#when are we getting the norm plushie
liverdoctor · 11 months
Friendly reminder to gently introduce your plushies into the pack gently. Start by diving them with a door and allowing eachother to smell, or if you have a glass door, see eachother. Make sure to be within the vicinity just in case anything happens, as not all plushies are as friendly as others. If the alpha senses a disturbance in the hierarchy of the pack they may become aggressive towards the new plushie, so make sure the alpha meets them first. Different plushies have different ways of showing respect or submission, if you need to translate for your alpha plush make sure to be there until they're accommodated.
Of course, if you have a plushie of a media, always have a buddy if you can. I recently received my Oliver Swift plushie and my already owned and adapted Randy Jade plushie accommodated him in the bathroom while we allowed Meowth (the alpha of the pack) to sniff him. Thankfully it was smoothe and Oliver was approved easily, but I know that's not always the case. Bowlingball (a blue creature plushie) had a bit of a rough time accommodating, often getting into fights with Jesus (my dog plushie). Luckily Meowth could calm the tide, but that goes to show how comparability is very important when deciding which plushies to adopt and where to place them (if you have multiples packs in one home.)
Another thing is when plushies are getting accommodated, allow them to sleep in the bed. A simple bonding method that is quite effective. If your new plushie has already bonded to another plushie like my Randy and Oliver, make sure to have their partner with them as well. Bonded plushies tend to have separation anxiety with their partner, so make sure to keep them together for long amounts of time. Of course, you must have one on one bonding but most of their time should be spent among other plushies. Plushies are long term companions and adoption is a life changing experience for the both of you, and all your plushies, so being careful and responsible when adopting does matter. Always be educated, wether it be at food, housing, likes, social habits, your plushies must me priority is a plushie parent.
It's fucking 12 am I'm off my shits on just being tired
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bbgracha · 2 months
i ordered a puppym today.....i was so conflicted for days but life is short and i want to make teenage me proud
The purchase had me skip around the house, smile and make happy gestures, so even if i'd regret it one day, this momentary happiness means the world
Younger me didn't even think twice and while i was So embarrassed about doing certain things or regretted not doing others, i think i had an even better mindset years ago and I want to appreciate the person I was years ago. I am just a coward now but the past me means everything to me
will definitely sew some nice clothes and take manyyy pics
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dante-mightdie · 1 month
just a thought that i thought of after reading the angst fics 😖:
Pretend the guy who took her home was some rando she became close with at the bar, and that she told him about all her troubles and issues that she encountered with 141 recently. He comforted her and then they drank together yadayadayada he takes her home, the boys tuck her in despite them being mad, the cute “princess” moment, then morning.
When morning comes, they all talk it out, only catch is that now they’re back at square one when getting Reader to open up, and get intimate. Let alone even hug them.
Another catch is that they seemed more comfortable with literally anyone else BUT them. They all went out? Reader brings the guy friend to come along, then falls asleep on his shoulder accidentally, even though Gaz offered his shoulder first instead. They all are gonna cuddle and sleep in the same bed together and want Reader to join in? Reader opts for a plushed animal (The big plushies— Like a giant bear or shark) instead. It was like getting Ghost to let down his walls, just a little harder since instead of short answer “no’s” and grunts, they’d feel like they’re bullying Reader even though all they asked was want they want for breakfast.
Ex: *They all are talking, then Price turns to Reader* “Where do you wanna go out tonight, sweets?”
Reader: *literally sweating and looking at every other place thats not any of them, fiddling with their fingers as they mutter out a soft,* “Dunno.”
here’s a lil something something i’ve been thinking about
c/w: reader has trust issues, boys attempt to make amends, not a happy ending really but still more to come, panic, anxiety
it had been a stressful few weeks for you after that night at the bar
when the morning came, you woke up to find yourself in the centre of their bed. sheets all tangled with up in the knot of limbs made up by you and your lovers. heavy arms slung over your waist and sleeping faces smushed into the side of your neck
this may have been the norm for you a few weeks ago but with recent events, this makes you feel trapped. especially since you can’t recall the events of the previous night. your brain had switched off after your fourth daiquiri
you must have gotten hammered and crawled into the bed after hours, you think to yourself. must have gotten so lonely and desperate that you crawled into their bed. you have to get up and leave before they find you
you carefully pull their arms from you, untangling your legs with a painfully slow pace. no risky movements. when you think you’re just about to make it, you feel a strong arm snaking its way back around your waist and pulling you straight back into the flesh pile
“where’re you goin’, darlin’?” price grumbles in your ear, his prickly bread tickling your skin when he pushes his face back into the side of your neck. your eyes widen at the situation you’ve found yourself in
price perks up a bit, lifting his head when he feels you push at this arm wrapped around you like you want it off. he lifts his arm slightly for you. you twist and turn to get out of his grip, scrambling to your feet and watching him with a nervous expression
“woah, calm down. please don’t act like i’m going to hurt you, you know I’d never do that.” price says with a soft tone, hands out in surrender as you step away from the bed. he frowns at your skittery nature
“what happened last night? why am I in your room?” you ask, wrapping your arms around you for comfort. your hands feel soft cotton rather than the black silk you wore the night before and you look down to see one of soaps old band t-shirts, “did I put this on?”
the boys begin to stir awake at the sound of hushed voices. soft groans and joints clicking filling the room but you don’t take your eyes off of john’s. he seems sad, like you’ve just subtly devastated him
“you came home in a bit of a state so we bought you to bed. why’d you look so nervous, honey?” john coos, the rest of the boys are fully awake now, sat up and watching this scene unfold in front of them
feeling all those sets of eyes on you makes you close up, looking down at the floor and not saying a word. like you’re trying to make yourself small, hard to see and perceive
john climbs out of bed next, placing a gentle hand on the top of your head. “let’s go get something to eat, yeah? we all have a lot to talk about today.”
all you can do is stand rigid and stare at them with shock splattered on your face as they all climb out of bed, walk over to you and plant a kiss on your forehead before following john downstairs
you stare at the empty doorway for a few minutes before creeping downstairs, brow furrowed the whole time as you watch them move around in the kitchen. john grips your tense shoulders and nudges you into a seat before placing a cup of steaming hot coffee in front of you
johnny and kyle are setting the table, smiling at you and asking how you slept. playfully scolding you for drinking too much before popping a few painkillers in front of you. you feel like you’ve been placed in the middle of a tv sketch. like at any moment someone with a camera is gonna run out and tell you that you’re being punked
“how was your night out, darling? we see you made a new friend.” john gives you his classic close lipped smile, the one you used to tell him made him look like a quokka. you jerk away when you feel simon walk over, ruffle your hair and place a bowl of cut up fruit in front of you wordlessly
“uh… it was… fine.” you mumble, staring down at the ceramic bowl. kyle connects his phone to the speaker, letting the kitchen become filled with morning news reports and music as they cook breakfast. you barely touch the food they put in front of you, your paranoid brain telling you that something bad was about to happen
they fill the tables with plates full of food, all the fixings for me a full-english and more. fruit and pastries, jugs of freshly squeezed juice, courtesy of kyle and that ridiculously expensive juicer that he asked john to buy him. they start helping themselves to the food, piling their plates high whilst you just sit there anxiously, hands kept firmly in your lap
your coffee has since gone cold, only taking one sip to help you wash down the painkillers. you can’t take it anymore. you don’t like how normal they’re acting, as if they haven’t spent the past few weeks putting you through hell at home,
“need to do the food shop today. why don’t you come with me, princess? we’ll pick up some lunch and sit in the garden. the weather is-“ john begins talking but you just cut him off
“what the actual fuck are you talking about, john?” you blurt out, hand coming up to silence him. everyone stops eating and turns to look at you. “have you lost the plot? why are you acting like everything is just normal?”
“I ken it’s been a difficult few weeks for ye, hen but we just want-“ johnny begins to speak, a frown tugging at his lips as he reaches his hand across the table to grab yours. you snatch it away, looking at him like he was insane
“I don’t give a fuck what you want!” you scoff, snatching your hand away before he can touch you, “I don’t know what joke you lot are playing on me but it’s not funny. I can’t- I don’t- just fucking stop, okay!?”
you struggled to find your words for a moment before bursting out, your lip wobbling and eyes welling up before you stand from the table abruptly. you turn on your feet and storm upstairs, going straight to your room and slamming the door
the second the it’s closed you slide down the wooden door, tears falling from your eyes as you bury your face in your hand. meanwhile, downstairs the kitchen is silent. cutlery placed firmly on the table, untouched as all the boys comprehend the situation they’re in
“we fucked up.”
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punkeropercyjackson · 26 days
@cassieopeiia said yes when i offered to repost my afro-dominican Jason Todd headcanons so they could finally have some accurate latino Jason content so here!!
Both sets of his grandparents were inmigrants who made sure to teach their kids their culture and Bruce,Talia and Alfred did research so he could still grow up in it after he was adopted so he's not disconnected from his culture like you'd expect
Is darkskinned with a big nose,full lips,green eyes and shoulder length black dreads with one of them being white from The Lazarus Pit.As Robin,he wore his hair short and natural(as in,his classic curls but even thicker)
Speaks spanish often enough that it's a consistent part of his speech patterns but dosen't have an accent since he's so good at both it and english
90s/2000s anime kid but specifically watched the episodes and read the mangas in latino spanish whenever he could(Definitely a merch collector too!!!Nothing weird though,i feel the need to say that,he just loves buying volumes and figures and replicas of weapons and plushies-The last one is a secret though)
Has his pre-reboot Robin characterization but got victim blamed and a bad rep anyway because of antiblackness and xenophobia
Bullying Tim for being a gringo is one of his favorote hobby's
Duke and him compare their similar yet different experiences with blackness and got along even quicker than canon thanks to it
Mentors Damian's team The All New Teen Titans and next to Damian,the member he's closest to is Nell
Takes great care of his hair and will sometimes wear red beads-He actually has a couple sets in different shades!!!
Says his favorite color is red because it represents blood on his country's flag and nobody can tell wether he's joking or not
Sometimes feels guilty for 'being a stereotype' due to the whole being born to poor parents who were also addicts and growing up to be a huge asshole with anger issues and a thirst for violence but rarely lets it get to him because he thinks he's the coolest mf to ever exist(but we all know he's actually a boyloser)
Aave user,with his favorite word from it being 'deadass'
And he makes the obvious 'Concha' jokes too for irony because he's demisexual and aceflux
Loves his country's cuisine-especially flan,it's tied with neapolitan as his favorite dessert!-but his favorite type of latino food is mexican!Tres leches cake and tacos and burritos and mexican hot chocolate and all that make his mouth water like Atlantis
Wears traditional festive clothes for special occasions and if he can't,he'll just refuse to go("I'm not going out in public in that!" "It's literally a tux???" "You call that a tux?It dosen't even have shoulder pads!Don't patronize me,Dickardo.")
Listens to bachata for nostalgia reasons and has some songs memorized but generally a female rappers/death metal bands/punk rock kinda guy
Black and latino memes connoiseur,both the classics and newer ones
Adores dominican folklore and uses it's horror mythos as inspo as Red Hood
Thinks 'showing affection means you aren't tough!' is gringo nonsense so he's pretty open about if he likes someone,be it platonic or romantic
Poc4Poc strictly and has a thing for black women
The only thing him and Kyle can agree on is that latinos are superior
Very autistic,with no masking game now or ever due to the norms he was raised in never giving him the chance to learn to.It got him bullied at school and things didn't get better into adulthood until we got to my Rhato rewrite and he got to make REAL friends i.e Reconnecting with Eddie and my self-insert Summer Kent(i got into DC through watching Utrh and starting to selfship with him),Robin-ing up Duke and vice versa and meeting Rose,Artemis,Kyle,Thad and a bunch of ocs by @moonage-gaydream @theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts @mayameanderings and @insomniac-jay
Punkero Gótico(Goth Punk)who's a straightedge as trauma coping,seeks out latino/black run thrift stores,goes to basement shows and charity events and protests when he has free time and usually just asks around for them so he can know,wears dominican themed corpse makeup and is an agender transmasc who describes his gender as 'Mostly nonbinary but being a guy makes things funny as hell and Not That Kinda Girl by Mcr describes me pretty well')
His love for classical literatiure ofc includes latino authors and he played JuegosJuegos.com tons as a kid
Calls Talia Mamí,Damian 'Duende',Duke 'El Real'(Real=Spanish for Royal but also means the same thing it does in english so it's basically him saying 'You're so fucking real' like the slang)and Summer 'Strawberry Pop'(Jason has a thing for pink-coded black women specifically m'kay?)
His favorite Marvel character and lucky for him his Marvel Variant too is Miles Morales.He thinks it's Hobie Browm though(PLEASE He's so obsessed with his non-existent coolness and relatedly Duke's actual DC Variant is Duke 'El Real' Thomas)
And his books Variant is Percy Jackson.The only real differences are 1.Percy is transfem instead of transmasc and 2.Jason's arc is about him being a self-made tragedy and highkey bad person who works his ass off to redeem himself and only works when he's not getting coddling and Percy's is about how she's never done anything wrong in her entire life yet gets treated like shit anyway and deserves to be treated kindly for once no matter how strong she is
My fancast for him is Aubrey Joseph.Everything i've watched of him-Acting AND as himself-is literally just irl Jason Todd.There's no better fancast for him out there,we've found Red Hood y'all
If you call him any version of 'Papí' and you're not Talia or one of his kids:'Lights Out Bitch!!!!'
Canon bonus':His birthday is on Dominican Restoration day,at my villa we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with little spoons at our schools,his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters' which is the name of an iconic black sitcom and Leon from Pokemon's VA voiced him in the Wfa dub!!!
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swordsonnet · 1 year
when talking about topics like maturity and (self-)infantilisation, it's important to remember that there will always be disabled adults for whom the "normal" benchmarks of adulthood are not attainable or even applicable at all. if you want to be an ally to disabled people, you need to support all of us, not just the ones you find palatable - and that includes people who have "childish" interests, who get very emotional about seemingly trivial things, who aren't able to be independent in the way that adults are expected to be. that doesn't mean that we "need to grow up", or that we're reverting to a childlike state to avoid our responsibilities, or whatever op-ed writers think is wrong with gen z these days. it's just the way we are, and liking plushies or struggling with certain tasks doesn't in fact make us children! disabled adults are still adults, and still deserving of dignity, regardless of whether or not we can live up to the rigid societal norms of what it means to be an adult.
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coralinnii · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
If I’m being honest, I have been more into just listening to music during my free time more than anything and while I read a lot of manga, my goldfish brain would blank out if someone were to ask me anything about it. However, I will tell you my list of definite rewatch/reread series though some of them are pretty old or obscure.
My Top 10 (in no particular order)
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Kun (manga/anime)
At first, I watched it mainly for the fun aesthetics (cute colourful characters with spooky backgrounds) but I fell in love with the characters and world-building of this series. The whole cast, be it main or supporting, are absolutely amazing and capable of running a story arc of their own even without the main cast which is seriously impressive. And while the anime only just scratched the surface, the author really built the setting of this series with great thought, with its own politics, history, systems, and culture that impacts the story well. No random fact is without purpose and I love it.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (manga/anime)
I’ve been watching anime since I was 4 so I can confidently say that I’m familiar with many classic anime tropes and cliches. This series is like a kudos to longtime anime fans with its jokes and jabs as it follows a strong psychic boy being absolutely done with the insanity of his life as he tries to keep his powers a secret from his schoolmates like a sports anime jock, a shojou girl, delinquent gone good, etc. The comedy coming from this deadpan omnipotent high school student is just an absolute delight. I kin Saiki so much
Nope (movie)
I’m a real fan of horror movies, especially those with undertones that bring a critical element to humanity. While I love all of Jordan Peele’s current works, Nope has got to be one of my favourite movies overall. I’ve heard of some of the criticisms people had with the film (pretty ironic ones too) but I personally love the pacing and suspense of the film. While it’s fun to watch monsters and killers get crazy from the get-go (that’s why Saw movies and slasher films were popular) but Nope touched on that all-too-real fear of not knowing what’s going to happen. That fear where you’re afraid but you’re not sure of what yet.
Petshop of Horrors (manga/anime) and the sequel Neo Petshop of Horrors (manga)
Speaking of horror with critical undertones, I was obsessed with this manga series that came out in the late 90s. I would try so hard to find a way to read this series every chance I could growing up. It’s a sorta episodic style story that stars a mysterious petshop owner that often becomes a suspect in the deaths of people who have bought animals from his shop. I love the philosophy of each new story that touches on humanity and how different (or similar) we are to animals. It questions our societal norms, expectations, base desires, mythology, what it means to live, and what is “acceptable” in our world. Unfortunately, the series was never fully translated and only published fewer copies than typical manga series due to reasons I’m not too sure of (possibly conflicts with ownership and company copyrights at the time, think Baccano situation). The series had an anime but even that anime only had 4 episodes (I still highly recommend it however). I’ve managed to get a few volumes for myself and I know people are selling certain volumes online but I have to save for essentials so collecting them is unfortunately a lower priority now.
Pokémon (video game/manga/anime)
Is this a cop-out? Nah. To this day, I would still have to physically fight myself to not buy plushies and games when I’m already broke af. Pokémon might be one of the first animes I have ever seen (I have seen both sub and dub because my brother found a way) and I would still on occasion go back to rewatch literally any season and any movie of theirs, Nintendo really hit the marketing jackpot with this franchise. The creativity and design are so iconic and memorable that it’s so easy and fun to get into the fantasy of going on an adventure with your favourite Pokémon. There’s of course some nostalgia at play since I loved the moments where my older brother would watch the movies with me and my cousin and I would collect the figurines together.
One Piece (manga/anime)
Is this also a cop-out? Don’t care. I LOVE ONE PIECE! I will sacrifice my time and tears for this series. I have legitimately managed to rewatch this 4 times in my life (granted I started when it only had 400+ episodes so I had an easier time) and I would willingly cry over a flashback, a whale, even a boat over and over again. The action and story-telling of this series just keeps me running back for more even if I keep meeting dumb gatekeepers (yea, people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m a One Piece fan, what are ya gonna do?) I haven’t watch the Netflix live action yet but I probably will once I get my friends to watch with me (I like to fangirl with friends~)
Forget my Husband, I’ll Go Make Money (manhwa)
Despite my blog probably being best known for the villain/ess series, the banner of my blog is not an isekai villainess story but a fantasy series where a woman who can see the past, present, and future tries to make money while being married to a foreign prince before expecting a divorce (because she assumed he rather marry for love than for political reasons). Fun fact, this series was actually one of the foundations when I was writing the villain/ess story for Leona. The art and main couple are just absolutely delightful, I can’t help but reread it as it returns for a new season. Not only is the art just gorgeous, the main couple is just so gosh darn entertaining with their conversations, personal dynamics, and hilarious misunderstandings. Just beautiful.
Hotel Del Luna (K-drama)
Leave it to my interest in horror to love a romance drama with ghosts in it. It’s funny, it’s cute, and some of the ghost’s backstory is heartbreaking as well. This is a great story to just have a nice cry out. I love the story, I love the music, but most importantly, I love IU! She is my queen and every scene she is in, she kills me with her fashion, her haughty character, and her tragic backstory. She and the male lead was such a fun twist of the typical k-drama relationship where she was the powerful but broken character who ended up being healed by the kind, hardworking character. I've watched this 3 times at this point, but I still cry Every. Single. Time. No exceptions.
Hell Girl (anime/manga)
If I haven’t sold you on how I was probably that kid with creepy interests, maybe this will convince you. This was my go-to show back when I was in middle school. There is no excuse, I just really love the psychological horror of this series. In the show, there is a website you can access at midnight where you can ask Ai or Hell Girl to send your most hated person to hell, with the price that you will go there too when you die. While there was a linear storyline in the background, the episodes were always new people who requested Ai’s help with different cases of their own hell on earth. It touches on some really heavy real-life topics but what made it memorable to me was how sometimes I would feel saddened by the choices the people in the show made. Sometimes, they’re in the situation where all they can do is curse someone to hell but then was it really worth losing your chance at a happier afterlife? I watched this show with some of my friends who either saw Ai as a villain for sending people to hell, or a saviour who helped these people find an escape from their torturer, and that honestly made me think about what it means to have that much hate in you. I always wondered if I was ever in that situation, what would I do if given the chance?
Big Hero 6 (movie)
Arguably the first Marvel-Disney movie since Disney bought Marvel, I remembered people having weird thoughts on the usually cartoony company taking over the superhero franchise but I fell in love with everything that was this movie. It had Marvel-style action mixed with classic Disney wholesomeness and gut-wrenching emotional moments. I loved the message and warmth that was in this movie. Having an older brother myself, I couldn’t imagine how I could go on if I lose him but watching Hiro being so well supported by Baymax and his friends cemented within me the importance of helping others and that supporting those in pain can be as powerful as stopping bad guys (sappy, I know but hey I’m now learning to be a preschool teacher so this really stuck with me). Tadashi’s recorded message brings me so much comfort that I didn’t realize I needed. He may have been the closest thing to a Disney crush for me.
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fnaffersblog · 11 months
Okay hold on HOLd UP
Spoilers below for 'Earth's ORIGIN STORY in VRCHAT'
Trigger Warning below cut for: Cursing
Not five seconds after making a 'LUNAR!!!' post we get Earth lore, I am being fed today on the richest of content.
Look look look I get it The Princess and the Pauper movie is great but you cannot go wrong with Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus okay? Alright? This is now. This is now a Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus blog alright? In this house we love Barbie and the Ma
Princess and the Pauper came out in 2004 for anyone who was also wondering, but didn't look it up.
The return of the true villain of the series: That one fuckin bouncy, physics defying plush cylinder in the theater.
The music change had me wheezing, the fucking dramatic chase music for this bouncy toy.
Followed by all three of them legitimately walking around trying to catch the damn thing.
I'd love to see an episode where they have a discussion, like a serious discussion or something in the theater, and someone throws the toy and it just bounces around forever while they're having a serious talk, and it's played completely straight the thing is bouncing and no one addresses it or tries to catch it this is wishful thinking but the idea had me laughing so hard i forgot hwo to use punctuation
Sun and Moon sitting down on the little plushies seats like kids listening to story time was so cute.
"You will refer to me as Creator" "Hello Father!" "That works as well I suppose!"
It's strange seeing how... kind? The creator is towards Earth. Like, he's always been kinder to Earth than he has been to Sun or Moon or Killcode, but it's still weird. Like, he lets her decorate her room and got her movies in preparation for her activation, and doesn't get upset when she calls him father, and he's gentle when he asks her to leave them at the end.
"I abandoned mortal flesh for eternal life as a brain!" "Oooh! That seems clever!" Lol
Huh a Garbage Guy.
I like... whatever is going on between Garbage Guy and the Creator. Like, GG is so annoyed with the Creator, but he's speaking so casually to him? Exasperated with the Creators antics. They're like... a goddamn sitcom couple or something. The Creator gives no shits about this guy's irritation. They remind me of Chatot and Wigglytuff from PMD:EoS.
So, Earth was activated around November-December 2022, during the Bloodmoon arc. She showed up in... April? I think? Late March, early April? Though she said she got lost trying to find the daycare/Sun and Moon, so she left/was sent away from the Creator sometime just before that.
Also, whos they? Fazbears? Sun and Moon? Some third party? Why would they get shut down? I may have missed something. I assume it's Fazbear's inc the two of them are talking about.
Earth raising her hand to ask questions.
They have a connected background??? The Creator got the garbage can stuck on this guys head?? Did he make him immortal too, or did he just get hired because he was immortal? What's the dealio with these two?
"Why do you have a trash can on your head?"
"Why don't we ask your Creator, hmm?"
"Can you not, with the whole brain eye thing!?"
I'm crying it was mostlikely a misclick im crying that was so funny
"Um. You see. It's a, um, fashion trend that he's trying from another country."
"Oh fashion trend today is it?"
WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ARE THEY DIVORCED WHAT AM I LOOKING AT This can't be just me can it?? I want more of it.
"Too bad. My lab." LOL
"I acquired the entire collection of Barbie movies!"
Creator enforces gender 'norms'. Asshole!
I know there's other things happening this episode but. "Was that all?"
"Nooo I wanted to ask you TAKE THIS DAMN THING OFF MY HEAD!"
Also is that the Arthur jingle? Like, the scene transition jingle from Arthur? That's what it sounds like.
"He could see?!" THAT'S what you're taking away from this Moon????
Earth out here being very right about the Barbie Rapunzel movie too, that magic paintbrush was banger, I wanted one too.
This episode was fuckin' fun. So many good quotes, I was laughing the WHOLE time. Also we might have a set up/ worldbuilding for the Creator's enemies and also more Creator and Garbage Guy stuff. Still wondering if he's dead. StG Killcode mentioned putting him to eternal rest at one point.
Also the thumbnail, again the thumbnail! IT's so pretty! The details are amazing, I wish I could look at them closer somewhere. Do we know yet who does them? I've seen suggestions in the comments of both videos featuring art so far that these new ones are done by Kiwi_Artz, but they aren't credited in the descriptions and they haven't post the thumbnails on Twitter anywhere. :(
I feel like this will most likely be the last calm episode before the 16th. This feels like a 'calm before the storm' situation and I cANNOT wait. 9 days till the 16th, that's probably 4-6 lore episodes/ 5-6 VRCHAT episodes, presuming anything is going to happen on the 16th. I'm both not ready for it, and 100% ready for it.
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Any tips on how to deal with learning multiple languages and forgetfulness? Like M’s really wants to learn as many languages as he can, but is afraid of ending up forgetting some of them in the way, he knows that a lot of people have this fear
Forgetting a language is, as you said, a very common fear indeed. I’m actually surprised that, given that, is not more talked about or discussed.  There are many tips, blogs, and YouTube channels dedicated to learning a language, but very little on how to maintain it. 
To be honest with you, this is also one of my fear. Languages in general, and knowing quite a few of them (compared to what is the norm in my country) was always important to me. And so I spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect solution to never forgetting my languages, finding very little help from others.  
Somewhere along the way, I found that the only way *I* could prevent this from happening *to me*, was by using each language every day. The easiest way to forget a language is to never or almost never using it, so one of the best thing you could do is actually use the language as much as you can. 
However, as I soon found out, this is really hard, especially with a lot of languages. You have to keep track of all of them, plus actually manage to get all of them into your daily routine and do it in an organized way. And you have to do all of that without using one more than the other, too. It’s, putting it easily, messy, disorganized, and frustrating. But, hard does not mean impossible. And so i made a few rules for myself:
Include each language in your routine.
 I find it is easier to include them in a routine you already have, and not making a new one around the languages you want to maintain. 
So, the first step to maintaining a language would be to write down your routine. Everything that you do, including getting up, and brushing your teeth. Write down as well all your hobbies and things you do for fun in your free time. Do you read? use tumblr? watch tv or series? Do you do crochet or sew plushies? write it all down. If each day has a different routine, write the different routine for each day. 
Then, identify which activity or hobby requires or uses languages. Most of them do, i bet, even if you don’t think so at first. For example, when i first started doing this, i was still in high school and having physical education/ gym class. We mostly just ran and ran. Not much to do with language, right? Except that after thinking about it a little, i realized i always mentally counted my steps as i ran, or started making a mental list of all the things i needed to do later. That involves language, since you have to resort to choosing a language to do all that thinking on. In my case, it was Spanish, my mother tongue. 
And here is where the 3rd step comes in: Change the language you use in each activity. For example, following my example with my gym class, I identified an activity that -in my case- required a language: counting and planning my routine for that day while running. The next step to follow would be identifying the language you use the most when doing said activity and change it. In my case, as i said, it was my mother tongue, spanish. I changed the counting part to French, because i wanted to memorize better the numbers, and the planning to Portuguese. 
Do this for as many activities as you think you need. And as i said before, it is better -or maybe just easier- to change the language of an activity that you already do, than adding a new activity to your routine. This will help you actually remember that you have to do said activity and to keep consistency with both the activity and the language changing. It will also help you keep organized and not overuse one language over the others
If you need help visualizing this, some activities I have changed the language i do them in are: reading books, watching films and series, researching and reading something for school, talking to friends, thinking, counting, reading and watching tutorials for sewing or crochet, going to conferences, writing in my journal, watching videos in youtube, daydreaming, using the configuration section of several apps, doing quick searches on google, swearing, keeping track of my hearing loss, learning new skills, writing random things down, singing, looking up a definition of a word regardless of its language, talking aloud to myself, adding little notes on my drawings, planning my routine, going to class, labelling things at home, making lists for shopping, talking to my pets etc
 Include new little doable ways to use the language you want to learn/remember. 
Ok, i know i said it was easier to just change the language of an activity that you already do than adding another one to your routine. I still stand for it, especially if you have problems remembering things. But it is not bad considering adding a few small activities or habits. For example, you can start counting the steps you take in a pair of stairs or when walking, or counting the trees you go by when on the bus. You can start singing when making breakfast, and pay attention to the lyrics, or you can start watching/reading the news while you have breakfast. You can start journaling or writing in your drawings, you can join new apps or start playing video games. You can start a new blog or learn to sew, or making lists or whatever. 
My only rule for this is to start little by little and stick to doable activities. If you try to add many things to your routine AND change the language you do them in, it’s very likely you will end up overwhelmed and give up. Start low, changing things little by little. Once a thing has become part of your daily routine, add another one. 
Some things I’ve added to my routine, for example, have been going to conferences and talks related to my university career (linguistics), as well as assisting to classes and workshops that were given by visiting professors from afar. They were given in either English, portuguese or uruguayan sign language. They are not, of course, part of my daily routine, but i keep an eye on when they are making a new one, and make sure to always go. 
I’ve also made sure to make friends and keep in touch with most of my university’s exchange students, and we talk in their native language, which makes up for perfect practice. I also always make a point of going to any Deaf event or activity that is free, as well as making as many Deaf friends as i can. However, there is no need to jump right all in and go join a local language group or start taking university classes in your target language in day one. I've over a decade of experience in this and have already made my way up.
Designate days and times for each language.
Learning each language whenever you feel like it will create more trouble for you, make the forgetting worse, and make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. A way to counter this is via a good structural learning routine. You can designate specific days to languages even if you don’t take language classes and even if you use all the languages each day.
What designating a day to a language means is just basically that, in that day, you will focus more in that language. Mondays are Sundays are for studying French, and Tuesday and Thursday for learning English grammar, etc, for example. You can even adapt this given your routine: for example, in my case Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are uruguayan sign language days, because my sign language classes are Mondays and Wednesday, and Saturdays are when most Deaf events take place. 
Assigning times will help you even if you struggle at keeping routines, too. It’s like assigning days, but instead of whole days, you make it times of the day. Instead of using or learning a language during the entire day, you can do it only in the morning, and in the afternoon you can switch to another language. All you have to do is keep that order as much as you can without switching them up. This will help keep the languages more separated in your mind and help you not mix their grammars and rules and pronunciation etc
Try avoiding learning languages that are too similar at the same time.
You can, of course, do just that, but it will probably cause much more trouble for you than learning several languages at the same time already does. If you do take up two or more languages that are too similar, try taking the second language when you already know some of the others. For example, i did study portuguese and french together, but i was already an A2 level in portuguese when i took up french. And while i was studying English thought all that time too, English was sufficiently different that i didn't struggle with it
In general, take up another language only when you already know some of the other. A2 or B1 of the cfer level chart are both good levels to start at. 
But also, you don't have to learn all the languages at the same time. You don't have to even be learning two languages at the same time. I feel like nowadays this is a thing many of us need to be remained of, alongside with "take your time learning a language". There is a huge push from society and many polyglots blogs and channels to learn a whole language in months and to learn 3 or 4 at the same time, but believe me: many of those people? don't really know as much as they say they do. Many can barely talk in the languages they claim fluency on. But regardless of that, you will learn more if you take your time learning. You will also enjoy it way more this way, and just have a more less anxious and depressed life if you take your time.
Take my word as someone that has been learning minimum two languages at the same time since they were 10yo, and reached the 4 languages at the same time by the time they were 18yo. I'm 20 now, and only actively learning 1 language, and i could cry from how much better it is this way. Just. take your time. enjoy the journey and don't try to fast speed it.
If you forgot to keep the routine ...well, then now is the best time to do it
If for some reason you forget to go to a class or to sit down and study on your own when you were supposed to do it, PLEASE, don't give yourself shit for it. Do the studying right there when you remembered. Or the next time you are supposed to, if you have/want to keep your routine. And if you end up forgetting so many classes or studying sections that you end up forgetting some (or even all!) of what you had learned... just pick up the language as soon as you can and go on. Even if it has been weeks, months, whole years. Don't think too much about it and keep studying, keep using the language. Start again as slow as you need to, but start again.
Even a little is better than nothing, and late is better than never
Believe me, you are most at risk of dong this than you think when you are managing so many languages at once. Always use your mother tongue. Don’t just use the languages you are learning or have learned. Find little ways to include your mother tongue in your routine and/or chose a designated day of the week for using it. For example, there was a time where during each Saturday i will purposely look up Uruguayans shows and films and songs to watch and listen to to keep close to my own dialect. Try and do something like that for yours too
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Fanfic - Marks Upon the World
Marks Upon the World  (Ao3)
When Danny, Tucker, and Sam decided to make a stupid meme song, the last thing they expected to do was to get popular.
They were fully aware it might lead to a ghost attack, but that's just the norm.
That wasn't what they got though.
"So, what are you all planning on doing with all the money?" Tucker asked over the comms. His voice was staticky due to all the interference in the Ghost Zone. The giant rocks of ectoplasm making an asteroid field they were in wasn’t helping things, either. It took Danny a moment for him to parse the question and before he could ask what money, Tucker had continued, "I'm thinking personal VR arcade. Right in my basement."
"Tucker," Sam interrupted, "you don't have a basement." As if that were the problem with his idea, not the money.
"I'm going to add one." Tucker chuckled.
"One, do you have any idea how expensive that is?" Sam responded. "Two, I don't think your parents are gonna let you do that."
"It'll be fine," Tucker dismissed. "My parents were planning on selling the house after high school anyways. They wanted to move somewhere warmer and retire now that I'm almost done with high school. I'll buy the house, bum off your couch for a few months while we rebuild it, and then bam," his point was punctuated by him hitting something, probably the dash of the Specter Speeder, "personal VR arcade."
Danny scoffed into the silence that followed. "Dude, I can't imagine we're making that much money off one meme song."
There was a pause on the other end of the comms, which Danny took as a sign that Tucker had come down to Earth, but then Sam shouted, "Oh my God! That can't be right!"
"Nope, completely. And this is in four weeks! It's been gaining speed! Not only that, but I took a bit of a gamble and started selling merch. The Danny plushies have been selling like hotcakes!"
Danny paused in his flight and looked back across the Ghost Zone at the Specter Speeder, "The Danny what?"
"Danny plushies! They're like your ghost form but tiny. There are a couple of variations, but they all have big eyes and posable arms. And! We have a back order of them. Our supplier is currently trying to find another company to subcontract to, but the stipulations on the contract are slowing that down."
That was not the answer Danny wanted to hear.
"Tucker…" Sam began, "how long have you been selling these? Cause now I remember a few of the comments being something like, 'I can't believe someone made a song for those dolls'..."
Danny took a deep (though as a ghost, it wasn't real) breath and pinched his nose. That was also something he didn't want to hear.
"A while… like, a year? But yeah, people love 'em," Tucker continued. Danny was pretty sure he was taking psychic damage from this conversation. "So yeah, the video has made us about 400k each, and the merch sales is close to a 25k split each." There was a pause, and Danny assumed it was because Tucker was shrugging. "Should be enough for the down payment at minimum, and with you two helping footing the mortgage, we should be able to make the changes we want when you two move in."
"Excuse me?" Sam sneered. "Why would I move in with you?"
"Because Danny is going to, and the second you no longer have to live in your parents’ house, you're going to dip. And with the three of us living together, you and I can pay for Danny, and we can pretend Danny is making money off his parents' inventions. Easy excuse as to why Danny won't have a job."
Danny took that moment to chime back into the conversation. "Why wouldn't I have a job?"
"Because you're a superhero? Dude, it's already a problem at school, but you think even the Nasty Burger is gonna let you get away when you dip ‘cause a ghost showed up?"
Danny paused and thought about it. "Oh…" That was going to kill a lot of his job prospects.
Sam sighed. "For the record, I'm only mad 'cause you were assuming I was going to move in with you." She sighed again. "But… you're absolutely right. When you put it like that, it's absolutely what we're gonna do."
"Alright, well with that out of the way, what are you guys gonna spend the money on?"
Danny opened his mouth to make a quip about lawyers and trademarking his likeness, but before he could, he felt his breath get forced out of his body. The icy cold wisp that came out of his lungs and throat fogged the air in front of him, and he sighed. "Probably more weapons… I got incoming."
Sam or Tucker started responding, but he couldn't hear them over the scream of "Phantom!"
Danny looked up just in time to see Ember flying at him at full speed. By the time he had processed that ‘no, of course she’s not friendly’, it was too late to react. Ember collided with him in a full-body tackle that if he were human probably would have bisected him completely.
"I hate you!" she screamed right into his ear as she took the two of them flying across the zone. The crackle of her flaming hair drowned out anything else. The impact of stone only served to knock what little breath he thought he should have out of his lungs as Ember continued to drag him through several floating rocks. One, a second, and then a third, then she finally let go. Leaving him flying before he crashed into a fourth.
Danny blinked as he regained his bearings, half-buried in the ectoplasmic rock. He wasn't a stranger to people screaming about how they hated him — though that was usually reserved by his parents — but he wasn't normally accustomed to them crying while doing so.
With a heave, he pulled himself out of the asteroid. Ember wiped her tears and started growling as her hair flared up. There was a moment of stillness as he took in her appearance; she lacked a lot of the haughtiness that she usually carried, tall and proud of who she was. That wasn’t her right now; she was hunched over, angry and sad…. Mostly angry.
Danny wasn’t sure what was going on, but his gut (which he had learned to trust over years of heroing) told him it wasn’t a good idea to get the calvary to come charging in yet. Danny quickly reached up and activated the com link. "Guys, hang back-"
He didn't get a chance to explain himself as Ember charged him again. Without the advantage of flying at him at somewhere around 115 mph at his unsuspecting back, he was able to defend himself much better.
Much better than he really should have…
She wasn't throwing ectoblasts or using her guitar to fire off shockwaves. Instead, she was throwing punches and kicks. Ember was not a physical combatant, compared to Danny, who had to be one (with Skulker swinging that giant skinning knife around).
Compared to that, this was easy.
Though not easy enough to be distracted, he thought as she reached up and tried to claw at him. He continued to dodge wild grasping swings and saw Sam and Tucker flying up to the two of them. He looked Ember in the eyes, still filled with tears, and bit his lip. This is either gonna make her kill me harder, or it's gonna stop the fight…
The next time one of her telegraphed punches came flying, he ducked under her arm and got behind her. "What the!" gasped out of her mouth before he wrapped her in a hug. "What the- what the hell are you doing, dipstick!"
Ember continued to whirl around and try to hit Danny, but he kept himself pinned to her back. As a ghost, she probably could have contorted her body in some ungodly way, but like most ghosts, they avoided doing that.
“Let go of me!” Ember screamed. “Or I’m gonna kill you deader!”
“On account of you trying to rip my head off, I’m going to say no.”
Which of course served to just piss her off more. She continued to swing the two of them around, desperate to try and get out of his grip. It took an entire minute before Ember finally calmed down and stopped trying to hit Danny, but he still refused to let go. Especially when the fight left Ember and she started sobbing.
Having heard the fighting stop, Sam and Tucker pulled the Specter Speeder up next to the two of them. Their weapons were primed to save Danny if the fight had gone south, but seeing Danny holding Ember in his arms as she sobbed made them put them away.
Danny understood Tucker priming the weapons of the Specter Speeder, but seeing Sam putting her pistol away made him wonder if she was gonna hang out the door and shoot as Tucker flew by.
Sam made her way to the door of the Specter Speeder and opened it. “What’s going on?” she asked tentatively and thankfully clearly (they really needed to update the Fenton Phones to work better this deep in the zone).
Ember sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “Your stupid theme song...”
“My… what?” Of all the things for Ember to declare her hatred of him for, that hadn’t been it.
“You know… that stupid song you guys put out?” Ember growled. “It’s… it’s popular!”
Danny let go of Ember (probably stupidly) and floated a few feet away from her. “Why does that matter?”
“Why does it matter?” Ember screeched. She whirled on Danny, and he saw Sam reach for her gun, but then Ember calmed down. She paused and looked up for a while, unnaturally still, before she sighed. “I don’t want to explain this. It’ll be easier to show you. Come on.” With that, she started flying off into the ether of the Ghost Zone.
Danny blinked and looked at Sam. The two of them shrugged, and Danny flew after Ember as Sam closed the door to the Specter Speeder.
Ember flew through the Ghost Zone at full speed. Danny was barely gaining on her, and the Specter Speeder was slowly losing ground. They blazed through the Ghost Zone, flying through uncharted (to him at least) space. The further they flew, the more nervous Danny should have gotten.
Should have.
Instead of the fear and excitement they usually got when going through unexplored territory, Danny felt something else. It felt like when you were getting ready for bed after a long productive day, but you knew you had more to do tomorrow. Restful and content, yet stressed.
Danny was in the middle of trying to process that when he noticed that Ember had stopped, apparently reaching their destination.
When Danny got close, he stopped immediately. “Ember…” his voice came out as a whisper, “What the fuck is that?”
Ember tilted her head and looked at him, a sad smile on her face. “I think you know… don’t you?” She turned back and ran her hand over the metal of what was in front of them.
It was a metal hexagon. From inside edge to inside edge, it was about 15 feet across, which would be plenty of room for the Specter Speeder to fly through. The metal edges were about 4 feet wide, and though the inside of the circle was pitch black, Danny was sure that if he could see what was inside it, there would be a slowly closing corridor about 12 feet deep.
He died in it, after all. You didn’t just forget what that looked like.
Ember took his silence to be confirmation. “It’s your lair Baby-Pop…” she said, running her hands along the metal. “We’re lucky. Most ghosts… never find their lairs, or if they do, it’s long after they’ve forgotten anything about themselves. These are called the infinite realms, after all.”
Ember walked across thin air to stand in front of the portal. The pure inky blackness made her stand out as she folded her arms. “There’s nothing saying we don’t wake up near our lairs.”
Danny swallowed. That nervousness he felt approaching only grew stronger this close to his lair. “You mean… ghosts don’t wake up in their lair?”
“No…” Ember said, a melancholy tainting her voice. “We don’t.” She looked up as Sam and Tucker approached in the speeder. She sighed and turned. “Come on…” She glanced at Danny once before stepping into the black.
As she passed through, the edges of the black void in the center of this fake portal lit up, giving off a corona of fire and light for the brief second she passed through. Danny reached up and stuck his hand in, feeling no resistance as his hand pierced the veil. The moment his hand passed through, the edges lit up again, staying alight as he kept his arm in.
He took a deep breath and pushed through.
And immediately, his breath was stolen from him as the pure blackness gave way to a star-studded sky. Not just that, but what was quite clearly the International Space Station sat in front of him, where Ember sat on one of its solar arrays. Danny flew over to her. “Okay, this is officially one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen, but why are we here?”
Ember stood up. “Almost there, just follow me,” she said. “Tell your friends to stay put when they enter. They’d probably be fine, but Imma go ahead and guess you don’t want them crashing and breaking your ship.”
And with that cryptic statement, Ember started flying off again. Danny scrambled to repeat what Ember said to Sam and Tucker as the Specter Speeder made its way into his lair.
He’d deal with the fact that he was dead enough to have a lair later.
He and Ember flew through the night sky of his lair, but this time it was a much shorter trip. Only fifteen seconds or so at their top speeds. When Ember stopped, Danny slowed till he was next to her, and he realized something.
The stars in his night sky weren’t stars. They were names.
The names were inscribed on a solid black wall, and when he touched it, he could feel the curve of the wall, giving him the idea that his lair wasn’t an endless void but actually a sphere with the ISS in the center of it.
“This is what every artist wants, Phantom,” Ember whispered, running her finger along one of the names. Danny didn’t recognize the name at all; it was no one he knew. He quickly activated the comlink in his ear and switched the input to local mode, letting Sam and Tucker listen in as well. “When we create, the thing we create connects us, across time, across space, across lives…”
Ember’s hand dropped to her side. “When people sing our songs or tribute our work… when we touch them with our arts… their name gets inscribed into our lairs. A reminder that we are still affecting the world, that we had lived.” Her voice dropped. “It can’t just be a passing thing, something that you really connect with.”
Danny looked at each of the names inscribed in his lair, thousands, maybe even millions, of all various hues and brightnesses, and uttered in awe, “This many people cared about my stupid song?”
“Yes!” Ember hissed, and Danny jumped to move away from her, though she didn’t attack. “Your stupid song that you don’t even care about is something so many people love! I hate you so much right now!”
Danny frowned and folded his arms. “Why do you care so much? You’ve got to have like… billions of names in your lair, right?”
“How many fucking people remembered I even had a goddamn concert after your friend ruined it? Have you seen anyone with my merch afterward?” Danny blinked. Thinking about it, he couldn’t remember anyone walking around with Ember merch after the concert. At the time, he chalked that up to people losing interest after Tucker ruined her concert. But… no one mentioned Ember again, even though logically, there should have been something, even if it had been something like, ‘Did you see what happened during the concert?’
It was like they had completely forgotten she existed.
Ember pounded her fist against the wall, though it made barely any noise, sounding more like someone smacking a cornstarch and water mixture than a solid wall. “The only goddamn name I have in my lair is Tucker Foley, and it’s carved into the goddamn toilet!”
The bark of laughter from Sam came through before it was quickly cut off, and Danny was reminded that the default setting for “local” mode meant the output was also broadcast to the nearby area. Ember snapped her head toward the Specter Speeder and snarled.
Sam had the right idea and didn’t antagonize the ghost that had almost conquered the world at one point, she stopped laughing and got quiet. Tucker on the other hand…
“So, wait, I’m the only one who’s name is in your lair? Does that make us like, ghostly soulmates?”
"Not on your fucking afterlife!" Ember screeched, drawing more power than Danny had ever seen from her without her guitar. Her hand lit up with ectoplasm, outshining all the nearby stars.
Danny knew the look in Ember’s eyes. “Please don’t…” he begged, knowing that it would literally do nothing.
Ember responded by throwing an ectoblast at the Specter Speeder. Tucker let out a rather inglorious scream as the beam flew past Danny right at the vehicle. Danny turned, ready to do something when the beam destroyed their transport.
But he didn’t need to.
The beam curved at the last second, bending out of its path like it was circling a black hole. Danny’s brow furrowed as he wondered why Ember had pulled back, but she clicked her teeth. “Figures, you’re such a goody two shoes…”
“What do you mean?” Danny asked despite himself.
Ember huffed and waved her arms about. “There’s a reason why every ghost in Amity Park knows where your lair is, your lair prevents anyone from being harmed in it. It’s the perfect neutral ground.” She hummed and gave Danny an appraising look. “Your lair fufills your need to keep people safe… but there’s no one in it for you to keep safe.”
A chill ran down Danny’s spine. The way Ember phrased that… did he have an obsession? One that was driving him to protect people? On the surface, that sounded like a good thing… If Sam and Tucker were in danger and in the area, they could make their way to the safety of his lair.
But what if they got there, and his lair didn’t think it was safe for them to go out?
Would it trap them here?
Ember shifted, snapping Danny out of his thoughts. He watched her reach up and gently stroke the names along the wall of his lair. The motion was so soft and gentle that for a moment, Danny forgot that it was one of his enemies here.
It seemed she forgot that he was there too, because she turned and when their eyes met, she jumped. The look on her face made Danny’s breathing hitch. Her face had been filled with so much longing before it was replaced with a sneer. She scoffed and brushed her hair away from her face. “Whatever,” she snapped, “enjoy your fucking fame.”
Danny felt power rise in Ember, and he only had a second to react when he realized what she was doing. “Hey, wait!” he shouted, only to get pushed back as fire sprouted around Ember and burned away immediately, taking her with it as she teleported.
And for a few heartbeats, all Danny could do was sit there and stare at the names written in his lair.
The moment was broken by an alarm going off. “Ah, jeez!” Tucker shouted. “Danny! We got to book it! Your parents are gonna be home in thirty minutes, and we’re WAY farther from the portal than we’ve ever been!”
Danny gasped as Tucker turned the Specter Speeder around, dove inside the vehicle, and hoped the auto-mapping software in there could plot a way back home without going through any asteroid fields this time.
After a very tense 3 minutes of scrambling to get the ghost-hunting gear back into place, Danny had completely forgotten about what had happened with Ember. It was hard to worry about what had happened when he was worrying about what he was going to be doing the next minute.
But at 12:01 at night, Danny sat on his bed, finally able to actually decompress and think about what had happened.
He knew ghosts got a lair in the Ghost Zone when they died – he had read enough of his parents’ papers on the subject to know that much at least. He also knew that they were supposed to help a ghost sustain their obsession.
And he was dead enough to get a lair himself, and it actively protected people in it.
He had worried for a long time if he had an obsession. If he was only alive because some drive to do something was sustaining him.
Danny took a deep breath and put his fingers on the pulse point of his neck, and he counted the slow (too slow) beats and tried to think of better thoughts.
It wasn’t long until the image of his lair flooded his brain again, filled with a million stars.
Stars that Ember wanted.
Slowly he sat up and made his way over to his closet. It was an absolute mess. Too many instances of throwing stuff in there when his parents got on his case about the state of his room and never took any actual care to clean it. He never really needed to. He could just reach in and rummage around with his intangibility to find what he needed.
Though he wasn’t looking for something in his closet right now.
On the other side of the wall was Jazz’s closet.
He reached through and rummaged around in her closet, trying to find something that should have been there, assuming she hadn’t remembered to throw it out.
It was still there.
Pulling his arm back, he came back holding a guitar. The body had a flame pattern on it and was colored in Ember’s colors. Danny ran his fingers along the neck and came back with a literal pile of dust on them. He shook off the dust before clumsily plucking at the strings.
He wasn’t exactly a musician, but he knew enough to tell when something was out of tune.
This guitar had been sitting there, completely forgotten, at the back of Jazz’s closet for over two years, gathering nothing but dust.
His phone buzzed, and he jumped. It buzzed a second time, and he realized it wasn’t a text but a phone call. He reached over and grabbed it. A glance at the name had him answering. “Hey, Sam,” he whispered, careful not to accidentally wake anyone.
“Hey,” she whispered back. Her hushed tones made this feel like something illicit and made his heart race. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No.” He chuckled and sat down on his bed. “I want to speak with whoever said, ‘I can sleep when I’m dead,’ 'cause they lied to me.”
Sam chuckled back at his stupid joke. “Good, I’m glad… I wanted someone to talk to.”
“And you called me at midnight?”
“Why would I call anyone else?” Sam laughed, though it quickly died. “I just… I dunno. I feel bad.”
“Ember?” Danny asked, needlessly clarifying.
“Mhmm…” Sam murmured into the phone. There was a rustle on the other side of the phone, probably her rolling over. “It’s… I’ve thought about it, you know? What kind of mark I’m gonna leave on the world.” She chuckled dryly. “It’s hard not to when we’re facing death all the time, right?”
Danny nodded instinctively. “Right,” he agreed. Though he had his own thoughts on the matter. “I personally try to avoid thinking about my mortality." He chuckled despite himself as he made his hand light up with ectoplasm. "I’ve been getting a lot of answers I don’t want lately.”
“Sorry,” Sam responded quickly. The word was terse, but her tone was somber.
“Don’t be. Not your fault.”
“It is, and you know it,” Sam responded immediately. Danny opened his mouth to disagree, but she sighed. “I don’t want to have that argument again. I…” She trailed off. “I don’t know what. I’m sitting here, feeling bad about Ember, and I don’t like sitting.
“I get that, I do…” Danny paused and looked down at his sister’s guitar. “I really do. But… what can we do?”
“Maybe…” Sam began but then trailed off. “I dunno. We could… we could do it ourselves… You know, sing Ember’s song… Remember? I think that’s what it was called. I dunno, I never got one of her CD’s.”
Danny thought for a second. “Tucker might still have it… he doesn’t like deleting anything. Gives him an excuse to buy another hard drive.”
“Think he’s up right now?”
“Nah,” Danny said, shaking his head. “He probably crashed the moment he went home.”
“Ugh, fine, we can call him tomorrow,” Sam said, actually sounding annoyed. She huffed, and there was a rustle again as she rolled around in her bed. “I guess I should let you sleep, too, huh?”
“Let’s not be too hasty.” He paused and looked down at the guitar in his lap. "Hey, Sam? Can you teach me how to play guitar?"
Weeks later, Ember awoke in her lair with a start. The crowds in it, that she could never find or play for, cheered wildly. Their screams shook the couch she was using as a bed.
But over all that, she could hear the sound of wood being carved.
Ember scrambled, throwing off the blanket as she snapped out of that in-between state of awareness and non-existence. Her eyes flitted across the walls, trying to find the change in her lair.
Right above where she laid her head, in bright gold lettering.
Danny "Phantom" Fenton.
Samantha "Sam" Manson.
She ran her fingers over the names, echos of the two of them singing her song. Really singing it. Putting their heart and soul into it. She closed her eyes and let the feeling take her, letting her see when and where this was sung.
She smiled as she saw them singing and filming a music video. They used Phantom's lair as the backdrop.
Tucker had been there too, filming them and helping edit the video before posting it.
Where others would hear her song too.
Maybe it'd touch them too.
Ember took a step back and looked over the writing another time, and smiled.
She'd have to do something nice for them sometime soon.
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astraltrickster · 1 year
Since I seem to be on a kick about a lot of my peers falling into that "raarargh why BACK IN MY DAY--" mindset:
Kids having political opinions isn't new, or bad. They just didn't have TikTok to show them to you before recently.
I grew up around 9/11. I went to protests as an elementary schooler. I had opinions on what was going on around me - some of them naively, childishly oversimplified and "what-do-you-mean-my-experience-isn't-universal" brand myopic, but some I stand by to this day and even my childish simplification had its own merit; when the pro-war cry was "free [Afghanistan/Iraq/wherever]" and this tiny child would shout back "killing people isn't freeing them!" - well, that was pretty devastating to a few people. That wasn't something my parents told me to say. That was my own little kid brain taking the very simple facts I knew and stating what I thought should be an obvious truth.
Even beyond the issues that were so blatantly in my face, I remember when I was told, around kindergarten, that I wouldn't be allowed to marry my best friend because we were both girls, and I thought that was the stupidest thing in the world. My parents said, more or less, "yeah, it is, but it's the way things have always been; hopefully it changes someday." So I cared, and I kept caring, and as a teenager I started talking about it from writing my representatives to bitching up a storm on forums - and again, some of the points I made at the time were definitely negatively influenced by my lack of life experience and I definitely wouldn't make the same arguments, but I still had a few damned good points partially BECAUSE I wasn't wrapped up in all the social constructs around gender and sexuality to the extent that most adults are, and now I am legally a man married to another man and life is pretty good!
So I see these posts about kids getting sucked into shitty and harmful queer intracommunity discourse through their blorboposting and I start off nodding along like "yeah, yeah that's a problem, yeah we need to spread more resources for these kids before some 4channer turns them against their ENTIRE own community through fucking fanfiction or some shit"...but then it takes a sharp turn into "BACK WHEN I WAS THEIR AGE I WASN'T WORRYING ABOUT THESE THINGS, I WAS RUNNING THROUGH MY BACK YARD PRETENDING TO BE A DINOSAUR" and I just go ".......yeah okay can't relate." Especially since the kids on TikTok are old enough to at least pass for 13 long enough for you to see them without anyone reporting them, and these posts compare more to the mindset of the average 7-9 year old - did you NOT try to be a Real Grown-Up Adult Who Doesn't Care About Baby Things Anymore at 11-14? Because that's when that phase usually starts. Saying they should be out playing knight adventures and having tea parties with their plushies...you know damned well they'd find it insultingly patronizing, and they'd be right.
On top of which, kids do have valuable things to say about the world.
For one, kids have a perspective on things that have changed that you may not have; it is, in fact, valuable to consult someone growing up with different norms than you did to figure out the good and the bad of how and why things have changed. For instance, if you ask a kid why they're not doing [insert thing you did when you were their age], and you ask KINDLY instead of accusingly, they'll probably tell you the (potentially simplified) reason why, from "the man there won't let me" to "my parents won't let me" to "I can't afford to" to "I don't know how" to "I don't have time for it after my homework" to "dude haven't you been watching the news that doesn't exist anymore" to "I guess I could but this thing I have seems more fun" to "wait you can DO that? No one ever told me!" and more - those aren't code or excuses or lies; those are ANSWERS, which you can then use your own adult life experience to investigate further and figure out what's a problem, what's a positive change that YOU might even get some benefit from, what's neutral, and what's a mix of the above. As an example of some negatives that may have gone unnoticed - it turns out, oh, shit, there ARE fewer arcades than there used to be! There ARE fewer places for kids to go explore and get in low-stakes "trouble" in meatspace than there were 20 years ago! Remember how your own parents complained about how spaces were so much more micromanaged than when they were kids? The increasing micromanagement never stopped because the same driving forces - greedy assholes trying to squeeze every last penny they can out of every human need and every square inch of land - never stopped! It even extended to the internet! Websites for toys and other brands aimed at kids used to have games, now they're mostly just shopping! Spend money or GTFO! So then, as a Complicated Thing, is it any wonder teenagers and preteens are gravitating toward TikTok? It's not ~brain rot~, it's not Idiocracy; it's one of the few spaces left that really encourages making your own fun, which makes it all that much more insidious how so much adult-driven toxicity and misinformation flies over there.
For two, kids make good Occam's Razor filters. Yeah, a lot of the time their simplification is naive and the solutions they propose would do more harm than good by failing to account for all possible factors, but sometimes, the simple fact a kid sees...is something necessary that was missing from the adult conversation because all the adults were so wrapped up in the details of another related point. Just because there are a lot of teenagers who fall into believing stereotypes about queer bars, this doesn't mean they're WRONG when they say it's a problem how MUCH queer community is locked behind an age-restricted door. In fact, if we tried building more queer cafes and arcades and other all-ages hangouts ALONGSIDE the bars, if we fought for more fun spaces to share our history that would be harder for 4channers to infiltrate and lie through, maybe we'd stop having as much of a problem with queer kids getting suckered into believing blatant lies about what's behind those age-restricted doors due to terminally online fandom discourse!
Sometimes you need the simplistic clarity of a kid to remind someone that murder isn't liberation.
Sometimes you need to LISTEN to a kid when they say the things you grew up with are different now, in more ways than you personally observe.
Kids aren't mindless automatons bumbling through life, unaffected by the issues they're trying to talk about, and this remains true whether they're right or wrong about the details.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
After weeks , I'm back lol
How about a Eret being a parent , but diferent from the others , cause maybe the child is adopted instead of biological . This is because Eret has had a partner , Elaina , since 2020 , and because I wasn't sure if you had heard of her , I didn't want to rush you or anything to learn about her . Also , I think it'd be cute . But if want to put that the child is biological , I'm totally fine with it .
Maybe Eret was their foster parent before making the decision to adopt them . Adoption from foster care can take up to 1 year and a half (according to google) ; since an adoption without foster care involved can take up to 3 years . Also , I think it'd be super cute to see Eret and the kid bonding while they're in foster .
Continuation of a great day
Hii! I actually knew about Elaina, because I actually watched some of her streams, well vods, whenever they made an appearance on my recommended.
I find this idea adorable, and I desperately want to write more about Eret, so hope you enjoy ^^
Being adopted by Eret and Elaina
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Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
It took a while for Eret and Elaina to come to this conclusion
They had discussed this idea for months now, and agreed to only act on it when they were both ready
Well the day has arrived, they both were ready to adopt
Of course, a lot of work had to be done beforehand to get to where they were, but they couldn't be more proud of themselves for coming this far
They visited the nearest foster care and were greeted welcomely by the fosterer
And also by some of the children that happened to be there at the front desk
After talking to the fosterer about how this worked, getting some paper work they had to fill and other important stuff, they were led into the day care part where all the children were
It's just like they expected it to be
A bunch of young kids playing around makign a bit of chaos, some crying some laughing, the norm
They both scanned the scene in front of them as they carefully went to talk to some of the kids
Elaina wasn't set anyone in particular, she found all the kids adorable and kind
But Eret seemed to already have his eyes on a certain child
You were mindlessly playing with a creeper plushie in the corner of the room. Other similar Minecraft plushies surrounded you as you displayed a little theatre like show for them
One of the fosterer got closer to Eret upon noticing who he was looking at
"They've been here for a few years. Lost the parents and older brother after a horrible car incident, they were only 2 at the time but seemed to have understood the gravity of the situation. We couldn't calm them down at the time until they stumbled upon that creeper plushie, now they're obsessed with anything related to that game... Minecraft I think it's the name"
Eret smiled at the mentioned game. It was like a sign from destiny
He told Elaina about you and she was on board with getting to know you
You were a bit shy at first, obviously scared by the new faces, but after the plushies were mentioned you couldn't stop talking about them
The couple instantly fell in love with you. There was a charm to you that they found just absolutely adorable
So they came back every Sunday
You three would play with your favourite plushies, draw random characters with some crayons, read books that you liked to listen too, the pair would even let you give them a make over if you wanted too
Every week you got closer and closer to them, getting more comfortable and being exited for the Sunday to come
As the day of adoption came close, the couple couldn't be more nervous. What if you didn't like the idea or threw a fit when you were about to go?
But it seemed like they weren't the only ones worried for whats to come
On the second to last Sunday, before you were gonna move in with them, you had a kind of deep talk with the pair
You were sleepy after playing all day with them, and the drowsiness got you to ramble a bit
"We won't leave you bub, we're right here"
[You, Eret, Elaina]
"I'm so happy with you, I never want this to end. Please don't leave..."
"Yeah, and in a few days we'll be togheter everyday not just on Sundays"
"Really? That's amazing"
"Ok, off to sleep you go now"
"Night hun"
"Night Mama and Papa"
Hearing those two words had made Eret and Elaina the happiest they've ever felt in a while
And it made all their worries of you not wanting to come with them dissapear
They couldn't wait for the next Sunday to come
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
Aurora analysis
The significance of their bunny plushy, the reason and symbolism behind why they don't wear a vest, and sad backstory exposition. @mpfuro-station Enjoy!
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First things first, what's up with their bunny plushy? They had plenty of toys to keep them occupied as a child, but their pink stuffed bunny was their very first one. As such, they have more of an attachment to it. There's no sad backstory tied to the bunny, but there is some sort of sad symbolism in a way. The bunny is one of the few things that stayed with them during their childhood, and managed to keep their interest even after they grew out of their toys. By carrying the bunny around, its like a sign that they haven't truly grown up just yet, that they still have a piece of their childhood that they aren't ready to let go of. But what is their reason behind carrying around their plushy like that? ...Perhaps its hinted that they yearn for the kind of affection that only children receive. Pure infatuation, adoration, and care. Did they not get enough of it as a child?
So this post by Miss Raven got me thinking (she makes amazing analysis posts I swear-) Aurora doesn't wear their school vest (despite Diasomnia's striking green *sob*) because having to wear so many layers of clothing irritates them. They have to wear the undershirt, and they like the sleeves of the blazer, so the vest had to go. Now, from what we know of Yuuya’s backstory, it seems that he was the type that was always forgotten by his classmates and left out of social circles. Because of this, he has low self esteem and feels as though he doesn’t “belong”—and he is content with that, because he has accepted it as his unchanging reality. Leaving out the vest denotes “not belonging”. I haven't been able to write anything that conveys Aurora's loneliness well enough, but you can tell from their long fancy tag that they aren't exactly a social butterfly. This ties into their enneagram type too, which bring me to my next point.
Aurora - 4w5 (sp/sx) Aurora is a chaotic, serial daydreamer that has a lot of trouble understanding social norms and others' emotions. Being forced to socialize at formal gatherings just isn't for them. As they grew older, they learned to fit in more and make small talk with others. But they were terrible at it as a child, and their mother didn't have the patience to say anything to them beyond insults and short reprimands that they didn't understand. They were a social 4 as a child, and often felt as if they weren't loved properly and understood for who they are. They prided themselves in being unique, but also didn't like it when they found it hard to fit in with others. A struggle that their mother couldn't understand, and more often than not, berated them for it. They're better at hiding their negative emotions now, choosing to show a cheerful demeanor most of the time. Someone once commented that they look sad whenever they're not smiling, but that's just their face. Right?
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emberlotus · 1 month
list of headmates
still need to finish our drawings of all us so for the time being heres a list of all of us! (all of us are kind and caring to friends and basically everyone but thats part of us always nomatter whos fronting)
-Zii: the host of the system (also the one writing this) im super friendly to everyone and can be ether outgoing or a ball of shy timid anxiety, i like alot of things the others like, and vice versa :D
-Silvy: silvy is my yin yang polar equal oposite, we used to each like and dislike things the other didnt (horror things and other stuff) but now were more ballanced and she can be rather motherly ^^ but shes still her bubbly self and all that good extroverted positivity!
-Jake: jake is our protector and voice of reason when not fronting, like the good angel on your shoulder and all that, when they front their a bit different but still the same, calm serious and gives helpful info but kind, their a gentle giant
-Neoma: this little fella (in both size and head space, aka is a little) is the only things that really gets us to bet on time, he loves sleeping and hugging toys and plushies and some nostalgic music from our childhood, simple and cute :) tho they have been "growing up?" and showing up aside from bed time and talking about things outside from his norm and stuff, their smart but still a litte
-Ashly: ashly has that tough girl attitude and is kinda big sister to us shes tough and nothing can knock her down but shes got a soft spot for things and a supportive nature and helps zii when siblings are pushing his buttons
-Rika: rika is a tech geek task loving robo girl :D she talks a bit like zii all hyper energetic with maybe some robot play on words here or there, she also loves brainstorming and oddly making blueprints for our ocs and showing details and features, shes also a soft mix of us when were hyper energetic/happy
-Issabell: shes the stress holder i think saddly >< but she helps us de-stress mainly, she also loves happing silvy as a comfort buddy/lapcat
-Ink: their a split off of zii and spawned from a depressive state, ink and zii are similar in likes and appearance but dont call ink zii that triggers them, ink is potentially a little but not too sure, they do hang out with neoma at times, ink speaks in third person and wants to be scary to others but still kind to others
-Tempest & Hazel: both are fictives of plushies we got and neoma seems to be the only one who knows stuff about them, tempest is a dragon axolotl lady while hazel a gingerbread lady(but now a robot also?) both of them are calm and relaxed, and havent shown up much so we cant give much info, but hazel likes comfy cozy things :)
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chateautae · 4 years
flirt | pjm. (m)
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➵ summary :  park jimin is a notorious flirt, but so are you. when you both meet at a party after weeks of back and forth, it’s a matter of time before somebody gives in
➵ pairing : jimin x reader
➵ genre :  college!au, sexual tension, smut, pwp
➵ rating : 18+
➵ word count : 4k
➵ warnings : super suggestive flirting, alcohol consumption (both parties able to consent), swearing, light dom and sub themes, soft dom!jimin, brat!reader, little bit of brat-handling, dirty talk, praising but also degradation? it’s hot i promise, use of slut, slight body worshipping, mentions of oral, jimin is hot and yes that’s a warning in itself, breast play, unprotected sex, penetrative + rough sex, bit of angsty sex, creampie cause i seem to not like it any other way
➵ a/n : and my first jimin fic is here!! dear god i love this boy to the moon and back so i got a bit carried with him lmao, hopefully this isn’t terrible cause i still need to edit it but your support and feedback are always appreciated!! <3
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2 hours.
2 hours since you first came to this party. You’ve bumped into at least a hundred people, danced your legs numb, God knew how many and what concoction of drinks were inebriating your system and still, you hadn’t seen Park Jimin the whole night. 
The only reason you even dragged yourself to this party was because of him. You were initially bailing on the annual ‘one-last-hurrah-before-midterms’ party because you, like everyone else here had midterms haunting them Monday. It was Friday night and as the ever diligent student, you were planning to study over the weekend.
Though your nagging best friend Hoseok had other plans, threatening you to come with every piece of dirt he had on you until he finally sprinkled Jimin’s name into the mix. You couldn’t lie, it was the only reason you decided to hell with your education, wiggled into a barely-there dress and waltzed in with Hoseok ready to take the night on.
But when you hadn’t seen Jimin at all, you were left annoyed, pissed off and with a headache raking your brain.
Seeing him was a selfish desire, one you’d develop after realizing you had met your match when you first encountered Jimin. You were always fairly notorious for your flirtatious habits and touchiness, a sort of trademark of yours and the same was always said about a ‘Park Jimin’ unknown to you, sometimes described to be an even bigger flirt.
It automatically intrigued you, curious of what kind of rival you secretly harbored until one day, you chanced upon Hoseok who just so happened to be with Jimin. 
At first, you didn't think Jimin could be a daring flirt. He had this sweet smile and disciplined way of speaking that screamed innocent to you, his mannerisms and demeanor shy and introverted. He didn’t make big moves and so you wrote him off as just that. 
But it wasn’t until you started seeing him outside your class’ building, alone, and multiple times after that, enough for you to realize he was anything but shy or innocent.
You ended up observing that a) he was sex on legs, b) easily flipped between the persona of an angel and a demon and c) anything he did could seem flirting. 
You two hit it off without a hitch, your flirtatious tendencies meeting to form a relationship of mutual interest. It was clear as day, both your actions almost always held some sort of unknown intentions behind them, your every saying a double meaning. 
It became the norm between you two, anytime you met turning into a conversation riddled with innuendos, suggestive lip-biting or eyes that couldn’t help but wander. And you weren't stupid, you could tell he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. You two were dangerous, testing the limits of either’s control, hoping someone would give in and only left disappointed when nobody did. 
So when Hoseok mentioned this party, and graciously added Park Jimin’s name to it, you knew this was your chance. A party with buzzing bodies, loud music and copious amounts of alcohol was bound to set him off, especially if you were dressed scandalously and felt bolder with liquid courage pumping through your system.  
But it’d been 2 hours, and you hadn’t seen him all night. You were taking another shot in the kitchen, sulking by yourself and reflecting on the fact that you’d been duped by Hoseok. This party became useless to you, a mere waste of your time as you quickly discarded your cup and began stomping out of the kitchen.
You ventured further into the house to look for Hoseok’s 5’10 ass, tell him he’s the worst best friend for lying to you and that you were leaving this disappointment of a party.
You stepped around people mindfully, dodging them until you rammed smack dab into someone’s back, scrambling for an apology before looking at the unaffected victim.
Park fucking Jimin.
“Y/N!” Jimin beamed, holding a drink in his hand as he smiled widely.
“Jimin, hey! I thought you didn’t come tonight.” You attempted biting back your smile from finally finding him, shouting over the bass of the music as you met him on the dance floor.
“I just ran late. You know me, of course I’d be here!” Jimin raised his drink to his plump lips and sipped, stepping side-to-side in rhythm with the music. 
You couldn’t make him out that well, the disco lights of whatever lights system the only means of seeing him in the dark, but you swear the smirky grin on his face as he scanned you over wasn’t just a figment of your imagination, ecstatic that you already seemed to be reeling him in. “Do you want a drink?”
“No, I already had-” You didn’t get to finish your sentence as someone’s raging body stumbled into yours suddenly, sending you off balance until Jimin reached out for you cautiously.
“Woah, easy there.” Jimin’s arms quickly held you, flashing a scolding look at the person who bumped into you and pulling you towards himself. “Are you here with someone tonight?”
“Yeah, Hoseok! I was looking for him.”
“Why’s that?”
“I.. wasn’t having fun, so I wanted to leave with him.” You swiftly masked the real truth, your voice becoming less of a shout as Jimin encased you, just a few centimeters between your bodies as you peered up at him, cheeks flushed with heat and alcohol.
“Leave with him? Damn, didn’t know you two were like that.” Jimin flashed you a suggestive look, raising his eyebrows.
“Shut up, you know we’re just best friends.” You both erupted into a fit of chuckles as you hit his chest, your hand smacking against his jacket and now that you were close, registered what a meal he looked like tonight; ripped black jeans, plain white t-shirt underneath a distressed jean jacket, all pulled together sexily by his tousled hair, small hoop earrings and a Chanel necklace decorating his neck.
Dear God, how many times you’ve ached to kiss that pretty, pretty neck.
You internally groaned, habitually drawing closer to him as you enjoyed the warmth of his body, nostrils filling with the familiar scent of his intoxicating cologne.
“So I hear you wanna have some fun.” Jimin perked up, eyes amused and hands smoothing over your sides slowly after faltering from your arms.
“Are you suggesting I’ll have fun with you?”
“Of course, gorgeous, but up to you how we do that.” Jimin stepped dangerously closer to you as his voice lowered, your face tucked into his chest as his body blocked other people from touching you.
Excitement shot to your center at his use of a pet name, a common occurrence during your exchanges though his choices of which always an added thrill. 
“And what if I just want to leave and eat at a diner instead?”
“Then I’d definitely take you, food and you? A win in my book.”
You cocked an eyebrow, crossing your arms. “Adding me to the mix suddenly makes it a win? I’m not the one on the menu, Park.” 
Jimin’s eyes seem to blow out, leaning down as his plushy lips ghosted your ear as he spoke, tone darkened, “We can change that, princess.”
A thrill shot throughout your body, hyper aware of his lips mere inches from your face as your heart began to race, turning towards him expectantly.
You began advancing slowly to decrease the gap between your mouths, feeling him inch forward in response, letting him hover just above your lips for a tease before you stopped, “I’d like to see you try, Park.”
Then you abruptly turned out of his hold and walked away, making it through a few people into a hallway, allowing yourself to breathe. You loved teasing Jimin, it was an incredibly entertaining pass time but dear God, did it knock the fucking wind out of you. 
You were mentally recuperating from the fact that he almost let you kiss him, distracted as you stepped away until someone suddenly snatched your arm and pinned you against the nearest wall. You were honestly shocked to see Jimin, surprised he actually took your bait and stayed on your trail to stop you. His dancing eyes held nothing but greed, evident even in the darkness of the party.
“You know just how to test people, don’t you?” Jimin warned as he narrowed his dangerous eyes at you, holding your hot-skinned wrists against the cool wall. 
“Of course I do, it makes things fun and last time I checked,”  You brought your face to his and left only an inch between you two, “that’s just what I want.”
Jimin visibly grew less tamed, glancing down towards your lips as he tried breathing controllably, “Careful what you wish for, princess. It might come true.” 
“And if that’s what I want?” You titled your head expectantly, licking your lips as you watched Jimin bite his own. He eyed you the whole time, making it a statement to drink you in every inch of you. 
You could smell the alcohol on him, assuming liquor was the only driving force behind his actions but then contemplated his level-headedness, his coherent speech and clear judgment in this moment.
Jimin was choosing to chase after you, choosing to not let you go after weeks of incessant back and fourth and you knew you were finally getting closer to exactly what you wanted. 
Park Jimin giving in. 
“You’re fucking hot.” Jimin commented, eyes eating you up hungrily.
“You’re hotter.” You grinned and leaned back against the wall, cleavage unintentionally popping out for him and Jimin’s look immediately shifted, bringing his body closer against yours.
“You look submissive as hell right now, is that what you like? To be dominated?”
“Only if you like to dominate.” 
Jimin could feel the reigns on his control snapping, biting down to contain his raw desire to fuck you. He’s been holding himself back, knowing you seemed willing on your end of the interactions but never wanting to take the leap in case it was all just an act. 
But as he watched you go along with his every comment, staring back at him with the same devious eyes and practically offering yourself to him in his hold, he knew you weren’t acting at all. 
“You talk a big game, but can you put your money where your mouth is?” Jimin leaned his hips against yours, ensuring you could feel his growing hardness. 
“My mouth can do a lot of fucking things, Park.” You jutted your hips into his.
Jimin shut his eyes frustratedly before he re-opened them, a downright obsidian colour taking them over.
“Go the fuck upstairs.” 
“I said, go the fuck upstairs.” Jimin demanded, looking at you with conviction so searing you in fact did become submissive. 
“W-which room-” You didn’t complete your question as Jimin’s deft hands encased you and lifted you off the ground, bridal-style.
“Jimin-!” You exclaimed.
“Say another word and I’ll make sure you feel me in your throat.” 
You immediately swallowed your mouth shut as Jimin cluthed you to him, core alighting with desire as he carried you up the stairs. Jimin arrived at the second floor and rushed towards the first room with an ajar door, shutting it with your feet after entering.
He made towards the bed and practically threw you onto it, stepping away to lock the door before leaning against it, arms crossed and serious. 
“You sure you want this?” His voice came out considerate, no haste or pressure.
“Yes, Jimin.” 
“You’re completely sure?” 
You nodded incessantly. 
“I need your words, Y/N.”
“Yes.” You affirmed, unintentionally becoming submissive as you awaited him, and Jimin couldn't resist you, not any longer. He made towards your smaller figure on the bed and immediately crashed his lips onto yours, knee sinking into the mattress as he leaned over you, splaying you onto the bed.  
He held your wrists against the sheets, kissing you open as his plump lips worked tirelessly against your mouth. He continued to swallow you, opening up to catch all of you as he sank further downwards to feel your body arch into his.
His wet tongue glided over your lips and you welcomed him in lightspeed, letting his muscle entangle with yours hastily and you instantly loved the taste of him. 
Jimin’s kisses began deepening, exploring your mouth like he was dehydrated and your mouth was fresh water. His thigh began pressing against your core and you moaned into his mouth as Jimin disconnected from you, panting for air. 
“Don’t fucking do that.” He voiced frustratedly, his full lips swollen and pink as he tried to contain himself. 
“Do what?” 
“Fucking moan, it does shit to me.” 
“Sucks for you, I’m responsive as fuck.” You snipped as his sudden confession made you hot, squishing your thighs together. Jimin took notice and he flashed a look at your core. 
“Responsive, huh?” Jimin let go of your wrist, sliding his hand down your body before pressing his fingers to your heat through your dress. You instantly gasped, arching as you felt your walls clench around absolutely nothing. 
“J-Jimin.” you warned him weakly. 
“Mm?” Jimin paid no attention as he lowered himself to your neck and began kissing, tonguing, sucking at a spot that had you cowering and squirming underneath him. 
You groaned as your free hand tangled into his hair, hugging him to your neck as you basked in the glory of his plush lips devouring you. He was laving and nibbling at your skin, continuously kissing the area of your carotid all while rubbing his hand against your clothed cunt. Jimin began rutting his body against yours, the tip of his cock prodding you the more he moved.
“Fuck you, Jimin. This isn’t fair.” You moaned breathlessly
“As fair as it gets, princess. You wanted to see my try, yeah?” Jimin suddenly stopped his movements on your core and slid his hand up your bare thigh, only to shift your stained panties to the side and glide his fingers all over your bare pussy. You gasped Jimin’s name and tugged at his hair harshly, the alcohol hazing everything over with sensitivity and trying to sustain the sheer amount of pleasure he was rewarding you.
“N-nothing’s fair about this.”
Jimin smoothed the pads of his fingers over your slick core, eliciting your incessant gasps, “Fuck with my ego and I fuck with you, baby.” 
He was leaving purple marks all along your neck and chest, moving down to the valley of your breasts and you whined headily, hating that he had such an advantage in this position. 
You immediately grew bold enough to push him off by his chest, detaching him as Jimin looked at you confused. “Y/N, what the fu-” was all Jimin could get out before you stood up and gripped his cock through his pants, his breath immediately hitching. He looked at you with surprised eyes, growing weaker in your hold as you walked him back against a vanity in the room.
You had no clue who this room belonged to, but you could care less when you were minutes away from getting fucked by Park Jimin.
He let out breathy little moans as you palmed him, shutting his eyes in bliss as he turned harder by the second, leaning back against the counter. You planted your lips to his neck and mouthed fervently, making sure you embellished his skin with your desire for him. “F-fuck. Y/N, this isn’t fair.”
“Fuck with my ego and I fuck with you, baby.” You mocked him and began rubbing at his shaft, sucking hickies onto his pretty neck and licking over the areas your teeth grazed. Jimin continued groaning, hugging you close to him as he fisted his hands against your body, trying everything to cherish the pleasure he felt. 
The person he’s been desiring ever since he heard about you, his every nerve thrilled by your ability to counter him, match his energy of constant flirting and testing the waters, venturing further than him sometimes.
You were just so tempting and Jimin wanted every last bit of you. 
That sentiment increased when he felt your hands snake towards the belt of his jeans, unbuckling harshly with need so apparent he wanted nothing but to stuff your walls, now. 
“No, fuck off, getting inside you first.” Jimin denied your hands, capturing them in his hold.
You instantly whined, “But Jimin, want you to fuck my face.” You pouted into his neck, kissing along his collar bones as you rutted against him. 
“Fucking God, I’m destroying you for that.” Jimin wrapped you up in his arms and switched the positions, shoving you against the vanity, your ass on the edge of the counter as Jimin stood in between your spread out legs, lips meeting yours again. 
Jimin lifted the skirt of your dress up and over your backside, pooling around your waist as his hands slid over your fleshy thighs to the band of your panties. He pulled only to snap them back against your skin, the contact making you gasp.
“Why the fuck are you still wearing these?”
“And why the fuck are you still wearing clothes?” You chastised, hands greedily shoving his jacket off him even with your mouth attached to his.
Jimin didn’t allow the action to compromise your kiss either, practically ripping his jacket off and breathing hard against you as he threw it away. He then pulled his t-shirt over himself, revealing his toned, lean body underneath and only leaving his Chanel necklace hanging over his bare chest. You licked your lips at the sight of his smooth and pretty body, the outline of his abs like a work of art.
You reached out to touch him, his face and skin flushed with lust as he watched you. “You’re so hot, Jimin, so pretty.” You praised, eyes ogling him.
Jimin smirked proudly before speaking, “Your turn.”
He searched for the zipper of your dress and unzipped hastily, peeling away the top to reveal your naked breasts and now it was his turn to ogle at you.
“Fuck me, you’re prettier.” He huffed out, eyes blown out entirely.
“Probably not as pretty as your cock, let me suck.” You pouted playfully and pulled him closer to you with the back of your shins, hands greedily feeling up his bare chest.
“Only good girls get to suck my dick.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, you’re a fucking brat and a half.” Jimin started kneading your breasts, licking his lips as he watched you spread your legs wider for him and lean your head back out of pure bliss.
“I am not a brat, you just fucking take 10 years to get it on.” You snapped back, moaning in between at the way he groped your breasts, rolling the buds of your nipples with his fingertips.
“Sorry I was a fucking gentleman, didn’t know you were such a cock-hungry slut.” Jimin bit as he planted his thick lips to your perched nipple, eliciting curses from you as his tongue began swirling around, sucking teasingly.
“You just can’t fuck, isn’t it? All bark and no bite?”
Jimin scoffed darkly at that, sucking harder on your sensitive nipples before letting go with a pop. “I’ll fucking break you is why I kept holding off, you’ll regret this, princess.”
“Break me then, Jimin, please. Fuck me like you say you will, I need you.” Your arousal became unbearable as you grew hornier, rocking your hips against him for friction while he laved at either of your nipples.
“I will, baby. Get these off and I’ll fuck you so good.” Jimin tugged at your panties and you lifted your ass for him to discard them.
You unhooked Jimin’s belt and shoved into his pants, pulling his boxers and jeans down until you finally freed his leaking length, thick and throbbing to be treated.
What you always thought was right, his cock was pretty just like him. You graciously pumped him, spreading his pre-cum over the head as you watched him lean his head back, kissing under his jaw.
“So pretty, Jimin, just like you.”
Jimin stopped caring about any and everything and instantly grabbed one of your legs, spreading you wide open for him and situated himself before your entrance.
He brought a hand over yours pumping his member and moved you quicker against his hot flesh, looking down at the lewd scene and your pretty pussy aching for him.
“Look at you soaking, baby, so much prettier.” 
You moaned needily, the back of your shins urging Jimin closer to you again as you whined. “Jimin..”
“Raw?” he breathed impatiently. 
“Fuck yes, birth control.”
Jimin didn’t even take a millisecond before he was pushing against your hole, placing the hand that was pumping his member now against your pelvic bone, pressing down to feel himself sink inside of you.
You instantly careened, moaning out so loud that if there wasn’t music blaring in the house, everyone would know how stuffed Jimin made you feel.
“Fuck-Jimin! Stop doing that, it feels too fucking good..!” You nearly cried, the pressure of Jimin’s hand making you feel any and every ridge, vein and hardness of his thick cock, your walls drinking him in.
“Fuck you, this is what you get.” Jimin blurted as he buried himself to the hilt, groaning satisfyingly at your warm walls hugging him before plunging to make out with you.
Jimin began fucking you with conviction, determination to drive you insane for him as he spread you open. He thrusted fast and hard from the get-go, neglecting to set a pace knowing how much of a cock-loving brat you were. His thumb resting just above your clit dipped down to lightly play with your bud, tease it, all the while licking into your mouth and thrusting into you.
You gasped hard, so much that Jimin’s name was the only thing coherent within them and he swallowed all your sounds with his lips. Your body was on fire at the drag of his cock, shocked at how wet you were when he hadn’t even fingered or eaten you out, his cock doing all the work, leaving you only thinking of Park Jimin’s sheer power.
You wanted all of him so badly, wanted him to ruin you, destroy you like he said he would, fuck you open like he always insinuated he would.
“Jimin, please, harder! Fuck me like the brat I am, teach me a fucking lesson.”
“Princess likes it hard, huh? Want me to fuck this pussy up? Make it all mine?” Jimin’s words were so filthy they had you clutching onto him tightly, arousal gushing from you as Jimin impaled you harder, snapping into you.
His thumb continued its onslaught, your walls convulsing to his every stroke as you gripped his shoulders and kissed him, biting his plushy bottom lip as he fucked you harder.
“Mm, Jimin, fuck!” Your tits bounced as he pounded into you, taking his every thrust like a champ and he damn well shook the entire vanity, continuously drilling your hole as he gave no room for mercy. Your hands snaked into his hair and tugged, making him groan in approval and he only pushed you open wider in response.
“You pretty brat, look at you getting what you want. Fucked like the cock-loving princess you are.” Jimin breathed against your mouth, his skin slicking with sweat as he worked tirelessly against your opening, battering your pussy with an unforgiving speed.
“You would’ve gotten your dick sucked, but apparently-” you shuddered breathily, “I w-wasn’t a good girl.” You felt weak from his repeated onslaught, the bubbling pleasure in your gut keeping you going. 
“Yeah, so fucking behave and maybe I’ll let you choke on my dick.”
“Y-you stop playing games and maybe I’ll let you eat my pussy.”
Jimin only ticked his head to the side as he chuckled darkly, starting to propel his thick cock into your gut and raging at your clit so roughly, you gasped as you carved your pleasure into his skin. Jimin did the same as he bore his fingers into you, a hand squeezing your thigh harshly as he held your leg and your walls fluttered around him, moans growing higher in pitch.
“Jimin! I’m gonna-“ you didn’t even complete your sentence as your walls clamped around him, orgasm washing over you so quickly you barely realized it came. You clenched him like a vice and panted hard against his mouth, Jimin finally coming undone as well, spurts of cum painting your insides and filling you to the brim, certain he’d leak out of you for hours.
You felt stuffed, so full of him you were hazed over with post-orgasm bliss, mind unwinding from any trifling matter on Earth. Your forehead slacked against his shoulder as you both panted for air, sweating as Jimin held your weak body in his arms.
His cock remained shoved inside you, the throbbing letting up on both of you as your highs settled down.
“You..” Jimin swallowed dryly, breathing. “took me like a good girl. Maybe you can suck me off next time.”
“Next time?” You breathed labourly, turning your face towards his.
Jimin peered down at you resting against him, biting back a grin. “Of course, there’s always a next time with flirts like us.”
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tojisveryown · 3 years
𝙸𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 | 𝟶𝟹
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚋𝚢𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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𝙰𝚌: 𝚠𝚃𝟼𝙸𝙳𝟸𝚀𝟺𝙰𝙺𝚄𝟿𝚏𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚝
𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐 𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸.𝟸𝚔
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝙰𝚄, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟶𝟹 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
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You knew that it’d be better for you to work alone and that you’d finish the project a lot faster if Gojo wasn’t assigned your partner, but you did owe him from saving you from those girls. Even though you were perfectly capable of handling those bitches on your own. You didn’t exactly expect much from Gojo, but you certainly didn’t expect him to be so lenient on trust. Which is exactly why you didn’t expect yourself to spend a whole day with him.
“I don’t understand why this is necessary.”
“Oh my precious Y/N, what do you not understand? Trust is the basic necessity of partnership, and dare you say it isn’t necessary?!” Gojo clutched his heart, wiping fake tears from his eyes.
“Satoru,” he smiled, “the first step to gaining each others trust is by being comfortable with each other, so call me Satoru.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the entrance of a coffee shop. He picked out a table near the window and gestured you to sit down on the chair he had pulled out. You began to pull out a notebook and your favorite pen.
“So where should we start?” you opened up your notebook and had your pen ready in you hand “What do you think the importance of life is?” waiting for a response you looked up at Gojo and you were staring right at his crystal blue eyes. Hand resting on his cheek as the other crept up on your own. “Gojo-”
“Satoru.” He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “I told you to call me Satoru didn’t I?”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath “Satoru,” he gave you another smile as his name rolled off your tongue nicely. “What do you think the importance of life is?”
He adjusted his and your hand so you two were now loosely holding hands, his phone had a fresh notification but he never once took his eyes off you. “What’s the importance of life?” He traced circles onto your palm with his pointer finger, “How are we supposed to know? Aren’t we still new to this whole living thing?”
“Satoru? We’re twenty, what to you mean ‘new to this whole living thing’? We’re not exactly children anymore.”
“Well yeah, but how are you supposed to know the importance of life at only twenty? It isn’t like it’s just given to you.”
“Of course it isn’t, that’s why you keep living until you find it.”
“But what about for those who can’t keep living? You know the people who die earlier than expected. You can’t exactly wait for your realization on your perception on what’s important to just hit you. I sure as hell don’t have the answer to that, and neither do you, I’m positive no one does.”
“That’s not what I asked.” You groaned removing your hands from Gojo’s touch. You placed your fingertips on your temples and began to mutter how stupid this project is, especially since you were paired up with stupid Satoru.
“What’s the importance of life?” Gojo pulled your hand off of your temple and loosely intertwined it with his. “What’s the reason for your existence Y/N?” That question put you in a state of shock, even you didn’t know what the importance of life was and there you were asking Gojo the same question that you had no answer to. What was the meaning of life? “Hey,” Gojo fully intertwined your hands “this is boring, let’s go on a date?”
Seriously? Is this the only reason why he wanted to be my partner again?
“What, no. I agreed to be your partner again, not your date.”
“Ouch, okay let me rephrase that.” He held both of your hands and looked you dead in the eye “Let’s go on a friend-date, you know where we get to know each other.” the look you gave Gojo made him sigh “Y/N, don’t you think if we knew each other a little bit better our project would turn out somewhat decent?” He squeezed your hands as he pleaded. The immense eye contact between his crystal eyes and yours made you soften up to the idiot in front of you and the word just slipped out your mouth.
Gojo tensed up and froze as soon as the word slipped out your mouth, it took a moment to process what had just happened in that pea brain of his. Once it finally processed you received a big, genuine smile from him. It almost made your heart melt at how handsome he looked as that smile was plastered on his face.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
“The carnival? Are you serious Satoru?”
“Very much so, now come win me something!”
“Aren’t you supposed to win me something?” you asked as you were casually being dragged by Gojo through the crowds.
“Well, yeah.” He stopped walking and turned to look at you, this time he was walking beside you while swinging your locked hands together, “But I don’t like the idea of you being seen as weak.”
“Yeah as in I don’t people to think you’re dependent on me.”
“I guess I don’t want our relationship to fit into gender norms,” relationship? you looked over at Gojo and there was a slight smile on his lips that complimented the shade of pink his cheeked turned, which again almost melted your heart. But before the thought could fully process in your head Gojo ruined the moment “plus I want a dolphin plushie.”
⋆ 💌 ⋆
You and Gojo walked hand in hand as you two approached the ring toss, he paid for your turn as the man gave you the rings, the game began and Gojo’s cheering only began to embarrass you instead of encourage you. You made your first toss and you missed, and the sudden bang on the stand startled you. It was Gojo. “COME ON Y/N!!”
“Sir please don’t do that you’ll break the stand.”
You felt all eyes on you as the man you pretended not to know continued banging on the ring toss’s table making the whole stand vibrate. You tossed the other three rings and made two of them, you only had one more shot to win stupid Satoru his dolphin. You turned over to Gojo and saw him cover his face with his hands peaking through his fingers. You focused your attention on the bottles and your ring and tossed it hoping it would make it, you shut your eyes as soon as the ring left contact with your hand. Just as you opened your eyes a pair of hands wrapped around your waist and your feet were no longer touching the floor.
“Y/N YOU DID IT, YOU FUCKING DID IT!! THAT’S MY GIRL!!” Gojo spun you around and the crowd that formed over his yelling began clapping.
As Gojo got his dolphin plushie you heard whispers from the people waiting to play, “What a happy couple.” You wanted to correct them but Gojo grabbed your hand and laced it with his. You two began walking and the whispers around you two about how attractive Gojo was didn’t stop. There were also a few comments about how they were bummed that he was dating someone. Realization finally hit you. Everyone thought you two were on a date. You glanced at the man who’s fingers were laced with yours and you noticed him smiling to himself, you also noticed that he wasn’t holding the dolphin plushie, perhaps he asked the man at the stand to reserve it for him.
When you looked up at his eyes they made their way to yours, he smiled even bigger and pulled you to the ice cream stand.
“What can I get for the lovely couple?” the lady at the stand smiled warmly waiting for you and Gojo to order
“Oh we’re not a couple.” you ensured her
“Oh my, you aren’t? Well you two certainly look good together.”
After waiting a few minutes the lady at the stand finally called you over, she ended up handing you one big bowl with both yours and Gojos choice of ice cream “Go on dear, have fun with your friend.” she gave you a warm smile and made sure to give you two spoons and a few napkins. You realized her motive and you mentally slapped yourself.
“Uh, here.” you held out the bowl filled with the mixed flavors “She accidentally thought we ordered the couples sundae.”
“Oh it’s okay I can pay for another, you can have that one.” Gojo gave you a smile and got up from the bench that gave you both a view of the city.
“I don’t mind sharing,” realizing what you just said you wanted to roll up in a ball and die “Um, I mean she added what you wanted in here too and I don’t really like red bean.” you said shyly. He sat next to you and you both ate your ice cream.
There was an awkward tension that fell between you two, you silently wished that Gojo would say something to break it and it’s as if the gods were listening from above because suddenly he spoke up.
“For someone that asked me to share a sundae with them you do seem uncomfortable, I’d be fine with getting my own you know.”
“Eh but the lady said to share it with you”
“Why are you listening to an old hag?”
The truth is, this really did seem like a date and for once Gojo wasn’t being a complete asshole. He was actually tolerable and you wanted to see this side of Gojo for as much as you could. He was growing on you ever since he flashed that stupid smile of his and you wanted to grasp the look on his face when he wasn’t being an idiot but it’s something you’d never admit due to the endless teasing that would come from Satoru, stupid Satoru.
Without hesitation you grabbed his wrist and led him to the ferris in attempt to change the subject because there was absolutely no way you were about to admit how you truly felt.
“Hey I wasn’t finished with that!” he whined as he allowed himself to be dragged through the crowds, he shifted his hand so that your hands were now intertwined with his, “You know I never really noticed how small you hands were compared to mine.” You felt yourself heat up over the small comment he made about your hands. You hadn’t realized that you stopped walking until he squeezed your hand and “Why are you stopping, we have a ferris wheel to ride.” You two began rushing through the crowds that formed. It was the perfect time to go on the ferris wheel, the sun was setting and the skies were a pretty blood orange color, it was the perfect ending to a perfect date with the one and only stupid Satoru.
You two ended up waiting in line, completely missing the sunset you set out on seeing. However being with Gojo and allowing yourself to actually open up to someone was able to replace seeing the cotton candy skies. You figured that for today, and today only everything could go wrong but it didn’t matter as long as Gojo was by your side.
By the time the line before you passed it was completely dark out, and although you missed the sunset you were able to see parts of the city near the peak of the ferris wheel which was enough for you to be able to enjoy yourself.
Due to your lack of attention towards the figure that was seated next to you, you failed to see how he fidgeted with the key chain in his hands. Nervously trying to bring it up Gojo rapidly tapped his foot against the floor, you finally took notice of how tense the person next to you was and rested your hand on his knee to reassure him.
“Are you afraid of heights?” you teased plastering a grin on your face.
“No it’s just embarrassing.”
Gojo lifted up your hand that was lightly laying on his knee and placed the key chain he had gotten instead of the dolphin plushie in the middle of your palm and closed your hand. He hid his face with the hand leaning on the arm rest and waited for you to say something.
“You think giving a girl a key chain is embarrassing?” you laughed lifting it up to get a better look at it. It was a key chain that had todays date on it “You know I would expect you to think getting caught having sex in the school library is embarrassing, but nope! Giving someone a keychain is.” you laughed
Gojo turned his head “Hey!-” but couldn’t finish his sentance because of the smile you had on your face. He was in awe. It was the first smile you’ve given him and your angelic laugh was ringing through his ears and in that moment it felt like it was just the two of you. He wanted to treasure this moment for as long as he could. He realized how beautiful you looked laughing and smiling especially under the moonlight.
You held onto the keychain that had marked the date you slowly started to fall in love with him, thus the start of your love story.
However this wasn’t your typical love story, how could it be when it involved stupid Satoru.
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𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎:  𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝙰𝙷𝙰𝙷 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝. 𝙰𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @peppytine @enesitamor @fairyblue-alchemist @diluczs @honouredsatoru
𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜. (𝟺/𝟸𝟸)
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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bokutosworld · 3 years
seconds, hours, minutes, days | kenma k. 
pairing: kenma kozume x gn!reader  word count, genre: 2.2k words, fluff, university au, strangers to friends to lovers.  summary: love is nothing more than just a fleeting feeling. until he meets you and suddenly, he finds himself looking forward to every moment he can spend with you.  press play: blueming by iu, leo by bol4 ft. baekhyun 
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The door to the cafe opens, the addicting aroma of coffee beans travels through the air and greets Kenma when he steps inside. He scans the room, finding the familiar figure of his longtime friend who was currently chatting the barista by the counter. He’s walking towards Kuroo and he could already hear excited laughter coming from the front. 
When he enters the scene, the stranger directs their friendly gaze to him and the second that their eyes meet, Kenma feels he’s in the middle of a meet-cute of some romcom movie. 
The first thing he notices is the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the corners of your mouth turning upwards as you greet him. He hears your voice, but he couldn’t make out what you were saying—as if he was entranced by a spell, too busy to pay attention to anything else and finding it all too easy to become drawn to your aura.  
Kuroo watches it all unfold before him: his best friend who was too stunned to do or say anything, and his other friend, you, who was too clueless to figure out their effect on him. He chuckles before putting his arm around Kenma, steering the situation to introduce you two to each other. Something about you was captivating and Kenma knows he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t already bewitched by you. 
As he stood in line with Kuroo, who was ordering the drinks they’d need for an all-nighter, his mind is occupied—thinking about how of all the things he’d expected to happen when he agreed to help out for a project, falling in love at first sight wasn’t on the list. You left a strong impression on him, and Kenma knows he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of you in the days to come. 
He encounters you for the second time when he attends a party organized by Kuroo’s college org. This wasn’t his usual scene, on a typical weekend, he’d much rather stay at home and catch up with either his studies and papers or his games. As he’s standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by loud and drunk college students, he considers going back to his dorm. 
But the moment that he’s about to leave, he hears a familiar voice. 
He stops in his tracks, because there you were—so full of life, so mesmerizing standing surrounded by different people. He could see a spotlight shining down on you, naturally attracting the attention of everyone in the room. He’s sure that this was the reason Kuroo had been persistent on getting him to go to the party (the boy spent days on end pestering him about it to the point that he had no other choice but to say yes).  
Eventually, Kuroo finds him and they go around, with the former introducing Kenma to his classmates and acquaintances. The night draws on, and some time past midnight, he rests on the available seat on the couch. He takes deep breaths to calm himself before he spots your presence again in the corner of the room. It doesn’t surprise him that you were still full of energy and stories to tell your friends. 
What surprises him is when your eyes meet his. His heart skips a beat when he sees that look of recognition and that knowing smile on your face. He watches as you apologize and leave the group, steadily making your way towards him and taking the empty space beside him. 
You beam at him, “Hey.” 
“I remember you.” He watches you take a swig of the drink in your hand. “You’re Kuroo’s best friend, right?”
“Yeah. I’m surprised you do.” 
“Who wouldn’t? I think you’re cute.”  Kenma was flustered. Your words sending his mind into a spiral, struggling to form a coherent reply to your straightforward statement. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you here. Figured this,” you wave your hands in the air exaggeratedly. “…might not be your cup of tea.” 
“Well, I had no choice.” 
“Oh, yeah? Tell me about it.” You scoot closer to him, knees almost touching at the reduced space between you two. “I want to get to know you, Kenma.” 
Kenma couldn’t find it in himself to say no. And before he knew it, he’s openly sharing bits and pieces of his life. You ask him about his past with Kuroo and he’s eagerly taking you to a flashback of his childhood, narrating embarrassing moments (mostly of Kuroo) and he feels happy whenever you found it amusing.
You ask him about his interests, his hobbies, his pet peeves; he learns about you, the charming barista from the 24-hour cafe, a business management student who has too much bills and college loans to pay.
Every minute that passes, every minute he enjoys himself in your presence—with you, making him laugh like he had never before, lighting a spark in his heart and sending the butterflies in his stomach fluttering about, he finds himself falling head over heels for you. 
For the weeks that passed after the party, people started noticing the two of you getting closer. The pair of you were inseparable. In breaks and lunches when it was only him and Kuroo, along with few of their friends, you’ve managed to sneak yourself in their social group, earning a permanent spot in their table right beside Kenma. 
And often, the others would observe how his attention would solely be on you whenever you were present. It was a mystery to them, but also a source of amusement, how Kenma would become a different person—breaking out of his shell as he became more talkative and more teasing, exchanging playful banters from time to time. 
But at the same time, there was something painful about watching the two of you as they become witnesses to the coming-to-life of a slow-burn romance. 
And neither of you was admitting it: the push and pull, the undeniable tension that existed whenever the two of you were in the same room. The force of attraction was clear, and everyone had been wondering why neither you nor Kenma were making a move. 
That all came to a head on a weekend when you visited him at his dorm. 
“What are you doing here?” Kenma opens the door wider, giving you space to easily slip in his living area. His eyes follow you like a hawk as you settle your things on his floor, going from room to room and finally sitting down on his couch. You look at him excitedly, grinning from ear to ear as you wave him over to sit beside you. 
“Movie night!” Kenma watches as you take out your laptop and a bag of his favorite snacks. “There’s a new crime thriller on Netflix and I figured we can binge it together.” 
He throws you an incredulous look, “It’s 8 P.M. Shouldn’t you be at your dorms right now? Did you forget the curfew?” 
“Oh, screw that!” You open the Macbook and place it on his center table. You cuddle to his side and Kenma instinctively adjusts, making you comfortable. He grabs the blanket that he’d taken out before you arrived and drapes it over the two of you. He studies you as you navigate the web, logging in to Netflix and pulling up the show you’ll watch for tonight. 
“I can’t believe you would just appear in front of my doorstep and force me to watch this with you.” 
You look at him playfully, “Don’t be such a killjoy.” Your gaze on him lingers for a second longer, the atmosphere shifting to something more intimate. 
He clears his throat, quickly bringing his attention on the laptop screen. “Stop. Why are you looking at me like that?” 
He tries his best to focus on the show. But he couldn’t, not when he feels your soft hand cupping his face, turning him so you could get a good look at him.  
“I like you.” 
His mind goes blank, but one thing was certain: he was elated, and his heart was currently doing a somersault inside him. So, when he tries to reply, all he could give was a shy smile and an, “Okay.” 
And that was enough. Because for the time that you’ve known Kenma, you’ve learned that he has always preferred actions over words. 
You hum and wrap your arms around him. He reciprocates by pulling you closer to him, until all you could hear was the erratic beating of his heart drowning out the loud sounds from the show. 
The hours flew by just like that. It doesn’t occur that the both of you have fallen sound asleep, leaving the laptop on. When Kenma awakens, the words Are you still watching? are now flashing on the screen. He feels something heavy on top of him and his eyes drop to your figure laying on his body. He feels overwhelmed with contentedness at the moment. 
Maybe your barging in his door and inviting him to watch Netflix wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
If somebody were to ask Kenma when he had been the happiest in his life, he’d gladly say it was every second, minute, and hour that he has spent by your side. The boy couldn’t ask for a more fun, supportive, and kind-hearted partner when he already has you. You have given him so much, made him feel so loved and special, that he often asks himself if there was anything he could do to repay you. 
The past few months with you has been nothing short of amazing, with every single day feeling like literal heaven in your presence. And now, he’s counting down the days to your birthday which coincidentally also marks the six months of his relationship with you. It was on this special day that Kenma decides to surprise you. 
One of the things that you and Kenma have in common is how you both prefer the simple things. Where others favored to go outside for dates, sleepovers and movie nights in either his or your dorm has always been the norm in the relationship. You also didn’t mind small gifts, not one for flowers and plushies, as you always told him that it is the thought that matters the most. 
And he thinks about it now as he’s standing outside the same cafe where his paths crossed and connected with yours for the first time. 
He goes over his plan one more time when the automatic door slides open, and he goes inside. He finds you entertaining a customer, and he admires how hardworking you have always been. He joins the queue, nerves flying through the roof as he patiently waits to reach the front of the line. 
“Kenma!” A look of genuine surprise takes over you when you finally see him. “What are you doing here?” 
He does something you never thought he’d do: placing his hands on the counter, he leans and plants a soft kiss on your lips.     
“I love you,” he says out of the blue and it sends your mind in a frenzy, your heart fluttering. His words don’t even register anymore when he says his order and tells you, “Your shift ends in ten, right? I’ll wait for you and we can get something to celebrate your birthday.”
Kenma keeps his gaze at you as he waits for your shift to end. He sighs of relief when he sees you come out of the staff room and meets you halfway. He intertwines his hands with yours and guides you out of the shop. The sun is setting coloring the streets in red orange hues and everything right now looks like a painting. 
You walk in silence, stopping by your favorite Chinese takeout shop to buy something to eat when you arrive at his dorm. He orders for the both of you, and when he’s done, you pull him to the side and finally ask the question that has been bugging you. 
“You said you loved me back there, right? 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I did.” Kenma tugs you closer, arms encircling your waist and resting his head on your shoulders. “Should I have not said it?” 
“I was just surprised.” 
“It’s nothing to be surprised for.” He leans to your ear and his voice low when he whispers, “I just said the truth. I have been falling in love with you since the first day we met.”  
You feel warm when you realize that Kenma beat you to saying those three magical words in the relationship. But it was another thing when he reveals to you how he’s been taken with you since your first meeting. And right now, all you could do was to thank your lucky stars for bringing you to him.  
You look at him, reaching a hand to outline his features before returning his kiss with one of your own.
“Thank you. And I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.” 
At your words, Kenma falls for you over again and he decides he wouldn’t mind spending more seconds, hours, minutes, and days with you.  
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