#And proceeded to scream as it started flying
In today's game of "Is that a bug I see out of my peripherals or is that just my brain messing with me again and combining my eyeball-static again to parse a moving dark shape out of my field of vision?"
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average-vibe · 8 months
SBI reacting to u sleeping on them :)
summary: it’s in the title lol
pairings: techno x reader (platonic or romantic) philza x reader (platonic) wilbur x reader(meant to be romantic but platonic too), and tommy x reader (romantic or platonic)
warnings: swearing
a/n: sup.
You and phil were chilling on the couch, your head gently rested on his shoulders, watching TV.
“see, i don’t know why he didn’t-“ phil said, before the sound of your snoring filled his ears. “er, mate?” he said, lightly tapping your head, to no response. phil turned the TV down, and tried to make you more comfy without awaking you. when one of his noisy sons would come in, he would tell them to, and i quote, “shut the fuck up, are you fucking blind?” in a whisper yell. when you woke up, he chuckled, and asked, “are you done?”, and proceeded to cackle at your horrified face
extra things:
knows how to handle it bc he has 3 sons and 3 more adopted kids, including you.
would tell wilbur to “stop playing your fucking guitar, someone’s trying to get their beauty sleep.”
TECHNOBLADE (fly high)
you laid on top of techno, arms draped around his sides, like this
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you were really tired that day, and really wanted some rest. everyone else was out at wilbur’s gig, and techno was your best option.
“eH?” was all techno said when you asked if you could cuddle with him. “why would i do that?” was the next thing
eventually, you bribed him by letting him read you greek mythology, and after some begging, he finally gave in and, will rolled eyes, let you climb onto him.
you listened to him ramble on about how cool some of the gods were, his voice putting your brain to rest. as he rambled, he noticed your breathing getting quieter, and you stopped moving.
“hey? yn?” he whispered, before finally realizing you were sound asleep.
both mortified and in appreciation of you, he quietly sat there, letting you rest. every once in a while he’s tap on you, to see if you had woken up yet, but your still body didn’t budge.
when the boys got home, their ruckus woke you up. and techno was fully prepared to fight them.
if you started showing that you were cold, he would put his cloak on you without second thought.
when you’ve okie up, he just smirked and said, “welcome.”
you came into his room after school, tired and worn out of the day.
“hey.” wil said, strumming his guitar, smiling.
“hey. can i sleep in here? i wanna be in a quiet room” you said.
“yeah, cmon.” he said, setting his guitar down on the ground and laying down, patting himself like a chair.
“on you?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“of course.” wil said, smiling. you laid down on him, quickly feeling comfortable and at home.
eventually, you both fell asleep, just like this:
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every once in a while, he would wipe some hair out of your face and hold your cheek.
forehead kisses. obviously.
when you first walked into his room asking to sleep, he looked horrified
“i beg your fucking pardon?” he asked, as you giggled your head off.
“alright fine.” he eventually muttered, opening his lanky arms to let you come into his arms
you climbed into his arms, and you couldn’t ignore the look of adoration he gave you.
you fell asleep in his arms, like this:
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when wilbur found you two, tommy immediately whisper screamed at him to fuck off
he stared at you for the entire time, just admiring you :)
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hidtired · 2 months
Count to 8
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
“There is no greater love then to give one’s life for friends.”
Description: The Prison was destroyed and your family lost. Leaving you alone and with less fingers then you started with. You were known to be a gentle being. You were sorely unaware of what you were capable of.
4.6k words
Warnings! (Angst, graphic injury/violence, cannibalism, walking dead shenanigans, mentions of dead children, death, etc.) [Happy ending]
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The explosion that rattled the prison is what sent you flying down the halls trying to get outside. Before you even had the door outside open you heard gunshots start to ring out. You upholstered the pistol from your side before proceeding. The nervous tremble of your hands shook while you let off the safety.
The sight was heartbreaking. People scrambling, things on fire, and you saw the fence was down. The prison was falling. The people who were attacking had a tank. You watched the few near you trying to defend themselves before getting shot. You fired in the direction of the shots while trying to get cover. You needed to find your people… you needed to find Daryl. That's when you heard the unmistakable sound of the dead. The screams from the people who were originally shooting at you indicating there was a lot inside the court yard already. They were flowing past the gate and smoking tank.
That got your attention. Wipping around to lock eyes with Daryl, Beth standing next to him. They were cornered by one of the wired gates that had a hole behind them. The flow of walkers stopping you from getting over to them. You were out of what little ammo you had. Only leaving you with your knife. You would have to find another way to them.
“GO! I’LL FIND A WAY AROUN-“ A walker, behind you stumbled into you, knocking you to the ground with it. Now laying on your back you had reached around with your left hand keeping its face away from you. Your knife slipped from your fall landing someplace near you. You struggled against the walker, left hand keeping its jaw away while the right searched blindly for your weapon. That's when two of your fingers, pinkie and ring, slipped into the mouth. The walker biting down. The snapping of your fingers was akin to the biting of a carrot. Your fist reflexively tightened around the walkers face. You screamed bloody murder at the pain. Sobbing and panicking.
Daryl was only left with a view of your flinging legs behind where you had taken cover in the gun fight. Then, there was your blood curdling scream of pain. “NOOOOOO!” He was about to bolt over to you ignoring the dead growing around him, when Beth grabbed him from behind pulling all her weight backwards. “NOOOOO!”, he began to cry. Beth yelling over your screaming, “WE HAVE TO GO! DARYL WE HAVE TO GO!” He let Beth drag him away. Away from you.
You had heard Daryl’s yelling. You managed to flip and get on top of the walker. With your fingers still jammed in its mouth unable to release it. You began to grab the head from its mouth and slam it into the concrete. Screaming and thrashing until the body went still. That walker had been a person of the prison, one that had been shot and had later turned. Most other walkers around were coming attracted to you from your noise. While on your knees scrambling to find your knife, taking a moment after finding it to collect yourself before aligning it on the floor with the barely attached fingers of your left hand. You breathed in and crunched down at the base of the bitten fingers. Leaving your fingers on the ground while you stood. The corner of your vision turning black. You needed to get out of here. Clutching the bleeding hand to your chest against, you dodged the dead dizzily running out the gate the bus left through.
When you made it a ways into the forest away from the crumbling prison, you slide down the side of a tree. You pulled a lighter out from your pocket (the one you would often carry around for Daryl) and started to heat the side of your blade. Holding the knife with your knees until it got red hot. Flipping the lighter closed tossing it to the side. Grabbing the knife you started to hype yourself up to cauterize the wound. The sizzling sound and smell of burnt flesh left your already spinning state worse. Your attempt to contain the screaming was while lack luster still effective.
You sit there slumped against that tree. Rapping the wound with a sleeve from your red long-sleeve shirt. You begin to uncontrollable cry. You were in pain yes but you were thinking of everything you had just lost in a few moments. Everyone you had lost. You had only seen Daryl and Beth the whole time. ‘He is still out there, somewhere.’
You had taken a few moments to yourself at the tree before deciding you needed to find a place to collect yourself. Somewhere to sleep before you passed out. Hopeful for food, water, and medicine. You walked.
That night you did find a small hunters cabin. Just as it was getting a little too hard to see in the dark. Showing to be a moonless night. The place was clear of walkers. You found a Chef Boyardee can, a little bottle of water, and small first aid kit. You would look through the place harder in the morning. The first aid was seemed to be for only small injury’s. Containing Band-Aids and Neosporin. But it was the little individually wrapped, one serving size things that was a saving grace. Some Tylenol’s, a few hydrogen peroxide wipes, and real bandages. You ate the Boyardee can cold and drank half of the little bottle.
This is your first time alone since the apocalypse happened. First time you will have to take care of yourself without another person. In the beginning you struggled to kill the dead. Daryl was frustrated at you for being… well you. His sweet girl. He’s known you from his little town. You would volunteer at the animal shelter. Merle would mock him for liking you. Saying he was no better than the strays you would help. Not even into 3 months dating when all shit went to hell.
He tried to teach you. Knife, gun, hunting, hand to hand. Just to insure some peace and mind into him. “All sweet and nice things in this world get crushed and die.”
Days later
You found tracks with signs all leading to a place, Terminus. The god awful itch of your wound was becoming unbearable. The swelling had gone down leaving your hand many colors. You while not necessarily following the tracks were slowly make your way down them. Stopping to look around any building you found (hoping to see anything to indicate your family was in the area). You had founded some new clothes and some other supplies with your searching, you would stuff all of it into your new pack. You were also relearning how to use your left hand that was missing 2 of your fingers. You had joked to yourself that,
"Now I can only count to 8."
While on your walk down the tracks a crunching noise brought you out of your thoughts. Lifting your foot to reveal a candy rapper. 'It was Michonne's favorite candy,' you thought. Some people had come through here. You looked ahead to the tracks. You decided then you would pick up the pace. Hopeful that your people were there.
When it got dark you found some place in the woods to rest for now. Creating a small perimeter with wire and metal. You look at a map while struggling to rewrap your bandage one handed. Your guess was you would get to Terminus tomorrow evening walking without interruption. You had found a pill bottle prescribed to a Frank Darabont, a antibiotic. If you had learned anything from Herschel was getting a infection was not in the cards for you to survive.
With the sun beginning to rise you with the little sleep you had gotten, jumping at any noise in the darkness, started your walk down the remaining track.
Hours of walking made your legs and side ache. You slowed your pace when you got a whiff of something rotten. Low and behold there seemed to be a sizeable herd in front of you. You tended to just run away from the dead when you saw them. Not trusting to taking many on with your injury. They wondered on down the track like you. You would have to follow it the rest of the way to Terminus.
You were focused on the herd in front of you until you heard gun shots a distance away. Maybe they were fighting the dead? But they were still to far away for that. Something was wrong. The high whistle and boom of a firework startled you. Collecting yourself you then thought, 'so there not shooting at the dead.' You started to jog closer to the herd. You heard cursing from the woods to your left. You paused to see some of the herd had seen him and started to follow after him. The man acknowledged the dead before the sound of his walkie sounded off, "Well I call the kids hat."
You barely heard it from where you were. You were slowly making your way from tree to tree behind the man. One of many of Daryl's lessons helping you quietly stalk up behind the man. The man walked backwards watching the herd in front of him. The cold metal of your knife curling around to his throat. The man let out a small gasp before raising his hands. Using your left hand to slap the walkie out of his hand, causing a sting down your nerves into your arm, but you ignored it. You used a quiet cold tone to speak, "The kid with the hat, what did you do to him."
The man stuttered out, "W-we were just defending are selves." You pull the knife closer drawing a little blood, "Try that again. The truth this time asshole." Around 4 walkers were making a approach. The man's eyes flicking to each one, "We didn't h-have a choice. Y-you could join us! You get used to the taste of them." It took you a minute to comprehend what this man just said. Gasping at the realization the man also realizing he said to much and attempted to turn to fight you. But you had already moved the blade deeper into his neck. You pushed the man into the walkers giving him as there meal.
You had never killed someone before. In that moment you didn't feel a single thing about it either, that's what scared you. You slowly backed away from the body that was being snacked on by three of the walkers. The man had stopped squirming finally. The other walker had it sights on you. You lead it away from the others. You were going to need it for what you were about to do.
You gutted the walker and let it fill with blood. You took the black hoodie that you would us when it got dark. As well the thin blanket from your pack cutting a hole for your head. Dipping the fabric into the blood staining it red. You pulled up your hood before putting on the blanket. You couldn't be sure if "the kid in the hat" was Carl, but it could be. It was a kid none the less.
You had found a small iPod shuffle a while back. Not using it often because you thought you could us it as a distraction if you got caught in a pickle. You would slip ahead of the herd and lead them back to Terminus. Using them as a distraction to try and find anyone from the prison.
You were ahead of the herd leading them back to Terminus with the little iPod on as loud as it could go. "Time" by Pink Floyd playing. You could see the gate and saw people starting to acknowledge the dead approaching. You were going to try your best to walk like the dead around you.
A light flickered in the corner of your vision. You turned to see a sniper behind a chain fence. Their shot made you jump. They shot the gas tank, leaving it to release vaper. You turned in the direction of the shooter to see them struggling to light something. The person seemed to look around then back to what they were doing before they did a double take to your direction. Your mind clicked they were going to blow the tank. You stared back to the person for a second before throwing the iPod in front of you and running to your right to try and enter from the side. Gun shots were flying in the air. They were shooting the dead but turned to you seeing you run.
It didn't last long though because the tank exploded sending a wave of heat at your back while you ran. Temporarily stopping the gun fire, giving you the time you needed to get around the other corner of the fence. You found a lose part of the fence and slipped in. Running for in between the builds looking behind every corner before turning. You found a door that was slightly ajar. It was cold, and dark. But the light from outside showed you the horror's inside. Body parts hanging from lines. Human ribs on hooks. You back away from the room. You had to find whoever was here and get them out. You found another door to finding candles and things forming a circle. Like to be a memorial. You didn't recognize any of the belongings or names had you quickly made your way across the room to another door.
The door revealed tables and tables of stuff. You saw a weapons table and with you only having a knife decided to find something. But then you saw it. A crossbow. His crossbow. You shakingly pick it up. Some tears brimming in your eyes but don't fall. He could still be here. You turn your head and freeze. A table full of toys and stuffed animals, kids belongings.
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You sat there and stared for a moment. You no longer had the tremble of fear in your hands, just stillness.
You were going to kill all of them.
Strapping the crossbow to your back. You pick a knife up from the table and duel wield with your existing one. You held the knife upside down with your left hand, it was easier to hold with your remaining 3 fingers. You swiftly paced out the door, you were going on a man hunt.
Outside walkers roamed. Remaining gun shots alerting you to were your targets were. As you got closer to the sound of a pistol, you waited around a corner. Careful to keep a eye on the walkers passing you. A man shooting backwards and women beside him tried running pass you. But you had tripped the running man sending him flying to the floor. The women turned to see were the man went before she was meet with on of your knifes digging under her chin. You quickly released it turning to the man. You stepped on the gun in his hand and lent down to send the left knife into his head.
You took the gun from the man and ran in the direction they were trying to go, leaving the body's for the walkers who tried surrounding you. You saw a door to a building close so you followed. You heard footsteps walking up stairs. You slowly and quietly made your way toward and up them. A door to a roof was slowly closing as you saw a group of men aiming toward something. Just as they started firing you started to empty the rest of the clip of the pistol you stole into them from the side. Most startled and tried to flee and went out another door opposite to you. You manage to kill and injury a few. You threw the pistol at them and reached for the other knife strapped to your side. Sprinting full speed at the now two remaining.
You fought the first one and nicked his stomach. You saw the man behind him aim his gun to you but you pushed his friend into the shot. His head exploded blood splattering down to your face. If you were just a foot taller you would have been the same. You shoved the dead man backwards into his friend. You swung your knife for his head but missed by a inch. So you plunged your right into his chest. He groaned stumbling back. "YOU STUPID BITC-" Your knife ended into his throat. "Shut up." You tried catching your breath. You turned to see what they were originally shooting at.
There was a group jumping over the fence. The last one of them just getting over. He turned looking to you. It looked like Rick... you gasped, 'They are alive... there right there!' You could make out Carl by his hat, Michonne standing next to him. You couldn't make out a few of them like the red hair- Your thought was interrupted by the sound of dragging behind you. Someone you had shot crawling to a gun on the floor. You ran over kicking it farther from him. He groaned and turn to look up at you. He opened his mouth but before a word could come out you were stomping threw his head with your boot.
You turned back to see the group heading into the woods. A man with a all to familiar winged vest leading them. You felt relief, he is there, he is ok. Your attention was back to the door the rest of the men you hadn't killed ran to. You looked around to the body's surrounded you. You walked over to the door stepping over there bodies.
Your slaughter was not over with yet.
Group POV
Walkers were approaching while everyone was trying to climb the fence. From a roof gun shots were rain down at there feet before abruptly stopping. Rick turned to see a hooded figured fighting and killing two of the men. He turned to climb over the fence himself. Turning back to see the figure staring at them before whipping around at something behind them and running at it. It was Daryl that first spoke up.
"Looks like someone is killin' those assholes. We gotta go man." Rick only nodded as he walked with everyone to the woods. They needed to go find the bag they buried.
Daryl was tracking their old prints to it. The conversation that followed the recover of there thing was Rick saying that these people couldn't live. The conversation was interrupted by a twig snapping in the woods. Carol appeared around a tree. Daryl ran to hug her. After your death Daryl just needed someone other then Rick to talk to about you (and Beth when they got drunk).
Carol was also expecting you to come flying at her for a hug. Her two favorite people. Rick approached "Was that you?" He pointed backwards. He appeared about ready to cry. Carol shock her head, "Not fully, there was another person, I simply opened the door. I tried to follow them but lost them." Rick embraced her. "Thank you." He pulled back from her, "Was this person wearing a black hood?" Carols eyes widened and she nodded. "I also found these for you." She pulled out Rick's gun and watch.
Carol took a second to look around at everyone there. When she didn't see you among them she turned to Daryl with a questioning look. 'Where is she?' the look Daryl's face turned understanding the unspoken question. That and Ricks looking down knowing the question to. Carol brought a hand to her face, "How?" Daryl stared off into the distance like he was seeing it again before swallowing the lump in his throat and talking, "It- happened at the prison, a walker." This was news to Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, and Bob. They all knew who he was talking about. Maggie turned into Glenn's side. While they had found each other Daryl had seen you die. They were lucky, and Daryl had seen the things of there nightmares. It was worse for Glenn knowing to be on the look out for possible rings for you while on runs.
Carols voice cut threw the sad tension, "You have to come with me." Carol led them to a shack. Seeing Judith and Tyrese lifted some spirits. They were together again despite everything. They needed to get away from this nightmare of a place and move on.
It was later when they got a camp going for the night when Carol approached Daryl. She rested her hand on his knee. Daryl looked over and nodded in understanding at her attempt of comfort. Daryl looked to the forest before speaking, "Are first date Y/n had found a stray dog walking the streets. She jumped out the car without saying a word. Coming back with a shivering old dog." Daryl smiled at the memory before turning to look at Carol. "That date I worried about planning was thrown away to her apartment taking care of that dog. That's when I knew she was going to more then anything I thought I deserved." Carol took in the information, they were private about most thing in there relationship. Carol simply smiled, "Its people like her that have so much love to give it flows into anything around them." A chill ran up their spine ruining the moment. They both looked to the woods, the feeling of eyes on them. 'They weren't alone out here...'
Your POV
You found the tracks of the men who fled you. You notice they were headed to in the direction you saw your family head. Even more reason to kill them. Their seemed to be a good few of them as well.
The orange glow of a fire attracted you like a moth. Four sat near the fire discussing, "They stopped for the night, we'll take shifts making sure they stay there." Your jaw tightened, they were stalking your group. One of them would be watching yours group away from theirs. You were going to pick them off one by one.
You moved quietly through the woods. Tightening the strings of your hood and abandoning the gross blanket. Your left hand ache but the cold of night was helping the burning feeling it was spreading all in your hand. Your eyes shifting from tree to tree looking for the man that was watching. You saw the silhouette leaning into a tree. A distance away you could make out a slight glow of orange. They were right there... but they weren't safe yet.
You ducked between trees getting closer to the guy. Shoulders aching while you lifted your knife above your head to kill him. You were getting tired and the amount of walking and running you had done this day was probably why you missed. The man spun around swiping his knife back at you. The metal of the crossbow on your back blocked the blade from you. You thrusted the knife in your left hand into him. You slashed him between the ribs but lost grip of the knife doing so. He screams alerting both camps to his injury. You had hesitated with the vibration in your hand, leaving the man the chance to start running.
You chased after him with your original knife. He was headed to the fire, which one you didn't know. He was to far in front of you to hit. You remembered the bolt already pulled in the weapon on your back. Rolling it off your shoulders and aiming at the man about to break in to the clearing, you fired it. The sound of him falling made you jog over to were you hit him, out of breath, head and heart pounding.
The scream had made everyone pause in your camp, looking to each other as they quietly picked up there weapons. The sound of someone rushing toward them made them all stand and take aim in the direction. A man fell into their view with a arrow in his lower back, he slowly still trying to crawl away. Daryl taken notice it was one of his. A much slower pace followed behind him.
You broke through the brush panting, crossbow in left and knife in your right hand. You noticed first the man you had shot, then all the weapons aimed at you. You dropped the crossbow to the floor... moving to take your hood off. Your face was splatted with blood and sweat dripped from your hair line. You looked to everyone but stopped when you landed on Daryl. He slowly lowered his gun in disbelief. The man groaning in pain regained your attention and you flung the knife down landing into his skull.
Daryl was making a slow approach to you at first before you sniffled trying to hold back the tears and voice a simple, "Hey..." At your voice Daryl ran into you. Tucking your face into his neck as he curled into you. Holding onto you for dear life. The rest of the group had broken out in surprise and some tears. The new comers understanding your friend not foe. Rick approached as well looking down to the body you had killed, eyes wide, "You were the one killing them...?" You nodded still in your embrace with your lover. Carol approaching and hugging you from the side. You were surprised to see her, she had left the prison before anything had happened. She spoke as she side hugged you, "You were the one who leading all those walkers." Carol couldn't believe you could have done such a thing. You had nodded again and replied in realization, "And you with the gas tank."
Daryl had pulled back from you to look at your face, "How is this possible, I saw that walker take you down- Then I had heard the screams, I couldn't-" You stopped him by raising both of your hands, "I did get bit." You wiggled all your existing fingers, "Now I can only count to 8 though." Daryl's eyes were glassy, he had a black eye, he seemed to be abought to break out into a string of apologies. You reached to grab his face and rubbed his cheek with your thumb. You had to look away to turn to Rick. "Those asshole were camping near by and watching you. I would go check if their still there but knowing them they tucked tail and ran."
Rick nodded and took half the group to investigate. Leaving you at the camp with the rest. You were starting to crumple under exhaustion. You sat by the fire next to Daryl leaning into him. He rubbed a hand to your back while Maggie was taking a look at your hand. Carl standing behind her holding Judith trying to catch a glimpse of your injury. You smiled hazily at the sight. You leaned your head back into Daryl's shoulder, "You were right about, “All sweet and nice things in this world get crushed and die.” I felt a piece die in me while on a rampage... I killed so many of them, but don't feel a shred of guilt for doing so." Maggie looked up to look at both of you from cleaning and bandaging your hand, Daryl had his jaw clenched but just leaned into you. It was Carl that spoke, "How many did you kill?" You closed your eyes relaxing for the first time, feeling safe in Daryl's presence. You let out a small sigh,
"Not all of them, but I counted about 8."
It was most defiantly more then 8...
Hope you enjoyed! A FYI my requests are always open! They’re also encouraged!
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anantaru · 2 years
˖˚˳⊹ face sitting feat. kazuha : diluc : heizou : cyno : al haitham : tighnari x fem! reader
˖˚˳⊹ warnings: nsfw
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a tickling caress crawls up your whole body as kazuha desperately tasted your juices on his needy tongue. You're so comfortable right now, sitting on his face so fucking nicely, his nose nudging ever so slightly against your puffy bundle of nerves before he's proceeding to prod the tip of his tongue against your hole now, knowing far too well on how to get you over the edge.
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you're releasing a shuddered moan around him, hands flying towards kazuha's head to hide your fingers into his unruly hair, tugging on it whenever he'd pick up on pace so you'd hold your balance. Your legs were beginning to strain from all the moving around, stopping to ride his tongue was yet the very last thing you'd do, far to gone in the feeling of the wet squishy muscle that was licking up all your precious juices. Kazuha adored your taste, how it melted together with it spit and combined you both to one, it was so lewd yet passionate, by far the most intimate affection in his eyes.
˖˚˳⊹ 𝗗𝗜𝗟𝗨𝗖
twining your needy fingers into diluc's vibrant red hair was something you always did whenever he'd want you to face ride him. Your hips were rocking down to meet his swollen lips, developing an even further connection between the both of you as you felt yourself get wetter at both your juices pooling down your hole and diluc's saliva melting into it.
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a warm huff of breath was crawling over your sensitive skin as you yanked into his mouth at the reaction, throwing your head back in ecstasy before voicing yet another strangled moan. Diluc's eyes were shining, gleaming towards you before scrunching them shut to relish in your delicate juices. "you're so good at this." the praise you were sending right to his ears was surely getting to his head, coaxing him on to flick his tongue faster into your heat while his digits pressed further into the soft of your skin. "your taste is addicting, darling." he's mumbling against your glistering folds, your eyes rolling back now and welcoming the orgasm that suddenly washed over you in shockwaves.
heizou felt himself melt into his role more with each flick of his tongue around your puffy folds, mumbling yet another lewd praise before prodding the tip on your hole, tasting the juices you gave him so generously. You feel his hands tighten on you as he squeezed at the softness of your ass, keeping you still so he could properly work.
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you roll your eyes back when he circled his tongue around the gooey substance, a breathy moan leaving his lips had shockwaves rush over you in fast moves. He'd always experiment with new positions to slide his tongue around, yet always making sure to reach every single sweet spot he knew you adored. Heizou's memories never failed him, he was pretty confident in his abilities and was always aware on what to do to bring you towards the edge of releasing. And archons, did he love whenever you climaxed on his face, thighs shaking violently around his head and staining his cheeks and chin, even if he tried to swallow up everything you gave him he'd still be unable to do so, yet he didn't mind, actually preferred it messy if he was being honest.
˖˚˳⊹ 𝗖𝗬𝗡𝗢
cyno smiled at you as he leaned back on the soft pillows underneath his head, his hands holding your hips steadily over his face before lowering you on him. He's starting off slow, yet painful, thick circles around your clit had you arch your spine at him, moaning out screaming when cyno finally picked up on pace to increase your pleasure by a tenfold, tongue creeping down to your hole that was greatly releasing your juices to him.
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it didn't take him long to bring one of his hands from your hips to your lower stomach, pressing his thumb on your clit before slipping it inside your throbbing hole. You‘re bucking your heat into the newfound harder pleasure on you. Cyno‘s tongue and thumb were now working simultaneously, rubbing your clit while his wet muscle tried to slip in as far as the position would allow it. The pressure deep inside your stomach changed with each stroke at cyno‘s skilled movements, gasping as his tongue pulled out of your hole, before delving into your core again as far as he could. He‘s so good at this, you figured, yet he wasn‘t even aware of that! not to mention that his eyes were scrunched shut the whole time, deepening the moment for himself before finally making you release around his face, trying your best not to strangle him with your shivering thighs.
"i want you to cum for me." al haitham was saying that in between harsh breathing before lowering you back on his rough tongue. You moaned at the thought of releasing all over his face, the lewd sight of it would certainly make you cum again if you were being honest. You were sure he was more than aware of that too, he's so cunning and almost mysterious like, never voicing what he was thinking right now, keeping it to himself at all times.
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al haitham was going faster again, flicking his tongue around your sensual folds before moving back to your sweet bundles, sucking lightly on it to coax out a reaction from you as he hollowed his cheeks. You're feeling a shiver run down your spine, the moves of his wet muscle was running goosebumps on your skin. You're breathing out harshly as you scrunched your eyes shut, bucking your hips forward into his mouth before beginning to face ride the man underneath you. His hands were loosening up on your hips, showing you encouragement to keep on going. He would lie if he'd say he doesn't like being in control, yet sometimes, even he adored being used by you in many ways. Just be aware that al haitham will come back to you for this. Yes, of course, he allowed it for now but later he's going to make sure to punish you thoroughly for thinking you're the one running things around your relationship.
tighnari would always start with rush kitty licks to explore your folds and figure out what you enjoyed the most. He was incredibly observing, you were aware of that very well as it didn't take him long to decipher that one weak spot of yours. You voiced tiny moans and harsh breathing as your heart pounded heavily against your chest, overwhelmed with stimulation caused by the man underneath you.
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you squirmed when tighnari flattened his tongue in between your puffy folds before dragging and spreading your juices over your clit. His tongue yet again circled around in heavy strokes before rolling down to your tight hole, collecting more of your slick around his wet muscle and feeling how his spit connected perfectly with it. You buried your hands in his hair while tugging on his strands— his ears twitching in response after every tug, beginning to move your hips into his tongue and bucking forward. Looking down you saw his beautiful eyes scrunched shut in concentration, so eager to please you, it was quite funny almost. Tighnari's hands tightened around your hips to pull you down further into his warm mouth before practically moving you back and forward on his own— he really wanted to know it now. Your impatient moans and whines fell to deaf ears as you arched your spine into him, crying out screaming on how close you were and archons, how he enjoyed hearing you like that, he's going to make sure to let you unravel and cry out some more.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Dolores del Río (Flying Down to Rio, Flor silvestre)—to begin with, dolores is so RADIANTLY BEAUTIFUL, even more so in action then in images, its like she emits a literal glow. marlene dietrich (a close friend and rumored lover) considered her "the most beautiful woman who ever set foot in hollywood". she was the first mexican actress to become a major success in hollywood, rising to fame in the silent era and becoming an influential icon of beauty and glamor in the art deco age, though she was not thrilled with the exoticizing parts often pushed on her. in the mid 1940s having tired of the controlling hollywood studio system she returned to mexico, saying "I wish to choose my own stories, my own director and cameraman. I can accomplish this better in mexico", and proceeded to become a pivotal figure in the golden age of mexican cinema, making a string of masterpieces with directir emilio fernández and cinematographer gabriel figueroa. i love this anecdote about the insane art deco mansion she and her then-husband cedric gibbons lived in in the 30s, as related by david niven: "Dolores had a large sunny room on the first floor containing a huge and inviting bed. Gibbons lived in comparative squalor in a small room immediately below. The only connection between these rooms was by way of a stepladder, which could be lowered only when a trapdoor in the floor of Dolores room had been raised. There was a long stick with which, we conjectured, he signaled his intention or hopes by rapping out signals on the floor of his wife’s bedchamber." heres a pinterest album with a billion hot pictures of her
Fay Wray (King Kong)— the original scream queen!! she started acting in silent comedies as a teenager and got her first big break when erich von stroheim cast her as the lead in the wedding march. her career started to take off starring in silent movies at paramount, and she survived the transition to sound smoothly - josef von sternberg’s weird proto-noir thunderbolt was one of her first sound films. she began to make horror movies in the early 1930s, such as doctor x and mystery of the wax museum, both filmed in beautiful two-strip technicolor (which looked like this if you're curious. i just think it's neat!), as well as the vampire bat, the most dangerous game, and of course the boy himself, king kong. a little on how she worked with her most famous costar: “Although Kong appeared huge, the full figure was a model covered with rabbit hair, standing only 18 inches tall, that was filmed one frame at a time by stop-motion photography artist Willis O'Brien and his crew. The 5ft 3in Wray only knew one part of the ape's body when she was grasped in an articulated 8ft long hand. Hence the title of her 1989 autobiography, On The Other Hand. ‘I would stand on the floor,’ she recalled, ‘and they would bring this arm down and cinch it around my waist, then pull me up in the air. Every time I moved, one of the fingers would loosen, so it would look like I was trying to get away. Actually, I was trying not to slip through his hand.’” (link)
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Dolores del Rio:
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There's so much! She started in Silent films and successfully transitioned to sound, She is the first woman to wear a two piece swimsuit on screen & popularized the bikini!, She transitioned back to Mexican Cinema in the late 1940s and was a leading lady of the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema including staring in Maria Candelaria--the first Mexican film to win the palm d'Or at Cannes. She was literally studied for her beauty & was considered a beauty ideal in both the USA & Mexico--there's a whole section on her Wikipedia page about how beautiful everyone thinks she was. She never actually had a feud with any of the female stars she was rumored to feud with despite the fact that press & Hollywood culture attempted to pain them in competition... She remained a leader in Mexican theater & Cinema through her own production company. Mexican painter Diego Rivera: "The most beautiful, the most gorgeous of the west, east, north and south. I'm in love with her as 40 million Mexicans and 120 million Americans who can't be wrong" (quote source: Wikipedia)
*fan self* Leading actress in silents and early Hollywood. Lover of Orson Welles until she got fed up with him, friend of Diego Rivera and Frieda Kahlo. When she got tired of Hollywood executives typecasting her as a stereotypical spitfire (and trying to force her to feud with Lupe Velez as a publicity stunt), she ditched Hollywood and became a major star of Mexican cinema, where she got to play rounded characters
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Had a career in American cinema in the 20s and 30s and considered one of the most important figures in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema (30s to 50s).
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Marlene Dietrich said Dolores was the most beautiful woman to set foot in Hollywood
Joan Crawford: "Dolores became, and remains, as one of the most beautiful stars in the world."
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One of the few Latin American women working in the Hollywood industry to make it big not just in hre home country but internationally. In 1931, Photoplay magazine declared that Mexican film actress Dolores del Rio had the "best figure in Hollywood." (which I know not necessarily a good barometer) but! it shows that many people looked at her for her beauty and sought to emulate her. Famous for her years-long love affair with actor and director Orson Welles, who was 10 years her junior if that's anything.
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We need more hispanic representation in this!! Del Río is one of the most important actresses of her time as she was one of the first Mexican movie stars to break through to Hollywood! She’s unbelievably sexy and an absolute icon. Thank you :)
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Fay Wray:
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Actress prominently known for starring in horror, she was one of cinema's original "scream queens". She knocks it out of the park whenever she's with the horror genre, bringing a depth and likability to characters that would other be flat and boring characters.
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An early scream queen, name me another woman who could look so beautiful while so disheveled and scared for her life
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She was name-dropped not once but TWICE in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. She's arguably the original Scream Queen.
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linddzz · 4 months
Here an assortment of Facts About Morpheus in the Red Flags AU. Where I'm starting to lean more towards the version where they meet and are already into each other before the ""Fake Date"" Incident:
-Jessamy is the raven he took care of when he found her injured outside of his townhome. He now has a room with a window he often keeps open for her to fly into whenever she feels like it. I don't know how legal any of this is in London but tbh it doesn't matter because he also does not know what the laws are and doesn't care.
- His townhome is very dark maximalist in decor, which tends to surprise people at first. There are houseplants and little statues all over, and the walls are hidden behind millions of bookshelves. There is an art studio room and books scattered everywhere. Very recently, hypothetical visitors would notice a lot of child locks and child proofed areas that have a bit of a panicked "I bought every safety thing in the store bc I have no idea wtf I'm doing" energy to them.
- He has a therapist. Yes, the Morpheus that Hob meets is the upgraded version who is actually working on himself already. This is what the improved personal growth version of Morpheus is like.
Anyway, said therapist is Gilbert F. Greene. Because Morpheus going head to head with an unstoppable force of old timey adorable optimism who will also not take his shit is delightful. Dr. Greene insists on going by first names and Morpheus always makes "Gilbert" sound like a slur in retaliation. Some conversations I imagine include:
"Good morning Gilbert, you will never guess who had what you might call a """relapse into self destructive behaviors"""" last night."
"I am very sorry to hear that my dear boy. Let me say though, that I am so very proud of you for calling me! That is a phenomenal step for you and it's wonderful that you are being proactive in your recovery."
"Don't patronize me Gilbert. I will hang up."
(this ended up being super long so I'm just gonna spare y'all's dash. Warning for some lightly touched on mentions of drug use and self destructive behavior.)
- Him getting a therapist was part of the requirements for gaining visitation rights and then weekend custody once a month with Orpheus. The therapy is actually helping, and he's bitter about that.
- His given name is actually Dream, he goes by his middle name. All the Endless siblings have awful names. Desire goes by Adonai because who calls a fucking child Desire???
When Hob meets the rest of the family, Destiny goes "it's good to see you again, Dream" and Hob begins turning to Morpheus like "lmao who tf is named Dream" only to find Morpheus glaring daggers at his brother.
- The Endless parents are rarely around. Some of the siblings still live in the manor and they all use it for family dinners, but it's common for their parents to be off travelling for years at a time.
- Morpheus is an author and a painter who has a bajillion pen names to go with each genre he writes in, so it's hard to figure out exactly how much he's written. Even before becoming a father though, his face and full name is mostly associated with children's fantasy stories that he illustrates himself, and his Art vs Artist vibe is very Miyazaki.
Him and Calliope collaborated on a series of illustrated poetic translations of ancient epics. Their divorce was exactly as messy as one might imagine the divorce between two passionate artist types might be.
- His downward spiral of self destruction started before the divorce but oh boy did it nosedive during and after.
- When she got pregnant after divorce proceedings had started, there was a moment where they were both meeting with lawyers and one asked something along the lines of if this meant they would try for reconciliation and staying together. Calliope said "no" immediately.
It's not like Morpheus exactly thought they would get back together, but the speed and firmness of that hard "no" had his head screaming with white noise and some badly thought out self medication for months, which ended up being why Calliope got full custody and he is just now able to get more involved with the now two year old Orpheus.
- His rebound with Thessaly was also messy. She was just in it for a fun fling and he was... Morpheus. He found out he got dumped when she informed him she was already in the process of moving back to Greece, and Johanna said he needed to be banned from any more beautiful Greek expats from that day forth.
- No one can figure out what the deal is with him and Lucienne. The simple explanation is they're queerplatonic soul mates. Lucienne's wife Gault thinks they're a bit codependent (not an inaccurate assessment), but is more civil with him since the day she yelled at him to go get an actual therapist instead of constantly putting his shit on Lucienne, and he actually did. (It is unclear if this or Calliope demanding therapy for him to get visitation with Orpheus was his wake up call catalyst, but probably a bit of both.)
- Lucienne was originally a personal assistant. She now works as his editor since she seems to be the only person who can keep track of all the shit he's written. She is also the only person who can get away with critiquing his works in progress without sending him into a fit where he might burn all his manuscripts.
- When Morpheus started mentioning this Gadling guy a lot, Lucienne paid a visit to the pub. Not to do anything so crude as to threaten a man's life if he breaks her sensitive friend's heart. What could she do anyway? No no. She's just here to smile with zero trace of humor and ask some questions while looking him up and down through her spectacles. Hob will later describe this as one of the most pants shitting moments of his life, and he felt like he got transformed back into a primary school kid who talked slightly too loudly in the library.
- Morpheus went through a slutty phase during and shortly after University that was less of a healthy and fun exploration of his sexuality and libido, and a bit more "I will take anyone who will have me in any way they will want me and I know that if nothing else, I'm pretty."
- Him and Johanna used to have a game seeing who could get more free drinks in one night. This had to be put to an end when it turned into the catalyst for at least three screaming fights between them.
Fight subjects were
Quality vs Quantity. Morpheus insists his ability to get people to buy him a single glass of wine that costs £50 beats Johanna's cheap beers. Johanna disagreed. loudly.
Is it cheating when Morpheus ran to the bathroom to smudge on some eyeliner and then stole Johanna's lip gloss? Is it further cheating when Johanna realized that his main method of getting drinks was "act like Adonai"? Accusations that he would ever act like his horrid annoying younger sibling sent Morpheus into an absolute tantrum.
Competitiveness DID overcome sibling rivalry enough for Morpheus to go to Adonai for makeover assistance. This backfired because it made Morpheus hot to the point of intimidating, and Johanna won that night.
- After Hob starts flirting with him, Morpheus goes suspiciously into a Romantic, Pre-Raphaelite inspired art era featuring lots of noble knights with dark sunlit hair. A lot of them seem to be lured in by dark haired fae entities all La Belle Sans Merci style. It's disgustingly obvious.
-Therapy has made him juuuuust self aware enough to know that he MAYBE tends to go a bit hard and fast with romance. This makes him a little more cautious with Hob than he usually would be, and he's doing a bit of "Hob is so nice and sweet and interested but I'm gonna mess it up :(((" pining. Everyone around him is fucking sick of it. He is not self aware enough to realize he's still going super hard and fast, but this time he's doing it while sighing sadly and drawing Hob in his sketchbook all the fucking time.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
That was amazing! This will be my last request around Eri!Reader until you reopen your requests so I’m not spamming you! (Thank you so much for writing these, I get so excited whenever you post since your so amazing and talented!! 💞✨)
Part 14 After returning to Water 7 to heal from their battle (And happy to learn Franky is going to make them a Ship and join them) Garp the Fist comes in, and reveals to be Luffy’s Grandfather, but before he could continue beating the snot out of Luffy, Reader stops him (Garp is happy to finally meet his one and only Granddaughter Reader!)
However Garp ends up pissed when Luffy told him Spadam hit her, and wants to get his hands on him! (No one puts their hands on his Granddaughter!! NO ONE!!)
Though Reader calms Luffy and Garp down from wanting to go back/to Enies Lobby to beat Spadam up (Garp’s cackling after learing that his sweet Granddaughter hit Spadam in his ‘Royal Jewels’, as he’s very proud of her for doing that) and leaves the Straw Hats alone after telling Luffy about his dad Dragon (Not before promising to spend time with Reader and gives her one of his Rice Crackers)
For the next 3 days the Straw Hats and all of Water 7 had a huge party, with Reader playing around with Chimney and Gonbei in her bathing suit Franky gave her (Including little Arm Floats that look like Starfish/Kitties)
And with Nami’s help, Reader calls Ace to talk with him, and Ace was holding in his rage after hearing what his little sister went through (As she told him it was scary) and the fact she got slapped, but he started laughing when Luffy told him what Reader did to Spadam’s ‘Jewels’ (Whitebeard and his sons were doing the same thing as Ace, angry and furious, but proceeded to laugh hysterically after learning what Reader did to someone’s ‘Jewels’)
I love Whitebeard so much (He’s so protective and caring about those apart of his family) he’s just a giant softie
They all see not only Zoro, Luffy, Robin and Reader’s Bounties upgraded, but everyone get a Bounty themselves (And everyone screamed when Reader’s bounty Skyrocketed again at 320-350 Million)
Reader also comforts her Brother Sanji about his Wanted Poster by giving him one of her own drawings of him (It’s a kid drawing, but compared to Luffy, it’s 100x better than his art skills and she drew it out of love)
I’ll wait until next time to ask you for a Garp and Eri!Reader Special (They’re going to spend a whole day together!) it’s just pure. unadulterated. Fluff.
-It had been two days since you and your family arrived back from Enies Lobby, as many of you were severely injured, you were luckily, being the least injured, but after overworking your quirk, you were just as tired as the rest of them.
-You were so happy that Franky was a part of the crew and that Usopp was back, as you felt protective of your family, you never wanted any of them to leave- you never wanted to be apart from them.
-Franky was super nice to you as the others were slowly waking up, both him and Iceburg treating you to breakfast as you were the first to wake up.
-You were in awe, seeing Luffy still sleeping but also eating, unable to look away until Sanji and Nami yelled at him to wake up while Robin and Usopp were laughing lightly at the sight.
-A knock then came from the door before it burst open and Franky dropped his shoulder, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the debris.
-A large man then entered, a marine which made you clutch at Franky’s Hawaiian shirt, scared as everyone was quickly able to recognize this man, Monkey D. Garp!
-Luffy’s jaw was dropped, “Grandpa?!” everyone quickly turned in shock, hearing this, yelling in shock while your little hands came to your face in shock.
-Garp then made you gasp as he punched Luffy, sending him flying into a wall. Zoro and Sanji were stunned, ready for a fight, seeing that he was able to hurt Luffy.
-You pushed on Franky’s chest and you managed to slip out of his arms and you ran over as Garp stalked towards Luffy, cracking his knuckles, ready to discipline him before you ran in front of your brother.
-Your arms were spread and you had big fat tears in your eyes, “Please don’t hurt my big brother!” everything froze, seeing you protecting Luffy and Garp stammered, trying to tell you that he wasn’t going to hurt Luffy, just discipline him.
-The tears fell from your eyes and Garp instantly fell to his knees, hugging you close, “Grandpa’s so sorry little Y/N! I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
-You sniffled loudly as Luffy struggled to his feet, a bit dizzy, before you spoke, “You’re my grandpa?” Garp glared at Luffy, his eyes turning red, “You didn’t tell her about your one and only grandpa?!”
-You tugged on Garp’s shirt gently, not seeing him as someone so scary now, “I have two grandpas- you’re my second one!”
-Garp turned to stone in shock before crumbling into a sobbing pile while Robin picked you up, holding you up on her hip, he cried, lamenting that he wasn’t your first grandpa.
-He then shot up, looking completely fine, looking fired up, “So who was your first grandpa?!” he wanted to find out to take that title from whoever got to you first, no matter who it was.
-You beamed brightly, your arms lifting to the sky happily, “I’ve never seen him but I’ve talked to him with Big Brother Ace- he said his name is Whitebeard!”
-The flames around Garp seemed to increase, growing hotter as his eyes turned red, furious that his adorable granddaughter had been adopted by Whitebeard of all people and that you saw him as your first grandpa, while Garp was in second place!
-He could only imagine you (in cartoon form), in Whitebeard’s arms, laughing with him as he stood on the 1st place spot of a podium while Garp was on his knees in second place.
-Garp wasn’t going to deal with your crew at the moment, instead joining you all for a meal, you sitting on his knee as you held a cup of juice.
-Garp noticed the bandage on your head, “What caused this?” you lifted your hand to your head and Nami was the one to answer, “It was that marine, Spandam- he hit Y/N for trying to protect Robin.”
-Garp froze, turning white, hearing that a grown adult- a grown man, put his hands on a child, injuring you as he was quick to get fired up, “Where is the bas-basket case!” he caught himself, not wanting to swear in front of you.
-You didn’t know why he was calling Spandam a basket, before his face appeared in your head, and his mask did look a bit like a basket.
-Your family was also still furious at Spandam, glaring and voicing their own anger while you were eating a cookie Garp gave to you.
-Nami pointed at him, scolding him, “Oi! Don’t be giving her cookies for breakfast!” you flinched as Garp just beamed brightly, “It’s fine- it’s fine!” Sanji grabbed you, “It is not fine! She needs healthy food in the morning.” Garp pouted, wanting to spoil you.
-He then spoke again, “So where is Spandam?” a few grins appeared as Franky ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N here took care of him, with a well-placed headbutt to the family jewels!”
-Garp laughed loudly, finding it hysterical, before he ruffled your head, praising you before he stood, telling Luffy about Dragon, his dad and you had question marks floating around your head, as you didn’t know any dragons.
-Luffy told you that he would tell you all about his dad and Garp gave you a bag of cookies, “I have to leave now my little Y/N~ I’ll come back to spend some time with you.”
-You smiled up at him, holding your hand up to him, extending your pinkie finger, “Pinkie promise?” Usopp was the one to teach you about pinkie promises, and Garp as well as several others around, Usopp, Luffy, Franky, Iceberg, and Sanji, all collapsed to the ground, clutching at their chests at your cuteness.
-After Garp left and all the damage caused by Aqua Laguna was fixed, everyone celebrated! There was a huge party with drinking, eating lots of barbeque, and you got to run around with Chimney in the water, being a normal kid for one, wearing your starfish shaped water wings that Franky gave you over your wet suit.
-Franky was confused why you were wearing a wet suit as he was your lifeguard, letting you sit on his leg, asking you and you pulled your arms in close, looking down at your hands, “There’s…” you couldn’t speak, instead pulling your sleeve up, showing him the scars, at least some of them, on your arms.
-His eyes were wide, seeing his as he held your hand gently, before a hand on his head pulled him out of his shock, and you both saw Luffy there who kneeled down, seeing you showing Franky your scars, “Someone hurt Y/N- badly. We don’t know much, but all we know is that he will never touch her again.”
-You gave Luffy a small nod before you all decided to head to the ship for a private party, having a bath with Robin and Nami while the boys started up a barbeque.
-You ran out to Luffy, grabbing his hand, pulling him away from the fire, looking excited as Nami grinned, walking out with Ace’s DenDen Mushi, “Nami and I are gonna call Ace and grandpa!”
-You sat on Luffy’s lap while he continued to eat, not bothering you heard it ringing before you heard Ace, “Is this my most favorite little sister~?” you giggled warmly, “Hi Ace!”
-Aboard the Moby Dick, their own drinking party, because it was Wednesday, everything went quiet as most everyone huddled around Ace, hearing the voice of their adorable little sister and granddaughter.
-You and Ace talked about your most recent adventures, including where Robin was kidnapped and then you were taken too. Ace was furious, flames surrounding him as they all heard that Spandam hurt you- and Whitebeard was ready to call for an attack before Nami had to tell Ace that you took care of Spandam yourself, taking out his family jewels.
-It was silent on the other side, all their anger instantly leaving before you flinched back into Luffy’s arms, hearing the roar of laughter from the other side.
-Once Ace was able to breathe again, he spoke, “What else happened?” you beamed brightly, “I met another grandpa- his name is Garp!”
-Ace shivered deeply, recalling his own memories of Garp before he managed to force a smile, “Oh? And how was he?” you thought for a moment, “Kinda loud- and he cried when I told him that Whitebeard is my first grandpa, while he was my second.”
-Whitebeard beamed warmly, hearing that he was your first, but he couldn’t help but imagine Garp lamenting over the fact that he was the second.
-The following day, you woke up to loud shouting and you wandered out of your room, a little delirous as you wandered over, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed Zoro’s pants, “Why is everyone yelling?”
-He kneeled down, putting his hand on your head and your eyes went wide as everyone showed you their new bounties, your eyes immediately sparkling brightly.
-Robin then smiled, “Here Y/N- this one is yours.” You looked exited, taking it while Luffy was pouting lightly, seeing your 400,000,000 beri bounty while you were gawking, “So many zeros!”
-You quickly ran to put it up on your wall, showing the other bounties as well and you beamed, feeling proud of yourself.
-You then noticed Sanji looked sad when you came back out and you quickly found out why, because the marines didn’t have a good photo, so they used a crudely drawn one by Luffy instead and Sanji was upset because it didn’t look a thing like him!
-You quickly ran back to your room, coming out with your drawing materials Usopp had given you and you got to work, making a new bounty poster to make your big brother happy!
-It took you over an hour to draw, everyone who had seen you saw the focus on your face before you ran to Sanji, “I made it better!”
-You drew your own bounty poster, including ‘bounty’ being spelled wrong, and a children’s drawing in the middle, showing Sanji making food with hearts surrounding him.
-Sanji fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he held it up to the sky, overwhelmed with happiness before he cried into his elbow, thanking you warmly, making you beam before your smile grew as he put it on the fridge, “So I can see it every day!”
-You celebrated with your crew, having a big feast to celebrate the new bounties, unaware of the, literal, darkness on the horizon.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
that stream was such a mess, thank you for watching it though!!
in summary:
started with my screen turned off, didn’t realize
used chat to troubleshoot my echoing audio
locked Pangur in the room while I left to get a beverage, while she screamed pitifully
finally got everything working, loaded the game, then spent half an hour locked in the starting cell in an increasing state of derangement because I wasn’t clicking the right pixel
for the next two hours got repeatedly murdered by the Maniac because I kept leaving the room in sub-pristine condition, which clued him in that I could leave my cell
stepped in multiple bear traps
I accidentally turned off my screen again for a bit, while chat screamed in rage
brief rant about how I thought I’d just swallowed a fly 
it turned out the ‘fly’ was instant coffee that hadn’t dissolved in my mug. then proceeded to swallow the remaining instant coffee clumps on camera
told my friend who was moderating that I desired them both romantically and sexually
went on wiki how to solve the game puzzle
still couldn’t do it
stepped in one last bear trap and rage quit
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derangedanomaly · 21 days
Mafia boys(yes, mafia bad sans) getting a wife after crashing a rival mafia boss supposed wedding, now they are rewarded with Reader who has a elegant personality she was basically forced into the marriage and all
You could only stare at the man you're supposed to marry.. the marriage in which you were so crudely forced to. "Now, Y/N L/N, do you take **** as your lawfully wedded husband?" You gulped, hesitating, of course you don't want to! But if you refuse, there'll be a death sentence ready for you.. it's like walking on a field full of mines...
"...I-" a glass breaking startled everyone at the ceremony, as all the people stared at what or who made that noise... You can't help but feel slightly relieved, as this saved you from agreeing to this marriage...
A man stepped into the room, in a dark suit...it was-
Nightmare slowly walked up the stairs leading to you and the man who you were supposed to marry, and now who was kidnapping you. This day can't get worse...
Just as you thought everything was lost, a black droopy tentacle curled itself around your waist, holding you tightly. Nightmare then spoke to the unnamed man; "This is the end of our deal" he proceeded to impale the man.
Nightmares gaze than settled on you, looking all over you. "Hmm.." he hummed in interest. "What a pretty jewel.." you don't know why, but you suddenly mumbled.. "Please...P-Please help me.." his eyes widened, his smirk now evident. He chuckled, and placed you on a chair nearby.
"What a sight..." He sighed, and caressed your cheek. "H-Hey!" He snapped his head towards the quivering voice, his face now wearing a frown. "...I'll come back." He whispered to you, facing the man.
You couldn't help but stare back at the disappearing figure of the goopy man. Your cheeks than gained a red color, when his previous words settled into you.. 'What a pretty jewel..'
A sudden blast could be heard, as fire spread out across the ceremony. You yelped, and backed up a little, when the man suddenly grabbed you by the waist. "You ain't going nowhere you bitch!" You closed your eyes, and silently prayed for this to be over.
"Now this ain't any way to speak to a lady, is it?" Your head snapped up to look at who spoke those words, while the man behind you took out his gun. "H-Hey now! Back up man!" You didn't failed to notice the aching voice in the man's throat.
A man who's eyes were pitch black appeared in front of you. You jumped a little at the contact. "...Huh." he was observing you.. you couldn't help your cheeks getting flushed, when he moved closer. "HEY!" The man in front of you tsked, but flashed you a toothy smile. "I'll help you out in a moment toots." He winked, then proceeded to tackle the man.
What a charmer...
The man suddenly fell unconscious, and you were held up bridal style. You couldn't even process everything, when you were getting carried by someone unknown. Your gaze met his eyes, that were hidden under a hoodie.
"Hey, sorry for 'ruining' your joyous day, miss." You couldn't help but giggle at his words. "It's ok, It wasn't really a 'joyous' day for me..." He nodded, then came to a stop, and sat you on a chair. "I'll be right back, sit tight." He disappeared, and left you to your own thoughts.
What is even happening?
You stared in shock, at the scene in front of you. An axe came flying through the air, and cut open your 'future husbands' head... You stood there, completely shocked and frightened, while people screamed in the background.
You're met with what you could only describe as a living horror.. in front of you stands a man, with one red shining eye. He's sizing you up... You start to shake, and instinctively put your hands you, in surrender.
He didn't speak, only took your hands and threw you over his shoulder. You yelped in protest, but instantly stop, when you hear him finally speak... "I'm not.... going to hurt...you.." his voice was raspy, probably not used to talking much, but it was also deep.
You stayed quiet, while he carried you out of the venue. You didn't know, if you were saved, or doomed.. but by the look on his face, it was probably the first option.
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triplesilverstar · 9 months
That's one way to rumble in the Badlands
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Your heart still felt like it was burning inside your chest, when you closed your eyes you could still see it. Looking up through that glass from the backseat with Wolfwood as the bullet hit Vash, the look of shock and confusion on his face. Someone screamed as Vash fell from the vehicle, later Wolfwood had told you it had been you screaming. Watching as if in slow motion as one of your lovers fell to the ground between the two moving vehicles. 
Screaming at Wolfwood to turn around and back towards where his body was bouncing on the hard packed sand. The second you were at the sinkhole, Wolfwood was running, tying the rope around his waist before diving in after Vash. You’d grabbed the other end of the rope, hurrying back to the vehicle and tying it off. Reaching the edge of the hole to watch as Wolfwood lifted something from the sand, held tight in his grasp. Vash’s sunglasses. 
Wolfwood had grabbed you as you tried to dive in, screaming how Vash had to be alright, but Wolfwood wasn’t going to relent. Grip tight as he kept you held to his chest until you were done fighting, slumping down against his chest not caring that the young redhead was watching your breakdown. 
The last two days had been nothing but a shit show, from the moment Vash had seen that young woman on the sand steamer. A quick whisper to you how he needed to deal with something, a kiss to your forehead that no one but the two of you saw. Then last night, he’d met you in the hotel and once in the room, he’d fucked you senseless before whispering. “I love you, but I need to deal with a die I cast a long time ago. I’ll see you in the morning, Mayfly.” Getting dressed and leaving you behind in the cooling sheets. 
That morning had been this morning, and what a morning from the moment Gasback had shown up and Vash was… Well, Vash. Then Wolfwood had appeared shooting at both of you before suddenly stopping. Looking down at you while Vash scurried off “Hey, Sweetheart sorry it took me a while to catch up.” You’d proceeded to punch him in the leg. Fucking gunslinging priest.  
Now. Now you were alone in the room, arms wrapped around Vash’s bag face buried in the fabric near the top. Wolfwood had left you alone once you’d both gotten back to town, but he wasn’t far. You heard him dealing with his sorrow in his own way, beating up the furniture in the room next to yours. 
Later in the darkness, you’d heard him come back, a bottle of whiskey in hand and the punisher in the other, propping open the window and taking a seat beside it. “You should get some sleep.” You’d want to punch him, instead you’d listened moving and dropping onto the large bed. Fresh tears pouring from your eyes as you could smell Vash on the pillow. Remembering how he’d looked above you last night. 
When that redhead had shown up, Wolfwood offered up his services, holding a hand out asking if you wanted to come. Part of you wanted to stay and let your heart keep breaking, the other part wanted to go beat something to a bloody pulp. You let that part of you win. 
It had been fun, making your way up the opening in the rock formation and shooting everything out of the sky. You’d also gotten the chance to beat three of Gasback's men into a pulp. Feeling some of your anger start to cool. The man you wanted to beat though was just out of your reach, the whole time Gasback spoke all you saw was red. At least till a shot rang out, a familiar pistol appearing at the corner of your eye. 
And you saw red again when Vash burst out about his sweet Amelia fist flying and landing in his gut while Wolfwood asked for him to explain why he wasn't dead. “Gee Mayfly, I’m glad to see you too.” Doubled over and still pointing his pistol at Gasback. 
“I’ll take this outta your ass. Later.” Fuming beside Wolfwood you have to agree. Now is not the time for a lover's spat. 
“What, you’re not happy I’m alive?” Grinning while he holds his sunglasses, and yeah you are. But fuck if you aren’t pissed after mourning him all night. 
“Maybe I’ll beat your ass right now.” Grinding your teeth and trying to keep from exploding at the blond.
“That doesn’t sound like fun.” You’re certain you and Wolfwood are in the same boat right now, Vash is gonna pay later. And not in the way he thinks. 
“You let us think you were dead. Of course, we're fucking pissed off.” Things had moved on from there, and when you’d heard Gasback mention the die Vash cast it clicked into place. Even more so when Amelia spoke about her mother being Gasbacks’ wife. 
Now. Now the three of you were heading into your hotel room while the plant was being hooked back up in town. Wolfwood, the last one to enter, and when the door closed with a click all pretense of being a jovial dumbass slipped away. You didn’t get a chance to get a word in edgewise before Vash had you wrapped in his embrace, a hand in your hair tilting your head back and kissing you like a dying man. Or a man just back from the dead. “I didn’t mean to hurt you Mayfly.” Mumbled against your lips earnest in his apology. 
The sound of a smack ringing in the air as his head jolts forward “Seriously jackass. You left her balling her eyes out.” Grabbing a cigarette and dropping to sit in the chair while glaring at Vash. “Don’t scare us like that again.” 
“Says the man tha-” You don’t let Vash finish, sliding your hand over his lips to silence him. 
“It’s been a long day. Can’t we fight on the road later, ya know, like we usually do?” Letting your shoulders slump, feeling the exhaustion of thinking you’d lost Vash and had him back again sinking in. 
“Go shower needle-noggin. You aren’t getting in that bed with sand in your hair.” A grumble, but Vash relents after a quick kiss to your forehead. He starts to strip out of his clothes in the main room and leaves them in a pile. Once he’s in the bathroom, Wolfwood is putting his cigarette out and removing his shades. Tapping his thighs. “Come here, sweetheart.” 
As you slide into his lap, both of his arms pull you more onto him with one of his calloused hands tilting your head for a kiss. All you can taste is the ash and bitterness of his cigarette, moaning into the kiss as he deepens it. “We can get some payback if you want. It won’t be the same but we can make him watch and not let him join.” Nips and kisses along your jaw, and from the corner of your eye you can see Vash’s red coat. 
“I have a better idea” closing the distance and kissing Wolfwood once more, giving your hips a small roll. “If you’re up for it.” 
Skin clean and wrapping a towel around his waist Vash can hear groaning from the other room, his keen hearing picking up on the sound of slurping and it makes his cock twitch. Sighing he opens the door, well aware he’s probably going to be denied joining his lovers and getting to cum tonight. 
Swallowing hard as he moves into the room at the sight before him. Wolfwood is sitting in the chair still, hands tangled in your hair grunting and groaning clearly being sucked off. And you? You’re wearing his coat, on your knees between Wolfwood’s legs, humming and clearly enjoying yourself. 
Eyes narrowed in pleasure as Wolfwood looks at Vash, watching as the blond man swallows hard once more. A few beads of water collecting on his skin and running down along his scarred and patchwork skin. “That’s it, sweetheart, just like that.” 
The husky growl in his voice is making your core throb, well aware Vash has reappeared but you keep sucking. One hand on Wolfwood’s thigh to help keep yourself balanced, the other pumping around his shaft in time to your bobbing. Taking Wolfwood’s length about halfway, humming around the hot flesh in your mouth.
You can taste the saltiness of his pre-cum, pulling your lips to the tip before sliding down just enough to swirl your tongue around the head, playing with the slit. A low-pitched whine reaches your ears, aware it’s from Vash and you ignore it. “What’s the matter, Needle-noggin? It’s like you’ve never seen her sucking me off before.” You almost laugh around the cock in your mouth. Almost. Wolfwood’s delivery the perfect amount of bland disinterest and debaucherous.
Unable to see it, Vash is just opening and closing his mouth like a fish, still very much distracted by your smaller frame dwarfed by his coat. “Well. Aren’t you going to join us?” His gaze rising to meet Wolfwood’s eyes, which had not been what he had been expecting to hear. Stepping closer before a “tut, tut” reaches his ears, Wolfwood wagging a finger at him. “You should put some clothes on first.” 
Tilting his head like he’s so confused, Vash looks around the room, and the only article of clothing he can find is Wolfwood's suit jacket. He doesn’t even see his boots anywhere. “Ugh. Where are my clothes?” You’re far too occupied to answer him, and from the twitching of his cock and shuddering body Wolfwood is close to cuming. 
“Right there on the bed Needle-Noggin” hissing as Wolfwood tries to slow his breathing, the burning in his stomach almost too much. Knowing he needs to hold off a little bit longer before he can shoot his first load down your pretty throat.
“It’s your suit jac-” 
“Just put it on Needle-Noggin!” Voice snapping and using the hands tangled in your hair to pull you to the tip of his cock. You get the message that he’s trying to hold off, having been too invested in your bobbing and feeling your pussy starting to drip well aware your underwear was soaked to feel how close he was. 
Opening your eyes to look at Wolfwood and smile, a hand rubbing gently along the side of your head in return his touch tender. 
Vash with the suit jacket on and buttoned up, feels… awkward. He doesn’t mind being naked when it’s the three of you but this? This is different. The open chest of the jacket highlights the gouge along one of his pecs, a portion of the metal grating over his heart clearly visible. Most embarrassing of all? The way the bottom of the fabric was cut left his hard cock bobbing almost as if framed. 
“Damn Needle-Noggin, maybe you should wear my clothes more often.” As much as you want to turn and look at Vash you don’t, all part of the plan of seeming disinterested in your pretty blond man. 
“Very funny Wolfwood” voice despondent and he watches, part of him hurting that you’ve yet to acknowledge his returned presence. 
“I think you should get over here and put that cock to use Needle-Noggin, after all, you did break our pretty little lady's heart today.” A sign you’ve been waiting for, removing your lips from around Wolfwood’s cock with a loud pop.
“Vash~” breathless, and you don’t need to act for that to happen. “I feel so empty, Baby. Come fill me up.” Teasing as you give your hips a small wiggle before going back to sucking Wolfwood off. “Fuck” hissing after that Vash drops to his knees behind you, slapping your leather-covered ass and enjoying the moan you make before pushing the tails of his jacket away to reveal your ass. Groaning at the rest of the sight that greets him and his cock throbbing and twitching. He’d found his boots. Encasing your legs just up to your knees, the straps and laces are done up tight enough to keep them around your thinner legs. This close, Vash could also smell you, the fabric of your panties soaked hiding your slick core from him. Hooking his thumbs in the fabric and getting ready to pull them down. “Leave her underwear on” snaps from Wolfwood. Vash realizes this is a form of punishment for him, that he’s going to have to keep a hand on you and hold the fabric away from your core and his cock. Rolling his eyes he lets it go, pushing the wet fabric aside and sighing at the sight. So wet, your lower lips glisten in the dim light pouring into the room, dipping his head for a quick lick and humming at your taste before lining his cock up and pressing in. 
Moaning around Wolfwood’s cock as you feel Vash breach your entrance, slick enough that it’s an easy glide for him, his thick cock filling you so easily and a gentle stretch that leaves you panting. Eyes fluttering from the sensation, focus divided between feeling Vash thrusting into your pussy and taking more and more of Wolfwood into your mouth. Humming around Wolfwood, hand now playing with his balls, knowing he’s still close from earlier. 
“That’s it sweetheart” groaning and sweeping your hair from your face, feeling that same churning starting to build in his gut again. “Almost there.” 
Behind you, Vash is starting to pant, watching your body shake, and quiver encased in his jacket is doing things to his head. Well and the way your pussy is clenching around him, your slick walls squeezing his sensitive cock in such a way that he feels like he’s being sucked in. A hand reaching down to play with your clit, surprised when you bat it away. “Other one” voice hoarse as you answer his unasked question, you want him to use his prosthetic? Switching his hands and feeling the sweat starting to bead along his back in the suit jacket he does as you asked, pressing the cool metal to your sensitive nub. The reaction is almost instant as you moan taking Wolfwood to the base and clenching like a vice around Vash. Wolfwood hissing and sitting up straighter in the chair, hands digging into the side of your head. 
Looking down at you and smirking, Wolfwood moves his gaze to Vash the pink growing across his pale cheeks as he fucks into you. A clear sign he’s getting close to cuming as well, coughing a little to make sure he has Vash’s attention. “You don’t get to cum yet Needle-Noggin. Not until our little lady says you can.” A harsh thrust of his own hips against your mouth before returning his gaze to you. “We’ll add to his punishment if he does right, Sweetheart.” A happy hum of agreement around his length, proving beyond a doubt you and Wolfwood plan to deny him tonight as a form of payback. “Fuck… I’m gonna.. Cum sweetheart. Want it… Want it down your pretty little throat?” 
Hearing his stuttering breath above you and the mad twitching in your throat you switch your attention more to Wolfwood, Vash’s cock still making your moan. Using that moaning to your advantage and deep-throating Wolfwood, humming and hallowing your cheeks. Lips around his base as you feel his balls twitching under your chin before he’s cuming down your throat. Swallowing around him while his hips move, the smallest of thrusts as he empties his balls inside the wet cavern, grunting all the while about how good and pretty you look. 
Slumping back in the chair Wolfwood groans, while you hold his cock and pop off him. Licking up his length and making a show of swallowing any of his cum that had stuck to him, making him chuckle. “Greedy little thing.” Pushing the chair back so he can drop to his knees in front of you, going to a sloppy kiss and pulling you more upright changing the angle Vash is fucking into you at. Deeper and tighter. 
You moan into the kiss, tongue pressing against his so he can taste his own release, trying to be as loud as possible knowing it’s going to edge Vash on behind you. When Wolfwood pulls away you grin, voice a little on the hoarse side from having your mouth fucked at the end. “I sure am.”
Vash seeing you more upright groans, able to see your face and more of Wolfwood. “Are you seriously wearing my pants Wolfwood?” The tight fabric of his pants encasing Wolfwood’s thighs, pushed down just enough for his dick to jut out, the sight of his skin covered in a light sheen from having been licked clean by your tongue making Vash throb in your tight heat. 
“Thought you’d find us wearing your clothes enticing.” Wolfwood trailed a hand down to an opening in Vash’s coat, so he could press against your bare skin and slide up to fondle one of your breasts. Vash had to admit he did, and the final point, seeing you wearing Wolfwood’s sunglasses was making him harder. Both of his lovers wearing his clothes and one of them wearing both of their clothes? Fuck it was making the ember in his stomach burn. 
Ignoring both men you focus more on the line of fire inside of you, feeling your thighs start to shake, Vash still pumping away inside of you and rubbing into your clit. Feeling Wolfwood’s attention, your neck is arching, one hand reaching back to touch Vash’s cheek. Feeling his soft lips move to kiss your fingers and palms while he presses harder into you, hearing him grunt your name against the shell of your ear pushes you over the edge. Gasping as that wire snaps and you clench around Vash hard enough that he can’t move, at least not without tipping over that edge himself, something he’d been told not to do. Wolfwood batting his frozen hand away to play with your clit, dragging out your orgasm and kissing you to swallow your screams of pleasure.
A chorus of fuck rings out behind you, while Vash desperately tries to keep himself from painting your insides white. Burying his nose in your hair when Wolfwood pulls a second orgasm from you, thinking of little old ladies and hairy men instead of his lovers in front of and wrapped around him.     
Grinning at Vash’s discomfort, Wolfwood kisses you again, soft and sweet as you come down from your high body slumping forward against his. “You need a break sweetheart?” Whispered against your sweat-slicked skin, moaning a little at how hard Vash is still inside you. 
Licking your lips as you move your hand away from Vash’s face, your body thrumming from your last release, shaking your head in the negative. “No. I want you both.” Swallowing before you voice the next part. “And I wanna face Vash.” As much as your heart has been burning for the last few hours and you felt a little petty about the way Vash had been acting, especially about the redhead, you wanted to kiss your blond and watch his face when you came on his dick. 
A brief kiss pressed to the corner of your lips, before standing, Wolfwood helping you up and with him, sighing as Vash’s cock leaves your core. Licking your lips and feeling your clit throb with desire as you finally look at Vash, his eyes blown wide, messy blond hair falling down into those cerulean eyes. Eyes that are looking at you, like you’re the most precious thing in his world. The suit jacket looks a little funny on his frame, tailored for the broadness of Wolfwood’s shoulder and trim waist, but it brings your attention to some of your favorite features. The way his wet, swollen length is centered between the black fabric also makes your core clench, wanting to be filled again. 
Vash himself has a hard time swallowing, seeing you standing before him clad in his coat that hangs off your body. The sleeve rolled up to your elbow, with the top three buttons of the chest done up, just enough to keep it from coming undone around your body. The high collar was unbuttoned, otherwise half your face would have been hidden behind the stiff fabric. “Damn, you look good.” Realizing after a moment he spoke the words aloud, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
“Funny. So do you.” Stepping away from Wolfwood and reaching out to cup his jaw, thumb rubbing along his chin, before dipping down along his long neck. Tracing against the scar on his pec. “Wanna stand up and fuck me Handsome?” 
Feeling his face flush, and his ballsack throb, Vash nods. Pushing back on his heels and standing, once more towering over you. Moving the tails of his jacket so he can grab your hips and lift you, feeling one of your hands settle against his neck to keep yourself stable, the other moving more the fabric of his jacket out of the way and pushing your underwear to the side so you can line his weeping cock up with your pussy lips. Closing the distance to kiss him long and hard as he slowly lowers you, letting gravity do most of the work until the tip of his cock is pressing deep inside you. 
The pace is much slower this time, as Vash lifts and lowers you, forehead pressed to his after you pull away from his lips. Feeling every bump and vein of his dick pressing against your inner walls, placing soft pecks along his face, and letting your legs hang at his side. One hand playing with the nap of his neck while the other tangled into the longer blond hair “I know… You don’t A-ahh, make promises… But don’t ever do that… To me again.” Whispered against his face while Vash gently fucks up into you.
Catching your lips for a quick kiss before answering, pressing his nose against yours, and watching your eyes through the dark shades. “I’ll try.” And he will, certain that later when you pass out, Wolfwood is going to have an earful for him about leaving you brokenhearted.
“Alright, enough of this sappy love fest.” Wolfwood moving closer, pumping his own shaft and ready for round two. “She loose enough Needle-noggin?” Pushing the fabric falling along your back away and pressing the head of his cock to your dripping core, feeling the length of Vash’s sliding against it making him hiss from the pleasure.
“We were having a tender moment Nick!” Rolling his eyes at the broken moment, he gives a slightly harder thrust up into you. “Yea, if we’re both going in it’s gonna be tight, but our pretty lady is loose enough.” 
Lifting you higher and more away from his body, you feel Vash’s cock pull out of your somewhat before Wolfwood is pressing his chest against your back. Bending his knees and adjusting your legs before he slowly penetrates you along with Vash, both men barely moving as you throw your head back panting. The stretch is almost too much, but with two orgasms and the amount of fluid pouring from your core you’re ready to try to take them. After all, it’s not the first time you’ve had both men inside your pussy, knowing you can take them both and breathing deeply trying to keep yourself relaxed.
“Good girl… taking us… so well” panting in your ear as Wolfwood keeps moving, the motion of his cock slowly working you more open while Vash stays still. Biting his lip while Wolfwood ruts against him up into you. Panting more and more as the pain turns into pleasure, humming at the sensation. “That’s it, sweetheart, just like that.” 
Starting to thrust a little harder as you start to make low noises, too blissed out to think of actual words just focusing on the feeling of both of them filling you to the brim. Feeling your walls starting to clench around him Vash starts to move as well, not much, just enough so that his tip is hitting that spongy part inside of you, a part he knows makes you writhe in pleasure around him.
“Don’t forget Needle-noggin… I still… gotta teach you.. A lesson.. Augh… myself.” Panting at how tight you are, feeling you clench around him and Vash twitching while both of them keep fucking you. “I did say… Outta your ass… Late-” The sound of fabric ripping and Wolfwood is suddenly silenced, turning just enough to see. 
“I can’t hear Mayfly’s noises over your talking. You can fuck me later Nick.” Vash. Had apparently ripped your underwear from your body, and stuffed it, soaked portion first into Wolfwood’s mouth.
Seeing the sight and hearing Wolfwood hum has your heart swimming, the noises of both of their cocks pumping in and out of you as well the soft little pants and whines you’re making filling the room. Feeling Vash thrust a little harder and hitting deeper inside you while Wolfwood stretches you with his thrusts has you seeing stars. The promise of your third orgasm on the horizon. 
Taking a deep breath you manage to slur out “Cum in… me.” Gasping as a tingling is building along your spine, almost ready to clamp down on both dicks like you want to keep them both inside you. “Both of… you-uuuu” Letting your face fall against Vash’s chest, unaware of the drool dripping from your lips and onto the dark fabric.
“Sounds like… permission… to cum.. If I… ever heard it” Vash pants, redoubling his efforts moving one hand so it’s tangled in your own hair. Wolfwood moves the opposite hand, reaching across to circle your clit, mouth still stuffed with your underwear and unable to comment. Working together between thrusting and playing with your clit, they push you over the edge, eyes rolling back into your head as you spasm around them. 
Fire erupts in your core, Vash, having been told he was unable to cum before finally letting go of his control, and painting your core white. Deep enough inside of you that his sticky seed will spend most of the night slowly dripping out of you. A second load, deposited from Wolfwood has you shaking in their grasp, the twitching of both lengths emptying inside of you pulling a fourth and final orgasm from you. Whimpering as they slow, feeling both men press soothing circles into your skin before Vash nods to Wolfwood, stating he has you as the dark-haired man pulls out of you, a small flood of cum following his cock. 
Reaching up and pulling your underwear from his mouth. “You’re lucky I like the taste of her on my tongue.” 
“Better than tasting those cigarettes.” Nosing into your hair as he catches his breath, a quick kiss to your hairline. “Can you get my boots off her?” Snorting, Wolfwood nods, reaching down and starting to undo the laces and removing the boots. Lines of red from how tight they were showing up on the revealed skin. 
A whimper and Vash is cooing at you. “It’s alright Mayfly. Just rest baby. We’ll take care of you.” 
Boots and jacket removed, Vash Carefully pulls you off his cock, watching as more of their mixed seed start to slowly drip from your core. “We certainly did a number on her.” Moving the bed cover and placing you closer to the wall. Moaning hand reaching out for Vash as he pulls away, only to have Wolfwood tangle his fingers with yours. Pressing a damp cloth to your abused slit and cleaning you up. 
“And I’m gonna do the same to you, ass.” Finished cleaning you up, Wolfwood stands, pulling his borrowed pants off and his dick growing hard again. “Do you have any idea how heartbroken she was?” A smack to the back of Vash’s head as he bent over to undo the lowest button the suit jacket. Rubbing a hand through his own dark hair in frustration “We both thought you were dead. And you made a comment like that about another woman when we see you again! Seriously Vash what the hell goes through that spiky head of yours?” 
Sitting at the edge of the bed Vash sighed, running a hand through your sweaty locks while you breathed deep in your sleep. “Maybe I was trying to push you guys away?” 
Feeling his anger deflate at the answer and the way Vash sounded Wolfwood let his shoulders slump. “Then talk to us, Vash.” Curling a hand around his lover's chin and tilting his head for a kiss. “You spiky-haired idiot.” 
The next time you came too, was to the sound of panting and moaning, Vash on his back and Wolfwood balls deep inside of him. Neither of them aware you were awake, you reached over settling a hand on the bulge that kept appearing and disappearing in Vash’s abdomen. Making both men glance at you. “Still mad." You mutter, eyes hooded and still half asleep. "But damn if that isn’t a sight a girl could get used to waking up to.”  
Both men smile, and Vash interlaces the fingers of his hand with yours pressing against his skin and down making both him and Wolfwood moan at the added pressure. The three of you can sort out Vash and whatever is bothering him later. For now, you just wanna watch both of your lovers fuck one another while their mixed seeds drips from inside your body.
Thanks for reading!
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ickadori · 5 months
[summary] forced to voice an embarrassing thought to keep from dying, shen does what he does best and comes to your bedside to tease you.
[cws] gn reader. minor spoilers for the UMA spoil fight. reader has a broken rib. unedited.
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Maybe turning into a semi-mindless zombie wouldn’t be so bad - at least you wouldn’t have to worry about doing a skin routine any more.
You also wouldn’t have to shout out your hopes and dreams and completely embarrass yourself in front of the trio.
67 seconds.
You sigh to yourself, arms crossed over your chest as you listen to Shen’s dream —a very grandiose one at that, but a part of you feels as if there’s a small possibility of it happening…or maybe that’s just your bias talking—, and three sets of eyes turn to you, waiting.
“Oh,” you start, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed at the attention. “I…I think I’m just gonna let the timer run out, guys. Don’t worry about me. Carry on.” You wave them off.
“Stop fuckin’ around, this isn’t a game.” Andy snaps, and you shoot him an annoyed look. The man that had come charging in with a rocket launcher, snagged a zombie-bride, and then proceeded to have the entirety of the zombie town participate in a brawl was telling you to stop fuckin’ around?
“Maybe you should try telling that to yourself, you half-dead per—” A head of blue hair is suddenly blocking your vision, and you blink as Shen crouches in front of you, his eyes trained on yours as he gives you a patient look.
“What’s going on?” His eyes flick between your steadily decreasing timer and your face. “Even if we kill Spoil, their ability won’t go away, you know. You’ll stay a zombie.”
“That’s fine,” you obstinately turn your nose up. “I’ve been thinking about switching up my look anywa—!” A scream is pulled from you when you’re suddenly snatched up into the air, and you look back to see Andy holding a fistful of your shirt, a maniacal grin on his face as he propels the both of you closer to spoil.
“You wanna be a zombie, eh? Then let me help speed up the process!” You recall how Andy had immediately spoiled when he got too close to the UMA, and a wave of panic washes over you as you’re forced to come face-to-face with your decision.
“W-Wait! I change my mind! Andy, I said—Andy!” He catapults you into the air, and you wonder for a brief second how the hell Fuuko could possibly get used to this.
Andy grins up at you, and your hands reach out for him as you go flying back down, only to be met with nothing as he cackles. “You know what to do if you don’t wanna die!”
Your gaze moves to Shen who’s watching on with a look of amusement, and your cheeks and ears burn as you slap your hands over your eyes.
Damn it all.
“I’ve gotta say, your dream is quite the lofty goal.”
You groan as you flip over in the infirmary’s bed. Not only had you been forced to shout your humiliating dream at the top of your lungs, but Andy had also failed to practice the same care and compassion he put into carrying Fuuko around, resulting in him breaking two of your ribs when his torso slammed into yours to keep you from going splat on the ground.
Maybe if I ignore him, he’ll go away - it’s wishful thinking, but it’s better than facing him after you loudly declared that your dream in life is to—
“I never saw myself getting married,” Shen muses, “but if it was to you…well, I don’t think I’d have too many complaints.” The heart monitor you’re hooked up to starts to beep wildly, and you make a noise of embarrassment before you’re hastily moving to pull the wires away from you.
You only manage to get one off before a pair of warm, strong hands are covering your own and pulling them down to rest in your lap, and your head snaps up to lock gazes with Shen, that signature smile ever present. “I hate you.”
“Yet you wanna marry me - you’re a strange one.” He breathes out a laugh, slightly leaning forward in his chair, and you go to turn your head only to find that you can’t.
“Shen, stop.”
“What?” You narrow your eyes at him, and he pouts before dropping his ability. “I don’t like when you hide that cute face of yours. Haven’t I told you that?” Yes, many times, and it’s only served in making you want to hide it even more to conceal your burning cheeks.
“Well, get used to not seeing it because I’m never showing it again once I get out of here.” You’ll go into hiding—put your ability to good use and vanish off the grid and lay low in the African jungles or something. You could live off the land; build a small house, start a garden, hunt for food, really just reconnect with nature while you waited for the world to end.
Yeah, that’ll do.
“Oh that won’t do,” Shen tsks as he shakes his head. “It won’t be much of a wedding if I can’t see your face.” The beeping goes haywire again, and you sputter as you shake your hands free from his grip.
“I-you-we’re not getting married!” The both of you hadn’t even kissed yet—you weren’t even in a relationship, not really! There was…something between the two of you, but with the possibility of being killed so high, no one was really eager to form such connections.
The idea of getting married to Shen had only come to you after hearing Andy announce that he was getting hitched, to a zombie of all things, and your mind had immediately conjured up images of you and Shen being the ones to tie the knot. It had been a silly thought, but your brain had latched onto it nonetheless in that instant.
“Yet.” He stresses, and then your hands are back in his, his fingers intertwining with yours. “We’ve got a lot of milestones to hit before we can finally tie the knot, after all.” He leans in a bit more, and your eyes widen as his flick down to your lips. “…I think now would be a good time to hit one of ‘em, don’t you?”
…you must have died. Andy hadn’t caught you at all and you had burst open on the ground - they were probably scooping your body parts up right now to give you a proper burial.
You must be in Heaven right now, and this is simply all just some kind of hallucination that God blessed the love-sick idiot with, and who were you to deny such a generous blessing?
His lips are soft against yours, incredibly soft, like pillows, and his scent wraps around you and squeezes you tight. You feel warm all over, and when one of his hands move to cup the side of your neck, you briefly wonder if you had went to Hell instead with how hot your skin burns.
His tongue runs along your bottom lip, prompting a gasp from you, and you feel him huff out a laugh through his nose before his tongue is making its way in. It’s rubs against yours, and then it’s running along the roof of your mouth and forcing you to abruptly pull back from the ticklish feeling.
The both of yours breathing is ragged, but that doesn’t stop either of you for going in again - the next kiss is messier, sloppier, chockfull of held back emotions that had been festering for months, and Shen curls an arm around your waist to tug you closer.
A sharp pain follows the action, and you wince through a groan as Shen immediately pulls back and moves his hand away from your side. “I’m sorry,” he pants, lips moving to press against your temple. “I got too caught up.”
“It’s okay.” So much for being in Heaven. “It’s just still really sore.” He hums, fingers softly tugging at the hospital gown you wear as his eyes take in your face. You take the chance to do the same, although you find your gaze focusing on his pink, puffy lips more than anything else.
They curve into a grin. “See something ya like?”
“No.” His fingers push into your cheeks.
“Your face is burning up. You sure you don’t see something you like? You positive? Maybe you want another kiss, huh?” He squishes your cheeks together, forcing your lips to pucker, and you make a noise of complaint before he’s pressing a quick kiss to your mouth. “And another, yeah?” He kisses you again, a loud, exaggerated ‘mwah’ sounding after, and you laugh as best you can with your cheeks squished together.
You don’t know if marriage is in the cards for you two, but even if it’s not, you think that just being with him as you are now is enough.
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
If you're still looking for Steddie prompt requests from that list, 35 (things you said at the top of your lungs) or 40 (things you interrupted me to say)?
Ah! Thank you for the prompt! I started with 35 and went in for a little hurt/comfort (someone else also requested 40, so I'll be doing that one separately!)
Prompt from this list: #35. things you said at the top of your lungs
cw for panic attack (or something very like it), just in case
Eddie had been surprised to learn that, in spite of how he’d acted in high school, Steve is not a particularly loud person.
He’s outgoing, and he’s unsubtle, and he can make his presence known, but he isn’t loud. The most he raises his voice these days is to try to make himself heard over a gaggle of unruly children or to complain at whatever displeasing turn the game he’s watching on TV has taken.
This isn’t to say Steve can’t be loud. The boy has a set of lungs on him (swimmers, man), and Eddie has heard him use them – in the midst of a melee, while swinging his fists or a nail-studded bat, while bellowing for someone to get down, get out of the way, look out–
Life or death situations.
Steve doesn’t yell often, but when he does, people listen, because shit must really have hit the fan.
This is exactly why Eddie’s skin jumps, why his heartbeat stutters, why the breath leaves him when he hears one word echo from the back of the trailer, traveling from the top of Steve’s lungs.
And Eddie doesn’t stop to think, barely even registers that he’s moving, is only tearing across the living room and down the short hall, to the bedroom where he’d thought Steve was sleeping. He only knows that he needs to move, because something is wrong, Steve needs him, Steve is screaming, Steve is in trouble, Steve is–
Still asleep.
He’s on the bed, thrashing so hard against the blankets it looks like he’s convulsing, knocking pillows to the floor, the constant harsh mutter of “no, no, no, no, NO,” underscoring his actions.
Fucking nightmares.
Heart still jumping, Eddie approaches the bed and grabs for one of Steve’s struggling legs (he’d made the mistake of trying to wake Steve by shaking his shoulders once and had nearly gotten clocked in the face when Steve had woken up swinging, which really hadn’t helped the situation in any way). He wraps his fingers firmly around Steve’s ankle, trying to ground him, trying to keep him from kicking out and hurting either one of them.
“Steve,” Eddie says, giving him a little shake. “Steve, wake up.”
Steve jerks against Eddie’s hold, panting like he’s been running for hours, but he doesn’t open his eyes. He keeps muttering to himself, low, distressed, unintelligible.
Unlike Steve, Eddie is a very loud person; he always has been, proudly so, and he puts that quality to use now, shaking Steve a little harder and raising his voice to be heard over whatever panicked noise is in Steve’s head.
“Steve! Wake UP!”
Finally, Steve jolts awake, his eyes flying open as he heaves himself immediately into an upright position, scanning the room in a panic. He’s breathing so hard he’s almost choking, and for a moment Eddie thinks he’s going to be sick, prepares himself to grab the bin near the bed, but then Steve leans forward and grabs for Eddie.
“Woah!” Eddie finds himself dragged across the distance between them, nearly in Steve’s lap, and this would have been an entirely agreeable turn in the proceedings if Steve had appeared in any way to be in his right mind.
As it is, Steve is shoving his hands, fever-hot and clammy, under Eddie’s shirt, feeling along his sides, running his palms over scars that have been healed over for more than a year now, but he can’t quite seem to see that at the moment.
His eyes are glazed over still, voice cracking roughly as he presses his hands hard against Eddie’s waist. “Eddie–”
“Steve– Steve, hey, you’re freaking me out– it’s okay.” Eddie reaches out with unsteady hands and grabs Steve’s face, turning him until he’s facing Eddie head on. “Look at me, I’m okay, it’s okay.”
Steve goes quiet as he finally meets Eddie’s gaze, and his eyes are wet, and Eddie starts to tear up sympathetically at the raw, helpless fear he sees there.
They’re both still for a moment, each clutching the other, catching their breath, and then Steve leans in further, breaking Eddie’s hold on him to press his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck. His arms wind around Eddie’s waist now, pulling him as close as he can get, and Eddie goes willingly.
“Okay,” Eddie says, one hand coming up automatically to cup the back of Steve’s head, the other pressing hard into his back, making sure Steve can feel him there. “Okay. You’re good, I’m good, it’s okay.”
Steve nods against him but makes no move to pull back, and Eddie certainly isn’t about to make him. He holds onto Steve, rocking back and forth almost on instinct, and if the harsh breaths Steve is heaving take on a different cadence, if Eddie feels the shoulder of his shirt growing wet, he says nothing.
In the wake of something so loud, sometimes all they can really do is be quiet and wait for the echoes to fade.
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miguel-ohara-wifey · 4 months
Hi, I’ve been bingeing your Miguel 18+ works and wondering if you’ve done a breeding kink Miguel yet. I was thinking naybe he wants to start a family with y/n 🫣
Yes I have! But I can do that request all the same! I added some kinks of my own *twirls hair* nothing too out there just MMM I did go kinda crazy with this one just hadn’t gotten a request in a while thank you again 🥺🥺🥺
Mating season
Miguel O’Hara x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, breeding kink, baby making, unprotected sex, clothes ripping, missionary, against wall sex, rough dom Miguel, dirty talking, prestablished relationship, floor sex, scratching, porn without plot, oral sex, talk of pregnancy
“I can’t wait-“
Before you can ask what Miguel means he tears into your year old black silk dress. Exposing the left side of your bra and panties to the air of his fancy apartment.
“Miguel-“ you squealed at his actions before he silenced you with his mouth and tongue.
“I’ll buy you a new one-“ he breathed out in between making rags of your dress and kissing you silly.
All further objections or noises from you were now swallowed by his mouth. His tongue like so many times before mapping out under and around your tongue. Painting each of your lips in shared spit as he continues destroying the expensive birthday present he gave you last year.
You don’t know what got him so railed up but you won’t be complaining. As you made quick work of his tie and the buttons of his white shirt. By that time he’s ripped you down to just your bra and underwear. The shreds of whats left of your outfit for the evening litter the floor between your feet. He violently shakes his suit jacket off of himself.
Now he’s stripping his chest and abs bare before you. His shoulders alone tower over you, a perfect frame for a beautiful tapestry of skin and muscles. Being his abs and olive colored skin. Finally the insatiable burn he puts on your skin with his isn’t interrupted by clothes. Your fingers instinctively start to draw the lines between his muscles on his body. Your bedroom eyes find one another as he finalizes the tedious work of getting naked. By zipping his fly down and unbuckling his belt. His pants join the ankle deep lake of clothes now in the hallway proceeding your front door.
What made the situation all the more exciting was anyone could walk down of the hallway of your front door. It’s a penthouse so not as many neighbors or potential noise complaints but. A staff member or a delivery person could easily hear the throes of passion between you two. Your screaming of Miguel’s name as he breaks things to get you to come faster. And based on your husbands expression it’s about to get naughtier.
He drops to his knees, the same reverence and adoration mixed in with his brown eyes. As when he got on one knee to propose. It makes your heart skip a beat despite the filth of the situation. You now feel his pearly white teeth drag your panties down to your mid-thighs. Not fully off your body but it gives him room to circle your cunt with his mouth.
He begins with a kiss then starts his work of licking your gummy walls with just his tongue. Your chest heaves up and down as your bra captured most of the sweat already forming on your skin. You can feel his fangs just barely not cutting you. Brushing alongside the hills of your flesh while he fucks you with just his tongue.
A wolf feasting on his willing prey, his claws now extends out from his finger tips. He’s careful not to draw blood from you as he explores the curves of your legs above where his heads positioned. The claws always retract from his bones whenever he’s aroused enough, at first the fact made sex difficult. Now it’s just a fun bonus for you two.
He starts physically but lightly pumping his face against your womanhood. Just to scoop his tastebuds deeper and deeper inside of you. Poking at your G spot, doing laps of every inch of your insides as his tongue can reach. He wants all your juices in his mouth. To have your flavor always one play with his tongue away. He starts purring in between your legs, the sweat now drips down from your forehead.
Chipping away the wall paint behind you with your finger nails. As your husband with his mouth alone makes the coil in your stomach tighten and tighten. Everything below your flesh is on fire and your brain can’t hold a thought even if it had handles. He retracts only to say
“You’re gorgeous….my wife, my queen, my Angel….I wish I had more of you….” Running out of breath, because he’d gather eat your pussy then put oxygen in his lungs. And it pays off as your whines certainly breach past the locked mahogany door. The only barrier between you and the public. Anyone walking but would hear you crying for him to keep going.
It gets you both going more, his routine inspection of the spot past your walls that sends fire throughout your body numbs. You cum in his mouth, getting weak in the knees and legs. Unable to feel any of your muscles as your man gave you one of the best climaxes of your entire relationship. He licks in the middle of your hips like you’re the finest dish he’s ever eaten. He stands up, pushing aside some of your clothes with his feet.
He levitates your tiredness by hoisting each of your thighs into each of his grip. Running your back higher against the wall to support the position. Crossing your forearms against each side of his shoulders you two blowing the hot air from your labored breaths against each other’s faces. Miguel’s lands a kiss on you.
As intimate and slow as your dance on your wedding day. When he breaks away, aligning his large cock against your readied entrance. You request,
“Baby go get a condom…”
He looks up at you, disappointed
“Can we do this without that, just for tonight bebita…”
Post nut clarity kicked in; mentioning wishing he had more of you, getting so eager he fucks you right in this hallway, wanting to not use a condom. How his attitude changed when the waiter at the fancy restaurant assumed you two had kids. It all became so clear. Right as the conclusion reached your mind it landed right in between you and your husband.
“Baby are you trying to get me pregnant?”
He was stunned, his entire body went stiff as the embarrassment of what his answer was reached his face.
You two had discussed children when you were in the middle of dating. You both expressed where you were at, and it wasn’t to have kids. You two had so much going on and too little money to invest in having a family. At the time neither you had reason to think anything would change. But they had, and for a while.
Miguel’s higher up in the company now; Greater pay and power to decide how he works. You’re in a good spot with your career as well, pursing what you’re passionate about most. You’re both financially and emotionally secure in your relationship. And content in your individual lives to boot. So now kids being brought back into your minds….
Shame eats away at Miguel’s expression, he didn’t realize that’s what had him so riled up. You can read him better than he can read himself. Before he can even place you down you grab his attention again.
“I’ll stop taking my birth control-“
He leers his head up at you, a mixed bag of emotions clouds his face. But a smile curves under his nose regardless, saying the quiet part out loud.
“I want to have a family with you.”
You roughly message his scalp with your right fingers as you whisper back
“Then put a baby in me-“ you almost ordered
The message was received, he bottoms out all the way into you faster than you can catch up.
He adjusts your position, he sandwich’s you harder in between himself and the wall. His claws now fully make the paint bleed the color of the dry wall as he braces himself beside your head. His lower body strength now pins you completely against said wall. So his hips can jerk in and out at wild abandon.
Your legs now arching over his large arms, his superhuman stamina and strength pulling off a position most wouldn’t even consider. But he does it on a whim and at your demand without a second thought.
The veins of his dick you become intimately familiar with all over again, with the veins of his muscles popping into view from under his skin. He’s making this a work out, but if it means making you both come as much as he can. He’ll do it.
He doesn’t slow down, he plants his claws deeper into the walls. It’s not uncommon for Miguel to leave you sore but you know at this rate he’ll bruise you. But you barely notice.
The pleasure of the act is unlike anything else, you barely feel when bottom of the tip of his penis isn’t in your G spot. His precum shoving itself in between himself and your walls. Meanwhile the juices of your earlier climax mixed in and start dropping onto the floor. Not to mention he grunts like a dog, what he’s doing to you is loving. Even when he’s fucking you like he doesn’t.
“Jesus Christ-AAH Miguel-mhpf oh god…”
You cried out, his only response was grunting louder and going at the exact same pace. He didn’t hear you objecting, and your pleas to him were only making him hornier. He needs to make sure it takes and that you only feel his cock.
Rearranging your insides, bullying your cunt along the way and all you can do is cry like a bitch in heat. Some part of him hopes this alone doesn’t get you pregnant. So he can make you his over and over and over again.
Your mutual orgasms are fast approaching, you can feel the ghost of over stimulation making its way across your face. His thrusting slows, likely to give himself a break and to make the climax all the more intimate. He closes the already minimal space between your bodies. Huddling his head into your shoulders cloaking your body under his own.
He makes the final three pushing of his hips against yours slower. Panting meekly into your ear, reminding himself this is how he’ll be a father again. You two cum while he’s inside of you, now you can’t feel any part of your body but the breaking of pleasure against his own. You two were positioned against the wall afterword for a few more moments. Panting, sweating, and close still. He finally speaks again
“One more time bebita…just one more.” He’s desperate, his tone is between begging and demanding. You smile at him, cupping the left side of his face with your face reassuring.
“Yes, as many times as it takes…” he smiles so innocently despite being balls deep inside of you still. He exits swiftly, lifting you up just enough to pin you between the fluffy white rug on the wooden hallway floor and himself.
“Don’t have time to take this to bed, gonna have to do it here again.” He loiters over you, wrapping your arms around his neck again to be sure he’s still close. You kiss him giggling against his mouth “of course-“
Seven and a half months later
You slowly creak open the front door of your new home, the palette of light blues and cozy greys wraps itself around your vision like warm blanket. Your face glows in excitement
“It looks even better than what we saw on the photos!”
Miguel drags himself and all your bags behind him as he scuffs through the door. He places them all on the floor beside the door saying.
His sore hands from driving for hours and now carrying all those bags finds his hips. Taking in the sight, you turn to him. Your large belly bump in full view with your large pregnancy robe on. You go in for a hug, he cradles you into his chest as you him against his heart beat.
“I’m so happy.”
He’s always been susceptible to your smile, he mimics it kissing your forehead.
“Good thing we got four floors, that would be a lot of space for just three…”
You cackle, playfully smacking him
“Miguel! This one is your fault, and now you want another!?”
“Okay okay one at a time…”
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
The triples are in terrible twos and won’t do anything fl or jack ask them too
“Ivy, pick up your toys and put them away. It’s almost time for dinner.” You said while coming into their playroom. Autumn and Axel had already started putting theirs away so she was the only one left.
“No, I don’t want to.” She said in response to you and you looked at her in disbelief.
“Excuse me?” You asked not believing what she had just said.
“I’m not done playing.”
“I didn’t ask you if you were done playing, mommy asked you to put your toys away. You can take them back out after dinner.”
Ivy then let out a huff before finally following directions to pick up her toys and then proceeded to go in the corner, but stomped her little feet the entire way over there. 
Axel and Autumn had finished and you told them to go downstairs where Jack was in the kitchen.
She was now silently crying as she stood in the corner staring at the wall and you then heard Jack’s footsteps behind you. 
“Baby, where’s Ivy? Oh….” He said when he finally saw her and you had your arms crossed.
“What did you do this time, bubs?” He asked as he made his way over to her.
“Mommy is being a meanie. She won’t let me play with my toys.” Ivy said through her tears as Jack tried to wipe them away. 
“Mommy isn’t being mean. She probably just told you that so you could come and eat dinner. I’m sure she would have let you play with them after. Axel and Autumn are already downstairs waiting for you. How much time did mommy give you?”
She simply shrugged as Jack then turned towards you to ask you.
“How much time does she have to do in Harlow baby jail?”
“Fifteen minutes.”
“Can we make it five?” Jack asked and you then looked at him as if he was crazy.
“No, because she needs to learn how to listen to directions the first time.”
“But babe….”
“Jackman, keep talking and I’ll put you in Harlow baby jail next. And your sentence will be longer than hers.”
Jack then held up his hands in defense and didn’t utter another word. 
When the three of you made your way downstairs, you put Ivy in her chair and placed their plates in front of them.
“Mommy, I don’t like string beans.” Autumn quietly said before looking over at you.
“Since when? You liked them last week when mommy gave them to you. Don’t you remember you telling me you ate them when you called me on facetime?” Jack said while looking at her.
“I don’t want them.”
“Autumn, baby, you have to eat your vegetables.”Jack said, trying to be patient with her, but truth be told ever since they all turned two, they had been running both of you up the wall.
Yes, terrible twos are a real thing. 
“Just eat a few, okay? You don’t have to eat all of them.”
“Daddy, I said no. I don’t want them.”
This made Jack do a double take and you turned around from the stove as you were fixing your plate to look at her.
“Autumn Danielle, what did you just say to me?” Jack calmly asked her and you knew that he was at his wits end and that his patience had gone out the window.
She then began to cry and promptly threw her sippy cup on the floor sending apple juice flying everywhere as her response. 
“AUTUMN!” You exclaimed while trying to calm yourself before doing anything else in response to her. 
Jack could tell that you were about to lose it and walked over to you before he went to Autumn who was still screaming her head off and had now pushed her plate of food on the floor.
He looked to see that you had tears in your eyes and you were about ten seconds away from letting them fall.
“Baby, go lay down for a minute. I got it.” He said while leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
“But… I….”
“I know. Just relax for me for a minute. I know that they’ve been really acting out these last few weeks and it didn’t help that I wasn’t here either.”
“I feel like I’m doing such a terrible job being their mother. I never want to yell at them, but today really took the cake. First Axel not wanting to take his bath, Ivy not picking up her toys and now this with Autumn.”
“Don’t you ever think that for a second because you’re doing an amazing job. Just go take a bath and relax. Don’t worry about anything and I’ll be up there later. No need to cry. I know you’re frustrated but we got this and you know that we’re in this together. No one said that this would be easy.”
You nodded in response as the tears were now falling and Jack pulled you into a hug and kissed your temple. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, mamas.”
Jack had just finished reading a bedtime story to the triplets when Ivy suddenly had a question.
“Did we make mommy cry?” She quietly asked and he noticed that all three of them were starting to look guilty. 
“Me and mommy only want the best for you three so we do tend to get upset when you tell us no. All we want to do is help you.”
“I didn’t mean to make her sad.” Autumn said and it looked like she was about to cry again.
“Me either.” Axel said while climbing into Jack’s lap.
“Well, what you can do is listen to what we tell you and do it the first time we ask. That’s all we want.”
“We say sorry to her?”
“You three can do it when she wakes up. Let mommy sleep.”
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rorja · 3 months
( a genshin impact jjk au )
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synopsis : three archons out of the seven has disappeared. the chief of each nation of Teyvat had gathered around to discuss what occurred and to find a possible solution together. one way out, the most desperate and absurd one, is the legend of an artifact that gives the opportunity to talk to Celestia directly. so the order is passed to the adventurers’ guild all around the world: support each adventurer who is brave enough to start looking for their sole hope.
disclaimer : we often insert two readers (one for geto and one for gojo) to explore both the relationships in the same universe, amongst the same cast in order to not repeat the same contexts over and over again. In this way, we can also explore the platonic side with the different characters. for this same reason, we usually give them names to use instead of repeating y/n.
contents : characters introductions !
a/n : this was a very fun thing we came up with just to kill time, but we’re seriously considering into turning it into something a oneshot or fanfic. so look out because we might have something in store for this au 🐥
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main characters :
cryo — catalyst
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• Satoru grew up in a small orphanage in Mondstadt. He always loved adventures even as a young kid, so it was to no one’s surprise that he became an adventurer as soon as he got out of that place.
• His vision manifested itself when he was just eight years old.
• He doesn’t feel particularly attached to Mondstadt and its people, being aware that deep down his roots lie somewhere else.
• Every night, he has troubles sleeping. This happens because his dreams seems to center around a very specific scenario, wherein a city is being destroyed amidst the screams of its inhabitants running away from the rubble in panic.
• When he first sees the Adventurers’ Guild flier, it happens in the middle of one of his many journeys. Of course, he didn’t need to think twice before grabbing the flying paper and shoving it inside his bag.
hydro — bow ; paired with gojo
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• Yuriko was born and raised in Mondstadt. She is passionate about Teyvat’s history, notably about its legends and myths way long before Celestia took over. For this very reason, she likes to study ancient runes and languages.
• An introvert. That doesn’t mean she will sit prettily and follow orders from other people— no, she is incredibly stubborn when it comes to situations she deems worthy. This side of her reflects also in her friendships, showing a more caring side to the people she loves.
• Yuriko tends to instruct the others, along with Geto, about the route they should explore, easily getting along with him due to their similar personalities. She's seen as leader-like by the others thanks to her habit of giving valuable advices or to call the others back onto their mistakes.
• Her relationship with Gojo starts with lots of head butting. Satoru’s continuous jokes and teasing to get a reaction out of her are the cause of her daily stress. She hates his lack of collaboration, or his requests to spend more time in the city they’re currently at instead of thinking about the ongoing mission. With time Gojo will be the first one to fall for her, being able to discover Yuriko’s caring and selfless personality.
• She is not weak to his extravagant ways, often putting aside the heavy mask of the rigid, responsible person she is forced to wear.
electro — claymore
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• Geto comes from a small village— Konda Village, precisely. His parents are humble farmers.
• In the village he was known as the ‘golden boy’ for his kindness and altruistic behavior. When he received his electro vision, everyone thought that the mighty Raiden Shogun blessed him.
• During his teenage years, he decided to join a group of samurai which goal was traveling around Inazuma to help the next person. Unfortunately it didn’t last long.
• When their Archon disappears, the group of samurai he was a part of begins to succumb to darkness in order to survive. From that point onwards, Suguru starts his independent journey.
• But it really isn’t a secret how the shift affected him. So much, that he begins to doubt the powers of the Archons.
• When Suguru learns about the adventure in Mondstadt, he accepts it with the hope to find himself again.
anemo — polearm ; paired with geto
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• Marja comes from Fontaine. She is not a noble, but her parents are two famous lawyers in the whole country, which contributed in growing her dream to be just like them. It was thanks to them that she departs for this mission.
• She chose the Mondstadt expedition because in her eyes they are more laid-back with the rules and regulations.
• To no one’s surprise, she is an ambivert: she is easy to adapt to any situation at hand. Overall her personality is on the bubbly side, even childish at times. That doesn’t mean, though, that she isn’t capable of being serious and responsible.
• Thanks to her knowledge and understanding of the rules of every nation’s codex, she is tasked with getting the group out of trouble if needed. Marja uses her skills to obtain whatever she wants, able to talk for hours just to confuse the person she’s talking with.
• She has a crush for Geto, born from his responsible side (which she lacks in) and the way he takes care of the group. Often times she’s on the receiving end of advices from him, other times it is his scoldings whenever she makes mistakes. Another scenario that happened is when her decisions tends to backfire and worsen up the situation.
geo — sword
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• Nanami’s family is originally from Mondstadt. His surname well-known in the city because of their past as hunters.
• His parents ended the tradition shortly after having him. Nowadays they run a bakery shop together, located in the city centre.
• Normally he wields a sword, but truth to be told, he holds to his heart a machete gifted by his grandfather.
• His parents has always been loving and supportive of him since he was a child, and they are the main reason he ended up studying aetiology at Sumeru’s Akademiya. Nanami belongs to the Vahumana Darshan. He wants to make his parents proud, but deep down he longs for a simple life running the bakery shop they own.
• When Nanami hears about the expedition, he leaves the studies behind to protect his friends that are taking part of this journey— one of them is Haibara.
dendro — catalyst
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• She was born and raised in Mondstadt. The majority of her family studied at Sumeru’s Akademiya, so it was only a matter of time until she enrolled too— she’s currently pursuing the Spantamad Darshan, elementalism.
• Don’t get her wrong, she’s happy her life is already planned by her parents. Every time her teacher asked her what she wanted to be when grown up, she would always shut her mind and say nothing.
• Still, when Haibara asked her to accompany him in this absurd mission, she couldn’t refuse. It’s not really a secret how Shoko has a soft spot for him.
• Again, she’s quite content with her life overall, yet when Haibara comes and explains the mission, she acts on her impulses. It would’ve been a waste to not take this chance. This opportunity served right in front of her.
• And thank the Archons she embarked on this journey, for every time the group would end up fighting over the smallest thing, she would be the one to bring back peace.
pyro — polearm
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• Haibara is actually from Liyue, but ever since he was a baby he would travel together with his grandparents in their commercial trips to the neighboring nations. That’s the reason behind his current staying at Wangshu Inn.
• Even to these days he would accompany his grandpa around. Given his grandpa’s elderly age, nowadays the trips focus primarily around Mondstadt.
• It was thanks to these trips that he met and befriended both Nanami and Yuriko. Because of his relatively closeness with the border, their meetings had increased.
• Once he received his pyro vision, he re-discovered his passion and deep love for traveling. Especially when he get to help the people he meets on his path.
• He joins the expedition as a ‘first aid’ specialist. Just in case something would go wrong (he hopes it doesn’t).
hydro — catalyst
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• Riko is the only daughter of the Amanai family, the one who is in charge of the Church of Favonius. Raised under a bell jar, she is very well mannered thanks to the private classes and the high level of education her parents provided her with. As expected from the only Amanai heir.
• It is told with greatest pride by her parents, that one day, amidst the usual afternoon mass, Riko got possessed by what was left of an old Archon who was able to spoke through her body. From that day on, her parents and the whole church believe that she is blessed— she’s the chosen one.
• However loved and kind she is, Riko hides a rebellious attitude, wanting to go explore the world instead of singing choir music. For this very reason, she ends up begging the head of the Adventurers’ Guild, Masamichi Yaga, to be part of the expedition.
• Needless to say, she joins it and successfully runs away from her family.
• Riko is the youngest one of the group. That’s also thanks to her fiery personality and endless energy, aside from the enthusiasm of finally achieving her dream. Still, even with such personality, she tends to listen those she deems responsible in the group— namely Shoko and Yuriko.
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Well yall, its that time of year, and me feeling angsty while also wanting to work on my ability to describe things has led me to decide that this is clearly the best thing to do with my time. With that said, here is your warning. I am going to attempt to keep up with the prompts for the next little bit, so if that ain't your thing, best just steer clear of anything I post with 'Day XXX' on it. That said, for those of you who like this stuff, enjoy.
Day One: Stabbed
“Optimus!” The Prime was rushing forward to stand between the team and the enemy, completely unable to slow at such high speeds. Ratchet felt his very spark blaze in sheer terror as he saw the look of dawning realization reach Optimus’s optics in time for the dooming hiss of creaking components to echo in the area. There was no stopping it as the harpoon fired from one of Shockwave’s newest weapons and sliced through the air with the precision and speed of a sniper rifle. 
There was no time to think, there was no time to act, not as the glint of deadly steel sped across Ratchet’s straining optics. In reality, it must have only been a terrifying two or three nanokliks… However as medical protocols were activated, Ratchet saw the proceedings in terrifying detail.
Optimus’s face was the embodiment of true terror as the harpoon sliced through abdominal armor, its serrated edges catching on wiring and protoform as it spun like a torpedo. It all seemed like a sickening slow-motion holofilm as outer plating was ripped apart in a spray of energon which was only accentuated as the harpoon tore past secondary and core layers of supposedly blast-proof armor. Protoform all but exploded in a sea of shattered components, quickly leading internal organs to squelch out from the harpoon’s entry point in a horrifying display. Then as time began to speed back up, the still spinning harpoon tore its way out of Optimus’s back, sending pieces of spinal column, wiring, and entrails flying out onto the stone beneath their pedes.
Distantly he could hear Bumblebee and Bulkhead screaming, and somewhere Arcee was dealing suppressive fire as Ratchet threw himself into action. A thousand warnings complicated his sub-processing routines while he skidded to his knees, running scans even as he assessed the damage and focused on trying not to purge. The Prime was in a quickly growing pool of his own energon, and thankfully the harpoon had broken all the way through his frame and thus was not stuck within him to aggravate affairs further. That of course was merely a small mercy though as every medical protocol Ratchet knew was reviewed and activated. 
His digits shook as he struggled to decipher where to even begin his emergency repairs. Optimus was obviously in shock. His optics were blaring and his venting halted and tried to sputter back into regularity desperately. The Prime’s intake hung open, his face plastered into horror and quickly morphed into one of undiluted agony. Despite that, he couldn't scream, not as his entire frame struggled to continue functioning with the gaping hole in his abdomen. 
From where Ratchet knelt trying to frantically start welding shut weeping fuel lines, he could see internal organs pulsing and contracting as they tried to function even while all but destroyed. Small wires grasped at the air they were never meant to be exposed to as charge and energon crawled along them. Oils spilled from devastated purification systems and mixed with the unholy combination of components, organs, and half-processed fuel that was only growing larger within the wound and around Optimus’s frame. Shattered pieces of skeletal protomatter and yellow spinal fluid joined the mess and dug into angry lacerations. 
“Hold on Optimus! I’ll fix this! I will fix this!” Ratchet pleaded, trying to comfort himself more than the rapidly fading Prime before him. Deft digits reached into the wound and he began to carefully remove shards of metal that infested the damaged areas, all while doing his best to maintain composure. Wires clung to his digits as he worked and again the organs pulsed, all in time with Optimus’s distressed attempts to vent. There was too much damage and too little time.
“Frag it all, hold on Optimus!” Ratchet all but begged while finishing up what cleaning he could manage out in the open. He then proceeded to try to ease his churning tanks with a deep vent while pulling out half-destroyed organs to try and weld the wounds shut for the time being. If he could just stop the bleeding, he could get Optimus back to base and put him into emergency stasis until he could work something out-
“RATCHET! WE NEED TO MOVE!” Arcee screeched as blaster fire echoed nearby. Ratchet ignored her as he worked to tend to the pulsating organ within his grasp. His tanks churned with even more urgency as the organ which he assumed to be part of the fuel tank, oozed a mix of blue and rust-colored substances. It stained his servos and the texture had him shaking horribly as he welded the weeping component into a semi-stable state and hurried to try and at least cauterize the rest of the wound until he could do more. 
This time, Optimus did scream and the nauseating scent of burning energon and protomatter had Ratchet gagging while he worked. However, he did not dare stop, even as Optimus spasmed, only held down by Ratchet bodily holding him in place as his welder dealt with the worst of the wound. Grasping wires seared and withered, weeping wounds sizzled and closed up as molten metal forced them into place, and the ghastly concoction of bodily fluids within the wound smoked until they were reduced to ash. 
Eventually, Optimus stopped screaming, his frame falling limp. At some point, Ratchet dragged his ailing Prime back to base. Then next he knew, Ratchet stood beside the medical berth his Prime lay on, a syringe in his grasp and ready to plunge into an exposed fuel line to ensure Optimus did not wake during what was bound to be a very grim and unsettling series of surgeries.
Optimus over here like:
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