat of one of the most chaotic battles that Paris has ever seen.
5. From Gabriel
Death is far too good for Gabriel Agreste.
“Breaking up with Adrien is the last thing we’re going to do,” Kagami says as Marinette sobs hysterically into her chest on the soft pink chaise. The anger simmering beneath her skin is almost at boiling point, threatening to bubble over and explode out of her, and her crying girlfriend is the only thing keeping her grounded. One of them has to be on the lookout for akumas, and it’s most definitely not going to be Marinette in her current state.
“B-But you heard M-Mr Agreste,” Marinette chokes out. “He’ll p-pull Adrien from school. And – your m-mother – we’re j-just a d-distraction to you – he said she told him –”
“Rubbish.” Kagami runs her fingers through Marinette’s hair and presses a soft kiss to her head. So many years of being hard, of compartmentalising her irrelevant and distracting emotions to please her mother, to live up to the Tsurugi name, and then she’d met the boy and girl of her dreams and now she’s alive, and she feels so strongly, and no one is going to take this away from her. What is honour if it means turning her back on those who need her? On those she cares about?
“B-But –”
“No. Marinette, listen to me.” Kagami cups Marinette’s cheek and guides her face up. The sight of her girlfriend’s red-rimmed blue eyes is enough for the poisonous rage inside her to almost break free, but she forces it back down as though it’s a rabid animal on a leash. If Marinette gets akumatised, all is lost; not only because she’s Ladybug, but because she’s one of the kindest, sweetest, most amazing people that Kagami has ever had the fortune to meet. And if Kagami gets akumatised, the emotional toll of having to defeat and purify her will more than likely be too much for Marinette to bear after everything else that’s happened today.
Kagami blinks and shakes her head to clear her tumultuous thoughts. Later. She can process her own emotions later. For now, Marinette needs her.
“I’ve never been more focused since meeting you and Adrien,” Kagami says. “And if Mother even tries to argue, I have a whole presentation prepared. I’m serious. I have it saved on my flash drive.”
Marinette lets out a weak giggle. Kagami basks in the glow of this laughter, as tiny as it is, because it’s tangible proof that, as awful as she can be interacting with other people, she’s improving. She knows enough to support one of the people dearest to her.
“Mother might not have been happy, but she didn’t try and interfere,” Kagami continues. “She said that so long as my focus did not waver, she would give me her tentative blessing. I suspect that Adrien’s father has spoken to her and persuaded her that you are a negative influence on me and Adrien. That will change once I talk to her.”
“We’ll work it out.” Kagami leans in and leaves a soft little kiss on the top of Marinette’s nose, and she’s rewarded with another watery yet musical giggle. “The only thing we’re not going to do is break up with him. That will crush him. We’re going to tell him exactly what his father said.”
“We can’t!” Marinette jerks back and almost topples backward off her chaise, if not for Kagami’s arms around her. “Mr Agreste will pull him out of school and he’ll never get to see his friends again and he’ll know it’s all my fault and he’ll be unhappy for the rest of his life and end up turning to evil and working with Hawkmoth and we’ll never marry him and have three kids – more if you want them but I want three and they’ll be Emma and Hugo and Louis – and a hamster called –”
“How do you even have enough breath to say all of that?” Kagami says, trying not to pass out just from following Marinette’s catastrophising ramblings. Marinette laughs rather hysterically.
“It’s a gift. But we can’t tell him! He’d refuse to break up and I’d be responsible for him losing everything!”
“Shouldn’t he have that choice?” Kagami says. “Everyone around him tries to control him. Adrien deserves to be able to make that choice. And this isn’t solely on your shoulders. We’re both dating him.”
“But…how do we talk to him?” Marinette whispers. Now she’s slumping against Kagami with fluttering eyes, as though she’d just participated in an extremely strenuous bout of fencing and is two minutes from passing out. Considering her anxiety-ridden ramblings from just before, she probably has exerted that much energy, just mentally rather than physically. “His father will never let him out. We’d have to stand at the front door, and he’d know as soon as we tried to talk to Adrien.”
“We default to our usual plan.” Kagami gently untangles herself from Marinette so that she can cross over to Marinette’s wardrobe and start rummaging inside. “Disguises.”
“But what good is that going to do?”
“Plausible deniability. Adrien’s bodyguard is a very firm ally, but even he can’t ignore direct orders. However, if he allowed Adrien out to talk to some friends instead of his girlfriends…”
“Of course!” Marinette breathes. Kagami is suddenly tackled from behind and is forced to throw her hands out and grab the sides of Marinette’s wardrobe to prevent herself from faceplanting. “Gami, you’re a genius! I love you, I love you, I love you!”
The poisonous anger that had been burning through Kagami’s body dissipates at Marinette’s words and gives way to soft warmth, like the sun is shining inside her. Once her legs are steady underneath her, she turns and wraps her arms around Marinette, who’s now trying to plaster every inch of her face with kisses.
“I had to bring something to this relationship, didn’t I?” Kagami says. “You and Adrien are far too chaotic to be left alone. Come on, help me pick out some disguises so we can go and talk to Adrien.”
Kagami had never imagined that Hawkmoth’s defeat would go this way.
It was supposed to be glorious. A fantastic final battle full of clashing superpowers and pumping adrenaline.
But no. Adrien had caught a glimpse of Nooroo – Hawkmoth’s kwami – during a visit to his father’s office to confront Gabriel for his stunt regarding Marinette and Kagami and trying to break the three of them up. From there, it had been far too easy for Ladybug and Chat Noir to simply sneak in and steal the Butterfly Miraculous after Adrien had somehow slipped some sleeping pills into his father’s expensive whiskey.
(Or rather, Plagg had done that part, but Kagami’s not supposed to know about her boyfriend being Chat Noir, so she’s considerately refrained from pointing out the flaws in the “official” story).
Gabriel and Nathalie – aka Mayura – had been arrested the following day. In the wake of their arrests, Kagami had thought that Adrien would jump at the chance to be done with them and pretend they never existed. But her boyfriend had proven that, despite the years of emotional abuse he’d been forced to endure, he’s still got one of the biggest hearts that Kagami has ever seen.
“I love them,” Adrien had whispered into a midnight three-way cuddle, finally allowed to crack and break down after so much time fearing the consequences of emotional vulnerability. “After everything they did to Paris…to me…there’s a part of me that still…I don’t want to forgive them, but I don’t want to hate them. I just want them to…not be. You know?”
And that leads to now. Kagami, Alya, and Nino have been gathered in Adrien’s temporary suite in Le Grand Paris, where he’s been staying until his bodyguard can be awarded permanent custody since Emilie Agreste had been laid to rest just days before.
“Thank you for coming,” Ladybug begins, wringing her hands. “I know that there wasn’t really a final battle or anything –”
“Pity,” Nino mutters. “Been looking forward to smacking that guy in the face for years.”
“– but I still wanted to thank you for stepping up and putting yourselves on the line,” Ladybug continues, while Chat Noir’s lips twitch at Nino’s comment. “I trust the other heroes, of course, but you three are, well…I’d trust you with my life. And with what Chat Noir and I are about to reveal.”
Chat Noir’s lips quirk again, but it’s hollow. A small part of Kagami wonders if it’s appropriate for her to know exactly why, when even his own superhero partner doesn’t know.
“Even though Hawkmoth and Mayura are gone, there’s still so much to do with the Miraculouses,” Ladybug says. “Petty crimes, little acts of goodness…and figuring out how to do this whole Guardian thing. Part of that is not leaving the kwamis locked up in the Box for centuries. So, now that Hawkmoth is gone, and identities aren’t an issue anymore…”
Alya almost faints when Ladybug retrieves the Fox Miraculous from her yo-yo and holds it out. She stretches her hand out to take it, pauses with her fingers right above the golden chain, and she only snatches it away and hugs it to her chest with squeals of ecstasy when Ladybug smiles and nods. Nino actually yanks Ladybug in for a tight hug when she gives him the Turtle Miraculous before letting go to talk to the turtle kwami that had materialised, just as Alya is currently chatting away to the fox kwami so fast that her words are almost just a buzzing sound.
It takes every ounce of willpower for Kagami to not lose her composure and shriek when Ladybug presents her with the Dragon Miraculous. Instead, she forces herself to contain the energy that’s vibrating beneath her very skin, and she bows her head and accepts the choker from her masked girlfriend.
“Greetings, Kagami-san!” Longg says once she’s appeared in a flash of red light. “I am thrilled that you are to be my permanent holder!”
“As am I, Longg-sama,” Kagami says with a smile and holds out a hand for Longg to settle on.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” Ladybug says when Kagami, Alya, and Nino have finally exhausted themselves from excitement, “Chat Noir and I have something that we want to tell you.”
Chat Noir reaches out and takes Ladybug’s hand with a small smile. Alya looks like she’s going to burst with excitement, but that’s nothing compared to her reaction after Ladybug and Chat Noir utter their next words.
“Spots off.”
“Claws in.”
As soon as their transformation lights fade, it becomes painfully obvious that they hadn’t revealed themselves to each other before this moment. Alya’s screaming – muffled into a pillow to avoid security rushing up to them – and Nino’s wordless gaping are to be expected. What’s not expected is the way Marinette and Adrien take one look at each other, then squeal and jump apart.
“Oh my god, it’s you!” they bellow. Their kwamis, meanwhile, are doubled over in mid-air with laughter.
“Dude!” Nino holds up his hands with the look of someone who’s doing ten equations at once in their heads while being utterly awful at mathematics.
“My best friend is Ladybug!” Alya shrieks. “Since when? How the hell didn’t you two figure it out from being together? Is that why you gave me the Fox? And missed class all the time? And all the times you flaked – you were off being Ladybug – my best friend –”
Kagami just stands in the centre of this storm and smiles down at Longg.
“And you!” Alya jabs a finger at Kagami. “How the hell did you manage to land Ladybug and Adrien Agreste? Tell us mere mortals your secret!”
“You’re not even surprised?” Marinette splutters. “How did you –?”
“Because unlike others in this room…” Kagami takes a step forward and leans in. Marinette and Adrien lean back with wide eyes and pink cheeks. “I have a brain cell.” Then she leans back and savours the mixture of indignation and awe on her partners’ faces. She might pay for this later, but for now? She’s going to savour this sweet, sweet victory while she can, before Marinette and Adrien team up to punish her.
She won’t complain too much, though. She’s sure they’ll work out an appropriate punishment…like kissing her until her brain melts. She can live with that.
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A Comprehensive List of Why REFLEKDOLL is One of the BEST EPISODES
1. I mainly come to this show to watch Ladybug and Chat Noir bitch at each other for a solid 15-20 minutes and, my god, does this episode deliver.
2. “You’d better get going before you lose your clown costume.” I C O N I C.
3. For real, confirmation that Ladybug sees Chat as as much of a goddamn clown as the entire fanbase, it’s great. 
4. I know people get on this episode because the ladynoir banter is apparently “”mean-spirited””? But honestly like, banter between friends CAN sound this mean-spirited from an outward perspective while all the friends involved in it are totally fine and in complete understanding that it’s all just joking and in good fun. Ladybug really starts tearing into him (jokingly) and Chat still finishes the sequence by bouncing away yelling “SEE I WAS RIIIIIGHT!” in an upbeat, teasing tone. Like, they’re fine. This is just how they talk to each other as friends and it’s clear neither Ladybug nor Chat Noir take their banter very seriously. (Honestly my banter with my friends can be far more scathing than anything in this episode. XD)
5. Watching Juleka and Luka interact... It’s pure. It’s good. :’3 Just an all around good scene. It’s also nice to follow up on how Juleka’s been dealing with her issues since Reflekta, even though it does turn out she’s made very miniscule progress.
6. Alya’s galaxy brain moment of inviting Adrien to help Marinette with a fashion shoot: Makes a lot of sense and is a great way to capitalize on both the love square’s hobbies to get them to hang out more! It’s the single part of this episode that isn’t a contrivance! 
7. Adrienette look cute in the matching outfits. Sorry but they do.
8. Okay, the thing that is truly great about this episode is that everything about it is a massive contrivance to make the kwami swap happens. ML wants it’s fucking kwami swap and it’s going to bend over backwards to make it happen, and it is NOT shy about it and it is NOT sorry. And honestly?? I FUCKING LOVE THAT. Does a kwami swap make logical sense for it to occur without the heroes having planned for it? No. Are we going to do it anyway? YES!!!! BECAUSE A KWAMI SWAP WOULD BE FUCKING FUN!!! That’s what’s great about ML, and this episode is a great showcase of ML’s priorities as a cartoon (which is probably why this episode rubs some of the fandom the wrong way). A kwami swap is illogical, but it’s fun as fuck, so the show is going to do it. That’s the priority above all else. FUN. AND IT PAYS OFF!
Seriously, everything is a contrivance. Why akumatize Juleka again? Reflekta’s power can handicap the kwamis’ abilities to find their humans in the commotion. Why have Marinette and Adrien change for the photo shoot? Get them to take their miraculous off. Why have them keep the kwamis in the car instead of in their pockets? So they can’t find their own kwamis right away. This episode is jumping through flaming hoops to make this happen and it’s fucking gold. Might there have been a much more natural way to have a kwami swap? Yeah, sure, most likely. But literally WHO EVEN CARES cause this episode starts out fun and ends fun, and it works well enough that I don’t give a flumpty. Hell, I appreciate it even MORE for not being shy about its priorities in this episode. Kwami swap fun? Then kwami swap will happen. Fuck everything else.
9. “Are you okay, Marinette?” “YEAH. HE’S TOO HOT. I MEAN--” This is a top tier Marinette flub.
10. I recognize I’m a minority on this, but I fucking love Mayura. She is a goddamn queen. So gosh darn fabulous with the long coat and the fan. I just love it whenever she shows up so I’m glad she’s here. Makes the villains a touch more intimidating in this episode since there’s two, which pairs well with Marinette and Adrien being somewhat off their game due to the kwami swap.
11. Literally any time Tikki and Plagg interact together is great. 
12. Adrien telling Marinette to hide in the car... TTToTTT <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
13. No one ever believes me when I say Marinette is pure chaotic energy but she HECKING IS! When she finds Plagg with the cat ring, this girl does not waste a goddamn second. Will swapping powers probably mess them up? Yes, but FUCK IT PARIS IS IN DANGER AND WE NEED HEROES NOW SO GIMME THAT RING. SHE JUST DOES NOT WASTE A GODDAMN SECOND TRANSFORMING. SHE CAN TAKE ANYTHING AND ROLL WITH IT. I LOVE MARINETTE.
14. Also Ladynoire’s design is fucking choice.
15. Okay, go onto youtube right now, look up Mister Bug’s transformation sequence, and look at the way he puts on his mask.... I know right??? :D
16. This is a very personal thing, but I love seeing Adrien powered-up without the cat eyes. This is the only time you ever see it, and trust me while I fucking love the cat eyes, it’s a really eye-catching change to see him with his normal eyes here! Think about it, Ladybug has never seen her partner’s real eyes until this episode. It’s cool! (Marinette with the cat eyes, on the other hand, is neat as well, but I don’t think she wears them as well as Chat Noir.)
17. Adrien smacking himself with the yo yo.
18. I’ve said this before but I find it absolutely adorable how, when swapped, Marinette and Adrien base their new names off of each other, rather than making up new ones from scratch. Mister Bug? It’s Ladybug, but boy. Ladynoire? It’s Chat Noir, but girl. Seriously that’s adorable.
20. I’m not the first one to make this comparison, credit goes to @buggachat on that, but Marinette in this episode is like the parent trying to teach their kid how to drive but ends up flipping their shit the second their kid touches the gas pedal. And it’s fucking funny. X”D Marinette has a strong sense of responsibility along with an incredibly specific way of how she likes to do things as Ladybug. Her process is you battle the akuma, gather info about your opponent, use lucky charm at the exact right time that only she knows in order to take them down, and then capture the akuma and/or amok. Her routine is pretty broken in this episode, since it’s now Adrien who needs to do all those things, so that combined with Marinette’s acute awareness of Adrien being a Child Who Causes Problems On Purpose has her veerrryyy on edge this whole episode and it’s just fun to watch. Her asking Adrien if they should switch back, correcting him every time he mis-speaks about how to do Ladybug correctly. It’s not a side of Marinette we get to see every day!
21. Additionally, getting to watch her relax for once in a fight since she’s now in the canonical clown costume is wonderful. I love Marinette. I want good things for Marinette. Relaxation and fun are good. She’s got a lot on her shoulders so this episode is nice, especially with the s3 finale in context.
22. Yknow, I can very happily buy that chataclysm doesn’t work on sentimonsters, since it’s already been established that Miraculous magic can protect from chataclysm. (See: Miraculer)
23. I’ve written already about why Mister Bug wasn’t actually bad with the ladybug miraculous, so I’ll only touch on a couple of those points again. But it is weird to me how people cry about Mister Bug being shit at the ladybug miraculous when he’s so clearly not? He just has a lot of stuff to think about that he usually doesn’t have to worry about cause it’s not his job. When to use lucky charm, HOW to use lucky charm, when to use miraculous ladybug, capturing the akuma once it’s released, capturing the amok. He just quite literally never has to put thought into any of that so it’s pretty understandable that he doesn’t have a handle on it just, automatically. Meanwhile, Marinette doesn’t have a ton of extra things to think about with the cat miraculous, AND she’s canonically naturally talented with handling different miraculous, so it’s very believable that she’d be fine? I get people don’t like that cause they have a problem with Marinette (and any WOC) being competent in general, but she’s just a talented girl. We see her take and roll with anything to stop the villain in every episode of the show, so there’s not actually a reason for her to notably struggle with the cat miraculous. But hell, she actually DOES make things worse by chataclysming Reflekdoll, which might have not happened if she paused before just rushing in and using her power (after proudly declaring she is now the Team Clown). But it’s understandable that she didn’t predict the sentimonster to react how it did, and I can see Adrien making the same mistake, so eh. 
24. But my point is that in terms of this discourse, I think this episode is fine. It’s about Ladybug and Chat Noir learning that they’re both quite good and very comfortable in their default roles. She’s great at handling her job and he’s great at handling his. That’s a perfectly fine lesson for this episode, and it’s not super necessary for them BOTH to learn that their partner’s job is actually super hard! The episode starts with them teasing each other about their roles, and it ends with that little bit of conflict between them being eased away due to their experiences from the kwami swap. Chat Noir is still a clown, Ladybug still is too concerned with her usual responsibilities to spend a lot of time clowning with him in fights, and that’s okay. They both learn to relax about it. It’s a good lesson for them to learn about each other, and it feels natural for the show to spend some time exploring their dynamic as partner heroes! 
25. I actually fucking love how it’s established that the lucky charm works differently for different people. This episode BASICALLY CANONIZES that Marinette’s lucky charm is so insane because SHE HERSELF, IS SO INSANE. Adrien thinks much simpler (which I’ve written about how that’s not a bad thing in previous posts), so his lucky charm is just: You need a mirror? Okay, here’s a mirror. And it’s actually very fun and interesting to me that his ability to use his lucky charm was handicapped specifically becuase he’s only ever watched Marinette use it. Marinette’s lucky charms always yield wildly complicated plans, and that’s the exact thing she’s shouting at him the whole episode, so he expects it to be complicated and thus can’t figure out how to use the mirror. It’s only when they sit down and realize that they’ll have to think on Adrien’s level instead of Marinette’s that they figure out what to do with it! Marinette’s spent the whole episode basically backseat driving for him (understandably), so the fact that the resolution is her meeting Adrien at his own spot and working on his level instead of hers- It’s a good way to wrap the episode up! 
26. Duuzu.
27. dID HE JUST DAB?!?!
28. Oh my god he did. And people actually hate this episode, smh.
29. Marinette flirting with Chat Noir will always give me life, and we get so much of it in this episode! Her calling him Bugaboy is this perfect combo of flirtatious and teasing that’s just very on-brand ladynoir. It’s perfect in this episode for literally so many reasons that I don’t even have time to list them cause this essay is already really long.
30. Adrien and Marinette interacting with the others’ kwami? Wholesome. Marinette and Adrien reuniting with their kwamis? Very wholesome. They’re both so attached to their kwamis in different ways, and they’re also together with their kwamis practically every waking moment of their lives. I can imagine being apart from them even for a little must’ve been a touch anxiety inducing, so it’s nice to see how sweet everyone is when they’re reuniting!
31. Adrien says at the end that he’s not cut out to be Ladybug and honestly y’all... That’s okay. Adrien has his role and he’s incredibly good at his role, and Ladybug is incredibly good at hers. They’re both SATISFIED with their roles. He’s not upset when he says he’s not cut out to be Ladybug, not even a little. He very happily takes Plagg back and steps back into his usual territory. Again, he wasn’t bad at the ladybug miraculous. It just came with more to think about than he really wants to, things that Ladybug is very HAPPY to think about, and if their dynamic already works, then he’s perfectly happy to focus on his part and leave her job to her. That’s great!!!
32. Juleka getting to do the fashion shoot... Yay. :’D I just want good things for Juleka.
In conclusion, this episode is pure unbridled fun from start to finish. It’s chaotic, it’s got top tier banter, it’s a phenomenal change of pace from the rest of the series. I actually love watching this episode with folks for the first time because seeing the look of complete shock and glee on their face as Marinette grabs that cat ring from Plagg is just FUN! And at the end of the day, this episode is a statement on three things:
- Marinette is a talented girl. -Adrien is great at his job. - And ML as a show’s priority will always, first and foremost, be fun.
And none of those are a bad thing. 
Hope you enjoyed the essay! :D
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hateswifi · 4 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Graduation and Growth
So this is Part Thirteen here is to my Master List and Part Twelve.
Marinette started growing after her first commission with the help of Diana, Lucky Spot became a headquarters for Nette's clothes. She did originals for celebrities only really unless asked for a special event such as a wedding and only for a good price and she couldn't be swamped in commission. Bruce offered her a small part of Wayne Enterprises as a factor because she was using all earth-friendly material and was good publicity. She, at first, refused but unable to keep up with demands accepted Bruce's offer. There was a public announcement and signing of the contract between Wayne Enterprises and Nette, but being dead, she sent Diana as her representative to sign for her. She was well known throughout America and Asia with popularity moving towards Europe. She was getting better known as Nette even more popular than MDC had ever been.
This made knowing Nette a perfect lie for Lila without Marinette around to try and expose her, little did Lila know her Castle of Lies would soon fall. That's how the announcement of a field trip to Gotham happened a couple of weeks before graduation; they were to leave the day of graduation. This is the field trip plan she had come up with before she 'died', but Lila took credit for it all because she became Class President after Marinette's death. Chloe and Adrien didn't bother to pay attention to where the group was going. They didn't realize or care where the class was going because they were leaving to go on tour from graduation. Well first they were going to visit Marinette she was going to reveal herself soon, after coming up with a cover story if she was ever asked about her 'death'.
Adrien graduated valedictorian, which Lila cried about due to it being unfair with her 'disability', Alya threw a fit for her 'bestie'. There was nothing they could change though because Gabriel would have the school board's heads. After the graduation caps been thrown and pictures had been taken, the 4 Outlaws travel to see their dear friend once again, little did they know the class would soon be following them the next day. Lila spread more lies about knowing the Wayne family and her childhood sweetheart Damian along with her best friend Nette.
Back in Gotham with Marinette, she was getting ready for the release of the line 'Butterfly' and the gala that was to follow the next day. Her friends were coming to watch the release and they offered to model because they inspired most of the outfits. She had been spending extra time at Wayne Enterprises, one so Damian didn't murder anyone --a lot was going on-- and two to monitor the production to be released. All the outfits in the actual show were handmaid by Marinette and would be auctioned off at the end to give to a charity.
There was a mix of excited chatter on the plan with the class."I can't wait to get that interview with your boyfriend," Alya exclaimed. oblivious to how irritated the Italian girl had become. "Also I can't believe you managed to get us a tour of Wayne Enterprises, which now includes Nette's factory, along with her fashion show AND the gala. Maybe you can get me an interview with Nette being her best friend. Also, is Damian asking you to the gala?"
"I worked extra hard to get us this trip. Something our old Class President couldn't do. I don't think my Damiboo will do an interview he is shy, so I don't know if we'll be able to see him. I don’t know if he’s taking me to the gala, he’s shy," Lila lied, crossing her arms letting a tear fall. "I still can't believe they had the nerve to tell me I am not in first class."
"Ya girl, I can't believe they would treat, Ladybug's best friend, Jagged Stone's niece, and Damian's Wayne's girlfriend that way." Alya huffed. "Hey, you should ask Damian to sue because you've been treated so badly."
"I'll ask him when I see him," Lila said, putting in headphones while thinking to herself. 'Maybe if I sleep I won't have to deal with this obnoxious girl.'
The plane ride lasted eight hours, which Lila had to listen to Alya babble, about only god know what. When they had gotten outside it was raining and the class tried to hail a taxi.
"Lila. I thought you made plans for how we would travel," Ms. Bustier asked, trying to sound nice through gritted teeth. A car drove by and splashed Lila and Alya, the girls shrieked getting covered in the dirty street water.
"I swear I did," Lila explained, now dripping in the water she started to cry. "They must have been some mistake, they must have canceled on me."
"It's fine Lila, the hotel isn't too far right?" Alya comforted rubbing the top of her back.
"It's about a three-mile walk from here," Lila whimpered between tears.
"We can walk, right Ms. Bustier?" Alya said, hugging the poor Italian.
"I suppose, but Lila you have to make accommodations for tomorrow's tour," Ms. Bustier said as she got the kids to follow her.
Luka was looking out the window of the Outlaw’s limo when he saw his sister's unfortunate class. "Guys! look. Pullover," Luka said looking away from the window.
"Who's there?" Chloe asks moving towards where Luka had been looking. Before Chloe could argue with Luka's decision, he was opening the door.
"You guys need a ride," Luka asked, looking specifically on his sister, they hadn't been on good terms since he had been kicked from Kitty Section.
"Why would we want to hang out with bullies like you!?" Alya exclaimed as Lila was about to accept the offer.
"Juleka are you staying warm and dry?" Luka asked, ignoring Alya.
"She is fine," Alya cut in again.
"It's fine Alya, they're trying to make up for their mistakes," Lila said, stepping forward with her bag following behind her.
"Ya know what," Chloe says, angrily. "We are not bullies and you're all in for a surprise."
"How many of you want a ride from us 'bullies'?" Kagami asks.
"If you're good with Adrien and Luka, you're good in my book," Juleka says, pushing past her classmates and got into the limo. Alix and Kim get in the dry limo while everyone else agreed with Lila, the liar, walk to the hotel in the cold rain.
As the limo drove away Lila started crying, "That was supposed to be our limo, they must have bribed the company to give it to them."
"Those bastards!" Alya screamed and stormed faster towards the hotel.
Back in the limo "So you guys know the truth about Lila's lie?" Kagami asks leaning into the seat.
"Yes, we've known for a while, but couldn't do anything in school," Kim says.
"But now since we've graduated we're done putting up with her bull," Alix huffs, crossing her arms.
"Besides we know Marinette planned this trip and there's no way that we're going to let her work go to waste by Lila's lies," Juleka says, putting her head on her brother's shoulder.
"We're actually on our way to see her," Adrien says sleepily into Kagami's shoulder.
"What... What do you mean?" Kim asks sitting forwards.
"Ignore him," Kagami says, elbowing him.
"No is she alive? We thought she.... she well ya know," Alix said.
"Nah she just moved," Adrien said with a big yawn.
"Shut your boyfriend up Gami," Chloe said harshly.
"She's alive?!!" Juleka said whipping her head forward.
"You can't say anything. She came here for a reason, heck she probably forgot about your trip or she would've had Damian, her boyfriend, cancel the tours," Luka said, shaking his head.
"She's alive, but why did she leave?" Kim asks heartbroken.
"It was kind of a rash decision on her, but she is our friend and we were supporting her," Chloe explains.
"She'll probably explain everything if you run into her at the factory. If not we'll explain everything later," Luka said, looking out the window.
"Looks like this is your destination," Kagami said, looking down at her ringing phone. "Hey, Mar. Yes, we're on our way. We got stuck in traffic we'll be there soon." Luka started opening the door for the group to exit as Gami hung up. "Jagged is waiting for us. She wants to go through fittings before dinner tonight."
"Well sorry this was cut short, but we'll see you soon," Luka said through the open window after he closed the door.
"You may go," Chloe said to the driver. Luka put up the window as the small group headed into the hotel. The Outlaws decided not to tell Marinette about her class and their field trip because she didn't need any more stress.
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tsuki-chibi · 4 years
Blueberry Peach (Adrien AUGreste) Part 2: Ice cream
Or read it on AO3: Blueberry Peach
Also find the other parts of the series AO3: Fruitful verse
The instant she landed on her balcony, Ladybug sank down onto her lawn chair with a sigh and started rubbing at her shoulder. Though the miraculous cure took care of the damage they sustained in any akuma battles, sometimes the memory of pain was even worse. It was like her body couldn’t process that it had been healed. Phantom aches were a bitch.
“Well, that sucked,” Chat announced to no one in particular as he landed. “Plagg, claws in.”
“I’m starving! I need food!” Plagg whined as he appeared.
“Tikki and Pollen will need food too,” Ladybug said with a sigh. Before she detransformed, she’d have to go back down to the road and enter the bakery normally. Her parents had probably heard about the akuma attacking the school and they’d want to know that she was okay.
Queen Bee was the last to land, stumbling slightly as she did. Adrien automatically reached out to steady her.
“You okay?” he asked her.
“I’m fine,” Queen Bee said, gently pulling away. “Pollen, buzz off.”
A yellow flash of light up the balcony.
“Hey, Pollen!” Plagg said.
“Hi Plagg,” Pollen said, buzzing as she landed on Chloé’s palm. “You did excellently, My Queen!”
Ladybug raised an eyebrow. ‘So I guess I wasn’t wrong about Pollen wanting a queen bee, huh?’
‘Nope,’ Adrien thought, shooting her a small smile. He was deeply amused by the whole situation.
“Pollen, what do you eat?” Ladybug asked out loud.
“Much like Tikki, I enjoy sweets,” said Pollen. “I favor ice cream, if you have any.” She looked up with an adorably hopeful expression that melted Ladybug’s heart.
“I’ll see what I can do,” she said, getting up and hopping over the railing of the balcony. As soon as she hit the ground, she ducked into the alley, detransformed, and waved Tikki into her purse. Then she causally walked into the bakery – and was promptly jerked into a hug by her panicked papa.
‘Something’s wrong with Chloé,’ Adrien thought.
‘What do you mean?’ Marinette thought, trying to remember how to breathe. At least with a hug this tight, she didn’t have to focus on trying to speak telepathically to Adrien and out loud to her parents.
‘She’s just acting a bit weird, that’s all,’ he thought back.
‘She did just go through her first miraculous fight, and against a tough akuma,’ Marinette thought, before letting out a relieved squeak as her papa let go.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Tom exclaimed, looking her over. “I was ready to go over to the school to find you.”
“I’m sorry, Papa. Madame Bustier didn’t think it was safe for us to go, so she made us hide until it was over,” Marinette lied. “I wanted to send you and Maman a text, but we weren’t supposed to take our phones out just in case they made sounds and attracted the akuma.” She crossed her fingers behind her back as she spoke, hoping her parents never got the opportunity to ask Madame Bustier about this.
Truth be told, Marinette had no idea what happened with her classmates when an akuma showed up. Zombizou had been a special case since it was Madame Bustier herself who’d been akumatized. For the most part, by the time the teachers put any plans into place, Ladybug and Chat Noir were already out there saving the day.
“Of course,” Tom said, sighing but smiling. “Your maman is upstairs laying down. She had a headache.”
“Do you need me to help down here?” Marinette asked, hoping the answer was no.
Luckily, Tom shook his head. “We have it covered. Pop upstairs and let your maman know you’re okay.”
“Will do.” Marinette headed upstairs, though she detoured into the kitchen to grab cookies, swiss cheese, and a small dish of vanilla ice cream out of the freezer. Just as she tucked the cheese under her arm, a wave of potent concern came through the bond.
‘Uh oh,’ Adrien thought.
‘What? What’s wrong?’ Marinette thought. He’d been quiet while she was talking to Tom, mostly idly scrolling through his phone. She peeked through his eyes, half-expecting to see a message from his father or Nathalie, and realized that he was looking at his schedule for the week.
Specifically, a photography shoot for Style Queen magazine.
And then it clicked.
‘Yeah, this is why Chloé is out of sorts. Her mother must be coming home,’ Adrien thought. It was a thought accompanied by a whirl of emotions and memories that Marinette tried to sort through as she made her way back upstairs. Her chest tightened as a few scenes of Audrey dismissing her daughter out of hand, or worse intentionally insulting Chloé, flashed through her head.
‘I don’t really know much about Audrey Bourgeois,’ she thought. She certainly hadn’t known that Chloé and her mother had such a contemptuous relationship, though in retrospect it explained a lot of things about Chloé. Marinette paused, looking at the door to her parent’s bedroom. Her maman and papa were so great. It wasn’t fair that Adrien and Chloé had gotten stuck with such assholes.
‘Asshole is putting it mildly when it comes to Madame Bourgeois,’ Adrien thought tiredly, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands. ‘Chloé tries super hard to impress her mom and always ends up feeling terrible, so she lashes out at everyone.’
‘Yay,’ Marinette thought wryly, nudging the bedroom door open. A quick peek inside told her that Sabine was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her, she shut the door and just headed up to her room.
Adrien and Chloé were still out on the balcony. Marinette handed the food up to Adrien and then clambered through the window, watching as Plagg pounced on the cheese and started scarfing it down. Tikki and Pollen were considerably more polite, at least.
“So am I going to get to do this again?” Chloé asked, and Marinette glanced over at her.
“I don’t know. Maybe. Chat and I can handle most akumas ourselves,” Marinette said.
Chloé’s mouth turned down, though her expression smoothed out quickly.
‘Mari…’ Adrien thought.
Marinette sighed. Gosh, life had been a lot easier when Chloé was just an annoying brat that Marinette didn’t really care about.
“But Hawkmoth is really stepping up his game. Zombizou and Antielle were pretty bad. So yeah, we might need to call upon you in the future if you’d be willing to help,” she said.
“I guess,” Chloé said, trying hard to sound cool, but even to Marinette’s inexperienced eye it was obvious that Chloé was totally psyched by the offer.
Adrien shot her that warm smile that never failed to make Marinette’s stomach flutter. She made a face at him, knowing that he could feel how he was making her feel, and his smile widened.
“Eww. If you two are gonna make faces at each other, then someone take me home,” Chloé said.
“I will as soon as Plagg has recharged,” Adrien said, turning to look at her and then at Plagg. The cheese was mostly gone and Plagg showed zero sign of slowing down, so it wouldn’t take long.
“I could just take Pollen and save you the trip,” Chloé said slyly.
Marinette snorted. “Nice try, but no. I’m taking this back to where it belongs,” she said, palming the Bee miraculous. Now that they knew there were other miraculous, she intended to have a nice chat with Master Fu. She and Adrien needed to know what those miraculous did just in case they needed other help in the future.
“Oh fine,” Chloé said. “But if you mess up my hair by doing tricks, I’ll stab you next, Adrikins.”
Adrien just snickered. “I make zero promises.”
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graaythekwami · 4 years
A Good Actor - ML one-shot
Summary: To avoid auditioning for the role of Ladybug, Marinette finds herself trying out as Chat Noir for a school performance. It’s just her luck that she’s trying out with Adrien, who she can barely get a sentence out around. So when she’s told to improv the heroes’ patrol night she does the easiest thing– and repeats exactly what Chat Noir said to her on patrol last night.
Also read on ao3!
“Y-you want me to what?” Marinette cried, taking a step back, staring at Alya with wide eyes.
“I want you to play Ladybug for the school performance!” Alya said, holding up the poster excitedly. “Every class needs to send in a video of two students to audition for the role of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just about everyone in our class agreed that you’d be the perfect Ladybug!”
“Hahaha, me? Perfect Ladybug? What are you talking about we’re nothing alike,” Marinette said hastily. “I’d just trip across the stage and get tangled up in the yoyo string if I tried it, you know me!”
“For once I actually agree with Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe piped up from the other side of the room, arms crossed. “I would be a much better Ladybug than she would ever be!”
Alya ignored her, pressing closer with a smile. “Yes you, girl! Who better than our ‘everyday Ladybug’? I saw you dressed up for Clara Nightingale’s video, and you pulled off Ladybug’s costume so well. And sure you can be a bit clumsy sometimes, but that doesn’t mean a thing. Remember when we were shooting that school film and you were going to step in as an actor? You were doing awesomely!”
“B-but wouldn’t you be a better Ladybug?” Marinette stuttered out. “I mean you run her blog, you probably know the most about her, you’d pull off Ladybug perfectly! You’re her number one fan!”
Alya grinned. “Also, did I mention that we’re going to have Adrien play Chat Noir? That’d mean you’d get to play a role where Adrien’s flirting with you, and even if you guys aren’t chosen as the final actors you’d get to spend some time with him...”
Marinette was mad that this made her pause for a moment– because that was not how she was supposed to act as a superhero. Rule number one was to protect her identity, and everything else comes after that. She already had put herself in a role where she had almost been fully dressed up as Ladybug before, and she was not going to do that again. Even if it meant working with Adrien.
“Ha! I knew that would change your mind!” Alya said triumphantly, taking her pause as a yes. She grabbed Marinette by her arm, dragging her away. “We got our Ladybug!”
“Wait Alya, I didn’t say–!” Marinette began, only to be cut off by Adrien on the other side of the room.
“You want me to play Chat Noir?” He asked, looking quite startled at the idea.
“Well, yeah dude,” Nino said with a grin. “I mean, you were his voice actor for the movie, right? You look kinda like him too... ‘cause you know, blond hair and all? Even the Clara Nightingale wanted you to play Chat Noir in her music video. Who would be better in the class?”
“I mean, I don’t know, you know I probably wouldn’t have time to do it, with my schedule and all–”
“But you have time today, you’re here after all, and just about everything else will be done during school hours,” Nino countered, still grinning. “So we could film the audition today and submit to the school, and if you guys make it then the rest would be during school.”
“Marinette is going to be playing Ladybug for our class audition,” Alya said happily as they pulled up near the boys. She pushed Marinette forward, who was stiff. “You guys work so well together, won’t it be perfect?”
“Alya I–”
Adrien gave a small smile. “I think Marinette is an awesome choice, but I don’t think I will be able to do this. I don’t want to disappoint, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to step down.”
“Come on dude!” Nino begged. “There’s no one else in the class that can pull off a better Chat Noir.”
Marinette crossed her arms. “I’ve seen the call for auditions– they specifically stated that looks don’t matter at all for this, it all comes down to acting skills. You don’t need me and Adrien just because we happen to have the same hair color as the heroes. There’s other people that can do it better, so choose them.”
“Adrien has the most experience with acting though!” Rose piped up.
“And I’ve run the statistics, and out of all the females in the class Marinette would be the most suitable candidate for acting,” Max remarked.
“We–” Adrien began, but he was cut off by their class.
“You would be awesome, man,” Kim said, leaning over his desk. “Both of you, just give it a try?”
“Neither of you would mess up on stage,” Mylene said softly.
Ivan nodded. “It wouldn’t hurt to at least try, right?”
“You owe me girl,” Alya reminded Marinette. “And I’m cashing in right now– you need to try out for this audition. This would be an awesome chance for you!”
Marinette swallowed, barely noticing as she bumped up against Adrien, slightly startled at how adamant her class was on it being them to audition. Of course they didn’t realize what pressure they were putting on her, if anything they were just trying to work up her courage, not realizing just what could be at stake if she were to do this. She nervously looked up at Adrien, who surprisingly looked just as worried about this as she did. He glanced at her, offering a nervous smile, but also seemed to be quietly asking for her help as well. Of course he had enough pressure on him from his family, and pushing his schedule probably never went over well for him.
“Guys,” Marinette said, trying to make herself heard over the clamor of encouragement. “I don’t want to play Ladybug in this. I’m flattered that you think I’d do such a good job... but I don’t feel the same.”
“It’s just an audition,” Alix said. “Come on, would it hurt to give it a shot?”
Marinette swallowed, they weren’t going to let this go, were they? She closed her eyes, mind racing. She could feel Tikki pressing up against her through her purse. Once again her class began reassuring her that she would do an awesome job, to at least give it a shot. That there would be so many auditions that it would be unlikely that she would be chosen anyways. Ideas raced through her mind, trying to find some solution.
“Fine!” she suddenly cried, and she felt Tikki stiffen up. “I’ll do the audition!”
“Woo!” Alya cheered, and the class was grinning. “We got our Ladybug.”
“Wait–” Marinette said hastily, holding out her hands. “I’ll do the audition– but I don’t want the role of Ladybug. I want to try out for Chat Noir.”
Everyone stared at her.
She scratched the back of her head. “He’s my favorite of the two heroes, and I think I’d be more comfortable doing all this if I was trying out for his role, you know? Besides, the flier said this was going to be more focused on talent than anything else so why not...?”
“Besides!” Adrien suddenly interrupted, throwing himself into the conversation. “I’d love to try out as Ladybug! I think I would have a lot more fun with that role anyways, she’s awesome!”
“Well, um, I don’t see anything wrong with that, you are like her biggest fan,” Nino said with a shrug. “You’re both awesome actors, I think you could pull off any role.” 
“But it would be so perfect the other way,” Alya muttered. “I still have pictures from Clara’s music video auditions, you were both so cute...” Nino nudged her, and she smiled. “But whatever you guys are most comfortable with doing– I know you two are going to be awesome!”
She winked at Marinette, who flushed slightly. She didn’t know why Adrien now seemed willing with the role swap, since he had acted like his tight schedule was the issue before– yet now he seemed much more relaxed. Maybe he was tired of always being dragged into the role as Chat Noir? It seemed to happen so often with him, so it was no wonder he wanted to play Ladybug...
That’s when it hit Marinette. Adrien was going to be auditioning for the role of Ladybug. He was going to be acting as her. And if she was going to be playing the role as flirty Chat Noir that would mean that she would be flirting with Adrien.
Suddenly the room seemed a lot warmer, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks. No one said a word as she and Adrien were dragged towards the front of the classroom. Nino had his phone out to record the audition, while Alya was looking over the requirements one last time.
The next thing Marinette knew she was positioned across from Adrien, a plastic Chat Noir mask being pressed onto her face. It was far from comfortable– the mask the Miraculouses provided always seamlessly sat on her face, not obstructing her vision nor poking into her skin. She had to adjust this fake one several times, the elastic that held it into place digging into the sides of her head.
Adrien had a Ladybug mask on, fidgeting with it himself, shooting her a hesitant smile. She smiled back, knees feeling weak seeing him with her signature colors on him. In fact if you messed up his hair a bit he could probably pull off a Mister Bug costume– but she was sure the last thing he wanted was to be compared to Chat Noir if that had been what made him uncomfortable about all this in the first place.
“Okay!” Alya said, scrolling through the school website on her phone, holding the audition flier in the other hand. “No costumes are needed for the auditions, I just want to help you guys to be in character. Minimal props are allowed, and we just need to send in a two-to-three minute video of the two actors doing an improv performance of any scenario involving the heroes. ‘We’re looking for actors that can naturally fall into the role’, blah blah blah, ‘no script of any kind is needed to be followed for the audition’, blah blah, ‘only one video submission per class’... and I think that’s everything!”
“Here,” Juleka said, holding out two objects for them to take. “For props.”
Marinette was given a long cardboard tube, and considering the fact that Adrien was handed a yoyo it was probably supposed to represent Chat Noir’s baton. She had to stiffen a laugh, the image of a cardboard-covered Chat Noir leaping into battle popping into her mind. She didn’t know why, but it definitely seemed like something he would do.
“Okay!” Alya said excitedly, grinning at them. “Just relax, we can do as many takes as you guys want. Sure it’s supposed to be improv, but the beauty of video auditions is that we can just send in our best one.”
Adrien laughed, rubbing at the back of his neck. “So then, what scenario do you want us in then?”
He had looped the yoyo around a finger, but it was quite clear he didn’t have much experience with the toy. The yoyo only came back to his hand once before losing momentum, and he had to wind it up. Marinette tried to avoid yoyos for the most part, mostly because she had become very skilled with them both in and out of the mask. Also she found regular yoyos to be very boring– no endless string and it doesn’t function as a grappling hook? Where’s the fun in that?
“An akuma battle!” Kim said eagerly. 
“And what are we supposed to do? Have them jump around the room fighting a non-existent monster?” Alix rolled her eyes.
“They need a speaking role– something to show how amazing they are!” Rose said happily, beaming at them.
Alya grinned. “Okay, I got it– you two are meeting up for a nightly patrol, okay? Marinette, go off screen for a moment, because Ladybug would definitely be the more punctual of the two... perfect!”
“Actually–” Adrien began, before stopping.
Chat Noir was actually the more punctual one of the two– he tended to arrive early on patrol nights and on time for anything else, while she ran late as both Marinette and Ladybug. The only time Chat was late was when he was busy with his civilian life– meaning he was still being punctual in that part of his life.
“How should we start?” Marinette asked uncertainly, stepping back as Nino held up his phone to record.
“Your choice girl, just be Chat Noir,” Alya sat up. “Okay, everyone quiet... and go!”
With that Nino started recording. Adrien stiffened up for a moment, before leaning up against the desk, looking over to Marinette. Improv or not she had no idea what she should be doing, and she closed her eyes for a moment. Patrol... she went on patrol every week, this shouldn’t be a problem. She just needed to do as Chat Noir did, and no one knew him better than she did.
She had literally been on patrol with him last night, this would be easy.
So Marinette sat up, putting on her best Chat-grin, and sauntered onto the camera. She twirled her ‘baton’ the best she could with her hands, before slamming the tip onto the ground and leaning against it like she had seen Chat Noir do so many times before. Her heart was hammering, considering the fact that she was smirking slyly at Adrien, but she reminded herself to just play her part.
“Hey there Bugaboo,” she said as smoothly as she could. “Tonight is purr-fect, isn’t it? Absolutely mew-velous, just like you.”
She couldn’t help but let her grin widen– saying the exact same thing Chat Noir had said to her last night. Adrien stared at her for a moment, blinking once, and she decided that he was adorable in his little Ladybug mask. He looked surprised, probably because she wasn’t a stuttering mess, before composing himself. He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.
“Really, Kitty?” He asked in what seemed to be an attempt to mimic Ladybug’s voice. “Can’t we have just one patrol without your puns?”
Huh. That had been basically the exact same thing she had said in reply to Chat Noir last night. That made her feel warm, the fact that Adrien understood Ladybug that well. Nino had said he was a fan, but still.
“No puns, My Lady?” Marinette replied, once again echoing her and Chat’s conversation from last night, and she put her hand on her chest in mock-offense. “But that would be so claw-ful. A cat-astrophe! Purr-haps you need to reconsider just how pun-derful my puns are.”
Adrien struggled against a laugh as she rattled off her cat puns, and she hated the fact that they came to mind so easily. Thank goodness Chat Noir wasn’t here to watch her now, because she knew that he would never let her live this down. Mimicking him and making puns? He would probably think he was in heaven.
“I will not hesitate to push you off of this building,” Adrien replied with a huff, crossing his arms just a bit more dramatically than she had when she had said this last night. “Now, I’m going to patrol the east side, you take the west and–”
“Meow-ch!” She cut him off without a second thought, because that was what he had done to her last night when she had tried to divide up patrols. “Separate patrols again? I would think that you’re trying to avoid me, but considering how many messages you left me last night–”
“I was worried about you, you stupid cat!” This time Adrien cut her off. “You took several hits for me with that akuma yesterday– then left as soon as the battle was over! I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
“My Lady was worried about me!” Marinette swooned, clasping her hands together– but had to swiftly grab the cardboard tube before it fell over, because unlike Chat’s actual baton it couldn’t shrink down. “Your Miraculous Ladybugs did heal me up, but I have to say I am still a little sore...” she held out one hand, smiling slightly. “Kiss it better, Bugaboo?”
On the outside Marinette was flawlessly playing her role, but on the inside she was panicking. She was calling Adrien Bugaboo! She had just asked him to kiss her hand! Audition or not she was still freaking out... but that wasn’t the only reason. She had just used what had happened on patrol last night as a starting point for this improv shoot, yet somehow the conversation was going exactly how it had gone last night– and she had no idea what that meant.
Adrien was watching her with wide eyes for a moment– was there something on her face? Did he think she was weird? Was she making him uncomfortable? She didn’t have time to question him further as he slipped back into character, rolling his eyes and pushing her hand away. He attempted to spin her yoyo about a few times, though it didn’t go too well so he stopped.
“Such a needy kitty,” he said as he turned away. “We can patrol together if you want to so badly– but if you call me Bugaboo again I’m throwing you into the Seine.”
Alarms were going off in Marinette’s mind at this point– because that had been exactly what she had said, nearly word for word. She had given Chat Noir that same threat last night, she had turned away in the same way, she had been spinning her yoyo about– had Adrien been spying on them or something?!
“Must you wound me, My Lady? Purr-haps you should reconsider.”
Adrien let out a dramatic sigh. “You already used that one tonight, Kitty.”
Marinette had stiffened up, and was now staring at Adrien in shock. There was only so much that could be a coincidence, and this had now reached far past that. Her mouth was dry, knowing that what she said next would either confirm or deny the racing possibilities in her mind, because she could only think of one reason on why Adrien could parrot her conversation from last night so perfectly.
“W-well,” Marinette stuttered. “I think you should appreciate my puns more, even P-plagg likes them.”
This time Adrien stiffened up, having gone still. He didn’t say anything for a moment, before slowly turning around, watching her closely. He opened his mouth, about to say something, then paused. She swallowed, and then he spoke again, each word said with some hesitation.
“Well... Tikki says Plagg has no taste,” he replied slowly, and Marinette’s world came crashing down as he said her kwami’s name. She took a step back, face pale as she stared at Adrien. The audition was long forgotten, Alya’s wave at her for her to continue having gone unnoticed. She just stared at her crush and partner, mouth part way open.
“Ohmygosh!” She blurted out, hands going to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, n-no, this isn’t– you can’t– you’re not–”
Adrien was staring at her with awe, like he had never seen her before. She paid no heed to the confused looks her classmates were giving her, taking a step back from Adrien. He reached out, hesitating, looking stunned– but he had a huge smile on his face.
“Can I just say you make a fabulous Chat Noir?” Adrien said with a grin.
“Shut up!” She cried, voice muffled by her hands.
“You just pull him off so purr-fectly,” he continued. “Anyone else would have done a claw-ful job, but you just captured his essence–”
“I will throw you into the Seine!” She shouted, being fueled by nothing but panic.
“Cut!” Nino called, pausing the recording. “What happened, dudes? The first half was going perfectly.”
“Purr-fectly,” Adrien whispered under his breath, a gleeful smile on his face, and Marinette reflexively chucked the cardboard tube at him.
Adrien stepsided with ease, winking at her, and she felt herself turning red.
“Hey Nino, could you send me a copy of that take?”
“No!” Marinette yelped. “Nino, no! I will sic Alya on you! Don't you dare!”
“I'll do whatever you want, just save it!” Adrien called, arm wrapping around her waist as she sprang towards Nino’s phone, holding her back. “I need it for the memory!”
“I will sic Alya on you too, Agreste!” 
“...What is happening?” Alya whispered, and the rest of the class seemed to echo that sentiment.
Adrien seemed to gain the upper hand as he scooped Marinette up in his arms, causing her to let out a startled squeal, turning bright red. She most definitely wasn't protesting as she looked up at Adrien, but the startling thing was that Adrien was doing it in the first place. He seemed surprised by her reaction, but was grinning.
“Wipe that smirk off your stupidly handsome face!”
“Handsome face, you say?”
“I will tie you to the Eiffel Tower and leave you there all night!”
“As long as you're there~”
“Shut up, Agreste!” Marinette snarled, punching his shoulder, which only made him laugh.
He leaned in close, still cradling Marinette in his arms. He was smirking, a gleam in his eyes as he leaned in close.
“Make me, little lady.”
Marinette, who somehow had gone even redder, glared up at him. She reached up, grabbed the sides of his face, and pulled his lips down into hers. The whole class exploded as she did so, Adrien stiffening up as they kissed.
It only lasted for a moment, and then instantly Adrien melted into the kiss. He pulled her in closer, his grip on her shifting. One hand found the center of her back, the other supporting the rest of her as they kissed. Part of Marinette was panicking– because Adrien– but the rest of her now recognized him as her partner.
Chaton. Dork. Trustworthy. Safety. There was no reason to panic, but plenty to keep kissing.
They were breathing heavily as they pulled apart, resting their foreheads together. His smirks from before were gone, his gaze nothing but soft, joy pouring from him.
“Oh kwamis,” he whispered, his warm breath on her face. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she murmured, and she felt a purr building up in his throat.
“Say it again?”
She gave a small smirk. “How about you kiss me again?”
He grabbed her chin, and did just that.
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