#I’ll take four sessions a week please :)
nico-di-genova · 9 months
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Y’all think Jaime was utilizing CAPS while he was at school?
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mcuamerica · 1 month
The Shadowsinger: Five
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. Angst, implied SA, Tamlin and Amarantha are mentioned, ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairings: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Azriel’s off on a mission, so you train with Cassian. Upon returning, the Spymaster doesn’t like seeing you with his brother.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
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Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four
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The next morning, you were up early but no one was there for breakfast with you. And instead of Azriel, Cassian was in the training ring. “Oh… is Azriel not here today?” You asked.
“He’s got some spying to do, so I’ll keep up with your training.” He said.
Of course Azriel wouldn’t want to keep training you along with his spying. He had so many more important things to do than babysit an amateur Shadowsinger. And it was very apparent from the training session yesterday that you didn’t know nearly as much as him.
“You ready? Or do you need to stare off into the distance for a little longer?” Cassian said and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I’m ready, Commander.” You teased, getting in the position he started with the warm ups.
Cassian was more brutal than Azriel was, enough so that you were thinking Azriel was going easy on you. The prick. Cass made you sit in squats for longer, balance with your wings stretched out or tucked in more. It was all you could do by the end of it to not fall down the stairs to the House.
“Az said to give you these.” Cassian said and handed you a basket, your muscles groaning at the extra weight. “Said something about an owing you a massage when he got back.”
Your eyes widened and face flushed before you heard Cassian let out a loud chuckle. “You’re almost as bad as him.” He said and laughed. “For spies, you sure don’t hold back when you get embarrassed.” Cass said and winked at you before going to the dining room.
You set the basket in your room, opting to take a bath first before you went to the dining room to dig into the roast that was waiting for you. Then, you went to the library to start on your research into the Cauldron.
You never saw Gwyn. Though Rhys told you that the new priestesses normally took a while to adjust before being out of their dorms. What happened to her just yesterday made your stomach turn… and you couldn’t imagine how horrible it must have been for her to wake up today in a new place. You’d have to ask Clotho how she was doing when you got the chance.
You didn’t learn anything new about the Cauldron, but you brought more books up to the personal library to read more.
You still wondered how Feyre was doing with Tamlin. You remember when Rhys told you the story of what Tamlin’s family did to Rhys’s mother and sister. And how Tamlin himself had killed Rhys’s father. Hearing about the rage that Tamlin held that day… you’d hope it had changed. You’d hoped that Feyre was happy with him, and that he would treat her well. Still, the thought of Feyre with him was unsettling to you. You couldn’t figure it out, and your shadows seemed to be just as disturbed by it whenever it came to your mind.
As you read into the night, waiting to see if you heard Azriel come back, you couldn’t help as your mind wander to how lucky you were that you ended up here after Amarantha died. How you found friends that seemed to care about you, and a High Lord that didn’t just want to use you for his own bidding, but wanted you around because he trusted you. You could get used to calling Velaris, in all its beauty, your home. And these new friends your family.
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Azriel didn’t come back to the House of Wind for two weeks. Cassian had taken up your training, and you were already learning how to handle a sword (with the wooden practice ones) when Azriel watched you both from the steps.
He had been searching for the other parts of the Cauldron, ordering his spies to find out anything they could about what Hybern planned to do with it. And he only figured out that Hybern had Jurian’s eye and finger bone. Someone had snuck it off of Amarantha’s body before Tamlin killed her. He still couldn’t find out how, or who.
Seeing you work with Cassian strained something in him. A desire to be around you, or the jealousy that Cass was training you and he wasn’t. Azriel couldn’t tell what it was. Either way, he was almost proud to see you doing so well. What took most young Illyrian’s years to master, you had seem to do it in two weeks. All while taking flying lessons with Cassian as well. Cass told him that you were doing great with all of it. Better than any male he’s trained, actually. And you took it in stride too. Doing everything that Cassian threw at you. He even loaded a pack on your chest two days ago and had you fly up and down the mountain for two hours. You were almost ready to throw the pack at him by the end of it. But you knew it was to build up your strength. If you were going to be carrying Illyrian blades and a bow, you would need it.
Azriel knew you could do good. From the moment you agreed to train, he knew you had the motivation in you to do it. Whether it be from hate of what your family did to you, or from dedication to not let it happen again, he knew you would do it. He wanted to be the one to train you. He wanted to see that dedication every day. He hadn't seen an Illyrian learn so fast in a long time, and he knew it was a testament to an underlying power that brewed within you. That his shadows whispered to him about.
And yet, he took the first mission Rhys offered. There was something about you that pulled his attention every time you were in the room. And he couldn’t place it. His shadows wouldn’t tell him anything. And your few shadows that danced around his ankles up to his hands and neck whenever he was close to you drove him crazy. It’s like he couldn’t get enough of you but also didn’t want to get too close. He couldn’t handle getting close and you pushing him away. Or going for another male like Rhys or Cass. Like Mor had done when she chose Cassian over him. And then never acknowledged him more than a close friend. Family. Nothing like he wanted. He may have given up on her a long time ago, but sometimes it still stung.
So he took the mission to keep his distance. No matter the tug he felt when he was around you. He fought it. And kept his thoughts and emotions about you to himself.
“Azriel!” He heard your voice say, followed by a yelp when Cassian hit your stomach with the butt of the sword.
“Really, Cass?” You growled and nudged him away before jogging over to Azriel. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. Where have you been?” You asked, catching your breath.
“We’re not done!” Cassian yelled at you, but you simply stared at Azriel, waiting for an answer.
All Azriel could do was trail his eyes up the leathers you were wearing. The way they clung to your curves. The way they were already filled out much more than they were that first training day. Your hair was in a braid, but little wisps if it were out, clinging to your forehead with sweat.
“Azriel?” You asked again, not shifting under his stare like you had before. Training like this with Cassian had made you much more confident. Like you were before Amarantha came and tore your life apart. You still didn’t want to admit how much those 50 years effected you. Even if they were still recent. You wanted to put them in the past and not think about them any more that you were required. And luckily, no one had asked you much after the first day of telling them your story.
Cassian bounded over, patted Azriel on the shoulder in a way of greeting, and then picked you up over his shoulder.
“Cassian!” You yelled and clenched your fists. “Put me down,” you ground out.
“No chance, you are still training. And no pretty boy is going to distract you. Got it?” He asked and you grumbled. “Got it?” He asked again.
“Yes! Cauldron… Now put me down before I start clawing your wings.” You said firmly. He set you down back in the middle of the training ring and handed you the sword you discarded.
“What’s the number one rule I taught you about your weapon?” He asked.
“The pointy end goes away from you?” You remarked, earning a swipe of his own sword, which you blocked. “Don’t drop it in the middle of a fight without a purpose.” You said and knocked his sword back.
Azriel watched as you bantered with Cassian almost as seamlessly as you fought. At one point, you had Cassian so speechless and stunned that you were able to knock his sword from his hand. It was at that point that Cassian knocked you from your feet, your sword clattering much farther away from you than his. Cass always did want to be the one to win the battle.
It was everything Azriel could do to not go and help you out. Or coach you on how to get out from under him. Especially since Cassian was much larger than you. Not to mention better trained.
He must have been feeling generous, or you got the drop on him (probably the former) because you were able to use his weight against him and flip the two of you over so you were on top. Straddling his hips, your hands mere inches from the tips of his wings. Panting.
“Rhys wants us in the dining room for lunch.” Azriel called out, knowing that Rhys would wait. And if he really wanted you all to meet, he could speak mind-to-mind easily. But Azriel couldn’t stand to see you in that position with Cassian. And he couldn’t stop himself for imagining him under you instead. He quickly turned on his heel and vanished with his shadows back to his room.
“Just when it was getting fun.” You joked as you stood up and held out a hand for Cassian, who let out a booming laugh.
“Keep saying things like that and Az might slice me to bloody ribbons.” He joked and you shrugged.
“I doubt it. He doesn’t seem too interested in me.” You said as you grabbed a glass of water and downed it. “And if he is, he sure has a weird way of showing it. He ignored me the whole first month, trained me one day, and then disappeared on a two week mission. And he’s still ignoring me.” You muttered and downed another glass of water.
“Hmm… let’s show him what he’s missing, then,” Cass said and slung an arm around your shoulder, avoiding your wings. Your shadows curled away slightly from his touch. Not in a bad way, but in a way that didn’t happen with Azriel. They always curled around him. Even if he wasn’t touching you, but in the same room. You always tacked it up to him being a Shadowsinger himself, and maybe it was comforting for your shadows to have someone else to cling to. You still barely knew how the things worked. Even after having them around for a hundred years.
You knew how to hide in them, how to listen and talk to them, how to winnow with them. But not much else. It was still a hassle most of the time when you wanted to control them. So if a few of your shadows wanted a more experienced singer to cling to, you were more than willing to let them. For a little while. You still liked your shadows. If you ever had to go without them, you wouldn’t know what to do. Wouldn’t have the comforting feel of them whirling your ankles and wings. Throughout your hair.
“Come out with us tonight.” Cassian said once you made it down the stairs.
You looked up at his towering form and rose your eyebrows. “Where?” You asked. Even the first month of you here, you didn’t go out with them. You didn’t go into the city much either, barely even visited the town home. You didn’t want to impose on it just yet. And it was too many people who would be watching your every move. Like they did when you worked for her. So you stayed in the House. And you liked it. Plus, you started to see Gywn around the library, not speaking to anyone, but at least she was out of her dorm.
“To Rita’s. I know Mor would love it. She’s been complaining that you didn’t come last week.” He said and you smiled a bit. You quite liked the female. She was bright and full of energy. And she didn’t take shit from the boys. And barely took it from Amren, who still scared you enough to not meet her eye.
“I don’t have much to wear.” You said, Cassian cringing as you both heard a yelp from down the stairs to the dining room.
“Did I hear that we’re going shopping?” Mor said and bounded over to the bottom of the stairs, bouncing on her heels.
“I didn’t say that.” You teased as you stepped down beside her.
“Oh, please? I’ll help you pick out the perfect outfit.” She said and nudged you. You winced a bit, still sore from the training. Your braid was still a mess. But you didn’t care, you were starving and just wanted to eat. Even if you looked ridiculous.
As if reading your thoughts, your shadows swirled around your head, either covering or smoothing your hair, you couldn’t tell. Either way, you silently thanked them.
“Hmm.. fine. But I would prefer to go when it’s not too crowded…” you said and she gave you a knowing look. As if she too knew what it was like to want to hide away. You weren’t sure how she would ever feel like that. You figured she got more energy from being around people, new people, than anyone else. Where as for you… well you learned to like your solitude. Probably from the years you spent locked in your cabin while your family went to train. And then the years following that was spent in a village with no more than 50 inhabitants.
“So you’ll come out with us tonight?” Cassian asked as you entered the dining room with them.
Shrugging again, you answered, “Sure. Though if people start asking me to do party tricks with my shadows, I’m leaving.” You said and rolled your shoulders back, tucking in your wings.
“Trust us, they won’t. Not when Az is the only Shadowsinger they knew and he once stabbed someone for looking at him the wrong way.” Mor joked and you furrowed your eyebrows. Even though Azriel was a little cold to you, you could tell he was kind. Especially with the way this family acted with him.
“He was 38 and we were recovering from the war, remember?” Rhys added from his spot at the table. “And that was in Hewn. Everyone in Hewn would be stabbed if they looked at Az the way that male did.” He mentioned and then leaned back. He didn’t have his wings out today, so you figured this was a business lunch more than a formal one. They had all mainly been away, or you’d been I’m your room burying your nose in the books on the Cauldron. Or they had been meeting in the town home. Definitely not around you.
Soon you were all settled, Azriel appearing before the meal was served and sitting next to Rhys and Amren. Cassian was on your right, and Mor on your left. That left the other three across from you. It felt like someone was missing from the table, but as you counted around, you knew that was everyone.
After you had all ate a couple bites (Amren pushing her food around like always), Rhys looked up, setting his utensils down. “Cassian, I need you to go to Windhaven.” Rhys said. “See how the army is coming along. And if the females are being trained properly.” He said, then looked at you. “And I would prefer if you went along.” He said.
“Just with Cassian? Don’t you need to introduce me as emissary?” You asked and Rhys shook his head.
“Cass is the commander of my armies. If he says they’re to listen to you, they will.” Rhys said and you rose your eyebrows. You knew Illyrians. And you knew that wasn’t true. You also knew that Rhys knew it too. But you weren’t going to push, so you nodded.
“How long do you want me there?” Cassian asked.
“Two weeks, and then you can come back in time for the Solstice.” He said. “We’ll spend it in the townhome.”
“You think Devlon is ready for another Shadowsinger?” Azriel piped in.
“The question is, do you think Devlon is ready for the first female Shadowsinger?” Cassian asked.
You hummed. “I think you all need to be asking if Devlon is ready for me. I’m not just a Shadowsinger, you know.” You said, crossing your arms. “And I think the answer is no. Devlon used to be a friend of my father’s. He very might well faint when he recognizes me to be the daughter of Rechard Vash.” You stated and smirked.
“I like how you think, girl.” Amren said and leaned back in her chair, her arm draped over the arm of it. “I say Devlon has whatever is coming to him from her,” she said as she looked at Rhys.
He only chuckled as he went back to eating. “Was that it?” You asked and leaned forward. “Or should I leave so you can discuss what Azriel learned on that mission?” You asked.
None of them stiffened at your tone, or the implication that they didn’t trust you.
“I merely wanted to finish my food,” Rhys said with an easy smile. “But if you’re eager to learn about what the Spymaster learned, go ahead Az.” He said and took another bite of the roast.
“I didn’t learn anything useful,” Azriel said. “Well, other than that there are two pieces of the Cauldron missing and I still have no clue where the third one is. Though, it’s probably in a temple.” He said. “Hopefully here. If it’s in another Court… that’ll be harder to detect.” He finished.
“I never thought you’d be one to be down on yourself,” you said, taking a bite of vegetables. “Sounds like you learned quite a lot.”
Once again, he ignored you and looked at Rhys. “Any chance I can go back to Sangravagh and examine it again?” He asked and Rhys waved his hand. “Go where you need to, but I still have one more thing to ask of you when we’re done with lunch.” He said.
As much as you wanted to slump into your chair, you stayed still as you ate. You didn’t know what you did wrong to have Azriel act so indifferent towards you. Of all the Inner Circle, you thought you would bond with him the most. Being a Shadowsinger… it wasn’t easy. It was rare and the looks that you got. The burdens that you had to carry. You figured only he would understand. But he didn’t even try to speak to you.
And it continued into the night, after you went shopping with Mor. She even had Rhys’s in-house tailor fix all the clothing so your wings would fit seamlessly around them. All in time to go to Rita’s.
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A/N: This is a fun little chapter with some of Az’s pov - a little longer than the rest. When the IC + our reader goes to Rita's in the next chapter... I think you'll enjoy it!!
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knottyk · 2 years
Pairing: Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader (addressed as mama and papa.)
Words: 1.8k
Summary: You received a call from Eddie during the kids’ bath time, telling you he won’t make it home from tour. That afternoon, you discovered that he lied in the sweetest way.
tags: mom and dad life, silly eddie spawns, domestic life
more ava and hunter
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They said having two kids close in age would be easier. Mom can get things done around the house while the two babies play and accompany one another.
With Eddie constantly on tour, leaving you on your own most of the time, it seemed like a good idea. In theory.
“Ava, please don’t splash. You’ll get soap in your brother’s eyes.” You pleaded for the third time in five minutes. With a towel resting on your left shoulder, you lathered the shampoo on her dark, curly hair. 
Your words, once again, fell on deaf ears as your four-year-old daughter dunked a toy panda under the water and swished it around while squealing, “Whee! Mermaid!” 
Giggling beside her, two-year-old Hunter had his plastic giraffe toy in hand, mirroring his sister’s actions. The harsh splashing of water didn’t seem to faze him and squeals echoed the tiled walls of your bathroom. In the hallway, the sound of the phone ringing interrupted your bath session.
“Mama, phone!” Hunter pointed towards the door, hands dripping in soapy water and falling right on your clothed legs. 
You took his arm and lathered more soap on and you said, “It’s okay.” 
“It’s papa.” He looked longingly at the door, his brown eyes shining against the fluorescent light and the sunlight from the window. Most people said he looked like you but you disagree. 
“Papa will call later. Right now, we need to finish bathing. Okay?” You pinch his cheeks.
Way before having the kids, you and Eddie had already established scheduled phone calls depending on where he was and today’s call wasn’t until around supper. It’s probably some telemarketer looking to sweet talk an unsuspecting customer, you thought.
The ringing had stopped after sometime and the house fell in a deep silence, save for the sound of swashing water and giggles.
“Okay, rinsing time.” You say in a sing-song voice and pull out the plug, letting the water drain as the kids protested softly.
Carrying them out of the tub and into the shower, you rinse the bubbles off and scrub their skin clean until there was no trace of soap left.
Taking the towel off your shoulder, you dry Hunter first who had a finger in his mouth. Before you could get to Ava, the phone rang again.
Against better judgement, you left them standing on the mat to pick up the phone.
“Hey, sweetheart.” His voice was raspy and tired on the other end.
“Eddie?” You glimpse at your wrist watch, covered in tiny drops of water. “It’s 9 in the morning, why are you calling so early. Did anything happen? Are you okay?”
He chuckled. “I’m okay. How are the little devils?” 
“Wreaking havoc, as usual.” You laughed and chewed on your lip. You listened to his breathing and you could almost hear him smile.
It took a while before he spoke again. “Listen, the tour’s been pushed til next week. Management thinks we can really pull on this one.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered and you hear shuffling from his end. “I’ll make it up to you and the kids, alright?” 
“No, it’s okay. I understand.” 
With Corroded Coffin making it mainstream, it meant big things for you, Eddie and your little family. It meant having the financial stability his job offered and you having all the time in the world with your children under in a comfortable home.
Though it also meant that Eddie was away from you and the children. You felt bad for him missing the kids’ milestones but he insists it’s okay as long as they have their mother by their side.
“I love you. Kiss them for me, will you?” 
“I will. Love you too.”
With a sigh, you hung the phone back on the wall when the line cut off. You stood in silence for a minute before heading back to the bathroom. Your somber state was quick to vanish and be replaced with horror with the scene in front of you. 
Somehow, Ava had gotten to the bottle of lotion on the shelf by the mirror. Thick layers of cream covered Hunter’s body, some getting on his lips while Ava was still on the process of rubbing it on her skin.
The room reeked of the powdery scent as the bottle laid on the floor, remnants of the cream splattered on the floor as the bottle itself was almost squeezed empty.
“Oh my god, baby what did you do?” It took everything in you not to snap, gasping against the palm on your lips while keeping your voice calm. Between the two of you, Eddie had always been the gentler parent.
Hunter was rubbing circles on his tummy as Ava looked at you with wide, doe eyes. “I helped you, mama. Look, I can take care of Hunter now. I’m a big girl.”
You stepped in and kneeled in front of them, almost slipping in the thin layer of lotion on the floor. You have another thing added to your list of chores today, you thought.
“Thank you, baby.” You remained calm, breathing deep before you spoke. “But next time, you should wait for me, okay? Don’t get these things on your own.” 
She nodded and you started to wipe the excess lotion off their body. 
With tender and soft skin, Ava and Hunter sat on the couch while they watched the TV. 
When you first got the house, you and Eddie had debated about which couch to put in the living room. You’ve gone through so many catalogues and even coordinated it with the accent color of the walls. 
Today, it proved useless as the rich color and patterns were cover with piles of undone laundry. The carpet was littered with all sorts of toys and trailed into the open kitchen. 
With a broom in hand, you stood on the archway. “Ava, Hunter,” you called. “Could you please pick up your toys? Mama needs to clean the floor.”
“Okay!” Ava jumped out of the couch with her brother in tow. You dragged the toy basket in the middle of the floor as they skipped to gather all the toys while you started on the sweeping. 
Some days, having two children was like having ten. You thanked the gods for the cooperative nature they had today because much like their father, they were fond of theatrics and sneaky tactics. You were glad to not have to deal with crying, whining toddlers today. 
Most of the toys had been cleared out when the doorbell rang. Ava and Hunter dropped the toys at hand and raced to the door, footsteps heavy and fast.
You scolded them both not to run and walked behind them. The door knob shook as they grabbed it at the same time and tried to twist it open. You take their hands off the knob and swing the door open.
Behind two stuffed bunnies, Eddie stood with his bags beside him. He moved the bunnies’ heads as he spoke in a high voice. “Are Ava and Hunter home?”
“Papa!” The kids rushed past you and immediately clung to his legs. Ava wrapped her arms and legs around his waist as Hunter made grabby hands while swaying on his feet.
Eddie squatted down to level with them before they tackle him down and made him lose balance. Eddie tickled them with the stuffed bunnies and all three of them were a giggling mes; your heart hurt at the sight. 
The giggles died down and you stepped out with your arms crossed, head tilted slightly and eyes rolling. The kids got off Eddie and ran into the house with their new toys. He stood up and dusted himself off before grinning at you. 
“Sorry, I lied.” He whispered against your ear as he pulled you in by the waist. 
You lightly hit him on the chest and leaned into his touch. Resting your cheek on his ear, he peppered you with light kisses. You closed your eyes and engrave the feeling in your mind. 
“I hate you.” 
“Oh, but you love me.” He leaned back and looked at you, smile never leaving his face. “You told me earlier.” 
You hugged him for a while before ushering him in along with his bags. The kids already talking his ear off with all the activities they had done while he was away. He listened with great enthusiasm and adoration. 
“Did you eat yet?” You asked him as you put away the laundry on the couch. 
He shook his head, his focus never leaving the kids’ chatter. Avan sat on the arm of the couch as she brushed through the bunny’s ear while Hunter sat on Eddie’s lap, occasionally speaking to add to his sister’s stories.
“I haven’t prepared any lunch yet.” You hurriedly gathered all the clothes in one arm and dumped them onto the laundry basket. You were about to leave and put them in your bedroom when Eddie spoke.
“That’s alright, we can order in.” He faced the kids and shouted, “Who wants pizza?” 
They cheered on the couch, Ava giddily jumping on her seat and Hunter copying her. 
“Pizza for lunch, Eddie? That’s, like, against the parenting rulebook.” You joked. 
“Babe, who cares? If anything, that makes us the coolest parents ever.” 
So pizza for lunch it was and by the end, crusts were left on the greasy box and pieces of pepperoni were stuck on bibs and dresses. Ava’s marinara stained mouth and Hunter’s fists closed on the slice of pizza as Eddie snapped a photo with the film camera stored safely in your fond memories.
Once bellies were full and eyelids grew heavy, you set the kids on the couch for their afternoon nap and returned back tot he kitchen to clean up the mess you made. 
You started on the cups when an arm wrapped around your waist. Eddie kissed your hair and rested his chin on your shoulder, taking the dirty cups out of your hands. “I’ll take care of it. You go rest with them, okay? I got this.” 
Without protesting, you nodded and headed back to the living room as he continued what you had just started. 
It didn’t take him long to clear the table and wash what little dishes you had. In no time, he was done and was headed back to the living room where all three of his most loved people laid asleep. 
You were backed up the back rest with an arm extended outwards where Ava and Hunter rested their heads, the two kids embracing one another while they snore softly. 
Eddie took a mental picture of the scene in front of him. He sat by your foot and slowly placed it on his lap, caressing your legs as he laid back and closed his eyes, sighing with content as for once in so long, he was home.
okay so this isn't how i envisioned it and it's not my fav that i've ever written but i had to write something or else i'm gonna burst from boredom. kinda rushed and kinda not proofread.
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pearlsinmyhair · 11 months
₊ ⊹ the price of the name.
synopsis: reader has had a hard life, and now she’s an orphan. but someone just as lonely comes into her life to take her under his wing.
warnings: some calm before the storm. miguel won’t compromise his morals. diet angst. cursing.
platonic!miguel x daughter-like!reader. no seriously, reader is eighteen and young. this is found family, not romantic. training begins, and with miguel it is anything but easy. but sometimes he softens.
part i
word count: 2k
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part ii: star girl
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      
“there are a lot of things you’re going to have to keep up with.” miguel said to you as you both walked through the halls of the spider society. you didn’t miss the glances and stares as you passed, and it made you shift closer to him.
he glanced down at you before glaring at a spider who stared a bit too hard, and they scrambled away.
“excuse their attention, i don’t usually take on apprentices.” he said simply as he continued walking. you had to practically run to keep up with his long legs.
“rule number one, keep up. i don’t need a kid dragging me down on missions or runs around the base. you’re eighteen, you can handle that.” he said without looking at you. you had to fight the urge to scoff at that. did he even realize how fast he was walking?
“rule number two, you have to protect your universe just as much as others. you are the only spider woman of universe 348, so you need to be vigilant.”
he glanced back at you again before saying.
“rule number three, you have to keep your grades up.”
you paused at that, your step faltering. “excuse me?”
“you heard me. you need to stay sharp, and not just in your training.” he hovered his hand over the key reader to the training area, and the doors opened with a soft hiss.
she had figured that he was insanely smart in some subject, as all spider people were, but she hadn’t figured it out quite yet. she’d only known him for a week.
“okay, fine. i’ll keep my grades up. anything else?” she asked as she looked around at the various equipment around the gym, all high tech and sparkly.
“yep. rule number four, when i say jump, you say…” he looked at you pointedly.
“good job, you understand one of the most universal phrases. now run a lap.” he said, putting his hands on his hips and nodding to the track.
you stood still, not quite used to miguel’s pentient for sarcasm. he snapped his fingers in front of your face.
“c’mon kid, out of the clouds. jump.”
you rolled your shoulders, letting out a sigh as you began to jog.
this was going to be so much fun.
₊ ⊹
as weeks passed, you were beginning to realize just how much of an oddity yours and miguel’s partnership was.
the spider society had begun to call you ‘star girl’. the name laced both awe and envy.
it was loosely based on your suit, you were sure. it was blue with a few little stars trailing down it to add ambiance. but it was also linked to rarity.
the looks did not fade as time passed. and some looks of curiosity hardened into ones of jealously.
miguel was the unofficial leader of the spider society, and he was a hard man to please. many spiders gunned for your position, wanting even just a nod from him. but they got nothing. most of them were lucky if they ever got a single word out of him at all.
you would argue that their idea of miguel was tainted by rose colored glasses.
getting morsels of praise from him was great, partially because you knew he meant it when he said it. but every thing else?
“you need to be quicker. one day you might need that second to sling a web to safety or save a civilian. you can never afford to be slow, y/n.”
“again. your right hook is still too weak. you can’t always rely on webs.”
“kick your leg higher.”
“your webbing aim is still lacking, kid.”
you had never been worked so hard.
it all piled into one training session of hand to hand combat.
there was always one rule when they were on the mat: no hitting faces.
no kicks. no punches. no slaps. no webs.
so instead, miguel would catch your blows with his hands, allowing you to throw punch after punch into his palms, correcting your positioning and your power everytime.
“it’s still really weak, kid. again.” he said, taking a step back, widening his stance once more in preparation for your punch.
but you didn’t move. you had been getting worse and worse as the lesson went, completly lost and confused as miguel kept dismissing each of your attempts.
“i don’t know how.” you murmured.
“quit pouting and try again. if you give up this quickly in an actual fight, you’ll fail. do. it. again.” he demanded, unaware of how tears pricked your eyes in frustration.
“i said i don’t know how!” you yelled, voice cracking pathetically halfway through.
miguel actually took a step back at your outburst, eyes widening slightly. for a moment, you expected him to bite back, or send you home. but when he didn’t reply, you kept going.
“i don’t know how, miguel. you tell me again, but i don’t know how to correct it. i need you to show me, not just tell me.” you said softly, suddenly embarrassed and a little frightened at his silence.
he swallowed, and his expression softened.
“go…go get a drink of water, then i’ll show you.” he said, blinking as he glanced away from you.
you had to fight off the urge to raise your own brows, instead using this rare moment of mercy to chug down water from one of the bottles on the side.
when you stepped back on the mat, miguel stood beside you, showing you exactly how to hold your fist, then how to move your arm.
when he stood in front of you again, holding his hand up in preparation, you threw your fist with as much force as you could muster.
the resounding slap made you cringe, and you opened one eye to check miguel’s expression.
the asshole looked bored.
“still didn’t hurt.” he deadpanned, and you responded by shoving him. he took a step back, a move that would not be possible unless he allowed it.
“you didn’t let me finish. it didn’t hurt, but it was better.” he said, pushing your forehead with his pointer finger.
you smiled, happy that at least you were improving.
and to your surprise, miguel gave you a small smile of his own.
₊ ⊹
after that practice, miguel’s whole training model changed.
now four months later, he met you at the entrance to his office, fiddling with his watch until a glowing portal opened up. when you raised a brow at him, he simply stepped into the portal, not bothering to tell you to follow.
when you exited the in-between of the universes, you were surprised to find that you were in a massive forest full of trees as tall as buildings.
without so much as an introduction, miguel shot a web and swung away from you.
“hey! what the hell, mig?” you shouted, struggling to swing beside him.
he glared at you. “never, ever, call me that. and we’re working on your swinging today.”
you glared right back, fumbling to keep your balance in the new setting. “no shit. but did you have to leave me?”
he smirked, flashing his canines at you when you almost fell. “expect the unexpected, y/n. i thought i taught you better.”
you scoffed, before once again nearly dropping.
miguel reached a hand out to you on instinct, but you recovered your balance.
“okay, let’s start easy. swing and fwip.” he said, murmuring the words as you mimicked his actions.
you smiled at him as you got the hang of your new surroundings. “did you get pointers from peter b?”
his face became grim. “do not dare mention that mans name. it summons him.”
you chuckled at that, before you pulled your web hard and swung your body into a backflip.
“see, i’m not entirely incompetent.” you told miguel, continuing to swing with him as he gave you small pointers.
“i’m aware. but i need you to be in top shape for when you go on a mission soon.”
you stopped shooting webs, pausing and dropping to the leaf-covered ground.
miguel circled and landed before you.
“are you telling me i’m ready?” you asked, looking up at him in disbelief.
“i’m telling you that i think you can handle slight anomalies. nothing big yet, just little disturbances.” he said, keeping his expression blank.
you bounced on your toes, chewing at your lip in excitement.
four months of training, and you’d be in the field.
you fought down the urge to whoop in celebration, or jump, or something. this was miguel after all. he didn’t appreciate sudden expressions of joy in his general vicinity.
so instead you settled for a sincere “thank you.”
he nodded sagely, fwipping back up to the trees.
and you followed, shooting webs and flipping, eager to sharpen your technique.
because of this, you missed the proud smile across miguel’s face.
₊ ⊹
you opened the door to your bedroom, eager to get your suit off and shower when you spotted the white box on your bed.
it was unassuming, plain except for a small message written in absurdly neat handwriting.
‘star girl’
you glanced around your room, even going so far as to ask lyla to scan it. calling on her was something you didn’t do too often. even though she was an a.i., it still felt like she was a person and that you were annoying her.
the projected woman granted your wishes, turning to you to tell you that all was well. she wore a secretive smile across her digital lips as she looked at you, then the box.
you glanced at the cardboard.
“you know something.” you said, tone suspicious as you tried to study lyla for answers.
she shrugged. “best way to know is to open it.” she replied before disappearing into a cloud of pixels.
you shuffled over to the box, tracing the edge of it before lifting one corner. you glanced inside and promptly slammed the top shut.
no fucking way.
there was absolutely no way.
you took a step back, turning your back to the box.
you couldn’t accept that.
but it was left on your bed. with your nickname on it.
you sucked your teeth as you turned back and fully opened the box.
inside it sat a beautiful midnight-blue spider suit with flecks of white stars all along it. you lifted the body of the suit up by the armpits, studying the way that the webs along it became geometric like constellations.
the white lines around the sides and waist glittered and flickered.
only one person had the materials to do this. and only one would have the courage to give it to you.
you clutched the suit to your chest, fighting the raw emotion that caught in your throat.
you told him how much you loved the stars, explaining each and every constellation you had included on your suit.
you flipped the fabric in your hands to check.
cassiopeia on the ribs. canis major on the base of your foot. orion tangled in the spider symbol on the chest.
he would never give it to you in person. no, that would be far too informal, far to unprofessional.
so you sat in your room, biting your lip to fight back tears as you stood in your empty house, holding the glittering gift to your body like a vice.
you wondered how many nights he had spent making this. he had told you how hard his suit was to make, how tedious the process was. and he had done it all again.
for you.
fuck being unprofessional. you wished that he had given it to you in person anyway.
“yes, y/n? are you alright, hun?”
“can you tell miguel-” you swallowed as a tear trailed down your cheek. “can you tell miguel thank you? like, really thank you?”
“…of course, hun. get some rest.”
you sank to your knees in the quiet of your dead house and sobbed, wishing for all the world that someone was here.
masterlists | part iii
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yeah it seems pretty wholesome rn, huh?
would be a shame if someone…changed that.
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mabelstone · 11 months
Teachers Pet
matt stone x reader
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summary: part four of Professor Stone.
words: 2144
note: i’m not sure if this is what you wanted, but i felt like writing some angst for this one. minor warnings of explicit content. minor humiliation kink and consensual choking.
my absolute fav, mean!dom matt.
here's my masterlist for the previous chapters.
enjoy <3
The way he looked at you that lesson made you feel sick. You walked in and sat at your usual spot, your professor entering just on time as always. Instead of chirping his usual, “morning,” to the class, he dropped his things onto his desk and sighed. He glanced in your direction briefly and you smiled at him. He quickly looked away, expression not changing at all. Okay, maybe he had a bad morning? You knew he had a good night, so what changed in the last 12 hours?
“I’ll wait,” he sighed grumpily, waiting for the class’ murmurs to die down. He looked down and fiddled with his pen as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. The class eventually got the hint, the room quickly growing silent. “Great. Today we’re revising chapter 30. Your exam is in two weeks, so I want there to be no talking, and everyone is to pay attention.”
His tone was flat and his face was expressionless. He grabbed out a whiteboard marker and began writing equations on the board. Your classmates looked at each other in confusion, raising their eyebrows, mouthing, “I don’t know?” at one another. The class listened, nobody even whispering to their friends.
You were so confused as to why he was acting this way, but you decided that you didn’t want to make it worse. Yet, on the other hand… You could have some fun with this.
“Alright. Let’s see who studied.” He mischievously smirked, turning to face the silent class. “Who can explain this equation to me?”
Some students raised their hands unconfidently, the professor pointing to a random student. They explained the equation in a voice slightly too soft for his liking.
“Speak up,” he huffed, leaning on the edge of his desk. You knew it was fucked up, but there was something so sexy about him being so pissed. The student cleared their throat before perfectly explaining the equation, you of course barely understood as your tutoring sessions didn’t consist of much tutoring.
“Good. That’s one of you that actually listens,” he chuckled to himself dryly, continuing to scribble more scenarios onto the board. Everyone nervously copied down what he was writing, but you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off him.
You sat forward on your elbows, admiring the way he used his hands a little too much when he explained things, the way he absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair or trailed his fingers over his stubble.
He rolled his eyes when he saw you were the only one not doing your work, quietly walking over to your desk. “This is why you don’t perform well,” he seethed, eyes dark and angry. He spoke only loud enough so you could hear.
“I’m sorry sir, I-“
“Save it,” he cut you off, angrily opening your book for you and roughly placing your pen in your hand. “You need to try, Y/N, or I won’t help you anymore.” He threatened as he began to walk away.
“Oh please, we both know you don’t wanna give that up.” You retorted back like a smart ass, making him stop in his tracks. You really shouldn’t have said that. He turned back to glare at you, the anger inside him only growing fiercer when he saw the cocky smirk on your lips.
He shook his head and walked back up to the front to write a new equation on the board. “Okay!” He clapped his hands together loudly, startling the entire class. “Hmmm..” He pretended to scan the class to ‘randomly’ pick a student, finger pressed to his lip. “Y/N, can you come up and complete this please?”
Your heart dropped when he fired the same cocky smirk your way, waiting expectantly for you to get out of your seat. You did, your legs nearly giving out on the short walk to the whiteboard. He handed you the marker with a deadpan stare, motioning to the board.
Your face was hot, you couldn’t believe he would do this to you. You picked the wrong day to give him attitude. You took a deep breath and uncapped the marker, shaky hands travelling to the board. You filled in the equation to the best of your ability, your professors' stare boring holes into peripheries. “I-I’m stuck,” you spoke to him hushed, giving him a pleading look.
“What was that?” He asked loudly, eyes gleaming meaner than before.
You closed your eyes and sighed before repeating yourself slightly louder, “I’m not sure what comes next.”
“Maybe you should ask a classmate,” he feigned sympathy, his lips quirking up into a condescending grin.
You turned to the class, fighting hard to not tear up from embarrassment. You opened your mouth but no words came out. The whole class felt bad for you, shocked at your professors' unprofessionalism.
He sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that lesson and turned to the other students. “Can anyone please help her?”
“I will,” one of the nice boys you’d interacted with a few times spoke up, walking up to you with apologetic eyes. He took the marker and explained to you and the class what came next and how he got the answer.
He was quite cute, bleached blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. You knew he was doing a film degree and also taking this class for the extra credits. You couldn’t remember his name for the life of you, though. He turned to you and smiled once finishing, placing the pen back in your hands.
“Thank you,” you blushed, smiling wide at his kind gesture. “That was so sweet.”
You both walked back to your seats, exchanging another smile before sitting back down. Matt’s plan to humiliate you had worked, and then backfired on him completely.
As the class ended, you grabbed your things and began heading out; a big change from staying back after every lesson. You looked back at your professor who’s eyes were locked on you, following you to the nice boy from earlier.
“Um, thank you again for that,” you smiled sweetly, gently placing your hand on his arm. “You really saved me there, I owe you one.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” he chuckled, leaning in to whisper, “I don’t know why he did that, he’s an asshole.”
You laughed in agreement, unaware of the jealousy boiling in Matt’s stomach.
“If you ever need a hand with studying, I’m happy to help.” He offered with a genuine smile.
“Thank you! Here, give me your number,” you handed your phone to him, Matt’s hands balling into fists at his side. Trey was his name. You texted a smiley face to his number and thanked him again before saying your goodbyes.
Before you were able to reach the door, your professor spoke up. “Y/N.”
You turned around to face him, letting the door shut behind you. “Yes?” You grumbled, arms folding in front of you.
“Come here,” he commanded, pulling a chair up by his desk.
You cursed your legs for obediently dragging you to the front of the hall, stopping yourself in front of his desk.
“Care to explain what the fuck that was?” He growled, his stance mirroring yours but somehow... angrier?
“What do you mean,” you laughed exasperatedly, “you mad your little stunt to embarrass me didn’t work?”
“You really need to watch that mouth of yours,” he warned, stepping toward you. You felt intimidated, but tried not to show any sign of it. “It’s gonna get you in trouble some day.”
“Well maybe I’ll just get help from Trey from now on,” you spat back, legs weakening as he stepped even closer, face only inches from yours now.
“Don’t forget who marks your papers.”
You scoffed in disbelief, taking a step back from him. Amusement painted your face when you realised, “you’re jealous!”
“I’m not jealous,” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his desk. “But I’m not gonna fuck you while somebody else is.”
As toxic as it may be, this new side of Matt turned you on like crazy. Seeing him all riled up over exchanging numbers with someone… you couldn’t imagine how he’d react if you did something actually worth being jealous over.
“Why do you even care?” You laughed in his face, trying to ignore the arousal forming between your hips. You stepped toward him again, close enough that you could feel his breath on your lips. “You act like you don’t even like me. I think you just want to fulfil your sick fantasies with me.”
He didn’t like that. He grabbed your throat and flipped you around, the back of your hips roughly slamming into the desk behind you. A strangled moan escaped your lips as he towered over you with rage.
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that,” he growled, pushing your back onto the desk and separating your legs before stepping between them.
You whimpered under his grip, wrapping your legs around his waist. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to capture him in a heated kiss. “So desperate,” he tsked, pulling away.
He let go of your throat and pulled your shorts down, revealing white lace panties with a pink bow stitched into them. He prodded at the wet patch forming in the front, pulling them to the side and licking a stripe up your clit without warning. You gasped at the feeling, lifting yourself up on your elbows to watch him. He looked breathtaking. his eyelashes fluttering as he focused on making you feel good. You weren’t gonna last long, not with a sight like that. He moved his head down slightly to thrust his skilled tongue inside of you, his nose brushing your clit in just the right way. Once he added his fingers, it was over for you.
You felt your breathing pick up, your whines growing higher in pitch. “Professor,” you moaned, thighs trembling as they barricaded his skull in place. Just as you were about to finish, he removed his fingers and that godly tongue, stepping back.
You whined in frustration, on the verge of tears for the second time. He simply shushed you with a smirk, beginning to unbuckle his belt.
He pulled out his cock and you went limp. You’d been imaging how he’d feel for a while, and now you were getting impatient. He spat on his hand, stroking himself before lining his cock up with your hole, a hand forcefully gripping your hip. You roughly gripped his shoulders, begging, “please, sir, please.”
With a grin, he slowly pushed himself in, letting out a low groan at the feeling of your wet, tight entrance. He slowly thrusted for a moment, picking up his pace once you’d both adjusted.
Your eyes began rolling back, screaming obscenities. He was quick to place a hand over your lips, mouthing shut up with a stern look. You whimpered under his touch, rhythmically moving your hips with his. Hand still over your mouth, he laid his body forward, practically on top of you as he annunciated with every thrust, “don’t… you… dare… disrespect me… again.”
He was so thick, stretching you wonderfully as a tear rolled down your cheek, the ecstasy becoming overwhelming. He thought you looked beautiful like this, eyebrows knitted together, switching between wide eyed when he’d hit your g spot, and eyes screwed tightly shut when the pleasure became too intense.
He uncovered your mouth, demanding, “apologise.”
If he wasn’t balls deep in you right now, you would’ve laughed in his face and told him to shut it. But, you were too worried he’d pull out and end this pleasure train you were on.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered through tears, nails digging deep into his biceps.
“Say it like you mean it, pretty girl,” he commanded, thrusting into you deeper, biting his finger to stop himself from cumming right then and there.
You felt the familiar heat pooling in your stomach, and you were close to losing yourself all over him.
“I’m sorry,” you cried, his hand reaching down to your clit, tracing small circles into it, pushing you over the edge. You came undone around him, your pussy pulsating hard as you continued whimpering through your orgasm, eyes screwed shut as you chanted, “I’m sorry, sir, I’m sorry.”
Without thinking, he came inside you, burrying his face into your shoulder, biting down as he did. You were both seeing stars, trying hard to steady your breathing.
He pulled out slowly, watching the mixture of his cum and your slick drip out of you deliciously.
“And that shit you said earlier,” he began, voice deep and husky, “about me not liking you,” he pulled his pants back up and redid his belt. You sat up, cheeks flushed, pulling your underwear back on. “You’ve always been my favourite.”
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Brick On The Head - Part 2
There is one thing that every bat understood about their own nature. That one fact is the need for justice, to help others. Robins knew something of their unique personas… the need to fly.
Tim felt a fresh euphoria roll over him as the wind whipped through his hair. Every swing, flip, and glide mid air made him beam. His style had changed a bit more what with the added weight and height. Despite the change, Tim was proud of his stealth and agility.
‘Still got it Kea.’ He silently congratulated himself.
A few taps on his gauntlet computer and he pulled up the locations of the rest of the family. Smirking to himself he formulated his plan of action. It’d been years since he bat-stalked.
With a plan fully formulated, Tim stepped to the edge of the building and jumped. He’d deny it, but a small cackle sounded as he swung towards his first target.
The spare camera in Kea’s utility belt was good, but the hero still ached for his fancy cameras at the manor. Sighing without a sound he readied his camera a snapped a picture of Batman swooping down towards a robber.
‘Target one acquired.’ Kea ticked off the first bat on his list. Smirking he slithered into the shadows and waited for Robin.
Robin landed with a noticeable thunk and Kea winced. That landing most likely caused a sprain.
“Batman.” Robin’s voice was tinged with a barely noticeable tinge of pain.
“Robin…is that another cat?”
Kea hid a snicker at the tone of his father’s voice. There was a note of long-suffering fondness. At the rate that Robin was collecting animals the manor might turn into a zoo.
“He is a bengal. Ttt- really.”
Kea snapped a photo as Batman pinched his nose and Robin’s smile became victorious. ‘I forgot how much I missed taking pictures.’
Sliding his camera into his belt, Kea slunk through the shadows, tossed a smoke bomb , let out a cackle of laughter that sounded like Nightwing and somersaulted off the building.
Chaos ensued on the comms and Kea was grateful he’d grabbed an old comm before his mission. Oracle was trying to stalk him through cameras and he knew he’d have to let her in.
‘Next stop…the tower.’
He slipped inside the tower easily enough, but he knew the security was aware of his biology sequence. Grinning he stuck to the shadows of the rooms until he was a few feet behind Babs.
“Hey Babs.”
Barbara whipped around in her chair with a glare.
“You?.. Red…? Tim?”
“Kea actually. That’s my new name.” Tim grinned.
“Please tell me you’re the one giving the others another page for their therapy sessions?” A grin stole across Barbara’s face.
“That’s the idea. My way of breaking the news.”
“…What happened?” She rolled closer to Tim. “Did you grow?”
“Maybe?” Tim felt a rare streak of cheekiness rear up. “Just a little.”
“TIM! How much?”
“Six foot four as of now… But I’ve got a couple more years that I could grow.”
“You’re taller than Bruce and Jason now.” Laughter escaped Barbara. “I’ll bet they didn’t even notice.”
“No… I’ve been hiding it and Alfred’s been helping. Care to get in on the fun?”
“Only if we can stretch it out for a week or two.”
“I won’t even ask what they did to make you mad.”
“Smart move Kea. Now, I’ve got work to do.” She spun her chair around. “I lIke the name and the colors. Stay safe Kea.”
“Thanks O.” Tim grinned and slunk out of the tower. Now he had two powerful allies. This was going to be more fun than he expected.
Getting pictures of the rest of the Bats was relatively easy. Of course it really helped that he’d spent years studying their patterns. Tim used his knowledge to capture the best photos.
He snapped a photo or two of Jason protecting some kids, carrying an old lady’s groceries, and even of him asleep in one of his safe houses. He’d proudly admit he was smug about the last picture.
Alfred and Cass were the hardest members to get the drop on. However, somehow he managed to collect the best pictures. He had photos of Alfred as agent A manning the bat-computer, baking his famous chocolate chip cookies, scolding Bruce, and a few other odd candid moments.
Cass was always a joy to photograph so Tim picked his moments carefully. He caught photos of her as Black Bat in mid fight, several of her dancing and leaping in private, and one of her curled up beside Bruce on Movie night. Tim loved taking photos of his family.
Stephanie was an easy target and so he snapped photos of her playing piano. A few photos of her training made the cut alongside of some epic shots of her as Spoiler.
Damian’s photos were mostly shots of him tending to the zoo at Wayne manor. A few reflected his skill as Robin…but mostly Tim focused on Damian’s ability to love.
Finally, Tim came to Dick and Bruce. The oil and water of the family at times. He’d struggled to photograph the pair, not because they were hard to stalk, but because he still felt like an invader. His time searching for Bruce had left a hole in his heart concerning both men.
He took a train to Blüdhaven and almost came back without his pictures. Sometimes he still had nightmares of his Robin identity being ‘stolen.’ He felt the sting of being gaslighted into believing he WAS going insane. Still, he got his pictures of his big brother. Despite their differences, Duck was his first big brother.
Dick’s photos were a mixture of serious and dumb. He always had liked photographing Robins. Tim snuck pictures of Dick with his mouth full of donut and his feet propped up on his horrendously messy desk. Next, there were a few photos of Dick chasing bad guys on his day job and a few of him as Nightwing. He left Blüdhaven feeling a deep sense of longing to reconcile with his brother.
Last, he snapped photos of Bruce. He’d admit that he spent more time snapping candid shots of the family head. There wasn’t enough time to capture all facets of any Bat, but especially Bruce. Tim tried to capture Bruce’s caring as he carried Cass to bed after a nightmare. He tried to ensnare the image of justice as Batman stood next to Commissioner Gordon at the bat-signal. He had too many pictures to count for Bruce.
As Tim finished his weekly session of stalking/Bat watching he made the realization that he’d grown in more ways than one. He’d felt himself grow in relation to how he viewed his family. It was an odd sensation to realize through his hobby that the layers of his family were so varied. He’d always known such layers existed, but his photo lenses seemed to have magnified it all.
“Bruce! You have to have an idea who keeps leaving those whistling knock-offs of the birdarangs.” Dick glared at the screen. “I even found one in Blüdhaven.”
“The metal alloy that is used is identical to our current stock.” Bruce shot the screen a blank look that told Dick to hold his peace. “Someone’s imitating your original tendency to cackle as well. It’s been happening during patrol for all of us.” Bruce hit play on an audio recording he’d captured during the patrol the night before.
“…. That’s disturbingly accurate. Bab’s have anything on this Robin mockup?”
“Not as of yet. She’s still searching.”
“Nothing connected to them as of yet?”
“Nothing, but everyone has been instructed to keep their comms on during patrol and to be available as civilians. Commissioner Gordon received a packet of photos of us all on patrol, including you.”
Dick let out a low whistle before nodding stiffly.
“Will do.” He cut the video feed and set back. As usual, nothing could be easy in the batfamily.
Tim and Barbara glanced at each other and burst into laughter as they cut out of their hack into the bat-computer.
“I can’t wait until they put it all together AND get a look at the Bat-giant.” Barbara shook her head in amusement. “I really can’t wait.”
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iamthenerdqueen · 2 months
The Red String of Faith - Chapter XV
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Idol!AteezXOCs Soulmates!ot8AteezXOCs OCXOC Slight Social Media AU!
slight twigger warnings:Polyamory, group of 10, two OC's -feel free to replace one OC with yourself if you'd like- , listen this is an idea me and my best friend had and is something for fun read at own risk, not edited as always, also we are starting to explore themes such as bxb and gxg if thats not for you, this story may not be for you.
Chapter XI, Chapter XII, Chapter XIII, Chapter XIV, Dance Practice, Next
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Lia hated the late lonely nights most of all, having a large condo was creepy when there was no one else there. She could only be on stream for so long and then it was too quiet at home. For a house that had ten different people living in it, most of the time they weren’t there. Most of the time she was there by herself. So, LIa had made it a habit to come by at the late-night practices as the comeback drew near.
Hongjoong slid down the wall to sit next to her and gently took her hand in his. On the other side of her, Yeosang was getting comfortable as well. In most practices, they danced until their legs felt like a liquid under them while other nights the brain cell simply leaves the room. Tonight the brain cell must have been with some other kpop group because Yunho was convinced that he was going to perfect a handstand into a split and get the choreographer to let him add it to the dance. San and Wooyoung were cheering him on while Mingi was trying to get it on video. The other four were spread out around the room trying to find the will to keep practicing.
“You and baby need to eat,” Hongjoong was firm with the fact that she should eat three meals a day if he couldn’t convince her to eat four.
“Have you all eaten since lunch? It’s nearly nine?” Hongjoong shook his head confirming what she already knew, no they hadn’t eaten yet.
“Okay then, i’ll eat if we all eat. But no fried chicken or pizza tonight, please,” with Yeosang’s love for chicken and the way that they turned to pizza when they didn’t have the energy to think of what to eat, she had eaten enough of that for a lifetime.
“Should someone go grab Lyra? I think she’s still in Yerim’s office helping her,” Mingi spoke from the other side of the room. Lyra had been there all day and hadn’t come to even peak her head in the entire time they had been practicing that evening.
Yerim was still a thorn in LIa’s side, doing her darndest to take up any spare time Lyra had and making up any excuse to keep Lyra at the company longer than she really needed to be. Like tonight, she requested that Lyra help her with some paperwork and an interview schedule that was coming up. None of these things had anything to do with the job she was hired to do at KQ.
Lia and the boys were getting more off-put with the needy manager and her attachment to their soulmate.
“Okay, listen we haven’t heard from her since the kids left from their session at 4:30, when she let us know that Yerim had asked for help. We’re not having another dinner, even if it’s here in the practice room without her,” the boys could only watch as Lia ranted before making her way out the door and down the hall. They were also less than pleased with the situation, but it was more complicated for them.
The march down the hall wasn’t a long one, but it felt like the halls would never end. If she didn’t know any better, Lia would swear the baby was moving more as if telling her not to go toward the office.
Standing outside the door was nothing short of nerve-wracking, and knocking was worse.
Yerim’s expression when she opened the door was like someone had vomited down her shirt. She looked at Lia like she was the worst thing to ever step in front of her.
“What?,” Yerim always made sure to speak to Lia in Korean as fast as she could get it out of her mouth. It was one of the many things Yerim could do to make any interaction they had awful, especially since the incident a week prior with Jongho. She had only gotten more nasty in her treatment of Lia and more desperate to keep Lyra as close to her as possible.
“Hi, Yerim. I’m just coming to get Lyra for dinner, we thought it would be nice if the entire soul group could eat together tonight,” Lia was just as nasty to the manager at this point. She tried her best to be polite but she wouldn’t take any more of her shit.
“She’s not going anywhere, my Lyra is going to have dinner with me tonight like she should,” Yerim had this crazy look in her eye, like a mad woman.
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Lyra! Lyra? Come on, the boys are waiting, we're going to have dinner then go home, we all need to have a talk,” there was some movement from in the room, and a noise that could only be described as rage left Yerim.
She stepped forward pushing Lia back a few steps as she slammed the door to her office shut, blocking Lia’s way to Lyra and vice versa separating the two of them from one another.
It was fast and then there was something sharp in Lia’s abdomen, it didn’t take her looking down to know that it was a knife. Black dots started to form with every blink of her eye, pain coming from all over but her only thought was of her baby. This bitch was trying to hurt her baby.
The black started to take over her vision before she could even get out a cry for help.
“Lia?” A voice was calling out to her, soothing and like home.
“Lia, are you going to get up now? You can’t sleep on the couch like this, not when you just got out of the hospital,” She opened her eyes to see Lyra and Yunho next to her in their home like nothing had ever been wrong. Like she hadn’t just been stabbed by a psycho at their place of work.
She sat straight up on the couch, her hand flying to her stomach to check for a puncture wound and to feel for the baby.
“The baby, oh my god the baby,” the panic in her voice made Yunho and Lyra go into overdrive.
“Lia, what baby? Are you okay, pretty?” Yunho kneeled right next to her and put a hand on her forehead to check for a spike in temperature.
“I was pregnant and got attacked and-,” Lia stopped talking for a second trying to take in everything as she got her wits about herself.
“Lia, you passed out a few nights ago and we went to the hospital, remember? It was a combination of lingering soul sickness because you didn’t finish your meds and in conjunction with the migrain you had put you on your ass,” with Lyra’s words it all came flooding back and her heart sank a little as reality came to hang over her head.
It had all been a dream, the pregnancy and the baby and the attack from Yerim. None of it had happened and a part of her was crushed that the little life she had been growing wasn’t real. A larger part of her, however, was relieved that there was no child because she knew it wasn’t the right time for a baby and all of the complications that come along with a kid.
“I had the craziest dream, I was pregnant and Yerim stabbed me,” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. Half of her thought that maybe she would trigger the time loop and it would put her back in the alternative universe where she was pregnant.
Instead, all she could hear were the laughs that came from Yunho and Lyra.
“The doctor did say you would have some wild dreams, but let's hope no one gets stabbed and no babies until later, " Yunho paused for a second, “Much later.”
She couldn’t help but fall back with her laughs, everything had seemed so real and it was such a long dream. But those good drugs always gave her weird dreams including the one time when she broke her ankle and had a dream about brooms trying to sweep her away but she couldn't run because of her ankle.
The next couple of days were odd, some days she had to remind herself that none of that had happened. She still had the worst feeling in her gut any time someone mentioned Yerim, but it was something she would get over with time. Everyone took this as a bit of a wake-up call, a sign that life changes when more soulmates come into the picture.
“You look tired,” Lia jumped a little, she hadn’t expected the sound of Jongho’s voice.
“How can you tell, my back is to you?” She had been doing some light editing on and off for the day. She wasn’t able to do much but a little bit of screen time wouldn’t hurt her.
“Because I can,” He wasn’t wrong but if she laid in bed doing nothing, she knew that sleep would never come. She needed to be exhausted to get to sleep, she could never relax enough to drift off if she wasn’t dead tired.
“Well, I’m not tired enough. I’ll be done soon and try to lay down,” She was lying, she would work into the early hours of the morning but this would make him feel better so in her mind it was fine. Turning to look at him, Lia gave him a small smile, something to reassure him only to find him not buying her words.
“No, we will go lay down together. I’m tired too and want to cuddle.” There was no argument there especially when he was already walking over to her with full intention to haul her away from the office. It was a good sleep, no witch dreams. It felt like a fresh start, a way to reconnect with this life.
A/N: sorry this is a short one, but I wanted y'all to have more than one update lol. I will be back eventually. until then, be good.
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creative-heart · 2 months
"My thoughts will echo your name"| Esteban Kukuriczka
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Chapter four: "No one has to know what we do."
Lucia’s notes: First off, I’m so sorry about last chapter, might have been a bit of a downer, but I trust me, it’s gonna get better soon. We’re back to the usual POV now. BTW the playlist “my hot girl revenge era” really exists on Spotify and it’s amazing.
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+18 ONLY: If you’re no interested in reading the smutty part, please stop reading at “Whatever you say babygirl”; you can go back to reading at the next cut.
Bejeweled- Taylor Swift
Wildest dreams- Taylor Swift
Could you love me when I hate myself- Lily McAlpine
Love in the dark- Adele
August- Taylor Swift
Starving- Hailee Steinfeld.
Ready for it- Taylor Swift
Content Warnings: Some not too heavy smut, mainly a makeout session; Social Drinking; mention to smoking.
Word Count: 2.4k
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Five days, five whole days had gone by since that night when Y/N had told Lucas to leave the apartment, not one single text or call to check how she was doing, much less him coming home and as much as the hazel eyed woman wanted to pretend like it didn’t hurt her, truth is she had been laying on the couch in her pj’s without moving, just watching Grey’s Anatomy for the fifth time. Y/N was curled up on the couch one evening when she heard the front door but she stayed in the way she was, not enough energy to move to see who it was, coming into her place. “Oh. My. God, babe….nuh, hell no, you need to get your shit together” she heard the voice of her best friend Gabriel coming in from the living room’s threshold as the tall guy made his way to her pulling the blanket off of her and turning the tv off she whined.
“Gabi, nooo. let me, I’m in the best part” Y/N protested pointing at the tv without looking at the arched brow on the black haired guy.
“You know Grey’s by heart, don’t know what this fucker did now, but I’m taking you out, you haven’t answered to my calls or texts in days, come on” as she reluctantly let her friend pick her up from the couch and walk her to the bathroom “also, you smell, and your hair is so greasy I can fry an egg on your head, you’re not this, come on, you take an all in all shower and I’ll make you something to eat, we’re going out tonight bitch” he smiled turning around and going straight to the kitchen after leaving Y/N to stare at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. As she took her image in, she rubbed her face and stepped into the shower letting the steaming water run through her body washing that week off her body, mind and soul; maybe Gabriel was right and going out would be good to her, after all, it was clear that Lucas wasn’t thinking about her, so why should she be sulking over that wanker.
Forty minutes later, she finished blowdrying and styling her hair, her staple beach waves adorning her strawberry blonde locks, she took her makeup bag out and looked at her friend who came into the room with a sandwich just as she said “Alexa, play my hot girl revenge era playlist” as …Ready for it? by Taylor Swift started playing through the speaker Gabriel handed her the plate. “This is my bad bitch bestie!” he smiled turning around to look at the outfit laid out on the bed “damn, red lace top, leather pants and jacket, you going out to eat! I love” Y/N chuckled as she ate her sandwich while doing her makeup. Once they were ready they ordered an Uber and headed out.
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“Ok, so…you know how I am obsessed with Andy from La sociedad de la nieve? well, I saw he will be at this club tonight, so, that’s where we’re going, I ain’t asking, just letting ya know mkay?” Y/N chuckled softly nodding knowing that if Andy was there, there was a chance that Esteban would be and she bit the inside of her lip, because why did the thought of kuku being there made her insides flutter and the heat rise in her whole body, she hadn’t told Gabriel about the whole Esteban thing tho, and she decided to keep it that way.
“I’m gonna get so drunk tonight” Y/N chuckled as they got out of the uber before making their way inside with the passes Gabriel had secured for them. As soon as the blonde set foot in the club, she headed to the bar to get herself a drink needing to keep her mind quiet only knowing that way to do it. Y/N rested against the bar looking out into the dancefloor as she downed her mojito, searching for her first victim, determined as she was to two things, get herself drunk, and secure a hot man to make her forget about the fact that the man she had loved for 5 years had all but forgotten about her in the last week. She knew she was the one who had told him to leave, but Y/N never thought he wouldn’t come back after that night, they might be in a horrible spot, but Lucas was still her boyfriend, and in some way she still loved him, or maybe it was just the comfort of knowing what it was like.
As soon as Esteban walked into the club with the guys later that night, he could see Y/N. She was up on a table dancing and immediately a mixture of feelings cursed through his blood. A perfect combination of lust, desire, rage at seeing how the other men around her gawked and touched her legs and protectiveness over the fact that she was clearly intoxicated, the cigarette hanging from her lips quite a sexy sight as she moved to the beat of the music. Without even hesitating about it, he made his way across the dancefloor swiftly, he didn’t give a flying fuck anymore about Lucas, if he wasn’t going to take care of her, he would. When he got up to the table where Y/N was he pushed the men aside and looked at her “Y/N can you please get down from that table?” he held his hand out for her. When Y/N heard that voice over the music she knew exactly who it belonged to, only Esteban’s voice could send a jolt of electricity down her spine straight to her center and she turned around to face him shaking her head moving down just so she was at his level.
“Now…why would I handsome? can’t you see how many gentleman are offering to get me drinks?” she smirked whispering in his ear biting her lower lip as she moved in front of her face stopping just mere inches away from his, staring down into his eyes and kuku swore she could see right into his soul, those Hazel orbs were so deep and entrancing. Before she could get away he picked Y/N up in his arms, his hands resting on the back of her thighs just below her ass cheeks and put her down from the table walking away. “Esteban put me down” the girl said in a tone she hoped to be firm and demanding but that much against her will came out breathy and whiny. Once they were far enough from that table and closer to the rest of the guys the brown eye guy let her down purposefully running his hands up Y/N’s sides which caused a new wave of electricty and goosebumps to course through the younger one’s body.
“Whatever you say babygirl” Esteban said looking straight into Y/N’s eyes his hands resting on the girl’s exposed waist. Her skin is as soft and warm as he had dreamt it would be. His eyes switching between the blonde girl’s eyes and lips as she spoke, not that he could hear what she was really saying all he was really thinking about was how much he wanted to kiss her right now, press her against his body and finally taste her lips. As Y/N kept complaining about what a killjoy he had been for taking her down from the table she found herself quite intoxicated, not only by the booze running thought her bloodstream but also by the taller guy’s perfume flooding her senses, she couldn’t think straight, his hands were still on her waist, her boobs pressed to his chest and she could see how dark his eyes were while looking at her.
Y/N didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that she couldn’t deny anymore how hot Kuku was but she grabbed his shirt in her fists to pull him down to her crushing her lips to his, her eyes fluttered closed and she felt the sigh escape from the eldest lips and she took the chance to deepen the kiss as they started fighting for dominance in the kiss. Esteban’s hands slowly moved around exploring Y/N’s body at the same time as he pulled her closer to him if that was even a possibility, the soft moans escaping the girl’s lips taking his chance to tug on her lip as he pushed her up against a nearby wall her hands wrapping around his neck holding him closer to her as his lips trailed down her jaw to her neck slowly kissing all over, each touch setting a fire on her skin that lingered after he had moved on to the next. When kuku placed a kiss onto the spot right under Y/N’s ear she moaned into his ear closing her eyes as she could feel the smirk on his face right before he bit down on it gently.
Before Y/N could even stop herself she pressed her center to his, eager to feel as much of him as she could without taking their clothes off, but as soon as kuku felt her doing that his hands went back to her hips and he pulled himself apart a bit biting his lip, their breathing heavy and irregular with desire and need. He looked at the girl and leaned in whispering in her ear “as much as this is turning me on, and no matter how much I wanna take you home and fuck you right now, you’re one, quite drunk, and two, still my friend’s girlfriend as far as I know, and no matter how much of a douchebag he may be, I won’t do that” kuku rested his forehead against hers closing his eyes and while Y/N wanted to hit him for cutting of the moment like that, the fact that he was so respectful made whatever she was feeling inside her at the moment for him, grow stronger and she nodded looking at every single one of his freckles.
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When Esteban pulled up outside of Y/N’s place he turned around to find her looking at him “wanna come in for a cup of coffee?” she smiled softly, her eyes still slanted from the alcohol pumping through her “I swear I won’t try to jump your bones…not that I don’t want to” she whispered the last part hopefully quiet enough to not be heard by the elder guy, but judging by his smirk, she hadn’t been successful “I just wanna thank you for bringing me home, plus I think you could use the caffeine”.
The brunette nodded getting out of the car with her and locking it before walking into her place as he looked around “so…Lucas isn’t here?” As soon as she had stepped foot into her home Y/N remembered the state of the place and hurriedly picked up around so that it wouldn’t look too messy shaking her head “no….truth is….he hasn’t been here for the past 5 days” she bit her lip hard as admitting it outloud made it all the more real. Once she had thrown everything out of sight she went to start the coffee pot and rested against the countertop looking at kuku, was that a slight smile she saw on his face?
“Have you two…broken up then?” He knew he shouldn’t be this happy over this possibility, a break up is always shitty but he couldn’t help but feel at least hopeful over the chance of things working out for him. He sat down on the kitchen island in front of Y/N.
“Well…not in so many words no, I mean, not officially, but we did have an argument, five days ago, I told him I didn’t wanna see his face around here that night and he left, hasn’t come back, texted or called since then.” She whispered the last part wrapping her arms around her own body and looked down to the floor to try and blink away those stupid tears that shouldn’t even be there in the first place. Kuku frowned seeing her upset and reached out pulling her to him gently making room for her to stand between his knees and hugged her tight kissing her head.
“Honestly….if he doesn’t see the kind of woman he has standing next to him he’s even dumber than I thought, it’s his loss, truly, if I were lucky enough to be in his place…” he mumbled cutting himself short when he realized what he was about to say when he saw Y/N look up at him with glossy eyes. He sighed  gently wiping her tears from her cheeks and took a deep breath before picking up where he left off, there was no use on denying what he felt now, even more so after seeing her cry, he only wanted to protect her and take care of her “If I were lucky enough to be in his place. I’d make sure to show you how important you are to me, I would do anything and everything in my power to help you achieve your dreams, you’re a wonderful person, gorgeous inside an out from what I’ve gotten to know you, and you deserve to have as your partner someone who sees how special you are and helps you shine on your own, who builds your light up, not someone who tries to dim you down.” Y/N kept looking at Esteban, not only could she look at him all night because he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, but hearing him say that, not only made her insides burn with desire, it made her heart swell with love.
That night, standing on that kitchen floor between Esteban’s knees, she understood two things, not only she didn’t love Lucas anymore and was determined to officially break things off with him as soon as possible, but she was also falling in love with the man in front of her, she was falling fast, she was falling hard, and she was falling deep in love with him and this was either gonna be the love story she was gonna tell her kids, or the break up that was gonna ruin her life. But either way, she was ready to find out.
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Lucia’s notes: I told you all it was gonna get better didn’t I? and you haven’t seen the half of it! If you wanna be tagged in coming posts, please coment below. Also, no comments or likes needed but they are much appreciated. I love hearing what you think!
Credit to @cafekitsune for the MDNI divider and the section divider, they're amazing!!! go follow her if you wanna find amazing resources!
Taglist: @madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @lastflowrr @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Lestrade x Male!reader - the crime lover
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Hey! Pretty please could you write about a meet cute between the reader and Lestrade, during the week leading up to Halloween so there are horror mazes and VR experiences, Halloween Parties and gatherings all over London. Lestrade gets a case at one of them and one of the witnesses is a Horror/true crime buff staff member (Reader) who catches his eye! Thanks in advance! Hope it’s the kinda request you were looking for - @the-imitation-blog 💜
Standing behind the desk, you flicked your gaze to the security cameras before looking back at the papers in front of you.
Walking to the other side of the office, you sat down on your desk as you looked through the updated contracts for the new adult only horror game sessions.
“Oi (Y/N).”
“Get lost Markus, busy.”
He scoffed a little bit and walked over, taking the papers from your hands.
“There’s some police here asking about video footage from a few days ago, you know relating to the murder from across the street.”
“Oh right, yeah send them in, also can you take those clues over to room four, they’ve been at it a while trying to escape and I feel kinda bad for them.”
Markus laughed and took the cards from your hands as he made his way back towards the door.
You turned back to what you were doing and heard the door open once again.
“I’m detective inspector Lestrade I’m here about the security footage.”
“Yeah, I’ll send Caroline in to show you, she knows how to do that.”
You pulled out your phone and texted said woman to come and help you, then sat in your chair as you began to make some notes on the contracts.
Lestrade glanced around the office, and he looked at you, watching you for a moment.
You were tall, dressed in some joggers and a baggy jumper, you looked pretty scrawny to him, probably similar to Sherlocks build in a way.
“What exactly do you do here?” He asked.
You looked up from your paperwork and you grinned a little at him.
“We offer a bit of everything, from escape rooms and VR experiences, to lectures on true crime from the past, and game nights revolving around them where the customers have to try and work together to figure out who really committed the crime.”
“Who runs those?”
You raised your hand and got up, heading to the other side of the room to get a drink, offering him a bottle of water which he took.
“I studied criminology in university, and I really enjoy reading and watching things about true crime. We only use case fifty or more years old however.”
Lestrade nodded his head and he looked around.
“Is there a possibility that somebody would try to recreate one of these events?” He asked.
You thought for a moment.
“Well, we do take the names and ID’s for everybody attending one of these sessions, and it’s strictly no photography or phones, you have to leave them with security. But I suppose if one of our customers were fascinated by one of the cases they could have taken it away for more research.”
“You let them take things?”
“No, no. We email out the tickets with the name of the event and what it would include, it’s part of the company policy so people can’t try to sue us for anything, they know what they’re getting into.”
Lestrade nodded his head, sitting opposite you when you sat down at your desk.
“We keep recordings and documents from all these events for up to three months, I can show you everything from that night if that helps you.”
“We’d have to look at everything you have from before then if that’s possible.”
You nodded your head.
“Of course, I have send it all over to you by the end of the day.”
“Thank you so much.”
You smiled at him and you carried on discussing the case with the detective, offering him all the information you possible could.
Lestrade realised that you were well versed in everything, you really were a fan of true crime because you were able to help him narrow down what events he needed to be looking for.
You have him your own alibi and proof as well, including what you could for the rest of the workers at the centre.
Caroline came inc and you let her take him through the footage while you carried on with your work.
But every so often when you walked past Lestrade would glance at you.
It wasn’t that he suspected you, they had already ruled out all of the workers, so he knew that it wasn’t you.
But your vast knowledge and your dedication to it all amazed him, and in a way he was captivated, curious and wanting to know more about you.
But once he had to footage he had to leave, and he was sure that was the last time he was going to see you.
Until that evening when you came by with a box in your hands and you set it on his desk, grinning from ear to ear at him.
You had changed from your jumper into a sleeveless hoodie, and Lestrade couldn’t help but eye up your biceps.
They were huge, considering you looked like a man without muscle he was impressed to say the least.
“I have a few more boxes for you, I’ll bring them in now.”
“Thank you so much.”
You grinned at him again and carried on bringing everything in.
“This is the last box, you can keep these until you’re ready to give them back we only keep them for reasons such as this.”
“You’ve been a huge help (Y/N), really.”
“If you need anymore help, just ask.”
Lestrade found himself talking before he thought it through.
“Maybe you can tell me more of what you know over a drink, like a coffee.” He blurted.
Laughing, you nodded your head.
“You’ve got my number, just let me know when and where.”
With that, Lestrade watched you leave, and he sat back down at his desk with his head in his hands.
He couldn’t believe he had just done that, especially while he was supposed to be working a case but something about you drew him in and he wanted to know more
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Re4 Remake with Leon Kennedy Actor, Nick Apostolides & Heisenberg actor Neil Newbon and Tom De Ville
i’ll only be taking note of anything that i think is interesting but please watch or listen to the whole stream if you want to know other stuff that happens
neil said *middle finger* BYE ASHLEY
i have a feeling he might not like ashley sjkbdfskjfdbs (he’s probably joking)
nick is not going to back seat game lol
they are going to have a bad time, he (neil) is not keeping track of ashley lmao
nick did blow up ashley and kicked her in the head in his own gameplay
“THAT DOG WAS A FUCKING DICKHEAD” 32 minutes in. neil thinks the dog is a dickhead
34 minutes in, nick says “Leon Fucking Kennedy” in an accent lol
question section starts at minute 41
nick is eating oreos again
one of nick’s favourite leon lines are “the bingo line,” and he didn’t want to spoil the other lines since neil hasn’t gotten there in the game yet
in game mechanics, nick did almost none of the mocap for it. he thinks it was done in japan with another team. (almost all internally in japan) (tbh i’m not 100% what he means by this and it’s not clarified) (EDIT: i think he means that anything that wasn’t a cut scene he did not do any mocap work)
nick does not have final say in anything, he was not allowed to change anything at the end of the day
he was allowed to suggest some lines, but capcom gets the final say
47 minutes, he said he vibes with the re4r team a lot and he said he had a bit more fun with this version of leon. he got more collaborative liberties in re4r
nick had been working for leon’s character for 6 years at this point
he was “allowed to be more of a cowboy” minute 49
he said that the building show he’s working on has helped him a lot with gratitude and how it applied to how he characterized leon as well for re4r
nick has been a fan of re4 for 18 years
neil loves how leon opens doors “it’s unnecessarily flexing,” (it actually reminded me of how aragorn opens doors in the lord of the rings lmao)
neil was born in the 70s lol 1hr01 
actually, yeah why does the photo say 1981???? but it’s like more like 1891 maybe it was an error????
1hr07 nick says “leon needs a shower cap” lol
question section number 2 is 1hr13
nick’s fave is double stuff oreos
nick did not do the round house kick in mocap
nick also did not do the death scenes in mocap, he mostly just did the cut scenes. i guess that’s what he means about the game mechanics he didn’t mocap that
he did the facial and voice over for the death scenes though
nick’s favourite death scene is the axe death with the three cracks at the neck
neil’s favourite is the chainsaw through the chest death
1hr17 nick says “miranda, that bitch.” for trying to do one of heisenberg’s line
neil every few seconds, “ashley’s dead”
omg neil is refusing to sell the fish because neil played gavin and oh god i forgot his KAMSKI in detroit become human and one of the things was you can save the fish in that game so he’s refusing to sell the fish in this game lol
1hr30 “I can also sell Ashley Graham apparently, which is worrying.”
andre (va for luis) got luis’s jacket made!
1hr42 neil does the leon suplex
nick apparently died at least four times during the first cabin rush scene with luis
1hr48 nick has a feature film coming sometime in the summer! maybe netflix! it’s called aftermath!
1hr57 nick mocap the guy who got squashed by the door (OH I THINK HE’S LYING LOL)
ughhh this stopped before mother would’ve showed up lol but here are more questions!
okay nevermind they had no more questions!
maybe next week they might do another session (never mind they’ll figure it out!)
nick’s next convention is maryland may, 26-27, 2023
he’s going to do more streams with more actors!!!! hopefully lily soon!!!
they raided nicole and andre afterwards! :D
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dozing-marshmallow · 22 days
Hi!! Love the fic that you wrote of reader visiting Chris in prison. Could you write an angsty follow-up of reader finally breaking up with him after he gets out of prison with her being fed up with his unablity to change his negative thoughts and actions.
Ouchhh! Quite angsty, indeed!
HEY EVERYONE! Sorry for my long due absence. I’m currently in the middle of exam season, so that’s been taking up majority of my time, but I can say with certainty that afterwards (in four weeks), I’ll be free to post as frequently as I did before and complete all the requests I received! Thank you all for being so patient, and I hope you enjoy part 2 of this one shot!
Content warning, this one shot involves dysfunctional relationships, so please read at own risk.
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“(Y/NNNNN)!” your sweet separated husband exclaims, fixing his arms around you on his return home,“It’s so great to be back again!”
“H-Hi Chris...” you cough, squeezing him back,“How do you feel?”
“Better!” he chirped, patting your spine,“You know, I actually feel like a changed person!”
“Really?” Yeah right.
He nods, pulling away, that grin of his never ageing,“Yep! I realllyyy feel like a functioning member of society, ready to amend and give back!”
Yeah right.
You never thought you would be in the back kitchen with Chef about this.
Two years after his first release.
That’s right.
With heavy bags and sore limbs, you desperately explain,“I’ve tried to convince him to see a therapist or go to marriage counselling sessions with me, but he doesn’t listen!” you wince down to the ground. That word “marriage” felt more like “Hell” to you,“I feel like he’s getting worse and worse...”
“What can you do, (Y/N)? By law, he’s a grown man. No one, not even his mom can tell him what to do.” Chef Hatchet grunted, slicing some potatoes, as though he was not surprised,“Have you considered divorce?”
Divorce!,“That’s ridiculous, Chef. You know you can’t just file a divorce whenever you want. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and I still see the man I love.”
“And it’s that he’s takin’ advantage of.” That knife went blunter this time around,“He thinks it’s okay to go about like a criminal, because he has the money and popularity to get out of it, but if you walk out on him, he’ll eventually realise what he’s lost. I’m dead serious. You keep sticking by him like this, he’ll never change.”
“Hm...” that was an interesting way of thinking, you’ll admit. Maybe it was time to start looking into divorce? But... “What if that approach just turns out for the worst? You know how he is. He’ll turn the tables and play victim, putting the blame on me for not being strong enough to support him and for breaking my promise for making my love conditional-“
Chef looks at you like the pieces were threatening to cut your fingers off,“Do you even hear yourself as you speak about him?”
You stop. 
Dang it, he had a point,“But divorce... It still feels a bit too drastic. Besides, I want to give him a chance.” you offer a strong smile.
He paused entirely in his vegetable slicing this time,“A chance?”
Oh... Yes, you’ve given him plenty of chances already. You force the smile to stay on, as convincing as you tried,“W-We’ll just see how it goes. Besides, I still really wanna make this work.”
Your husband’s so-called best friend shakes his head, leaving you with a pitiful glimmer in his eye,“You’re a good woman, (Y/N). You don’t deserve this.”
Well, you wish you listened to him sooner.
And at some point, you couldn’t take it anymore.
So one day, when you got your suitcase ready and your temporary accommodation sorted in secret, you mustered the courage to break it off.
Your heart was leaping. From what? Anxiety? Excitement? Both? You’ll never know.
It took a lot to get this far. You were going to see it through the end.
No matter how messy it will be.
Obviously when you gently touched on Chris’ behaviour as the reason why you were filing for divorce, he tried denying it,“What are you talking about? I’m a changed man! Prison’s changed me for the better!”
Oh please,“Unless it’s Opposite Day, you should not be using that word.”
You weren’t afraid and that’s what startled him,"N-Now who gave you the right to declare the end of this relationship?! Only I get to choose whether to throw you out on the street or keep you around!” he then strangely turned his head to lean the smooth skin on his cheekbone in your face,“Now give me a kiss."
You almost puke in your mouth,“I’m serious, Chris. I want nothing to do with you anymore.”
“Serious? What do you know about serious? You don’t understand anything!” he barked, slamming his fist on the table.
Your eyelids remained just halfway down,“I understand plenty.”
“No, you don’t! You don’t understand that this is a really dumb decision! We’ve had so many great memories (Y/N), you and I!” his defensive tone morphs into a tone of love,“I love you so much, more than Total Drama ratings! And you give meaning to my life, more than any show I’ve ever hosted!”
There it is. He says all these words then treats you like a broken clock. You made sure he witnessed your sight tap on the papers you laid out for him.
“You’re totally being dramatic! In the worst way possible! I literally give you the life, not even middle class peasants can dream of, and this is what you do to me!?” he was raising his voice. The sign of desperation,“How do you think I feel? Have some respect!”
Respect, huh? You scoffed, rolling the pen further to him,“Oh I’ve tried to be respectful, Chris. In fact, I would much rather live as a “middle class peasant” than live with you any longer.”
He gasps, before snarling,“You don’t mean that.”
“Yes, I do.” Chris was too arrogant to get physical with you, and you knew that. The worst he was gonna do is throw petty insults at you.
But he took a scarier approach. He wasn’t fuming or swearing or raving; a smile drew on his lips instead as he sprinkled sugar laced words in your direction.
“Awww. Don’t let your anger speak for you, darling. You know sooner or later, you’re gonna regret ending us like this. And I won’t let that happen. I won’t let you regret losing me. Losing us,” now he has your waist in his arm,“Come on sweetheart, talk to me. I know you just need someone to listen.”
Listen. Is that a fucking joke?
Adoration emitted from his eyes into yours,“We can talk about this. We can talk and exchange forgiveness like we always do. Because we love each other. We’ll come around to see eye to eye and I’ll forgive you for being so annoying.” His other hand begins to comb your hair,“We can forget this ever happened and I’ll even treat you to an awesome date night. I know you really love those, and I would be more than happy to give it to you, as your beloved husband.”
...The thought was tempting.
But that was a lot more motivating.
“Nice try. Your empty promises won’t work on me this time.” you push him away. That’s it. You’re strong, you’re strong, you’re strong!,“I don’t need your money. Or your time. I can do fine on my own.”
He stopped running his hand in your hair. Oh, the pride you felt when you watched his bottom lip quiver! You could watch the scene over and over again.
Your instinct to smirk is quickly cowered when Chris shoves you away, thankfully not so forceful to make you lose balance completely as he huffed, that charming persona displaced by his true ugly.
“You want your stupid divorce? Fine!” He angrily scratches the papers with his signature,“There’s your stupid divorce! Now get out of my sight before I change my mind! Only a stupid whore like you would go through with making the awesomest celebrity in the world give up on you! You better not come crawling back after selling your body around for six dollars!”
Wow! Who knew he would resort to sexualising you in such a derogatory way to try get a reaction from you? “No... That’s not true! You know I would never do that! I’m more than just my body!”
“I’ll take the six dollars over you any day.” Hah! Who cares what he had to say? He’s not your husband anymore!
He gritted his teeth as he witnessed you leave his mansion one last time,“You’re ruined, you hear me!? I’ll make sure you lose your job and never find one again!” That’s not true. That’s not true,“I’ll see to it that you live on animal carcasses disposed by yours truly for the rest of your moping days, in conditions more suffocating than maximum prison!”
Such is the behaviour of a scumbag who lost control.
That was the right thing.
Thank Heavens you had your loyal friends and your own ethical job. If any of these things were different, even by a tiny bit, you probably would have still been stuck with Chris McLean. Chained. Trapped. Miserable.
This was the right thing.
You don’t want to think about what could have happened. The important thing was, you got out of it, and he wasn’t your problem anymore. Yet a part of you felt so dissatisfied with how the whole ordeal went. I thought I would feel more different... Why do I still feel something missing? Is this actually the end of our life together?
And your mind, learning from the worst, continued the cycle of torment. Was that really the best way to end things? Why didn’t you leave sooner? Was it really the right choice? Why did you waste so much with him? Were you still in love with him? Is it really too late to start over with love again? Did you really make the worst choice yet by leaving him?
You take a deep breath, and stare back into the eyes of the solitary woman, whose worth was still blinded by the thorns of that demon.
Her brain is pounding from the silence. This might take some getting used to.
You turn the tap on and sigh. For now, you’ll take a nice long shower.
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pixeldistractions · 2 months
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In the morning, Jordan put some aloe on his sunburn. It was time to get back to the grind.
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The morning session went as well as it ever did, which was not to say he made much progress. There were no notable falls to mention, and nothing actually broke, but the sunburn made every movement torture. So he ducked out of the session a little early and went to hide.
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He already had a favorite spot in the adventure park. It was a small rock ledge that was flat enough for sitting, covered by the shade of a lone tree, and had a spectacular view. He paid a hefty price tag for these classes, so he would rest when the climbing got the best of his bruised body and ego. The best part—this was the only spot in the park where he got a good cell connection.
He checked his texts. Maria had sent a picture and an emoji kiss. 😘
The emoji was sweet, but it left him wanting. Her pictures left him speechless, but also filled him with ache. He knew the real thing, and nothing less would do. Not anymore, not after six weeks apart. He wanted her real lips on his, her warm skin under his fingertips, he wanted to squeeze her supple thighs and wrap her legs around his hips.
As it turned out, they both wanted dates on the calendar.
He called her back.
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“I have good news,” Maria said. “I mean, I hope you’ll think it’s good news. I can have five days off on November 5th. Steph said she’d cover some of my shifts after Justin finished his exams. Or else a weekend on October 22nd.”
“Really? That’s next weekend.”
“But the train ride is almost ten hours each way, so I’ll only get to see you for about… twenty-four hours?”
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“I would absolutely pay good money to be able to touch you for twenty-four hours.”
“It would be cheaper if I can get someone to watch Johanna.”
“And more time for touching,” he said. “A better bang for my buck.”
“Hmmm,” she mused, “Why does this sound like hiring a prostitute?”
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“Ha, I’m in Nevada,” he said. “It’s totally legal here.”
She giggled. “Can you afford that? The train tickets, I mean, not the prostitute.”
“Well, I mean, I could probably afford it once.”
“Once,” she said somberly.
“Or both? I’ll pick up some jobs. We can do both.”
“No, you don’t have to,” she said. “I mean, I can pay for one of them.”
“Then both?” He felt unreasonably excited. She could be here so soon, and that was more optimistic than he’d felt about anything in weeks. Just ten more days. “What do you think? Then I can see you next week… But, I guess, only for twenty-four hours.”
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“Oh, God, it sounds awful when you say it like that,” she said. “Would you be okay with that? I don’t know if I can do that. Twenty-four hours together and then just, like, going home? How can we do that?”
Then, as if to torture him, the morning sun moved over the lone tree and blasted down its midday rays on his burnt skin. His favorite spot in the park now felt like the fires of hell.
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“Wait, please try,” he pleaded. “Please? We’ll have so much fun, you won’t even think about it. And It’ll get easier. In December, training breaks for the winter, and I can come to Wisconsin for a bit.”
“How long is a bit?”
“Longer than five days, I promise.”
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“And then? After that?” she wondered. “Weekends here and there. Twenty-four hours at a time. It’s not even really about the money. I don’t know if I can keep taking long weekends and vacations. Unless I quit my job.”
“I would never ask you to do that.”
“You wouldn’t?”
Somehow that must have been the exact wrong answer, because she went quiet in the way she did when she was trying not to cry. He knew the difference; he’d unfortunately been the reason for her crying a few times now.
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“Maria? What is it?”
She was silent for seconds more, but he could hear her breathing, shaky and slow. Then she said, “It does feel like putting it back on the shelf. It’s going to feel that way every time.”
“I know,” he said. “And I’m so sorry. But are you still gonna come? You can think about it. If you want, we can just do the November week when you can stay longer. I don’t want you to be sad.”
��Well, now I’ll be sad if I don’t come, too,” she said.
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“Okay, then come,” he said. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
He knew she wouldn’t be okay with this. He knew it before they even started. But he’d been hopeful when she wanted to convince him otherwise. Now there was a growing realization of what this would feel like long-term. It wasn’t the carefree dream life he imagined.
— from “boxes and squares #4.1: first fall apart” (2/5)
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kingdaddydaichi · 1 year
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❧ title: happy endings, new beginnings
❧ pairing: d. sawamura x f!reader x k. sugawara
❧ wc: 4.9k
❧ notes: whew. idk if y'all are ready for this. idk if I'M ready for this but it has led to my decision that i'm now in a polyship with daichi and suga. this is my first time writing mxm so i welcome constructive criticism (please, do be gentle). also my first time writing smut for suga (i hope i did him justice).
❧ warnings: nsfw. mdni. m/f/m threesome. breakup (mention). filthy, nasty, dirty smut. dick slip. oral (m/f). suga is a pretty, bisexual menace. multiple snowballs. anal (m/m), including anal virginity loss. fingering (vaginal, anal). daddy kink. Daddy/babyboy dynamic. squirting. ass eating. cum eating. eating cum out of asses. prostate milking. he gets a creampie, you get a creampie, everybody gets a creampie. so much cum.
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this is my final piece for my 31 days of daichi event, 2022. i hope i've done my king daddy proud. happy 28th birthday to my magnanimous, independent, chivalrous, caring, responsible, stable, thicc, dependable, patient gentleman of a husband who makes my thighs moist and my heart go doki doki.💓💓 wishing everyone much love and prosperity in 2023. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAREST DAICHI! 💋 I LOVE YOU ENDLESSLY! ∞
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Daichi stares at the spa day pass in his hand. It taunts and reminds him that he finds himself single mere days before his 28th birthday. He had bought the gift certificate for his girlfriend - correction: ex-girlfriend - for Christmas, but she broke up with him the week before the holiday. Two weeks before his birthday. He’d been debating with himself over what he should do with it now that she was gone. Should he give it to one of his sisters? No, that wouldn’t be fair unless he could give one to each of them. He could give it to his mother…
He bangs his indignant fist on the table with the greatest idea of all. “I’ll keep it and treat myself for my birthday!” he says aloud. “I deserve it!” 
He opens the pamphlet to peruse the various services, flipping ahead to the section of men’s treatment packages. One of them in particular offers the four-hands massage: 
“Your body will thank you for asking for four hands to help you reach total and absolute relaxation. Consider this tandem massage after a move, a stressful week at work, or exhaustion from kids and housework.” 
Or a shitty breakup, Daichi thinks.
With his mind made up, he picks up his phone and dials the number on the voucher. He’s pleasantly surprised to learn they will be open on New Year's Eve - his birthday. Less than two minutes later, his spa visit is scheduled. 
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To say Daichi is relaxed after getting a Himalayan salt foot bath, a manli-pedi, a green tea exfoliating mask, and a Reiki session is a staggering understatement.
You and your massage partner in crime, Sugawara, had seen the man between treatments - he was tall, dark, and handsome… "and probably cishet,” Suga had lamented with a huff. 
You put your hand on Suga’s lower back to guide him towards the private massage room the two of you work in. “Oh, come on, Suga. No sulking. There’s a little fruit in everyone’s basket, y’know?”
“I guess…” he pouts.
When you enter the room, you find Daichi Sawamura already undressed and lying on his stomach with a plush towel draped across his butt and hips.
Being the more tenured massage therapist, you give Mr. Sawamura - who interrupts to insist he be addressed by his first name - a quick rundown of what to expect during the treatment. After getting the go-ahead from him, you and your partner take turns pumping heated massage oil into the palms of your hands and rubbing them together before getting started.
You and Suga work in lockstep on either side of Daichi’s spine, starting with his lower back and gradually working your way up with synchronized hands, digging and pushing and kneading in a perfectly matched rhythm. Your work is slow, as it should be. A good massage therapist knows there are no quick, sudden movements in this line of work.
The way Daichi grunts and groans as his back and shoulder muscles bulge and roll under the slick pads of your thumbs is beginning to make you wet. You can only imagine how hard Suga must be getting. The two of you work through the muscles of his neck, biceps, forearms, all the way down to his fingertips. With his top half done, you set to work on his legs, starting with his thick hamstrings.
You and Suga hazard a glance at each other, knowing just what the other is thinking before continuing down to his calves, ankles, and feet.
You both massage all the way down to the tips of his toes before you softly instruct him to turn over onto his back while you and Suga lift the modesty towel. He knows he shouldn’t, but Suga’s curiosity gets the best of him. 
He sneaks a peek. 
You know you should give him a chastising look and pinch his arm, but when you see how big his eyes get, yours widen as well.
Sure enough, with your client comfortably on his back you lower the towel back down, but the damn thing is tented. As a professional, you know you’re supposed to ignore it, no matter how hard or difficult it may be. But you can’t not look. Not when his caramel cock has lifted the white towel enough to render the ridged underside of his erection and his big, hairy balls clearly visible. Perhaps your client is too relaxed to notice, but you and Suga are smirking profusely at each other as he licks his pretty lips.
Suga’s arm accidentally brushes over the head of Daichi’s cock, catching it just enough to make the man’s knuckles go white as he grips the sides of the massage table. You each work your hands further up his thighs, his closed eyelids crinkling as all four thumbs knead the sensitive flesh the whole way up. The soft towel lurches towards Daichi’s thick black happy trail when his heavy cock bounces, his lips parting to release a heady sigh. You and Suga keep going until your thumbs graze his low-hanging balls, prepared to apologize for the “mistake” if he protests. But instead, Daichi spreads his legs a little further apart. You look up to see Suga’s eyebrows lifted up almost to his hairline and his lips in the shape of a tiny ‘o’.
After checking to ensure your client’s eyes are still closed, you stick your tongue out and flick it at Suga, arching a single eyebrow as if daring him to dare you. He bites his lip and nods as a devious grin creeps across his delicate features, his own cock throbbing as it presses against the cushiony edge of the massage table.
You’d never done anything like this with Suga, but the two of you had talked about it. You’d made out with each other a few times, and maybe fooled around in the supply closet once or five times, but it was enough to know that sharing this beefy man would be just…
You have to stop yourself from thinking like that, but your hands tell the truth as you work your thumbs up up up, massaging the creases of Daichi’s legs, taking the towel further up as they go. His cock twitches and you notice a wet spot forming in the soft cotton, still barely covering the tip. 
Daichi releases a long, deep groan. “Just how far does this massage go?” he asks with his eyes still closed and a smirk tugging at his lips.
You wink at Suga. 
“As far as you want it to go, Mr. Sawamura,” the grey-haired male says. What balls he has.
“Keep going,” your client croaks. He feels Suga’s hands stop and begin to lift. “Both of you,” he clarifies.
Neither you nor Suga have to be told twice. You cup his large balls in your hand, rolling them around together as their owner hisses. His thick fingers dig deeper into the plush of the massage table. His left hand brushes against Suga’s erection, making him gasp and both of their cocks jump.
As your left hand massages Daichi’s testicles, your right hand wraps around the man’s thick, hot shaft.
“Fuck,” he sighs.
You begin to stroke him and after a few passes, the white towel finally falls off his dick and onto his lower belly. As if sharing the same slutty brain cell, you and Suga think the same thing at the same time:
You lean down and drag your flattened tongue along the underside of Daichi’s cock, moaning against his length when he brushes two fingers between your clothed lips. The growl was to be expected, but the way the man’s hands leave the bed to touch you and your work crush is rather bold. Daichi has never touched another man’s dick before, but damned if he doesn’t reach over and squeeze the head of Suga’s hard cock through his shorts. 
All three of you are panting, precum leaking from each of you when you lean down and lick the clear liquid from Daichi’s heavy cock. He gives an encouraging hum, flexing his ass to needily rub himself against your tongue, which you reward with a swirl of your wet muscle around his sensitive cockhead.
“Fuck yeah,” Daichi breathes as you wrap your lips around his bulbous tip and begin bobbing down his length. He opens his eyes when you pop your wet lips off him only to feel his cock throb in your fist when you kiss Suga, sharing the flavor of Daichi’s salty pre.
Suga moans into your mouth as your tongues curl around each other. Pulling away and slurring with lust, your partner says, “Mmm…fuck, he tastes so good.”
Daichi’s never had his dick sucked by a guy before, but he’s so turned on it almost hurts and he’d love nothing more than to feel this pretty boy’s pretty lips around his manly girth. He gives Suga’s hard cock another squeeze and says in his deep voice, “You wanna suck my cock?”
Suga nods emphatically with a quick “mhmm”, and Daichi takes his hand, positioning it around his veiny shaft. 
“Go ahead, then. Show me what you can do.”
Suga wastes no time at all, giving the other man a few slow pumps of his fist before kissing the fat tip of his dick. Daichi’s eyes roll shut when Suga takes him inside his wet mouth and starts sucking, slowly at first. Within seconds, the bisexual male is slurping and choking loudly on Daichi’s dick while he strokes Suga’s dick through his shorts. You can make out the distinct outline of your colleague’s cockhead, biting your lip when his precum soaks through the sky blue polyester right before your very eyes.
You bring your mouth closer and lift Daichi’s heavy balls to your mouth as Suga releases him to kiss you with a moan. 
“Shit, that’s hot,” Daichi whispers as your and Suga’s tongues swirl together, saliva and pre dripping from your chins. 
You and your colleague take turns slurping and sucking, choking and gagging on your client’s fat dick while your hands play with his tightening balls.
“Ohfuck, gonna cum…” Daichi gasps. 
You and your blow job partner open your mouths as thick globs of warm semen coat your lips and tongues. Your client watches in awe as two professionals roll their tongues together, swapping mouthfuls of his cum. Suga pushes your tank top down, letting one of your tits pop out to play with your nipple.
After licking one another’s lips clean, you join Suga on his side of the massage table and slip your hand inside his waistband. He leans down and flicks his tongue, soft as a feather, over your nipple as you jerk him off inside his shorts. Daichi watches the two of you, getting hard again in no time as he slips his hand inside your shorts and starts playing with your slick clit while swallowing your gasp with a hard kiss.
Making your way over to the room’s white leather couch, you watch as Daichi reaches inside Suga’s cute little shorts and finds his erection, drawing a moan from him when he wraps his big hand around his long shaft. Daichi’s darker complexion contrasts beautifully with Suga’s fairer skin, his larger hand pulling Suga’s cock out to stroke him as their lips meet in Daichi’s first ever boy kiss. 
You take Suga’s cock from Daichi’s hand, giving him a couple more pumps before taking him into your hot mouth, making him whine in Daichi’s mouth as the boys’ makeout session becomes more heated.
Daichi is fucking Suga’s fist when he breaks their kiss and brushes his coarse thumb over the male’s beauty mark. 
“I’ve never done any of this with a guy before, but you’re just so fucking pretty…” 
Suga gasps when Daichi’s lips latch onto his neck at the same time his throbbing cock hits the back of your throat. “Oh god, I’m so close…” 
You squeeze Daichi’s thick thigh, getting his attention. “Why don’t you finish him?” you say, licking your chin. 
Daichi wastes no time dropping to his knees and cupping Suga’s hairless balls. “I’d love to.” 
“He’s got a pretty cock, doesn’t he?” you say, passing it to the questionably straight man. 
“Fuck yeah, he does,” Daichi agrees, taking Suga’s edged cock into his large hand before looking up at him to see him blushing and trying to hide his sweet smile behind the back of his hand. Daichi grins up at the fairer male and says, “Well aren’t you a bashful cutie?” 
You let out a low laugh. “Don’t let him fool you,” you say to Daichi while meeting Suga’s gaze, knowing all too well the familiar flash of mischief in those brown-hazel eyes. 
Suga reaches for you, pulling you closer to bring his fingers to your aching clit, tickling it before pushing his middle finger inside you, knuckle deep. With a quirk of his eyebrow and a smug little smile, Suga shushes you. “Don’t tell my secrets, y/n,” he murmurs. 
“Oh babyboy, please,” you tease in his ear, “it’s not a secret.” 
For the first time ever, Daichi opens his mouth to let another man’s cock glide between his lips, but he knows exactly what to do. He easily takes Suga all the way back to his throat, hands groping his ass cheeks, pulling them apart and squeezing them as he sucks him hard. Suga slips another finger inside to fuck your pussy. You whine into Suga’s mouth as Daichi stretches his middle finger around a bit, pressing it hard against Suga’s hole. 
“Uhhhfuhhh…” Suga’s voice is muffled by yours as you drink his moans and whimpers down when he cums hard in Daichi’s mouth. Daichi is no stranger to the taste of his own cum, but Suga’s flavor is saltier. Never had he imagined he’d find himself on his knees drinking down another man’s cum, but the way Suga’s cock jerks in his mouth makes Daichi’s twitch back to life. 
Suga pulls his fingers out of your dripping pussy and pushes them past Daichi’s lips, who closes his eyes and groans at the taste of your nectar as he sucks it off the other man’s digits. 
“Fuck,” he says, pulling you down to lean back on the couch, “wanna fuck this pussy so bad.” 
You moan into Daichi’s mouth as he spreads your legs open to kneel between them. “God, yes, wanna feel that fat dick inside me.” 
Daichi lines himself up and presses the thick head of his cock into your drooling hole. With one knee on the couch and the other foot planted on the floor, the man spreads your legs wider to watch his length slowly disappear between your smooth pussy lips while you both groan at the exquisite pressure. He can already feel your walls fluttering around him at the same time Suga starts massaging his flexing ass. Daichi fucks you slow and deep, enjoying the sensation of Suga working his fingers closer to his virgin asshole. 
“Mmfuck, yeahhh…play with my ass, Suga.” 
“Have you ever had anal before?” Suga asks, his sweet voice making Daichi’s cock twitch inside you. 
“N-no, but I think I wanna try…” He looks over his shoulder at the smaller male with a devilish grin. “...with you.” 
Suga responds with a grin of his own before situating himself behind Daichi, squeezing and separating his ass cheeks before bringing his mouth closer. Pressing his lips into a kiss, Suga lets his spit drip onto Daichi’s virgin hole, making it pucker against the tip of his tongue.  
“Oh god…” Daichi moans. 
“Wow, so responsive,” Suga teases, “I’ve barely touched you.” 
But Daichi was in no mood for teasing. “Keep going…please.” 
Suga obliges the man and begins tonguing his asshole again, alternating between soft, feathery flicks meant to tease and prodding at it with the hard, pointed tip of his slithering tongue. 
Dipping his middle finger into his own mouth, Suga collects a copious amount of saliva before spreading Daichi apart enough to press his fingertip to his hole. With his cock buried deep inside you, Daichi’s hips still when he feels the pressure of Suga’s finger entering his hole. 
“Mm so fucking tight,” Suga mutters, licking his lips. 
“Shhhhit…oh fuck that feels good,” Daichi pants, squeezing his eyes shut as he begins to move inside you again. 
He pushes your legs back, angling you so his throbbing tip bumps up against your g-spot while Suga fingers his ass, angling his wrist to find Daichi’s prostate. He knows he strikes gold when Daichi instantly throws his head back in an open-mouthed moan and starts chanting over and over that he’s going to cum. Daichi’s thrusts are slow and hard as Suga milks him and it’s just the right speed and intensity to have you clenching. 
“Ohgod, you’re making me cum with your fat cock, Daichi…” you gasp as he fills your pussy with his hot, sticky semen. 
“Fuck, now it’s my turn,” Suga groans, slowly pulling his finger out of Daichi and wiping it off on a nearby towel. 
Seeing the creampie the other male left behind, now dripping from your winking hole, Suga takes his own dick in his hand.
“God, y/n, wanna fuck his cum back inside you.” 
“Fuck, yes, Suga. Wan’you to fuck me,” you whimper, reaching for him as he nestles his hips between your sticky thighs. 
Suga guides his leaking cockhead to your primed cunt and in one slow thrust, buries his entire length as you both moan together. Watching the two of you fuck makes all the blood in Daichi’s head rush straight to his spent dick. He strokes his semi-soft cock, slowly getting hard again as strings of his cum stretch along the length of Suga’s dick while he fucks you in long, deep thrusts. The pretty pink tip of his cock peeks out from between your swollen pussy lips with every retreat. Daichi moves closer to Suga and begins to play with his ass as he pumps his cock inside you. 
“Oh shit yes-” Suga sighs. 
The bigger male pumps a bit of the silicone-based massage oil onto his fingers, rubbing the tips together before bringing them to Suga’s cute butt again. He spreads his cheeks to find him completely smooth and hairless, a pretty pink asshole winking with need. Remembering Suga’s movements when he fingered Daichi, he rubs his fingertips along his crack before circling around Suga’s hole. Following the pretty boy’s cues, he begins to push his thick middle fingertip inside, making Suga whine for more. 
“I take it you’ve done anal before?” 
Suga snickers through the pleasure. “More times than I can count. Now push your finger all the way inohhhhfuckyesjustlikethat…” 
“Mmm,” you moan, tits bouncing as Suga’s hips slap against your wet skin. “Fuck, Suga, you look so pretty with Daichi’s finger in your ass.” 
When Daichi adds a second finger, Suga’s thrusting all but stops. “Damn, such a sexy thing, taking my fingers like this, pretty boy.” 
“Mmgodyes, Daichi…” Suga looks over his shoulder at him, his hazel eyes glazed with lust. “I’d look even sexier with your cock inside me,” he says with a daring wink. 
His eyes widening and lips parting, Daichi asks, “Y-you mean…? Can I fuck you?” 
Suga has to lick the drool back into his mouth when his gaze falls to Daichi’s thick cock. “I really wish you would. I’ve wanted that anaconda in my ass from the moment I first saw you.” 
Daichi smiles with a blush and Suga just can’t pass up the opportunity. “Well, aren’t you just a bashful cutie?” he says to the beefier man. 
You chuckle as you reach for Suga’s face, whining for him to kiss you. 
Daichi’s eyes darken as a menacing grin spreads over his handsome face. He reaches for the massage oil again, taking two pumps of the slippery lube in his hand before coating his drooling cock with it. With one hand holding his dick, he uses the other to smack Suga’s ass hard, making him cry out. Suga buries his cock all the way inside you and spreads his thighs further open, presenting himself to Daichi. 
Daichi guides the tip of his erection to Suga’s cute little hole and pushes against it, watching wide-eyed as his cock slowly sinks inside. “Ohgoddamn, that is so fucking tight,” he groans, eyes beginning to water.
Suga hisses a string of curses, biting down on your shoulder as you rub his back, cooing to him about how well he’s taking Daichi’s fat cock. 
“Oh god,” he whimpers, “that’s the best stretch I’ve felt in my life!” 
Daichi’s thrusts are slow at first, giving both of them a moment to adjust. But Suga has no need for that.
“Mm fuck me, Daichi.” 
The dark-haired man lets out a ragged breath and slams his hips hard against Suga’s cute butt, making both of you cry out. Daichi is mesmerized by the thick vein on top of his own shaft as it moves beneath his skin while he pumps faster, in and out of Suga’s smooth asshole. 
You all find your stride and the room is filled with loud, wet slaps of skin and breathless moans and praises about how good you’re all making each other feel. Daichi’s large balls swing and slap against Suga’s as he fucks him into you, forcing the head of the smaller male’s throbbing cock against your sweet spot with every powerful throw of his hips. Suga swears he can feel Daichi in his throat, and when his large hand comes down hard and Suga feels the sharp sting on his right ass cheek, he clenches and sets off a chain reaction. 
“Oh fuck yes, spank me, Daddy!” Suga pleads.
Daichi has to bite back his orgasm when the man he’s fucking calls him ‘Daddy’. Gritting his teeth, he lands another hard spank to Suga’s ass, watching as welts begin to bloom on his milky white skin to match the color of his tight little asshole. 
“Shit, that’s it, baby. Take your Daddy’s fat cock like a good boy,” Daichi grunts with a particularly hard thrust. 
“Ohfuckyes, I’m gonna cum!” you cry. 
“Fuck us harder, Daddy!” Suga begs. 
Daichi plows his cock harder and faster into the pretty boy’s asshole, and it’s all he can do to keep from busting his own nut when Suga begins to spasm around him. 
Daichi’s thick cockhead prodding his prostate, coupled with your walls clenching around his throbbing cock when you cum on him is just too much for Suga to bear. 
“Shit yes, y/n! Gonna cum with y- ohhgodI’mfuckingcumming!” he cries, his white hot cum squirting against your gummy walls as you fall apart on his cock. 
Daichi’s big hands are squeezing Suga’s ass for dear life and, with a final thrust, he presses his hairy balls tightly against Suga’s as they spasm together. 
“Oh fuck…ohhshhhhit…” Daichi whimpers when the first jet of his nut splashes against Suga’s insides, his cock jerking with every subsequent release of his seed. He fully spends himself, filling the boy’s pretty ass up until the thick white cream begins to leak from his winking rim to drip between their ballsacs. 
One at a time, the men pull out slowly as your and Suga’s creampies begin to ooze from your pink holes. The fairer male bends down to eat his cum from your pussy, moaning weakly as Daichi licks and sucks his asshole clean. 
Daichi stops and pulls Suga to him, their soft cocks rubbing together as they kiss and swap each other’s semen on their tongues. They both reach for you, pulling you into their arms as the three of you bring your mouths together for a hot mess of wet lips and cum-coated, tangling tongues.
Your client looks at you, his eyes dark and drunk with lust, and licks his lips. “I’ve been teased twice now with your flavor. It’s my turn to devour that pussy.”
Leaning forward to lay you back down, Daichi hovers over you and blazes a netherly trail down your neck, tits, and belly with his lips and tongue. He smooths his big, calloused hands between your inner thighs, spreading them further open. With a pussy-drunk smile on his face, Suga watches as Daichi teases your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
“Isn’t she delicious?” Suga whispers, his fingers playing at Daichi’s asshole, making him hum against your cunt. 
Traces of Suga’s cum leak out around Daichi’s fingers as he slowly works them inside you. After eagerly licking up the sticky substance, he kisses your puffy clit and moans, “Fuck yeah, especially with the taste of your cum inside her.” 
You thread your fingers through Daichi’s short brown hair when he latches onto your clit and starts sucking while fucking your pussy with his thick fingers. 
“Ohh Daichi…fuck yes, you eat that pussy so good,” you keen. 
The vibration of the deep moan against your clit is exquisite when Suga reaches between Daichi’s legs and starts stroking his semi as he pushes his middle finger in his ass. 
“Shit, Suga. I wa- …mmm… want you to fuck me. Wanna feel your cock inside me.” 
“Whatever you want, Daddy…” A victorious grin graces Suga’s pretty features as he drips warm oil onto Daichi’s asshole before stroking the lube around his own cock. 
Suga positions himself behind Daichi and rubs the head of his cock along the man’s asscrack before pushing against his dark-skinned hole. But Daichi clenches with a hiss. 
“Don’t worry, Daddy,” Suga coos as he massages the man’s cheek. “I know you’re a virgin, but you’re gonna have to relax. I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
Daichi nods and takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly as Suga pushes his pretty pink tip through the man’s tight rim. 
“That’s it, deep breaths,” Suga sighs as he works himself a little deeper. 
“Ohhfuuuuck,” Daichi groans, eyes fluttering shut. 
“Does my cock feel good, Daddy?” Suga asks with a smirk. 
“It hurts a little, but god…the pressure is fucking amazi- mmmmfuckyes,” he hisses as Suga slowly pushes his dick even deeper inside his quivering asshole. 
After a couple more gentle pushes, Suga stops and holds himself still. “Mm that’s it…my cock’s all the way in now, Daddy.” 
Daichi relaxes a little more, loving the feeling of being stuffed full with Suga’s dick. He sighs and moans around your clit as he starts eating you out with more fervor. Suga retreats just the slightest bit, and Daichi takes a deep breath. 
“Good. Keep bearing down on my cock, just like that.” 
He starts with small, shallow thrusts but it doesn’t take long before Daichi’s gasping, “More…ohgod, Suga.” 
The grey-haired male’s mouth falls open as he eases into a slow rhythm, the feeling of Daichi’s virgin asshole so tight around his hard cock as it drags along his soft, slippery walls.
“Damn -nnmhmm- your ass feels so fucking good around my dick, Daddy,” Suga sighs.
“Ohshityes, babyboy, fuck me!”
Suga thrusts harder, faster, deeper inside Daichi’s deflowered hole as the deep moans and grunts of two men fucking fill the room. 
Your pussy is squishing around Daichi’s fingers as he does his best to tug on your special spot and eat your cunt while taking a cock up his ass for the first time. You’re so close - fucked out legs trembling on either side of Daichi’s head, your walls closing in tighter around his digits as he fucks you harder with them, matching the intensity and tempo of Suga’s thrusts.
“Dai- fuck! Ohgod…I’m gonna cum!” you cry as your orgasm rips you apart and you squirt in his mouth.
The splash of your cum against his tongue, the bullying of Suga’s cockhead against his p-spot, the thumping of his own swollen tip against his abdomen - it all culminates as the coil at the base of Daichi’s spine winds tighter and tighter. Daichi releases your spent pussy and begins throwing his ass back against Suga as the familiar ache deepens in his swinging balls. 
“Mmm…” Suga slurs, “...you’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you?” 
“Oh fuck yes,” Daichi gasps, his eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open.
“Come on,” Suga growls as his narrow hips clap hard against Daichi’s muscular ass, “...cum on my cock, Daddy.” 
With Daichi’s head thrown back, his bouncing cock slings his hot seed over your pussy and inner thighs, whimpering uncontrollably as Suga fucks his cum out of him. 
“Fuck, that’s it, just like that. God, I’m gonna cum inside your tight ass, Daddy,” Suga grunts as his silky smooth balls drag against Daichi’s hairy ones, fucking his own sticky load into the man’s ass. 
“Fuck, y/n,” Suga pants, “come eat this creampie.”
You bite your lip and join him behind Daichi’s trembling legs, watching as Suga’s twitching cock slides out slowly. When his tip finally pops out, you’re ready, tongue lapping up his warm cum as it seeps out of Daichi’s puckering asshole. 
With his elbows on the seat of the couch and his head in his hands, quiet whimpers are still falling from Daichi’s lips as the three of you collapse into a pile of fucked-out bodies.
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Daichi walks out of the spa that afternoon with a smile on his face and a little extra pep in his step. On his drive home to get ready for his date with his two favorite massage therapists, a satisfied grin spreads across his handsome face as he says to himself, 
“Happy fucking birthday to me!”
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31 days of daichi mlist | main daichi mlist | haikyuu mlist
❧ taglist: @chaoskrakenuwu @yuujispinkhair @luvkun4 @briokayama @mrs-sawamura @heroesfan101 @millenialfanfictionaddiction @lanaxians-2 @anejuuuuoy @denji-star @darthferbert @hannas16 @a-girl-cant-decide-on-a-name @cookiesandmilksx @whinestonecowgirl @maexc @little-ms-awkward @samkysnks @productivity-blogs @patheticliesblog @strawbmarma @lomons (thank you all for your love and support during this very special event!🤍)
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98 notes · View notes
eczstasy3 · 4 months
(ughhh i’m so hornyyy for a virgin 🤦🏾‍♀️ sorry for spamming ur inbox i tend to be an attention whore and it’s been a while 😖)
my eyes have watched you intently all day getting turned on from the slightest things you do
/preparing breakfast
/making coffee in the morning
/helping me do my hair, picking out my outfit
i’ve been pent up all day and it’s only when i’m sitting in your lap while u rub my head do you notice i’m getting squirmy “what’s the matter love” i let out a long exaggerated sigh “oh nothing daddy” but my body gives me away i start to throb a bit “baby you do know i can feel you, right darling?” i blush and try hiding in your chest yet you guide me away and lift my chin we stare at each other for a while before my lips part just a bit taking advantage you rub your thumb over my bottom lip
“get up all fours now pretty” “but what if i don’t want to” i reply with a shrug of my shoulders you give me a stern look i still don’t move you take matters into your own hands and grab me by hair and put me on the ground yourself walking away you retrieve a vibrator “put.it.in” you put emphasis on each word this time i don’t hesitate to follow orders you place your hand under my underwear other hand holding the remote
“grind and you better not stop until i say otherwise and while ur at it you tell me what’s wrong” i take a little too long for your liking turning it to the highest setting i get to grinding already messily moaning and making eye contact with the ground slowly you lower it “now.i.won’t.ask.again.go”
“i-i-i i’ve been horny so much m-m-more often this week didn’t want to seem too needy even though i ughh i w-w-wanted you so b-bad” drooling and turning into a babbling mess i lower my head in shame
“now you know brainless sluts like you don’t get to determine that” you wiped at my drool and made me savor it with ur fingers invading my mouth “open drop your tongue” “yes daddy” i blush deeply but nonetheless do what i’ve been instructed taking that opportunity you spit in my mouth “who’s my little cum dump” i breathe heavily “i am” delivering a slap across my face “address.me.properly.slut”
“mmm me daddy i’m your cum dump”
you pull my panties to the side and remove the vibrator smirking at how wet i’ve become you rub at my clit i try and grind into your touch but you slap my ass and tell me to stop you continue the torture “beg.me.for.it” “please forgive me daddy i really need your cock right now pretty pleaseee i’m so sorry” i pout trying to reason with you slide your cock over my cunt i become excited thinking i’ll finally get what i’ve been craving but you come really close to my ear “you know babe i could give you my cock but you don’t deserve it maybe next time you’ll be less bratty and express what you need from me” leaving kisses behind my ear
the night turned into a cock warming session you wipe and kiss my tears away reassuring me you’re almost done torturing me but we both know that’s far from the truth
(again teehee sorry i just oooii let out all my frustration needed to get it off my chest daddy 🤧🤍)(ughh to be a slut for u 😌💜)
That's hot af, got me thinking of having this with my person 😵‍💫
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
sixth sense: part ten
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synopsis: "He’s here somewhere, probably looming in the shadows and waiting for his perfect moment."
warnings: swearing, kissing, mentions of sexual acts, domestic violence, death threats, degrading name calling, allusion to sexual assault. please do not read if DV will trigger you.
wc: 4.4k
a/n: it's a doozy but it's important. please read at your discretion! i hope despite the darker topics, you all still enjoy some of it. thanks for reading xoxo
series masterlist
     The week passes you by. Between Rafe and another exam coming up in the class you share, you both remain together — studying at the library, at your apartment in between makeout sessions, or at Rafe’s frat house. You both seem to find it easier being at your apartment, because it’s quieter and more private. On Tuesday, he leaves a toothbrush next to yours and asks if it can remain there. On Wednesday, you both go to the library to focus. On Thursday, Rafe comes over after work and eats you out on the floor of your living room. 
Friday is the day you dread, because it means work. It means showing up at the bar and serving drinks for hours, all while waiting on Rafe to come around. He has to work Friday during the day, and you kiss him goodbye from your front door in the early morning hours. Around four, you get ready for work, and by five, you’re clocking in for the evening rush. 
“Don’t look so thrilled there, slacker,” Jamie grunts when you enter the office to clock in. 
“What?” “You bailed out of your shift last Friday. You back together with Campbell?” he asks. 
You narrow your eyes, watching the way he doesn’t even bother to look up from his paperwork. 
“No,” you say slowly, “Why would you think that?”
Jamie shrugs, “Just wondering who’s gonna be paying your bills if you keep giving your shifts away. That’s all.”
You bite down on your tongue and finish clocking in, then make way for the door immediately. 
“None of your fucking business,” you mutter. 
“What was that?”
When you turn around, you find Jamie now standing. He towers over you, and even though you know you could crush him, you can’t lose your job. 
“Nothing,” you mumble. 
“That’s what I thought. God, if Campbell comes in tonight, I’ll be sure to let him know you need some fucking sense knocked into you. Pull your shirt down and get out there.”
The thought of Campbell knocking sense into you draws you back a step, and the water that invades your eyes doesn’t arrive at your own volition. His words make you think of every tug at the back of your neck, every harsh word, every time he wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed. Although you’d learned not to take Jamie’s words to heart, these hurt you more than they ever have. 
“The fuck are you waiting on?” he snaps, “Go on.”
Your jaw clenches but you do as instructed and leave the back office, hurrying out to find Bryn at the bar. 
“Hey,” she grins, “I can’t wait to hear all about the dinner— are you okay?”
You nod quickly, trying your best to keep the anxiety brewing in your chest at bay. 
“I’m fine,” you tell her. 
“Has Campbell been in this week?”
Bryn’s eyebrows furrow, “I haven’t seen him. Why? Did he do something?”
You shake your head, giving her a fake smile that turns real when you feel the tears drain from your eyes.
“No, sorry, everything’s good,” you say, “Let me fill you in.”
     It’s eleven-thirty when you feel it. When you feel that sense —- that sixth sense you’re sure you have by now, coming out to play. He’s here somewhere, probably looming in the shadows and waiting for his perfect moment. You’re pouring a shot as the shiver runs down your spin, your mind wandering and wandering until you swear you can feel his hands around your neck—
“Shit, Y/N,” Bryn cries, “Chill out!”
You’d poured about four shots worth of vodka into one shot glass, leading to vodka covering the counter and dripping onto the floor. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, absentmindedly handing off the shot, “I’ll clean it up.”
Bryn just shakes her head, as if she never expected you to clean it in the first place, and covers the floor in paper towels. 
“Are you okay?” she asks, her voice filled with concern. 
You move to confess, to tell her what you think is happening, when your eyes catch on him. On that backwards cap and those deep blue eyes. On that radiant smile and the sleeve of tattoos peeking out from under his short sleeve shirt. 
I’m in love with you, is all you seem to be able to think, and you’re sure the grin that spreads across your lips expresses that completely. 
“I’m great,” you admit, “I’ll be right back.”
You hurry over to him, rushing from behind the bar and into his arms before he even has time to process what you’re doing. You know he didn’t expect you to do that, but you don’t care. Your senses had been about him, you’re sure of it. You’d been getting that feeling because Rafe had arrived, and now that you feel him, smell him, you seem to relax. 
“Hi,” you smile up at him. 
“Hi, baby,” he grins, keeping one arm tight around you, “You okay?”
“I’m great. Want a drink?”
“No,” he smirks, “Want a kiss.”
“Oh, shit, Bryn, can you hand me a bucket or something to throw up in?” Topper calls from beside Rafe, leaning over the bar and waving to get Bryn’s attention. 
She rolls her eyes at him, making no move to do what he’d asked. You just laugh at Topper and stand up on your tiptoes, giving him a slow and gentle kiss. 
You pull back with a smile, then look around to greet the rest of Rafe’s friends. When Topper is the only one you locate, you look up at him through furrowed brows. 
“It’s just the two of us tonight,” he explains, “Some of the guys went to a party at one of the other frats.”
You give him a small, pouty smile, “You could’ve gone, too.”
Although you’re glad he didn’t, you don’t want him to feel like he always has to come here if he doesn’t want to. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Bryn step over to Topper, who smirks and asks what her favorite thing to drink is. 
“Nah,” Rafe shrugs, “I wanted to see you, and Top wanted to flirt with Bryn, so we’re fine.”
You smile, rising up to your tip-toes to give him a kiss, when you feel it. The hair on the back of your neck stands tall as your breathing grows shallow. Just as Rafe’s lips skim yours, you turn around, attempting to find the source of your discomfort. 
Rafe’s grip tightens on the back of your shirt as you look around, but you see nothing out of the ordinary. The bar looks the same as it always does. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Rafe asks again. 
When you turn back, his eyes are on you, expression filled with concern as he begs you to tell him what’s going on. For a second, you start to, but give him a warm and convincing smile instead. 
“Yes,” you reply, “Sorry. I want my kiss.”
“Yes ma’am,” he teases, wasting no more time. 
He maintains the kiss while your paranoia remains, keeping you from fully engaging with him. More or less, you stand there and let him kiss you, doing nothing to fuel it, and when he pulls back, you register that same concern. 
“I should get back,” you mumble weakly, “Let me know if you want a drink, okay?”
“Okay, baby,” he nods. 
The crease in his brow and the narrowing of his eyes tells you he’ll be keeping a closer watch on you than usual, but tonight, you’re okay with that. You give Bryn a small smile and try to relax, ignoring that pit in your stomach that doesn’t seem to go away. 
     It’s nearly one-thirty in the morning when Bryn hobbles up to you, looking more exhausted than usual. She’d taken the brunt of the work for you without even saying so, because she could tell you were bothered. She never asked again, but the look in your eye told her that you needed it desperately. 
Topper had gotten even more intoxicated since his arrival — thanks to Bryn. She’d loaded him up on Blue Hawaiians and laughed when he told her he was in love with her. Rafe’s eyes are on you more often than not, and each time you see him, you try to give him a convincing smile. It doesn’t work. 
“You should go,” Bryn tells you, giving you a soft smile. 
“I’m fine to stay,” you reply, keeping your eyes down on the shot glasses in front of you. 
“Y/N,” she says, earning your attention, “You look like hell. Go home and relax. Have amazing sex or take a bath or something. I’ve got it from here.”
“I mean it.”
You sigh, letting your shoulders fall, but ultimately nod. Her hand meets your arm and takes the handle of vodka from you, then nods her head in the direction of the back office. 
You take a step away, ready to clock out and escape this place, when you turn to find Rafe. It’s one of the few moments that he’s not looking at you, but instead trying to keep Topper upright. You shake your head at him, and just as you move to turn around, you spot another familiar set of eyes. 
One second is all it takes for you to gasp and draw back, and clear as day, Campbell disappears into the sea of people once again. You take a step forward, your instincts telling you to find him and tell him to fuck off, when Jamie steps in front of you. 
“What are you doing?” he asks. 
“I’m—” you stop and look up, unable to find any sign of Campbell, “Nothing. I’m leaving.”
“Your shift doesn’t end until two,” he remarks, but before you can argue, he shrugs, “Just go. You didn’t bring too much in tonight, anyway.”
You clench your jaw but turn and walk away from him before he can change his mind. Quickly, you clock out and grab your stuff before making your way back out to Rafe, who looks like he’s one second away from punching Topper in the face. 
“You’re being a fucking asshole, bro, I want another drink,” Topper slurs, trying to step around Rafe. 
“You’re done,” Rafe informs him calmly, gripping Topper’s wrist in his palm. 
“Fuck you,” Topper grunts. 
“Yeah, fuck you, too,” Rafe rolls his eyes, looking over and catching sight of you with your stuff, “Hey. I thought you had a little longer to go?”
You shake your head, “I’m good to leave.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Topper cuts in, “So fuckin’ glad. Your boyfriend’s been super worried.”
Rafe clenches his jaw, “Shut up.”
“You shut up—” Topper rebutts, shoving Rafe’s shoulder. 
Rafe looks pissed, but he doesn’t take it out on Topper. Instead, he grips his best friend by the collar of his shirt and then turns to you, giving you a gentle but forced smile. 
“I’m gonna take him home,” he says, “Come with?”
Topper rolls his eyes, desperate to break free of Rafe’s grip but unable to do so because his balance is so far off. When he can’t, he looks over at you and narrows his eyes. Although you know Topper is just drunk, your head feels too fragile to be around his behavior. 
“I’m just gonna go home, I think,” you reply, “It’s late and I’m tired.”
Rafe frowns, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you nod, “Need me to call you guys an Uber?”
“No, I’ll do that, baby. I’m just a little worried about you—”
“Holy shit, dude, she’s fine,” Topper groans, “Can you fucking let go of me?”
You take a step closer to Rafe and place your hand on his cheek, watching as he relaxes under your touch. 
“I’m fine, I promise. I just need to recharge. I’ll call you in the morning.”
He turns into your hand, kissing your palm lightly, “Okay, I get it. But I have a counter proposal.”
You smile, “What is it?”
“Call me when you get home,” he requests, “Just so I know you’re safe and okay. We don’t have to talk for a while, I just want to know so I can sleep.”
“I will,” you promise. 
“Let me walk you out,” he says, letting go of Topper and glaring at him, “Don’t—”
“I’ve got him,” Bryn sighs from behind the bar, earning all of your attention. 
Rafe gives her a grateful smile, “Thanks.”
You take his hand, a very big part of you grateful that he wants to walk you to your car. You hold your breath as he leads you through the crowd and over to the doors, your eyes frantically searching the sea of people for one in particular. 
Rafe holds the door open and lets you walk through first, not releasing your hand as both of you maneuver out. You let out a breath of relief when there’s not a man leaning against your car, waiting on you. 
“You sick of me?” he teases, stealing a glance over at you. 
“Rafe, no,” you protest, “Not at all. I just feel really weird, I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Physically or mentally?”
Your grip tightens around his hand at the same moment you look over at him, dying to tell him how much you appreciate that question. He’s making an effort to understand, and for that, you’re thankful. 
“Mentally,” you admit, “I’m probably just tired.”
He brings your tangled hands up to his lips then, leaving a kiss on the outside of your palm. 
“Get some rest and call me in the morning, okay?” 
You nod, stopping in front of your car, “And tonight?”
He shrugs shyly, “I’m greedy, what can I say?”
Your smile blossoms immediately and without force, and before you know it, you’re tugging on his tee shirt to pull him down to you. 
“I’ll call,” you swear, brushing your lips against his. 
“I’d appreciate that,” he whispers, smirking just before he kisses you. 
You smile into the kiss, and after another minute, you pull back. 
“Goodnight,” you say. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
He takes one step back, then two, and stops. He grins shyly as he watches you get into your car and waves as you pull away. Some part of you doesn’t want to leave him, especially as you watch him fade in your rear view, but you feel too weird to be around him tonight. Chalking it up to exhaustion, you make a plan to pick up food on your way home and eat, then crash and sleep until you wake up in the morning. 
     Surprisingly, the line at McDonald's was long. You’d sat and waited for almost twenty minutes before driving out of the parking lot with a bag of greasy goodness, swallowing down a few fries on the way home. You’re sure Rafe is home by now, anxiously waiting for you to dial him up and tell him you’re home safe.  
You climb the stairs and hurry down the hall, already pulling Rafe’s contact up. You’re practically dying to hear his voice, to picture him laying in his bed, shirtless, with a smile on his face as he says goodnight and wishes you were in his bed. The thought makes you smile as you turn your key in the lock and push open the door. 
You don’t immediately register your living room light being on, although you never leave the house without shutting off all the lights. You turn to lock the door behind you and make your way through the entryway, too busy juggling keys, food, and phone to notice him. 
“He lets you eat that shit?”
Your heart sinks to your feet as you register the slight rasp. You turn your head and meet his eyes, finding no mercy, no grace, no warmth in them at all. Losing control, your phone and food bag tumble out onto the floor, but the sound isn’t registered with you. 
“What—” you stutter, shaking your head in disbelief, “What are you— How did you get in?”
Campbell smirks and stands from his seat on the couch, “It’s like you’ve forgotten what I used to tell you. That food will make you fat, Y/N.”
“How did you get in here, Campbell?” you repeat, backing away from him. 
“Your super gave me your key,” he shrugs, “I told him I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary. You remembered, didn’t you?”
You shake your head slightly, unable to swallow even though your throat is crying out with how dry it is. 
“We don’t have an anniversary,” you mumble weakly, “We’re broken up.”
He chuckles sarcastically, “You certainly think that, don’t you? I saw you kiss him in the parking lot before he let you leave alone.”
“He’s not a babysitter,” you snap bravely, recoiling immediately when he takes another step forward. 
“He’s not?” Campbell quips, “What is he, then? A chauffeur? A sugar daddy? A quick fuck? Tell me what he is to you, Y/N. Say it.”
With another step, your back hits the wall. With even-timed paces and a jaw wound tightly, Campbell boxes you in, watching as you struggle to get a full breath in. You swear you can hear your heart pounding in your chest, silently begging him not to hurt you. 
When you don’t respond to his demand, he slams his palm against the wall beside your head. You wince and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to make yourself as small as possible so that maybe, just maybe, you’ll fall through the floor. 
“I asked you a fucking question,” he hisses, “Tell me what he is to you.”
“Boyfriend,” you blurt, popping your eyes back open, “He’s my boyfriend.”
He purses his lips and nods slowly, letting his eyes wander around you. You squirm, desperate to figure out a way to get away from him, to run and hide or dial 911. 
“You won’t last with a guy like that,” he mutters, “He’s too nice for you. You’ll get bored of the golden retriever game quickly, I promise you that.”
“Why do you care?” you ask, your voice still sounding weak and fragile. 
“Excuse me?”
“I mean,” you sigh, “It’s not like you were faithful to me when we were together. You treated me like shit, like a whore—”
Campbell’s motion is sudden. So sudden, in fact, that the gasp you try to let out in response gets stuck in the constriction of your throat. His palm meets your throat and squeezes; his eyes dark and hateful.
“You are a whore,” he growls, “And you fucking love being treated like one. Are you enjoying your vanilla sex with the inexperienced frat boy?”
You claw at his chest, anger finally blooming inside of you. You push and shove, trying to get him off of you, when he lifts you up off the ground and slams your head back against the wall. You continue scratching him, and when your leg comes up to kick him, his grip around your throat loosens. 
“The sex isn’t vanilla,” you spit, just to piss him off, “And he’s far from inexperienced.”
“Is that right?” Campbell asks, his jaw ticking as he debates squeezing again. 
“Oh, yeah,” you continue, “You know what else? He goes down on me every chance he gets. Says he’s trying to make up for all the times I faked it with you.”
You know it’s a risk. You know it’s probably a bad move. But a part of you thinks that if he’s going to stand here and do this, you should be able to say your piece, too. He laughs incredulously, and when his hands grip your throat tightly again, you aren’t surprised. You struggle as you did before, doing your best to break free while trying to revel in the pissed off expression he holds. 
“You think you faked it with me, sweetheart?” he asks, “Is that what you told him to make him feel better? Trust me, you didn’t fake shit. Want me to prove it?”
Just as his free hand grabs your belt buckle, intent on removing it, a loud knock sounds on your front door. Campbell immediately covers your mouth with his hand, letting you breathe through your nose for the time being as he keeps you quiet. 
“Y/N? Baby?”
You squeeze your eyes closed as tears well up in your eyes. Rafe’s voice calms you even in this position, where Campbell’s hand presses even harder into your face to prevent you from calling out to him. 
“God, he’s incessant,” Campbell mutters, “What the fuck do you see in him?”
You ball up your fist at your side, but before you can move, you hear the key twist in the lock. Your eyes widen slightly just as Campbell’s do, realizing Rafe still has that spare key. You hear Rafe step inside and close the door behind him, and when he sees the McDonald’s bag on the floor beside your phone, he calls out again. 
Your knee meets Campbell’s groin right then, and when he hunches over in pain, his hand falls from your mouth. He stumbles back just enough that you get out from behind him, remaining cautious of his movements as you do so. 
“Rafe,” you call out, looking up to find him in the center of the living room. 
His eyes take in the scene in front of him only briefly before grabs ahold of you and places you behind him, both of you watching as Campbell straightens himself out.
“Son of a bitch,” Cambell grunts. 
Rafe feels you tense in his grip at the sound of Campbell’s voice, and instinctively, he pulls you closer to him by your shirt. 
“Tell me you didn’t just have your hand around her throat,” Rafe says calmly, his voice deep, “Tell me you weren’t trying to fucking kill her. Again.”
At the sound of Campbell’s sarcastic laugh, Rafe’s eyes narrow, and an expression you’ve never seen on him crosses his face. 
“So what if I was?” Campbell shrugs, “It’s not like you—”
Before you can even process it, Rafe’s across the room, slamming Campbell into the wall and placing his own hand around his neck. Judging by the shocked expression on Campbell’s face, you know he hadn’t expected that to happen. Your eyes bulge as Rafe’s grip tightens, and Campbell wheezes as he struggles for breath. 
“Rafe—” you start, stepping forward, but his voice stops you. 
“How does that fucking feel?” Rafe asks, raising his voice, “Is this fun for you? No? You get off from this, you arrogant piece of shit?”
“Rafe!” you repeat, setting your hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him, make him stop, “Rafe, listen—”
“How could you do this to her?” Rafe questions him, his voice cracking slightly, “How could you put your hand around her little throat and squeeze? How could you watch her cry, or leave marks on her neck and just be okay with that?”
“Rafe,” you try again, your voice softer now, “Hey. I’m okay. Please let go.”
“I should kill you,” Rafe growls, watching Campbell’s eyes grow even wider as he becomes desperate for breath,  I should watch you choke and gasp and fucking beg to live.”
You gasp at the same moment Campbell does, but for different reasons. Campbell continues to claw at Rafe’s hands, doing his best to try and get him off but not having even a slim chance. 
The sound of Campbell’s attempts at inhalation fills the room, and for a long moment, it’s all you hear. You can feel your brain trying to figure out what to do, and even in the haze of the events of the night, you still know you trust Rafe to handle it. 
“But, I won’t,” Rafe mutters, releasing his grip only slightly, “Because I’m not like you. But I swear to God, if you ever touch my girlfriend again, I will fucking kill you. And I won’t think twice about it, either. Clear?”
Campbell smirks, “Clear.”
His voice comes out harsh, rough, like it’s obvious he’s struggled for breath. After another few seconds, Rafe releases him completely, knocking him into the wall as he lets go. 
Campbell coughs violently and repeatedly, hunching over as he fights to catch his breath. Rafe’s chest heaves with anger as he breathes in and out, not allowing his eyes to leave Campbell even once.
After a few seconds, Campbell stands straight and ceases coughing; instead, opting to smirk. With a quiet chuckle, he speaks. 
“Oh, so the dog can do tricks, huh, Y/N? If you tell him to sit, does he do it?”
Rafe’s fist meets Campbell’s face without another word. You gasp, your left hand covering your mouth as you watch Rafe grab the back of Campbell’s blazer and drag him toward the front door. 
“Don’t give me a reason, man,” Rafe says lowly, “I’ll take anything I can get if it means I get to beat the shit out of you.”
Campbell’s bloody nose prevents him from speaking; his hand over his mouth muffling any words that he may say. Rafe opens the front door and shoves him out, watching as he hits the cement wall on the other side of the hallway. 
“You want her so fucking bad?” Campbell grunts, “Take her. Her pussy’s not worth this.”
You shut your eyes at that, still rooted on the hardwood where you stand. You try not to think about how he’d reached for your belt buckle, and how you could be in a very different situation now if it weren’t for Rafe. 
You hear him chuckle, “Yeah, it is.”
The door closes and locks, and just as Rafe hurries around the corner where you can see him, you crack. He watches as your lip quivers and little whimpers start to escape you as you process what had just happened; how you’d felt that something was off and you should’ve gone home with Rafe. 
His face falls as he hurries across the room, wasting no time getting over to you. Just as a sob escapes your lips, he engulfs you in a hug, wrapping you up tight. You tuck your chin right into his chest, inhaling his scent and letting it calm you down, as it does. 
“You’re okay,” he whispers, his own voice thick with emotion, “You didn’t call. You didn’t call, baby.”
You know he’s trying to tell you why he came; that he wasn’t trying to be pushy or clingy, but that he knew. He felt your danger the same way you’d felt it all night, and for that, you only squeeze him tighter. His cotton shirt dries up your tears as he holds you, content on doing it all night if that’s what you need.
@witchwyfe @ghostselena @goldenjo @storytellingwitht @scenesofobx @itsalexwin @onmykneesforrafe @valeriiecameron @lovedetlost @mardema @girlsneedloovee @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @malums-trash-can @emotionalbruv @onenightnorth @rafecameronswhore @wanniiieeee @sarahwasfound @lilgoddesshines @abrunettefangirlnerd @absolute-fcking-chaos @jordynsharum @premixed-margarita @anonymousobxfan @samcaniglia @midnightanticss @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @thesimpletype @notdisneychannel @gillybear17 @solllaris @i-is-for-inspiring @luversgirl @maybankxw @mattyskies @imobsessedsblog @ryswritingrecord @barbiietiingz @sierraahhhh @bethoconnor @starkeyobx @totallynotkaibiased @mannstarkey @darlaboo @ishipit1420 @mveggieburger
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For the kissy thing: Jance & 23? ☺️
Thank you very much for the prompt, my friend :) I hope you enjoy.
23…in relief.
Jan’s name appears on his phone and he sighs, more relieved than anything. Jan is always late to everything. It’s a well-known fact and not something to resent him over. Everyone else’s timekeeping just changes a little to accommodate him. Nevertheless, twenty minutes is a reasonable amount of time to wait. Forty-five minutes is starting to stretch the limits of patience and Nace was starting to get concerned.
“It’s Jan,” he announces to the room.
“Finally! Tell him he better have a good excuse this time,” Kris orders. Nace picks up the call.
“Hello,” he says cheerfully.
He can tell at once that something isn’t right. “Are you okay, love?”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.” Kris gives him a look to indicate his disagreement. “Are you on the way?”
“Don’t be worried,” Jan says, which instantly worries him. “But I’m in the hospital.”
“What? What’s happened? Are you okay?”
“I got hit by a car. It was only a bump,” Jan adds quickly. “They made me come and get checked though.”
“Of course they did. What hospital are you in? We’re on the way.”
“He’s in a hospital?” Bojan yelps.
“University Medical Center. And seriously, Nace, don’t worry. I’m fine.”
There’s no point in saying that of course he’s going to worry. “Alright, I’ll try not to.”
As soon as he hangs up, he’s swamped with questions. “He was hit by a car, he’s in the hospital, I don’t know if he’s hurt or not, but he’s awake and talking at least. Let’s go.”
Jan is clearly not in a critical condition and there’s no reason to be unduly fearful, but nevertheless Jure takes over driving duties, and the front desk staff look very alarmed at the sight of four men barging through their doors and trying to talk over each other in search of their missing friend. They are directed to the end of a long corridor, around a corner and a little further to find the room with four beds where Jan is sitting, apparently unharmed except for the sling on his left arm.
Nace reaches him first and hugs him carefully, mindful of the sling, and is swiftly followed by the other four.
“Are you okay?”
Jan shakes his head. “I broke my arm.”
“Shit,” Kris stares at the sling. “Anything else?”
“What else is worse? I can’t fucking do anything for six weeks? What am I meant to do?”
Kris and Bojan have a silent conversation.
“We’ll rally around,” Kris declares. “We can make a rota to make sure one of us is always staying over to help out, if you want us to. We’ve handled illness and injury before.”
“Not like this! I can’t hold a guitar.”
“We’ll find a session musician,” Bojan says calmly. This doesn’t please Jan, who lets out a disgusted groan and buries his face in Nace’s shoulder.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“No,” Jan’s muffled voice replies. “That’s the thing, it doesn’t hurt at all, but the X-ray said there’s a fracture.”
“Mr Jan Peteh?”
They all look towards the door as a nurse walks in, stops short at the sight of them and then looks around. “I’m sorry, I must have the wrong room.”
She doubles back, looks at a chart outside the door and then comes back in. “Are you Mr Jan Peteh?”
Her confusion does not vanish. “Were you brought in because you fell down the stairs?”
“I was hit by a car.”
“Hold on.” She walks out again. The guys look at each other and Kris tentatively takes a step back.
“Maybe I’ll go see what that’s about.”
He returns a minute later, just ahead of the nurse. “Hello again, I’m terribly sorry. I think your X-ray has been mixed up with someone else’s. You’re the Jan Peteh who was struck by a vehicle, correct?”
“Yes, your X-ray came back totally fine. You should have been discharged an hour ago.”
“Really? What about the other guy?”
“We need to call him back immediately. I’ll go and find someone to cut that bandage off you and then you can go home.”
She marches out briskly.
“What kind of incompetence-?” Kris begins, but the rest of his sentence is cut off by Jan gripping Nace by the collar and pulling him in for an enthusiastic hug.
“I haven’t broken my arm,” he says excitedly.
“No, you haven’t.”
“I can still play!”
Nace smiles and wraps his arms around him, kissing his temple and lingering for a bit longer over the warm skin, just as a reminder that Jan is here and safe.
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