#unfortunately I started running out of ideas for poses at about 17
galaxyseclipse · 3 months
You gotta add 44 total
you are one sick and twisted individual…
I like your style
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Okay, I have been hit with an idea again.
Darklina Twilight AU.
The only major alteration to Twilight universe that I am doing is that all vampires can procreate and fully vampire babies can be born, but the practice is frowned upon in modern times, because it poses a threat of exposure, both through the child and the frequent feedings the mother must undertake to carry the pregnancy to term.
As for our cast of characters:
Alina and Mal are cousins, both are 16, almost 17, who have been in foster-care together for their entire lives. They move to Forks as a distant relative of Alina agrees to take them both in.
The vampire clan in town is currently known as the Safin family (they cycle through last names to cover their tracks better, depending on whose turn it is to play parents). They are not strictly vegetarian, but they tend to stick to the diet while in the Forks area, to keep peace with the wolves.
The eldest vampire of the clan is obviously Aleksander. He's a born vampire, coming from Greek Judea (born somewhere in the 3rd century BCE), with a Jewish mother and a Greek father. He and his mother spent his youth travelling around the Mediterrenian and he spent about a century in his "teens" (or when he physically looked like a teen, because full vampire babies age slowly) serving the Volturi, before he set to travelling again, though they didn't depart on bad terms and he's kind of considered a Volturi proxy by a lot of other vampires. He still controls shadows, basically the same way as his Grisha version does - this also allows him to walk outside in daylight without sparkling. Unlike most vampires, his eyes are permanently black, regadless of how fed he is. He has spent a considerably portion of his life in Russian territory, including as a military and political figure. He ended up travelling to the US in the aftermath of WWI.
Ivan was the first person he turned. Ivan was his second-in-command while he served an early Russian ruler, who was wounded in battle and Aleksander decided to turn him, as he'd grown quite attached to him. Ivan has the ability to control bodies of humans the same way he does as a Heartrender, but work only partially on vampires.
Genya was the second person to join the little family. She was a slave girl renowned for her beauty, who was sentenced to death for poisoning her master. Because the poisoning suited Aleksander's needs, he decided to save her and turn her into a vampire. She has the ability to change hers and others appearances, which the clan uses to simulate aging and appear more human, allowing them to stay in one place for longer.
Fedyor was the next to join. He was the son of a nobleman and he and Ivan started a relationship while he was still human. Ivan then had to leave for some reason and Fedyor found another boyfriend. Unfortunately, the two got caught and were sentenced to death for sodomy, because 17th century. Ivan rushed back and saved Fedyor. Fedyor also has body-controlling abilities, though his are more in the realm of healing - he can speed up human healing, help vampires regrow destroyed body parts (though this requires both him and the person being healed to be very well fed on human blood) and, when working together with Genya, they had learned how to manipulate vampire venom, allowing them to either stop (at least in early stages) or speed up the transformation process.
David was the last person to join before the clan left for the US. He was a young engineer who got drafted into the military. He met Genya, who was working as a nurse to stay with the men of the clan on the front, and ended up figuring out, what she was. After some discussion, the clan faked David's death in an explosion and turned him into a vampire. He's able to manipulate metal, though it requires a lot of concentration on his part and is thus near-useless in battle.
The newest member of the clan is Zoya, who was turned in the late 80s. She run away from her abusive family and attempted to cross the states to reach her aunt, who lives in Seattle. Unfortunately, she run into a vampire, who attacked and almost killed her, but was distracted from finishing the job (he was hunting in the clan's territory and decided to just run away and avoid confrontation). She can manipulat wind, but she is still a relatively young vampire and isn't able to fully use those powers. She is also reason the clan is in Forks at the moment - she wants to keep an eye on her aunt and cousin, who still live in Seattle.
David and Genya are currently taking on the parent role and are Tailored to look to be in their late 30s, despite both of them having been turned significantly younger, while the rest of the clan is attending high school.
I don't really have a plot idea, just a vague aesthetic.
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stahlop · 2 years
Oh man @stahlop ! How do I choose which ones to ask about? I love your “Ready to Run” fic, so I will always happily hear more about it. But I am also curious about the ones titled “FWB pregnancy”, “Bodyguard AU” (yes please!!!), “Emma figured out Graham’s death”, and “Waitress AU”. I know that’s probably too many, so just take your pick and tell me about whichever one you would like! 😍
Unfortunately, I don't have anything else written for Ready to Run yet. But I'm very much looking forward to the scene where after the engagement party where Killian calls Emma a lost girl and she tells him he's a lost boy. That was one of my main reasons why I thought this movie would work so well for them.
FWB Pregnancy is totally written, I just need to revise and edit, and then find a beta. But here is a snippet.
“How did I not know you went to college in New York?” Liam says, shaking his head. “My brother went to college out there too.” It’s at this point that Emma becomes acutely aware that besides the fact that Liam has never once informed her he has a brother, that he has also never mentioned said brother’s name, and the hairs on the back of her neck start prickling. How many British Jones could have been in college at the same time as her? And now that she looks at him, Liam could have a resemblance to Killian, or maybe she’s just projecting.
“Ah, that must be, Killian,” Liam says heading over towards the door.
Exactly how many British Killian Jones’ went to college in New York?
“This is my apartment, Liam.” Emma hisses as she elbows him out of the way. There are butterflies in her stomach and she almost feels like she might throw up. It’s been 10 years since she’s seen Killian. What the hell is she supposed to say to him?
Emma throws open the door ready to meet Killian’s beautiful, blue eyes, and she does, only they’re on a small child who looks like he was getting ready to knock again, his hand held frozen in the air. He pauses, slightly taken aback, and Emma notices his dark, unruly hair and one eyebrow raised in a familiar pose. “Are you Emma Swan?” The boy asks.
The Bodyguard AU came to me in the shower one day. I can't even tell you the last time I watched the movie, yet I couldn't get it out of head. It's only a summary and ideas right now, and I can only give you the barest pieces of the summary because otherwise I'll give away too much plot.
Emma is a pop singer, Killian her bodyguard. Henry was conceived when she was 17 with Neal when he was 23 and it had to be swept under the rug as she was up and coming and he was the head of the music studio's son. She left Gold Records and went to Robin Hood Records.
For Emma figuring out Graham's death, I literally only have the first few lines written. It's been rattling around in my head for awhile.
It was after they finished kissing in the hallway. After they had raced into his room at Granny’s. After they had made love for the first time (and the second time), and after they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, it finally hit Emma. She woke up with a start, the weight of what her dream had revealed to her on her chest. Not a dream, but a memory.
She’d dreamt of Graham.
I literally have nothing for the Waitress AU except who I want to play which characters. And, of course, it would have a happier ending for Emma and Killian instead of Emma leaving him and him being married like in the movie.
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mummybear · 4 years
Talk Dirty To Me
This Is Day 17 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 3181
Warnings: Smut, Phone Sex, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Damon’s In Charge, Friends With Benefits, Female Masturbation, Think That’s It ;)
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Mentions Of Stefan Salvatore, Reader
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Summary: Damon being gone is harder than you remember, especially when he and Stefan are gone for two weeks and still not back. Can you keep yourself busy enough not to break the one rule that you and Damon have together.
A/N: So sorry still a little behind guys! But they are all comin’ ;) Bear with me I promise It will be worth it :P I don’t wanna put out subpar work just to be quick :)
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Damon and Stefan had left to find some rogue vampire almost two weeks ago now. It had hacked up half Mystic Falls before being scared off by the Salvatore brothers. You were really beginning to miss the little things about your tall dark and handsome friend, but most of all you were missing the benefits of your friendship. You’d had the odd phone call since he’d been gone, but nothing long enough for you to really talk.
You were continually cut off, by either Stefan interrupting or the cell signal cutting out and honestly, it was becoming a royal pain in the ass. Flopping down on your bed, the deathly silent Salvatore boarding house is starting to feel even bigger that it ever has before. It’s getting late now, with still no word from Damon you decide that it might be time to try and get some sleep. You knew it wasn’t safe to call him, just in case he was in the middle of hunting down his prey so to speak.
Undressing you make your way to Damon’s shower, since it’s the best one in the house and take a nice long hot shower. Enjoying the way the hot water stings delightfully at your skin, soothing your tense muscles. Unfortunately it does nothing for the ache still throbbing between your legs. You and Damon had one main rule and you were dangerously close to breaking it, two weeks felt like a year. 
You couldn’t touch yourself unless he told you to, it was just the way that your relationship worked. He was demanding and possessive in all the best ways, but he knew not to push you too far and that was why you worked so well. You of course, knew better than to disobey him, he had made sure he’d reminded you of who was in charge the last time you’d been a ‘bad girl’. 
Climbing out of the shower you wrap one of Damon’s big black fluffy towels around yourself and pull up your black lace panties. Walking over to his wardrobe you run your fingers over the clothes, look through the few flannel shirts that he had. You quickly spot your favourite one, the red and black one. Dropping your towel to the floor you pull it on. Smiling to yourself as you do up the buttons, it feels like he’s close. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you notice where the shirt stops just above your knees, pulling the collar up you inhale gently. The scent of the left over aftershave hitting you immediately makes you sigh.
You jump in surprise when your phone starts ringing out of nowhere, you glance over to where it lays forgotten in the middle of Damon’s massive bed. Frowning you climb onto the bed and lean back against the headboard as you answer the phone. 
“Hello, who is this?” you ask quietly, with a slight hint of confusion in your voice.
“Come on princess, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me already? It hasn’t been that long.” His voice sends shivers up your spine, God you’d missed it more than you had first realised.
“Damon!? Are you okay? How’s everything going?” you ask hurriedly, worried that the connection will cut out, or something else will come up that will cause him to have to hang up like it has every other time.
“Calm down Y/N. This is me we’re talking about, of course I’m okay. And things aren’t really going anywhere, we still haven’t found this dick. Stef’s gone out for a few hours, he’s sure that he can find something. Personally I’m over it now. One good thing about this hotel though is that it has a decent phone, so we can talk all damn night if you want too.” 
“Aww baby, are you getting all bored without me?” you practically purr, able to hear the tension in his voice, you’re certain that there’s one thing he’s missing almost as much as you are. 
“It’s been two weeks with just my brother, no I’m having the time of my fucking life” he replies sarcastically, making you laugh before he continues. “I’m bored off of my ass and yes I’m missing your sexy ass,” 
“Well, my sexy ass has just gotten out of your shower. Right now, I'm laying all alone in your big bed, wishing that you were here.” you pout, even though you know that he can’t see you. You slowly trail your fingers over your stomach, sucking in a breath when you feel the goosebumps surfacing across your soft skin. 
“Y/N, don’t fucking tease me right now. You’ll damn well pay for it when I get home.” Damon growls the warning, only making you want him that much more, his voice shoots straight to your throbbing center.
Part of you wants to pay for it, the rewards are ten times better after he punishes you.
“Baby, come on please, it’s been two weeks, I need you.” you whine desperately, rubbing your thighs together, trying to gain some kind of friction as you fight the urge to touch yourself. Running your fingers along the line of your black lace panties, Damon’s shirt has ridden up your body so it’s resting just below your breasts.
“Have you been a good girl for me?” Damon asks in that voice you miss, the one that he only uses for you, when you’re both in bed. 
“Yes, so good.” you promise feeling your grip tighten around your phone.
“Okay, well I guess we’ll see if you deserve it baby girl. So, i’ll bite for now. What are you wearing?” he asks seductively and you can all but see that fucking smirk on his perfect pink lips. 
Looking down at what you’re wearing you smile as you get an idea, flipping on the camera on your phone you pose the best you can and snap a picture. Quickly sending the image to Damon, “I sent you something,”
The picture shows your bare legs bent at the knees and slightly parted, you’d made sure that your panties were showing. The thin black lace on perfect display for him, your free hand hovering just above the edge of the lace, leading up to your soft stomach. Finally moving up to the swell of your breasts and ribs hidden beneath Damon’s red and black flannel.
“Fuck princess, you really are missing me, huh?” he asks through the groan he lets slip past his lips. 
“So much. Missing your dirty mouth pressed against my ear. Telling me all the naughty things you wanna do to me when we’re alone,” 
You squirm on the bed desperate for his touch, or at this point you're just desperate to be touched, even if it’s by your own hands. 
“You think you can control yourself and do as you’re told. If I let you?” he asks and you can hear the warning in his voice. Normally he has the power to stop you, but right now he has to trust that you won't come until he says you can.
You also know there’s always that part of him that hopes you’ll disobey, because you both enjoy the punishment and the make up just as much as the other.
“Yes Damon, I’ll be a good girl. Please,” you whimper, letting your fingers brush gently against your inner thighs, back and forth slow and teasing.
Damon seems to consider it for a moment, before he finally speaks again. 
“Right well, we’ll have to see. Put me on speaker, leave the phone on the bed next to you and unbutton my shirt,” he instructs you, keeping his voice controlled and calm. 
You do as he asks, unbuttoning his shirt quickly and letting the sides fall open. Feeling the cold air against your slowly hardening nipples pulls a quiet moan from your lips.
“Okay done,” you breathe out quietly, turning your head to look at the phone. 
He chuckles deep in his throat at your reaction, “Cup those tits for me baby, pinch your nipples just like I would. Get them nice and hard for me,” 
God that damn voice of his is gonna be the death of you. Doing as he had says you cup your tits in your hands, squeezing just the way that he would and you roll your nipples between your thumbs and forefingers. You can’t help but gasp, the sensation after so long, paired with his voice has your hips squirming against the mattress, trying to rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. “Damon please, I need more.” 
“Since when have I rushed anything princess, now do as you’re told. Spread those sexy fucking legs, feet up on the mattress. Are you nice and wet for me baby girl?” he purrs knowingly, you can picture him biting his lip as he looks at you.
Your feet press into the bottom of your ass as you pull them up on the mattress and spread your legs. “God Damon, so wet for you. Please, I just wanna touch myself, missing your cock so bad.” you tell him truthfully, fingers digging into the skin of your thigh as you fight not to touch yourself until he says otherwise.
“You do beg so pretty princess, take those sexy panties off for me. God, I would kill to have my face between your legs right now, your perfect little pussy is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” he growls deeply, he’s barely got the words out before you’re tugging the panties down your legs and throwing them across the room. 
“Wanna see you, please.” There’s a pause where you expect him to say he has to go, but instead he chuckles.
“Someone is feeling cheeky today,” you don’t answer when you see that a picture has come through from him, biting your lip you open the message and groan at the sight before you. 
Long fingers are wrapped around his thick hard cock, the muscles in his stomach are pulled tight, making the lines of his six pack stand out that much more against his lean hips. “See I miss you too baby girl, really miss having your perfect lips wrapped around my cock, you let me go so deep. Or watching your ass bounce when I fuck you from behind, you always come so hard for me,” he groans at the memories, you know that he knows what his voice and words are doing to you.
You lay there on his bed whimpering with your hands screwed up in the sheets, every word that falls past his lips has you squirming, every filthy word shoots straight to your throbbing pussy and you’re stuck between the need to touch yourself and wanting to be a good girl for him. 
“I need it Damon, need your cock. So wet thinking about how hard you’re gonna fuck me when you get home.” 
“Oh baby girl, I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” he growls voice sounding slightly more out of control, “keep it nice and slow, drag two fingers through your slick little pussy baby. Show me how wet you are.” 
Doing as he says you let out a filthy moan at the contact when your fingers finally move through your heated pussy. Just about managing to grab your phone with your free but shaking hand you aim it between your legs and snap the picture.
“So good, thank you for letting me.” you whimper continuing slowly slide your fingers back and forth, avoiding your clit so you don’t make yourself come, with how wound up you are right now there’s no guarantee that you can stop yourself. 
“Oh fuck look at you, that little pussy is dripping for me.” he groans so loud it’s like he’s right beside you and you swear that you can feel his lips brushing against your cheek. You can’t reply, only moan his name when your fingers brush across your clit, you feel your entire body jolt up against your hand. “Push your fingers inside your pussy baby, tell me how good it feels.”
Nodding although you know he can’t see you easily slide your two slick fingers inside your heat, “Feels amazing baby, so wet and tight. I - fuck!” you cry out, curling your fingers against the spot inside you that makes shivers roll across your skin. 
“Good girl, wish I could watch you fucking yourself on your fingers for me. Use your other hand princess, I want you to rub your clit like I do.” he growls when your breathless moans of his name falls past your parted lips.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you roll your hips down against your hands. Your thighs start to shake and your pussy starts clamping down around your thrusting fingers. 
“Damon please. Can I come, I can’t - Please!” 
“Fuck. I dunno, I do love it when you beg me, the sexiest fucking noises come out of your filthy mouth. You really think you deserve it?” he asks, sounding a little doubtful, you start to panic you know you can’t hold this one back for much longer. Your entire body feels like it’s about to snap in half.
“Damon, please! I c-can’t hold it” you gasp biting into your lip as your walls start to flutter it’s almost painful.
“Fine princess. But I better hear my fucking name. Now, come for me.”
You don’t disappoint him, you practically scream his name when your orgasm hits, sparking through your veins like lightning. You’re gasping for breath, thighs shaking, but you still feel like you need more. Your body is craving him, like it never has before. 
Then suddenly large hands wrap around your wrists and pin them back against the bed.
Your eyes snap open and you come face to face with those gorgeous blue eyes, biting your lip you look down at his body, very happy to see him completely bare on top of you.
“Not that i’m complaining, but what are you doing here?” you ask between your pants for breath.
He shrugs, smirk in full effect as he leans in closer, his lips are just a breath away from your own. “You got me hard as a fucking rock princess. You know the rules.” Swallowing back the moan you nod, seeing the tip of his tongue pressed against his fang which slowly recedes back into his gums.
Climbing off of the bed he pulls you with him easily tossing you back onto it, so that your chest is pressed against the soft bedding and your ass and legs are hanging off of the bed. 
“Nothing like the real thing,” he groans, running the head of his cock through your folds and nudging at your clit when every movement. “Don’t worry baby, I know just what you need.” 
You spread your legs wider when the wide head of his cock presses into your soaked entrance. “Please, I’ll be a good girl tonight.” you beg him, desperate for something more. 
“Oh I fucking know you will. This is gonna be fast, because I plan on fucking ruining you before I leave princess.” Damon growls slowly easing inside of you, hands gripping your waist tightly. 
“God! Yes all of that. Whatever you want,” 
“Like I said, so pretty when you beg,” he groans, snapping his hips forward harshly, sinking the rest of his thick length inside you easily. “Fuck, I missed this pussy.” 
His fingers tighten around your waist, nails biting at your skin as he thrusts into you hard and fast. You can feel the bed starting to budge beneath you, yet you can’t find it in you to give a shit. He feels so good, like he’s everywhere. Every one of his hard thrusts has you screaming into the sheets as he chases his release, he’s beginning to push you towards a second one of your own. 
Picking your knees up effortlessly he pushes them on the bed, almost underneath you. So that only your ass is hanging off the edge, you’re practically screaming his name with this new angle, he’s slamming right into your cervix with every thrust. 
Your mouth is open in a silent scream as your walls clamp around him tightly, “don’t you fucking dare.” Damon warns you with a dangerous edge to his voice, his large hand comes down on your ass. 
“Please. Fuck, I need to.” you whine pathetically, the sting of the slap making you whine as you rock back against him until he stops you.
“No. Hold it.” Damon demands firmly as his thrusts get harder and more harsh against your ass.
Your clit is throbbing and your head is spinning; you're not sure how much longer you can hold it. Pressing your face into the duvet you continue to whimper his name desperate for release, for him to finally give in and let you come. But there’s that messed up part of you that loves it when he makes you beg for it, until you’re a sobbing mess beneath him. 
His chest presses against your back as his leans over you, his lips press against your ear and your clit starts rubbing against the mattress. “You wanna come all over my cock baby? Want me to fill you up.” he snarls, dragging his teeth along your earlobe as his hips start to stutter against your ass.
“Fuck yes! Damon please.” you half sob, half moan into the duvet beneath you.
“Come for me, my dirty girl. Give it to me.” he grunts sliding his hands up to cup your tits in his big hands, rolling your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as you fall apart around him. Finally giving you everything that you’ve been craving since he’s been gone.
“Fuck! There’s my good girl,” he pants as his orgasm hits him hard, the tip of his fang scraping along your neck, pulling a whimper from him as he laps at your skin. 
You’re still struggling to breathe when he helps you lay back on the pillows and collapses beside you, pulling you against his chest. “Well, hey there. Feel free to do that way more often and not leave it so long next time.” 
“Yeah I know princess. It’s just been something I couldn’t avoid, but after today I thought I better get my ass back here before I explode.” he smirks teasingly, wiggling those eyebrows at you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
When he pulls back you meet his eyes and can’t help but smile, “You’ve gotta go back haven’t you?” you question with a sigh when he nods and he presses a chase kiss to your lips.
“Yes. But that’s why I plan on making it up to you before I go.”
“Well, not a bad start so far Mr Salvatore, what else do you have planned?” you smile running your fingers down his chest, watching the way he sucks in a breath.
“Oh just you wait and see baby girl.” he growls playfully, before pouncing on you and pinning you beneath his solid body.
Tags: @chewie-redbird​ @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278​ @peaches009​ @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​
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Kyoya Ootori x hot-headed!femenine!bigender reader
using pronouns they/them because I don’t know what your two genders are
Requested: No
Word Count: 1,586
My name is (y/n) (l/n), I’m 17, in year 2 of Ouran Academy and I’m bigender.
Most people think I’m a girl, and I rather it stay that way, at least until I finish High School. Not that I was scared that the Ouran Students would bully me, as my parents could easily get them expelled. But I rather avoid the bothersome questions like, ‘How does it work?!’, ‘What’s in your pants?’, and all the like.
My mom’s a designer and owns her own brand, my dad runs a famous fashion magazine. Together, they run a modelling agency and both modelled when they were younger.
That means that looks are a big thing in the family and my siblings and I started modelling young, so by now people know our faces. That’s the problem with being bigender under a family such as this one.
My parents are open, they accepted me when I came out of the closet but my mom’s always loved the concept of modelling while being Bigender.
All those clothes she could make to accentuate that fact and all the poses she could put me in.
I asked her if I could come out to the modeling world when I was out of high school and she agreed, but she’s always waiting for the day that I finish.
The modeling world thinks I’m female and apart from family, nobody else knows I’m bigender.
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Or at least that’s what (y/n) thought.
Today, Tamaki dragged them into coming into the Host Club. Tamaki’s always pestering them to become a host, as they are a famous face around the halls of Ouran and, according to what Kyoya tells him, ‘easy money’.
(y/n) was just around the corner of Music Room 3, talking with their friend, so when Tamaki saw them he took the opportunity, grabbing their arm and booking it to the Host Club.
“Tamaki, what the--” (y/n) was interrupted with flower petals flying towards their face, which they grabbed just in time before they got hit.
“Oh, Tamaki. Did you manage to get them to agree?” Kyoya asked when he saw that the person who’d entered wasn’t a customer.
“Them? What are you talking about, Kyoya?” One of the Hitachiin twins asked.
(y/n) turned around and was about to open the door when they were interrupted by a slightly more femenine voice. “Don’t bother, it’s locked. I know from experience.”
(y/n) sighed. “Tamaki, I told you I didn’t want to be a host.”
“You wouldn’t want your secret to go out, would you?” (y/n) narrowed his eyes at Kyoya. He could just be bluffing, but he always seems to know everything. “That you’re bi--”
“Alright, alright! Shut up.” Kyoya smirked at them.
“Wait, you’re bisexual?” One of the Hitachiin asked. “So that means that you can have double the audience and be comfortable with it!” The other said.
Well, it’s a good cover-up.
“Yeah.” Kyoya continued to smirk at (y/n), he knew that wasn’t just it. This is just blackmail.
(y/n) pointed a finger in the host club’s general direction, saying, “Just don’t be homophic. Or else.”
“But what’s her type?” Tamaki asked, he had a finger tapping his chin as he thought.
Renge popped up from the ground, making (y/n) jump in surprise. Renge’s laugh hurt their ears like a hyena laugh.
“Tamaki, I’m disappointed in you! How could you not know? Anyway, she’s the hot-headed type. I doubt she can keep her hot-headedness down a little when talking to guests.”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow at Renge.
“We’ll see how she acts today. If it’s too much, we can pair her up with Haruhi like how we did with Kasanoda.”
Tamaki immediately shot up to protest, wailing his arms around. “I can’t have my dear daughter be with somebody like her! I can’t have her getting any ideas! What if she becomes bi..” Tamaki continued to rant.
(y/n) wasn’t angry, well they were, but they were more confused than angry. “Daughter? She?”
Haruhi face-palmed and (y/n) could tell everybody else also wanted to as well. “I, uh--” Tamaki went to sulk in a corner, muttering to himself, “I’m such a failure of a dad.”
After the news that Haruhi was a girl, (y/n) had to host people. Bleh, they were disgusted just at the thought of it.
They were surprised when some girls actually did come sit down with her. No boys came, seeing as (y/n) wasn’t being advertised yet and boys rarely came anyway. The girls expected (y/n) to flirt with them, but they weren’t much of a flirt so they just answered a few questions the girls asked. Some questions were too personal for their liking, and being a hot head, they got a bit angry. They tried to tone it down though, flashing a fake smile and casually saying it was too personal, trying to hide their anger.
And then one brave girl muttered an insult and they just exploded.
Luckily, Kyoya spotted this, and held them back before they spat out any insult.
The cool type pulled (y/n) behind his back and bowed to the girls, apologizing even though (y/n) had done nothing.
For the rest of the club time, (y/n) sat in the changing room, doing nothing.
After club time, Renge popped up from the ground again and said that (y/n) definitely needed somebody to be paired up with, suggesting Haruhi. Tamaki once again objected, suggesting (y/n) and Kyoya instead.
Renge gasped after thinking about it for a few seconds. “Nice one, Tamaki! The cool type with the hot-headed type.”
“Well, (y/n)-chan. You’re going to be paired up with Kyoya-kun, like Mori and Honey!”
(y/n) was about to say something at the mention of ‘chan’, but was stopped by a tap on the shoulder from Kyoya.
(y/n) turned to Kyoya with a glare, knowing full well he could just say their secret at any minute. They gritted their teeth before taking a deep breath and trying to calm down.
“Sure, fine! Whatever.”
(y/n) was glad it was the end of the day, they could finally relax and steam off at home.
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For the rest of the club times, (y/n) sat next to Kyoya and they hosted people together. (y/n) attracted a lot of male guests, mostly daintier boys. 
Anytime that (y/n) would get angrier than slightly angry, which was often, Kyoya would lean in and whisper a reminder of what he knew into their ear.
Because of it being often and the fact that they were paired up together, not because of looks, but rather, personality, girls would ship the two of them together. Which, unfortunately for the two of them, made Renge suggest they do an act like the Hitachiin twins’ act.
Most of their acts would be (y/n) acting like they were super angry and have Kyoya kiss them on the cheek to calm them down.
Doing the act a lot made Kyoya actually do it outside of the act, rather it just being whispering in their ear, it was now a mix of both because the kissing on the cheek somehow worked.
Other acts could include the hot head acting really angry and jealous after the cool type flirted with some other girl and acting as if they were getting frisky right before club time. The acts would usually paint Kyoya as the dominant one. (y/n) hated having to act.
Not because they felt it was forced, but because the acts started making his body believe they were dating, so, that meant they were falling in love.
Kyoya fell enough because of the acts, and how easy it was to get a reaction out of them. It’s easy to fall in love with a hot head if you think they look cute when they’re angry.
Outside of clubtime, Kyoya would also kiss (y/n)’s cheek to calm them down. The Hitachiin twins would often tease them about it and they did so even more when Tamaki told them that Kyoya would do it sometimes during class as well.
Both of them found out about their crush on each other one day during club time.
It was nearing the end of the day, (y/n) and Kyoya were doing their kiss on the cheek act. Except (y/n) accidentally turned their head when Kyoya leaned in for the kiss. They ended up kissing on the lips in front of everybody in the club room. Both of them flushed a bright red, making the girls squeal and the boys flustered as well.
The other hosts called an early close to club time, getting ready to tease the hell out of both of them.
(y/n) dragged Kyoya into the changing room, locking the door behind them.
As the hot-head locked the door, Kyoya spoke up. “I like you.” When (y/n) turned back around, they said, “I like you too.”
“Do you want to go on a date?” The cool type asked. Most people would be stuttering, but as he’s the cool type, he’s calm.
“Yeah! Where to?”
When the date plans were arranged, the two hosts walked out of the changing room.
Tamaki exploded at the two of them, not particularly with questions.
“So you’re dating, right? Of course you’re dating! That’s fantastic! Now I can have my little Haruhi all to myself with no risk of (y/n) getting in the way. That’s two less from six! Soon enough, Haruhi will--”
“Shut up, senpai!”
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis is sassy.
Happy reading!
1) A Virgin To That Money | Explicit | 7366 words
AU. Harry and Louis are broke university students who hate each other and make a sex tape. (In which Louis gets fucked a lot, Harry can't find the camera, and the road to falling in love is different for everyone.)
2) Make A Run, Cause Some Rebellion | Explicit | 8824 words
As a general rule, kitten hybrids are small and disinterested in what other people want them to do, slightly evil and at least a little manipulative. Louis prides himself on being all of those things to varying degrees, but especially on being uninterested in what other people tell him to do. He’s still human goddammit, despite his pointy ears and penchant for curling up in the sun and taking naps.
He’s going about his daily business, knocking things over where he sees fit and leaving a trail of mess in his wake. As exasperated as it makes Liam he’s used to it by now, having shared a flat with Louis for almost three years now, and if Louis whines enough he’ll even clean up after him. It’s a great life, really.
With the exception of Liam’s stupid, broad shouldered, entirely too big mate, the one who always comes over to watch sports with him. Louis hates that guy. His hair is always greasy and he brings weird hipster beer with him when he comes that tastes like shit. And he won’t even let Louis have any of it, either. The only reason Louis even knows what it tastes like is because one time he stole a bottle from the fridge and fled to his room before Harry could catch him.
3) Enjoy The Ride | Not Rated | 11103 words
The one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
4) Ain’t No Telling Who’s In Charge Here | Explicit | 14562 words
The thing about Louis’ and Harry’s dynamic is that while Louis is the instigator of 99% of the foolishness, Harry will always come back at him with something ten times dirtier than whatever Louis had thought up. Of course, Louis can’t let that go, so he does something else, so Harry has to do something else, and then it’s a vicious cycle that continues until one of them makes a plea for a truce.
It’s like that even when they’re at home. Sometimes it’s like that especially while they’re at home, because Louis gets bored easily and Harry is just such an easy target. The point is that the kind of foolishness that Louis is known for doesn’t stop when the cameras stop rolling, so when Louis lets himself into Harry’s bedroom at 5:30 in the morning to annoy Harry into waking up before he goes for a run is completely normal and to be expected.
Except that it turns out not to be so normal.
5) Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies | Explicit | 14860 words
“Of course you’d use your free time to go to the gym.”
“Your idea of the best way to spend your free time is annoying your neighbors,” he laughs, dimples carved into his cheeks like marble.
No, Louis likes to annoy Harry. Everyone else on this floor is just an unfortunate casualty.
“No one has complained except for you,” Louis informs him smartly. Which is actually a good thing. If someone other than Harry had complained to him long ago, he would have unfortunately had to stop.
6) Put It On Me | Explicit | 14890 words
Harry's bachelor party doesn't go as planned.
7) Friendly Neighborhood Spideypool | Explicit | 18705 words
Harry is Deadpool and Louis is Spider-Man and they've got way too much history.
8) No Place Without You | Explicit | 19089 words
Harry's in love with life and he's in love with the world.
Louis' in love with Harry and he doesn't think there's any way he can possibly compete.
9) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23561 words
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
10) Etched In Salt (Is A Cathedral Of The World) | Explicit | 24416 words
Note: This fic has BH mentions and is locked, meaning it can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he's stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
11) Like A Siren In The Night | Explicit | 24868 words
“There is an infestation in my home,” Louis hisses, righting himself quickly and pushing his way past Harry, heading directly for the kitchen. He’s rather haphazardly dressed himself, a coat thrown on over a loose flannel shirt and black pants, slippers on his feet.
Harry resists the urge to sigh, closing the door and trailing behind him slowly. “What kind of infestation?”
For all he knows, Louis is going to claim that there’s a ghost infestation. Harry has no idea what the end game is here – all he knows is that Louis has found at least three complaints a week to bring up since he’s been living on Harry’s property, and he’s been living here for six months.
It’s way too many fucking complaints, is what Harry is saying. Especially when most of them are ridiculous to start with.
12) When It’s Late At Night | Mature | 25597 words
Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
13) Up To No Good | Explicit | 26525 words | Sequel #1 | Sequel #2
Harry doesn’t think of himself as a womanizer, not at all. Sure, he enjoys sex, enjoys how women feel underneath him, and by some people’s standards he has sex with quite a lot of people, but that’s no reason to tell him that he can’t have a female PA anymore.
It’s especially no excuse for giving him a male PA who’s possibly the most gorgeous boy in the world who won’t even let Harry look at him for too long.
Sometimes Harry hates his life.
14) Can’t Fool Men | Explicit | 30162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
15) Have You Coming Back Round Again | Explicit | 31086 words | Sequel
It’s five o’clock in the morning. Louis has a lecture at half eight. He could be using this time to study or to do his readings or to go to the gym, but - well. He doesn’t have any exams coming up, he’s not going to his seminar today anyway and he hates the gym.
Instead he’s using this time to fuck with Harry Styles’ poor little brain.
Louis jogs across the street and jabs the key into the car door. It opens easily, not that he was expecting anything else. He copied the key for a reason, after all.
He’s got Harry’s schedule memorized, more because the guy keeps following him around than anything, so he doesn’t bother looking around before climbing behind the wheel and setting his bag on the passenger seat. It’s a Monday, which means that Harry doesn’t even get out of bed before noon unless he’s planning on harassing Louis.
16) Mine Now | Explicit | 32254 words
Note: This fic has since been deleted. If you’d like a PDF, please ask us off anon.
This is the story of how Harry finds himself pouting in Louis’ passenger seat with a raging boner on the way to seduce his ex boyfriend.
17) Not Quite | Explicit | 34163 words
As Harry prepares for the premiere of his first blockbuster film, his manager encourages him to hire a bodyguard as a precautionary measure. Harry ends up making an unusual choice.
18) Promise You’ll Remember That You’re Mine | Explicit | 34654 words
What he doesn’t expect is to see Louis in their bathroom wearing panties. Not even like standard panties, they’re fucking black and sheer so Harry can see Louis’ full arse and there’s even lace trimming the edges. He nearly has a heart attack.
Harry’s face probably looks like a bright red tomato, and if not then the only other option would be that all his blood is going to his dick, because Louis looks like a fucking wet dream.
“Oh, you’re back.” Louis looks as nonchalant as ever, when Harry is over here freaking the fuck out.
19) Is This Seat Taken? | Explicit | 35507 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH and is locked, meaning it can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis makes a bet with Zayn that he can sneak into a music awards event without getting caught, and when he ends up posing as a seat-filling member of staff he runs into superstar Harry Styles and sparks fly.  Que the music.
20) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don’t Bite) | Mature | 42074 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
21) Can I Not Like You For A While? | Explicit | 43383 words
Louis Tomlinson is awful. Harry is just as difficult, and they're both terrible to each other. It makes being in the same acapella group together quite complicated.
22) Drowning In Your Eyes | Explicit | 45145 words
The Pirates of the Caribbean inspired AU where Harry is a fierce pirate who holds the heart of a beautiful merman.
23) Tangled Up In You | Explicit | 45152 words
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn't want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
24) We’ll Get It Right In The End. | Explicit | 53612 words
Harry Styles is what the media is currently revolving around. He's young, he's attractive and apparently good at everything. A singer song-writer and the new face of Captain America soon encounters himself amidst a problem when he finds himself falling for the person he's not supposed to, an elite professional escort, Louis Tomlinson.
25) Amazing Sin | Explicit | 56034 words
The story of Louis ‘Steal Your Man’ Tomlinson.
26) This Wicked Game | Explicit | 70010 words
An AU in which The Bachelor is gay, Louis is a contestant, Harry is the bachelor, everyone drinks a lot of champagne, the entire world gets to watch them fall in love, and no one plays by the rules.
27) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76584 words
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
 Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
 Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
28) Swim In The Smoke | Explicit | 101778 words
“What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth. He misses by a mile and tries again, just as ineffectively.
Harry looks down at him, at the way the sun streams over his face and shoulders, at the way the gag stretches his mouth, lips pink and chapped. He’s lithe and pretty, smudged all over with dirt. They had found him tied up below deck, mostly unconscious, next to a barrel full of gold. He’s clearly a prisoner, but there’s something familiar about him, something that niggles at Harry’s brain. Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Put him in my cabin,” Harry decides, turning back to deal with the rest of the loot. The boys screams out jumbled curse words at Harry’s back, muffled by the gag, and Harry can’t understand any of it.
29) Blue Ice | Mature | 102967 words
An AU where Louis finds himself in a marriage he didn't bargain for.
30) A Taste Of Desire | Explicit | 104414 words
A Victorian ABO where Harry is the owner of the most successful cotton mill in Manchester, and Louis is an opinionated social activist about to disrupt Harry’s world.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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noirandchocolate · 4 years
So back in the late 90s my dad--a vry srs lawyer just like me, as you’ll see--developed a special interest in what’s commonly called “Classical Music” (a genre which record stores didn’t confine to the true Classical period, and I trust you know what I mean and won’t get pedantic at me please).  He proceeded to spend about two years buying CD after CD and reading book after book (keeping one book out of the library for months of renewals at a time) about famous composers, and then bringing the CDs to work and playing them in his office. 
Dad had a couple of pals in the office who he infodumped on in emails about what he’d be playing and what he thought about each composer and their music.  These emails developed running gags, mainly how much Dad hated Stravinsky and loved Dvorak, booze jokes about The Five, Tchaikovsky being The Five’s enemy, and practically everyone being a “poseur.”
Recently Dad found printouts of some of these emails, as well as a document titled “Top 50 Composers of All Time.”  And this, I am about to share with you below the cut, because it is silly and fun.* 
*Disclaimer: These are my Dad’s opinions not mine (he was actually worried I’d be offended by his rating of Vivaldi!), and I’m sharing them because they’re funny, not because I want to start a serious discussion about which composers are best.  So, thank you in advance for taking this in the spirit it is offered, and not yelling at me unless you’re yelling in an equally irreverent manner.
1.  DVORAK--He never wrote anything less than brilliant.  There can be no debate, he is the Greatest of All Time!!
2.  Beethoven--Overall, the best symphony writer ever.  The true Hammer of the Gods.
3.  Mussorgsky--Pictures at an Exhibition is the single best piece of music ever written.  Could outdrink any of The Five.
4.  Borodin--In the Steppes of Central Asia is the second best piece of music ever written.  A chemist by trade, he designed sobriety tests for The Five, which they all repeatedly failed.
5.  Prokofiev.  Alexander Nevsky is the best music that’s ever been in a movie.  His First Symphony is, well, “Classical.”
6.  Mozart--Wrote the most consistently pleasant music of all time, all of it exactly the same.  Gets points for writing choral music you can actually listen to.
7.  Brahms--Four great symphonies, dozens of stirring Hungarian Dances, one nasty temperament.  Coolest beard of any composer.
8.  Sibelius--Drunken maverick of the North Country.  Laughs out loud at the mere mention of Stravinsky.
9.  Saint-Saens--Danse Macabre is the best piece of devil music ever.  Would be higher, but he tried to defend Stravinsky.
10.  Smetana--If there was no DVORAK, he would be in the top three.  The Moldau is great!
11.  Bach--Ranks this high because of the sheer number of pieces he wrote, even though they were all variations of the same eight notes.  Loses points for having a bunch of relatives who also thought they were composers.  Result: The Bachs were the Jackson 5 of the 1600s, with C.P.E. in the role of Tito.
12.  Ravel--Bolero is what every piece of music should be, repetitive but compelling.  Also helped Mussorgsky out on Pictures.  Liking Stravinsky was his only flaw.
13.  Rimsky-Korsakov--Wrote the wonderful Scheherazade and helped Mussorgsky with Bald Mountain.  Designated driver for The Five.
14.  Grieg--Next to Brahms, wrote more music for cartoons than just about anyone.  The Hall of the Mountain King would be great even if it wasn’t mentioned in Eric Burdon’s Spill the Wine.
15.  Liszt--Superb tone poems, great Hungarian Rhapsodies, had Roger Daltrey play him in the movies.
16.  Debussy--In the Top 20 even though michael Jackson told Barbara Walters he is one guy he would like to meet.  La Mer is excellent!
17.  Mahler--Ranks this high for two reasons: (1) the first three minutes of The Titan and (2) the fact that he wore eyeglasses that are now considered cool.  Had too much singing in his symphonies to challenge the leaders.
18.  Mendelssohn--A Midsummer Night’s Dream is dreamy and his Italian Symphony is spicy without leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
19.  Berlioz--The idea for Symphonie Fantastique was better than the actual music, but it’s still good enough to place Hector in the Top 20.
20.  Tchaikovsky--Enemy of The Five.  But wrote better holiday music than Handel.
21.  Haydn--More fun than Bach, but essentially copied what Bach did.  His titles for his over 100 symphonies are examples of poseury at its worst.
22.  Handel--Calling his pieces Water Music and Fireworks Music even made Haydn laugh.  The Messiah though is very good for choral music.
23.  Telemann--Another Bach disciple, but wrote great trumpet and flute music.  Less of a poseur than Bach, Haydn and Handel.  Would rank higher if he had written more.
24.  Janacek--Worthy follower of DVORAK.  Would be welcome at picnics held by The Five.
25.  Rossini--Wrote terrific overture music like William Tell and the Barber of Seville.  Not as big of a poseur as Verdi.
26.  Copland--A favorite of Emerson Lake & Palmer, so he gets a Top 30 spot.  Fanfare and Rodeo are toe-tappers and the rest of his stuff won’t sicken you.
27.  Verdi--Overall, the best opera composer, but who can truthfully stand all that aimless singing?
28.  Vaugh Williams--Somewhat boring, but always pleasurable.  Songs like Greensleeves are the best the Island Nation of England can offer.
29.  Offenbach--The Can Can was the Macarena of its day.  Fun music!
30.  Balakirev--President of The Five.  Would be in the Top 20 but, late in life, he actually said hello to Tchaikovsky.  Islamey, though, is stunning.
31.  Wagner--Must have had a tremendous press agent.  Most of The Ring cycle is cumbersome and impenetrable.
32.  Chopin--A poseur with a piano.  Did write the great Funeral March, but couldn’t orchestrate his music to save his life, or the ears of his listeners.
33.  Schumann--A poseur.  Ranks this high only because he ran a music newspaper that criticized other people for being poseurs.
34.  Schubert--Left his Symphony unfinished, but was nevertheless a complete poseur.  Actually named one of his pieces “The Trout.”
35.  Richard Strauss--Without him, Elvis would have had no introductory music.  Next to Wagner and Stravinsky, the most overrated composer of all time.
36.  Rachmaninoff--On first listen, he’s in the Top 10.  On second hearing, he starts falling like a lead zeppelin.  Would be even lower, but I stopped listening.
37.  Bruckner--Has almost nothing going for him, let someone else name his Symphony “The Romantic,” but is still able to laugh at Stravinsky.  It’s sure a strange world.
38.  Shostakovich--Ponderous posturings for little purpose.  Makes no impact whatsoever on the listener.  A disappointment.
39.  Respighi--Did wonderful things with old music of unknown composers.  Would be ranked higher if he had redone Bach.
40.  Holst--Only on the list at all to appease certain readers.  Called his epic work “The Planets,” yet left out Earth and stuck with Uranus.  More famous for “striking a pose” than Madonna.
41.  Vivaldi--Poseur in a big ugly powdered wig.  Wrote The Four Seasons, then basically issued the same music over and over again, giving it different names.
42.  Cui--Have never heard anything this guy did.  But, he was one of The Five and that gets him into this Top 50.
43.  Elgar--Even more boring than Vaughn Williams.  Did write Pomp and Circumstance, but he’ll never graduate to the Top 40.
44.  Hindemith--You can listen to this stuff, but like Schumann and Schubert, you instantly forget you did.
45.  Bizet--Wrote Carmen, which unfortunately for him is opera.  Got beat by a guy who no one has ever heard.
46.  Bartok--Actually tried to be as bad as Stravinsky but, like everything else he did in life, he failed miserably.
47.  Satie--Was ranked higher until it was learned that he was part of a group of poseurs called Les Six, who worshipped Tchaikovsky, sworn enemy of The Five.  Did write music for Blood, Sweat and Tears.
48.  Johann Strauss--The Waltz King: Wrote exclusively merry-go-round music.  A joke.
49.  Gershwin--The Johann Strauss of his era.  Whatever this music is, it isn’t Classical.
50.  Stravinsky--Listen to a jackhammer pounding away on your teeth , while the J.V. football team plays tubas, and it will still sound better than this guy.  No one was worse, EVER.
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Working For Love: A TerrorMoo Story 10/17
Er.... I mean, enjoy this drabble?
Previous Part
Start from the beginning
Brian wasn’t a fan of surprises. 
He liked to be a part of them when the focus was others, but he never enjoyed when the attention was placed on him. Evan always claimed it was a control thing, and that it lead to Brian always taking initiative with his potential partners. He didn’t want to be thrown off his game, whether it was in his professional or romantic life. Brian picked the same times to run classes, looked at his lists a half hour before they were due to start, and never strayed from his guided plans once the class started. It was not only safer for his participants, but it kept the area calm and left Brian little to no chances of being left unsure of what to do next.
Unfortunately, nothing would have prepared him for how he’d felt when seeing Brock cry in the locker room the week before. Tears had looked so out of place filling the brown eyes when he’d stared at Brian, as if hoping Brian could fix all the broken parts inside him. Brian didn’t know what had cut Brock so deep, what had made him tremble under soft touches and feel unworthy of compassion. But it’d been an unpleasant weight in Brian’s chest that had lingered for days after. Brock had to take two days off from the gym because of his foot, but even when he’d come back, a somber aura had settled around his shoulders like a cloak. Brian did he best to cheer him up, and at times he’d catch the glimmer of his normal smile. But Brock still wasn’t fully happy, and it left a bitter taste in Brian’s mouth. 
And then, because the universe felt like he needed another swerve, Craig showed up to his morning yoga class.
“Hey, don’t blame me,” Mini had said when Brian had tossed a glare his way. “Ingrid seduced me with blueberry vodka smoothies; how could I say no?”
“Why do you still hang out with them?” Brian asked, Craig pressing his hand to his chest with a dramatic sigh.
“These are my people, Brian. They resonate with my old soul.”
“How are you friends with Brock?”
“You worried your lover boy’s gonna realize our love potential and let me whisk him away?” Craig raised his voice enough to catch some of the ladies' attention in the class, and Brian had to bite back a swear at their curious gazes. He loved his yoga classes, and he didn’t mind being friendly with the vocal older women. But there were times when their forwardness tended to be overwhelming, such as their desire to find him a wife. 
“Ladies, please start your first position. And you-” He pressed his finger into Craig’s chest, pushing him toward the corner of the room. “Don’t start shit.”
“I would never.” Innocence looked wrong on Mini, and the faux blinks of naivety he sent to Brian made his spine tingle in discomfort. His shoulders didn’t relax until Mini plopped himself down onto his mat, sending Wanda a shit-eating grin while sliding into the first pose. 
The class, for the most part, followed the normal routine. It left Brian with the calmness that he attributed to yoga, and his mind drifted back to Brock when moving into his seated position. His eyes stared down at his ankle in silence, remembering how warm Brock’s skin had been under his touch. But the memory, which should have been embarrassing or pleasant, was tinged with sadness at the thought of Brock’s trembles. Brock said he wasn’t okay, but what had made him feel like that? Despite getting to know Brock better with each month that passed, there were still parts of him that were a mystery. He rarely dabbled in the romantic side of Brock’s past, only knowing he was interested in men from mention of ex-boyfriends. Names and time frames were never introduced into the conversations, though Brian hadn’t brought up his own either. Still, to think that Brock had looked so broken because Brian had simply allowed him to be broken-
It made his nails dig into his calves, and he switched the position to keep from punching the mat in frustration. It took time to lower his anger, but he’d captured it back into his chest when finishing the final stretch of the routine. 
“And remember that when you do these moves at home, to have a flat surface to place your mat on. Otherwise, you’re at risk of hurting yourself.” The smile he pushed forward felt more real than it had any right to at the moment. “Any questions before we wrap up?”
“When are you going to ask that young man out?” Velma asked, blue tinged hair a curled mess above hawk-like eyes. Brian caught his jaw before it could fall open, any sense of fatigue from the week vanishing from his sudden spike of adrenaline. One glance around the room proved that Velma wasn’t the only interested participant in the conversation, none of the woman moving from their mats while staring him down. It didn’t take much to realize that the question hadn’t been sporadic, but pre-planned by the group to catch him off guard. 
God, Brian hated surprises. 
“I meant about the poses-” Brian tried to start, but Mini looked far too pleased when he cut in.
“Yeah, Brian, when you gonna make an honest man out of my best friend?” Brian’s eye twitched at the feline grin that tickled the edges of Mini’s lips, bright blue eyes glancing at the attentive women while he counted on his fingers. “They’ve been flirting for months, Brock’s been single well past the allowed time after a terrible break-up, and I think we’ve all discussed enough at our Saturday Smoothie Brunch how their chemistry is simply adorable. The problem is that we all know Brock’s far too shy to ask out Brian, so he’s gotta be the one to put on his big boy pants and do the work.” 
“What a sweet boy, that Brock is.” Ingrid sighed like she wanted to be in her twenties again simply to have a chance at Brock, and Brian wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh to smack his head into the wall. 
“And just a perfect match for our Brian,” Velma added, sending another pointed look toward Brian. 
“Why is this even a topic?” Brian blurted out, wondering when it was that Craig had hi-jacked his yoga class. He really needed to get Tyler to fuck Mini just to keep him out of his hair. The women hadn’t been this riled up since Brian had forgotten to wear boxers when running on the treadmill. 
“Well, isn’t that obvious?” Mini pulled his knees up in front of him to rest his chin on them, rolling his eyes to show how unimpressed he was with Brian’s arched eyebrow. “We want Brock to be happy again. You’re not the only one who cares around him.” 
“What?” Brian blinked, genuinely stunned at the collective nods that the women shared at the answer.
“He’s been so sad lately,” Wanda continued, the hot pink lipstick emphasizing her frown. “Normally, when I see him in the gym, he gives the warmest smile. It reminds me of how my Howie used to look when we were high school sweethearts, so bright and endearing. But this past week, that shine just...hasn’t been there. And we can see how that affects your, which means that both of our favorite boys are sad.” 
“The only time we get Brock to really smile is when you’re in his orbit. Even when I’m showering him with love at the apartment, it just doesn’t get the same reaction that you do.” For the first time since meeting Craig, his voice was lacking the confident bounce that was a staple of his character. The point he was trying to make was serious, and grabbed Brian’s attention. “Brock’s working through some stuff, and I’m going to respect him by not spilling it. But that doesn’t mean he has to be alone while he’s healing. If there was someone who helped the pain, someone who maybe would treat him right, then I’ll do whatever it takes to get that guy off his ass and make a move.” 
“The double dates between you and Tyler would be so cute with Brock and Brian.” Ingrid pinched Craig’s face affectionately, and he laughed through his pinkened cheeks. Brian, dumbfounded at how much energy the group had put into Brock’s happiness, made him sit back on his mat, hands falling limp in his lap. 
“You guys really think Brock would give us a shot?” 
“Honey, that man looks ready to marry you.” Wanda’s eyes held a haze of romance, and Brian felt his smile grow at her confidence in Brock’s feelings for him.
“And that’s before he knows what you’re like between the sheets,” Mini tossed out, snickering when Brian scoffed. 
“Then again, he was there during the treadmill incident; he’s got a very good idea what you’re working with. We all do.” Never too shy to say her peace, Velma gave a pointed glance to Brian’s crotch, the rest of the woman erupting into giggles and whistles. Brian’s shock was loud for a moment, but it fell to the side when he laughed, head shaking at the absurdity of his life. But one thing was sure; they were all right. Brian didn’t need to wait for Brock to be 100% to pursue him. Brock was great now. And if he never got better, Brian would still want him for as long as he could keep him. It was strange to feel so comfortable with his decision that had seemed so impossible an hour ago. 
But life was full of surprises, and not all of them were bad.
Hee hee Mini hanging out with dirty old women is just too funny not to put it. Okay, so! I actually had a ton of fun writing this one, and this little mini story is one of my favs so far. So like, reblog, and let me know what you think! <3
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kaincuro · 4 years
1-100. Answer everything
Okay we doing this.
1. What is you middle name?
- Anh
2. How old are you?
- 22
3. When is your birthday?
- August 6
4. What is your zodiac sign?
- Leo
5. What is your favorite color?
- Black
6. What’s your lucky number?
- 336
7. Do you have any pets?
- Gremlin dog named Luna.
8. Where are you from?
- Vietnam. Born in California, now I reside in Michigan. 
9. How tall are you?
- 5′6
10. What shoe size are you?
- 8 1/2
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
- 4 that I actively use.
12. What was your last dream about?
- I don’t know, I only remember my nightmares.
13. What talents do you have?
- Answered before, but I can play the piano and start natural fires. 
14. Are you psychic in any way?
- No.
15. Favorite song?
- Breezeblocks - alt J
16. Favorite movie?
- Venom
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
- Someone understanding and adventurous. 
18. Do you want children?
- No. I’d be a terrible father.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
- No.
20. Are you religious?
- Not in the slightest. 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
- So many times sghfd. I always get hurt somehow one way or another.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
- Yes. I’ve been arrested and everything due to things involving cars lmao. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
- I had the chance to meet some random actor from a series I never watched but I went home to sleep instead.
24. Baths or showers?
- Showers. Especially when they’re at the hottest setting. 
25. What color socks are you wearing?
- Black
26. Have you ever been famous?
- Lmao no.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
- HELL no. 
28. What type of music do you like?
- Indie and Synthwave
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
- No and I don’t want to.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- Just the one. 
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
- Corpse pose. 
32. How big is your house?
- Two story.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
- I only eat at night! 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
- Yes.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
- Yes! I don’t know if this counts as archery but my favorite thing to shoot is a crossbow.
36. Favorite clean word?
- Volatile. I like the way it sounds. 
37. Favorite swear word?
- Fuck. I use that word every other breath lmfao. 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
- 76 hours. Not even because I had to stay awake I just couldn’t.
39. Do you have any scars?
- Many.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
- Yeah. 
41. Are you a good liar?
- Depends with who.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
- Yes.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
- Nope! Except some people have said I have a Californian accent, whatever that is.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
- To people in other countries probably.
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
- My boots. I spent a hot $200 on them.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
- Yes.
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
- Innie.
50. Left or right handed?
- Right handed, working on using my left.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
- I love spiders.
52. Favorite food?
- Mangoes.
53. Favorite foreign food?
- Can’t really think of an actual food dish I like, so I’m gonna say ramen asdfkhsf.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
- Depends on how wack my depressive state is. 
55. Most used phrased?
- “I can’t stand you.” I say this so often lmao.
56. Most used word?
- “Fuck”
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
- 5 -15 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
- Not at all.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
- Bite.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
- Yes, very often.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
- ^^^^^
62. Are you a good singer?
- LOL 
63. Biggest Fear?
- Walking across ice, and seeing it start to crack.
64. Are you a gossip?
- Yeah. :(
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
- I have no idea tbh.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
- Short hair.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
- No.
68. Favorite school subject?
- Art.
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
- Introvert. I’ve skipped entire days of college just because I couldn't handle the thought of talking to people.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
- No, but I’d like to!
71. What makes you nervous?
- Dangerous things being handled by inept individuals. 
72. Are you scared of the dark?
- No, I thrive in it.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
- No.
74. Are you ticklish?
- Yeah.. :(
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
- Absolutely not.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
- Unfortunately.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
- Yes.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
- Unfortunately. Addiction is a never ending disease.
79. Who was your first real crush?
- Gren. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
- Two.
81. Can you roll your Rs?”
- Lol no, I’ve tried and I’ve failed many times.
82. How fast can you type?
- Fairly quick. I don’t go out of my way to type quickly though. 
83. How fast can you run?
- Fast enough.
84. What color is your hair?
- Black
85. What color is your eyes?
- Dark Brown
86. What are you allergic to?
- Nothing. :)
87. Do you keep a journal?
Used to. Then someone read it so I set it on fire djshfsg.
88. What do your parents do?
- My dad is an engineer. 
89. Do you like your age?
- It’s aight.
90. What makes you angry?
- Liars, people who keep pushing me to talk when I can’t. 
91. Do you like your own name?
- Yes! 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
- I’m gonna name my cat Akuma when I get him one day. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
- n/a
94. What are you strengths?
- I have a strong will when it comes to standing up to others.
95. What are your weaknesses?
- I have a bad memory. The moment I’m even slightly Not Sober it’s over for me.
96. How did you get your name?
- I saw it and it resonated with me. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
- Lmao no.
98. Do you have any scars?
- So many,,, 
99. Color of your bedspread?
- Black.
100. Color of your room?
- White. It’s like a goddamn hospital room.
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swindlersstole · 5 years
SO. @exiledatrocity​, i have no idea if you remember this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
but I remembered and I finally did it can I get a yeehaw
17. Under a bridge
This grove was way too lousy with little devils, Erik decided.
Truth be told, he’d decided that when they dealt with the first one in the chest, but while they hadn’t gotten any less annoying after that, they had at least stayed at the same level of threat—which was, to say, none at all. A nuisance, yes, but not the worst thing to happen to him and Nova all week, he thought.
Then one popped up riding on a cyclops’ shoulder.
This was a pretty common sight back in the forests of Sniflheim--trolls and ogres and the like hiding underneath bridges and underpasses waiting to get the drop on a hapless traveler was such a normal happenstance that it really only worked on people outside of the region. The locals knew all too well which areas to avoid, and Erik was no different. But it was a trend that didn’t seem to extend far beyond the Hekswood, so he’d never thought he’d have to worry about it until the day he went back.
If Erik had to make a guess, this was probably the fault of the devil. Little schemers, as the name suggested, it must have been smart enough to know there was power in numbers, and sensible enough to realize there was also power in being huge. It was certainly cackling like that was the case, laughing relentlessly at the puny humans unfortunate enough to cross their path.
In fact, it was laughing quite a bit. At his right, Nova gave Erik a very confused face, and Erik could only shrug back in turn. The cyclops seemed pretty weary of the situation, too.
The cackling didn’t seem to have any sign of stopping, and Erik cleared his throat. “Uhh… can we help you?”
“Kyaha--hrrm!” The devil snapped back to attention, posing as menacingly as it could on the troll’s shoulder. “You’ll be doing a lot more than that, chum! You lot are sneaking onto our territory, don’t you know.”
“No, we don’t.” Nova said, no less confused than he had been before. “We literally just walked over from the campsite.” The bundle of firewood they had collected for the night sat in his arms still as evidence. “You… definitely weren’t here five minutes ago.”
“Seriously. Were you stalking us, just waiting to get the drop?” Erik smirked. “Gotta say, that’s pretty lame of you. Following some strangers around just to toss a riddle on them.”
“Wha--a riddle?” Nova repeated, but went unanswered, because the little devil flung its fist around in a growing tantrum.
“How dare you! I was planning on taking your goods, but I’ve a right mind to clobber you senseless for that!”
The devil jumped up, and Erik’s hand darted for his dagger--but the cyclops was faster, and pushed the devil back on its shoulder with one smooshing of its big hand.
“Easy there, now.” The cyclops said, calm and steady. “We got ourselves a man a’ culture, ‘ere.”
The cyclops turned to look at Erik with a look of--what Erik assumed to be--newfound respect. “Y’know ‘bout the ol’ troll traditions, do ye’, guv?”
Still hesitant about the situation, Erik lowered his hand slowly. “About handing out riddles to travelers under bridges? Sure.”
“That’s… a thing?” Nova asked, bewildered.
“Yeah, it is. You don’t really see it this far south, though.” Erik crossed his arms. “Or from… well. From not a troll, if you don’t mind my saying so.”
“No, right you are on that.” The cyclops seemed to take no offense, and beat at its chest once with its fist in pride. “Mum was a troll, though. Got th’ blood in me, I do.”
“Ah. Family tradition, then. I can respect that.” Erik nodded. “So, am I wrong in thinking that’s what we’ve been stopped for?”
“Well, it wasn’t ‘ntended. But, seein’ ‘as ‘ow yer in the know,” said the cyclops, almost sagely so, “I can’t rightly ignore th’ call. If you gents can answer a riddle, we’ll let ye by, no strings attached.”
“Really?” asked Nova, clearly relieved.
“What?!” shrieked the little devil, clearly ticked off.
“And if we can’t answer it,” Erik continued, with a raised brow, “we’ll have to go through the whole ‘grind our bones to make your bread’ song and dance, I take it?”
“Nah, just a regular ‘old up.” The cyclops waved away the clarification, like it was all just business as usual. “We did away wit’ the bones thing ages ago. Threw it out wit’ the bathwater when we unionized.”
“You unionized?” Color Erik surprised. And impressed. “Huh. Good for you.”
“Ex-cuuuse me!” The little devil looked more akin to a kettle left to boil, whistling up a storm. It tapped its heel against the cyclops’ shoulder to get its attention. “What do we look like, sphinxes?! We’re not running a bleedin’ brain teaser operation here!”
“Oi.” The cyclops narrowed its eye, voice still calm but laced with a threat. “It’s in me nature, it is. Can’t fight nature. An’ I ‘aven’t stopped you from playing yer dirty tricks up till now, now ‘ave I, mate? That’s your nature, innit?”
“Hrrrrgh...!” The devil grabbed at its horns in frustration. “At least make them… I don’t know, do something humiliating! You can’t just leave a chance like this be!”
The cyclops rolled its eye with a groan, before addressing Erik again. “Awful sorry ‘bout this, guv. You mind terribly answerin’ with an action, an’ not a word? ‘Fraid I won’t be ‘earin’ the end o’ this, otherwise.”
Erik and Nova glanced at one another, pity for this honorable cyclops on both their faces. Nova shrugged, and Erik ran a hand through his hair.
“Well, you’re being awfully considerate about it.” And the cyclops really was—easily within the Top Ten Monsters Erik Had Ever Met. “Wouldn’t be right if we started being picky now. Give us your best.”
The cyclops pounded its fist in his free hand, pleased by the answer. “Right, then. This should go down nice for everyone.”
It cleared its throat--and the guy really did seem pretty eager for this, Erik noted. Even monsters had itches to scratch, it seemed.
“‘Shared between two’,” the cyclops began, “‘Most often to woo. Sometimes hot and sometimes cold; the beginning of us all, young and old’.”
Out of the corner of Erik’s eye, Nova suddenly and very visibly tensed.
“Now, remember, to make this one ‘appy--” The cyclops gave the devil the side-eye, “--I’ll be needin’ ye to show me the answer. Not just say it.” It grumbled. “Really, dreadful sorry ‘bout it. Tried to give ye a nice one.”
“Oh, no trouble at all.” Erik said, swinging an arm over Nova’s shoulders, and noting all too clearly how he jumped from the contact. “Give us a minute to discuss.”
He turned them both away from the monstrous pair, and got a good look at Nova’s face. As Erik had suspected, he looked more frazzled than a simple riddle should have arguably left the Luminary, of all people. It didn’t bode too well.
“So. Judging from that face, you know the answer?”
Nova clutched at the firewood like a lifeline. “I--yeah, I do, actually. Do you?”
“Nope,” Erik said, “so how about you share the damage?”
For whatever reason, this very clearly did nothing to ease Nova’s nerves, and Erik swore he could probably hear how hard his heart was beating from the other end of the grove. “Are you… feeling alright?”
“It--ugh, cripes.” Nova brought a hand to his face, rubbing his temples. “I’m… fine. It’s nothing we can’t actually do, but it… there’s no getting around it, this is going to be awkward.”
“You’re beating around the bush, man.” He gave Nova’s shoulder a hearty pat. “Come on, spit it out.”
Nova made a strangled noise--and that got an excited gasp out of the devil, Erik heard--before his shoulders sank in defeat. 
“Erik,” he said, “we have to kiss.”
Erik blinked. He slid his arm off Nova’s shoulders, hand coming to his chin, and he paused to consider this information. 
“...Ohhh.” He said at last, understanding and unbothered, “‘Shared between two, most often to woo’... yeah, that does fit the bill, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, it… yeah.” Nova lowered his head--the devil snickered not discreetly behind them at the sight--and he sighed. “So, you can see why this is a problem.”
“Not really, no.”
Nova snapped back up to look at him so fast, panic in his eyes and no color in his face, Erik was sure he heard his neck crack.
“You’re... okay with this?” He may as well have squeaked the word out. “You’re okay with this. How are you okay with this.”
“Hey, comparatively? That cyclops is on our side.” Erik shrugged. “It could have given us something way worse, or just skipped the formalities and come at us swinging. I’d say we got out pretty lucky.”
“Well… I guess, but—“
“Nova, come on.”
His hand fell back on Nova’s shoulder, and when Nova looked at him, he smiled. Erik hoped it was at least a little bit comforting; poor guy had way too much excitement in the past few days for just a simple country boy, and preferable as this riddle was to another fight they were too exhausted to handle, this might’ve been the last nail in the proverbial coffin for the Luminary.
“I got a plan, so just follow my lead. It’s gonna be okay. Trust me.” He squeezed Nova’s shoulder, and smirked. “You do trust me, right?”
Nova swallowed, but some color returned to his face--specifically in his cheeks, and probably not the color he would have wanted. It took some self-restraint on Erik’s part not to laugh; turned out Yggdrasil’s favorite little leaf was surprisingly (or perhaps fittingly?) chaste.
“I… of course I do, Erik.”
“Fantastic.” Probably not the wisest decision the Luminary could make, but it did do wonders for Erik’s ego. “Just relax, and let me handle it.”
He didn’t wait for an affirmation. Erik turned on his heel, back to face the monsters with confidence; Nova followed him in lockstep, anxiously clutching the firewood like a lifeline. “Hey! I think we got it all squared away.”
“Oh, we’ll be the judges of that!” The devil laughed, and the cyclops sighed in turn. At least the little demon was in on the bit now. “Go on, get to showing, then!”
“Man, you really have no sense of romance, do you?” Erik sighed. “Have it your way. Hold still a sec, Nova.”
That was not going to be a difficult request. Nova had planted his feet firmly on the ground, as it steeling himself for a hit, and when Erik brushed his left hand on Nova’s right cheek, he near well flinched at the touch. Erik couldn’t help the snicker that got out of him that time, and the glare Nova gave him was more akin to a pout; for his sake at least, Erik was glad his hand was blocking Nova’s face from the monsters.
Not that he couldn’t block much else about this, but. Price of the plan.
“Remember, just keep cool.” He muttered. “This’ll be over before you know it.”
“I… okay, but--” Nova whispered back, “But you still haven’t told me what y—”
Erik cut him off, swiping his right thumb on Nova’s lips, and pulled their faces to meet.
Nova made a noise, somewhere between a yelp and a muffled scream, and Erik had to imagine that he was making an expression to match, so it was a shame he had to miss it. Erik had closed his eyes once his lips had hit his thumb; one of them had to make this all believable, and that duty had long since fallen on his shoulders. Lucky for them he wasn’t half bad an actor.
To his credit, Nova was a fast learner. And if they’d had some time to prepare this plan in advance, he probably would have sold the act just as well. But they hadn’t had the time, and Nova went stock still in Erik’s hands, and his face and neck burnt against Erik’s fingers.
The fake kiss barely lasted a second--four, at the most, just to really make it convincing--and Erik pulled back with aplomb, and… yeah, Nova’s face looked just as alarmed and ready to combust as he’d imagined. Even his pupils had seemed to shrink from the shock. Erik wondered, idly, if this was how shypox got around so quickly. Could the Luminary even catch shypox? The chances seemed surprisingly high now.
Still calm and collected, he smiled at Nova with a raised brow, and patted his cheek once before walking back to their riddle assailants. “There. Happy now?”
The devil shrieked with raucous laughter, pointing and hollering at the two of them with unbridled joy. “Ohhhh, ho ho ho, that’s good! That’s good! His face, that’s so good! Oh, that’s gonna keep me going for a long while!”
“Glad t’ see ye’ve come around, mate.” The cyclops said, clearly relieved that its companion was satisfied. “All’s well, then, I’d say?”
“All’s very, very well!” The devil hopped off the cyclops, landing on the ground in a triumphant flip. “We’ll let you humans off easy now for giving us such a great laugh. But you’d better watch yourselves! We might not be so lenient next time!”
“Well, that’s mighty gracious of you.” Erik prodded along. “So thanks for that. I don’t think we’ll be forgetting anytime soon.”
The devil turned up its nose and puffed out its chest, thankfully unaware it was the butt of the joke. With a pleased hum, it turned an about face, and skipped off deeper into the grove.
The cyclops made move to follow its friend, but stopped before Erik, bending over to offer him its fist.
“Nicely done there, guv. Have t’ respect that kind o’ finesse.”
“I’m a tricky one.” Erik bumped his fist against the cyclops’; his hand barely covered one blue finger. “Can’t say I envy you with a partner like that, though.”
“Ah, s’alright. Fate’s got a funny way o’ workin’ out like that. Maybe he don’t got a fine head o’ hair like yers, but he’s a fine bloke when y’ get down to it.”
The cyclops pulled back its hand, large fingers unfurling into a point behind Erik. “Speakin’ of. Is he gonna be alright?”
Erik looked over his shoulder. Nova hadn’t budged even a bit since he’d stepped away, and looked like he was passing through sixteen different panic attacks--one for every birthday candle, Erik supposed, but still. It didn’t bode well for how settling down for sleep would inevitably go.
“...well,” said Erik, “he’ll snap out of it eventually.”
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
tagged by @iactlikegarfieldonamonday​ sorry i took forever lmao
20 First Lines and you just copy the first lines of your most recent stories. Bonus: Look for a pattern.
im doing the first three lines or so, and like... okay so i have like 5 fics actually published so imma give y’all a little sneak peek into 15 of the prompts that i have written ;)
1. mercy (here)
Magnus trembled in his arms, moaning as Alec slid a little deeper into him.
The angle was perfect—Magnus was sat on top of him, grinding his hips down so that Alec’s cock went deep into him.
Magnus still wasn’t ready to submit fully in bed—lately, his life had been so out of control, and then with the loss of his magic, he had felt completely powerless. But this… this was the perfect amount.
2. pose (here)
Alec was having a great day.
Really! He was.
He and Magnus had a nice dinner planned tonight, so he was looking forward to that. They'd had some amazing sex before even getting out of bed, leaving him in a relaxed and good mood all day.
3. sitting on the throne (here)
It was quite a sight.
The throne room was closed: it was a large, grand room, and thankfully soundproof.
They were alone, but Magnus felt exposed and watched: it was spacious and there were many shadows to hide in.
It felt like anyone could be watching.
Alec, his personal servant, sat sprawled lazily on the prince's throne.
Magnus sat on his cock.
4. goldenrod (here)
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Alec says lowly, raggedly, his voice breathless and rough with want.
Magnus moaned softly as Alec bit down gently on his neck, nipping and kissing at his skin.
Alec had always had a fondness for marking Magnus up, leaving hickeys all over Magnus’s body (but especially his neck. and his thighs. and his collarbone. and his chest. fuck it, yeah, his whole body).
5. playing with toys (here)
Magnus was dangling between pleasure and pain. The feeling was intense and wonderful, leaving him shivering on the bed.
He was squirming against his tight bonds, wrists pulling helplessly at the silk ties holding him in place. The silk ropes were enchanted to hold back his magic so he was left completely helpless under Alec.
Every part of his body was tingling and burning with pleasure.
none of them have official titles and these are all subject to possible change so. just take them as a teaser for some of the stuff in the works. 
(this isn’t a guarantee these will be posted, though, unfortunately. also, there are several that i have docs full of ideas and brainstorming on, but aren’t like, concrete with lines, so they’re not included. 
for example, the daddy kink oneshot--i have several pages of ideas and blurbs but no “first lines”. so if your prompt isn’t on here (although it’s probably hard to tell) or if there’s something you asked me about or whatever and you don’t see it, it’s still on my drive, just not here. sorry!)
6. “The TWI AU Where Alec Just Uses Cheesy Pickup Lines Nonstop”
“There are 265 bones in the human body. How would you like one more?”
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Magnus said, huffing a slight laugh.
“Why thank you,” came the reply. “You know how they say the skin is the biggest organ in the human body? Well, not in my case.”
Magnus couldn’t help but laugh a little at that, although he ruthlessly suppressed it behind his fist. “Do you really think these cheesy pick-up lines are going to work?” he asked, lowering his hand once there was no trace of the smile on his face.
He only got a shrug in response. “You seem to have a good sense of humor. Besides, I like that in a man. You know what I also like in a man?”
“Your dick?”
“Got it in one.” he winked.
7. “Angry Sex All Over the Apartment But They Love Each Other So Much”
Magnus and Alec had been a little tense for a few weeks now.
It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, but their conflicting schedules were taking their toll, and it was only getting worse.
Alec was always busy and rarely seemed to be home, off on missions and doing paperwork at his office.
Magnus was similarly busy with clients and spells and potionmaking.
They both were running out of patience, always just missing each other, only having the time to trade quick kisses or the occasional fast and dirty fuck in the shower.
And as they saw each other less and less, they each grew more and more antsy. They fought, even over little things.
They still love each other—indeed, more than anything—but there were moments where it was all too much.
It all came to a head on Saturday.
8. “The Mpreg One With A Side of Breeding Kink ;)” 
Magnus felt a pressure on his asshole, teasing.
He was on all fours, swollen belly hanging down low, his hole loose and wet. Copious amounts of cum and slick spilled down his thighs.
And his alpha was getting ready to fuck him again.
9. “That Sweet, Sweet Overstimulation”
Magnus was completely fucked-out, mind-blown and dazed with pleasure. His gorgeous golden eyes were hazy and unfocused, his pink lips parted.
His whole body was flushed and trembling with pleasure, his cock (which was painfully hard and had a ring wrapped around the base) twitching on his stomach.
Alec’s hands were tightly gripping his hips, anchoring him in place. Magnus—despite his trembling and squirming—couldn’t move, trapped in place.
10. “The Waaaay Too Long One Wherein Three Alecs (Consensually and Lovingly) Gangbang Magnus”
“…Are you sure about this?” One of the Alecs asked, voice low and soft, looking down at him with concern and fondness in his eyes.
“I’m sure,” Magnus said firmly, knowing that the other two were listening, too. He wanted them to know that he wanted this, too. Honestly, three Alecs was like some sort of wet dream come true.
It had been an odd mishap, to say the least, splitting Alec in three. Well, splitting wasn’t quite the right term—they were all wholly Alec, but diverged. They would all merge back into one in a day or so, memories intact, but for now they were like three separate people. Three of the same person, but separate nevertheless.
And they were all Alec Lightwood, Magnus’s loving boyfriend.
Really, they had a day to kill, and Magnus was outnumbered three to one. What else were they going to do?
11. “The Way Too Indulgent Omega!Magnus AU That’s More Angst Than Smut and Involves Time Travel, of All Things”
Magnus stared into the crystal ball, swallowing hard.
The heavy scent of incense was clogging his nostrils, making his head swim. 
"Do not look away," the fortune teller said somewhere behind him. "Do not close your eyes."
Magnus did as he was told, staring as intensely as he could. Even as his eyes burned, he didn't falter. 
His vision began to waver, black spots crawling from the corners of his line of sight.
The crystal ball seemed to grow hotter, brighter, and Magnus swore he smelt burning---
The black spots crowded his vision and completely overtook him.
His head was pounding and he couldn't see and--
he fell back, sightless eyes rolling into his skull.
His fuzzy mind was buzzing with panic, and he vaguely felt himself flinch as he prepared to hit the cold, hard ground.
But instead, he landed onto something soft and warm, and then finally he blacked out completely. 
12. “The First Prompt I Ever Got, I’m So Sorry It’s Not Done Yet @cinta-bane” 
Magnus was flat on his back, whole body pressed to the golden sheets.
Alec was on top of him, warm weight pinning him down, leaving open-mouthed kisses up and down his neck. He paid special attention to the marks he’d already left, kissing and licking at the mouth-shaped bruises littering the sides of his throat.
Magnus could feel his boyfriend’s warm breath, feel the way his skin tingled under Alec’s touch.
13. “The Trippy Dream Sex One That Has Way Too Much Plot”
Magnus didn't know how it started, or when.
He just knew he was lying on something soft, and he felt warm, and he knew he was safe.
Someone was with him.
Magnus felt hands trailing up his sides.  Warm, large palms, stroking him gently.  Soft lips made their way up his neck.
He still didn't open his eyes.
He could smell Alec's aftershave. He could feel his warm weight.
Magnus wanted this to be real.
"Do you want this?" Alec asked. His voice was low and breathless.
"Yes," Magnus breathed. "God, yes. Please." 
14. “Magnus Gets Fucked By a Bunch of Dudes in a Club While Alec Watches (And Helps!)”
Magnus had done a lot of things in his long life, especially in the realm of exploring his sex life.
But this… this was admittedly a new one.
He knew that he was in no danger, that he was in for nothing but a night of extreme pleasure and hedonism. But there was a still slight anxiety tingling across his skin, his breath caught in his throat.
He was currently stark naked and cuffed to a stand. He was bent over, comfortably cushioned by the stand, arms tied in front of him and ass in the air and exposed.
15. “A Continuation of Prince Magnus and Servant Alec in Which I Combine a Cum Kink Prompt and my Deep Need for Alec to Fuck Magnus Doggy Style”
Magnus looked fucking beautiful.
On his hands and knees, ass in the air, thighs dripping with cum and littered with hickeys.
The crown prince, trembling and pretty for him, ass all nice and ready to use.
16. “More Prince Magnus/Servant Alec, with Plot This Time! Say Hello to Lingerie, Tournament Fights, Arranged Marriage, and Angst.”
Magnus had never felt so relaxed, curled in Alec’s arms, head resting on his chest and snuggling happily into his embrace.
Alec had just thoroughly ravished him—he was well and truly debauched, despite the surprising lack of anything particularly “kinky”—and Magnus was just… content.
There was a sharp rap of knuckles against his door—Magnus would know that knock anywhere.
His eyes snapped open. “Shit,” he hissed, sitting up. “Alexander, wake up.”
17. “In Which Omega!Magnus Has Never Been Knotted Before and He’s Very Nervous About It. It Actually Gets Good During the Lightly Angsty Smut”
Magnus lay on his stomach on the bed, trembling, completely naked and vulnerable.
“You’re shaking,” Alec said gently.
“I’m sorry,” Magnus said, biting his lip.
“Are you sure about this?” Alec asked.
“Y-yes, completely. I just… I’ve never done this before. With anyone.”
18. “Yet Another Angsty Omega!Magnus AU Because That’s Just My Jam, Guys.”
Magnus had been on the receiving end of a rut before, and he wasn’t eager to do it again.
But his boyfriend—the first alpha he’d dated since… in a while—was due.
And Magnus wasn’t sure he was going to be able to bear it—his sweet, considerate, wonderful, and gentle mate… becoming rough and violent and cruel, uncaring, completely focused on getting what he wanted, what he needed from Magnus.
He knew, of course, that under normal circumstances Alec would never, ever hurt him.
But he’d witnessed firsthand what ruts did to alphas.
19. “Office Sex with Spanking and Oops They Get Caught”
Magnus moaned as Alec’s angle changed, his hips pumping even faster, balls slapping against his ass.
“A-ahh..aah… harder…”
The words were out before he could stop them, just springing from his lips. He couldn’t help it, the burn was so good and he felt so full…
Alec’s grip on his hips tightened and he thrust roughly into Magnus, then slowed his pace. After a few thrusts, he’d stopped.
“What did I say about speaking?”
“N-not to,” Magnus whimpered. “A-ah… please…”
20. “My Super Self Indulgent Monster AU, Wherein Werecat Magnus and Sea Monster Alec Netflix and Chill. (Yes, This is An Excuse for Alec to Fuck “Catboy” Magnus with Tentacles. But Catboy is a Weird Term, Okay?)”
Magnus hadn’t exactly expected this end to the night, but he certainly wasn’t fucking complaining.
The movie was still playing in the background—Magnus could hardly remember what it was through the haze of oh my god Alec is gonna fuck me and he has fucking tentacles what the fuck—
Admittedly, he’d known Alec was like him—a “monster” as they affectionately called each other, a supernatural being—but he would never have guessed sea monster.
He felt a tentacle slip under his pants, curling around his thighs, and his ears flattened against his skull as the one already curled around his cock squeezed him and stroked upwards.
Magnus’s thighs were spread wide, one leg practically hooked over the back of the couch, and he was pretty sure Alec was about to rip off his pants.
I TAG: UHHH @tenderalec @enkelimagnus and i just know i’m forgetting a bunch of people so like, anyone who wants to do this????? sorry im tired slkgdflkg
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 152
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Last time, Android 16 thought he had the perfect solution to beating Cell.   He can’t absorb your friends with his tail if he doesn’t have a tail.  Unfortunately, Cell can regenerate like Piccolo, so he just grows it back.    Cell is awesome.
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Also, he does the thing where he waves his tail and tail juice leaks out and it burns the rocks and dirt where it lands.  
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From here, 16 realizes the only way to neutralize Cell is to kill him.   For his part, Cell seems to fight a lot more seriously.   Well, it’s hard to tell with him.    I’m just going by how much glowier he is than last episode.
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Cell puts 16 down and he can’t help but glance back at his quarry, 17 and 18.   I gotta say, I’ve begun to appreciate the Japanese voice actor for Cell.  Norio Wakamoto has a suitably rough gravelly voice for Imperfect Cell, maybe not as monstrous as Dameon Clarke’s, but he punctuates his performance with a lot of low growls.    Like, every time Cell makes this face, Norio Wakamoto is probably going “Ennnneeeggggghhhhhhhhh!” It’s great.
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But it costs him, because 16′s not through yet and NEWS FLASH: 16 CAN SHOOT HIS HANDS AT YOU!
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Then he grabs Cell (after putting his hand back on his arm) and slams him into the ground so hard it makes a hole.   
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Then he takes both hands off his arms, revealing a pair of cannons in his wrists.    This is terriffic.   
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Then he just fires down into the hole he put Cell in.   16 calls this the Hell’s Flash and it’s awesome.   This whole fight is awesome.    16 only has this one battle to his name, but he makes good use of the time by displaying all these cool powers and abilities. 
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The Hell’s Flash is so powerful that it spreads underneath the entire island, causing energy to erupt from the surface.  
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On the Lookout, Goku and Gohan are monitoring the battle while they wait for Vegeta and Trunks to come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.  At this stage, they really have no idea what’s going on, since they can’t sense any ki from Android 16.   All they know is that someone must be fighting Cell and they seem to have him on the ropes.  
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When the dust settles, 17 and 18 finally begin to realize that 16 was the strongest one the whole time.   
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16 tells them... again... to run away from this place, but they still won’t listen.    They figure the battle’s over now, but 16 assures them that it isn’t.    He thinks he’s damaged Cell, but he won’t give up so easily, so 17 and 18 are still in great danger. 
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But 17 won’t listen.   He really, really wants to pay Cell back for beating him up earlier, and he figures that if the three of them work together, they can finish off a wounded Cell without much trouble.    So he calls out to Cell, daring him to show himself.   
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And that explains this scene here, which always confused me.    In the dub, 17 acts like Cell’s already dead, so he just talks about how the three of them are going to do whatever they want from now on.   So when Cell rises up from a hole behind 17, you see 17 angrily looking around from side to side, but it’s not clear why.  
The reason is because, in the Japanese script, 17 thinks Cell is still lurking around, and he’s waiting for him to show himself so they can resume the fight.   That’s why he’s looking around so intently, never suspecting that Cell is closer than he thinks. 
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And this is Cell’s master stroke in this fight.   He couldn’t outpower 16, so he used stealth instead, getting close enough to 17 that he could absorb him before 16 could intervene.
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16 rushes to save the poor guy, but it’s already too late.
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I mean, I guess 16 could grab Cell in a bearhug and maybe squeeze 17 back out of his tail.  
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So that’s it, then, right?   Wrong, this episode’s just getting started.   Next, we’re treated to one of the best transformation scenes in the whole show.   We see an image of 17 falling into the abyss of Cell’s eye.
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Then Cell starts flashing.  
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His feet change shape.   
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Here’s what he looks like about halfway.    It’s awesome.    Cell’s the best.   Hands down.
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16 realizes it’s too late to save 17 and it’s waaaayyyy too late to stop Cell, so all he can do is remind 18.... yet again... that she needs to run away.     To be fair, I can understand her hesitation this time.   This is a pretty messed up thing to witness.
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And at last, Cell stands transformed into... Semiperfect Cell.   This form is also known as “Second Form Cell”, but I like the way “semiperfect” sounds.   Interestingly, this form doesn’t have wings.   I don’t know why they went away, and I don’t know why they came back for the third form.   
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16 tries to grab 18 and drag her to safety, but Cell is so fast now that he cuts them off before they can reach the other side of the island.   
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Tien can see the writing on the wall.    16 was the only one left who could fight Cell, and he failed.   Now, Cell’s even stronger and faster, so there’s nothing to save 18 at all.  
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I was curious to see how Norio Wakamoto’s performance would change when Cell transformed, and he sounds much less grim and brutal than before.   His Semiperfect Cell seems a little brighter and more eloquent, although that’s hard for me to judge, since I can’t understand Japanese.  I don’t think the actual voice is any different though, where Dameon Clarke switched from this raspy bug voice to a booming, brutish voice.  
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16 tries to fight, but that’s just as useless as flight at this point.    The punch does nothing.  
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Cell counters with a ki blast...
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... which damages the right side of 16′s cranium.  
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With 16 down, there’s absolutely no reason for Cell not to move on to absorbing 18.    Of course, he licks his lips, because he’s a disgusting creep, and also he just got lips, so this is his big chance to try ‘em out.   
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But 18 threatens to self-destruct, using a bomb implanted in her own body.    Cell responds by speaking with 17′s voice.   He claims--posing as 17-- that 17 actually likes being part of Cell, and he wants 18 to join them.   18 is nearly convinced, until Cell overplays his hand and has “17″ refer to Dr. Gero as “Dr. Gero-sama.”
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18 reveals that she and 17 despised Gero for converting them into cyborgs.   At least, I assume that’s what she means by “reconstructing”.   It’s weird, because Gero genuinely seemed to have no idea what made 17 and 18 so rebellious.   He blamed it on their energy supply, which never made any sense to me, and he kept claiming that he could resolve the problem by reprogramming them.   Meanwhile, the answer was staring him in the face the whole time.    They didn’t want to be turned into cyborgs, so naturally they were going to resist him every step of the way.  Of course, Cell would have no idea about any of that, so his bluff is doomed.  
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On the other hand, Cell has decided that he should call 18′s bluff as well.    Even if she really does intended to destroy herself, he’s betting that he’s fast enough to stop her before it comes to that.    And if he’s right, then she’s all out of options.   Z stands for the end.  
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But not yet.    There’s still one more guy who can step up to the plate.
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Tien’s nowhere near strong enough to hurt Cell, but is Ki Ko Ho technique is still powerful enough to keep him pinned down for a moment.    So Tien uses it over and over again, figuring that this will buy the androids time to escape.     The only problem with that is that the Ki Ko Ho drains the life energy of the user.    Using it once is dangerous.    Tien died in the Saiyans Saga, but it wasn’t because Nappa or Vegeta killed him.    Tien killed himself when he tried to take out Nappa with this same move.   And now, Tien is spamming it.   This can’t even well for him.   
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And that’s the Imperfect Cell Saga.     It kicks ass.   You’ve got the best Dragon Ball villan ever, plenty of suspense and intrigue, a nice horror vibe, and then it all wraps up with a series of quick, intense battles for the fate of the world.    It doesn’t get much better.
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wickedlightsalot · 6 years
Just One Word
chapter one
summary: Pepper’s junior year of high school and all she wants is a shred of attention from football-star Tony.
word count: 1.1k
comments: this is just an exposition ALSO this is SO CHEESY and so stereotypical, but this is my first fanfic so please go easy on me. But i’d LOVE feedback so lemme know! The next chapter is probably going to be in Tony’s mind so we’ll see. Also lemme know if this is even worth continuing! 
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Monday morning, the day she dreaded. Pepper woke up on the eve of her 17th birthday which unfortunately doubled as the first day of her junior year. She grabbed her phone on the bedside table and rolled over to the other side of her bed. Illuminating her face, the ‘7:00 am’ blinded her as she pulled the covers off of herself.
She pulled herself out of bed and continued with her normal morning routine. By the time she was dressed and made up, it was 7:50. She sat on her bed scrolling through Instagram, like she normally did for the 10 extra minutes she had every day. She was expecting some sort of post from Tony, knowing that he had probably just gotten finished with his morning gym session. She’d like every post, even though she knew that her like was lost in the thousands of the likes he’d get.
“Pepper, let’s go,” her mom yelled, knocking on her door. Pepper grabbed her bag and shoved her phone in her pocket heading out of her room. The most embarrassing part of being an almost 17-year-old junior in high school was her inability to drive. She constantly nagged her parents to let her get her license, but they insisted on waiting. Even more, she wanted to be picked up for school in Tony’s 1980 De Tomaso Pantera, but she knew she was really reaching.
“Ready for seventeen?” her mom asked as they both got in her mom’s LeSabre.
“I’m, um, ready for my license... and college. Not entirely sure how ready I am for seventeen,” she sighed. She refreshed Instagram. Nothing. “Can I get my license now…?” She wasn’t sure what reasoning she’d need. “...that I’m going to be seventeen?” She didn’t even know what was stopping her from getting it. She was a straight A student and she was involved in every club in school. She was even applying for internships during the school year with Stark Industries. Sure it was a great thing to put on a resume for jobs and college but she also thought that being employed by Tony’s father would maybe give her a shot to get closer to Tony.
“Honey, let me talk to your father.” Pepper sighed at that response. “I know, I know you want your license, but we don’t think you’re ready for it quite yet. But I promise, we will talk about it.”
Pepper didn’t answer. She opened her phone to see what she’s been waiting for all morning. There he was, Tony, posing in front of the mirror, flexing his arms. Total tool move, she knew, but she couldn’t help but smile. She was completely aware, though, of the stereotypical trope. This time, however, Pepper wasn’t a cheerleader. Tony wasn’t going to just fall in love with her, but she at least wanted his attention. Or even a friendship.
The rest of the ride continued in silence, until the top of the high school appeared from the bottom of hill they were at. “I can get out here,” she said, hugging her mom. She opened the door and started her walk up the hill.
As her mom drove away, she heard a familiar voice walking behind her. “Emma, let’s walk. We’re not going to be on time if we keep walking at that speed.” Pepper closed her eyes, and continued to walk faster. She started brushing her long blonde hair compulsively just in case he noticed her from behind.
“Tony, can’t we take our time, spend time with each other?” She could hear Emma, her co--president of Business club skipping around Tony and kissing his cheek. She knew Emma so well, and talked to her almost every day, and she couldn’t help but be jealous of her relationship with Tony. They’d only been dating for a fews months, since summer started, but Pepper wanted just once to be in her shoes.
“Hm, maybe we could take a break. Those trees over there look pretty comfy.” She could hear Tony’s signature smirk. He was smooth, but Pepper didn’t want to hear that from him. She could faintly hear their footsteps fading off in the distance. She didn’t like it. She hated it. She sped up, running to the front door.
She opened the door and ran in to her designated locker. She unlocked and looked at herself in the tiny mirror she had on the door. “Hello Mrs. Stark,” she heard faintly. She slammed the door shut to see Jane standing there smiling. Pepper rolled her eyes, hugging her best friend.
“Jane, oh my god! How was London?” She had never been so relieved to see such a beautifully friendly face. Friends since pre-K, Jane was there for her no matter what. However, this summer she had been in London with an internship, and Pepper genuinely missed her.
“Nothing without you, I worked and missed you. More importantly, how are you? How’s Tony?” She started walking towards homeroom. “No, wait! Are you ready for your birthday? What are we doing?!”
Pepper followed. “Jane, I don’t know. I feel like we should just have a movie night. 13 Going on 30 or 10 Things I Hate About You? I’m not sure I’m in the mood for some kind of party”
“No party?” Jane asked, pouting. “No, I get it. We can have a nice girl’s night. I’ll invite Tony.” She smiled, “or Emma!”
“No, no, no, no! Stop!” Pepper rushed Jane into their homeroom. They scanned the room looking for their names on the desks. “Where are you sitting, I don’t see my name.”
Jane walked around the room to find her name tag. Unfortunately, she was seated in the back corner. Pepper, though, was in the front. “Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to survive this year without you by my side for the year?” Pepper leaned on Jane’s shoulder, putting her arms around her. Jane stroked her hair laughing and letting go of her as Pepper sat down
“Pepper, didn’t you see the name next to you, though? Starts with a T, ends with a Y? Rhymes with Bologna?” Jane sat in a seat named ‘Tony’. Her fist found her chin as she rested her elbow on her knee. “Well Potts, seems like this won’t be that bad a year.”
“It won’t matter,” she responded rolling her eyes. “He’ll say one word to me this whole year.”
Jane looked past Pepper. Her eyes widened as she stood up quickly. Pepper turned around to see what she was looking at. Tony, only Tony, was standing in the doorway looking for his seat. “Right here, Tony,” Jane said extravagantly motioning towards his seat. Then, she grabbed Pepper’s shoulders and left for her own seat, leaving Pepper to be next to Tony, alone.
- i have a few ideas for more chapters but just kind of wanted to write an exposition, let me know your thoughts! there’s probably a million mistakes and it’s probably very confusing i’m sorry i’m learning
tagging some friends (taglist)
@fratboievans @aw-hawkeye @toms-darling @mandatheredpanda @i-am-steve-rogerss @peeterparkr @afilmbypeterparkr @noir-spiderr @hollandharrison @cinnamon-roll-parker @stuckonspidey @h-osterfield @hufflepuffhlland @moonkissedtom
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mooleche · 5 years
GIMME DAT WHOLE OTP LIST FOR PIOTR AND NINA (although I already know that Nina's the one to basically wear no clothes and Piotr's the one to tell her to put clothes on, lol).
It will come later Ψ( ●`▽´● )ΨAs always I’m sorry for mobile users please don’t hate me - THIS WAS FUN TY!
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?Probably Colossus, though they both end up pooling their money together a lot of the time to buy Venom a lot of chocolate delicacies to keep him happy. Nina usually spends a good chunk on surprising Piotr with art supplies which end up costing a pretty penny, while he swears up and down that he has to be the gentleman and pay for their dinner dates despite her being stubborn and wanting to help. 2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?Nina usually, but it depends on the time. Colossus is far too large to sit in her lap (despite her brave offerings), but catch him trying to stay up late at night with Nina sitting in his lap and he'll end up resting his head against hers as he finally gives in to rest. Nina on the other hand will often curl up against him while he's reading in the daytime and rest her head against his chest so she can listen to his heartbeat (she always gets a giggle out of it because it beats a little faster when he realizes this).3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?You guessed Nina and you were RIGHT. She's shy about her ink covered hands and some battle scars but that won't stop her from revealing the goods under the clothes (especially on hot summer days). She usually relies on Venom to transform into her clothes so on days that she's no longer his host or she's running late and forgets Colossus is ready to scoop her up and drag her back into their room or home to make her put on some clothes (but not before she tempts him back to bed for some fun).4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?Nina is very much the night owl in the relationship while Colossus is the old man and calls her before bed to tell her not to stay up too late. This unfortunately goes in one ear and out the other as the night is when she fights crime the most and also when she works on her college studies because she procrastinates until the very last minute. On nights that she's working extra hard he'll often wake up to find her passed out on the couch to which he gently wakes her up with coffee and a kiss so she's not completely dead during the daytime.5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?Colossus is definitely the better cook of the two, but damn if Nina doesn't try. With two parents who often cooked their meals together Nina likes to think she can do the same but usually ends up messing up burning the dish because she gets distracted by one thing or another (ie Wade calling to dish the deets on his latest murder fest). This results in Colossus usually shaking his head and preparing a nice dish for them instead if he's got the time. If not they usually settle for takeout somewhere and laugh over it.6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?Colossus doesn't usually spend a lot of time on the internet so when Nina sends him one and goes 'This is us!' he usually has to have to explain it so it makes sense sdsjgksk7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?Nina, hands down. Even though the size difference is LORGE she loves wearing his hoodies out and his shirts to bed. Colossus never complains though, because seeing her in his clothes turns him into the goofiest little lovebug because she looks so darn cute in them. As a result his wardrobe suffers quite a bit because of this. He tried to turn the tables once by wearing one of her shirts and needless to say Nina calling him the Hulk for a short while after was entirely justified. 8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”Nina will usually run errands for Colossus due to his hectic schedule at the mansion (and inability NOT to take forever when reading the nutrient labels), which he appreciates but often has to send her reminders because she's so forgetful when in a hurry. In the end she still manages to forget SOMETHING and they end up taking a more leisure trip later on to retrieve the items.9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?Due to Colossus' size he's usually forced into the passenger or backseat, so Nina is the driver most of the time. They tend to bicker when she's at the wheel because she goes a little too fast and he's worried she'll get pulled over, but also because Colossus will slip into Russian if he doesn't know the proper english term for some signals which leads to chaos. He tries his best though and she appreciates his navigation for that.10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?They both take usually take turns since they enjoy drawing and painting, Nina a little more though due to her class projects. He's usually a bit shy about the whole thing because Nina has a permanent mischevious smile on her face when he's posing. Colossus often rolls his eyes and chuckles when she poses for him because every time he looks back she's making a new pose/face to surprise him with.11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?Nina's definitely the one to be a super sleuth through the lasers while Colossus waits in the wings because he's 100% not for this idea and was dragged along to be the brawn if need be.Let's be real though she absolutely trips the wire after being smug and saying they wouldn't have any issues pop up during the heist.12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?Due to being Venoms host Nina has an incredible alcohol tolerance so she can outdrink a fair number of her peers, including Colossus. She usually has to stop him from drinking too much at the end of the night because he turns into a big loveable lush that is hard to control (though it'd be a lie to say she didn't love the PDA he gives while sloshed). By the time the morning rolls around Colossus swears off drinking for a long time while Nina spends the morning showering him in water, aspirin and a big greasy breakfast to help soak up the booze while recounting all the crazy night events.13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?They both do! Colossus usually buys some type of flower or fancy chocolate for Nina when he's out and about, or a trinket from wherever his last mission takes him while Nina usually scours old record stores to look for Neil Diamond vinyls or paintbrushes while out restocking her own inventory. They both usually try to surprise one another with coffee at least once a week and eventually decided to make it a usual thing so they could have a small date on the go.14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?They usually don't have an issue using the other's name unless its something like one of them being in the hospital and needing spouse visitation. Nina will sometimes tease Colossus by calling herself 'one of the Rasputins' as a joke but it just makes Colossus want it to become a reality even more every time she does.15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?Colossus usually is the hero of the day and will take the spider outside while Nina screams blood murder and will launch herself against the wall in an attempt to get away from it. Piotr usually is quick to call out the irony in her being scared because she has spider senses due to Venom sdgjskjs16: Which one gives the other their jacket?Colossus. Nina hates being cold so he always ends up wearing one on their outtings just in case she starts feeling chilly. This usually gives him a good laugh because she disappears in his jackets due to how much bigger he is.17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?Illyana often goes between being Colossus' little snowflake and debating on whether to sell his soul for a cornchip and Nina's 'sister' is a retired assassin who would gladly go out of retirement if someone even looked at her the wrong way, so I would say Ania.18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?OHO BOY. The setup for this is going to be an absolute hoot, all I will say is that it's Nina and she does it after Venom gets fed up with her pining over him so hard that he literally does the big 'Fuck It' moment. She's had feelings for him since she first saw him at an interview after Russell is taken in for the Ice Box so it's been a long time coming. Colossus on the other hand only realizes his feelings after she almost dies and it grows into this big ugly crush. She laughs at something? There's that familiar knot in his stomach. A smile? His feet suddenly don't work so well. And literally everyone BUT Nina notices how strange he's beginning to act kgfjkdgd19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?Definitely a bit rocky at first but power parents fo sho. Nina is high key nervous about being a parent because she's not very fond of children, but Colossus reassures her that they can overcome anything together and dotes on her constantly to make sure she's comfortable. They work together to make sure the baby room is painted with little animal murals and spend nights singing russian and french lullabies to her belly before bed.When the baby actually arrives? Nina turns into a full momma bear and would gladly kill everyone in the room and then herself if anything happened to their child. Colossus is the proudest papa in the world and basically turns into Hughes from FMA where he carries a dozen photos of their child in his wallet to dish out whenever someone even looks in his general direction. All in all they work hard to help one another out to make sure they're not both zombies but also that their little detka is happy and healthy.20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Although he's usually proper with his english vocally, Colossus is definitely the one to type with numbers as letters and shortens what he can when texting because he struggles to use anything that isn't a beeper. Nina suffers greatly because of this.21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?Nina is usually the one getting bullied by bigger/stronger enemies on missions and Colossus is always quick to come to her side to protect her. He usually teases that HE should be named Knight instead of her because of this, but she's quick to get up and repay the favor to him for his heroic efforts. There ARE some instances where the tables are turned though and she's able to save Colossus from bullies, and she usually demands a 'victory kiss' in repayment after pbppbt.22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?Colossus is definitely the one to make the bad puns while Nina attempts to smile at it and fails every time. But she tries, good god does she try.23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?Colossus pbpbpt. He comes home to a lot of little surprises and is often thinking 'what will I come home to today' because of this, so he's pleasantly surprised when he comes home one day and a puppies head pops out of Ninas hoodie to greet him at the door. 24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?Colossus sjdgks Piggybacks aren't uncommon between the two. Nina uses her spider grip to climb up his back on many occasions and sit on his shoulders, especially during briefings before missions and after the more difficult missions. While he thinks it's a bit silly Colossus doesn't mind because he enjoys feeling her wrap her arms wrapped around him.25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?Nina is usually the overzealous cheerer when it comes to Colossus getting into fights on missions that they're on together. Showdown between Colossus and Juggernaut? You bet she's on the sidelines rooting for him to kick him in the balls. He says he doesn't mind it but it DOES make him very bashful after.26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?Nina. She's big on taking photos as mementos and this situation is no different and loves catching little moments like him sleeping or painting unawares to look at later when they're far away from one another. 27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?Nina. Colossus has a fairly bland wardrobe so getting a request like that isn't farfetched for her, and although he hates going shopping for new clothes (hence the scarce variety) he trusts her to pick a few good outfits for future date nights and the like, which she definitely does no problem along with some ~special~ intimates that he has to model off for her later in the night.28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?HEHEHE. Venom technically isn't a pet but Nina often coddles him like one and Colossus is absolutely mortified by him for a very long time. Between finding out that he enjoys eating people and seeing the level of madness he can create when paired with the wrong host he thinks that the sassy little symbiote is a ticking time bomb with Nina until they bond over how much they both care for her. He eventually realizes he's not SO bad and sneaks chocolate to him at night when Nina is sleeping to keep him content.29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?Colossus. Nina tried once but she was much too short for her attempts and they both got soaked in the process. Now Colossus keeps her close in one arm while holding the umbrella in the other.30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?It's a toss-up! They both have their own designated places they want to take the other. Colossus wants to take Nina to Russia to visit his homeland while Nina wants to take Colossus to Paris to introduce him to her French relatives and childhood. Since Colossus' family farm is in ruins due to his family passing, they pay their respects and then go sight-seeing around Moscow and the local art museums.In Paris they would visit her grandmother and relatives who instantly go nuts over Piotr like he was one of their own and they give them a grand tour of the area and special sights. Piotr definitely surprises her (because we all know he would pull this type of thing) and splurges to get a hotel room that overlooks the city and Eiffel Tower because she wants to be extra romantic and boy howdy does it w o r k. They would probably both take pictures. Nina would take most of the scenic pictures and catching Piotr admiring the artwork while Piotr would be in charge of taking selfies because of how tall he is sgjdskgs
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a7xlizardqueen · 6 years
TITLE: Aura Malfoy
PAIRING: No pairing yet. Eventually OFC/Remus Lupin, OFC/Sirius Black, OFC/Seamus Finnigan, OFC/Harry Potter
RATING: NC-17/MA – seriously, do not read this if you are under 18!
SUMMARY: I don’t like writing summaries. I’m not good at it. This is a canon-following story. I use both the books and the movies. Will be mostly set in the Golden Trio era, with memories and flashbacks from the Marauders era.
NOTES/WARNINGS: It starts out pretty tame. Follows to the plot of the books for the most part. There will eventually be violence, torture, mentions of PTSD, mentions of sexual assault, there will be smut, death, as I go along I will add more warnings. Again, please do not read if you are under 18, or are easily triggered.
Aura squeezed through the crowd in to Flourish and Blotts, Felis trailing behind her. Unfortunately that day the bookshop was playing host to someone that Aura had known when she'd been at Hogwarts, someone that she hadn't been fond of.
The extremely blond, and infuriating, man stood at the back of the shop, flashing his award-winning smile. Aura attempted to ignore it all as she headed for the shelves in order to gather the rest of the books on the list that weren’t Lockhart's. Apparently the new Defense teacher had a crush.
"It can't be Harry Potter?" Lockhart shouted suddenly.
Aura spun around just in time to see a small, thin boy covered in soot pushed up and grabbed by Lockhart, his eyes wide with surprise. Aura couldn't help but notice that his eyes, even through his circular glasses were exactly like his mother's. Everything else about him was so like his father Aura almost felt as if she were looking at James again.
Lockhart posed and smiled as Harry continued to stand there, looking none too pleased with having a camera in his face.
"Ladies and gentlemen,” he called out again, waving the building into silence. “What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I’ve been sitting on for some time! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography, which I shall be happy to present him now, free of charge," he paused to grin and give the crowd a chance to clap, "He had no idea that he would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy!”
Aura had to shake her head, wondering whether she had heard correctly. Gilderoy Lockhart was going to be the DADA teacher at Hogwarts? What the hell was Albus playing at? He bloody well knew that Lockhart’s books were all a fiction, he’d been a very poor student when he’d been at Hogwarts, and was likely to be an even poorer teacher.
Gilderoy handed Harry a stack of shiny new books, which he took begrudgingly before he was shoved back in to the crowd. Aura lost sight of him for a moment before he reappeared at the front of the store, next to a little girl with red hair and a cauldron. She nudged Felis forward, slowly making their way through the crowds who were now lining up to have their books signed by Lockhart.
When Aura looked up again she caught sight of a man who haunted her nightmares, her brother Lucius. He stood in front of Harry, a blond boy with a surly look n his face at his hip. That must be his son Draco. The two of them were staring down their straight noses at Harry, now flanked by a group of other children. Aura stood still, her heart pounding in her chest.
"You must be Miss Granger. Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?"
Lucius sounded exactly the same; still as insolent and boastful as always. Another man approached the group. This one was rather meager-looking compared to Lucius' long combed hair and clean, crisp robes.
"Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside," he said, no doubt hoping to stop the situation.
"Well, well, well, Arthur Weasley."
"Lucius," Arthur Weasley said stiffly, yet politely.
"Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime," he said as he grabbed an old tattered book from the red haired girl's cauldron, "Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it."
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Lucius."
"Clearly. The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower."
Aura took a deep, calming breath before approaching the group, "I see some things never change, big brother."
Lucius spun around quickly to find his younger sister watching him. He flinched at the sight of her face.
"Still can't look at your handiwork, can you?" she smirked.
"Aura!" Lucius exclaimed, his demeanor falling for a moment.
"Thank you for letting me know that our father died."
"You were impossible to find."
"You knew how to get a hold of me. Why don’t you go ruin someone else’s day?"
Lucius snarled and turned back towards the Weasley's, "Here girl, it's the best your father can give you."
Without another glance Lucius turned and stalked out of the shop, his young son Draco fast behind him.
"Well, Aura Malfoy," Arthur Weasley greeted, "We all thought you were dead."
"Yes, well, for a time, so did I."
"'Scuse me," young Harry said politely, yet disbelievingly, "But are you Lucius Malfoy's sister?"
"Yes Harry, unfortunately I am."
"How do you know my name?"
"My dear boy, everyone knows your name."
Later that evening Aura and Felis were sitting down to a supper of yorkshire pudding and chips in their little country cottage. After the bookshop Aura had rushed Felis through the rest of the list and taken her straight home. It had been a very long time since she'd been out in public and the stress was clear on her face. Of course Felis hadn't noticed this and was still extremely excited about her first trip away from the cottage.
"Mummy, who was that boy in the bookshop?" she asked as she took a bite of a chip.
"Which one?" Aura sighed impatiently.
"The dirty one with the glasses."
"That was Harry Potter, dear."
"Who is he?"
"He is The Boy Who Lived. Long ago there was a very bad wizard who wanted to kill Harry. His mother died in order to save him."
"That's sad. Did you know her?"
Aura thought back to that day on the train when she'd met the little girl with large green eyes and bright red hair, "Yes I did."
"So he doesn't have a mother?" Felis said, looking down at her plate.
"Nor a father."
"That's very sad. He could probably use a friend."
Aura smiled weakly and patted her daughter's head, "Yes dear, I'm sure he could."
"And that tall scary man is your brother?"
"Unfortunately yes. And that was his son Draco. Don't listen to a word he says, if he’s anything like his father he won’t be a nice boy."
"Did your brother give you that scar?"
Aura sighed and looked at her daughter who had gravy running down her chin, still so innocent and curious, "You're far too young to hear that story."
"Yes mum," Felis looked down at her plate, disappointed.
"One day, I promise."
Aura stood from the table, picked up the empty plates and took them over to the sink. Felis' small voice called over from the table.
"Mum, why won't you tell me about my father?"
She braced herself against the counter, her stomach churning. Taking a deep breath, she turned around, "You don't want to know your father."
She turned back around and began to rinse the gravy from the plates. This was something she could have done magically but at the moment Aura needed the distraction.
"Was he a bad man?"
Tears slipped from Aura's eyes as she clutched the ring in her pocket that she'd taken from Gringott's earlier that day. After Felis had found it Aura found that she couldn't leave it behind. There had been a time when this ring had signified the happiest time in her life.
"Yes, he was."
The day had finally come. Felis ran excitedly through the train station as Aura pushed the trolley. As Aura caught up to her daughter, she found Felis standing between platforms nine and ten looking very confused.
"Well, where is it?" Felis demanded.
"Come here," Aura smiled, "and follow right behind me."
Aura stood right in front of the column between platforms nine and ten. Felis grabbed onto the back of her robe as she walked straight and went right through the bricks as if they hadn't been there just before. One moment they had been standing in the modern King's Cross Station, and the next they were staring at a classic steam engine in bright shiny red surrounded by witches and wizards both young and old.
Aura helped Felis struggle with her trunk and cage before she knelt down and began tidying her hair and clothes. Felis scowled as her mother attempted to pat down her unruly waves.
"Won't your hair ever stay in place?" Aura sighed, "Now, have a good time on the train and make lots of friends. I'll see you when you get there. And remember, don't listen to your cousin."
"Yes mum," Felis rolled her eyes impatiently.
"All right, get going then."
With a final wave and a smile Felis jumped excitedly onto the train and began to weave her way through the many other students. Aura stood watching her for a few moments before turning to leave, only to be faced with the smug smile of her brother Lucius.
"Do you even know who her father is?" he said in his pompous voice that sounded so much like their father's.
"Good morning Lucius," Aura said politely.
"Not that it really matters who's she is. Neither one is better than the other. The Dark Lord, or the man who betrayed you for the Dark Lord."
Felis smiled weakly and apologized profusely as she bumped and weaved her way through the crowd of students on the train. She'd been peaking into compartments for close to a minute and hadn't yet found one that wasn't full. Finally she caught sight of a familiar red head. It was the little girl from the bookshop.
She was sitting in a compartment with the brown haired girl she'd seen in the bookshop as well, who amazingly enough had curlier and messier hair than Felis herself. They were also sitting with a very shy looking boy who's teeth stuck out of his face, he was holding a toad. Felis poked her head in and cleared her throat.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Of course!" said the brown-haired girl politely as she stood to help Felis lift her trunk into the baggage compartment.
"I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger; and this is Ginny Weasley, and Neville Longbottom."
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Felis Malfoy."
"So you're Draco's cousin then?" Ginny asked, curiously.
"Yes, but my mother said not to talk to him. Besides, he doesn't look like a very nice boy."
"No, he isn't." Hermione said, "I wonder where Ron and Harry are."
"They were right behind mum and dad and me. Maybe they found a different compartment?" Ginny shrugged.
"Your mother's Aura Malfoy?" Hermione asked and Felis nodded, "I swear I've read that name somewhere before, but I can't remember."
"I know who she is," Neville said quietly, "My gran told me all about her."
Felis glanced at the boy curiously, wondering how he could know about her mother when she herself barely knew anything about her. Her head began to pound as Neville continued to talk.
"She was accused of being a Death Eater. They found her hidden away in You-Know-Who's main base of operations. She claimed she was a prisoner, but no one believed her because she was in fairly good health. Well, except for the scar on her face."
"That can't be right," Felis objected, "My mother would never have been a Death Eater. She said that You-Know-Who was a very bad man who killed her friend. She said that her brother gave her that scar."
"Then why wouldn't she tell anyone about what happened? Why wouldn't she tell anyone about why she was there? Why wouldn't she tell anyone who the father of her mysterious child was?"
Felis had remained quiet for the rest of the train ride. Hermione and Ginny had tried to talk to her but she couldn't think about anything other than what Neville had told her. Could her mother have really been a Death Eater? Her whole family had been. But the mother she knew would never hurt a fly. She'd never seen her mother use her wand for anything other than cooking and cleaning and various other mundane spells. And if what Neville said was true, who was her father?
Felis' thoughts never strayed until the train had stopped at Hogsmeade Station and they began to depart the train. Hermione and Neville went off together as they were not First Years. It was already dark out so Ginny and Felis had to follow a lantern light held by an extremely large man.
"Ron told me about him!" Ginny whispered, "That's Hagrid. Apparently he had a pet dragon last year!"
Mention of a dragon, added to the mystical allure of their location, made Felis completely forget about the train. They followed Hagrid through a dark pathway that led down to a large lake. Her and Ginny climbed into a boat with a very blonde girl. As the boats began to magically drift away from the docks they rounded a corner and Felis finally saw the Hogwarts castle for the first time. In the dark, the castle almost looked scary except for that the windows glowed a wonderfully warm and comforting orange colour.
The boats continued to glide across the lake and Felis could have sworn she saw a large tentacle break the surface of the water. After a few minutes the boats came to a stop at another dock and the First Years all climbed out and began to follow Hagrid up a set of stairs until they were led into a small room.
"Wait jus' here. Professor McGonagall 'll be by shortly," Hagrid said in his pleasantly gruff voice.
Not more than a minute later a tall, severe-looking witch came gliding in to the room. She held her back very straight, and wore a tall black pointed hat, and green tartan robes. She looked down her nose, through a pair of square spectacles, at the group of First Years.
"You will follow me in to the Great Hall. Straight line please."
Felis could only presume that this was Professor McGonagall, as the woman had not introduced herself. She spoke in a tone that immediately had the First Years scrambling into a line and they hurried after her. There were many gasps as the group entered the hall. There were four long tables, each full of students in their house colours. At the end of the hall was another table, running perpendicular to the four, raised on a dais. There Felis could see Dumbledore sitting in a large, handsome chair.
Felis stared all around her. This place was the most stunning thing she'd ever seen in her life. The room was so large, it could probably have fit her little cottage home inside it a hundred times or more. The ceiling reflected the starry night sky outside as thousands of candles hung in the air above their heads. They came to an abrupt stop in front of the table at which Dumbledore sat. Professor McGonagall turned around with a piece of parchment in her hand.
"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted. Colin Creevey."
Felis barely listened as names were called out. She was still staring all around her and at the sorting hat who seemed to have a mouth somehow. She wondered if it needed to eat. She continued to ignore the sorting until she caught the eye of her mother sitting at the head table, staring at her with an expression of terrible fear.
Aura sat at the head table next to Madame Poppy Pomfrey. She'd arrived around mid-day in Hogsmeade before making the long walk up to the castle. Dumbledore had greeted her in the Entrance Hall and went with her up to the Hospital Wing to introduce her to Madame Pomfrey whom she'd never met before.
Now she sat waiting for Felis and the rest of the First Years to come through the doors into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. As much as she tried to smile and socialise with Poppy and the professors she couldn't help but feel dread weighing on her heart. She wasn't sure she wanted to be here when Felis was sorted.
Her thoughts were halted abruptly as the doors opened with a creak and the reassuring face of Minerva McGonagall appeared, followed by a group of intimidated looking children. Of course Aura wasn't at all surprised to see that Felis didn't look intimidated. She'd never been fearful in her life.
As Minerva began to call out names the pounding in Aura's head grew louder and louder. She prayed that they would call Felis by the name she'd given to Dumbledore.
"Felis Malfoy," Minerva called.
Felis stepped up to the stool without hesitation and threw the hat onto her head with such enthusiasm that she earned a few chuckles. Aura stared at the hat, willing it to speak, as the pounding in her head grew louder and louder. She found herself gripping her wedding ring, which she had hung on a chain around her neck, so hard that it began to hurt the back of her neck.
"Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat called out after what seemed like an hour, and the entire Gryffindor table burst out in cheers and awed whispers.
Aura's breath left her all in one moment. She sat through the rest of the Sorting in a state of numbness. She was pleased that Felis had been sorted in to Gryffindor, like herself, but on the other hand that had been the same house that her husband had been sorted into. At this point she wasn't sure if Gryffindor was any better of an omen than Slytherin would have been. Aura was shaken out of her thoughts at the sound of Dumbledore's speech.
"I would also like to introduce some new staff members," Dumbledore called out, "Aura Malfoy will be joining Madame Pomfrey as a nurse in the Hospital Wing." He paused for the students to applaud, "And our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is none other than Gilderoy Lockhart."
Aura held back a groan as she stood along with Lockhart. She tilted her head as the students clapped, however Lockhart did a fanciful bow, smiling stupidly. Soon after this the food appeared and Aura forgot for a short time all her fears. She'd forgotten how good the food was at Hogwarts and ate more heartily than she'd done in years. She also noticed that Felis seemed to be getting along quite well with a couple girls at the Gryffindor table which helped to waylay her fears a bit.
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1979semifinalist · 6 years
20 Best Gambit & Rogue Covers (Part 1)
For the hottest couple in the Marvel universe, there are surprisingly few truly great (and truly hot!) Rogue & Gambit covers to be published since the characters began flirting literal decades ago.
In the run up to our BIG RELEASE of Rogue & Gambit #1 on 1/3/18...and with a all of us aching for the lettered preview to drop, I thought I’d count down the 20 best Gambit & Rogue covers.
I AM including Kris Anka’s publicly released covers for our series in the running, even though they are not yet published...because...well, because this is the FIRST EVER ROGUE & GAMBIT COMIC AND HOW COULD I NOT???
If you think I missed something...it’s possible. But it’s also possible I’m just not a fan of that cover. To each their own as they say.
Most importantly...can anything we’ve seen yet beat the most iconic Rogue & Gambit cover of all time? (C’mon, you know the one!)
Anyway, here’s to A LOT MORE Gambit & Rogue hotness in our future and onto the list! :D
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HONORABLE MENTION: This is not a cover, but rather an illustration. Done by Clay Mann, unarguably one of the best Rogue & Gambit (singular or together!) artists of all time. If this was an actual cover...it would be Top 3, easy. Unfortunately, it’s just a gorgeous illustration. So honorable mention it is!
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20. GAMBIT #12 - CLAY MANN. A really nice cover overall, great movement and drama, but gets points off (in this very specific category!) for including not only a villain but another woman (gasp!). But we’ve got a couple of those on this list where Rogue brings someone else to the party...so let’s hold off on the pearl clutching. It also gets points off for really ugly title block nonsense at the bottom and a FREAKING AD. I hate that. Not Mann’s fault of course, but always something I consider when I judge a “cover” rather than an “illustration.”
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19. X-TREME X-MEN #21 - SALVADOR LARROCA. I suspect this ranks higher for a lot of folks as it’s a nice illustration and they have a nice vibe about them here. But this there’s just a lot from this run I don’t love and some of it shows up on this cover. Although Gambit’s outfit isn’t the worst his hair is a bit mullet-ish and both of their hair is a sort of dull light brown instead of the more dramatic auburn I prefer. But mostly I hate Rogue’s uniform, especially the color. And I REALLY hate that hair cut...like...SO MUCH. So points off for all of that, despite a nice illustration.
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18. X-MEN LEGACY #260 - CLAY MANN. And here we have Rogue bringing someone else to the party...Magneto. Not cool, Rogue. Other than that though, this is a really nice cover. Rogue looks powerful, everyone looks gorgeous, and the way the eye is drawn to the primary figures really works. I always hated this uniform for Rogue (a scarf? really?) but Mann draws it really well here. The story line title block is slightly obnoxious and I could probably do without everyone else on the cover...so minor points off for that too?
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17. UNCANNY X-MEN #248 - JOE MADUREIRA. The biggest issue with this cover - other than it not getting to be very hot since it’s about splitting them apart - is just all the damn text covering things up. the illustration itself is really nice. Gambit cast in a lot of shadow with Rogue in the light is a nice touch, as is the literal tearing between them/behind them. These outfits were never my fav (though Remy looks good in blue!) but due to the story line at the time they became pretty iconic for the pair, so I don’t fight it. :D Too bad about that title block and nonsense tho.
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16. X-TREME X-MEN XPOSE’ #2 - RODOLFO MIGLIARI. I love the use of white space here, and it’s really nice posing/connection for our leads and a beautiful illustration. But the hyper realistic style is just not my favorite. I think when characters start looking too much like people you sometimes start to lose the fantasy a bit. I think Gambit looks better here than Rogue (her mouth is a bit funny?) and we also we get points off for Rogue’s awful hair and the red uniform.
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15. X-MEN LEGACY #226 - TERRY & RACHEL DODSON. A really gorgeous effort by the Dodsons. Rogue especially is just magnificent (they always do a pretty spectacular Rogue). The coloring/lighting is absolutely fantastic. This mostly just loses points for featuring another character (Danger) and for not really having the two leads engaging with one another (again, not a problem, except for in this specific category). If Rogue and Gambit were engaged with one another I think this would place very high - maybe even Top 5? I’d love to see the Dodson’s do a more romantic Rogue/Gambit cover. Swoon. Title block is pretty good here too!
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14. GAMBIT #11 - CLAY MANN. This is another case of a great cover that just loses points in this specific category. i.e. it’s “splitting them up” (quite literally in this case). But it’s a great looking cover and I love the little details in the expressions and body language of Rogue and Gambit in the photo. It’s a really great idea, executed wonderfully, just not strong enough in this particular category. Again though, points off for that awful bottom red title block bar including an eyesore of an ad. :P
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13. X-MEN #45 - ANDY KUBERT. So, this definitely loses points in the hotness and romance categories, but it’s definitely an iconic cover for the pair (and especially when you consider it’s a cool fold out cover (and the magnificent Rogue/Gambit story inside!) I feel like it nudges itself up a couple points. Plus the title block is really minimal on the “front” letting the characters sell the book.
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12. ROGUE #5 - RODOLFO MIGLIARI. I have the same issues here as I did for Migliari’s entry at #15 - the “hyper realistic style” just isn’t really for me. But this one gets points for Rogue looking far better (better hair, classic outfit), and for just generally being pretty hot. I like that there isn’t a LOT of title block and nonsense - but that color and overdone “treatment” on the ROGUE font is not great.
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11. X-MEN: THE END #6 - GREG LAND. This is actually quite beautiful. There’s a ton of tension in the posing (and implications of potential actions). The body language is great, and Rogue looks...well, drop dead gorgeous. I was never a fan Rogue’s tattoos (even though I am a fan of tattoos generally) but Land does a pretty good job of making it work here. Gambit’s got more pouches than seems necessary (on the other hand he IS a character where a lot of nonsense pouches actually make a ton of sense, especially if he’s not got the trench coat). There’s more title block (etc) then I’d like, but it’s pretty well integrated, including the figures floating OVER it, which I always like. Overall, really nice. 
All right. That’s the first half. Check back tomorrow for the top 10! :D
And don’t forget to get Rogue & Gambit #1 in comic book stores (and digitally) everywhere on Wednesday 1/3/18! <3
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