#vent session
slutforyous · 8 months
need my mind broken and turned to mush so i can get rid of these pesky thoughts that make me all anxious and second guess 🫠🫠
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japan-cocaine · 1 year
I promise you, NO ONE is more Stubborn & Dramatic than the person I am Romantically talking to atm! I went 1 Day... literally just 1 Day without talking to this Man and he act like it's the end of the World 🙄 He will NOT let me forget about it 🙄 Let it Gooo!!!!!
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zahrsmind · 1 year
Replaceable (4 a.m. vent session)
It’s been hell everyday. Mentally, I’m so far away. Can you see me? I never talk about how soul crushing it was to be the one to fight for people to stay. But, no one ever fought for me. It takes me leaving for them to see. It takes me reclaiming everything I gave for them to take a step back and look in the mirror to discover the real monster is them not me. How dare you try to release your demons on me. I’m fighting internally, there’s so much that you don’t see. So much that you don’t think about when it comes to me.
You take my love for granted. Use my kindness as an advantage. I’ve stayed past my date. I’ve let too much slide, you think it’s okay to ice skate. Man, what is going to take you to appreciate all that you have and all you’ve received? You’ve played with my mind so much, every word of yours is hard to believe. I don’t trust you, where are the receipts? Sometimes I think it’s better to leave. You can’t keep doing this to me. Hurting the one person who’s trying to teach you how to breathe. Trying to help you succeed. Making sure you have a place of peace.
Often times I feel like y’all laugh at me. As if my stress is humorous and this is all a game I happened to fall into. Let’s play with the big, broken-hearted girl, and see how long she stays. How much more can she take? Let’s push her until she breaks. Is that what you do? One falls, you call up another to validate you? We get into it, you text one like “what you doing?”. You discarded my feelings for nice curves. I kept it cool, but you struck a nerve. How am I supposed to be safe with you?
You downplayed me to people who aren’t a quarter of me. It replays in my head constantly. You make me feel like my all is nothing. Like no matter what you are going to do me dirty and claim protection cause it’s all too early. I prove everyday that I’m worthy and not ruthless. If someone wants to be patient with you, they’ll put you on their to do list. But I can’t shake the feeling of being replaceable. All these issues you inflicted on me drain my energy and confirm all the things I hate about myself.
It’s contradicting. You tell me you love me but it seems like you have to think first to consider my feelings. Despite all of this I’m still trying to be more than a memory. But if all these girls can access you, you’ll just have to remember me. One lie can taint your word. You haven’t shown that you wanna be pure. Why I gotta work overtime for your affection? When I pull back, I’m scared you won’t make any objections. I can’t love the both of us, for us. So, I guess it’s time to go. I’m not ready, I’m moving real slow. Hoping you’ll catch up to my speed and tell me not to let go. Tell me not to let go.
- z.m.
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Imma vent for a minute but I have something to post later
You listening?
ok, so I’ve been dreading this speech I have to give for Comm 111 all week. I gave my speech like and hour ago and I think I did okay. But this weekend is gonna be nuts.
I got a midterm essay, several assignments, and a speech peer analysis essay all due by Sunday, not to mention I’m gonna be watching a friend’s dog over the weekend.
college suuuuuuuuucks
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alright everyone, I am open for vents. if you need to vent about anything, please just come into the askbox and just yell as needed. you can do it on anon or no. you can ask me not to post it and I’ll just read it and DM you back if I can.
with all the fuckery in the world I think everyone needs to vent, so, have at it.
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antvnger · 2 years
Guess who finally heard from support, gang…
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Yeah, the issue’s been resolved because I DELETED THE BLOG AND REMOVED THE ISSUE. *annoyed*
I just gotta remember they’re people too and not perfect and they were probably bombarded with issues and work stuff and it just took forever to get to my problem and it could happen to anybody
*sigh* Alright, sorry, mini-vent session over.
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im-a-sunflowergoddess · 3 months
I wonder why I act on impulse when I have anxiety.. If it’s not the right thing to do why do I do it?
I always had fears of being abandoned, but maybe I was just neglected.
 Some days I don’t have a lot of energy so I don’t do anything. A part of me feels that it’s OK to not do anything because I’m resting. But the other part of me , I’m hard on myself. I start thinking these thoughts I’m never going to get anywhere if i do nothing. It’s just more of a day not a week of doing nothing.
I haven’t been really inspired or when I feel inspired it’s not the time to be.
Stress has always been in my life and I always wonder… when am I not going to feel stress or is this just my reality?
Am I in fact, strong enough to live in this world not knowing what’s going to happen, not knowing my fate?
I feel like keeping a job nowadays isn’t very easy. I get penalized for things that have nothing to do with my talents or technique.
Maybe I just haven’t found the right working space for me. Some people just tell me just go to work you need money at the end of the day. How can I just work when my mentality isn’t in the right place? How am I supposed to work when I feel like I’m walking on eggshells? How am I supposed to work when I have no energy to work? Some people would say just push through but not everybody can push through or not everyone is willing to push through.. especially for a corporation.. because at the end of the day, no one really cares about the employees..
This is just a rant a venting sesh for me.. I’ve been alone for a while. Parents just aren’t really around. A lot of my friends are either busy or far away. My boyfriend can only be around when he can, he has a life outside of our relationship. I just don’t have the energy or inspiration to keep up .. to keep going.
Maybe this feeling will be gone tomorrow or in a few days I’m sure everybody has days like today where they just feel like they’re not doing enough or that they’re enough that’s enough for them will never be enough for the ones who love them.
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wysex1 · 1 year
Man listen
i swea ive been wanting to hit shawty up, smh. even more today but im stopping myself… I miss her like crazy and still got mad love for shawty. maybe I should just call yet I don’t want to get in her way or be on no nut shit , I just want us to add something more and plentiful and beautiful to each other’s lives.
Look at me getting in my way , the things I’m
still working on smh 🤦🏽‍♀️
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slutforyous · 3 months
after these last few days, i think complete mindlessness, overstimulation, and cumming my thoughts away sounds godly ..
my number one stress reliever, turns me into an actual stress reliever hehe 🤭
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slavhew · 1 month
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artblock busters
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t--1--r--3--d · 1 year
Yeah idk man. Something about transition into the new year sends me into a massive depression. I'm 99% sure (now that this has happened for the past 2 new years) it has to do with being alone.
It's just infuriating at this point. I want to be in a relationship. I've done my time (almost 2 years of it) learning to be single and living with myself. I now can introduce a romantic relationship and at this point, I think it'll help my mental health.
The downside is it has to be a healthy one and that's hard to find these days, at least with my track record.
At this point I've done the meet cute of the friend of the friend in a bar. That ended horribly. I've done the casual meet the friend of the friend in a casual low key setting. That didn't go anywhere.
Now I'm placing my bets on a guy that lives across the ocean that we've had mutual feelings for each other for 10 God damn years but whenever we start talking serious, he disappears. It's always for a good reason but my thought process is "I get life is rough but like I'm still here? If you wanted to talk to me, you would." And now I'm starting to think it's a self (I guess duo) sabatoging for himself. Something he's wanted for so long is willing and able and he's no where to be found. I've always kept quiet whenever this happened before but now? Nah. Either buck up and figure out what he needs to do to fix this for himself or stop having me wait around for you.
Cuz realisticly my next step is dating apps. I've put it off long enough.
But then there's another fold to my anxiety.
I know for a fact that anyone I bring around, my brother will hate. He's never liked any of the guys I've brought around (which tbf they've all been horrible but still). And I know it's MY relationship not his but I spend a large amount of time with him and my sister in law so I'd like them to actually like the person I'm with. And I've heard how they talk about their friends significant others.
So i know if International Man does end up getting his act together and comes to visit, they're not going to like him. Not because he's a bad or annoying person but just because he's such a big risk. And I'm afraid that's going to cause another big rift between us again.
And then add in my delusions. I keep seeing tarot readings about finding my twin flame this year and that a new love introduced will be the one.
I just want it so bad. Especially with my brother getting married this year. It's one thing to go and see other weddings for random people but seeing the love between them happening in front of me is going to kill a piece of me if I'm not with someone at that point.
I'm tired of being the 3rd wheel to my brother and both of my beat friends relationships. Like they don't make it weird or uncomfortable or rub it in but it's just the fact that I'm clearly the out cast here. And it hurts and I'm tired of it.
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mystic-moon-maiden · 1 year
I don’t feel like myself when I’m in a relationship. My spirit is naturally untamed and always has been. I’ve never felt fulfilled in relationships because I don’t feel free. I feel a little trapped and like this huge chunk of me is missing. I don’t know what to do.
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It's not hard for a single hedge witch to feel the loniless of winter creeping in. These days I pray for strength to help me through this dark half of the year. I have children watching.
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Does anyone else...
Read their old chapters on AO3 and are just mortified by what they posted. My tenses are all over the place. There are shortcut sentences I should have fleshed out or removed all together. I am STILL finding typos in my first chapter two years later. The audacity of it all. I’m genuinely embarrassed. This is what I get for posting my first drafts as soon as I finish them - but it’s so hard to fight that initial impulse of wanting to share what you wrote as soon as possible. 
Anyway, I am going back and editing all my old chapters in preparation to post the new ones. Is anyone else a reformed first draft poster and made the transition to only publishing after an entire story is finished and edited? Really trying to make the switch here and it’s hard. Loved the idea of posting chapters as I went, but I hate the pressure of coming back after a year-long hiatus. Any future series are going to be finished and perfect before I start posting them.  
Also, how do you find beta readers? I imagine that would help, but I don’t even know how that works. 
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cyberwingspoet · 2 years
20.07.22 12:16 AM
i wish i could say i dont miss you, but when i tell you what happened in my dream last night, you wont even have to ask if i do.
last night i felt the most i have felt in a long time. as i ran into you, my heart sank but as we started to talk and i saw how mature you now were, my heart began to flutter.
you bought me coffee. it was very surprising that you knew of my love for coffee, specifically cappuccino with two sugars and skim milk, considering i didnt start drinking it until after you left. it was rather bittersweet.
we kept talking for what felt like hours until you had to go. you had to leave me again, but it was short lived because this time you came back without malicious or ill intentions. this time you brought something that you knew i would love: a single flower. it was a white rose.
when we dated you knew how much i loved white roses, i swear i would never shut up about them. somehow you ruined them for me but this one was just unbelievably special.
that night we stayed up in my living room just talking about what had happened to us in those missing years and months. your voice was soft, your tone different to how it used to be towards me. it used to be so hostile, now there was no hint of anger or annoyance. after trying so desperately, it finally felt like i made you happy.
and over the weeks, we had fallen in love all over again. it was so natural and effortless. the first time around it was toxic and unbearable but this time it felt so right and i actually felt loved.
eventually you asked me to love you and be with you and how could i say no? you would wake me up in the mornings with a mug of coffee or tea in your hand, you would rub my back while i would complain about how bad my day was, you would actually talk to me instead of starting an argument. it was peaceful.
and finally the dream had to come to an end. i laid in bed drawing on your back as you rested on your stomach, soft snores escaping your mouth. it left me with this feeling of serendipity. it felt as though i finally found something without having to look for it.
then it really did end and i woke up. tears fell down my face and after i realised what had happened a trail of sobs left my mouth. i cried for hours on end before i finally calmed myself down.
i want the love i felt from you in that dream. i will always want it. i will always want you.
so it goes without saying, i miss you, and i most likely will miss you until i find you again, until then i will keep going on with my days as if i never had that dream.
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fuckingwhateverdude · 9 months
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