#virgil isn't scary
jojosjunk · 8 months
Okay, so this has been in my head for a while now, but Virgil is Pattons kid.
Yes, I know, he's fight or flight, blah, blah, blah-
Hear me out.
Fear is an emotion and usually its in small controlled doses in minor situations.
Fight or flight is a latent primal response that humans only really experience in extremely stressful situations.
Typically, for the "average human", it wouldn't be necessary to have a trait dedicated to just fight or flight.
Unless you went through being the one of the "odd ones out".
Let's see, for Thomas that would be theater kid, gay, and nerdy. Which used to be a death sentence in school.
Now that I've a a premise, let me get to the good part.
Fear is an emotion. Patton obviously still experiences it as we've seen before with creepy crawly death dealers. However, other than that, he doesn't react in fear often. Even with Remus, Patton seems more uncomfortable than afraid, whereas Virgil is constantly on guard the entire time.
Thomas has mentioned before that Virgil came in around junior high and high school, which means that his fight or flight wasn't personified until he started figuring himself out.
Now this is an extremely scary time for any preteen and teenager, which brings up my concept. (Not really a theory cause i don't think that's how it worked out, but nevertheless)
I think that fear as an emotion may have gotten to strong for Patton during this time and as a result he had a split of his own. Like Roman and Remus. Except he didn't split completely in half, he just got rid of what was causing him issues as a way to repress.
Like creating a kid from one of his emotions.
It does sound kinda screwed up, but stick with me.
At first, that split was just a little extra fear that slowly became a problem over time, eventually evolving into who we know today as anxiety.
Obviously, something happened where Virgil went to the dark sides and everything happened, but it would either make Pattons father son insistence sweet or sad. Or both
The effort to include Virgil in their FamILY, the son themed nicknames, the forceful declaration that Virgil isn't a bad guy and he's just misunderstood. They all sound like a dad who screwed up and-
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Virgil has a horror author. He writes stuff you'd find on r/nosleep, short stories and longer ones. He's done the "I work at XYZ and there are a set of rules to survive" trope and classic missing persons tropes and stuff like that. But the real kicker? It's under a pen name. He doesn't show it off or anything. He just researches for his works, writes them, publishes them, gets paid, and starts again as he pleases. He's rather a famous author in the horror world — he's no Stephen King but a fair amount of people know his name.
Remus isn't much of a reader, but there's a few he has. Encyclopedias of weird anatomy stuff, fact books about disgusting things through history, the weird, the macabre, everything Remus. And every book by this mysterious horror author he so desperately admires.
I mean, the thrill? The horror? The tropes being done so effectively? How could he not admire that? So what if it's a well-used trope, it's written really well. I wouldn't say he's big fan #1 but he's got a lot of the books and definitely reads them when a new one comes out.
And Remus has been seeing this guy at a coffee shop nearby. He's cute, emo, often brings his computer in and just types away, always sits in the corner and never lets Remus get a peek at what he's doing. Remus can't help having the hots for that guy!
They meet, they talk, they begin to go out, he's always avoiding talking about his job, until Remus comes over and sees, what is that? A manuscript? With a title and pseudonym he recognizes? Cue the :O shocked Remus.
And Remus being overjoyed about meeting Mr Scary Author Man. And Virgil being like "oh shit nobody was supposed to know. Well. Might as well." Them continuing to go out. Remus picking his brain about all of the books. Virgil actually likes the attention but shhh don't tell Remus. Remus getting to read the rough drafts sometimes (gotta keep him as a reader somehow /j) and Remus buying the books when they come out and them just RAHHHHHH
— 👑
Vee being a mysterious Horror author my beloved I L O V E that S O fucking much <3!!! It's S O fucking sweet that Ree admires Vee as a writer despite not knowing him and finally meeting him <3 You just know the chaotic man always tries to peek whenever Vee's writing and the Emo is jokingly like "I can't have you leaking exclusive content your 30 day free trial is up" XD
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pencilpat · 6 months
I couldn't sleep all night and I was rewatching DWIT, and I'm analyzing dukexiety here we go!
I SWEAR why is he looking at Virgil like this? Hello? Is there a single non-gay way to make this face at your ex-buddy? What? Affectionate eyes and a slight smirk? Is that what we're doing buddy? I swear when Remus in particular likes someone he is really obvious about it.
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He's so, like, soft with Virgil the whole episode, which is 100% not reciprocated, but.... it tells me that it used to be. Virgil probably was playful right back at one point. And he expects him to just keep doing it, despite any fallouts they may have had. Remus is the most hopeless about relationships and trust with other people, he genuinely seems to think everyone in the world wants to hurt him or judge him - except Janus and Virgil. Even if Virgil doesn't desire a friendship, they were friends before, and to Remus that makes him special and worthy of this eerie gentleness that I can only assume is genuine affection as he shows it. Because to him, no one ever changes, so Virgil will be right back as his and Janus's friend the moment he realises that he 'can't change'.
Janus feels the same thing, in a way, that Virgil isn't actually capable of change, but to him that reads as abandonment and that Virgil is trying to be better than all of them, light sides included. Janus and Virgil most definitely lost all trust in each other due to whatever fallout occured, but Remus? I don't think he even believes much has changed at all. They were all three rejected and feared before, so why would that ever change? Everyone on the lighter ends of Thomas's mind has feared him since he's ever existed, most likely, and Virgil and Janus were there in the dark as well. They are made to be scary - Virgil will be right back once he realizes that too, of course! 'It was just like old times!' both as a real expression of feeling and as bitterness that Virgil hasn't been with them in so long. And that is the meanest he gets to him directly. An air of bitterness. Compared to Janus's outright insults and ire and direct confrontation that's shocking.
Remus seems to still see Virgil as somewhat of a friend. Virgil does not want him as a friend ever again.
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
I am rewatching Sanders Sides and this scene is so munch more funny when you remember Roman and Remus are brothers:
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i know that none of the sides got scared when Virgil tried to scare them in the halloween spisode. Buuut, since we now know that Remus exist, i just can't stop thinking that he is a good reason on why Roman didn't get scared by Virgil. Patton looked surprised and Logan just looked at him up and down like saying "wtf dude?". But Roman? Roman just looked unimpresed and said "No, not like that, Ummmm..." Almost like saying "Meh, my brother can do better than that".
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It may be a strech but i think that it makes a lot of sense that Roman wouldn't be scared by a dude showing up out of nowhere holding a fake knife and covered in fake blood, his brother probably goes all out on halloween and Remus is 100% more scary than Virgil would ever hope to be. So my HC is that Roman isn't easy to scare, sure you can take him by surprise and he does have a lot of fears (like the dark) but Remus has pull so many scary pranks on him that he is practically desensitised to things like blood, monsters, etc.
Also, i like to think that Roman founds cute how Virgil tried to scare him, Virgil could probably spend a whole year trying to scare Roman and all he would get is an "Awwwww, you are so cute!" And a boop on the nose, not so munch in a "you couldn't scare a fly" type of way, more in a "I have Remus for a brother and you think that YOU can scare me? You are so silly, is adorable" way.
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nyxcharliechaos · 19 days
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I decided to design some of my oc's a like super heroes and villains, more on there way as I get the motivation to work on these
feat. not accurate Discord because his actual true form isn't scary and yes Lyric is just wearing a jump suit, Xzim as a human that was fun to finally show in colour, I created a new character oops, Virgil out here going "how many belts can I add before I'm being compared to a final fantsy character" I will be adding more belts if I draw him again, and this was basically practice for Winchesters design in the latter half of the Arcania Project and it needs work
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chillykitty · 6 months
controversial(?) opinion: Remus isn't intrusive thoughts. Logan gives an extremely specifically worded answer saying:
"The Duke is like Roman's twin, the embodiment of 'bad imagination'. Which is primarily experienced by you via intrusive thoughts."
Not "he is 'bad imagination' and intrusive thoughts." but "he is 'bad imagination' and you experience him as intrusive thoughts" which is very notable when other characters have it explicitly stated that they ARE other things. Roman is creativity, romance, and the ego, he is all of them, he doesn't cause the other things; he IS them.
Thomas is only hurt by intrusive thoughts because he believes the thoughts he has makes him a bad person. Like Remus explicitly stated that the reason Thomas finds him scary is because of Virgil, which yeah, intrusive thoughts in real life are caused by anxiety. Patton and Virgil are said to be the real ones at fault for making Thomas feel guilty and anxious. Perhaps Remus is causing them maliciously in universe, in attempts to get attention or revenge for being suppressed or whatever, but Logan's explanation is written in such a careful way that to me, it makes it clear (to me, at least) that he is not literally intrusive thoughts, he is just any idea Thomas thinks is taboo.
Due to character arcs, he's probably gonna get accepted. And he probably isn't going to just be accepted (which that part would be good, intrusive thoughts have to be accepted as Just Thoughts) but is also probably going to be a good guy like Virgil. Which it would be bad if intrusive thoughts were glorified like that. Good thing he's not intrusive thoughts.
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touyubesposts · 9 months
Ghosts aren’t Real (Part 1/?)
Hey, this is my first Storytime Big Bang (@tss-storytime) submission! It was very fun, even thought here were a couple of road blocks (Mostly my fault. 😅) I was partnered with @pizza-box-raccoon, who has some amazing art! (Some of the best IMO.) Their art is here, go check it out! There's nothing too serious in this chapter (or in the next one (I think)) but look at the tags and keep them in mind just in case ❤️
Summary: After a ‘Ghost’ knocks over something in his kitchen while he was coming up with video ideas with friends, Quill and Davi come up with the idea to go ghost hunting in his house. Virgil is scared that they’ll somehow get detected, but Logan is less convinced. Because Ghosts aren’t real… Right?
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 2135 (A short read :))
Ships: None, everything is purely platonic
CW: Mentions of death, Negative thinking, Remus being Remus, if I miss anything let me know 👍
(Fanfic under cut)
(Thomas's P.O.V)
"- So yeah, that could be a fun video idea," Davi finishes up his statement, taking a bite of Chinese food.
Quil chimes in, "Yeah, I could see that, but we don't have a pool."
"There are public pools."
We were talking on the couch about video ideas and things the others wanted to do, trying to come up with ideas while also talking a bit about how we were doing. Patton was watching over us in the kitchen fondly, smiling at every idea and laughing at every joke, even if they weren't particularly good. Patton adjusts himself, accidentally knocking a spoon onto the floor, causing Quil and Davi to look in his direction.
"Thomas, your ghosts are hungry," Davi jokes.
My sides come around and check on me often. It's not surprising at this point and there is nothing I can really do about it anyway. However, they can be clumsy at times as well, accidentally knocking things over and bumping into furniture or walls. No problem, they usually pick whatever they knocked over up and go on their way. The problem is when people are over and they do it. At first, it freaked out my friends and made me self-conscious about it. But over time it became a light-hearted joke, so now whenever something gets knocked over or there's an 'unexplainable thump,' they say it's 'my ghosts' messing around.
"Well, they'll have to stay hungry," I smile, "I have no idea how to feed them."
"That rude, Thomas," Quil joins in, "You should always feed your guests."
I glance at Patton for a split second, "More like unruly roommates. They're lucky, they don't even pay rent."
"Technically we do, but-" Patton goes on to say before being cut off by Quil.
"Damn, must be a hard afterlife. Knock over a random guy's stuff and he doesn't even make you food."
"Would you?”
"... Depends."
Davi asks, "Hey, Thomas? Random question, but were you scared when you first moved into this house?"
I glance at Patton for help, but he just shrugs wildly at me. "Umm... No, not really. I mean, I guess it was scary at first, but after a while, you just tune out the noise."
"Yeah, that makes sense. Do you think it's actually a ghost or a demon or what?"
Oh boy, if only you knew. "Well... No, I don't think it's a ghost or a demon. I'm sure there's a solid, logical reason that all of this is happening but we just aren't seeing it. But the way I think of it is... If it was going to hurt me or wanted to hurt me, it would've done so by now, you know?"
Davi nods, "Yeah, I get it." I play off a breath of relief as just a sigh. I was making stuff up. I know for a fact it isn't a ghost, it's me. And it's not an it! It's a he! Sometimes a 'they,' but in, like, a plural way.
"Hey, I have an idea!" Quil smiles excitedly. "Let's do a ghost-hunting video!"
I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I realize what that implies. "... A ghost-hunting video?"
"Yeah! I have some equipment I could bring over, try some stuff I saw on TikTok a while ago, it could be fun! I mean, we most likely won't catch anything, but it could still make a cool video if we crack jokes and just have fun with it, you know?"
I nod along, feeling like roots and vines wrapped around my chest and squeezed tightly. "Yeah, totally!"
"Oh my god, I love watching those ghost-hunting videos!" Davi excitedly grabs Quil's arm, "Have you seen the ones that Ryan and Shane do?"
"Are you talking about their newer ones or their older ones?"
Davi and Quil continue talking about Ghostfiles and Buzzfeed unsolved while I give Patton a concerned glance. He holds onto his cardigan nervously, refusing to make eye contact with me. Finally, he sinks down guiltily. I feel bad for Patton. He didn't mean to, it was an accident. But now I may have to face a reality I don't want to face, that being 'confronting the idea that my sides are more than my sides.'
"So when do you wanna do it?" Quil turns to me and asks, catching me off guard.
Oh god, how do I answer this? Is there a good answer to this? "Umm, I don't know-"
"The soonest I'm free is a week from now," Davi chimes in, "Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, I should be free then," Quil turns towards me, "Thomas?"
"... Yeah, that works great!" I force a smile, trying my hardest to not let them suspect anything.
"Sweet! Hey, I gotta go, but I'll text you guys about it. It will be fun!"
"Great!" Davi grabs his bag, "I'd stay longer, but Quil's my ride. I'll see you soon, alright?"
"Yeah, of course!" I walk Quil and Davi out the door, waving them off. I take deep breaths as I close the door as sit back down on my couch in defeat. After a couple of minutes of agonizing silence, Virgil pops up by the stairs. Great.
I sigh, forcing a smile, "Hey, Virgil."
"Cut it," Virgil ordered, not buying my happy exterior. I immediately drop my smile after I hear him speak. "You were hanging out with Quil and Davi and now you're anxious... Why?"
Without another word, I summon Patton. As soon as he appeared, he began rambling. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! My hand just brushed against it and it fell and I didn't know it was there! I shouldn't have even been here, I should've ducked out when I could, I-"
"Patton!" Virgil shouts over him. Patton stops, waiting for Virgil to speak. "... Tell me what happened."
Patton takes a shakey inhale before speaking, "So, I... I knocked a spoon on the floor... in front of Quil and Davi-"
"Is that it?"
"No, that's... That's not the bad part. The bad part is... Now Davi and Quil want to ghost hunt here because of me."
"What?!" Virgil shouts, along with Roman and Logan who just arrived. While Roman and Virgil sounded genuinely concerned and panicked, Logan just sounded confused.
"I'm sorry!" Patton covered his face, part in embarrassment.
"Hold on," Logan interrupted, "Why are we panicking? Why is Quil and Davi 'ghost hunting' a bad thing?"
"Because what if they detect us?" Virgil speaks up.
Logan sighs, "They won't. We aren't ghosts, we are a part of Thomas. Also, ghosts aren't real."
Roman buts in, "Yes, I get that, but... Don't you at least find it a little strange that we can touch and throw things even though we are nothing more than Thomas's thoughts and feelings?"
Virgil leans in closer, "Interact with our surroundings... Like ghosts?"
Logan holds the bridge of his nose, "Gosh, both of you are being ridiculous. Yes, it is a little... Odd that we can touch things that exist. But for us to be ghosts, we'd have to be real or human, in some sense. And as far as I'm concerned, we don't even exist outside of Thomas."
At this time, Remus and Janus have both appeared in the kitchen, listening in on our conversations. Virgil pipes up once more, "You say that, but obviously, we have to exist somewhat. We can literally interact with our environment! Meaning we are as real as the things we knock over. Also meaning, we could be ghosts."
"... Virgil, we would have to have died to be ghosts, meaning we existed before Thomas. And that just doesn't seem likely, considering we are Thomas."
"But how do we know that?!"
"Because we are Thomas! Literally! If it looks like Thomas and sounds like Thomas, it's probably Thomas."
"No, I mean how do we know that we didn't exist before Thomas?!"
"We didn't exist before Thomas, there's... There's no way we could've... Ghosts are dead, Virgil. For us to have died, we would have to have lived. And the only one here that has ever lived is Thomas."
"Maybe we did live and we don't remember it! Isn't that the cliche? That the ghost has to remember how they died to pass on? If that's the case, then it makes sense why we don't remember dying or living."
"God, Virgil, you are infuriating right now." Logan turns towards everyone else in a slow turn, looking for support, "I'm not the crazy one here, right? I'm being reasonable? Patton, Janus, anyone?!"
Janus tilts their head slightly, lost in thought, before speaking. "You know... I would try and lie about this, but I... I actually don't know the answer."
"What?" Logan says exasperatedly.
"I mean... I could give an answer, but I wouldn't be lying... I'd just be wrong, maybe."
Logan whips around towards Virgil again, "Okay, then how do you explain all of us looking like Thomas if we are separated beings from Thomas?"
"I don't know, maybe that's the only way Thomas can see us."
"So... What, you think Thomas is a medium? And what about what we represent? We know what we represent, that has to have some meaning for you, right?"
"Guys, let's calm down and take a breath, alright?" Patton tries to de-escalate, moving his hands as he speaks. "I mean, will know the answer when it happens, right?"
"Yes, but-" Logan interrupts himself. He takes a deep breath, before facing Virgil once more, "... But I want to try and ease everyone's mind before then."
Virgil sighs, "I know, I just... I'm scared to be... 'Found out', you know? I mean, as much as we pretend that all of this is normal, we all know it isn't. We know Joan or Kenny or Davi and Quil don't have their own 'sides' that they talk to daily. And I don't know how much longer we can lie to them about this."
"And what if they react badly? What if they think all of this is weird or strange, too weird for them to stick around? Or what if they think Thomas is haunted by ghosts and they freak out and run off? And what if they tell Thomas's other friends and they do the same? What then?"
The entire room has gone silent. This wasn't a new train of thought for me, being scared that my friends were going to leave, but hearing it out loud in this context made my stomach flip. Finding out about the sides really would freak them out too much, wouldn't it?
Logan places his hands on Virgil's shoulders softly, with a neutral but sympathetic look. "Everything will be fine. I promise... They may think it's weird, but it should take more than this to drive them away. "
"... And if it does drive them away?"
"Then they weren't real friends anyway. Plus," Logan removes his hands and dusts himself off, "I don't see why they should be scared. We're the ones who live with it."
"Yeah!" Roman cheers, "If they don't like it, they can suck it! We deal with us every day, and that just makes us stronger than them."
"And it's not like they have anything to fear," Patton adds on, sitting on the arm of the couch, "We aren't violent or evil or anything."
"Speak for yourself," Remus cracks his neck, the pops sending shivers down my spine.
Patton winces, "Well... Well, we've never hurt anyone."
"On purpose."
"Or severely."
"Or physically," Logan explains, "We can't touch them. We can touch things, Like spoons or counters, but not people. So even if Remus wanted to put his hands on them, he couldn't."
"If I could physically hurt people, I would've done so already. That's why you gotta... put them to sleep for me, Sanders-man."
I shoot Remus a look, "Okay, that first sentence did freak me out a bit, but... Sanders-man?"
"Like sandman. Not my best work, I admit. I'll workshop it."
Janus clears his throat to get everyone's attention, "So we're lying about this, right? If they suspect anything just deny?"
Virgil takes a harsh breath in, taking a seat on the stairs, "... As much as I hate you and that idea... It's the only one that can keep Thomas safe."
"Aw, Virgil doesn't want to admit I'm useful~"
Logan takes control of the conversation once more. "Reminder: this is all dependant on if their ghost equipment even detects us. And there's a very good chance it doesn't.
Maybe... Maybe attempting to rationalize with fear was the wrong move. Because, and don't take this the wrong way Virgil, but fear can be... A bit irrational. Why don't we try and find different ways to cope until then? Any ideas?"
To be continued…
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Cold Comforts: Cracking Ice
I imagine that you get a lot of asks so apologies if this one adds to an endless list of them. I have this sanders sides concept in mind where Patton was not the one who caused the original creativity to split nor was Patton morality during this time and it was Logan; but because Janus had left before it occured and Virgil, Remus, and Roman didnt really exist yet, no one knows about this. But because Janus can pick up on lies (including lies of omission), he quickly pieces together the truth. No idea how you'd work that into a story of any kind (if that was something you would want to do), just thought it would be neat to at least share. ax3-e0n
hey !! i don't have a super specific request, but i'd love some qpr content from you if you don't mind !! any ship is fine, but i love qpr dukeceit, analogical, and moxiety ^^ - anon
I really loved Cold Comforts (that fight did break me but in the best way possible) and I would love to know what happens in the aftermath. Like how do they actually reconcile and make up for what was said? - anon
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: self-esteem issues, implied/referenced rsd
Pairings: none
Word Count: 3293
    At first, there is elation.
Roman blinks awake in the ruined corpse of a dying tower, covered in cobwebs and layers of dust. He blinks, bits of it falling into his eyes. A phantom warmth rests on his cheeks and in his befuddled state, he thinks it might be the sun.
"Shh, little one," he hears from eons away, "it's alright. I'm here now."
He blinks again and the phantom warmth grows stronger, coalescing itself into hands on his face, thumbs gently stroking his tears away. He's still crying, lips still trying to form comforts from nothing. He blinks again and the blob in front of him focuses.
"Hello, little one," Logan whispers, "it's okay. I'm here now."
Hands. Warm hands. Warm hands on his face, cupping it like it's something precious, like he's something precious. Warm hands that brush away his tears and a warmer voice that says it's okay. I'm here now.
"You're here?" His voice, cracked and dusty from overuse. "Y-you're really here?"
"Yes," says Logan, smiling and reaching up to run his fingers through Roman's hair, "I'm here. I'm really here. And so are you."
"Don't do that, Princey," comes another voice, one that appears over the edge of the shell too, "you scared the shit out of us."
"Language, mister," comes yet another, "but he's right, kiddo. You really scared us, there."
"Being scary is my schtick, Ro-Bro," says yet another, "don't do it without me."
And, just when Roman's heart feels fit to burst, the last voice sighs and reaches into the shell too. "Not that this isn't very touching, but I think we'd all be better off outside this very scary tower with no stairs."
He blinks dumbly as yellow-gloved hands reach for him, fitting carefully around his shoulders and gently pulling him to sit upright. Logan's hands shift down to his elbows, helping to get him out of the dust-caked blankets. His head pounds. He feels dizzy.
"Slow, you jerks," Virgil's voice mutters, "he's just been like that for who knows how long and he's been crying."
"Here," Logan says softly, only for Roman's ears, "lean on me. I've got you."
And oh, isn't that surreal, to have Logan's arms wrap around him and be leaned against a broad chest, to have another set of hands at his back and to be helped down from his dusty perch. His limbs feel discombobulated, disconnected, and he flails a few times before he figures out how to hold on too. Logan is patient with him, though, and helps him over to a chair that Remus conjures and sits him to face the sun.
"Here," says Patton, handing him a glass of water, "try and drink that, okay, sweetheart?"
Oh, he realizes belatedly, I'm being taken care of.
At first, there is elation.
They came. They actually came. They wanted to find him and so they searched for him, they found their way up a tower that he did not design to be found. They sought after him because they noticed he was gone and so they chose to come and find him. They are here because he was not there.
At first, there is elation.
Then, there is only dread.
They're going to want to know what happened. He's going to have to explain what happened. They're going to want to know what happened and why he ran so far away and why he started to fade and all of this is going to go away. He's going to have to tell them about the argument and all of the horrible things he said and he's going to watch all of this care fade away into disappointment.
Because they will be. Disappointed.
Roman, you never learn.
Roman, we've been over this.
Roman, you know better.
Roman, how could you be so cruel? Roman, you should think about the things you say before you say them. Roman, I expected better from you. Roman, you're supposed to be better than this. Roman, Roman, Roman, will you ever stop being a disappointment?
This, right now, this is the last he will be able to have this comfort with no strings attached. It will be the last time he's able to ask for something and have it be given, the last time he can feel as though they're doing it because they want to.
And even now, he can hear their voices.
That's such a mean way to think about it, Roman. I wish you wouldn't think we don't know what we're doing when we comfort you. What, did you think it was just something we did?
And, how selfish of you, Roman, that you wouldn't tell us what happened because you thought we wouldn't want to comfort you after we knew what you'd done. Maybe you should have told us right away, then we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Logan was right.
And, this is emotionally abusive, Roman, you know that, right? Being so dramatic and playing the victim and guilt-tripping like this even though you did something wrong too. Manipulating us like this is wrong. You know it's wrong. We'd be more inclined to forgive you if you weren't being so awful about admitting that you're hurt by something.
They're here and they came and Roman wants nothing more than to run away again.
"Whatever you're thinking," Remus's voice cuts in, "stop it. Stop being mean to my brother."
Roman startles and a moment later, he has a lapful of Remus. Remus buries his nose in the crook of his neck and squeezes tightly, their hearts pressed against each other's ribcages. It's uncomfortable, it's awkward, and Roman loves it.
"I was so scared," comes the whispered confession, "when you started Fading. I thought I was gonna lose you again."
"I'm sorry, Re, I didn't mean to, I swear—"
"I know, Roro, I know."
"I just—I had to go—"
"Easy," Virgil's low voice rumbles, a hand settling on his shoulder, "breathe, bud. It's okay. You're okay. Remus isn't mad at you."
"Y-you're not?"
"No, Roro, I'm not mad at you."
The part of Roman's brain that isn't screaming softwarmsafebrothercomfort shies away at the way Remus says you.
In the way a soldier dons his armor before a fatal fight, Roman takes a deep breath and carefully pats Remus's thigh. Remus lets him go, confusion written on his features as Roman stands up and begins to lower the tower's room to the ground. It settles on the earth with a low rumble and one of the walls finally caves, leading out into a familiar field of rolling grass. He walks out into the sunshine, the warmth settling over him like boulders. He allows himself one more moment to clutch his hand to his side before he turns and faces his executioners.
"I'm sorry," he begins, "for being so dramatic. I didn't mean to Fade and while I know that doesn't change anything, and I'm not trying to use it as an excuse, I hope that the knowledge that it wasn't done purposefully makes it a little better. It might be wrong of me to hope that, but…I do. I didn't mean to affect the videos or Thomas or anything of that nature, and you have my deepest and sincerest apologies that I let my—my tantrum get this bad."
He looks at Logan. His hands twinge in pain.
"Logan, I apologize for wasting your time. I apologize for being unreasonable and bull-headed and ignorant. I didn't mean it when I said you weren't useful and I didn't mean to imply that you don't know what you're doing. I know I can come off as arrogant and overconfident and I'm sorry. I've been trying to work on it but clearly, I haven't been trying hard enough. I'll do better. I promise."
With a heavy heart, he glances over at Remus.
"And I know…I know you weren't there, but I'm sorry to you too. I—at one point during the argument, I called you a menace and nothing but a problem to be vanquished. I'm sorry."
Remus stares at him. "Ro, you don't have to apologize to me for shit. I know I'm a menace, that's my whole fucking point. And you definitely don't have to apologize for being hurt. You just said you didn't do any of this shit on purpose and I know you. I know you'd—well, you'd rather kill yourself than destroy Thomas's videos and the Imagination. Don't apologize for being hurt, okay?"
"But I—"
"But nothing," Janus says smoothly, "you were hurt, sweetie. And we didn't make you feel like you could come to us. That's not your fault."
"None of us were there for the argument," Patton adds, "so we can't judge that part of it, but you don't have to apologize to us for the rest. You're—you're okay, sweetheart."
"You're dramatic," Virgil says, hands in his pockets, "but at least you're honest about it."
Janus scoffs something that sounds suspiciously like honesty's overrated but Roman's focused on Logan.
Logan, who's watching him carefully, so carefully, slowly reaches up and adjusts his glasses. "Roman, I…"
He trails off before he can finish his sentence. A lump appears in Roman's throat and he swallows, bowing his head and waiting for the blows to strike. He'll take them, he will, whatever comes with what Logan will say. He'll do it right this time, just accept them and nod and try to move on with it. He'll lick his wounds on his own in his room like a reasonable person and everything will be fine.
"Wow," he hears Remus scoff, "you really made him fucking perfect, didn't you? Bowing his head waiting for absolution and everything."
"What? What the heck are you on about, Remus?"
"This. This, his whole 'Good Creativity' thing."
"Yeah, I got that much, why're you saying we did it?"
"The Split. The whole get-the-bad-out, leave-the-good deal. The reason Thomas has two Creativities. I'm all the stuff you didn't want and so there he is with all the stuff you do."
There's a pause. Part of Roman wants to raise his head and see what's going on but he forces himself to wait.
"Remus," Janus rebukes with a gentleness reserved for only his partners, "the Split wasn't done so neatly. It wasn't like parts were selected for each of you."
"Yeah," Patton says, "and also, I didn't happen until after the Split. I think Thomas's whole Morality thing started in the aftermath of it. I wasn't around when it happened."
"I remember it," Virgil says, "but that's only 'cause J brought you and me in when we were all really little and he'd, like, just left. It was me, you, and J trying to figure stuff out and then Logan had Patton and Roman."
"Oh. Shit. Sorry, I, uh…"
"No, it's okay. We don't really know a lot about the Split anyways."
"You're all good, bud. Hey, whoa, c'mere."
There's the telltale rustling of someone being pulled into a hug and Roman knows Janus and Virgil have wrapped their arms around Remus. His heart screams for a moment in envious rage before he stamps it out with equal fervor. He's thankful Remus has two attentive and supportive partners, and he'd sooner fall on his sword than take it away from him.
He knows what that's like.
"Roman," Logan's voice comes from in front of him, much closer in front of him, "Roman, I'm sorry."
He raises his head, heart in his throat, as Logan reaches out and cups his face again.
"I'm sorry too," he says again, "I didn't—I shouldn't have said that you were unwanted. Or that you weren't capable of seeing reason. Or any of it, none of it's true. I just—I was so angry. I wanted to hurt you."
He swallows. "You did."
"I know. I know I did, Roman, I know I hurt you, little one. I—I'm sorry I hurt you. You're not unwanted, I promise. I want you. I want you quite badly."
The earnest way Logan says it threatens tears at the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry too."
Logan smiles, his own eyes slightly wet. "I forgive you, little one, I forgive you."
Relief sags through him and his legs almost buckle, smile breathless as he stares at Logan. It's okay, it's okay, it's all okay. Logan chuckles, letting him go, a familiar teasing grin taking shape as he ruffles Roman's hair.
The sudden release of the dread is almost strong enough to make him miss the way Janus is squinting at Logan's back.
"J-Janus? What's wrong?"
Janus's mouth presses into a thin line and he carefully extricates himself from Remus and Virgil, not taking his eyes off of Logan. "There are three types of lies."
Logan stiffens.
"Lies of commission, which are outright fabrications," he continues, walking closer, "lies of character, and lies of omission."
"Uh, okay?"
"Logan," and Roman wants to flinch at how cold Janus sounds right now, "you're lying."
Virgil scoffs. "What, he's lying about being sorry?"
"No, he's lying about the Split."
"He didn't say anything about the—oh, I see. I get where you're going now."
"Roman," Logan says, looking back up at him, "Roman, it's okay. We're okay, now, I'm sorry."
He reaches for him but Roman edges back. "What is Janus talking about?"
"Roman, I'm sorry—"
"What is he talking about?"
"Yeah, Logan," Remus says, making Logan whirl around, "what is he talking about?"
"Our dear darling Logan," Janus says, taking a step closer, "is withholding what he knows about the Split. Which is interesting, because as you'll recall, the Split happened after I'd left, before Virgil was formed enough to have sentience, and before Patton manifested. And, of course, before either of the twins existed."
Virgil frowns. "Wait, but that means that Logan, you…"
He trails off and his eyes widen as the implications of what Janus is saying sink in.
"…Logan?" Patton sounds small. "What do you know about the Split?"
"I—" Logan turns around and faces Roman again— "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, it wasn't—I didn't—please, just listen to me—"
"Oh, we're all listening," Remus growls, "and why're you only talking to Roman? Did you forget I got Split too? Or are you all too happy that happened?"
"That's not what I meant, I didn't—no, that's not why I—" Logan glances frantically at Remus then back to Roman— "just hear me out—"
"You've said that a few times," Virgil says, voice hardening, "and you've yet to actually say anything."
"Don't fucking talk to him!"
Logan flinches at the force of Remus's shout. Remus forces Logan to turn around, getting right into his face.
"Talk to me," he roars, "tell me what you thought you were doing, tell me why you won't look at me!"
"Because it worked with you!"
Remus staggers back from Logan like he's been stabbed, Virgil already standing between them.
"I…I didn't know it would Split," Logan says shakily, "I—I just talked to Creativity and I—I said—"
He swallows.
"I said that there were parts of him that were liked and parts that weren't. And that it…it made sense for them to be…be…"
"Be what," Virgil asks when Logan doesn't finish.
"…be separated," he says weakly, "but I just meant that he should know the difference! Not that he should Split!"
"Oh, Logan," Patton mumbles, "what did you do?"
"What did you mean," Janus asks sharply, "when you said it 'worked' with Remus?"
"Creativity asked what—what the bad parts of him were and so I said that people didn't like when he was loud and messy and scary and then when I—when I came back the next day, there was a—"
Logan's breath catches and he swallows.
"I was only a child, I didn't know that this would mean—"
"There was a what?"
"…a baby. A baby Side on a rock that had been wrapped in a black and green blanket."
Janus's breath catches next. His hand finds its way to Remus. "That's how I found you. You still have that blanket."
"He—Creativity was still there when I got there but he was—he was Fading. He was almost completely transparent, and he asked me if—what I would do with the parts of him I didn't want."
"So you just fucking left me?"
"I was a child! I was panicking, I didn't know what to do, I told him I didn't know what to do, but then he kept on getting more and more frantic, asking me what I was going to do with you and he—he fell apart!" Logan's hands fly up to tangle in his hair. "He fell apart and shimmered and—and when it was over…"
His hands slowly leave his hair as he turns to look over his shoulder.
"Roman," Patton finishes, "when it was over, there was Roman. You Split Creativity into Bad and Not Bad and what was left of Creativity when he removed all that he could label Bad was…Roman."
"No fucking wonder Princey's got so many issues."
"Roman," Logan says, turning fully to face him again, "Roman, please, I didn't know, I was—I was a child, I didn't mean it, I didn't know this was going to happen."
He reaches out, almost stumbling towards him.
"You're wanted, you're wanted, I promise, you're wanted," he rambles, "I want you, I want you, do you hear me? I want you Roman, it's okay, I want you—"
A low rumble and a thunderous crash as the remains of the tower collapse to the ground. The earth shudders.
Over Roman's shoulder, a doorway appears. The door swings open to reveal the Mindscape. Janus muffles a quiet curse as Virgil stands taller.
"C'mon," he says, urging Patton and Janus toward the door, "we gotta go."
"Just let me—"
"The Imagination is ours," comes Remus's voice, low and dangerous, "and it is somewhere you do not want to be right now."
"Logan, come on," Patton says—they've already made it through the door, "just—give them space for now."
But Logan stubbornly reaches for Roman one more time. "Roman, please. Please, little one."
Roman silently opens his arm and gestures toward the door with a blank expression.
The earth rumbles again and a deep cracking sound echoes off of distant cliffs.
Logan swallows and goes to the door. Roman doesn't turn to watch him. His gaze doesn't move from the middle distance until the door shuts and vanishes.
Then he opens his mouth and screams.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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lovelyemerald · 7 months
So uh....this is my first fanfiction...give me a break 😂😭 I hope you enjoy!!!
Sanders Sides Fancition
All sides are present
"Spooky Scary Skeletons that shiver down your spine" TW: angsty beginning, wrong turn movie, some spooky moments, FLUFFY ENDING HEHEHEH
It was rather quiet in the mind palace when everyone was just chilling, doing their own things.
That is...until Virgil turns on a horror movie.
Its October, and the sides know Virgil loves Halloween. I mean, LOOOOVES Halloween. Meanwhile, in the living room, all the sides were just scrolling on their phones. They were found doing that if Thomas was.
Virgil smirked and pondered. He took the remote and turned on the TV, and puts on Happy Death Day. "Good movie choice" Virgil thought. As the movie started, all the sides looked up.
Patton gasped and pulled his cat hoodie strings to hide his face "NOOOOO PLEASE VIRGIL NO MORE SCARY MOVIES..I CANT HANDLE IT" Remus smirked "No Virgil don't listen to Patty Cakes, I love this movie! Doesn't have enough gore though..." Roman shivered that Remus' comment "It has plenty...Virgil you know Patton can't handle these..."
Virgil was clearly ignoring everyone. Logans eyebrow cocked, wondering why he was so careless about Pattons fears. "Virgil," Logan said sternly, "Patton cannot hand-" "Then he can leave" Virgil responded.
Logan stopped and closed his mouth, unable to form words for the stubborn side. Patton sniffed and felt his heart split in half. Janus chuckled. "The drama..." Roman scoffed dramatically and whispered to Patton. Patton giggled and nodded, and they both left. A little after they left, Logan turned off the movie off. Virgil hissed, "What was that for Teach?!" Logan pointed at where their two fellow sides were. "You hurt Patton." Vigil looks down, and deep down feels terrible. "I should probably go find him..." he stands up and walks away. Logan chuckles, "poor Virgil..."
Virgil went to Pattons room and knocked on the door. "Hey dad? I'm sorry for not respecting your boundaries...I should of taken in to my room... " silence. "...dad?" Virgil twiddled his thumbs, and opened the door. The room was fully dark, and Virgil jumped. "Patton....are you okay?! Look if this is a trick I'm sorry!...what in the world?" Virgil could only see a glowing feather in the middle of the room on the floor. He picked it up and looked at it. "Woah...that's cool..." the feather glowed brighter and Virgil saw a Skeleton sitting in Pattons desk chair. He had shivers run down his spine. "....the hell? I know this is some trick Patton" The skeleton then moved, and started chasing Virgil. "aHHHHHH-" Virgil ran and ran, he was a track star. He hid under a table, and as soon as he did, he heard laughing. "Oh man Virgil!! You are so cute!" Patton giggled and crouched down to see Virgil. "P-Patton...how did you-" Patton giggled as Roman crouched down too. Virgil scoffed, "what was this supposed to prove?" Patton smiled, "that I did something to you, you didn't like. I didn't stop. Its just to show how I felt" Patton looked down, looking sad. Virgil crawled out of the table and frowned. "I'm sorry Patton...I will NEVER do it again..." Roman chuckled. "Well...just to make sure..." he grabbed Virgil and pinned him down for Patton.
"Ooooo my little beautiful emo!~ you didn't think you'd get away with something without the Tickle Monster getting involved?" Patton evil laughed, and started tickling his belly. Virgil bursted out laughing.
"Nooooo!!! Pa-pahahahtton not there!!! Its the worstttt....bahahhaha!"
Patton squealed watching his son laugh beneath him. "Oh Ro, isn't he so cute?!" Roman chuckled, "such a cute little lee~" if you looked at Virgil, you would think he died because of how red he was. He continued to laugh, but he cackled as Patton gave him raspberrys on his belly.
"Mmmm..this is my favorite candy! It's so filling and sweet!"
Pattons eyes widened and looked at Roman. "Oh no! Roman! He might be dead! Do CPR!"
Roman gasped dramatically and nodded. He gave raspberrys on his neck as Patton tickled his sides. Virgil was in hysterics.
Patton giggled and stopped, and hugged Virgil. Let's say, Virgil was more mindful for Pattons innocent sake.
Notes: AHHHHH PLEASE IDK IF THIS IS GOOD 😭can you guys send requests ? I'm NOT good at coming up with them
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prodigal-explorer · 10 months
evening star - sanders sides fanfiction - ii
(let me know if you want to be on the tag list!)
previous part | next part
word count: 2.4k
(cw -> whump, unsympathetic!patton, unsympathetic!virgil, dehumanization, pet whump, collars, physical abuse, violence, muzzles, cages, starvation)
summary: roman belongs to patton and virgil now. he isn't his own person anymore, he doubts he even is a person. he tries to follow the rules, but he fails once again. mistake after mistake leads to punishment.
Rule three: Don’t speak except to obey orders. 
Roman had rules one through ten memorized. Those were the important ones. He tried to memorize all of them, but there were so many that he started mixing them up, and he eventually gave up. It was easier to figure out what Patton liked and only do that, instead of constantly risking doing something he didn’t like. 
“Aww, come here, Puppy!” Patton cooed, and Roman entered the living room, walking on all fours as he did. 
Virgil was watching, but the embarrassment that came with walking this way had long faded. It was rule seven, after all. Pets don’t walk like people do. The amused glint in Virgil’s eyes caused a visual shudder throughout Roman, and the pair sitting on the couch exchanged a glance and tittered with laughter, as if Roman was a toddler who was doing something silly, like bouncing or putting his foot in his mouth. 
Roman slowly moved so he was sitting in between Patton and Virgil, and Patton tousled his hair, continuing to tangle it up. Pets don’t brush their own hair. That was rule…something. It was in the twenties somewhere. Either way, Roman’s hair would be a hopeless, tangled mess until Patton had the mercy to brush it for him. 
After three months of this without Patton even mentioning it, Roman had a feeling it would never happen. 
It had all happened so suddenly. One night, Patton snatched Roman from his bed, and forced the collar around his neck, snapping it in place. He told Roman the rules, over and over, and at first, Roman didn’t take them seriously. He thought Patton was kidding around. 
But then, Patton inflicted his first punishment. Roman still had the scars. 
When Roman realized that Patton was serious about turning him into a human pet, he rushed to tell Virgil what was going on, hoping for some guidance or protection. But Virgil beamed when he heard the news, and now, Roman belonged to him too. 
Roman regretted ever giving Virgil a reason to do this to him. 
Now, he was sitting, obediently looking up at both of his “owners”. The word put such a bad taste in his mouth, but that was what they were to him now. They told him what to do, and he did it. That was that. They fed him, and bathed him, and put him to bed. 
“Yes, Patton?” he asked quietly, avoiding eye contact with Virgil at all costs. 
Patton was the one who gave most of the orders, but Virgil was the scary one. Virgil had even worse punishments than Patton, and he relished in the victory of reducing Roman to a broken, bloody mess. 
“Hi, Puppy! Oh, you’re so cute!” Patton squealed, “Okay. Here’s what I want now. I want you to go to my room and get me the leash.” 
Roman’s face paled, and his breathing grew shallower. Patton laughed at the panicked expression on his pet’s face. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not using it on you,” Patton chuckled, “It’s broken. The handle is coming off, and I need to fix it. Get me the sewing kit too, pretty please!” 
Roman crawled off, scrambling out of the room as quickly as he could. Every moment he could have away from Virgil was one he was going to take. And if he obeyed Patton quickly enough, it delighted his owner. By now, he found the trip from the living room to Patton’s room easy, as he had done it so many times. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and looked around, trying to find the leash. 
Patton’s room was messy. Very, very messy. Filled with memorabilia from the back corners to the wall beside the door. Roman could barely pad through without stepping on something. 
The sewing kit was easy to find, just sitting on top of Patton’s desk next to a scarf Patton had made a few days ago. Roman picked up the kit with his teeth and held it in his mouth, seeing as it was rather small. He knew that was how Patton wanted him to hold it. Now, he had to find the leash. 
The leash was only really used for punishment. It was used when Roman was being bad, and Patton had to tie him up outside overnight. It was also used when Roman couldn’t be trusted on his own, and would be dragged around by Patton or Virgil all day, going wherever they did. 
Roman didn’t really want it to be fixed. But his opinion didn’t matter to Patton or Virgil. His obedience did. 
He continued looking around, digging through the piles of stuff to try and find the leash. Where had Patton put it? Where did it go? Roman knew that he would get in trouble if he came back without it. He couldn’t handle another punishment after just healing from his last one. Roman was desperate to show Patton that he could be good. 
So he kept looking. And looking. 
But the leash was nowhere in sight. 
Fear started clawing at Roman’s chest as he searched even closer, touching each object to make sure it wasn’t the leash before setting it aside. He started to grow more desperate, turning Patton’s room upside down in search of the thing. He couldn’t get in trouble again. He just couldn’t. 
“Well, well. Look what we have here? I thought Patton told you to find the leash. Not trash his room.” 
That voice, that deep, rumbling voice that oozed with an endless amusement for the sadistic wasn’t Patton’s. Patton’s was bubbly and bouncy to the point where Roman could at least pretend he was saying good things. But this wasn’t Patton. 
Roman turned around and forced himself to look at Virgil, the sewing kit falling out of his mouth as he rushed to defend himself. 
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately, starting to back up, “I couldn’t find the leash- I got scared. I thought I would get in trouble.” 
“Well, you’re right about that,” Virgil sneered, moving closer to Roman, “But now you’re in even more trouble. You think Patton will appreciate having a messy room? He’s going to be so disappointed when he sees what you’ve done.” 
“Please-” Roman stammered quickly, “Please don’t tell him. Please. I’ll clean it up. Let me clean it up, I promise, it’ll look just like it did before I came in.” 
“What’s rule three, Puppy?” Virgil asked, borrowing Patton’s nickname. 
The action made Roman nauseous. He immediately went silent and bowed his head. Virgil grabbed Roman’s collar and dragged him by it, out the door and down the hallway. Roman moved with Virgil, knowing that resisting would only create a choking sensation that would make his panic even worse. 
His eyes were glued to the floor. He couldn’t face Patton after what he had done, and his entire body was trembling, knowing that a punishment was going to come. Patton’s punishments were bad, and Virgil’s punishments were worse. But when both of them punished him together, it was the worst of all. 
Soon enough, Roman was picked up and placed onto the couch. It was rare that Roman was allowed on the couch. He allowed himself to sink into the warmth and comfort of the cushions, knowing that he was going to be very miserable very soon. Might as well enjoy something nice while he could. 
“What did you do, cutie pie?” Patton asked, tilting Roman’s chin up so Roman was looking at him, “Tell me. Lying won’t make things any better for you.” 
“I…” Roman’s throat felt closed. He couldn’t speak. 
“Don’t just stare at him,” Virgil said, pinching the back of Roman’s neck, causing him to squeak. “Answer his question.” 
“I couldn’t find the leash!” Roman whined, bursting into tears. “I tried, I tried so hard, and I- I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to mess up your room!” 
“You messed up my room?” Patton asked, standing up, “Let me see.” 
He took an agonizingly long time walking down the hallway, opening the door to his room, processing what was inside, closing the door, and walking back. His expression was calm, but Roman could see by the stiffness in his motions and his pale face that Patton was anything but. He continued to wail, as if it would grant him any pity. 
“Virgil, please shut him up,” Patton said sweetly, “He’s giving me a headache with all that noise.” 
Virgil obliged gladly, going into his room and taking out a muzzle-like thing that snapped around Roman’s head, keeping him from speaking or even making much sound at all with his voice. It was perfect for Patton and Virgil, since it kept Roman so quiet during punishments. They didn’t want Logan finding out the full extent of their favorite hobby. They didn’t know whether or not he would care enough for Roman’s well-being to put a stop to it, but they weren’t going to run the risk. 
Roman clawed at the muzzle with his hands, trying to pry it off, but he knew it wouldn’t work. His body was trembling madly, to the point where he couldn’t even hold himself upright anymore. Muffled apologies that couldn’t move past his lips streamed continuously as Virgil picked up Roman, carrying him to his bedroom. Roman struggled in Virgil’s hold, but he was weak with fear, and Virgil was a lot stronger than him anyway. 
Virgil held onto Roman even tighter, and grabbed his jaw with one hand, able to hold his body up with only one arm. 
“If you keep squirming like this, we’re gonna have a problem,” he practically growled, “You were a bad dog. Own up to it.” 
Roman sniffled and sobbed, the muzzle suffocating him slightly as he stared at Virgil with round, tear-filled eyes. Virgil eventually threw down Roman’s head, continuing to carry him until they were at Virgil’s room. There, he threw Roman onto the ground and kicked his side. 
“You’re going in the cage,” Virgil glowered, “Go on. Get in. Unless you want me to drag you.” 
The threat was what got Roman moving. He collapsed a few times, but he got up slowly and continued to crawl to the large dog crate that was under Virgil’s bed. Being in Virgil’s room for too long wasn’t good for any side. It created anxious thoughts that only grew more and more intense the longer one was inside. Which made it the perfect place to torture Roman. 
Once Roman was inside the cage, Virgil closed it and locked it, using a key. When he used a combination lock, Roman figured out the combination and escaped. 
He regretted that stunt. 
The cage was small, and when Virgil shoved it farther under the bed, Roman whimpered and huddled into a ball, continuing to scratch at his muzzle. He didn’t care what the rules were anymore. He was desperate for someone to help him. The cage walls seemed to be closing in on him, and Roman was sure that he was going to die in Virgil’s room under his bed. Unable to make noise with his voice, he banged on the cage with his arms, trying to make some kind of noise to alert somebody, even if it was Patton. Maybe Patton would say that Virgil’s punishment was too harsh and let him go. 
Roman wanted to tell Logan. But when he told Virgil, he turned on him. What if Logan did the same thing? Patton kept dropping hints about how much Logan would love to join in on the fun, watching Roman struggle and suffer with all of the impossible demands he had to comply with. 
Roman was barely hanging on with Virgil and Patton. 
Logan was smart. Roman was sure he would be able to come up with punishments that Patton and Virgil hadn’t even considered. 
Squeezing his eyes shut, Roman continued banging on the cage walls, even though he knew he would regret it if one of the light sides discovered him. It made a rattling sound that wasn’t exactly loud, but it wasn’t quiet either. 
He thought he could hear something else coming from the room next door. The room that Roman recognized as his own. That was strange. He hadn’t been in his room in days, since his most recent punishment had been sleeping next to Patton. It wasn’t that bad of a punishment, but it had been hard to sleep when he was being cuddled and squeezed like his breathing wasn’t a concern. 
For a moment, Roman stopped his noise so he could listen to what was going on. It didn’t just sound like talking. It sounded like yelling. And the voice he could easily pick out was Patton, but there was another voice that was harder to recognize. 
Roman tried his best to listen, but the voices were so far that he could only hear a word or two per sentence. And when they went quieter than a yell, Roman couldn’t hear any of it. None of it made sense, and when the voices died down and eventually stopped, Roman realized with burning frustration that he had no idea what the argument had been about, or who it had been with. 
But he didn’t have a lot of time to think about it. The door to Virgil’s room opened, and Roman stayed still and silent, sitting on his knees so whoever lifted the sheet would see that he was being good and obedient. 
When the sheet did lift, Roman looked up to see Patton, staring at him with a benevolent smile as he carefully opened the cage door, sliding a bowl of food inside. Roman grew excited, but as he tried to eat it, he realized that the muzzle was keeping him from eating too. He looked at Patton again, and gently pawed at the wall to try and get his attention. 
“Oh? What’s wrong, puppy?” Patton asked, before cooing softly, “Aww, you can’t eat it? Maybe if you hadn’t been so bad, you would be eating right now.” 
He giggled and pulled down the sheet, once again shrouding Roman in darkness as he whined and banged on the cage wall again. 
Inside the bowl was some ground chicken, green peas, and even a little piece of red candy. The sight of it was taunting. This was Roman’s fifth day without a meal, and it pained him to think that if he had only stopped crying quicker, he would have finally been able to eat. 
Roman curled up once again in the cage, shutting his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at the food. He could still smell it, but there wasn’t much he could do about that in such a small space. For what felt like the hundredth time that day, he felt tears form in his eyes, and he hiccuped and sobbed until at last, his eyes fell closed and he fell asleep.
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jojosjunk · 10 months
I don't know how, but Virgils character development looks exactly like how you learn to cope with anxiety. Or at least from my own personal experience.
At first he's over bearing and mean. He rejects every idea Roman has, insults Patton because feelings are scary, and he and Logan butt heads because Logic and Anxiety don't mix well.
Then he starts to warm up to them. The same way someone who's starting to get a feel for their anxiety feels. He debated with Logan and realizes that he isn't out to hurt, just reason. He bonds with Patton and is shown that repression is worse than letting yourself feel. And he bonds with Roman over various things and is shown how good creativity can be.
Then he gets accepted and Thomas acknowledges that he is important. And Virgil starts backing off, but not ducking out.
He's still panics, he still worries, but it's less intense because he knows the others are there to help.
And it's really prevalent in the newest sander sides video.
Virgil never once worries over if he made the right choice or not. He knows that what he's presenting that Roman may not like. And you can't tell me that Virgil right after AA would have been this calm.
Then he tells Roman a story and indulges in his need for an escape and even physically prevents himself from ruining it for Roman, which is an immense thing because Virgil hates holding things back like that. He even went as far as to cover his mouth, which is reminiscent of how Janus keeps secrets from Thomas.
Virgil hasn't just been accepted by the sides and Thomas.
Virgil has accepted himself, which is the most difficult step in working with your own anxiety.
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I'm back to band gays you can't stop me (both school band and rock band HCs will be present)
School Band:
- despite his chaos, Remus is actually the best player in his section
- Virgil isn't half bad either (going with sax on this one)
- Virgil has a solo once and Remus is staring with such "good googily moogily" desire that he almost misses his section's entrance
- at least one person in his section begging him to just stop being gay for one night so they can have a good concert (he doesn't) (don't they see Virgil with those black piercings to match his suit?) (and that perfect eyeliner?) (why don't they get it?) (Remus is a hot mess)
- Virgil once asked Remus why he was staring by asking "what? See something you like?" and Remus could've barked
- Virgil stares at Remus a lot more than Remus thinks (Remus thinks 0 times) because Remus cleans up really nice for a concert and Virgil's about to be twirling his faded-purple bangs and biting his lip piercings over this boy
- "25 bucks says they're dating before the end of the year" "you're on"
Rock Band:
- they both fumble flirting so ridiculously hard that they don't get each other's numbers and Roman has to give them to each other later (he is Big Disappointed)
- They text for a few days and Roman sees his brother genuinely excited over this boy and Romans like "c'mon, my best friend??? You picked my best friend???? Sorry Pat— MY BEST FRIEND?" but he's not angry just exasperated
- Remus gets brought to many many more concerts now (both as guard dog protection because, while Roman can protect himself and is very certain of it, he still doesn't like going random places alone. Personal headcanon of him, don't mind me AND because Virgil starts inviting him personally)
- How do you feel about Remus drooling over Virgil while he plays guitar? What feelings does this inspire? Why am I reading this like a therapist?
- Virgil will eventually write a song about Remus but it has so many metaphors that it takes Roman two months to figure it out (and the WRATH he rains down upon Virgil because WHY DID HE GET A SONG BEFORE ME WERE BEST FRIENDS but it's all in good fun)
- maybe Roman finds a pookie in one of Virgil's bandmates. Who knows.
— 👑
Y E S I fucking L O V E A L L of this!!! First thing's first I absolutely A D O R E the fact that despite Ree's chaos he's the best in his section (Vee can agree he totally doesn't stare and listen 24/7 no that would just be too Gay what do you mean he got up from his spot just to invade Ree's personal space as he plays /lie) And as for the Rock band one I L O V E them just being too Gay to function while Ro is just like "Holy shit here just have each other's numbers" and is still surprised they even got together XD (Ree D E S E R V E S scary Dog privileges and to answer the question on how I feel about Ree drooling over Vee while he plays Guitar is as he S H O U L D because hot damn that sexy Emo knows how to shred and he wrote a song about him manz is A W O O G Aing hard and I don't blame him)
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pencilpat · 2 months
what are you’re headcanons for Virgil? 💜
Of course anon!
Virgil loves DIY! He made his own hoodie, he is a typical alt kid mending and patching things from the thrift store. I think that, while emo is his favourite fashion and music type, he also really loves goth music and style.
The dark side fallout happened right before Accepting Anxiety rather than after. Janus had plans about showing Thomas all the repressed aspects of himself even back then, and Virgil was the easiest to grapple with, so he was sent out on the front lines. He wasn't supposed to bond with everyone. He wasn't supposed to become friends, family, with someone else, with the others. And after tension built and built and Janus's abandonment fears consumed him, it just collapsed into a fight. Virgil decided that, really, no one wants him at all, and all he does is hurt and inconvenience every other side. So he ducked out. You know the story from there.
Virgil and Roman are only recently getting along better but they're trying. Virgil's love language is sharing his interests, and he tries to find crossovers between things they enjoy. Roman struggles with that because in his view there isn't much overlap at all. Most of their hangouts involve rewatching Nightmare Before Christmas over and over. But also! Makeup!! They do each other's makeup for fun alllll of the time. Also making clothing for each other!
THIS SIDE IS AROACEAPL!! Virgil is so aroaceapl coded to me, or at least demiromantic/demisexual and friendship neutral aplatonic. He never seems to enjoy the words 'I love you' or any implication of love being given to him. He doesn't seem to enjoy relationships in general, though he has let exceptions happen. Virgil seems very romance repulsed for himself but the second it's for Thomas's romantic life he is out to battle as Bravery for the sake of that anxious man's heart.
Speaking of, Logan is also VERY aroaceapl coded and in my mind they are in a queer romantic relationship, they love each other in a way that doesn't make sense as any currently known type of 'love'. They need each other and they make each other feel nice - Logan is someone that Virgil genuinely likes to be around, which is rare for him. They get each other's struggles and I think they could talk each other down from anything. And neither of them could ask for anything better than someone who understands.
Patton is also someone Virgil has felt love for. At first both of them mainly thought it was a familial bond, but given both of theirs' issues with comprehending romantic feelings, it was soon found to be more. Attraction gets very complicated when you're aro, ace, and aplatonic. It can be so confusing when you do like someone, and you'll often try to categorize them as something different like family or community. Virgil being demiromantic and Patton being aro confused and muddled things. But they really just care about each other either way, and they just let themselves... be. To just care for each other in whatever way they can in the moment and leave their feelings undisclosed.
Vee-man's favourite bands are MCR, All-Time Low, and A Day To Remember, but he's not as pure of an emo as you'd expect. That modern day tiktok emo music? He is a sucker for that stuff. And I want to kick his ass for it.
When they were a kid, Virgil was only known as Fear and he was a little shadow person. Like a tiny boogeyman! Really, the personification of what a kid finds scary rather than his current being made of all those adult worries. He age regresses for stress reasons and reverts to that form when doing so.
That's what I can think of right now, like with the Roman post I'll edit if I think of any more later.
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i love how virgil goes from being outright mean, to patently hurt that he isn't wanted, to, like, a sweetheart who's just like... a scared little puppy. do you know what i mean?????
he's scary, then cold, then just a sweet little guy and- oh my god i'm literally patton what the HECK-
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alexthefly · 1 year
For the wip ask game, I was first drawn to Holo-Call Woes because it has the potential to be hysterical but I also see Parker Gets Sidelined and I'm intrigued. He doesn't get many stories and I want to see what he does about it.
So, your choice, you can tell us more about either one (or both!).
Thank you!
Hi! Thankyou so much for asking. 😊
Both these choices have turned out to be quite popular, so if it's okay with you I'll start with Holo-Call Woes in this answer (with thanks to @onereyofstarlight who also requested it) and tag you in the other one later on?
Holo-call Woes (working title) was a one-shot idea that came to me - as so many Wee!Tracys stories do - from real life at home with my kid; specifically when I was trying to talk to my Dad on the phone. 😅
At the moment it's still in fragments, and some of the elements have since been co-opted into Just in Case, but here's the beginning snippet:
“Boys? Can you see me?”
The view on the holo' screen suddenly lurched sideways.
"Hi Daddy! I bit a snake!"
As far as calls went, it was definitely an interesting start. Jeff Tracy didn’t often find himself lost for words, but in this case it took a second before he felt he could safely answer his three year old - or at least, that’s who he assumed the giant brown eye now taking up the entire screen belonged to. But as he clamped his lips together and carefully swallowed back his amusement, it turned out he didn't need to.
"Put it down Virgie, I wanna see too! And it’s not a snake; it’s a Red Vine,” said Scott, voice full of big-brother authority.
"No s’not, it's a snake. It's wriggly-tickly."
Jeff snorted and bit down on the inside of his cheek. “Where’s your mother, boys?”
“I’m here,” came a melodious, if somewhat weary, voice from beyond his line of sight. “Scott, where did he get that thing?”
The view spun again and managed to catch a brief glimpse of his lady wife before settling on a close-up of a toy dinosaur, complete with drawn-on eyepatch. 
“I swapped them with Kelsey Potter at recess and told Virgie I’d share.” "...Wriggle wriggle wriggle… Is a scary snake."
“Aww, that's kind Honey, but isn't it a bit late for cand- Wait, what did you swap it for?” "Look Daddy!"
Suddenly everything was a big mess of blurry red tangles.
"Virgie! Now it's all sticky!"
"Don' be scared, Scottie. I save you!"
“Eww, no! Mo-om!”
The red disappeared, leaving a sheen of blur that rendered almost everything else unintelligible. The only thing he could just about make out was a somewhat unsteady orange shape lumbering towards him.
"Snik go sssssss," the shape said, briefly filling the picture before abruptly falling out of sight.
Swallowing wasn’t enough this time; Jeff only just managed to disguise his laughter with an impromptu coughing fit, as on-screen a giant pair of outstretched arms appeared to descend from the heavens to retrieve the still-hissing shape.
“John's still no better at staying upright, huh?” he asked, grinning.
An exasperated voice. “Nope. It’s like Bambi on ice around here… Scott honey, would you pass me that cloth please?”
The holo’ went white for a moment before revealing the now clear and slightly harassed - but still to his mind the most beautiful - face of his wife, cuddling a bewildered-looking John to her.
“I swear, it’s like he’s two different children. From the neck up he’s at least a year ahead, but from the hips down…”
She started pretending to eat John’s toes, making him giggle, but the hint of worry in her voice was evident.
Jeff wished so much that he could be there to hold her.
“He’ll get there, Honey. He’s just finding his feet, that’s all. Gravity just comes harder to some of us.”
He flashed what he hoped was a winning smile, and was gratified that she seemed to relax at least a little.
“I know. It’s just Scott couldn’t wait to get up and moving, and Virgil’s always been steady as a rock, so I-” 
She looked at John and took a deep breath.
“I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?”
Across hundreds of thousands of miles, Jeff felt himself melt. 
God, he loved her.
“Never, darlin’.”
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ms-awesome52 · 2 years
I have reason to believe that the orange side isn't wrath like many of us have theorized. I think he may represent passion instead.
Now when I say passion I don't mean Thomas's passions since that role is Roman's. I mean the emotional drive definition of passion. Passion has been coming up more and more in recent episodes in addition to an increase in anger.
Anger is an emotion that stems from other emotions like fear, hurt, insecurity and passion. Now, while there have been outbursts of anger that have stemmed from all the emotions I listed above, quite a few of the angry outbursts lately have stemed from passion(you can skip these and still get the idea):
In learning new things about ourselves, the infamous paper ball incident started when Roman was saying that Logan was going overboard with ensuring that he was speaking clearly and Ro called his thoroughness stupid. Before that the two were arguing so emotions were already elevated and being called stupid was the final nail in the coffin. (Please note that I do not condone Logan reacting with violence in this situation. He did apologize and had an explanation, but that doesn't excuse the action) It is revealed later that Logan is that thorough to prevent distress due to misunderstanding and also to prevent Remus from using his words against him. Logan is passionate about being understood and being taken seriously (to quote, "I'M NOT A JOKE! At least I can't be seen as one.") Pretty much everything that happens this point in the episode directly contradicts these passions of his. After that last straw you can understand why Logan lashes out even if you don't think it was justified.
The entirety if Embarrassing Phases was Virgil was of expressing his anger with the other sides about reducing a large part of his life and identity as "just a phase" and also not being scared when he tries to scare them. It's obvious (to me at least) that Virgil is passionate about both staying true to your identity and also being able to do his job and scare the others (affectionately). I know I have fun occasionally scaring my family and friends so I wouldn't feel great if being scary was literally a part of my identity and my loved ones reduced it to a thing of the past.
Selfishness vs. Selflessness starts with a hello fresh promo, then Virgil walks in to give us anxiety as retaliation for Thomas dying his hair back to brown. We established that Virgil values staying true to yourself and he liked expressing himself using the purple hair.
In the same episode Virgil trys very hard to convince Thomas to send Deceit away. We don't know the history between Janus and Virgil (yet) but he was very passionate about removing Janus from the conversation.
In Selfish vs. Selflessness Redux, Thomas him is angry that he had to give up a major opportunity in an industry that he was passionate about.
In the newest episode at the 10:07 mark Patton says that "sometimes passion makes you act a little silly" and then it cuts to Logan thinking about that statement. Earlier in the episode Patton literally kicked a door open and made a video because Logan suggested donating Thomas's stuffed bear, Ben. I think this line was foreshadowing that the orange side, passion, is the one putting everyone on edge. But I guess we have to wait to see.
Idk if any of this made sense (I'm writing this at midnight so brain doesn't work the best)
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