#I love yellow so thats why Gryffindor is wearing it
waffleloser · 3 years
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I havent drawn an incorrect quote for so long lol. Also look, bubble hands.
Incorrect Quote by: @hogwartshousefriends
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
things draco malfoy probably said to pansy:
"why are his eyes so green?"
"hey, what would happen if voldywart gave himself another dark mark on the other arm?"
"do i look good in green or like a bag of spinach?"
"my dad probably hides secrets in his hair"
"its monday right? great, mental breakdown monday."
"if i drank amortentia that i brewed, would i just find myself unbelievably hot?"
"i think id be a good healer...id like to patch up the wounds that have been caused by evil. in spite of my dad"
"you think potter knows how to do pottery?"
"my mom once made mashed potatoes for dinner and my dad took one bite and told her he could taste the wizard magic as opposed to elf"
"what do you think would happen if i drank amortentia and felix felicis at the same time?"
"have you ever seen a thestral? they're only visible to those who have witnessed death. yes, pansy, ive watched people die. it happens when your father is a fan of moldymort"
"fuck the ministry, i want a pet dragon"
"weasley's family isnt actually that bad, once you think about it. they're actually rather pleasant once you get past the freakishly kind nature of them all"
"are parents supposed to hug you goodbye?"
"harry's cute, no homo"
"what if we kissed? no hetero, but what if?"
"i think im accidentally in love with potter"
"i watched grease drip off of snapes hair and into a potion once"
"did you know that im related to sirius black? yeah, hes kinda my icon now"
"have you ever seen a muggle sports car? i want one."
"boys are hot, girls are not, and im just a thot"
"pansy, darling, please, im a raging homosexual"
"this isnt fair, give me three valid reasons why i cant jump off the astronomy tower"
"blaise caught me singing in the shower and now im more insecure than usual"
"i want to dance around in the dark with someone"
"want to try swimming with the giant squid?"
"i wish i was a merman"
"what do you mean by 'he clearly likes you back, you pouf'? hOw loNg hAs hE liKeD mE bAcK?"
"so, after a solid shag in the astronomy tower, we're now boyfriends"
"ew, pansy, im not wearing yellow! itll completely clash with my complexion!"
"girl weasley wont stop glaring at me, should i turn her toes into mice or her boobs into parrots?"
"i can't, im gay"
"what if our knees and elbows switched?"
"what the flying fuck is pokemon?!?!??!??"
"so, in theory, if crabbe and goyle suddenly turned into ducks that chase gryffindors around the school, who do you think would suspect it was me?"
"i wanna cuddle with harry but hes at quidditch practice, guess ill avada kedavra myself"
"ew, heteros"
"you're such a lesbian for granger, just go talk to her"
"have you ever seen a muggle movie? youd like Mean Girls"
"im literally so fucking angry about nothing, wanna go set something on fire?"
"what do you mean you made a swear jar-"
"i should become a teacher so i can tell kids that my husband is the chosen one and that he'll send moldevorts wrath upon them if they dont complete their homework"
"i hate being rich, blaise asked me to buy him a life size statue of him made of chocolate because i should 'spend my money on something worth looking at'"
"ugh, i hate defense, im not answering on what my boggart is"
"what if i joined a band?"
"how many galleons do you wanna bet that blaise will admit to ron that he has a crush on him?"
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thomeme · 4 years
instructions: tag ten people you’d like to know better
i was tagged by @czerny-182 thank you!! <3
name: Lucy
star sign: gemini
hogwarts house: gryffindor 
height: 5,5 i think??
favorite animal: ffffff it always changes, atm its a shoebill stork because it just looks sick
dogs or cats: can i say both?? i have a cat and shes the best thing but also dogs because they’re so sweet :((
when you made your blog: 2017 i think??
why you made your blog: (my memory is decaying slowly so i cant remember shit but) i think i just decided that i wanted to watch the maze runner one day (like, the first film) and i loved it waaaay too much to keep all thoughts to myself SO i had to create a blog to put all my thoughts into the void and the void actually had some cool people in it!!
reason for your url: thomas sangster is a meme
what i am wearing: a yellow oversized top with an egg wearing a pink bucket hat and some pj bottoms
dream vacation: i honestly have no idea....maybe japan??? yeah japan
instruments: uh........i tried to learn guitar a while ago but i gave up because i can’t stay focused on anything for shit so.........none
celebrity crushes: i...dont know...i just find people super attractive and develop short term crushes on them D: (thomas just happens to be long term)
what’s your job: nothing atm 
if you could go back to school would you: i’d love to actually complete it and not leave because of mental health >:(
a job you had that would surprise people: i’ve never had a proper job :(
do you think aliens are real: yes
what’s your guilty pleasure: theres nothing specific i can think of?? 
tattoos: I WANT ONE SO BADLY!!! i’m thinking of getting a wilted sunflower on my forearm :’)) i think i’m gonna get it when it’s safe enough to go out again
any phobias: spiders and tiny insects
do you talk to yourself: all the time
what movie do you adore: i dont really have favourite movies, inside out has stuck with me a lot so i guess that??
the first thing that you remember you wanted to be when you grew up: no idea man, no idea
i’ll tag @newtlovesorder and im super awkward with tagging people so thats it!!!!!! 
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pikinmin · 4 years
12, 16, 21, 25, 27, 30, 42, 43, 46, 50, 51, 55, 59, 66, 70, 77, 80, 87, 90, 93, 97, 100 on the ask thing?
oh hell ya big ask B)
12~ whats your favorite planet? 
pluto! its so small i love it sm
16~ whats your favorite pasta dish?
either spaghetti or spinach tortellini!
21~ talk about your favorite bag, the one thats been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces
yo this bag i got from earthbound like 3-4 years ago has been KICKIN IT!! its so cute its like this mix of earthy shades of green, pink, black, and tan and its super durable. on its last leg though i think. a strap is starting to lift at the fabric and theres holes in the back oop
25~ whats the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? 
an old abandoned high school building. there were a LOT of spray painted penises. there was also a coochie spray painted tho so, women’s rights were served
27~ whats your favorite bubblegum flavor?
i think just the classic pink bubble gum! 
30~ think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
yep! not the best moments in my life’s history but it happens it happens we all good
42~ do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
yes! its this little place called serdonos! its in the downtown area of where i go to college and its super cute. its logo is this rainbow (but mostly red) parrot with its wings spread across and honestly, when i tell you they make the best chai latte, i mean THE BEST chai latte. immaculate.the flavor. im in awe. 
43~ who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
my grandmother and cousins! we all laid down on her back porch and watched a star shower together! :)
46~ tell us the worst pun you can think of?
why did the scarecrow win the nobel prize? because he was outstanding in his field!!
50~ whats an odd thing you collect?
im not sure if this counts as a collection? but whenever i clean off my pallet, i peel the paint off and add it to this ball of paint i have chillin with my art stuff. i just wanna see how big i can get it! 
51~ think of a person. what song do you associate with them? 
honest by the band CAMINO. i’ll link it!
55~ whats the most dramatic thing you’ve done to prove a point? 
i would have to say i dove off the side of a cliff to prove that the dirt underneath was soft enough to land on. (in my defense, it wasnt THAT tall off a cliff AND the dirt WAS soft. i take pride in that victory)
59~ whats your favorite myth?
mermaids but the ones that are GIANT
66~ what would your ideal flower crown look like? 
big white flowers with some kinda reddish pink flowers strung in
70~ have you ever used an ouija board?
yep! it was super cool i talked to some passed away relatives. even talked to my brother who passed! truly a legendary moment in time but i told myself not to use a board too much so after like, the third or fourth time i’d ever used it i deemed it to be the last time
77~ pink or yellow lemonade?
80~ what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose them? if so, why?
theyre old trailer house wallprints lmao. i cant paint over it it’ll just peel off so, sad times. i do have a really cool tapestry hung up though!
87~ what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime?
fern gully!! the fairy in that movie is the reason i am gay!!!!!!!! that and also spider-man into the spiderverse bc that movie is a work of ART
90~ talk about one of your favorite cities.
where i live when college is open! it’s where mardi gras originated :) its this super cute downtown area and like, no matter when you go there’s always something happening. like a saxophonist out on the street or some people graffiti-ing old buildings, just a really cool mix of stuff going on at once! that and the best cafes and restaurants
93~ whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
used to i’d have my hair half up in a bun but i got my haircut last night so its a little too short for it. now i’ll just opt to a half up pony tail! 
97~ myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
mb- mediator! (INFP) zs- cancer! hh- i think last time i checked i got gryffindor? 
100~ if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years to the future, which one would you press? why?
future! i would like to see what life if like once i come out to my family
thank you for the ask! i enjoyed this one a lot! :)
if anyone else would like to send an ask, you can find the questions here!
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softforcal · 5 years
hiiii listen i love hogwarts!5sos so please do HCs for gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum bc it would honestly be the cutest poly relationship ever
gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum
-you and Ashton have been best buds forever
-there’s always been something there but neither of you have ever acted on it.
-Calum and Ashton are their Quidditch House Captains so they know each other and they get along
-they have a few classes together and often sit next to each other, as a sign of ‘house bond’ but they genuinely just enjoy each other
-they’re always discussing Quidditch or muggle tattoos or shit like that
-you show up at lunch one day and Calum is sitting at the Gryffindor table, they’re both deep in conversation but when you sit down next to Ashton and across from Calum, they stop talking
-Ashton introduces you to the GORGEOUS Hufflepuff who you’ve seen around but never actually talked to
-Ashton has a way for slotting people into conversations and making sure people don’t feel left out and within minutes, you’re laughing with them and its a great time
-you go to your next class and they go to theirs, while walking Calum just sort of states, “she’s pretty cute.” and Ashton is shook that his lil Puff friend just said something so bold and out there. but like… “yeah she’s gorgeous.”
-”so uh… is she single?”
-Ashton is so shook.
-no one has ever asked him about you before because everyone in your house sort of knows Ashton’s had a thing for you since first year but this little Puff boy has no clue
-”yeah she’s single.”
-something spurs to life inside Ashton
-because like… he’s never had legit competition before?
-but also… he and Cal are such dope friends already so he’s like… woah. like part of me wants my bro to succeed but i want myself to succeed to so wtf is this feeling
-the whole day he’s thinking about a way for it to work for everyone
-and polyamory comes to mind
-and he is WAY to ahead of himself
-Gryffindor Ashton exists on a plane of being where he’s like a month ahead of everyone else cuz boy thinks ahead
-so Calum has no idea Ashton’s thinking about this so hard but the next day at lunch when Ashton shows up, you and Cal (who were waiting for him) can both tell there’s something off about him
-”you look like you’re thinking real hard, stop.” you giggled
-”what do you guys think about polyamory?”
-Calum chokes on his drink and Ashton has to pat him on the back.
-”why are you bringing this up?” you ask, watching in amusement
-Ashton tries to act suave and you buy it because you have no reason not to. the three of you chat about it, Cal looks super distressed but you can’t tell why, and after lunch Calum pulls Ashton aside and is like “what the fuck man?”
-Ashton explains he’s been into you for ages and Calum’s like “well i’ll back off if she’s taken man, no harm done.” and Ashton’s just like… “but… but Polyamory sounds kinda dope don’t you think?”
-and Cal kind of thinks about it and is like… “okay im in but we have to ask the girl out first right?”
-they plan all day
-like… extensive planning
-which mostly consists of Ashton coming up with ideas and Calum telling Ashton they won’t work
-”we could take her to The Three Broom Sticks-” “too many people and she’ll totally think it’s a friend thing unless we call it a date.”
-”we could go for a swim in the black lake.” “first, kinda rapey bud, second, its like October.”
-”we could go to the forbidden forest” “Ashton.”
-they’re walking down the hallway discussing it and suddenly a door appears.
-Ashton opens it and starts laughing, “the room of requirement is our pimp now.”
-yeah, the room has set the boys up well
-like. there’s a full on king sized bed whenever they need it and it seems the room is like Ashton, always thinking steps ahead
-Calum finally suggests just doing a study date in the library
-”well she’ll think we’re just friends.” “we gotta tell her its a date.” “right.”
-so they both come ask you
-”we want to take you on a date.” “a study date.” Calum clarifies. “still a date.”
-you’re kind of shook then you glare at Ashton, “this is why you asked about polyamory!”
-he shrugs and grins, “it seems like a good idea.”
-i mean. kinda false.
-but it’s not like you’re going to turn down two of the most gorgeous guys in school who are also complete adorable dorks
-so you go to the library and find the most secluded corner
-it’s honestly just studying but you know they’re both into you so thats fun
-and then Ashton’s arm confidently goes over your shoulders and Calum rests his hand on top of yours and you’re just like… i could get FUCKING USED TO THIS
-so Cal is so soft and adorable
-and Ash is cocky and giggly
-so wow. they’re both perfect
-and then you ask the age old question
-”so if we do this… which house colours do i wear to Quidditch games.”
-”mine.” they both say at once
-a small discussion about it
-”but… she’s been wearing your colours forever-” “thats because she’s in my house Cal.” “well… yellow would look cute on her.” “red looks cute on her.”
-these boys
-finally Ashton concedes and is like… “if we do this, you can wear his colours first if you want but we have to switch each time to be fair.”
-the first poly agreement is made and it wasn’t actually that hard. compromise was found.
-this could work
-spending the whole week testing it out with cute dates and hand holding and shit but no kisses because who the fuck knows how that shit’s even gonna work
-finally you’re in the library and you’ve all been giggling about something dumb that Luke Hemmings did earlier and Calum just leans in and kisses you
-Ashton is shook that the puff had bigger balls than him
-so as soon as Cal pulls away, Ashton kisses you too
-when he pulls away they both look at you and Cal is first to ask “was that okay?”
-it was better than okay fam.
-”think we should try it again just to be sure.” you’re a Gryffindor, you gon take this opportunity sis
-Calum shocks you both AGAIN by being the first AGAIN, grabbing your face and kissing you harder this time, putting all the little Puff can put into the kiss
-when he pulls away, Ashton is sitting there stunned like “wow. how am i supposed to compete with that man?”
-no jealousy. just support and awe and general good squishy stuff
-Ashton kisses you again and he tried to be softer, going for more of a Hufflepuff vibe and you were getting whiplash from these boys
-so now that the first kiss is out of the way, everything cums comes easier
-Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have a match and you go in Cal’s scarf
-Hufflepuff wins but as soon as everyone lands, Ashton and Calum are shaking hands and Calum’s assuring Ashton that he played really well and was just unlucky
-they’re such good friends.
-they go to the change room and when they both come out all showered and cute (curls curls curls curls curls) you’re like… “you both played so well, i kind of feel like we should go somewhere and celebrate.”
-”well Hufflepuff is having an afterparty and you can both come-” Calum begins but you and Ashton grab his arms and begin to drag him because was a SWEETIE
-”So room of requirement or prefects bathroom?” Ashton ask as you call head up to the school
-”the room of requirement is pimping for you now?” you laugh
-”thats what i said!” Ashton grins
-”i vote room of requirement.” Calum quips
-so of course you do what the Puff wants
-getting to the room of requirement and Ashton notices there’s something a little different as he closes the door behind you but can’t place his finger on it until Calum goes “is that a weighted blanket!?” and runs to the bed
-”aren’t weighted blankets for people with anxiety?” Ashton asks.
-you elbow him because your little Puff looks so amused. its obvious who the blanket is for, lets be real. what a smoll baby
-so like… there is a little bit of a discussion that needs to be had about HOW exactly this is going to go down… if you catch my drift
-Ashton just starts whipping out words like “choking” and “spanking” and phrases like “fingers in your mouth” and “marks where people can’t see”
-and Calum just sits and watches the two of you sort out all the schematics
-Hufflepuff baby is honestly there just for a good time, he don’t mind HOW it happens just as long as it happens
-when you and Ashton finally agree on everything you turn to Calum who looks sort of dazed cuz he’s honestly spaced out at this point
-as soon as he notices you looking at him he just grabs you and throws you on the bed, tearing your pants off and devouring you
-Ashton just laughs cuz “i guess we had a plan but this works too.”
-Hufflepuff Cal is a pleaser thats for SURE
-he keeps surprising you and Ashton
-like he makes you cum twice from his mouth before Ashton’s finally like… “okay mate, gotta give me a turn too.”
-they’re VERY good at sharing apparently
-it would be kind of wild lets be real
-they’re only down for what you’re comfy with but… if you’re down for it… Ash is the ass man always
-Cal is oddly down for anything which is a bit of a shock
-like he spaced out when you and Ash were discussing it but in the heat of everything, his hand is going around your throat and you and Ash are shook
-laying there after, between your two boys and you and Ashton are just speechless about Cal who has shaken you both to your core
-”so are you sure you’re not secretly a Slytherin Cal?”
-”im just pretty good at finding the right spots.” Calum. what the fuck. you funky little Hufflepuff.
-lets be real. the three of you stay there all night
-being addicted to each other
-like, Ashton is always down for a quicky but even Calum starts toeing the line and putting his hand VERY HIGH on your thigh while you’re in class
-yeah, you are trying to keep it a secret but ya’ll aint suave
-everyone fucking knows
-like people see the three of you go into the room of requirement ALL the time
-finally there’s a Quidditch game where it’s Slytherin vs Gryffindor and Gryffindor kicks their ass
-as you get on the field with Calum you catch the Slytherin team captain saying to Ashton something SUPER offensive about you and Calum
-Calum just DECKS this guy
-like the Slytherin team captain is KO’ed like a MOTHERFUCKER
-and once again, you and Ashton are looking at your little Puff and he’s just like… “uh… my hand slipped?”
-what a baby
-you and Ashton take good care of Cal
-the first time his dom side comes out you’re all shook again
-Hufflepuff Cal just has a lot hidden up his sleeve
-yo. Hufflepuff Cal teaching Ashton how to find your sweet spots
-would be hot as FUCK
-they’re such a team
-like. Cashton is a dream team but these two would be hot as fuck in these houses
-yeah i love it.
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kyliexc · 5 years
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hey everyone ! i’m mini and i’ve had my eye on this rp for awhile, so im v happy to be here. let me introduce to you my bb kylie ! this is a big long so i sectioned off the parts explaining what’s what. you don’t have to read it all ! <3
❛ chicago’s very own kylie castillo has been spotted in new york city in a bentley continental gt, welcome ! your resemblance to becky g is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty first birthday bash. your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re hot-tempered, but being brave might help you. i guess being an aries explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be hot cheetos with lime, clean makeup brushes, and soccer on the street. & ( cisfemale & she/her ) + ( mini, 22, she/her, est. )
*also, bc i always have to say this when playing becky g. im latina. :)
also pls like this and i will come to you for plotting bc i know ppl can be shy. (like me)
Basic Information
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): bean, ky, kyky, kc, k.
Age: 21
Date of Birth: April 15th 1998
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
Weather: fall
Colour: yellow or pink
Music: sebastian yatra, reik, travis scott, 
Movies: halloween or selena
Sport: soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball
Beverage: tequila
Food: chicken or carne asada tacos
Animal: lions + dogs
Father: alejandro castillo, soccer player (jersey #7)
Mother: lupe castillo (molina), seamstress
Sibling(s): jaime castillo + luna castillo
Pet(s): sushi and lola (dogs)
parents history
kylie’s dad is a notable soccer player in latin america, he has played throughout a couple world cups and has been on notable teams, even in europe (Manchester United? Barcelona FC? get back to me on this ahahah) He wore the number 7, believing it always brought luck to him and his family. kylie’s mom was just a normal girl who worked in a dress shop, sewing together sweet 15/16 dresses, which she really enjoyed and was good at. her mom’s family had a business and all the women in the family ran that little shop bc they made sure things ran smoothly. kylie’s parents met unexpectedly in a bar when her dad didn’t want to be noticed and her mom was out on the town with her friends. this turned into a fan marrying her idol sort of thing. it was super cute. 
kylie’s dad got chosen to be a part of the US soccer team, this was after he was dating her mom for about a year. before he could leave he didn’t even realize that lupe (ky’s mom) was pregnant with her older sibling jaime. that led to a quick marriage BUT lupe didn’t want to leave mexico just yet SOOO while her dad went off to the states, her mom stayed in mexico working on her business and it worked out really well for the two. 
two years later, after 2 years of a long distant relationship and the family dress business blowing up in Mexico, turning into a whole fashion empire, lupe finally decided to pack up and go to the U.S.A
along came kylie
kylie was the first born in the U.S.A, so she is american but she frequently travelled to Mexico during her childhood, therefore she understands both english and spanish. she is 100% proud of her ethnicity no matter how much hate she got for it growing up. 
kylie was always closest to her dad, he taught her how to have thick skin and go for your dreams. every night they would play soccer on the streets and he pushed her to be better. Kylie was on several soccer teams growing up, and has a lot of photos, awards, and memories to prove it. all her siblings were in some kind of sport. kylie’s was soccer while her siblings would be volleyball or basketball. they were known on the block as the golden 3 for being involved in sports. 
it didn’t mean she was a tomboy, oh no. while her dad taught her sports, her mom taught her how to be presentable. she would always say ‘let them judge you by what you wear so you can prove them wrong with who you are.’ those are words she lives by everyday when it comes to her appearance. 
her parents really taught her the value of working for what you want, even when kylie did grow up comfortable. her mom’s business was growing so much it was known in chicago and some other parts in the U.S. her dad was known for being one of the best soccer players coming out of latin america (up there with ronaldinho), but they both got to where they were through blood sweat and tears.
on her down time she got really into makeup and fashion, she did it a lot for prom season, posting it up on insta that some celebs hit her up to do their makeup and of course she couldn’t say no to that. kylie makes her own makeup out of natural ingredients that she uses with her clients, it’s something she doesn’t sell exclusively, it’s her best kept secret. 
she’s really popular within the latin american music scene and has done some collabs with english speaking people. those are just passion projects for her. it’s like, she’s known for different things, so she does them, but she’s not sure what she wants specifically.
since she’s tiny, people tend to make fun of her height A LOT, which she doesn’t mind, it pretty funny to her. it’s just something that’s been with her foreverrrrrr.
kylie still plays soccer in a league on her free time. it’s something that keeps her mentally grounded.
life isn’t so perfect * TRIGGER WARNINGS: anxiety, depression *
so being mexican in the U.S.A is never easy, and it definitely wasn’t for kylie that didn’t speak english until she entered school. she was constantly bullied and pushed around because of her ethnicity, because she was tan, unlike the other girls. 
of course she made other friends of color and non-color that accepted her but when you grow up seeing that there are people that hate you for what you’re born into, it damages a person.
for a long time she didn’t accept her body image, trying to lighten her skin or make herself look more accepting, it caused her to spiral into depression, she had a lot of fights with her family about this.
kylie developed anxiety where she overthinks and gets panic attacks, but thats why she still plays soccer competitively. 
kylie’s personality
kylie is literally F I E R C E. she’s got two types of personalities, one where she’s a home body and loves her family, will beat you in a quick game of soccer. she’s that bubbly girl with the laughter, sarcastic remarks followed by a smirk at the end of it
she is also that girl that when it’s time to work, she is scary. she knows what she wants, she know how she wants it and she will get flustered when it’s not like that. she’s got a whole ‘that BIIITCH’ personality, like when she’s on the red carpet, she just has it going for her kind of thing. 
but she’s a goof, and that’s something everyone will notice. she loves to make people laugh and smile. if you’re an asshole, those are her favorite types where she’s just drawn to those people. 
old school friends
old school enemies
makeup clientele 
ride or die
drunk friends
sibling like friends
exes ( good + bad + messy + angsty )
crushes ? 
former lovers to friends
um, anything? let’s brainstorm ! :)
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swellwriting · 6 years
There’s a spell for that.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Request : From @theboywhocriedlupin: CONGRATS ON 1500 OMG LOVE YOU!!!! Can you do 7 from the list with my boy Neville??
Prompt: 7. “____ meet Y/n, you have to show her around today.” Neville Longbottom
Warnings: none
A/N: My first time writing for sweet sweet Neville, ALSO I didn't use the prompt  word for word but it’s close enough. Also a lot of wrist touching and hand holding, be warned.
Word Count: 5k
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Ilvermorny was similar and simultaneously much different from the school currently in front of you. Not to say Ilvermorny wasn’t beautiful but it was at the top of a mountain, charms hid it from No-Maj’s which made it almost constantly cloudy and gloomy outside. You loved Ilvermorny though, you loved your friends and you had spent years there.
You got to Hogwarts with the assistance of the large groundskeeper who was waiting for you at the train stop when you arrived. He introduced himself as Hagrid and although his size made him appear daunting at first he was actually quite the cheery type, he was nice and you were glad you didnt have someone else waiting for you after the week you've had, cheery was much needed and very welcomed.
When the school came into view you almost gasped at the castle, the weird name it held didn't show in the architecture of the building at all, it wasn’t found in the trees of the large forest, the bright green of the grass or the light reflecting of the dark lake water.
“Okay Y/N, see that hut just down the hill there? Thats me, if ya ever need anything you should find me there.”
“Wait what, that’s it? I don't know where i'm going, how to get to my classes or my room or anything!” You flailed your arms as you spoke, your body filling to the brim with even more stress.
“Well, Mcgonagall gave ya that paper there that explains a bit, I have to go uh, assist Dumbledore with sumthin.”
“But i'm going to get lost.” You complained sounding defeated already and you hadn't even entered the large school.
The first student you had seen on these grounds was walking past you, he appeared as if his head was in the clouds with the far off look on his face, but the furrow in his brows let on that he was deep in thought as he walked away from what looked like a greenhouse.
“Neville!” Hagrid yelled and motioned the boy over, shocking him out of his thoughts as he stopped walking, directing his confused expression towards Hagrid. “Can you give Y/N here a tour of the school for me? Help her find her way an such?” He asked pushing you towards the boy as he started walking away before Neville even agreed, “Thanks.” Hagrid waved now half way down the hill as you both watched him leave, the two of you standing there in silence.
You turned towards him, suddenly feeling like a complete burden to this boy who was just... covered in dirt? His hands were barely visible underneath it, you looked away from his hands and focused  on his face which also had bit of dirt on it, like this Neville boy had dirt for freckles, in fact there wasn't a part of him that was clean of it, he was probably too busy to show you around.
“I'm sorry, you don't have to show me around, I don't want to be a burden or anything i'm sure I can find my way around easily, it’s not like it’s a moving castle or something.”
“No, it’s okay. I'm not the best person to uh, give you a tour,” He awkwardly scratched his chin leaving a print of dirt behind, “But I can try. Oh and the stairs do move so it’s best I do help you find your way, though we might get lost together, I've still never remembered where those stupid stairs change to, Hermione has them memorized, actually I think most students do.” His words trailed off from his nervous rambling and he looked down at his hands and frowned.
“You’ve got a bit of dirt.” You said looking at his hands as well now.
“I was just in the greenhouse, I forgot to wash off my hands again.” He admitted and moved his hands to wipe them on the sides of his pants but you stopped him grabbing his less dirty wrists. “Wait, don't just wipe the dirt on your pants.” He gave you a confused look, ”but my pants and all of me actually are already covered in dirt. Oh you probably want someone a bit cleaner to show you around, you don't want the first person you’re seen with to be covered in dirt.”
You chuckled a bit at his statement. “I really don't mind the dirt, but there's a spell for that!” You smiled and took out your wand quietly murmuring a spell removing every last spec of dirt from him in seconds.
“Wow, you have to teach me that one.” He sounded so excited as he looked down at his shoes which appeared almost brand new.
“Well what will you teach me in return?”
“I’m not the best teacher really.”
“What were you doing in the greenhouse that you managed to get covered in dirt from head to toe?” You teasingly asked and he smiled thinking about his plants and the hours he had spent caring for them.
“The plants, I mean Herbology. It’s my best subject.” He said proudly, you had never heard someone sound so proud talking about herbology. “Wonderful, I love that class but i'm rubbish at it, always mess it up, never fails.”
“That's perfect! Well not for you, I just mean I can help you with that.” He said smiling as he tucked his clean hands into his pockets after motioning for you to follow him as he walked towards the large castle.
The tall ceilings and lively paintings really made this place one in its own. You could easily say you'd never seen any place like it.
“Have you eaten yet?” Neville asked directing your attention away from some friendly paintings who waved as you walked past.
“They didn't have any food on the train, since it doesn't ever run at this time of year so i’m starving.”
“Well it’s not quite dinner time yet but i'm sure we can manage to get something from the house elves.” He smiled as he walked over to the small kitchen doors, sized for house elves rightfully.
“Hey Hannah!” Neville called to a girl walking past wearing a bright Yellow scarf, unlike the red striped tie Neville had.
“Hey Neville, hello... I actually don't know who you are.” Her bright smile turned to a perplexed frown.
“Oh this is uh.” Neville panicked for a moment not remembering what Hagrid had said your name was.
“I'm Y/N and you?” “I'm Hannah.” She said smiling brightly again, “You must be new?”
“Yeah Neville is just showing me around, I know it’s kinda late for new students.” You shrugged your shoulders awkwardly unsure of what to do or why you were even talking to this girl, maybe she was just Neville’s friend, or maybe his girlfriend.
“Nice to meet you, Neville what did you call me over for?”
“Well, it seems stupid but I feel like you have a better chance of getting us some food from the house elves.”
“And why’s that?” She raised a brow playfully at him crossing her arms.
“Well you know, I mean everyone knows Hufflepuffs are the house elves favorites, you guys are closest to the kitchens we all know you guys sneak snacks all the time.”
“What a stereotype, why don't you be a brave Gryffindor and ask for some yourself.” She teased as she made her way to get you guys some food and in minutes returned with plate fulls.
“Here, and only because us Hufflepuffs are also the sweetest and nicest house.” She exaggerated and waved to you as she walked away.
You followed Neville into a large room that appeared to have no ceiling, or at least it was enchanted so the sky was visible, you followed him to a table decorated with a long red table cloth matching the tie that hung loosely around his neck, partially tucked into his sweater.
“I'm guessing this is the Gryffindor table?” You asked between mouthfuls.
“Yeah, Gryffindor is the house i'm in. What about you?”
“I'm not sure actually, back at Ilvermorny I was in Thunderbird but it doesn't exactly match any houses here so i'm not sure what one to pick.” ”You get to pick?”
“Yeah, I didn't want to go through the whole sorting process or make a big deal out of being new. I’d rather have the least amount of attention on me as possible.”
“Then you got lucky to get me as a tour guide, i'm good at blending in.”
“Blending in or just hiding in the greenhouse?” You asked him playfully and he erupted into laughter.
“Your already onto me, and it’s true I may spend an unusual amount of time there.”
“That’s not unusual though, I wish I was that passionate about something.” You took a deep breath and started moving your fork around your plate. It was silent for a minute, like Neville could sense you didn't know what to say next, he didn't want to poke but he also wasn’t sure what to say next to keep the conversation going. “So tell me about you, why are you here?”
“Why am I here? I’m in this room because you brought me here.” You smiled still looking down at your plate.
“Okay so you’re funny, tell me more.”
“Well, I live my with my aunt, she decided we were moving to England so she switched me from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts but she waited too long and the process took a while so I missed the first month of school.”
“You live with your aunt?”
“Yeah, my parents are dead. I'm not too sad about it I never really knew them much.”
“I get exactly how you feel! I live with my grandma.” Neville was sort of excited to have something in common with you, even if it was a bit morbid. “My parents aren't exactly dead though, it’s complicated.”
“I understand.” You half smiled and squeezed his arm reassuringly.
“So what house do you think you’re going to pick?” Neville asked changing the subject to a less sorrow one.
“I'm not sure yet, I'm leaning towards Gryffindor for, well you reasons, but you will have to convince me a bit more.”
“Gryffindor is the best house so that won’t be hard.” Neville said excitedly as he got up and bumped into someone behind him.
“Gryffindor is hardly the best house, have you gone mad as your parents Longbottom?” You saw a blonde haired boy and a few others standing behind Neville wearing bright green ties pressed neatly into their bright white collared shirts.
Neville stayed silent and bowed his head so you decided to humour the rude group of students to direct the attention off of him.
“Well what would you suggest the best house is then?”
The boy grimaced at you as he sneered, “Slytherin of course what kind of question is that, you must be hanging out with Neville for a reason, you are both idiots.”
“How was I supposed to know? I don't even know what the fourth house is yet, unless you guys have more than four or only three?” You directed your question at Neville and he shook his head to say no not really wanting to talk and have Draco make him look like even more of a fool in front of you.
“You don't know the houses names, Are you stupid?” A girl with short black hair asked in a mocking tone.
“Not stupid, just new. I've only been here for about 25 minutes to be exact.”
Their judgmental faces softened, their looks of hatred shifted to them looking at you as if you were their prey, and you had zero defenses. Maybe in their minds you could be recruited, made into one of them or maybe they simply didn't like Neville and just wanted to steal you away from him and far away from the trio they loathed.
“New you say? I’m Draco Malfoy.” He spoke as if his name held importance, and it probably did but you barely even knew the name of the street your new house was on there was no way you knew anything about the people here.
He sat down and so did the rest of his friends, Neville was still standing with his head hung low trying to remove himself from the situation that wasn't going away.
“I'm Y/N Y/L/N.” You said politely as you looked up at Neville about to ask him if he wanted to leave but you were interrupted.
“Don't worry about Longbottom, terrible you got stuck with him on your first day, if you’d like we can take you from him? Have you been put in a house yet?”
“Oh no, it’s okay really I enjoy Nevilles company, he seem sweet where as you lot seem quite vile actually. And no I haven’t been put in a house yet but thank you for making it clear of some of the types of students that are in Slytherin, it makes the choice for me much easier really.”
“Your ruining your reputation already, choosing him as your first friend and then choosing to not be in Slytherin? If you want to make all the wrong choices go ahead, we tried to help you Y/L/N it’s not our fault you’re too stupid to see that.” Draco said in a huff and quickly left before you could even reply to his rude words.
You stood up flattening your skirt and looked at Neville giving him a reassuring smile. “So not Slytherin then. What else is there.”
“Just Gryffindor.” He said with a smile as the two of you walked out and down a hallway.
“Oh I'm so sure that's my only option. The Hufflepuff girl was nice, what's the other house”
“Ravenclaw. But you don't need to know anything about those houses because i'm going to convince you to pick Gryffindor, come here.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you behind a painting that another student had just opened and into a room decorated in the same red and gold on Nevilles tie, his tie that wasn't neatly pressed over a crisp white shirt, and you liked it that way.
“What’s this room?” You asked looking around and realizing he was still holding your wrist but not acknowledging it.
“This is the Gryffindor common room, and it could be your common room too of you choose it.”
“Well, I have proof that you are a nice Gryffindor but how do I know everyone else is just as nice as you?”
“I guess I will have to introduce you.” He said blushing at both the compliment and at the realization he was still holding your wrist, he let go of it and you tried not to smile at his befuddled expression, like a lost puppy in his own common room not sure who to introduce you to first.
“Who do you want to meet? Well I guess it’s always exciting to meet Harry.”
“Harry?” You asked unsure of who he meant.
“Yeah, like Harry Potter, he is in Gryffindor, he’s like famous and stuff.”
“I've never heard of him, he’s not as famous at Ilvermorny I guess.” You shrugged not caring much about some kid who was probably just a Quidditch player or something.
Neville looked shocked as he turned to see where Harry was and called him over, “Harry! Come here!” He waved enthusiastically and you sort of froze in place not prepared to meet some celebrity and be a complete fool not knowing who he was.
“Harry this is Y/N she’s new, i'm showing her around.”
“And trying to persuade me that I should choose Gryffindor.” You added and Neville smiled sheepishly, feeling half guilty that he only wanted you in Gryffindor so he could spend more time with you and would have a higher chance of seeing you more, even though you had already agreed to study Herbology together.
“Hi, I’m Harry, this is Ron and Hermione.” He said pointing to his two friends who had walked up behind him, clearly intrigued by someone new.
“Yeah, this is Harry. She has no idea who you are Harry, no clue at all isn’t that new?”
Harry smiled widely and Hermione rolled her eyes from behind him. “That's refreshing for once, having a sort of clean slate with someone.”
“Yeah so when she ultimately chooses to be in Gryffindor it won't be because it’s  the House harry potter is in.” Neville joked and only Ron laughed in response.
“You get to pick what house you’re in!” A girl who looked a bit younger with long red hair asked as she walked up, almost like she had been listening the whole time.
“Yeah.” You smiled feeling awkward that so many people's attention was on you, even if it was much better attention than you received from the Slytherins earlier.
“Our room has an empty bed, so if you choose Gryffindor you could room with us.” Hermione said as she smiled at you, an endearing smile with wide eyes only filtered by a look of annoyance ot the two boys beside her, “ I could help you catch up on the missed work to.”
She seemed nice and that was an offer you couldn't turn down but before you could agree Neville leaned towards you and spoke. “I’d take that offer if I were you, Hermione's really smart and nice and stuff.” You smiled and looked up at him, you were completely ready to agree to be in Gryffindor but again before you could agree someone else spoke up. “Our Quidditch team is the best too! Do you play Quidditch?” A boy shouted and you quickly answered. “No.” before you were bombarded with a couple more questions all at once from varying new students surrounding you. “Where did you come from.” “Why are you a month late?” “What's your name?” “Gryffindor’s are the bravest are you brave?” And before you could answer them Neville spoke up loudly over everyone. “Okay, guys not all at once.” Which made everyone look a bit startled, which was weird, he hasn't said anything rude or mean but maybe he wasn't one to be loud often, he seemed quiet from what you had seen of him today.
“I guess I’ll be in Gryffindor.” You smiled a blush rising to your cheeks as the students around you cheered, congratulated you and started all talking at once again before you grabbed Neville’s hand and whispered to him to take you out of there, he grabbed your hand back, his palms clammy from the nerves of it all and brought you into the hallway where it was quiet.
“You don't have to choose Gryffindor, are you sure?”
“I was going to choose it anyways just because of you, but now i'm extra convinced.” You smiled and swore both your cheeks adorned matching bright red blushes as you awkwardly stood there just staring at each other, his thumb pressing into the side of your hand subconsciously not wanting to let go until a professor coughed from the other side of the hallway.
“Mr. Longbottom,” he quickly let go of your hand and spun around.
“Hi Professor Mcgonagall.” He spoke as if he was in trouble but the slight smile on her face said otherwise.
“And you must be Miss. Y/L/N? Hagrid told me he handed the duty of showing you around to Mr. Longbottom here, I see it’s going well.”
“Yes, it’s going great. I got the letter you wrote me, It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well, I'm sure you will fit in quite well at Hogwarts, it shouldn't be too hard to adjust from Ilvermorny i'm sure. Have you decided on a house yet?”
“Actually I just did yes, I decided I want to be put in Gryffindor if that's alright.”
“Easily, done. I will be your head of house, if you require anything else you can come to my office or i'm sure Mr. Longbottom here is also willing to help, I feel he may have persuaded your choice a bit.”
“Maybe a bit of Neville persuading me towards gryffindor and a bit of that Malfoy boy persuading me away from Slytherin.” You said it jokingly and she tried not to chuckle at your statement.
“All houses have their qualities.” She smiled and walked away.
You both stood there for a moment watching her walk away leaving you in an empty hallway unsure of what to say next, “She’s nice.”
“Yeah don't cross her though she just as tough too. I think she’s just glad it’s me showing you around and not Harry, she’s at wits end with him right now, well I think she always is.”
“I'm glad to.” You admitted and Neville felt his heart pounding against his ribcage with every flutter of your eyelashes you looked at him like he was the most amazing person you’d ever met. You didn’t know about his parents, you didn’t know of his reputation or social class in the school. You only knew what he told you as of now, you knew about his love for Herbology, his house pride and how he was nice enough to show you around the school when he didn’t really have to. You felt yourself wanting this tour not to end and Neville found himself not wanting it to end either. By the time you had walked the entirety of the castle, even showing you places just to say not to go there. By the time you ended up back outside the common room, which was now both of your common rooms since you agreed to be in Gryffindor, it was already getting dark outside.
“It’s getting late.” He said, like he didn’t want to believe his own statement.
“You should go to bed, and get your stuff all unpacked.”
“Maybe I don't want to.” You shrugged, a devilish smile on your face.
Neville then repeated something he had heard you say a few times that day, “There’s a spell for that.” and smiled but looked down trying to hide it from you.
“So why don't we do something else?” You asked fiddling with your fingers nervously.
“But i've shown you everything there is to see.”
“You didn’t show me that greenhouse you walked out of when I first saw you earlier.”
“Oh yeah, that was today. I can show you that if you care.”
“I care.” He smiled again and started walking swiftly down the hallway only to spin back around just as swiftly and say, “It’s night now, it’s October it’s gonna be a bit cold and you’re not wearing a sweater.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“No, go get your house sweater and scarf or something, you don't want to get sick.” You didn’t need a sweater as your heart was already melting for how sickly sweet the boy in front of you was being, caring so much about your well being even though you had only known each other for that day.
“But I don't get them until the morning.”
“You can borrow one of mine?” He asked quietly as if you would say no to the idea of wearing his sweater.
“If that’s okay with you, I would like that.” Before you knew it he had run up to his room and back down with a sweater and a scarf in hand, a sweater similar but a bit different to the one he was wearing, both covered in red and gold, he was visibly out of breath from hurrying to get them so fast.
“Here,” He said quietly again, as if he was going to scare you away by speaking too loud, like you coming into his life so abruptly was such a fragile thing and you could leave at any moment, which you could really, but you wouldn't.
You tilted your head forward and he slid the collar over your head, you pulled your arms through and giggled at how long the sleeves were so he gently grabbed your wrist pulling it close to him as he delicately rolled the sleeves up a few times. He smiled timidly at you and wrapped the scarf loosely over your shoulders as it wasn’t too cold to need to cover your face with it, not that he would want it covered anyways.
“Thank you.” You smiled and stuck out your hand towards him which he gladly intertwined with his, not meeting your eyes. “Now take me to see your plants.”
The walk to the greenhouse was quiet compared to your journey around the castle and school grounds earlier today, earlier you couldn’t stop talking but now there was a comfortable silence that surrounded the two of you as you kept your hands innocently intertwined only letting go once he opened the greenhouse door letting you in.
He cast lumos with his wand not wanting to disrupt the plants who relied on it being dark this time of day. “Wouldn't want to wake them up.” You joked and he smiled pulling you close again, maybe using lumos was also a good excuse to keep you close as he showed the different plants and things to you.
He talked about his plants, the most he had talked all day about anything, you just nodded and smiled trying to take in all the information he was saying, half because these things would definitely help you in class and half because Neville spoke like he cared so deeply for each plant and you couldn’t look away as his chapped lips spoke so passionately.
“I should be taking notes.” You interrupted after a while and he stopped talking, a bit out of breath.
“Don't worry we can actually study another time, i'm just rambling right now.”
“It’s not a bad thing, maybe I meant notes about you, I'm doing study on Neville,”
“A study on me?”
“Yeah i’ll start with writing down all your favourite things so far I have the last eight plants you talked about and I’ll include me on that list of course.” You said it jokingly but Neville averted your eyes as he started fiddling with the plant in front of you, pretending to examine the leaves.
“Sounds stupid maybe, but you probably could, I haven’t got along with someone so well in so long, I love my friends here of course but you just seem different, I know i've only known you a day but it feels like it’s been forever.”
“No Neville I feel the same way, it’s weird I usually take so long to connect with people and like open up. I'm really glad you happened to be walking out of here at that time. I can’t imagine it being anyone else.” You spoke sincerely, truly happy in this moment. Out after curfew on your first day in a dark greenhouse surrounded by plants and spiders no doubt, but Neville was there and he made it all so worth it. You’d stay out all night if he asked you but you assumed he wasn’t one to usually stay out after curfew, you actually weren’t sure if he knew it was past curfew, so caught up in the moment.
“Do you usually break school rules and stay out here after curfew for your plants?”
“After curfew?” He looked up realizing just how dark it was outside.”
“It’s okay, we should head back though.” You rubbed your thumb over his hand to calm him down as you slightly pulled him towards the door, he followed easily but with a slight frown on his face.
“Why so sad?” You poked his side as you quietly walked back to the common room.
“I just don't want to get you in trouble on the first day.”
“It would be worth it.”
You entered the common room without getting caught and stood at the bottom of your stairs, the common room empty aside from the two of you and the charmed fire that was slowly dwindling out.
“So do you want to study again tomorrow. In the greenhouse, with me?” He asked awkwardly as if you hadn't just willingly spent an entire day together.
“Of course yeah.” You smiled so wide your cheeks almost hurt as you looked up at the boy in front of you with messy hair and a bit of a crooked smile but just as wide as yours.
“Y/N! Are you coming to bed it’s past curfew!” Hermione whisper shouted from the top of the stairs completely oblivious to the moment she had walked in on.
She startled you, jumping slightly as you turned to face her, walking up a few stairs quickly. “Yeah i'm coming sorry, we got lost.” You lied.
You turned back to Nevile and waved, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he repeated back not wanting to say more since Hermione was still waiting for you.
You reached the top of the stairs when you realized you were still wearing one of his sweaters and his scarf, “Wait Neville, your stuff.”
“You can give it back in the morning.” He said now aware that Hermione knew you were wearing his clothes, which was unusual so he rushed back to his own room not wanting to be questioned by Hermione about it. There was no escape as Ron and Harry were quick to question him on why he was out so late and seemed so giddy for some reason when he got to his room.
Tags: @sjriusblck @theboywhocriedlupin @diggorysghost @wanna-see-my-lease @fortisfiliae @moonynprongs @bluemadcnna @dracolanterns  @dyngflwrs @jamcspotters @siriuslyimmoony @lonelyhufflepufff @babyplutoszx2
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keyboard-smashed · 5 years
The Storm That's Brewing
Summary: first glance of restaurant
Warnings: food/eating mention
(first, previous & next chapters linked at bottom)
Chapter 5- The Mind Palace
The car journey wasn’t great. Patton called shotgun, so he sat up front with Roman (who, for the record, was a terrible driver). The pair ended up singing the whole journey. Logan inquired about whether it was best for Roman to be wearing out his voice before a performance, but Sir Sing-A-Lot argued that he was warming up. Though, Virgil knew that there were better ways to warm up your voice than failing at rapping Nicki's part in Bang Bang.
That left the two less enthusiastic singers in the back trying, failing and eventually giving up on holding a regular conversation. Luckily, the car journey was pretty short- lasting only four songs (two of which Virgil, the emo he was, didn't even recognise).
From outside, the restaurant didn’t look like anything special. The white paint on the bricks was peeling and the whole place looked quite small. The door was painted dark blue, with several darker panels painted in, and white squares at the top that reminded Virgil of the TARDIS. When he walked inside the restaurant, he found out why. The place was a lot bigger, and a lot cooler, than its outside suggested.
The entire restaurant was a mix and match of seats and sofas from various film and television shows' sets all centred towards a small stage in the middle of the back wall, between two closed off rooms Virgil assumed to be the kitchen and perhaps a storage or changing room.
Immediately next to the entrance was the iconic couch and table set from Friends. There sat five girls; one of whom didn’t look completely dissimilar to Phoebe, with long blonde hair and hippie clothes. Virgil thought that perhaps it was on purpose, or maybe just a lucky coincidence. Although Virgil didn’t quite believe in coincidences. He chose instead to believe that figures, like the Fates from Greek mythology, liked to sit around and decide on fun ways to mess with Virgil.
Behind the Friends set up were four wooden tables with benches on both sides. They were relatively big; Virgil thought that with a squeeze, each bench could fit about eight people, meaning a table could seat sixteen. When the group walked a little further in, he saw four prominent, coloured banners hanging on the walls above the tables: yellow for Hufflepuff, red for Gryffindor, blue for Ravenclaw and green for Slytherin. Hanging above the tables were electronic candles. They weren’t on at that moment, but Virgil still thought they looked extremely cool, and it was a great detail to throw in.
Further back was a dark oak door. There was a sign on it, but from the distance, Virgil couldn’t make it out.
A small, dark wooden corner bar sat at the edge of the room. Over the top of the bar was a sign that said 'Puzzles'. Virgil couldn’t figure out what the bar was a reference to. To him it was, well, a puzzle. Virgil internally groaned. He’d been spending too much time with Patton.
In the centre of the room stood six circular tables with white table cloths covering them. Each table had a set of menus in the middle, accompanied with a small pink lamp on one side and a vase of (probably fake) roses. It was very cliché. Very romantic (not like Virgil would ever going with a date). Very tasteful. The whole set up gave Virgil a French vibe for some reason. Those tables definitely had the best view of the stage, but each only seated two people.
The stage itself was not very big. However, in the pretty small restaurant-café-bar-hybrid it looked bigger. It was clearly supposed to be the central point of focus. Red curtains hang open either side of the stage, although Virgil wasn’t sure if they were functional or not.
The whole place felt like someone at the movies had eaten a pick 'n mix bag of fandoms and then thrown it all up. In other words, it looked quite like their side of Virgil’s mind. The place was called 'The Mind Palace' after all.
Confirming all earlier suspicions, Roman's manager was very surprised to see him arrive early, even more so when he said he was there to help set up the stage. Turns out, they never actually put the equipment away since they had live music on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and karaoke on Sundays. Virgil made a note in his phone about never going to the restaurant on Sundays.
With almost an hour to kill before Roman's performance, all four got a table. Well, shared a table with some strangers. The only tables left that could fit them all were the Hogwarts tables. Everyone agreed that Roman could pick the table so of course he picked Gryffindor which was the busiest.
Roman and Logan sat on one side, Logan wedged between Roman and a stranger. Roman insisted on sitting on the edge so that he could leave quickly to sing. Virgil sat on the end for the same reason, minus the singing. He also didn’t like the idea of being sardined next to a stranger. Logan wasn’t particularly fond of it either, but he knew that he’d have more space once Roman left, unlike Patton and Virgil who’d remain squished, so he didn’t complain... Much.
The menus were presented in rolled up scrolls. Virgil thought that was a nice touch. Roman informed his friends that each section of the restaurant had a specialised menu themed on what fandom they were from, except the Hogwarts section where the food was a big mix and match of everything. Roman's boss was the coolest.
Roman only ordered a drink, yet his still took the longest to order as his drink order was so unnecessarily complicated: warm milk with about one eighth of a cup of honey, a spoonful of sugar (a line that he sung, to which Virgil commented about how he really chose to be as extra as possible whenever he was given the opportunity), 3 drops of vanilla extract and several drops from a fresh lime.
The waitress sighed, "Roman, you know we don't stock any limes."
Roman smiled and threw the waitress, Mandy, a lime he brought out from his pocket. Seriously, what? Where did he get the lime from? Had he bought it before his manicure and had it in his pocket the whole time?
Mandy laughed, pocketing the lime. She continued to take their orders as if this was normal.
Mandy seemed to be used to Roman's stupid antics. If Virgil got a customer as annoying as Roman, he'd probably quit right then and there. Roman claimed the drink readied his throat for singing which was fair, except Virgil was sure plain water or milk would do fine. He was just being fussy.
The two vegetarians with glasses both ordered salads and vegetarian burgers. Logan ordered a green tea too. There was some boring reason for his choice that he'd explained to the rest, and the waitress, but Virgil had been really interested in his napkin while he was explaining and missed it.
Patton also ordered a regular burger for Virgil and hot chocolates for the both of them. Virgil had actually wanted a soda, but Patton thought a hot chocolate was more appropriate for the late hour. Virgil wasn’t going to protest.
The restaurant began to fill up in anticipation of Roman singing, but their food still came relatively quickly. It was delicious too. Everybody wolfed down their food and was finished before Roman's performance, except from Roman
"Logan, what time befalls us?" Roman asked dramatically, pointing at Logan's watch, as if he didn't have his phone in his hand.
"This watch shows the time in Greenland which I doubt would be of much use to you, however..." Logan briefly brought out his phone, "In our current time zone, the time would be four minutes to nine."
"Thanks teach." Roman said, sliding himself of of the bench. He slid his drink over to Virgil, "It's best when warm but I'm sure you'll still love it. Enjoy!"
Roman pranced off behind the bar and through a door before Virgil could protest. Virgil looked cautiously at the drink. Who knew what illness that drama queen could be hosting? Still, Virgil was curious.
He picked up the mug, discreetly warming it in his hands. Then, he sipped. Admittedly, despite being as obnoxious as it was, it was really good. Sweet enough to satisfy Virgil's sweet tooth, but not so sweet that he thought he'd have to schedule a dentist appointment straight afterwards. That lime really added a nice tang.
Virgil was brought back to attention by a gentle tap on the shoulder. Patton barely touched him, yet still received a static shock and shocked (in the less literal sense) Virgil. 
"Sorry," he whispered, "But look!"
Taglist: me, myself, I
Chapter 1:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
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el-and-hop · 6 years
🌿ask game🌿
tagged @janes-mike ❤️ Thanks AJ!
• 1. have you ever been in love? I love my best friends @jane-el-hopper and @thezoomermax because i love them and they are the greatest people in my life
• 2. who is your favorite artist? visual art: Seurat or Monet, but musical artist is a tie best ween Jack Antonoff and Brian Fallon because they’re both east coasters and fucking cool.
• 3. what is your favorite music genre? I literally listen to everything? Shuffle my library and its classical next to norwegian black metal. but if we’re being honest, i have a lot of pop punk and 2000′s alt rock. it’s the musican in me.
• 4. have you ever had a penpal? I don’t think so unless you count people you haven’t met but text all the time
• 5. are you single or in a relationship? Kraft Single American Cheese Slice
• 6. what color are your eyes? dark brown 
• 7. what is your favorite word? word i say the most? fuck. favorite word? facetious. (it just describes me)
• 8. what’s the color of your hair? basically black but totes brown in the light
• 9. what is your favorite color? gryffindor red but also gray and yellow and light blue and like shit idk lets go with red
• 10. any tattoos? i want to get something in morse code because apparently teachers aren’t allowed to have big ones on their arms. 
• 11. what is your favorite flower? sunflowers. 
• 12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person? They have to have a dark sense of humor, be able to laugh at themselves and me, they have to not be afraid to be human, and they have to be someone that i can talk to for hours.
• 13. who was your first crush? first crush was a girl from elementary school named shannon and we played house and i kind of maybe day dreamed about life with her but it was like 3rd grade so you know how third graders be
• 14. do you wear glasses? all the fucking time. i wore contacts but they don’t fit my aesthetic
• 15. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean? the pool is where it’s at. I have a fear of open water where i cant see the bottom or see any place where there’s ground. it just fucking nope no thank you
• 16. what is your favorite social media app? Tumblr. I do’t use anything else. i mean i have an instagram but i havent posted in years.
• 17. what is your sexuality? Bi
• 18. do you have any siblings? I have an older sister and a younger brother! 
• 19. where do you want to travel to? I want to see some of the national parks in california via a cross country road trip and maybe go to europe and see a lot of the old architecture and history as well.
• 20. who do people say you look like? (celebrity/family member) I look like harry potter/daniel radcliffe because of the glasses and the hair and all that. and lucy says i look like alfonso herrera ajksdhfjka
• 21. who is your best friend? see #1
• 22. what is your dream job? i’d like to be a teacher with a big ass office with books and then travel all the time during the summers. maybe open a food truck as well.
• 23. do you know how to drive? yep! I drive a stick which most dont anymore and it always surprises people when i give them rides
• 24. are you a feminist? I try to be given the circumstances.
• 25. what is your birth month? february
• 26. do you enjoy reading? I’m an English teacher. 
• 27. have you ever dyed your hair? no. never will.
• 28. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom? you know how like in some houses people have random photos framed of jesus hanging on their walls, and like its just really really random? I have a bb-8 photo hanging above my dest
• 29. surfing or skateboarding? i wish i was the skateboard kind. All my friends growing up were but i never bought one so i just pretended to know what i was doing
• 30. how tall are you? 5′8. Im on the short side for my family.
• 31. do you want kids? YES!!!!! if i got to choose i’d have twins, boy and girl. but also i want to adopt if the times right (or if i marry a dude and thats how shit goes down too)
• 32. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why? I’d go back to 1600 and see Shakespeare in his hay-day because that’d be fucking sick and also i’d get sick. double whammy
• 33. hugs or kisses? Hugs, they’re life’s rainbows. also you can’t cry sad tears while kissing someone for an extended period of time.
• 34. have you ever done drugs? Yes. Many.
• 35. what color are your nails if they’re painted? technically i have amethyst ink on my fingers, so purple nails?
I’m gonna tag @jane-el-hopper @thezoomermax @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @hannahberrie
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magalamantle · 7 years
SO THIS IS... a really long post of a bigass ask meme, all the answers, about a fallout oc!!! ummm for warnings. #violence #alcohol #alcoholism #drug abuse ?
IM LIKE INFINITELY SORRY if this is just long, and the whole dash, on like, mobile or anything, i got carried away and had a lot of fun with it um,,,,
OK SO TO START OUT a quick summary of this character: marion tremblay, 26 years old, they/them pronouns, a courier six (but i might write them into a non-six role idk) with Sight Gone Wrong. imagine savestates, but the character only experiences the "canonical" ie last save. so they go from neutral to knowing exactly how to process a situation, but it causes a LOT of stress on them, including an incredibly distinctive negative feeling when a "save" occurs and nightmares depicting all the plays gone wrong. in addition, the successful path isnt always harmless, and often leads to heavy injury - just not death. not to mention the fact that the successful path doesnt always help people theyre trying to help, just them.
marion is incredibly stressed and doesnt get it, runs into danger and knows exactly what to do, doesnt know why, doesnt understand how it all adds together, and doesnt understand to maybe take it a little slower. then again, when they try to chill out and live normally the nightmares just get worse and worse. so basically they self medicate to dull the dreams a bit and it just makes everything even more stressful.
theyre a courier/jack of all trades/mercenary type that uses a recharger pistol, and has no self of self preservation. is struggling, indulges often, and is impossibly easy to charm. does things for the fuck of it, anxious, hesitantly affectionate, eventually very protective and supportive, childish and constantly tired lol.
anyway heres the questions!!!
Which Fallout game are they from? new vegas :Y
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why? they end up joining the ncr - they have plans and intentions to go for a free vegas, but realize eventually that the ncr is probably a lot closer to a safe vegas than they were before. kind of insists that the people get a say in things.
DOES have enough time to basically fuss with all the families on the strip and various societies - basically destroys the omertas, takes a long time and a lot of trauma to fix the situation of the white glove society, keeps house alive but out of power which basically really fucks marion up for a long long time, they then spend a million years slowly working their way into the brotherhood of steel to try to get them to kind of... not be involved anymore, same with the khans
they dooooo clear out vault 3 entirely though
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? str 4; per 8; end 5; cha 4; int 7; agi 3; luk 9. peep that luck bro
Give us a summary of their backstory. OK SO... marion was part of a pretty biggish family closer up north, just kind of, they did business and were vaguely well off. they were always pretty pretentious and loved reading books n shit, tinkering with tech, so their parents were v happy with it. then around the age of thirteen their sight started kicking in, which manifested itself at first as just like a really heavy uneasy feeling whenever something was about to happen, and later kind of... worked itself into what it is now. anyway, they didnt cope very well with it and ended up fucking up a lot of relationships and things when they booked it at about seventeen.
at which point they kind of became a jack of all trades, constantly travelling, settling generally in the mojave. courier mostly at first, then eventually also a mercenary when the business started booming. they constantly had like, at least a couple dozen things going on, so occasionally they would forget a job or two. but considering their sight, they more or less had the ability to go into places that literally no one else could and come out bruised and bloodied but alive. so generally? business was good.
they did a lot of putzing around the strip, helped the followers a bit, etc. just generally has a little bit of history in most parts of the mojave.
after they got shot they forgot some... importantish things, but anyway they eventually fucked off, got ed-e, wandered around, rescued raul+visited him until they eventually just invited him along.
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em? marion tremblay - a quebecois name basically, uh pretty much their family line came from canada pre annex and were bitter about it.
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people? theyre nonbinary, just kind of, everythings a mess. nothing is definite. they have bigger stuff going on lol. just accepts whatever theyre labelled, but will explain if pressed
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope? uhhh technically they have... some sort of flashbacks, from their sight, that gives them really horrible nightmares. they definitely self medicate its pretty bad. of course they dont really associate their habit of running into danger with their anxiety and attacks and shit, so they basically end up dissociating and confused most of the time, and figure thats just the way it is. and drink. gestures
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them? nah marions got nothing. theyre surprisingly physically healthy considering the fact that theyre basically useless physically
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe? they care just as little about bathing as most people in the mojave, but appreciate the ability to wash their hair - comb it pretty regularily. it gets really bad and knotted if they dont
What do they fear the most? their shitty vision failing to manage to do anything for people they love. its done it before
They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw? their total lack of self-preservation and knowledge of self. like theyll do unhealthy stuff and get totally confused why they feel like shit, dont understand that running into things carelessly is what is making them constantly anxious and depressed, and they think that their inability to talk to people is what is fucking things up
What are they most insecure about? they pretty much lack any insecurity. they know theyre pretty bad at talking to people, but theyre not so much nervous about it as just dont really like doing it
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders) most bugs actually. since their sight kind of just keeps them from dying, it usually keeps them from dealing with deathclaws at all - but hanging around cazadores and getting poisoned just kind of means downing so many bottles of water and antivenoms, and it fucking Hurts. plus they just find the way they move really really disgusting lol
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus) mnmnnmn pisces sun. taurus moon. 
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ) infp lol
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw) gonna say hufflepuff because theyre a big softie when it comes to people they actually do like
Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic) uh probably instinct? i think thats the yellow one right? 
Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest? theyre really good with math and rhythm - not quite as good with interpersonal stuff, or intra for that matter. they dont know shit about themself lol. theyre really good at science stuff in general, though - comes from fiddling with that sort of shit
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
im not too good at pinning down characters, but honestly somewhere between chaotic good and true neutral. will help people, sure, for a price - or if they seem really really desperate. dislikes copious rules but wont go out of way to topple rules so long as they seem more or less fair
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
they play harmonica! they like to think up songs, make harmonies to the songs on the radio. when they were little they liked to fuss with math puzzles and science shit but lost a lot of the focus as their sight got stronger, stopped being able to sit still long enough to really work on stuff. they like to fuss with ed-e sometimes lol. upgrades n stuff. polishin him
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it? when marion was more into consistent courier-ing, they liked pretty much any holiday that people sent gifts to each other. good for business, it was nice to see people so happy, PLUS people always tipped really well and gave them free food n stuff out of thankfulness.
What’s their favorite season? autumn, mostly - most fair weather. loves the winter when theres no storms or anything - nice to wear lots of layers of clothing and have it be appropriate.
Do they have a temper or are they level headed? pretty level headed, but when they lose their temper they sound kind of ridiculous because their voice gets really high and they??? talk like???? this?????? and theres a lot of gesturing.
they dont really so much lose their temper when they go into combat situations simply because they tend to go from zero to everyones dead, pew pew pew. it does happen sometimes in really tough, long situations, but as it turns out being angry doesnt really make your laser pistol shoot any better or harder Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings? theyre so un-in-tune with their own feelings that they tend to not understand why or what theyre feeling. so its not so much hiding as like ????!??!!?!?!?!?
Are they a leader or a follower?
a leader out of necessity.
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make? creepy. first impression is generally that theyre very businesslike, probably too frail to complete a job. “whys this person being so nice when they look like they want to eat me”
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any? they basically never travelled with a companion until recently. started traveling with ed-e, basically just because he makes sounds when things are happening, eventually found raul and after a good couple times of going back to him to get their laser pistol fixed just kind of invited him to come along. didnt realize he wouldnt be able to fix their pistol on the way lol
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation? they have the ability to be pretty selfless for the most part since theyre pretty well off from all the work they did before getting shot in the head. on the other hand, theyre not really used to hanging out with other people so theyre kind of selfish when it comes to food n stuff, at least until they got sassed enough for it
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction) they usually like people with silver tongues and wide shoulders
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love? they basically do not flirt. they dont register flirting, either. its pretty easy to charm them, but marion is not... a charming person
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship? listen i made the with the almost exclusive purpose of dating raul so. interested lol
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence? diplomatically. they generally dislike having to actually, be in danger, but theyre really not charismatic so it usually ends up resorting to either violence, or very well-backed up threats
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak? they are TOTAL SHIT at sneaking, for like no reason. theyre just... really not athletically inclined. their strategy is usually run and gun, dont stop moving, ABS - always be shooting. turns out when you have a rechargeable gun and the luck of the devil, it doesnt matter how many bullets you take as long as you win lol
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them? recharger pistol!!! they also carry a tiny bowie knife just in case. mostly used to cut plants off stems and cut meat off things. its a whole experience
Their most prized possession? pretty much everything they own is replaceable. the harmonica is nice, cause it pretty much still works entirely, but its definitely not super special or anything. theyd still sell it for a nice meal though
Their thoughts on power armor? a nice idea, but full heavy armor makes it kind of difficult to travel large distances, especially over mountains n shit
Favorite armor/ outfit? gecko-backed leather armor, plus a shitty hood they slapped on top of it. they think it looks so cool, plus its plain enough that its comfortable. they really want a tux lol
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun? a gun? yes. a laser pistol? no. the second things have like, physical bullets in it, they get super stressed. using lasers instead of pistols or bullets allows a certain level of, like, disconnection from the situation.
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily? they really hate it. but honestly they get worse nightmares if they dont keep doing things, like constantly. they prefer to not really have to kill people, so tend to like... threaten and bluster their way through things pretty often. they wont chase down a fleeing enemy unless theyre really super in the zone
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it) definitely fear. they pretty much cant die, so theyre pretty confident about it, but its mostly because they manage to disconnect so much from situations that it basically just gives them night terrors. like i said before, complete disconnection from their own emotions. basically a whole lot of marions problems could be fixed by accepting that maybe running into danger is a bad idea, even if they basically cant die.
tl;dr, they think they accept it, but 100% fear
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home? they move around SO much. marions pretty much been on the move since they turned 17, constantly doing just about anything they could get their hands on. a million jobs all at once
What’s their favorite location? the strip. they pretty much used to spend most of their spare time down there - loved the food at the ultra luxe, the booze n drugs at gomorrah, and the music company and games at the tops. a couple days of throwing caps down the drain, followed by doing a bunch of odd jobs in the area is a good way of spending a whole week. then, once they had enough messages and packages and people to kill/find, theyd take off again
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral? marion kind of sees themself in feral ghouls. impossible to kill, but at what cost, etc etc. very angsty. thinks ghoul voices are actually kind of pretty
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them? combination. scavenges what they can, buys the rest. when youre as lucky as they are when finding bullets and bits, you definitely have enough caps for everything else. since theyre shit at repairing, they always get their equipment repaired while out
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track? they definitely amble. long term plans are definite, but when you have maybe five jobs happening at once it doesnt hurt to step aside and grab a new one on the way
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere? they tend to get themself pretty blitzed to be able to sleep with few dreams. as a result they can pretty much sleep anywhere, but theyre pretty fitful about it
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse) they used to like butcher pete but got pretty tired of it after a good, long amount of time. now they think aint that a kick in the head is super funny. since they got shot in the head.
theyre okay with literally every radio station, but likes black mountain radio a lot even though its a lot weirder than it was before. theyre really not sure if the people on the radio are uh ok but uh. makes it a point to eventually check that out.
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook? they fucking LOVE fresh fruit - trail mix is a huge fave, nd theyll pay pretty much any amount of money for it, especially since it keeps pretty well. theyre also a fan of like, gourmet shit, since they have the money to spend on it. good steaks are nice. theyre pretty picky, but they usually have a pretty good supply of long-keeping foods to eat on the road. they cant really cook that well though
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol? vodka is a fave. gets them real drunk real fast. a long time ago they managed to trade for some nuka-cherry and its basically their favourite thing in the whole world??????? has a weird distaste for sunset sarsaparilla and gives it all to raul
Do they have any tag skills? energy weapons, science, medicine. really good with e.weapons, more than decent with science, pretty good with medicine. mostly out of patching self up.
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads) Caps Lol. nah but really they pick up anything that seems interesting to sell. they do have a big intention to buy the unique recharger pistol but its never in stock whenever they go to the kiosk
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them? theyre pretty shitty at getting traps, but their luck is amazing with it. they can pretty much walk through a minefield just fine. like running through is safer than trying to disarm, because when you run through a minefield you either die or you dont - when you try really delicately you might blow some important bits up, but you wont die lol
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jungksbih · 7 years
so i got tagged by @vernaegi to do this challenge n since ive been really lazy w those stuff i should probably do this one
so all you have to do is answer some questions n tag 20 mutuals you wanna know a bit better!
nicknames: ash (short for ashley), cheesy (i love cheese) shlee (short for ashley)
gend: cis fem
star sign: gemini
height: 5′3
time rn: 8:08 am
last thing i googled: honestly monsta x lyrics
favorite bands: ummmm the 1975, tame impala, cage the elephant, rage against the machine, one ok rock (ya im an emo kid), i cant think of others unless u consider kpop groups bands
fave soloists: banks, nao, sade, chance the rapper, kendrick lamar, dean, jay park, hyuna, eric nam, tablo, gallant, tyler the creator, etc.
song stuck in my head: dunk shot by nct dream and the guy version of pick me up
last movie i watched: moana
last show i watched: blue exorcist season 2
when did you create ur blog: i created it like....a week ago
what do you post: im a multifandom kpop blog so if i stan the group i post the group
when did your blog reach its peak?: uh i dont think it did yet since im still new but i think im doin pretty well for a week yr old newb
do you have other blogs: no none that are active
do you get asks regularly: um only if i post ask thingies but other than that no
why did you choose your url: because its similar to my ig username
following: 219
posts: 1,287
hogwarts house: uh i got ravenclaw the first time but the second time i got gryffindor
pokemon team: i dont play pokemon go i did for like a week but i cant remember which team i was on
fave colors: yellow red n blue
avg hours of sleep: like 8
lucky numbers: 9
fave characters: rin okumura, deku midoriya, kei nagai
what am i wearing now?: dark red leggings, retro reeboks, a black n white striped t shirt n some crusty tan jacket n a thick black choker.
how many blankets do u sleep w: about 5
dream job: choreographer but i also wanna be a clinical psychologist
dream trip: 2 every country in the world
im tagging: idk who to tag it probs wont b 20 ppl bc my mind is dead rn uh @02gguk @5ope @rollinmv @1kth @chogiwarrior thats all i can think up rn u dont have to do it if u dont want to !
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you-gi-hoe · 7 years
Tagged by @reijiakabutt 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better 
Nickname: Mari/Ari 
Star Sign: Aquarius 
Height: 5′2 maybe 5'3?? 
Time right now: 6:10 pm 
Last thing i googled: “traumas" I was trying to get over a fear of mine earlier in the day.... 
Fave music artist: I don't have just one, there are sooo many! 
Song stuck in my head: That dope opening from Kiznaiver "Lay Your Hands On Me." 
Last movie i watched: Resident Evil (my cousin really loves that movie) 
Last tv show watched: I don't have TV service but does Netflix count? If so, the last series I watched is "The OA" 
What are you wearing right now: denim jeans, long sleeved shirt and a black sweater 
When did you create your blog: uhhh spring of 2015?? 
What kind of stuff do i post: yugioh or at least I try to, it's mostly personals and aesthetic shit nowadays (if you have followed me since day one, you know I wasn't always like this lol) 
Do i have any other blogs: no but I used to Do i get asks regularly: no because NO ONE CARES (eh I don't mind tbh) I do get messages a lot though 
Why did i choose my url: One morning I was eating some shit that I can't remember but I was eating. Keep in mind that I was depressed and sick during this time so my cognitive abilities were low. Then out of nowhere I thought to myself 'bitch, if you make a new blog on tumblr (I had one at that time and it's still out there, if you're interested to know how bad I was back then go check out @indian-patrol I STILL CANT BELIEVE IS STILL HERE. I haven’t put my eyes on this since I left back in 2015 so you might find some secrets of my life. followed by other sick things and maybe know and see some of my ex friends, be waned. ) you will get away from all the toxic people (irl fake people I used to know) you're following on this account. Anyways, I wanted a new blog to get a fresh start from all the people I was surrounded by. So yeah, I've always liked YGO and since I called myself a hoe back then and I still do. I was like 'why don't I combine my two favorite things together? YES THATS GENIUS' and tadaa! This blog was born.
Gender: Female 
Hogwarts house: uhh gryffindor did I spell that right
Pokemon team: haven't played the recent games so I'm outdated
Favorite color: every single color except yellow, the color of pee. 
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 I should sleep more though 
Favorite character(s): a lot. 
How many blankets do i sleep with: 1 maybe that's why I get sick
Dream job: DUDE OK I want to one of those people who hunt down UFOS and travel the country in search for evidence then get tracked down by the FBI and the men in black. Yeah that would be nice.  
Following: 298 
Followers: 1,184 
Tagging: @kitameguire @xyzbuddies @mutt-online @actuallyredeyes @kakakuroo
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boyitspasturbedtime · 7 years
i’m procrastinating
i am avoid work right now, yes. kudo the kid dropped a song. i’ve been listening on repeat. i am. i am. people ask me how i am. i say “i am” they look at me. they are expecting me to go on. i don’t go on. i hold the suspension. i am... they look, and they laugh. “i am?” chuckle chuckle. “yup” i make eye contact so they know i’m being serious. fuck group thinking. have your own opinions. have reasons for your opinions. i don’t care about how other people view me. but i like being nice. i like saying hi. i like trying to talk to someoneone and see things from their perspective. it’s completely knew. every view they have was reach a different way. they are so special and i want to know why they are special. i want to write about them. what is reputation? i don’t think people can think the same way. i don’t think anyone can have the same exact thought. there are different reasons. “are you a gryffindor?” “yeah, how could you tell?” “your shirt” ... i was wearing my red shirt. it has two yellow stripes. i don’t know how i got it. it just appeared in my closet one day. as with all of my clothes. i let them do their thang. i let people give me gifts. none of my clothing is actually my clothing. i don’t go and buy my own clothes. everyone else is so eager to do it for me. i might as well let them. you don’t get to choose what experiences you have, but you get to choose what you take away from them. i didn’t choose the clothes i have, but i choose which clothes to wear. yay that totally connects. im tired. i want to sleep. im stressed. i want to relieve that stress. im insecure about people reading what i write. that’s not true. i love when people read what i write. i love it sooo much. i love writing. i love making an impression. sometimes i think about my funeral. i think about how many people will attend. sometimes i think about dying. but what stops me is that i can’t die yet. i have to get more people at my funeral. i used to get stressed during track season. i would think about getting in a car crash so i didnt have to run. so i didn’t have to create. but i can’t do that to myself. i can’t limit myself from achieveing greatness. i can’t stop myself from winning. i am obesessed with winning. i want to win at everything. i want to succeed. i can’t stop winning. i can’t stop being me. that scares me. i am trapped in my mind. there is no way out. i can’t stop being me. i have to be me all day. every day. i have to do things i do. i can’t be anyone else. im not allowed to switch. it’s hard. i want a break. i want to be someone else for a while. i want to do what i want. fuck. im being me again. im writing. thats what i would do. what is something i wouldnt do. i need to do that. im not too big on one night stands. i need to do that now, just to do it. just to not be me. i need to experience it. like anal sex. try it and realize that you didn’t do the preparation. you are way to big for that hole. you don’t like the smell. hey, you did it. now you know that your penis hurts if you try that. and it smells like shit. zamn. sex. i havent done that thing. i have this thought that one day, im just going to have it nonstop. like, i don’t see it in my near future, but hey, i see it. “you look like a guy who would have a zippo lighter” “yeah, actually, i do” he was right. he made an assumption and it was correct. it didn’t hurt me. it didn’t compliment or insult me. it just was correct. is that bad? are all assumptions bad? is judging bad? i am constantly moving through life. i can’t stop the judgement that follows me. i have a cloud over my head of what people want me to be. i hav their biases. i have their facts. i have their opinions. i am stress. i guess so. i have power and i know it. i have looks. i know i look ways. i know people care about me. one of my professors emailed me to check up on me. it touched my heart. she cared about me. she wanted me to succeed. she helped me. all you have to do is ask. honest is the best policy. tell the truth. hatred is a misunderstanding. anger is when you can’t explain something. violence happens because it makes you feel good. it is an answer. it is a reaction. stop reacting and respond. use your brain. open yourself. write a fucking book. choose something. IT”S GUNNA SUCK. it will be so bad. it will be shit on a page. do it. poop it. let it happen. then ask for help, and you’ll get it. people want to help you. goddammit. can’t you see that by now? haven’t you been through enough? GOD DaMmiT. the best way to get a hug is to ask for a hug. im asking. will you give me a hug? please. im so lost. im scared. im confused. please hug me. tell me things are going to be better. hold me. take away my cold. make me warm. please. im surronded by the hate. im surrounded by torment. help me. let me help you. let me show you how great i am. who said that? mohammad ali. idk spelling. no one is going to read this, so it doesn’t matter anyway. im allowed to make as many mistakes as i want. there is no reprocussion. yay. i have opinions. i have strong opinions. i can’t see myself not taking a stance. i have to stand up for what i believe in. i have to try. i onlyhave one shot. i have to live with myself at the end of the day. i have to look in the mirror. i brush my teeth and i look into my eyes. these are the only eyes i was given. they are very unclear. blurry. i have terrible vision. go away. i can’t see me. you can’t see me. i have to see me. i can feel me. i need to dance. i need to wowk. ive been working all day, but i still need to work.i don’t have time. but i have to make time. i have to let myself write. i look forward to having free time. maybe i will write my book then. maybe ill get a draft. it doesn’t have to be long. i think i know what i want it to be about. i have to be a girl though. i have to pretend to be a girl. i have to say she when i would normally say he. i have to change who i am. ihave to grow into someone new. seana is going to be here this weekend. mike is happy. shit she’s coming TODAY. Mike has gotta be losing it right now. he is away from her all the time. how long until i actually do my work? how long until i can make an impact? i made david smile today. is that my purpose? if i can make one person smile, then i think im doing pretty well. if i can make onegood thing happen a day, then maybe i’ll offset all the turmoil ive caused. not everyone understands. not everyone overstands. fukc fuck. i like working with people. i like people. i need to find more people. i wanto to talk to people. hopefully, people want to talk to me. i am more the approacher. people don’t come to talk to me, so i go talk to people. i make the plans. i schedule because people wouldnt do it without me. just certain instances. i am the planner in most of my friend groups. most of my friends suck at planning, so i take over. one time i had a friend of mine plan something because he wanted to do something and i was indifferent. he asked me to plan. i said no. he failed miserably at doing the thing. he pleadedfor me to plan it for him. i planned it. it all worked out. you just gotta give people incentive. i guess im good at that. im good at getting a group of people into a room. im good at talking. im good at communicating. im good at procrastinating my homework by writing. i officicalljkanfjdnaly made a full cycle, so this thought must be complete. going to do homework now. 
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