#writer troubles
tathrin · 1 year
Oh no help. I’m writing a conversation between Gimli and Celebrimbor with Gimli just fucking reeling over Celebrimbor’s knowledge and appreciation of dwarven culture and Celebrimbor just so delighted to talk to a dwarf and finally feeling comfortable again for maybe the first time since getting back into a body as a result, and I am having far too much fun with it. I do not need this help.
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sanctuary-for-the-mad · 3 months
Confession of a writer:
As much as I hate my work normally, I double down and hate on it much harder than I actually feel about it, in order to make me feel less excited about it. I'm not supposed to be excited and proud of my work, that's the fan's job. My duty is to make it. To make it for my fans. I'm not allowed to be hyped about it, because that's not my role.
A necessary action to stay humble. It may hurt to keep constantly talking badly about what I made, but it must be done. Killing my excitement for it, as difficult and hurtful as it may be, is vital to stay humble and keep working and facing the challenges.
Remember, my duty is to make, not to enjoy. That's the deal. I make things, and my readers enjoy them. This is how it is. I'm not allowed to be a fan of my own work, then what are the normal fans for?
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Don't you hate it when you have a great idea, but your artistic skill level won't let you express it fully? That seems to happen to me all the time. Grrrrr... - ✒️🐉
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tiffanytoms · 4 months
I know, I know, FF is dying, but I really liked it and am in denial that this feature will come back… 🥲
If you don’t see your view statistics anymore, pls do let me know when they stopped. (Mine did on September 15th?)
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I really want to write a North Star chapter centered around George & Fred's birthday for April 1, but I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off. The next few days are going to be pure chaos, plus there's going to be a chapter before it that is nowhere near finished.
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shapesintheklouds · 1 month
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A comic about the writing process.
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riddlrz · 10 months
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Is this what teenage girls listen to nowadays.
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mellkat1986 · 6 months
Maybe, we're getting somewhere
I actually felt like doing some writing today. I've been thinking about ideas lately, for The Club and Requited Love, and other story ideas. I haven't done that in a long time.
I didn't want to just throw myself into writing a chapter, so I thought I'd reread Requited Love and familiarise myself with the details of the story. I'd forgotten how much I had wrote about Belle's mother's death in the first chapter.
'A single tear squeezed out the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheek, streaming a cold path down to her jaw. Before it could reach her jawline, Belle swept it away. Brushing it off as she let out a quiet sniffle. Crying never brought back her mother. Nor did it make her feel any better. It had only made her feel weak, reminding her of the feeble girl her younger self had been. Too frightened to cry out for help. Carrying the burden, that if she had done something, anything, there was a chance her mother could still be alive. Not buried six feet under on the small island, protected by the lake, located on the south side of the estate. Her mother would’ve been here...'
I wrote this chapter a year before my mother died. It's uncanny how much of it, I can relate to how I feel about my mother's passing. Every day, I must shed a quiet tear in the name of my mother. Missing her every time I hear a song. When my little girl does something and I desperately want to call my mum and tell her, 'Chloe tried saying her name today!'. See a cow picture she would've wanted for collection. So many little things, which you just take for granted and don't think mean anything at the time. But those stupid things - the bag of peanut M&Ms she always bought for me, when she went shopping; the times she gave me that extra bit of a squeeze during a hug; the stupid joke of putting potatoes in her bra, because she was jealous I had bigger boobs than her. The tears I've shed because of these memories will never ever bring her back, but they keep her with me.
Each day, I hope for this writing block to end. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, will be the day, but at least today I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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c-rose2081 · 1 year
My really bad Harry Potter fanfic that I wrote when I was 16 has 317k likes on Wattpad.
It’s not good. It’s not original. It is literally a strange indulgence fic with questionable ship dynamics and a disjointed time travel plot.
And yet 317k people decided it was interesting enough to read. And to this day, many, many years later, I still get notifications and comments on it.
I have both a sense of pride and disgrace at this little factoid.
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mishqua · 5 months
Me(a writer)- I love writing. I really do. It's awesome. My muse has got too many in its head, I gotta destress. Writing is fantastic.
Also me- *scrolling tumblr*
*surfing yt for stuff I really dont like*
*looking for music that would fit my mood. And the fic. And the chap.*
*Looking out at the sky and sighing*
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ameliawarnerr · 1 year
Me the whole day: I wanna write I wanna write I wanna write I wanna—
*Opens Google Docs*
Me: Uh- um nevermind...
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wutheringskies · 6 months
so I've no ideas for my exchange fic and I'm withering away
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tarynisbunhead · 9 months
Picking historically accurate names for characters in a historical fiction story can be so frustrating sometimes.  I just had to change the name of a character because the name origin was 200 years AFTER the story takes place.  
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stygianheart · 1 year
Me trying to write fluff for once in my life:
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nateezfics · 2 years
me, before trying to write: wow i’m feeling so motivated to write. this will be easy! just gotta type up some words and then i’ll have this fic done no problem!!
me, while trying to write:
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theiceemperor · 2 years
Me: *after literally the whole day of writing exactly sixteen words closes the laptop*
My brain, instantly: So I just came up with three new story ideas and also solved how to end the convo scene you've been struggling with so –
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