This past week has been a blur. Last ever week at school, sleeping in the library due to complete exhaustion, emotions, graduation, tears, nerves, everything that comes with the stress of leaving school behind and starting exams in 2 fucking days lol. 
Yesterday at my graduation my mum gave me a “survival pack” for exams full of yummy nibbles, 2 lamy pens, a beautiful journal and some Wild Tiger Eucalyptus balm to help me sleep. I feel like I don’t deserve any of it and it was so incredibly difficult to accept this gift bUT hey, I just graduated after 15 years of school. It’s well deserved. 
These past two days I haven’t done ANY revision at all but I’m okay with that. I’ve been working really hard throughout my time at school and especially the past few months so it’s not these two days that are going to make a difference. I really think resting a little and broadening your mind a little helps, you can’t sit down with your mind oversaturated and on the verge of blowing up. So what do you do instead? WRITE, READ, PLAY ON YOUR NINTENDO, TAKE A BATH, GO FOR A WALK, OVEREAT, SMILE, TALK TO PEOPLE! :) 
Anyway here’s my schedule for the upcoming 2 months : 
-May 7 : Literature written (3hr) 
-May 8 : Maths written (4hrs) 
-May 9 : History written (3hrs) 
-May 15 : Biology written (4hrs) 
-May 22 : Physics written (4hrs) 
-May 7 : Maths oral (30 mins) 
-May 11 : Physics oral and practical (30 mins) 
-May 14 : Biology oral (30 mins) 
-May 28 : Literature and Grammar oral, History oral (20 mins each) 
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Getting fat and watching anime instead of getting fit and studying :) not mad tho
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29.04.2018 [28/100 days of productivity]
We all need to get a relaxing and quite day sometimes… especially predicting challenging periods. Self care is important. Learn how to listen to your body.
Thanks to L'Erbolario for that incredible body lotion.
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Friday the 13th oooooo All morning at my desk (well since I woke up at 10:30) spent doing more maths.
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one of my favorite set of notes so far! I have a midterm today and am a bit nervous, but I’ll be glad when it’s over ☺️ Have a wonderful day!  
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My standard model notes are strangely charming.
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We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of shifting shapes, that pile of broken mirrors
Jorge Luis Borges, “Cambridge” 1969 (via panatmansam)
I have been reading a lot of Borges lately and funnily enough, although I didn’t like the very first little fragment of his I read (Circular ruins), I have come to fall in love with his work. I am fascinated by how he manages to wrap up revolutionary ideas about time, space, consciousness and memory into little tales full of mysteries and paradoxes and I also love how he secretly communicates with his readers through intertextuality etc. What are your favourite works by him? :) 
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Goals for my future living space. 
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The Lagrangian wall.
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Spent aaaages in the company of my buds Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Molotov, Roosevelt and a few others today. WE had such a fab time together in the library!! So as you can guess I’ve been doing even more history today. I do love history except sadly most of what I need to do for exams is rote learning, not essay-writing which not only is a lot more useful in terms of WHY DO WE LEARN HISTORY IF NOT TO BE ABLE TO FORM OPINIONS but also a lot more enjoyable, I love reading up on things and molding information and my own opinion into a coherent whole and producing something that is original. Other than that managed a teeny bit of mechanics but not as much as I wanted to and I also cycled into the city to see a friend and we had a nice chat on the lawn. Eating wise today was one of those bottomless pit days and WE ARE OUT OF PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE AND BANANAS and I am heartbroken. Gonna go read now. (J.L. Borges - Fictions)
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finals be like
Remember that thermodynamic shit you didn’t pay attention to? It’s back.
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A letter to all my followers
Fokus on school/ College / Uni
When things are bad, don’t let it disturb your studying, your motivation to succeed, your fokus on Uni. If anything, this pain should motivate you even more.
Pain is temporary, people are temporary, you never know what could happen tomorrow but bruh your bachelor will not wake up one morning and decide to leave or cheat you, that’s for SURE.
That success, that title, that money is something that STAYS FOREVER because of YOU. Because YOU loved YOU. Because YOU provided for YOU. Because YOU worked hard, got out of your comfort zone to prove your commitment to YOUR frikkin SELF. It’s like getting engaged to yourself, promising yourself to always take care of y o u so that you can have a nice life and honey don’t you EVER put anyone or anything above that.
No one is worth as much as your education and taking care of future YOU.
Give that to yourself.
When people treat you like shit, DIVE into that work, study as hard as you can, cause knowledge leads to good exams lead to a better life and THAT WON’T HURT YOU OK IT WILL PROTECT YOU FAM
When you’re sad? ➡ STUDY
When you’re happy? ➡ STUDY
When you’re hurting af ➡ STUDY
When you’re scared? ➡ STUDY
When you’re mad? ➡ STUDY
Because that shit will make sure you are getting to the top, take care of yourself, give yourself some selfworth so no one else will ever own you, so you depend on noone but yourself.
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When your dad's study is 👌🏻👌🏻
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First blog post!
Soo I started this blog a few days ago having discovered the #studyblr community. I guess life is a lot more fun if you take the time to reflect sometimes, and this seems like the perfect medium to share my *fragments* without judgement, so hi stranger, welcome to my weird world. 
I live in Hungary and I’m finishing off my 15(!!!) years of SCHOOL by taking the matura exam. I’m so conflicted about finishing school, it’s been a bumpy ride. I started off school in London, spent a year in secondary school there, was whisked off to Hungary, changed classes twice and had to skip a year due to some complications (thank mental health ;) ). I LOOOVE studying and learning so so so much and a lot of my inner conflicts are about feeling *not smart enough* and not knowing what I want to do because there are simply so many things that interest me. 
My favourite way to spent time at the moment is by getting lost in my thoughts at the library. Getting lost in the thoughts of others at the library. Discovering the fragments of endless great and not-so-great minds, losing myself in the mind-bogglingly limitless but theoretically finite collection of strings, letters sewn intricately and sometimes carelessly together, following one another in a seemingly ordered but sometimes incomprehensible fashion. In a nutshell, reading. At the library. Because the library here is like something from a fairytale, and I think we can all agree that the aesthetics of one’s surroundings can make or break a reading or study sesh. 
Budapest is beautiful. I thank Louis, Sigismund, Matthias, Maria Theresia, Joseph, Franz Joseph and perhaps even Viktor Orban for making Budapest as it is today. Shame it’s otherwise a decadent and foul place (as far as culture is concerned. Because culture is a minority here sadly. A minority with great minds, great artists, great people all lost and struggling to get by and consolidate their great minds with the political powers that make them miserable. At least misery inspires art. Sometimes...). 
Anyway, I’m rambling. Doing some STEP Mechanics at the moment while waiting for the storm to pass, not just literally - I thought we were having an earthquake but no, it’s just monsoon-level rain and an electrifying, powerful thunderstorm shaking the earth and the skies. Goodnight. <3 
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things to remember when studying
it’s just a test
you’re in school to learn things
learning is fun. studying can be fun! challenging yourself and learning and being excited about new knowledge and solving problems is cool.
focus on understanding. you will be far more productive and happier
don’t worry so much about doing badly. you will end up in the right place if you just work hard and relax sometimes and say nice things to yourself
it’s just a test
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To do today: • EU • Cold War • Hungary 1956-1989 • Physics problems • STEP Mechanics Hope there will be time to do some reading too. ❤️
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soon you will be living in a great city, with friends that support you and understand you, learning and experiencing new things every day. you’re conversational in multiple languages and pursuing a field you love. maybe things are not okay now, but they will be. there are so many wonderful things to come.
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