flannelfloofs · 2 years
Oh right Sparkle on Drillgirl or sommenthing (WIP)
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This is going to take 10000 years with every new episode posted BUT here's what I got so far!!! Yippie!
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deidremercer · 1 year
A Formal Review of Sparkle On, Raven! The Life of Drillgirl. (Episodes 1-3)
I first learned of Sparkle On, Raven! During Dollip Daze's voice acting commission stream. You might know Dollip as the funny blue girl from Twitch and TikTok, or perhaps as the voice of Jet in Realtime Fandub Games and The Necessity of Change (otherwise known as sonic riders dub) or maybe you've ever seen her on hit internet gameshow Act Promptly. Regardless of from whence you might know her, as well as the other members of the cast, I was confused to hear Dollip unplug her microphone on stream so that she could record with her webcam mic, and I was curious as to who this "Raven" character was. So I took a look at it, and I fell in love.
Sparkle On, Raven! The Life of Drillgirl is a webseries on the YouTube channel "these are videos, one, two three" a channel which has miraculously managed to nab the YouTube handle @SquareEnixOfficial the channel itself doesn't really have any information about the channel or the show anywhere, but through context clues you can pretty easily come to the conclusion that the channel is owned and run by Chase of ClownDepot, and if you're familiar with the works of himself or any of his friends from Clownhouse or Realtime Fandub you're likely to see a few familiar faces in the credits of Sparkle On, Raven!
The first episode of Sparkle On, Raven! The Life of Drillgirl, opens with an exposition dump from our titular protagonist Raven, who explains that she is going to have the perfect, perfect school year, despite the fact that she has to manage a bunch of new students transferring to her school due to the other school in the town blowing up, and also the fact that she's a magical girl. This implies to the viewer that Drillgirl is in fact Raven's magical girl alter ego. Almost immediately we learn that this is not the case, Drillgirl is an entirely separate character who is treated as if she is the protagonist despite the fact that she appears for exactly one scene in each episode. This is brilliant, and it's comedy like this that Sparkle On, Raven! really excels at.
Sparkle On, Raven! is very clearly a parody of fanime, a mid-2000s trend that I'm sure many of you are familiar with at least from a conceptual standpoint. While the most famous work from this medium is undoubtedly SoapOpera46's timeless classic Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls. Fanime were plentiful in the years around 2006, and while many parodies of fanime like Drama At Junior Blossom High seek to replicate the "so bad it's good" factor commonly associated with the artform, Sparkle On, Raven! seeks to not punch down at these works by amature artists and storytellers, but celebrate them.
While Sparkle On, Raven! does contain many elements of these works such as the poor mic-quality, mspaint-esque artstyle, and over-the-top character designs and names, it notably never uses these elements as the punchline. Sparkle On, Raven! is funny because the jokes are good, through clever writing or good delivery, the cast and team of the show actually deliver a show that is legitimately funny on its own and not just funny as a punching bag. Even when it does utilize elements of the medium in its comedy, the joke is never just "we did the thing." Raven's transformation sequence being arguably the worst looking bit of art/animation in the show isn't funny because the art is bad, it's funny because in a magical girl show typically the transformations are visually stunning because that piece of animation is reused in basically every episode of the show. The one joke about the mic quality isn't just "the mic quality is bad," the joke is that Drillgirl is the one character whose mic quality is incredibly crisp and clear because she is treated as the main character, the joke is that they are spending more money on their supposed lead character, and it's a joke only enhanced by the previously mentioned one appearance per episode.
Perhaps the one exception to this rule is ChuppaChups the Alien, whose voice is put through a filter that makes their dialogue almost incomprehensible, but I'm willing to forgive that because in episode 1 the closed captions allow you to very clearly understand what they're saying, and also the CC goes into an unnecessary level of detail that I find funny, and their appearance in episode 3, while very difficult to parse, does not require you to really catch the whole thing and is the setup for one of my favorite jokes in the series.
Sparkle On, Raven! also manages to tailor to one of my favorite specific brands of comedy, that being referring to someone exclusively by one very long name, in the way that I exclusively refer to the creator of Undertale as Tobias "Radiation" "Please Stop Calling Me Radiation" Foxtrot, but I think there's something here for everyone, there's a pretty wide net of comedy stylings that the show casts without ever feeling like it doesn't truly have its own identity.
I feel that a lot of the voice cast's performances speak for themselves, but one thing I've been neglecting to mention in this review thus far is how the show actually looks. Despite its MSPaint-esque line work and coloring, Sparkle On, Raven! Tends to look really good both in still frames and in motions, the team that actually makes the artwork is a pretty large group so the art style does fluctuate from scene to scene, but I think this works to it's benefit. As an example, I think the show's brief dip into a more traditional detailed anime art style as Raven and Slash standoff, preparing to fight adds a sort of weight to the scene, and when the style gets more simplistic as they actually begin to fight each other, it works both comedically and logically, as an action scene with such detail would be far more difficult to animate. I really respect Sparkle On, Raven! for it's ability to use these art style changes in this way. While I think the show both when still and in motion is pretty solid overall there are definitely specific scenes where it's obvious they prioritized one over the other, see that standoff having exactly two frames for talking as opposed to Raven drawing her sword during the fight which is some of the most fluid animation in the show. There are also a lot of really solid visual gags such as the end of said fight (my favorite joke in the series) as well as smaller things like Raven sipping out of a taped together milk carton after her original one gets destroyed in a bit of absolutely unnecessary continuity.
I also think every character, in both design and personality, ranges from pretty good to downright flawless. Slash specifically is so beautiful to me because he manages to strike the perfect balance between the reality and the fantasy of the "while you were talking to girls, I was studying the blade" guy. He somehow manages to simultaneously be exactly what the "studied the blade" guy thinks he is, with his ability to slice through apparently any material, while also embodying the incompetence of every "studied the blade" guy on the planet with his inability to deal with or even touch non-stationary targets. Drillgirl is also on the flawless side of the spectrum because she is the best. On the lower side of the spectrum we have characters like Strawberry whose primary thing just seems to be that their appearance is contradictory to their name on a funny way, and somewhere in the middle is Ryan Sasuke for being an excellent parody of the anime cool guy rival but gets points docked for just being Bakugo from MHA (even though that is incredibly funny)
The last thing I want to talk about is the credits sequences, the team really went above and beyond to make these fun and enjoyable. There's no real depth for me to add here I just think giving your characters a musical number at the end of every episode is really funny and entertaining.
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gloucesterroad · 5 months
Bunnings is like a playground for adults
I went there on Christmas Eve and Santa was walking around handing out lollipops so I’m walking around looking at the outdoor furniture with my coca cola chuppachup and an employee comes up to me and says where did you get that lollipop so I told him from Santa and he said where is he!? and I said he’s just walking around so the employee went sprinting off to find Santa, so I’m not sure if that was a Bunnings authorised Santa
but the other great thing is people pushing their dogs dressed in Christmas hats around in their shopping trollies
Just general Christmas merriment going on at Bunnings I recommend it as a Christmas activity
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slytherinrambles · 4 years
slytherin ramble #9
- today we played kahoot in English and it was competitive as heck, anyway i thought that all hope was lost but i kept trying anyway and just at the last minute i made it to the podium and then first place. it’s the most satisfied i have felt in a long time.
when we go back, i’m getting three lollipops as a prize by the way 😁
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leamedici · 5 years
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Monsteriser des chuppa chups et en développer une.
Travail réalisé sur format A3 avec des crayons aquarellables.
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citizen-of-space · 7 years
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michelinedesbois · 6 years
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CHUPPA CHUPS handmade collage by @michelinedesbois
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mathieucornelus · 6 years
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- Bow Ties & Lollipops / Self Portrait - #projet52
Thème : sucette
Nantes, August 2017
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madgifs · 7 years
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lalotty · 7 years
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J’ai créé mon compte instagram c’est par ici
Here’s my instagram
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peachtozier · 4 years
indirect kissing 🥺 👉 👈
our brand! 
come send prompts and distract me from my sore throat :(
Richie’s favourite flavour of lollipop is banana and chocolate, which is the worst tasting flavour of lollipop ever. Eddie likes normal flavours, like strawberry and grape and cola, but Richie had adapted his taste in food so he never had to share. He eats carrot sticks dipped in jam, his favourite cordial was a deep brown you could only get from mixing at least nine different flavours together, and he likes banana and chocolate lollipops.
“Wanna suck?” Richie asks as they walk home, popping the candy out with an obnoxious sound. Eddie curls his lip at the yellow and brown colour of it. He knows exactly what that flavour tastes like.
He grabs it out of Richie’s hands anyway, and shoves it into his mouth.
He’s gotten better at not gagging at the taste, and manages to keep it in his mouth for four sucks, and then he can’t handle it anymore. He passes it back, the creamy colours slick and shiny from his saliva.
You can’t wipe saliva off a lollipop without getting hairs and dust in it. Which means that Richie shoves the lollipop straight into his mouth, Eddie’s spit and all. An indirect kiss. Eddie blushes, and hides it by digging through his backpack to find some water to wash his mouth out.
“What’d you think?” Richie says, muffled by the candy.
“Fucking disgusting,” Eddie replies, but deep down, he likes the flavour. He imagines that’s what Richie would taste like if they ever kissed. “Almost as gross as you.”
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worldinherpalm · 7 years
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konstntigh · 7 years
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kieran-sw · 7 years
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Did a quick Dodie thing based off her new lollipop video 😅😅😅 I love it so much 😂😂😂
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After playing at the park with the kids we always stop off at the little corner shop. They’re dead set on the whistle lollipops #ChuppaChup make... I’m a #Kirks #CreamingSoda kinda girl 😝 #KirksSoda (at Adelaide, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2569ckBvKk/?igshid=1mcpm0l9bp04j
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cutecatpics · 3 years
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Our cute and snoozy kitties... #ChuppaChup & #Missy Source: Jeanniebabi on catpictures.
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