reunitedinterlude · 1 month
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lofi phantasy: the album
track 6: sofa crease
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danrifics · 6 months
you all pestered me for it and here it is. the closeness analysis/ theory.
now if you didn't see I basically had this theory that the closer to BIG and COTY we get in the DAPG timeline the closer dan and phil sit to each other. Dan made a comment about how them playing Heartthrob being like a gay soft launch and that got me thinking of some other ways they could have done it and one of those being the idea that as time goes on you get less and less strict and worrisome about what others think of you and so they end up gravitating closer and closer.
This post will be under a see more cos its probably gonna be long af.
I will be splitting it into stages.
2014 -15
2016 - 17
sorry the screenshots arent clickable to make bigger tumblr only allows for 30 on a post so i had to group them together!
(i will not be covering horror games apart from in the revival stage and i will also not be talking much about gamingmas 2023)
2014 - 15
now when i initially went to collect my evidence, i was suddenly worried maybe i kinda had things wrong because i feel like in Donkey Kong Country (the first dapg video, see screenshot below) they're sat pretty close but honestly when we get to how they sit a lot later on you'll see that this is actually pretty far apart
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now here are some screenshots for the inital look at at the end of them we'll talk (this will be the layout for most of this post i think)
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now of course this is only a selection of those year's videos if i screenshotted them all i fear this post would never end. now these first 2 years are a good mix of at desk videos on sofa videos. i noticed from some other videos not show here that in sofa videos they rend to sit a lot closer to each other than they do at the desk, this is kinda funny to me cos really they definitely have room for a wider frame on the couch if they wanted to sit like normal people.
2016 - 17
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2016 and the start of 2017 feel like a mixed bag of how close together they are but i did notice that the more into 2017 we got the more they seemed to be shoulder to shoulder! these also started to wean out sofa sitting games (not 100% gone yet but almost). now if you're wondering why i've kept this screenshot apart its cos this is the last one in the first london apartment.
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and honestly from here on out is where i believe the "soft launching" begins!
so lets finish 2017 and see if im right!
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just had to single out this screenshot for a sec:
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in case anyone wondered that is the face dan made during dream daddy when phil reads "we were roommates for a while too"
anyway moving on
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watching these videos definitely feels like something changed btw, while they still arent as close as we'll start seeing them sit, i definitely noticed more often they were shoulder to shoulder. but like a new room has definitely changed the vibe a little bit between them, and now we can move on to the next and final year of pre hiatus dapg, where things as you will see immediately start to change.
like i said... immediately we are met with this, i would also like to let everyone know that 2018 is my favourite era of pre hiatus dapg
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lets see what the rest of this year will bring
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now i'm splitting 2018 up into parts because i need to do a whole talk about the tour situations so for now lets look at the above screenshots, now its very obvious that they are sitting so much closer to each other which i think is really funny considering how big that room is and often in this section of videos there is a lot of room either side of them so they literally do not need to be that close.
now lets talk about the tour bus. this is how close they're sitting
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thats for sure a 1 person seat yet they've both forced themselves on even tho the sofa literally behind them would have been perfectly fine to sit on, and they cant give me "this is the only place to set up the camera" babe its really not theres a whole surface behind you.
okay thank you for listening to this, moving on to the final part of 2018!
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(the last 2 screenshots are out of order oops)
idk about you but yeah i think they are definetly a lot closer than they were way back in 2014. i really dont have a lot to say other than that, and i have definetly proven my theory so now we've established that lets have a brief look at post hiatus dapg!
Now this is gonna be really brief its just a summary of where we are post BIG/COTY and post hiatus (things my brain still cant quite believe is real)
now here are the revival moments i wanna give a mention!
firstly sims season ep 3 when dan moves his chair away from phil and their wheels are literally locked together, pushing phil's chair too
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heres dan looking into the monitor and then moving closer to phil <3
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and finally
hand hold
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thanks for reading all this and sorry if it didnt live up to the hype lmao
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fayrobertsuk · 7 months
Poetry for ALL
Some personal anecdotes and a plea follow...
As quite a few of you know, I’ve been engaged in disability awareness and rights campaigning and other work since sometime in the 90s, so when I was given an opportunity to support and host an event dedicated to making performance poetry as accessible as possible in 2018, I jumped on it.
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(image description in alt text)
Poetry for All is the brainchild (and heartchild, and soulchild) of Rose Drew, who I first met through one of Richard Tyrone Jones’s Utter events in London. She’s an extraordinary writer and performer, and a powerhouse of an events host and organiser. Within about 30 seconds of watching her on stage, I knew I wanted to be like her when I grew up as an artist. When she got in touch three years later to ask if I’d like to help out with what turned out to be the inaugural event, I threw myself into providing as much support as possible with enthusiastic abandon, and we pulled together a line-up which included the extraordinary performers Raymond Antrobus and DL Williams (“DeafFirefly”), both of whom I’d performed with before and was keen to see again. 
Now, there’s a whole section on our new website about the history of the events where you can read the facts, but I want to say here that, personally, that first event in March 2018 (coincidentally on my birthday!) was an absolute eye-opener – seeing how poetry events could expand and develop the ideal of accessibility in ways I hadn’t considered. It was also extremely inspirational as I realised that, well, I was allowed to write about my disabilities. Seeing and hearing artist after artist sharing so much and so eloquently unlocked something in me that I didn’t even know I’d been repressing:
I’m allowed to be an openly disabled poet. I’m allowed to express my neurodivergence. I can tell my truth. 😱🤯
Bit of a culture-shock, but I owe so much to the poets and to Rose (and to Dave Wycherley, BSL interpreter extraordinaire – that’s a hard and physically/ mentally taxing job as it is, but to do that with poetry? on the fly?! breathtaking...) for helping me get to that starting point, knocking down the walls of my own internalised ableism.
So, apart from a paean to self-expression and why representation and finding tribe matters, and a screed of gratitude for new friends made and old friendships strengthened through the course of these events, why am I writing this? What’s with the hashtag? “Plea...?”
Well, so far, since you ask, all of our events have had local funding in York, where they’ve taken place exclusively so far. Rose applied for Arts Council England funding for this and next year for a tour comprising several venues and a host more disabled artists and BSL interpreters from various parts of the UK (all getting paid properly!), but we found out last week that we’d not got the money. Any of it. So our forthcoming event on 24th November in the gorgeous National Centre for Early Music is in jeopardy and, since the thought of Rose (herself a disabled artist on low wages) having to pay for this out of her own pocket was not to be supported, I threw myself at a plan of creating a (somewhat last-minute) Crowdfunder, so that we can at least pay for the venue, the artists’ and interpreters’ fees, the travel and accommodation expenses of those of us coming from out of town, and the costs of producing merchandise to sell. We’ll be producing an anthology in print and ebook form, as a joint publication between indie publishers Stairwell Books and Allographic Press. And, if we exceed our funding goal, there’ll be video and audio available of the event to boot!
We’ve created a frankly very exciting range of pledge rewards for people wanting to support us (all the way from £1 and £2 options, since money is tight, especially for disabled folk, right now, to more chunky ones like private mentoring, workshops, and a publishing package), and we’ve got three weeks(!) to raise our £1,500 to cover the shortfall from ticket and merch sales. Eeep! So, if you’re able to and would like to help us, we’d be ever so grateful. The campaign is here:
And if you have absolutely no funds to share with us at all, we’d be incredibly grateful if you shared on social media, with friends, on blogs, all of that!
Thanks for reading all this, and have a great day!
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merrybloomwrites · 2 months
You Can Start a Family (Extra: Mitch x Reader Cockwarming)
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Summary: Y/N misses Mitch while he's away on tour and can't get close enough to him when he returns home. He comes up with a solution that leaves them both content.
Previous Chapters:
Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten
Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2
Mitchrry Prequel
Fan Reactions
Holiday Blues
Mitchryy Reunion
Getting High
First Earthquake
Word Count: 2K
CW: smut, cockwarming, p in v sex
One thing you absolutely hate is goodbyes. Whether temporary or permanent, you despise having to separate from the people that you love.
It’s been a difficult few weeks for you. Mitch and Sarah left for tour almost a month and a half ago. Harry was with you for most of that time, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t missing the other two. You and Harry went to Mitch’s show in New York City, but the four of you weren’t able to get a minute alone. You couldn’t even spend quality time with them after the show since there were paps and fans tracking you and Harry.
The next day you flew back home to Ohio, Harry flew to London for a couple weeks to work, and Mitch and Sarah continued on to the next city.
It was even worse then, being completely alone in your big, empty apartment. The upside was that it was only a few days until the show nearby in Columbus and you’d be able to see Sarah and Mitch again.
But even at that show you weren’t able to spend too much time with them. This time Mitch’s family was there so the three of you had to be careful. They don’t fully know the extent of your relationship with Mitch and Sarah, and though you all plan to tell them someday, now doesn’t seem like a good time.
You are able to snuggle up next to Sarah for a little while since that’s something you two have always done. It feels nice to have her arm around you, to smell her familiar shampoo, and it settles you just enough to get through the end of the tour.
They finish the last couple of shows, and Sarah comes home to you. Unfortunately, Mitch has to go back to LA for a couple meetings, and your separation from him continues.
You spend a few days hanging out with Sarah before she leaves for a girl’s trip with some of her best friends. For two nights you’re alone again.
Finally, it’s the day Mitch is set to arrive home. You’re excited to finally see him and actually spend some quality time with him, but part of you feels anxious. You’re not entirely sure why, but you can’t shake this nervousness.
He arrives home as you’re cooking dinner, one of his favorite meals. You hear the door open but don’t greet him at the door like you normally would. He finds you standing at the stove, and he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing against your back and saying, “Hi baby.”
You turn your head, smiling and saying a quiet hello before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Mitch is taken aback by your less than warm welcome after so long apart, but then you say, “Sorry, I have to keep stirring this until it boils or else the sauce will congeal and burn and be totally gross.” It’s a valid explanation, but there’s something just a bit off about you at the moment.
“Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” you say.
“Can I help?” Mitch asks.
“No thanks, I’ve got it. Why don’t you shower? I know you normally like to after flights,” you suggest.
“Ok, sounds great. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He turns and starts to walk out of the room, stopping when you call his name. “Yea?” He questions.
“I’m glad you’re home,” you say before shyly adding, “I missed you.”
His face softens and he replies, “I missed you too, so much.”
You smile at his response before jokingly saying, “Now go, wash off the germs.”
“I’ll be quick.”
“You’d better. Don’t want another minute without you.”
He steps closer, pressing another kiss to the top of your head before heading to the bathroom. While he takes a quick shower he assesses the way you’d greeted him and what might really be happening here. He hopes that maybe you really were just focused on not burning dinner. But Mitch knows you too well. He knows there’s something else there. Whatever it is, he knows he needs to fix it.
The food is ready by the time he’s dressed, and it smells delicious. The two of you sit down to eat, and though everything seems normal during the meal, Mitch isn’t convinced.
He suggests watching a movie and you agree. Before it begins you go to change into pajamas, seeing how Mitch is already comfy in his sweats. You wear an oversized T-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts, knowing that once you cuddle up to Mitch his body heat will keep you warm. You stop in the bathroom, deciding to do a quick nighttime routine so you won’t have to do it after the movie, but rather go straight to bed.
A few minutes later you’re ready and you join Mitch on the couch. He’s sitting on the corner of your L-shaped sofa, legs stretched in front of him. You waste no time, quickly sitting against him. Your head finds its home on his chest, where you can hear his heart, feel the rhythm of his breathing. His arm instinctively wraps around your shoulders, holding you close.
“This good?” He asks, referring to the romcom he’d pulled up on the TV.
“Yea, I like this one,” you reply, before tucking your face into the crook of his neck.
He presses play, but the movie doesn’t hold his attention. He’s purely focused on you, and your actions. You always love to cuddle, especially when you've been separated from your partners, but it’s like you’re trying to literally get under his skin. Mitch notices even the slightest movements as you continue to shift, never fully settling.
Halfway through the movie he feels your hand move to his shirt and grip the material tight. He can’t stand it anymore, he needs to know what’s going on in your head. So, he casually says, “You okay?”
“I’m good,” you quickly reply.
“Are you sure? You seem a bit, I dunno, upset maybe. I’m just not sure why.”
You’re quiet for a minute, unsure how to answer. Because he’s right, you are upset, but you’re not even fully sure what it’s about.
Finally, you reply, “I just really missed you.”
Mitch is quiet, hoping that you’ll explain a bit more.
After another moment you add, “It was just harder to be away from you than I’d expected. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy for you and so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. But selfishly, I really missed you. And then I’d see all the pictures and videos of you hugging and talking to all those other girls.”
“And you were jealous of them? I promise, they’re just fans, baby. You and Sarah are the only girls for me.”
“I mean, I know that. And I know they weren’t coming on to you or anything. I was just jealous that they got to see you and hug you and I couldn’t. I wanted to be in your arms, and it like, physically hurt to not feel you for so long.”
“C’mere,” Mitch murmurs, pulling you so that you’re straddling his lap. He cups your face, encouraging you to look him in the eyes. “Those girls may have gotten a hug then, but you get me for life. Even if I’m gone for a while, I’ll always come back. And I’ll always hold you in my arms. Way tighter than I’d hug a fan.”
“I know,” you reply.
“But something’s still bothering you,” Mitch states, picking up on the way you continue to shift restlessly on his lap.
“I really don’t know what it is. I feel like I can’t physically get close enough to you. Like, I know you’re here, but part of me still doesn’t believe that,” you admit.
Mitch is quiet for a minute, thinking of what he can do to help you. He thinks for a minute and comes up with an idea. He’s not sure it will work, not sure if you’ll agree to it or not, but he has to try.
“You said you can’t get close enough?” he questions.
“Yea, it’s like I wish I could just merge us into one person,” you reply with a laugh.
“I mean, we kind of can,”
“Are you saying we could have sex?”
“Not exactly.”
You look at him for a second and say, “Explain.”
“Okay, you know how sometimes when we do have sex, you want me to stay inside for a bit after we finish?”
You blush and nod, knowing exactly what he’s talking about. You’re not sure why you like that so much, but it always makes you feel so safe and loved.
“Have you ever heard of cockwarming?” he asks, and you shake your head no.
“Basically, it’s that, but without the sex first. We just relax together but I’d be inside of you.” You take in his words and imagine doing what he described and a flush runs through your body. Mitch watches as your cheeks turn even pinker and your pupils dilate.
“Do you want to try?” he asks, needing to know exactly how you’re feeling.
“Yes, please, can we try that? How do we start?” Mitch smiles gently at your eagerness before leaning in to press a kiss against your mouth.
“Well first we have to warm up a little bit,” he says and leans back in for a deeper kiss. Your mouth moves with his, and you feel arousal building in your belly as wetness starts to seep into the boxers you’re wearing. Mitch moves his hands to your hips, and gently presses you lower so you can feel his length hardening beneath you.
He helps you maneuver out of your bottoms, and you shiver as the cold hair touches your sensitive center. Mitch then pulls himself out and wastes no time before running his tip along your folds.
“You sure baby?” He asks, checking once more for consent.
“I’m sure. I want you. I need you closer.”
At that he doesn’t hesitate. He gently slides inside of you, and you practically sob in relief. He fills you perfectly, feels so warm in you. You wrap your arms around his neck, shifting slightly to get comfortable and his arms wrap around your lower back, holding you to him.
Finally, you settle. No more fidgeting or restless movement. You’re perfectly content, physically attached to the man you love and missed.
You lose track of time, not noticing when the movie ends and another one begins. All you’re aware of is Mitch, how you can feel him everywhere. His hands gently caress your skin, his lips randomly press kisses to your face as he whispers how much he loves you.
Eventually Mitch is softly shaking you to wake you up. You breathe him in as you stir, slightly dazed, but it all comes back to you as you shift your hips and feel him still nestled inside of you. You let out a quiet moan, a new wave of desire running through you at the realization.
Without thinking, you lift your head to crash your mouth back to Mitch’s. He meets your enthusiasm with his own and what started out gentle earlier now becomes desperate. He carefully moves you so you’re laying on your back with him on top. He checks in again to make sure you’re on the same page before he begins thrusting.
It only takes a few minutes before the two of you are coming together, the feeling of him coating you making you feel even warmer inside than before. You whimper as he pulls out, feeling empty, but better than before. After a few more kisses, Mitch carries you to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
You both climb into bed, wrapped in each other’s arms. That night you sleep more soundly than you have in weeks, and Mitch knows this won’t be the last time you spend an evening with him resting inside of you.
AN: Thanks for reading! I have one request for this story that I'm working on but if anyone has more just let me know!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz@fictionalmensblog@buckybarnessimpp
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline, Part 1 - An Update
I forgot the Daily Mail takedowns. Doh! (I kept that list separately and just totally forgot about it.) Tumblr is being weird when I try to update the other post so I'm putting the Daily Mail stuff here and I'll also add them to the main post.
First, some links that validate events on the main post:
Harry dating Sarah Macklin
Piers and Meghan have drinks
Doria papped after the relationship is outed
Meghan merches a H&M necklace and Harry is actually photographed (by Splash, of all people) outside Meghan's Toronto home immediately after his Caribbean tour ends.
Harry wants a bigger apartment and has his eyes set on the Gloucesters's home.
Meghan drops Reitmans
Harry talks about receiving therapy and help for his grief with Diana's death
4/30/2016: Kate revealed as the Vogue 100 (June 2016) cover star and story.
5/8/2016 - 5/14/2016: Harry is in Florida for the Orlando Invictus Games.
5/10/2016: Piers Morgan writes a "Good King Henry" article claiming Harry would be a better King than William.
6/12/2016: Daily Mail publishes a story about The Queen's tiara collection. (iykyk...)
6/28/2016: Harry appears with Coldplay at a Kensington Palace concert. This concert is often cited as proof that Harry is in London at the time they claim they were set up.
July 2016: (dates unknown)
Thomas Markle Jr. claims that Harry met Thomas during July 2016.
The Daily Mail claims Harry took Meghan to L.A. for a weekend of partying that sealed the deal and became officially boyfriend-girlfriend.
Meghan travels to Spain with Misha Nonoo. I think Markus Anderson is there too (there's a photo of a guy who looks like him with Meghan and Misha) but I can't tell.
9/8/2016: Harry is voted world's most hottest royal.
10/27/2016 - 11/4/2016: Harry is claimed to be in Toronto and a new version of how they met - in this version, they met at a charity event and Harry kept texting Meghan until she agreed to a date.
11/1/2016: Samatha Markle speaks out for the first time and a story about Meghan's fashion is published.
11/3/2016: Misha Nonoo revealed as the mutual friend that set Harry and Meghan up. Daily Mail publishes a "No one wants to marry Harry and he's desperate for love but Meghan isn't The One" editorial.
11/4/2016: Meghan pap walks and merches a hotel. Daily Mail publishes about Meghan's ancestry and that Meghan looks like Pippa.
11/5/2016: Meghan leaks that she wants to spend Christmas with Harry in the UK. Daily Mail publishes a "Diana wouldn't like Meghan" editorial.
11/6/2019: "Meghan, this is not how royals behave" editorlal published and Meghan leaks that she's very close with Princess Eugenie.
11/12/2016: "Harry, this is not how royals behave, stop calling us racists" editorial published.
11/14/2016: "Remember when Meghan had to choose between Prince William or Prince Harry" throwback article by the Daily Mail
11/15/2016: Meghan leaks that she will give up everything for Harry and the royal family.
11/16/2016: Meghan leaks that she wants private security from Harry and the royals.
11/19/2016: "Meghan the Kate lookalike" article published
11/21/2016: The royals don't like that stories and gossip about Meghan is taking over Harry's Caribbean tour and their work.
11/22/2016: Meghan's comment that she wants to "smash glass ceilings, don't wear glass slippers" is published. The subtext is that she won't be a cooperative associate of the royal family.
11/23/2016: An article about Harry making a tribute to Meghan while on the Caribbean tour is published. This is the very first "sweet nod" PR piece, though the phrase isn't actually used in the article.
11/25/2016: Daily Mail reports that William is not happy with Harry's love shield statement. This only fuels the rumors.
11/27/2016: Meghan and Priyanka's friendship is revealed.
12/9/2016: Yoga pap walk to merch Harry's bracelet
12/10/2016: Harry is hunting in Bavaria with friends and Meghan goes shopping in Toronto while the rest of the Suits cast attends Patrick Adams's wedding in California. Meghan claims she knew her attendance at the wedding would bring out the paparazzi and after discussing it with Patrick, decided to stay home to give them privacy. Rumors begin of a falling out between Meghan and the Suits cast over her behavior (e.g., entitlement and demands for special treatment) since dating Harry. Rumors that Meghan had an affair with one of her Suits castmates also resurface.
12/17/2016: The Markles sell photos of Meghan's childhood.
12/20/2016: Daily Mail writes about Meghan's topless photos and one of the first Kate hitjobs is published, an article that says Meghan has a better fashion style than Kate and that Kate should take inspiration from her.
12/21/2016: Daily Mail writes about Meghan's racy Suits scenes and an article claiming Meghan has been harassed and attacked by her half-sister is published, beginning Meghan's victim narrative. The Samantha article leads to speculation that Meghan dragged these issues up and into the public to bury her topless photos and sexy scenes. Later, it is also speculated that "Everyone Loves Classy" is meant to repair Meghan's reputation to make her royal appropriate.
12/27/2016: Yoga pap walk with Doria.
12/30/2016: A "Meghan is just like Diana" article is published, talking about Meghan's humanitarian work in and interest in Africa.
1/1/2017: The Daily Mail publishes more of Meghan's racy photos.
1/4/2017: Tom Markle Jr. confirms that Harry has met Thomas Markle "about six months ago" and that Thomas has known about the relationship since the very beginning.
1/6/2017: Another Kate hit job is published, stating that the Duchess will have to deal with being compared to Meghan, whose philanthropy is far more successful.
1/7/2017: Meghan leaks that she will be attending Skippy's wedding with Harry.
1/10/2017: The Daily Mail publishes photographs and stories about Meghan's first wedding to Trevor.
1/11/2017: Meghan spreads engagement rumors to E News! It's later confirmed that E News is one of Meghan's go-tos to leak info about the royals and her relationship so there's a solid confidence that she's trying to push Harry's hand.
1/14/2017: Meghan leaks to the Daily Mail that Harry plans to take her skiing in Verbier and her brother, Tom Markle Jr., has been arrested.
1/17/2017 - 1/18/2017: More information and details about Tom Jr.'s arrest are published.
1/20/2017: Kensington Palace announces that William and Kate are moving back to London in the fall when William's contract with EAAA ends in the summer.
1/22/2017: Meghan is papped at the airport in Mumbai, preparing to go home after 5 days in India for World Vision. There is some speculation that Meghan was a last-minute addition to the India program to get some good PR following her brother's drama but it's quickly debunked when a) veteran blogs point out that Meghan's strategy to bury bad news/criticism is a pap walk or a royal connection, not going off the radar and b) her November interview with Vancouver Star plugging the India trip is rediscovered.
1/27/2017: Meghan spreads rumors that they're really engaged now and Harry proposed over a glass of champagne.
1/28/2017: Kensington Palace announces that William and Harry have commissioned a statue of Diana for the KP gardens.
1/31/2017: Meghan tips off the Daily Mail about an article she wrote for The Tig about her dream bachelorette party. Rumors begin that this is Meghan announcing her availability to sponsors for merching opportunities in the UK when she marries Harry.
2/22/2017: A Cambridge hit job is published, pointing out that they don't hold hands and aren't affectionate in public.
2/25/2017: Meghan tries to convince us that she's firmly established in the UK with a group of society girls who've become close friends.
2/26/2017: Toronto pap walk to merch an elephant bracelet
2/28/2017: The Daily Mail publishes that Meghan has never met a freebie she didn't turn down.
3/5/2017: Meghan merches Cartier.
3/12/2017: Meghan leaks that Pippa doesn't want her at the wedding and has banned her with a "no ring, no bring" rule.
3/13/2017: The Daily Mail publishes a story and photographs of Meghan's very special episode of 90210. It's later that that Meghan leaked about William's dad dancing in Switzerland to bury this but more likely, it's Meghan's leaks that she will meet The Queen soon that are meant to bury the 90210 work.
3/20/2017: "Meghan is still the same girl I've always known, this fame isn't changing her" editorial by Lindsey Roth is published. This is in response to quiet-but-growing-louder speculation that Meghan has a new sense of entitlement, attitude, and rudeness.
4/3/2017: It's announced that Samantha Markle plans to write a book about Meghan. (Meghan gives her first brief against her sister the next day, on 4/4, largely in response to this news.)
4/8/2017: Meghan claps back against Pippa's "no ring, no bring" rule via an editorial.
4/9/2017: Meghan leaks that she loves Africa and Harry is taking her to visit again in October when Suits wraps.
4/20/2017: Meghan commissions a "Meghan is just like Kate" piece in the Daily Mail.
4/28/2017: Middleton hit job, accusing them of spending more time with the Cambridge children than their royal relatives. (Honestly, this reads more like a Charles hit job than Meghan's but it's part of a larger trend of Meghan sourcing stories that attack Kate.)
As always, corrections, additions, updates, and links are welcome!
Hopefully Tumblr stops acting up and I can incorporate these into the main post.
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cloudyskiiees · 7 months
hi guys! i’m adding to the total drama community by sharing a list of Alenoah fanfics i’ve found that are top tier, both completed and ongoing. enjoy!!!!
1: “Slippery Slopes” by @courtney-deserved-better on Ao3
OKAY this is quite literally the best fanfiction i’ve ever read. Not only is it incredibly well written and very in character, but there’s a whole second book with different perspective for some of the story called “Hawaiian Style.” It’s a World Tour rewrite where team chris is really really really really hot doesn’t lose the London challenge, so Noah and Heather more or less switch roles. Highly HIGHLY recommended. (The slow burn will drive you to insanity.)
2: “A Bit More Time” by @/seas1de on Ao3
THIS ONE!!!!!!! Alejandro gets caught in a time loop right before the beginning of the London challenge. This one is SO CRAZY CREATIVE and takes so many twists and turns. Incredibly enjoyable, and still on going. I love how well the writer uses time loop tropes, as that’s one of my favorites ever. Goes a little into some darker themes as well, so please be aware of that! Overall a very good read with a lot of fun time loopy stuff going on with everyone.
3: “Amicus Curiae” by @courtney-deserved-better on Ao3
Written by the same author as my first recommendation, I only have high remarks for this fanfic so far!!! In this one, Alejandro and Courtney join the Ridonculous Race as the “Best Friends.” As well as it being alenoah, Courtney and Emma are also shipped together in this story! It’s written so well, and each chapter is a different characters perspective! If you enjoyed season seven of total drama, definitely read this one.
4: “Stakes” by @/deadmxnsparty on Ao3
Vampire Alejandro, vampire hunter Noah. How can it go wrong? It can’t, it’s amazing. This one definitely takes a darker turn than rest, and is one of the two recommendations where “total drama island” never happened in their world. I always enjoy a good vampire au, and getting the different perspectives from characters is written well. Definitely read this if you’re a fan of paranormal creatures and dark romance!
5: “Dig a Mace into His Chest and a Shotgun into Mine” by @writerquil
Hunger games au! Noah and Gwen are the two tributes from District 12, and Noah plans to get Gwen to the very end as the victor. Alejandro is obviously from District 1, and so far the whole story has me hooked. All this, PLUS it’s interactive! At the end of each chapter, readers get to vote on what choices Noah should make! It’s incredibly fun to be apart of the story, and is also written well! Highly recommended if you enjoy THG and interactive stories!
That’s all I have for full length fanfics right now!! I genuinely enjoyed/am enjoying all of these immensely! Go show love to the writers and enjoy reading some great alenoah content! <3
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 1
Hello, my beautiful readers! I should be working on “If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too?” and that was the intent yesterday I swear. But I wanted to sit down and flesh out the first part of my “Eddie and Steve reconnect after years apart because their kids are in a rock band together AU”. Only I went from 680 words to 6020 words over the course of the day.
So um...yeah. I’m still working on “Rescue” but since I have so much of this ready, you’re going to get this for the next couple of days.
Just a couple of things, you can find the original idea for this on my Master List, but I don’t recommend reading it before this, because it makes the story a little less fun. The other thing is that in case it wasn’t clear enough the first part are all newspaper headlines.
Corroded Coffin Signs Three Record Deal with Relapse Records: American Tour to Start Soon
-July 15th, 1986
Business Moguls Clint and Rebecca Harrington Announce the Engagement of Their Only Son Steven to Socialite Addison Reed
-June 1st, 1987
Corroded Coffin to Launch First World Tour After Huge Success of Their First Album Underdark in December
-Sept. 23rd, 1987
Steven Harrington’s Nuptials to Addison Reed to Take Place in New York on Jan. 1st 1988
-Sept. 24th, 1987
Steven and Addison Harrington Announce the Upcoming Birth of Their First Child
-Feb. 23rd, 1988
Has Corroded Coffin Frontman Eddie Munson Found Love in London? Metal Star Eddie Munson Seen About Town with British Actor Jay Sanchez
-March 29th, 1988
Steven Harrington, Son of Business Mogul, Clint Harrington to Start Tech Company with Genius High Schooler, Dustin Henderson; Says Focus Will Be On Audio Devices
-May 9th, 1988
Tragedy Strikes in Austria! The Tour Bus Carrying the band Corroded Coffin Rolled Over Late Friday Night. Most of the Band Only Sustained Minor Injuries, but Bassist, Brian Martin was Thrown From the Bus and it Rolled on Top of Him, Killing Him Instantly
-Sept 11th, 1988
Funeral For Corroded Coffin Bassist, Brian Martin Was Held Yesterday in Their Hometown of Hawkins, IN. Frontman Eddie Munson Was Surrounded By Friends and Family
Picture: Eddie at grave site, clinging to boyfriend, Jay Sanchez. Wayne stands on his other side. The other two Corroded Coffin members stand behind them. The entire Party is there. Jonathan and Argyle, too. All but Steve.
-Sept 17th, 1988
Steven and Addison Harrington Announce the Birth of Their Daughter, Edith Barbara Harrington
-Sept 23rd, 1988
Eddie Munson and Partner Jay Sanchez Announce They Will Have a Child Together Through Surrogacy: Right Wing Groups Up in Arms!
- Nov 8th, 1988
S&D, the Tech Company Launched by Steven Harrington and Dustin Henderson Last Year Has Hit a Snag. Henderson Says the Technology is There, Investors Not Convinced
-March 19th, 1989
Steven Harrington and Wife Addison Battle It Out in Court, The Former Socialite Claims All Their Money Should Be Split Evenly, Including the Trust Fund Steve Received From Grandparents Upon Their Marriage; Judge Disagrees
-May 30th, 1989
Eddie Munson Back in the Studio. Producing This Time. Former Lead Singer and Frontman for Corroded Coffin is Back at It Producing What is Being Heralded as Metal’s Next Great Album...
-June 13th, 1989
Divorce Final! Steven Harrington and Addison Reed Split! Harrington Gets it All, Including Custody of Nine Month Old Daughter, Edith
-June 30th, 1989
Eddie Munson and Partner Jay Sanchez Announce Birth of their Son, Born Though Surrogacy; Mother and Son’s Name Has Been Withheld for Privacy Reasons
-July 14th, 1989
Tech Company S&D Reached Record Profits This Year; CEO Steve Harrington’s Ex Wife Back in Court for Bigger Cut of the Pie
-Sept. 7th, 1992
Eddie Munson, Beast of the Metal Scene Back in the Studio Again as Metal Bands Clamor to Have His Name on Their Record
-Jan. 19th, 1994
S&D CEO Comes Out as HOH (Hard of Hearing) and Bisexual in the Same Press Conference, Signing and Speaking His Speech
-Aug. 13th, 1995
Jay Sanchez, British Actor and Partner to Eddie Munson, Famed Metal Producer Has Passed Away Over the Weekend Due to Cancer. Family Asks the Public to Respect Their Wishes and Allow Them Their Privacy as They Grieve
-Oct 25th, 1999
Funeral For British Actor, Jay Sanchez Held in His Native Hampshire. Fans Flock to Mourn His Loss
-Oct 31st, 1999
Audio Tech Giant S&D Announced a Line of Headphones That Can Block Out Most Noises
Nov. 22nd, 2003
Grammy Award Winning Producer, Eddie Munson to Retire Amid Rumors of Troubled Son in Legal Woes
-March 27th, 2006
Steve was a man of few regrets in his life. He had a job he enjoyed, a daughter he loved more than life, and close friends he could count on. One of his biggest regrets, though? Losing track of Eddie after Corroded Coffin’s bassist Brian Martin died in a tour bus rollover in Europe on their first world tour.  
He knew that Robin and Dustin and probably some of the rest of the Party still kept in contact with Eddie, but after Steve was forced to miss Brian’s funeral...he wasn’t sure Eddie wanted him to contact him. So despite Dustin’s greatest efforts their lives remained separate.
“Hey, Dad!” Edith called from the kitchen.
Steve sighed into the bedroom mirror. He patted his hair down to hide the hearing aid. “Coming!”
He trotted out, grabbing his keys and wallet as he did so. His daughter was sitting at the counter happily munching on her cereal. Steve grinned when he saw her. She looked nothing like her mother, a fact Addison loathed. Edith had brown eyes and light brown hair with freckles, just like Steve.
“We finally have a new guitarist,” she said happily when she saw him. “But because we can’t have it at Lauren’s anymore...”
Steve sighed. “You want to use my garage as your studio?”
Edith grinned. “Pleaseee...”
Steve closed his eyes and opened them slowly to see her giving him the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes.
“All right,” he said. She started squealing and jumping for joy. “Only one day a week and if I have a migraine...”
She sighed, “We’ll keep it down.”
Steve ruffled her hair.
“Ugh...” she moaned. “It’s a good thing I don’t spend hours on my hair like you otherwise, I’d be really upset.”
Steve laughed. “Uncle Dusty keeps telling me it’s a miracle it hasn’t all fallen out yet.”
Edith smiled softly at him, before reaching up and gently tucking a lock of hair behind his left ear. “You’re the face of S&D, Dad. It’s not a crime to show off the goods.”
He ducked his head and blushed. “I know I wouldn’t be where I am without it but it chafes, you know.”
“You’re the father a seventeen year old girl,” Edith said with a wink, “I think you’re allowed to have a hearing aid.”
Steve sighed, too. “It just makes me feel older than I am.”
Edith shrugged. “You’re already old, so what’s a few more years difference?”
Steve raised his eyebrow and she squealed as he lunged for her. He kept up swimming and had taken up running. Edith on the other hand? She loathed sports. She claimed on more than one occasion that if anyone saw her running, they best start running too, because there was something chasing her.
A joke that didn’t go well with her dad or any of his friends for some reason she wasn’t privy to.
So she was an easy catch and he tickled her.
“No!” Edith huffed. “I’m too old for tickles!”
Steve stopped and cocked his head at her. “I still tickle Aunt Robin so...invalid argument.” And went back to tickling her.
Once she was gasping for breath, Steve let her up. “Now, Miss Thing, it’s time to get you to school.”
“Ugh...” she said, going to grab her backpack. “I hate school. Why can’t I just drop out?”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Because last time I checked, I didn’t raise a quitter. And you only have a couple months left of this year and all of next.”
“I hate being a September baby,” she huffed dramatically. “I’m older than most of my class.”
He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “You can blame your mom for that one.”
Edith smiled gratefully up at her dad. “It’s nice to have a scapegoat for all one’s ills in life.”
Steve laughed. “Thank god, for Addison Reed.”
Edith had to admit that there were certain parts of school that she enjoyed. She loved history and art. She didn’t know if she got that from her mom, as she had seen her mother all of three times in her memory. The first nine months of her life didn’t count.
Addison Reed had showed up when she was three when S&D had finally made it big and wanted more money from Dad. Again when she turned eight and Addison had taken her out for ice cream to try and charm Edith into giving up information on Dad so she could wheedle even more money out of him. The final time and the time that upset Dad the most was when Addison turned up when Edith was twelve to try and convince her to move in with her, so she could live off the child support.
That was when Dad got a restraining order against her, and moved them to Indiana from California. Edith missed the warm sunny days and the beaches, but she knew why Dad had done it. If moving back to Indiana was the only thing that would keep the leech away, Edith would have suggested it herself.
The other parts of school she liked were her friends. Mandy Lawrence and Kenny Grant. They had been a quartet, but Lauren decided she was too cool for them at the beginning of the year and stopped talking to them.
It was whatever.
She had art today which was a blessing because math was a killer and it always made her depressed. There was another reason she liked art class. Because that’s where she met this boy.
No, no not like that. Edith Barbara Harrington was a lesbian thank you very much. No, for all the kid’s fluffy brown hair, dimples and doe-eyes, she was interested in his ability to absolutely shred on guitar. His dad was some famous producer or some shit.
She walked up to him and fist bumped him. “H-man!”
“Miss Thing!” he greeted back. “Talked to my dad, but he said no go. He’s got too many valuable instruments he doesn’t want us touching.”
Edith grinned. “Well you’re in luck because my dad said yes.”
“Hell yeah!”
“So after school, k?” she said and he nodded. “I’ll text you the address.”
Their teacher called out for them to sit down and they did so with a grumble.
Edith couldn’t wait for after school.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Epilogue
Permanent Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken
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tinydeskwriter · 1 year
Cosmopolitan:Behold, Y/n and Harry Styles’s Relationship Timeline
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A/N: I wanted to try my hand in a Harry Styles/Royal Family Member situation. I ended it in the year 2020 because it was getting to much. There is no faceclaim, I just choose the pictures that fitted better into the narrative. Please, If you enjoyed, comment, I would love to hear your thoughts and I am always open for new ideas.
word count: 4807
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Much like a rich old man and a dusty bottle of port on a yacht, Princess Y/n and Harry Styles are a match made in heaven. There was drama, a lifetime of rumors, sweet reunions and, of course, that Cartier engagement ring. 
This couple’s love story was one for the ages. From meeting on the backstage of a One Direction concert to getting married, leaving royal duty, having a cute baby, and becoming the power couple the whole world has been obsessed with, they’ve being through it all. And after a whole decade of on and off, facing tons of unfair scrutiny, they only seem stronger.  On that note, let’s walk down memory lane through a timeline of their romance—including it’s ups and downs.
Circa 2012
Harry and Y/n met for the first time in early 2012, a the backstage of a One Direction’s concert in London, according to one of Harry’s close friends from Holmes Chapel, ‘Harry must have been mind-blown to meet Y/n, he always had a crush on her’.
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The first photo we can find of Harry and Y/n ever being in the same place is from November that same year at the Royal Variety Performance, where the princess attended alongside her grandmother, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. 
In December 1, the One Direction boys shared on their personal Twitter accounts about Princess Y/n’s cookbook, with the aim of raising funds for the Red Cross and for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. The book sold out on pre-order. Two days later, Y/n was spotted on the band’s Madison Square Garden Concert.
The two of them reportedly exchanged phone numbers to ‘keep tabs on each other’ ~ even though Styles was already rumored to be dating TS at the time~. 
Arabella Ferrer, Y/n’s roommate at the time, said later to a tabloid ‘they are both dating other people, but you could see that there was a mutual crush’.
 In 2012, Y/n was rumored to be dating on and off  ‘for a couple of years already’, billionaire Hugh Grosvenor, son of the Duke of Westminster and godfather to her nephew Prince George.
By January Harry and Taylor were already old history, and Y/n was no longer with her billionaire boyfriend.  
Y/n was photographed by paparazzi attending Harry’s 19th birthday at the private members club Groucho. 
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On Valentine’s Day, Y/n shared a picture of Richmond Park on Instagram with her thousands of followers, with the caption ‘LOVE’. 
Princess Y/n became a Oxford University graduated with a dual degree in Business and English Literature. And it was reported that the singer attended the private party throw by her older brothers in Highgrove, the Prince of Wales private residence in Gloucestershire. A guest was quoted ‘from the moment he arrived Y/n glowed, she introduced him to everyone at the party as her ‘special friend’ which is the royal family code for ‘boyfriend|girlfriend’, they gravitated around each other, nailed at a few karaoke duets, but I don’t believe it’s that serious’.
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Days later, on June 1st , Y/n reportedly attended Harry’s mom’s wedding.
By July they’re in the first of many ‘off-time’ in their relationship. Harry’s busy touring with his boyband, and Y/n’s juggling her professional career and royal duty. 
The couple was pictured with friends on the 24th  of January in Verbier—only a few weeks after it was reported that Styles were dating Kendall Jenner—.
Though  paparazzi weren’t able to capture the couple in any major PDA—apart from a few hugs on the slopes—. Y/n’s cousin, Princess Eugenie, and her boyfriend, Jack Brooksbank, were among the group, as well as the princess older brother, ~another~ Harry, with his then girlfriend, Cressida Bonas. 
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The Daily Mail  reported that according to one source, “Y/n and Harry are pretty serious about each other, she knows his entire family and is close to his mother and sister, Harry already met both her brothers and cousins Eugenie and Beatrice”.
Y/n was spotted at the One Direction concert in Amsterdam, the particular date coincided with the state visit of the princess to the country.
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The same month Y/n visited Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg, rubbing shoulders with the other Royal Families of Europe—their are kinda of all related we’re sure… in some way— ‘Doing a Social: Royal Edition’ .
Due to Harry band commitments and touring, the couple didn’t see each other until October, when Y/n visited Styles in Los Angeles, the mood between the couple seemed to cool off after pictures surfaced of Harry out in a pumpkin patch with Erin Foster.
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The couple was pictured—in two separated occasions— in heated arguments around LA ~in public~ and we can only guess why…
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When asked about his ‘royal romance’ by interviewers Styles standard answer was ‘We are just really good friends’ but that cheeky grin in his face didn’t fool anyone. 
Later in November Styles is pictured by paparazzi going out with Victoria Secret’s model Nadine Leopold in LA, while Y/n is tagged on a Instagram post attending a friend’s wedding in San Francisco… on the same night, and is safe to say that they aren’t ‘on’.
Early January, Y/n is living to the fullest, enjoying single life around the globe with her inner circle of friends~and her ex, no, not Harry, Hugh!~.
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She started in the Mediterranean and went on to …Verbier.
On February 01, Styles 21st birthday, Y/n went to her instagram to share a heartfelt message… about Maritime Life and the Health of the Ocean,  illustrating her love for the sea and all it’s creatures with personal photos ~or thirsty trap~.
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Which Harry liked, as fans noted. 
And all this just a day after the princess being seen attending Styles birthday bash in LA.
A source told The Sun: “The moment she arrived, red lipstick, high heels and a little black dress, all eyes were on her, including his, poor Nadine, his rumored girlfriend, was completely forgotten on the side, Harry was all over Y/n”
“There’s nobody else he’d rather be on his birthday.”
That was the last time we saw Harry alongside Nadine: ‘they claimed schedule conflicts, due to tour, but Harry made it work once before, dating and touring, the truth, pure and simple is: Harry saw Y/n, and he saw what was missing in his life. He’s blowing up her message box with texts, but she’s keeping her foot on the breaks, Harry’s in the doghouse for now”. 
Around the same time Y/n was spotted out and about in London, partying around with her inner set—which includes her ex, and a few rumored flings—, dressing what we’re calling ‘the revenge wardrobe’.
‘It’s a punishment, she’s showing him what he’s going o lose if he can’t keep his wandering hands to himself’, the source claimed.
They are off again by the end of the year, not long after Y/n was spotted attending One Direction’s last concert before hiatus 
Harry, his family and the Azzof’s were spending the first days of the year in St’Barts, and Kendall Jenner  was there. Khloe Kardashian declared  that Jenner and Styles were hanging out and quote: ‘Do I think they’re dating? Yes.’
Rumors about Jenner and Styles are put to rest later that month, when Y/n was spotted celebrating Styles’s 22nd birthday earlier in London. The ‘on-again’ couple  traveled together to Los Angeles—With sources claiming the couple is serious and happier than ever—.
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March was definitely a month for rumors surrounding this couple.
There was the rumor that Harry had been casted in the new Christopher Nolan blockbuster —which turnout to be true—, that he was writing a new album. British tabloids started to run a story that either they are secretly engaged or almost there.
Rumors that they’re buying a house together. All this fueled by the fact that Harry and Y/n are no longer hiding their relationship or shying away from PDA.
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May came with ~ goodbye long hair~.
The Palace announced on the 20th  that Princess Y/n would undergo a FOUR month long tour in the name of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Y/n was to represent her grandmother in engagements around Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Jamaica from 4th June to 14th October. 
After months apart, the couple were spotted at Heathrow in a ‘warm embrace’ and the singer turned actor welcomed his lady with flowers, ‘it was definitely two lovers reunited after a very long time, it was like watching one of those post-war reunion: They are very much in love, they spent far two much time apart, and they don’t car for who is witnessing.
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Later that year it was announced by the Palace that Y/n would be moving to New York for professional reasons, but would continue her work in the name of Queen Elizabeth II.
Y/n and Harry are spotted around New York, Los Angeles and London on the early months of the year, after vacationing together in Jamaica in the end of 2016. 
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It was one his ‘secret gig at The Troubadour that the twenty-three years old singer, alluded to his relationship with Y/n for the first time since they have first being linked back in 2012. Before performing the soft ballad ‘Sweet Creature’ the singer addressed the crowd ‘I would like to dedicate next song to the girl that has been my muse since before she can even imagine’, Y/n, according to fans who attended the show, was in front of the stage singing along with her ~should we call him her boyfriend?~.
He is her boyfriend! Styles avoided answering questions about their rumored on and off relationship, but didn’t shy away from calling Y/n ‘his girlfriend’.
During his July movie premiere, Prince Harry and Princess Y/n were the VIP guest in the event, bringing with them three Dunkirk Veterans. Prince Harry greeted Tom Hardy and Harry Styles with the familiarity of someone greeting a old acquaintance. According to The Sun  when it was his time to be greeted by the princess the singer bowed his head after the couple shared a smile and reportedly cheekily said ‘you look very beautiful today, ma’am’.
This couple reportedly took another step in their relationship when Styles was introduced to the Prince of Wales in August.
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During tour, the rockstar’s fans seemed to have started a new game: Spot Y/n. 
During Harry’s tour break the couple once again was spotted out and about around London and Los Angeles.
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We know Y/n and Harry spend Valentine’s Day together thanks to the Daily Mail publishing photos of them in the Caribbean.
In March Y/n was spotted around LA with A-listers Dakota Johnson and Kate Hudson, and rumor has it that the royal and her rockstar boyfriend bought a property in town.
In May Harry attends Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in Windsor. The couple didn’t arrive together, as Y/n, in a break of tradition, was one of her brother’s ‘best men’. 
The children of the late Princess Diana cut quite the image while walking to the Chapel in military uniform. Princess Y/n has been appointed a Regimental Colonel by the Queen in 2017, and our girl slayed in that uniform.
That same month, GQ Australia  drops an interview with Harry where he’s asked about Y/n and dodges the question with “I don’t think there’s anything I want to share about that. But thank you for providing the space.” Lol, but fair.
On the 29th  it was announced that Princess Y/n had resigned from her finance job, but before engagement rumors between Y/n and Harry  started to fly around, Buckingham Palace stated that the princess would be embarking in a four months long Royal Tour visiting Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand, with official visits to Japan and China. 
Media outlets were quick to point out that the couple would be separated till October, with rumors of a possible break due to ‘conflict of schedules’
In October  Harry and Y/n attend a event together ~a royal wedding at that~ and they looked super coupled up. Styles reportedly was introduced to the Queen and Prince Philip, as well as other members of he royal family.  
November 14, 2018
But nothing in the world prepared us for the announcement released by Clarence Palace on the 14th: ‘The Prince of Waled is delighted to announce the engagement of Princess Y/n to Mr. Harry Styles. The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2019, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course. Her Royal Highness and Mr. Styles became engaged on February during a private holiday in St.Lucia. Following the marriage, the couple will continue to live in their private residence in London.’ Her Majesty is said to ‘be absolutely delighted for the couple’, a the time of the engagement announcement, Princess Y/n was seventh in line of succession after the birth of Prince Louis a few months earlier, and no longer required the Queen’s formal consent to the marriage.
According to reports a formal engagement dinner party was held in Highgrove days before the formal announcement so the couple would be able to share their happy news with their nearest and dearest, ‘they didn’t want for those really close to them to find out through the media’.
November 15, 2018
Following the announcement, the couple gave an exclusive interview to Emma Barnett from  BBC, Y/n  revealed that the surprise proposal happened on Valentine’s Day, in St.Lucia, ‘It happened after dinner, there was a orchestra in a smaller boat besides ours playing ‘Young and Beautiful’ which I love, when I urn back o him, he’s smiling, he tells me about his feelings, and to this point  I wasn’t sure of  what was happening, then the exact moment the orchestra is playing ‘Can’Help Falling in Love’  he got down to one knee and asked me to be his wife’ the couple shared a sweet look, and then Barnett asked how she responded:  ‘Yes, please’.
When asked if he’d seek permission before proposing, Harry said: ‘I asked her for her hand, but after we announced to her family I privately asked the Prince of Wales for his blessing, as I know they’re very close, and it was important for her.’
This might have been the most shared Royal Announcement on social media and by the end of the day #harryandy/n were trending on Twitter.
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Harry shared the news on his Instagram, posting three exclusive pictures to celebrate the occasion, one from the beginning of their relationship~with a tooth rotting sweet~, a peak of the gorges engagement ring he gifted his~fiancé~, and the third one: the precise moment Y/n said ‘Yes, please’. 
Rumor has it that the long wait for the formal announcement was due to the Royal Family disapproval, but Y/n stood her ground and won them over:’He comes from a working class background, he’s a rockstar, has all those tattoos, dated a fleet of lingerie  models, and dress quirky, while Y/n is the royal family ‘golden child’, she attended Oxford, balanced a professional career and royal duty, she’s a bit of a ‘rebel’ in some standards and she’s their most popular member, some years ranking even above the Queen,’ one royal correspondent said, ‘every time they need good press, they send her, she has that bit of ‘Diana-factor’, now she wants to marry his guy, who is a huge star on his own, and it is most likely that she will be withdrawing from royal duty to be by her husband’s side, as Mr. Styles is mostly based in Los Angeles.’
A source told the Daily Mail, ‘They used the same strategy in 1947, when the then young Princess Elizabeth wanted to marry the dashing Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, they sent her on a long royal tour, keeping them apart, and hoping that the distance will make her reconsider, it didn’t work then and it didn’t work now, (…)another factor here is that Princess Y/n is a very smart young woman, if she had announced her engagement earlier this year, at the time that she was proposed,  she would have needed royal consent, so she waited the birth of her third nephew by William and Kate, which pushed to seventh in line, and she’s no longer required to ask for formal consent per Succession to the Crown Act 2013”.
December, 2018
The couple was invited to the Queen’s traditional Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace on the 10th. 
On the 19th, the official engagement photographs were taken at the couple’s private residence in Hampstead, and were issued by the Palace on 19th, alongside the information that the wedding would be happening on 26 April 2019 in St.Paul Cathedral, the statement also clarified that the wedding would be privately paid by the couple, the Prince of Wales and the Queen.
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About the couples choice a insider said, ‘they visited a couple of royal venues, but there was no doubt that it would be St.Pauls, it’s Y/n’s dream venue, she has put a claim in the Cathedral a long time ago, going as far a forbid her brothers to marry there’.
In a break with tradition the couple choose to celebrate Christmas with Styles’s family in Holmes Chapel instead of Sandringham.
January 2, 2019
The couple traveled abroad to reportedly escape the media circus surrounding their wedding, with rumors of a royal rift between siblings.
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A source said to The Sun: ‘There is some discontentment over the date of the nuptials coming from the Sussexes, the date is very close to Meghan’s due date, and not only she won’t be able to attend the ‘Wedding of the Century’, it also it takes the shine out of the birth of their first child’.
January 6, 2018
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Princess Y/n, labeled ‘the Rebel Princess’ and ‘the rioting English rose’, was cover of the January issue of Vanity Fair. In the interview the Princess discusses her upcoming nuptials with rockstar Harry Styles, her late mother, her place in the monarchy, climate change, and her (un)ordinary life. She also reveled that her wedding dress is in works.   
February 16, 2018
After celebrating the one year anniversary of their engagement on the 14th in the English countryside, the couple took their nearest and dearest friends for a combined ‘hen’ and ‘stag’ party. 
A party of forty made their way to Byron  Bay, Australia, a boutique hotel were closed for the occasion,  James Corden, Jeff Azzof, Adele and Dakota Johnson acted as the hosts of the week long celebration with Johnson reportedly welcoming guests with  a cheeky speech ‘If you need help to find your designated rooms, please go to Jeff, for our parting itinerary redirect to James or Adele, if you want to find the closest bar, I am your girl.’
‘The whole trip was pretty much organized by those four, who have been close to the couple for years, Blake Lively helped them, but was unable to attend, Y/n have been close for two years now, as Blake and Ryan are Harry’s New York neighbors.’ A source claim.
From Harry’s One Direction days, only Horan was in attendance. 
March 5, 2018
To mark the wedding of HRH Princess Y/n of Wales to Mr.Harry Styles, the Royal Mint produced an official UK £5 coin, showing the couple in profile. In May, a set of commemorative postage stamps, featuring the couple's official engagement photographs, was issued by Royal Mail.
Princess Y/n accepted the position of UN Women Ambassador in a private ceremony. 
Harry and Y/n also paid a private visit to the Great Ormond Street Hospital.
March 7, 2018
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Y/n had her debut Vogue Paris cover, labeled ‘a Modern Princess’ , the royal talked about becoming a aunt for the fourth time ‘I’m so happy for Haz and Meg, I can’t wait to met my future new cuddle-buddy’; her choice of wedding date and venue:‘it’s a special date, my great-grandparents are married on the 26th of April, I was very close with my great-grandmother before her passing, I think she would have liked the sentiment behind, and the Cathedral is such a luminous place, and of course it’s where my parents got married, it’s a way to keep two very special ladies, that I loved very much, with me on that date’, about her wedding preparations: ‘I salute the brides that do it on their own, I have a wonderful wedding planner, Harry is being very present in the whole process, he can be worse than me sometimes, Anne, my soon-to-be mother in law is always with us’; and about being called a rebel: ‘Why a rebel? I am doing what many woman did and do, even in my family, it’s not really original, I’m not a trailblazer, Princess Margaret was the original rebel, auntie Anne too, I am just the 21st century version.’
April 21, 2019
It was reported that the couple attended a private luncheon to celebrate HM Queen Elizabeth II birthday.
Broadcast channels started o exhibit specials about the couple, including documentaries and two biopics: ‘A Modern Royal Romance’, and ‘How Harry met Y/n’. BBC reported that there already was people camping along the royal route.
April 25, 2019
The day before. The Cathedral is being prepared for the ceremony, the public and the press were able o get a glimpse of the floral arrangements already coming in and the stand in rehearsing the ceremony and testing the cameras for tomorrow morning. 
The Duchess of Cornwall, the bride’s stepmother, hosted a Rehearsal Dinner & Welcome Party for around 150 guests at The Savoy Hotel. For the occasion the bride wore Valentino and the groom wore Gucci. 
Camilla hosting the night raised some eyebrows from the public—specially among those that still blame her for Charles and Diana’s divorce— but according to one royal correspondent ‘Y/n is perhaps the child of Charles who is the closest to Camilla, she was six years old when Charles introduced the two of them, and she lived with her father full time while her brothers were in Eton so she was the one that had more contact with ‘Pa’s new girlfriend’ she was only thirteen when they married’.
April 26, 2019
Princess Y/n married her long time love on 26 April 2019 at St.Paul Cathedral. It was a star-studded affair, with guests including he likes of the Beckhams, Stevie Nicks, Elton John, Kate Moss, Ronnie Wood, and Paul McCartney. It’s estimated that the wedding itself costed around £32million. With the palace later confirming that the couple and the royal family had paid for he core aspects of the wedding, including church service, associated music, flowers, decorations and the two receptions that followed.
Y/n stunned the crowds in her  silk and cotton organdy Vivianne Westwood gown, which featured a nine-foot-long train and cost an estimated £250,000, she was lent a sapphire tiara by her grandmother, and wore her late mother diamond wedding earrings and sapphire oval brooch. She also wore a 5 meters long silk veil, among the hand-embroidered flowers, were  guitars and pieces from Harry’s songs and the constellation of their ~very~ compatible zodiac signs.
The bride made her entrance in her father’s arm to the sound of Elvis orchestra arrangement of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’, one of the many break in tradition in he couple’s wedding.
The wedding reportedly attracted a estimated 1.2 million people on the streets and broke records of broadcast. The couple shared a kiss at a balcony appearance.
Elton John performed at the garden reception hosted by the Queen and Ed Sheeran performed ‘Perfect’ and ‘Hearts Don’t Break Around Here’, at the evening reception the couple once again took to the dance floor, this time at the sound of ‘One Woman Man’ by John Legend. 
Princess Y/n, in a break of tradition, made a speech calling Harry ‘my Sun and my water, my stay and my strength, the absolute love of my life’, after Harry confessed that he wasn’t good at speeches but was a ‘okay singer’ the newly wedded husband sang a slow ‘jazz like’ cover of Jonas Brothers’ ‘Sucker’ for his bride.
Oh, did we forget to mention that HM made Y/n a Duchess? Our favorite princess new style is HRH Princess Y/n, Duchess of Albany, Mrs. Harry Styles ––AND SHE ACTUALLY PUT IT IN HER IG BIO—. Her title is suo jure, which means ‘in her own right’, so no, Harry isn’t a Duke.
The newly weds left for their honeymoon on the 27th, after a wedding breakfast for 150 guests at Buckingham Palace, Y/n wore a The Vampire’s Wife going-away outfit, they departed in Styles’s convertible vintage red Jaguar. The couple set for their six-week honeymoon on a private yacht.
May 6, 2019
The couple took a brief pause from their honeymoon to attend the Met Gala, where Styles was on of the co-chairs for the night. The couple wore Gucci, Harry looked dreamy in a black sheer shirt and his wife looked gorgeous in a diamond tiara and a Plymouth-pink feathered gown. 
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The couple exchanged a kiss on the ‘pink’ carpet to the delight of photographers and fans on site.  Another Iconic moment of the night was Anna Wintour and Lady Gaga curtsying to Y/n.
Alessandro Michele described he young couple as ‘his muses’.
July 12, 2019
The world was shocked when Buckingham and Kensington Palaces released a joint statement in the name of the Queen and the Duchess of Albany announcing that Y/n has giving up her place in the line of succession in her name and that of her future offspring, but would keep her title, and would continue to privately serve the HM the Queen and carrying out charity engagements. 
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In her Instagram the Princess shared the pictures of herself and Harry, in the caption she asked for respect of heir privacy and said that she was: ‘following her heart, and taking the steps (she) thought are better for herself and the future family she hoped to build with Harry’.
The announcement come ahead of claims that ‘senior members of  the palace staff’ had been critical of Harry’s Met Gala outfits and his ‘quirky and queer style’ and are trying to ‘re-brand’ him and ‘control’ what he could and couldn’t do in his professional career as ‘his image reflected on the family’.
Honestly, good for them.
September, 2019
Harry is the cover of The Face, and boy, he looks gorgeous, he talks about his new album, his relationship with LA and move back to London ‘I am not over LA (…) but the relationship changed’; his status as a sex symbol, and ~of course~ his wife of almost five month ‘I have never been happier, life looks beautiful’.
And no, there is still no plans for a baby Styles, ‘We’re young, there’s no rush, we just got married’. 
For the first time in… forever, Y/n took to the Instagram to jus share with the world how proud she’s of her hubby.
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Caption: I am just so proud of being able to call this beautiful, amazing human being my husband.
December, 2019
Fine Line is released. And everyone in the world is losing their minds.
AND, V.L Roche published another bestselling novel, that everyone is recommending, from The Michelle Obama to Reese Witherspoon. And it wouldn’t be relevant if it didn’t turn out that V.L Roche has been Y/n pseudonymous since 2010, in a interview this month the royal admitted that she was afraid os public opinion but Harry convinced her to come out withe the publishing of her TENTH novel. ‘Pictures of Us’ and ‘With the Band’ published in 2013 and 2015 respectively, had it’s adaptation rights bought by Netflix and Amazon in 2017.
It’s mind blowing that she was able to keep it private for so long, and…Was any of those amazing characters she wrote inspired by Harry? Her answer? ‘Perhaps’
April 3, 2020
We are shocked when almost a year after getting married, Harry and Y/n announce that they welcomed their first child. The couple are able to keep their entire pregnancy private, their families were informed and Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace public stated their delight with the new family addition and look forward to meet them.
We are honestly shocked, I mean, they did a better job than Kylie Jenner in hiding their pregnancy.
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We wish the new parents the best of luck and can’t wait for the next chapters of what is definitely a modern fairy tale.
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notoriousbeb · 2 months
Why is Harry Styles All Over TTPD? A Timeline
TTPD Notes Glossary
Upon much ponderation and rabbit-hole-ing I think a truly stunning chunk of tracks on this double album (20) are her processing her feelings for whatever the hell happened with Harry.  
What will likely be my Haylor magnum opus is under the cut because it is a bit lengthy. Good luck. Or I'm sorry??
I think they both pined for each other for years (well documented amongst the Haylors).  
Then she split with Joe Alwyn before she left London for the Eras Tour, but she waited to make the announcement public (probably to give him time to pack up his shit and get out of their shared house) until April 8. However, excited to be “Fresh Out the Slammer,” she reached out to Harry ASAP.  
I realize I might sound like an absolute raving lunatic, but I legit think Harry was at Taylor’s Arlington, Texas, Eras Tour shows, at the end of March/beginning of April 2023, and followed her to New York City for several days. 
While Harry was tied up finishing up the Asian leg of his tour until March 25, I think he came almost straight to her after that, and love-bombed the shit out of her in his excitement.
But then right before he had to leave for tour, with a stopover in LA for the Satellite video and Late Late Show shoots, he gave her some sort of pulling-away speech about taking a pause or pulling back or something, (I’d wager because of the two world tours), which she took as a total rejection, which caused her to lose it and move on to the disaster we call Matty. 
Then, in June, he met Taylor Russell in London. And maybe they were just friends at first, but then Taylor Swift started messing around with Matty, and then in July she started dating Travis and it went public in September. So, I suppose at that point Harry figured, "Okay, to hell with it."  
And now, somewhere in London, I imagine their shared good mate, Ed Sheeran, has a pounding headache and wishes he still drank whiskey.  
I hope the truth of it all someday comes to light in a tell-all book or movie. Or, at the very least, it would be nice if some more clarity surfaces in one of their albums, or a record by Ed.  
Oh, and I think Stevie Nicks, of all fucking people, knows the tea. She considers both of them “like [her] children.” She gave them both matching crescent moon necklaces. And has performed with them. And she wrote the intro poem for this record. Read that and tell me it doesn’t match the story I’ve written in my head. Stevie knows.
And now, the timeline. @foxes-that-run Also has a much more detailed 2023 timeline that I recommend.
There are, I shit you not, about a fortnight of possible days (March 29/30-April 12, 2023) where they could have been together...
March 29/30
Harry likely leaves Toyko after his March 25 show. Love on Tour doesnt start up again until May 13 in Horsens, Denmark.
March 31
Eras Tour is in Arlington, Texas, for N1. It's a rain show. She replaces "Invisible String” with "The 1." The surprise songs were "Sad Beautiful Tragic" and "Ours." Read all my notes on TTPD and go watch these two live performances again. They're...really something.
April 1
She sings "Death by a Thousand Cuts" and "Clean."
April 2
She sings "Jump then Fall" and "The Lucky One."
April 3-6
Neither of them are seen these three days.
April 7
Harry is spotted at baggage claim in Atlanta
April 9
Harry is at the Master's Golf Tournament
April 10
Maybe this is when he leaves her. Taylor goes out for drinks with Jack and Margaret. However, this was an obvious pap walk (the day she had those butterfly jeans on); were the paps maybe called to this location to lure them away from her apartment so a certain person might or might not have could arrive unnoticed after a golf tournament in Atlanta?
April 12
In the afternoon, Harry is spotted with his trusty brown duffel bag (sporting an air travel tag) leaving the gym in LA. In NYC, Taylor is pictured on the roof of Electric Lady (maybe shooting music video?) with a Gucci lion ring just like Harry's but with a green stone. I Mr not the 10th, I think this evening was when he said whatever he said that made her so sad; maybe he thought they should take a pause until their tours were over? Maybe he decided their combined spotlights were just too big to overcome? Who knows? Not me. But my nosy ass wants to know!
April 13
Eras Tour in Tampa N1. Taylor cries during “Lover"
April 14
Eras Tour in Tampa N2. She plays "The Great War" (performed with Aaron Dessner) and "You're On Your Own, Kid."
April 15
Eras Tour in Tampa N2. She plays "Treacherous."
April 21
Eras Tour in Houston N1. She plays "Wonderland" and "You're Not Sorry" (these choices seem…significant. In a not good way.)
April 22
N2 in Houston. She plays "A Place in This World" and "Today Was a Fairytale" (for her mom, who I am sure was being a rock for her at this trying time)
April 23
N3 in Houston. She plays "Begin Again" and "Cold as You"
April 27 and 28
Harry does shoots for the "Satellite" music video and the last episode of the Late Late Show. The scenes for the music video aren't used. In my opinion his face looks puffy on Late Late (maybe from crying?)
Eras Tour Atlanta N1 Taylor sings "The Other Side of the Door" and "Coney Island."
April 30
Eras Tour Atlanta N3 she sings "I Bet You Think About Me" and "How You Get the Girl." She cries again during “Champagne Problems."
May 5-7
Ah, the Nashville Era's Tour shows. Such fond, fond memories. She sang “Sparks Fly,” “Teardrops on My Guitar,“ "Out of the Woods,” “Fifteen” (Abigail was there, and she dedicated this one to her)," Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” with Aaron Dessner and “Mine” (also Speak Now drop).
May 11
Dinner with Matty and Jack and Margaret at Casa Cipriani in NYC
Is it possible the villainy of Matty is that he planted the original story in The Sun that he and Taylor were dating? It ran May 3, two days before he showed up (from Asia) to the Eras Tour play with Phoebe Bridgers as the opening act in Nashville. I just always thought that was odd. Maybe he had a big fat mouth.
May 12
Eras Tour Philadelphia N1. She played “Gold Rush” and “Come Back…Be Here” (Aww, girl….)
May 13
LOT picks up again in Horsens, Denmark. He's smiling to himself all cute like during "Fine Line." Plus he played "Stockholm Syndrome" for the first time in yeeeears and looked delighted. :(
Taylor's surprise songs were “Forever & Always” and “This Love.”
May 15
Either way, she leaves Electric Lady studios with Matty in tow.
May 19
She plays "Should've Said No" and "Better Man." (Well, that's seems...not good.)
May 20
Ah, the day of the “Question…?” and “Invisible” combo. (Oh, Tay). Matty is seen entering Taylor's apartment with a big Louis bag full of what many people believe is the typewriter. I always assumed it was clothes or a synthesizer or some kind of equipment. ¯\_(ツ)_/
May 25
This is the last day she was seen with Matty (and the chorus of angels sang)
But, really, only he was seen outside her apartment leaving with his stuff. She wasn’t in town. 
They were never seen together again after May 15. 
May 26
Era's Tour Metlife N1. She sings “Getaway Car” with Jack Antonoff and “Maroon” (this was a very angry face Maroon).
May 27
Metlife N2. She sings “Holy Ground” and “False God," and cries.
June 22
Taylor records “The Black Dog” at Electric Lady. “Six weeks of breathing clean air,” if we’re being specific here (although she was touring and it could have just sounded good) would be May 11, 2023.
August 13
Stevie Nicks owns the opening poem for the album.
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hauntedrain · 5 months
Part 3: For Our Own Sanity | Alex Turner x Fem! Reader |
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Social media AU Summary: Alex and readers relationship turns public after a string of events
Part 1: Here! Part 2: Here!
✮▹ A/N: <3
✰▹Warnings/Notices: old photos used, use of Reputation by TS. use of whore? if thats a problem. not edited: I wrote this late at night so might be a mess.
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@Arcticmonkeysupdates: The Arcticmonkeys have started their Lucky Stars World Tour, the first show was in London!
view all 19,453 comments
user2: I cant wait for the US shows
user3: I Just wish Y/N was there for the songs shes apart of.
↪ user4: actually where tf is she? Like MIA for the last 2 months.
↪ user5: wheres mom!?
↪ user6: I don't understand why she would leave after releasing music with them.
↪ user7: I mean she was getting a lot of hate for the dating rumors before she left. so it kinda makes sense. still sad though.
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@AlexTurnerUpdates: Alex has been seen with a mystery women in london after the Arcticmonkeys first show and later the following day. Sources say that they couldn't see the face of the girl and both were trying their best to stay out of the public eye.
view all 56,785 comments
user9: what.
↪ user10: Its not of our business.
↪ user11: I understand that but WHERES Y/N?
user12: So thats why Y/N isnt active anymore or?
↪ user13: Why would she do all that over a guy she would have been dating for at least 3 months?
↪ user14: I mean they could have started dating as early as a month or so after her break up with Milo. so at most 8 months together since Thank Your Lucky Star got released.
↪ user15: I just want Y/N back.
Alex Turner has posted a story!
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story replies
↪ user17: OMFG WHERES Y/N?
↪ user18: God its me again...
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@Y/Nupdates: Y/N has updated their profile picture on their instagram! This is the first sign of activity from Y/N since feburary 14th.
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user19: WDYM? WDYM? Y/N?
user21: Okay so first Alex with a mystery girl then this? WHATS HAPPENING?
user22: This is gonna be GOOD.
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Liked by 9,456,465 others
@Y/Nupdates: Sources have said that a new Y/N album might be underway and that she might be making a comeback. There's no specific details about this and the sources are undisclosed!
View all 3,997,675 comments
user26: Okay but what going on with her and alex?
↪ user27: I bet it was PR tbh.
↪ user28: Or she just left him like she does everyone else!
↪ user29: FR. I bet she got bored of Alex and moved on. Now he found someone better.
↪ user30: Y'all need to calm down, we know nothing about them and again its none of our business.
↪user31: Just admit she's a whore and we would move on. I mean look at her dating history, they've never lasted and clearly they never will.  shell make music about them and then leave them once its done and over.
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liked by 25,304,056 others
@Y/N: they say I did something bad?
comments have been disabled
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ taglist: @mathdebate00 @ouroboros311 @joannfabrics
⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: Enjoy! I hope you guys like it, feedback and requests are welcome. Also how do we feel about the use of reputation? It was one of the only big things that I think works and fits well with the storyline but you tell me! love you guys <3
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Friends To Lovers + Smut/PWP Masterlist
7 Minutes In Heaven - interrupted-by-fireworks
Summary: Dan and Phil have to play 7 Minutes in Heaven at a party.
A Koi pond, love, sex, and all the crap that comes with it (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan can't sleep, but Phil can. Dan thinks too much. What happens after the tour?
A Sleepless Night With Dan (ao3) - cockwhoredan
Summary: Dan and Phil live together, and they’re just friends. One night Dan can’t sleep. Naturally, he decides to give Phil a blowjob.
Break Me Down (ao3) - gayestever
Summary: The tour bus breaks down and Dan and Phil struggle to find a hotel room- or at least one that has two beds.
Can't Help The Itch To Touch- To Kiss (ao3) - thescienceofphan
Summary: Phil is deaf and Dan is a manwhore. When people see them together, they worry about Phil’s emotional well being and shame on Dan for targeting a deaf boy, but it’s not like that. Not at all.
Craving Control (ao3) - starwatersong
Summary: Phil is intrigued by the hypnotist at the YouTuber Summit in 2016 and finds himself oddly fascinated by hypnotism. Is Dan helping him find one for a video for Phil’s benefit… or Dan’s? Some timeline mixing where Phil’s fortune telling video takes place in an earlier time. They’re living in London apartment #1 in this story.
drop your heart I'll save it for you (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Tenderness isn't part of the deal, nor are soft words, or feelings, or kisses that don't lead to fucking. It's not what Dan asked for, and it's certainly not why someone would choose to fuck their friend slash flatmate slash colleague who they absolutely don’t have any feelings for.
How do you Sleep? (When you Lie to Me.) (ao3) - CactiPhan
Summary: Dan is about to be married to his longtime boyfriend Henry, but plans change when he walks in on him cheating on Dan. The only person he can run back to is his best friend, who he was blind not to see was perfect for him.
If You Don't Love Me, Pretend (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: All his life, Dan has wanted to have the chance to be a parent someday. He would be the best parent that ever existed, he was sure of it. Fostering might not be the most traditional way on the road to parenting, but Dan's dead set on doing it anyway. But, well, it would be easier with a co-parent, right?
the bed-sharing, fake relationship, friends-to-lovers, parent fic i was desperate to read; when i shouted into the void and was met with silence, i decided i'd do it myself
No They're Not (ao3) - bandhoez9194
Summary: Against Phil's better judgement, Dan goes to a small house party with friends. He had been assured by both Dan and the party host that there would be no alcohol after all.
Unfortunately, someone else has a change of plans and gets Dan drunk anyway. Which makes him start talking about buttholes and storage places.
When Phil picks him up though, things get soft, steamy, and bendy, just like the spaghetti he left on the stove.
Very sexy, very smutty, very random, very cute. Also, drunk Dan so who doesn't like that?
Read It and Weep (ao3) - phansomedevil
Summary: Dan's feelings toward Phil are nothing but platonic, or so he thinks before stumbling upon some actually decent phanfiction and falling face-first into the abyss.
Something New (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Dan wants Phil's help when trying something new, but can Phil keep his feelings for his best friend at bay?
stuck on you (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan finds himself in a rather awkward predicament and phil ends up having to helping him
The Parent Project (ao3) - ATEEZpresent (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan and Phil get paired to take care of a realistic baby doll for a few days. Feelings arise.
The Sun, The Snow, And Everything In Between - chocolatesaucelester
Summary: A lot can happen in the span of one year, or a cycle of four seasons, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes and 31,536,000 seconds. In that common amount of time Phil met Dan at bonfire night in the fall and over the course of a year, realizes he found a person he would’ve never guessed he’d found that night.
Two Man Team (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they’ve always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
Unspoken Rules (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: They have rules.
1. They don't kiss 2. They don't talk about it 3. They aren't exclusive 4. They don't get attached 5. It's over when the tour is
As long as they abide by the rules, no one gets hurt. Simple, right?
Want (ao3) - yoidnp
Summary: It was a rare night alone in a hotel room away from the confines of the tour bus. Dan and Phil discover a few things about each other.
Watching You, Watching Me (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan accidentally discovers his best friend and roommate pleasuring himself in the early hours of the morning and can't look away. In fact, he can't keep his hands off of himself. Phil is surprised by Dan's reaction, and two best friends make long-time confessions.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Landslide pt. 1
Summary: Jason approaches a singer/songwriter about a request for Ted Lasso Season 3.
Jason Sudeikis/Reader Insert (OFC, no use of y,n/l,n)
Rating: General for now... we'll see how it goes 🤭
Disclaimer: I absolutely own none of these songs, I also don’t want to diminish Sam Ryder’s contribution in creating Fought and Lost. This is all completely fictional. I also know nothing about the music industry so this is drowning in artistic license! 
Playlist Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1crFZfdqL1fspNXb80u5sK?si=e90f5f8f357b4647
It leans very Swift heavy but also has songs that I feel fit the main character and her style. I've never created a playlist for a fic before but it seemed appropriate given the main character's profession.
Songs used in Chapter 1: 
If I had a gun - Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds (piano cover version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xvoxDXxdok)
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac (piano cover version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JP43fk_SM)
Chapter 1
“Have you checked your emails yet?” A voice sounded through your apartment.
“Not yet, why - anything good in there?” You ask, your head deep in the fridge searching for eggs.
“Marcus wants to talk to you, he said he’s text you?”
“Yeah, he wanted me to show up at a couple of his Canadian dates but I’ll be in Spain. Or France... Europe, I’ll be somewhere in Europe.” You emerge somewhat triumphant, a two egg omlette will have to surfice.
“You’ll be in South America actually.” Your assistant Lily takes a seat at the counter and slides a coffee over to you.
“Oh. Well, I won’t be in Canada that’s for sure. I already told him I couldn’t do it, I wonder why he’s still asking.” Lily passes your phone over and goes back to attempting to tackle your inbox while you drop a message to Marcus.
Hey, sorry I missed you. Can’t do Canada - I’m in South America that week. Thought we’d talked about it already? Would love to catch up with you & Carey when you’re back in L.A though. Let me know xx
You’d actually met Carey long before Marcus. The same age, you’d crossed paths a lot in your early and mid twenties when she’d been an up-coming actress and you’d been a struggling musician. You’d drowned many, many sorrows together in dingy South London pubs, you’d been in the audience at her first performance of The Seagull in London and you’d followed her to New York to watch her Broadway debut. In contrast, she’d cheered you on in dark clubs and pubs for endless weeks and months. When she’d reconnected with Marcus, he’d tagged along to a couple of gigs and asked you to join the band for a number of their shows. Eventually you were added to the billing on your own, and supported them on a range of tour dates. From there, your career had really taken off. Now, you were regularly selling out arenas and festivals. Next on the masterplan was a worldwide stadium tour, but that was some way off. First you had music to write for a new album and a summer of festival appearances planned.   
“Aha! Figured it out!”
“Did we miss an email?”
“Not entirely, it went to junk so it’s not really your fault. Or mine.”
“What is it?” You ask, pushing the eggs around the pan.
“Hang on, just reading now… It’s from a Tom Howe?” You look blankly in reply, the name sounds vaguely familiar but you’ve no idea where from. “Hi, I’m trying to get in contact with you regarding Ted Lasso season 3. Jason came across some of your older work and the sound is a great fit for the show. He asked if I could reach out to you to discuss further. You also come highly recommended by Marcus Mumford who I believe is a friend we all have in common. Don’t hesitate to give me a call on the number below or reach out via email. We don’t have too long on this so would appreciate speaking with you. Best, Tom” Lily finishes reading the email on her device just as your phone rings.
“Do you just not read your emails, or?”
“I’m a bit behind! It’s been a busy few weeks.” You dump the eggs onto a plate and team them with a toasted muffin.
“Ah yeah, the life of a superstar.”
“You should know, you’ve sold out more gigs than me.”
“Not true… maybe still true but not for much longer.”
“If you say so. How are you? How’s Carey and the kids?”
“All good here, they’re missing you though.”
“I’m back in a few weeks, we’ll have a day out. Lily just read me the email from Tom.” “What do you think?” “I’ve no idea, I need to hear it again. How on earth did you think of me?”
“I didn’t. Well, I did. I play your stuff all the time. We were working on Season 3 and it just so happened that Jason heard some of your really early stuff and liked it. He asked if I thought you’d work with us so I said I’d ask - or rather Tom would.”
“That makes sense. He said something about a tight timescale?”
“Kind of, the show premieres next month but we’re thinking of you for the back half of the season so wouldn’t need anything from you till early May.”
“Do I get an idea of what you need?” “That’s where you’re better off talking to Tom and Jason. I daren’t spill any secrets, I’m not getting in trouble.”
“Ok, I’ll get in touch with Tom and set something up. Is he based in L.A?”
“He’s there at the moment, yeah. Why, are you still in New York?” 
“Yeah, I’m here til the 13th I think? But I might be able to get there early.” You reply, looking to Lily for confirmation who nodded, stealing the last bit of your muffin.
“Ok, definitely call Tom, cos if the timing won’t work then he’ll need to think of something else. Let me know. I’m in L.A at the same time as you so we’ll catch up.”
“Love to Carey and the babes.”
“See ya darlin’.”
“Right, I’d better read that email again properly before I call anyone else.” You sit next to Lily who opens the email back up for you. You can see that Marcus and what appears to be Jason have both been copied in. It had been sent earlier the following week so had been stagnating in your junk folder for about 6 days. “Shit.” You mumble, realising. “What’s the time in L.A?” 
“Umm 8.30am.” Lily checks. “Acceptable enough for a work related call?”
“Fuck it, I’ll leave a message if it’s not.” You read the number from the email and dial it from your phone, taking a deep breath. “Hi, can I speak to Tom please?” Tom was, it turned out, really lovely. You’d grown up not a million miles away from each other in various parts of London and he was a similar age to your older brothers. You instantly felt at ease with his good humour and musical knowledge. He’d explained that they were looking for a specific song to be used towards the very end of the season in a highly emotional moment. Though he and Jason had heard your recent music, it wasn’t until they’d been with Marcus who was listening to your much older back catalogue that the penny had dropped for all of them. In the days that had followed, Marcus had given them a masterclass of sorts, sending them copies of your early work and showing them how it had grown as you had and how your new music still has similar themes and styles. You’d blushed furiously while pacing in your apartment. Marcus hadn’t exactly been telling the truth about just how in depth your music had been discussed in recent days. You admitted that you wouldn’t be in L.A for another two weeks and questioned whether it would be a problem, he thought not and you’d promised to respond to his email. You hung up feeling elated at the prospect of a new project to get stuck into.
Subject: New Project
Date: 27th February 2023
Hi Tom, 
It was great to finally speak to you earlier, I apologise for missing your email - thankfully Marcus set me straight. From what you’ve said this project sounds really interesting, I’d love to hear more about it. As discussed, I’ll be in L.A from 13th March but can be there earlier if you have time? I know that’s pretty close to the premiere so I understand if you think we can’t fit this in - there’ll always be something else! On the off chance I am still in luck, I’m going to spend a couple of days binge watching 🙂
Subject: RE: New Project
Date: 27th February 2023
Thanks for reaching out, I won’t speak for Tom on how much time we have, but I really want to make this work so happy to hang on for as long as possible. Here’s hoping you can turn a track around in 24hrs, I guess?! It would be great to meet with you as soon as you can make it to L.A, then you could also attend the premiere if that sounds OK? I'll get the details sent over to you. We can meet first and then figure out next steps. Don’t worry about timing, that's on me.
You’d received a reply within minutes. Literally minutes, and you were buzzing. It was from Jason himself. You’d only been half joking about binge watching, you’d done that already with Season 1 but had run out of time recently for Season 2. Now you were even more itching to watch it. Though you had no idea of storyline or what kind of song they were looking for, you could tinker with melodies and riffs. Tom had talked specifically about family, love and fighting for what you believe in so you could use those basic prompts to get you started. Over the following week, you'd worked on some new music and planned to bring your trip to L.A forward by a week. You were going to be there for up to 4 weeks. The information had come through inviting you to the season 3 premiere of Ted Lasso, so you'd made sure to catch up on season 2 just in time. But first came the initial meeting with Jason and Tom. You almost wished you could get away with waiting till the premiere but knew that wasn't realistic and you could totally understand why they'd want to get to know you sooner. L.A afforded you a little more anonymity than New York and with Tom's studio as the meeting place, you had a reasonable cover for being there if you were to get noticed by anyone. You slipped out of your Uber and followed a path through a pretty little courtyard. You'd gone for a denim skirt and Bon Jovi t-shirt, it felt miles warmer in L.A and you'd tricked your body into believing that Spring had fully arrived. You pressed the door buzzer and waited patiently. Lily had offered to go with you but you were still very much unused to having a real life assistant and still attended most meetings, interviews and events alone. 
"Hey, you made it! Come in, I'm Tom. You're alone?"
"Yeah, it's easier to go unnoticed." You smiled stepping into the entryway. 
"I wouldn't know, thankfully no one knows who I am."
"After the few months I've had, I'd wish the same thing." You follow Tom through the building, a handful of offices, a small kitchen and then into a corridor with a recording studio on either side.
"I don't pretend to keep up with gossip so I'll just have to take your word for it." He admits, you're grateful for that. It had been a rough 6 months or so. Your last relationship with a well known actor had ended abruptly - in that you'd escaped. He'd then leaked all over social media and outlets such as Deux Moi that you were 'emotionally unavailable', 'manipulative' and 'high maintenance'. He'd placed horrible, false comments that you'd supposedly made about your fans and friends, and he'd tried to alienate everyone against you. There had been a pile-on of negative press about you. Say nothing the management team had said, do nothing, stay calm and quiet they'd insisted it'll blow over. Bullshit. You'd gotten a little drunk and joined a friend in playing a dumb Tik Tok game where she'd asked what your 'Ick' was… you'd replied "Boyfriends who gaslight you and are emotionally and mentally abusive and then try to blame you in the media to make everyone hate you'' with an arched eyebrow and a knowing look. She'd posted it to Tik Tok and within minutes Twitter was ablaze with your retort. It had completely taken over the press tour for his new movie and overshon his interviews. Other exes of his had posted similar confirmations and praise of you on their socials. You’d then gone totally dark on the subject and not commented any further. Your team were still picking up the pieces from the escapade but you had so far been hailed a bit of a hero and it appeared that people were leaning more on your side now than they had been. It was only a matter of time before he’d produce some other lies though, at which point you fully expected that you’d have to go public and go all in on substantiating your initial comments. The how and the when preyed on your mind heavily. Tom led you into the studio on the right, a huge mixing desk took up much of the space but there were a couple of desks and sofas, space for downtime and collaboration. Beyond the mixing desk you could see into the studio itself with its acoustic panels and sound deadening equipment. Jason sat at the mixing desk, elbows up on the table typing on his phone. He turned and smiled at the sound of the door opening.
"Hey, glad you could make it. I'm Jason." You hold out your hand to shake his, his large hand engulfing yours. Your skin instantly felt like it had been set alight. He was tall, broad and ridiculously handsome. Binge watching the show had given you an almighty crush, so you'd sought out his other work too. Once you'd found out how funny he was, you were done for. Get a fucking hold of yourself you thought. It had not been so long since a man had touched you that you should be this affected by him. But, oh those eyes. And that smile is really something. He takes off his baseball cap and drags his fingers through his dark hair, greying at the temples and if you’d focused for any longer than half a second on that alone you couldn’t be held responsible for your actions. He greets you like he's known you for years and as Tom gets the meeting going, he's charming, attentive and so quick witted it makes your head spin a little. "I'm looking for a song specifically about the relationship between hope and failure and perseverance. That's the basic outline at least - I can't tell you much more than that." He apologises. You whip out your phone, 
"Just taking some notes, that OK? I get it, you don't want some rando knowing the ending." He motions for you to go ahead, smiling as your fingers frantically move across the screen on your notes app. 
"Yeah you might spill the beans on Twitter."
"It was Tik Tok actually."
"Ah how's it go? 'Tik Tok made me do it'?"
"And a lot of wine." You smirk, "Can I ask, how you feel about season 3 generally? For the song, I promise I'm not fawning over you to get information."
"I don't know if it's the end of the end, if that makes sense. It could carry on in different ways." 
"I'm just trying to figure out if it’s a goodbye to the characters, or to this chapter of their lives… from what you've said the song needs to be really personal. I want to make sure the emotion is there. Are you really sure I'm the right person for this?"
"I'm sure. I've heard enough of your music to know that this is what we need, I know you're more than capable. Between what you can do and what Tom already knows I need, I'm completely confident." Tom nods in agreement having stayed silent for much of your conversation. 
"So is this like The Voice? Do you guys have a list of people to see?" Tom laughed, 
"Not at all, we're hoping you're it to be honest. Though since you're here it would be great to hear you sing if you're happy with that?" 
"I didn't bring anything with me, so as long as you don't mind sharing your piano or a guitar?"
"It's all yours." He gestures into the other room and you head through nervously. They both join you, not wanting to listen via speakers. You stop for water first, and then flip through your notebook to find a suitable song, settling on something reasonably new but not so well known. You'd been performing for the best part of 20 years, you knew every note, every line, but performing in front of two people was about a million times more nerve wracking than two hundred people, or even two hundred thousand people which was exactly what you had lined up in the summer at Glastonbury. You closed your eyes, honed in on the piano at first, allowing yourself an extended intro to give you time to compose yourself. 
If I had a gun,
I'd shoot a hole into the sun,
and love would burn this city down for you.
If I had the time,
I'd stop the world and make you mine,
and everyday would stay the same with you
Hope I didn't speak too soon,
my eyes have always followed you around the room.
'Cus you're the only God that I will ever need,
I'm holding on and waiting for the moment
for my heart to be unbroken by the sea
You didn't play the full song but it was one you were extremely proud of. You let the piano trail off and risked a glance at Jason and Tom who were grinning at each other. Jason let out a whistle, 
"Y'know how you always wonder how people are gonna sound when they sing live and it sometimes doesn't live up to expectations?" He said mostly to Tom. You’re stomach dropped, oh god, were you about to fall into that camp?
"Yeah. Yeah that was pretty special." Tom agreed, vocalising Jason's thoughts. You breathed a huge sigh of relief. 
"Thank fuck for that. I haven't done that one for ages. You scared me then!” You said more to Jason.
"It's a beautiful song. I could just use that for the show to be honest, but I'd regret not working with you on something original." Tom said, as he did so, his phone rang so he left to take the call, “Sorry, be right back.”
“Any chance of another song?”
“I don’t see why not, while we’re waiting for Tom.” You flipped back through the notebook again, this time choosing a classic cover you’d done for years and years. It had been one of the first songs you’d learned and the lyrics seemed to change meaning for you in different chapters of your life so that it always fit you.
I took my love, I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
'Til the landslide brought me down
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
“Holy shit.” He mumbled, sitting on the piano bench next to you. You could see through the glass that Tom was still on the phone. You run your hands over the keys playing mindless notes and melodies, no real intention behind, just filling the comfortable silence. You feel him leaning against you a little as he watches you play, the narrow bench not quite big enough for two.
“I played it with Stevie Nicks once.” You say quietly. “I actually thought I was going to die. It’s like I have this black hole in my memory, where I remember meeting her and then I remember coming off stage and we had a couple of drinks together, but I can’t for the life of me remember actually singing it with her.”
“I think that’s probably to be expected. Our brains do weird shit and make us feel like idiots.”
“That is definitely the truth.”
"I would really like to get to know you a little better while you work on this," Jason admitted almost hesitantly, "if that's OK with you?"
"I'd like that a lot." You smile, he returns it, relieved. 
“So how did it go?” Lily asks when you call her from the Uber ride home. You’d stayed far longer than any of you had probably anticipated, throwing ideas around and experimenting with melodies. You can’t help but gush over just how much fun you’ve had - probably for the first time in weeks. 
“I can’t wait to get started, they were both so welcoming.”
“And Jason?” Lily asked, knowing about your crush. You pause slightly, it’s been hard to know who you can actually talk to recently. With your ex on a campaign to smear your reputation, it’s hard to know who is really on your side. You know that the comments he’s made are all false but it still worries you that some people will believe him over you. 
“He’s just… lovely. And my god he’s gorgeous, like up close in person? He’s insanely handsome. I felt like a creep staring at him!” Lily giggled along with you,
“Oh my god, I didn’t realise this crush was like a full on crush?!”
“Neither did I!” You admit. “Tom had to take a call so we were just mucking around at the piano for ages.”
“You had to sing?”
“Of course I did! They want to know that I’ll be the right fit for what they need.”
“What did you sing? How was it?” Lily knew you hadn’t sung properly for weeks, you were rusty and unprepared and it made you anxious just thinking about it.
“I did ‘If I had a gun’ and ‘Landslide’. It went ok, my voice is a bit rough, but nothing some decent exercises won’t help.”
“Classics! I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you. I wasn’t expecting this… connection. It’s weird, like he saw me immediately, like he’d known me forever. I feel like someone’s just plugged me back into real life.”
“You should write a song about that.” She teased.
“Well, I need to. They want to move forward with me so I need to bring my A game.” You reply, anticipation fizzing in your belly.
Let me know what you think! I'm excited to get started on this 😊 As usual, my inbox is open!
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 1 year
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Title: Homecoming
Part 8 of Scribe of the Gods Series: Epilogue Pt. 1
Pairing: Steven grant x gn reader (platonic), Marc spector x gn reader (platonic)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6k
Description: Many months after the attack of Cairo, Marc and Steven have done their best to return to normalcy. While doing so, they await for the return of the Scribe, who had been away during this time to help the Ennead return to its former state. Finally, the scribe is able to return home, with much to discuss.
A/N: .... HI.
It has been... far too long. This was long overdue, and I want to say thank you to those who have been patient. It means so much to me that you all were so willing to wait while I was away, a lot has happened but I genuinely did not want to leave this unfinished. I felt like I had to finish the story. Originally, I wanted to have one single chapter for the epilogue, but I decided that I should split it up as a thank you to those who were patient. I hope you all enjoy, I'm incredibly rusty and i didn't go back to edit this because i just wanted this out so you guys know what i've had collecting dust for the last few months. 100000 percent promise that i plan to and will most likely go back and edit this, but I really couldn't wait to throw this out there. Love you all. RAHHHHHH
London library has felt more empty in the last six months now that it has one less presence. Taking the weekly trips to the library just wasn’t what it used to be for Steven, who often took the trip to rotate his book cycles for his nightly readings. Now that y/n had gone off to all ends of the earth on behalf of the Ennead, there was no one to carry the same conversations the unlikely duo had prior. Steven didn’t blame y/n or feel any ill towards them leaving him and Marc and the life they had in London. In fact all he had was pride for them. They had a big job to accomplish, judging from everything they’d told him with all of the letters they’d sent to his and Marc’s flat. Writings on postcards that served as a reminder that the scribe thought of them, that they were still around in his life.
Despite their loud absence, Steven still kept the habit of visiting the library, but not under the same urgency as before now that he was no longer as afraid of wandering about under the night sky as he was before. His relationship with Marc had finally found balance. The man no longer stayed awake at night , fearful of ending up in obscure places. Marc promised Steven that now that they were no longer serving Khonshu there was no more reason for him to leave the apartment during the night to go on missions. Steven was relieved to find this out, as it meant that he was able to put himself to ease during the night, and now he got to read for his own pleasure rather than a desperate attempt to remain awake. 
Not only that, but Steven managed to get a job at the museum- thanks to Marc’s help- as a tour guide. He needed to refresh his knowledge of Egyptology and the library had a large selection of books for him to choose from. 
Steven thanked the librarian, a rather stern sort of woman who liked to drone on and on about herbs, picking up his books with a little polite nod, and made his way out towards the exit. He paused a few steps in, looking back at the desk once more with memories of the conversations he and y/n had floating in his head.
He gave a sigh. Thank goodness they were coming back soon.
He couldn’t wait.
One last look and he made his way out of the door and into the London streets.
It’s been too long since y/n stepped foot in the London Library. Six months. Give or take. They’d stopped bothering to keep track after the numerous tasks they’d completed on behalf of the Ennead. For whatever it’s worth, the six months were filled to the brim with ensuring the gods’ work in the mortal realm ran smoothly. 
The first few weeks were the worst of it. When the temple had just fallen and all the avatars had died there was nothing short of utter chaos. All of the gods were adamant for y/n’s help, insecure that they no longer had a human vessel to be able to oversee their work; they insisted that they were the first to receive the young thing’s assistance. Y/n did what they could to assist the individual gods, trying to tend to their needs in a matter of urgency rather than agreeing to any given moment.
They had to be firm about their servitude, Osiris told them after a meeting gone poorly- one of the gods had complained over y/n’s unavailability to help their request. But Osiris vouched for y/n and reprimanded the god for expecting y/n to waiting for a job to simply be handed to them, they were a human child, Horus. Where are your children now that we are all scrambling to get back on our feet?- they need to be mindful that the gods can forget themselves in their place of power. The god told the human scribe that as they continued their service and aid the gods, they had to prioritize what work needed to be accomplished. If a god came to them with a mundane task that could wait, y/n was allowed, even encouraged, to tell the god that the job will be done later. 
“If they have a problem with it, tell them that they can come discuss it with me.” Osiris would tell them this time and time again. He wanted to make certain that the scribe didn’t overwork themselves or felt the need to always say yes. And y/n took this advice, and had to use it many times, but they were grateful to have a god look out for them the way Osiris did.  
While the gods were generous enough to allow y/n an opportunity to work outside of the library, the only issue that came from this  was that y/n had no reliable place to stay. On normal accounts, before the collapse of the Ennead and their temple due to the demise of Ammit, they were able to rest between councils within the chambers of the temple. They’d find a little corner far enough where no one could disturb them and catch up on sleep while the avatars drank and caught each other up in their lives outside of ceremonial duties. 
Such was not the case anymore. All that resides in the chambers now are the ghosts of the avatars and the destruction of Ammit. Neither suitable company for the scribe to stay as they worked for the gods.
Despite all the time that'd passed, the chambers still suffered from Ammit’s destruction. Not as badly as before as every now and then y/n would lift random debris out of the way as a way to pass time, but even they didn’t have the technical skills to completely reform the chambers to what it once was. 
But six months had passed since the events of Cairo. Why was it that the pyramids and the realm of the ennead was yet to be restored? One day, amidst the gods after completing several tasks for them, the scribe inquired about this as they sat on a loose stone. Horus, in all his questionable glory, answered to the scribe. Without proper avatars, the gods had no ability to fix the destruction as they lacked a physical form. They needed humans.
Y/n thought that was bullshit, if they were being honest. They were literal gods. Why did they need an avatar’s body to be able to fix the chambers? Couldn’t a simple snap make it all better?
Whatever. It was not their place to question the gods, despite their obscurities and lack of explanations. Eventually, the chambers’ reconstruction finally started. It took longer than it should have when very few followers came for the call of Horus to aid in reconstruction, but progress was still being made. 
So, with construction happening at the temple it meant that y/n was unable to reside in the rubble of the chambers anymore. Instead, they spent their off hours in between hotel rooms and air bnbs. They didn’t mind it though, they finally had a proper bed and had a decent meal that consisted of something other than the Molokhia the gods had given them for the last six months. But really, to y/n, anywhere was better compared to staying in the london library. 
There was no point renting an apartment space when the gods started to send them to the ends of the earth for all sorts of missions. Whether it be recruiting a potential candidate for one of the gods, or scavenging artifacts stolen from the temple, the scribe had more on their plate than they’d anticipated and had no time to settle in one place for very long. They didn’t complain. The gods gave them the means to pay for living arrangements and for meals, and the pay was better than the one they received from working for the library. 
Six months. Six months was a long time, now that they thought about it. 
Thank the gods they were finally able to go home now. 
Now that they thought about it, the first time y/n had been to Steven and Marc’s apartment they weren’t even invited in. Should they knock? 
They stood in front of the door, but weren't sure how Steven and Marc would react to them suddenly showing up the day before they were supposed to. The two men were expecting y/n to show up the next day. They’d even insisted on picking them up at the airport and going out for lunch. Well, that was the original plan. Until the gods had decided to let y/n leave earlier out of gratitude and granted them a portal to anywhere they desired, it was only natural that they decided to end up at the front steps of the system’s apartment. A little surprise visit doesn’t hurt anyone, right? 
The scribe straightened up, realizing they’d spent too long standing idle at the door and needed to make a move. They raised their fist and rapped on the door several times. And when no one answered they waited a few more moments before knocking once more. 
Hm. No one was home. y/n uncomfortable shifted in place, waiting a little longer to make sure that no one was actually home before they began deciding their next move. Should they stay in place and wait for the men to come home? Would that be too awkward? Having the men walk into their apartment floor and find the young adult sitting on the space next to their door? Would it just be better to leave altogether and try to come back later? What if they miss the men again? They could always go, but the question is where? It’s not like they have a place to stay nor anywhere that seemed decent enough to crash, and-
The voice from across the hall snapped y/n out of their thoughts almost immediately. Steven, in all his glory, stood at the space of the elevator that’d just opened. He stared at the scribe as though he’d unable to perceive that they were actually there. 
y/n faltered a moment, unexpected at the sight of the man faster than they were anticipating, and gave Steven a small smile, a little embarrassed that at the end of it they did just loiter in steven’s space like they didn’t want to.
“Hey, Steven.” They greeted him warmly. 
The gift-shopist turned tour-guide seemed to stumble in his words as an incoherent string of words fell numb to y/n’s ears. They tried to give him an encouraging smile, walking to steven’s space in the elevator as he remained frozen in place. Too frozen, in fact, as the door of the elevator began to shut with him still inside. 
“Uh, the door-” y/n jumped in their place, arm outstretched for the door though the gift shopist stuck their arm through in time to alert the motion detector. The doors stretched open as did Steven’s arms as he took y/n in for a big hug, which they happily reciprocated. It was the kind of hug where they teetered in place very slowly, taking in each other’s presence after months of being apart, 
“What’re you doing here so early?” Steven asked between breathy chuckles, slowly  pulling y/n away from him, they took a good look at the man and realized he’d sported a light stubble. “Ain’t we’s supposed to pick you up tomorrow?”
The scribe gave them a warm smile. “The Ennead let me go early!”
“Hmm. Are you sure it was ‘cause they couldn’t wait to get rid of you.” y/n didn’t miss the sly smirk steven sported.
“Shut up.” They retorted, lightly pushed Steven’s shoulders. “Just be happy I wanted to come back.”
The gift shopist grabbed at his shoulder and glanced at the doorstop, “Is that all you’ve brought with ye? Let me help you.” He of course was referring to the two duffel bags of y/n’s personal belongings that sat at his doorstep. For six months they’d lived off of everything in the bags and it was painfully obvious from the wear and tear of the bags themselves. Before they could insist that they could carry the items Steven already had his hands on the bags and was looking through his keys for his front door. 
The door flew right open in a matter of moments and Steven stepped to the side, grinning at the scribe as he gestured for them to go ahead. 
“Right, come on in. Make yourself at home”
No matter how many times they’d reassured Steven that really, they didn’t mind, Steven profusely apologized for the state of his apartment. He droned for a few moments stating that with his new job he’d not had the time to tidy up nor did Marc want to clean after Steven, (“He says I’m in charge of cleaning up my own mess. The nerve of ‘him, talkin’ to me like I’m a child!”) all the while y/n paid little mind and allowed their eyes to wander. Yes, they’d been in the apartment once, but that was many months ago. And it wasn’t like they had the time to take it in back then. Back then, when they were observing Marc and Steven from afar under the orders of a concerned Djehuty. They hummed to themselves, remembering the late nights sitting atop of Marc’s rooftop while listening for any sign of disturbances that could happen to the men. 
Y/n sighed deeply, eyes wandering to the window they used to sit by. It wasn’t that long ago. Look how things have changed. 
From where they sat nestled in a quaint green armchair, y/n felt like they were back in the London Library. Nestled amongst an alarming number of books, manuscripts, a tombstone of forests and papetry. Every nook and cranny of the apartment was filled with paper. All that was missing from the library was the occasional bun-wearing, shushing librarians and underpaid security guards. 
“Did you read all of these?” y/n picked up a loose book resting close to them, lifting the cover to their sight.
Steven responded from his kitchenette, fiddling with three assorted mugs as he kept himself busy making something to drink for the two. “Yeah, more or less.” 
“Huh,” y/n lowered the book, smoothing their fingers across the cover as they glanced again at the books around them. “With all of these books there’s not much use going to the library. You have your own here.”
Steven walked over to the scribe and offered out their drink to them. “ I make a habit of buying books I like after reading them borrowed ones. Keep ‘em here like little trophies, yknow.”
“Oh, you’re one of those people.”
“Yes, I’m one of those people, but at least we’re a reason why you have a job at the library.”
They didn’t miss the amusing smirk that Steven shot their way as he plopped himself into his seat at the armchair opposite of theirs, not before settingy/n’s designated cup on the table in front of them. He took a swing from his own and a silence fell between the two. Doing their best to ignore it, y/n took another moment to discern the gift shopist’s apartment.
Steven must’ve noticed them observing the fish tank that stood loudly in the middle of the apartment, as he shifted in his seat and gestured to the papers that decorated the glass pane. All held up by magnets and were numerous by the numbers. y/n had barely noticed them with their admiration of the two fishes that swam inside. “We kept all your letters. Marc thought putting them up close to the water was a bad idea but I’s quite like them there.”
“Oh,” y/n let out a small smile at this, struck with warmth that the system liked the letters enough to put them up. Like drawings on a fridge. “I didn’t think you’d do that.”
“Of course we would. Marc wanted to know what you were up to, and liked to keep note of where you’s been since you had to be secretive about it.” Steven beamed proudly, standing up to approach the fishtank. 
“It was a necessary sacrifice,” y/n spoke, leaning over to grab their drink that Steven had prepared for them. “This was the best way I could keep in touch.”
During their time in the ennead, y/n was unable to communicate to marc and steven very often. Communication through modern devices were limited due to risks of tracing and exposing their location from those with malintentions. To help their friends know that they were still alive and well, the young avatar developed a habit of sending postcards to the system from locations they were sent to during a mission. Most of them were written with the generic, “I’m having fun’s” and “Wish you were here’s” to maintain obscurity, but y/n never missed a chance to send them so that Marc and Steven could figure out their last whereabouts from where the postcard originated from, and be relieved by the very fact that they were still alive and well. 
 “Wells,” Steven hummed to himself, turning to give the avatar a small smile as he returned to his seat. He had collected several postcards from the fishtank and waved them in the air before dropping them onto the table. Y/n watches the postcards splatter across the table, recognizing the images on the postcards from places they went to during their trip. “You have to tell us about your trips.” 
And so the scribe told Steven about their life the last six months. Giving an explanation to why they were so absent outside of handwritten letters. As they spoke Steven gave them all of his attention, sitting at the edge of his seat, forearms rested on his knees as he leaned in to every word they spoke. They made sure to speak in great detail as they continued, knowing that the gift shopist had waited a long time to be able to hear their experience firsthand. Marc finally made an appearance to make his own comments. Immediately y/n was ecstatic to hear from the marine and they began to catch up amongst themselves like they did with Steven minutes prior. By the time they were finished their mugs were empty and the sun had set.
“They had me go out and find the avatars,” y/n continued telling their story to Marc, pulling out a map from one of their bags and displaying it onto the coffee table. Marc leaned over, eying the jumbled scribbles written all over the world, marked with locations and field notes from your travels. “The gods, they chose their patrons from different parts of the world, Marc. I-I mean, I had to go to the most obscure places, finding these people, I even ended up in Jersey City, of all places looking out for this one girl-”
Marc closed the front door as he watched y/n run to their bag for the map, carrying takeout from a Vietnamese restaurant down the road. At some point during their conversation he proposed that they went to get some food. He chuckled at y/n’s demeanor now that they finally got to take out the map that they said they wanted to show him, gushing over their trips. 
“The Jackals are from Jersey,” Marc sat himself back in the chair, opening up the bag and placing their food onto the table. He lifted up a box, opening it up to make sure that he didn’t get the food switched, “My old man took me to one of their games back when I was a kid.”
He frowned at his food, eyeing the noodles. Steven began looking around the table before reaching his hand back into the bag, shuffling through napkins. “Bollocks, I think they’ve forgot my peppers.” 
“They’re here,” y/n took a small container of peppers from their side of the table and handed it over to Steven, eyes still trained on the marked locations of the map. He gave them an appreciative smile, humming as he opened up the container and poured its contents over the steaming bun bo hue he’d ordered.
He took a large bite of his food as he leaned over to take in the map displayed before him, trying to make sense of the scribbles. “Did you find all of them?”
Y/n nodded, finally reaching to grab their food. They couldn’t help but smile in content at the food when they flipped the box open. “I did. Finding them was the easy part. A lot of them were still distraught and panicked over the fact that the gods were real. One guy was so convinced that someone snuck him drugs and he was having a really bad trip. Other people took the whole thing really well, but a majority of them needed as much help as they could get from assimilating to the concept that an Egyptian god chose them as their patron.”
Marc nodded knowingly at them, “Not everybody is okay with the whole ‘gods are real’ schtick.” 
The scribe stopped looking over their map to gaze at Marc. They hesitated for a moment. It had been a really long time since they’d seen Marc, they realized now that they really had no idea of how he’s been since the attack on Cairo, whether the attack had left him with any mental troubles or injury now that Khonshu’s power was no longer there to speed up his body’s natural healing process. On the topic, y/n was greatly concerned on how Marc and Steven had been handling themselves now that they were no longer indebted to Khonshu. 
Y/n hesitated a moment as they observed Marc, who was keeping himself occupied with his meal now that there was a bit of silence to dwell in. 
Finally, they spoke. They were sure that Marc could be able to hear the hesitence in their voice, but it was too late to stop now. 
“So, how have you been? Like, with Khonshu and everything.” 
Marc said nothing for a moment. Finally, he deeply sighed. He kept his eyes trained on his soup, picking at the noodles with his utensils as he slowly spoke. “I feel much better, I would say”
“Yeah?” Y/n responded. They reached for a napkin laying on the table. 
Marc nodded. He shifted himself to lean forward more on his knees. “Like, you know how we were pretty much forced to serve Khonshu? Well, now that that’s over with, I feel like I can do whatever I want now,” He let out a sort of dry chuckle, seemingly pondering over his own words. “Like, I never understood how limited our life actually was… it feels really… open now, do you understand that?”
He continued, not waiting for the scribe’s response, a look of content written on his face. “Honestly, I feel good about it.”
Marc didn’t sound like he had any doubt about his decision to end the system’s relationship with Khonshu. When he spoke, he sounded so sure of himself and where he was currently, trying to return to normalcy after Cairo. Well, as normal as it can get for people like them, y/n reminded themselves. There was no way that either of their lives would ever be the same. They were forever thrusted into the world of the gods, and even though Marc and Steven had chosen to retire that life, y/n knew very well that they were still a pawn waiting to be used in the eyes of the gods. They just hoped that that would never be the case. For Marc and Steven’s sake, they deserved to have their retirement be undisturbed. 
“That’s,” y/n began, trying to find the courage to speak after realizing they’d remained silent a little too long. They blinked several times. “That’s great. That’s really great. I’m happy for you two.”
Steven beamed at them, shifting in his seat after putting his meal back on the table. “Ye, it is really. I’s been real nice not havin’ any more trouble at work because of that nasty old crow.”
“He caused you both more harm than good,” The scribe nodded knowingly at Steven’s words. 
Steven swallowed another portion of his soup, rubbing off the droplets that trailed from his lips. He cleared his throat, but y/n’s attention was fixated on the napkin he’d dropped on the table. He didn’t wait for the scribe to acknowledge him, but they were able to hear the way he was trying to tread lightly as he spoke.
“Speakin’ of the gods,” He began slowly, waiting a moment to make sure that y/n had nothing to say before he continued, “now that you’re done workin’ for the Ennead, have you put any thought to what you’re going to do with Djehuty?”
It was obvious that this question came to y/n as a surprise when they jolted at the mention of the god. Steven hummed anxiously and raised his hands toward the scribe, profusely apologizing for bringing up the god in question.
“No, no it’s fine,” y/n raised a hand to reassure Steven. “It’s just, it’s the last thing I want to think about right now. Djehuty hasn’t approached me since I first started working for the Ennead, and everyday since then it’s been this waiting game of when he’ll actually show up again. I’m a little on edge, I guess.”
“You still don’t want to see him?” Marc stood up. He stretched his arms into the air briefly before throwing them down again, observing the contents on the table. By this time, all of their food had been finished save for the spring rolls they’d decided to split together. There was one left that sat there for a lot longer than it should have, neither y/n nor marc wanted to be the person to take it out of courtesy. 
“No,” y/n glanced up at Marc. He stood over the scribe with the spring roll offered out to them, they gave him a brief monotonous look before accepting the spring roll from him. They inspected it before taking a small bite. They hummed, scanning the table for peanut butter sauce while Marc began clearing the plates away. 
“Why is it you don’t want to see Djehuty, again?” The utensils clinked in Marc’s hands as he gathered up what he could, swiping his finger into the peanut butter sauce as y/n grabbed the container. He raised it to his mouth to taste and made his way to the kitchenette to dispose the takeout boxes. 
“ ‘cause most likely he’s going to ask me to be his avatar again,” y/n states after swallowing from their bite. The scribe took another bite of the roll, gathering their own mess of napkins and peanut butter sauce and making their way to where Marc was in the kitchen. They spared him a glance as they approached. He had this look on his face that told them that he was choosing his next words carefully. 
They opened Steven’s fridge, eying for a spot before placing the peanut butter sauce somewhere for Steven to taste later. Marc reached for his drink from the countertop, “And what would your response be?”
There’s a pause. And Marc is observing y/n with a look on his face that made them feel like they were being read like an open book. 
y/n straightened themselves up, slowly closing the fridge door to look at Marc with skepticism in their eyes. They had yet to say anything to the ex-marine, but they didn’t have to when the look that they gave him told him that he was pushing a nerve with them. But 
“You’re talking to a guy who’s well-versed in this whole avatar schtick,” He crossed his arms, leaning his weight against the kitchen counter. The man gazed at y/n with a look, “I know coping mechanisms when I see one. Instead of facing Djehuty head-on, you decided to play it safe and hide behind Ennead, but now that you’ve ditched that strategy, you’re still avoiding Djehuty even though you’re technically still his avatar. I just want to know why exactly it is you’re doing that, that’s all.”
y/n turned away from Marc, uncomfortable at the pressing question he’d asked them. They tapped their fingers against their upper thighs in an attempt to dispel the anxiety growing inside of them.
“Its just that,” they began slowly, articulating the feelings they had kept to themselves for so long into words as they spoke. They hadn’t thought that they would share this with anyone this soon, let alone the System. “if I wasn’t his avatar… then what would I even be? I can’t even imagine what I would become. It’s all I've ever known. It’s the reason I’m alive.”
“Well, yeah, its why you were alive the first time.” Marc countered plainly, a resting his face onto his open palm as he had his weight on his knees.  He didn’t miss the glare that y/n had shot him. They didn’t like to be reminded of the whole situation they’d had with Djehuty in the Duat. Although Marc did his best to respect it there were times where he wasn’t shy to tell them how it was. It struck a nerve with them every time he did so. 
“Yeah, cause who wouldn’t want their entire existence defined by being a puppet for an ancient deity. At least I wasn’t dumb enough to be manipulated into it.” 
Marc blinked at y/n’s words. He leaned back slightly, eyes fixated on the scribe as they snapped at him with a hostile air to them. He was unable to see their face as they had turned their head away from him, but he knew deep down that their outburst at him was simply a defense mechanism, a way of protecting themselves from the blunt remarks and sudden pressure to answer questions he’d put them under without warning. Marc didn’t blame them for lashing out in such a way, he probably would have done the same too if he was in their position. 
Slowly, Marc sighed from behind y/n. They could hear the slow movements he made behind him as he made his way to refill his water from the sink. They sighed, pushing their hands to their face and wiping it across their eyes. They’d forgotten themselves in that moment, and felt guilty at how they responded to Marc’s questions, he was kind enough to invite them to food and there was too much time that had passed between the two to snap at him, even if it was through a joking manner. 
“Look, Marc-”
“No, I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that. I’m sorry for pushing your buttons.” Marc stood by the scribe, clamping a firm hand onto their shoulder. He had faced them now, carrying a water in his hand as he offered them a small nod, acknowledging his words. He extended the glass in his hands towards them, waiting for them to take the cup from his hands before patting his open palms onto the pockets of his pants. He seemed to be looking for something as his eyes searched the room. 
“You know what? It’s been a long day, I’m sure you’re tired after all that traveling.”
“I literally went through a portal,” Y/n couldn’t help but smile at the marine with an incredulous look on their face. 
“Well you’re still in Egypt, aren’t you?” Steven mused, raising his eyebrows at the young thing. y/n rolled their eyes at Steven's whit. “It’s a whole two hours difference. What is it… it’s midnight for you, right, let’s get you ready.” y/n groaned at the statement. They weren’t tired at all from their journey. Steven was only using that as an excuse to go to bed early. They knew that he and Marc, despite being in their late 30s, were really just old men who slept for more than they should. 
“You can take the bed tonight, y/n. I’ll set up the couch for myself-ah.” Marc raised a hand to them with a firm voice telling them that there was no room for arguing. “You’re taking the bed. Tomorrow we can regroup and have more time to figure out what we’ll do now that you’re here.”
Marc left their side with one more pat before he approached a cabinet on the far side of the room. He opened it and pulled out a few blankets and a pillow before making his way to the couch. y/n observed the marine from their place in the kitchen, not daring to move until they were certain that the man was not at all disturbed by their presence. They kept watch as he made a hmph, releasing the noise while plopping himself across the couch with a blanket over him and a book in his hands.
The scribe, still unwilling to move from their place, observed the marine for a little bit longe, hoping to find reassurance that he held no grudge against them for their earlier attitude. They watched closely, but neither Marc nor Steven showed any visible signs of resentment. Instead, Steven gave them one last look, offering a genuine "goodnight" before settling down with his book.
Filled with a mix of relief and lingering guilt over their behavior, y/n glanced between the man in the couch and the bed they'd offered to him. They looked back at Steven, and after a few moments realized that they were fully staring at the man who had clearly told them goodnight. Slowly, they walked past the couch and took a peek into Steven and Marc's designated sleeping spot in their open apartment. Not to the scribe's surprise, their bed was surrounded by mountains of books that Steven had collected. Despite the overwhelming number of books it all seemed to be a sort of organized mess that only Steven could understand.
The scribe took their bags from the floor beside the couch where Steven read their book and took out some pajamas and bathroom bag. They made sure to stay quiet while they went to change and prepare for bed, scared that if they made too much noise, they would bother Steven. In the bathroom, they pulled out a shirt that read "I survived my trip to NYC," a memento they bought from a subway giftshop during a recon mission on behalf of Horus. Slipping the shirt over their head, y/n caught their reflection in the mirror.
Staring at themselves, they recognized their own face staring back at them, but a nagging sense of detachment washed over the scribe. The conversation Marc tried to have with them minutes before was fresh on their mind. They stared at themselves in the mirror, eyes flickering between one another as they tried to discern what exactly it was, they were feeling.
y/n raised their hands to grab onto the fabric of their shirt, looking down at the words as they rubbed their fingers across the fabric. Suddenly, the shirt's message seemed to mock them. The only reason they were able to get this shirt was because of their work for the Egyptian deities. In this life that they'd lived, they'd accomplished so much. They'd made a name for themselves amongst the gods and had earned their respect, but even that didn't outweigh the dangers and mental exhaustion that came with being an avatar.
But it was all that they'd ever known. This life. The life of servitude for the Egyptian gods. y/n had confidence that if they were to continue their involvement in the affairs of the gods, including Djehuty, the scribe had no doubt that they would thrive.
But was that really what they wanted? y/n slowly let go of their grip on their t-shirt, raising their hands to their face as they observed themselves in the mirror.
This was something that the scribe had contemplated since the first day they began working on behalf of the ennead. They agreed to help the gods reform the Ennead so that when it came down to it, they could go to the gods and ask them to return the favor out of the kindness that they may be able to show to an avatar that dedicated so much time to them.
The scribe had enough of staring at themselves in the mirror, hoping to pick up their toothbrush and toothpaste. They poured a dollop of paste to their brush, raising the toothbrush to their mouth, leaning over the sink to brush their teeth.
On the other hand, they pondered while brushing, there was the very big resentment towards Djehuty that held them back from being so willing to work for him again. Djehuty, who had betrayed their trust long ago by revealing that he'd stolen their soul without disclosure. They found it extremely difficult to fully trust that old bird, fearful of being deceived again.
But... despite their reservations, y/n grappled with the uncertainty of letting go. Being an avatar and serving the gods had become their identity, their purpose. It was all they had ever known, and the thought of severing that connection to become a normal human filled them with uncertainty of what their human life would hold in store for them.
Could they even do it?
If they were being honest, y/n was very jealous of Marc and Steven. The men seemed to have severed their connection with Khonshu so easily. They barely even hesitated. Now the men were building a life of their own, getting jobs, healing.
The young avatar spat out into the sink, cleaning any paste that covered their mouth before finally leaving the bathroom. They entered into the dimly lit apartment, slowly making their way to Marc and Steven's bed, not without sparing a glance to the couch where the system was settled in. Probably still reading their book. They made a mental note to themselves to ask about the book at a later time, when they'd find a good opportunity.
As they settled into the bed, y/n covered themselves with the blankets Marc had laid out for them. It felt peculiar to sleep in the bed of another man. The scribe felt like they were completely violating the system's personal space, despite Marc insisting on the arrangement, assuring them that it was completely fine.
They stared up at the ceiling, unsure if they were quite ready to sleep yet. The scribe hummed, turning to their side after some time, They listened to the water filter of Gus the Second's fish tank hum amidst the stillness of the night and the occasional turning of page as Steven flipped through his book. In the moments before sleep finally took over the young thing, y/n laid in bed and observed Gus the second swimming around in his little home. They could see him clearly, swimming and exploring in his own little world, and they couldn't help but wonder if Gus ever caught glimpses of Steven and themselves about the apartment and dreamt of leaving his home in the fish tank to explore Steven's apartment.
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harrytheehottie · 2 years
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hiii! this is my first piece of writing in like almost a year. this is a story that’s always playing on my mind so here is it’s third installment. you can catch up on part 1 and part 2 🌟 please let me know what you think and enjoy !!! 🌟
Harry always kept in touch.
The last time you saw him was when he was in the city before lockdown. He invited you to his apartment for a catch-up which quickly turned into something more. You always told yourself that you would never do it again but as soon as you saw his name on your phone, the butterflies in your stomach would appear. The relationship wasn’t feasible, he comes into the city for a week, you spend that week pretending like there will be a possibility of more and before you know it, he’s on his way back to London. You would hear from him on birthdays, holidays and anytime either of you got a bit too drunk. It was a nice situation for the both of you, your busy schedules didn’t give you time to want anything more.
The time in isolation did a number on you as you spent it alone in your 1 bedroom New York City apartment. Harry checked in on you a few days after the city went into a lockdown, he just left yours a few days prior headed to LA for meetings before he was set to start his tour in Europe. You were in a daze.
“How are you?” He says over the phone, opting for a phone call instead of a FaceTime.
“As good as I’m going to get, it’s been a rough few days in the city but I'm trying to manage.” You say pacing back and forth through your apartment trying to get some sort of movement. “How are you, are you going to head back home?”
There was a silence on his end, you move your phone away from your ear to see if you’re still connected and as soon as you place it back, Harry begins talking at a rapid speed.
“I was thinking maybe you could come here? There’s a ton of space, I have an extra room you can make your workspace, we have a huge yard, you won’t be stuck in your tiny apartment alone? Not that your apartment is tiny, it’s beautiful, one of the best I’ve ever stepped foot in…”
“Harry?” You say interrupting his monologue, you immediately knew why he opted for a phone call over a FaceTime, he was nervous.
“Sorry, I knew it would be weird to ask, I should’ve never brought it up.”
“I’d love to,” you interrupt him again.
It’s probably not the best decision - you’ve only been around Harry a handful of times since you met last summer. Being isolated in a house for days and weeks on end would be a true fear of any relationship we had. But a house in Southern California sounded better than the last few days going stir crazy in your 800 square foot apartment.
You’d deal with the consequences later.
You spent another half hour talking over logistics. Harry was adamant on paying for your flight and as soon as he brought it up, you opened your laptop and booked it yourself.
“You’re already inviting me into your home, I can buy my own ticket. I’ll be getting it on Friday afternoon, if you can text me the address, I’ll uber over?” You were pacing around your apartment, trying not to think too much about what the one-way ticket to Los Angeles meant.
“There will be no ubering,” Harry interruptes, “I’ll arrange your pick-up, very excited to see you.”
“We’ll see how long that excitement lasts.”
The next few days were spent trying to sort your life out, you were packing everything out, eating the remainder of items in your fridge and cleaning out your pantries of any potential expired foods. You tried not to think too hard about how long you were going to be away for and what that meant for your future. Anything beats the feeling of being alone and if that meant being in the company of your friend who was definitely more than a friend but you were never going to put a label on it friend and his friends then so be it.
The house that Harry was staying in was far beyond your little apartment in the city. He had more than a few bedrooms to spare, a large bright kitchen that opened up into the living room, a pool in the backyard with enough room to fit a mini putting green.
Harry met you in the living room after putting your bags upstairs for you. You were looking around at all the little things that were just so very Harry - the picture of his mom and sister that was framed on the bookcase, the stack of vinyls near the record player, his shoes scattered around the couch.
“Anything catches your eye?” Harry whispered in your ear causing you to jump a little,
“You scared me!” You playfully hit him on the shoulder causing him to laugh, that same laugh that got your attention in that dingy dive bar in the city, “I was just looking around, I didn’t realize you had a house here so I was expecting it to be sort of empty.”
“I didn’t for a while, then thought it would be kind of nice to have a home to come to rather than a hotel room whenever I’m here for work and it didn’t hurt to try and make it similar to the one back in London as much as I could.” Harry explained.
You didn’t poke any further. You spent time catching up in the living room, Harry telling you about the new music he had been discovering, you told him about your failed attempt at making sourdough, which he promised he “still had it in him from the bakery days and could teach me.”
It surprised you how at ease you were with him, this sense of calm. Your relationship was always in and out, it never had time to develop as anything more than just a hook-up that hasn’t met its expiration date, yet.
“Is that why you always stayed in my apartment in New York?”
“What?” Harry was cleaning up from dinner as you sat on the kitchen island watching him. You were winding down for the night, you were in your set of pajamas, enjoying the view of Harry in his gray sweat shorts that were riding lower than he’d probably like to admit with nothing on top.
“Earlier, you said you bought this house because it was nicer than staying at a hotel, is that why you always stayed at my apartment? You had somehow to keep you company?”
Harry turned off the faucet and turned around to look at you, his eyes meeting yours, “Is that what you think?”
“I’m asking a question,” your stomach flipped, nervous for where this conversation was headed. “I’m not going to be upset, it just makes sense, we’re friends, you have someone to talk to that you don’t associate with work.” You answer him, knowing Harry would have waited for you to answer him before he continued - it was frustratingly annoying how he always seemed to get his way, those damn gray sweat shorts.
Harry moved from his spot by the sink, rounding the corner of the kitchen island before standing in front of you.
“No, that’s not why I always come to your apartment in New York,” he moved to grab your hands that were fiddling with your pants and intertwine them with his.
He was different, this was different.
“I come to you because I like you. I want to wake up with you and listen to you talk about what’s going on at work and the things that drive you crazy. I invited you here because I couldn’t stand the thought of you being in the same country as me but not together.”
You let go of his hands and before Harry could utter his next sentence you moved your hands to the back of his head and pulled his mouth to yours. Your mouths immediately finding the rhythm that they were accustomed to, the familiarity of his lips on yours as his hands maneuvered your chair to spread your legs apart and give him more access. You felt a shift in the air - you and Harry had done this a few times before but this was different, this was answering your questions, any doubt either of you had about the future was slowly leaving you
“I see why you walk around naked all the time,” you teased between kisses as you moved your hands around his torso before going for the waist of his sweats.
“Are you complaining? I can go back upstairs and change,” he smirked before moving to begin taking off your top, his hands immediately moving to cup your breasts, thumbs circling around your nipples as your lips continued to move to the same motion. The sounds of your joint moans filling up the room, your bodies were craving one another and you were going to lose it if you didn’t get any closer,
“Need more,” and before you could finish your sentence, Harry quickly sprung into action moving you off the chair and onto the kitchen island. He wasted no time and began moving to where you wanted him most,
“Fuck,” Harry whispered under his breath, as he just took your naked body as he kissed your inner thighs before moving his mouth to your center. Your heart skipped a beat as he moved his lips to suck and lick as you moved your hips to follow him towards your orgasm. Harry’s eyes never left yours as you watched him slip his index finger inside you, a second following as he sucked on your clit, curling them until your body couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oh my, fuck.” you were breathless as he moved his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them.
You were a goner.
You watched Harry take off his sweat shorts and weren’t surprised to see he wasn’t wearing any briefs underneath, “presumptuous?”
“Prepared,” he responded as he jerked himself towards you, meeting him at the edge of the island, your legs waiting for him. You reached down to guide him, the familiar stretch that you always welcomed, Harry slowly easing into you inch by inch. You could feel his heart racing against yours as you clung onto his body, “you feel so fucking good,” he whimpered thorugh his moans.
You moved your hands into his hair, combing and pulling as Harry began slowly moving inside you, sending waves of pleasure through you as Harry buried his face in your shoulder, his whimpers and moans filling your ears with pleasure.
“I’m close,’ Harry whispered as he moved his hips faster his mouth meeting yours, his thrusts become more rapid in succession, you could feel him heading towards his climax, you moved your hands in his hair again and with a slight tug and a quiet, “please” in his ear, he was done for.
Your bodies stayed intertwined as you both caught your breaths.
After a few minutes, Harry moved to let you off the island and handed you the pajamas that now laid on the kitchen floor before moving to find his sweats.
“I don’t want to be too presumptuous but,” Harry paused before leaning down to kiss you on the lips once more, “does this mean I can move your stuff into my bedroom?”
“Hmmm…” you thought, looking at him pretending to have to think about your answer, “you can move my things into your bedroom.”
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itisannak · 1 year
Rose-Colored Glasses, Vol.2, Part 6: New York, Zurich, London (Sugar Daddy!Harry Styles)
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Summary: (Y/N) has some major career choices to make. Harry takes her along on an investors' tour, and they have a big discussion about their relationship. The penultimate part. This is an NSFW story. If you feel uncomfortable reading content like this one, feel free to scroll through my Masterlist to find something you might like. (Smut / Teasing/ Oral Sex; Female Receiving / Breeding Kink / Semi-Public Sex) (Words: 8.4k) Vol. 1, Part 1: New York City   /  Vol. 1, Part 2: New York City & Aspen  / Vol. 1, Part 3: New York City & Amalfi Coast & Rome  /  Vol. 1, Epilogue / Vol. 2, Part 1: New York  /  Vol.2, Part 2: New York, Upper East Side / Vol.2, Part 3: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City  / Vol.2, Part 4: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City / Vol.2, Part 5: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City, Winter Wonderland / Epilogue; Hawaii / My Full Masterlist / Rose-Colored Glasses Masterlist / My Ko-Fi
It has been about a year since that conversation with Harry. Another Christmas went by, with everyone's eyes glued on my ring finger, to find out whether Harry popped the question or not. It is not just his family and our friends anymore. Every time I accompany him to business dinners or trips, every time I visit his office, everyone is looking at my hands, scanning for a sparkling stone on that finger. At first, I was getting annoyed, and frustrated at the invasion of privacy. But now it is just funny, everyone is so obsessed with our relationship, so amazed by the fact Harry is in the longest relationship of his life -at least by Lita's sayings.
"Well, I will be damned..." I hear a familiar voice from the entrance of the design room. I have been helping from the game studio's headquarters lately, so I have been meeting with a lot of people. I raise my gaze to find Chimera, my old professor from my bachelor years. "Professor Fisher... It is so good to see you again. How have you been?" I ask her, leaving my pad on the desk to walk toward her. "I have been fine, Ms. (Y/L/N). Last I heard of you, you were moving out of New York." She shakes my hand. "Yes, but now I am back. I apologize for not attending our meeting all the way back." "The past is in the past, (Y/N). Tell me, what are you doing here?" She asks me. "I help with the gameplay dialogues and info, check the validity of information, you know, putting my knowledge to any use I can." I explain to my old professor who is now looking at me as if she is scanning me, looking for any excuse to judge me. "I see." "What are you doing here? This is the last place I expected to see you." I ask her. "The studio wants to recruit one of my students, apparently as your assistant, as part of their dissertation. As the head of the department, I had to check this place out." She replies. "Oh, that is amazing. I could use some help around here. And I am glad I will get to work with a fellow NYU student." I smile at her. "Now that I have found you, what about we go grab some lunch and discuss how you like it here? Maybe we can have that meeting we didn't have all this time back." She suggests. I check my wristwatch, seeing that I have at least 45 minutes until my lunch break. "I will have to ask my supervisor if I can have my break a bit earlier." I smile and point to the supervisor's office.
"What's up with you today?" Chrissy asks, pulling out a lace bodycon from the rack and holding it before my body. "Hm?" I realize that I have been holding onto the same pair of satin panties for the last 10 minutes, mindlessly feeling the smoothness of the fabric in my hand. "I am asking what is going on inside your head... You are off today. What is so much more interesting than lingerie shopping?" She chuckles. "I saw Chimera today... Professor Fisher." I state, placing the pair of panties in my shopping basket. "You did? And what, she sucked the life out of you?" She asks jokingly. "No... I mean, she was actually very nice. She bought me lunch." "Well, I mean, she always liked you. You were her little teacher's pet." She teases me, knowing that I am dying to hear praise from any authoritative figure. "Still, she was very difficult to deal with, you remember." "Anyways, is that the reason you are off today? Because Chimera bought you lunch?" She asks with a scoff. "I was supposed to have a meeting with her when I got back from Italy." I explain, avoiding eye contact. "(Y/N), baby. I love you, but I can't keep pressing you to extract information. You have to be the one to tell me if you want to let it out." She comments and I sigh. "She wanted to suggest I start my Ph.D. back then. She said that my research project was riveting for a bachelor student and that skills and insights like mine should not be limited to developing a mobile game. She said that if I am up for it, I can apply tomorrow morning and start next week because she will vouch for me." "(Y/N), baby... That is amazing. Oh my God, I am so proud of you, but oh, oh so jealous. You should be celebrating, not sulking." She encourages me, hugging me in celebration. "What are you thinking? Are you doing it?" She asks me. I sigh, feeling my eyes brimming with tears. "I can't afford it. I have to pay off my student loan. She said we could look for partial funding, but it is not enough for me to not go into complete debt with my current salary." I reply, feeling a tightness in my stomach. I really, really want this, but I can't have it. "Why... Why are you not... asking Harry for money? He would be more than happy to help, you know that." She suggests. "We made it very clear when we first got back together that he will not treat me like a sugar baby again." "Yeah, ok. But this is not like that and you know it." "It will feel like that to me. I won't even tell him about meeting with Chimera today. And I'll just forget about it. I have to focus on other things either way." I reply and she looks at me with a furrow on her brow. "Other things?" "I mean the game. I'd tell you if I had to plan a wedding, don't worry." I roll my eyes, showing her my still-ringless ring finger. She just hums and places the bodycon in my basket, moving to the next rack. "You know, sometimes I feel like your personal Barbie doll. You dress me up and then send me home for Harry to enjoy." "I am on his payroll for exactly that reason." She jokes. "That explains a lot, actually." I mumble and follow right behind her.
It has not been easy for me to move past this. I have always thought of myself as a scholar, as a person active in the field of research, someone who helps the next generations understand art a little better, and a person who helps all those stories behind artworks to be told to the world. So it is not easy for me to kick away this opportunity.
"Sunshine, you are still not ready?" Harry asks, emerging from the closet. He is trying to fix the cufflinks on his shirt's sleeves but he is struggling, so I gesture for him to come closer so I can do it for him. "I am not really feeling well. I think I am staying home tonight. Give my apologies to the company." I murmur, fixing the little decorations on his crisp, white shirt. "What is it, princess? You have been under the weather for a while now. Have you been to the doctor?" "It's fine, it's just tiredness." I assure him. I don't like lying to him, and I certainly don't enjoy watching him worry about me, but it is not really a lie. I am feeling sick, and being with his nosy business partners will not help me feel better. "Baby, have you... Have you taken a test?" He asks me. I can sense some hope in his voice. He has expressed that he wants us to have a family, but we have agreed to not rush it or force it. It will come in its own time. "A test?" I ask him. "A pregnancy test." He clarifies and I chuckle. "Harry, I am not pregnant." I hate to crush his hopes. "Are you sure? I can ask Vinny to bring you one." He offers and I nod. "I am sure. I had my period 10 days ago, remember?" I ask and he huffs. "I am just tired. I am sorry." I smile softly at him, running my thumb over his knuckles. "I'll cancel tonight. I'll stay with you, cook you a healthy soup, and we will sit and watch something on the telly." He begins unbuttoning his shirt but I stop him. "No. You should go. I will be fine for a couple of hours. I'll drink some tea, take a melatonin gummy, and go to bed. Tomorrow I'll feel better." I assure him, standing up to give him a short kiss. "Are you sure about that?" He asks me and I nod my head. "I will be fine, baby. I just need to rest. Go, have fun. I will see you during breakfast." "If you need anything, just call me." "I know." "I mean it. I will keep my phone on." "Okay, Harry. Now go, don't be late for dinner." "Fine. I am going. Oh, I can leave Vinny here. Just in case you need anything. He suggests but I shake my head no. "I will be fine on my own, Harry. But thank you for being so considerate." It is sweet of him, I can't lie. "Alright. I'll try to get out of it as soon as possible. Bye, baby. I hope you feel better soon." He moves out of the door hesitantly, leaving me alone in the empty house.
A knock on my office's door brings me out of my zone, stopping my typing mid-sentence. Harry stares at me through the glass door, waving at me happily. I smile and gesture for him to enter, watching him as he tries to open the door with his body. "I come bearing gifts." He announces as he walks in. And he truly does. A bouquet of fresh daisies, a large, brown paper bag from our favorite takeout place, and a smaller bag from the french patisserie near his office, all carried by him and placed on top of my desk. "This is a surprise." I state, standing up from my chair to hug him. I know that the glass door and the window divider don't give us much privacy, but I don't mind being seen hugging my man. "Is it a pleasant one?" He asks me and I hum. "Always. What are you doing here?" I ask him, inviting him to take a seat on the small, 2-seat leather couch in the corner of the room. My office is not as impressive as his, it is way smaller, way less private, and more minimalistic than his, but at least it is all mine. "You haven't visited my office in a while. So I thought I should pay my busy girlfriend a visit." He starts taking the takeout out of the bag. "You know I have been swamped lately, bub. And you see me at home all the time. Is that not enough for you? You'll wound up tired of me in the end." I joke as he hands me a lunchbox. "It will never be enough for me, no matter how many hours a day I see you. I just wished I would see you happier a lot more often." He hands me a travel mug with coffee, my usual fragrant cappuccino feeling warm in my hand, despite the isolation of the mug. "I've been feeling a bit off lately, that's all. I'll get better once spring takes over." I try to make up an excuse, but Harry is smarter than that, he doesn't buy it.
"Why didn't you tell me about the Ph.D. offer?" He asks me, sitting across from me on the couch. Well, due to the size of the furniture, we are pretty much one upon another. "Harry..." I don't know what to tell him. I didn't even realize he knew that much. "(Y/N)..." He insists, prying my head up with his pointer and middle finger. "Chrissy told you?" I ask him. "Only after I told her how miserable you've been lately. She is worried about you. I am worried about you. I thought you wanted to break up with me and didn't know how to tell me." He explains. "Harry, no. Of course not. I just... I can't afford to do it now. So what use would there be telling you? I wanted to suppress it, I wanted to forget it even happened." I admit, fidgeting with my rings. "If there is one thing I learned from therapy is that the more you suppress things, the stronger they return when they resurface. You can't ignore a smoke alarm, the fire will catch up to you. Yes, you wanted to suppress it, but it took away your happiness." "Ok, yeah. It happened. But even now, nothing has changed. I still can't do it, and now you know about it, so every time you'll look at me, you'll pity me." I sound frustrated, more so than I thought I would. "Is this Ph.D. something you want to do? Is it something that will bring happiness back to my favorite person?" He asks me and I sigh. I simply nod my head, biting my lip to stop myself from crying. "Then you should go ahead and do it." "You know I don't get paid enough to pay off my student debt and start a Ph.D." I chuckle and he scoffs. "I'll fund it." He states. "Harry, no. We have agreed you wouldn't treat this as a business deal. This is precisely why I didn't want you to know in the first place." I try to sound definite about this and cut this option off completely, but Harry remains calm and just looks at me until I am calm enough to listen to what he has to say. "I am not doing this to control you. I am not doing this to own you, or because I want you to feel in debt to me. I am doing this because this is the sort of thing you do for the person you love. I love you. And if this is going to bring the smile back to your face, I am going to pay ten times the fucking tuition." "What if we break up?" I ask him and he tilts his head to the side. "Are you planning on breaking up with me, (Y/L/N)?" He asks me. "Of course not, Harry. But shit happens, you never know. You might get bored of me, you might be the one who will want to break up." "(Y/N), baby... I will never get bored of you. I don't ever plan on breaking up with you. And believe me, if you ever decide to break up with me, the last thing I will care about will be the money. So, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), do this sad, sad man a favor and apply for the Ph.D., because every second I don't see the light in your eyes, I lose my happiness too." He takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss on it. I smile and nod, moving closer to him to press a kiss on his lips. "I don't know how I will ever repay you." I whisper. He strokes my face softly, looking at me for a moment, staring deep into my eyes. "Love me. It is enough for me. Love me, because your love makes me a better person, and it makes the darkness go away. So, just... Love me." He states, stroking his thumb over my cheek. I nod my head, feeling finally ready to burst into tears. I have been holding myself for a while, trying to deny the pain I have been feeling. But now I can finally let go, I can finally admit how painful this has been for me.
"Is that the necklace I got you back when we first met?" Harry asks me, holding up the chain with the rose-gold plated dove necklace. I am currently finishing packing up for our trip to Europe, for an investors' tour. Harry is checking the jewelry I have packed for the trip, bored out of his mind now that he has finished with his own obligations. "It is." I smirk, looking at the dainty necklace. "You still got it?" He asks and I nod my head at him. "I thought it had long been buried in Arlington's grounds." "It is way too pretty to be buried." I reply. He hums, closing the box and placing it back into my luggage. "I hope this one is not packed to be worn in public..." He holds up a lace teddy, a baby pink, nearly transparent one, which of course Chrissy chose for me, but I couldn't agree more that I have to wear this. "Oh, this one? This one is for dinner with your parents... This, the pair of gladiator lace-up Amina Mauddi high heels you got me for Valentine's, and the silk romp Chrissy got me for Christmas... The perfect outfit for the in-laws, don't you think?" I ask him, folding in half the protective fabric bag that has one of my formal dresses inside, and placing it in my suitcase. "For the in-laws?" He asks, cheerful about the phrase I used to describe his parents. "I meant your family." "You said the in-laws, though..." He teases, walking closer to me. "I meant your family, Harry. Don't make too much of it." I scoff and he shakes his head at me. "You said the in-laws..." He grabs me by the waist, pulling me close to his body. "You said the in-laws." "Harry..." "No, no, no. Don't ruin it for me now... You said the in-laws. Which means, you are thinking of me as your husband. Tell me, (Y/N)... Are you thinking of me as your husband, baby? Are you thinking of becoming my wifey, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" He asks me, gently pushing me onto our bed. "I have to finish packing... Or else the teddy will be worn during a business dinner." I giggle. He pins my hands onto the mattress, hovering above me as he smiles. "Don't threaten me, 'cause I will call Gemma and have her send a dozen outfits to Switzerland before we land." He teases me, leaning down to bury his face in my neck. "Harry, I have a shitload of things to do." I purr, but Harry knows better than to back away. "You wanna be called Mrs. Harry Styles, baby? Cause I can arrange that... Pretty much right now." He nudges his nose on my sweetspot, causing me to sigh at the sound of his last name as mine. "Harry, baby..." "Oh, I know, I know... You want me to put a baby inside you, hm... You want that even more, don't you?" He asks, letting go of my hands and raising the hem of my sweater until it is off my body. "I just want you." I admit, succumbing to the way his lips are working on my skin. "I knew that already, baby. If you could, you would have me fuck your tight little cunt all the damn time, wouldn't you?" He asks me, moving his hands now to take off my biker shorts. "I bet this little pussy of yours is already soaked, isn't it sweetheart? Just imagine how much needier you will be with those pregnancy hormones. Fuck, we will have to build a bed in my office for our little mid-day meetings." He toys with the hem of my panties, grazing the very tip of his finger over my bikini line and sending shivers all over my body. "Damn, your impregnation kink... You know, rich guys tremble at the idea of producing spawns with random women, in case they demand a fortune for their paternity." I manage to gather enough coherence to tease him. "You've taken all logic out of my brain, princess. I don't care if I am left with a single penny after I put a baby inside you." "Now, do you want me to put a baby deep inside you? Do you want me to put a baby right here?" He asks me, kissing my lower stomach. "Yes, please, daddy." I moan, feeling his hot breath on my skin. "How much do you want me?" He asks me, lowering his lips until they rest on my still-clothed mound. "I want you so much, I can't even find the words. Please... Look how messy you've made me." I groan and Harry chuckles. "Oh, princess... But you have to pack your luggage." He slithers away, smirking victoriously. "You little shit." I protest, nearly jumping up from the bed. "Weren't you the one protesting that you have to finish packing?" He asks cockily, walking into the bathroom with a toiletry bag in hand, whistling a tune in faux-mindlessness. "Get back here, Styles." I groan, folding my arms before my chest. "We have to finish packing, sunshine. Get back to it." He sounds too smug for my liking like he knows he won this round. Fuck, this is the last time I play hard to get when I want him that bad.
"I can't believe I won't see you for 3 whole weeks." Chrissy sighs before pouting at me. I roll my eyes playfully, knowing how dramatic she is right now. "Chrissy, we have gone way longer without seeing each other." "Not since you moved back to New York..." She mumbles. "I'll bring you Swiss chocolates to make up for the lost time." "Bitch, you keep your Swiss chocolates. You'd better bring me a Swiss watch." I laugh at her comment, earning looks from the jet's crew who are impatiently waiting for me to hang up. "I'll do my best. Chrissy, baby, I gotta hang up. We are preparing for takeoff and I need to switch to airplane mode." "Fine. Stay safe, call me when you land." She demands. "I don't know what time it is going to be here when we land there, honey." "I don't care... You call me. Love you, be ok." She greets me. It is adorable how much she worries about me, it makes me feel like someone has my back.
I would be lying if I said I don't get why she is so worried; the last time I left for so long with Harry, it was for that trip to Italy, and we all remember how that went. Of course, Harry and I have traveled abroad again since we got back together. But it is the first time we are going to be gone for so long. And it is the first time we are traveling for business. I can feel the nervousness in my stomach, and a burn in the back of my nose. It feels awful, and I am glad I share the feeling with Chrissy, because Harry seems on cloud nine, completely in his own fucking world, and not too bothered by what is clearly on my mind.
I put my phone on airplane mode and grab my journal -a beautiful recycled leather journal that Chrissy got me for my research-, and my laptop. With around 80 academic journals, articles, and pdfs, I have enough to entertain myself during the long flight, the long trip to be honest.
"We are all set." Harry announces, plopping down on his seat. The comfortable seats allow me to sit fully curled on mine, my laptop resting on my lap. I know it is not the best position to study in, and I will soon have to change it, but for now, it will have to do. "When are we taking off?" I ask and he chuckles. "Eager to get up high, sunshine?" He asks me with a soft smile. "Not really. I am just craving coffee and I know they are supposed to serve us after takeoff." "Oh, they are not?" He asks as he motions for a flight attendant to approach us. "Can you please bring us some coffee? The pretty lady over there needs a caffeine boost, she is an academic..." He comments, looking at me adoringly. I cock an eyebrow at him, opening my laptop to access the folder. "Right away, sir." The flight attendant smiles and walks to the front to execute Harry's request "You didn't have to do that. And I am not an academic." I mumble and he chuckles. "You are a Ph.D. candidate, correct? And you wanted some coffee, right? We are passengers on this flight, we can have some coffee." He states. I just hum, focusing my gaze on the text before me. "Is someone a little pissy today?" He asks me, leaving his seat and walking towards me. "Nope." "Oh my God. Are you mad at me?" He asks me with a sly smirk. "That I am." I admit. "Look at my perfect doll, owning up to how she feels... I am so proud of you." He licks his lips, sitting on the arm of my seat. "Aren't you going to ask why I am mad at you?" I ask him and he shakes his head, stroking the side of my face. "Oh, I know why already..." He scoffs. The flight attendant brings a tray with coffee and paraphernalia. "Oh, you do? So tell me, Harry, the all-knowing, why am I mad at you?" I ask him, peaking at the pot of coffee to avoid eye contact with his smug, stupid face. "It is because I haven't fucked you in the last 4 days, isn't it? Your little cunt is so wet, desperate, and hungry for my cock that you've turned horniness into anger. You crave me so much that you are pissed you can't have me." He states. My eyes dart straight to the flight attendant, who backs away with wide eyes. "People can hear you, you know..." I mumble, but Harry seems to not care. "I am telling the truth, am I not?" He asks me. "Yes, yes... I am pissed at you for not fucking me, Harry. You have been teasing me for days now, and you have been leaving me high and dry. How is that fair? You know, it reminds me of the stupid bet we had last year before Christmas... And if I remember, we both did not like that time of our life." I clench my jaw, making Harry chuckle at me. He grips my chin, making me look at him and calm down from my fluster. "4 days without my cock inside you and you are spiraling... Oh, dove... I should have known how desperate my wife gets without feeling me inside her." He teases me. "I am not your wife." I protest and he hums. "From all I said, you chose to protest the wife part... Interesting." He states and I shrug. "I want you to count 75 minutes from when we take off. After 75 minutes, I want you to get up and head to the bathroom, wait for me there... I promise you, I am going to make it up to you for the dry spell." "We are not having sex on this plane." "Yes, we are. I have always wanted to join the mile-high club. And now, I have the most perfect partner to do so. So, we either do it in the bathroom, or I take you right here, with only a lap blanket hiding what this mean, big man is doing to this sweet, little angel." He cocks an eyebrow at me, expecting an answer. Despite the idea of him fucking me before everyone's eyes is turning me on to the point I have to press my thighs together, I am way too shy to ever do that. "Fine. 75 minutes." "Until then, I want you to focus on your bibliography." He reaches for the pot, pours me a cup of coffee, and hands it to me. "You are a huge dick, Styles." I roll my eyes, taking the first sip of coffee. "Oh, I know that." He winks at me, moving back to his seat.
I could not stand still while waiting for time to pass. I thumped my pencil on my journal countless times until I filled a page with random lines from thumping. What was worse was that Harry seemed too focused on his tablet, not even throwing me an accidental look. I hate that he looks so casual when I know he burns for me.
I followed his instructions down to the very last word. I took my refreshing cosmetics pouch that I had packed in my backpack for a touchup before landing and headed to the bathroom, which seems way more spacious than the ones on commercial flights. Of course, Harry had to tease me, making me long for him even more. He calls it delayed gratification, I call it torture.
A knock on the door, and then my heart pounding that someone might need the bathroom, and I got excited over nothing. "(Y/N), baby... It's Harry. Let me in so I can help you. Is it your travel sickness again?" He asks me from the other side of the door. I am confused, eyebrows furrowed together, but I decide to play along without phrasing my bewilderment. I open the door for him, allowing him inside the bathroom which now feels not-so-spacious. "Since when do I get travel sickness?" I ask him once he locks the door. "Since we need a cover. I needed a reason to join you. Would you rather if I said morning sickness?" He asks me, gently cornering me against the wall. One hand rests on my waist, the other on my face, and he is looking at me with a dominant expression. I love that expression, I love it on Harry and Harry only. "Smart, Styles..." I comment with a soft smile. "Just creative, dove. Very creative when it comes to pleasuring my wife." "Not your wife..." I comment and he smirks. "Right, not yet." He states, slipping his hand into my culottes. I gasp when his fingers find their way to my panties, toying with my cunt that is still covered by the thin, cotton undergarment. "Oh, look...My favorite cunt is so wet, it has a damp patch already." He chuckles and coos, rubbing his fingers along my slit. "Are you here to tease me, Styles?" I ask him, too desperate to even try to hide it. "Part of my job description is that, yeah..." He states, kissing the nape of my neck. "Styles..." "Styles..." He repeats at me, making me roll my eyes at him. "I go by (Y/L/N)." I remind him and he scoffs. "You'll go by Styles, just for me..." He kneels on the floor before me, lowering my bottoms along my panties. "Just for you?" I ask him, feeling his breath on my thighs. "Just for me. Only I will be allowed to call you Mrs. Styles. Mrs. Harry Styles. Deal, baby?" "Deal." I whimper as he fixes my leg onto his shoulder, allowing him access to my sex. "That's my good girl. Mon soleil. And now, I am going to reward you." He goes straight in, his tongue lapping up my sex, circling on the tip of my clit obnoxiously slow.
I know I have to keep quiet because there is no soundproofing in this shoebox of a bathroom. I know that a few feet from us are top executives of Harry's corporation. I also know that what we are doing is technically illegal. I know all that, and still, all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs how good his mouth is at pleasuring me. I feel my heartbeat in my stomach and I can tell that it will only take a couple of seconds for the whole plane to hear me beg for more if I don't do anything to shut myself up. So I press my hand against my mouth, biting it until I feel my teeth leave marks on my skin. Harry moans lowly, enjoying himself as he savors me and sends vibrations to my sex. The sensation travels all across my spine, making my scalp tingle. "Harry..." I call for his attention. In return, he brings his gaze to meet mine, his beautiful, bright, green gaze fully on me. "I need you inside me." I beg, as quietly as I can. I need him, I need to feel him, all of him before I burst. "Oh, no, sunshine... We are having the main course when we land. Now it is just a little treat, a small preview." He kisses my inner thigh as he speaks, using his fingers in lieu of his mouth, pumping 2 fingers inside me. "But I need you... And is it really the mile-high club if it is just oral?" I ask him, my hand traveling to his curls. "I am sure the club's board won't be upset." He states, his mouth joining his fingers in pursuit of my high.
I understand there is no point in begging him for more now. He is going to give me what he has been planning to give me, and Harry is not one to go against his plans. Well, he wasn't, until he met me. And since then, he has been persistently failing to keep up with the precalculated path. We were not supposed to have sex, and then he succumbed to my seduction. He was not supposed to fall for me, yet he couldn't move on after we broke up. He was not supposed to wait for me, and yet he changed himself in preparation for my comeback. We were not meant to become addicted to each other, but here we are, unable to spend a day apart. "Deeper, please. Please, Harry." I mumble, sufficing to just the feeling of his fingers in that spot deep inside me. He seems to follow my wish, dipping his fingers knuckles deep inside me. "Are you going to cum in my mouth, sunshine?" He asks me, only parting from my sex momentarily. "I don't think I will be able to keep quiet. Edge me." It hurts me physically to ask for that, but we have no option. "Oh, no, honey. You are cumming for me. I don't care if everyone hears how good I eat this beautiful cunt." He uses his free hand to grab onto my hips and keep me there as he brings me to my breaking point. My sex glues to his face as I reach my spine-chilling high, eyes shutting tightly as I bite onto my palm. "There is my delicious girl... God, look at my honey, look how good she looks when she cums." Harry stands up, pressing me against the wall as he brings his lips to mine. "Do you think we are going to get arrested?" I ask, cradling his face softly in my hand. "For what?" He asks back. "For fucking in public..." "No one knows. And if they did, they would have burst in to stop us. We'll be fine, my love." He assures me, kissing the tip of my nose.
"You look so hot in just a towel..." Harry whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You think I look hotter without it." I chuckle, scrunching my hair with the microfibre towel. "Look who's turned cocky." He turns my head, bringing his lips to mine. "All the worshipping you do has finally gotten to my head." "Objective completed then." He peels the towel off my body, letting it fall on the floor. "Harry, we have dinner with Gemma in an hour. " I remind him as his hand snakes down to my sex. "Yeah, I remember that." He rubs his fingers in circles on my clit, slowly inching them down to collect some wetness from my entrance. "I have to get ready for it. And you are a distraction, currently." "Oh, I am a distraction? Like you were when you wore that high-slit gown for dinner with the Dewis family?" He asks me, still moving his fingers slowly. "Oh, is that it?" I ask him, using my teasing voice, just to get on his nerves a little more. "All fucking night, all I could think of was your fucking pussy. And you made it even harder when you handed me your damn panties. Do you even know what it took for me not to blow everything up? Do you have any idea how much you could have cost me that night if I did not salvage the situation?" He is working his fingers faster, yet his voice is very calm, almost soothing. "And what's worse, princess, is that I would not give a damn if I lost money that night. All that mattered was the fact I had to have you. That's what you are doing to me, Mrs. Styles. That's how hooked you have me." He growls by my ear, stroking my clit faster. "Harry..." I whimper, gripping onto his forearm. "You can go ahead and get ready. I'll just have my fun with you." He sounds serious, his fingerpads pressing onto my sensitive bundle of nerves. "Harry, you know I can't concentrate on anything else with your hand between my thighs." I protest, my head falling back onto his shoulder. "Now you know how that feels." He is satisfied with himself. "Harry..." I purr, in a final effort to win this argument. "Time is passing, baby. We don't want my sister to wait, do we?" He chuckles, slowly teasing my sex. "You are so paying for this..." I whimper, bucking my hips on his hand. "Oh, princess...l don't think you understand... You are paying for what you did yesterday." He strokes my cheek with his free hand.
"You seem to have forgotten your manners, Styles." Gemma greets us as we reach the table reserved for us. "Sorry, darling. Someone took all night to get ready." Harry kisses his sister's cheek before allowing me to hug her. "Oh, no, baby... You are not putting the blame on me... Your brother seemed to have his hands full with obligations, Gem." I turn my head to watch Harry's reaction with a smirk on my face. He bites the inside of his cheek and shakes his head, keeping a playful smile on his face. "Oh, sweetheart, I believe you. You can take Harry out of the boardroom, but you cannot take the boardroom out of Harry." Gemma chuckles, taking a step back to check me out. "You look amazing, (Y/N). My God, how long has it been since the last time I saw you?" She asks as Harry pulls a chair out for me. "You never visit, Styles." Harry comes back, making her hum. "Thank God you conduct business in Europe and we see you once in a blue moon." "Are we here for you two to bicker back and forth?" I ask, picking up the menu card. "That's our love language, sunshine." He responds, kissing the back of my hand. "You would know if my brother didn't hog you all to himself at every visit." Gemma cocks an eyebrow at Harry, picking up the card as well. "Gemma, babes, can you stop staring at (Y/N)'s hands? We'd tell you if we were getting married." "Mum's raised the bet. If I lose half a grand because you cannot commit..." "Half a grand?" I ask, eyes going wide at the new information. "You can understand the kind of stress I am under. We are talking about good money." "What's your bet, Gemma?" I ask, biting my bottom lip. "Under 3 months." She replies. I turn my head to look at Harry who tilts his head and shrugs. "You might win it." I mumble, going back to the menu to make up my mind about what I want to eat tonight.
"Help me out of my dress?" I ask Harry who is already out of his shirt and drinking his last drink of the night. "Gladly." He leaves his glass down as I gather my hair up to reveal the zipper of my dress. "My sister made you feel uncomfortable, didn't she?" He asks me, slowly unzipping me. "No, it was actually nice. I like hanging out with Gemma." "I am talking about the stupid bet. It was fun at first until they started betting money. Now it is just annoying and creepy." He comments, grazing my spine with the knuckles of his fingers. "Same goes with your business partners... They were so pushy about the marriage topic. Everyone keeps on asking the same question; when is the wedding..." "They are worried you might realize you deserve better and leave me." He kisses the base of my neck before I turn around to face him. "This is nonsense, Harry. I love you too much to walk away." I place my hands on his chest, looking up at him as he touches my cheek softly. "Shall we do it then? So they stop asking?" He asks me, his face calm and voice steady. "Are you asking me to marry you so others stop asking?" I ask him back with a chuckle, but my heart is pounding in my chest. It is happening, for the first time he is honestly asking me to marry him. "Well, we already live like a couple, where is the hurt in signing a paper?"
For a moment my stomach sinks; it is just a formality. "Besides, I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. And I would very much like for everyone to know you are mine, and just mine." He kisses my lips tenderly, only for a second before he pulls away a few inches and stares at me. "Is this an actual proposal? Do you need an answer?" I ask him. "I...I mean... I know I don't have a ring and that it is spontaneous, but I..." "Yes, Harry. I want to marry you. Fuck the ring, fuck the prep, fuck everything. I'd marry you with paper rings tomorrow morning in the mayor's hall." I reach up, cupping his face in my hands and kissing him deeply. "Did you mean what you said? About marrying me tomorrow morning in the mayor's hall?" Harry asks me as I stroke his hair hazily. "And the paper rings part." I reply, still not able to wrap my brain around the fact he proposed. Harry, the love of a lifetime, the love of my life, asked me to be in his life forever. "You don't want a big wedding?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I never did, to be honest. Ideally, I'd like it to just be me and you. But we have to have witnesses." I roll my eyes and he hums. "Me, you, the mayor, Vinny, Chrissy, and Gemma." Harry counts on his fingers. "What are you thinking?" I chuckle and he smiles at me, kissing the tip of my nose. "Let's get married when we get back to New York. My assistant will do all the paperwork, we will buy whatever we need from here, we will invite just our witnesses and get married in New York, Saturday morning." He suggests. "Don't you want a big wedding?" I ask him, biting my bottom lip. The idea of a quick, no-fuss wedding excites me. "No, fuck that. We will sign our paperwork, and then I'll pick you up and leave for our honeymoon. Fuck anything else." He states. "If we invite Chrissy, we will have to invite Adrian." "Sure. But no family. Just Gemma because she is going to neuter me if she is not there at our wedding." "Deal. I'll call Chrissy. Saturday morning?" I ask him and he nods. "Friday we are going to be back in NY, Saturday I am marrying you." He says excitedly, placing a hand on the small of my back and pulling me closer to him. "Let's call Chrissy. But you will be quiet and go along with what I say. Promise?" I hold my pinky up for him. He chuckles and links it with mine before I blindly reach for my phone by my pillow.
Chrissy doesn't take long to pick up the phone. Her cheerful voice fills our hotel room, making Harry chuckle. "Hey, babes. What are you doing up this late, little minx?" She asks, singing at the phone almost. "Hey, Chrissy. I've missed you and I know you get off work around this time of the day. How are you?" "I am ok, missing my best friend and thinking of all the gifts she is bringing me from Europe." She says suggestively. I hum and roll my eyes, not that she can see my reaction. "Hope you like fridge magnets and keychains." "That's how much I am worth for you?" She gasps playfully. "Such a drama queen. Anyway, I didn't call you to discuss that. As I said and went unnoticed, I have missed you. And I was wondering if you and Adrian would like to join Harry and me for brunch on Saturday. There is this cool place across from NYC's town hall we've been dying to go and we thought it would be perfect to see you there when we return." "Oh my God, yes. What's that place? Have I heard of it?" She asks. "Nope. It is fairly new and exclusive. So dress up nicely and have some ID with you, they are pretty strict." "Oh, fancy. What time should we meet?" She asks me. I turn to Harry who just shrugs. "We have to make a reservation, so I don't know the time yet. I'll have to update you on that..." "OK, cool then. Will you find a reservation on such short notice?" She asks and I scoff. "Please. We have Harry's name opening every door. Who wants to piss off the mighty mister Styles?" I ask. Harry pokes my ribs playfully, causing me to slap his hand away. "Sometimes I forget you have one of New York's most powerful men wrapped around your pinky." She laughs. "Hm, only because he has me wrapped around his as well." I wink at Harry who just shakes his head. "You guys are sickeningly cute." "Said the girl who rejected her hoe side and married a year after meeting her husband." "I am not to be compared. Anyways, I have to go pick up dinner. Adrian will eat me if there is no food on the table in the next 20 minutes." "Since when do you complain about Adrian eating you?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow. "Your head is so deep in the gutter, (Y/L/N)." "I try my hardest, babes. K, bye. I have to go to bed." "See you on Saturday." She sings before the line goes dead.
"I think she is going to be pretty pissed when we don't have that exclusive bruncherie." Harry comments as I leave my phone down. "I think she is going to get over it when she signs as a witness to our wedding. Besides, we are heading for brunch after the wedding." I place my leg over his thigh, nesting my head on his chest. "Whatever the boss wants." He strokes his hand down my back. "I am the boss?" I ask, placing a kiss on his sternum. "Who else?" He asks back. "Why didn't you tell her about the wedding?" He asks me and I sigh. "She would make a big deal out of it. Plus, she would try to find a way to throw me a bachelorette party and I really don't want to spend a night away from you..." I explain and he coos. "So obsessed with me, my baby." He kisses the top of my head as I feel my eyelids become heavy. "We need to sleep... We have a big day tomorrow." "I thought the big day was on Saturday." "Yeah, but tomorrow we have to get the rings, the outfits, arrange for the paperwork, all the details. Plus, you have meetings, don't you?" I ask him and he groans. "Let me call my assistant for the paperwork." Harry tries to reach for his phone but I grab his forearm to stop him. "In the morning. Let him sleep." I smile at him, earning a sigh from him. "I can't wait... You are going to be my wife, my Mrs. Styles..." He strokes my cheek, smiling brightly. "Sleep now, Mr. Styles. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow. And I would hate for you to not look fresh and rested in our wedding pictures." I kiss the side of his neck and wrap my arms around him.
"Oh, we have to look this fancy..." Chrissy comments as she approaches us on the stairs of the town hall. I smile at her, hugging her and giving her a cheek kiss. "Thought I dress up a bit." I shrug my shoulders as she scans me from head to toe. "It suits you. I love the oversized blazer and the pant line. Though, creme looks a bit bridal." "Oh, no, honey. We can't have you looking like a bride without being one. We must do something about it..." Harry gasps dramatically, faking a shocked look. "You are absolutely right, baby. But what can we do... What can we do..." I shake my head. I must look ridiculous. "Oh, I know. Let's head right in there and get married. We have to, there is no other option now that you are dressed like that." Harry suggests, pointing at the town hall. I don't know who is a worse actor, him or I. "Excellent idea. Let's go." I giggle as Harry brings the bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "This was all a setup..." Chrissy gasps, jumping forward to hug us both. "I owed you a setup for what you did on your wedding day." I tease her and she scoffs. "If it wasn't for that set up we wouldn't be here today." Adrian chimes in, defending his wife. "That's why we thought it would be nice if you were our witnesses. It would actually be our honor if you accepted." Harry suggests, looking eagerly at our friends. "I would never talk to you again if you didn't ask us." Chrissy is on the verge of crying, right where I am too. "We should head in. Gemma and Vinny are waiting for us." Harry states, putting a pause to the crying session. "The mayor too." I giggle. "You two should head in. I'll give her away to you." Chrissy orders the two men, focusing on fixing the collar of my blazer. "Chrissy..." Harry protests, showing her his watch. "Styles, I spoke." She digs her heels into the ground, staring down at my very soon-to-be-husband. He raises his hands in defeat as Adrian pats his back. "Come on, you are not winning this argument. Chrissy, baby... Don't drag this out, yes, love?" Adrian requests, to which my friend hums. "Just a super quick bachelorette to give her the chance to change her mind... Just kidding. We will be right behind you." Chrissy assures them, dismissing them with a motion of her hand.
"Are you sure about this?" She asks me and I nod my head. "I am. I have never been so sure about anything else. He is the one. And I have to thank you for our second chance. If it weren't for you insisting he has changed, I would never even talk to him again." "And if it wasn't for that one night out, I would have never met Adrian, and there wouldn't be a wedding to invite you both to and bring you together again. Harry and you are meant to be, and everything has happened for that reason. Alright, it is time I hand you over to Harry. And I might be giving you away to him, but I am never giving you up. I love Harry and he is perfect. But I will always love you more, I will always choose you. A phone call away, and I will bust his head open." She strokes my cheek as I look up to avoid tears spilling from my eyes. "No time for tears, my bestie is getting married and I have to make sure she doesn't run away at the very last moment." Chrissy holds her hand out, inviting me to link my arm with hers.
Vol. 1, Part 1: New York City   /  Vol. 1, Part 2: New York City & Aspen  / Vol. 1, Part 3: New York City & Amalfi Coast & Rome  /  Vol. 1, Epilogue / Vol. 2, Part 1: New York  /  Vol.2, Part 2: New York, Upper East Side / Vol.2, Part 3: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City  / Vol.2, Part 4: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City / Vol.2, Part 5: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City, Winter Wonderland / Epilogue; Hawaii / My Full Masterlist / Rose-Colored Glasses Masterlist / My Ko-Fi
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someforzari · 5 months
Coloured Sky
Niki x black!gn!reader
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Genre: fluff
A/N: My first work where the skin colour was specified, I hope its up to your standards.
Ep.1 | Ep.2
You started listening to kpop in 2019 but it was more of a casual liking in 1 or 2 groups, rather than the only thing you would listen to. So when the group 'Enhypen' came out you peaked a huge interest in them. You biased Niki for his cute persona and how he always found a way to lighten the mood.
In little time, you found yourself listening to them often and even buying an album now and then. When all of your friends started talking about going to a concert together, you suggested Enhypen's upcoming tour.
"_____, we're not made of money and plus that's in New York, only you have a place to stay there, what will the rest of us do?" Jen retorted looking at the price.
"She's right, _____" Another friend agreed.
Sighing, you knew you had to meet them at some point in your life and why not now since it was your gap year before starting college, but seeing how you had £50 to your name, you knew that wasnt happening anytime soon. You chose to go to New York anyway since you had already bought plane tickets to see your family there, texting your mum to tell her.
"Guys, I have to go pack my bags but I'll talk to you soon. Love you bye." You said leaving the café. A quick wave of goodbyes surging through your friend group.
Time skip: 11:34pm, Thursday 28th March
"Yes mum, I've packed everything. I know the trip is overseas, look, I'll be fine. I'm staying with aunt shay, I'll be alright." You explained to your mum, holding the phone between your ear and cheek. "The plane leaves at 4pm tomorrow. No, I'm getting a taxi. Look, I have to go I'll update you soon. Bye."
Putting your passports and luggage near the doorway and setting your alarm to 8am you crashed on your bed and slept soundly.
Time skip: 8:13am, Friday 29 March
Brushing your teeth slowly due to drowsiness and scrolling through instagram was a normal part of your morning, your eyes widening upon seeing a new post from Enhypens official account. It was a picture of Niki and Sunoo at the airport, nothing special except that the destination was New York. That left some excitement for your day, dreaming about running into him unexpectedly and becoming his friend. Of course, you knew your delusions were just that, delusions. But you were free to imagine, right?
Stepping into your room to double check that you had packed everything, you noticed that your nails looked terrible and decided to get them done later. A decision that would save you from embarrassment later on.
The nails you picked weren't too over the top, just french tips with a few charms. Looking at the time on your phone, you gasped. 2:09pm. You were going to be late for your flight. At your apartment, a taxi was already waiting for you as you had planned, pulling the luggage into the boot and sitting in the taxi, you sighed and hoped you'd make it in time for your flight as the airport was an hour and a half away, hopefully there wouldn't be much traffic.
Timeskip: 5:43pm, Saturday 30th March
"Yeah, I'll manage." You said as you left the house to go explore New York City.
Living in the UK, you never experienced anything close to New York, sure, London was just as busy, but the nightlife couldn't compete. Plus, you lived in Whitehall of all places. It was cold, and even though winter had finished, the sun still set by 7.
It was amazing. The street signs with vibrant colours and cute little pictures of cartoon characters and animals, the shops with the latest iconic trends and the souvenirs were so creative.
Looking around, you didn't notice the shouting and running around. It was New York, this was normal, right?
Wrong. You would've been able to look some more, if only someone didn't bump into you and both of you fell.
"Who the hell...?" You mumbled holding your ankle and looking at the person.
Niki Rishimura. He was the man who had bumped into you, making you fall and hurt yourself. The throbbing pain in your ankle was forgotten as you stared at him with your mouth wide open and eyes wide.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Is your ankle hurt?" He asked frantically, clearly worried.
You couldn't even answer, you just sat there, staring at him. Once the state of shock took over, you were quick to reassure him that you were fine and asked him if he was hurt at all.
He offered to get you coffee as an apology. Being a modest person, you refused at first saying there was no need, secretly hoping he would take you anyway. Him being the absolute angel he is, he insisted to treat you to coffee and you agreed. He reached out for his phone and asked for your number, you blinked a few times in confusion but not wanting to pass up this opportunity, you typed in your digits as fast as your sore hands could.
"I'll text you later, I have to go now." Niki said smiling sweetly at you and picking up a call from his manager.
You couldn't believe it, you had just met Niki Rishimura and gotten his number! And, you were going to see him for coffee! The whole way back to your aunt's house, you smiled and some people even looked at you like you were insane, but they wouldn't understand. You couldn't wait.
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