#why won’t you believe him Trey?
m34gs · 11 months
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Yeah, Trey. Lilia’s wish is wholesome and adorable. Like him.
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"Don't You Know It's Bad Luck To See Your Bride Before The Wedding?"
Warning: I write reader as female 
One of the most interesting things about having a girlfriend from another world is learning about the culture and traditions that her world possesses. Normally, he would consider every part of the home of the love of his life nothing less than perfect, since it managed to create such an exceptional individual - the very same individual that he can proudly call his. This was, however, before you mentioned a certain tradition/superstition that you had where the soon-to-be husband and wife spend the night before their wedding apart and forbids said betrothed couple from seeing each other until they meet at the altar.
Here’s how our dear NRC boys would react when told this news:
Is cool with it. At least on the outside. They understand that it’s a silly little tradition from your home world so they let you spend the night with Adeuce (you bet that those two are your bridesmen/men of honour and the three of you and Grim are going to have the greatest bachelorette party of your life)/Papa Crewel 
But of all traditions, why this one? He seems perfectly calm when you say goodbye - you pretend you don’t notice how he holds you much longer and tighter than he usually does when he hugs you - and your text messages to each other are as normal as they can be, but no matter how hard he tries he just can’t shake off the cold feeling of loneliness your absence brings and how his body feels empty without yours to anchor it.
Once the festivities of his bachelor party are over, it takes five minutes of him trying and failing to keep himself occupied and distracted before his desire to at least hear your voice becomes unbearable and he grabs his phone to call you. He wordlessly slips off somewhere where none of his friends would find him and he gives you a ring. The two of you speak to each other until one of you falls asleep.
He would actually go through with it in its entirely and seeing you walking down the aisle in all your glory and beauty, emerging through the door like a celestial being, after hours of not seeing you had him completely awestruck, like a dying man seeing an oasis after spending hours crawling through the desert. It nearly almost made the wait worth it. 
Just never make him go through that again. Please.
Trey, Jamil, Silver, Jack, Sebek
Instantly shoots it down. 
Listen, Y/N, he loves you so much it hurts. He’ll move mountains for you, pluck the stars and moon out of the sky for you. He’d make the sun rise from the west if that’s what you desired. If there’s an option to carve out his heart and present it to you on a silver platter he would. Every breath he takes, every time his heart beats, and every hour of every day, he’s dedicated to making you the happiest person in the world - the ring on your finger is an attest to that.
But he won’t, absolutely will not nor ever, deprive himself of a single minute of your presence. He’s trying to make up for the years he’s spent without even knowing you and now that he has you in his life, do you think he goes a day without thanking every force in the multiverse that you found him and filled his life with light and colour and laughter. Do you truly believe that he would ever even attempt to get any amount of rest when you’re not in his arms? It’s absolutely unfathomable and he will stand for it. Now come over here and spend the next hour cuddling him for speaking such nonsense.
It does not matter how long your respective bachelor and bachelorette parties last, you two are spending the night together and that’s that. Full stop.
And don’t worry about the consequences. Whatever supposed ‘bad luck’ that befalls you as a result of his actions, he’ll shoulder it all. In sickness and in health until the end of time, after all.
Riddle, Vil, Jamil, Azul, Leona, Malleus, Idia
Haha, no ♡
Leona, Lilia, Jade, Floyd
Ever since you brought it up, he’s been nothing but clingy. It’s hard to tell where you start and he ends from the way he’s hugging you so close it’s like he’s trying to fuse the two of you together. 
He wants to do it for you since you’re already sacrificing so much by being away from your home but-but that means that he has to spend a whole entire night without you! Don’t you know he can’t live without your goodnight kisses? And your good morning kisses? And your breakfast kisses and lunch kisses? And you’re just going to desert him like that? Abandon him and then deprive him of hours of kisses and cuddles that legally are his right to have? Starve him of his well-deserved affection and leave him when he needs you the most? Just tell him that you hate him, it would hurt less.
This boy is going to be facetiming you throughout his entire bachelor party - the rules of your world be damned. He’s going to be marrying you in less than 24 hours and he wants to spend every second of his excitement and pure elation with you. 
These boys are also the reason as to why you have to have people stationed outside your changing room like guards to make sure that the surprise of your wedding dress isn’t ruined because ‘they just had to see you’.
Needless to say, you are going to be spending the night together
But seriously he’s tried to follow you into the bathroom. Just tell him that it’s an old custom that no one abides by anymore before he breaks the door down.
Ace, Deuce, Cater (100% snapchats/live tweets his feelings of betrayal), Ruggie, Epel, Kalim, Azul, Floyd, Rook
You used your impeccable negotiation skills (puppy eyes) to reach a compromise. You’ll spend the night in Ortho’s room and the two of you will spend the entire night before your wedding playing video games using your matching couple headphones. Ortho will run interference until you leave the next day to get ready to make sure that you don’t end up seeing each other.
Or at least that was the plan until Idia woke up in the middle of the night to find his room devoid of the only lights in his life. Without even thinking, he leaves his bedroom and goes over to where you and his brother are and he gets into bed with you and cuddles you.
Listen normie, you’ve wormed your way into his heart so take some responsibility. If your world is right, then he’ll take the L. He’s used to doom and gloom so whatever bad luck happens can’t be worse than the life he had without you and it certainly isn’t worth even an hour without you by his side.
Are you kidding him, Herbivore?
First he has to go to some stupid bachelor party that his brother, Ruggie and Jack are throwing because no one would shut up about it when he could be sleeping with you and now you’re telling him that you want him to spend the night alone when he could be sleeping with you?
No. Absolutely not.
He doesn’t care if you think it’ll bring him bad luck or whatever. He’s not spending the night without you. In fact, he’s not even going to go to that blasted party. You and him can just spend the entire time napping in bed.
What? He has to go. Fine. They get one hour. Then, you're his. And if anything tries to get in the way of yours and his happiness, he’ll turn it to ash with his very claws.
Child of Man, he does not understand. You mean to tell him that in your world, a betrothed couple must spend the eve and morning of their nuptials apart lest a curse of bad luck shall befall them? He’s never heard of such a thing. Humans have such strange customs from where you’re from. You needn’t worry, however, as the future king and powerful mage, he is more than capable of handling whatever calamity that comes your way. A measly little curse is no match for a fae such as he. Therefore, there is no reason for you to deprive him of the warmth of your body for he shall always be there to soothe your fears. He has sworn to protect you and made an oath to you that no harm shall ever befall you.
For if anyone dares to prove him otherwise, he shall deal with them. 
Malleus (it takes him a while to realise it’s not an actual curse since your world doesn’t even have magic to begin with but he still makes you wear enchanted jewellery on your person just in case - even though every piece of jewellery he had gifted you prior to that is chock full with protection charms and that’s not even counting the heaps of blessings he gave you) (It’s like that time you told him about the curse of ‘The Scottish Play’ all over again)
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liliavanrougelover · 19 days
You like his housewarden?
Summary: You ask for advice on asking out his housewarden
Characters: Vice-housewardens (platonic)
A/N: If you saw me post this right after the vice-housewarden one, no you didn't
Trey Clover:
He’s happy. You trust him with this information and want his help? He’s glad you trust him. He’s so willing to give you advice and it’s so helpful. He won’t tell you that Riddle likes you back and he won’t tell Riddle that you like him. “I can’t say for certain, but I believe Riddle would enjoy roses. A strawberry tart would also help-” (It’s just actual advice).
Ruggie Bucchi:
He’s ecstatic. Not that you like Leona, but that you asked for his help. Why? Well, he’ll help for a couple of thaumarks. He’ll even give you legitimate advice. Just hand over the thaumarks and his advice is all yours. It’s not that hard, is it? “Let's say 50 thaumarks. That’s too much? My knowledge is very useful so of course it’s a little expensive.”
Jade Leech:
He smiles. You picked the wrong eel for the job (Either of the tweels would be bad). He’s a little shit. He just tells you that Azul would like anything (which is true) and then walks away. Next thing you know Floyd’s running over asking you about your crush on Azul. Jade told him about it. “Azul would enjoy any type of confession. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to class.”
Jamil Viper:
He sighs. He’s so done. He barely gives you advice before walking away. Kalim asked him yesterday for advice on confessing to you and then you ask him for advice too? As long as you’re not playing some long con to steal from or hurt Kalim, he doesn’t care too much. “A stuffed animal would probably work. I have work to get done, so I have to go.”
Rook Hunt:
He’s not surprised. He already knows you like Vil and he’s equipped for this situation. And of course you would go to Le Chasseur D’Amour for this task. No one’s more qualified. He’s giving you advice before you even finish asking. “Roi du Poison would accept most confessions from you. What you should be asking is what not to do. You see-”
Ortho Shroud:
He’s so happy. He’s smiling so big (or the robot equivalent). You like his brother? His brother likes you! His big brother won’t be sad and lonely his whole life. He has advice, but none that’s really helpful. He tried at least. “Oh, well my big brother likes cats, so you could bring a cat when you confess. And you might have to confess outside his door.”
Lilia Vanrouge:
He has a cheeky smile. You like Malleus and you're asking for his advice? Well, he did raise Malleus, so he can’t blame you. He’s so excited for you, but he won’t tell Malleus. But, he told two other people. After all, Silver and Sebek aren’t Malleus. “Oh, you made a good choice by asking me. I’m pretty much an expert on Malleus. So first off-”
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Unspoken Words
Characters: All NRC students x reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: hurt/comfort
Unspoken reasons why the NRC boys love you!
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Riddle Rosehearts seems like perfection; like the very image of what one should strive for. Anyone who knows him can admire his hard work and diligence, because that is the extent to what they can see. But you see his delight at the simplest of things; things that he never got to experience in childhood. Riddle holds you dear to him because you encourage his rare moments of whimsy, and love them wholly- just as he loves you.
Trey Clover is always being told that he should aim higher, because the talent he holds would be squandered should he go down the path of the simple village baker. He smiles and politely tells them that he’ll consider it- but really, he’s tired of the input he never wanted in the first place. It’s all the more reason to appreciate the way you trust in his dreams. Trey knows what he wants, and you won’t push him for anything more. 
Cater Diamond has two different sides, like the faces on a card. Sometimes he’s the party-loving Cay-kun, and other times he wants nothing more than to collapse in his bed and sleep the day away. Being Cay-kun is exhausting. It’s not entirely him but he can’t seem to bring himself to show the real Cater to anyone but you, because you understand that the mask is necessary sometimes. It’s okay if he’s not ready to show the world his face yet. You’ll be waiting for him when he is.  
Bluntly honest is the best way to describe Ace Trappola. If someone asked, he’d call himself a realist. He’s not here to mess around or play the hero. And sometimes that can hurt people’s feelings and push them away. But being truthful and being mean are two different things, and he knows he can always trust you to tell him when he oversteps. Ace may fumble from time to time, so he’s glad you’re always there to help him back up.
Deuce Spade was reluctant to begin dating you at first. He wasn’t proud of who  he was in middle school, nor is he proud of who he is at the moment. He thought that he was unworthy of you, that he needed more time to grow. When he first figured out that you weren’t the most perfect person either, it didn’t turn him away. In fact, it relieved him. Deuce loves that you can be imperfect together- and that you’re willing to grow alongside him even more. 
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Leona Kingscholar is used to being the spare; the disposable one. Even though he’s the second prince of the Sunset Savannah, even though he was born into a life of privilege, he knows what it’s like to have to fight for yourself and your place in the world. When he met you, he could hardly believe that for once, a fight wasn’t necessary. It took a while for him to trust, but now Leona knows that he will always be your first choice, as you will be his.
From the outside, Ruggie Bucchi’s obsession over food is a bit excessive. Does one really need to defend every scrap with his life? He’s tired of others laughing at the way he packs snacks in his bag and sneaks crumbs off the tabletop. It’s telling that you hand him extras when you don’t have to, that you make sure he always has more than he needs. It shows that you value the things he values, so that he can do the same in return to you. 
Jack Howl is a lone wolf, just like his name. He’s always relied on his own strength to get by. Owing a debt is like putting his life in someone else’s hands, so accepting favors is something that he’ll never do. When he first realizes he loves you, it’s hard to accept that another person now holds a part of his heart. But give him some time and he’ll begin to appreciate having someone to share the burden with. It’s refreshing to have company without debt or guilt. 
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They say those who have suffered the most have the most empathy. Azul Ashengrotto thinks there must be something wrong with him, then. After all the ridicule he’s endured, all he wants is to watch his tormentors cry as well. So why does his heart beat so fast then, when he sees how kind you are to others? There’s so little logic to it- but the heart wants what it wants. 
Jade Leech gives only as much as he takes. In his mismatched eyes, it’s only reasonable that a transaction is balanced on both sides. So it’s a surprise to him when you don’t demand everything to be split, fifty-fifty. It’s with you that he learns the connection between trust and equals. Not having to count out every exchange leaves Jade more time to love you with all his heart. 
Floyd Leech is notorious for his mercurial behavior. It’s a laughing matter for some students, and the target of frustration for many others when he fails to show the same enthusiasm he had before. If he’s already in a bad mood, then why are they making it worse by nagging him? You’re his retreat in times like that, because you take his emotions seriously, no matter how ridiculous they seem in the moment. 
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Kalim Al-Asim knows he can be dense. As the heir to a merchant empire, he’s got some level of self-awareness in him, even if he doesn’t always know how to use it. He can tell when he’s said the wrong thing to you. The wringing of hands, the twisting of brows make him so nervous, but he can’t do anything but laugh it off lest he say something to make it worse. So he appreciates it when you patiently explain to him how you feel, even when you’re not in the mood to. Sometimes he just needs help to understand. 
There’s no doubt that Jamil Viper has… questionable methods of obtaining his means to an end. With the precision and patience of a snake, he can use any means necessary to strike. But when you’re around he finds himself thinking more of what’s right than just what he wants. You are his conscience, in the best  and worst of times; and he can’t help but love you for it. 
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Vil Schoenheit’s entire life has been publicized since the day he stepped into the spotlight. While he takes pride in his looks and envies anyone who can shine brighter than him, he finds that when he is with you, he can be whatever he wants to be with no eyes on him. No cameras, no rehearsals, no pressure, just two hearts beating side by side. 
Rook Hunt has a lot to say, and so little time to say it. He is always on the move, always examining something else to find the beauty in it. And though it’s hard to be patient, he loves you for always listening when he talks, even when he rambles for hours about the smallest things. To sit still for that long is a feat in itself.
The frustrations of Epel Felmier are evident when others treat him as lesser simply because of the way he looks. He’s still learning how to use his charm in other ways, but it’s hard to unlearn so many old habits. Punishments from Vil don’t help either. So when the work gets too harsh, you make him forget about being weak or strong- and when you’re in front of him, all he wants to be is yours. 
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Idia Shroud is used to watching the world go by without him. Sometimes he feels like an outside observer, or even a roadblock for others to climb over on their way to greatness. But with you, he never feels like an inconvenience. He feels wanted and needed- something he hasn’t felt for a long, long time. 
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Malleus Draconia is lonely. It’s plain and simple as that. He wants the company of others, outside of those assigned to guard him and bow to his every whim. So Malleus covets the fact that you are simply here, by his side of your own volition. For the first time in his life, Malleus thinks that he might be content.
Lilia Vanrouge has lived through centuries. As a human, you cannot even begin to fathom bridging the gap in time. There is just so much that he has seen that he can’t share with you. So please, just let him hold you while he has the chance. Let him cherish the way you live in the moment. Together, you can forget the coming of the future. 
Sebek Zigvolt is constantly under pressure. Not from others, but from himself- but either way, the stress gets to him. He would never admit it, but the stolen moments you spend together make him happier than he’s ever been. His shoulders ease, and his scowl disappears for a time. Just don’t point it out, or they’ll be back again full force- accompanied by a blush.
It’s not that Silver doesn’t care about what people are saying- he really, really does. But when he falls asleep so easily, some people come to think that he’s bored out of his mind. He was anxious that you’d think the same, but to his surprise, you understand his struggles. He’s trying his best to be more attentive to you, and you welcome his efforts with open arms.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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fr0st-km · 2 years
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Heartslabyul boys when they experience love at first sight !
No warnings ✦ HEADCANONS ✦ GN! s/o
savanaclaw | octavinelle | scarabia | pomefiore | ignihyde | diasomnia | Rollo Flamm
NOTE: I smh can’t access the link to my masterlist…I gotta try and fix it 😭
Not me coming back after 3 months just because of Rollo getting released
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As a child who hardly has any friends because of his mother, he finds it hard to believe that he could ever fall in love with anyone. His mother would probably not like the idea of him having a lover at a young age in the first place. That’s why Riddle considers that love at first ‘sight’ is merely child’s play. Those thoughts stayed in his head until he met you; the magicless prefect from another world. Something within his body skipped a beat when you both made eye contact and he felt that time itself stopped ticking; he felt as if something lit up his dark world as soon as he saw you.
He was mesmerized. You quickly broke eye contact and was more focused with your current situation in the mirror chamber, while Riddle kept staring at you with widened eyes and a hand on his chest, his face visibly flushing red. He…He had never felt these feelings before, it made him feel so weird. If Azul hadn’t called him out to help him catch Grim, then he’d be staring at you with brightened eyes for who knows how long.
Honestly, the thought of falling in love with someone you just met never came into Trey’s head. Whenever his siblings ask if he has a lover or not, he’ll just chuckle and say that he is far too young to have one, he’d rather focus on his studies and not romance, that’s for the future. Those thoughts left in his head as soon as he met you. You were just minding your own business— making sure that Grim and the adeuce duo won’t cause a fuss.
Trey didn’t realize that he was staring for so long until Cater nudged his arm with a teasing smirk plastered on his face, “Oh~ seems that Trey has fallen in love with Ramshackle’s prefect!” The ginger teased as Trey chuckled nervously with a visible blush on his cheeks, “It’s not like that. I was just…distracted that’s all.” He said as Cater raised a brow at him. “Oh don’t be like that! If you’ve fallen for someone, you shouldn’t let them go unless they don’t want you!” Cater exclaims with a thumbs up, to which Trey sweat dropped.
He’s a pretty easy-going guy. If he falls in love, he falls in love. But what he didn’t expect was falling in love as soon as he saw the person — aka you. When Ace had to go back to Heartslabyul to see Riddle and apologize, you of course, had to tag along with Deuce and Grim. That’s when you and Cater first met, could it be fate? He was stunned by your beauty, how cute. Cater being Cater, he easily conversed with you without any problem. But he’ll admit that he does feel a bit shy and nervous around you…He won’t admit that to anyone but himself LOL
If a Cater likes you, be prepared for him to be VERY clingy. He’ll probably appear out of nowhere just to get your attention —not that you mind tho— and Trey has to hold him back for a few times due to class almost starting. But Cater will definitely make time for you, he loves you LOTS. After all, you’re the first person to ever make him feel like this! Enjoy yourself because this man will definitely make your life brighter! <33
Well, you see…Ace is kind of experienced when it comes to love. Keyword: KIND OF. But falling in love at first sight? Oh no, oh no, he never experienced that. But when he does…Well, he’ll be pretty surprised. I guess something about you just makes him so happy. Every time when your name gets mentioned he turns his head towards the direction of the voice, if he spots you from a distance he’ll let go of anything just to approach you— homework, food, whatever— that won’t stop him from getting near you.
However…There is something you need to get used to when gaining the interest of Ace Trappola…IT’S THE AMOUNT OF TEASING COMING FROM ANYWHERE. He will literally make fun of you (in a loving way) anywhere and anytime. It’s just so fun for him to see your flustered and annoyed face. He’ll flirt with you too though, which he finds it even more fun hehehehhehe
AND HERE COMES MY FAVORITE CHILD Oh when Deuce falls in love he’ll be a total mess around you. 100x more when he fell in love with you at first sight! Let’s just say that during his delinquent era…He intimated lots of ladies and gentlemen. So it was hard for him to fall in love or even get someone to fall for him. BUT THAT’S WHEN YOU CAME! You and Grim were hunting chasing Ace down until you three bumped into Deuce! When he saw you, he gawked at how beautiful you were! His heart was fluttering and beating faster than one could ever imagine.
When you ran towards him and told him to help you catch the escaping ginger, he looked back at Ace and then to you profusely. He was completely distracted by you that he didn’t realize a ginger running away! But he did oblige and summoned a damn CAULDRON that crashed onto Ace. As you were thanking the blue-haired boy for his help, Deuce was scratching his cheek and was averting his gaze away from you with red all over his face and quivering lips. Ace got pissed “Hey blueberry head! Quit being such a puppy to them and get this damn cauldron off me! I’m suffocating!!” The ginger exclaimed out of frustration.
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twstowo · 19 days
Can you do a Riddle and Ace x sensetive reader with separation anxiety?
♡︎Bestie, I had to go read about separation anxiety because I had no idea that was a thing. I tried writing about it as best as possible, so I really hope I did it justice.
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He is attentive and will understand that something is going on, from the moment you always seem reluctant to leave him or from the fact that you are always worried about his well-being. He will talk to you about it if he sees that the situation is becoming out of hand, and even if he doesn’t understand your point, he tries to be understanding of it, even if he needs to ask for help from Trey.
If you call him in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare about him leaving you, he will actually listen to you and try to reassure you that he isn’t going anywhere. He even sends you messages every day to reassure you that everything is fine and asks you about your day.
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Ace is probably one of the worst people to deal with this problem, since he doesn’t understand the suffocating grip that separation anxiety has on you. He will probably believe that you are overreacting when you get so distressed when he is not with you, or by the fact that you are always worrying that something bad might happen to him.
When you start refusing to be away from him, he finally snaps and asks what is wrong with you. It will probably come off as rude, but it’s just that he never had anyone being so clingy. Please do explain how you feel, and he will listen. He still won’t understand why you act in such a way, but will try to be considerate of it while trying to be more patient with you.
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merakiui · 9 months
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yandere!female!riddle rosehearts x (female) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, obsession, implied (cyber)stalking, cheating, dub-con, alcohol/intoxication, characters written as 18+ note - riddle seeks to prune the filthy weeds from your life, starting with your ill-mannered boyfriend. // inspired by dove cameron's boyfriend.
i. i can’t believe we’re finally alone. i can’t believe i almost went home. what are the chances? everyone’s dancing, and he’s not with you.
Riddle has never traveled to this part of the city before—the seedy, unsavory sliver overshadowed by towering skyscrapers, illicit, perilous secrets tucked away in every alley. It’s not as if she’s here under duress. Although if you were to frame it from her perspective, it would feel less like an active, consensual choice and more of a you’ve-forced-my-hand choice. It’s blatant rule-breaking all the same, a stain on her delicate character. Blight on her shiny social status as a golden child, forever marked as the obedient one.
She’s lived her rebellious streak, was punished swiftly and accordingly, and strived to be better in the aftermath. It was one thing to slip out during independent study, and that fun had been trampled upon by a cruel, heeled foot. That was a child’s error. A lesson learned. A valid reason to sever all distractions and improve academically, consequently maturing with sharp, sparkling intelligence and abysmal social skills. 
But Riddle is no longer that starry-eyed, impressionable child, and she does not make the same mistake twice.
Or so she’s always believed, but she’s willing to risk an unforgiving tongue-lashing and life imprisonment at the hands of her mother if it means she can fix things. No matter how she spins it, the truth remains the same: She’s fallen back on an old habit, sneaking out and keeping secrets. She’s an open book to Trey, though, who she’d taken care to message on the train ride into the city, her text mostly cryptic: Should anything happen, this is where I’ll be. It’s wrong to skirt around the truth, especially when it’s your closest friend. She knows this, but then she also knows Trey gives terribly good advice. The type of terribly good advice you often don’t want to hear.
Advice like: “You need to let her go.”
And Riddle can’t—won’t. 
So she steps into the digital footprints left by that brash, brutish party animal you lovingly call your boyfriend, and she follows the string of social media posts like a diligent detective, flicking through each with manicured fingernails. She commits them to memory so that they remain imprinted in her mind before they’ll eventually expire at the twenty-four hour mark.
In the days leading up to tonight, Cater had taken her out for their usual self-care makeover day, which was really just a day dedicated to dressing up and gossiping at the salon. It was a monthly arrangement, and it kept the both of them entertained and sane. The latter of those two was called into question when Riddle, wholly out of character, selected black nail polish for her mani-pedi, which left Cater looking on with brewing curiosity. She gazed at him, pouty lips upturned slyly, and said, “I thought I’d give red a temporary break.”
“Oh, but red is so your color!” he insisted, raising his phone to capture both of them in frame. 
Riddle smiled at the camera. “I know.”
It has always been her color, a staple in her closet. It’s a favorite she can never truly shake, hence why it stains her lips instead. Bright like arterial blood, a blossoming carnation, it stands out starkly on her pale countenance—the only splotch of color on her person. Cater took her shopping when he’d learned she was attempting to fit a new style into her wardrobe of prim, modest clothes. They ran up and down the racks, grinning at each other from across the store and holding up sweaters and skirts, weighing whether either would suit Riddle’s night out. In the end, she settled for the outfit she wears now: a red tube top, a cropped puffer jacket, a pencil skirt that doesn’t pass the fingertip test (not that she cares to follow that rule), tights, and knee-high heeled boots. To finish the look, she’s pulled her hair from its usual plaits, allowing it to cascade down her back like a crimson waterfall. Fingerless lace gloves adorn her hands, stitched with intricate patterns of roses and thorns.
Cater called it the Femme Fatale Friday fit. It’s a Saturday night, but it feels like Friday when she peers at her reflection in a pocket mirror, checking her makeup once more. 
She will not make the same mistake twice. She’s a paragon of perfection—Riddle Rosehearts, for seven’s sake! 
Stuffing the mirror into a matching handbag, she eyes the skyscraper looming before her, sleek with its metal framework and industrial glass. The bright cityscape reflects off of each window, dazzling with luminous specks of light. She considers the contents in her purse, reviews each with a critical eye, and inhales a steadying breath. 
This is necessary.
She’s an adult now, nearly finished with her graduate studies. She lives on her own in a quaint, pet-friendly apartment with her hedgehog, and she works part-time at the café down the street, putting forth her best effort as she weathers the woes of university. Despite all of this independence, she doesn’t feel like an adult. 
Not when she can hear her mother in the back of her head: You look ridiculous. Come home right now before you make a fool of yourself and sully my good name.
Riddle scowls at the concrete, curling her fingers into fists. 
She’s an adult now. She is not her mother’s doll.
Leaving all hostility and self-doubt at the door, she steps through the lobby and beelines for the lift. It carries her to her destination—one of the highest floors. A penthouse suite. 
And not just any penthouse suite. Floyd Leech’s penthouse suite.
Under normal circumstances, she would never willingly set foot in his territory. She survived four years of school with him, which was already a sickening amount, and in that time she watched him glide through his undergraduate with just barely passing grades. That wasn’t enough to stoke the red-hot embers of envy, though. It only made him seem even more like a cockroach, unable to be crushed by the weight of scholarly responsibilities, for he never took anything seriously.
For that reason, Riddle has never envied Floyd. But by the end of their third year, he had something Riddle didn’t. 
He had you. 
How he managed to settle into a relationship when all he did was slack off, party, and break the rules was beyond Riddle. He was a slippery delinquent, hardly deserving of your sweet affections, and yet you looked at him like he was the only one on the planet. Just where was the appeal? His manner of dress is sloppy. The way he carries himself is unpalatable and crude. The way he acts suggests his insipience is incurable. Even when he applies himself, he is still Floyd and that doesn’t clean his slate or shine his reputation. So in Riddle’s discerning eyes, he does not possess a scintilla of romantic appeal.
You don’t seem to agree with these sentiments, for you’ve been with Floyd for four long years. 
Love is blinding, but Riddle has never been in love before and so she doesn’t have adequate data to prove this point. It was forbidden in her home. She’s only allowed to love the men her mother handpicks, plucking each specimen like they’re ripened strawberries from a bush. In the beginning she found all manner of minor details to excuse them from her life, insisting upon a nonexistent list of impossibly high standards. He was too tall. He was too forward with his interest. He wore contrasting colors. He didn’t like tea. These reasons were far too critical and childish, and each man had been sent away in a huff. Her mother would scold her, halving her with a nasty glare: “Are you planning to die alone?”
Yes, Riddle realized by the twentieth admonishment, yet another man cast aside. If dying alone means romantic freedom in life, I’ll do just that.
The elevator spits her out into the hall, which isn’t as silent as she thought it’d be. Bass shakes through the walls, reverberating all the way through her ribs as if it intends to stir up her organs. She catches her reflection in the windows, noting the dark, monstrous scowl, and smooths her face into something courageous. She means business as she clicks down the hall, preparing herself for the whirlwind that undoubtedly waits behind the door. Riddle starts to wonder how Floyd’s neighbors have yet to file a noise complaint and then stops, her thoughts cutting off abruptly. It’s a challenge to make complaints when your father holds parts of the city’s underground in his palms.
He’s got it easy, that spoiled pest. 
Riddle’s gait slows to a halt and she reaches out to knock thrice. The door is thrown open before she can even bring her fist down. Soon she’s staring at a rosy-cheeked stranger, whose eyes trace her figure like he’s trying to paint her on his mental canvas. She’s prepared for the worst, having tucked the spray in her bag, its container disguised to look like lipstick. The strawberry keychain hanging from her purse is a self-defense alarm, ready to be pulled at a moment’s notice. His ogling does not frighten her, nor do his intentions, if he can even harbor any in that intoxicated brain of his. She’s braved scarier horrors. Like living out years of her life with her mother.
“Heyyy, you one of Floyd’s girls? Here for the party?”
Riddle suppresses the disgusted shiver threatening to crawl up her spine, swallowing bile. “Just the party.” 
She is no one’s girl. Definitely not Floyd’s. 
When she’s let inside and the stench of sweat and alcohol assault her nostrils, coupled with the too-loud party music, she considers retreating, her mother’s judgment echoing: You look ridiculous. Her fingers twitch towards her purse. One text and Trey would pick her up. One call and Cater would be on his way. But then she’d be forced to tell them the truth—would have to admit that she’s chasing the one person she can never have. 
She hardens her resolve, pushes through the throng of bodies in an effort to find refreshments, and there you are, her perfect, pretty wallflower in a perfect, pretty silver dress. The dim neon lighting casts you in a luscious pink haze, and she watches you scroll through your phone, your eyelids falling and opening. You’re so beautiful—the sweetest thing she’s ever seen, more saccharine than a truckload of strawberry tarts. Her hand slides away from her purse, and she tamps down a gleeful smile, stepping over to you with newfound confidence.
You turn your whole body towards her, your gaze unfocused. She can smell the liquor on you, can see the hickeys not quite covered by a velvet choker. Her gaze narrows. He’s all over you, isn’t he? From top to bottom, you are covered in traces of him. Her nose scrunches. Just what do you see in him?
It should be her teeth on your skin, tearing it open, bruising it, tasting slick copper on her tongue. It should have always been her, but it’s not. Why did you have to settle for less when you’re entitled to so much more?
You peer at her like she’s something in a museum, perplexing and abstract. And then it clicks. You gasp, your mouth falling open in awe, and your words come out horribly slurred. She fails to hide her wince when you throw your arms around her, hanging off of her like a tote on a shoulder.
“Riddle! You…seriously showed up… Can’t believe it’s really you. It feels like it’s been forever.” You pull away, swaying with the motion, and place your hands on her arms. “Your outfit is suuuper cute.”
She’s blushing. She knows she is because her face is burning with heat and suddenly it’s much too stifling in here. “Oh. Ah, um, t-thank you very much… You look very nice, too.”
Really? Is that the best thing I could say? ‘You look very nice’? Honestly, Riddle…
But you smile, and the sight steals her heart all over again. You can have it. By all means take her heart. Take it and love it to pieces. That way it will be fair when she takes yours. An even exchange in accordance with the rules of love. 
Or maybe it’s more so the rules of romantic warfare, carried out to the extreme on a chessboard. Or a croquet court. Something sporty and metaphorical, anyway.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” she asks, refusing to say his name lest she speak him into existence and tarnish her near-perfect evening.
Her question strikes a chord within you, and you heave an exaggerated sigh. You cross your arms over your chest, leaning against the wall for support. “Left me to go hang with the guys. S’not fair!” you whine, sliding further down until you’re sitting in a defeated heap. 
Riddle bends down to your height, her tone as soft and sympathetic as her expression. “Does he always do this?”
Hurt flashes across your face, but you don’t say anything. So he does. Why is she not surprised?
Who in the world leaves their partner at a party, vulnerable and alone? Riddle thinks, anger flaring up in her chest. Someone could take advantage of you. You’re in no state to be standing here by yourself. That fool… He doesn’t know how to treat a lady at all. How have you put up with him for four years? Your patience amazes me.
“It’s not like…” You shut your eyes and rest your head against the wall. “Not like an always-happening thing…”
Riddle isn’t going to sugarcoat it. She wants her words to cut deep, all the way to the heart you’ve allowed Floyd to bind. “Whether or not he does it often, the fact still stands that he left you intoxicated in the corner of this room. That’s careless and unsafe.” She tilts her head, admiring the way you’ve done your makeup, the way your plush lips jut out in a miserable pout. And it just rushes out, words she’s thought but never had the courage to say. At least, not to the sober you. “I wouldn’t do that to you. You deserve so much better.”
Like me, she almost adds, but that’s too direct. And she’s not even sure the admission will land when you’re so out of it.
“Appreciate it…” You scrub your face, groaning. “Ugh. I feel sick…”
“Would you like to get some fresh air?” 
You shake your head, stubborn to a fault. “Can’t. Gotta wait for Floyd.”
Riddle frowns. “I highly doubt he’s coming back anytime soon.” 
“At the very least, let’s get you some water.” She offers her hand, hoping and praying to the heavens above that you’ll take it.
You do. It’s a flawless fit. Her heart flutters, weightless and feathery, when her fingers close around yours. She wonders what moisturizer you use, what sort of lotions kiss your skin. Are they scented, or is that just your perfume? Or have you done away with perfume for tonight and is that a natural fragrance? Or maybe it’s the sweet scent of a fruity wine, printed on your tongue like a delicious tattoo. 
She wants to kiss you. 
“Just how much have you had to drink?” 
“Like a cup or two? I…dunno. Does it matter?”
You stumble when she helps you up, grabbing at her shoulder for support. Riddle almost falls back, but the wall braces her. You place your palm right by her head, and suddenly you’re leaning in, inadvertently pinning her to the wall. Her pupils nearly eclipse her blue-grey irises, and her breath sticks in her throat. Oh, you’re so close. You’re a drunken mess, pushing yourself up against her, your beauty enveloping her like a chrysalis. If this is a dream, she never wants to wake, for the world that awaits her beyond this is cold and colorless. 
Your head lowers to the dip between shoulder and neck, and she gazes heavenward. The ceiling is much nicer at this moment, if only so she can clear her own heady haze of impure thoughts. 
There are people about, she has to remind herself, shaking off the urge to close her fingers around your chin and tilt your head up to meet her mouth. And she has a boyfriend. Just because I can doesn’t mean I should.
But the chance is much too beguiling. You’re right here, quite literally within her reach, and Floyd’s nowhere in sight. It’s too perfect. She can’t quite wrap you in an affectionate embrace—though that is an irresistible urge she must fight off—so she settles to rub circles into your back instead, dutifully reflecting the role of a concerned friend. It’s not the part she wishes to play. Rather, she’d gladly take on the title of boyfriend if it meant you’d feel loved. Every day, at every hour, for the rest of your life. She’d do all the things Floyd ought to do: care for you, appreciate you, protect you, stay by your side through thick and thin. 
Love is a dangerous, thorny thing, but it’s the encroaching jealousy that kills. 
Floyd doesn’t deserve you. If anything, he deserves a mouth full of soap to scrub every profanity he’s ever uttered. Just what does he tell you in bed? That you’re a good girl? That you’re soooo tight? That you can take it? Does he know which ways you like it? Does he know where to touch so you’ll unravel faster? Does he know how to get you properly, thoroughly worked up, so much so that it feels like your skin is aflame with potent want and desire? 
Does he even know your anatomy, or are you simply a body for his avaricious appetite? 
Like roses twining possessively around a trellis, Riddle holds you close in her arms, her hand sweeping across your lower back. Her glacial eyes scan the crowd, warding off anyone who may be curious with her most malevolent death stare. 
“Mm… I need to lie down. My head is…spinning…”
With that, the murderous, overprotective haze sticking to Riddle like a poisonous fog dissipates. A sickly sweet smile widens on ruby-red lips. “Let’s find someplace quiet.”
Together, the two of you stagger-walk out of the room, leaving the party and its inhabitants behind. Crossing through the attached kitchenette, Riddle pilfers a bottled water from the fridge.
Her mind is sharp as a cut diamond. Her skin prickles with anticipation.
Down the hall you go, with Riddle supporting you with what minimal physical strength she has. A door looms before the both of you, cast in a comfortable glow from a neighboring skyscraper, and you struggle to pull your heels off while she pushes the door open. It reveals a messy room, clothing and candy wrappers strewn about sloppily. 
Riddle feels like she’s on top of the world, and she is. Up in the clouds on the forty-third floor of this luxurious penthouse apartment. 
ii. i could be a better boyfriend than him. i could do the shit that he never did. up all night, i won’t quit. 
All throughout her undergraduate, Riddle pined. Hopelessly. Forlornly. Desperately.
It was unbecoming to want something to such an obsessive degree. She buried herself in her studies to do away with lustful delusions, each more distracting than the last. But then you would crop up in her life when she least expected it and soon the two of you were studying together. Soon you were visiting her dorm to watch movies during the times in which she allowed herself the break (and she only did so because it was you). Soon you were spending nights in her room, sleeping sprawled on the floor even though she offered her bed time and time again. You’d get ready in the mornings, debating what the breakfast menu would entail. She’d watch your reflection in the floor mirror as you pulled your shirt up and over your head, eyeing the way you slid seamlessly into a lacy black bra. And then she’d change out of her nightgown, and you’d comment on her undergarments. 
“We should go shopping sometime. You gotta get cuter stuff!”
“Why should I? No one’s going to see it,” she insisted with a flustered huff.
“I’ll see it the next time I sleep over,” you told her, smiling innocently as you stepped into a blue handkerchief skirt. “Besides, there are so many cute sets you could wear. You’d look so pretty in something red and frilly. You’re totally missing out.”
Riddle considered it back then. Your eager eyes had almost won her over, but she was firm in her decision. “I’m fine with what I have now.” 
And the conversation ended there. She really wishes you would have pushed it back then because just a little nudge in that direction and she would have given in, entirely at your mercy. 
Selfishly, she just yearned to be stuck in a changing stall with you. 
All throughout her undergraduate, Riddle fostered a special sort of friendship with you. You’d stop by her dorm during finals to insist she take a break, your offer too tempting. She’s always been weak to sweets. You were close enough to exchange intimate details with one another. She listened to all of your dating woes, and conversely you’d sit still and bear witness to her ramblings about fascinating law facts. Sometimes she’d rant about her mother. You always listened. “She sounds like she sucks,” you said once. “How are you even related to her? You’re so nice.”
It was a pleasant three years. If she deluded herself enough, she could have pretended you were her girlfriend and then she’d have something to tell her mother to put an end to the countless attempts at scoring her a husband. I will never marry any of your options, she would think, playing the confrontation out in her head. I have a partner now and we’re very happy together. Sometimes Riddle imagined her mother tossing darts at a board with photographs of men attached to it, disregarding compatibility altogether in favor of upholding traditional rules. But then Riddle realized she’d have to die before she could ever admit her own romantic freedoms to her mother, and so that conversation only ever came about in daydreams. 
I’d rather die alone than live life shackled in a loveless marriage. She wonders if her father thought the same.
Those three years had been a wonderful reality, filled with sugared, candy-coated love. A one-sided love, sure. But Riddle could settle for platonic affections, for that was just as sweet.
And then he arrived at the doorstep to Riddle’s fantasy cottage, kicking the walls down and sweeping you off your feet.
Floyd Leech has always been a nuisance. You were there to shoo him away every time he came knocking, all broad grins and vexatious jeers. He listened to you most days, a mutt without proper leashing, oddly loyal to you. As if you were his keeper of sorts. Riddle was amazed, befuddled, and worried all at once. Unlike her, you could keep your cool, could still smile so kindly even when Floyd was being an utter pain in the ass with his foolish nicknames. When he tried to pluck Riddle’s hairpin from out of her braids—a handmade gift you had given her for her birthday—she slapped him hard across the face and hissed, “Don’t ever put your filthy paws on me again.”
And maybe it was because you were there that she was able to recover shortly after the outburst. (Although she still meant that slap with every fiber of her being.) Maybe you were her collar. Maybe you were her keeper. Maybe she was meant to meet you so that you could color her world, lead her along into the friendship she’d been robbed of as a child. 
Looking back, Riddle realizes that was the catalyst. Because when Floyd cradled his bright-red cheek, giggling like a maniac, you asked him, “Don’t you have anything better to do? Can’t you bother someone else?”
And then you were made the prime target. 
What’s worse is that you reveled in it, adored every ounce of attention Floyd gave you like it was something holy, later admitting to Riddle during a movie marathon that you “wondered if Floyd was seeing anyone.” She wanted to retch. You, a seraph incarnate, with a devil like Floyd? Impossible. But your tone was so whimsical; you were dreaming of it. You liked him. 
She couldn’t believe it. Didn’t want to believe it.
By the end of her third year, just as finals gave way to summer, you threw your arms around Floyd’s neck while he pressed you up against the trunk of a flowering tree. Pink petals fluttered to the ground, and with the falling blossoms came Riddle’s hope, crashing and burning in a heartbroken heap. 
She won’t make the same mistake twice, which is precisely why, when you flop onto Floyd’s unmade bed, she turns the lock to keep all outside influences away. The party is but a mere muffle now, thrumming through the floorboards with reckless abandon.
Her nose wrinkles at the pile of dirty laundry. Slob, she thinks, brimming with hate. What does she see in you? You’re a mess, you’re definitely a criminal, you can’t keep a stable job, you throw obnoxious parties every other week, you leave your own girlfriend unattended… What part of that is appealing? She gazes at you next. You’re too good for him, (Name). You can do so much better. Raise your standards. Find someone respectable and attentive. Someone who’ll stay with you forever. Someone who won’t let you get stupidly drunk and then run off to Queen-knows-where.
“Someone like me,” she mutters.
You have to be coerced into drinking, and you’re so sleepy that the water dribbles down your chin. Riddle tuts at you, swiping the liquid away with her sleeve. 
“You’re a mess,” she says, affectionate despite the barb. 
You’re my mess.
She slides your heels off, casting them elsewhere. You look like a starfish when you lay sprawled, or maybe you’re more like a snow angel. Only rather than snow, you imprint yourself amongst wrinkled sheets. Riddle knows it’s wrong, but you’re right here. She’s waited so many years for a moment like this one.
It’s not fair. 
She unzips her boots, kicks them off, and stands at the edge of the bed, locked in a fierce debate. You should have thrown your arms around her that day. You should have kissed her, should have spent the last four years with her, should have stayed in her life like the permanent fixture you were destined to be. She’s never wanted anything more than this. Not even a surplus of strawberry tarts. Not even the dreams she’s working tirelessly towards achieving. She’s only ever wanted you. 
But Floyd took you away, and her world has never been the same since. 
The mattress dips under her weight; she’s made up her mind. 
“Do you remember the promise we made?” she whispers, running her hands up your legs. You lift your head to look at her, eyes glassy with inebriated exhaustion. “The one in which we’d live together after graduation? You said you’d want to live somewhere pet-friendly so we could get hedgehogs and name them Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”
You hum, your lashes fluttering. 
“We could still do that. Just you and me. Without your boyfriend.”
Her fingers catch on the waistband of your panties. “Hm?” 
“Mm, no, nothing… You should get going. It’s late…” “Someone has to look after you.”
“Floyd can.”
She presses her thumbs into your hips and the tiniest gasp leaves your parted lips. “But Floyd’s not.”
“He will.”
“He won’t,” she snaps. Something flickers in your eyes, a flash of unrest. Riddle chews her lower lip. “He’s… (Name), what do you see in him? Honestly, truly, what is it? Please educate me. Please… What does he have that I don’t? What makes you stay?”
“Cuz he’s my boyfriend,” you mutter slowly, perplexed, “and I love him.”
“Do you?” 
“Riddle, why are you so…” The words fizzle out on your tongue when her touch strays too close to home. “Wait… We can’t… Not in here.”
“Why not? It’s just one more mess. He won’t even notice.”
“That’s not it… Riddle, wait. I… I don’t like you in that—”
She collapses, anchoring herself to you, her manicured nails digging deep into your arms. And then her mouth is on yours, clumsy and uncoordinated. She doesn’t want to hear it—can’t bear to hear it. She knows the truth. It’s haunted her from the day she met you, a shadow looming like a guillotine’s blade. You were fated to be forever out of reach. Just like those strawberry tarts in the bakery window. The kiss is filthy, all desire and zero skill. Her tongue flashes into your mouth. It’s nothing like the way they describe it in fiction or portray it in films. It’s obscene. Sinful. Libidinous. Her lipstick smears; she tastes the wine in your throat, licks your teeth and nibbles your lip, delicate and gruesome all at once. She tries her best, unyielding. 
The technique doesn’t matter. Not now, anyway. It’s just blind, unrequited passion. She’ll learn it eventually and when she does she’ll kiss you drunk. It’s just another thing she’ll master. And she will because that’s just who she is. Give her a textbook and she’ll have it memorized. Give her a kiss and she’ll return to practice it to perfection. 
She pulls away, panting, her lipstick in disarray. It’s all over you, smudging on the corners of your mouth. Running a hand through her hair, her figure outlined in the tantalizing glow from the city lights, she licks her lips. 
Spoken soft like prayer, it’s a whisper she’ll treasure. Over and over, without end, repeat it like a mantra. 
“Riddle, please…”
“He doesn’t know anything about your preferences, does he?” Your dress is slid up next. She traces a heart into your bare stomach, capturing your navel in invisible lines. You shudder under her touch, grabbing at her wrist with a limp hand. She brings it up to her lips and presses a chaste kiss to the top of it. “I know you much better than he does. I always have.”
To prove it, she presses two fingers to your clothed pussy. You whine, reedy and high-pitched. “But…”
“I read it takes fourteen minutes for women to reach their end during partnered sex.” She levels you with a half-lidded stare, smirking. What she lacks in skill, she makes up for in raw confidence. “I’ll only need less than that, so you won’t have to feign anything for my sake. I know you well enough, my rose.”
A wide range of emotions waltzes across your countenance. Your arm falls over your face next. It’s defeat or hesitant acceptance, but to Riddle it’s love. 
“Ten minutes,” you whisper, conceding. “And then…you need to leave.”
She makes you cum in just five, covers you in lipstick prints, each kiss a sly cover-up. Floyd may be all over you, bites and bruises blooming new and old, but he’s not inside you, wringing you out like a sodden towel. You sob like you’re in heat when she sinks her fingers into your slick warmth, scissoring so slowly, until you’re begging her to make you cum again. Your fluids soak through the sheets. The scent of sex and sweat hangs heavy in the air. She’s alive, wildly untamed, a knight who’s just rescued the princess and slayed a bloodthirsty dragon. 
Her head is between your thighs next, her hands braced on either leg to keep them apart. You watch her with glazed eyes, soon throwing your head back when she slides your hood up to reveal your pretty, pert clit. Experimentally, she licks a teasing stripe up your slit. You shiver and dig your fingers into her scalp, imprisoning her there. It’s where she’s always wanted to be. 
“Tell me,” she murmurs, the words fanning across your pussy, “if he’s so good, why haven’t you proven it? Is this the most you’ve ever cum in a night? Does he please you or do you please him? If he’s everything you’ve ever wanted, why are you still so unsatisfied?” 
“Because… B-Because!”
Your protests are fragmented and spotted with gasps. That’s arguably more telling than a detailed response. 
Riddle smiles like a Cheshire, her eyes narrowed victoriously. Spidery digits creep along your thighs. Her thumbs dip into your pussy, spreading it wide for her viewing pleasure. “Don’t think of him. Tonight, it’s just you and me. I’ll give you what you’re owed. That and so much more.”
Like a fragile statue, you topple. Right into her, bucking against her mouth like the world is ending, and she’s there to steady you.
She always is.
iii. i’m gonna steal you from him. i could be such a gentleman. plus, you know my clothes would fit.
“Sooo… Gimme the goss. How was your night out?”
Riddle looks up from an assortment of nail polish colors, each one more red than the last, and says, “It was more enjoyable than I thought.”
“Yeah?” Cater prompts, brows raised. “Don’t be so vague! I wanna know all the juicy details. It’s rare for you to stay out so late. And to go to a party, of all things, in the city? Hello?! New Riddle, who’s this?” 
“I was only meeting an old friend.”
“That’s what they all say.”
The technician asks her to pick a color. “This one,” she says, pointing. “The one named Sanguine Sunrise.” 
“You’re totes keeping me in the dark!” Cater whines, dramatic. “At least give Cay-Cay some hints! Something! Anything! Spare change, please?”
Riddle smiles smugly. Pride drips from every syllable when she speaks next. “My friend will be spending this Valentine’s Day alone.”
“Not quite. She’ll have me and half-priced chocolates. A rather charming combination, no?”
Cater laughs. “GL. I’m rooting for you.”
You don’t need to, she thinks, tracing the love bite stamped into her skin, hidden under the soft fabric of her blouse. Because I’m already winning.
Her phone buzzes with a text: about last night… if i did anything weird, i’m so sorry. i was way too drunk. 
Riddle turns it over, dips her feet in the heated water, and settles into the massage chair, pleased as a peach. “It was one bad decision. Four years of bad decisions, but it’s forgiven. We all make silly mistakes when we’re lovestruck. Hopefully her silly mistake disappears for good and we never have to speak of him again.”
“You’re so scary, Riddle. Remind me to never get on your bad side.”
Another message arrives: i think we might’ve kissed last night. i’m really super sorry.
There’s a brief delay.
ok this is gonna sound weird coming from me but maybe we can do it again??? floyd’s kisses are sorta… :/ 
Her phone vibrates for the final time that afternoon.
actually i’m just gonna stop talking omg i’m crazy. i have a bf and everything. sorry riddle please ignore all of this kk tysm ttyl <3
wait one more text before i forget,, if you wanna meet up for tea i wouldn’t mind. we should definitely catch up when i’m not hungover. kk bye fr this time <3
A start is a start. You can’t grow a rose tree without first planting a seed.
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noeou · 1 year
asking your crush for dating advice, only to use it on them.
includes: ace trappola, jamil viper, and floyd leech. ( x gn!reader )
next parts: currently unavailable.
contains: pure fluff headcanons and drabbles. more old formats because this is an old prompt, may come back to this format tho.
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he’s far from experienced when it comes to this so he’ll also suggest going to trey or cater, even vil! but his heart couldn’t take helping you win another’s.
if you insist, he doesn’t want you to get embarrassed when you attempt to ask the person out so he gives you very basic stuff instead of bad advice.
though he wants to give you bad advice, as mean as it sounds.
he gets a lot quieter and fidgety, finding every excuse to leave in the least obvious way possible (spoiler: he failed.)
“hey, can i ask you a question?” you asked, feet falling into step with his as you made your way to your next class.
“yeah yeah, shoot!” ace slung an arm around your shoulder as you walked, so you’d not get swept away from the oncoming crowd of students.
“ah, well.. you see, there’s this boy—”
“‘s he giving you trouble?” ace raised a brow curiously, subconsciously tightening his grip around you.
“no no, nothing like that.” you hid your smile, letting out a sigh. “i need your advice… asking him out. like on a date.”
ace’s arm became dead weight around you, immediately pulling away from you.
he hesitated, filling the silence by clearing his throat, covering his frown with his now free hand. "oh. i think i understand."
an innocent joy laced into your features; if this weren't the context, there wouldn't be a bittersweetness in his heart at the sight of it.
"so you can help me?" you asked.
"no." he crossed his arms, watching your enthusiasm disappear. "why on earth would you come to me for that? trey and cater are ten times better at this kind of stuff."
you sighed, "it doesn't matter, you must have something!"
“yeah, i guess. ask them to meet you at sam’s or something. then take them where you please, when they say yes.”
“you think they’ll say yes?” your grin returned at the thought of it.
“mhm, imma head off.” ace nodded as to say goodbye, wanting to put a distance between you both as soon as possible.
“wait wait—” you grabbed his wrist, panickedly, “i won’t get the chance to request an audience at sam’s if you run off..”
“you want moral support?”
you stared at him, dumbfounded, “no, think more… outside the box, as they say.”
a mess when he puts the dots together. during last block before dismissal, what you were implying clicked. the thought of it made focusing near impossible.
best believe he was the first one out of class and was early to meet you at sam’s.
still, any person that approached the shop gave him a sense of nervousness that he may have misread the situation.
“oh my.. i invited you here and you got here before me. were you waiting long?” you placed your bag on the table ace was seated out, desperately searching for the courage you had this morning.
“just ask me.” had deuce not slipped up about ace’s reciprocated feelings, you would’ve misinterpreted his glare for anger.
sheepishly you chuckled, “wh— uh, well… if you know what im gonna ask, why don’t you just answer?”
not that he’d admit, he wanted to hear it from you but this’ll do for now. confirming his suspicions, his cold gaze melted to a warmer one. one you preferred more than the former.
much like ace, he thinks worst case scenario. i mean, what are you supposed to think when your best friend asks for ‘boy advice.’ but once you clarify, he still couldn’t be more confused.
while he wanted to recommend focusing on school, he wasn’t completely sure if he wanted it for your success or his selfish hope.
withholding his thoughts, he recalled what he remembered the romance movies his sister would watch at home, as if they were realistic.
it wasn’t his intention to give you the worst advice possible, he just didn’t know what else to tell you.
maybe asking jamil for dating advice while he was on an unstable ladder, helping you polish one of the many dusty lightbulbs in ramshackle wasn’t the smartest idea.
he almost fell and hurt himself because of the mini heart attack you caused him.
“ow.” he sighed, grabbing his ankle.
in a rush you went to grab him an ice pack, apologizing profusely, “where does it hurt?”
jamil studied your expression as you put pressure on his ankle with the ice pack, still going on with apologizes.
it was times like this that made him think that your feelings were for him, but it could be a misunderstanding on his part.
“who is he?”
you looked up at him, confused.
“it will affect my answer.” he sighed.
“oh.. i, uh. you can’t know.” you pulled back, awkwardly.
the silence held an unfamiliar undertone that you couldn’t quite place.
jamil struggled to his feet, looking anywhere but you, “i’ll head off now, i’ll take the necessary herbs to prevent swelling. thank you for your time.”
the rest happens over text, late into the night. yes, he was still thinking about it then.
when you used the advice on him, he thought you meant to text someone else (something kalim does often.)
he’s very relieved, in the end. don’t let him forget how nervous he was when you originally asked, though.
the brightness of your lock screen lit up your dark room with a ‘ping!’ you didn’t know how to react to the message you reviewed this late into the night.
jamil: just ask him.
after a few deleted messages, you managed to ask him why he was still up before placing your phone back down.
jamil: can’t sleep.
____: wanna call??
jamil: i cant
[ you reacted with a ‘?’ ]
____: is smth wrong why are u being so dry wtf ??
____: don’t leave me on read.
____: i need to call u to tell u smth
____: oh come on
____: fine i like u
[ you blocked this number ]
not even ten minutes later, you could hear the clicking of pebbles against your window.
you peeked out and were greeted by the vice house warden. quickly your grabbed a paper, scribbling something on it and taping it on there.
were you petty for taping ‘Read at 11:28PM’ on your window? yes. would you get scolded for it tomorrow? yes. but it’s worth it.
funny enough, he was just asking jade for advice on making you take a hint. you don’t understand how badly jade wanted to snitch, but your conversation was already so awkward, it hurt enough.
definitely tried to put on the ‘heartthrob’ act, only making it cheesier than necessary. he didn’t really give you any advice, more of like reasons you should date him instead.
he hadn’t a doubt it was him you wanted to ask out, but he wanted to seal the deal (if that makes sense.)
“hey, shrimpy!” floyd waved enthusiastically at the sight of you.
a smirk made its way on jade face as he greeted you, “y/n. can i get you anything?”
“no, i’m alright. thank you, jade.” you turned towards the other, “i wanted you— i need to speak with you.”
ignoring the ‘he’s already yours’ from jade, floyd whisked you off to talk in a more private setting.
“what’s up?” he asked, using your shoulder as an armrest.
you looked up at him nervously, “i was wondering, say.. well, actually let me ask; have you ever had a crush before?”
“yeah, you.” he replied nonchalantly.
your face became warm at the thought of the different implications the statement held, choosing the safest one. “me? well, yes i have as well. or i do, present tense.”
“what are you talking about, shrimpy? i didn’t ask anything.” he returned.
“nevermind. i just wanted to ask will you—”
“yes.” he teased once more.
“no.” you nervous gaze turned into one of irritation. “will you give me advice for asking someone on a date, romantically.”
for the first time, the eel was genuinely surprised. “it’s not me?”
while you weren’t a liar, you couldn’t admit to it yet. you’re plan did backfire, but you’d be sure to have the last laugh.
when you went to thank jade for his words of wisdom, you didn’t notice his twin behind you. the amount of teasing you received made you regret going through with it.
bragged to azul and jade nonstop about it later, honestly, as he should.
“what is that i hear, shrimpy?” your eyes widen at the familiar voice.
jade let out a chuckle, prompting you to toss your napkin at him.
“hey, floyd! long time no see.” you waved awkwardly.
floyd slid into the booth seat across from you, “did you seriously ask my brother for advice on asking me out?”
“like you didn’t do the same.” jade glared, “kicking me won’t shut me up.”
“anyways, have i told you how adorable you are, shrimpy?”
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A Single Grain
Part 1 (ft. Riddle and Silver) I Part 2 (ft. Trey and Kalim) I Part 3 (ft. Jade and Lilia) I Part 4 (ft. Deuce and Jamil) I Part 5 (ft. Malleus and Ruggie) | Part 6 (ft. Cater and Rook) | Part 7 (ft. Sebek and Floyd) | Part 8 (ft. Ace and Idia) | Part 9 (ft. Leona and Epel) | Part 10 (ft. Jack and Vil) | Bonus (ft. Grim)
In which Gordon Ramsay-kun is isekai’d into Twisted Wonderland. Part Food Wars, part Hell’s Kitchen, all Master Chef—Night Raven College isn’t ready to take on this Michelin Star celebrity!!
An octopus concerned with sales and a robot that only recently gained a heart… They’re Gordon Ramsay’s final hurdles to instill a respect for food and cooking in the NRC boys!
Finally, FINALLY I'm done with this shitpost of a series 🤡
Imagine this...
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The master chef shuddered to look up from his station, knowing exactly what was awaiting him. That sickeningly coy, dulcet purr could only belong to a certain sleazy student--but as the instructor, Gordon had an obligation to answer his call. Groaning, a fuck me on the tip of his tongue, he met Azul head-on.
The boy had sidled up, a red-colored clump of risotto in his hands and his lips arranged into an all-too-familiar grin. He had taken care to tuck as much of his silvery hair under a chef's cap, and there was not so much as a stain upon his jacket.
Pristine, just as he wished to be perceived as.
“Is this amount of filling appropriate for the croquettes?” Azul presented his rice ball, indicating the mound of cheese and herbs in the center.
“Yes, it’s fine.”
The blunt response thrown out, Gordon returned to his mise en place—chopping the vegetables for a fried rice. It was clean, precise work. Chop, chop, chop, then the medley of colors tossed into their own bowls. Orange carrots, green broccoli, yellow corn, pink shrimp.
A twinge of annoyance.
He set down his knife. “What is it now?”
“What do you think of the shape?” Azul had completely formed the sphere, which fit in his palm. The insides were covered up by more rice. “Too large, and it won’t fry thoroughly in the oil. Too little, and it will surely burn.”
Gordon eyed it with a grunt. “It works. Throw it in some breadcrumbs and get to cooking.”
“Certainly, sir!”
Azul retreated.
Gordon sighed.
Peace, he knew, was short lived. A minute or so later, his too-eager pupil began once more.
“Gordon-san, I’d like your opinion on the color,” Azul called. He spooned his rice croquettes from a frying pan. They were a crisp, golden crimson-brown, still sizzling with heat.
"It looks exactly like the photo from the recipe book.”
"Thank you! I’m honored to receive your praise." Azul beamed smugly as he deposited the balls onto a plate. "Now then! What do you make of selling these as an appetizer? I do believe 1500 madol for three is a fair price for the cost of ingredients and labor."
Gordon threw his arms up. "This is the fifth time today, Ashengrotto. Are you going to keep asking me for feedback on your lounge’s menu plans like this?!"
Azul drew back with a gasp, feigning offense. “I’m making small talk! Is it so wrong to try and get to know one’s teacher—who just so happens to be a well-traveled, skilled chef with incredible business acumen?”
The stare Gordon retaliated with could have burned holes into mountains. Azul held his gaze and lightly scoffed.
“From one restauranteur to another… Why, I’d be a fool to pass up this opportunity!! You cannot fault a student for wishing to make the most of your wisdom.”
“… Get back to work. This class is for making food, not for cooking up business strategies.” He squinted at Azul’s croquettes. “And this time, try making your own filling.”
“What? My own…?” The octopus pushed his glasses up.
“You’ve already demonstrated you can reproduce the original dish without a problem. This is your chance to get creative with whatever’s in the pantry.” Gordon cocked a brow. “You can do it, can’t you?”
“Of course I can. What do you take me for, an amateur?”
Gordon's senses were as sharp as the blade of his knife.
He didn’t miss the slight stutter in Azul’s voice, a chink in his armor. It was a small glimpse of that unconfident part of himself that the octopus so often shunted away.
He may have grown up in a restaurant, but maybe he hasn’t had much experience cooking himself? Might explain why he clings so closely to what’s written down.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Azul declared a little louder than he would have liked. “I will be certain to present you with a uniquely delicious filling of my own creation—no, three!”
He fell in line beside a small student in visors, the cut of his clothes blockier and studier than his own. It was of an unnatural origin--manmade, meant to imitate a chef--but the ensemble fit him perfectly.
The young boy flipped a hamburger patty juicy with grease into the air--and it fell in a narrow arc, landing atop a mound of rice. A sunny side egg followed, its golden center wobbling upon impact. With a sprinkle of finely sliced scallions, the dish was done.
He smiled, showing sharp teeth. "Recipe complete. Now proceeding to the judging stage!"
"Already?!" Gordon cried, jaw dropping. "The rice alone should have taken 30 minutes. Everything else is about 15 minutes. Bit fast to be finished now."
"You don't need to worry! My Cooking Gear is outfitted with various tools to help expedite the process."
"You and Idia-san have truly outdone yourselves with this new gear," Azul gushed. "It's quite efficient."
He passed a subtle glance at Ortho's towering hat. Azul had witnessed it pop open earlier, revealing a hidden rice cooking chamber. While the main starch had steamed, Ortho had worked on his other preparations.
"Hehe. Thank you, Azul Ashengrotto-san! I'm sure Nii-san will be pleased to hear about these promising preliminary results."
"Well... You technically didn't use magic for this, so I'll let it go."
"Yay~ That's one step closer to clearing this mission!! All that's left is the tasting."
Gordon, bewildered, watched as the platter of loco moco floated itself over to him. It was a technological marvel of Ortho's own design.
"Please dig it! I have recreated the recipe to 99.9% accuracy, right down to the original chef's technique, so I am confident that it tastes good."
Gordon blinked as he carefully accepted the plate from the air. Prodding a fork into the yolk, it burst and ran down the hamburger and rice in thick, fatty rivulets.
He hesitated in bringing a bite to his mouth.
"Hm? Is something the matter?" Ortho paused. "Oh, if it isn't to your liking, let me know and I can adjust the seasoning to suit your personal preferences. The Cooking Gear may be for everyday kitchen use, but it is also capable of analyzing flavor profiles and generating optimal variants if prompted with a base recipe."
"It's not that. I just don't think I've ever had a class go this smoothly.” Rice drenched in luxurious yolk fell onto Gordon’s tongue. “Usually there's some problem. Students that lack discipline or focus, need extra instruction, have no respect for the recipes or kitchen safety..."
"Wah, it sounds like you've been through some tough times, Gordon Ramsay-san... It seems there is much more to being a chef than just producing dishes."
“You’re right about that, my darling. There’s still a lot for you to learn—things that fancy Cooking Gear can’t teach you, like how to deal with insufferable donkeys and idiot sandwiches.”
“… I’m afraid I don’t compute.”
"Oh, you poor, unfortunate soul," Azul cut in, warbling in agreement. "Why, I've experienced the very same! You wouldn't believe how combative Floyd can be when he's not in the mood for cooking and we have a line of hungry customers lining up.
"Running an eatery is but a team effort, wouldn't you say? As teacher and students,m sharing the same kitchen, we should place more trust in one another."
Not this again.
“There’s truth to what you’re saying, but I get the feeling you’re leading into another business idea,” Gordon grumbled. “And this isn’t the time for that.”
“We can include Ortho-san in our conversation if you’re concerned. It would be wonderful to have the perspective of an underclassman.”
“You want the free child labor,” Gordon guessed.
“Volunteer work,” Azul countered. “It would look good on a resume.”
“If it’s running a simulation of projected sales or something of the like, I’ve got you!”
“No, no, DON’T ‘get’ him!!”
“Aww, but it sounded interesting.”
"Listen here." Gordon set down his fork and set his sights upon his students. "What you have is a good basis, a solid grasp of the fundamentals and how to read a recipe. We can build off of that, but it doesn't have to mean setting up a restaurant or making combinations a computer came up with. Food can be many other things.
"Food is what grounds us, giving us nutrition and energy so that we may survive. Food is an art form, feeding our souls and imaginations. Food is to socialize, shared among friends and family to make memories. Food is a skill, technical and taught. Food is connection and culture, rich with love and history."
And he, tasked with it. Preparing, serving.
That knowledge, Gordon realized, was like rice. A single grain of rice can become an entire field, flushed gold with opportunity. It was grown, harvested, given back to the earth... and the cycle began anew, feeding and nourishing countless.
He nodded resolutely. "Let's cultivate not only your cooking abilities, but also your appreciation for food as a whole."
"... My, my. Spoken like a true Master Chef!" A slow smirk found its way onto Azul's face. "I could ask for no better instructor."
"Azul Ashengrotto-san is right!" Ortho chimed in. "We're so lucky to have a teacher like you to guiding us."
Gordon found his own mouth quirking as he wiped it.
These boys, his rising stars, grains of rice with potential yet to be realized.
"Alright, that's enough of paying lip service. Ashengrotto, your new filling. Shroud, let's see you do the same with your own take on loco moco."
"Yes, Chef!"
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blues824 · 1 year
I see your love for trey and have a challenge the challenge is to write a fic inspired by this picture I'm not going to add anything else its your choice.
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Have fun 😊
Gender-neutral reader. Yandere Trey. I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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Trey Clover
“I know that this situation isn’t ideal for you, darling, but surely you can understand why this had to happen?” The voice sounded familiar. But you didn’t want to believe it.
“Darling? Are you not going to answer me? Your husband?” You could feel the ring on your finger, but he was not your husband. He was delusional.
“You aren’t my husband.”
You could hear his chuckle, but you couldn’t see him. He was smart: he blindfolded you. Trey let out a sigh of amusement before he picked something up and started walking towards you. You thought that this would be the end, but he stopped right in front of you.
“You know, I knew you were the one when I saw how tenderly you treated Deuce. But, it seemed that the two of you were getting a bit too close. So, I decided to remind you who was the one that you truly love. I’m not going to hurt you, but you will stay here until you remember that you are my spouse.”
It was hard trying not to cry, but you were terrified. Would you never see your friends or family again? How long would you be stuck here? Maybe the Headmage was to blame here. If he had found you a way home, you wouldn’t be stuck with the crazed version of Trey.
Then, you heard the sound of a utensil scraping across something like a plate.
“I baked something for you, sweetheart. I will have to thank Rook for the advice. Open wide.”
From the smell, you could tell that it was a tart. Most likely strawberry, considering the nature of his dorm. But the mention of Pomefiore’s Vice Housewarden made you queasy. Was the tart poisoned? You jumped when you felt the dessert pressed against your lips.
“Mm-mm”, you shook your head in refusal, which in turn knocked the bite-sized piece drop to the floor.
“Love, if you don’t eat then you won’t feel good. Oh, fine. I guess I’ll have to force you to eat it”.
He wrenched your mouth open as he quickly took up another piece of the tart onto the fork in his hand and he quickly shoved it into your mouth. What you figured out was that the treat was laced with a love potion.
“You will soon see that you do love me, just as I love you, my dear.”
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yurinaa-world · 7 months
Hey! If you're taking requests, would you mind writing the housewardens from twisted wonderland with a reader who's like that one weird kid? Like, the reader will just randomly go "y'all.. Jeremy died today.." and Jeremy ends up being the twisted wonderland equivalent of a worm on a string that lost all its fur, or like "so anyways, *random student* is low-key giving emo.." but they're somehow extremely popular. Thank you!
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Characters: Housewardens x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: reader thats the weird kid but is very popular
Warnings: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝑅𝒾𝒹𝒹𝓁𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈
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doesn't understand your jokes at all, like what does emo mean? He's a sheltered boy who doesn't hear jokes from people like you. You seemed to be so popular; every member of Heartslabyul seems to know you and wants to talk to you every time you visited.
You both first met you, first looked at him, and you just said, “You give off major mommy issues” (I’m so sorry for this), and everyone just went silent for 10 seconds, like you did not say that to his face. Did you lose some screws when you came to this world?
Since getting better from the tyrant, he used to act like (disgracing the queen of hearts). He still can’t understand your jokes and why some people crowd around you just to talk, but what can he do? He’ll laugh with you if that’s what you want. He has tried to ask Cater and Trey what your jokes mean, and he got a whole history lesson from Cater.
𝐿𝑒𝑜𝓃𝒶 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓇
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Weirdo…such weirdo. Just shut up. Whenever you're over, he can hear everyone laughing so loudly while he’s taking a nap. It got too bad, and he came out and yelled at everyone and you. After that, you were banned from coming to Savanaclaw.
He gives you death glares whenever you hang out with people and are making a ruckus. He won’t ever forgive you (he’s lying). You have tried to talk out with one another, so there is no bad blood, but just stop trying to talk to him while he’s taking a nap.
Just leave him alone, man, or just be quiet. He’s trying to sleep, and he forgives you, so just be quiet.
𝒜𝓏𝓊𝓁 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑜
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You seem to be very popular; have you ever thought about Monstro Lounge’s comedian or doing a stand-up there? He'll pay you quite well if you do consider his request (he’ll be the one with most of the profit).
You and Floyd seem to hang out a lot. How about you spend your time with him since something is business-related and he can change your mind, but he just wants to spend time with you as well?
𝒦𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓂 𝒜𝓁-𝒜𝓈𝒾𝓂
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he will laugh at anything, even if he doesn’t understand what you are saying, like what emo and who died! Oh, you're only joking; he’ll try to catch on sooner; that was a joke in the future.
𝒱𝒾𝓁 𝒮𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑒𝓃𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓉
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“You have no humor at all,” you tell him. No humor? Now you are asking for an even longer lecture. Yes, your jokes may be funny, but you seem to always cause a ruckus wherever you go. The sound of laughter follows, but you seem to always spend your time with other friends, making them laugh, so why not spend your time with him, or is he not your friend?
He‘s not clingy; he just wants to relax for a little bit, and that's it!
𝐼𝒹𝒾𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒹
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At least there’s someone like him who thought first and wanted to talk to you, but let's be real, he couldn’t even come near you since somehow you could go popular! Are you serious right now? He can't believe this. How can a weirdo like you get so popular? This can’t be real; pigs must be flying right now!
He didn’t mean to call you a weirdo. He rubs people the wrong way a lot! You called him an emo; HE'S NOT EMO. What's wrong with playing games? Is it a crime now in Twisted Wonderland to have fun and play gacha games? You are the same as those other normies!
He’s lying to himself; you are so funny that every time you make a joke, he can’t help but laugh, but he won’t ever admit that! but Ortho will.
𝑀𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒶
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When you first met him, the weird emo-looking guy outside of your dorm, if wasn’t for the fact you had a couple of screws lose yourself, and called him emo to his face as well. When you find out that the emo guy was actually Malleus Draconia, you have even told Ace that you called him and that he just looked at you as if he were going to slap you for your stupidity.
Sebek reaction
You: “Oh yeah, when I first saw Malleus, I called him Emo.”
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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yunarim · 9 months
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╰┈➤ summary : you and your reliable partner grim are the most famous interdimensional travelers under the Official Isekai Association. you're used to traveling into psychological thrillers and horrors. however, this time something goes wrong, and you suddenly turn into the protagonist of… an otome game?!
— characters : jade leech, leona kingscholar | kalim al-asim, azul ashengrotto | lilia vanrouge, idia shroud
⌞tags⌝ : gn reader, fluff at times, angst (i'm offering EXTRA angst and drama for lilia & idia for you today), mentions of death, idia's part being quite dark actually, BUT there's a happy ending (or i think so but feel free to allegorize as you please! :))
— w.c. : 14.8k+
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⌞notes⌝ : thank you for reading everyone!! it was really fun to write, and now i'm off to the uni activities (let's hope i'll have more spare time than i think i will so i can be more active on tumblr). i even thought to make this fic a bit longer (up to 200+ pages or so?) but due to lack of time i just had to make it shorter :(( but i hope you had fun reading!! thank you for all the support you've shown ^^
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“Oi henchman,” Grim poked at your cheek, a strong smell of tuna coming from him. “How much percent does that bat-guy have?”
“Bat-guy?..” You asked, a dim and dull voice coming from the pillow you buried your face into. “Do you mean Lilia Vanrouge?”
“Yeah, him,” Grim’s tail tickled your ear. “I’ve met him so many times during your previous walkthroughs it’s insane.”
“Huh? You’ve met him more than me?.. I believe I’ve encountered him thrice or so.”
“It’s like he was always there.”
The dismal mood which glued to you firmly happened to tremble slightly at Grim’s statement. If he has met Lilia continuously, then how in the world did you miss him? He was there occasionally, twice you’ve met him in Leona’s route, but other than that? Lilia Vanrouge resembled a mystery under a dark lacy veil. 
“Tell me about him,” you requested. “His profile is pretty confusing.”
“How come?”
“First, the difficulty of his walkthrough is 100%.”
“Second, his traits are fairly… uncommon. Not to mention his age is unknown.” 
“Shit,” Grim cursed. “Can’t believe how tough that Idia guy will be.”
“Don’t mention him. I’m not sure if I can survive Lilia’s route.”
“Survive,” Grim repeated, crawling under the blanket. “You haven’t used this word since we first landed in our first thriller. What, do you think that Lilia dude will kill you just because he’s a bat or something?”
You chuckled, making a strange noise, and thought to yourself that no, he won’t kill you for sure—you couldn’t die twice—but he will deprive you of your mental stability for certain. And with heart beating in blind anguish you tapped on Grim’s paw to feel less stressed out, turning to him.
“Okay so,” Grim sighed and started. “Be careful, henchman. I don’t think I’m ready to see your face after you complete his route. Dude’s dangerous.”
As if you didn’t know that yourself.
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You never knew where Lilia would appear. In Leona’s route you’ve met him just on a fortunate occasion, and not to mention your savings ran out to the point you had only basic transmigrator features left: to save the game and to load it, to see the indicator above people’s heads, to get auto-save once you finish another route, to be able to see person’s profile and such. 
So you came up with another idea. Since Grim was the one who witnessed Lilia during every route you’ve passed, you requested help from him directly. That’s why he went to the school yard, and you decided to go to auditoriums. 
Classes ended, and you started searching from the classroom where 3-E class lessons were, stumbling upon Trey Clover, who apparently was Lilia’s classmate. He was gathering his things, and now that you thought about it, ‘side’ characters also experienced strange emotions towards you. For instance, Floyd had to appear curious about you, once mentioning to Grim—which your partner told you not directly, but in his sleep—that he would love to make an acquaintance with you, because you somehow ‘fit Jade’s vibe’ or so.
You wondered how Clover would react and approached him. 
“Good afternoon,” you said, stretching out your hand for a handshake. “I’m Yuu.”
Trey smiled at you politely, but the look in his eyes appeared to possess an uncertain curiosity. 
“I’m Trey Clover,” he said, accepting your handshake. “You are the directing student, right? You’re quite popular around here, but it’s always impossible to meet you, ha-ha.”
“Y-yes?.. Why is that?”
“Why are you popular, you mean?” You nodded. “We’ll… Lilia always talks about you. Which is interesting, he always wonders where you could be. It’s quite unusual for him.”
“Ha-ha, how peculiar… I also wonder where he is right now. Possibly you have an idea?”
“Oh? With how often he mentions you I thought you two are good friends. Or something more~”
You jolted, forcing a smile. Clover, of course, had no ill intentions, but his words were poisonous to you.
“How could we…”
“Somehow you two have the same energy…” Trey shook his head. “No, forgive me, I’m just talking to myself. Anyway, I don’t know where Lilia would be, but the club meetings should start soon. Maybe you should go and look—”
“Light Music Club class, right?”
“You sure you don’t know where he is?” Trey chuckled. “Sorry. Well then, I’ll get going. See you!”
“Yes… see you. Thank you.” 
Strange. No matter how you looked at it, it was strange to the bone. Clover just confirmed what Grim saw — Lilia obviously entailed an unconcealed interest in you, provided he not just was there in other routes, but also talked about you. But what was the reason for him to do it? He didn’t know you, unless there was an error occurring in the system and ruining the whole story, but it certainly wasn’t anything. So why would he…
You opened the Light Music Club room’s door and glanced over it quickly, noticing Lilia wasn’t there. Alright, you had some time to sort out your thoughts alone before encountering Vanrouge in person, so you came in, closing the door, and observed the room. Music sheets were scattered everywhere quite chaotically, and dust particles were flowing under sunbeams breaking through the opened window. 
“Hm, that one song…” You grabbed a music sheet, recognizing the song’s lyrics. “I think I saw it before.”
It certainly was a remix, something reminiscent of an old folk song you’ve heard once, transmigrating into a horror fantasy novel. It sounded quite romantic and nice, very light and joyful, something unostentatious that helped you during hard times. Horrors were always energy and emotion draining, but this song could bring you some sort of a rewind.
You smiled, seeing that not much changed in this version, but without any notes you couldn’t figure out for sure how it sounded, so the original tune just slipped out of your tongue. 
Enjoying the sound and the light feeling in your chest, you finally managed to feel genuinely free and happy, just like Kalim wished for you to be, and you positioned yourself on the windowsill, seeing people down there on the school yard passing by. 
“I remember like it’s yesterday,” you’ve sung, opening the system’s tools and checking Lilia’s profile. “When I was having hard time being lonely.”
Indeed, there was no age mentioned. How very strange, you thought, but also tried to remember how old you yourself were when you started wandering around the worlds, like a ghost haunting the mansion, finding no peace and always trying to reach for something significant. 
“The unfamiliar atmosphere,” you’ve continued singing. “The fearful thrills, now I know…”
In fact, you didn’t know anything. An unpleasant pricking sensation in your heart caused you to stare at Lilia’s image for an uncertain amount of time.
“Including my immature heart…”
You knew the next line in the song, but thought it would be best to refrain from singing it, when you realized it didn’t suit you at the moment. No matter how hard you wanted to escape this place and let everyone be happy, you still couldn’t and—
“You made me to think of those as good memories~”
You blinked, hearing obviously not your own voice, and now that you noticed, didn’t Lilia’s profile image turned not so transparent as usual?..
“Hm? Why would you stop singing?”
A popped up system window abruptly closed at once, and you saw Lilia hanging upside down and floating midair just before you. 
“What the.. Isn’t it the second floor?!”
“Now now,” Lilia sneaked into the room, plunging on the sofa, and looked at you with a sly smile, yet a kind and feignedly naive look in his eyes. “Sorry for scaring you! Although I’m not sure if I did, you don’t look like passing out.”
“And why would I?”
“Well, magicless humans don’t usually see people hanging upside down. I was ready to catch you if you fell out of the window.”
“Huh, thanks for your kindness I guess?.. And I believe I’m just not the person to be easily impressed.”
“Hmmm~” Lilia grinned at you. “Still, how wonderful that you know the original sound of the song. When I asked Cater and Kalim, they mentioned they never knew it was a remix in the first place.”
“Kalim…” You mumbled to yourself, not knowing that Lilia heard you, then shook your head. “Uhm, it’s a… popular song in my original world.”
You didn’t even remember the world you were born in. Was there any magic and you were the one to not be blessed—or cursed?—with this ability, or was it a completely magicless world in the first place? 
Now matter how hard you’ve tried, you never managed to remember at least a glimpse. 
“Oh really?” Lilia smirked. “How old are you, Yuu? It’s quite an old song.”
Your physical age was the one at which you died, and after that you could refer as you pleased. At first there was a strict system which highly depended on an employee’s age, and there were tasks and stories requiring certainty, but as your bosses explained, there were not so many people ready for the horror stories, so they allowed people who were physically and externally old enough to buy appearance changing abilities. 
As for you, a similar case happened once when you needed to appear a bit older than you looked. But other than that, how old were you actually, if you were to consider the years spent while traveling to other dimensions?
“I’m 18,” you replied. “And you?”
“I might appear younger than I actually am, so let the surprise remain till the end, what do you think?”
Lilia giggled at how unsure yet accepting your answer was.
“What a beautiful song, really.”
“I believe so too,” you nodded. “But uhm, Lilia, could I ask you about something?”
“Go ahead!”
“Clover said that you… talk about me quite often. Is that true? Why would you do that?”
For a mere second the gleam in Lilia’s eyes disappeared, but you couldn’t say for sure what kind of emotion shadowed his face.
“Ha-ha, there’s something majestic about you. Makes me wonder if you’re really that cold and serious as you appear.”
“Excuse me?..”
“Ah, don’t get me wrong~” Vanrouge jumped off the sofa, then appeared before you in a flash, examining your face and making you flustered all of sudden. “Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. You seem so mournful and wintry at times, but we just exchanged fairly mixed emotions, didn’t we?”
“What do you mean by ‘mixed’?” You asked, averting your gaze.
“You show just a bit of emotion around certain people, so I wondered what it takes to make you smile.”
You knitted your brows together, glancing askance at him, and met Lilia’s widened in surprise eyes. You shrugged away the confusion grown in you and approached him, non-verbally asking if he was okay due to the sudden disturbance, but he quickly regained his composure. 
“Sorry~” He smiled. “It’s just that you… No, nevermind.”
“You’re strange, Lilia Vanrouge.”
And again he looked as if the world was about to cease within a second, and with similar impetuosity disappeared. 
“So are you,” he grinned. “In any case, I’m glad I finally found you. Make sure to be more careful when you go somewhere alone, okay? And don’t sit on windowsills.”
“What are you, my dad?” You chuckled, but the depth and a hint of despair stored in his eyes made you swallow your joke. “Okay, I will. Sorry for making you… worry?”
Just how strange Lilia was, really. Not only did he talk vaguely and in riddles, but also appeared to be worried about you, however what was the reason behind? 
“Just stay ali… safe. That is enough for my ha—”
“Lilia, we came!! How about we— Huh?”
And the day couldn’t be worse than it already started. Kalim and another person, who you remembered to be Cater Diamond, also a member of Light Music Club, entered the room with Kalim abruptly stopping talking when he saw you.
“Oh, Yuu?” He approached you, taking your hands in his and causing you to bite your lip to not say anything. “Hello! I’m Kalim Al-Asim, but you can call me—”
“Kalim, yes?” You answered before him, making Kalim part his lips slightly before continuing.
“Yep!! But uhm, Yuu, why do you look so dreadful? You should smile, I know you look so bright when you do!”
Cater and Lilia blinked at him, when you couldn’t help yourself but actually reciprocate Kalim’s generously huge smile.
“See! You’re so cute, Yuu! Just as I’ve told you!”
“Yuu-chan is surely cute,” Cater said. “But uhm. How did you know that? I don’t think you two met before?”
“Right,” Lilia nodded. “I do wonder, too.”
“Oh,” Kalim gasped. “Actually, I don’t know… It just happened.”
You clenched your shirt in your hand, but didn’t stop smiling, not noticing Lilia staring at you.
And also his heart filling up just slightly.
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You’ve started questioning if Lilia’s route was really that hard as the system calculated. He was openly showing his unconcealed interest for you, and also he was the one approaching and finding you everywhere before you could even think about searching for him yourself.
He was ready to help you with anything, and he also was quite willing to listen to what you could tell, when you came up with ideas of what you two might talk about. Creating the ways of starting conversations was the hardest part, as you really didn’t know what was safe to say and what wasn’t. 
But what confused you the most was Lilia’s heart icon. 
Normally it would fill up thrice, or just twice in Kalim’s case, but Lilia’s one was inconsistent, wavering and uncertain, as if he himself couldn’t decide what he should think of you. After that one talk you had in the Light Music Club’s room you saw that there was a liquid in his heart, and the day after it just… 
You never knew it could happen and at first you were scared you'd fail, then you felt a relief that maybe there was a mistake in the system and you’ll be sent to the office shortly, but you never were. The system indicators were absolutely fine and showed no errors occurred, so the problem was in Lilia himself.
You could just say something, and the liquid in his heart would fill up to its third, then say something not so very different or surprising, and it would dissolve again. You asked Grim whether he knew something, but he also didn’t, so now your main task was to figure out what the hell was happening.
Maybe that was that 100% of the difficulty level of his route, but it still seemed simple with how devoted Vanrouge was, always meeting you and spending time with you.
Not to mention Lilia was strange to the point you couldn’t comprehend how you should feel about him. In the previous walkthroughs you learnt lessons, you tried to change and came to the realization you’ll never be the same, you’ve become vulnerable to no good if you were about to enter another horror or thriller. 
You raised your head when you heard Lilia’s voice above you. The heart was filled to its third, and Lilia bent over to look at the book you were reading. 
“Oh,” he said, taking a seat beside you under the tree in the school yard. “Right, there’s a magic history exam coming up that you first years will take, correct?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I’ve been reading about Briar Valley’s war period.”
Lilia’s gaze turned more serious, which you’ve noticed, knowing he came from this country according to his profile, and didn’t want to pursue, so as to not recall unpleasant memories, but Lilia suddenly smiled and took the book you were holding in his hands.
“Okay let’s have a revision then!!”
“Huh?” You blinked. “But I haven’t read much and…”
“I’ll help, I’m good at history.”
“So!” Lilia exclaimed. “Let’s see… What can you tell me about the pre-war period? The state of the people during the time.”
Despite how cheerful and friendly he tried to look, his eyes full of despair made you frown, but you tried to stay focused, and answered.
“Before the intervention happened,” you started. “The leadership of the Briar Valley took a number of political steps that attribute to the causes of the war, which are the nationalization of the means of production, banks and large-scale industry and the solution of the agrarian question in accordance with the program of the Briar Valley’s leadership, contrary to the interests of the landowners, which provoked the resistance of the previously ruling classes, who lost their property and…”
“Yuu,” Lilia interrupted you. “I see you’re quite knowledgeable and will definitely pass. But hm… Would you be so kind as to tell me what would you do if you were in common people’s shoes?”
“Me?” Your eyes widened. “Why?”
“Among people who lost everything and had nothing to do to escape this state were not so many people as calm as you are. So I’m quite…. Interested in your point of view.”
“I don’t think I can answer that?..”
“Alright, then… Let me rephrase that. If you were in the situation where you could save someone dear to you or save yourself, who would you choose?”
Lilia closed the book he was holding, and lowered his gaze, his pupils almost fading in a scary sorrow that slided down his eyes. 
His route wasn’t just a simple one where he could just fall in love with you, or where you needed to fall in love with him — you still couldn’t. The feelings you’ve carried towards others weren’t love in its romantical way, as you thought, but your emotions that arose when communicating with Lilia resembled a huge ball of tangled multi-colored threads of different textures. Some were rough and even scabrous, like sandpaper, while others resembled flowing silk enveloping the mind and warming the heart.
And maybe that is precisely why his walkthrough happened to be so tough.
“Of course,” you looked straight up at him. “The dearest one. I’m not scared of dying.”
You looked at him in surprise when the liquid in his heart rose with a spring to the max, causing you to gasp and almost scream, but then something absolutely inadmissible happened. 
His heart broke with a rattling sound, the liquid dissolved and disappeared, leaving just a glassy empty cracked vessel floating above his head.
“Lilia!!” You cried out, receiving a bitter smile from him.
What just happened?!
“Just as I thought, Yuu.”
“What do you mean?.. Are you alright?”
“Hm? Why would you ask that?”
“That was so sudden… Are you not satisfied with my answer?”
“This is not something I can enjoy for sure, don’t you think?” He chuckled. “But don’t worry, I just… I think I hoped you would choose yourself.”
“But… why?” You asked, your trembling hands being covered with Lilia’s steady ones. “I don’t understand. I won’t change my answer, but isn’t it only natural?”
“I think for kind people, such as you, it is. I would do that myself, there’s no denying. I already did once and… In any case,” he fixed a strand of your hair. “It just made me realize you probably don’t value your own life yourself.”
You looked at him confusedly. 
“Why would you think so?”
“Who knows,” he shrugged. “But it’s quite… upsetting. You resemble them so much…”
Them? You wondered who he meant by referring like that, but it was a valuable clue in how to finish his route, which by now resembled not just a walkthrough of a silly otome game character, but an extremely confusing, yet holistic individual. 
Them, huh. Then maybe… Was your purpose not to make Lilia fall in love with you, but something else? And what would that even be?
“I need to go,” Vanrouge suddenly dropped, standing up and looking at you, who grabbed his sleeve subconsciously without thinking. “Good luck on your exams, Yuu.”
“Lilia, wait!”
He paused for a moment, trying to find something particular in your eyes, and patted your head, demonstrating a deplorable smile.
“I hope you’ll manage to find something that will make you cherish yourself.”
You stared at his distant silhouette and did not notice how a single tear rolled down your left cheek, leaving behind a crooked wet path.
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Lilia’s route was surely an uncommon one. You wanted to howl with how hard the difficulty level hit you, starting from Lilia following you and helping with anything to him ignoring and avoiding you. And you knew he did that because he also suspected something about you, not just because of the words you’ve said. 
And it was confusing. 
You couldn’t find him anywhere, no matter what. You even tried overcoming yourself and willingly approached Kalim to ask if he knew where Lilia was, but he surprisingly didn’t, leaving you with nothing but a cracking feeling in your chest after that little interaction. 
In previous routes, even if there were pauses, like Leona was just busy dealing with something, they never avoided you for about three weeks in a row. You were going insane with how you actually wanted to understand what was wrong, to figure out feelings Lilia carried within his heart, why would the heart icon break, and who were they he mentioned. 
Which is why you decided to bring him a bouquet of flowers you were going to pick yourself. It was nothing much, you would probably not be able to find him at all, but at least you wanted to give him something. If your idea fails, then alright, you’ll just pass him the bouquet through his classmates or clubmates. 
You remembered the forest you went to in your first walkthrough, wanting to find a mushroom for Jade. The same landscape, the same dull and cold weather, you having no equipment—it felt almost nostalgic. You didn’t plan to go deep further, just to pick some flowers without reaching the cliff you fell off in Jade’s route.
Ah of course, it was storming and thundering right when you reached the forest. 
You were shivering out of the cold wind and freezing raindrops, but there was no other choice. Not to mention there were also flowers that blossomed only in cold weather and should be picked only when it’s raining. Which is why you stubbornly went further, ignoring weather conditions, and found a small meadow surrounded by majestic firs. 
There was no moon in the sky, given it was covered with dark clouds, and you lowered your head, discovering plenty of beautiful flowers and starting picking them. Both your clothes and hands were covered in dirt while you picked flowers, but you didn’t seem to care, opening the system tabs and checking the meaning of certain plants. You wanted to express your feelings in a correct way without misinterpreting anything and—
“Ouch,” you clicked your tongue. “You’re quite spiky, huh…”
You pulled out a tiny flower with thin petals, noticing an unexpectedly thick trunk with sharp thorns, and felt your finger slightly paralyzed.
“Shit…” You’ve whispered, checking out the system tab. “It’s…”
You thought you’ve misheard, because the heavy rain was getting stronger, the wind mercilessly burned the skin with its sharp breaths and howls. But when you turned, trying to recognize the silhouette which you think appeared somewhere in front of you, you were thrown to the ground, being squeezed in a strong hug.
You were surprised, you really were, and yet you felt so weak and unsteady. 
“You fool,” you recognized Lilia’s worried voice. “You idiot!!”
“You’re the one to talk,” you chuckled. “Avoiding me and then cursing me. What’s gotten into you?!”
“Just don’t go,” he demanded, tightening his grip on you, lying on top of you, who was still holding the flower. “Don’t go in the same way they did. Don’t die, Yuu. I’m begging…”
“Lilia… I’m not dying, see?”
“This flower…” You felt his lips somewhere in the crook of your neck. “Is poisonous.” 
Which you already discovered when pricking and checking out the file the system provided you with. It really was, but you had saved the walkthrough before entering the forest and—
“I’m not letting you die here.”
“But that’s alright, given you’ve come. I was worried and—” 
“Can you please worry about yourself for once?!”
 You paused for a moment. Right, he didn’t know you couldn’t die in the first place. 
But did it really matter? He reprimanded you, demanded you to cherish your life, yourself…
“Lilia, tell me… Did something happen to them, so now you correlate that case with mine?”
Vanrouge took your hand in his, frowning and placing a soft kiss on the place where you were pricked, and now it was you who started panicking.
“Idiot, if it’s poisonous, then you will!..”
“I won’t.” Lilia answered. “Faes are stronger than you, humans. This little flower won’t kill me.”
“There’s no need to worry about me, too.”
“You stupid!” He cried, cupping your face in his face. “Stupid Yuu. Your pupils are almost gone, you can’t even move your hands properly already. How come you’re so calm when you’re literally dying!?”
“Why would you care!!” 
You clenched your hands into fists, curling your fingers into your palms as if shivering in pain, and exhaled painfully slowly, closing your eyes. 
In fact, you knew. You’ve realized just as they’re not only characters of a game you’ve crushed into, they were more humanic then you yourself were. They’ve taught you different feelings.
But from the obsessive thoughts that you really melted the crust of thick ice that covered your true essence, capable of loving; you wanted to escape from these thoughts, the stubborn belief that putting on a mask of alienation and indifference was the most correct decision was about to disappear, had you only look in Lilia’s worried eyes.
While you wanted them to be not just game characters and experience different feelings, you also desired for yourself to be a doll without any bright emotions. 
“Why would I, you ask? Really?” He whispered, laughing nervously. “Fine. You do resemble my first lover who died long long ago. Just like you’re about to do, they also pricked their finger and died from poison.”
You frowned, avoiding meeting his stare.
“And they also didn’t care about themselves. They wished for me to be happy, for me to be alive. And I was there, a fae who couldn’t die that easily, witnessing their death.”
“I’m sorry for your loss…”
“Shut it,” he leaned closer to you, but there was no warmth in his actions, and squeezed your hand, which you couldn’t feel anymore. “You’re not them. You’re… You don’t care about yourself to the very last second of your life. I wanted to prevent you from getting into trouble, because I was simply scared.”
“But who am I to you? Just another mere human, what did I do for you to worry so hard?”
“Something absolutely irrational,” he chuckled. 
“What? Did I just remind you of your previous lover?”
“Quite the opposite. Remember when we talked about sacrifices?”
“Yes, what about that?”
He settled into a sitting position, taking off his jacket and pulling it over you, knowing that it was useless in this situation.
“You’ve said you’re not scared of dying. My first love also wasn’t. But they chose themselves.”
“And I chose the dearest one to me…”
“They pricked their finger when collecting flowers, because there was a legend that the flower could heal. They were already on the verge of death due to illness, but… They weren’t afraid to die, yet desperately searched for a way to live.”
“Lilia, I… I’m sorry.”
He sighed, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Don’t be. I couldn’t find the reason for you to treasure your life.”
You wanted to smile at him to avoid further discussion, but at the same time… You thought that you did.
It seemed to you that there was no point in denying it, and you closed your eyes sharply, hoping to blink away this strange feeling that you really wanted to live. To live and remember everything that happened, all the emotions and tingles in the chest.
“Every time… it feels like I'm learning a lesson…” You said vaguely. “To treasure small moments, to believe in myself and others, to smile genuinely, to let myself feel loved… And now, to treasure my life.”
“Ha,” Vanrouge chuckled. “Yuu, what kind of life did you live before that no one told you the things that make you human?”
Your smile was just as nebulous as your answer.
“I’m not sure if I was human before.”
“Nevermind… Lilia, I… Even if I may sound stupid, please let me thank you for letting me know that I should treasure myself.”
One his smile, one his tight hold of your hand, and the bright light filling up his heart bursted out of it, enveloping you in it. 
“So that was the purpose of your route, huh,” you laughed.
“Route?” He asked, drawing you closer to his chest.
“You know, I wasn’t scared of death because I can’t die twice. I would just… reload the game and start again. And now, since I’ve finished your route, I’ll get into another one. But you won’t remember that.”
“Ha!” Lilia smirked. “I’ll never forget you, Yuu. And a fae can’t lie.”
You just smiled to him, enjoying his determination and managing to reciprocate his gentle touch, not feeling anything in your hand.
┆₊ ⊹ the song in lilia's part — nct u - from home
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“Something’s not right, Yuu.”
Everything seemed quite alright to you. Your usual post-walkthrough experience, Grim nagging about something, another route to finish, another emotion to develop, you levitating in a strange void… Wait. 
“Where are we?”
Usually you could witness such a sight when transferring into another world. Familiar empty arrays, slightly interrupted by multi-colored digital fibers, waves of supersonic flew around.
“Wait, Grim!! Look!”
You pointed at the loading bar, indicating another world loading progression, and grabbed Grim’s paw, drawing him closer, being flown away somewhere further. 
“The fuck?”
“Oi, language,” you said. “But… What is going on? I haven’t finished Idia’s route! I haven’t even started it!”
“This is strange.”
But the profiles popped up, switching from one to another, and you noticed Idia’s one literally smashing into your face, causing you to gasp.
Before observing what the system tab introduced to you, you managed to look at Lilia’s ‘COMPLETED’ line which became common at this point, and, sighing, switched to Idia, gasping the second after.
No portrait, no information, everything being blurred or written in ??????
“I don’t understand what is going on,” you said. “At all!”
“I thought we’re transmigrating to another story.”
“The boss couldn’t just let us transfer to another dimension without introducing the details.”
“That little punk.”
“Hey, he’s our boss after all.”
“Little shit who let you suffer without any warning.”
“Grim…” You smiled at him. “Alright, is there any information available?”
“Nah. Nothing at all. But I guess we’re about to figure it out.”
A bright flash ripping out the space let you know that you were about to enter another (?) world, and held Grim closer to you, ready to witness what was about to happen.
And more importantly, what happened to Idia’s route?
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Digital waves floated around Idia, breaking space and distorting it. Idia squinted in discomfort and because of the crackle of sparks in the processor of his computer, when a deafening explosion was heard, and space waves came out with distorted algorithms, system errors popped up every now and then, and Idia just growled in indignation.
“Uh, the hell?”
He rubbed his eyes with the dry fingers, discovering to his delight that the soda in the can hadn't spilled from the sudden rupture of the universe, and exhaled heavily with a creak, opening the profile that flashed in the system window.
No surname, no age, just an occupation — interdimensional traveler (genres: thriller & horror).
Idia yawned, taking a cheese chip and biting it. While looking to improve his equipment and extract materials that could be used in Ortho's various gears, one day Idia stumbled upon a very strange glitch in the system.
At first he thought it was another error he could fix, but when system windows started popping up everywhere not just on his computer’s monitor, but in freaking reality, Idia realized he maybe perhaps possibly potentially very likely needed more sleep juuuuust a bit. 
Idia chuckled, unimpressed, and quickly glanced over system tabs, seeing profiles of people of this college. Wha, how wonderful, he REALLY did want to see them, uh-huh— The hell? 
“Not even dorm leaders,” Idia noticed, leafing through the files. “Riddle-shi would be so pissed off he wasn’t mentioned lmao.”
What a strange order. First Jade Leech, the second year of Octavinelle, then suddenly Leona Kingscholar, Kalim Al-Asim being next… 
“Yoooo, Azul-shi?” Idia chuckled, stumbling upon his clubmate profile. “What kind of game is that lol.”
The more he checked, the more he was getting confused. Alright, it wasn’t the info that couldn’t be obtained at all, after all everyone knows that Al-Asim is an extremely wealthy family, and Kingscholar is even royalty, but what was the ‘DIFFICULTY LEVEL’ parameter? 
“Damn Lilia-shi is impressive for sure,” Idia nodded to himself, pulling another chip out of the package. “100% difficulty, must be hard…. Not for me tho ofc~”
If there was a difficulty level in each profile, that was probably some sort of a game, right? So Idia thought before stumbling upon his own profile being blurred completely.
“Ayo the fuck?” He chuckled in disbelief. “That’s my name!!”
Unknown difficulty level? Well that’s obvious, given he’s the boss, the main character!!..
The main character? Wait a moment.
“Yuu,” Idia mumbled and repeated. “Yuu, huh. What the hell interdimensional traveler even means?” 
Some time passed with Idia investigating who the hell you were in the first place, and couldn’t find anything.
He leaned to his PC, checking out the monitors, and noticed you on one of the cameras in the school. Uh-huh, so that's where you were… 
Sipping the coffee Jade Leech brewed, you enjoyed the conversation you’ve had. Idia cringed at witnessing such an awkward situation, averting his gaze and not noticing the dismal look in your eyes.
“If Yuu-shi’s main genres are thriller and horror, does it mean we here live in one, too?” Idia muttered to himself. “No wait, isn’t it like, incredible discovery, scientific breakthrough? Shouldn’t I let the world know there are more universes we imagined, and here’s living proof?”
The ‘living proof’, you that would be, was currently heading out to Ramshackle, where Idia had no cameras, thus he just decided to create your profile himself, filling out the details according to the data he was obtaining. 
“Ugh,” he cringed. “Feels awkward.”
It did. You were interesting enough to know you better, but huh—he wasn’t a fool to interact with you firsthand, right?! He promised to himself he wouldn’t obtain anything that would violate your privacy, and come to think of it, your every interaction with anyone wasn’t concealed from strangers’ eyes. You were on the school grounds, it was only natural he could overhear… Shit.
“I’m garbage,” he concluded, dropping his face in his hands and sighing with a heaviness in his chest. “But Yuu’s too strange.”
Idia couldn’t let himself get some sleep. Not when your activity suddenly went up almost at night and you headed to the freaking forest! What were you thinking, really?! 
But wait.
“What is that thing…”
Idia leaned closer to the screen and gasped, noticing familiar flying system tabs around you. The camera he installed was too far away to see exactly what the tabs were portraying, but there was no denying that you brought those strange flying windows when landed here in Twisted Wonderland.
And again, there were no cameras in the forest, but Idia was waiting for you to come out. It’s not prohibited to enter the forest on your own, but given it was the school for magicians, they surely could protect themselves from anything happening, however you? You possessed no magic, and Idia already checked that—you were magicless to the bone—but didn’t you think it was at least reckless to go to the forest when it was dark and cold? 
He thought you were stupid, really. You didn’t come out for some time, and when he was ready to drop his face on the keyboard and faint due to fatigue, sound sensors suddenly arose, and your scream was heard. 
“What’s happening there?!”
He tried checking other cameras and found the one close to the further part of the forest, which demonstrated a view near the cliff, and noticed your figure, which appeared a bit distorted on the camera, always glitching and emitting flashy sparks.
“Yuu-shi is surely something,” Idia mumbled. “And… uh? Isn’t it Jade-shi?”
No way just WHAT WAS THAT thing above his head??
A heart-shaped icon filled to its half with a pink strange liquid. 
“Isn’t it like,” Idia bit his lip, eyes widening in disbelief. “An otome game thing?”
No way. Literally no way.
If you were an interdimensional traveler, that meant Twisted Wonderland was just another world you’ve entered, a book-like story with the effect of full immersion from the first person perspective, your perspective, to be precise—yeah, he got that already. But weren’t your genres thriller and horror? So what’s with that cringey heart icon and the way Jade-shi looked at you?!
There must be an error in the system you’ve brought. And wait…
If Jade was listed the first in profiles, Idia being the last… didn’t it mean that he was about to be wooed by you?! 
“Ha, you wish,” he laughed nervously, his heartbeat accelerating rapidly. 
The nature of that icon was yet to be investigated. Did it appear instantly after your arrival? Idia stood up, stretching and hearing an unpleasant sound of his vertebrae cracking after sitting for so long, then made his way to the mirror and frowned. There was no icon or whatsoever.
Okay, then it did mean that the icon appeared only when you enter your love interests routes, right?
He himself was safe for a time being. Interested in what the hell was going on, yes indeed, but also scared.
Didn’t it mean he needed to fall in love with you to complete the mission? And hey, why was Jade-shi so calm about it? It was obvious something wasn’t right with you, so how could he believe you so easily? Moreover, why compete with others when there literally were figures like Leona-shi or Lilia-shi?
After you were rescued and headed over to Ramshackle, he closed his eyes and plunged on the bed, ready to howl in indignation. 
Days passed, and a festival with the firework show you’ve prepared came. Idia didn’t care much, being able to watch right in his room, not to mention he possessed no interest at all, watching you getting on the rooftop instead.
Jade came not so long after, and when Idia thought it was still stupid to overhear you, but he needed that to figure out how to behave and what to do, the heart-shaped icon above Jade-shi’s head suddenly started glowing slightly, filling up with pink liquid to the max. 
The icon started radiating bright light, and that was when he noticed how shocked you were, how your face became overshadowed with fear and agony, and frowned himself. You looked like an anime character at the denouement of the story, but that was right when he realized himself.
If the route was coming to an end, what was about to happen with him? Will he forget everything? Shit, that would complicate his research, no no no!!
The last thing he saw before the light filled his own room was your sad yet bright smile on the screen, and then the world went out.
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When Idia woke up, he noticed a strange pricking feeling in his chest, then rushed to the PC. 
“You gotta be kidding…”
Your image and a progress indicator under the photo suddenly popped up in front of him.
20% of completion. 
He checked Jade Leech’s profile which already turned gray and unavailable to interact with anymore, but then Leona’s profile popped up, showing 0% of completion. 
“So I… remember everything?”
A strange joy blossomed in his chest for a brief moment before a realization hit, notifying that he needed to continue investigating. And that he also still was one of the targets.
“Mkay,” he muttered, getting out of bed and crawling on the chair, feeling sleep deprived and hungry. Who cared about food anyway? “Let’s continue, Yuu-shi.”
What was his role in this game though? Well, he obviously meant to be the main character with extra imbalance abilities! But after waking up and remembering everything that happened, especially your unnaturally distorted gaze, he started questioning his own purpose in this charade.
“Haiz,” he chuckled, noticing how you already found Leona-shi. Was he sniffing you?! “Damn he’s surely feline…”
“The smell, not of magic, but similar. Also like that fish guy?”
Idia knitted brows together, wondering what could Leona know. It appeared Kingscholar didn’t remember anything about you at all, but still carried a feeling that you and Jade-shi already interacted. 
“So he doesn’t know that’s a game,” Idia concluded, nodding to himself and adding the obtained info to his databases, his fingers flying above the keyboard. “Which makes Yuu-shi and me the only ones who know.”
Despite how proud he was for feeling himself being so special and extraordinary, he rolled up his sleeves and scratched his head in confusion, trying to form a logically adequate chain of events and arguments in order to come to an unambiguous decision as a result, but, alas, his attempts were unsuccessful.
What scared him the most was the possibility of being the last love interest. He remembered protagonists of otome games, mainly they were kind individuals with bright personalities, or with no personalities at all. He preferred the last ones, they were close to his own blank gloomy self, to feel himself being the main hero of the story, to insert his own thoughts into the walkthrough, but you?
You weren’t so overkindly and bubbly as he first you would. Your decisions were rational at first, and you perhaps were provided with no knowledge about how romance worked, judging by your slow progression, the majority of which happened because of the natural charm and characters being enchantingly attracted to you… or so he thought. 
Idia howled when a stupid thought ran across his mind at the speed of light, piercing him through and screaming ‘Yuu-shi is really charming tho…’, and quickly brushed it off, shaking his head. Argh, that was all useless!! You were aiming for his heart, not the icon, but real heart, his real feelings and the ability to love. And to hell with you, he didn’t want to love you!!
He didn’t want to imagine what happens with him when you leave. 
Locks of his hair scattered all over the table when Leona-shi suddenly kissed you in front of others. Oi, wasn’t it too much?!
Idia wondered if the smile with which you replied to Leona was really genuine, or was it a perfect act for you to escape his route freely?
Days passing from route to route felt like ages. After Leona the time consumed for completing was extending, and when Kalim’s walkthrough dropped, Idia wanted to ignore you at all cost.
He could understand your previous self with an extremely concealed demeanor, rational and logical thinking, a goal to finish everything and get back home—where was it, by the way?—but as for now, you’ve started experiencing transformations of your soul. 
Your emotions became more open and vivid, your normally efficient and sensible ways of thinking were affected by a variety of feelings, which Idia himself was unable to distinguish. Was it the softness of your heart or an honest desire to open up? Ugh, normies things…
“Oi, isn’t his heart already full?!”
Idia checked the icon above Kalim’s head and gasped. Damn, the system that you’ve carried around here was surely impressive, demonstrating how feelings could work. Kalim-shi was most definitely full of love towards you, why hasn't his route finished already?
Apparently a strange thing called ‘feelings’ was the problem. Being in love with you but not allowing himself to express it because he refrained himself and wished for other people’s happiness in the first place? What a strange guy. If that would be Idia…
Wait, what would he do? 
“Let your own heart decide.”
Idia tensed up. 
You weren’t saying it for him, but the sharp cutting sensation that pierced his chest made Idia wince at the vagueness of his emotions, and he clenched the jacket in his fist.
Will there be any feelings left for him when you get on his route? 
“Shit, what an absurd way of thinking,” he laughed at himself. What a fool.
He should have avoided you at all cost!! 
But actually seeing you coming to his clubmate, the one he could consider a friend, and asking for boldly falling in love with him?! Yuu-shi, you’re extremely insane, huh?
Okay, that was your purpose all along—to make Azul fall in love with you—but argh!! Hugging in a narrow staff room?! 
Idia averted his gaze, questioning your emotions. Were you just collecting people like toys, limited cards in your collection, to just leave casually when it’s over? He didn’t want to become one of them, to develop at least a tiny something towards you to be left all alone. Again.
At one point Idia thought it would be interesting to watch you interacting with Vil-shi, given how perfectly you played the role of being the protagonist, the one who attracted everyone. 
Yes, it was for the best. It was the simplest way to think of you like that, a villain destroying everyone’s hearts. 
So that he wouldn’t feel so lonely himself.
When Lilia’s route started, Idia has woken up with an insanely strong migraine making him slightly worried. The more walkthroughs you passed, the more he was feeling strange. 
“I wonder if Azul-shi will remember what Yuu-shi told him…”
Maybe he actually should have gone and checked on him, but Idia quickly shrugged the thought off.
Your image suddenly appeared to be too close to the camera he installed, and Idia wondered where you were, given you were sitting on a windowsill. Okay, Light Music Club’s room. And you were…
You were singing softly. Your voice was pleasant to hear, nothing out of the ordinary, but still fairly nice to enjoy. Not to mention your dreamy face yet shadowed with a glimpse of sadness… Why were you so gloomy at times anyway? Just play your role, ugh.
And Lilia-shi was also strange. According to him, you appeared to be resembling someone… What kind of Surrealistic Messenger experience was that, huh? What were you, a Nika? 
You really had no logic left, going to the forest from your first walkthrough again, huh? And it rained heavily, too, but Idia couldn’t see what was happening there. But when the bright light started beaming through the trees, Idia exhaled freely.
It was also the moment he realized. 
He was the next and the last route. 
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You stared at the black space, hearing almost nothing, and the familiarity got you thinking that all of the things happening you had already witnessed once. Just right when you landed here in Twisted Wonderland.
You tried outstretching your hand, meeting with a thud, and you chuckled to yourself, prying off the coffin lid and removing it from the hinges, taking one step out.
Grim found you, who was wearing the ceremonial robe, and you two ended up bursting with hysterical laughter, when Crowley came and noticed you… 
No way. No way it was just as on your first day of transmigrating here!! 
Same people, same places, same events, same dialogues… 
Same mirror proclaiming you’re magicless.
Everything was just the same!!
“Grim,” you whispered to him while Crowley was searching for the books to try figuring out where you came from. You always mentioned other worlds’ places in those kinds of situations, because your boss demanded you not say anything personal. “Check out if the status of the game has changed.”
“Got it.”
You saw Grim summoning the system interface, but a sudden abrupt flash made you close your eyes for a moment, and when you opened them, you saw tabs glitching and lagging around you, distorting the space.
“What the…”
“Hm?” Crowley turned to you, apparently scanning your face, but you couldn’t say for sure because of his mask. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Crowley-sensei,” you smiled at him. 
“Yuu!” Grim in your hands looked at you with widened eyes and whispered. “What’s happening with the system?!”
“I don’t know,” you answered with your lips only. “How’s the status?”
“Check it yourself…”
But before you could check, Crowley turned to you, proclaiming he can’t find the place you’ve come from. The very same scenario, you going to the Ramshackle, meeting with ghosts… 
With only one small exception in the form of constantly sparkling elements of the system, alternately popping up here and there.
“Yuu, we haven’t got enough time for that. Check the genre!!!”
You instantly sank to your knees, unable to believe your eyes. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest, forcing you to turn to Grim, stunned.
“F-fantasy?..” You double-checked yourself, but then saw a window with all the profiles, their statuses still the same, Lilia being the last completed one. “But Idia’s route?..”
“And you asked me to watch my tongue,” Grim frowned. “That little shit you call our boss didn’t even leave us the way to contact him during walkthroughs!!! And what if something like that happens?!”
“It’s not about him, Grim,” you tried to recover, standing up and noticing little glitches flashing everywhere in the room. “Let’s try figuring out what we should do now.”
“Find that Idia guy and finish his route, what else, fugnya.”
You lowered your gaze.
Wasn’t it an opportunity given to you as a gift? If the genre switched from otome to fantasy, then there was no obligation to complete Idia’s route. No need to let him—and you—suffer, wasn’t it the only right thing to do? 
You took a deep breath. You knew it wasn’t. Idia’s route was still marked as ‘IN PROGRESS’, meaning you still had to fulfill your duties, but also… 
Wasn’t it a loophole? 
“I know what you’re thinking,” Grim touched your hand with his paw. “I know you’re freaking tired of this shit, me too, but Yuu—”
“No, Grim,” you laughed at yourself, tears appearing in the corners of your eyes. “I can’t. I will not. Finish his route. Just… Let’s just enjoy the fantasy story which is supposed to be completed even without us interfering.”
Grim wasn’t sure. You yourself thought it was stupid, irresponsible, your boss will probably just drag you out of here so to reprimand—you didn’t care at all. 
You wanted to avoid Idia Shroud at all costs.
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Giving you credit, you actually succeeded in your desire to avoid Idia. But trouble does not come alone, and instead of Idia, who, surprisingly, couldn’t be found anywhere at all, you managed to repeatedly stumble upon people from previous routes.
But what you feared the most was the system distortion, glitches and lags. 
The endless flickering of digital fibers, appearing in a chaotic pattern, pierced people. The color correction of the world broke down, jumping from exaggerated, poisonously bright colors to black-and-white scraps of space. The voices sometimes went into ultrasonics, causing you and Grim to wince in dislike. System windows danced around in a digital frenzy.
It all resembled the digital apocalypse. But even with those little ‘errors’ you could still interact with others.
But not with those who were the dearest to you.
You turned to meet Jade’s usual polite smile, a hand on his chest. 
“Jade?..” You were hesitant to speak with him at first, but a sudden mechanical corrupted voice managed to scare you. “Hello?..”
He tried saying something, but he did not move at all, not the slightest sigh, not a quivering gleam in his beautiful eyes—absolutely nothing. He was frozen.
You wanted to hurry and get someone’s help, but just when you ran away and turned for a moment to make sure he was still standing still—he wasn’t… He moved, returning to his usual routine, and turned to the suddenly approaching Riddle.
Something wasn’t right.
You were convinced of this when you stepped on Leona's tail in the botanical garden, completely forgetting about this event. His reaction was exactly the same—he was like a stone frozen in time, and, unlike Jade, not telling you anything, but the system windows were frantically jumping around his silhouette.
Kalim froze with a smile you grew to love on his face, and Azul, when he met you, apparently was going to kiss your wrist, but they all froze like broken dolls at the behest of the puppeteer.
And Lilia was nowhere to be seen at all.
“I don’t understand…”
You lamented, looking at the huge glitch, reminding you of black hole which was absorbing system tabs into itself, and you were sitting near it, outstretching your hand and feeling nothing at all.
You were immune to the system’s influence, how very ironical and—
You turned to the voice’s source and gasped when a sudden flash of bright blue flickered before your eyes for a moment, then disappeared.
“Huh, I think I saw someone just now…”
You stood up from the grass field you were sitting on, and came closer to the tree in the school yard, hearing a ‘Eek!!!’ full of fear, and blinked twice.
“E-excuse me!!”
You saw a very tall figure hiding from you behind the tree and trying to cover his face with the hood of his hoodie. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m Yuu. Sorry for scaring you.”
“I-if you’re sorry, then just go!!..”
Blue flames billowed from under his hood in waves, and you were surprised at how sweet the man's voice was.
“W-what are you looking at?!”
“Your hair,” you said, spellbound. “It’s very beautiful.”
The person took his hood off, and you parted your lips in surprise. 
You stared amazed at the gold of his eyes, not understanding what you were so hooked on in him, but the non-standard of his beauty completely left you speechless, and a slight glimmer of blush was born on your cheeks.
“Ah!” You exclaimed, turning away. “I’m being so rude… It’s just you’re really good-looking.. Ugh, sorry.”
“S-stop it, I’m begging. I’m not, o-okay? Now go.”
“Okay, but… What is your name?”
“You don’t need to know it…”
You looked at him, pouting and lowering your gaze, when a pink hue on the tips of his hair went unnoticed by you. 
“Alright… I’ll get going then. See you later?”
“Maybe never.”
The rudeness he demonstrated somehow didn’t sound so bitter, and you smiled at him, then walked away.
“Please never interact with me…” He muttered to himself, approaching the huge glitch. “I don’t want to be the next.”
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After two weeks of such randomly non-random meetings, Idia realized that, apparently, according to the law of the protagonists of otome games, there was nowhere to escape from you.
Of course, he could not really understand why the hell everything around was suddenly covered with digital holes and errors, but obviously it was related to you.
He wanted to study them himself, but the cameras he set up around the college sometimes didn't capture the biggest system bugs, not to mention they constantly popped up wherever you were for a while. Apparently others couldn’t see the world glitching, and you yourself possessed no knowledge about those errors, so he just had to go out of his room.
Even though he managed not to reveal his name for a long time—he was extremely apprehensive that you would recognize him as your last remaining love interest and start going through his route—yet you were in no particular hurry to look for him.
Didn’t you… need to finish his route and come back home? Why were you blankly staring at all those errors and glitches and doing nothing?
Not to mention that you sincerely tried to get to know him personally, never once again asking his name.
You confronted him every time he needed to investigate another huge system error that had arisen, and you simply nodded silently, smiling. The first week really passed peacefully and calmly, until something unimaginable for his consciousness happened at the beginning of the second.
Idia was walking to the place where another hole with errors appeared, and heard your voice—it was unmistakable yours. W-what in the world were you doing?..
What he saw shocked him.
You were stroking the ear of a kitten that laid in front of you and purred, playing with it and smiling radiantly.
“Oh? Ah, fiery-senpai.”
“T-that stupid name again… What are you d-doing?”
You smiled at him, taking the kitten in your hands and drawing him closer to his face, placing one little smooth on his nose.
“Isn’t it cute?”
Headshot!! Huge damage taken!! Apply a HP restoring potion!!
“C-cute…” He mumbled, his hair glowing bright red. “Y-yuu-shi is… UGHM.”
“Come here.”
You took his hand in yours and made him sit beside you. Just what the audacity you had!..
The cat started purring with more intensity when Idia touched it, and you giggled at how cute the scene looming before you was. 
You didn’t want to escape this reality, even with an insane amount of bugs and errors corrupting the dimension. 
For a month Idia was meeting you, approaching you more and more against (in fact, not really resisting) his will. You seemed like an absolutely normal person, and it was frightening. Shouldn't the universe travelers be... different? Non-standard, possess some kind of superpowers, or easily repair these interdimensional holes? You seemed to be the most ordinary person with completely natural human emotions. Your actions were dictated by curiosity, kindness and care. You brought Idia food more than once, showed photos of kittens, respected his personal boundaries and always left without asking what he was going to do alone.
It was unbearably hard. Feelings flourished in his chest, and every day, returning to his room, Idia flopped on the bed, clutching his jacket in his fist, and repeated how crazy he was.
Feelings ate him from the inside. How the hell was that shameless and stupid!! Wasn't love in otome built on the fact that the characters went through a string of dramatic events, experienced incredible adventures, scandals, breakups and emotional declines, and then tragically confessed their love to each other?
How the hell could he screw up his one and only task — not to fall in love with you at all costs, and eventually fail miserably, and even under such idiotic circumstances?!
How could he let you take his feelings and... understand them?
“I’m pathetic,” he laughed to himself, studying the data he obtained. “But Yuu won’t know…”
He will not allow that. Maybe.
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You held Grim closer to you, exhaling fresh air while sitting on the bench—which was unusual for you, who could be easily spotted on the grass or windowsill—and took a sip of a cup of hot chocolate. It was already February declaring its rights, and deepened in your thoughts.
The world was half destroyed. Multi-colored digital errors were no longer just popping up alternately anywhere, but were actively integrated into the structure, into the very subcortex of the world. The forest near the school was replaced by a digitized version, black holes in space that no one saw except you replaced entire rooms and even buildings.
To be honest, it just looked disgusting.
Previous emotional draining routes were completed, and now, when you yourself wanted to avoid Idia Shroud’s one at all cost, because you were simply scared, Idia decided to become quieter than water and lower than grass. 
The information you’ve acquired was rather dull and sullen — Idia was known for being a complete shut-in, an introverted person who usually never comes out of his room. Impudently pouncing into his personal space, Ignihyde dormitory, seemed somewhat violent to you, especially taking into account that you needed to receive his love.
You wanted to respect his privacy, but also wanted to know what kind of person he is. 
And just when you wanted to think about avoiding asking anyone from your previous walkthroughs, Lilia appeared before you, floating midair and smiling rather cheekily, causing you to almost spit your drink.
But more importantly, he seemed extremely alive, unlike others.
“Ugh, uh…” You coughed. “Li… Vanrouge.”
“Hm? What’s with the sudden coldness?”
“Sudden?..” You echoed, furrowing your brows. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just we haven’t talked much before…”
Lilia took your hand, the one that was holding Grim, who expressed an annoyed sound and stared at Vanrouge, and placed a smooch on the finger you’ve pricked in his route.
“Is that how you greet me after having all that life and death type of conversation?”
You jolted, abruptly standing up and almost dropping Grim from your lap, to which Lilia only laughed.
“You remember?!” You screamed, noticing you drew too much attention, and lowered your voice. “But how?”
“Remember I told you I’ll never forget? This is why.”
“N-no, wait… I mean, others have only tiny glimpses of memories about me, but they don’t have entire routes stored in their minds!! Not to mention they’re… Ugh.” 
“Calm down, Yuu. To be honest, I’m not sure how it works, either. Tell me more about your case, we’ll figure something out. Maybe you haven’t finished my, hmmm, route, you said?”
You summoned the system tab that got almost sunk into the black hole, which Lilia couldn’t see, and checked twice and even thrice — ‘COMPLETED’ were written in caps.
“I have,” you said. 
“That Idia guy’s profile also opened,” Grim mentioned.
“Idia?” Lilia repeated. “He’s your next target?”
“Target… Yes, you can say so… Do you know anything about him?”
“Quite a lot of information I normally wouldn’t share, but in your case…” Lilia frowned. “But Yuu, will you go home after finishing?”
“I… Don’t have home,” you explained. “I’ll return back to the office where I’ll be appointed to another story. But before that I’ll ask why in the world did I land here, Twisted Wonderland is not our main genre.”
“Where were you before?”
“Better not ask,” Grim advised, to which you nodded. “Nothing good.”
“Makes me want to ask more!” Lilia giggled. “But alright. Even though I don’t really want to let you go, considering I’m extremely worried about your safety… I believe you should go and ask what caused the error. As for Idia Shroud…”
You and Grim saw system tabs randomly popping up and glitching, to which Lilia tilted his head, but you shook yours, gesturing to him to continue speaking. 
“He’s a nice kid, actually. A twisted one, as we all here are, but I sense no ill feelings radiating from him. He has a rather complicated personality, so I suggest you be patient.”
“Twisted, hm,” you nodded, trying to ignore glitch intensification. 
“His family works under an organization dealing with phantoms and blot research. So make sure to—”
“Good morning, Lilia Vanrouge-san, Yuu-san, Grim-san!”
A robotic cheerful voice greeted you, and you stared at the appeared humanoid with… was that fire on his head?.. Wait a second.
“Oho~” Lilia smirked. “Morning, little Shroud.”
Little Shroud?.. Did Idia have a brother?
“Good morning,” you greeted him. “And you’re?”
“Ortho Shroud!” A child humanoid introduced himself. “Nice to meet you, Yuu-san!”
“How can we be of help?” Lilia asked.
“I’m sorry for interrupting, but I need to talk to Yuu-san and Grim-san directly.”
“Oh, then you should know that I’m not leaving Yuu’s side. So if you want to talk, please don’t mind me, but I won’t leave~”
“I’m afraid I can allow that,” Ortho replied cheerfully.
You tried standing up, but staggered and changed glances with Grim, who also felt dizzy and out of place for a moment, before Ortho pulled up a tablet, which suddenly started floating on itself.
“U-uhm…” A voice was heard, coming from the tablet. “E-excuse me, Lilia-shi… B-but I need to t-talk to them… alone.”
And with that you and Grim suddenly fainted, surrounded by light sparkles and glitches flooding the space, not noticing Ortho catching you and Lilia’s furious stare.
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You tried opening your eyes, and managed to do that after a minute of trying, glitches still sparkling everywhere, but not as bright as it was before.
You found yourself on a bed in an unknown place dominated by bright blue hues, you could hear the tapping of fingers on the keyboard, the faint noise of processors, and you were no longer sure if the space distortion was due to the system, or it was local computers.
“Uh…” You mumbled, trying to sit on your bed, and observed the place, noticing a figure of someone tapping on the keyboard.
You looked closely, recognizing familiar fire-like bright blue hair and gray clothes the person was wearing.
“Excuse me,” you said, drawing the person's attention and making the figure startle in shock, turning to you at once. “Huh?”
He pulled up the collar of the turtleneck that was sticking out from under the gray robes and covered his mouth, looking away from you.
“Um… I’m Idia Shroud.”
You smiled weakly to yourself, actually suspecting it before, but knowing that the person you grew to love like happened to be Idia was excruciatingly painful.
It was continuous, endless torment.
Grim told you every day that you, dear little Yuu, are just a fool with a glitch in your head, since you fell in love with that ‘fiery-senpai’ so irrevocably for being just a person. The world was falling apart, and you refused to end the game, running away from solving the problem like a small child, and you understood this very well, continuing to run in circles.
“Ah!!” You exclaimed, standing up and approaching him, making Idia squeak and almost run away from you. “Oh, I’m sorry for startling you. It’s just… Actually, wait, where am I? Where’s Grim?”
“Grim-shi is sleeping in the room next door, m-my little brother Ortho assisting him. D-don’t worry…”
“That’s good…” You smiled to yourself, feeling a little relieved your partner was okay. “But still, where are we?”
“Did they just need to leave that to me RIGHT WHEN I’m in the middle of my research, ugh…” He muttered to himself, then cleared his throat. “You’re at STYX. You p-probably don’t know what it is, since you’re… Nevermind. D-dont worry, we need to run a few tests and will return you back to the NRC.”
“Sounds not like something I shouldn’t be worried about, to be honest,” you chuckled. “What kind of tests? And why me? Lilia said you study, ergh… blot here. I don’t know what that is.”
“Tch, why me…” He mumbled to himself again. “Y-yeah, Lilia-shi surely mentioned something he shouldn’t have, b-but you have no relation to blot. At least physically..”
You came closer to him, quickly glancing over his features and suddenly getting flustered. Despite his gloomy look and huge eye bags, he appeared to be quite cute and good-looking. You never thought your last ‘love interest’ would look like that, not to mention him having such a shy personality.
And now, knowing that the fiery-senpai you grew to like was Idia all that time, didn’t make it easier.
Everything will end once you win his heart.
And it was breaking yours.
You dramatically imitated fainting, causing Idia to jolt, and exclaimed.
“You suddenly faint,” you said, then came over to the bed you were laying on, and sat on it. “Then you wake up in an unfamiliar place…”
You came closer to him, not daring to touch him, and ended up just staring right in his golden eyes.
“... And found yourself alone in a room with a complete stranger.” You said, averting your gaze. “Quite handsome, though.”
Idia in front of you bit his lip, trying his best to ignore your compliment.
“What would my reaction be?”
“Right, that,” you confirmed. “So please be so kind as to explain what is happening and how I can be of help.”
“Alright…” He sighed heavily. “Follow me.”
You nodded, following his tall figure and enjoying how the fire of which his hair consisted was shimmering, however noticing one little but important detail.
There was no heart icon.
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To be completely honest, you really were charming. 
Idia was amazed at how easy it was to have a conversation with you and how charmingly your lips curved into a soft smile. He hated every second of the new day, realizing that the research is being delayed, and he has to run an infinite number of tests.
He could not clearly distinguish between your natural coquetry and acting (of the justice of which he was no longer so sure). You yourself were a very gentle and understanding person, calmly accepting the peculiarities of his personality, but still, despite all the promises that you made to others in their routes (at least those that he managed to hear), you seemed to still hold back myself.
Wouldn't you like to return to where you came from as soon as possible? Why did your face tremble in unbearable sadness every time he happily announced that there were not many tests left and that you would be released soon? Of course, you had to charm him, grab him right by the heart and make him yours, but why did your voice become so desperately dreary every time he closed the door to your room, and you wished him peaceful dreams and asked him not to work late?
The tests, in fact, at first were simple questionnaires, from which it was impossible to extract anything intelligible. Therefore, subsequently, Idia had to move on to more difficult tests for you, which turned out to be simulations of reality.
The distorted images of all those whose routes you have already completed, have told you terrible things, betrayed you and hoped to break you. Usually it was possible to check the accumulation of blot and magical energy this way, but since you did not possess it, it was checked how negative emotions affected you.
And you... seemed to remain unshakable and believed them to the end, forcing the images of people dear to you to be erased automatically.
Idia wasn't really interested in your involvement in the blot in the first place—it was just a cover. He was personally interested in knowing your essence in more detail, who, or maybe what you really were.
And why did you cling so desperately to those whose routes were already completed. 
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“Don’t come any closer!”
You heard Grim burst into your room, ignoring his attempts to stop you, but the erratic system bugs were doing their own dance, preventing Grim from getting close to you.
“The fuck you’re doing?!”
You chuckled, tapping on the keyboard, and turned to him for a mere second.
“Trying to let our dear beloved system know that I won’t finish Idia’s route.”
“Yuu, get yourself together!! Ain’t no way you can just casually crack the system we’ve been workin’ with for who knows how many years so far!!”
You tried to make changes to the system code of this world, sweat streamed down your neck, electricity flashed bright flashes here and there, almost setting Grim's tail on fire, and as soon as you got to the very core, swallowing tears and ignoring Grim's screams, in the system something exploded, pushing you away from the interface and spawning digital corruption.
You. Failed. 
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Today Idia planned to show you the Underworld to see what would happen. Apparently you had a save option, so he was about to make a hint for you, so you would save the game progress and reload in case something happens.
“I-It’s me, Idia…”
He knocked on the door, but no answer was heard. Normally you would reply with a cheerful ‘Come in!', but today you remained silent, making him slightly worried.
He opened the door nevertheless and found you, wrapped in blankets and sniffing. 
“Yuu-shi?” He asked, coming closer to you but not too close, and saw you slowly turning to him. “O-oi, are you okay?”
“Ugh… who…”
You looked at him from under your brows, your eyelids were as if poured with lead, and your cheeks burned like a red-hot swing. Idia carefully bent over you, not daring to stretch out his hand for a long time, but your hoarse breathing forced him to press his hand to your forehead and gasp.
“You’re burning, Yuu-shi!”
“Y-yes, are you okay— Huh?!”
You weakly tugged at his sleeve, but from the unstable position and the effect of surprise, he fell on you.
This is the most classic otome scene ever, damn it!!
But, unlike the typical plot of an otome game, the scene wasn't particularly romantic. The promised butterflies didn’t hover in his stomach, and you looked really sick. You covered your mouth with a blanket and opened your eyes, trying to peer into the gold of the eyes in front of you with a cloudy gaze, forcing Idia to fluster.
“Your hair…” You muttered. “Warm.”
“O-of course it’s warm… Yuu-shi?!”
You smoothed a strand of his fiery hair and smiled weakly, clinging to the desired warmth and not noticing how the tips of his hair turned pink.
Shit, it was, like, REALLY bad. Did you just have to be so cute and vulnerable right when he wanted to ignore the feelings blossoming in his chest?! Argh, you really!!
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, taking his hand he offered to hold onto, not even realizing it himself, and tried standing up. “We’ve got important work to do today… Let’s go.”
“But you don’t look well, Yuu-shi…”
“It’s nothing,” you smiled, standing up and releasing his hand, already missing the warmth. “I know it's partly your idea, but you're still following someone's orders, right?”
“Uh,” he averted his gaze. “W-well, yes…”
“He-he,” you smiled, embracing yourself and feeling a little cold. “I know the feeling when no one asks you what you want to do. So let’s finish early, and I won’t disturb you anymore.”
You left the room, turning around for a second and meeting his stunned gaze.
You really DID care about him.
He chuckled at the last thing you’ve said, knowing that you needed him to escape this place, both STYX and Twisted Wonderland, but found it funny how you tried to cover it. Even if you didn’t look like you were lying in the first place.
The path to the underworld was unbearably long, and your body apparently refused to listen to you, the limbs seemed to take on a life of their own, and Idia saw a sharp flicker of the system windows around you, intensifying as you descended lower and lower.
“What do I need to do when we get there?” You asked, grabbing his hand, because you couldn’t even walk properly.
“Yuu-shi… E-excuse me.”
He put your hand on his shoulder, helping you move around, although you didn't walk long enough because you weren't very comfortable.
“I appreciate your concern,” you giggled and just took his hand in yours, interweaving fingers. “But that would be enough. Thank you, Idia.”
He felt stupid, feeling the unbearable heat of your body, and at the same time knowing that he contributed to your sudden illness, and he could not do anything about it.
He was an egoist to whom you showed nothing but kindness and understanding.
“Yuu-shi, uhm… Excuse me for a moment.”
System windows flickered and flew around you in a chaotic order, among which Idia somehow managed to grab the right one, and stood behind you, trying to hit the flickering button in time. He leaned closer to you, curls of his hair falling on your chest, and you blushed, turning your face to him.
“Argh, I’m s-sorry!! Please bear with me a little more…”
“Why bearing?” You leaned closer to him, feeling his heart stopping for a moment. “I enjoy spending time with you, really.”
“D-don’t say nonsense, Yuu-shi. Why would you love spending time with the one w-who, uhm, kidnapped you?”
“I might have questioned that, but… Maybe because your research can help me too. I think. And also…”
You looked at him, his hand frozen midair and his lips slightly parted. 
Were you about to kiss him?
His heart skipped a beat when he realized that… No, it was SO irrational!! He was avoiding you (not really, actually) like a plague, he tried his best to not catch feelings for you! It would be a total game over if you would kiss him now, the system will admit he has fallen in love, and you will just leave, but!..
But you shook your head, smiling at him bitterly, and continued walking.
And what was the sudden sadness and void in his heart?
He managed to save the game for you and wondered if it was okay, given he was the one who did it, not you.
You finally reached the destination, and Idia felt a headache piercing his head, other people’s profiles popping up here and there randomly, and you frowned.
“Idia, wait,” you said, reaching out for one of the tabs and typing something there. “Shit, I have no currency left…”
“I can help.”
He still held your hand to prevent you from falling, seeing how hard you were shivering, and couldn’t dare to meet your shocked gaze.
“How in the world…”
“I don’t know either,” he mumbled. “It just… I know n-not only you’re not from this world, I know your purpose…”
“Did you avoid me on purpose because you knew?..”
“Y-yes,” he admitted and turned away. “But it’s not like you’ll love me for real.”
“You… Listen to me, Idia.”
You turned to him, ignoring the persistently jumping system windows and the gradually dissolving universe. The howl of phantoms from under your feet was terrifying and disturbing, but you clung to Idia, looking at him with tears in your eyes.
“This is undoubtedly the most freakingly insane route I’m trying to finish,” you confirmed. “But… Do I look like I want this to end? Like I want you to suffer when I’m gone?”
“I don’t want to go,” you admitted. “I don’t want to leave you! Not when I’m… developing feelings for you.”
“The route is over once not only the person, but I also recognize and accept something for myself. And just so you know, you have no heart above you…”
“Yuu-shi, sorry for saying stupid things, but…” He inhaled sharply. “My heart is not above my head, but in my chest. Yours too.”
You giggled.
“Ha-ha… It is quite endearing, I must s… say.”
“I’m okay,” you said. “It’s just… What are those howls?”
“... It’s phantoms. The ones my family and I study,” he answered. “They’re… not people anymore.”
“Not… anymore. Idia!!”
You sank to your knees, touching the cold surface of the gates to the underworld, and gasped, paralyzed.
It was just the same when you yourself first died.
“Yuu-shi, don’t come any closer!!”
“Idia,” you turned to him. “Do you… work here often? Do you interact with those phantoms often?”
“I do,” he answered. “Why?..”
“Ha-ha… I think… I just realized the real reason why you can see the system too.”
“You know… I once was a normal person, just like you are. A part of a story, though I don’t even remember the genre it had. More likely a slice of life? I died young, rescuing a kitten. You can already assume that it was Grim… And you’re right. And somehow we both ended up being recruited for the Isekai Association program.” 
“So not… everyone could enter?”
“As he explained, only those who possess certain qualities and personality traits can be hired. And as for you, I think because you’re close to death, you manage to see everything happening..”
You frowned.
“Is there a way to open the gates?”
“Don’t even think about it. I’m being serious, Yuu-shi.”
“So there is, and apparently you know it,” you smiled at him with a craziness he despised.
How could you even think about something so dangerous as… 
“Well then, open it. Right. Now. I’m being serious just as you are.”
“I won’t.”
“I will put it to an end. You also don’t want your world to suffer because of me, right?! You see those glitches, the system almost absorbed everything!! How could you—”
“How could you just think only of yourself!”
You bit your lip, looking straight at him, his hair iridescent from blue to enraged orange, almost crimson.
“Listen, I’m being only logical!! Here, I hear death itself. Are you worried about me? I really appreciate it, but oh please, I won’t die that easily. In fact, all that I need to do is to jump right there as many times as I can, maybe that he will finally bring me to the office and at least interrogate…”
“He again.. No, Yuu, I WON’T let you.”
“Ha,” you laughed bitterly, drawing him to yourself and pressing your forehead to his, closing your eyes and summoning the system tabs.
Your forehead burned with heat, your breath hitched so hard that Idia himself heard it trembling, and watched in a daze as his memory was converted into system windows. He wanted to break out of your strong grip, but you already found the right scoreboard and smiled sadly, biting your lip.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. “I didn’t want to manipulate you like that… Now, say it, Idia Shroud.”
His body moved against his will, his lips trembled, and as if not in his voice, a desperate ‘Gate to The Underworld’ broke from them.
The heavy massive gates opened, and Idia, having regained control over his movements, numbly turned away from you, but did not calculate that one inaccurate movement, and he felt the cold of the grave with his back.
Dark hands, greedily clinging to his limbs, mercilessly pulled him into the abyss. Without hesitation, you rushed after him, your heart was pounding wildly in your chest, trying to escape, and the tears instantly dried up on your cheeks from the cold, leaving icy paths on them.
Grim voice was heard, and the second after you felt him grabbing on your sleeve. 
“Grim, no, get out of here, I’ll end this alone!!”
“You stupid little shit,” Grim cursed. “We’re partners!!”
“But Grim! Let me go! I must rescue him!!!”
“Ain’t no way you’re excluding me, you idiot! What are you going to do anyway?! He’s dying!”
You refused to let go of Idia’s hand you managed to grab, and saw him opening his eye for a mere moment before closing it, losing consciousness. 
“Do you believe me, Grim?”
“Of course I do, you foolish henchman!”
“Then let me go, okay? Believe me, I’m not letting die nor you or Idia.”
Grim hesitated for a moment before nodding to you.
“‘Kay… And Yuu.”
“Be careful just in case, ok? I mean, you’ll always be my most loyal henchman in every dimension existing, but now you look more ergh, soft or something? I mean, humans before you usually couldn’t stand a second in horrors and… Shit.”
“You don’t want to lose me,” you concluded, drawing Grim closer to you and enveloping him in a hug.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” he sighed. “Might get used to that soft side of yours.” 
“Is it bad?”
“Nah,” he hugged your arm in response. “But it could have been better if you gave me more tuna cans daily.”
“Shut up.”
He let go of you, and you summoned the system tab, not really seeing anything in this mess, but bit your lip and typed the code, clicking ‘ENTER’ and shouting out.
“Judge Flamm!!”
Suddenly, the whole space seemed to flow into an absolutely intangible shell, the digital pieces of the universe peeled off, and you found yourself in a familiar office, which was a small room with a cozy fireplace against the wall.
An insanely beautiful person with dim green eyes looked at you with a strictness you never knew he could possess before, and offered you a cup of tea, which you declined.
“I thought I made it clear you’re not allowed to use that code.”
“It was an emergency, Judge Flamm.”
“I don’t see anything urgent.”
“Ha!” You stood up, spilling the tea and ignoring Flamm’s intense gaze fixed on you. “First transferring me and Grim to an otome game, then letting my last love interest die! Nothing urgent, really?”
You grabbed him by the collar, pulling him towards you, meeting the inexplicable emotion in his eyes, and grinned.
“You… Judge Flamm, before I actually blew the hell out of here, bring him back to life!!”
“Yuu, you’re saying nonsensical things.”
“Hell with you then…” 
“You know there’s always a price to pay for all of your desires.”
“Want to see a hellfire so much?” You smirked. “I’ll show you that. You… Did I ever ask for life like that?! Wandering around like a ghost!”
“But you didn’t die. You did it only once, and now…”
“BECAUSE I—” He closed his eyes. “Forget it. I can’t let you work in this state. This world is broken anyway.”
“Ha, so you first bring me there against my will, not introducing me to the details, then I start developing emotions and feelings I never knew I needed, and now? Now you’re telling me I can’t keep working like that? Don’t try to fool me, Judge Flamm! Just name your price.”
“That merman surely taught you— Ha-ha. Great then. Hear the price.”
He grabbed your chin, drawing your face closer to his, and smirked.
“Your own life. And not just one, but all the lives you have. All the countless lives for all of the stories you needed to fix, and you;ll be stuck in that Twisted Wonderland world forever!!”
You narrowed your eyes and burst into laughter.
“Great! Take it all. I don’t care.”
“Take it,” you repeated. “Take it, Judge… No. Take it, Rollo.”
He hissed, escaping from your grasp and approaching the fireplace, pulling out a blue flower burning in the fire.
“You’ll regret your decision.”
“Oh believe me I won’t,” you said. “I will enjoy my one and only life I will have from now on. Finally.”
Rollo, casting a heavy and ambiguous look at you, breathed life into a flower burning with a blue flame, and put it in your hand, looking away and biting his lip. A spectacle that you never expected to see even in your wildest dreams unfolded in front of you, and Flamm, forcing out a weak awkward smile, pushed you into the digital abyss, whispering something in parting, but you could not make out what exactly.
“See you later, Yuu.”
He said, clutching a burning scarlet flower in his hand and falling after you.
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You slowly opened your eyes, coughing up gunpowder from your throat, and looked at the two silhouettes looming over you with a hazy look. But you didn’t have time to orient yourself and come to your senses, when suddenly they swooped down on you with hugs and squeezed them tightly.
“You insane punk!!” Grim cried. “I’ll never ask for extra tuna cans if you’re going to throw yourself into the abyss once more! You stupid little—”
“G-grim-shi, let Yuu-shi rest a little and—”
“Idia… You’re alive…”
“T-thanks to you and—”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you leaned towards Idia and clung to him in a soft kiss, ignoring Grim's dissatisfied sighs from the side and the uncertain sounds that Idia made. Laughing through kiss, you clung to Idia even stronger, and he, not sharing your fun, grew bolder, picking up your lips.
“Y-Yuu-shi,” he whispered when parted. “What did you do?..”
“Uhm,” you giggled nervously. “Exchanged my countless lives on your but only one?”
“Ah, Grim!!” You lamented. “I forgot to ask for your opinion… But I kinda think… Judge Flamm let us live only this one remaining life…”
“Do I look like I care?!” He punched you slightly. “I’m more impressed that you’ve managed to convince HIM out of all bosses! He’s an insane one!”
“Why do I think there's so much to be told?” Idia mumbled.
“Don’t worry,” you smiled. “Let’s get back to NRC and I’ll explain everything to you and then to others. They certainly deserve an explanation…”
“But explain everything to me first in all details,” he said, standing up and helping you out. “I’m your t-true route, after all.”
You smiled at him, taking his hand in yours and letting Grim rest on your shoulders.
“You are!”
A sudden piercing feeling pricked your chest, as if crimson fire spreading within, but it soon disappeared, erasing all your worries. 
Maybe you were an otome expert all this time, after all?
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— tag-list : @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @red-viewe @68thsposts @cerisescherries
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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kunikame · 8 months
[05] - perhaps he's into you ! | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, miss-spellings in the tweets & texts, slight lilia lore spoilers, common jamil and azul behavior ("kys" used 2 times) ! w/c : 1k
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when lilia vanrouge says he's coming over, he usually appears approximately 20 seconds after he warned you of his upcoming arrival, dressed in his dorm uniform.
tonight, however, your favorite fae-stie barely gives you a second to prepare before he appears in your room in a puff of green mist and his pink silky pajama set (yes, the one much like shaggy wore in the loch ness monster scooby-doo movie, just in pink). 
"what's up what's up what's uuup~!" he sing-songs, dropping down gracefully on the edge of your bed.
"hi, lils. cater?"
"on his way, do not fret. i brought some diasomnia snacks! and–"
"did you make them."
"no, he did not," said a monotone voice from somewhere. upon realizing it was not lilia who spoke, you turn toward the source, only to see malleus draconia (alias hornton) in the flesh, causing you to very nearly die of a heart attack.
okay, you might be over exaggerating. a little.
"--and malleus, i hope you don't mind. he wanted to join 'girls' night," the musician grins.
“nah, he’s welcome to join any time, i’m just not quite sure he’ll find it entertaining,” you say as you turn to look at the raven haired fae, “make yourself at home, hornton. i’ll go get the drinks and wait for cay.”
you spot grim playing with the resident ghosts in the living room area on your way to the (severely run down) kitchen. before you can even fully step into the room, you hear a few light knocks on the door and take a sharp turn towards the entrance instead. what greets you there is a heavily shaking individual known as cater diamond dressed in only his pajamas, carrying some baked goods (courtesy to trey) and his phone.
“w-what’s up what-’s up what’s u-u-uup?!”
a beat of silence passes and you momentarily consider just shutting the door in his face because how and why the fuck are riddle rosehearts and deuce spade also here. you can handle malleus, he’s much like a pet rock, but riddle in the same room with lilia and cater? you think your hair might start graying a bit early.
“riddle and deuce! what are you guys doing here?” you step aside to let them in with a strained smile only to glare daggers at your good friend behind their backs.
“cater insisted i come along and ‘hang out’ with ‘the girls’ for a bit. he said i need to mingle with people my age more to be able to keep up with the trends, or something along those lines, i believe. i don’t see a purpose behind me being here however, so i can take my leave if you’d rather keep it to a close circle discussion– i can’t leave trey to watch over the entire dorm either, i am housewarden, after all.”
“i got pulled along against my will.”
the drastic difference in their response, reasoning and length struck you like lightning for a mere second, “oh– uh, no, don’t worry, you’re all good, riddle. you can stay if you wish to! i won’t keep you against your will though. same goes for you, deuce. you just have to promise whatever you hear tonight stays between us.”
“not to worry, the queen of hearts rule number 14 states that secrets must stay between included parties. may the queen strike me down herself lest i break a rule.”
“anywayy~ after all this chitter chatter cay-cays’s gotten hungryyy and treys’ home-baked tarts are directly under my nose! it would be a crime to not eat them! shoo-shoo, up we go!"
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a couple hours have passed since the guys arrival, and everything's been going well so far. it was quite a shock for the heartslabyul trio to find the malleus draconia here at first as well, but they’ve slowly warmed up to him and began to consider him as ‘one of the girls’. the conversation’s been flowing well and the night was filled with shared laughs and stories.
you were just finishing up recounting the recent happenings with ace to fill everyone in on the details when malleus spoke.
“i believe he might just be.. ‘into you’, was it?” he turned to lilia for confirmation, who nodded abruptly. “that’s what i’m saying! the little bat just won’t believe me,” he said, leaning onto cater (who nods along in agreement while patting his bandmate) dramatically, as if you not believing his nonsense caused him a fatal wound. so much for being a war general, this guy is a drama general at best.
“lils, he hates me.”
“enemies to lovers, i say! enemi–”
“on the contrary, i think he quite likes you, actually,” the redheaded housewarden speaks up from the corner he’s sat in, “you’re almost all he talks about recently.”
“oh, you’re right! i asked him about our alchemy homework last week and he found some way to bring you up, even in that conversation. ‘i wonder if [name]’s done it yet? should we ask? i hope she’s not struggling with her studies. perhaps we could help her out’ like, shut up,” said deuce, popping some candy in his mouth with a clearly annoyed look in his eyes. if you didn’t know him any better, you’d think he was jealous of his friend.
that forced you to stop and think for a moment. if it were anyone else (a picture of lilia and cater appears in your minds eye and you have to fight back a smile) saying it, you probably wouldn’t have paid it much mind, but if it’s the people closest to him, then perhaps there’s some truth behind the seemingly empty words?
“i have an idea, if i may,” all eyes turn to malleus (who.. you forgot was even here, with how quiet he was the entire time), eyebrows raised in question, “if you’re so unsure of his intentions and feelings, why not test them?”
the 2 light music club members eyes lit up at that and you felt an impending sense of doom.
and that’s how you found yourself dancing with deuce, then malleus, then riddle, then... all of them, for some reason? it was awkward initially, but the longer it went on the more fun it was, and perhaps you could say this was one of your best nights spent in twisted wonderland.
being erased from your own world be damned.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone.
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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villaim · 2 years
pov: your phone dies on a call
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+ || what happens when you suddenly hang up on them?
genre — crack, fluff
notes — g/n reader, can be interpreted as platonic/romantic, reader is close with said character, wrote most of this at 2 am
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goes into panic mode —
HELLO?? WHY DID YOU HANG UP?? ARE YOU MAD AT ME?!: your phone died while on a call and you receive 52 text messages and 26 missed calls from them in the span of 3 minutes. the call back immediately started with them saying something along the lines of “did i do something wrong?”, “are you mad at me?” or “IM SO SORRY!”.
+ KALIM, azul, sebek (1) (isn’t asking if he did something wrong, is shouting at you in anger), cater (doesn’t think he did something wrong, just wanted to talk to you)
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calls you one time, gives up, waits for you to call back —
responds back angrilly. “WHY DID YOU HANG UP.” they nag about it for a good 30 seconds before continuing as if nothing happened.
+ vil (1), riddle
asks why you hung up and then continues the conversation. they are normal! *applause*
+ trey, deuce, silver, malleus (was secretly hurt when you hung up), jack, jamil, jade
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is too scared to call back —
congratulations! the person you decided to call is too much of a coward to call you back. in reality they are scared that you think of them as annoying or irritable. just call them back and say your phone died before they pass out.
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marches over to your dorm —
you hung up ON THEM?? they knock on the door and won’t stop knocking until you open up. they throw a temper tantrum about how you should learn to charge your phone and that it’s improper to hang up so suddenly. personally me, i can’t believe they act like this in high school.
+ sebek (2) (offensive), vil (2) (affectionate)
you thought you could get rid of them? they are actually 20 seconds away from your room, unlock the door.
+ ROOK, lilia, ace (he asked if you wanted to hang out right before you ended the call)
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does not respond to your callback —
you hung up on them? they hang up on you. they will either not respond or answer the phone, then immediately hang up out of spite. you eventually end up on a 2 hour call 5 minutes later.
+ LEONA, ruggie, epel, floyd (you put him in a mood)
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snakegorl212006 · 11 months
The “little things” they do  (Pomefiore)
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--------------Epel--------------------------------------------- “Uug i can’t stand him” epel groans as he aggressively carves another apple “always nagging like he’s my mom or something.” he huffs as he finishes the final details “why do you stay with a man like that” epel mumbles. He and vil got into a heated argument again. Only god knows what they’re on about this time but it was way too early for any of that. “Well..maybe he’s just looking after us” i stated “sure sure, ‘taking care of us’. Do you truly believe that” he asked “well he has made sure i’ve eaten and have a healthy-ish sleep schedule” i replied “i wouldn't blame you for you thinking such things though” i mumbled as i leaned back on the apple tree. “Why do you always defend him… have you forgotten what has happened here” epel asked. His expression saddened “I’m not defending him entirely-. How about this? How about i ask him to lay off” i suggested “by yourself” epel asked “no it’s fine. You shouldn't” epel said as he picks up another apple “why. Don’t you want him to get off your back” I asked “yes but i don’t want you to go by yourself with him” epel replied “why not. Vil hasen’t-” “i don’t want you to die again ok gosh” he huffs angrily “epel.. Did you have a nightmare or something” i asked with a slight sigh “you don’t….I guess you can say it’s a nightmare” epel mumbled “do you want to tell me about it” i asked “.....you were hurt really bad.blood was everywhere and-” epel paused “I don’t want to talk about it anymore” he said. “Just don’t trust vil with anything. Don’t even dare.not even rook alright. Trust me. It’s for the best” epel said as he looked at me dead in my eyes “ok.. I won’t…. How about we made some dessert over with trey. I think he can make some apple pie.” i offered, which made him smile “gosh you’r the best. Always know how to make lil ole me happy” epel said as he grabs my hand “lets go then” epel adds as he drags me up and away to heartslabyul. Must be one nasty nightmare for him to act like that.
----------Rook--------------------------------------------------- “Bonsoir, mon cher” a voice spoke behind me, shocking me out of my skin “oop. Sorry i never meant to scare you” rook said “it’s fine just don’t do that again. Anyways what brings you here” i asked “I enjoy visiting the gardens in,the now, Savanaclaw wing. It brings me much nostalgic memories” he smiles “say may I be of aid. I also do enjoy a little garden work” Rook asked “well leona isn't going to do it so might as well. “Parfait! Je vous remercie, mon cher” he replied, kissing my hand before warding off somewhere else. I can never get used to his eccentricness. While planting some new plants that came in i came across something hard.I digged deeper to see something white…my stomach turns praying to anyone that this isen’t what i think it is “i suppose i made that one too shallow” Rook spoke which made me jump, tripping on the water hose making me fall. Rook grabbed that white thing and to my horror. It was a human femur “you know this place was the original garden Vil and i use to bury our victims to sustain the plants. We kinda stolen this from Roi de Fort and his crime schemes” rook said as he examines the bone “Don’t worry. You weren’t buried here. But if you desire it mon cher-” Rook stated as he look down at me “nonononononono. I'm fine. Just put that back i i need to go-” i replied then he laughs “you have that same reaction too~ ma parole, is this what you call daja vu. Not to worry. I’ll finish this from here” Rook reasured as he picks up the shovel and buries back the bone. I left for him to continue hiding that….”how many bodies are even on this property”
------------Vil------------------------------------------ “Vil, are you here” I asked as I entered the wing. Apparently he hasn't been himself lately even got epel concerned. Rook asked me to go have a chat with him. Make him feel better I suppose. “vil.Are you alright” I asked, waiting for some signs. When there was no answer I pulled out the necklace from my shirt and followed the vibrations. This leads me to his room. I knocked “vil. Is something wrong” i asked. The door opened to see vil looking less than himself. His hair all shriveled, eyeliner running down from his eyes overall he looks pitiful. “Is there anything i could do” i asked and he sighed “just….sit down” he said sounding more irritated. Did epel and him get into another argument? I entered his room to see a mess. But I ignored it and sat on the bed. Vil walks to the vanity and starts his nightly routine in silence. “You know. You look like someone i knew” Vil said as he brushed out his hair “you know i feel like this’ll be a common occurrence” i replied which made him smile a little “what were they like” i asked “Schön…” he smiled as he finished up. “What happened to them” I asked “oh, it was an accident…” he replied rather quickly “that’s all you need to know.” he said as he turns off the lights “if you wouldn't mind. Can you stay here tonight? I’ve been having trouble sleeping as of late. Perhaps you can keep me company.afterall you did come here to make me feel better” he asked. I thought about it and nod “nothing funny ok” I replied. He grabs my hand and lays down next to me. I took off my shoes and slept next to him.  I was awakened by a shift on the bed. I couldn't open my eyes or even move but all i heard was soft sobs as tears on my chest “i'm sorry... I’m so sorry…” I heard vil say “this won’t happen. Not again” he adds as he holds me tight “I promise.I will obtain that happily ever after you so desire. Things will return to normal….I promise” Vil mumbles more as I feel his grip tighten “I’m not letting you relive that nightmare...Not again…”
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cloudcountry · 1 year
if you play your cards right
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones.
Summary: You were tasked with baking cookies for the Unbirthday party, alone. You did not end up alone. With you and Trey in the kitchen, you'd expect things to go off without a hitch, except he keeps teasing you in ways that kinda make you want to disappear.
Author's Comments: I really laid it on thick with the whole "reader is down bad" narrative so if it seems a bit excessive that's why oopsie. I hope you all enjoy it though!!
You’d been tasked with something extremely important.
The Housewarden and Vice Housewarden were both counting on you. If you messed this up, the Unbirthday Party would be in disarray. It was up to you to complete this task and make the chocolate chip cookies Riddle requested. Why he didn’t want tarts this time was beyond you, maybe it was to provide variety or a request made out of pure curiosity. Whatever the case, the entire Heartslabyul dorm was relying on you…
Or at least, that's what you thought would be happening. Turns out, Trey had finished up his duties early just to oversee your baking.
Maybe if you didn’t have a raging crush on him, that wouldn’t have been such a problem.
You eyed the vanilla extract carefully, slowly dipping it towards the measuring tool. You were trying your best to ignore the eyes that burned into your back, watching your every move. Trey was more calculated than anyone gave him credit for—you just wished he wouldn’t stare at you intently.
So lost in your thoughts, you almost screamed when Trey rested his hand on your shoulder.
“I can help you with that.” he said softly, eyes warm when they locked with yours, “My siblings have trouble pouring out the vanilla extract all the time.”
“I’ve got it thanks!” you shrieked, whipping your head back towards the task at hand.
Trey snickered upon seeing you in such a panicked state—which you didn’t think was very funny—and plucked the extract from your hands.
‘Hey!” you whined, reaching for the ingredient that was rightfully yours.
“Let me do it.” he shushed you, effortlessly pouring the extract into the measuring tool and tossing it into the mixing bowl.
“Show off.” you huffed, face growing warm as he smirked at you.
“Come here.” he beckoned you closer, offering you his hand.
You swallowed thickly, letting him pull you into him.
“We just need to mix it now.” he hummed, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over your hand in a process, “Come on, the honor is yours.”
You avoided his gaze, slowly removing your hand from his. You started the mixer as quickly as possible, trying your best to ignore his watchful gaze.
“You’ve got the talent to work alongside me someday.” he hummed, patting your head gently, “You should come to my bakery sometime. I’d love to have you.”
Going to the bakery? Visiting him while he baked? Meeting his siblings? Meeting his parents?
That was a bit too soon for your tastes. You’d explode.
But could you really pass up on that opportunity?
“I’d love-! I mean- I’ll think about it.” you replied, finally meeting his eyes, “Anyways, why does Riddle want cookies for this party? And why did you think I needed help? I can do things on my own-!”
“Woah, one at a time, dear.” he teased, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “Since we usually have tarts and Riddle’s trying to break away from the whole Overblot incident, my guess is he’s trying something new. Something simple, to see how it goes over with the dorm. And I just like spending time with you. Is that so hard to believe?”
Trey turned away before you could reply, turning off the mixer. He began to scrape the cookie dough off of the paddle mixer attachment with a rubber spatula. You watched his arms work at the dough and ripped your eyes away when he looked back at you.
“I won’t let you eat any of the cookie dough, but I’ll let you get the first cookie once they’re cool.” he chuckled, removing the mixing bowl.
A mental image of Trey feeding you cookie dough popped into your mind, and you had to shake it away.
“I can’t wait…since you’re helping me, I’m sure they’ll be delicious!” you smiled awkwardly, turning on your heel to grab the baking trays.
You heard Trey snicker behind you, a soft sound that made your heart patter. Why couldn’t you just act normal around him? You made quick work of grabbing the trays you needed, then the parchment paper. You set them down on the counter, and Trey quickly prepared them for the dough. His movements were so refined, there was no way he hadn’t done this a thousand times.
“You flatter me.” he finally replied, grabbing the cookie scoop from a drawer you didn’t even notice and reaching for your hand once again.
You gave it to him, except this time, he pulled you into his chest.
What the-?!
“Hold this.” he pressed the cookie scoop to your palm, and you wrapped your fingers around it.
He placed his hand over yours and began to scoop out bits of cookie dough from the bowl, releasing them onto the baking sheet. You swallowed thickly as Trey began to hum, resting his chin on you as yet another scoop of cookie dough found its way on the sheet. Your embarrassment faded to a sense of serenity, mostly because of the gentle tune that made all the stress in your body melt away. Before you could regain your focus, an entire tray was filled with cookie dough.
“What song is that? I haven’t heard it before.” you looked at Trey inquisitively.
“It’s an old lullaby my mother sang to me when I was a kid. It was odd, seeing her go from being adamant about the way I brushed my teeth to singing a lullaby as I drifted off. I’ve sung to my siblings a few times when she’s busy tidying up the bakery.”
“That’s so sweet.” you murmured, your thoughts drifting off again, “You’d make a good father, Trey.”
He blinked, and you nearly had a heart attack when he rested his chin on you once again.
“You think so?” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist, “That’s very sweet of you to say.”
“I didn’t mean to let that slip! That was really weird, I’m sorry-” you were stopped by another laugh, this time louder.
“You’re so cute- It’s okay, I’m flattered.” he beamed, patting you on the head before turning his attention back to the cookie, “If you play your cards right, you might have an opinion of what I’d be like as a husband, too.”
You couldn’t stop the strangled noise that escaped your throat as your face burned once again, the fire in your cheeks growing more intense when he started laughing.
Trey Clover was going to kill you before you ever found that out, but maybe you’d get used to it if you stuck around.
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