#whichever one works best (probably an item)
roe-and-memory · 2 months
for a little while after he comes to radiator springs, lightning definitely is in a constant state of fight or flight (mostly flight)
it comes with the trauma of being neglected and rejected repeatedly, hes terrified the the town will do the same thing to him that his parents did — or they’ll be just like the people he wanted to desperately to be friends with — so on, and so forth.
it also comes with the unmasking process — getting insanely overstimulated insanely quickly because being tied down feels Crowding . and having this many people care about you, to the point it ends in almost constant conversation with someone, can start to feel suffocating. and the fact he cant prepare himself for the day anymore because its such an out of wack routine doesnt help one bit.
so, he needs an escape.
its dumb, kind of, and sometimes his little adventures around the desert suffice enough, but it starts becoming more of an issue and he starts needing somewhere repetitive to go.
the cow fields just on the county line, the gravel road that leads to a deserted farmhouse, its age showing in each plank of wood that hangs off its nails, rotting from the rain and weather, grains of sand embed in each crack — lightning finds comfort in one of those empty fields.
first, its leaving to go sit in the long grass, pulling little bits and pieces of it out of the dirt and taking interest in how, somehow, after years of abandonment, it seems to thrive - how the cows keep living, being fed occasionally by mater, but for the most part just surviving off of the grass in their pen. he wonders why they stay. - he would find himself watching the sun disappear behind the mountains and cliffs of cadillac range, taking deep breaths, basking in the sound of the wind whistling and crickets chirping.
when his fears start getting worse, he steals one of the plastic lawn chairs out of docs shed and leaves it out there, sometimes stealing a beer out of the fridge despite how much he hates them. he rarely drinks them anyways, maybe a few sips or so for enough of a buzz to get rid of the anxiety in his bones, but otherwise he always gets home with a bottle still half full, going to waste down the drain.
doc never worries about this. its a part of the process of teaching someone that Some People in the world arent out to get them — sometimes people genuinely mean it with their care — so he can understand that these mini getaways are just his kid taking time to calm down, rationalize, and figure stuff out.
as the months pass, he becomes less terrified, he doesnt need to really disappear anymore, he starts taking sally out there with him. he lays a blanket in the grass and they stare at the sky together in silence.
the longer he stays out there in that field, the more he realizes hes here to stay. he doesnt need to come out here to calm down, instead he can sit in his bedroom and breathe.
eventually, that plastic lawn chair is deserted in that field, the smooth, white surface becoming scratchy and dirty with rain and wind. no one goes out to clean it, because no one needs it anymore.
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A little donut - Yandere! Giorno Giovanna x reader
So I did a darling playing with Josuke’s hair some time ago, and now I’m having brain rot thinking about Giorno’s hairstyle. In short American darling seems to have a psychotic break, compares Giorno’s hair loops to donuts and then he proceeds to fluster them in return. Specific donuts mentioned are the preservative filled hostess powdered donuts. This is just a fic for funsies
He was puzzled at your request for these things considering he could literally get you the best dessert in Italy with a snap of his fingers. However he decided to indulge your craving for these artificial things, it involved little work to get them and didn’t involve you going out. Also you actually spoke to him for once since he brought you into his home, which caught the blond just slightly off guard. Perhaps your walls were ever so slightly beginning to crumble?
Nevertheless you received your treat from overseas within a week or so. Made sure to be fresh (as far as they could be in his eyes anyway). A slower afternoon when he wasn’t deep into work, you were with him on a small table. Everything set up for tea, including your selected indulgence for the day. You weren’t quite as anxious as you usually were when the two of you ate together, your eyes clearly fixated on your newly obtained prize. Giorno couldn’t help but purse a small smile, it was like observing a cat with catnip almost.
He noted you had played about three of the small confections on your plate. Before gently pinching up one with your index and thumb, a bit of the powder flaking into your dish as you did so. A bite or two later and the first one had vanished, but you didn’t proceed to grab the second.
“You know your hair reminds me of donuts…”
The blond about choked on his spit, at the seemingly random nature of the question. There was a snort of laughter from a distance where Mista was sitting. Giorno paid no mind, honestly it was rather amusing. After a few stunned seconds of blinking, and soaking up this attention he chuckles.
“That’s a rather cute comparison” He responded
“The way you style it…” you squirmed in your seat “just reminds me of that, and I was wondering how you, do it”
“I could show you if you’d like” He directly offered to satisfy your curiosity.
Cautiously you accept the offer, knowing it was feeding right into his obsession. Though it was exceedingly difficult, even outright impossible to get any outside human interaction. So this event would have to suffice.
The following morning he woke you up to see his routine, you were absolutely not used to his messier than usual hair. Nor the fact it was all cascading down slightly curly from the braid he usually kept it in. You weren’t going to lie, his golden locks were attractive just sitting around his shoulder blades.
“You know, you should help me…” He mused to you while brushing his hair out in front of his bathroom mirror.
“I don’t know about that, I uh…don’t want to ruin your hair before you talk with whichever people you meet” You awkwardly deflect, however you see the slight mischievous look in his eyes.
“If I show you how, there won’t be a risk of messing up, I’ll walk you through everything” He hummed gesturing you closer
As much as you wanted to back up, something unseen to your own eyes was allowing no exit. You sigh at the grave mistake you had made yesterday. This is what you get for teasing the mad man who kept you under lock and key. How else were you supposed to keep your sanity? You didn’t want to admit either that Giorno probably knew this would’ve been an inevitability.
You jumped as a gentle touch of one of his arms drew you closer. He firmly asked you to hand him one of the items on the counter. Before shortly asking you to help with certain gestures and guiding your hands through certain bits of his hair. You were momentarily in awe at its softness once touching it.
“Do you enjoy my hair now that you get to feel it?” he mused casually You weren’t sure if you should respond to that.
“I do think we should do this more often however, I think I like the way you put my gel in my hair and of course your braiding is gorgeous y/n” He continued on.
You could tell he was slightly teasing and you were internally freaking out how much your hands would touch. As if he hadn’t been laying in bed a time or two with you.
“dammit…” you mumbled under your breath,
This is where everything falls apart.
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wolven91 · 8 months
A love story between the human pianist and their alien counterpart (bodyguard or performer whichever I guess)
Lovers of Music
It was worth more than some ships.
Crafts that contained more advanced technology onboard than anything that could have existed back on earth. This one item could have been traded for one of them.
"How...?" The human uttered, more as a statement of shock than a real question. He approached and reached out to run their fingers across the otherwise immaculate curves. But they stopped, hesitating as if realising they were about to touch a museum piece.
"I bought it from a taurian. Apparently, they had filled their holds with all sorts of items. They didn't know what they had." Explained the noble.
Graham turned back to look up at his serpent guardian. A ssypno noble with golden scales who had joined the program to offer help. Forty sixth in line to his family's fortune, he had no delusions of being truly powerful or being able to be a figurehead. Instead, despite being able to live in luxury, Har'tress chose to work. Through his work, he met Graham.
It had been a long road and would be longer still, but he hoped that perhaps he could teach Graham that not all of the various races in the stars were as bad as each other. There was still good and caring people, even if they looked very different. The ssypno noted that the human had yet to touch it.
"It's yours."
The human's head whipped back to the ssypno in shock.
"It's yours. I got it for you. You can play it whenever you like." After a pause the ssypno continued; "I can have it moved to your room if you prefer?"
"But... I..." The human looked back around at the piano. It was beautiful. Graham couldn't see any damage to it, he doubted he'd see it even if it was. It was like seeing the countryside after being in a city for so long. Everything about it was precious.
A real piano, from earth, survived its destruction. 
"Please? If you're worried about the price, don't be. As I said, they didn't know what they had and if you wish to pay me for it, then I have a price in mind." The human looked up at the guardian and squared his shoulders.
"Name it."
The ssypno smiled and extended both sets of his right hands to gesture to the item.
"Please play me something..."
"Me? There's better players, I'm not that-"
"You spoke about how music brought you joy and allowed you to express yourself. That you would play just because, without 'sheets'. Please... I want you to express yourself."
There was no stool, probably left behind or not placed with it, but the human strolled over and touched the keys for the first time. It was black with a gold trim, the white and black keys seemingly immaculate.
He pressed one and the device, lovingly crafted trillions of miles away, sang and single note.
Graham held both hands over the keys and began a small tune. It wasn't in tune, he'd need to figure out the best way to get it back in top form with care, but as his fingers traced and ran up and down the keys, he glanced to his guardian, who in the sunlight that stream through the windows, sparkled and swayed with his eyes closed.
"I can do better... but I need to tune it. Can I... I may need to make a tool or two, but if I can get it up together, I promise I will play with our meal tonight."
The ssypno lowered himself to the human's level, who opened his arms and the pair embraced.
Graham still felt the pain of losing his planet and being sent to the far corners of the galaxy, but in Har'tress's actions, he took his first step towards actual healing.
Discord / AO3 / Ko-Fi / G Drive
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Deity Disconnect Got You Down?
Disclaimer: This is a more personal post and involves a bit of UPG.
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I didn't start witchcraft by doing deity work, in fact, I just started actively working with deities in the last two years! Before that, the only experience I've had with a god was the Christian God, but even then I only interacted with him* in the way that I was taught to: You pray to him but he probably won't respond. I was even told when I asked why God doesn't answer me, "That's just not how God works"...
This is no slight towards Christian witches, as I know they interact with the Christian God differently than non-witchy Christians and I would never claim to know their relationships with him.
However, due to this upbringing, I didn't know how to interact with deities. I had to unlearn what I had been taught about interacting with a god.
One of the things I had to unlearn is that, unlike how I was taught growing up, many deities aren't always going to be there to talk to you, they're a lot more human-like than we think. They aren't like how the Christian God is said to be: always there, always watching. w
I got scared when the interactions with my deities started to wane/ I wasn't feeling them or hearing from them as often and I started to worry that they'd abandoned me. That's not true! As with any relationship, there are times when you can't always be with someone, it's totally normal to go days, weeks, and even months without hearing from your deities. That doesn't mean that you've been left behind!!
So if you're feeling disconnected from your deities here are some things to keep in mind:
Just because they aren't always around doesn't mean they aren't always there for you.
Call them when you need them if you don't feel like they're around at the moment. Gods are used to being called to by humans, it won't offend them.
They may not show up right away sometimes. They are feeling, thinking beings, they have their own will and generally act accordingly to said will.
Deities are allowed to step back. If they feel the need to take a break from your relationship, or simply not interact with you as much, then that's just fine!
It's not always a reflection of you, your character, or your craft. Sometimes they just want to take a break and that's perfectly fine!
Sometimes, the problem is that we are too busy and we put our relationships with our deities on the back burner. In this case, most of the time, in my experience, they understand and if they need to reach out to you they will find a way.
If you feel like you've been disconnected from your deities and would like to take some actions to reconnect, here are some ideas:
Read up on their mythology. Even if you've read it all before, give yourself a bit of a refresher!
Do some divination. I use tarot but you can use whichever form works best for you. Use tsk the deity what you can do to reconnect with them.
Talk to them. Even if you feel like they aren't around, just talk to them. Tell them how you feel, how your day went, and tell them you want to reconnect. You can also write to them.
Give them an offering. Since this post is focused on reconnecting with deities, you probably already know which offerings your patrons prefer. So give them an offering and let them know you're thinking of them!
Do something that makes you feel more connected to that deity. This could be going on a walk, making a certain food item, creating art, playing a movie, and so on. Just do something that makes you feel closer to them.
All in all, everyone's experiences with Deities and Deity work is going to be unique to the person, as with any relationship in life. Do what works best for you, this is just a post to help remind people that deity work isn't always having your life fully devoted to a deity. Most of us aren't able to put that much of our time or energy into deity work. If you can and want to, that's perfectly okay, too!
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silentsneezes · 1 month
here’s another m/arauders snzfic for the void (it’s post Hogwarts & they’re in their early 20s). if anyone has any requests or prompts for m/arauders fics pls send them!! anyways, i hope someone enjoys this 900 word oneshot
It was rare that the group of vagabonds from Hogwarts saw each other after they graduated, and even rarer that those meetings weren’t tainted by the war. However, they occasionally forget about the war, the Order, and their responsibilities: pockets of time in which they could pretend to live normal lives, to be normal twenty year olds fresh out of school.
This was one of those times, as they sat in the backyard of James Potter’s family estate. Sirius Black had orchestrated the gathering, sending letters to their friends in riddled codes in case they fell into the wrong hands- one could never be too careful nowadays. Only a handful of people could make it, but Sirius considered it a success as soon as Remus walked through the door.
Sirius was, of course, excited to see everyone else as well. He’d only seen Marlene Mckinnon three or four times since graduating: brief encounters at Order of the Phoenix meetings. Nothing like the hours they used to spend theorizing and infodumping about their favorite quidditch teams.
And he always enjoyed seeing James, who he’d considered a second brother since his first year at Hogwarts.
Lily Evans was as kind and as welcoming as ever, and she shined particularly bright in the company of her friends. Sirius couldn’t help but think that Lily and James’s son was going to have the best smile in the world. He’d have to, with parents like that.
And Remus. Sirius didn’t know what they were, if anything, but he didn’t seem to care as long as he saw his Moony.
Truthfully, Sirius did care. Probably too much. He cared enough to avoid drinking whiskey- though he’d recently developed a taste for it- because he knew Remus didn’t like the taste of it when they kissed. He cared enough to change his tie three times in case Remus had a preference for one over the other. He finally discarded the notion of wearing a tie at all and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, letting it fall open slightly.
He’d even cared enough to take an allergy potion before everyone arrived, hoping not to make a fool out of himself. It didn’t take a genius to see it wasn’t working.
Sirius stifled two harsh sneezes into his fist, sniffling and nodding his thanks as Marlene blessed him for the fourth time that hour. He forced himself to focus on her words rather than the constant itch in the back of his sinuses, prickling to the bridge of his nose.
Admittedly, sitting outside wasn’t the greatest idea on Sirius’s part. He’d considered the high pollen count and his history with summer allergies, but the promise of a beautiful sunset was enough to outweigh the possibility of an allergy attack.
Luckily for the black haired boy, Marlene cut off her long winded rant about the semi-final quidditch series and shrieked as her favorite song started playing.
“Sorry Sirius,” she apologized as Dorcas pulled her away to dance, grinning ear to ear. Sirius smiled and waved a dismissive hand before placing a finger under his nose.
His nostrils flared and his breath caught once, twice. And then it was gone. He sighed, sniffling and rubbing his nose to try and either quell the itch or induce a sneeze- whichever would give him relief. His nose decided on the latter and he ducked into his elbow, “hehH’RRSCHu! hURSCH’SHew!”
“Bless” Remus said as he dropped a handkerchief onto Sirius’s lap, sitting beside him at an old picnic table. Lily and James’s initials were carved into the wood- it had been their first item of furniture moved into their new house.
“Thanks,” Sirius snatched up the handkerchief gratefully, pressing it to his nose. Wrong choice. As soon as the fabric touched the sensitive appendage, Sirius’s breath hitched.
Sirius’s shoulders shook with the suppressed sneeze, his head bobbing towards his lap.
“Bless you.” Remus said with a pointed look, “High pollen count today, huh?”
Sirius waved his hand dismissively, tucking the handkerchief in his pocket and shooting Remus one of his trademark ‘Sirius Black’ grins, “S’ nothing I can’t handle.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but couldn’t stop himself from smiling. How could anyone not smile when Sirius looked at them like that?
“Besides, look at them,” Sirius smiled as he gestured to their friends, dancing, laughing, and living, “It’s worth it.”
Remus couldn’t argue with that. They had all lost so much from the war, and he knew they were certain to lose more.
“I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius quipped, smirking. His expression faltered as his nose twitched again. Before he even managed to grab the handkerchief, he snapped to the side with three sneezes, tumbling out in quick succession.
“Bless you”
That was only the second of many blessing’s Remus gave Sirius as he had one of his infamous late-summer allergy attacks. Eventually, after much persuasion, Sirius followed Remus inside and begrudgingly took another allergy potion. All in all, it wasn’t terrible. Sure, he was a sneezy mess for the rest of the evening, but Remus stayed by his side until he fell asleep.
i know it’s short but i needed to write about them, i hope someone else can appreciate m/arauders sneeze content lol, im really hyperfixated on them at the moment
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MHA the Entrance Exam Assassin.
Just something I thought of:
The villain points and the rescue points are the same, but there is one more gimmick added to it worth 100 points; The Assassin.
The assassin is a pro hero, either a teacher or a pro hero from an agency connected to UA, with a screen attached to the inside of their forearm that displays the five applicants with the highest villain point counts. They enter the zone 1 minute after the exam begins
The assassin’s role is to harass, annoy and generally get in the way of whichever student has the highest amount of villain points in their zone. The assassin is only allowed to restrain applicants if they directly attack them, but they can be restrained for however long they want so long as it doesn’t get in the way of harassing their target. The assassin can also restrain their target if they have a lead of over 25 villain points more than the second place, the assassin can restrain them for a minute in or until they are overtaken and only   twice in the whole exam.
The assassin has a large, bright pink disc velcroed to their chest. If that disc is taken from them, they are out of the exam.
After the exam, if the assassin is taken down, the 100 assassin points will be spread out among all the students who attacked them, with more or less being given to people depending on how well they did. If they got in the way or used excessive force, they can be penalised up to 25 points.
Probably the biggest problem with this mechanic is how complex it is. The other two are literally “attack this robot, points depend on type” and “we’ll decide as it goes”. This one instead has a number of rules and regulations both for the examinees and the examiners. The examiners need to take into account who attacked the assassin and how, and decide how to grade them as a group. The examinees have to remember all the rules and think about wether they should team up or not.
My favourite part of it is the risk/reward decisions that examinees have to make. Do they attack, knowing they could be restrained for the whole 9 minutes? How much force can they use without being penalised? Are they confident in their ability to take down a human being instead of however many robots? It also makes getting all the points kinda risky, since it’s possible to get sabotaged too heavily if they’re not careful.
On the other hand, it’s 100 points. The highest score in the canon entrance exam was 77 and the 10th highest was 56. Even divided into 4 people, if you and your team successfully work together to take the assassin down and get the average amount of points on top of it, you basically have a place guaranteed. It’s a really good bonus if you can pull it off.
It also brings up how canon characters react to the challenge: I think most of the canon hero course would ignore them when possible, but Bakugo would probably try to fight them immediately and get severely sabotaged, Shinzo might successfully get into the hero course if he can find them. Ida would probably get harassed (he had 52 villain points in canon), but I’m not sure how he would react. There might be more exceptions.
Honestly I think this would work best a hidden challenge like the rescue points. Someone posing as a student to mess with the others and see how they react to a supposed hero/ally sabotaging the competition. Do they sabotage back? Do they call them out? Do they ignore it assuming the teachers will deal with it?
Like. In /general/ I think the Entrance Exam needs a complete remaking to actually give various Quirks a fair ability because, as shown /in canon/, not all Heroes are direct combatants. Yes, all of them have to be capable of direct combat either with their Quirk or support items or hand-to-hand. But you have Heroes who focus on rescue or undercover work. And even the Sports Festival being a second chance still only works for Quirks that work best in Combat.
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A starter guide on Ubuntu-Linux, from a non-techie to other non-techies
Preamble (a.k.a. the story/rant before the recipe, feel free to skip or not as you wish)
Several years ago, I got a laptop for college purposes; it ran on Windows 10 with decent reliability for a few years, but then it started getting slower and slower, the bloatware (programs and apps that companies pre-install in your devices that you cannot remove) was just tremendously bothersome, my computer would start updating all of a sudden and be at it for hours, etc, etc.
And so my dad suggested I switched to Ubuntu (he had been using it for a few years himself at that point), and... I'm not going to lie to you. I was scared. Was it going to be too different? Wouldn't it require far more computer knowledge than what I already had? Wouldn't the learning curve be too steep? Wouldn't I be unable to do a lot of the stuff I used to do?
Years later my answer is: I don't miss Windows. The learning curve wasn't nearly as steep as I thought it would be. I got acclimated to the system within a couple weeks. There are parts of Ubuntu itself that aren't that up to date (mainly stuff about medium-advanced audio management, streaming through Discord, and semi-pro to pro levels of photo processing), but I have managed to work around most of it with little difficulty (the image processor I use for making gifsets is proprietary sofware --the code of it is not open for transformation by third parties-- but I can work with it mostly fine through a tool called Wine). If what you do with your computer is mainly internet surfing, document writing, listening to music and playing videos (and similar basic stuff) you are unlikely to have any problems working with Ubuntu. But the best, best, best part of it for me? No bloatware. No 8256754 attempts at getting my personal information or tracking me. My computer is fast, as fast as it was when I first got it (the couple times it broke in the last two years had nothing to do with software: it was first the hard drive, and then the fan). No computer deciding to update and leave me waiting whenever it wants. And honestly, that makes every little inconvenience I have faced in Ubuntu worth it, very much worth it.
Linux has a problem
And it is that a loud section of its userbase is made up by techies who have a very unrealistic notion about how much the average person knows about computers.
A few months ago there was a post making the rounds, where OP explained that you can put ubuntu in a pen drive and carry it with you (yes, it is possible and relatively easy to do) and there was a bunch of people in the notes explaining how much better it is to pick Linux Mint, or use a raspberri pi, as if people who don't know you can carry Ubuntu in a pen drive could understand what they are talking about.
My goal with this post is to explain some of the very basics in an accessible language. I will probably use inacurate and generalized language in it for the sake of explaining simply, and will focus on Ubuntu because it is what I know. If you are a Linux fan who loves Linux Mint or whichever other, go ahead and make your own post.
Definitions, yada, yada
So, what is Linux? in plain terms, it is an operating system (Windows and Mac are operating systems) with several variations called distributions. Think of it as Linux being like a family, and the distributions being the members of the family. Some """famous""" members of the Linux family are Ubuntu, Debian, and Red Hat. One of the main distinctive characteristics of Linux distributions at the basic level is that they are free software: it can be used, modified, and redistributed under certain conditions, by everyone.
Where do you get Ubuntu, and how to install it?
You go to www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop. There you will see two items: the first one is a "LTS" (long term support) and the other isn't. What is the difference?
Ubuntu releases a new version every six months, one in april and one in october. So, for example, the version released in april this year is Ubuntu 22.04, also named Jammy Jellyfish, and the one released in october, Ubuntu 22.10 is called Kinetic Kudu. Every two years, in april, a LTS version is released. Jammy Jellyfish is a LTS release. That means it has a 10 years stay, and is a stable, well tested and tweaked release.
What I'm saying here is, get the LTS release.
When you click download, you will see an ISO file of about 4gb. Save it to your hard drive, and get yourself a 4gb or bigger pen drive that is empty and you don't mean to use for anything else.
To install Ubuntu in that pen drive, follow the instructions here. They are short and simple, and the whole process shouldn't take more than half an hour (probably around 15-20 minutes).
Now that you are in possession of Ubuntu-on-a-stick, you can go ahead and reboot your pc, with the stick still connected. Usually the computer itself will recognize the system and open it, or ask you between the two options of system. This is not installing Ubuntu yet, but you need to be careful.
Next it will show you a menu with two options: to install Ubuntu, or to try it out. DO NOT CLICK ON INSTALL UBUNTU IF YOU STILL HAVE UNBACKED STUFF OR ARE UNSURE YOU WANT UBUNTU YET. It will format your hard drive and all of that will be lost. The try option, on the other hand, works from the stick and does not format your hard drive.
Try Ubuntu will allow you to see how the basic system would look upon installation, and it will also be what you'd use if you were carrying Ubuntu on a stick to use in other computers. You cannot really modify much there, but if you choose to install the system, it is very, very, very customizable. You can tweak it and add and change the position of menus, clock, desktop icons (At first I thought you couldn't have those because they don't appear there by default! But you can! You just need to add them yourself).
To install Ubuntu on your computer, follow the instructions here. The process, again, is described short and simple, it doesn't take long, and the thing itself guides you step by step.
It is possible to make a disk partition, and have Windows in one part of the hard drive, and Ubuntu on the other. I myself have never done this and don't know how it is done. But if you want to try that, there are many tutorials on the internet about how to do it, I just don't have a specific one to recommend.
A couple more things
Once your new system is up and running, and you are customizing it, there are a couple basic things to know that are helpful:
Between the programs that come with the system, there's one called terminal. Terminal allows you to write direct commands to your computer. For example, instead of opening a program from its icon, you can type the name of the program (for example, "VLC") in terminal, and it will open it.
Similarly, you have two ways to install programs: one, like windows, by downloading the package and opening it with double click, the other by writing in the terminal "sudo apt-get install [name of package]". Some packages will already be in the cloud in what is called repositories, and just by typing "sudo apt-get install [name of program]" terminal will download and install it for you.
Like Windows, Ubuntu will give you messages about updates being available; unlike windows, you can install those whenever you want, and they run on the background (you can use your pc while it updates).
Alternatively you can just update your computer whenever you want by opening terminal and writing "sudo apt update" and then "sudo apt upgrade". I myself do that every day.
There are a few programs like get-iplayer (to get stuff from BBC Sounds) and youtube-dl (to get stuff from YT) that work in terminal only.
Terminal is very cool and if you are like me it will make you feel like a hacker in a 90s spy movie.
www.askubuntu.com is a forum that has answers for everything you might face as a problem or challenge while using Ubuntu. It is great.
If you do give Ubuntu a try and have any relatively basic questions I can answer about it, feel free to shoot an ask or message me, and I will help if I can!
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twostepstyless · 1 year
The House with the Yellow Door
Fic Advent Calendar Day 13
Advent Calendar Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Authors Note: This story is a slight continuation of Day 3 of the Advent Calendar Fics, you might want to read that one first but it's not necessary either. Harry finds something special while clearing out the junk drawers and we take a reminisce about Harry and Y/N's first Christmas.
As always, reblogs, likes and feedback of any and all variety is appreciated and encouraged - G <3
Word Count: 3.6k
Harry had hit the jackpot. He had been tidying out his junk drawers in their bedroom when it happened, or rather, finishing cleaning out his junk drawers. He’d started the task over a week ago when he was supposed to be getting ready to go to a posh dinner party, he couldn’t really be bothered going to so decided to begin the task Y/N had asked him to do ages ago instead. However, he never finished it and took the opportunity to do so today while Y/N was at some work thing he couldn’t remember what it was for, someone’s leaving lunch, or retiral lunch, or Christmas lunch, or a lunch for the sake of having a lunch, whichever it was, she was out. Harry had filled his time alone with playing with the dog until the dog was bored with him and walked off, which left Harry twiddling his thumbs until he thought it best to finish his unfinished chore.
There was a bit of everything in those drawers, pieces of jewellery he’d ‘lost’, receipts, guitar picks, small items he’d filched from sets he probably wasn’t supposed to take, old photographs, cables that no one knew what they were for, his old phone, loose batteries and change, t-shirts that were so ripped and indistinguishable that he probably should throw them away, and then right at the very back, wrapped up in a few layers of paper towel and taped over, was the missing Christmas ornament. The ornament that had vanished without a trace on the evening they were decorating their Christmas tree a week and a half ago. The special bauble, that left the couple heartbroken when it hadn’t shown up. Even when Harry was reassuring Y/N that they would find it and it would show up when they least expected it, he hadn’t been holding out much hope for that. He knew they had thrown away some broken ornaments last year and he was terrified it got swept up in the mess and ended up out in the rubbish, but he didn’t want to voice that to Y/N. Harry had spent a little time each day looking for it, he even went into the attic, this time without any scary spiders to put him off, looking through all their Christmas decorating supplies again just in case they had missed it. Every time Y/N had walked past their Christmas tree he noticed her eyes glance briefly at the blank spot in the middle near the top for the ornament, and each time her face fell, and Harry felt another crack appear on his heart, but he’d only gone and bloody found it. As he peeled back the layers of white paper towel and tape, he couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping upon seeing it. It wasn’t even extraordinary to look at, a plain, glazed, ceramic circle, with a thick velvet, red ribbon tied through the hole and finished in a bow. The fine black calligraphy written across the front read, ‘Our First Christmas’ with ‘Y/N and Harry’ written below that and underneath that read ‘2017’ with a hand-painted wreath around the outside. Harry held the ornament carefully in his hands as he made his way downstairs to the Christmas tree, leaving his junk drawer clear out unfinished, again. The piles of mess from the drawers scattering their bedroom floor which Y/N would no doubt give him a row for later when the shine from finding the decoration wore off. He stood in front of the nearly completely decorated tree and sought out the spot in the middle, near the top that was reserved for the bauble, reaching up, he hung the plush velvet ribbon around a tree branch and sorted it, so the text faced outwards, smiling softly to himself, recalling the memory of how the special bauble came to be. 
*** Flashback to Christmas Eve 2017 ***
Harry had just put his last bag in the boot of his car. He had his duffle bag with his clothes for a few days away as well as a disgusting amount of gift bags of presents for his family tucked away in the boot. He was doing as he done every Christmas, heading up to his Mum’s for a few days, which most years, he really looked forward to, he felt like he missed out on a lot of family things so his Christmas there was his time to soak up his time with them, and it’s not like he wasn’t looking forward to it this year, it’s just, well, she wasn’t going to be there. Harry and Y/N had been together for a few months, long enough to swap Christmas gifts with each other a few days ago, but maybe a bit early to have one another at their Christmases with their families and to meet the entire extended family on top of their immediate family, that was maybe a bit full on for a relationship that was only a few months old. Though as Harry went round his home, checking the switches were off and nothing was left to spoil in his fridge, he decided it was stupid to put time restraints on these things, because Christmas was one of his favourite times of the year, especially with his family, and Y/N had quickly shot to close to the top, if not the very top, of his list of favourite people and, fuck, he wanted her there, he wanted to spend Christmas with her. But she was already gone, she’d left London yesterday and made the drive back to her hometown to spend Christmas at her parents’ house with her extended family, much like he was doing. He got in the car, after locking up, sighing to himself as he started the engine to begin his drive, playing his feel-good playlist through the sound system to try and shake himself out his funk of missing her. He was going to see her in a few days, on the 29th, and they were going to spend New Year’s Eve together at the very least, but as he exited his driveway and looked down to shift into second gear as he joined the flow of traffic on his street, he saw a silly gift he’d picked up for her and decided not to give her because he was too shy to hand it over to her in case she felt it was a bit early for that kind of thing, he was back in his funk of missing her as he made his way out of London. 
That bloody ornament was driving Harry mental, he kept looking at it as it taunted him from the cupholder. He should’ve given it to her, if she thought he was being full on, so be it. 
Fuck it. 
He saw the exit, not the one he was intending on taking as he travelled in the fast lane, but saw a gap in the traffic behind him took the opportunity, flicking on his indicator and scooting across 3 lanes to the left and onto the exit as he turned off his sat nav as it tried it’d hardest to reroute him to his Mum’s via whatever mystery tour he had decided to take. He followed the signs with precision as he made his way to the town where he’d never been before. He knew the address though, she had told him maybe twice, showed him a picture of her and her sibling standing in front of it once and that was all he had to go on. This is all starting to feel a bit like that part in Love Actually where Hugh Grant goes chapping round the doors looking for Natalie, incidentally that was Y/N’s favourite bit of the film. Harry was driving at a snail’s pace as he tried to read the street signs. Waverley Street… bingo. The house with the sunshine yellow door was what he was looking for, something Y/N’s Mum done one day when she was sick of post and parcels ending up at the wrong address, at least then she could put ‘the house with the yellow door’ in the delivery notes. White, white, black, oak, white, black, black, green, yellow, white, black. Yellow. He slammed down on the breaks before reversing a few houses and parked in a spot outside the house. What in the name of God was he doing? With shaky fingers, he plucked out the white ceramic ornament with the black script and velvet, red ribbon out of the cupholder and exited the car. The street was quiet, just an older man walking a cute golden retriever, who was wearing a coat, down the street. The gentleman offered Harry a tip of his flat cap and a ‘cold one today, innit?’ as he passed as Harry nodded, nerves probably radiating from his skin as he walked up the path to the front door, careful not to slip on the patches of frost and ice that turned the paving stones sparkly. 
His knuckles rapped on the door three times and then he stood back. Taking a few deep breaths, his exhales leaving him in clouds of steam as his breath reacted with the chill in the air. Harry was praying to anyone that would listen that it would be Y/N to open the door, they hadn’t done the meet the families yet, and was showing up on the girl your dating’s parent’s doorstep unannounced the way to do that? Probably not. With no such luck, the door swung open to reveal a man that Harry recognised, from photos, to be Y/N’s Father. Words failed Harry as Mr Y/S/N took in the meek looking man on his doorstep before roaring over his shoulder, “Y/N! Want to tell me why Harry bloody Styles is at my front door?” He wasn’t angry, just shouting so Y/N would hear her Dad over the rabble in the house. Their families knew the couple were together, they had all seen photos that the pair had sent to their families of them but had yet to meet in person.  Harry heard her, sprinting, unusual for her to move at a speed anything faster than a brisk walk, but to be fair to her she wasn’t expecting to hear her new boyfriend was stood at her family home on Christmas Eve. 
“Harry,” she breathed out in shock, “what the fuck are you doing here?” her eyes widened. 
“Oi, language misses,” her dad said sarcastically from behind her, as she took place in front of him at the door, knowing full well his daughter’s language could be less than desirable a lot of the time. “Nice to meet you, mate,” he smiled warmly at Harry as he backed away back down the hallway.
“Nice t’meet you too,” Harry said, a second too late as her Dad disappeared from view, no doubt away to fill in the now silent family about who was at the door. 
“Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, but what are y’doing here?” Y/N asked, in shock to see him. “Wait, Christ, y’must be freezing, get in here,” she reached out and tugged one of his arms, as both hands were tucked into his jacket pockets, the ornament gripped in his left hand in his pocket, and pulled him into the house. Shutting the door behind him as he was suddenly engulfed in the warmth of the family home. “Um, my Nana and Papa are in the living room jus’ now, so this way,” the pointed upstairs as she led him up the creaky staircase as he took in the photos that lined the wall, family pictures and old school photos of Y/N and her sibling. She looked at him nervously, as she pushed open a wooden door that lay slightly ajar to reveal what must’ve been her bedroom that she continued living in until she left to move to London at the start of the year. The walls were still painted the lavender colour she had picked out as a child and the stickers that she had stuck to the back of her bedroom door when she was 7 were still there no matter how many times or ways Y/N’s Mum tried to remove them. He saw the bag she packed, as he watched from her bed in her flat, lying open on the floor at the foot of her bed, clothes spilling out, as well as some of the gifts she had for her family sat atop the desk in the corner of the room. “Y’can sit down,” she patted the space on the bed next to her as Harry sat down, his left hand still not leaving his pocket or his hold in the ornament. 
“So…um…” Harry began. 
“Y’not breaking up with me, are you? Because that’s fucked if you’ve came here to do that and on Christmas Eve. I know it’s better to do it in person but honestly, I’d have preferred a text if this is what this is,” Y/N spurted out quickly, avoiding eye contact with him. 
“What?! No. No, no, no, no, no. Jesus, Y/N, no, m’not breaking up with you, that’s the last thing on my mind, in fact it’s not even on my mind,” Harry quickly reassured her, his right hand gripping her chin to turn her head to look at him as she let out the breath she had been holding.
“Right, good, or I’d have been asking for the stuff I got y’for Christmas back,” she joked, inching closer to him on the bed now that her worries were settled. “Want t’tell my why you’re here, gorgeous,” her hand came up, palm resting on his cheek as her nails softly scratched at the skin there as he leant into her touch.
“I was on my way to Mum’s and I was just thinking, and I had something I was going to give to you in the car but didn’t, then I was thinking again and I missed you. Know we decided we were seeing each other on the 29th and that maybe spending this Christmas together was a bit full on because we’ve only been together a few months, but jus’ fuck that, y’know? I needed to see you today, so I was coming up to your exit on the motorway and just, stopped thinking, and took the exit and I’m here.” Harry shrugged. 
“Y’still going to go to your Mum’s right, I don’t want to be the evil witch who’s stopped y’going to your family for Christmas,” Y/N worried aloud. 
“M’going to go there right after I’ve seen you for a little while today,” Harry nodded. 
“Y’know I’ve been thinking the same thing right, I got here last night as was so happy to see everyone but I just missed you so much from the minute I started the drive,” Y/N said quietly, as Harry couldn’t stop himself from finally placing a kiss on her lips, that didn’t last long as they both started smiling too much into it before they broke away. 
“Y’only saying that because you hate driving and I would’ve been the one to drive us up,” Harry snorted. 
“I mean, you’re not wrong,” Y/N giggled, “but I missed you even more than that.”
“Yeah?” Harry smiled, shyly. 
“So much, best Christmas gift is you showing up here,” she nudged his side. 
“Speaking of gifts,” Harry trailed off, clearing his throat, as his left hand started fidgeting with the ornament in his pocket again. 
“Mm, yeah, you said y’had something in the car for me? We already did our gifts baby, y’didn’t go out and get me anything else did you?” she quirked an eyebrow, disapprovingly.
“Not quite, I bought it when I was getting your other Christmas presents but sort of shit out of giving you this it.” 
“Fuck me, you’re not proposing Harry, are you? Know we said we missed each other but let’s calm it down a bit,” Y/N joked, knowing he would do no such thing, more trying to make the situation a bit more light-hearted as her love seemed nervous for whatever reason.  
Harry laughed, shaking his head, “no, it’s silly really, but eh, here you go, I guess,” and he pulled out the hand-painted ornament with the thick, red velvet ribbon and passed it to her as she held it delicately between her fingers. 
“Our first Christmas,” she whispered, thumbs skating over the painted design.
“Yeah. Our first, because I’m intending to have a lot more Christmases with you, Y/N,” Harry said thoughtfully as her gaze turned towards his, knowing he was being serious as he rarely said just her name, it was always a term of endearment or nickname. “If you want to, anyway,” the nerves crept back into his voice again as his eyes flickered down to the ornament in her grip, watching as she placed it carefully on her bedside table, before she launched herself into his hold.
“Harry, you can’t just give me something like that and not expect me not to melt into a puddle, what the hell,” she wept into his throat as she peppered wet kisses onto his skin.
“Wait, y’like it?” Harry asked dumbfoundedly, pulling her back to look at her, seeing glittery tear stains on her face, his thumbs coming up to rub them away. 
“Like it? Harry, I can’t even. M’so glad we’re on the same page about this,” she grinned. 
“Yeah? You want to spend a few more Christmases together?” 
“All of them preferably, I want the rest of my Christmases to be spent with you, and I want that ornament on our tree every year, in the middle, near the top,” Y/N picked up the special ornament again, knowing they would treasure it forever. 
“I love you,” Harry said as she stared down at the bauble. They hadn’t said that to each other yet, but if there was ever a time, it was now. 
Her eyes flickered up to his, “I love you, so much,” she responded seriously as they met for a deep kiss, conveying more than those three words in the passion that exploded as their lips touched, as Y/N gripped the ornament between them. 
*** 13th December 2022 ***
“H, I’m home!” Y/N called, closing the door over, dropping her bag on the bottom of their staircase hanging her coat and scarf over the banister of the staircase as she fluffed out her hair that had been trapped by her scarf. 
“I’m in the living room,” Harry called back, smirking to himself as his eyes flickered up to the, newly found, special ornament. He heard Y/N kick off her shoes before she padded through to the living room, their golden retriever, Vinnie, meeting her at the living room door with a wiggly bum and wagging tail at the excitement of seeing his Mum again, even if she’d only been gone a few hours. 
“Hi baby boy, how are you?” Y/N scratched Vinnie behind his ears, just where he liked. 
“I’m alrigh’, yeah,” Harry said from the couch. 
“I was talking to Vinnie, H,” Y/N giggled walking over to the couch to plop herself down next to him, giving him a quick peck before she cuddled into his side. 
“Of course, you were,” Harry playfully rolled his eyes. 
Y/N laughed, “okay, what did you do today, gorgeous?” 
“Finished clearing out those junk drawers in the bedroom,” Harry stated, proud of himself.
“You did? That’s great! Find anything good?” she asked. 
“Mhmm,” Harry hummed vaguely as Y/N furrowed her brow at him before she followed his sweeping gaze around the room, not seeing anything different. Nothing on the floor, or the couch, there was a new magazine on the coffee table but that didn’t come out the junk drawer, there was their first Christmas ornament on the tree but that was always…
Y/N gasped so loudly, she choked on the air she took in as she began coughing loudly as Harry laughed, rubbing her back to soothe her as she calmed down, her head flying round to look at him. “Y’found it?” Y/N was already crying, she had it in her head it was gone forever and there it was in its special place, in the middle, near the top. 
“I did, it was in the back of the drawer, wrapped in paper towel. Now that I think about it, I think we forgot to box it up last year when we took the tree down and we decided to wrap it up and stick it in there for safe keeping but we both must’ve just forgotten,” Harry explained as he swiped Y/N’s glittery tear stains away with his thumb. 
“The trees actually finished being decorated now,” she smiled at him before looking up at the ceramic ornament with a smile. 
“It’s perfect,” Harry stated, pressing a kiss to her cheek before she turned to kiss him properly. 
“Thank you for finding it,” Y/N whispered. 
“Told you it would show up where and when we’d least expect it, we said it would be up for all our Christmases, it wasn’t going anywhere,” Harry smiled. 
“I love you,” Y/N sighed, dreamily. 
“I love you, so much,” Harry responded before sealing a kiss over her soft lips. It was officially their 6thChristmas together now. 
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melverie · 1 year
Right away-this guide is resource-heavy. You'll need tons of glow sticks, Grimm and preferably Devil Points, but it'll be far faster than raising all your cards to level 150
I'll link this back to itself for those of you that would like to reblog can check for updates every once in a while (last updated: September 25th 2023)
-> guide for Nightbringer -> intimacy raising guide
Things discussed on here include:
card building
leveling vs Devil's Tree
glow sticks
dance battles
try to get at least one UR(+) demon card of each sin to level 90 minimum. I’d recommend two tho you should first focus on building one strong card per sin;
getting them to 150 would be ideal but that’s insanely pricey + finishing the game with level 90 cards is still doable as long as you use glow sticks
if you don't have any UR(+)s yet, SSRs on level 80 can also help out a lot
SRs also work for early game, just make sure to swap them out for something better as soon as you get the chance to
check your cards' secondary and third sins. The following Satan card has pride as its secondary and lust as its third sin, meaning it'll act like a SSR card for stages that favor those sins
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The above also goes for memory cards
get your memory cards to level 50 minimum and have at least one per sin
only build SSR or UR memory cards
again, SRs and even Rs are perfectly fine for early game as long as you swap them out as soon as possible
focus on demon cards first and memory cards second
max out your cards’ Devil's Tree
if you try to put the same character in your team twice, the message below will pop up, so make sure to level the cards of multiple characters (especially if you're only building once card per sin!)
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if you have the following memory card, level it up. It’s a lot stronger than other memory cards on the same level with the favored attribute
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if you need Grimm, only grind in hard lesson 14 and upwards. You'll get about 1k Grimm per sweep from a 3-star stage there; normal ones only give you up to 575 Grimm. Later lessons won't give you more Grimm than that
DISCLAIMER: I'm probably not 100% correct on this but from how I understand it, this is the main difference between the two:
Leveling raises a card's strenght for ALL sins, which is more helpful for using that card in stages boosting a different sin than its own and is generally more useful in the long-run
Maxing out a card's Devil's Tree does also help in raising the card's strenght for all sins, but since it focuses mainly on the main and secondary sins, it's more useful for stages that correspond with their sin
Whichever one you decide to focus on first is up to you. Personally, I alaways level my card up to the level cap, max out the entire Devil's Tree and then max out the level. However, especially for newer players, it's probably best to to raise all cards you're planning on using to level 10, then unlock the first level lock in the Devil's Tree, raise all levels to level 20 and so on
if possible, have a card of each brother (or side-character that corresponds to their sin) so you can use all of your sin-specific glow sticks
Lucifer, Diavolo -> pride
Mammon, Barbatos -> greed
Levi, Luke -> envy
Satan, Simeon -> wrath
Asmo, Solomon -> lust
Beel -> gluttony
Belphie -> sloth
save your resources; don’t use two rainbow glow sticks if you can win with a rainbow and regular one
buy the defeat flash sales if you need more glow sticks! You'll be able to buy them almost daily if you do your daily missions + it’s the cheapest option for rainbow glow sticks
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alternatively, you can exchange 8 ravens for a rainbow glow stick. Additionally to the surprise guest rewards, you have a chance to get 4 ravens after finishing a shift at Ristorante Six. Make sure to choose two preferred workers since that increases the item drop rate
you can still win battles if your team's strength is below your opponent's. It varies a bit from stage to stage but generally speaking winning with a 60k difference is doable, it just might take a few tries
if you want a (more or less) easy win, opt for 50k
if your opponent’s skill is either paralyze, curse of the zombie, curse of the frog, scarecrow, confusion, stun or sleep, go for a 50k difference, I’d recommend being 40k weaker at most tho
getting hit with berserker is actually a good thing bc it doesn't disable your skill and increases your charm; it's only mildly annoying when you try to time all your skills but other than that it plays into your hands
prioritize being able to use each one of your skills twice per battle (four times in boss battles) over countering your opponent
if you lost a battle but were close to winning, fully close the game during the battle and open it back up again. You’ll get the option to restart the battle and won’t lose used glow sticks. Just make sure to do so before the loading symbol shows up, otherwise the game saves your defeat. The ‘TIME’S UP’ is your very last chance to close the game before it saves. If you did it in time, you'll get this screen once you tap the start button:
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you also can sometimes get fever time if you restart battles with the above method, so it's worth a few tries
if you need help with surprise guest interactions, you can check here
send out friend requests! You can get up to 50 AP a day from friends, so always make sure that your friend list is full If you want to add me, my ID is 4238288113. Just as a fair warning though, if I get new requests while my friend list is full, I check who's still actively playing and delete anyone that hasn't been playing for the last 2+ weeks
Anyway, feel free to add more and ask aways if you have any questions!
Best of luck to all of you!
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so they mentioned a card aspect to Nightbringer and now i’m worried that they’ll have hatch’s events for both at the same time (stress) or if you can link the games and keep your cards.
i’m wondering how they’d resolve that because some people would probably play nightbringer and not know or care about obey me, yk ? i’m stressed just thinking about having 2 events at one time
Honestly, I really don't know how any of this will play out
And as much as I'd love if we got to carry cards through I highly doubt it will happen
Given how og om's events work we'll probably have 2 events at the same time, unless they start increasing the time duration of events
If that's the case it'd be best if the resources/items in the games don't carry on so as to avoid spending too much in one game and not having enough things for the other
I really don't see people dropping the og for nightbringer though, specially when they'll have more saved up items there making it easier to get cards etc.
If time is a problem, then you always could pick whichever event interests you more and catch up with the one you miss on Lonely Devil (or nightbringer's version of it)
Also is it just me or....like events don't take much time right? I mean I never try to get past the first rewards page during an event's initial release and I spend like half an hour per day on om!/om!'s current event to do so
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morfinwen · 1 year
zutara: 10, 12, 16, 27, 30 :)
*gradually going through the asks in my inbox to justify reblogging more asks*
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Zuko: A very old, traditional Fire Nation song; probably a love song, though he’d insist (while blushing) that that isn’t why he picked it, a copy of Love Amongst the Dragons, and his dao swords.
Katara: An old Southern Water Tribe song, a lullaby or old story in musical form, a cookbook of fish and plants most likely to be on said island, and (not sure how much this counts as a 'luxury') a Water Tribe hunting spear or canoe, whichever she finds more useful/harder to replace.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
(It starts out pretty serious. Even apart from Zuko’s position as Fire Lord adding immense weight to any romantic interactions, they’re not the kind of people to flirt for the sake of flirting or date without at least the possibility of something coming of it.)
When it comes to the point where it shifts from “I really like you and want to see where this goes” to “I want to marry you”, it actually results in them spending less time together at first -- not a lot, but Zuko suddenly has extra meetings with his advisors (to figure out the political repercussions, how best to broach it on the world stage, etc.), and Katara is suddenly spending extra time researching and looking into Fire Nation customs and expectations. When they are together, they have a few stilted conversations, as they try to work out (without coming out and saying it) if the other is as open to the idea of marriage as they are. 
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Like … zombie apocalypse dream team. 
They're both excellent fighters with a fair amount of experience surviving on their own. Katara can heal and find and produce water from almost anywhere, and Zuko can start fires to keep them warm, boil water, cook food, and fight off zombies.
One of the biggest issues i have with zombie stories is the lack of community building; it would solve too many issues, so either the community falls apart or nobody even tries to build one. There's basically no way Zuko and Katara, two people naturally drawn towards leadership and helping the helpless, wouldn't end up starting or joining and improving some kind of settlement. 
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
First they get annoyed because i have to say the common z/k trope of them both pining but resisting saying anything, because they think it won’t work or the other isn’t interested, strikes me as very, very accurate. Also my take on post-canon is that Zuko knows he loves her but thinks Katara doesn’t feel the same, and it takes Katara a while to realize that she does, and both of them are very stubborn.
Once they’re together, they annoy their friends both by being practical wet blankets on their friends’ half-serious suggested shenanigans, and then turning around and pulling off outrageously ill-advised ideas without back-up. I mean, Zuko was willing to free the Avatar from one of his own country’s top military men, without backup, and Katara got herself arrested on purpose and started a revolt on a prison barge. 
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
They are opposites in ways that attract, and similar in ways that matter. They are deeply hurt people who care very deeply, about each other, about other people, about doing the right thing even when it's hard. And even if/when they can't justify being together for their own sakes -- Zuko and Katara both being people to set aside their own happiness for the greater good -- it's so plainly in the other's best interest to be together that they can't argue for breaking up. So basically, they work so well together that it works out. :-)
Thanks for asking!!
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mariacallous · 1 year
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The core things I would and do tell anyone/everyone:
-Genuinely the best advice I have is to practice and try it as much as you feel able to - I've surprised myself with how often I'll be trying eyeshadow or lipstick randomly (it's a nice distraction and creative outlet when work or whatever gets to be too much and you need to step away real quick or focus on something else and take a break) and seeing what happens, and when it's an experiment like that I'm not as worried about perfect results or making a mess of myself (as if I'm not ridiculous and messy to begin with).
-I am not very technical or dexterous with my makeup application, and so I keep that in mind when figuring out what I want to do.
-Decide what your comfort area is, what your grey zone is, and what you think would be red line(s)/no-go areas, as well as what your ideal goal is and what you'd settle for. For me I made the decision to not bother with contouring my face - it's round/oval(ish) and not worth the trouble involved for the most part and more work than I care to do to myself. So I apply foundation and concealer when needed and otherwise decided that lips and eyes are where I want to put the most focus and attention. Eyeliner and mascara are my grey/uncertain zone is and I've avoided doing it for the most part so it's one of the areas I'm the weakest.
-Situation, situation, situation - decide which looks and which colors you're comfortable with/want to use for each situation. For most work looks the boldest I'm (currently) doing is a red lip (or a mauve lip) and maybe a neutral/tan eyeshadow (if even that). Figure out what your color range and specific items are for certain looks and events and keep those on hand/in mind so that you're more comfortable going right into the makeup and not holding back and spending time trying to decide what you're going to do.
-Wipes. Keep wipes, makeup or baby, nearby at all times. For more precise damage control, wrap the wipe around your index finger (or whichever finger you think offers you the best control and movement) before going to clean up the error (in my case, it's usually lipstick overdrawn or smudged, or excess/messy eyeshadow).
-What do you like and enjoy? That should be the main, if not *the* main, consideration when you're doing makeup. I fundamentally believe that makeup is meant to enhance and be enjoyed - by others maybe but mostly by me. If you're not having fun or don't like something, then you don't need to do or use it. For the longest time I avoided most red lipstick shades because, even though I loved it, someone made it uncomfortable for me to wear them and made me feel embarrassed about it, and also made somewhat unfriendly/derogatory remarks. Once I was away from them and experimenting again and redetermining what I liked and what I thought looked good on me, I re-embraced the red.
-Expanding on the previous point, don't be afraid to pick and choose certain looks or certain elements or trends if you like them, but always make sure that you're being yourself and remembering what you like and what you want.
(Also, there's nothing wrong with a no makeup look - as in not wearing any makeup. (if you want to do the "no makeup makeup" look where you're wearing makeup but in a way so that it looks like you're not, it's whatever but personally that's a lot of work for that end result and I don't think it's fun or looks all that good tbh) We're going to go through probably most of our lives with little to no makeup on anyway.)
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anxiety-thyme · 2 years
I’ve been relearning InDesign for book layouts. It’s been super fun and frustrating because a) it’s been a decade since I used it last b) I originally learned on a Mac and I’m all Windows now and c) I know there are features that exist that will make things faster and easier - I’ve just been stumbling around until I figure it out. I forgot how much I love the process though.
I’ve also been figuring out the best workflow for me. At this point we are at:
Download fic from AO3 as an HTML
Convert to Word - I do this using google drive actually. If you upload the html doc there, you can then redownload it as a word doc. Probably an unnecessary step?
Format the word doc - remove all of the tagging & content you don't want included in the main text. I like to use the layout tools for putting in section breaks in word instead of InDesign. It makes finding the chapter breaks easier.
Do all of the find/replace editing like replacing double spaces with single space, removing spaces before periods or commas, etc.
I do not mess with the actual text outside of those updates unless I catch a spelling error.
Grab whichever template for InDesign I've built and import the text.
Apply the body paragraph style to the full text.
I've started exporting the document as a pdf and opening it in GoodNotes. I like doing this so I can read through the text and see if I've missed anything, and figure out what I want the layout to look like, or think through any fun additions before I start working on the actual layout. As an example, I'm working on a fic right now where after reading through a bit of it, I changed how I wanted to address some of the content, like how I show things that are handwritten, and what the chat messages look like, etc. I wish I had done this with my first couple because I feel like I would have done some things differently if I had.
Once I've hammered that all out I'll go back to InDesign and start working through those formatting: any of the neat stuff I want to focus on like a section of chat messages, any items I want to handle differently from the body paragraph style, etc.
I save applying any parent page styles until almost last since everything up to this point can affect what pages the chapter starts end up on. I unfortunately realized after my first layout that applying chapter start parent styles too soon means redoing them a million times.
If I'm feeling good at this point, I'll go back through and find all of the widows and orphans that I want to deal with.
Throughout this entire process I'm printing out test pages to make sure that things are showing up in print the way that I want them to.
All that's left then is one last scroll through to see if I've missed anything and then once I feel good about it I print.
I know (from past experience) that there are much quicker ways to do this that don’t require all of these steps, but I like this process. I feel like pulling the text into GoodNotes and reading the fic in that way helps me remember what I love about it, and figure out how I want to highlight everything that is wonderful about it.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 7 months
I have figured out how to send an ask on mobile! I had to go to your tumblr page to find the button. Anyway, 5, 10 & 18 on the most recent ask meme please!
❣️ -- What's something you do that others have expressed gratitude for?
When we were a foster family to infants and toddlers (25 of them in 5 years), people often said things like, "I couldn't do what you do; you're a better person than me" which I know was a misguided expression of something like gratitude--I'm an OK person, so's my hub, so are my kids, it's good that kids in need were living with us. One bio-mom who was reunited with her baby after something like 4 or 5 months in our care reached out to me a few times to thank me for taking such good care of her daughter--she even sought me out several years later to "show off" how great they were doing. Her kind words, and knowing that she and "the supermodel diva baby" (as I called her online, for privacy reasons) have thrived since reunification, balance out all the many, many heartaches and frustrations I felt doing that work. I felt very appreciated by that young mom; she got it, and I could tell she was truly grateful. (Most bio-parents are understandably in a bad emotional state and often lump in foster parents with the Big Bad "System" that took their kids into care, when I would posit that well trained foster parents are probably the most likely to be "on the parents' side" because of what we learn before starting to care for kiddos. But I understand their anguish.)
🎉 -- How do you express excitement and joy?
Excited anticipation usually gets me into a mode of "doing all the things" to get ready for the anticipated event, however that plays out (choosing an outfit, buying event-specific items, reading about similar events online, etc, etc). I express joy at least once a day when I open my medicine cabinet and see the sticky note in there that asks, "What brought you joy today?" and I say to myself, "Whatever-whatever brought me joy." Today it was that I passed the time at the laundromat (stupid time for the washer to die, right before a holiday, so we have to wait an extra week after the part arrives to get it fixed!) writing fic words in my notebook instead of just flipping through old copies of Better Homes and Gardens.
🌟 -- Which of the major arcana best suits your current mood or mindset?
I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't played with Tarot cards in like 25 years, and even then I barely understood what the rules were. The major arcana are the face cards/non-numbered ones? Whichever one is perimenopausal and can't sleep. That one.
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aurelia11fan · 2 years
First of Many
Agustín and Julieta have their first kiss—and they aren’t even dating
It was afternoon.
It was summer.
Agustín Rojas was 19 and Julieta Madrigal was 21. They were curled up underneath their favorite tree, the one that housed their childhood memories of climbing in its branches and eating shaved ice in the shade. A book of poetry, written in both Spanish and French was open in Agustin’s lap. Julieta could have fallen asleep listing to his deep, rich voice read both languages effortlessly and relaxed further against his shoulder as she listened for the French words— les mots française—that sounded similar to those in their native tongue.
Agustín had such a gift for languages, born from his love of music, and she never tired of listening to whichever one he decided to speak and he never tired of lovingly teasing her as she tried to pronounce them. She was a healer, not a linguist and loved appreciating the gift that he possessed just as he did for her. Julieta smiled and looked up at her best friend in the world and snuggled more deeply into Agustin’s shoulder. They had finished their talking and eating more than an hour ago, and food items littered the grass where they sat. Both were barefoot, Julieta having abandoned her favorite alpargatas a good while ago and Agustín had soon followed her lead. It had felt nice to take his dress shoes off especially in the heat of the early afternoon and she stretched her legs so her feet were closer to his and wiggled her toes in response to the breeze. As she did, Julieta felt herself struck by a familiar, yet somewhat frightening feeling which had been growing in her for some time. Agustín was mid sentence when she finally spoke softly.
“Hey, Gus?”
Agustín closed the book and glanced fondly at the warm brown eyes staring up at him. He brushed a jacaranda petal off her hair and held it up to her with a lazy smile, as his glasses sat slightly crooked on his face from where her head had nudged them.
“Do I make a wish?” Julieta asked, referencing another childhood game.
“Go for it.”
She looked at the petal for only a moment before raising her head just slightly and placing her lips on his.
The kiss only lasts a few seconds until Julieta pulls away, waiting to see what Agustín does. She fervently hopes she didn’t upset him. They aren’t courting, at least not officially, nor have they made any feelings of that nature explicitly known.
It’s almost as if they don’t have to. They’ve been attached at the hip since they were children. The leaning on his shoulder, snuggling next to him—it had come so naturally to them over the years and she now can’t remember the point where it had even started.
Didn’t all friends do that?
Weren’t all best friends this close?
Weren’t all best friends… in love with each other?
Probably not.
Julieta begins to panic. She really should have asked him first.
Before she can worry too much, Agustín’s warm hand covers her jaw and brings her mouth back to his. He tilts a bit too far and the pesky frames of his glasses bump her face, but they ignore it. There is another warm breeze blowing and it seems to tighten their embrace, bringing them closer together.
This feeling. It feels normal.
Like the first time they held hands.
The first time Julieta leaned her head on Agustín and fell asleep on his shoulder.
The first time he noticed a stray hair and reached forward to fix it.
The time he stayed at Casita for dinner and ended up getting sick after losing a drinking contest with Pepa. He had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor and woke with her in his arms. It was the best hangover of his life.
Now their first kiss.
And not their last.
Only one more “first” of many.
Agustín pulls away and grins at Julieta. She can’t help but return the sentiment. Then she leans back in his shoulder, friendship still very much intact, but only deeper.
Apparently, he didn’t mind at all.
This little drabble was partially inspired by Bored57’s amazing work Mutually Assured Attachment. It’s on Ao3 and it’s an amazing read.
Go check it out!
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anotherwvba · 9 months
20 Questions with Niki Binary
excerpt from WVBA Online Magazine
The boffins here at the WVBA Online devised a series of surveys to get to know our Women's Circuit competitors just a little better. Today, we catch up with none other than our own "I.T. Girl" Niki Binary.
Q: What’s your favorite sandwich and where did you eat it?
A: Odd lead off, but okay. This is easy, a simple tomato sandwich. Tomato with a little Duke's mayo, black pepper, on plain cheap white bread. My grandma used to make 'em for me.
Q: What’s your favorite place on earth?
A: Man, this is gonna sound so cliché. Right now, the ring. Especially after my fight with Cutie Hondo, it's a high you just can't duplicate.
Q: What’s one place you've visited that you never want to return to?
A: Ha! Easy, Radio Shack! Nobody knew what they were talking about, at least not the ones around here. Now, I don't have to.
Q: What’s the best show on TV right now?
A: Not counting us? *wink* Probably Cobra Kai. I love the story and way they show respect to the franchise's history.
Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Tiramisu! Oh man, it would be a short life, but what a way to go.
Q: What’s the worst movie you ever saw?
A: The live-action version of Dragon Ball. And before you go all comic shop and say, "Actually, there were three Dragon Ball live-action movies," one, I know that and, two, I said what I said.
Q: What’s the best thing you’ve read in the last five years?
A: No contest, I just read this book called "Gravity" by Sarah Deming. It's all about a girl from New York that makes it to the Olympics as a boxer against all odds. So inspiring.
Q: What’s the one item of clothing you couldn’t live without?
A: My khaki slacks. I know, I'm a geek. But they are comfy, they have pockets, and they go with like 90% of my wardrobe.
Q: If you could only bring three things with you on a deserted island, what would you pick?
A: Oh. That's hard. Wait... no it's not. Got it! My laptop, my portable wi-fi rig, and a solar generator. This girl ain't stayin' on a deserted island!
Q: If you could save one material thing from a fire, what would you save?
A: Easy! My laptop. Lots of places have free wi-fi :)
Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
A: People being fake. I can get along with most anybody. You can be the biggest jerk in the world, it's fine with me. Just own it. Don't pretend to be one thing to my face and something else behind my back.
Q: What is your favorite movie of all time?
A: Okay... Minions. It's cute and it's funny and I like to laugh.
Q: What is the best concert you have ever been to?
A: 3 One Oh! They are amazing! I almost picked She's on Fire as my walk-out music.
Q: What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
A: I got set up on a blind date once with this guy that thought because he had a BA and I had an Associate's that he was soooo much smarter than me and had to mansplain ALL the things. Ugh! I'd like to see him solder a motherboard by flashlight...
Q: Would you rather be hot or cold?
A: Cold. I can always put more clothes on. You can only take so many off without jail time... lol
Q: What’s your favorite karaoke song?
A: Seeing as I can't carry a tune with a handle, whichever one Cutie is singing. Girl's got pipes!
Q: What’s your favorite quote?
A: LOL! Okay, this one's from my coach, "Fall down twice, stand up thrice. Don't fall three times, that's a TKO."
Q: What was the best meal you ever ate?
A: This will sound silly. It was here! They've got a sushi chef that works here on Wednesdays and, oh... My... GOD! Amazing!
Q: What’s your least favorite genre of music?
A: Death Metal. It gives me headaches like you wouldn't believe. I'd rather take one of Coach Von Kaiser's uppercuts.
Q: Do you like coffee or tea better?
A: Oh... that's hard. You're asking me to choose between my kids. I... nope... can't choose. Love them both! I live on caffeine and coding.
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