#yoga programme
fitabouts · 2 years
Eka Pada Utkatasana, also known as Half Chair Pose or Ardha Utkatasana, stretches the hamstrings, quadriceps and gluteus muscles while strengthens the legs core, ankles and foot.
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🧘‍♂️ Information:👉
1️⃣ Known as:👉 Eka Pada Utkatasana, Half Chair Pose, One Legged Chair Pose, Ardha Utkatasana, Standing Pigeon Pose, Whooping Crane Pose, Standing Figure Four Pose
2️⃣ Sanskrit name:👉 एक पाद उत्कटासन
3️⃣ IAST:👉 Eka Pāda Utkaṭāsana
4️⃣ Pronunciation:👉 eh-kuh pah-dah Oot-kah-TAHS-anah
5️⃣ Level:👉 Intermediate
6️⃣ Type:👉 Standing, balance, hip-opener
7️⃣ Focus:👉 Lower body, hips, core
8️⃣ Total time:👉 30 to 60 seconds
9️⃣ Drishti:👉 Forward
🔟 Chakra:👉 Svadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
💡 Indications:👉 Circulatory, respiratory, and metabolic system, hormonal functions, legs, core muscles, nervous system
💡 Counterposes:👉 Virasana (Hero Pose), Natarajasana (Dancers Pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose), Padahastasana (Gorilla Pose), Utthan Pristhanasana (Runners Lunge Pose)
💡 Preparatory poses:👉 Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose), Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Anjenayasana (Crescent Lunge Pose)
💡 Follow-up poses:👉 Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose), Eka pada Koundinyasana I (One-Footed Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I), Parsva Bakasana (Revolved Crow Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes pose), Malasana (Garland Pose)
💡 Contraindications:👉 Hips, knees, spinal, or ankle injuries
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gnancyj · 2 years
Yoga Programs
Enjoy The Powerful Benefits Of Yoga. Go Through Our Upcoming Events. These Are Easy To Follow Classes.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
21 जून को भारत में ऐसे मनाया जाएगा योग दिवस, 15 हजार योग उत्‍साही लेंगे भाग
21 जून को भारत में ऐसे मनाया जाएगा योग दिवस, 15 हजार योग उत्‍साही लेंगे भाग
नई दिल्‍ली. अंतर्राष्‍ट्रीय योग दिवस यानि 21 जून के लिए बस कुछ ही दिन शेष हैं. हर साल की तरह इस बार भी योग दिवस (Yoga Day) पर भव्‍य कार्यक्रम होने जा रहा है. जिसमें पूरा देश ही नहीं बल्कि 80 देशों के लोग भाग लेंगे. इस बार यह अनूठा आयोजन होने जा रहा है जो सुबह 3 बजे से शुरू होकर रात को 10 बजे तक चलेगा. इसकी तैयारियों को लेकर केंद्रीय आयुष मंत्री सर्बानंद सोनोवाल ने आज कहा कि आगामी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय…
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mayonaka-sunshine · 11 months
i've been graduated for 1 day and i already miss hs
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fronesis · 2 years
Worked for 13h straight today but at least the website for my project is 90%ready
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scoutlive · 9 hours
Nordhäuser Inklusionstag
Der 6. Nordhäuser Inklusionstag des “VITT” fand heute als ein inklusives Fest und Protestaktion auf dem Nordhäuser Rathausplatz statt. Hier hatten sich auch einige Besucher eingefunden.Für das musikalische Bühnenprogramm sorgte die Bleicheröder Rockband Yoga. Für alle Partyschlagerfans heizte Susi Platte + DJ Steven H. den Gästen ordentlich ein.Der Eintritt war kostenfrei! Der City Scout Sven hat…
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kachmedcom · 7 months
The Last Yogi (Studio en ligne de Yoga):
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The Last Yogi (Studio en ligne de Yoga):
Découvrez la Sérénité Intérieure avec Notre Programme de Yoga Transformateur
Vous êtes à la recherche d'une manière de vous reconnecter à vous-même, de renforcer votre corps et de trouver la paix intérieure ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Notre programme de yoga est conçu pour vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs et bien plus encore.
Pourquoi le Yoga ?
Le yoga est bien plus qu'une simple pratique physique. C'est un mode de vie qui peut vous apporter une multitude de bienfaits pour votre corps et votre esprit. Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de notre programme de yoga :
1. Renforcez Votre Corps : Les postures de yoga vous aideront à développer une force corporelle équilibrée, à améliorer votre posture et à réduire les douleurs physiques.
2. Apaisez Votre Esprit : Grâce à des techniques de respiration profonde et de méditation, vous apprendrez à calmer votre esprit, à réduire le stress et à améliorer votre concentration.
3. Gagnez en Flexibilité : Le yoga favorise la souplesse et l'agilité, ce qui vous permettra de vous sentir plus à l'aise dans votre propre corps.
4. Trouvez l'Équilibre : Le yoga équilibre le corps et l'esprit, vous aidant à vous sentir en harmonie avec vous-même et avec le monde qui vous entoure.
Notre programme de yoga est conçu pour tous les niveaux, que vous soyez débutant ou expert. Voici ce que vous obtiendrez en vous inscrivant dès aujourd'hui :
✔ Séances de Yoga en Vidéo : Accédez à des séances de yoga en vidéo haute qualité que vous pouvez suivre à votre rythme, dans le confort de votre foyer.
✔ Plan d'Entraînement Personnalisé : Nous adapterons nos séances à vos besoins spécifiques, que vous cherchiez à perdre du poids, à soulager des douleurs, ou à simplement vous détendre.
✔ Guidance d'Experts : Nos instructeurs certifiés vous guideront à chaque étape, vous enseignant les techniques et les postures de manière claire et compréhensible.
✔ Communauté de Soutien : Rejoignez notre communauté de yoga et échangez avec d'autres passionnés, partagez vos progrès et obtenez le soutien dont vous avez besoin.
Inscrivez-vous Maintenant et Transformez Votre Vie !
Ne laissez pas le stress, la fatigue ou la sédentarité vous envahir. Reconnectez-vous à votre corps, à votre esprit et à votre âme grâce à notre programme de yoga. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et découvrez une nouvelle dimension de bien-être.
Nous croyons tellement en notre programme de yoga que nous offrons une garantie de satisfaction à 100 %. Si vous n'êtes pas entièrement satisfait, nous vous rembourserons intégralement.
N'attendez plus pour commencer à vivre une vie plus épanouissante. Rejoignez-nous aujourd'hui et découvrez le pouvoir transformateur du yoga !
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mousiecat · 8 months
Coding Study Plan!
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I've enjoyed learning coding at a casual pace, but I'm ready to really buckle in and focus on moving forward to build my skills. SO, here is my plan:
Learn/practice coding at least 45 minutes per week day, alternating between FreeCodeCamp, web accessibility lessons, and personal projects. I aim to post about my progress at least once per week.
I plan to solidify my HTML/CSS, move onto JavaScript soon, and then decide where to go after that :)
Details and resources under the jump!
Coding Lessons
FreeCodeCamp: Great, project-based way to learn coding!
I'm almost done with the Responsive Web Design course, which covers HTML/CSS. I have enjoyed this way more than other tutorial methods I have tried before. Instead of providing a lesson with a separate activity afterwards, the project is the lesson, and you immediately use the coding and see the direct results. Learning by doing!
I'm excited to start on the JavaScript course soon!
Web Accessibility
Here are some free resources I'll use to study web accessibility:
Wix's Web Accessibility Course (thanks to @xiacodes for posting about this!)
Altogether, the videos for the lesson total about 1hr 15 mins.
This will prepare me to take the Accessibility Specialist Certification Exam which provides a fun certificate for passing~
Accessibility Resource List from @accessibleaesthetics
Includes accessibility info that is relevant for everyone, as well as more specific knowledge for programmers, bloggers, writers, artists, and roleplayers.
I'm always learning from @accessibleaesthetics's posts! please give them a follow to learn accessibility during your casual Tumblring :)
Web Accessibility Twitch Stream with Africa Kenyah, hosted by @kitkatcodes
1hr 30 mins, can't wait to watch!
Africa Kenyah is a software engineer, accessibility specialist, and yoga teacher. Visit her website here!
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rebouks · 1 month
I'm gonna be the realest with you rn and say that I haven't read Somnium (yet?) and I'm just following FIB as you upload, so I caught myself wondering what Oscar's job is! I'm not completely clueless though: I checked some older posts and from what I saw, I assumed he's a hacker and worked for a criminal gang? But what about now? Just a freelancer? And what about Courtney? What does homegirl got going for her? Tbh I'd love to know the profession of all your sims! Pls don't mind my lazy ass :')
Haaah! I can't say I blame you tbh since it's quite an investment at this point (still worth it imo tho LOL) but yeah, it's hard to catch up sometimes skjkdj <- me currently tryna catch up on a bazillion stories omg
Let's cover as many as we can! lmk if I miss any tho 🙈
But yessss.. Oscar is a freelancer programmer at the moment! He's VERY good at it but moved away from his naughtiness on that front for the most part 🤭 it works really well for him since he's not too great with structure and can work from home! (his office still SUCKS tho ;-;)
Courtney - Stay at Home Mom! She used to work at a garden centre and she's had a million n' one jobs before that too, she doesn't know what she wants to do 🙃 she'll think abt it some more when the kiddos are all old enough for school tho probs...
Ivan - Mechanical Engineer - haven't thought abt this one too much, I imagine he works at some kinda factory looking after/fixing all the machines tho idk 🤔
Bruno - Landscape Gardener
Noah - Artist! He has his own gallery now too and he scouts/stocks other peoples work as well as his.
Aspen - Yoga Teacher - kinda casual tho since Noah makes enough for both of em n' then some.
Sidney - Retired A&E Doctor! Still works the odd shift to help out tho cos she can't help herself.
Alton - Retired Charity Worker (FOR THE TREEEES! 🌲)
Alma - Semi Retired Medium/Tarot Card Reader
Mack/Kobe - Mechanics (still own their lil garage in the Harbor)
Darien - Accountant (a very GOOD accountant & only slightly dodgy these days, plenty of legal ways around the law u kno 😉)
Wyatt - Unemployed! Man's got enough money to last several lifetimes but messes with a lot of stocks, he'll tell people he's an Investor)
Brynn - Stay at Home Mom! She's quite social tho, I can see her getting a job in a cafe or smth when the kids go to school just for fun)
Tilda - Seamstress! She works with a slightly eccentric woman in her shop in the Bay
Tristen - Pizza Boy/Lifeguard! He works with Kara in a cute lil takeaway in town at night, but by day he picks up shifts as a lifeguard on the beach, especially in spring/summer 🌊 He has his own place now!! 🏠👀
Mia - Paramedic! She works a LOT
Suzie - Dog Sitter/Groomer - she has her own grooming station in the garage/outhouse so basically works from home!
Miya - Mixologist!
Rhys - Photographer - he's mostly done weddings/events in the past but he's working toward doing more projects of his own since he has a studio now! 📸
Tommy - Psychiatrist (Still doing his residency tho)
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I think it’s time to address the Mallorca lesbians comment, isn’t it?
If you’re not from a Catalan-speaking country, you won’t have heard about this, but people in Mallorca (Balearic Islands) are mad, and rightfully so.
This week was the beginning of Palma Pride Week, an event (named in English, of course) that is pretty much the textbook definition of the capitalist party Pride event. It’s held in Palma, which is Mallorca’s capital city, and organized by the association Ella Global Community.
The inauguration speech was given by Kristin Hansen (president of Ella Global Community), who has been living in the island for 15 years but was unable to give the speech in the island’s language (Catalan), because she has never bothered to learn it.
In the speech (in Spanish), she said that Pride is a good opportunity not only for LGBTI people to attend to it, but also “people from the countryside who have never seen a lesbian. They will come and say, ‘Look! A lesbian is just like any other person’. It’s important because you go 15 kilometres inside the island and the mentality changes.”
Of course, Mallorcan people have felt deeply insulted with this ignorant and prejudiced statement.
Legislation and the social normalization of LGBTQIA+ rights has been way more advanced in Mallorca than in Germany (where Kristin Hansen is originary from) for decades, and in the island there has been a grassroots LGBTQIA+ movement for longer than she has lived here. And this movement was born from the Mallorcan people, in all the island, and not from rich tourists nor only in the capital. The organization Ben Amics has been working since 1994. Same-sex marriage has been legal in the Balearic Islands since 2001, while in Germany it was only legalized in 2017.
The matter is easy: everyone wants to live in paradise, so many people from Northern Europe move to beautiful Mallorca or other sunny Mediterranean places; but nobody wants to live with its people. Hansen has showed absolute ignorance and disrespect towards Mallorcan people, accusing them falsely and acting like we need them Germans or Central/Northern Europeans to save us and bring us to progress. Well, that’s false. Mallorcans are way ahead of Germany when it comes to LGBTQIA+ rights, and they don’t go around saying “those backwards people from Hünstetten and Waltershausen will see a lesbian for the first time thanks to us!”
There are lesbians everywhere. And there are gay, trans, bi, ace, aro, intersex, questioning and queer people everywhere. But there are also self-centered and ignorant people everywhere. The Palma City Hall should not have left the organization of an event like this one to someone with this prejudiced mindset.
Mallorcan organizations are asking Ella Global Community to apologize for her words and to change the objectives of Palma Pride Week. Because, right now, this is how Kristen Hansen described the event: "We will position Mallorca as an LGBTQI destination. It's a business opportunity: LGBT tourism spends much more money than the average tourist, about 180,000 million dollars, and it's an interesting, learned, and pleasant tourism."
Exactly one day after the Federació d'Entitats Veïnals de Palma (Federation of Neighbour Associations of Palma) met with the city hall to demand measures against the massification of tourism and the gentrification it brings, Hansen said that they expect Pride Week will bring between 7,000 and 10,000 tourists to the Sa Feixina neighborhood in one week. She added "Then these people will come here and buy apartments. We make a living from tourism, from real estate, from ships", as if it were a good thing.
Palma Pride Week's programme is centered on conferences about entrepreneurship, yoga, and "soul worshipping" to make the collective visible and to make Palma "the cosmopolitan city we want it to become". No, Palma is a city where local people can barely afford to continue to live in, where massive tourism doesn't let them live their lives.
The interests shown by Ella Global Community and its wealthy members are aligned with the interests of rich owners who are making life hell for the inhabitants of the island. They don't represent the interests of Mallorcan LGBTQIA+ people. In their objective of creating a paradise for rich LGBT tourists, they are kicking out local people, including local LGBTQIA+ people.
Ben Amics organizes a Pride month too, this year titled "30 years of fight: rights and resilience", with a programme that actually aims to fight, raise awareness and discuss gender and sexual diversity and dissidence. Created by Mallorcan LGBTQIA+ people answering to their needs. If you are going to support a Pride event in Mallorca, be it this one.
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alchemyofmaya · 3 months
Eastern philosophy and spirituality was introduced to the western world by ‘scientists’ that were high on LSD.. to create a docile, programmable population.
Meditation, yoga, hypnosis — all these things have been used against you by shutting down your prefrontal lobe, so you can’t think critically and make informed decisions— the information you recieve is censored and chosen to fit the narrative, so you believe you are choosing for yourself, but in actuality.. in our society, we live with the illusion of free will.
When you’re in an alpha/theta state of mind all the time, through scrolling yourself into a trance, being bombarded by high emotional world events — everything we read and digest visually, everything we hear and listen to, is programming us and shaping our values and beliefs.
TikTok is a great example of this. In 5 minutes, you can see death, violence, delicious food, and bouncing tits and ass to the most catchy tunes.
You are hypnotized and then programmed — desensitized to violence, porn and gluttony. The association of food, sex & violence create anchors and triggers in your mind.
Now imagine what happens when you’re watching a scary movie, eating popcorn and nachos, and making out with your person while you ‘Netflix and chill’
All of this seems so harmless to us, but that’s because we’ve been conditioned to become this way.
We have become the perfect citizens. And that’s what the plan always was, we just keep falling asleep right in the palm of their hands.
Decolonize your mind.
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studentbyday · 7 months
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so smth i've been noticing when i'm in a "self-improvement" phase is that...well, when you've got it in your mind to improve, you start noticing and focusing on all the little things that you think are wrong with you and sometimes that can take a toll on your self-esteem. like, for example, yeah i'm doing yoga to improve my mental/physical health but then i also notice my limitations and my body's asymmetries. same when i focus on aesthetics or my inability to be super productive every day. so i think now's a good time for a random shoutout to my body for doing its best to support me, to my mind for doing its best to understand what i'm learning, and to the people in my life who don't care how i look as long as i'm healthy and happy - those are the ones that matter. okie, now back to the regularly scheduled programme 😝
finished biochem notes for this week
watched mol bio module review
worked on mol bio notes
THE WEATHER WAS PERFECT FOR THE GLOOMY CHALLENGE, so i went out and got some fresh air and took a lot of pics of the sky and the trees (which have more orange leaves now!!!) 💗💗💗
🎶 cute study music is the only thing motivating me rn 😂 asides from the classic studio ghibli jazz, this is just so cute and relaxing (thanks @zzzzzestforlife for the rec!)
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stardewremixed · 2 years
If the Stardewies/Stardudes had a social page, what would be on it?
Abigail - David pics. Look at the floof! Gemology stuff. Lengthy updates about the last Solarian Chronicles campaign. Fantasy drawings. Flute shorts. Snacks. Need more snacks.
Emily - Yoga pose of the week. Wellness tips. Parrot factoids. Clothing design scribbles. Mantras. Positive vibes. Sunshine photos.
Haley - Photography. Like my page.
Leah - Nature pics. Garden updates. Avant garde pics of her artwork (without showing the entire piece).
Maru - Social-what-now? Obligatory accounts. Never logs in. She's too busy building robots.
Penny - Crafts for kids tutorials. Reading lists. Occasional deep thoughts post. Penny's a private person so I don't think she would be online that often.
Alex - Updates about his favorite gridball team, wishlists for sports memorabilia that's out of his price range, random photos of Dusty. Yay! Haley would be proud that he managed to keep these pics in focus. Trying to figure out how to monetize his workout videos.
Elliott - dribs and drabbles of everyday musings, words of the day, half-finished lyrical compositions, the wanderers journey, lonely souls connecting through poetry and music through cyberspace, and quotes from his favorite literary giants.
Harvey - Cool facts about aviation history, Reviews of museum exhibits. Recommended biographies an occasional airship fantasy. Coffee quotes. He would moderate a chat board about technical specs, simulations, collector's items, etc.
Sam - Memes, puns, more memes. Sam is definitely an all-or-nothing guy. Binge posts and then silent for weeks. Skateboard videos. Did you see this super cool, wicked, rad trick I did? Oh and follow my band! We're the Pelicans. Tell your friends.
Sebastian - this man would blow up Reddit. Solarian Chronicles. Game walkthroughs. Random Twitch stream when he feels like it. Pictures of frogs. Programmer jokes. Shit posts about nothing important.
Shane - Charlie has his own Instagram! This man and his love for blue chickens. Nothing but chickens on his feed.
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kachmedcom · 7 months
The Last Yogi (Studio en ligne de Yoga)
Ne laissez pas le stress, la fatigue ou la sédentarité vous envahir. Reconnectez-vous à votre corps, à votre esprit et à votre âme grâce à notre programme de yoga. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et découvrez une nouvelle dimension de bien-être.
Découvrez la Sérénité Intérieure avec Notre Programme de Yoga Transformateur Vous êtes à la recherche d’une manière de vous reconnecter à vous-même, de renforcer votre corps et de trouver la paix intérieure ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Notre programme de yoga est conçu pour vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs et bien plus encore. Pourquoi le Yoga ? Le yoga est bien plus qu’une simple…
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expertrating7 · 1 year
It’s no secret that practicing Yoga is a transformative experience that puts you firmly on the path to a healthy physical, mental and spiritual life. This universally accepted practice is constructed upon the pillars of physical poses, breathing techniques, and a blend of meditation. From east to west, there is a rapidly growing number of practitioners of yoga. However, some practitioners elevate their interest in yoga to the next level and turn it into a profession as instructors or teachers. The number one question such yoga practitioners often ask is: “Can a yoga instructor certification course really work?” And the answer is a resounding yes.
Training online is the new way to expand your practice or become a yoga instructor. But is it good to take online training instead of traditional in-person training? Let’s find out why learning online is worth it!
Why Should You Look for an Online Course?
Are you considering doing yoga for your livelihood or are you just curious about what you could do from the comfort of your home as an online instructor? Several in-person training schools offer different types of basic to advanced yoga instructor training classes, which can help you kick off your pursuit of credentials. But what if you don’t have the time for classroom training or if you have to travel a long distance to get to the class?
Switch to online classes, a new paradigm for understanding the yoga sutras. Yoga training has never been more accessible until now. Learning yoga online is hassle-free, convenient, and enjoyable, while still being as transformative as classroom training.
Being a certified yoga instructor allows you to deepen your knowledge of yoga and take it to a new level. An online Yoga Instructor Certification gives you credibility as a professional and makes it easy to attract clients, retain them, and win their trust. It provides you guidance and direction to work toward the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. Online courses give you the luxury to go with teachers of your liking no matter where they are in the world. This is the most significant benefit of joining a yoga class online. From the wide variety of styles of yoga there are, you can choose to train in one or more styles you like.
The yoga industry is worth over $88 billion worldwide and is expected to reach $215 billion by 2025.
Major Benefits of Learning Yoga Online
The most obvious benefit is that you get to train while at home. You can picture how teacher training can’t be any more convenient than this. And, of course, you don’t have to drive anywhere or deal with the traffic. Thus, it saves time and helps cut down transport expenses. Now, who doesn’t want to save both time and money?
Another benefit is that you can learn at your own pace, adjusting the course to your everyday life instead of having to alter your schedule to suit your course time. In addition, you can personalise your space. For example, you can use candles or incense to make yourself more comfortable.
Whether living in a hill station or a rural area with almost no access to yoga studios, there are no physical barriers to learning online. Learning yoga online allows you access to high-quality and experienced instructors from around the world. You can also check the instructor’s background and choose a trainer you are comfortable with. Hence, you won’t regret choosing the wrong course or instructor, which will eventually help you learn quickly and more effectively.
What would you do if you can’t attend one or more classes in an in-person course? You’d be playing catch-up when you’re falling behind. Then again, you can’t afford to miss classes because perfecting a yoga asana or pose takes time. Moreover, it’s not easy to keep up with the pace of an in-person course, especially if you also have other commitments. However, in the case of yoga certification courses online, classes are uploaded to the e-learning platform for you to watch whenever you want to. It allows you to review the material several times during the training and finish at your own pace.
What Should I look for in an Online Course?
Yoga’s been around for so many millenniums; so it’s certainly not going anywhere, and making a career out of it is a risk-free option. But, first of all, you must choose which yoga style you want to learn. Is it going to be Ashtanga, is it going to be Vinyasa, or is it going to be Hatha? Choose one and then go from there, and then you can research all the yoga courses that provide the training for the type of yoga you want. However, as a beginner, you can also choose a generalized online yoga certification course that covers the basic principles and practices of yoga. It will allow you to become adept in standing, sitting, prone, supine, and inverted yoga Asanas.
A good online yoga certification course covers all aspects of yoga, including the terminology, history, philosophy, and benefits of yoga; the anatomy and systems of the body; the steps involved in performing various poses; the different kinds of breathing techniques; the general guidelines for performing yoga; the manner in which to sequence a class; and a guide for running a yoga business. Good courses also include sessions on meditation yoga, restorative yoga, sound healing, yoga Nidra, and so much more. All these complexities of yoga become so much easier to learn and manage in the case of a digitalized learning process.
Now on to how to find a good yoga instructor certification course. With so many online options, choosing the best course can seem tricky. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for an ideal yoga course that fulfills your requirements:
First and foremost is a great instructor
Second is an excellent curriculum
The third is a good reputation
All three factors are vital to reaching the ultimate heights of yoga and making a successful career out of it. An instructor will make or break your entire learning experience, so you must ensure your instructor is qualified and experienced and knows what they’re doing. The curriculum will define how your course will progress and will help you understand whether or not the course aligns with your goals and expectations. The third is the reputation of the provider of the course you are enrolled in. It is crucial because, unfortunately, this industry is not very well regulated, and that means a lot of inappropriate incidents have happened. So it’s our responsibility to warn you about them. All said and done, you need to ensure that the learning source you choose is good and that you are opting for the best yoga instructor certification course online.
Last but not least, even if you learn yoga from the best provider online, you need to keep evolving and acquire the ability to make the ancient yogic sciences relevant to a contemporary audience. By doing so, you will be able to stay relevant in this highly competitive market. So, choose an online course that will build in you a strong foundation in yoga and make you capable of experiencing something that is not you as yourself if only a certain level of inclusiveness happens within you. Your inclusiveness before your training would be limited to your physicality. If this inclusiveness can be extended beyond physical nature, suddenly, you can sit and experience the whole universe as yourself. If this happens to you, then it can be said, “You are in yoga.” And only then you’ll be considered a genuine yoga instructor.
There’s so much learning that can be done through online courses because rich content is shared by subject matter experts worldwide. You receive an excellent professional, personal, and comprehensive experience covering everything you need to know to enhance your yoga knowledge and become a first-rate yoga instructor. Whether you want to train to deepen your practice or pursue teaching as a career, connect with an online yoga instructor certification course now to reach your goals quickly and effectively.
Originally published at https://vocal.media.
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