murphiematheson Ā· 5 years
Late at night,
when I'm feeling alone,
I look up to the sky,
and see the stars glistening.
Sometimes I'll talk as if they were listening.
I used to think,
if I could reach far enough,
I could grab one right out of the sky.
Now I know that they are far too big for my hands,
and that I'm not nearly tall enough to reach them.
What a shame it is,
to see something spectacular,
and not be able to get anywhere near it.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
"They Never Gave Us Swords in Kindergarten" is a great story and I recommend it so much!
They post the chapters as they go, so stay tuned for more.
i just posted a new chapter on my story.. check it out you guys hahahahaha ā™” asdfghjkl
Either here:
or here:
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
When life gets you down,
you stay down
and take cover.
Walk along rock bottom,
spend the night,
stay a whole year.
Just make sure your legs still work,
so when the time comes,
you can get up out of there.
Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
He was cold,
like rain.
If he were a colour,
heā€™d be blue.
She was fiery,
but sweet like summer.
Her name was Red.
they were the Sun and the Moon,
never to breach.
Wishing upon a shooting star,
to bring them in reach.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Iā€™m sitting on this old oak porch,
dreaming of ways to get away.
Romantic scenarios meant for the big screen.
Hoping my life would be that pristine clean.
I drift away and,
wonder what it would be like to just run.
Through the fields,
through the trees,
to a place more suited for me.
A gush of wind comes along,
that thought doesnā€™t last for long.
The Sunā€™s going down.
All the neighbours security lights are flickering on.
I, once again,
wonder what it would be like to just run.
Over the fences,
under the lights,
on this warm summer night.
Tonight I planned my get away,
but it only sealed my fate.
Iā€™m less of an escape artist,
more of a runaway.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
She tells me to turn the other cheek,
that they donā€™t have sticks and stones to break my bones.
But Ma,
their words hurt me.
She says,
the worldā€™s not black and white,
fair or right,
that itā€™s a grey way of life out there.
But Iā€™m never gonna get used to,
Joanne Blaireā€™s glare,
from across the gym,
while Iā€™m sitting on the school stairs.
Oh, what Iā€™d give,
to not care.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
For some reason Tumblr won't let me message anyone šŸ˜Š but I was the one asking about the collaboration
Oh, awesome, I love your writing! It would be so cool to work together.Maybe through email because you can't message?
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Have you ever done a poetry collaboration? I'd love to work with you.
Iā€™ve never done a collaboration before, but Iā€™d love to. You should message me!
Thanks for sending in an ask, hopefully you message, so we can work on some stuff together.
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
If you could live in any city in the world what would it be and why?
New York City! Iā€™ve loved that place ever since I was little. I hope to end up there some day (soon), but I guess itā€™s going to be a mission with me being from Australia. Itā€™s hard enough moving to New York as an American, aha. We can all dream, though.Thanks for sending an ask!
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
You have the power to travel back in time, but only by 30 seconds. Do you consider this useless or do you imagine several ways this could benefit you?
1. I could trip out knowing everything thatā€™s about to happen for the next 30 seconds, thatā€™s pretty cool.
2. Bragging rights, of course. ā€œBarbara, Iā€™ve travelled back in time, donā€™t you dare speak to me that way.ā€
3. Uhhh, I got nothing.
I did try to think of something smart and philosophical but it just wasnā€™t cominā€™ to me, haha.Thanks for sending in an ask!
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
random question: whatā€™s ur biggest pet peeve
My biggest pet peeve? Well, when I was a kid I used to think ā€˜pet peeveā€™ meant a peeve you had about pets. So Iā€™d always answer with cat hair on my clothes. This. This is now my biggest pet peeve.
Thank you for sending an ask!
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Ask Me Anything
Hello to my 28 followers (and anyone else who stumbles upon this), can you believe this is my first post without a poem or story? I thought it was time to introduce myself. Iā€™m Murphie.
Also, and letā€™s keep this a secret (even though Iā€™m posting to the whole word), Iā€™d really like to try out the whole ask inbox thing. I know itā€™s a bit of a reach thinking anybody would actually care to ask me anything but, itā€™s worth a shot.
So ask away, friends. Iā€™m readyyyy
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Thereā€™s this train,
it never stops,
ā€˜round in circles,
like a clock.
There are no windows,
not one door,
people are left,
looking at the floor.
There is no end,
no such thing as a station.
No questions,
no temptations,
not a speck of retaliation.
Blank faces,
black walls.
Metal chairs,
empty stares.
No one gets on,
no one gets off.
Itā€™s a metaphorical mind block.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Red ink all over the desk,
blunt pencils,
wrinkled paper,
a failed success.
ā€œYou think youā€™re not good enough,
you think youā€™re second bestā€
her good mate says.
She desperately tries to get the
words out,
but thereā€™s nothing to be said.
He looks to her,
she quickly turns her head,
chewing the tip of her red ink
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
You drink like thereā€™s always an occasion,
you breathe in smoke as if itā€™s air,
you cut yourself like dinner,
but I donā€™t care.
Youā€™re as beautiful as ever,
this, I wish you knew.
Your eyes are so blue,
like the ocean we swam in when we were
What a different time it was back then, hey.
I still remember like it was yesterday.
Things might not be the same,
but my love for you,
hasnā€™t changed.
One day, weā€™ll be best friends again.
ā€˜Til then Iā€™ll say goodbye,
like when I went to camp in 10th grade.
Soon enough, weā€™ll be livinā€™ like itā€™s the good
old days.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
Weā€™re laying in the middle of the desert.
Our hands wrapped around one anotherā€™s,
clenching tight.
I donā€™t remember a thing before this moment,
Iā€™m not sure if I even want to.
ā€œItā€™s a brave thing you didā€ she pipes up.
I want to ask her what she means but the
words wonā€™t come out of my mouth.
She continues anyway, as if she knew what I
was thinking.
ā€œEveryone thinks itā€™s a cowards act,
you know,
ending it.
I beg to differ,
it takes a lot of courage to live, no doubt
but it takes a lot of bravery to make the great
To plunge yourself into the unknown,
not because you are a coward
but because all of the courage you had left
to live, was drained out of you,
like water from a bathtub.ā€
What aā€¦peculiar thing to say.
Iā€¦I hope I didnā€™t -
ā€œItā€™s a brave thing you did,
Now you better wake up
before this becomes
a real life thing.ā€
Written by Murphie Matheson
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murphiematheson Ā· 7 years
You, Me and New York City
I came to the city to find myself, little did I know I would find you.
Iā€™m sitting at New Yorkā€™s finest Bodega, drinking the best coffee.
And by that I mean, Iā€™m sitting alone at a small, rundown, family owned Bodega, drinking overly sweet and milky coffee.
But my god, I am so lucky I chose here, of all the places and all the days, I chose to have coffee here and today.
Youā€™re there, 5 tables down and no one in between us. You keep glancing up at me.
I donā€™t want to leave but the clock is ticking, Iā€™m going to be late for work and I still canā€™t get up and walk out the door. My legs are like jelly and Iā€™m afraid if I leave now, Iā€™ll never see you again.
So Iā€™m sitting here, drinking my third coffee, contemplating whether or not I should go and talk to you.
Maybe I should leave it how it is. Perfect and sweet, a tale we can tell our friends.
You stand up and walk for the door, or so I thought. You stopped at my booth and asked if the seat was taken. I promptly told you it was all yours.
Written by Murphie Matheson
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