#I’m watching an episode before getting ready for tonight
hi! i don't know if this ask has been done before but do you have any comedy fic recs? i've had enough of angst for a bit and i just want to read aziracrow bicker and laugh out loud :))
Hey. We have #humour, #humor, #crack, and #bickering tags, for all your laughing needs. Here are more to add...
Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (M)
Season 2 spoilers! When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon. So in episode 6 we see that Mrs. Sandwich is clearly at ease with Crowley and he with her, enough to share a joke together. Combine that with the curious sign on her door which might just be referring to Crowley, and we have a little buddy comedy in the making. I decided to explore the backstory of how they came to know one another between season 1 and the beginning of season 2. While this little comedy is about sex workers, there is NO sex in it, and rated M solely for oblique references to things like contraceptive devices and so on - honestly it could get away with a “teen and up” rating but I like to err on the side of caution.
Pass the Remote, Angel by Mrs_Cake_Is_Here (M)
Aziraphale has returned to Heaven, leaving Crowley a tv binge-watching wreck. However, healing can come from the most unlikeliest of places. While Muriel has been instructed to provide daily reports of the demon’s emotional state, they find that sharing time together, even by watching a scary show, can be the catalyst that builds friendships. And they’d probably both be couch potatoes by now if the Supreme Archangel hadn’t just gone missing.
Christmas Lights by FuzzyGoblin (T)
Christmas Lights is on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association, but it's not the only thing on Mr Brown's, of Brown's World of Carpets, mind. As he pines for the mysterious bookseller, his efforts are thwarted by the tall ginger goth.
The Book Thieves by ThingsJustHappenSometimes (T)
“Did they steal it? Professional book thieves, probably going around in their car stealing books.” Be careful what you tell an adolescent antichrist who has the ability to warp reality, he might just make things real. - - - Featuring: A confused ineffable duo in ridiculous costumes, a presumed relationship, overpowered magical books, meddling humans, multiple chase scenes, and a generally all around silly action-packed time. - - - [If you like 1920s Costumes, Indiana Jones, Isekai Vibes, and/or That-One-Auction-Heist-Scene from Uncharted 4, you’ll like this story.]
Rattle Those Pots & Pans by Mackaley (M)
“My instructions…” He parted his mouth as he searched for a word. “Instruct that I just get right into it. You all have been brought here tonight because you have one thing in common: you’re all being blackmailed.” A tense hush fell through the room. “You’re all paying what you can afford - in some cases I’m sure more than you can afford - to prevent your secrets from being exposed. And none of you know who is currently blackmailing you.” Gabriel scoffed. “This is ridiculous. I’m an upstanding member of the international finance community - what could I possibly have done to be blackmailed about?” “You’re a member of the international finance community,” Crowley drawled. ----- A Good Omens Clue (1985) AU
through the tides by viperinz (T)
With that thought, Aziraphale takes to asking experts if his feelings are something more or just love for his dearest, most sweetest friend. If he wasn’t sure himself, then surely the experts on the internet will have something for him. Which brings him to the front of his computer, ready to search something up on the search engine he has pulled up. He’s not one to ask too many questions, but he supposes it won’t hurt. He starts typing, and is satisfied with his search of "Am I in love with my best friend?" Straight to the point, and very concise. Aziraphale has no doubt he’ll find what he’s looking for. He presses enter on the keyboard, and a bunch of results flood in. “Oh, dear,” he gasps at the mass amount of answers. Where is he supposed to start?
Aziraphale discovers the wonderful world of online love quizzes and WikiHow, all in the process of wooing and confessing his love to Crowley.
- Mod D
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 5 months
Oh my god the girls are so worried for Rose and Dorothy just pretended to go away to get her surprise and Rose thought the one licking her was Blanche and they got her a DOG I’m going to cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 4 months
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Jealous!Possessive!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: A night out at your favorite local hangout is what he promised you after being away on deployment for so long, but one small incident throws him over the edge into full on possessive episode. Something about the way he is pulling off to the side of the road might mean he can't make it home before reclaiming his prize.
Word Count: 5.1 k
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“Come on, you promised,” you say as you straighten your skirt and adjust your top, looking back at Simon from within the bathroom mirror as he stands behind you, watching you finish getting ready. “You said we could have a night out once you got back from deployment, just the two of us. We always stay in; I want to go out.”
Simon sighs; he can’t ever say no to you even though he is not keen on the idea. “I did, didn’t I,” he agrees with defeat as he advances into the bathroom until he is within reach to wrap his arms around your middle, pulling you flush against his broad, hard chest. “Ya know I’m not against it, I don’t like to fuckin’ share ya is all.”
Heated lips are caressing the skin of your shoulder making it prickle under his touch as he kisses all of that exposed skin. You only allow yourself to enjoy the feeling for a moment before you shift in his grip, any longer and you are going to be right where he wants you: at his mercy and forgetting all about going anywhere tonight.
“Later,” you breathe. “I promise; just want you to take me out first. A few hours at the bar, a couple drinks with a bit of conversation, and then we’ll be back to end the night right, okay?”
He nods. “If that’s what ya want, sweetheart, then that’s what we’ll do,” he agrees and you pull him in for a kiss on his lips before sending off to get dressed.
The bar is already gathering a good crowd inside by the time you arrive. With Simon’s hand firmly wrapped around your hip, you enter the familiar hangout and instantly you are drawing looks in your direction. It’s easy enough to get attention, being as massive of a man as Simon is, it isn’t difficult, but that is exactly what he wants. He needs those here to see his hands all over you, needs those around to be aware of who you’re here with so that there won’t be any trouble tonight.
He knows what a prize he has; you are his and god help the idiot that doesn’t get that.
It is the same each time you step foot out of the house together, some part of Simon has to be connected to you at all times: a hand on your lower back, his arm snaking its way around your waist or hip, your combined hands locked into one another. Anything and everything to show that you are taken. Those brown eyes scan the area, taking note of those that look your way as you walk to where you’re going to sit.
A table is chosen off to the side, one out of the way of the main area where you can be more secluded. Here he can have you all to himself just the way he likes it. From the minute he returns from the bar with your drinks and he sits down, his coarse hands with those rough fingertips are on you, lightly brushing over the tops of your bare thighs that poke out from the bottom of your skirt. That brown gaze cannot stay off you as he looks you up and down as you talk through his mask which he occasionally pulls up to sip at his glass of bourbon and take a drag from his cigarette.
After a while you decide you want one more drink and move to get up to go order. Simon tries to convince you otherwise, he can go get whatever you need just as he has all night, but you dismiss him.
“I’ll be right back,” you say as you give him a quick kiss on his exposed lips and walk off before he can answer.
He should be the one to get it, he shouldn’t have allowed you to go, but he let his judgment lapse as the night has been fine so far without consequence. He looks up as you make it up to the bar all alone and unattended and out of his immediate reach. Standing there looking like you do, short skirt and tight top showcasing your most tempting assets, it would be hard for anyone not to have a peak.
It is then that Simon catches a bastard plastered off his rocker stumbling over from a few seats down, right to where you are. There aren’t many other pretty little things around tonight and so Simon is sure this asshole is going to shoot his shot cause there is no way he is wanting to go home alone and that has his blood already boiling.
A few slurred words he musters out to get you to engage with him, even though you are quickly shaking your head it isn’t enough to get him to leave you be. Simon is getting up from his seat when the drunkard’s hand inches down onto your lower back, thumb rubbing up and down, catching you by surprise to make you gasp. You have no time to react before Simon is seeing red and he moves in hastily with his fist clenched and ready to connect with the guy’s mouth.
“Get your fuckin’ hand off ‘er,” his angry voice bellows as he rips the guy away from you and shoves him hard causing the idiot to stagger over his unsteady feet. Emotions are high so once he’s got him off you fists start flying from both: one for touching you and the other for having his play messed with. Too bad for the drunk that Simon isn’t one to be messed with; his fist wallops him square in the jaw so that the man falls to the ground.
But it isn’t finished, not until this bastard learns his lesson. Simon makes his way on top of him and waylays into the man with heavy punches that make repeated contact with his face, not giving the guy a second to get any hits in himself.
“Ya like putin’ your hands on things?” Simon growls menacingly through the tussle, “just fuckin’ try gettin’ ‘em on me. Fuckin’ can’t, can ya?”
The altercation is drawing stares from the other patrons, though no one is really keen on getting in the middle of things. You can’t blame them; Simon is a huge man with enough weight to throw around and that makes him a formidable opponent to anyone outside of a heavyweight boxer. Who is going to willingly step in front of a freight train barreling down the tracks?
“Simon, fucking stop,” you beg as the corner of your eye clocks movement from the bartender bolting up towards the front of the bar to where the bouncer stands just outside the door. “You made your point. We’re going to get kicked out. Fucking let him go.”
Simon doesn’t care; another man has put his hand on you and he can’t let that go. He won’t. You are his, HIS, and inebriated or not he will not stand for anyone trying to move in on his territory. This idiot is gonna learn real fucking quick to fear his masked face and think twice whenever he comes in here again.
“Goddammit Simon,” you sigh under your breath angrily as you know what’s coming next - two people are fast approaching. The bartender is back with the bouncer in tow who immediately jumps into ripping the drunkard out from Simon’s grasp and standing them both back to their feet, but separated.
“You’re outta here, buddy,” the bouncer says to a panting Simon and points a stern finger to the exit with a look in his eyes that says not to take this further or else. “Leave, now.”
You wrap your hand around Simon’s wide bicep and tug, but he has some parting words for the prick with the bloody nose still standing close by. “Best learn your fuckin’ lesson not to touch what ain’t yours. Next time ya might not be so fuckin’ lucky,” he growls menacingly before flexing in your grip, ripping his arm away.
"Come on," he barks at you as he storms out while you quickly pay the remaining tab, offer an embarassed apology, and rush after him.
By the time you get outside Simon is leaning against your car with a cigarette already pressed between his pursed lips as he irately sucks the stick down fast as he can, billowing smoke out like a chimney. His shoulders are tense, his free hand clenching and unclenching itself at his side. You storm over to him, the heat in your cheeks making your face burn as your heartbeat pounds heavy and fast in your chest.
“What the fuck was that?” you ask, venom in your tone.
He avoids your question, his eyes pointed at the ground. “Get in the car,” he says sternly through another large cloud of smoke.
You know he isn’t drunk, he’s barely finished two glasses of bourbon all night, so you want to know why the hell he flew off the handle like that. You know that Simon can be a bit jealous, a bit possessive, evident most when you two go out together. If he catches a lingering eye there will always be a stern glare or at most a bark to back off, but this is the farthest he has ever taken things and you aren’t sure what to feel about it all, so anger settles in first.
Shaking your head, you stand your ground. “Not until you tell me what the fuck is wrong with you,” you demand, but he just silently opens the driver side door as he flicks the butt of his cig to the ground. “You realize they may never allow us back in, right?”
“Get. In.” he orders with authority as he sits down. “Now.”
This isn’t getting anywhere and you’re done causing a scene in public. Gritting your teeth behind your closed lips you march over to the passenger side of the car and fling open the door to scramble inside, slamming it shut before he does the same, starts the car, and peels out to head back to your shared flat. You cross your arms over your chest and huff, agitated that the night has to end this way when moments before everything was going fine.
“Whatever,” you spit back harshly.
Keeping his eyes fixated on the road ahead, uncomfortably shifting in his seat a few times, Simon drives on in complete silence. His grip on the steering wheel is turning his knuckles white from the pressure and yet he won’t let up. Fine, if he wants to stay quiet that’s his prerogative. Too bad for him you aren’t done speaking your peace yet.
“I can’t fucking believe you,” you say, breaking the heavy stillness that permeates the car, “you’re always getting jealous of shit that I can’t help, but this time you’ve gone to far; Christ, you’ve been gone for too long to ruin our time together like this. What are you, twelve? The guy had no chance in hell of getting any farther than that, but you had to go and blow it all out of proportion. I could have just told the bartender and gotten him thrown out or something and we could have gone back to enjoying our night, but no.”
You continue your tirade as Simon turns the car down a deserted road and you notice something is off. This isn’t the usual route you take back to your place; you think it a little odd, but you are too angry to care and so pay that small detail little mind. “You and your goddamn jealousy are really turning me off lately. Get it together, Si. What are you so worried about, hmm? You think he's just gonna steal me away just like that without even trying?”
Simon still isn’t saying anything and that only makes you more agitated. The least he could do is apologize and promise to make it up to you for ruining the night. Spitting a few more heated things under your breath as you turn your head away, you don’t notice that the car is suddenly being pulled over to the side of the road until he brings it to a full stop in the grass off the shoulder, putting it in park and turning it off.
The spot is shadowed by a group of trees that block the nearest streetlight just a few feet away. You can just barely make out the outline of his body in the dimness, though you can clearly hear the movement of him adjusting his seat, slamming it back until it latches, followed by his hand reaching around near your side until he latches onto your wrist.
“Ya think I'm worried about some bastard tryin’ to take ya from me?” he asks, speaking for the first time since he told you to get in the car.
“What’re you…?” you ask back in confusion as he pulls and keeps pulling at your arm until you are forced to move closer, your hips within reach so that he can take hold and forcibly guide your body directly over top of his lap, knees digging into the seat cushion until you are straddled over his crotch. The steering wheel bites into your lower back as you fit yourself into the tight space between Simon’s hulking form and the dashboard panel.
Without a single word, he pushes your hips down hard to press your pussy flush against him, your legs being forced to spread wide from his stocky thighs pushing them apart as your skirt rides up to your waist. He then starts to grind roughly against you with rocking movements, hips rolling into you again and again. The hot air of his mouth can be felt on your lips as it filters through the fabric of his mask, your faces so close together that only that thin piece of cloth keeps your mouths from meeting.
Over and over he pushes himself up against the crotch of your panties unhindered by the opening, his cock bulging and straining against your sex the longer he ruts into you with just a few measly layers of fabric between your bodies. His cock is hard and unyielding as it rubs into your petals trying to push through and up into your entrance.
Your panties are bunched in your slit, slowly dampening the longer he grinds into you until the fabric has been soaked through and gathering on his jeans. The adrenaline coursing its way through your veins heightens all of your senses so that every hard touch of his hands, every nuzzle of that engorged appendage between your thighs, every trace of his fingers over your bare skin feels like electricity and you can hardly contain yourself. The anger that was festering now alters course as he forces you to ride him by guiding your hips down to get just a little more friction; now it is replaced by a much stronger emotion: desire.
“Do ya not understand, luv? Guess I’m gonna need ta be more direct,” he says, the cold spot growing on his denim now being felt against the skin of his inner thigh. “First, take off the mask.”
With unsteady fingers you search for the edge of his balaclava and draw it up over his mouth, his nose, over his forehead, and finally off his head entirely so that his face is revealed to you. His hands leave your hips, one clasping around your chin to wrench your head out of the way while the other paws heavily at your breast as he leans his face in towards your neck.
“Now I’m forced to make sure my pretty girl knows who the fuck she belongs to,” he groans, low and guttural before his mouth is on you.
Sharp teeth are dragged down the length of all that delicate skin on your throat, bursting capillaries to leave his mark before his mouth latches on to the side just below your ear and you feel the sting as his teeth dig in. The pressure is so hard from the suction of his lips you can almost feel the skin bubble up into his mouth; there is no question that there will be a big, angry, purple blotch by tomorrow if he keeps at it. And he doesn’t seem like he is going to let up anytime soon, not until his signature takes.
Stinging and pressure, mixed with Simon’s warm, sticky breath moistening your skin from his lips, and your sanity is slowly fading. You want to stay mad at him, to make him pay for the way he acted, but the longer he works your body the harder it is becoming.
“What if I’m still too angry to do anything with you?” you question.
Even you don't believe that lie, but still you aren't going to give in without a little pushback.
His movements don’t even slow for a second. “I don’t fuckin’ care,” he says in a breathy whisper, punctuating each word for emphasis.
Simon groans into your skin so that it vibrates in his mouth, his hand around your breast kneading it more aggressively as he can’t get enough purchase through your clothes. He needs these damned things gone and quick, his body is burning to touch all that soft flesh. Fabric strains and seams pop as he grabs your shirt in his hands and pulls, ripping the skimpy thing right down the middle and leaving the top and your bra in tatters just to pull your tits out of the opening the tear has created.
“Fuck this, need ta feel these,” he breathes as his face dives back into your neck.
Tits palmed in his gigantic hands, his fingers toy with the nipples ceaselessly until you can feel a pulsing deep in your clit from the stimulation. A pathetic whimper escapes your lips that you can’t swallow down and you swear his mouth is forming into a smile against your skin.
Finally he emerges from your throat, lips swollen and red from the constant pressure against your neck. The warmth of his breath makes your neck tingle where his saliva has dampened it. “Let me make this crystal fuckin’ clear. You’re mine,” he breathes, his low, gruff voice sending shivers down your spine. “Mine: with, taken, spoken for. I don’t give a fuck how far ya were gonna let it get with that bloody bastard, you’re mine. And no one, no one, touches what’s mine, understand?”
There is no fight left in you to deny him of anything, not the way he has your mind already in a disorienting haze. You nod your head in submission, even though you can hardly remember what he just asked.
“I’m the only fuckin’ guy for ya,” he groans with a malicious smirk, “the only one that can have ya. And ya want me too, don’tcha sweetheart? Ya know I’m gonna be tha only one to always protect ya, to look after ya…”
Reaching his hand between your bodies, he shifts his hips under you so that he can undo his belt buckle, then the button on his jeans, and finally pull down the zipper. Sticking his hand inside the shadowed recesses of his boxers, he pulls out and releases that thick, veiny appendage that has been steadily engorging from the moment he got in the car. It throbs and jerks in his hand as he pulls up his shirt over his chest and angles his cock up towards his stomach.
“..and if I have my way tonight I’m gonna be the one watchin’ my DNA leak outta ya just ta prove that you belong to me and only me,” he says, breath hitching from the sensitivity as his hand moves over the tip.
He pulls your hips forward so that you are positioned over top of it and you can feel his cold piercing brush against your clit as he forces you to grind on him over your panties. That fucking thing is always a surprise, the Prince Albert he’s had since before he even joined the military, though it is always a welcome one. He’s teasing you, tempting you, forcing you to fall apart without giving you anything more than a raw humping and it’s working like a charm. Up and down his cock strokes through your clothed petals, rendering you a writhing mess.
“I’m not playin’ anymore when it comes to you,” he says firmly. “I know what I got and I ain’t sharin’. You’re the only one I want and I won’t have some bastard try to take ya away.”
Aggressively, calloused fingers divide through the strands of your hair at the back of your head so that his grip is securely woven into you. He holds your head in place as he locks his auburn gaze onto your eyes, mouth inching ever nearer, but stopping just shy of your begging lips.
“Next guy that touches I’m gonna fuckin’ kill,” he breathes as his mouth connects with yours mercilessly, stealing the air from your lungs as he captures your lips to claim that mouth as his property.
Minutes pass with him overwhelming your senses: his thick cock slipping between your legs, his lips locked to yours in that fight of back and forth, his fingertips digging into the bulk of your hips to hold you down onto him. It’s almost too much and the longer it goes on the worse of a mess you become.
The tears are pooling at the rims of your eyes, your body aching and overwhelmingly sensitive that all you want to do is put his cock in, have your pussy swallow him up and fill you full so that you can finally come and end the torment, but he doesn’t stop. No, he wants you to cry for it, plead for it, be so incredibly desperate for it that you’ll let him do as he pleases without question.
He wants to ruin you for anyone else, keep you so addicted to him that you won’t think of even looking at another. Just as addicted as he is to you.
Your limbs are vibrating, tingling and near numb as he forces you to roll your hips over his piercing persistently to catch it on your clit until you can’t see straight. You press your hands into his bulky abdominals, using his torso as leverage to keep you steady. A bit of precum dribbles out of his tip and down the shaft, into the hair trailing down his pubic bone to his cock.
He switches up the rhythm a few times to disrupt the constant repetitive pressure that is needed for you to climax so that you are whimpering in distress, practically begging him with incoherent sounds to stop teasing and just let you come already. It’s too much, he feels too good; you need to come after all this buildup.
“P-please, p-pleas-se,” you stammer.
Grabbing your chin, Simon forces your face pointed towards his. “Look at me,” he demands and you lock eyes as best you can through your shimmering vision. “Keep those pretty eyes on me. I want ya to show me how well ya suck it and maybe if ya fuckin’ do it right I'll put it in ya and not make ya wait till we get home.”
His efforts have worked like a charm so that you don’t even balk as you push yourself off of his lap and move onto the seat beside him, moving onto your side and lowering your head until your lips are near the tip of his cock. Looking up, you hold his gaze through your thick eyelashes as you grab the base with your hand and wrap your mouth around it, pulling in the tip with your tongue.
“Fuck sweetheart, that’s it,” he sighs, “show me how good ya suck it. But keep them pretty eyes on me.”
There is condensation gathering steadily on the inside glass of the car to fog the windows as you take him all in until you reach your hand, suctioning your lips around the shaft as the saltiness hits your taste buds before drawing your head back up. The veins that run the length of his cock are pulsing with his rapid heartbeat and they throb against your tongue as you come back down as far as you can. You repeat the same movement over and over again, breathing through your nose to help keep your throat from spasming.
Simon looks down at you, keeping up that eye contact as you choke, your mouth so full of him that you can’t breathe. You never let your gaze falter, no matter how hard he hits your gag reflex. He’s so big there isn’t enough space in that orifice to fit him all in, though you try. Small droplets stream down from the corners of your eyes to match the dribbles of saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth and he gently wipes some of them away with his thumb as his hand rests on your cheek. Even with everything working against you, you are still sucking on him with everything that you have and goddamn is he bewitched by the way you look gagging on his dick.
“Such a pretty mouth, baby,” he praises, making your stomach flip-flop excitedly.
The more you suck, the more his hips begin to rock until he is thrusting his cock smoothly into your lips, fucking your mouth so that you don’t need to bob your head anymore. He thrusts into your throat repeatedly and soon they become more desperate the more that familiar warmth gathers itself in his belly, threatening to tear through him without warning. It’s after a few more minutes of this that he abruptly stops you by shoving your shoulders back, pulling your lips off from around his cock.
There’s only one place he wants to come and that isn’t your mouth.
You are being lifted up like he owns you and moved back over his lap while his hand adjusts his cock between your thighs. He holds onto the base as he takes the crotch of your panties with his opposite hand and wrenches them to one side so they are out of his way. He aligns himself and the tip of him pokes against your entrance that is dripping and ready.
“I only want what’s best for ya, sweetheart. Wanna keep ya from all them bastards that won’t treat ya right. I know ya better than anyone, so you’re not gonna fuckin’ question how controllin’ I am movin’ forward, are ya?”
Agonizingly slow his cock breaks through the threshold of your pussy with a shared involuntary gasp. You mewl loudly, choking at how quickly it stretches you out and he’s barely even in at all. Simon stops at the edge of his hand so that the tip rests just inside that moist barrier. “Answer,” he pushes for you to respond to him.
You nod your head vigorously, unable to speak.
He grins devilishly through heavy breaths that make his broad chest rise and fall at a rapidly growing pace. “That’s right; you’re not. Good girl. Don’t worry, it won’t be all bad. Just let me handle things and I’ll give ya everything you could ever fuckin’ want; what’s mine is gonna be yours. And what’s yours tonight…is me.”
With that he slips in the rest of his cock as he pushes you down hard onto him, filling your tight cunt until he gets to the base and there is nothing he left he can give. You cry out as your back hits into the steering wheel, causing the horn to beep briefly before Simon pulls you against him.
You are so fucking warm, so soft and your body so pliable under his hard grip that is around your ass. “Mine, only mine,” he repeats the assertion with more desperation in his tone as the squeezing from the walls of your pussy around his rock hard cock makes him so delirious it’s as if he is losing his goddamn mind.
Grunting through those first few bits of movement, he wastes no time in making your body bob up and down on him. He lifts you up only to slam you back down harder and harder each time, shoving his cock as far up into you as possible. But it isn’t enough; he needs more. He craves to fuck you harder.
Holding your waist he leans you both back to change the angle of his hips so he can pound into you as he has you secured to his chest. The sloppy sounds of your overly wet cunt being penetrated roughly grow louder, keeping time with his growing desperation. There are no more thoughts left inside his head except one and that is to rut into you until he comes.
You moan as Simon’s cock rubs into that sensitive bundle of nerves within you time and again. How you’ve lasted this long is a miracle, but that is quickly coming to an end as your orgasm cannot be held off any longer. The warmth in your stomach has gathered to its peak and all you can do is whimper in short bursts to let him know that you are about to fall over the edge.
His pace is relentless as he pumps with those powerful thrusts that bury him deep with, unyielding as everything comes to a head and with a shudder your orgasm rockets through you fiery hot, making your body writhe in his grasp. God, it doesn’t stop, second after second it just keeps building stronger and stronger. Simon does not let up and soon you are whining from the over-stimulation.
Thrusting through your release he finally feels that chord that has been tensing in his core snap tight and he is spilling over the edge with howl, his hands crushing your hips until they are stinging from the pressure of his strength.
His face juts forward to yours so that he can capture your mouth, kissing you through the pain until he has rode out his orgasm and can let go of your body. Minutes lengthen so that time seems to slow down, but soon his pace eases until he comes to a stop.
“My good girl, my pretty thing,” he pants through the euphoria coursing through his veins. “Gotta get ya home. Wanna make sure your a complete fuckin’ mess until there isn’t a doubt in your mind that I’m the only one for you.”
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monzabee · 1 year
this is a relationship, that i don’t think anyone saw coming  – cl16
Summary: The one where you and Charles think you are successfully fooling everyone on the grid, when in reality you are the ones being fooled.
Pairing: charles leclerc x merc!driver!reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: cursing, kissing, hiding a relationship (and doing it very badly), smut elements! (in one of the scenes, nothing penetrative), idiots to lovers, sexism and racism in motorsports, pop culture references (bad and many of them).
Request: “Hello! Can I request a charles leclerc imagine where the reader is a f1 driver and they try to hide their relationship from the paddock, but everyone knows and in the end they just reveal it. Thanks xx” + “this is not a request, but, can you use a dialogue from one of your favourite tv shows/series?”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! the title comes from an episode of the kardashians, but it was very popular on tiktok for a while so here you go! the request for this one was so good, and i had so much fun writing this, so i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i do. the dialogue i used for the second request/promt is from season 1 episode 9 of suits, which is one of my absolute favourite tv series of all time (even though it has too many legal inaccuracies), and you can watch the scene from here. ALSO, because i can never choose one, i decided to use another dialogue from season 1 episode 18 of gilmore girls, and i think it is the best piece of television ever written, and you can watch it from here. there are a bunch of pop culture references in there, so if you can spot them, you are a star! thank you anons for your requests, and i hope you guys enjoy this one! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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Charles is not stupid, in fact, he prides himself in being smart. However, as one of his best friends are looking at him with an unamused glare, he suddenly fears that he might have been stupid when he was getting ready before arriving at the venue for the party tonight.
“You are not dressed,” Pierre drawls, “What are you wearing?”
“A suit?” Charles asks, confused as he looks at his friend’s attire. “What are you wearing?” 
Pierre points to the outfit he’s wearing, which consists of brown pants with a linen shirt and a brown vest thrown over it, an annoyed look washes over his face as he explains, “I’m Indiana Jones, this is a costume party, Charles.” 
“Why would you have a costume party when you’re turning 27?” Charles’ face scrunches up in even more confusion. 
“Because it’s fun, and it’s my birthday.” Pierre rolls his eyes, “We have to do something about it; Kika, I need help!” He calls out to her girlfriend, who rushes into the room in a white dress and a very voluminous blonde wig. 
“What’s wrong?” Kika asks, her eyes falling on Charles’ outfits as she groans disappointedly, “Who are you supposed to be?” 
“I didn’t know!” Charles argues. 
“Mate,” Pierre objects, “it was on the invitation; ‘Hollywood Icons’?” 
“We can fix this,” Kika tries to offer Charles a supportive smile. “You could be… Patrick Bateman?” 
Charles’ eyes widen with shock, “From ‘American Psycho’?”
“Morbid, Kiks,” Pierre shakes his head. 
Kika shrugs, “He’s hot. What about Brad Pitt in ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’?”
“Does he even wear a suit in that one?” Pierre asks, still shaking his head in thought. 
Kika lets out a loud groan, “James Bond!”
“That could work–” Charles start saying at the same time Pierre objects, “The suit is not sharp enough.” 
“Then give him a tie, Pierre.” Kika frowns. “God, the two of you are like children, not even the girls had this much trouble, and the two of us almost matched.” 
You’re shivering when you finally arrive at the venue thanks to the thin trench coat thrown over your costume. You link your arm with Lily, who is holding Alex’s hand and the two of them are dressed up as Jack and Rose. “Why are we doing this, again?”
“Because we like Pierre, he is nice.” Lily turns to Alex to let him fix her ginger wig for her as she replies to you.
“I don’t know, I think I want to go back to the hotel.” You mumble, your hands nervously playing with the belt of your coat. 
“Just give it a try, Y/N,” Alex smiles at you. “We’ll take you back if you’re still feeling nervous.” 
You nod your head with a sigh as you let Lily pull you in towards the entrance of the apartment building. You’re too busy admiring the Italian architecture when you hear a squeal. “You guys made it!” Alex excuses himself to go greet some of the other drivers and you smile at Kika as she pulls you and Lily in for a hug at the same time as she chants, “I’m dying to see your guys’ costumes, show me, show me!”
You laugh softly as you take of your coat, pulling gasps from both of the girls looking over your outfit. “You both knew what my costume was going to be!” You whine, holding your coat close to your body. 
“I didn’t know it was going to be –” Lily starts, looking at Kika for help. 
“Tight,” Kika clears her throat, “it’s very tight, and your body looks amazing!” 
“You’re literally a model, Kiks,” you mumble, “can we please focus on Lily and how historically accurate her costume is? Not to mention yours, I mean, Marilyn?”
“You look amazing, Lily.” Kika agrees, giving her a warm smile. “And thank you, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Kika,” she turns to you, “thank you, Y/N. I’m going to find Alex, meet you at the bar?” 
“Sure, see you.” You tell her, smiling as she starts to walk towards the crowd. 
“Let me take your coat,” Kika leans over you. “You should grab a drink before more people arrive, Pierre made sure to invite half of the city, it seems like.” 
You thank her before she leaves to hang your coat, taking a deep breath as you start moving between dancing people, some of whom greet you as you make your way towards the bar. You give the bar tender a tight smile as you order yourself a gin and tonic, strawberry, of course. The first thing Charles notices about you is your hair, having memorised all the different tones mixed between your locks. His eyes travels down your body, his eyes linger particularly on your dress; the white bodice is connected to the tie dye skirt by a metal circle, and it is oh so tight, accentuating all your curves in the best way possible. His legs start to move towards you in their own volition when his eyes reach the leather thigh-high boots, his voice is thick as he approach you from your right. “Y/N.” 
You look at him with your lips parted in shock, your voice coming out in a low breath. “Charles, you’re here.” You let him take one of your hands into his as you lock eyes with him. “I thought you were going to be in Monaco.” 
“I was already in Italy for the car testing.” He explains, his fingers gently caress your inner wrist. “I’ve missed you. Were you back at home?” 
“I’ve missed you too,” a smile takes over your face, “yes, I’m trying to get used to changing cities.” 
“I’ll give you a private tour when we go back.” He offers, eliciting a giggle from you as you reach for your drink and take a sip from the straw. His breath hitches for a moment when he focuses too much on the way your red-painted lips close around the plastic, but he’s quick to shake it off. “Did you see the pictures on Twitter?”
“The ones with Frédéric?” You ask him and he nods in return. The pictures he is referring to being his new team principle giving your four-year-old niece some daisies. There is a teasing smile on your lips as you say, “Don’t worry, Charles, I’m not coming for a Ferrari seat. He was just giving Cecily some flowers when we were passing by.” 
“I wish you would’ve brought her into the garage, I’ve missed her.” The pout he’s sporting lets you know that he is being genuine and not putting on a show for your attention. 
“You know I couldn’t, I had to get back to my own garage before the race.” The emphasis you use makes him roll his eyes as his fingers occupy themselves with the stacked bracelets on your wrist. “Who are you supposed to be, anyway?”
“James Bond.” He replies in an unattached voice, exhaling a deep breath. “I didn’t realise it was a costume party.”
“Charles,” you laugh, head tilted to the side as you keep holding his gaze, “it was on the invitation, darling.” 
He groans, “I know that, now. Pierre was not impressed when I first showed up.”
“I can imagine.” You agree in a sympathetic voice. “Maybe we should’ve thought of something before you left last week.”
“Oh, yeah, like what? Vivian?” He smirks, his eyes going over your body once more, but without any shame this time. “Do you have any idea how great you look?”
“It was the last movie we watched.” You shrug, a coy smile on your lips. “Maybe you could’ve been a ballerina, like Natalie Portman, in ‘Black Swan’.” 
He lets out a hearty laugh. “Oh please, you know how good my legs would look in tights compared to yours.” 
“Oh, chéri,” You tut, stepping closer to him as you rake your fingers down on his tie. “You couldn’t if you tried.”
“I would crush you.” He challenges as he lifts an eyebrow.
You shake your head. “You wouldn’t touch me.” 
“Why not?” He asks, amused. 
You shrug in a nonchalant manner. “Because you'd be too busy staring at me in tights.” 
“No I wouldn’t,” Charles argues, shaking his head slightly. 
“You’re doing it right now.” You sing in a light voice. 
“You’re not wearing any.” He points out, his hands moving to rest on the bare skin of your waist, curtesy of the cut-outs your dress provides. 
You tug on his tie to draw him closer to you, his lips lingering near his ear as you whisper, “I’m not wearing any underwear.”
He is left speechless when you let him go, grab your drink and start walking towards your teammate, making sure to add an extra sway to your hips because you know Charles is watching you to confirm what you’ve just told him. 
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You have a secret, and it’s big – big, huge. And it has something to do with the Monegasque laying beneath you. Charles talks about the last few days he spent at the Ferrari factory as you listen to him, your eyes focused on the way his face moves through various expressions when he talks about the car. Your chin is placed on your hands which are placed together on his chest, giving you the perfect view of his face. His fingers are moving on the bare skin on your back, the white bed sheet pulled up only enough to cover the globe of your ass. Although you try your best to keep up with his stream of consciousness, humming where accurate and asking him questions here and there, but Charles can see the sleepy look in your eyes through your hooded eyes. 
“Are you okay, mon soleil?” He asks, his chest rumbling with his voice underneath your hands. 
“Sleepy,” you mumble, leaning up against him to bury your face against the side of his neck, “you’re warm, though.” 
He pulls the sheet up your body; interpreting the way you shiver as you being cold, when the actual reason is the pleasure the skin to skin contact brings. “You can go back to sleep; we still have some time.” The incoherent mumbles leaving your lips makes him chuckle, which in return makes you smile against him. Your fingers trace over the edge of his five o’clock shadow, and you suddenly find yourself thanking whatever deity is up there that he forgot to shave because of all the commotion of travelling over the past few days. “What did you just say?”
“It’s just funny that you tell me I should sleep after you’ve kept me up the entire night, darling.” Your breathy chuckle hits the side of his neck as he lets out a chuckle of his own. 
“I didn’t hear you complaining at any point,” he raises one of  his brows, earning him a pat against his chest and you making yourself rise enough to glare at him. 
You try your best to frown at him, locking your gaze with his, as you can feel the heat starting to rise up to your face at the mention of your not so innocent activities of last night. “You’re incorrigible, Charles.” 
“Oh, chérie,” he coos, brushing the pad of his thumb over the swell of your cupids-bow. You’re about to give in and give him a kiss when he rises up, himself, with a frown and you in his arms. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask in a worried voice, following his line of vision to your closed bedroom door. 
“Does anyone else have your keys?” Charles asks, “I heard the front door open–”
Your eyes widen as you scramble to get off him, pulling the sheet up to cover your nakedness. “Charles, hide!” You hiss, while trying to force him to move. 
“Y/N?” You hear your assistant, Margo, yell through the house. “I got those thermal things you wanted!” 
“One second, please!” You call back to her, looking at Charles with pleading eyes. Thankfully, he manages to hide underneath the sheets just before Margo barges into the room. Even more luckily, the duvet over the sheets ends up hiding his body seamlessly. “Hi, Margo.” You give her the best smile you can muster up under the situation, your hand still clutching the bedsheet on your chest with enough force to make your hand hurt. 
“Oh my god, are you naked under there?” Margo babbles, a light blush covering her cheeks. “Since when do you sleep naked?”
“Um… I heard it’s good for your circulation?” You answer her in an unsure voice, causing Charles to tighten his hands on your thighs in warning, you have no idea how he managed to squeeze between them in the first place. “Thank you for the thermals, you’re an angel.”
“N-no problem.” She smiles at you nervously, obviously stressed because of the lack of clothes on your body for the sake of professionalism. “Toto wanted me to tell you that he is meeting up with Lewis for lunch later and asked me to ask you to join them if you were free.” 
“Sure, do you know wh-when?” You stutter during the last word, feeling Charles’ fingers and breath coming closer to your center. 
Margo checks her watch, then looks back up at you. “Around three, at that Italian place the team went out for dinner the last time.” 
You nod in acknowledgement as you try the remember the exact location of the restaurant she mentioned, gasping because Charles decides to give your clit a little lick before taking it between his lips to gently suck on it. “I’ll be there!” You rush out, hands gripping the white sheet even tighter. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Margo asks while eyeing you up with worry, “Should I take you to a doctor, or something?” 
“Oh no, I’m fine, honey.” You wave her off with a nervous chuckle. “I think it’s all in your – head!”
“Um.. okay. I’ll see you later, then.” Margo mumbles as she leaves your room with red cheeks. 
You throw your head back in a groan over the awkward encounter, waiting until hearing the front door open and close before pulling the sheets back and glaring at the man between your thighs, who still has his mouth on you, by the way. “You are evil, Charles, pure evil! What were you thinking?” 
He draws back slightly to raise a questioning brow. “Do you want me to stop?” However, he resumes his torture when you don’t answer him, looking up at you while grinning like the devil himself as he murmurs into your skin, “That’s what I thought.”
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It’s hard, being a woman in the motorsport world, and especially in F1. While some may say it’s unprecedented, and you’d agree, you also think there’s going to be misogynistic pigs in any sector you might end up working in, so why not have some fun? The article comes out the day before the race, right before the qualifying session. You’re not the one to check your phone before going on track, but an urge to do so pokes at you when you realise people are giving you worried looks in the Mercedes garage. Your jaw tightens as you read through the article, fingers tightening around your phone as you read every single sexist comment being made about the way you dress, talk, and your entire F1 career and accomplishments being discredited just because of your gender. You’re absolutely fuming as you throw your phone onto the couch in your driver’s room and grab your helmet and balaclava as you walk briskly towards the garage. 
Both Toto and Lewis look at you with surprised, but worried, looks as you announce, “Make me go out first.”
“Are you sure, Y/N?” Toto asks, sharing a worried glance with Lewis. “You usually wait for a while for other people to–.” 
“No, I’m sure.” You tug on your balaclava as you add, “Make sure I’m on softs, please.” 
The two men watch you walk off towards your car, Lewis mumbling, “Hell hath no fury like the woman scorned.” The Austrian turns to him, eyebrows raised, which causes him to roll his eyes. “Yes, Toto, I read.”
You’re a force to be reckoned with on track during qualifying. Although having not the best start to the season, you push your Mercedes to its absolute limits, managing to outpace even the Red Bulls, and constantly asking your engineer for another lap until Toto has to ask you to retire for the day – in long story short, you are the pole sitter for the Sunday’s race. There are four people waiting for you when you get out of your car, those four people being: Toto, Susie, Lewis and Mick – though you’re pretty sure the latter was dragged into this intervention because you’re usually unable to get angry next to the reserve driver. 
“You were reckless out there, Y/N.” Toto frowns, crossing his arms over his chest (Mick copies his actions, nodding, as he does his best to give you a stern look). 
“I drove the best I have in over a year,” you argue, “we are starting on P1 tomorrow because of my driving today.” 
“I don’t care if we start P20, you know you shouldn’t have gone out there that angry!” Susie places a pacifying hand on your team principle’s arm when his voice gets higher. 
“We know you were angry about the article,” Lewis starts, but you cut him off as you grumble,
“A very astute conversation, Lewis.” You snap, not allowing him to continue as you begin ranting, “He called me a ‘Malibu Barbie’, and suggested that I should find another career, do you know how disheartening that is?”
“They called me Ken once,” Mick mumbles with a small pout on his lips, quickly mumbling “sorry,” when you give him a scathing look. 
“There will always be journalists who are against you and me,” Lewis goes on to remind you, “I told that before you signed, and before your first race.” 
“I know, but–” You stop to swallow down a sob, tilting your head back to delay the tears which are threatening to come out. “They implied that I’ve slept my way up to where I am today,” you inhale a deep breath as your voice wavers, “I’m so tired of my accomplishments being reduced to this.” 
“Men will always be afraid of women who have the ability to be better at their jobs than they are,” Susie smiles softly at you – soft, but not pitiful, you realise. “It doesn’t mean that we should give up, it means that we do our best to make sure they are proved wrong.” 
“You could’ve hurt yourself and others today,” Toto shakes his head, “you almost collided with both of the Ferraris.” 
Your entire break pauses at the mention of the red cars, mind quickly drifting to the owner of the eyes you love looking into, but you’re quick to snap yourself out, “Are they okay?”
“Both Carlos and Charles are fine,” Susie assures you.
“No more reckless driving,” Toto points a finger at you and then to Lewis, who raises his arms in surrender. “I mean it.” He pats you on the back before leaving, whispering a quick, “Good job today, kiddo.” 
“Why do I get in trouble because of you?” Lewis wonders aloud, his hands on his hips. 
“We haven’t been teammates for that long, Lewis.” You squint your eyes. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Mick asks with a concerned look on his face. 
You nod in thought, pointed to both of them. “I will be, but I need both of your help.” 
Mick gulps, voice tentative as he asks, “We’re not doing anything illegal, are we?”
After you’re done explaining your plan to your teammates, you say goodbye to both of them and make your way towards your driver’s room. Charles gets up, quickly, from the couch as you enter, shocked expressions on both of your faces. “H-how did you get in here?”
“I had to sneak in through the back,” he explains as he gets closer to you, hands quickly cup your cheek for his thumbs to swipe under your eyes. “Chérie, did you cry?”
“I- no!” You shake your head as you try to get him off. “I’m just- ugh, I’m just so angry!”
He lets you rant in his arms, eventually giving in and shedding a few tears of frustration, but he doesn’t comment until you’re done with your thoughts, and when he does comment, it is not to undermine your feelings. He takes you back to the hotel, and before the two of you leave your garage, he sneaks a soft kiss on your lips which has you melting in his arms. Unbeknown to you, Susie, Toto and Lewis watch the interaction from the other end of the corridor, with the latter murmuring, “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” Lewis gives Toto a side-eye as the team principle looks at him with the same surprised look from before, “For the last time, man, I read!”
All the eyes in the car are on you, the next morning when you, Mick and Lewis arrive to the track in the same car. “You ready to leave?” Lewis asks you, looking at you from the rear-view mirror from the passenger seat; Mick drove to the track instead of you because you told them both there was no way you were driving with the heels you wore today. 
“It’s now or never,” you mutter, subconsciously fixing your hair.
“Give them hell.” Mick turns back to smile at you, and you give him a nervous smile as you exit the car. 
A few people around the entrance turn to give you funny looks, you reply to some of them by offering a thin-lipped smile. The real show starts when you finally enter the racing grounds, photographers turning to snap a picture of you when they realise it’s actually you. You plaster on a plastic smile, waving at them as you do your absolute best to walk in the 6-inch heels which were definitely not the brightest idea you’ve ever had.
“Hi, Barbie!” A similar voice calls out to you, and you smile genuinely for the first time as you call back. ,
“Hi, Ken!” You turn towards Pierre, pushing your sunglasses up towards your hair as you watch the Frenchman walk towards you with Carlos and Charles behind him. 
“Please tell me it’s a wig,” Carlos frowns, his eyes lingering on your suddenly platinum hair. 
“I’m having fun as a blonde, Carlos.” You shrug innocently, your arms crossing over your chest, and the pink dress you’ve decided to wear for the occasion. 
Pierre nods in support, “Blondes do have more fun, Carlos.” 
“I- Why?” Carlos asks, not getting the joke shared between you and Pierre. “I don’t understand.” 
“Fine, no soup for you, then.” You mumble rolling your eyes. However, your eyes widen when you realise he genuinely doesn’t get the reference. “Seriously- Carlos, it’s from Seinfeld.” 
“I’ve never watched it.” He admits, his frown still prominent on his face. 
“It’s okay, mate,” Pierre assures him taking him away to explain the joke to him, which leaves you and Charles alone. 
You turn to Charles with a coy smile on your face. “You like the new look?”
“I- but, when?” He asks you, more confused then ever. “You were not blonde when I left last night.”
“Mick bought the dye for me.” You explain, trying to supress a grin. “We stayed up all night trying to bleach my hair.” 
“You stayed up all night?” Charles asks, more concerned now that he learns that you didn’t have a good night’s sleep. “That’s so wrong, mon soleil, why did you do it? Is it about the article? Of course, it is.” 
“Charles, calm down, darling.” You place a hand on his chest, even though you’re hyperaware of the fact that both of you are out in the open. “I’m just going to prove something, alright? I feel fine.” 
“You should’ve slept.” Charles frowns, taking a deep breath. “Are you sure you feel good enough to be in a car?”
You nod excitedly. “Positive, I have a race to win. And wait until you see what Lewis and I are going to wear.” 
“I can’t wait, chérie.” 
Just as you promised Charles, you win the race. Your pace is even better than the previous day, but instead of being fuelled by anger, you are fuelled by determination to win. Your engineers play Aqua’s Barbie Girl as a surprise, and to make things even better, Lewis and you stand on the podium in a Mercedes 1-2 in your matching pink helmets and shoes – even Toto donned pink glasses for the occasion. Charles lets out a hearty laugh alongside you on the podium when he sees your outfits. Yeah, you decide in that moment, this one is for the girls.
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You and Charles’ relationship happened so unexpectedly, but that doesn’t mean that you regret a secret moment of it. It all started when you were moving to Monte Carlo at the end of last year’s season, and Charles was the only one available to help you in the process – not that you asked him of course, he offered you to help because he is a gentleman like that. It didn’t take the both of you long enough to go on dates as you spent more and more time together, and it was a natural transition to both of you dating each other exclusively. Despite what you expected, the first time Charles actually kissed you was on a cliff overlooking the entirety of Monte Carlo, the view was beautiful, but you were still apprehensive because of your location on the cliff. So, being the gentleman he is, Charles offered to hold you, and that’s when he decided to kiss you. 
Lewis comes back to the table after taking a phone call as he apologises, “Sorry, I was on the phone; long distance.”
“God?” You ask him, mockingly nodding, which makes George and Carmen laugh.
“London,” Lewis clarifies as he gives you a questioning look. 
You gasp as you ask. “God lives in London?” 
“No, my mother in lives in London.” Lewis replies in the calmest voice he can muster. 
“You mother is God?” You ask right back, without the appearance of joking. Your small discussion grabs the attention of other drivers and couples as the two of you continue bickering. 
“Y/N,” Lewis tries to warn you, but you continue on with your rant. 
Leaning towards Charles, Alex and Lily who are seated close together, you announce, “So, God is a woman.” 
“Y/N!” Lewis groans this time. 
“And my teammates mother, it’s so cool! I’m definitely going to ask for strategy points for the next season.” 
The table shares a laugh as you and Lewis continue bickering back and forth, eliciting laughs from people who watch you with amusement. Eventually, Pierre clears his throat. “Okay, what is everyone’s plans for the break?” he asks, trying to look over the long table. 
“Isa and I are off to Mallorca,” Carlos announces as she presses a sweet kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m going back home,” Yuki shrugs. 
“I’m going to see Chloe and Scotty,” Lance mumbles, “and probably Daniel, too.” 
Everyone goes around to announce their plans for the break, but when it comes to you and Charles, you are nervous as you announce, “I’m just going to stay home, get to know the city, you know?”
“Yeah, same.” Charles nods, thinking he got away with his evasive answer. 
“You’re going to get to know the city you were born and raised in?” Fernando asks with a knowing smirk. 
“You can always find new things if you know where to look,” Charles replies in a serious tone, trying to appear stern as he nods to strengthen his point. You’re busy squeezing his hand under the table to death. 
“Yeah, like what?” Max asks, which earns him a slap on the arm from Kelly. “What? I’m curious.” 
“Like, umm, like-like cafés, and bookshops, and you know those little stores which sell souvenirs but not the generic kind?” He rambles, trying to think of more examples. 
“Okay that’s enough,” Lewis cuts him off, shaking his head as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “We all know the two of you are dating. The entire grid, and engineers, and probably most of the team principles.” 
“What?” You laugh nervously, trying to shrug him off. “Don’t be stupid.” 
“Yeah, we are not dating.” Charles shakes his head, his octave going up as he receives looks from people around the table. “We are not!”
“Drop the act, it’s disgusting the way you two look at each other.” Checo complains from the other side of the table. 
“Yeah, and I can see him doing stuff to your hand under the table.” Lance winces. 
“He is not doing stuff to my hand under the table!” You squeal, but Charles is too busy trying to contain his laughter next to you. “Is this funny to you, Charles?” 
“I mean, a little bit,” Charles confirms, finally succumbing to his laugher, “we have nothing to hide now, chérie.”
“I knew it!” Pierre exclaims, “I told you I saw them together at my birthday!” He tells his girlfriend. 
“Toto and I saw them kissing after quali,” Lewis shrugs. 
You gasp as you turn towards him. “You did not!”
“Yes we did,” Lewis argues, “even Susie saw.” 
Charles pulls you towards himself, still laughing over people arguing whether they saw you together over the past year or not, as he wraps your arms around your shoulder, you murmur to him, “I am so crashing next to him next year, Daniel style.” You take a pause to think, “No, Mazepin style.”
“Maybe not crash into your teammate for the sake of poor Toto, mon soleil.” 
You let out an unsatisfied grumble as you hear Alex complain to Lily, “Why didn’t she tell me? I thought we were best friends!” You groan and look around the table at all the people around you, who are all surprisingly supportive of your relationship, you smile as you press a soft kiss to Charles’ lips. 
He grins as he asks, “What was that for?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, “I just think you’re pretty cool.” 
“I think you’re pretty cool, too, my love.” He mumbles and gives you another kiss despite few groans coming from around the table. 
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Imagines: Double Trouble
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summary: when you’re pregnant with the quarterback of the cincinnati bengal’s twins, you just have to incorporate your husband’s teammates into your gender reveal.
warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy
pairing: joe burrow x reader
Imagine universe: into the mystic
(y/n's pov)
"good morning, mamas" - joe grinned
i opened my eyes to see joe walking into our bedroom holding a tray with breakfast on it.
"morning, baby" - you
i leaned up and joe placed the tray on my lap.
as soon as he knew i was situated, joe got under the covers and sat in bed next to me.
"how'd you sleep?" - joe
"not bad, the babies were kicking though so that was distracting" - you
"they're kicking already?!" - joe
"yeah i'm 17 weeks, that's when they start kicking joe." - you
"do you think i could feel it if i put my hand on your bump?" - joe
"probably. here, give me your hand" - you
joe stuck his hand out and i took it, placing it on my bump.
i felt one of the twins kick and joe did too, his face lit up and he stared at me smiling.
“that feels insane, it’s so cool though. it’s really reassuring.” - joe
i watched joe lay his head on my bump, trying to get closer to his babies.
"you're so cute" - you
joe leaned up for a second and smiled at me, his head then went back down to my bump and he placed to kisses on it. one for each twin.
after he was done, joe laid next to me and put spongebob on.
i just enjoyed watching it as i ate the breakfast joe prepared for me.
"do you think we’re having two girls, a boy and a girl, or two boys?" - joe
"girls" - you
"i think it’s two boys but we'll find out tonight, right?" - joe smiled
i nodded and kissed his cheek before i finally started eating. joe was preoccupied watching his show while laying on my shoulder and tracing small shapes on my bump.
after the episode was finished and i was done with my breakfast, joe rolled over to give me a kiss before standing up from the bed.
"i guess i’m gonna leave you alone now so that you can get ready for the party" - joe
"thank you for breakfast, i love you" - you
"you're welcome, i love you too" - joe kissed you
joe retreated to the living room, leaving me some peace and quiet to get ready for the twins gender reveal.
i was wearing a flowy white dress that had little pink and blue flowers embroidered in it.
the cut was low, so i knew joe was gonna love it.
i curled my hair and waited for alexa to arrive for her to do my makeup.
*time skip*
i was in the kitchen helping my mom put the gender reveal oriented treats out when joe walked in through the back door.
“baby, the decorations are here and i have literally no idea how you want them set up so.." - joe
“you need help?” - you
“yes” - joe grinned
“joseph! you’re really going to make your pregnant wife help you with those heavy and big decorations?” - robin walked in
i couldn’t help but laugh at joe’s annoyed face as he was scolded by his mother.
“i’m still the one moving them mom, she’s just telling me where they go. i promise she won’t have to lift a finger.” - joe
“good.” - robin
as i moved out of the kitchen and up to joe his hands found their way to the small of my back as my hands rested on his chest.
“i love you.” - joe smiled
“i love you too.” - you met him halfway and kissed his perfect lips
both of our moms stood in the kitchen smiling at the sight of their kids in love.
“i’m not gonna lie i’m kinda nervous.” - joe
“that’s expected, joey. we’re finding out the genders of our first kids, that’s kinda nerve racking.” - you
“it is. i’m also so excited and very happy though. we’re gonna be such a good team when it comes to parenting.” - joe smirked
“duh.” - you smiled back
we stood there for a few more minutes, flirting with each other even though we were literally married till my friends started to arrive.
there were pro’s and con’s when it came to joe’s job in the nfl. it sure did cause us both anxiety, but i loved watching joe live out his dreams and the relationships it’s given us are irreplaceable.
my best friends (not including joe) were all girls i had met because of the bengals. gracie mcpherson, evan mcpherson’s wife. jess koehler, sam hubbard’s girlfriend. one of my college friends had also found themselves in love with a bengals player. alexa was one my closest friends while at lsu since she was my roommate, i was already dating joe so as she started tagging along to more games she developed feelings for ja’marr chase. she didn’t end up confessing to him till his senior year but they’ve been together ever since and live not that far from joe and i.
alexa, jess, and gracie all arrived at around the same time with their boys.
ja’marr held his 7 month old son on his hip, he was ja’marr chase jr. but we all referred to him as jj.
he was the most adorable thing ever and his love for joe is what makes me secretly want a boy so bad. i thought i was carrying two girls, but lately the thought of a mini version of joe running around usually ended in me crying.
alexa, jess, and gracie all gave me a hug while joe was occupied talking to the guys.
“wanna help me set up?” - you
all the girls nodded and followed me outside, i turned around when i remembered that joe still had to get ready.
"joe can you please get ready?" - you
"i am ready?" - joe
i examined joes grey skinny jeans and black t-shirt pairing before shooting him a “really?” look.
"your outfit is hanging up in the closet" - you
"what's wrong with what i have on?" - joe
i turned around and answered his questions as i walked off.
"your outfit is hanging up in the closet!" - you
as i walked into the backyard i could hear the guys laughing and giving joe a hard time.
about 10 minutes of us struggling i decided it was probably best to get joe to help us actually move everything while i just directed him.
after sending him a quick text asking him to report to the backyard, he was walking out the back door in less than 2 minutes.
joe smiled to himself as he watched the golden hour lighting hitting your soft skin, accentuating the bump you’ve both come to love so dearly.
"do i look alright?" - joe
he walked up to me and did a little spin, showing off the outfit i picked out for him.
after his spin he put his arms around me and pulled me to him, my hands naturally falling into his chest.
"you look amazing" - you smiled
he kissed me but while he pulled away he whispered something in my ear.
"you look pretty good too baby, love the cut of the dress" - joe whispered
"ewwwwww" - alexa
i laughed as i laid my head on joes shoulder.
alexa took a picture of us and snickered before saying, “y'all are obsessed with each other."
"do you want me to get jamarr out here too? you'll stop complaining then" - joe
as i was laying on his shoulder i looked up at him and noticed the stubble on his chin.
i loved joe’s beard, loved. after him recently growing out his hair i didn’t think he would be growing any facial hair, just keeping the fade and freshly shaven face.
"joey, when was the last time you shaved?" - you
"three days ago. i’m thinking about growing it back out. what do ya think?" - joe
joe knew full and well that i loved when he had his beard so in return i placed kisses along his stubbled jawline.
"i’m gonna take that as a yes to growing it back out?" - joe chuckled
i leaned away from him and nodded, alexa and gracie stood a few feet away. they thought the moment was cute but we’re slightly annoyed that joe and i were more of a distraction than help.
"are y'all gonna stand there and fawn over each other or help us?!" - alexa
joes arms fell from my waist and he took my hand, walking us over to help alexa.
it wasn't long till ja'marr walked out to help too, so alexa and i directed the boys as they put the decorations up.
about an hour later everything was set up and ready and people started arriving.
our backyard was pretty spacious so we had many tables for guests to sit at and tables for food.
since joe and i were more than fortunate we asked for people not to buy us gifts because we were perfectly capable of buying everything for the twins on our own.
by the time that all the guests had arrived, joe and i made our rounds to all the tables to thank everyone for coming.
once family and friends were done, we walked over to the long table specially for the team. they were all in attendance, including coach taylor.
they were going to be apart of the reveal.
after everyone was done eating and playing games i herded the football team inside the house to explain to them what they were going to do.
they all stood in a circle, me standing in the middle explaining everything.
"okay so just get into position like you guys are scrimmaging at practice. ted when i give you signal snap the ball to joe, joe you throw the ball to ja'marr and you better catch it because as a celebration you'll spike it on the ground and it'll explode blue or pink. that's for twin number 1. now for twin number two this is just evan. i have a tee set up and you'll kick the ball like you're kicking a field goal. whatever color comes out, blue or pink, that's twin 2" - you
"that's so cool" - evan
all the guys clapped and cheered causing me to smile.
"who came up with this? because it definitely wasn't joe" - sam (h) chuckled
"i did" - you grinned
"figured, lord knows burrow isn't the party planner type" - tyler b laughed
"hey now, i picked out the food" - joe
"yeah now answer this. who picked out your outfit?" - tee chuckled
"y/n.." - joe sighed
"knew it!" - tee laughed
the whole team erupted into laughter but joe rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"okay okay okay everyone calm down! do you guys know what they're doing?" - you
"am i allowed to sack joe?" - sam (h)
"no, d-line i swear don't try to sack joe" - you
"okay. now does everyone understand?" - you
everyone nodded so the circle opened for me to exit, the boys following behind me.
once we were all outside and the boys were in their positions alexa and gracie got everyone's attention.
"okay everyone! if you'd direct your attention to the children- i mean team." - alexa jokes
everyone laughed as gracie continued on
"the ball will explode pink or blue revealing the gender of twin 1" - gracie
they moved out of the way and joe gave me a quick kiss before i handed him the ball.
i backed up a little and joe handed the ball to ted.
all the players got into position.
"set hut!" - joe
ted snapped the ball to joe who threw it to ja'marr.
ja'marr caught it and ran to the end of the yard.
he spiked the ball and blue powder came flying out.
the entire team started jumping up and down excited.
they all ran towards joe but he bypassed them and went straight for me.
he picked me up and spun me around as my arms went around his neck.
"we're having a boy!!" - joe yelled
i was literally crying at this point, from the excitement from joe + the rest of the team and a mix of hormones.
when joe and i pulled away from each other we looked at each other and noticed we were both crying so we laughed for a second then wiped the tears off of the others face.
the team moved over into a corner, giving evan plenty of room for his kick.
"now shooter over here is gonna kick the ball like he's kicking a field goal and again the ball will explode either pink or blue" - gracie
evan set the ball on the tee and took a few steps back before running up too it and kicking the ball.
it exploded and blue powder filled the sky again.
the boys all jumped up and down again and joe pulled me back into a hug as we both cried more.
"two boys!" - you
"i've never been so happy" - joe smiled
"aww joey" - you kissed his cheek
i don’t think i’d ever been so happy either. there were two little mini joe’s that were going to come into the world in around 4 months and with actual joe by my side, i knew i was set to be one lucky momma.
author’s note: lil fluff imagine todayyyy.. smut is probably next 😏😏😏
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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sturniozo · 6 months
Savage Love
Matt Sturniolo x reader Mafia AU
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Summary: After a night out with her friends, Y/n wakes up in a hotel bed with a handsome stranger with no memory of the night before. Pieceing together what she can, she finds the man she woke up with wasn’t just some stranger, but the most powerful man in New York.
A/N: I’m basing all of my mafia knowledge on watching the god father when I was six and that one episode of community with the chicken fingers. Other than that I have no clue how mafia works so this might not be as good as you hope but hey I tried. Tell me if you want me to continue this though! I had fun writing it!
I never go out with my friends and I felt bad about it for a long time. But today, Emma convinced me to go dancing with her at a club in New York. I’ve been in the city many times, as I live just outside of it, in a small apartment above a bookshop. But the city of New York still terrifies me, especially at night. There’s a rumor of a secret organization that controls just about everything in the city, and if you cross the man at the top then you’re done for.
Of course, these are just rumors and haven’t actually been proven. I have nothing to fear, right?
Now I’m sitting in front of Emma’s vanity mirror getting ready as she does my hair.
“Oh you should totally wear it down! Curl it a bit, let it hang over your shoulders. You might hook up tonight, you never know.” Emma teases as she messes with my hair. I finish curling my lashes and then turn to her.
“I don’t think I’ll hook up at all. I’m just not the type.” I shrug and stand up, switching places with Emma as she sits in front of her vanity mirror to do her own makeup.
“Well, I am the type.” She says as she starts with contour. I walk into the bathroom and plug in the curling iron to heat it up.
“You can hook up with any guy you want.” I say to Emma. “Just make sure he wraps it. I don’t want to be an aunt so soon.” I laugh.
Emma and I have been best friends since fourth grade. She’s my polar opposite, although we have the same dreams. We’re both journalists writing for a small newspaper outlet right outside of New York.
Emma’s the type to do things we’re doing now almost every day. She always tells me about all the big parties and exclusive events and venues she’s attended. She’s talk to, and slept with, many of the biggest people in multiple industries to get information for her articles.
I take a different approach. My stories come from the smaller people. The homeless and the struggling. I try to bring attention to the lower class of America.
I bet you can guess whose stories get published. Hence why I live in a small apartment above a bookshop, and Emma has a penthouse.
“God, I know. I can’t handle having a baby now. I’m only 20 for Pete’s sake!” Emma laughs and sets down her makeup brush. She turns to me and says “But I need to sleep with someone big and important tonight. I’m dying here, I haven had a story published in almost two weeks!”
I sigh. Two weeks is nothing. Try five months. I’m basically just a consultant at this point.
Emma turns back to the mirror to finish her makeup. I check the curling iron and it’s nice and hot, so I begin to curl the ends of my hair. Just a little curly at the edge.
Emma gets up from the mirror and starts shutting off lights and electronics around her penthouse. I unplug the curling iron and walk into the front room to put on my shoes and grab my purse. Emma shut off the last light and we walk out of the penthouse. She locks the door and we get into the elevator, going down to the front desk.
Emma has an Uber waiting for us. The great thing about Emma is, no matter how much more she has than me, she always gives and never asks for any in return. It’s always been this way. She’s the sweetest friend I’ve ever had. She’s also the most ruthless journalist I’ve ever met.
We get into the Uber and the driver starts for the city. It’s a long drive, one that me and Emma use to our advantage and try to find out who’s the most important person attending the party.
“Oh my god!” Emma says after a long silence of us just looking at our phones.
“What is it, who will be there?” I ask frantically.
“Matt Sturniolo!”
I look at her, confused. “Who’s that?”
“Who’s that? WHO’S THAT? Matt Sturniolo is only the most powerful guy in New York!”
“That can’t be true, how come I’ve never heard of him?”
“Because you focus on who can help the lower class. He can’t help them, it’s not in his power.”
“Then he doesn’t have much power.”
“Oh, he has power. He has all the power. It’s his rumor that he’s the one who controls all the important somebody’s in New York. I gotta make it my mission to sleep with him. God, I bet he’s good in bed.” She says to herself.
I let out a laugh. “What story do you plan together by sleeping with him?”
“I want to know if the rumor is true, duh!” She laughs and lightly hits my shoulder.
We arrive at the venue. It’s large and the music is blaring. We step out of the car and I lean to Emma and say loudly so she can hear me over the music “The most powerful man in New York is gonna be here?” I laugh. “This doesn’t look like a scene you’d catch someone so important in.”
“Trust me, he’ll be here. Steph said so, and she’s always right!” Emma says back. She takes my hand and drags me through the line, showing the bouncer a VIP pass for both her and I. They let us in and Emma immediately drags me to the bar.
“Two vodka martinis!” She says to the bartender. The bartender nods and begins our drinks. I turn around to look at all the people dancing. Men in half dressed suits grinding on women in the shortest dresses. This is what Emma does every day? I understand the appeal, but the loud music and the flashing lights just aren’t for me.
We get our drinks and Emma takes me to a table to sit down at. “So what do we do now?” I ask.
“We mingle!” She shouts and raises her hands in the air.
The rest of the night that I can still remember was filled with drinking and Emma talking to numerous people, always asking about the guy who’s name I can no longer remember due to my copious consumption of alcohol. The last thing I remember was talking to a tall, handsome, dark haired man with beautiful light blue eyes.
I awake with a pounding headache. I raise my head from my pillow and slowly open my eyes, groaning from the pain. I look around and realize, this is not my bedroom. This is not Emma’s bedroom. I have no clue where I am. I scan the room and my eyes fall on a strange man sitting on the couch. I gasp and he looks up at me.
“Good, you’re awake. I was wondering if I’d have to drop you at the emergency room.” He laughs to himself.
I sit up fully in the bed. “Who are you? Where am I?” I ask frantically.
“My names Matt, and-“ I stop him
“Oh my god.”
“It’s fine just-“
“Oh god what happened?”
“Nothing, I-“
“I was drunk!”
“I know, that’s why I-“
“Tell me I didn’t. We didn’t.”
“Would you let me fucking speak?” He yells. “I didn’t fucking touch you, okay? You were dancing on a table and your friend had gone home with some guy so I got you a hotel room. You could barely stand and you just passed out on the bed.” He finishes with a huff.
I stare up at him in shock. “So we didn’t”
“No. We didn’t.” He pauses. “But we could.” He says with a smirk.
A blush appears on my cheeks and my breath shakes “What?” I ask
“Well you’re an attractive girl, I wouldn’t mind it.” He laughs. “But I have a meeting in an hour, so it’ll have to be another time. Want my number while you think about it?” He asks and before I can answer he hands me a card. “I got an Uber waiting for you whenever you’re ready to go home, it’s already paid for. Just do whatever you need to before you leave.” He says, clearly insisting I shower and eat. “And tell the driver where you need to go. Don’t forget to call, doll face.” He says before leaving and closing the door behind him.
I look down at the card he had handed me.
‘Matt Sturniolo.’ With an address and phone number.
Tags: @stargirlsturniololover (the one who came up with the idea for Mafia!Matt) @sturniolobessed
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geekforhorror · 3 months
hot in here
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description: you're getting ready to meet your friend, but something... or someone, stands in your way.
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!anakin, sub!reader, unprotected p in v sex, hickeys, praise, pet names, fingering, creampie, etc.
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It was a normal Friday night and you had nothing else to do besides watch episodes of your favorite holodrama. To your surprise, you had gotten a holocall while doing so. It was your friend, Padme. You guys had been friends ever since you met through Anakin. You pick up without any hesitation and hear her start talking.
"Hey girl! How are you doing?" Padme asks you, sounding happy.
"I'm doing just fine. How's the senate treating you?" you ask her.
"It's going pretty well except for all these new bills being introduced," she says sounding annoyed at the situation.
"I feel you girl. The order is absolutely exhausting with all the new Padawans," you say with a light laugh.
"Aren't you going to ask why I called you?" she asks.
"Fine, why did you call me?" you ask her mockingly.
"I just wanted to see if you wanted to come to Rosie's Bar with me," Padme said.
It didn't take you long to come up with answer because if you were being honest, you needed a break from the recent stress.
"Yay! Does 8:00 sound good?" she says to you.
"Yes!" you say, sounding enthusiastic.
"See you there! Love ya!" your best friend says before hanging up.
You looked at the time on the bedside clock and the numbers read 7:15. Shit. You only had about 45 minutes before you were expected there.
Not wasting anymore time, you quickly walk to your closet and open the doors to it. You suddenly felt overwhelmed by the amount of clothes hung in there. There were arrays of clothes for different occasions, along with jewelry, shoes, and accessories, but right now you were focused on finding the best attire for your girls night out.
You finally decide on wearing a short red dress made of satin, with a slit running down the side of the dress. It had always been one of your favorites. To go with the dress, you chose some simple black heels. Once the material is on your figure, you rush over to the bathroom to do your makeup. You decided to do a simple but quite elegant makeup look consisting of pale red eyeshadow to go with the beautiful dress you were wearing and added eyeliner to the final look. Once you had finished your makeup routine, you grab a small black purse containing everything that you may need for tonight.
You once again check the time on the phone and this time it says 7:40. Not wasting any more time, you make your way to the apartment door while fumbling with your keys, trying to prepare to lock the door for obvious reasons. Your boyfriend, Anakin, wouldn't be home until later. You open the front door, but a familiar figure is standing in front of it. The figure had lucious locks and a set of beautiful blue eyes that were now staring at you with curiosity.
"Going somewhere, love?" he asks you, tilting his head to the side.
"I'm just going out to the bar with Padme, that's all," you say.
"In that dress, baby?" he asks.
"What's wrong with this dress?" you ask him with a raised voice.
"Nothing at all. It's just you look so fucking beautiful,” he says in a loving but also knowing tone.
"Thank you, but I’m gonna be late," you say to him, making your way towards the door. He gets ahold of your wrists and holds them firmly with his hands. "You're not going anywhere, love," he says.
"Please," you plead.
"Oh I'll be doing no such thing, darling," he says with a stupid smirk on his face. “I’m gonna ravish you like the goddess you are.”
Before you can say anything more, his hands trail to the back of your dress before ripping the fabric off your body in one swift motion, leaving it in tatters as it rests on the floor. You now have to get used to the rush of cold air that's now running over your partly naked body.
"What a waste of such a beautiful dress… especially since I bought it for you,” he coos into your ear. He pulls your legs around his hips as you guys make your way over to the black couch in the living room. He sets you down on the leather couch and pushes your body a bit back so that there's room for him. He then towers over your body and starts peppering your neck with rough and hot kisses. Before you even get the chance to take off his upper garments, it's as if he reads your mind and does it himself. His tunic was already gone and hits the floor along with yours. He unzips his black pants, now pooling at his ankles, before taking them off completely. You could see the outline of his erected bulge through his briefs and it was huge.
You frowned at him for what he had done to your dress, but you wanted him to fuck you so badly. You could feel the ache starting to form in between your thighs as your desperation for him increased by the second. While still sucking away at your somewhat exposed chest, he makes sure that he has access to every part of your skin. He reaches for the clasp of your lacy bra, which was one of his favorites, and undoes the hook before discarding it to the floor. He does the same thing with your panties with one swift motion of his large hand. Even though he's only sucking at your fully exposed chest, it has such an powerful effect on you.
He slowly takes his swollen lips off of your upper body before moving on. He then aligns himself in your pussy and immediately starts pounding his huge length into you.
"Fuck! An- Anakin!" you let out in pleasure.
"Yes?" he says teasingly, knowing exactly what he's doing to you.
He continues taking his hardened cock into your pussy and you can feel everything. His pace doesn't give out at all and you can feel ecstasy washing over your body.
"Harder-" you whimper, sounding so desperate.
"Will you be a good girl and obey me? "he asks with his voice sounding like pure velvet as those words slip off his pink tongue.
"Yes I promise," you say, needing him to stretch out your whole damn body.
"That's what I like to hear, angel"
His hips collide with yours, providing more friction for the both of you. As he goes deeper inside you, you feel your inner walls loosen up to make room for his hard cock. You had boyfriends before him but none of them could make you feel this good.
He takes one of your nipples into his mouth and sucks on it like there is no tomorrow. You knew his sucking would leave you with bruises, but you didn't care at all. All you wanted was for him to fill you up and fuck you until you couldn't walk.
He lets out deep grunts before he finally hits the spot where you need him the most.
"You feel so good around me, you know that right?" he says in between raggedy breaths.
"Just keep going, Ani," you demanded of him, sounding desperate as ever. He nods his head ever so slightly and begins thrusting into you again.
You have the need to dig your nails into his shoulder blades and you know he fucking loves it when you squirm underneath his touch. He loved reminding himself that he's the one making you feel this good and it makes him even more turned on at the thought of it. You can tell your climax is approaching with each additional movement he makes while still inside you.
"I'm- I'm gonna cum," you let out.
"Then cum around me. I know you want to," he says.
"I need something more- please."
He knows exactly what you need.
He slowly traces two of his slender, long fingers along your inner thighs before they reach your unclothed pussy. He then inserts them into your cunt, making your breathing more hitched than it already was. As he fingers you more roughly, you can feel your arousal starting to form even more.
You finally reach your orgasm as your arousal splashes around your lower thighs. Anakin groans at the sight of it. He always loved when you came before he did. He came right after you and you can feel his seed spilling into you.
“I love you, baby,” he whispers lovingly.
"I know you do Ani" you say to him with a smirk plastered on your face.
Your mind wandered off for a second and wondered how you would explain to Padme why you never showed up. He noticed your eyelids starting to get heavier and knew you were starting to become more tired by each passing second.
"Come on baby. You should get some rest," he suggests.
Before you could get a single word out of your mouth, you heard your holopad start to ring. Your accept the call. It was Padme.
"Hey, where are you? I'm at the bar."
"I'm sorry Padme. I-," you start to say before you see your boyfriend give you a knowing look. "I'm sick. I came down with a fever just as I was ready to leave the apartment," you lie.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that,” she says.
"Relax, it's not your fault. I should've called you about it sooner before you went all the way out there," you say trying to keep up with your obvious lies.
"I love you and I hope you feel better soon," she says to you.
"Thank you Padme. I really appreciate it,”
"Of course. Now do me a favor and get some rest." she replies.
"Will do!" you say with a little chuckle. The call finally disconnects and look back at Anakin.
"I feel bad lying to her, but I would never pass up our time together."
"I'm glad to hear that, darling," he says with a foolish smile.
You really did feel something for Anakin and it was definitely real. Both of you knew it and he felt the exact same way about you.
"Alright let's get you to bed,” Anakin says to you.
You give him an approving nod and he gets up from his position on the couch and lifts you up by your waist. You walk over to pick your clothing up from the floor and hold his hand as he leads you upstairs. You finally reach your guys’ bedroom and start getting ready for bed.
You pick out a black bralette and your favorite silky black pajama shirt which was a bit oversized but you didn’t mind at all. Anakin, who was on the other side of the bedroom, was changing into his signature grey sweatpants that just hung off of his hips. He rarely wore anything on his defined upper body and you weren’t complaining about it at all.
Once the both of you finished changing, you guys went to the bathroom to brush your guys’ teeth. After finishing your night time routine, you guys laid yourself onto the silky bed sheets covering your guys’ bed.
“Yes, my love?” he said, now looking at you with his soft ocean eyes that you adored so much.
“I just wanted to thank you for this evening,” you say with a smile.
“Of course, baby,” he replies.
“I will always be here with you, no matter what,” he continues. His words always seemed to comfort you, no matter how small they were.
“I love you Ani,” you mumble as you place your head on his chest.
He looks over at your face this time just to see your eyes closed and peacefully resting by his side.
He would never get tired of this.
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inthe-dark-tonight · 8 months
And All the Stars Align
chapter one: across the room, your silhouette
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din djarin x princess!reader series
chapter two
summary: your mother seeks out the well known mandalorian, din djarin, to help your planet by fighting in a duel. what starts as a strong distaste for the armored man grows into something more.
word count: 1.7k
series rating: E (18+ mdni)
warnings: no use of y/n, slow burn, slight enemies to lovers, some helmetless din, no physical descriptions of reader other than clothing a few times, no mentions of age gap so read however you’d like, not really that many warnings yet :)
notes: this is the first thing i’ve ever written, i’ve just been really nervous to post it but here it is!!! i also was slightly inspired by padme and anakin’s relationship in episode 2 & 3 so you may see some similarities here and there. this will be multiple chapters, not sure how many yet but know that it will be quite a few lol. thank you to my loves @shatteredbaby & @javiscigarette for beta reading and brainstorming with me mwah. also @pr0ximamidnight for listening to me ramble about this fic and also encouraging me to keep writing ily
He’s sitting in the cantina on Nevarro minding his business, when he suddenly feels a presence behind him.
“Can I help you?” His deep voice booms through the modulator on his helmet. He doesn’t bother to turn around.
The man standing close behind him clears his throat before speaking. “I’m visiting from the planet Xeron. I was sent by the queen in search of a Mandalorian named Din Djarin.” He pauses, hesitating for a moment. “I was told he could be found here.”
Din turns around in his seat and props his elbow up to lean back on the counter nonchalantly. “You’ve found him.” He says in a flat tone. Although his face is covered with a beskar helmet, his voice is enough to make anyone intimidated. “You have one minute to explain what you’re here for.”
The advisor swallows hard and clears his throat. “I- uh,”
“Fifty-six seconds.” the Mandalorian says, his voice coming out deep and monotone.
“Our planet, Xeron, is having a quarrel of sorts with our sister planet, Arkam, and we need help. We need your help.” He hesitated for a quick moment, a bit flustered. “Word around the inner rim is that you’re a great fighter, you’ve taken down a mudhorn, a kryat dragon, the list goes on and on. We’re desperately in need of someone to fight. Someone who will win.”
“What’s in it for me?”
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A week later the Mandalorian is on his way to Xeron. Your mother, the queen, insisted that he come a week early to settle in before the duel. She had said we should lend him our hospitality for what he’s agreed to do for our planet, so there’s going to be a welcome dinner hosted tonight when he arrives.
You’re currently in your room getting ready to leave when there’s a knock on your door. “Come in.” The door opens a crack and you see Jem poke her head in.
Jem is your closest friend, though she’s more of an assistant of sorts. You don’t like to think of her that way, she’s just your friend that also happens to keep watch over you and help you out with anything you might need.
“Are you almost ready? Your mother is already in the grand hall awaiting your arrival.” She raises her brow at you, knowing that you always tend to be late.
“Yes just- give me a second. I’ll be right out.” You smile before she shuts the door behind her.
You turn towards your mirror and take a deep breath. Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you haven’t attended banquets for visitors in the past. You run your gloved hands over your floor length dress and take one last look in the mirror before turning to leave.
When you open the door Jem is waiting there for you, also wearing a long elegant dress for the occasion. She turns to walk down the hall and you quickly follow.
“Are you curious to see what he’s like?” She asks as you make your way towards the grand hall.
You look at her slightly confused “….who?”
She blinks at you, waiting for you to say something else. “The Mandalorian, you know, the one your mother hired to fight in the duel?” She gives you an odd look before the two of you step into the elevator. “I’ve heard he’s quiet, a little mysterious. I guess we’ll see for ourselves.” A smirk grows on her face as she says the words.
When the elevator doors open again, you quickly round the corner to see that the doors to the great hall are wide open and the room is flooded with people. Some are gathered standing in large groups, others are sitting at the large tables spread around the room. You look around the room and see your mother through the crowd, sitting in her usual spot. You walk towards her smiling here and there at guests as you pass by.
“You’re here! We can get started finally.” She gestures something to one of the royal guards, seconds later you hear a loud noise signaling that dinner will be served shortly. In the next couple of minutes everyone is finally seated, Jem sitting next to you. You glance around noticing that someone’s missing, the guest of honor. Great first impression, you think to yourself. If he can’t even arrive on time, how’s he going to win this fight?
You can see your mother glancing around the room frantically. “Where is he?” She mumbles to herself. The guests are chatting at a low volume, probably wondering what’s going on as well.
All of a sudden one of the doors to the royal hall opens, everyone’s head snaps towards that direction to get a look. As you look around the room, everyone’s quiet and still. It’s like the world has stopped. You hear heavy steps growing closer and what sounds like something clanking. Finally you look towards the door and your eyes land on him. The Mandalorian.
He’s covered head to toe in beskar armor, and the visor on his helmet creates a t shape. There’s a sway in his step, he walks with confidence and you can feel the air in the room has changed just from his presence. Your mother stands from her chair as he gets closer, and everyone else in the room follows. You’re so mesmerized by him and the confidence in each step he takes that you end up being the last to stand, eyes never leaving his captivating form. When he gets to you and your mother he bows his head, leaving your mother ecstatic.
“Ladies and gentlemen, our guest of honor, Din Djarin.” She gestures towards him. “The Mandalorian.” the room applauds.
He nods and takes a seat next to your mother, everyone following her lead to sit. Your mother looks at one of the royal guards and droids start coming from the kitchen with plates full of food, placing them at every table.
Your mother turns her head to Din “Thank you so much for being here tonight, I’m glad you could make it a week early. We want to show our thanks, and how greatly appreciative we are.” she smiles at him.
Din turns his head towards her and nods. “Thank you for your hospitality.” His voice is deep coming through his modulator, it sends a chill down your spine. You’re still staring at him when your mother starts to speak.
“This is my daughter.” Your mother fully sits back in her chair so he can look past her and see you properly.
He turns his head towards you. “Princess.” He nods his head again. What Jem heard is true. He really doesn’t say much, but you feel squeamish under his gaze.
“We really are more grateful than you could ever imagine.” Your mother smiles again. “Please! Help yourself!” Your mother gestures to the table full of food.
Jem nudges your shoulder and you turn to her, finally breaking your gaze away from Din. She’s smirking “I told you” she whispers before reaching to fill her plate.
You’re trying not to stare at this point, just looking out the corner of your eye. You pile a few things onto your plate and before you can take a bite you see his hand lift up to his helmet. You hear a hissing sound as he lifts it off his head.
You snap your head to look over at him and you’re absolutely stunned, almost breathless as his profile comes into view. The strong outline of his nose and plush pink lips immediately catch your attention. You don’t think you’ve ever laid your eyes on someone as beautiful as him. Still taking in his features, your mouth slightly opens in awe. His large brown eyes, the crease between his brows, the way his curls fall perfectly over his forehead even after having a helmet on.
He turns his head towards you, almost like he could feel your gaze. A blush creeps onto your cheeks as you quickly turn back to look at your plate in embarrassment. You can still feel his gaze burning through you, your body starting to heat up. Through the corner of your eye you can see him staring now, you lift your head and turn to look at him again. This time he turns away, quickly glancing back at you for only a split second before focusing on his plate. It’s almost… shy. Cute, you think.
“I didn’t know Mandalorians could remove their helmets?” Your mother asks him.
Din clears his throat as he glances at your mother. “The rules aren’t… as strict as they once were.” He states.
His voice sounds even more heavenly without being filtered through the modulator. It makes your skin tingle.
The rest of the dinner you don’t dare to look at him. Your mother dismisses everyone and people get up to gather and chat again. Everyone wants to speak to Din, he’s never not crowded by guests. He put his helmet back on at this point after dinner.
Jem pops up beside you. “Wow, I knew he’d be popular tonight, being the guest of honor and all but… he really can’t catch a break”
“Yeah.” you’re trying to seem nonchalant as you stare him down from across the room.
“Have you gotten a chance to speak with him?” She looks over at you.
“No!” Your head snaps towards her and Jem’s brow raises at your tone. “I mean, no. He’s been occupied basically all night.” You’re looking back towards where he stands.
“What’s there for me to say anyway?” You glance over at her “Am I supposed to thank him? However much my mother’s paying him won’t be worth anything if he doesn’t make it out.” You look back out into the crowd of people and you’re unable to spot him.
“Yeah, I guess.” She pauses for a moment. “Well I need to go find your mother, I told her I’d help her with something. See you later?”
You nod and watch her disappear into the pool of people laughing and talking loudly.
You hear someone say your name in a deep voice from behind you.
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thank you for reading lmk what you think & my asks are open to chat :) xo
np tagging some moots: @ilovepedro @isitmeulookin4 @joelsversion @nostalxgic @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @jenispunk @beskarandblasters @javiscigarette @gracieheartspedro @cannolighost @eliza-8 @hearteyesforjoel @tieronecrush @daydreamingmiller @pamasaur
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mikkomacko · 1 month
After reading the recent chapter of Him & I, the image of teen Nico and the others trying to adjust to life in NJ has me in a chokehold lol
May I request for any shenanigans our boys may have gotten into during their first few months in the states? 👀
Stop I love this request! Just a bunch of silly teen boys in a new country together haha
Thanks so much requesting! Let me know if you want some more funny moments between the guys
“Nico, I love you man but when am I gonna get my own bed?”
Timo is sprawled out across the queen size bed, McDonald’s fries and a burger resting in his lap. It’s been his obsession food for the last month they’ve been in Jersey and Nico is patently waiting for the day it all makes him sick.
“I’m trying Timo,” he huffs, looking up from the hoard of emails he’s been sifting through. His first order of business when he got to Jersey was finding something in the area to invest in. That something was a beloved bar in the area that had been shut down a few years ago and now he’s trying to build it all back up. “A few more weeks and I’ll look for somewhere new, ok?”
The apartment is nice, not a penthouse but large and luxurious. Enough to keep them all comfortable until he can afford an equally nice place for everyone. Technically leased under Nico’s name, it’s his permanent home now. And the home of the friends he brought with him. Three bedrooms in all, but Jesper and Jonas brought their girls with them, and Nico felt it was best they got rooms for themselves. Leaving him and Timo to double-up unless someone wanted the couch.
“Not that I don’t like the bonding,” Timo laughs, shoveling fries into his mouth. “I just didn’t realize how much of a cuddler you are.”
“Shut up!” Nico grumbles, cheeks heating up. He’s not that much of a cuddler, it just happens. It doesn’t help that Timo is such a bed hog either. What else is he supposed to do when his friend is rolling onto his side of the bed?
Timo snickers, hitting play on the next episode of Friends. Nico goes back to work, approving orders and installs for the bar so that it’ll be ready to open by the end of the month. Eventually the loud, smacking footfall of Jonas float in and the elder Swiss boy’s head is poking into the master bedroom.
“What are you watching?” He ask innocently, and Timo pats the bed next to him. That’s all the invitation Jonas needs before he’s crashing into the mattress, settling against the headboard and stealing some chicken nuggets from Timo.
“Ladies at work tonight?” Timo asks him, and he nods. Nola and Nicole had both gotten work together at a fancy clothing store a few streets down. The pay isn’t great, but they’re able to save up and support themselves with Nico taking care of housing and food for everyone. And once the bar is up and running, him and the boys will have more work to do.
Jonas pulls out his phone, sending a text that’s barely buzzed in the group chat before Jesper is running into the room as well. He shoves Nico’s beanie down over his eyes, leaping onto the bed with the other boys.
Nico yanks the hat off, tossing it towards the closet and refocusing. He doesn’t even get five minutes of work done before Jesper is calling for him.
“Come on boss,” he teases “working too hard. Join us in bed.”
Nico rolls his eyes, fighting back a smile. “You’re not my type.”
“Which one of us?”
“All of you.” Nico deadpans, looking up over his screen to find them all staring at him with puppy dog eyes.
“You love friends, come watch.” Jonas tells him. “I’ll let you sit next to Timo so you can snuggle?”
They all bust out laughing and it’s enough to get Nico to close his laptop. Rising from the desk, he pads over to the bed and knees his way up between Jonas and Timo.
He settles into the pillows, crossing his arms over his chest. Timo and Jonas are warm on either side of him, everyone’s biceps pressed tight against each other as they squish together.
Sometimes when Nico’s here, just him and his friends from home without thinking of everything he has to do, everything that comes with being the boss, he remembers his age. Still freshly 18 with too much money in his bank account and a responsibility to take care of the five other people he’s drug into this with him.
It makes him feel small. In a safe way though, because he’s got the people that believe in him and have his back. He’s got the Devs with him.
Maybe Jesper is right, maybe he is working too hard to make this work because he wakes up in the morning to a photo of him sleeping on Timo’s shoulder, a an arm and leg thrown over his best friends body.
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theorphicangel · 1 year
𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫. | 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |
tags: no warnings, fluff, crack, established relationship, gn reader
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You had known for a little while that this had been going on. He didn’t even try to hide it.
Leaving his bed in the middle of the night, waking up early, always on his phone and when you asked him what he was doing it would always be the same excuse.
You didn’t know how to feel.
Anger was definitely one of your top emotions yet also betrayal. How he could easily go behind your back and come back to you like nothing ever happened.
You wanted to confront him about it from the first time you caught on but you knew he would immediately act all defensive about it.
You didn’t know what you did wrong, sure you had a lot more shifts going on these days but you tried to get along. However no matter how far you tried to catch up to him, he would hide away and continue to leave you behind.
That was it.
You were tired. Of the lies, the betrayal and the hidden secrets.
But tonight you had the courage to finally confront him, figuring it would be better to tell him what you knew before he could break your heart.
The door creaked open slowly before you walked in, arriving from work earlier than usual. He shuffled to a comfortable position on the couch of your shared apartment, switching off the television immediately to then grab his phone.
You shut the door behind you.
“You’re home early.” he stated, trying to seem more interested in his phone than you.You hummed at him, “How was your day?” he asked.
“Good.” you replied bluntly. You eyed him up and down before walking over to sit at the other end of the couch. He could tell. He could tell by your body language that you were upset. The slight thought of you knowing crossed his mind and he nervously swallowed.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, praying that he wouldn’t know the answer. You looked at him with a sharp glare. His innocent eyes how they easily deceived you. But you weren’t stupid to fall for this trick.
“I know.” You said continuing to glare. “I know what you’ve been doing.”
He stopped his movements as his breath was caught in his throat. He knew he was caught, red-handed.
“Look-” he began to explain before you cut him off.
“No. I don’t want to hear your excuses. This has gone on for weeks and you thought I was stupid enough to act like nothing was happening.”
“I never thought you were stupid.” he corrected.
“So...why didn’t you just tell me. From the first time.”
He looked away as he hesitated, “I don’t- I don’t know. I guess...I was ashamed…”
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, “What episode are you on?” Once again he hesitated, you looked over at him. “Levi,” you warned, “What episode?”
He looked away in embarrassment, “I’m on season 3.”
Your jaw practically dropped, your whole body speechless. He called out your name as you stood ready to storm off. “Wait! Look, look I’ll stop watching until you catch up I swear.”
“No!” you cried out, “You told me just one episode and then behind my back you start binge- watching without me, hell you said the fucking show was shitty from the first episode!”
“I know, I know. But it was just one time and I got-”
“No. Don’t talk to me right now Levi Ackerman. I haven’t got time for cheaters.” You crossed your arms and turned away from him.
It was his turn for him to be speechless. “Oh so now I’m a cheater?”
“Yes, you are.”
A moment of silence passed. “Okay fine.” he said. “I guess I’ll watch season 3 without you then.” he sighed.
You gasped at his statement, “You wouldn’t dare.”
His grey eyes poured into yours. “Yes. I Would.”
You glared at him as he gave you the same identical look back, you broke away first once a smile started to appear across your face.
“I’ll make a deal with you.” He said. “I promise to wait for you to catch up only if you actually watch the episodes.”
“The fuck do you take me for ? Of course I’ll watch them.” you snapped.
“Funny you say then yet you were on your phone half the time, but go on... tell me...what happened last episode?”
Now it was your turn to hesitate and look away, “I can’t remember...a lot happened.” you mumbled in shame.
“Go hurry up and shower then. I’ll be waiting.”
You eyed him up and down in suspicion. “And I won’t start an episode without you.” he swore, rolling his eyes.
“Okay…” you agreed.
“Good.” you repeated. “But still I think once a cheater always a cheater.” you pouted walking away.
“Tell me that again once you’ve finally caught up to season 3.”
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taglist: @notgoodforlife @youre-ackermine @lovolee3 @the-milk-anon @evas-leslas , @imkumichan @levi-supreme , @leviismybby @bejewelledd @searriously @luvjiro @secretmoneybearvoid @idkks4m
click here to join the taglist!
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221bshrlocked · 1 year
desire for obedience
Pairings: Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader
Words: 5656
Warnings: Angsty Smut. Semi-Public but Consensual Sex. Some Dirty Talk. Rough Manhandling/Sex. Clothed Male Naked Female. Penetrative, Unprotected Sex (Wrap the Shlong before you King Kong my Dudes). Slight Breeding Kink. Creampie. Implied Squirting. Indirect Love Confessions. 79′s shenanigans. 
Summary: You risk your life to save Wolffe and Boost’s. Wolffe doesn’t appreciate you disobeying his orders. Things escalate at 79′s...
A/N: I was minding my own business writing a oneshot involving a threesome with Crosshair and Mayday when this suddenly happened so here you go. I am not okay after that Bad Batch episode so naturally I am writing smut to make myself feel better. Enjoy my lovely Clone lovers and let me know how I’m doing in the comments please and thank you. You can add yourself to the taglist here if you like.
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If it had been any other day, you would have brushed aside the flare of anger heating all around you, chalking it up for the particularly extraneous mission you and your battalion had just returned from. But the last rotation brought about many revelations, one of which involved the Clone Commander currently staring daggers into your very soul. You avoided him as much as you can, and from the looks of it, he noticed your tactics and was getting extremely tired of them. 
When you look up at him again through the multitude of white armor surrounding the two of you, you find his eyes narrowed dangerously at you, jaws clenched tightly as he realizes that you were very much aware of why he was fuming at you. A question breaks your attention away from him, and you turn to the trooper beside you, pretending to laugh at whatever anecdote he just said to avoid the tempest threatening to take you over. 
You know why he’s behaving this way, and as much as you hate to admit it, he had every right to feel this way. But you couldn’t tell him that, mostly because you didn’t want to hear how disappointed he was with your decision or how right he was that you weren’t ready for your position. 
You continue nodding at the trooper, completely oblivious to the slow approach of the man you’ve been avoiding for the better half of the day. 
“Good evening Commander,” the words snap you back to reality and you look up in time to see Wolffe’s unwavering gaze threatening to bring you to your knees. 
“This next round is on me boys,” you blurt out immediately, avoiding any and all contact with Wolffe’s rather dangerous eyes as you take a step back from the group. “Order anything you want and p-put it on my tab.” You manage to breathe out before you turn around and head towards the refreshers, praying to the maker that 79’s wasn’t seeing too much action in the back tonight. 
You barely manage to move past the dancing crowd, keeping your hand firmly placed on your lightsaber in an attempt to calm yourself. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought that Wolffe had every intention to shoot you with his blaster the second he walked up to your group. Slamming the door open, you head towards one of the sinks and turn on the cold water, splashing your face several times and dragging the water down your neck in an attempt to calm down. 
Not a second later, the door opens quietly, making you sigh heavily as you look for anything to wipe your face. You hope that the occupant behind you doesn’t try to ask you if everything is okay because you aren’t sure how you can manage to respond to that question. It’s eerily quiet as you pat your face down with the edge of your robes, and when you don’t hear any movement towards one of the stalls, you look up into the mirror and feel a wave of cold ice wash over you. 
Gulping down the anxiety threatening to make itself apparent in the form of a stream of tears, you turn around slowly and watch as Wolffe tilts his head to the side and continues to stare into your eyes. You say nothing, unsure of what or how you were supposed to get yourself out of this sticky situation. 
Then he locks the door and taps on it twice, and you know you’re in for it. 
“Wol- um, Commander. H-how may I be of service?” You hate the way your entire body shakes whenever you’re in his presence, even more so now as he slowly approaches you, the look of a predator clear and visible on his features. 
You had always wondered why he was named Wolffe, but as his jaw tenses, the veins on his neck straining from how harsh he’s biting down, pronouncing the nearly homicidal look brewing in his eyes, you finally understand how he came about his name. 
Maker, he looked positively frightening. 
It aroused you to no end. 
“I’m only going to ask this once, and you better have a damn good answer.” His voice is menacing, and you swear you hear a growl emit from deep within his chest as he speaks, as if he was embodying the spirit of the animal he was named after. 
“Yes Commander?” You pray that your nervousness calms him a little, maybe prove to him that the last thing you intended to do was get on his nerves. When he says nothing and continues to walk towards you, you can’t help but back up, and as soon as your back hits the cold tile wall, you feel your heart skip a beat at the prospect of being at his mercy. 
He had finally cornered you, like a prey, and the only thing left for you to do was to follow his lead and ensure that he understood who was in charge here. 
Wolffe’s eyes never once leave your own, and you will yourself to continue breathing so you don’t pass out from the intensity of his gaze. He says nothing for what you deem as too long, and only when he’s a foot away from you does he finally break the terrifying silence that has washed over the room. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” 
You immediately know what his question is in reference to, and you know for a fact that playing dumb would do you no good, especially now that he had you at his mercy. You look back and forth in between his eyes, the scar adorning his right eye appearing much more threatening this up close. You part your lips to try and answer his question, but nothing comes to mind, nothing that would satiate the Force signature completely engulfing you in this instance. 
“I- I was just…”
“Disobeying orders?” He cuts you off, taking one more step towards you until you are completely overwhelmed by him. You want to scream at him, push him aside and remind him that you were the General and he was the Commander, that you outranked him and didn’t have to listen to anything he said. But the two of you would know that you’re lying, because up until now, you had seldom made him feel like he was inferior to you. When it came to the battlefield, Commander Wolffe was among the best of the best, with his experience, his tactical intelligence, and his sheer will to ensure the safety of those around him. 
Which is how you found yourself in this mess. 
You had disobeyed a direct order, went after him and Boost when he told you to leave the two of them and accompany the rest of the battalion. You had never seen someone so furious before, and you ignored everything he spewed at you as you single-handedly fought through hundreds of battle droids to get to the two of them. 
Looking into his eyes now, you’re also reminded of the small flicker of hope that broke through the violent rage of his Force signature when he saw you approaching him and Boost. It was that little flame that led you to him and his brother, the same one you could feel slowly heating within his chest now. 
You got the sense that it wasn’t just hope for being saved, but something else entirely, something you prayed for every day and night as you accompanied the Wolfpack on every mission that Master Plo Koon couldn’t go on. 
“Wolffe, I-” before you can try to come up with a response that wouldn’t get you in more trouble, Wolffe takes the last step towards you, slamming both of his arms on either side of your head and caging you in, until the only thing you could see was him. 
“What were you thinking?” He asks once more, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think his question wasn’t about the events of the morning today, but something else entirely.
You swallow down your nerves, knowing that the sentiment about to form on your lips would shift the dynamics between the two of you. 
“I was thinking of you.” 
The reality of the meaning behind your words hits Wolffe almost as soon as you’ve come to accept them yourself. His eyes widen in shock, and you feel his Force signature simmer down soon after, allowing you to say the next confession with ease. 
“I’m- I’m always thinking of you.”
Again, the Clone Commander stands there in a state of surprise and disbelief. You think perhaps that you shouldn’t have revealed to him the reason behind your actions, and before you can apologize for the bold response, you sense a dramatic spike in his Force signature, one that sends a shiver down your spine. 
“Fuck.” He breathes the word with such heartache that you don’t registers what’s happening until you feel the wind get knocked out of you. 
Wolffe lunges at you with a growl, and you part your lips in surprise as soon as you feel his lips dominate your mouth. You allow a few seconds to pass by, mostly so you can be certain you weren’t imagining this and that the call of your name wouldn’t wake you from your sleep and ruin this moment. When he wraps his hand around your throat and pushes you harder into the wall with his body, you know this wasn’t another dream. 
Slowly shutting your eyes, you surrender to the war the Commander was waging on your body, and as you try to wrap your arms around his shoulders, he lets go of your neck and grabs both of your wrists, slamming them harshly against the cold, solid wall above your head before grasping them in one, rather aggressive hold. You sigh into him, melting against the dominance of his touch as his palm returns to your jugular and softly increases the pressure around your neck. 
You tilt your head to the side to allow him more access, and it must be what he wants from you because he deepens the kiss instantly, shoving his tongue inside your mouth until the only thing you can taste is the faint flavor of the bitter whiskey he was drinking earlier. 
But before you can enjoy him, Wolffe pulls away and stares down at you, looking back and forth between your eyes in search of something, of what you’re unsure. You say nothing, whimpering against him as he chokes you harder and pushes the length of his body into your own. 
“You shouldn’t have said that.” His voice is hoarse, engulfing you in a state of unadulterated desire, something you were sure he was unintentionally transferring onto you the longer he kept you in his arms. It’s not that you didn’t feel the same, far from it. It just felt strange to finally sense him so deeply, as if he has kept his emotions bottled up for so long and could no longer hold back now that you voiced your mutual desire for him.
“Wolffe, please.” you moan his name as you throw your head back and enjoy the devastation he was bringing upon your body. 
It must be all he needs to hear because in the blink of an eye, Wolffe is dragging you away from the wall towards the sinks again. He turns around roughly, and you tremble at his handling of you, only to look up and see the way he’s staring at you through the mirror. Before you can say anything, ask him what he was planning on doing with you, you hear the loud sound of plastoid armor hitting the ground. You gulp loudly as you feel his palm across your back, pushing you down slowly until you are bent over the sink, both hands holding onto the steel supporting your body.
“I’m going to fuck you, mesh’la. I’m going to fuck you hard, and mark you up so everyone can know.” The promise he delivers makes you shake with need, and you don’t dare blink away from him, afraid you’d miss the way his handsome features shift with each strike of pleasure he lands on you. Without missing a beat, Wolffe takes hold of your robes and pulls them off of your body, throwing them on the opposite sink before unclipping your lightsaber from your belt. You’re about to ask him to be careful with handling it but he doesn’t give you a chance to say anything, instead hanging it on his own belt carefully to avoid any harm to it. 
You’re not sure why, but the sight of your weapon, a tool that you’ve spent your entire life forming a connection to, hanging around his belt makes you wet, and you stare at its reflection as he moves closer to you, watching as it swings back and forth while he undresses you completely. 
“Don’t you dare look away from me.” Wolffe warns, the growled command pulling your gaze back to his in the mirror and making you wish you weren’t at 79’s but somewhere more private. You nod instantly, wanting him to know that you didn’t mean to shift your attention elsewhere. When he’s satisfied with your response, he reaches around and unzips your pants, dragging them down quickly before taking hold of the hem of your shirt and tugging it up your body. You help him take the offending object off of your person, and watch with fascination as he throws it above your robes before stepping back to look at you. 
You’re nearly naked, and as you look at his reflection, you can’t help the rush of excitement that rakes over your body when you notice the feral, hungry look he was giving you now, as if he’s wanted this for so long and couldn’t believe his eyes. You try to raise yourself a little, but the small movement snaps Wolffe out of his haze, making him return to your space and push you down again. You brace yourself against the mirror, both hands dragging against the shiny, cool surface slowly beginning to fog over from the damp air filling the small room. 
“Look at you, waiting for my next order.” He taunts you then, dragging his fingers up and down the side of your body before bringing his still-clothed chest against your back. The armor is harsh and cold against your heated skin, but you don’t care, knowing that whatever he was planning on doing to you would make you forget very quickly the discomfort of the plastoid. 
“That’s Commander Wolffe to you, mesh’la.” He leans over and whispers in your ears as he reaches around with one hand and cups your breasts. You shut your eyes to relish in the warm touch of his hand, only to open them in shock when he lands a particularly hard slap to your lower thighs not a second after. 
“I thought I told you not to look away from me.” Wolffe growls again, and as you’re about to apologize, he leans over and bites into your neck, chuckling to himself when you moan his name lewdly and arch your back against him. He soothes over the bite with his tongue, kissing along your neck and down to your shoulder as he looks up and sees you staring at him. 
“Maybe you can be obedient after all.” There is a dangerous glint in his eyes, and you nod at him, wanting him to know that you would whatever he says, even if it were at your expense. 
Thinking he would drag this out, you lean down a little more until you can feel the edge of the sink dig into your hips.
“I’m going to fuck you General, until this whole bar knows who’s making you scream.” He says as he lets go of you and palms his cock through the blacks beneath his armor. You want to look at him, and you get the sense that he is daring you to shift your focus from his eyes to his hands, but you don’t give into the temptation, instead biting into your lower lip and doubling down on the eye contact. 
“Please Commander!” You plead for him, no longer caring on whether you sound pathetic or not, and it must please Wolffe greatly, the use of the honorific and the wanton tone of your voice, because he lowers his blacks down far enough to free his cock and spits on his hand before covering himself with the wet palm of his hand. 
“You’re going to leave tonight with my cum trailing down your thighs, General. And if you can be an obedient little sweetheart for me, I’ll make sure you cum too.” Wolffe groans against your ears, making you whine his name over and over again as you feel his hand moving behind you. You want to beg him to end your misery, take what he wants from you and mark you up however he wants, but the only thing that manages to escape your throat is a long sigh in the form of a desperate plea. 
When you feel his fingers push your panties to the side, you brace yourself for the onslaught he would soon deliver to your body. Then he pushes his cock against your wet folds, and you realize that this may hurt more than you initially thought. 
Fuck, you couldn’t wait for that sweet burn. 
You part your lips to tell him exactly that, only to watch as Wolffe stares into your eyes while he pushes his dick into your cunt, not bothering to slow down until he is fully sheathed inside you. He’s larger than you imagined, thicker and warmer too, and you nearly close your eyes to commit this feeling to memory, only to feel a hand grab your neck and push down on it until your gaze is wide open. 
“Keep those pretty eyes on me. I w-want you to watch me as I fuck you, General.” His voice falters briefly, making your heart threaten to leap out of your chest at the prospect of having a similar effect on him as he was having on you. He wraps his other arm around your chest, keeping you flush against him with his unwavering hold on your body. 
“I want you to watch me as I teach your body how to take me…how to pleasure me…how to make me cum.” He breathes heavily against you, barely pulling out before snapping his hips back against you. You cry out his name into the night air, fogging up the mirror further as he quickly sets a pace that makes you see stars. You have no control over your reaction to him, nor to the way he seems to coax pleasure from your body. With each drag of his thick cock against your tight walls, you remember the sliver of hope he offered you all those hours ago, one that was similar in nature to the look he was giving you now. 
“Fuck…I’m going teach you how to be obedient, even- kriff, even if it’s the last thing I do.” His words become less dangerous and more affectionate, and it finally settles in why he’s been so angry with you ever since you saved him and his brother. 
He truly thought you were of more value than him. 
The idea that Wolffe sees himself this way brings tears to your eyes, and you don’t have time to dwell on anything but this sad sentiment before you’re openly crying in his arms. 
Wolffe is too far gone to notice when you start crying, constantly biting into your flesh to prevent himself from dragging you to the ground and mounting you like an animal. He fucks you harder, thrusting his hips against you the more you clench around him and bring him closer to the edge. It’s only when you sob that he realizes you’re practically breaking down in his arms, and he stops instantly, letting go of your neck and almost pulling out of you. 
Then your hand snaps to his wrist and pulls it back to your neck, and Wolffe is unsure of what he’s meant to do. You shake your head at him, quickly wiping away the tears with the back of your arm before returning your hands to the mirror in front of you.
“Please, make me yours.” You hope he understands what you’re trying to say because you’re not sure if your mind will manage to come up with another coherent sentence if he asked you to elaborate. He stares at you for a while, gauging your reaction to his touches as he massages your back and your sides, studying you to be certain of your desires for him. When he finds your gaze unwavering, the beautiful pout on your lips begging for his lips, he slowly drags his hand down your body until they reach the back of your thighs. 
With immense ease, he takes hold of your thigh and pushes it higher, until you’re resting your knee against the sink as well. Your entire upper body is bent now, nearly pushing against the mirror, and Wolffe clenches his jaw tightly before he leans into your space once more, sending his cock impossibly deeper into your cunt. 
“Sir, yes sir.” He whispers his response as he widens his stance and grabs both of your hips, fucking up into you with harsh, deep thrusts until you could no longer keep your voice down. 
You somehow manage to keep your eyes on him through the mirror, wanting to give him whatever he wants so he could keep fucking you. There’s a rush of vulnerability that fills your lungs, and you realize it’s a mixture of both of your feelings when you notice the way Wolffe’s features shift from anger to hurt. 
If he knows you understand why he’s behaving this way, he mentions nothing of it, instead choosing to shove his cock harder into you until the only thing you can focus on is the perfect way he continues to fill you with his dick. You can feel every twitch and every vein on his cock dragging deliciously across your tight, wet walls and consistently hitting that small spot that makes you scream in sheer agony. 
“Mine. You’re fucking mine, mesh’la. You hear that?” Wolffe asks, not really expecting you to respond to his question. 
“Yes, ‘m yours…‘m all yours Commander.” You cry in ecstasy as he tightens his hold around your waist, surely leaving bruises there for you to trace in the days to come. 
“My perfect fucking Jetii’ika, taking my cock like a good girl.” He manages to return his gaze to you now, knowing that he hasn’t imagined you telling him that you were his.
“Fuck…ahh fuck, are you close? Please cyar’ika, tell me you’re close. Tell me you’re going to cum on my cock.” Gone is the menacing, commanding Clone Commander, and you rest your forehead on the mirror briefly before you pull away and look into his eyes again. 
“Not- not until you cum first.” You respond with a whimper, the raw emotion behind your words sending Wolffe into a state of shameless craving, a need to make you belong to him. He leans over you, wincing lightly when you hiss at the cold, plastoid of his armor as it digs into your skin. Wrapping his arm around your body and neck one last time, he turns your head to the side until your lips are near his own, and without wasting another second, he kisses the corner of your lips and whispers one last order for you to follow. 
“Cum for me General, cum for your Commander.” 
“Yes sir.” 
He molds his lips with your own as soon as you respond, swallowing down your moans of pleasure as he pushes his cock one last time into your cunt and fills you with his seed. You shake violently in his arms as you feel the heat of his cum rush into you, painting your walls with hot strings of his pleasure just as he reaches down and flicks your clit with his fingers. You nearly topple over, but Wolffe doesn’t give you a chance to part from him, shifting your neck so he can keep kissing you while he pulls an orgasm out of your abused body. He grunts and bites into your lower lip, grinding his hips against you until you’ve milked him dry, but he doesn’t stop there, continuing to rub your oversensitive clit until you force his cock out of your cunt and fall into blinding pleasure. You break from him then, falling against the mirror as he doesn’t slow down and elongates your climax. Only when you scream and plead for him to stop does he finally remove his hand from your wet folds, resting his entire weight on top of your own as he mirrors your actions and attempts to catch his breath. 
Neither of you say anything for a while, and even though Wolffe had just fucked you within an inch of your life, you can’t find it in yourself to look him in the eyes, the previous shyness you’ve held whenever he’s around returning a thousandfold. 
Once again, Wolffe mistakes your timidity for fear, and he loosens the hold he has on your neck instantly, rubbing your skin to soothe away whatever he’s done to you. You can feel his Force signature shift once again, and you’d tell him later that, for someone who prided himself in keeping his emotions under check, he wore his heart on his sleeves. 
“I’m okay Wolffe, I swear.” You whisper into the silent air between the two of you, waiting until he begins to touch you again with more familiarity before speaking again. 
“I didn’t know, but…I’m not sorry for what I did.” 
It’s probably not what he expects to hear from you, and the reluctant demeanor turns into fiery irritation once again when you meet his eyes through the mirror and he sees that you meant your words. 
“How could you say that?” He asks, not knowing how else he should respond to your confession. 
“Because the thought of you dying scares me to death, and…and I will never value my life more important than your own.” You tell him, matter of factly, hoping that he wouldn’t question your feelings any further. 
“You can’t think like that, General.” Wolffe frowns, sighing heavily as he takes a few steps back and rests against one of the stalls. You mirror his expression and slowly lower your leg to the floor, wincing slightly when a sharp pain shoots across your body and nearly forces you to the ground. 
Wolffe is right behind you in an instant, wrapping his arms around you and turning you around slowly in his arms before pushing you up to sit on the sink. He begins to move away, already regretting everything he’s just done now that he knows how much he hurt you. You don’t let him get too far though, dragging him by his wrist until his arms were framing your body once more. 
“You’re not being fair Wolffe. You- you can’t expect me to not fear for your life the way you do mine. I- I can’t think less of you…I won’t. You have to understand that.” You cup his neck until he looks at you, and it takes too long for his Force signature to finally ebb down again. Only then do you feel confident enough to lean into him and take his lips in a chaste kiss, one that doesn’t remain soft for too long because in the blink of an eye, Wolffe is hugging you tightly and bringing you flush against him. You spend the next few minutes stealing each others’ breath away, and when you’re satisfied enough with his recognition of your emotions, you let go of him and fall back to rest against the mirror. 
A moment later, Wolffe begins to chuckle and digs his nails into your skin as he explores your body. You wipe the sweat from your forehead and watch as he takes in your nearly nude form. There’s a sentiment forming on your lips, one that you knew would shift your relationship with him further, but you get the sense that it wouldn’t be the right time to say it now, mostly because of what it would entail should he say it in return. 
“Looks like we still have to work on your obedience, sweetheart.” You know he’s joking, but the way he looks at you now lets you know that there was some truth behind those words. 
“Whatever you say Commander.” You try to shift closer to him but Wolffe distracts you with a rough swipe of his fingers against the mess in between your thighs. Before you can ask him to slow down, Wolffe grips the edge of your panties tightly and rips them from your body, leaving you as shocked and embarrassed as when he first walked into the refresher. 
“What- how am I supposed to leave now?” You ask, only to cease to breathe when he brings the ruined material to his nose and takes a long whiff of your mixed scents. 
“With all due respect sir, I never promised you’ll be leaving with your dignity tonight.” He laughs as he shoves the fabric into his pocket and puts his slowly hardening cock back into his blacks. You watch as he reaches for the codpiece and latches it onto his armor again, moving to the side to fix his hair and right himself before he hands you your clothes. 
He’s as good as new in the span of a few minutes, and you hate how ruined you look when you jump off the sink and turn around to look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is a mess, and your neck is littered with love bites, ones you knew would be visible even when you wore all of your robes. 
Pulling your pants back up, you shift uncomfortably when you feel Wolffe’s cum slide down your thighs and make an even bigger mess inside your pants. You shake your head when you glance to the side and watch Wolffe eye you down hungrily, as if he hasn’t just fucked your brains out. 
“I’ll have you know, I could write you up for insubordination…Commander.” You tease him as he hands you your shirt with feigned innocence, all the while dragging his eyes across your body until your skin erupts with goosebumps. You fix yourself to the best of your abilities, throwing your outer robes slightly higher around your neck so no one outside knows what you just did.
Assuming they didn’t hear you scream his name a thousand times already. 
“That’s a little inaccurate, sir.” Wolffe remarks as he unhooks your lightsaber from around his belt and stands behind you again, not moving a muscle until you rest your head against his shoulder and surrender to the sensation of his lips around your neck again. 
“Oh yeah, h-how so?” 
Wolffe chuckles, and you can almost feel the smirk on his handsome features as he continues to shower your flushed skin with kisses. 
“I wasn’t the insubordinate one here…General.” Whereas you heard the growl before, you can feel it rumble against your back now, and you thank the maker that he was standing behind you because you’re sure you would have fallen to your knees if he wasn’t. 
“If you really want to write me up for insubordination, sir…perhaps we can take this somewhere else.” Wolffe traces the length of your neck with his tongue, bringing his arms around your body and cupping both of your breasts in his larger hands to pull you closer to him. 
“And where- oh Force help me, where do you recommend we g-go?” You arch your back into him, throwing your hands back and tugging on his curly locks while he continues to teach your body how to recognize his touch. 
“Well, we can go back to yours…not much privacy though.” 
“No…not- not enough privacy.” You repeat his words, shivering with embarrassment when he laughs at how easily he has you wrapped around his fingers. 
“Or, we can go back to mine.” Wolffe suggests, sucking another red mark on the skin just below your jaw, not caring for how hard it will be to cover up. 
“But…but what if the boys are there?” Your mind is coherent enough to understand the dangers behind getting caught, but your question only makes Wolffe harder, the prospect of his men seeing you beneath him as he fucked you into kingdom come making him wish he didn’t have such nasty thoughts of you. 
“I’m a Commander, cyar’ika. I get to have my own quarters…besides, if I tell the boys they saw nothing, then they saw nothing.” He shrugs his shoulders when you open your eyes and look at his reflection in the mirror. This up close, Wolffe looks more relaxed and content, perhaps even a little younger. You can’t believe how different he appears now, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, mostly because of how delicious those whispered promises sounded to your ears.
“You’re wrong, Wolffe.” You respond to him and watch as his eyebrows furrow at your words. Before he can misunderstand you, you turn around and throw your arms around his shoulders, leaning up on your tiptoes until the two of you are breathing the same air. 
“You’re not just a Commander, you’re my Commander.” 
The smile Wolffe graces you with will be etched in your mind until the end of the universe, and he hums at you approvingle before grabbing your neck and sealing the night in another heated kiss. 
“Damn right I am.”
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Tagging who showed interest in my other Wolffe fic: @mrs-ghuleh @mandoleksiak @verdandis-blog @reaperofmen  @sjva03 @thefact0rygirl @2amandstillawake21 @ktrivia @zombiesnips-blog  @lackofhonor @ner-runi @whore4rex @spaceh0m0 @why-not-movies @yoonloml @where-is-my-mind-tho @okdeedee @clone-simp-99 @lonely-day3636 @cautionhotmess @frogunderarock @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​ @knightprincess @artemis-rex @raccoonsaregay​ @prozacspice​ @r2d2staser​ @marierg​ @2amandstillawake21​ 
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earthry · 10 months
How to Tempt Your Papas (Headcanons)
How to get your papas home early, inspired by this post (also mentioned in Copia's section).
sfw mostly, a little spicy imagery in some parts, gn!reader
Primo has such a soft spot for you. All you really have to do is send him some really sappy message telling him that he makes you so happy and you love him very much and he just melts.
He’ll send an equally long message about how he feels the same, how he loves you without requisite and that you make him want to be a better man every day of his life. That’s your hook and line. 
For the sinker, send him a selfie of you in one of his sweaters all cozy in bed with a empty space beside you with a text saying ‘I miss you so much, I’m so cold and lonely without you :(‘ no matter how cheesy you think it is, it will capture good ol’ peepaw’s heart.
He’ll go ‘Oh no :( I left my dearest all alone, how could I? Shall I come home early tonight, amore mio?’ And voilà he’s home in less than half a hour. Mission successful. 
You’d think if you send nudes it’ll rile him up enough to come home and have his wicked wiles with you but no. This man is shameless. He’ll get off right then and there to your picture and send one back of his handiwork with a promise to absolutely ruin you later for trying to tempt him. 
The first time you do this you learn that while it is a good motivator, it does not get him home any faster. Kind of backfires because when he sends you a well-framed shot of himself in hand entirely spent and messy, you're the one getting all hot and bothered now.
What really gets him home quickly is your home cooking. Make any authentic dish (especially with his mom’s recipe) and mans will be home in less than 20 minutes because that shit is fire when it’s hot out the oven.
He knows if he waits it’ll either get soggy or cold and he hates re-heating food. If you make his favorite he’ll be back in even less time.
Where nudes don’t bring Secondo back, it’ll send Terzo packing for home. He’ll be back so fast you barely have time to put your phone down. He is so enthusiastic and most times it feels like he just can’t get enough of you.
Sure, he could wait until he’s done with his work to go home to you, glance at his phone every so often to motivate himself to finish quicker, but where’s the fun in that? His tesoro’s ready for him and who is he to keep them waiting?
He’ll dump his work onto some poor unsuspecting sibling of sin or ghoul and be out the door in seconds.
While it's very effective, you should be prepared to follow through with this man
Alright. For my ace-spectrum lovelies and those who feel uncomfortable with the idea of sex, I love you and you are so valid. Your method of choice will be Italian Soap Operas.
Every night before bed you'll watch a few episodes of a soap opera together, following along and commenting on outrageous choices or acting and pointing this out to each other.
Tell him if he doesn't come home, you're gonna start it without him. If that doesn't seem to get his butt moving, send another text ten minutes later saying 'do you want spoilers' or 'i did not expect that to pan out this way' or something about the episode coming up and he will respond with keysmashes and be on the way in no time.
Rat photos. Send him cute photos of his rats and he will cave and want to go home.
He’s a hard worker so sometimes he pulls all nighters and then just stays in the office for the whole next day as well. To lure him back to make sure he’s taking care of himself and getting food and sleep, make pancakes.
Make some for you and him and then tiny pancakes for the rats and take a picture. Tell him they’re waiting on him to eat together! They’re starving! But they really wanna wait for their papa to have breakfast together. Copia is home in minutes. 
You can also send vaguely threatening (but not really) texts with a blurry photo of his beloved rats (like this post that I love very much) with a text saying “come home or she/he gets it”. He’s not worried that you’ll actually do anything to his babies, but he’ll still want to come home faster because fuck that’s really cute and funny of you.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Hi! Can you write a one shot (hopefully on the longer side) where reader is just struggling with anxiety and depression and Cassian is comforting her? TIA!
Fix You
Cassian x reader
A/n: hi anon! I was in the mood to write this one. I had a bad day and was feeling depressed today so it was nice to imagine Cassian taking care of me while writing this. So if you’re feeling depressed know you’re not alone and if anyone ever wants to talk my dms are open :)
Warnings: angst, mental health struggles, anxiety, depression (I didn’t proof read this so I’m sorry for any typos)
A few weeks ago you felt your depression creep in again. But there was no way you were about to have a depression episode. You and Cassian were happy. There was nothing really to stress about, your work load had increased a little but nothing you couldn’t handle.
So you pushed it down. Kept fighting your thoughts and just kept breathing. Everything was fine. Cassian didn’t suspect anything and you wanted to keep it that way. You hated feeling like a burden to him. It made you feel anxious that he would take time off of work to stay with you.
Cassian always said he didn’t mind, but a little voice in your mind told you he did mind and hated you for it. You did love that he was so willing to take care of you. No one in your life had ever been there for you like Cassian has.
All day you felt mentally exhausted. Your social battery was drained and your depressive episode was winning. You were going to fight it for Cassian and for yourself. You were supposed to be getting ready to go to Rita’s tonight with everyone but all you could do was zone out while staring at your reflection in the mirror.
You weren’t focused on imperfections, you just hated how tired you were. The bags under your eyes seemed deeper, more purple. Blinking at your reflection you felt the ache of tears build behind your eyes and that all too familiar lump form in your throat.
Closing your eyes for a few seconds you open them and let your tears flow. You felt insane for just staring at yourself with a blank face while you silently cried. It was better to let it out at home than at Rita’s surrounded by your friends.
You don’t know how long you stood there just watching yourself cry. It had to have been a while because Cassian finally knocked on the bathroom door. He didn’t wait for you to respond to come in. “Y/n?” “Yeah.” Your voice cracks and sounds far away from your body.
Cassian turns you to face him, cupping your face in his hands. His thumbs wipe away your tears as he looks at you, really looks at you like he’s searching for the answer to an unspoken question. “Is it bad again?” Your face scrunches and you begin to sob. You nod, burying your face in Cassian’s chest.
He holds you close to him before picking you up to carry you to bed. You didn’t realize he was already dressed to go out and your guilt for making him stay home made you cry harder.
Cassian jumps on the bed sitting against the headboard. He pulls into his lap and you curl into him continuing to sob. He rubs slow soothing circles on your back and gently rocks you back and forth.
You ended up crying yourself to sleep. Cassian tucked you in laying next to you. He lightly held your fingers he watched you sleep. He let out a sigh of relief knowing your mind had a break for a few hours.
Cassian always felt guilty when you got like this. He felt like a failure for missing all of the signs you were falling into a depression. He liked that he was the person you could go to, so why didn’t you come to him for help this time?
You jolted awake the next morning. Rubbing at your puffy eyes you scanned the room for Cassian. Before you could go look for him the door opened and he padded in holding two steaming mugs of tea. “Good morning princess.” He shot you small smile that you tried to return.
“Morning.” He handed you a mug, kissing your forehead. You take it with both hands letting the it warm your frozen fingers. That’s when you noticed the curtains billowing in the morning breeze. “I opened the window last night. You woke up and said you felt like you couldn’t breathe, so I wanted to let some fresh air in.”
You gave Cassian a sad smile. “Thank you.” He sat on top of the covers next to you, his wings trying to relax behind him. You could tell he wanted to talk. “Go ahead Cass. It’s ok, ask me.” You lay a reassuring hand on his knee and he takes a deep breath.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see the signs. And I want you to know that I’m always here for you. You can come to me with these things y/n, please.” Cassians voice breaks a little. You shed a few tears as you curl up in his lap again.
You hugged Cassian tight tucking your face in his neck. “I promise I’ll ask for help next time.” He relaxes and kisses the side of your head. “Good, you’re not alone y/n. I’m here for you my love.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Hey could you do fic for David 'Deacon' Kay with wife reader where she go to somewhere and then there's a robbery and he has to save her? Tag me later! Thanks :))
Absolutely! Thanks for another great idea!! I hope you enjoy @pear-1206 🤍 This did turn out pretty short, but if anyone is interested in a longer version, I could try!! (Did I name this like a SWAT episode with one random word from the plot? Maybe.)
Warnings: a bit of angst, mostly fluff, some comfort. 1.3k+ words.
Picture from Pinterest
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You can’t remember the last time you said goodbye to Deacon. Just after you were married, Deacon was shot, and you decided never to say bye again, worried it would be your last farewell. Since then, plenty of alternatives have made their way into your morning routine.
“Have a great day.” “Be safe.” “Call whenever.” Anything to express your love and care, but never bye.
“No,” you mumble, gripping Deacon as he tries to roll over.
“It’s Friday,” he replies lightly. “One more day then I’m all yours for the weekend.”
You groan, loosening your grip on him as he kisses your forehead.
“Pull me up,” you request as you raise your hands over your chest.
Deacon chuckles, standing beside you and tugging your arms gently so you’re sitting up.
“I have a bunch of errands to run today. Walk me out, handsome?”
“It would be an honor, sweetheart,” Deacon replies, kissing your hand. “But you have to send me updates while you’re out.”
“Of course.”
When you’re ready to go, you gather your things and wait by the front door for Deacon. He pulls you into a tight hug before leading you to your car, kissing you quickly as you sit in the driver’s seat.
“See you tonight,” Deacon promises.
“Be safe. I love you.”
“I love you.”
Deacon enters the locker room at SWAT HQ but only manages to change into his gear before Hondo yells that they have a call. It should be an easy enough raid, Deacon thinks, just a quick in and out to apprehend a suspect who has barricaded himself in a house.
While Deacon rides in Black Betty, you drive to your first stop: a department store to buy a few things for a friend’s housewarming party. And, as usual, you find a few things for yourself and Deacon. As you wait in line to check out, you text Deacon that everything is going well and you plan to pick up an order from a sporting goods store next. He doesn’t reply, though you’ve grown to expect that from him. He’ll answer when he can, and you smile at the picture of him on your phone’s home screen.
While you pull out of the parking lot, Deacon replies and says he’s back at HQ and loves you. Short and to the point, Deacon never leaves room for miscommunication or interpretation, and it is one of many things you love about him.
You visit your favorite restaurant for lunch before you make your last stop. At this point in the day, you’re ready to get home and wait for Deacon. This is the one errand you didn’t tell him about because your trip to the jewelry store is to get your anniversary gift for him.
Walking inside, you quickly find the perfect watch, tactical grade, black and minimalistic, perfectly Deacon. As the jeweler boxes it for you, you also find a new silver necklace chain you think he’d like, adding it to your gift.
You swipe your credit card just before the bell over the door rings.
“Nobody move!” a masked gunman yells, two more men behind him. “This will be over quickly, just don’t scream and do what I say.”
Stopping where you are, you duck behind a display case to text Deacon. He can see your location with the click of a button, so you just type: ‘Robbery here.’
Sliding your phone into your bag, you raise your hands as one of the men finds you, pointing his gun at you as he tells you to move. You move slowly before him, joining the small group of shoppers sitting in the corner.
“This isn’t about you,” one of the men says. “Sit there, be quiet, and then you can go home. You won’t be getting a refund, though.”
The woman beside you takes a sharp breath, and you turn to her quickly.
“Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay, just take a few deep breaths, okay?” you whisper, taking her hand as you comfort her. “What’s your name?”
As you talk to her, you can only hope that Deacon got your text and the team is on their way.
Deacon pulls his phone out of his pocket when it buzzes, and when he reads your message, those two words kick his brain into SWAT mode.
“Robbery at 6333 West 3rd Street, 738,” Deacon tells Hicks and Hondo.
“It’s in The Grove. That suite is a jewelry store,” Hicks says, pulling up the map. “Locally owned Weiss Jewelry.”
Deacon’s brows furrow, wondering why you’re at a jewelry store.
 “There’s no report of a robbery,” Hondo adds.
Deacon will ask what you were doing there once you’re safe, he decides.
“My wife is there. She sent me a text,” Deacon explains.
“Why didn’t you start with that?” Hicks exclaims. “20-David, get out there!”
As Deacon climbs into Black Betty, he lets his training control him rather than his emotions. Thinking like a sergeant rather than a husband is the only way he can do his job and ensure your safety. There will be time to be a husband later, but not if something happens to you first.
“Stop talking!” one of the men yells, pointing between you and the crying woman beside you.
You hear a loud bang at the back of the building and press your lips together, praying that it’s Deacon’s team.
“Take it,” Hondo commands.
Street fires a flashbang through the side window. As it temporarily blinds the men inside, Luca pushes the accelerator of Black Betty to the floor, ripping the metal door off its hinges so the team can make entry. 
Tan and Street move to handcuff the suspects on the floor while Hondo and Deacon move toward the front of the store.
“LAPD SWAT, on the ground now!” Hondo yells as another masked man opens the door separating the vault and the storefront.
He raises his hands, lowering his gun and sliding it to Deacon as he kneels.
“Go, Deac,” Hondo says.
Deacon steps through the door, walking toward the door as he clears the room. When he sees a crowd of people cowering in a corner, he lowers his gun and steps into view. The hostages tense before seeing his LAPD uniform.
“I’m Sergeant Kay, LAPD SWAT,” he explains calmly. “We’ve apprehended the men who robbed you and the store. EMTs and officers are outside to assist you.”
Deacon’s eyes remain on you as he talks, and you send him a small smile. When he concludes, you stand before helping the women beside you up and to the door. You turn around to find Deacon, but he moves faster than you, pulling you into a tight hug as he cradles your head against his chest. You return his hug, breathing deeply.
“Thank you for coming so quickly,” you say.
“What were you doing here?” he asks, leaning back to look at your face as he cradles it between his gloved hands.
“Paid in full and not needed for evidence, Mrs. Kay,” Luca calls as he approaches, handing you a bag containing two jewelry boxes.
“Thanks, Luca.” 
You take the bag, holding it in one hand while the other grips the strap of Deacon’s vest. “Happy Anniversary?”
“Don’t you dare try to give that to me now. We’re celebrating as planned,” Deacon demands, pulling you close again.
“You got here really fast,” you murmur, moving your hand to his cheek.
“You called. I’ll always come.”
“One of these days, I’m going to save you.”
“You do that every time I see you.” Deacon kisses you before adding, “You are trouble, though.”
“Maybe I’ll let them keep the gifts, just in case,” you retort, leaning back to find a police officer.
Deacon grabs your wrist, gentle as always. “No,” he answers, kissing you before you can make another comment.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Request: THIS IDEA JUST SPARKED HOLY SHIT?? OK have you ever watched Hot Ones with Sean Evens (first we feast is the youtube channel) so basically that but Steve is the one being interviewed but he LOVES spicy food??(watch the episode with Florence Pugh i LOVE it but basically I want it to be kinda like that) just yeah that. Jxjxnxnx please and thank you
MY LOVE ❤️ I admit, most of what I watch of really anything is either highlights on Tik Tok or short clips my friends send me because I am out of touch with the cool kids. But Hot Ones is SO GOOD. The Lewis Capaldi episode (I do love him anyways) had me actually almost pee my pants laughing. I hope you love this fun (short, sorry) thing for this! - Mickala ❤️
“I just don’t know why you got Hot Ones. They could have had the whole band on there making idiots of themselves,” Eddie pouted.
He’d been pouting for two days now.
In fact, his entire band was from the moment Steve called him on tour to let him know that he would be doing the Hot Ones interview next week.
“I told you, they had a last minute cancellation and my schedule just worked. Maybe you’ll get next season,” Steve said over the phone as the oven timer went off to let him know his brownies were done cooking.
“Whatcha makin’ Stevie?” Eddie’s curiosity was adorable.
He was in London, just got off stage from their last show in Europe. Steve was in their home in LA, having the last lazy day in before his awards season started.
“If I tell you, you’ll be sad you’re missing it.”
“Tell us! Tell us!” Gareth said from much closer than Steve would have expected.
“Hi Gare Bear. No personal space tonight?”
Eddie laughed as Steve pulled the brownies out of the oven and shut it off.
“He said personal space is for people who don’t like each other and he likes me very much,” Steve could hear Eddie’s eye roll in his voice. “A shame because I can’t stand him.”
“Play nice boys. You’ll be home in less than 24 hours,” Steve reminded them.
Gareth lived a mile up the road from them with his boyfriend and their excessive amount of cats.
Excessive being four.
Steve was allergic, so any amount of cats seemed excessive to him.
But Steve and Gareth were close, had been since even before Eddie and Steve started dating.
He was Steve’s best man in their wedding, much to Dustin’s bafflement. He only didn’t argue because Eddie softened the blow by asking him to be his own best man.
Usually if baked goods or a home cooked meal were involved, Gareth would show up at their door ready to partake.
“You’ll be home when I get there?”
“Yep. Cleared my whole day just for you, baby.”
“Good. Miss you.
“Miss you too. You heading to bed?” Steve poked at the brownies, making sure they were cooked.
“Yeah, I’m beat.” Eddie yawned to emphasize how exhausted he was. “Did your manager tell them you love spicy foods or are you just gonna let them assume you’re a wimp?”
“Nah. It’ll be fun.”
When he arrives on the set of Hot Ones, Sean greets him with a smile and a handshake.
Eddie wasn’t able to come with him, but Robin had promised to record the whole thing just for them.
She watched from the side next to his manager, Nancy, and his bodyguard, Hopper.
They settled at the table, got mic’d up, makeup touched up, and Sean reminded him that if he absolutely had to tap out, they could stop recording and edit everything accordingly to make it look like he made it through the challenge.
Steve wasn’t worried.
The first three wings didn’t even have a kick. It was just a casual conversation between friends.
He talked about his work with a theater group for kids in New York City, as well as his work on an indie film that was coming out in the fall.
The fourth and fifth wings had a pinch of spice to them, but nothing to make even bat an eye.
Sean continued asking questions, Steve continued answering them.
On the seventh wing, Steve was barely distracted from the question: “What project of yours are you most looking forward to doing next?”
“I think I’ll be most excited to take some time off with my husband, working on starting the family we’ve wanted for a while. He’s been on tour for most of the last year, and we agreed it was a good time to figure out what we wanna do,” Steve said as he took another bite.
He could feel the burn of this one at least, felt the sting on his lips and tongue.
But it was very manageable, and the jalapeno flavor was almost refreshing. It tasted fresh.
“Okay, I have to ask: did you practice these beforehand?”
Steve snorted.
“No. I’m just not very sensitive to spicy foods. I usually keep a lot of hot sauces in my house. Poor Eddie’s learned how to tolerate spice because of it,” Steve said as they brought out the eighth wing.
“I’ve never had anyone so calm at this point. I’m starting to think even the hottest one won’t really bother you!”
“I guess we’ll see!”
The ninth wing was hot. He wouldn’t try to deny it.
“It does have a lovely watermelon flavor to it, very fruity and tangy on top of the spice. I like it,” Steve smiled.
He knew his face was getting a bit red from this one, and he reached for the water, but only had to take a couple of small sips before he was ready to keep going.
“Alright, for this one, we’ll ask a question for you to answer before and then we’ll have one for right after. You ready?”
“Bring it on!”
And it definitely did.
It was hot, and he could feel tears in his eyes, and sweat breaking out across his forehead.
“Finally, we have a reaction!” Sean exclaimed.
“This one’s definitely a lot more than the others,” Steve added, reaching for the milk.
He could tell Robin and Nancy were laughing, probably very much enjoying any amount of pain he managed to have when he went into this so sure that none of them would get to him.
“Final question: Would you ever consider retiring to follow Eddie on tour with your future family?”
Steve nodded once, taking another sip of the milk.
God, this one was hot.
“Uh, yep. I mean, retiring is a strong word. I would definitely take a long break. I’ve always wanted a family,” he stopped to take another sip and a bite of the celery. “I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember. And I know Eddie wants that, but he also doesn’t wanna stop making music, and the rest of his band isn’t ready to take a break like that. I know it would be easy for me, so my plan would be to take at least a few years off.”
“Doing alright over there?”
Steve laughed, fanning his face.
“I’m okay. That just went from a kick to a beatdown pretty quick.”
“Well, you’re a pro at making it look easy. You deserve an Oscar for this performance!”
It was a ridiculous sentiment, but funny, and Steve was up for an Oscar this year.
He finished the glass of milk and shook Sean’s hand, thanking him for having him.
“Eddie is already in tears watching Sean watch you in disbelief,” Robin started as soon as he joined them again.
“What was all that at the end?” Nancy asked, arms crossed, face furious.
He usually had free reign in interviews, but he knew Nancy would tell him not to mention anything even slightly related to retirement.
His career had really only just taken off a couple years earlier, and talking about a break or retiring now would immediately cut his chances of good roles in half.
“Just the truth, Nance. You know Eddie and I wanna start a family,” he said as they started walking through the backstage area to leave.
“I just didn’t know that meant taking a break. I thought you’d just take turns with stuff or hire a nanny.”
Steve knew that worked for a lot of couples, but they both were too family-focused for that. They didn’t want a nanny raising their kids.
“Why are you freaking out?”
“I’m not! I just would’ve liked a heads up.”
Robin stared between them, eyes bouncing back and forth like it was a tennis match.
“I don’t have to tell you every single detail of my life. You know all that’s relevant right now.”
Nancy sighed, but nodded, turning away and typing furiously on her phone.
His phone rang seconds later.
“Sweetheart, let me just say: it is so sexy how you handle those hot sauces,” Eddie’s teasing voice was enough to get him back into a happy mood.
“Your standards for sexy are so low,” Steve said as he walked to the corner to get as much privacy as possible.
“No, it’s just that everything you do is sexy.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But I’m yours.”
“And I’m yours.”
“Steve!” Sean’s voice came from behind him, large smile lighting up his face. “Sorry to bother you, but would Eddie and the guys like to come on the show as our bonus episode this season?”
Eddie was screaming yes through the phone, much to their amusement.
“So…yes?” Sean asked.
“Yes!” Eddie yelled.
Sean walked away to update the producer while Steve kept talking to Eddie.
“See? Now you’ll get your show, too.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
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peaceloveandf1 · 1 year
Soft Launch pt.6
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Final part girlies!!!! It’s been fun lol. Let me know if you want to see anything specific next🫶🏻
summary: It’s been a year since Austin; Lance and y/n are happier than ever before. They want to announce something the opposite way the did with their relationship. No more soft launch’s. This is a hard launch.
pairing: Lance Stroll x reader
rating: PG-13
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“Mommy! Dinner is all done” Brooks says while grabbing my hand and dragging me into the dining room.
“Oh it looks amazing B. Did you do this all yourself?” I inquire, winking at Lance who is setting the table.
“No mommy, Lance helped me!” he shouted
“Oh did he?” I giggled picking Brooks up and kissing him.
“He’s the chef. I just take orders from him” Lance says, placing the bowl of pasta in the middle of the table.
“Well you two did a wonderful job.” I say, giving Brooks another kiss and putting him down.
“We made your favorite just for you” the 4 year old shouted from his place across from me.
“Oh baby you know me sooo well” I giggle at him before Lance pulled me into a side hug.
Tomorrow was our last day all together before Brooks goes to Matt’s for the week and Lance goes to São Paulo and Lance insisted that he would cook for us tonight. It’s been two years since we started dating and it’s been bliss. I was nervous at first because we are both younger and I was recently divorced at only 25. But Lance didn’t care that I was divorced and had a 2 year old. He loved Brooks like his own from the very start. Now we are 27 and 28 living between Nashville and London and I couldn’t be happier. He’s the one that brings out the best in me, always and I do the same for him.
Lance’s voice shook me from my thoughts, “Lemme take your plate y/n”
“Oh thanks, let me do the dishes? You cooked it’s only fair” I plead. The dinner was delicious and he put so much effort into it, I wanted to try to do something to make it up to him.
“It’s okay, let me clean them up. Take Brooks to bed and I’ll be done when you come back down” he insists, shooting down my request.
“Okay, okay. Brooks, baby, let’s go get ready for bed. We have to get up early tomorrow to have breakfast with Chloe and Scotty” I call for the 4 year old.
“Night bud. Sleep well, I’ll see ya in the morning” Lance said, giving him a hug.
“Night night Lance” he says, giving the driver a hug before sprinting up the stairs.
“I’ll be down in a few Lance” I say, following him up the stairs.
After Brooks has finished his routine, I walk to my room and put on a clean pair of pajamas. I notice Lance’s clothes in the hamper, signaling to me he changed while I was putting Brooks to bed.
Sighing, I walk down the stairs and into the den to find Lance scrolling lazily through HBO.
“What do you wanna watch?” I ask when he continued flipping though the show options.
“The Conquest?” He jokingly suggests the show I made an appearance in during the first two seasons.
“Ew no” I laugh at his suggestion. I absolutely hate watching and hearing myself, especially an explicit show like The Conquest.
“Why not? You have some great scenes” he smirked at me, referencing the X-rated scenes that filled the “Game of Thrones” prequel.
“You act like you don’t see the real thing” I roll my eyes as he bursts out laughing.
“I’m only playing, We’ll watch SVU?” Lance settled, pulling me into his arms and turning on our favorite show. 
We watched 3 episodes before calling it a night and settling into our shared bed.
“Are you still okay with hosting Scotty and Chlo tomorrow?” He asks, face lit up by his phone.
“Yes, of course. It’ll be great. I’ll go and pick up the food at 8” I reassure him. I love having Chloe and Scotty at our house. Especially right before everyone leaves for a week.
“Okay babe. I just want everything to be great” he sighs.
“It will be, promise” I say, kissing him and turning out my light.
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“Hey!! Food looks amazing y/n!” Scotty shouts, barging into the kitchen with orange juice and champagne in his arms. “I brought what you requested” he said, putting it down and hugging me.
“Thanks Scotty” I say, hugging him back. “Lance and Brooks are setting up in the sunroom” stretching my hand out to point towards where they resided.
“Hi girl!! You look amazing” Chloe’s voice replaces Scotty’s.
“Hi honey” I say, hugging her. “Do you want a drink? The boys are out back.” I offer her a mimosa to start the day off.
“Oh yeah, I love how you make them” she giggled, popping the top off the champagne as I grabbed four flutes.
I made four mimosas for the adults and an orange juice for Brooks, before heading into the back yard. It was gorgeous out there. Lance had arranged the back yard to look like we were in paradise. Lights were up around the porch, the new backyard furniture was set up around a new table he had ordered and candles were lit up, despite it being 11 am.
After I set the drinks out we all went back to get the food we had ordered and prepared and arranged the table.
Our brunch was amazing. The love I have for Chloe and Scotty is unmatched. Watching Scotty chase Brooks around the yard while Lance, Chloe, and I talk future vacations fills me with so much joy. I can’t believe what I have gained in the past two years. Chloe has told me before that she’d never seen Lance like this before he met me….that sent me into tears. I just can’t imagine where I’d be without them.
“Mmh… If I may, I’d like to make a toast” Scotty’s voice rang through the yard and glancing over I see him. Standing at the head of the table, Brooks on his shoulders with orange juice to match Scotty’s mimosa.
“Eh let’s here it” Lance chimes up, his arms pull me down next to him.
“Not much but you guys are the fucking best. I-..”
“Scott”, Chloe chastised him.
“Oh shit sorry… hey Brooksy earmuffs man” he stumbles, Brooks doing as he says so as to not here the words that are most used in Scotty’s vocabulary.
“As I was saying….You guys are the fucking best. We absolutely love coming to visit you both here and I think Chloe agrees when I say you two are a fucking pair” he finished his toast but chugging the mimosa in his hand and tapping Brooks to signal his hands could come off his ears.
“Aww thanks Scotty, we love you guys too. I’m so so happy you guys travel to come see us whenever you can. Lance and I are so lucky to have you both.” I say, tears beginning to prick at my eyes. Yes I know I’m emotional…whatever.
I feel Lance’s hand release mine as he stands up. “Well since we’re on the topic of toasts… I’ll give it a go. Yeah?” He speaks, looking to everyone.
“Okay so obviously I want to thank Scotty and Chlo for stopping in Nashville for the day before going to São Paulo, it means a lot. To the both of us” he starts, motioning between us. “Uh.. next I want to thank Brooks for being the kindest and greatest kid I’ve ever met. You are such a good son, friend, and all around kid. And of course I’ve gotta thank you y/n. Before I met you I was a 26 year old that didn’t care about much. But since I met you I care about everything and more. You are such a good mom and a total badass all around. Everyday I see you use things you’ve learned before and put them into lessons for us to learn. You have such a fucking brillant mind and I love when I wake up in the middle of the night to find you playing the piano or writing a new song. You are and will always be everything I’ve ever wanted and needed. I told you a while back that you were my endgame….”
I thought my heart exploded during his toast but hearing the word “endgame” made it stop. I remember that night in Austin a year ago. He told me he wasn’t going to ask then but it was coming. Now I think it’s here.
“Will you marry me y/n?” He said, down on one knee ring shining up at me.
I’m frozen in my spot. I keep trying to talk and nothing is coming out. I already know the answer and I think he does too.
My voice finally returns to me. “Of course I will” I utter, the tears once pricking at my eyes fulling falling down my face.
yourusername and lance_stroll posted a photo
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liked by scottyjames31, republicrecords, h3h3productions, yourbestfriend and 9,082,572 others
yourusername and lance_stroll cheers eh?
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chloestroll: 🥂
scottyjames31: hell yeah
yourbestfriend: LOVE YOU GUYS
estebanocon: congrats guys ❤️
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enews posted a photo
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enews Y/n L/n got her “Love Story” after all. F1 Driver Lance Stroll has proposed to the actress and singer after two years of dating, sources close to the couple confirm. READ MORE BY CLICKING THE LINK IN OUR BIO
f1wags: so happy for them!!
ynxlance: I want what they have
ynscloset: happy she found her peace
^ynswifie: Hope Matt is crying in a corner tn
peaveandlove: best couple in the paddock
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