#yugen oc
monoshii-wasu · 2 years
Into the Subway Train Pt 1
Yugen looked through the dark and lonely subway trains. It was so eerie and silent as if you could hear a pin dropped. They looked both sides and continued walking. Their college buddies were talking about the so-called ‘ghosts’ from the Nimbas city Subway train. 
To lighten the mood for themselves, Yugen jokingly say, “Hey my name is Yugen. You’re probably wondering how I got in this position.”
Yugen recalled their friends saying that the dead twins roam the halls since it was rumored that when a subway tunnel collapsed under them both. To which the rumors were then circulated that the ghost of one of the twins haunt the subway trains. To which you guessed it, a lot of ghost hunters and explorers of the unnatural trying to catch them on tape were always breaking and entering the subway trains to film them. Yugen kept telling their friends that they would never ever! Go into the trains at night. 
Was it because they would get in trouble? Well… it wouldn’t be the first time that Yugen was caught in trouble with the staff but no not really. It was mostly because Yugen does believe in ghosts but it was due to the upbringing they were brought up. How ghosts should be respected but how you should never mess with them. Yugen shivered when their grandmother’s solution was to get rid of spirits with home remedies that brought really bad memories. In hindsight, Yugen always respected the spirited and wouldn’t want to give them a reason to get violent with them. But when their friends from college gave up on persuading Yugen, they turned to their cousin, Soleil. Who, mind you, had a weak constitution and was told by their grandmother that she could see ghosts but the image they would show up is when they died. So Soleil who might see a subway twin covered in blood paired with that ability is a sure fine way for her to be easily possessed by an unwanted ghost. Yugen can’t imagine how many ceremonies that Soleil’s family had performed throughout the years due to Soleil’s condition. So when their friends in college tried to make Soleil do it, Yugen took up the offer. And that’s how Yugen got here.
“Hey there demons… It’s ya boi.” When they were met with silence, they took a huge deep inhale and exhale, not before coughing.
“Dust!! Dust in ma mouth!!” As they coughed a dark shadow took notice of them. They were already walking towards the young fellow, their attempt at helping them by patting their back was a bit fruitless. Since their hand phased through. Which was to be suspected. Since Ingo, the ghost of the train twins was well… a ghost.
[Inspired by @harveyb-wabbit92 's haunted rail au]
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windydrawallday · 7 months
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It amuses me to know people enjoy my shippy art, especially the ones that are less popular and/or considered "troublesome" if followed strictly by the canon (a thing I don't do), it leaves a sappy feeling in me to be found but most of the time to be saved just between likes because of that exact nature. I don't mind putting my hand in the fire for things like this (I'm used to it in other contexts related to fiction), and I understand wanting to avoid being targeted as a result of liking such things, but I sometimes wish there wasn't a need to take such measures to have peace of mind in a fandom or any other public community.
Still, even if a small gesture, knowing what I draw is desirable to the level of a "guilty pleasure" you indulge in like when you were a child eating secretly the cookies from the jar puts a big Cheshire smile on my heart.
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yugenides · 1 year
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Harry Potter / Hogwarts Bingo (Template Here)
OC Results:
• Sunny: Gryffindor (14) • Faris: Ravenclaw (13) • Ara: Hufflepuff (14) • Corv: Slytherin (13)
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
I wanted to send an ask to tell you I've been reading about your OCs and they are great! I'm slowly getting through all their profiles.
I love that you included Rugal, from ds9. That was so cool, I love your content!
Aww thanks, I’m actually shelving a few of them to make a new/more refined OC crew. I have a somewhat more original Bajoran character I’m toying with that isn’t Rugal but basically has the same personal mission statement. I couldn’t reconcile what I’d learned from The Neverending Sacrifice (DS9 novel about Rugal) and my fanon version of him so I split the two.
They’re name is Mir Aowen, I’m also working on a second Captain character (Angosian! Like Roga Danar, that episode is one of my favs) named Imora Ikari and a Caitian-Human hybrid commander named Hal Karina. Playing around with the idea of a Treasure Planet Jim Hawkins style cadet (Aito Yūgen) too. He might end up being the surrogate/foster kid of Evaris & Gavvrok, dunno yet.
Can’t wait to unleash them all upon the world along with a new idea for a ship class, the Virtuoso (it does a little bit of everything and it’s Gotta Go FAST) called the Tempest.
Star Trek is easily the most fun and flexible OC playground in my opinion, enjoy the read! 😁
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1stopshopbyelvis · 2 years
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yugen001 · 3 months
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im back on my bullshet guys
yugen oc art era begins
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azuraheart009 · 4 months
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Yep, the truth is it's too curious how I have made more drawings of Hunter than his own creator XD 😅
ATTENTION I'm not saying this to make Araki feel bad, it's just a mildly funny comment
I actually make the drawings for this OC for pleasure and leisure, I'm not looking for anything more than mere entertainment and to give a little visibility to Araki's fanfic about Bajoterra ✨
HUNTER BELONGS TO: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Araki-Yugen
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carnage-blossom · 1 year
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|| Independent Original Characters Tamami (Main) and Yukimaru (Secondary) || SEE VERSE LIST FOR MORE.
|| Multi-Ship & Multi-Verse || OC & Cross-Over Friendly ||
|| 18+ for NSFW and Dark Themes || sideblog to @yugenronin ||
Other Blogs Include:
@archonists {Genshin OC Multi-Muse}
@shirakawa-san {Fandomless Multi-Muse OCs}
@sankyuken {Hakuoki's Miki Saburo}
Please do not follow if you are under 18 due to the fact my blogs may contain mature themes. Other than that, all blogs are open to interacting with new people!
You can call me Yugen or Gray. I am 20+ and I do work full-time so my activity is moderate, but I am always happy to interact with new people.
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2cjkey · 1 year
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OHHHh im so sorry i havent posted here anything for almost one year!! But now im back forever ahaha From now ill start posting some arts i had during this time :__)
Here's some summer pics of my oc, Yugen
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monoshii-wasu · 2 years
Into the Subway Train Pt 5 Finale
warnings: Possession
[Inspired by @harveyb-wabbit92 's haunted rail au]
Before Yugen fell, two gloved hands hovered over their hand as if he was going to catch them. The conductor closed his eyes and he whispered softly, “Forgive me.” 
Slowly opening their eyes, Ingo looked at his newly possessed body. Making sure to check every safety check. That everything was functioning well. That he did everything correct by possessing someone. Opening their palm in and out. Testing to see if the possessed was conscious. He noted that Yugen was out like a light. Then, he looked at Yugen’s Pokémon. He was a bit surprised when their Pokémon could tell something was wrong with their trainer, but they couldn’t do anything because of the beast in front of them. 
“Very smart pokemon,” Ingo thought to himself. He straightened his back, raised his right hand forward towards the beast and his other arm lowered down, his hands pointed downward. 
As he declared, “I am subway boss Ingo! All trains have departed but you are trespassing and have broken many of our established rules! For that you shall be dealt with accordingly. ALL ABOARD!” 
Ingo watched Yugen’s battle earlier with the creature as he made a mental note of all the moves Yugen yelled out. Although he knew the move sets of Zephyr, he didn’t know the fourth move set of Mono but he noted how the mischievous shuppet still hadn't done their move yet which made some luck in Ingo’s favor. Especially how the creature had a burn on their lower leg. 
Ingo yelled out, “ZEPHYR! USE FLASH!” 
Zephyr summoned a bright light which blinded the creature as it cursed out in pain, covering their eyes as Mono took the chance to use her move and got a powerful hit towards the monster as it flinched even more at their burn when they stumbled aback. Ingo took this chance again when the creature tried to regain conscience due to being blinded by the flash.
As if in the same mind, Mono and Zephyr charged full force at the monster. Mono going a bit faster as it zig zagged in the shadows. The shuppet leaped behind the monster as the absol leaped up, forming a dark blade as they both striked the monster at the same time. Both landed a critical hit before the creature could do anything.
Mono and Zephyr both stepped back, being in front of Ingo. As the three of them watched as the creature fell on its knees. As it yelled, “QRW IDLU! LW’V QRW IDLU!!! L VKRXOG KDYH Z… Zrq…” The creature went silent as all of the monster parts started to glow a white hue. As it slowly turns into white looking fuzzy circles, lifting up in the ceiling. The white fuzzy circles each came off of the monster, turning the monster back into the corpse of the vengeful trainer as it all formed into the shape of a gengar. The gengar looked at the trio and gave a genuine smile not before slowly disappearing. 
Ingo sighed but before he could say anything, both Zephyr and Mono were looking at Ingo with a deadpan face. Ingo could feel his sweat dropping at the sight of these pokemon fully knowing that this isn’t their trainer as if his introduction of possession didn’t gave it away. 
Raising his hands, he explained, “I promise you both that I will return your trainer as soon as we deal… with this..” He pointed at the dead body of the trainer as Zephyr only gave a ‘hmpth’ as a response as Mono rolled her eyes but they both helped Ingo drag the body but strangely enough. When Ingo grabbed the arms of the trainer, it soon crumbled under his touch. As the whole body turned into ash. Leaving the clothing behind. 
The trio went silent and before Ingo could think of anything. Mono used her shadow sneak move to teleport the clothes into the nearest trash. Ingo should be worried about this but it’ll soon be morning soon and people will be coming in (also the glares of the two Pokémon are boring into the back of his head) so it would just be safe to take Yugen’s body in a place where they should be fine. Ingo walked out of the tunnel and walked towards the nearest gear station lobby. After a couple of minutes, Ingo reached his destination. He laid Yugen’s body on a bench and closed his eyes as he pulled himself away from their body. Much to the delight of Yugen’s pokemon. Who, stood near their trainer's side to make sure that no funny business happens near them again. 
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ravenroyal21 · 5 years
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*kicks down the door* HEY I LOVE @nightlybirdie SHE’S AN AMAZING AND GENEROUS PERSON AND I LOVE HER!!!! I put a lot of work into this piece because I want it to be very special to someone who means a lot to me.
Happy New Year to someone I had the privilege to meet and was allowed into her life, I don’t know what I do without you. I hope this makes you smile and know that I can’t wait for everything in the coming year and hope that maybe one day I can meet you in person!! 💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛
(Sha belongs to @nightlybirdie, Yugen belongs to me. This was a very special art trade.)
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yugenides · 1 year
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nightlybirdie · 4 years
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A Mermay commission for the amazing @ravenroyal21 💜💜💜 Your girl was a pleasure to draw again! :>
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ikeoneandonly · 4 years
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the-pen-hero · 4 years
Who is Yuuki Yūgen?
Hey, Yuuki here! 
I’m so excited to share what life was like for me before, during and after U.A!!! Pardon my shouts but I just can’t help it! It’s so awesome to finally share with everyone all of the things that make me, you know...ME! Alrighty, where do I begin? I’m sure you all are wondering what’s my quirk, right? Are you ready!? Drum roll, please! 🥁🥁🥁
My quirk: Aura Manipulation 
My quirk allows me to utilize my aura in 7 different ways which corresponds to the 7 chakras within my body. However, I can only use 2 - 3 chakra at a time. Using all 7 at once takes too much of a toll on my body and spirit. I can’t worry my mom now 😅😅😅
What are they you ask!? I’ll give you the name of my chakras but I do shorten them when I’m in battle (my dad nags me about keeping the tradition but meh) 
Muladhara (Hara) 
Swadhisthana (Hana)
Manipura (Pura)
Anahata (Hata) 
Vishuddha (Huddha)
Sahasrara (Hasrara)
**Anja** is already short so that’s my favorite chakra ☺️
I know everyone’s wondering what does each chakra allow me to do huh? 
I’ll give you a hint. 😉
When I use my ability my aura and eyes change colors. ✨👁👁✨
That’s so cool right!? There is another part to my power but I don’t think it’s a part of my chakra system and my peers make fun of me for it 😔
There’s a story I’ll share after this but there’s a girl in my class that I like and whenever I see her my aura manifests in the form of pink butterflies 🦋 🦋🦋 
Pssst. Guess who the girl is....it’s Momo 😋
I can hear the ladies say “aww that’s so cute! 🥺” 
I can imagine the guys making jokes about my pink aura but oh well 🤷🏾‍♂️ 
No bad blood or negative energy here! 
Phew 😪
Well, that’s all I have for now. I really enjoyed sharing with you all today! Stay tuned for more of my stories and tell me what you think, okay!? 
Oh! I almost forgot! If you would like to donate notes to my channel I would really appreciate it! 
I can tell you all more of my secrets, for the right price. Ouuuu I’m such a bad boy 🤭🤫😂
Until next time...see you later!!!
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jay-cult · 5 years
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@nightlybirdie ‘s sandman and @ravenroyal21 ‘s fashion disaster!
Thanks so much for taking part in the raffle nightly~ I hope you both like the prize! They were great to draw!
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