#I don’t have anywhere else to post cute pics so here u go
honeyyglaze · 1 year
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chimtaera · 4 years
imagine model namjoon.
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ok let’s not kid ourselves
boy’s already a model
he’s got the body.
got the looks.
what can i say, he’s no super model (too clumsy), but he get’s around with the more diverse castings yanno
probably got started on instagram,
with his #kimdaily outfits
which are sometimes just chill, pretty, sporty, casual, cool
and other times completely wacky and just ??? how did you even think to wear those ??? at the same time?? together ???
he always looks good tho
but some looks will give you whiplash. ur warned.
but that’s part of his appeal tbh
hhhh probably gains a lot of popularity when one of those more ‘out there’ outfits circulates on twitter or reddit and people are like “hOW does he make that work??? why does it look good??? is he just that hot??”
the answer is yes.
from there he builds a solid following.
for his great looks, great fashion sense, and his 4am instagram stories that are just a black pic with like a three paragraph text about how rain might feel if it had feelings.
also, solid music recommendations omg 
you probably make ur own spotify playlist with just his recommendations.
ok ok so you best bELIEVE when this boy finally gets cast for a show he’s gonna fall on his ass and go viral
claim to fame baby
probably becomes a meme and rolls with it tbh
like he’ll share the memes in his story, so as not to ruin the ・゚:*aesthetic*:・゚and react to them and shit
but then also get on live and talk at length about how faceplanting on the catwalk impacts your self-esteem, how he’s habit he could benefit positively from such an embarrassing moment, and how there’s a lesson for everyone here, and that he hopes all our embarrassing moments may in some way benefit us one day.
he’s such a sweetheart im-
so you might be a stylist?
a hair stylist?
makeup artist?
fellow model?
whatever you’re comfortable with.
you definitely see him on instagram first tho
you came for the memes but are super impressed with his profile and end up staying for the music.
...... and him.
he’s hot, come on.
also 90% of networking is done on instagram these days let us be real.
okay so oNE DAY, or like late evening, who cares
he post a music recommendation and you’re like !!!!!!!!
it’s that low key indie band with like only one EP out that you found on some obscure spotify playlist and you’ve been jamming to since october
and apparently namjoon has too because they’ve released a new single and you didn’t even know ????
and you’re so excited your fingers slip and oopsie you’ve sent a short but rambling message explaining exactly that into his DM’s
instant regret.
then the anxiety bubbles up in you.
and then you calm yourself and convince yourself that he gets a LOT of messages he probably won’t even see yours, so it’s fine it’s fine it’s-
next morning you have a reply
a new follow
yikes, you didn’t even have time to give your feed a spring cleaning
you just like his short “ikr!!!!”, too mortified to reply.
alas, the regrets!
but also
the butterflies.
then you see him at an event one time.
it’s fashion week, you’re hecking busy and about to leave because it’s like midnight and you’ve got places to be tomorrow
but it’s always so strange to see people from insta irl like ??? all those dimensions??? you really be lookign like that ??? damn.
once you’ve stared long enough to be certain that’s actually what he looks like (so handome!!! so tall!!!! wtf!!!! who allowed this??) you turn to leave just as he glances up and cetches your eye for like the tiniest fraction of a second
and you hightail it outta there and hope to heaven he doesn’t know you were staring.
but he likes your pic from the party the next morning and you almost choke on your coffee and the lump in your throat stays there all day
and you’re like, am i?? catching feelings ??? for the catwalk faceplant guy??? you’ve never even talked to the man smh
he’s fucking hot tho.
so, fashion week ends and with it comes another party
you can finally relax, celebrate, wind down from the long week.
you’re talking to some designer about their next project and they’re going on about this instagram dude who’s already on board when they start waving someone over like “hey hey, there he is, y/n have you met kim namjoon yet?”
you turn around you’re like !!!!! fuck. he’s so much taller up close.
“hey, no, yeah, no, but i’ve seen you on, uh, on instagram. i think.” smooth, y/n.
after introductions, the designer gets pulled along into some other conversation and you and namjoon are kinda awkward for a minute.
you just sip your drink like ‘fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck aaaaaaa’
but then he asks you easy questions about what you do and what you’ve been working on this week and it’s the same thing you’ve been talking about with everyone you’ve met this week so it goes pretty smoothly
he makes it easy for you, like he’s very attentive, nods along enthusiastically asking follow-up questions and seems genuinely interested in your work it’s so nice! he’s so nice!
and you ask him the same things you’ve asked everyone else this week like you haven’t seen everything on his instagram already.
actually you’ve missed a few things since you’ve been so busy and your interest is genuine, before you know it the two of you are at a table and getting along like a house on fire, showing each other pics from the week.
he asks you send him a pic from one of the shows he didn’t get to see and when he do he’s sees your old messages and is like ?? oh !!
i mean, he totally knew it was you, but he had forgotten the part about that obscure indie band and the new single, so he shows you!
you’ve been following them even closer since then so you know they’re playing a gig in like two weeks and you tell him.
turns out he’s missed this info because of fashion week and he’s super excited!! you guys have to go together!!!¨
“i mean, we don’t have to- it’s just, i don’t know anyone else who listens to them, i could probably go alone, but, you know, it would be cool-”
and of course you’ll go with him, so you two exchange numbers and end up texting the next two weeks.
at first you’re just making tentative plans to meet and go to to the gig, but then there’s a gallery opening the same day, and you know this realy good thrift shop nearby that he should check out, and you guys should get dinner before because namjoon knows this really cool place and-
and it’s a date.
namjoon has every intention to kiss you that night after the gig, but he wants to ask you first and he’s not sure exactly how so he’s just like “um ??? can i ??? uhhh ?? do you ??? uh”
and ur like, “hey, namjoon, i really want u to kiss me, please?”
the rest is history.
you two are too cute, with your instagram aesthetic and lowkey couple outfits, and highkey couple pics, i’d follow.
you two would be gOALS, and it does wonders for both your careers tbh
omg imagine all the cool collaborations you two could do.
and eventually namjoon would go viral again when the paparazzi captures him spilling his coffee and your cute reaction.
but the best thing about dating model namjoon is he makes you your very own playlist.
and you get your very own story highlight with all the aesthetic pics he snaps of you just like buying milk and stealing his fries, and exploring the city on sundays afternoons, going vintage shopping and reading in the park, titled: “bae.” with every colour heart.
hyping each other in the comments always.
and the thirst omg
anyway, nsfw under the cut.
so you take it kinda slow at first because turns out namjoon has a huge crush on you and he lowkey can’t keep his hands off you but also wants to “date you properly”, whatever that means.
props to you if you get impatient with him and tease him a little, a thirst trap here, a netflix and chill there, sending a sexy song his way, or even better post it on your story for him to see.
if it doesn’t provoke him to action it’ll at least get him hard flustered, which is cute.
in the end joon is a soft boy and you can sit up all night talking, so you end up talking about sex long before having it.
and that just makes it all the more special tbh
and when it does happen, it’s like everything else the two of you do, a little awkward at first, a little clumsy, fumbly, but a lot of fun, and it’s namjoon, and you love namjoon. so, so much.
like it doesn’t matter if he accidentally bumps your nose, because he’ll apologise and the two of you will just giggle and continue. 
and he might pull your hair on accident, but that way you can admit to him that it’s.. kinda hot.
and when your teeth collide when you kiss it’s only because any amount of distance between you quickly becomes unbearable, and you both need each other so, so much.
imagine slow, lazy sunday morning snuggle fuck with namjoon.
and then later when you’re on a blanket in the park reading both your books he’ll get distracted, thinking about it, lean in close and tell you something ridiculous like he wishes you would wake him up by sitting on his face.
and imagine backstage heavy petting after a show, leaving the afterparty early, because you’re both buzzing with unrelieved tension and namjoon is very hard in his pants, pressing himself against you as you try to have a polite conversation with some influencer.
love, love, loooooves, watching you ride.
and he’ll go down on you for hours if you let him, honestly.
anytime, anywhere tbh
how did you get so lucky?
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2heartgirl · 4 years
If I wanted to get into playchoices how would I do it?
Getting into the Playchoices fandom is very easy! Playchoices as a tag refers to the Choices: Stories You Play app by Pixelberry Studios. It’s an app that hosts original visual novel stories with a big emphasis on romance options and branching paths. While I’m sure it’s not the first app of its kind it is what helped the big boom in popularity of apps similar to it like Storyscape (R.I.P.) and Episode which you may or may not remember used to make those really weird clickbait ads on tumblr:
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I’ve been a fan of Pixelberry since their previous simulation app games High School Story and Hollywood U and have been playing Choices since the first month it came out. The only thing you have to do to get into it is find stories you like and read/play through them! Outside of a few exceptions like direct sequels or the ability to recognize reused assets to save some money nearly every single story is self-contained so you don’t have to worry about finishing them all at once. They’ve built up a lot of content since the initial release and now if you start up a profile they’ll have a quiz at the beginning to point you in the right direction of what you want to read but down below are some of my recs. If you find you don’t enjoy a book don’t be afraid to stop playing and try something else!
It Live: Absolute favourite!!! The It Lives series in my opinion is the most dramatic books they’ve put out and the best written when it comes to the consequences of your choices. Each is an anthology series with a different cast that focuses on a monster living in the local area. Since it’s horror there are mentions of gore/people getting hurt and the big draw is that if you don’t make the right choices everyone in your friend groups can abandoned you or die. The series does come with trigger warnings at really big parts though. Also PB please give us It Lives 3 soon : (
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor: Very, very short but I still remember it fondly! The first horror story by PB you decide to spend the night in the infamous Braidwood Manor as a last ditch effort to recover from a car crash that’s haunted you for years.
Veil of Secrets: Only one book long but I really liked it! Your best friend goes missing minutes before walking down the aisle at her wedding and everything points to sabotage. Go around the seaside trying to unravel what happened as you try and rescue her and discover the dark secrets of the town (also this story has like the first major flash animation sequence at the reveal of [redacted] and everyone in the fandom lost their minds that day it was awesome) 
Endless Summer: Basically the Homestuck of Choices if it was also Lost. You and your college friends arrive to the tropical island you were suppose to enjoy a vacation on but soon realize that something is very, very wrong. You go around solving the mysteries of what happened while trying to find a way home. I can’t even describe most of the plot because of how many spoilers there are but it’s a wild ride.
The Elementalists: Love this one! One day at college you accidentally see a girl in your mirror and fall into a magical portal to a fantasy world. You are pushed to enroll at the local knock-off Hogwarts and discover with your new friends that something out there is trying to use you for its own purposes. I love the magic system and lore and the bonus scenes! One of the few stories where I went it knowing I would save diamonds to buy extra content.
The Crown & the Flame: Actually one of the first three books PB ever put out and even if its been years I still remember enjoying it a lot. Has a different flavour compared to most of the later stories in the app as you play as predetermined characters princess Kenna and her best friend Dominic who have just witnessed the fall of Kenna’s kingdom and work on opposite sides to build Kenna the army she needs to take her home back. Very ambitious with a lot of worldbuilding but a major con is that if you want the best outcomes you do have to spend a bit of diamonds to get them.
(As a disclaimer like nearly every single book has romance elements in it if not all of them so if you’re playing to kiss some cute PNG art you’ll have no trouble finding it lmao)
The Royal Romance: So popular PB gave in and wrote us the Royal Heir sequels. You’re a waitress in New York who accidentally encounters the prince of a faraway country having one last big party before getting married. The next day his friend sponsors you to become a potential suitor and are taken to his home to battle it out in court with princesses to win the prince’s hand. Obviously romance trope heavy it’s a really fun read and if you don’t want to marry a prince don’t worry, you got options here.
Rules of Engagement: Very old but I played this one religiously when it came out. You play as yourself and your three siblings on a summer cruise as you try and fulfil the requirements of your late grandmother’s will for her fortune. It can be very silly at times but the game seems aware of it and I named all of my characters something weird and got this amazing reaction image out of it.
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Those are just my recs but you can start nearly anywhere if you find something that interests you! As well keep in mind while every book can be completed for free the in-game currency of diamonds can be used to to purchase bonus scenes (usually one of your friends/love interests asking if you want to hang out for some alone time), better outfits/hair (usually it’s just for cosmetic purposes but better outfits for special occasions will net you more approval) and sometimes whole characters (The Heist: Monaco and Perfect Match both do this). I’m sure they give you some for free starting out but you can also earn up to five a day by watching ads. (Also before they increased the time refresh I saved up biggggg by doing them everyday during my work breaks and I’m posting a pic of my hoard just because I want to show off)
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That should be enough info for you to start out with so have fun playing!
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riskeith · 3 years
omg hi. sorry i disappeared for a few days, been super busy with school. i missed you a lot. how have you been?
i haven’t had the need to eat any food since i got barbara and noelle on my team. if one of them can’t shield, the other comes in a clutch haha. *bows* thank you ladies for your service.
i’d pay hard earned money to see fanart with the boy scouts playing with guoba.. :( and YEAH. that would be so fitting? + it’s gonna be liyue themed which is super nice. do you know any predictions over which four stars will be in xiao’s banner? and who do /you/hope will be there?
last time i played three days ago unlocked dragonspine.. i even did albedo’s quest i can’t believe i defeat that evil place sjshdksk. meaning i got so some primogems and some intertwined fate. i’ve been itching to use some of the intertwined fates to get xiangling c rate up... should i?
october 20 is such a cute bday. you know how some dates just look nice? that’s one of them shskdhs. i want to say my birthday too but i feel like if anyone reads our messages they’ll know who i am... sorry. you’ll have to wait for that information until we privately talk some day. big promise. 🤍
ooh. you kind of wing it too, then! in some ways. if you’re not feeling it do you leave the fic for the day after or give up on it for a while? (so many question... shut up @ me) i’m the same as you! but i also write sometimes in the day time and i feel like that’s when i produce my best work. yesterday i was at a cafe studying and during a break i just started writing a fic and for some reason it just flowed so nicely? so yeah idk skdjdhsk. whenever it strikes i suppose.
i do borrow my books sadly. i kind of have to because i don’t have anymore place to put my books (we live in a small apartment) and books are kind of expensive :( i don’t mind borrowing though because i don’t really reread books unless they’re super special so it’s fine. do you buy yours? I HAVE READ LEGEND. i read it waaaay back in grade school haha, it’s been ages ago. i’ve never seen anyone say it’s their favorite but i can see why you feel that way. it’s kind of underrated in the community for sure.
dude fuck... chongyun and xingqiu live in my mind rent free. i kid you not i just can’t stop thinking about those boys... please send me all the fanart you find i’ll literally give you my life for that <3
i just listened to the g-idle song and AAA? wtf? i used to really like them while i was into kpop and this is so nostalgic to me. i haven’t listened to kpop in literally years shdkdhdk. this song is great thank you for sending it, do you like g-idle? <3
WAIT ARE YOU MAKING A SECOND ACC? I WAS LITERALLY CONSIDERING DOING ONE IN ASIA FOR YOU... shdjdhdjshsjsj our minds. and yes i’m in american server... oh god. our co-op date can happen? 🥺 but if it’s too much work for you i’ve seriously actually considered doing one in asia for me i’m totally fine with starting all over so.. 🥺
god i’ve missed talking to you so much. once again i’m sorry for not being here, but hopefully after tomorrow’s exam school will be a bit more chill and i’ll be yours again.
hope you’ve been well babe. mwah!
hi!! that’s alright ahah, i assumed that was the case. i’ve been well!! and then not so well bc we weren’t talking 🤪 needless to say i’ve missed you a lot too <333
omggg QUEENS!!! i don’t have any healers but i don’t eat food either... LMFAO unless it’s a boss fight i’ll just keep going until i’m done with whatever it is then go heal at a statue fsdhfkdjs
!!! brb just gonna go get good at art so i can draw that for u 😩 i don’t have any predictions myself, but i’ve seen people say it’ll be ningguang + beidou + barbara possibly?? but of course, i would hope that xingqiu was there <3333 he can appear twice in a row come on mhy <3333 just think about that <333 and omggg i’d wish if chongyun came as well.. i really want to get him to c6 (but he was only two banners ago?) hbu do you have any thoughts on the matter~
AHAHAH good job im proud of you 😤😤 show that nasty place who’s boss!! if you want to, I don’t see why not! it’ll get you closer to pity as well so by the time venti is near, hopefully it won’t take you much to get him! lmk how it goes!!!! manifesting c6 xiangling for you 🔥
fhskdf thank you... is it weird to say i agree? FHDSKFHSDKFKJ like. 20/10 or 10/20... nice even multiples of ten numbers.. AHAHAH. no need to apologise at all!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 share whatever you’re comfortable with whenever you’re comfortable <33
hm it depends. (i just reaslised i said this exact phrasing last time too lmfao) i think i usually give up on it for a while? but sometimes i try to force myself through it too, just to get over that section so i can hopefully move on to a better one wait sorry i misread your question LOL. i usually leave it for the day as opposed to give up on it for a while! if i’m actively working on something i’d prefer to continue working at it slowly, even if the progress is just me opening the doc and then exiting after 5 mins fhdskj. are you the same? (NO!!! DO NOT SHUT UP @ YOU i never get to talk about writing processes pls im enjoying this a lot)
nice!! the vibes when writing during the day are sometimes better as well, bc it’s still light and stuff you’re not sitting in the dark or with a light on.. lol. it’s more ~natural~ & omg legendary... i love that for you!! on that note, do you usually study at school/cafes/libraries? i pretty much can only study at home, i hate doing it anywhere else. 
ahh that’s fair :( and yeah i agree books can get so expensive? like the authors def deserve to be compensated for all their hard work but damn lmao. oh that’s a good point! i do buy books yeah, and i don’t even necessarily reread them i just like having them on the shelf fhdskfd (there are many i haven’t even read for the first time... oops.) what ages do grade school cover? sorry i have no idea what that means fhsjfkshsdkjs the different names for education levels will never not confuse me. !! yeah i really wish legend was more popular aaaaa
here are some recent arts i’ve bookmarked!! (rip i should find one more so every word is linked but cbs hfskdhfs) i’m also considering making a genshin twitter! idk why i’m so averse to following these amazing accs on my normal account lmaoo but i’m also thinking of posting pics from the 52485 photoshoots i do with chongyun..
oh nice!!! i’m really happy you liked it 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah i do like g-idle but i don’t stan them! that’s me with most groups tbh fshkfjsd but i do watch most of their MVs when they first come out~
FSHFKJSDHFKSD wait what if.. this but it’s us surprising each other in the other’s servers <33 and if i’m telling you the truth... i kinda despise the idea of playing in am*rica server FHSDKJFHSDKFHSDKKDSHFKSDHKKJ but we could compromise and both start again in europe?? ahah let me know what you think! if you’re happy to just do one in asia tho that’s fine as well~ 
me too!! and no worries for real, school comes first!! (even if it fkn sucks... @ school i hate you. i say, when i’m still on holidays FHDSKJFJS) aaaa good luck on your exam!!! i hope you smash it 💪💪 
also um “and i’ll be yours again”??!?!?!?!? be still my beating heart 😩😩😩😩 i shall be waiting for you wifey hehe
hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!! kisses, c.r.
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celesjial · 5 years
han jisung growing up because for some reason we all seem to ignore this :)
our story begins with this child 👇👇
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this is the braces boy who attended def academy and tbh, he still looks 48030480 times better than i ever will so lets just stop to appreciate fetus jisung’s one piercing, braces, and his accentuated cheekbones bc they’re beautiful. let’s also appreciate his melanin and his awkward lil interview he did, which you can watch here if you’d like :). 
~ moving on! let’s start in 2017, with the survival show :) (also where i fell head over heels for this boy and still going strong today ✊✊) here he is in all his glory of the survival show :) 
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um. the cutest? honestly i’m not surprised this is the person i chose to stan? like hfakhdflkklahdf this was the day of the jyp vs. yg thing and lemme just say i was NOT okay after that episode. those tears were all induced by this lil sweetheart above :)
and while we’re on the topic of the survival show, let’s talk about the busking. here is han jisung during their first ever meeting with the fans “live show” busking, absolutely k i l l i n g it. :) 
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lets just? okay moving on SIGH lets enter the months of 2018. lets enjoy this gorgeousness at his best at a fansign in 2018. here’s a pic from one of the very first fansigns stray kids ever did in the beginning of january :) jisung in pink? a big yes. big big big big yes. 
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im not gonna mention the ears because you know what? no. i’m not putting myself through that. time skip tho, let’s head to february to this live fan meeting they did :) (jisung’s hellevator fancam on this date? is a must watch) click here to watch it full :) 
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i don’t get how a 17 year old could be this effortlessly ethereal? and this outfit? like uh huh? get it 17-year-old still predebut jisung GET IT :)  
ugh im going crazy i miss predebut days already buuuut let’s move on to their debut stage. gosh--i remember watching this and thanking the lord minho and felix were back-but that’s a story for another day. let’s all say hello to jisung’s red? purple? copper? copper with red and purple highlights? hair and his -- sigh-- infamous mullet days. ngl i kinda miss it, even though i really hated it when i saw it the first time. nonetheless, on to debut stage han jisung! (he wanted everyone to call him han, but i gave up on that because personally i think jisung is a very pretty name and im gonna use it :))
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you know what? dumbass mullet or not i still love him (all the mullet enthusiasts boutta attack me) 
moooooooving on from the debut stage, let’s talk about fansigns and jisung in the i am: not era. let’s just--i think this mightve been his realization that he’s just a softy boy and so he decided to take the cutest teeny lil pics possible, because here he is enjoying life at a fansign in april 2018 :)
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however, the colored hair didn’t stay for very long because we were back to dark pretty soon :) something we’ll later come to miss, you’ll see :) anyways, moving on to june and this legendary stage!
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this was jisung’s day and no one else’s. he murdered me, let me be buried, dug me up, and murdered me again and i was not o frickng kay. it was hot the day they performed and he was sweating like crazy and smiling and just wilding on stage and i had no words, lemme tell ya. y’all seeing him grow up yet? no? that’s okay, we’re getting there ;) let’s move on to a soft pic since i don’t think staring at this one for very long is good for your health kdhaljkfhdajhdf. 
so onto july 2018! here’s an airport pic of the day he got his drink stolen and started pouting like a lil baby. he’s gorgeous and adorable and his big blue shirt and hat and stuff ughhhh aljdhflka i dkkk. 
but here :)
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yes. just--yes. jisung in baby blue? yes. jisung anywhere anytime? yes. yes. yes. just---yes. :) 
let’s go ahead and move on to august, aka the month jisung decided it would be a great amazing time of the year to start murdering us all. let’s start off a lil bit smooth--here’s the day they were on stage and jisung decided it’d be a great idea to be crazy hot. 
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maybe i just got a thing for jisung in baseball caps, ya know? but maybe you’ll notice his hair starting growing longer here--and here we begin the era of the hottest person ever--long haired jisung. it is a phenomenon that no one can beat, not even get-cool era jisung because--well, you’ll see. 
prepare yourself. the next pic is not a fun one to go through, trust me. 
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i’ll let you have a moment. take your time, breathe, it’s okay :) i go through the same thing every time i see this photo, don’t worry. but hey, do you see the growing up now? if not, before we get into the real stuff, i suggest you scroll back up and compare that very first pic you saw to this one. see it now? yeah, i thought so. and we’re not done yet. 
say hello to blonde jisung! the jisung we’re gonna be seeing for a while--till the end of 2018, to be exact aljhadlkjfhadkjfhalkjdhf. this is just the beginning, kids. buckle up. 
let’s move on to the i am: who unveil--prepare yourself. none of the following pics are fun. none of blonde jisung is fun. i hate blonde jisung. 
here we go!
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yup. i am who jisung said move out of his way, because he is the king and no one can stop him. go ahead and admire him for a bit longer. we’re nowhere near finished yet. (PS DO YOU SEE THE GROWTH CHANGE YET BC I SEE IT BICH) 
anyways!!!! let’s move on to kcon thailand 2018 jisung! as in king prince jisung who can never be beat so shut up!
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yup. mhm. i have no caption for this one except warning: may cause heart attacks bc i know the day the fansite pics of this came out i nearly cried and died and cried again yall know. new stans, here’s what you missed of han jisung but dont worry! i’ll always be here to introduce you to him :). 
anywho! let’s do another pic from 2018 before we get on to december jisung. and january jisung of 2019. warning now--if you want to scroll past this post you probably should now, because you may actually collapse after that. but let’s have a little fun first! here’s jisung from that day yall already know--yup. this day. here we go. 
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yup. last blonde jisung you’ll be getting, because we are moving into 2018 jisung. 
hold up. actually, i lied. you’ll get one more blonde jisung--but beware. we’re moving into award show era. ready? no? oh well, here you go anyways. let’s have king jisung from this award show--the one i cannot remember the name of but whatever :)
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ah, right! the asia artist awards. ahaha the good old asas. oh well, i’m sure you don’t care about that--i mean, are you LOOKING AT THIS pIC? this day will always be remembered as the day jisung told changbin to move bitch and let him walk the center of the red carpet. anywho, yeap! this is the last blonde jisung, i swear. we’re moving into--shudder--mama era jisung. nothing else to say, here we go. 
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uh huh. i’ll give you a minute, don’t worry. blue haired jisung was the reign of all jisungs and fight me. FI G H T ME. what tf happened to the cute child from january? this ain’t him. this is a lil demon right here. i will never, ever get over december 2018 mama jisung. never. 
but we’re not done here, tho! because the awards shows went on into january! and february! but don’t worry, i won’t kill you with all the pics. just one. let’s move on to faded silver haired-jisung, or the radiance of all the awards show of 2019. 
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here you go! have fun with this one! this jisung was out to kill us all--i still don’t think i’m over it, ya know? but like, whatever. i’m just out here tryna bias this satan of a person, you know. that’s how it be.
aannddd finally, let’s move on to current han jisung. han jisung right now. han jisung on march 25, 2019, as in exactly one year after he debuted. let’s take a look at what han jisung looks like these days. :) 
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here we have a nice old han jisung from just a couple of days ago! isn’t that great? we love this man. 
i hate him get the demon away from me lord help me--
but let’s just appreciate his growth. ngl, i didn’t think he could change much when i was watching the survival show because of how gorgeous he was already, but god damnit he did and he killed me several times along the way. a
and that was the story of han jisung since debut! still don’t see the growth, scroll back up, don’t read my inserts, and look at the last pic again. i’m sure you see it by now. let’s appreciate han jisung growing up everybody! i’m totally not crying, and you aren’t either. but yeah!
i love him a lot and you should love him too, even when he had braces because he was a cute lil mtf back then and i miss him a lot. 
but yeah! that’s it i have no closure for this post so goodbye :) 
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kenbunshokus · 5 years
zoro/sanji, nami/vivi | 3.5k words | 1 of 7 chapters
“Who are they even… 'shipping' me with? They know Usopp is with Kaya, and didn’t you just make your whole thing with Vivi public a few weeks ago—“ Zoro trails off as realization hits him, all at once, and he feels his stomach drop in the same way it would whenever he faces a particularly strong opponent in a kendo match.
“No,” he breathes.
“Obviously,” Nami says, shoves her phone into his face and points at a comment that says, OMG PLZ blonde and green are sitting side by side again. OTP! as Zoro sees his life flash before his eyes. “They’re shipping you with Sanji.”
(Or, the one where the Strawhats are Youtube personalities and people, naturally, start shipping Zoro and Sanji.)
catburglar 572 posts | 2.1M followers | 47 following Nami Bellemere stealing your hearts, one picture at a time http://youtube.com/user/thestrawhatshub
❤ 8,277 Likes catburglar lunch with the fam @sogeking @pirateking @strawhats #food #nofilter #cafe
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bananapigeon ok seriously, who are those two untagged guys in these pics. esp the blond one with the eyebrow. i keep seeing them in the vlogs too.
mikphail @catburglar Can you tell us the name of the green-haired guy sitting on the right? Beside the blonde? Asking for a friend.
“People are asking for you,” is the first thing Nami says as Zoro walks into the apartment she shares with Usopp and heads straight towards the fridge.
“Which people?” Zoro asks, suspicious. The comment seems innocent out of context, but Zoro narrows his eyes at her anyways because it’s Nami. “Actual people? Or,” he pauses, sifting through his mental vocabulary before giving up and settling with, “your people.”
He can hear her laugh from the living room. “Zoro, people from the internet are still real people.”
“They aren’t just people,” Usopp pokes his head out of his room to join in the conversation, “they are the subscribers, nay, followers— nay — fans of the Great Usopp—“
“They’re strangers,” Zoro points out, matter-of-factly. He doesn’t really get this whole…internet thing Usopp and Nami seem to have made a decent amount of money from no matter how many Technology 101 Lectures from Franky he’s sat through. They work for Luffy’s YouTube Channel—the Strawhats Hub—and post a bunch of videos online about how they have burger for lunch or some other mundane shit, and somehow people pay for that. Well, the sponsors pay for that, technically, but they get money all the same. Zoro doesn’t really get it.
He does understand one thing for sure, though. “I don’t give out my details to strangers.”
“Zoro, you’re like, a decade too old for Stranger Danger,” Nami says, disapproving, “and you know you can’t avoid being famous if you want to be the strongest swordsman in the world.”
Zoro sighs at the familiar argument between them, and makes sure he groans loud enough for her to hear. He’s usually up for any kind of sparring, verbal or otherwise, but not today—not after four back-to-back, two-hour lectures at the university and kendo club training afterwards with no breaks in between. He snatches the nearest canned beer with a little too much force, and it hits the fridge door with a loud bang.
Nami seems to catch on the sour mood and switches the subject. “You know, I think they’re shipping you.”
Zoro blinks. He waits for a second, two, three...yeah, the words still don't make sense. He gives her a confused stare. “What does that even mean?”
“it means they want you to be together with someone,” Usopp, their designated Technology-to-Zoro translator, explains. “Like, together together.”
Zoro scoffs. “What is this, high school?” He waves a dismissive hand at Nami, deciding to focus more on the free beer in his hand instead, eyeing it appreciatively. Nami’s an unpredictable storm with a flexible moral compass reminiscent of a witch, but she provides an endless supply of booze and is the only person who can hold her own against him, so Zoro figures it all balances out in the end.
The cold liquid hits the back of his throat with a familiar biting sensation, and it calms him down enough to finally process Usopp’s words. “Who are they even… shipping me with?” The foreign word stumbles clumsily out of his mouth, and he pauses, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. “They know Usopp is with Kaya, and didn’t you just make your whole thing with Vivi public a few weeks ago—“
Zoro trails off as realization hits him, all at once, and he feels his stomach drop in the same way it would whenever he faces a particularly strong opponent in a kendo match.
“No,” he breathes.
“Obviously,” Nami says, shoves her phone into his face and points at a YouTube comment that says, OMG PLZ blonde and green are sitting side by side again. OTP! as Zoro sees his life flash before his eyes. “They’re shipping you with Sanji.”
nami @catburglar
We’re kind of bored, so @sogeking and I are answering everyone’s questions in the next hour! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #AskUsoNa <3
 nami @catburglar
so a million dollar AND a free trip around the world? I’d take it! 
\m/ @queenmelissa
Would you get a million dollar but every time you sneeze you’re being teleported to a random place in the world #Askusona
 nami @catburglar
I’ve known Usopp since high school. I’ve known Luffy the longest, though. We’ve been friends since we were cute little ten-year-olds.
Jenna Rowen @jrowen
#AskUsoNa How did you get to know each other? Love your vids!
 nami @catburglar
Zoro and Sanji are roommates, not dating. Or are they? ;)
bad luck kate @gingerchic
are the two guys in some of your vids dating (U KNOW WHICH TWO) #askusona @sogeking @catburglar
 bad luck kate @gingerchic replying to @catburglar
 bad luck kate @gingerchic replying to @gingerchic @catburglar
The smell of well-cooked seafood, mixed with a tinge of booze, touches every nook and cranny of his apartment as people eat, drink, or laugh with each other (or, in Luffy’s case, all three of them at once). Zoro sprawls comfortably across his favorite sofa in the middle of the cacophony, and he closes his eyes, soaking in the familiar atmosphere, a half-empty can of beer dangling by his right hand.
Today isn’t their usual weekly Friday Night Hang Out; today, Ace is on leave from the military for the first time in ages. Luffy promised his big brother a huge, awesome feast, and their ragtag group of broke college students deliver the way they know how—His and Sanji’s apartment, Brook’s music, Sanji’s food.
Zoro doesn’t care much about parties, but he does like Ace and his stories about Whitebeard's platoon. Free booze is also a plus.
“Tired already?” A voice asks over his head, and Zoro has spent enough time with Luffy’s family ever since he was ten to know it’s Ace without having to look up.
“As if,” he says, skipping the greeting. “Just making sure I don’t appear in Usopp’s videos.” He thinks of the photo Nami showed him a few days ago, the one on the… instant… gram… thing… and adds, “or photos.”
“Oh, I’ve heard about that!” Ace plops onto the other sofa across the table, entering Zoro’s field of vision. “I heard somebody’s famous now.”
“Tch,” Zoro grunts, but refuses to elaborate. He doesn’t like where the conversation is going.
“And I heard,” Ace continues anyways, his grin all-too-innocent and therefore completely terrifying, “someone’s famous with someone else.”
Zoro jolts upright from his position, for once ignoring the beer he spilled on the carpet—Sanji will kill him for that later, but whatever—and turns to search for Usopp among the crowd. He glares at Usopp in a way that says, I’m going to deliver you a drawn-out, painful death, and Usopp pointedly looks anywhere but back at him.
Ace chuckles, impervious to Zoro’s death glares. “Actually, Luffy was the one who told me.”
“The shipping thing sounds so cool,” Luffy, that traitor, chimes in around a mouthful of meatballs. “I wonder who they’d ship me with.”
“Meat, probably,” Sanji says before Zoro could, and bodily pushes Luffy aside with his leg to place a plateful of fried prawns on the table. Both brothers’ eyes widen comically at the sight and the two of them dive into the plate as Sanji narrows his eyes at Zoro, “that is, if people can even be trusted these days. I still can’t believe they, what’s the word— ship me with marimo head over here when Nami is also in the picture.”
Stings a little.
Zoro mentally maneuvers around the flare of jealousy and opts for anger, because it’s easier. Familiar. “Not like I’m enjoying the idea of being a boyfriend of someone with those eyebrows,” he fires back.
Sanji’s left eye twitches at that. “Didn’t know you have enough intelligence to even form an idea, seaweed brain.”
“Pervert cook.”
“Brainless moss.”
“Please keep the lover’s spat within the privacy of your bedroom,” Nami teases as she somehow manages to gracefully pluck a prawn out of the mess Ace and Luffy are making on the table.
“Right, Mellorine!” Sanji sing-songs in record speed.
Zoro sighs and puts his face in his hand. “Do you even listen to yourself, idiot,” he says, and narrowly dodges a kick to the head.
“Says the person who got lost so often the train station officers from the neighboring city start recognizing him!” Sanji yells back, and avoids the pillow thrown at him with practiced ease clearly born through repeated fights.
“How are you two even friends,” Ace observes in between chews, amused.
Zoro and Sanji instantly whip their heads towards Ace in unison, and say, in eerie synchronicity, “we’re not friends.”
Nami shakes her head, but it’s fond. “That’s how.”
❤ 2,103 Likes catburglar exclusive photo of Zoro enjoying Sanji’s food #nofilter #candid
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martiknee I assume Sanji is a chef, then?
thefantasyren I still can’t believe we’ve been blessed with their names. Strawhat Fandom, rejoice!
ostenmah @martiknee ur an idiot, he could just be someone whos really good at cooking
martiknee Wow, thanks for the unprompted hostility, I was just asking. Either way, do you fucking have eyes, look at those prawns. Look me in the eyes and tell me he cooks THOSE and doesn’t cook for a living. @ostenmah
  brie @strawhatnami
so I heard Zoro is in his college’s kendo club
 a gay @bisexualusopp replying to @strahwatnami
he’s the CAPTAIN
 brie @strawhatnami replying to @bisexualusopp
source pls?
 Kal @THEKALZONE replying to @strawhatnami @bisexualusopp
can confirm, my brother goes to the same college as him, wasn’t exactly difficult to find a dude w green hair named zoro
 a gay @bisexualusopp replying to @THEKALZONE @strawhatnami
apparently he used to appear on a bunch of tv shows about modern swordsmen or sth with his sister back then?
 brie @strawhatnami replying to @bisexualusopp @THEKALZONE
HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER WATCHING IT WHEN I WAS LIKE. FIVE. kuina was my fave. I wonder if she goes to the same college too?
The thing is—the crux of the problem of this whole mess of a situation is that—Zoro has code. Some sort of personal, unsaid rules he has dedicated his life to following. And now this whole fiasco is slowly breaking these codes—two, particularly:
Zoro, as a general rule, dislikes attention. He used to be some sort of a child star way back when, before Usopp and Nami and even Luffy, before—the thing with Kuina. It was hardly bearable when Kuina was with him, holding his hand whenever it started to tremble during tapings, and now with her gone he’s not touching that industry with a ten-feet pole. That means no stupid interviews with awkward pauses and one-word answers, no troublesome photo shoots that leave him with cramps at places he didn’t know could get cramps, and most importantly, no getting recognized on the street by random strangers. He looks like shit on photos. He doesn’t even have an autograph.
Zoro has the largest, most pathetic crush on Sanji, and nobody can find out.
The second rule is more important than the first, of course. So far the breaking of the first code only results in minor inconveniences, but the fact that there’s a whole group of people dedicated to telling the world that Zoro wants to get into Sanji’s pants is not something he can live with. Not something Sanji can live with, that’s for sure. Sanji has been brushing them off as a joke, thankfully, but Zoro figures there’s only so much the Straightest Man on Earth could take before he would start avoiding Zoro in disgust and pretty much stomping on Zoro’s heart in the process.
Which is why, as soon as he spots Usopp coming out of the college’s workshop, Zoro stops him in his track and growls, “this is all your fault.”
Usopp covers his head out of instinct and stammers, “whatever it is, I didn’t do it and I’m sorry.”
Zoro crosses his arms in front of his chest and huffs. “Stop it—I’d never hit you just because I feel like it.”
“This bump on the right side of my head disagrees,” Usopp says as he peeks through his fingers, “I think it’s developing into a tumor .”
“You can’t get a tumor from getting knocked in the head,” Zoro says.
“I don’t think you’re qualified to make that judgment,” Usopp insists, but visibly relaxes anyways when he doesn’t see Zoro’s hands anywhere near his head. “What is it?”
“It’s just,” Zoro says, almost ominously. “People.”
“You’re not a fan of them. Yeah, I got that, like, five years ago when I first met you.”
“Shut up, I’m not done. People, they—“ Zoro drops his voice as low as possible to adequately convey the severity of his predicament, “—they started recognizing me. From your pictures.”
Usopp visibly perks up at that. “I know , right? People say, Usopp, being famous on the internet is nothing, no one’s going to know who you are in real life, but hater’s gonna hate, you know? One time a princess from a European country asked for my autograph—“
“It’s not a good thing,” Zoro cuts in, ignoring Usopp’s make-believe story. “Three different people asked for my photograph on the way here. A girl tried taking a picture while I was eating and I accidentally spat in her face.”
Usopp at least has the audacity to grimace at that. “I guess—I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but come on, Zoro, live a little!” He emphasizes with a  friendly pat on Zoro’s shoulder. “There are, literally, thousands of people lining up to be in your shoes.”
Zoro can’t help bristling at the touch. “I didn’t sign up for this. Not like you and Nami did, with Luffy and the whole YouTube thing,” he says and adds, more urgently, “especially not for the whole thing with the Cook.”
Usopp should know. Usopp does know, because Zoro told him once under the influence of one too many drinks. They never really talked about it afterwards because Zoro has the emotional constipation of a sixteen-year-old emo teen who still listens to My Chemical Romance, and Usopp has enough self-preservation instinct not to bring it up, but there’s always this silent agreement that Usopp knows.
Usopp raises his hands in the universal sign of defeat. “Look, I admit things did go out of hands a little bit, but it’s nothing big. It’s the internet. People will ship any two people who so much breathe the same air.”
Zoro narrows his eyes critically at Usopp, and while Usopp gulps under the scrutiny, he also looks—honest. Trustworthy. Damn it, Zoro does have a soft spot for his tattletale of a friend, and one day it’s going to be his downfall.
“All right, fine, I’ll take your word for it,” he says, and Usopp releases a relieved sigh, which immediately gets sucked back in as soon as Zoro growls, “but if Nami even says something remotely different—“
“If I say something what?”
Zoro is a skillful and trained martial art practitioner. Rumor has it that he has no openings; opponents who go into a fight expecting one would get a reality check in the form of a kendo sword to the head. He’s like a wild predator, they all say, and you are his natural prey.
They are all wrong. Sitting comfortably on the apex of the food pyramid is Nami, and she knows all of Zoro’s weaknesses like the back of her hand.
Zoro jumps and thinks his heart stops for a moment as Nami appears out of nowhere and joins in the conversation, and she laughs when she notices his surprise.
“Shut up,” he growls, and she just grins even wider.
“I was just telling him about the shippers,” Usopp fills her in, oblivious to Zoro’s mini-heart attack, “that they’re. You know. Harmless?”
Zoro doesn’t like the unspoken question mark tacked at the end of Usopp’s sentence, and he likes it even less when Nami says, “well, I wouldn’t exactly call them harmless.”
Zoro glowers at that. “Explain.”
“I mean, you’ve been way too closed up about yourself, you’re practically an urban legend,” Nami says, “and people love knowing things, Zoro. It makes them feel like they’re part of something special. When the internet wants something, there’s no stopping the internet.”
“Like legalizing weed,” Usopp adds, “give them information and you can control what’s coming out. Give them nothing and you’re unleashing a hungry beast.”
“I’m not going to start using The Instant Gram for them,” Zoro says, frustrated, and bits his lips in a way that almost resembles a pout. Not that he pouts, of course.
“I told you it’s not called the Instant—you know what, I tried,” Usopp says under his breath, and Zoro ignores him.
“We’ve been at this before, you know,” Nami continues, shaking her head, “they want to know things about you, and they’re going to find out. Age. Height. Blood type. The brand of shampoo you use. Which side of the bed you’re sleeping in. The fact that you have a crush on Sanji—“
Zoro stops in his track. He blinks. “No one—no one knows that,” he says, and curses himself for stuttering. He catches Usopp’s eyes, and reluctantly adds, “unless I told them.”
“You never told me,” Nami points out.
“You don’t count,” Zoro insists, “you can read me like a book.”
“I want to be flattered,” Nami pats him on the head, like humoring a small child, “but it frankly doesn’t feel like much of an accomplishment when your book only says I HAVE A CRUSH ON SANJI in eighty point bold font.”
He definitely doesn’t blush at that. Desperate, he turns to Usopp. “This isn’t what you told me.”
Nami looks at him, and is that—damn it. Is that pity in her eyes? “Zoro, I don’t know what lies Usopp has been telling you this time, but everyone knows you have a Big Gay Crush on Sanji.”
“One, it’s not a—a Big Gay Crush,” he sputters, “and two, both of you hardly counts as ‘everyone.’”
“No, really,” Nami says as she pulls up safari on her iPhone to open the fuckyeahzosan tumblr page, “I mean everyone.”
The very first Zosan Blog. Zoro and Sanji flirt with each other and ignore everyone else in group pictures because they’re assholes in love.
mods: zorosanjis and queerbellemere
our edits
fanart | fanfics | fanmixes
Nami just posted a new picture and it’s everything we’ve ever hoped for.
#sanji is cooking for zoro #what is air #zosan #official
452 notes
 fuckyeahzosan reblogged zoro-sanji-for-the-win 
I can’t believe we only got their names a month ago and today we’ve got two dozens new pictures where they surreptitiously look into each other’s eyes, found out they’ve been roommates for years, gone on yearly road trips with just the two of them, and are practically canon.
I feel like this has all been a collective fever dream we just haven’t woken up from.
It’s all real and you better believe it.
#reblogged #text
2,252 notes
 anonymous asked
Ugh, people like you are the reason why I hate the Strawhat Fandom so much. Zoro and Sanji aren’t even SIGNED to the Strawhats Agency. They’re just FRIENDS of Nami and Usopp. And now they’re the most popular pairing in this fandom? Bullshit.
Sorry, we can’t hear you over how often Zoro and Sanji appear in the Strawhats' videos they may as well be Strawhats, and how even Shanks treat them like they’re part of the fandom.
#asks and answers #mod a
564 notes
 fuckyeahzosan reblogged queennami
zoro + looking at sanji with a love-struck look on his face when he thinks no one’s looking
#THE THING THAT REALLY GOT ME ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP #or friendship or whatever #is that it’s so loud and flashy you can’t help but notice #but with glimpses of quiet moments like this #like you KNOW they have the typical alpha male friendship #roughhousing and name calling; the whole package #from the way nami and usopp talk about them in interviews and stuff #and how they glare at each other in pictures with insults teetering on the tips of their tongues #but sometimes we get glimpses of this when they think no one’s looking #zoro staring at sanji – startsruck – like there are constellations clinging on sanji’s back #and there’s always that small smile zoro probably reserves just for sanji #and I Die #stab me in the chest and it would’ve hurt less #zoro #sanji #zosan #strawhatedit #rpf for ts (via queennami)
#reblogged #photoset #tags #lord have mercy on me
4,425 notes
Usopp is so going home with a new bump on his head.
127 notes · View notes
crowned-ladybug · 6 years
Ego groupchat shenanigans, bc it's not like most of them don't have phones or don't know how to text
(warning, it got p long)
they have at least four established group chats: one where everyone is added, both egos and their human friends, one for only the Septics, one for only the Ipliers, and one called PMA that they made p recently where also everyone who wants to parttake is invited
the PMA one is supposed to be only used for Positive and Nice things, but anything goes from random outbursts of "i love you guys so much" to stuff like having a place to talk about making progress dealing with mental illness or trauma, no matter how small that progress may be, and everyone else reacting v positively and encouragingly
a surprising amount of selfies?? a lot of them include sass or teasing too
Wilford, sending a selfie: I am Obviously the Most Gorgeous here Anti, also sending a selfie: have u seen me tho
both ones from the internet and their own ones
the biggest one is probably calling Marvin anything starting with "m" or "ma" except for his actual name
Schneep doesn't often take part in any groupchat's shenanigans bc he's a busy responsible adult with work to do, so whenever he does show up and say something, the whole chat just devolves into screaming variations of his name and it usually ends with him leaving again
"annoying the shit out of Marvin is trans culture" – Jackie and Anti at some point
Anti sends pics of McNugget on request to anyone who's feeling down bc hellpuppy pics are great for cheering ppl up (Mark will do the same with Chica pics but he's on a lot less often)
yes Anti Can use phones tho they can start glitching out after a while depending on his mood
the Googles are technically always on bc they usually keep an eye on the groupchat on the side but they don't always respond
if the "seen by" thing doesn't show up for any Google within a minute it's a clear sign that they're either all charging, v v busy or got annoyed and muted the chat
bunch of texts relating to stuff they know at least one other person in the chat is also interested in the moment there's new content (or when they just feel like talking about it), including but not limited to their friends' videos
Marvin: HEY U FUCKS HAVE YOU LISTENED TO THE NEWEST EP OF TAZ YET Everyone else present: [various versions of "fuck off Marvin it's literally only been like two hours"]
Jameson swears a surprising amount?? he doesn't when signing but Marvin and Anti have managed to convince him that texting is a completely different thing and swearing isn't un-gentlemanly
once he becomes adjusted enough to technology that he can join the groupchat too, Shawn still remains mostly a silent observer
frequent calls for company in social activities when they don't already have ppl to hang out with, ranging anywhere from Marvin: COME MURDER FOOLS IN PUBG WITH ME U COWARDS to Jackie: hey anyone want to watch newsies live with me for like the 12th time Anti: FUCK YES
Chase also asks if anyone wants to play [insert video game] with him this way (both for youtube and just for funsies) but he's a lot more meek and polite about it than Marvin is
Bing is an honorary part of the Septic chat bc that's where most memes happen and they all like him anyway
sometimes when Bing is on but Chase isn't, someone will ask where Chase is/how he's doing (esp if he's known to be going through a depressive episode) and Bing will gladly provide status updates, complete with incredible amounts of fondness
they keep renaming the chats, esp the Septic and common ones, examples include "Instant Chill Pack", "Malicious Gamer and friends" (v quickly changed by Marvin to "no"), "Gay™" and "Markiplier's Hellscape"
spoken and unspoken relief whenever someone doesn't make an innuendo
disappointed and disapproving screaming when someone Does
the later it is the more gay Jackie gets (so when he's up late, anyone else present can expect some v fond ramblings about Marvin) and Chase even drew a quick graph of it in ms paint
when Chase is the one staying up late someone usually tells him that hey you're a father be responsible and go to sleep (but excuses/explanations of nightmares, not being able to sleep or bad mental health are absolutely accepted and met with offers of comfort)
no Anti doesn't type in zalgo
Chase has emojis as names for most ppl, Anti uses a mix of emojis (like a red and a blue heart for Dark) and nicknames (like "B R O" for Chase or "Macaroni" for Marvin)
Marvin types in other languages too when offended, lacking accents
they sometimes share cool fanart/theories/gifs/edits/etc they find of themselves or each other
Bing has the biggest supply of memes and reaction images out of everyone
Robbie can't really parttake in the chat but sometimes others show him what's going on in there (and sometimes he tries to use the voice to text thing to say hi, with limited success)
any pictures of Robbie posted in the chat are met with the same reaction as cute cat pictures p much
it's become a habit that when someone goes shopping they keep the groupchat of their choice posted on weird shit they find if they feel like it bc it's surprisingly amusing
most egos are p aware of social media and thus know p easily when Mark is Up To Something even without checking his channel/other social media and then the common chat fills with "what the Fuck mark"
Signe: [shows up] p much everyone else present: "WIISH" "woosh!!" "WOOSHER!" "SIGNEEE" "my queen" "queen!!" "WIISHUUUUU" "mum"
tbh Amy and Kathryn both get a similar reaction too
Amy: [shows up] everyone else: "PEEB!!" "peebles!!!" "hi Amy!" "peeble" "PEEBLESS" "peebs!!" "PEEP" "beep!!!!" "rare peep" "PEEPLE" "beeb"
Anti: what if we banned straight ppl tho Seán: don't be ungrateful children
602 notes · View notes
starryseo · 6 years
omg i’m excited for this one bc it’s the loml
s e o  c h a n g b i n
enjoy :)
Chan | Woojin | Minho | CHANGBIN | Hyunjin | Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
introducing the one and only. . .
Changbin “I love dark” Seo!!!!
so, as you (probably) already know
he has done lots of collabs with chan and jisung under 3racha
that’s how he met the rest tbh; chan messaged him and jisung both for a 3-person collab and then he stuck with them bc they made some bombass tracks
and he also manages the joint StrayKids youtube account where their gameplays are posted
he has too much time on his hands
which is also why he posts a lot of diss tracks about the other guys
it’s all in good nature, no harm done
and his insults are the bEST
he’s actually a lyrical genius
and no one can hate him or what he says in his raps because
1) what he said is probably true
2) if you hate on it, he’ll come out with a second diss track that’s much worse
his tracks are usually about how chan is like the dad of the group
but everyone just uses him for his money (not in a mean way!!!!!)
or about how felix is desperate for changbin’s love but it’s unrequited (he’s still salty about the forced kiss ok, give him time pls)
he hasn’t made a diss track about jeongin though because the boy is too precious okay no one can say anything bad about him except jyp but hes a snake so screw him
you may be asking what changbin could’ve said about seugmin bc he’s also heckin’ precious but i’m afraid you’re gonna have to wait for seungmin’s one to find out ;)
jisung once hacked into changbin’s youtube account
hacked meaning he guessed changbin’s password (hint: it was ilovegyu<3)
and changed the profile picture to a screenshot he got from a video hyunjin took of changbin being dared to act cute
the video was vv cringey so jisung figured this was the perfect revenge for that diss track changbin made of him
and he also thought changbin needed a change from the pitch black profile pic he had up before
yeah, he loves dark thaaaaat much
as well as producing music and gaming
changbin also dabbles in skateboarding and a biiit of parkour
he does this with felix
(when he has a quick method of escaping felix’s wrath, he can tolerate time together)
his skateboard is. . .
you guessed it: black
probably has a skull or some other ‘scary’ design on the front too
but felix managed to notice a small sticker of a munchlax (the pokemon gyu is fyi) on the back too :) cutie :) 
changbin really loves skateboarding because he thinks it looks cool and goes well with his dark concept
but then he always ends up bumping into something because sometimes he pulls his cap too far down and so he can’t see very well
it’s really funny seeing him try to act nonchalant about tripping up
when everyone around saw
and felix videoed it and is laughing his ass off
changbin threatened to murder felix if he posted that video anywhere
and felix was like “;) good thing i haven’t posted it... i did send it to the SK group chat though”
bro felix was literally running away for his life and changbin was right behind him on his skateboard tryna run him over
that was not a good day to be felix tbfh
the parkour he does is usually quite simple (about as simple as parkour w/ a skateboard can get)
but he looks badass whilst doing it so it’s cool
his favourite move is when he rides perpendicular to a rail and so the board goes under the rail and he jumps over the rail
it took a while to perfect the landing but he was really determined and now he’s mastered it i’m so proud of him
whenever he posts these videos he gets a lot of comments
because with his music & gaming videos his face usually isn’t seen
but with this, it is
so there are a lot of comments about him being b e a u t i f u l
the comment with the most likes was from jisung who was like “mr dark?? more like sunshine boy! :) keep up the great work i <3 your vids!!”
he was close to reporting that comment just so it would go away lmao salty
but instead he ranted to gyu like “sunshine boy? i’m not a sunshine boy, i’m a dark, dark man, right gyu?”
the group have a lot of hang-outs at his house (bc dude look at his house wtfffff it’s so shiny)
and his mum is the cutest!!! always giving them food as soon as they enter
she also LIVES to embarrass her child, poor changbin :(
constantly pulling his cheeks, giving him lil’ kisses and always calling him her “little prince” or some other equally cheesy variant
the guys lowkey thinks it’s cute and know she’s only doing this for fun, but they still use it as an opportunity to laugh at him
one time she whipped out the photo album with baby changbin pics and omg they’ve never seen changbin redder in the face than that day
no one knows if he was fuming or just really embarrassed lmao
what hurt the most was how jeongin - the baby of the group - was laughing and calling him a “cute baby”
and obviously hyunjin had to go “wow dude you were so cute, what happened to you??”
his mum, bless her soul, was like “he takes after his father that’s why”
#SavageSeoMama (this is where he gets inspiration for his diss tracks)
he mainly plays shooting games like battlefield, CoD and csgo with the guys
loves it when they play with just them in a local match, not online (mainly talking about CoD here)
because then he can put on friendly fire so that he can kill his team mates lmao
he’s a major kill scene stealer and proud - truly evil
the guys eventually kick him out of the lobby
only bringing him back once he’s apologised to them
to this day, he hasn’t apologised lmfao
when they kick him out he’ll just start playing online
because changbinnie don’t care 
he loves killing people’s hype
for instance, jisung will be cheering over the mic like “yay!! i got the last kill”
and changbin will just reply like “ok and?”
jisung: “wHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME?!?!?!? I <\3 YOU”
the real question is: how did jisung say “<\3″?
he kills his own hype too though
like when he gets the final kill and suavely goes “wow much skill”
and felix is like “yeah!! wow!!! that was so cool changbinnie!!!”
he’s just like “yeah it wasn’t that good, stop that”
sometimes when they’re all playing free-for-all
he’ll start singing his threats
like he’ll be two steps behind seungmin and just start lowly singing “seungmin, i’ve got your back~”
and like normally someone might interpret that to mean “dw bro i got your back, i’m protecting you, you’re covered”
but nah
changbin straight up stabbed seungmin in the back
seungmin felt that betrayal in his heart
so on the one hand he’s singing to people before he kills them which is heckin’ creepy
but on the other hand he has a beautiful voice so it’s not that bad???
but on the other, other hand (idk imagine 3 hands or smth) he’s technically being nice by giving them a heads-up before he kills them so
they should appreciate his kindness
ok no i can’t defend him he’s too into these killing games
the only person he likes teaming up with is hyunjin and here’s why:
chan talks about strategy too much (dude all you gotta do is kill ok relax a bit)
woojin, as previously discussed, makes really bad rookie mistakes
minho gets too frantic when ambushed and just ends up dying without fighting back
jisung is too talkative
felix is also too talkative and is too risky (he’s literally jumped in front of changbin’s character dramatically like “I’ll save you!”. jeongin ended up killing the both of them together lmfao #DoubleKill)
seungmin just runs around in the middle of the battlefield with NO strategy
and jeongin is jeongin. he’s too precious for changbin’s lethality
so that leaves hyunjin. he’s the right amount of talk-y (yes that’s now a word), he has gr8 gameplays, he can handle a multiple-person attack AND he can be really frickin’ ruthless at times
gotta love that boi
felix is always fueled to kill hyunjin for stealing his man
but honestly changbin would rather just solo it because “i work alone, buddy” [sOMEONE GET MY REFERENCE PLS]
wow this has gotten rlly long soz
imma just end it here:
although changbin loves killing them in games and mocking them through his diss tracks
the guys know that they can trust him 100% and that he really, truly does have their backs (even seungmin’s)
and he’s always prepared to fight anyone that hates on any of the guys because only he can do that okay they’re his family and no one else can do that to them
he feels blessed to have them and whenever they come around to his house he’ll get lowkey sentimental bc wow, this is his family that bring a smile to his face everyday
and although he probably won’t admit it without jisung forcing him to, he really loves these guys and is glad to have met them
thank you for reading this far lmao hope you enjoyed it & feedback is always welcome!!
i saw some tag where someone talked about waiting for hyunjin’s one, and bc i’m doing this in age order he’s coming soon
and now just to playfully annoy them i wanna change the order
just kidding
ok not kidding i wanna change the order but i’m too lazy to since i’ve already planned it out
also!! is the desktop theme okay for everyone?? pls let me know of any improvements! :) thank youuuuuuuuuuu
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
you're hcs are so cute im always waiting for the next post 💞 can u do a lil RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC who's happy most of the time but finds it draining and recharges by being really quiet and ignoring people? (This is the first time it happened lmao)
Ohhhh I’m totally like that! lol it’s not easy being an introvert, am I right?
Hope you like this:
RFA + Saeran with an introvert MC
Itwas after a premiere of one of his musicals, you were perfect back there!
Yousmiled to the photographers and even gave interviews, Zen didn’t have to do athing, he just watched you being as good as him at this.
Thenyou two got home and he wanted to comment on everything, what you thought aboutthe musical, if you liked the costumes, the songs and all.
“Itwas cool.” Oh… cool? That’s it?
Apparentlyit was, since you didn’t say anything else. You changed to your pajamas andgrabbed a book to read in the living room.
Hewas tired, and also very worried. Was it that bad? If he knew you would hatethat much, he would have get that another role… but… you sounded so excitedbefore…
“Somethingwrong?” you ask him, now he notices he’s been staring at you for a while, tothe point you let go of your book, concerned.
“I…don’t know. Is there something wrong, babe? What didn’t you like about themusical? The songs? The lines, I know it was a little cliché, but I thought itwas interesting somehow and…”
“Zen,what are you talking about?” “It’s okay, babe. You hated the musical. “No, Ididn’t.” “So why did you say it was cool?” “Because… it was cool?”
 “No,it wasn’t! You hate it! You pretended you enjoy to not make me look like a foolto the press, but you didn’t like it and now you won’t even talk to me aboutit! Was my acting bad?”
Okay,you’re tired, and normally you wouldn’t put up with this drama right now, but…look at him! He’s so worried and… hurt? This is painful to you too.
Thenyou explain about always being like this. You’re an introvert, you can handle afew good hours dealing with people, but after a while, you need a rest from allof this.
Hetotally understands. Sometimes he feels the same, but in a different proportionfrom you, of course.
“I’msorry, babe. I’ll let you get back to your book, tomorrow you tell me what isit about, okay?” he kissed your forehead and let you with your book.
Maybehe can turn the story in it into a musical just for you?
Ithappened after a geek convention.
Hethought you wouldn’t want to go with him, but the minute you walked in, he wasthe one dragged to every single stand.
Youwere so excited, taking pics with the cosplayers, buying doujinshis, evenjoining karaoke contests.
Heswears he fell in love with you all over again. All the guys there wishe theyhad a girlfriend who likes these things as much as you do.
Butas soon as you get home, you just grab your phone and stares at it like yourlife depends on it.
Heasks what you want for dinner. “Whatever. You choose.”
Poorboy is remaking all his steps to know when he screwed up to get you mad. Was hetoo close to that girl with a very revealing cosplay?
Oh…he knew he should have joined you on a duet in the karaoke, but what can he do?He’s super shy!
Hedoesn’t even know where to start his apology, so he does what he knows best:omurice. With a “sorry” and a sad face made of ketchup.
“Whyare you sorry?” you ask, concerned. “I… I don’t know.” Well… this isn’t going anywhere…
“Iswear I had my hands behind my back the whole time with that cosplayer and… I’llsing any duet you want to sing in the next con.”
“Oh…thank you, but you don’t have to if you’re not comfortable. It’s fine, honey.”“But… why are you mad, then?” “I’m not mad, I’m just…”
Oh…now you get it. POOR THING! You two never went to an event this big with thesemany people, so he didn’t know this little feature of yours.
Andwhen you explain, he’s so relieved you’re not mad at him, and he totallyunderstands, these things are pretty overwhelming for him as well.
Youtwo eat the omurice together and lay on the bed a little later, you messing onyour phone, he on his, and you both humming the same song, like a duet.
Thecafe never been so crowded.
Youtwo were taking orders, making coffee, checking the cashier, all at once.
Ifshe had to do this by herself, she’s pretty sure she wouldn’t be able tohandle, but having you smiling like you are in a parade or something gives herthe strength she needs.
Seriously,you’re not even fazed, you keep smiling and being extra nice to even the mostrude customers, and this makes her feel like she should keep up to you.
Sheclosed the cafe with the deepest sigh she could give. Lord! This was tiring!What do you think? Oh… you’re already going away.
Shefinishes closing the store and reaches you in the sidewalk, almost panting. 
Youdon’t even look at her, you keep looking forward with your arms crossed againstyour chest, as if you were… sad.
B-butwhy? Why would you be sad? What happened? Was that customer that rude to you?Oh… no, maybe it was that time when she yelled at you to get the mop to cleansome coffee on the floor before one of you slipped.
Sheknew she was a little rude, but she was just caught up by all the mess insidethe café, she didn’t want to be snappy at you or something.
Butyou don’t know that, so that’s why you’re walking like she’s not even besideyou.
Sohe gives a few larger steps and stop in front of you. You look at her and blinkin surprise. “Jaehee? What’s wrong?”
“I’mso sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude with you, I was just so busy!” she sayshugging you. You immediately blush, she’s not one to PDA like this all of asudden.
“Iappreciate it, but… what are you sorry for, exactly?” “The mop…” “What happenedto the mop?” she lets you go and you stare at each other, puzzled.
Sheexplains everything, then you do the same. Well, she knew you had thistendency, but she haven’t witnessed before, so it was a little surprising tosee you so quiet all of a sudden.
Butas you two get home, she realizes some silence can be good after this long day.So she’s in the bedroom and you’re in the living room, you both reading booksand recharging for what will be, hopefully, another long day tomorrow!
Youdropped by his office to lunch with him
Everybodyin his company loves you, because if you showed up, Mr. Han will probably be ina good mood for the whole afternoon and work will be easy to handle.
Soa few employees surround you, asking if you’re okay, if you need anything, howare the preps for the wedding. Just this small talk.
Andyou’re very polite and nice, so nobody ever feel uncomfortable on treating youthis kindly.
Whenyou finally are able to meet him in his office, he promptly goes to you andgives you a peck , which… you don’t respond too much.
“Howis everything, my love?” “Fine.” And you give him this lazy smile, lookingaround everywhere in his office, except him.
Shit!He is late, isn’t he? And you’re probably furious because he always says youtwo will have a calm and nice meal and he never… wait! He’s on time!
Sowhy are you mad about? Is it because you don’t want to have lunch in hiscompany? Well, that can be arranged, he can call the chopper and take yousomewhere. But you sounded excited over the phone, so something happened whenyou got here.
Hum,did one of his employees bother you? Yes, they can do that sometimes…
“Tellme who it was.” That’s all he says, while you stare at your plate. “Who what?”“Who bothered you? It was that blond girl from finance? She does have thistendency to be meddlesome. Don’t worry, my love, I’ll let HR know they need tohave a little talk to her.”
“Ohmy God, Jumin. Don’t fire her!” “So who should I fire?” “Nobody! Nobodybothered me!” “So why are you mad? Did I do something?” “No! Of course not,honey! And… who’s mad?”
“You?When you walked in?” Oh… yeah, that.
Youexplain to him that, as much as you enjoy talking to his employees, all theattention can be very draining sometimes and you just need a little time insilence to recharge.
HeTOTALLY understands it, he even can relate. His acquaintances can be verytiring sometimes.
Soyeah, a silent meal wouldn’t be that bad right now. You two can compensate withdinner in his penthouse when you’ll discus the wedding preparation, anyway.
Youwere in a car show, he wanted your opinion on the next baby he should get
Thoughyou don’t understand much about cars, you know his preferences pretty well bynow, as he told you a lot about them. Seriously, a lot!
Soyou’re the one dragging him to the cars he might like, considering brand,model, color… yeah, he definitely likes it.
Youhave small talk with the models standing beside the cars and the sellers,and  he doesn’t know who is nicer here.Probably it’s you, since you’re not trying to sell a super pricy car, you’rejust… naturally nice.
Hewants a test drive to this particular car, and when he asks you while theseller is a little away to get the key, he asks what you think. “It’s nice.”
Well,he wouldn’t say it’s “nice”, it’s more like AMAZING, COOLLLLL, A SUPER FINEBABY! And you’re just: “okay, if you say so.” SHIT!
Areyou mad? Why? You didn’t like being dragged here? But you sounded prettyexcited before talking to the sellers… oh… the one who went to get the key wasdefinitely trying to hit on you, you’re uncomfortable, ain’t you?
Youtwo hop in the car and he starts driving, the seller keeps making small talkand you basically ignore everything that’s going on.
“So,what do you think?” the guy asks. “Can I have a moment alone with MY FIANCÉ sowe can discuss this AS A COUPLE?” he emphasizes this words for the guy to takethe hint you’re taken. “Yeah, sure.”
“Don’tworry. I won’t buy this one.” “Why not? You like it!” “If I decide to take it,we would have to sign the papers with that guy and I don’t want to let you evenmore uncomfortable with him.” “Why? He’s not that bad.”
“He’snot? But… why do you look like you want to throw up everytime he opens hismouth?” “Because he talks too much, but I’m not uncomfortable, I’m just… boredwith all this useless small talk and his desperation to you buying the car.”
Yeah,the guy is a little annoying, being nice to him was a burden for Saeyoung too.You’re always very nice, but he knows by now this can tire you a lot.
Andhey, he totally can relate, that’s why sometimes all he needs is his headphonesand a super loud music to recover himself.
Sohe takes the car, he liked it and wanted to take you out of there soon so youcould relax.
 Theway home is quiet, you two are listening to the radio, not talking, justholding hands.
Hisfirst RFA party.
Itwas so crowded! He was a little intimidated and anxious, dealing with big noisycrowds was still a journey to him.
 Buta few reassuring kisses from you everytime you passed by him between small talkwith guests here and there, and he felt he could handle this.
Hell,you don’t even need to look at him, just seeing you smiling and talking to theguests as if they’re close friends totally make him feel he got this!
Andhe did, it wasn’t that bad after all, thanks to you.
Hewent to your place after the party. It was comfortable being around you, but hewas still nervous, facing a crowd like that felt less nerve wracking than beingalone with you.
Okay,you telling him to make himself at home and just plopping in the couch to watchTV wasn’t what he was expecting.
Imean, he didn’t know what to expect, but… it wasn’t this, for sure.
It’salmost like you forgot he’s here. Like you are… ignoring him? Why?
Didhe do something wrong? Oh, that rich dude said PDA was unprofessional, but hethought you didn’t give a damn to what Jumin said.
 Didhe do something wrong? But he was pretty sure he was doing good tonight. Wasn’the?
“I’mgoing now.” He said bluntly, heading to the door. “What? Why?” you jumped offthe couch, going after him “I won’t bother you any longer, don’t worry.”“Bother me? But…”
“I’msuch an idiot! I screwed up, didn’t I?” “No! You were amazing tonight!” heblushes a little. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, but why are you ignoring me,then?”
Oh,this poor thing… you explain to him how hard it is to just recover from all theagitation and you need some time to just stay quiet.
 Imean… you’re preaching to the choir here, he definitely feels the same way, hewas so nervous about having to be all lovey dovey with you, he’s relieved thiswon’t be necessary.
Buthe definitely didn’t complain when he woke up cuddling with you in the couch.Just sleeping was a greeeat idea, after all.
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smilingdonghun · 7 years
I was tagged by @soooldout who is the cutest infinite and b.a.p stan in town (i suck at replying im sorry). Such a cool dude who loves music and cute groups and HAS SOME OF THE BEST TAGS (sometimes I feel like I could have ghostwrote those tags because they’re so ///relatable and meish///). Make sure you sleep ok <3 
Nickname: loula (idk if it’s a nickname but like older egyptian women call me it) 
Zodiac sign: u kno that singer in vixx who looks a lil mean and is rlly quiet he’s my zodiac sign 
Height: 5’6 (5′5???? i don’t actually know?) 
Orientation: panromantic asexual 
Nationality: egyptian american
Favorite Fruit: pineapple
Favorite Season: fall or spring for two very different reasons (they’re
reminders of how life and death are intertwined and that aging is inevitable. Also even beautiful things will live their span bit it isn’t the end for them because their legacy continues and their beauty lives on through the seeds they planted in the lives they lived)
Favorite Flower: ??? only one ONE i can’t choose just one (maybe lilacs) 
Favorite Scent: flowers, the smell after it rains, a specific perfume 
Favorite Animal: lions
Favorite Colors: purples, blues, baby colors, pastels, grays, black  
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?: hot cocoa
Average Sleep Hours: anywhere from 30 minutes to 14 hours lol 
Cat or Dog: CATS!!!!!!!!!!!
# of Blankets: anywhere from 0 to like 5 maybe 9 if it’s cold
Dream Trip: I would really like to visit egypt and meet my family (but this expands to me wanting to know the language better and actually be comfortable to speak to other people and read well)  Me and my friend wanna visit Korea together (so they can see their grandpa and I can practice my language skills) but idk if that would be my dream trip but it deff is something I would like todo  ALSO I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO ALASKA OMG I WANNA SEE STUFF BEFORE GLOBAL WARMING RUINS IT
Blog Created: september or august of last year I wanna say (i don’t actually know,,,,)
Favorite song at the moment: i always find myself listening to Tinnitus by Nell whenever I’m feeling down  but a recently released song that I love is Jonghyun’s Elevator 
Number of followers: 163 (this amazes me like,,,, not too long ago I didn’t even have 100 and here I am at 163 like wow,,,,) 
Favourite bands: B.A.P, Infinite, Day6, Monsta X, Epik High, BTOB, Nell, EXID, Jannabi, Royal Pirates, NCT, B.I.G, VIXX, Got7, A.C.E, Map6, 24K, Voisper, Vromance, Sf9, Pentagon, Shinee, Viction, Nu’est, Seventeen, Myname, N.flying, Ft. Island, INX, Apink, f(x), Girls Day, Bestie, Spica (am still not over their disbandment), Stellar, Sistar (am also not over their disbandment), Fyke, Brave Girls, Hyukoh, my brain is seriously blanking out but there are a lot of groups that I love way more than this
Favourite solo artists: Dean, Suran, Sam Kim, Crush, KREAM, Eddy Kim, Roy Kim, G.Soul, Chancellor, Bernard Park (Nakjoon),  Babylon, Babylon, Critical Star, Rheehab, Joo Young, K.Will, RYAN, Villian, and so many more (am also blanking out,,,,wow)
Song stuck in my head: i don’t think i have one stuck in my head
Last movie I watched: part of pride and prejudice (technically this egyptian movie I am watching on tv rn)
Last tv show I watched: orange is the new black 
What stuff do you post: pics and gifs and videos and memes of idols with my dumb commentary in the tags
When did your blog reach its peak: when i made the yoo youngjae v beyonce post (aka the proudest moment of my life)
Do you have any other blogs: uh they’re just like url place holders tbh 
Do you get asks regularly: HAHAHAHA funny (no i don’t)
Why did you choose your url: I love Amber Liu with all my heart and I wanted a kpop related url and am very uncreative, i-liu-you seemed like a really cute one
Following: *drum roll* 1,313
Posts: 8,375
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor (I would have sworn that I would have been a Hufflepuff but I am not)
Pokemon team: mystic?? i think??????????  
Lucky numbers: 208, 4
What are you wearing right now: gray long-sleeved velvety shirt (it isn’t velvet but it’s like it and it’s kind of like a crop top but like ehhhhhhhh), and a long skirt that is back in the background and has a gold chain and grey leopard design? idk how to explain it) 
I’m gonna tag @daehyuns-matoki @best-absolute-pabos @boptokpop @cha-inyeon @wangparkgae @thisusernameistaken @wireuptheuniverse @zloe @daehdream and anybody else who would like to do it (you can say I tagged you) because I suck at tagging
No pressure…do it if you want!
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
... Zombiverse Pavelko : D
How differently do they think of each other now compared to when they first met?
They didn’t go towards each other willingly. In fact, they only started talking because their science teacher didn’t want to let them work on their own, and decided to pair them together. At first, Pavel was kinda wary of that weird girl who didn’t talk and only growled or even barked, and looked at him like he was crazy. Or an idiot. Or both. He was certain that this relationship wouldn’t lead anywhere, and that he would have to endure that weirdo for the rest of the year. And that it would be painful and annoying.
Inuko didn’t think better of him. That tall, gangly nerd that looked at them like they were some kind of weird creature ? He was just your average, generic nerd, the kind that claims to have an open mind and to be SO open just because he allows girls not to wear make-up and talks about “strong” female characters. He would never understand anything. And they didn’t want to make him understand.
Boyyyyy, what a way they made ! Now they trust each other completly. Pavel learned that Inuko was more than growls and barks, and that they are a complex and interesting person. He learned that the angry facade wasn’t a mark of anger or dislike for him, but an expression of their dog personna. Getting close to them was kind of difficult, but he would do it again if he had too, because he would honestly be lost without his dogfriend.Inuko now trusts Pavel with their life. Once they got past the first impression, and learned more about his familly and life, and how he wasn’t a walking stereotype, they told him all about their secrets and everything about them, and they know he will keep everything for himself. They would probably be lost without him too, because he takes care of them as they like, and more, he accepts them as they are.
What do their friends/family think of their relationship?
They ship them. So hard. They all know that those two are crazy about each other, but are too dorky to say it. Kiyoshi is happy to see her son open to someone else completly, and find with someone the same kind of thing she has with her partners. That this person is a bit… unusual doesn’t faze her. The same goes for Ruud and Sakae. Mostly, they are happy to see their little nerd happy.Their friends find it very cute how Pavel always asks about hypothetical situations including an hypothetical nerd wanting to woo another hypothetical nerd and what should he do ? They totally see through his questions, because he’s not subtle at all, but it’s cute that he makes all those efforts to make things right between Inuko and him. And they totally bet on how long it will take him to tell them how he feels.
How do their personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
They are both quiet, withdrawn people who like staying inside and play or surf on the internet, sometimes draw things or write fanfics. For that, they are perfect for each other, they prefer spending time together inside than go out and run around town. They both know they way around a computer and technology, and can wipe up a wonderful security system for the lair.
As for personalities, Inuko is more withdrawn and prone to outbursts of anger, due to their introvert side, and they get anxious when around several people, especially several people they don’t know. Luckily, Pavel, if he’s not a lot more sociable than them, is a lot more laid back than them, and can deal with them being anxious, withdrawn, angry or nervous. He can help them calm down and feel safe with them, or understand when they need some time for themselves. 
What is their favorite aspect of each other?
Inuko loves Pavel’s squishy stomach gentleness and patience with them. He never gets angry with them when they feel non-communicating and growl after him because that’s how it goes that day. And his acceptance of them and their personnality go a long way for them.
Pavel likes Inuko’s dedication to a task and the passion they put in projets they get their minds in. It’s kinda fascinating to see them concentrating on their task. And to be honest, it was quite nice to see them slam jocks bothering him in lockers, and it’s quite nice to see them kicking and slaying zombies to protect him now.
Do either of them have pet peeves about each other?
“pet” peeve exactly. Inuko may have a dog persona, but that doesn’t mean they’re his lapdog. And sometimes, he slips up and treats them more like a pet/ mindless than a person. They know he doesn’t really mean it, but it’s hard none-the-less.
Pavel knows that Inuko is a bit… rough around the edges, but sometimes, they can be a bit too much for him, pushing or dragging him a bit too hard, forgetting that he doesn’t like to be manhandled too much, and isn’t made of iron. But they always apologize when he tells them. (That, and they love to play with his desk chair. It’s not a kart, dammit !)
How would each reconcile with each other after a fight?
Pavel knows Inuko’s weakness for sushis and snacks like that. It’s not easy to get the supplies for them, but he asks Ruud to make a few of them when he can get his hands on fresh-ish fish. Other than that, they send each other internet posts through the instant message program, tagged “it u” or “look look”, until they get better. Then they discuss the problem calmly. Using instant messages help them verbalize things and get more nuances that they could by ASL, and it’s easier writing everything done than signing, especially when your hands are fumbling and trembling because you’re angry.
What would be their ideal vacation getaway together?
Probably a very quiet place, or a very geeky one. I was thinking about a geek convention, full of other geeks and fun and intersting and shiny stuff, bu imaging just one second ! Imagine Pavel deciding to show Inuko the sceneries and places he discovered as a child and wants to share with them. Imagine Pavel taking Inuko to visit Netherlands. Imagine Pavel and Inuko renting bikes and roaming through and around Amsterdam. It’s hard because they aren’t that sporty, they are two geeks after all. But they still do it because it looks wonderful and it’s so different from what they’re used to !
They go to museums, too, especially Van Gogh museum, and admiring the painting Pavel only knew from Ruud’s tattoos and a few fanarts. They walk through the streets, take lots of pics. They eat the traditionnal dishes Ruud so painstakly cooks, and enjoy all the cheese they can.
They come back with a whole basket of tulip- and wooden shoes-shaped presents for everyone. Ruud is blessed with a whole wheel of Edam. He’s in cheese heaven.
Think of a new way (AU, different situation, etc.) they could have met for the first time.
.... technically, they already got a few AUs XD But for fun, let’s start again with the traditionnal Coffee Shop AU. Where Inuko is the grumpy, tiny, puppy-obsessed coffee clerck, and Pavel the nice, awkward nerd.
It’s a special coffee shop that stays open all night, because it’s near an university AND an important firm where people always stay until late in the night. So there’s always at least a few frazzled customers coming in at all hours for their caffeine fix.
Inuko always gets the graveyard shift because they ask for it. People staying up all night to work on experiments, dissertations or exams don’t stay for chit-chat, they take their coffee and go back to their prison. Inuko just needs to growl a few words and it’s over.
But there’s always an exception. That exception is a strange-looking nerd. Well, all nerds are strange-looking according to them, but that one is differently-strange-looking from the others. First, his hair has pink tips. Pink. That’s the first time Inuko ever saw a boy with pink hair. Second, they don’t really know if he comes from the university or the labs. He’s dressed in geeky shirts and shorts (and tongs. TONGS), and his lack of haircut alone would qualify him for a student. But he doesn’t seem agitated during exam periods, and never carries any book with him.
And even stranger, he sometimes sits down with his laptop and coffee, and sometimes stays there for half an hour, or more. It’s weird, because he’s the only one doing that. He stays in an empty room, comfortable as if in his living-room, as if he wasn’t the only one in a deserted coffee shop. He doesn’t try to talk and Inuko is grateful for this, they don’t want to hold a conversation. But.... they can’t help to be a little bit curious. Who is this nerd, and what is he doing here instead of sleeping if he’s not late in his work ?
Slowly, they start gravitating around his table. It’s a slow, very slow move, very minute. They learn his name not by a label on his stuff, but with their DS’ StreetPass. A spiky-haired nerd with glasses and a purple shirt, that’s him. Pavel, he’s called. Well, that’s not bad. Inuko starts walking around the table, sweeping the tables and the floor, sneaking glances here and there. It seems that the weird nerd - Pavel - works on programs and stuff. A real nerd job. Sometimes, he plays, too, as if he had all night and no need to sleep, and Inuko watches him kill monsters or spaceships by the dozen.
One night, Inuko asks Pavel if he wants another drink, instead of waiting for him to come and rattle his weird order again. He looks surprised, maybe because that’s the first time he properly hears their voice, but accepts. Inuko brings the drink, and when walking back, makes a comment on what Pavel is working on. And soon, they are engrossed in a conversation about programming and programmation languages.
It quickly becomes their ritual. Pavel comes around 1 or 2 AM, orders his drink, and sits down with his laptop. As soon as they can, they come to sit with him, and talk about movies, games and everything with him, for hours, sometimes until dawn.
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