#victor doppio
“Athena has finally caught Annie and proved her to be the assassin behind all of the murders, but just as the verdict is about to be announced on Maya Fey, Detective Gumshoe bursts into the courtroom doors both angry and sad, and why is that….because they found Sebastian Debeste murdered and now Victor accuses Maya for this last crime, hoping that at least he can convict Maya for Sebastian’s death when he knows all too well that he was the one who did it.”
-how I think the finale of the assassin arc case should go.
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elder-sister · 3 months
If you don't want to see roleplay on main, block the tag "From: PLAYER1".
WARNINGS: Major Character Death, graphic descriptions.
(bit of a longer post than normal sorry lol)
*Three bangs of a gavel.*
Order! This begins the trial of Miss Maya Fey and Mr. PLAYER1.
Isn't Klavier, y'know, dead?
Excuse me?!
It isn't Klavier, Athena...
Oh! Sorry, Mr. Doppio...
Let's get on with the trial...
Miss Fey! Your statement, please.
I wasn't even there when the murder happened! I was inside the building!
And so was I!
(PLAYER1 already looks like he's about to break down and cry...)
This security footage proves otherwise.
*A video plays of the 10 PM meeting between Edgeworth, Annie, PLAYER1, and Simon Keyes.*
Shortly after, Prosecutor Edgeworth went missing.
You can't mean--
This isn't even relevant to the case!
Shortly before, two murders had happened.
Katherine Hall, and Matt Engarde.
A day or 2 before those, was the murders you and miss Fey are being tried for at this very moment!
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ask-the-attorneys · 3 months
Victor Doppio: “well then if that’s the case, then you do what you need to do and have faith on the lawyer who plans to prove you innocent, it won’t be easy to prove your innocence, but when has a case with you as a defendant ever been easy?”
That's right. I'm not easy to defend… but it gets worse before it gets better.
(I guess I'll see Athena's powers in action for the first time.)
(Prosecutor Doppio... Why do I feel like I've met him before? Maybe he knew my sister?)
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popawritter12 · 1 month
Amo tus escritos! Estaba buscando algo así desde hace mucho.
Quería preguntarte- ¿A qué yanderes les importaría tu consentimiento y a quienes no?
Si te hace sentir incómodx escribir algo así, puedes ignorarme.
Author's note: Anon, ¿puedo decirte que te amo?
/english: Anon, can I tell you that I love you?
Also, thank you so much for your very original request <3<3<3!!!
So, with your amazing idea, let me open a new series of posts that I have long needed to do.
It will be called
“In each situation, how would this Yandere react?”
In this case, let's start with 5 archetypes: -Is not interested in your consent. -It's important, but in an extreme case may not need it. -Thinks it is important only in sex. -Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick. -Does not understand what consent is
And, since you didn't specify which fandom, I'm going to list some of the ones I'm in! <3
Let's start with the soft.
Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick.
League of Legends
Alistar, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Braum, Ivern, Kalista, Kassadin, Maokai, Nautilus, Rakan, Shen, Soraka, Taric, Wukong, Yone, Karma.
Kengan Ashura
Yoshinari Karo, Haruo Kono, Jun Sekibayashi (<3<3), Mikazuchi Rei, Mokichi Robinson, Suekichi Kaneda, Agito Kanoh.
Stardew Valley
Krobus, Willy, Linus.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Erina, Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, William Zeppelin.
Part 2: Smokey, Wamu.
Part 3: Joseph Joestar
Part 4: Tonio, Reimi Sugimoto, Koichi,
Part 5: Doppio.
Part 6: Foo Fighters
Part 7:Lucy Steel.
Demon Slayer
Ozaki, Genya, Nezuko, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Gyutaro, Gyomei, Tamayo and Yushiro
Mikey (<3) April.
Mortal Kombat 1
Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Baraka, Asharh,
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Thinks it is important only in sex
League of Legends
Akshan, Aphelios, Camille, Ekko, Ezreal, Darius, Hwei, Illaoi, K'sante, Leona, Nilah, Pantheon, Pyke, Riven, Ryze, Yoeick, Yasuo, Xhin Zhao, Sarah Fortune, Taliyah, Ornn, Tryndamere, Nami, Janna, Kai'sa, Kindred (sheep), Senna, Udyr, Varus, Garen, Lee Sin, Master Yi.
Kengan Ashura
Kaolan Wongsawat, Saw Paing Yoroizuka, Gensai Kuroki, Ryo Inaba, Seishu Akoya, Takeru Kiohzan, Jerry Tyson, Niko Tokita, Adam Dudley, Ren Nikaido, Takeshi Wakatsuki, Ryo Himuro, Marvelous Seki, and Ichiro Nakata.
Stardew Valley
Maru, Emily, Marnie, Sandy, Caroline, Harvey, Robin, Marlon, Rasmodius, Clint.
Team Fortress 2
Heavy, Scout, Soldier and Spy.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Lisa Lisa, Joseph Joestar,
Part 3: Kakyoin, Avdol, N'doul, Mariah, Hol Horse.
Part 4: Shigechi, Jotaro, Okuyasu.
Part 5: Bucciarati, Giorno, Fugo, Risotto Nero, Pesci, Trish Una, Squalo, Tiziano
Part 6: Hermes, Weather Report.
Part 7. Gyro, Hot Pants, Funny Valentine, Pocoloco.
Demon Slayer
Giyu, Yorichi, Kyojuro, Urokodaki, Kanae, Kagaya Ubayashiki, Kanao, Muichiro, Obanai, Akaza, Sabito, Murata.
Leonardo and Donatello.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kung Lao, Raiden, Syzoth, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sindel, Li Mei,
Metal Gear Rising
Armstrong, Boris, Sam, Raiden, Courtney, Kevin.
It is important, but in an extreme case could “forget” about it
League of Legends
Ahri, Akali, Azir, Caitlyn, Fiora, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kayle, Kayn, Morgana, Quinn, Rell, Sett, Shyvana, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Luxana, Vayne, Victor, Xayah, Zeri, Alune, Olaf, Seraphine, Ashe, Diana, Lucian, Nasus, Sivir, Talon.
Kengan Ashura
Cosmo Imai, Tokita Ohma, Muteba Gizenga, Sen Hatsumi, Naoya Ohkubo, Keizaro Sawada, Julius Reinhold, Sen Hatsumi,
Stardew Valley
Abigail, Alex, Elliot, Gunther, Haley, Leah, Kent, Jody, Penny, Sebastian, Sam and Shane.
Team Fortress 2
Demoman and Sniper.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Straizo.
Part 2: Stroheim, Esidisi. Caesar Zeppelin
Part 3: Polnareff, Jotaro, Vanilla Ice.
Part 4: Josuke, Yuya Fungami, Rohan,
Part 5: Mista, Ghiaccio, Narancia, Abaccio, Prosciutto.
Part 6: Anasui, Jolyne, Pucci.
Part 7: Dio, Jhonny Joestar.
Demon Slayer
Zenitsu, Kokushibo, Sanemi, Uzui, Daki, Shinjuro.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kitana, Mileena, Kuai Liang and Rain.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Sundower, Moonson.
Is not interested in your consent
League of Legends
Aatrox, Bel'veth, Brand, Cassiopeia, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Graves, Jhin, Katarina, KKhartus, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Quiyana, Renata Glasc, Renekton, Sejuani, Singed, Syndra, Thresh, Urgot, Vi, Virgo, Vladimir, Xerath, Zyra, Tham Kench, Malzahar.
Kengan Ashura
Karla Kure, Raian Kure, Setsuna Kiryu, Hajime Hanafusa and Yohei Bando.
Stardew Valley
Mr. Qi and Morris.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio .
Part 2: Kars.
Part 3: Dio, Mariah, D'Arby,
Part 4: Yoshikage Kira, Yukako, Akira Otoishi,
Part 5: Cioccolata, Melone, Formaggio, Illuso.
Demon Slayer
Douma, Enmu, Muzan, Shinobu, Gyokko, Hantengu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Zobakuten, Uzami, Nakime and Kaigaku,
Mortal Kombat 1
Bi Han, Shao Kang, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Nitara, Reiko and Havik.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Don't know the concept of consent
League of Legends
Briar, Dr.Mundo, Galio, Gwen, Hecarim, Jinx, Lillia, Neeko, Orianna, Rek'sai, Rengar, Shaco, Sion, Skarner, Trundle, Vel'koz, Volibear, Warwick, Zac, Aurelion Sol.
Kengan Ashura
Stardew Valley
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Santana.
Part 4: Mikitaka.
Part 5:Secco.
Demon Slayer
Mortal Kombat 1
Fue hermoso, espero que les haya gustado leer esta pequeña lista salida d mi creatividad y del pedido de este anon ;)
/ english
It was beautiful, I hope you liked reading this little list from my creativity and this anon's request ;)
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How Gotham villains react to their s/o getting shot
Oswald Cobblepot
Victor Zsasz
Butch Gilzean
Eduardo Dorrance
Salvatore Maroni
Translation: Sul doppio - on the double, Tesoro - sweetheart
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Y/n was laying in the grass, blood running down her side. Oswald came running down the hill four guards behind him, he fell to his knees beside her and pulled her close.
"Who did this to you, my dear?" He whispered.
Y/n could barely speak, the pain was too much. She shook her head and gripped one of his lapels.
"I-I didn't see the face....but I think they worked for Fish Mooney."
Oswald went hot and cold at the very sound of her name, he would make her suffer for this. Nobody does this to his woman and lives.
"Gabe! Bring Y/n back up to the house. I need to make a visit to an old friend."
Victor Zsasz
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Y/n and Zsasz are walking down the road in the rain, it's dark outside and cold. Zsasz hears a gun shot quite close to them, he turned in the direction of the sound when Y/n barely whispers his name.
He spun around and caught her in his arms before she could hit the ground, Victor pressed his hand into her wound and rested his forehead on hers.
"You'll be alright, don't worry...I'll get you home."
Y/n's vision went black and her body felt cold...
Victor gently dabbed a warm washcloth on her forehead while rubbing her arm.
"Victor?" She asked as she opened her eyes, he smiled and connected his lips with hers.
"I won't rest until I find who did this." He whispered.
Butch Gilzean
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"Woah woah woah!" Butch yelled as Y/n and him raised their hands.
"Nobody has to get hurt here!" Y/n said.
The man in black pointed a gun at her and pulled the trigger, she fell to the floor and gasped.
"You son of a bitch!" Butch yelled.
"Don't fuckin move!" The man in black pointed the gun at him. "Now you'll sit there and watch her die!"
Butch charged at him and knocked his ass out, he picked y/n up and laid her out onto the couch.
"Y/n, stay with me baby. Come on it'll be okay....I'll get you some help."
Butch ran to get Mooney and the nearest physician he could find, when he came back he stayed by her side and stared daggers at the physician.
Eduardo Dorrance
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Y/n was sitting on the floor, back against the wall when Eddie came running in.
"Y/n!?" He called out. He stopped when he saw her. Y/n was bleeding from her shoulder and obviously about to pass out.
Eduardo could hear footsteps enter the room from the one adjacent to it. Y/n let out a quiet cough and Eddie knelt down next to her making sure she was alright.
"Y/n? Stay with me..."
"I doubt she'll live for very much longer." A man's voice said as he stepped into the light.
Eddie slowly reached for the gun strapped to his thigh, making sure the man in front of him couldn't see.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I am Nathaniel Barnes! I'm sure you've heard of me."
Eddie nodded..
"Yeah I've heard of you, formally Captain of the GCPD. Turned psychopath, tried to kill Jim Gordon. Now you go after a defenseless woman? In her own home, I can see you're still a sick bastard."
Eddie stood and quickly pointed his gun at Barnes, pulling the trigger and shooting him in the gut.
He pulled out his phone and dialed Jim's number, when he picked up Eddie didn't give him a chance to say "Hello".
"Jim! Barnes shot Y/n and I need an ambulance immediately! Why don't you and Harvey get down here and take this son of a bitch in?"
Eduardo hung up and knelt back down next to Y/n, he tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at her.
"You'll be alright, Gorgeous. They'll be here soon, you just gotta stay awake."
Salvatore Maroni
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The Irish man held a gun to Y/n's head as Maroni's men circled him.
"I'll kill her, Sal."
Maroni looked livid, this mooch had a gun to HIS girl, in HIS bar. And the man thought he was gonna escape with his life?
"You shoot her, you'll never make it out that door." He said.
The Irishman laughed and pressed the gun to her back, pulling the trigger.
Y/n's eyes when wide, she could feel the hot liquid run down her back.
"S-Sal...I." She stuttered and fell to the floor.
The man pointed the gun at Salvatore and fired, the gun didn't shoot, it only jammed.
Maroni smiled and motioned for his men to grab him, Sal pickled her up and took her to the back and laid her down on the soft couch.
"Franky!" He yelled. "Get me a doctor, sul doppio!
Tears ran down y/n's face, she let out a quiet sob and rapped her arms around his neck.
"Shh shh shh. Don't cry, Tesoro. I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here with you."
(I hope you liked it. It's not my best work, but I've had covid for a while and haven't been in the right mindset to write stories. But I just decided to make this because I enjoy making Gotham villain headcanons.)
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francescacammisa1 · 6 months
Solo ciò che accade due volte possiede un significato magico e arcano – così cominciò. Un evento che si verifica una sola volta è un caso; più di due volte è un’abitudine, un fatto comprovato, dipende da leggi stabilite. Tutto ciò che nella sua vita era tornato nell’orizzonte degli eventi come il gemello di un fatto precedente era dotato ai suoi occhi, aggiunse, di un grado di realtà che poteva definire pieno, almeno nei limiti assegnati ai mortali nella loro esperienza delle cose. [...] Cos’altro cercano i cosiddetti artisti se non di produrre un doppio di qualcosa che magari non ricordano nemmeno, non sanno nemmeno che esiste, non sanno di aver vissuto una prima volta? Per questo c’è l’arte, perché noi non possiamo vivere né nell’unico né nel molteplice e siamo sudditi di un altro regno di cui solo le cose che accadono due volte fanno intravedere la strada.
Emanuele Trevi - La casa del mago
Ph Victor Skrebneski
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villainsletter · 2 years
Characters that I write about. This list can update from time to time.
Personagens que eu escrevo, a lista pode atualizar de vez em quando.
Fandom List/Lista de Fandom
Request rules and blog rules/ Regras de pedidos e regras do blog
Alucard Carmilla Drácula Hector Isaac Sypha Belnades Trevor Belmont
Boku no Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako/ Mr. Compress Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye Nemuri Kayama/Midnight Rumi  Usagiyama/Mirko Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King
Bungou Stray Dogs
Akiko Yosano Ango Sakaguchi Arthur Rimbaud Chuya Nakahara Doppo Kunikida Edgar Alan Poe F. Scott Fitzgerald Fyodor Dostoevsky Howard Lovecraft Ivan Goncharov Katai Tayama Koyo Ozaki Louisa May Alcott Mark Twain Nathaniel Hawthorne Nikolai Gogol Osamu Dazai Ranpo Edogawa Sakunosuke Oda Sigma T.J. Eckleburg Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Death Note
L Light Yagami Misa Amane Naomi Misora Raye Penber Touta Matsuda
Asahi Azumane (Time Skip) Daichi Sawamura (Time Skip) Ittetsu Takeda Keishin Ukai Manabu Naoi Taoki Anabara
Alucard Seras Victoria Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Hunter X Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Franklin Bordeau Feitan Portor Illumi Zoldyck Jed Kastro Kite Knov Kurapika Kurta Leorio Paradinight Machi Komacine Omokage Pakunoda Pariston Hill Phinks Magcub Sadaso Sedokan Shaiapouf Shalnark Shizuku Murasaki Shura Uvogin Wing
JoJo's Bizarre Advetures  
Part 1
Bruford Dio Brando Erina Pendleton Jonathan Joestar Robert E.O. Speedwagon Straizo
Part 2
Caesar A. Zeppeli Esidisi Joseph Joestar Kars Lisa Lisa Suzi Q. Wammu
 Part 3
DIO Hol Horse Holy Kujo Jean Pierre Polnareff Mariah Muhammad Avdol Steely Dan Telence T. D’ Arby  
Part 4
Akira Otoishi Jotaro Kujo Kira Yoshikage Mikitaka Hazekura Rohan Kishibe Shinobu Kawajiri Terunosuke Miyamoto Tomoko Higashikata Tonio Trussardi
Part 5
Bruno Bucciarati Diavolo Formaggio Ghiaccio Guido Mista Illuso Leone Abbachio Melone Prosciutto Risotto Nero Scolippi Vinegar Doppio
Part 6
Enrico Pucci Ermes Costello Gwess Johngalli A. Jolyne Kujo Narciso Anasui Weather Report
Asuma Sarutobi Chojuro Deidara Ebisu Genma Shiranui Hidan Iruka Umino Kabuto Yakushi Kakashi Hatake Kimimaru  Konan Mizuki Naruto Uzumaki  (Boruto Era) Orochimaru Sasuke Uchiha Tsunade Zetsu
Sailor Moon
Souichi Tomoe
Shingeki no Kyojin
Armin Arlet Bertholdt  Hoover Erwin Smith Hange Zoë Jean Kirschtein Levi Ackerman Marco Bodt Miche”Mike” Zacharius Sasha Braus 
Soul Eater
Franken Stein
Count  Drácula Jonathan Harker  Lucy Westenra Mina Harker
Victor Frankstein
Fallen Saga
Ariane Alter Cameron Briel Daniel Grigori Roland Sparks
The Phantom of The Opera
Christine Daaé
Visconde Raoul de Chagny
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Basil Hallward
Dorian Gray
The Scarlet Letter
Arthur Dimmesdale
Hester Prynne
The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
Beatrix Emery
Dr. Henry Jekyll
Edward Hyde
Twilight Saga
Alice Cullen
Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Comics/ HQ
DC Universe
Bane Bruce Wayne/ The Batman Clark Kent/ Superman Corinthian Death Desire Dick Grayson/ Nightwing Edward Nygma/ Nashton/ Riddler Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn Jason Todd/ Red Hood Jervis Tetch/  Mad Hatter Johanna Constantine John Constantine Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow Kate Kane/ Batwoman Koriand’r/ Starfire Lucifer Morningstar Morpheus/ Dream Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin Pamela Isley/ Poison Ivy Selina Kyle/ Catwoman Victor Fries/ Mr.Freeze Zatanna Zatara  
Marvel Comics Universe
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Bruce Banner/ Hulk Carol Danvers/Capitan Marvel Charles Xavier/ Professor Xavier Clint Barton/ Hawkeye Durig Eddie Brock Elektra Eric Brooks/ Blade Erik Killmonger Erik Magnus/ Magneto Gamora Hella Odinsdottir Jake/Steven/Mark Grant/Moon Knight Jane Foster/Lady Thor Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk Kang Karen Page Kate Bishop/Hawkeye Kürt Wagner/ Nightcrawler Layla El-Faouly Logan/ Wolverine Loki Laufeyson Makkari Mantis Matt Murdock/ Daredevil Maya Lopez/ Echo Monica Rambeau / Spectrum Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow Neena Thurman/ Domino Ororo Munroe/ Storm Peter Parker/Spider-man Peter Parker/Spider- Noir Peter Quill Pietro Maximoff Raven Darkholme/ Mystique Remy LeBieau/ Gambit Sam Wilson/ Capitain America Scott Lang/ Ant-Man Shang-Chi Steve Rogers/ Capitan America Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange Sylvie Laufeydottir Thena Thor Odinson Tony Stark / Iron-man Valkyrie Venom Vision Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch Wade Wilson/ Deadpool  
Bram Stoker's Drácula
Count Dracula Jonathan Harker Lucy Westenra Mina Harker  
Ghostface Sidney Prescot
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Greta Evans
The Phantom of the Opera
Christine Daaé Erik Visconde Raoul de Chagny
Scott Speedman
Van Helsing
Anna Valerious Aleera Count Drácula Gabriel Van Helsing  
Doctor Who
Doctor (9th-12th ) Rose Tyler
Midnight Mass
Erin Greene Father Paul Hill Riley Flynn Sheriff Hassan
Sherlock (BBC)
James Moriarty John Watson Mary Morstan Sherlock Holmes
Arcanjo Gabriel Castiel Charlie Bradbury Crowley Dean Winchester Lucifer Sam Winchester
The Boys
Annie January/ Starlight Billy Butcher Earving/Black Noir Frenchie/Serge Hughie Campbell Kimiko Margaret Shaw/Queen Maeve Mother’s Milk/ MM 
Tumblr Sexyman
You can ask me any Tumblr sexy Person
Video Games
Detroit Become Human
Connor Gavin Reed Hank Anderson Kara Luther Markus RK900  
Five Nights At Freddy's
Phone Guy
Purple Guy
Genshin Impact
Albedo Arataki Itto Baizhu Beidou Capitano Cyno Diluc Dottore Eula Jean Kaeya Kamisato Ayato Kequing Kujou Sara Lisa Ningguang Pantalone Rosaria Sangonomiya Kokomi Shenhe Shogun Raiden Tartaglia Tighnari Thoma Xiao Yae Miko Yelan Zhongli
John Doe
John Doe
Persona 5 Royal
Dr. Takuto Maruki Goro Akechi
Resident Evil
Ada Wong Alcina Dimitrescu Carlos Oliveira Karl Heisenberg Leon S. Kennedy
Twisted Wonderland
Carter Diamond Dire Crowley Divus Crewel Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Rook Hunt Sam Trey Clover Vil Shoenheit
Thank You Very Very Much!
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twooboomoomoo · 2 years
I’m pretty sure doppio does eat the frog?? I may be misremembering but i think he just had a fight and had lost a lot of iron so he took a big bite out of the frog to get the iron back into his system
Schrodinger's Frog.
All of my anime knowledge is unfortunately focused solely on Dragon Ball, so I'll summon @victor-the-gay-bitch @boneswizard
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if a dude just took a chomp out of a frog, it's pretty tame compared to whatever else goes on in that show
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fallenangelflonne · 1 month
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welcome to my page! my name is valvatorez, but you can call me val. i'm 20 years old, autistic, nonbinary (librafluid/agenderflux), biromantic, aegosexual, ghostkin, and i use primarily they/them pronouns.
click the "keep reading" button to learn more about me!
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animanga: naka no hito genome, skip to loafer, munou na nana, sk8 the infinity, noragami, kaoru hana wa rin to saku
video games: pokémon (b/w, s/m, sc/vi), disgaea (1–4), genshin impact, persona 5, five nights at freddy's, devil may cry (3–5), corpse party, satsuriku no tenshi, omori
other: vtubers (mostly nijisanji en), vocaloid, creepypasta, marble hornets, everymanhybrid, welcome home
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asahi koube (happy sugar life) *
yoshiki kishinuma (corpse party) *
anya kudou (naka no hito genome) *
yuzu roromori (naka no hito genome)
xiao (genshin impact) *
wanderer (genshin impact)
lyney (genshin impact)
lynette (genshin impact)
yoimiya (genshin impact)
gaming (genshin impact)
bennett (genshin impact)
thoma (genshin impact)
tighnari (genshin impact)
dainsleif (genshin impact)
sampo koski (honkai: star rail)
dan heng (honkai: star rail)
kafka (honkai: star rail)
akira kurusu (persona 5) *
ryuuji sakamoto (persona 5)
ann takamaki (persona 5)
vergil (devil may cry 5)
dante (devil may cry 5)
ticci toby (creepypasta) *
arven (pokémon scarlet & violet)
gladion (pokémon sun & moon)
gawr gura (hololive en) *
pomu rainpuff (nijisanji en) *
ike eveland (nijisanji en) *
doppio dropscythe (nijisanji en)
hatsune miku (vocaloid)
narumi kanechika (skip to loafer) *
aki hayakawa (chainsaw man) *
reki kyan (sk8 the infinity)
langa hasegawa (sk8 the infinity)
miya chinen (sk8 the infinity)
veldora tempest (tensei shitara slime datta ken)
kiro (koi to producer)
lucien (koi to producer)
victor (koi to producer)
gavin (koi to producer)
mammon (obey me!)
satan (obey me!)
space boyfriend (omori)
masaru fuzaki (oc)
🍵 (secret)
🤖 (secret)
* i'm not comfortable sharing. sorry!
rika (pokémon scarlet & violet)
hoshimachi suisei (hololive jp)
tsunomaki watame (hololive jp)
inugami korone (hololive jp)
tsukumo sana (hololive en)
takanashi kiara (hololive en)
nerissa ravencroft (hololive en)
elira pendora (nijisanji en)
sousuke shima (skip to loafer)
mari (omori)
sayori (doki doki literature club)
marnie (pokémon sword & shield)
flonne (disgaea: hour of darkness)
michael afton (five nights at freddy's)
glamrock freddy (five nights at freddy's: security breach) (human performer au)
🌻 (secret)
🍫 (secret)
🎙️ (secret)
yugo asuma (nijisanji en)
enna alouette (nijisanji en)
mika melatika (nijisanji id)
mao (disgaea 3: absence of vengeance)
venti (genshin impact)
nemona (pokémon scarlet & violet)
penny (pokémon scarlet & violet)
giacomo (pokémon scarlet & violet)
seiko shinohara (corpse party)
rimuru tempest (tensei shitara slime datta ken)
milim nava (tensei shitara slime datta ken)
nero (devil may cry 5)
sun (five nights at freddy's: security breach) (human performer au)
moon (five nights at freddy's: security breach) (human performer au)
regis altare (holostars en)
ninomae ina'nis (hololive en)
kureiji ollie (hololive id)
raspberyl (disgaea 3: absence of justice)
reimu endou (nijisanji en)
rin penrose (idol en)
nahida (genshin impact)
arataki itto (genshin impact)
kuki shinobu (genshin impact)
kamisato ayaka (genshin impact)
march 7th (honkai: star rail)
makoto niijima (persona 5)
yuusuke kitagawa (persona 5)
haru okumura (persona 5)
sophia (persona 5 scramble: the phantom strikers)
mitsumi iwakura (skip to loafer)
mika egashira (skip to loafer)
yuzuki murashige (skip to loafer)
makoto kurume (skip to loafer)
hau (pokémon sun & moon)
iono (pokémon scarlet & violet)
ben drowned (creepypasta)
homicidal liu (creepypasta)
kate the chaser (creepypasta)
glamrock chica (five nights at freddy's: security breach) (human performer au)
dj music man (five nights at freddy's: security breach) (human performer au)
wally darling (welcome home)
julie joyful (welcome home)
barnaby b. beagle (welcome home)
🦊 (secret)
soujirou sakura (persona 5) (dad)
zenkichi hasegawa (persona 5 scramble: the phantom strikers) (father figure)
shio koube (happy sugar life) (little sister-in-law)
arlecchino (genshin impact) (father-in-law)
director clavell (pokémon scarlet & violet) (father figure)
hassel (pokémon scarlet & violet) (father figure)
eri (pokémon scarlet & violet) (older sister figure)
fulgur ovid (nijisanji en) (older brother figure) (romantic)
masky / tim wright (marble hornets) (older brother figure)
sally williams (creepypasta) (younger sister figure)
nao iwakura (skip to loafer) (guardian? older sister figure? i'm not sure what to call her, but i consider her like family.)
shadow / hiromi higa (sk8 the infinity) (older brother figure? chaperone? i'm also not sure what to call him.)
🤍 (secret) (mother figure) (romantic)
🪦 (secret) (older brother figure) (romantic?)
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akira kurusu x futaba sakura
ann takamaki x shiho suzui
everyone x lumine (xiao, lyney, lynette, dainsleif, wanderer, childe, venti, tighnari, yoimiya, thoma, gaming, kamisato ayaka)
zhongli x hu tao
neuvillette x furina
bennett x wanderer
kamisato ayaka x thoma
lyney x lynette x freminet
wriothesley x sigewinne
alhaitham x kaveh
xingqiu x chongyun
diluc x diona
albedo x klee
dan heng x trailblazer x march 7th
sampo koski x stelle
kafka x stelle
isaac "zack" foster x rachel "ray" gardner
everyone x nana hiiragi (jin tachibana, kyouya onodera, michiru inukai)
everyone x taiga aisaka (ryuuji takasu, ami kawashima, yuusaku kitamura, minori kushieda)
reki kyan x langa hasegawa
valvatorez x artina
fulgur ovid x millie parfait
ironmouse x bubi
yuuya kizami x yuka mochida
mayu suzumoto x sakutarou morishige
mitsumi iwakura x sousuke shima
harumi takeda x futaba igarashi
rintarou tsumugi x kaoruko waguri
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please don't interact with me or my posts if...
...you're racist, sexist, classist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, islamophobic, antisemitic, or otherwise bigoted in any way, shape, or form.
...you're a terf, swerf, radfem, "gender critical", exclusionist, transmedicalist, "nonbinary skeptic", etc.
...you're strictly against mogai, xenogenders, neopronouns, microlabels, "contradictory labels", or any other good-faith queer identities.
...you're anti-black lives matter, anti-immigration, pro-all/white/blue lives matter, pro-cop, pro-military, or pro-capitalism. (basically, if you're a bootlicker or you simp for billionaires, politicians, or law enforcement.)
...you're "pro-life" (pro-forced birth).
...you're a zionist.
...you're an antivaxxer.
...you think "reverse racism" (racism against white people) is a thing or is on par with the racism that poc face.
...you use slurs you can't reclaim or use autism as an insult, even in a joking manner.
...you demonize people with cluster b personality disorders.
...you support autism speaks.
...you frequent 4chan, kiwifarms, or lolcow.
...you harass people over their kinks or taste in fictional characters/ships or compare drawings of such things to csem.
...you watch/like/support any of the following: pipkin pippa, tenma maemi, kirsche verstahl, fallenshadow, silvervale, veibae, nyatasha nyanners, uruha rushia / amemiya nazuna / mikeneko, zaion lanza / sayu sincronisity, lord aethelstan, hero hei, rev says desu, flipsie, kuri rinji, raziel warmonic, falseeyed, khyomaru, yandere dev, mamamax, blaire white, wilbur soot, dream, jschlatt, adam rosner, snuffbomb, or any other user or content creator that has a pattern of bigoted, harmful, and/or criminal behavior.
...you like/support/defend j.k. rowling, claim she isn't transphobic, are a fan of harry potter, or played hogwarts legacy when it came out.
...you participate in cringe culture.
...you use terms like "sjw" unironically or make "i identify as an attack helicopter"-style jokes.
...you openly hate any of my f/os or special interests.
...you think ai "art" is real art or support crypto or nfts in any way.
kindreds, sicklings, south park fans, and ayu/shiki, ei/miko, zhong/chi, thom/ato, shu/ake, shu/mako, shu/sumi, ake/sumi, sumi/taba, sai/ouma, sai/matsu, ten/miko, and vox/to shippers are on thin ice unless i follow first.
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chez-mimich · 9 months
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Al pari di tante modelle "di professione" come Suzanne Valadon, Fernande Olivier o la famosissima Kiki de Montparnasse, Annette Giacometti è il soggetto incontrastato di un enorme quantità di opere di Alberto Giacometti, suo marito, un caso quasi unico di identificazione e simbiosi tra artista-modella e opera. Del resto le parole di Giacometti alla madre in una lettera del 1949 lasciavano pochi dubbi: "...C'est la seul femme avec laquelle je peux vivre e qui me rend possible d'etre complètment dans mon travail..." Ed è proprio merito di Annette se, dopo la morte di Alberto, prende vita la "Fondation Albert ed Annette Giacometti" di Parigi, che proprio quest'anno celebra un doppio anniversario: il centenario della nascita della sua fondatrice e i vent'anni della creazione della Fondazione, celebrati degnamente dalla magnifica mostra "Annette en plus infinitement”, allestita proprio nello scrigno della Fondazione in Rue Victor Schoelcher a Parigi, nel cuore di Montparnasse. Vale la pena spendere due parole sull'edificio o meglio “hotel particulier” di Paul Follot (1877-1941) in perfetta Art Déco che ha ospitato sia lo studio dell'architetto sia il suo appartamento. Oggi nell'Hotel Follot è stato ricostruito l'atelier di Giacometti e sono state ricavate piccole e deliziose sale espositive, la biblioteca e l'archivio dell’istituto Giacometti. La mostra, curata da Thierry Pautot, comprende una ragguardevole serie di busti, realizzati a partire dal 1946, dopo il ritorno di Giacometti a Parigi e caratterizzati da una materia "consumata" che fu cifra stilistica del grande scultore svizzero. Alberto conosceva tanto bene la sua modella, da saperla ritrarre perfettamente "a memoria". Come si sa Alberto Giacometti si concentrò su pochi soggetti come i busti, i ritratti, la figura in movimento, i volti, il naso e poco altro; la sua fu una ricerca sulla profondità psico-esistenziale di pochissimi soggetti, una ricerca verticale più che orizzontale. Di grande interesse anche i nudi, soggetto d'elezione per la Parigi delle avanguardie. Pieni di fascino particolare quelli di una ieratica Annette, con le braccia serrate lungo il corpo in posizione frontale. Bello il logo della Fondazione con la silhouette della scultura all’interno della Galerie a Maeght di Parigi fotografata da Henri Cartier-Bresson. La mostra, aperta fino al prossimo 27 settembre si completa con un piccolo apparato fatto di schizzi, quaderni di appunti, lettere e qualche fotografia, una di grande fascino che ritrae Alberto che a sua volta ritrae Annette. Un'altra gemma preziosa in una città già ricolma di una miriade di piccoli gioielli.
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///So I decided to use the incorrect quotes generator today and now I’ve made it cannon that Celeste loves the saw series, my version of Simon likes to watch Annabelle as a guilty pleasure, and Victors favorite horror movies are the nightmare on elm street series, most notably the third movie. I don’t know what Annie’s favorite horror movie is or if she even watches horror movies.
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elder-sister · 3 months
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Because of this, the prosecution calls Ms. Annie Nymous to the stand!
Witness, please state your name and occupation.
My name is Annie Nymous, I'm a fabric shop owner.
Can you tell us about what you saw the night of the murder?
It was horrible..
I was coming back to my fabric store, when I heard a gunshot, so I looked over, and I saw Maya threatening the man talking to the victim--
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Who was talking to the victim?
Mr. Justice, I think.
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ask-the-attorneys · 3 months
Victor Doppio: “so, which one of you attorneys plans to go up against me in the trial of Maya Fey? Because I want to warn you that you are going to lose, this trial is a trial you can’t win, everything is stacked against you and your client.”
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tarditardi · 2 years
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L’estate di Davide Sciacca, in concerto da nord a sud
Da nord a sud: il chitarrista siciliano impegnato in un doppio appuntamento all'Estate Musicale di Gressoney il 2 e 3 agosto e a Gravina di Puglia il 6 agosto
Il chitarrista siciliano Davide Sciacca debutta nella rassegna Estate musicale di Gressoney-Incontri Internazionali di Musica da Camera, protagonista di due importanti concerti martedì 2 e mercoledì 3 agosto: il primo "La grande lirica" in duo con il soprano Sachika Ito presenterà un programma con le più belle arie tratte dalle opere di Bellini, Schubert, Mascagni, Mozart, Bizet, Rossini e Coste mentre mercoledì 3 agosto "Sei magiche corde" concerto solistico dedicato alle musiche di Amici, Giuliani, Paturzo , Mascagni, Coste, Di Marino e Frost compositore del suo ultimo album Music with Guitar. Dopo la Val d'Aosta sarà la volta della Puglia ad accogliere il Duo D'Ito in concerto il 6 agosto presso il Chiostro di San Sebastiano per l'Associazione Andalucia Musica.
Due imperdibili occasioni per gli abitanti e turisti Aostani di ascoltare dal vivo il chitarrista Davide Sciacca in due concerti che portano con loro tutti gli elementi fulcro della sua ricerca musicale di questi anni: le trascrizioni per chitarra di temi provenienti dalle opere di Vincenzo Bellini, la promozione del repertorio musicale italiano dell'800 con particolare riferimento alle opere di Rossini e Bellini oltre al melodramma verista di Mascagni, e la presentazione del suo ultimo album "Music with Guitar" con musiche scritte da Victor Forst.
Il 2 agosto in una sorprendente formazione chitarra-soprano, Davide Sciacca e Sachika Ito – Duo D'Ito-si esibiranno in un concerto con le più belle arie del repertorio belcantistico spingendosi fino a composizioni veriste; il 3 agosto, nelle vesti di solista, Davide Sciacca sarà protagonista di un esclusivo concerto presentando un repertorio che abbraccia insieme belcanto e verismo, arricchito dall'esecuzione di composizioni originali autografe  Victor Frost, con il quale ha realizzato l'album dal titolo "Music with Guitar" pubblicato da TRP Music ad ottobre 2021. I musicisti partiranno poi alla volta della Puglia dove il 6 agosto a Gravina di Puglia (Ba) porteranno in concerto le più belle arie d'opera presso il Chiostro di San Sebastiano, per una serata di grande musica sotto le stelle.
Appuntamento, dunque, alla 42ma Estate Musicale di Gressoney, il 2 agosto alle 21.15 presso il Salone d'Onore del Castel Savoia a Gressoney-Saint- Jean e il 3 agosto alle 21,15 presso la Chiesa di Gressoney-La-Trinité ( iconcerti sono ad ingresso libero e gratuito); il 5 agosto a Gravina di Puglia alle 20,30 presso il Chiostro di San Sebastiano per l'Associazione Andalucia Musica.
Davide Sciacca ha studiato con il concertista romano Carlo Ambrosio, specializzandosi nel repertorio contemporaneo sotto la guida di Arturo Tallini. È risultato vincitore di primi premi in competizioni nazionali ed internazionali, come solista o camerista. Nel corso degli anni numerosi compositori gli hanno dedicato composizioni originali. Ha ottenuto successi di pubblico e critica durante svariati tour nel Regno Unito nei quali si è esibito in qualità di solista e in duo con la violinista Marianatalia Ruscica. Nel 2016 e 2017 si è esibito alla presenza di Sua Maestà la Regina Elisabetta II e gli altri membri della Famiglia Reale Britannica eseguendo in prima mondiale "Mine eyes unto the hills" di Andrea Amici. Nel 2018 si è esibito per la prima volta a New York, per la Ealing Guitar Society di Londra e la Liverpool Guitar Society. Nel mese di ottobre dello stesso anno ha pubblicato il cd "Counter Irish Project" con il Controtenore Riccardo Angelo Strano. Nel 2019 incide il cd "El Tango" e si esibisce presso il prestigioso "Cavern Club" di Liverpool. Nel 2021 pubblica i cd "LockDowning Street" e "Victor Frost music with Guitar", il secondo edito da TRP Music. In ambito teatrale e televisivo ha collaborato con Michele Placido, Guia Jelo, Ornella Giusto, Sky, Made in Liverpool, BBC Radio ed altri. È docente di Chitarra e presso gli Istituti Musicali Vincenzo Bellini di Caltanissetta e Pietro Vinci di Caltagirone e di Chitarra presso il Liceo Musicale Giovanni Verga di Modica. Ricercatore presso il Royal Northern College of Music di Manchester, sotto la supervisione del compositore David Horne, svolge anche un'intensa attività di promozione del repertorio contemporaneo per chitarra e live electronics scritto da compositori siciliani. "Contemporary Recital – Sicilian Landscape", è stato presentato presso importanti istituzioni estere quali il Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, il RNCM, l'Università di Nottingham e la Manchester Metropolitan University.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavideSciaccaGuitarist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sciacca.davide1/
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janetheripper12 · 6 years
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saycheesekid · 2 years
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 [𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 + 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀]
Below, I shall list off my canon muses with links to a wiki or any other source of information; This is temporary however, as ALL of my muses are E X T R E M E L Y canon divergent. These are M Y personal portrayals of certain muses, and as such, there will be changes. *ADDITIONALLY* A L L muses below are V E R Y open to crossovers! EVEN MORE SO open to Crossover ships! Seriously. Just ask.
𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗮𝘅
Vincent Sinclair [DBD AU - "The Sculptor"]
Beaugard "Bo" Sinclair [DBD AU - "The Mechanic"]
𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙡𝙢 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩
NOTE - I *explicitly* write from the ORIGINAL NoES franchise with some changes I liked from the remake and vice versa.
Lt. Donald Thompson [DBD AU ; Father of Nancy Thompson.
Fredrick Charles Kruger [DBD Verse friendly; VERY flexible with crossovers!]
Amanda Everett Young [DBD Verse friendly; V E R Y open to crossovers!]
Doctor Lawrence Gordon [Crossover friendly!]
John Kramer [DBD AU included!]
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙮 [1999]
Rick O'Connell
Ardeth Bay
Jonathan Carnahan
Imhotep [DBD Verse - "The Mummy"]
𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗕𝘆 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
Ace Visconti [SAW AU; Killer AU; Post Fog AU - V E R Y Canon Divergent. Damn near my own OC so yeah. Also I'm PROBABLY not gonna ship him? Dunno. Come back to me on that.]
Minerva A. D'Angelo/Visconti [SAW AU; Killer AU; Post Fog AU - Original Character. Why the "Visconti" surname? SOMETIMES she'll refer to Ace aka my Ace as her husband, obviously she's not shipped to any Ace writer unless they wanna ship. *U S U A L L Y* she'll refer to her husband in a post W I T H him - I do crack posts on occasion.]
Detective Cyndi Sprague [Original Character - VERY big work in progress!]
Jonah Vasquez [V E R Y Canon Divergent. Fuck his main bio, I'm changing him up a bit.]
Plague/Adiris [Survivor AU ; Crossover flexible 100%]
Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn [Survivor AU ; RDR AU ; Crossover friendly! ]
Doctor/Herman Carter [VERY Crossover friendly!]
The Twins/Charlotte and Victor [Crossovers Encouraged; RDR AU]
Clown/Jeffery Hawk [Crossovers encouraged!] [H I G H L Y CANON DIVERGENT.]
𝗦𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹
Cybil Bennett [DBD Verse Included]
Lisa Garland [DBD Verse Included]
Alessa Gillespie
Harry Mason
James Sunderland
Heather/Cheryl Mason
Vincent Smith
Walter Sullivan
Henry Townsend
Alex Shepherd
Murphy Pendleton
𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗘𝘃𝗶𝗹
Billy Cohen
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield [MOSTLY RE8 Chris]
Alex Wesker
Annette Birkin
William Birkin
Daniel Fabron
Oswell E. Spencer
Mr. X
Carlos Oliveria
Nicholai Ginovaef
Mikhail Viktor
Luis Sera
Osmond Saddler
Excella Gionne
Kevin Ryman
Alexia Ashford
Donna Beneviento [Angie included]
Karl Heisenberg
𝗝𝗼𝗝𝗼𝘀 𝗕𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲
Rubber Soul
Steely Dan
Imposter Captain Tennellie
Hol Horse
Daniel J. D'Arby
Terence T. D'Arby
Vanilla Ice
Yoshikage Kira [HEAVILY Inspired by American Psycho]
Rohan Kishibe
Keicho Nijimura
Mario Zucchero
Megadeath [OC]
Stevie A. Nicks [OC]
Sophie B. Hawkins [OC]
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