#Astral Light
funeral · 2 years
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Israel Regardie, The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic
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pathofregeneration · 5 months
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Justin Estcourt, Buddha (Illustration from Chapter V of Astral Conversations)
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Wise Thoughts
“ALL things are one. This applies to thoughts also, for thoughts are things and have substance, weak or strong, according to the strength or weakness of the thinker’s will and imagination. The Astral Light in which we dwell preserves, as upon a photographic plate, all the thoughts that man has ever thought, and those whose minds sincerely seek the truth of all things, will contact the thoughts of other thinkers, and so obtain the knowledge they are qualified to receive. …
Like unseen seeds from Heaven, do the wise thoughts of good men and women descend from the higher realms to earth, entering the minds of those attuned to their Divine harmonies, to blossom in kindly deeds and noble aspirations, whether in this life, or lives to come. Such, my dear Friends is the power of thought, which may bless or curse, depending upon the wisdom or ignorance of the thinker and the intention behind the thought. Always remember this when the tongues of the foolish offend you and tempt you to send forth like for like, so adding to the ocean of wrong thinking which infects the minds of men, instead of dispelling it. … Have charity for those who do not know the taste of genuine things, having fed all their lives on fantasy and drunk from the muddied waters of forgetfulness, ever seeking, never finding, because they do not know where or how to look for Truth. Stretch forth a helping hand to them, for in this way you liberate both them and yourselves from the bonds of ignorance.” 
— A. Listener, Astral Conversations (via Aula Lucis)
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hadit93 · 11 months
Fantasy: A Magical Gateway
Something I have noticed in myself and a lot of other magicians is that many of us got into magic as a result of being fascinated by the images of magicians, witches, and wizards in fantasy stories as well as the original fantasy stories- myths and legends.
I believe being interested in fantasy is not only a gateway into magical practice, but also a necessary trait. The ability to suspend one's belief and utilising imagination are key features in Magick in my opinion. We start off admiring the imagination of others, but eventually many of begin practicing the skill of imagination- creative visualisation- and forming worlds, characters, and beings of our own.
For me as a child my fascination began with Merlin and King Arthur, I was absolutely obsessed with the Arthurian legends as a child. I watched every film I could find concerning Merlin- which in the 90s was quite a few! After this of course came Harry Potter, I was hooked. I read the books, I watched the films, I could probably sit and recite lines even now. My favourite film as a very young child was The Wizard of Oz, not because of Dorothy, but because of the witch! I even once dressed as the wicked witch for halloween, much to my father's disapproval!
Then you have those who like to play roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons etc. I've always wanted to try playing such games but could never find anyone willing to. However, the amount of imagination and suspension of belief involved in these things is brilliant. It seems to be a very good tool of training and utilising the imagination and I know a lot of occult teachers grew up playing such games. I believe they are successful in their magic due to the early nurturing of these tools.
For me I loved writing stories about the supernatural in general: magic, vampires, ghosts etc. I would often play games involving magic, and on many occasions, when there were no kids about to play with I could be found in the garden communicating with the leprechauns. Don't ask me what we spoke about or why I believed leprechauns were living in my garden in England. But 5 year old me firmly believed it!
Now, this is not to say when you commune with spirits it is all imaginary in the sense that it is fake. This is not the case, but it is through the imagination faculty that communication occurs in my opinion. What I mean by this is that the spirits and the magician can utilise the matrix of the imagination to form impressions to each other and thus use the creative faculties of the mind to communicate with each other. This is what happens when a magician accesses and utilises the so-called 'astral plane'. It is the astral light of Eliphas Levi. It is the creative faculty of the mind.
Spirits are discarnate beings, we need to give them form or they need to give themselves form. I believe it is a mutual endeavour. We give them form in our minds eye and they take references, words, and aspects from our minds to give themselves shape also. I believe when we stare into scrying devices all we are doing is distracting our conscious minds and allowing the imagination to run wild. To daydream, to be lost in reverie.
Stories are important. Myths and Legends are important. The bible is important. Why? Because they have shaped humanity, they have shaped us as individuals in society, and their imagery is imprinted upon us. The spirits speak through these archetypal images. But I personally believe new stories are also important. New tales of magic, drawing upon key archetypal images, are also of importance. Fantasy as a genre is important, and as a side note, science fiction too!
The next time you play D & D, watch movie, read a book. Allow yourself to get lost. Allow yourself to imagine yourself as the main character. Allow yourself to be lost in the story. Allow your mind to run wild. Do the same the next time you are scrying, do not try to control what happens. Don't disregard anything. Simply be receptive to the imagination. Allow it complete freedom. Your magic will thank you.
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mspirations · 8 months
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Day 10 - Astral Light / Sun & Moon
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eclectic-ways · 1 month
WE have to come TOGETHER
© Eclectic Ways
a CALL to all the Starseeds, multiverse & astral travelers, light & shadow workers, empaths, multidimensional beings, Mystics & Esoterics and whatnot...
This is a hypnotic artwork of mine that has a collective purpose in which oneness shall make a positive impact universally.
You can use this for your practices on similar collective intentions so we all can gather up and connect.
So be it.
[song credit: Morwell - Let Us Make]
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euphorictruths · 1 year
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When the ego dies, the soul awakes.
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spacepod · 2 months
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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more of them + speculating about collectors coloring in the tags
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x-mensirens · 2 months
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starii-lins · 4 months
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valentines lumini
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burn-with-the-house · 3 months
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Zyrus Crataerius
astral elf - druid - circle of the stars - astral drifter
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Gets astral arms, immediately uses them to do mundane things.
My friend, and fellow party member’s, Rogue/Monk air genasi, Anvindr by @inspiderwiht
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olgipolgi · 2 months
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sugumii · 1 year
Dan Heng x Reader: Never forget
TW: Angst, mentions of death.
A/N: I was talking to an AI and bro was SPITTING so I got inspiration from its poetry. Credits to that AI because WOW.
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Just a boy who met a girl.
Who both found a light that illuminates each other’s heart — someone who saw one another fully, and who they could see back.
It was strange.
The fact that someone could offer their utmost loyalty to another, to be together and to share each other’s heart… that's a kind of love that makes you look forward to tomorrow, isn't it?
Dan Heng reminisced on his first encounter with them. How their eyes sparkled with joy upon seeing him appear. How he offered his hand to aid them and how they took it almost instantly. He remembered how when their hands touched one another a jolt of electricity ran through him. Almost as if their touch seemed familiar to him.
Dan Heng remembered how beautiful/handsome they were when they first met. The way their e/c eyes sparkled with newfound curiosity and how their cheeks wrinkled from their beam. They looked surreal, so magnificent, and breathtaking. The male remembered how his heart skipped a beat and how he wished to befriend someone for the very first time on his own.
It was like it was meant to be.
Suddenly, a voice interrupted the dark haired male’s thoughts, causing him to flinch and drop his notes. He cursed silently, bending over to pick up his book. He paused upon reading the title, mouth turning into a frown. It wasn’t just any book, it’s cover had been labeled by his own hand.
A journal of memories of the both of you.
He picked up the book gently with trembling hands, resisting the temptation to open it and flip through its contents. He knew he had hid this away and would have to open it someday, but he didn’t feel ready to just yet.
But he missed you. Dearly.
He wanted to see your face and refresh his mind on the fond memories you two shared. The beauty in the smile you wore and the shine your eyes never failed to exhibit.
With shaky hands and a deep inhale, Dan Heng cautiously put his hand on the page to open it.
“Dan Heng!” A voice interrupted him once again, resulting in him placing the book down immediately. “Welt, Stelle, and I are going to Xianzhou Luofu! You should join us, we have to go investigate some Stellaron!”
He sighed, eyes with a hint of worry as he replied.
“Apologies, March… however, I’ll be staying on the express. Do be careful and have a safe journey.”
A whine was heard on the other side of the door as she voiced her complaints before being called by Welt and rushing off. Dan Heng went to lie down on his makeshift bed and sighed, eyes never leaving the book.
Love was truly an infinite subject. It was something we search for all our lives, in all the things we do and in the people we meet. A feeling that enriches our lives and enlightens our hearts.
Love is what makes life worth living. Being able to spend the rest of your lives together in pure bliss enjoying the comfort of each other’s companies. It is being able to believe in another. It's about supporting each other in the good times and the bad, about always being present for someone when they need you — and them the same for you.
Dan Heng’s eyes watered, tears slowly spilling down his cheeks. A sob threatened to spill from his throat, but he suffered in silence, refusing to even let out the smallest of noises.
Love was about never being alone. It was about knowing that someone is always there to support and believe in you even in the darkest hours of the night. But if that was really true… then where were you?
He cried. If only he could’ve done more for you.
If only he was there for you to protect you. Then maybe you still would’ve been here, with him. In his arms.
Then maybe you wouldn’t be gone from this world, leaving him all alone in this cruel world. To be tortured every hour of each waking day, haunted by the mere memory of your dying face. How your lips trembled as blood gushed out your wound. How you cried tears of sorrow and apologized for leaving him so soon.
He remembered the shock he felt upon seeing his lover in such a state. Never in a thousand years did he ever dream of seeing you taking your last dying breath before him. He remembered how tightly he held onto your hands with tears streaming down his cheeks nonstop. How he screamed for shouts for help and how everything was going to be okay. How he could fix this and take you to a doctor, but too much blood had already been lost.
He wouldn’t have made it.
He remembered picking you up as gently as he could, bolting to the Express. How he told you sweet nothings and how much he loved you and how everything was going to be alright. How you’d both be smiling tomorrow again joking about this incident in the future and being together forever.
He remembered looking down at your face as his heart dropped. How your eyes were closed and your chest stopped heaving up and down. He felt the coldness of your skin and slowed down, crumbling to his knees with you in his arms. It was then that he knew…
You were gone.
Dan Heng’s tears intensified as his heart rate quickened tremendously. His breathing got faster and faster as he clutched his chest, hand over his heart. He couldn’t bear this torture any longer. What life was worth living if it wasn’t with you? Why did you have to die? Why couldn’t he have gotten there sooner? Regrets filled him endlessly as he blamed himself for the incident over and over again.
Love was a source of immense joy and deep sorrow— the two sides of this precious treasure thing we call love.
Love is being willing to do anything for the sake of another. For that person to be happy, to protect and support them in every way you can. But why couldn’t he do that for you? He couldn’t save you…
Love is being lost in the memory of their warmth and touch. Their smile and eyes.
But what if the memory was of the bad things too? Being haunted by the picture of their death and never forgetting. Constantly being reminded of them and drowning in an endless amount of sorrow and pain. Missing them dearly every day for the rest of his life? Never being able to move on and forget their everything?
Yes… maybe that’s an example of love too.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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A doodle of nebula knight (Kirby hero of yore oc!)
Lots of thoughts about writing narrative foils for characters that are paragons of light and goodness (galacta knight)
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spacepod · 2 months
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