#(is such an intriguing concept)
meltesh28 · 6 months
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just need to get it out of my system.. ruan mei in cheongsam...
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nattikay · 10 months
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turtledotjpeg · 6 months
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my piece for the @yorknewauction reverse bb! @hurtinghabits wrote a fic based on this which I am very excited to buckle down and read very shortly 👀
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quibbs126 · 10 days
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Okay but it’s kind of funny how out of all the Ancients, from day one Dark Cacao was just designed to be Dark Choco’s dad
Like his original beta designs have the Oreo pads, but with a different design, he has the same star shape, they have the same eye colors, and like the Wiki says, I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason his design changed is because he looked too similar to Dark Choco, which would cause potential confusion
Like even with Hollyberry, who is the other Ancient to have had a pre-existing character be related to them, she doesn’t look identical to Princess and it’s not immediately obvious they’re related. Heck if anything, her beta design looks even less like they’re related, at least a little and at least to me
So like, why was this specifically a thing with Dark Cacao? Did one of the designers just really like Dark Choco or something? What’s going on?
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xiaojuun · 13 days
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nibbelraz · 5 months
A scenario I had been toeing writing was a "beings with really ingrained beastly instincts (like, monsters and beasts but mostly those who appeared in Airplane's draft) recognize him as their God and Creator/Owner and obey him like well trained, overly loving doggos". Kinda like this fic on AO3 with Xin Mo recognizing SQH as his Gid& creator, except its an eldritch entity that was supposed to be a Real PlotPoint and Hurt LBH really bad just wagging tail and doing tricks for one tiny ass, sweaty and nervous peak lord.
Also, I don't remember if either Tianlang-Jun or Zhuzhi-Lang ever met gim, but wouldn't it be hilarious if they, too, recognize him as Something Other because they were not part of the plot but the draft and thus "closer" to SQH's "heart/true intentions"?
I 100 percent can definitely see other types of beasts and creatures seeing Shang Qinghua as an otherworldly being but also a lot of concepts were in Qinghuas drafts I wonder if those carry over. Like Binghe getting the ending he was meant to have was a concept and it came to be so would binghe sense Qinghua as something? Maybe that's why he's just glaring at him because he thinks it's jealousy for being near his shizun but nooo it's other things he can't pinpoint.
Thinking of Qinghua having beasts listening him to tho is funny too like
"They listen to him" points to Shang Qinghua whose staring at this huge creature and he's shaking and about to cry while the creature in question is like ":D"
I don't remember either if Tianlang-Jun or Zhuzhi-lang lang met Qinghua actually but if he did I think Tianlang-Jun would look at him real hard and then be incredibly interested in him like "Oh. This one. THIS ONE HERE. He's something for sure." He'd have the same level of enthusiasm as he does with Shen Qingqiu.
If you end up writing it, I would love to read it!!!!
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aleatoryw · 11 days
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Okay I’ve been toying with an idea for a Six of Crows au post-Crooked Kingdom where Van Eck won for a little while now and yeah idk but I had a scene idea come to me just now so I’m gonna write it here to see what you guys think and if there’s any interest then I might add it to my list of fics to write
This feels like a weird introduction but, er, here we go:
Inej knew the moment Kaz got home. There were no longer any crowds in the house to come to attention at his entrance, or if there were then no-one had bothered to come down to the half-room and tell Inej, but she could hear his voice drifting through the vents as soon as the door upstairs banged shut behind him.
“Where’s Inej?”
“Where do you think?” Matthias’ reply came roughly, and Inej could all but picture the disapproving grimace that must be crossing his face about now.
Let him judge. She didn’t need to leave the half-room, and for as long as that was true she wouldn’t. The vents did not give her every room though, and she did miss gathering her secrets. She wondered if there was anyone else in the house, but the five of them. Five? She stopped and counted them on her fingers. Yes, five. Hopefully still five. Inej had not bothered to leave the half-room in days, and no-one had been down to see her since yesterday morning.
She heard the door click open behind her, of course, but she did not bother to look up as Dirtyhands entered the room.
“Don’t you read the papers, Kaz?” Inej asked, without turning, “The Wraith is dead,”
She stood up, hand wandering across the table for her little pot of jurda. It tasted like shit and it wasn’t nearly as strong as she wanted it to be, but it took less than a month for the price of the blossoms to surpass the height of the stars so she’d have to make do with whatever they had left.
“They found her body on the steps outside the Church of Barter almost three months ago, remember?” she finally turned to face Kaz, unscrewing the lid on the little silver pot as she did so, “Killed by some mercenary called the White Blade, who still hasn’t been found by they way in case you haven’t seen the latest. I guess it’s difficult to catch a ghost,”
Difficult to catch a wraith.
“We’ve had this conversation several times, Inej-”
“And we’re going to have it again,”
Inej placed an orange jurda blossom on her tongue, then offered the open container to Kaz. It was almost empty. He waved her off.
“I thought you didn’t go in for that sort of thing,”
Inej shrugged.
“Gotta stay awake somehow, haven’t I? We’re busy,”
“We’re not on a job”
“We’re never on a job. Unless the reason you’ve bothered to grace me with your presence is a proposition?”
Kaz shook his head.
“I just wanted to tell you there’s no news,”
Inej looked away. There was never any news. And yet somehow she always expected differently.
“He’s dead, isn’t he?”
Inej caught another jurda blossom between her fingers. She needed to stay awake, because if she slept she would see him. She would see all the ways she’d failed.
“It wasn’t your fault, Inej, we’re having the same conversations on repeat can’t you see-,”
“And we’ll have them again,” she shrugged, “We will have this conversation again, Kaz, because I made a mistake and you are coddling me like a child who won’t be able cope if you tell them something was their fault. Tell me it was my fault, Kaz! We both know that it’s true,”
Kaz shook his head.
“I’d rather repeat the previous,”
“Then let’s,” snapped Inej, because hell if this jurda wasn’t strong enough to keep her awake then maybe an argument would be, “Let’s repeat the goddamn conversation, Kaz, because you’re right. We have the same two conversations on repeat and do you want to know why? Because I am owning up to the mistake I made and I am trying to deal with the consequences of it, but you had no right to do what you did, do you understand me? You messed up and you need to take some damn responsibility, because if you think-”
“You always knew Tailoring Dunyasha’s body to look like yours was a possibility for your escape option,” said Kaz, calmly.
She hated how quiet his voice was, how slow and deliberate he sounded next to the and ramblings that she could not stop from stumbling out of her.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” she hissed, slamming her jurda back down on the table.
“I couldn’t have done anything to stop that,”
“You could have tried,”
She waved a hand vaguely at the door.
“Get out,”
Kaz turned to leave, then paused.
“I am sorry, Inej. They’d like to see you upstairs, you know. Nina misses you,”
“Nina can come down here then,”
“Inej… I can’t do anything for you but apologise,”
“Keep you apologies,” she snarled, and when the door had closed behind him added: “Choke on them,”
Kaz could apologise all he wanted. She would not forgive him. What right did he have to expect anything different from her than this? Did any of them? Kaz had not had to watch his parents cry, as they carried home the body of a child that wasn’t theirs. Kaz had not had to feel the ironclad grip of the person he thought he’d trusted most in the world as they held him back and told him to swallow his sobs and keep quiet. Kaz had not given up and gone limp in their arms, a mess of tears and useless prayers, as he saw his parents slip from his grasp once again and knew that he would not have the chance to tell them truth.
Kaz had also not failed the others, and did not have to feel the truth of that choking him every time he saw them. Kaz had not spent almost three months barely daring to venture out of the half room, just so he would never have to lock eyes with Jesper Fahey. There was a scream inside Inej that had been slowly building itself since the day of the auction, and if she did not find a way to release it soon it may very well eat her alive.
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princington · 1 year
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who needs comfortable love ch 1 by @the-ominous-owl
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
I’ve recently seen that the request box is open, so maybe Zavok noogies Rough, please? If you don’t mind🥹. Just wanna see more of these lovable villian🙏
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dustgeonmeshi · 2 months
i was thinking about the "i want you and my brother to live, even if it means hurting someone else" falin panel and i started thinking about how things would've played out if it was laios who got eaten by the dragon instead of falin. lets say for some reason she couldn't just teleport him out of the dragon's mouth/stomach and she had to go back into the dungeon just like laios had for her. how would it all go down?
i imagine that shuro would remain in the party, since falin was still there, but namari would still end up leaving for the same reasons. how quickly would falin think to start cooking monsters? would marcille be less opposed to it if falin was the one to bring it up? would they still meet senshi? how would kabru's interactions with the main party shift? how would things change without the presence of shuro's retainers (and no izutsumi ☹️)? would falin still be tempted by the winged lion at any point? would marcille still become the dungeon lord? could they even survive a succubi attack without izutsumi? would falin become queen of melini?
i don't have answers to these but they are a fun thought experiment. it's fun to think of a story where falin gets to be the main character and laios is the one who needs to be saved.
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find-me-in-hell · 7 months
oh you meant lesbian relationship? what am i supposed to do with this then.... *looking mournfully at the aurora*
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unpretty · 8 months
i didn't expect renfield to be a good movie, but i thought it would at least be fun. instead i noped out before the half hour mark because it was just. it was so bad. the whole beginning of the movie was one step sideways of *record scratch* "yup... that's me. guess you're probably wondering how i got into this situation." not even a step up. sideways.
then the whole thing leans so hard and heavy on the idea of renfield being in an abusive relationship with dracula, except it's a punchline. if they'd made it even a little subtle maybe there's a way to make that work but they're not. they're going so hard on it. they're taking a handbook on recognizing abusive relationships and putting the words in dracula and renfield's mouths in a way that ends up feeling pretty offensive.
by the time we get to the part that introduces the one good cop being stymied by the evil bureaucracy always siding with criminals pretending to be traumatized, it was like. nicholas cage cannot salvage this. i would rather watch a three hour youtube video about meme stock cults actually, bye.
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jellysmudge · 8 months
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AU where Nick and Adalind never happen but Nick still somehow ends up raising Diana. I worked way too hard on this.
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raifuujin · 3 months
*sees mention of Kaito actually being allowed to show more emotion for the movie*
On the one hand: Angry Kai? 👀 Yes pls, I'll take some emotional voicing, break us Kappei.
On the other hand: GODS, HE REALLY ISN'T NORMALLY ALLOWED TO BE MORE THAN COOL AND OCCASIONALLY SURPRISED IN DC, IS HE. (Surprised, afraid, whichever applied, but generally the same reaction.)
Like. We have seen him angry before (and was a hint for his disguise way back in the Magic Lovers case), but it's mostly Mk exclusive, I guess. I can always vividly see the animation from Blue Birthday (special version) in my head, and him being a reactive brat in Mk in general, it doesn't usually cross my mind just how little Kaito's allowed to express himself within DC. Even when he gripes, it's more sulky. Mk Kai at least throws actual glares and not just side eyes and sighs.
To Conan, Kid being able to get angry is. Will he still only be angry in private, for audience only, or will characters in universe go 'uh oh somethings different with him', because that's just fun to think about.
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boyfriendgideon · 11 months
as yr favorite local jason todd fan sometimes i get so fed up with the apparent inability of most dc comic writers to write a class conscious narrative about him.
and yes, i know that comics are a very ephemeral and constantly evolving and self-conflicting medium.
and yes, i know they’re a profit-driven art medium created in a capitalistic society, so there are very few times where comics are going to be created solely out of the desire to authentically and carefully and deliberately represent a character and take them from one emotional narrative place to another, because dc cares about profit and sometimes playing it safe is what sells.
and yes, i know comics and other forms of art reflect and recreate the society within which they were conceived as ideas, and so the dominant societal ideas about gender and race and class and so on are going to be recreated within comics (and/or will be responded to, if the writer is particularly societally conscious).
but jesus christ. you (the writer/writers) have a working class character who has been homeless, who has lost multiple parents, who has been in close proximity to someone struggling with addiction, who has had to steal to survive, who may have (depending on your reading of several different moments across different comics created by different people) been a victim of csa, who has clearly (subtextually) struggled with his mental health, who was a victim of a violent murder, and who has an entirely distinct and unique perspective on justice that has evolved based on his lived experiences.
and instead of delving into any of that, or examining the myriad of ways that classism in the writers’ room and the editors’ room and the readers’ heads affected jason’s character to make sure you’re writing him responsibly, or giving him a plotline where his views on what justice looks like are challenged by another working class character, or allowing him to demonstrate actual autonomy and agency in deciding what relationships he wants to have with people who he loves but sees as having failed him in different ways, or thinking carefully about what his having chosen an alias that once belonged to his murderer says about his decision-making and motivations, you keep him stuck in a loop of going by the red hood, addressing crime by occupying a position of relative power that perpetuates crime & harm rather than ever getting at the root causes, and seesawing between a) agreeing with his adoptive family entirely about fighting nonlethally in ways that are often inconsistent with his apparent motivations or b) disagreeing and experiencing unnecessarily brutal and violent reactions from his adoptive father as if that kind of violence isn’t the kind of thing he experienced as a child and something bruce himself is trying to prevent jason from perpetuating. because a comic with red hood, quips, high stakes, and familial drama sells.
it doesn’t matter if it keeps jason trapped, torn between an unanswered moral and philosophical question, a collection of identities that no longer fit him, and a family that accepts him circumstantially. it doesn’t matter if jason’s characterization is so utterly inconsistent that the only way to mesh it together is to piece different aspects of different titles and plotlines together like a jigsaw. it doesn’t matter if you do a disservice to his character, because in the end you don’t want to transform him or even understand him deeply enough to identify what makes him compelling and focus on that.
and i love jason!!!!! i love him. and i think about the stories we could have, if quality and art and doing justice to the character were prioritized as much as selling a title and having a dark and brooding batfam member besides bruce just to be the black sheep character are prioritized. and i just get a little sad.
#jason todd#jason todd meta#red hood#batfam#batman#dc comics#comic analysis#classism#tw: csa mention#maybe someday half of the most intriguing and nuanced aspects of his character will be touched upon#red hood outlaw 51-52 had some cool moments wrt jason + class + hometown friends + systems of power but. that was a two issue arc#and even then it was admittedly messy#GOD i want him to be three dimensional and well rounded and well used#even if a writer wrote a fucking. filler comic for an annual or smthn exploring what jason does outside of being red hood#keep the name if u want. have him have deliberately taken the name of his killer and twisted it until ppl from his city know rh#as a protector of kids and the poor and sex workers and so on. that WORKS. but show him connecting w his community#have him get involved in mutual aid. have him do something when he’s not out as red hood at night. let us see jason & barbara interact more#or jason and steph !!!!!!!! or another positive but complicated dynamic (he has a lot of those)#i just. i think that his stagnancy makes me fucking sad. i liked some aspects of task force z. felt like it ended too soon tho#FUCK the joker lets unpack his self concept & have him be a real person outside of vigilanteism (?) and vengeance#i liked some aspects of the cheer arc in batman urban legends mostly bc he had SOME agency and bc he wasn’t completely flat#even tho i hate the retconning of robin jason being angry and moody and so on#part of the problem is we don’t see him too too often for more than semi brief appearances so im so happy to see him i’ll just accept it#love the idea of a nightwing & red hood team up comic. hate that tom taylor a) wrote it and b) gave jason that stupid ass line abt justice#u think this man trusts cops ????? or the legal system !????????? BITCH.#get jason todd into like a sociology / gender and intersectionality / feminist studies class NOWWWWW#ok im done im sleepy and going to watch nimona. thx for reading to anyone who did#PLS anyone who reads this let me know what u think im frothing at the mouth rn#wes.txt#mine
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