#would die kill or stay my hand for her. rin. if you’re out there
caninekakashi · 2 years
kakashi has Bad Dog Disorder and a dissociation problem, and here is why
first, we need to establish what makes a ‘bad dog’ bad. and the answer to that, in a cruel home, is everything
what is a bad dog?
a bad dog is a dog that barks too loud, that whines too much, that wants too loudly, that needs too humanly. a bad dog is a dog that is seen, or a dog that is heard, or a dog that isn’t seen, or isn’t heard.
a bad dog is a dog that can never win, because no matter what they do, no matter how they behave, they are always bad. once you’re awarded that title, there is no giving it away.
which brings us to “friend killer” kakashi.
bad dog disorder
there is literally no other way to describe what kakashi has going on mentally than just calling him a bad dog. every action, every reaction, it all comes from a place of wanting to be Good. he wants to be good DESPERATELY, he wants to be good for his father, he wants to be good for his sensei, he wants to be a good leader, a good teammate, he wants to be a good shinobi, he wants to be good. but at every step of the way, every turn, every leg of the journey of his youth, he is shown repeatedly, and unequivocally, that he is Bad.
he tries to follow the rules, tries to do the opposite of what killed his dad. obito tells him that hes wrong, kakashi learns that he’s bad when he fails. if he was good, he would have succeeded.
(he and his father are bad, theres no way around it. the village hated them for good reason)
he tries to take care of his team, tries to protect rin. Rin takes away Kakashi’s choice and uses him as a weapon.
that is a very important shift in kakashi’s mental state, rin jumps in front of kakashi’s hand. rin uses kakashi as the weapon to end her own life. she USES HIM as a WEAPON, for the very first time, and she loves him for it.
kakashi is used as a weapon, and he is loved for it. there is no coming back from that.
everyone kakashi has lost in his young life, has died for or because of him.
(he is bad because he failed, because he killed the one person he was supposed to protect, he can’t be good no matter how hard he tries, so why try?)
(but kakashi still tries.)
minato puts kakashi in anbu to keep him close, to get him to guard kushina, to TRY and give him a break, a moment, and then he dies, and no one ever pulls kakashi out.
it is my personal belief, that kakashi is a pacifist. i don’t think he likes fighting, i think fighting alongside allies terrifies him, just look at his reaction to gai opening the 8 gates. that is not the expression of a jonin shinobi prepared to do what it takes, that is the face of a terrified man about to lose another person for and because of him.
hound never looks like this.
kakashi in anbu is noticeable becuase he does not emote, not even when the mask is off, at most he will glare, very frequently he is completely blank.
kakashi removes himself from situations that scare him, as noted by his refusal to get close to people and his desire to flee. he dips out the second the option becomes available, because he is scared.
being in anbu? doing horrific missions now because minato isnt there to keep him close, to keep him from seeing the great depths of depravity humanity is capable of? kakashi is a child, and he is a weapon, and anbu will use him like one.
if he stayed present, if he was there for every mission, every massacre. if he was in the moment, in every second spent with his hand through another person’s chest, he would die. kakashi would die. gai was right, that’s NOT who kakashi is.
but someone has to be.
which brings us to:
kakashi’s shitty brain
this man has mental disorders previously only contractible by shrimp.
he is contrasted to obito frequently, which is correct, theyre good narrative pieces, but they are polar opposites.
obito feels deeply and obsessively, the emotion he feels in the moment is the strongest he’s ever felt in his life, there is no memory of any other feeling while he’s feeling it.
and kakashi can’t convince himself to feel anything, not really.
obito is angry, a righteous furious kind of rage that demands payment for the suffering that led to it. but kakashi doesn’t have that rage, he can’t. there are times when he has anger, sometimes even intensely, but he can’t keep it. kakashi doesn’t have the fuel required to keep any strong emotion alive long enough for him to feel it.
obito and kakashi both have a very small, scared child in them.
they always come back to that moment, that mission, back to when they were a team.
there is a terrified child in them both, and then there is something else, some kind of hurting thing, something that keeps them safe.
kakashi lives as the child, and obito lives as the other one.
if obito and kakashi were stuck in a hole, you could throw them both a rope. obito would climb out, indignant and angry at the circumstances that put him in that hole, and kakashi would hang himself.
to their core, they are different. because obito wants to be a savior, and kakashi wants to be saved.
but with his team gone, with his father dead, his sensei dead, with his friends kept at an arms length to keep them safe, there is no one to keep him safe.
there is no one to save him.
so kakashi has to save himself
hound is a mask, one would argue that it is The Mask. the mask to hide all things, the mask that is worn whenever something kakashi can’t handle approaches him. whenever kakashi is afraid, whenever he is that small child, there is hound.
hound came to him when kakashi was young. hound was bloody to kakashi’s broken, and kakashi needed him to survive.
hound settles over kakashi like a second skin, awkward and ill fitting, hound was made of kakashi, but kakashi was not hound.
hound is the knife, kakashi is somehow, still, not the wielder.
hound moves when prompted, kills when asked, attacks when threatened, and anbu uses him like the weapon kakashi couldnt survive being.
kakashi has a Very complicated relationship with hound, because even out of anbu, hound doesn’t leave. hound has been there for over half kakashi’s life, he is a prominent part of his existence now.
kakashi knows that it was his body, his hands in another’s chest, his feet used to kick, to break, but it is hound that was standing in front of him, hound that was pulling the strings. 
hound has ALWAYS hurt kakashi, because that is what hound is, a weapon against that which kakashi cannot stand, what kakashi fears, hates. hound has always bit kakashi first, the target second. kakashi is used to it.
kakashi hides behind hound, needs hound to survive, because hound pulls the wool over his eyes, hound numbs the pain, hound lessens the blow, because. its a lot easier to justify your actions when you take away your control of the events. 
is a bad dog bad?
in any situation, kakashi can be himself, or he can be the dog, but he can't be both. so he has to choose who is what when he walks into any interaction, when he has to make any decision. 
is he kakashi, or is he the dog? does the dog take priority or does kakashi? and when the dog takes priority, it gets easier and easier to let it take charge. 
is a bad dog bad? no it does what its supposed to do. but what about you?
kakashi can’t afford to be ‘him’ in anbu, he has to be the dog, he has to be hound, he has to survive. his morals contradict with his mission and what he needs to do, his wants oppose what is demanded of him. hound is a shield to handle everything kakashi can’t handle.
when it comes to anbu, the choices he has to make, there is no clear ‘correct’ choice. and kakashi can’t make that connection because kakashi does not exist in a grey area. kakashi is either good, or he is bad, he can’t be both.
to a mentally stable person, it’s clear that these situations are not black and white, there is an overlap, a grey area, color. but dogs are colorblind.
so where does that leave kakashi
kakashi’s life is defined by an overwhelming lack of choice. lack of control.
he couldn’t control his village’s reaction to his father. couldn’t control his father’s suicide.
couldn’t control the cave in, had no choice about taking the eye.
he couldn’t control rin, had no choice about being used kill her
couldn’t even choose to help minato and kushina during the kyuubi attack.
couldn’t control, had no choice, had no way out, could only ever be dragged further in.
at the very least, he can choose to have hound, he can control that. chose when to wear that mask, but the funniest part about it, is that he can’t.
he’s removed from anbu against his will, stripped from his addiction with no transitional period, and then forced back into civilian life with a “thanks for your service” and no therapy or any reason to keep going.
and hound doesn’t leave.
hound is still full of teeth, sharp with his claws, he is still howling and haunted, hound still craves violence, still bites, snaps at whatever is closest.
when he was in anbu and JUST anbu, and all his allies were nameless, replaceable faces -- (they were never replaceable to kakashi, but hound doesnt care) -- hound could snap and bite, hound could do what it was created for, hound could gnaw on kakashi’s limbs, could rip into his enemies, could handle all the bloodshed that always led kakashi into a panic attack.
WITHOUT anbu, all kakashi has are s rank missions, and his friends who are trying to save him, and it’s not the same. kakashi has no choice but to continue courting what he has known his entire life, violence, and whatever hurts him the most. hound never goes away.
kakashi lives his life off of table scraps, never taking more than he is given, never asking for more. he does not deserve more, somewhere along the way kakashi confused ‘living’ with surviving, and hound
hound never goes away.
psa guys i promise i know thats not how dog colorblindness works it was just a metaphor <3
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akilice · 1 year
The fire that burned through the forest had finally eased, and from it, came out Shirou crawling. His skin was burnt to the point where his bones were starting to show. The smell of burnt flesh would make anyone puke. “Man… You’re such a monster…” His skin started to slowly regenerate, and wires appeared around him, fixing up his torn up clothes. “You could’ve killed me with that.” Rin stepped on his still burnt hand, making him groan in pain. She used her staff to lift his chin. “I’ve burnt you about five times now. Would you kindly just die?” Rin gritted her teeth. She was getting tired of this Einzbern. Weren’t Einzberns supposed to be fragile breakable dolls? “I can’t do that. I gotta distract you until Illya gets what she wants.” Shirou laughed, he twirled his bony, revealing the web of wires that he created to trap her. “It’s been fun, but don’t you think it’s time for you to go bye bye?” The wires were sharp enough to cut anyone into small pieces, so he closed her fist, hoping to close them in on her, and turn her into tiny chunks of meat. But the Matou girl was unfazed. She didn’t even need to turn. His wires caught on fire. Blue flames burnt into all of them before they could touch her. “I see.” Rin pulled away, and held the staff close to her chest. “If you’re going to regenerate so fast, I just need to burn you faster.” “Can’t you just leave me alone? Why don’t you go help your friend?” Shirou used his wires to pull himself away from her since his body couldn’t heal yet. “I take it back, I don’t feel like distracting you anymore.” “She can handle herself.” “Against Illya? Heh, no matter how good of a mage she may be, she doesn’t stand a chance.” “She’s good at running.” . . . “I can’t believe you!” Sakura yelled. “When you said you had a secret technique for dealing with masters, I didn’t think it was this!” “Running IS a technique! Or would you rather stay and face that monster?!” “If your saber hadn't injured my Rider, we would have beaten Berserker by now!” Hakuno and Sakura continued to run away from the wreckage that Berserker and Saber were causing.
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ziracona · 3 years
GOD I love UBW. Like, that show came for me personally and hit me so deep. I can’t say enough. The ending???? The hopelessness but determination the whole time and the core ethics questions and personal journey for Shirou?? God the chant for Unlimited Blade Works itself??? Fuckin my girl Rin out here spitting straight truth the whole time “It’s too cruel” it is!!! “Just because you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right”??? SHIT it sure doesn’t!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE TO Last Stardust???? “Hey. That’s hell thay you’re walking into?” (°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥д°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) “That is indeed stupid. But I cannot laugh at it.” SHIT. What a mood. “When I look at it and see myself destined to walk on the same path my heart trembles” BOI. Archer winning but choosing to lose because he’s really still the same person deep down too??? “But then no matter how much time passes, you’ll never be saved!” Girl I weep. Anyway Unlimited Blade Works is a work of art and it ripped out my whole soul but in a way I can live with.
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kikyan · 3 years
Yandere Kakashi Hatake Headcanons
These are my interpretations of his persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional.
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Second Naruto ask, hell yeah. Kakashi was a character who a lot of people would simp over, except me because I decided that the redhead with parental issues and a long brown-haired man who ranted about fate and destiny was it. However, I see the appeal ngl so here we go with some basic headcanons on what Yandere I see him as. Overprotective, obsessive, manipulative, and possessive. 
A little bit of background so spoilers you can say. His dad abandoned the mission to save his comrades in the third ninja war (I think?) and it resulted in him being shunned and his honor was sullied. His father killed himself and it leads Kakashi to believe that the mission is a number one priority in the world. Well, Obito shows up and fucks all that up when Rin gets kidnapped and he wants to save her. He understands the true meaning of a comrade and suddenly, his friend died like -_-. 
Then he is forced to kill his best friend, the girl that his best friend loved, and his friend? Man can’t catch a break. Then his sensei dies as well? When he encounters Sasuke, it hurts a lot when he was threatened by Sasuke and he comments, “How about I kill anyone you’ve ever cared about.” Kakashi responding with “That’s impossible, they’re already dead.” Like that shit HURT. IT HURT A LOT MAN. This is why in the event that he ever does fancy anyone he would always look after them. 
Overprotective. This man lost all the people in his life that he has ever cared about, team 7 being his new admiration because they grew up with him and he was the parent that they didn’t have. If he ever had an S/O he would honestly love and cherish them to bits. They aren’t in a time of war anymore but anyone can die in a mission. Doesn’t matter if his S/O is a shinobi or a civilian, they are guaranteed protection 24/7 by yours truly. It could be keeping people off their back, dealing with anyone who has wronged them, small conversation to get any details, etc. 
Obsessive. He isn’t the extreme one in a sense where they need to know everything, but rather observant. He is quite observant in the sense that he stalks them on the lowkey. When his S/O is near, has his ‘book’ in his hand and pretends to read or is simply ‘on a walk’. It’s normal and no one would think twice,  but in reality he is doing it to see their life and make sure nothing happens. It’s the little things that really make it up, he would be in their home and looking around. The milk brand they own, the amount of the food in their fridge, etc. He totally seems the type to go into their home and bring groceries or clean up when they aren’t home. 
Possessive. He would be quite possessive. If he is close to them, he would joke with any other potential suitors with venom laced in his words when they approach them. If he wasn’t, he would indirectly find out and deal with them. Might Guy happen to want to take you out to eat? No the fuck he ain’t. Suddenly, Kakashi is proposing a new challenge to win. You’re paired up with some other shinobi for a mission, and suddenly Kakashi convinces Tsunade to put him in the team. He wants to be around his S/O all the time and he is one of the few members in the show who don’t show it as much. 
Manipulative. He would never guilt trip you because that’s beneath him, but like he would be the type to say dumb shit in a logical manner that makes you seem smarter. It’s Kakashi so saying something random for a joke wouldn’t be off putting or strange, it’s common. Common as when he says things that he has no proof to back it up but are 100% true. He would say things to his S/O, never revealing what happened but hinting at it. Would mention things that you can imply come from personal experience but you’ll never know unless you were a member of their team back then or close to him. I see him making his S/O think twice, that gut feeling they don’t know if they should trust it or not anymore so they go ask him, who directs the show behind his curtain. 
He is a dangerous yandere in terms of mental manipulation. He would never hurt his S/O willingly, placing them under a small genjutsu to calm down or pass out so that he can take them someplace safe. He always has their feelings and safety in mind, he doesn’t want a repeat of what has already happened to transpire again. He just can’t. He would take care of his S/O to such extremes, cleaning their home, buying food, etc. Some part of me headcanons that he wants to stay in his S/O’s life but also out of it. He wants to be with them, but he is afraid of getting too attached and them being ripped away from him. Once he conquers that fear, he would be a laid back man who wants a casual relationship while trying to keep the stalking, murders, intimidations, and any other non-causal relationship thing under the wraps.
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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8. Kakashi Hatake - I’ve Fallen For You Like The Moon Fell
*Warning - this doesn’t accurately depict the original movie - it’s an added on version.*
*Kakashi Hatake’s p.o.v*
   Time was ticking, and fast. I was starting to worry that Naruto and the others wouldn’t be able to stop everything before the Raikage blew up the moon with them on it. While my mind wandered, I heard one of my informers running over to me yelling about another large meteorite heading straight for us. Sasuke, who had stayed behind to help defend the Hidden Leaf, prepared his Chidori while I instructed the others.
  “Everyone,” I bellowed, “once more, crang wing formation!”
 “Right!” Hollered a group of ninja, one of them being Lee.
Green aura wrapped around the group and they bolted for the incoming meteor. If they could cut this one in half like they did the other, Sasuke would have a better chance of taking it down again. However, while they destroyed half of it, I, along with others, noticed a full meteor shower heading for Earth fast. My dark brown eyes widened and Sasuke quickly destroyed the rest of the rock coming for us, making the view better.
  “What do we do now?” Asked Guy, his eyes hard.
 “I don’t know,” I muttered.
  In that split second, Akiko jumped down in front of us. An eruption of gasp left everyone’s mouths as Sasuke and I stared in disbelief. She was supposed to be on the moon with Naruto. Her pearl white orbs looked at us; she was covered in dirt and blood from her battle up there.
  “Buy me some time,” she ordered, “now!”
 Sasuke nodded his head, running to charge at any meteor that was possibly too close, which wasn’t that many. Akiko moved quickly.
  “Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!”
  Three white haired girls appeared beside the original Akiko. She looked at them.
  “Head to the four corners of the Earth, and move fast!”
 Without a single word, the three shadow clones of Akiko disappeared, going to where they were told to be. Akiko took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her limps tightened as she waited for what seemed like an eternity. With every passing second, the meteors were getting closer and closer. One of the ninjas looked over at Akiko.
  “Are you going to help!?” He cried out, “or stand there!?”
 “Enough,” I said, “I trust her.”
And as soon as I said those words, Akiko’s eyelids snapped open, revealing her no longer white eyes. They were now colored completely with black, her hands darting as she made hand symbols, her voice carrying as if she was talking into a microphone.
  “Ninja Arts: Four Corner Seal: Ultimate Barrier Jutsu!”
  Light blue chakra pulled itself from Akiko’s body and towards the sky. We all watched as her chakra wrapped itself around the entire Earth in a circular motion, hardening as soon as they connected at the top. Sasuke landed next to me and the meteors started hitting the barrier that now protected our homes. It was a risky move; of course, Akiko had a great amount of chakra in her body thanks to the HellHound harbored inside of her, but even something like this was draining and could kill her if she wasn’t too careful with it.
   Akiko fell to her knees and cried out as blood started seeping through her mouth. It was becoming too much for her. Her breathing was labored and sweat was starting to bead on her forehead, she was trembling, yet didn’t remove the barrier. Sasuke ran to her and kneeled down.
  “Akiko, stop!” He snapped, “you’re going to kill yourself!”
  “I don’t care!” She yelled back, “I won’t allow my friends to die, not anymore! I won’t release this barrier, not until Naruto and the others come back!”
   Blood started pouring from her eyelids, a warning that even Mazuko, the HellHound, was running low on chakra. Akiko gulped. All any of us could do was sit there and watch her, watch her suffer, watch her protect us. It broke my heart as I watched the woman I loved sacrifice herself and I couldn’t do anything. Once again, just like with Obito, or Rin. Tears welled up in my eyes.
   Did I just say I loved her?
  Of course I did because it was true. I loved Akiko. It never did start off that way, in fact, she was nothing more than a student to me for a long time. But as she got older, stronger, beautifully, sweeter, and everything else you could use to describe Akiko, I realized that she was the most amazing woman I’d ever felt anything for. I’d never told her, or anyone about it, the fear of her rejecting me lingering in my head since she even rejected Sasuke twice.
  The barrier started faltering as Akiko’s chakra dwindled allowing meteorites to fall through the cracks. Sasuke was quick to use his Susanoo, destroying whatever he could. Other ninjas joined in on the fight to protect their village. Akiko started panting hard, her eyes becoming dull. I crouched next to her, placing my gloved hand on her slumped shoulder. Her heartbeat was weak.
  “Akiko,” I whispered.
  She shrugged my hand off her shoulder and redid the symbols for her jutsu. My eyes widened.
  “I won’t stop,” she croaked, the barrier recollecting itself to the top, hardening once again, “I won’t.”
  Her white hair moved off of her shoulder, somewhat floating in mid air as her eyes hardened, the black returning to them. She slammed her hands onto the ground and the barrier went from a light blue to a darker blue. She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed. The admiration and shock in everyone’s eyes kept them focused on her as each meteor slammed heavily against the barrier. It sounded almost like fireworks.
  “NARUTO!” Akiko screamed, her voice carrying itself past the barrier as her voice wharfed into a roar from Mazuko.
  Soon her voice disappeared and the meteors were no longer falling from the sky. A fellow ninja looked at us, relief washing over his face as he smiled.
  “Kurama is writing something on the moon’s surface!”
 “What?” My informant asked.
I waited for them to tell me what was being written.
  “That shinobi letter means… mission accomplished. The mission was successful!”
  “That’s a relief,” I muttered to myself.
  My attention turned to my hand where the clock was sitting. It was no longer moving forward and had completely stopped. With the moon no longer being a threat to the village, Sasuke vanished and I sighed, turning my attention back to the glowing moon.
  My hunches usually end on a high note…
  The broadcaster announcer was still speaking: “Thanks to these six: Shikamaru, Sakura, Sai, Hinata, Naruto, and Akiko. Earth and the future of mankind are both safe!”
   Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Akiko try to stand to her feet, her legs wobbling from all the chakra she lost. I snaked my arm around her small waist and put her arm over my broad shoulders. Her eyes returned to their normal white color and she smiled. The two of us watched as Sakura, Sai, and Shikamaru were the first to appear in the distance. Next, Naruto arrived with Hinata in his arms. However, they didn’t come back in a normal way; Naruto had used his rasengan to break through the ground and appear in the air. Him and Hinata shared a kiss that made what just happened seem even more special since it was a long time waiting for the two of them to be together.
  Akiko smiled weakly, “I’m s-so proud of…”
  Her voice slipped away as her body went limp. I quickly grabbed her and placed her on the ground.
 “Sakura!” I yelled, catching her attention away from Naruto and Hinata.
She ran over to me and fell to her knees on the other side of Akiko. Concern clouded Sakura’s eyes as she placed her hand over her comrades' tired form, her hands illuminating a soft seafoam green color. Shikamaru and Sai were next to run over and see what was going on. Soon there was a small crowd of people surrounding us, lastly Naruto and Hinata, who were still smiling. But that smile disappeared just as quickly as it came when Naruto’s sky blue eyes saw his friend lying on the ground unconscious. Hinata ran over to Sakura’s side.
  “A-Akiko,” Naruto stuttered.
 “Her chakra,” Hinata whispered, her byakugan activated, “it’s weak.”
  “So is her pulse,” Sakura informed.
Akiko’s eyes fluttered open and she stared at Naruto. He moved to his knees in a swift motion, touching the side of her face. A smile formed on both of their faces.
 “N-Naruto,” she muttered, “I’m so h-happy for you.”
  “I’m so sorry, Akiko,” Naruto sobbed, holding her face in his hands.
 “Don’t be. If I die here, then I die protecting everyone I loved and cared about.”
  Akiko’s pale, dirty hand reached up and touched Naruto’s face, her smile never leaving.
 “You’re the greatest big brother a girl could ask for.”
Then her hand fell to her side and her eyes closed, her smile permanently on her face. Tears started falling from all of our faces as we stared at her. However, Sakura still yelled for Akiko to be taken to the hospital, that there was still a chance as long as she kept Akiko’s heart beating. I stared at them as Sakura and Naruto carried Akiko, praying silently that my new hunch would be right a lot quicker this time.
  Quiet wind washed over the sound of reconstruction being done in the Leaf Village. Everyone was preparing to go back to their normal lives after the whole moon incident. I was taking a small break from being Hokage and enjoying a nice walk when I spotted Naruto leaving the cemetery with Hinata, hand in hand. I smiled and stopped.
  “Are you two visiting Akiko?” I asked, tilting my head to the side, noticing the flowers in Hinata’s free hand.
  “Of course,” Naruto smiled wide, “we just wanted to stop and see Neji real quick.”
  “I heard Akiko should be getting released from the hospital today,” Hinata chirped.
  “That she is,” I hummed, “as long as Sakura is okay with her getting up and Akiko is up to it.”
 The three of us spoke for a little while long when Hinata mentioned something that had my eyes almost pop out of my head.
  “You know, Kakashi Sensei, since Akiko’s all better, maybe you should go see her and tell her how you feel.”
  “W-what do you mean, Hinata?” I asked, scratching my cheek.
  “All of us girls know that you’re in love with her. You should tell her.”
  Naruto looked at me, “you! You love Akiko!”
  A small giggle left Hinata’s lips. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and tried to avoid Naruto’s gaze, worried that Naruto might not want me to be anywhere near Akiko. They were like brother and sister, and Naruto was incredibly protective over her all the time. Instead, my fears were washed away when Naruto slapped both hands on my shoulders and smiled big.
  “Go for it, Kakashi Sensei!” He cheered.
 “O-oh I don’t know,” I said, holding up my hands, “she probably won’t even feel the same way.”
 “You never know unless you try,” Naruto stated.
He wrapped his arm around me and started dragging me along with him and Hinata.
When the three of us made it to the hospital, we saw Sakura standing with the others outside of Akiko’s hospital room. Kiba was the first to see us and Naruto started waving. All of them turned their attention to us.
  “Hey guys!” Naruto called, “where’s Akiko?”
  “Changing,” Sakura stated, smiling, “she’s excited to be in something other than a hospital gown.”
  “And out of bed,” Ino added.
 The solid, white door opened and Akiko walked out of the room wearing black tights and a black, long-sleeve shirt with a red, swirling symbol on both arms. The shirt was obviously too big for her, but she didn’t seem to mind. Her pale eyes swiped over everyone and we all smiled at her.
  “How are you feeling?” Shikamaru asked.
 “Better,” Akiko said, “thank you all.”
   Everyone gave Akiko a small, soft hug. Then Naruto leaned forward.
  “Before we continue any further,” he said, “Kakashi needs to speak to Akiko alone. Come on.”
 Naruto was able to get everyone away from us, and Akiko raised an eyebrow questionably. I started feeling nervous and scratched the back of my head sheepishly.
  “Is everything okay, Kakashi Sensei?” She questioned.
  “Uhm, well,” I stuttered out, “you see… there was something I wanted to tell you.”
The girl in front of me smiled and nodded, gesturing for me to continue. I gulped and looked behind me to see Naruto and the others peeping at me. This definitely didn’t help my nerves already. Akiko frowned.
  “If you don’t feel com-”
 “I love you,” I blurted out.
   My sudden outburst made Akiko draw a sharp breath, her eyes widening and her hair moving out of her first gently.
 “I-I’ve been in love with you for a while now,” I continued, “I mean, not when you were young and my student, but more of now and a year ago.”
  “You love me,” her voice whispered, it wasn’t a question but I nodded anyway.
  “I’m not sure if you feel the same way. I know you’ve already turned Sasuke down, but I-”
This time she cut me off by capturing my covered mouth with hers. I didn’t wait long to wrap my arms around her, my gloved hands touching her hips, and kissing her back softly through my mask. Her arms were loosely wrapped around my shoulders and neck, our eyes were closed as I pulled her closer to me. All of a sudden, Naruto cheered out disrupting us. Akiko and I turned to look at the blonde haired knucklehead and saw him cheering.
  “Naruto!” Sakura snapped before punching him hard in the stomach, sending him crashing into the opposite wall.
  Hinata was quick to his side while Sakura continued scolding him for ruining the sweet moment.
  “You think he’s okay?” Akiko giggled.
  “Oh, you know Naruto,” I chuckled looking back at her, “he’ll be fine.”
  I grabbed her chin and kissed her again, earning a small smile from her lips as we moved in sync. Then we heard Naruto shout again.
  “At least kiss without his mask on so we can finally see what’s under it!” He yelled.
 Sakura and the others covered Naruto’s mouth as I kissed Akiko a little longer. When we pulled away, Akiko smiled gently.
  “I love you too, Kakashi Hatake.”
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintarou series
Summary: Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game.
Warnings: underaged drinking, smut, guys talking badly about women, heartbreak, messed up shit that you shouldn’t do and a bit of fluff if you squint
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Disc seven-slide two: Kageyama Y/N 🤍
You shouldn’t have done that.
You were sitting on the bed and you checked the time, 3 am.
You turned to find Oikawa laying next to you.
How can he sleep so peacefully?
You groaned and rubbed your face.
You were sore all over.
You heard the curtain open and the nurse came in. “You need to go to the pharmacy and get this prescription and then you should be fine in a week.” She smiled and you nodded. She handed you the brace and you thanked her and shook your head when she asked if you needed help.
“Tooru-Senpai.” You shook him gently, “Iwa-Chan marry me~” he mumbled and hugged the stiff hospital bed pillow.
“Oi, I’m not 𝓘𝔀𝓪-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷. I’m Y/N remember? The person you almost killed.” You flicked his forehead and he groaned. “You heard nothing.” He immediately said as he sat up with a sigh.
“Never again.” You mumbled and winced when you moved your leg. “Hey now we match!” He exclaimed but you just gave him and bruh face. “Seriously?” You asked and he apologized. “I shouldn’t have made a bet with you. Now you’re hurt. Just stick to being a setter.” He patted your shoulder.
He mentioned that your skills were hella rusty and you bit back that you haven’t played in two years. He said that you sucked at receiving and you couldn’t be an ace even if you tried. Obviously you are a Kageyama and you are very competitive and decided to prove him wrong. One bad jump and you landed on your knee and now Oikawa was running with you on his back to the nearest emergency clinic. You’re on the phone with your aunt explaining what happened and that you’ll be home late.
The wait was so long and when you were finally seen it was so quick. You slowly took a step on your bad leg and winced slightly but you managed to walk it off. Tooru-Senpai was giving you advice on how to care for your knee and how to walk. His older sister managed to drop you off at home and Tobio was still awake in the room you two were sharing for your stay.
“You didn’t go to sleep? I thought you have practice in a few hours.” You asked and he scowled. “I do but how can I sleep knowing my favorite cousin got hurt because of Oikawa.” He asked and you apologized and sat on his bed, you whimpered and gripped your thigh. He sighed and stood up from his futon. Yes he was forced to give you his bed and he was stuck sleeping on the floor.
He helped you take it off and rub cream to help with the pain. He even gave you some pain killers. You gave him a small thanks but he muttered a “whatever I’ll walk you to the station. I’ll go to practice after.”
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Just walk off the pain
Just walk off the pain
Well it didn’t necessarily hurt but there was a discomfort. You could walk but when you had to go up the stairs? Yeah no thanks. Especially in the skirt you’re wearing.
You usually wore black tights with your uniform but because of your knee, you decided not to. You wore the small brace and made your way to your locker. Some boys in the basketball team were near your locker waiting for their teammate and they kept laughing loudly and tossing the basketball to eachother. Right when you closed your locker one of the boys bumped into your side causing you to bump against your locker and the apple of your knee kissed the locker perfectly. “Fuck!” You winced and fell back on your butt. Your textbooks scattered everywhere and everything in your bag fell out.
You cried silently as you quickly gripped your thigh due to the pain. “Holy shit I’m sorry are you—“ “IM FINE!” You raised your voice. Before you knew it you saw the familiar blonde and grey haired boys as they picked up your stuff and your boyfriend easily lifted you in his arms and asked if you were okay. “Rin I’m fine put me down.” You assured and he gently set you down like a fragile piece of china. “Kageyama, I’m really sorry...” the guy said and you looked up and smiled softly and wiped your tears. “It’s okay, just be careful next time kay?” You said and he nodded and immediately turned around with the rest of his friends. Hmm weird...
“Did you guys miss me?” You teased and turned to the three boys only to find them glaring at the poor boy who hurt you. “Don’t start. It was an accident.” You said and pushed the twins while linking arms with your tall boyfriend. “You sure you’re fine?” Osamu asked and you nodded. “This is what happens when all your life you train as a setter only to turn into a middle blocker to prove someone wrong.” You sighed and they literally looked at you and sighed in sync. “You need to be careful. What are we going to do if you die?” Atsumu said seriously and you gave him a look. “Uh..people don’t die in volleyball.” RIP Daichi You told him and he sighed once again. The bell rang and you tried to grab your bag and books out of the twin’s hand but Suna beat you to it and took everything with you trailing next to him. “I can carry that, Rin.” You told him and he shook his head. “If I could I would carry you too.” Suna said and went at your pace which was slower than usual.
He walked you to your desk and like a good boyfriend set down your bag to the side and place the textbooks on the desk. “Did the doctor say you need to sit and rest?” He asked worriedly, “No she actually wanted me to keep walking around.” You replied and he nodded. “Okay cool. I’ll be taking your bags and books so don’t take them after class. Okay?” He asked and you nodded. “I’ll talk to you after.” He said softly and leaned down to give your head a kiss and he made his way to the other side of the classroom.
Your face flushed and you looked down at your desk. You felt eyes staring and you looked up to see almost your whole class staring. This is probably weird to them. At the start of highschool Suna always kept this silent but deadly persona then all of a sudden he’s dating the smartest kid in class. What is this a fanfiction? Yes.
“What are you looking at?” Suna spoke up and the class looked away and sat in their proper seats waiting for the teacher to arrive and start class.
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Up next
A/N: kwhqiwiwoaiwbs next chapter is going to go down kind of lol
A/N part 2: ngl the beginning sounds like Y/N and Oikawa did it lmao
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose
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st-just · 3 years
Semi-coherent Thoughts on the Poppy War Series
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(Because I really need to start forcing myself to write semi-consistently again)
So I’ll say outright that I actually liked the series quite a bit, which does mean I actually got engaged and invested enough to start turning it over and picking it apart in my head after I finished it. So, like, this is probably going to come across as more negative overall than my actual opinions of the books.
Anyway, first off I really do adore Rin as a protagonist (I’d say ‘heroine’, but, well, no). Now partially this is because I always love even minimally sympathetic morally grey (..grey like coal soot, in this case) protagonists. But she’s just also such a complete garbage fire of a person, it’s kind of endearing. Well, that’s a bit callous – her entire personality is more or less a conflict between different kinds of unhealthy responses to powerlessness and trauma. Be she’s also just such a mess, and when she really starts leaning into delusions of grandeur you can’t help but root for her and hope things do actually turn out okay, regardless of how many fivers of blood she’s currently fantasizing about creating.
A big part of that is just how thoroughly awful the entire setting is, and how terrible everyone in it are, of course. Like, there are basically exactly three developed character in the entire trilogy who are unambiguously at least mostly good people (Chen, probably Venka, specifically the amnesiac and semi-delusional version of Jiang, but that’s being generous), and the fact that they stick around with Rin right to the end kind of puts that into doubt, honestly. Beyond that – almost every family has negligent or abusive parents, and literally every political figure is a bloody-handed tyrant ruling through violence and fear. The Hesperians are racist imperialists convinced they have a divine mandate to conquer the world, the Mugenese are every horror story from the IJA during WW2 translated to a pre-industrial fantasy setting, the ruling elite of Nikara are so many racist, scheming, power-hungry snakes with no concerns except their own position....
And, part and parcel with how terrible the setting is, Kuang does an incredible job of making all the worst things Rin does (until the final act, anyway) incredibly cathartic and badass and fun-in-a-fucked-up-way to read. There’s a terrible sort of awe while she turns the main islands of not!Japan into a pyroclastic hellscape. And whenever she gets a chance to enact any of her numerous revenges on some of the many people who abused and betrayed her it’s always poetic, in a Count-of-Monte-Cristo sort of way, and so kind of sickly compelling, even beyond it being some of the only times Rin’s really hopeful and happy. (Also, there are fun villainous monologues and quippy post-murder one-liners!)
Also, all forms of love are a terrible idea 100% of the time and is only going to end in at least one of the parties dead, abused, or (more or less literally) killing themselves in order to keep up with the other/earn their approval/try to keep them together. (I mean, Rin mostly had horrible taste in men, but Chen wasn’t able to stay mad at her for longer than a few months even after the whole ‘genocide’ thing, which he’s just about the only person to react to with any horror whatsoever. And look at how that ended up working out for him, so-)
I’m sure comparing grimdark fantasy to A Song of Ice And Fire is thoroughly out of fashion by now, but the overall perspective really did strike me as incredibly similar to Martin’s, a lot of the time. ‘Legitimate’ power and ‘lawful’ authority are ultimately nothing but polite fictions maintained by violence, terror and brutal oppression. War is a hell suffered most keenly by civilians with the misfortune to live and die in the middle of it, and least of all by the people with the power who actually start and end them. A flawed and unequal peace is very often preferable to dragging everything to hell with you as you die for the sake of freedom. And so on.
Now, to start the nitpicking – this is entirely personal and aesthetic, but it was kind of annoying how each of the first two books ended in moments of megalomaniac grandeur and terrifying empowerment, and then the next book started with a timeskip of things having gone to shit and her back under someone else’s thumb, and then a solid majority of the text is spent getting manipulated, betrayed, and finally crawling and clawing her way back out to the same point (both emotionally and in terms of independence/vision) that she had been at the previous book’s climax.
This isn’t anything even close to unique to TPW, of course – everything going to shit between the end of one story and the start of the sequel is kind of endemic to a lot of genres, really. And it is frankly incredibly in character for Rin to go through cycles flipping between resentment at being manipulated and used, and desperately craving authority figures to tell her what she should do and give her validation as valuable or useful. Still a bit annoying to read, though.
I’m sure it’s more me than the books – not like they didn’t put in the effort – but I could just never get really invested in the whole enemies-to-almost-lovers-to-enemies-again-to-? Thing with Nezha. Like, he’s interesting in that you can do a 180 perspective flip and he’d clearly be just as suitable a protagonist as Rin is, and his life’s very sad and everything. But, like, we get a front row seat to Rin’s internal monologue, and she gets thirsty for plenty of terrible men (and one awful woman), the only thing that makes Nezha special is that he’s not at least twice her age. So I never really got nearly as emotionally invested in them as the books seemed to expect me to. Which does kind of hurt the whole final act of book three.
Speaking of – okay, the ending isn’t awful or anything, but it is kind of disappointing in being exactly what you would expect it to be, as far as Rin’s character arc goes? Which might be just because I was already primed to compare this to ASOIF and she just literally pulls a Daenerys (fire-aligned vengeance/justice character with revolutionary impulses and an autocratic sensibility is willing to burn down the world in the process of freeing it, goes mad with power and paranoia, needs to be put down for the good of the country), but still. Her reading Venka throwing her to the ground to avoid an assassination attempt as a betrayal and burning her to death before she realized what was happening was just really heavy handed, you know? Same with turning on Kitay, who at this point is her actual literal soulmate. (Also sad in a broader sense, because those two are like literally two of the only characters in the entire series I’d actually peg as worthy of/capable of being trusted with political power.)
The specifics aside, I’m a miserable enough person to appreciate how unsatisfying the actual resolution at the end of the book is – imperialism wins! Literally no choice but to sign those unequal treaties and hope you’re eventually able to grow strong enough to force them out! Everything is the same as before this forty-year cycle of wars except much, much worse! - but yeah, I really just don’t actually care about Nezha enough as a character for it to really land. Also Kitay and Venka deserved better, even if literally no one else did.
Anyway, yeah, good series. Would recommend if you like the genre and can stomach all the, well, everything.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
my guy, my dude...what would happen if the yandere oc's got rejected by their darling...would shit go down?? How'd they react??
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It's funny cause I think some peeps forget that these ocs would absolutely hurt you to get what they want lol they are such lovable yanderes
Warning this story contains: murder, yandere behavior, kidnapping, self harm, torture, blood
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"w-what do you mean no... you can't say no my sweet angel" he said softly now staring at you as you stared at him with eyes full of hate. He had you backed into an alleyway, your rejection caused him to lose it a bit so he ended up cornering you whole you two were out on a 'date'
"get away from me you freak!" You shouted trying to push him away, he doesn't understand he confessed that he loved you and you lashed out, why was this happening? He loved you so why weren't you obedient to him..you were supposed to be his submissive little spouse.
"stop it, please..angel I don't like this stop saying such hurtful things" he said softly as he covered your mouth with his hand while the other reached into his pocket. "Stop. Please stop struggling, You're behaving irrationally. You aren't mentally well you need me to take care of you" he whispered as he felt you try to kick him in the groin but he moved his hand from your mouth catching it only to hear you scream.
"SOMEONE H-" theo stabbed your side with a needle watching you wince from it before everything started spin as you started to become limp in his arms. "That's right angel, trust me. I know best"
"the fuck did you say bitch? Did your ugly ass say no?!" He snapped at you. He invited you to his house hoping you would accept his invite to stay the night and drink expensive wine clearly wanting to bring you to bed. He even went to touch you but you pushed his hand from your thigh.
You rejected him and he doesn't do rejection, you were his from the moment he saw you. Hikaru pushed you down on the couch his eyes spiraling with hate as he climbed ontop of you now choking you.
"you should be begging to be mine! Ugly bitches like you don't really have a reason to say no. I'm perfect so you must clearly be touched in the head or some shit, that's fine cause no matter what you're mine" he hissed out with a low snarl as he watched your face grow paler and paler as you clawed his arms trying to stop him but your vision got spotty
"that's right pig, just sleep."
Tears poured down axis' cheeks as he watched you kindly reject his confession that he poured his heart out just so you know how he feels. He painted you something that he had spent an entire month on and you just said no. Axis dropped the painting feeling his mental state just plummet as you walked towards the door to leave.
"please, don't leave... don't leave me alone.." he whispered out as he felt his entire body shake as his only thoughts were about staying with you. Axis completely broke down, pulling out a knife from his pocket and slitting his own stomach open causing you to turn around and rush to him.
"w-we need to get you to a hospital! You're bleeding so badly! Axis!" Your frantic screaming made him so happy as he leaned against you as blood poured from the fresh wound and he smiled as you huffed him close while calling for help, you're so warm and sweet to him
"if you leave, I'll kill myself y/n and it'll be all your fault" he whispered in your ear now clinging to you getting blood all over you as well as a weak soft laugh escaped him as you felt your blood run Cold.
You couldn't even reject him, the moment he saw you he had stolen you away. You woke up only to be tied up to a bed as salem watched you sleep. He grinned once you woke and licked his lips
"w-where am I? Please let me go!" You snapped and he tilted his head to the side like a confused child. "Go? Hmm go go go...nope!" He said happily before moving ontop of you and started to undress you but your thrashing around caused him to get annoyed
"don't make me eat you~" he sang out as he leaned down licking your neck, in his eyes you either become his lover or his next meal either way was good in his eyes. "Flesh Soo soft, yummy" he hissed out before biting your shoulder feeling you wince under him before he pulled back licking the fresh blood with a soft giggle.
"all mineeee~"
"you're kidding right..?"
His tone came off incredibly empty, he invited you on a date and you said no. He's been trying to get with you for months, doing it the right way but you still said no. Prince chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair, this wasn't right..no no no he could get anyone he wanted so why were you so difficult to obtain.
"yeah, no I can't let ya just leave. So sorry" he said with a sweet smile as he walked towards you while you backed away. His eyes spiralled with insanity it was hard to see this was the same person as before laughing and joking with you
"sorry babe, but this is really gonna hurt but i promise I'll make it better" you felt your back hit a wall before prince punched you in the face making you feel pain before your vision got spotty.
"damn, did I hit you too hard? That's gonna leave a Mark" he mumbled as he shook his hand as you passed out.
"oh, yuki. Why are you here?"
Yuki stood infront of your house eyeing you seeing that you were in pajamas which confused him since he swore you two had a date today. "Yuki, don't you remember..I said we should stay friends. You're great bu-" yuki shuddered at your words. No, that wasn't right you two were already dating and he wad supposed to take you on a date.
at least thats how he remembered it. You were his lover from the moment he saw you, you two started dating as soon as he met you. "No." He said softly as he stared at you blankly watching your face twist with confusion. "What do you mean no?" You stated only for him to step closer to you his hand pressed against the door preventing you from closing the door
"we have a date"he said softly in a tone of frustration as he calmly took off his scarf only to see your eyes panic. "Yuki, I said no" you stated firmly but when he reached for you, you of course tried to turn to run but he wrapped the scarf around your throat pulling both ends to choke you
"shh, just rest..kay?" He whispers out though as he loosened his grip he could only feel annoyance, why does this keep happening? Why can't you ever remember your dates with him? Oh well. He'll just have to use that drug to block your memories and try again..this time you'll say yes.
"you're a great guys, but do you understand now...I see you as a friend" you said and rocket forced a grin before pulling you into a hug. You were so glad he understood and hugged him back only to feel him start to squeeze you, his large arms locked around you as you wheezed tapping his shoulder telling him to stop.
"y'know, snapping someone's spine is really easy I heard! I haven't tried but it must be easy yeah? So..how about that date?" He spoke in your ear with a cheerful tone.
"o...kay... please. " You wheezed out and he let go now scooping you up into his arms before he took off his bandana off using it to gag you.
"I'm glad you understand so well scarlett, we are much better as friends" you said as the girl placed tea infront of you with a smile. She invited you to her place for tea after you rejected her confession. "Of course dear, some people aren't suited for each other" she said softly as she slipped her tea watching you do the same.
"and some people make mistakes, as humans we can get so confused we aren't sure what we desire" she stated calmly as she watched the homemade drugs she put in the tea work, you were sweating bullets and panting softly.
"oh sweetie, you dont look too well." She said with a smile as you laid back on the couch closing your eyes feeling everything spinning.
"I'll nurse you back to health my darling"
Yuuta & yuuji
Yuuta hummed as he buckled the gag around your mouth before pressing a button in the center of the ball gag hearing it beep. "Careful, if you try to release your teeth from that Ball it could explode would hate for you to lose your jaw" the older twin said before he kissing your temple as yuuji ran his fingers through your hair hugging you from behind.
"it's just until we can trust you my sweetheart. I mean you said no to our date, how cruel. So we just had to swipe you away and take you home"
You struggled lightly against the ropes as you sat in the chair but it was impossible. The two moved infront of you both of them holding hands as they stared at you.
"be our pet.." yuuji started with a smile
"...or die painfully" yuuta ended with an annoyed huff.
"I don't understand why you're crying, clowns are supposed to be funny." The male said as he placed the crown he made on your head, the intestines dripping blood on your face as you stared at your family that laid on the ground cut open.
Rin hummed softly unsure what it will take to make you smile until he took out a real heart before squeezing it so hard it squirted blood everywhere. "Y/n you make my heart burst with love!" He cheers out before hearing only your crying and screams which caused him to pout.
"yeah that was a bad joke, it's not even my heart. Hmm let's see, oh! I know!" He cheers now reaching into the body and grunting at he took out the stomach and showed it to you "I can't stomach being without you!" He cheers out laughing at his own joke.
Your screaming and sobbing was getting old now, the male sighs as he crawled towards you nuzzling his face against your stomach. "baby, im trying my best here. You have to work with me I mean you don't seem to be enjoying my show...tell me y/n what do you wish for me to do to make it better?"
"l-let me-"
Rin covered your mouth with his hand, the blood smell was making you dizzy and you started to cry more. "I can't do that my little star. You know I can't so stop asking" he hissed out before he pulled back and gasped with joy
"oh I know!" He said as he rushed off rolling a large ball covered in human skin before he hopped on balancing on one foot holding his arms out as the ball rolled. "Huh? Impressive right?" He cheers out only to sigh
"you're not being any fun y/n, you need to stop sobbing. It really was cute the first time but now it's annoying."
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
An Unexpected Alteration to the Operation (Hak x Stubborn!Reader x Jae-ha)
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Prompt: An undercover operation gone wrong, Jae-ha and Hak sweep in to show them not to mess with their girl. (Spoilers for the manga [Chp 81] and implied smut)
Protective! Hak x Stubborn! reader x Protective! Jae-ha
Words: 3.4k
Night was creeping up slowly, but the atmosphere was frigid inside the quaint hotel you and the dragons were all staying at. Not because of the temperature, but because two men were looking at you as if you had grown another head. Yoon and Yona had long since been asleep, exhausted by the day's events, and Shin-ah and Kija were keeping watch over them.
Violet and cerulean eyes narrowed at your innocent expression.
"I'll be fine." You insisted, almost rolling your eyes. You had been trying to convince them that your undercover plan was a good idea, and they weren't having it.
"You're not going." Hak stated flatly and Jae-ha nodded in agreement, causing you to raise an eyebrow. Those two never seemed to agree on anything except when it came down to keeping you safe.
"Hak, Kija and I are more than enough." Jae-ha reiterated what he had been saying for the past hour as they were preparing for the operation. This time, you did roll your eyes.
They were going to infiltrate the red-light district to find out who was smuggling nadai into the Water Tribe. The only issue was they had to be convincing as customers while not breathing in the toxic air or drinking the nadai-laced alcohol there.
Alright, you didn't want them to go for a number of reasons, even though you knew they could handle themselves in a fight. But you didn't like them fighting in a battle that you weren't going to be a part of, and you had every reason to be on the front lines this time around.
"And I'm supposed to ignore that you willingly took the nadai, right? That you were fully aware of what it was, and yet you still took it." You jabbed a finger at his chest. "I had to watch you writhe in agony for hours on that bed and there was nothing that I could do about it."
The green dragon winced at your harsh tone, but knew that you were upset at him for putting you through that. To be fair, he didn't expect it to have that kind of effect, but the look of pain on your face when he woke up wasn't worth it.
Neither was Hak's punch to his face, but somehow that was more bearable than seeing you hurting.
"I'm going." You said with finality. Hak and Jae-ha shared a look.
Then, you were staring at the ground.
You thumped on Hak's back. "Hak!! Put me down!!" He had slung you over his shoulder and Jae-ha just lifted his hands up in mock innocence.
You puffed out your cheeks. The traitor.
"Sure, sure," He said dryly. "In a second."
You struggled in his hold the entire way to your room. He practically flung you down on the bed with such force, causing you to bounce several times upon impact. You glared at him, but Hak brushed it off. You glanced over to Jae-ha for help, but in a fraction of a second, he was on top of you.
"Jae-ha!" You yelled out in surprise and then shock as you tried to move your arms. He had tied your wrists to the headboard! You growled, eyes flashing in anger, but stopped struggling when you saw the hidden fear lingering in the depths of their eyes.
They really were scared for you, of what would happen if you went there and things went wrong. They were worried they couldn't protect you. Hak and Jae-ha both agreed that they would live and die for you and Yona. The red-haired princess was the heart and soul of their entire group. She bound them all together, connecting each of them to the others in the process.
But you, you were their lover. You were their entire world.
If anything happened to you, they would never forgive themselves. You went lax in the bed as realization dawned on you. They were already so critical of themselves. Jae-ha for being the oldest in the group, excluding Zeno's immortality, felt responsible for everyone. And you knew Hak still felt guilt and resentment towards himself for not being able to protect the king the night of his murder.
"If you behave, we'll reward you later." Hak promised, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"Ah, Y/N," Jae-ha's eyes sparkled with playfulness. "You get to have fun when we get back." He winked and you blushed under the circumstances.
They departed with a wave of farewell, and you let out a heavy sigh.
Sorry, Jae-ha, Hak... There's no way I'm not going to be by your side.
You wiggled your hands, grinning when you felt them loosen. Jae-ha always tied them so you had the option to slip out of them, when the three of you did, other things.
It seemed it was Jae-ha's second nature by now, and you were lucky that it was. You leaped up out of the bed, snatching the dress you picked up earlier and got ready quickly.
You had to hurry if you were going to slip in with the other girls.
As soon as you were satisfied with your appearance, you ran off into the night. You found the red-light district easily, and as soon as you stepped inside, you ran into the girl from earlier, A-Rin.
You held up your finger to your lips as you saw her eyes flash in recognition. The men were still lurking around, which meant that Hak, Jae-ha and Kija hadn't carried out their plan yet. But they were nowhere to be found, which meant that it was already underway.
You subtly gathered the girls into the back of the store, but you were being too obvious.
"Hey! You!" Your head snapped up at his grating voice. "What do you think you're doing?!"
You covered half of your face behind your hand, smiling brightly, eyes crinkling at the corners giving off faux innocence. "I just thought the customers could use more alcohol, my lord."
He scoffed at you and you resisted the urge to wipe the smirk off of his face. "You can do that yourself."
You bowed your head, submitting to his authority. As soon as he was out of earshot, you turned to the terrified girls beside you. "On my signal, make sure you stay behind me." You whispered.
They nodded, and then they scattered. You picked up a jug of alcohol, most likely laced with nadai, carrying it to one of the rooms. As you slid the door open, your eyes met Kija's shocked ones calmly. There was one other girl in the room, and your eyes landed on her darkened fingernails. It would seem she was an addict too. You gestured for him to stay quiet and he shut his mouth, slipping back into character.
He quickly poured the nadai laced drink down to the floor, ignoring the other girl's protests. But her voice caught the attention of one of the nearby men who was walking by and you gritted your teeth.
"Kija!" You cried out, wrapping your arms around the trembling girl as she screamed. He slashed at the man with his dragon claw, knocking him out cold. "Go! I'll take care of the rest!"
He nodded, then sped off. You gritted your teeth as you assessed the situation. The men started to surround you. It would be at least a few minutes before Jae-ha and Hak made it to this room. You needed to hold them off for as long as possible.
"Stay behind me." You instructed the girl who was shaking in fear behind you, and shielded her from their sight with your body. "I won't let them hurt you."
Your teeth bared in a snarl as the first one launched himself at you, but you caught him in his stomach with a punch. As he flew back, another took his place and you unleashed a series of kicks that Jae-ha had taught you.
He fell but there were too many of them. You dodged their attacks, striking where you could but it wasn't enough. You struggled to maintain your ferocity, adrenaline pumping through your veins but then you saw one of them reach for the girl behind you.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" You screamed, tackling him to the ground, landing a flurry of punches on his face. You were pulled off of him by the others. As you violently struggled in their grasp, your eyes locked on the terrified girl's.
"Run!!!" You managed to yell out before a hand wrapped around your throat, cutting off your air supply. She fled the room, and that brought you a small sense of comfort. They started tearing at your clothes, scratching your skin with their dark fingernails. They didn't have any weapons, but their grips were tight and you could feel the bruises starting to form at your neck and arms.
Hak... Jae-ha....
The door burst open, splintering under the force.
"Unhand her right now." Hak demanded, cobalt eyes black with rage.
Jae-ha's normally calm and pleasant features were contorted murderously, and his violet eyes flashed with fury as they landed on the bruises on your skin.
"You have two seconds to get away from her before I rip your throat out." Jae-ha snarled, baring his teeth venomously.
They rushed at the men. The pace that they cleared them out was alarming. Hak didn't have his spear, but his prowess in battle was never to be underestimated as you watched him deliver lethal blows to their throats and the back of their heads. The addicts crumpled under their attacks, each one faring worse than the last.
Jae-ha spun around in a blur of green, taking out anyone who rose from the ground after Hak was through with them. The nadai addicts were unable to feel pain due to the drug. This time, Jae-ha actually didn't mind it.
They had touched what was his.
He could kick them down as many times as he wanted and they would keep rising. His eyes glinted dangerously in the candlelight. They would never lay a hand on you again.
What you didn't see was the blatant anger behind their calculated strikes. You didn't notice that they injured the men, not immediately killing them, putting them through agony as Hak drove his fists into this flesh. He didn't stop until he saw blood. Jae-ha's mouth curled up in a sadistic smirk as he heard the shattering of bones, bringing down his dragon leg with everything he had.
Hak and Jae-ha were going to make them feel every ounce of pain they dared to put you through, piercing through the nadai haze.
None escaped their wrath.
You wished you had enough energy to watch them. Then, you sunk to the ground, unable to stay upright any longer, completely exhausted.
"Y/N!!" Jae-ha called out, panicked, catching you swiftly as you fell. The men didn't get up anymore. They were either injured beyond repair or dead. "You have to stay awake!"
"Kija?" Hak frantically turned to the white dragon, who urged him on.
"It is finished." Kija responded, turning to the men that were still alive, now tied up. "Leave the rest to me."
The Thunder Beast gave him a nod of thanks, before picking you up in his arms. Jae-ha followed him all the way back to the inn, keeping an eye out for any stragglers. He was wary the entire way back, but Hak's body was tense with anger.
He let out a soft sigh.
Children... So troublesome... He thought tenderly to himself as he watched Hak settle you into bed, taking a seat next to you. Jae-ha followed in shortly after, tucking the blankets under your chin snugly.
"Yoon should look at her." Hak broke the silence and Jae-ha nodded.
"I'll go get him."
As he got to his feet, Hak stopped him. After the events of this night, he wasn't willing to take any chances. "Be careful." His dark blue eyes were serious.
Jae-ha shot him a confident smirk. "When am I not?"
He sped quickly down the hall, entering the room. Shin-ah was asleep not too far away from the princess and their little doctor. Jae-ha immediately shook the youngest awake.
"Yoon." The pretty boy groggily opened his eyes. "Y/N's hurt."
Yoon shot up, nearly knocking Jae-ha over as he tore past him in his haste to get to you. Besides Jae-ha and Hak, you were closest to Yoon. He cared about you so much, even if he had an interesting way of showing it. But you always prioritized his and Yona's safety so much so that you were always getting hurt trying to protect them.
He flung open the door, panting heavily. Hak hadn't moved from your side, but gestured for Yoon to keep quiet.
"She's asleep." Hak informed him as the pretty boy took a place on the opposite side of him. "She passed out on the way back."
The dress you had put on was nearly shredded, angry, red marks darting into view from underneath the fabric as you breathed.
"She wasn't supposed to be there." Yoon snapped. "What happened?"
Jae-ha closed the door softly behind him, alerting Yoon of his presence. "We don't know exactly." He exchanged a worried look with Hak.
Then, guilt flickered over his expression. Hak looked at the older man curiously. Jae-ha's eyes were shadowed. Hak stood up, walking to the green dragon as the kid fussed over you.
"The knot." Jae-ha whispered. "I tied it like I always do. She must have slipped out of it."
Hak stiffened, then punched him in the gut.
Yoon nearly leaped to the ceiling, eyes bugging out of his head when he saw the Thunder Beast hit the Ryokuryuu full force.
"Not your fault." Hak stated firmly, flexing his hand open and close as Jae-ha stared at him, dumbfounded, wheezing in staggered breaths. "Wipe that guilt off of your face, you'll make Y/N cry."
Jae-ha chuckled softly as he finally caught his breath, gaze oddly appreciative as Hak went back to your side. He knew it was Hak's way of snapping him out of it. Neither one of them could find it in themselves to be angry with you, they knew what they signed up for when they started this little arrangement. They knew you were headstrong, but even more so when their lives were the ones in danger.
Love certainly made people do crazy things.
And Hak and Jae-ha would give you the world if they could. You stirred, and Jae-ha caught the movement out of the corner of his eye. Pushing himself off the wall, he went to your side, staring at you intently.
Hak looked like the embodiment of tranquility, but his knee was bumping against Jae-ha's nervously and if Jae-ha peered closer, he was sure he would be able to see the terror hidden in the depths of his eyes. The former general did his best to school his expression, but you and Jae-ha had learned to read him like a book over time.
You blinked your eyes open slowly. Your eyelids felt so heavy, and you wondered why it felt as though you fell from a height of five stories. You tried to sit up, but a firm hand pushed you back down by your shoulders.
"You're not going anywhere." Hak ordered, tone leaving no room for argument.
"Lay back down." Jae-ha echoed firmly.
You pouted and the men suppressed a groan. You were too tempting even in this situation. You didn't do as they said, choosing instead to sit against the headboard.
"She's fine." Yoon reassured, mistaking the tense atmosphere for concern. He wasn't wrong, but this time around, the pretty boy genius wasn't completely right either.
"She's got a couple of cuts and some bruises, but nothing major. She'll heal soon, but," You winced as Yoon turned his sharp gaze on you. "No more fighting."
You grinned sheepishly. "Yes, mother."
"I DON'T REMEMBER GIVING BIRTH TO YOU!!" Yoon yelled, throwing up his hands in exasperation before filing out of the room, muttering about how 'it was said once and now it wouldn't go away' for the life of him. He's dealt with you enough for one night. He was sure Hak and Jae-ha could straighten you out.
With the three of you left in the room, you nearly collapsed under the weight in the air as it shifted from concerned to heated. You met Hak's cobalt eyes guiltily, flickering to Jae-ha's burning violet, then back again.
You opened your mouth to speak, but was cut off as Jae-ha's lips smashed onto yours.
You let out a muffled squeak, eyes automatically closing. You almost jumped out of your skin as a pair of hands landed on your hips, urging you to scoot forward. You did so, with a little difficulty, doing your best not to break your kiss with Jae-ha. Hak started to kiss the back of your neck, sucking gently on your sweet spot, causing you to moan into Jae-ha's mouth.
Jae-ha pulled back, panting heavily, violet eyes swirling with desire. Your head fell back onto Hak's shoulder as Jae-ha started to gently kiss over the bruises that had formed on your neck.
Hak's breath was hot on your ear as he breathed, "Do you have any idea how badly you scared us today? Huh, Y/N? Do you like watching us lose control of ourselves around the people who hurt you?"
You whimpered pathetically at his words, wanton hunger shooting through your body at his words instead of humiliation. Jae-ha traveled lower, marking up your collarbones.
"Y/N..." He whispered, an unspoken question hanging in the air.
Your fist had since made its way up to your mouth in an attempt to stifle the embarrassing sounds that were spilling from your mouth. You almost didn't hear Jae-ha's question. Hak hadn't stopped murmuring in your ear, and his words were making you flush all over.
"You liked watching us like that? Knowing that the only people who will ever be able to touch you like this is us. You're ours." He nearly growled, fingers tightening into the flesh of your hips.
You mewled wantonly at his words, closing your eyes.
"Y/N." Jae-ha's velvety voice cut through your desire-induced haze. "Let us hear you."
You didn't bring down your hand, so Hak did it for you, weaving his fingers with yours, dropping it back down to the sheets. You squeaked as Hak pulled you against his chest, blushing as you felt his hard muscle against your back through the clothes.
Jae-ha pulled off your tattered dress, leaving you only in a cloth covering your chest and your underclothes. He leaned up to kiss you again, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
"Do you want this?" He asked heatedly, breath fanning against your exposed skin, sending a shiver down your spine. "Tell us what you want, Y/N..."
You bit your lip and Jae-ha let out a low groan.
"I want you." You paused, tilting your head up to meet Hak's lidded gaze. "Both of you."
The growls they let out made your core heat up, and you pressed your thighs together. The movement didn't go unnoticed by your attentive lovers and Jae-ha settled between your thighs after coaxing them open. With him directly in front of you and Hak pressed behind you, the fire radiating off of them was making your head spin.
"C'mon," You breathed, tired of their teasing. "Please."
Hak shot a smirk to Jae-ha. He loved it when you got like this. When he reduced you to a babbling, incoherent mess beneath him and all you could do was moan and chant his name over and over again as he drove into you at a maddening pace.
"Hak," You swiveled your head to meet their eyes, both blown wide with lust. "Jae-ha."
Jae-ha's breath hitched in his throat and Hak almost passed out from the next words that left your lips in a whisper.
"Take me."
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angsty-omi · 4 years
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part 1
ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader
lowercase intended
warnings: anxiety, cheating, cursing, some semi nsfw scenes and most importantly, pure angst.
it started out simple. toshi would make a plan to go somewhere, and rin would tag a long. she is his girlfriend after all. but you soon started to notice that she was always there. even when your families would have dinner with each other. at some point, you couldn’t take it.
there was this one night where you didn’t even wanna go downstairs because you knew they were there. sitting in your dining chairs, using your silverware, probably making out in the bathroom. you slammed your head on the bed trying to get that image out of your head. stop it y/n. you made an excuse that you were ill, which technically you were lovesick.
it wasn’t surprising that soon you and toshi faded as friends. you needed space even then, your feelings didn’t change at all. instead it was even passionate than before. before, you never felt a sense of urgency in telling him. but now you wanted him more than ever. you needed him. seeing him walking down the halls with her. hand in hand, walking down the hallway and past your locker. your chest was tight. she would stick her tongue out at you, and ushijima never noticed. “what a child,” you thought to yourself. but you couldn’t say anything, she was just trying to gaslight you so you could scream at her and ushijima would have to choose between the two of you.
continuous weeks of her microagressions at you, you learned to let that not bother you. rin noticed and had to up the ante.
during 5th period, you started feeling very anxious out of nowhere. you could feel a pair of eyes laser into you. you had asked permission to go to the restroom and the teacher gave you the hall pass. you immediately rushed to the sink scrubbing your face. repeatedly rinsing.
you looked up to your side and saw her. rin. this startled you. “do you need something?” you asked nicely, secretly about to have a meltdown.
to be quite frank, your meltdowns were rough. it was a period of time where you felt no remorse for anything. no one really knew about this condition, except for your family. it’s not worth mentioning because they’ll think you’re a psychopath and it doesn’t happen quite frequently. it’s only when you’re a ticking bomb, under lots of pressure. like.. like.. right now?
you could feel the symptoms coming and so was rin, she started to come closer to your face.
“y/n, you think i’m an idiot don’t you? you don’t think i see the way you look at him?.” now she was only a few inches away, “god you’re pathetic, you can’t even deny my accusations. you’re in love with someone who’s taken, you fucking whore. you. cant. have. him... it’s truly sad y/n, you even had a head start. all that time was wasted, and all i had to do was to just be in his presence for a day and he fell for me.” she giggled. her high pitched giggle was ringing in your ears.
“stop,” you thought, “please just make it stop.” you’d do anything. meltdown y/n was just not someone to be reckoned with. it’s not a threat, it’s the truth. not five seconds later, your clenched fist met with her eurocentric face. then you were on top of her, not even thinking just doing. just your fists continuously smashing her petite porcelain face. until there was a whole crowd, the teachers finally were aware of the situation.
soon there was an administrator holding you back. angry tears flooding your eyes. you wanted more revenge. hearing her whimpers, you smiled. this. this made you happy. then you were shut back down when you heard someone calming her down. you looked up and saw ushijima. your eyes met. his with much fury, and yours with much sorrow. “how could you do this, y/n? from now on, just leave us alone. don’t even acknowledge me. don’t look our way. don’t even breathe the same air as us.” he threatened with such a serious tone.
the whole reason you hated your meltdowns were not just the no remorse thing, but how after it is finished, the guilt hit you like a truck. leaving you in a serious depressive state. and you were suspended for two weeks. great.
you were trapped in your bedroom. after you got home from that day, your parents immediately grounded you, and took your phone. no contact with the outside world. no contact with ushijima. not like it mattered anyway. sometimes you would think to yourself if he ever thought about you like that. that if he imagined about you the same way you imagined about him. or if he ever wished that it was you next to him down the hallways. being alone with your thoughts was not fun. with no phone to distract you, or school, it was terrifying. every waking moment was lonesome.
it had only been five miserable days.
you couldn’t take it anymore. you needed a breather, and needed it now. you begged your mom to let you go on a walk, and she gave you the thumbs up. you decided to go to the nearest park.
there were very fond memories of you and ushijima together. the latest one was when they won nationals last year, and you guys celebrated on the swings, with a shot of grocery store rated tequila. very disgusting.
the park was empty. most people would find a playground depressing with no kids. but that’s how you liked it. quiet, but it’s purpose and physical attributes brought joy to people’s face. you decided to take a seat on the swings. dragging your legs back and forth, back and forth. dazed and honestly so mentally tired. you slowly started to doze off.
footsteps. you heard footsteps.
still with your eyes closed, “if i die then i die, i’m too lazy to budge,” you thought to yourself. the footsteps were getting louder. and then you hear a bunch of chains moving next to you.
“killer chains?” you thought. this bitch
no. you were wrong. those were swing chains. someone had sat next to you. still keeping your eyes shut, hoping that the stranger would just leave.
until you heard his voice,
“y/n, why did you do that to rin? how could you hurt her when you know how important she is to me? she told me that you liked me. for years. why didn’t you tell me?”
“why was he talking to me? breathing the same air as me? and also, would that have made a difference if i told you?” you thought.
“i’d be lying if i said i never had feelings for you, but, god y/n i’m dating someone now. i am a faithful man. and you know, if you weren’t just so prideful, and just told me.. maybe things would’ve been different,” he continues, still thinking that you’re sleeping.
your mom called everyone looking for you. obviously you didn’t have your phone and you still weren’t back from your supposed walk. ushijimas parents forced him to go look for you. he, previously, being your best friend knew the top three spots you’d be at.
“but they’re not,” your voice whispered with an icy tone. it was like bitter in your mouth.
his eyes widened like he just saw a ghost. he didn’t want to hear your answer. he wasn’t ready. but it was too late, it was already rolling. “and what do you mean if i wasn’t so prideful? i didn’t tell you because i was looking out for your FUTURE. volleyball is your main priority and you said you wanted to be the best. so tell me why, as your best friend, would i jeopardize that?” you slight raised your voice.
ushijima frowned, “are you seriously telling me what I want? emphasis on the I? do you think you know me or something y/n? who are you to be put into a position where you can decided what or who i want?” raising his voice even louder. “the fact that you would just assume that... bothers me, how you already planned my future... bothers me, how you always try to pry me open... bothers me, WE AREN’T EVEN DATING.” he noted.
you were mortified. “how could you even say that? sorry that i wanted you to feel? instead of being a huge cold hearted douche. i’ve only ever had good intentions and now you’re better with emotions. you even got yourself a girlfriend, ushijima.” you defend, tears swelling up in your eyes.
“oh, so i go by ushijima now? how petty can you seriously be y/n? face the facts i got a girlfriend, and you dropped me like i was nothing,” he snarled.
“what an idiot. can’t he see that it was the complete opposite” you screamed on the inside.
you took a deep inhale, “drop you like you were nothing? are you fucking serious? I WAS FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU, and listen, i did this for myself. seeing you with HER, everyday killed me. i deadass felt like my heart was smashed and stomped on. and it didn’t help that she was always flaunting your guys’ relationship around me. that’s why i stopped... right now, i can’t even look at you, because if i did, i would fall right back into that pit. all this pain, brought because i was in lo—” you got cut off.
by something warm. and it tasted like peppermint. it was soft, but the pressure put on it seemed rough. you were kissing ushiji-toshi. you, y/n, were kissing toshi. his large hand gripped your cheek, wiping the tears off your face with his thumb. the kiss was very passionate, like it was something you both craved, but fiery, because you guys were still angry at each other. continuously fighting for dominance, and he beat you. his tongue slipped in. you unexpectedly moaned into the kiss and it was music to his ears. how bittersweet that was, you felt embarassed. he never heard you like that. so desperate. and so needy. he trickled down to your jawline then to your neck. you tugged on his hair out of instinct, and could feel his mouth vibrate against your neck. it was intoxicating for both parties.
he pulled away, and you stayed there frozen.
he then, put his thumb on your lips, and whispered in your ear, “don’t ever say that you loved me, like it was past tense,” before moving back to his side of the swing.
you just kissed your best friend, who had a girlfriend. and no matter how much of a bitch she was, you still felt guilty nonetheless. you guys sat there in silence, still trying to process what just happened. you smiled while looking at the slides. you just couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. you remembered about your parents and how they’re probably worried, and so you got up from the swing and opened your hand out for toshi. “c’mon, let’s go home, it’s wednesday.” you smiled.
a/n; this part i’m so proud of. my best one uet. even tho i only wrote two fics. and this is just wave one. you think this ended on a happy note? lmao okay. stop reading at part 2 if you want a happy ending. don’t force yourself to feel the pain. like, follow, or repub for another part or to see more of me.
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wakatoshine · 3 years
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not so silent night (suna rintarou x reader)
summary: there was a tradition amongst the inarizaki volleyball club members where each grade level would go caroling in different neighborhoods and compete for the title of best singer. as suna’s girlfriend, kita had begged you to supervise the rowdy second years so ginjima wouldn’t be alone in his struggle. how could you say no.
wc: 950
“atsumu if you sing one more note out of tune i swear on your brothers life i’m gonna pulverize you,” suna spits venomously.
“hey! don’t bring me into this!” osamu exclaims, also frustrated by his twin’s awful singing.
“come on guys, let’s all calm down,” ginjima states, trying to diffuse the situation.
you clap ginjima on the shoulder and give him a sympathetic smile.
“sorry to tell ya gin, but i don’t think you’ll be able to save him.” you say.
you hear suna call “that’s my girl,” over his shoulder from where you’re walking a few steps behind, and you watch with mischievous eyes as he tries to dodge a punch atsumu throws his way.
“did ya wanna catch up?” ginjima asked. the last house your little group visited was a mutual family friend of the two of you, so you had stayed behind with ginjima to update the family on your lives.
“not really, but i don’t wanna see suna die tonight’s so i guess i’ll go save him,” you say, jogging up to where the twins and your boyfriend were. ginjima follows.
suna turns your way once you catch up, “hey,” he says, grabbing your hand and swinging it back and forth.
atsumu looks at the both of you and fake gags.
“keep the PDA at a minimum please,” he shouts, looking very disgusted at the fact you and suna were in a healthy and happy relationship.
suna rolls his eyes, “stop being jealous of me and my significant other, i can’t help that you’re still single,”
osamu snickers, “nice one suna,”
you bump your shoulder into suna’s, “rin, don’t make fun of atsumu’s single lifestyle, not all of us can be as charming as we are,” you tease.
atsumu groans, “i thought for a second that maybe you’d be nice for once,”
ginjima interrupted the four of you before another fight could break out, “come on guys, we’re already at the next house. stop embarrassing us,”
another house meant another serving of suna’s off key humming, atsumu’s borderline screaming singing, osamu’s awkward standing, and ginjima’s surprisingly angelic voice. your job, as ordered by kita, was to supervise.
the song of choice this time was silent night. it was one of the more intricate christmas songs of the bunch, with harmonies you were certain the knuckleheaded volleyball bunch wouldn’t get. you were skeptical and quite frankly scared to see the outcome of this one.
atsumu knocked on the door and your entire group bowed once an elderly couple greeted the five of you.
that’s when it all started to go downhill.
“merry holidays!” atsumu shouted, causing the older lady to cover her ears.
“what are ya youngins doin here at this hour?” the man asked.
“we’re the second year members of the inarizaki boys volleyball club, and we’re out caroling tonight,” ginjima said, stepping to the front of the group.
“and who might you be young lady?” the woman asks.
“oh i’m just here to make sure they don’t do anything too idiotic, ya know how boys can be,” you say, sending atsumu a look.
osamu clears his throat, “anyways, would ya mind if we sing a bit for you?”
the couple nods eagerly. that was a mistake on their part. if you were them, you would have turned your group away in a heartbeat.
it starts off decent, or as decent as it could be. suna forgets a few words, atsumu is still basically shouting, and osamu is faking it to the best of his ability.
ginjima, who you are certain is the incarnate of the gods at this point, is still killing it. sadly, atsumu’s shouting is too loud and completely covers his angelic voice.
you struggle not to cover your ears.
the elderly couple is nice about it though, after the song is over they give your group a gentle round of applause and send the five of you off with homemade cookies.
“so,” suna said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “what did you think?”
you take your hand and smoosh his cheeks together, he scrunches his nose at you after you let go.
“answer the question, y/n,” suna chides, wagging his finger in your face.
“ginjima’s the only one with vocal talent,” you said with a huff, “the rest of ya suck,”
a chorus of groans erupt from three of the boys.
“why thank you, y/n” ginjima smiles, giving you a quick high five.
you look back up at suna, who is looking at you with a pout you find absolutely adorable.
“hey now rin,” you giggle, “ya can't actually be mad at me for saying the truth,”
suna scowls playfully, “fine, i’ll admit that i’m not the best singer,”
“finally!” atsumu yells, causing osamu to punch him in the stomach.
“you can’t talk either ‘tsumu, ya suck too,” osamu yelled, and just like that another twin fight erupts.
you see suna slowly reach into his pocket for his phone, obviously eager to film the drama unfolding. you stop him by grabbing the hand he was about to unzip his coat pocket with.
“what,” he said, “i really don’t want to miss out on this,”
you stand on the tips of your toes and give him a soft kiss on the lips. with the twins distracted and ginjima walking home in the opposite direction, it was the perfect time to do so.
you pull away and suna blushes.
“i thought you didn’t like PDA,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
you hum, “but i like you a lot,” you say with a smile.
“i like you a lot too,” suna says, squeezing your hand, “now let go so i can record this fight.”
christmas series tag list (send an ask to be added): @imtheseventhchicken @putmeinyourdeathnote @baakugous
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cherry-valentine · 3 years
Summer 2021 Anime Season
What I’m Watching:
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Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid is one of the cutest, sweetest series I’ve seen in a while. The plot sounds rather dark, following a young duke who has been cursed by a witch so that anything he touches, from plants to animals to people, will die. Touching through clothes has the same effect. This naturally isolates him, to the point that his own family have shunned him and he’s forced to live in a separate home out in the woods, with only two servants who are kind (or crazy) enough to stay with him despite the danger. One is an elderly butler who takes on a fatherly role, and the other is the beautiful, busty maid named Alice. And this is where a show that could have gone really dark brightens up to an adorable romantic comedy. Alice is not the least bit afraid of the duke’s curse, and her teasing, cheerful disposition practically forces him to open up. Speaking of Alice, I really enjoy the way her character is handled. Just as the show could have gone dark, it also could have gone sexist and gross. Alice is very busty, as I mentioned, and the show does have some fanservice, but the WAY this fanservice is done makes all the difference. Alice is a flirty character who always seems to be an enthusiastic participant in whatever fanservice we see, rather than being an object to be leered at. She’s very much in control of her body and her sexuality, which I appreciated. Also, there’s a lot of restraint on display here. There are so many ways they could have ruined this by going too far, but they didn’t. The fanservice is restricted to some cleavage shots and Alice occasionally flipping up her own dress to display her stockings. It comes across more as “sexy fun times” than “male gaze oggling a woman”. Because Alice is an interesting and well-written character in her own right. On the surface, she’s unflappable, facing a dire situation with limitless patience and optimism. But we get a few small, brief glimpses of the emotional toll it all takes on her, which is refreshing. The duke himself is a fun character, forever flustered by Alice’s antics but clearly not wanting her to stop. There are some amusing side characters as well. The animation has been criticized quite a bit, as it’s CG. It’s not the best looking CG animation I’ve seen, but it’s far from the worst. For a simple, cute show like this, it’s fine. Recommended if you like romantic comedies with a somewhat dark setup.
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Vanitas no Carte is based on a manga by the woman who did Pandora Hearts, so you have some basic idea of what you’re getting into: extravagant period costumes, gothic European scenery, dark and violent themes mixed with goofy humor, and a very complicated web of character relationships. This series features a vampire society that’s being plagued by “curses” which turn the vampires into mindless beasts that can only be saved by mercy killing them. That is, until a human named Vanitas shows up with the power to cure the “curse bearers” using a legendary book that most vampires doubted the existence of. He teams up with Noe, a kind and naive yet physically very strong vampire who has been tasked with finding said book and determining whether its power is real. The result is a bizarre buddy comedy with touches of gruesome violence and gorgeous art. Of the two protagonists, Noe is my favorite. He’s sweet and good-natured, naive but not stupid. He has a disturbing back story (as most of the characters do) but he can still look at the world with excitement and wonder. He also has a hilarious and adorable cat named Murr. Vanitas, on the other hand, is an insufferable asshole. And I don’t mean in the fun way. I mean he literally makes the show hard to watch when he’s onscreen. I normally like the smug bastard types in anime, but Vanitas really pushes the limits of my tolerance. In an early episode he forces a very deep, very long kiss on a woman he has rendered immobile and unable to defend herself, groping her all the while. I found the scene very troubling, and was even more troubled when I read the comments on the episode, almost all of which calling the kiss “sexy” or “hot” or, worst of all, “romantic”. It’s extremely obvious that the woman did not want or enjoy the kiss, but aw, she was all blushy and embarrassed afterward, so it was a cute scene, right? Ugh, no, gross. The woman, named Jeanne, was established as a very powerful, badass vampire. Yet she’s quickly reduced to a red-faced, crying mess by this absolute garbage character sexually assaulting her in front of several other characters. The whole scene was so bothersome I almost dropped the series entirely, because Vanitas never faces any consequences for this act. He just grins smugly after it’s over. However, I kept watching because, aside from Vanitas, the show is amazing. The art and animation are breathtaking. The plot is highly interesting. The characters, Vanitas excluded, are compelling. And then we have Noe, who is pretty much the opposite of Vanitas. Honestly, if Vanitas was the only protagonist, I would have dropped it, but he’s one of two. So... recommended, but with caution. Your mileage may vary on how much Vanitas you can stomach.
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Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi is.,. not something I expected to enjoy. It has a visual style that reminds me of Kill la Kill, a show I absolutely loathed. The overall vibe of the show is a little off-putting for me, but somehow I got myself hooked on it. The basic set up is that, hundreds of years ago, giant monstrous demons roamed the earth. All the gods of the earth got together, defeated the demons, and sealed them away, leaving one young god named Rin behind to watch over the seal and train newly born gods to fight, should the seal ever be broken. Flash forward to the present day, where Rin has only been able to train a very small number of gods because most of them can’t handle Rin’s absolutely brutal training (it mostly consists of her murdering them over and over and letting them regenerate, as they’re essentially immortal). Unfortunately, some demons have come back, and they’ve taken the appearance of humans. This revelation motivates some of the younger gods to resume their training with Rin. And that’s about all I can say for the plot without getting into some bizarre subplots. There’s a lot I don’t like about the show. I’m not crazy about its cartoony look given the subject matter. I don’t like that there’s basically a whole subplot that revolves around human women being repeatedly raped (side note: rape is never graphically shown, though it is made extremely clear what is happening and we see the lead up to it, also this is a rather small subplot that gets little attention after the first episode). And I absolutely hate that a character involved in this subplot, who encourages it, is presented as a character we should actually like. But! There are some things I really enjoy about it as well. I think the setup is really cool. The gods, and their role in the world of the story, are super interesting. They’re practically indifferent to humans, not even taking the slightest bit of interest when one country invades another and slaughters innocent civilians, because to them, it’s like a human intervening when one animal fights and kills another in the woods. So long as humans aren’t completely wiped out, they don’t get involved. Which is a neat concept. I also like the battles, which are frenetic and a blast to watch. And I totally love Rin, who is just a straight up badass in every single way. She’s one of those ridiculously overpowered characters we sometimes get in anime, most of which are usually male. Rin is so absurdly powerful that other absurdly powerful characters are terrified of her to the point that the mere mention of her name triggers panic attacks. Watching her fight is pure joy. Also the music is great, with an absolute banger of an opening theme. Recommended if you like wild, imaginative action anime and aren’t triggered by rape.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons:
To Your Eternity Boku no Hero Academia Shaman King
Best of Season:
Best New Show: Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
Best Opening Theme: Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi
Best Ending Theme: Vanitas no Carte
Best New Male Character: Noe (Vanitas no Carte)
Best New Female Character: Alice (Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid)
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headoverheelss · 3 years
The group of ninjas ran to Hana’s body after they were free from the barrier that held them back. She was laying in a pool of her own blood. There was a gash on her side. Akito had stabbed her pretty good before Hana was finally able to stop him. 
Kakashi was having trouble breathing. Here was his pup on the brink of death because she had to sacrifice her own life to protect everybody else, to protect him. He couldn’t do this. 
Gai noticed that Kakashi stopped running with the rest of them.
“Kakashi what’s wrong?” Gai walked towards him. He cupped Kakashi’s face with his hand.
“I can’t do this Gai. I can’t watch her die.” Tears were flowing down his face.
Gai pulled Kakashi’s forehead to his. 
“Rival, I know how scared you might be right now. I know I’m terrified right now but we promised when we adopted Hana that we would be with her always. And right now she needs us. So whenever you’re ready, we’ll go over together okay?” Gai held out his hand to Kakashi. 
Kakashi took a breath. Gai was right. Their daughter needed them. Kakashi took hold of Gai’s hand and both of them ran towards Hana and the group.
Rin was trying her hardest to heal Hana but the girl’s body was mutilated beyond repair. Hana had already lost so much blood already. 
Rin could feel herself getting frustrated. This was no time to lose concentration. 
Hana was still conscious surprisingly but she could feel herself slipping away. 
“Rin..rin..” Hana’s voice was scratchy. 
“Hana! Don’t exert yourself.” Rin was using her medical voice on Hana. 
“Rin,,it’s okay. You can stop.” Hana heard the collective cry of dissent from the group surrounding her. 
Rin looked at Hana. This went on for a second before Rin relented. The medic went to stand by Obito. 
“What’s wrong! Why did you stop?” Kiba was angry. 
“Kiba. It’s alright there was nothing more she could do for me.” Hana could feel herself struggling to talk. 
Kakashi and Gai moved closer to Hana. They both knelt down by their daughter. 
“Hey pup.” Kakashi smiled sadly at Hana. 
“I’m so sorry, Kakashi.” Hana was crying. 
“No, no darling don’t cry. You have nothing to apologize about okay.” Gai took his daughter’s hand. 
“Your Dad is right pup. We’re so proud of you.” Kakashi stroked Hana’s hair out of the way. 
“Stay with me.” Hana was scared. 
Kakashi’s statement was echoed by the group. 
Hana looked at every person. They all became her family in the couple of years she lived in Konoha. And she even got her Suna family back too. She took a few seconds to remember Baki. She would be seeing him soon though. 
“Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari. Promise me that you guys will take care of eachother.” 
Gaara nodded his head. Tears started to fall from his face. Kankuro gave Hana a look like he would never dare to leave his siblings. Temari held onto Shikamaru’s hand and gave a nod. 
“Lee, Kiba, and Shikamaru take care of them and treat them respectfully like I know they’ll treat you.”
The three shinobi’s gave her a salute and went over to console their partners. 
“Asuma you better treat Kurenai correctly or I’ll come back and haunt your ass.” 
“Don’t you worry, Hana. I got this one.” Kurenai gave a teary laugh. 
Hana smiled and continued to talk to the rest of the group. She told Obito and Rin that they better get married. Obito promptly turned red but promised Hana he would. Rin was already crying heavily on Obito’s shoulder, frustrated that she couldn’t save her closest friend.
Next she told Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza, thank you for being the best adopted uncles a girl could ask for. Hinata and Shino were told to take care of eachother. 
Naruto and Kiba were told that they were her best cousins and to tell Aunt Kushina, Aunt Tsume, and Uncle Minato that she loves them. 
Hana told Tenten and Neji thank you for all the training practice they give her and she wishes them luck in whatever they decide to do in their future. 
Ino and Sakura were told that the sleepovers the three had were probably the best nights of her life. The girls all shared one last laugh.
Hana thanked Choji, Sai, and Rock Lee were told thank you for all the times they went out to eat and the cool restaurants they visited. 
Hana gave stern instructions to Sasuke about how to treat Naruto. Sasuke gave her a firm nod.
The Legendary Sannin were individually thanked for not only training Hana to her highest potential but for also being her Grandparents. Something she never had before. Lady Tsunade was ashamed of herself. She was unable to heal Hana because of damage taken in a fight earlier.
Finally there was Genma, Kakashi, and Dad.
“Genma, I really am sorry. I wish.. I just..” Hana wanted to say I love you but it got stuck in her throat.
Genma smiled at her.
“I love you forever and always. And I promise you that we will meet again and it will be like we never left each other.”
With those words, Hana felt like she wanted to stay so bad but the pain in her body was spreading and she knew it could never be.
“I’ll hold you to that promise.”
Kakashi could see the life starting to drain from her eyes. He moved to cradle his daughter against his chest.
Gai moved in front of Hana as Kakashi held her up.
“Dad and Kakashi thank you for being the best parents to me. I love you guys so much and please don’t feel any regret or guilt. This was my choice.”
Hana’s eyes were starting to close.
“It’s alright pup, we’ll be fine. Rest now, you deserve it.”
Just then something enveloped Hana’s body. Something that didn’t feel like Death bringing her home.
The smell of blood everywhere.
People screaming. So tired.
So very tired.
Hana sprang up off her bed, throwing the covers off in the process. Her brain was moving at a mile a minute.
There was war. She fought in it. She killed Akito but she was injured badly to the point were she should be dead.
Hana’s hands moved around her body checking for injuries.
so is this heaven?
The room Hana was in looked like a regular apartment. She stood up and walked to the window. 
Hana gasped. Outside the sun was shining on an intact Leaf Village. Citizens were walking up and down the streets. Kids were laughing together and playing ninja. There weren’t dead bodies on the ground or destroyed buildings. 
She took one step back from the window.
Where am I?
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dimigex · 3 years
Current WIP/ Drabbles list
So, I have a day in my writing schedule that is dedicated to working on stories not Altered Reality, Healing Hands, Heart in a Silver Cage, or Losing Control, but I have so many that’s it’s hard to choose. I went through and made a massive list of the current projects that I have (and realized I need to complete more and jump around less). Everything on this list is at least over a thousand words and most are considerably more than that. 
I kind of wanted to open this up to see if any of these descriptions get my followers excited in the ‘omg tell me more, why isn’t this finished yet’ way because there is only so much time each day to work on things. If you see something you want to know more about or really want to see me post sooner rather than later, please, Please, PLEASE inbox me (you can even use Anon to do so) or reply or reblog or whatever. I want to work on things that other people will be excited about too. It’s no fun alone. I mean it kind of is, but feedback is the best and if you’re excited you’re more likely to comment and engage. 
Works are below the cut because I have zero self control and the list is long. Keep in mind this is nowhere near the full amount of stories I have in docs, only the ones that are well developed and/or written or close to being finished (or have a chapter or more if it’s a long story)  
Big Stories (things that would be split into multiple chapters/parts):
Clean - KakaSaku, Sakura comes back to the village with an infant daughter and a big secret, one that she’s sworn never to tell even if it makes her life miserable. This is a study on the things we do for love, even when it hurts us. This story also has some previous SasuSaku undertones
Dark Side of the Moon - KakaSaku, this is basically the flip side of Altered Reality. Kakashi lived in a happy world and is suddenly thrust into a reality where nearly everyone he cares about is dead and he’s in a relationship with Sakura. With everything upside down, can he figure out what happened and get back to his family before it’s too late? Or should he move on with the new normal?
Here With You - Kakasaku, A 10k follow on to my oneshot Distraction which is mutual pining (and mutual self pleasure while thinking of the other). Kakashi and Sakura are tired of dancing around their feelings for each other, but neither knows what to do about it. With a little help from Ino, Genma, and maybe some alcohol, they’ll figure it out. 
Mortal Flaw, Fatal Sin - KakaSaku (with a heavy dose of anti-SasuSaku, Sasuke really does come across evil in this one) Sakura returns to Konoha after over a year with little to no contact with anyone. Pregnant and alone, she turns to Kakashi to try and figure out what to do with her life and tempers flare when the truth starts to come out. (this one will have a lot of trigger warnings, it’s a dark take on SasuSaku)
Run to You  - Jiraiya/Tsunade, snippets of their lives through the second war and forward (Niwaki’s death, Dan’s, the first time they hook up (because let’s face it, it happened)
Shattered - This starts as a SasuSaku morphs into a KakaSaku and NaruSasu. After the war, Sasuke is held in prison in Konoha for treason. Kakashi is Hokage and he didn’t ask for this mess with his former team, and he certainly didn’t ask to start developing feelings for Sakura as she’s doing her best to save Sasuke from himself. 
She is the Sunlight - KakaSaku, Sakura is unhappy with life in the village after the war (and Sasuke) and wants something more than just her medical work at the hospital. Eventually she latches onto the idea of Anbu which Kakashi strongly opposes because he wants to protect her from the horrors of it. (this is actually a combination of two stories I have where Kakashi catches the feels and doesn’t know what to do about it and Sakura kind of self-destructs before he figures it out)
Starting Over - Kakayama, Tenzo doesn’t know what to do with himself after the war and ends up helping at the hospital. When an orphaned infant isn’t doing well, Tenzo puts in some extra effort and maybe falls in love with the idea of being a dad if only he can convince Kakashi that it’s a good idea. 
Empire - Gabriel centric, dealing with his pre army life with his family, initiation into a gang, conversion to the army, marriage and daughter, then ending at SEP. This is a wild ride from start to finish honestly. 
Through the Glass - Genji/Mercy, their time during his recovery after Overwatch saved his life, then probably reconnecting later as an epilogue. 
(You Held the Gun that) Fired First - Reaper76, starting with the founding of Overwatch, the slow decay of Jack and Vincent’s relationship, the chaos of Jack and Gabe together, ending sometime around the start of the game probably. I’m not planning to follow canon heavily but there will be a lot of stuff happening here including but not limited Jack planning to ask Vincent to marry him, a massively public break-up, Vincent gets attacked and nearly killed, Ana’s death, the explosion. Honestly I haven’t decided on the ending point yet 
Drabbles (smaller, one shots that don’t need additional chapters, probably): 
Beautiful, Perfect Disaster - KakaSaku, all the tension between them finally snaps into a first kiss that might be the start of something wonderful 
Blame it on the Blood Loss - KakaIru, When Kakashi and Iruka go on a mission together, the latter is badly injured and rambles confessions he never meant to share
Innocence - KakaSaku, Kakashi and Sakura have been dating for a while when she shocks him by admitting she’s never been with anyone before and wants him to be her first (and last), not going to lie, this is mostly smut 
Interrupted Affections - KakaSaku, Kakashi and Sakura have just started dating and the days on missions without being able to touch is killing both of them. Sneaking away from Tenzo and Naruto, they try to find a little alone time to reconnect. It goes about as well as expected 
Let It Go - NaruSasu,in which Naruto tries to convince Sasuke to stay in the village and Sasuke has some convincing reasons on why he shouldn’t 
Letting Go - Kakayama, set in their Anbu days where Tenzo pays the ultimate price to save Kakashi’s life and Kakashi goes a little crazy as a result 
Memories and Hope - Genma/Kakashi, on the anniversary of Minato’s death Genma and Kakashi realize they have more in common than they realized. 
Saying Goodbye - Kakayama, Tenzo reflects on all the could have beens at Kakashi’s funeral 
Shadows and Sunlight - KakaSaku and NaruSasu, This is a follow on to my story Lightning and Starlight (in which Sasuke uses chidori on Sakura on the bridge when she tried to kill him, aka Kakashi got there too late). It follows the fallout of that day when everyone catches feels and realizes relationships are complicated
Surprise Advances - Tenzo/Anko, a train wreck mission leads this unlikely pair to fall into bed together (a spin off from Heart in a Silver Cage)
The Monster You Made - Kakashi/Obito, after the war (in which Obito doesn’t die, obviously) Kakashi saves Obito from execution for his crimes and realizes that he has some unresolved feelings for the teammate that he thought he’d lost years ago. 
The Photograph - Tenzo/Obito (set in Altered Reality universe) where an Anbu mission makes Tenzo rethink his opinion of his captain 
The Story of Your Scars - Kakayama, this is a follow on to Find Me in the Dark (in which Tenzo was captured and tortured by Orochimaru) where Kakashi tries to help Tenzo deal with the trauma of it 
Undone - Kakashi centric, young Kakashi wakes up in the hospital after his failure to save Rin (honestly this is about the shattering of Minato and Kakashi’s relationship) 
Undressed - KakaYama, Kakashi comes home broken up after a mission and Tenzo helps him remove his armor, in more ways than one
First Impressions - Reaper76, after the SEP injections which Jack has a difficult time with and Gabe helps him get through 
Shattered - Vincent learns about the explosion at the Swiss HQ and that Jack is missing in it 
War is Hell - Reaper76, the fallout after another bad Blackwatch mission where Jack is left picking up the pieces 
Apocalyptic - Genma/Fynta (swtor crossover) where Genma is trapped in the Star Wars universe just trying to survive (co-written with Cinlat)
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Sith Erinyes AS
Erinyes [ih-rin-ee-eez] the three goddesses of vengeance and retribution who punished men for crimes against the natural order
Requested by Anon: Could you write an Anakin x Sith! Reader oneshot, where because receiving the visions of her husband’s dark fate as Darth Vader, Reader takes his place as the Chancellor’s student instead. And Anakin finds out (after reading her journal once he and the others made it to a safe place after Order 66) and vows to save her for his and their children’s (Luke’s and Leia’s) sakes? Sorry... I hope that I wasn’t too specific in my request.
A/N It’s completely fine, I love this idea. And thank you for all the requests and compliments. Also, this won’t remain 100% faithful to the plot of Episode III but just ignore it.
Opening your eyes, a hazy image came into view. You saw Anakin speaking with Chancellor Palpatine. It was hard to make out, but you were pretty sure it was them. You couldn’t hear the entire conversation, but from what you could gather, Palpatine was beginning to seduce Anakin to the dark side. It scared you. You knew Anakin was supposedly the most powerful force user to exist, and considering how Sidious killed his master, this wouldn’t end well. But what caught your attention was Anakin’s interest in Darth Plagueis The Wise. Why would Anakin want so desperately to bring someone from death? 
Unbeknownst to you, Anakin had already had this conversation, and he had already seen you dying. 
It seemed as if you were floating above lava; you noticed that the area was blazing hot, all land not covered by liquid fire was made of molten rock. Then you noticed two figures, each wielding pillars of blue light on top of floating debris. Recognizing Anakin’s black robes as well as Obi-Wan’s brown and white ones, you screamed for Anakin to be careful, but no one could hear you, you couldn’t even hear the words you so desperately tried to scream. You couldn’t look away as you saw your husband’s master jump onto safe land. They yell at each other, but you couldn’t hear anything. When Anakin jumped over Obi-Wan, you let out a strangled gasp as he cuts Anakin’s arms from mid-forearm and legs from mid-shin. They exchanged a few other words before Obi-Wan walked away. 
The scene shifted, and you saw a man standing against a table like a contraption, arms and legs bound. He was completely covered in black: black armor, black cape, even a black helmet that completely shielded his face. And though you couldn’t discern who was now screaming in agony through a modulated voice, something told you it was your husband, Anakin. 
Your eyes snapped open. ‘It was just a dream,’ you tried to reassure yourself. But you couldn’t shake the instinct that it was real, like a premonition. You began to get out of the small cot when Anakin’s arm tightened around you. “Where are you going, love?” he asked, now fully alert. He was a light sleeper, and it took him less than a minute to fully wake up. 
“Nothing, I just remembered I have to do something in my dorm,” you lied, stroking the side of his face. You were Darth Sidious’ sort-of-apprentice, but he wasn’t especially fond of you despite your power. He had preferred Darth Maul to you, and now there were rumors among his closest confidants that he was seeking to make Anakin his new apprentice. Sidious more so kept you because he didn’t want the Jedi to use you against him. He had found you on Naboo when you were only a newborn, your mother was a handmaiden to the Queen at the time, which was how he found you before the Jedi could sense you. 
Anakin nodded, slumping back down as you got dressed. You stood up, placing a hand on your slightly swollen stomach, and left your room, making your way to Darth Sidious’ quarters. You got onto the elevation and chose the 7th floor, stepping out once you reached his temporary living room. One of his personal guards approached you. “Tell Lord Sidious that Darth Erinyes wants to speak with him about Anakin,” you ordered, making yourself into the intimidating Sith Lord your master trained you to be.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, turning to enter Sidious’ office. Not long after, the guard came out, gesturing for you to enter. You walked in, head held high and black robes billowing around your ankles. 
“Erinyes,” Sidious addressed you, he never used your proper name, “is there a reason you are interrupting me at such a late hour?” 
“I apologize, Master. I only wish to speak with you about Anakin.” 
“What of the boy?”
“I know you want him as your apprentice and I’m here to ask you to make me your apprentice and instead allow him to go about his life,” you practically begged. “I don’t think it’s wise to turn him in such a forceful way.” 
“You, Erinyes, are not the Jedi I seek-” he began before you cut him off.
“I am just as powerful as him! I have been by your side since I was an infant and I outperformed Maul!” you realized that you were yelling at Sith Lord Sidious but at this point you had nothing to lose so you kept going. “Yet you favored him. Why? Because he wasn’t female? Am I just a prize for you? You keep me around so I don’t join the Jedi and overthrow you?” 
Lord Sidious sat silently. He didn’t speak for a few moments and you continued to stand there. “I will leave Anakin alone and let him make his own way to the dark side. In the meantime, you, Erinyes, will be my apprentice and my spy within the Jedi Temple.” 
“Thank you, Master,” you said in relief. You had expected him to kill you, or at least electrocute you for speaking out. 
“When you go back to the Temple, make sure you watch over Anakin.”
“Yes, Sir,” you said obediently before making your way into your assigned dorm and grabbing your journal. First, you wrote about your dream so you could look for signs that it might happen, and then you wrote about your encounter with Lord Sidious. Tucking the small journal back into your luggage, you got into your own bed. 
After about 10 minutes of wishing you had gone back to Anakin’s room, the door opened, and a figure walked in. They collapsed on the bed almost on top of you and you giggled, knowing it was your husband. “What are you doing?” you laughed. 
“You didn’t come back,” he said with a smirk, placing a hand on your stomach. Anakin’s happiness quickly dissipated when he remembered his own premonitions. It overjoyed him when you told him you were pregnant, but then he had a dream. In the dream he watched you scream in pain and die, and then he saw your babies being taken away. He had seen that you’d have twins, but he never told you because he didn’t want to scare you. 
The next morning, you both woke up to a droid opening the door. It only told you that the Jedi would depart in an hour before zooming away. “Well, I guess I have to go get my things from my room, Love,” Anakin kissed your nose.
“I guess,” you sighed. You never wanted moments like these to end. Moments when you didn’t have to think about the fact that you had been lying to the man you love since the second you met.
Anakin’s POV
It had been months since Y/N and I were at the Senate building, and by now she was heavily pregnant. Although, she somehow managed to hide her bump even now as she was into her 9th month. I had become Palpatine’s apprentice after he killed Windu, although I hadn’t told Y/N. She didn’t need to know I was doing this to save her and our children.
I walked into our room to see Y/N lying on the bed, face covered by her hands. “I hate this,” she groaned.
“I know,” I sympathized. “But remember, when this is over we’ll have out child.” I tried to excite her.
“Shut up, you’re not the one going through pregnancy and birth,” she mumbled.
I laughed, leaning down to kiss the side of her head. “So, something’s about to happen and I need you to stay in here.”
“What? Why do I need to stay in here?” Y/N stood up now. “Anakin, what’s going on?”
“Nothing Y/N, just please do as I say,” I begged, walking to the door.
“No, tell me what’s going on!” she insisted.
“No!” I yelled, using the force to grab her throat. She choked, looking scared of me, but I was so angry I couldn’t bring myself to let her go until she fell unconscious. I laid her unconscious body on the bed before leaving and locking the door to our room. “I’m sorry, Love,” I yelled through the door. I turned away from it, igniting my lightsaber, preparing myself to do whatever it would take to keep Y/N and our children safe and alive.
I laid on the burning ground, alight and in agony. I was livid with the only father figure I had ever known. He had betrayed me and I couldn’t stand it. But most of all, my heart was broken. Y/N, if she hadn’t already, would be going into labor and I wouldn’t be there to save her. I wouldn’t get to meet my children either. Eventually the pain overtook me and I succumbed to darkness, welcoming my death.
I finally woke up and realized that I was standing, yet strapped to a table. After a few moments of tugging and panicking, they unleashed me from the restraints. Chancellor Palpatine walked, so he was visible to me. “Lord Vader, can you hear me?”
“Yes, Master,” I replied. “Where is Y/N?” I asked, turning to him. “Is she safe? I she alright?” I continued to interrogate.
“It seems in your anger, you killed her,” he informed me.
‘What?’ I thought, ‘I killed her?’ My heart shattered. ‘How could I have done this to her?’ I wasn’t fully aware of my actions I was in so much pain but I fell to my knees, crying out in agony for what I had done to the love of my life.
A/N I cut stuff out of the request because logically through my writing, it didn’t make sense. I’m sure the requester had a different path in mind, but this was like a puzzle I couldn’t manage to fit together.
@algentforthewin @fanartcollectorwriter @randomfangirl7 @amberash05 @elizzysnow13 @vikingqueen28 @rhiannon-russo @mackycat11
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angstyaches · 3 years
I'm literally gonna scream this is sooo cool - also shayne would show up in his docs 100% but he'd rock the look so there is that lmao
would you write a drabble with that scenario maybe?? rin in that dress has to become reality aaaah
This was after I made a post about an idea I had, for Charlie and Shayne to match their ties to Rin’s dress so she wouldn’t feel like she was alone.
It’s not exactly a drabble and there may end up being a part two; but here it is! In my country, we have a party called a debs instead of prom, but for StW, I’m just going to call it their grad ball.
Rin woke with a heavy ache in her gut that she couldn’t quite place straight away. There was none of the buzzing electricity in her veins like when she woke up nervous before an exam, so it couldn’t be that.
Through the heavy fog of sleep, she reached out to slap the snooze option on her phone as it buzzed, and shoved it further away on her bedside locker.
There was movement in the house; by now, the kitchen was probably smelling like coffee and toast, her mother would have opened all the curtains, and her father would be playing the news on the vintage-style radio they’d gotten him last Christmas.
The day would be in full swing by now.
Rin grunted and tugged the duvet up over her head, pulling her knees closer to her chest, the swell of fear rising up in her belly with every passing second.
Because this wasn’t a normal day.
It was the day of the grad ball.
Jeez, Rin thought to herself as she felt how hard her heart was beating, how much of a wreck am I going to be on my freaking wedding day? The thought made the dread so much worse that she had to quickly shake it out of her head. The comparison didn’t seem to make today any easier to face into, however.
The knock at her door made her jump, and the fright made any chance of an extra few minutes of sleep slip away.
“You up, love?” Claire called through the door. “We should be at Caitlin’s by ten.”
Rin groaned and lifted her head. “I thought the appointment was at eleven?”
“It is, but she’s going to be slammed today! If we’re late, we’re out.”
And god forbid I went to the ball without any bobby pins or glitter spray in my hair, Rin thought, heavily throwing back the duvet. It was already weighing enough on her mother that she was going to the ball without a date. She was the only one in her friend group who didn’t have a boyfriend, aside from Katie, and even Katie had roped one of the hurling team guys into being her date. Rin had opted to show up alone rather than force herself to link up with someone for the entire night; however, now that the day had come, she was starting to second-guess herself.
Just stop thinking about it, she told herself. You’re gonna psyche yourself out.
She felt her way around her room on muscle memory alone, not wanting to engage her brain in any more thought until she absolutely had to. She wrestled herself into a pair of black leggings and a striped jump with a wide neckline, and stopped by her mirror.
She was reaching for her eyeliner before she remembered she would be getting her makeup done professionally after she’d had her hair done, which made her want to curl up and die.
Leaving the eyeliner pen where it was, Rin forced a smile in the mirror and headed downstairs.
“Morning, Dad,” she mumbled as she went into the kitchen.
“Good morning! Nutella or jam today?” Drew asked, plating up two slices of toast that had just popped up.
Rin’s throat and stomach clenched in unison at the thought of how either of the options would taste. Still, she’d need some kind of energy boost to get her through the afternoon.
“I’m not hungry, Dad,” she said, hopefully quickly enough that he wouldn’t have time to notice anything was wrong. “Can I take some coffee though?”
“’Course. Milk’s still in the fridge.”
Rin nodded and turned to fetch it.
“I’ll put it in a travel cup for you,” Drew added with a grin as he reached for the pot. “Your mam’s like a headless chicken this morning, so I don’t know if you’ll have time to drink it before she’s bundling you into the car.”
By the time Rin had carried the milk carton to the countertop, there was a jingling of keys in the hallway, and Claire’s voice calling out;
“Are you right, love?”
Drew’s grin deepened as he handed over the Thermos cup to Rin. “What’d I say?”
“Coming, Mam,” Rin called back, making a face at her dad and mouthing Kill me. The heavy sensation in the pit of her stomach came back with a vengeance as she grabbed her jacket from the front hall. It was going to be a long damn day.
Rin couldn’t decide which was more overpowering; the lingering fog of hairspray that just didn’t seem to leave the circumference of her skull, or the smell of her mother’s perfume. If her mood had been just the slightest bit worse, she might have snapped and demanded to know who on earth put on perfume for a photograph; the lipstick and eyeliner that Claire had slapped on could be understood, but perfume?
“Smile, Rin,” Drew chuckled from behind the chunky camera. “Let’s see those teeth. Or were those four years of orthodontist visits just for fun?”
Rin sighed and melted into a smile, tilting her head a little closer to Claire’s as the camera clicked a flashed. She loved her parents, she really did; she just sometimes wished they weren’t so damn conventional.
“We done?” she asked.
“Done,” Drew said.
Rin grunted and let her posture fall a little slack. The damn shoes were already killing her, and if she hadn’t been wearing mostly black, she’d have been worried about pit stains. She could practically feel the foundation melting off of her face as her mother leaned in for one last hug before she had to run.
“Have fun, love,” Claire instructed, scooping her work bag up from the hallway floor. “I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow.”
Rin nodded. “Have a good night at work.”
Claire blew a kiss as she was going out the door. Rin glanced through to the kitchen, to where Drew was already engrossed in reviewing the pictures he’d taken on the camera’s little screen. The clock on the wall behind him told her that she had about fifteen minutes before she had to leave.
Her knees suddenly felt weak, and her stomach – not that it hadn’t been bothering her all day – lurched dangerously close to her throat. All she’d had that day was a toasted cheese sandwich and the latte, when Claire had dragged her to a little café once her hair and make-up appointments were finished with. She could suddenly taste the slightly charred crusts of the bread, and the rich, frothy coffee burned deep in her chest.
She stole one last glance to see that her father was still preoccupied before letting herself bring a hand to her mouth. Breathe, she told herself, drawing air in through her nose even though it was still somehow thick with hairspray. The breath seemed to catch in her throat, and the pain in her stomach seemed to drop lower and rise higher all at once.
Rin’s knees had all but buckled by the time she’d kicked off the lacey heeled shoes. The layers of black and pink tulle in her dress rustled as she turned and hurried up the stairs, feet thumping lightly in their delicate, sheer black tights.
The first retch caught her by surprise, before she’d made it to the toilet. She clapped her other hand to her mouth, hoping to create a vacuum and prevent anything from dripping down onto her dress. The sick was hot, and with nowhere else to go, she felt it smear against her lips and the end of her nose.
The sensation and the smell were enough to draw out another deep heave, accompanied by a belch this time. Luckily, she’d just about made it to the toilet, so she let herself double over and yanked her hands away with a quick prayer that her dress was out of the splash zone.
Rin coughed and let another wave of puke stream into the toilet, and then she clenched her teeth. She reached for the toilet paper and got her hands as clean as she could before taking off her glasses and gathering up the tulle skirts. She held the fabric in as tight a knot as she could. Her belly ached and gurgled as it waited for her to get into position again. As it shot another reminder of her lunch into her mouth, Rin couldn’t help but feel relieved that she’d decided on having her hair put into an updo; things would have been ten times worse if she’d also been attempting to keep hair out of her face too.
“Shit,” she whimpered to herself as she managed to straighten up. She was a little dizzy, but most of the pain in her belly seemed to ease off. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands and inspected herself for mess. All that was out of place was some ruined foundation around her mouth, and a little leakage in her eyeliner. Luckily the lash glue had stayed in place when her eyes had started watering.
She brushed her teeth, raced to her bedroom, and touched her makeup up as best she could with her own eyeliner and a powder foundation she hadn’t used in months. Her eyes were still a little bloodshot, but at least she had a little longer to recover before she got to the venue and had to smile for more photographs.
When Shayne had seen Charlie emerge from the passenger side of Ingrid’s car, he’d looked down, starting to kick softly at the kerb. There was a feeling in his stomach he couldn’t put words to, and he had to focus carefully on his breathing. That was when he’d heard Charlie’s voice, and his head had snapped up.
Charlie’s hair was freshly cut and gelled perfectly in place, and his suit jacket and pants almost matched the deep navy of the night sky. He’d stopped a few metres away, lingering on the path, looking a bit like he’d just seen a plague of locusts heading their way.
“You wore your Docs?”
Shayne glanced down at his feet. It hadn’t occurred to him to get new shoes to go with the simple black suit that Nancy had bought for him. He now realised he should have at least taken out the rainbow laces in the right boot and put the original black ones in for the night, but it was too late for that now.
He felt heat gather in his cheeks as he cleared his throat. “You look nice enough for both of us, Charlie.”
“I never said you didn’t -” Charlie blinked as he fought back a smile, the slightest hint of a blush crossing his cheeks too. “Thanks. I - I’m glad you remembered the tie.”
“’Course I remembered the tie,” Shayne mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets and feeling like a teenager getting scolded. “You only mentioned it about sixty times and threatened to cut my head off.”
“I would never.” Charlie put a hand on the back of Shayne’s head, pulling it closer to he could kiss his forehead. “I like this head too much.”
Shayne’s stomach did a little flip. He leaned into the kiss, resting his forehead on Charlie’s shoulder as soon as he was allowed. “I’m so nervous.”
“That’s okay,” Charlie sighed. “You should have felt how fast my heart was pounding when I first saw you.”
Drew looked up from sweeping the kitchen floor, laying the brush against the countertop, as Rin walked towards the kitchen, carrying her shoes with her fingers looped through the backs of them. She stood in the doorway to the front hall, one hand on the doorframe, the other smoothing down the side of her dress.
He frowned as he noticed her expression. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he pulled out a kitchen chair, desperately trying to deduce if she was paler than usual under all that makeup.
“Dad, I...” Rin gave a slight shake of her head, lifting a hand to cover her mouth. “I don’t feel right.”
“Here, come and sit down. Do you want some water?”
Rin nodded as she scooped as much fabric into her lap as she could, and sat down sideways at the table. She rubbed at the side of her head, hoping at the last second that she wasn’t pulling her hair loose from its pins and spray.
Her stomach had mostly calmed, at least, but the sense of impending doom hadn’t been lifted. She’d made the mistake of checking her phone before coming back downstairs, and had been met with pictures of Katie and Ashley taking selfies with their dates, looking like movie stars getting ready for the red carpet. And here she was, feeling queasy and pathetic and lonely.
“There you go, love,” Drew said evenly as he laid a glass of water close to her elbow. He pulled out a chair for himself so he could sit at an angle to her front, folding his hands awkwardly across his knees. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
Not unless you can cancel out the last year of my life, or better yet the last eight years, so that I was never friends with Katie, or the rest of them, and maybe make it so that I was home-schooled instead, so I don’t have to go to this stupid tradition on my own and be embarrassed and awkward and –
Rin folded her arms around her waist and held back a sob. “No, Dad, it’s – it’s okay, I just…”
“Just what, love?”
Rin covered her mouth and shook her head. The words on her tongue were too strong, and she could already feel them echo down through the years of the rest of her life. “I don’t – I don’t want to go.”
Drew shifted his weight. “Well, why don’t we take a few minutes, and really think about this, and if that’s still what you want –”
“I don’t want a few minutes,” Rin said quickly, knowing she’d change her mind if she was given the chance to think too much. “I really don’t want to go, Dad. Tonight’s supposed to be about celebrating with your friends, and I don’t have... I don’t have those. If I go, I’m just going to have to hear them all laughing, and having a great time, and –”
Rin’s spiralling train of thought was cut short by a knock on the front door, which was in clear view of where she was sat. She frowned as she saw movement either side of the fogged glass surrounding the door, and she glanced at her dad, wondering why he hadn’t gotten up to see who was there.
Instead of that, he had taken on a shy smile.
“You might want to answer that, love.”
Rin blinked harshly, reaching up under the rims of her glasses in case she’d let any tears slip out while she’d been panicking. Her ankles wobbled slightly as she made her way to the door, hands trembling as she opened it.
The first thing she saw was the corsage being held out to her. A pale lily on a band on pearl-esque beads. Rin looked up in shock at Charlie’s face, which gave off an uncharacteristically shy grin.
“Evening, my lady,” he said.
“Ch-Charlie Bear?” Rin’s jaw fell open as he took her hand. No, it wasn’t him taking her hand, it was Shayne. She looked at him too, thinking surely, she must have hit her head or dehydrated or something.
As Shayne lifted her arm, Charlie slipped the corsage onto her wrist. As soon as it was in place, Rin pressed both hands to her face, quickly removing her glasses so she could dab at the fresh wave of tears.
“Thank – thank you, it’s – it’s lovely, it –”
“Hey – oh no, Rin,” Charlie cooed, gently easing her hands down from her face. “You’re going to smudge your makeup –”
“What’re – what’re you two even doing here?” Rin half-laughed, half-sobbed, finally feeling as though she could use her vocal cords.
She slipped her glasses back on, the strangled sounds quickly dissolving into giggles as she took in the sight of them both – Shayne in black and Charlie in deep blue – standing on her doorstep. She managed to focus on the one thing they had matching, which were the widely-cut, silky ties in a shade of pale-yet-vibrant pink.
“Why are – oh my god, do both your ties match my dress?”
Charlie’s grin only deepened as Rin reached out to playfully slap him on the arm. When she looked at Shayne, she couldn’t bring herself to even pretend to hit him, so instead she threw her arms around his neck. He tensed a little, and she felt him draw a sharp breath, so she didn’t hold onto him for too long.
“Oh my god, you two,” she gasped as she stepped back, fanning her eyes and hoping somehow that would dry up the tears that kept seeming to spring up. “You’re two absolute babes, you know that?”
“Two Prince Charmings, huh?” Drew laughed, rocking up behind Rin and planting a hand on her shoulder. “Both here to take Rinderella to the ball.”
Shayne made a sound that might have been a nervous laugh if he’d let it develop, but he quickly covered his mouth to stop it as Charlie and Rin both threw him curious looks.
“Oh my god, the ties,” Rin whimpered as she looked at the pink ties yet again. She jabbed Charlie in the arm. “No wonder you were showing so much interest in what my dress looked like.”
“How are you feeling, love?” Drew asked sincerely. He showed her that he’d taken her clutch bag from the hallway, so she wouldn’t have to go look for anything before she had to leave. Rin took it gratefully and turned back to kiss her dad on the cheek.
Rin looked at the two boys and sniffled. “I’m good, I – I’m good to go.”
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