#First Black MP
tremaynecharles · 1 year
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larrylimericks · 1 year
Louis’ sartorial choices In Tokyo all but destroyed us: Black suit, scoopneck showing His chest piece, eyes glowing; “Yes, Daddy” said all of our voices.
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thursdaysbagman · 14 days
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afeelgoodblog · 5 months
The Best News of Last Week - January 15, 2024
🎊 - As we embark on another journey around the sun, I am thrilled to bring you the first newsletter of the year, packed with inspiring, informative, and sometimes downright amusing stories.
1. Marijuana meets criteria for reclassification as lower-risk drug
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Marijuana has a lower potential for abuse than other drugs that are subjected to the same restrictions, with scientific support for its use as a medical treatment, researchers from the US Food and Drug Administration say in documents supporting its reclassification as a Schedule III substance.
2. South Korea passes law banning dog meat trade
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The slaughter and sale of dogs for their meat is to become illegal in South Korea after MPs backed a new law. The legislation, set to come into force by 2027, aims to end the centuries-old practice of humans eating dog meat.
3. After 20 years in a tiny cage, these 'broken bears' are finally feeling the grass beneath their paws
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These bears, termed "broken bears" due to physical and psychological trauma from years of abuse, are treated at the Tam Dao rescue center with individually tailored diets, physiotherapy, and medical care. The bear bile trade, which involves extracting bile for traditional Asian medicine, has been illegal in Vietnam since 2005, but a black market still exists.
4. France just got its first openly gay prime minister.
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Gabriel Attal is France’s youngest-ever prime minister at age 34 and the first who is openly gay.
5. Australian ‘builders without borders’ repairing war-torn homes and schools in Ukraine
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Manfred Hin, a 66-year-old builder from Townsville, Australia, spent most of 2023 volunteering in Ukraine to rebuild homes and schools damaged by Russian attacks. Having contributed to over 50 house and a dozen school renovations, he worked with Ukrainian charity Brave to Rebuild, mentoring young volunteers and sourcing three tonnes of donated tools.
Inspired by Hin's story, Tasmanian carpenter Hamish Stirling also joined the efforts, learning Ukrainian, traveling to Europe, and volunteering for three months to help rebuild homes.
6. The age-standardized death rate from cancer has declined by 15% since 1990
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The age-standardized death rate from cancer declined by 15%
Cancer kills mostly older people – as the death rate by age shows, of those who are 70 years and older, 1% die from cancer every year. For people who are younger than 50, the cancer death rate is more than 40-times lower (more detail here).
7. Germany Reached 55% Renewable Energy in 2023
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In 2023, 55 percent of Germany’s power came from renewables — an increase of 6.6 percent, according to energy regulator Bundesnetzagentur, reported Reuters. Europe’s biggest national economy has a goal of 80 percent green energy by 2030.
That's it for this week :)
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OTTAWA - Testy exchanges between the prime minister and his chief opponent ended with the Opposition leader and one of his MPs being ejected from the House of Commons on Tuesday -- and the rest of Conservative caucus walking out of the chamber in protest.
The unusually tense events saw Speaker Greg Fergus caution both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre to rephrase their comments to avoid making direct accusations about the character of another MP.
Fergus issued a warning to Poilievre after he referred to Trudeau as "the guy who spent the first half of his adult life as a practising racist," referring to photos that emerged during the 2019 election of Trudeau dressed in black and brown face.
Fergus warned Trudeau after he said Poilievre was "showing us exactly what shameful, spineless leadership looks like," and accused him of shaking hands with "white nationalists." [...]
"Any leader that needs the support of a far-right white nationalist group to fundraise and get closer to power does not deserve elected office," the prime minister charged. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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ellafushiguro · 2 months
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“Not bad…” Chapter 5
(Links to: Prologue, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4)
The 57th Recon Mission was a success… at first. The female titan put up a good fight, killing all those who stood in her way. But in the end, the mission failed. She bested us. Mikasa and I almost fucking had her! We lost countless soldiers. Comrades. Most of whom you were just starting to get to know and appreciate. And they won’t even get to receive a proper burial. “That’s part of being a Scout” I guess. The devastation left the Regiment in disarray.
“Our taxes, hard at work ladies and gentlemen. Bravo.” One man said, sarcastically, in the crowd who greeted you all on your return. Laying in the cart injured, Eren grinds his teeth in anger hearing the words. “Eren, ignore it.” You and Mikasa try to reassure him. You look forward, trying to keep your chin held high. “Beat but still ready to go! You gotta be tough as nails to ride with these guys! They’re unstoppable!” You hear one kid say. Your heart sinks at the sound of his sweet voice, unable to look into the crowd. The ride back to the Capital felt like an eternity.
After leaving Mikasa and Eren in the infirmary, you go to find your temporary quarters to rest. After a few minutes of walking around the compound, bumping into familiar MP faces asking where to find Suite ‘15’, you finally found it. Reaching for the door handle, another hand meets yours. “Oh—“ You look up to see Levi. “Y/N. Glad to see you’re still alive.” He says. Thank God. I would’ve killed Erwin if she didn’t make it. “Right back atcha sir.” You smile. “Is this… your room?” He asks, looking around confused. “Umm yes I believe so. Room #15A.” You look down at your key tag. He holds out his key that reads ‘15B’. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would they place a male and a female in the same suite?” You ask. “Beats me. We just got here.” He answers, shrugging his shoulders. “Do you have a problem with it?” He continues, an eyebrow raised. “No sir.” You blush, looking back down at the handle, sticking your key into the hole and twisting it open. You both walk into a decent sized living room. Big enough for two. Maybe the front desk was overwhelmed with all the Scouts coming in, that they didn’t bother to check who is rooming with who? Or maybe since you’re his assistant, they didn’t think twice about it? “Captain what happened?!” You ask in surprise as you watch him walk with a limp. “Landed on it wrong. No big deal.” He says nonchalantly. “Did they at least give you a crutch? Or a cane?” You continue with concern in your voice, looking around for the item. “Yes. Matter of fact, I beat the medic with it before leaving.” He answers. Limping back to the front door to pick up the cane that was leaning against the wall, lifting it slightly to show the bottom, “that’s his blood.” He says proudly. “LEVI!” You exclaim, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I hate infirmaries.” He shivers, unlocking the room that says ‘15B’ and walking in, shutting the door behind him. You sigh, walking over to the other room across from his, unlocking it and shutting it behind you.
11:00pm. You lay in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep again. But who could blame you after everything that’s happened. Frustration and grief seem to have your mind racing. You skipped dinner, not ready to look anyone in the eye. Not ready to see how many dining chairs would be empty. The hot bath didn’t seem to help relax you. And you can’t exactly make some tea either. Too bad you don’t have your own assistant. Your stomach starts to grumble. Maybe there’s some snacks in the kitchen. Sitting at the kitchen table, you found Levi deep in thought, with a cup of whatever. You’ve never seen him dressed in anything other than his uniform. A small candle lit nearby, you could make out that he was wearing a black suit, the usual white cravat around his neck, and some shiny dress shoes. He should wear suits more often. You bite your lip, folding your arms and leaning against the wall, admiring his side profile. “Stop being a creep.” He finally says after a while. Fucking embarrassing. You shift around in place, not knowing what to do or say next. “Your stomach has been growling for the last 10 minutes. Get over here and eat something already, Jesus.” You bite your tongue, fearing saying anything will make the situation more embarrassing. Sitting in the chair in front of him, he slides a small plate of crackers over to you. “Here, they surprisingly go well with the wine.” He offers while pouring you a cup. “Thanks.” You say as you start to dig in.
You both sit in silence after you guys finish the crackers. You’re 4 cups of wine in. Your head starts to feel a little woozy whenever you move your eyes too fast. You don’t remember the last time you’ve had a drink. “You’ve only had 4 cups Y/N. Pull it together.” You hear Levi say. You tried to get up but ended up on the floor, bursting out in laughter. Levi rolls his eyes and helps you to your feet and walks you over to the couch. “You’re so sweet Captain” you slur. “Yeah yeah, sit.” He responds. “Krista knows what we did. She thinks we’re in loooove” you continue, wiggling your eyebrows, smirking. He loosens his cravat while clearing his throat. “Would that be such a bad thing?” He asks. “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love. I’ve only ever had one fling and that was a looooong time ago, you see...” You trail off, leaning your head back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling that you swear is spinning. “Have you ever been in love Captain?” He pauses for a moment. “I’ve never had time for ‘feelings’. I’m a busy man.” You turn your head to look at him, urging him to continue. “But recently… I’ve… made an exception.” He looks at you with soft eyes. “She must be helluva woman eh?” You smile at him, closing your eyes. Drifting off to sleep.
He moves a strand of your hair out of your face. “She’s not bad at all.” He says, taking your hand and kissing your bruised knuckles.
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wing-ed-thing · 10 months
The Tea Party (Levi x Reader)
Synopsis: After exhausting days, you and Levi lock yourselves in your office for tea to wind down. But after Erwin's new beast of an assignment, people are starting to encroach on your exclusive club.
Word Count: 5k
Tags/Warnings: Alcohol, No Reader Pronouns, Section Commander Reader, Non-Binary Hange, Brisket
Notes: The first 4k wrote so smoothly until it didn't
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Levi closed the door to your office, leaning his back onto the solid wood behind him. His head tilted against it with a gentle thump as he heaved a deep and steady sigh. You were already halfway across the room, struggling to tear your jacket from your shoulders. By the time you managed to free your left arm, the right cuff had snagged itself on the rolled-up sleeve of your button-up. You whipped it to the floor in frustration, and only then were you released from your garment’s grip. 
You made brief eye contact with Levi, his gaze as tired and exasperated as your own. He locked your office door without even having to look. A few footsteps echoed out in the hallway. You and Levi eyed each other carefully until you heard them fade into the stairwell. Wordlessly, you made your way around your desk, tugging impatiently at the bottom left drawer to take out your kettle. Something had told you that today would be tedious, so you had convenienced yourself by filling it beforehand. 
Levi plucked your jacket off the ground with a single, lazy motion, folding it properly before tossing it onto the corner of your desk. He didn’t have the energy or motivation to scold you; however, given how the week had been going, he didn’t blame you for wanting to peel your uniform off. He might have done the same if another thing had gone awry on the way to your office.
He went straight to the side cart next to your desk as you worked on heating the water. A modestly ornate teapot sat on the little four-wheeled station with a small set of teacups sitting upside down on saucers. The shelf below stored a wide selection of teas and a half-filled sugar bowl, which Levi placed on the top of the cart with the cups. The lowest shelf, which Levi had seldom paid any attention to, held your secret stash of liquors. Levi took one of the glass containers in his hands as he knelt.
“Do you even know how to use a decanter?” he grumbled. You let out a hiss somewhere above on the other side of the desk, having somehow burned yourself. 
“A what?” No wonder it was empty. 
Levi snorted, placing it back in favor of a full bottle. 
Your hand reached down to grip a container of black tea. It wasn’t Levi’s go-to, but a mutual favorite among the small hoard of teas that had been gifted from that Military Police officer you were seeing a few months back. Levi wasn’t one to pass up trying a flight of expensive teas— especially when they weren’t his own— and with your office significantly quieter than his, the arrangement at yours was the obvious choice. Even Captain Levi needed a break sometimes. 
He read the label on the round, stout bottle. Steam wafted into the air as you poured the water into the teapot. The water turned darker immediately, even before you placed the lid.
“I didn’t know there was such a proof,” Levi muttered, popping the top open to give the alcohol a smell. He recoiled, swiftly recapping the bottle.
“Oh, you know those MPs. They love any excuse for a party.” 
“S’that why it didn’t work out?” 
You handed Levi a teacup and saucer, balancing your own in one hand and picking the teapot up by the handle with the other. You shook your head, too tired to be amused.
“Among other things.” 
You slumped down at the table for two in front of your large office window, heaving out a deep sigh. While half of your view was obscured by dull brick— and uncomfortably, another window that peered into yours from a different hallway— the other half allowed you a modestly dreamy view of Trost. You took a sip of your tea. Levi sat across from you, placing the bottle of alcohol between you at the center of the table. With a flick of his wrist, the cap fell onto the wood below.
You raised your brow at him from over the rim of your cup.
“You want to drink?”
Levi only shrugged, leaning back in his chair. He gazed out the window over the lantern lights that littered Trost. 
“You look like you need it.” 
You slouched down farther in your chair until the back nestled against the bend of your neck. One side of your saucer balanced against the folds of the bunched-up fabric at the front of your button-up. You let out another sigh, allowing your eyes to flutter closed. 
Levi leaned an elbow on the table, cheek in his palm as he continued to stare out the window. He crossed his boots, ankles stretching over the legs of the tripod base. He sipped his tea, eyes almost as glazed over as the glass he gazed through. A vein just above his left eye began to twitch. Levi placed his cup down, letting it clink against the delicate saucer. He rubbed at his forehead with the heel of his palm, letting his head bow as his fingers ran through his greasy hair. 
You sat up, struggling as the legs of your chair tilted against the hardwood floor. The inch of liquid in your cup sloshed, almost spilling over the sides. It settled as you traded it for the open bottle of alcohol at the center of the table. Levi’s slender eyes studied you from behind his ruffled bangs. 
“So you did need it.”
“Shut up.”
You took a swig straight from the bottle. Levi sat hunched over, arms crossed on the wooden surface below as he watched you read the label. The liquid splashed against the glass as you swirled it. You glanced at the amber liquid, then at your teacup, and with an amused dip of your lip, you filled it—the leftover tea mixed with the alcohol, producing a lighter color. Levi’s nose crinkled at the sight.
“You degenerate.” He scowled as you took a tentative sip. Your lips pursed, pleasantly surprised. You hummed, offering him the bottle. The corner of Levi’s mouth dipped into a deeper frown, the twitch of his eye almost syncing with the twitch of his lips. 
He snatched the neck from your grip, turning his attention back to the window. Levi turned it in his hand so that the opening faced toward him. The weight of it settled on the space between his thumb and pointer finger. He took his sip from the reverse grip, a series of bubbles bursting at the bottom of the bottle. Levi returned it to the table with a flick of his wrist. 
“Same time next week?” 
You studied the dregs at the bottom of your teacup.
“You think we’ll last a week?” A single drop of brown liquid raced around the circumference of the teacup as you tilted it. Your eyebrow raised on your forehead. Levi let out a grunt as he stood. He muttered something in agreement as he capped your expensive alcohol.
You stood in suit, shrugging two of your leather straps off your shoulders as you plopped down in the chair behind your desk. Levi collected the cup you left behind on a tray as you scooted in to thumb through the files on your desk. He tilted the doorknob down with his elbow before disappearing into the dark hallway. 
You stared at the paperwork in front of you, going so far as picking up a pen to fill out a few forms before Levi came back. You hardly heard him when he did, only noticing the quiet rattle of your newly cleaned tea set as he placed it back on your cart. The amount of paperwork that you managed to finish had already formed into a significant pile to your right.
He spoke your name, placing a hand firmly on your shoulder. 
“That’s enough. It’ll be waiting for you in the morning.” 
You didn’t try to fight him and retired your pen for the night without complaint. Levi held up your jacket, helping you put it on before you exited your office together. 
You woke up before the sun even rose, unfortunately. After a night of shallow sleep, you barely even remembered falling asleep or if you had fallen asleep at all. The only evidence of the hours passed was the slowly ticking clock hanging on the wall near the ceiling. You laid in bed, watching the second hand make a few laps before you finally forced yourself out of bed. 
You witnessed the rest of the sunrise passively from your office, noting how the shadows of the various items on your desk moved slowly throughout the day. With the paperwork from the night before long finished, you continued with other administrative work, knowing that the mountain of files would undoubtedly keep you up for another restless night if you didn’t finish them sooner rather than later. 
The door to your office opened suddenly sometime in the early afternoon. Levi shut it swiftly and firmly behind him, letting out a deep huff as he locked it. His hand gripped a cotton handle cover tightly, turning red from the tension and the kettle that steamed below. You hardly looked up from your work, sparing only a single glimpse before clearing away a bit of the chaos in front of you. 
“You come here to hide again? I thought you said we’d pick up next week.”
“If I hear ‘Captain Levi’ again, even once for the rest of the day, I’m going to lose it.” He stormed forward, making a beeline straight for your tea cart. You reached down into your desk drawers to pluck out a trivet, throwing it forward to the edge of your workspace for Levi to place his kettle. It smacked down with a metallic slam before he knelt to rifle through your tea selection. “I swear, those brats don’t understand the meaning of a closed door.”
You glanced from the top of his head to your own door.
“Clearly,” you mused with a roll of your eyes. Levi peered up at you with a deep grimace. 
“Don’t you get smart with me.” He stood, a new tea in his palm, as he took to aggressively making a pot. “You don’t get bothered every minute of every goddamn day.”
“It just means the soldiers look up to you. You’re the one with the special unit, after all,” you noted, an almost mischievous glint in your eyes. Levi’s unspoken annoyance seeped into the atmosphere in waves. You eyed the new tin, tilting your head to read the label. “That’s a new one. I didn’t think you’d like the lavender.”
“Do you want some or not?” Levi frowned despite already pouring a cup for you. You set down your pen— it had already left a sizeable ink spot on your paper— to accept it from him. Levi took his cup to the table by the window, settling in the same seat from the previous night. 
You let him huff to himself, happy to have a nice beverage to sip on while you finished your continued to work. He’d calm himself down, given the quietness. 
At least, so you thought.
A blunt banging sounded somewhere down the hallway, a few muffled calls echoing through the door. You could hardly make out the words, although Levi seemed to have a better idea than you did. 
“Tsk, you hear them down there?” His shoulders bopped with his scoff. He took another sip of his tea. “They come to me for everything.”
“What if it’s important?” you asked absentmindedly, adding an extra loop to your signature on a routine approval form. You played with a stray strand of hair at the back of your neck. 
“It never is.”
Apparently, it was this time. 
A heavy knock sounded at your door, your name resounding from the other side, the same as Levi’s had. Levi frowned, face otherwise unintelligible as you crossed the room to answer. You clicked the lock, opening the entrance only a partial way to face the cadet in the hallway. 
“Very sorry to interrupt,” the cadet saluted, “These came from Commander Erwin. He said you’d know what they were.” She offered you a fat stack of bound papers from the crux of her left arm. You bid a quick thanks before sending the cadet on her way.
You pushed the door shut with your foot, turning slowly to where Levi sat. The five-inch stack of paper slumped limply between your two hands as you offered Levi a vast, blank stare. 
“What are the chances that there’s one of these waiting for you in your mailbox right now?” 
Levi’s shoulders visibly dropped along with his expression. 
“You’ve got to be fucking with me.”
If you had to give Erwin credit for one thing, it was his organizational skill. 
The thick set of files gifted to you was separated into neat, hand-labeled sections. Hell, they were color-coded, making for clear goalposts for you to aim to finish. The entire thing was laid out like a workbook, sandwiching meeting minutes with verification forms, certificates, and other items that required signatures. 
Levi appeared back at your office within minutes of you receiving yours, and sure enough, he held an amount of papers double the size of the file you had received, the paper creasing in his punishing grip.
“So you got one too,” you sighed, arms coiled over your chest.
“I can’t say I was happy about the work, but this—” You scooped up his abandoned teacup just in time as he slammed half the paperwork against your little table. The papers fanned out, revealing scattered, upside-down documents. Levi gestured curtly, one hand shoved into his pocket as he shifted his weight. —“I want that brat cadet’s name because she left mine spilling out all over the floor. The thing didn’t even fit into my mailbox. Hange’s the same, though not as bad as mine.”
He slammed the second half— apparently Hange’s— onto his chair. An apparent quarter of the documents at the bottom had been visibly shuffled. Dividers stuck out among both piles, marking sections that used to have been painstakingly organized by Erwin. 
Levi plucked a note from the middle of the pile.
“As discussed in our last meeting, please have these done by the end of next week,” Levi read aloud. “Thank you for all of your hard work. Signed, Commander Erwin Smith. Like we didn’t know… Pretentious bastard.”
You tilted your head back to stare at the ceiling, allowing yourself to wallow for only a few seconds before you turned to grab your copy of the files from your desk. Levi grumbled about a few more things that you just about tuned out. Something about an encyclopedia. You returned with your copy, disregarding Levi’s presence completely as you strode past him to your chair on the opposite side of the table. Levi’s claimed chair still sat full of Hange’s paperwork. 
You took a section of Levi’s files that appeared to have stayed together, taking note of the section and headings as you thumbed through the organized version on your lap. Levi stood over you, foot tapping against your area rug with crossed arms.
“So?” he prompted, neck craning. You glanced between the section in your hand and your version before turning a page on both.
“It looks like it’s all in the same order,” you pronounced, focusing more on the pages than talking. “A few documents that have my name on them, but they seem to be a different color. Mine are organized by section, but I’m sure we can figure out where they go if we collect all the ones that are specific to you and Hange.” You placed Levi’s portion back on the table, holding your own bound file up like a book. 
“See—” You tapped the page where Erwin had taped the same note he left for Levi. —“Erwin even left a smiley face on mine.” Levi huffed, snatching it before crinkling it and disposing of it. 
“Did you happen to see Miche?” You asked with a slight frown, but you decided to disregard Levi’s disposal of your smiley face. He shook his head.
“No, he didn’t have one in his box. Must’ve left as soon as he got it… I don’t blame him.” He took the scattered pile from the table into his hands, corralling them as best he could into an organized stack. He leveled them against the surface of the table. 
“And Hange isn’t getting back for a few days,” you said. Levi hummed affirmatively as you flipped through your work, gauging the content. “You know… I feel like we can bang the whole thing out in a few nights if we take a couple of sections at a time.”
Levi blinked at you. His lip pursed as if he wanted to say something, but he remained quiet. He turned his attention to the window with a sigh and shake his head.
“I’m getting shit sleep anyway. Whatever.”
Miche left his bundle on his desk, hoping it would be less daunting in the morning. Instead, when he came into the office, he could have sworn that the pile of paperwork had grown. It stared at him from the corner of his desk for the better part of the morning before he gave in and began working on it just over an hour before lunch. And now, it was almost three hours past standard work time, and Miche had hardly made a dent. 
He took the collection of finished documents in his hand, skimming through the front and back of each. The ensemble had felt like more when Miche was filling everything out. But now, as he took in the indentations of his pen and the thickness of the stack, he couldn’t help but heave a steady breath. 
Miche glanced at his watch, debating whether he wanted to turn in and take a break from his administrative burnout, when he smelled a pleasant scent in the air. He looked around his office, staring off speculatively at the ceiling before rising out of his chair. The light from his desk lamp illuminated the space in front of his office as he ventured out into the hallway, and it only took him a few steps until he was at your door. 
Miche wondered if you also happened to stay late, and if you did, he assumed you were struggling just as much with Erwin’s latest assignment. He took another inhale, now confident that this was where the smell was coming from. Muffled voices spoke on the other side, too quietly to hear. Light illuminated from underneath your office’s entrance. Miche knocked, and the room went silent for a moment before he heard,
“Come in.”
Miche saw Levi first as he sat, ankles crossed at a table across from you. Upon further inspection, the table appeared to have had two leaves added to it, elongating it awkwardly into the center of your office. You turned in your own chair, elbow resting against the chair’s back as you offered Miche a wave, seemingly surprised to see him. The extended table held a smattering of paperwork, a teapot, two teacups, and two plates of half-finished dinner sat adjacent to you and Levi, respectively. The rest of the delicious-smelling dinner that led Miche here sat in covered containers on the wide windowsill. 
“You got it, too, huh?” Levi presumed. Miche nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the doorframe. He eyed the papers, but they were too unorganized to gleam any meaningful information about your progress. 
“How far are you?” Miche asked skeptically with a slight squint of his eyes. The inch-and-a-half-thick pile you held up nearly made him gawk. “You’re kidding.” You offered him a sympathetic expression, gesturing him in.
“You want to join us? We still have some dinner.” 
Miche considered your offer, reaching up as he gripped the lip of the door. He swayed it between his fingers as he thought, his chin jerking downwards as he considered the question he was going to ask.
“We can work on it together?” he questioned, voice almost comically low and soft. Miche’s brows wrinkled, the slightest bit of tension on his forehead. Levi rolled his eyes as his teacup hovered halfway to his lips. 
“What is this? A school?” he scoffed. 
“Levi’s copy got all messed up, so we’ve been working on it together. Same with Hange. Well, they’re not back yet, but theirs got messed up too.” You yawned. “You can join us if you want, but no pressure. Levi makes a great cup of tea, though.” 
“You’re volunteering me now, huh?” 
Miche glanced back at the leftovers on the windowsill and inhaled the sweet aroma of your tea. He gave the door two quick taps, flicking his index finger before wordlessly turning on his heel.
“I’ll be right back.”
You decided to call it quits at some ungodly hour of the night. Miche pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging the area around his inner eyes as he fought off exhaustion. Neither you nor Levi appeared remotely as tired as you buzzed around the office, putting back the various cups, pens, and other accouterments you used during your group work session. The two of you looked exhausted, Miche decided, but not tired— if there was such an appearance. 
He stood, finally clearing the last of his papers off the table with a yawn. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked for yet another time. You shook your head.
“No, we’re almost wrapped up here. Thanks, Miche.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, bidding the two of you a good night as he entered the dark hall. Miche could still see the light of your office on by the time he exited Headquarters.
Miche was apparently a very talented home cook, and Hange had evidently returned a half day early. You learned both things in approximately the same moment, having just tasted your first spoonful of Miche’s homemade risotto when Hange burst through your door.
“You guys have food?” they cried before Levi sent them off to grab one of those shitty little plates from the floor kitchenette— his words. 
Hange had apparently always been one to stick around Headquarters late, passing up the stairs and down the tiny hallway that faced directly into your office. And not one to be left out, Hange had seemingly forgotten all about their latest Titan-related project to practically knock down your door. Levi made a fourth cup of tea.
That was how Erwin, incidentally, found all of you together. 
Almost a week had passed since he sent out the files to all the section commanders, and while Erwin intended on following up with all four of you before your next meeting, the task had inadvertently slipped his mind. Before he realized, it had already become the end of the day, with the joint gathering looming early on the next day’s schedule. 
Already significantly past business hours, Erwin doubted that you would all still be in the office. At the very least, he could probably catch Hange, he decided as he made his way down the stairwell. The entire headquarters experienced a move a few months back, and while all the section commanders got their own offices adjacent to each other, Erwin’s had been moved two floors up. 
He heard Hange’s voice before he even opened the door to the landing. It echoed throughout the empty hallway as Erwin walked past the locked doors of each section commander’s office before stopping at yours at the end of the block. Hange’s voice grew clearer. Erwin knocked firmly at your door, satisfied at the prospect of being able to check in on you and Hange at the same time. He heard an audible hum from the other side. 
“Who could that be?” he heard Hange ask before you called for him to come in.
An immense, savory scent of cooking meat blasted him as he entered, and much to his surprise, all four of his section commanders were present in your office. At the very least, he had expected Levi and Miche to have already left.
He spotted Hange first, who sat with a cup of tea behind your desk among the pile of paperwork he assigned. Erwin recognized it, even as it was scattered into sections. However, the deconstructed pile didn’t hold his attention as much as the large crockpot at the edge of the desk did.
Miche held the lid with one hand. A pair of tongs was gripped in the other as a pulled meat of some sort steamed from between the claws. He held a bottle of scotch under one arm.
You and Levi sat at the table at the side of the room set for dinner and topped off with your delicate tea set. 
Erwin glanced between the four of you, fighting off the goofy smile that threatened to form on his lips. He shook his head, clearing his throat as his arms coiled across his chest as he tapped his foot.
“So,” he started, unable to help the amusement that laced his voice, “What’s going on here?” Erwin watched as you turned to eye each other, hoping that one of you had an adequate response. 
“Well, uh,” you began, glancing around the room. You gestured to Miche. “Miche made a brisket and potatoes.” 
“And the champagne?” Erwin gestured with his thick brows to the ice bucket at the center of your coffee table. What used to be a sitting area for guests had been moved aside to accommodate your extended table. Three full stacks of papers sat neatly adjacent to your celebratory wine. 
“We finally finished the beast you surprised us with— thanks for that, by the way. Well, expect Four-Eyes over there.” Levi spat in his usual charm, ushering plates to Miche to load with food and back to the table. 
“I’m almost… done.” Hange stood, making a lazy attempt at snatching a filled plate from Levi’s hands. He pivoted, holding it out of their reach.
“No dinner until it’s finished.” He smacked their intruding hand, walking a few steps to the table to place the plate in front of you. You caught him by the sleeve, giving him a gentle tug.
“Hange deserves dinner, too.” You leaned forward, fully turning away from the door as you caught Hange’s eye. “You only have, like, another section, right?” They nodded, and Levi reluctantly gave Miche a fourth plate to fill with food. 
“You finished already?” Erwin asked in surprise, already across your area rug to take in the three piles on your coffee table. He thumbed through them; sure enough, they were all filled out and accounted for. 
“Yeah, with no help from that idiot you sent,” Levi said, finally settling down in his chair across from you. Miche shrugged, gathering the last portion of food in the crock pot.
“I finished yesterday.” By the time Erwin turned around, you, Levi, and Hange were already seated. Miche motioned with his tongs. “Did you… want any?” Hange held up the container of mashed potatoes victoriously, waving it in the air. 
Another plate disappeared from the floor’s kitchenette. 
“So much for quiet time,” Levi muttered, scrubbing at the last of the dishes in the kitchenette sink. You let out a light laugh, fatigue making you lost in the glass you were drying. 
“I thought dinner was nice.”
“You know what I mean.” 
You didn’t answer, listening to the sink run. A single light above you flickered dully above as you stood in silence. You sat on the counter behind him, staring off into the hallway window. You didn’t turn even as you heard Levi shut the water off. He tugged the hand towel out of your grip before hanging it on a nearby handle. The glass you were drying was taken too, and placed on the surface next to you. 
“Don’t sit on the counter, it’s disgusting.” He offered his hand as he frowned up at you. You took it, sliding to the floor. Levi hit the light as you left the kitchenette together. “We’re going to have to find somewhere else soon.” You hummed in thought.
“With Erwin’s assignment done, I doubt the late nights will be a regular thing for everyone.” Levi scoffed, holding open the door to the stairwell. “My office should be fine sooner or later.”
“If we ever get that much all at once again—”
“I know you’ll give him an earful tomorrow.” Your voice reverberated in tandem with your footsteps. The moon shone clearly in the sky, illuminating your way as you traveled down. You saw it clearly when you finally made it into the outside courtyard. “We could always use your office.”
“Like hell.”
“Or—” You stopped, turning to face him. –“We can go somewhere that’s not Headquarters?” Levi glanced briefly over the cobblestone streets, hands shoved in his pockets. 
“Somewhere that’s not Trost.”
You nodded, looping your arm through his, tugging him along as you continued to walk.
“Sounds good to me.”
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I always write the Survey Corps as doing a lot of paperwork, partially because I see them as needing to cut through bureaucratic BS and also because I like giving them mundane things to do. I'd like to think that half of the leadership duty in between kicking ass is just... administrative haha
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sitp-recs · 4 months
hi liv! i was wondering if you have any drarry meet-cute recs? i thought i saw a list of it once but cant seem to find it now :(
Hi anon! Sure thing, here are some fun recs with this trope. JulietsEmoPhase writes a lot of meet-cute AUs, I’d definitely check their AO3!
go to it laughing by oflights (T, 1k)
Harry is a marine biologist and Draco is a beluga whale Animagus; they meet on the St. Lawrence River.
Another Side by flightinflame (T, 2k)
Harry loves teaching at Pigdots Nursery. He knows a child named Scorpius is probably magical, but something about the name feels familiar.
He Whose Hand and Eye Are Gentle by khalulu (G, 5k)
Draco reads poems and sometimes writes them. Harry receives poems and sometimes reads them. Rutherford delivers poems via the scenic route. Wombat snores. Eventually, all comes together, with help from the foxes in red bibs and the sumo referee.
Play Dates by bixgirl1 (E, 8k)
Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
And a Malfoy in a Pear Tree by lauren3210 (E, 8k)
Draco works in a coffee shop. Harry drops by every day to get his fix. Of coffee, Ron.
The Interest Here by disapparater (T, 9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
Once Upon An East End by JulietsEmoPhase (M, 9k)
Bistro owner Harry is closing up for the night when a young man stumbles through his door in need of help. The night takes them in a direction neither had expected.
coffee & communication: a (slow) romance by softlystarstruck (E, 11k)
Nearly a decade after the war, Draco has made a life for himself in Muggle London, writing romance novels and hanging out with his cat. But when he spills iced coffee all over a gorgeous man who turns out to be Harry Potter, has he tumbled into the start of his own romance without realizing it? And how difficult can it be to talk about desire, anyways? He writes smut for a living.
My True Love Gave to Me (Six Jars of Chutney) by goldentruth813 (M, 12k)
On his first post-divorce Christmas Eve without his children, Harry goes to Marks & Spencer hoping to find a bit of his past; what he finds instead is a future.
honey milk tea by softlystarstruck (T, 14k)
When Draco runs into Harry at his favorite boba tea shop and gets so flustered he orders the exact same thing, he has no idea how quickly his life is going to change.
Espresso Patronum by tasteofshapes (T, 15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
An Improbable Bout of Summer Madness by acari (E, 16k)
Draco had planned a quiet, peaceful summer holiday with his son. The last thing he expected was to find Potter here, in Draco's little Cornish retreat. Making fudge in a shop? The idea was too ludicrous for words.
A Hyperactive Fruit, a Nasty Neighbour and a Love Story by synonym4life (E, 20k)
Potter’s pet Niffler is wreaking havoc in Godric’s Hollow and Draco, the Assistant Head to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, is the one who has to deal with it. Repeatedly. The fact that Potter keeps coming to Draco’s office in grey jogging bottoms - repeatedly - does in no way help the matter.
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21k)
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Unexpected Turn by Oakstone730 (E, 27k)
English real estate developer Draco Malfoy is in America to find his long lost cousin and escape a scandal. When his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, his trip takes an unexpected turn.
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mayakern · 7 months
Maya, (first of all hi! I've been following since mid-mp and I never said hi). Would you consider making more things in the white-on-black version of the hands print? Afaik, it's only on a skirt. No pressure, it's just the gothiest thing on your store and I would love to see more of it.
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hi! wow that’s a long time, thanks for following along for like a whole ass millennia damn!!!
depending on how the new hands variant sells on skirts, we’ll consider putting it on other things
also also tho, you forgot the funeral skirt which is probably actually my goth-iest skirt. ariel keeps telling me to make more goth shit and sometimes i do but then i get worried that it’s too much so idk
anyway i’m including pics of all these skirts so the ppl know what we’re talking about lol. also deadly florals will be returning some time soon-ish.
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Family Affair
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in The Shape of Youniverse
The Prompt: Jake wins a bet between the boys, so he gets to grow a mustache, which means your family’s first group Halloween costume is The Addams Family
Requested by: @pleasehidemyficshit
Pairing: Jake x afab!reader, background Steven x afab!reader and Marc x afab!reader, Reader is married to the system
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶🌶, Explicit, Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3.2k
CW/TW: We’ve earned all four peppers here friends - obviously Jake has a mustache and looks too good with it, there’s talk about sharing D.I.D. with loved ones, groping, a touch of roleplaying and spanking, f!receiving oral, destruction of clothing, breastplay, lactation kink, and titty-fucking (it’s back!)
A/N: Y’all I started writing this before Halloween and wanted to have it for everyone by then... but shit’s been crazy on my end. I’m behind in asks and responses but it was in an effort to get this out and honestly to keep my head above water! Hope this fic and the filth below is entirely worth and thank you all, especially my darling requester, for patience with me! Spanish translations at ze bottom of ze fic!
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“Damn babes, never thought I’d say it, but Jake can pull off a mustache,” Charlotte mused while the pair of you stood in her reception room, currently decorated for a spooky, but not scary, Halloween party.
You immediately shushed her. “Stop that! What if he hears you?” 
She threw her hands up in surrender, yet didn’t appear at all contrite. Charlotte and Harry’s place was palatial by most Londoners’ standards, but sound could carry from one end of the room to the other rather easily. “Here, come with me to the loo, I need help with my wig anyway. We’ll talk about it there.” 
This Halloween, your first as a mother, was quite different from previous ones. The last year you had been too queasy to go out, and the year before that, you and your husband had been out all night hopping between various pubs and parties. While your couples costume, Hugh Hefner and a Playboy bunny, was admittedly and totally misogynistic, it had led to the night culminating in some rather fantastic sex just as the sun’s rays began to kiss the horizon. Plus, Jake called you “conejita” now sometimes in bed which never failed to make you shiver. 
Tonight was the diametric opposite. You had to be home 9:30 sharp so as not to completely fuck Nyla’s sleep schedule, you and your husband hadn’t so much as seen each other’s genitals in days, and your family was attending precisely one fête, this one at Charlotte’s house. She and Harry had welcomed a daughter of their own, Abigail, a few months before Nyla was born. Their low-key house party was the perfect festive, baby-friendly occasion for the holiday. Come to think of it, your previous costume and activities were a rather fitting way to send off your pre-baby body and persona.
“This is lovely by the way,” you told Charlotte, crowding into her downstairs loo with her. “I can’t believe you were able to clean and decorate this place while Abby is teething.” 
“Thank you,” she replied, genuinely touched at the comment while she helped you to recenter the part on the long, black haired wig you’d donned for the evening. “Honestly, I have no worries about going back to work for my MP now, the House of Commons is a cakewalk compared to the chaos it took to get this house together today.”
You laughed, the truth of her sentiment resonating with you. Even if you didn’t work in government, everything else was a breeze after having a baby. 
“Though I must say, it’s a bit cunty for my best mate to show up looking as good as you do tonight,” Charlotte teased, “If I hadn’t seen you pregnant myself, I’d doubt you even carried Nyla.” 
“HA!” You squawked in disbelief, “either you’re already pissed or need to get your eyes checked. Besides, black is a very forgiving color.” 
Though Halloween with a baby meant no more all-nighters and fuckfests, it did mean something else that was arguably just as exciting: family costumes. Given that earlier in the month Jake had won a contest between him and his alters on who could change Nyla’s diaper the quickest, he was currently sporting a mustache. You weren’t exactly chuffed about its presence on your husband's face, but it did inspire you to make everyone dress up as the Addams Family. You’d ordered a darling little Peter Pan-collared black dress for Nyla as well as a crocheted hat with braids, a slinky (and apparently very forgiving) long black dress and wig for yourself, then a pinstripe suit for the boys. 
You didn’t know why it had never occurred to you before, but your husband, specifically Jake who was fronting tonight, made a perfect Gomez Addams. While you needed a full face of makeup and wig to recreate Morticia’s look, all Jake needed to do was slick back his hair and trim his mustache. He had surprised you in the midst of your process mimicking Morticia’s winged eyeliner by asking you for some eye makeup of his own for the evening. 
You were all too happy to oblige his request. Nyla was napping, you were almost done, and it made you endlessly happy that your husband got into the Halloween spirit as much as you did. Jake sat on the closed lid of the toilet while you straddled him to apply the kohl. To his credit, he stayed still for the most part while you drew and smudged the black pigment onto the delicate skin of his lids. It was remarkably intimate, given the closeness and the vulnerability the act required.
However, this was Jake, so right as you finished he growled “Nena”, then pulled you into his lap to feel the hardness swiftly growing there. 
“Absolutely not,” you protested, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “I have worked too hard on this makeup, plus Nyla let me dress her without any fuss, so no.” 
“Pero nena, este vestido,” your husband whined, canting his hips against your core. “What am I supposed to do when it frames your tetas so perfectly?” 
“Luego,” you declared, your dismissal as harsh and final as a judge’s. 
Jake’s resulting pout was downright comical. Yet, it was worth delaying nookie in your opinion for getting to Charlotte’s at a reasonable time and getting family photos before Nyla inevitably rebelled on her braid-cap thingy. 
“Alright but Jake,” Charlotte circled back now that your wig was sorted. 
“Jake,” you echoed, switching spots in front of the mirror so Charlotte could touch up her witch makeup. “Well I told you he strong-armed me into letting him grow one, and it must be the Latino blood and you know…energy that means he can pull it off. I can’t let him think that though, because he’ll never shave it.” 
“What do the other two think about it?” 
Charlotte and Harry were two members of the small circle of people who knew about your husband’s D.I.D. You’d been friends with her for years before you met Marc, and it didn’t occur to you to share his condition with Charlotte until you learned that her mother-in-law also had D.I.D. It brought you both all that much closer since you each had someone safe and knowledgeable to talk about it with, plus Harry was a reassuring example of someone who had been living with and loving someone with D.I.D his entire life. 
“They’re not pleased because it’s resulted in less sex,” you divulged. “Marc’s been telling clients it’s for cancer awareness, despite No Shave November starting, well, in November. Steven teaches a bunch of Gen-Zers who think it’s part of some new TikTok trend.” 
Charlotte burst into laughter at your assessment. Before you two could gossip any further, there was a knock on the bathroom door. It was Harry, who once he identified you, called to Jake, “They’re in here!”
In the span of a second, a frantic Jake rushed over to you with his arms full of a very unhappy Nyla. 
“Where have you been?” He snapped. 
You knew Jake was flustered about his daughter crying, so you sent him a smile, and in a carefully measured tone asked him, “Would you like to try that again?” 
“Sorry,” your husband softened at once, “but it’s not her diaper, I took off her wig-hat thing, I even tried taking her around the block in her stroller, but nothing’s worked so—“
“She must be hungry,” you concluded for him and held out your arms for him to pass your still-wailing infant over. 
As easy as it was to jump down each other’s throats when Nyla was upset, you had to give your husband grace. Especially since technically, he’d only been a parent for a third of as long as you’d had. 
Once Nyla was securely in your grasp you cooed at her, “Oh baby Wednesday, what’s wrong?” 
Charlotte joined in your attempts to soothe Nyla and offered you their bedroom to feed her. Unfortunately, time on the boob didn’t make your daughter a happier camper so you and Jake decided to call it a night. As disappointing as it was, leaving early was the right move since Nyla fully conked out on the car ride home. 
She mercifully didn’t wake up when you and Jake transferred her into her crib, which left you and your very sexy husband still in costume with nothing to do at 8:45 on Halloween night. 
“We could put something on?” you suggested. 
“Or,” Jake countered, “we could have a Halloween party of our own.” 
He captured your hand and kissed the back of it, making you stutter when you asked, “And what would that entail exactly?” 
Jake hummed, trailing his lips up your arm in true Gomez Addams fashion, and when reached the juncture of your shoulder and neck, you mewled. Encouraged by how you were swiftly melting into his arms, your husband bit down, worrying the sensitive skin there with his tongue.  
He escalated his delicious assault on your body by stepping behind you so each of Jake’s large, sure hands could cup and squeeze your breasts. The act ripped a whine from your throat, given that your tits had been made incredibly sensitive by nursing. You flinched and turned your head to the side, thereby exposing more of your neck for his teeth and tongue to attack.  
“Been thinking about these tetas all night,” he rasped into your ear. 
“Yeah?” You urged him on. Both he and Steven were downright obsessed with your lactating bosom. “What are you going to do about it?” 
“Wanna stick my cock between ‘em,” Jake divulged. His words made you even weaker in the knees. 
“Mmm, Papi,” you keened. 
He bit down on your earlobe and corrected you, “Gomez.”
Oh, you were doing that tonight. You turned the Morticia on, twisted in his grasp, clutched Jake’s lapels, then told him, “I want you to ravage me, my love, tear me apart like an animal then put back together as only a lover such as you can.”
You were unsure if it was dramatic enough, but it certainly did the trick, seeing that suddenly your world shifted since Jake threw you over his shoulder to cart you off to the bedroom. 
You and your husband were never much for role playing, so this was a surprise. And since Jake looked so much like Gomez, why not give it a try? 
Jake snapped you out of your thoughts when he landed a slap on your ass before depositing you onto the bed. You tried to assume a sexy position spread out on the bed, the long black wig you still wore fanning out across the comforter. 
While your husband usually went straight for your ass, tits, or mouth, Jake surprised you by yanking on your ankles to pull you further down on the bed. He contrasted his first brusque move with a softer one, dropping his lips to the delicate skin of your ankle. Once again emulating the character he was dressed as, Jake drew a line of kisses up the length of your leg. Every press of his lips against the tender skin of your shin and thigh made you convulse as Jake continued toward his prize. 
It was impossible to stifle the yelp you made when Jake ripped the fabric of your costume to further open the slit of the dress so he could get at your pussy. Once he had the necessary space, your husband wasted no time pushing the now soaked crotch of your thong aside and kissing your quivering core. He treated you to little licks up and down the seam of your cunt, before focusing on swirling it around your clit. 
“Jaaake,” you keened, too far gone to use the characters you were supposedly role-playing as. 
He lapped at your slit voraciously. It was tempting to allow your eyes to flutter closed and surrender to your pleasure, yet the image before you was too intoxicating to ignore. It was thrilling, with the different hairstyle, the eyeliner that made his dark gaze pop, the glimpse of the pinstripe pattern across his broad shoulders…Jake looked just enough like a stranger between your thighs. And that sent an extra swell of excitement through you. 
Jake hummed against your folds, the vibrations making you shudder and allowing another high-pitched yip to escape from you. The brush and tickle of his mustache added another layer of novelty and titillation to your already trembling form. 
“Don’t stop,” you urged him. Pleasure was now zinging across every corner and crevice of your body. Your mounting orgasm made you toss your head from side to side on the pillow, while you attempted to find purchase for your fingers within Jake’s shellacked strands.
Though Jake often liked to be the boss in the bedroom, he heeded your order, dutifully continuing his rapacious attentions on your core. He could usually feel when the proverbial band of your peak snapped and coursed through you, but this time, Jake could hear it in the plaintive, pleasure-drunk calls of his petname. 
When “Papi..Pah…Puh…” became “oh fuck Paaaaaaapi,” he knew he’d done his job, that your climax was lighting up every last nerve ending in that pretty little pussy of yours, and that your ecstasy was entirely his doing. 
Jake wanted to give you more time to catch your breath as you came down, he really did, but he’d been hard ever since Nyla’d been deposited into her crib, which meant unfettered access to your tits. The way your chest had heaved while you lost yourself in the bliss of your orgasm hadn’t exactly helped his patience either. Your husband snatched the two panels of fabric that made up your dress and tore the garment clean in half. 
“Necesito estas tetas,” he growled, his hands once again sailing straight to your breasts. 
You jerked from the surprise contact as Jake swooped down onto your bosom and whimpered. Your breasts were tender to begin with, and your body was still being wracked by little aftershocks from your climax. Thankfully, your husband noticed, and his touch became much gentler in the span of an instant. 
“Oh nena,” he murmured, tenderly playing with each teat, reveling in the breastmilk that had begun to dribble from them. “Fuiste tan bueno para Papi, déjame cuidarte. Tu sabes que Papi le encantan el sabor de tu leche.”  
You’d barely translated his word in your head before his warm, relentless mouth had found your right nipple and began suckling at it. Feeling the suction of Jake's mouth coaxing out the buildup of milk in your already engorged boobs nearly had you levitating above the sheets. Not only was it incredibly arousing, but the relief that coursed through you with every pull of his lips, especially since Nyla didn't eat much earlier, only made you feel more divine. 
It didn't take you long to figure out that your husband’s worship of your chest was two-fold. Sure, Jake was sending you into the stratosphere by suckling at your breasts, but when he switched mounds by leaving open-mouthed kisses across your sternum, it was clear he was also getting you wet so he could wedge his throbbing dick between them. 
“Mmmm Papi, you gonna put that huge cock between my boobies?” you intoned to egg him on. “Gonna fuck these big titties?”
Jake replied with a snarl and detached himself from your now thoroughly-abused nipple. “Ven aqui.” 
The next thing you knew, you were no longer splayed on the bed, rather on your knees with your criminally handsome husband towering over you. You watched hungrily as he slowly, tantalizingly unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly, but when you reached to shuck off his trousers altogether, Jake caught your hands. 
“Ah ah,” he tutted. “Mi traje se queda puesto.”
A dark whirlpool of excitement churned in your stomach at his statement. There was something extra electrifying about being left in your cum-soaked thong while Jake was fully clothed, drawing his turgid length out of his costume’s zip. You spurred him on by squeezing your tits and pushing them together. 
“Joder, nena,” he swore at the sight. “Voy a follar esas tetas tan duro.”
“Qué estas esperando por, Papi?” you goaded him. 
Jake needed no further encouragement. He stepped toward you and wedged his dick, flushed wine-red and leaking, between your heavy breasts. It was a different position, but you knew that Jake would want a similar treatment to one his alter got on your holiday to Cornwall. 
Steven had made an absolute mess of your chest and the sheets at the cottage you’d rented in the countryside, so naturally Jake would want his chance to top him. This time, you were less bashful about your husband fucking your tits, which emboldened you to give him a show. Not only did you dart your tongue out to lap at his cockhead each time Jake thrust it between your boobs, you massaged them around this shaft to stimulate him further. 
“Fuhhhhh, nena,” he groaned at the stimulation, the movement of your milk-laden breasts making him piston his hips harder into the valley of your chest.  “Jo–oh, joder.” 
There wasn’t much talking after that, the feel of your breasts suffocating Jake’s cock rendered him speechless. You concentrated on licking his swollen tip, the salty taste of his precum filling your mouth with every swipe of your tongue. 
The two of you made a lewd symphony between the slick slip of his cock between your breasts, the jingle of his zipper against his thigh with each shove of his pelvis, plus the little grunts and moans you traded with each other. You knew Jake’s climax was fast-approaching when his grunts picked up pace. 
Within moments, his seed was painting your tongue with hot stripes. Jake’s face was blissfully open and unfurrowed as his peak consumed him. It was a welcome sight to see your husband’s features wearing only pleasure and release. To you, that was sweeter than any candy or treat Halloween could offer. Well, that and the absolutely adorable family photos you managed to sneak in earlier this evening before Nyla took a hard left into fussytown. 
Once Jake’s orgasm subsided, you slipped off the wig, relieved to no longer have it on your scalp since your previous activities had worked up quite a sweat. Jake collected you in his arms, and kissed you surprisingly gently for how intently he was fucking your tits just minutes previously. 
“¿Quieres una ducha?” he whispered. 
You nodded, “Si Papi. Gracias.” 
You followed him into your en-suite bathroom. As he put the water on, you remarked, “Big day tomorrow.” 
“Mmm?” came Jake’s response as he at last stripped himself of his costume.
“Shaving Day,” you supplied. You, Marc and Steven had been counting down. 
“Actually, I was thinking–”
“No no! We all agreed!” you stopped him. “Besides, you had your fun tonight, didn’t you? What a sendoff.” 
“That’s exactly why I should keep it baby,” he purred, crowding you with his now naked body. “Don’t think I haven’t seen your leg twitching when I kiss this pretty pussy con mi bigote. Se siente bien, ¿no?” 
“Nice try, Lockley,” you countered, scampering past him into the spray, “but a deal’s a deal.” 
Jake wanted to argue, but the sight of you - nude and wet in the shower - silenced him for the time being. There would be plenty of time to concoct another scheme/bet/what have you for his mustache’s glorious return. Right now, he simply wanted to be close to, and joined you under the stream of water. 
A/N: Leave it to me to intend to write straight up filth but needing to writing idk, a thousand or so words of world-building before our dude gets his cock out. Classic moi, am I right? Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed!! Only two more prompts to gooooo 
conejita - little bunny 
Nena - babe 
pero nena, este vestido - but babe, this dress 
 tetas - tits 
Luego - later 
Necesito estas tetas - I need these tits 
Fuiste tan bueno para papi, déjame cuidarte. Tu sabes que Papi le encantan el sabor de tu leche - You were so good to daddy, let me take care of you. You know that Papi loves the taste of your milk
Ven aqui - come here 
Mi traje se queda puesto - my suit stays on 
Joder, nena - fuck babe 
Voy a follar esas tetas tan duro - I’m going to fuck these tits so hard 
Qué estas esperando por, Papi - What are you waiting for? 
¿Quieres una ducha? - you want a shower? 
Si Papi. Gracias - Yes thanks. 
con mi bigote. Se siente bien, ¿no? - with my mustache. It feels good doesn’t it? 
@twwcs, @rmoonstoner, @hot-mess-express1, @murdickdocked, @toracainz, @saahmi, @unspokenmoon, @winterbiipp, @avatarofseshat @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6, @harrys-tittie, @ninebluehearts, @lucianadraven32, @dawnsutopia, @strawberry1042, @nikitawolfxo​,  @weirdo125  @damnzelsoul​ @missmarmaladeth
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captainleviswifee · 6 months
Birthday Levi x Reader
Tags: Canon Universe, Year 846, Fluff, Fem! Reader, !Isekaid Reader, golden eyed and dark haired OC, birthday surprise, Officer reader, brushed off angst the crush is very very subtle bc Levi is in denial.
Note: I wrote this on the fly at the same day kekw forgive me for the poor quality
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Levi rests his chin on the knuckles of his fists, his steel grey eyes scanning the document held by his long slender hands. A list of all the equipment, wagons, and horses that has been restocked this past week. He had just checked this report earlier this morning and with Hange's stamp of approval of the supply quality, the next step of the procedure is to sign them. All this before the next expeditions begins.
It could be the half-finished now cold black tea on the side of his desk, or the sharp coldness of the winter despite the window of his office remaining tightly closed or maybe even the number of recruits that could still be unprepared for the next expedition this coming spring. Had all put him in a slightly more irritable mood. His brows furrowed into focus shaking the emotions away as he placed the document on his desk to sign them. That is until he heard a set of familiar footsteps approaching the door.
Levi's senses are peeled open as he recognizes your footsteps. How could he not? He had every bit of your footwork from hand-to-hand combat drills memorized and etched to his senses. And that's the only way he was able to defeat you time and time again. Otherwise, as much as Levi would hate to admit it, there's an off chance and Levi would argue, "Only a tiny chance," that you get to defeat him.
Levi counted and his mind pacing at the rhythm of your footsteps, but his eyes remained at the document as he maintains his focus. With a light tap of his finger on the wooden surface of the desk as if on cue, he heard you knock on the door.
"Levi? You there?" He heard a familiar voice, and his brows furrowed deeper. It was none other than you, the annoying squad mate who recklessly dives into battle, the annoying self-proclaimed strongest when you couldn't even race past his speed in the ODM maneuvering, or how you always forget your own gas level whenever you dive into battle.
"..." He didn't really want to answer, he tried shifting his focus back at the document on his desk but knowing your persistent self he decides to answer unless he wanted another round of nonsense teasing from you. He groaned, "Yea, I'm here."
You open the door, wearing your Survey Corps green uniform, your golden eyes framed neatly by the smooth fringes of your dark hair. He then spotted the stiffness of the bandage underneath the sleevs of your uniform. An evidence Levi would like to point out regarding your own carelessness. From that get up alone, Levi could tell that Erwin sent you to report at the Military Tribunal again. Such is one of the regular duties you have ever since Erwin became the commander. Levi could not understand why Erwin would send you of all people when the MP dogs—or as Levi would call them would ogle at you like you're some kind of object. In that regard, Erwin would usually reply something about your way with words and to the people that made you up for the job. Even so, Levi wasn't exactly too keen on the decision as it seemed to him that he's allowing a squad mate to be put in a dangerous position. Granted that he doesn't necessarily approve of you in some ways, but you are first and foremost his squad mate whom he trusted his back with. Besides you're not necessarily a bad person in the end.
But then, what exactly is it about you that he does not approve of?
He contemplated in silence masking his thoughts while he busied himself with the already finished document on his desk. Levi's eyes remained glued on the document on his desk despite noticing your presence in the room. "Working hard as usual I see." You say with a soft smile.
Usually for Levi that smile means trouble, a prank or some trap you had prepared for him. He furrowed his brows, looking up and down at your figure, "And you're not?" You smiled at his deadpan expression and sarcasm with a smile. A face of someone who dealt with Levi's abrasive attitude, not bothering to be even offended in the slightest. You sighed with a smile sarcasm of your own, "Yea, I'm a professional slacker." You walked a step closer inside his office closing the door behind you with one arm bandaged and the other behind your back. Levi frowns at whatever you're hiding. At this point he can conclude this is one of your pranks at him. "Besides, this isn't the time you should be putting on a scowl like that." You grinned but what did you mean?
"And why not?" Levi leaned on his chair—a standard military issue— and as he does so, the tip of his boots slightly raising up from the wooden floor indicating the short length of his legs due to the height of the chair. A proof that you are indeed taller than him. Although constantly faced with Levi's scowling expression and unyielding denial of this fact. "And what's with that grin? You know I find it annoying. All those damn jokes of yours."
Upon seeing him all guard up, you couldn't help but laugh. You really had scarred the man to the point that a slight smile of yours and he already knew you're up to no good.
"It's your birthday, you dumbass. Don't tell me you forgot?" You chuckle at him.
For a moment Levi could feel his own surprise, he let out a groan covering his eyes with one of his free hands before letting it comb his hair in annoyance.
Damn he did forget. He could not even remember the last time he celebrated, but it was definitely when his mother was still alive. There wasn't any point in celebrating or wasting money anyway, so he stopped. Not to mention with the meagre salary of the scouts, the frequent expeditions and death toll, no one really is in the mood for any sort of celebration. Well save for you, the stubborn woman in front of Levi.
Maintaining his deadpan expression despite his own embarrassment, he replied, "So what if I did huh?" You then walked a with a little spring to your steps. A signature of your playful personality, "Then I'm here to remind you of that." You say setting down a small plain box, adorned with a simple ribbon. A cute little birthday gift.
Upon catching the sight of the box, Levi's furrowed expression softened into neutrality, "This..." He picked up the box, looking at it. "You didn't have to do this really. This isn't necessary." He paused, his hand holding the gift lowering a bit as he contemplated. For all the times he had interacted with you, it's usually him scolding you, or arguing with you, sometimes it's harmless banter sometimes it's about the mission. Despite all that, underneath he had recognized you as a trusted squad mate, a comrade who had his back when he needed it. And sometimes a friend who'd he share his frustrations with.
'A friend huh?' Levi thought. You, Erwin, and Hange are all the closest to a friend he'll ever have. The last friends he had had all left him against their will. In the most gruesome way possible at that. This again, every damn time something nice happens another thing comes in to take it away from him. "You should've just trained instead of wasting your time for this." Levi wanted to refuse but he took the gift anyways, "Thank you.." "Open it," You say, and he arched his brow in response, "Right now? Do I even want to know what is it?" He said, trying to play the annoyed captain. You only shrugged, "Maybe?" He sighed, his deadpan expression remains, "Fine. I'm sure as fuck you didn't gifted me flowers or any of those cringey shit." A little curiosity painted the undertone of his voice. He then gently unties the ribbon and opens the box.
Revealing a square tin can with a lid, he frowns his for a moment before opening the lid. Then fresh earthy herbal fragrance of the tea welcomed him. "Hmm, not bad." Levi says in a low voice as he takes in the fragrance. "Naturally," You say "It's a unique custom blend of tea the first and only of its kind." Surprised, Levi turned his vision to you. The fringes of his hair lightly framing the sharp corners of his steel grey eyes. "You made this?" You're usually a chaotic and a little weird of an individual and even when paired with Hange you'd still be more eccentric. Maybe that's why you and Hange get along well. Especially if its about the missions or slaying titans. Your attitude in battle did not strike Levi as someone who'd give thoughtful presents like these. With the quality of this tea, Levi could only imagine the amount of effort you made for this.
"Well duh, Happy Birthday," You reply with a carefree shrug rolling your eyes before smiling. Levi's words were a little more soft it was quite a surprise for him. Who could've thought that you have this thoughtful side to you? It's not something he had expected from you. At least thoughtfulness for him. Levi spotted the stiff bandage on your arm underneath the forest green sleeves of your uniform. All you could've done as a gift for him is to train harder than you did before and Levi would be satisfied that none of his friends will leave him and again. That you wouldn't die on him. But considering the effort you put in for this gift, Levi merely accepted. You could've sworn maybe its the weather and a trick of the light. Levi smiled more genuinely this time. A soft smile.
"Thank you for thinking of me."
---------------------------------------------------------------- I
Thank you for reading! English is not my first language and many things might have been riddled with redundant words. I will revise this for grammatical errors and non plot related errors without warning in the future.
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themultifanshipper · 1 month
Sorry for creeping on your Lando posts. I love another person who can understand nuance. Lol
Things are rarely black and white. I can be upset with Lando for saying that, while at the same time acknowledging he was placed in an impossible situation by his boss, was on the high of his first win, and was most certainly told not to say anything negative about him. I also understand his thought process of “a former president, an office that is held in high regard, said some stuff to me, that’s an honor I guess.”
I don’t agree at all. I would never say anything close to that. But I’m also not in front of the world at a press conference in Tr*mp’s home state (one of the most right wing in America, I’d argue). With sponsors breathing down my neck.
Like, I am grossed out, and hate that he made such an awful comment, as throwaway as it was. But I’m also able to imagine how that situation and question placed him in a position that no matter what he said would upset someone and went with what pr probably coached him to say. 🙄
I dunno. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m a huge Lando fan, which I acknowledge can make me biased. But I need to point out that I’m also an asexual queer non binary person so it’s not like I’m a straight white girl thirsting over him. No shade intended to those that fit that description, I only bring it up because the label “Lando fangirls” is being used to describe the people defending him. And I resent being misgendered like that. That’s a whole other issue though. Lmao
Thank you for reading this word vomit. Speaking of vomit- I want to physically throw up thinking about what he said. 🤦‍♀️ Why did fuxking Zak Brown have to do that. Hate that guy.
Okay sorry for this entire message. 🙃
No worries, I love reading rants lmao, also I did make the point in a previous post about florida that if he had told Donald (gonna call him donald now it's hilarious) to fuck off there would have been riots. Lmao
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A bust of Lincoln Alexander, Canada's first Black member of Parliament and a former lieutenant governor of Ontario, was unveiled at Queen's Park on Sunday.  The statue of Alexander, who was born in Toronto and went on to represent a Hamilton riding as an MP for 12 years between 1968 and 1980, is the first of a Black politician to stand in the Ontario Legislature.  The bust was sculpted by award-winning Toronto artist Quentin VerCetty.  "In my opinion, he was one of the greatest Canadians," VerCetty said of Alexander in an interview with CBC Radio's Metro Morning on Friday.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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crossdreamers · 2 years
Brazil has elected no fewer than three transgender members of parliament
Brazil’  president Jair Bolsonaro is a homophobic and transphobic extremist. He might lose this year’s presidential election. In the meantime Brazilians have elected no fewer than three openly trans MPs!
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Pink News reports that Erika Hilton, a Black, trans woman, who became the first-ever trans councillor elected the the Municipal Chamber of São Paulo in 2020, have become a member of parliament.
Duda Salabert, a former teacher, founder of the anti-transphobia organisation Transvest and Democratic Labour Party member, joins her. As does Robeyoncé Lima, a lawyer, activist and Black trans woman.
More here!
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Erika Hilton’s victory tweet, saying “You can already say: ELECTED BLACK TRANSGENDER!”
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
ALSO would you be able to write something about just slow, sweet high sex with sub Eddie? Because right now it’s literally all I can think about, the way you wrote him just makes me want to take care of him he’s just so fucking cute 😭
Your Eddie deserves the world
i'll never get tired of sub eddie
sweet as sugar / eddie munson
one shot
rated: m (18+, minors DNI)
cw: marijuana use, pet names, cursing, angst/sadness, mommy!kink, sub!eddie, praise, brief fingering, unprotected sex (don't do that), i refuse to use the word cre*mp*e but yes, soft ending
your sweet boy has had a bad day, so you decide to give him some new freedoms
eddie hummed as he sat at your feet, strumming his guitar as he tried to work on a new song. you were messing with his hair, braiding and unbraiding, stroking it, and brushing it through. it always helped to calm him down, and he’d had a particularly rough day today. he woke up feeling like all he wanted to do was stay home and cuddle, but of course he had to go to school. at least it was friday, so you were more than up to the idea of going home with him after. 
eddie’s day was okay up until lunch. he was tired but that was about it. but of course, some basketball players decided to fuck with him when he wasn’t paying attention and threw a bowl of spaghetti at him. they also threw many insults at him as his eyes watered, because the messy spaghetti only hit his shirt. a shirt that you had gotten him a few weeks ago. it was white and had the latest black sabbath album cover on it and he loved it.
he left the lunch room in a rush, afraid to break into tears in front of everyone. you helped him clean up, but he spent the rest of the day in his gym shirt with tears threatening to leave his eyes.
suddenly, the strumming stopped and eddie huffed. “nothing sounding good to you, handsome?” you asked, pulling him back and pulling his bangs from his face. 
he shook his head no, looking up at you sitting on his bed. “wanna smoke?” he mumbles. 
you ruffle his hair, causing a small smile to coat his lips before nodding. “sure, bub,” you muttered, removing your hands and allowing him to get up. he puts his guitar back in its place before grabbing a pre-rolled joint from the canister on his dresser. he brings it over to you, sitting on his bed and leaning back so his back was against the wall. 
after tossing him one of his many lighters, you twist, trying to crack your back. “y/n?” eddie asks in a fragile voice. 
“what is it, bub?” you ask, looking at his sad expression.
a blush covers his face, so he takes a moment to light the joint. “want you closer,” he says after exhaling for the first time, his big doe eyes looking at you cautiously.
you immediately comply, moving to sit next to him, leaning into him. “pass,” you say, holding out your hand for the blunt. he places it between your fingers carefully as he lets his head rest against his wall.
“why are those douchebags so mean?” he mumbles sadly, almost so quiet you didn’t catch it. 
you frown, coughing slightly as you exhale the smoke. “because they’re miserable with themselves, eddie. they don’t know what it’s like to be a good person, please, baby, don’t take what they say to heart,” you say, rubbing his chest comfortingly. 
he frowned, taking the blunt back from you to take a hit. “i just… they said you don’t really love me,” he murmured in an ashamed fashion.
“you don’t believe them though, right?” you asked, worry flashing over your features. 
eddie feels tears well up in his eyes and he almost wants to scream and hit himself for believing those fuckers for even just a second. “no, i mean- it just hurts to hear that, you know?” he responded, voice shaky. 
you take the blunt from him slowly before reaching up and placing a kiss on his cheek. “i know, baby, i know,” you say carefully, reaching up to wipe a tear as soon as it falls. “but i love you, so much,” you reassure, moving his face to look at you.
“i love you too,” he says, giving you half a smile. the two of you smoke the blunt, passing it between you as you also share kisses and further cuddle into one another. the higher eddie got, the more cuddly he became. 
when the blunt was gone, the two of you had moved to a new position. you were laying, barely propped up against the wall and eddie was laying practically on top of you. one of his legs was over one of yours and under the other, his head was on your chest and right above your breasts, one of his hands was fisting your shirt at your side while the other was by his face as he chewed on his thumb nail. your arm was around him, brushing your fingers over his shoulder while your opposite hand was laying on top of his. eddie had retreated far into his submissive headspace, and you sang lightly to him because you knew he liked it. 
you didn’t know if he was in the mood to just be held or what, but every once in a while his hips would roll or jolt. “bub?” you question, stopping your singing.
he looked up at you, lips slightly wet with his spit from biting on his nail and eyes blown wide yet lidded over. “hm?” he hummed, looking at you like you were the only thing in the world. 
his hips rolled once again which caused you to think maybe he wasn’t all that innocent right now. “are you horny, baby boy?” you coo, moving your hand up to brush his bangs back from his eyes.
eddie bit his lip before nodding. “yeah, but we can still just cuddle. i love your cuddles, sweetheart,” he hesitated. you smiled at his choice of nickname, he always used it when he was feeling super soft. 
you shake your head at him and brush your thumb along his brows. “i know, baby. i like cuddling too,” you start. eddie’s eyes are trained on you, and it makes your heart flutter intensely. “but, if you wanna do more, we can. you wanna?” you push watching his eyes flash with need.
he nods, feeling your hand squeeze his. “can i touch you?” he mumbles, his lips in a sort of pout.
you smiled and moved his hand to hover your breast. “how about this, baby? today, you can touch me however and wherever you want,” you propose, which was different from usual. normally the two of you had rules, but eddie deserved everything right now. 
“really?” eddie asks, unsure. 
you watch his eyes travel to your tits, squeezing his palm experimentally. “really, bub. whatever you want, just tell me,” you confirm. eddie studies you for a moment to make sure but then he’s pushing himself up and peeling off his shirt. you sit up to do the same but eddie’s hand flies out. 
you pause, looking at him as he falters, looking shy. “i-i wanna take ‘em off,” he stutters. 
a smile of adoration spreads across your face. your baby boy was so sweet. “you wanna undress me?” you ask, liking the way his face goes red.
“you-you always do it yourself,” he stutters.
you chuckle lightly at him as he fidgets with his belt buckle. “you can do it, baby, i don’t mind. if you ever want to, you just gotta tell me that so i know,” you inform him softly. he kicks off his jeans, leaving him only in his boxers and he climbs on the bed towards you. when he reaches you, you reach up to grab him by the back of the neck and pull him to meet you.
  you smile into the kiss, your soft lips against his slightly chapped ones as you kissed him slowly. “i love you, handsome,” you whisper before pulling him back in, trying to show through your kisses how much you really did love him. 
  eddie lets out a moan into your lips and his hands fall to the bottom of your shirt. he bunches it up, pulling away from your lips in order to pull it over your head. immediately after it’s gone, he’s leaning down to start placing soft kisses over the swells of your tits. “you’re so pretty,” he mumbles into your skin. 
  “you are too, baby boy,” you hum, tangling your fingers in his hair. he lets out a small whimper at the compliment, nipping at your chest. his hands travel to your back, fingers fumbling with the clasp of your bra as he made a noise of discontent. “you got it, baby,” you coo, pressing a kiss to his hair. he finally unclasps it and pushes it down your shoulders, throwing it behind him.
  he pulls back to look at you, ghosting his fingertips along your breasts. “m-mommy, can i touch?” he asks, shyly.
  you grab his wrists softly, pressing his palms against your tits. “you don’t have to ask today,” you say, nodding your head. eddie immediately begins kneading your breasts, lip caught between his teeth as his dick twitches. his thumbs move to flick your nipples, rubbing them until they’re hard for him. he glances at you in question before remembering your words.
  “lay back,” he mumbles. you follow his lead, situating yourself on his pillows. he leans down, wrapping his lips around your left nipple. a moan leaves your mouth as his fingers begin undoing the button of your jeans. 
  he makes quick work of pulling off your jeans and underwear, making you giggle at his eagerness. he removes his mouth from your chest, instead bringing it back up to meet yours. you hum with delight as you share a loving yet hungry kiss. eddie runs his tongue along the underside of your lip and his fingers begin circling your clit. a moan falls from your lips, muffled into eddie’s mouth. “so wet,” he mumbles before slipping his tongue in your mouth.
  he skillfully glides his tongue against yours, his middle and ring finger traveling down and circling your entrance. “do it,” you huff, it barely sounding correct. eddie follows your demand as usual and sinks his fingers inside you. 
  your hips roll against his hand as he slowly thrusts his fingers into you, making sure your walls were prepped for him. he was conflicted, part of him wanted to take this slow and drag it out, but the other just wanted to fuck you.
  his cock was begging for some type of friction, and having you under him in so much pleasure was doing things to him. “mommy,” eddie whines, not used to being able to make the decisions. he pulls back, looking at you with big puppy dog eyes.
  “what is it, handsome?” you ask, holding the side of his face and rubbing your thumb over his cheek bone. his fingers were still curling inside you, causing you to shutter.
  eddie pouts, looking down at your naked body. “wanna… wanna fuck you now,” he pathetically mumbles, avoiding eye contact. 
  you smile, grabbing the other side of his face and making him look at you. “then fuck me, baby,” you say sweetly. a whimper leaves eddie’s lips and then his fingers are leaving your body, moving back to remove his boxers. “c’mere, bub,” you say, holding your arms open. eddie makes his way between your legs, lowering himself as closely to you as he could as you wrapped your arms around him. the tip of his cock nudged your entrance as eddie looked at you with wide eyes. you nod, smiling and giving him a kiss on the forehead. 
  he guides his cock between your folds and then slowly pushes in. “oh, fuck,” he grunts, shifting his hips up as he hovers over you. 
  “you fill me up so nicely, sweet boy,” you moan as he continues sinking into you. his cock was so long and perfect for you, almost like it was made for your pussy. eddie moans, beginning slow and shallow thrusts. you pull him down further, his head nearly resting in the crook of your neck while you held his back and the back of his head.
  his hair was tickling your neck, but you could barely focus on anything but the way his cock stretched you. “feel so good,” eddie moans into your neck. 
  your hips move slowly, meeting his thrusts each time. you were moving at the same slow speed, but it felt so good and so full of love. “i love you, sweet boy. you’re so perfect for me, yes, god, so perfect,” you moan in his ear as his hips jerk forward uncontrollably.
  eddie’s eyes screw shut but he forced himself to keep the slower pace. “i love you,” he huffs into your neck, rocking into your heat. 
  “deeper,” you mumble in pleasure into his ear. eddie pulls his hips back so only his tip is left inside before pushing all the way back in. the both of you moan as his hips rest flush against the backs of your thighs. “good boy,” you say in his ear, pulling on his hair as he withdraws his hips again. 
  your praise causes him to snap his hips back into you as an uneven groan leaves his lips. “go faster?” he asks in an unsure tone.
  you pull him back by his hair, causing his eyes to look into yours. “you can go faster, baby boy. mommy wants you to cum when you want to,” you say, stroking his hair comfortingly.
  “m’want mommy to cum, too,” he says, picking up his thrusts ever so slightly.
  your eyes close in pleasure as his words shoot to the building fire in your core. “then you can make mommy cum, you know how, don’t you baby?” you ask and he nods, eyes watering in excitement and pleasure. he moves his weight to one arm and moves his other hand to start rubbing circles on your clit. you moan, head falling back as your pussy clenches.
  eddie studies you, your reactions egging on his release. “am i being a good boy?” he asks, breath raggedy as he picks up his pace.
  “my pretty boy just loves getting praise, huh?” you joke, a moan interrupting the end. eddie whimpers, hitting deep inside you. “mhm, you’re such a good boy. mommy’s good boy. so good with your cock, so good with your fingers, fuck,” you moan, back arching as your words cause him to apply more pressure to your clit.
  he watches you closely, love pouring from his eyes as he watched your reactions to him. “your pussy feels so good around me, fuck i wanna cum,” he moans, feeling the tension begin to build.
  “want you to cum in me, baby boy. mmm, you’re so perfect. i love you so much, never gonna want anyone else. so good, so beautiful. fuck! yes! eddie, just like that,” you moan, clenching hard around his cock once again. 
  eddie feels his eyes water at your praise as he picks up his pace. “love you more,” he grunts, picking up the speed of his hips. he could see his orgasm coming, it was within reach. “please cum for me, mommy,” he whines, wanting you to cum first. he moves his fingers faster, simultaneously trying to hit as deep inside you as he could.
  you closed your eyes, letting the knot begin to pull in your abdomen. eddie makes a noise of complaint causing you to open your eyes. “sorry, baby, keeping them open,” you say breathlessly as you analyze his determined expression. a tear fell from his eye making you concerned. “okay?” you ask, ready to reach down and pull his hand from you.
  he nods, picking up the pace. “s-so beautiful, and- shit- fuck, i love you so much. shit- m’gonna cum,” he explains between moans. he ruts deeply into you, hitting that spot that sent you over the edge.
  “fuck, eddie,” you moan loudly as you begin trembling. “eddie, yes, eddie, eddie,” you mumble as your high runs through your veins. you felt as though you were on fire, the pleasure stemming from your pussy and spreading everywhere. 
  eddie lets out a gasp as his hips stop. one spurt of cum coats your insides and then his thrusts become erratic. his fingers rub you through your high, and after he emptied himself of his cum he let himself rest against you. his forehead leaned against yours as you both fought to catch your breath. 
  “you’re so perfect,” you mumble, stroking his lip with your thumb. another tear falls from eddie’s eye and he presses his lips to yours.
  when he pulls away, his lip is trembling. “i love you more than anything,” he admits in a shaky voice. you give him a smile, opening your mouth to respond but he keeps going. “i’m so afraid one day i won’t have you. please, y/n, sweetheart, please don’t leave me,” he begs.
  your smile fades as you see the brokenness in his eyes. you pull him down, pouring as much love into the kiss as you possibly could. you pull away only slightly. “i’ll never leave you,” you say, and press your lips to his again. “i love you to the moon and back,” you whisper, connecting your lips to his. “a million times over,” your lips are back on his once again. you finally pull back, wiping his tears away. “you’re my everything, eddie. i love you and you’re never gonna get rid of me,” you confirm, tucking his hair behind his ear.
  he dips his head down to nuzzle the side of his face against yours. he takes in a deep breath, just appreciating you being there with him. “bub?” you ask softly, causing eddie to hum in question. “you wanna get cleaned up, then we can cuddle and watch a movie?” eddie nods, pulling out of you with a wet sound and pushing himself up. you both shakily stand, cleaning yourselves in the bathroom before you found a movie. 
  eddie was already laying in bed in nothing but his underwear, his thumb nail in his mouth as he nipped at it. you started the movie on his small, shitty tv and then climbed up next to him, wearing only one of his shirts. “you like that today?” you ask as he snuggles against you.
  “we do it again?” he asks with big eyes.
  you smile and kiss his nose. “of course, baby. anything for you,” you coo. eddie gives you a tired but genuine smile before burying his head into the crook of your neck. it didn’t take long until he was peacefully snoring on your chest with his thumb in his mouth.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
hi! do you have any drarry muggle sports au? not quidditch, but, where they play football/soccer/hockey/…. preferably enemies to lovers or rivals/hate***!! i’m sorry if you have andwered an similar ask before!
Hi anon! I don’t read a lot of AUs so I only have a couple recs, but I hope my followers can add more!
Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k)
It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing.
Love Shot by @isamijoo (T, 16k)
Harry and Draco meet on the first day of university. Harry has his eyes on the basketball player, while Draco thinks there's nothing exciting about the volleyball Harry plays.
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21.6k)
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Rush (For A Gap That Exists) by @sleepstxtic (E, 42k)
A story of love and loss that grew amidst the most infamous rivalry in Formula One history: the story of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
The Greatest Game by @sleepstxtic (E, 45k)
A rivals to lovers story about two tennis players and their fight for the Wimbledon title while simultaneously navigating their secret relationship
Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses (E, 47k)
Harry Potter, returning member of the Oxford University Boat Club, has two goals for the spring of 2005: beat Cambridge, and beat Draco Malfoy. Perhaps not in that order.
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