jiminiesoreos ¡ 3 years
Kissing Vermilion: 1 (M)
Author’s Note: finally! except! not really! happy birthday namjoon! this became a monster. what was meant to be a one shot has become a series of moments that develop a relationship which grew absolutely out of control. everyone say thank you @jamaisjoons​ for inspiring this prompt and filth || masterlist coming soon ↠ banner by @jamaisjoons​ (thank you omfg??? its SO BEAUTIFUL) Pairing: Namjoon x Reader (oc; female) Genre: fwb!au; brothers best friend au; smut; angst; romance Summary: Namjoon has been in your life for as long as you can remember, so close to Yoongi that your family began to view him as one of their own long before any of you reached puberty. At sixteen, your crush on Namjoon was lethal, but you learned to swallow those feelings down, searching instead for someone like Namjoon. At twenty-two, you realize some feelings never die. At twenty-two, you realize Namjoon has been struggling, too. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: explicit language; explicit sex; possessive namjoon; slightly dom!namjoon; slightly sub!reader; semi-public sex acts (its in a car but neither of them are very shy; also in a hallway where anyone can see); slight degrading language; fingering (female receiving); dirty talk; unprotected sex; creampie; rough sex; one moment of pussy slapping; spanking; delayed orgasm; edging; overstimulation; size kink; mentions of cumplay  Word Count: 13.5K
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You really must remember to thank your roommate.
As the condensation rolls down the chilled glass of your vodka lemonade, the eyes of the man beside you do their best to stay focused on the lush crimson of your lipstick. Every now and then, at the end of a sentence or at the end of a joke that does not necessarily land, his brows narrow, ensuring his gaze does not fall, lower and lower still, to the provocative shape of the red dress that hugs your body. For the moment, he is nameless, an unintroduced stranger whose eye you caught just by standing next him and ordering a drink. You have not let him go, even as your mind wanders. Or, rather, it’s the red that refuses to let him go, red and the way the shade kisses you with reverence.
Keep reading
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 5 years
Do you have a masterlist? ?😢
Yes hun
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 5 years
Hello ~♡♡ Can you do a " first time with BTS reaction (smut ) Tanks 💜💜
Suuure hun
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
sndkncns the writing was amazing ;; it’s really okay and im still glad you worked hard to finish it MAN THAT WAS A REALLY NICE SMUT U DID THERE SUNSHINE thankyouohgosh my heart
Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I love you for waiting so long and not gonna lie ut could have been better but I just have so many works to rewrite I kinda rushed. Sorry. I love you for reading it :)
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Envy - Jimin Smut
Requested by: Anonymous 
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“Excuse moi” you plopped down onto Jimin’s lap exactly at 1:30 when everyone else had gone to sleep in the other tents, leaving you to join your tent-mate slash best friend who was up late reading Dan Brown instead of joining the rest of you for a game of truth or dare. You had been really annoyed to be honest. This vacation was meant to bring out Jimin’s lively wild side which he rarely showed in other circumstances. You thought surrounding him with Kim Taehyung’s weird antics and Jung Hoseok’s loudness 24/7 would surely bring out that side of him but he had just been so quiet lately. “Don’t read in dim lights” you plucked the book out of his hand, setting it down, referring to the few small candles illuminating the dark tent.
Jimin gently chuckled, reaching up and circling his arm around your waist.”I guess your game’s over” you nodded “No wonder you’re out to annoy me again” he grinned making you reach out your hand to harshly twist his nipple “OW!” he squeaked as you glared at him.
“I’m not annoying!” you scowled.
“No, you’re not” he giggled, teasing you. A gust of cool wind blew outside, making your tent sway a little, causing both of your heads to perk up. You mentally wished this wasn’t happening. “I think it’s gonna rain, we should sleep, Y/N” Jimin sighed, the littlest pout settling on his lips and you were pretty sure your expression was identical. You reluctantly slid off his lap as he tried to get up before going to zip up the tent. He turned around to look at you “I can wait outside if you wanna change while it’s still-” but a faint pitter patter of raindrops outside cut you off “Never mind” he murmured coming back to sit down beside you “Um...” he eyed you up and down, taking in what you were wearing and they sure weren’t something one would love to sleep in “But I can still try to like sit outside for a few minutes if-”
“What? In the rain? Are you nuts?” you cut him off “I don’t want you catching a cold just because I wanna change in peace”.
“And I don’t want you sleeping in those clothes just because I’m too much of a-”
“Seriously though, if you argue with me one more time I swear-”
“Okay, let’s just drop this” he huffed, knowing full and well he was going nowhere, arguing with you. He just reached forward to take his book before putting it away into his backpack. He then grabbed a pillow, letting out a sigh and lying down, looking up at the ceiling of the tent, the droplets of water gently drumming against it.
“Hmm?” he hummed as you crawled over to sit near his head.
“Why didn’t you come to play?” you asked as you blew out the candles, making the tent go dark, only the faint silhouettes being visible amidst of it.
He smiled a little “I have a bad history with truth or dare”. You hummed, letting him know you were listening as your hands found their way into his dyed blonde locks.
“How so?”
“Well...:” he started but trailed off at the same time, making you take a guess.
“Ah! Relationship stuff?” you smiled down at the boy.
“Something like that, yeah” he nodded.
“Do tell” you pressed “Did you make out with someone else? Did she get mad?”
“Nope” he shook his head “She would have to actually like me in order to get mad”. You frowned, What the actual fuck was this boy going on about?
“Tell me” you pressed.
“Well, I liked this one girl in middle school and she found out eventually and then we were playing truth or dare one day and they dared me to kiss her and I did” your brows went up in surprise. It was really unexpected of Jimin to behave so. “And she fucking kissed me back but then when I went to confess, the bitch was like ‘How could you accept that dare?!’” he imitated in a high, shrill voice, making you laugh “‘You have like zero respect for me. How can you possibly think I’ll go out with you” and all that shit and she ranted for about twenty minutes without letting me speak and I got mad and screamead like ‘At this point, I’d feel sorry for the guy who would make that mistake’ and I just walked out of there and basically hated girls for a while, I think. Tried to convince myself I’m gay. Didn’t work either”
You felt as if your eyebrows would permanently be stuck to your hairline “What?!” you laughed “That’s insane. I mean it’s just a kiss” you scoffed.
“Yu-huh!” he shrugged dramatically throwing his hands up “Someone explain!”
You laughed as he slid up further, putting his head onto your lap, slowly leaning into your touch as you gently massaged his scalp. “It’s stupid” you remarked.
“Yeah, I gue-” he cut off mid sentence, as his eyes landed at the base of your throat “WHAT’S THAT?!” he scrambled to sit up, looking straight at your neck.
“What?” you frowned at a wide-eyed Jimin who kept moving his head up and down trying to get a better look. “Jimin?” you asked as he crawled over to peek at your neck.
“It’s dark but I’m not blind” he murmured moving closer and reaching his hand up to tilt your chin back “IS THAT A HICKEY?” he suddenly howled, making you roll your eyes as you stared up, your head tilted by Jimin’s fingers. “Y/N, who the fuck-”
“It was my dare!” you spoke in a “duh” tone, as you grabbed his hand, lowering it from your chin. “Chill, I’m not sleeping around, I promise”
He simply sat back, looking at you for a moment, a frown settling between his brows as his eyes turned dark, his hand still entwined with yours. His lips pursed as his dark irises dug holes into your skin from his gaze. You immediately felt intimidated in a way you have never felt before, dropping your gaze to avoid his. “Who gave it to you?” he arched a brow, finally speaking up in a deep voice.
You looked up “H-Hoseok” you stuttered out, suddenly feeling strings of guilt pulling at your heart. No, it’s just a dare. And it’s not like you were tied down to someone that you’d suddenly feel this way. But here you were, cowering under his gaze  as he looked at you almost as if you had committed a crime.
Jimin just let out a deep breath, clenching his jaw and closing his eyes “Hos-Hoseok? Hoseok?!” he snarled “You allowed Hoseok to give you a hickey?!” his nostrils flaring as he scowled at you.
You immediately felt like shrinking under his gaze “Jimin, it was a dare-”
“A dare?!” he cried out “You can let him give you love bites on dares and I’m not allowed to kiss you when I’m drunk?!”
You had a brief flashback to the time when Namjoon had thrown a party and Jimin, drunk out of his mind had pulled you into a vacant room and kissed you full on the mouth, making you immediately panic about your friendship and push him off. He however was persistent enough to trap you between a wall and his chest and continue having his way. You had at last punched the breath out of him before darting out of the room.
The next morning had consisted of a serious talk between the two of you about your boundaries while he suffered the worst hangover of his life. And after the hour-long talk with lots of rambling and apologies from him, that had been the end to that.
Or at least you had thought so.
Your eyes widened at the boy in front of you digging holes into your skin with his gaze,  who looked like he was gonna be losing it any second now. You parted your lips before closing them again, looking away as you blinked rapidly, wondering what to say “He...” you started before biting your lip “He’s not such a close friend to me like...you” you choked out “You’ve been my best friend for eleven years now-”
“Isn’t that enough?” he brought hi hands up to swipe his hair back in frustration “It’s been eleven years and I...” he trailed off, pulling at his hair before looking up at you with a different expression. It was hard to exactly pinpoint the difference, but it was there when you saw it.  “I wanna be more” he suddenly leaped forwards, making you lean back as he cupped your face in his hands  and slammed his lips onto yours, making your eyes go wide as he closed his own, his lips moving against yours. You debated between pulling away and kissing him back for a moment as an internal conflict went off in your head.
Was Jimin your best friend? Yes! Was he attractive? Yes! Did you like him? Of fucking course. It’s not like puberty didn’t hit him like a freight train all of a sudden. But then again, there was your eleven years of friendship on the line, screaming and struggling to push you two apart until he pulled back to open is eyes, his lashes fluttering against yours. His breathing was heavy, hitting your lips every time he exhaled as he tried to catch his breath “Why aren’t you kissing me?” he mumbled almost innocently against your lips, making your heart twist as you looked up at the boy. His eyes almost nervous as they flickered between your eyes and lips. You gazed up into them wondering whether or not to give into the temptation of sucking on his plump, alluring lips. “Why?” he asked again in a breathy sigh. As soon as the word fell past his lips, your entire mind simply went ‘fuck it, eleven years has been enough’ and the next thing you knew, your hands were cupping his face and you were kissing your best friend. Your lips moving against his fast, hard and hungry as your hands then reached up to nestle themselves in his silky locks, just gently tugging at the roots. Your sudden response ignited something in him and he began kissing you back with a renewed energy, wrapping his arms around you before sitting back and pulling you onto his lap, not once daring to break the kiss. You gave in to him completely, parting your lips and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue past them to meet yours, dominating your mouth as your tongues swirled in an erotic dance. He pulled back to breathe after a few minutes but continued to place soft pecks on your lips “Say you want this” he groaned, alternating between kissing your top and bottom lips. His teeth gently nipped at the skin held between his lips, making you moan as your hands slid down to his shoulders. His arms circled around you even tighter as this time you parted his lips with your tongue, exploring his mouth. He made a low growling sound at the back of his throat before pulling away to breathe for a second. “Say you want it” he repeated before going back to devouring your lips, making you whimper before you pulled back with an obscene ‘smack’ sound.
“I want it” you panted against his lips, your breath hitting his lips harshly as you spoke “Fuck, I want you Jimin” you groaned, pulling him in by the back of his throat into another kiss, tongues and teeth clashing.
He threw you back so your back hit the floor before he crawled on top of you, swooping in to capture your lips between his, his legs on either side of your waist. But when you reached up to touch him, his hands suddenly gripped  your wrists and brought them down on either side of your head, pinning them down and grinning madly as if almost mocking you “Now now, baby girl” he chuckled leaning down to nose along the line of your jaw “Can’t let Hoseok’s little slut have whatever she wants, can we?” he emphasized his words with a soft nip to the tender skin, making you shiver. “Jimin” you sighed, gulping as his little nips turned to harsh kisses, to hungry sucks, marking you purple right underneath your jaw, making you tilt your head back and enjoy the treatment his mouth was giving you. You went lax beneath his touch, closing your eyes and focusing on the rest of your senses. Jimin’s scent, the sound of his low breathing and hums as he marked you, the taste of his mouth that still lingered on your tongue, the sensation of his mouth against your skin, his teeth providing you just the right amount of an edge to make your breath stutter.
Noticing you relax, he let go of your arms, bringing his hands to trail them down your sides, slowly feeling your curves like he had imagined for a long, long time. His hand then slipped underneath your crop top, dancing over your bare skin, just up to the edge of your bra, leaving a trail of fire behind.
He came up to capture your lips in a kiss once again before slipping his hand out of your top and pulling you up along with him into a sitting position and briefly pulling away to grab your top and yank it upwards, easily sliding it off with little cooperation from you before uniting your lips again, his arms coming around to unclasp your bra, making blood rush up to your cheeks as he pulled down the straps, making it fall off your body. The cool air hit your exposed chest, making your nipples harden as Jimin took off his own t-shirt, blessing you with the view of his glorious, toned chest and abs. Before you could savour the sight in front of you, his mouth was back on yours, pushing you back till you were lying down again, his hands now reaching up to fondle your breast as he kissed you open mouthed, drawing out a high pitched whimper from you. Your thighs twitched when his thumb brushed your nipple, letting you know just how wet you were. You groaned lowly when Jimin rolled his hips back and forth you noticed your thigh, trapped between two of Jimin’s own was being used by him so selfishly to rub against himself, his erection hard and hot against the skin of your thigh, making low groans slip past him. The action oddly aroused you combined with the fact that he was so busy rubbing himself against your thigh that he mouth had slipped from yours and his movements now caused his open mouth to move over your chin, the corner of your lips, his tongue licking away at your skin.
He brought his mouth down to lick over your collarbones, trailing to your breasts and taking your hardened numb between his lips, making your back arch to thrust your chest further up into his mouth as he sucked on it harshly, his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin, making a hiss fall from your lips.
He kissed his way downwards till he reached your shorts, his hips never once stopping the movements against your thigh. His hand cupped your sex through your shorts, rubbing at it while he looked up to meet your gaze and held it, applying more and more pressure till your soft whimpers turned to full moans, and you were writhing, trying desperately to hold onto something.
He smirked, pulling away, leaving you gasping and groaning to seek out that pleasure once more. He unbuttoned your shorts, pulling them down your legs along with your panties, leaving you now entirely exposed to him and suddenly reality hit you like a train. You were having sex. With your best friend. In a tent. Surrounded by the tents of six more of your best friends. In a place where anyone could you wondered how you could possibly fit him inside of you. His smirk never faded as he came to hover over you once more, both of you completely bare for each other to see. His hand trailed down your stomach, down, down, down to your slit, his fingers ghosting over it, teasing you till you sucked in a breath to make yourself bear the annoyance. He noticed.
His smirk grew bigger as his finger dipped, rubbing against your slit, making a breathy “ah” fall from your mouth. He grinned, rubbing his finger up and down just for his enjoyment before gently brushing your clit with his thumb, making you emit a drawn “nngh!” and reach out a hand only for his other hand to grasp it and move it away. His soft brushes eventually turned to furious circles, making you cry out in pleasure as he slipped a finger inside of you. He began thrusting it in and out of you before adding another and scissoring to stretch you out just enough.He finally pulled his fingers out and sat back to look at you with his lips pursed as he lazily stroked his cock. You whined softly “Jimin...”
“Shh” he shushed you, crawling over you again, cock in hand as he looked into your eyes, stroking himself “Here’s how this is gonna work okay?” he raised an eyebrow, his tone commanding “I’m gonna fuck you, so, so hard, and you’re gonna get me off. I’m gonna wreck you till you forget every single thing except for my name and you’re not gonna cum till I say so” the last bit made you suck in a breath as you realized just how close you were to the edge.
“Jimin” you whined “You can’t-”
“I wasn’t asking for your permission babe” his words were emphasized with his cock breaching your entrance all of a sudden, making you nearly scream “Was just letting you know” and he was rolling his hips slowly before falling into a steady pace and thrusting in and out of you furiously as if seeking revenge.
“Ah! Fuck! Fuck! Please!” you moaned out as his cock deliciously filled you up, hitting all the right spots and sending sparks right down to your reaching out your hand to touch him “Jimin! Jimin!”
“What?” he smirked tilting his head, as if he didn’t know a thing.
“Ugh! Please!”
“Please what?”
“Please let me fucking touch you, Jimin!” you screamed in frustration.
“Touch me where?” he asked continuing to rock his hips.
“Everywhere! I wanna touch you everywhere- fuck!” you gasped when he suddenly slid an arm beneath you, pulling you up along with him into a sitting position, making his cock reach just that much deeper inside of you as you straddled him. You groaned wounding your arms around his neck as his circled around you while he rolled his hips up hitting your g-spot right away. You bent down wanting to kiss his divine, plump lips but as soon as your lips brushed against his, a harsh tug on your hair yanked you backwards, making you hiss. He tilted your head back, licking up the column of your throat before placing his lips right where Hoseok had marked you and sucking hard, his teeth nibbling away to remove any trace of any other man that had ever touched you. 
“You’re mine” he growled against your neck “Got it?” his breathing turned to pants as his pace increased making you bounce up and down as a helpless cry left you. It only fueled his action as his grip on your hair tightened “Don’t ever...mhm...let another guy fucking...ugh...touch you,”.You gave a high pitched hum but apparently that wasn’t sufficient for him “Got it?” he repeated as he finished replacing Hoseok’s mark with his own and moved downwards to lick down the valley of your breasts before moving to a nipple and tugging on it with his teeth “You belong to me. Don’t fucking dare to let anyone mark you”
“Yes! Yes!” you gasped rocking against him “Fu-uck”
“Make me come” he commanded, bringing his hand up to squeeze at your breast, making you clench around him as he continued drilling into you “Do it!” he groaned, trailing his hand down to your clit and rubbing it in hard circles as his cock rubbed against your walls. The sensation made you go crazy and you were clenching around him like a vice. “Ah!” he cried pulling you down by your hair into a searing kiss as you pulsed around him. “Shit! Shit!” His seed shot into you, painting your walls white.
He rode out his high while you milked him down to every last drop before he pulled out, leaving you whimpering as he pushed you back and you landed on your back with a thud. He grabbed your calves, pulling you forwards to bury his face between your thighs.
His tongue lapped at your folds, making your hand reach down to tug on his hair for some relief “Ha-aaah! Jimin!” you screamed as he pushed your legs further apart.
“Louder, baby” he looked up and you saw a white mixture of your juices along with his trailing down is chin, making your stomach heat up even more. He went back to lapping at you before thrusting his tongue inside of you, his thumb coming up to rub at your clit making you cry out as the hot knot inside of your stomach rapidly unravelled and claimed your whole body as if flames licking up your skin.
Your thighs closed around his head, your whole body shaking as he helped you through your high, making your vision black out.
You didn’t know how long you had been lying there, catching your breath and floating in a blissful state of mind until you turned to see a very naked Jimin lying beside you, playing with your hair “Sorry” he mumbled, smiling down at you before leaning forwards to peck your lips softly “Just couldn’t bear seeing my Y/N  with another man’s mark”. 
You sighed, smiling and reaching up to peck his lips once more before pulling back to speak “So...”
“So...” he mimicked you, raising an eyebrow, making you giggle.
“What are we?” you asked the question you both knew had been hanging in the air for quite a while, waiting to be asked.
He just smiled, brushing your hair and bending down to plant a kiss to your forehead “You’ll have a lot of time to decide it tomorrow” he wrapped an arm around your body, pulling you against his own. “But for now...” the rest of the sentence didn’t need to be said as you closed your eyes, relaxing in his arms.
The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was a shout of triumph coming from Yoongi from another tent “FINALLY I CAN FUCKING SLEEP!”
FINALLLYYYYYYYY! I’m so sorry to the anon I kept hanging but my laptop had fucked up and I lost four documents and then I rewrote almost half of this about six times on the tumblr app on my phone and it wouldn’t fucking show up! Anyways, I got my laptop back yesterday and I can finally get all your requests done. And anon, baby, I’m so fucking sorry. I feel like a terrible, terrible person and I’ll be blessed if you still even bother reading this piece of crap. Aha. Sorry
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Sorry for making all your requests wait so much. But I just got my laptop fixed and I'm gonna get back to work real fast.
Thanks to all those who have waited
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
it’s okay !! take your time ^^ i appreciate that you’re still deciding to do it i totally understand
Thank you so much! I’m just so mad at my laptop. It’s such a fuss to recall the whole plot all over again but I really am trying to make it as close to the original one but I can’t remember everything so thanks a lot for your patience. I feel terrible. I’m sorry
UPDATE: Hey babe, I got your Jimin smut done. Check it out: https://jiminiesoreos.tumblr.com/post/172596978149/excuse-moi-you-plopped-down-onto-jimins-lap I'm so sorry for making you wait so much. I feel terrible.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
could you maybe make a jealous jimin smut ;; where u guys are only best friends at the beginning or something along those lines
Sure babe. Noooo problem. I’ll get started right now and it’ll be up within two days. In the meantime let me know if you’d like to add anymore details and stuff or just anything at all. 😘😘😘😘
Hi, so I know I promised two days but my laptop fucked up and I lost 4 of my documents and I'm rewriting the whole thing on my phone again. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. I don't usually keep people waiting
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Will u be able to make a Jungkook smut? :3
You didn't tell me what you want in the smut so please kindly do that
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
YA’LL GUESS WHO’S BACK?!  So my exams are over so I can write tons and tons of smut again so please send me any requests, asks, dms and just let out all ya sinful wishes. I’m free for a month now. 
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Jungkook Smut - All You Had To Do Was Ask
Requested by @thedawnsky
“Yes, yes, I’ll tell her” Jungkook put down the phone just as you came into the hallway with Taehyung prancing right behind you, dressed in a cute floral dress, your hair braided perfectly as you beamed ear to ear. Today was the day. The day you’d see your father once again. Those rare occasions that come by only once every few weeks. A brief meeting between you and your father for a few hours. A tea or perhaps a dinner arranged by Jungkook to rid you of homesickness and make you feel less like a prisoner in his mansion. He looked up as you approached him.
“Was it Daddy?” you asked, a smile taking over your features automatically and eyes alight. Jungkook only nodded emotionlessly, putting his phone back inside his pocket “What did he say? When is he coming over?” you asked, basically jumping on your toes from the giddiness, unable to wait anymore.
Jungkook just looked away “He’s not” he murmured, turning around and walking down the hallway, towards his room without another word.
“Aigo…” Taehyung murmured behind you as you ran forwards, your smile disappearing and a feeling of betrayal consuming you instead.
You ran to stop Jungkook in his tracks before he could go any further “What? Why?!” you demanded, looking up at his face which stayed emotionless.
“Y/N…” he warned,staring down at you intently.
“No! I want an answer!” you stomped your foot in anger “I miss my family, Jungkook! This means a lot to me! You can’t just do this!”
He just sighed, turning to face you properly “I had some problems, the meeting cannot be arranged right now. He’ll be coming two weeks later” he replied, asking for you to unblock his way so he could go.
“Y/N!” he warned again, his eyes burning into you as if they were gonna shoot lasers.
“NO! STOP DOING THIS TO ME! STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH MY FAMILY FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU ASSHOLE!” you shouted, a tear rolling down your cheek before you even knew “Those who don’t have a family will never understand, Jungkook” you sobbed, backing away to let him continue on his way “But those who have, know exactly what every moment spent with the people who brought you up in their arms is worth” you turned to walk away. Something about that nudged his heart and his expression softened, reaching to grab your hand “Don’t touch me” and with that you were wiping at your eyes and pushing past Kim Taehyung, walking away from that vile person.
“Y/N!” Jungkook called out but you were already stomping away “Y/N!”
“Y/N if you could just stay still-” Taehyung reached forwards again only for his hand to be slapped by yours “Why are you like this?! It’s not my fault!” he complained when you wouldn’t stop crying and refused to meet his eyes.
It had been six months, six months since you’ve been kept prisoner in this hellhole of a mansion. How you ended up in here? Well, your father’s company went bankrupt, leaving him with no choice but to borrow a huge amount of money from the only other sufficiently rich businessman in the city, just so he could provide for your family. Hence, you had been is source of support as he entered the office of the stupidly young businessman, briefcase in hand and everything. The man’s eyes glued onto you as the two of you entered.
“Mr. Jeon, please” your father pleaded “My family is all that I have left. Please” you rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him as he looked like he would break into a sob any moment now.
“I understand” he swiveled around in his chair arrogantly as he sat across the table, flipping through the paperwork “I understand everything” his piercing brown eyes then looked up, flickering slightly towards you before focusing on your father again. Something in that gaze of his made you feel incredibly small. “But what can I have…as a guarantee?” he leaned across the table, smirking, arms folded on top of it, his eyes almost mocking your father and oh how you wanted to slap that look off his face.
“Mr. Jeon. I have nothing to offer you, I understand that. But if you just wait-” your father was cut short.
“I wait for no one” he stated simply.
“Please, my house and my daughter is all I have left, what possibly…” the rest of his words drowned out into a buzz as the man’s eyes fixed on you properly for the first time. Your own staring right back at him. Moments passed with you two looking at each other, his gaze powerful and intimidating and you did your best not to let your own waver.
“Her” he finally spoke, his piercing eyes staring you down “I want her”
You curled up closer beside Taehyung as you two cuddled, still partially mad at the betrayal. Kim Taehyung had been your only source of happiness since the day you entered this blasted mansion and the only one to keep you company apart from the 20 housemaids. You liked him the moment you met him. He wasn’t something you were expecting at a place like this. He was a bright, cheerful, living, breathing ball of sunshine, giddy to have a new friend in a long, long time. And you were surprised when he said he was Jungkook’s childhood friend and even more when Jungkook called him ‘hyung’. How could Jungkook be younger than him and have such a huge company? How could Jungkook have him as a friend in general. They were huge contrasts to each other. Jungkook being reserved and quiet while Taehyung was cheerful and talkative. He was the kind of guy anyone would want to keep close. It’s not like Jungkook had been treating you badly or anything. No. Ever since you got here, you got this huge room with dark crimson wallpaper, a huge bed, golden velvet sheets. Maids ready at your hands and feet. He was treating you like a queen. But it wasn’t luxury you longed for. Usually on days like these, you’d cuddle up beside Taehyung. Damn that human koala bear. And the two of you would pick out a movie and spend the night staying up, doing random stuff just for fun. He wasn’t the kind to be allergic to girly stuff. He’d just go with whatever you wanted. If you were watching a sappy rom-com, he’d climb up on the bed beside you right away and you two would keep commenting throughout the movie. If you were brushing your hair, he’d come over and sit beside you, styling up his own just for the fun of it. If you were painting your nails, he’d pick a colour out for your toes and sit down to paint them. However, this moment refused to allow even Taehyung to cheer you up. Nothing seemed to be okay.
“You sure you don’t wanna sleep?” Tae muttered near your ear as you pulled your legs closer under the soft blankets, staring intently at the TV screen after you changed into a blue satin nightgown and brushed your hair, washed your face and did all the other stuff, you had zero interest in doing just so he could finally agree to play the movie. You glanced once at the clock. 1:18 am, it displayed proudly and you shook your head in a ‘no’. He just sighed, digging into the tub of ice cream to rid himself of the depression that came from being unable to make you eat anything since the noon.
The clearing of a throat made the both of you look up to see Jungkook standing by the door, changed into a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his usual pressed shirt and skinny pants,a white box held in his hand. Your gaze hardened immediately, a frown automatically settling between the creases of your forehead at the sight of him. You let out a small sigh of annoyance when he eyed the two of you huddled together. “Tae hyung” he gave a small nod towards Tae who immediately nodded back as if a silent language had been spoken between just the two of them. He sighed, throwing the blanket off himself to get up.
He glanced over at you before climbing off the bed “Be nice” he whispered to you with a small smile, before climbing off the bed and leaving. He just paused near the door to say something to Jungkook in an incredibly low voice, way, way low for you to hear from across the massive room. Jungkook just nodded again as he left before getting inside and closing the door behind him.
You looked away as he went to turn off the TV before coming over to the bed and climbing up beside you. You still wouldn’t look at him. The dim light from the bedside lamp illuminated the room with a warm glow and you saw Jungkook’s shadow raise a hand to reach out towards you before deciding against it and letting it fall. Good, you mentally thought, not wanting to feel his touch. He waited for a moment before speaking “The maids told me you didn’t eat”.
His soft voice made a small shudder run down your spine but you chose to ignore it “I don’t feel like it” you mumbled, turning away further from him, not wanting to meet his eyes.
“I got some of those strawberry mousse cakes you like so much” he held out the white box towards you. You frowned even more. What the hell? How does he know that?
“I’m not hungry” you just muttered and watched his shadow run a hand through his hair as he heaved a sigh, shaking his head due to whatever emotion he felt. Your mind wandered off to your father, your home, you wondered if he was doing okay. Was he upset for not being able to see you too? Did he eat? And that is how a good couple of minutes went by, a dead silence hanging in the air. You noticed Jungkook’s shadow still there, sitting quietly. “Jungkook…” you turned to see him now leaning against the pillows, having scooted closer to you. You hated how his face looked so beautiful in the dim lights. His skin so soft and glowing, his eyelashes casting shadows across his cheekbones, his lips so awfully pink and inviting. You almost found yourself admiring him for a moment before shaking those thoughts out of your head “You see him like a businessman. You see someone who you lent a huge amount of money to. While all I see is a father. I don’t want him going through hell because of me”
“Y/N, you need to stop panicking” he reached out his hand again but you flinched “I didn’t stop him from coming because I want to hurt either one of you” you looked away, refusing to believe him. He just sighed, his hand going limp on his lap “You need to stop pushing me away. I don’t like seeing you upset every time you look at me”
“You took me away from my father! You keep me prisoner here all day! You barely bother to come around to see whether or not I’m even alive and then you don’t even let me see my father!” you scowled “I’m not happy anyway, Jungkook! But stop making me even more miserable! What did I ever do to you?! You just…” you tried to stop shaking before the urge to cry could grow anymore “Why do you hate me?” you finally asked.
His expression softened at that. He bit his lip, looking down at you with a gaze…slightly different from the usual. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was but it was there “I don’t hate you” he spoke softer than ever “I stopped your father from coming because that bitch named Sejun came over for a meeting today. And I didn’t want him to see you or your father. I didn’t want to risk getting losing you just because he’d find another girl to fuck” you still scowled “I’m being honest” he said, his thumb brushing over your soft hair “You can see my texts, my schedules, everything. His company has some business with ours and he’ll be coming over frequently for a few days. That’s why I delayed it”
“Sure” you snorted, turning over, facing away from the lying bastard.
“Jungkookie!” Came Taehyung’s voice from the other end of the door “Aren’t you gonna eat?”. You scowled when Taehyung kept persuading Jungkook who didn’t seem like he’d agree anytime soon. And this was something you hated. This whole thing of someone doing something that they shouldn’t just because you were being a little brat. You wondered if you should let the bastard starve but then again you had this habit of being overly grateful. So…
“Go, eat” you snapped without looking at him.
“I don’t want to” he responded. It somehow annoyed you even more.
“Just go, fucking eat! I don’t want you to starve yourself because of me!” you shouted, looking up at him.
“Then stop starving yourself because of me” he replied, scooting even closer to you, making your gaze falter “I tried everything to make you happy, Y/N. And I can keep trying. But I don’t want to see you upset just because I’m so fucking pathetic I’m keeping you to myself” his words made you frown “Hell, you’re falling for Taehyung when I can’t even make you smile! I don’t know what else I can do”
“You don’t have to do anything” you said “I don’t expect anything at all! Just stop taking away people’s families for money-”
“THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST FUCKING GET THAT?!” he shouted back at you, making your jaw drop “THIS WAS NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY! YOUR FATHER CAN TAKE THREE TIMES OF WHAT HE ALREADY HAS AND I WOULDN’T BE BOTHERED TO GIVE A SHIT! I NEVER RUIN PEOPLE’S FAMILIES FOR MONEY! ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE ONE!” his face reddened as he bellowed at you, making you feel more intimidated than you ever have.”This…” he stopped abruptly, inhaling deeply as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop shouting “This was never about the money. This was simply my only shot to get the girl I have loved for four years and I tried to make good use of it. Get it?” he opened his eyes to look at you as your expression went blank. What? “But it’s clear that people only want the things they can’t have and I clearly lost to Taehyung so yes, perhaps it’s time I let you go” and with that, he spun around, climbing off your door and striding towards your door, leaving you confused.
“You’re fucking around with me, aren’t you?” you wondered out loud, making him stop in his tracks.
He laughed dryly as he turned around to face you, his eyes half brimming with tears “Trust me, if I was, it wouldn’t be this hard”. He turned back, turning the doorknob and pulling it open to leave.
“Jungkook!” you called out again, making him turn around “Come here” you said before you even knew what you were doing. He closed the door, walking back over to your bed, sniffling slightly to hold back his tears. You threw the blanket off yourself and rose up on your knees to be level with his face as he sat down “Do you mean it?” you asked hesitantly, scanning his features for any signs that he could possibly be joking.
He nodded slowly, his brown eyes now looking into yours almost as if pleading “I first saw you when you were riding a bike with your friend” he smiled at the memory “You had this cute pink t-shirt on and your hat blew off in the wind and you leaned your bike against this tree and were running to catch it and you just laughed and I couldn’t stop looking at you. I watched you walk back home so many times but…” he sighed, scowling slightly “I never made a first move on a girl so…you scared me a little” he pouted slightly “And I gave up” You raised your eyebrows in disbelief. “Yeah” he smiled a little, looking down at his hands “I couldn’t tell you for some reason and you never even looked at me and I just got really mad and I started to hate you a bit too and I stopped staring at you from my car and everything and well, that was that and when you came to my office with your father the other day and I…” he trailed off “I fucked up, okay?”
“Jungkook…” you scooted closer to him “All you had to do was ask” you looked into those teary eyes.
“Would you have said yes?” he asked as a teardrop rolled down his cheek and fell onto his lip “Ask yourself right now, Y/N? Would you have said yes to a man who doesn’t even know how to treat a girl right?”
“Yes” your hand reached up to brush the tear away from his cheek “Had I known, behind your stupid facade there is a person who loved me, I would”
He reached his hand up to rest over yours “Is this okay?” he asked as his skin touched yours. You nodded slowly. “Y/N…” he turned his face so his lips now brushed your hand “I’m sorry” he softly pecked the skin, causing your heart to flutter “God, I’m so sorry” he mumbled “I won’t keep you locked up anymore, baby. I’m done trying to make you happy when all I do is hurt you” he sighed “I’ll drop you off at yours tomorrow and I’ll apologize to your dad and-”
“Why is it that when I hate you, you pull me closer…” you murmured, cutting off his rant “And when I fall in love, you push me away?”
“I-I don’t…” he stuttered before asking “You…love me?” he asked as if unsure. You gave a small nod, as he gripped your hand tighter against his cheek “Fuck…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve you, Y/N. I love you” he blurted out, wrapping an arm around your small figure before pulling you into a hug “I love you so much. I’ll never hurt you again. I’m sorry”
You didn’t know when a tear fell down your cheek but you chose to ignore it as you nuzzled your head in Jungkook’s warm chest, suddenly finding home where you least expected to. “I love you…” you whispered back “I’m sorry for how I’ve been towards you, I just…I didn’t know”
“I know” he rested his cheek against your shoulder “I know, baby” he pulled back to look at you for a good few moments “How is it that someone can look so beautiful even when they’re crying?” he spoke almost to himself as he looked at you. His eyes filled with something you had never seen before. He slowly reached up to your face, his hands hesitating. But this time you didn’t flinch. He gently cradled your jaw in his fingers, his thumb softly stroking the skin of your cheeks as his eyes never moved from yours. You leaned further into his touch, something about it feeling incredibly comfortable now. He gently leaned forwards, swallowing nervously as his face moved closer to yours, his nose touching your cheek. His lips parted gently as he slowly tilted his head to the right, as if devoid of his senses and lost in a daze.You closed your eyes and waited with your breath held in.
His soft lips pressed down onto yours in a kiss so sweet, you were caught off guard. It was nearly apologetic, the way he pecked your lower lip just long enough to convey his feelings before pulling back to see if you were okay with it. Finding no signs of rejection, he leaned in again, taking your lip between his as his hand went to the back of your head, threading through your hair. You responded back this time, reaching your own hand out to rest on the back of his neck as he slowly pulled you closer.
And from there, it was like you two couldn’t stop. His gentle confessions of love slipped between each kiss and before you knew it, you were pulled onto his lap, your legs folded neatly to the side and your arm wrapping around his neck as his hand traveled down to your waist. He pulled back when the two of you couldn’t breathe anymore and looked up with a breathtaking smile. “I’m dreaming” he muttered, watching you smiling down at him.
“So am I” you whispered, kissing the corner of his lips. He giggled, pulling you down on top of him as he fell onto the bed. His hand roamed down your sides over the blue silk of your nightgown down to your thighs, making you shiver at the contact.
“Can I-” he started but you leaned down to kiss his lips again.
“I’m yours” you murmured, grasping onto the front of his t-shirt, encouraging him to go on. He slowly trailed his hand down your thigh at that before hitching your leg up to his waist, making you gasp and look up at him “And you said you weren’t smooth with girls” you glared.
“Damn! I thought that one only worked in movies” his eyes widened in surprise, making you laugh. You slowly trailed down to his jaw, his neck, his collarbone, his shoulder, leaving kisses everywhere.You kissed a spot beneath his ear before taking his earlobe between your lips, softly kissing it “Um…Y/N…” he started as you continued to kiss his neck, making you hum softly in response “If-if you keep doing that…we’re gonna have a problem, baby…” he gasped when you sucked harder at his neck, teasing him to rile him up “And I’m not talking relationship wise” You grinned at that, sinking your teeth into his neck and slowly sneaking your hand up the front of his t-shirt “Oh fuck…” he groaned when your nails gently raked down his abs “Come here, you” and he was flipping you onto your back, both your wrists held in his hand as he climbed on top of you, straddling your thighs. “Don’t do that, baby” he moaned softly, leaning down to kiss your collarbone before he trailed those kisses up your neck and to your ear “I’m a very dangerous man” he whispered, his other hand reaching up to run his thumb along your lip
“Sure” you giggled sarcastically, making him look up to meet your eyes with a scowl “I doubt you’re a man at all” you teased back.
“Don’t you test me” he arched a brow playfully, tightening his grip on your wrists.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
He bit his lip, lowering himself so he was level with your ear “I’m gonna…” his hands trailed down, gently ghosting over your neck, your chest, down your stomach, till her reached the end of your nightgown “Make love to you…” his hand slipped inside, trailing up to feel the bare skin of your waist. He rested his hand against the curve of your waist, rubbing over it softly in a fan pattern with his thumb as he kissed you beneath your ear “Right here, right now”. His words sent a shiver right down to your core and your breathing turned heavy. His hands trailed further upwards, reaching your breast but only tracing along the curve of it “Would you like that, baby?” he gently tugged on your earlobe with his teeth.
You gently moaned, tilting your head towards his to capture his lips in a kiss. He traced soft patterns on the side of your breast, waiting for permission before he could go any further. He slipped his tongue into the kiss, making heat blossom in your cheeks as you parted your mouth further, the touch of his tongue against yours sending sparks along your nerves so fiercely, you squeezed your thighs closer together. “Jungkook” you whispered into his mouth, rubbing your thighs together beneath him.
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me” he groaned, pulling back and going down to your neck “Saying my name like that” his grip on your wrists loosened and you used the opportunity to bring your hands up to thread in his hair, tilting your head further to give him more access as a soft whimper left you “Say the words, baby” he spoke breathing hotly against your skin “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want it. Just say what’s on your mind. I’ll do anything you want” he left a soft kiss on your shoulder, waiting for your answer.
You breathed erratically as you tried to force the words out of your throat which seemed to have lost its ability to form any kind of sounds “Jungkook” you gently tugged on his hair to make him look up to you. “Touch me” was all it took for him to bunch up your nightgown in his hands, pulling it upwards. You arched your back to help him further as he pulled the silk off you, exposing your bare torso. He threw it somewhere on the floor as he sat back to admire your bare form. You instinctively tried to wrap an arm over your breasts but he quickly reached forwards, prying them away.
“Shh” he smiled, spreading out your arms that were guarding his view “I want to see every. Single. Thing” he leaned forwards to begin kissing at your collarbones before moving down, kissing his way down the valley of your breasts, down your stomach till the waistband of your panties. He grabbed the ends of his t-shirt, pulling it off himself to reveal broad shoulders, toned chest and firm abs. His body was glorious and for a moment you forgot to breathe. He bent down to kiss the insides of each of your thighs, moving down  to your knees and your ankles. You giggled from the ticklish feel his lips left near your ankles, causing him to smile and sit up, pulling your legs up to kiss each of your feet “So beautiful” he murmured, eyes scanning over your bare form, making you blush even wilder. He set down your feet to lean over and kiss your cheek again “My goddess” he smiled against your skin, trailing his hand down to your breast, cupping the flesh in his hand and gently stroking  his thumb along it. He planted another kiss to your lips before moving down to plant a kiss on each of your breasts, taking one of your nipples between his lips and sucking gently while he massaged the other between his thumb and forefinger. Your back arched, your hands finding his hair once again as your core throbbed in your panties, aching for contact.
At that moment, as if reading your mind, his hand roamed down to your panties, ghosting over the fabric gently before he looked up to your eyes “Can I touch you here?” he raised his brows and something about the innocent gaze combined with his soft tone made your heart melt as you nodded. His hand slipped past the waistband and his fingers dipped into your slit, softly moving up and down. “Baby, you’re so wet” he moaned, tracing a finger over your clit, making your breathing falter as a breathy “ah” fell from your lips. He kissed his way downwards, pulling your panties down as he did so. His lips were soon level with your exposed womanhood as blood boiled in your cheeks, hotter than ever. He gently placed a kiss on your mound, moving to your clit and over your folds. He gently blew over your heated womanhood, making your hips buck up. He licked a stripe up your folds, teasing your entrance with his tongue just a little bit before moving up to take your clit between his lips.
“Fuck! Jungkook” you moaned, gripping at his hair from the pleasure. You could hear him softly chuckle as he sucked on your clit. He then came up so he was level with your face. As he kissed you, you suddenly found the courage to bring your hand between your bodies, further down till you felt his bulge in his shorts. Kneading it gently in your hands, you heard him groan into mouth. You applied just a bit more pressure and he pulled back, nuzzling his face in your neck and rocking his hips into your hands. His broken breaths near your ear were heaven as his fingers went down to continue working on your clit.
“Oh fuck” he breathed, kissing at your jaw. Leaning back down to kiss you once more, he smiled sheepishly “As much as I’d like to continue this…I don’t have a condom right now. Um…heh…will you wait a few seconds?” he grinned, making you nod with a small smile. You retreated your hands and he got off you and went out of the door, his steps quieter than ever. Meanwhile you tilted your head back, shaking from the pleasure he had been giving you. You really wanted to touch yourself but then again, you wanted to wait for him. Within seconds,he was back muttering “Tae hyung’s gonna kill me for stealing those” you giggled as he pulled down his shorts and boxers and came back to his previous position, his manhood standing proud against his stomach. You held in your breath as he rolled the condom onto himself, stroking his shaft a few times before leaning forwards to take your wrists up to his lips “Miss me?” his eye dropped in a wink as he straddled you again.
“So much” you smiled leaning up, asking for a kiss. His lips met yours the same time that he pushed his tip in, making you sigh into his mouth as he gently thrust forwards. “Ah…so good” you moaned against his cheek as his hand came up to fondle your breast, the slow drag of his cock, heightening every sensation there was.
He thrust slow and soft, taking his time, letting out low groans into your mouth as his hips rocked into you, his lips never leaving yours. Only the sound of kisses and heavy breathing filling the atmosphere of your quiet room. You moaned against his lips, your hands curling under his armpits to grip at his shoulders, pulling him down closer to you.
He sneaked a hand down to your womanhood, rubbing your clit in sensual circles as his lips left a trail of open mouthed kisses all over you. His thrusts weren’t meant to fuck. In fact they weren’t sexual at all. Each of them felt like a kiss, a soft confession of love he was leaving inside of you.
“Jungkook…it feels so good” you moaned against his ear, making him increase his pace just slightly. The feeling of his cock hitting spots you could never imagine making you see stars as you two rocked the bed slowly.
He purposefully bent down to leave loud kisses all over your body. You giggled when he kissed all over your face with loud noises. He snaked an arm underneath you to pull your body up closer to his. You looked up into his dark brown eyes as he kissed your chin “Do you wanna cum?” he asked. The seemingly innocent question making fire spiral out from your core. He pulled you up along with him the moment you nodded, sitting back on his knees, the angle allowing him to go deeper. He rolled his hips up, all the while looking at you like you had just put up stars in the sky. He rest his head on top of your breast, rolling his hips up faster. Soon you began to feel the heat the the pit of your stomach pooling faster and faster “You’re blushing so much” he admired with a soft smile “It’s beautiful” he left a tender kiss on your cheek. You smiled back, grinding down onto him, clenching as you felt your orgasm near “Ah! Baby! Ugh…you’re too tight” he muttered, his thrusts turning erratic as he mouthed at your breasts, the grip of his arms tightening around your arms.
“Jungkook” you breathed, dragging your lips up his neck, sucking marks onto the pale flesh “I love you” you whispered into the skin of the man who was suddenly your whole world.
“I love you more” he hugged you tighter to him, continuing to roll his hips up into you as he reached down to rub at your clit again. His touch sensual and determined. With a few more thrusts combined with sloppy kisses all over your body, you wrapped an arm around his neck, pushing your lips onto his for a kiss that stole his breath away as with a last clench you both toppled over the edge, falling back on the bed as he continued to thrust throughout your orgasms, drawing it out as long as possible as you moaned his name into his shoulder. He was in heaven and so were you. The beautiful view of his eyes clenching shut from the pleasure and head tipping back laid out before you. You had never seen a prettier sight. How could you once be so cold to this beautiful thing which now submitted all of itself into your arms. He collapsed on top of you, all the energy being drained from his body, yet that tiny smile never leaving his features.
You finally came down from your highs, your hand coming up to push Jungkook’s sweaty hair out of his eyes. He looked down at you in a daze, smiling wide as if he had just accomplished the only goal in his life. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…” fell from his lips as he kissed every inch of your body “I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I’ll never let you go, baby” he apologized over and over again, kissing all over your face.
You giggled taking his face in your hands “I love you too” you smiled, kissing his forehead “I love you so much”. He entwined his hands with yours, smiling blissfully as he lay on top of you with his head on your chest. You both closed your eyes, knowing the next morning would indeed be a brand new one.
A/N: My writing skills are falling so much. And on top of that it’s 1:09 am and I’m sitting near a window and mosquitoes are feasting on me. Omg. Bye.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Yoongi Smut - You Bet Your Ass
Requested by @thedawnsky​
As soon as the elevator doors opened, you rushed out, half sprinting towards your destination, glancing at your watch every three seconds. You took a sharp right turn and were immediately met with your boss’ secretary, hair facial expression similar to that of a stone as she glared at you “You’re late”
“Am I?” you cocked a brow sarcastically, finally arriving at the meeting, the table already crowded with 20 more people.
“Miss Y/N…” you boss acknowledged you as you pulled a chair to take your place at the table.
“I’m sorry sir, my car broke down. Sorry to have interrupted you” you took a sip from the glass of water placed in front of you and focused on the matters at hand.
“That’s alright, you haven’t missed out on much. They are from Mr. Lee’s company” he motioned towards the people sitting on the other side of the table and you gave a small nod in acknowledgement. “We will be collaborating with them while developing the software so I’d suggest you get to know some of them a little for further mutual assistance with any matters” you nodded again “And Mr. Min Yoongi has shared some valuable insights-” 
The rest of his words drowned out into white noise as you looked up so fast that you could have gotten a whiplash. That name, that very name that made you look up, scanning around the table to land your eyes on another set of dark brown ones that you knew all too well. He looked the same. Same soft features, same face, same eyes. Only there was no longer the bright green hair falling into his eyes. It was black, bangs cut short, bringing out his features even more. He blinked once, a subtle, silent greeting passing between you two as you let out a small sigh. 
Min Yoongi.
Finally done with the meeting, you bid goodbye to several of the employees, arranging your papers, you were almost ready to stuff them back in your briefcase and call it a day. However, this day kept getting more and more interesting.
“You never liked wearing gray” the all too familiar voice near you made you jump from the surprise. You turned your head to see him leaning against the table, arms crossed over his chest, the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You felt your heart give the tiniest flutter at this feeling of familiarity after a long, long time.
“People change” you said, pressing your lips together in the smallest smile as you packed the rest of your things, tucking a strand of your hair back as you arranged the rest of your papers in order.
“And yet somehow a lot of you has managed to stay the same”
Your hands paused as you stood up to take a proper good look at the man in front of you for the first time in a while. “Min Yoongi” you crossed your arms giving him a once over from his head to toe.
“Y/N” he acknowledged with a small smile.
“It’s been what? Five years?” 
“Close, five and a half” he corrected flashing you that sweet gummy smile that you once used to drop dead at the sight of. You couldn’t help the nostalgia that hit you like a tsunami. Neither could you disregard how your heart skipped a small beat.
“Here, let me help you with those” he offered, arranging the few of the papers that were left and before you could protest he was already handing them back to you. You muttered a small ‘thank you’ and put them inside your briefcase. Just as you were about to fetch your phone from your pocket to call your friend to pick you up, he grabbed your wrist  to stop you, making a tiny electric spark course through where your skins met. “I have a car, you know”.
“So…” you spoke as Yoongi helped you out of your jacket when you reached what once used to be both of your home, having accepted Yoongi’s proposal for a tea to catch up after having spent such a long time apart. “Are you still that much into rap or has that phase-”
“It was not a phase!” he protested immediately making you laugh as you walked down the familiar hallway to the living room where the two of you had made too many memories to count. Good as well as bad ones. The soft beige wallpapers that you two had picked out together, the fireplace where the two of you had once snuggled together during cold winters as well as yelled your heads out at each other for the littlest things such as him smiling at a female cashier while accepting the change or being too exhausted from his work with his band to have any energy to engage in any of those passionate activities on some nights or perhaps having forgotten when your periods are due. It’s not like you hadn’t gone through hell either. He’d often skip dinners to hang out with his friends and he’d yell when you went out on a girls’ night and came home a little too late and you’d just accuse him right back.
You quickly shook the thoughts out of your head, not wanting to succumb to those old feelings. There’s a reason your past is the past and you had no intention of regretting the decisions you both knew were the best for you.”Oh come on” you smirked taking a seat on the white couch “Mr. Min Yoongi couldn’t possibly be holding onto Suga upto this day”.
He chuckled, going to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of you “Oh you bet your ass he very much is”
“Given I’m not at the risk to have it spanked now, I’ll say I’d be happy to do so” you quipped making him laugh and ending up laughing yourself. You missed laughing with him, to be honest. You hadn’t done much of that after your marriage which you now wished you did instead of picking those stupid fights. How could you let this incredible man slip through your fingers when you two could have made one of the tightest couples on earth. “But seriously though, how could you possibly convince me you’re in this huge company and still have that Suga flowing in you?”
“Well, it’s reduced from a professional level to just a sideline thing” he shrugged wiping taking the jar of sugar out of the cabinet “But yeah, it’s there” he smirked at you.
“Are you sure it’s not because your skills got rusty?”
He gave you a deadly glare, raising a brow “myeongpum baegeul jwigibodaneun nae soneul jabajuneun jiltusimgwa sigibodan doemdoemireul arajuneun geureon neowa hamkke uriui miraereul geuryeobwa uri keopeul sinbal saie eorini undonghwa”  
You gave him a small round of applause with a smile plastered on your face, making him weirdly happy. But somehow on the inside, your heart twisted at the fact that he chose specifically the rap that he had written for a song, keeping you in mind as his muse and rushed to you with the paper just over a few weeks after your marriage and had pulled you down on his lap as he made sure you were the first one who heard it.                                                                    ‘Instead of holding designer bags, you hold my hand Instead of jealousy and envy, you understand my nature With you, I draw out my future In between our couple shoes are a pair of baby sneakers’
You quietly sat there in the home that you noticed he had barely changed in any way. Kept every single detail you had wanted to add to it, even the ones he hated. The two large white dreamcatchers, the overly feminine bookshelf, everything.
You sighed, as you stood up from your position to join him in the kitchen. 
He just looked down at the cups he was pouring the tea into as you came over to stand beside him. You glanced at the kitchen island and noticed the chunk of wood still missing from it. “You haven’t repaired this?”
He just turned to smirk at you “The memory was too good to cover up”
“God, I couldn’t sit for like three days!” your eyes widened at the memory and the playful atmosphere suddenly changed at the memory of you bent over as he spanked you, your movements rocking the thing back and forth. Yoongi had been all but merciful in bed.
He leaned in closer to whisper into your ear “Wear something like that ever again and I’m willing to run to Norway just to fuck you” his hot breath made you shudder. It still had the same effect on you, leaving you breathless even though he backed away “Have you...found a boyfriend...yet?” he asked, almost hesitating as he looked down at you, breaking you out of your trance as you looked up, the tension between you two heavy in the air.
“Perhaps” you lied, smiling just a little, just to test him. You thought you saw his face fall for a moment before another smirk took over his features “Does he fuck you better than I did?”
Your eyebrows rose at his question. Wow. Moments passed with the two of you standing like that in the middle of the kitchen, staring into each other’s eyes as if waiting to pounce on each other. until you finally spoke up “Perhaps” you mocked him with a gaze.
“Can’t be” he muttered, looking into your eyes confidently “Do you remember the way you used to scream my name? Mrs. Kim from next door once stopped me in my tracks cause her children couldn’t sleep” he grinned at the memory and you suddenly felt heat pool at your stomach from the mention of those passionate, erotic moments.
“Maybe I was just young and didn’t know I’d ever experience better” you almost whispered back. “If it was now, I bet my ass you wouldn’t be able to get one scream out of me” You didn’t notice how suddenly the habit of challenging him till his dominant side broke out had come back to you the moment those memories had flashed through your brain. But that hadn’t stopped working it’s magic just like old times.
“Oh really?” he rose his eyebrows, backing you against the counter with a fierce look in his eyes “This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Y/N”
“Oh well, I know I’ll win” you shrugged as he leaned over you, biting your lip as you gazed up into his eyes.
“Just remember” he smirked, his eyes going dark “You bet your ass” 
And those lips you once loved so damn much were back on yours, his hand coming up to cradle your jaw as his lips moved heatedly over your own. You hummed as sparks ignited between your lips when his tongue swiped across your it, seeking entrance and you parted them, letting him slip that sinful tongue in as his hand left your jaw to move to your shoulders, down your arms and to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You whimpered softly against his mouth, arching against him as his mouth ravished yours. His teeth nipping at your bottom lip occasionally as his other hand trailed down to your ass, pulling you closer till your crotches met as he continued kneading the flesh in his palm. You softly gasped when he sucked your tongue into his mouth, just a second before pulling back. A trail of saliva connected your lips but he ignored that, his lips trailing down to your neck instead. He lowly hummed in his throat as his hand came to pull your shirt out of your pants before bunching up the hem of it in his hands and pulling it upwards and off of you in one swift movement as you raised your arms to assist him further. His hands trailed down your black bra to your stomach, rubbing circles into your sides which he remembered you absolutely loved. His lips wrapped around the base of your throat, sucking the skin in harshly, his teeth grazing the spot just enough to abuse the blood vessels beneath the skin, making sure it would leave marks later. You hissed from the pleasure when his hand trailed down to cup your sex over your pants, applying just enough pressure before deciding to rid you of that blasted piece of fabric.
His fingers worked quickly over the button of your pants, unzipping it before wrapping an arm around you to pull you up as your hands pushed them down to your knees. He pulled back to pick you up and place you on top of the kitchen island but you immediately, reached forwards, threading your fingers at the back of his hair and seeking out his mouth again. He hummed into the wet kiss, making you feel like you were back to the past, holding onto that green-haired hip-hop obsessed boy as he pleasured your body with all the skills he had picked up, having spent years doing this very thing every other night. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him close as you reached up to unbutton his pale blue shirt. His hands unbuttoned the bottom simultaneously as you unbuttoned the top, his shirt falling open within seconds. You pushed the fabric off his shoulders, trailing your hands down his toned torso- his pecs, his abs, which were as defined as ever before you trailed down to his belt. Meanwhile his hands were already on your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh as his nails dug into it after such a long time. You undid his belt and pushed your thighs together, unable to take the sensations that were setting each of your nerves on fire.
He pulled down his pants as he moved to your collarbones, licking down to the top of your breast before he reached around you to undo your bra. He snapped it on your skin once on purpose just to send you gasping in surprise. He grinned and finally unhooked it, letting the fabric fall down your body.
His hand immediately went to cup your breast, his fingers wrapping around the mounds and applying enough pressure to make you squirm against him as his lips went to your earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. You rested your head against his shoulder, breathing heavily as his fingers worked over your nipples, tugging on them, knowing full and well how sensitive your breasts were. You bit down into the skin of his shoulder as your own hand reached forward to palm at his evident bulge. 
The contact did something as his movements suddenly turned more forceful, his hands digging past the waistline of your panties and his fingers moving up and down your wet slit. “So wet” he murmured right next to your ear as he slipped a finger inside of you, feeling your hot walls clench around him, urging him on to add another one. His second and third fingers soon followed, all the while his other hand squeezed and kneaded and rubbed every part of you he could find. When his fingers curled inside of you you couldn’t help the small “Oppah!” that fell from your lips. He growled at the sound and sped up his fingers inside of you. “Oh...” you started rocking your hips back against his hands. His other hand came down to pull your panties down to your knees as he thrust his fingers into you. 
Once your panties were no longer an issue, he stopped his movement to pull his fingers out of you, all three of them coated with your juices. His eyes darkly looked at you as he brought them up to lick your juices clean as you just stared at him with parted lips, breathing heavily, the heat almost being a haze to your vision.
He loosened your legs from around his waist and pushed you back so your back met with the wooden surface just as he went down to lick a stripe up your folds, your breath being knocked out both from the impact as well as his tongue.
He flicked your clit once with the tip of his tongue before delving it inside of you and you moaned, clenching around it as he swirled it inside of you, lapping up any of the juices you produced. He lowly hummed, his fingers parting your folds as he sucked your clit between his lips, giving it enough pressure for your legs to twitch violently at the sensation. “Oppa...oppa...I...”
And he left you hanging just like that, right at the very edge, stopping all his movements and standing back up as you whined from the lack of contact. He rid himself of his boxers before coming over to stand next to where your head was, length in hand, stroking furiously. He threaded his hands into your hair, pulling your head closer towards the edge. You hissed from the pain but it had no reaction on him. “Suck” he commanded, feeding you his cock as you wrapped your lips around it, his hand guiding your head back and forth by your hair as e groaned above you. You dipped your tongue into his slit, making him yank you down further. You choked around his cock, but of course he was indifferent to it, using your mouth in every possible way to pleasure himself. 
Somehow the thought of him using you to get himself off got you a lot more aroused and your hand sneaked down to rub yourself but he immediately slapped it away, glaring at you as he pulled out of your mouth.
He went back to position himself between your legs and you sighed in relief when his fingers were back inside of you. But the next moment, he was sliding his length in, alongside his fingers, making you squeak in surprise but it instantly changed into a long, drawn out moan at the stretch you could never feel from your fingers alone. He didn’t wait for you to adjust and began thrusting, snapping his hips forward, his fingers timed so that whenever he’d pull his cock back, his fingers thrust forward to hit your spot and vice versa, the double amount of friction, making you groan wildly as you reached forward to pull him down on top of you, kissing him sloppily as moan after moan spilled from your lips. His hips never lost rhythm, rocking you back and forth on the island, causing a few things to get knocked over but none of you had time to pay attention to that. 
His other hand reached up, squeezing your breast hard enough to leave bruises “Ahh, Yoongi” you cried out when he increased his pace.
“Yeah, baby, that’s it” he grinned, rocking into you furiously, his fingers curling up while he continued to thrust into you, pulling you closer to the edge with every passing second. He snapped his hips hard once, making you cry out from the pleasure and rake your nails down his back “Baby, why are you...ah!” he hissed as he continued to pound into you “So fucking tight? Ah! Your boyfriend-”
“I never had a boyfriend” you whisper against his lips, making him stop all his movements for a moment before going back at it with lighting pace, his mouth coming down to bite at your collarbone as his free hand roamed down your body “Ah, Yoongi...it...it’s painful...” you squeezed your eyes shut when he rubbed your clit with one hand, all the while his cock and fingers working inside of you. He showed no signs of slowing down as his mouth found your nipple, his teeth tugging on it as he sucked on your mound, making you grip at his hair “Ah! Fuck! Yoongi! Yoongi!” you screamed when he nibbled on the tender bud “AAAH! Yoongi, I’ll...”
“Beg” he just growled, his tone demanding as he switched to your other breast while pushing your legs wider with a hand, hitting unimaginable places.
“Yoongi, please! Please! Let me cum” you sobbed as his hips never stopped.He went back up to your lips, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth as you groaned “Yoongi”
“How bad do you wanna cum, baby?” 
“So bad” you mumbled against his lips and his hand was back on your clit, rubbing furious circles and before you knew it, the waves of heat were crashing over you, making you clench around him, sending him toppling over the edge as well “Yoongi! YOONGI! FUCKKK!” and your vision went black as you could barely felt him collapse on top of you, your sweaty bodies connected again after five long years. 
As you came down from your high, you felt a pair of fingers grab your chin and two lips planting a gentle kiss on your own. Your vision adjusted and you found him lying next to you on the kitchen counter, the stupidest smile adorning his soft features. “Why’d you lie to me about having a boyfriend?” he asked softly, his thumb tracing over your lips.
“Cause I’ve been wishing for five years that I didn’t let go of my last one” you confessed, scooting closer to him as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you to his chest.
“Y/N...” he breathed out, closing his eyes, hugging you so tight you could almost break “What were we thinking?” he sighed and your heart stopped, thinking he was regretting everything that just occurred. The last thing you’d want was to leave another mistake that would stain both of your pasts again “How could I ever let you go?” he brushed his fingers through your hair softly “For all I know, if I didn’t screw up, if I didn’t spend those nights turned away from you, you could be mine right now. I could have you like this, in my arms all day, we’d have children-”
“I fucked up too” you blurted out, looking up at him, seeing a tear roll down his cheek. You were amazed at how steady he had been able to keep his tone as he spoke “I fucked up a lot and right now I just wish I could go, slap my younger self...”
“Y/N” he spoke softly making you trail off as he leaned forwards, capturing your lips in a kiss, filled with so many emotions. Kisses like this had been a rare occurrence after a few months of your marriage and having it back, felt like returning home after a long, long time of being away. “If I say something right now, will you slap me?” he asked the same question he had asked you back when you two were fourteen, leaving your young self confused as to what could be going through his mind. However, now you smiled, a tear rolling down your face at the memory as he smiled back.
“What?” you asked just like you had back then, back before you two strayed away from what you were truly meant to be.
He heaved a sigh, a sweet smile overtaking his features, his lips kissing the tip of your nose so softly, you could melt as you gazed into his eyes “I think I’m in love with you”
A/N: This was going splendidly and then my sister chose that very moment to start playing Go Go of all songs on the speakers and I lost all of that sexy vibe that I was using to write this. And this took so long because of that. Why is my life filled with such irrelevant people? This sucked. Sorry.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Namjoon Smut - Wet
Requested by @thedawnsky
“Jin” you whined, stomping a foot- well, the one that wasn’t sprained to be specific- half slurring from the need for sleep that was pulling your eyelids down. “Kim Seokjinnnn” you cried once again, leaning your head against the wall, as you sat on a bed, legs dangling off the edge, hearing the chaos created by everyone else by the pool, basically grinding on each other as the bass pumped through the floor.
“Ya! Stop going full name on me! I can’t handle your sobbing anymore!” he complained, re-entering his room “Where is that boyfriend of yours, aaaigo!” he demanded as he  sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching forward to take your foot in his hand, resuming the massage he was so generously giving you for the last half an hour.
“I don’t know…” you groaned, leaning your head back with a sigh.
“I told you not to dance in those heels like that!” he complained for the hundredth time the same night. You rolled your eyes looking down at your foot, pouting slightly at the poor thing. Stupid upbeat songs and stupid heels.
You hissed slightly as his fingers applied more pressure. He gently massaged over your sprained ankle, his fingers giving you some momentary relief. “Aaaaha!” you cried out when he squeezed a little too hard.
“Sorry” he mumbled, smiling apologetically as he continued his work until a knock on the door stopped him. You looked up to see Namjoon standing near the door, eyes bloodshot as he looked at you, clearly drunk out of his mind.
“I think it’s time we leave” he murmured, slurring over his words, turning around to leave after his brief statement.
You looked at Jin questioningly at Namjoon’s weird behaviour. Usually a drunk Namjoon wasn’t like this. Ever since you got here, just after a small while he just left your side and disappeared, not bothering to check on you once the entire whole time which was really unusual. Jin shrugged, getting up to hand you your jacket. He helped you up off the bed, walking you out as you limped slightly, putting on your jacket. 
“Be safe” he patted your shoulder as you waved at him in a ‘bye’.
Namjoon and you did not speak the whole way, he sat quietly, not responding to any of your attempts at small conversations, which frankly annoyed you a lot. He just sat there, smoking a cigar as you drove with an eerie silence between you two. So you were not surprised as you walked out of the shower to see he was nowhere in sight. But yes, it was odd. “Namjoon?” you called out, as the rain drummed against the window, walking out to the stairs to see if he was downstairs “Namjoon!” you called out again, running around the house in a coral coloured satin babydoll that Namjoon had lovingly bought you saying coral looked best on you. “Do not tell me he went out in the rain!” you whined almost to yourself.
You groaned, finding him nowhere and rushed back upstairs, this time going straight to the rooftop. You halted at the top of the stairs, watching him sitting on the edge, legs dangling off, his black t-shirt clinging to his defined back, wet from the rain. His hair was mussed up, is face in his hands as the raindrops drenched him. “What are you doing there? Get inside!” you yelled over the sound of the rain. He didn’t move an inch. You hesitated for a moment before stepping out into the rain. 
Reaching the boy, you rested a hand on his shoulder as the rain slowly washed over you  “Baby, you’ll catch a cold” you spoke soothingly but he only slapped your hand away “What’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?!” you were doing your best to keep your tone steady.
He finally looked up from his hands but not at you “I know, right?” he laughed dryly, his voice barely audible over the drumming of the raindrops “What is wrong with me? Why am I being such a stubborn dick? He’s clearly better for you. Why can’t I just fucking accept that?” he snapped.
“What?!” you frowned, blinking another raindrop away “What are you-”
“You know exactly what I mean!” he yelled, looking up at your eyes for the first time with his own bloodshot ones. Clearly he had been crying and it somehow scared you “I see the way he cares about you and you care about him! Why the fuck are you even fucking around with me, Y/N?!” his tone got louder and louder “The moment you see him, I’m not even there! You look at him like he…like he should be me! He carries you around and gives you fucking massages! I hate it, Y/N! I hate him when he claims to be my friend and then tries to get his hands on what’s mine like he-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you exclaimed at his sudden accusation, shoving his shoulder forcefully before even realizing it “What do you mean I love him?! I do, Namjoon but as a friend! Not like I love you! Not like I have all these feelings for you! Can you just not?!” you nearly yelled “Stop thinking everything in the universe is about you and stop thinking he’s trying to get his hands on-”
“DON’T YOU DARE YELL AT ME!” he shouted back, intimidating you “WELL THEN TELL ME WHY?! WHY IS HE ALWAYS THERE TO DO THE THINGS I SHOULD DO?” he got up to tower over you as you flinched at his shouting, blinking as more raindrops fell on your face “WHY IS HE ALWAYS NEARER TO YOU THAN I AM?!”
“Well, maybe because you aren’t” you half whispered, a tear rolling down your cheek along with the raindrops as you stepped away from him, pushing your wet hair aside as a sob quietly escaped you. The look you received told you this wasn’t the smartest move.
His hands were suddenly gripping at you waist, pulling you closer to him “What did you say?” you flinched again, your heart beating fast as a ball of guilt started building up inside of you “You’re gonna regret this baby doll” his hand sneaked up to the back of your head, his eyes burning into yours “I’m not Jin” he just smirked and the next moment you felt two plump lips smashing into your own. Your eyes went wide from the impact as his other hand pulled your hips closer to his own. You tried to push him away with the hands that were trapped between you two, only to be pulled back more. “Mm-Namjoon!” you tried slightly to speak against his hungry lips, however, he took no notice and just pulled your face back to kiss you as you whimpered. 
“Shut up” he just said against your lips, continuing with his own, ignoring the fact that you weren’t responding back. You smelled the mixture of alcohol and cigars still staining his breath, wincing slightly. His tongue probed your stubborn lips which were still pressed together which only angered him even more as he brought his hand to grip at your neck, squeezing around it knowing all too well that it was a bit too forceful. You gasped a little at the air being cut off and he took the opportunity to pry his way in. You half moaned at the hot, wet muscle meeting your own, a deadly contrast to the coldness of the raindrops that were drenching you both. And in that moment, you knew you had lost.
Feeling you relaxing, he bit on your lip once, tugging on it before letting go and moving to your jaw, planting hot, wet kisses all along it, moving to your neck and licking a stripe upwards from the base to your jaw, threading his hand at the back of your wet hair and pulling on it to tilt your head to have better access. You felt his mouth find the spot he marks over and over again and closed your eyes as he sank his teeth in, flicking over the spot with his tongue on occasion as he sucked.
His other hand left your hips to move to your thighs, hitching one of them up to his waist. Your crotches met and you moaned softly, making Namjoon pull back to  look at your eyes with his own dark ones, stopping any movement “Now, don’t tell me you like this, do you?” he smirked as a raindrop rolled down his flushed lips, rolling his hips to rub his hardness against you, making tingles shoot up your nerves. You nodded slowly, not knowing what to do. “That’s ironic isn’t it? How you were all over Jin hyung all night” his hand moved to your ass “and you still want me, you little slut” he emphasized the last word with a sharp slap to your ass and you gasped, jerking a little, causing your crotches to grind together, making you moan again. He grinned in triumph, moving the hand up to cup your breast as his mouth found your earlobe. “Can he make you feel this?” he spoke, sucking on your earlobe as his hand squeezed at your breast, making you suck in a harsh breath as he kneaded the flesh in a way that you knew was going to form several bruises. His teeth nipped at your earlobe as his hand then roamed down the wet silk you had on, going to the back of your knee and before you knew it, your legs were being hitched up and your back was meeting a rough wet surface as he lay you down on the ground, his body coming down on top of yours.
His lips found yours again, his hand moving down to your underwear to feel the condition of it, which wasn’t just due to the rain. A low groan sounded from his throat as he rubbed his fingers up your clothed folds, wet in every meaning of the word. You struggled to breathe against his wet mouth as he applied more pressure to his movements “Namjoon, please...mm...more” you whispered only for him to stop. He pulled back again, looking at you with narrowed eyes.
“What makes you think you’re allowed to order me around?” you breathed heavily at his dominating tone. He sat up to rid himself of his t-shirt “Now, here’s how this is gonna work” he spoke, aligning his face with yours again, his toned, built torso now bare, slick and wet as raindrops bounced off it “I do whatever I please, however I please and if I hear one order slip from your mouth, you bet your ass your body’s not gonna be able to function for a month, got it?” you figured it was a rhetorical question as he moved down to pull your breast out over the lace trimmed neckline, his lips taking the mound between them as his other hand squeezed at your other one. 
His tongue flicked over the nipple, making your back arch as a pleasured “ahh” fell from your lips. The sound went straight to his cock and it twitched against your leg. He breathed slightly around your nipple before pulling your hand to his bulge between you and guiding you to rub it just the way he liked. His hips rolled against your hand as he gave your other breast the same treatment with his mouth. You squeezed him harder from the pleasure, causing him to groan and sink his teeth into your nipple, making you cry out as he tugged on it.
He stopped your hand suddenly and got up to rid himself of his pants. His pant coming down first, followed by his boxers, his erection  springing free before he kneeled down over you, bunching up the silk of your nightgown in his hands. And before you could comprehend what that look of annoyance was for, he was tearing it in half, making your jaw fall open as you lay bare under the rain, the cool droplets hitting your heated body as Namjoon straddled your waist with a pleased expression. His hands roamed all over your body, curving over the ups and downs, all the while looking into your eyes with a gaze that was almost challenging. His hands reached your panties and he tugged on the waistband, only to snap it back, making it hit your throbbing clit. You flinched from his actions as he grinned before ripping them in half too.
He gripped your hips in his hands, his thumb gently brushing over your clit. Your back arched even more, seeking more contact. “Look at you” he shook his head in mock amusement “You’re so hungry, aren’t you, baby? Tell me who you’re so hungry for?”
“You” you croaked out, rolling your hips up into his hands.
“I can’t hear you over the rain” 
“You, Namjoon, you” you almost cried out “Fuck me”
He smirked before landing his hand in a slap right over your pussy making your hips jerk from the slap as well as the contact of his fingers on your clit “I told you to not order me around, didn’t I?” and another slap followed. His fingers then shoved inside of you, all three at once, making you writhe with a dragged out ‘ughhh’. “So tell me, did Jin hyung’s massage feel better, baby?” he mocked, bringing his face down to lick at your clit as his fingers curled inside of you “Did it feel like this?” he shoved his tongue in alongside the fingers he had in you and it was too much as you cried out from the pleasure as he worked his fingers in and out of you and his tongue lapped up the juices his actions produced. 
He then moved down to leave his marks on your thighs, his fingers never stopping their pounding. You struggled to breathe as his actions rocked you back and forth, squelching sounds managing to fill the atmosphere despite the rain.”Ahh, Namjoon” you moaned “I’ll-”
“No you won’t” he snapped, but didn’t stop his fingers as you struggled to hold back your orgasm. You looked at him with eyes begging for mercy. Mercy which he was not going to offer you anytime soon. “Turn over, face down. Ass up” he commanded.
You silently obeyed, moving to turn over on your hands and knees, your face meeting the wet, rough concrete of the ground and your ass up, feeling the raindrops bounce off your skin. You waited for Namjoon to touch you but only heard groans, meaning he was stroking himself as he made you wait for him.
Moments later, you felt his tip poke at your entrance “Fuck” he muttered, running a hand over your ass “You’re mine, you understand that?”he brought his hand down in a spank “You’re for me and only me to enjoy” he rammed his length inside of you simultaenously with the second spank, making you face slide against the concrete and it wasn’t the most comfortable feeling. However, he steadied you with a hand on your waist to prevent you from falling forwards. You yelled as he landed another sharp spank and a hard thrust, which only pleasured him further. And it all fell into a rhythm after that, his hands spanking you timed with his thrusts, alternating between your left and right asscheeks.’He leaned over you, a hand threading in you hair, pulling your head back as he continued to pound into you “Damn, your pussy’s so tight” he growled, shoving his cock back and forth inside of you “Why’s your pussy so tight, you bitch? Jin didn’t fuck you, did he?” he pulled harder on your hair making you scream “Yeah, baby, just like that” he smirked “He couldn’t pleasure you like me, isn’t it?”
“Namjoon...” you groaned as he gripped your hips, pulling you back to meet his thrusts “Namjoon...ahhhhh” you cried loudly as his length went to places he has never been to before “Ah...ah...please...” you whimpered as he slapped his hips against yours, his other hand leaving your hair to pry down to your clit, rubbing hard circles with his fingers, your body heating up and the rain providing a cooling contrast immediately “Namjoon”
“Yes, baby, say my name” he groaned going deeper and increasing his pace “Say who you belong to” 
“YOU!” you sobbed out as he thrust particularly hard “I belong to you, Namjoon, please! It hurts” you sobbed.
“So does watching you with him” he landed another spank to your ass “Fuck, your ass is so red, baby” he groaned, rocking you back and forth, You clenched around his dick as he continued to pound relentlessly.
“Namjoon, I need to cum...”
“Not yet” he murmured and kept thrusting, his hand finding your dangling breasts and squeezing them way too hard. You screamed as he kneaded the flesh “I’m gonna use you to get off first, is that clear?”
“PLEASE...AAAAH...PLEASE!” you screamed, half sobbing from the way he was treating your body. The pain was pleasurable of course but it was painful nonetheless. “NAMJOON! I CAN’T HOLD BACK ANYMORE” you screamed as slapped his hips in quick succession before you felt his hot seed spilling into you, his hips moving as he rode out his high.
Pulling out of you, he bent down to examine his sperm leaking out of you before scooping it up with his fingers and turning you over onto your back again. ou breathed heavily from the exhaustion, your pussy throbbing for release. He bent over to wipe away the rainwater as well as the tears you didn’t know had managed to leave you up until now. “Suck” he held up his fingers, asking for you to taste him. You opened you mouth and he placed them on your tongue. You swirled you tongue around his fingers, sucking them clean before swallowing as you looked into his eyes “Mhmm, good girl” he praised “Now, since you’ve been good, get on my face, baby. I’ll let you cum” he lay down beside you, pulling your bare body over his and positioning your pussy right above his face. 
Making sure your legs were on either side of his head, he blew up onto your clit before licking a stripe up your folds “So sweet” he commented, tasting your juices mixed with his own. “You and I make a good combination, you know” he said, sucking it between his lips, massaging it roughly, his teeth occasionally grazing. You rocked your hips back on his tongue as he began treating it with long smooches.
His tongue then tapped at it for a while before he shoved it inside of you, swirling it around, tasting himself inside of you and groaning lowly his tongue curled inside of you, grazing against your g-spot which was really sensitive now and you squeezed your legs together around his head but his hands came up and pried them back open “Namjoon...” you whispered and that did something. His tongue began flicking in and out of you at a wild pace, reducing you to a groaning mess “Ah...ahh...fuck, Namjoon! So good” you cried out as his tongue fucked you. His hands came up to pinch at your swollen clit simultaneously and within moments you felt the heat beginning to pool at your pussy again “Namjoon, I’ll cum...” you moaned and his finger tapped at your clit even faster. 
The next thing you knew was that heat flooding your stomach, your legs, your toes curling and your vision was blacking out and your elbows were collapsing and a pair of hands were breaking your fall. You blinked to see Namjoon pulling you to his chest as your chest heaved up and down in a series of blissed-out pants.
You took notice that the rain had reduced to a light drizzle while you two had been at it. Namjoon’s hand came up to push your wet hair out of your face as he leaned down to place a small kiss to your lips, your wet eyelashes brushing together as he pulled back. You breathed heavily, looking up at his softening expression while he stared right back at you, both of you lying bare, wet on the rooftop under the angry skies. He finally smiled apologetically, looking up to feel the droplets falling on his face “I don’t know why I get so jealous...so possessive, I’m-I’m crazy but I just can’t control it-” he was speaking almost to himself before you cut him off, pulling his chin with tired fingers to look at you.
“There might be a million guys doing a million things, Namjoon, but I’ll only ever belong to you” you spoke softly, soothing away any of those jealous thoughts he might have remaining “I hope you know that”
He smirked, pulling you in to place a kiss to your forehead “Oh baby, I think the entire neighbourhood knows that” you feel a blush rising up to your face in realization of just how loud you two had been. You hid your face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment, smiling sheepishly. He chuckled, holding you close to him “I have one more reason to be happy, though” he grinned, making you look back up at him.
“What’s that?”
He smirked, leaning forwards “You squirted” and his lips were back on yours with the same amount of passion.
Was this too long? Probably. Idk.
Thanks @thedawnsky for requesting! My first request. Yey! Let me know what you think.
Sorry for any mistakes.
147 notes ¡ View notes
jiminiesoreos ¡ 6 years
Jungkook Smut - Putting On A Show
"Jungkook!" You ran after your boyfriend as he slammed a guy against one of the walls of the cafe. His eyes ablaze as he held him up by the collar of his jacket "Jungkook, don't!" You could barely push past his hyungs that began crowding in immediately with people shooting them nervous glances.
"The fuck you said to my girlfriend?" His eyes narrowed at the guy who squirmed in his grip. "The fuck you said?" He spat, slamming him harder. "'That's a nice ass,' right? Well, say it again! I fucking dare you! If you got the balls, say it one more fucking time to her face!"
"Stop! Please! Hajima!" You cried out but he suddenly was deaf to your pleas. "This is not the way to solve things! Will you stop?!"
"Namjoon hyung, take her away" Jungkook ordered, not even glancing at you.
"Jungkookie..." Namjoon started.
"Do it" seeing Namjoon hesitate, a grip latched onto your wrist, pulling you away.
"No! Hobi-" you tried to protest
"Come on, Y/N. If you keep pushing, I don't know what he'll end up- aigo! Just come with me, Y/N" he pulled you out of the cafe and into the car outside, a questioning Jimin opening the door.
"What-" but before Jimin could even finish his question, Hoseok had already shoved you in and shut the door before running back inside to the cafe where a fight had really broken out now "Aish! Nobody cares about me! Aaahhhgh! Jinjja! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO AGAIN?!" he finally yelled his curiosity out at you
Your jaw dropped "Wha- me?!" You shrieked back at him "I just went to get Tae another coffee and this guy checked me out and he said something and well-"
"Aish! May he rest in peace, that one" Jimin slapped a hand to his forehead.
The two of you sat inside the car, hearing the sounds of yelling and groaning and protests and supports and hits all together at the same time from outside. Jimin wouldn't dare let you roll down the tinted window to see what was going on outside, only adding to your frustration.
Minutes later, the five other boys were dragging the still squirming maknae out as he tried to rush back in to fight some more. Namjoon opened the back door and Yoongi, Hobi and Tae shoved him inside, closing the door before going to the other car. You glanced at Jungkook through the mirror, watching him sweat and pant, his face red and his eyes narrowed. Jimin's eyes glanced back and forth between you and the steering wheel, debating on whether to start driving or to give you two a moment. Namjoon still stood outside, just in case he rushed out again.
And before you knew it, two arms were pulling you out of your seat and into the backseat as you gasped in surprise. Namjoon rolled his eyes as Jungkook pulled you onto his lap and got into the passenger seat, asking Jimin to start driving. No one dared utter a word as you sat with Jungkook panting against your neck.
You finally rested your hand on top of his, making him hitch your leg up, turning you around to face him. You blinked at the sight of your boyfriend all sweaty as you straddled his lap "Jungkook" you spoke softly "Why?" You glanced at a small cut on his lip from the fight, running a finger over it, the blood smearing over the pad of your finger.
He sucked in a harsh breath, pulling you down by your neck to slam his lips against yours, his tongue carelessly swiping over every inch he could reach as he clawed at your ass, pulling you closer against him.
"Mhm" you whimpered when your crotches rubbed together and he pulled back, looking up at you.
"Because I am the only one who gets to stare at you as much as I want. I am the only one who gets to touch you and...mmh..." His lips attached sloppily to your jawline "Kiss you" he kissed further down to prove his point "And call you a slut, get you dirty" his lips then wandered up to your ear "And fuck you" he whisper-yelled particularly loud.
"Oh ma gad!" You heard Jimin gasp in the front seat "Hyung-nim" he called out.
"Hmm?" Namjoon answered, pretending to have not noticed anything and just staring out of the window.
"Save me"
"If I had a way right now, trust me, I would" he spoke without even looking at Jimin.
Meanwhile, Jungkook found your nipple, toying with it a little bit as he licked over it over the material of your t-shirt, his hyungs now busy distracting themselves. "I can't stand anyone else who looks at your body" he pulled down the neck of your t-shirt and pulled your breast out of your bra "These are mine" he nuzzled his face against it, licking over your tender skin. You suddenly gasped, realising that the boy was put of his mind.
"Kookie!" You pushed his head away "They're right there" you whispered, fumbling with your clothes to cover up your exposed chest.
His hand, however, came up to stop you "Let them be" he murmured, pulling you closer to him.
"I can't just 'let them--"
"Oh, baby girl you talk too much" he began unbuttoning your pant, shoving a hand inside to feel your wetness through your panties. He chuckled "It's like a waterfall" you blushed fiercely as he continued to rub his fingers up and down your slit.
"Why am I even alive?" Jimin murmured in the front seat.
"Up" Jungkook commanded, making you get off his lap. He pushed your pants down and you blushed even more at the thought of exposing yourself like this in front of the two other boys. He then pulled your panties down, pulling you back onto his lap. He hummed as his hands rubbed over your ass, your thighs, your exposed womanhood "Show oppa what you can do" he smirked, taking your hand and placing it on your clit, signalling for you to touch yourself. You breathed raggedly, daring to slowly move your fingers around your clit in figure eights."That's it" he encouraged and you squeezed your eyes shut, continuing with your fingers. He hummed, running his hands over your shoulders, your sides, your breasts, your stomach. He then took your hand and placed it right over his crotch, leaning up to suck at your lips again. "Touch me, baby" he moaned licking up into your mouth.
You gently began kneading his erection through his jeans, making him squeeze his eyes shut and whimper gently. He threw his head back, replacing your hands on your womanhood with his own. He rubbed his fingertips at your entrance, making sparks ignite from his touch. You groaned, accidentally giving him a firm squeeze making a sudden "ah!" spill from his lips.
"I'm older than him. That gives me the authority to stop him, right?" You heard Namjoon mumble.
"I'll be surprised if he gives two shits" Jimin muttered back, almost whimpering in defeat.
"Fuck!" You gasped when the car jerked and the two fingers Jungkook had been teasing at your entrance, slammed forwards inside of you.”Ah~” you breathed out as he took the opportunity to curl his fingers upwards, brushing against your walls before rubbing up at your g-spot “God, right there” you moaned falling  forwards over him,grasping his shoulder with one hand for dear life as your other hand continued rubbing him through his pants. He brought up the hand on your ass to your breast, squeezing and kneading it as he sucked on your neck. You hummed feebly from the sensation, being in no condition to do anything else. He bit down on the skin at your collarbone and it was too much. His fingers working in you, his hand on your breast, his mouth at your neck- you felt yourself hovering just over the edge. “Oppa, I wanna-”
And he stopped, just like that, he retreated his mouth, his hand, his fingers, making your almost cry in frustration. He smirked up at your fucked out expression as he looked down to unzip his pants. Pulling his raging erection out of his boxers, he looked back up at you lustfully. You looked up at him from under your lashes, awaiting his commands. “Spread those legs, jagi” he nudged your thighs with the back of his knuckles “Lemme see that pussy”.
His words sent a tingle right down to your clit as you spread your legs as wide as you could, your folds dripping wet. He looked down at your exposed part, hissing softly in approval  before aligning his length with you but only rubbing the tip against your folds.You groaned again, he really was testing you, wasn’t he?
“Oppa~” you whined.
“Mmm hmm?” he asked innocently, looking up at you with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips “Tell me what you want, babygirl and I’ll do it”
“Ple-hease!” you whimpered trying to rock your hips forward but his grip on your waist prevented all your attempts.
“Please what?” he asked, rubbing his tip faster, making you clench around nothing, only adding to your frustration.
“Please put it in, oppa” you begged. He smiled in contentment, thrusting up into you.
“Alright, that’s it!” you heard Jimin yell and the next thing you knew, they were pulling over. Jungkook on the other hand wasn’t even slightly bothered as he pulled you down for a sloppy kiss, all tongue his death grip on your neck. “You people!” Jimin shouted as Jungkook continued to roll his hips up into you, his length brushing against your walls. You turned around to look at Jimin and Namjoon turned back towards you with hands clasped over their eyes. “You two stop right fucking now! I cannot! You hear me? I cannot with this! Jungkook is a baby! I have raised him all these years and I cannot! Stop right there! And you’re forbidden to enter my car anymore, both of you! And I wanna-”
“Don’t listen to them” Jungkook turned you by your chin to look back at him, his eyes dark, hair matted across his sweaty forehead as he leaned up to meet you halfway in another kiss.
“NO! Don’t ‘don’t listen to them’!” Namjoon cried out “Please! For the love of-”
Jungkook pulled back with a smack, breathing heavily as he yelled back “Well, if you don’t like it, explain why you’ve both been hard since the last ten minutes!”
There was a moment of silence as Jungkook continued to lick and kiss across any inch of skin he could find.
“Well, we’re-we’re men. What do you-” Namjoon was cut off again.
“Exactly, now drive” And his tongue was back in your mouth again as he kept thrusting up into you. You groaned as the car began to move again with Jimin grumbling something under his breath. Jungkook thrust up into you, over and over, steady but never fast. Which made you complain slightly and roll your hips down more firmly to meet his “Oh fuck” he murmured, gripping at your ass as he continued to fuck upwards “Ah, yes baby, ride me” he gripped your hips in his hands pulling you down and guiding your hips to roll just the way he liked. “Faster” he demanded, pulling you up almost all the way off his cock before slamming you back down. You moaned, gripping at his shirt as he gathered some of your hair in his hands and pulled you into another series of kisses, much more faster and heated than any of the previous ones. You continued to move up and down his cock as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. 
You began increasing your pace more and more with every bounce, clenching around him like a vice. Groan after groan spilled from his lips as he nuzzled his face back in your chest, pulling a nipple into his mouth and his sounds vibrating around it, making an odd tingle spiral.
And right as you were about to slam down on his cock again, the car went uphill, making him go deeper as you bounced and the both of you cried out at that. he was hitting places he has never before and you definitely weren’t complaining.
As the car went downhill, not wanting to lose the angle, Jungkook held your hips close as you wrapped your legs around his waist, your chests smashed together as you tongues battled and the delicious friction pulling you both closer to the edge.
Sneaking his hand down, he reached the part where you two were connected and rubbed your clit furiously with his thumb, switching between hard rubs and circular motions before he started tapping it at a fast pace making a different kind of pleasure course through you.
You moaned around his tongue as he continued his ministrations, rocking into you so furiously, he was barely sitting anymore.
“Oppa, oppa!” you groaned as he kept thrusting and that fiery wave washed all over you, making your toes curl and cries leave your mouth as you felt the heat pooling at where he was still thrusting with all his strength. As soon as you came, you went limp over him. Unable to move, you lay sucking and biting weakly at his neck. Flinching from the oversensitivity but not daring to speak.
The squelching sounds filled the car as with a last groan your boyfriend released his hot, creamy juices inside of you, his hips finally stilling as he panted, kissing you in a series of long smooches and wild pecks before finally stopping to catch his breath. 
You two looked at each other’s wild mess of a self for a while before giggling gently, brushing your noses together, your hands gently caressing each other.
Only when someone cleared their throat did you look up to see that the car had in fact stopped moving. You were in the parking lot of the boys’ dorm. Jimin and Namjoon were long gone and Jungkook’s four other hyungs were staring down at you with displeased expressions, no thanks to the clear windows.  
You looked down at a still bluntly confident Jungkook with raised eyebrows at his success at scarring all his hyungs for life. He just replied with a shrug, not even bothering to pull out “I always had a thing for exhibitionism”
 A/N: That’s it, I got a first class appointment with the doors of hell.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 7 years
Taehyung / Hansung Smut - A Failed Assignment (Hwarang)
“Look at me” Hansung’s fingers came up to touch your chin, turning you around to face him. You shook your head, looking away “Jagi, please?” He pouted. You shook your head again “I won’t kiss you for a week if you keep doing this” and that made you instantly gasp and turn around to face him. “That’s my girl” he gave a big, pleased smile, his lips pressed together. He then sighed, his hand coming up to cup your cheeks, his thumb brushing over the skin of your cheek. “So pretty…” he murmured as his eyes scanned over your features for a moment before he leaned in to touch his lips to yours. You hummed in contentment, kissing him back, gently and sweetly, tasting the sweetness on his lips from the strawberries you had brought him that he had happily devoured in seconds, just a few moments ago. He pressed his lips to your bottom one really hard one last time before pulling away “Now tell me why you’re here, lovely” he asked, his large hand coming down to take both of your small ones into his.
“Can’t I come over to see my Hansung?” You smiled pinching his cheek softly but he caught your hand.
“Of course you can but…you wouldn’t get all the special permissions to get into Hwarang House and everything just to see me like that, am I right or am I right?” He grinned, seeing right through you.
You pouted. You liked his wit. But you liked his innocence more. Especially at times like this. “Oppa…”
“Tell me” he gently squeezed your hands “What happened?”
“I um…” You started, your gaze flickering between his eyes and the ground “Ah Ro- Ah Ro…said…I asked her and I wanted an honest answer too. And I’m not discouraging you, oppa, I love you, I do-” you kept rambling till he clasped a hand over your mouth, shutting you up successfully.
“What did I do, jagiya?” He smiled softly “Tell me, I’ll make up for it, I promise”
You relaxed a little, watching him smile as he pulled his hand back “Hansung oppa…” You started, fiddling with the hem of his robe as you spoke, not daring to look at him “She told me you failed at the assignment this time and she…she said she heard master We Hwa threaten to kick you out” you bit your thumb-nail absentmindedly “So I just came to check of you’re okay. I didn’t want for you to be upset” you mumbled against your thumb.
“Aish, bad habit, jagi, how many times do I tell you?!” he gently slapped your hand away from your mouth, frowning in annoyance.
“Are you okay?” You asked, looking up at his sun-like face, ignoring his sentence.
“I’m fine, my Y/N” he smiled broadly, his hands coming up to squish your cheeks “Jinjjah” (‘Really’) he smiled, pecking the tip of your nose. His lips then moved down to kiss your lips in short pecks multiple times before he pulled away, giggling softly, making you break into a smile as well.
“Ah…young love” your heads turned to the direction of the voice “Carry on” Yeo Wool gave a small nod “I’m not complaining” he went straight to his bunk bed, climbing up the ladder and giving you two some privacy. Although, with him, you never knew when he’d end up peeking down at you two as just a leisurely activity.
You turned your attention back to Hansung and gently pulled him towards by the front of his robes before leaning forward to quickly nip at his lip. You smiled when you pulled back and that made him crazy for some reason as he immediately grabbed a hold of you, pushing you down on his bed, laying down on his side beside you and kissing your mouth with a playful yet heated need. You hummed lowly which caused him to grip tighter onto your waist.
“Oppa…” You whispered as his hand rose up, sliding further and further till it cupped your breast “But Yeo Wool” you warned glancing up at Yeo Wool’s bunk.
“Mhm, haven’t touched you in weeks, Jagi” Hansung mumbled against your lips “Need you so bad” his hand applied a little pressure to your breast, making you gasp.
“Hansung” you spoke warningly.
“No one will know, baby, I promise” he smiled, stroking your cheek “Come on, be my Y/N again” he leaned down to press a kiss to your jawline “My beautiful. Sexy. Dirty. Dirty Girl” he spoke between kisses before latching his mouth onto your earlobe. His hand came down to take your wrist into his large palm before guiding your hand to where he wanted it “Look, baby, I’m so hard. I got so hard because of you” he gently moved your hand so you were palming his erection through his robes “Won’t you help me? Mmm?” He moaned kissing you deeper, adding his tongue into it and rocking his hips up into your hand “Won’t you get me off?”
“Wait” you mumbled, pulling back, making him look at you with a disappointed expression, his eyebrows just barely hiding the furrow “Not here” you glanced up at Yeo Wool’s bed once more. “Come on” you sat up, pulling him up by his hand. He groaned in annoyance. “I’ll give you all you want” you smirked.
Tiptoeing to the lecture room where most of the classes and assignments were held, you leaned against a wall nonchalantly with Hansung behind you.
“Y/N, baby, what are you doing? Why are-”
“Shh” you shushed him, looking around at the Hwarangs strolling past you unsuspectingly. As soon as the opportunity arrived you slid the door open, quickly slipping inside the classroom and pulling Hansung with you as well. You shut the door quickly, locking it before turning around on your heels to look at a very confused Hansung.
“Not at the dorm but yeah, here?” He demanded, half scared, half annoyed, eyeing every door as if waiting for someone to come in. You bit your lip, smirking up at him before beginning to push him backwards so he walked to where he usually sat during his classes. You shoved him, making him sit down, his mouth agape as he stared up at you. You leaned in to kiss him once, your lips massaging his in a brief but heated kiss, your hand pressed up against his cheek before you pulled away.
Turning around, you took the hair pin off, letting your luscious hair cascade down to your waist as you walked towards the stairs to the platform on which the teachers stood during classes. Walking up the stairs, you loosened the belts of your dress, letting the pink silk shrug off your body as you walked up to the platform before turning to look at Hansung watching your bare body with his mouth completely agape. You hadn’t bothered putting on a bra or panties in the morning since you had no idea what would end up happening with Hansung being the unpredictable thing he is and you knew what condition that would leave your undergarments in. And you were glad about that decision right now.
“You wanted me, right, Hansung?” you spoke, sitting down on the cool wooden surface before spreading your legs forward, your upper body held up by the support of your hands. You watched him suck in a breath, his gaze never once drifting away from your naked body. “Come and take me”
He immediately scrambled up, almost tripping over his own feet “Oh fuck” he groaned in a strained voice, eyeing you up and down as he loosened his robes at lightning speed. You eventually watched the blue, purple and white silk fall down, leaving him in his white underwear, the outline of his erection clearly visible through it. He pulled the fabric down, exposing his manhood standing up proudly against his stomach.
Rushing up the stairs, towards you, he stumbled shamelessly before standing with his sculpted abs in full view right before your eyes.
“Oh fuck, baby girl” he moaned, falling to his knees and reaching out his hand, ghosting his fingers over the bare skin of your thighs. “Why are you doing this to me- ohh!” He gasped when you grabbed his fingers, bringing then right between your folds and slowly rubbing them up and down “So wet” he murmured in awe.
“Now won’t you help me?” You teased, dropping your right eye in a wink. He started to nod vigorously and you pulled him down on top of you by his neck. Your lips met halfway and you felt as if they’d bruise from the way Hansung sucked so harshly his hands gripping onto your shoulders for dear life as he pinned you down. You hummed lowly into the kiss, opening his mouth with your tongue before invading his mouth, starting less of a battle and more of a dance with his tongue. Hansung suddenly wrapped his lips around your tongue, sucking on it, making you whimper from how raw it felt. Your make out session soon ended up with strings of saliva connecting between your mouths but you were both too high on giving into each other’s pleasure right now to even care.
“Y/N, you’re gonna be the death of me” he moaned, his hands, coming up to feel your breasts. You shivered at the touch of his fingers which had become calloused from all the sword fighting he had done in the past few weeks. His abs had become more prominent, his back muscles more developed, his biceps bulged out considerably more than the last time you had been intimate with him.
His fingers skimmed down to your stomach, moving to your waist and trailing up your sides as you entwined your legs with his, your arms draping over his broad, muscular back and pulling him closer and closer and closer to you.
His hands slid up to your neck, trailing down to your collarbones, over your breasts and moving to your wrists to hold them down as his mouth left yours to move to your neck. He kissed all over your throat before tilting his head to the right, angling his head to suck at the juncture between your neck and shoulder. His tongue licked a broad stripe up your throat before his teeth sank down on your sweet spot, making your back arch just a little, rubbing his erection against your folds in the process. He moaned lowly before moving down to mouth at your collarbones, trailing kisses all over your chest before taking on of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked and nipped on the bud just the way he loved to, his lips sucking the hardened nub in, swirling his tongue around it, gently nibbling at it with his teeth, his hands all the while absentmindedly playing with your breasts.
“Ahh! Fuck! Hansung!” You gasped when he squeezed your right breast a little bit too hard. He looked up at you, giving you a wink before moving further down till his head was level with your womanhood.
“You’re soaking” he remarked “I can see your juices drip down to the floor, baby. Oh, God” he groaned, leaning in to give small kitten licks up your slit, making you whine in pleasure. He did the same to your clit, making you gasp again. He then stopped abruptly, making you sit up with questioning eyes. “Do me a favour, Jagi?” He asked, eyes soft as you nodded immediately, pulling at his hand, desperate for his touch.
He pulled his hand back, undoing the headband of his uniform with the Hwarang logo embroidered in the front of it. You eyed it curiously.
“Sit up” you scrambled up immediately, obedient as ever “Turn around” you did so too “Hands behind your back”. You obeyed, waiting in anticipation for whatever he was about to do.
He wrapped the headband over your breasts, tying it back with your arms before putting in a tight knot and pushing you so you laid down again.
“Sorry” he grinned “It’s a bit weird but I wanted to do it so bad” he then leaned down, beginning to lick at your slit desperately, his tongue hot and wet, moving between your folds, flicking in and out of you as he held your hips down. You groaned as he thrust his whole tongue inside of you, curling up against that special spot. You bucked your hips up to meet his tongue as he massaged the spot roughly.
He eventually ended up with keeping his tongue still while you rolled your hips, fucking yourself on his tongue.
He pulled back again just as you began to feel te blood rush downward. You groaned from the lack of contact for a moment before you felt his hard manhood begin to slide inside of you as Hansung hovered over your naker body, his long hair falling down the sides of his face. Fuck, how could he look so innocent yet so sinful?
“Baby, don’t cum till I tell you to” he said before beginning to thrust into you right away, grabbing your hips and pulling you against him, his balls slapping harshly against your ass, the sound echoing through the room. You loved it. It wasn’t one of those times when you both were having sex. It was actually him using you to fuck himself, to chase after his own release. You loved it too much.
You felt ihim slide in and out of you repeatedly, rubbing his length against that special spot, hitting it dead on every time. You rocked back on the floor from the force, blood rushing to your lower regions, making you wonder if you could even hold back any longer. It was at that moment he gave one last thrust, finishing inside you with a loud groan, his hot seed spilling inside you, some even dripping out as he pulled out completely. He came a lot apparently.
“Wait” he murmured through the daze, pulling himself up “I have something else for you” and with that he rushed to the stairs, walking down with exhaustion evident in his steps. Within seconds he was back with a sword in his hand.
“Hansung?” You questioned, he motioned for you to shush using his fingers before he knelt down in front of you. You eyed the sword curiously, wondering what he could possibly have in mind.
“Spread your legs for me” heo asked and you obeyed, looking at him suspiciously. He ran a finger up your slit and that’s what you thought you were gonna get until you felt something else press against you. You looked down to see Hansung pushing the handle of the sword into you inch by inch, slowly. You got oddly turned on at the idea, spreading your legs more.
When it got to the bulging area, you squeezed your eyes shut at the sting from the way it was stretching you. Yet it felt so good. Once the handle was completely inside, Hansung immediately began to thrust the sheathed sword in and out of you. You moaned at the full feeling of it stretching your walls.
“You like it? You like my sword filling you up, Y/N, huh?” He asked lowly, picking up speed, rubbing it harder against your walls. “Fuck, you swallow it so well” he began to suddenly jackhammer it inside of you at a violent pace.
“Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!” You screamed as he kept thrusting it.
“Yes! Scream! Fuck! Scream my name”
“Hansung!” You gasped as he kept thrusting, his other hand coming up to rub hard circles at your clit. The action set your legs on fire as you felt yourself hovering right over the edge “Oh! Hansung! I’m–” his pace immediately increased even more, making your back arch as you came without a warning, your vision going black momentarily.
You lay back, catching your breath as you heard Hansung chuckle. “Oh God, that was so hot!” You wanted to tell him that you definitely agreed but you were in no condition to speak so you just nodded “Wow” he sighed, coming up on top of you to kiss your lips. His erection growing again already “I’m so fucking glad I failed that assignment, though”
This is crap but I have a lot going on. I have big exams coming up and I’m having some personal problems as well so it’s hard to find ideas to write. But I’ll keep trying my best. Anneyong.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 7 years
Namjoon Smut - Halloween
You groaned, getting a headache from the music playing downstairs and swayed as you made your way upstairs with your friend Namjoon behind you “It’s still about 7 metres away” you complained about the distance to the nearest bedroom, leaning against the wall.
“I told you Hoseok likes his parties wild” Namjoon chuckled, making you turn around to glare at the boy clad in Hogwarts robes with a grin spread across his face.
“I’m a mermaid for God’s sake! I shouldn’t even be walking!” You pointed down at the tail of your costume which luckily had a zipper on the side for you to pull out your legs when required to walk.
“Yeah, yeah, come on” he rolled his eyes and walked a few steps past you before turning around to see you still standing there, toying with the fake spider-web decorations “Y/N…” He said in an exhausted tone. You just looked at him, unable to move a muscle. He shook his head, sighing as he came back to you “You’ll be the death of me” he mumbled picking you up, making you grin widely as your legs finally got some relief.
“That’s so kind of you, Harry Potter” you said in a fake British accent making him look at you with a pissed expression as he walked.
“Don’t forget I can still drop you and you can’t go ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ then”
You stuck out your tongue at him as he carried you inside the bedroom, finally setting you down on your feet.
“How much are you even eating?!” He demanded, jumping onto the bed and lying down on it, full starfish style.
“None of your business” you narrowed your eyes, approaching the bed “And move over, your Daddy doesn’t own the bed” you slapped him on the stomach and he glared at you before making space for you to lie down as well. “Ahhh!” You cried out as you felt the aching in your waist and feet finally subside. “Oh fuck…ohh!” You groaned as you tilted your head back in relief.
“Don’t make those noises! They sound wrong on so many levels” he snapped, slapping your shoulder with the back of his hand. You rolled your eyes “What if people hear?!”
“Eh, don’t worry, they know you won’t be able to get those out of me” you answered and caught his hand mid air when he tried to hit you again. But he didn’t pull his hand away which ended up in you examining his hand, entwined with yours while the two of you looked up at the ceiling from which christmas lights hung, being the only source of light, providing the room with a faint glow. “You’ve such beautiful hands” you said absentmindedly, making that same hand come up to pinch you cheek and you giggled.
“Get that makeup off, now. Or you’ll get pimples in the morning” he spoke softly. You hummed, getting up from the bed.
“Jesus Christ! This thing is gonna break my ribs” you complained about your bra which you had to buy in a bright turquoise colour just to go with a costume and also the one you had realized a little too late was a couple sizes too small. You mentally slapped yourself for picking up the wrong size in a hurry. “Unbutton me, Namjoonie” you turned your back towards him for him to help you with the several pearl buttons on your back. Damn all these themed details. He sat up and began to swiftly undo each button until your back was exposed for you to take off your bra. You reached back to unhook it before managing to take it off somehow, ridding yourself of that goddamned piece of fabric before pulling your costume back up just well enough to cover yourself “Finally!” You breathed getting up to go, remove your makeup.
You reached into your bag which Hobi had already left in the room since you’d be sleeping here, and pulled out a pack of makeup removing tissues.
“I gotta appreciate your taste in colours” you saw Namjoon tease you in the mirror, holding up you turquoise bra.
“Well, haha” you spoke sarcastically “Leave it, you pervert” and you continued with your work, finally getting all that makeup off and untangling your hair from those braids. Once done, you got up, taking a last look at the mirror.
Before you could turn back around a hand spun you by the shoulders, a body slamming you against a wall and you were very very taken aback as to why was Namjoon’s face a couple centimetres away from you right now.
“Namjoon, what–” you started, blinking furiously.
“I’m the pervert?” He raised his brows, staring you dead in the eyes, his elbows resting against the wall on either side of your head “You’ve been walking around in that tight costume the whole evening, because of you I have to put up with my friends ogling at you and I can’t even do shit about it, you were the one grinding on me while dancing and then you’ve been making me want to kill Tae because you’re flirting with him, you made me unbutton your dress, you got me so hard, so many times before and then pretended as if you had no clue and now I’m the pervert?”
Your jaw dropped. Sure you had been friends for a long time and Namjoon was always making suggestive gestures and whispering dirty things to you, making inappropriate jokes but that’s how you two were. It wasn’t even a big deal. Well up until now it wasn’t. “Namjoon, I-”
“You think I can just watch you tease me day all night and just put up with it?” You looked up into his lustful gaze “You think I can take you sparing one more glance at Tae? You think I want to hold myself back from having my way with you anymore? No, babe, I’m gonna fuck that mermaid pussy like I want to tonight” he brought his body closer to yours, his hands coming up to cup your face. Your eyes stared up into his, heart beating loudly as you felt his fingers caress your cheeks. At the same time there were those lips that looked inviting as fuck “Only if you’d let me” he asked at the last moment, making your heart melt for a brief second. Without thinking, without wondering about conscience or your friendship or Tae’s attempts at wooing you or what would happen after this, you nodded, looking up into his eyes. And that one nod made him slam his lips onto yours, a low moan immediately erupting from your throat. “Mmmh…” he whimpered, his hands coming up to pull your face closer to him, his tongue forcing your mouth open and delving inside, licking up in the most erotic way. His hands then went to your waist, pulling at the fabric embroidered with small, intricate designs of seaweeds running all over your torso “Fuck, baby, take this off” he pulled back from your lips only to demand. Your hands slid the top of your costume from one of your shoulders before struggling with the other one “Faster” he said, yanking the entire top half down in one go. His arm then wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Namjoon…” You spoke softly when his hand left your waist to move to your breast, wandering around it, squeezing, kneading and pulling at the bare flesh desperately.
“That’s it, baby, say my name” his lips moved down to your jawline, his other hand coming up to your other breast as well. He bit and nipped at the skin of your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, sucking harshly in between. His tongue then darted out to lick at your collarbones, moving up to your ear and sucking at your earlobe, his thumbs rubbing over your nipples. He then bent down to bite at your breasts, taking them into his mouth as much as he could fit and swirling his tongue around. His hands then slid to grip at your ass as he sat down to leave a trail of kisses right down to your stomach before licking a long stripe upwards, making you throw your head back and grip at his hair. His tongue circled around your bellybutton before diving inside it and flicking in circular motions, the action giving you an odd sense of pleasure, making your hands come down to grip at his hair.
After a few minutes of his slow tortures with his tongue, he stood back up, his hands going to your ass again but this time picking you up too carry to the bed. He laid you down slowly, climbing on top of you.
“Can I ask you something?” He spoke, straddling you, caressing the curve of your waist slowly. You nodded. “Will it be okay if I tied you down?” He spoke bluntly, looking you in the eyes, making blood rush up to your cheeks.
You looked away in embarrassment before nodding with a small smile on your face “But with what?”
“Well, I still have your bra” he smirked, picking up the bright turquoise material and taking your small hands into his large one, before using his other hand t tie them together with your bra. He put the last knot before moving your hands up over your head “Good girl” he smiled, caressing your breast softly, leaning in to kiss you again. His teeth sank down on your bottom lip, making you whimper lowly and his hands sped up to knead at your breasts “Such a nice pair of tits” he mumbled against your lips “So pretty, make me wanna touch them all day” you whimpered again as his face moved down to them. Taking one of your nipples between his lips, he sucked harshly, rolling it between his lips, making you moan out loud. He did the same to the other one before moving downwards “Let me see that Mermaid pussy baby girl? You gonna show it to me, aren’t you?” He looked up at you, making you nod immediately his hands slid the rest of your costume off before he kicked off his shoes, ridding himself of his robes and shirt, now clad in only a pair of pants. You wanted to cry out so bad. His torso was on full view but you had your hands tied up, unable to touch the silky skin draped over his strong muscles. That beautifully scuplted chest was out of your reach for the moment.
He bent down to kiss you again, this time his leg sliding between yours, his thigh moving to rub up against your mound, making you cry out against his lips. He flexed the muscles in his thigh, providing you with more friction, making you almost choke on thin air from the pleausre before he stopped everything altogether, making you want to scream in frustration.
He smirked, kissing down your body to your panties. He took the edge of it between his teeth, sending you a wink before pulling it down your legs with his teeth. It was so much more erotic than you would have imagined, in the weirdest ways.
He then brought his fingers up to touch your slit, rubbing them up and down to feel your wetness “Oh fuck” he muttered lowly in a deep voice. His tongue darted down to lick at your entrance while his other hand busied itself in getting his pants undone. He finally kicked them off, now clad in only a pair of boxers. His tongue gave you one last swipe, before you felt his teeth graze your clit and almost lost it, crying out the loudest you had been the whole evening.
“Mhm, you like that huh? You like my mouth?” He smirked, gently grazing your clit with his teeth over and over again. “Flip over” he demanded suddenly sitting up, you obeyed turning around so your back now faced him.
He leaned down, licking a long strip from the very base of your spine, right up to your neck, his lips peppering kisses all over your back while his hands found a particular interest in squeezing your asscheeks.
He then fell to his side, pulling you up against him, holding your breasts in his hand with your back pressed up against his chest and then without a warning you felt the entirity of his manhood slide into you, making you scream out his name “Namjoon! Fuck! Ahh!” He stretched you out and immediately began thrusting into you, letting out low growls.
“The fuck is happening with you tw-holy shi-why the fuck do I even bother?!” Yoongi walked inside from the noise but that didn’t stop Namjoon from pounding into you relentlessly, despite your blush. “Ugh!” He spun on his heels and walked out, slamming the door behind him.
But within a few seconds there was Jungkook bursting in as well and he turned pale the moment he saw you two, the sound from the slapping of Namjoon’s balls against your ass echoing through the room as the boy stood with his mouth agape like he had just seen a ghost.
“Ay, maknae! Get over here!” Yoongi yelled and the flustered boy finally came to his senses, rushing out while muttering a few apologies. Yoongi kept complaining loudly in the hallway outside about how he shouldn’t even care if anyone even died at this point.
However, none of it affected Namjoon who continued to thrust into you like an animal, growling lowly in your ear, sucking and biting at any piece of skin before him.
“Fuck, fuck!” He groaned, pulling your hips back to go deeper.
“Ah…oppa!” You cried as he rubbed up against your walls.
“Say that again, baby” he demanded, bringing his hand forward to rub at your clit.
“Oppa, oppa, I’m so close” you sobbed, feeling the heat build up between your legs.
“Beg! Beg for me to make you cum”
“Namjoon-ah, please, please make me cum, ahhh! Please, I’ll do anything” you sobbed as he tapped your clit furiously.
“Mhm…more” he said, pounding up into you more and more
“Namjoon, please, please” you moaned “Make me cum, please”
“Namjoon, don’t do this to me. Please! I’m begging you, see? Please, please” you sobbed.
“Cum baby, cum for me” his words tipped you over the edge and you almost blacked out, falling into a pit of ecstasy as his thrusts never once stopped while you rode out the most intense orgasm of your life.
As soon as you were done, he pulled out, flipping you on your back before pumping his massive length in front of you furiously, throwing his head back. You admired the way he looked with his eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy while he continued to jerk off in front of you and before you knew it, hot white ropes of cum were spurting out to land on your stomach and breasts, the droplets even hitting your chin as he rode out his high.
He then finally opened his eyes, collapsing on top of you, over the mess he had just made “Fuck…” He panted “Oh…oh god…” You just nodded in agreement as he held onto you, nuzzling his head between your breasts.
You ran a hand through his hair, trying to catch your breath. You felt like all the oxygen had just been drained out from your lungs.
“And you said I’d never be able to get those sounds out of you” he smirked, looking up at you, his hand roaming across your exposed skin.
So this is the definition of shitty. Bye.
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jiminiesoreos ¡ 7 years
BTS Smut Masterlist
Daddy Wants To Play Too
Taehyung / V
A Failed Assignment (Hansung/Hwarang)
You Bet Your Ass
Putting On A Show
All You Had To Do Was Ask
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