#I feel like the people at the church
cyarskj1899 · 1 year
That. Very. Last. Sentence. This Black Queen needs to be writing speeches from her office in the West Wing. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🖤🖤🖤
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And that last line… that last motherfqucking line
...and they’re lucky that what black people are looking for is equality and not revenge...”
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fayzart136 · 8 months
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This is not for you.
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
being in art school and having basically 0 knowledge about christianity whatsoever is so funny at this point i think you could tell me literally anything was an allegory for jesus and i'd just believe you
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neverfeverdream · 9 days
today i got to go into a deep cave and experience true dark. the true deep, wonderful darkness that is complete absence of light when deep underground. the walls of the cave echoing only the sounds inside them. trapping everything inside of it and turning it around and over itself and it was
truly beautiful.
i now understand what it is to be in the darkness and i don’t understand why the light is the one known for its radiance when the darkness can radiate in that way
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steppesliver · 3 months
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true detective: the long bright dark / disco elysium: jamais vu (derealization)
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purpleshadow-star · 4 months
It's Valentines Day but it's also Ash Wednesday so uhh... some headcanons about that second thing.
Tilda wasn't super religious, but she'd drag Aaron to church every so often when he was growing up
After Tilda, Aaron doesn't actively practice religion much, but he'll do some things like get ashes on Ash Wednesday and observe lent
Nicky and Renee go to get their ashes together every year with a silent Aaron grumpily tagging along
They go in the morning after morning work out, but before their classes start, so once afternoon practice is over, they all end up with just a smudge of black on their foreheads
After living with Aaron and Nicky and a few other Christian households over the years, Andrew has gotten into the habit of not eating meat on Fridays during lent
Abby is also Christian, but she doesn't go to Church much and gets her ashes at a separate time than the Foxes
During lent, Abby will sometimes invite the Foxes over to her house for a seafood dinner on Fridays
Abby doesn't usually give anything up for lent, but Renee, Nicky and Aaron do
The girls' last year before they graduate, Renee gives up sweets for lent, and Andrew makes sure to eat twice the amount of candy around her just to be annoying
Nicky gives up alcohol and complains at least five times a day (and almost gives in on some particularly hard nights), but he manages to make it to the end without giving in
Andrew suggests that Aaron give up Katelyn for lent during a joint session with Bee, and he is not amused
Aaron ends up giving up video games, and he complains about it just as much as Nicky complains about the alcohol, but he also makes it to the end without giving in
Andrew walks into practice on Ash Wednesday and tells Wymack in a deadpan voice that he gave up exy for lent so he can't play. Wymack knows Andrew doesn't observe lent and makes him change out with everyone else, but Neil cracks up at the incredulous look Wymack has for the second before he calls Andrew out on it and that makes the extra lap (that Andrew doesn't actually do) worth it to Andrew
Neil makes a joke about Andrew giving up ice cream even though he knows Andrew doesn't officially observe lent, and Andrew doesn't talk to him for five hours out of spite
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cheerfullycatholic · 11 months
I hope someday kids don't have to fear coming out to their Catholic families. I hope someday they're raised being taught the whole truth, that while actions are sinful and the Church cannot condone them, feelings and temptations are not, and that God doesn't love them any less for something they can't control. I hope when they start to feel these things their immediate reaction isn't "oh no, my parents will kill me if they find out" but, "I need to talk about this with my parents". I hope someday it's no longer treated as the worst thing a person could be, or something that needs to be hidden. I hope someday they don't feel unwelcome by their parish, that they know they belong there just as much as anyone else. I hope someday they're taught that a celibate life is not a punishment, but a beautiful way to live a holy life- not just for lgbt people, but for anyone who chooses it, and that it's no longer looked at as a lesser option. I hope someday they can confidently turn to their loved ones for support and guidance, and not have to carry this alone. I hope someday lgbt Catholics are loved in the Church like God loves them.
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
not my friends being 400x less supportive about me being Christian than I am about them being atheist
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arodeku · 5 months
In light of recent events (everyone collectively losing all hope of dapg is coming back in 2024) I went back and checked when the first videos of each year were posted in the past and I'm glad to inform you all that every single time a video was uploaded no sooner than the 17th and no later than the 20th. Please chill.
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gxlden-angels · 3 months
I love getting validated on small things that I didn't even consider like it's always a treat and this time it's Gender
The Fundie Baby Voice™️ has been popping up a lot in ex-christian spaces lately and I actually had one in middle school and part of high school! I learned when and where to use it and how to turn up my southern accent just enough. I can still do it but it sounds weird after 3 years on T. The main place I used it was at church cause it made me sound sweet and polite. I used it for old ladies when I worked at a grocery store too. My family didn't like it when we were just all together cause they said it sounded like baby talk, but loved it when I used it at church cause everyone would tell them how sweet and soft-spoken I was
My therapist said it actively made him feel uncomfortable when I used that voice. He couldn't quite put his finger on why it made him uncomfortable (other than him only knowing me on T) but he very much did not like it and he's so so right for that
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Ignore if you don’t want to read about me being stupid once again
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holysaintscathedral · 7 months
Not to be a pick me on main but constantly berating your attraction to men and saying it's a curse to be attracted to men and "ew who would ever choose a man" doesn't seem all that healthy for your mental well being and your relationship with your own sexuality.
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huginsmemory · 1 year
Trigun and the 'Bride of Christ'
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An additional thought that popped up after my previous post about Triguns heavy themes of Christianity (a somewhat? Part 2?). In this I look at the Vash and Wolfwoods relationship, their opposing views and how that relates to the Christian term 'the bride of christ'. During this I specifically discuss a large spoiler for the series/manga, so readers beware!
I was chatting with some lovely folks on the Vashwood discord server (if you wish to join, click this link!) about Wolfwoods death, and the way it's, well, wedding themed. The wedding themes include the confetti, the way Wolfwoods passing occurs in front of a church, the ringing of the church bell, and the bottle of liquor they share is labelled 'BRIDE' with a cross on it.
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All the items come together in a definite way that resembles, in some terrible fashion, the festivities for a wedding. Hell, even after Vash buries Wolfwood, he makes tons of dishes of food, and Livio and him basically have a feast, another thing one does at weddings.
The 'Bride of Christ'
What particularly caught my eye was the bottle with the word bride on it, with a cross. Multiple times within the new testament, the body of the church is referred to as the 'Bride of Christ'. As I've previously mentioned, Vash is regularly set up as a Christ-like figure; his actions and his philosophical values align with a Christian perspective, in his belief in unconditional love and forgiveness (ie, the blank ticket). As well, as that Wolfwood is a Christian preist, this literally makes him a 'bride of Christ'. In a sense, where in the story Vash is pitched as a Christ-like figure, this means that Wolfwood could be interpreted as the 'bride of Vash'. This especially so considering the contextual clues that hint towards a wedding - confetti, church, and church bells.
Acceptance of Christian philosophy
Further adding to this, is that although Wolfwood was a priest, he did not fully ascribe to Vash's view. In fact, the two of them are foils, their beliefs similar- both coming from love and a need to protect, but differing in Vash ascribing to unconditional love and forgiveness, while Wolfwood refuting that such a position can be practically taken (this is, well, I would say a simplified take on their beliefs but thats a different post for a different day). However, by this point in the story, the both of them have very deeply impacted each other. In fact, this is set almost immediately after Wolfwood saves Vash from Knives, which is the the moment where Vash openly forgives Wolfwood and Wolfwood begins his acceptance of Vash's philosophical views; in that specific moment, he accepts his own absolution (explained further in my previous post).
It is exactly in Wolfwoods fight against Chapel and Livio, that Wolfwood fully (or mostly so) accepts Vash's philosophical views, expanding to accept a blank ticket/unconditional love for others. This is seen as he repeatedly chooses not to kill Chapel's hired guns, and even sharply pleading Livio to spare one of them. Indeed, previously at Vash's request, he'll shoot to injure, but he's not really shown to be particularly worried about the bandits, versus here he is actively choosing to minimize harm; exactly like we've seen Vash do, over and over and over again throughout the series. As well, the hired guns literally try to target the orphanage when they've clearly lost, and also kill one of their own when Wolfwood brings him back, telling him that they've just upped their pay- showing that they're not particularly 'redeemable' hired guns that are likely to repent and become good people. And yet, Wolfwood still chooses to try and save them.
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He also specifically goes out of his way to not kill Livio, even though killing Livio would severely even out the playing field, and Wolfwood would likely not have likely died as a result. And Wolfwood makes that decision, again and again and again, only focusing on killing Chapel, and Chapel only, since he's the one that is threatening the orphans.
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While Wolfwood fights, Chapel derides him on Vash's views, and how Wolfwood has picked them up. Wolfwood, close to death, reviews his relationship with Vash and Vash's philosophy, and refutes the ideology that Chapel believes in, and that he himself has lived under, that they need to kill to survive, (or to save lives) and that Vash's belief in forgiveness and unconditional love is foolish.
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It culminates in Wolfwood declaring that he believes in Vash, in his principles, and standing back up to continue to fight, having accepted Vash's Christian philosophy. Interestingly, it's also Christian leaning terminology he uses; both in that he followed Vash, much like one follows the the teachings of Christ, and that he believes in the Vash's ability to change to world with his philosophy, in the same way Christians believe in Jesus's ability to save the world through the gospel.
In summary, Wolfwood chooses to accept and even says he believes in Vash's philosophical views, thereby choosing to accept the possibility of forgiveness and unconditional love, both for himself, as is shown when he saves Vash from Knives, but also for others, and especially with Livio during the scene up to his death. This full acceptance and belief in a Christian/Vash's perspective would then also show that Wolfwood has fully accepted to be the 'bride of Christ', making him not only via contextual cues a 'bride' of Vash, but also within a Christian theological sense a bride of Vash as well.
In conclusion, (ie, TLDR) Wolfwoods death is wedding themed, with confetti, a church, church bells, and a bottle with the label BRIDE with a cross on it. The church is within the Bible called the 'bride of Christ'; as Vash is a christ-figure, and Wolfwood is a priest, this would make Wolfwood Vash's bride. As well, it is just previous to Wolfwood death scene that Wolfwood has accepted Vash's Christian philosophies, signalling his acceptance as the 'bride of Christ/Vash', further perpetuating the wedding theme.
TTLDR: Vash and Wolfwood are married yup 👍
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collieii · 5 months
ok hear me out you know how pelicans sometimes symbolize jesus because medieval guys thought pelicans would stab their chests with their beaks so the chicks could eat and be sustained by their blood. so pelicans are like self sacrificial. and jesus sacrificed himself for man. what if vash's fursona is a pelican.
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I just had a whole actual married, mother of two adult woman be the first person older than about 21 to actually accept the fact that I don't want to get married and be willing to talk through what that means for me, instead of trying to convince me that I'll change my mind as I get older. I'm going to fucking cry
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nalt0r · 27 days
Anyways the new era of DW is the most “woke” (/pos) franchise media I’ve ever seen. In 6 episodes it’s been established that:
Doctor is gay
Donna gas a trans daughter, would commit murder to protect said daughter
Doctor has a discussion about assuming pronouns
Isaac Newton played by a person of color
UNIT’s scientific advisor is an ambulatory wheelchair user
The doctor gets killed by a universe breaking deity who takes the form of Neil Patrick Harris acting fruity
Doctor decides Donna’s daughter is his niece now
Doctor is a new guy but he’s still gay and he’s black now
The new companion and him bond over being adopted
The doctor goes on a pro-choice allegory adventure
The new companion’s best friend is a different trans woman, trans woman is shown as lead singer of a band
The Doctor meets another evil deity, this time taking the form of a genderqueer drag queen who represents the evils of corporations hoarding music copyrights
The word “lesbian” is used for possibly the first time in the shows history, referring to the aforementioned trans singer
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