#until i listened to an episode of jay and miles where they talked about the nm
teleportmanteau · 9 months
I read all of New Mutants vol 1 thinking Warlock's father's name was Magnus and wondering why no one commented on him and Magneto having the same name
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icy-watch · 4 months
That was so cute and wholesome. Aaaaah.
Um. Yeah. Just me crying over here.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next season, but I was told it's called Master of the Mountain.
No idea what that could really mean, but I'm guessing there's a mountain and some guy who's the master of it. And that's really about all I have.
So, since this is the end of Prime Empire, I'll be watching the shorts tomorrow that explain some things. So, a chill day tomorrow. Until then!
Correct and incorrect predictions under the cut.
Unagami is one of the people in charge? Or an AI? Unagami is an AI and he was in charge.
Milton Dyer created Unagami. Yes.
The ninja will listen to Okino as he helps them thru Terra Kerana. They did, and Lloyd got a new dad.
Okino became more cognizant while he was with the ninja. He's also going to Go Thru It. He learned so much, and he gained so much more. Gained more Trauma, that is.
Unagami is an AI that gathered some consciousness. He did.
Unagami wants to go to Ninjago to find Milton Dyer. He did, and he was reunited with his dad after they had an emotional talk. The emotional one was me. I'm a wreck.
The ninja being out of credits will be important later. Meanwhile, in the very next episode...
The race is going to be the next episode. It was!
Seven will make it past the fourth mile marker. She did!
Rescue mission to recover Zane from the Mechanic. Surprisingly, yes, in the same episode as the background of Milton and Unagami.
Unagami is going to visit Ninjago, and he's going to bring some friends. It's not going to go well for Ninjago. The city has been in worse shapes after the final battle, but there was some damage. And people might have been injured.
We're going to lose Nya. She got rubix cubed, just like everybody else.
A confrontation between Milton and Unagami. TT__TT Yes.
Milton won't die.
Evil video game. Just a normal video game that was abandoned, and the AI in charge lashed out.
Milton Dyer was pulled into the game. He was just in hiding.
It will be a few more episodes before the rest of the ninja make it into Prime Empire. They made it in during the very next episode.
The motherboard needs to be inserted back into the arcade game for everyone to be able to return to Ninjago. A giant gateway also works.
It'll be a hot minute before the other ninja find Jay in Prime Empire. They were told where to find him in the very end of the next episode.
The League of Jay will be helpful down the line. They really just helped out that 1 time and that was it. We were cheated out of some more Jays all season.
Unagami is an old enemy with a new alias. Boy was I wrong there.
Lloyd will be the first ninja to lose all his lives. *crying about Cole and Kai*
The ninja are going to return to Scott's garage to find it trashed and him missing. He was alive and well, until Seven showed up.
Time flows different in Prime Empire than it does in Ninjago. I thought I had something, but it was a nothing.
Everyone will leave Prime Empire using the inter-dimensional arcade portals. Apparently, I never said anything about the gate in my main prediction posts (which I go off, not my opener "what's this ep gonna be about" post), sooooo... yeah.
Zane's not going to come out of this whole thing ok. He was able to shake it off faster than Taylor Swift.
Kai and Scott will lose their last life. Kai doing something stupid, and Scott in the race. They both did lose their last life, but Scott sacrificed himself for the ninja and Kai and Cole both lost their last life during the race.
We're going to lose someone during the race. We lost 2 someones.
The level to get the third Keytana will be a fighter game. It was a platform game + infinity maze + fighter game.
It's going to come down to Jay vs. Unagami. Yes, but mostly no.
Unagami paid attention to the ninja back on Ninjago. It wasn't ever confirmed how Unagami clocked the ninja as his enemies before they arrived in Prime Empire, but the Mechanic might have been the person informing him about the ninja. He might have informed Unagami of everything the ninja have done.
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kim-bobbae · 4 years
54. “I made reservations.”
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I miss him so much and I hope he’s resting up, I just want to take care of him and be his comfort person TT
“To be really honest, I have no idea what he’s busy with until I see a recording or photoshoot of his on my schedule, and then I’m summoned to do his hair and makeup,” You laughed. “At this point I think it’s a relief he renewed his contract with AOMG instead of signing with H1GHR, don’t you think?” 
“I’m right, he really is the dad that’s never home,” Wonjae chuckled, tugging lower on his beanie. 
You were in the car on the way back to the AOMG headquarters after Wonjae’s photoshoot where Pumkin had dropped by in support since it was his first ever solo shoot for W magazine when the topic of Jay came about as you guys discussed the responses received from the interview they had done that was uploaded just a few days ago. With how busy Jay had been and how rare it was to see him around at the AOMG headquarters, their questions on what he had been up to very naturally fell on you because who else would know better if not for his girlfriend, right? 
Wrong. You had absolutely no idea either. 
Yes, there was the H1GHR compilation – you knew that much – but so did everyone else. The fact that you didn’t know much more than that surprised them, to say the least. 
“Do you want me to nag at him a little and drop him a hint or two? I could do that,” Pumkin offered. 
“Oh please no, I don’t think he’ll be too pleased if he finds out I’m whining about him to you guys behind his back.” 
“Not exactly, we’re the ones asking you about him,” Wonjae rebutted. 
“Yeah, when was the last time you guys went on a date?” Pumkin asked. “Don’t count the ones where you guys order delivery from the office or his studio, those aren’t counted.” 
“Why not? Those are dates…” 
“I see where the problem lies now,” Wonjae snickered. 
“C’mon, you guys are making this a bigger deal than it actually is,” You remarked. “We’ve been dating for years now, we’re past that.” 
A few days passed since then with nothing really out of the ordinary except for a dinner with your friends that you’ve managed to fit into your schedule after clearing an important deadline. With a couple of music releases coming up, you were attending meetings with different artists, talking to them about their ideas and concepts, proposing hairstyles, make up and clothing that would be suitable for their music videos and teaser images. 
While the job did sound manageable, the very act of browsing endless collections of the latest fashion releases was extremely time consuming, and squeezing in a short conversation or two with Jay via text message was, in fact, pretty much the norm these days with the both of you being so busy. Not that you minded – you just got used to it. 
And so did he. 
You understood though, really. You understood that he was a busy man and while you were important to him, he simply could not afford to put you in the center of his world. But he tried, and he did all he could to show you that. Yet, with that workaholic nature of his and all the people he had to put on for, work would always be his priority. 
It was just hard facing up to it last week when you tried your luck at getting some affection by cuddling up to him while he was reviewing some tracks during the ten minute window that the both of you were left alone in the studio – you couldn’t help it, it’s been a whole month (!!!) – only to earn a ‘I’m working, babe’ in a tone you don’t usually appreciate. He apologized, of course, realizing that he had hurt your feelings from the way you retreated quietly to another room, but it did enough to keep you from attempting it again for the remainder of the week. 
“Dinner tonight?” 
A message notification flashed across your screen. It was Jay. 
You didn’t think much of it though and readily agreed to it. For a split second, you wondered if Pumkin had a part to play in this and the smirk on his face as the receptionist walked in to the office towards you with a bouquet of roses in hand only confirmed your suspicions. 
“Looks like someone sent you flowers,” She said, handing it to you. 
Now Jay wasn’t really one who’d be into these flashy, romantic gestures, especially in front of his employees, and the number of heads that turned towards your direction with knowing smiles on their faces made you understand exactly why. 
Take a longer lunch break to get ready if you need to, I’ll be at the office at 7pm to pick you up.
You raised a brow at the formalities as you read the message on the card. Having been together for years, being on the receiving end of this somewhat grand gesture all of a sudden needed some getting use to again but with everyone’s attention on you and the extremely elaborate bouquet, you quickly set is aside, an embarrassed smile the best you could muster in response to their reactions before you got back to work. 
Consumed by your pile of work, you had completely lost track of time since then but it wasn’t hard to tell that it was already 7pm from the way your colleagues peeped curiously from behind their desk dividers, stifling their excited giggles and from their reaction you could already guess that Jay was here. It wasn’t every day that they could catch a glimpse of their boss’s love life, after all. 
“Ready to go?” He asked, and what ensued was a moment of confusion the second you turned around to face him. 
He was all cleaned up in a black tee shirt and dress pants, hair styled back and you were pretty sure those were some new shoes from his two hundred deep sneaker collection while there you were, in a pair of skinny jeans and oversized sweater and it was obvious that you guys weren’t dressed for the same occasion. 
You hesitated, “…last minute schedule to attend to?”
“No…I’m taking you for dinner?” He mused, gesturing to the flowers. “I made reservations.” 
“Yeah but…you didn’t tell me that I had to get dressed up,” You replied sheepishly. 
“I did,” He laughed. “You just didn’t take me seriously.” 
“You said ‘if you need to’,” You argued in a hush whisper. “Plus, the last time you picked me up we had tacos at the diner just down the street.” 
For a while he stared at you, and so did everyone else and in all honesty, it was getting slightly embarrassing by now. Thankfully, Jay caught on your discomfort from the way you played with your fingers and bit on your lips as you waited for his reply. 
“It’s okay, we’ll sort this out,” He reassured in a soft voice, grabbing the bouquet in one hand and yours in the other. “Let’s go.” 
“Where are we going…?” You asked once the both of you were in the car. 
The fact that one of his managers wasn’t driving you guys and that he was instead driving his Bentley for the first time in ages did explain something about what he had planned but for now, everything about this made you nervous. This was so unlike him – excluding the first year of your relationship, that is. 
“We’re going to your favorite Italian restaurant,” He explained. “But I guess we should drop by your place to get you dressed up first, huh?” 
“Sorry about that,” You murmured, and he couldn’t help but titter at the way you stared down at your outfit with a sigh. 
You wasted no time and tossed your bag aside upon reaching home, making a beeline towards your wardrobe and immediately started sieving through your dresses. Despite the rough start, you had to admit that this was rather exciting. Heck, you couldn’t even remember the last time the both of you had a proper date night and the fact that he had taken the time to plan this amidst his schedule? Damn you were about to dress the hell up. 
You hastily put on the dress that you had picked out, a fairly new one from the few that you had saved up for rare occasions like these, then scurried to the living room where Jay was waiting. 
However, the sight of Jay burying his face in his hands looking absolutely worn had you somewhat stopping in your tracks. 
He was seated on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his lap as he squinted at his cracked phone screen. His brows furrowed as he tapped away at what sounded like a new message notification, then brought his phone up to his ears as he listened to what probably was a demo of one of the tracks off the album. Sure, he was dressed up, absolutely stunning, but how stressed he looked was definitely not a good look on him and at this point you weren’t sure how you’d feel about dinner if his mind was going to be miles away, back in his studio. 
“Wow,” He beamed upon noticing you then set his phone aside as he stood up. “You look beautiful.” 
“I could say the same for you, too.” 
“You okay?” He asked, cocking his head upon noticing that you seemed to be distracted in thought. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Come here, let me help you with that,” He smiled, noticing that the back of your dress was unzipped. 
But as he placed his hand on the zipper, you reached around to tug on his fingers, then turned around to face him. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Why don’t…we just have dinner at home today?” You suggested, observing his reaction carefully. 
“Why the sudden change of mind...?” 
“I don’t know,” You sighed. “I mean, you seem really caught up with work, and I love that you took the time to plan a date, but I’m not sure if I can sit through that pretending that I am not seeing for myself how exhausted you are.” 
“No, no it’s fine,” He insisted. “I’m taking the night off to spend it with you.” 
The both of you glanced at his phone as it beeped again and then back at each other, and you could almost tell how he was already itching to respond to it. 
“I’ll cook us dinner, and we can postpone this date until after the album is released,” You told him. 
He looked at you, not quite sure if he was allowed to give in to you, especially after the little episode in his studio last week that had also been due to his work. 
“I’m not mad, I promise,” You giggled, reading him like a book. “Let’s stay in tonight.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, go get your MacBook from the car and carry on with your work while I cook but all I ask for though...” You started. “Is for your undivided attention after that. I’ll cook a stew if it gives you more time.” 
He exhaled deeply, taking a step towards you and pulled you in for a long embrace, “How do you always manage to make me feel better even though I’m the one who screwed up?” 
“You didn’t screw up,” You said, wrapping your arms around his broad frame. “You tried, and I appreciate that.” 
“That makes me feel worse...” He replied, cupping your face and stroking your left cheek with his thumb.
You leaned into his touch, smiling, “It’s no big deal, this is just one of your busy phases. Once the album’s released, I’ll have my boyfriend back. Easy.” 
“I’ll make up for it, alright? I promise,” He said, then leaned in to kiss you sweetly. 
“Seems like the only way to get kisses nowadays is to let you work, huh?” You taunted. 
“Baby…” He whined, the littlest pout creeping to his lips. “Let’s not go back there.” 
“I was kidding,” You sniggered. “Now give me another one to shut me up.”
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halstudandruz · 5 years
We Did It
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Reader has a hard time getting pregnant
Warnings: Trouble conceiving
A/N: First story in the pregnancy/daddy Jay series
You stared down at the counter sadness but yet anger beginning to course through you. You picked up the test, throwing it in the garbage before picking up your purse and coat, and heading straight for the door. It was only about a 5 minute walk before you arrived at your destination. You walked straight to the counter ordering a shot of tequila and a beer. Downing the shot in a second slamming it on the counter.
“Do I want to ask?” Gabby, your best friend, stood in front of you watching your actions.
“It’s not fair.” You clenched your jaw looking down at the counter.
“I know.” She sighed taking your hand in hers to squeeze it.
“We spend how much time and money trying to prevent getting pregnant, while those stupid pills and shots fuck with your health in the meantime and then when you want to get pregnant you can’t!” You exclaimed clearly still hurting. Gabby listened to you rant for another hour comforting you knowing how it felt before you decided to go back home knowing Jay would be off work soon. After Jay got home and the two of you ate dinner you curled up into him on the couch turning on the tv in and effort to distract yourself from your own thoughts. Halfway through the episode of Friends you felt Jay start to kiss up and down your neck, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you tightly back into him. “Not tonight.” You said grabbing his hand to stop him from moving it anywhere. You felt him pull back before he flipped you towards him so he could see your face.
“Why not?” He asked confusion on his features. You and Jay had been having sex almost everyday for the past 9 months. It was starting to feel like a chore at this point. You loved Jay with all your heart and you loved being close and intimate with him but it just felt like more pressure was put on you each time you had sex.
“I just don’t feel good.” You mumbled.
“Really? Well maybe you should-“ He started as you heard the hopefulness in his voice making your heart drop a little before you cut him off.
“No.” You shook your head looking away from him.
“Did you?” He asked knowing what you were implying. You nodded your head feeling the tears crowd the corner of your eyes not daring to look up at him.
“Babe. It’s okay. The doctor said-“ He tried to comfort you but you interrupted again.
“Yes, I know. That it takes average couples 5 months, but we’re approaching the 10th month Jay. That’s double the normal time. I’m just worried. I really didn’t expect us to have any issues. I just didn’t think it would
be this hard.” You admitted. He grabbed your face between his hands turning it so you were looking at him.
“I know baby, but it’s going to be okay. We’ll give it another month and if it doesn’t happen we’ll go get checked. Okay?” He asked trying to calm you. You took a deep breath nodding your head. He smiled sadly before leaning down to kiss your lips. “Alright let’s go to bed.” He said kissing your forehead before pulling you up with him to drag you towards your room. It had been almost a month since you had that conversation. You hadn’t taken any tests since that day. Not entirely sure you’d be able to deal with another negative staring back in your face, and you were terrified to think about making an appointment to make sure everything was okay. Knowing if you did you and Jay’s dreams of having children together could be crushed in a split second. For the last week you had been nauseous on and off throughout the day. At first, of course, your thoughts were morning sickness, but then you scolded yourself for thinking that. You hadn’t told Jay you hadn’t felt good. You just couldn’t handle watching his hopes sink again. Plus you knew there was a virus sneaking around your office so you weren’t surprised you had caught it. For the first time that week you and Jay both had time to sit and eat breakfast together, but you were once again starting to feel nauseous. You kept reminding yourself all you had to do was wait for Jay to leave. So naturally you had swallowed down the bile that had made its way up a few more times than you would have liked. Until eventually there was no swallowing it back. You had taken a drink of orange juice in hopes of settling your stomach, but it only fueled the fire. Sending everything you had eaten back up as soon as the liquid hit your stomach. You clasped a hand over your mouth hurrying towards the bathroom. Jay followed in after you pulling your hair away from your face to hold it back. After your stomach had stopped lurching you fell down off your knees groaning.
“Babe? What happened? Are you okay?” Jay asked kneeling down beside you.
“Yeah..I just haven’t felt well at all this week.” You answered and as soon as the words fell from your mouth you watched Jay’s face light up.
“Well...have you taken a test?” He asked trying to hide his excitement.
“Uh..no we’re out.” You lied turning your eyes away from his. Jay sighed cupping your chin in his palm to turn your face towards his. You were met with Jay’s skeptical face, eyebrow raised. “What?” You asked innocently.
“We’re not out.” He explained.
“Yes we are.” You retorted pretending like you hadn’t gotten busted.
“No. We’re not.” He replied standing up and walking to the bathroom closet to pull a new unopened box out. You stared at him blankly. “I bought a new box at the beginning of the week. I wanted to make sure if you took any they would be new and accurate. There’s even some older ones in there too.” He explained. You didn’t answer swallowing hard at his look. “So, are you going to tell me what’s going on?” He pushed voice gentle, kneeling back down beside you. As soon as you met his deep blue eyes you felt the tears bubble up, starting to breathe hard and fast, mind going a million miles a minute looking for an answer. One that would make sense to him. Jay immediately noticed your labored breathing before the tears began to run down your face. He dropped down further onto the floor pulling you into his arms. Stroking your hair and begging you to breathe with him. After a good 15 minutes your breathing returned to normal, tears finally ceasing, despite the headache you were now sporting. Jay pulled away from you looking concerned.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered looking down at your lap.
“Why? Just talk to me baby. Please.” He begged still as confused as he was a half hour ago.
“I can’t take that test, Jay.” You explained.
“Why not?” He asked picking up the box to inspect it.
“It’s going to be negative, and I can’t- I just can’t do that again.” You explained getting choked up again. Jay sighed heavily sitting down and pulling you into his lap.
“You’re going to take the test.” He stated matter of factly. You looked up at him eyebrow raised at his confidence for telling you what to do, making him chuckle. “Let me finish.” He smiled kissing your forehead. “You’re going to take the test...and we are going to see if it is negative. If it is we are going to keep trying and make an appointment.” Jay explained very calmly.
“Jay…” You bit your lip nerves taking over.
“Look at me.” He ordered tilting your head up with his pointer finger. “I love you with all of my heart [Y/N], and I can’t wait to have a family with you. No matter what happens. No matter how this turns out. We will figure it out together.” He promised running a thumb across your cheek bone. You took a deep breath nodding and pushing yourself on your feet. You stuck your hand out to where Jay was seated on the floor. He hoisted himself up while working on getting the box open. Pulling out one of the testing he handed it to you. You looked down at your hand still holding it out.
“What?” He asked looking from your outstretched hand to your face.
“I’m not about to risk a false positive.” You explained. He laughed lightly agreeing and taking the other one out and handing it to you as well. 2 minutes later you laid them on the counter, timer set on your phone. You sat on the side of the bathtub chewing at your lip nervously tapping your foot. Jay kneeled between your legs head in his crossed arms across your lap. Until the timer on your phone went off. You shut it off meeting Jay eyes neither of you moving. “You do it.” You stated, plead clear in your voice. He stood up slowing kissing you deeply on the way up, reminding you how much he loved you before turning to walk towards the sink. He looked down at the tests facial expression blank. Stance unwavering. You felt your heart sink watching him turn to you.
“Baby..they’re positive..” He said just above a whisper.
“Jay that’s not fu-“ You began to lecture reaching him in two steps and looking down at the counter yourself. Where two positive pregnancy tests stared back at you. You stood frozen unable to process what was happening while Jay had snapped out of his shock scooping you up in his arms hugging you tightly, tears running down his face as you wrapped your legs around his waist, arms encircling his neck.
“We did it. We’re going to have a baby.” He smiled wide kissing you all over your face and neck, disbelief slightly present in his voice. You could feel tears falling down your cheeks taking it all in. You had never been so happy in your life, and you had never been so in love with Jay as you were in this moment. Never so thankful as you were in this moment.
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
Hey, do you have any fics where Deku calms Bakugo down from a panic attack or some sort of anger episode? Or vise versa?
I payed more attention to fics that focused solely on the requested idea or had multiple scenes of it. (and boy was there a decent amount!) If you know of longer fics that include this idea (even if it’s your own XD) feel free to reblog or reply with them so people can find them in the notes c:
30 Works.
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie( T | 51,597 | 20/20 )
Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn’t expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
SeriesPart 1 of Dark Side of Space
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Past Abuse | Self-Harm]
Can We Not? by vulcanhighblood( T | 32,740+ | 17/? )
Journalist Midoriya Izuku stumbles across Ground Zero brutalizing a vending machine. Unfortunately, he can’t just walk away from a Pro Hero in dire need of caffeine. So when a hero on the brink shakes him down for coffee, only to offer a coffee date in return…? Well, he doesn’t refuse. (He does, however, get said hero’s number, and ends up spending a lot more time with him than could have been predicted based on that first encounter.)
Grief Counseling by Merrywetherweather( E | 48,279 | 19/19 )
Katsuki remembered the first time he had failed to save someone, watched helplessly in horror as an elderly man had been crushed beneath the girth of a thrown car. He had already propelled himself forward to grab a small boy when he noticed, too late, the car fly by overhead. Two other heroes had been on the scene at the time and had assured him.
There was nothing that could have been done.
Most of class 1-A had already gone through a similar experience. The only one left with a clean track record in the rescue department had been Deku.
Well, except for today.
A slowburn fic where Kacchan tries to convince Deku to take advantage of the grief counseling provided for free to heroes experiencing their first failed rescues. Lots of flirting. Healing their relationship comes first. The romantic bit where they fall helplessly and stupidly in love comes after.
[PSTD | Panic Attacks]
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by showtiime ( M | 122,562 | 22/22 )
The day of the Hero Incident ends much more horribly than anyone could’ve imagined, but only Izuku knows that. He thinks as long as he forces himself to push through it that he can get over it, but of course, that’s not how things go. His mom, friends, teachers, and even his childhood friend-turned-rival take note of his odd behavior and try to help, but he refuses to talk about what really happened. How long and how thin will Bakugou’s patience go until Izuku finally confides and accepts the help he needs?
(in this fic, Shigaraki takes more from Izuku than he should’ve, Katsuki comes with the class that day at the mall, and there are still finals to be taken. Plenty can happen in only five to six weeks.)
[Rape/Non-Con | Underage | Abuse | Dissociation | PTSD | Panic Attacks | Suicide Attempt | Self-Harm]
Paper Moons and Glass Stars by Soundsoftherain( M | 82,948 | 18/18 )
The last time Katsuki had seen that mess of green hair had been during the summer after their first year of middle school, a boy sculpted from the purest sunlight sadly waving goodbye as he moved away.
That had been seven years ago.
Now that mop of wild curls was straddling his lap while scantily clad in black, leaving little to the imagination. The shy boy he once knew was now the star of Paper Moon, a strip club he’d been unwillingly dragged to by his friends. But through the muffled music one thought overwhelmed the raging whirlpool of his mind.
…What the actual fuck?
SeriesPart 1 of Glass Stars
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Panic Attacks | Stalking]
be loved by bonnia( T | 5,403 | 1/1 )
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
[Panic Attacks | PTSD]
2,645 Miles by mynameis152( E | 131,839 | 38/38 )
Izuku wants so badly to get to the other side of the country without his parents realizing he’s missing. He just wants to find out who he is.
Katsuki is desperate to make it to Los Angeles without being caught by the police, desperate to fix his mistakes.
Neither know what to expect, but on a roadtrip across the U.S. involving four fugitives, two oblivious runaways, a high risk crime ring, and a police taskforce, the two will discover that there’s more in store for them than what they originally thought.
SeriesPart 1 of Guide Me Home To You
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Panic Attacks | Attempted Sexual Assault]
As One by semiautomatichearts( G | 2,508 | 1/1 )
Katsuki knows Izuku as he knows himself, as he knows the worn pages of a treasured book, the creases within his own hand.
He sees when something is wrong, and reaches across abyssal expanses, past the maw of his own pride, and he heals.
[Panic Attacks]
What’s up danger by The_Crafty_Cracker( M | 2,220 | 1/1 )
Because apparently,The fic where Deku punches a bigoted entailed asshole Alpha in the face wasn’t an appropriate title.
Poor Katsuki has his handful with his mate nearly getting arrested, again!
P.S there is also a joke about a quiche.
Super Mario Maker by Pop_Rocks (v_love)( E | 3,734 | 1/1 )
Midoriya is smart, and a nerd, meaning that when the entire class decided to take on the aspect of buying Super Mario Maker for the collection of games in the common area that he became sort of a living legend when it came to designing the levels.
Some were just joyous well designed little prank-type levels, others were difficult — but not impossible — and the rest? Well, those were impossible.
For all but one.
His Kacchan.
In which Bakugou rages.
SeriesPart 4 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Out Of Darkness by Arrival_Of_Dawn ( M | 78,364+ | 18/? )
Izuku Midoriya is legally dead for forty two minutes at the hands of a new villain, Nightmare. They are the longest forty two minutes as Izuku finds himself trapped in his own personal hell. He may have come back from nightmare induced death, but that does not mean the nightmares are gone. They haunt him at any given moment and neither he nor anyone else knows how to save him.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Panic Attacks]
Twenty-Four by SharkbaitSekki( T | 15,874 | 1/1 )
Izuku gets himself kidnapped, and Katsuki is dragged into it with him as they face villains with particularly terrifying illusion Quirks.
It ends up being a living nightmare, but Katsuki can’t bring himself to regret following Izuku into it all. Because between the pain and the terror, between the lies and the illusions, between life and death, at least they can always hang onto one another. Even if everything else is fake, they know that they will always be real.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence] 
Chapter 26 of an entire month for the broccoli boy and the shouty boy by Kasplode( T | 23,200 | 30/30 )
Acute fear pollutes his body, concentration increasing exponentially with each shallow inhale he breathes.
Deku, standing just in front of him, knocks at the familiar door to Midoriya Inko’s apartment.
They’re having dinner with her tonight. Introducing Katsuki as Deku’s boyfriend.
[Panic Attacks]
Someone to Stay by Maru_Chan( M | 5,462 | 1/1 )
He hears Izuku’s jeering laughter again and even when he can’t see him any longer, his last words ring loud on Katsuki’s ears, heavy and final like a sentence.
“Goodbye Kacchan, maybe you can try again in your next life”
And then everything is dark again.
It’s dark, he’s cold, he’s numb and he’s alone.
And it’s everything he deserves.
[Panic Attacks | PTSD] 
saltwater fears & saltwater tears by writedeku( T | 4,540 | 1/1 )
It’s not that Katsuki hasn’t hurt people before, but this is the first time he’s seen something so irrevocable. So tangible. Izuku will look back, ten, twenty years from now, and he’d still see the scar in the mirror, and still be a scared little boy in pain all over again, crying in the hallways.
(The middle is a time that makes Katsuki feel proud and ashamed, all at once.)
SeriesPart 3 of the saltwater saga
[Bullying | Past Abuse | Panic Attacks] 
What’s Mine But Only You Can Have? by masteremeraldholder
( T | 9,480 | 1/1 )
“What’s mine… but only you can have?”
Deku’s face softens, his eyes wide, mouth a little ‘o’. Baku’s stomach turns, maybe he shouldn’t have said it, maybe he should’ve listened to the quirk-stealers and kept his fucking mouth shut, but he knows that he couldn’t have even if he tried.
He’ll never get tired of Deku and his annoying antics, his patient nature, his shit ton of freckles, and if that’s what it means to love someone, then he’s gladly in it with Deku.
SeriesPart 2 of Schizophrenic Bakugou
[Panic Attacks | Self-Harm | Ableism]
Words to Never Say by InkspillsNotebook( T | 2,586 | 1/1 )
Regardless of how much time has passed, Izuku is still unable to hear those words without fearing that he’s lost the most important person in his life.
SeriesPart 7 of Drabble Expansion Pack
[Panic Attacks]
[Abandoned] Chapter 4 of Angry Kids by MrJokerBoy( T | 9,251 | 12/? )
Deku has a nervous breakdown and here comes Kacchan to the rescue 
[Panic Attacks] 
Chapter 1 of Things You Said: Bakugou/Midoriya by AutisticWriter( T | 3,100 | 2/2 )
A collection of one shots written for a prompt list. 
[Self-Harm | Ableism | Transphobia]
{Curator’s Note: This chapter depicts Bakugou assisting Midoriya through a meltdown, not an anger episode or panic attack.}
A Classical Storm by oceanswrath( T | 1,400 | 1/1 )
In that moment only the two of them existed, a force to be reckoned with greater than the storm raging outside. 
[Panic Attacks]
The Bonds that bind by EloFromMars( E | 2,818 | 1/1 )
Izuku is excited, tonight is their anniversary. He had planned everything. Or so he thought. 
[PTSD | Panic Attacks]
Only Us by yoichipines( T | 3,105 | 1/1 )
“What if it’s you, and what if it’s me and what if that’s all that we needed to be and the rest of the world falls away…what do you say?”
A Katsudeku fanfic very much inspired by ‘Only Us’ by Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Platt? Sign me tf up!
[Panic Attacks]
No Matter What by Empress Explosion Murder (LdyFcknNoir)( M | 4,393 | 1/1 )
BNHA Angst Week Day Seven: Roses/Time
“I-I’ve failed you… He escaped.” Katsuki rasped out.
Any remaining strength in Izuku’s body fled, and he melted to the ground on legs that were no longer able to hold him up. His body began to tremble violently, his teeth cracking together with the force of his shaking. Black edged around his vision as he couldn’t pull any oxygen into his lungs, air rent from his lungs completely with just five words.
SeriesPart 7 of BNHA Angst Week
[Past Rape/Non-con | Panic Attacks]
Yeah I’ve Got Issues by Abitginger( T | 2,782 | 1/1 )
One-shot written for BakuDeku month of wonder, day 2:festival/apology. A little late but such is life ~
Izuku and Katsuki go on an undercover mission at a festival.
[Panic Attacks]
to be made of flesh and steel by bluntforcedrama, gutsdumpster( T | 635 | 1/1 )
Bakugou learns his triggers, his tics. He’s kind of psychic actually since he tends to know when something is about to happen. Or maybe it’s Izuku’s fault for making it so glaringly obvious: he gets nervous, hands twitching more than usual as his eyes follow any sudden movement around him. Sometimes his breathing becomes labored and he swallows down more inhales than exhales and Bakugou will have to thread his fingers with Izuku’s, as if to say calm down, I’m here.
Or: Izuku is an ex-soldier struggling with the mental and physical repercussions of such heavy combat, and although Bakugou doesn’t know exactly what it’s like, he’ll still do everything he can to help.
[Panic Attacks | PTSD | Implied/Referenced Homophobia]
I know you wanna (slip under my armor) by Herbalmint( T | 3,528 | 1/1 )
Life just keeps developing new ways of beating Bakugo down. (Katsuki has a panic attack)
[Panic Attacks | Dissociation] 
In Your Arms by EmbretheWorld( T | 3,771 | 2/2 )
Bakugo’s freaking out, and no one really knows what to do, but Yagi and Aizawa are really grateful that Midoriya is there. And Aizawa is really good at comforting people too.
SeriesPart 3 of You Melt My Heart
[Panic Attacks]
Chapter 2 & Chapter 7 of Standing Together (Pride Month) by EmbretheWorld( M | 17,972 | 29/29 )
This book will be filled with multiple ships that I will write and post on a daily for Pride Month. Each chapter will be based on a prompt. Hope you enjoy!
I ended this book early because I couldn’t find any motivation to write in it anymore.
SeriesPart 6 of You Melt My Heart
[Panic Attacks]
Anxiety by MistyBlueJay( T | 3,530 | 1/1 )
Izuku and Katsuki go to the mall, the Bakusquad joins them in a mini shopping trip. It’s a crowded day and Izuku falls behind, panic ensues.
[Panic Attacks]
In Weakness there is Strength by DarcyIncarnate( Not Rated | 3,011 | 1/1 )
Five times Izuku breaks and Katsuki picks up the peices, and one time Katsuki isn’t there to help. 
[Panic Attacks]
610 notes · View notes
papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
November 18, 1949
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“Liz The Matchmaker” (aka “Katie and Mr. Negley”) is episode #63 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on November 18, 1949.
Synopsis ~ After dating Mr. Negley the postman for three years, Katie feels that their relationship is not going anywhere, so she enlists Liz's help!
This was the 12th episode of the second season of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND. There were 43 new episodes, with the season ending on June 25, 1950.
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Although similarly titled and themed, this radio episode is not the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episodes “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15), “Lucy is a Matchmaker” (ILL S2;E27), “The Matchmaker” (ILL S4;E4), or “Lucy, the Matchmaker” (HL S1;E12) in 1968. Safe to say that meddling in the romantic affairs of others was a trait of all of the Lucy characters! 
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) and Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) do not appear in this episode.
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Jay Novello (Mr. Negley, Postman) appeared on “I Love Lucy” as superstitious Mr. Merriweather in “The Seance" (ILL S1;E7), Mario the gondolier in “The Visitor from Italy” (ILL S6;E5), and nervous Mr. Beecher in “The Sublease” (ILL S3;E31). He also appeared on two episodes of “The Lucy Show,” but Novello is probably best remembered for playing Mayor Lugatto on “McHale’s Navy” in 1965.
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Frank Nelson (Police Officer) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,” and “Fibber McGee & Molly”.  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs. His trademark was playing clerks and other working stiffs, suddenly turning to Benny with a drawn out “Yeeeeeeeeees?” Nelson appeared in 11 episodes of “I Love Lucy”, including three as quiz master Freddy Fillmore, and two as Ralph Ramsey, plus appearance on “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” - making him the only actor to play two different recurring roles on “I Love Lucy.” Nelson returned to the role of the frazzled Train Conductor for an episode of “The Lucy Show” in 1963. This marked his final appearance on a Lucille Ball sitcom.
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Rolfe Sedan (Malt Shop Waiter) first worked with Lucille Ball in the 1934 film Kid Millions. When Lucy Ricardo ate snails in “Paris at Last” (ILL S5;E18), Sedan played the Chef who was outraged that Lucy wants to put ketchup on his food. He is probably best remembered as Mr. Beasley the mailman on “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show.”
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers it’s morning and Liz and George are at the breakfast table.”
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George spits out his eggs and wonders why his breakfast is so badly cooked. Liz says that Katie’s romance with Mr. Negley the mailman is not going well, so she’s distracted. Even the toast is burned!
Liz tells says she wants to help bring the maid and the mailman together but George warns her to stay out of it!  Instead, George wants to warn Mr. Negley that Katie is trying to get a “wedlock headlock” on him! George makes Liz promise not to meddle, no matter how difficult it is.
In the kitchen, Katie is crying and singing: “I gotta right to sing the blues. I got a right to moan and cry.” 
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"I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues" is a popular song with music by Harold Arlen and lyrics by Ted Koehler, published in 1932 for the Broadway show Earl Carroll's Vanities (1932) starring Milton Berle. The song became a jazz and blues standard. Popular recordings were by Cab Calloway, Louis Armstrong, and Billie Holliday. 
Liz comes up with a loophole about her promise to not get involved in Katie’s romance: she will just listen, while Katie talks.  Katie says that she and Mr. Negley go on several dates a week to the drive-in movie. Unfortunately, he drives a motorcycle. They also go to the park, where Mr. Negley plays canasta with the cop on the beat. Mr. Negley lives at the YMCA so she has no hopes of being invited over to dinner. Liz comes up with the idea to take George out to a movie that night, so that Katie and Mr. Negley will have the Cooper living room all to themselves. 
Mr. Negley arrives to deliver the morning mail. Katie is too nervous to ask him to come over that evening, so Liz agrees to do it for her. 
LIZ: “I thought I was Mr. Anthony, now I’m John Alden.” 
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Mr. Anthony (aka John J. Anthony) was the pseudonym of Lester Kroll, who from 1937 to 1953 dispensed marital advice on the radio through “The Good Will Hour”, later renamed “The John J. Anthony Hour.”
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In "The Courtship of Miles Standish" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow John Alden was asked by his friend, Miles Standish, to act as matchmaker for him with Priscilla Mullins. Priscilla made the classic response "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?"  
Mr. Negley finally agrees to the date and merrily goes off singing “Some enchanted evening, you will see a stranger...” 
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"Some Enchanted Evening" is a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific. It has been described as "the single biggest popular hit to come out of any Rodgers and Hammerstein show."  Billboard Chart Records for “Some Enchanted Evening” in 1949 alone included Ezio Pinza (#7), Perry Como (#1), Frank Sinatra (#6), and Bing Crosby (#3). 
That evening, Liz and George are at the movies. George wants to leave, but she must keep George out till 11:30 and it is only 9:30!  Liz pretends to lose a shoe, which George dutifully searches for in the darkened theatre to no avail. 
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At 10:15, Liz and George are at the malt shop and Liz keeps ordering to kill time, despite getting gradually sick to her stomach. The Malt Shop waiter (Rolfe Sedan) tempts her with an “Eagles Nest”. 
WAITER: “It has a base of pound cake and macaroon. On top of that, a scoop of mocha, black walnut, pistachio, peppermint, burnt almond, and tutti-frutti.  And then a layer of whipped cream. A layer of chopped nuts. A layer of marshmallows. A layer of cherries. And then you flood the whole thing with hot fudge!” 
Liz’s stomach churns!  
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They drive home. It is a quarter to eleven. Liz blurts out that they can’t go in until 11:30. She makes George promise not to mad, and tells him the truth. He breaks his promise. Liz reminds him that in their courtship, it would be blissful to stay in the car an extra half hour with Liz, but that was a long time ago. He tries to kiss her, but logistics interfere.
GEORGE: “That’s funny. I can’t turn around. The steering wheel’s in the way. In the old days the cars were built different.” LIZ: “In the old days, the stomach was built different.”
Liz and George manage a smooch - one that lasts until 12:30!  
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Liz wants to be sure Mr. Negley is gone, so she peers through the living room window.  A policeman (Frank Nelson) is watching them and wants to know what they are doing. He doesn’t believe they are the homeowners or that they were in the car smooching, not staking out the place!  He hauls them down to the police station!
At 4:30 in the morning, George and Liz finally get home, exhausted from their ordeal. A worried Katie greets them. It turns out something came up and Mr. Negley didn’t come over after all!  
LIZ: “Oh, no!!!”
End of Episode
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justsomerandomweebo · 5 years
An AU I Think (Side Effects)
Alright so I've never done one of these before but this has been haunting me for days now. So here's the thing: what if the ninja (and by extension all elemental masters) suffered side effects from their powers?
Starting with our fire lord Kai:
The drawback for him is that his fire makes him have a short fuse so to speak.
Like it could be something as passive as a leaf falling in his hair just after he did it and he will freaking explode (not literally of course).
"What the hell?! I spent an entire hour doing my hair and this stupid freaking leaf just-" *cue massive flame up* (The Bounty almost gets burnt down a lot)
He hates it though because he knows it's usually nothing big and he shouldn't even be mad in the first place but he can't let things like that go, no matter how much he wants to. Not without throwing a fiery tantrum first that is.
This of course makes it soooo hard for him to even be around the others or anyone for that matter because he lives in constant fear that his explosive and uncontrollable anger towards the simplest of things will result in someone being seriously hurt.
He avoids Zane like the plague outside of missions because of this. (You'll see why)
Speaking of Zane, our beloved snowflake, the boi is as cold as ice. In more ways than one you see.
Not only does he have a hard time connecting with anyone (humane, mechanical and otherwise), but he is plagued with a feeling of deep, freezing cold.
No matter what he does, he can't warm up and because of this, he often wears a lot of layers.
To everyone else though, he's average in temperature.
He gets along well enough with plants and animals since they don't require conversation or too much attention.
The never ending cold really gets to him though. If he isn't monitored, he will do things like sticking a limb in a flaming hot oven or worse- purposefully make Kai flare up.
*pushes Kai* "You should really watch where you're going." *Kai does the big snap*
Jay has to fix and replace parts on his person due to direct exposure to Kai's intense fire while Kai holes himself up, swimming in guilt with Cole trying to make him feel better.
And when that fails, he often lowers the temperature in their entire base so they can feel as cold as he does too. He usually feels a flare of guilt a few minutes in and stops.
Jay, the lovable cinnamon roll cannot. Stop. Talking.
His mind goes a mile a second and he just. Can't. Stop.
He tries to lessen his time with being around the others because he knows he's annoying, jumping from one topic to another in the span of a few seconds to the point where it's impossible to keep up a conversation with him.
Be careful when touching because he's always charged up. He zapped several of the ninja and innocent bystanders on accident.
Sleep is so hard for him because he can't get his mind to shut up long enough to fall asleep.
On bad days, he can be found on the nearest roof, digging into his scalp until it bleeds and muttering to himself. Aside from Lloyd, Nya finds him most of the time and help bring him down enough so he'll stop trying to scratch his brain out.
Dearest Nya. After unlocking her true potential, she becomes so mellow. Absolutely nothing phases her.
Kai's having an explosive episode? That's cool. Zane nearly melts his arm off? Radical. Jay spent three days doing half projects without a lick of sleep? Neat!
She. Freaking. Hates. It.
But like everyone else, she can't do anything to stop it. Deep inside, she just wants to scream because she can't show that she actually cares properly.
Which makes her ideal in getting Jay to calm down because he could talk for days about 100k things and it wouldn't phase her. She would just nod and sometimes interject to show him a cool water trick.
Despite that, she just can't seem to take anything seriously, despite how desperately she wants to. Part of this is the reason Cole tries to keep his distance.
Precious rock boi Cole. Everyone thinks he has it easy. He doesn't have fiery tantrums or can't connect to people or can't stop thinking or can't take things seriously. But that doesn't mean he doesn't suffer still.
His problem is stubbornness. Once he sets his mind to something, that's it.
"What time is it Cole?" "It's 1am." "I think you mean 1pm." "No. AM." "Dude, the sun is out." "Which is exactly why it's AM and not pm!" "No dude. You've got it wrong-" "Think what you want to but it's freaking AM and that's that." *stalks off, ground rumbling with each step* (an actual conversation with Nya)
He knows he's wrong about most things (because first thoughts/impressions stick) but he just can't admit it for the life of him. And what makes it so much worse is that when he gets into one of these arguments with the Ninja and he decides he's going to be mad at them, he can't not be mad at them ever since.
He's reluctantly furious with Nya because she doesn't give in like most of the others do to spare him. She keeps going, proving him wrong when he knows he is but can't utter a word to say he is.
The only ones he can still talk to without being mad is Wu, Jay (he isn't able to stay on topic long enough to prove Cole wrong), Kai (who does everything in his power to avoid arguments) and Lloyd.
LLOYD MY GOLDEN CHILD. Oh boy, he does the big suffer. So, Lloyd's problem is having. Too. Much. Energy!
He feels like he's on a sugar rush 25/8.
He has to keep moving, has to keep burning energy or else his energy will build up and his powers will go haywire. (Last time, his powers blasted the mast clean off the Bounty and it landed a few yards away from the ship. Luckily, they were docked.)
Morning, mid-day and nightly runs are a thing when they're on land.
Insomnia. Panda eyes. Jitters. The big depression he hides from everyone.
He just keeps going until he passes out. All the ninja take turns carrying him to bed when he does. (He once fell asleep half over the railings on the Bounty. While they were flying.
Some flare-ups are the result from his frustration. He can't even play videogames because they aren't engaging enough! He can't do anything that requires staying still for more than two minutes and it makes him so sick and tired he just- may have accidentally destroyed one of Jay's half projects laying around. (Luckily he doesn't mind)
Avoids sweets like the plague, despite his longing to have even one. He doesn't need any more energy. In extension, he sometimes purposely misses meals.
Despite his problems, he tries his best to help the others out. He doesn't talk much around Cole but he listens and while he couldn't go near Kai during his flare-ups, he does invite him to train or go running with him to take his kind off things. He knows Nya really cares and makes sure to let her know he knows that. He brings Zane small cactai and other small plants as well. He also lets Jay talk his ears off and while it does get confusing, the challenge of keeping up with his conversations takes a lot of his focus and energy (which he's grateful for).
He also helps them all pull it together for a mission where they can remind themselves why they go through the things they do instead of passing their powers over to someone else and being free of it all.
In return, they do everything they can for him and while he appreciates it, some things restrict him and cause energy build up. (ie, doing laundry for once puts a huge hole in his messy schedule to keep him moving.) He encourages them not to most times.
Our favorite Sensei. Garmadon (sorry Wu ily2) has to destroy things. Not as often as he needs to with the evil gone from his body but it's still a need to prevent his powers from building up.
To solve this without causing actual damage, he brings bubble wrap everywhere. Everywhere. He stashes them all over his monastery too. There's even some in his staff.
When he runs out (he never does but if he should), he takes to crushing pebbles instead.
Wu can't help but laugh seeing his brother so focused on popping individual plastic bubbles but also makes sure he never runs out as well.
Now our just as favourite Sensei Wu of course has the reverse problem. He needs to keep creating.
This is where the Tea comes in. He creates several different blends done several different ways so he's never drinking the same tea done the exact same way twice.
If he can't do that then his Nin-Jo (his staff) also doubles as a sort of puzzle. (Half of it at least). It has several tiny sections you can twist and turn to create different clicking sounds and combinations. He hasn't run out of combinations yet but he only uses it for emergencies.
As for his students, he has already gotten a gist of what the previous elemental masters went through (getting them all together for the first serpentine war was hell!), so he knows how to avoid certain incidents. Alas, he is only one old man (a very, very old man) and he cannot stop everything. He does have a special tea brew that calms their emotions enough to help prevent a flare up (but they can only have one cup a day else it represses their emotions completely and the effects only lasts about 4-5 hours. He calls it ClariTea) and a reverse version to increase emotions for Nya (He calls it EmotionaliTea). He's still looking into a tea that'll help Zane get warm as he is the only one who he hasn't been able to help (since ClariTea would make him even more distant and EmotionaliTea would most likely fuel the side of him that wants others to feel what he feels and that would be very bad).
He does have difficulty sleeping but not because of his powers. It weighs on his conscious heavily that his students have to suffer for Ninjago to be safe. How can he sleep peacefully while his students suffer after all?
He soon recruits Mistaké's help in curing the side effects of their elemental powers but nothing is forthcoming so far.
That's it for now. It's not the best but if you guys have questions, feel free to let me know and I'll answer as best as I can! If you have additions, I'd love to hear them too!
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burtatethebees · 4 years
January4, 2020
Happy New Year!
I spent news years with my sister in her trailer in the woods with her friends from Conserve, Ian, Cecelia, Eli, and Chris. Ian is really funny and kinda hot. In my Smart Brain, I know that this is the typical period in a friendship with a guy where I’m infatuated with them, but my Stupid Brain says he would hold me very good. 
We went into downtown Athens on the first day of three. We played Ultimate frisbee in a historic field at UGA. I ran a lot, which was a really bad idea cause I’m really fragile. I was sore in my hip for the rest of the night and my while legs for the rest of the weeks. Ian and Eli took their shirts off to play, who knows why truely, but it was a little hot. Eli is kinda Thicc and not my type, but Ian is My Type. He’s my heightish, a little bit taller, so like 5′ 7-8″. He’s got abs and is just all around Lean and Strong. His veins on his arms are really nice. I don’t know why that's hot to so many girls, but I’m not complaining about it. 
Yeah but later that night we left the field and walked around downtown. We were gonna get Ian to pretend to be a psychic and get some money, but Jay shoved the sign in a little garden for us to get later and we never went back. We went into a cool boutique/junk store. I was browsing and Jay almost left me there, like if I hadn’t heard her say to the clerk that it was good to see them again I wouldn’t have noticed they left the building. We went to Waffle House, but I couldn't finish my food so I gave it to Ian. The lady working there was sassy. We met up with Shazam, as mom calls him, after Waffle house. We walked around some more and then Jay asked Shazam if he was parked at a meter or free parking, so we had to go check. The whole group kinda separated on accident. Ian and Chris ran off to slide down some rails. Eli and I went off to go with them, and Jay, Cecelia, and Shazam went to go find his truck. Ian and Chris saw that Jay was leaving and decided to run away after the rest of the group. Eli and I chased after them but we lost them cause they probably pulled some spiderman move and were jumping across rooftops or something. So Eli and I got lost. We went back to the Waffle house cause that's kinda the direction they were going to get to Shazam’s truck. 
We went back to the field after we moved Shazam’s truck to free parking. We played some more frisbee. Jay ran into Ian trying to catch the frisbee and got a bloody nose. She couldn’t drive so when we left Chris drove the minivan back home. Eli and Ian were gonna come with us, but they decided to walk home, like weirdos. It took them like an hour and a half. Chris accidentally drove the whole four miles with the parking brake on, totally fucking up the brake in the process. At one point he asked “why is the brake light on?” but my brain didn't process what that meant and so I didn't say anything. He doesn’t use the parking brake on his car so he didn’t know what it meant. 
When we got home, we went into the camper and Jay gave Shazam his Christmas present. He got a Llama Popper which shot foam ball out of a llama mouth. We killed time until Eli and Ian got back.
We hung out around the fire that Jay built. I sat on a wool blanket next to Ian. I wish that I knew them better so I could have sat closer and perhaps, maybe, cuddled a little. He did with Chris and Eli. We went into the camper after a little bit to watch movies. We watched Shameless, which I was really not into. We lied on the floor on the camper, I WAS between Cecelia and Ian but Jay cut in and told Ian to move over. Lame ass, cockblock lol. I left after a little bit and sat in my tent for a bit. I came back and just kinda chilled on my phone until the countdown for New Years. We went outside for the countdown. We were all huddled cause it was Very cold. I stood next to Ian. My Stupid Brain wanted to kiss him. 
We went back inside and watched Love, Death, and Robots. I watched it all but I’m not into it. It was really gory and there was a lot of animated dicks. Ian likes the show. When it was 2 am I went back out to my tent to go to sleep. I had to spend like five minutes combing my hair because it got so tangled from the hat I was wearing that day. I went to sleep and had a dream vaguely about love.
The next morning I woke up at 8. I was the only one up in the main area. Shazam was up and came done a little after I woke up. I helped him build a fire. When the rest woke up we fucked around killing time for a few hours. Ian made tea in a wine bottle on the open fire. Ian, Chris, Eli, and Shazam had a wood-splitting contest. Ian kept putting random shit in the fire. Cecelia and I hung out in Chris’ hammock. We eventually went back into town and got nachos. This was the beginning of a shitshow. I put in 5$ for the nachos since Jay got one with chicken and no pepper or onions for me. I went to the bathroom cause there aren't any real ones at her camper. When I got back nearly all the nachos were gone. The boys had vacuumed them up in like 5 minutes. I was hungry but too much of a pussy to get up and order my own taco. Now, in retrospect, I have NO IDEA why I didn’t. So I condemned myself to be hungry for like five hours. We left the taco stand and wandered around Athens for a while. We went to a construction site. We lost Cecelia and none of the others seemed to be worried about her. They finally realized what could have happened to her like half an hour later so we went to go find her. We found her at a Subway. 
Ian needed a suitcase so we went to a thrift store. I finally got some flannels, but I was still pissed so I didn’t really talk to the rest of the group for a while. I told Jay how I felt and she told me “too bad”. So that sucked. I bought my flannels and we left. We went to a Graveyard and I stormed off but decided I didn’t want to get lost so I went back. We used Ian’s spirit box to talk to some ghosts. We tried in two different locations. They were really active in the second place. I don't know who we were talking to, but I was nice cause I got to sit really close to Ian so I could hear the box. After we were done, we lied down in the leaves by the grave we were sitting next to. The group, excluding me, all pile on each other, but I felt like I didn’t know them well enough to do that. I lied perpendicular to Ian with my head on his chest/arm, which was Very Nice. We listen to a true-crime podcast, but we had to stop cause there were footsteps and Cecelia and I got spooked. It turned out to be a deer, but we left soon after. 
We went dumpster-diving. We drove around a plaza cause Jay wanted to find Michael’s. They stopped at the Starbuck and got bounced to go get me some food finally. I got Willy’s. I shouldn’t have gotten the adobe chicken, I normally do, but this location was much spicier. While I was eating Ian pulled up and adventure AI. Eli chose the options and Ian read them. He was a mental patient and summoned some demons, burned to death, met god, and woke up. He ate the toes of some lady and then ate her whole body. Then the story ended. 
We went back home. We sat around the fire at the Kitchen Pavilion and listened to Podcasts. We listened to something Eli had about getting kidnapped into a meat factory, it was really funny, and Welcome To Nightvale. Then we all kinda drifted off back to camp and fell asleep.
I woke up early again the next day. The ground was wet so I didn’t want to sit down, so I just stood and zoned out stared at the trees. I went back to my tent cause I was kinda cold, but Ian and Cecelia woke up right after so I came back out. Ian told me he saw me kinda just staring at the trees, which means he was watching me at least a little from the camper. They sat in Chris’ hammock under the rainfly. It looked like and leaf. Ian told me to tell him a deep, dark secret like it was a confessional. I instantly went to “I think you’re hot as hell.” but I didn’t say that, obviously. So I told them that I think Angie is gonna drop me in the new year. I complained about the color guard at school and told them how the Horticulture club is gonna try to take over another club. I had a lot of fun talking to them, but then Jay woke up. We fucked around for a while and then got stuff together to leave. We packed into the car and left. At this point, it was just me, Jay, Chris, Ian, and Cecelia. We went to Brent’s house. On the way there they talked about stuff they did at conserve. They took the BDSM test I guess, so Ian asked Jay What she got. Chris was top 2, dom and sadist, which he doesn't look like at all, but it’s always the ones you don’t suspect. Ian didn’t say, I wish he had. I took it in the car while they were talking. I got Brat and primal (prey) as my top two. I REALLY wish Ian had said what he got. 
 I am not a big fan of being at Brent’s place since it was my Grandpa’s house. Brent is changing everything and he got two roommates. The whole house smells like cigs. The art is different. So I started tearing up almost as soon as we got there. It was the first time I had been back there since we came to get furniture, and only the 2nd time I had been there after Grandpa died. I started texting my mom about how I was sad. She called me and I went outside and cried to her. I hung up and composed myself enough to come back inside. Mom called Jay and told her how I felt. I was gonna try to catch Jay before she came back inside so I could talk to her. I cried again outside on her shoulder. She told me we would go home soon. She called me her baby sister in front of her friends again, which I don’t like. We sat in a circle and chatted, I forget about what. I felt better while I was distracted. Brent woke up eventually. We played a lot of foosball. 
We went home eventually to my house. We sat in the basement and watched some sexy anime, then murder stories. We moved on to conspiracy theories. Ian suggested a show called Undone. I liked it but we stopped watching after two episodes cause they kept talking over it. They started talking about shit I didn’t understand so I went upstairs and cried cause I felt left out. My mom let me cry to her for like 20 minutes, then I ate some soup and felt better. I didn’t want to go back down cause they were talking about shared-stores and I wouldn’t have been included. I texted Jay about how I felt and she apologized. I went to sleep and missed them all leaving in the morning by like 20 minutes. I was sad about that but I followed Ian on Insta, so we’re good. He followed me back and I sent him some memes. He liked them :). 
Yesterday I played a lot of video games to recover from camping. I read some good ass fanfic too. There was one with Levi from Attack on Titan, which I’ve recently gotten into. After my grandpa died I came home and devoured a lot of shows from my queue in Funimation, then I started reading it in the school library. So anyway, the fic was about Levi and his cadet girlfriend. The Reader accidentally gets a shot of essentially a pregnancy imitating drug. So she and Levi can't fuck because she’s super fertile. She starts lactating because of the drug and so she needs Levi to drink the milk from her to stop it from hurting. Hot as fuck, hell yeah. 
Weird to go from Epic SMut to Family Time but in the afternoon, we went to have lunch with Shauna and Tala. Tala’s 5th birthday was on the 29th and we hadn’t seen her. We got her some belated Christmas/Birthday presents. She thought the Creatures of Star Wars book was for her little brother, Eliot (9 months). I built her Frozen lego set for her and we played Elsa and Ana. We went upstairs to her room to play Calico Critters. That didn't last long, oh the attention span of a five-year-old. We played animal battle, which was just us throwing stuffed animals at each other. Justin came up to say hey and totally annihilated me and Tala with stuffed cat toys. We left after that.
 I wish I could see Eliot and Tala more often. When Tala was a baby we were with her constantly. We babysat her like three times a week. She loves me so much. She’s the sweetest little girl. Eliot is really clingy right now. He doesn’t let anyone but Shauna hold him and he hates to be out of eyeshot of her. I want to hold him. 
We went to see Cats that afternoon. It was ok. Not as bad as people have been saying, but it wasn't Good. It kinda just exists. I am ashamed to say it but I kinda thought that Mr. Mistoffelees was kinda hot. Just the way he acted. I like guys who are kinda sad and lonely. I guess I’m a furry. Shit happens.
Today I woke up and read a fic about Kylo Ren (RIP) totally destroying his assistant and breaking up her engagement just he wants to smash. Hot. 
I went to my Grandma’s with my dad. I drove there. That was the longest I’ve ever driven and also the biggest road I’ve driven on. We took down her Christmas Deco and looked through a lot of old cookbooks and recipes from the 70′s. She gave me some and Dad wants to put together a cookbook with O’Neil recipes. I think that’s cool. I got some recipe cards for Christmas from Dad, so I’m gonna start my own recipe box. 
Our dryer caught on fire this evening. That was fun. We’re having some money issues, so I don’t know how we’re gonna replace it. I’m just glad I did all my laundry this morning. 
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k-llama-llama · 6 years
Crescent: Episode 1- Part 3
Survival Show AU: Mixed Group
The first week of shows.
A/N: Watch every performance! It might not be perfect, but it shows the style they’re going for.
Then send in your votes! Who do you want to stay!
Asks are OPEN : Talk to me! What did you think? Who are you rooting for?
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“Ladies and Gentlemen..” Sehun announced. “Welcome to the first week or our new survival show, Crescent!”
The stood in front of a crowd of five hundred people, all of whom were waiting to see some performances, and then vote to decide the trainees fate. There were no posters, no light sticks. They didn’t know who the contestants were, they were just ready to vote.
Backstage, most of the contestants were waiting in the greenroom. Except for Dong-Min, who was first to go and was waiting just off stage.
“Without further delay...our first performance of the evening: Dong-Min!”
Dong-Min stepped onto the stage. He took a deep breath and lay down, preparing for what could potentially be his first and last performance.
As he rose from the final pose, he took a bow and walked very seriously off the stage, trying not to let the cheers get to his head. He’d made a decision to do a dance performance, and he was worried that because he hadn’t show vocal skills, he might be eliminated.
In the Greenroom Soo-Yun was near tears. “That was amazing!” She gasped. “I didn’t know he could dance like that!”
He stepped into the Green room, covered in sweat and pulling on a shirt. None of them could bring themselves to clap. Their competition had just gotten so much steeper. 
“Good job.” Hannah whispered, as she slipped out the door and made her way to the stage.
She listened quietly as she was announced, and then stepped slowly onto the stage. She’d written her rap herself and was very proud of it, but she was beyond terrified that it would be deemed “too emotional” and lose her points. The music started, and she gave it her all.
It seemed like the audience was slightly caught off guard by her song, but once they began to feel the groove of it she had people fist pumping in their seat. She smiled as she finished, and then bowed very quickly and scurried off stage.
She practically ran to the green room, not even stopping to have her mic taken off. She was too high on the adrenaline. She stepped into the room and Kanna clapped once, very loudly.
“You can rap! I have to say, I did not see that coming!” 
Hannah gave her a little bow. “Thank you.”
Shu patted her shoulder as he left the room. “Good job.”
“Good luck.” She smiled back.
He could certainly feel the pressure as he took to the stage. He was the first of the vocal performances, and while he’d been permitted to perform a chinese song, he was still certain that he would mess something up.
Just stay calm. Remember what you’re doing this for.
The lights came on, and he approached the microphone.
The audience was fairly silent during his song, but erupted into cheers when he was done. He gave them a low bow, and then carried the microphone stand off stage and handed it to a stage hand.
Soo-Yun passed him backstage. “You did great!”
“Thank you!” He said, feeling happier than he had in a long time. He’d specifically chosen a happier song to show that he could have a very cheerful and charismatic stage presence, and if the audience was anything to go by, it had mostly payed off.
Soo-Yun adjusted her ball-cap, getting ready to perform. Dong-Min’s dance had been raw and full of emotion, and while her’s certainly had a similar feel, it was a lot more of a hip-hop style.
Still, she had to do well.
“And go!” The stage hand pushed her forward, and she stepped up to centre stage.
She smiled as she finished it, knowing that she hadn’t forgotten any steps. That was always her weakness. Soo-Yun improvised so much when she choreographed that sometimes she forgot what the actual steps were supposed to be on stage. 
But the audience was clapping, so that had to be a good sign.
Chung-Ae was standing just of stage, tapping a microphone anxiously as he waited for his cue. After Soo-Yun bowed and hurried off stage, she stopped and patted his shoulder.
“Deep breaths. You got this.”
He nodded. “I know.”
She winked. “There’s the confidence we need.”
He turned to smile at her, just as his name was called and he stepped up to an audience bigger than any he had ever performed in front of. His song choice wasn’t as charismatic or as emotionally driven as Hannah’s had been. Honestly, she’d freaked him out a bit, with a little thing like that being that commanding on stage. But he knew that he just needed to be his best. That was all he could to.
He didn’t even wait for the music to finish it’s fade out. He just rushed off stage. One of the staff told him to slow down, but he just rushed back into the greenroom and collapsed into a chair.
He heard Min-Jee make a noise as she left the room, and then felt a hand on his face. He looked up and saw a very concerned Hannah.
“Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?” She asked, feeling his forehead for any sort of temperature.
He grinned. “No way. That was amazing.”
He nodded. “Yeah, it was. You were wonderful.”
They both turned their attention to the screen to watch as Min-Jee took the stage.
Min-Jee, despite being a little more reserved in the way she acted, was very confident in her song choice. It was bold, certainly, but it was sure to grab attention. She knew that her main competition was Hannah, as they were both female rappers. Hannah had been good, but Min-Jee was going to get the audience going.
She finished with a flourish, and grinned as she left the stage. The audience had cheered, though they seemed sort of taken aback. That’s what she needed. The easiest way to score herself some votes was to put on a show that no one would forget. Writing raps about feelings could wait until after debut, this competition was all about stopping the show.
She stepped back into the room and grabbed a bottle of water. Everyone was silent.
“Good job.” Hannah practically whispered.
Min-Jee raised her eyebrows and winked.
Kang-Dae rolled his eyes as he made his way to his starting position. He could already see that Min-Jee was trying to start drama. And while he was sure most of it was in the spirit of friendly competition, he did wonder whether she truly was realizing that all of her passive aggressive winking was being filmed.
He’d choreographed his dance with one thing in mind: street dance. It was how he’d been discovered, and quite honestly it represented his style better then anything. It was a little playful, a little serious, and fun to watch for an audience.
Which was just what he needed to win.
He left the stage on a high. The audience’s cheers seemed like they were a thousand miles away, because he knew that he’d put on a great performance. That was the type of dance that had people clapping along, cheering, throwing money if he’ll toss in a flip.
Dong-Min handed him a water bottle as he stepped into to the room. “You were really good.”
Kang-Dae couldn’t keep the grin off his face. “I know, right?”
Dong-Min chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. They turned and looked back at the monitor, where Zero was making her way to the stage.
She was sort of a wildcard, and she knew that. Everyone else knew that she was vocal line, but not what type of voice she had. It had made her laugh a little when everyone kept asking. One quick search of her name turned up lots of Weibo results.
She was proud of her voice, and of her ability to bring an audience to a standstill, and the song she’d picked tonight was perfect.
The song had a beautiful ending, and she made sure to pause in order to really drive home that effect. She curtsied slightly, trying to emphasize the regalness of her style of performance. As long as it was a song that people would remember, and vote for, then it was enough.
She nodded encouragingly as she passed Jay in the hall. He was doing some sort of nervous tap dance. At least, she assumed it was nerves. It could also potentially be some bizarre way of amping himself up for the performance.
He’d drafted a one-person performance of a group he really admired, 3RACHA. He could only hope that it held up on stage and showed off his talents. The beat hit, and he pulled up his hood and made his way out.
He was nervous as hell, but he felt like he covered it well. The shaking hands and the bowed head could all be attributed to his rap style, and the audience defiantly seemed hype about it. He smiled as he dropped the mic and left. That was certainly the best he could’ve done, now he just had to hope and pray that it was enough.
He knew that the folks back home were doing the same thing.
Emma had chosen an english song. She knew that it could potentially be seen as a mistake, but she also knew that her first performance had to be amazing. And while her Korean was good, she was most comfortable singing in english. The song she’d picked was a favourite, and it left lots of room for her to move around the stage and really hype up her audience.
Her parents were at home, staying up late to watch this. She waved at the camera and blew a kiss before she scurried off stage. Zero gave her an approving nod as she stepped back into the greenroom, and Kanna shot her a thumbs up.
“My turn.” Daichi breathed as he stood to leave.
Kanna whooped. “You go, Japan-buddy!”
He gave her a half smile in return.
Daichi had been in Korea long enough that he felt comfortable singing a Korean song. The choice he’d made was a popular song, that he was hoping would add to the fans’ enthusiasm. It was a slower choice, and in rehearsal he had just walked very solemnly forward for the duration of his performance. Still, it was powerful, and that would need to be enough.
He felt tears spring to his eyes as he finished. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been until all of the tension left his body with the last note. He smiled and gave a little wave before he disappeared off stage.
Kanna met him in the hall. She ruffled his hair, which wasn’t hard considering she was taller than him in her heels.
He nodded in thanks, knowing that anything he said might distract her from her performance. 
She took the stage with a smile painted on her face. The song she’d chosen was off-brand, and certainly an unusual choice. But it was fun, and she was sure that the viewers would see that.
KANNA’S PERFORMANCE (Skip to 23 seconds)
As she practically skipped off the stage, she was stopped by a stage hand.
“We’re sending you all back out.” The woman said. “Get ready.”
Sure enough, they were called back on stage one by one, all of them met with cheers. 
Sehun stepped onto centre stage, the cheers for him louder than any of the others. He raised a hand, and the crowd went silent. He chuckled slightly before continuing.
“That concludes our first round of performances.” He announced. “Send in your votes now. Tell us who your favourite was! The results will be announced next week!”
The lights went dark.
Okay guys, that is the end of the first week of performances. I really hope you guys like it.
Submit your vote HERE! Tell me who your favourite was and stay tuned for the announcement!
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gdwessel · 6 years
Catch Up Post: SSEUK, ROH, More From CEO x NJPW; This Week’s NJPW on AXS: Dominion & Marathon
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Well hey I’m back from vacation. A lot happened while I was away, as NJPW talents basically took their shows on the roads, even beyond the CEO x NJPW event. Speaking of which, there’s an update about that situation below, and I also did upload the Podblast to Place To Be Nation for you to listen to. So why not do that?
Meanwhile, on Saturday 6/30 and Sunday 7/1, much of the NJPW roster was in the UK, for the Strong Style Evolved UK shows that featured, among other things, a title change, as well as a Young Lion in a new gimmick.
Strong Style Evolved United Kingdom - 6/30/2018, Milton Keynes Ice Arena
The Great O-Khan d. Shota Umino (Diving Mongolian Chop)
Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] d. Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis (Ishimori > Fletcher, Bloody Cross)
Tiger Mask IV d. David Starr (Tiger Driver)
WALTER d. Yuji Nagata (lariat)
YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] d. Chris Brookes (Karma)
Will Ospreay [CHAOS] d. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (Stormbreaker)
Takashi Iizuka, Taichi & El Desperado [SZKG] d. Jay White, Toru Yano & Gedo [CHAOS] 
British Tag Team Championship: Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG] © d. Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] - Suzuki/ZSJ succeed their 2nd defense
- 7/1/2018, Manchester Altrincham Arena
The Great O-Khan d. Dan Duggan (Diving Mongolian Chop)
Yuji Nagata d. Shota Umino (Nagata Lock II)
Takashi Iizuka, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG] d. YOSHI-HASHI, Toru Yano & Gedo [CHAOS] (Kanemaru > Gedo, Deep Impact)
WALTER d. Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Powerbomb)
Taichi [SZKG] d. Will Ospreay [CHAOS] (Taichi-Style Last Ride after interference)
David Starr d. El Phantasmo, Tiger Mask IV and Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] (Starr > Tiger, rollup following mask pull)
Jay White [CHAOS] d. Chris Brookes (Blade Runner) 
Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG] d. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] (European Clutch)
Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship: Minoru Suzuki [SZKG] d. Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] © (Gotch Style Piledriver) - Ishii fails his 2nd defense - Suzuki is the 9th champion
Suzuki-gun as a unit did not lose a single match on this tour, and indeed Suzuki-gun now hold two out of the three titles with Minoru Suzuki himself holding two of them. Zack Sabre Jr. got a revenge win from Sakura Genesis over Okada, with Okada now having had 2 singles losses in a row. [EDIT: Post-main on Night 2, WALTER laid out Ishii and stared down Suzuki. WALTER v. Ishii is now happening at Summer Sizzler on 8/17/2018.]
The Great O-Khan is a new gimmick for now-graduated Young Lion, Tomoyuki Oka. He was described as looking like Kin Corn Karn from the NES Pro Wrestling game. He does Mongolian Chops like Tenzan. Pretty interesting he’s been graduated now, since he really didn’t look like he was ready to be moved on from Young Lion matches, and indeed maybe he still hasn’t. It just makes me miss Katsuya Kitamura, mostly.
These shows either are or should be on RPWOnDemand soon, and will probably end up on NJPWWorld eventually as well.
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Also happening on Friday 6/29 and Saturday 6/30 were a PPV/TV taping cycle for Ring of Honor. In NJPW-related matches, the opener of the PPV had The Kingdom defeat EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI to retain the ROH World 6-Man Tag Team titles. (Say, um, where are the NEVER ones lately?) KUSHIDA also lost to Jay Lethal. Dalton Castle miraculously retained against Cody Rhodes and Marty Scurll, despite them telegraphing Cody’s win from a mile away.
This was pretty short-lived, however, as the next night Dalton would lose the title to Jay Lethal from a 4-way match also featuring Cody and Matt Taven. Something tells me this is just tranisitionary so Cody can get the title and have his NWA title match at All In.
Also at the next night, KUSHIDA beat Jonathan Gresham, and LIJ beat both Young Bucks/Adam Page and SoCal Uncensored in a 3-way match. 
These shows also featured participation from STARDOM, the Japanese women’s promotion, as Mayu Iwatani and the unit Odeo Tai were in matches here.
Lastly, after being cajoled into it  (read: first doubling down), Kenny Omega did tweet out an apology and statement about the booking of Chasyn Rance on the CEO x NJPW show. He is offering refunds for anyone who was affected by the booking, which almost kind of isn’t the point. I’m not even sure anyone in attendance really knew who Chasyn Rance and Aaron Epic were. And to have to be cajoled into it... yeah I don’t know. Due dilligence wasn’t done dilligence here, and just Do Better is what’s being asked. Maybe Omega really didn’t know about Rance’s sex offender status. When told, don’t act like everyone is picking on you. These are grown adults we’re talking about, and yet nobody ever wants to actually take responsibility. Maybe that’s the first step in changing the world.
In a related note, I can honestly say at this point that the delays in starting the CEO x NJPW show may not be on NJPW, but rather CEO. I say this after trying to go to the convention itself on Sunday, and there were delays delays delays in the Fighting Game Championships (to wit, when we went there, Dragonball FighterZ should have been started, however Smash was delayed, which then delayed Tekken 7 [We did get to see THAT final and THAT WAS REALLY COOL], which delayed DBFZ, which delayed Street FIghter V, which was what we really had wanted to see. SFV didn’t start until around 11pm and ended at 2am. Oy...). Which, again, is unprofessional looking, but it seems localized to CEO. As I’d mentioned elsewhere, all the Long Beach shows started on time thus far. And I’m pretty sure San Francisco will as well.
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To continue the very-Kenny-Omega-heavy theme here, this week’s premiere episode of NJPW on AXS is a 2-hour special, showing the 60+ minute Best 2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the IWGP Heavyweight title between Kazuchika Okada v. Kenny Omega from Dominion 6.9 at Osaka-Jo Hall. It starts at the usual time, but will fill 2 hours between the match length and commercial breaks.
On Saturday 7/7, starting at 12pm EDT, they are running the “Bullet Club Is Fine” marathon on AXS, with a heavy focus on Bullet Club oriented repeats of NJPW on AXS, to lead in to the main event of G1 Special in San Francisco, naturally. 
That show, of course, starts at 8pm EDT / 5pm PDT live on AXS if you are not in San Francisco. If you are outside the USA, it will be on NJPWWorld, which, you may be better off because I am honestly dreading JR and Barnett live on the mic.
G1 Special in San Francisco - 7/7/2018, Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA (AXS TV [USA] / NJPWWorld)
YOSHI-HASHI, Gedo, Rocky Romero, SHO & YOH [CHAOS] v. King Haku [FREE], Tama Tonga [Bullet Club], Tanga Loa [Bullet Club], Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi & KUSHIDA v. Adam Page & Marty Scurll [Bullet Club]
NEVER Openweight Championship: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] © v. Jeff Cobb [FREE]
IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Matt & Nick Jackson [Bullet Club] © v. EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
Kazuchika Okada & Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] © v. Dragon Lee [CMLL]
IWGP US Heavyweight Championship: Jay White [CHAOS] © v. Juice Robinson
IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Kenny Omega [Bullet Club] © v. Cody Rhodes [Bullet Club]
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 4 | Space Cadet Blasting Off Again - Jessie
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We swapped. And what a wild swap it is. I want from the Andro Tribe to the Circi Tribe. And so did Jonathan, Ari and Zoe. Four of us stuck together on a tribe of 5. We also have Ali with us. I’m worried Ali has an idol so I just don’t want us to lose at all. Let’s keep the good vibes flowing. 
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AND NOW IM AM ON CALL WITH JONATHAN AND HE'S TELLING ME ABOUT THE EXACT PLACE I JUST WENT AND THE EXACT RIDDLE I DID LIKE "SOMEONE ALREADY GOT THERE" HELLLLPPPPPPPPP honestly this is what he gets for going off script! i had the room search under control and he was supposed to be in the hallway so it's not my fault he found my mess!
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I encountered an alien in the idol search! I sang them a song and viola! I have a special power. I have the ability to kidnap someone from another tribe, for a full round of the game. They compete in the challenge with us. They'll attend tribal council if we go, but can't be voted out. Kind of a neat little power. It has to be used before merge. So I guess we'll see what happens. If we started with 18, swapped at 15, I imagine that merge will be at 11. I've got a few tribals to figure out when/how to use this power, if I even decide to use it at all. Man, I am loaded. Hidden Immunity Idol and this now. On a DISGUSTING note, someone used a power on me to destroy 10 of my fuel. Thankfully it was only 10 and not a whole lot of it. 
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I’m actually so annoyed Why the heck would you say “we should throw the challenge .” Like legit why. This is my favourite challenge and I’m not throwing . I get that Jacob hasn’t said a lot but seriously throwing a challenge to get rid of someone who seems kinda new is so stupid . I’m actually so annoyed rn so I’m typing my thoughts so I don’t yell at the person who said they don’t wanna take the time and edit because we are losing anyways . You know what maybe if you didn’t have such a negative attitude about the situation we could turn out a badass video . Did you ever think maybe the other tribe would be down right awful and we could pull out a win ? I’m so tired of my tribe constantly losing . Anyways updated thoughts or whatever because we had a tribe swap Jacob: said creative challenges aren’t his thing . Trying to talk to him more Cindi : we haven’t spoke I don’t think she likes me from our last game though which is fine I guess? Nathan : Original tribe loyalty I guess ? Jay: Jays pretty cool. Okay that’s it I just needed to vent so that’s why it’s confessional form I also still have my idol so flex I guess ? Idk that’s sounds kinda cringe This is Jessie the space cadet blasting off again 
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Keegan is going home
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Fourth straight immunity win! This game is wild. I’ve never done so well before! And now I’ve got another 6 fuel, which is a total of 16 fuel from reward wins. With my hidden immunity idol, and my steal a player advantage, I feel unstoppable. But, things can change at a moments notice so I’m not going to stand on my high horse, I’m going to remain realistic. I don’t have any alliance chats, the only person who has straight up said they want to work with me is Jay who is now going to tribal. It’s almost a bad thing not attending tribal so many times, because I have nothing to test or prove loyalty. Who knows what will happen moving forward. 
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Well we just lost the challenge. Not that I'm surprised, we pretty much lost it when we didn't communicate for a whole day. I tried to do my part and get people discussing but once it was clear this wasn't gonna be a win for us, I just used it for strategy. I wanted to do my best despite the circumstances to prove that this tribe needs me since I'm active and good in challenges. And I think it worked! The judges shouted me out twice for my part in the video (even tho it kinda sucked, but I guess my white boy dancing was good in comparison). But anyways, I do like this tribe and I'm sad we lost, but I have a little theory on why some people didn't try so hard. It was discussed before the challenge even came out that we wanted Jacob out. How this happened was Nathan approached me as soon as we got onto the new tribe and we called and had a good talk on how we felt about the game. Turns out that the queen herself, Jessie Flynn, advocated for me as an ally to Nathan before we even swapped. And us both, and Jessie, all felt good about Cindi too. And ever since then, Nathan's been in my DMs talking about voting for Jacob. So overall I think I landed myself in a pretty sweet spot on this disaster of a tribe and hopefully we can get our shit together for the next challenge, cause things won't be so clear cut next time.
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WE WON. THANK *GOD.* after flying across the country yesterday and dealing with several minor life crises, i literally spent the ENTIRETY of today working on that video - meaning from when i woke up at 10 to fifteen minutes before when it was due - and also spent seven whole dollars at the dollar tree for props & costumes soooooo if we had not won i would've been quite embarrassed. i was nervous about the editing part, as i've not ever actually put together a music video challenge, just weird silly videos like me as zac efron.... but it turned out okay! i'm not 100% satisfied with my work (i wanted to put more transition effects & it needed more variety / staging to make it less repetitive) but hey it was a thousand miles above the other teams' submissions so i will take it!!! and i never have to listen to space jam again!! anyway, i guess this means another boring day around camp. winning reward got me two more adventure missions, which i used to mostly complete the outside portion of the quest and jonathan is i think gonna finish it off for us tonight. i am hoping/assuming he'll get whatever is there since it's been literally only 48 hours since this started and the door keypad had five zillion combos, and that'd mean that's the last thing in this adventure probably? oh wait nvm we still have a shit ton of stuff to check in the hallway i should do that next. but yeah so that'll be good and i hope it is an advantage or a disadvantage that he won't play on me LOL. if i wake up and all my fuel is destroyed.... i know where you've been jonny! not much else to report right now. it sounds like ali's doing a good job of getting himself in the good graces of zoe and jonathan, which is the most ideal scenario for me so we can say bye-bye keegan. i was a bit worried that if we lost this challenge i wouldn't have a plausible reason to argue to jonathan for keeping ali - or actually, more likely, i think he would have wanted to vote zoe? she hasn't been around as much and he did express concern on saturday about whether she's doing okay. luckily though, this W has bought me a few more days to work on getting the people i like to like each other.
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UGH UGH UGH I GOT TRIBE FUCKEDDDDDDD IM WITH MJ WHO I JUST SLASHED THE VOTE OF AND LIED TO AND THE OTHER 3 ARE FROM THE SAME TRIBE. GOD DAMN IT. UGH but on the other hand we won immunity and it'll give me time to get to know my other tribe mates. I just hope this isnt a "tribe strong" battle in this game. I hope everyone are free agents
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woo! ari and i are together in the swap as well as keegan and jonathan, and ali wound up with us as well on the new circi tribe. we won the music video challenge so the streak continues. i’m very tired!
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so the tribe swap went pretty much the best it possibly could, as i got swapped majority with the two members of my tribe i talked to the most. we won immunity so i'm chilling for another week. unfortunately, mj and silver seem to have no interest in talking to me. both of them left me on read after i initiated conversation. so. sits.
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So despite the easy seeming vote, I'm still gonna be nervous until the votes get read. These players are no joke, especially knowing that Alex was completely blindsided by Nathan and Jessie. I'm staying positive because I think it's like, a 90% chance I'm in the clear, but you really don't know until you know LOL. I'm just trying to set up my position on this tribe and for the future. I've gone to Cindi, Jessie, and Nathan individually and reassured them that I'm with them for the long haul. And for now I mean it, but if any of them get too dangerous then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry not sorry~ looking specifically at you Nathan 👀
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nothing rlly to say tbh happy we swapped!!!!! and happy we won!!!!!! happy to be here with jules. havent really talked much since swapping honestly but i think i'd like to work with jules and asya and somehow get silver tf up outta here when we get the chance!!!!!
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TRIBAL AGAIN. I'm so nervous. I'm the only one from Circi so that's an easy swap screwed if you ask me. But I hope I'm ok. I think I've made a good bond with Jay Nathan and jessie and they all say we're voting for Cindi so fingers crossed it's not all an elaborate ruse on me
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First tribal should be a unanimous vote. I told Nathan if he voted me out I'd block him and our 50 day snap streak would be toast and, like, tbh I think that would crush him. Jay and I want to work together. The only one who might've been sketched out is Jessie but she doesn't have the numbers. It feels insane to be this not paranoid before tribal when I know Jacob is pushing my name...but also I literally don't think that he could get me out?? Like, Nathan and I were/are a dynamic duo so I do not know how he would flip. Jay flipping makes zero sense. The ONLY people this would benefit or be a neutral for is Jessie and Jacob. The only way I go is if Nathan and Jay are two of the dumbest players on the planet.
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Tribals in an hour we lost Big sad energy I guess my hearts really going to supernova 
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varietyofwords · 7 years
Addendum, Part Fifteen (Chicago P.D.)
Title: Addendum
Chapter: Lost (Part Fifteen)
Fandom: Chicago P.D.
Rating: T/PG-13
Author’s Note: Apologies for the severe delay in updating. I tried to get back into the mindset needed to finish this fic; I’m not sure if I’ve been successful. This is the second addendum (or, oneshot) to 3x14, “The Song of Greg William Yates”. This one is set after the episode and is an attempt to bridge the gap between what we saw between Linstead in 3x14 and Erin talking about love in 3x15.
The robotic voice chirps instructing her to take a left turn on yet another nonexistent road, and she lets out a frustrated groan as she presses her foot against the brake. Gravel crunches under the tires as the 300 slows to a painful crawl, and Erin’s eyes scan across the windshield trying to find this road the Garmin mounted on the dashboard keeps trying to send her down.
“Make a U-turn,” the electronic box chirps before changing its computerized mind about which why they should go. “Drive three hundred feet and turn right. Turn -- lost satellites.”
Another frustrated sigh passes over Erin’s lips as the Garmin repeats what it has been announcing since it told them to take the next exit off US-51 about an hour ago. As she glances out of the corner of her eye to see her partner sitting with his right arm pressed up against the passenger side door -- his knuckles pushed into the side of his face in an attempt to hold his head up -- and the paper map of Wisconsin Hank tossed at them on their way out of the bullpen this morning draped unopened across his left knee.
“I thought the Army taught you how to read a map,” She snaps shifting in her seat slightly so she can get a better look at him, so she can catch the way his eyebrows pitch upward even as his gaze remains fixated on the sea of brown grass and white snow bisected by a gravel road ahead of them.
“I thought you didn’t want me to talk,” he sasses back without missing a beat, and she shakes her head as she glances from him to the Garmin mounted on the dash. He isn’t entirely wrong; she had told him to stop asking if she was okay, to stop hovering over her like she was some damsel in distress. And when it was all over, when Yates ended up with a bullet between the eyes, she may have told him something to that effect again.
Because she was willing to admit that she wasn’t sure how she was when he asked for the umpteenth time how she was doing, but she had taken Voight and Benson's eyes on them as out and had used their mantra of professionalism as a way to dismiss him and his concern from behind her desk so she could go home and crash. So she could look at the picture of Nadia pinned to the fridge and tell herself that it was over. That no other woman who have to go through the nightmare that Nadia did.
Yet when the bullpen empty, when she no longer felt Jay’s concerned gaze on her from the desk across the aisle because his paperwork was done and Voight had told the rest of the team to get out of there, Voight and Benson had run interception. Refused to let her go home until after she agreed to grab a drink at Molly’s at Benson, until after she sat on a bar stool and was too far down a glass of whisky and a bunch of advice to pay attention to the buzz of her cell phone with texts asking if she wanted to grab a drink, if she wanted to crash at his place, if she was okay.
Silence had begotten silence, apparently, because his eyes had remained downcast when she walked into the bullpen the next morning, when Voight came out of his office to tell her that she needed to follow protocol for a fatal police shooting. Needed to talk to one of the shrinks employed by the Ivory Tower before he could let her off desk duty. And while his heavy footsteps behind her as she exited the bullpen down the back entrance hadn’t exactly been silent, the words on his lips had died when she told him that she didn’t need to talk about it with a shrink or with Benson or with him because she was fine and it was over.
All he had done then was nod, and all he has done since is nod. Nodded when she returned to the bullpen this morning with her papers certifying she’d spoken about the shooting with someone down at the Ivory Tower. Nodded when Voight announced that Halstead and Lindsay were going to pick up a suspect being held by the one-man police department in some town outside of Wisconsin’s Flambeau River State Forest while the rest of the team chased another lead. Nodded when she snatched the keys to the 300 off his desk and announced she was driving as they exited the bullpen.
And, even now, she thinks she catches sight of a little nod as she throws the car in reverse, as she drapes her arm over the back of his seat and watches out the back window of the 300 while stopping on the accelerator. There is no way she could pull off a three-point turn on this narrow, gravel road. Not without dumping the 300 into a ditch or getting them stuck perpendicular to the flow of the nonexistent traffic. And so she settles on backing up until there is a place they can turn around, until --
The Chrysler jolts as the rear tires roll backwards, and the two of them are tossed upwards in their seats for the split second it takes for Erin’s foot to move from the accelerator to the break. Panic flitters across both of their faces, and Jay’s head tears away from where it rests of his fist as he twists around to glance out the rearview window. Twists again to glance at the side mirror in an attempt to see what she might have hit.
They had both gone through training in the academy about all the dangers a cop needs to look out for while driving -- the kids riding their bikes in the neighborhood, the cats that dart out into the road, the old ladies who forget to wear their hearing aids and don’t hear the sirens approaching an intersection -- and worst case scenarios rom Chicago plus those unique to Wisconsin -- the dairy cows crossing the country road, the eagles picking at road kill -- are rushing to the forefronts of their minds as Erin pulls on the parking break, as they both fumble to exit the car.
He reaches the back wheel first thanks to his long legs and possession of the passenger seat, and she barely has an opportunity to peer at him over the hood of the car before he’s shaking his head at her. Before his lips are tugged upward into a half-smile as he explains that she must have run over some sharp cheese curds or a really big mosquito because the 300 has a flat.
“I’ll call,” she starts to say, but the chirp of the Garmin announcing once again that it has lost satellite reception cuts her off. No satellite service means there isn’t likely to be any cell service, and she has no idea where the tell the tow truck to come get them anyways.
So, instead, she reaches into the car to shift the gear into park, cut the engine, flips on the hazard lights, and pop to the trunk. Pulls her beanie down over her head a bit more to ward off the February chill as she slams the front door shut and moves around to the back of the 300. Jay is already rooting around for the jack and the socket set, and he doesn’t bat an eye when she starts yanking out the spare tire.
“Should be enough to get us to Winter,” he announces leaning down to give the spare a squeeze before he steps around her and moves towards the flat tire. The assurance, the enunciated capitalization of a season gives her pause, and Erin abandons the tire up against the back bumper of the 300 so she can follow after him.
“Do you know where we are?” The incredulity seeps into her voice, twists her features, and heightens further when Jay merely nods in reply because they’ve been lost for the last hour listening to the stupid Garmin tell them to take a jumbled series of turns and he never said anything. Never told her if the right turn down that narrow dirt road was right; never told her if taking the exit off US-51 was even correct.
“You’ve known this whole time?” She questions as he crouches down next to the wrecked tire and begins wrenching on the first lug nut. He merely nods in reply choosing instead to focus on removing the lug nut, on getting them back on the road, but her frustration has bubbled over and her next few words are spat out at him. “You never said anything. You just let me listen to the stupid GPS and get us lost for the last hour.”
At that, his eyes snap up to look at her and there is an uncomfortable moment where her hardened gaze meets his soft one. Meets the same eyes that tried to inquire if she was okay a mere three days ago, that followed her nearly every move from the moment she returned from New York with a banged up knee and an unwavering determination to find Yates before he hurt anyone else.
“I’d never let you get lost on purpose,” he replies. The cold February wind nearly carries away his words, but they still manage to reach her ears. Probably would have anyways because she knows from the way he’s looking at her that he’d never let her get lost in Wisconsin or slip on a banana peel and fall down a hole. Knows from experience that he’d chase after her when she does.
And then it is her turn to nod, to remain silent as Jay states that he didn’t say anything because she was, actually, going the right way. Explains how the road they were headed down before she decided to throw the 300 in reverse cuts through the forest and loops back to reach Winter while the the road she was returning to runs around the state forest, but also leads to Winter.
“It’s about eleven miles from Winter to where we need to go,” Jay informs her, and then his lips twitch upward into a bit of a smile as he adds that the cabin -- the one his grandfather had moved by mules, the one he once said he wanted them both to retire to -- is another fifty miles or so up the road from Winter in the opposite direction.
“Guess I should have let you drive,” she acquiesces when Jay returns to working on the removing the lug nuts, and she braces herself for him to merely nod. Yet, this time, he shrugs and mouths off something about how she should have taken advantage of his razor-sharp mind back at the Illinois-Wisconsin border instead of telling him to shut up and turn on the GPS unit. Lets it go unsaid but understood that she should have let him talk.
“I know I don’t always listen to you,” she says after a moment, after he’s managed to remove the first two lug nuts and placed them into her hand for safekeeping, and she waits for the scoff or the roll of the eyes or the muttering about how that’s an understatement to come because it wouldn’t be an inaccurate reaction. Because she heard when he said her name and told her not to as she opened the mysterious box. Because she heard the concern in his voice when he asked about her knee. Because she knew she was chasing after Yates alone only a few weeks after promising him that she’d never go in without backup again.
But this -- her need to find Yates, to get Yates without or without backup -- was about Nadia and had nothing to do with their partnership. And she hopes he understands that. Thinks that maybe he does because he remains silent as he continues to work on removing the third lug nut from the wheel, as she as she tries to find a way to formulate the ‘but’ part of her statement without scaring him off. Without using words that she’s not sure she knows how to say to anyone but Camille Voight.
“I get it,” he adds after a long moment of her shifting from one foot to the next as she tries to keep her extremities warm while her mind races. “You loved -- love -- Nadia, and love makes us do crazy things.”
“Like go in without backup,” Erin offers up as an example, and she sighs when Jay nods his head. Finds herself copying his movement when he looks up at her and offers his own examples of badgering your girlfriend about how she’s doing when she just wants you to back off or driving by her apartment to make sure she’s okay because she hasn’t had time to change her locks yet.
“Or walking away after she tells you how she’s really doing because you know that means she needs space,” Erin interjects onto his list. “And then keeping quiet until she’s ready to talk to you.”
“Something like that,” he replies as he finishes removing the fourth lug nut, as he moves to drop it into her outstretched hand without looking up at her. And she only hesitates for a moment before she reaches out with her free hand -- the one empty of lug nuts -- to brush against his back, to get him to look up at her.
“I know I don’t always listen to you,” she repeats again, and her voice grows even more gravelly as she settles on the words that will follow the ‘but’ to that sentence. “But I do know that I’m glad I have you as my partner. Both professionally and unprofessionally.”
And, this time, the nod of Jay’s head doesn’t piss her off because it is accompanied with a smile that makes her own lips twist upward in reply.  Because it is accompanied with a surefooted ‘ditto’ and a long pause where his eyes linger on hers before he moves on to instructing her to grab the spare tire and bring it over.
“So,” she drawls out as she rolls the fat donut spare over to him, “if we’re so close to where we need to be, think we’ve got time for you to drive us up to the cabin for a bit?”
She offers the question with a smirk, but it melts right of her face when he replies with a quick ‘no’. And she wonders briefly if he’s letting the need for professionalism extend too far outside of Chicago or if the conversation they just had still hasn’t ended the silence between them. But then Jay glances up at her -- the serious look on his face betrayed by the look in his eyes -- and says, “If I take you to the cabin in the middle of winter -- no bald eagles, no fish in the river, and snow up to the windowsills-- I’ll never get you up there again.”
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jensenimagines · 7 years
Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: It’s your birthday, and you have been acting very strange. Jensen helps you through a hard time. (Early on in the series)
Warnings: Angst, Sadness, Fluffy Fluff
Word Count: 1541
Jensen’s POV*
[Y/N] just sits there. She blankly stares at the far wall, not a shred of emotion betrayed on her face. Fear stirs in my gut at the thought that I did something. It was her twenty-fifth birthday for God’s sakes. What the hell is happening?
She looks so beautiful it almost hurts. I took her to a fancy dinner wanting to go all out for her first birthday as my girlfriend. The floor length, black gown hugs in all the right places revealing her soft curves. The low back leaves little to the imagination, which is not a problem with me. Her dark, wavy hair is in an elegant pile on top of her head, and her blue eyes shine with no hair to darken them. 
I smile thinking back to meeting her just over a year ago. [Y/N] had joined in at the beginning of season two and was only supposed to be around for five episodes, but the fans had fallen in love with her character, so she got to stick around. I chuckled remembering [Y/N] saying the only reason the girl fans allowed her to stay was because she played the Winchester’s little cousin.
But, I fell for her hard. She had quickly blended with Jared and I. She was bubbly and sarcastic, unafraid to put either of us in our place. Jared caught on quickly to my feelings, but [Y/N] was a fucking Fort Knox when it came to feelings. But, somehow I got lucky enough for her to reciprocate my infatuation. 
What if she wants to break up with me? What if I did something? My dinner begins to make its way back to the surface. I have to talk to her. I take a deep breath and begin to walk towards her.
She sits unmoving from her stiff position on the couch; her eyes are glued to the wall. She looks a million miles away, and all I want is to know what is going on in that beautiful mind of hers. Her blue eyes are glazed over, and I don’t even know if she has noticed me in front of her.
I carefully squat in front of her, my skin rubbing against my dress pants roughly. The sleeves of my coat tighten over my arms, and my dress shirt screams in protest. Damn monkey suit. 
I take a deep breath, searching her blue eyes for a sign of something, but they are so empty. “[Y/N],” I half-whisper. “Baby, will you look at me?”
Reader’s POV*
You blink quickly, the dryness in your eyes decimating slightly. You jump just now noticing Jensen right in front of you, green eyes burning. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, voice pained. 
You wince. So, your efforts to act normal at dinner had proved ineffective. Dammit. You thought you had done a rather convincing job of being good- you smiled, made chatter, shoved food down your throat. You’re an actress for God’s sake. 
He knew something was wrong. Of course he knew something was wrong. He had been your best friend for almost a year before you got together. He knew you better than anybody. And although you had yet to admit it out loud, you were convinced he was the one.
“Nothing,” you mumble meekly, unable to meet his intense eyes. 
“Don’t do that,” he demands softly. He cups a hand over your cheek and slowly turns your gaze to meet his. “[Y/N], did I do something?”
Your heart sinks. “No,” you practically shout. “Jay, no, I promise.”
You internally curse yourself. You had been evasive all night after he had gone all out for your birthday. You’ve been quiet and almost irritable. You’ve been bitchy. 
Tears flood your eyes. “Baby, don’t cry. What’s wrong? Please, just tell me,” he begs.
“It’s stupid,” you dismiss, willing yourself not to cry.
“[Y/N],” he says in disbelief. “You are tough as nails. Whatever is upsetting you is not stupid.”
You swallow thickly, feeling the tears brewing hot beneath your eyelids. “I’m older,” you whisper, barely audible.
You open your eyes after a few seconds of silence. Jensen stares at you, his lips parted unable to form words. His eyes search your face clearly puzzled.
“Um,” he starts unsure. He furrows his eyebrows. “You’re only twenty-five?”
A laugh escapes your lips; he jerks back in surprise. “I know,” you say. “I’m not worried about getting older. Besides, twenty-five is way too early to be worried about something like that?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Okay?”
“I’m older than…him,” you say, unable to even say his name out loud. The tears fall freely now, and you curse those tears because goddammit you don’t cry if you can help it. You gasp in a deep breath, and Jensen looks so taken aback he is frozen where he kneels in front of you.
“My big brother was twenty-four when he died,” you continue. “He died at twenty-four, and it floored me. You know that; I’ve told you all about it. It was a dark time, but I moved on eventually because that was over six years ago. But, Jay, I have never in my life been older than my big brother…until today. Today, I am older than my big brother. I hadn’t thought about it at all; it hadn’t so much as crossed my mind, but this morning it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up. And, that’s just a lot for me to take in because I miss him so much.”
You’re verging on hysterical now. Jensen snaps out of his trance as he moves to sit on the couch next to you, his arms wrapping around you. You collapse against his chest, and he pulls you into his lap, slightly rocking back and forth in a soothing manner.
Jensen’s POV*
My heart was currently being torn to shreds listening to her sobs. The tremors running through her body made my jaw clench tighter with each one. I stayed silent though because nothing I could say would bring him back. 
It hadn’t even crossed my mind. I knew he had been twenty-four when he died. I didn’t even know [Y/N] when he died, but I still remember when it happened. She had been a big actress from a young age, and when her brother died it made big news. 
[Y/N] was a tough person. She never let you see her hurt because she felt it was her pain to deal with, whether it be physical or emotional, but right now her sobs echoed through the living room. It broke me. 
Slowly, her sobs began to diminish as she cried herself out. I rubbed slow circles on her back. I glanced down at her to see red-rimmed blue eyes and running mascara. I press a kiss to her forehead, before cradling her in my arms and standing.
She doesn’t protest or ask questions as I carry her to the bathroom. I set her to her feet only letting go when I know she is steady. “Take a hot bath,” I say grabbing her favorite bath salts from under the sink. “It won’t fix everything, but it’ll help.”
She gives me a weak smile before turning around. “Zipper?” She croaks. 
I quickly tug the zipper down the length of her side. I force any of those thoughts from my mind because I think it’s safe to say that isn’t happening tonight. I press a quick kiss to her lips before leaving her alone.
Reader’s POV*
After a long, relaxing bath, you finally force yourself from the tepid water. You pull your hair into a towel. Not wanting to bother with clothes, you pull on your robe before exiting your bathroom. 
Jensen stands in the kitchen glad only in sweatpants. A smile forms on your lips as you admire the view of your very hot boyfriend. He is bent over the stove working intently on something; he does’t even notice you walking up behind him. 
You wrap your arms around his middle, feeling the strong muscles pulled taunt in his back and the nice muscles decorating his stomach. “What are you doing?” You ask curiously.
“Making chocolate chip pancakes,” he says. “You didn’t eat enough at dinner, and these are your favorite. Plus, they have chocolate which is always a way to get you to eat.”
You laugh causing chills to spread across his skin. He quickly plates the pancakes and turns off the stove, before turning to face you. He takes your head in his hands and slowly runs his eyes over you.
“Are you okay, [Y/N]?” He asks carefully.
“I’m okay,” you breathe. “Because of you, Jay. Thank you, and I am so sorry for how I’ve acted today. I love you.”
He latches his lips to yours. “I love you too,” he whispers against your mouth.
He begins to pull away, but you wrap your arms around his shoulders pulling him back down. He tightens his grip on you, kissing you deeper. His hands run along you sides, moaning as he realizes you have nothing on underneath. You smile against his lips. You pull away and take his hand, leading him back to your bedroom, pancakes forgotten.
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Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: It’s you’re birthday, and you have been acting very strange. Jensen helps you through a hard time. (Early on in the series)
Warnings: Angst, Sadness, Fluffy Fluff
Word Count: 1541
Jensen’s POV*
[Y/N] just sits there. She blankly stares at the far wall, not a shred of emotion betrayed on her face. Fear stirs in my gut at the thought that I did something. It was her twenty-fifth birthday for God’s sakes. What the hell is happening?
She looks so beautiful it almost hurts. I took her to a fancy dinner wanting to go all out for her first birthday as my girlfriend. The floor length, black gown hugs in all the right places revealing her soft curves. The low back leaves little to the imagination, which is not a problem with me. Her dark, wavy hair is in an elegant pile on top of her head, and her blue eyes shine with no hair to darken them.
I smile thinking back to meeting her just over a year ago. [Y/N] had joined in at the beginning of season two and was only supposed to be around for five episodes, but the fans had fallen in love with her character, so she got to stick around. I chuckled remembering [Y/N] saying the only reason the girl fans allowed her to stay was because she played the Winchester’s little cousin.
But, I fell for her hard. She had quickly blended with Jared and I. She was bubbly and sarcastic, unafraid to put either of us in our place. Jared caught on quickly to my feelings, but [Y/N] was a fucking Fort Knox when it came to feelings. But, somehow I got lucky enough for her to reciprocate my infatuation.
What if she wants to break up with me? What if I did something? My dinner begins to make its way back to the surface. I have to talk to her. I take a deep breath and begin to walk towards her.
She sits unmoving from her stiff position on the couch; her eyes are glued to the wall. She looks a million miles away, and all I want is to know what is going on in that beautiful mind of hers. Her blue eyes are glazed over, and I don’t even know if she has noticed me in front of her.
I carefully squat in front of her, my skin rubbing against my dress pants roughly. The sleeves of my coat tighten over my arms, and my dress shirt screams in protest. Damn monkey suit.
I take a deep breath, searching her blue eyes for a sign of something, but they are so empty. “[Y/N],” I half-whisper. “Baby, will you look at me?”
Reader’s POV*
You blink quickly, the dryness in your eyes decimating slightly. You jump just now noticing Jensen right in front of you, green eyes burning.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, voice pained.
You wince. So, your efforts to act normal at dinner had proved ineffective. Dammit. You thought you had done a rather convincing job of being good- you smiled, made chatter, shoved food down your throat. You’re an actress for God’s sake.
He knew something was wrong. Of course he knew something was wrong. He had been your best friend for almost a year before you got together. He knew you better than anybody. And although you had yet to admit it out loud, you were convinced he was the one.
“Nothing,” you mumble meekly, unable to meet his intense eyes.
“Don’t do that,” he demands softly. He cups a hand over your cheek and slowly turns your gaze to meet his. “[Y/N], did I do something?”
Your heart sinks. “No,” you practically shout. “Jay, no, I promise.”
You internally curse yourself. You had been evasive all night after he had gone all out for your birthday. You’ve been quiet and almost irritable. You’ve been bitchy.
Tears flood your eyes. “Baby, don’t cry. What’s wrong? Please, just tell me,” he begs.
“It’s stupid,” you dismiss, willing yourself not to cry.
“[Y/N],” he says in disbelief. “You are tough as nails. Whatever is upsetting you is not stupid.”
You swallow thickly, feeling the tears brewing hot beneath your eyelids. “I’m older,” you whisper, barely audible.
You open your eyes after a few seconds of silence. Jensen stares at you, his lips parted unable to form words. His eyes search your face clearly puzzled.
“Um,” he starts unsure. He furrows his eyebrows. “You’re only twenty-five?”
A laugh escapes your lips; he jerks back in surprise. “I know,” you say. “I’m not worried about getting older. Besides, twenty-five is way too early to be worried about something like that?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Okay?”
“I’m older than…him,” you say, unable to even say his name out loud. The tears fall freely now, and you curse those tears because goddammit you don’t cry if you can help it. You gasp in a deep breath, and Jensen looks so taken aback he is frozen where he kneels in front of you.
“My big brother was twenty-four when he died,” you continue. “He died at twenty-four, and it floored me. You know that; I’ve told you all about it. It was a dark time, but I moved on eventually because that was over six years ago. But, Jay, I have never in my life been older than my big brother…until today. Today, I am older than my big brother. I hadn’t thought about it at all; it hadn’t so much as crossed my mind, but this morning it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up. And, that’s just a lot for me to take in because I miss him so much.”
You’re verging on hysterical now. Jensen snaps out of his trance as he moves to sit on the couch next to you, his arms wrapping around you. You collapse against his chest, and he pulls you into his lap, slightly rocking back and forth in a soothing manner.
Jensen’s POV*
My heart was currently being torn to shreds listening to her sobs. The tremors running through her body made my jaw clench tighter with each one. I stayed silent though because nothing I could say would bring him back.
It hadn’t even crossed my mind. I knew he had been twenty-four when he died. I didn’t even know [Y/N] when he died, but I still remember when it happened. She had been a big actress from a young age, and when her brother died it made big news.
[Y/N] was a tough person. She never let you see her hurt because she felt it was her pain to deal with, whether it be physical or emotional, but right now her sobs echoed through the living room. It broke me.
Slowly, her sobs began to diminish as she cried herself out. I rubbed slow circles on her back. I glanced down at her to see red-rimmed blue eyes and running mascara. I press a kiss to her forehead, before cradling her in my arms and standing.
She doesn’t protest or ask questions as I carry her to the bathroom. I set her to her feet only letting go when I know she is steady. “Take a hot bath,” I say grabbing her favorite bath salts from under the sink. “It won’t fix everything, but it’ll help.”
She gives me a weak smile before turning around. “Zipper?” She croaks.
I quickly tug the zipper down the length of her side. I force any of those thoughts from my mind because I think it’s safe to say that isn’t happening tonight. I press a quick kiss to her lips before leaving her alone.
Reader’s POV*
After a long, relaxing bath, you finally force yourself from the tepid water. You pull your hair into a towel. Not wanting to bother with clothes, you pull on your robe before exiting your bathroom.
Jensen stands in the kitchen glad only in sweatpants. A smile forms on your lips as you admire the view of your very hot boyfriend. He is bent over the stove working intently on something; he does’t even notice you walking up behind him.
You wrap your arms around his middle, feeling the strong muscles pulled taunt in his back and the nice muscles decorating his stomach. “What are you doing?” You ask curiously.
“Making chocolate chip pancakes,” he says. “You didn’t eat enough at dinner, and these are your favorite. Plus, they have chocolate which is always a way to get you to eat.”
You laugh causing chills to spread across his skin. He quickly plates the pancakes and turns off the stove, before turning to face you. He takes your head in his hands and slowly runs his eyes over you.
“Are you okay, [Y/N]?” He asks carefully.
“I’m okay,” you breathe. “Because of you, Jay. Thank you, and I am so sorry for how I’ve acted today. I love you.”
He latches his lips to yours. “I love you too,” he whispers against your mouth.
He begins to pull away, but you wrap your arms around his shoulders pulling him back down. He tightens his grip on you, kissing you deeper. His hands run along you sides, moaning as he realizes you have nothing on underneath. You smile against his lips. You pull away and take his hand, leading him back to your bedroom, pancakes forgotten.
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Episode 2: “We Are Legion”
"Is there going to be a place where we list all the comics we talk about?" Well, I’ll be doing my level best for you all. These are the titles mentioned by Amy, Taliesin, or Matt over the course of this episode of the Wednesday Club.
Physical comics: You may have a comic book store near you! Comic Shop Locator Hater Free Wednesdays Your local library may have a selection of physical comics as well. Ask your local librarian (many of us are nerds in disguise!)
Digital comics: Comixology and Comixology Unlimited Each publisher may have comics online for sale, including Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and more. Again, your local library! Many are part of services such as Hoopla, where you can borrow and read digital comics.
A note on this episode: I’m extremely grateful to these three for tackling this question of mental health in comics, and highlight a few resources.  - If you have no fucking clue where to begin looking for help (and you’re in the US): Mental Health America.  - If you’re in crisis mode and need to talk, mental health hotlines are great. - If you don’t feel like calling: Crisis Chat If you have further resources to add to this, please let me know!
On to the comics!
From last week’s episode Legion: Wikipedia; IMDB; airing on FX; streaming on Hulu, Amazon
X-Men Legacy (2012) volume 2: Wikia; Comixology; Marvel
Moon Knight - Current run, written by Lemire: Comixology; Marvel - Warren Ellis: Comixology; Marvel - Bendis' LA run: Comixology; Marvel
Doom Patrol - specifically Crazy Jane - Grant Morrison's run: Wikipedia; Comixology
New Mutants #26: Wikia; Comixology
X-Men Volume 2 (1990s): Mentioned last week #46 and #47, with the X-Babies on the run from Mojo’s hunters.
X-Men Legacy (2012) volume 2: Wikia; Comixology; Marvel
Winter Soldier retcon: The big retcon they’re talking about begins with Captain America Vol 5 #1: Wikia; The first omnibus of this run on Comixology.  - There have also been several other big retcons of Cap over the years. We’re promised an episode on this later.
X-Men Legacy (2012) Vol 2 #15: Wikia; Comixology -where Legion confronts his mother (turns out Matt was right about this!)
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s X-Men: Comixology collection (hard to read, according to them) Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four: Comixology collection (much easier to read, even though it’s the same guys).
Crazy Jane First Appearance: Doom Patrol Vol 2 #19: Wikia; Comixology "nightmare-inducing" - Taliesin - #63 on Comixology: End of Morrison’s run; Cover with Crazy Jane in the rocking chair (The Doom Patrol covers get beautifully weird after about issue #23 and I’m kind of in love with them.)
Alias - Marvel Max (origin of Jessica Jones): Wikipedia; Comixology - Netflix and the comic version are very different, dealing with different traumas. 
Green Lanterns #15: I believe this is the issue: Comixology - Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz as two new GLs - Jessica has anxiety, and there’s a literal anxiety spiral
Shade the Changing Girl - Comixology - original was a 1970s character Shade the Changing Man, reinvented in the ‘90s as Rac Shade
Cassandra Cain/Batgirl: she was non-verbal for many years, but James Tynion doesn't want to apply specific labels because of history of specific traumatic abuse with Cassie.
Tom King's Vision: Wikia; Comixology
Kate Bishop: Young Avengers: Comixology - Intro as character Young Avengers Special #1: Wikia; Marvel; Comixology - hero origin story Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye: Wikia; Comixology
Sandman: Wikipedia; Comixology
Old Man Logan (2016-): Wikia; Comixology (I assume they’re talking about the latest run anyway.) - PTSD and masculinity issues
Watchmen: Wikipedia; Comixology
Storm and claustrophobia LifeDeath: Wikia; Comixology - trying to recuperate at Forge's house without powers; identity issues Uncanny X-Men #146: Wikia; Comixology - When captured by Doom, Storm’s claustrophobia causes her powers to lash out at the whole world.
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them" - The Ancient One
Mental Health Professionals X-Factor vol 3 #13: Wikia; Comixology - Doc Samson talking to the X-Factor team in his capacity as a psychiatrist (Not sure what Speedball talking to the Thunderbolts thing they mean) Evil Therapist Karla Sofen aka Moonstone
Ultimates Thor #1: Wikia; Comixology - As a human, worked as a psychiatric nurse until he has a breakdown (Not sure which Miles Morales issues they’re discussing) Avengers Disassembled: Wikia; Comixology Secret War: Wikia; Comixology - Note that this is a different event than Secret Wars. Or Secret Wars II. Because Marvel  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Moon Knight 2010-2012 #1 cover shown: Wikia; Comixology - Current run, written by Lemire: Comixology; Marvel - Warren Ellis: Comixology; Marvel - Bendis' LA run: Comixology; Marvel
Deadpool vs Carnage: Wikia; Comixology - The Punisher, by Garth Ennis: for the violence: There seem to be at least three separate runs of Ennis on Punisher, starting with this Uncanny X-Force: Wikia; Comixology Spider-Man/Deadpool: Wikia; Comixology
X-Factor, the original team: Wikia; Comixology X-Factor, led by Havok: Wikia; Comixology (beginning with #71) X-Factor Investigations: Wikia; Comixology X-Factor: Madrox: Wikia, Comixology
X-Men Forever: Wikia; Comixology  or X-Factor Forever: Wikia; Comixology
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Wikia; Comixology
Robot Robin from DC One Million: Wikia; 
Invincible Iron Man #500.1: Wikia; Comixology - Tony Stark attends an AA meeting
Books that got our presenters through a dark time Matt - Doctor Strange: Wikia; Comixology - more that this is the character he identifies with than anything else Amy - books she likes; Sandman: Wikipedia; Comixology is very dark, but about finding hope in darkness Taliesin - (not sure what he means by the Max?); Ultimate Spider-Man (I think he means the 2000-2009 run?) for something lighter and fun
Not strictly comics: Legion: Wikipedia; IMDB; airing on FX; streaming on Hulu, Amazon Taliesin says he’s going to rewatch Pink Floyd and Dark Side of the Moon? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (the institution in Legion (tv) is very reminiscent of the one in this movie). Arkham - Gotham episode (cartoonishly bad, according to them). Royal Tennenabaums and reconciliation Jay and Miles X-plain the X-Men - I can personally back this up, I started listening to it after ECCC this year because of the Wednesday Club, ngl.  Comic Book Girl 19:  Epic History X-Men Volume 1, The 60s Era Yes, And... in improv Critical Role: Episode 1: episodes 1-16 as watching someone (Taliesin) being on the wrong meds and working out which ones were right. "The Beast in Me" - Johnny Cash - Taliesin’s Hulk song Dr. Andrea Letamendi/Arkhamasylumdoc - podcast the Arkham Sessions  "The Clock King" episode
Remember: "Take strength where you can, take hope where you can, and never be worried about asking for help."
Next Week The Image Comics Revolution - Image Comics - The Image Revolution (documentary about the birth of Image comics): IMDB, trailer; Streaming on Youtube, Amazon, and elsewhere. - If your library has Hoopla, Hoopla has all of the Image comics, including Bitch Planet, ODY-C
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radioleary-blog · 6 years
When Chuck Norris Got Bullied, He Called Evel Knievel
I simply can’t keep up with all the crazy things the Trump administration has been up to this past week. He’s only been President for two weeks and he has caused more protests than we have seen in this country since the ending of the last episode of ‘The Sopranos.’ Seriously, after eight seasons, how dare they just cut to black as the Sopranos are sitting there in a pizza joint? If I wanted to decide for myself what happens to Tony and Carmella, I wouldn’t have paid for eight years of HBO. I’m certainly not paying for HBO because of the incredible selection of the same dozen movies they run over and over again until you know every line of dialogue between John McClane and Hans Gruber. You know what? Rather than invent examples, I’ll just grab the remote and check what’s on HBO right now. I have the whole package (if you know what I mean), so I’m sure there are some real cinematic masterpieces. Let’s see...okay, here we go. ‘The Princess Diaries’, from 2001. ‘The Bonfire of the Vanities,’1990, followed by ‘Problem Child 2’, 1991. Then ‘King Ralph,’ ‘Sixteen Candles,’ ‘Wall Street,’ ‘Blues Brothers 2000,’ ‘Demolition Man,’ ‘Point Break,’ and ‘Panic Room.’ Wow, cancel all my appointments! I know what I’m doing for the next 18 hours! Screw the Superbowl, I’ll be watching Charlie Sheen before Aids, Wesley Snipes before prison, and Jodie Foster before she came out of the panic room closet. And luckily, I have HBO West, so I get to watch them all over again three hours later in case I missed something the first ten times. Are you kidding me? These are all movies I would gladly pay fifty bucks a month to avoid.
This week Trump pulled more crazy stunts than anyone since Evel Knievel built a rocketship to jump over the Snake River Canyon. And we all know how great that turned out. There are parallels between Evel Knievel and Donald Trump, I guess. Trump wants to build an enormous wall in the desert, Evel Knievel built an enormous ramp in the desert. Of course, the ramp was built to get you across a river, and the wall will be built to stop you from getting across a river, but, whatever. When Evel Knievel appeared somewhere, the crowds would all shout “Evel!”, and whenever Trump appears somewhere, the crowds all shout “Evil!” Kind of similar, but again, whatever. People watched in horror as Evel Knievel’s motorcycle crashed during a jump, on a bus, and people listened in horror as Trump was recorded talking about grabbing pussy, on a bus. Both were consummate showmen, both were thin-skinned, angry, and hated critics. Both were constantly feuding with the media even as they fed off it. But Trump’s approval rating is falling faster than Evel’s rocket-motorcycle fell into that canyon. And that’s as close as Evel Knievel ever came to jumping a shark, yet Donald Trump may have already jumped the shark. Evel Knievel survived that crash on September 8, 1974, simply because he was as badass as they get. It takes a lot more than jumping a mile-wide chasm in a homemade steam-powered rocket-motorcycle and plummeting a thousand feet into a river canyon to kill Evel Knievel. He was old school tough. I watched this guy crash, hitting his landing ramp too fast after jumping 13 double-decker busses in Wembley Stadium,  and he hit the ground at 70mph, so hard it would make crash-test dummies weep, tumbling on the tarmac like a sweater in the dryer. He broke his pelvis, collarbone, some ribs and vertebrae. And you know what he did? No, of course you don’t, you’re less than a hundred years old. Well, I’ll tell ya what he did. He got up. He got to his feet, broken pelvis and all, and walked over to the microphone and told the crowd he was retiring. He was in shock, and ABC broadcaster Frank Gifford was begging him on-air to let the paramedics put him on a stretcher and in an ambulance, but Evel Knievel just turned and walked off the Wembley field, saying, “I came in walking, I went out walking!” It does not get more badass than that. Evel Knievel makes Clint Eastwood look like Jay Baruchel. He makes Vin Diesel look like Shia LaBeouf. Over his entire career, he spent more than 3 years in a hospital due to traumatic injuries from his jumps! And although Evel Knievel didn’t actually break "every bone in his body," as legend had it, the truth is he suffered 433 broken bones during his career. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the survivor of the most bones broken in a lifetime.
He was so tough, when Chuck Norris got bullied, he called Evel Knievel.
But as I say, I’m having trouble just keeping up with all the blunders of the Trump administration this past week, far more than any other President screwed up in their entire first term. I think in the four years Jimmy Carter was President, the worst thing he ever did was one time he went fishing, and he whacked a rabbit that was trying to climb into his canoe. With a paddle, I mean, he didn’t have it whacked like a mob hit. Ah, simpler times, when presidential scandals were as wholesome as fishin’ and whackin’ rabbits with a paddle. Now it’s all about pussy grabbin’, golden showers, and whackin’ something else entirely.
I just can’t write fast enough to keep up. To write down all of Trump’s bullshit this week, I would have to type faster than a court stenographer taking down the testimony of Busta Rhymes being sued by an auctioneer. (For you old people: Busta Rhymes talks really fast. For you young people: auctioneers talk really fast.) I would  have to type faster than Stephen King cranking out schlocky horror novels, although I think Trump is a hell of a lot scarier. Like a Stephen King novel, Trump was elected by states populated by the ‘Children of the Corn,’ and now we’re all in ‘Misery.’ In Ronald Reagan's farewell address from the Oval Office, he called America “the shining city on hill”, but after only two weeks of Trump, it’s starting to look more like just ‘The Shining.’ And President Obama’s term in office is over, so just like in ‘The Shining,’ things get really crazy after the black guy retires.
Speaking of horror movies brought to life, his cabinet picks are all being confirmed, and it looks less like the cabinet of a President, and more like ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.’ Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon/Mobil is now the Secretary of State. The State Department is busy preparing for his arrival by making sure all the bathrooms are just as disgustingly filthy as the bathrooms at every Exxon/Mobil gas station. Diplomats received an inter-office memo instructing them not to flush until further notice, and to no longer worry about their aim. To add authenticity, all of the bathrooms will also be kept locked with only one key for the entire building, and the key will be attached to a hubcap from a late-model Buick LeSabre to make sure no one walks off with it.
So what did Trump do this week? Well, at a Black History Month prayer breakfast, Trump seemed to think the famous orator and abolitionist Frederick Douglass was alive and well. Which may come as a shock to his family, seeing as he died in 1895. Well, not his family, so much, but his descendants might be pretty freaked out to know he walks among the living. Frederick Douglass would probably be a very eloquent zombie. He could probably convince you to agree to let him eat your brains as reparations for slavery. I remember his famous quote, “Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, so how’s about you let me eat your brains?” Or this insightful quote they taught us in school, “No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck. Now let me eat your brains, seriously.”
When asked about Douglass, Trump said, “Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.” Yeah, he’s getting recognized more and more, Mr. President, and you noticed. Nothing gets by you, does it? I think he might just win this season of Celebrity Apprentice, if that scheming Harriet Tubman doesn’t call him out in the boardroom for being a lousy project manager. Harriet Tubman was like the Omarosa of the underground railroad, and putting her face on the twenty-dollar bill will only feed her ego and make her even more insufferable to be around. “Let me get the tip, but all I have are twenties...Anybody got change for a ‘me’?” I wondered how any U.S. President could be quite this stupid, then I realized he must have learned everything he knows about black history from his Education Secretary pick, Betsy DeVos. Now, I’m not saying Betsy DeVos is an idiot and far too unqualified to run our nation’s public schools. I’m not saying it, I’m typing it. She knows nothing about our education system.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks a ‘scholarship’ is a boat full of smart people.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks ‘trigonometry’ is the study of firing guns.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks that ‘tuition’ is when a woman gets a hunch about something.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks ‘Tufts University’ is where you learn to cut hair.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks ‘Tulane University’ is on a highway.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks ‘Loyola’ is where they make all those crayons.
Betsy DeVos is so stupid, she thinks a ‘Bachelor of Arts’ is a gay male dancer.
Apart from Trump providing a perfect example of why we actually need Black History Month, he upped the crazy ante at this prayer breakfast when he started ranting about the ratings on his old TV show, from which he was fired for being a racist. "They hired a big, big movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to take my place...The ratings went down the tubes. It's been a total disaster...And I want to just pray for Arnold, if we can, for those ratings." WTF? Somebody tell this guy he’s supposed to be worrying about the really big things now, like war, and comets, and aliens, and climate change, and everything else that can possibly go wrong. But instead he is worrying about his old TV show? Snap out of it, man, you’re on a new reality show now, it’s called ‘Celebrity President.’ And this first season sucks. And your ratings are awful. How the hell did we end up with a President who is in bed with Russia but at war with NBC? Franklin Roosevelt will always be remembered for winning the war against the Nazis and the Japanese, and Donald Trump will always be remembered for losing the war against Saturday Night Live. I think it was a racist thing to do, actually, to pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ratings at a Black History prayer breakfast instead of any number of African-Americans who lost their lives in the past year. Frankly, I think he brought up Schwarzenegger because he knew the only way he could use the n-word was by putting “Schwarzen” in front of it.
And another scary development, two weeks into Trump's presidency and Republicans have given the mentally ill easier access to guns, as they voted to overturn an Obama administration law that blocked people with mental disorders from buying guns. Wow. Talk about playing to your base.
What else. Oh yeah, he threatened to invade Mexico, probably worth mentioning that. Nothing like a military invasion to teach people to respect borders. I guess his next move will be to annex the Sudetenland.
Strangest of all, Trump somehow managed to get into a fight with one of our staunchest allies, Australia. Australia! How do you manage to piss off Australia? For God’s sake, their national motto is “No Worries.” Trump was upset that President Obama had agreed to take 1,200 refugees that Australia had been detaining. Trump called it the “worst deal ever!” The worst deal ever? I don’t think it really approaches the level of worst deal ever, not even on a personal level. I once paid 60 bucks for an eighth of mediocre weed, and that was in the 1990s! I couldn’t even enjoy it because I paid so much. And because it was shitty weed. The Brown Frown.
Worst deal ever? How about when we bought Manhattan from the Indians for 24 bucks? That’s a pretty bad deal. Is it still okay to say Indians? Probably not, unless you’re talking about motorcycles or Cleveland’s baseball team, so, Native Americans it is. Although, for my own education I looked into this, and some people prefer to be called American Indian over Native American. One Lakota man from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation said recently, "If some Indians want to be called Native Americans or Natives, let them be called that, but I was born an Indian and I shall die an Indian.” That sounds so cool the way he says it. I bet it sounds less impressive when you describe comics that way. “If some Comics want to be called Stand-up Comics or Comedians, let them be called that, but I was born a Hack, and I shall die a Hack.” No, I was wrong, it still sounds pretty cool.
Trump should consider himself very lucky that bad deal went down. Just imagine, if they hadn’t made that bad deal, the Native Americans would have been the real estate developers in Manhattan instead of Donald Trump’s dad. And he never would have gotten rich, and never would have become President. Whoa. It’s a revenge curse! President Trump is our payback for ripping off those Indians! I haven’t seen a revenge curse this bad since Craig T. Nelson built his house on a sacred burial ground in ‘Poltergeist’! Of course, the real difference between Native American real estate developers and Donald Trump is that the Native American casinos don’t go bankrupt.
Hey, here’s a really bad deal, how about all the people who paid to enroll in Trump University? Now that might be the “worst deal ever.” So bad that Trump agreed to pay a 25 million dollar settlement to avoid a trial and charges of fraud. Although, in all fairness to Trump, by paying out that 25 million, he actually did make those students wealthy like he promised, all it took was a class action lawsuit against him. Clever move, Mr. Trump. Bravo.
And that is the week that was.
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