practice-is-praxis · 5 months
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It's magical. Well, well Old Friend... it looks like everyone is your teacher, no one is your master.
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Low Effort Magic 🌙
I have a hard time doing something that involves magic every day, even though I've been on this path for quite some time.
Practicing magic a lot is by no means mandatory but it does help (in my opinion) to get better at it and it just helps with everyday problems. So here are some low effort activities you can do everyday that will hopefully help those of you with similar problems!
Write words like "protection", "healing" or whatever you want into your drink with a straw or spoon before you drink it. Or draw sigils in it.
If you feel super exhausted for no apparent reason, open a window and scream or, if you like it, put on some angry punk or metal music to banish whatever is feeding on your energy. While you're doing that, keep in mind that you want to banish. Otherwise you're just playing angry music. Yelling "Fuck off" also does the trick.
When you eat or drink something, try to pinpoint at least one magical property of each ingredient in your drink/food. It can also be one that has no historical evidence but is personal to you. That will help keep you in the magic mindset and also helps you to get all if that info into your long-term memory.
Open the window, stand in front of it and breathe in the air deeply with your eyes closed while you remind yourself that tge wind is part of nature and that you're connected to it. It doesn't have to be a half hour meditation, 5 seconds get the job done as well.
Offer everyday activities to your deities. For example: cooking for Hestia, standing up for yourself for Loki, practicing magic or **self care time** for Freyja, disposing of trash the correct way to your local nature spirits, etc
Take a shower or a bath, or just wash your face or brush your teeth with the intent of cleansing yourself from all that negative energy that has built up over the day.
That's all for this time. If you like it I'll do another one. :)
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Energy spell
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
*resources for herbal interactions*
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
Odds and ends:
Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Energy spell jar
Spell jar and sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do if witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you���re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
Witchcraft for the chronically fatigued
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
Sick witchery
How to return to the craft
Links updated May, 2021 (please inform me of broken links via askbox!)
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
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An agate stone that looks like a window to the ocean.
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Eight Rules For Writing -- from a long ago piece I wrote for The Guardian.
1 Write.
2 Put one word after another. Find the right word, put it down.
3 Finish what you're writing. Whatever you have to do to finish it, finish it.
4 Put it aside. Read it pretending you've never read it before. Show it to friends whose opinion you respect and who like the kind of thing that this is.
5 Remember: when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.
6 Fix it. Remember that, sooner or later, before it ever reaches perfection, you will have to let it go and move on and start to write the next thing. Perfection is like chasing the horizon. Keep moving.
7 Laugh at your own jokes.
8 The main rule of writing is that if you do it with enough assurance and confidence, you're allowed to do whatever you like. (That may be a rule for life as well as for writing. But it's definitely true for writing.) So write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. I'm not sure that there are any other rules. Not ones that matter.
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
spoonie chant
On my bad days, I wear a spoon necklace to help provide me extra energy and ease my symptoms. While putting it on, I recite
“I ask this spoon upon a chain, help to ease me from my pain”
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Living With the Moon Phases🌙
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🌑New Moon- The new moon is a time of new beginnings, set your goals and intentions for the next month. If you’ve had a rough time lately, use the new moon as a sign to take a rest. This is a great time for self reflection and self care. Build up your energy and allow yourself time to rest, take time to yourself to recharge. 
    Magick ideas: Combine self care, mindfulness, and magick! Take a bath, infuse it with herbs and flowers for extra magickal properties. Reflect on the past month, and think about what needs to come next. Begin to set your intentions for the following month. 
🌒Waxing Moon- Manifestation is key during the waxing moon! The moon is growing, making it a great time for magick that helps you grow (grow love*, money, etc). Speak things into existence, manifest what you want to come to you in this cycle. Take the energy you’ve earned from the full moon and get to work!
     Magick ideas: Perform a love* or money spell, any spell or ritual that brings good things your way! During the waxing moon I like to write out my goals for the month, and write down what I’m doing to accomplish those goals. I combine magick and just plain old motivation, using spells and rituals to help me accomplish the goals I have set. 
🌕Full Moon- The full moon increases the power of any kind of magick, and increases your own personal power. This is a time for reaping what you’ve sown, where your manifestations will begin to come to fruition. Keep working hard to fully let your dreams flourish!
     Magick ideas: Charge your crystals under the light of the moon, use the moonlight to make moon water for future spell work. The full moon is also a great time to connect to the Earth. Meditate under the light of the full moon, connect to the moon and the Earth. If you follow any gods or goddesses, this is a great time for devotional work. 
🌘Waning Moon- The waning moon is a good time for physical and spiritual cleansing. The themes surrounding this moon phase are release and letting go. Release any negativity to prepare for the intentions you will set during the new moon. 
     Magick ideas: Magick that has to do with banishing or reducing things is good for the new moon. Do a ritual to banish insecurities or bad habits. Cast a spell to make leaving a negative person* or behavior behind easier. Do a simple ritual to release all of the negative energy that has built up over the past month!
Thank you for reading!
*i dont condone love magick being used on others, only magick that would enhance your own self love or lovable qualities✨
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Tips for Manifesting pt. 1✨
Some tips I’ve learned along my path.
✨Make a vision board on Pinterest with things you want!
✨Be grateful! There are so many things we can be grateful for, so write it down or say it in your head/out loud
✨I prefer not using specific time like “…by Tuesday” etc. Use “in divine/perfect timing” instead. The Universe is always working to get you want you desire, so trust that everything will come at the right time when you are truly ready for it!
✨Scripting is very powerful and fun way to manifest! Don’t forget to write in present tense (I am, I have…). Do not use I want, I need etc.
✨Connect with the moon and do new moon rituals! New moon is the best for new beginnings and setting intentions.
✨When asking for money, use the phrase “money comes to me by happy means” or something similar. You need to be specific, because otherwise you could receive money through some bad accident or something unpleasant.
Tips for Manifesting PART 2
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
🌙 lunar witch starter pack 🌙
some resources to get you started with lunar witchcraft:
magickal moon
lunar magick
lunar phases
lunar phase associations
full moons in a year
lunar eclipse dates
the moon in zodiac signs
how to celebrate the new moon
how to celebrate the full moon
supermoon activities
wish bracelet spell
easy lunar rituals for closeted witches
new moon banishing ritual
full moon reflection jar spell
supermoon spell jar
moon potion
moon water
uses for moon water
black moon water
moon affirmations
new moon reflection tarot spread
diy lunar calendar
free moon card printables
lunar deities:
the wiccan goddess
milky quartz
plants to grow/use in your craft:
evening primrose
morning glory
water lily
white rose
things to start doing:
plan your spellwork around the lunar phases and their correspondences
look into your moon sign (free astrology chart generator here)
collect moon water on the full moon
talk to the moon at night. tell her your worries, your dreams, your hopes and desires. tell her what you ache for most deeply, your greatest regret and your biggest fears. dissect your heart in front of her, and feel it heal.
buy, print or make a lunar calendar
get the moon app
do a small ‘spring cleaning’ every new moon, whether that’s cleaning out your room, inbox, kitchen, phone or whole house
create a lunar altar
learn more about astrology, in particular which sign the moon is in and how that affects your life
try meditating outside, in moonlight
research dream magick
a good blog that posts about lunar witchcraft: @lunaesteria
and a lunar witchcraft playlist. or two.
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Self improvement
A large part of witchcraft seems to be self improvement. Especially with the use of shadow work and the emphasis on exploration of the world and trusting your own intuition. I appreciate the craft for being something people can rely on without the pressures of knowingly self improving; sometimes knowing something is self improvement makes it more tiring, at least to me. 
It is also nice because I have had quite a few self-improvement habits that I can now safely say counts as witchcraft, and it feels like knocking out two in one.
Here’s some good tips I follow and stuff I do/use!!
Dalio; helps you keep track of your mood and sends a reminder every day! You can set goals for yourself to do every day, and you make your own moods and activities so you can totally customize things! (even what color scheme the whole app follows is customizable
#SelfCare; this app is very serene! It is witchcraft based and contains a lot of relaxing and simple minigames, as well as several methods of tracking your thoughts
Recolor; as it sounds, this is an app all about coloring! As simple as it sounds, it is a nice way of getting into your own head while you get lost in the coloring. There is a posting function and filters you can put on your art if you’d like, but this feature is very optional!
Doodling; I love to doodle and let my imagination run free! There is no pressure to be good or even right when you’re doodling. My favorite thing to do is combinations, colors, and shapes! Recently I’ve done this with the rainbow, cramming things together, making sure that for every color there’s a certain number of shapes, and using the most of the space on my sketchbook or canvas!
Learning; I know this sounds stressful, but hear me out! I love to learn, and so whenever I’m bored, I teach myself something new or remind myself of something old. I am of the belief that everyone has an inherit desire to learn, it’s just that a lot of us don’t follow the same learning methods as others. Explore this! I, for example, like to listen to background noise often and I tend to memorize the topics I am listening to. So, if I draw or play videogames or something else that I find mindless while listening to something, it’s easier for me to retain the information because I have memories attached to it. It’s like teaching yourself associations. Maybe, every time you hear a key word in what you’re listening to, you draw a swirl. And for another word, draw a line. Or in videogames, try to get this supply every time you hear this word. that way you’re encouraging the thought and the flow of information, and it will help you listen out for that important word, or snap you to attention when you hear it from somewhere. In this way, you can feel busy and productive in a way that is much less stressful than putting all your attention on studying or learning. This is how I have been able to retain all A’s during the pandemic; because I can learn how I prefer to learn.
Shadow work
Shadow work tends to put together a lot of scary stuff, because it forces you to pay attention, acknowledge, and attempt to solve or mediate all your biggest fears and flaws. This is a massively scary and stressful thing to do, so I would encourage you to find a way to have fun with it! Maybe that means using social media, which is something I am trying to do on this account. But maybe you’re like me and you really like lists, in which I would recommend making a table of content first. This way you can list off what you do and it will make it more satisfying to do shadow work, since you get to cross those topics off once you’re done.
That’s all I’ll say for now, gotta save some for future posts ;)
But just keep in mind that witchcraft is stressful and it is not easy, but what makes someone smart isn’t their ability to mindlessly do something, but it is their ability to find the shortcuts to make life a little easier and/or more fun! :))
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
The beautiful thing about witchcraft is that there are no rules to it. You can practice how you want, for as long as you want, with as much passion as you want. It's yours. You get to decide what you do with it.
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Pieces of Advice for Living
Happiness is where you are now, or nowhere at all
Renounce useless guilt
Fall in love with inner beauty
Create your own space
Be brave enough to be bad at something new
When things change inside you, things change arround you
Spend time with people who matter most
Asking for help does not make you weak
Change is uncomfortable but necessary
Read more classic literature
Read about history from different sources 
Buy less clothes and make sure they are made organically and ethically or buy second hand
Learn to say No
Deflecting someone who compliments you isn’t modest it’s insulting
Your boundaries will scare some people away, it’s fine! let them go
Compliment yourself
Your mental and physical health are always your priority
Take a bath and notice how great your body is
Be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically
Your diet is not only what you eat, it’s what you watch, what you listen to, what you read and with who you spend your time with
Don’t let the internet rush you
Start believing that nothing is too good for you  
Get enough sleep
Buy vegan options in anything that’s possible
Keep it private until you know it’s permanent
Enjoy experience more than materials 
Stay in your healing
Your scars are symbols of your strength 
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Just reiterating that the heart of witchcraft is (just like science) experimentation and documentation. Try things out. Get them wrong. Mess up. Do better. Write down your efforts. Make changes and alterations based on what you have access to. Above all, if it works, it works; if it doesn’t, then it’s no good. Witchcraft is a results-based practice. 
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
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practice-is-praxis · 2 years
Money spell tips ~
These are things that I've started doing that have worked for me.
$ I know we all know that green = money. However, why not give that green candle some back up by using supporting colours.
* My favourites: gold for wealth and prosperity, brown to inspire financial stability, orange for good fortune and success
$ On the topic of candles, carve a sigil into the candle before burning it! It can be whatever you want. I honestly I usually just do something super basic incorporating the amount of money that I'm looking to get.
$ BE SPECIFIC AND CLOSE LOOPHOLES. Check out the linked posts, seriously! They are very informative and stuff I wished I learned long ago. Specify the amount you need, when you need it, if you're looking for extra cash, wanting to win money you entered in, etc. Whatever it may be - be specific. Tell the universe (or whoever/whatever you work with) what you need!
$ Do your spell with your purse/wallet/debit card, etc on or around your work space! I almost always use candles for my spell, so I will leave my wallet with the candle while it finishes burning. Really emphasize where you need this money to go - to you, in your wallet!
$ If you created a sigil, also put this sigil in your wallet or purse. If you are making a spell jar, put the sigil into your spell jar or on it. I usually just write on the jar itself, but you can do whatever you want.
$ Add money to your spell jar if you're making one. It doesn't have to be much, I usually just throw in some pocket change. To emphasize that you want to see your money grow!
$ Also, don't be afraid to get creative with charging your sigils. I use the pocket change I put in my spell jar to charge it while I work on everything else. I simply draw out all the sigils I'll be using on some paper and place coins on top of them. Do this with intention.
$ If you make a spell jar, keep it with your wallet or keep it in your purse. When I am done the spell and the candles are burned down - I immediately transfer it to my purse and carry it with my everywhere until it's done. It's going to attract wealth to my purse.
$ Don't forget to cleanse your tools. Including all the stuff you use for the spell. If you use a jar, cleanse the jar inside and out and the lid.
$ Boost your money spell by doing it on a Thursday!
Best of luck out there, hope you all have enough money for everything you need, plus extra for some self care!
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